--- Log for 18.01.107 Server: leguin.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 16 days and 18 hours ago 00.03.37 # hehe, dumb question, but when will the info be available about it? 00.03.41 Quit Thundercloud__ (Connection timed out) 00.04.18 # Bagder, any thoughts on this? It replaces the version string with the svn release number (unless there is a file docs/VERSION) http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uhcn/pastebin/30 00.04.35 Join LithiumTR [0] (n=Lithium@client-82-2-117-47.brnt.adsl.virgin.net) 00.04.48 # bluebrother: I thought about that, but I don't think it's ideal. 00.05.16 # so what would be better? Adding both? 00.05.17 # the revision is good, but it also makes it much more difficult to quickly see how old a build someone is running 00.05.38 # Both would probably be good, if a bit verbose. 00.05.40 # use timestamp-release? 00.06.40 # something like "r12823 (2007-01-16 16:07)" is probably the most descriptive. quite long though 00.07.38 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 00.07.38 # Do we need the Time or could we make do with just a date and revision #? 00.07.49 # Llorean: good point. date is probably enough. 00.07.59 # Once you're down to "today" it's mostly just a question of "Was it from before or after the fix" and if you know when the fix went in, you also know its revision. :) 00.08.05 Quit sujdik ("The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese") 00.08.51 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B97915.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.12.11 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 00.13.47 # actually easier than time then, eh? 00.14.05 # Anybody got a 5.5G iPod that shuts down? 00.14.23 # * Soap hope they all do. ;) 00.15.43 Join dewdude [0] (i=dewdude@pool-71-120-0-23.washdc.east.verizon.net) 00.15.59 # evening fellow rockboxers 00.16.09 # Evening 00.16.17 # dewdude, can you supply me with Mountain Dew? 00.16.32 # LithiumTR: do you mean yours shuts down unexpectedly? 00.16.43 # LithiumTR, sure. if you can wait 3 months, i'll have a fountain despensing system going 00.17.11 # Soap: tt shuts down when I hold play, as expected, but reboots (i.e. Apple logo, then loads the firmware) 00.17.26 # dewdude, three months? Can you give me an IOU for that? 00.17.40 # LithiumTR, sure, but i got plenty of ice cold cans in the soda machine 00.18.04 # LithiumTR: "the firmware" being apple or rockbox? 00.18.18 # Soap, Rockbox, or Apple with the hold on 00.18.46 # dewdude, I live in the UK and we get no Mountain Dew over here :( 00.19.09 # Lithium: that's a shame. i just got a call from the local pepsi bottler..i convinced them to sell me fountain suryp 00.19.28 # dewdude, we could smuggle Mountain Dew 00.19.56 # dewdude: have you ever boiled down the raw syrup on your stove to about 50%, chilled it, and used it as pancake syrup? 00.20.17 # no...but that sounds like a killer idea. 00.20.33 # Soap 00.20.33 # You are made of win 00.20.33 # * LithiumTR gives Soap internets 00.20.33 # Zagor, updated: http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uhcn/pastebin/33 00.21.13 # LithiumTR: I'm not familiar with that, is it possible you are "bouncing" the play button and letting "menu" hit when you let go - I can't reproduce that behavior on my 5th gen w/o being drastic as heck. 00.21.34 # jhMikeS: the paper, yes, and i read about it from the author, he posted on the musicdsp list 00.21.37 # LithiumTR: do you have a case or film-protector on your touchpad? 00.21.47 Join amigan [0] (i=dcp1990@unaffiliated/amigan) 00.22.10 # bluebrother: looks ok to me 00.22.10 # Soap, I'm definately letting go of play when I see "shutdown", and I have a case but not covering the touchpad. The iPod has done this since new, this time last week. 00.22.14 # jhMikeS: though it's limited to making a sawtooth wave. and when you've got one of those, you can make a square/pulse wave too 00.22.32 # LithiumTR, what gen? i missed part of the convo 00.22.58 # preglow: musicdsp list? 00.23.06 # dewdude, 5.5 gen 00.23.17 # bluebrother: then have tools/release use that svnversion.sh script as well 00.23.29 # preglow: sure, superimpose reversed sawtooths if that's what you mean. 00.23.37 # LithiumTR, is it doing this off battery or with a charger connected? 00.23.53 # ok, I cannot get the lastest SVN to work. I tried deleting my source code and regetting it and then putting in my album art patch, and it still wont work. 00.24.10 # * jhMikeS wonders if "superimposed" should be "add" :P 00.24.15 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A96AB1.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.24.28 # dewdude, does it with either. Rockbox & Apple firmware detect when I unplug it from USB. 00.24.38 # hrmm 00.24.42 # LithiumTR: can you reproduce the behavior in stock firmware? (does Menu even turn on stock firmware?) I mean a long press of play to shutdown stock, and does it turn right back on when you let go of the button? 00.25.02 Quit Criamos ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 00.25.21 # i don't think stock shuts down by holding play... 00.25.32 # Soap, stock won't shutdown 00.25.34 # on my wife's Nano 2nd get it does. 00.25.48 # I think, brb. 00.25.51 # jhMikeS: yes 00.25.59 # I left it in stock for 36 hours, it did a shutdown and on turn on it loaded Rockbox, so it's shutting down from stock fine 00.26.01 # jhMikeS: you seem to have picked up a lot of stuff in a pretty short time 00.26.07 # 36 hours? 00.26.09 # wow 00.26.11 # basically the screen goes a bit screwy and when I goto a folder with music, there are no files showing up at all. 00.26.12 # mine was stock for 20 minutes 00.26.46 # Economics lessons are far better with Doom 00.27.22 # yes, confirmed, long play shutdowns my wife's ipod stock firmware. 00.27.31 Nick linuxdante^afk is now known as linuxdante (n=dante@84-73-85-210.dclient.hispeed.ch) 00.27.32 # 5.5 apple firm doesn't power down holding play...it'll turn the display off. 00.27.38 # but mine doesn't power down 00.28.31 # well, that's what I mean, regardless, if his ipod doesn't do that in stock w/o comming "back on" when he releases the button it is a button failure, not a rockbox issue. That's what I'm trying to test at the moment. 00.28.32 # select/menu reboots 00.28.41 # linuxstb: i installed rockbox from linux32_x86 on my ipod color, all after manual, but it crashes in about 8 of 10 boots 00.29.11 # Soap, I hold the button, it goes into sleep mode, I let go. I press the button, it comes back on. 00.29.21 Quit Mouser_X3 (Connection timed out) 00.29.23 # that's normal for stock ipod 00.29.27 # linuxdante: Did you read Soap's reply? 00.29.44 # but you have to press the button? Not like in rockbox where it is comming back on w/o pressing the button? 00.29.44 # long time ago? 00.29.51 Join Thundercloud__ [0] (n=thunderc@ 00.30.00 # Soap, I have to press the button to get out of sleep mode 00.30.15 # well mine doesn't even boot 00.30.16 # well, LithiumTR, there goes my "button bounce" theory. 00.30.29 # it hangs at "rockbox loaded" and does nothing anymore. 00.30.35 # some hd activity, but then, stops, nothing. 00.30.37 Quit ender` (" Variables won't. Constants aren't.") 00.30.46 # linuxdante, what gen ipod? 00.31.16 # dewdude: photo --> 4gen 00.31.38 # took the files belonging to ipod color/photo, as it said there 00.31.41 # linuxdante: the 4th generation ipod colour/photo often have problems with crashing, even crashes before fully booting. This is due to a known bug with frequency scaling, and is being investigated. Mikeage, in the "unsupported builds" forum has an unsupported build which addresses this issue, and will prevent you from crashing. 00.32.01 # wow 00.32.03 # btw, I have a gigabeat. Anyone know anything at all about latest svn? 00.32.07 # * linuxstb has nothing to add to Soap's reply. 00.32.08 # respect to you guys 00.32.10 # rly good support 00.32.13 # thx both 00.32.13 # Bagder, I'm not sure how this tools/release is supposed to work. I can pipe the output of svnversion.sh to it, seems to work fine (except the date gets stripped). 00.32.20 # preglow: what needs the most work is my mathematical knowledge and ability. if you've got that you can work out your own methods. The appeal of blit is the simplicity and I think I can do it with simple sinetable look up at 16 bits. Perhaps increasing the precision when the angles are small is the best way. The lookup (linear interpolated) has the least precision when the angle is small but the blit requires it at that point. 00.32.22 Join HellDragon2 [0] (n=JD@modemcable061.198-200-24.mc.videotron.ca) 00.32.23 # hey 00.32.35 # I should go and grab some sleep now, will look into this futher tomorrow 00.32.38 # Howdy 00.32.40 # actually he has two builds. One called "no scaling" which will work 100% of the time, but drasticly cuts battery life. Another named cpufreq3 or somesuch, which does not work for everybody, but does not cut battery life so dramaticly. 00.32.44 # bluebrother: run tools/release [date] in the source root and it creates the source tarball 00.32.54 # ah ok 00.32.55 # jhMikeS: last time i checked, it pretty much required good precision all over 00.33.05 # linuxdante: If you can build Rockbox yourself, you can try the experimental patches yourself that Soap is referring to - they're on the patch tracker. 00.33.15 # ah well ok then :) 00.33.17 # * Bagder goes to bed 00.33.19 # not as much as full blown dsf, but it's always been very nazi on the sine precision for me 00.33.20 # and [date] is just replaced? 00.33.22 # i'll try the builds first. 00.33.30 Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote closed the connection) 00.33.38 # ah, lets shift this until tomorrow 00.33.46 # you know what drains battery like crazy? the dual-core builds for the 5.5 00.33.53 # Soap, any suggestions? 00.34.11 # dewdude: Llorean reported increased runtime with the dual-core build on his Nano... 00.34.19 # LithiumTR: assuming you have exhausted the forum search options, I have no more ideas. 00.34.33 # linuxstb: possibly. i've never actually calculated. 00.34.41 Quit bluebrother ("sleep") 00.34.45 # preglow: the sinc function has not much amplitude for large angles so only a fraction of the bits are required. using error feedback helps clean it up a lot too. 00.34.46 # i'm just going by percentage usage 00.35.02 # dewdude: I don't like any reports of battery life w/o full tests being run. Anicdotal evidence is very often wrong. 00.35.32 # Soap, thanks for the help, I'll post you a pony 00.36.26 # yeah. i wasn't saying take my word for it. i just casually noticed. actually...i've not noticed any extra power drain..i've been turning it on and off a lot rather than just letting it play 00.36.36 Quit funky_ ("leaving") 00.37.30 # Llorean: The forums still have the old "CVS builds" link on the sidebar. 00.37.30 # i do know the Tune Juice 9v adapter is about useless..after 20 minutes it acts like you're constantly plugging and unplugging it...which makes rockbox pause. 00.38.19 Join kG^nemesis [0] (n=none@64-252-123-35.adsl.snet.net) 00.38.40 # hey gusy 00.38.43 # hey guys 00.38.49 # i need help with rockbox 00.38.52 # for iriver 00.39.00 # H320 00.39.04 # anyone can help? 00.39.23 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 00.39.30 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 00.39.37 # might help if you state your problem dear 00.39.38 # dewdude: is that a device which lets you charge your ipod from a standard drug-store battery? 00.39.39 # anyone? 00.39.47 # jhMikeS: 'fraid you're waaay past the point at which i would have stopped bothering :) 00.39.50 # kG^nemesis: we wou 00.39.52 # kG^nemesis: appreciate 00.39.53 # Soap: yeah. 00.39.55 # * jhMikeS should correct himself and say "not much amplitude for large angles when harmonics are many" 00.39.57 # ?? 00.39.58 # kG^nemesis: if you put more text per line 00.40.02 # i mostly bought it for the dock connector 00.40.17 # oh ok, i srry let me state the problem 00.40.27 Quit BHSPitLappy (Remote closed the connection) 00.40.33 # and use full words, not all of us are native speakers of english. 00.40.34 # jhMikeS: sure am looking forward to seeing the result, though 00.40.45 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.40.52 # Soap, i speak native english and i don't even understand what he's saying 00.41.15 # I have successfully loaded the rockbox software, and I need help installing a new theme. 00.41.21 # preglow: I don't stop bothering easily. :) You'll only see the result if I succeed or else I'm gonna shove it under the rug. 00.41.47 # :-) 00.41.47 # Could you give me some sites where I can download iriver H320 rockbox themes? 00.42.00 # kG^nemesis, did you check the forum or wiki? 00.42.01 # And also help me to install them? 00.42.03 # in themes section of the rockbox page? 00.42.04 # Yes 00.42.15 # but i am confused about where to go/ 00.42.18 Quit LithiumTR ("Ciao!") 00.42.19 # kG^nemesis, everything you need/want to know is more than likely on the wiki or forum 00.42.36 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsGallery 00.42.37 # simply unzip them to the correct place 00.42.38 # tried this? 00.43.07 # is rockbox supposed to read the ipod music files too? not right? 00.43.15 # yes, but i will take a closer look at this 00.43.15 # jhMikeS: i stop bothering way too easily :/ 00.43.17 # define ipod music file 00.44.02 # but most likely the answer is: "use the database" 00.44.10 # let me guess...fairplay protected aac files purchased from the itunes store 00.44.13 # linuxdante: It can play all formats the ipod can apart from encrypted files or audible audiobooks. 00.44.20 Quit matsl ("Leaving") 00.44.24 # ok 00.44.39 # kG^nemesis: go to the wiki, "WpsGallery" page, then the page for your player. 00.44.40 # aac support on the ipod is broken..isn't it? 00.44.56 # or is it just too cpu intensive 00.45.30 # I don't know, I only have one (128kbps) AAC file. 00.45.38 # Which has always worked fine. 00.45.46 # kG^nemesis: the themes are .zip files you extract onto your player. IF they were made correctly you extract them to the root of your player, but not all are, you should look at the contents of the .zip file for the WPS, and look at the directory structure inside your ".rockbox" folder, and extracting what to where should be obvious. 00.46.06 # alright thank you. 00.47.14 # jhMikeS: but anywho, i'll agree with you it's a fascinating field, been dabbling in stuff like that for about six-seven years now 00.47.40 # There is one theme i am interested in, but it says that i need to download a new version of rockbox. the theme is jBlackGlass. Is this theme compatible with the iRiver H320? 00.49.05 # yes, but not with a "stock" build. 00.49.22 # it requires experimental features which are not part of standard rockbox. 00.49.25 Quit Thundercloud__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.49.58 Quit Arathis ("[rl_bot quit]") 00.49.58 # Zip file contains ----> .wps | Folder | .cfg Place the .wps and folder, into the "wps" folder in the ".rockbox" folder Place the .cfg file, into the "themes" folder in the ".rockbox" folder Now press "A-B" and go to "Browse Themes", select the file and Hey Presto 00.49.59 # very clear instruction. 00.50.06 # For me? 00.50.10 # preglow: indeed it is hence the obsessiveness and the excuse to get my math head in order 00.50.16 # no, i don't understand :) 00.50.47 # alright, What are the experimental features that I need in order to install it? 00.50.51 # it all started that fateful day i found out what a filter was... 00.50.57 # (for soap) 00.51.28 Join voltagex [0] (n=voltagex@124-254-124-9-dsl.ispone.net.au) 00.51.44 # * n1s copies rescent theme zip instructions and saves them so I'll just have to do a bit of ctrl-c ctrl-p in the future ;-) 00.51.57 # kG^nemesis: if you are serious about wanting experimental features, I'm not going to go into them here - I suggest you get more familiar with rockbox, so you know what you are asking. 00.52.10 # is there any way to pass the build type via command line? I'd like to automate a build of H300 rockbox 00.52.15 Join Thundercloud__ [0] (n=thunderc@ 00.52.50 # voltagex: pass to what, configure? 00.53.17 # nls: yes 00.53.22 # oos n1s 00.53.30 # omg rockbox kicks ass 00.53.42 # i knwo 00.53.45 # but 00.53.48 # i absolutely need a build which is not battery-eating but works on ipod. 00.53.49 # ^^ 00.53.58 Quit Thundercloud_ (Connection timed out) 00.54.00 # soap, what program do i need to open a gz file? 00.54.08 # tar.gz? 00.54.09 # tar 00.54.11 # could i use winrar? 00.54.16 # possibly 00.54.18 # yeah 00.54.18 # voltagex: I don't know how to do it but it's possible, I suggest you catch Bagder in about 8 hours :-) 00.54.20 # kG^nemesis: that would work 00.54.30 # 7zip for the win. 00.54.33 # n1s: changed one line in the configure 00.54.36 # Alright 00.54.43 # voltagex: Do something like: (echo h300 ; echo N) | ../tools/configure 00.54.59 # linuxstb: I've changed the line that takes input 00.55.49 # Why? 00.56.07 # linuxstb: before I saw your code 00.56.10 # thanks, works fine 00.56.13 Quit mk3y () 00.57.07 # What is the device that is most used with rockbox? 00.58.14 # kG^nemesis: My guess would be some sort of ipod, based on the number of install questions we get 00.58.36 # what about video playback? 00.58.38 # to come? 00.58.42 # (just wondering) 00.58.58 # (i already decided i'll completely move to rockbox and not use applefirmware anymore) 00.59.00 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer 00.59.10 # LOL i read that myself today. 00.59.16 # i beg your pardon for my ignorance. 00.59.33 Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ 01.00.10 # Do you think there'll be 25fps playback on H300? 01.00.17 # no 01.00.33 # at least not fullascreen 01.01.45 # rockbox even ownz ipodlinux 01.01.58 # at 176x96, there is already claims of 26 fps. 01.02.42 # k 01.02.54 # Soap: probably with the asm patch 01.03.30 Quit Zagor ("Leaving") 01.03.47 # which doesn't currently work 01.05.28 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 01.05.33 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 01.05.39 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 01.06.07 # if the patch doesn't work, how did people report FPS using the patch? 01.06.57 # it used to work before somebody snatched some iram 01.07.09 Join debauched_sloth [0] (n=debauche@c-24-63-72-200.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) 01.07.30 # I could remove audio playback if you wanted... 01.07.42 # ahh 01.07.42 # n1s: That's because someone changed the main website while I wasn't looking. I was all prepared to do it days ago. :-P 01.07.42 # linuxstb: lol 01.08.07 # linuxstb: mass storage device support using the second usb port 01.08.16 # then I can plug in a gig of memory 01.08.19 # judging my much of the current influx, I fear a vote might fall in favor of mpeg over audio playback. 01.08.30 Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") 01.08.30 # possibly reducin audio bitrate could yield some speedup, the test videos use 192 kbit iirc... 01.09.09 # n1s: And it's fixed, the forums now say SVN 01.09.38 # Llorean: nice :-) 01.09.54 # Easy change, it just happened while I wasn't looking. :) 01.09.59 # players like the Gigabeat have a much faster processor, there's no benchmark for the Gigabeat, wondering if it gets 25fps 01.09.59 # n1s: They are 170kbps LAME VBR MP3. 01.10.20 # It gets about 29fps full-screen, and about 39fps for 16:9. 01.10.28 # wow 01.10.31 # wiki says 28@320x240 on gigabeat 01.10.31 # I want one 01.10.31 # right, still using 128 would be faster? 01.11.25 # what is the volume of a single platter Gigabeat compared to a single platter 5th gen ipod? 01.11.38 # trying to download theme from http://solutions-i.org/julius/rockbox/themes/ 01.11.52 # and it says that i have to pick my model number 01.11.54 # kG^nemesis: those themes won't work with a stock rockbox. 01.12.12 # kG^nemesis: Complain to the maintainer of the site if it's confusing for you. 01.12.12 # i understand 01.12.24 # kG^nemesis: and we don't support themes from outside... Llorean beat me. 01.12.39 # alright 01.13.08 Quit linuxdante (Remote closed the connection) 01.14.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.15.02 # linuxstb_: My battery life increase was only about 5% though, but either way, that at least strongly suggests it doesn't greatly *increase* battery usage. 01.15.57 # why do the changelogs show no changes to the rockbox code in the last week or so for the ipod photo and video? 01.15.57 # I'll run a battery bench on it as soon as I have a day where I don't want it with me. 01.16.24 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 01.16.31 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 01.16.32 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 01.16.32 # secleinteer: which changelogs 01.16.36 # secleinteer: Because the vast majority of work affect multiple or all targets? 01.17.09 # Or maybe on one changed anything? 01.17.15 # n1s: http://www.rockbox.org/dl.cgi?bin=ipodcolor 01.17.23 # *no one 01.17.27 # the changelogs in the daily build pages were blank last time I looked. 01.17.41 # Llorean: there were 6 to 7 changes a day for each until about a week ago 01.17.53 # yep, seems the script is broken 01.17.58 # secleinteer: And about a week ago we moved to SVN. 01.18.03 # kk 01.18.15 # I thought you were referring to the *working* changelog on the front page, where very few changes actually make mention of the iPod 01.18.18 # which, secleinteer, is when they changed from CVS to SVN to track changes, and all the script bugs are still being worked out. 01.18.40 # Blackjack! :p 01.18.56 # Well, we'll see if Bagder reads the logs and sees this, and fixes it when he has time.... 01.18.59 # Soap: An 16-bit LCD optimization is buried on the recent list too 01.19.08 # soap: does that mean i go to svn builds to get my downloads instead? 01.19.14 # Llorean: ahh, that wasn't just for gigabeat? 01.19.24 # JdGordon: you there ? 01.19.44 # secleinteer: the daily builds are fine 01.19.57 # n1s: kk thx for the help 01.19.57 # Soap: I don't know. It might be, I didn't look at the exact change. 01.20.09 # I just saw who did it, and ASSumend gigabeat. 01.20.28 # Soap: Yeah, it looks like it's gigabeat only 01.20.32 # Ah well 01.20.40 # But there was an ipodpatcher change recently! 01.20.42 # printf! 01.20.49 # we got the memcopy tweak! 01.20.53 # There was that. 01.20.55 # I hear that was nice. 01.21.04 # My Nano's been gathering dust this last week 01.21.15 # I have discussed with Amiconn, he has suggested that I move that optimization from GB to all targets 01.21.29 # yay, faster something! 01.21.44 # I have a strong suspicion that will be the largest single-boost to battery runtime in quite a while. 01.22.11 # lol n1s (not like I know what it will speed up either) 01.22.17 # debauched_sloth: Looking at your bmp2rb change, you seem to ignore the endianness of the host. 01.22.29 # the optimization I refer to is a simple blit optimization, nothing that should be a big deal 01.23.16 # How would you install a WPS? 01.23.32 # linuxstb: I have, but there is -f 5, which is byte swapped the other way 01.23.39 Quit Thundercloud__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.23.47 # kG^nemesis: have you tried the manual? 01.23.47 Join Thundercloud__ [0] (n=thunderc@ 01.23.47 # in Soviet Russia, a WPS.... 01.24.10 # :-D 01.24.31 # Laughing Out Loud no 01.25.03 # debauched_sloth: That's a bit obscure, and may not be the case for different 16-bit formats. Also, your <= 8 bit output looks broken for big-endian hosts. 01.25.58 # kG^nemesis: unzip the .wps file to your .rockbox/wps dir and any pictures to a subfolder of that folder with the same name as the .wps file 01.27.14 # Obscure, yes, no doubt. But anyone on such a host would be aware of it. <8 tracks the C output code, I think. 01.27.23 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) 01.28.13 # if not, linuxstb, should be fixed, of course 01.28.13 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 01.28.35 # debauched_sloth: Why would Mac users (for example) be aware of the need to use the wrong -f format? 01.29.17 # linuxstb: the point is to write a device specific raw bitmap format. Not to save all mac users. 01.30.01 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 01.30.06 # So you think running the same program on two different machines should need different options? 01.30.13 # The point is for the tool to work reliably and consistently across platforms, so that a user can sit down at any computer and use it in the same way. 01.30.18 Quit fasmaie () 01.30.22 Part n1s 01.30.34 # Ah, I get your point, yes, that is machine dependant 01.30.38 # and should not be 01.30.43 # My suggested solution is that there should be two raw formats - one for big-endian targets, one for little-endian targets. 01.31.03 # Yes 01.31.12 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 01.31.13 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 01.31.44 # Easiest way is to write a byte at a time to the file, and use (x&0xff) and (x>>8) to get the high and low bytes. 01.32.34 # so what do we add, -b for byte order, to the options? 01.32.59 # or assume all targets are the same? 01.33.39 # (is this about lcd.c?) 01.33.51 Quit Thundercloud_ (Connection timed out) 01.33.52 # no, this is about bmp2rb.c 01.33.56 # Maybe -rbe and -rle for raw big-endian and raw little-endian.... 01.34.26 Quit JoeyBorn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.34.30 # hmm 01.34.34 # Or just document that -r outputs little-endian data.... 01.34.35 # ok 01.34.50 # (and make sure it does on any host) 01.35.08 # yah, that's the kicker 01.35.17 # I'm not sure the raw format will be used elsewhere... 01.35.39 # yes 01.37.36 # will rockbox run on ths? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/40GB-TOSHIBA-GIGABEAT-MEG-F40S-COLOR-MP3-PHOTO-PLAYER_W0QQitemZ170071622098QQihZ007QQcategoryZ109847QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem 01.38.05 Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ 01.38.07 # Yes. 01.38.12 # That's the F40. 01.38.14 # good good 01.38.18 # Or, so it looks... 01.38.24 # wonder why it's so cheap though 01.38.30 # need help with installing themes,once they are downloaded to desktop 01.38.35 # voltagex: I can fix that. 01.38.39 # * Llorean goes to drive up the bid. 01.38.42 # People haven't discovered Rockbox yet... 01.38.44 # nooooooooooooooooo 01.38.49 # Do they ship to Europe? 01.38.56 # i know what would help rockbox be discovered 01.39.02 # I've been looking for a fairly cheap gigabeat. 01.39.02 # uhh, something goofy is happening. mpegplayer is reporting 54fps on a video where it is clearly sub 20 01.39.15 # If there was a better manual that could be understood by the average user. 01.39.18 # * voltagex shouldn't have pasted that here 01.39.30 # No, probably not. 01.39.34 # kG^nemesis: If the average users actually made suggestions for improvements rather than simply saying it wasn't good, maybe we could improve it. 01.39.40 # I already have a TGB though, so I'm good. 01.39.44 # Very true. 01.40.01 # We've written it to where we think it's good, so now we need actual constructive feedback for it to improve. 01.40.19 # There was an article on Popular Science Magazine, that showed how to use rockbox to "unleash" your multi codec jukebox 01.40.28 # ah, constructive feedback 01.40.31 # it showed that? 01.40.42 # I need help installing a new theme for my H320 running rockbox. 01.40.46 # Yep 01.40.56 # Llorean: we need to make the manual more like the PopSci article! 01.41.04 # kG^nemesis: The article in PopSci was somewhat disappointing 01.41.11 # POpular Science showed a little tutorial + i agree with llorian 01.41.12 # It was very positive, but I had some issues regarding the details... 01.41.13 # Yes it was 01.41.25 # I liked the way it said Rockbox could play movies, and the article was probably written when there was no sound in mpegplayer. Not that it's much better now... 01.41.34 # kG^nemesis: Installing a theme just requires that you extract it into the root of the player, as long as the person created it properly 01.42.15 # Llorean: i just have to extract the theme where the .rockbox folder is? 01.42.48 # kG^nemesis: The theme should include a .rockbox folder of its own, with folders in it, containing all the files. If you extract it straight onto your device, the folders should overlap and be in the right place. 01.42.54 # kG^nemesis: Look inside the theme .zip file, and then look inside your .rockbox folder, and it should be obvious what to do. 01.43.04 # ok, thank you 01.46.14 Join JoeBorn [0] (i=rootmeis@115.sub-75-207-243.myvzw.com) 01.47.59 Quit MarcoPolo (Remote closed the connection) 01.50.49 Join Soader03 [0] (i=c4eec77b@modemcable033.242-202-24.mc.videotron.ca) 01.51.14 Quit roolku () 01.52.09 Join fasmaie [0] (n=yohannmi@cpe-71-72-99-25.columbus.res.rr.com) 01.52.09 Quit Thundercloud__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.52.13 Quit Soader03 (Client Quit) 01.52.46 # lLorean: I have replace the .rockbox folder with the new .rockbox folder with the theme and nothing has happened 01.52.57 Part voltagex 01.53.17 # Did you then browse themes and load it? 01.53.29 Join Thundercloud__ [0] (n=thunderc@ 01.55.01 Join housethegrate [0] (n=housethe@ 01.56.30 # can someone answer a question regarding the iaudio x5l? 01.56.43 # Only if you ask it first. 01.56.58 # Unfortunatly, our mind-readers are out for the day. 01.57.06 Join Noah0504 [0] (n=noah@ 01.57.12 # or maybe he wants us to pick an arbitrary question and answer it 01.57.21 # Oh! 01.57.24 # I can do that. 01.57.26 # no, it is smaller than a loaf of bread 01.57.28 # Yes, the x5L has more battery capacity than the X5! 01.57.30 # thanks for the friendly welcome 01.57.34 # :) 01.57.36 # No i didnt 01.57.45 # kG^nemesis: It is strongly suggested that you invest a little time into reading the manual that you have complained about. At least the fact that you need to do that should become clear from it. 01.57.46 # anyways, there's no mention of which bootloader to use for the x5l 01.57.56 # it only mentions the x5 and the x5v 01.57.58 # housethegrate: You use the x5 bootloader. The L just has a different battery. 01.57.59 # "Yes, it takes 8 minutes for the light from the sun to reach the Earth." 01.58.05 # cool thanks 01.58.06 Quit housethegrate (Client Quit) 01.58.10 # Mouser_X: He did specify that it related to the x5L 01.58.24 # the x5l is on the eatrh 01.58.26 # most likely 01.58.30 # But, no guarantee. 01.58.39 # If I enable the Last.fm log, how do I acutally get the songs uploaded to Last.fm? 01.58.41 # If you put it in the right sort of box, it may not even exist. 01.58.48 # well, the us did invent that gun that can shoot small objects out of grav pull 01.58.52 # Noah0504: I believe there's a perl script floating around somewhere that does it. 01.58.57 # but i don't think they put any x5ls in it yet 01.59.03 Quit Thundercloud_ (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 01.59.10 # Mikachu: Would they tell you if they did? 01.59.13 # Llorean: Thanks, I'll try Google for a little help. 01.59.25 # lol 01.59.42 # Noah0504: there's a gui program qtscrobbler, i only saw it when skimming though 01.59.54 # linuxstb: wouldn't you? 02.00.02 # Noah0504: for windows (and the .net 2.0 framework)there is a GUI application, which not only is easier than the perl script, it also fails much more gracefully. 02.00.12 # Mikachu: I'll give it a look. It might be helpful to mention I'm on Linux. 02.00.22 # Soap: haha 02.00.24 # LogScrobbler is the GUI one that uses .net 02.00.24 # it might 02.00.32 Part kG^nemesis 02.00.38 # Soap: I like the fact that "fails more gracefully" is somehow a selling point, rather than a question of how often either one fails that someone should judge them based on that. :) 02.00.44 # the name qtscrobbler suggests it works on linux but you never know 02.00.45 # no, I wasn't joking, the perl one fails ugly. If it fails you lose your log. 02.01.02 # why would it even have code to remove your log? 02.01.11 # and the last.fm servers are often busy enough to time-out. 02.01.27 # Mikachu: it clears your log so you don't submit the same tracks twice. 02.01.41 # it is a requirement of all last.fm submitting plugins. 02.01.53 # "spam" in their eyes is a mortal sin. 02.02.15 # but it submits the timestamps as well, how hard would it be to filter duplicates? 02.02.17 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 02.02.34 Quit muesli__ (Client Quit) 02.02.37 # telling people not to break them is not a good way to ensure they don't break :) 02.02.39 # 500 million submissions a day. 02.02.42 # Mikachu: Filtering duplicates means more work for them. Clearing logs means more work for plugin creators. 02.02.45 # they don't like spam. 02.03.10 # Oh yah? 02.03.18 # comparing two timestamps can't be that much work, if they're sorted by date in their database 02.03.23 # Well... Well... I don't like them! 02.03.31 # they don't even need to compare titles, you can't hear two songs at the same time anyway 02.03.31 # :P 02.03.37 Join topbloke [0] (i=top_blok@adsl-75-57-85-146.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) 02.03.38 # Here is something that I found... http://www.paulstead.com/scrob/ 02.03.53 # It's a web interface. 02.04.02 # looks like a password harvester to me :P 02.04.06 # haha 02.04.16 # Noah0504: if you are comfortable posting your last.fm password to somebodys's web site, be my guest. 02.04.17 # Damn, good thing you said something... I have to wonder now... 02.04.40 # the site looks friendly enough though 02.05.19 Join kG^nemesis [0] (n=none@64-252-123-35.adsl.snet.net) 02.05.19 # Yeah. It would be nice if he had the code somewhere. Then I could just run it from my site. 02.05.23 # Problem #2 with the perl script is even if you save a backup of your .log file, you need to edit it if the script fails (as it often does) mid-way. Resubmitting the log w/o first clearing out the tracks which DID successfully make it will cause yet another error. 02.05.45 Quit petur ("sssssssssss---------PLOP!") 02.05.51 Quit topbloke (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.05.56 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa185.12.tellas.gr) 02.06.03 # i don't see why you would want to upload anything to their site in the first place 02.06.19 Join topbloke [0] (i=top_blok@adsl-75-57-85-146.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) 02.06.29 # I am sorry to trouble you all with my pestilence. I am aware that the manual is 145 pages long for the iriver H3xx models. Could you tell me which sections and pages to read to figure out how to change the wps and the theme. 02.06.44 # whose site Mikachu? 02.06.51 # i meant last.fm 02.06.52 # kG^nemesis: Have you tried searching for the word "theme"? 02.07.02 # kG^nemesis: Or perhaps simply looking at the table of contents. 02.07.07 # Mikachu: it is an amazing way to discover new music. It simply works. 02.07.22 # I did tell you that you need to "Browse Themes", that option actually shows up in the main Rockbox menu, I believe. 02.07.22 # new music that is also good? 02.07.27 # yes 02.07.36 # if you listen to mainstream radio, it's not for you. 02.07.43 # haven't for a couple of years 02.07.51 # this is just a fluke 02.07.52 # * Mikachu is listening to Atomic Kitten - It's OK (0:46 / 3:18) 02.07.53 # if you don't - and need a way to explore new music it is the best thing going IMHO. 02.08.15 Quit toer (Remote closed the connection) 02.08.17 # Llorean: as soon as i start rockbox it goes to a screen with MAIN, Record and rockbox 02.08.25 Join toer [0] (i=tore@skjeldal.com) 02.08.41 # kG^nemesis: Yes, that's the filetree. 02.08.59 # Llorean:how do i get to the main menu? 02.09.09 # kG^nemesis: I take it you haven't read the manual *at all*? 02.09.11 # try pressing a button 02.09.33 # sorry 02.09.34 # i have it now 02.09.35 # Laughing Out Loud 02.09.35 # * Mikachu doesn't have an h3xx 02.09.44 # ill try reading the manual from now on 02.09.48 # thanx for the help 02.09.57 # its just that the manual seems so intimidating 02.10.31 # How is one set of words on a screen any more or less intimidating than another? 02.10.36 # Especially since those have screenshots? 02.11.25 Quit Mikachu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.11.31 Join Mikachu [0] (i=Mikachu@kr-lun-154-152-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com) 02.11.44 # Llorean: being a student, i dont have time to read 145 pages of pdf and (as much as it may humor you) am scared of large amounts of text 02.11.59 # its not too intimidating 02.12.23 # http://lastfm.dave.cd/cache.php 02.12.25 # Here is another one. 02.12.34 # kG^nemesis: we don't have time to answer the same question to 100 people when it's written in the manual... 02.12.35 # kG^nemesis: It has a table of contents, and can be searched. You're hardly expected to read through the entirety of it in one sitting or anything. 02.12.48 # lol, understood. 02.12.55 # But we wrote down thing so that we don't get asked how to use themes by every single one of the many thousands of Rockbox users. 02.13.22 Quit softi-42 (Connection timed out) 02.13.28 # I mean our forum alone has 8000 registered members. I'm actually kinda curious what kind of installed base Rockbox has. 02.13.55 # how many are on rashers map now? *checks* 02.14.09 # 2770 rockbox users. 02.14.19 # Ok i am sorry, and i will ask for help once i have checked the manual. or i have a question regarding technical specifications 02.15.54 # huh.. if students don't have time to read, then who does? 02.16.24 # tsuyoshi: Usually students have plenty of other things to read as it is. 02.16.29 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.16.38 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B97A58.dip.t-dialin.net) 02.16.40 # But one really shouldn't be dabbling in alternative firmwares without the time to actually properly learn how to use it. 02.17.49 # if you have time to read a newsstand rag like pop-sci, you have time to read Pynchon. 02.18.23 # (IMHO) 02.20.07 # i should go to bed, i have quantum mechanics tomorrow :P 02.20.56 Quit JoeBorn ("back in an hour or so") 02.24.17 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 02.25.30 # you can continue talking if you want though 02.25.59 Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") 02.26.35 Quit kG^nemesis () 02.27.39 Join safetydan [0] (i=cbca159f@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 02.28.08 # preglow, I'll look in to it. And since I'm lazy, I'll just nab the one from those astroinfo sources 02.28.28 Quit Aggression (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.28.50 Join Aggression [0] (n=Aggressi@CPE004005cec45f-CM00159a01b1c0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 02.29.30 Join gotthardt [0] (n=chatzill@c-71-56-149-94.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 02.31.40 Join softi-42 [0] (n=softi@p549D6FA8.dip.t-dialin.net) 02.32.58 # im compiling and getting lots of these: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness for the gcc 4.0.2 in cygwin env 02.33.23 # i didnt before - had to do a fresh install - whatsup with that? 02.33.28 Join brainiac_ghost_ [0] (i=brainiac@evangilion.brainiacghost.co.uk) 02.34.59 Part pixelma 02.35.14 # So, what's coming up on the list of feature for Rockbox? Any developers around? 02.36.16 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 02.37.42 Join sujdik [0] (n=IceChat7@ 02.38.32 # nvm - i did make veryclean and deleted Makefile and reconfigured - ok now... 02.39.31 Quit fasmaie () 02.39.42 # Noah0504, it doesn't really work like that. There's no plan with features to tick off when completed. 02.39.57 # I see. 02.40.47 # So how does development work? I assume each device has somewhat of its own development. 02.40.59 # safetydan: Sure there is, I've been ticking on features for months. You guys are just so well organized I rarely need to "remind" you in the right direction. :-P 02.41.24 # Noah0504: Actually, most of the development goes into stuff that affects all devices. 02.41.33 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 02.41.33 # Noah0504: In the early days of a port, yes. But most of Rockbox works the same on all devices. 02.41.37 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 02.41.38 # Huh, interesting. 02.41.52 # For example, if someone were to come up with an interesting DSP filter, it'd probably affect all targets (except maybe the archoses) immediately. 02.42.26 # Cue sheet support might be a better example. That should work on all targets if/when it's comitted. 02.42.36 # Yup 02.42.42 # Cool, cool. 02.46.00 Join p0ser70 [0] (n=comatori@89-180-34-219.net.novis.pt) 02.47.31 # is there any tool to manage the rockbox system by the PC?... like playlist editing and stuff... 02.47.48 # sujdik: They're just M3U playlists. 02.48.01 # Pretty much any program that has playlisting can edit them. 02.48.22 # linuxstb: do you know if int is 32 bits on all targets? 02.48.30 # I use Winamp. 02.49.40 # JdGordon, if you care there's always the int32_t and uint32_t types 02.49.54 Quit brainiac_ghost (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.49.54 # care about the number of bits that is 02.50.26 # ok, ta 02.50.31 Quit p0ser70 (Client Quit) 02.50.36 Join fasmaie [0] (n=yohannmi@cpe-71-72-99-25.columbus.res.rr.com) 02.51.02 # Llorean well it was an example... but i mean... control the whole system... browse & set themes, adjust the eqs... that kind of thing 02.51.17 # including the playlists 02.52.01 Join Xomphos [0] (i=411a7e50@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-490c5da31cd513a9) 02.52.10 # sujdik: You mean, like remotely control it? 02.52.18 # yeah 02.52.24 # Not from a PC, no. 02.52.53 # =P ok thx 02.52.57 # sujdik: all that kind of thing is controled by the .cfg files, which are plain text. It wouldn't be hard to write a simple program to write the .cfg for you on the pc side. 02.53.15 # even a .bat file which asked you questions. 02.54.02 # well I didn't find the config files 02.54.43 Nick topbloke is now known as top_bloke[away] (i=top_blok@adsl-75-57-85-146.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) 02.55.11 # sujdik, unless you've saved one using the Manage Settings menu, there won't be one on your dap 02.56.25 # so where my settings are? =P 02.56.37 # I hate to sound pushy, but could someone please take a look at this: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=8258.0 02.56.54 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 02.58.02 # my irc client is acting really, really slow, so I don't hink that i will be able to see your messages, so if you could please reply in my thread http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=8258.0 02.58.17 # Thank-You!!! :D 02.58.41 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 02.58.43 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 02.58.59 Quit sujdik ("Clap on! , Clap off! Clap@#&$NO CARRIER") 02.59.42 # * Llorean replied. 03.02.17 Quit midgey (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 03.03.33 Quit Xomphos ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 03.04.59 Quit p0ser (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.05.28 # lol 03.06.34 # maybe someone wants to delete that post? it is absolutely unrelated :-/ http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=7738.msg64464#msg64464 03.06.50 # o_O 03.07.05 Join toffe [0] (n=toffe@ 03.07.21 # aren't there people you can contact about that..like forum admins 03.07.25 # DerPapst_: I think leaving it and my response in there *might* ward off it happening in the future. 03.07.48 # ok then :) 03.07.53 Join Plouj [0] (n=Plouj@dsl-207-112-48-244.tor.primus.ca) 03.07.55 # hi 03.08.02 # Otherwise it'll be gone, and someone else will think it's a valid question again in the future. 03.08.19 # dewdude: there are and most of them are here ;) 03.08.24 # is there any way to monitor rockbox releases other than rockbox-cvs? 03.08.45 # Plouj: What do you mean by "releases"? 03.09.18 # heh 03.09.29 # No, I mean, what are you wanting to monitor? 03.09.31 # DerPapst_, touch 03.09.44 # I'm not sure anymore 03.10.03 # well, I guess I wanted to know when stable versions come uout 03.10.04 # out* 03.10.10 # Very rarely 03.10.22 # and daily builds are daily, so meh 03.11.03 # Plouj, if there's a stable release of rockbox made it'll will be on the front page of the site 03.11.08 Join tychver [0] (n=tychver@202-154-151-47.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz) 03.11.21 # It'll very much be on the front page. 03.11.37 # daily builds are fine. if something doesn't work it may work next day ;) 03.11.38 # well, if there were more frequent releases 03.11.43 # I'd like an RSS feed 03.11.49 # rather than having to check the frontpage all the time 03.11.55 # Plouj, there are *daily* releases 03.12.08 # dewdude: I konw 03.12.09 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 03.12.17 # why would you want RSS for a daily event 03.12.23 # I don't 03.12.38 # Plouj: "Stable" versions don't even happen necessarily yearly 03.12.44 # Plouj, stable release happen maybe once every year or so 03.12.54 # he means for svn check-ins 03.12.56 # darn, curse these slow fingers 03.13.21 # DerPapst_: Nah, he made mention of rockbox-cvs which is the mailing list for CVS checkins, unless he just got the name dead on accidentally 03.13.22 # DerPapst, if that's the case, then the rockbox-cvs mailing list is the best bet 03.13.43 # Though I use the RSS feed for it. 03.14.01 # Which works rather well after the SVN change, except for the timestamp always being at 12:00AM 03.14.14 # hehe 03.14.24 # Llorean: you use RSS for svn changes? 03.14.29 # Plouj: Aye 03.14.31 # link? 03.14.40 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 03.14.44 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 03.14.48 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.15.33 # Plouj: http://rss.gmane.org/gmane.comp.systems.archos.rockbox.cvs 03.15.53 # heh 03.15.57 # cvs=svn? 03.16.08 Join hey [0] (n=hey@pool-72-83-123-254.washdc.fios.verizon.net) 03.16.13 # hello 03.16.26 # Plouj: Aye, there wasn't much sense in renaming it really. 03.16.39 # does rockbox's databse (tagcahe) read FLAC release date fields correctly? 03.16.39 # alright 03.16.44 # that's good enough for me, Llorean, thanks 03.16.56 Join phrozen77_ [0] (n=phrozen7@pD9EC70A9.dip.t-dialin.net) 03.16.57 # hey: "Release Date" is not a supported tag, no. 03.17.05 # My FLAC comment for a song under the "Date Field" says 1996-11-30 03.17.23 # But "Date" would be, or should be. 03.17.28 # will rockbox recognize that and put the song as soemthing udner the year 1996 03.17.31 # ? 03.17.42 Quit spiorf_ (Remote closed the connection) 03.17.45 # hey, no, no it won't 03.17.48 # hey: Why not use a proper "Year" tag, like normal? 03.18.03 # BEcuase musicbrainze automatically does that though 03.18.06 # I eman 03.18.12 # it only adds the release date tag 03.18.18 # I'll ahve to manually add year 03.18.21 # thanks for hellp 03.18.46 # it's just I'm tagging multiple albums 03.19.04 # There's a problem with how dates are parsed from Ogg streams. They're basically not. I'm assuming FLAC metadata is the same or similar. 03.19.36 # safetydan: Yeah, FLAC is vorbis comment as well 03.19.38 # hey: they make programs that will help you do it faster. 03.19.54 # tag & rename comes to mind if you're running windows 03.20.01 # automaticlly parse the date field? 03.20.10 # sure 03.20.17 # tag and rename even pulls from FreeDB 03.20.27 # that's lone thign I dislike bout falc 03.20.30 # hard to tag well 03.20.38 # nah, not with the right software 03.20.41 # Llorean, it would actually be that hard for Rockbox to parse the date string if only we could guarantee that it was YYYY-MM-DD format 03.20.41 Quit top_bloke[away] (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.20.58 # it puts the Year in the proper place. 03.20.58 # safetydan, you mean not that ahrd? 03.21.04 # it even pulls that from FreeDB 03.21.09 # safetydan: *If* you could guarantee that, I suppose. 03.21.23 # its standard notation I believe 03.21.36 # I suppose you could assume that. 03.21.38 # not everyone follows standards when it comes to music 03.21.38 # so why not use the date field if year is not available 03.21.46 # year is available. 03.21.47 # And just not show anything if it didn't match. 03.21.52 # my flacs have it. 03.21.53 # hey, yes most people do use that format, but there's nothing about the ogg metadata spec that says it has to be that format 03.22.39 # how do i tell if I have flac comments or vorbis comments? 03.22.41 # It could be, for exampe, 'On the third phase of the second lunar cycle AD 2007' and still be a valid date tag for vorbis 03.23.01 # so put checks in place 03.23.14 # hey, submit a patch with those checks :) 03.23.18 # if format "xxxx-aa-bb" exists then use xxxx 03.23.25 # I don't use the database so it doesn't affect me 03.23.32 # alright whatever 03.23.36 # nopt too important 03.23.46 # I'll jsut submit FS 03.23.57 # yeah, i don't either. i even took the album title off my WPS screen 03.24.02 # June-15-06 03.24.04 # \nick afruff23 03.24.08 Nick hey is now known as afruff23 (n=hey@pool-72-83-123-254.washdc.fios.verizon.net) 03.24.21 Quit phrozen77 (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 03.24.52 # put check that xxxx is numerical 03.25.06 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) 03.25.47 Join EvilDude [0] (n=prashant@ 03.26.08 Quit ydo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.26.16 # or...look for a number larger than say...1900 somewhere in field 03.26.24 # or 03.26.30 # how do I tell if my FLAC file ahs ogg comemnt or flac comment? 03.26.32 # no..that won't work..cuz if someone does 06... 03.26.38 # afruff23: There is no "flac comment" 03.27.09 # dewdue, I don't understand 03.27.32 # afruff: it's not important. i found the fault with the idea. 03.27.50 # that's what I dpn't get, your example wouldn't break it 03.27.57 # well 03.28.05 # if everyone used 4-digit year, it'd work perfect 03.28.25 # but not everyone uses 4 digit...i'm guilty of that small habit 03.28.36 # so, for those people it won't work 03.28.42 # it won't break anything though 03.28.56 # no. although, generally, all my file tags are done with software that does 4 digit 03.29.04 # ...but they also have a spefici "year" tag. 03.30.19 # vorbis tags are free-form, you can name them anything you like. 03.30.34 # afruff23, the more work that you make the metadata parser do, the slower database updates will get. So you can't really get too clever. 03.30.34 # the closest thing to a standard set of tags is those proposed by xiph.org, see http://xiph.org/vorbis/doc/v-comment.html 03.30.59 # I'd look at doing something like "if the first four charaters are numeric, treat them as the year, otherwise ignore it" 03.31.17 # which could be as simple as "int year = atoi(tag_value);" 03.31.33 Quit scubacoles ("Leaving") 03.31.51 # safetydan, if you're looking at 4 digit numerics...why not just have it locate any number over 1900 03.32.05 # that way, someone could go 12-1985-25 03.32.06 Quit myzar|away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.32.14 # dewdude: And symphonies composed in prior centuries? 03.32.20 # safetydan, that's what I've been saying 03.32.24 # ok...1000 then. 03.32.40 # they weren't recorded in prior centuries 03.32.40 # greek music? 03.32.46 # dewdude: And what if I have a spoken word of an epic greek poem? 03.32.49 # look....i use the actual CD release date as year 03.32.53 # not the year of original composition 03.32.55 # so it goes udner that year 03.33.01 # what's the problem? 03.33.04 Part DerPapst_ 03.33.52 # so if i've got a spoken word CD of greek mythology..it's labeled by the year the CD was made. 03.34.01 # But not everyone will do so. 03.34.17 # i think all of the date tags i've encountered that are not just the year have used an iso-style date, such as 2005-09-19 03.34.25 # I say, assume YYYY-MM-DD, and if the string doesn't fit that, throw it out, and then just state in the manual somewhere that's what's expected. 03.34.50 # ...why not let the user program thier own format in using variables 03.34.57 # if 0<=date[1-4]<=9 then year=date[1-4] 03.35.18 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6546 03.35.42 # dewdude, a bit too com;icated 03.35.44 # make it default to YYYY-MM-DD...but if a user wanted, they could go with MM-DD-YYYY by changing the variables 03.35.47 # * dewdude shrugs 03.35.59 # i just don't see where locking the users to a specific format is all too friendly 03.36.06 # not to mention it's encouraging non-standard formats 03.36.10 # Anyone not using release year in the date field, regardless of format, has issues. 03.36.43 # soap, I agree 03.36.43 # anyone using two digit dates after the y2k bruhaha also has issues. 03.36.54 # for reissues i tend to use the year of the original release, and note the year of reissue in a comment, but in general i agree with you 03.37.10 Join ruins [0] (i=3ba75595@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-99c46fe80780ed67) 03.37.19 # i do the exact oppsite...put the original release year in the comment 03.37.23 # dewdude: Expecting an ISO standard format isn't terribly unfriendly. 03.37.24 # reissue date is metametadata, and should not be used as a replacement for original release year. 03.37.36 # i also intened to organize every CD in a database, but gave up 03.37.42 Quit fasmaie (Connection timed out) 03.37.47 # a reissue is a subset of a release, and a modifier of the album title, not of the release year. 03.38.06 # sorry for the off topic. 03.38.06 # Soap: so you're saying i've got to go back and change ALL my classical to the original relase dates, rather than the year they were recorded. 03.38.24 # dewdude: Nobody said YOU have to do anything 03.38.43 # you can keep recipes in your date tags, if you want. 03.38.46 # short ones, anyway. 03.39.17 # Anyone having issues with the database initialization for release 17Jan 2007? 03.39.35 # dewdude: classical is more complex. Here is how I do it. John Adams - 1994 - Chamber Symphony & Grand Pianola Music (1993 Nonesuch) 03.39.55 # Anyone having issues with database initialization? 03.39.55 Quit jaebird ("Leaving") 03.40.10 # Llorean, i know..i'm just picking a side on a subject i really don't care about...but i mean..a lot of the reason people use rockbox is because of the customization it has...so why not extend that customization into date formats 03.40.12 # ruins: You asked the same question twice in less than a minute. 03.40.17 Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@53-89.netblk-69-41-89.coolaccess.net) 03.40.19 # with recording year being a subtitle to album title. To argue that recording year is more significant than release year when tagging albums I find backwards. 03.40.32 # put the ISO by default..and encourage it's use..but, it'd be nice for someone to have the ability to modify it 03.40.49 # dewdude: Because making the metadata parser customizable doesn't solve the problem of "What if different files follow different formats" and at the same time adds unnecessary bloat. 03.40.49 # someone does, that is why source code is available. 03.41.02 # ...true. 03.41.04 # Sorry about that Llorean, laggy internet connection 03.42.30 Join ruins2 [0] (n=blah@ppp85-149.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net) 03.42.30 Quit ruins ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 03.43.33 Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 03.45.01 Nick ruins2 is now known as ruins (n=blah@ppp85-149.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net) 03.50.58 # Are there any limits on database size, in terms of the number of songs or albums, for H3xx? 03.51.32 # I can initialize the db with around 800 songs or so, but above 2000, it hangs. 03.54.25 Part Plouj ("thanks") 03.54.40 Join scubacoles [0] (n=scoles@eth4699.sa.adsl.internode.on.net) 03.57.05 # anybody know how to parse the release date using fb2k 03.57.21 # Iw ant to transfer the release date year to the year 03.57.28 Join JoeBorn [0] (n=rootmeis@adsl-75-2-240-43.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) 03.57.29 # to the year field* 03.57.52 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 03.58.18 # afruff23: Is the field called "Date" or "Release Date" internally. Vorbis comments allow arbitrary tags, I believe, so naming can be somewhat important. 03.59.01 # the souce field is "date" 03.59.02 # my bad 03.59.13 # where do you put doom.wad ? i tried putting it in .rockbox/games/doom/ but it didnt work 04.00.45 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginDoom 04.01.01 # HellDragon2: The instructions have never said /.rockbox/games/doom/ as far as I'm aware. 04.01.13 # llorean, took words out fo my mouth 04.02.17 # Has anyone successfully initialized a database for 2000+ songs on the H3xx port of rockbox? 04.06.11 Quit hcs ("Download Gaim: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/") 04.08.42 Join hcs [0] (n=hcs@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 04.11.50 Quit Thundercloud__ (Remote closed the connection) 04.14.16 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.14.18 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 04.18.00 # to make matters worse, winamp treats date a syear 04.18.05 # as year* 04.18.11 # and parses it to only show the year 04.18.29 # so if you edit year, then you edit date 04.19.36 Quit bonbonthejon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.19.40 # hmm...it seems that a year field isn't standard 04.19.47 # people use date for that isntead 04.20.33 # afruff23: It is not the best way, but the easiest way w/o getting into regular expressions is to rename the files using the release date, then tag the files based on the filename, then rename the files to the format you prefer. 04.20.58 # I know it seems backwards, but it works quickly with minimal scripting. 04.21.21 Join myzar|away [0] (n=myzar@ 04.26.52 Join Brunellus [0] (n=luigi@unaffiliated/brunellus) 04.27.24 # hi guys. just checking back in. I was here last night asking about some of my oggs that wouldn't play 04.27.51 # turns out they had id3 tags in them. I wrote a shellscript that stripped the id3 tags, and now they work great. rockbox plays them without problems. 04.27.58 # and the theory was tags, eh? 04.28.08 # oops, too late. Cool. 04.28.29 # the theory was the tags, and it worked 04.28.43 # sweet. Nothing like a batch of tasty oggs you can't listen to. 04.28.49 # I was rocking out on the train to & from work...and was able to scrobble my songs 04.28.59 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.29.07 # I am SUPER impressed at the progress in rockbox lately 04.29.08 # yes, scrobbler support is sweet indeed. 04.29.42 # yup. 04.30.57 # so yes. might be worthwhile putting that bit about tags in the .pdf manual, just in case 04.32.26 # the faq might be a better place, i'd hope id3-contaminated oggs are not too common 04.33.20 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 04.33.23 # probably not. Maybe it's really more of a stupid-user issue in my case 04.33.49 # but Grip really lets you shoot yourself in the foot--it allows you to use both vorbis and id3 tags on the same file, which was my trouble 04.33.57 # it seems unhelpful software is a contributor 04.34.28 # the awful truth of it is that I'm not really that satisfied with a the CD ripping solutions I've tried in Linux 04.35.05 # on the one hand, soundjuicer is slick and rockbox-friendly--but it's really useless if your disc isn't in the Musicbrainz database, and adding an entry is just too much trouble that way 04.35.36 # i'm still stumbling along with some shell scripts i wrote some years ago 04.35.38 # Grip is a lot sparser and easier to use with obscure/indie/uncataloged CDs, but then it also lets you shoot yourself in the foot with the tagging the way I did. 04.36.38 # i type all the tags myself, because i can't stand the incompleteness (and error-ridden nature) of the online databases 04.36.45 # also perhaps i have too much free time 04.37.11 Join BobJonkman [0] (n=John@206-248-137-186.dsl.teksavvy.com) 04.38.52 # anyone here understand how to use the bmp2rb? 04.39.07 Join jackfusion [0] (i=8ea1979c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e202eb6b696aa47c) 04.39.15 # hi all 04.41.32 # hello 04.43.05 Quit jackfusion (Client Quit) 04.43.11 Join jackfusion [0] (i=8ea1979c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0fea8cefcdf6a3c3) 04.43.34 Quit ruins () 04.43.39 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 04.43.41 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 04.44.01 # hi again 04.44.03 # I keep getting command not found when I try to use bmp2rb 04.45.21 Quit myzar|away (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.46.52 # Alonea, you need to have built RB yourself to have this tool. If you have done so, it's in rockbox/tools 04.47.19 Join myzar|away [0] (n=myzar@ 04.47.20 # yes I know. I see it. but its not working... 04.48.40 # but I dont really know a whole lot about cygwin. All I have done with it is put in patches. 04.49.50 Join BobJonkma1 [0] (n=John@206-248-137-186.dsl.teksavvy.com) 04.52.13 # hmm 04.52.21 # not sure 04.52.51 # winamp can write vorbis comments write? 04.53.03 # or does it write id3 tags to flac files? 04.53.16 # I can convert it for you - send it to debauchedsloth@bustedflush.org 04.53.38 # i have the flac plugin 04.53.54 # that would work. gimmie juuust a sec 04.57.19 Quit BobJonkman (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 04.58.16 # how do u stop an ipod from automatically shutting down? 04.58.40 Quit jackfusion ("CGI:IRC") 05.01.05 # debauched_sloth: ok, I sent it 05.01.15 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 05.01.36 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 05.01.38 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 05.01.59 Join k3no [0] (n=irc@DSL212-143-158-176.bb.netvision.net.il) 05.04.32 # replied, Alonea: with .raw file 05.04.37 # looks great! 05.05.35 # debauched_sloth: yeah, I didn't make it. perl did. he is t3h awesome 05.06.15 Nick k3no is now known as keno (n=irc@DSL212-143-158-176.bb.netvision.net.il) 05.06.50 Nick keno is now known as k3no (n=irc@DSL212-143-158-176.bb.netvision.net.il) 05.09.58 Quit Brunellus_lappy (Connection timed out) 05.10.02 Quit Brunellus (Connection timed out) 05.14.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.18.22 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 05.18.22 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 05.18.26 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 05.20.26 Join BobJonkman [0] (n=John@206-248-137-186.dsl.teksavvy.com) 05.21.49 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-65-65-221-216.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 05.23.07 Quit BobJonkman (Client Quit) 05.29.01 Join compnerd [0] (n=compnerd@gentoo/developer/compnerd) 05.29.06 Quit BobJonkma1 (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 05.33.26 Join Brunellus [0] (n=luigi@unaffiliated/brunellus) 05.33.32 Join Brunellus_ [0] (n=luigi@unaffiliated/brunellus) 05.34.48 Quit Alonea ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 05.34.55 Join fasmaie [0] (n=yohannmi@cpe-71-72-99-25.columbus.res.rr.com) 05.42.24 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 05.45.45 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 05.45.47 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 05.48.27 Part safetydan 05.55.41 Quit fasmaie () 05.58.15 Quit Noah0504 ("Leaving") 06.00.48 Quit perldiver ("some games are better left unplayed") 06.01.28 Quit Brunellus_ ("Ex-Chat") 06.07.33 Quit afruff23 () 06.07.37 Join titooo [0] (n=Tilman@ 06.08.18 # good morning... 06.08.46 # can anybody explain to me how i can change the way rockbox's tagnavi? ;) 06.09.00 # creating tagnavi_custom.config makes it crash :D 06.10.15 Part Llorean 06.14.04 Join fasmaie [0] (n=yohannmi@cpe-71-72-99-25.columbus.res.rr.com) 06.15.46 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.19.57 Join keno [0] (n=irc@DSL212-143-158-176.bb.netvision.net.il) 06.20.05 Join combrains [0] (n=combrain@222-155-22-171.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) 06.21.34 # wow there has been a lot of work on the gb port today 06.22.08 # anyone here who may be able to help me out with the wiki? 06.23.22 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 06.24.01 # hey linuxstb_ 06.26.33 Quit k3no (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 06.27.04 Join drowe [0] (n=drowe@ip70-171-180-21.om.om.cox.net) 06.28.06 # I'm just getting started with putting Rockbox on my 5G iPod, and when I try to backup the bootpartition step, it says Drive is not an iPod, aborting 06.28.49 Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-66-65-88-127.nyc.res.rr.com) 06.29.10 # I on Fedora Core 6, and the device is /dev/sda2, which is what I use to mount the iPod for gtkpod and what not. 06.29.13 # any ideas? 06.30.47 # it says 06.33.08 # why would that step fail, if the device is correct? 06.35.22 # if I try /dev/sda1, I get Bad boot sector signature 06.35.30 # anyone? 06.36.41 Join safetydan [0] (i=cbca159f@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 06.36.52 # are svn builds safe to use again? 06.36.52 # ugh...nevermind. I was accessing the individual partitions rather than the _whole_ device (/dev/sda) 06.37.11 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.37.22 # KCC, why wouldn't they be? As in, what do you think was broken? 06.37.43 # yesterday i read not to use SVN builds, to stick to the daily build 06.37.49 # wondering if thats still in effect 06.38.36 # i had a disput with bagder about that last night 06.38.45 # he didn't believe me 06.38.53 # use it and see if it works 06.38.59 # Which target do you think is broken? 06.39.12 # the gb for starters 06.39.19 # Latest from SVN works fine on my H120 06.39.45 # im gonna build my own now - KCC - if you get the SVN from the site then we can compare 06.39.46 # ah gigabeat 06.39.59 # well that's a whole different kettle of fish 06.40.04 # daily builds are exactly 0% more stable than SVN... they just happen to be built once a day instead of on every commit. 06.40.50 # alright combrains, ill get the lastest bootloader too 06.41.27 # it may have just been a freak of nature :P 06.41.55 Nick Tman is now known as tmanzor (i=tyler@unaffiliated/tman) 06.42.44 Nick tmanzor is now known as Tman (i=tyler@adsl-69-153-24-22.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) 06.43.20 Nick Tman is now known as tmanzor (i=tyler@unaffiliated/tman) 06.43.59 Nick tmanzor is now known as tmanzora (i=tyler@adsl-69-153-24-22.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) 06.47.46 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 06.47.54 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 06.47.57 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m204.net81-65-15.noos.fr) 06.48.43 # why does kdesvn tell me that my working copy is locked when I havn't locked it? 06.50.29 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15F44.dip.t-dialin.net) 06.51.49 Quit keno (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.53.42 # new bootloader with latest SVN works flawlessly 06.53.43 # :) 06.55.11 # cool 06.55.33 # for some reason my working copy of the SVN is locked - I havnt locked it 06.55.35 # Is there anyone here that can help me with the VMware image? 06.56.09 # I'd like to setup a build environment, but I don't think the image is doing what I expect it to be doing. 07.01.31 # scorche: You there? 07.01.44 # Mouser_X, maybe describe your problem and someone can help 07.02.43 # I put in the command that the Wiki says, a bunch of stuff scrolls past, and then it stopped. It didn't look like it was done though... 07.03.00 # It stopped on Hebrew (something).fnt 07.03.04 # Or, around there. 07.03.24 # Is there an error? 07.03.57 # No. 07.04.26 # Hrm, not much to go on then 07.04.33 # This is the command I put in (in case it's important) 07.04.34 # svn co svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk rockbox 07.05.02 # Stuff scrolled past. After awhile, I got tired of waiting, and I entered in the rest, after that. 07.05.19 # (See here) 07.05.20 # ah, that command is getting the source from the rockbox SVN server 07.05.20 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VMwareDevelopmentPlatform#Compiling 07.05.23 # you should probably wait for it to finish 07.05.31 # I did wait. 07.05.41 # A reasonably long time. 07.05.48 Quit drowe ("Leaving") 07.05.56 # At least 10 minutes. Probably 30 or forty. 07.05.56 # It can take at leat five or more minutes 07.06.00 # ah 07.06.06 # well you can always try that command again 07.06.11 Join johnd0e [0] (n=123@66-190-234-123.dhcp.klmt.or.charter.com) 07.06.20 # it will pick up where it left off last time 07.06.36 # I'll try that then, I guess. 07.06.50 # I think it may be too taxing on my system, actually. 07.06.55 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.07.08 # All it's really doing is downloading some files 07.07.13 # shouldn't be anything too taxing about that 07.07.28 # There was severe slowdown, even though Windows Taskmanager said there was plenty of memory, and that the CPU usage wasn't up. 07.08.36 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.08.57 # (Though, it took me awhile to get Taskmanager up, due to the bad slowdown.) 07.14.52 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.16.02 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 07.16.41 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 07.16.43 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 07.22.53 Join ydo [0] (i=tbe@debian.as) 07.26.08 # is there anyone here who can help me with the wiki? 07.35.55 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 07.37.21 Join ajay [0] (n=ajay@c58-107-160-13.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au) 07.37.35 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 07.37.40 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 07.38.24 Part safetydan 07.38.26 # hey, i'm a new user of rockbox on ipod 5g 60gb 07.38.42 # just thought i'd tip my hat to the developers for a really nice job 07.39.18 # and ask a quick question: does anybody know of a custom build that incorporates both julius' and senab's patchsets? 07.46.29 Part fasmaie 07.52.41 # combrains: It's gotten further than before. That's nice. 07.52.45 # Oh, just finished. 07.54.29 # Downloading, that is. 07.59.24 # Seems to be building. 08.01.51 Quit mathgl ("Quitte") 08.03.23 Nick tmanzora is now known as Tman (i=tyler@adsl-69-153-24-22.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) 08.04.34 Join decayedcell [0] (i=3ba78e3b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1dcbb1244a75daba) 08.05.24 Nick Tman is now known as tmanzora (i=tyler@unaffiliated/tman) 08.06.53 Nick tmanzora is now known as tmanzor (i=tyler@adsl-69-153-24-22.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) 08.07.41 Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 08.07.52 Nick tmanzor is now known as tmanzora (i=tyler@adsl-69-153-24-22.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) 08.08.24 Nick tmanzora is now known as tmanzor (i=tyler@adsl-69-153-24-22.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) 08.08.50 Nick tmanzor is now known as Tman (i=tyler@adsl-69-153-24-22.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) 08.09.07 Quit hcs ("Leaving") 08.09.33 Quit decayedcell ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 08.09.44 # This is extremely debilitating... 08.09.48 # It's very slow. 08.10.03 # what is? 08.10.17 # your build or the building process? 08.10.17 # Runing VMware. 08.10.21 # oic 08.10.25 # *Running 08.10.37 # what spec machiene are you running? 08.10.47 # the host that is 08.10.53 # It looks like it finished, but I can't find the end results. 08.11.26 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 08.11.52 # The PC I'm on (that's running VMware) is a 2 ghz AMD 64 bit CPU, with 512 MB of onboard RAM (and 512 MB of the page file, virtual memory, or whatever it's called). 08.12.18 # I think it's the memory that's the problem. 08.16.31 # yeah - its having to use virtual memory for the virtual machiene 08.17.03 # I can't get my VM to see my gb as a mass storage device - it thinks its a camera 08.17.20 # I am running it on a laptop 1.6ghz and 512 mb with vmware worstation and also on a biprocessor 1ghz with 512mb with vmplayer and it run smoothly 08.17.21 # it sucks because i cant put my bild on it 08.18.07 # my laptop is a core duo 1.66 GHz with 512MB ram running VMWare server and its sweet 08.18.23 # Bagder: I thought we don't want C99-style variable declarations, but CONTRIBUTING doesn't say so... ? 08.18.59 # shame on us 08.19.05 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 08.19.27 # LinusN: Hi there, I'm here for my daily patch pestering. 08.19.28 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 08.19.30 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 08.20.06 # So, after running the VMware image, and it looks like it got done building, any idea where the end result can be found? 08.20.14 # Bagder: And a completely different thing: The [diff] link seems to have problems when the file wasn't changed on every revision. Example: http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/firmware/drivers/lcd-16bit.c?r1=12061&r2=12062 08.20.17 # I can't seem to find anything useful anywhere. 08.20.53 # The 'r1' parameter should be 120016, not 120061 for this file... 08.21.12 # Meh, 12016 instead of 12061 of course 08.21.42 # Mouser_X, its all in the build dir you should have created 08.22.03 # I did create one. I can't see it. 08.22.12 # in the source dir 08.22.18 # LinusN: The reason why I was checking that is http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/firmware/drivers/lcd-16bit.c?r1=12016&r2=12062 08.22.43 Join tucoz [0] (i=528612c1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4dd0ad9bca6a3491) 08.22.45 # he just doesn't know how to get it out of the virtual machine onto the real machine, or how to get patches into the virtual machine, for that matter 08.23.07 # I can't see a source directory. I'm accessing it through the network drive. 08.23.26 # subversion, maybe? 08.23.30 # Grrr, TAB chars! :( 08.24.35 # is there a typo on line 518 in the commit for bmp2rb.c? 08.24.58 # or is there a function called swab? 08.25.15 # swap byte? 08.25.18 # tucoz: there is 08.25.18 # (s)? 08.25.20 # ah. ok 08.26.04 # debauched_sloth: Could you please read CONTRIBUTING? There are some things in the LCD optimisation that shouldn't be there: (1) using TABs and (2) mixing brace placement style. Also, we don't want C99 variable declarations, although that is missing from CONTRIBUTING 08.26.45 # expand is handy for tab to space conversion 08.27.24 # emacs as well. M-x-detabify iirc 08.27.30 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 08.27.36 # untabify, i think 08.27.44 # yup 08.27.52 # combrains: If there's a source directory, I can't find it. I searched "gigabeat" in the network drive that VMware provides, and no useful stuff came up. As the wiki said, I created a directory called "build_gigabeat" and my search results brought up no directories at all. 08.29.17 # Badger: Since we're pestering you while you're not here I've got another SVN issue. The current tree does not allow changing commit messages using propedit. 08.29.27 Join jamesshuang [0] (i=44219091@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5366f619ecd91a24) 08.29.43 # mouser: what is in the build_gigabeat directory? 08.30.03 # hmmm... I really messed this up... can someone with a gigabeat please send me a zip of their GBSYSTEM directory? after a finger slip, I accidentally deleted the folder, and now it won't boot x_x 08.30.13 # HCS: I don't know. I can't find it. As far as I can tell, it doesn't exist. 08.30.39 # hmm, so what is on the network drive? 08.30.40 # I'm assuming it contains the results of my build. 08.31.09 # mouser_x: how do you set up the network between the guest and host? It would be helpful for transfering my build out to windows 08.31.23 Quit compnerd (Client Quit) 08.31.38 # I have no idea how it was setup. VMware did it when it installed. 08.32.11 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@c80-216-155-218.bredband.comhem.se) 08.34.19 # ok - I have mine bridged - I was able to browse my windows shares in mdk 10 but I cant in suse 10.2 08.35.14 Part toffe 08.35.18 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@virlet.rez-gif.supelec.fr) 08.36.11 Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ 08.39.25 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 08.39.35 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 08.39.35 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 08.41.34 # well this is annoying... I see posts saying that the GBSYSTEM folder is installed with the software... except I can't install it because I"m on linux, and I don't have a ready windows install 08.41.58 # can some kind soul send me a package of the GBSYSTEM folder? x_x 08.43.28 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-06b5b443052b5a65) 08.44.09 Quit tychver (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.48.38 Join AndreSmith [0] (n=MyUser@60-242-25-74.static.tpgi.com.au) 08.49.32 # I have a question about the rockbox build. It says in the manual that the build consists of a folder called .rockbox If Im not mistaken, macs cant show this file, how would I get around this? 08.49.48 # enable showing hidden files 08.49.56 Quit johnd0e () 08.50.11 # http://www.osxfaq.com/DailyTips/02-2005/02-01.ws 08.50.15 # I dont think mac os x has such an option 08.50.20 # Ok, Ill check it out 08.50.23 # it does. 08.50.58 # Ok, so I guess I will have to consistantly see all the mac dystem files 08.51.10 # Rather inconvinient 08.51.21 # if you don't want do that, you can do "make zip" after "make", and then unzip that onto your player 08.51.34 # "make zip" will pack the build up into a rockbox.zip 08.51.42 # nevermind :-p i managed to find a copy on the internet... 08.51.44 Quit jamesshuang ("CGI:IRC") 08.51.46 # some day we should strip that leading "." 08.52.01 # True, that seems a little unecerry 08.52.03 # it causes us more support trouble than it is worth 08.52.26 # However, will I ever need to touch the .rockbox folder? 08.52.31 # actually, it was fine until those mac guys came around 08.53.38 # the os x way of unzipping forces the user to unzip to the desktop and then copy to the player 08.53.47 # gah. 08.54.10 # I can use a program such as zipit 08.54.18 # yes 08.54.23 # But If I were to put the folder there, then what? 08.54.23 # LinusN: got a moment to take a look at the nsf patch? 08.54.31 # (or maybe several moments?) 08.54.33 # Will I actually have to see it and move stuff there 08.54.41 # hcs, unfortunately not, have a meeting in a few minutes 08.54.50 # ok, meet well 08.55.04 # AndreSmith: generally no 08.55.06 # AndreSmith: no, you will be fine once it's there 08.55.25 # ok, so as long as its there I dont have to touch it. Good, It makes my life a little easier 08.55.40 # And If it were to accidently be deleted? 08.55.56 # then you will see an error message when you start rockbox 08.56.19 # ok, no problems 08.56.23 # Thanks for the help guys 08.56.31 # you're welcome 08.57.14 # What do you guys keep in that .rockbox folder? 08.57.28 # missile launch codes 08.57.40 Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1748aefd41df669f) 08.58.32 Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) 08.58.32 Quit einhirn (Client Quit) 08.58.33 # AndreSmith: basically all files that belong to Rockbox, like fonts, WPS files, EQ presets, plugins etc 08.59.18 # LinusN: MacOS doesn't allow unzipping directly to the player??? 08.59.35 # * amiconn has no idea of how os x works 09.00.02 # The last MacOS I used (also only a tiny bit) was MacOS 7.x 09.00.05 Part ajay 09.00.19 # Ah ok, So I would have to turn hidden files off i were to include stuff like that 09.00.27 # I was unable to figure out how to do certain things 09.00.43 # So I guess I'll turn hidden files off to create the .rockbox dir 09.01.49 # amiconn: just hold down command-option-shift and press random keys until it does what you want 09.02.11 # hehe 09.07.23 Quit titooo (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 09.07.52 # from here :http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200Install what happens after the step-by-step instructions, before i enable dual boot? 09.08.19 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 09.09.12 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 09.09.43 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 09.09.45 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 09.11.33 Part tucoz 09.14.53 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.15.18 Join austriancoder [0] (i=c108287e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-69d6728f52ae22fa) 09.15.59 # Hi all 09.16.38 Join dune2 [0] (n=dune2@LNeuilly-152-21-109-180.w193-253.abo.wanadoo.fr) 09.17.02 # * austriancoder will call austriamicrosystems to talk about as3514 in a few minutes 09.17.07 # * petur wants to be in Austria ;) 09.20.35 Quit AndreSmith ("Computer goes to sleep!") 09.21.04 # midgey: From looking at the code, your changed disktidy plugin leaks menu slots... 09.21.51 Quit Echelon (Remote closed the connection) 09.24.30 Quit Mikachu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.29.21 # my contact person at austriamicrosystems has at the moment a meeting.. i will call him later 09.31.20 # austriancoder: Good luck! 09.31.27 Join Mikachu [0] (i=Mikachu@kr-lun-154-152-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com) 09.31.37 Join AndreSmith [0] (n=MyUser@60-242-25-74.static.tpgi.com.au) 09.33.36 # amiconn: the standard behaviour of mac os x when you double-click on a .zip file is to unzip it to the same folder where the .zip resides 09.33.57 # most mac users are happy with that behaviour 09.34.21 Join Echelon [0] (i=ryan@38-101-153-226.jack.fl.echel0n.net) 09.35.37 # last time i had a mac, i had to download a (buggy) zip utility, i believe it was "unzipit" to be able to unzip into a folder of my choice 09.36.01 # mac os x is not about choice, apparently 09.36.38 # it is... about Steve Jobs' choice 09.36.50 # but as i said, most mac users seem to be happy with it 09.36.56 # good for them 09.37.26 # * petur read Apple considers licensing fairplay 09.37.32 # mac users trying to install rockbox aren't ;) 09.37.38 # LinusN: But you could first copy the zip onto the player, and then unzip there (?) 09.37.49 # yes, how convenient 09.38.14 # http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2007/01/17/apple_to_license_fairplay/ 09.39.02 Join dan3232 [0] (n=daniel_r@ 09.39.28 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.39.41 Quit dan3232 (Client Quit) 09.40.01 Join akadewboy [0] (n=akadewbo@dialup- 09.41.28 # amiconn: still, we should perhaps recommend that approach in the installastion instructions for mac users 09.41.44 Quit dan_a () 09.42.01 Quit akadewboy (Client Quit) 09.42.10 # its pretty hard trying to install rockbox here 09.42.20 # I have tried terminal but it doesnt want to show .rockbox 09.42.31 # AndreSmith: use the -a flag with ls 09.43.11 # by default ls hides files whose names begin with a '.' 09.43.19 # (and directories) 09.43.27 # yep 09.44.27 # So If I use ls, would it show hiddenfiles? 09.44.41 # if you type "ls -a", it will 09.44.55 # Ok, Im seeing them 09.45.13 # Now the difficult bit of getting the .rockbox folder in the player 09.45.32 # if the player is mounted and showing on the desktop, ls /Volumes should show it in there 09.46.29 # so assuming .rockbox is in your current directory, and your player is in /Volumes/thingy, you would use "cp -r .rockbox /Volumes/thingy" to copy it over 09.46.45 # The zip seems to have removed .rockbox 09.46.48 # *finder 09.47.32 # i have no idea why it would do that 09.48.07 # well, its not there 09.48.23 # also you may find you need to use "-R" and not "-r" with cp 09.48.34 # did you see it in an "ls -a" listing before? 09.48.34 # No, im seeing hidden files 09.48.45 # you may need to cd to the directory where you did the build 09.48.48 # Its just when I unzip, rockbox isnt there 09.49.23 Join bluebrother [0] (i=I17SZsF9@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 09.49.40 # well, it's ".rockbox", and i assume that's because the finder is not showing hidden files? 09.49.44 # Yeh, I saw it 09.49.50 # What happens Is I download it 09.50.08 # For an instant while its unzipping you can see the folder, then it disappears 09.51.12 # maybe there's a difference between files with the 'hidden' attribute and the hiding of .filename stuff? 09.51.43 # I think "." defines it as being hidden 09.52.25 # * petur prefers the attribute way 09.52.29 Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@vpnsh0028.fh-trier.de) 09.53.29 Join dan333 [0] (n=daniel_r@ 09.53.43 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-612735a5c85c9a62) 09.54.58 # This also seems strange, because If I were to connect the sansa to the computer, the .rockbox folder may be deleted in the process 09.55.00 Quit lini ("lini has no reason") 09.55.43 # AndreSmith: have you tried to copy the .zip to the sansa and extract it in-place? 09.56.11 # The zip is automatically extracted onto the desktop 09.56.24 # even if the zip is on the sansa? 09.56.36 # once its downloaded, it automatically unzips 09.56.54 # but the original .zip must still be there, isn't it? 09.57.08 # Hang on, I think its because i am using safari, i will try with firefox 09.57.18 # bah... who designed that crap 09.57.29 # Steves Minions 09.57.42 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 09.57.44 Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 09.57.45 Quit BigBambi ("Leaving") 09.57.55 # i think unzipping automatically is downright stupid 09.58.17 # * bluebrother agrees 09.58.37 # still, it may be the preferred action for the average mac user 09.58.51 # who downloads a ZIP that he/she doesn' 09.58.54 # t want to unzip? 09.59.06 # ...which says everything about the average mac user... :p 09.59.06 # I DO! 09.59.12 # Someone who wants to put it into the player ;) 09.59.17 # petur: exactly 09.59.20 # safari automatically opens what it judges to be "safe" files 09.59.24 # that feature can be disabled, iirc 09.59.31 # yeah, like zip bombs 09.59.50 # gets worse than IE 09.59.51 # but it's not confidence-inspiring that it's on by default 09.59.53 # it should have an otion at least 10.00.06 # options? on a mac? ha! 10.00.17 # * petur prepares a 50GB empty file and zips it :D 10.00.19 # Thats why you have to use firefox 10.00.24 # AndreSmith: the pref is caleld "automatically open safe files" or something, but it's definitely there (or it was in 10.3 anyway) 10.00.30 # * LinusN will soon receive anonymous threats 10.00.37 # True, i'll check that out 10.00.53 # you think SteveJ monitors #rockbox LinusN ? 10.01.04 # he'll send his enforcers round... 10.01.09 # he doesn't care 10.01.26 # well, i took some heat for my statement about ipod users :-) 10.01.38 # Must have missed that one 10.01.41 # Ok, so I exracted it in the file and these were the results: 10.01.52 # It created a folder called "rockbox Folder" 10.01.53 Join B4gder [0] (i=d94e2a0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-aab3abcdcfdc5afc) 10.01.54 # I've been taking some heat myself for my opinion of the average ipod user 10.01.57 # i liked camino a lot when i used os x, i hear it's gotten even better lately, although probably not for people who run firefox with a brace of extensions 10.02.06 # inside was "rockbox.e200" 10.02.08 Quit dan333 ("Freedom Chat - Your Home Away From Home | http://www.freedomchat.org | tIRC script by the Freedom Chat Leets") 10.02.14 # AndreSmith: AAAAAAAH, stupid stupid mac!!!!!!!!!!!! 10.02.32 # I shall try again with ZipIt 10.02.38 # * petur edits the golden quotes page 10.02.39 Join Bagderr [0] (i=d94e2a0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-85edb6a13c2f061d) 10.02.46 Join linuxstb [0] (i=5343d4aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9b831a503db0a98e) 10.02.50 # petur: link ? :) 10.02.57 # wiki 10.03.03 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 10.03.08 # * petur was just joking 10.03.16 # I just use the "unzip" command on my Mac - e.g. "unzip rockbox.zip -d /Volumes/IPOD/" 10.03.30 # Ill try that 10.03.46 # petur: shame - we should have such a page :) 10.03.52 # there is 10.03.56 # AndreSmith: Do you know about TAB-completion in the terminal? 10.03.59 # I was joking about editing it 10.04.02 # ah 10.04.21 # GodEater: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GoldenQuotes 10.04.36 # got it 10.04.49 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@gw-wlan.ece.fr) 10.04.52 # * linuxstb sees the bmp2rb raw output is still broken wrt endianness of the host 10.05.21 Join rp_ [0] (i=rp@ 10.05.36 Quit Wiwie ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 10.05.36 # I am trying with ZipIt 10.05.42 # I can at least see .rockbox now 10.06.04 # the question is whether it will stay 10.06.11 # lol @ firefox/opera on arm quote 10.07.31 # the WMA quote is my fav ;) 10.07.31 Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 10.07.41 # Excellent, .rockbox is there 10.07.50 # yes - that's also very amusing 10.08.00 # LinusN should start a career in geek stand up comedy 10.08.08 # hehe 10.08.32 # perhaps he already has one :) 10.08.54 # that's why i'm so busy all the time :-) 10.09.06 # all those late nights in comedy clubs - I can imagine 10.09.24 # yes, and all the chicks and booze that come with it 10.09.47 # in a geek comedy club? Wow. There must be a secret handshake to get in. 10.10.41 # of course - and all shows are in Klingon 10.10.57 # hahaha 10.11.04 # * GodEater really knew someone who bothered to learn it 10.11.09 # omg 10.11.22 # "Covnersational Klingon" 10.11.24 # * LinusN puts on "White and Nerdy" 10.11.35 # or conversational even 10.11.47 # * GodEater looks suspiciously at his fingers 10.11.57 # austriancoder: check your query 10.15.37 Quit ze (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.17.11 # * preglow sits down at the drums, quietly waiting for jokes to trigger him 10.17.22 Join ze [0] (i=ze@cpe-76-175-22-254.socal.res.rr.com) 10.18.49 Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 10.19.45 Quit combrains ("Rockbox Rocks :)") 10.19.56 # oh bah, I misremembered. The astroinfo stuff doesn't have log/exp 10.20.33 # :/ 10.20.45 # i think it'll be a pain to make one that's flexible too 10.29.38 Quit Kingsqueak (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.33.18 # preglow, how about something like this? http://www.quinapalus.com/efunc.html 10.38.01 Quit austriancoder ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 10.38.07 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@dslb-088-074-053-061.pools.arcor-ip.net) 10.38.07 Quit gotthardt ("adios!") 10.38.21 Join webguest73 [0] (i=c108287e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-cd5b6d3342899068) 10.38.41 Nick webguest73 is now known as austriancoder (i=c108287e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-cd5b6d3342899068) 10.39.16 Quit AndreSmith ("Quitting!") 10.40.24 # safetydan: had a look at that, and it's really great for arm, not so much on coldfire. anyway, primary thing is i don't know how easy it is to adapt to differing amounts of fractional bits 10.40.37 # then again, that might not really be so very important 10.41.07 # me notices there is an fp_exp() in firmware/replaygain.c ... 10.41.23 # no log 10.43.32 Join subson [0] (n=ju@ 10.43.52 Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 10.48.11 Join roolku [0] (n=roolku@82-41-2-141.cable.ubr01.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 10.50.38 # preglow, I believe it would just be a matter of recalculating the constants with different fractional bits, but I could be wrong 10.52.19 Quit Nibbier (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 10.52.42 # safetydan: yeah, i guess that's true 10.52.58 # i wonder what fp_exp does 10.53.03 # that does muls 10.53.17 Join Nibbier [0] (n=sven@port-212-202-78-79.dynamic.qsc.de) 10.56.11 Join norbusan [0] (n=norbusan@chello213047086216.5.14.tuwien.teleweb.at) 10.57.25 # preglow, what input format are you looking for? I'm assuming this is for the dsp, so that's 27 fractional bits? 10.59.55 # safetydan: that's the problem, there's no fixed input format, i'll be using it in random filter design spots 11.00.04 # ah 11.00.19 # but anyway, one with a fixed number of frac bits should do 11.00.30 # now that i think of it 11.00.42 # it'll mostly be used to convert decibels to linear amplitude 11.00.57 # where very high precision isn't really needed 11.01.23 # * safetydan cuts and pastes 16.16 versions from above web page 11.01.25 # done and done 11.01.34 # :-) 11.08.18 Join dan333 [0] (n=daniel_r@ 11.10.55 Join BigBambi [0] (n=BigBambi@host-144-219.ch.le.ac.uk) 11.11.04 Join softi_42 [0] (n=softi@p549D5B56.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.12.14 Quit softi-42 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.12.23 Part norbusan 11.14.28 # * austriancoder has finished telefon call with austriamicrosystems.. and now is looking for a way to present the results nicly to the community 11.14.55 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.15.07 # On the gigabeat I sometimes find the boost counter at 2 during playback without going down, does this happen on other targets as well? 11.16.00 # austriancoder: to the rockbox community? 11.16.19 # austriancoder: good news or bad news? 11.16.26 # very good news 11.16.34 # then spit it out!! 11.16.41 # will create a wiki page 11.17.21 # * safetydan wonders why make hates him 11.18.00 # because you make it do things without asking 11.18.06 # ick...bad pun... 11.18.13 # very 11.18.35 # I blame Bagder actually. It's his lang features change that's not working for me. 11.19.02 # * Bagderr takes blame and goes to stand in corner 11.19.12 # amiconn: you there? 11.19.31 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@ 11.19.49 # Bagderr: it seems that most of the SVN builds for the Gigabeat don't work, did someone already tell you? 11.20.18 # I mean the auto builds, not our own SVN builds 11.21.22 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 11.21.23 # what exactly is "don't work"? 11.21.26 # markun: Has anyone compared the binaries? Are you using the same gcc/binutils that are on the build servers? 11.21.30 # Bagder, the loop to build up the $feat variable in that patch seems to work, but when $feat gets passed to genlang, it gets printed as $feat rather than the contents 11.21.53 Quit dan333 ("Freedom Chat - Your Home Away From Home | http://www.freedomchat.org | tIRC script by the Freedom Chat Leets") 11.21.55 # safetydan: oh :-/ 11.22.54 # so I have a features.txt with #if define(HAVE_LCD_REMOTE) remote #endif and that bit all works, but not the passing to genlang 11.23.15 # LinusN, linuxstb: I didn't investigate it yet and am using my own builds. 11.24.44 # markun: and you're using the same binutils / gcc that we have on our build servers? 11.26.53 # petur: You cannot zip a 50GB file. The zip format uses 32bit values for file sizes 11.27.35 # heh 11.27.39 # Isn't there a "zip64" format? I've received zip files containing > 4GB files (but generally have trouble with them). 11.27.41 # there goes my plot 11.28.11 # linuxstb: there is 11.28.13 # Well, you can zip a bunch of 2GB files... 11.28.22 # GodEater: I use gcc 4.0.2 and binutils 2.16, some others use gcc 4.1.1 and binutils 2.17 I think 11.28.30 # both work fine 11.29.01 # markun: Is your binutils exactly 2.16? 11.29.31 # linuxstb: is there a way to check this? arm-elf-ld --version just shows 2.16 11.29.41 # Does it contain bugs? 11.29.48 # Then it is exactly 2.16. It would show the minor version otherwise. 11.30.25 # I'm using 2.16.1, and have generated builds which freeze on my ipod Color, but hcs (running 2.16) built the same source without problems. 11.30.30 # safetydan, preglow: Check they greyscale lib for a fixed point log / exp 11.30.47 # rockboxdev.sh installs 2.16.1 11.31.50 # woah 11.31.59 # linuxstb: ok, maybe that's the cause, needs some more investigation 11.32.04 # the grayscale lib is rather larger than i'd have imagined 11.32.27 # cool 11.32.36 # Yeah, it can do a lot of things... 11.32.44 # they look like they're from that web page I linked to before 11.34.36 # Yes, they use this algorithm 11.35.36 Join jba [0] (n=jba@c211-30-242-204.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) 11.38.44 # hey guys 11.38.51 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.39.06 # hi jba 11.39.12 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@dslb-088-074-053-061.pools.arcor-ip.net) 11.39.17 # how goes 11.40.15 # hmm. Shouldn't the verbose error message in the bootloader still print the error number? 11.40.25 # especially for an unknown error? 11.41.04 # Are there any unknown errors? 11.41.21 # If the error messages are unique, I can't see a need for the number. 11.42.00 # I just looked at the recent diff, and "Unknown error" sounds a bit ... unhelpful to me 11.42.19 # no idea if those error numbers are actually used 11.42.19 # I'm guessing that is just for safety and won't actually happen in the code. 11.42.23 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/Austriamicrosystems 11.43.36 # austriancoder: Interesting... Do you have any more info on their player? i.e. flash or HD based? 11.43.40 Join w1ll14m|work [0] (n=w1ll14m@84-104-81-208.cable.quicknet.nl) 11.45.03 Join jba_ [0] (n=jba@c211-30-242-204.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) 11.45.07 # linuxstb: at the moment not... but i will request some basic facts about their chip 11.45.18 Join Stalwart^ [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 11.45.50 # austriancoder: It's not that important, I'm just curious. I've just committed myself to a new port, so should stay away from it... 11.46.53 # vadim who worked on the low level code for the Gigabeat was a bit sad that the fun part was mostly over. Maybe he wants to start another port :) 11.47.15 # He's not tempted by the Gigabeat S? 11.47.24 Join mitch04 [0] (n=mitchell@cor8-ppp2089.for.dsl.connect.net.au) 11.47.31 # hi 11.47.35 # can anyone help me please? 11.47.43 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.47.58 # im making some good progress on porting creative zen vision m 11.48.02 # need help a bit 11.48.15 # mitch04: what kind of help? 11.48.21 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) 11.49.21 # hi im trying to crack the firmware but having problem trying to pass the checksum or signature validation 11.49.48 # linuxstb: i think the single-chip solution is the AS3525 11.50.13 Quit w1ll14m|work () 11.50.31 # so do you know how/when we can get the data sheet for the 3514? 11.50.34 # mitch04: don't really know how to help with that 11.50.53 # oh ok 11.51.02 # do u know anyone would? 11.51.31 # mitch04: I was lucky that someone came out of nowhere and solved the gigabeat encryption when I couldn't do it 11.51.58 # mitch04: there is a mysterious MrH who might be able to help you. Talk to Bagderr about it.. 11.51.58 # oh ok 11.52.07 # kk 11.52.22 # mitch04: how far did you get with the porting so far? 11.52.30 # you don't call him, he calls you ;-) 11.52.40 # And he's not cheap. 11.52.46 # oh hey badgerr 11.52.52 # i need some help 11.52.58 # yes I can read 11.53.01 # Bagderr: i dont know.. my contact person told me that i should present you with all this informations and i will call him back in a few days.. 11.53.04 # no badgers here.. 11.53.10 # im trying to crack the firmware but having problem trying to pass the checksum or signature validation 11.53.12 # austriancoder: ok 11.53.12 # wow 11.53.16 # austriancoder: nice work btw! 11.54.02 # would u know? 11.54.33 # mitch: cracking checksums and signatures is a hard and time consuming work 11.54.54 # disassembly is your friend 11.54.57 # mitch04: start a wiki page with everything you have found out so far 11.54.59 # dam is there a way to bypasses it 11.55.28 # im not the one whos really doing this im helping this gie out 11.55.30 # mitch04: is the firmware stored in flash or also partly on the hdd? 11.55.41 # http://www.epizenter.net/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?69697.90 11.55.53 # have a look around 11.55.58 # please 11.56.17 Quit Stalwart (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.56.35 # mitch04: so, did you make any progress with the rockbox port? 11.56.43 # no 11.56.55 # that thread is about extracting PNGs 11.57.13 # we just want to know if we can crack then firmware 11.57.14 # mitch04: I thought you did because of "11:47 < mitch04> im making some good progress on porting creative zen vision m" 11.57.36 # then it starts to get esier 11.57.41 # mitch: so where are the details on what you've learned so far? 11.57.43 # austriancoder: at least getting rockbox to work on such a highly powered chip shouldn't be an ipod-style challenge 11.57.50 # in a forum thread about PNGs? 11.58.09 # yeh 11.58.19 # look im sorry mabe i should just 11.58.21 # go 11.58.23 # umm 11.58.27 # 2.5mbit on-chip ram? 11.58.29 # * preglow salivates 11.58.55 # so could u made register and help them out please 11.58.59 # cya later 11.59.00 # no way 11.59.06 # why not? 11.59.09 # if you want help, you come and you present info 11.59.20 # kk 11.59.26 # will do 11.59.26 # cya later 11.59.28 # we don't wanna go around chasing stuff hidden in a messy forum 11.59.29 # 14 bit adc seems a bit weird, though 11.59.34 # mitch04: is it running windows CE? 11.59.41 # yep 11.59.45 # cya 12.00.07 Quit mitch04 () 12.00.59 # Bagderr: in the netherlands we have a saying "making someone happy with a dead bird" ... 12.01.20 # hahaha 12.01.35 # do you undestand what I mean? 12.02.09 # "I've made great progress.. but haven't actually started yet" 12.04.21 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 12.06.29 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 12.09.31 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.09.52 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@dslb-088-074-053-061.pools.arcor-ip.net) 12.15.00 Join Stalwart_ [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 12.15.17 Quit Stalwart^ (Remote closed the connection) 12.15.42 # * austriancoder is organiseing a cup of coffee 12.15.42 Quit jba (Connection timed out) 12.17.59 # what do we want to do with nvram settings when settings are moved to .cfg files? 12.18.31 # use the current system and keep a version just for them? or ignore them for a while? 12.19.46 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 12.24.10 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.24.49 Join mk3y [0] (n=mkey@pD9E3680B.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.28.04 # Bagderr: picked a date yet for the next devcon? :) 12.29.03 # no, but we really should 12.29.31 # lunch! 12.29.33 # in the summer maybe? 12.31.43 # bit long to wait for lunch 12.32.35 Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 12.32.37 # have you guys seen http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/Austriamicrosystems ? 12.32.45 # almost sounds too good to be true 12.33.34 # Nico_P: quite a turn-around 12.34.07 # isn't this the company that accepted to give the datasheet only under NDA ? 12.35.17 Quit safetydan ("Ex-Chat") 12.35.21 Quit jba_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.36.25 # Zagor: Do you know what's up with the [diff] links in the changes table? 12.37.00 # amiconn: they work fine for me 12.37.08 # anything is up with them?= 12.40.18 Join lini [0] (i=pugsley@ 12.43.17 # amiconn: they don't work if one part is missing (e.g. file creation/deletion) 12.43.49 # ah, that. that's Bagder's department 12.44.07 # (we've got Blaming down to an art form) 12.48.16 # Nico_P: They're only working when the file changes in every revision. 12.48.17 Join barrywardell [0] (i=c101acbc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b5ba645c92208459) 12.48.31 # E.g. this one doesn't work: http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/firmware/drivers/lcd-16bit.c?r1=12061&r2=12062 12.49.01 # amiconn: to me it seems to work... am i missing something ? 12.54.15 # works for me too 12.54.33 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.54.36 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@dslb-088-072-239-071.pools.arcor-ip.net) 12.56.25 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 12.57.49 Quit Stalwart_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.58.28 Join Stalwart_ [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.FastNet.lv) 12.58.33 # amiconn: what's wrong with that? 13.00.22 # I get a python exception 13.00.32 # maybe you pasted the wrong link 13.01.02 # nope 13.01.23 # the link works fine here 13.01.42 # * linuxstb adds a "works for me too" 13.01.46 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 13.02.00 # this one doesn't work though http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/firmware/target/arm/archos/av300/power-av300.c?r1=12007&r2=12008 13.02.18 # Strange. It does work from another system, but not here. 13.02.24 # Mikachu: The file probably didn't exist at revision 12007, 13.02.30 # yes 13.03.13 # yes it didn't, or yes it did? 13.03.19 # both! 13.03.35 # the first 13.03.38 # http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/firmware/target/arm/archos/av300/ata-av300.c?view=log says it didn't exist in 12007 13.03.54 # so the diff links shouldn't show up for new files, or deletions 13.04.06 # or should show as all green diffs 13.04.24 # linuxstb 13.04.25 # ! 13.04.58 # svn seems to act strangely with new files - I noticed that if you do a "svn diff" with a new local file, then apply that patch to a different tree, then -R that patch, it doesn't remove the new file, just makes it empty. 13.05.23 # so we should definitely move to git ;) 13.05.55 # Also, is there any way to make SVN checkout files with the real timestamps? At least for me, it seems to give files the checkout time. 13.06.22 # linuxstb: patch svn ? ;-) *ducks* 13.07.28 # * linuxstb spots a use-commit-times option 13.10.41 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.11.09 Quit barrywardell ("CGI:IRC") 13.12.32 # Bagder, http://www.jens-arnold.net/Rockbox/viewvc-exception.png 13.13.08 # It persists, no matter how often I reload 13.14.11 # Ctrl-F5 refresh too ? 13.14.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.15.18 # amiconn: that is my department. weird that I can't repeat it though. 13.16.08 # i gotta go out a bit, will look more later 13.19.16 # Weird. Ctrl-F5 did the trick 13.19.36 # * amiconn wonders what's the difference between this and a normal refresh 13.20.20 Join decayedcell [0] (i=3ba78e3b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-aa5ba9771047880d) 13.20.33 # it forces a refresh 13.20.45 # the normal refresh can use the cache 13.21.26 # refresh that uses the cache doesn't make much sense to me.. :/ 13.21.57 # refresh forces it to contact the server again 13.22.00 # it usually refreshes page content but not images 13.22.01 # otherwise it might not even do that 13.22.26 # but a normal refresh still uses cached content in lieu of downloading it again, if that makes sense based on modification time etc. 13.22.34 # or something along those lines, anyhow 13.22.51 # varies from browser to browser too, of course 13.22.53 # the http headers for amiconn's link include 13.22.54 # Expires: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 12:32:17 GMT 13.22.54 # Cache-Control: max-age=600 13.23.15 # i'm not sure what that means exactly though :) 13.23.45 # Anyway "Ctrl-F5" is a good trick to know though :) 13.24.33 Join Criamos [0] (n=Criamos@p54930D36.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 13.25.49 Quit decayedcell ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 13.29.12 # means that the site changes alot 13.29.20 # and don't remember it for more than 10 mins 13.30.05 # so if the browser contacted the server, it should have reloaded the page 13.30.30 # But why did it fail the first time? 13.32.36 Join softi-42 [0] (n=softi@p549D4905.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.32.54 # browser bug? 13.32.55 Quit softi_42 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.33.05 # what browser was it anyway? 13.33.39 # I've seen things like this with both IE and FF 13.33.59 # I use ctrl-f5 a lot... 13.34.32 # preglow: Firefox 13.34.52 # on windows 13.35.31 Part debauched_sloth 13.35.40 # preglow: But it looks like a server error originally. The caching is looks like something else. 13.36.45 Quit Zagor (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 13.39.44 # linuxstb: is there a reason for pcm_set_frequency not being implemented for the portalplayers? 13.41.08 Quit ender` (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 13.42.58 # Bagderr: please could you add my user(RenePeinthor) to the twiki group? 13.43.03 # woooo 64GB 1.8" flash drives coming :) http://www.tgdaily.com/2007/01/17/adata_ssd_128gb/ 13.43.56 # markun: No, just not done yet... 13.44.20 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa185.12.tellas.gr) 13.44.48 # petur: costing a fortune, too 13.44.58 # probably 13.45.25 # linuxstb: I've added some more freqs to the gigabeat driver, does it look ok? 13.46.08 Quit mk3y () 13.46.08 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 13.46.45 # petur: After some years we may bid 50$ for 256GB SSDs though... hope my H300 will be in good shape until then ;) 13.47.26 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3d76df91d7f7cf97) 13.47.40 # hahaha -> "In addition, SSDs promise to enhance battery life by a few minutes." 13.47.52 # few minutes? 13.48.01 # lol 13.48.05 # omg!! lolz! 4 f3w m1niut3z - mu$t h4v3 it n0w!!! 13.48.29 # markun: You can test by changing the output frequency in Doom to something other than 44.1KHz, and see if you can switch between music and Doom OK. i.e. play music, then Doom, then music etc. 13.48.30 # I'd imagine it'd be more than a few 13.48.31 # talking about laptops probably 13.48.33 # it's almost like they mean 'improving the battery life by 100%' 13.48.34 # :P 13.48.49 # markun: I think Doom's "native" output is 22.050KHz. 13.49.23 # rp_: you added now? 13.49.34 # linuxstb: 11.025KHz already worked fine, but I'm not sure if 48KHz etc work 13.49.38 # and why oh why did austriancoder add the page in a non-wiki name... 13.50.08 # GodEater: I think your server uses the "faulty" GCC 4.1.1 version, too. It throws the same wrong warnings like lostlogic's (at least this is how I understood the issue). 13.50.42 # pixelma: odd - I used rockboxdev.sh 13.50.56 # That's probably your native gcc - for the simulators. 13.51.00 # ah yes 13.51.03 # probably 13.51.07 # yes 13.51.09 # native 13.51.12 # Bagderr: doesn't look so, can't edit any page 13.51.30 # I'll have a look at the gcc version when I get home then 13.51.41 # what's the "recommended" simulator one then ? 13.52.04 # rp_: try now 13.52.04 # Probably anything apart from the version you have installed... 13.52.30 # hmm 13.52.41 # I have 4.1.1_r3 on *this* box 13.52.46 # wonder what I have at home 13.53.06 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 13.53.30 # is it all sim builds? or just particular ones ? 13.53.35 # Bagderr: works now, thank you 13.54.12 # are you fixing wiki accounts Bagder ? 13.54.27 # GodEater: I can't remember the details. 13.54.33 Nick Stalwart_ is now known as Stalwart (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.FastNet.lv) 13.55.12 # amiconn: try the viewvc link now 13.55.34 # markun: Did you try the test_sampr.c plugin? I've just remembered it exists... 13.55.52 # ah, no 13.56.00 # It's in SVN, just add it to SOURCES 13.56.30 # hmm - it seems even 4.1.1_r3 generates those warnings 13.56.36 # looks like I may have to downgrade 13.56.39 # :( 13.57.03 # linuxstb: it's broken, but I'll try to fix it 13.57.15 # GodEater: Newer 4.1.1 versions work as well as older ones 13.57.31 # Only some 4.1.1 had that bug 13.57.43 # amiconn: This is the latest version of gcc in portage though 13.57.51 # Really? 13.57.55 # yep 13.58.11 # The faulty ones were in debian unstable around half a year ago 13.58.20 # I'll have to go back to 4.0.x 13.58.21 # Long replaced by newer ones 13.58.36 # otherwise 13.58.44 # I could unmask either 4.2 or 4.3 .... 13.59.05 # but they're both hardmasked though 13.59.14 # so I suspect they're very broken indeed 13.59.23 # otherwise they'd just be keyword masked 13.59.28 # * GodEater goes to read why 14.00.26 # GCC snapshots; use with extreme care and only report bugs if you have a patch 14.00.38 # well that's not terribly descriptive 14.04.01 # I'll try 4.2 here on this machine, and if it's ok - I'll emerge it at home too 14.05.21 # amiconn: can you please test to see if you still get an error on this link? http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/firmware/drivers/lcd-16bit.c?r1=12061&r2=12062 14.05.30 Quit subson () 14.05.38 Join subson [0] (n=ju@ 14.05.57 Quit subson (Client Quit) 14.06.20 # Zagor: think a Ctrl-F5 in his browser already fixed it 14.06.34 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 14.06.39 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 14.07.00 # GodEater: oh? because there was actually an error. oh well. 14.07.13 # (error = bad config) 14.07.27 Join subson [0] (n=ju@ 14.07.54 # well that might have been why he got it in the first place I guess 14.08.07 # weird how none of the rest of us did though 14.12.51 Join bushblow1 [0] (n=bushblow@ 14.16.55 # Zagor: I get an error on diffs now, for example on http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/firmware/drivers/lcd-16bit.c?r1=12061&r2=12062 14.17.08 # Zagor: message is here: http://www.pastebin.ca/320425 14.17.57 # linuxstb: how is the plugin supposed to work? I don't get any output why I select a waveform and samplerate 14.18.17 # roolku: try again now 14.18.20 # markun: I've no idea. You need to ask jhMikeS 14.18.30 # it's supposed to play a sustained tone 14.18.36 # linuxstb: I made these changes 14.21.32 # Zagor: works fine. thank you. Now there are just those left: http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/bootloader/bootsplash-gigabeat.h?r1=12049&r2=12050 14.22.24 # roolku: well... there is no such file in svn. 14.23.30 # Zagor: The file was removed in that commit 14.23.53 # It looks like newly added files and deleted files need special handling 14.24.27 # yes. but that's an issue for the front-page table (i.e. Bagder), not for viewvc. 14.26.52 Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@ 14.27.15 # linuxstb, preglow: I forgot to add HW_SAMPR_CAPS to the gigabeat config, maybe that will fix it 14.31.44 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 14.31.58 Quit bushblows (Read error: 111 (Connection refused)) 14.32.31 Quit petur ("work stkov") 14.34.04 # strange, I can hear a click when I change the frequency, but that's all 14.42.01 Quit bushblow1 ("Lost terminal") 14.43.40 Quit daurnimator ("Cyas later...") 14.49.16 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.49.27 Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ 14.51.31 Join blueworm [0] (n=blueworm@7.Red-80-32-172.staticIP.rima-tde.net) 14.53.51 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 14.59.11 Join daurnimator [0] (i=daurn@unaffiliated/daurnimator) 15.01.19 Quit Zagor (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.06.09 Quit subson () 15.06.55 Join subson [0] (n=ju@ 15.07.22 Join bradley [0] (i=3a07da24@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-77f2cacf1df59f09) 15.07.57 # i have a 4GB nano and want to try this as it sounds brilliant 15.08.28 # the only issue is that if something goes wrong - can i restore the nano back exactly as it was when i first bought it? 15.08.28 # is it a first gen? 15.09.17 # Mikachu, how can i tell - isn't the new 8GB models the 'second' gen? 15.09.26 # bradley: is it all metal ? 15.09.40 # or does it have a plastic front and a metal back 15.09.57 # look at the small end. If it looks like (------) then it's second gen. If it looks like [------] then it's first gen. 15.10.04 Join Stalwart^ [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.FastNet.lv) 15.10.19 # nice ascii art there 15.11.25 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:KoolgiyBlackNano.JPG first gen 15.11.34 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:8GBipodnano.JPG second gen 15.12.09 # obviously this was a difficult question 15.12.22 # maybe something came up! 15.13.02 # ok ill check. thanks! 15.13.15 # sorry - i had to get it 15.13.32 # if it's rounded, you're out of luck 15.13.53 # not that you could break it trying to install rockbox on it 15.13.55 Quit Febs (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 15.14.00 # ipodpatcher would refuse to work 15.15.03 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.15.29 Quit Stalwart (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.15.38 Nick Stalwart^ is now known as Stalwart (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.FastNet.lv) 15.17.39 # ok.. 15.17.41 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 15.18.38 # my ipod looks like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:KoolgiyBlackNano.JPG . The corners are rounded (unlike http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:8GBipodnano.JPG) 15.19.37 # Model MA107J 15.20.12 # i bought it 6 or so months before the recently release 8GB models 15.20.53 # then it should work fine 15.21.12 # i guess just saying rounded is a bit ambiguous :) sorry 15.21.34 # and to answer your question, yes you can 15.21.37 # and in answer to your first question - yes you can uninstall rockbox if you decide you don't like it 15.21.48 # Mikachu: curse your faster fingers ;) 15.21.56 # i picked a shorter sentence 15.22.03 # faster brain then 15.25.21 # ok cheers 15.25.33 # well then - ill give it a go! 15.26.36 # id love to play my music lossless 15.27.09 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.27.35 # where can i find a list of the audio it supports - and do i use itunes or other software to put music on it? 15.28.27 Quit bradley ("CGI:IRC") 15.29.15 Join bradley [0] (i=3a07da24@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e56f70d80be07533) 15.29.25 # hello again 15.29.37 # where can i find a list of the audio it supports - and do i use itunes or other software to put music on it? 15.29.39 # where can i find a list of the audio it supports - and do i use itunes or other software to put music on it? 15.29.40 DBUG Enqueued KICK bradley 15.29.40 # where can i find a list of the audio it supports - and do i use itunes or other software to put music on it? 15.29.41 # where can i find a list of the audio it supports - and do i use itunes or other software to put music on it? 15.29.41 *** Alert Mode level 1 15.29.41 *** Alert Mode level 2 15.29.41 # where can i find a list of the audio it supports - and do i use itunes or other software to put music on it? 15.29.45 # bye 15.29.54 # ow sorry about that 15.30.33 # bradley: the SoundCodecs wiki page 15.30.40 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SoundCodecs 15.30.47 # lucky there are no ops around 15.31.00 # im using the web client and it didnt paste into the typing area first but went straight to the window - id didn't look my apologies gents 15.31.00 # and you can use i-tunes or other means to transfer music 15.31.05 # and you just drag and drop the files onto the iPod - no need for iTunes 15.31.20 Join Chegel [0] (n=Chegel@line137-9.adsl.kirov.ru) 15.31.26 # although as Bagder says - there's nothing stopping you continuing to use iTunes either 15.31.46 # just make sure you read the manual - particularly the Database section 15.31.59 # otherwise you'll be back here later asking "Where's all my music gone?" 15.32.07 # GodEater, oh thats a feature id love as well - i remember being peeved at not being able to do that with the ipod - unlike other players 15.32.11 # in which case you owe us all $50 each 15.32.17 # :) 15.32.17 # :) 15.32.20 # that would be great 15.32.25 # has anyone found a nice way to detect if the ipod has 2048-byte logical sectors or not? 15.32.37 # from the 'pod itself ? 15.32.39 # hell, and theres alot of people here 15.32.40 # o'reilly book about 'understanding the linux kernel' costs just about that GodEater :P 15.32.50 # GodEater: yes 15.33.11 # funny you should mention that book as i have it here on my shelf 15.33.13 # words 117-118 I think 15.33.18 # 15.33.19 # gotta run - bbiab 15.33.21 # i want to detect the sector size to adapt the fat code 15.33.24 # ? 15.33.29 # hm.. I was going to suggest reading the fat32 partition header 15.33.41 # --!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15.33.41 # I'll check it against my 60Gb identify info later 15.33.44 # but seeing that it doesn't work at all yet I don't think that's going to work 15.33.51 # or can you read the header LinusN? 15.33.58 # GodEater: those words won't help me 15.34.02 # because the sector size is defined as 2048 bytes in there 15.34.08 # Chegel: you have to use english here - check your keyboard setting too 15.34.12 # cheers godeater 15.34.37 Quit Ribs ("eh eh ehhhh!") 15.34.43 # DataGhost: reading the header is one way 15.34.47 # yes ill read that manual 15.35.06 # that's just as far as my knowledge goes at this moment :) 15.35.07 # where is the header? 15.35.12 # but still the only 'real' thing I saw 15.35.16 # eh. first bytes of the partition 15.35.23 # offset 0xb 2 bytes 15.35.32 # wait 15.35.34 # bradley: maybe this is interesting too for you http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodFAQ 15.35.47 # http://dataghost.com/stukschijf.bin LinusN 15.35.52 # at 0x5000 the partition starts 15.35.54 # but how can i find the partition if i don't know the sector size? 15.36.03 # hm. heh. 15.36.05 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.36.13 # I thought you just tried to multiply those values until you saw something logical 15.36.24 # that's what we do today, yes 15.36.30 # LinusN: Why do you want to adapt the fat code to 2048byte fat sectors? It alreeady handles those 15.36.52 # amiconn: because it reads and writes one sector at a time 15.36.54 # Adapting ata is a different thing though - but that's 1024 byte pyhsic al sectors 15.37.28 # i will adapt the fat code to use full 2048 byte sectors 15.37.40 # (on the platforms that need it) 15.37.58 # well LinusN since the harddrive doesn't return proper values afaik 15.38.05 # the only way I know is looking in the fat32 partition 15.38.16 # it's not defined in the MBR either 15.38.18 # yes, i'll keep the current approach for now 15.38.27 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@dhcp-892b7bf0.ucd.ie) 15.38.29 # RUSSIA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! 15.38.41 # you don't have to shout for long-distance chat Chegel 15.38.46 # lol 15.38.46 # not even in russia :) 15.38.49 # lol 15.39.12 # what? 15.39.21 # can you say in Russian?)) 15.39.28 # niet 15.39.31 # Chegel: never mind 15.39.35 # 15.39.43 *** Alert Mode OFF 15.39.51 # Micka4u, ty russkii znaesh'? 15.39.56 # oh dear.. I think he's using babelfish 15.40.00 # Chegel: english please 15.40.41 # LinusN: What would be the advantage? Imho it's wasting buffer ram and we will probably run into stack problems 15.41.25 # the advantage would be KISS and most likely performance 15.41.26 Join leftright [0] (n=leftrigh@d3.HtokyoFL39.vectant.ne.jp) 15.41.36 # Slasheri already had code that was sort-of working with 2048 byte sectors at fat level, but it was unstable 15.41.47 # i think the ipod can afford a few Kbyte extra stack 15.41.57 # (and less kiss than the current solution) 15.42.10 # the current solution will not work 15.42.22 Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@trir-590fa5aa.pool.einsundeins.de) 15.42.24 # i've made some changes to the iriver flashing page, could someone proof read it please http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverFlashing 15.42.28 # since 1-sector access is not possible 15.43.19 # specifically the flashing procedure 15.43.38 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B97A58.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.43.38 # faking 1-sector access in the ata code by using a sector cache is not kiss in my opinion 15.44.18 # and wasting a few kilobytes on the 32mbyte ipod will not make any difference 15.45.34 # Yes, possibly 15.46.57 # But you could check identify info for the ata physical size, and then use _this_ sector size in the fat code 15.47.30 # sure, but then i need to allocate the buffers dynamically 15.47.45 # nah 15.47.58 # You could just allocate a defined maximum 15.48.26 # yes of course, and have as many fat_cache entries that would fit in the buffer 15.48.47 # but how is that more kiss than using a fixed size? 15.49.31 # The drawback of using 2048byte sectors when 1024byte sectors are enough is that there is more overhead for small accesses 15.49.45 # ...like tiny files, reading directories and the fat 15.50.08 Part Chegel 15.50.27 # And the mechanism to handle larger logical sectors by combining physical sectors is already there, and should be kept for all (other targets imho 15.50.37 # the fat is cached, so having larger sectors might even increase the cache hit rate 15.50.38 # hmm, how can one accentuate the "dot" in .rockbox, its soo easy to mistakeit for rockbox on the wiki 15.51.18 # LinusN: The hit rate would certainly be higher with e.g. 8*1024byte sectors in the cache than with 4*2048 byte sectors 15.51.24 # the dot is so darn faint/small^^ 15.51.42 # ...at least when there is more than one file open, or the opened file is fragmented 15.51.45 # leftright: use a monospace font? 15.51.54 # amiconn: yes, perhaps 15.53.00 # If you use a fixed size, you will run into problems on the plain G5 15.53.11 # ...and I thought we don't want to split builds 15.53.22 # the actual sector size will be calculated 15.53.31 # but the buffers will use a fixed size 15.53.43 # Then you'll waste buffer... 15.53.58 # yes, several kilobytes out of 32 megs 15.54.26 # Why not use them? They're allocated anyway 15.54.34 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ 15.54.46 # but i agree that i could make the fat cache use the entire buffer 15.55.28 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@m34.net81-65-114.noos.fr) 15.55.29 # or at least most of it, since the cache size has to be a power of 2 at the moment 15.55.58 Part kaaloo 15.56.18 # i think you have convinced me to use the physical sector size in the fat code 15.57.24 # it will be a little more code for the smaller targets, if we don't want lots of #ifdef in the fat code 15.57.36 # hmm 15.57.38 # since the cache size will be dynamic 15.57.55 # The large logical sector support also added some code to all targets 15.57.59 # yes 15.58.00 # A few hundred bytes 15.58.25 # Why does the cache size need to be dynamic? 15.58.25 Quit BigBambi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.58.29 Join BigBambi [0] (n=BigBambi@host-144-219.ch.le.ac.uk) 15.58.51 # amiconn: because you wanted to use the entire cache buffer 15.59.08 # and the sector size is dynamic 15.59.21 # If it needs to be a power of 2, and ata sectors are also a power of 2, 8KB would give 8 1024-byte sectors or 16 512-byte-sectors 15.59.34 # Constant buffer size... 15.59.34 # yes, that will probably not be a problem 15.59.52 # but the number of cache entries will be dynamic 16.00.09 # so these can no longer be constant: 16.00.10 # #define FAT_CACHE_SIZE 0x20 16.00.11 # #define FAT_CACHE_MASK (FAT_CACHE_SIZE-1) 16.00.19 Quit Wiwie ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 16.00.29 # That's true. But the management struct is fairly small, so reserve it to be sufficient for 512-byte sectors 16.00.45 # With 1024-byte sectors, only half of it would be used 16.01.08 # When I plug my usb adapter in for charge it reboots in an endless loop. 16.01.16 # is there something I have to change? 16.01.22 # amiconn: i think i'll let that be dependent on MAX_SECTOR_SIZE 16.01.33 # oops, I'm using ipod 5g video 16.01.36 # Of course than means the sector buffer itself can't be part of the management struct 16.01.55 # but it isn't 16.02.10 # static char fat_cache_sectors[FAT_CACHE_SIZE][SECTOR_SIZE]; 16.02.10 # static struct fat_cache_entry fat_cache[FAT_CACHE_SIZE]; 16.02.13 # even better - no change required here 16.02.46 Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@cpe-66-69-210-194.austin.res.rr.com) 16.02.48 # we could even allocate it with buffer_alloc if we wanted to 16.02.48 # fat_cache_sectors must be reserved differently 16.03.04 Quit bradley ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 16.03.23 # SECTOR_SIZE is always 512, so the allocation itself could be kept, but then the addressing must change 16.04.57 # i think we would want a larger cache on the larger hard drives 16.05.20 # Hmm, the ata driver could have a function that returns the physical sector size of the drive 16.05.21 # or at least not smaller than the smaller drives 16.05.27 # amiconn: yes, it will 16.05.32 # amiconn: which function am i leaking slots in? i used the code from wormlet as an example so that plugin may be leaking as well 16.06.54 # midgey: in tidy_lcd_menu(), rb->menu_exit(loc); is never executed, because you return from within the switch() 16.07.04 # time for me to go 16.07.06 Part leftright 16.07.06 Part LinusN 16.12.01 Nick rp_ is now known as r- (i=rp@ 16.12.08 Nick r- is now known as rp- (i=rp@ 16.19.42 Join perl|work [0] (n=jacquesc@static-64-61-105-170.isp.broadviewnet.net) 16.20.02 # FRiZzO: hold Menu as you insert the USB cable. 16.20.26 # cool, svn frontend seems to work fine now 16.23.36 # did we come up with a method of finding the physical / logical sector size ? 16.24.00 # or is it no longer relevant ? 16.26.33 # GodEater: fdisk probably? 16.28.30 Quit Genre9mp3 (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 16.31.10 # "svn diff > file" will make a diff on my current source checkout right? 16.31.43 Quit EvilDude () 16.35.53 # XavierGr: jep 16.37.11 Join upsioned [0] (n=ju@ 16.37.13 # thanks it worked :) 16.37.16 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 16.38.52 # amiconn: does this solution appear to work correctly? 16.38.55 # http://www.pastebin.ca/320527 16.39.18 # top part is the patch and the bottom is the resulting function 16.41.22 Part Llorean 16.41.44 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p54848B8D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 16.42.00 # damn it the spc patch doesn't work realtime for H100 16.42.07 # (and H300) 16.42.17 # its because there's floating point in it 16.42.38 # who is the author of it? hcs or the zsnes guy? 16.42.45 # hcs i think 16.43.22 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A975B1.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.43.56 # Stalwart: we need to do it dynamically in rockbox 16.45.00 Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@ 16.46.19 # midgey: No it won't work properly 16.46.20 # it is a port from Game_Music_Emu by blargg, by me 16.46.45 # it really doesn't use much floating point at all, but I haven't even begun trying to improve speed yet 16.46.45 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 16.46.50 # Changing loc and then calling menu_exit with the changed value doesn't sound like a good idea... 16.47.07 # hcs:nice work, it runs steadily but very slow on H100/H300 16.47.07 # good point... 16.47.26 # so are you going to optimize it? Is there room for any optimization? 16.47.34 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 16.47.34 # * amiconn wonders why so many menus have an explicit "exit" item 16.47.47 # I honestly haven't studied it too closely, I'm sure there is room for improvement 16.47.51 # avoid confusion for the user maybe? 16.47.54 # Doesn't that mean "exit plugin" ? 16.48.06 # One can always leave the menu with Left, or Stop, or the equivalent of Stop depending on target 16.48.37 # hcs: I hate (jealous) of all the new Gigabeat users with the 300Mhz CPU!! :P 16.48.47 # :) 16.48.48 # Then it would be possible to use menu_run() instead of menu_show(), and things become easier... 16.49.08 Nick w1ll14m|away is now known as w1ll14m (n=w1ll14m@84-104-81-208.cable.quicknet.nl) 16.49.08 # hcs: Is nfs realtime for all SW targets? 16.49.20 # XavierGr: I got NSF down from too slow to faster than MP3 on iPod, so I'd think it is possible 16.49.35 # nice 16.49.41 Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-074-029-233.pools.arcor-ip.net) 16.50.11 # tracks using the N106 still don't run realtime on anything but the gigabeat 16.50.30 # I should try NSF too 16.50.38 # everything else runs fine on anything I've heard of people testing it on 16.50.55 # XavierGr: nsf has about a 10% boost ratio on my h320 16.51.08 # that's very nice 16.51.24 # though I am not a NES guy :P 16.51.35 # All my childhood memories are with SNES 16.51.37 # XavierGr: yes, rockbox runs quite nice on the gigabeat :) 16.52.00 # I should get one, but these machines are rare from what I've heard 16.52.36 # XavierGr: they are a little less rare in australia 16.52.44 Quit subson (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.52.49 # I got mine refurbished from overstock.com 16.53.16 Quit bluey- (Client Quit) 16.53.27 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.53.38 # if theres a country full of all models of gigabeats its australia 16.53.54 # I wonder why 16.54.01 # they even have the X models on au official gigabeat site 16.54.08 # it seems that the Gigabeat is quite nice in DAP terms 16.54.14 # almost as nice as an H100/H300 :P 16.54.28 # gigabeat X is the best player ever made 16.54.33 # in my opinion 16.54.36 # the weather is freakin here...... 16.54.41 # amiconn: is this better? http://www.pastebin.ca/320534 16.54.50 # perl: does it have USBOTG? 16.54.54 # i have to go to class, so i'll read about it in the logs 16.55.01 Join mk3y [0] (n=mkey@pD9E374F6.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.55.37 # DataGhost: are you there? 16.55.52 # perl|work: I think it depends on what you do with it, it has no recording for example 16.56.30 # XavierGr: it has a USB host and USB device controller, but 1.1 though.. 16.56.44 # markun: like H300 I guess 16.57.12 # XavierGr: from what I understand USBOTG is different 16.57.18 # markun i agree, it doesnt have every feature possible but its well balanced and with rockbox its just great 16.57.51 # XavierGr: you can only connect 1 device to a USBOTG port for example 16.58.29 # perl|work: when we get some dock connectors to play with we can add digital audio in and out 16.58.31 Quit Zagor ("Leaving") 16.59.07 Quit Nimdae (Remote closed the connection) 16.59.17 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-dacfd3afb9ba400f) 16.59.25 # markun ha, it only gets better 16.59.53 # * amiconn thinks working with such a powerful cpu is just boring 17.00.36 # XavierGr: http://www.usb.org/developers/onthego/USB_OTG_Intro.pdf 17.01.01 # amiconn: I'm glad there are rockbox targets with slower ARMs or we wouldn't see any optimizations 17.02.55 # so there's something good about the ipods after all 17.02.57 Quit foolsh (Remote closed the connection) 17.03.04 Quit barrywardell () 17.03.17 # someone should send amiconn a Karma - now *there's* a slow ARM 17.03.29 Join Juice^ [0] (n=juice@ 17.03.44 # * amiconn expects more opts from the AV3xx port - if that ever gets up to speed 17.03.57 # * amiconn looks at linuxstb, and mentions the Elio port 17.04.00 # * amiconn hides ;) 17.04.28 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@zarathul.student.utwente.nl) 17.05.16 # hrm 17.05.17 # Is it still true that what the rockbox-ipod wiki's say about ipod accessory support -- namely that nothing works yet? Like docking an ipod into a station that has speakers ? 17.05.36 # tchan: correct, afaik 17.05.50 # the accessories are documented about as well as the main ipod hardware 17.05.52 # that is, not at all 17.05.53 # I thought it they used simple line out they did work ? 17.06.00 # s/it/if 17.06.02 # tchan: I know the bose sounddock my father has worked, probably just uses a line out 17.06.02 # well, sure 17.06.12 # but not if they use the port 17.06.46 # (a line out on the bottom connector), and it was getting power, too 17.07.11 # isn't the "port" the bottom apple connector ? And isn't that where line out comes from ? 17.07.11 # I loved the last post on sansa porting support :)) 17.07.19 # oops, I'm too slow typing 17.07.30 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p549652A5.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.07.32 # well, the line out probably works, but that's probably that too 17.07.38 # hcs: Power is enabled in rockbox afaik. But everything that uses serial communication doesn't work 17.07.39 # we don't need to do anything special to support that 17.08.05 # okay, thanks 17.08.15 Quit austriancoder ("CGI:IRC 0.5.7 (2005/06/19)") 17.08.19 # seriously, who uses ipod accessories? 17.08.32 # amiconn: yeah, I'm familiar with that, it's just that any other way to connect the ipod for charging kicks in the usb reboot 17.09.04 # well I have a dock in my car. One of the reasons I wanted to get an ipod and then run rockbox on it for ogg/flac 17.09.08 # That's a different thing 17.09.27 # We don't detect usb properly, and mistake a charger for a real usb port 17.09.58 # mmhmm, just pointing out that this device provides power but not usb 17.10.00 # So rockbox thinks "usb" and reboots into diskmode, but diskmode sees no connection and reboots into rockbox etc 17.10.34 # I need to see if barrywardell's USB test plugin can give us any clues about that. 17.11.37 # are there any areas in the iPod todolist that newbies can work on ? Or does everything there need proprietary Apple specsheets ?? 17.11.59 Join jackfusion [0] (i=cdc80c8a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-579cb83eb2c5c880) 17.12.03 # Hi all 17.12.06 # tchan: Have you looked at the todo list? 17.12.38 # How do I stop my ipod from shuuting down on its own? 17.12.53 # It shuts down when I am reading on it. 17.13.30 # You mean it turns off? 17.13.43 # yup 17.13.53 # So you're in the text viewer? 17.13.58 # it says hutting down. 17.14.00 # yup 17.14.04 # linuxstb: yes -> rolo, recording, cop usage, battery life, accessory support, dma, ata, usb, firewire all seem like one would need apple specsheets.... 17.15.04 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.15.41 # other than supporting the 80GB - what else needs doing with ATA ? 17.15.41 Join Arathis_ [0] (n=doerk@p5484833A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.15.43 # Yes, but that's the challenge of the ipod port... The ATA optimisation I mention there just needs ARM assembler skills. 17.15.44 # linuxstb: Would be very nice if we could also detect firewire 17.15.54 # I don't know where to get such a cable 17.15.54 # ah THAT bit of ATA ;) 17.16.08 Join Nimdae [0] (n=nimmeh@ 17.16.34 # amiconn: if it'd be helpful I'd be glad to send you one 17.16.49 # or someone else interested in working on it 17.16.58 Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@trir-590fa5aa.pool.einsundeins.de) 17.17.37 # hcs: I'd need a cable with the small firewire plug. My laptop has an appropriate socket 17.18.04 # linuxstb: I have some time, I wouldn't mind trying some ARM assembler, but its been a real loooong time since my assembler days. Is the ata optimisation task in svn somewhere ? 17.18.10 # amiconn: I have one that I don't use, would you like it? 17.18.18 Quit toer ("Changing server") 17.18.23 # oh, nvm, it is the large plug 17.18.27 Join mako_ [0] (n=mako@bork.hampshire.edu) 17.18.29 # still firewire,though 17.18.32 Quit B4gder ("CGI:IRC") 17.18.32 Quit Bagderr ("CGI:IRC") 17.19.41 # linuxstb, jackfusion: This is a long-standing bug on all ipods. Using the wheel doesn't reset the user activity timer 17.19.50 # Very annoying in sudoku... 17.20.00 Quit Ribs ("eh eh ehhhh!") 17.20.50 # how would u reset the user activity timer? 17.21.35 # That's in the rockbox code 17.21.47 # Using buttons does reset the timer, but the wheel does not 17.21.56 # disconnecting the headphones doesn't reset it either, from what I can see, so when you have it set to pause on that and you haven't touched it in a while sometimes it'll turn off 17.21.58 # would it be expensive to call it on every touch event? 17.22.23 # So rockbox "thinks" you're not actively using it when you only use the wheel, and shuts down after the set poweroff timeout 17.22.40 # hcs: uh, that's sort of a feature i think? it's on pause andyou're not using it... 17.22.56 # hcs: i almost always rely on that for shutting down 17.23.10 # how do I get rid of the timer 17.23.25 Quit Wiwie ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 17.23.44 # yeah, but if you were listening to music and hit the pause button it'd be reset when you hit pause, when disconnecting the headphones it doesn't register interaction but does recognize idleness and shuts down near-immediately 17.24.00 # ah, you mean in that way 17.24.09 # (at least this was my experience with an ipod a month or so ago) 17.24.37 # or set the timer for a longer time 17.25.19 # Ah, that's because the wheel code posts directly to the button queue, instead of returning a button value to button_tick() 17.25.45 # jackfusion: It's a bug in the code 17.25.52 # oh ok 17.26.17 # jackfusion: General Settings -> System -> Idle Poweroff -> Off if you want to totally disable that 17.26.19 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-202-175.student.uu.se) 17.26.20 # The wheel code needs to call reset_poweroff_timer() every time it posts a wheel event 17.27.28 # That'd be in button-clickwheel.c and button-mini1g.c 17.27.47 # I'll fix that tonight if nobody beats me to it 17.28.10 # amiconn: Would something like this suit you? http://shop.ipodworld.co.uk/iPodWorldSite/product/all_iPods_Cables%20and%20Adaptors/SS01/SendStation_PocketDock_Combo.htm - it gives you standard USB B and Firewire sockets. 17.28.16 # thatnk u for ur help every one 17.28.26 Quit rp- ("leaving") 17.28.37 # I find that whenever I do disable idle poweroff I wind up expecting it to work anyway and leave it paused, and the battery runs out 17.29.31 # pretty much the only thing I do on my ipod is read. 17.29.54 # I may be doing some profiling for the SPC player later today, for now off to class. 17.30.07 # dose rockbox play videos? 17.30.10 # linuxstb: I would still need a cable. 17.30.27 # I don't have any firewire capable equipment apart from the laptop and the ipod 17.30.29 # jackfusion: see PluginMpegplayer in the wiki 17.30.43 # ok thank u 17.32.56 Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.34.53 Quit mako (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.35.21 Quit Nimdae (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.36.05 Nick mako_ is now known as mako (n=mako@bork.hampshire.edu) 17.36.29 Join luigi_ [0] (n=luigi@ip72-205-40-165.dc.dc.cox.net) 17.36.56 Quit blueworm ("Leaving") 17.37.41 # amiconn: this should do it right? http://mikachu.ath.cx/patches/rockbox_wheel_resets_inactivity.patch 17.38.04 # How can I use the orignal firmware with out getting rid of rockbox? 17.38.23 # w1ll14m yes 17.38.43 # Mikachu: Yes. Does it compile w/o warning? 17.39.09 # jackfusion, if you have the most recent bootloader, you can boot the ipod firmware by turning the ipod on and then immediately switching the hold switch on. 17.39.17 # i'm compiling now 17.39.51 Join sirixlancelot [0] (i=cgDzZpxD@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 17.39.53 # To tell if you have the most recent bootloader, turn the ipod on. If you see light text on a dark background, it's the new bootloader. 17.40.13 # If you see dark text on a light background as the player boots, you have the older bootloader. 17.40.55 Join stoffel_ [0] (n=sfr@p57B4FE5D.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.40.59 # Febs: Depends on the ipod. 17.41.14 # On the greyscale ipods, you can't tell from the bootloader text 17.41.19 # amiconn: the clickwheel one does, so i guess it's fairly safe to assume mini1g will too 17.41.35 Part jackfusion 17.41.49 # amiconn: they have the exact same #include's too 17.42.16 # linuxstb: I can get an ipod->firewqire cable from amazon germany for 8 and a 6pin->4pin adapter for 2.90 17.43.14 # For some reason I thought he said he had a 5g, but perhaps I imagined that. Jackfusion, which ipod is it? 17.43.31 # Never mind, he's gone. 17.46.17 Quit mk3y (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.46.53 Nick Arathis_ is now known as Arathis (n=doerk@p5484833A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.47.20 Quit Xerion (" ") 17.49.34 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 17.52.29 Quit Brunellus (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17.52.55 Quit stoffel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.56.54 Quit BigBambi ("Leaving") 18.00.45 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 18.00.59 # hi. anyone there who is familiar with archos JBR v2? 18.02.27 # Best to just ask your question and see. 18.04.03 # i have the following problem: the player does not turn on (no reaction at all) and with power or USB connected it just goes click,click, click 18.04.25 # basically, the problem is exactly the same as described in http://www.rockbox.org/mail/archive/rockbox-archive-2004-06/0233.shtm 18.04.46 # There, it was a problem with the battery, but I cant figure out what to do... 18.06.22 # Can you access the battery? 18.10.42 Join rp- [0] (n=rp@ 18.10.54 Join linuxdante [0] (n=dante@84-73-85-210.dclient.hispeed.ch) 18.10.54 # yeah 18.10.56 # hey all 18.11.01 # some question again 18.11.06 # how to load an ipod with rockbox on it? 18.11.23 # i opened the recorder (including unsoldering the points, where the board is connected to the case) 18.11.47 # if i plug it into the normal power plug it keeps resetting itself, switching to the ipod firmware trying to get mounted and switching back to rockbox 18.13.07 Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@trir-590fa5aa.pool.einsundeins.de) 18.13.43 Quit upsioned (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.13.46 Join subson [0] (n=ju@ 18.13.59 # (i used the last time 2 days ago......since then it was connected to power and usb IIRC) 18.16.10 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 18.17.08 # sirixlancelot: http://www.angelfire.com/trek/archos/ The information regadring batteries is also valid for recorder fm and v2 18.18.33 # thx, i will check it 18.18.54 Join aarond [0] (n=Aaron@c-24-22-198-126.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 18.19.37 # blah rockbox on my nano wont play 18.19.52 # linuxdante: see here http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodFAQ 18.20.15 # aarond: Won't play what? 18.20.17 # work really sucked last night 18.20.21 # anything 18.20.45 # w1ll14m I'm off for a bit, if you still need to speak me just PM so I won't miss it :) 18.21.04 # aarond: Describe what you are doing, and exactly what happens. 18.21.14 # at first it was giving a codec error so I used my friends computer to install the latest, after that it would just sit and do nothing 18.22.46 # n1s: thx lots 18.23.01 # it looks like its going to play but it doesnt 18.24.24 # maybe I just need to do a fresh install? I just installed yesterday 18.25.35 Join einhirn_ [0] (i=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) 18.26.34 Quit einhirn_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.27.54 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18.31.08 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 18.31.53 # aarond: You could also try resetting your settings - turn the hold switch on immediately after you see the Rockbox bootloader (the screen with the white writing on a black background) appear when you start your ipod. 18.32.39 # ok 18.33.39 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 18.34.25 Join mk3y [0] (n=mkey@pD9E35B92.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.34.28 # linuxstb: Doesn't that boot the of? 18.34.54 # it's all about timing 18.34.56 # The hold switch is checked at the very start of the bootloader. 18.34.59 Join redwood [0] (n=penovich@castor.rfa.org) 18.35.11 Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@cpc2-nfds9-0-0-cust419.lei3.cable.ntl.com) 18.35.16 # k 18.35.17 # So you have about a second or two before Rockbox loads. 18.35.36 # it said cleared, then it wouldnt unlock 18.37.15 # wow I connected it again and disconnected it and it started up with apple firmware and locked and wont unlock 18.38.52 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.39.59 # how can you unlock an ipod? 18.41.33 Nick Everybody|away is now known as Everybody (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 18.41.41 Join fasmaie [0] (n=yohannmi@cpe-71-72-99-25.columbus.res.rr.com) 18.42.11 # You're saying the ipod thinks the hold switch is on, but it is off? 18.42.37 Join mathgl [0] (n=mathgl@shm67-4-82-242-213-244.fbx.proxad.net) 18.43.04 # yeah, I can only use my remote 18.43.11 # amiconn: i think i have a real solution this time (i hope you ignored my last attempt...) 18.43.17 # http://www.pastebin.ca/320616 18.44.16 # is there any button to turn backlight off/on? 18.45.39 # linuxdante: Any button turns it on (or just touching the wheel), but there is no button to turn it off. 18.45.44 # darn this sucks 18.45.49 # It's turns off via a timeout. 18.46.15 # aarond: Does holding MENU+SELECT work? 18.47.15 # no 18.47.26 # hmm....i will resolder the board to the case now and hope it will work.....wasnt really much to do except to bend the battery contacts a bit... 18.47.27 # hm.. 18.48.04 Quit ender` (" In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. ) 18.48.26 # maybe I just have to wait for it to shutdown 18.49.49 # linuxstb: ok then... thanks 18.49.57 # aarond: Is it still under warranty? 18.50.17 Quit blue_lizard (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.50.31 # dont think so 18.50.40 Join blue_lizard [0] (n=blue_liz@p54985864.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.50.50 # actually I have a replacement plan for best buy 18.51.40 # I think when it starts back up it will be fine 18.52.11 # You can make it reboot by modifying the firmware partition from your PC. 18.52.40 Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ 18.53.53 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15F44.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.55.58 # Im just going to wait :) 18.56.00 Quit kubiix ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 18.57.31 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 18.58.57 # aarond: Turn the backlight on and play music... 19.01.28 # how? 19.01.30 # :) 19.02.03 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 19.02.27 # I thought you said the remote worked? 19.03.23 # yeah I can play and pause 19.03.44 # and next and forward but there is only a podcast on it 19.04.15 # its a griffin radio/remote 19.04.18 Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ 19.05.42 Quit fasmaie () 19.06.44 Join fasmaie [0] (n=yohannmi@cpe-71-72-99-25.columbus.res.rr.com) 19.08.20 Quit fasmaie (Client Quit) 19.08.38 Join dan_a [0] (i=d917a37d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-53057995edefbb33) 19.11.29 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 19.11.32 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 19.15.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.15.29 Quit dune2 ("Leaving") 19.16.19 # how long does it usually take? like an hour? 19.18.14 Quit shnee ("Konversation terminated!") 19.23.01 # what a waste 19.23.03 # http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.engadget.com/media/2007/01/iphone_widescreen_cropping.jpg 19.26.38 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.29.26 Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@rockbox/administrator/Llorean) 19.30.16 # somehow the configure script doesn't work, i use cygwin and already built rockbox, but before you changed to svn 19.30.18 # http://rafb.net/p/lIPR4o68.html 19.30.50 # any idea? 19.32.15 Join |Rincewind| [0] (i=pTAqyT6C@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 19.32.19 # rp-: are you using ubuntu? 19.32.24 # oh, cygwin, doh 19.32.32 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.32.42 # rp-: how about if you run it by doing "bash ../tools/configure"? 19.33.01 # same 19.33.18 # that's pretty weird 19.33.19 Quit w1ll14m (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19.33.19 # very strange 19.34.59 # rp-: which svn package so you have? (someone reported problems with configure - he had svn 1.3.1 and an upgrade to 1.4.2 helped 19.35.07 # *do 19.36.00 # hm i use tortoiseSVN which is build against 1.4.2, but i will try the cygwin svn client 19.36.43 # ah tortoiseSVN was another story... there's an extra wiki page about it... 19.37.36 # maybe you can find something here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UsingCygwinAndTortoiseSVN 19.37.42 # From the pastebin it looks like a line ending issue. 19.37.57 # Which would be the problem that tortoiseSVN causes with Cygwin 19.38.15 # You can just set Cygwin to use windows style line endings and things should work from there. 19.38.22 # yes that reminded me of what petur described... 19.38.31 # ah ok, i will try 19.38.45 Join rkostynu [0] (n=chatzill@ 19.39.38 # thank you, problem fixed 19.41.16 Join x1jmp [0] (n=x1jmp@p549F0F06.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 19.41.39 Join ogami1972 [0] (n=michael@72-48-98-191.dyn.grandenetworks.net) 19.42.14 # @linuxstb/amiconn: i reassembled the JBR up to resoldering the board to the case...if i push the battery lid against the battery to try it, it ticks slower than before (hm..lets say 3 times in two seconds) and now the green led is flashing.. 19.43.08 Part Llorean 19.43.25 # hello all- am looking for any tips re: 4G Ipod/itrip- any one got it working without opening the itrip? 19.43.49 Quit subson (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.43.53 Join subson [0] (n=ju@ 19.49.23 Quit Rondom (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.51.51 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) 19.53.16 Quit rkostynu ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 19.53.31 Join funky_ [0] (n=repulse@81-202-211-251.user.ono.com) 19.55.00 Join w1ll14m [0] (n=w1ll14m@84-104-81-208.cable.quicknet.nl) 19.55.06 Nick w1ll14m is now known as w1ll14m|away (n=w1ll14m@84-104-81-208.cable.quicknet.nl) 19.56.11 Join leftright [0] (n=leftrigh@d3.HtokyoFL39.vectant.ne.jp) 19.56.33 # Febs 19.56.35 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m145.net195-132-203.noos.fr) 19.57.49 # Slasheri ...ping 19.59.05 # * leftright wonders where everyone is 19.59.13 # petur ping 20.00.02 # * leftright helps himself to scotch while no-ones around 20.01.03 # anyone that is familiar with iriver's flashing procedure around ? 20.01.28 # and no i dont want to know how to do it :> 20.01.38 Part n1s 20.02.19 # hi, anybody know if the frequency scaling bug on ipod photo is fixed ? 20.03.20 # kubiix: Not yet 20.03.48 # thanx 20.06.18 Part leftright 20.06.51 Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@rockbox/administrator/Llorean) 20.07.01 # I just want to unlock my ipod 20.09.06 # damn I think its hardware 20.09.18 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) 20.09.59 # have you tried unplugging the remote thing? 20.11.12 # yeah Im sure Ive done it all, its screwed 20.11.18 # Ive never even locked it before 20.11.29 Join leftright [0] (n=leftrigh@d3.HtokyoFL39.vectant.ne.jp) 20.11.41 # Llorean 20.11.52 # aarond: What exactly do you mean by "locked" 20.11.54 # leftright: Aye? 20.12.14 # its on Hold 20.12.24 # buttons cant be used 20.12.32 # aarond: Then flip the hold switch to the other direction... 20.12.44 # thanks 20.12.45 # would you mind proof reading the instructions for iriver flashing at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverFlashing specifically from, "Replacing the original firmware please 20.13.46 # too bad that wont work 20.14.08 Quit Wiwie ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 20.14.13 # Llorean, i made some changes to wording and format 20.14.55 Nick Everybody is now known as Everybody|away (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 20.15.01 # aarond: Is red showing in the hold switch? 20.15.19 # oh well, I'll try to find my best buy plan and hope I dont end up with a second gen nano because I have a otterbox case for this one 20.15.33 # yeehaw...seems to be back to life...at least i get a loading symbol now... 20.15.33 # thx 20.15.44 # and I tried putting a second gen nano in it already and it wont fit 20.16.04 # but at least I would have gapless playback with apples firmware 20.16.19 # leftright: Looks good to me. I've not done the process, but the instructions seem easy enough to follow and nothing seemed confusing. 20.16.45 # ok thats fine, thank you 20.16.52 # aarond: If you don't actually care about trying to resolve your problem, would you mind not just rambling on about nothing in the channel? 20.17.06 # whatever 20.20.38 Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=test@d54C5D3BE.access.telenet.be) 20.21.27 # well, if it hasn't worked yet (itrip) is anybody working on it that i might be able to help? 20.22.01 Part leftright 20.22.06 # ogami1972: Nobody's working on it, but you could always start work. 20.23.04 # am checking feature requests- i know nothing about how to go about it, but i will try... 20.24.17 # ok- no dice- any developers who can point me towrds the first step? 20.28.34 # Well, what is known about the related hardware is documented in our and iPodLinux's wiki. If the iTrip needs to use the accessory protocol on later iPods, unfortunately there's not too much information. So the first step would be to try to figure out how to get the serial port working. 20.30.42 Quit XavierGr () 20.30.53 Quit dan_a ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 20.30.54 Quit Alonea ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 20.31.08 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp42-228.adsl.forthnet.gr) 20.32.29 Join webguest57 [0] (i=3efe8005@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bba8eec63204acde) 20.32.59 # wow kdevelop is really impressive 20.33.13 # anyone using it with rockbox ? 20.36.22 # right Llorean - have read upon the forum posts,read the blog about modding itrip, and joined the developers mailing list. i don't even have a car, so i'll just use my nano when on the road w/ friends 20.36.28 # thanks 20.37.47 # ( in my zeal i erased the firmware from my 4G, and then reloaded my music correctly, so booting apple no longer an option) 20.37.59 Quit webguest57 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 20.41.53 # just out of curiosity, and since no one else seems to be talking- i would like to ask: what percentage of rockbox users are linux users on their PC's? 20.42.30 Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@trir-590fa5aa.pool.einsundeins.de) 20.43.29 # ogami1972: i use linux on my powerbook, if that counts 20.44.55 # mm-hmm...maybe it's a particular type of person that likes alt OS- btw Llorean , i waited until rockbox/ipodlinux were really being talked about, then bought an old ipod so icould play with it(in response to your forum poll) 20.47.44 # ogami1972 I actually use linux and windows at the same time 20.47.52 # however I use linux a little bit more for servertasks 20.48.11 # hmmm no that didn't come out right 20.48.24 # (i'm not going to get in trouble for meta-discussing am i?) ;) 20.48.25 # I use linux mainly for my servers 20.48.37 # windows for my desktops, however mixed with linux (but as secondary OS) 20.48.48 # I don't know 20.48.55 # I've only been around here for a couple of days.. :P 20.49.38 # xp for "ableton live" only, everything else is linux (2 desktops, 1 laptop) 20.49.56 Part aarond 20.50.13 # I use linux and windows in xen 20.51.02 # I will leave now as i am no longer on topic ( i do that)- thanks to all developers- i have been using rockbox about 4 days now and couldn't be happier (until itrip works) 20.51.22 Quit ogami1972 ("Ex-Chat") 20.51.44 # Galois: is it possible to use USB devices in windows through xen ? (my H320 isn't recognised in linux but it is in winXP) 20.51.59 # it should be recognized in linux 20.52.13 # and if it's not, something is amiss :| what distro and kernel version are you running? 20.52.26 # I've never tried it myself 20.52.46 # spug: there are I/O errors which prevent it from ever being mounted 20.52.50 # I agree an H320 should obviously be recognized in linux. It might help to rmmod ehci-hcd 20.52.53 # i have kubuntu 20.53.08 # I've had versions of linux that failed to recognize my ipod 20.53.17 # then it definitely should be recognized 20.53.27 # if you rmmod ehci-hcd, then it works again 20.53.34 # in fact, it works even if you rmmod and then modprobe ehci-hcd 20.53.37 Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.54.05 # that sounds interesting, but i'll give you the exact error message i get in kern.log 20.54.09 # the best solution would be to upgrade to a distro that works. I've never had problems with fedora core 5 or 6. 20.54.11 Quit x1jmp (Remote closed the connection) 20.55.17 Quit Wiwie ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 20.56.12 # Buffer I/O error on device sdc, logical block 152067 20.56.43 # is that all?? 20.56.51 # the device never shows up like others usually do and i can't mount it 20.57.03 # Galois: not quite, i'll paste the rest 20.57.58 # sd 3:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sdc 20.58.02 # sd 3:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 0 20.58.03 # sd 3:0:0:0: SCSI error: return code = 0x8000002 20.58.03 # sdc: Current: sense key: Medium Error 20.58.03 DBUG Enqueued KICK Nico_P 20.58.03 # Additional sense: Unrecovered read error 20.58.03 # end_request: I/O error, dev sdc, sector 1216536 20.58.03 *** Alert Mode level 1 20.58.03 # Buffer I/O error on device sdc, logical block 152067 20.58.20 # then it goes on showing errors 20.58.52 # i did a lot of unsuccessful research on this 20.59.01 # what's the kernel version you're running? 20.59.07 # I was gonna ask, have you tried other distros 20.59.13 # 2.6.17-10-generic 20.59.25 # because this kind of thing is highly dependent on the sub-sub-version of the kernel you're running 20.59.29 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.59.30 # Galois: no, i'm relatively new to linux 20.59.32 # hmm, both my h120 and my ipod works okay with 2.6.17 20.59.52 # try running rmmod ehci-hcd 20.59.58 # then plugging in the H320 again 21.00.14 # once it started working for a short time after i did some things like "chkdsk" in winxp 21.00.25 # Galois: whay will it do ? 21.00.29 # it disables USB 2.0 21.00.32 # s/whay/what 21.00.40 # (temporarily) 21.00.44 # how do i reenable it after that ? 21.00.51 # reboot, or type modprobe ehci-hcd 21.00.54 # ok 21.01.42 # shouldn't i do modprobe -r (it syas that in the rmmod man) ? 21.01.44 Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=test@d54C5D3BE.access.telenet.be) 21.01.57 # I always did rmmod 21.02.03 # ok 21.02.36 # it works :d 21.02.45 # yeah, it's the same error as mine 21.02.46 # err no wait 21.03.24 # false joy there... another usb hard drive of mine popped up and i thought it was the h320 21.03.28 # if you can do "fdisk -l /dev/sdc" to list the partition table, then it works 21.03.39 # anyway, what's the error message? 21.03.42 # same? 21.04.58 # i'm waiting for it to either appear or print error messages 21.05.13 Nick w1ll14m|away is now known as w1ll14m (n=w1ll14m@84-104-81-208.cable.quicknet.nl) 21.06.12 # no luck, i still get the error messages and "fdisk -l /dev/sdc" doesn't work 21.06.51 # i think the main problem is the disk being damaged 21.06.51 # the same ones 21.06.55 # yes 21.07.03 # if the disk is damaged then how does it work on windows 21.07.15 # no idea :-) 21.07.46 # but i assume the I/O errors at precise logical blocks indicate HD damage... am i wring ? 21.07.56 # or wrong maybe 21.08.04 *** Alert Mode OFF 21.09.31 # I wouldn't expect a known damaged disk to work in linux in any case 21.10.12 # no other ideas i could try ? 21.10.52 # even if the disk is damaged, you should still be able to fdisk -l /dev/sdc 21.11.25 # nico_p: try dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdc (it writes null data like a low-level format if you choose wrong disk everything will be erased) 21.11.31 # actually it works but prints nothing 21.11.34 # maybe this fixes the disk 21.11.48 # uh, writing null data will destroy the contents of the disk 21.12.24 # if you're willing to destroy data on the disk, do: fdisk /dev/sdc 21.12.24 Join fasmaie [0] (n=yohannmi@cpe-71-72-99-25.columbus.res.rr.com) 21.13.05 # and make a new partition table 21.13.05 # Galois: if disk is damaged this 'can' fix the disk in some cases 21.13.05 # yeah i can try that 21.13.05 # what i'd need is to mark damaged sectors so they don't get used 21.13.14 # in linux, damaged sectors is a filesystem issue 21.13.27 # man 8 badblocks 21.13.28 # what do you mean ? 21.13.32 # well try dd first i would say, after that use dosfstools to scan for bad sectors 21.14.00 # disk will be empty, but clean :) 21.14.19 # then you should restore stock firmware and reinstall rockbox 21.14.29 # you can wipe your disk and check for bad blocks by doing: mkfs -c -t vfat /dev/sdc1 21.14.42 # but you need to do the fdisk thing first in order to have a /dev/sdc1 or whatever 21.14.56 # I'm actually not sure if H320 uses /dev/sdc1 or /dev/sdc2 like ipod 21.15.08 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.17.18 # galois: it has atleast /dev/sdc1 21.17.18 # make sure your H320 is really on /dev/sdc, because it would suck to wipe out the wrong hard drive 21.17.18 # fdisk /dev/sdc prints "Incapable d'ouvrir /dev/sdc" 21.17.18 # try dmesg | grep sdc 21.17.18 # whats the output? 21.17.18 # are you running as root? 21.17.18 # the output is all the errors i gave an example of above 21.17.18 # Galois: tried both with and without sudo 21.17.37 # try cat /proc/scsi/scsi 21.17.39 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 21.17.44 # and whats the output there? 21.17.57 Part kaaloo 21.18.00 Part sirixlancelot ("Kopete 0.12.3 : http://kopete.kde.org") 21.18.04 # Attached devices: 21.18.07 # Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00 21.18.11 # Vendor: ATA Model: FUJITSU MHV2120B Rev: 0000 21.18.16 # Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 05 21.18.28 # Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00 21.18.32 # Vendor: HL-DT-ST Model: DVDRAM GMA-4082N Rev: HJ02 21.18.36 # Type: CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 05 21.18.39 # Host: scsi4 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00 21.18.46 # Vendor: HDS72808 Model: PFD212S2TLYVSE Rev: A21B 21.18.48 # Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02 21.18.48 # Host: scsi5 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00 21.18.48 # Vendor: TOSHIBA Model: MK2004GAL Rev: JC10 21.18.48 # Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02 21.18.49 # the H320 would be the toshiba one 21.19.02 # ok, it is recognized... 21.19.32 # unplug the device and replug it into usb and do another dmesg 21.19.39 # but then read the last lines 21.19.43 # without sdc 21.20.47 # you mean without adding " | grep sdc" ? 21.20.53 # indeed..... ;) 21.21.27 # usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3 21.21.31 # usb 1-2: configuration #2 chosen from 1 choice 21.21.35 # scsi6 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices 21.21.39 # usb-storage: device found at 3 21.21.43 # usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning 21.21.47 # usb-storage: device scan complete 21.21.51 # Vendor: TOSHIBA Model: MK2004GAL Rev: JC10 21.21.55 # Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 00 21.21.59 # SCSI device sdc: 39063024 512-byte hdwr sectors (20000 MB) 21.22.03 # sdc: Write Protect is off 21.22.07 # sdc: Mode Sense: 00 4a 00 00 21.22.11 # sdc: assuming drive cache: write through 21.22.15 # SCSI device sdc: 39063024 512-byte hdwr sectors (20000 MB) 21.22.17 # ok 21.22.19 # sdc: Write Protect is off 21.22.31 # sdc: Mode Sense: 00 4a 00 00 21.22.31 # sdc: assuming drive cache: write through 21.22.31 # sdc: sdc1 21.22.31 *** Alert Mode level 1 21.22.31 # sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sdc 21.22.31 *** Alert Mode level 2 21.22.31 # sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 0 21.22.45 # Please don't paste large things to the channel 21.22.49 # now retry dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdc 21.22.51 # Pastebins are much better for it, and don't flood the logs 21.22.56 # Llorean: I'm sorry 21.24.27 # Thanks. 21.24.32 # uh what the hell 21.24.33 # w1ll14m: it seems it didn't write anything 21.24.34 Join GeekGamer42 [0] (n=chatzill@ny-lancastercadent4g1-3b-226.buf.adelphia.net) 21.24.37 # you don't need to dd anymore 21.24.41 # you have sdc1 21.24.55 # fdisk -l /dev/sdc should work 21.25.15 # still doesn't 21.25.21 # hmmm 21.25.22 # Nico_P hey 21.25.22 # it probably doesn't because you dd'd 21.25.23 # very strange..... 21.25.32 # fdisk /dev/sdc 21.25.32 # wanted to try your patch last night 21.25.34 # and go at it 21.25.35 # Galois: it didn't work before 21.25.49 # from the massive paste above, the kernel detects an sdc1 21.25.59 # Galois: and fdisk still doesn't work 21.26.08 # Nico_P unfortunately it broke the gigabeat target build 21.26.12 # nico_P: dd waits for the job to be finished if it works.... 21.26.16 # perl|work: hi 21.26.45 # perl|work: what errors did you get ? 21.26.49 # what happens if you try dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdc1 21.26.51 Join robin0800 [0] (n=IceChat7@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 21.27.13 # 0+0 enregistrements lus 21.27.13 # 0+0 enregistrements écrits 21.27.13 # 1 octet (1 o) copié, 2,2e-05 seconde, 0,0 kB/s 21.27.30 # lo everyone 21.27.30 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 21.27.32 # hope this wasn't too long a paste ;) 21.27.52 # basically it looks like it didn't do anything 21.27.57 # hmmm seems like it didn't worked.... 21.28.24 # do you get any output when you do dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdc 21.28.33 # Nico_P errors at firmware/export/id3.h and apps/gui/gwps-common.c 21.28.48 # broke album art patch as well 21.29.06 # w1ll14m: the output i just pasted was that of "dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdc" 21.29.24 # ok, thats strange..... 21.29.24 # perl|work: by "broke" you mean it didn't apply cleanly ? 21.29.53 # yes 21.30.21 # perl|work: apply it on a clean build 21.30.33 # ok will try 21.30.35 # nico_P: do you have another linux computer 21.30.39 # if you actually want to destroy data, replace /dev/null with /dev/zero 21.30.40 # it conflicts with the album art patch because it makes some changes in the same places 21.31.18 # w1ll14m: not here but i can get to one tomorrow... actually it would be solaris 21.31.41 # another destructive operation you can attempt is: mkfs -c -t vfat /dev/sdc1 21.32.32 *** Alert Mode OFF 21.32.41 # I'm haveing a playback issue with the Iriver H10 20Gb 21.33.15 # Galois: i got an error with your command, i did mkfs.vfat -c /dev/sdc1 instead 21.33.30 # oops 21.33.42 Part Llorean 21.33.54 # now it's running 21.35.52 Join GodEater [0] (i=bryan@host-84-9-15-114.bulldogdsl.com) 21.36.10 # w1ll14m: /dev/null isn't a source for a stream of \0 bytes, that would be /dev/zero 21.36.29 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 21.36.29 # * amiconn should read the complete backlog before commenting :/ 21.38.03 # amiconn:ok my fault :) i've erase my disk that way ??? 21.38.11 # erased* 21.39.06 # anyway thanks for the help 21.39.25 # :)and to others that don't care about all this, sorry for the flooding ; 21.40.16 # while it runs, i'm going to make something to eat :) i'll keep you posted 21.40.27 # (about the disk, not my food) 21.46.36 # Anyone here be able to help me with Irvier H10? 21.47.21 # amiconn: I can make you a FW ipod plug if it would help. 21.47.42 # GeekGamer42: what's the problem? 21.49.55 # when i try to play any MP3 it loads the file to the play screen, but won't start the file. 21.49.57 # w1ll14m: If that worked, something in your system doesn't adhere to the standard. /dev/null should immediately return eof on a read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//dev/null unlike /dev/zero: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//dev/zero 21.50.31 # dd if=/dev/null of=anythingyou want should transfer exactly 0 bytes 21.51.44 # /dev/full also gives you zero bytes, but doesn't allow writing (zero does) 21.53.06 # GeekGamer42: Had the same problem one time. Don't remember how I fixed it though :-/ Perhaps you should try a reset by activating hold while booting 21.53.31 # tired that, i ahve completly reinstalled rockbox on it 21.53.34 # same issue 21.53.53 # removed the old files before reinstalling? 21.54.01 # yes 21.54.08 Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@rockbox/administrator/Llorean) 21.54.14 # newest svn build? 21.54.26 # yea 21.55.49 Quit Echelon (Remote closed the connection) 21.55.50 # GeekGamer42: When did you install, or last update, your bootloader? 21.55.54 # oh, I think it had something todo with disk poweroff activated, but I'm not sure 21.56.19 # Llorean: .. a thing I should have thought of 21.57.02 # crap. i have to go to work 21.57.10 # sorry guys, didnt realsie the time 21.57.17 Quit GeekGamer42 ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 21.57.22 # Shoot. 21.57.50 # Now I'll probably never know if I guessed right. 21.58.03 # nevermind 21.59.45 # was there much doubt, Llorean? 21.59.59 # I oh so rarely hear doubt in your voice. 21.59.59 Part redwood 22.00.31 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 22.00.45 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B97A58.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.01.09 # Mikachu: the Wheel resets inactivity patch you linked to earlier - what am I missing? I tap on the scroll wheel all the time to keep my iPod 5th gen from timing out / shutting off while walking through stores, etc. 22.01.36 Quit mcuelenaere () 22.01.43 # i dunno, i haven't seen the bug 22.01.48 Join mako_ [0] (n=mako@bork.hampshire.edu) 22.02.15 # actually i have, in mpegplayer 22.02.25 # according to amiconn the touches on the scrollwheel don't reset the idle timer 22.02.45 # it's possible they do indirectly if you change the volume or move around in a menu 22.02.55 Quit midgey () 22.03.31 # Soap: You'd be surprised how often there's a large amount of doubt on this end that I just try to cover up. 22.03.57 # I found early on that if I sound confident when telling someone to do something, or ask them questions like I already know the answer, it helps keep them from panicking about their "bricked" whatever. 22.04.24 # Some places seem to reset the poweroff timer indirectly, but definitely not all 22.04.28 # Mikachu: I'll see if I focus on not changing the volume if it shuts down. 22.04.31 # * amiconn greps the source 22.06.15 # Would it be possible to add ogg vorbis as a recording format or is encoding to slow? 22.06.24 Join lurk_err [0] (i=lurkki@jolt.modeemi.cs.tut.fi) 22.07.03 # Arathis: I don't think anyone's tried to convert an encoder yet. 22.07.18 # At the very least one could always record to a lossless format then transcode after on the player if they absolutely *had* to do it on-target. 22.07.27 # Does a realtime ogg encoder even exist? 22.07.40 # on an 80mhz cpu? i don't think so 22.08.05 # AuoTV (or however it is spelled) encodes faster on my computer than LAME does, at similar bitrates. 22.08.38 # but I guess that is apples to oranges. 22.09.03 # lame doesn't aim at realtime encoding, it aims at quality 22.09.41 Quit |Rincewind| ("Cya") 22.09.59 # so no kdevelop users here ? 22.10.38 # god... lusers.. heh. I just asked someone why the heck he was using a router with his wifi-modem/router... He said it was because Windows asked him for 2 DNS-servers which couldn't be the same... lol 22.12.08 # it was a while since i used windows, but i think it's fine to leave one blank? 22.13.04 # yes 22.13.11 # but apparently he didn't know that and bought a router :/ 22.13.28 # haha 22.16.16 # * Genre9mp3 maybe hasn't all the knowledge in his head, but he can have it in his pocket now! :) 22.16.23 Quit Juice^ (Remote closed the connection) 22.17.15 # Just loaded Wikipedia on my H340 and using it with the stardict plugin! :) 22.17.25 # It's actually quite usable 22.18.12 Quit mako (Connection timed out) 22.18.25 # Soap: I just tested it again. In case you want to verify, try the following: 22.19.14 # (1) Set idle poweroff to 1 minute. (2) Go to the file browser, and continually move your finger around the scroll wheel. Don't press any button 22.19.21 # ok 22.19.25 Join khalsa [0] (n=khalsa@adsl-68-93-91-193.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) 22.19.37 # The ipod will shutdown after one minute in spite of the continuous wheel events 22.21.14 # not happening 22.21.24 # oops, spoke too soon 22.21.32 # it shutoff as soon as I stopped. 22.21.41 # let me try again 22.21.58 # hey guys, Just letting you know that on the main left-hand-side menu under the first heading "downloads" the item for SVN/CVS builds is not changed everywhere. On main Rb,org it says SVN builds, but when you click on releases, daily builds,Manual, Index, or IRC it reverts back to CVS 22.22.21 # all other links show the proper SVN builds 22.22.32 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.22.48 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 22.22.48 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.22.57 # someone here that can fix that.. or should I e-mail someone about it? 22.23.07 Join Vyrus001 [0] (n=Vyrus001@adsl-69-231-68-176.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) 22.23.41 # khalsa: Bagder will hopefully see it in the logs, now that I've mentioned his name. 22.24.06 # ok, amiconn, I confirm. Let me try in exactly the way I (I think I) keep it "alive" in stores. 22.24.13 # Llorean did you like the new gigabeat splash? 22.24.25 # Ok, Just thought I'd let you guys know! If I dont see it changed in 24 hrs i'll come in again! 22.24.33 # perl|work: I don't have a gigabeat. 22.24.44 # I haven't seen it. 22.25.29 # Soap: Yes, sometimes the shutdown is delayed as long as you cause many wheel events in succession. However, the poweroff timer still isn't reset, and the ipod shuts down immediately after stopping the heavy wheel action 22.26.33 # Llorean http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/8707/bootsplashdg7.png 22.27.10 # ok, just confirmed it happen in the WPS also, which is where I pratice this technique. I must be changing volume "by accident" when I play this keep alive game. 22.27.24 # perl|work: Not bad at all. 22.30.39 # is there a tool for average windows users to create raw files out of bmp by any chance? since we have this option of custom splashesh now 22.31.30 # splashes* 22.31.46 # amiconn: the patch i posted probably only resets the timer when you scroll more than the delta, so just touching won't help 22.31.53 # but that one is default that comes with bootloader now 22.31.54 Join |Rincewind| [0] (i=457lK6CK@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 22.31.55 # perl|work: you don't happen to have a larger-format .png do you? 22.32.18 # Soap i have original at home 22.32.37 # perl|work: could I have a copy whenever? 22.32.38 # sure 22.33.06 # Mikachu: delta being 16 = 96/16 = 60 degrees? 22.33.14 # perl|work: bmp2rb 22.33.24 # i think the delta is 4 steps by default 22.33.42 # ie enough to move a step in the menu or change the volume 22.33.46 # bmp2rb exists outside of rockbox tools? 22.34.01 # Soap do you want any custom size? 22.34.14 # You can compile it for windows 22.34.18 # perl|work: whatever you have convient - larger than 320 wide. ;) 22.34.28 # (or should I say at least 320 wide) 22.35.00 # If you build any bitmap sim or target on cygwin, you have it automatically 22.36.00 # amiconn yes, but an average user doesnt compile but lets say would love to create a complete theme including the splash 22.36.08 # So what? 22.36.23 # Just put bmp2rb.exe up for download somewhere 22.37.05 # You might have to make sure it is compiled with -mno-cygwin to make it work without cygwin1.dll 22.38.05 # ok, good 22.38.21 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 22.41.52 # perl|work: Hmm, bmp2rb doesn't like to be compiled with -mno-cygwin 22.42.09 # bmp2rb.c: In function `generate_raw_file': 22.42.09 # bmp2rb.c:518: warning: passing arg 1 of `swab' makes pointer from integer without a cast 22.42.09 # bmp2rb.c:518: error: too few arguments to function `swab' 22.42.09 DBUG Enqueued KICK amiconn 22.42.09 # bmp2rb.c:518: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be 22.42.21 Join mako [0] (n=mako@bork.hampshire.edu) 22.42.33 Join linuxstb_ [0] (i=5343d4aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1c457d9ff99b8f3d) 22.42.44 # Windows seems to define a different kind of swab() than posix 22.42.51 Nick JB_homeward is now known as JoeyBorn (n=jborn@dsl017-022-247.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net) 22.43.15 Quit GodEater ("User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby") 22.44.21 # amiconn aha 22.44.41 # so are there any solutions about it? maybe some other soft can output it? 22.44.42 # amiconn: Are you running the latest version of bmp2rb.c ? I thought I removed the use of swab(). 22.44.48 # It used to work, but generate_raw_file() is new 22.44.51 # Oh 22.44.55 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 22.44.55 # * amiconn svn ups 22.45.15 # I did a clean-up commit this morning. 22.45.17 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@ 22.46.04 # Yup, compiles now 22.46.54 # can anyone tell me how the mpegplugin is working on ipod or another working target, are there some blocking effects? 22.47.18 # That depends on your source video and encoder. 22.47.28 # (and what bitrate you choose etc) 22.47.38 # rp-: I saw some blocking artefacts last night when testing elephant's dream on my 5G 22.47.42 # i downloaded the elephant sample file from twiki 22.47.54 # * amiconn now has a windows native bmp2rb 22.47.55 # linuxstb_: Do you think in LinusN's recent iPod bootloader change, maybe "Binary not Found" might be better than "File not found"? 22.47.58 # 38KB 22.48.10 # amiconn could you upload please 22.48.13 # Or even "Rockbox not found"? 22.48.14 # somewhere 22.48.22 # cause i implemented the lcd_yuv_blit for the sansa and i have these issues 22.48.42 # Llorean: I think it displays the filename first. 22.49.05 # linuxstb_: Oh, right, should've scrolled down a wee bit. 22.49.07 # Something like Error! Can't load rockbox.ipod: (reason) 22.50.47 # perl|work: http://www.jens-arnold.net/Rockbox/bmp2rb.exe 22.51.36 # amiconn thanks alot 22.52.00 # Mikachu: I now have a version that resets the timeout even when the wheel is just touched 22.52.34 # Trivial, just doing the reset_poweroff_timer() call in a different place 22.53.06 # (directly after the backlight_on() call in the wheel handling) 22.53.07 # in the tracker? 22.55.25 # rp: Try playing the video in a desktop movie player. 22.56.45 # rp: Do you automatically rotate the video when displaying it, in the same way as the Gigabeat? 22.57.20 # yes 22.57.37 # i actually took the gigabeat code, because its also writing to a buffer 22.57.43 Quit mako_ (Success) 22.57.55 # on the desktop the movie looks ok 23.00.38 # sadly i don't have any other target to compare the quality 23.00.54 # what, only _one_ target? ;-P 23.01.37 # i'm a newbie :P 23.01.43 Join Thundercloud__ [0] (n=thunderc@ 23.03.33 # rp: Did you have to change mpegplayer to make it run on the Sansa? I didn't think it would work without an audio driver... 23.03.41 Join akadewboy [0] (n=akadewbo@dialup- 23.04.07 # no didn't change any other file, only lcd-e200.c 23.05.47 # 30 frames 128x128 23.07.17 # but what could case this blocking effects? slow ata driver? cpu? 23.07.22 Quit blue_lizard (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.07.32 # or the lcd 23.07.34 # That seems much slower than the other portalplayer targets though... I guess the yuv_lcd_blit() has to do more work. 23.07.48 Join blue_lizard [0] (n=blue_liz@p549848E8.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.07.54 # gonna sleep guys, cyou later :) 23.07.58 # rp-: I guess there's a bug in lcd_yuv_blit() 23.07.58 Nick w1ll14m is now known as w1ll14m|away (n=w1ll14m@84-104-81-208.cable.quicknet.nl) 23.08.13 Join l_r [0] (n=l_r@ppp-113-152.15-151.iol.it) 23.08.17 # These can cause all sorts of artifacts, from strange to funny 23.08.22 # my ipod can be rebootted 23.08.27 # anyone tried mpegplugin on a gigabeat? 23.08.28 # my ipod CAN'T be rebootted 23.08.35 # rp- yes 23.08.40 # the keys do not work 23.08.42 # its great 23.08.44 # damn it 23.08.46 # to say the least 23.08.47 # l_r: Turn the hold switch off? 23.08.48 # it's the second time 23.09.10 # linuxstb, it's off already 23.09.19 # hm, then i will have a closer look to the code 23.10.03 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.10.15 # l_r: Turn it on, then off again, then hold Menu + Select for 30 seconds. Be very careful not to wiggle your fingers at all once you've pressed them down. 23.10.15 # rp- and the buffer is big enough to watch 1 music video hehe 23.10.57 # was just a guess :) 23.11.05 Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 23.11.37 # [23:07:35] That seems much slower than the other portalplayer targets though... I guess the yuv_lcd_blit() has to do more work. <-- i guess this is because the sansa has no COP patch 23.11.38 # gah! the fat driver is giving me a headache 23.11.58 # It does? ;) 23.11.58 # LinusN: wassup? 23.12.06 # rp-: Ah, you're not using the COP patch? Try it - it should work fine. 23.12.23 # amiconn: yes, the direntry code is very 512-byte sector centric 23.12.31 # Zagor: yo! 23.12.55 # sweden in the house 23.12.56 # Zagor: av320 packed and ready 23.13.01 # linuxstb: i just read the FS entry and thought it doesn't work on sansa yet, i will try it 23.13.09 # LinusN: excellent 23.13.15 # * Bagder does the swedish dance 23.13.33 # rp-: In theory it should work... 23.13.43 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6549 23.14.30 # ok done 23.14.30 # thanks 23.14.34 # it looks like it stopped before playing an .mpc 23.14.36 # today i lost all my data 23.14.38 # without reason 23.14.42 # i unmounted the device , i disconnected it , i reboottted and i saw a message saying to restore the apple os 23.14.46 # so, i took the rockbox docs, i tried to use the ipodpatcher, but it didn't write the bootloader 23.14.48 # in the partition 23.14.50 # damn it 23.15.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.15.28 # the #if MAX_SECTOR_SIZE > ATA_SECTOR_SIZE in disk_mount() is quite unnecessary 23.15.45 # It saves binary size 23.15.54 # yes, a few bytes 23.15.56 Join Juice^ [0] (n=juice@ 23.15.57 # ..on all other targets than G5 23.16.31 # true 23.16.56 # * linuxstb_ spots av320 talk... 23.17.06 Join jba [0] (i=cb30655b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9b8538870306a79a) 23.17.09 # hey gang 23.17.33 # is it safe to download cvs builds from the wiki now, or do I still need to build them at home? 23.17.57 # That question confuses me. 23.18.29 # there is some issue with build system builds crashing on some targets i hear 23.18.32 # jba: Nothing has changed because we don't know the problem. 23.18.36 # Mikachu true 23.18.37 # is our entire site referred to as "the wiki"? 23.18.52 # Zagor: perhaps i mislabeled it. 23.19.04 # Yeah, "the wiki" thing was what was confusing me. 23.19.06 # is that problem in the daily builds or is it just specific build servers? 23.19.18 # Bagder just the svn builds 23.19.24 # sorry Llorean that's what i have the home page bookmarked as 23.19.25 # daily builds were always fine 23.19.25 # jba: i've seen it done by others. interesting. :) 23.19.27 # I couldn't tell if he was asking about builds (since those aren't CVS any more anyway) or something else entirely available on the wiki 23.19.40 # then you could help us track which servers that produce badness 23.19.52 # Llorean: i know they're svn builds, but the link still says "CVS" 23.19.53 # LinusN: udelay() in ata.c ??? 23.20.03 # Bagder: have you talked to Slasheri about his server? 23.20.06 # like gigabeat svn builds are broken for more than a week now 23.20.08 # Only PP targets have udelay() 23.20.09 # jba: Not that it matters, but not any more 23.20.10 # Zagor: nope 23.20.15 # Bagder: how can I be of assistance 23.20.18 # hi, I would like to translate the new strings in langs (AGC stuff) - can anybody explain me the meaning of these strings ? 23.20.22 Quit Thundercloud__ (Connection timed out) 23.20.26 Join Thundercloud__ [0] (n=thunderc@ 23.20.48 # fasmaie: it seems it has changed yeah 23.20.48 # jba: when you've downloaded a bad image, you can check which server that built it by using the build log on build.rockbox.org 23.21.03 # will try now and let you know 23.21.07 # and then we can fix the server or even disable arm builds on that until fixed 23.21.21 # as I believe this mentioned problem is only on gigabeat 23.21.43 # jba: great 23.21.45 # Bagder: khalsa said that several of the links on various pages still need to be changed from "CVS" to "SVN" on the menu bar. 23.21.52 # they do 23.22.06 # Alright, so long as you're aware. 23.22.09 # all of the ones generated on build.rockbox.org for example 23.22.10 # amiconn: ah, oops, perhaps i should #ifdef BOOTLOADER or something? 23.22.13 Join capsaicin [0] (i=selenius@c-75-73-49-16.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) 23.22.18 # any ideas why only the gigabeat ones get broken? 23.22.23 # I'm lagging behind of the fix-the-scripts department 23.22.29 Quit Thundercloud_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.23.40 # LinusN: Perhaps, either that, or implement a bootloader sleep() that uses the PP microsecond timer without actually putting the cpu to sleep 23.24.26 # hmmm, i guess i'll use an #ifdef for now 23.25.08 Join daurn [0] (i=daurn@unaffiliated/daurnimator) 23.25.10 # just happened again 23.25.11 # bugger 23.25.18 Quit khalsa (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Try something fresh") 23.25.37 # Built on rbclient@xen.ihme.org in 18 seconds 23.25.46 # Bagder: does that help? 23.25.52 Quit daurnimator (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.25.54 # it does 23.25.55 # Isn't it just #define sleep(x) udelay((x)*1000000/HZ) ? 23.26.03 # thanks 23.26.07 # np 23.26.10 # gotta get back to work now 23.26.14 # see yall later 23.26.14 # Zagor: indeed slasheri's... 23.26.18 Quit jba ("CGI:IRC") 23.26.53 Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 23.27.00 # linuxstb: That'd be a minimal solution. We can do a bit better by yielding 23.27.11 # Bagder: I say simply disable it until he/we can look at it closer 23.27.17 # slasheri runs arm-elf-gcc 4.0.3 it seems 23.27.28 # Do we need to yield in the bootloader though? 23.27.29 # Zagor: indeed 23.27.41 # argh! it crash when playing .mpc's 23.28.08 # well, no 23.28.10 # Afaik the bootloader does threading, so it seems like a good idea to yield while waiting 23.28.13 # not this time 23.28.15 # gh 23.28.29 # Bagder: perhaps we should run a test against the build logs to ensure all servers use the mandated compiler versions and such 23.28.49 # perhaps, but so far we haven't been that strict 23.28.53 # as long as they work... 23.28.54 # arm-elf-gcc 4.0.3 is the correct one 23.29.34 # oh, the build master runs 4.0.2 23.30.01 # and you run 4.0.3 on 64bit, right amiconn ? 23.30.06 # yes 23.30.10 # Do as I say, not as I do? 23.30.19 # then it's not that combo that makes the problem 23.30.27 # I think rather his problem is bad svn updates. he still doesn't build blackjack on X5. 23.30.40 # ah, yes 23.31.05 # Could also be a ccache problem (?) 23.31.08 # how weird 23.31.15 # he hasn't done the svn transition 23.31.25 # haha 23.31.28 # the build log revision printout would help here 23.31.34 # haha! 23.31.56 # the funny thing is that on the other hosts svn failed "harder" so that it was detected 23.32.13 Quit fasmaie () 23.32.53 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) 23.33.00 Part perl|work 23.35.08 # Bagder: Llorean pointed out yesterday that the link to the manual for the ipod mini on the manual daily builds page should read "iPod Mini" and not "iPod Mini 2nd Gen." 23.35.25 # As there is a single manual for both the 1g and 2g mini. 23.36.00 # ah 23.37.30 # done 23.38.52 # Thank you. 23.39.12 Quit HellDragon2 (Client Quit) 23.40.08 # Hm, I thought the old debian image had ccache. 23.40.15 # Was #3 made from scratch or an update to #2? 23.40.31 # scorche did it, I thought he based it on #2 23.40.40 # Maybe I was wrong about the old one having it then 23.40.41 Join Lars_G [0] (n=lars@unaffiliated/lars-g/x-000001) 23.40.56 # Quick asshole question, what was the "disk mode" keystroke in an ipod? (4G) 23.40.56 Quit ender` (" Thats right, babe, Cochrane chortled. Were not possessors, were just like dimensionally disadvantaged. -- Peter F. Ham") 23.41.13 # Lars_G: SELECT+PLAY 23.41.21 # thank you 23.42.38 Quit linuxdante (Remote closed the connection) 23.43.26 # linuxstb: Are you allowed by law to be so helpfull? 23.44.58 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) 23.45.01 # It's part of my probation. 23.45.04 Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@pD9EB046F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 23.45.55 # Galois: 23.45.55 # 19495112 bad blocks 23.45.55 # mkfs.vfat: failed whilst writing reserved sector 23.45.58 Join safetydan [0] (i=cbca159f@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 23.46.09 # That's... a lot of bad blocks. 23.46.25 # linuxstb: do you have tested the changes you have made to Loader 2? 23.46.30 # bad blocks bad blocks, whatcha gonna do when they corrupt you 23.46.33 # Llorean: indeed 23.47.04 # the strange thing is the H320 works under windows and rockbox works too 23.48.40 # you're lucky, I'm trying to diagnose my boss' G4, and I think the hdd is utterly dead. zilch, gone 23.50.21 Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 23.52.17 Quit Juice^ (Remote closed the connection) 23.53.25 Join linuxstb__ [0] (i=5343d4aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-96030ca44c1d0c3a) 23.53.33 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 23.54.16 # DerPapst: Only briefly, and only on one ipod. Are there problem? 23.54.39 # i can't load rockbox om my 3G anymore 23.55.18 # Is that the latest Rockbox and latest loader2? 23.55.26 # yes. 23.55.36 Join drizztbsd [0] (n=drizzt@gentoo/developer/drizzt) 23.56.09 # i've compiled loader2 from source and rb is as up to date as possible 23.56.19 # hi, what is the state of ipod nano 2g? 23.56.28 # not working 23.57.44 Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@ 23.58.26 # Did loader2 work in the past? 23.58.53 # yes