--- Log for 20.09.106 Server: kornbluth.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 18 days and 18 hours ago 00.01.50 # gtg now 00.01.53 Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") 00.04.43 Part Paul_The_Nerd 00.04.43 Quit Angryman ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 00.09.44 Quit CriamosAndy ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 00.15.37 Quit midkay ("Leaving") 00.15.55 Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") 00.17.53 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-112-165-230.austin.res.rr.com) 00.18.49 Quit ender` (" And the Lord said unto John: Come forth and receive eternal life. But John came fifth and won a toaster.") 00.21.50 Join lodesi_ [0] (n=lds@d01m-89-83-156-40.d4.club-internet.fr) 00.25.15 Quit obo ("bye") 00.25.25 Quit klrspz () 00.30.09 Quit lodesi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.30.11 Quit Nibbier (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.32.56 Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") 00.35.56 Quit webguest38 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 00.36.41 Join niskel [0] (n=niskel@fctnnbsc15w-156034073243.nb.aliant.net) 00.36.41 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-250-171.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 00.39.21 Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.40.22 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A61A7.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.42.56 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 00.48.59 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa142.9.tellas.gr) 00.53.48 Quit t0mas_ ("Doei") 00.57.46 Quit BHSPitMonkey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.02.42 Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) 01.08.27 Join Spida_ [0] (n=timo@spinnennetz.org) 01.08.48 Quit Spida (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.14.38 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.14.49 Quit spiorf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 01.18.41 Quit lodesi_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.19.01 Join ScoTTie [0] (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie) 01.20.15 Join davidc__ [0] (n=davidc@ 01.23.13 # Anyone know why flashing the latest rockbox.iriver on an H140 results in incompatible version? 01.27.30 # You mean the flash plugin tells you that? 01.27.46 # I'm *guessing* because you're running an old version of Rockbox from flash, and your flashing plugin is newer than it. 01.27.55 # Have you tried ROLOing into the new Rockbox.iriver first? 01.27.59 Join barrywardell_ [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-250-171.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 01.28.50 Join Nibbier [0] (n=sven@e181089091.adsl.alicedsl.de) 01.33.07 Join naltrus [0] (i=5024e118@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 01.33.51 # hi 01.36.34 # hello naltrus 01.37.09 # somebody knows if rockbox will support to Philips HDD6320 ? 01.37.43 # maybe, but we haven't found a key to decrypt the firmware 01.37.59 # http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/mi4.html 01.39.40 # we need a .bl file for you player (I don't know much about this) 01.39.49 # Is there such a file on it? 01.39.49 # thanks markun. I have already seen before in this page. 01.39.57 Quit barrywardell (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.40.42 # are there pictures of the chips on the HDD6320 available? 01.41.08 # but it is very difficult to find the key to decipt the firmware? 01.42.51 # not if you have a .bl file 01.43.16 # otherwise I don't know how difficult it is 01.43.42 Join Rudy4Pez [0] (n=A@71-34-66-241.ptld.qwest.net) 01.44.16 # You can ask Bagder if you come back a bit earlier (most people in europe are asleep) 01.44.24 # Haha, nice topic. 01.44.31 # and where can be found the file bl? in the device? 01.44.47 # maybe, I don't know 01.44.57 # thanks markun 01.46.53 # Without a developer with such a device there will be no port. Is there a forum of HDD63xx users where you can ask for help? 01.47.40 # I'm off to sleep. Good luck 01.47.55 # Trademark issues? With tetrox? 01.47.59 # ye markun 01.48.07 # Sorry I don't get it... 01.48.13 # bye markun 01.48.21 # Hey can any other image format besides .jpg be viewed in Rockbox? 02.01.40 Quit gromit` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.03.19 Part Paul_The_Nerd 02.04.34 Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") 02.17.02 Nick daurnimator|afk is now known as daurnimator (n=quae@ 02.17.02 DBUG Enqueued KICK daurnimator 02.19.30 # _Lucretia_ my reflection 02.29.15 Quit Spida_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 02.30.04 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp155-91.adsl.forthnet.gr) 02.30.04 Join |AhIoRoS| [0] (n=ahioros@ 02.31.03 Quit barrywardell_ () 02.37.28 Quit midgey34 () 02.40.20 Quit Rudy4Pez (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.55.35 Join pagefault [0] (i=pagefaul@pdpc/supporter/active/pagefault) 02.57.42 # the latest firmware for the h10 is outstanding thanks guys 02.57.50 # no more skipping with that latest wps 02.58.10 # pagefault: can you get peak monitoring during playback? 02.58.18 # i just updated 02.58.20 # sadly no 02.58.22 # but havent tried it 02.58.23 # damn 02.58.32 Quit davidc__ () 02.59.04 # no skipping at all with icatcher wps though 03.00.49 # would be nice to see the tuner supported sometime 03.00.53 # but it's not a priority 03.02.48 Join davidc__ [0] (n=davidc@ 03.03.42 # hm. some of those wps files come up weird on mine 03.03.49 # or did before i updated 03.04.05 # well the screen is 128x128 03.04.11 # many players are not that size 03.04.33 # oh, the icatcher comes up nicely now 03.04.36 # sweet 03.04.44 # that is a small screen. 03.04.44 # they need to be resized to work on the h10 03.04.46 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c220-237-57-32.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 03.05.01 # h20 is 160x128 03.05.05 # or something like that 03.05.12 # so those theme look off 03.07.04 Quit davidc__ (Client Quit) 03.07.20 # it's pretty much a beef up ipod nano 03.07.27 # it shares a lot of the same hardware 03.09.16 # iriver is hopeless with firmware though 03.10.29 # why does rockbox not do usb 03.10.45 # i have to put it into emergency mode when i want to transfer files 03.10.47 # the USB chip isn't documented 03.10.48 # it does 03.10.53 # turn it off 03.10.57 # connect the usb 03.11.00 # then turn it on 03.11.12 # emergency connection does, or yeah, using the iriver firmware 03.11.19 # or do you have a US model? 03.11.22 # what usb chip is it, are there pics? 03.11.26 # i have a us model, yes 03.11.36 # you should flash to euro model 03.11.38 # UMS device 03.11.41 # USB has to be done in software on the PP 03.11.43 # its a 20g 03.11.45 # not a 5gb 03.12.06 # i can get it as a UMS by using the emergency mode 03.12.12 # which is how i transfer files all the time 03.12.22 # (1) we have no USB stack in rockbox. (2) there is no documentation about how the USB part of the PP works 03.12.36 # maybe an updated firmware that always uses the ums emergency shit? i never use the MTP or whatever it is 03.13.00 Join Spida [0] (n=timo@spinnennetz.org) 03.13.09 # I updated my 5gb model to UMS firmware from MTP 03.13.13 # so it always boots to UMS 03.13.23 # Many other supported targets use a dedicated USB-ATA (or USB-MMC) bridge chip, which we just need to enable 03.13.37 # pagefault: there is no corresponding firmware for the 20gb 03.13.40 # ahh 03.13.57 # afaik 03.14.01 # that sucks 03.14.41 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.14.54 # So USB on PP targets (i.e. iPods and H10) is left to the OF or emergency disk mode for now 03.16.33 # I feel your pain MTP is slow and annoying 03.16.55 # pagefault: i see no point in it whatsoever 03.17.04 # i dont use windows media player, on general principle 03.17.16 # it was only put there so they can sell you DRM songs 03.17.20 # plus, most of my mp3s are on a server i scp to 03.17.30 # with mtp, i cant change the iriver to the destination 03.17.37 # right 03.17.42 # i avoid drm 03.19.50 # I try to 03.19.53 # I do buy from audible 03.20.02 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 03.20.04 # but I convert to vorbis 03.20.25 # and you don't get artifacts? 03.20.33 # not really 03.20.34 # it's voice 03.20.41 # not much quality to begin with 03.21.28 # sounds pretty much like the original 03.21.39 # would be nice to have a native codec but that will probably never happen 03.22.02 # anything i want i can find on giganews, pretty much 03.22.24 # We don't discuss copyright infringement here 03.24.12 # did i admit to infringing copyright? i wouldnt say so. 03.24.55 # anyway. 03.26.45 # what do you guys use normally to sync your players 03.27.20 Join Davide-NYC [0] (n=chatzill@user-12hdtm5.cable.mindspring.com) 03.29.17 # I forgot how USENET was a hotbed of legit-music distribution. 03.29.49 # hah 03.29.58 # maybe alt-1920s 03.30.08 # I think the copyright on that stuff is ok 03.30.43 Join davidc__ [0] (n=davidc@ 03.32.06 # sad thing is some of that has had the copyright renewed. 03.32.49 # sucks 03.32.51 Quit hardeep ("[BX] Whyismyspacebarnotworking?!") 03.33.32 Join Adam [0] (n=Adam@c-66-177-58-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 03.34.25 # hmm 03.34.42 # there is some stuff on archive.org 03.34.47 # cylinder transfer 03.36.40 # yea, there are a lot of great concerts on archive.org also. Recent concerts by bands who allow taping. 03.38.08 # I think it's great when bands post their songs on the net first because personally thats how I find them 03.39.04 Part pixelma 03.40.40 # This has wandered off topic, my bad. That's why I created #rockbox-social. Though that channel is about empty, I'd like to see it fill up and improve the signal-to-noise ratio here. 03.41.19 # ah ok sorry about that 03.42.51 Quit niskel (Remote closed the connection) 03.44.05 # any news on WMA decoding? 03.45.01 # alright i need some help and maybe some1 can help me. right now i have a video iPod with rockbox and no apple and im trying to restore apple for battery life reasons.... i have foobar and foo_pod and is there a way i can rebuild the database so when i boot into apple i will be able to navigate all my songs without making duplicates, right now ive got all my songs on my iPod in folders such as ARtist and so on 03.45.25 # how do you have rockbox and no apple firmware? 03.45.33 # i deleted apple firmware lol 03.45.41 # ok 03.45.43 # i can still boot into it, but the songs arent there because i deleted the db 03.45.55 # know what i mean now? 03.46.45 # as I understand, the apple database /can/ work with songs you add manually to the HD of the ipod, but is _severely_ limited as to path/filename length, so the odds are you will not be able to build the itunes database from songs you added to your player's filetree. 03.47.15 # ahh, so you didn't delete the applefirmware, you just deleted all your songs from the ipod database and it's funky ipod_control folder. 03.48.50 # Someone else can probably answer what the maximum filename length is for songs to be added to the itunes database, but my suggestion would be to remove all your music added "filetree" style for rockbox, and readd through foo_pod. Then when you want to use RockBox you can access those songs through tagcache instead of filetree browsing. 03.48.51 # ive heard the limit is 127 characters 03.48.53 # not that limited 03.49.28 # *cough* UMS 03.49.38 # (sorry) 03.49.41 # you are right, 127 isn't /that/ limiting. I have a couple longer, but not my majority. 03.51.12 Join aegray [0] (n=aegray@ 03.51.44 # \music\Lenny Bruce - 2004 - Let The Buyer Beware (Disc 1) (When The Good Road Is Closed, The Bad Road Will Never Be Open)\07 - Introduction To The Palladium Annie Ross What Was I Talking About.mp3 03.51.49 # wouldn't make it. 03.53.31 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-112-165-230.austin.res.rr.com) 03.54.26 Part Paul_The_Nerd 03.54.34 Quit Adam (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.55.05 # anyone know anything about WMA decoding? I'm willing to do testing. 03.55.17 # Who's working on it (if anyone) 03.57.05 Join webguest97 [0] (i=47eb9c3d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 03.57.19 Join mtnbkr [0] (n=mtnbkr@c-71-235-156-61.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) 04.01.33 Quit webguest97 (Client Quit) 04.04.17 Part mtnbkr ("Leaving") 04.08.15 Join Kalthare [0] (n=kalthare@c-71-197-114-207.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 04.08.40 Quit secleinteer (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.08.54 Join Adam [0] (n=Adam@c-66-177-58-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 04.09.03 # alright. 04.09.10 # well its working halfway lol 04.09.42 # when i open my iPod on iTunes all my songs are there and they play because i rebuilt the DB.... but when i try on my iPod all the songs are they but they just skip to the next one 04.09.46 # they dont play 04.09.53 # any ideas soap? 04.10.50 # Anyone with CVS access willing to do a really simple fix? 04.11.17 # the font win_crox6hbo is totally broken and should be removed 04.22.30 Join secleinteer [0] (n=scl@adsl-70-237-138-227.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) 04.24.37 Join webguest02 [0] (i=466b1c5c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 04.26.11 Quit webguest02 (Client Quit) 04.26.18 Join buzzard [0] (i=466b1c5c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 04.27.08 # hi 04.27.25 # is anyone there 04.29.05 Quit buzzard (Client Quit) 04.29.54 # yeah im here 04.30.07 Quit secleinteer (Remote closed the connection) 04.30.46 Join buzzard [0] (n=buzzard@pool-70-107-28-92.ny325.east.verizon.net) 04.31.22 # hi 04.31.25 # is anyone there 04.31.38 # (03:29:23) quit: (buzzard) (i=466b1c5c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b2ee6abde82e53e4) (Client Quit) 04.31.40 # (03:30:12) (Adam) yeah im here 04.31.44 # hi 04.31.49 # i have a question 04.31.56 # what 04.32.05 # how do i put album art into my music 04.32.19 # on rockbox? 04.32.22 # yea 04.32.36 # are u using a theme that supports album art? 04.32.42 # yea 04.32.47 # what theme 04.33.09 # jclix 04.33.35 # well u'll need to download an id3 editing program and add the pictures to the files 04.33.46 # hhm 04.33.53 # but the theme will probably require u to have the pictures a certain size first 04.34.00 # what? I'm pretty sure that's not how it works O.o 04.34.01 # ohh 04.34.07 # if they are to big or to small they might not display 04.34.08 # album art cant be in the mp3 04.34.18 # it has to be cover.bmp or something in the folder 04.34.26 # It's supposed to be a 100x100 bmp in the folder, isn't it? 04.34.36 # it dosn't intergrate like in the itunes 04.34.41 # lol gordan it can be in the mp3 actually, ive got close to 600 songs like that 04.34.44 Quit solarflare (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.34.47 # oh alright 04.34.58 Join solarflare [0] (n=supernov@82-203-170-134.dsl.gohome.fi) 04.35.24 # Do you still need to use a patch to get album art to work? 04.35.33 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 04.35.38 # i dont know i dont bother with it 04.35.40 # lol 04.39.17 Part buzzard 04.39.21 # Question about WPSes: is there a way to *force* a particular font for a .wps or .rwps? 04.39.40 # I would love to force the rwps to use sysfont 04.40.08 # i dont think so 04.41.05 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-68-95-246-22.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 04.41.06 Join Adam_ [0] (n=Adam@c-66-177-58-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 04.42.17 # JdGordon: bummer 04.42.21 # lol 04.42.39 # although... it could be possible by hacking he coe 04.42.42 # code* 04.43.32 # please tell me more, I am very curious and am *lightly* hacking code as we type 04.43.38 # :-) 04.43.50 # what files do I look at? 04.44.00 # gui/gwps*.c 04.44.41 # that includes gwps-common? 04.44.45 # ye 04.44.56 # i tihnk the actual drawing code is in gwps-commin 04.45.22 # I'll take a look 04.45.39 # I don;t want too much, I just want sysfont forced on the remote 04.46.04 # say, would you do everyone a favor and remove the wincrox6hbo font from source? 04.46.16 # it's totally "F"ed up 04.46.24 # and make RB look unprofessional 04.46.29 # ha, no ill leave that to someone else 04.46.29 # *makes 04.46.40 # it's driving me nuts 04.46.44 # haha 04.46.51 # so dont use it? 04.47.07 # that's not the point, if someone looks at that they will get a bad impression 04.47.18 # I generally use sysfont 04.47.30 # the font in question is actually broken 04.48.00 # who do I badger? (hint) 04.48.01 # how is it broken? 04.48.06 # take a look at it 04.48.28 # I think it bump up against the maximum line size or something 04.48.46 # but I don;t think the lines should be allowed to become bigger, do you? 04.48.55 Join secleinteer [0] (n=scl@adsl-70-237-138-227.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) 04.49.06 # ah that 1!! haha, yeah, its fucked :D 04.49.07 # font in question = win_crox6hbo 04.49.18 # please please please DUMP IT. 04.49.43 # not up to me.. i might get in trouble for doing that... 04.49.44 # blame on me 04.49.49 # it should be fixed instead 04.50.01 # urghh, who the hell needs a font that big 04.50.07 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 04.50.07 # * Davide-NYC shrugs him shoulders 04.50.21 # you just wait.. in 2 years we will have 14 inch screens on DAPs 04.50.25 # then you will! 04.50.25 # lol 04.50.34 # who do I bug about this? 04.50.51 # i dunno... i guess put it in FS 04.50.57 # OK 04.50.58 # Haha, wow, that one IS messed up. 04.51.09 # are any others as bad? 04.51.12 # no 04.51.25 # it's a bug 04.51.39 Quit secleinteer (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.51.53 Join Adam__ [0] (n=Adam@c-66-177-58-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 04.53.00 Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.53.00 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 04.53.51 Quit aegray ("Lost terminal") 04.54.24 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6031 04.54.27 # done 04.58.42 Quit actionshrimp ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.01 :: www.XLhost.de )") 04.58.56 Quit Adam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.01.14 Join Rob2222_ [0] (n=Miranda@ACAD8A8F.ipt.aol.com) 05.06.15 Quit Adam_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.12.19 Join Rudy4Pez [0] (n=A@71-34-66-241.ptld.qwest.net) 05.12.33 Quit Adam__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.12.40 Nick JoeBorn is now known as JB_Bike (n=jborn@dsl017-022-247.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 05.13.18 Join Adam [0] (n=Adam@c-66-177-58-16.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 05.14.05 # <_Lucretia_> Soap: an old goth 05.14.46 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.15.57 Part YouCeyE ("Leaving") 05.16.16 Join nave7693 [0] (n=evan@adsl-69-110-5-242.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) 05.19.18 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.24.07 Part nave7693 05.28.45 Join Quazgaa [0] (i=quaz@m156.telcomplus.net) 05.31.54 Quit Rudy4Pez (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.32.29 # w000t! i got dynamic menus working :D 05.33.58 Quit Adam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.37.54 Quit |AhIoRoS| ("Abandonando, see you http://ahioros.homelinux.net") 05.43.05 # JdGordon: lemme see before I go to bed :) The menus for recording are now excessively dynamic...so will it work for that? 05.43.21 # it shuold 05.43.55 # i have to test on the target tho.. because all menus are treated as dynamic.. which could slow stuff down 05.44.24 # Any arbitrary set of items can be hidden/removed without rewriting the entire array or something? 05.44.32 # bingo 05.44.58 # it checks each sub item and asks if it shuold be showed.. if there is no callback then it always is 05.45.22 # Will each item maintain an id too instead of just a position? That would really help a lot. 05.45.42 # what do u mean? 05.46.34 # Assign an id to identify the particular menu item independent of its index in the array. 05.47.31 # the callback recieves the action and the menu's menu_item_ex struct pointer.. so it can identify itseld 05.47.33 # of course I can just use the string or function pointer as an id... 05.48.10 # what im going to add is one really big callback that all dynamic items can ptut hemselves in, instead of having a new function for each 05.48.15 Quit pagefault ("Leaving") 05.48.28 # there is no speed difference on the h300 with this hadnling so its good to go :D 05.48.40 # all dynamic items in the entire build? :\ 05.49.05 # no, but ones which are just checking one vairbalae... 05.49.10 # recording can have its own :p 05.49.57 # I'd like to have the option for anything at all...per module/menu/item or whatever. I'll definitely need per menu. 05.51.04 # ok, no prob 05.52.15 # I'm not sure how you give a known constant to a function to id the item. I'd like to keep the initial list local...but I haven't seen anything yet I guess. :) 05.53.21 # hmm.. just found a bad bug... :( 05.54.56 # no, 2 big bugs 05.54.58 # at least you found it now instead of after numerous bug reports! :D Did a couple nasty ones in recording. 05.57.22 # :) this is a big one.. it display the right list, but when u go into a menu item it wont acually enter the right one if the menu had any dynamic items 05.57.42 # which was very easy to fix 05.58.15 Join JoeBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@12.sub-70-208-157.myvzw.com) 05.58.15 # now the only problem is it doesnt like dynamic items in the top level menu 05.58.56 # how does the compiled size compare to before? 05.59.25 # i checked the recorder 2 days ago and it was 8.4kb smaller, which means rombox builds again 06.04.00 # so, to run pacbox, i need to find a .rom? 06.04.06 # is that how it works? 06.04.22 # no, pacbox needs 5 (6?) special files 06.04.26 # check the wiki for their names 06.04.44 # sweet, dynamic menus really work now! 06.06.17 Join dilinger [0] (n=dilinger@c-24-128-243-228.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) 06.08.19 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.08.36 # Is anyone working on a 5.5G bootloader? 06.08.39 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 06.12.48 # Kalthare: not to my knowledge.... 06.15.13 # I guess, to be clearer, id like to know the actual item that was selected from a menu and not just the position- same thing for option lists. That will be possible? 06.15.42 # linuxstb, do you still want the 5.5G boot partition? 06.15.43 # yes 06.15.59 # he is proably still asleep... :p 06.16.06 # cool! :-) 06.16.12 # local time there is like 4 am or something 06.16.18 # oh. :p 06.16.46 # more like 6 ;)( 06.17.13 # no, 4.. he is gmt.. 06.17.22 # oh right...he isnt in sweden 06.17.25 # or my maths is off 06.17.40 Quit dilinger (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 06.17.42 Quit Nibbier (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.17.43 Join dilinger [0] (n=dilinger@c-24-128-243-228.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) 06.18.04 # Kalthare: if you can zip up the boot partition and put it on the wiki it would be helpful 06.18.08 # or link to it or something 06.18.27 # JdGordon: Sure. Where do I go for that? 06.18.48 # have u got your own webspace? 06.19.31 # well, yeah, but it's freeshell. I don't want to send a lot of traffic there. 06.19.45 Join Nibbier [0] (n=sven@e181067217.adsl.alicedsl.de) 06.20.06 # It's about fifteen megs, compressed. 06.21.22 # i tinhk the wiki wont let u upload a file that big 06.22.00 # I'll host it 06.22.09 # wait, do I have 15 MB? 06.23.45 Join JoeyBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@110.sub-70-208-142.myvzw.com) 06.23.59 # i can host it on my uni webspace... if noone else can 06.24.09 # Where on the wiki should it go? 06.24.22 # I don;t know if I can push a file that big to my earthlink ftp server 06.24.40 # is there a good way to check via ftp? 06.24.43 # forget the wiki... send a messag e to the dev mailing list 06.26.07 # gimme 4min to push a 16MB file 06.26.21 # if that work I guess there'e enough space. :=P 06.27.35 Quit JoeBorn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.27.43 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@adsl-68-95-246-22.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 06.30.26 # bad news 06.30.31 # How much should I expect the file to be downloaded? 06.30.51 Join JoeBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@adsl-75-3-10-69.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) 06.31.13 # I have no idea how many people receive the devlist emails 06.31.32 # I would think not many, but I could be wrong 06.32.01 # Alright, well.. I guess I'll just put it up on my cable connection 06.41.21 # yuck 06.41.30 # i tried upgrading to a nightly build from last night 06.41.33 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@nat01-silvers-ext.Rutgers.EDU) 06.41.57 # i couldn't even make it through an entire song on my ipod w/out it crashing :/ 06.42.17 # so i reverted back to a nightly from june, which is reasonably stable 06.42.32 Quit Nibbier (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 06.42.39 # it crashes, but only every other album or so 06.44.58 Quit JoeyBorn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.45.05 Join midkay [0] (i=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 06.50.39 Join gtkspert_ [0] (n=gtkspert@203-59-136-12.perm.iinet.net.au) 06.53.02 # dilinger: what ipod do you have? 06.53.15 Join Nibbier [0] (n=sven@e181067217.adsl.alicedsl.de) 06.54.28 Quit davidc__ () 06.54.47 # hcs: g4 greyscale 06.54.53 # er, 4g 06.54.54 # rather 06.55.31 # cananyone tell me why I get a patch contains garbage error when trying to apply the wma.diff file? 06.55.37 # i'm tempted to rebuild the image w/ some debugging code to see if i can't get it to spit something out when it crashes 06.55.45 # but i severely lack time atm 06.55.45 # I have a 4g color and it crashes a lot, too 06.56.08 # If I look at it through a text editor I do not see clean ascii 06.56.30 # do I need to use a particular switch when gunziping? 06.57.00 # the file is at the bottom of this page 06.57.01 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/4984 06.57.12 Quit perplexity (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 06.57.57 # dilinger, hcs: it is a known issue and why those units are denoted as "Partial" in the DeviceChart wiki page 06.59.04 # understood, just commiserating 07.01.53 Quit rotator ("zzzzzzzzz") 07.03.04 Quit gtkspert (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.09.06 # The question is, is there anything we can do to help stabilize it? 07.10.44 # i am not really the one to talk to about that...try linuxstb when he gets in (just a guess at a dev) 07.14.04 Quit Davide-NYC ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") 07.14.36 Quit midkay ("Leaving") 07.14.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.16.57 Join perplexity [0] (n=joust@dxb-b123962.alshamil.net.ae) 07.19.40 # I hope the 5.5G is similar enough to the 5G that it'll be stable when we do get it on there. :/ 07.20.22 # i havent heard otherwise 07.22.45 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.25.37 # scorche: well, that's a relief. Thanks. 07.27.09 Quit goffa (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.28.57 Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ 07.32.10 # any one know what the state of the h10 port is? 07.32.17 # about the same as any other? 07.35.41 Quit perplexity (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07.35.45 Quit netmasta10bt (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.36.47 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host85-204.pool8248.interbusiness.it) 07.41.26 Join shattered [0] (n=svs@svs.complife.ru) 08.01.25 # JdGordon: i'm not sure whether h10 has even sound ... 08.02.20 # i got the impression that it worked with the exception of a few plugins 08.02.33 # with some bugs as well 08.06.32 # ah sorry then 08.12.25 Join Pajama-B [0] (n=tbrn@12-216-161-27.client.mchsi.com) 08.14.06 Join ender` [0] (i=null@ 08.16.59 Join theli_ua [0] (n=theli@mail.ukrcard.com.ua) 08.24.00 Join aegray [0] (n=aegray@ 08.26.06 Join Mordov|hardlywo [0] (n=mordov@mail.furuno.no) 08.36.46 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 08.38.55 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.40.47 Quit theli_ua (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.41.11 Join theli_ua [0] (n=theli@mail.ukrcard.com.ua) 08.51.26 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) 08.55.13 Nick gtkspert_ is now known as gtkspert (n=gtkspert@203-59-136-12.perm.iinet.net.au) 08.56.08 Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) 09.02.28 Quit Kalthare ("Download Gaim: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/") 09.06.20 Quit MarcoPolo (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 09.06.23 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) 09.07.08 # anyone knows what country had 44 area code? 09.07.13 # s/had/has 09.07.33 # the UK 09.07.58 # thanks 09.07.58 Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 09.10.31 Quit Quazgaa ("leaving") 09.11.41 # I got my Iriver and it was dead :( 09.14.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.16.14 # jhMikeS: Does pcm_record still make sure the CPU is always boosted when recording from S/PDIF (h1x0)? 09.19.19 Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 09.20.03 # * petur has the feeling the recording rework was maybe not tested enough 09.20.04 # http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=6589.0 09.20.29 # now that we were finally getting some trust from tapers for using rockbox 09.20.33 # It said in the description that it booted and played but had a problem crashing. so I figured jsut change the firmware 09.20.54 # but it's completely dead. 09.21.28 Quit BHSPitMonkey (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 09.21.53 Quit MarcoPolo (Remote closed the connection) 09.22.05 # petur: Might be a hardware glitch. Disk spinning up too slowly, or failing to seek in time. Perhaps caused by low battery 09.22.29 Join BHSPitLappy_ [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-66-139-197-90.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 09.22.33 # It gets very warm when I plug it in. 09.22.46 # Won't turn on at all. 09.23.11 Quit BHSPitLappy (Nick collision from services.) 09.23.12 # So should I try leaving it plugged in for awhile...? I tried resetting it... 09.23.14 # imho, recording stability should be treated 100x more carefully than playback stability: one glitch ruins a recording and can never be corrected 09.23.23 Nick BHSPitLappy_ is now known as BHSPitLappy (n=steve-o@adsl-66-139-197-90.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 09.23.54 # I'm going to test this more before actually using it on saturday to tape a show 09.24.14 # Yes, but if it's really the hd, there's not much we can do 09.24.39 # He says it was a one-off phenomenon 09.24.46 # Pajama-B: i think you have an expensive paper weight 09.24.53 # lol yes i agree 09.25.22 # amiconn: just because he replaced HDD and battery doesn't mean he says he has a crap HDD and low battery 09.26.10 # any glitch can be the sign of some race condition or timing issue 09.27.23 # i paid $90 09.27.42 # I don't think there's any iriver places near me though 09.28.21 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-112-165-230.austin.res.rr.com) 09.28.35 # * JdGordon has a new 4gb 1g nano 09.28.41 # about to install rb 09.28.52 # * JdGordon == /me's sister 09.29.20 # * petur is also wondering about http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=6577.0 09.31.18 Join linuxstb [0] (i=5343d4aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 09.31.29 # * amiconn didn't try recording at all since the encoding patch went in 09.31.38 # * petur neither 09.32.03 # * petur still has a zip with the last known good recording version 09.32.59 # * amiconn usually doesn't record at all except for testing purposes 09.33.20 # * petur bought his h340 for taping 09.33.25 Join netmasta10bt [0] (n=torment@pool-71-251-101-72.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) 09.33.38 # what a weird way of communicating ;) 09.33.43 # petur: then you should have bought a tape recorder 09.33.50 # har har har 09.34.39 # I will probably actually use rockbox recording (to wav) soon, just undecided about which unit I should use 09.35.06 # If the snr of the iriver is as bad for recording as it is for playback, it probably won't be a wise choice 09.35.25 # * amiconn will need analog recording 09.35.28 # depends on what you're recording 09.35.48 # say you're recording waves crashing on a beach... 09.36.03 # I've done rock concerts and theatre, both were very fine 09.36.26 # * linuxstb downloads the 5.5g boot partition and confirms it's still a portalplayer firmware. 09.37.00 # linuxstb: Just needs different parsing or whatever when using ipod_fw? 09.37.21 # is it just me, or is rockbox on the nano a bit blurry? 09.37.50 # Never looked "blurry" to me, at least. 09.38.51 # petur what plaer do you have and what microphones you use? 09.38.58 # player* 09.39.58 # h340 + st9100 mic-amp + cardoids, mic amp and cardoids are made by Chris Church 09.40.00 Join _jhMikeS_ [0] (n=jethead7@adsl-75-45-246-108.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) 09.40.18 # http://stores.ebay.ca/CHURCH-AUDIO 09.40.57 # i have a church audio preamp, and a sony mzn-707 hoping to convert to the iriver 09.41.02 # I also have a pair of omni's from him but they pick up too much bass and distort during rock concerts 09.41.02 Quit webguest94 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 09.41.10 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-144-245.pools.arcor-ip.net) 09.42.10 # do you use a church preamp or the iriver 09.42.22 # I use the pre-amp 09.42.29 # cool 09.42.39 # do you have any examples of loud music 09.43.08 # not in WAV format... 09.43.18 # that's okay 09.43.20 # here with me I mean 09.43.57 # oh 09.44.20 # ok, anyone want to tell me if I'm doing this right, I get a data abort at 4f394, I did an objdump on rockbox.elf, the address corresponded to "add r2, ip, 0x4000" in set_cpu_frequency 09.44.23 # I always record to WAV but convert to mp3 for listening 09.44.28 # I got some good concerts with the minidisc recorder 09.44.40 # am I looking in the right place? 09.44.47 # but I just want another solution so I don't have to line anything in 09.44.48 # how important is it to keep the origianal bootloader partition? it can easily be restored with the ipod software right? 09.44.59 Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 09.45.14 # JdGordon: yeah, or if you make a backup you can just put it back on 09.46.28 # Just keep the bootpartition.bin file you get from the first step, for easiest restoration and/or installation of a new bootloader and/or retrying if something goes wrong 09.48.08 # quicker question, is it even possible for an add to cause a data abort? 09.48.17 Join bluebrother [0] (i=mRiCiEaC@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 09.49.01 Join menisk_ [0] (n=maenisk@ppp59-57.lns1.cbr1.internode.on.net) 09.50.32 # hcs: You probably are. (1) This addition should never cause a data abort. (2) Iirc the pc is 2 instructions (8 bytes) ahead of actual execution 09.50.35 # Pajama-B: here's a 320kbps VBR mp3 of a recorded song, the mics we put on the stage in front of the band: http://users.telenet.be/mieke-en-peter/dampendelijven.mp3 09.50.52 # I mean, you're looking at _about_ the right place 09.51.21 Part Paul_The_Nerd 09.51.26 # thanks 09.51.50 # Pajama-B: don't worry if you don't understand the singer, they only sing in Dutch 09.52.38 # heh that's okay 09.52.55 Join DarthShrin1 [0] (n=Angus@202-161-25-239.dyn.iinet.net.au) 09.52.56 # amiconn: ah, well 2 instructions up is just an or, but the previous instruction is "str r3, [r1, #32] 09.53.21 # Sounds more likely... 09.53.22 Nick DarthShrin1 is now known as DarthShrine (n=Angus@202-161-25-239.dyn.iinet.net.au) 09.54.50 Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 09.59.53 # bah, I don't know enough arm to do anything useful here 10.02.31 # most of the time when it crashes it just freezes, but occasionally I'll get an error to look at... 10.06.52 # OMG 10.07.04 # what 10.07.08 # My favourite podcast is being evil. *cries* 10.07.18 # what podcast 10.07.38 # Some Triple J one. 10.07.47 # whats it diong 10.08.20 # is it showing an exclamation when u try to dl? 10.08.28 # The people on it didn't do one this week. Annoying. 10.08.48 # 10.08.52 # oh 10.08.55 # meh 10.09.02 # pwnd. 10.12.24 Quit ScoTTie () 10.15.17 Join ScoTTie [0] (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie) 10.17.02 Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust472.winn.cable.ntl.com) 10.17.43 Quit Tazsie (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.18.52 Join mh546 [0] (n=user@p54A35C94.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.19.59 # Hi! Trying to compile the Rockbox development environment with rockboxdev.sh, I get the following error message: 10.20.09 # make[3]: Entering directory `/root/build-rbdev/build-gcc/gcc' 10.20.09 # /root/build-rbdev/build-gcc/gcc/xgcc -B/root/build-rbdev/build-gcc/gcc/ -B/usr/local/sh-elf/sh-elf/bin/ -B/usr/local/sh-elf/sh-elf/lib/ -isystem /usr/local/sh-elf/sh-elf/include -isystem /usr/local/sh-elf/sh-elf/sys-include -c -o crt1.o -x assembler-with-cpp ../../gcc-4.0.3/gcc/config/sh/crt1.asm 10.20.09 # as: Unbekannte Option »-big« 10.20.09 DBUG Enqueued KICK mh546 10.20.09 # make[3]: *** [crt1.o] Fehler 1 10.20.09 # make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/build-rbdev/build-gcc/gcc' 10.20.11 # make[2]: *** [extra] Fehler 2 10.20.13 # make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/build-rbdev/build-gcc/gcc' 10.20.15 # make[1]: *** [stmp-multilib] Fehler 2 10.20.17 # make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/build-rbdev/build-gcc/gcc' 10.20.19 # make: *** [install-gcc] Fehler 2 10.20.20 # Erm, pastebin? 10.20.21 # done 10.22.02 Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.22.08 # heh - compiler with german localisation 10.22.10 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c220-237-57-32.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 10.22.29 # how long does the nano take to charge? 10.23.53 # Yes, it's the compiler I get with the Debian package system. The first error message reads "as: Unknown option »-big«". 10.24.04 Quit petur ("worrrk") 10.29.21 # anyone with h100 here who can test something for me? 10.30.32 # mh546: It sounds like rockboxdev.sh isn't using the correct (i.e. m68k) version of as. Did you get any other error messages before that one? It looks like either the compilation of binutils failed, or the location of the binutils binaries is not in your path. 10.30.35 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-250-171.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 10.31.40 Join mirak9 [0] (i=56cbfd2e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 10.35.02 # the recent bookmarks menu item shouldnt be in the main menu if bookmarks are disabled right? 10.36.13 # oh, yes, I get the same error messages somewhat earlier in the compile process. Unfortunately, my shell's text view isn't large enough to look for even earlier errors. I'll pipe the .sh output into a file and report in some minutes. 10.38.02 # mh546, you better export LC_ALL=C before running this cause i think not everyone understand Deutsch here 10.38.47 # theli_ua: 'unknown option: >>-big<< 10.38.53 # german isn't hard 10.39.00 # (well, not if dutch is your native language) 10.39.16 # Ed__, yeah i saw this i just not sure whether output will contain more errors 10.39.56 # Ed__, and i've studied deutsch about 10 years ago :) 10.40.41 Join bbroke [0] (n=bbroke@p54BD3FF6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 10.42.28 # Thanks, theli_ua, I'll do so. I found an error just at the beginning of the process.: 10.42.44 # ROCKBOXDEV: extracting binutils-2.16.1 in /root/build-rbdev 10.42.44 # bzip2: Compressed file ends unexpectedly; 10.42.44 # perhaps it is corrupted? *Possible* reason follows. 10.42.44 # I'll try to re-download. 10.43.10 # that must be it :) 10.44.12 Quit barrywardell () 10.44.53 # i think i had the same error and had to download files by myself elsewhere 10.45.22 # hell yeah :D dynamic menus kick ass 10.45.27 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-253-1-1-204.w90-7.abo.wanadoo.fr) 10.46.31 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 10.46.31 # * bluebrother hates dynamic menus 10.47.05 # * theli_ua thinks of fast dynamic menus when you must move through them quickly ti catsh certain item 10.47.17 # *to catch 10.48.04 # I like the "dynamic" target menu when you use move to from the context menu of a file as it remembers the last used targets. 10.48.33 # but dynamic menus in applications? Or the dynamic start menu? Bleh. 10.53.22 Quit Rob2222_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.54.16 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACAD8A8F.ipt.aol.com) 10.57.05 # Dynamic menus could make life harder for the blind. "Press DOWN-DOWN-RIGHT..." etc. instructions may not work any more... 10.58.12 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@p54A47B6D.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.58.27 Quit menisk_ ("Leaving") 11.01.53 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.10.04 # a user customizable menu (like "my favorites") might be nice but not auto-rearranging menus 11.14.52 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.20.04 # amiconn: I finally got round to that small playlist.c simplification you mentioned last week: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6032 11.20.39 # Because of the types involved I left the &audiobuf[talk_get_bufsize()] in 11.23.06 # Slasheri: I have updated my voice fix at http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6024 - this seems to work fine with recording (on H340 at least). 11.23.43 # It's still not commit material, until some more testing has taken place. 11.26.15 Join webguest74 [0] (i=46b37457@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a2fced171a8a5d4b) 11.26.57 # I have a question it does not say any install instructions but were and how do we install the fonts? I clicked on the zip file and un-zipped to desktop with no files 11.27.54 # webguest74, put the contents of the contained folder into /.rockbox/fonts 11.28.02 # maybe that folder is marked hidden. 11.28.16 # actually, it is best to extract tot he root 11.28.33 # the archive has .rockbox as its top level 11.28.35 # webguest44: the font zip contains the full path 11.28.46 # pondlife: I would assume all blind users would use menu talking anyway, and my dynamic menus, im talking about how they are currently 11.28.49 # scorche, just looked after that ;-) 11.29.33 # Are voice menus enabled by default? 11.29.39 # i tinhk so 11.29.41 # yes. 11.29.46 # OK, not a problem then 11.30.22 # ok with the one i did zip to my desktop why no files? 11.30.38 # webguest74, I guess the folder is marked hidden 11.30.52 # oh ok i am on a mac just to let everyone know 11.31.01 # aaah. 11.31.24 # the folder starts with a dot (.rockbox), and on unix systems files starting with a dot are hidden files. 11.31.35 # webguest74: just skip the desktop....extract directly to the root of your device 11.31.50 Quit ze (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.31.50 Join ze [0] (i=ze@ 11.32.15 # oh so I just download the zip file to ipod and extract 11.32.55 # webguest74: you can download the zip file anywhere you wish...just direct the extraction directory to the root of your device 11.33.50 # ok thanks vary helpfull 11.34.02 # i believe the mac way of doing things is to extract archives to the same directory as the archive 11.34.11 # extremely silly imho 11.34.31 # and there is no option to change the default? 11.34.33 # does "the mac way" include to have no other option? 11.34.36 # so i extract it and it is a folder and inside the folder is another folder called fonts? 11.34.50 # webguest44: yes 11.35.01 # oops, tab completion :-) 11.35.15 # for the second time =) 11.35.19 # saw that 11.35.52 # back when i had a mac, i had a really hard time trying to extract archives where i wanted them 11.35.53 # what should i do? just copy the folder inside the fonts folder to ipod? 11.36.18 # webguest74, copy the archive to the root of the ipod. Extract all files there. 11.36.24 # LinusN: i am sure they have a shell command... 11.36.33 # webguest74: i think the simplest way for you would be to download the archive to the ipod and then extract it there 11.36.38 # afterwards you can remove the archive 11.36.55 # ok done that thanks 11.37.23 # scorche: yes, but i'm not sure that the mac has a cmdline version of unzip 11.37.41 # silly macs... 11.37.46 # amen to that 11.38.27 # it has 11.39.07 # when i click on browse fonts on rockbox nothing happens? 11.40.01 # what is "nothing"? 11.40.34 # I get no font chocies 11.41.05 # have to deal with this later 11.41.09 Quit webguest74 ("CGI:IRC") 11.42.19 # i think the default behaviour of the mac unzip tool is to ignore hidden folders 11.42.35 # ugh....not another stupid behavior.. 11.43.36 # ah wait 11.44.13 # when he extracts fonts.zip, osx will create a folder with the same name as the zip, i.e "fonts" 11.44.33 # which contains .rockbox/fonts 11.44.54 # JdGordon: I don't think that the 'recent bookmarks' item should be hidden when the feature is switched off. Maybe there is still a list of bookmarks if the feature was enabled before... 11.44.54 # so he must still manually copy the contents to /.rockbox/fonts 11.45.28 # amiconn: ah, thats true, ok 11.47.13 # Oops, broke the sim 11.47.15 # sims 11.47.31 Join ze__ [0] (i=ze@ 11.48.48 # pondlife: Yeah, archos can't talk while recording (and the hwcodec sims have no sound output at all) 11.49.06 # Correction on the way 11.49.36 # The test should have been for CONFIG_CODEC==SWCODEC 11.50.16 # Or should an Archos device still allow for talk_get_bufsize? 11.50.55 # no 11.51.03 # On archos there is no separate talk buffer 11.51.29 # The voice file is loaded into the main buffer on request, and flushed when playback needs the buffer 11.51.35 # OK, well this may actually fix a bug 11.52.06 # Although I expect talk_get_bufsize returns 0 on Archos anyway 11.54.37 # amiconn I did some changings based on what we discussed http://pastebin.com/790451 , so now I try as much as possible to load with a movem. you might check my approach 11.56.11 Quit ze (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 11.56.11 Nick ze__ is now known as ze (i=ze@ 11.56.23 # Hmm, I get an eror building for the recorder: alpine_cdc.c:1131:15: invalid suffix "c" on integer constant 11.56.32 # I use the byte reversing routine to be able to write a long word in one shot, I am not sure if it's worse it for writting. But I am convinced now it's faster to burst read 11.56.35 # s/eror/error 11.59.25 # I gained some speed by doing that. Does gcc try to optimise memory reads ? 12.01.16 # mirak: you mean combine byte reads into longs? 12.01.27 # i doubt it 12.01.37 # somebody is working in the file bl for PhilipsHDD6320? rockbox will support HDD6320? 12.02.14 # naltrus: not that i know of 12.03.05 # naltrus: did you check if it's on your player? 12.07.16 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ 12.07.18 # the HDD6320 player it's very closed with MTP (not UMS) and only can acces to partition of data. 12.07.43 Quit bbroke ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") 12.07.57 # the nano charging is hardware controlled ye? its safe to hack a usb plug onto a 7.5v 1A wall charger and use that to charge it instead of a usb port? 12.08.27 # JdGordon: 7.5V sounds a little high 12.08.38 # since usb is only 5v 12.08.48 # it says 5v-30v on the back of it 12.08.56 # naltrus: perhaps the hdd could be put in a USB enclosure to get to the data.. 12.08.58 # of the nano that is 12.09.36 # oh yeah, does rockbox work with the new ipod nano btw? 12.09.47 # no 12.10.07 # okay - is there probably going to be a lot of porting to do? 12.10.10 # Hadaka: long time no see 12.10.32 # LinusN: yeah, same to you - my archos finally broke down permanently :/ 12.10.37 # naltrus: can you open up your player and take some pictures? 12.11.10 # and I'm drooling for an 8 GB nano atm. 12.11.46 # Hadaka: 8gb nano instead of a 20gb archos? 12.12.31 # LinusN: well, my archos was upgraded to a 40gb - but yeah, I've gone off the idea of keeping all my mp3's on a portable device as it is prone to breaking down and I can't get big enough hard drives anyway 12.12.54 # yes. I can access to all data (music, pictures, ....) with USB. bu the player use MTP to access USB and i can't not access to the real disc and this bootloader. 12.13.11 # LinusN, do you know what has changed in new ipods? 12.13.25 # spiorf: totally new platform 12.13.36 # a samsung chipset instead of portalplayer 12.14.30 # it's a problem of porting or it is not powerful enough to, for example, play videos? 12.14.36 # but I hear those have 256Mb of SDRAM :) 12.15.31 # spiorf: it will be very hard to port, since we have nearly no information at all about the samsung chips 12.15.41 Quit mh546 ("Download Gaim: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/") 12.15.42 # Hmm, can anyone please try building a DEBUG build for the H300? 12.16.00 # It fails here; I don't think it's my fault either (for a change) 12.16.14 Join jonno [0] (n=jonno@c220-237-57-32.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 12.16.15 # so good that i bought the OLD ipod nano 12.16.22 # hmmh, I'll have to reconsider though... if it might be that there will be no rockbox for it for quite a while... 12.16.34 # grrr... bloody comp reset when i plugged it in! 12.16.42 # Hadaka: you can make it happen :-) 12.16.51 Quit JdGordon (Nick collision from services.) 12.16.53 Nick jonno is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@c220-237-57-32.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 12.17.12 # LinusN: heh, not that good in embedded stuff 12.17.45 # pondlife: h300 debug build? 12.17.48 # Yes 12.18.01 # who uses iriver debug builds? 12.18.14 # * JdGordon very occasioannly 12.18.17 # I wonder though what the processor is really like on the new nano 12.18.22 # Well, I'd like to! 12.18.23 # i would be surprised if it worked 12.18.28 # It doesn't 12.18.53 Join tucoz [0] (n=martin@rockbox/developer/tucoz) 12.18.59 # my guess is that it misses the debug() function 12.19.03 # I have some very useful code for tracking wayward cpu_boosts 12.19.15 # am i correct? 12.19.24 # Plenty of errors 12.19.29 # debug_init is the first! 12.19.35 # LinusN, do you have a link with new nano specification? like chipset, ram etc 12.19.43 # main.c:298: undefined reference to `debug_init' 12.19.48 # for example 12.19.52 # the debug builds are only for serial port debugging with a cross gdb 12.20.05 # so, if it says rated 5-30v trying a 12V powerpack shouldnt be a problem right? 12.20.14 # and i believe it only works on the archos, and maybe the ifp 12.20.28 # JdGordon: well, if it says so... 12.20.29 # I don't want to lose this code, but don't want to upset amiconn by making the binary bigger for what is essentially a debugging feature 12.20.29 # I wonder what chatzilla does each time i enter this channel. I get a "[ERROR] You need to be an operator in #rockbox to do that." 12.20.49 # heh 12.20.56 # chatzilla does that everywhere 12.21.03 # aha. Ok 12.21.05 # Having said that, it might be useful for general users who notice they are boosted and wantr to know why 12.21.08 # - but i don't use it 12.21.09 # ;) 12.21.14 # pondlife: nobody builds debug builds 12.21.15 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.21.21 # I only use it when I am using windows 12.21.31 # i use mirc in windows or kvirc in linux 12.21.38 # - in kvirc now 12.21.38 # except for me and t0mas, and occasionally amiconn 12.21.40 # Fair enough. So I'll make this a patch for all builds... 12.21.49 # and then it is only for archos and ifp 12.21.55 # I like xchat in linux 12.22.02 # * LinusN too 12.22.08 # have you tried kvirc? 12.22.08 # LinusN: The coldfire does have a serial port, correct? 12.22.13 # yes 12.22.15 # hi tucoz, you are one of the manual maintainers, right? 12.22.20 # markun: right 12.22.21 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A61A7.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.22.31 # and the h-series have nice pads on the pcb to connect it 12.22.32 # tucoz: Did you try HydraIRC? 12.22.39 # * amiconn likes that irc client most 12.22.43 # Is that for windows? 12.22.55 # yes 12.23.01 # * LinusN goes to lunch 12.23.33 # hmm. Well, chatzilla works fine for my needs. Guess i could take a look at hydrairc 12.23.41 # will the nano even charge if only the power pins are connected? 12.23.54 # tucoz: try kvirc 12.23.59 # windows & linux (i think) 12.24.18 # oh. But if it is similar to mirc, then I don't like it :) 12.24.30 # irssi rocks 12.24.33 # on every platform 12.24.37 # tucoz: the iriver H1x0 manual installation section assumes people are using windows 12.24.44 # its not really like mirc 12.25.02 # * markun likes irssi too 12.25.04 # i am looking at the kvirc site now 12.26.33 # irssi is a text mode client? 12.26.54 # Yes. 12.26.57 # markun: ok. then we should add linux install instructions. I think we left those out at the time, because you'll have to download the source to be able to use them. 12.28.56 # We also have to add the flash section to h120/h140 manual sometime. But I think that will have to wait until the official bootloader is supporting flashing 12.31.12 # which reminds me. That is one place where the h100 and h120 differs. The h120 supports flashing atm, but the h100 does not. 12.31.12 Join daurnimator_ [0] (n=daurnima@ 12.31.15 # hmm 12.31.26 # xchat is too... lacking in options? 12.31.41 # well, i am not that much of an irc user 12.32.08 # so it suits my needs 12.33.24 # na 12.33.26 Join KN|stiff [0] (n=phhome@p54B7EEB0.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.33.27 # i don't like it 12.33.31 Quit daurnimator_ ("Ex-Chat") 12.33.48 Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@cor8-ppp2595.for.dsl.connect.net.au) 12.33.53 # markun: but the fwpatcher can be run from linux as well, by using wine. Maybe we should mention that 12.36.10 # Why does the h100 not support flashing? 12.38.50 # I don't know. Just thought I read that in the flashing instructions 12.38.51 Join Criamos [0] (n=Criamos@p5493008A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 12.39.15 # And I do not think that Slasheri can verify that it works, without an actual h100 12.39.23 Quit markun ("Changing server") 12.39.35 Join markun [0] (n=markun@bastards.student.ipv6.utwente.nl) 12.39.40 Join Paul_The_Nerd [0] (n=Paul_The@cpe-70-112-165-230.austin.res.rr.com) 12.44.29 Quit darkless (Remote closed the connection) 12.44.37 Quit nudelyn ("At Argon, we're working to keep your money.") 12.53.46 # just updated to the latest rockbox (H10), but tetrox is still there. oO 12.54.06 # I have tetrox and rockblox in my plugin list 12.55.16 # Arathis: if you delete .rockbox/rocks/tetrox.rock, it will be gone forever 12.56.19 # So, rockbox does not distribute tetrox anymore 12.56.28 # xD 12.57.02 # of course it's still there though only copied the new files on the player 12.57.44 # btw: what is the best way to update to a new rockbox build without deleting the configs and highscores? 12.58.36 # does the zip contain highscores? I thought those were created on target 12.59.31 # I just unzip the rockbox.zip to the root of my player. But I keep a config that i run when the config block is changed. 13.03.09 Join Bjoern-Erik [0] (n=unknown@67.80-202-110.nextgentel.com) 13.14.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.16.52 Quit safetydan ("Ex-Chat") 13.17.49 Quit ScoTTie (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.18.01 Join ScoTTie [0] (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie) 13.23.09 Part Paul_The_Nerd 13.28.56 Join Pezcore [0] (i=whore@0x535d6a34.hrnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 13.29.21 Join tucoz_ [0] (n=martin@233.84-48-89.nextgentel.com) 13.29.44 Quit tucoz (Nick collision from services.) 13.29.48 Nick tucoz_ is now known as tucoz (n=martin@233.84-48-89.nextgentel.com) 13.29.57 Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@p54BCF37D.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.30.01 # Hi, i read somewhere that i could just remove all folders from my ipod, including the music folder, only leave rockbox on there, and then copy the music folder back onto my ipod, would that work? 13.31.15 # why would you do that? 13.31.32 # LinusN: to get rid of the itunes mess 13.31.46 # ah 13.31.49 # I guess 13.31.59 # Pezcore: yes, should work 13.31.59 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 13.32.02 # i read it on some forum, would it work though? 13.32.04 # alright 13.32.11 # can i still add songs with my iTunes though? 13.32.30 # without removing rockbox ect. 13.34.06 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.34.21 # and do i just copyu the rockbox.ipod file onto the ipod as well as the .rockbox folder 13.34.31 # just extract the whole zip 13.35.05 # and delete all other folders? apart from music, which i'll copy back onto it when rockbox is um..installed? 13.35.26 # Well, doesn't iTunes require this music folder? 13.36.00 Part tucoz 13.36.03 # i think so, which is why i'm curious if i can still add songs and such with iTunes after i've installed it, or if itunes will delete it itself 13.36.21 # you probably can't add new songs with iTunes 13.36.53 # oh well, how do i control rockbox though? 13.36.57 # on my ipod itself? or? 13.37.09 # control? 13.37.23 # well, yeah, to add all those fancy themes and whatnot 13.40.44 # does gcc try to optimise loads from memory with movem ? 13.41.49 # for exemple if you have a[0] a[1] a[2] access close in the code 13.42.18 # the guy on the forum just said "i installed rockbox this morning in 7 minutes. i deleted all the directories that the apple firmware had put on there and just left the one rockbox dir and moved my music over. moving my music was the longest part." 13.43.03 # Pezcore: you can also not delete your forlders and put rockbox on it 13.43.18 # markun: i just did that, but um...how do i make it all fancy? 13.43.18 # then use tagcache (chech the manual) to play your music 13.43.48 # Pezcore: Download or make themes and use them. 13.44.18 # i couldn't really find a manual on the site =/ 13.44.31 # Pezcore: http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml 13.44.38 # thanks 13.47.42 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa252.1.tellas.gr) 13.48.31 # how long does the nano need to charge before something shows on the screen after the battery is completly flat? 13.48.55 # 30 min ? 13.49.01 # (just guessing) 13.49.09 # shouldn't be more 13.49.30 # hmm... it was plugged into usb for 4 hours and got nothing... i rigged up a AC charger for it and thats been going for 20min and still nothing :'( 13.49.50 # :( 13.49.58 # i don't know then .. 13.50.08 # brand new aswell... i had just enough batt to install rb and thats it :p 13.50.14 # * bluebrother wonders if it's really that hard to find the "documentation" link on the website 13.50.50 # yes, actually it is...! 13.51.44 # :( 13.52.13 # which i had actually checked already.. and the only thing in the faq re batt is http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodFAQ#My_battery_doesn_t_last_as_long which is not what oim asking 13.53.36 Quit DarthShrine ("Leaving.") 13.57.05 # some new nano internal pictures: http://arstechnica.com/reviews/hardware/ipod-2g.ars/4 13.58.08 # I wonder how fast the samsung ARM chip is then 14.00.22 # and I wonder what on earth is the apple sound chip 14.01.59 Join actionshrimp [0] (n=nn@host81-129-197-4.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) 14.04.49 # Hadaka: might be something like this: http://www.samsung.com/products/semiconductor/SystemLSI/DigitalMedia/OpticalASSP/OpticalPlayer/MP3/SA58700/SA58700.htm 14.05.00 # the CPU, not the sound chip 14.06.49 # markun: hmh, could be 14.12.02 Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ 14.12.06 # menus are 80% finished recoding :D 14.13.19 # Slasheri: i have a question about the export/import function of TagCache: what happens if i change the genre of some files? will the playcount/autoscore be reset for those files when i update or reinitialize the Tagcache? 14.16.11 # todays question :) I am thinking abaout soldering two vires from the usb plug to my power inpott plugg on my h-120 to get USB charging without having to use a two plug cable... can anyone se a reason not to?? 14.18.16 # Mordov|hardlywo: 1) You might damage the USB circuits in the other end 14.18.42 # 2) you might damage things if you connect both the charger and the usb connector 14.19.12 # wouldn't it be just as dangerous with a "normal" usb charger? reason 1 this is 14.19.19 # Mordov|hardlywo: yes 14.19.46 # LinusN: could you try the updated patch on http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6024 and see if recording monitoring works with it.. it seems ok on my H300 (lovely feedback!), but I don't use recording so am not certain what is normal. 14.19.57 # I recon that aslong as the bateries is in parralell the only thing increasing is the amp potensial.. 14.20.03 # i don't use recording either :-) 14.20.17 # Fair 'nuff! 14.20.35 # But if you could compare against yesterday's test that would be good 14.21.10 # Mordov|hardlywo: well, in case (2) you will power the USB bus with your charger, and i'm not sure you want that 14.22.18 # tthat is a good point ;) 14.23.11 # ok thanks :) now I don't have to figure out a whay to safly att wires to the smal USB backside ;) 14.23.18 # add 14.23.29 # :-) 14.24.45 # I am waiting for a new Hdd and I'm getting resless ;) already buildt a carholder :) 14.25.07 # think I have to make a usb charger aswell... nice for traveling 14.25.48 # and I have added silicon to the navi button.... yhink the only mod that is left (and sain) is the battry exchange 14.31.44 # hmm, isn't the favorites plugin somewhat outdated? 14.31.53 # it should probably be deleted 14.32.03 # afaics the same functionality can be obtained with the playlist catalog 14.32.09 # yup 14.32.28 # then I won't bother with the missing screenshots for it :) 14.32.32 # don't 14.35.01 # wow ... the new nanos have 256MB RAM ?? 14.35.01 # * amiconn still doesn't know how the playlist catalog works 14.35.38 # hmm... with my menu rework, its not immediatly obvious if a menu item is a setting, or if it goes into another menu... does anyone think an icon for the current chosen option would work? 14.35.51 # Bg3r: 256mb chips are cheaper to make than 64mb? 14.36.31 # i doubt it 14.37.07 # JdGordon, how about that multi-line settings approach? Had some positive feedback the time it worked 14.37.08 # anywho.. apart from that minor problem.. my changes are finished.. anyone game to test a patch? 14.37.15 # ? 14.37.42 # the showing the value in the menu? 14.38.19 # yes. 14.38.33 # Just put a > at the right-hand side if there's a sub-menu? 14.38.40 # i dont think that would look good 14.38.45 # pondlife: maybe that could work 14.38.46 Join perplexity [0] (i=heh22667@dxb-as59276.alshamil.net.ae) 14.38.57 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5833 14.39.03 # So no > would indicate end of line = setting.. 14.39.21 # I liked that pretty much. Maybe extend it to the complete menu? 14.39.28 # pondlife: that doesnt work well when the item names are as long as the screen is wide 14.39.34 # True 14.39.38 # Or wider! 14.39.45 # Assuming scrolling will happen 14.39.49 # bluebrother: i thought there was a fair bit of objection to that 14.40.10 # You'd need to have a one char margin at the right in that case... not simple 14.40.12 # iirc the only objection was the fact that the settings now have a setting ;-) 14.40.35 # but imo it makes the menus look much better, especially on targets with a big screen. 14.40.36 # bah, my changes make adding more settings painfully simple.. so bring em on :D 14.40.45 # I don't like 2 lines per setting 14.40.50 # it should be v easy to adapt that to this tho 14.41.18 # how about a radio button sort of icon next to settings? 14.41.20 # at least he had a nice solution to the setting vs submenu 14.41.48 # i mean, in the setting screen it shows radio buttons, in the menus it shows nothing 14.41.51 # Are there any screenshots of patch 5833 around? 14.42.04 # and at least I liked it to see the value of a setting without going into the setting itself 14.42.06 # the forum thread has, probbly old ones tho 14.42.28 # Ah, the forum - that place I rarely visit.... 14.42.38 # wise man :D 14.42.52 # * JdGordon is slightly worried about this nano still not turning on... 14.43.44 # pondlife, http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=5881.msg45572#msg45572 14.43.50 # pondlife: seems to work 14.44.10 # bluebrother: Thanks 14.44.14 # LinusN: Thanks 14.44.53 # I quite like the output from 5833, although I prefer teh current, sparse look. 14.45.42 # Ah, I really don't like the 2 lines per option one 14.45.48 # the nice thing was that you could turn it completely off 14.46.21 # i like the 2-line approach best 14.46.22 # * pondlife reads the forum thread 14.46.52 # mainly because it works on all screen sizes 14.47.31 # Not too nice on the remotes though 14.47.58 # Also you effectively halve the vertical screen size when searching for an option 14.48.08 # Which is most of the use of menus. 14.48.51 # yes, but if you try to cram both the name and the value on one line, it will look terrible on small lcd's, or with a large font 14.49.08 # Well, I prefer not to do that either 14.49.35 # The current menu is better IMHO 14.49.45 # are the icons 6 verticle x 8 horizontal pixels or the other way around? 14.50.12 # An icon would be a good solution - although I would have icons turned off personally :-) 14.50.20 # * pondlife is Mr. Text Mode 14.50.41 # icons are badness imho 14.50.55 # why? the space is there for them anyway 14.50.59 # Yes, but compatible with the tree view 14.51.01 # it might look ok 14.51.22 # it needs _something_ there is no way to tell which is a sub menu and which is a setting 14.51.39 # I'd quite like to integrate the tree, tagtree and settings into one structure somehow, but that's another story. 14.51.40 # the difference from now is that the menus have a title also now 14.51.51 # So does the tree 14.51.57 # Or rather it can 14.52.32 # ye, but what im saying is that currently the menus dont have a title, but settings do, so you know your in a setting if the title is there.. with my patch tjere is a title in both... 14.52.56 # JdGordon: where's the patch? 14.53.19 # on the wiki in 2 min, let my just up the latest 14.53.34 # wiki? Surely you mean Flyspray ;-0 14.54.04 # no, wiki while its a WIP 14.54.25 # Good idea, or it may get committed too early :-[ 14.54.36 # LinusN: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MenuSettingsRecoding 14.54.42 # * pondlife officially forgives Slasheri 14.55.08 # JdGordon: boooh: 14.55.11 # -settings_menu.c 14.55.11 # -sound_menu.c 14.55.11 # +//settings_menu.c 14.55.11 DBUG Enqueued KICK LinusN 14.55.11 # +//sound_menu.c 14.55.39 # ye, its WIP.. ill obviously clean it up before i submit it as the finished product 14.55.42 Join Arathis_ [0] (n=doerk@p508A77F5.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.56.00 # Imho 2 lines per setting are a big waste of screen estate, settings at the right are ugly on large screens and really ugly on small screens, and they won't work properly with long (==scrolling) menu items 14.56.02 # icons are 8 hiegh by 6 wide btw :p 14.56.14 # The > at the right will suffer from the same problem 14.56.33 # ...but I would like it if it's possible 14.56.51 Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.56.55 # JdGordon: you're still using LANG strings? 14.56.56 # I imagine a > on the right that just results in scrolling happening one char earlier 14.57.11 # And only affects that one row 14.57.15 # The > will scroll as well 14.57.28 # I'd rather it was fixed at the right 14.57.37 # LinusN: yes, like i said.. WIP.. i still think that should eb the way to go tho... 14.57.41 # i.e. the scroll-zone is just including the text 14.57.46 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 14.57.46 # * JdGordon is being stubborn :p 14.57.56 # Yeah, but the current scrolling implementation doesn't allow to specify a right margin 14.58.06 # I never said it would be easy :-) 14.58.09 # That will change with viewports... 14.58.22 # OK, maybe allow > to scroll for now 14.59.04 # JdGordon: so you actually think it's a good idea with a settings format that gets incompatible when the language strings change? 14.59.05 # We have no > right now, so I don't think it's necessary to introduce it 14.59.10 Join lowlight [0] (i=c730190a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f4f32b61282aad77) 14.59.26 # I agree - wait until after viewports for that 14.59.34 # * bluebrother still likes the two-lines approach best 14.59.41 # LinusN: yes, how often are the english versions changed? (dont want to argue this now..) 14.59.57 # ok then 15.00.17 # amiconn: Please can you quickly check my pointer arithmatic at http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6032... 15.00.29 # * LinusN stops reviewing the menu patch 15.00.56 # :( can you try it out? let me know if the usage is ok? 15.01.01 # even if the code isnt perfect atm 15.01.03 # PaulJam: nope, it will not reset. Currently only file path is used to connect the runtime data to correct file. But that will be improved in future to look into tags also 15.01.06 # Hmm, why is it "arithmEtic" but "mathemAtic" .... 15.01.16 # pondlife: hmm 15.02.28 # hmm? 15.02.39 # Slasheri: ok, thanks for the info. (i wasn't sure, because the changelog contains the tags too.) 15.02.41 # Hmm, too many hmms.. 15.02.43 # 15:54 * pondlife officially forgives Slasheri 15.02.45 # that :D 15.02.48 # Just joking 15.02.51 # hehe 15.03.02 # i have been busy at work if you mean that your voice patch 15.03.05 # Just don't do it again 15.03.10 # =) 15.03.39 # Yep. You can make up for it by testing the new one and not committing it. 15.03.56 # sure, i will try later today 15.04.09 # Although I suspect jhMikeS has a larger rework up his sleeve 15.04.29 # But this one Works For Me 15.04.29 # hehe, in the last time you had the wish that i commit your playback patch soon ;) 15.04.30 # * _jhMikeS_ is checking the logs to see if there's any discussion about something he messed up 15.04.37 # Nope 15.05.02 Nick _jhMikeS_ is now known as jhMikeS (n=jethead7@adsl-75-45-246-108.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) 15.05.20 # Nothing messed up, but you may want to test out http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6024 - not much changed from yesterday 15.05.47 # Since then I've also removed those USB swaps and all seems well too. 15.05.52 # pondlife: rework...rather big...sw recording. 15.05.59 # Good luck 15.06.12 # thanks...is there something I should know? 15.06.31 # JdGordon: nobody liked the look of radio buttons for settings a few weeks ago when I talked about it...I've done checkmarks instead: http://www.geocities.com/m_arigo/rockbox/settings_selected_icon.bmp 15.06.39 # jhMikeS: [09:16:13] jhMikeS: Does pcm_record still make sure the CPU is always boosted when recording from S/PDIF (h1x0)? 15.06.42 # JdGordon: calling file functions in the ATA callback seems risky at best 15.06.55 # amiconn: yes 15.07.23 # lowlight: have u done the patch or just the mockup? 15.07.24 # The only change yesterday was pcmrec_callback 15.07.55 # jhMikeS: Only that I'd like you to confirm that the playback.c mods in 6024 don't break recording. 15.08.09 # LinusN: yes, thats probably why it has crashed on me a fwe times, im hopegin another set of eyes can see a safer way to do this 15.08.38 # lowlight: Rockbox has a checkbox widget for a very long time... just no code seems to use it 15.08.44 # pondlife: np 15.08.48 # Cheers 15.08.53 # the current approach works because it is a single raw sector write 15.08.58 # the ata_callback_count variable should stop it calling itself over and over again, as well as the array will eventually be all nULL... 15.09.02 Nick darkless is now known as darkless_UTF8 (n=darkless@ 15.09.16 # Can I reproduce the voice bug with a one-song playlist? 15.09.36 # jhMikeS: set repeat=none and play the last song in a dir 15.09.53 # Auto change dir off too right? 15.09.57 # yup 15.10.07 Quit darkless_UTF8 ("Leaving") 15.10.08 # lowlight: nice naming scheme :D i found the patch.. im gonna try it 15.10.44 Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ 15.11.09 # JdGordon: it may not apply cleanly now. 15.11.19 # 3/7 failed :'( 15.12.17 # jhMikeS: yes 15.12.47 # Just let it play to the end - I have a 5 second recording to test with 15.13.22 # pondlife, jhMikeS: i can't reproduce the voice bug with the latest patch 15.13.35 Quit lowlight ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 15.14.02 # Nope, I'm pretty sure it resolves the bug (by not swapping when audio_codec_loaded=false), but does it break recording at all? 15.14.16 # I can make a recording and monitor ok, but am not sure of the subtleties 15.14.31 Quit darkless (Client Quit) 15.14.40 # just want to make a valid comparison...won't take long 15.14.49 # Also, only tried mic - not SPDIF for example 15.14.58 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.15.06 Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ 15.15.47 Join lowlight [0] (i=c730190a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7ccdd16b20fdcb4c) 15.16.39 Quit PaulJam (".") 15.16.41 # jhMikes, this benchmark suggest that ffmpeg is faster than libmpeg2. Also maybe without using b frames for encoding we can decode faster 15.16.55 # like using mjpeg? 15.17.02 # that'll wreak havoc on the compression ratio 15.17.02 # lowlight: cheers.. that looks much better :) 15.17.19 # forget it, you said b frames, not p frames 15.17.43 # we can definitely decode faster without b frames, but they do some times help compression ratio a bit 15.19.42 # yep the voice bug is there...now for the patch. 15.22.07 # mirak9: why do you use google cache for that? 15.22.20 # JdGordon: glad you made it work :) 15.22.41 # only needed tiny fixes to compile 15.24.05 # markun google is faster often 15.24.35 # preglow no, you would have to use only i frames to have something like mjpeg 15.24.53 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 15.24.57 # mirak9: know, know 15.25.03 # mirak9: interesting that libmpeg 0.3.1 is faster than 0.4.0b 15.25.03 # preglow p frames takes preceding image, and b frames before and after 15.25.33 # mirak9: know, know, i just misread what you said 15.25.41 Quit newbyx86 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.28.24 # preglow well my goal is to reach 25fps plus sound. wav sound will do, so I don't bother about size that much as long as it's below 2G :D 15.28.30 # pondlife: ok...I see both bug are fixed (no freeze entering recording) but now Mic recording is not working at all. I don't think your change has anything to do with it. My cvs up showed a change to recording.c. 15.28.51 # mirak9: with mpeg2 we'll reach that plus an ordinary codec 15.28.55 # no problem 15.30.05 # pondlife: I remove your patch and confirm for Mic. 15.30.14 # *I'll 15.30.58 # Hmm, the recording change was me, but only affects the sim 15.31.35 # I was attempting to simulate recording better, but no joy yet 15.33.26 # Neither mod should affect Mic recording.. and it's working ok here (H340 inbuild mic) 15.33.28 # patch removed and now I have mic back 15.33.32 # ?? 15.33.37 # I'll try one more time 15.34.59 # preglow no problem ?? well I lack of ideas right now to optimise 15.35.15 # mirak9: use more iram 15.35.20 # look at the motion estimation 15.35.32 # I know some work can be done on motioncompensation, that's the next candidate from profling analysis, but I really understand nothing to the code in this file 15.36.01 # there are to much macros 15.36.40 Quit darkless ("Leaving") 15.37.52 # There is still a problem if voice menus are enabled 15.38.00 # Or actuall there is now 15.38.03 # Do you find it works second time 15.38.13 # I have to let voice stop first 15.38.18 # mp3_play_stop should be waiting for voice to stop 15.38.23 # then the mic starts up 15.39.44 # *cough* http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=6595.0 15.39.51 # If I enter the screen in the middle of a clip recording doesn't work for mix 15.39.53 # mic 15.40.21 # preglow I am not sure if mpeg2 works on y u v planes speratly or at the same time. if it's separately maybe having one buffer plane could help, but it would be big 220*176, around 16k 15.41.12 # Do you call anything that should stop voice? 15.41.43 # hmmm, i wonder how much iram the core uses now 15.41.47 # Ah - voice_stop... 15.43.09 Join nls [0] (i=HydraIRC@nl104-202-216.student.uu.se) 15.44.53 Quit lowlight ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 15.44.54 Quit Kohlrabi ("Quit") 15.45.36 # mirak: I would be interested in a couple of frame rate numbers, preferably with our "official" test video (elephant's dream) 15.45.58 Join RaeNye [0] (i=c7cb43c9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-23e8004adc770b7d) 15.46.01 # aloha 15.46.17 # pondlife: yead it's in recording.c 15.46.27 # If you can, test with actual screen output (i.e. the call to lcd_yuv_blit()) disabled 15.46.28 # RaeNye: ahola 15.46.46 # voice_stop doesn't actually wait for voice to stop 15.47.02 # Frame rate with cvs, with asm idct, with idct block in iram, and with both 15.47.11 # It probably should! 15.47.18 # I calls mp3_play_stop or whatever, right? and that wait...dang I wrote it 15.47.43 # And I may have removed a wait loop a while back 15.47.52 # Not in this patch though 15.48.16 # probably but it used to hang if it did 15.48.56 # * jhMikeS is getting senile 15.50.42 # preglow I did some modifications on idct_add and idct_copy , they use burst mode reading as much as possible, the gain is substential. 15.50.59 # can you record and play simultaneously (on any target)? 15.51.25 Quit Genre9mp3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.51.32 Quit spiorf (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.51.32 # pondlife: what does the yield during Q_AUDIO_PLAY do for anything? 15.51.33 # RaeNye: on iriver, yes 15.51.44 # RaeNye: On coldfire: yes, theoretically 15.51.45 # RaeNye: only target i know for sure can do that 15.51.51 # Nobody tried so far afaik 15.52.02 # On archos: no 15.52.08 # On iPod: Don't know 15.52.29 # amiconn: people have tried so far, yes 15.52.38 # There's a numerous applications that need a PCM recording/playback interface that is not file based 15.52.45 # at least hubbel told me it worked 15.53.13 # RaeNye: hell yes, i'm planning to do that myself once the recording interface is exposed to plugins and i have time 15.53.20 # FS#2566 (use player as a DSP / amplifier) 15.53.38 # some old FS about implementing fax/modem 15.53.45 # hahaha 15.53.56 # that would kinda rock 15.53.58 # answering machine FS (not on tracker yet...) 15.54.32 # I found GPL sources for a software implementation, but it has floating point. 15.54.45 # could use EMAC ops though 15.54.56 # Hahaaaa - implement a soft modem using the audio i/f, and the connect the iriver to the internet... 15.55.16 # RaeNye: that would rock pretty badly, actually 15.55.16 # hahaha 15.55.24 # guitar tuner 15.55.32 Quit dilinger ("catching the train") 15.55.59 # jhMikeS: Not certain, but it is needed or voice can take over completely. 15.56.10 # amiconn would be intersting to have profiling working. 15.56.19 # Maybe the queue with timeout should be waiting longer than 0 ticks 15.56.24 # Profiling should work on coldfire... 15.56.28 # That would probably be neater 15.56.29 # * amiconn never used it though 15.56.37 # I think I'll open a generic FS on having portable PCM record/playback API and have it as a requirement for all these. 15.56.56 # queue_wait_w_tmo(&voice_queue, &ev, 0); -> queue_wait_w_tmo(&voice_queue, &ev, 5) or somesuch 15.57.27 # amiconn: no internet... would you like script kiddies to buffer-overflow your /DAP/ 15.57.36 # amiconn well when I tried h300 was crashing when starting mpegplayer plugin. 15.57.45 # also I don't want to have tcp/ip stack code ;-) 15.59.03 # amiconn maybe linuxstb could implement a time based benchmark. something like playing 30 seconds then stopping, showing fps. 15.59.40 # jhMikeS: I think I've fixed the mic problem. 15.59.49 # Nothing was calling pcm_play_stop 15.59.58 # pcmbuf_play_stop() even 16.01.03 Join webguest47 [0] (i=c3272283@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-fe1667b9108b8a70) 16.01.04 Quit webguest47 (Client Quit) 16.01.06 Join webguest47 [0] (i=c3272283@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 16.01.07 # If you add 3 lines into voice_stop(), after the call to mp3_play_stop: 16.01.10 # while (voice_is_playing) 16.01.10 # yield(); 16.01.10 # pcmbuf_play_stop(); 16.01.18 Part webguest47 16.01.42 Join pabouk [0] (i=c3272283@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 16.02.59 # why should mp3_play_stop now do that? 16.03.14 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host85-204.pool8248.interbusiness.it) 16.03.22 # Not mp3_play_stop 16.04.16 # I know...was wondering why mp3_play_stop doesn't wait 16.04.34 Quit KN|stiff (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.04.51 # theli_ua: I have tried your new zxbox build with 4bpp driver for h100s but it is not much faster unfortunately. 72% with frameskip 5. 16.04.53 # gonna test that out now though 16.05.19 # pabouk, almost the same that with grayscale? strange :( 16.05.42 # mp3_play_stop must not wait 16.05.59 # But voice_stop must 16.06.55 # theli_ua: yes, not much faster :( In fast mode it is 79% 16.08.02 # pabouk, what target do you have? h100 or h120 ? 16.08.06 # pondlife: or rather, audio_resume() must not wait or yield 16.08.20 # yes, it fixes it 16.08.27 # pondlife: because it is called in interrupt context 16.08.36 # speaking of zxbox, does it emulate every opcode separately? 16.09.05 Quit webmind ("Reconnecting") 16.09.09 Join webmind [0] (i=webmind@feather.perl6.nl) 16.09.26 # (and is the main CPU emulation even a bottleneck?) 16.09.50 # OK, I'll update the patch 16.10.04 # theli_ua: h120, I have also noticed that the speed value slowly changes. i.e. it grows from 55% to 66% during 30 seconds and then it goes down again. 16.11.06 # pabouk, i'm sorry, but are you sure you're using my build? where did you put zxbox.rock ? 16.11.55 # theli_ua, sorry... i see you can use play button now .. so that states you're using mine 16.12.06 # LinusN: we need important notes about context in the comments IMO. :) 16.12.18 # theli_ua: Yes, I am sure. It has 4 shades of grey now :) and the play button works. 16.12.32 # pondlife: remove my comments from voice_stop too since it is being "globally addressed" 16.12.45 # OK 16.12.59 # I assume I need the test in still. 16.13.10 # i.e. the current_codec test 16.13.47 # Well...can't post a message to it unless it is. You'll just have a stale message later. 16.14.04 # Yes, and the yield loop may never end! 16.14.17 # Which would be more of a problem 16.14.39 # pabouk, please, try http://theli.ho.com.ua/zxbox.rock (it has alternative way of passing the z80 processor 16.14.39 # data to the z80 instruction emulation functions) 16.15.19 # * jhMikeS senses a need for rethinking the whole process...so messy, it is. 16.15.35 # * LinusN agrees 16.15.42 # gtg 16.15.44 Part LinusN 16.16.07 # is the Z80 emulation the bottleneck? 16.16.11 # * pondlife agrees too 16.16.34 # RaeNye, we are trying find this out ;) 16.17.23 # what's the speed percentage w/o writing anything to screen? 16.17.35 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 16.18.24 Quit damaki__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.18.40 # I thought yesterday about one dynamic recompilation feature that could be implemented without much complication 16.18.59 # more for rockboy, but could work for any emulator 16.19.07 # RaeNye, well ... i can have 100% with 25fps (frameskip 1) on mini *with* screen output 16.19.37 Quit Mordov|hardlywo (Remote closed the connection) 16.20.05 # what is the mini's cpu freq? 16.20.39 # are you 100% boosted? 16.20.42 # RaeNye: There are beginnigs of dynamic recompilation for rockboy in CVS 16.20.56 # HCl did it, for coldfire 16.20.58 # RaeNye, yes full-time boost 16.21.11 # It's not yet working - too few opcodes actually implemented 16.21.26 Join spiorf_ [0] (n=spiorf@host85-204.pool8248.interbusiness.it) 16.21.37 # I'll have a look. real dynamic-comp, with a subset of C compiler backend !? 16.21.51 # theli_ua: The speed did not change... 16.22.13 # pabouk, :( , doesn't have any effect on arm target too :( 16.22.30 Quit spiorf_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.22.42 # I just thought of performing some online liveness analysis to avoid updating unnecessary flags/registers 16.22.48 Join spiorf_ [0] (n=spiorf@host85-204.pool8248.interbusiness.it) 16.23.46 Join klrspz [0] (n=klrSpz@ 16.24.10 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6024 updated 16.24.22 # Late lunch time 16.25.20 # pondlife: just when I was about to check the pervious version on my X6 ... 16.26.02 Quit spiorf_ (Client Quit) 16.26.51 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@dslb-082-083-144-245.pools.arcor-ip.net) 16.27.55 # pabouk, redownload http://theli.ho.com.ua/zxbox.rock please.. it has now no screen output 16.28.10 Join rretzbach [0] (n=robert@dslb-084-062-051-026.pools.arcor-ip.net) 16.32.59 # are mutexes granted ownership in the threads waited on them now? 16.33.13 # RaeNye: Can you check the new one then? 16.33.13 # *in the order* 16.33.29 # pondlife: compiling. 16.34.30 # I've found a bug already. 16.34.40 # But it's almost there 16.34.40 Quit solarflare (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.34.55 Join solarflare [0] (n=supernov@82-203-170-134.dsl.gohome.fi) 16.34.56 # what should I check exactly? 16.34.57 # Report back on Flyspray, I've got to eat.. 16.34.58 # theli_ua: The screen output seems to be disabled completely so I do not see the speed measurement :) 16.35.19 # that recording generally works? with/without voice? 16.35.28 # pabouk, oops 16.35.35 # Just make sure it doesn't crash , mainly! Recording and voice are the likely problem areas 16.35.54 # OK, will report. 16.36.05 # But going into recording screen can crash if the voiced filename is still being read out, I know about that one - so have a pin handy 16.36.30 # X5 usually doesn't need a pin for reset 16.36.33 # pabouk, i've fixed this, redownload please 16.36.45 # long (7-sec) OFF tends to work 16.37.02 # Useful! 16.37.13 Quit pondlife (""lunch"") 16.38.02 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host85-204.pool8248.interbusiness.it) 16.38.48 Quit aegray ("Lost terminal") 16.41.07 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-253-1-1-204.w90-7.abo.wanadoo.fr) 16.43.34 # theli_ua: The highest speed shown was 85% but the value settled at 80% - pretty close to 79 in fast mode 16.44.07 # pabouk, so is speed close to one with screen output? 16.44.51 # haha, doom on the nano is retarted :D 16.45.01 # theli_ua: yes 16.46.21 # no rockboy ont he nano? :'( 16.46.53 Join davidc__ [0] (n=davidc@ 16.48.00 # screen too small is it? 16.49.06 # JdGordon, just none adopted rockboy for it 16.54.48 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 17.02.32 Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") 17.03.59 Nick Arathis_ is now known as Arathis (n=doerk@p508A77F5.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.04.07 Join webguest90 [0] (i=917408a3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c437718b9d92d0da) 17.06.42 Quit theli_ua ("Leaving") 17.09.11 Part pabouk 17.13.31 Join mego [0] (i=543cb13a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0df52819fc5f2738) 17.15.02 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.15.29 # Hi all! Im thinking about buying the iriver U10. Has there been any discussion about porting rockbox to that thingy? 17.15.42 Join fatherfork [0] (n=fatherfo@adsl-224-17-206.asm.bellsouth.net) 17.17.00 # can someone give me a brief overview of viewports? 17.19.23 # Bagder: why does the cvs building system lag sometimes? 17.19.53 # for example the last build is 10:00 but the last change in cvs was 14:55 17.22.32 # Commits for the manual don't trigger a rebuild 17.22.49 # It wouldn't make sense 17.25.01 # amiconn: oops. didn't see they were for the manual. thanks 17.27.53 # I am not sure to understand why compensation of the motion is needed 17.29.11 # ok that's the oposite term of estimation for compresson 17.31.57 Quit fatherfork () 17.37.33 Quit Pajama-B () 17.46.54 # The coder subtracts the motion-compensated prediction from the source picture to form a 'prediction error' picture. The prediction error is transformed with the DCT, the coefficients are quantised and these quantised values coded using a VLC. 17.47.37 # huhu, only the pixel errors are coded 17.48.11 Part mego 17.48.38 Quit amigan (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.48.42 Quit Pezcore ("lawl yuo suck") 17.49.00 # then at decoding, you just add the differences to the previous frame 17.51.44 Join Rudy4Pez [0] (n=A@71-34-66-241.ptld.qwest.net) 17.52.15 # mirak9: don't you transform the previous frame before you add this difference? 17.54.00 Quit Bjoern-Erik ("leaving") 17.55.41 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 18.02.44 Join lightyear [0] (n=lightyea@p54874D9B.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.02.57 # mirak9: could you arrange your FS#5995 such that if DEBUG is #defined then coldfire asm optimizations would be disabled? 18.04.00 # I tried to do that but am not sure when #ifdef CPU_COLDFIRE is used for asm optimizations and when not. 18.15.31 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp137-225.adsl.forthnet.gr) 18.18.44 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@dsl-88-218-17-158.customers.vivodi.gr) 18.19.27 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@a82-93-10-238.adsl.xs4all.nl) 18.19.36 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@ 18.27.34 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.28.18 Join Lear [0] (n=chatzill@h8n8c1o285.bredband.skanova.com) 18.28.41 # bye 18.28.44 # * RaeNye snaps his finger 18.28.48 Quit RaeNye ("CGI:IRC 0.5.7 (2005/06/19)") 18.31.55 Join Bjoern-Erik [0] (n=unknown@67.80-202-110.nextgentel.com) 18.36.14 Join bilbravo [0] (n=bilbravo@pool-70-17-220-11.balt.east.verizon.net) 18.37.50 Join MuggU [0] (n=max@p54A9740A.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.38.10 Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") 18.39.37 Join damaki_ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-253-1-23-134.w90-7.abo.wanadoo.fr) 18.40.21 # dynarec is fun, when it works 18.42.15 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@dsl-88-218-17-158.customers.vivodi.gr) 18.47.40 # markun: transform to what ? 18.48.14 # cam i use both firmwares with the iriver h10? 18.49.23 # markun: I don't know. I guess the block is translated then the error correction is done 18.49.34 # by adding the errors 18.49.34 # MuggU: you cannot switch them/dual boot if you mean that 18.50.15 # hm.. will this work in the near future? 18.51.49 Join webguest65 [0] (i=88ba01be@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 18.52.04 Part webguest65 18.55.26 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.01.16 # that's impossible to answer... 19.15.00 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEF867.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.15.03 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.15.54 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 19.15.57 Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 19.16.38 Join bbroke [0] (n=bbroke@p54BD3FF6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 19.18.14 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 19.21.34 Quit davidc__ () 19.27.51 Join damaki [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-253-1-36-238.w90-7.abo.wanadoo.fr) 19.29.11 Join Davide-NYC [0] (n=chatzill@user-12hdtm5.cable.mindspring.com) 19.31.31 Join damaki__ [0] (n=Chocolat@ALille-253-1-36-238.w90-7.abo.wanadoo.fr) 19.31.33 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 19.38.38 Quit Rick ("I don't need to be here.") 19.43.28 Quit damaki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.43.50 Join Rick [0] (i=rick@pool-71-108-2-183.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) 19.45.01 Quit damaki (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.46.52 Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 19.54.49 Join hardeep [0] (n=hardeeps@c-71-202-85-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 20.00.49 Quit obo ("bye") 20.03.18 Quit webguest90 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 20.04.02 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 20.08.47 Join moozooh [0] (n=moozooh@nat.a12.qwerty.ru) 20.10.45 # hi guys. a quick question for those who do some analog recording with their H300s. what would be better to get, an AA-driven 600 Ohm mic, or a passive 600 Ohm mic? which of them will be driven better, or there's no difference? 20.12.38 # an active mic or mic+preamp will give a higher signal, which is better because too much gain on h3x0 will introduce noise 20.12.53 # all depends on what you record of course 20.13.11 # if it's loud sounds, a plain mic will do too 20.14.04 # * petur runs off ("bbl") 20.14.49 # well, i need an all-purpose stereo mic that would be more tolerant to loud sounds than H300's default one. when i tried recording some live show, it sounded like a sheet of paper tearing up on all the loud sounds (especially bass attacks) 20.16.42 # even with very low gain value set on the player, my mic clipped just by itself (nothing really surprising, though). 20.20.52 Join RedBreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-143-79-163.range86-143.btcentralplus.com) 20.22.14 Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 20.23.24 # uh oh 20.23.26 # :((( 20.23.47 # my mp3 player's hdd is just making weird noises. 20.23.50 # Is it dead? 20.24.52 # Its three years old and was used every day. 20.24.58 # could be, does it work? 20.25.17 # rockbox just started, but I could do anything, now it doesnt boot :> 20.25.25 # Well it boots 20.25.35 # hmmm 20.25.38 # wait 20.25.45 # I had that some time ago 20.25.47 # the akku!!! 20.25.52 # maybe it's getting old 20.26.12 # lol yes 20.26.17 # Sorry to trouble me and you. 20.26.25 # batteries? 20.26.34 # Whoa I just feared I have to buy a new player. 20.26.43 # The batterie was empty. 20.26.55 # good :) 20.27.07 # The hdd just started to run and went offline right away. 20.27.10 # Several times. 20.27.14 # So i was in ph33r 20.28.58 # moozooh: you need a powered mic. 20.29.21 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 20.29.32 Quit mirak9 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 20.30.07 Nick daurnimator is now known as daurn|afk (n=quae@unaffiliated/daurnimator) 20.30.07 DBUG Enqueued KICK daurn|afk 20.30.12 # Davide-NYC: you mean a battery-driven? yeah, that's what i was going to buy. 20.30.28 # yes 20.31.47 # sadly, there's only one mic available here that is not that bad, has stereo output, AA battery power and still doesn't cost that much. it's settled, then, thanks. 20.32.31 # moozooh: I had the same problem (clipping due too bass-heavy music) and got a pair of cardoids + micamp 20.33.45 # too little time for me to search for a micamp, and i don't have the knowledge to assemble one myself. :\ 20.34.13 # try to find out the SPL they can handle before you buy! 20.34.22 # any idea how I can test resuming with the simulator? 20.35.25 # moozooh: I've wasted money trying to go for cheaper mics, only to find out they couldn't handle the soundpressure 20.36.46 # petur: hmm, good point. i'll search for the exact specs of that mic now. 20.40.04 Quit MuggU ("get satisfied! :: (Gamers.IRC) www.gamersirc.net ::") 20.45.29 Quit mirak (Connection timed out) 20.47.35 # i'm thoroughly amazed. not only doesn't Philips give the specs on their own microphones, i can't even find the microphones section other than in the russian section of the site. %) 20.48.50 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-89-66.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr) 20.52.40 Quit ShadowdogMU (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.53.31 Join ShadowdogMU [0] (n=Brock@cpe-65-28-252-205.woh.res.rr.com) 20.55.33 Join davidc__ [0] (n=davidc@ 20.59.25 Quit rretzbach (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21.03.32 Quit davidc__ () 21.08.13 Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) 21.11.31 # uint32_t tmp = (uint16_t) (block[0] >> 1); 21.11.31 # tmp |= tmp << 16; 21.11.53 # I am trying to traduce that in asm. 21.11.55 Join bluebrother [0] (i=8A8vWvqU@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 21.12.17 # block[0] is in the upper word of a register 21.13.26 Quit Davide-NYC ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") 21.15.04 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.19.36 Join gursikh [0] (n=guriskh1@adsl-68-92-213-237.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) 21.19.43 Part gursikh 21.19.46 Join webguest40 [0] (i=46b37457@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 21.20.02 # ok forget that. I am writting non consecutive words 21.20.55 # How come my battiery keeps going so fast any options in rockbox to save battiery. In appls os ipod my battiery last longer much better 21.22.50 # well lots of options affect battery life but the ipods have significantly shorter batterylife in rockbox. 21.24.01 # And the reason for that is not all clear but a theory is that some hardware is left on while it should be switched off if anyone knew how 21.24.01 Quit webguest40 (Client Quit) 21.25.06 # webguest40, have you changed any settings from default? 21.25.11 # oh 21.26.07 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@c80-216-155-218.cm-upc.chello.se) 21.29.26 Join davidc__ [0] (n=davidc@ 21.29.34 Join CriamosAndy [0] (n=Criamos@p54930194.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 21.32.46 # hello world 21.33.01 # hello dionoea :) 21.36.28 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 21.36.39 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 21.36.39 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 21.36.41 Quit Xerion (" ") 21.36.47 # grrr... when recording, it takes almost 3 seconds between a keypress and the backlight going on 21.37.01 # (recording in wav) 21.37.04 Join |AhIoRoS| [0] (n=ahioros@ 21.38.48 # petur: the whole internet is silent on the SPL value for that mic, the only thing i've found is its sensitivity value (stated as "-45 dB"), but i suppose it's not the same thing. 21.39.47 Quit obo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.39.50 # maybe you can try asking at http://www.taperssection.com but they're more into high-end gear 21.41.11 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 21.46.35 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 21.46.35 # * petur is looking at some very weird waveforms 21.47.07 # damn I gained 1 fps 21.47.16 # with a tweak on idct 21.47.32 # isn't that good? 21.47.34 # I use the same shortcut they use in the C version 21.48.02 Quit Criamos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.48.13 # nls: yes 21.48.52 # so how's the fps on 224x178 nowadays? 21.49.43 # *224x176 21.51.18 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-250-171.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 22.01.05 Quit barrywardell () 22.01.56 # nls: it reachs 25.0 when the guy put is head out of the water reflection in the intro generic 22.02.10 # and can go down to 22 or 23 22.02.38 # hem that's on 224*128 22.02.46 # 224x176 is more around 18 22.02.50 # That's nice :) 22.03.36 # and btw is the screen fast enough? eg. do you see the difference between say 15 and 20 and 25 fps? 22.03.56 # it seems it doesn't go below 23.2 for 224x176 22.04.01 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-250-171.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 22.04.17 # nls: yes on smaller videos it goes at 45 fps 22.04.43 # 160x96 runs at 46 fps 22.05.14 # the screen is really not the limit 22.06.14 # there was some speculation a while ago that the h300 screen was too slow to do faster video than the 10fps that the OF does. 22.06.53 # does mpegplayer have frame limiting? 22.07.05 # or rather framerate limiting? 22.08.44 # seems it does, nice 22.09.06 # in fact this speculations were blown after seeing doom 22.09.20 # at least for me 22.09.31 # right, never tried doom myself 22.10.22 Quit nls (" Like VS.net's GUI? Then try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 22.10.46 Join linuxstb_ [0] (i=5343d4aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 22.14.31 Join lukaswayne9 [0] (n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) 22.17.28 Join LeBankieR [0] (n=yoannoeu@ip-145.net-82-216-173.joinville2.rev.numericable.fr) 22.17.43 # hello all 22.29.34 Quit Lear ("Chatzilla 0.9.74 [Firefox]") 22.34.17 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ACAD8A8F.ipt.aol.com) 22.35.06 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@zarathul.student.utwente.nl) 22.36.46 Quit lukaswayne9 ("Ex-Chat") 22.38.12 Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") 22.39.00 Quit merbanan ("Leaving") 22.39.18 Join rretzbach [0] (n=robert@dslb-084-062-051-026.pools.arcor-ip.net) 22.40.10 Quit khorben (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.40.14 Quit rretzbach (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.40.21 Join khorben [0] (n=tish_sip@port-87-234-216-40.static.qsc.de) 22.46.33 # petur: i've made a post at the taperssection.com, waiting for replies (not that they would affect my decision under these circumstances, but it's nice to at least be infirmed). thanks for your help. 22.46.50 # informed* 22.47.48 # good 22.49.10 Join webguest76 [0] (i=53b107bc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 22.49.16 # in any case, such a mic is much better than the default one. 22.49.28 # * webguest76 jumps around. 22.50.12 Quit webguest76 (Client Quit) 22.56.38 Join rotator [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) 23.03.14 Join sharpe [0] (i=Matt@user-0c8hc0l.cable.mindspring.com) 23.05.09 # i'm back? 23.06.13 # seems 23.06.31 # indeed. 23.11.48 Quit Rudy4Pez (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.15.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.16.02 Quit lightyear (Remote closed the connection) 23.19.47 Join midgey34 [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) 23.20.15 Join bgmrk [0] (n=little_b@HSE-Montreal-ppp127299.qc.sympatico.ca) 23.20.18 # ok i need help! 23.20.50 # ne1 home? 23.21.09 # depends 23.21.22 # on what? 23.21.31 # :p 23.21.41 # if we can read your text 23.21.49 # :p 23.22.05 # haha 23.22.05 Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 23.22.09 # well i asumme u can 23.22.13 # ANYWAys 23.22.37 # some basic questions...cause i've been trying to get this to work for the past few nights 23.22.44 # does rockbox need linux on ipod? 23.22.55 # no 23.23.02 # just the bootloader 23.23.08 # ok 23.23.25 # and...is there a BASIC step by step guide to get this all to work..and what to download 23.23.29 # and where to put what 23.23.35 # yes - see wiki 23.23.40 # ipodport 23.23.40 # ok 23.24.27 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodPort 23.25.00 # ahhh ty 23.25.50 # i can switch between rockbox and apple firmware right? 23.26.47 # yes 23.27.24 # is moving a registry to another considered a store or is it only when you move to memory ? 23.27.39 # kk....and....i assume it supports the newest update for 5g ipod? 23.28.03 Quit CriamosAndy ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 23.28.11 # that I don't know, I only have a 4g 23.28.38 # oo ok 23.29.09 # well if ne1 in here has a 5g ipod....does rockbox work with newest update? or should i downgrade? 23.30.59 Join linuxstb_ [0] (i=5343d4aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) 23.31.29 # o well i'll just try it woithout downgrading :P 23.31.49 # bgmrk: Yes, afaik Rockbox works with the latest update. 23.32.28 # ok ty 23.32.48 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 23.33.05 # is it ok to put it into diskmode b4 i connect it... 23.34.06 # Yes, it makes no difference. 23.34.43 # ok 23.36.17 # is there any point in all these i=CODEC_ERROR; goto exit; things, why not just return CODEC_ERROR? 23.37.14 # bgmrk, try http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml 23.37.58 # linuxstb: is moving a registry to another considered a store or is it only when you move to memory ? They say in the manual that a store stalls the store for 2 cycles. 23.38.13 # hcs: don't understand that as well 23.38.39 # hcs: in wav.c both methods are used even 23.38.39 # hcs: I'm guessing it's historical. I agree it makes no sense. 23.38.47 # linuxstb: page 64 in MCF5249UM.pdf 23.38.52 # grrrrr 23.39.20 # when i type in ipodpatcher 0 in cmd...it says drive is not an iPod aborting..... 23.39.33 # i have it set to C:\rockbox 23.39.41 # and i have the ipodpatcher.exe in that folder 23.39.53 # then I guess 0 is the wrong number. 23.40.06 # linuxstb_: I was thinking maybe to consolidate the function exit stuff, but it doesn't really take up much space 23.40.18 # grrr ok 1 sec..think i got it 23.40.24 # mirak: I've never done Coldfire ASM, but I've always thought a store was by definition a copy from register to memory. 23.40.38 # the procedure is described in the manual. 23.40.57 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodInstallation 23.41.01 # you need to find out the correct number of your player. This is mostly try-and-error. 23.41.08 # thats what i'm using to install 23.41.23 # bgmrk: What drive letter does your ipod appear as in Windows? 23.41.33 # g 23.41.44 # ooo 23.41.46 # i get it... 23.41.52 # 7 23.42.05 # nope didn't work 23.42.19 # I'd also suggest you to read the pdf manual. At least when rockbox is running. 23.42.26 # ok 23.42.29 # Just follow the instructions - start with 0 and work up... 23.43.01 # linuxstb_, what is that number reflecting? The hard drive number windows addigns in the disk manager? 23.43.42 # *assigns 23.44.29 # Something like that.. I don't know how Windows does things. 23.45.19 # I thought you wrote ipodpatcher ... 23.45.44 Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ 23.46.04 # I did... 23.46.44 Join bgmrk1 [0] (n=little_b@bas1-toronto12-1167878940.dsl.bell.ca) 23.46.47 # grrr 23.46.53 # Copy-and-paste coding... I took the raw disk access routines from a different application, combined them with some of Rockbox's disk handling code and came up with ipodpatcher. 23.47.11 # ok soo i reacher ipodpatcher 26...and still nothing...and my ipod is set as a drive 23.47.24 # ah, ok. 23.47.42 # ne suggestions 23.47.43 Quit LeBankieR ("Lost terminal") 23.47.50 # ne? 23.47.57 # what does this mean? 23.48.03 # any 23.48.07 # sorry i use to much slang 23.48.20 # i'll try to use full words 23.48.33 # most users in this channel aren't native english speakers ... (like me) 23.48.53 # hmm. You could try looking for the ipod in the disk manager 23.48.58 # bgmrk: Yes, the number reflects the hard drive number in the disk manager. Not the drive letter 23.49.07 # ok 23.50.07 # got it!! 23.50.07 # haha 23.50.24 # drive letters are for partitions (and since Win2000, they are optional). Disk numbers are for physical disks 23.51.21 # drive letters are optional? How can I access a drive without a drive letter? 23.51.50 # you can mount drives like on linux with NTFS i think 23.52.19 # ipodpatcher uses the name "\\.\PhysicalDriveN" (where N is the drive number) to access the drive. 23.52.21 # I know of that mount possibility, but does this work for drives without a letter? I thought that drive still needed a letter. 23.52.25 # (i'm not sure if it's NTFS related ... or just windows XP) 23.52.32 # You can mount a drive into an (NTFS) folder 23.52.42 # The parent drive needs to be NTFS 23.52.43 # linux in ubuntu is going to use the UUID of disk. this way you can change the channel or master/slave 23.53.00 # ah, nice. I still thought this needed an additional drive letter. 23.53.02 # The mounted drive can be NTFS or FAT, doesn't matter 23.53.33 # does anyone know if gcc ever reduces a sin() call to a simple sin assembly instruction on targets that support it? 23.53.39 # i just had a look at libm and nearly vomited 23.53.45 # bgmrk1: So is it working now? 23.53.48 # The founding NTFS feature is called reparse points, and can be used for other neat stuff than just mounting disks 23.55.20 # ok so i did everything in step 1... 23.55.47 # last line i see is rockboot.bin: no such file or directory 23.55.50 # is that good? 23.56.00 # amiconn: does the 2cycle stall after a store reminds you something ? 23.56.04 Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") 23.56.07 # this is after typing in "ipodpatcher -w N rockboot.bin 23.56.08 # " 23.56.50 # the ipodpatcher -w line? 23.57.05 # yea 23.57.17 # and i disconnected my ipod and it didn't restart :S 23.57.32 # No, that message isn't good... 23.57.45 # o dear... 23.57.53 # so should i start over? 23.57.58 # whiping my ipod yet again 23.58.03 # No. 23.58.05 # your ipod is *dead* 23.58.05 # ok 23.58.07 # hahaha 23.58.08 # did the ipod_fw step before produce any errors? 23.58.12 # * dionoea hides 23.58.17 # not that i saw