--- Log for 07.12.106 Server: zelazny.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 5 days and 18 hours ago 00.00.19 # Amy - Rockbox excels at those features. 00.00.44 # Natalic1: Forget windows apps, start hacking Rockbox... 00.00.56 # PaulPosition: I am 00.01.06 # no, i really dont understand the code well enough 00.01.08 # mmmmmmmmmmmm 00.01.52 # Arathis - Okay. So now we'll scramble that sucker. ../tools/scramble -mi4v3 bootloader/bootloader.bin H10.mi4 00.02.18 # My last question deals with potentially using rockbox to increase the ipod's accessibility because of my blindness. I've heard that rockbox can read its menu system out loud. WOuld this allow me to navigate through artist/album/genre and even specific songs while rockbox reads where I'm at? 00.02.27 # Natalic1: how do you expect to get to know the code well enough except by diving in? 00.02.41 # i dont:)) 00.02.45 # i didnt want to 00.02.52 # i wanted to make a windows app that people will use 00.02.57 Join matsl_ [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 00.03.00 # i suck @ os development 00.03.09 # and i wouldn't kno where to start 00.03.09 # well, there is #windows too ;) 00.03.45 Quit matsl (Connection timed out) 00.03.49 # but i want to make something for rockbox, really want to make a php script:(( 00.03.52 # ##windows that is 00.03.59 # PaulPosition: just wanted to show you my make output: http://www.copypot.com/1202 00.04.13 # had some problems doing this 00.04.18 Join cubic_cube [0] (n=culewtvr@adsl-75-4-124-199.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) 00.04.36 Quit matsl_ (Client Quit) 00.04.39 # Natalic1: what do you want to make? 00.04.47 # if your're satisfied with that I'll scramble 00.04.48 # i dont care, just something useful to people 00.04.48 # Arathis - Actually I should have told you warnings are pretty obvious (they span over a long line) and not very common so you could have read it faster. :p 00.04.49 Join matsl_ [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 00.04.51 # tired of making trash 00.04.54 # ah 00.04.55 # is there someone who could help the cubic cube with OS X + 5g iPod installation? 00.04.58 Quit ani-adom (":") 00.05.02 # you could write a plugin, I think those are easier to write 00.05.05 # ...whatever that means and what it's good for 00.05.14 # i dont know the environment 00.05.18 # i am a windows coder 00.05.26 # I think the plugin environment is pretty simple 00.05.27 # like 00.05.30 # a function to draw text 00.05.33 # and one to get keypresses 00.05.36 # Arathis - So it's allright. Did you scramble? If not I left the command just above.. 00.05.39 # cubic_cube: New or old 5g, and what size hard drive? 00.05.40 # and file access. .is all you really need 00.05.50 # PaulPosition: "...whatever that means and what it's good for" 00.06.20 # Arathis - Only good for not wasting time installing a porked build if it makes errors. ;) 00.06.27 # i want a windows app(more flexible) 00.06.59 # linuxstb: old 5g, 60gb, followed installation to the letter (restored to FAT32 on windows pc, etc.) then i get error "Specified partition (0) does not exist" 00.07.11 # Arathis - It doesn't look like there was any problem making the files. So where's it you had trouble? 00.07.29 # so this frequency bug, is it an issue with incorrectly doing frequency scaling on the ARM, or a side effect? or does nobody know 00.07.32 # cubic_cube: What gives you that error? 00.08.05 # linuxstb: diskdump to bootpartition.bin 00.08.06 # [INFO] Reading partition table... 00.08.06 # Part Type Start Sector End Sector Size (MB) 00.08.06 DBUG Enqueued KICK cubic_cube 00.08.06 # [ERR] Specified partition (0) does not exist: 00.09.04 # PaulPosition: you ment "../tools/scramble -mi4v3 bootloader/bootloader.bin H10_20GC.mi4" not "..H10.mi4" right? ;) 00.09.51 # lol. I guess so. wait a second I check on sumthin. 00.10.41 # cubic_cube: Are you definitely using the correct /dev/ filename for your ipod? Also, does your ipod still work normally? 00.11.09 # Soap: Did you see my last query? 00.11.20 # I think I missed it Amy. 00.11.47 # Ok Amy, I found it. 00.11.57 # linuxstb: i know i have the right /dev/ for it, i'll check to see that it works normally 00.12.52 # Amy, I am not the best person to ask on that. I know Rockbox can read the menus to you, and I believe, stress believe, that you can record Artist, Tracks, Genre names etc. to be read while navigating within the database. Scorche? Do you know? 00.13.13 # PaulPosition: still alive? ;) 00.13.32 # Arathis - Yes, 00.13.37 # Soap: heh...i was halfway to my 2-key-salute to lock the computer, after which i would leave 00.14.02 # Arathis - Okay. So yes it should be that file, though I think you'll rename it when you put it in the /system/ folder on your DAP. 00.14.21 # Amy: if you are still here and no one has answered your question in a few hours, i will help you, but i must go help a client atm =) 00.14.37 # I wanted to check up on the scrambling code itself (-mi4v3) and there doesn't seem to be a different one for the 20gb :) 00.14.40 # PaulPosition: why so? it's the normal h20 .mi4 file 00.15.18 # Arathis - Well no, it's not anymore the 'normal' file, it's the patched one. 00.15.25 # barry's got an 20gb if I remember right 00.15.43 # don't get it 00.16.09 Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") 00.16.29 # Arathis - indeed. What is it you mean? We produce a new bootloader file, with patched code. We scramble it so it can be read when on the DAP. Then we replace the one on the DAP with this one (after having backed it up of course) 00.16.34 Quit secleinteer (Success) 00.16.36 # Arathis - Makes sense yet? 00.16.36 # linuxstb: works perfectly normal, i'll try it again 00.16.44 # Amy, when scorche says "help a client" he means serve a "John" 00.16.46 # ;) 00.16.48 # with normal I mean the OF mi4. but the bootloader I'm using to boot RB atm has of course the same name cause the h10 bootloader itself hasn't been touched 00.16.57 Join secleinteer [0] (n=scl@adsl-70-237-192-17.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) 00.17.06 # Soap: actually her name is ali... 00.17.28 # PaulPosition: clear what I mean now? :) 00.17.29 # Arathis - In the system folder, before you change anything, you should have : 00.17.38 # Amy: in the mean time, check out this page: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VoiceHowto 00.17.58 Quit Amy ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 00.18.04 # Arathis - Original.mi4 (or some such) and H10.mi4 (or H20.mi4 or I don't know how it's named on H10-20gb) right? 00.18.13 # righty then 00.18.26 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 00.18.26 # * scorche bops Soap on the head and exits stage right 00.18.59 # Arathis - The file we produced, for dualbooting, will replace the rockbox bootloader, the one file you usually only install once and ever forget about. 00.19.25 # PaulPosition: right. and the "H20.mi4" is named H10_20GC.mi4 00.19.46 # Arathis - This is tentative stuff. Right now, on my H10, my player will freeze if I attempt to play a song with 'crossfeed' on. 00.19.55 Quit petur ("sssssssssss---------PLOP!") 00.20.16 # linuxstb: it still doesn't work 00.20.25 # "File encoded successfully" :) 00.20.33 # Arathis - Good, then it so happens it has the right name out of the box :) So did you scramble it? 00.20.36 # yeah. 00.20.44 # Night all 00.21.02 # yep 00.21.02 # don't led the bed-bugs bite! 00.21.10 # s/led/let 00.21.23 Quit CriamosAndy ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 00.21.32 # Okay, so as I said, you'll also need to compile a rockbox install to go with that new bootloader. 00.21.34 Quit Cassandra (" Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 00.21.51 Quit Natalic1 () 00.22.12 Join scorche` [0] (i=ScorchE@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 00.22.24 # Arathis - But first, maybe you want to back up or rename (maybe RB_original_H10_20GC.mi4) or whatever 00.22.29 # PaulPosition: okay. now I need to replace the RB mi4 on my player with the one I made right? and the iriver one needs to be named what? and can I use the original one or do I need to make something with mi4encode? 00.22.47 # I'll backup to my pc 00.23.17 # Arathis - We'll need to do something with mi4 decode indeed, but later. We'll get rockbox running first. 00.23.22 Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.23.36 # "compile a rockbox install" ? you mean .rockbox folder and rockbox.h10 ? 00.23.44 # Arathis - Exactly. 00.24.29 # Arathis - Because the bootloader, as it is right now, doesn't work with 'pure, unpatched' cvs (ie, the patch also modifies the .rockbox files) 00.24.52 # I'll try with my "on the player" files first. barry wanted test about that too 00.25.20 # Arathis - I did test, but go on it might be different :) 00.25.28 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 00.25.32 # Arathis - Well thought. 00.27.41 # linuxstb: you there? 00.28.57 Quit scorche (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 00.30.12 # PaulPosition: freezes after rb boot 00.30.19 Quit MarcoPolo ("Bye !") 00.30.31 # Arathis - Sure does 00.30.42 # hehe 00.30.50 # Arathis - You know how to compile a build? 00.31.07 # Arathis - make it from an other directory than bootbuild, like 'build' :p 00.31.23 # if it's just ../tools/configure as normal: yes 00.31.31 # It is. :) 00.31.52 # cause of the scrambled code? 00.32.25 # Arathis : ? 00.33.09 # I just wanted to know what is different to the cvs or daily build now 00.33.35 # Arathis - Oh. A few files, I can't remember them all. 00.33.42 # okay 00.34.19 # Arathis- Barrywardell would know :p But enough so that you need to build a new build. Not because of the scramble though, the .mi4 file is always 'scrambled'. 00.34.58 # if someone can help me with os x and a 5th gen ipod, my "Specified partition (0) does not exist", still 00.38.04 # Arathis - If you're here, while it's building maybe you can tell me if you already have mi4code.exe lying around ? 00.38.23 # nope 00.39.02 # and an exe wouldn't make sense anyway cause I'm using linux 00.39.08 # Arathis - lol. k. 00.39.48 # Arathis - http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/mi4code.html 00.40.19 # Arathis - You'll need to compile that somewhere on your install. I'm using XP and vmware.. 00.41.13 # you compiled it in vmware? 00.41.49 # ehm, what came after 'make' again? 00.41.50 # Arathis - Sure did, someone made a great debian crosscompiling environment for vmware. 00.42.04 # arathis - make zip ? 00.42.38 # I'm using such an env here. had problems making arm-elf-gcc crosscompiler as said 00.42.50 # that's why i'm using vmware anyway 00.43.13 # Arathis - vmware on linux? lol. That's cool. 00.44.22 # Arathis - With this build installed you should have a good, functioning rockbox except for the 'crossfeed-that-kills'. Then we'll need to behead the original iriver .mi4 file 00.44.23 # way of. would be much easier to make it in native linux 00.44.53 # Arathis - sure would. a debian emulator on debian is weird. 00.45.47 # yep 00.45.56 # yep? 00.46.31 # yep=yes 00.47.21 # markun - lol, thanks.. I know, I was more like asking 'yep, ready' or 'yep, funny' or ... ;) 00.49.41 Join bawb2 [0] (n=bawb2@ 00.51.48 # Arathis: ?? 00.52.15 Quit matsl_ (Remote closed the connection) 00.53.09 # rockbox boots 00.53.28 # just setting up tag cache and testing the crossfeed bug 00.53.34 # Arathis - Good thing. It was expected but nonethless. :) 00.54.10 # Arathis - Either set crossfeed and starta song, or start a song and use WPS context menu to set crossfeed. It should hang with a data abort (you can note the address though :) ) 00.54.13 # meantime I'll try compiling mi4code 00.54.25 # Should be pretty quick, it's a single-file source. 00.54.35 # hope so :) 00.55.25 # that isn't rockbox related so I can compile where I want, right? 00.55.31 # exact 00.56.51 # okay, gives me much errors and warnings 00.56.55 # let's try it native 00.57.09 # Might well works better yeah! :) 00.57.24 Quit cubic_cube ("Royal Ra Arathis - So did it work better? 00.59.07 # Arathis - And did you freeze the H20? :p 00.59.40 # it didn't give any response while executing the command so I think it woked better 00.59.40 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@virlet.rez-gif.supelec.fr) 00.59.53 # what command? 00.59.59 # to compile mi4code 01.00.05 # ah ok. 01.00.09 # and there is a file called mi4code now :) 01.00.28 # which I presume you execute by typing ./mi4code 01.00.36 # try ./mi4code --help 01.01.19 # "Data abort at 0003559C" 01.01.50 # thank god I don't use crossfeed 01.02.30 # Arathis - Okay, that original iRiver .mi4 file, give it a real obvious name *other* than original.mi4 (like maybe iRiverOriginal.mi4).. And make a copy into that place you put mi4code 01.03.00 # Arathis - Noted. I must say 'crossfeed' is the best thing in rockbox. It changes the soundscape so much! :) 01.03.21 # I don't really like it, so .. 01.03.26 # no problem 01.04.02 # okay, what's next than? 01.04.04 # Arathis - So did you copy that file in, and with a real mean name? 01.04.07 Quit heyJulius ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: www.XLhost.de )") 01.04.43 # iRiverOriginal.mi4 :) 01.04.52 # and of course having more than one backup of it 01.05.58 # great, so you would do like ./mi4code -l iRiverOriginal.mi4 Original.mi4 ( -l = L lowercase & capital O on Original..) 01.06.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.06.52 # must be Original.mi4 for rb to recognize it? 01.07.11 # for it to load original firmware on dualboot, yes. 01.07.20 # sorry 01.07.23 # duh 01.07.23 # nknown command '-l'! 01.07.26 # it's -s 01.07.39 # (I was fiddling with other things in between, got lost :o ) 01.07.41 # :blush: 01.07.48 # also unknown 01.07.54 # commands: 01.07.54 # decrypt decrypt mi4 image 01.07.54 # encrypt encrypt mi4 image 01.07.54 DBUG Enqueued KICK Arathis 01.07.54 # build build mi4 image 01.07.54 # sign sign mi4 with DSA 01.07.56 # oops 01.07.56 # verify verify DSA siganture 01.07.58 # keyscan scan file for potential keys 01.08.00 # blpatch patch bootloader with custom DSA key 01.08.02 # hexdecode decode 'hex' bootloader file 01.08.04 # hexencode encode 'hex' bootloader file 01.08.08 # ./mi4code decrypt -s ... ... 01.08.23 # forgot to 'decrypt' I'm getting tired :p 01.08.39 # Decrypted ok with key '20gc_eng' (0240772c 6f3329b5 3ec9a6c5 b0c9e493) 01.08.47 # me too ^^ 01.08.55 # good, that one goes into /system/ and then you can reboot. 01.09.25 # arathis - Then either you let rockbox boot, or you press left (bit like you press right to go in usb mode) 01.10.10 # lets see .. 01.10.15 # Arathis - Last thing. Turning off from the Official Firmware doesn't turn off completely (you should remember that from before rockbox!) so you'll need to reset (pinhole) to save batteries/get back into rockbox. 01.11.22 # :D works 01.11.45 # and I noticed I didn't remove the old db^ 01.12.06 Part roolku 01.12.15 # yeah for barry and dan_a and for having radio and recording again 01.12.37 # hoping for those in rockbox now and being happy 01.12.42 # Arathis - Of course it does. Oh, one last thing : if you use the 'music' folder to store your songs, when you go into original firmware it will 'hide' it again. Back in rockbox you either have to use 'database/tagcache' or 'see all files' to get the folder to show up. 01.12.43 # thanks for the help PaulPosition 01.13.05 # Arathis - You're welcome. Can I ask something? 01.13.46 # of course 01.13.49 Quit ScoTTie (Connection timed out) 01.14.42 # Arathis - I don't thik you'd do, but try not to brag around, like, the misticriver forum until Barry made it clear the patch could get massive distribution. ;) 01.15.14 # of course 01.15.31 # people who really want it are around irc anyway ;) 01.15.42 # Arathis - I couldn't help 5 people at once and Barrywardell has better to do than answer questions. I might write a small tutorial, if I have his permission, in the next few days. 01.15.50 # Arathis - true enough :p 01.16.20 # Arathis - Hopefully around the time his patch is stable and made into cvs. :) 01.16.42 # more hopefully the problems with the ipod's bootloader will be fixed soon so the patch can be submitted to cvs 01.16.48 # *g* 01.16.57 # Arathis - Though it may never happen if it means everyone got to download a new bootloader to sync with the new builds. :o 01.17.29 Join cubic_cube [0] (n=culewtvr@adsl-75-4-124-199.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) 01.17.47 # the only thing I'm a bit sad about is, that I can't just use the cvs builds from the page now 01.17.49 # could someone give me some quick help here please? 01.18.50 # Arathis - But once you know how, it's a matter of ten minutes building a bootloader AND a new rockbox.. 01.18.59 # PaulPosition: btw: what is/are the essential steps/cmds to make the cvs source ready for the new bootloader? 01.19.35 # but bootloader doesn't need to be build every time, right? "one and for all" is good enough 01.20.34 # hello? 01.20.42 # Arathis - I think but that's an interresting question. :) Effectively, just downloading cvs, reapplying patch and compiling the regular build should be enough. 01.20.55 # cubic_cube: sorry, have to go in a few minutes, but what's your problem? 01.21.01 # i need to know how i can actually see my music files 01.21.03 # please 01.21.37 # cubic_cube: windows? 01.21.37 # cubic_cube: What kind of player do you have? 01.21.46 # ipod 5th gen 01.22.07 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@adsl-65-68-200-65.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 01.22.07 # i can't find my music files 01.22.08 # What can you see at the moment? 01.22.24 # well it's plugged into my comp at the moment 01.22.53 # but all i could see on the two menus were calendars/contacts/notes/rockbox 01.23.02 Join PowerMac [0] (i=4b76415c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-2a44f0454d7a7f7b) 01.23.03 # and the main settings screen 01.23.12 # PaulPosition: this should downtime my rockbox-updating-interval a lot I think xD 01.23.31 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 01.23.31 # * Arathis is laaazy 01.23.44 # Hey everyone 01.23.51 # ..and tired. I'll go get some sleep. thanks again for helping. night 01.24.18 # cubic_cube: iPods store their music in a hidden folder. The best thing to do is have a look in the manual about how to enable Database - the manual might still call it TagCache. That lets you browse files by their ID3 tags 01.25.06 # I just have a very quick question, is there a way to improve playback on my nano? I've been trying to play 320 kbs AAC files and they skip all the time 01.25.07 # i initiated the database 01.25.17 # unless it didn't take for some reason 01.25.30 # I only have the equilizer on, nothing else 01.25.39 Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") 01.27.25 # cubic_cube: I think you need to reboot once for it to work, and switch the file view to ID3 01.27.45 # i'll try that 01.28.34 # PowerMac: Try using a different theme. The peak meters take up a lot of processor power, if you have those on. Otherwise, try turning off the equaliser. 01.29.23 # dan_a: i can't find anywhere how to do that, switch to ID3 01.30.36 Quit PowerMac ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 01.31.07 Join PowerMac [0] (i=4b76415c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-cd900ec2f5095660) 01.31.26 # cubic_cube: I'm going from memory here, but I think its Main Menu->Display Settings->File View 01.32.30 # i've got Main>General Settings>File View, but i can't find anything relating to ID3 01.33.25 # What are the options there? 01.34.15 # oh wait, i finally figured it out 01.34.36 # >File View>Show Files>Database 01.35.18 # ugh but it's so slow 01.35.38 # well, the first time anyway 01.37.16 # cubic_cube - To change the view type more quickly if you want to go from file browser to id3-based, you can press and hold left for a second or so and get into the 'quick menu'. 01.38.06 # ok 01.38.32 # but it's also not doing the one thing that was the reason i got rockbox: playing gapless 01.39.43 # How's that? Not that I doubt you, I don't own an ipod, but my songs, at least my well-ripped songs, don't get gap inbetween. 01.40.05 Join tupa [0] (n=tupa@ 01.40.16 # my songs are ripped just fine and play perfectly gapless in iTunes 01.40.44 Join EbErT [0] (n=EbErT@adsl-211-88-235.asm.bellsouth.net) 01.43.32 # dunno. What do you get? a gap? how long? a crossfade? what song format? Maybe try a few different albums and then (search for first) raise a bug on the bug tracker. 01.44.17 # AAC, no crossfade, like a tenth of a second long 01.44.25 # long enough to be really annoying 01.45.38 # Dunno, sorry. I still suggest you have a look around the bugtracker. 01.46.25 # can i install rockbox over ipodlinux? 01.47.11 # ‎i installed ipodlinux but it has a laggy mp3 player, i saw that rockbox goes real time 01.51.54 # cubic_cube - I'm sorry but it seems AAC files aren't 'natively gapless' in that the format isn't gapless but programs such as iTunes use either id3tag-like info or database to store cue position for those songs. 01.52.12 # cubic_cube: can't say for sure, just relaying info from some thread on forum. 01.53.38 # Yes, I don't think our AAC codec makes any effort to strip the leading and trailing silence from within an AAC file. 01.57.10 # been a while since i tried aac... has the playback improved since july or so? 02.03.03 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 02.03.09 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 02.05.41 # AAC playback is still very jittery 02.05.53 # at least on my Nano 02.06.23 # is pretty good on mine 02.06.23 # was thinking gapless was the least of our worries atm 02.06.35 # long mp3's still stop and start for some reason 02.06.50 # around 1hr, 160kps 02.07.11 Quit MarcoPolo (Remote closed the connection) 02.07.38 Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 02.11.18 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 02.11.57 # tupa, you can install both and they won't interfere with one another. 02.12.11 # what about all 3? 02.12.13 # :) 02.14.18 Quit wooo (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 02.20.09 Quit PowerMac ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 02.22.19 Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) 02.22.26 Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) 02.26.59 Quit GliTch_ (Remote closed the connection) 02.27.10 Join GliTch_ [0] (i=GliTch_@24-171-53-170.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) 02.27.51 Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) 02.27.57 Join Seedy [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) 02.32.02 Join rockboxn00b [0] (i=46a77451@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5a7ba1ab0c239ffb) 02.33.09 # hullo! 02.33.57 # .... hm. 02.35.09 Quit rockboxn00b (Client Quit) 02.35.57 Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 02.36.06 Join rockboxn00b [0] (i=46a77451@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6653ec5925b9b555) 02.37.01 # mmk 02.37.29 Join ScoTTie [0] (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie) 02.38.21 Join mick_linux_ [0] (n=clamwin@adsl-149-4-95.mia.bellsouth.net) 02.39.54 # damnit. .. what's with this? I need mIRC =\ 02.41.36 Quit rockboxn00b ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 02.43.56 Quit Seedy ("cu, Andre") 02.44.00 Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) 02.44.42 Join BlahHumbug [0] (n=blahhumb@wsip-70-167-116-81.sd.sd.cox.net) 02.44.55 # aha! much better, lovin' the mIRC.. been awhile..... 02.45.10 Join menosm [0] (n=menosm@user-11fa3m2.dsl.mindspring.com) 02.45.18 # so, ladies +gents. ... I had a couple most likey stupid questions for some rockbox elite if I may..... 02.45.52 Quit tupa ("Saliendo") 02.46.46 # concerning rockboy: the ROMs referred to, (it's been awhile for me, last I remember, they were really .rom 's ... does the .gbc work with rockboy? 02.48.07 Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@a82-93-10-238.adsl.xs4all.nl) 02.49.14 # ..... 02.49.18 # =\ all dead eh? 02.49.38 Quit mick_linux (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.49.49 Nick mick_linux_ is now known as mick_linux (n=clamwin@adsl-149-4-95.mia.bellsouth.net) 02.50.23 # bummerness.. 02.51.31 # BlahHumbug: nice nick btw... don't know what player you do have but you can find something in our manual - http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodcolor/rockbox-buildch8.html#x11-1570008.3.3 02.51.59 # took that as an example but you can search for the right manual here http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml 02.53.04 # beat me to it pixelma . 02.53.09 # I was going to say: 02.53.11 # http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-buildch8.html#x11-1580008.3.3 02.53.48 # "Rockboy is a Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for Rockbox based on the gnuboy emulator." <--The first line of the title. 02.57.59 # nice. 02.58.55 # i've an ipod 5g video 02.58.58 # 60gig 02.59.23 # oh hell ya. 02.59.25 # thanks guys@! 02.59.28 # so you're going to try and make it a gameboy too 02.59.33 # does it work? never tried it 02.59.52 # gonna try. 03.00.30 # =) I'm also diggin' though these manuals/walkthroughs/etc.. I'm gonna make my own working build with some patches and such yet! make myself a wps with the album art.. i'm stoked.. 03.01.10 Quit FOAD_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.01.35 # i wonder how easy it is to convert new ipod wps's to ipodphoto wps's 03.01.54 # i think its just a screen size difference, but i dunno what's involved 03.02.20 Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") 03.04.43 # I'm not sure yet =) 03.06.17 Part pixelma 03.06.48 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.08.15 # thanks everyone.. I'll be frequenting IRC more in the near future, I'm sure. 03.08.17 # till then. 03.08.18 # latas 03.08.22 Quit BlahHumbug () 03.09.47 Join ScoTTie_ [0] (n=scott@220-253-42-238.VIC.netspace.net.au) 03.14.48 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 03.16.50 Quit hcs (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.16.52 Quit ScoTTie (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 03.18.04 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 03.18.09 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-65-68-200-65.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 03.28.21 Quit GliTch_ (Remote closed the connection) 03.28.26 Join GliTch_ [0] (i=GliTch_@24-171-53-170.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) 03.35.30 Join terriblyinept [0] (n=energy_O@ 03.36.13 # Is anyone online here involved in the H10 port? 03.39.30 # I'd like to talk to anyone who is; just chat a bit. You can reach me at TerriblyInept on AIM, or leave my an email at terriblyinept@gmail.com 03.39.51 # Thanks, and everyone who reads this have a lovely evening. Or whatever it is in your part of the globe. 03.39.57 Quit terriblyinept ("Leaving.") 03.41.00 Join menosm_ [0] (n=menosm@user-11fa3m2.dsl.mindspring.com) 03.41.00 Quit menosm (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.56.56 # any way to get the linker map to include static symbols, directly or indirectly? 04.07.01 Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) 04.20.43 Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.21.28 Quit cubic_cube ("Royal Ra Anyone around? 05.04.32 # at this hour it's pretty dead... 05.04.36 # 'sup? 05.06.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.09.28 # Not a lot. I've just been reading a lot about Rockbox lately and playing with it on an old ihp120, and wanted to see if there would be anyone about to talk at me about the h10 or just Rockbox in general. 05.09.42 # Not really as for troubleshooting. Just breezeshooting. 05.10.11 # What is it you would like to know about H10? I can't go *real* technical but I do use one, so.. 05.10.38 # Are you currently using Rockbox on it? And what particular kind is it? 05.11.21 # H10 5gb, MTP. I do use rockbox yeah. :p 05.12.32 # Rockbox works well enough, but it's not yet optimized if that's what you're after.. Battery life sucks (but then it does on all players using the portalplayer/ARM chipset which hasn't been totally figured out yet) 05.13.05 # Radio and recording aren't working yet either. But dualbooting is on the way so the official firmware will be there as a workaround while waiting for the functionalty. 05.13.12 # Do you have any idea how battery life compares, from personal or other experience, to the iRiver firmware? 05.13.35 # Actually, I wondered if you knew anything about possible strategies being taken towards working out a dualboot system for the H10. 05.13.56 # From my experience, on a 5gb that the booklet said would do 12hours (OF) I got around 9 and a half with OF and get between 4 and 5 with rockbox at the moment. 05.14.06 # I'm actually interested in sharpening up my skills a bit and getting in on development, but I have to wait for at least one of my H10s to actually arrive. 05.14.17 # Albeit it's been a while I haven't benchmarked the batteries for real, so maybe some progress been made I haven't seen. 05.14.20 # OF? 05.14.26 # Original Firmware 05.14.42 # Ah. Sorry. Not all that familiar with certain jargon. 05.15.36 # Terriblyinept - I'm certainly aware of dualboot. The head guys on the H10 ports have got something working which I've just been testing today. -- Still pretty shakey and unstable though. 05.15.37 # I read about radio and recording not really being worked on at the moment, but I'd consider dualbooting an obvious priority that would at least temporarily solve that problem, along with being a little more important on its own. 05.16.11 # Terribly inept - But they know there's some problem and I think in a few days, dualboot should be at least viable (if technically demanding) for end user. 05.17.07 # What do you mean by 'technically demanding'? 05.18.28 # Ti - Not very demanding... It demands to change both the rockbox build AND the bootloader (a file you usually only install once), plus to use a small utility to 'decrypt' a file (the original firmware). I'll be writing a tutorial on this that should appear on misticriver forums when Barrywardell thinks he could announce his patch in a more public way. 05.18.34 Join cubic_cube [0] (n=culewtvr@adsl-75-4-124-199.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) 05.18.55 # (hopefully the tutorial making it so tech-challenged guys don't bother Barry too much with troubleshooting) 05.19.15 # question: would an acceptable method of uninstallation from my iPod be to simply restore it with iTunes? 05.19.59 # cubic_cube - dunno, I know neither itunes nor ipod :( 05.20.19 # well then how about someone who would know 05.20.57 # maybe asleep or gone eating, I haven't seen much activity in the last hour beside that conversation going on between me and terriblyinept. 05.21.00 # it's in windows format, and i have a mac, so i'm going to have to do it anyway 05.22.26 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodFAQ#How_do_I_restore_my_broken_iPod 05.22.32 # Has anyone here used LogScrobbler before? 05.22.46 Quit bawb2 ("seacrest out!") 05.22.52 # Reio4 - I do. 05.23.03 # why? 05.23.05 # Reio - I've turned it on, and logged a bit, but I haven't tried to scrobble any logs. 05.23.43 # Heh... I just started running it then, and it looks frozen... is it supposed to be really unresponsive when submitting? 05.24.21 # reio4 - Hmm, it's not much responsive, kind of update the progressbar a while, then 'freeze' for 10 seconds or so but longer than that... ? 05.24.25 # Is it a HUGE log? 05.24.46 # hmm, about 400 tracks 05.25.29 # Shouldn't take that long then... I'd still give it a minute but after that... It found the file allright (ie, the [go] button was clikeable) ? 05.25.48 Quit funky (Remote closed the connection) 05.25.52 Join funky [0] (n=repulse@unaffiliated/funky) 05.26.04 # Yeah, after I selected go it got really unresponsive 05.26.25 # Yeah, that's when mine goes unresponsive too, though I never submitted more than 30-50 songs.. :o 05.26.40 # for anyone who cares, the iTunes restore did work just fine 05.27.12 # then it scrobbled two random tracks, said Sync Complete, and deletes the logfile 05.27.22 # If you log onto your last.fm page do you see some of those backlogged songs appearing on most_recent (ie, maybe it doesn't hammer the site at more than, say, 5 hits a second) 05.27.31 # cubic - I'll remember that. I plan on picking up an iPod and working with rockboxing iPods belonging to some friends. 05.27.53 # alrighty 05.28.10 # Just the two it mentioned, no new ones being added. 05.28.11 Quit cubic_cube ("Royal Ra erio4 - It only scrobbled two? Hmmm, and did last.fm say something about spam protection or timestamps? 05.29.25 # (ie, if you listen on your DAP to songs at 3 in the afternoon, get home, winamp some music and THEN scrobble your DAP, the songs from before the winamp session won't get logged and will be seen as 'spam'. 05.30.05 # Might not be your problem, but it's good to know anyway. 05.30.33 # Didn't see a message that mentions spam, but it does fit what I did (played about 400 songs on my DAP during the last two weeks, and about 200 on my media center, including just 30 mins ago) 05.31.49 # Reio4 - That would be it then.. I would try not playing from the computer, listening to three or four songs on the DAP and scrobbling them again to confirm. 05.32.36 # Will do, thanks. Wish I knew that before, though. 05.32.54 # Reio4 - They trying to stop scriptkiddies overloading the servers with backlogs to become top fans of the latest dance-music bimbo... 05.34.37 # PP - That's certainly one way of phrasing it. :) 05.34.56 # heh.. :p 05.35.20 # They don't fancy being Mozart's top fan so.. 05.38.35 # PP - What do they think causes the battery problems with Rockbox and the portalplayer/ARM chipset, at this point? Or perhaps I should ask first, how -can- Rockbox improve battery life? Are we talking a matter of more efficiently programmed software, or something based more on how the hardware is directly used? 05.39.33 # terriblyinept - Answer 2)... The portalplayer chipset used in h10 (and most ipods before the last few ones) and the sansa e200, hasn't been properly figured out yet. 05.39.54 # So there might be hardware we don't need and could switch off. 05.41.04 # The second cpu (rather, the co-processor) hasn't been really used well yet, either. So the main cpu is running high freq. We don't know wether using both would be better or worse for batteries. 05.41.59 # terriblyinept - stuff like that. The fact that the ADC is noisy as hell makes the scrollpad and the volt-meter erratic as hell, too. 05.42.33 # But it's pretty useable anyway, I wouldn't go back to original firmware just yet. (though I'm happy for dualboot that's on the way) 05.47.13 Quit funky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.47.17 Join funky [0] (n=repulse@unaffiliated/funky) 05.50.25 Join Atomicsunset [0] (n=Atomicsu@dynamic-acs-24-144-249-148.zoominternet.net) 05.56.01 Quit funky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.56.38 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-65-68-200-65.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 05.59.37 Quit BlahHumbug () 06.07.38 Join dantheman [0] (n=danielma@ 06.08.45 Join JoeyBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@ 06.10.58 Quit GliTch_ (Remote closed the connection) 06.11.06 Join GliTch_ [0] (i=GliTch_@24-171-53-170.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) 06.16.27 Join JoeXBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@ 06.16.37 Quit Kasperle (zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 06.16.37 NSplit zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 06.18.48 Join BHSPitLappy_ [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-65-68-200-65.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 06.19.08 Quit BHSPitLappy (Nick collision from services.) 06.19.20 Nick BHSPitLappy_ is now known as BHSPitLappy (n=steve-o@adsl-65-68-200-65.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 06.19.20 # PaulPosition - A couple of questions, then (and sorry for the delay): 1) Why do you think it is that the portalplayer people are unwilling to share a bit more about their device, at least in terms of possibly getting more out of it, with open source folks versus Apple or any other for-profit organization that utilizes their hardware? 2) Is it the case that faster battery drain tends to wear out a particular battery more easily? 06.20.30 Join perpleXa_ [0] (n=perpleXa@ 06.20.37 NHeal zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 06.20.37 NJoin Kasperle [0] (i=kasperle@zoidberg.org) 06.20.59 # terriblyinept - 1) Selling chips by the truckload versus catering to folks who buy used on ebay might have to do with it. 2)I wouldn't know.. For all I know, newer kind of batteries are mostly succeptible to heat (ie, charging too fast, etc.). 06.21.52 # i think what it comes down to is that apple pays them to not share specs with others 06.21.59 # how apple benefits, i don't know 06.22.24 # terriblyinept - Portalplayer's been bought by nvidia recently. But it's not like they have a much better open mindset about sharing specs and firmware/software-devlopment kits.. 06.22.39 # heh, that's a different issue 06.22.52 # nvidia won't open their drivers because they know they're violating ATI's patents 06.23.00 # and ATI knows they're violating nvidia's patents 06.23.04 # wonderful world we live in 06.23.11 Quit JoeBorn (Success) 06.23.17 # But hell, does Rockbox or any open source software really pose a -threat- to companies like this? And rockway, do you think Apple really needs to pay them not to, for that reason? 06.23.27 # i don't think so 06.23.36 # Well, intellectual property is a pretty gray area anyway. 06.23.37 # lol. No matter what, they aren't going to open a gaping hole in their 'no specs sharing' wall even if ATI got nothing to do with digital audio players.. :( 06.23.39 # they sold you the ipod for $300, who cares what you do with it afterwards 06.24.01 # rockbox doesn't do a very good job of locking you into proprietary crippled formats though 06.24.09 # that doesn't sit well with apple's business model 06.24.18 # That's what I mean. Most people aren't out there building their own DAPs. 06.24.23 # (which changes every week, apparently. i remember how OS X was amazing because it was "open") 06.24.45 # now it's "you can download the gcc source code from gnu.org, and we use it too" 06.26.09 # ;) 06.26.23 # Well, I understand why there tends to be inherent superiority in open source projects, as long as they generate enough interest. A business designs something to turn a profit, not to do the best it can and should do. 06.26.27 # Theee heee heee.. Apple's became the microsoft of the music world. 06.27.25 # PaulPosition - This may be a bit off-topic, or at least getting into a wider area, but is there any sort of behavior dealing with rechargable devices that might discourage memory, wear-out, that sort of thing? 06.29.04 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.29.05 # Don't even get me started on iTunes. Or the whole idea of a 'library of media' rather than thinking of things in terms of files. People don't need to be not tech savvy anymore than they need to not learn about fish when they live in a fishing village. 06.29.29 Quit kubiix (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.29.39 Nick JoeXBorn is now known as JoeBorn (n=rootmeis@ 06.29.45 # terriblyinept - It depends on the battery type. Chemicals.. Lithium don't work like NiMH (nickel?) which don't work the same as uh... well other types. 06.30.55 Join menosm [0] (n=menosm@user-11fa3m2.dsl.mindspring.com) 06.31.10 Quit perpleXa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.31.31 # PaulPosition - I've only ever heard of Nickel Metal Hydride (funny how they write it like a molecular expression, when 'Metal' is not an atom) and Lithium, but while I've had Lithium rechargeables touted to me as memoryless, that sure ain't the case. 06.33.39 # Terriblyinept - For all I heard, lithium cells (like I have in H10) shouldn't be fully discharged/charged but rather used as is convenient for you. True or not I don't know, so I still do a full cycle once a week...(not so full as I don't use gadget to really trickle out the last few volts of charge, when my DAP says "enough" it's enough for me) :p 06.33.45 Quit ScoTTie_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 06.34.27 # Ti - In a few words : for the straight dope on batteries, don't ask ME. :p 06.36.42 Quit JoeyBorn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.39.22 # PP - Well, in any case, what you just said about charging-on-the-fly, with the addition of your own habit of giving it a full cycle every once in a while, is basically the advice I've been given about lithium recharging before. 06.39.55 # Good enough then, I hope :) 06.42.16 # Well, a truly memoryless battery, at least from what I understand of the chemistry of batteries, would be something along the lines of a 100% efficient engine. That is, impossible. 06.42.46 # PaulPosition - Different topic, if you have time. Have you used Rockbox on any iPods? 06.43.02 # terriblyinept - Makes sense. 06.43.22 # Sorry, nope. Don't own one, neither do I have access. 06.44.25 Join webguest65 [0] (i=be54100a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5d99836ccb286b7c) 06.44.47 # hello 06.45.19 # webguest65 - Hello. 06.46.09 # terriblyinept could u please try to save my surviving 3 year old h320 iriver? 06.46.52 # PaulPosition - Just curious. Anything interesting about Rockbox or the iriver you care to share? 06.47.21 # webguest65 - Well, I'm sure I'm not necessarily the best person to ask, but I can try to help or at least give some advice. I've played around with irivers a bit. What seems to be the problem, exactly? 06.47.21 Quit perpleXa_ ("Leaving") 06.47.37 Quit menosm_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.48.33 # Beside what's in the manual? Dunno.. I like that I can browse by directory if I choose to. I like the sound, the gapless playback, the sudoku plugin.. The fact I could customize my While-plying screen.. 06.48.41 Join ScoTTie [0] (i=skotty@unaffiliated/scottie) 06.48.45 # But right now I like to think I'm going to bed. :p 06.48.53 # Enjoy. Thanks for talkin'! 06.48.57 # see ya :) 06.48.59 # both i just discovered rockbox, know that i know what it is i dream to install it on h320 and try it out the problem is the following please dont laugh which is rather funny 06.49.22 Quit PaulPosition () 06.50.07 # webguest65 - No problem go ahead. 06.50.07 Join ScoTTie_ [0] (n=scott@220-253-9-201.VIC.netspace.net.au) 06.50.51 # i gave for present a portable dvd player to my brother who lives in England i live in Southamerica i was stupid enough to give it with my iriver h320 ac adapter 06.52.02 # i kept the iriver with the dvd adapter and a week he was gone i charged it and voila!!!!! a flash came and nothing happened no charging screen no nothing and then i realized!!!! 06.52.34 # i see my brother 1 time every year 06.52.52 # Hm. You're saying you tried to charge it with the DVD adapter? I don't quite understand. 06.53.39 # yes i though i gave him the dvd adapeter but the one i gave him was my iriver adapter 06.54.50 # and i used the dvd adapter to charge the iriver and it transformed my screen dark cant see nothing but a little bit 06.55.39 # no im charging it with a lower voltage adapter 4.5 volts from a sony diskman 06.56.02 # but i want to recover my lcd color back 06.56.08 # Well, I'm no expert, but you might have hurt the thing beyond the point of my being able to help. I'm not even sure how one would go able testing to see what might have been harmed by that. I would hope just the battery. 06.56.15 Quit ptw419 () 06.57.15 # If you think the screen has been harmed by charging it with the wrong adapter (which you should never do, by the way, at least by my understanding) I think it's -possible- to get a replacement LCD screen for the h320, but there may be other problems with the hardware, too. Possibly or probably the battery itself, as well. 06.57.36 # the funny thing is that it works but its to dark 06.59.10 # i bough mine in new york 3 years ago and used european firmware so i could watch videos and the damn thing still survives after a shocking blast od a portable dvd adapter 07.00.04 # and there it is!!!!! voila!!!! charging from either a 4.5 v sony diskman or throug usb but dark 07.00.06 # Hm. Well, I would suggest you watch the battery life, but try to get a replacement screen, if you feel you have the skills to install one. Try the forums on misticriver.net, though, this isn't so much a Rockbox specific problem, it seems. 07.02.31 # has rockbox some kind of a firmware for it? 07.03.20 # i heard from a post it has a menu that could change some things maybe it could enable a backlight lcd from my unit 07.04.04 # if the lcd would be burnt or lost i could never see anything but i do 07.04.14 Part hcs 07.04.57 # it aint a harware problem my unit a fighter itself 07.05.11 # rockbox might be my solution 07.06.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.08.57 Quit ScoTTie (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.10.07 Join scorche [0] (i=ScorchE@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 07.10.36 # Well, the backlight might be burnt out. I'm no expert. You can try Rockbox. I'm not sure that Rockbox at this point could really hurt things more, although you don't want to try flashing the firmware on a low battery, or even a damaged one. I think that can risk bricking your player. 07.12.37 # terriblyinept can u actually play DOOM on iriver? 07.13.16 # I think if there's a problem with how dark things are without you changing any settings, there probably is a hardware problem. Even if your player is a tough little customer. 07.13.59 # yeah there is a hardware problem 07.14.08 # So I hear. Haven't tried it myself, as it seems like it'd be awkward on the tiny screen. I prefer simpler games if I all I have is such tiny controls. But this is stuff you can probably find out on Rockbox/misticriver forums or on the Rockbox web site. 07.15.44 # i really harmed my first and only mc-juckebox doing that stupid move 07.18.03 # ok whats the first thing i have to do then? 07.18.42 # download rockbox, reset, format, install? 07.18.49 # Again, I'm not expert, so I won't advise you on what specifically to do other than go to http://www.misticriver.net and browse through their forums and look for some topics on repair. 07.19.13 # There'll be a lot more people available there to help you, and they'll probably give you better help than I can provide. 07.19.16 # ok terribly thanks again 07.19.17 Quit dantheman (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.20.55 # i dedicate 3 years of this unit to u and rockbox silly of me for not finding it out earlier tho 07.21.26 # No problem, and good luck. If your device is under warranty, you might read what that covers. Otherwise, there's still no reason, it sounds like, to just get rid of the thing entirely. It -might- be salvageable, you're just going to want to do some research. 07.22.20 # yes thanks a lot and prosper to rockbox bye 07.22.35 Quit webguest65 ("CGI:IRC") 07.22.52 Quit scorche` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.24.30 Quit scorche (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.24.34 Join scorche [0] (i=ScorchE@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 07.25.55 Quit EbErT () 07.26.05 # Have a good night, all. 07.26.11 Quit terriblyinept ("Leaving.") 07.28.39 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) 07.34.45 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@dhcp92.contactor.se) 07.40.47 Nick mako_ is now known as mako (i=mako@bork.hampshire.edu) 07.42.47 Join Gnelik [0] (n=Miranda@ 07.43.14 # Hi!!!! 07.45.05 Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.45.52 # Hi!! 07.55.25 Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ecb7720ee03ed274) 07.58.44 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-65-68-200-65.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 07.59.04 # Any news from Sansa port sinse yesterdays evening 08.05.44 # Gnelik: not that i know of 08.22.38 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.22.43 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5106.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.24.08 Join ScoTTie [0] (n=scott@220-253-6-6.VIC.netspace.net.au) 08.24.54 # LinusN: Is there any way to get the linker map to include global static variables or some way to get the full memory layout? 08.25.18 # not that i know of... 08.25.22 # rrrrr 08.25.28 # google is your friend 08.26.18 # been there, done that, can't seem to work anything out 08.26.35 # morning :) 08.28.04 # LinusN: btw, here is a patch that should apply cleanly against the latest cvs: http://ihme.org/~miipekk/rockbox/rombox_iriver_5.patch 08.28.53 # did find a small bug but it's doubtful if it's been of any consequence 08.29.10 # Slasheri: nice 08.30.26 # :) 08.35.03 # you know what's cooler than using rockbox to play jewels on a DAP? 08.35.16 # using a Wii remote to move a cursor in linux :D 08.35.27 # wheeee.... 08.35.47 Quit ScoTTie_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08.40.40 # Slasheri: alsow graphic BL? :) 08.41.23 # Gnelik: no 08.42.05 # Gnelik: that's pure text mode only for irivers. There is no point of graphics BL because code can be loaded from flash and there really isn't that kind of dual boot 08.42.43 # I see... 08.44.12 Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ 08.49.48 Quit midkay ("*poff*") 08.52.20 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 08.53.53 Quit BHSPitLappy ("Leaving") 08.57.57 Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@rockbox/developer/pondlife) 09.01.42 # Gnelik: We know a bit more about the Sansa (thanks to MrH.) If we can get a datasheet for a certain IC then we will be able to do sound. Apart from that there's been no progress. 09.02.22 # dan_a: is this hard? 09.03.20 # Bagder has asked the people who make the IC if we can get the datasheet. We'll see whether or not it's hard. 09.06.08 # Hopefully we'll be able to get it, because this IC does quite a lot of things (backlight, RTC, power control, battery monitoring) 09.06.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.07.44 # yep 09.07.52 # it would be gread 09.07.57 # *great 09.12.24 Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e0f37f05c19e8588) 09.13.39 Quit secleinteer (Connection timed out) 09.13.44 Join secleinteer [0] (n=scl@ 09.17.13 Quit Reio4 (Connection timed out) 09.17.35 Join Reio4 [0] (n=dsl@ 09.23.49 # dan_a:Don't we need gpio saving in BL? 09.27.56 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 09.29.28 # hey, we need a commit to get the build table sorted out! 09.30.25 # ? 09.31.45 # its currently broken 09.31.54 # to be fixed at next build 09.34.35 # Bagder: Why dont you add sansa normal build to the list? 09.34.43 # to be fixed at next build 09.39.03 # oh?...are sansa binaries going to be distributed now? 09.39.20 # yeah, at least cvs ones 09.39.30 # hi all 09.39.44 Quit Reio4 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.39.52 # Bagder: can't apply barrywardel's and da_a's patch to cvs? 09.40.09 # they both have commit access and I'm sure they will commit when time is ready 09.41.12 # ok 09.41.30 # Gnelik: The dual boot patch breaks iriver H10s and iPods at the moment, I don't think the users would be happy if we committed it! 09.42.19 # ok 09.42.39 # And no, it appears we don't need GPIO saving in the BL. That was something I tried when the original firmware didn't work correctly 09.43.24 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@ 09.44.19 # Bagder: If someone can confirm that my I2S cleanups don't break anything, I'll commit those. They build cleanly for all wmcodec targets, including the Gigabeat 09.44.39 Quit BHSPitMonkey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.44.44 # nice 09.49.39 # dan_a: what did you change? 09.52.29 # markun: I've moved i2s_init out of wmcodec-pp.c into i2s-pp.c, and created a separate i2s.h. I've left your i2s_init in wmcodec-meg-fx.c, though 09.56.15 Quit dan_a () 09.57.44 Nick myzar is now known as myzar|away (n=myzar@ 09.59.28 # * jhMikeS finds it disturbing that sys_poweroff calls audio_stop_recording directly 09.59.53 # imho it should 10.00.09 # faking a quick poweroff is nice 10.00.39 # or perhaps I'm not getting what you mean :-) 10.00.49 # * Bagder considers a coffee refill 10.01.20 # markun: you think time is right to make the gigabeat port wiki page appear on the front wiki page? 10.01.22 # I think the crashes on long stop are because of it. It also assumes audio_stop_recording is syncronous but it isn't 10.01.27 # yes, so people think it's already off and think it's safe now to put it down somewhere - when in fact the disc may still be spinning... ??? 10.01.39 # gets hit by the IRQ 10.02.05 # Bagder: yes, why not. We are getting really close to playing music 10.02.32 # markun: I added the sansa one the other day and I noticed the lack of the gigabeat one 10.03.10 # petur: it causes an interrupt handler to call yield 10.03.17 # anyone here build rockbox on debian? i can't find arm-elf-gcc (any arm + gcc stuff isn't showing up) - is this due to the fact that cross compilation binaries are "difficult" at best? 10.03.32 # do i need to grab the source toolchain and go from there? 10.03.40 # mick_linux: you build your own compiler with tools/rockboxdev.sh 10.03.41 # or would scratchbox be a better approach? 10.03.51 # oh 10.04.04 # why didn't i see that in the docs/README file? 10.04.11 # did i skip that or something? 10.04.23 # because docs/README is very old and we almost entirely rely on the wiki these days 10.04.26 # * mick_linux runs ../tools/rockboxdev.sh 10.04.46 # Bagder: I will rearange that gigabeat wiki pages a bit to be more like the rest 10.04.58 # ok 10.05.21 # *sigh* - i guess i can redo the README to point to the wiki, then i'll submit a patch? 10.05.26 # audio_stop_recording isn't a simple queue_post operation 10.05.33 # although.. it's not much different from the x5 pages 10.05.45 # btw, regarding that "Enhanced left-side menu of the web site". Until today i thought those new items are just currently missing links, until i noticed those are actually descriptions :) 10.05.52 # should be probably bold or something like that 10.06.07 # jhMikeS: good to see you're fixing things, wished I had time to dive into things. I'm in fact against fake off 10.06.09 # * jhMikeS just likes that it's not his fault and can gloat a little 10.07.11 # petur: why's it "fake off"? I don't get that one :\ 10.07.19 # Bagder: how do I get it on the front page? 10.07.45 # markun: that special marker thing at the end of the page 10.08.17 # jhMikeS: when you blank everything and make it look like it is off but it really isn't (yet) 10.08.36 # lots of devices do that to give the impression that they shutdown fast and efficient 10.08.48 # but calling yield from an IRQ is _really bad__ no? 10.09.32 # It gets stuck at the "Shutting Down" bit for awhile and is then forced off on a long stop from recording 10.09.57 # jhMikeS: what code is calling yield() from an interrupt? 10.10.14 # LinusN: sys_poweroff via audio_stop_recording 10.10.27 # calling yield() from an irq is a bug imh 10.10.34 # *imho 10.10.36 # It's done from the button driver no? 10.11.20 # no 10.11.35 # hmmm 10.11.43 # button_tick calls sys_poweroff 10.12.16 # wow, you are right 10.12.18 # sys_poweroff calls audio_stop_recording (if recording) and that calls yield 10.12.20 # *that* is bad 10.12.38 # that function should only post an event 10.13.24 # which? sys_poweroff? 10.13.47 Join haban [0] (i=c1335ac7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0caab24552271604) 10.13.53 Quit haban (Client Quit) 10.14.01 Join habana [0] (i=c1335ac7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8bd46e7fa1c9a4ea) 10.14.28 # * petur explains habana the /nick command 10.14.38 # barrywardell added that code in version 1.131 10.14.42 # badness 10.14.52 # sys_poweroff() should only post an event 10.18.39 # It would be ok to check the recording status and skip it. Recording can stop normally then. Then just press the button again if you really want to shut down but it's easy to hold it too long by accident. 10.27.45 # * Bagder hopes the cvs table will look better now 10.28.28 # e200 sim build is shown twice? 10.28.40 # let me repeat myself 10.28.42 # * Bagder hopes the cvs table will look better now 10.28.48 # :-) 10.29.08 # * JdGordon twiddles thumb 10.29.09 # s 10.29.11 # jhMikeS: sounds like a good idea 10.30.00 # I edited the master file wrongly and the prev build took off in the middle of my fiddling with it 10.30.01 # ok, must make sure data isn't lost. Have to think of something for x5 though to stop the pcf timeout at least once. 10.31.25 # almost green 10.31.26 # H300 has the same timeout issue right? 10.31.56 # oh, no pic for it 10.32.14 # heh, just wanted to say that 10.32.46 # * JdGordon curses his 15" monitor... too damn narrow to see the whole table 10.33.18 # it just fits here in 1280x1024 - room for one more build :) 10.33.54 # 1024x768, shows up to the h10-sim 9 builds off te screen and the all important score 10.34.21 # do we have a suitable pic for sansa for the build table? 10.34.34 # From sim? 10.34.38 # maybe? 10.34.46 # that one has red letters/digits on it 10.35.09 # grrr 10.36.21 # I put the rockbox logo on it for now 10.36.40 # do all ports stop recording on a power press anyway otherwise some might just have a dead power button if recording 10.37.39 # Bagder: don't we have somr nice photo of sansa? 10.39.33 # hmmm...even mpeg.c gets into a yield loop from there 10.39.44 # Gnelik: not that I know 10.39.51 # we need to have the right to use it 10.41.03 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@dslb-084-056-064-108.pools.arcor-ip.net) 10.41.19 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@virlet.rez-gif.supelec.fr) 10.41.26 # sandisk have "product photos" on their site but without any info on what use of them they allow 10.42.04 # http://www.sandisk.com/Corporate/Default.aspx?CatID=1347 10.42.42 # hmmm, no installer in cvs yet (or i'm looking in the wrong place) 10.44.42 # no installer in cvs yet 10.45.23 # :-( 10.45.26 # see http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxUtility 10.45.29 # jhMikeS: yes, it is wrong to stop the recording like that in sys_poweroff(), plain and simple 10.46.17 # jhMikeS: Hehe, recording and button processing is not quite as it should be 10.46.23 # Bagder: but no info that their use was dissallowed 10.46.40 # no, but without permission it isn't allowed 10.46.49 # On hwcodec, when being in recording screen ready to record, and then the idle poweroff kicks in, the mpeg thread panics 10.46.52 # tried to make pics but they all suck 10.47.04 # even with a scanner (for sansa) 10.47.05 # ah so the code is available... thought i'd have to wait on her to commit it 10.47.24 # mick_linux: I don't know the status of it though 10.49.28 # well i'll have a look at the code and see if it will be feasable to add what i was planning (or if i should just use the functionality) 10.49.51 # jhMikeS: [10:03:10] petur: it causes an interrupt handler to call yield <== OUCH!! 10.49.55 # but i'm also not sure how much the code has changed in a year 10.49.56 # amiconn: don't we disable idle powerdown when in prerec? 10.50.15 # Prerecording, maybe. Not when prerecording isdisabled 10.50.21 # ah 10.50.32 # mick_linux: that code was put there by here just a few days ago 10.50.37 # by her even 10.50.50 # I'm thinking the event should be broadcast and things can handle it nicely 10.51.08 # Bagder: i must be getting old -i forgot what year we are in :) 10.51.14 # hahaha 10.51.22 # ping 10.51.39 # Bagder: whats hapening wit the move to svn? still tinhking about it? 10.52.11 # * petur hands JdGordon new batteries for his wireless keyboard 10.52.19 # I'm not thinking about it at all ;-) 10.52.28 # but yeah, I think we should 10.52.35 # move 10.52.47 # it worked great for us (the move) 10.52.55 # jhMikeS: [10:31:27] H300 has the same timeout issue right? <= Don't think so 10.53.07 # the only prob is a busload of existing scripts using cvs 10.53.08 # but well i want integration w/ the moz suite of tools (cvs only) 10.53.15 # Afaik we don't enable the hard shutdown timeout in the pcf for H300 10.53.23 # Bagder: it may not be worth the hasstle 10.53.34 # Maybe we should... 10.53.36 # amiconn: doesn't the H300 have a pcf50606? It doesn't auto standby in 8s? 10.53.54 # H300 does have pcf50606 10.55.17 # But...? It's chip doesn't cause standby in 8s after a 1s key press or does it not receive that signal? 11.01.34 # You mean ONKEY1S? 11.01.53 # The H300 has separate ON and OFF buttons, unlike the X5 11.05.45 # I wonder how it's wired cause 1s low on the ONKEY line, well, you know. Was thinking of resetting the timeout on the first press only to let things take their sweet time but not disable that little safety net that often obviates the need for using the reset hole. 11.06.55 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.07.37 # On don't shutdown a H300 with the ON key... 11.07.43 # You... 11.11.51 # * jhMikeS guesses it's wired up quite differently then and off isn't hooked directly to the ONKEY pin 11.17.17 # * mick_linux suggests some options that are better than: Build (N)ormal, (D)evel, (S)imulator, (B)ootloader, (M)anual, (V)oice 11.17.30 # what is the difference between Normal and Devel? 11.17.47 # devel allows you to set different build options 11.17.59 # logf enabled being perhaps the most used 11.18.13 # ok 11.18.28 # so if i just want to build it i take it that "N" is fine 11.18.32 # yeps 11.18.37 # I guess SYS_POWEROFF can be received through buttons so the recording screen can pick that off and terminate 11.20.17 # if you mean SYS_POWEROFF received as an event, that wont work directly 11.20.46 # and recording thread might not have time enough before power dies, so it should be handler somehow 11.21.03 # *handled 11.22.07 # jhMikeS: probably that should be handled in the shutdown handler in misc.c 11.22.20 Quit Bg3r (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.22.38 # Slasheri: doesn't the power die only after all the threads have terminated? 11.23.56 # SYS_POWEROFF is posted right into it. button_get returns is and get_action will return sys events untouched 11.25.23 # Badger : read on sandisk website :"SanDisk has provided the following downloadable images and guidelines for the convenience of members of the press and our partners" 11.26.08 # suppose it means it can be used on rockbox website without legal harrement 11.26.32 # yeah, it makes it sound like that. Where did you find that text? 11.26.34 # markun: no, threads are left running 11.26.52 # http://www.sandisk.com/Corporate/MediaKit/ 11.26.59 # ah 11.27.50 # bana 11.27.53 # lol 11.28.24 # where are the build docs in the wiki? if i search for "build" or "building" it gives me nothing :-/ 11.28.44 # Try "compile" or "compiling" 11.29.00 # i think that i'm alright w/ what i have right now, but i'd like to double check :) 11.29.00 # Or the docsindex page. 11.29.02 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DocsIndex#For_Developers 11.29.36 # of course nothing's written in stone and I'll be pleased to rewrite whatever bits give the slickest solution. yeah, the shutdown handler might be better...hmmm. SWCODEC normally does stops without asynchronously so there will need to be a way to wait from the outside (calling audio_stop_recording twice in a row would work :)) 11.30.10 # Bagder: so we can use that photos? 11.30.31 # yeah, I'll crop and shrink one of them for now 11.30.49 # it'd be nicer to have one with a Rockbox logo later on 11.31.20 Join mathgl [0] (n=mathgl@ 11.31.44 # hi everybody. 11.32.31 # hi 11.32.59 # really I'd like all the public recording apis just to post and return and keep UI alive at all times. waiting on things only when needed. 11.33.36 # ok, there's now a sansa pic on the cvs page 11.34.40 # pure quality 11.35.51 # markun: are we getting closer to adding a normal gigabeat build to the cvs table? 11.36.39 Join Bg3r [0] (n=bager@ 11.36.40 # yes 11.36.54 # I'll try to sort it out this weekend 11.36.59 Join bluebrother [0] (i=Lp2WSdND@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 11.39.01 # * linuxstb_ goes shopping for a wider monitor to view the build table 11.39.49 # I wonder if I should work on rotating the table 11.40.25 # to get targets in lines and dates in columns I mean 11.41.09 # would be better for the future ;) 11.41.19 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 11.42.06 # but how will you make the date text vertical? 11.43.09 Quit muesli__ (Client Quit) 11.43.19 # in that case I'd have to generate a new pic for each build 11.43.34 # like the ones I have there now 11.43.51 # Maybe could you add a sansa function "Getting Started: Installation / Removal" ? 11.43.52 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 11.45.08 # habana: you mean in the manual? 11.45.48 # We don't need it for now sansa port isn't working propertly 11.45.48 # IMHO 11.47.05 # err, not function but "topic in forum" 11.47.52 # ok 11.48.28 # * amiconn still has plenty of space on the right side of the build table 11.49.02 # amiconn: but not peaple with 600x800 resolution 11.49.06 # ...but not below it 11.49.10 # :) 11.49.10 # *people 11.49.12 # 1400x1050 here 11.49.53 # * petur has 1600x1200 at home but would not want to use it completely for the browser ;) 11.50.09 # I agree 11.50.45 # petur what is the size of your monitor?? 11.50.45 # 22"? 11.51.18 # 20" lcd 11.51.35 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 11.52.31 # rockbox/build/apps/language.o: could not read symbols: File in wrong format 11.52.33 # collect2: ld returned 1 exit status \n make[1]: *** [/home/mick/rockbox/build/rockboxui] Error 1 11.52.52 # sounds like a build mixup somehow 11.52.53 # is this a little/big endian issue? 11.53.06 # tried a "make clean"? 11.53.12 # i will now 11.53.43 # ah yes, i know what it was - it was a build mixup 11.53.45 # thanks ;) 11.55.41 Join melissa` [0] (n=me@d220-236-112-49.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) 11.58.07 Quit melissa` (Client Quit) 11.58.15 # Bagder: if you rotate the build table, why does the cvs date need to be shown? how about have a "most recent" pic for the first column, then the give each build a number, (and if you really keen, have a voer tooltip over each build showin its change log), and put the score at the top? 11.59.32 # * JdGordon would love to put the hover changlog in no, but sucks at html 12.00.50 # the "hover changlog in no"? what do you mean? 12.01.34 # like, you hover the mouse over the build date and the page that you would goto shows in a hover window 12.02.13 # http://www.centrecom.com.au/catalog/default.php?page=1&ccsid=6b577e518e57b4ec5eb3c9e1c40ea17c&cPath=93_60 has it in a really bad way 12.02.25 Quit MarcoPolo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.02.36 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@virlet.rez-gif.supelec.fr) 12.05.17 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.05.20 # LinusN: Do you have an idea why enabling destination auto-align in ATA DMA (read transfer) makes it lose data? 12.05.21 # JdGordon: sorry i was called away from my desk 12.05.37 # JdGordon: do you want something fancy or basic? 12.05.38 # If we read too fast, I would expect doubled words, not lost words 12.05.40 Join nudel [0] (i=nudel@dyn-62-56-66-224.dslaccess.co.uk) 12.05.51 # if you just want a tooltip, then set the title of the href 12.06.18 # mick_linux: Id like the text that is in the page linked to by the build date to show i a small window 12.06.27 # DMA without auto-align is working perfectly (but is slower then the optimised asm) 12.06.38 # s/then/than/ 12.06.46 # like amiconn: i have no idea, sounds really odd. 12.27.20 Join [sellout] [0] (n=sellout@c-69-241-206-137.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 12.27.57 Quit nudel ("Hammer of Dawn is offline.") 12.35.51 Join nudelin [0] (i=nudel@dyn-62-56-66-224.dslaccess.co.uk) 12.35.52 # does anyone know how best to save the .playlit_control file to a different file? I think using this would make bookmarks better 12.37.09 Quit habana ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 12.37.55 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) 12.41.07 # LinusN: My tests showed that it loses _about_ every other word, not even exactly 12.41.56 Join webguest20 [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-311c0b000b96ee62) 12.41.57 # Dunno whether a logic analyzer could tell us more in this case 12.42.13 # I even tried with really conservative ata timing 12.46.35 Quit webguest20 (Client Quit) 12.46.51 # does anyone know a program that can check a cd's genere on the net and apply it to the tracks tags? 12.47.43 # genres always suck anyway 12.47.55 Join habana [0] (i=c2c7fca1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-444c77b25b6d5f75) 12.48.40 # true, genre is the one that that is almost always wrong in internet databases 12.48.44 # that=tag 12.49.14 # yeah, but its still better than having a black metal cd under classical! 12.49.17 # or 12.49.25 # hehe :D 12.49.26 # yo 12.49.33 # heres trouble... 12.50.07 # JdGordon: something using musicbrainz maybe? amarok has support for it 12.50.27 # hmm... forgot i had amorak open.. ill try 12.50.48 # but it seems to have problems with proxied connections (which is why I haven't tried it more than once) 12.50.57 # * JdGordon wants to get his 20gb of music correclty tagged, and re-ripped higher quality 12.51.37 # * amiconn completely ignores genre tags 12.51.53 # I am currently re-ripping all my CDs as flac 12.52.08 Join Siku [0] (n=Siku@f303b.w3.tontut.fi) 12.52.09 # preglow: Around? 12.52.27 # 1.8" hard disks are too small for flac collections 12.53.28 # Yes, but I can transcode to whatever format I want without re-ripping then 12.54.19 # true... 12.54.29 # * amiconn needs a way (i.e. script) to transcode flac to mp3 album-at-a-time, using lame -nogap 12.54.47 # ..and correct copying of tags 12.56.30 # Bagder, Slasheri: I suck big time! ;) 12.56.36 # For sansa, are we in "wait time" for MrH research concerning the wheel ?* 12.56.50 # its hard to look and cant use :) 12.58.09 # amiconn: i do that too, rip all cds to flac and then convert to vorbis for a dap 12.58.39 # * Genre9mp3 wishes his collection was in vorbis 13.00.26 # how do i kill the system beeps in linux? 13.00.44 # hmm, after building it says "you should have a fil called rockbox.zip" 13.01.47 # mick_linux: so? 13.01.56 # i don't have it 13.02.03 # JdGordon: use xset 13.02.08 # after make zip ? 13.02.09 # mick_linux: "make zip" 13.02.25 # JdGordon: wavpack 13.02.39 # JdGordon: same file sizes as flac, but has an option for "hybrid" 13.02.55 # JdGordon: xset b off 13.03.12 # JdGordon: hybrid spits out 2 files, one lossy of w/e quality you want, and a correction file which makes it into full quality 13.03.30 # JdGordon: otherwise, i suggest musepack (does rockbox support that??) 13.03.33 Quit shnee (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.03.42 # cheers mick_linux 13.03.59 # JdGordon: did you use the JS thing btw? 13.04.33 # markun: thanks, forgot about that 13.05.45 # mick_linux: na, i didnt.. maybe later 13.06.01 # for something non-spiffy setting the title is easy 13.06.22 # na, we need spiff for sure.. i doubt other people want it 13.06.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.07.37 # make fullzip is even better if you are installing from scratch 13.11.09 Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b319236e236ec579) 13.13.24 # daurnimator: Wavpack hybrid would be nice if wavpack wouldn't have drawbacks 13.13.42 # (1) Wavpack needs more decoding power than flac, mp3 and musepack 13.14.14 # (2) Wavpack lossy quality for a certain bitrate is worse than any dedicated lossy format 13.15.17 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp150-167.adsl.forthnet.gr) 13.19.39 Quit [TEHb]_ (Remote closed the connection) 13.20.39 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 13.21.42 Quit aliask ("Chatzilla 0.9.76 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023]") 13.35.02 # amiconn: still.. the whole hybrid concept is very good ;) 13.37.43 # Does Rockbox support hybrid WV files? 13.38.23 Join [TEHb]_ [0] (n=nickolay@ 13.41.16 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@ 13.53.06 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 13.53.12 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 13.53.58 # amiconn: am now 13.55.36 # i'd contest point 2, really 13.56.18 # wavpack's coding noise is just good old noise shaped quantisation noise, which is very much comparable to mp3's horrible freq glitching 13.56.31 # but then again, the bitrates aren't in any way comparable anyway 13.56.49 # preglow: I was thinking about flac on SH1 13.56.55 # eh, take two: "which is very much preferable to mp3's horrible freq glitching" 13.57.31 # With 11MHz clock, we have about 125 clock cycles to process one sample (44.1kHz stereo) 13.57.49 # It should be possible to get the lpc decoding down to ~40 cycles sample. 13.58.03 # yup 13.58.07 # and not all frames are lpc 13.58.11 # But the rice decoding (?) is what makes me worry 13.58.13 # the fixed functionality is way cheaper 13.58.33 # It uses several shift-by-n statements... 13.58.35 # the rice decoding will no doubt be the tricky part 13.58.51 # So.. does anyone know if rockbox's WV decoder plays lossy .wv files as well? In addittion, if yes, is it able to play them "losslessly" when a .wvc is present? I really like the whole idea to tell you the truth 13.58.55 # you're wishing they included that barrel shifter now, eh? :) 14.00.06 # I wonder whether there is good reading about rice coding. Perhaps it's possible to optimise this 14.00.33 # rice coding is a very popular scheme, so good docs should be about somewhere 14.00.37 # i don't know much about it, however 14.01.42 # Shift-by-n in C is a subroutine call. Unsigned costs ~16 cycles, signed is a bit more expensive 14.02.48 # what does flac use? 14.04.43 # It seems like there are both signed and unsigned shifts. This stuff uses multiple nested macros :/ 14.05.13 # ...and inline functions 14.05.53 # golomb.h and bitstream.h are the relevant files afaics 14.06.09 # Genre9mp3: no one will answer you! 14.06.49 # Rockbox does play lossy and lossless wavpack, but no hybrid 14.07.01 # The bufering system doesn't allow this 14.07.17 # thats enough retagging for me.. 6/21gb done :'( gnie all 14.07.31 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 14.08.01 # daurnimator: amiconn just did! ;) 14.08.04 # thanks amiconn 14.11.43 # * Genre9mp3 dreams of a flac hybrid mode with bitrates for the lossy part similar to vorbis! :) 14.12.13 # no, musepack! 14.21.58 Join Nico_P [0] (i=Nico_P@ 14.29.07 # the bitrate will have to be pretty high unless you like hiss 14.30.37 Join paines [0] (n=paines@dslb-084-063-126-106.pools.arcor-ip.net) 14.30.44 # hi 14.30.52 # hi 14.33.20 # * Genre9mp3 just noticed the Sansa build on the the CVS table :) 14.34.32 # :-) 14.34.59 # ignore one "the" or add "..." to the first one :P 14.35.37 # hmm 14.35.44 # how does 80gig 5.5gs work with rockbox? 14.35.46 # at all? 14.35.59 # I think not at all 14.36.26 # we need to poke more on LinusN for that :-) 14.36.37 # Bagder: The screen on the Sansa icon shows the retailOS? nasty... 14.36.55 # Genre9mp3: yeah, nobody volunteered a better one yet 14.37.36 # I guess we could play with gimp to fix that 14.37.43 Quit TeaSea (Remote closed the connection) 14.38.15 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@ 14.41.26 # Bagder: done! I'm sending you a new one 14.41.34 Join daurn [0] (n=fake@ 14.43.30 # much better! 14.43.42 # ;) 14.53.42 Quit daurnimator (Connection timed out) 14.58.34 Part paines ("passense op ich kömm vorbey und dann krisste dermaße ene vör die köpp, da menste de kölner dom wär ne frittebud") 15.01.12 # what is the status of the sansa build? 15.01.18 # left 15.01.20 # any sound on it yet? 15.01.30 # green 15.01.38 # XavierGr: almost sound ;-) 15.01.59 # so it boots up and can do most of the things? 15.02.12 # many things at least 15.02.27 # nice to see another target on the list 15.02.46 # the CVS build list is starting to get very very big! 15.03.04 # soon we'll need more servers? 15.03.24 # I don't think so 15.03.40 # I think the longest times now are the slowest servers and that the fastest can still build more 15.03.41 # was only joking ;) 15.05.55 # * amiconn nags Bagder a bit regarding speculative concurrent builds 15.06.06 # yeah 15.06.59 # I should also move the cvs builds to the download server 15.07.00 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.07.43 # Hmm, and then there are those .map files to collect... 15.08.08 # amiconn: yeah, but *I* don't have to do that 15.08.19 # its just a matter of making sure they can be added to the zip 15.08.40 # hm 15.08.42 # or perhaps not 15.08.49 # Hmm. If they're added to the .zip, they will get installed on the targets 15.09.00 # yeah, and downloaded a million times unnecessary 15.14.19 # has the jtagged sansa even been used? 15.14.26 # nope 15.16.56 Quit obo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.17.09 # how about carting it off to dan_a? 15.17.16 # sounds like he could put it to use 15.19.32 # I would indeed be willing to send it to someone who'd think they could use it 15.20.07 # just sounds like a shame having something like that lying around unused when there's actual hacking going on 15.20.11 # I could even send the wiggler with it, although it isn't a 100% complete kit 15.20.24 # i wonder if there is free software available that can use it, though 15.20.31 # i don't really know enough about jtag to say 15.21.08 # there's OpenOCD 15.21.34 # but I'm not very fluent in JTAG either 15.25.49 # surely looks like openocd would be it, though 15.27.00 # preglow: don't know how good this project is: http://jtager.sourceforge.net/ 15.28.29 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m64.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 15.35.18 Quit habana ("CGI:IRC") 15.40.17 Quit amigan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.42.22 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 15.43.41 Quit petur ("ExternalInterruptHandler") 15.47.22 Part LinusN 15.52.21 Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-074-014-005.pools.arcor-ip.net) 15.53.02 Join yohannmisquitta [0] (n=fasmaie@cpe-71-72-99-25.columbus.res.rr.com) 15.57.32 # Hello 15.57.45 # hi yohannmisquitta 15.57.58 # Hey markun 15.58.27 # I wouldn't try to spell this nick :) 15.58.42 # Has anyone had problems with builds >1203 on ipod 4g? 15.58.51 # :) 16.00.03 # Every time I try to run the recent builds on my iPod the system freezes during playback 16.00.10 # Screen goes ga-ga 16.00.35 # Builds prior to Dec 02 are fine, though 16.02.42 Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.03.42 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54849773.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 16.03.56 # yohannmisquitta: sorry, don't have an ipod 16.04.06 # Genre9mp3: That's what tab completion is for 16.05.01 # am*TAB*: sure! ;) 16.05.07 # Thanks markun...if you don't mind me asking, what do you run rb on? 16.06.01 # markun: can't get iriver H320 here in US that easily :( 16.06.04 Join Plouj- [0] (n=Plouj@dsl-207-112-70-175.tor.primus.ca) 16.06.05 # iriver h120 and recently gigabeat f40 16.06.05 # hi 16.06.16 # Plouj-: hello 16.06.32 # is there any better player that I can buy for the price of ipod nano 2GB which will support rock box just as well? 16.06.58 Join Bonusbartus [0] (i=52ab47dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d9735c100881964e) 16.07.04 # Plouj-: you could get an iriver H320 on ebay for $150 16.07.16 # bleubrother, Thanks for your mail :) 16.07.49 Part yohannmisquitta 16.08.08 # I don't have much time this week and I have to send my h340 back for repairs, but I still have my old h120 to test something on when I get time :) 16.09.09 # umm, where's the hardware compatibility page :) 16.09.16 # I can't find it anymore 16.09.40 # can anyone tell me: has anything been changed to the charging routines in the h340? or something else related to the battery? 16.09.51 Join fasmaie [0] (n=fasmaie@cpe-71-72-99-25.columbus.res.rr.com) 16.10.01 # Bonusbartus: ? huh why ? 16.10.39 Quit TeaSea (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.10.45 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@ 16.12.05 # because I have a 7 month old h340 and I got some problem with my battery. I first noticed it after I updated from a july build to an october build, and after searching the forums on mysticriver I see I'm not the only one with problems, coinsidence I hope?? 16.12.08 # Hello, do the trackCount and rating features work on the H320? 16.12.28 # Bonusbartus: what are the symptoms like ? 16.13.15 # (found it) 16.13.53 # I've noticed some different charging behavior on H300 lately, too... It seems now that while charging the battery level easily gets at around 98% and remains there for some time, but then again, h300 charging is hardware controlled 16.14.12 # well, first thing I noticed was that after I plugged the player in at night it fully charges, but after the battery is full it started to discharge (slowly) in the morning battery was everyday at 94% 16.14.55 # second thing is worse, when I fully charged my battery and plug it into usb for a filetransfer the battery dies in a few minutes (battery problem or hdd problem?) 16.15.29 Join Criamos [0] (n=Criamos@p54930AFB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 16.15.31 # it dies, completely shuts down like I touched the reset button 16.15.54 # Bonusbartus: got my mail? 16.16.01 # Bonusbartus: No... I don't get such behavior here 16.16.06 # when I wait a few minutes I can restart my player and battery looks 60% full, listening to music it works for about 3 hours 16.16.42 # Bluebrother: ^^ already said that :P but wrote your nick wrong... but yeah I got it:) 16.17.11 # ah, I just returned and looked only if someone highlighted me ;-) 16.17.39 # Bg3r, now I reflashed original firmware but battery is still bad... 16.18.03 # Bonusbartus: It just seems that your battery is dying 16.18.59 # Bonusbartus: Genre9mp3 is right 16.19.23 # i had exactly the same symptoms and at the end replaced the battery 16.19.44 # Genre9mp3: yeah I know, but I find it strange that my h120 (2,5years old) still works for 12 hours and my h340 has serios problems after 7 months... but I think the strangest thing is that there are lots of people with bad battery life lately 16.20.17 # yeah, there are lots... 16.20.41 # and, I saw on the misticriver forum (norbusans build), that someone complained of shorter battery life after a build in august... 16.21.13 # Bonusbartus: Did he made a battery bench? 16.21.29 # don't know, but I noticed the same thing on that build... 16.21.58 # for me it's not a serious problem, I m going to rma my player this week, but when it is rockbox related.... 16.22.03 Join niskel [0] (n=niskel@fctnnbsc15w-156034088009.nb.aliant.net) 16.22.09 # Bonusbartus: Did you notice if the complaints were specific to the H340 or was the same behaviour observed with the H320 as well? 16.22.37 # Well... that build is full of patches... you can never be sure what's to blame 16.23.11 # fasmaie: can't say, don't got an h320, and they use the same firmware... 16.23.37 # Genre9mp3, I know, but do you think it could be caused by either rockbox or one of the patches? 16.24.15 # Bonusbartus: any idea where I can get hands on the cable of a remote? ebay doesn't seem to be useful for that 16.24.28 # Bonusbartus: my h340's battery got fscked up after an year and half 16.24.40 # As I said... you can never know for sure... Best thing to do is to have a battery bench with a CVS build 16.25.23 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@dhcp92.contactor.se) 16.26.04 # bluebrother: no... I messed up the cable 4 times, and always just sended it back with my player ;) My last remote is going to be send together with my h340, I already phoned them if they would look into my remote problem too :D 16.26.06 # Album art patch in its current form keeps spinning the disk all the time AFAIK, and I don't know what's the case with that multi-font patch 16.27.03 # too bad ... looks like the cable is the same for the PMP550 which was sold on ebay some time ago, but I missed that auction 16.27.04 # Bg3r: yeah but that is twice the time mine worked good, and it didn't slowly weaken, but just didn't work good anymore after e few days.. 16.27.23 # Speaking of remotes.... I miss most of plugins in that screen 16.27.27 # why can't they use something standard? *hmpf* 16.27.37 # Genre9mp3: cant do that, battery life is bad now with all build 16.27.50 # Would a workaround on this be "easy"? 16.28.01 # Genre9mp3: and I got the norbusans build without multifont patch 16.28.38 # Bonusbartus: I think a replacement is what you certainly need now 16.28.49 # battery replacement that is 16.29.09 # bluebrother: Iriver europe (in germany) still sells the h100 remotes, I think you should phone them and ask if they wanna help you, my experience with them is very good... 16.29.13 Quit bluey- ("Leaving") 16.30.22 # Genre9mp3, yeah, I am going to rma my player this week, but I just wanted to mention the problem because many people complain about it lately and I wouldn't want my new battery to die in a few days :P 16.30.51 # So.. as I was saying about remotes... since most of plugins are adapted for Archos displays, and Archos screen is smaller than iriver remotes, would a hack be easy to make the Archos plugins work on iriver remotes? 16.31.12 # Bonusbartus: Why RMA the player? Why not just buying a new battery yourself? 16.32.19 # because RMAing is free, and if it isn't the battery itself but the mainboard they can repair it for me + I don't have any warranty left when I open it and plug a custom battery in 16.32.34 # and battery life was 16 hour for me and thats enough for me :) 16.32.42 Quit muesli__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.32.42 # + I got the external batery pack 16.33.37 # Bonusbartus: I don't know... It's just me taht I couldn't send away my beloved H340! :) 16.34.39 # Genre9mp3: still got a working h120 (only first 450mb of diskspace has bad sectors...) 16.35.30 # * Genre9mp3 wants an H100 that I can put rockbox on it! 16.35.43 # :D got one :P 16.35.59 # I have an H120 here but it's not mine... arghhhh 16.36.25 # * amiconn would be interested in a runtime test (iriver h1x0 or h300) with the fixed ata driver 16.36.37 # amiconn: what? :P 16.37.17 # amiconn: What is your opinion about using archos plugins for iriver remotes? would be this possible/easy to do? 16.37.17 # I want an H320, but it's a real pain getting them here 16.37.28 # Fed up of iPod 16.37.30 # fasmaie: where? 16.37.32 # Ohio 16.37.35 # Us 16.37.45 # fasme: why not an h340? 16.37.47 # fasmaie: What about eBay? 16.37.58 # Why not indeed....same problem 16.38.11 # Ebay seems to be the only option 16.38.24 # amiconn: i can't remember, any reason why we don't use dma for ata on iriver? 16.38.33 # I've been keeping my eye out for a good deal.....what would be a fair price for one? 16.38.34 # fasmaie: can't you buy one in europe? the Iriver europe online shop still sells them 16.39.17 # I looked at the UK site...they don't seem to list them 16.40.37 # Aha! Found it 16.40.37 # preglow: We don't? AFAIK we do 16.40.47 # Genre9mp3: i'm pretty sure we don't 16.41.02 # at least i don't see why amiconn fixed his asm loop if we do 16.41.49 # preglow: I tried ata dma yesterday, check the logs 16.41.55 # k 16.42.16 # Quick rationale: It works, as long as we don't use auto-align, but then it's slower than the optimised asm 16.42.29 # Enabling auto-align makes it lose data 16.43.35 # That makes no sense to me 16.43.55 # If we're reading too fast, we should get the same word twice occasionally 16.44.11 # I even tried with very conservative ata timing 16.44.45 Join perpleXa [0] (n=perpleXa@unaffiliated/perplexa) 16.44.52 # Damn, no H3xx for sale on iriver UK site 16.45.15 Join Paul_the_Nerd [0] (n=Llorean@cpe-66-69-210-194.austin.res.rr.com) 16.45.20 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-202-175.student.uu.se) 16.45.29 # Genre9mp3: I don't understand what you mean. Obviously we cannot run archos code on iriver, different CPU. 16.45.50 # If you mean the graphics: sure we can reuse them for the remote display part 16.45.53 # amiconn: you still think there's a bug in the dma controller, then? 16.46.34 # preglow: I tend to think that the dma controller has problems with the coldfire ide logic when aa is enabled 16.47.03 # I tested on X5 as well - same error pattern 16.47.21 # (That's SCF5250) 16.47.28 Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable156.246-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) 16.47.47 # Genre9mp3: But what we cannot do is running 2 independent plugins at once, as there is only one GUI thread 16.47.52 # amiconn: Sorry if this sounds silly, but do the plugins use completely different code depending on target? 16.48.34 # Genre9mp3: do you mean c code or asm code? 16.48.36 # The source code is the same apart from things like adapting resolution, depth, buttons 16.48.42 # Genre9mp3: c code? perhaps. asm code? certainly 16.48.52 # C source I mean 16.48.58 # some source code might differ depending on target, probably for optimising 16.50.06 # Well... as I'm thinking it, game and demo plugins could be easily get ported on remotes based on Archos versions... of course I don't expect to have rvf on iriver remotes ;) 16.50.41 # I personally would rather see the remote always show the RWPS if that were possible. 16.50.55 # As long as it's not a game that requires the remote (two player, and whatnot) 16.50.57 # Of course... the main LCD should be disabled by choice 16.51.29 # Paul_the_Nerd: Wouldn't this be tricky? To have plugin in one screen and WPS in the other? 16.52.06 # Tricky in what way? 16.52.41 # draw 2 completely different screens at the same time 16.52.48 # We already have two different WPSes displaying concurrently as it is. 16.52.57 Quit fasmaie () 16.53.33 # Genre9mp3: That's not possible with the current multi-screen gui concept as I already said 16.53.55 # We only have one gui thread, and hence you can run only one plugin at a time 16.54.07 # amiconn: yes... that's what I've just said to Paul 16.54.28 # I was thinking of disabling the main screen when drawing remote plugins 16.54.28 # Actually, not quite. 16.54.33 # What would be relatively simple is adapting the plugins so that they display on both screens in parallel 16.54.51 # Some plugins already do this 16.55.11 Join ivirix [0] (n=aj@p65-79.acedsl.com) 16.55.26 # Paul_the_Nerd: Yes, I said it would be tricky... not exactly that it's not possible with the current gui thread 16.55.38 # Genre9mp3: And btw, rvf on the iriver remote would be very possible 16.55.47 # Genre9mp3: No, I meant, you said two things can't be drawn at once, which is a different concept from what amiconn's saying. 16.55.50 # amiconn: Sounds interesting :) 16.56.18 # ..but not in parallel with another task using the timer, i.e. not in parallel with rvf or grayscale lib on the main lcd (H1x0) 16.56.27 # You could have two very different things displaying, easily, it would just have to be one source doing the displaying. 16.57.28 Quit Bonusbartus ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 16.59.55 Quit mathgl ("Quitte") 17.01.29 Quit bluebrother ("leaving") 17.01.32 Join yohannmisquitta [0] (n=fasmaie@cpe-71-72-99-25.columbus.res.rr.com) 17.03.19 Join G|iTch_ [0] (i=GliTch_@24-171-53-170.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) 17.04.09 Quit niskel (Remote closed the connection) 17.05.47 # amiconn: btw... I wonder how rvf would be on iriver remotes since they lack on refreshing rate 17.07.03 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.09.12 # ? 17.10.17 # iriver remotes LCD have low refreshing rates... am I wrong? 17.10.44 # We can do more than 160 fps even without boosting 17.10.47 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/LcdFrameRate 17.11.35 # do we know where the adc3515 is mapped to? 17.11.39 # Oh...but then why fast scrolling seems blurry on my remote? 17.12.30 # That has nothing to do with the frame rate, but with the lcd panel itself 17.12.57 # The lcd panel being somewhat slow is actually good, a very fast panel would flicker like hell with our greyscale method 17.13.00 # ah... well, that's what I had in mind the first place... sorry 17.13.31 # hmmm...your last statement made me even more curious! :) 17.18.24 # hey guys, does anyone have experience with building a firmware for gigabeat Fxx series? 17.18.33 # The bad thing would be that on ticking irivers, greyscale and rvf on the remote would cause buzzing, because the ticking reduction would have to be disabled while running greyscale / rvf. 17.18.40 Quit GliTch_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.21.42 # When adding a function to the plugin api, should i add it before the stuff it says to keep at the bottom? 17.24.08 Join |AhIoRoS| [0] (n=ahioros@ 17.25.38 Quit G|iTch_ (Remote closed the connection) 17.25.44 Join GliTch_ [0] (i=GliTch_@24-171-53-170.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) 17.31.42 # 'ticking' iriver ? 17.31.58 # oh, nvm 17.32.32 # so, anyway does anyone want to take a look at a patch i made that fixes the backdrop/foreground problem in the jpeg plugin? 17.32.55 # or should I just commit it and see if anyone complains? ;-) 17.33.21 # n1s - Never really used the jpeg viewer but I'm willing to patch, build and fire it if you tell me what to look for. :p 17.33.35 # http://home.student.uu.se/niwa5341/jpegbackdrop.diff 17.33.43 Join Gnelik [0] (n=Miranda@spynet.sm.chereda.net) 17.33.53 Join dan_a [0] (i=dan_a@ 17.33.58 # see if it works ok and that foreground, background and backdrop looks ok 17.34.04 # Hi! 17.34.33 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@dhcp-892b7a6e.ucd.ie) 17.34.50 Part yohannmisquitta 17.36.32 # PaulPosition: wait, i think something's wrong 17.37.18 # n1s - Just to make sure : unpatched I get black as a bckground, no foreground to speak of and the image is right. 17.37.22 # n1s - sure.. :p 17.37.33 Quit Plouj- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.37.57 Quit mirak (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.39.50 Quit slarti (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.41.27 Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@156.80-202-167.nextgentel.com) 17.42.16 Quit |AhIoRoS| (Remote closed the connection) 17.42.22 # PaulPosition: wanna test now? 17.42.32 # Sure, did you change anything to your diff file? 17.42.52 # yes, a silly typo 17.43.01 # does anyone have rockbox runnig on gigabeat F series? 17.43.02 # that, broke something 17.43.36 # n1s - Okay.. same link? 17.43.41 # yes 17.45.28 # n1s - Compiling right now... While we're at it : what's expected behaviour from unpatched vs patched? Maybe I should fetch myself a WPS that uses a backdrop? 17.46.06 # it's enough to set a menu backdrop, it will show under the image in jpegviewer in cvs 17.46.36 Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") 17.46.36 # n1s - Okay, I'll throw the first 128*128 file I could find... 17.46.58 # ivirix: I have 17.46.59 # with the patch the background should always be black and your usual foreground/background/backdrop should show in the menu in the jpegviewer 17.47.10 # ivirix: come to #gigabeat 17.50.19 # n1s - Okay. Indeed right now the backdrop shows in the viewer. Compiling is done, I'll try it out soon. 17.50.42 Part Paul_the_Nerd 17.53.36 # dan_a: No news about datasheets? 17.54.08 # Gnelik: Not that I've heard 17.55.10 # n1s - Okay, so the viewer seems allright, although I haven't loaded a huge jpeg in it.. Black background while viewing, theme's settings in the menu (ie, backgrop, foreground). Any particular behaviour you'd like me to test? 17.55.49 # sounds good, i can't think of anything else to test really, thanks 17.55.58 # You're welcome :) 17.56.22 # Anyone against a commit, amiconn? ;-) 17.56.39 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54849773.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.58.36 # Arathis - Still running that patched build? 17.59.16 # PaulPosition: yes, but didn't touch the player since I left ^^ 18.00.20 # Arathis - right. :p 18.04.55 Join GodEater_Web [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9fa457f5ba2c52ad) 18.08.01 Quit GodEater_Web (Client Quit) 18.11.45 Quit Nico_P (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.13.08 Quit dan_a () 18.14.35 # Everyone seen the news? CNet's James Kim died. 18.15.13 # what for is used the directory codepages ? 18.15.26 # uh? 18.16.14 Join G|iTch_ [0] (i=GliTch_@24-171-53-170.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) 18.20.27 Part ivirix 18.22.42 Quit barrywardell (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.23.02 Join bluebrother [0] (i=tSxmaGkk@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 18.28.00 Join mick_linux_ [0] (n=clamwin@adsl-153-192-78.mia.bellsouth.net) 18.31.30 Quit GliTch_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.31.40 Join GliTch_ [0] (i=GliTch_@24-171-53-170.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) 18.32.54 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 18.34.26 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEE03B.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.35.13 # Does Rockbox supposed to support ADPCM in wav? 18.35.23 # some kinds, yes 18.35.45 # I'm experimenting with one and the time is way off 18.36.03 # It's 5:20 but Rockbox thinks it is 67:48:01 18.36.13 # *shrug* 18.37.22 # hmmm... crashed twice so far, too 18.37.35 Quit blue_lizard (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.37.48 Join blue_lizard [0] (n=blue_liz@p549865F4.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.40.43 # ??? anyone knows why the H120 build died from ICE ? 18.41.45 Quit mick_linux (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.42.27 # n1s: You revealed a build server configuration error 18.42.38 # bygg.haxx.se runs too old an m68k-elf-gcc 18.42.56 # so it isn't my fault :-) 18.43.02 # 3.4.1, minimum required is 3.4.5 iirc and 3.4.6 is recommended 18.43.24 Quit G|iTch_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.43.32 # http://www.rockbox.org/showlog.cgi?date=2006-12-07%2017%3A23%3A53&type=iriver%20H120%20-%20Normal "... Using m68k-elf-gcc 3.4.1 (304) ..." 18.43.47 # Bagder: around? 18.44.56 Nick Xerion_ is now known as Xerion (i=xerion@zarathul.student.utwente.nl) 18.47.08 Quit Gnelik (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.47.26 # Can the bleeding-edge sim builds to be downloaded from somewhere? 18.47.46 # don't think so... 18.48.06 Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.48.11 # Just wondered. I guess we'd need make zip for the sims first. 18.48.34 # It wouldn't make sense 18.48.46 # I can't say I see the point, sims are for devs and devs compile 18.49.08 # They're built under linux, and for the architecture / distro of the respective build server 18.49.15 # Aha 18.49.26 # Of course. 18.49.51 # E.g. if you would download a sim built on amiconn.dyndns.org, chances are you couldn't run the binary at all 18.49.55 Join TeaSeaLancs [0] (n=thunderc@ 18.50.00 # (it's an amd64 machine) 18.51.08 # amiconn: Do you expect a big runtime improvement on an H300 with the new ATA code? 18.51.24 Join LOWLIGHT [0] (i=c730180b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7b06381c7eb300c9) 18.51.36 Part LOWLIGHT 18.51.51 Join lowlight [0] (i=c730190b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d6f39044f7189a23) 18.55.00 Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.55.11 # pondlife: rasher compiles win32 sim builds...http://rasher.dk/rockbox/simulator/ 18.55.58 # No problem, I can make my own, but wondered if it would be a good idea to promote the use of the sim for general playback testing. 18.56.12 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 18.57.14 Quit PaulPosition () 18.58.05 Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable156.246-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) 19.03.36 Quit TeaSea (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.04.28 Join menosm_ [0] (n=menosm@user-11fa3m2.dsl.mindspring.com) 19.06.01 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.07.01 # nice mod roolku made! http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RTCModH1x0 19.07.05 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.07.30 # yes, very impressive, and well documented :-) 19.09.03 # I could swear that someone else also tried it but I can't find it in the logs.. 19.09.06 # haha 19.09.09 # it rocks quite badly 19.09.28 # i think someone else mentioned the concept a good while ago 19.09.31 # but that might also have been roolu :> 19.09.37 # roolku, yes 19.10.20 Quit zylche (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.10.26 Join zylche [0] (n=wheee@82-41-83-91.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk) 19.14.00 Join paines [0] (n=Anes@xdsl-87-78-111-70.netcologne.de) 19.14.04 # hi 19.15.58 # for some reason i cannot copy songs to my ipod nano anymore. I use amarok. the songs are copied, but then when I want to listen, there are no songs on it. now i thought to install rockbox. will the whole ipod firmware be erased ? sorry I am totally new to this 19.16.32 # no, rockbox coexits nicely with the original firmware on ipods 19.17.30 # so there is something like a bootmanager an d you can choose between 2 systems? 19.18.00 # yes, hold menu while turning it on to get to the original firmware 19.19.09 # intresting 19.20.32 Join tucoz [0] (i=528676e7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-41195ab1414692a2) 19.21.19 Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") 19.21.58 # is there a general concensus(?) against putting the GPL in the manual, or do people think it is a good idea? 19.22.06 Quit menosm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.22.49 # tucoz: I would say go for it... at least I can't find a good reason not to include 19.23.17 # Genre9mp3: thanks. 19.24.02 Quit Siku () 19.24.09 # my idea of the manual is that it should be a first of all a reference to all the features of rockbox, and also include a "get started" section 19.24.43 # tucoz, I'm for including 19.24.50 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54849773.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 19.25.04 Join TeaSea [0] (n=thunderc@ 19.25.05 # And by that, i think we should make it clear license rockbox itself is under 19.25.11 # bluebrother: good :) 19.25.14 # I already downloaded the template from the gnu website but failed to find the time looking further into it 19.25.36 # I think we could have a chapter in the appendix "licenses" 19.25.47 # good idea 19.26.00 # which introduces into the topic a bit ("manual is gfdl ... rb is gpl ...") 19.26.14 # and have the licenses as sections. 19.26.18 # or maybe that could come first? 19.26.36 # the introduction? Yes. 19.26.48 # Yes. in the beginning of the manual 19.26.50 # small introduction, then the licenses itself 19.26.54 # oh 19.27.14 # like that. hmm. That might work as well 19.27.16 # no, that'd be the wrong place imo. 19.27.48 # but we could simply add a sencence in the introduction ("... this is free software, please see appendix for details") 19.27.58 # maybe you are right. I´ve been out of the loop for a while, so my brain has gone all soft and mushy. 19.28.21 Quit Kittt0s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.28.51 # we would need to change the layout of the licenses a bit, but that's a thing I wanted to do anyway 19.29.14 # as it currently doesn't fit nicely with the rest of the manual 19.29.18 # Hmm. in what way would you like them changed? 19.29.53 # e.g. the links in the pdf structure view don't work 19.30.28 # and the caps for the section titles. Should be at least small caps, or simply the face that is used for all sections 19.30.49 # ah. things like that should be changed, yes. Maybe we should only link to the license itself, and not to every single subsection of it. 19.30.55 # so, mostly using \section-s 19.30.56 # That is, in the index 19.31.11 # Not index the subsections 19.31.11 # agreed. Should be completely sufficient. 19.31.34 # currently they are indexed by adding specials, not by the use of sections etc. 19.32.07 # The GPL is also quite different from our formatting 19.32.51 # I´ll be back later tonight. I can work on the licenses then. 19.33.31 # maybe also add something regarding the themes. 19.33.54 # bluebrother - Themes are difficult... Can't really go retro-active on them, could we? 19.33.56 Join Dhanjel [0] (n=daniel@c83-254-193-214.bredband.comhem.se) 19.33.57 # "themes distributed with rb are gpl (are they?), other themes may or may not be freely distributable" 19.33.59 # rockbox-themems? 19.34.08 # aha 19.34.40 # to make clear separately distributed themes are not part of rockbox regardless of their source 19.34.43 # common question probably, but does anyone have some nice ipod mini themes except thoose on the rockbox homepage? 19.35.04 # Dhanjel, have you looked at http://www.rockbox-themes.org ? 19.35.09 Join dan_a [0] (n=dan-mirc@ 19.35.22 # bbl 19.35.24 Part tucoz 19.36.22 Join Kitt0s [0] (i=Kaa@ 19.36.58 # bluebrother: yeah but I don't really like them 19.37.19 # you can always make your own ;-) 19.37.22 # http://www.minhembio.com/forum/index.php?act=ST&f=65&t=141258&st=0#entry1220054 made two myself, but don't like them either ;) 19.37.38 # oh well... 19.38.06 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 19.39.14 Quit TeaSeaLancs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.39.41 # you could also try to adjust one that's for the h100 series -- the lcd size is pretty similar 19.40.00 # adjusting e.g. zezayer should be pretty easy 19.40.46 # dan_a : So, do you have any idea what/how stuff gets broken in H10's and iPods with that dualboot patch? 19.41.11 # bluebrother: afaiu, the WPSs are not GPL 19.41.38 # the wps' in the Rockbox distribution? 19.41.59 # default, yes 19.42.06 # but otherwise, no 19.42.40 # hmm. Would be best to clear this issue and add the information somewhere. Maybe in the manual, maybe in some docs/COPYING-WPS 19.42.55 # It would be 19.43.09 # PaulPosition: Not yet. I'm fairly certain that it's different things. Could you try EQ on your H10, and see if that crashes too? 19.43.40 # I suspect it's something to do with the fact that crossfeed is written in assembler, but I've not worked out what yet 19.43.41 # amiconn: btw, if you have some time, could you try if that rombox patch breaks rombox generation for archoses? 19.43.45 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 19.43.48 # dan_a : sure will. in a moment. 19.43.53 # if it does not, then i could at least commit that :) 19.46.03 # scorche, the included wps are gpl: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SubmitWPS 19.46.43 # bluebrother; will look on the h100 themes, thanks 19.47.09 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 19.50.05 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 19.50.25 # hard to do anything interesting on a ipod mini :) 19.50.45 # bluebrother: makes sense...i was thinking default because it is hardcoded in, but as they *are* distributed... 19.51.08 Quit tehsmo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.51.32 Part paines ("Verlassend") 19.52.45 # jhMikeS, petur: i just did 2:30 of wavpack recording with default agc and there were no glitches i could hear, and i've heard the material i recorded billions of times, so i would notice 19.53.56 Quit Atomicsunset () 19.54.15 Join habana [0] (i=58a10615@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ecc3030200942164) 19.54.59 # Dan_a: Ok.. With yesterday's cvs patched to e200-dualboot, the EQ *does* work, all 5 bands of it on jazz preset. No skip (yet) but very unresponsive menu, same behaviour as regular cvs. 19.55.42 # Odd. 19.55.42 # dan_a : To be sure I had still same version as yesterday, crossfeed is still an instant freeze. ;) 19.56.04 # PaulPosition:how can you manage to move without wheel ? 19.56.10 Join Plouj [0] (n=Plouj@ 19.56.16 # telekinesy ? 19.56.19 # habana - I use a h10, not an ipod. 19.56.21 # :p 19.56.50 # habana: Wish I could do telekinesis, I need a coffee and a cigarette but I'm laaaazy 19.57.06 # ssansa for me, not bêêêê 19.57.33 # shouldn't surprise you that eq is sluggy with five bands 19.57.33 # preglow: (since you wrote the dsp_arm code) Can you think of any obvious reason why changing crt0 should cause a data abort in apply_crossfeed for the h10? 19.57.40 # dan_a: ??? 19.57.50 # which instruction bugs out? 19.59.58 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 20.00.04 # preglow: 0x000353a4 apply_crossfeed 20.00.14 # that tells me very little 20.00.17 # ldr r8, [r0, #4] - just inside .cfloop (assuming that the address given in the data abort is the exact instruction causing the problem) 20.00.19 # you need to disassemble 20.00.37 # yeah, unless i've fucked up badly, the address should be accurate 20.01.06 Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.01.40 # dan_a: weird 20.01.50 # That's what I thought! 20.01.59 Join tehsmo [0] (n=whyrph@tysonyo.resnet.mtu.edu) 20.02.21 # this sounds like a corrupted data thing 20.02.30 # but that's a bit unlikely 20.03.15 # I guess we need to find the value of R0 to see where it's trying to read from 20.03.37 # Dan_a : Ahh.. If it matters, any increment in pitch screen will also freeze the player. But I lost my rockbox.map in a recent purge so I'm going to re-compile and retest and tell you soon. 20.03.41 # (just found out) 20.04.01 Join ghode|afk [0] (n=garudin@87-194-60-156.bethere.co.uk) 20.04.09 # dan_a: the weird thing is r0 has just been used to read data 20.04.13 # dan_a: without a data abort 20.05.15 # so this being an alignment issue would be really weird 20.05.24 # but that's the only reason i've ever gotten a data abort 20.05.25 # But it gets incremented a line later 20.05.36 # sure, but incrementing doesn't bring it out of alignment 20.05.58 # Doesn't reading from non-existant memory give a data abort? Or is that a prefetch abort? 20.06.09 # prefetch abort has to do with code reads 20.06.19 # trying to execute code in illegal memory 20.06.23 # addresses even 20.06.58 # anyway, r0 should never contain an address outside of the small ringbuffer at the near end of crossfeed_data 20.07.31 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.07.54 # r0 isn't banked, so you could try to make the exception handler print it 20.07.59 # just make sure it isn't clobbered 20.08.35 # it is by default, but you could make a quick temp hack that preserves it 20.08.46 # I'll have a go at that. Are you OK to do some more tests, PaulPosition? 20.09.00 # dan_a : sure.. 20.09.04 # Dan_a : Ahh.. If it matters, any increment in pitch screen will also freeze the player. But I lost my rockbox.map in a recent purge so I'm going to re-compile and retest and tell you soon. 20.09.36 Join Gnelik [0] (n=Miranda@spynet.sm.chereda.net) 20.10.13 # dan_a : Or would you rather I keep testing from my 'yesterday' build instead of current cvs? (though I have no access anymore to yesterday's .map) 20.10.17 # dan_a: in data_abort_handler in crt0*.S (whichever actually gets used), just do a mov r2, r0 at the start, then give UIE another parameter. it will end up in that 20.10.46 # * preglow wonders why the exception handling code is in both crt0-pp.S and crt0.S 20.10.47 # PaulPosition: Current CVS is fine. 20.12.13 # preglow: firmware/target/arm/crt0.S is only used on non-PP targets, crt0-pp.S is used on the PP targets. 20.13.07 Quit Arathis (Remote closed the connection) 20.13.21 # dan_a: but it's shared code, i thought that should be located in crt0.S 20.13.28 # anywho, it's probably just something that needs doing :) 20.14.35 # I'll fix it - if someone else doesn't get there first 20.14.37 # it's generic arm code, at least 20.14.46 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54849773.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 20.15.26 Join TeaSeaLancs [0] (n=thunderc@ 20.16.26 Quit TeaSeaLancs (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.17.23 Join banan_ [0] (n=banan@c80-216-155-218.bredband.comhem.se) 20.18.43 # dan_a: I'm going through the disassembly of the Olympus mr-100 bootloader (it's a PP5020 device). Want to see any of the cpu init parts? 20.19.23 # lowlight: It would be very interesting to compare them to what we've got, yes :) 20.19.29 # indeed 20.19.46 Join TeaSeaLancs [0] (n=thunderc@ 20.20.29 # dan_a: Hmmkay. Using pitch up or down freezed the player with a data abort at 0x40000920 .. rockbox.map tells me it would be in : 20.20.32 # 0x400008f4 fiq 20.20.37 # which is from : 20.20.46 # .icode 0x400008f4 0xc8 /home/user/rockbox-devel/rockbox-devel/build/librockbox.a(pcm_playback.o) 20.21.07 # dan_a: starts here...http://pastebin.ca/270832 20.21.21 # (next address would be 0x400009bc... 20.22.16 # lowlight: Thanks 20.23.25 # then goes here...http://pastebin.ca/270837 20.23.55 # PaulPosition: try doing "arm-elf-objdump -D build/apps/rockbox.elf | less" and see what the exact instruction at 0x40000920 is 20.24.11 # sure. 20.24.42 # dan_a from what folder? 20.25.25 # nevermind... 20.26.38 # Crazy interrogation: as it's possible to use internet protocol over USB, theorically Rockbox could be directly connected to the web (with an appropriate network stack) ? 20.28.56 Quit funky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.28.58 # you just blew my mind! 20.29.02 Join funky [0] (n=repulse@unaffiliated/funky) 20.29.05 # dan_a : the relevant part (well, I think!) of the dump : http://pastebin.ca/270847 20.29.07 # lowlight: The second is the same as the first... What happens at 0x1170C? 20.29.41 # netmasta10bt: positively or negative ? 20.30.00 # hope you dont laugh :\ 20.30.22 # habana: im not sure what to think -- its different 20.30.56 # dan_a: a branch: LDR R12, =(loc_4DC2+1); BX R12 20.31.18 # that's the second pastebin link 20.31.24 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 20.31.48 # netmasta10bt: http://www.linux-usb.org/usbnet/ 20.32.47 # in fact, im pretty sure that Rockbox will have soon an ip stack. At least if it's ported to Zune and sucessors 20.32.56 # lowlight: no it isn't - look again ;) 20.32.58 # dan_a: http://pastebin.ca/270832 then the branch to http://pastebin.ca/270837 20.33.42 # Ermm... I was wrong. I'd put the same address in both windows. Sorry! 20.34.46 Join Arathis_ [0] (n=doerk@p5484A96D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 20.34.51 # i wonder why i keep reading "ldr r1, =const \n mov sp, r1" in places. "ldr sp, =const" should be just as legal 20.37.58 Join mick_linux__ [0] (n=clamwin@adsl-10-43-119.mia.bellsouth.net) 20.38.01 Nick mick_linux__ is now known as mick_linux (n=clamwin@adsl-10-43-119.mia.bellsouth.net) 20.38.29 # PaulPosition: Do you have a 20Gb h10? Or one of the smaller ones? 20.38.42 Quit pondlife ("disconnected has pondlife") 20.38.52 # dan_a : The 5gb model. 20.39.16 # dan_a : Arathis, who was on earlier, does have a 20gb with the patch installed (we did it yesterday) 20.39.32 Quit TeaSea (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.40.07 # PaulPosition: I'm just building you a new firmware to test. I'll mail it to you when it's done. Though I think I forgot to apply Barry's patch... 20.41.41 # dan_a : won't be very usefull then... Just the bootloader, just the firmware, or both? (it might not work if they're not synced) 20.42.38 # PaulPosition: Just the firmware, but I'll get Barry's patch applied before I send it 20.43.26 # dan_a: perfect. 20.43.37 Join Atomicsunset [0] (n=Atomicsu@dynamic-acs-24-144-249-148.zoominternet.net) 20.44.06 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 20.44.06 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 20.44.18 # anyone able to help me with an Ipod 5g doom.wad question? 20.45.13 Quit SUSaiyan ("Ex-Chat") 20.45.19 Join niskel [0] (n=niskel@fctnnbsc15w-156034091212.nb.aliant.net) 20.45.35 # Atomicsunset: if it isn't answered in the manual/wiki 20.46.05 # i have what i think is the wad i just dunno where to put it :P 20.46.44 # that is indeed in the maual/wiki http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-buildch8.html#x11-1130008.1.4 20.46.55 # thanks 20.47.13 Quit TeaSeaLancs (Connection reset by peer) 20.48.15 Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.50.43 Join SUSaiyan [0] (n=susaiyan@ 20.51.26 Quit mick_linux_ (Connection timed out) 20.52.58 # dan_a: r0 was 4D076AF4 20.53.24 Quit lowlight ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 20.54.04 # PaulPosition: Can you try a few times and make sure you get the same result? 20.54.15 # sure. gimme a second. 20.54.47 # lol ok i got the demo working... 20.54.56 # but i cant bring the menu up to quit the demo 20.55.16 Join menosm [0] (n=menosm@user-11fa3m2.dsl.mindspring.com) 20.56.05 Join lowlight [0] (i=c730190b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d93f447be8265cad) 20.58.00 Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-112-067.pools.arcor-ip.net) 20.58.03 # PaulPosition: That's way outside any address that we should be reading from, AFAIK 20.58.49 # dan_a: 4D076AF4 --- 4D076AF4 --- Weird, third reboot it hung on reboot with Data Abort at 0000FF2C --- 4D076AF4 ... 20.59.05 # (the hang on reboot is just bad luck I think) 20.59.38 Join Bonusbartus [0] (i=52ab47dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-da556e7a4b50bf2a) 21.00.08 Quit Bonusbartus (Client Quit) 21.01.49 # dan_a: (but if it can serve anything, that error on boot was on " ff2c: e587a000 str sl, [r7] ") 21.03.32 # dan_a: as for the abort on changing pitch: data abort at 40000920, r0 was 9D100000 21.03.41 Join swimmer [0] (n=swimmer@komalaystefan.xs4all.nl) 21.03.44 # hi all 21.04.07 # I installed Rockbox today on my iriver H340 and all was fine in the beginning 21.04.37 # but then I started to play around with the settings (mainly changing themes) and now my iriver seems to be hung up 21.05.05 # swimmer : symptoms? 21.05.17 # no more reactions to any keypresses and when I try to connect it to my linux PC I can't get any connections 21.05.21 # PaulPosition: dead 21.05.32 # PaulPosition: simply dead - no more reaction 21.05.40 # what can I do? 21.06.00 # reset with a paperclip in the small hole bleow the mic 21.06.12 # what does reset do precisely? 21.06.18 # is it only cold restart? 21.06.19 # (labeled reset) ;-) 21.06.26 # or does it reset settings as well? 21.06.33 # yes restart 21.07.01 # * n1s wonders why so many people think a reset will whipe settings/disk 21.07.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.08.08 # ah thx 21.08.14 Join mag [0] (n=mag@nv.fbab.se) 21.08.24 # did not notice this little magic hole before :) 21.09.06 # heh... On the iRiver H10 20gb you NEED the reset hole because the original firmware doesnt shut down, only goes into sleep eating away at the batteries. 21.09.11 # hello! I have this problem with rockbox on the nano. I'm using the cvs builds, but i've also tried the daily builds. 21.09.27 Quit menosm_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.09.54 # I'm new to rockbox, so I don't know what to do when i select "rockbox" and then it seems to go back to the calendar/contacts/notes state 21.09.55 Quit habana ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 21.10.12 # Anyone seen this? 21.11.00 Quit Gnelik (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.11.23 # mag - When you select rockbox from where? bootloader? 21.11.29 # mag: You are in the file browser view - calendar/contacts/notes are folders on your iPod. rockbox is the firmware file, and by selecting it, you run it 21.12.50 # On an iPod, you probably need to use Database View - it's more like the way that the iPod works. There is a section in the manual about it (though it may be referred to as TagCache in the manual) 21.13.06 # ...and another ususpecting user becomes a victim of the cunning ROLO :-D 21.14.41 # dan_a: I'll be around for a few hours still, so if you have anything to test don't hesitate. 21.14.45 # I really think that it shouldn't be so easy to do that. It's great for developers, but not so great for users 21.15.01 # PaulPosition: I'm working on it at the moment 21.15.08 # thanks, I'll try it 21.15.08 Join rotator [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) 21.15.19 # maybe rockbox.h10 shouldn't be there with 'view supported' but only with 'view all' ? 21.15.33 # So it's less of an obvious 'CLICK ME' to the new ones.. 21.15.48 # Can I get it to import the existing ITunified database that already is there 21.15.48 # (make it rockbox.ipod or whatever) 21.16.24 # mag - If you search the wiki, I think someone made a plugin for that but I can't say if it works well or at all. 21.17.14 # mag: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ConvertiTunesDBtoTagCache 21.17.14 # PaulPosition: thanks 21.17.28 # dan_a: great, I'll try that next 21.18.26 # mag- personnally, i find iTunes way of cramming all the files together with cryptic names totally stupid, and it stops me from moving them songs freely (like, is my Mozart that 111_EC-082323EOCDD.mp3 file or is it rather the 8902_FFFLO32L555_CD2332.mp3 ??) 21.18.57 # eh, is a tool needed? 21.19.13 # can't you just let rockbox scan and build a database itself? 21.19.33 # PaulPosition: i don't think apple's priorities are in letting users move songs freely... 21.19.56 # preglow - Of course they're not. Oh, I did say stupid, I meant crippled-by-design 21.19.56 # PaulPosition: I agree totally, that's why I'm trying RB. But it's nice to be able to convert the existing files already on the device 21.20.20 Join tucoz [0] (n=martin@rockbox/staff/tucoz) 21.20.25 # mag - sure do, get started quick and THEN fiddle with the device as time allows :) 21.20.50 # I'm confused by this code...say r0 is a GPIOD_INPUT_VAL, then lsl r0, r0, #0x1B; asr r0, r0, #0x1F; add r0, #1 extracts a bit and adds 1 21.20.56 # PaulPosition: what are you saying? that it will never be perfect? :) 21.21.23 # then is cmp r0, #0 ever true? 21.21.31 # mag - nope, I understood you wanting to get started using that and only then taking time to explore the native database or other stuff. :) 21.21.37 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B159CF.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.21.38 # lowlight: what kind of assembly is that, reminds me of th z80 and c64 21.22.15 # PaulPosition: You're correct, I have to have it working tomorrow since I'll be travelling for hours 21.22.17 # PaulPosition: That wouldn't make sense - the rockbox. (resp. ajbrec.ajz / archos.mod) _are_ supported files 21.22.28 # mag: arm 21.22.30 # PaulPosition: but ofcourse I couldn't wait :) 21.22.36 Quit SUSaiyan ("Ex-Chat") 21.22.53 Join SUSaiyan [0] (n=susaiyan@ 21.23.05 # lowlight: yeah it looks like a combination between the amiga and z80 somehow :) 21.23.57 # this is my first venture into code disassembly 21.24.23 # amiconn - Yeah, I see where your coming from. They are indeed. Thing is so many Official Firmware hides the 'music' or 'mp3' or whatever folders that, on first boot, you only get like rockbox as a menu item. 21.25.12 Join mick_linux__ [0] (n=clamwin@adsl-223-210-51.mia.bellsouth.net) 21.25.30 Quit Dhanjel () 21.25.50 # Maybe a default view of 'show all' and it'd be obvious one is looking at the drive's root? Or no change anyway since, after a 20 seconds panic, most users find out where they erred. :p 21.25.58 # lowlight: To answer your question - yes, r0 may become 0 21.26.45 # * amiconn still wonders why so much arm code uses shifts _that_ excessively 21.26.45 Join niskel_ [0] (n=niskel@fctnnbsc15w-156034064250.nb.aliant.net) 21.26.46 # how? I thought the bit would be 1 or 0, then +1 21.26.59 # No, it would be -1 or 0 21.27.05 # (before the addition 21.27.07 # ) 21.27.23 # The register, of course, not the bit 21.28.04 # lsl r0, r0, #0x1B shifts bit 4 up to the MSB 21.28.23 # bluebrother, do you know how to make a section not automatically be assigned a number 21.28.27 # asr r0, r0, #0x1F then shifts it down - but an arithmetic shift sign-extends 21.28.35 # ...and the topmost bit is the sign 21.28.36 # * jhMikeS looks sadly at the empty cradle :( 21.29.07 # bluebrother, now i do \subsection*{Preamble}, but the result is G.1.1 Preamble 21.29.21 Quit SUSaiyan (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.29.29 # So what ends up in r0 after the addition is gpio bit 4 - negated 21.29.46 Join SUSaiyan [0] (n=susaiyan@ 21.29.53 # ok (i think)...that will occupy my mind while I go sit through a meeting :) 21.29.59 Quit God_Eater (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.30.06 # (and I would do this with only 2 instructions) 21.30.28 Join God_Eater [0] (n=kate_sho@host-83-146-12-93.bulldogdsl.com) 21.31.05 # In case you want to know: mvn r0, r0, lsr #4; and r0, r0, #1 21.31.21 # bluebrother, nevermind. I looked at the wrong page. Adding an asterisk is the way to go. 21.31.48 # (and the latter could even be ands r0, r0, #1 , saving the cmp instruction afterwards) 21.32.47 # But compilers are dumb, sometimes... 21.33.49 Quit lowlight ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 21.36.23 # PaulPosition: At the moment, I'm completely stumped 21.37.00 # dan_a: no problem, I can understand that. :) 21.37.47 # dan_a, PaulPosition: Thanks that tool did the trick, I somehow managed to create a playlist :) 21.38.01 # dan_a: I'll be happy to provide any more information or testing if you need it, urgency is sooo un-rockbox-like.. ;) 21.38.01 Quit nudelin ("Hammer of Dawn is offline.") 21.38.13 # mag - happy that you got going, then. :) 21.38.31 # PaulPosition: yeah, now I just have to figure everything out :) 21.38.50 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.39.26 Quit mick_linux (Connection timed out) 21.39.48 Join G|iTch_ [0] (i=GliTch_@24-171-53-170.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) 21.40.32 # mag - the manual may seem heavy but actually, when you skip the plugins and advanced topics like WPS-creation, it's pretty simple. The 'Browsing and Playing' chapter is about the most important one and is a quick read. 21.42.03 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.42.15 # bluebrother, I'll think i just commit what i have done. It is mainly some changes to the GFDL and also the GPL made to compile in our manual. 21.42.57 Quit bluey- ("Leaving") 21.43.14 # I do not think i should write the license information as of now. 21.44.05 Join Atomicsuset [0] (n=Atomicsu@dynamic-acs-24-144-249-148.zoominternet.net) 21.44.31 Quit niskel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.44.45 # Just curious, has any WPS creator ever explicitely made his work gpl, or creative-common or something? Mine, when I finish it, will be but I wonder... 21.44.50 Quit Arathis_ ("[rl_bot quit]") 21.45.09 # PaulPosition, that was one of the criteria to get the wps in cvs 21.45.19 # (iirc) 21.45.35 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484A96D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 21.45.50 # tucoz - The default one, or the iCatcher? I'll go and have a look at the galleries anyway. :) 21.46.00 # PaulPosition: thanks I'll give the manual a go later tonight 21.46.17 # PaulPosition, my guess is all the wps' that are in cvs 21.46.26 # mag - Well you're very welcome. 21.47.37 Quit G|iTch_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.47.52 Join G|iTch_ [0] (i=GliTch_@24-171-53-170.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) 21.50.01 Join nudelin [0] (i=nudel@dyn-62-56-66-224.dslaccess.co.uk) 21.52.12 # PaulPosition, have you read the SubmitWPS wiki page? It is stated there that "WPSes submitted for inclusion in Rockbox must be: # Licensed under the GPL ..." 21.52.49 # test 21.52.53 # tucoz - Cool, thanks for the tip. I don't think I'll be submitting anything for inclusion though :) 21.52.56 Quit Atomicsuset () 21.53.11 Join Atomicsuset [0] (n=Atomicsu@dynamic-acs-24-144-249-148.zoominternet.net) 21.53.26 # You should. The default wps is horrible on the larger displays. 21.53.32 # we should get rid of that 21.53.33 Quit niskel_ (Connection timed out) 21.54.32 # * n1s doesn't want to see that discussion 21.55.10 # tucoz - Haha... Maybe ask someone who has actual design skillz :p 21.55.22 Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") 21.55.24 Quit GliTch_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.55.33 # tucoz: I have been thinking about making some sort of wiki page or forum thread or something for discussion about sensible defaults. 21.56.01 # good idea. Like a discussion towards a default theme? 21.56.58 # yes and other settings, like the "show path" scrollbar, dircache etc. 21.57.43 # I think a theme will be the hardest to agree upon and that either a vote or dictator desition should be made :-) 21.57.55 # I don't think there are sensible defaults that fit all targets 21.58.02 Quit Lear ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023]") 21.58.16 # of course not and that complicates everything 21.58.18 Quit Plouj ("modem maintenance") 21.58.25 # should the defaults fit all targets at any cost? 21.58.39 # tucoz - Well if they're default... :o 21.58.47 # The only defaults I am not happy with are (1) "fade on stop / pause" being enabled and (2) "disk poweroff" being disabled 21.59.02 # can't we have different defaults for different targets? 21.59.03 # All others are ok-ish 21.59.04 # and (3) dircache disabled 21.59.07 # ;) 21.59.15 # amiconn: why no disk poweroff 21.59.33 # Dunno, maybe crash protection 21.59.42 Quit Atomicsunset (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.00.13 # What would be sensible settings for disk poweroff now that you talk of it. Never could figure out that option. :puzzled: 22.00.27 # and i don't think we'll ever get anywhere if we try to agree on settings that everybody like, I would rather see defaults that make it as easy as possible for newcommers. 22.00.41 # E.g. cvs rockbox for archos players doesn't have disk poweroff at all, and that's for a reason, even though the hardware is capable of powering off the disk (except the very early models) 22.01.10 # The reason is that _some_ players crash when re-enabling the power from off state 22.01.21 # but for players gaining battery life, shouldn't those be defaulted to use this setting? 22.01.38 # that is an example where different defaults may be a good idea 22.01.52 # Mine doesn't, and my own build does have disk poweroff, and I have it enabled of course 22.01.59 # I always use it on my H300 ant it works like a charm 22.02.00 # With the range of targets these days, we should be able to fine tune the settings shipped. 22.02.09 # speaking of the GPL. any news on the ebay business? 22.02.42 # I guess none of the newer models have problems with disk poweroff, and neither the archos recorder range has 22.02.52 # So imho this option should be always enabled 22.02.58 # +1 22.03.25 # didn't your test reveal quite an improvement in battery life with this enabled? 22.03.26 # On player cvs doesn't have the option, and people building themselves should know what they're doing 22.03.35 # Yes of course 22.03.39 # would that patch be accepted? maybe I have a project for tomorrow :-) 22.03.57 # It saves the hdd standby current when the disk isn't needed, i.e. most of the time 22.04.24 # does it save battery on the 2MB ram players as well? 22.04.30 # sure 22.04.51 # cool. Then it's a win win 22.05.16 # why not just remove the entire option? 22.05.20 # hehe 22.05.24 # Anyone knows if the info->debug->tagcache entry is actually looking at 'database' or if it's linked wrong..? I can't seem to initialize DB, it never commits, so I took a look but "progress: -1% (0 entry)" sounds weird. 22.05.31 # cure the optionitis a little 22.05.35 # indeed 22.05.35 # preglow: I also thought about that 22.05.52 # One tiny drawback of disk poweroff is that the spinup takes slightly longer 22.05.53 # preglow: that's even better :-) 22.06.00 # amiconn: i don't think anyone'd notice 22.06.11 # preglow, believe me. someone will 22.06.13 # i checked for a difference myself, and it's not very big 22.06.18 # ..because power has to be enabled first, allowed to stabilise, and then send the start command 22.06.29 # Half a second or so 22.06.37 # yeah, and that really is almost nothing 22.06.48 # especially in these days of dircache, another option that should default to on :> 22.06.54 # urgh 22.07.04 # i think so too 22.07.10 # If it were robust, perhaps 22.07.14 # But it isn't 22.07.36 # Put the hvsc on your player and enable dircache 22.07.51 # * n1s tried that :-( 22.07.55 # ah. right 22.08.05 # It should either be able to cope with such an amount of files, or gracefully disable itself in such a case 22.08.34 Join kclaf [0] (i=kclaf@ 22.08.34 # n1s: I didn't, but I know the reports... 22.08.43 # hi 22.08.51 # amiconn: it will gracefully disable itself 22.09.20 # Slasheri: for me it would scan the disk for about 10 seconds on every boot 22.09.44 # well, it can't know how many files there are until the entire disk has been scanned.. 22.10.06 # yes but it did it on _every_ boot 22.10.12 # hmm, true 22.10.30 # it does that because it previously failed to determine the cache size 22.10.45 # ok, that can be fixed.. 22.10.52 # it could default to the max cache size in that case 22.11.05 # it would still scan on every boot, but in background and silently fail 22.11.29 # Does the dircache size decrease after the next boot if you remove files? 22.11.44 # of course it does 22.11.55 # but that takes two boots for it to decrease 22.12.23 # Oh, so it doesn't track what's added / removed while running? 22.12.42 # ah, if you use rockbox usb mode, it does then 22.12.49 # so one boot only 22.13.05 # I mean when deleting from within rockbox, mainly 22.13.15 # yikes. laptop almost out of battery. bye bye 22.13.19 Part tucoz ("Leaving") 22.13.22 # deleting does not affect cache size until next reboot 22.13.42 # Yes, but not two boots then? 22.14.22 # hmm.. it depends. If you delete live using rockbox ui, then it takes two boots 22.14.29 # with usb, one boot should be enough 22.14.51 # but now sleeping -> 22.16.03 # I just timed it, the "scanning disk" splash is displayed for 22 seconds on my h320 with approximately 35000 tracks including HVSC 22.16.41 # does the latest release come with all available pluggins? 22.16.47 # yes 22.17.01 # * Atomicsuset nods 22.17.03 # k 22.17.11 # Atomicsunset - anything in particular? 22.17.31 # just very excited to the whole new setup 22.17.48 # just wanting to make sure there isnt anything badass i havent checked into :P 22.18.10 # i got that theme working paul! thanks again my ipod is f*cking sweet! 22.18.31 # the only draw back ive noticed is that it takes forever to transfer files now 22.18.33 # atomicsunset - That's cool then. :) What did it, a reset of the settings? 22.18.46 # no, i didnt have the font installed 22.18.55 # atomicsunset - Oh, right. :p 22.18.57 # font made a big difference 22.19.10 # but with anapod i could transfer at 22mbs 22.19.17 # * n1s thinks of his patch rotting away in the tracker 22.19.17 # atomicsunst - that 'slow loading' file is weird.. 22.19.22 # i dunno what i transfer at now but its slooooow 22.19.56 # bout 5 hours for 15gig of transfer 22.20.17 # and my stoopid album art locks up the player :P 22.20.37 # Nano? 22.20.46 # atomicsunset - hmm, I don't own a pod so can't say, but this slow seems very weird. 22.20.51 # i just have rename the album to Albumname.bmp and place it in the folder of the album right? 22.20.59 # amiconn - video 22.21.28 # atomicsunset - I usually go with 'cover.bmp' as it's the default name and it spares me of typo's when writing the file. 22.21.36 # ohhh 22.22.04 # atomicsunset - but albumname should do. Of course you need to feed it proper bitmaps, not renamed jpegs ;-) 22.22.06 # so literally "cover.bmp" not like "division bells.bmp" 22.22.11 # lol 22.22.23 # i was trying renamed jpegs :P 22.22.45 # atomicsunset - yeah, I don't know how rockbox treats whitespace in titles/filenames so I rather go with the very generic 'cover.bmp' 22.22.47 # how do i make a "proper" bitmap? 22.23.09 # atomicsunset - You did? Howww... You're under windoze? 22.23.24 # Hmm, does anyone know whether the album art patch uses the core BMP loader? 22.23.27 # so each album will have a bitmap named "cover.bmp" 22.23.34 # lol rename 22.23.47 # * amiconn guesses it does 22.23.55 # paulposition - i just renamed the extension to .bmp 22.24.05 # atomicsunset - Yeah, works best of course if you have one folder per album ;) 22.24.10 # * amiconn thinks about adding some more safeguards against malformed BMPs 22.24.45 # atomicsunset - But opening the jpeg in any graphic editor (like Paint) and save-as..., choose bmp and you're done. 22.24.51 # ohhh 22.25.04 # should i resize it to 100x100 or does it matter? 22.25.15 # amiconn: last I heard the resize bmp patch that is required by the album art relies on the old bmp.c (before your overhaul) 22.25.16 # will it resize it inside the player 22.25.36 # atomicsunset - Well resizing in a windows/linux/mac application will give you a cleaner image than the cheap bmp_resize patch does. 22.25.49 # k 22.25.54 # gonna give this a whirl 22.26.02 # 100x100 for video ipod correct? 22.26.10 Part swimmer ("thx to push the button") 22.26.14 # amiconn - N1s is right on that.. Compiling my own build I need to use bmp.c ver. 1.35 22.26.18 # n1s: Oh, you mean that crappy cropping resizer? I remeber having had a quick glance on that one... 22.26.56 # PaulPosition: I'd rather ditch resizing and use the new bmp.c 22.27.59 # The old bmp.c is even less forgiving to malformed BMPs than the new one (and it supports less pixel depths) 22.28.09 # amiconn - I sure could understand that. Since I don't need the resizing anyway unless I start switching WPS. 22.28.33 Quit mag ("thanx") 22.30.08 # ok well it didnt crash, but my album is showing up just black 22.30.10 # no image 22.30.14 # but its a small step 22.31.33 # Atomicsunset - might be the wps is a bit old and has outdated code for showing the art.. dunno, you'll get more support and information on the page where you downloaded the wps (like expected size for art if the build doesn;t include resize-patch, etc..) 22.31.59 Join GliTch_ [0] (i=GliTch_@24-171-53-170.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) 22.31.59 # * bluebrother again throws in the idea to ship some default settings for various uses and let the user simply pick one 22.32.05 # well i get album to atleast show something... 22.32.17 # but instead of the default image its a black square 22.34.02 Nick mick_linux__ is now known as mick_work (n=clamwin@adsl-223-210-51.mia.bellsouth.net) 22.34.38 # Atomicsunset - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/AlbumArt#Troubleshooting 22.35.15 # Atomicsunset - Read that part about %C and %Cl tags and have a look into your /wps/whatever.wps file from a text editor.. 22.35.28 Part mick_work 22.39.49 Quit MarcoPolo (Remote closed the connection) 22.43.49 Quit SUSaiyan (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.44.51 Quit G|iTch_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.48.24 Join Doomed [0] (n=doomed@ool-44c126d4.dyn.optonline.net) 22.48.46 # hey 22.49.35 # ho 22.51.35 Join SUSaiyan_ [0] (n=susaiyan@ 22.52.06 Join amigan [0] (i=dcp1990@unaffiliated/amigan) 22.56.36 Join lowlight [0] (i=c730180a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b6ce65bd20ea1657) 23.00.12 Join anathema [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) 23.04.40 Join [Gino] [0] (n=Gino@pool-71-254-100-5.ptldme.east.verizon.net) 23.05.38 Quit freqmod (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.05.48 Quit Atomicsuset (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.07.15 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.08.34 Join Phoenix7477 [0] (n=matt@d142-179-136-166.abhsia.telus.net) 23.08.51 # If any developers of rockbox are on here, i just want to say thanks! :) 23.09.06 # Anyone would verify a bug with me? Trying to get 'Database' to initialize. Leave it on for a good 30 minutes. Shutdown takes a whopping 20 seconds or so. On reboot, no 'committing database' no nothing. Of course, trying to navigate using tags triggers 'database not ready' errors. 23.09.36 # I've only got about 4gb of mp3, id3v2 tagged music. Using cvs from around same hour, yesterday. 23.10.07 # does building with logf save the logf messages to a file? 23.10.30 # markun - Good question, I never built 'devel'.. (that's whats needed right?) 23.10.46 # yes 23.10.59 # no, you need to debug>logfdump 23.11.33 # Ahh. Okay. I'll have a look like right now. 23.11.52 # lowlight: rockbox is hanging on my gigabeat and I'm trying to find out where 23.12.02 # <[Gino]> Does anyone know if microphone/FM recording is available on the iAudio X5 w/ Rockbox? 23.12.45 # [Gino]: both afaik 23.13.18 # <[Gino]> Thanks! one more question, does the iAudio X5 w/ Rockbox work as a Portable Device with Media Monkey? 23.13.45 # markun: logf outputs to the remote screen in real time...amiconn suggested splitting the gigabeat's screen into two sections and using one as the "remote" 23.13.56 # lowlight - Ain't no filedump option in my debug menu. :p 23.14.09 # it is a UMS device, so if Media Monkey works with that (don't know it) there should be no problem 23.14.23 # PaulPosition: on a logf build? 23.14.34 # I suggest simply trying it out -- you can always switch back 23.14.42 # * Doomed loves mediamonkey 23.14.50 # lowlight - Ahh, sorry, didn't understand your assertion the first time around. 23.15.16 # * bluebrother prepares sleep mode 23.16.19 # * Bagder downloaded mv player now to check it out 23.16.31 # lowlight - I haven't got a remote though.. still (D)evel->(L)ogf ? 23.16.35 # there's not even an attempt of dealing with compressed video 23.17.08 # mv player? 23.17.16 # amiconn: IPL's video player 23.17.33 # ah ok, wouldn't know 23.17.40 # This is #rockbox ;) 23.17.59 # interleaves uncompresed video with uncompressed sound 23.18.04 # PaulPosition: you can still dump the log from the debug menu as long as you don't lockup the player 23.18.19 # * amiconn wonders why ipl doesn't use libmpeg2 like we do 23.18.29 # Afaik performance on ipod isn't too bad 23.18.32 # ah okay thanks. 23.19.01 # Coldfire is another story - I would still like to incorporate mirak's patch 23.19.23 # But that one needs quite some cleanup... 23.19.40 # PaulPosition: it dumps the log to a text file in .rockbox 23.19.55 # Lowlight - Okay, selecting evel and then ogf from the configure tools it's waiting for some input.. Do I just press enter so I can make or what? 23.19.55 Quit bluebrother ("Leaving") 23.19.55 Quit mako (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.20.17 # PaulPosition: Yes, just press enter when you're done with the devel options 23.20.36 # This is so that you can select multiple options 23.20.37 # Ahh okay, it's so you could put in more than one option. Geeee, thanks. :) 23.20.44 # PaulPosition: and the log is in reverse order, ie, most recent logs at the top 23.21.49 # * lowlight sees that a tornado hit London 23.22.43 Join mako [0] (i=mako@bork.hampshire.edu) 23.25.14 # really? 23.27.40 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@virlet.rez-gif.supelec.fr) 23.31.05 # later all 23.31.08 Part lowlight 23.35.02 Nick SUSaiyan_ is now known as SUSaiyan (n=susaiyan@ 23.35.58 Quit zylche (Remote closed the connection) 23.36.36 Join zylche [0] (n=wheee@82-41-83-91.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk) 23.38.02 Quit anathema (Nick collision from services.) 23.38.43 Join wooo [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) 23.46.15 Join nick89 [0] (n=nick89@c210-49-99-250.kelvn1.qld.optusnet.com.au) 23.46.33 Part n1s 23.46.55 Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") 23.47.15 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484A96D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 23.48.12 # Weird... logfile on start up goes through playback_system pre-init, playback_api init and set buffer margin at 5s but then fails to commit tagcache (or 'database') with Incorrect Header. And then I get plenty of error messages related to parsing. 23.48.25 # Too bad, it's not like my life depends on database. :p 23.51.01 Quit nick89 (Client Quit) 23.52.29 Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") 23.53.44 Join ani-adom [0] (n=Shomakom@ 23.54.29 # m 23.55.08 # whice file on rockbox contain the codecpage lang? 23.58.42 Quit zylche (Remote closed the connection)