--- Log for 24.08.106 Server: sterling.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 2 days and 14 hours ago 00.00.21 # finally i managed to get the gui working :p 00.01.43 # oh no, you can not encode with the gui version :@ 00.03.29 # haha 00.03.37 # but don't you use mencoder to decode? 00.03.41 # uh 00.03.42 # encode 00.03.59 # hu? 00.04.10 # is there a gui encoder? 00.04.31 # that I don't know 00.04.57 # think i found one :p 00.05.07 Quit adiamas ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") 00.05.56 # rasher's map is getting crowded 00.07.48 Quit lodesi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.08.47 # Shadowrazor: you can copy and paste options from the man page with the mouse, that's almost gui 00.09.00 # haha 00.09.03 # :d 00.09.28 # but i want to add subtitles etc, thats a bit difficult ( or lasy ) for me to do with command line 00.09.50 # Shadowrazor, kmencoder. 00.10.00 # but it's a KDE application. 00.10.19 # no 00.10.35 # its multiplatform 00.11.27 # kmencoder is a kde application. 00.11.34 # pff, i give up all the gui versions sux 00.11.41 # mplayer has been ported to w32, but that's a different thing 00.12.00 # I even dont know whats kmencoder is :p 00.12.21 # a gui frontend to mencoder 00.12.30 # like the title may suggest ... 00.12.37 # oh, but i did it with wemig 00.12.47 # mewig* 00.12.50 # as you were asking for a gui to mencoder. 00.13.01 # never heard of that. 00.13.08 # but that mewig thing is very limited 00.14.26 # * dionoea suggests VLC 00.14.34 # hehe :) 00.14.42 # * dionoea also goes to sleep 00.14.43 # impressive number of commits for today. 00.14.51 # I tried it but it doesnt works for me :( 00.14.56 # what doesn't work ? 00.15.11 # to encode with vlc, with command line 00.15.33 # it looks like it doesnt stores it 00.15.36 # did you try the .bat file on the wiki page ? 00.15.51 # yes, i did it with the batch 00.15.52 # (does the interface at least display ?) 00.15.58 # yes 00.16.03 # damn, again conflicts to my changes. 00.16.14 # did you look in C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC ? 00.16.16 # the seekbar moves to the right until the end 00.16.17 # yes 00.16.30 # did you look in the folder where the original Video is stored ? 00.16.32 # i even searched it 00.16.36 # * dionoea looks at the batch file 00.16.36 # yes 00.16.41 # strace :) 00.17.06 # strace is Your Friend 00.18.05 # Shadowrazor: try editing the .bat, and change %1.m2v into something like C:\test.m2v 00.18.17 # oke, i'll try it 00.18.28 # * dionoea doesn't know how .bat files work ... should be pretty similar to /bin/sh i guess 00.18.37 Join tucoz [0] (n=528676e7@labb.contactor.se) 00.18.48 # with the icon commit, items are always indented... a waste of space on my small nano 00.18.56 # even when there's no scrollbar, that is 00.19.16 # ouch 00.19.26 # bluebrother: sorry for messing up your local tree (in case I did) ;) 00.19.34 # i still don't think it makes sense to show the dir icon for the path 00.19.37 # it's always a dir... 00.20.01 # dionoea, it didnt save it on my c drive :( 00.20.26 # does anyone know if i can get an aac file created using the nero aac encoder to play on my rockbox'd ipod? 00.20.34 # * Mikachu hacks code 00.20.35 # Shadowrazor: ok, remove the --sout...... part. Does the file play ? :) 00.20.46 Join apo [0] (n=apo@dslb-088-065-068-071.pools.arcor-ip.net) 00.21.20 # has there been a decision on the menu rewriting? From reading the mailing list it looks like it still is in discussion, but that comment confused me: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5833#comment9678 00.21.28 # yes it does :p 00.21.33 # tucoz, no problem ;-) It's always the same lines. 00.22.14 # I was playing around a bit with adding the menu structure but it gets huge. 00.22.15 # dionoea, does the batch works for you? 00.22.32 # i didn't try the batch ... i only wrote the command line 00.22.41 # ok 00.22.44 # but it definitively should work 00.23.19 # the menu is probably larger than one can imagine 00.23.20 # it doesnt work for me :( i even tried it on an other computer 00.23.43 # it is. I've left out a lot and it already has ~3 pages. 00.23.49 # And imo in need for a rework. 00.23.52 # Shadowrazor: could you append "--extraintf logger" to the command line and paste the contents of the vlc-log.txt file created on http://paste.videolan.org ? 00.24.02 # --extraintf=logger -vvv 00.24.03 # sorry 00.24.19 # oke 00.24.22 # different topic: it's a bit strange "stop" stops playback in the file browser but not in all other tree views. 00.24.57 # what is stop elsewhere? cancel? 00.25.10 # makes it a bit hard to describe a "generic" tree view in the quick start section. 00.25.15 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 00.25.16 # yes, it's cancel. 00.25.19 # I can read in the dosbox: "couldnt open encoder" 00.25.49 # mp2v encoder ?!? 00.26.03 # well, not so strange maybe. As the file browser is the "root" of rockbox, and all the other trees are settings. 00.26.36 # but a bit inconsistent, yes 00.27.22 # that's the problem. It's inconsistent and requirest a lot of sentences that are a bit too much for a quick description of the basic navigation. 00.28.14 # Shadowrazor: i'll need to get some sleep pretty soon ... please hurry up :) (or wait for "dionoea_work" to login in 9 hours :p ) 00.28.36 # [00000286] logger interface: using logger... 00.28.52 # [00000346] ffmpeg encoder error: cannot open encoder 00.28.57 # I think "play" should always return to wps and "stop" always stop playback. Would be more consistent and also make it easier to describe. 00.29.10 # [00000363] main private error: cannot resolve stream-0-mpga. port 1234 : Host or service not found 00.29.19 # but maybe that is impossible on some targets? 00.29.21 # [00000363] access_output_udp private error: failed to open a connection (udp) 00.29.27 # that's the audio encoder :) doesn't really matter :p 00.29.31 # [00000363] main private error: cannot delete object (363, (null)) with children 00.29.31 # saratoga: I'm just looking at the profiling now. I should have it fixed in CVS soon. 00.29.38 Nick dan_a_away is now known as dan_a (n=dan-mirc@ 00.29.40 # like FS#5294 does. At least partly. 00.29.40 # can't you paste the full log on http://paste.videolan.org ? 00.29.42 # [00000284] main playlist: nothing to play 00.29.44 # ok 00.29.55 # but it doesnt stores it in the vlc folder 00.31.26 # http://paste.videolan.org/316 00.32.07 # with -vvv too on the command line please :) 00.32.30 # a okay 00.32.53 # tucoz, maybe, but at least it should work this way on the targets it is possible IMO 00.33.25 # dan_a: Thanks a lot! 00.33.35 # http://paste.videolan.org/317 00.33.50 Join TCK [0] (n=tckocr@bb-87-80-197-109.ukonline.co.uk) 00.34.28 # I havent thought of that issue before, but i am starting to agree with you, 00.34.36 # . 00.34.40 # Shadowrazor: # 00.34.40 # Shadowrazor: [00000346] ffmpeg encoder warning: MPEG1/2 does not support 2997/125 fps 00.34.42 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 00.34.43 # # (mpeg2video@00BB4210 00.34.48 # mpeg2 is pretty strict on frame rates 00.34.56 # add fps=25 in #transcode 00.35.00 # owtch 00.35.13 # or 29.97 00.35.21 # thanks dionea 00.35.30 # and let me know if it works :) 00.35.58 # it takes much longer now, i think it works! 00.36.50 # tucoz, I _could_ use \ActionStdCancel for cancel -- but in the file browser it's partly stopping playback as ActionStdCancel is "left / stop" (h120) 00.37.28 # tucoz, you're interested in the current state of the quickstart stuff? 00.37.58 # Shadowrazor: i edited the wiki page to add that info 00.37.58 Quit Shadowrazor ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 00.38.06 Join Shadowrazor [0] (n=51f5b077@labb.contactor.se) 00.38.22 # not now. I am using my gf´s mac and watching a movie :) 00.38.40 # but tomorrow I am 00.38.57 # Shadowrazor: did it work ? 00.39.17 # it is still encoding, I'll take a smaller movie :p 00.39.40 # http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uhcn/rockbox/rockbox-build.pdf -- I also changed the button names to use a bold font. 00.39.42 # or add --stop-time=60 to encode the first 60 seconds only to test 00.39.50 # okay 00.40.01 # it worked but the resolution is wrong :p 00.40.11 # great :) 00.40.12 # I guess you'll find the link in the logs but I'll be online tomorrow again ;-) 00.40.20 # 'night everyone 00.40.37 # thank you very much dionoea :p 00.40.43 # you're welcome :) 00.40.59 # ok. I´ll have a look then. See you and good night 00.41.02 Join scorche [0] (n=scorche@208-110-158-50.customer.csolutions.net) 00.41.09 Quit San||Away () 00.41.11 Quit tucoz ("CGI:IRC") 00.41.24 Join cno5 [0] (i=cnorris@ip68-6-40-138.sb.sd.cox.net) 00.41.48 Quit Kohlrabi ("Quit") 00.42.11 Quit Massa ("Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.") 00.42.27 Quit ender` (" It's a good thing money can't buy happiness. We couldn't stand the commercials.") 00.42.50 Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") 00.45.38 # I want to add subtitles, should i add --subsdec "path" to add subs? 00.46.51 Quit RoC_MM (Remote closed the connection) 00.47.04 # you add --sub-track=0 to command line and ,soverlay in transcode (and use the same filename for the subs file as for the video) 00.47.05 # i guess not because he gives an error :s 00.47.18 # if it doesn't work, you join #videolan and ask people not sleeeping :) 00.47.52 # I'll update the wiki page tomorrow 00.48.43 # oke thx :p 00.49.16 # i'm going to sleep, bye all 00.49.20 Quit Shadowrazor ("CGI:IRC") 00.52.00 Quit MarcoPolo (Remote closed the connection) 00.54.43 Quit jaebird (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.00.27 Quit actionshrimp (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 01.10.01 # Could somebody give me a quick hand with the profiling code? Or at least something in C that I'm not too sure about? 01.10.50 # i'm no c expert but it's worth a shot? 01.11.23 # In rockbox/firmware/export/profile.h, there is a line "extern int current_thread;", then several of the prototypes have "int current_thread" as one of the arguments 01.12.03 # that's probably not a good idea 01.12.21 # Would the behaviour be any different if the extern int wasn't there? 01.12.41 # the names in prototypes don't matter, you can put just foo(int, bool); 01.13.46 # The same name is also used in the functions, so inside the functions which value of current_thread would be used? The one passed as an argument or the extern one? 01.14.03 # the argument would shadow the external one 01.14.11 # but current_thread isn't actually defined anywhere... 01.14.26 # in a global context 01.14.55 # so something is not right 01.15.03 # static int current_thread used to be defined in firmware/thread.c 01.15.12 # yeah but that's a static 01.15.18 # so you can't refer to it from other files 01.15.34 # i think you can just remove the extern declaration 01.16.00 Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") 01.16.15 # i'm guessing current_thread in thread.c was global first 01.16.21 # and profile.c used it directly 01.16.32 # then it was changed to be passed in via arguments, but the extern decl was left by accident 01.17.04 # That would make sense - I'll have a look at the version of thread.c from the time that profile.c was written and see 01.19.08 # when current_thread was added to thread.c it was a static int 01.19.16 # but there is only one rev of profile.h 01.19.22 # which suggests it was developed outside cvs 01.20.23 # I wonder if lostlogic is around and able to advise? 01.20.48 # i am about 80% sure i'm right :) 01.21.49 # the compiler started complaining when you changed the current_thread to an array because of this extern declaration? 01.22.16 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 01.23.05 # No, the compiler doesn't complain, but Doom fails to compile and I couldn't work out what was going on, so I looked for help rather than blindly committing! 01.23.27 Join Wallakoala [0] (n=walla@ool-435674ff.dyn.optonline.net) 01.24.30 # hello can anybody tells me why whenever I am using a theme that has one of those graphical equalizer things, every song I play has weird pauses in it. With other themes it is fine. I am using an ipod mini 01.26.15 # Wallakoala: That is because we've not made the MP3 decoder as good as it can be, so if there's lots going on the processor can't keep up, leading to skips. 01.26.34 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c220-237-57-32.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 01.26.53 # so...is there anyway to disable that graphical thing because only the themes with that make it skip? 01.29.01 # Pick a theme without them, or edit the While Playing Screen (WPS) so it doesn't have them. There's documentation in the Wiki on changing the WPS 01.29.20 # ok thanks dan_a 01.29.32 # No problem! 01.32.07 Part cno5 01.32.34 # Wallakoala: you want to remove %pm from the .wps file 01.33.11 # Mikachu, is that all I have to do? 01.33.30 # should do it 01.34.47 # Mikachu where is the .wps file for the default theme located? 01.35.16 # it's hardcoded 01.35.49 # ah 01.36.41 # you can find it somewhere on the wiki 01.37.04 Quit lightyear (Remote closed the connection) 01.38.45 Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@mobile-166-137-221-121.mycingular.net) 01.39.14 Quit Wallakoala ("Thought I'd Something More to Say...") 01.39.20 Quit lodesi_ ("leaving") 01.40.01 # "and list titles now left-justified." <- noooooooooooooo! 01.41.43 # i vote for revert :) 01.41.49 # i don't like the icon and indented items 01.42.20 # I dont mind the diea.. but make it an option 01.42.37 # * JdGordon hasnt checked what it looks like on the player yet 01.43.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.45.41 Quit jaebird (Remote closed the connection) 02.09.28 Join adiamas [0] (n=adiamas@ool-435557cc.dyn.optonline.net) 02.15.37 Quit midgey34 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 02.21.56 # ok i need a fm transmitter for my ipod 02.22.04 # do they all work with rockbox? 02.22.06 Nick JoeBorn is now known as JB_away (n=jborn@dsl017-022-247.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 02.22.23 # not the ones that connect to the ipod connector 02.22.26 # any one that plugs into *just* the headphone port will work 02.26.15 # ah ok cool 02.26.19 # so thats what i need 02.28.31 Quit TCK (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.30.50 Join countrymike [0] (n=brent@222-154-5-191.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) 02.31.02 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp155-197.adsl.forthnet.gr) 02.32.11 Join Febs [0] (n=upirc@000-149-528.area3.spcsdns.net) 02.33.22 # woh 02.33.31 # the forums got a rehaul eh? 02.33.57 Join MadDog011 [0] (n=MadDog01@cable-87-116-149-196.dynamic.sbb.co.yu) 02.34.12 # no...you are just imagining it 02.34.59 Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) 02.35.03 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp155-197.adsl.forthnet.gr) 02.35.11 # well that is very possible 02.35.34 Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) 02.35.38 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp155-197.adsl.forthnet.gr) 02.37.28 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 02.37.34 Quit _jhMikeS_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.38.56 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@adsl-75-10-15-121.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) 02.40.27 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-112-165-230.austin.res.rr.com) 02.43.27 Quit Febs ("Leaving") 02.44.12 # Paul_The_Nerd: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=6056.0 02.44.43 # as "forum glitchiness" 02.49.04 Quit _hotwire_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.49.56 Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host86-133-119-138.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) 02.50.39 # scorche: What glitchiness is there? 02.50.48 Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) 02.50.52 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp155-189.adsl.forthnet.gr) 02.50.55 # * Paul_The_Nerd hasn't clicked yet, will in a few minutes. 02.51.10 Join Wallakoala [0] (n=walla@ool-435674ff.dyn.optonline.net) 02.51.28 # i am just wondering...is there radio support for the iaudio x5 in rockbox? 02.54.51 # Also, anyone with commit access around? 03.00.16 Quit Wallakoala ("Thought I'd Something More to Say...") 03.00.19 Quit t0mas (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.00.38 # why would the wps progress bar and time display cease to update after a certain point on a file even though the audio file has more to play and continues to play to the end after that point? 03.01.00 Join t0mas [0] (n=Tomas@rockbox/developer/t0mas) 03.01.11 # This is true for all current recording formats: MP3,WAV,WV 03.01.45 # * jhMikeS needs a clue HELP! 03.03.22 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 03.04.25 # duno 03.04.32 # jhMikeS: Is it putting the proper information in the headers? 03.04.33 # but sounds like another 'feature request' to me 03.04.56 # dongs: And why would *that* be a feature request, if it's something not working as intended? 03.05.20 Part pixelma 03.05.29 # Paul_The_Nerd: I really don't know... 03.05.36 # Paul_The_Nerd: because apparently this group considers 'shit not workign as intended' feature requests. 03.05.38 # It's always about 2s from the end 03.06.41 # dongs: No, "not working as the developers intend" is a bug. "Working how the developers intend, but not you intend" is a feature request. I can see how you may be confused, but this project doesn't belong to you. 03.06.46 # Paul_The_Nerd: I thought MP3 length was calculated based on bitrate/framesize/filesize 03.07.20 # jhMikeS: I'm not really certain. Is it a constant amount (Like, a file 1 minute long has the same ~2 seconds as a 5 second file?) As well, what to computer-based players (or maybe even the original firmware) feel about those files? 03.08.20 # dongs: Though in this case, it wouldn't be a "Bug Report" because the feature he's working on doesn't even exist in Rockbox. He's trying to get a popular patch up to speed. 03.08.46 # Paul_The_Nerds: Pretty much fixed...might vary +/- 1s. I haven't tested computer based players yet but I find it odd that splits don't have the problem unless they're the last in the series. 03.09.25 # * jhMikeS is sorry to have called Paul_The_Nerd "Paul_The_Nerds" :) 03.10.12 Quit MadDog011 ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") 03.10.59 # jhMikeS: Hmm.... Does the amount that's skipped at the end depend on the compression level? 03.11.13 # Or not skipped, but not progressing, or whatever to call it 03.11.34 # Paul_The_Nerd: Haven't seen that. 03.11.54 # WMP shows correct time on MP3's I recorded...should try WAV too 03.14.35 # Weird 03.17.44 Join JoeBorn [0] (n=jborn@adsl-75-3-53-214.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) 03.18.18 # Paul_The_Nerd: You know, I think it might be a header problem because the MP3's are gapless and that has time info in iirc. 03.21.55 Join JdG|uni [0] (n=82c20d66@labb.contactor.se) 03.22.03 # hey 03.22.11 Quit Criamos ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") 03.22.12 # whats up with the forums? 03.23.02 Quit adiamas (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 NSplit sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 03.23.02 Quit _Veseliq_ (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit Galois (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit netmasta10bt (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit gtkspert (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit cismo_ (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit dongs (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit chendo_ (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit ToyKeeper (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit Nibbier (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit Mikachu (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit ShadowdogMU (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit meshuga (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit Spida (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.02 Quit Rob2222 (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 03.23.22 NHeal sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 03.23.22 NJoin _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@ 03.23.22 NJoin meshuga [0] (i=meshuga@c-71-231-141-145.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 03.23.22 NJoin Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACAE5538.ipt.aol.com) 03.23.22 NJoin dongs [0] (n=HPUX@h193045.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) 03.23.22 NJoin ShadowdogMU [0] (n=Brock@cpe-65-28-252-205.woh.res.rr.com) 03.23.22 NJoin chendo_ [0] (n=chendo@203-206-90-149.dyn.iinet.net.au) 03.23.22 NJoin Mikachu [0] (i=Mikachu@kr-lun-154-152-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com) 03.23.22 NJoin cismo_ [0] (i=cismo@adsl-85-217-36-247.kotinet.com) 03.23.22 NJoin gtkspert [0] (n=gtkspert@203-59-194-179.dyn.iinet.net.au) 03.23.23 NJoin netmasta10bt [0] (n=torment@pool-72-64-129-205.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) 03.23.23 NJoin Nibbier [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-193-252.dynamic.qsc.de) 03.23.23 NJoin ToyKeeper [0] (i=spanky@c-24-9-90-246.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 03.23.23 NJoin Galois [0] (i=djao@efnet-math.org) 03.23.23 NJoin Spida [0] (n=timo@spinnennetz.org) 03.24.47 # * jhMikeS 03.26.02 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 03.26.06 # JdG|uni: Maintenance. 03.26.53 # What's weirder is that it knows the correct length and displays it. 03.29.38 # who wants to do my lisp or sml assignement for me?? they are bnoth due tomorow :'( 03.30.22 # JdG|uni: Apparently the current version of the forums has a bug with the subject cache which *may* be responsible for the issue we're having with "Reply" sometimes starting a new post. 03.30.47 Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) 03.30.51 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp141-78.adsl.forthnet.gr) 03.31.09 # oh? sounds good if its fixed 03.31.32 # Well, the newest version supposedly fixes it. 03.31.39 # We'll find out once I finish updating. 03.36.02 Part countrymike 03.36.55 # * Paul_The_Nerd was kinda hoping this wouldn't take forever, but ah well. 03.41.34 # sonuvabitch. 03.42.41 # * Paul_The_Nerd wonders why we have a "rockbox" theme is that wasn't what we were using 03.43.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.43.57 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.45.43 Join t0mas_ [0] (n=Tomas@ip503c08d1.speed.planet.nl) 03.45.55 Quit t0mas (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.47.06 Join RoC_MM [0] (i=dragon@c-24-129-89-52.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 03.50.40 # * Paul_The_Nerd begins work on fixing the forums. :( 03.50.59 Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@ 03.51.57 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 03.52.05 Join Crackerizer [0] (n=3d5a9b0f@labb.contactor.se) 03.53.46 # Hello, dan_a 03.54.20 Quit JdG|uni ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 04.06.51 # i would imagine fixing rockbox would be higher priority for a um, 'rockbox developer' channel. 04.06.57 Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) 04.13.41 Quit Crackerizer ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 04.13.46 Join blx [0] (n=x@h122n11c1o1028.bredband.skanova.com) 04.17.17 Join webguest19 [0] (n=deefbf98@labb.contactor.se) 04.17.22 Join chendo__ [0] (n=chendo@203-206-55-86.dyn.iinet.net.au) 04.17.33 # hey 04.17.44 # Hello. 04.17.59 # can i ask sth? 04.18.12 # i canNOT solve it myself 04.18.12 Join Crackerizer [0] (n=3d5a9b0f@labb.contactor.se) 04.18.15 # sth? 04.18.20 # something 04.18.25 # Sure. 04.18.28 # um, 04.18.49 # i just wanted to save the Equalizer in Nano 04.19.11 # and enter [ save eq~ preset] rihgt? 04.19.35 # Hmm? Where would you enter that? 04.19.53 # rockbox 04.19.58 # sound setting 04.20.09 # Okay, so you've gotten to save EQ preset, then what? 04.20.12 # dan_a, are you here? 04.20.26 # nono 04.20.28 # I thought he meant he was typing that somewhere. 04.20.40 # the way to save eq preset.. 04.21.25 # souond settings-> equalizer->save eq preset then 04.21.53 Join Rondom_ [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEFC0D.dip.t-dialin.net) 04.22.25 # slash .rockbox/eqs/~.cfg like this 04.22.52 # You haven't yet asked a question... 04.23.01 # webguest19: Hold the select button until it tells you it's saved it... 04.23.02 # ? 04.23.36 # and how can i browse it? 04.23.49 # it's really hard stuff 04.24.17 # From the 'Browse EQ Presets' option in the same menu as the 'Save EQ Presets' option... 04.24.27 # ok i'll do it. 04.24.37 # any way...thx 04.24.44 # :] 04.24.45 # Uh... Welcome. 04.24.54 # <[HO]vo|t> sharpe did your direct deposit go through or do you know yet 04.25.16 # Wha? 04.25.33 # <[HO]vo|t> sharpe != scorche SORRY 04.25.42 # How did I know that... 04.25.50 # <[HO]vo|t> it happens :) 04.26.00 # More often than not it seems lately. 04.26.14 # <[HO]vo|t> nick sharpe^notscorche 04.29.26 Part Paul_The_Nerd 04.30.25 Join Tomas__ [0] (n=Tomas@ip503c08d1.speed.planet.nl) 04.30.31 Quit t0mas_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.31.22 Quit chendo_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.32.36 Join nudelyn [0] (i=nudel@dyn-62-56-86-157.dslaccess.co.uk) 04.33.33 Quit webguest19 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 04.37.42 Quit Rondom (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.41.14 Quit _Veseliq_ (Remote closed the connection) 04.44.06 Quit JoeBorn ("Leaving") 04.44.27 # =) 04.44.54 # [HO]vo|t: i have been busy, so i did not have the time to do it yet 04.45.25 # and sharpe was so excited to see his name be referenced... 04.45.39 # Yes. It makes my day so much better. 04.47.01 # too bad it was for me =) 04.47.10 Join JoeBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@adsl-75-3-53-214.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) 04.48.21 # Yeah... too bad.. 04.51.10 Join PyromancerX [0] (n=Pyromanc@dsl092-069-150.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 04.55.33 Quit Tomas__ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 04.57.19 # Hello, is there someone own a 3g ipod here? 05.00.52 Join t0mas [0] (n=Tomas@rockbox/developer/t0mas) 05.04.15 Join JdGordon|uni [0] (n=82c20d68@labb.contactor.se) 05.06.40 Join sharpe` [0] (i=sharpe@user-0c8hc2c.cable.mindspring.com) 05.06.40 Quit sharpe (Connection reset by peer) 05.07.04 Nick sharpe` is now known as sharpe (i=sharpe@user-0c8hc2c.cable.mindspring.com) 05.09.32 Quit sharpe (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.10.06 Quit Pyromancer (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.21.56 Quit apo (Remote closed the connection) 05.22.25 Join apo [0] (n=apo@dslb-088-065-068-071.pools.arcor-ip.net) 05.29.56 Quit t0mas (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.35.11 Quit JdGordon|uni ("CGI:IRC") 05.39.37 # Is there any way to run ipod updater and let it restore a hard drive instead of ipod?? 05.41.51 Join blacks [0] (i=rides@static24-72-88-241.regina.accesscomm.ca) 05.43.23 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEDB3B.dip.t-dialin.net) 05.43.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.47.45 # what? 05.48.18 # y? 05.56.01 Quit Spida (Remote closed the connection) 05.56.38 Join Spida [0] (n=timo@spinnennetz.org) 05.59.39 Quit Rondom_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.06.10 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-112-165-230.austin.res.rr.com) 06.10.03 Quit pike^lapt (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.10.20 Join sharpe [0] (n=sharpe@user-0c8hc2c.cable.mindspring.com) 06.11.56 # RoC_MM: do you own a 3g ipod? 06.12.08 # Used to. 06.12.16 # what is this with ipod updater? 06.12.57 # My ipod's usb and firewire dont work. 06.13.16 # but the ipod is still functioning. 06.14.58 # I always sync my song directly to the ipod's hard drive using an IDE to ipod HDD adapter. 06.17.15 # But yesterday, i accidently deleted all ipod file structure including iPod_Control by trying to install rockbox. 06.17.35 # Installing Rockbox doesn't involve deleting that. 06.18.02 # I know. It was my fault. 06.19.17 # now, my ipod doent recognize its HDD. It always show the "folder" icon. 06.21.37 Join Febs [0] (n=medifebb@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) 06.22.19 # Can i install rockbox without the ipod original directory structure? 06.22.28 # yes 06.22.34 # it doesnt rely on it at all 06.22.34 # Rockbox doesn't require the iPod directory structure at all 06.23.07 # emm, this is strange. 06.23.27 # i did it yesterday. but it didnt work. 06.24.23 # "it" 06.24.24 # ? 06.24.28 # And, didn't work how? 06.26.10 # I dont know. I follow every steps in the rockbox installation instruction. But no luck. 06.26.24 # Well, what *does* happen? 06.26.42 # We can't help you without knowing how far you got, and what showed up on your screen, at the very least 06.26.51 # I just installed rockbox today and (apparently unnecessarily) deleted my ipod directories, it works fine 06.27.29 Quit JoeBorn ("Leaving") 06.27.55 # I'll be back, talk to you again. 06.42.40 # sounds like maybe messed up bootloader? 06.42.51 Quit RoC_MM ("Leaving") 06.43.13 Join JoeBorn [0] (n=jborn@adsl-75-2-251-233.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) 06.44.39 Quit rotator ("zzzzzzzz") 06.51.04 Join EbErT [0] (n=EbErT@adsl-223-59-224.aep.bellsouth.net) 06.52.05 # hmmm... in the entire rocbox code the menu callbacl parameter is used twice! does anyone know what its for? 06.59.23 # I'm back. 06.59.35 # I'm not sure. 07.00.39 # Does the ipod bios read anything from HDD at start up(apple logo shown up)? 07.01.11 # The bootloader. 07.01.24 # In case of corrupted boot loader, how do i fix it? 07.01.31 # Reinstall it. 07.01.53 # I did backup the original firmware partition. 07.01.56 # And be sure you install the correct one. 07.02.54 # There have been cases where people used a bootloader _not_ built for their type of iPod... 07.03.24 # If i run "ipodpatcher -w 1 bootpartition.bin" where bootpartition.bin is the original firmware. Should it be ok? 07.03.44 # yes, it should. 07.04.11 # Emm, i did it several times. but it didnt work. 07.05.05 # bootpartition.bin was the file created when you did "ipodpatcher -r 1 bootpartition.bin" which you've only done ONCE EVER which was before you first installed any custom firmware of any sort on your iPod? 07.05.44 # Yes, 07.06.04 # So, when you say "it didn't work", what happens exactly? 07.06.51 # After the apple logo, there is a folder icon shown up and then the ipod restarts. 07.07.21 # How big is the bootpartition.bin file, and what sort of iPod do you have exactly? 07.07.40 # ~ 41 megs 07.07.57 # I have a 3g ipod. 07.09.05 # I notice that iPodWizard used to recognize the ipod's HDD before the directory structure is deleted. 07.09.13 # Now, a few questions: It's a windows iPod originally? The second partition is Fat32? 07.09.21 # Yes, it is. 07.09.23 # Bagder: The video you posted (Sansa) contains "Apple Motion JPEG B" 160x208 video at 15fps and 16bit stereo 11kHz PCM audio according to Quicktime 07.09.25 # yes 07.10.22 # Crackerizer: Well, I'm not sure what's going wrong. I'd recommend backing up your music, and reformatting it and using the restore tool. 07.12.34 # Well, that's the point. i cant use the restore tool because i dont connect the ipod with usb nor firewire. 07.13.03 # because the usb and firewire port dont work. 07.13.32 # ah... 07.13.51 # The ipod is functioning. the HDD is fine. 07.14.18 # Well, that's really outside the scope of what I can help with then. 07.14.26 # .... 07.14.33 # Sad story :) 07.14.45 # but thank you anyway. 07.14.57 # Did Rockbox ever work? 07.15.08 # Yes, it did. 07.15.13 # Crackerizer: Are you in disk mode when you tried to copy the firmware back over? 07.15.31 # and i dont remember why i've done to it. 07.16.08 # sharpe: no, please read above message. i dont use usb or firewire. 07.16.53 # a few question, is the firmware partition important? can i delete it, reformat etc...? 07.16.56 # * Febs wonders how Crackerizer gets music onto his player. 07.17.30 # Crackerizer: Okay. When you tried to copy it over, *how* did you? 07.17.42 # Febs: He's using an enclosure. 07.17.46 # Febs: it's fun, isnt it?, I use 3rd party software like retune to put my song and update itune db. 07.18.05 # OK, and how does that work? Magic? 07.18.12 # Crackerizer: The firmware partition is absolutely important. That's where the iPod's operating system would be stored, except somehow you screwed yours up. 07.18.24 # well, it just woks. i dont know:) 07.18.45 # Crackerizer: So you're taking your iPod HDD out, every time you want to put something on it? 07.20.03 # ah, i remembered. last night, i tried to install the ipodlinux on my ipod but there was something wrong with my internet connection. So i aborted it. 07.20.40 # sharpe: yes, but you dont update your song everyday.. do you? :) 07.21.09 # No, but I do change some files almost every day. 07.21.37 # sharpe:.... :) 07.22.20 # I think ipod linux installer screwed the firmware partition. 07.22.56 # Crackerizer: So you just don't have a usb port on your computer, or does it not work that way either? 07.23.39 # I do have both usb and firewire and both are working fine. the problem is at my ipod. 07.24.23 # Paul_The_Nerd: has the option to change your custom title disapeared? 07.24.25 # So when you try it with them, do you just not get a connection to your iPod at all? 07.24.58 # Crackerizer, have you *tried* the restore tool? 07.24.59 # not at all. it used to but........ 07.25.11 # Or are you just *assuming* that it won't work? 07.25.44 # Febs: ipod updater doesn recognize the ipod's HDD. 07.25.55 # I really want to use it. 07.26.37 Join _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@ 07.26.54 # I even tried to hack the updater and make it bypass the check. but i'm not good enough. :( 07.26.57 # JdGordon: Try again. 07.27.12 # cheers 07.27.28 # Entertain me, when you do try to use the iPod with a USB connection, is your iPod in disk mode? 07.27.29 # i wonder if Crackerizer could get the bootloader from someone else with the same generation ipod, and try that 07.27.40 Quit dongs (Remote closed the connection) 07.27.50 # sharpe: he's already said that his usb connection doesnt work. 07.28.06 Quit midkay ("Leaving") 07.28.08 Join dongs [0] (n=HPUX@h193045.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) 07.28.11 # JdGordon: For some reason, developers had it disabled. 07.28.18 # encode: Yes, I know. I wanted to know if he has been trying in diskmode, or just with the USB cable connected. 07.28.18 # Encode, then how could he "get the bootloader from someone else ... and try that"? 07.28.40 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 07.28.49 # sharpe: first of all, the usb dead, then i bought a firewire card. It worked great for a couple days and then .... gone. 07.29.02 # hehe /me made a funny 07.29.04 # < Crackerizer> I always sync my song directly to the ipod's hard drive using an IDE to 07.29.06 # Anti-Developer :D 07.29.20 # although that doesnt make much snece in english :p 07.29.23 # err 07.29.24 # < Crackerizer> I always sync my song directly to the ipod's hard drive using an IDE to 07.29.27 # ipod HDD adapter. 07.29.27 # encode: I did backup the boot loader. 07.29.30 # that 07.29.59 # * Paul_The_Nerd considers removing custom titles, since they *are* a distraction. 07.30.04 # Crackerizer: Okay, then are you in diskmode when you use it via firewire, or do you just have the cable connected? 07.30.32 # encode: that's why rockbox is ideal for me. :) you dont need any stupid itune db. 07.31.45 # Febs: I think I'm in love: http://mods.simplemachines.org/index.php?mod=430 07.32.19 # sharpe: I was in diskmode and i could do any i want as a normal ipod for a few days (2 days? maybe). 07.32.43 # Paul_The_Nerd: Nice! 07.33.06 # sharpe: then the firewire dead. 07.34.22 # Febs: I'm going through the mods lists and seeing what we can do to improve the environment a bit. 07.35.17 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) 07.36.08 # Crackerizer: And you're sure it's the iPod, do other devices work fine on the usb and firewire ports? 07.37.13 # Time for bed. Goodnight folks. 07.37.30 # sharpe: usb works fine. not sure about firewire. 07.37.38 # bye febs. 07.38.06 Join jlf [0] (n=jlf@dsl081-057-096.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 07.38.17 Part jlf 07.39.22 Quit Febs ("Goodnight to the folks Gracie.") 07.39.58 # sharpe: what is your player? 07.40.24 # 5G iPod. 07.40.29 Join LayDwnAnDie [0] (n=jason@pool-71-110-201-184.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) 07.40.36 # is anyone out there? 07.41.14 # emm, does it use the same directory sturcture as 3g? 07.41.43 # If you're talking about the 'iPod_Control' and subdirectories, yes. 07.41.50 # Crackerizer: It's the firmware you need to restore, not the directory structures. 07.42.13 # have a question does the rockbox ipod video now play video 07.42.14 # ? 07.42.47 # Limited video 07.42.48 # No audio. 07.42.57 # damn 07.43.02 # LayDwnAnDie: Sort of. 07.43.10 # what do you mean ? 07.43.13 # Paul_The_Nerd: They all only ask for video anyway, they never ask about audio. :D 07.43.58 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.43.59 # So it plays some video and audio on the rockbox? 07.44.19 # Audio plays fine on Rockbox. 07.44.28 # Video plays slowly, but it plays 07.44.31 # Video+Audio does not work. 07.45.03 # I think i'll try ipod linux again.... 07.45.11 # oh something that will be fixed in new versions or will never work ? 07.45.19 # go back to the source of problem. 07.46.10 # It'll be fixed one day 07.46.48 Join dongs_ [0] (n=HPUX@h193045.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) 07.46.52 # sharpe: Line numbers in [code][/code] blocks, good idea or no? I'm thinking "no" but it does seem like it could be convenient. 07.47.42 # morning:) 07.47.57 # is dan_a sleeping? 07.48.00 # Paul_The_Nerd: Well... hmm. I would think it'd be a good idea. 07.48.11 # he owns an 3g too. 07.48.21 # Paul_The_Nerd: Is there an option for the poster to turn them on/off? 07.50.27 Quit EbErT () 07.51.56 # sharpe: I don't think so. Which is the problem 07.52.17 # Maybe I can implement a [numberedcode] block or something 07.52.18 # * Paul_The_Nerd shrugs 07.52.21 # I'll leave that for later 07.52.25 # Indeed. 07.53.31 Quit dongs (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.54.13 Quit LayDwnAnDie () 07.56.04 Quit dongs_ (Remote closed the connection) 07.56.06 Join dongs [0] (n=HPUX@h193045.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) 07.57.40 # Paul_The_Nerd: How long have nick colors been shown in the Started by/Last post columns? 07.57.48 # sharpe: About 5 minutes. 07.58.29 # Ah. Okay. Just making sure I didn't just notice them after they've been that way all along. 07.59.06 # The colors *should* be active everywhere now. 07.59.29 # Aye... 07.59.50 # It's an easy revert and pretty flexibly customizable if they turn out to not be beneficial in some screens. 08.00.03 # But I think it helps to instantly see which posts are started by badged members. 08.00.19 # Well, now that you've added the coder and artist badges, we have more of a rainbow now. 08.00.30 # Paul_The_Nerd: Febs seems to be both a mod and an expert... 08.00.55 # scorche: Indeed he is. 08.01.21 # He was given the 'Expert' title before he became a mod, and my feeling is that he still deserves it. 08.01.54 # You'll also notice that Bagder, LinusN, and Zagor, in the rare occasions that they post, have their Admin/Mod badges alongside Developer ones. 08.02.11 # Paul_The_Nerd: ah... 08.02.33 # scorche: duh... :) 08.02.37 # Paul_The_Nerd: personally, i dont like the colors showing up on the side of their post, when their badges will do 08.02.51 # scorche: In the left, you mean? I was considering disabling that. 08.02.55 # yeah 08.03.31 # at least change the expert color...it can be a pain on the eyes sometimes =) 08.03.47 # Hehehe 08.03.52 # How 'bout now, with the regular color? 08.04.18 # batter =) 08.04.23 # cake that is... 08.04.40 # I had a PM about an hour ago, about getting rockboy to work... and also where to get roms... 08.04.41 # >_> 08.04.57 # let me guess...ritesh? 08.05.05 # Actually, nope. 08.05.08 # =O 08.05.53 Quit dongs (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.06.13 # Paul_The_Nerd: is there any type of "Punch User" module? =) 08.06.24 # or at least slap 08.06.32 # Hahaha 08.06.35 # I wish... 08.06.42 # As a small added bonus, users can now only use 3 smilies per post. 08.07.23 # unless that also gives them basic logic and comprehension skills, i am still not happy =( 08.07.23 # So they can only go though a bipolar cycle one and a half times, yay... 08.09.27 Join dongs [0] (n=HPUX@h193045.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) 08.10.03 Quit pabs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.15.16 Join pabs [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 08.15.39 Quit sharpe (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.15.39 Join webguest59 [0] (n=182e1507@labb.contactor.se) 08.15.45 Join sharpe [0] (n=sharpe@user-0c8hc2c.cable.mindspring.com) 08.16.02 # were can i get rockboy? 08.16.15 # webguest59: I suggest reading the manual. 08.16.15 # anyone? 08.16.16 # webguest59: It's already with Rockbox. 08.16.29 # 5th generation ipod? 08.16.35 # webguest59: MANUAL. 08.17.00 # is your real name paul? 08.17.10 # Yes. 08.17.14 # lol so is mine 08.17.14 # no...it is steve 08.17.40 # * scorche notices that his humor has fizzled out for the night 08.18.06 # Can I tell everyone my name? 08.18.23 # rockboy isnt on here 08.18.27 # Or, do I get to? 08.18.35 # webguest59: Read the manual, or the wiki. 08.18.37 # i went to browse pligins 08.19.16 # webguest59: Which is NOT what we told you to do. 08.19.27 # hold on ill brb i wanna change my name 08.19.32 Part webguest59 08.19.32 # If you'd opened the manual and searched for "Rockboy" on the other hand, you'd know how to use it already 08.19.53 Join XxBigP123xX [0] (n=182e1507@labb.contactor.se) 08.20.02 # ah much better 08.20.09 Quit sharpe (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.20.16 Join sharpe` [0] (n=sharpe@user-0c8hc2c.cable.mindspring.com) 08.21.12 # I hate my router... 08.21.17 # ok im on the wiki 08.21.58 # and it says nothing about rock boy accept Rockboy Game Boy emulator (port of Gnuboy 08.23.08 # XxBigP123xX: Read the next line and comprehend it. 08.23.53 # Doom (port of the PrBoom engine) 08.24.11 # ... 08.24.15 # im sry im a semi-n00b 08.24.27 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome?topic=PluginRockboy 08.25.09 # thank you SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO much sharpe 08.26.36 # You're welcome. 08.27.26 # now just one more question 08.27.43 # were should i get roms(if your allowed to say) 08.28.48 Quit dongs (Remote closed the connection) 08.28.56 # Search homebrew sites for legal roms. 08.29.03 # Discussion of commercial ROMs isn't allowed here. 08.29.08 # You wouldn't happen to be the person who sent me a PM on the forums on the exact same thing would you? 08.29.19 # ok thanks 08.29.22 # * Paul_The_Nerd wonders if a "Staff" page seems like a good idea? 08.29.23 # i didnt know 08.29.36 # Paul_The_Nerd: For what? 08.29.49 # idk 08.30.30 # what folder do i put the roms in 08.30.35 # Any. 08.30.42 # k 08.31.45 Quit Crackerizer ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 08.32.18 # XxBigP123xX: Have you registered on the forums recently? 08.32.32 # havent tought of it yet 08.32.38 # Alright. 08.32.46 # probablly gonna tomarrow 08.32.57 # sharpe`: Forums. http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?action=staff 08.33.12 # Aww. I can't view it. 08.33.19 # k geuss ill do it now lol 08.33.29 Quit perplexity (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08.33.49 # 410 people on the rockbox map now 08.34.01 # still none in Africa 08.34.02 # done 08.34.19 # Bagder: Should I add myself to it? 08.34.26 # yes! 08.34.39 # sharpe`: What does it say? 08.35.04 # Paul_The_Nerd: "You can not view the staff list." 08.35.38 Quit XxBigP123xX ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 08.35.45 # Bagder: Technically, there is one in Africa :) 08.35.59 Join XxBigP121xX [0] (n=182e1507@labb.contactor.se) 08.36.00 # ah, you're right 08.36.08 # wtf? 08.36.19 Join herz42 [0] (n=herz42@ 08.36.25 # i like got kicked out 08.36.30 # sharpe`: but it is very close 08.37.10 # Yep... Should I check the box? Haha. 08.38.15 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-89-151-22.ubs.qsi.net.nz) 08.38.28 # lol my friends pissed cause im playing pacman on my ipod 08.39.49 Join dongs [0] (n=HPUX@h193045.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) 08.40.44 # sharpe`: Try again. 08.41.06 # Paul_The_Nerd: It works. 08.42.00 # Paul_The_Nerd: poor lostlogic... 08.42.12 # Hm? 08.42.17 # since may 08.42.35 # Oh, yeah 08.43.01 # sharpe`: stop copying my with the grave =) 08.43.06 # s/me/my 08.43.22 # scorche: C'mon, everyone's doing it. Peer pressure. 08.43.25 # actually, no smiley face on that.. 08.43.28 # =/ 08.43.30 # better 08.43.36 # Ah. That's still a smiley. 08.43.43 Nick sharpe` is now known as sharpe (n=sharpe@user-0c8hc2c.cable.mindspring.com) 08.43.54 Quit dj-fu ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 08.44.07 Quit XxBigP121xX ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 08.44.12 # no go back to using your underscore like you used to...i am protective over my grave 08.44.23 # I never used an underscore... 08.44.28 # did too 08.44.34 # Don't remember it. 08.44.48 # midkay and i do 08.45.00 # yes. quit it you craptart. 08.45.07 Join XxBigP121xX [0] (n=182e1507@labb.contactor.se) 08.46.00 # oki just got a rom what folder do you reccomend i put it in( plz dont say any =) 08.46.05 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 08.46.15 # Anywhere. 08.46.17 # Whichever you want. 08.46.19 # :-P 08.46.40 # funny guy eh? lol 08.46.58 # or an honest one.. 08.47.25 # can i just put it in the root directory 08.47.32 Quit dongs (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.47.41 # XxBigP121xX: Does that fit 'Anywhere?' 08.47.42 # i believe that falls under "anywhere" =) 08.48.19 # yes i know your all getting annoyed with me im sry 08.48.25 # lol 08.48.40 Join perplexity [0] (n=joust@lda180.emirates.net.ae) 08.48.41 # :D 08.48.59 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 08.49.43 # it didnt show up 08.49.57 # does it have to be .rom or .gbc 08.50.05 # It has to be .gc or .gbc. 08.50.17 # thats what it is 08.50.30 # What file view mode are you in? 08.50.42 # ............................................................................. 08.50.46 # If you have it set to Anything but "All Files" or "Supported" it probably won't show up. 08.50.46 # ............................ 08.50.48 # idk? 08.50.58 # Please, don't spam wasted lines 08.51.03 # k 08.51.05 # And please, try reading the manual as I suggested earlier. 08.51.11 # ill try that now 08.51.11 Join dongs [0] (n=HPUX@h193045.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) 08.52.19 # it worked! 08.52.36 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACD06E32.ipt.aol.com) 08.53.32 Join sharpe` [0] (n=sharpe@user-0c8hc2c.cable.mindspring.com) 08.54.27 Quit sharpe (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.54.38 # I strongly despise my router... 08.54.38 Nick sharpe` is now known as sharpe (n=sharpe@user-0c8hc2c.cable.mindspring.com) 08.54.47 # I <3 mine. 08.55.04 # I despise the USB wireless adapter in my desktop though. 08.55.36 Quit XxBigP121xX ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 08.55.52 # Lately mine's been randomly dropping out connections, and a few hours ago I couldn't get a connection after it had dropped it... 09.02.16 # linuxstb: The frame skipping in mpegplayer seems to have problems. If I enable it, I don't get any frames displayed (X5) 09.02.40 # amiconn: Nor do I. 09.03.09 # amiconn: If I enable it on Nano, it seems to skip a *lot* of frames on a video that barely needs it. 09.03.38 # * amiconn only has two colour rockbox targets, X5 and H300 09.07.19 # * sharpe is going to sleep. 09.07.22 # goodnight everyone. 09.07.23 Join Crackerizer [0] (n=3d5a9b0f@labb.contactor.se) 09.07.29 Quit sharpe ("Leaving") 09.07.39 # aha, my ipod is back :) 09.08.11 # thank you everybody... 09.12.43 # Crackerizer: Good morning - sorry, I was asleep earlier 09.13.39 # Do you still need the iPod_Control folders? 09.13.42 # never mine dan_a. I know you stay late at night :) 09.13.52 # no, thank you. 09.14.11 # do we have an idea how close we are to being able to decode both video and audio? 09.14.13 # It's a file system corrupted. 09.15.15 # LinusN: is anyone even working on it? 09.15.27 # dan_a: i'm ready to mess with rockbox now. but i dont know where to start (i have all tools and sources installed). 09.15.29 # did you see my sansa videos yday? 09.15.36 # seems they do mjpeg 09.15.59 # pretty... lame 09.16.15 # but it makes frame skipping east 09.16.19 # easy even 09.16.30 # yeah, but I think they encode them at a speed they can deal with 09.16.41 # so they don't frameskip anyway 09.16.55 # Bagder: [07:09:22] Bagder: The video you posted (Sansa) contains "Apple Motion JPEG B" 160x208 video at 15fps and 16bit stereo 11kHz PCM audio according to Quicktime 09.16.55 # Crackerizer: Compile and install it, use it, and then see what needs improving :) 09.17.11 # amiconn: yes 09.17.28 # PCM audio is interesting 09.17.48 # 11kHz, bah 09.17.50 # My favorite bit about it is that their "Media Converter" won't recognize their own format, so if you copy the movies off, thus removing them from the database, you can't merely copy them back on OR have the converter do it for you, you have to redo the whole conversion. 09.18.01 # haha 09.18.21 # * dwihno just noticed that due to the recent key mapping stuff, on+up/down won't give you pageup/pagedown on the rec20 09.18.27 # morning guys 09.18.30 # amiconn: and the other movie is "motion jpeg A" 09.18.36 # whatever A and B is I don't know 09.18.41 # can we go back to centering titles in the list? or at least have it selectable?? 09.19.16 # dan_a: sounds simple, but....... :) 09.19.20 # What I don't like about the new list titles is that the list itself is indented even if there's no scroll bar 09.19.35 # that's yuck 09.19.46 # revert the commit... :D 09.19.54 # and then do it again properly :p 09.20.24 # I understand _why_ this is so - if it weren't, you couldn't distinguish the folder symbol in fron of the title from an ordinary folder in the list 09.20.48 # I think this is solvable by using a different folder icon (filled?) for the list title 09.21.05 # * Paul_The_Nerd agrees. 09.24.57 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A46D2B.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.30.12 Quit rageahol (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.38.26 Join herz42_ [0] (n=herz42@ 09.43.12 Quit dan_a (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.43.41 Quit dongs (Remote closed the connection) 09.43.43 Join dongs [0] (n=HPUX@h193045.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) 09.44.02 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.46.48 Join Drkepilogue [0] (n=46e79903@labb.contactor.se) 09.52.13 Join dionoea_work [0] (n=3ea147f9@poy.chewa.net) 09.52.19 # 'morning 09.57.31 Quit herz42 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 10.02.32 Quit herz42_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 10.03.06 Join bluebrother [0] (i=aM7DVfFq@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 10.03.09 # morning dionoea_work 10.03.57 # wow, 410 rockbox users on rasher's page now! 10.05.48 # LinusN: do you live in Russia now? 10.06.15 Join MadDog011 [0] (n=MadDog01@ 10.06.19 Part MadDog011 10.06.37 # hahaha 10.07.06 # markun: lol 10.07.23 # how did that happen? 10.08.07 # hahaha 10.08.33 # i lost my code for changing it, so i couldn't have done it 10.09.06 # evil hackers at work 10.09.06 # I think rasher soon needs to stop listing all the people on the same page,... 10.10.30 # Hm. There's 3 other people in my city now. 10.11.05 Quit perplexity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.11.22 # Paul_The_Nerd: no more the One:P 10.11.37 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-89-159-69.ubs.qsi.net.nz) 10.11.41 # I was kinda enjoying the whole "Nobody within 300 miles in any given direction" thing. 10.11.47 # haha 10.12.06 # scared they would come knocking on the door in the middle of the night for rb support? :D 10.12.20 # LOL 10.12.28 # "I demand help dammit, open the door" 10.12.44 # "okay, no probs, $100/h" :D 10.12.51 # "My iPod won't boot! Can you hold Menu+Select for me?" 10.12.52 # "doom doesn't work in rockboy on my samsung player!" 10.13.17 # Hehehe 10.13.21 Quit dongs (Remote closed the connection) 10.13.23 Join dongs [0] (n=HPUX@h193045.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) 10.13.30 # how's rb going hackers? 10.13.37 # i havent' updated my build for a long ass time. 10.13.44 # still in feature freeze? 10.13.50 # Nope. Cancelled. 10.13.57 # dj-fu: we decided to stop the project 10.14.08 # shiting me right? 10.14.18 # :) 10.14.23 # didnt the RIAA buy out rockbox? 10.14.35 # * petur discovers there's a rb user just a few streets away from him 10.15.09 # * markun knows at least 2 more rockbox users in his city who are not on the map yet 10.15.37 # this map is fun 10.16.05 # * LinusN packs to go home to russia 10.16.16 # * petur waves 10.16.20 # LinusN: drive carefully 10.17.02 # dj-fu: which player do you have? 10.17.11 # nano 10.17.21 # i am actually an old soviet spy, and now my mission in sweden is over 10.17.22 # Did you know we have a mpeg player now? 10.17.38 # they're shutting me down 10.17.47 # outsourced? 10.17.53 # i installed rb on an ipod which wouldnt access the hard disk correctly.. aanyway, i sent it back overseas (to its owner) working, but now its showing the unhappy apple screen when she turns it on.. any ideas what to do? 10.17.54 Join dan_a [0] (n=dan-mirc@wormhole.domicilium.com) 10.17.55 # i didn't even know the cold war was over 10.18.22 # mpeg video? 10.18.31 # yes 10.18.44 # You have been added. Your entry will appear once it's been approved. Your key is "AGUKL-746". Keep this if you want to change your entry later on. 10.18.48 # on nano? that's insane 10.18.48 # dj-fu: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer 10.18.51 # what's the playback like 10.19.05 # mute 10.19.25 # dj-fu: you can try one here: http://download.rockbox.org/mpeg/ 10.20.15 # markun: is it in the cvs build or do I have to build it manually 10.20.23 # toasted my gentoo partition and don't have cygwin set up properly yet 10.20.43 # cvs 10.20.54 # sweet ty 10.20.57 # will test it in a min 10.22.25 Quit sando (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.24.11 Join sando [0] (i=lolsteam@ 10.24.52 # * JdGordon has done with the first bit of the menu rework code 10.26.02 # JdGordon: diff ?:) 10.26.02 # Paul_The_Nerd: did you ever look at the link i pasted to you/ 10.26.22 # scorche: Which one? 10.26.37 # Paul_The_Nerd: the one that didnt format right 10.26.38 # Bg3r: not yet... 10.26.49 # first bit... not working yet 10.27.50 # aha, k 10.27.58 Join Massa [0] (n=Massa@ 10.28.02 # scorche: Oh, the one with a really long link? 10.28.14 # Paul_The_Nerd: not sure...the forum link 10.28.29 Join perplexity [0] (i=heh6014@dxb-as59277.alshamil.net.ae) 10.28.37 # scorche: If a line isn't able to be broken, it can stretch the screen making for some odd formatting 10.28.48 # Hi everybody! 10.29.06 # * dj-fu waves halfheartedly 10.29.07 # ah..yes..that one 10.29.23 # Paul_The_Nerd: there is no module for the forums that can fix that? 10.29.31 Join sandoaway [0] (i=lolsteam@ 10.30.22 # scorche: Not that I've seen. In some cases it shouldn't be fixed, such as [code] blocks where you want the lines to be reproduced verbatim, but in the case of links perhaps we should ask members to use proper formatting to shorten them. 10.31.37 # markun: about to load up elephantdreams now 10.31.40 # Paul_The_Nerd: hmmm...or use tiny url (but i am not a fan of being led to somewhere, not knowing where i am going) 10.31.43 # ... well it compiles... i guess thats a good sign :p 10.31.53 Join stateq2 [0] (n=8f848065@labb.contactor.se) 10.33.05 # Paul_The_Nerd: if only everyone knew how to use proper formatting... 10.33.35 # hello everyone 10.34.08 # scorche: Yeah, maybe think about adding to the posting guidelines that long links should be in the format [url=www.google.com]Google[/url] so that they don't break formatting. 10.34.35 # I have a rockbox theme I want to add to the site...how is this possible? 10.35.03 # TWiki is a collaborative tool we use for distributing non-programming tasks such as writing documentation. Everyone is invited to join and help. All that you need to do to contribute is register yourself. All changes to all pages are version controlled and tagged with the author's name, so nothing can be destroyed by mistake or sabotage. 10.35.15 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host226-156.pool8250.interbusiness.it) 10.35.27 # dj-fu: Actually, these days I believe they have to register then come here and ask someone to authorize them. 10.35.37 # someone should update that ;[ 10.35.38 # yes 10.35.55 # Well, I think it tells them the rest on the registration page or something. 10.35.58 # * Paul_The_Nerd doesn't really know 10.36.10 # Yeah, because I registered, and was directed here 10.36.25 # so give your wiki name 10.36.31 # ThomasBell 10.36.39 # Paul_The_Nerd: yeah, but not everyone reads that...i guess the people with editing power can fix them as they see them....maybe some sort of module that, if they dont format it that way, will automatically do it and make the name http://www.blah.comnetorg 10.36.57 # how do you type cast a function? i have a int (*function)(int) that i need to pass as a void (*function)(int) to a function? 10.37.49 # stateq2: done... you should now be able to edit wiki pages 10.38.03 # Thanks :) 10.38.16 # scorche: It may be possible to have a module check a link's length, and if longer than X, use text like "link here" in its place, or something. 10.39.01 # iirc, misticriver shortens long URLs when posted in their forums with "..." somewhere in the middle 10.39.51 # i think that i would prefer the "link here" method 10.39.55 # That could probably be doable too. 10.40.30 # wow, the mpegplayer 10.40.31 # * dj-fu is in awe 10.40.42 # Or maybe http://www.domain.com/.../finalpage.html trimming anything after the first questionmark in the URL, as well as anything between the third / and the last / (assuming 4+ slashes) 10.41.11 # Of course, the full URL would be visible at the bottom of your browser window (or wherever your browser normally shows you full URLs on mouseover) so you're not jumping blindly. 10.41.13 # dj-fu: thank linuxstb for it 10.41.15 # JdGordon: I always create typedefs for function pointers - then a cast is easy ;) 10.41.21 # linuxstb: thanks 10.41.41 Quit Drkepilogue ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 10.44.42 # scorche: There don't seem to be any mods at the SMF site that would easily do this. So, that goes on the backburner at least at this moment. 10.46.12 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 10.46.17 # alright...i will put it on the requested forum feature (or whatever the name of that one thread is) so we wont forget about it =) 10.47.05 # i guess that thread would be "OOPS!!!" 10.47.25 Quit sando (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 10.47.28 # scorche: You could start a "Forum Feature Request" thread in General Discussion 10.47.46 # ooo...i could 10.47.48 # Since "Oops" is more about things I screwed up than new ideas. 10.47.53 # in fact, i will 10.48.01 # Paul_The_Nerd: but you asked for things to do in it =) 10.48.08 # True 10.48.41 Quit stateq2 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 10.48.50 # JdGordon: tried something like "(void (*function)(int))returning_int_function" 10.48.53 # ? 10.49.10 # something like that... im not oging to worry about it for now... 10.51.45 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.51.56 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 10.53.51 # Paul_The_Nerd: while i am looking at it, i cant think of any good reason that we have the ability to insert flash in our posts...something to remove? 10.54.21 # oh how i love gcc warnings... "menu.c:452: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type" the line being "static const struct option_item shuffle_option[] = {{ (void*)&global_settings.playlist_shuffle, NULL, bool_onoff,0,0,0,0,0,0}};" (there is no other warnings about that line! 10.54.44 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A585F.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.55.03 # scorche: Good point. Removed. 10.55.33 Join tucoz [0] (n=martin@rockbox/developer/tucoz) 10.55.57 # Paul_The_Nerd: or FTP for that matter... (a url would be just fine) 10.56.00 # hi 10.56.28 # unless the FTP formatting does something other than what i think it does 10.57.05 # scorche: It prepents ftp:// instead of http:// on a url lacking them. 10.57.11 # prepends 10.57.43 # Paul_The_Nerd: url cant handle anything other than http:// ? 10.58.18 # or just as something that is there in case people dont want to type them? 10.59.02 # If someone types www.blah.com then highlights it 10.59.09 # And then clicks one of the buttons 11.00.03 # ah....one would think that if one is linking to an ftp, they would preface it with ftp://, but i dont see any harm in it 11.00.58 Quit Massa ("OUCH!!!") 11.02.28 # Yeah, unlike Flash which could probably get annoying. 11.02.36 # yeah 11.07.42 # bluebrother, I have now read the quick start chapter. Except for a few places where I would have used a different language, I like the concept. And we should also crosslink the sections that are referred (WPS for instance). 11.08.15 # do you have a diff of your changes? 11.09.10 # Bagder, are you here? 11.09.24 # yes 11.09.40 # you can add the manual builds of the ipod 3g if you want 11.09.46 # great 11.09.49 # will do soon 11.09.58 # cool. thanks 11.22.21 # tucoz, just made a diff: http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uhcn/rockbox/quickstart.diff 11.22.38 # thanks. I can fix some language stuff if you want 11.23.04 # (read, try to fix...) 11.23.24 # would be great. 11.23.51 # there were various sections I wasn't (and still are not) really satisfied with the text itself. 11.24.13 # but as my main intend was to get the concept working it looks like I succeeded ;-) 11.24.46 # ok. I've got some time right now. But don't you think that we should crosslink to the sections that are referred to? 11.25.09 # we should. I just didn't bothered when writing. 11.25.15 # ah. ok. 11.25.27 # I had a long train trip yesterday when I was playing around with that. 11.25.41 # amiconn: If the file cannot be decoded in realtime, mpegplayer will just skip every frame in an effort to display in realtime. 11.27.24 # btw, my last try on the menu structure inclusion: http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uhcn/rockbox/menu_structure.tex 11.27.58 # ok 11.31.18 # linuxstb: I guessed so, but the frame skipping itself should imho be limited, to display at least 1 frame per second or so 11.31.45 Join shadou [0] (n=deejay@202-89-159-69.ubs.qsi.net.nz) 11.32.09 Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@p54BCF4EA.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.32.24 # bluebrother, isn't 'usually always' a contradiction ;)? 11.33.44 # at least it doesn't make too much sense ;-) 11.34.00 # amiconn: OK, I'll do that. 11.34.05 # I guess I'm more the LaTeX guy than a writer ;-) 11.34.16 Join t0mas [0] (n=Tomas@rockbox/developer/t0mas) 11.34.27 # me too 11.34.50 # I haven't done much writing to be honest 11.35.04 # lcd_yuv_blit() seems to use around 1/3 of the total time needed to decode & display a frame both on h300 and X5 11.35.08 # Paul_The_Nerd: Still around? What was the problem you had with the frame skipping? Was it with one of my Elephants Dream files? 11.35.25 # (a bit more on X5 than on h300) 11.36.25 # What "q setting" did I use the for files you've been testing with? 11.37.18 # (I need to choose a q setting for Elephants Dream and finish encoding a full set of files for all resolutions. 11.37.21 # linuxstb: No, it was with one of the files I'd created before. It had played at about 2/3 speed normally, but with frameskipping enabled seemed to only display about 2 frames every second. 11.38.02 # bluebrother, nice to see you use the action codes. 11.38.23 # linuxstb: I think q6 would be appropriate, even though q8 doesn't produce artefacts 11.38.29 Quit dj-fu (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 11.38.40 # * JdGordon can crash the sim on command :D 11.39.00 # Paul_The_Nerd: That sounds about right. Decoding and displaying at about 2/3 speed probably means it is decoding only at around 100% full speed - so it can only keep that speed up by displaying one or two frames per second. 11.39.19 # tucoz, if we get the stuff with the stop button I mentioned yesterday more consistent that would work even better. I like the action codes 11.39.24 Join dj-fu [0] (n=deejay@202-89-159-69.ubs.qsi.net.nz) 11.39.29 # linuxstb: Okay then. 11.39.43 # bluebrother, yes. That was indeed a good idea. Wonder why it isn't so already. 11.40.14 # linuxstb: Are you going to do lcd_yuv_blit in asm for ipod? 11.40.21 # maybe someone should split up the quick exit patch and create on for the exit with mode, one for play to wps and one for stop to stop playback ;-) 11.40.44 # amiconn: I will do if no-one else does, but I would prefer to concentrate on the higher-level parts of mpegplayer. 11.41.13 # isn't there a way to start a new search when viewing a task? I can only use the "my last search" link which is a bit ... complicated. 11.41.23 # Should be possible to get the thing really efficient for arm 11.42.25 # Should it use the same approach as your h300 implementation? 11.42.45 Join peppo [0] (n=slumpmas@h218n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com) 11.42.55 # "2.2.2. installing th bootloader 11.43.02 # To do: Complete this section for Iaudio platforms." 11.43.03 # :/ 11.43.20 # peppo, I think that is available in the wiki though 11.43.53 # peppo: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IaudioBoot 11.44.00 # just found it 11.44.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.44.43 # linuxstb: what does the mpeg2_skip function do? 11.45.40 Quit shadou (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 11.46.28 # hmm, cvs up -dPC doesn't seem to work recursively for me. Did I miss a switch? 11.47.02 # scorche: Go back to your problem post. 11.47.22 # markun: No idea - I haven't yet ventured inside libmpeg2. 11.47.27 # linuxstb, what is the correct way of saying this. "...so this is and will not be possible." or "...so this is not and will not be possible."? 11.47.56 # is not and will not 11.48.01 # ok, thanks 11.48.04 # * linuxstb nods 11.48.08 # Assuming you mean "not now" as well as "not ever" 11.48.15 # Yes, exactly 11.49.14 # Paul_The_Nerd: nice!....and it is a feature request...not a problem post =P 11.49.25 # linuxstb: In fact I could try to implement the thing, but I can't test. 11.49.44 # linuxstb: What's this strange 64000 pixel limit in lcd-ipod.c? 11.49.52 # scorche: I meant the post that you deemed problematic. ;) 11.50.51 # amiconn: It seems that you can only write that number of pixels at once. I'm pretty sure I tried sending more data than 64000 bytes when first porting the driver from IPL, and it didn't work. 11.52.12 # in brittish english, is it customiZe or customiSe? 11.52.25 # S 11.52.30 # thanks 11.52.36 # in pretty sure 11.52.46 # americans changed the s to z everywhere 11.54.01 # americanz... 11.54.15 # lol 11.54.19 # so the brittish write Sebra right? ;) 11.54.39 # no.... 11.54.44 # weirdo... 11.54.45 # just kidding 11.54.53 # It's also British... 11.54.53 # i could give ipod lcd_yuv_blit a shot 11.54.58 # but don't know if i'll have time today, at least 11.55.49 # I can't find the "Tag Cache" menu described i the iaudio x5 manual. 11.56.21 # Have you searched for "Tag Cache" or "TagCache"? 11.56.50 # I'm lookingt at topic 3.3 right here 11.56.52 # it's in the player. 11.57.57 Join rconan [0] (n=richard@ 11.58.02 # all I can do is browse files and change shuffle/repeat 11.59.33 # peppo: and what is it you want to do? 11.59.34 # peppo, there's a section in the "getting started" chapter. 12.00.08 # markun, enable tag cache 12.00.53 # ah, Rec goes into main menu 12.03.24 Join Mmmm [0] (n=mscarrat@cpc1-hem13-0-0-cust291.lutn.cable.ntl.com) 12.04.13 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host226-156.pool8250.interbusiness.it) 12.04.45 # linuxstb: Is it really 64000, or in fact 65535? 12.05.26 # still can't find Tag Cache menu 12.05.28 Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust472.winn.cable.ntl.com) 12.06.01 # there. 12.06.41 Quit Crackerizer ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 12.07.33 # peppo, what menu you are searching? Tagcache is a file view. 12.07.34 # amiconn: I'll check... 12.07.52 # peppo: general settings -> file view -> tag cache 12.08.00 # yeah, I found it. 12.08.03 Join nobosuke [0] (n=c3911624@labb.contactor.se) 12.08.06 # thankds 12.08.24 # the view is still called "id3 database" 12.08.31 # should be changed imo. 12.08.35 # bluebrother, you can see what you think. http://www.ii.uib.no/~martina/quickstart.diff . The playlist reference doesn't work somehow, even though it is labeled. 12.08.53 Quit nobosuke (Client Quit) 12.09.01 # my menus almost work!! :D 12.09.01 Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) 12.10.29 # just have to fix lang pointer problems and it should be good to go! 12.10.53 Join PaulJam_ [0] (n=pauljam@p54BCF4EA.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.11.12 Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-183-11.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 12.11.18 # how do i get a char* from a LANG_? 12.11.48 # linuxstb: While at it, could you perhaps run test_fps on your 4g color? 12.11.54 # tucoz, looks good to me. 12.12.00 # amiconn: Sure. 12.12.31 # Can someone help me with icons? what does "{ 0x60, 0x7f, 0x03, 0x33, 0x3f, 0x00 }, /* Musical note */" mean in icon.c? Is this pointing to an icon somewhere or is this the icon? 12.13.24 # That's the icon. 12.13.26 # Mmmm, afaik it's the icon itself 12.13.44 # ah right...how on earth do you make an icon then? 12.14.04 # viewers.config has similar entries for the icons. 12.14.07 # is each one a pixel? 12.14.09 # decode that to binary i guess 12.14.18 # yes 12.14.35 Quit pondlife ("byebye") 12.14.42 # yes to which? 12.14.46 # Mmmm: Each number is a column of 8 pixels - that icon is 6 pixels wide, by 8 high. 12.15.02 # (actually 5 pixels wide - the 6th column is empty) 12.15.59 # ok , so to see it would I have to decode to binary as dionea said? 12.16.12 # IIRC, 0x01 means the top pixel in the column is set, 0x02 means the second to top, 0x04 means the third to top etc. Add them up to get the value for the column. 12.16.14 # and to create one, do the opposit? 12.16.45 # oh right...thanks...I'll give it a go... should be fun! :D 12.17.02 # Or you can just save a 6x8 .bmp file and use the bmp2rb program... 12.17.29 # LOL... yep, that sounds a lot easier :D 12.17.37 # tools/bmp2rb -f 0 myicon.bmp 12.17.49 # That will display those numbers on the screen. 12.18.10 # thanks linuxstb 12.18.15 # amiconn: how many fps does h300 do these days? 12.19.13 # 2 12.19.19 # .333333 12.19.59 # preglow: Depends a lot on the video size & complexity. 12.20.33 # amiconn: I changed 64000 to 0x10000 and it works fine. 12.20.35 # amiconn: i'm thinking pure test_fps 12.21.21 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/LcdFrameRate 12.21.24 # test_fps on my ipod Color (I'll add them to the wiki page as well): Unboosted (30MHz) gives 19.5fps and 75.5fps 12.21.49 # It seems that operation feels smooth if we reach ~60fps 12.22.17 # unboosted nano gives 80 fps 12.22.25 # Boosted (75MHz) gives 48.5fps and 188.5fps 12.22.52 # The fullscreen number is the more important one 12.23.29 # what size is the photo lcd, again? 12.24.27 # 220x176 - same as h300 12.24.47 Quit PaulJam (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 12.25.01 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 12.25.42 # Regarding this task, what and for what targets should I do this. http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5862 12.26.00 # w00t ... menus working perfectly :D 12.26.14 # weird 12.26.22 # i wonder why it's so much slower than nano, then 12.26.52 # tucoz, I guess all targets with HAVE_RECORDING 12.26.59 # ok 12.27.14 # even the hw recorders? 12.27.38 # I have no idea but I think it wouldn't hurt. 12.27.42 # oki 12.28.03 # so maybe we get users that respond "the manual says, but it actually _is_ working" ;-) 12.28.18 # hmm 12.28.19 # this reminds me 12.28.34 # the recording section of the manual has options that iriver targets don't have 12.29.58 # btw, tucoz, what are you thinking about the bold font for the buttons I used in yesterdays pdf? 12.30.28 # ah. I like it. We should add some other font in the Key Action header to the tables though 12.30.41 # Small caps perhaps :) 12.30.50 # maybe slanted is good there. 12.30.52 # bold small caps that is 12.30.56 # or that 12.31.20 # preglow, care to tell me what options those are? 12.31.37 # I'll try using a new macro for the buttons so we can change the face more easily. 12.32.32 # i wonder if file split and prerecord work 12.34.08 # at least file split works, iirc 12.34.48 # I'm trying prerecord right now. 12.35.28 # * JdGordon is gonna need lots of preproccesor magic for this to be workable :'( 12.35.52 # nooooo 12.35.56 # * preglow hates preprocessor magic 12.35.57 # prerecording seems to work. 12.36.05 # So, why do the peakmeters freeze while the hard disk spins up? 12.36.25 # (when starting a recording) 12.36.29 # at least for the few seconds I tried 12.37.01 # seems someone's cleaned it up 12.37.06 # the screenshot is wrong on h1x0, i see 12.37.15 # and "time split" should be "file split" now 12.37.19 # 1 more compiler warning to kill :D 12.37.24 # ok 12.37.54 # i got a sudden urge to implement sample rate and channels on iriver now 12.38.40 # doubt i'll make anything of it 12.38.58 # tucoz: because write() blocks, and the peak metering is done in the same thread 12.39.17 # not very elegant :/ 12.39.35 # LinusN, ok. so for a non teckie, what do you think of this? \note{When you start a recording, the hard disk will spin up. This will cause the peak meters to freeze in the process. This is perfectly normal, as this is done as a safety measure to preserve recording quality during the spin up} 12.39.56 # well, it's a lie, but otherwise ok :P 12.40.03 # except for the fact that the last sentence is untrue 12.40.07 # hehe 12.40.18 # but how should we explain it then? 12.40.25 # just explain that it happens 12.40.32 # "because we are lame and lazy" 12.40.34 # the why of it is probably laziness 12.40.39 # and that doesn't need to be in a manual 12.40.42 # Hehehe 12.40.43 # the gui thread blocks while waiting the disk to spin up ? :) 12.40.54 # it is in fact the recording thread 12.41.02 # oh, okay:) 12.41.08 # I don't want to mention threads in the manual 12.41.09 Quit San||Away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.41.17 # ok 12.41.23 # nor should you 12.41.24 # "the interface blocks while ..." 12.41.28 # the gui thread runs fine, but the peak monitoring stops during the disk access 12.41.31 # just mention that peak meters freezing is normal 12.41.34 # and nothing to worry about 12.41.50 Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-183-11.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 12.41.53 # tucoz: put in in a "TODO:" list :D 12.42.06 # :) 12.42.22 # tucoz: and it's not only when you start recording 12.42.22 Quit San||Away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.42.22 # s/in in/it in 12.42.43 Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.42.43 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 12.42.47 # but it is unfortunate, since it affects the AGC 12.42.48 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp139-172.adsl.forthnet.gr) 12.43.13 # woot.... no more warnings.. and it works correclty :D 12.43.15 # Can AGC just disable itself during that period? 12.43.34 # Ok: When you start a recording, the hard disk will spin up. This will cause the peak meters to freeze in the process. This is expected behaviour, and nothing to worry about. Recording quality is preserved during the spin up. 12.43.52 Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-183-11.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 12.44.11 # tucoz: this probably is a lie too :D 12.44.14 # heeh 12.44.33 # "recording continues during the spin up" ? :P 12.44.35 # I am just trying to close this task: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5862 12.44.53 # I believe the quality is preserved in digital, and is *very* minimally altered during analog recording? 12.44.58 # * Paul_The_Nerd seems to remember Petur talking about this. 12.45.01 Quit San||Away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.45.30 # eh? 12.45.40 # the comment states that the quality is preserved 12.46.00 # Bg3r, yeah. I'll think I just write that instead 12.46.01 # tucoz: Yeah, I was just BSing to keep him happy. I'm moderately sure it is, mostly, in most cases. ;) 12.46.20 # petur: Recording. Disk spinup. Peakmeters drop. How's the file quality at that point? 12.46.20 Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-183-11.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 12.46.32 # not related 12.46.34 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nico404@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) 12.46.46 # Paul_The_Nerd, you are known with many aliases ;) I thought that was someone else, although the real name rang a bell. 12.46.47 # I seem to recall something being said about Digital being fine, and analog having a small glitch that was unavoidable, or was there some other thing that caused that? 12.47.13 # AFAIK Rockbox recording can be glithcless 12.47.15 Quit San||Away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.47.28 # Oh, wait 12.47.31 # or many users have reported sp 12.47.32 # so 12.47.32 # It was the gain changes, wasn't it? 12.47.40 # The gain changes caused a very small problem? 12.47.52 # * Paul_The_Nerd is having a hard time remembering what he read. 12.47.54 # amiconn: Some more 4:3 encodings are in http://download.rockbox.org/mpeg/ now - I'm encoding the missing -q6 16:9 files now. 12.48.23 Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-183-11.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 12.48.36 # peaks are monitored while samples are being changed to be ready for disk write. The same function sees the buffer is full and starts writing. Hence, no peakmeter updates. Buffering continues as normal so no quality issue. I agree the AGC could go nuts if the last peak triggers AGC correction. eow... 12.48.51 # Time split is now known as File Split? 12.49.26 # linuxstb: wouldn't it be a good idea to upload videos with reduced framerates ? 12.50.24 # petur: So, disable AGC before spinning up the disk, and enable it after, and call it a "feature" of AGC that it doesn't go nuts? 12.50.51 # Is the peak freeze affecting the ondios as well? 12.51.13 # bah 12.51.39 # bbl 12.51.53 # OR someone clever rewrite the recording to use another thread :> 12.52.28 # Anyone? Is the peak freeze noticable on a flash based rockbox? 12.53.02 # Nico_P: Yes, I've been thinking about that - maybe some 12fps files. 12.55.52 # that would be good 12.55.52 Quit San||Away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.55.57 Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-183-11.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 12.56.38 Quit dj-fu ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 12.56.38 Quit San||Away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.56.38 # Nico_P: What resolution do you want to test - I'll do that first. 12.58.40 # hm 12.58.45 # tucoz: s/Recording is continiued/The recording continues/ 12.58.45 Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-183-11.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 12.58.49 # tucoz: The peak freeze while recording only affects swcodec targets. Hwcodec handles the whole recording in a different way 12.58.56 Quit San||Away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.59.12 # ok :) thanks for the feedback 12.59.40 # hm, i can add additional precision in the arm eq loop at a cost of three cycles per sample 12.59.54 # but i guess it's already slow enough 13.00.01 # Just what we need, unoptimisations.... :) 13.00.01 Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-183-11.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 13.00.10 # is the low precision noticeable? 13.00.11 Quit San||Away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.00.29 # LinusN: i very much doubt it 13.00.31 # On irritation with the whole "Folder names" at the top is that if you enter an empty folder, it kinda looks like it has one item in it, especially if you enter it from the root. 13.00.37 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-150-098.pools.arcor-ip.net) 13.00.45 # LinusN: the most imprecise filters, the shelving ones, discard a total of eight bits 13.00.58 # which leaves us with twenty bits of precision 13.01.04 # the title really needs to have a different look 13.01.09 Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-183-11.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 13.01.23 # preglow: 20 bits is still quite ok imho 13.01.23 Quit San||Away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.01.27 # I think also that in the Root there should still be a title 13.01.33 # LinusN: yeah, i agree 13.01.36 # Paul_The_Nerd: i agree 13.01.56 Join Crackerizer [0] (n=3d5a9b0f@labb.contactor.se) 13.02.14 # I guess the issue of the peakmeters will change when the recording codec thing is implemented 13.02.20 Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-183-11.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 13.02.25 # Paul_The_Nerd: i've been thinking about the ui coloring 13.02.32 # LinusN: 21 bits, actually, with the sign, so i don't think there's a crisis 13.02.43 # i believe we should have several colors, a color scheme 13.02.43 Quit San||Away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.03.03 # What is the first player rockbox made for? 13.03.06 # A color scheme like how? 13.03.07 # where you set the colors for the status bar items, the menu title, the scroll bar, cursor etc 13.03.11 # LinusN: I also thought about different (background) colours for status bar & title. 13.03.24 # This stuff will become easier with viewports... :/ 13.03.36 # and perhaps a 3d look, where you set the base, shine and shadow colors 13.03.44 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ 13.04.17 # wps-ify the status bar! 13.04.18 Join San||Away [0] (n=San@213-202-183-11.bas504.dsl.esat.net) 13.04.25 # /kick JdGordon 13.04.30 # lol 13.04.31 Quit San||Away (Client Quit) 13.04.41 # well, there is the old patch by paprika 13.05.03 # I was about to bring that up 13.05.06 # can I get you to quickly look at the dev ml re the menu reworking? 13.05.20 # Imho an important thing to do is porting all screens/widgets to work with variable font height & proportional fonts 13.05.23 # you == all... quickly == please :p 13.05.37 # :-P 13.05.42 # Then several other enhancements will become possible 13.05.50 # That is a _very_ important thing 13.06.10 # JdGordon: i have read the entire thread, but i'd like to see a working example 13.06.27 # ive just replied with a working exmaple 13.06.34 Join shadowrazor [0] (n=jdb@119.176-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) 13.06.38 # i need to know if that is workable.. 13.06.47 Quit ShadowdogMU ("You know you'll miss me :P") 13.06.57 Join pike^laptop [0] (i=amiga@c83-249-120-24.bredband.comhem.se) 13.06.58 # JdGordon: aha, i'll wait for that mail then 13.07.13 # not sent yet? damn... i sent it about 5 min ago 13.08.07 # * Paul_The_Nerd got it. 13.08.09 # got it here 13.08.33 # It doesn't look like it has an attachment though 13.09.11 # doh.. ok, replied again with the diff 13.09.14 # thanks PaulJam_ 13.09.19 # wrong Paul 13.09.28 Join ShadowdogMU [0] (n=Brock@cpe-65-28-252-205.woh.res.rr.com) 13.10.08 # say 'Yes Paul' :) 13.10.14 # Bagder: Could you change the file tree display on download.rockbox.org to also display the file date/time? That'd help avoiding unnecessary re-downloads.. 13.10.15 # JdGordon: if it makes it complicated to add an option, then what problem does your code actually solve? 13.10.31 # * petur tries to remember what funny show that came from 13.10.58 # LinusN: hopefully code size.. and it could be easier to add an option.. especially if some pp magic can be used... 13.11.10 Quit scorche (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.11.26 # hehe, perhaps it shouldn't be easy to add an option, to keep the option bloat down :-) 13.11.26 Quit Crackerizer ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 13.12.31 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.12.36 Quit Kitar|st (Connection timed out) 13.12.55 Join Kitar|st [0] (i=Kitarist@BSN-210-232-36.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) 13.13.09 # speking of option bloat, i find the settings menu by AM quite funny 13.13.30 # funny how? 13.13.38 # it introduces a whole new set of settings, just to set up how the settings menu works 13.13.47 # ah, yes 13.13.51 # settings to control the settings 13.13.57 # heh 13.14.04 # *that* is bloat 13.14.05 # Do we need a setting to configure the settings that configure the settings... or what? 13.14.16 # :-) 13.14.32 # no, those would configure themselves 13.14.44 # Just let people edit a .cfg file with the text editor - remove all that settings code completely. 13.14.48 Join Brock [0] (n=Brock@cpe-65-28-252-205.woh.res.rr.com) 13.14.57 # Hah, auto-configuring rockbox would solve the option bloat ;) 13.15.07 # LinusN: that rips 15k off the code right there... 13.15.11 # linuxstb: why not try 224x176... H300 and ipod photo fullscreen 13.15.46 # (sorry for the delay, was gone to have lunch) 13.15.54 # JdGordon: 15K!? What target? 13.16.05 # iriver... 13.16.10 # i tihnk it was about that 13.16.14 # i checked it ages ago 13.16.19 # Rockbox could have a wizard. The first time you boot, or any time the settings block is reset, it asks you a series of questions that you answer about how you prefer to use your player "Do you skip alot? Do you browse, or tend to listen to full playlists?" etc... :-P 13.16.28 # might have been closer to 9K.. cant really remeber :p 13.19.07 # Nico_P: OK. I'm just encoding the final 24fps file now, then I'll start on a set of full-screen 12fps files. 13.19.24 Join Sacro [0] (n=ben@adsl-83-100-209-136.karoo.KCOM.COM) 13.19.41 # afternoon all, is there a way to remove RockBox, cos i kinda need to RMA my H340 13.19.43 Join lightyear [0] (n=lightyea@p54874EE9.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.20.07 # * petur shoots Paul 'the wizard' The nerd 13.20.15 # petur: Uhwha? 13.20.27 # Sacro: scrape if off the disk with an xacto knife 13.20.30 # Sacro: just download te iriver firmware and reflash that 13.20.42 # Sacro: Depends on why your H340 needs RMA'd. You can delete the rockbox folders and files, and then boot into the normal firmware and "Upgrade" to a non-modified version 13.20.50 # Paul_The_Nerd: about your settings wizard 13.20.52 # Sacro, boot rockbox and press rec after a second to wipe the settings sector 13.20.57 # JdGordon: hmm, now, its getting RMA'd because the USB2 port doesnt work :) 13.21.07 # then your boned :p 13.21.07 # petur: Ah. Yes. It is a terrifying idea, but the iPod users would love it. :-P 13.21.19 # JdGordon: Can't he use the USB1.1 port? 13.21.21 # tucoz: does that work? 13.21.42 # cos the website says "no modifications, eg rockbox" 13.22.02 # it says that on the iriver site? 13.22.22 # Yeah, Rockbox has specifically mentioned us in their service policy I heard. 13.22.28 # Err iRiver has, rather 13.22.31 # lol 13.22.50 # warrenty is void if "if the player is opened, repaired, modified or altered by third parties e.g. Rockbox, unless such repair, modification or alteration is expressly authorized in writing by iriver;" 13.23.13 # Sacro, yes. But if you. 1) Flash an official iriver fw 2) delete all rockbox files and folders. (.rockbox, rockbox.iriver). it should be gone. 13.23.37 # tucoz: yes, unless they get around to going an undelete :( damn insecure fat32 13.23.49 # Sacro: do what Paul_The_Nerd suggested.. try the other usb port.. 13.24.01 # http://www.iriver.eu.com/rma_warranty.html?&L= 13.24.34 # * Paul_The_Nerd wonders how to get written permission to install Rockbox. 13.24.38 # is anyone using the iAudio X5 AND the remote? I'm getting a very unclear image on the remote's LCD. I've tried adjusting contrast but virtually no effect. 13.24.54 # I think someone said that irivernordic suggested Rockbox as an alternative. 13.25.04 # Paul_The_Nerd: but its host only 13.25.26 # rockbox is soooooo much nicer 13.25.37 # Sacro: can you open it and get the hdd out so u can copy a h300.hex onto it another way? 13.25.52 # JdGordon: that was on my mind 13.26.15 # its only 4 screws, but what are the hard drives like for removing 13.26.20 # Nico_P: Seems my mpeg2 encoder only supports the official framerates - so it refuses to encode to anything under 24000/1001 fps... 13.26.28 # * petur discovers iriver still sells h3x0 players on its site 13.26.30 # * JdGordon wonders if we should put a "self-destruct" option into the iriver bootloaders to stop this problem 13.26.44 # Sacro: the hdd is easy to get out 13.26.48 # JdGordon: not a bad idea, really 13.26.54 # Sacro: it's modified by you, not by rockbox, and you're not a 3rd party 13.27.00 # Sacro: I thought the 1.1 port could also be slave. 13.27.01 # but you need something that can take a 1.8" disk.. its hard to find an adaptor 13.27.10 # Mikachu: hmmm....thats actually true 13.27.26 # isnt that laptop sized? 13.27.37 # no 13.27.42 # 1 size smaller 13.27.49 # when i plug it into slave, rockbox doesnt mention it 13.27.59 # JdGordon: i should add a feature in the boot loader to remove the bootloader and restore the flash 13.28.00 # neither does dmesg 13.28.01 # can't you just copy the h300.hex to an usb stick and copy it to the player via the usb otg feature? 13.28.06 # http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817201005&ATT=17-201-005&CMP=OTC-Froogle 13.28.13 # LinusN: well i was kinda hoping that'd been done :) 13.28.32 # Sacro: But you haven't tried the original firmware? 13.28.43 # Rockbox has no support at all for the second USB port yet. 13.28.57 # LinusN: they arnt going to actually check the rOM so it would just be simple like jumping to the OF code before starting yeah? 13.29.10 # I know that on the US model the second port can be used to access the drive, since that's how you sync for DRMed music if I recal 13.29.11 # recall 13.29.44 Quit ShadowdogMU (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.29.49 # JdGordon: The easiest solution would be to remove the text output in the "Final" bootloader so it seems to just boot the OF like normal if the Rockbox files aren't present. 13.29.50 # yes, but that USB port is handled purely in software 13.30.03 # petur: Yes, which means if he's in the original firmware it should work, right? 13.30.19 # Which at the *very* least means he can put an h300.hex on a compact flash card, hook it up with a reader, and copy it over, no? 13.30.33 # Currently, only 1 or 2 FATs are supported, not 191....hmm 13.30.36 # not if the usb chip is the cause of his problems... 13.30.36 # Or 13.30.44 # Paul_The_Nerd: yes 13.30.52 # JdGordon: I thought the two were separate controllers. 13.30.53 # that would be a way 13.31.19 # i think its the socket, rather than the chip 13.31.19 # i thought they were both on the 1 chip 13.31.25 # no 13.31.30 # if i hold it in the base in a certain way, it works 13.31.39 # the second port is on the isp1362 13.31.39 # oh, then your fine 13.31.47 # oh ok 13.31.52 # Sacro: Either way, all you need is to figure out a way to get h300.hex over. 13.32.01 # An unmodified one. 13.32.06 # lol 13.32.18 # and delete /.rockbox and rockbox.iriver.. 13.32.23 # Sacro: then you should be able to at least transfer the .hex file to the player 13.32.28 # JdGordon: Yeah, but those can be done from within Rockbox before rebooting. 13.32.32 # can you delete files and folders from the iriver fw? 13.32.39 # So the connection only needs to last long enough to get one file over. 13.32.39 # hmm, i could put it on the cf on my mums camera, and then host it over 13.32.54 # tucoz: not sure] 13.32.54 # Sacro: clever 13.33.21 # * Sacro first attempts the blue-tac fix 13.36.12 # tucoz: the iriver fw also has a browser that alows copy/delete stuff. And then there's the ability to format the disk 13.36.29 # I bet that would do it. ;) 13.36.50 # but i dont really want to remove all the music on it 13.37.16 # I thought you were going to RMA it 13.37.59 # yes, but they shouldnt touch the hard drive to repalir the USB 13.38.12 # I wouldn't count on that 13.38.23 # wise people have backups (lots of them) 13.38.54 # and i dont :( 13.39.02 # ouch 13.39.15 # well...hmm 13.39.24 # did you rule out the fact that the cable could be bad? 13.39.24 # i have a fair bit in various places 13.39.32 # yes, tried the one for my mums camera 13.39.36 # ok 13.39.40 # and tried various socketes and pcs 13.44.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.44.18 Part Paul_The_Nerd 13.45.44 # OK, the full set of Elephants Dream movies at 24fps for all players is now available - I've also added a table of download links from the PluginMpegplayer wiki page. 13.46.41 Join wehn [0] (n=wehn@ppp103-228.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net) 13.47.00 # * LinusN reads bad chuck norris jokes 13.47.05 # ahhh blue tac, fixes all 13.48.34 # but can only read :( 13.48.45 Quit ismo (Remote closed the connection) 13.48.54 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@ 13.49.22 # * Sacro runs dosfsk 13.50.32 Quit rconan ("Leaving") 13.50.57 # linuxstb: btw, why is the resolution of one of the videos 224x176? i thought the resolution of the h300 and ipod photo is 220x176. 13.52.22 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@ 13.54.07 Join ismo [0] (i=laitinei@huippu.net) 13.54.21 # /.rockbox/wps/ipodVOL/ <- err...i dont have an ipod 13.54.57 # Sacro: it's an ipod lookalike theme 13.55.31 # LinusN: ah right 13.55.40 # well hopefully when dosfsck is done, i can mount rw 13.57.00 Join keilj [0] (n=jimmykei@203-59-83-31.dyn.iinet.net.au) 13.57.22 # hmm..,. the sound settings stuff being in firmware/ is gonna be annoying 13.57.28 # :D it works 13.57.50 Part keilj 13.57.52 # PaulJam_: MPEG encodes in 16x16 blocks. 13.58.26 # linuxstb: ok, i didn't know that. 14.00.22 # next time i should read the wiki pages before asking stupid questions. 14.00.49 Quit Sacro ("Leaving") 14.01.08 # haha, firefox warns me about an unresponsive script on the map pag 14.01.14 Quit daurnimator (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.01.23 # Mikachu: same here 14.02.41 # ooh, i have company in lund now 14.04.51 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 14.09.25 # any iAudio X5 users here? 14.11.11 Quit MarcoPolo ("Bye !") 14.12.11 # peppo: a few, i guess 14.12.39 Quit barrywardell () 14.12.58 Quit lightyear (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.13.07 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) 14.13.23 # [ot] http://www.engadget.com/2006/08/23/14-year-old-girl-sues-friend-over-missing-ipod 14.13.51 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@ 14.14.07 # linuxstb: I've just posted a patch to FS#5755 that may interest you... 14.14.29 Join lightyear [0] (n=lightyea@p54874EE9.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.15.52 # peppo: you joined the channel only to ask if there are x5 users here? 14.16.18 # LinusN, no. I want to know if anyone else is having issues with their remotes' LCD displays 14.16.30 # what kind of issues? 14.16.50 # very dark and unreadable 14.17.01 # Mikachu: nice link :) 14.17.19 # peppo: even when using the original firmware? 14.17.19 # it's like a dark background behind the text 14.17.34 # no. 14.17.46 # are you running a plain rockbox build, or a patched one? 14.17.52 # dan_a: I'll try it out later today, thanks. 14.18.03 # LinusN, plain, daily 060824 14.18.17 # amiconn: Do you think that there is room for more optimisations on video for coldfire targets? 14.18.43 # LinusN: Is the problem with the splash messages solved on X5 remotes? 14.18.44 # Genre9mp3: the decoder can be optimized 14.18.49 # when I go into "Contrast", and change that value, the dark background disappears 14.18.57 # but when I go back, the dark background returns 14.19.14 # Genre9mp3: No-one has looked at the decoder itself yet - just the code that displays the decoded video (and converts from YUV to RGB) 14.19.29 # now it is normal, after doing an operation with the remote. weird. 14.19.32 # known issue? 14.19.47 # The decoder as it is by now is optimised only for ARM cpus? 14.19.54 # peppo: when you go back, do you use the Left button or press the joystick? 14.20.04 # No, it's just plain C - no optimisations for any targets. 14.20.15 # LinusN, can't recall 14.20.25 # ugh, it crashed. 14.20.28 # Genre9mp3: what splash problem? 14.21.24 # Genre9mp3: (sorry, I forgot that there is one optimisation amiconn did in the decoder itself (both ARM and Coldfire), but that's just scratching the surface) 14.21.38 Join Febs [0] (n=medifebb@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) 14.22.00 # peppo: when you boot rockbox, hold the Rec button right after starting, that will reset the settings to their default values 14.22.19 # LinusN: http://users.teilam.gr/~yngwiejo/X5sim.png 14.22.32 # * LinusN spots a nice ipod COP patch in the tracker 14.22.44 # LinusN, ok 14.23.05 # Genre9mp3: you mean the dark colors? 14.23.07 # LinusN: the one dan_a referred to 10 minutes ago? 14.23.11 # linuxstb: OK... so there is still hope... 14.23.15 # LinusN: yes 14.23.18 # Mikachu: must have missed that 14.23.32 # Genre9mp3: As I said, work's only just beginning... 14.23.52 Quit MarcoPolo (Remote closed the connection) 14.24.52 # peppo: nowadays, when you change a setting, you must confirm it by pushing the joystick, and not just leave the menu with Left 14.25.53 # does Shuffle+Repeat all (for multiple subdirs) always play TWO files in each dir even though it should be Shuffle? 14.25.57 # why 14.26.00 # was what I meant 14.26.17 # dan_a: Do you think you'll need to change the bootloader code any more? If not, we should build new versions and advise everyone to upgrade (lots of fun...) 14.26.26 # there's something fishy with Shuffle :/ 14.26.37 # LinusN: 21.54.32 # LCD_LIGHTGRAY - ouch! LCD_LIGTGRAY != LCD_REMOTE_LIGHTGRAY 14.27.46 # because of the way the sound settings are handled they are gonna be a PITA to make work.. but the rest fo the settings i dont tihnk will be as bad... 14.27.54 # peppo: shuffle+repeat all only repeats the current directory 14.27.55 # * JdGordon tinhking aloud 14.28.15 # well, I have it in a mode where it doesn't 14.28.16 # whatever that is 14.28.21 # but the random function is highly unrandom 14.28.33 # peppo: i very much doubt that 14.28.40 # it likes to stay in a subfolder for a few songs before moving back in the upper hierarchy 14.29.35 Quit petur (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.29.41 # peppo: how do you do when you start playback of the directory tree? 14.30.37 # peppo: when playing a directory tree, rockbox creates a playlist of the entire tree, and then shuffles it 14.31.16 # well, now I have no idea how I did it 14.31.23 # but I got it to repeat all of my folders 14.31.58 # I pressed play with "MUSIC" selected, but it continued to play the old folder 14.32.40 # pressing Play only resumes the playback 14.33.03 # is it necessary to create a playlist for it to play back a directory tree? 14.33.12 # * Bagder whispers maaaaanuuuaaalllll 14.33.18 # peppo: i suggest you read the manual 14.33.22 # ok 14.33.44 # peppo: so how is you remote contrast now? 14.33.56 # it fixed itself 14.33.57 # peppo: http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-iaudiox5/rockbox-buildch3.html#x5-200003.2 14.35.24 Quit _Veseliq_ ("www.ModReactor.com www.ModReactor.com www.ModReactor.com www.ModReactor.com www.ModReactor.com") 14.35.25 # linuxstb: The bootloader code won't need changing any more, no. But I did want to experiment with the idea that someone proposed of trying to get control of the COP using an interrupt. 14.36.19 Join lodesi [0] (n=lds@d04m-213-44-49-129.d4.club-internet.fr) 14.37.14 # (which would mean no need to change the bootloader) 14.38.00 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 14.40.03 # so, it doesn't allow playing a toplevel folder. 14.40.10 # yes it does 14.40.22 # reading the manual I cannot understand how. 14.41.23 # first, enable the "recursively insert directories" option in the playlist options 14.41.38 # does this apply even though I don't use playlists? 14.41.48 # just select the first track in the top folder and it will play all files in that folder 14.41.49 # then hold the joystick on the MUSIC folder 14.41.58 # peppo: rockbox always uses playlists 14.42.15 # and select "Playlist->Insert" 14.42.34 # peppo: when playing a folder, rockbox creates a playlist dynamically 14.42.35 # when I go to Insert I get a blank screen 14.43.17 # okay, I had to have it selected beforehand 14.43.19 # that was confusing 14.44.14 # confusing in what way? 14.44.34 # if no music-containing folder was selected the user is shown a blank screen 14.44.53 # yes 14.44.58 # since there's nothing to show 14.45.17 # okay, it added some 1939 tracks 14.45.34 Quit wehn () 14.45.44 # Hnmm, Sacro is gone 14.46.02 # Might it be worth showing "../" or "Go back up a level" instead of a blank screen? 14.46.04 # does one need to force Shuffle when using playlists? 14.46.12 # I had an idea how to remove rockbox without having USB access, but the USB host port still working... 14.46.35 # dan_a: yes, lots of people get confused (but it can't say that on the root level) 14.47.20 # I mean lots of ipod users have booted into the main file browser and then asked about their "empty" screen 14.47.45 # Aah, of course. 14.47.56 # (1) Put an unmodified .hex file onto another USB mass storage device (USB stick, whatever), (2) Boot the iriver firmware, connect the USB stick, and copy the .hex over via USB host. (3) Flash the .hex with the firmware upgrade functio. (4) Use the disk format option in the iriver firmware 14.48.00 # why not just foce the title "Nothing to show" in that case? 14.48.16 # I'm not sure that would help 14.48.29 # but then I don't understand users 14.48.43 # amiconn: we got that far already 14.48.49 # make that "humans" ;-) 14.48.57 # amiconn: i think he wrote that he did it that way (using his mothers camera) 14.49.32 # Is a user necessarily a human? 14.49.46 # I think most of our users view themselves as humans 14.49.49 # Which view would you be in to see a blank screen? Could we do something like "Some files hidden - press ACTION_QUICK_MENU to change this" 14.50.14 # dan_a: an empty directory, for example 14.50.19 # That doesn't make them humans though! :P 14.50.33 Quit shadowrazor ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") 14.50.42 # * amiconn should read the whole backlog first 14.50.43 # getting philosophical now I see 14.50.43 # LinusN: But then "Go back up a level" would help! 14.51.13 # dan_a: not if the root level is empty 14.51.19 # i think we have a task for a rockbox wannabe coder - add a display when the directory is empty 14.51.29 # * dan_a has only really been looking at the debug screen for the last month 14.52.28 # or add . and .. entries :) 14.52.47 # petur: . might even be useful 14.52.50 # petur: not a bad idea, but the "." entry seems rather pointless 14.52.52 # as if these users would understand ".." 14.53.05 # Bagder: :-) 14.53.20 # LinusN: if you are in the root of your player and you want to add all the sub dirs to the playlist 14.53.35 # would a ".." entry at the root level make sense? 14.53.49 # I would like much better than 'no files' 14.53.51 # PaulJam_: yeah, it takes you to the WPS :-) :-) 14.53.54 # tucoz: still around? I got something for you again... 14.53.59 # PaulJam_: some people would like it to 'back' to the WPS :) 14.54.12 # argh 14.54.13 # pixelma, I am 14.54.24 # So the root folder is located in the WPS? :P 14.54.47 Part peppo ("part") 14.55.01 # in the rockbox universe, the wps is the beginning and the end. 14.55.17 # or the beggining of the end! 14.55.44 # this begging must end 14.59.57 Join Krono6 [0] (n=chatzill@host-84-9-109-72.bulldogdsl.com) 15.00.28 # hi everyone 15.01.17 # just installed iPL with the Boot Loader yesterday, no problems at-all (except this one). I put Rockbox on there and, well, I can't get Doom to work 15.01.52 # did you read the wiki page? 15.02.00 # yep, no luck 15.02.08 # you have the rockdoom.wad and a game wad? 15.02.26 # Rockdoom.wad? >.< 15.02.30 Join peppo [0] (n=slumpmas@h218n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com) 15.02.36 # is anyone else having problems reaching cowonamerica.com? 15.02.37 # I didn't read that anywhere.. Must've missed it >.> 15.03.06 # --- cowonamerica.com ping statistics --- 15.03.06 # 6 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 5001ms 15.03.32 # oh, right, there's another Wiki thing on the main page 15.03.38 # sorry, thought you meant Wikipedia >.< 15.07.56 Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.12.31 Quit pabs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.14.53 Join pabs [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 15.16.10 Quit petur (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.16.19 # if i can hard code an eq filtering routine for each of the two types of filter, i can get more quality on both arm and coldfire at the same speed we currently have :> 15.16.39 # awsome! Playing Doom, sweet 15.20.18 # what's down with the wiki? 15.20.21 Part peppo ("part") 15.21.08 Join ender` [0] (i=null@ 15.21.32 # I got the Wiki page for RockDoom from Google, apparently that seems to work :S 15.22.25 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginDoom 15.22.28 # works for me 15.26.32 Quit PaulJam_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.26.38 Quit dionoea_work ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 15.27.14 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 15.27.32 Join dionoea_work [0] (n=3ea147f9@poy.chewa.net) 15.29.15 Join PaulJam_ [0] (n=pauljam@p54BCF813.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.31.52 # annoying c pointers problem... http://rafb.net/paste/results/ebb0wf13.html (question is line 22 of the paste) ? 15.32.11 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-112-165-230.austin.res.rr.com) 15.32.45 # * Paul_The_Nerd did not realise how buggy the Runtime functionality still was. 15.35.25 # JdGordon: can't you put the struct inside shuffle mode ? (maybe without the extra curly braces) 15.35.39 # ow ... you need a pointer 15.35.44 # nevermind then 15.35.55 # .. ye 15.36.09 # needs the pointer, or the union is useless 15.36.30 # hmmm, i tried to run doom on my x5 for the first time, total freeze 15.36.44 # hehe... hell froze over :D 15.36.54 # :-) 15.37.43 # LinusN, Bagder, anyone smarter than me... can you look at the paste please and lemme know if you have any ideas? 15.38.13 # .. or is 2 lines for each menu entry ok? 15.38.35 Join lodesi_ [0] (n=lds@d02m-89-83-203-243.d4.club-internet.fr) 15.38.40 # JdGordon: what's the deal with this: const void* dummy; /* NOTE: this stops compiler warnings.. never use this variable... */ 15.38.41 # * JdGordon has a one-track-mind at times 15.38.48 # stops annoying warnings 15.39.03 # otherwise you have to typecast it every time 15.39.38 # LinusN: If you wanted to confirm it's a timer issue (which seems to be the common theory), you could edit plugins/doom/i_system.c and make it use the same codepath on the X5 as it does in the Simulator (and greyscale targets) - i.e. simulate the Doom tick using current_tick instead of setting up a user timer. 15.39.40 # it suggests you have the wrong approach I'd say 15.39.43 # its a union, so it shuoldnt effect the code 15.39.47 # Slasheri: Does the runtime functionality only track MP3s? 15.40.21 Quit JoeBorn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.40.45 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host226-156.pool8250.interbusiness.it) 15.40.59 Quit dionoea_work ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 15.41.29 # Bagder: well.. its that or typecast every item... which will be very painfull... i dont think there is anything naughty about it... 15.41.51 # well, you don't see nicely written code have anything like that... 15.42.04 # so yes, I think it is naughty 15.42.06 # hehe... no 15.42.57 # .... but that wouldnt be a show-stopper would it? 15.43.18 # linuxstb: I already did this, the hanging doom on X5 is not (only) a timer issue 15.43.28 Quit lodesi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.43.34 # assuming everything else does what its supposed to (neaten up the code, decrease size, ) 15.43.47 # But the timer definitely has problems on X5, I wonder why... 15.44.08 # LinusN: Did you remember what was wrong last time? 15.44.10 # amiconn: btw, how does the grayscale lib work on the mini? any noticable differences from other platforms? 15.44.13 # amiconn: nope 15.44.15 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.44.36 # preglow: What kind of differences do you mean? 15.44.40 # anything, i don't know 15.44.48 # thinking about the relatively low res timer, for example 15.44.59 # On greyscale ipods we need to boost in order to keep up with the lcd updates 15.45.19 # Then lcd format is different, so a lot of code paths are different 15.45.26 Join Criamos [0] (n=Criamos@p54933713.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 15.46.06 # (but work similar, or 'mirrored diagonally") 15.47.00 # The timer precision is a non-issue. 15.48.04 Join CriamosAndy [0] (n=Criamos@p549336F5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 15.48.19 Quit PaulJam_ (".") 15.49.51 Join scorche [0] (i=ScorchE@208-110-158-136.customer.csolutions.net) 15.51.17 Quit pike^laptop () 15.51.44 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 15.53.03 Join juxtap [0] (n=juxtap@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za) 15.56.24 # Bagder: LinusN: the big question... would you allow something like this into the code? http://rafb.net/paste/results/zibew613.html 15.57.04 # besides the fact it doesnt actually compile... 15.57.30 # JdGordon: i think so, yes 15.57.47 # you need to end the lines with \\ for multi-line macros 15.57.57 # but the dummy in the union is naughty? 15.58.20 # double \\ ? 15.58.33 # yes 15.58.44 # menu.c:376: error: stray '\' in program after i did that 15.58.57 # single \ 15.58.59 # ? it should only be one \ 15.59.10 # it "eats" the newline character 16.02.30 # hmmm, maybe i'm wrong 16.04.00 Part LinusN 16.04.05 # preproccessor is being mean and not letting me do this :'( 16.04.12 # who is good @ pp magic? 16.04.15 Quit Criamos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.04.36 # Paul_The_Nerd: hmm, it should work with all files 16.04.44 # Paul_The_Nerd: what kind of bugs did you encounter with it? 16.08.05 # Slasheri: My list of unplayed songs doesn't seem to contain any of the artists of my FLAC albums, and also shows some of my MP3 artists more than once. Meanwhile the sort by Artist section is fine. 16.08.55 Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust472.winn.cable.ntl.com) 16.08.57 # hmm, that is weird 16.09.36 # Paul_The_Nerd: what if you re-initialize the db? 16.09.47 # I'll do that 16.10.14 # I should delete the files manually first, or will "initialize now" handle everything? 16.10.39 # initialize now should handle everything 16.11.06 # It was done very quickly. 16.11.20 # hmm.. it did it that fast? 16.11.30 # how many songs do you have? 16.11.43 # Oh, it didn't work apparently 16.11.49 # I shut down, started up, "TagCache not ready" 16.11.57 # Initializing now again, and it seems to be better 16.11.59 # ah, interesting.. 16.12.10 # I have ~1800 songs on it. 16.12.31 # then it should take a minute or two or something like that 16.14.12 # Never played is now showing the FLAC artists 16.14.21 # But it still has several copies of the same artist in many cases 16.14.35 # ok, probably tagcache db was corrupt somehow 16.14.58 # Aaaan... if I enter any of the artists under "Never played" and leave, they're gone again 16.15.18 # hmm.. weird, i will check that soon 16.15.21 # I guess it thinks they are now played 16.15.40 # pondlife: No, it's not the one that entered that vanished 16.15.53 # Ah, all of them vanished? 16.15.57 # For example, I entered "ailsean" and when I backed out, "'weird al yankovic'" vanished 16.16.07 # It could be more than just the FLAC ones that are vanishing 16.16.42 # For example, I had 4 entitled "4-Eyes" and now I have 2, but both contain the same tracks. 16.17.15 # I have multiples of almost every artist that shows up, and because my things are by myriad artists, I can't really tell how many are missing, but I haven't spotted any of my commercial music, and that's all FLAC. 16.18.11 Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") 16.23.01 Join daurnimator [0] (n=daurnima@unaffiliated/daurnimator) 16.23.16 Join webguest39 [0] (n=c0647cda@labb.contactor.se) 16.28.37 Quit TeaSea (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.28.43 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 16.32.53 # * dan_a has just had a look at what is required to make atomic mutexes 16.32.57 # * dan_a is scared 16.38.23 # How do you make a screenshot from the sim? 16.38.36 # Under Windows? 16.38.39 # F5 IIRC 16.38.41 # linux 16.39.11 # "When the simulator is running, press F5 or 0 on the numeric keypad" 16.39.11 # F5 did the trick, thanks... 16.41.28 # scrot -s, import (from imagemagick) etc also works 16.41.33 # Anyone willing to view this page in Firefox? In my installation (Firefox under Linux), Firefox crashes and closes down all windows: http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/supermanreturns/hd/ 16.41.36 # or xwd if all else fails 16.42.00 # it works in my galeon, which uses ff as a backend 16.42.17 # but i don't have a plugin to handle the little buttons 16.42.26 # if you have mplayerplug-in that would be my first guess 16.42.57 # Not knowingly... 16.43.49 # Windows XP, FF1.0.5.6 it's fine 16.44.10 # http://images.apple.com/movies/wb/superman_returns/superman_returns-tlr2_p320.m4v.zip 16.44.19 # should be fine for your 5g plays ;-) 16.44.48 # here's the direct url to the 720 of the second trailer http://images.apple.com/movies/wb/superman_returns/superman_returns-tlr2_h720p.mov 16.44.52 # s/ 16.44.57 # or possibly first, i don't know 16.45.35 # Bagder: Thanks - nice 840KB/s download... 16.45.59 # that's trailer 2 16.46.11 # guys, I have another question, and I've searched all over properly this time.. I know the main site doesn't say anything about this, but is there any way I can get RockDoom to play that Half Life WAD? It just doesn't show up, at all :S 16.46.16 # I didn't watch so I don't know the diffs 16.46.16 # haha, 320x136 ultra-widescreen. 16.46.18 # i would guess substitube tlr2 for tlr1 or tlr for the other one? 16.46.35 # tlr1 works (on my url) 16.46.54 # http://images.apple.com/movies/wb/superman_returns/superman_returns-tlr3a_p320.m4v.zip 16.46.59 # for the 3rd 16.47.00 # Any license info on that page? I'm guessing we probably shouldn't use them as test files? 16.47.14 # Krono6: Isn't that the one that has the improperly formatted title screen? 16.47.21 # yeah 16.47.40 # you can't really move around in the menu on a 5G.. Not for me, anyway 16.47.51 # linuxstb: "terms of use" => http://www.apple.com/legal/terms/site.html 16.48.04 # so no, I don't think that content is usable 16.48.05 # Krono6: It shouldn't run at all in the official Rockdoom if it's the one I'm thinking of. 16.48.23 # I got Doom to run properly :S 16.48.29 # I used the iDoom WAD 16.48.53 # I have no idea what the 'iDoom WAD' is. 16.49.11 # you just can't move around the menu, just select.. So you'll be playing on the same level, on Hurt Me Plenty, all the time.. But once you're in-game, it plays without a glitch 16.49.37 # the menu works fine on ipods, last i tried 16.49.49 # i think i got to level 7 or so on the easiest level 16.49.50 # Mikachu: The Half Life wad shouldn't run at all, if it's the one with the 320x240 title 16.49.56 # doesn't work on my 5G 60GB :S 16.50.16 # i just meant normal doom2, too lazy to read everything :) 16.50.32 # ah, I'm playing the original Doom :P 16.50.32 # The buffer's only there for 320x200, and those extra 40 can cause memory overflows, so the wad shouldn't load. 16.50.41 # darn 16.51.17 # Doom just doesn't seem to work on Podzilla (freezes), so I can only play it on Rockbox with glitchy menus >.< 16.51.32 # The menus work fine with supported wads, like the base Doom wad, etc. 16.51.45 # weird 16.51.50 # Weird what? 16.52.12 # nevermind. I'll download some other things and fiddle about 16.52.19 # I don't think it's particularly weird that improperly created wads aren't supported. 16.52.34 # hmm 16.53.13 # aha, I got the FF3 WAD to work on Rockdoom 16.53.21 # just had to rename it to Doom1.WAD 16.53.23 # yay 16.53.26 Quit spiorf (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.56.11 Quit JdGordon ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12") 16.56.19 # so.. I'm gonna try the Half Life WAD now 16.57.32 # hmm, you guys were right on that one 16.58.09 # Many add-ons work fine. You just have to use ones that are actually properly created. 16.58.53 # ^^ 16.58.53 Quit jaebird (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.59.12 Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@ 17.02.21 Quit Mmmm (Remote closed the connection) 17.02.41 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 17.03.55 Join Davide-NYC [0] (n=chatzill@user-12hdtm5.cable.mindspring.com) 17.04.36 Quit Krono6 ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") 17.05.29 Quit webguest39 ("CGI:IRC 0.5.7 (2005/06/19)") 17.07.46 Quit pondlife ("byebye") 17.15.41 Join egotrippen [0] (n=47f30aaf@labb.contactor.se) 17.17.04 # hey allhey 17.17.10 # haha 17.17.25 # i have a question about the new buttonmapping changes 17.17.58 # i see the defines in gwps.h are still there 17.18.10 # will edits to that section of code work the same way they always did? 17.19.34 Quit barrywardell () 17.21.07 Join rotator [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) 17.24.58 Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") 17.26.29 Join bbroke [0] (n=bbroke@p54BD4571.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.27.37 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) 17.33.05 Join _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@ 17.44.18 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.46.37 # Paul_The_Nerd: are you *for* this change that Mmmm wants to make the the RWRS? 17.47.11 # I think it's a waste of effort 17.47.15 # (personally) 17.47.41 # You've given a pretty bad reason as to why you think it's a waste of effort. 17.47.58 Quit egotrippen ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 17.48.25 # I guess so, I guess it doesn't hurt, but it doesn't get to the whole point of my thread 17.48.46 # I dunno 17.49.00 # If you can move the bitrate and khz information into the status bar, all the information can fit, right? 17.49.03 # Because it's just one line short? 17.49.16 # might as well scroll like crazy then. 17.49.17 Join ccitt [0] (n=ccitt@host226.216.41.41.conversent.net) 17.49.21 # greets 17.49.22 # Why? 17.49.32 # What does putting that into the status bar have to do with scrolling? 17.50.15 # why display it anyways, we can't change it/ 17.50.30 # 44.1k for line and mic and digital is autodetect 17.51.05 # You will very likely be able to set the line-in and mic one in the future, and there is value in knowing what you're getting from a digital source. 17.51.27 # true on the latter I totally agree about digital but.. 17.51.32 # As well, the bitrate information will be needed. 17.51.45 # Even if khz is not. 17.51.45 # when we wil have input options it'll be more than just bitrate 17.51.58 # that is the bitrate 17.52.06 # you mean bitdepth? 17.52.24 # Bitrate is the average number of bits per second 17.52.25 # Rate of bits 17.52.28 # kbps 17.52.38 # Well, bps 17.52.49 # now you're talking about something else relating to encoding decoding 17.53.03 # Yes, because that's what the term "bitrate" refers to. 17.53.11 # The 44.1khz is the sample rate. 17.53.20 # I was using samplerate and bitrate as the same thing 17.53.28 # They are very different things 17.53.43 # OK, then what is being displayed is the samplerate. correct? 17.53.48 # Yes. 17.53.59 Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") 17.54.12 # then I repeat my rant fusing the word sample rate instead 17.54.16 # *using 17.54.24 # * Davide-NYC off to proofread post 17.54.58 # The sample rate seems something perfectly valid to put in the status bar. 17.55.23 # It's something that the user can't change while in the process of recording, would like to know in the case of digital recording at a minimum, and currently wastes a line. 17.55.37 # How is moving it up there a bad thing, compared to simply removing it from the recording screen? 17.56.21 # Understanding the distiction makes my point totally moot 17.56.24 # :-P 17.56.39 # It's agood idea to toss it up there. 17.57.12 # It's really only useful in the case of digital recording, but for consistency I feel it should be there for both. 17.57.19 # Agrees 17.57.37 # * Davide-NYC editing the hell out of his post 17.59.08 # I haven't been following this discussion, but samplerate doesn't seem to be the kind of info that belongs in the status bar... It's not there in the WPS. 17.59.29 # linuxstb: For recording. 17.59.34 # WRS an RWRS 17.59.37 # I know. 18.00.00 # I'm saying the WPS doesn't show it in the status bar, so why the WRS? 18.00.02 # linuxstb: Currently it takes up a line in the recording screen, when it could, if made into a 12x8 icon, be squeezed safely into the status bar freeing up a whole new line on the while recording screen, particularly nice for the remote one. 18.00.18 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 18.00.42 # Couldn't it just share a line with other info - like recording format, bitrate etc. 18.00.48 # I'd vote for showing it, since it is one of the things that it is useful to know when recording. When playing back, it doesn't matter so much 18.00.49 # linuxstb: As it is, the recording screen follows its own rules regarding the status bar, completely preventing you from disabling it (presumably so you never end up there, while recording, and realize you can't check the battery level) 18.01.20 # linuxstb: Format, bitrate, and others are things you set in advance, and never change. In the case of the sample rate, you may not know it in advance if it's coming from a digital source, so it's nice to be told. 18.01.23 # The recording sample rate might be fixed for analog on coldfire targets, but isn't fixed e.g. on archos 18.01.27 Quit ccitt ("BitchX: better than a penis enlargement!") 18.01.33 # The main thing about the WRS is that once you are recording you cannot navigate away from it without interrupting the recording. 18.01.35 # * dan_a has an early version of an atomic mutex for ARM 18.01.45 # Also, on coldfire it's possible to record at different sample rates from spdif 18.02.10 # I'm not saying it shouldn't be displayed, just that the status bar seems wrong... But that' just MHO. 18.02.21 # And the samplerate shouldn't be put in the status bar imho, as it doesn't belong there 18.02.33 # (and won't fit anyway on some targets, e.g. archos) 18.03.08 # I agreed at first, but you have to understand that once recording you're stuck in the screen and you only want to interrupt *if* there is something wrong. 18.03.27 # So you should have as much info as possible visible. 18.03.48 # It is *mad ugly* though. 18.03.49 Join sobukus [0] (n=thomas@sourcemage/mage/sobukus) 18.03.55 # (IMHO) 18.04.00 # The problem is that it's not user configurable information, it doesn't change while recording, and there's not really a line it can be put on without losing that line to something else more valuable. 18.04.11 # I mean, it's user configurable, but you can't change it *while* recording. 18.04.32 # The sample rate does change while recording from spdif when the input sample rate changes 18.04.43 # does that ever happen? 18.04.45 # Therefore it's important to display it 18.04.57 # It might happen if something goes wrong... 18.05.00 # Yeah 18.05.17 Join thoughts [0] (n=thoughts@nl103-153-22.student.uu.se) 18.05.18 # right right, that was my point, you want to be able to see it while recording 18.05.28 # Room could still be freed up without using the status bar - e.g. display time and filesize on the same line - something like "0:00:00 / 0KB" 18.05.33 # paul has the argument distilled nicely 18.05.38 # Agreed on that, but the samplerate does simply not belong in the status bar 18.06.04 Join lorijho [0] (n=lorijho@host-85-27-71-69.brutele.be) 18.06.21 # * Davide-NYC fears that we'll be scrolling like crazy in the remote screen no matter what I suggest. :-P 18.06.35 # linuxstb: Sounds like an idea - and it should fit on archos with the default font 18.06.56 # * sobukus is someone dreaming of an SD-Card based player with a firmware that not totally sucks 18.07.26 # I am wondering what kind of hardware prerequesotes one has so that porting rockbox makes sense 18.07.30 # prerequesites 18.07.31 # sobukus: A rockboxed Ondio comes very close (it's MMC instead of SD) 18.07.42 # Why does the recording screen have to follow the same status bar rules as everywhere else? 18.07.42 # amiconn: but there the hardware sucks:-( 18.07.48 # For example, why does it even have a volume display? 18.07.54 # * amiconn doesn't think the Ondio hardware sucks 18.07.59 # * sobukus needs some battery life 18.08.23 # 10..11 hours with alkalines, ~9hours with nimh cells 18.08.29 # I have this lyra PDP2335 player that runs for about 50h with one mignon cell 18.08.52 Quit Kohlrabi ("Quit") 18.08.54 # Paul_The_Nerd: hmm 18.09.00 # Paul_The_Nerd: Volume display is for monitoring (IIUC), battery life goes there, clock if the device has one. The playback icons (stop, pause etc) could be replaced by recording icons - but things like status (stopped, pre-recording, recording), rather than characteristics of the recording. 18.09.02 # amiconn: 9 hours is nearly OK... but it needs 3 AAA, right? 18.09.02 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-150-098.pools.arcor-ip.net) 18.09.05 # Paul_The_Nerd: Because there's audible monitoring? You can even change the volume from the recording screen 18.09.07 # sobukus: The Sansa E200s have micro-SD slots... but no rockbox yet 18.09.13 # sobukus: yes. 18.09.42 # amiconn: Ah, see I wasn't aware of that. I don't really record. 18.09.44 # Thankee 18.09.46 # * sobukus also spent money on 2GB SD card... and likes it to be interchangeable with the Palm 18.09.56 # * amiconn has a 4GB MMC :) 18.10.01 # hm 18.10.19 # Is it a thin SD, or standard? 18.10.24 # amiconn: but the volume is the first line displayed in the WRS so isn;t it redundant in the statusbar? 18.10.34 # Standard SD doesn't fit in the Ondio, thin SD does 18.11.02 # Davide-NYC: I would say it's redundant in the WRS itself. 18.11.02 # amiconn: I guess it's normal 18.11.08 # Davide-NYC: For display - yes. If you can come up with a different way to change the volume... 18.11.21 # linuxstb: You have to be on that line to change the volume, though, right? 18.11.25 # amiconn: but as this is a mechanical issue... isn't it possibl to modify the case to make it fit? 18.11.28 # sobukus: Measure the thickness. 2.1mm is standard, 1.4mm is thin (same thickness as MMC) 18.11.45 # Paul_The_Nerd: I forgot that... 18.11.48 # No. The slot is metal, and soldered to the board 18.12.47 # Do we need the words "Time" and "Size"? 18.12.56 # Time at least should be self evident from the number format. 18.13.01 # * sobukus just grapped an old 16MB MMC from the IC35 and compared... 18.13.08 # Paul_The_Nerd: I would say no. 18.13.10 # amiconn: it's standard 18.13.22 # I think the current button desin of the WRS is good. Actually I think it's really good, I just crabbed in a forum post about the remote screen scrolling too much. Now that I realize this is inevitable and will become more so in the future I think we should just scroll like mad and not worry about it. 18.13.29 # At which point you could lay out the two lines like: 18.13.37 # 00:00:00 Bitrate 18.13.43 # 0000B Samplerate 18.14.31 # Or just "0:00:00 / 0B" on the first line, and something like 44.1Khz / 256kbps / 2ch on the second. (if that second line will fit...) 18.14.50 # amiconn: /wii amiconn 18.14.55 # oops 18.15.04 # Either way. My idea is basically "scrap the words, more data" 18.15.10 # [idea] could we swap out screens on a button press? One sreen shows settings the other screen shows stats on the recorded audio? 18.15.14 # One less string to localize, as well. Maybe two. 18.15.34 # Paul_The_Nerd: I agree - I suggested it about 10 minutes ago :) 18.16.11 # there is one button left on the remotes... 18.16.16 # :-) 18.16.28 # Which remote? 18.16.36 # amiconn: how difficult is a port generally? if it is possible I should know after looking at some chips and asking around...? 18.16.41 # H100 and H300 18.16.49 # the non-LCD remote is out of the question 18.17.37 # * Paul_The_Nerd would like the recording screen to be workable on devices with less buttons than the LCD remotes. 18.17.50 # As those have a ridiculously large number relative to some other things with recording. 18.18.59 # In the case of the iFP players, they're essentially a remote screen with one less than H100 main-unit buttons. 18.19.34 # sobukus: IMO, the most important things (in order) for a Rockbox port to be feasible to a device are: 1) User-upgradable firmware, preferably with a failsafe method of restoring a known good firmware if your new firmware crashes; 2) A CPU supported by gcc; 3) As many components inside with publically available datasheets as possible - the more datasheets you have, the easier the port. 18.20.19 # Wow. That's limiting. OK, It think then that the best idea is consistency between the main unit and the remote unit. 18.20.25 # leave the status bar alone and just throw whatever is on the main WRS under the peakmeters in the RWRS and have it all scroll like crazy. 18.20.32 Join KlrSpz [0] (n=klrSpz@ 18.20.50 # Exactly as it is on the main unit display ony narrower and scrolling like mad. 18.21.09 # * sobukus about to open a Lyra 2335 and a NEX3+ 18.22.42 # linuxstb: The / 2ch could be replaced by just M or S for smaller displays 18.23.01 # put the time and size lines at the bottom of the WRS 18.23.10 # hah! they've hidden the only screw behint the type sticker 18.23.21 # Davide-NYC: Maybe the presence of the peakmeter should be configurable? 18.23.45 # No way! On a recording device. Blasphemy. :-) 18.23.57 # In case one doesn't need it, it could be disabled on the iriver remote -> less interference 18.24.13 # With AGC, the peakmeter isn't strictly needed 18.24.29 # Yeah but you can't use AGC for serious recording 18.24.41 # Depends on what is 'serious' 18.24.45 # true 18.24.51 Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-123-206.pools.arcor-ip.net) 18.25.25 # * amiconn still wonders why the ticking reduction does nothing for recording 18.25.36 # Thanks for the convo and ideas. I'm going to mock something up and post it this evening after work. 18.25.52 # later. 18.25.56 Quit Davide-NYC ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") 18.33.59 # dan_a: you might as well make that function naked 18.34.03 # dan_a: the mutex one 18.34.34 Join mantono [0] (n=mantono@c83-250-204-173.bredband.comhem.se) 18.35.07 # * sobukus notes that you always need some amount of gentle force with a knife... 18.36.29 # someone drawed on the main chip 18.36.29 Quit dan_a (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.36.39 # 3 colored lines?! 18.38.04 # eh? does mov r0, #-1 actually work? isn't -1 0xffffffff ? 18.38.12 # makes it difficult to read... main chip: Sigmatel STMP3520 18.38.19 # does that ring a bell? 18.40.34 # Yes - not a friendly chip IIRC. Probably similar to the ipod shuffle (STMP3550) - a Motorola DSP core. 18.40.59 # (no gcc C compiler) 18.41.15 # hm, it seems to be a common chip for mp3 players... 18.41.34 # Motorola DSP56004 18.41.42 # 75MHz core 18.42.37 # hm, processing power would not be the problem? 18.45.09 # no 18.45.10 # not at all 18.45.14 # but compiling it to code will be 18.45.27 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp196-22.adsl.forthnet.gr) 18.45.31 # most people write code for the 56k cores in assembler 18.45.33 # Is that the Lyra PDP2335? 18.46.30 # linuxstb: yes 18.46.45 # great device with crappy firmware 18.47.35 # hm, I found traces of a gcc-1.x port by motorola: 56k-gcc ... 18.48.04 # preglow: I guess rewriting rockbox in 56k asm isn't really fun... 18.49.27 # but with rockbox ported to that thing, a lot of (flash bases?) devices come inro reach, my old yamakawa had a similar (the same?) chip 18.49.57 Quit thoughts (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18.49.59 # sobukus: not at all fun, no 18.50.20 Quit dpassen1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.50.20 # there is a 56k porting effort for newer gcc, i think 18.50.23 # but it sounds... weird 18.50.30 # the 56k is a really specialised chip 18.50.43 # I guess making the code compile with gcc-1.4 would be as hard to code the asm?? 18.50.47 # also, it's harvard architecture, which complicates things again 18.51.11 # but, is there _only_ a 56k on it? no other cpu or something? 18.51.35 # in this Sigma chip? 18.52.41 # yea 18.55.08 # well, there is lots of stuff integrated... I don't find docs at sigmatel (these guys always hide all but the freshest hardware...) 18.55.28 # oh, bs 18.55.38 # http://www.sigmatel.com/products/portable/audio/stmp3500.asp 18.57.09 Part Paul_The_Nerd 18.58.26 # besides that signatel one, there is only one small chip: Philips TEA5767 18.59.03 # ah, that's the fm radio part 19.01.36 Quit flux__ (Remote closed the connection) 19.02.08 Join flux__ [0] (i=flux@jolt.modeemi.cs.tut.fi) 19.02.16 # * sobukus just noted http://www.rockbox.org/irc/rockbox-20060228.txt 19.02.28 # there was a discussion about stm35xx 19.02.31 # stmp 19.03.53 Quit flux__ (Remote closed the connection) 19.04.49 Quit KlrSpz () 19.06.20 Quit Rondom (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.07.29 Join San [0] (n=San@213-202-155-164.bas503.dsl.esat.net) 19.10.25 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEF436.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.10.53 Part lorijho ("Kopete 0.11.3 : http://kopete.kde.org") 19.12.44 Part linuxstb ("Leaving") 19.17.32 Join flux__ [0] (i=flux@jolt.modeemi.cs.tut.fi) 19.20.20 Join KlrSpz [0] (n=klrSpz@ 19.21.43 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-65-149.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr) 19.22.18 # hi 19.22.24 # petur: hey 19.22.42 # hi there! 19.23.12 # just a quick question: is the doom-plugin running on iaudio x5? 19.23.40 # in asm for coldfire, the indirect adress mode (1,a0) , 1 is one byte or a long word or word ? 19.24.02 # that's not very clear for me in the doc 19.25.04 # bbroke: i guess not, but it could be yes... 19.25.22 # anyone know what capacity a 4g nanopod battery has? 19.25.29 # gm /me found the dsp56k-gcc version 1.39 19.25.48 # cannot compile it with gcc-3.3.3:-( 19.26.04 # lex: thanks! 19.26.14 Quit bluey- (Remote closed the connection) 19.27.44 # bbroke: It's a known problem doom freezes on X5. Unfortunately the cause is not yet known... 19.28.33 Join lorijho [0] (n=lorijho@host-85-27-71-69.brutele.be) 19.29.36 Join mikearthur [0] (n=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 19.29.36 Quit TeaSea (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.29.37 # KlrSpz: http://www.ipodbatteryfaq.com/ipodbatteryandpower.html 19.29.57 Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-123-206.pools.arcor-ip.net) 19.30.17 # amiconn, yeah had found that... shows empty 19.30.17 # amiconn: any clue about adressing in asm ? 19.30.29 # amiconn: okay -- that's what i encountered aswell, thx! 19.31.08 Quit bluey- (Client Quit) 19.31.21 # * sobukus sees communists in gcc-1.4: cccp.c 19.31.34 # oh no, here be dragons 19.31.45 Quit mikearthur (Remote closed the connection) 19.32.43 Quit Nico_P () 19.32.46 # amiconn: I keep getting a cvs message to move lcd-as-H300.S because it's "in the way" when I do cvs up -dP 19.33.05 # huh? 19.33.09 # odd... 19.33.10 # yup 19.33.23 # I deleted it and tried again 19.33.26 # same deal 19.33.39 # With the file removed?? 19.33.45 # Or at the next try? 19.33.51 # next tru 19.33.54 # jhMikeS, try to run cvs up -dPC (in case you don't have any local changes you want keep) 19.33.54 # try 19.34.12 # I have LOTS of local changes atm 19.34.16 # does the stock firmware have an EQ? 19.34.22 # of an ipod, sorry 19.34.30 # Btw, it's h300 not H300 (following the obvious all-lowercase conventions) 19.34.43 Join pepie34 [0] (n=family@cop60-1-82-240-26-92.fbx.proxad.net) 19.34.55 # amiconn: yes :) 19.34.55 # * amiconn tries on a different machine 19.35.49 # try amiconn --pedantic-off :) 19.36.01 # Hmm, no such problem here 19.36.20 # I'll delete the whole dir and try again 19.36.22 Nick JB_away is now known as JoeBorn (n=jborn@dsl017-022-247.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 19.36.59 # hum I found a way to devide by two the number of MAC operations for idct, and understood the interest of the Enhanced MAC :D 19.37.44 Quit KlrSpz () 19.38.27 # ahh that worked 19.39.35 # Sounds like a cvs glitch when initially checking out the dir 19.39.49 # Works fine here on 3 different machines 19.40.43 # when I added a file before it didn't do it...who knows...fine now 19.41.57 # * sobukus just compiled rtlanal.c 19.42.09 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 19.42.10 # (regarding amiconn --pedantic-off) 19.42.32 # sobukus: ?? 19.42.42 # :D 19.43.27 # Q about create_thread when initializing sp. should this line: 19.43.30 # regs->sp = (void*)(((unsigned int)stack + stack_size) & ~3); 19.43.33 # not read: 19.43.37 # regs->sp = (void*)(((unsigned int)stack + stack_size - 4) & ~3); ?? 19.43.55 # No, why? 19.44.05 # Stack push is always predecrement 19.44.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.45.00 # not on TCC730? 19.45.18 # The TCC730 code is not in sync with the rest 19.45.31 # The startup mechanism used to be slightly different 19.46.04 # The old way involded forging a return address, then switching context 19.46.15 # amiconn: why not do that now? 19.46.24 # instead of checking for NULL? 19.46.48 # It was changed because it wasn't reliable 19.47.20 # In order to make it work properly, the whole switch_thread() would have to be written in asm 19.47.28 # I tried it for fun but I have to know that the stack is clear before faking the return from switch thread 19.47.33 # I did that 19.47.46 # gcc might decide to push additional registers on switch_thread() entry 19.48.00 # ...and restore them on exit 19.48.14 Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) 19.48.15 # extactly: it didn't work letting gcc do it. 19.48.28 # It didn't do that on SH1 (that's why the initial method used the forged return address) 19.48.43 # ..but on coldfire it did when the stack check was enabled -> crash 19.48.55 # there's no way to make gcc clean up the stack first? 19.49.03 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 19.49.11 # Then I adopted the TCC730 method (which also starts the thread from the middle of the switch, but with a separate flag) 19.49.58 # The stack adjustment in the TCC730 code is a plain copy from the SH1/coldfire code from before that change 19.51.07 # Writing switch_thread() in asm could of course be done, but imho it shouldn't be done (for cvs) 19.51.08 Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) 19.51.20 # It makes porting harder for no reason. 19.51.59 # amiconn: i feel the same way...but if there a gcc trick to have it cleanup c vars first then it would work 19.52.29 # * amiconn thinks the TCC730 code should be ripped out if we don't see it picked up again soon 19.52.49 # amiconn: that got abandoned? 19.53.07 # It suffers from bitrot, and gets in the way when we want to move more things to target tree 19.53.09 # Yes 19.53.25 # what was it for? 19.53.36 # gmini 19.54.01 # and there's no working port for that? 19.54.14 # nope 19.54.18 # in asm when you move a word of 16bits into a register of 32 bits, does it clear the upper 16 bits of the register ? 19.54.30 # mirak: not usually 19.54.32 # mirak: depends what instruction you use 19.54.39 # move.w 19.54.42 # then no 19.54.42 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 19.54.43 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 19.54.44 # afaik 19.54.49 # No it doesn't 19.54.56 # mirak: try clr.l Rx 19.55.06 # isn't there a zero extending move as well? 19.55.07 # in fact I am not really sure of the size of the data in the mpeg2 idct. I guess it's 16bits 19.55.13 # jhMikeS: ok 19.55.18 # not until coldfire V4 19.55.22 # right 19.55.51 Quit tucoz ("Leaving") 19.56.29 # "mac.l %d0, %d4, (%a0)+, %d4, %acc0 \n\t" 19.57.24 Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) 19.57.30 # * mirak need to read the manual ... 19.58.43 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 19.58.53 # ok the result in the acc0 is always 16 bits 19.59.13 # * sobukus suppresses a manic laugh 19.59.22 # mirak: If the mpeg idct is 16bit, you could use mac.w (and double the number of usable temporary registers) 19.59.29 # mirak: huh? It's not 19.59.38 # my other player, the FrontierLabs NEX3+, has the same STMP3520 chip as the thomson lyra! 19.59.50 # mirak: no it's not 19.59.51 # amiconn: I can still do that to store the values of the plots 20.00.15 # * sobukus notes that the nex3 has a lot more complicated interieur 20.00.36 # I can use 4 registers to store 8 values of source data 20.00.48 # jhMikeS: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GminiPort 20.01.29 # the result in acc0 is only ever sixteen bits if the multiplicands have less than sixteen bits in total between them 20.01.40 # the type of the block int_16* and it's increased of 8 at each loop, I can deduce the size is really 16 bits 20.01.41 # not very likely 20.01.48 # amiconn: Some good optimizations in the yuv lines. Can't believe I forgot about using movem to get params from the stack! I guess I did so much FR testing I was sick of looking at it. :) 20.02.02 # preglow: no 20.02.16 # preglow: yes, I misread 20.03.31 # * preglow cuddles emac 20.03.36 # jhMikeS: The movem is mainly to reduce size. I also saved a register (by simply not storing the width during the whole loop, but instead re-fetching it for the second line) 20.04.05 Join pabs_ [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 20.04.11 # Other than that, I applied the shortened clamping and cut a couple of redundant moves 20.04.36 # amiconn: it's classier that way 20.04.59 # And I saved one muls (possible because of the slightly adjusted coefficients) 20.05.07 # so gmini wiki hasn't been updated since 13 Fe 20.05.11 # nope 20.05.15 # the maintainer vanishes 20.05.18 # vanished 20.05.25 # and he says he'll need help to continue 20.05.30 # which probably won't happen 20.05.32 # it's a very hard port 20.05.41 # it would probably be the hardest rockbox port yet 20.05.47 # does anyone else own one? 20.05.52 # it's not that 20.05.55 # it's the fact that it's very hard 20.05.58 # preglow: why is it the hardest? 20.06.00 # i even think he had to make his own gcc target 20.06.23 # jhMikeS: sixteen bit wide registers, no good gcc port, custom dsp core, flash based, harvard architecture 20.07.35 # not familiar with "harvard architecture" 20.07.47 # separate data and code bus 20.07.59 # and the code bus is attached directly the the flash, afaik 20.08.04 # which makes it hard to load plugins and stuff from the disk 20.08.05 # yeah there's a wikipedia article 20.08.13 # which means that all codecs and plugins need to be in flash 20.09.33 Quit pabs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.10.13 # they mention PICs 20.11.57 Join Mmmm [0] (n=mscarrat@cpc1-hem13-0-0-cust291.lutn.cable.ntl.com) 20.12.02 # The mentioned 1% speedup is overall mpegplayer speedup, so the function itself got more than 1% faster 20.13.50 # * sobukus wondering 20.14.34 # you were talking about something other than stmp3500 I guess... but the last lines of ditching sound similar 20.14.45 # amiconn: I see you updated x5...I still want 18bit color 20.15.45 # or did you do that? I didn't look closely 20.17.19 # never mind...I guess it still is :) 20.18.00 # amiconn: did you get your x5 yet? 20.19.02 # It is 18bit... 20.19.21 # ...and without an actual X5, I wouldn't have been able to test 20.19.24 # I look and saw and shut up ;) 20.19.33 # Btw, I also removed a couple of bugs 20.19.40 # amiconn: where? 20.20.08 # There were some clr instructions in it where it should have been (and is now) clr.l 20.20.20 # "mac.w %d0.L, %d4.L, (%a0)+, %d4, %acc0 \n\t" I can't find the correct syntax to use lower and upper word 20.20.22 # The aseembler accepts that and defaults to clr.w (!!) 20.20.31 # gcc says syntax error 20.20.44 # amiconn: those are typos 20.20.52 # mirak: mac.w %d0l, %d4l, (%a0)+, %d4, %acc0 20.21.14 # jhMikeS: They caused an actual glitch with my modifications 20.21.21 # preglow: thank you ! 20.21.28 # mirak: np 20.21.39 # (The leftmost 2 pixels of every other row were shiny blue) 20.21.43 # what do they size to by default 20.21.49 # word? 20.21.53 # [20:20:22] The aseembler accepts that and defaults to clr.w (!!) 20.22.44 # I found the problem relatively quick, because I ran into the same problem on iriver (there some pixels in dark areas became green) 20.22.47 # preglow: I am not sure the register %d4 takes a word a long word from (%a0) 20.22.53 # or/a 20.23.07 # preglow: probably that's where the mask must be used ? 20.23.21 # amiconn: eck, I probably wasn't hitting upper 16 bits again after inital clr.l then 20.23.55 # Seems so 20.23.55 # preglow: ok that's 32 bits, I don't know how to read a manual ... 20.24.09 # I swapped the order of chroma and luma fetches 20.24.24 # It's more logical to me that way 20.24.26 # amiconn: why faster? more rectangular? 20.24.44 # :) 20.25.09 # You prepare chroma, then apply it to 2 consecutive luma values 20.26.06 # What's the FR now? It was 15.4 average? At 1% speedup about 15.5? 20.26.33 # I got 15.1 vs. 14.9 fps with my test video 20.26.38 # amiconn: I knew it needed a big going over but it was a big improvement over the c version 20.27.01 Join thoughts [0] (n=thoughts@nl103-153-22.student.uu.se) 20.27.02 # So even though a port to STMP3500 / Motorola 56K is not highly probable... I have some nice scans of Lyra PDP2335 and FrontierLabx NEX3+ internals... do you have a page somewhere to collect such stuff for others interested in what hardware is in their hardware? 20.27.03 # (an older encode of elephantsdream 176x128, probably not q6) 20.27.07 # amiconn: I'm judging everything based on the jamie's mom video which is where it started 20.27.11 # mirak: 32 bits, yeah 20.27.26 # mirak: If you process 16bit values and have a streak of mac instructions, I wouldn't use the mask, but instead just fetch 32bit every other mac instruction 20.28.13 # the mask can't be used for that at all 20.28.18 # you use the mask to implement circular buffers 20.28.19 # amiconn: the fetched value is in an array of 16bits values 20.28.38 # That video should be faster now. If the code isn't actually faster it is smaller which is very good too. 20.29.00 # mac.w %d0l, %d4l, (%a0)+, %d4, %acc0 the value loaded in %d4 will be 16 bits 20.29.09 # No, 32bit 20.29.15 # oh ok since I only take the lower part it's ok 20.29.19 # * amiconn recommends CFPRM.pdf 20.29.20 # amiconn: yes 32 sorry 20.29.35 # amiconn: I am on the manual already 20.29.53 # mirak: a0 will also incremented by 4, so you fetch 2 values into one register 20.30.03 # amiconn: when does it give the FR? I don't see it in the corner any longer. 20.30.15 # Enable it in the menu... 20.30.19 # amiconn: you sure ? 20.30.24 # yes 20.30.41 # mirak: yes, it's like that 20.31.02 # it's supposed to, freescale would be braindead not to do it like that 20.31.41 # preglow: I though the incrementation depended of the instruction .size 20.33.27 # preglow: 2.2.4 it says it depends of the size of the operand. That's not clear again 20.33.41 # linuxstb: The widescreen version of elephantsdream is playing realtime on X5 :) 20.33.58 # Nice... The q6 one? 20.34.15 # yes 20.34.26 # Oh! 20.34.27 # Is that with frame skipping, or is it just averaging 24fps? 20.34.42 # w/o framerate limiting I get ~30fps 20.35.06 # It goes down a bit after the intro 20.35.15 # mirak: why do you read that? read the "mac with load" page 20.35.23 # mirak: this isn't exactly an ordinary addressing mode 20.35.28 # dan_a: I'm getting immediate *PANIC* stkov trying to run your COP kernel on my 5g... 20.35.28 # preglow: it says, byte, word or long word. hum I guess you are right, it should be 32 bits, because if it's not 32 you could not take only the upper or lower part 20.35.34 # mirak: the mac instruction page clearly says a 32 bit load is always performed 20.36.01 # preglow: yes, my bad ... 20.36.30 # 15.3 20.36.54 Join XxBigP123xX [0] (n=182e1507@labb.contactor.se) 20.37.26 # can someone tell me how to install a patch? 20.37.58 # XxBigP123xX: You don't "install a patch", you "apply a patch to the Rockbox source code, and compile a new version of Rockbox." 20.38.01 Quit lorijho ("Kopete 0.11.3 : http://kopete.kde.org") 20.38.11 # o ok 20.38.28 # linuxstb: Average is 26.3fps - then it shuts down 20.38.36 # XxBigP123xX: There is lots of documentation in the Rockbox wiki about it. 20.38.38 # Grrrrr, I should really fix that 20.38.43 # The idle timeout? 20.38.46 # yup 20.39.01 # video.rock does signal activity properly 20.41.32 Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) 20.41.58 Quit mantono ("restarting X") 20.42.47 # * amiconn wonders how that works... 20.43.34 # * amiconn has a suspicion 20.44.00 # amiconn: Wonder why it's not speedier?? Is the player itself a bit slower now and eating up the savings? 20.44.19 Join mantono [0] (n=mantono@c83-250-204-173.bredband.comhem.se) 20.44.38 # Possible. I tested w/o updating the player, I only changed the core 20.44.47 Quit Mmmm (Remote closed the connection) 20.45.01 # The q6-160x96 video is playing at around 39fps on my 5g, but it looks a bit silly... 20.45.06 # * jhMikeS has to get that recording patch up for others to gaze upon and laugh 20.45.15 Quit Kohlrabi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.45.58 # linuxstb: How fast is the 224px widescreen version on your color? 20.46.20 # I think around 18-19fps, I'll check. 20.46.28 # is it in any was discouraged to use /apps header in /firmware files (#include "../apps/file.h")? I found it nescessary to do what I wanted. 20.46.40 # It's forbidden 20.47.06 # apps can call firmware, but not other way around 20.47.29 # amiconn: why? 20.48.17 # They're compiled to the same binary...it doesn't make sense to me in all cases 20.48.38 # it was originally done to be able to make several applications 20.48.43 # but that never happened, and it's still there 20.48.58 # i still think it's kind of good, though 20.49.11 # It's simply to have a layer of abstraction 20.49.13 # * linuxstb likes having a low-level, high-level split in the code 20.49.32 # Problem is that stuff that was low-level on hwcodec is now high-level on swcodec 20.49.35 # linuxstb: I get around 17fps on h300 20.49.42 # Maybe my audio_set_source code should be higher level then? Where should it go? 20.50.01 # Sounds like it is firmware layer 20.50.03 # jhMikeS: no, that sounds like a fine firmware/ candidate 20.50.12 # Why do you need to call app code from that? 20.50.31 # linuxstb: like what, really? 20.50.53 # it turns the devices associated with that source on and off (fm radio in one case). It makes the screens and everything else much cleaner 20.50.58 # preglow: Mainly the playback engine. 20.51.17 # (and related stuff like mpeg stream and id3 parsing) 20.51.19 # linuxstb: i can't imagine why that should be any more lowlevel for hwcodec than swcodec, really 20.51.33 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 20.51.49 # You just select a soure, whether it's for recording and it sets up power/peak meters/mux/and line/mic 20.52.11 # preglow: I agree - to me it's high-level code, but it was implemented in firmware... 20.52.27 # There's no audio_set_source for hwcodec...I didn't muss with that. 20.52.41 # linuxstb: ah yeah, sure, i'm not questioning that, i'm merely saying it shouldn't be there ;) 20.52.58 # preglow: We agree :) 20.52.59 # linuxstb: firmware should be pure drivers and kernel, if you ask me 20.53.08 # No it shouldn't - but changing that means the wanted-but-hard-to-do playback unification 20.53.26 # With the current swcodec playback engine state I don't see that happen soon :( 20.53.33 Quit mantono (Remote closed the connection) 20.53.35 # pft, it's not that bad 20.53.45 # * preglow wants metadata on buffer 20.54.20 # To me it looks so strange and complex that I don't understand how it works - even with the explanation in the wiki 20.54.22 # amiconn: It started around 28fps, and has settled at around 27fps. 20.54.33 # sure, me too, but i don't know how much can be done about that 20.54.39 # * jhMikeS is not sure what to do then. Maybe use playback.c 20.54.54 # And I think a playback engine doesn't need to be as complex as the swcodec engine is 20.55.20 # Linus seems to think the same 20.55.25 # the swcodec engine looks pretty simple now! *slapping self* 20.56.52 # amiconn: yeah, but that sounds more like a hunch than anything else. i haven't heard any real reasons 20.57.02 # just "this looks to complex for some reason i can't explain" 20.57.06 # too, even 20.57.34 # i think it's complex because of gapless 20.57.53 # * preglow waits for a smiley 20.58.00 # not gonna happen 20.58.02 # haha 21.00.09 # hmm 21.00.55 # I just had a thought - what will the playback engine do if crossfading is enabled, and the crossfade time is longer than a short track? 21.01.23 # now, there's the kind of thing that makes it complex 21.01.27 # The voice is a bugger and hangs...but it doesn't hang the spot I fixed it when whizzing through to the recording screen w/voice 21.01.47 # amiconn: the playback engine isn't too fond of short files as it is 21.01.52 # amiconn: it'll probably do something nasty 21.02.07 # i've used crossfade a total of one times, so i wouldn't know 21.02.12 # Legal CD tracks can be as short as 4 seconds 21.03.00 # I mean valid 21.03.06 # not shorter? 21.03.10 # i'm certain i' 21.03.13 # no 21.03.19 # i'm certain i've got a shorter one 21.03.26 # Red Book says 4 seconds 21.03.30 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host226-156.pool8250.interbusiness.it) 21.03.37 # ahh, no, it's four seconds 21.03.38 # 300 blocks 21.04.12 Quit BigMac (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.04.32 # anyway 21.04.37 # cd tracks is by no means the standard 21.04.46 # i can make tracks a couple of samples long if i want 21.04.47 # no problem 21.05.03 # or an mp3 with just one frame 21.05.03 # etc 21.06.27 # hehe 21.06.45 # * amiconn imagines a playlist consisting of 1-second tracks, each encoded with a different codec 21.07.10 # and different sample rates/channels 21.07.25 # is that a bit harsh? :) 21.08.05 # That's probably a good way to break gapless... 21.08.13 # a playback torture test is in order... 21.08.38 # Or maybe not... Rockbox should be able to swap codecs in less than a second. 21.09.03 # i think it can but you'll often have to spin the disk to load a new one 21.09.25 # The codec is buffered in the audio buffer before the first track that uses it. 21.09.51 # (so no disk spinups when changing codecs) 21.11.14 # even if you have 10 different 1s files in a row with 10 different formats? 21.11.51 # It has to spin it at some point if it's not loaded yet 21.12.48 # The codecs are buffered at the time the tracks are buffered 21.12.53 # When the track is buffered, the format is checked using get_metadata(), and then if the codec is different to the previous track, it's loaded and stored in the audio buffer. There should be space for 10 different codec binaries and 10 1s tracks in the audio buffer. 21.13.12 # makes sense 21.13.44 # when you play an mp3, then an ogg, and skip back, it would load the mp3 codec from disk? 21.14.28 # that doesn't really have anything to do with this though.. :) 21.14.33 # dan_a: I'm guessing you've been testing your COP code with the cache disabled? I think the bootloader will need to set up the COP's stack and fill it with 0xdeadbeef. 21.14.49 # Mikachu: IIUC, it would also reload the first mp3 track. 21.15.05 # and reload all tracks after it? 21.15.39 # Yes. But I think it only loads about 2MB of data in the first attempt, then when that is emptied to the watermark, the buffer is filled completely. 21.15.41 # There's only space for one active codec in IRAM, right? There's no codec MRU cache I'm aware of yet. 21.19.07 Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) 21.23.33 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 21.25.51 Join dpassen1 [0] (n=dpassen1@resnet-236-163.resnet.UMBC.EDU) 21.26.19 Quit bbroke ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") 21.28.00 Join Febs [0] (n=40be240f@labb.contactor.se) 21.29.50 # i got a question 21.30.13 # can i play galaga on my 5th gen. ipod? 21.30.21 Quit XxBigP123xX ("CGI:IRC") 21.30.23 Join XxBigP123xX [0] (n=182e1507@labb.contactor.se) 21.30.59 # You could probably play a Gameboy version of Galaga if there is such a thing and you can find the ROM. 21.31.15 # i can find the rom myself 21.31.17 # thanks 21.31.54 # i found one 21.33.14 # brb _AGAIN_ 21.33.16 Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) 21.35.13 # It reads from disk if the current codec is not the same as the previous. 21.35.17 Join apo` [0] (n=apo@dslb-084-057-068-014.pools.arcor-ip.net) 21.36.14 Quit apo (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21.36.55 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 21.37.07 # re 21.38.31 # so I guess it's an MRU cache with 1 entry...the currently loaded one. 21.39.29 # It reads the codec from disk when the new track requires a different codec than th eprevious track 21.39.40 # ..at the time the tracks are buffered 21.40.03 # amiconn: yes, but it could cache a couple in ram instead of hitting the disk 21.40.15 # It does! 21.40.33 # it would make no sense to cache them _and_ put them in the codec buffer 21.40.40 # well, i guess a little sense 21.41.14 # If it does MP3/FLAC/MP3/FLAC it will hit the disk four times 21.41.24 Join belze [0] (i=nifty@dslb-088-073-223-160.pools.arcor-ip.net) 21.41.26 # when buffering, when it is hitting the disk anyway 21.41.28 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 21.41.32 Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 21.41.47 # i don't see how you would put an mp3 on the codec buffer without the disk spinning 21.42.14 # This could be done better.../** 21.42.14 # * Sets the audio source and powers/unpowers related devices. 21.42.14 # */ 21.42.14 DBUG Enqueued KICK jhMikeS 21.42.14 # void audio_set_source(int source, bool recording) 21.42.14 # { 21.42.14 Quit jhMikeS (Excess Flood) 21.42.16 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@adsl-75-10-15-121.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) 21.42.20 # did you know that you got a loud noisefloor on ogg-files which changes with the volume? 21.42.24 # wtf? 21.42.38 # Sometimes my clipboard get pasted here for no apparent reason 21.42.40 # on a h100 that is 21.42.48 # *h110 21.42.56 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 21.42.56 # * jhMikeS is sorry for that 21.43.16 # jhMikeS: A full audio buffer would look something like this: [mpa.codec | track1.mp3 | track2.mp3 | vorbis.codec | track3.ogg | a52.codec | track4.ac3 | etc etc] 21.43.47 # how do you know the codec to use before reading the file ? 21.44.02 # yes it looks it up by format id 21.44.19 # like .ogg can only be voribis ? 21.44.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.44.26 # or does it preparse the file ? 21.44.59 # .ogg can be speex as well 21.45.07 # which rockbox doesn't handle too well atm :/ 21.45.12 # unless that's improved recently 21.45.35 # ogg is just a container and can be almost anything 21.45.39 # i know 21.45.51 # only mp3 isn't a container really 21.45.52 # dionoea I really don't know... 21.46.00 # i was just asking how it knew that it needed to cache vorbis.codec and not speex.codec 21.46.10 # linuxstb: do you know ? 21.46.34 # i guess it runs the get_metadata function or something before buffering it 21.46.39 # s/the/a/ 21.47.00 # linuxstb: yes but for each change it will hit the disk...if it's MP3/OGG/MP3/OGG it COULD be made to only hit twice instead of four 21.47.31 # jhMikeS, it doesn't actually check 21.47.38 # I think it just assumes vorbis the whole time 21.47.45 # 'cos this speex file I have still doesn't play 21.47.59 # Mikachu: but doesn't getting the meta data require demuxing the file ? (which is, AFAIK, handled by codecs in rockbox) 21.48.20 # jhMikeS: No - it hits the disk once and fills the buffer. So in one disk spin-up, it will load all the required codecs and tracks at the same time. 21.49.00 # dionoea: As Mikachu said, when the disk is spinning, and just before the track is loaded into the buffer, get_metadata is called which reads the ID3 tags and identifies which audio codec is needed to decode the file. 21.49.02 # linuxstb: I understand...If the files are long enough for spindown to occurr \it probably doesn't matter. 21.49.42 # It buffers as many files as will fit into the buffer 21.49.53 # ? It will load about 28MB worth of audio - which even as FLAC will be a few minutes. 21.50.18 # (sorry, less on 16MB targets) 21.51.05 # Btw, I'm thinking about a way to handle the pcm codec on archos 21.51.47 # I don't think it's worth to go for fully loadable codecs - we will only have 2, mpeg audio and pcm audio 21.52.19 # How big is the PCM codec? 21.52.26 # I would also like the default codec to stay built-in - but then it's not wise to reserve a separate codec buffer just for the pcm codec 21.53.06 # ...and otoh, making the pcm codec built-in is also not a good idea, because it probably won't get used often 21.53.38 # linuxstb: Well...my point is (I think I have one :)...a string of short files will load the codecs and files up to available space...long files won't have a significant relative load from loading codecs. 21.54.32 # Controlling the pcm codec from the CPU is very similar to controlling the mpeg audio codec. 21.54.47 # The big part is the executable blob for the MAS 21.55.31 # About 12KB when stored as 32bit words, and 7.5KB as 20bit words 21.56.01 # jhMikeS: I'm not quite sure what you're suggesting. But the codecs are relatively tiny compared to audio files - look at build/apps/codecs/*.codec mpa.codec is relative large at about 84KB (on ARM, less on Coldfire) 21.56.58 # linuxstb: yes...except short audio files 21.57.01 # * linuxstb is still surprised to see flac.codec at only 11720 bytes... 21.57.37 # * jhMikeS has to find out what the he11 keystroke pastes his whole damn clipboard 21.57.59 # jhMikeS: What alternative are you suggesting? The current method is simple, and works well under normal circumstances. 21.58.06 # jhMikeS: are you using linux ? 21.58.18 # * jhMikeS is probably hitting ctrl-V by mistake with his bad typing 21.58.28 Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 21.58.31 # dionea: no Visual IRC 2.0 21.58.55 # ok ... (on linux you can paste by clicking the middle mouse button) 21.59.08 Nick Nibbier is now known as NibbIer (n=sven@port-212-202-193-252.dynamic.qsc.de) 21.59.50 # jhMikeS: How likely is it that someone plays a whole bunch of tiny files, _and_ those files require changing codecs everytime? 22.00.18 # The codec is only buffered with the track if it's different to the previous 22.00.18 Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") 22.00.20 # linuxstb: after thinking it through with everyone...I'm think any mru cache in ram is unneeded 22.00.30 # amiconn: not likely... 22.00.35 # you could cache all the codecs at the begining of the buffer if they're small enough 22.01.15 # amiconn: it came to mind because of talking about "torturing" the playback 22.01.49 # linuxstb: I think a similar approach to what swcodec does might be the best method: Buffering the MAS blob in front of a pcm track - if the previous track was mpeg audio 22.01.53 # dionoea: I don't see how that would help 22.02.07 # The binary code for pcm operation would be built-in, and would send the blob to the MAS 22.02.41 # A short gap when switching mpa<->pcm will be unavoidable 22.03.35 # The mas dsp core has to be stopped, the blob sent over i2c (12KB!), then the pcm codec needs to be initialised 22.03.49 # Switching back to mppa is faster (no i2c blob transfer) 22.03.56 Quit belze ("Be Not Nobody...") 22.06.55 Join mantono [0] (n=mantono@c83-250-204-173.bredband.comhem.se) 22.07.48 Quit TeaSea (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.08.44 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 22.12.15 # I'm so ticked off about this firmware/apps thing getting in the way of the sensible thing I'd like to do. 22.13.28 # preglow: there seems to be a problem in the manual for coldfire at the EMAC section. some pages seems to be in dupes with the pages in the MAC. 22.14.05 # in CFPRM 22.16.09 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54967538.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.19.46 # hum only the 8 bits in plus make it called E MAC ? 22.23.37 # mirak: oh? 22.23.56 # that's a bit weird 22.24.28 # mirak: dupes? 22.24.32 # the MAC instruction comes in the EMAC section, but with only difference the result is on 40 bits instead of 32 22.24.33 # It's called emac because of several enhancements 22.24.49 # mirak: the result is 40 bits for emac as well... 22.24.55 # mirak: in some cases, even 48 bits 22.25.00 # The accumulator width is 48 bit instead of 32 22.25.05 # the enhancements I see are some add and sub at the same time 22.25.07 # There are 4 accumulators instead of 1 22.25.19 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A45A30.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.26.01 # hum ok I must be tired or really don't know how to read this manual ... 22.26.11 # MOVCLR instruction to move & clear at once 22.27.21 # multiply and add to first and to second accumulator, or substract. To bad this one doesn't have loading to register also 22.30.44 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-253-1-9-59.w90-7.abo.wanadoo.fr) 22.31.03 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@ 22.32.52 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 22.34.09 # preglow: did you used the coldfire emulator ? 22.34.21 # no 22.35.22 # does that work with the emac? 22.36.18 # anyone familiar with the ipod/pp code in crt0.S? 22.36.41 # yeah, somewhat 22.36.52 # I'm trying to use a stripped down 'Normal' build but execution never seems to reach main() 22.37.17 # I can't figure out why 22.37.19 # Are you sure you're editing the correct main() - the first one in apps/main.c is for the simulator - the second is for targets. 22.37.35 # * linuxstb has been hit by that in the past... 22.37.36 # yes, i'm editing the second one 22.38.10 # I put lcd_puts() and lcd_update() at the start of main 22.38.19 # notinig shows up on the screen 22.38.38 # I think that's because the lcd and fonts haven't been intialised at that point. 22.38.42 # preglow: don't know, that's 5206 coldfire 22.39.01 # it works fine in the bootloader build though 22.39.03 # barrywardell: got a h10 again? 22.39.31 # yes 22.39.33 # good, good 22.39.46 # got it yesterday. I'm trying to see if I can get sound working\ 22.40.57 # * dionoea wonders how much time this h10 will last ... a week ? 22.41.02 # barrywardell: Have you checked if the COP changes dan_a has committed affect the H10? 22.41.11 # I've been looking at crt0.S. The non-bootloader build does a remapping of memory and enables interrupts 22.41.35 # linuxstb: not yet. maybe I'll remove them in my code and test that 22.41.56 # barrywardell: do you know what was broken on it? 22.42.09 # No need to remove them - just make sure they're enabled for the H10. You'll also need to change your bootloader to sync with the recent ipod.c changes. 22.42.22 # barrywardell: you could try removing the remapping and just never enabling interrupts 22.42.45 # preglow: seems 5206 doesn't have emac 22.42.49 # preglow: are either necessary for testing audio? 22.43.13 # preglow: it was the hdd that was broken 22.43.29 # barrywardell: weird... 22.43.39 # barrywardell: i'm just thinking about your main() problem... 22.43.52 # So even though a port to STMP3500 / Motorola 56K is not highly probable... I have some nice scans of Lyra PDP2335 and FrontierLabx NEX3+ internals... do you have a page somewhere to collect such stuff for others interested in what hardware is in their hardware? 22.44.03 # barrywardell: I think testing audio is a bit premature - you need to get Rockbox compiling and running first... Which shouldn't be too much work now you have an LCD driver. 22.44.13 # agreed 22.44.21 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.44.27 Quit XavierGr () 22.44.28 # linuxstb: i have it compiling 22.44.42 # there aren't any build errors anyway 22.45.31 # I haven't actually tried to use a build on my H10 yet though 22.45.38 Join killa909 [0] (n=josephwo@adsl-75-3-195-204.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) 22.45.44 # Try checking the changes in cvs that dan_a made to bootloader/ipod.c and apply them to your bootloader. 22.46.01 # * barrywardell is afraid of killing another H10 22.46.25 # hey guys... just installed rockbox successfully on the ipod... but now I cant mount the ipod... can anybody guide me a little/ 22.46.42 # killa909: linux ? 22.46.51 # naw... OS X 22.47.03 # Firewire? 22.47.04 # * dionoea won't be able to help 22.47.07 # firewire 22.47.16 # ipod photo 60 gb 22.47.23 # Rockbox doesn't detect firewire connections - you need to manually reboot to disk mode. 22.47.46 # (or use USB) 22.47.49 # oh... I had a feeling... how do I manually boot the pod into disk mode... 22.48.16 # unfort, i dont have USB 2.0 on the computer... so disk mode will suffice i think 22.48.16 # Hold PLAY for a few seconds to cleanly shut down Rockbox. Then press MENU or SELECT to turn it back on, and immediately press and hold SELECT+PLAY. 22.48.31 Join Mmmm [0] (n=mscarrat@cpc1-hem13-0-0-cust291.lutn.cable.ntl.com) 22.48.33 Part sobukus 22.48.35 # while plugged in? 22.48.44 # Doesn't matter. 22.49.13 # in the idct the block array wich contains coef is int_16 * , however inside the function it does int d0=block[i] . Does such an operation preserve the sign ? 22.49.18 # whaddyaknow... that works... 22.49.45 # linuxstb - thanks 22.49.51 # big time 22.50.02 # No problem. 22.50.23 # now, regarding which directory to drag my music into, I can just drag the files into the ipod root? 22.50.41 # you can create a /music dir for neatness 22.50.47 # Yes, you can put them anywhere. Most people have an Artist/Album/NN-TrackName.ext setup. 22.50.52 # who likes neatness 22.51.11 # great... thanks everybody 22.53.43 # on the video ipods, does rockbox support video playback/ 22.54.20 # No. 22.54.25 # so maybe the problem isn't in crt0.S 22.54.30 # linuxstb: short answer :) 22.54.48 # I changed it to use the bootloader code in that file instead and still no luck 22.54.57 # i suppose its in development? i know you guys love the n00bs coming in here and messing everything up 22.55.20 # killa909: There's a video player for Rockbox in development, but it's for all devices Rockbox supports - i.e. it just uses the main CPU, not the video chip which only exists in the 5g. 22.55.35 # * Mikachu erases the same response from his input line 22.55.39 # ^all devices with colour LCDs that Rockbox supports. 22.55.43 # Mikachu: patience :) 22.55.55 # oh wow... thats amazing 22.56.36 # are the ipod processors strong enough for work like that? i was reading about the progress and noticed a lot of the bugs seem to be attributed to processor strength 22.56.51 # killa909: all ipods have 2 cpus, rockbox only uses one of them 22.56.59 # (yet) 22.57.04 # interesting 22.57.04 Quit solarflare_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.57.09 # The bugs aren't really problems with processor power, Rockbox just isn't running efficiently enough yet. 22.57.23 Join solarflare_ [0] (n=supernov@82-203-170-134.dsl.gohome.fi) 22.57.41 # oh I see... 22.59.27 # okay, more questions: how often is it suggested that I update my rockbox software? 23.00.12 # when something cool happens :) 23.00.26 # hahah.... 23.00.29 # like video playback 23.00.37 # or a more efficient build 23.00.52 # or improved battery life on ipods ... :/ 23.00.56 # Video playback is already in the official builds - see http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer for the current status and instructions. 23.01.26 # oh shit 23.01.38 # battery life for ipods seems to really be a problem, i guess 23.01.53 # kind of 23.01.55 # Depends how far away you are from a charger... 23.01.55 Quit XxBigP123xX ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 23.02.02 # hahaahahahaaha 23.02.38 # a USB port in fact ... i don't own the "standalone" charger 23.02.57 # btw, that's kind of outrageous. Selling a player without the charger and with crappy headphones 23.02.59 Quit pepie34 ("Ex-Chat") 23.03.01 # yeah cause apple cheaped out and doesnt include them anymore 23.03.36 # well, the crappy headphones are excusable, if not ideal.. but i agree, the lack of a charger really is a kick in the pants 23.03.45 # cause the thing is like 40 bucks or something 23.04.09 # i suppose there are disgruntled ipod owners on craigslist selling their chargers for super cheap or even giving them away 23.04.47 # yeah ... maybe. (i doubt that the charger cost anywhere near $40 to manufacture btw) 23.05.01 # i doubt the ipod socks cost $30 to manufacture 23.06.27 # I meant to the consumer 23.06.38 # im going to disregard the socks comment 23.07.05 # so, what about the themes for rockbox... 23.07.12 # it doesnt seem tthat they are applied 23.07.28 # Did you download and unzip the fonts .zip file? 23.07.38 # i did not 23.07.56 # It's on the daily builds page - the last item (with a Rockbox logo above it) 23.09.12 Quit _FireFly_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.09.26 # okay, downloaded and expanded... it seems the files are invisible 23.09.30 # is this correct? 23.11.05 # it's stored in /.rockbox which is hidden (at least on linux it's hidden) 23.11.18 # since it starts with a . 23.11.21 # right... okay... 23.12.01 # restarting finder to see invisibles 23.12.33 # so where do I drag this .rockbox/fonts/ 23.12.51 # in the ipod's root 23.13.05 # okay... 23.13.06 # where you already have a .rockbox folder i guess 23.13.20 # and themes go in .rockbox/themes/ 23.13.31 # (nice themes are available on http://www.rockbox-themes.org ) 23.13.33 # so there is already a .rockbox/ dir on the ipod, drag the fonts into there... 23.14.15 # (well in fact themes go in .rockbox/themes/ and other .rockbox/* folders) 23.14.22 # killa909: right 23.15.34 Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") 23.15.54 Join stripwax [0] (n=stripwax@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) 23.16.15 # i like how they display the black eyed peas "my humps" for all the theemes 23.18.26 # can i place any sort of jpg into the backdrops foldeR? 23.18.38 # only .bmp files 23.18.45 # with same resolution as your device's LCD 23.18.54 # oh interesting 23.21.12 # you can put them anywhere and press "select" for a long time 23.21.24 # it'll display a small menu with a "Set backdrop" entry 23.21.27 # they'll only be remembered in backdrops/ 23.22.30 # oh interesting 23.22.32 # haha 23.22.40 # my english seems limited today 23.22.43 # do you have a hotkey for sayingthat? 23.22.52 # no, but I should, right 23.22.59 # Mikachu: why is that limited btw ? (i've wanted to ask for a long time) 23.23.14 # ask someone who knows :) 23.23.19 # what are your favorite features of rockbox? 23.23.48 # solitaire and the chopper game 23.23.54 # (chopper is a pending patch) 23.24.10 # what does pending patch mean, sorry 23.24.13 # another nice gadget feature is that it plays audio :) 23.24.19 Quit PyromancerX (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.24.26 # killa909: that it's not in the official source code yet 23.24.27 # btw dionoea... how's solitaire doing now? 23.24.46 # it's ... doing :) 23.24.52 # yeah the audio functionality seems really great 23.24.55 # it'll be doing better next week end 23.25.03 # :) 23.28.27 Join Pyromancer [0] (n=Pyromanc@dsl092-069-150.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 23.29.50 # this is kind of a bitch to set up guys 23.29.53 # gotta be honest 23.29.54 # powerbook:~ root# umount /dev/disk1s3 23.29.55 # umount: unmount(/Volumes/iPod Nano): Resource busy 23.29.57 # any ideas 23.30.05 # itunes not open 23.30.07 # not in its does 23.30.12 # itunes helper killed 23.30.20 # its not mounted, right? 23.30.28 # of course it's mounted 23.30.35 # oh nm 23.30.38 # why else would i be trying to unmount it 23.30.42 # i didnt read it 23.30.43 # sorry 23.31.10 # coob: Do you have any shells sitting in the "/Volumes/iPod Nano" directory? 23.31.22 # no 23.31.24 # Also, does Mac OS X have the "lsof" command? 23.31.34 # yes 23.31.55 # Then that will tell you - try "lsof | grep disk1" 23.32.20 # Or maybe it won't, thinking about it.... 23.32.30 # nope :) 23.32.58 # ah 23.33.00 # spotlight 23.33.07 # that scheming little bastards 23.33.20 # wow it was indexing 23.33.45 # wouldnt force unmount work too? 23.34.28 # * jhMikeS got a decent solution to the firware/apps dilemma :) 23.34.43 # So - I noticed a recent cvs commit, "Fix profile builds". - we have timer profiling in the code now? Does it work on target or on sim only? 23.35.25 # doh umount -f did the trick 23.35.37 # stripwax: See docs/TECH 23.35.40 # Nemmind - I just found the setting under Devel. 23.35.43 # linuxstb - sweet, thanks 23.36.01 Quit jaebird ("Ex-Chat") 23.36.11 Quit mantono ("bye") 23.36.22 Quit Mmmm ("Byeee") 23.38.00 # okay, playing with the rockbox, although setting this thing up has been a major bitch... im pleasantly surprised by how intuitive it is... nice job guys 23.38.42 # love scrolling through the volume menu in sound while a song is playing 23.40.06 Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@ 23.40.12 # found a bug 23.40.14 # i think 23.40.31 # go on :) 23.40.41 # hitting rockbox info while song is playing - eh, nevermind 23.40.45 # it was hangning 23.40.55 # that's a known ipod bug 23.41.03 # but for real this time, it froze 23.41.26 # completely ? 23.41.32 # yep 23.41.34 # did it freeze or was it just reading the directory structure to count the number of files and directories (which is what Info shows iirc) 23.41.42 # takes some time as I recall 23.41.44 # no, it did that before... 23.42.11 # then i hit back - once or twice - began to scroll down the menu, and it froze 23.42.17 Join Aggort [0] (i=Aggort@c-67-186-46-21.hsd1.oh.comcast.net) 23.42.18 # just had to force restart 23.42.26 # oooh, new musepack seek patch 23.42.27 # Anyone help me with wps files? 23.42.57 # for soem reason I can't get my volume display 23.43.12 # i placed a bmp in the backdrops dir... how do i select the file though 23.43.41 # killa909 - as above, hold down the select key and select the option to use it when the short menu appears 23.43.54 # Anyone> 23.43.57 # ?*- 23.44.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.44.42 # alternative is to go in settings, Device->Select backdrop or something like that i think 23.44.56 # Aggort - that silence might mean a 'no' unfortunately 23.45.05 # thanks to you both 23.45.10 # lol 23.45.21 # I can't fiugure out why it won;ty display 23.45.22 # currently viewing a relatively large jpg 23.45.32 # how do i get out of this viewing mode 23.45.37 # menu is not functioning 23.45.49 # Aggort - I know *nothing* about WPS but my suggestion would be to compare your WPS to one that you know works 23.46.03 # killa909 - menu + select? 23.46.11 # (although don't hold it down too long ;-)) 23.46.11 # of course 23.46.14 # it worked befor 23.46.16 # right 23.46.24 # its like force quit... ctrl alt delete 23.46.27 # killa909: plugin exist keys can be select / menu / select+menu 23.46.44 # Yeah - about that. It;'s sortof annoying that these are inconsistent between plugins 23.46.46 # listen guys, i appreciate all your help 23.46.54 # true... 23.46.59 # stripwax: yep. 23.47.03 # good night everyone 23.47.07 # night 23.47.18 # * rotator perks up and the mention of musepack seeking 23.48.19 # Would it make sense for all plugins to use select+menu as quit? (I can already see arguments both for and against though) 23.49.02 # Strip - Yea I did that, they are identical 23.49.07 # I can't figure out wtf is wrong 23.49.48 # Aggort - I'm guessing there must be some difference or it would just work ;-) - can you post a link to your wps? 23.50.25 # Solved it, at last 23.50.27 # lol 23.50.32 # thanks anyway thoiugh 23.50.42 # what was the problem 23.51.04 # I unno 23.51.07 # ... 23.51.09 # Nevermind 23.51.12 # it's gone again 23.51.15 # this is fucking weird 23.51.15 # lol 23.51.25 # hrmm.. 23.51.51 Quit midkay (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.51.57 Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") 23.52.15 # gotta say my favorite theme is the lohan theme 23.52.22 # just wish it was like an "oops" photo 23.52.30 # killa909 - could always edit it 23.52.38 # yeah for sure 23.52.40 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ 23.52.40 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 23.53.03 # so i got this thing going 23.53.06 # playing music 23.53.08 # theme 23.53.09 # all that 23.53.14 # do i need any patches or anything? 23.53.24 # killa909 - congrats! why would you need patches? 23.53.38 # i dont know 23.53.47 # (note the word "need" - are there features you think you need that you currently don't have?) 23.53.51 # so i have more questions to ask you guys 23.54.03 # we'll be here all week 23.54.05 # im not really sure 23.54.06 # Oh 23.54.07 # ok 23.54.09 # I got it 23.54.09 # now 23.54.13 # Aggort - what was it 23.54.28 # There was conflict between two files. I didn't realize I listed it twuice 23.54.33 # that's why somettimes it'd show 23.54.35 # and sometime snot 23.54.44 # the first time it was I had the wrong folder lsited 23.54.52 # Aggort - heh, wow. 23.55.04 # yea 23.55.08 Quit Aggort () 23.55.21 # oh heres one feature im curious about 23.55.26 # what about album art? 23.55.40 # a lot of my mp3 files have album files attached to the id3 tags 23.55.55 # killa909 - ah, ok. the album art patch doesn't work with album files embedded in the id3 tags 23.55.58 # (as far as I know). 23.56.15 Quit Siku (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.56.15 NSplit sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 23.56.15 Quit Slasheri (sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.56.17 # it expects to find .bmp files in each folder instead. works great for me (as that's the same setup I have anyway) 23.56.45 # yeah... too bad all my -ahem- scene releases contain jpgs 23.57.00 NHeal sterling.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 23.57.00 NJoin Siku [0] (i=Siku@dsl-kpogw4-fe52df00-45.dhcp.inet.fi) 23.57.00 NJoin Slasheri [0] (i=miipekk@rockbox/developer/Slasheri) 23.57.14 # killa909 - I'm sure there's a way to rip out the jpgs from the tags and store them as regular .bmps in the filesystem 23.57.18 # and as i said before, the tags have pics embedded in them 23.57.28 # i suppose there must be 23.57.49 # the albumart patch is pretty cool but i'd go for a pre-patched build if you want to try it out. patching builds yourself is a bit of an artform. 23.57.57 Quit Febs ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 23.58.19 # right.... i havent gotten to that level of nerdery yet 23.58.23 # heh 23.58.36 # no offense to all of you lurkers