--- Log for 11.12.106 Server: kornbluth.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 1 day and 16 hours ago 00.00.00 # does weird things here on my h340 with latest cvs 00.00.47 # i haven't seen a lot of open source code, how does rockbox stack up? 00.00.56 # it seems like there's almost no comments... 00.01.20 # then again, i comment every single line of my code 00.01.45 Quit Blork (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.19.39 Quit Sumguy21 () 00.23.06 Quit petur ("Zzzzz") 00.29.26 Quit ender` (" Never say "Oooops" ... always say "Ahhh, interesting..."") 00.31.34 Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") 00.36.09 Quit noteventime (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.36.15 Join bawb2 [0] (n=bawb2@ 00.37.44 Quit CriamosAndy ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 00.45.30 # anyone know a decent gui flac->ogg/mp3 encoder? cbf with the cli 00.46.05 Join zivan56 [0] (n=not@ 00.50.30 # morning Jd ... 00.50.45 # hehe morning again 00.50.59 # I feel no better than I did 2 hours ago 00.51.47 # should I wait with the report then? 00.51.54 # na, shoot 00.53.06 Join matsl_ [0] (n=user@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 00.54.14 # quit 00.54.18 # ok.. no change with the resume position... but an observation: in current CVS the MMC activity symbol appears for a short time after rebuffering (pure playback) - amiconn explained to me that this is a sign that the resume position is written... 00.54.34 # that doesn't happen with your patch 00.54.59 Part matsl_ ("No reason") 00.55.19 # JdGordon: You said you didn't want the command-line, but oggenc converts directly from FLAC to Ogg/Vorbis and maintains the tags. 00.56.00 Quit matsl ("Leaving") 00.56.26 # JdGordon: and also very important - voice doesn't work anymore (that was also the case with yesterday's patch - buffer is big enough for the voice file to fit and the voice settings are displayed correctly 00.56.29 Quit MarcoPolo ("Bye !") 00.57.22 # linuxstb: i know, but im too tired to think to do the whle thig properly... how do i get it to convert every .flac under ~/flac/? (and even better, copy the .ogg intot he same folder structure except under ~/ogg/ ) ? 00.57.58 # pixelma: ok ta, voice not working is a problem 00.58.23 # and with the LCD mode "inverse" setting even weirder things are happening than with last week's patch 00.58.31 # haha 00.58.34 # how? 00.59.04 # * JdGordon found out that the h300 lcd can flip display on both axis' at the same time... makes for a very ineteresting display 00.59.37 Join pike2k [0] (n=user@c83-249-55-88.bredband.comhem.se) 01.00.08 # while still in the settings screen it gets inversed correctly... go back one level - still inverted but line selector changes to pointer selector again - you can even set it to line selector again in the specific submenu... 01.00.31 # ...going back to file browser/wps - the inversion disappears... 01.01.04 # ...enter the settings again it shows that "inverse" is selected 01.01.22 # sounds like fun :D 01.01.45 Quit pike2k (Client Quit) 01.01.51 # yup - that's what I thought :P 01.02.07 Join pike2k [0] (n=user@xbmc/staff/pike) 01.03.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.04.55 # the font browser is ok now - also the statusbar drawing after loading a theme 01.05.45 # and the new build picked up wps/font/lang/fmr from the config.cfg correctly 01.08.00 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484A533.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 01.10.54 # pixelma: shuold that invert option be live? or only take effec when exiting the item? 01.11.47 # it is live in current cvs 01.12.19 # (and works) 01.12.37 Quit bawb2 (Remote closed the connection) 01.13.40 Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 01.14.44 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-224-190.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 01.14.54 # | 01.15.06 Part barrywardell 01.16.00 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 01.25.03 # grr... LCD Mode setting doesnt work in the sim 01.25.17 # and voice doesnt work on my h300 also... 01.26.22 Join Paul_the_Nerd [0] (n=Llorean@cpe-66-69-210-194.austin.res.rr.com) 01.27.45 # JdGordon: I'm not sure but I think voice was alright with the patch of December 2nd 01.28.22 # I tihnk it was, because Im not gettin any slowness when the menu opens (which was happening when the voice was loading before) 01.28.35 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-224-190.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 01.29.12 Join l0de [0] (n=die@pool-68-160-207-130.ny325.east.verizon.net) 01.29.29 # Hello sirs, has there been any progress towards rockbox on 80gb 5.5g ipods? 01.30.44 # none that I am aware of, check the New Ports forum. 01.31.56 # I can't access forums from my work, unfortunately. 01.32.04 # But I'm sure you'd have heard if they had :\ 01.32.26 Join bawb2 [0] (n=bawb2@ 01.33.18 # yea, my work is like that too. 01.33.41 # Anything that includes the word "Forum" seems to get filtered out 01.33.44 # But I can irc ok 01.33.46 # * linuxstb works from home ;) 01.34.02 # I want to put a proxy on my home computer so I can check stuff from work 01.34.15 # but aren't sure how to do it on an xp system, and unwilling to learn and install linux 01.34.21 Join safetydan [0] (i=cbca159f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3ad93e8d655972b9) 01.34.42 # amiconn: if you're looking for fixed point functions try http://astroinfo.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/astroinfo/trunk/astroinfo/source/FixedPoint.c?revision=624&view=markup 01.35.07 # The code is GPL and has arm and m68k versions. 01.35.34 # The header is also important http://astroinfo.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/astroinfo/trunk/astroinfo/source/FixedPoint.h?revision=613&view=markup 01.39.07 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 01.43.17 # dan_a: any progress with crt0? 01.43.33 # apart from resume info, which settings shhuold be saved every time the disk spins? (as apposed to only being saved when explicitly told to save) 01.44.36 # barrywardell: appending "/usr/local/lib" didn't help my problem btw. (compiling arm-efl-gcc with rockboxdev.sh.) got still the same error 01.45.57 # barrywardell: Do you have xcode set up to compile Mac OS "fat binaries" (or whatever the dual-architecture binaries are called) ? 01.46.47 # universal binaries? yes, I did last time I checked anyway... 01.47.38 # It could be useful if you could compile ipod_fw.c (and maybe diskdump, after I add 5.5g support to it). But no rush - no-one's complained about the lack of mac-on-intel support so far... 01.48.30 # i'll look into it. it's been quite a while since i've used xcode 01.48.48 # I've never used it... 01.51.38 Quit JoeBorn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.52.14 # pixelma: does the resume info (and other settings) get saved correclty on a clean shutdown? 01.52.53 # yes they do (as far as I could see) 01.52.59 # ok, good 01.54.57 Quit obo ("bye") 02.00.51 Quit zivan56 () 02.06.25 Join JoeBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@ 02.08.12 Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") 02.12.54 # linuxstb, dan_a: here are the changes I need to make to crt0-pp.S to get rockbox to boot with the new bootloader crt0 on my h10 - http://pastebin.ca/274887 02.14.54 Quit niskel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.14.56 # the only real change necessary is invalidating the cache when the cop wakes up and making the cpu wait for the cop to be asleep 02.15.00 # so, would it be a bad idea for me to buy my (non-geeky/technical) brother an iriver and install rock box on it since it's not stable/finished/feature-complete yet? 02.15.33 # Depends on which iRiver you're referring to 02.16.14 # well, someone suggested that iriver h320 is similar to ipod in price and functionality (of rockbox), so that one 02.16.27 # (ipod nano) 02.16.40 # The functionality of Rockbox on the H320 is much more reliable than the iPods, overall 02.16.58 # Better battery life than the original firmware, and the music is less likely to skip while doing things 02.18.09 # ok 02.18.25 # what are the downsides of installing rockbox on h320 then? 02.19.04 # Rockbox doesn't play WMA files, Rockbox doesn't have video, and if it's a US H320, Rockbox removes the ability for it to play DRM'ed music (as well, switching to a firmware that supports video does that as well) 02.19.46 # and recording, I heard, right 02.19.59 # What about recording? 02.19.59 # considering that those features are not what my bro needs, it's good 02.20.10 # Rockbox has far better recording functionality than the retail firmware... 02.20.16 # oh 02.20.24 # that's not what I heard in this channel, and read on the wiki 02.20.39 # Where in the wiki? 02.20.44 # And who told you that? 02.20.45 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverStatus 02.21.30 # That page is over 7 months old 02.21.46 # Actually, closer to 9ish 02.21.55 # yeah, I've been told that 02.21.56 Quit ptw419 () 02.22.05 # well, I'll take you word for it then 02.22.20 # You could just read the manual. 02.22.27 # Paul_the_Nerd: if you read the forums and latest logs... there seem to be some problems with recording on swcodec targets atm (H3x0 and X5 seem to be affected at least) 02.22.32 # It covers what functionality Rockbox has on the H300, and you could decide if that's suitable to your brother. 02.22.53 # manual, eh 02.22.55 # * jhMikeS is reading the earlier logs and his head is going to explode 02.22.56 # pixelma: Yes, but that's not relating to the recording features, just a small glitch that occurs in long recordings, right? 02.23.06 # The dropped samples things? 02.23.15 # Or is this the "strange button combinations can cause it to freeze" one? 02.23.27 # Either way, it's not a matter of what Rockbox supports so much as a recent bug that'll get ironed out. :) 02.23.50 # You just get a spontaneous stop and 1 Dec doesn't stop? 02.24.34 # jhMikeS: to whom was the question directed at? 02.25.27 # pixelma: I saw some discussion in the logs. Anyone that can clarify really. x5 and H340 is the issue? 02.27.48 # amiconn, peter and bger were talking about it 02.28.02 # that's what amiconn reported (he did some tests) - I was there when he tried on an X5 and it seemed to occur reliably just after a non-predictable time - that's all I can say as I don't have one of those myself 02.29.58 # I'm just wondering if the problem actually starts on 6 Dec with the slight change in the DMA stuff 02.29.59 Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ 02.30.19 # that was yesterday and today before noon (GMT) don't lnow if that was tested after your last commits 02.30.25 # I need to zero a file, possibly fairly frequently, is it better to delete it completly or just truncate it to 0 ? 02.33.10 # yeah, in the 23:00's in the logs...but I'm sans x5 for a bit so can't check it out :( 02.38.59 Join Daya [0] (n=die@pool-68-160-207-130.ny325.east.verizon.net) 02.40.06 # if no peakmeters and no increase in the size/time then I suspect DMA is just stopping now (guess it was the 21:00's :) 02.43.21 Part safetydan 02.43.57 # pixelma: ok, I think I've fixed the resume info problem 02.44.07 # not 100% sure it wont thrash the disk again tho 02.45.52 # I first thought it sounded good but reading your second statement - I'm not so sure anymore... 02.46.53 # dan_a: i think my crt0 and bootloader updates are good to go into CVS. do i still need to special case for 3g ipods? will I just use the existing code? 02.47.18 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.47.26 # Why's it show starting around 21:00 on 10 Dec if it was around noon? Today's log shows only up to ~02:45 *confused* 02.47.50 # JdGordon: of course I'll test a new patch but not now - need some sleep 02.48.15 # sure 02.50.27 Part pixelma 02.57.40 Quit l0de (Connection timed out) 02.57.49 Join Pav [0] (n=chatzill@ip68-228-178-238.lu.dl.cox.net) 02.59.24 Quit Daya () 03.01.53 Quit Pav (Client Quit) 03.02.03 # * jhMikeS is just going to try a blind DMA adjustment as long as the H120 takes it ok and hope for the best 03.02.15 Join pavel_ [0] (n=chatzill@ip68-228-178-238.lu.dl.cox.net) 03.02.37 Join theone [0] (i=43a26910@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7f46ff16d6a819a2) 03.03.08 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.06.09 Quit JoeBorn (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 03.16.43 # hrm, just got the stop here on H120....rrrr 03.17.05 Quit theone ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 03.17.06 Join JoeBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@ 03.20.39 # hey jhMikeS 03.20.46 # you see my message in the logs? 03.21.55 Join Brins0 [0] (n=Brins0@88-108-60-80.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 03.22.15 # heya all 03.22.19 # basically it was a naughty yield, that wasn't yielding in the while loop at the end of audio_stop 03.22.32 # just need to ask this before I continue... 03.23.03 # does anyone know where to grab the archos cinema/podcast plugins? 03.23.25 # I was told some of you experts may know 03.24.11 # Rockbox is a replacement firmware for various mp3 players, *not* including the current Archos range.... 03.24.14 # jba: yeah. good to hear you found the problem 03.24.22 # ah, k 03.24.29 # was worth a try, thx anyway 03.24.40 # cool, just thought I'd FYI you 03.24.53 Quit Brins0 (Client Quit) 03.28.10 Quit Thundercloud_ (Remote closed the connection) 03.30.51 Quit funky ("leaving") 03.30.59 Part Paul_the_Nerd 03.32.06 # hmmm...DMA stop happened to me once but at 2m 39s precisely when a disk flush starts 03.35.40 # and a I had a complete and valid recording indicating a stop due to an error: DSR1 & 0x70 != 0 03.40.08 # dan_a: do you have your 3g handy for testing? 04.02.50 Quit nudelin ("Hammer of Dawn is offline.") 04.07.27 Join [sellout] [0] (n=sellout@c-69-241-206-137.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 04.10.56 Join nudelyn [0] (i=nudel@dyn-62-56-66-224.dslaccess.co.uk) 04.14.13 Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@53-89.netblk-69-41-89.coolaccess.net) 04.22.42 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-65-68-200-65.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 04.30.32 Join Paul_the_Nerd [0] (n=Llorean@cpe-66-69-210-194.austin.res.rr.com) 04.35.13 # hey 04.35.45 # I just want to thank yall for considering trying to find firmware replacement for the zune!! 04.36.59 Quit pavel_ ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023]") 05.02.26 Join yohannmisquitta [0] (n=fasmaie@cpe-71-72-99-25.columbus.res.rr.com) 05.03.09 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.04.50 Quit jaebird ("Leaving") 05.06.59 Part yohannmisquitta 05.20.57 Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@53-89.netblk-69-41-89.coolaccess.net) 05.23.53 Join DraX [0] (n=alex@xmms2/developer/DraX) 05.24.07 # is aac realtime on iAudio X5L ? 05.32.01 # Some AACs are, I'm not sure if all are. 05.34.26 Join scorche [0] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 05.34.35 # Paul_the_Nerd: some? 05.38.23 # As far as I know, very high bitrates may not play realtime, but 128kbps ones should. 05.39.28 Quit aridese () 05.42.18 # so are the fonts in the WPS screenshots as ugly as they look? :) 05.47.39 # I can't speak to the artistic tastes of various WPS authors. I use as a primary a black and white player with a text-based WPS, so it's pretty clear I'm not that concerned about aesthetics. :-P 05.47.48 # They aren't antialiased, if that's what you mean 05.47.55 # yeah basically 05.48.33 # Fonts are 1-bit, bitmapped, so antialiasing isn't really an option, nor is it considered worth bothering with. 05.49.03 # understandable 06.02.12 # barrywardell: do you need the new crt0 tested on the nano? or already done? 06.04.24 Quit bawb2 ("seacrest out!") 06.04.48 Join bawb2 [0] (n=bawb2@ 06.14.23 Quit _Veseliq_ (Remote closed the connection) 06.17.22 Quit BHSPitLappy (Remote closed the connection) 06.19.44 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=Steve-O@adsl-65-68-200-65.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 06.20.49 Quit bawb2 ("seacrest out!") 06.23.33 Join Mahesh [0] (i=3a444a52@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-49e43efb7136d69b) 06.24.30 # Hi every body, I have a problem with my 6GB IPOD mini 2nd generation 06.25.02 # when i attached it to PC with USB it continuosly displays Apple and batter symbol with "!" symbol 06.25.16 # can any body help me, what does this mean? 06.27.01 Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.29.49 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 06.38.52 Quit perpleXa ("Leaving") 06.41.15 Quit Mahesh ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 06.56.57 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 06.59.35 Join dantheman [0] (n=danielma@ 07.00.56 Join slimeball [0] (n=admin@trailer-park.net) 07.03.12 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.09.51 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54967B0B.dip.t-dialin.net) 07.10.04 Quit lee-qid (Remote closed the connection) 07.13.23 Join bawb2 [0] (n=bawb2@ 07.16.24 Part Paul_the_Nerd 07.17.53 # can i reflash my old rca lyra with linux? 07.20.01 # hey any i300 or i100 hackers in here? 07.20.14 # have a question about the cyprus usb chip initialization 07.21.07 Join webguest60 [0] (i=42d75940@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bf17408332aa788b) 07.22.43 # pahoyhoy? 07.23.25 Quit dantheman (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.24.52 # ipodpatcher isn't finding the pod; ipod works and shows up as a drive in win2k - any ideas? 07.26.54 Quit webguest60 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 07.26.59 Quit Slasheri (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.29.21 Quit mathgl ("Quitte") 07.35.06 Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ 07.43.32 Quit jba ("Leaving") 08.05.38 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@ 08.06.31 # anyone around who knows the voice system? I need to track down why voice is not working, the voice menus setting is set and there is an english.voice file in the proper place... where do I start looking? 08.12.20 Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 08.22.02 # JdGordon: You mean it stopped working in CVS? 08.24.40 # * jhMikeS might be able to get an idea with some input :) 08.28.23 # morning 08.28.35 # hello 08.28.41 # jhMikeS: Found my recording reports in the logs? 08.29.03 # yes. I know why (DMA error) but I don't know __why__ 08.29.24 # Strange thing is that it works on H1x0 08.29.44 # I can make it more frequency by lower the interrupt priority. It run a few seconds and comes up with a configuration error 08.29.49 # I did not yet try to test-build for H1x0 w/o s/pdif support 08.29.59 # frequent 08.31.07 # Setting DMA1 at level3 prio 3 (not same as timers), I get DMA err: 41, DAR1: 310EC290 (pcm_buffer address), BCR1: FF000000 08.31.23 # wonder why not a bus error or something 08.31.49 # But it's most likely due to setting it at level 6 08.32.46 # I did a test recording of ~100 minutes on H140 y'day, which worked 08.33.07 # (line in) 08.33.42 # I tested right after reading the logs and it happened to me on the H120, but just once. It's definitely a DMA error from the description. 08.34.00 # You mean you got an UIE screen? 08.34.15 # no 08.34.26 # DSR1 & 0x70 type 08.35.44 # That type of problem will post PCMREC_STOP and stop DMA transfers 08.36.13 # I just found a way to make it happen reliably within a few seconds 08.38.31 # again I ask: why would that result in configuration errors that are supposed to occurr for alignment and size problems esp. with DMA_AA? 08.38.51 # 0x41 means bus error on destinations. That doesn't make sense.... 08.39.02 Join egotrippen [0] (i=c7616228@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7090684ad7df955e) 08.39.43 # Datasheet say CE is bit 6 (0x40), no? 08.39.55 # Ah, yes 08.41.02 Quit Ensgabe ("Leaving") 08.41.03 # Datasheet also says if BCR24BIT = 1 in MPARK then bits 24-31 are supposed to be zeros, not 1s 08.41.22 # But I'm seeing 0xFF000000 in BCR1 08.41.24 Join mathgl [0] (n=mathgl@ 08.44.00 # I can think of 2 possible causes for a CE even with AA. (1) Destination isn't 32 bit aligned. Iiuc this is necessary even with AA and dest size == line, because source size is 32 bit 08.44.19 # (2) BCR is zero when trying to start a transfer 08.44.38 # It's passed a constant from recording of 8192 bytes 08.44.58 # The pcm buffer is 16 byte aligned as well 08.46.09 # I did try starting a transfer for kicks with BCR = 0 and just got a freeze 08.46.41 # Did you check SAR and DAR when the error happens? 08.47.05 # (and DCR too, since it is now changed with |= and &= 08.47.05 # I just gave those numbers...see above 08.47.09 # hey all 08.47.32 # it's been a while since i've been here, is it alright if i ask some 'current events' stuff? 08.49.30 # is a stable 3.0 release still a goal? or a new iriver h300 bootloader that recognizes the ac plug? 08.49.54 # I wonder whether DCR1 &= ~DMA_EEXT; in the ISR might be the problem. This isn't atomic, same as DCR1 |= DMA_EEXT; in pcm_record_more() 08.50.15 # how's the direction of the project, and stuff? 08.50.44 # Might try a or_l and see 08.50.53 # You could try to replace those with and_l / or_l 08.52.41 # Playback has always been using |= and &= ~ as well. What would get in there and bother it anyway? 08.55.52 # nope, same CE bit thing 08.57.17 Quit bawb2 (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.57.18 Quit dan_a () 08.59.08 # I'm wondering if something, because of lowering the priority, isn't getting more opportunity to clobber something. If it's that, I can't find it yet. 09.00.28 # jhMikeS: soz, no its woring in cvs... its not working in my patch 09.00.37 # don really know where to start looking 09.02.37 # egotrippen: i'm planning to update the bootloaders, but i am too busy atm 09.03.15 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.03.51 # i'm planning to do the rtc mod, but with a more common RTC chip with a crystal 09.04.06 # i.e not internal 09.04.23 # h300 doesnt need an rtc mod... ? 09.04.25 # JdGordon: Make sure it loads the voice file for real to start with. Check talk.c out, maybe some logf-ing 09.04.34 # ok thank 09.04.35 # s 09.04.42 # JdGordon: who said anything about h300? 09.04.56 # is a stable 3.0 release still a goal? or a new iriver h300 bootloader that recognizes the ac plug? 09.04.59 # * jhMikeS thought there was no room in there 09.05.41 # LinusN: oh hmm... i thought your 2 meesages were follow on... dw 09.05.47 # JdGordon: ah... 09.05.52 # * JdGordon backs away slowly 09.05.58 # heh 09.06.03 # that h100 rtc mod looks awesome tho 09.06.07 # ok, thanks for the info 09.06.10 Nick myzar is now known as myzar|away (n=myzar@ 09.06.27 # where's a link to it? 09.06.35 # le wiki 09.06.47 Join simple [0] (i=cba20392@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-96f8c504fa4e57a1) 09.06.55 # hi 09.06.59 # ho 09.07.03 # zz 09.07.31 # haha 09.07.57 # quastion 09.08.01 # help me 09.08.06 # answer 09.08.08 # no 09.08.15 # plese 09.08.22 # * Bagder sighs 09.08.25 # then ASK! 09.08.53 # a.... very esye quastion 09.08.55 # plese 09.08.59 # a... 09.09.07 # easy quastion pa 09.09.11 # please 09.09.32 # * Bagder tries his mind reading abilities but fail 09.10.03 # sorry 09.10.16 # you guys haven't implemented the ESP function yet? 09.10.18 # jeez 09.10.24 Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bed1e176b7fe4e69) 09.10.37 Nick myzar|away is now known as myzar (n=myzar@ 09.11.40 # simple: ASK YOUR QUESTION 09.12.06 # bah... yelling in the morning... yawn 09.12.21 # * LinusN needs more coffee 09.13.01 # a... 09.13.15 # ipop A/S... 09.13.19 # korea... 09.13.45 # * muesli__ nudges LinusN..hand some over pls! 09.14.25 Quit simple ("CGI:IRC") 09.14.47 # * Bagder shakes head 09.14.54 # * jhMikeS guesses he's up schitz creek and should just set the DMA1 priority back since it works 09.16.28 # egotrippen: question is which would have been the most effective in this case, ESP or EMP 09.16.51 # heh 09.16.58 # i'd settle for a barrista function 09.17.09 # jhMikeS: Would be interesting to see SAR1, DAR1 and DCR1 values when the error happens 09.17.19 # i wonder, was "ipop" maybe "ipod"? 09.17.29 # i'd guess 09.17.43 # amiconn: I gave 2 out of 3 them to you but I'll get them all. Gimme a minute 09.17.43 # but i don't know about the "A/S" 09.17.43 # or maybe it was a knockoff brand, and he wondering why RB wouldn't work 09.17.57 # * petur has some Kókómjólk - or rather wished he were in a place where they had plenty of it 09.18.03 # would have made sense if Apple was a danish company :-) 09.18.26 Quit mathgl (Remote closed the connection) 09.18.34 # =-) 09.19.11 Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 09.21.21 # jhMikeS: 2? I only found 1: DAR1 09.21.38 Join _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@ 09.21.55 # so, i'm still curious... is there a desire for the 3.0 release? i kind of fell out of things when that never materialized, and when the forums changed format 09.22.03 # what are the project goals, nowadays? 09.22.14 # egotrippen: there isn't much work on getting a 3.0 done, no 09.22.31 # the goals are still the same 09.22.43 # just no particular work done on getting a release out 09.22.54 # ah 09.23.23 # are there goals for more 'official' releases on other platforms? i mean, obviously the current system is working well enough for most people 09.23.36 # i've been using a H300 build pretty much since audio started working on it 09.23.45 # goals, yes - har work to meet them, no 09.23.52 # s/har/hard/ 09.23.53 # gotcha 09.23.54 # there's none interested in being "release manager" and I doubt we'll manage to release without that 09.23.58 # amiconn: hehe...I read again and realized that :) 09.24.21 # ... seeing how we failed the last time we'd have to make it differently the next time 09.24.39 # a bugfixing period would be good tho... I've recently started looking at some to fill up the little bits of spare time 09.24.50 # amiconn: DSR1: 41, SAR1: 80000074, DAR1: 310EC3A0, BCR1: FF000000, DCR1: B00E7FFF 09.25.15 # mmmm 09.26.03 # petur: I agree an official "bug fixing period" would be a good thing 09.26.29 # i'm.... i'm not exactly phrasing this right, but i'm kinda sorry to hear that there's not more of a concerted effort 09.26.29 Quit petur ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 09.26.38 Join p3tur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9ca255f28f2d2785) 09.26.39 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m64.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 09.26.41 # seems like the farther along it gets, the harder it'd be to organize 09.26.48 # seems like the farther along it gets, the harder it'd be to organize 09.26.58 # I'm not sure about that 09.26.59 Nick p3tur is now known as petur (i=d4efd6a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9ca255f28f2d2785) 09.27.10 # sorry for the double. lag 09.27.19 # In my view, it is just about the very high goals we've had on "releases" 09.27.29 # goals that are very hard to reach and take very long time... 09.27.42 # makes sense, yeah 09.28.18 # but also because us devs don't have a lot to win on making releases as we manage quite fine with the dailies 09.28.28 # i just remember a main part of the push back in may was to get a bug free release, so new work wasn't built on buggy bases 09.28.33 Join terriblyinept [0] (n=energy_O@ 09.29.03 Join Slasheri [0] (i=miipekk@rockbox/developer/Slasheri) 09.29.06 # i'm not a coder, so i don't have real working knowledge of the way it goes, but 09.29.17 # that sounded pretty good, y'know? :) 09.29.22 # I agree 09.29.48 # but our "bug fixing periods" tend to equal "only a few devs doing anything and the rest just waiting for the period to pass" 09.29.55 # yeah 09.30.27 # (I'm not saying *I* am any better, just doing observations here) 09.30.27 # Meaning most devs write fairly good code with some bugs, and a few work to work out the kinks? 09.30.40 # and another problem is that the users that are supposed to test it are not running the latest version 09.31.15 Join JoeyBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@ 09.31.27 # but instead "waits until the bugs are ironed out" 09.31.32 # eh, i'm guilty of that. i run a couple little mods that i'm not sure still apply 09.31.40 # hhehe 09.32.01 # so even if we fix bugs, we don't get the feedback we need 09.32.01 # i keep meaning to check that, i've got a break from school coming up 09.32.25 # I'm guilty of mainly playing music non-stop from a huge playlist using a single codec... 09.32.36 # Would there be any means, if a user kept updated, to know what sort of things should be played with to do said testing? On the user end exclusively, of course? 09.32.38 # yeah 09.32.42 # amiconn: It's interesting too that DAR1 is still at the start of the pcm chunk. Something's perhaps goofing up the size. It should be past the end of the first chunk when it BCR1 runs down. 09.32.43 # and most of the unofficial patches are kludges that will never reach cvs 09.32.55 # yeah 09.33.03 # maybe not most, but many 09.33.16 # one of the bigger mods i use is the 'insert albums randomly' patch 09.33.26 # that was committed 09.33.31 # oh? 09.33.39 # maybe we should mark such patches in the tracker as hacks that will not get in that way 09.33.40 # ...i think 09.33.59 # i knew the one from the menu, continue to random album or something was committed 09.34.13 # but i like mine on the insert/insert next/etc. menu 09.34.20 # ah 09.34.36 # petur: I've been toying with creating a new separate tracker to move patches that just won't get applied/committed, but I haven't yet sorted out what to call it nor how to use it... 09.34.50 # toying with the idea that is 09.35.32 # another idea I had was to have a textbox on the front page to enter a FS number in for quick access to the tracker 09.35.39 # Bagder: maybe 'mods' versus 'patches'? 09.35.46 # or 'potentials'? 09.35.57 # that sounds like a good thing to mark 09.36.16 # yeah, but there needs to be a good definitions so that we don't just create another patch tracker and then have to deal with two instead of one 09.36.27 # mm 09.36.28 # yeah 09.36.40 # petur: I like that idea as a form of contribution, but as Bagder says, it seems troublesome to implement. Would it be worthwhile? 09.37.21 # could it just be added as a marker on the current tracker? you'd need someone official to decide item to item, i guess 09.37.52 Join webguest20 [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9e97e89f418405b6) 09.38.29 # the thing is that we don't have an official standpoint on what type of patches are "cvs material" or not 09.38.52 # the idea might be very good but the implementation may suck 09.39.02 # I have a problem under cygwin. When I execute ../tools/configure I get the following error message: './tools/configure: line 22: syntax error near unexpected token `{ 09.39.05 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@fhrouter83.fh-wuerzburg.de) 09.39.13 # sounds like you could use someone on the organizational end 09.39.15 Quit JoeBorn (Connection timed out) 09.39.20 # Any ideas why? 09.39.28 # i dunno how you'd appoint someone to that position, but it might be worth looking in to 09.39.56 # The line 22 in configure contains "input() {". Nothing special... 09.40.27 # webguest20: what shell are you using? is cygwin configured for DOS or UNIX line endings? 09.42.16 # LinusN: I think it's bash. Everything worked until the last CVS update. I've built RB before without problems. 09.43.06 # LinusN: I also tried sh < ../tools/configure --> same error message 09.43.10 # i don't recall any changes in tools/configure lately 09.43.43 # not since Nov 27 09.44.04 # LinusN: yes, that disappointed me as well. How can I check which line endings are in effect? 09.44.06 # I blame cygwin somehow 09.44.28 # one should always blame cygwin 09.44.32 # cygwin did mess something up with the shell lately 09.45.05 # but the configure script still works fine for me 09.45.17 # Bagder: you may be right. I updated cygwin few days ago since I saw the message "update to make 3.81 to speed up builds" (or something like that) But IIRC I've built RB since then 09.46.05 # Would you recomment to update it back to an earlier version? If yes then which? 09.46.24 # amiconn: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5783 :) 09.46.31 # line 22 also happens to *NEVER* have changed... 09.46.41 # it is from the original 1.1 configure :-) 09.47.29 # i recommend finding out what the problem is 09.47.31 # amiconn: wouldn't it be best if the core and plugins shared the same code somehow? i don't like duplicated code... 09.48.31 # egotrippen: does that insert folders randomly patch still apply cleanly? I'd love to have it commited but the otheres here dont see the need, or something... 09.48.36 # preglow: agreed. more to maintain and debug imho 09.49.44 # i don't know, i'll be able to check it soon 09.49.49 # after finals week =-) 09.49.58 Part terriblyinept 09.50.00 # i love having the functionality, i hope you can get it through 09.50.23 Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 09.51.44 Part webguest20 ("Will try to solve the problem and also report back if I'll succeed") 09.52.18 # does anyone like the idea of quickly going through the patches on FS and deciding as a group which features would never be commited, and which might be if done better, and which could go in whenever a dev has time? 09.52.27 # it seems pretty self evident to me, RB being playlist based, that if the functionality should be included at all it should be in the context of playlist creation 09.52.30 # cut the open patches count down 09.52.44 # I'd rather cut the open bugreports down 09.52.51 # much more important 09.52.59 # true 09.53.08 # but not as easy to close them 09.53.14 # _work_ needs to be done :p 09.53.18 # heh 09.53.33 # * JdGordon doesnt even know where to start on most of the bugs 09.53.35 # JdGordon: the patch tracker isn't only there as a middle-stage before commiting 09.54.03 # ? 09.54.05 # i think it should contain all kinds of patches people might find useful, but won't be commited anyway 09.54.12 # perhaps we could make a 'wont-be-commited' flag 09.54.45 # i'd like to see the patch tracker as a to-be-committed only tracker 09.55.24 # perhaps one patches-for-inclusion and one patches-for-fun 09.55.25 # but possibly with a "useless" status (in bluebrother lingo) 09.55.38 # i think we definitely should have a patches-for-fun place 09.55.47 # preglow: i agree 09.55.54 # Bagder: I tinhk you'll find, most people would submit their patches in the -for-inclusion section... 09.56.10 # yes, I would also say that they should submit them there 09.56.19 # then we could move them over when we decide to 09.56.21 # like i was saying, you'd kind of need someone to determine which is which 09.56.23 # yeah 09.56.49 # there are basically two reasons why a patch wouldn't be committed: 09.56.54 # either way.. can a category be added for "not going to be commited" untill something better is worked out? 09.57.01 # 1) We don't want the feature 09.57.07 # 2) The patch is badly written 09.57.22 # it's the first that gets tricky though, yes? 09.57.28 # yes 09.57.33 # the 2) case can be remedies, 1) can not 09.57.34 # hey JdGordon 09.57.38 # hey daurnimator 09.57.43 # sup 09.57.44 # remedied, even 09.57.49 Join bluebrother [0] (i=RfOoBz2j@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 09.57.58 # 1) just needs some stong convincing 09.58.11 # daurnimator: not much.. might be getting a neuros soon :) 09.58.45 # an OSD? 09.58.49 # ye 09.58.53 # ok 09.59.30 # when? :P 09.59.35 Join webguest62 [0] (i=c1713011@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-086bec8e84928d15) 09.59.45 # bday is next month.. so around then probably 10.00.03 Quit webguest62 (Client Quit) 10.01.39 # the build i'm using has this bug, i dunno if you guys would know if it's fixed yet.... 10.02.06 # immediately after turning the player on, if i hit 'stop' before the resumed song is fully loaded, the player locks up 10.02.13 # on the H300 10.02.18 # I get that as weel 10.02.20 # well 10.02.28 # yeah? 10.02.40 # it's not a huge deal, especially because i keep a pen around that can hit the button 10.02.50 # but i was wondering 10.03.44 # the bug is in the tracker, there's a fix for it too 10.04.32 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6317 10.06.09 # nice 10.07.02 # petur: my patch is hardly a real fix. that problem needs mucho work to really resolve. :) 10.07.18 # that answers my questio then :p 10.08.36 # you'll get codec failures afterward. 10.10.37 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host44-145-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 10.11.42 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 10.11.50 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host44-145-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 10.13.31 # * jhMikeS would like to make up a proper queue_send function which would eliminate that private queue in playback.c but is racking his brain on what could be fudging up recording DMA transfers when using a lower priority :) 10.14.07 # you mean like postmessage and sendmessage in the windows api? 10.16.08 # petur: yes, just like that so that each message is replied to with a value in turn instead 10.19.00 # gtg 10.19.06 Quit petur ("worrrk") 10.19.14 # right now when waiting, threads don't know who's particular message a value was set for and it could change back to a wait value during the yields even if the message posted was responded to 10.19.52 Quit miepchen^schlaf ("Verlassend") 10.21.23 Quit egotrippen ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 10.23.34 # JdGordon: I just realized that when the settings are saved in a file resetting them doesn't work like before. 10.24.05 # how is this supposed to work then? Should still be possible 10.24.20 # with cvs? 10.24.28 # sorry, hmm 10.24.36 # reset shhuold be working 10.25.15 # I just reset on my h300 and it worked as expected 10.25.25 # JdGordon: so... got anything cool i can play with? 10.25.30 # eg, new player or something 10.25.32 # no, with your patch. Haven't tried it but I realized that clearing the config block should work different 10.25.45 # or am I wrong? Do you still check some cookie in the config block? 10.25.47 # daurnimator: nup, you can play with fs 6399 tho :) 10.25.56 # fs 6399?? 10.26.01 # flyspray 10.26.10 # bluebrother: hang on.. rese from the menu or on startup? 10.26.19 # JdGordon: does it work with both methods of reset, i.e the Rec-on-startup and the Reset in the settings menu? 10.26.22 # I'm thinking of startup, not from a menu 10.26.32 # both shhuold be wring 10.26.46 # JdGordon: you should know i have nothign to test with 10.26.54 # afaik the rec-on-startup simply makes the config block invalid, causing Rockbox to go back to defaults 10.26.54 # bah 10.27.10 # but if the settings are in a file this won't work anymore, does it? 10.27.16 # both work correctly 10.27.23 # hmm, ok. 10.27.25 # no, rec-on-startup causes it to not load from disk 10.27.47 # but that's handled in Rockbox then, not the bootloader anymore? 10.27.59 # it has never been handled in the loader 10.28.08 # rec in the bootloader causes OF to load 10.28.09 # it hasn't? 10.28.12 # never 10.28.22 # ah, ok. You're right. 10.28.24 # * JdGordon has to go, back in a few horus 10.28.42 # maybe I should get a coffee first before thinking of such stuff 10.28.54 # * bluebrother wrongly believed it was the bootloader 10.29.29 # barrywardell: yo, what was up with the patch that made it not work on ipod? 10.29.30 # sorry for the confusion 10.36.04 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B9738F.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.36.30 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Client Quit) 10.40.38 Quit safetydan ("Ex-Chat") 10.40.49 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.41.05 # preglow: Didn't check the tracker and hence didn't see that patch 10.41.09 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 10.41.50 # Anyway, the fsincos() in there is mostly a plain copy & paste from eq.c (with the addition that passing NULL for the cosine pointer is allowed if you don't need the cosine) 10.47.16 Quit _FireFly_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.00.54 # found the problem :) yay! 11.01.12 # or did I? crap 11.01.55 # markun: around? 11.03.16 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.03.46 # rrrr 11.05.06 # amiconn: yes 11.05.23 # markun: The gigabeat does have an rtc, doesn't it? 11.05.27 # yes 11.05.38 # The sim doesn't see the #define for it... 11.06.08 # I know, but it's fixed in our source tree and will be ported back soon 11.06.59 Join sando [0] (n=lolsteam@ 11.16.56 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) 11.20.13 # the critical point is whether or not DMA interrupt priority is >= timer interrupt priority (4) anyway 11.22.40 Join webguest01 [0] (i=4a6829f8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-544dfabb9c68517d) 11.22.50 Quit webguest01 (Client Quit) 11.23.00 Join webguest01 [0] (i=4a6829f8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-cc0eac0113622336) 11.23.01 Quit webguest01 (Client Quit) 11.24.13 # or maybe if just greater than tick interrupts ... :\ 11.26.02 # That's the case in cvs, isn't it? 11.26.44 # amiconn: yes 11.27.54 # Cvs still causes those problems on H300 and X5 11.28.24 # how often is the pcf50606 irq triggered, and which level is it? 11.28.39 # 3 11.28.50 # it's on a tick task right? 11.29.40 # the only functional change to the DMA1 was putting it at 6 11.29.43 # The pcf interrupt triggers when the first button is pressed (adc buttons only), and again when the last button is released 11.30.12 # (enabling and disabling the adc scan for main buttons) 11.30.56 # Of course H120 doesn't have the pcf, so why shouldn't DMA be able to run at level 3 prio 3 and timers at level 3 prio 0? 11.31.33 # ticks rather 11.32.09 # why should it? 11.32.31 # dma should have higher prio than timers imho 11.32.32 # LinusN: just in principle. I haven't seen anything about it that should be a problem 11.33.13 # And especially the face that it turns up a config error and not a bus error or something 11.33.28 # if you set both to 3, the dma irq can't interrupt the timer irq 11.33.39 # BCR1 is (effectively) zero when the error happens 11.34.19 # That looks like something is trying to start the dma when BCR1 is not yet set correctly 11.34.21 # It should have advance DAR1 by that time but hasn't, it's at the initial address 11.36.17 # recording always sets BCR1 to 8192 while running...so...hmmm 11.39.06 # What code calls pcm_record_more() apart from pcm_rec_dma_start() ? 11.39.12 # That one does look fishy... 11.39.58 # amiconn: pcm_rec_have_more in pcm_record.c. removing that call from pcm_rec_dma_start doesn't affect anything. 11.40.18 # It's specifically there to be called by the interrupt handler 11.41.24 # I should say "*replacing* that call" with direct register writes to start it 11.44.54 # pcm_record_more should probably be ICODE come to think of it :P 11.45.28 # nah 11.46.03 # That wouldn't change much. There's no loop in it, and it's only called once every 8KB iiuc 11.51.55 # * Genre9mp3 points to: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=7638.0 11.55.36 # afaik, we don't have any "check if this is the same already in the buffer and just skip back and re-use if so" 11.57.01 # amiconn: It's for use by recording/effects plugins as well so the can start the next transfer then process samples 11.57.02 # so this was the case always you say? 11.57.06 # Genre9mp3: indeed 11.57.21 # I believe there's a bug report for it too 11.57.24 # many years old 11.57.40 # aha...ok... good to know 11.58.04 # That's my understanding as well. But if that's the case, why are people told to use a playlist larger than the audio buffer when testing battery runtime? Surely it doesn't matter? 11.58.08 # Even making the recording start sequence identical to the previous code still gives the same. 11.58.36 # amiconn: Did you try resetting DMA1 level back to 7 to see if the problem stops on the x5? 11.59.33 # not able to check myself atm 12.00.10 # * amiconn neither 12.01.56 # linuxstb: good point. I thought that if the playlist wasn't larger than the audio buffer, the hd would never spin 12.04.29 # suppose I'll remove tick tasks systematically and see if there's a culprit 12.05.34 # Slasheri: Can you confirm how the buffering currently works? i.e. is there any difference in buffering between playing (on repeat) a playlist smaller than the buffer size and a playlist larger than the buffer size? 12.07.49 # linuxstb: hmm, afaik there shouldn't be any difference 12.08.49 # buffering always tries to buffer as many files as possible 12.14.28 # how does the resume info saving happen currently? is there a function other than settings_save() which causes a flush of the config block to disk? 12.17.31 # there is playlist_update_resume_info() 12.18.19 # that just calls settings_save(),which is what I thought... 12.18.43 # so on a crash it is not 100% that the resume info will be current 12.19.07 # any idea how often hat function is called? 12.19.15 # time wise during playback i mean 12.19.44 # hmm, always when buffering starts 12.19.47 # (= disk spins up) 12.19.56 # and when stopping playback 12.20.10 # ok ta 12.20.24 # linuxstb: is the ipod_fw.c yet working? :) 12.20.28 # +btw 12.20.43 # let's see: usb.c, misc.c, backlight.c, button.c, lcd-h100-remote.c are all disabled and it's been going a couple minutes. did I miss anything? 12.21.47 # hmm, tick_tasks are interfering with recording? 12.23.01 # Slasheri: it seems so 12.24.03 Quit muesli__ ("ich will Khe!!!") 12.24.38 # With all those disabled it ran awhile with DMA prio low but just pooped out. 12.24.52 # Before it would only run about 5s 12.26.01 # Are there any others on the H120? What other interrupts do we have there? 12.26.14 # Slasheri: No, not yet... I'm thinking of writing my own replacement tool that edits the firmware partition directly, rather than all this messing around with extracting a partition image, then extracting firmware files, then rebuilding a partition image etc etc. 12.26.58 # ok :) hmm, that sounds interesting 12.28.19 # The problem is that I now understand what needs to be done, but ipod_fw.c is an order of magnitude more complex than it needs to be for Rockbox. 12.32.54 # Oops, missed adc_tick 12.39.03 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@fhrouter83.fh-wuerzburg.de) 12.41.57 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 12.43.12 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 12.46.11 # JdGordon: reading your comment on flyspray... it's not true... there is a difference between cvs and your patch - config changes and resume position are not saved during rebuffering and you cannot ignore that because on all Archos which run on NiMH/Alkaline batteries rockbox doesn't do a clean shutdown but runs until the batteries are flat... 12.46.54 # ..(which is wanted)... 12.47.14 # JdGordon: I'd be glad of a nano test of that patch if you have the time 12.48.37 # ...in CVS resume position gets written on every rebuffer (i.e. every minute in average) - in your patch it isn't - so in worst case I have to listen to my 40 songs or something that I heard before the batteries went dry - in cvs only the last minute or something 12.49.19 # preglow: the main problem with the patch was "getting the high part of the execute adress" - it was ok on the h10/Sansa which runs from DRAM start, but on the iPod it runs from 5MB into DRAM 12.50.33 # there were other problems too. eg. on the ipod the code in crt0 has to be below 0x100 to leave room for the boot table to be written there 12.51.13 # jhMikeS: Other interrupts shouldn't disturb recording 12.51.37 # Afaiu, recording is now on level 6, which is higher than most (all?) other interrupts 12.52.23 # But even if another interrupt delays the dma isr, all that might happen should be a loss of a few samples 12.52.56 # in that case the recording fifo could also overflow 12.53.05 # and case an another interrupt and crash 12.53.13 # *cause 12.53.24 # Why would the recording fifo cause an interrupt? 12.54.07 # ah, so that kind of interrupts are disabled 12.54.21 # All I would expect from an overflowing fifo is the loss of a few samples 12.55.59 # JdGordon: again testing CVS and patched version of the same source 12.56.22 # amiconn: well, I did disable all ticks and it's been on for 1/2 hour 12.56.38 Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) 12.56.45 Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) 13.00.27 Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-04a652aa0df54aa7) 13.03.20 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.06.49 # I also left the tick interrupt going btw 13.07.42 # seems related to actually calling the tasks 13.08.11 Join austriancoder [0] (n=austrian@ 13.12.09 # Hi all... i am looking for a volunteer for reverse engineering a mpeg2-decoder card firmware. 13.21.06 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa163.5.tellas.gr) 13.21.11 # :) Good luck... 13.22.10 # I'm assuming the amount of people idling here just waiting for a new project to reverse engineer is rather small... 13.22.17 # lol 13.25.39 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 13.30.45 # btw, it seems austrianmicrosystems doesn't like me 13.30.47 # ICR1 = 0x8c; /* Interrupt on level 3.0 */ <== !!! huh? try level 7 13.30.57 # no data sheet for me 13.33.30 # wait, never mind...i'm on the phone :P 13.34.46 Join funky [0] (n=repulse@unaffiliated/funky) 13.35.08 # * jhMikeS obviously can't discuss jewelry and interrupts simultaneously 13.35.36 # lol 13.35.46 # Bagder: Did they reply or just ignore you? 13.35.46 # interrupted by phone 13.35.53 # linuxstb: they just ignore me 13.36.10 # I used their online form to request it 13.36.29 # our friend got it within a few days using the same thing 13.36.47 # I recently mailed targa.de regarding that mp3 player but they also ignored me :/ 13.38.44 # jhMikeS: Hmm, playback is still non-maskable (level 7)? 13.39.04 # * amiconn wonders what's so special about level 7 13.39.17 # pixelma: oh, ok, I didnt realise that... umm.. code wise there shuoldnt be a difference, so back to he drawing board i guess 13.39.33 # barrywardell: ok, ill try to test it tommorrow 13.39.56 # thanks 13.39.57 # amiconn: yep 13.40.40 # Having the tick interrupt going, but not calling tasks, and DMA at level 3 (prio 3) as well is going steady for about an hour though 13.41.16 # JdGordon: thanks! 13.41.28 # pixelma: the fix I mentioned this morning (last night your time) would mean it would save every 30s or so, is tha ideal? 13.42.43 # donn't think so - it should only take advantage of "disk spinning" during rebuffer as it does now 13.42.49 Quit barrywardell () 13.43.15 # jhMikeS: I had it working stable with level 6 and no disabled tick tasks on H140 for ~100 minutes 13.43.34 # pixelma: do you know what logf option there are on the ondio? or is it sim only? 13.43.40 # amiconn: I only had the problem at level 6 one time on the H120 13.48.11 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54967B0B.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.48.51 # JdGordon: that is tested on the real target. I don't know about logf options (amiconn?). But pondlife reported that nothing is written during rebuffer on H300 too - you can test yourself: play something, change some settings, let it rebuffer and then reset 13.50.35 # ok, ive got a logf build on my h300 now, hopefully something fishy comes up 13.51.06 # ok, umm... I may have just spotted the problem 13.51.21 # if (ata_disk_is_active()) is called before doin any writing 13.51.29 # which wold explain it 13.52.53 # cool, let me know when there is another patch to test :) 13.53.00 # ok 13.53.37 # I'm not 100% sure how best to fix this... but at least im 99% sure the problem has ben found 13.53.39 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 13.53.39 # been* 13.55.47 Join yewei [0] (n=yewei@ 13.56.09 # hi, I create a new lang file for rockbox. How can I commit it into cvs? 13.56.17 # or how can I submit it 13.56.21 # wonder if I should check stack pointers to make sure they're actually in bounds on context swiches 13.56.21 # put it on fs 13.56.39 # yewei: flyspray, our patch tracker 13.57.32 # * JdGordon hopes this fix doesnt invoke endless config flushing 13.57.49 # that really wouldn't catch an interrupt going over would it? :P maybe just increase the size of the fullest one and see 13.57.58 # JdGordon, put it on fs? 13.58.17 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/index.php?type=4 13.58.28 # what language is it for? 13.58.38 # or is it an update? 13.59.48 # It for simplified chinese 14.01.25 # Bagder: does anything special need to be done when adding new languages? or do we just dump the .lang in langs? 14.01.39 # just add it 14.01.42 # jhMikeS: The stack check in switch_thread should catch any overflow 14.01.43 # pixelma: so far so good. no infinite looping 14.01.45 # the file that is 14.01.49 # ok 14.01.58 # yewei: dcc me the file and ill commit ti 14.01.59 # it 14.02.04 # (except if that overflow only writes 0xdeadbeef, which is highly unlikely) 14.02.07 # unless there are objects? 14.02.15 # objections* 14.02.34 # amiconn: what if something allocates a large buffer and doesn't use it all? 14.03.08 # Then all is well... 14.03.36 # I doubt any function allocates a buffer which it never uses 14.04.08 # ...and as soon as it uses it once, the overflow check will be triggered 14.04.12 # Even if the buffer starts say 16 bytes before the beginning of that stack buffer but only uses say 10 bytes? 14.05.19 # Hmm, then it won't be caught 14.05.47 # yeah, *could* be missed but I'm all on far-flung notions atm 14.05.49 # wow. rockbox now uses canary words for stack protection? :D 14.09.37 # hi JdGordon, I've uploaded the chinese-simp.lang as task 6425 14.10.16 Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") 14.10.30 # ok, i hope my computer doesnt mangle it 14.11.04 # ok. I'm a newbie. correct me, if I'm wrong. thx 14.11.10 # all I know is without calling the functions, DMA1 is happily sharing priority with the tick interrupt and the recording screen is running 14.13.14 # yewei: done, thanks 14.13.43 # * Bagder tries a flyspray goto-box on the front page 14.13.55 # could any of you point me to a nice IDE to use on linux ? 14.14.06 # thanks Jd 14.14.08 # Go to FS in frontpage box! woa! 14.14.35 # Bagder: i find it rather strangely placed.... 14.14.43 # where would you like it? 14.14.45 # but it's a nice idea 14.14.50 # above the search 14.14.57 # i would have seen it near the search box 14.14.59 # in the menu? 14.15.03 # yes 14.15.05 # I'd rather say below the search ;-) 14.15.05 # yes 14.15.09 # okay 14.15.18 # Bagder: can you make the search edit box for both but with a FS# button? 14.15.35 # just above the search box seems good 14.16.03 # jhMikeS: The tick timer itself doesn't disable interrupts, does it? Some tick tasks might do that.... 14.16.33 # its just that our web pages are not made very nicely 14.16.39 # I blame zagor for that ;-) 14.16.47 # Bagder: could the cvs table also auto-link FS# entries? 14.16.50 # so, no ideas on IDEs ? 14.16.50 # what ever happened to the guy who was goin to redesign the whole thing? :D 14.17.03 # bluebrother: that's a good idea too 14.17.07 # I'll see what I can do 14.17.24 # but first I need coffee 14.17.27 # I'd volunteer for doing some work on the website if I had the time 14.17.34 # Bagder: and last thing for the cvs table... make it actually use the newlines from the commit message? 14.17.44 # but unfortunately I'm lacking the time :( 14.18.06 # JdGordon: he just made some logo proposals 14.18.17 # and vanished 14.18.27 # * bluebrother likes the old logo best ;-) 14.18.33 # JdGordon: How do you add newlines in a commit msg? 14.18.34 # amiconn: not sure, will check each one 14.18.57 # bluebrother: Old logo??? you mean the current one ;) 14.19.02 # amiconn: in the text editor that opens when you commit? 14.19.06 # or are they stripped? 14.19.08 Quit firenx (Remote closed the connection) 14.19.10 # exactly ;-) 14.19.18 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 14.19.41 # * JdGordon assumes \n's were not stripped 14.19.50 # amiconn: backlight.c on x5 does 14.20.08 # JdGordon: I always use -m 14.20.09 # reading buttons from the pcf50606 does 14.20.17 # IIRC correctly I looked in the code once and found \n not stripped (but HTML is different on that ...) 14.20.32 # amiconn: I got out of that habbit after bad commits :p 14.20.44 # Keys would go dead with the remote on x5 if it didn't 14.21.38 # I thought IRQs were disabled at a level <= the irq level not < 14.22.01 # It is <=, except on level 7 14.22.02 # hahaha 14.22.09 # jhMikeS: that is correct, but level 7 is special 14.22.48 # JdGordon: What does -m have to do with bad commits? 14.22.55 # hmmm... 14.23.10 # commiting wrong files, when you just do cvs commit -m "blaa" 14.23.16 # and missing files and such 14.23.35 # * JdGordon thinks ata_disk_is_active() in ata_mmc.c is wrong 14.23.42 # I always do cvs commit -m "blah" ... 14.23.47 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 14.23.50 # ok, I see on p 3-6... 14.23.51 # returning mmc_mutex.locked; is almost backwards to ata.c 14.24.29 # * petur always right-clicks on the file/tree and uses the tortoise cvs context menu :D 14.25.03 Part austriancoder ("Kopete 0.12.3 : http://kopete.kde.org") 14.25.06 # the peakmeter code disables interrupts shortly but it seems for naught on level 7. but it's still running with that. 14.25.13 # petur: It's weird... In general I prefer a GUI over the commandline, but for CVS it's different 14.25.27 # Tortoise is too heavily integrated for my taste 14.25.33 # o.o 14.25.37 # i like torteise 14.26.02 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.26.20 # I only do diff and patch on commandline, the rest is via tortoise 14.26.39 # most things i prefer cmd line 14.26.51 # but.... version control needs an interface 14.27.22 # Bagder: The Recent CVS activity table is a bit narrow now(?) 14.27.31 # I do need some sort of coherency there for the peakmeters...what to do? mask it temporarily? 14.28.19 # * linuxstb_ always previews commits with cvs diff 14.28.29 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 14.28.39 # * petur too 14.28.53 # linuxstb: I do that as well, with cvs diff >diff.txt 14.29.31 # does anyone dissagree that ata_disk_is_active() in ata_mmc.c shhuold always return 1 ? 14.29.38 # Or just "cvs diff | less" 14.30.16 # Or just right-click and select cvs diff 14.30.17 # if something should always return the same value why return anything? 14.30.27 # * petur hugs tortoise cvs 14.30.32 # JdGordon: if I only knew what that means 14.30.38 Join perpleXa [0] (n=perpleXa@unaffiliated/perplexa) 14.30.38 # because its mostly a dummy function in targets which use that file 14.30.40 # jhMikeS: to keep a standard for 1 on working 14.30.51 # JdGordon: Nope 14.30.53 # petur: At the command-line I do "cvs diff", and then edit that command to turn it into cvs commit - no chance of mistakes... 14.31.11 # ata_disk_is_active in ata_mmc is correct the way it is written 14.31.39 # guess you need real returns in other impl. :\ 14.31.39 # amiconn: the problem is that unless the rest of the code is using that funtion wrongly, it means that the disk is spinnig, and not nessacerily being written to 14.31.55 # Yes, and? 14.32.06 # The MMC is active _only_ when it's accessefd 14.32.10 # .. so settings will only ever be written on the ondio if something else is writing at the same time as we try to save them 14.32.14 # So the implementation is correct 14.32.35 # Why does settings_save check for ata_disk_is_active at all? 14.32.51 # to not waste a spinup incase it was called too slowly 14.32.53 # That doesn't make sense, as settings_save should only register an ata callback 14.33.00 # all the ata callbacks should do that 14.33.06 # No 14.33.45 # In fact none of the callback registering should, that's the whole purpose of the callback handling 14.34.36 # The only exception would be an asynchronous callback, but then it's not the registering which needs to do the check, but the function that's invoked by the asynchronous callback 14.34.55 # settign saving is async 14.35.04 # Huh? 14.35.17 # That doesn't make any sense to me.. 14.35.25 # setting saving has to be done in the main thread because it can stkov the ata thread 14.35.39 # so a sys event is sent to all queues, handled in default handler 14.35.48 # which then calls the actually dumping file 14.36.03 # ugh 14.36.05 # That's more than ugly imo 14.36.11 # so is_active is called, which on the ondio gives the wrong return value 14.36.20 # I know its ugly, but it works 14.36.26 # No, the value isn't wrong 14.36.40 # I can just skip the call on the ondio 14.36.55 # The proper fix is to check why settings_save uses so much stack, and fix that 14.37.13 # Everything else is considered an ugly hack 14.37.56 # apart from the "fluff" which gets saved (acceptable settin values" the saving file cant be optimized very much 14.38.26 # Did you check how much stack it consumes? 14.38.49 # The 'fluff', as you call it, shouldn't have any significant effect on stack usage 14.39.23 Join funky_ [0] (n=repulse@84-123-28-183.onocable.ono.com) 14.39.27 Quit funky_ (Client Quit) 14.39.29 # I havnt checked, but it stkov'ed on bootup when I first had it calling properly 14.39.48 # ... unless we use this as an excuse to increase the ata stack size anyway? 14.40.48 # * jhMikeS notices a train of lengthy commit descriptions of late 14.41.15 # makes for goot morning readin :p 14.42.26 # They seem lengthier now, too 14.42.38 # the table wasn't that narrow before 14.43.47 # For some reason the right table margin is now just left from the sponsors box... 14.44.40 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-202-175.student.uu.se) 14.45.08 # missing some or

somewhere? 14.46.28 # Ouch... http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rockbox.org 14.46.56 # Seems to be a missing. 14.48.11 # there are no

s anymore 14.48.42 # pixelma: ok, new patch on fs... lemme know how it goes, im goin to bed 14.48.48 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 14.50.00 Part yewei 14.52.59 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@75-31.wlan.rz.uni-potsdam.de) 14.55.40 # so... what do you guys use to code rockbox ? 14.55.49 # i've been using kate up till now 14.55.56 # emacs 14.56.13 # gvim 14.56.13 # :) 14.56.25 # * petur mentions M$ DevStudio and ducks 14.57.05 # notepad2 is nice too (on windows) 14.57.13 # do these support things like jumping to a definition ? 14.57.22 # * n1s nags people to say what they think of http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6421 14.57.31 # on windows i like notepad++ 14.57.40 # but i'm looking for soething on linux 14.58.20 # how's the flyspray box now then? 14.58.44 # nice 14.58.46 # Bagder: perfect :) 14.58.54 # goodie 14.59.00 # n1s: looks ok. needs testing on all targets though 15.00.16 # LinusN: ok, anybody up for testing? 15.00.29 # Bagder: maybe add a "search" header like the other sections? 15.00.39 # has been tested for several days on h300 at least 15.03.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.05.01 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.05.11 Quit lee-qid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.07.31 # Bagder: the wiki page doesn't look right (the left side menu is too wide) propbably there are now some

on it? 15.08.04 # wiki main page that is 15.08.39 # yeps, fixed now 15.10.37 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEF375.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.10.46 # hm, the wiki front page and the front page do show the menus very different 15.11.43 # oh well, I'll ignore that for now 15.13.14 # hehe... evey left-side menu now seems it has it's own personality :) 15.13.28 # yeah but I ignore that too for now 15.13.55 # Bagder: on the front page there are -no-

s anymore and on the wiki main page I could still find

- checking in a different browser now (maybe a caching problem) 15.13.58 # its mostly due to crappy building of the html files 15.14.18 # due to Zagor's fondness of doing makefiles using wildcards 15.14.18 # ok...having no tick tasks called and just burning CPU cycles in the tick interrupt makes the problem occur just the same ... 15.16.11 # uh-oh 15.18.25 # which indicates? :> 15.21.21 # * jhMikeS is indicated to be in the Twilight Zone 15.24.12 # Nico_P: kscope? 15.24.29 Join MadDog011 [0] (n=MadDog01@cable-87-116-153-230.dynamic.sbb.co.yu) 15.24.33 Part MadDog011 15.24.46 # obo: never heard of it... i'll look it up 15.26.02 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@fhrouter83.fh-wuerzburg.de) 15.33.09 Quit perpleXa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.34.20 # jhMikeS: Hmm, so it seems we must not mask the audio dma interrupts, because latency is obvoiusly important 15.35.00 # I wonder whether using a source size of 'line' would allow for some more latency 15.35.20 # I suppose that is the case, yet they keep going with one another in contention (tested in a cheap reverb plugin) 15.35.37 # It should, because the audio i/f also allows movem.l for reading 15.36.06 # amiconn: I tried it and it was paperclip time 15.36.30 # Manual chapter 17.5 says that dma is enabled when PDIR is full, so there should be 6 samples available 15.36.40 # odd 15.38.08 Join neOliv [0] (i=52e3e414@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a02793a5e6ea0cde) 15.38.25 # 17.5 first paragraph? 15.39.37 # Anything but longword source froze it 15.39.55 # Hi there. 15.40.09 # posted a theme to the forum 15.40.12 # there: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=7628.0 15.41.08 # and as bascule stated I may need more permissions to upload it the the wiki gallery 15.41.10 # o:) 15.41.29 # is he right to think I may find someone able to help here? 15.42.07 # neOliv: wiki name? 15.42.16 # OlivierArsac 15.43.33 # neOliv: done... happy wiki editing ;) 15.43.52 Join JoeBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@ 15.44.08 # thx! THAT is fast service! 15.50.20 Join x1jmp [0] (n=x1jmp@p549F293F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 15.51.30 # obo: thanks for poiting me toward kscope, it's the best i've found so far 15.53.38 # Is it possible to use some MiB of RAM in a plugin? 15.54.00 # x1jmp: if you "eat" the music buffer 15.54.31 # Bagder: that's just around 3 MiB on my iriver 15.54.38 # what? 15.54.46 # it's more like 30 15.54.52 # RAM, but the h120 semms to have 32 15.56.08 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m64.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 15.58.06 # ah, i misread the number of the audio buffer ;) 15.58.43 # can it be used safely some way (when playing music)? 15.59.08 # no playback has to be stopped 15.59.53 # with music, you can only use the plugin buffer 16.00.02 # which is the rest of the memory where the plugin itself is loaded into 16.00.43 Join Moos [0] (i=d9805c3e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-978857b60b03450e) 16.00.58 Quit JoeyBorn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.02.39 # Grr...! no JdGordon around :( 16.03.18 # could music still work, if i only use space at the end of the audio buffer? 16.03.23 # no 16.03.57 Part LinusN 16.04.25 # if you read the logs JdGordon: you seems to have broken the "save settings" before shutdwon since days and days now :( no possibility to use dir/tagcache anyway cause the settings doesn't save (your ata changes) 16.04.51 # ok, thank you 16.05.10 # Moos: don't they save when you rolo? 16.05.30 # hi petur, didn't try 16.05.38 # let's see ... 16.07.45 Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 16.08.44 # that's interesting. i've been using the same rockbox build for one to two weeks now, and yesterday it started losing its settings 16.09.00 # petur: thx for the wiki edit permissions. first submission done. 16.09.13 # hope it will prove useful ;) 16.10.00 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 16.10.07 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m64.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 16.17.32 Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@156.80-202-167.nextgentel.com) 16.17.36 # amiconn: is movem atomic? 16.19.10 Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 16.20.32 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@dhcp-892b7a6e.ucd.ie) 16.21.41 Join Criamos [0] (n=Criamos@p54930E6A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 16.25.03 # Moos: This should be fixed as of 06-Dec 16.25.47 # jhMikeS: Atomic in what way? 16.26.24 Join terriblyinept [0] (n=energy_O@ 16.27.35 # amiconn: as in movem.l %d0-%d3,(%a0) will occur without interruption for example? 16.28.05 Quit neOliv ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 16.28.09 # amiconn: that what I thought too, but it seems that the bug is still here, I use one yesterday night build 16.28.59 # Odd question, and maybe I'm a bit too concerned with how things function, but is anyone aware of how a dualboot for the H10 would work? 16.29.06 # amiconn: no possibility to use dircache or database correctly since few days now, frustration here :( 16.29.26 # database works fine here 16.30.50 # here, if I don't activate db, it show me "-1" in the db debug screen for the progress, then, it canot do commit steps 16.31.40 # I discovered this annoying bug unfortunatly, in turning off the dircache option, and since canot use the chaches anyway :( 16.31.40 # Is there any flash based device which runs rockbox? 16.31.41 # jhMikeS: I don't know 16.32.04 # x1jmp: archos ondio, ipod nano, sandisk sansa possibly in the future 16.32.16 # ...and Iriver iFP 7xx 16.32.23 # (also not yet playing music) 16.32.46 # amiconn: can you enable the dircache thing for see the bug? 16.33.01 # like I know you don't use it :) 16.33.10 # how fast is the flash storage in comparison to ram? 16.33.20 # You cannot compare them 16.33.41 # Mass storage flash isn't directly addressable like ram or flash eprom 16.33.50 # and it has limited write cycles 16.34.16 # Access speed depends on the interface, mostly 16.35.00 # adn how long does it take until the first bytes of data arrives after a request (HDD players need some seconds to spin the disk up)? 16.35.47 # amiconn: can't find any info either but it seems like a burst couldn't be interrupted or it would screw up 16.36.46 # x1jmp: what request? 16.37.47 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p549662A2.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.37.55 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 16.37.58 # Bagder: When I want to read a file on a HDD which is not spinning it needs a few seconds until I get the data, how fast are flash devices in that case? 16.38.08 # milliseconds 16.38.28 # or possibly less 16.38.40 # ok 16.39.48 Quit x1jmp (Remote closed the connection) 16.41.27 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m64.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 16.47.03 Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 16.53.18 Quit Moos ("CGI:IRC") 16.56.17 # terriblyinept: dualboot on the H10 will give the option to load either Rockbox or the Original Firmware on startup by holding a button as it boots 16.57.54 # barrywardell: *nods* I understand the concept. I understand you're the developer? I was actually wondering, if you had the time, about what the strategy for getting dualboot running is? A patched version of the H10 firmware with the Rockbox bootloader attached, or something else? 16.58.21 # I have a working version running myself 16.58.52 # at the moment it just boots a decrypted version of the H10 firmware that's in a file on disk 17.00.07 # So, the Rockbox bootloader replaces the H10 firmware (stored in a mi4 file) and then loads either rockbox.h10 or OF.bin from disk 17.01.37 # How was the decryption managed? Did you do that on your own? 17.02.24 Join webguest09 [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-da9eb4c299d56fab) 17.03.03 # terriblyinept: H10 uses the mi4 file format which was cracked by our friend using the name MrH 17.03.25 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.03.50 # * Bagder runs off 17.04.39 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B97BB2.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.05.09 # terriblyinept: Good, good. Do you foresee any minor problems, past the point of implementing the dualboot, with using a decrypted version of the H10 firmware? 17.05.28 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 17.05.40 Nick DreamThief|off is now known as DreamThief (n=mathias@p54A81635.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.06.22 # barrywardwell: Pardon me for all the questions. 17.12.22 # not really 17.12.29 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m64.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 17.12.57 # it should be possible to even use a normal H10 firmware without having to decrypt it first 17.13.16 # and just get the Rockbox bootloader to decrypt it 17.13.32 # Argh, LinusN left... 17.13.51 # terriblyinept: sorry for the delayed response 17.14.28 # barrywardell - I wanted to thank you for your work for porting Rockbox to the H10. If there's anything I can do on the user end, or learn about to contribute as a developer, leave me a message. I'm headed out for now. I'm getting an H10 today, I believe the 5G model, in the mail. 17.16.00 # barrywardell - (I've worked with Rockbox on the H10 already; not yet on the 5G, though.) 17.16.26 # the best thing you can do is testing and reporting problems. there's loads of information about starting to contribute as a developer in the wiki 17.16.51 # barrywardell - Thanks! Have a great day. 17.17.38 # * amiconn found something very suspicious regarding CACR 17.17.45 Part terriblyinept 17.21.15 # what? 17.24.42 # Check firmware/target/coldfire/crt0.S line 174 and firmware/target/coldfire/system-target.h line 137, and the MCF5249UM.pdf page 84 17.24.54 # The invalidate bit is bit 28, not bit 24 17.25.43 # Bit 9 also doesn't match the comment 17.27.18 # do we have any trouble that might be caused by this? 17.29.25 # amiconn: does it make sense to have CPU_DEFAULT = 100MHz? I don't see an easy way to clock it any lower. 17.30.04 # the crystal freq is 100mhz??? 17.31.44 # No, 16.9MHz 17.32.08 Quit webguest09 ("CGI:IRC") 17.32.26 # but the timing for the LCD depends on HCLK which depends on FCLK (CPU clock) 17.32.49 # I will read the datasheets a bit more, maybe I missed something 17.33.14 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 17.37.33 Quit muesli__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.37.57 # amiconn: i see there is CINV bit but it's not told what bit that is, weird 17.38.42 # Oh 17.38.59 # the bit 28 (CPDI) does not look the correct one either 17.39.06 # true 17.39.18 # Looks like I confused the missing CINV and CPDI 17.41.12 # The SCF5250 manual shows bit 24 is indeed CINV 17.42.23 Quit daurnimator (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.42.39 Join daurnimator [0] (i=daurn@unaffiliated/daurnimator) 17.50.58 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B97BB2.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.53.07 # linuxstb: I think i have a universal binary ipod_fw for you. I can only test on my ppc mac though 17.53.22 Join daurn [0] (i=daurn@unaffiliated/daurnimator) 17.53.23 Quit daurnimator (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.55.14 # barrywardell: Nice. Give it to Bagder so he can put it on download.rockbox.org (I can't test on Intel either - we'll soon know if there are problems). 17.56.32 # http://barrywardell.net/assets/files/ipod_fw 17.57.21 # I think Bagder is away at the moment, so I'll point him to that file next time I see him 17.57.34 # What was involved in compiling it? 17.59.27 Quit petur ("*plop*") 17.59.34 # make an xcode standard command line project, in project settings make sure to use the universal target SDK (in general settings), and set architectures to "ppc i386" in build settings. 18.01.06 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 18.02.01 Quit Rondom (Remote closed the connection) 18.02.50 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEF375.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.03.13 # OK. I should probably upgrade to a recent xcode and try it. 18.04.29 # yes, you need a fairly recent version - i have 2.3 18.05.28 Quit Rondom (Client Quit) 18.06.07 Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") 18.09.04 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p54AEF375.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.09.52 Join Ekron [0] (n=adf@c171087.adsl.hansenet.de) 18.10.47 Join Gnelik [0] (n=Miranda@spynet.sm.chereda.net) 18.15.49 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18.15.56 Quit barrywardell () 18.16.07 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B9625E.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.16.13 Quit daurn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.16.15 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@dhcp-892b7a6e.ucd.ie) 18.18.39 Join terriblyinept [0] (n=energy_O@ 18.19.28 # damn my mp3player ( Maxfield - Ivy 1 gb ) sucks so the firmware are shit and and 18.19.47 # i think i buy the SanDisk Sansa e 250 DAP :D 18.20.35 Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@ 18.30.14 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484A533.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 18.30.19 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 18.36.49 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 18.37.21 Part terriblyinept 18.38.05 Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable156.246-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) 18.38.12 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.39.21 Join homecable [0] (i=Xx@71-87-190-176.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) 18.39.58 Quit blue_lizard (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.40.02 Join blue_lizard [0] (n=blue_liz@p549854EC.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.41.39 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 18.44.06 Quit barrywardell (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 18.45.44 Join webguest23 [0] (i=d92caed0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ded22f7326300315) 18.49.09 Quit webguest23 (Client Quit) 18.55.57 Part Gnelik 18.56.05 Join Gnelik [0] (n=Miranda@spynet.sm.chereda.net) 18.56.22 Join piquadrat [0] (n=bw@adsl-84-227-15-239.adslplus.ch) 18.56.33 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m64.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 18.58.18 Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") 19.03.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.04.36 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.05.00 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B9625E.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.07.01 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 19.07.04 Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 19.15.07 Join SoulDeaD [0] (i=logrus@ 19.15.22 # hi folks 19.22.34 # hi 19.26.49 # how come I can't check-out cvs anonymously anymore? 19.27.21 # Tells me empty password ain't good enough. Didn't have that problem last time I tried, but then again I just re-installed vmware... 19.28.01 # duh.. Nevermind, a typo on my part :blush: 19.28.04 Nick Everybody|away is now known as Everybody (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 19.29.54 Join terriblyinept [0] (n=energy_O@ 19.31.21 Quit Rudy4Pez (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 19.33.21 Quit muesli__ (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 19.33.45 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 19.34.13 Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ 19.39.02 Quit PaulPosition (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.39.53 Quit Rondom (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 19.40.17 Quit Gnelik (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.41.07 Part terriblyinept 19.42.57 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 19.45.26 Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 19.45.47 Join jborn__ [0] (n=jborn@dsl017-022-247.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 19.46.32 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 19.48.23 Join ender1 [0] (n=ender@ 19.49.01 Quit hcs (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.01 NSplit kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 19.49.02 Quit daky (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit corecode (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit crwl (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit jrockway (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit jborn_ (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit Bg3r (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit FOAD (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit crashd (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit spug (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit luckz (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit netmasta10bt (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit Kohlrabi (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit BHSPitMonkey (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit SUSaiyan (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit vr (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit ScoTTie (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.02 Quit Bagder (kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 19.49.41 NHeal kornbluth.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 19.49.41 NJoin luckz [0] (n=luckz@luckz.de) 19.49.45 NJoin vr [0] (n=Vr@cryogenia.devnullteam.org) 19.49.50 Quit MarcoPolo ("Bye !") 19.49.55 NJoin jrockway [0] (n=jon@dsl092-134-178.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 19.50.04 NJoin spug [0] (n=Spug@nygaard.ping.uio.no) 19.50.04 NJoin crashd [0] (n=crashd@lostnode.org) 19.50.07 NJoin Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@frustrum.nosebud.de) 19.50.30 NJoin FOAD [0] (n=dok@a82-93-10-238.adsl.xs4all.nl) 19.50.39 NJoin corecode [0] (i=corecode@chlamydia.fs.ei.tum.de) 19.51.59 NJoin hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 19.52.25 NJoin crwl [0] (n=crawlie@kekkone.kekkola.jyu.fi) 19.52.53 Join ScoTTie [0] (n=scott@220-253-6-6.VIC.netspace.net.au) 19.52.54 *** Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 19.52.59 NJoin daky [0] (n=sleepy@m6s02.vlinux.de) 19.53.17 NJoin SUSaiyan [0] (n=susaiyan@cc84863-b.zwoll1.ov.home.nl) 19.53.26 NJoin Bagder [0] (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 19.53.37 Quit ender` (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 19.53.50 NJoin Bg3r [0] (n=bager@ 19.54.20 Quit SoulDeaD () 19.58.32 Quit Thundercloud (Connection timed out) 19.59.17 # hi everybody. I'm trying to apply the latest scrobbler.patch, but there are several rejects. Someone got a build for iAudio X5 with scrobbler? 19.59.38 # scrobbler is in the cvs version 19.59.50 # just enable it in the settings 20.00.16 # General -> playback -> Last.fm 20.00.20 Nick Everybody is now known as Everybody|away (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 20.00.24 # ah, cool, didn't know that 20.00.46 # * pixelma points towards http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/LastFMLog 20.01.43 # awesome! Thank you! 20.02.13 NJoin BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@adsl-65-68-200-65.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 20.02.40 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@virlet.rez-gif.supelec.fr) 20.04.11 Join vertic23 [0] (i=email@dslb-084-056-237-227.pools.arcor-ip.net) 20.04.35 # hey, I got some problems with my player (iAUDiO x5v) 20.04.48 # it stucks when I try to play mp3 ...nothing happens - frozen 20.04.54 # yesterday everything was fine 20.06.10 # did you update rockbox inbetween? 20.06.14 # no 20.06.28 # I still got a CVS daily build from 9-22-2006 20.06.44 # should I try doing a new one? 20.06.58 # or reset your settings 20.07.14 # ...how do I do that 20.07.39 # doing the reset button on the player? 20.07.50 # no 20.08.11 # hold rec while rockbox starts I think 20.08.39 # ah okay 20.08.55 # or menu -> manage settings 20.08.58 # I'm doing scandisk atm ...after that I'll try 20.08.59 Nick ender1 is now known as ender` (n=ender@ 20.19.28 Join Paul_the_Nerd [0] (n=Llorean@cpe-66-69-210-194.austin.res.rr.com) 20.21.38 # ok 20.21.43 # won't work... at all 20.21.56 # how to proceed 20.22.05 # maybe I'll try a new daily build? 20.22.37 # fuck ...hopefully my player isn't fucked up 20.25.14 Join Mongey [0] (i=Mongeyc@ 20.25.22 # Any french people here? 20.26.28 # Mongey: yes 20.26.28 # * Mongey waits 20.26.32 # :o 20.26.37 # wanna help me out? 20.26.43 # sure 20.26.50 # im doing a project on french Tv stations 20.27.18 # so i was wondering what the main tv station is 20.27.32 # and what type of shows are on it 20.27.58 # I'd say the main station is TF1 20.28.12 # even though it's not the best ^^ 20.28.17 # how do you update the daily build? 20.28.26 # do I delete .rockbox? 20.28.38 # and then put the latest on it again? 20.28.44 # Mongey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TF1 20.28.45 # or how do I update rockbox 20.29.09 # vertic23: copy a new build on top of your old 20.29.16 # vertic23: you just unzip your new version in the root of your DAP, overwriting everything 20.29.22 # okay 20.29.28 # Nico_P: thanks 20.30.21 # and now I am fixed hopefully :P 20.31.16 # Mongey: you should also have a look at "France Télévisions"... it's the public stations 20.31.22 # very important too 20.31.35 # what about TV5 ? 20.31.37 # * petur returns 20.31.43 # wb petur 20.32.29 # TV5 is only available on digital TV, so it's not very popular 20.32.32 # aight... new daily build fixed it! 20.32.38 # I am so happy 20.32.42 # weird 20.32.44 # which theme are you using 20.32.55 # icatcher 20.32.56 # ty so much 20.32.58 # :D 20.33.01 # gtg 20.33.02 Quit piquadrat (Remote closed the connection) 20.33.02 Part Mongey 20.36.21 # petur is this one available for my X5V? 20.36.43 # it should be, it comes with the default install 20.36.48 # ah 20.37.12 Nick myzar is now known as myzar|away (n=myzar@ 20.37.14 # s/should be/is 20.37.32 # hehe 20.37.35 # yeah got it.. 20.37.40 # * petur points to Genre9mp3 and whispers 'creator' 20.37.43 # it's Browsing .wps files, right? 20.37.54 # * Genre9mp3 hides 20.38.59 # http://www.rockbox-themes.org/data/160x128x16/S3TUP_05.png <--- 20.39.06 # I wish it would look like this here 20.39.12 # but the text is all over the right side 20.39.24 # vertic23: browse themes 20.39.39 # well... I just "activated" this theme 20.39.50 # and.. the "text"-part is way too much right 20.39.58 # so I can't read what I am listening etc. 20.40.22 # how long before you'll make your own custom wps? :) 20.41.08 # hehe, well.. it should work, right? 20.41.16 # because it's for my player... 20.41.26 # hmm, maybe it has been updated.. checking... 20.41.33 # some themes require unofficial builds or patched builds 20.41.46 # ah.. wait.. it needs another font 20.41.54 # uwe_prop 20.42.05 # is it on it already (in general) 20.42.16 # did you install the fonts 20.42.31 # yea 20.42.37 # got it ...should work ... 20.42.42 # just checked that 20.42.51 # but still the "aspect-ratio" is kinda wrong 20.42.56 # then make sure you use the theme to install, not the wps 20.43.13 # theme = wps + other settings like font 20.46.16 # hmm, and where can I do it... or _how_? 20.46.25 Quit Paul_the_Nerd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.46.25 # I'm not sure if I know what you are talking about 20.46.46 # just a sec 20.47.53 Quit freqmod (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 20.48.05 # strange, font is included and the theme has theme cfg file and wps file 20.48.48 # hmm 20.48.51 # what's the problem really? 20.48.59 # do you want me to make a photo -g- 20.49.17 # all the id3 stuff - and battery display is way too much right 20.49.20 # so I can't read it 20.49.34 # it's like this "Battery: 7" 20.49.44 # Battery: 70% would be the whole info 20.50.05 Join _FireFly_ [0] (n=FireFly@dslb-084-056-123-106.pools.arcor-ip.net) 20.50.08 # ..but after the 7 the LCD display is ending -g- 20.50.31 # can you manually select the font he mentions? 20.50.39 # how do you mean? 20.50.42 # manually 20.50.46 # I know I got this font 20.51.34 # and did you unzip the whole theme onto your player (theme and wps dir)? 20.51.54 # and then selected it by using 'browse themes'? 20.52.06 # yeah 20.52.22 # no 20.52.25 # actually not.. :P 20.52.29 # I did browse .wps :P 20.52.34 # ah 20.52.35 # where is browse themes 20.52.36 # wrong 20.52.52 # go to menu 20.52.55 # there it is 20.53.07 # omg.. 20.53.27 # hmm but still this theme sucks -g- 20.53.35 # rofl 20.53.36 # because he doesn't scroll the titles.. 20.53.50 # so I only can read the first x letters of a title.. bah 20.54.09 # ah, that's because standard rockbox doesn't do scrolling and margins together 20.54.17 # hmm 20.54.21 # okay 20.54.29 # come back next year ;) 20.54.34 # I see :P 20.54.43 # with my old silk theme it worked anyway 20.55.42 # DancePuffDuo rocks =) 20.55.45 Join MikeW [0] (n=em@nat.davidcoulson.net) 20.55.49 # but now he took the gay orange... 20.56.06 # hahaha 20.56.25 # some themes don't reset everything 20.56.47 # wah 20.56.48 # sucks :P 20.58.18 # ok 20.58.19 Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable156.246-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) 20.58.25 Nick Everybody|away is now known as Everybody|ingame (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 20.58.26 # I love my mp3 player again =) 20.58.41 # today was the first day without it 20.58.48 # it was horrible 20.59.28 # * petur wonders where the cfg files are in cvs 21.00.57 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 21.01.51 # petur: I think they're generated from wps/WPSLIST 21.01.51 # IIUC they are generated from the wps-files and WPSLIST 21.02.02 # haha :) 21.02.09 # Scary... 21.02.14 # linuxstb wins 21.02.57 # does databox, work with the current database? 21.03.25 # we build it but it includes database.h from the old database... 21.03.30 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.04.40 # No, I don't think it works. I think it's left in case someone wants to adapt it for the database formally known as tagcache. 21.04.53 Join tucoz [0] (n=martin@rockbox/staff/tucoz) 21.05.10 # will anybody cry if I disable building it (not deleteing) 21.05.20 # I talked with HCl about it some time ago 21.05.32 # I won't. I wouldn't even cry if you deleted it (CVS remembers...) 21.05.47 # macho! 21.05.52 # linuxstb: time to delete libFLAC? :-) 21.05.53 # I think we agreed (sort of) that it is safe to delete it 21.06.22 # I can not remember when this discussion was though. 21.06.35 # ok, I'll do it 21.06.42 # Is dumb still built? 21.06.44 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 21.07.09 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-224-190.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 21.07.55 # preglow: I don't think we'll ever want the decoder, but what about encoding? 21.09.32 # linuxstb: been a while since i encoded a flac, but i think i remember concluding it's not entirely realistic 21.09.50 # but if we ever do do encoding, let's please use flake or something instead of libflac, i hate libflac :> 21.10.39 # flake is floating point... 21.10.51 # Or at least, uses some floating point. 21.11.04 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m64.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 21.11.04 # so does libflac 21.11.11 # the entire lpc deal is floating point based, afaik 21.11.26 # hmm, or no, i might be thinking about something else 21.11.41 # I thought the libFLAC issue with encoding were the wide use of 64-bit integers. 21.11.49 # yeah, that's what i remembered too 21.12.36 # but can't just whoever does encoding recommit it? i don't know what i think about keeping code around in cvs "in case it's needed" 21.12.47 # i'd also like to remove dumb for the same reason 21.12.54 # Hehe, I had to use some trickery in bounce.c to avoid using 64 bit ints 21.13.13 # preglow: Well, I can't bring myself to do it, but wouldn't shout if you did. 21.13.25 # * tucoz notices a new search box on rockbox.org. Nice :) 21.13.44 # The cordic fsincos has nice precision, but the angle argument spanning the full 32 bit range isn't very handy 21.13.54 # amiconn: why not? i find that extremely handy 21.14.20 Join t0mas [0] (n=Tomas@rockbox/developer/t0mas) 21.14.24 # it's very precise, and you get free phase wrapping if you do calculations on the argument 21.14.28 Join lowlight [0] (i=c730190b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-51074037d9f1788a) 21.15.15 # PaulPosition: i've got an updated bootloader patch. crossfeed and pitch adjustments now work. and it works on ipod color. were there any other problems that you noticed? 21.15.21 # You cannot do a full circle in N steps without roundoff problems if you don't either go 64 bit for intermediates or take special care and process the remainder (as I did) 21.16.02 # amiconn: what format would you prefer it to be in? 21.17.28 # Hmm, and the free phase wrapping isn't exact iiuc 21.17.47 # The comment says 0..0xffffffff equals 0..2*pi 21.17.56 # not exactly true 21.18.00 # ...so 0x100000000 is slightly more than 2*pi 21.18.07 # 0xffffffff is _almost_ 2pi, if i remember 21.18.09 # correctly 21.18.16 # It says so in the comments... 21.18.26 # the comments weren't changed for the new implementation, obviously 21.18.47 # but anyway, i don't know, the new sincos is done by safetydan, and i don't know how it works 21.19.10 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.19.17 # "phase has range from 0 to 0xffffffff, representing 0 and 2*pi respectively." 21.19.34 # not even true for the old implementation 21.19.42 # so that's not completely accurate, no 21.20.03 # unless my recollection is far off, 0xffffffff will be 2*pi - 1/0xffffffff 21.20.36 # but anyway, that sincos is intended more for dsp than anything else 21.20.51 # in what form would you prefer the argument to be? 21.21.29 # Not 100% sure, but certainly something that leaves room for multiplication without overflowing 32 bits 21.21.39 # that would be way too imprecise for dsp 21.21.47 # two different implementations would probably be a good idea 21.21.55 # hmm 21.22.00 # the other sin/cos implementation i am thinking of putting in also uses the very same argument format 21.22.21 # https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/astroinfo/trunk/astroinfo/source/FixedPoint.c <- this one 21.22.35 # it's more precise, and might even be faster than the current one 21.24.04 # Forget the m68k asm in there 21.24.09 # regarding http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6010 : would http://pastebin.ca/275786 be a solution that is too simple? Hard menu recursion protection 21.24.15 # It's not coldfire compatible 21.25.56 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B14C78.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.25.57 # amiconn: i'm not talking about that 21.26.02 # amiconn: i'm talking about the generic c 21.26.22 # amiconn: the m68k asm is worthless for us anyway, it assumes a 16 bit multiplier, and we've got a better one 21.26.47 # would it be ok if we stopped building dumb? 21.26.51 # tucoz: hell yes 21.26.52 # Why would we need 2 sin/cos implementations? 21.26.55 # tucoz: i'd even like to delete it 21.27.02 # amiconn: this one would replace the one we've got 21.27.04 # hmm. that could be arranged 21.27.16 # tucoz: here...http://www.geocities.com/m_arigo/rockbox/remove_dumb.patch.txt 21.27.17 # amiconn: like i said, it's more accurate, perhaps faster, and probable smaller in code size 21.27.25 # lowlight, hehe 21.27.26 # It's more accurate? 21.27.26 # ok 21.27.29 # amiconn: yup 21.27.31 # been sitting on that 21.27.32 # Interesting... 21.27.43 # amiconn: i'm almost 100% sure, i wrote a small test program 21.28.18 # lowlight, i think my local copy is equal as your patch :) 21.28.33 # Anyone ever heard of Cygwin being much slower on some computers? And if so, what it might be caused by? 21.28.38 # preglow: you might as well remove libflac. if someone wants to make an encoder then then they should start with the newer 1.1.3 21.28.42 # preglow: Smaller and faster is always good, and if it's more precise as well... 21.28.51 # amiconn: btw, i tested the sin/cos routines separately, not the sincos combined one 21.28.59 # But somehow I doubt it's smalkler, the current one is very compact already 21.29.13 # amiconn: yeah, that's just a guess i have, i've yet to see if it's true 21.29.29 # Even on SH it's just ~160 bytes code and 128 bytes table data 21.29.37 # Arm and coldfire are smaller 21.30.31 # * linuxstb remembers you can't delete directories in CVS... 21.30.32 # SIze doesn't matter that much here 21.31.05 # \o/ 21.31.09 # linuxstb: But they should be pruned if they're empty and you cvs up -dP 21.31.13 # ? 21.31.22 # * preglow mutters "svn" 21.33.12 # amiconn, i think that is correct 21.33.41 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 21.34.06 # at least the empty manual directories gets pruned by -dP 21.34.47 Join donutman [0] (i=502968b5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7017a3247cf68a8b) 21.35.18 # It's the -P which does this 21.35.23 # ok 21.35.36 # * linuxstb commits the death of libFLAC 21.35.39 # hello, sorry to be a pain in the a** for asking, but ive not kept up with rockbox progress for a while and want to find something out quick- do you have video with sound and/or radio on the h10 yet? 21.36.17 # no 21.36.44 # * preglow spits on libFLAC's remains 21.37.06 # I feel so much lighter now... 21.37.27 # linuxstb: do dumb in the same go? 21.37.44 # No, just FLAC. I know nothing about dumb. 21.38.07 # dumbs not used 21.38.07 Quit donutman (Client Quit) 21.38.13 # still compiled, isn't it? 21.38.16 # only built 21.38.17 # yes, it is 21.38.24 # preglow: Good point... 21.38.46 # so removing that will actually have some practical benefit as well, heh 21.38.50 # * linuxstb leaves the pleasure of dumb to someone else 21.39.14 # ah, that was the nicest cvs update i've seen in a while 21.39.24 # here...http://www.geocities.com/m_arigo/rockbox/remove_dumb.patch.txt 21.39.33 # and then remove the directory 21.39.48 # * tucoz can do that, in case no one else wants to 21.39.58 # go ahead 21.40.04 # go ahead 21.40.06 # * preglow goes brb 21.40.15 # aight 21.40.37 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.40.54 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B178B8.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.40.57 # http://www.rockbox.org/cvsmod/chlog-2006-12-11%2020:35:56.html <== huh? 21.41.15 # amiconn: I was just looking at that... 21.42.59 Join netmasta10bt [0] (n=torment@pool-71-251-122-92.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) 21.43.45 Join barrywardell_ [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-224-190.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 21.43.45 Quit barrywardell (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.44.05 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964C1B.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.44.30 # Barrywardell - Hi... Say, is that last e200-dualboot-v2 patch specific to e200? (ie, did you erase the dualboot code for H10s?) 21.44.40 # * Genre9mp3 wonders why someone would leave his telephone number in a mailing list... 21.44.56 # no, it should apply to the h10 too 21.45.08 Quit lowlight ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 21.45.24 Nick barrywardell_ is now known as barrywardell (n=barrywar@host-194-46-224-190.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 21.45.32 Join perpleXa [0] (n=perpleXa@unaffiliated/perplexa) 21.45.43 # hmm. to remove dumb, i'll have to first delete all the files locally, and then cvs remove them right? 21.45.49 # barrywardell - Gives me a rockbox error -1, but I might have f*** something.. Rockbox loads fine though. 21.46.12 # it expects the file to be called OF.bin now, rather than Original.mi4 21.46.15 # * n1s likes when everybody rates the severity of 'their' bugs as 'high' or 'critical' :-/ 21.46.28 # tucoz: yes 21.46.38 # barrywardell - Ah, should have looked at the code I guess. Thanks, I'll try that. :) 21.46.49 Join Thundercloud__ [0] (n=thunderc@ 21.46.50 Join mathgl [0] (n=mathgl@shm67-4-82-242-213-244.fbx.proxad.net) 21.47.19 # barry - Still decrypted and beheaded? 21.47.36 # barrywardell, do you know if it is possible to do this recursively and with wild cards? 21.47.53 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) 21.47.58 # PaulPosition: yup. thee only change is renaming the file 21.48.28 # barrywardell: Why not use .sansa the same way as the rockbox binaries? 21.48.28 # Thanks. :) And how is that Sansa port going? A friend of mine just ordered three of 'em for the whole family.. :p 21.48.36 # tucoz: not sure. i think cvs does accept wildcards 21.48.46 # The header could indicate that this is the original firmware and needs special treatment 21.48.57 # The same file could then be used to rolo the of 21.49.03 # barrywardell, thanks. i'll see what google says. 21.49.50 # good point amiconn. i'd left the header out for simplicity up to now 21.50.06 # but it would definitely be good to keep it eventually 21.51.01 # barrywardell - Works great, albeit frighteningly fast to load the OF, much faster than, well, the OF on itself. :o 21.51.28 # heh :-) 21.51.40 # thanks :D The crossfeed and pitch don't freeze anymore either, very well done. 21.52.15 # wow, great! possibly faster because it doesn't need to be decrypted by the player 21.52.35 # Anyone here with win2k and an ipod? 21.53.31 # Hmm, .mi4 files are loaded from disk and decrypted every time? Or are they loaded once and then flashed? 21.53.36 # barrywardell - Makes a lot of sense yes. :thumbsup: 21.54.52 # amiconn: decrypted every time on the H10. they're flashed on the Sansa, but I'm not sure if they're decrypted first. 21.57.21 # amiconn: any problem with preventing main menu recursion the hard way? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6010 patch at the bottom. Or isn't life this simple? 21.59.33 # This is just the main menu itself, right? 21.59.41 # yes 21.59.57 # I can't imagine we want the same menu active 2 times 22.00.05 # I think that should work 22.00.09 # ok 22.01.44 # * amiconn hopes the main menu doesn't have more than one return path 22.02.03 # brb 22.02.11 # no it doesn't 22.05.39 Quit MikeW () 22.07.32 # The menu recursion hard-crashes on recorder 22.07.41 # I04: IllInstr 22.07.49 Quit homecable (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.08.56 Join joey- [0] (i=Xx@71-87-190-176.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) 22.09.47 # If I go back after 4 recursions, it does a different thing. First it displays all files in plugins (as if it would be 'show all'), and after leaving everything, the red led starts flashing quickly, with the buttons frozen 22.10.05 # hehe 22.10.22 # for me it also showed all plugins, but with the extensions flashing 22.10.35 # haha 22.10.42 # Yes, because the H300 doesn't have a LED it could flash ;) 22.11.10 Quit Thundercloud_ (Connection timed out) 22.12.15 Quit bluebrother ("leaving") 22.12.39 Join Cassandra [0] (n=Cassandr@cpc3-oxfd8-0-0-cust240.oxfd.cable.ntl.com) 22.12.54 # hmmm... the buildserver ate my commit 22.13.01 # Gods - CVS, how I hate thee. Let me count the ways .. 22.13.10 # hahaha 22.13.19 # Nope, no time. Someone please help me create a new directory under the root. 22.13.25 # small Gods? 22.13.33 Join bluebrother [0] (i=ujpHxcxr@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 22.13.41 # * petur thinks tortoise again 22.13.52 # More momegs, really. 22.13.52 # petur: Ipod is less spectacular. Most of the time simply freezes (but also does the show all thing) 22.13.59 # And Eris. It's bound to be her fault. 22.14.32 # And even if it isn't, she'd be upset if she didn't get blamed. 22.15.04 # * bluebrother notices dumb got removed 22.15.18 # what is dumb ? 22.15.18 # * tucoz wonders where linuxstbs commit did go 22.15.27 # a .mod .s3m etc library 22.15.41 # tucoz, you're too fast for me ;-) 22.15.41 # ah.. there it is... seems to be busy evening for the server ;) 22.16.01 # bluebrother, did you want to do that? 22.16.02 # wtf? Really? I could listen to, like, demo-compo music from 15 years ago with that?? :o 22.16.04 # What do you mena "no such file or directory, you pissant piece of software. 22.16.20 # PaulPosition, but dumb was not working 22.16.28 # Ah. lol, okay. 22.16.31 # :p 22.16.35 # tucoz, no, I was referring to the answer 22.16.35 # PaulPosition, only the lib was committed. but no codec was written 22.16.39 Join _DreamThief [0] (n=mathias@p54A84A36.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 22.16.49 # aha 22.17.04 # * bluebrother is a bit tired. 22.17.15 Nick _DreamThief is now known as DreamThief|off (n=mathias@p54A84A36.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 22.17.40 # Why is it complaining that I can't add to CVSROOT/Emptydir? I don't want to do that. 22.18.08 # computers tend to do what you ask them, not what you want them to do :p 22.19.23 # Cassandra: Are you trying to create a new top-level module in CVS? 22.20.53 # So whats the status on the gigabeat F series? 22.21.09 # linuxstb, yes. 22.21.12 # btw, what's the state of that mod codec in the tracker? Mod support would be great 22.21.13 # godzirra: we're close to having audio playback 22.21.20 # Please, tell me how to make it happen. 22.21.21 Join lowlight [0] (i=c730180b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-217b6d16ba045cb1) 22.21.25 # godzirra: better come to #gigabeat for more info 22.21.57 # bluebrother, i have listened to mods on my h120. but that was before it was committed to cvs. 22.22.08 # i would assume that it works 22.22.10 # Before I gnaw off my own (or worse) someone else's arm. 22.22.24 # was committed? dumb? 22.22.38 # oh. maybe the mod patch was never commited 22.22.44 # markun: awesome. 22.22.45 # i thought it was 22.22.48 # or do we have a mod codec in cvs? 22.23.09 # I believe we don't, but I'm a bit out of sync currently 22.23.19 # isn't there a mod patch somewhere? 22.23.25 Quit lowlight (Client Quit) 22.23.28 # yes, in the tracker 22.23.33 # Cassandra: I normally create an empty directory somewhere on my hard disk, "cd" into it, then use the "cvs import newdir vendor version" command. Where newdir is the name of the directory that will be created in CVS, and I've never understood what vendor and version should be - I normally use something like "cvs import newdir dave start" 22.23.34 # bluebrother: maybe you should check yourself into CVS. 22.23.38 # Genre9mp3, yes. But i thought that was committed. But I was probably wrong 22.23.58 # linuxstb, I'll try that. ta. 22.23.58 # hehe ... but I fear someone else is doing changes to me 22.24.04 # no.. only sid was commited a while ago 22.24.21 # Cassandra: You then do a "cvs co" for your newly created directory, and then add files in there as normal. 22.24.24 Join lowlight [0] (i=c730190b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0a3019a690c0aedd) 22.24.24 # right. i mixed those up. 22.24.27 # tucoz: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5241 22.24.32 Quit DreamThief (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 22.25.10 # this mod patch is not based on dumb btw 22.25.40 Quit MarcoPolo ("Bye !") 22.25.57 # bbl 22.26.14 # Cassandra: BTW, I'm working on a rewrite of ipodpatcher which should make its incorporation into your installer a breeze. The aim is that it will do what ipod_fw does as well, so a single command like "ipodpatcher 1 bootloader-nano.bin" will do the install... 22.28.37 # linuxstb, cool. I've already designed how to fit it all into the installer in my head. 22.29.20 # I was holding off on that anyway while waitng for the toolchain to settle down again. 22.29.42 # Erm, the command claimed it worked. Don't know where it thinks it imported it to though. 22.30.16 # Oh no, it's just a new module. Wonder why there were no logs. 22.30.57 # Maybe the emails only fire on certain modules - Bagder will need to add rbutil. 22.31.08 # But it's there: http://www.rockbox.org/viewcvs.cgi/rbutil/ 22.32.17 # * linuxstb spots CRLF line terminators..... 22.33.17 # linuxstb: Shouldn't it be possible to find ipods automatically instead of probing those numbers? 22.33.46 # amiconn: I'm sure it is, but I don't trust myself... 22.34.01 # linuxstb: bugger. 22.34.12 # But I agree that should definitely be added at some point. 22.35.03 # Only problem would be if more than one ipod is connected 22.35.04 # I'll have to figure out a way of doing that for the installer anyway. 22.35.53 # the ipl installer2 has some ipod autodetection 22.36.15 # This page seems to be a good approach, but I don't think anything implements it yet: http://ipodlinux.org/Device_Information 22.36.39 # bluebrother: I thought that was broken now that Apple have removed the SysInfo file from the ipod_control folder... 22.37.12 # I had a short look into it, and from what I understood they parsed some information from the partition table 22.37.49 # but as I don't have an ipod I couldn't test it 22.38.11 # But that's for later, first priority is to get it working with manual detection. 22.38.30 Quit _FireFly_ ("Leaving") 22.38.52 # Step back a moment. How does a human work out which PhysicalDevice is the Ipod? 22.38.54 # I also don't develop on windows, so my first job is porting ipodpatcher to Unix... 22.39.09 Quit joey- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.39.11 # It's the removeable storage with a small boot partition and a data partition. 22.39.21 # We ought to be able to codify that somehow. 22.39.47 # USB product and vendor IDs may work... 22.40.04 # for make/model detection 22.40.24 # obo: That might be as 22.40.32 # sensible approach too, yes. 22.40.37 # I just don't want to get it wrong and be responsible for trashing someone's hard drive... So I've just made it the user's final responsibility so far. 22.41.00 # But there are already a lot of checks in ipodpatcher to make sure it's writing to an ipod. 22.41.13 # (and the new version will have even more) 22.41.37 # i.e. it will modify the firmware partition in-place, so if there isn't one there, it won't do anything. 22.42.19 # * linuxstb waves goodbye to dumb 22.43.33 Quit Ribs (Remote closed the connection) 22.43.49 # Is anyone else just receiving the dumb CVS emails, or is it just my email being slow? 22.44.12 # I had them not too long ago. 22.44.51 Join joey- [0] (i=Xx@71-87-190-176.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) 22.45.11 # tucoz: you forgot FILES too 22.45.17 # ooops 22.45.58 Nick joey- is now known as homecable (i=Xx@71-87-190-176.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) 22.46.50 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.47.15 # and thanks for telling me 22.51.03 # amiconn, Slasheri: dircache setting saving is still not ok (as Moos said). After scanning is done the first time, the subsequent shutdown doesn't spin up the disk and as such doesn't save the dircache size. 22.52.31 # Unix line delimiter is lf, right? 22.53.37 Quit amiconn (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 22.53.37 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.53.42 # aye 22.55.00 Quit Lear ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023]") 22.55.10 # * n1s wonders why rbutil files are versioned 22.58.29 # n1s - me too. Strange are the ways of CVS. Best not to ask. 22.58.37 # indeed 23.03.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.03.55 Quit PaulPosition () 23.03.57 # Arrr! Now why can't I delete a file? 23.04.10 # "remove requires write access to the repository" 23.04.34 # Erm, but I put the code in there in the first place. Doesn't that rather imply that I may have write access? 23.05.52 # "Strange are the ways of CVS" :-P 23.07.23 # * petur gives format_display() in gwps-common.c a puzzled look 23.10.49 Quit barrywardell () 23.11.17 Quit t0mas ("Doei") 23.11.39 Join Mmmm [0] (n=martin@cpc1-hem13-0-0-cust1.lutn.cable.ntl.com) 23.13.12 Quit Everybody|ingame ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") 23.15.10 Join Everybody [0] (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 23.15.20 Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable156.246-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) 23.15.38 Quit PaulPosition (Client Quit) 23.16.37 Quit Mmmm (Remote closed the connection) 23.19.36 Part lowlight 23.25.15 Join Esoterik [0] (i=Esoteric@CPE000f6686c581-CM0011aea1aed6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.25.29 # It's going to be one of those nights, isn't it? 23.26.23 # better quit early then 23.27.11 # Hey all , was just wondering if anyone could help for a sec? :P 23.28.38 # Im trying to get my ipod 5.5 setup with a rockbox build but so far in trying to find the number assigned to my ipod i have no luck... can anyone tell me what im doing wrong if i give a run through of what ive done or havnt done so far? 23.28.38 # why not just ask the question 23.29.22 # better find an ipod expert in here :) 23.29.27 # ive got all files in the need location , i see my ipod in my computer , but i ran ipodpatcher 0-26 and nothing 23.29.33 # >< 23.29.42 # Esoterik: 80GB? 23.29.46 # 30gb 23.30.05 # then I figure it should work... but I'm not the ipod expert either 23.30.25 Join JoeyBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@ 23.30.32 # iirc 5.5G 30GB still needs a patched ipodpatcher 23.30.47 # but no ipod experience here. 23.31.39 # Ahh.. so thats what i forgot / missed... im gunna find one and give it another go :P 23.33.35 # Well, I've got WinCVS talking to the repository, and everything in in the manner it's supposed to be in. I think that counts as a win. 23.33.43 # I should probably stop there. 23.34.02 # Oh, bagder, can you add the rbutil module to the notification system please? 23.34.15 Join Paul_the_Nerd [0] (n=Llorean@cpe-66-69-210-194.austin.res.rr.com) 23.34.28 # is that module possible to check out now? 23.34.39 # WinCvs? better than tortoise cvs? 23.35.00 # petur: No idea. I don't normally use CVS under windows. 23.35.06 # It's kind of ... monolithic. 23.35.23 # And seems to gratuitously use services. 23.35.38 # Also not user friendly. But this *is* CVS we're talking about. 23.35.50 # tortoise cvs intergates nicely into the explorer 23.36.05 # That sounds better then. 23.36.19 # http://www.tortoisecvs.org/ 23.36.46 # i found out that it was in fact easy to "delete" a directory tree with cvs. Just cvs remove -f

/* ; cvs commit 23.37.20 # But i found that out after i had done the recursion manually :/ 23.37.35 Quit JoeBorn (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 23.38.19 # and if we _ever_ switch, there's http://sourceforge.net/projects/tortoisesvn :D 23.38.27 # hehe 23.38.52 Nick Everybody is now known as Everybody|away (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 23.38.56 # bye 23.38.57 # petur: Right after someone implements track seeking, I expect. 23.39.15 # audible track seeking? 23.39.35 Quit midkay (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.40.05 # as far as i know, track seeking is implemented already 23.40.15 # * petur sends himself to bed 23.40.15 # at least for the codecs i use 23.40.21 Quit petur ("Zzzzz") 23.41.04 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m64.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 23.41.22 # I had a look in wincvs quite some while ago ... and went straight to tortoisecvs. Still cervisia isn't as good :( 23.41.32 # Esoterik: Which version of ipodpatcher are you using, and which version of Windows? 23.41.57 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 23.42.13 Part tucoz ("Good night") 23.42.39 # Linuxstb: i got it to work :D... i had the wrond HDD not to mention the wrong patcher... but all is well so far thanks 23.43.09 # Did you use ipodpatcher v0.4? 23.43.11 # hmm, I should also get some sleep 23.43.20 Quit bluebrother ("set mode sleep on") 23.43.47 # umm i got it from Psiuyo's build or link i should say , im not sure what the build is... 23.44.17 # So that's the unofficial version... The latest official version should have worked as well. 23.45.19 # oh well thats good to know... it was probably just the fact i had the wrong root folder to begin with but i changed both at the same time 23.48.53 # tucoz: with audio, I meant. 23.53.41 Quit Ekron ("Leaving")