--- Log for 21.01.107 Server: leguin.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 19 days and 18 hours ago 00.00.32 # Can you remember what speed you got on the H140? 00.00.38 # (with current SVN) 00.00.40 # umm 00.01.00 # Should be somewhere in the logs 00.01.11 # * amiconn greps 00.03.09 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) 00.03.57 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 00.04.54 # Also, how big was your test file, and did you make an effort to defragment your disk? 00.06.17 Nick Thundercloud__ is now known as Thundercloud (n=thunderc@ 00.07.19 # is Adam B aka voltagex here? he e-mailed me about DUMB and fixed-point ages ago 00.07.26 # umm, is resume not supposed to work in the sim? I get resume back to 00:00. 00.08.21 # linuxstb: Bah, I can't find the speed data :( 00.08.49 # I didn't defragment the disk before, but there shouldn't be much fragmentation anyway 00.09.04 # The file was several MB, but smaller than the available ram 00.09.42 # sorry for jumpin' in - simple question: Sansa e250 is arm-elf, preferred gcc is 4.03, right? 00.10.12 # Does around 7.5MB/s seem right? 00.10.19 Join thegeek_ [0] (n=thegeek@s026b.studby.ntnu.no) 00.10.31 # That's quite fast. Coldfire was definitely slower 00.11.05 # That's what my test plugin - using ata_read_sectors() gave me for a 20MB file. 00.11.08 # s/file/read/ 00.11.08 Quit thegeek (Connection timed out) 00.11.16 # On my H140. 00.11.22 # * amiconn received the first necessary part for firewire exploration 00.11.40 # The firewire cable. Now I just have to wait for the 6pin-4pin adapter 00.12.33 # mattzz: Yes. 00.12.51 # linuxstb, thanks. 00.12.54 # linuxstb: At what clock? 00.13.04 # Boosted. 00.13.05 # I usually run such speed tests uboosted 00.13.12 # *unboosted 00.13.14 # ok, slightly revised question: does anyone know Adam B aka voltagex? he e-mailed me about DUMB and fixed-point ages ago 00.14.16 >>> "seen" used by Zagor (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) [snoop prevented] 00.14.18 *** Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 00.15.27 # linuxstb: 7.5MB/s sounds reasonable when boosted 00.16.04 # * amiconn should perhaps make up a better speed test that does raw disk access 00.16.15 # It's a bit dangerous for testing writes though 00.16.38 # It's OK on ipods, I can just write to unused space in the firmware partition. 00.16.49 # entheh: no idea, sorry 00.16.57 # ok 00.17.13 # who are the main Rockbox devs? I'm wondering where the request originally came from 00.17.16 # Adam said he was new to the project 00.17.29 # they wanted to put DUMB in, but the main obstacle was the use of floats 00.17.48 Quit ender` (" To get as fewest unhappy people as possible, always bully the same ones.") 00.18.06 Quit robin0800 ("Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.") 00.18.18 # None of our targets have a hardware FPU, so anyone could have told Adam to avoid floats. 00.18.40 # well the last irc log with him contains " I wish I was skilled enough to hack on rockbox." 00.18.50 # ok, so that's his nick then 00.19.14 # don't suppose you know who was pushing for DUMB to go in? was it him? 00.19.14 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 00.19.31 # I'd be all for it ^^ I'm gonna look at making the official version fixed-point, since I keep getting requests for it 00.19.54 # entheh: can't say I do. for the last several months, the only mentioning of it on irc is you asking who wanted it :) 00.20.01 # XD 00.20.02 # I'll ask him 00.20.06 # thanks ^^ 00.20.16 # Iirc dumb was originally added to the source tree by HCl, but it was never integrated beyond just building the lib 00.20.23 # ah, so it's already in there 00.20.30 # It was there 00.20.37 # DUMB the 3d game engine or DUMB the Dynamic Universal Music Bibliotheque? 00.20.40 # the latter 00.20.58 Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@s026b.studby.ntnu.no) 00.21.10 # Since nobody cared about dumb, it was removed again later 00.21.14 # though it'll probably become Darn Uber Mod Bibliotheque, once I've removed the pointless and very badly done genericity that just gets annoying 00.21.16 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.21.20 # (not too long ago) 00.21.53 # well, voltagex's original e-mail to me was last March ;; I was really bad with my e-mails for ages 00.21.56 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 00.22.10 # full-time work and insufficient sleep make entheh go lazy 00.22.37 # do you think there'd be interest in DUMB if it were changed not to use floats? 00.22.38 # Umm, there is no 'attic' sub-dir in svn? 00.22.51 # no, you have to select an old revision first 00.22.57 # no worries - I'll be changing it around loads, so I don't suggest you try and recover anything that was done with it while it was in there 00.22.58 # gah :( 00.23.07 # at least in the viewvc thing 00.23.36 # Mikachu: How would I know which revision to check if that is what I want to find out? 00.23.48 # i dunno :) 00.24.04 # i would grep the svn log 00.24.11 # look for one dated March to start with maybe? 00.24.17 # 2006 00.25.00 # On Monday 17 April 2006 06:22 00.25.10 # sorry, April, not March - that's when I got the e-mail 00.25.12 # Zagor: Is viewcvs still functional? 00.25.24 Join dave [0] (n=dave@CPE0014bf8324c4-CM0016b5339a2a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 00.25.32 # amiconn: looks ok to me 00.25.33 # That'd be easier... 00.25.33 # what version should i download if i wanna watch mpegs on my ipod"? 00.25.37 # the cvs build 00.25.38 Quit thegeek (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.25.40 # oh, viewcvs. no. 00.25.41 # daily build? :) 00.25.45 Nick mako_ is now known as makmo (n=mako@bork.hampshire.edu) 00.25.49 # sure dave. 00.25.51 Nick makmo is now known as mako (n=mako@bork.hampshire.edu) 00.25.54 # dave: there's at most 23 hours of difference between them 00.25.58 # amiconn: I could resurrect it though 00.26.08 # oh ok i'll download the daily build.. i havent updated in a year :) brb 00.26.22 Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) 00.26.24 Nick dave is now known as EnterUserName (n=dave@CPE0014bf8324c4-CM0016b5339a2a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 00.26.30 # Zagor: Nah, it's not _that_ important 00.26.32 Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@s026b.studby.ntnu.no) 00.26.50 # The script seems to be there, but it doesn't find the repo 00.27.48 # linuxstb: Btw, I also ordered an usb charger for tackling the reboot problem 00.27.53 # entheh: I think a good mod player for rockbox would be welcomed by many 00.27.57 # ^^ 00.28.02 # Should get it on monday 00.28.13 # DUMB's memory usage is a bit high - I'll look at reducing that too 00.28.56 # hey all 00.28.57 # entheh: It would also be rather useful if dumb could work without malloc() 00.29.10 # we have a modplayer patch i the tracker: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/5241 00.29.14 # If i havent updated in a year do i have to anything special other than just unzipping the file/ 00.29.25 # Zagor: That's the simple one, right? 00.29.29 # yes 00.29.29 # could you write a simple malloc-like function for it to use? 00.29.40 # so ijust unzip the file.. easy :) 00.29.43 # same way it has customisable file input? 00.30.00 # good, I'll just make that a hook then - but I'll try and reduce the number of separate, small malloc's it does 00.30.08 # entheh: We have a simple malloc for codecs, but malloc is generally bad in an environment like rockbox 00.30.28 # because of limited memory I assume? 00.30.32 # and danger of leaks perhaps too? 00.30.41 Quit YouCeyE (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.30.43 # there's not really a pool of unused memory 00.30.49 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 00.31.07 # entheh: in rockbox, the normal state is 100% ram used 00.31.08 # DUMB has an option to prepare fast seeking data - it stores a snapshot of the state at 30-second intervals if you ask it to 00.31.25 # that's something that would be really useful I should imagine - if you've got the memory for it 00.31.34 # :/ 00.31.58 # ...because all ram that is not used for code is used for buffers 00.32.31 # realistically, is there any chance of getting a mod player in there then? 00.32.39 # that's why static allocation works much better than malloc. avoiding leaks is a nice side effect too. 00.32.43 # or any other player? 00.33.00 # because if it's 100% used, then by definition you can't put anything else in, surely 00.33.34 # there's 512kB (iirc) reserved for codecs 00.33.39 # and it loads one at once? 00.33.41 # they're loaded in there as needed, only one at a time 00.33.47 # OK 00.34.00 # DUMB would need to store the samples somewhere though 00.34.19 # theoretically it could stream all of them if access to the mp3 store is fast enough and random enough 00.34.46 # but they might be compressed 00.34.53 # the samples are part of the sound data, which is stored in the big audio/file buffer. just like the mp3 data. 00.35.00 # how big? 00.35.02 # compressed could be tricky 00.35.05 # does it load a whole mp3 in at once? 00.35.05 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp163-53.adsl.forthnet.gr) 00.35.19 # as many as fits 00.35.21 # it can decompress them on load, if it has somewhere to load them to 00.35.30 # how much RAM is allocated to sound data? 00.35.43 # the memory layout is built around codecs that decode streams of data 00.35.44 # all the ram that is not allocated for anything else 00.35.48 # mods don't really fit into that model 00.35.52 # how much RAM is there in total usually? 00.36.00 # Mikachu: yeah, I know :/ 00.36.05 # depends on target. from 2 to 32 megs, typically... 00.36.08 # entheh: If you get DUMB working on Rockbox, I will GREATLY appreciate it. I want MOD support (among other formats, of course). 00.36.14 # ^^ 00.36.14 Quit thegeek_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.36.23 # you'll definitely need a custom version, that's for sure 00.36.34 # I can do that. 00.36.38 # so it's debatable whether it's worth me making a hook for malloc in the official version 00.36.44 # although software codec targets are usually closer to 32 than 2 :-) 00.36.51 # but I'll start by making the official version fixed-point, because it'll benefit all sorts of people 00.36.54 # if you write it as a plugin instead of a codec, you can use the whole audio buffer as you please 00.37.11 Join belze [0] (i=nifty@dslb-088-073-201-017.pools.arcor-ip.net) 00.37.24 # ok, well I imagine it could be done and just be limited in what mods it can play 00.37.27 # but then you can't use the normal wps/playlist system which sort of sucks 00.37.35 # if they've got big samples, it won't be able to play them - or it'll have to stream some samples and might fall over 00.37.39 # but it could try XD 00.37.45 # or cache samples, if they're not all used at once 00.37.50 # ah :/ 00.38.11 # like viewing an mpg or jpg file 00.38.15 # just a small question: would it be easy to implement an initial volume setting together with fading for the playback resume? 00.38.23 # can I look at the API/framework for a codec anywhere? 00.38.30 # entheh: big samples shouldn't be a problem as long as they're not compressed. uncompressing multi-megabyte samples does not fit into the current playback model though 00.38.50 # belze: to fade the sound in? I'd have thought so 00.39.07 # exactly 00.39.10 # DUMB currently decompresses all samples on load 00.39.23 # I think in XM files they're delta-encoded but not compressed, which is simple 00.39.31 # maybe for the benefit of zip if people want to 00.39.38 # Any Sansa developers online? 00.40.01 # in IT files there is some basic compression, but I think it's just basic data entropy type stuff, no FFT or anything 00.41.01 # Zagor: hmm I see what you're saying - it could play them straight out of the file? 00.41.05 # entheh: as mentioned above, in rockbox codecs do not load the data themselves. it's more of a stream oriented approach. rockbox loads the data, and gives it to the codec. so you won't be able to uncompress while loading. 00.41.11 # if the compression's simple enough, could the decompression happen per playing instance? 00.41.31 # can I look at the API/framework for a codec anywhere? 00.42.22 # entheh, Zagor: I don't think dumb will run on the hwcodec targets, and swcodec targets typically have 16MB or more 00.42.38 # 16 MB is loads ^^ 00.42.40 # But there is one swcodec target that only has 1MB ram... 00.42.42 Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@trir-590fc375.pool.einsundeins.de) 00.42.47 # amiconn: yeah, I figured that too 00.42.49 # or at least, should be once DUMB is optimised not to waste it 00.43.10 # We might be able to get the simple mod player working on hwcodec 00.43.23 # simple mod player? 00.43.24 # entheh: http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/apps/codecs.h?view=markup 00.43.27 # I doubt dumb will run realtime on an 11MHz cpu 00.43.43 # amiconn: why not? 00.43.57 # if it's enough to decode an mp3, it should be able to do a simple mod file 00.44.02 Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 00.44.05 # maybe not a 64-channel IT file with NNA and filters 00.44.13 # The hwcodec cpu doesn't decode mp3 00.44.24 # Bah, unclear 00.44.25 # ah, it's got hardware accel for mp3s? 00.44.43 # In the hwcodec targets the cpu doesn't decode mp3, but the hardware codec does that 00.45.02 # The cpu just feeds the mp2/mp3 stream to the codec 00.45.11 # ok 00.45.23 # so all you use the CPU for is to present a nice interface and so on? 00.46.17 # basically, yes. 00.46.32 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 00.47.00 # The codec chip can be reprogrammed, but there are next to no docs how to do this 00.47.14 # evil 00.47.16 # morning all 00.47.21 # also there's not much code space in it 00.47.22 # But we can load a codec that allows to feed through pcm data instead of mp2/mp3 00.47.30 # anyone know what the heck the app on the left off http://dreamlinux.incubadora.fapesp.br/portal/arquivos/desktop.jpg is? 00.47.51 # This _could_ allow to get the simple mod player to work 00.48.04 # Nothing fancy, just basic protracker/noisetracker stuff 00.48.08 Join Guest52768 [0] (i=pugsley@ 00.48.09 # what is "the simple mod player"? 00.48.10 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/5241 00.48.50 # cool :) 00.48.56 # "not based on dumb" :P 00.48.57 # JdGordon: I belive that's "conky" 00.49.17 # cheers Zagor 00.51.09 # anyone knows what happened to GodEater? or is it usual that he's not here at this time/day? :) 00.51.12 Nick Everybody|away is now known as Everybody (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 00.51.35 # DataGhost: maybe he's got a life :) 00.51.49 # yeah I kinda suspected that :P 00.54.33 Quit robin0800 ("IceChat - Chillin with the Best of em") 00.54.38 # what is this life of which you speak? 00.54.48 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 00.55.27 # how does request_buffer work? does it give you a pointer to some memory representing the contents of the file? 00.55.42 # hey 00.55.43 # how does that coexist with read_filebuf? 00.55.45 # the sounds all out of sync.. 00.55.51 # on the nano L:( 00.55.57 # yes 00.56.08 # there's no sync code in mpegplayer 00.56.09 # any bitrate will fi it? 00.56.30 # the sounds quicker then the video :) 00.56.37 Nick Everybody is now known as Everybody|away (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 00.57.00 # IS there anyway i can do anything about it. any suggestions so it wont be as bad :S 00.57.13 # enable frame skip and frame limiter 00.57.22 # with mencoder? 00.57.31 Quit lini (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.57.37 # no, in mpegplayer 00.57.50 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.58.02 # oh i see 00.58.26 # too funny 00.58.34 # i converted my mythtv mpeg to ipod :) 00.58.48 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 00.58.49 # amiconn? Zagor? 00.59.05 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 01.00.13 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 01.00.20 Quit Sikkan ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") 01.00.44 # entheh: I'm unfortunately not the best person to answer this in detail, I haven't looked that much at the codec api 01.00.54 # who would know? 01.00.55 # ok.. ill keep an eye on this. ;) cant wait to you guys get syncing with mpeg player :) 01.01.02 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 01.01.04 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 01.03.08 # entheh: "annotate" in viewvc says lostlogic committed those lines in the .h file, so he's a good bet. :-) but there are others too, it's just a bit too late here in europe for many of the devs to be here. 01.03.22 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 01.03.23 # hehe, I'm in England :P 01.03.40 # ah, well then you know ;) 01.03.43 # god i love linux :) 01.03.49 # :) 01.04.08 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 01.04.16 # So are there any plans to make mpeg player better :) Rockbox is really cool :) 01.04.19 # can you tell me how file buffers work roughly though? 01.04.39 # do the file data get copied into a temporary buffer? 01.04.51 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.04.57 # * entheh should read up and see if the above makes more sense now he's seen some API 01.05.11 Nick w1ll14m|away is now known as w1ll14m (n=w1ll14m@84-104-81-208.cable.quicknet.nl) 01.05.22 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c220-237-57-32.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 01.05.43 # this is interesting anyway - it might mean I can change DUMB so you could use it without deviating from the official source 01.05.50 # what bitrate does everyone use here? 01.05.52 # I'm on the verge of redesigning the API 01.05.53 # * w1ll14m check's his email and just found out that today his new ipod has been sent, and will be delivered somwhere monday or tuesday 01.05.56 # 44000 sucks :( hows 66000? 01.06.10 Quit shnee (Connection timed out) 01.06.51 # man i want to get a new ipod nano first generation 01.06.58 # entheh: no copying is done unless you want it. think of it like a dozen files (can be of different types/codecs) are loaded into ram by rockbox, and then codecs are called with a pointer to "its'" file in ram 01.06.59 # anybody running rockbox on Sensa e200? 01.07.32 # why bother loading the files into RAM in advance? 01.07.40 # a dozen of them? why not just load the one being played? 01.07.41 # entheh: to minimise disk spinup 01.07.44 # ok 01.08.02 # What would you guys suggest for bitrate on video 01.08.24 # what if there's a huge mp3? will it then load fewer files up to the same amount of memory, or just load what it can of the huge mp3? 01.08.29 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp220-242.adsl.forthnet.gr) 01.08.54 # entheh: it will always fill the memory, even it that means loading only the first half of the "last" file. 01.09.01 # ok 01.09.12 # so a mod might end up in that memory too then 01.09.20 # or half a mod 01.09.29 Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ 01.09.56 # half a mod, yes. or the first half in high ram and the second half in lower ram... 01.10.14 # high ram = faster to access ram? 01.10.21 # or no 01.10.24 # no, just higher up in the buffer 01.10.24 # cyclic buffer? 01.10.26 # yes 01.10.44 # it should still be fairly easy to address over that join though 01.11.12 # or ... maybe request_buffer etc. will force you to split your processing where the join is? 01.11.56 # entheh: start with .01 Kbps per pixel and scale down until quality becomes too bad. 01.12.10 # you mean EnterUserName ^^ 01.12.18 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) 01.12.18 # oops, yes indeed 01.12.26 # EnterUserName: ^^ 01.12.36 # hrm im confused 01.12.38 # in any case, I've got a pretty good idea on what kind of changes DUMB's API needs 01.12.53 # Soap: i dont know much about encoding which parameter of mencoder do i do that with 01.12.59 # cuz the quality sucks right now at 66000 :S 01.13.01 # entheh: it might be an idea to look at the sid codec to see how it handles this. it has a little of the same issues. 01.13.01 # the bitrate one. 01.13.02 # and im using 224 bitrate 01.13.13 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 01.13.17 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 01.13.20 # is 66000 better then 44000? 01.13.20 # the mod effect processing, file decoding, sample playback, etc. need separating properly so that you can just use whichever parts you need ... then you can write your own glue to overcome the specific memory systems etc. 01.13.21 # 224 bitrate video? 01.13.31 # Zagor: ok, will do - is it in SVN? 01.13.35 # yes 01.13.43 # mencoder House_-_2007-01-09,_9-00_PM_-_Words_and_Deeds.mpg -of mpeg -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=mp2:abitrate=224 -af resample=44100:0:0 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=60000 -vf scale -zoom -xy 176 -o houseipod.mpg 01.13.48 # is what im using.. 01.13.50 # http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/apps/codecs/sid.c?view=log 01.13.59 # thanks :) 01.14.11 # vbitrate of 60000 is obscene if it is in kb 01.14.19 # oh 01.14.30 # Soap what would you suggest starting at? 01.14.42 # .01 kbps per pixel 01.15.04 # im confused 01.15.15 Join linuxstb [0] (i=5343d4aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a640579d72c1e791) 01.15.25 # what is the target resolution? 01.15.29 # EnterUserName: How bit is the resulting file? 01.15.34 # I mean how big? 01.15.41 # 176x132 01.15.47 # im totally new at this :S 01.15.57 # the target resolution is 176x132 01.16.03 # * entheh has never looked at sid before. This is so cool XD 01.16.09 # 176x132x.01 = 232kbps bitrate for the video. 01.16.15 # hmm, that's 6502! 01.16.16 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.16.22 # * entheh falls in love 01.16.26 # so the abitrate would be 232? 01.16.33 # or vbtirate would be 232? 01.16.36 # abitrate = audo bitrate 01.16.43 # ah got it soap thanx :) 01.16.44 # v bitrate = video bitrate 01.16.51 # entheh: of course. sid music requires emulating the chips. 01.16.59 # entheh: There's a NSF player in the flyspray, if you want to look at that. It might be of use as well. 01.17.01 # yeah - I didn't know what chips were involved or anything 01.17.08 # ok 01.17.08 # I know the NES used 6502, but I didn't know the SNES's sound chip did too 01.17.23 # ok im tryign vbitrate at 232 thank you :) 01.17.28 # the sound chip is actually the 6581 01.17.28 # SNES used a spc700 chip. 01.17.28 # actually I didn't know anything about the SNES really, and I only knew about the NES because I played with NESticle's debug stuff 01.17.33 # As I recall. 01.17.45 # ah ok, but the mnemonics look the same as for the 6502 01.17.53 # * entheh learnt 6502 on the BBC 01.18.11 # yeah, the cpu is a 6510 which is interfacing with a 6581 IIRC 01.18.23 # and it is from C64, not NES 01.18.42 # I'm not saying it's from the NES, just that the NES uses the 6502 01.18.49 # ah, ok 01.18.49 Join Hotfusion [0] (i=Hotfusio@ip70-185-188-75.mc.at.cox.net) 01.19.24 # hi guys. Just put rockbox on. Good stuff. 01.19.27 # well, have fun. I have to go to bed. 01.19.39 # * entheh tries to imagine what would happen if the music team at work had to write SIDs >_<;; 01.19.49 # (they can handle working with MIDI ...) 01.20.09 # entheh: Did you see the NSF patch? 01.20.09 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6122 01.20.15 # I don't know if that's of worth to you, but it might be. 01.20.18 # looking now 01.20.30 # doesn't mean much to me - what's NSF? 01.20.35 # nintendo sound file 01.20.41 # sound dumps from nes roms 01.20.46 # oh ok 01.20.53 # If you like the 6502, I'm surprised you didn't know that... 01.21.00 # well I only used it on the BBC 01.21.02 # SPC files are from the SNES. 01.21.03 # I never got into NES dev at all 01.21.05 # or SNES 01.21.08 # Ah. 01.21.24 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 01.21.37 # at the moment I'm just trying to get my head round Rockbox's API(s) and how DUMB could be integrated 01.21.39 Join Thundercloud__ [0] (n=thunderc@ 01.21.41 # except I'm getting distracted ^^ 01.21.48 # Ah. 01.21.50 # Sorry. 01.21.53 # no, it's OK 01.21.57 # * Mouser_X wants MOD support... 01.21.57 # it's my fault I'm getting distracted 01.22.13 # I'm hoping I'll be able to do MOD, S3M, XM and IT - with filters for IT files XD 01.22.25 # that's what DUMB supports, but it needs a huge overhaul 01.22.50 Quit Thundercloud_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.23.20 # Yes, all of the above would be awesome. 01.23.27 # and as I said above somewhere, I'll try and make it so that you don't have to take a copy of DUMB and modify it 01.23.38 Quit Hotfusion (Client Quit) 01.23.53 # I'll rearrange DUMB so that you can actually just link against the bits you need and rewrite the slightly more system-specific stuff 01.24.06 # then I can carry on fixing playback issues in the official version and they'll go straight into Rockbox 01.24.25 Join Hotfusion [0] (i=Hotfusio@ip70-185-188-75.mc.at.cox.net) 01.24.51 # That sounds like a good idea. 01.25.03 # lol - 'quickfloat' stuff which is actually not float at all but fixed point XD in sid.c 01.25.06 # that's so badly named 01.25.06 Quit lubiix908 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.25.19 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 01.25.39 Quit Thundercloud (Connection timed out) 01.26.36 Join kirkunit [0] (n=matt@82-39-141-196.cable.ubr06.newy.blueyonder.co.uk) 01.31.59 # heh, sid.c takes a very simple approach 01.32.07 # it has a static buffer to load and copy the file into 01.33.24 Quit Alonea ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 01.33.24 Quit muesli__ ("ich will Kühe!!!") 01.34.57 Quit blueworm ("Leaving") 01.35.02 Quit robin0800 ("A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well") 01.35.19 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 01.35.27 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 01.36.40 # sigh 01.36.58 # * EnterUserName will wait for new improvement son video still :) 01.38.00 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 01.38.02 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 01.41.30 # im dumb, but where is the max files in dir browswer setting located in rockbox? 01.41.46 # entheh: Yes, sids are small, and the (fixed) codec ram area is 512KB. 01.42.08 # Hotfusion: yes, its configurable in menu > general > system > limits 01.42.30 # entheh: NSFs work the same way. 01.42.49 Join Jsunu [0] (n=Jsunu@d154-20-129-186.bchsia.telus.net) 01.42.59 # thx got it 01.42.59 # so presumably that buffer functionality copies from Rockbox's file cache into the codec's RAM? 01.43.11 # but you can also request a pointer into Rockbox's file cache and use it directly? 01.43.19 # entheh: NSFs can't exceed the size of the ROM from which they were ripped, and I am not aware of any NES games that exceed 512kb. 01.43.42 # yeah - unfortunately mods aren't gonna be that easy ;; 01.43.49 # I've got a 10 MB XM file somewhere 01.43.56 # I must say I put off puttin on rockbox for a year on my iAudio X5L bu it's good now and hte battery life seems pretty good. And using rockbox I no longer get thew white screen on startup like I had with cowon's firmware 01.44.10 # :) 01.44.20 # I don't have a portable mp3 player, unless a Nokia phone counts 01.44.26 # I might get one once I get going on this stuff XD 01.44.46 # entheh: Yes, large MOD/XM/whatever files are a problem. 01.44.56 # I'm not gonna give up on them though 01.45.06 # If you figure out a way around that issue, then I want to see the solution... 01.45.18 # I see no reason why it couldn't stream the samples straight out of the file 01.45.28 # if Rockbox has them in RAM, then it should be fast enough to get at them 01.45.31 # I want to port a PSF player to Rockbox (PSF=Playstation Sound Format. They're usually rather un-small). 01.45.32 Quit mattzz ("Leaving") 01.45.42 # it would have to have the whole mod in memory though 01.45.47 # in Rockbox's memory 01.46.20 # though I haven't looked closely at the API and how to do it yet 01.46.25 # * entheh does just that now 01.46.39 # * Mouser_X wishes entheh luck... 01.46.45 # thanks ^^ 01.47.04 Quit MarcoPolo (Remote closed the connection) 01.47.26 # hmm, could be a bit tricky with this set of functions 01.47.30 Quit Stalwart (Remote closed the connection) 01.47.36 # as someone said, it does seem very much stream-oriented - no easy random access 01.48.25 Join Stalwart [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 01.48.27 Quit belze ("Smile...It Confuses People") 01.48.30 # hmm, there's a direct file access API too 01.48.38 # not useful here I guess though 01.48.44 # that'd spin the drive up presumably 01.48.49 # and be slow 01.49.18 # this thing supports threads? ouch T_T 01.49.37 # Not ouch 01.49.54 # single-threaded multi-step code is just so much easier to maintain though 01.50.01 # but oh well 01.50.04 # It's pretty much necessary for what tasks need to be done 01.50.12 # yeah, they're useful sometimes 01.50.16 # what do you use them for? 01.50.17 # But don't worry, rockbox does cooperative multitasking 01.50.20 # :) 01.50.26 # yeah, I had that feeling 01.50.32 # ...and codecs run in a single thread 01.50.38 Quit Wiwie ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 01.51.23 # The typical number of threads varies with target and whether certain features are enabled 01.51.43 # anyone experianced with netcat here? 01.51.48 # On iriver H300 there are 14 threads running after boot when a voice file is found 01.52.01 # I guess we use those memset etc. hooks instead of the libc ones? 01.52.28 # yes, but that's no problem 01.52.39 # They're #defined for codecs afaik 01.52.44 # ah ok 01.53.00 # I'm hoping a codec could actually be statically linked with parts of the official version of DUMB, once DUMB's been reworked 01.53.12 # so those parts of DUMB would have to refrain 01.53.17 # from using anything in libc I guess 01.53.58 # maybe you would have to recompile parts of DUMB but you could take the source from each release so it would be minimal work to update? 01.54.19 # The main thread handles the gui. Then there is a codec thread (and a voice codec thread for voice), an ata thread that handles spindown and registered flush functions, a power management thread, a backlight thread, a thread that scrolls text on the lcd... 01.54.31 # ideally I'm hoping I can carry on fixing playback issues in DUMB and they'll just go straight into Rockbox 01.54.44 # dumb will need to be compiled from source anyway 01.54.52 # ... yeah 01.54.57 # Our targets have several cpu architectures 01.54.57 # duh ^^ custom CPUs etc. 01.56.11 # you'll need to sync the files between dumb and rockbox svn manually 01.56.22 # Another thing to keep an eye on is endianess problems 01.56.24 # but it would be nice if you can just copy them in and have it keep working 01.56.31 # amiconn: I'm very aware of those for DUMB anyway 01.56.39 # DUMB works on the Mac :) 01.56.41 # ok :) 01.56.50 # Mikachu: yep, that's what I'll aim for :) 01.56.56 # Coldfire is big endian, our arm targets are little endian 01.57.06 Quit kirkunit ("leaving") 01.57.18 # this 512 kB of RAM - is that shared by code and data? 01.57.37 # yes 01.57.44 # I thought SVN allowed links between repositories in some way? 01.57.56 # i think when you call get_plugin_buffer() you get a pointer to after where your plugin code ends 01.58.02 # linuxstb: Yes it does, according to the online book 01.58.06 # linuxstb: it does let you specify a subdirectory that comes from somewhere else 01.58.14 # mplayer has 4 or 5 such subdirs 01.58.26 Quit Stalwart (Remote closed the connection) 01.59.06 Join Stalwart [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 01.59.24 Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) 01.59.28 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp120-180.adsl.forthnet.gr) 02.00.34 Quit combrains (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.00.51 # amiconn: so the file buffer stuff presumably returns pointers into Rockbox's cyclic file cache thing? 02.01.12 # and it looks fairly easy to use for streaming linearly 02.01.39 # do you think it could be used for random access, so I can stream each sample as it's playing? presumably it's RAM and will be pretty fast to jump around in 02.01.42 # since it's cached 02.02.24 # I can decompress on the fly, and then just cache a small amount of decompressed sample data if they're used a lot and the decompression is too slow 02.03.23 # It's not really a cache, it's a ringbuffer. 02.03.33 # yeah, I meant preloaded really rather than cached 02.03.59 # would it be possible to seek around in the file like crazy? 02.04.07 # this is assuming the file fits in the buffer 02.04.18 # and if it doesn't, then it would just have to reject the file 02.04.22 # codecs can either request a pointer to data at the front of the buffer (they are then expected to advance that pointer after processing the data), or perform a read() from the buffer. 02.04.25 # this is the buffer that's 95% of ram on most targets 02.04.45 # yeah, I guessed that :) 02.04.45 # But the problem is the wraparound point - you're only guaranteed a maximum of 32KB of contiguous data. 02.04.49 # that's fine 02.04.54 Join EvilDude [0] (n=prashant@CPE-60-227-89-93.nsw.bigpond.net.au) 02.04.58 # I'll handle wraparound points myself 02.05.21 # so if I request a pointer to the front of the buffer, then advance, then access (and handle wraparound) 02.05.30 # and then do the same again for the next sample I want to mix in 02.05.31 # and so on 02.05.42 # will that work most of the time and thrash the system really horribly with huge files? 02.05.54 # No, you can't advance, and then access. Once you advance the pointer, the playback engine may overwrite the space with the next file. 02.05.57 # what happens if the file is half-loaded at the end of the buffer and it needs to get the rest? will it keep the start? 02.06.04 # ok :/ 02.06.14 # i don't think any mod file will fill the whole buffer 02.06.34 # I don't think the codec can (currently) access both halves of the file if it wraps. 02.06.39 # Mikachu: on an old device with a 10 MB mod file, it might, surely 02.06.54 # linuxstb: I wonder if Rockbox could be changed to make that possible then? 02.07.02 # linuxstb: can't it just rudely assume it continues at CODEC_BUFFER_START or whatever? 02.07.35 # so when we say 'ringbuffer' 02.07.38 # I'm sure a function could be added to return the two parts. But the whole file may not be buffered yet. 02.07.55 # it might not even if it doesn't wrap 02.08.06 # can Rockbox actually have read halfway through, so the end of the buffer has old data and the start has new? 02.08.07 # Yes. 02.08.26 # or does it always replace the whole buffer from start to end, and then start offering data from the start? 02.08.45 # it can have several files on the buffer at the same tim 02.08.50 # yeah, I know that much 02.08.58 # but the last bit it read - is that always at the end of the buffer? 02.08.58 # obviously they don't all start at the same point :P 02.09.02 # Hi all would using FFMPEG autosync work with rockbox to fix the problem with video/audio syncing 02.09.11 # I could just look at the code - where is it? 02.09.19 # There's a "low watermark", so when there is that amount of data left in the buffer, Rockbox tries to fill the buffer again. 02.09.50 # entheh: It's apps/playback.c 02.09.59 # right, so the amount it reads from disk in one go isn't always the length of the buffer? 02.10.13 # entheh: It wraps around when it gets to the end, not when rebuffering 02.10.23 # * entheh will look at the code 02.10.23 # Doing the latter wouldn't allow gapless playback 02.10.37 # It needs to rebuffer _before_ it runs out of data 02.10.53 # right, so presumably 02.10.54 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 02.10.59 # say the buffer is 32 MB 02.11.03 # midkay: do you still need to have that level hosted? 02.11.14 # the codec is currently reading from data at 22 MB 02.11.14 # And if you're unlucky, the last track is only buffered half-way 02.11.17 # the data end at 23 MB 02.11.35 # the thing notices that only 1 MB is left, so it reads into everything from 23-32 and from 0-22? 02.11.41 # and sets the new data end to be 22? 02.11.41 # Yes. 02.11.44 # Mikachu: nope, i thought I said you could take it down some months ago.. :) anyways, no, thanks for keeping it up though. 02.11.57 # good, so it can end at an arbitrary point - that means it should be possible to say how much previous data you want to keep without too much extra effort 02.12.03 # midkay: okay, it doesn't take a lot of space but i also don't want to fill up with random stuff :) 02.12.16 # You keep previous data by not advancing the pointer. 02.12.23 # but I will need to be able to read ahead a bit 02.12.27 # including across the wrap-around 02.12.27 # :/ 02.12.30 # Mikachu: that's cool, filefront has it now :) 02.12.40 # and I will need it to keep the start of the file so I can go back to it 02.12.45 # the wrap-around doesn't affect how much is read in 02.12.50 # afaiu 02.12.52 # entheh: Yes, we will at least need a mechanism to 'lock' a track from its start 02.13.35 # Mikachu: but surely if I'm given a pointer, and I can just index it like an array, then it won't obey the wrap-around and the function MUST limit the length so it doesn't include the wrap-around? 02.14.11 # i guess so, but it'll continue filling at the start of the ringbuffer 02.14.13 # Mikachu: sorry, here I'm talking about how much _I_ want to read out of the buffer, not how much Rockbox will read into the buffer in advance 02.14.30 # oh right - I see what you meant about crudely assuming now :P 02.14.33 # what version of mpeg is rockbxo 4? 02.14.35 # but I assume that would be frowned upon 02.14.53 # EnterUserName: 1 or 2 02.14.58 # pj pl 02.15.02 # EnterUserName: you can play mpg1 and mpg2, but there will be no a/v sync no matter what you do 02.15.04 Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.15.14 # EnterUserName: apart from paying linuxstb large amounts of money 02.15.19 # pj pl? Speak English,. 02.15.25 # pyjamas please? 02.15.31 # Mikachu: Lol ;) So ffmpeg audio syncing option wouldnt work ;) 02.15.40 # no 02.15.42 # darn 02.15.57 # mpegplayer just plays the audio and video indepentantly 02.15.58 # a/v sync is pretty close already, assuming you're getting realtime video playback, and have enabled limit fps and skip frames. 02.16.07 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.16.11 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B951FE.dip.t-dialin.net) 02.16.25 # ya its still a bit frustratingim using a nano and it kinda plays like a slideshow 02.16.40 # Are you using the COP patch? 02.16.48 # umm 02.16.57 # no i downlaoded the Daily build off of rockbox 02.16.57 # this rebuffer thing 02.16.58 # remember also, EnterUserName, that the mpegplayer can't rebuffer, so you can't play movies larger than your buffer - about 30MB on your nano I believe. 02.16.59 # i don't think this is a compile-capable one 02.16.59 # how does that work? 02.17.03 # for when you seek in a file? 02.17.05 # You should be getting 25-30fps with the COP patch on the Nano. 02.17.11 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 02.17.26 # entheh: normally all codecs get a chunk of data and decode it, and then they never want that chunk again 02.17.44 # but the user might seek to the start of the file again 02.17.49 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 02.17.49 # then it's reread 02.17.51 # presumably it knows if it's still in the buffer and uses it 02.17.53 # linuxstb: could you provide me the url on how to incorpate patches? 02.17.54 # and if not 02.17.55 # unless it happens to still be in the buffer 02.17.55 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 02.18.03 # where in the buffer is it reread to? 02.18.15 # does the whole buffer start again from the start of that file? 02.18.19 # (or from the seek point) 02.18.21 # if it's not in the buffer and you seek, then all current buffered data is thrown away 02.18.26 # excellent 02.18.28 # i think! 02.18.30 # I could just make that happen, couldn't I? 02.18.34 # and then my mod will go from the start of the buffer 02.18.34 # EnterUserName: You could try one of the unofficial builds that already has COP support enabled. I think senab has one. 02.18.35 # which means under 18 minutes at yout 232 bitrate 02.18.47 # EnterUserName: But all the instructions you need are in the wiki. 02.18.49 # and I'm pretty much guaranteed that I won't make it happen again if I just carry on that way - unless the mod is HUGE 02.19.00 # dooh ok 02.19.01 # so all I then need is a way to detect the size of the buffer, and I can do that check, and I should be safe 02.19.10 # how about that solution? 02.19.15 # entheh: if you have a playlist of mods, rockbox will load them all into buffer, but each time you reach a new one, you throw them all away 02.19.20 # linuxstb: i guess googling :) for senabs build 02.19.24 Quit Guest52768 (Read error: 128 (Network is unreachable)) 02.19.33 # hmm you're right - it would read each lot of mods twice 02.19.44 # EnterUserName: It will be in the "Unsupported Builds" forum. 02.19.45 # actually, EnterUserName, less than 18 minutes because I wasn't taking audio+video into account. 02.19.47 # could be worse, but not ideal 02.19.47 # :/ 02.19.54 # better to have the extra methods I guess 02.20.15 # thank you linuxstb :) 02.20.34 # * amiconn made a suggestion regarding mod (and other non-streaming formats) handling 02.20.46 # about locking to the start of the file? 02.20.49 # that's the extra methods I meant ^^ 02.20.55 # No, that was a quick one 02.21.05 # oh, did you make another one? 02.21.15 # I mean a method that avoids the wrap within a file, without unnecessary rebuffering 02.21.17 # 9 minutes roughly, EnterUserName, if you are using 224 for your audio and 232 for your video = 456Kb/s bitrate = nine minutes per 30 megs. 02.21.28 # ok, how does that work? 02.21.53 # There is that guard buffer linuxstb mentioned (the 32KB at the end which are guaranteed to be continuous) 02.21.58 # ok 02.22.18 # My suggestion is that this guard buffer size could be dynamic, set by the track loader depending on the format 02.22.51 # would a mod loader then set it to the size of the file it's reading in? 02.22.59 # For mods, the loader would set guard_size = file_size, so if it doesn't fit at the end (before the wrap), the whole file will be wrapped to the start 02.24.04 # * amiconn goes to sleep 02.24.12 # so that would mean I could just get a buffer representing the whole file? 02.24.29 # Yes, that's the idea. 02.24.58 # wouldn't this need hardcoding in the loader then? 02.25.13 # presumably the codec isn't necessarily loaded while the tracks it'll decode are loaded 02.25.21 # it might be playing an mp3 but want to prefetch a mod 02.25.45 # The loader knows what kind of file it's loading, so can do different things for formats such as mod. 02.26.12 # but it would have to be hardcoded there 02.26.31 # seems a bit unmodular :/ 02.26.32 # Yes, but codecs aren't designed to be independent from Rockbox. 02.26.34 # ok 02.27.13 # yeah, it's true - it's not as if you can ship a codec separately, I assume 02.27.52 # No, any codec that someone ports, we would want to add to the official source tree. 02.28.02 # ok ^^ 02.28.07 # that sounds like a really good solution then 02.29.25 # The problem is that not many people know the playback code well enough to implement it... I don't. I know how it works in theory, but not the nasty details. 02.30.09 # linuxstb: that worked.. 02.30.15 # thanks that build is worknig ;) 02.30.46 # playback code? 02.31.00 # everything in playback.c and pcmbuf.c i think 02.31.05 # is a mystery to most 02.31.08 # (surely we're talking about the loading code) 02.31.16 # (I guess that's in playback.c?) 02.31.25 # your guess is as good as mine :) 02.31.31 # hehe 02.32.04 # so who is the master of the playback code, then? 02.33.25 # i think lostlogic is one of two 02.35.06 # * entheh finds codec_seek_buffer_callback and looks at what it's doing 02.35.07 # im still trying to getg this to shuffle 02.35.09 # lol 02.35.31 # im making a playlist in winamp 02.35.36 # entheh: Yes, the "playback engine" - the code that handles buffering amongst other things. The codecs themselves are relatively simple - there are lots of examples you can copy to understand the API. 02.35.38 # eek - firefox has just broken 02.35.52 Quit midkay ("Leaving") 02.36.36 # yeah, but we need to change playback.c for this to work :/ 02.36.46 # rarrr, konqueror uses proportional spacing for the code 02.36.48 # that's just bad 02.37.26 # * entheh fixes the config 02.39.10 Quit robin0800 ("Famous last words") 02.39.27 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 02.39.44 Quit perldiver ("some games are better left unplayed") 02.40.23 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 02.42.10 Join habana [0] (i=58a10615@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1ab69994859e98b3) 02.42.23 # hi 02.42.33 # looks as if playback.c uses a funky queue mechanism, presumably to talk to other threads ... maybe 02.42.39 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 02.42.52 # there's an audio_queue which is used to reload the song when seeking backwards 02.43.06 # just if the point being seeked to has been discarded 02.43.43 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 02.43.54 # i was reading disktidy.c , wondering if i could add an entry to delete .Trash-loginname dir created by Ubuntu 02.46.00 # the only trouble i have is that bin dir depends of the login name and i dont know how to add deletion of a variable dir 02.46.03 # any idea ? 02.46.47 # strncmp checks only the first n characters of the string 02.48.56 Join capsaicin [0] (i=selenius@c-75-73-49-16.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) 02.49.15 # thanks 02.49.25 # hrm it still has problems with syncing heh ;) 02.49.36 # * EnterUserName hands linux some money :p 02.54.52 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 02.55.00 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 02.55.02 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 02.56.37 Quit Hotfusion (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.58.58 Quit robin0800 ("Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?") 02.59.13 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 03.00.16 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) 03.01.38 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 03.01.53 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 03.02.15 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 03.02.49 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 03.03.07 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 03.03.54 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 03.04.02 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.04.10 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 03.05.05 Quit DataGhost (Nick collision from services.) 03.05.11 Join DataGhost [0] (i=dataghos@ip3e832ea5.speed.planet.nl) 03.06.05 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 03.06.20 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 03.08.39 Join Hotfusion [0] (i=Hotfusio@ip70-185-188-75.mc.at.cox.net) 03.09.26 Part n1s 03.09.31 Quit Criamos ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 03.09.45 Join Everybody| [0] (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 03.15.19 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 03.15.21 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 03.16.18 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.17.10 Join phrozen77_ [0] (n=phrozen7@pD9EC6B72.dip.t-dialin.net) 03.18.51 # Mikachu> kind of that ? if (rb->strncmp(entry->d_name, ".Trash-" 5) == 0) 03.19.18 Quit robin0800 ("OUCH!!!") 03.22.29 Quit habana ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 03.26.07 Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") 03.26.25 Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.28.31 Quit Jsunu ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 03.29.05 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 03.29.32 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) 03.30.23 # need to read the FAQ's a little more. Every file on my playlist in rockbox shows as error when created from winamp 03.31.59 # Winamp doesn't follow the same format. 03.32.07 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 03.32.08 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 03.32.42 # Hotfusion: Open up a Winamp created playlist in a TEXT editor, and do the same with a Rockbox created one. 03.32.47 # You'll notice the difference. 03.32.56 # Winamp locates files as such: 03.33.08 # X:\music\file.mp3 03.33.18 # (Minus the drive name, often) 03.33.25 Quit phrozen77 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.33.36 # (So, more like "\music\file.mp3") 03.33.48 # Rockbox is like so: 03.34.13 # "/music/file.mp3" 03.34.30 # All you need to do is to replace all of the 03.34.42 # "\" with "/" and it'll be fine. 03.34.55 Quit BiptoN ("Leaving") 03.34.57 # I can't seem to get this to shuffle random songs 03.35.02 # (Worked for me, at least.) 03.35.04 # no matter if I create a playlist or not 03.35.32 # I've never used the shuffle feature on anything, Winamp, or otherwise. 03.35.44 # How can you tell if random songs are shuffled? 03.36.22 # Soap: At one time, I had the 3 CD soundtrack to Chrono Cross memorized. 03.36.31 # I would have noticed if it was shuffled. 03.36.33 # like in cowon's firmware if I have shuttle on any songs in the list was randomly selected 03.36.37 # That's just an example. 03.36.38 # so it was never in order 03.36.48 # im trying to get it to work that way in rockbox 03.36.57 # shuffle* 03.36.58 Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-66-65-88-127.nyc.res.rr.com) 03.37.47 Quit Stalwart (Remote closed the connection) 03.38.32 Join Stalwart [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 03.39.28 # Hotfusion: Shuffle works me just great. 03.39.33 # What target are you using? 03.40.11 # I turned on shuffle by creating a list (it had over 1000 entries), and then pusing, and holding, the menu button. 03.40.21 # *pushing 03.40.26 # I go to play list options and have it create a root.m3u8 playlist but the songs are in different order but each song is sequential order. That isn't true shuffle 03.40.56 # Indeed it's not. Turn shuffling on. 03.41.03 # it is on 03.41.09 # It doesn't create shuffled playlists, that I know of. 03.41.27 # When going to the next song in the list, it should skip to a different song. 03.42.22 # If I have like 2500 tracks. if I go to an artists folder the very next song in that folder is played 03.42.31 # so no shuffle.....im not sure im doing this right 03.42.55 # but it's on :/ 03.43.30 # Did you try what I said (Just want to be sure it's on)? While a song is playing, push and hold the menu button. 03.44.06 # On my screen, there's shuffle on the left, file display in the middle, at the bottom, and repeat on the right. 03.44.40 # whoo 03.44.53 # * entheh is trying to allay the Allegro community's fears at his proposal to change DUMB's API >_> 03.45.08 # When in that menu, if I push the left button, shuffle settings are changed. If I push the right button, the repeat settings change. If I push down, file display settings are changed 03.45.16 Quit capsaicin () 03.45.31 # * Mouser_X again wishes entheh luck on that... 03.45.37 # hehe 03.45.42 # I've seen how hard that can be sometimes... 03.45.51 # a couple of people want compatibility headers, but I don't think it's really possible 03.46.06 # some people are dynamic-linking, and I can't possibly keep it binary-compatible 03.46.27 Quit efyx (Remote closed the connection) 03.46.36 # my original proposal was new header and library file names and to keep the old one around so only projects in development would have to update 03.46.53 # and I can't see a way not to do that ^^ 03.47.07 Quit Stalwart (Remote closed the connection) 03.47.08 # they mostly seem OK though 03.47.17 # ... probably 03.47.20 # :/ 03.47.48 # If it gets MOD/XM/IT/S3M/etc. support on Rockbox, I'm all for it. 03.47.51 # XD 03.47.57 # I know that much 03.47.59 # Unless it requires maiming people... 03.48.03 Join Stalwart [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 03.48.32 # lol ^^ 03.48.37 # I can choose carefully if you like 03.48.39 # make sure it's only n00bs 03.48.44 # arrogant ones 03.48.44 # Heh. 03.49.26 # How about this. Make sure that if anyone is hurt, that I never hear about it. 03.49.38 # don't worry, no one will be hurt 03.49.43 # What I don't know, can't make me feel bad (for the most part...) 03.49.52 # Yes, I figured. 03.49.57 # assuming my boss doesn't see any of the "keep the compatibility" posts and faint 03.50.06 # Heh. 03.50.11 # (occasionally I share Allegro newbishness with him ^^) 03.50.32 # (don't get me wrong, Allegro's very good. All communities have newbs in them ^^) 03.50.41 # This is true. 03.50.48 # * Mouser_X must be leaving. 03.50.52 # * entheh likes Allegro. It has problems, but it's still good 03.50.54 # ok, mata ne 03.50.56 # me too soon 03.52.16 # did you ahve to create a playlist to shuffle or does it rly on your tags. I go to my msuic folder go into a artist folder and play a song but it plays the next song 03.52.32 # I held my button on the Cowons x5l stick 03.53.16 Quit Febs (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 03.53.59 Quit Stalwart (Remote closed the connection) 03.54.48 Join Stalwart [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 03.55.16 Quit Strath ("User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby") 03.56.55 # cant even get songs to play now 03.57.05 # wow I messed this up 03.57.05 # lol 04.00.03 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 04.00.40 Quit Stalwart (Remote closed the connection) 04.01.38 # hey when you say hold the menu b utton do you mean hold hte joystick while a song is playing 04.01.40 # ? 04.01.41 Join funky_ [0] (n=repulse@81-202-211-251.user.ono.com) 04.02.49 Join Stalwart [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 04.03.42 Quit midgey () 04.04.34 Join combrains [0] (n=combrain@222-155-111-19.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) 04.06.51 # ok it seems it does shuffle but not exactly the way I want. If I have one file ina folder it'll shuffle to a different folder and play that song. But If I have a folder that has say 10 songs in it I have to go through all 10 songs for it to shuffle to a different folder 04.08.28 Quit Everybody| (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.08.36 Join Everybody| [0] (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 04.08.43 Quit Stalwart (Connection reset by peer) 04.09.08 Join bonbonthejon [0] (n=jon@cpe-65-27-173-68.cinci.res.rr.com) 04.09.31 Join Stalwart [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 04.11.06 Join YouCeyE [0] (n=YouCeyE@unaffiliated/youceye) 04.13.00 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 04.14.59 # Hotfusion, rb is playlist based so to shuffle all of your tracks you have to add them all to one big playlist and then it will shuffle all tracks 04.15.52 # ok, I'll do that winamp thing you guys had suggested 04.15.57 # see if that works 04.17.26 # I do like rockbox alot just trying to figure somethings out. I hated cowon's frimware. Every other time I'd get a white screen when I turn the player on...not with rb 04.18.19 Quit Thundercloud__ (Connection timed out) 04.19.12 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.20.52 Join mathgl__ [0] (n=mathgl@shm67-4-82-242-213-244.fbx.proxad.net) 04.23.34 Quit _Veseliq_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 04.28.18 Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@rockbox/administrator/Llorean) 04.28.23 # cool I got it working thx combrains and everyone 04.29.49 # hah - with the new bootloader and all my gb says I only have 3 hrs of play time from a fully recharged battery 04.30.32 # fantastic 04.30.42 # I did a bench on the old bootloader and got about 16 hrs out of it - be interesting to see what I get out of this one 04.33.45 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.38.19 Quit mathgl_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.45.53 # combrains 04.45.59 # that can be true 04.46.03 # everything works fine here 04.46.05 # for a while 04.46.09 Quit Everybody|away (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.46.28 Join Everybody|away [0] (n=everybod@harpo.demon.co.uk) 04.46.37 # what are you reffering to? 04.47.03 # new bootloaders, latest builds etc 04.47.58 # no, it works fine but it was just interesting for me to find that the gb only estimated 3hrs of runtime from a full battery 04.49.02 # im doing another bench atm to see how the new 'opimised' bootloader with CPU scaling performs 04.49.11 # see if it gets anymore runtime 04.49.17 # in info/rockbox info ? 04.49.43 # i have estimated 15 hours 27 minutes there 04.50.09 # ah, no I just glanced at the wps 04.50.18 # will check info now 04.51.06 # ah - I have 10hrs 20mins now 04.51.15 # same on the wps as well 04.51.25 # guess I jumped the gun alittle 04.53.16 Quit funky_ ("leaving") 04.53.56 # gb is gigabit? 04.54.02 # err 04.54.05 # gigabeat? 04.54.41 # yes 04.54.59 # gb is usually "gigabytes" 04.55.31 # But some people use it for gigabeat as well 04.56.21 Quit rp- () 04.56.35 Join andrewg [0] (n=andrew@stjhnf0122w-142162058221.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) 04.59.02 # yeah I figurd 04.59.10 # it was pretty obvious right lol 04.59.52 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 05.00.10 # I get about 16 or so hours on my iAudio X5L I ran narly 5 hours on it and it still reported 13 hours left 05.00.18 # not to bad 05.00.32 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 05.00.51 # Don't really trust the reports. 05.01.01 Quit entheh ("^~") 05.01.17 # They're at best estimations, and they assume your battery capacity is set properly, and that your battery performs like everyone else's. 05.01.20 # it's not close to the cowon but it's still decent run time 05.01.34 # Hotfusion: I created a playlist by selecting a directory (with recursive loading on), and inserting it into a new playlist. Then, when the first file was playing, I turned on shuffle, and it worked for me just fine. 05.01.37 # You don't know how long the life is until you've run an actual benchmark. 05.01.41 # I charge it when it's needed 05.01.44 # I haven't tried any other methods. 05.01.50 # usually when it's out or about gone 05.02.25 # hey Mouser I did the winamp tridck replacing K:\mp3\ with /music/ 05.02.28 # and it worked perfect 05.02.31 # trick* 05.03.00 Quit perldiver ("some games are better left unplayed") 05.03.34 Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 05.05.06 # Glad to help. 05.08.21 Quit andrewg_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.11.42 Quit PaulPosition () 05.15.14 # looks like the theme page is offline 05.15.33 # Hotfusion: The wiki works fine for me. 05.16.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.17.50 Join fathefner [0] (n=fathefne@cpe-24-26-196-140.hot.res.rr.com) 05.18.25 # it worked earlier. Trying to donwload more themes 05.18.31 # not workin at the moment 05.18.55 # trying to dl'd from thw twiki 05.18.59 # it the a build for the creative zen m 05.19.09 # is there 05.19.12 # a buils 05.19.14 # build 05.19.42 # Hotfusion: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsGigabeatF doesn't work for you? 05.19.53 # fathefner: All supported targets are listed on the front page of the site. 05.20.07 Quit Stalwart (Remote closed the connection) 05.20.48 Join Stalwart [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 05.21.07 # http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=3225.0;prev_next=next 05.21.16 # i saw that and was wondering 05.21.24 # llorean it does but the pics are x'd out and the dl'd links don't work but I have an IaudioX5 so 05.21.31 # that's what im trying to get themes for 05.22.05 # Hotfusion: Well http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsIaudioX5 works fine for me too 05.22.34 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 05.22.35 # link works but the download links under each theme don't and I can't see the samples for the themes listed 05.22.39 Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-66-65-88-127.nyc.res.rr.com) 05.22.47 # fathefner: As I said, supported targets are listed on the front page. The forum threads are just for people to discuss trying to start a port. 05.22.50 # lemme turn off firewall 05.22.57 # Hotfusion: I can see the images and everything 05.23.25 # I have no clue then 05.24.01 Quit fathefner () 05.24.15 # And downloads work for me too. 05.24.30 # as I said 05.24.35 # they worked earlier for me 05.24.37 # not now 05.25.06 # And refreshing the page doesn't change anything for better or worse? 05.25.43 # hmm seems server is playing with me 05.25.44 # lol 05.26.12 # Or your internet connection is just inconsistent. 05.26.18 # nope 05.26.20 # it's just fine 05.26.47 # Evidence suggests it might be otherwise if the site's working fine for me. 05.26.59 # evidence suggests otherwise for me 05.27.22 Join Kaitlyn2004 [0] (i=Kaitlyn@CPE0011952c92cf-CM00080d3c4444.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 05.27.24 # What evidence? The fact that it works okay except for one webpage doesn't suggest anything except "You have problems accessing that webpage" 05.27.33 # it's not my connction 05.27.34 # I go to the "daily builds" page, and nothing shows up? 05.28.10 # Kaitlyn2004: The server ran out of space earlier, so it's possible that those aren't happening right now. 05.28.18 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 05.28.20 # oh.. lol 05.28.22 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 05.28.24 # i can't seem to download ANY file? 05.28.53 # Kaitlyn2004: What file won't download for you? 05.29.08 # http://www.rockbox.org/download/rockbox-2.5-install.exe 05.29.32 # Are you on an archos? 05.29.43 # nope, x5 05.29.49 # Then why are you trying to download that? 05.29.52 # that's not needed for an x5 05.29.53 # and I tried to download the x5 bootloader through the wiki.. that didn't work either 05.29.58 # what do I need then? lol 05.29.59 # I got an x5 Kaitlyn 05.30.09 # Hotfusion: See, *now* there's evidence that suggests it's the server. 05.30.13 # you need the bootloader 05.30.15 # Hotfusion: yayy! :) 05.30.23 # But downloads.rockbox.org is up 05.30.28 # Which has both the bootloader and the SVN builds 05.30.31 # and the iAudio zip file 05.30.36 # eerr download.rockbox.org 05.30.43 # http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/iaudio/ 05.30.45 # X5 bootloader 05.30.50 # lol Llorean 05.30.59 # oh thanks! 05.31.03 # so i need the firmware too though? 05.31.15 # the bootlaoder is the firmware 05.31.22 # http://build.rockbox.org/dist/build-iaudiox5/rockbox.zip 05.31.25 # Hotfusion: No, it's not 05.31.28 # The bootloader is the bootloader 05.31.31 # And the firmware is the firmware. 05.31.35 # Rockbox.zip is the firmware. 05.31.37 # yes but you flash it in the firmwre folder 05.31.48 # But it's not THE firmware. 05.31.54 # It's just a small piece of code that loads the firmware from the disk 05.31.55 # so why do I need this special boatloader? 05.32.07 # but technically that's software 05.32.10 # Kaitlyn2004: Because it loads the Rockbox firmware. 05.32.10 # lol 05.32.21 # Hotfusion: And on most of the players we support nothing needs to get flashed at all. 05.32.24 # But "Rockbox" is the firmware. 05.32.29 # i read that the x5 has its own builtin loader? 05.32.32 # :) 05.32.59 # Hotfusion: We have specific terms in this channel, and rockbox.iaudio or the equivalent is considered to be 'the firmware' and we ask that users respect these terms so as to reduce overall confusion. 05.33.12 # not sure what you mean Kaitlyn 05.33.16 # The application/OS is the firmware, and the bootloader is the bootloader. 05.33.29 # Kaitlyn2004: Are you following the install instructions in the manual? 05.34.00 # it's eay to install 05.34.07 # im following this: 05.34.07 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IaudioBoot#Installation 05.34.30 Quit bonbonthejon (Remote closed the connection) 05.34.44 # I finally got it to where I like it. Takes a little time but I love the themes and no more white screen 05.34.49 # aka pos cowon firmware 05.34.54 # that really annoyed me 05.35.34 # Hotfusion: so I put that bootloader into the firmware, let it load, but then how do I actually load the firmware? put it in the root? 05.35.46 # yes 05.36.01 # Kaitlyn2004: Ask Llorean. Seriously, he knows very well what he's talking about. 05.36.23 # I'm not saying Hotfusion can't be helpful, but Llorean knows his stuff. 05.37.25 # bootloader goes into the firmware folder the other files that is in teh iAudio zip file into root. Plug in the black plug into the player and have it plugged into hte player and turn the player on 05.37.27 # it was simple 05.37.38 # the instructions are more clearer than me 05.37.39 # lol 05.38.51 # i turned it on.. rockbox boot loader turned on 05.38.53 # then it shut off 05.39.07 # Did you install the firmware? 05.39.07 # ok take off the black plug in unit 05.39.11 # turn it on 05.39.11 # JdGordon, yo 05.39.21 # hey 05.39.31 # but yeah you have to install the firmware to :) 05.39.31 # can I pm, JdGordon 05.39.37 # shoot 05.39.39 # how do I INSTALL the firmware then? lol 05.40.18 # you know the iAudio.zip file that contains an .rockbox folder and a file those go into root. Ask llorean he knows hehe 05.40.26 # i did that 05.40.30 # This is why the bootloader is differentiated from the firmware. 05.40.31 # Llorean: what did I do wrong? haha 05.40.52 # I have a folder - .rockbox, and a file - rockbox.iaudio in my root 05.40.57 # Bootloader loads the firmware. 05.41.11 # Did you install the bootloader according to the Wiki? 05.41.16 # Kaitlyn2004: When the Rockbox bootloader shows up, what is the last line it says? 05.41.24 # results: -1 i THINK 05.41.32 # thats the line after "loading firmware" i believe 05.41.35 # it happens quickly 05.41.46 # The -1 line means that rockbox.iaudio was not found in \ 05.41.49 # Sounds like the firmware isn't loaded properly. 05.41.54 # yeah not in root 05.41.59 # *installed 05.42.04 # haha weird cause I see it right there! :( 05.43.03 # its definitely there 05.43.16 # Kaitlyn2004: Not in *any* folders, just in the root of the device? 05.43.20 # yes 05.43.25 # H:/rockbox.iaudio 05.43.39 # you did download the X5 bootlaoder and not the X5V? 05.43.40 # Are you sure the number was -1 then? 05.43.43 # assuming you have just an X5 05.43.57 # i downloaded from the link provided.. 05.44.09 # ya 05.44.14 # x5_fw.bin 05.44.38 # Kaitlyn2004: Please answer my question... 05.44.47 # double checking now 05.46.35 # rockbox boot loader.... version 2..... batt 3.89v..... loading firmware.....results -1 05.46.41 # *result 05.47.06 # -1 means the file wasn't found. 05.47.12 # The rockbox.iaudio file. 05.47.38 # its FULLY there!? :( 05.47.56 # gonna try daily build 05.48.08 # If it found the file but it was partial, you should get different numbers than -1. 05.48.56 # http://i10.tinypic.com/2hxag43.gif 05.49.23 # I'm not doubting that it's there. 05.49.28 # I'm just saying that for some reason it can't find it. 05.49.37 # ya... so do you have any ideas? 05.49.52 # Well, it's odd that you have a completely nameless file there. 05.49.55 # Is everything okay with the disk? 05.50.06 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) 05.50.33 # ya i noticed that.. 05.50.37 # I couldn't delete it either 05.50.43 # I have on occasion turned it on to an HDD error 05.51.01 # you should have a rockbox.iAudio file and a .rockbox folder in root 05.51.06 # it should load it right up 05.51.13 # Hotfusion: I have that 05.51.20 # although its iaudio 05.51.22 # Kaitlyn2004: If the disk is having problems then that could explain things. 05.51.23 # not iAudio (case) 05.51.25 # did you extract the entire thing 05.51.31 # of course 05.51.37 # Hotfusion: You're just repeating things that have already been said. 05.51.38 # Hotfusion: If you checked her linked GIF file, you'd see that she has all that. 05.51.40 # im gonna format the drive 05.51.46 # so what 05.51.54 # how should I best format the drive? 05.52.20 # Kaitlyn2004: I'm not sure how for X5s, if they can be safely formatted at all. 05.52.27 # hmmm 05.52.31 # Llorean: Is it case sensitive? Might that make a difference? Though, I'm assuming it's currently named correctly, and in the right casing... 05.52.38 # Mouser_X: Fat32 isn't case sensitive. 05.52.50 # True. I thought Rockbox was though. 05.52.59 # Perhaps only for certain things... 05.53.05 # not sure aht build you did but I did the 1-20-2007 build 05.53.21 # (I could have sworn I read something about case sensitivity in the manual somewhere...) 05.53.22 # Hotfusion: know of a safe way to format the drive? 05.59.13 Nick Tman is now known as cheesesticks (i=tyler@unaffiliated/tman) 05.59.18 # you could try tod o this plug you player into yoru computer. Make not of the drivfe letter and if your drive letter is drive F type format F: /fs:FAT32 /v:iAudio that's the only way I know through comand line 05.59.20 Nick cheesesticks is now known as Tman (i=tyler@adsl-69-153-24-22.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) 05.59.44 Part Llorean 05.59.47 # I have a bad index finger (bent nail) so my typing stinks 06.00.00 # note* 06.00.00 # Hotfusion: the iAudio has a lot of "custom" folders and files though 06.00.00 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 06.00.06 # yes 06.00.08 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 06.00.09 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 06.00.14 # lemme look at what you'll need to keep 06.02.15 # VOICE, TEXTFILE, SYSTEM, recordings, RECORD, PLAYLIST, PICTURE, MUSIC, MOVIE, FIRMWARE I also have an A and _SYS folder but im not sure what thy are there for, I also have a NED_LIC file 06.02.16 # that's it 06.02.47 # each of those with hte exception of the NED_LIC system file is a folder 06.03.03 # okay.. well right now im doing an error check on the disk.. might as well start with that 06.03.19 # yep. You know how to do command line? 06.03.36 # start->run->cmd, but i prefer right click, format :) 06.03.57 # command line is safer I think lol 06.04.07 # what drife letter is your player 06.04.11 # drive* 06.04.17 # H: 06.04.35 # haha i dn't think its safer at all.. larger room for error :) 06.04.41 # so type in format H: /fs:FAT32 /v:IAUDIO 06.04.53 # i'll just copy that stuff off... format.. put those back on... then start it up... 06.04.59 # the /v is for the label of the disk 06.05.06 # and /fs stands for filesystem 06.05.22 Join gotthardt [0] (n=chatzill@c-71-56-149-94.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 06.05.53 # between you and I kait 06.05.59 # I hated cowons firmware 06.06.10 # I kept getting a random white screen when I turned on my player 06.06.18 # i never got that.. i don't dislike it 06.06.46 # it was more of an annoyance 06.07.08 # my main thing is I "upgraded" from a H120 and I liked that more.. 06.07.12 Quit midgey () 06.08.39 # this transformer theme is nice 06.09.04 # sure. if you're a huge nerdy loser! :) 06.09.17 # hahahah 06.09.19 # sadly :( 06.10.47 # I listen to show themes on a regular basis. Inspetor Gadget, Gilligan's Island, Ghostbusters... 06.11.09 # go go gadget rockbox 06.11.11 # lol 06.12.44 Quit Kaitlyn2004 () 06.12.55 # ah yes, transformers. robots in the skies. 06.12.59 Join Owner_ [0] (n=chatzill@ppp-70-130-33-248.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net) 06.14.00 # that's gonna be a great movie coing out later this year 06.14.03 # coming* 06.14.38 Nick Owner_ is now known as Anendram (n=chatzill@ppp-70-130-33-248.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net) 06.16.00 Quit Anendram (Client Quit) 06.16.08 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 06.16.08 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 06.16.15 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 06.16.24 Join Anendram [0] (n=Anendram@ppp-70-130-33-248.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net) 06.16.46 Quit Anendram (Client Quit) 06.16.58 Join Strath [0] (n=donat@dpc6747254230.direcpc.com) 06.31.44 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 06.31.49 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 06.31.51 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 06.32.28 # This was unexpected... 06.32.34 # I can't access the logs. 06.32.47 # http://www.rockbox.org/irc/current.txt 06.32.48 # tabula rasa 06.32.49 # 404 06.32.50 Quit JoeBorn ("resting up for big game tomorrow") 06.35.41 # hmm forbidden to view tiki page error 403 06.36.53 # twiki* 06.44.56 Quit toffe ("MegaIRC v3.27 http://ironfist.at.tut.by") 06.46.20 Join Audioengineer [0] (n=combrain@222-155-45-10.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) 06.50.07 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B14D0B.dip.t-dialin.net) 06.52.19 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 06.53.08 Quit combrains (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 06.53.21 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 06.56.01 Quit JdGordon (Client Quit) 07.01.56 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 07.07.06 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.09.14 # Call me crazy, but Rockbox.org seems to be down. 07.10.14 # you crazy, but it looks like it 07.11.46 Quit rotator ("zzzzzzzzzz") 07.16.21 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.22.40 Join mathgl_ [0] (n=mathgl@shm67-4-82-242-213-244.fbx.proxad.net) 07.23.29 # it pings, but no http. 07.29.22 Join Jsunu [0] (n=Jsunu@d154-20-129-186.bchsia.telus.net) 07.31.04 Quit gotthardt ("adios!") 07.33.48 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.37.00 Join AndreSmith [0] (n=MyUser@60-242-25-74.static.tpgi.com.au) 07.37.06 Part AndreSmith 07.38.54 Quit mathgl__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.47.02 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 07.51.41 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 07.57.33 Join JdGordon_ [0] (n=jonno@c220-237-57-32.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 07.59.12 Join homielowe [0] (n=chatzill@ 08.00.30 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 08.01.29 Quit Hotfusion (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.03.34 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 08.03.36 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 08.06.34 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) 08.08.24 # rockbox is back up - but no images or SVN builds 08.09.08 Quit JdGordon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.09.32 Nick Audioengineer is now known as combrains (n=combrain@222-155-45-10.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) 08.11.26 Quit homielowe ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 08.12.36 Nick JdGordon_ is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 08.22.54 Quit EvilDude (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.23.05 # wiki isn't working either 08.24.35 Join EvilDude [0] (n=prashant@CPE-60-227-89-93.nsw.bigpond.net.au) 08.38.20 Join Audioengineer [0] (n=combrain@222-155-16-73.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) 08.40.24 # I tried a few minuts ago - rb and the wiki were up but with no images or SVN build page 08.46.24 Quit combrains (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 08.46.26 Join jba_ [0] (n=jba@c211-30-242-204.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) 08.46.46 Nick Audioengineer is now known as combrains (n=combrain@222-155-16-73.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) 08.48.12 Join ErifNeerg [0] (n=chatzill@c-68-83-115-40.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 08.48.59 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 08.49.01 # just wondering but is there a disadvantage w/ using Loader2 rather then rockbox's loader? 08.49.04 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 08.49.06 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 08.50.47 # hmmm... nobody awake? 08.51.09 # just reading the site and I would say no 08.51.16 # but i dont have an ipod 08.51.39 # If i were you i would be inclined to give it a whirl anywat 08.52.12 # kk, i didn't see one myself. I just don't always want to use rockbox all the time 08.53.00 # yea, i works fine as far as i can tell. I've done it before when i had ipodlinux but i really don't see the point cause i don't really need linux 08.53.08 # just something that will play ogg 08.53.18 Join mathgl__ [0] (n=mathgl@shm67-4-82-242-213-244.fbx.proxad.net) 08.53.29 Quit Jsunu ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 08.54.22 # i don't get y more players don't support ogg/flac 08.54.55 # the licensing fees of $0 are too expensive 08.55.26 # probably because its not as popular as mp3 so they cant be bothered spending money to caode it in 08.55.45 # yea, gess... thanks combrains 08.55.51 # :P 08.56.29 # but isn't aac/mpg4 suppost to replace mp3? argh... i just hate mp3s 08.56.58 # aac is apple's own encoder - i thought 08.57.15 # nope 08.59.11 # its the whole VHS vs BETA thing again - poularity wins out 08.59.58 # yea, i just find it wierd that Dolby att sony and nokia have all worked on aac 09.00.41 # zune supports aac 09.00.52 # but who has one? 09.01.49 # aac is part of the mpeg4 standard, i believe 09.02.02 # yea, something like that 09.02.23 Quit jba (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.03.01 # aac was designed to replace mp3 fixing alot of the bugs/mistakes in mp3 09.04.09 # is there any music webpages like emusic that sells ogg/etc music? 09.06.01 Quit midgey () 09.07.23 Join aly76 [0] (n=ams@81-86-152-252.dsl.pipex.com) 09.07.29 Join tucoz [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/staff/tucoz) 09.07.52 # anyone know what is wrong with the website? 09.08.07 # other then images not showing up? 09.08.18 # wiki is not working for instance 09.08.31 # dunno 09.08.41 # server being worked on? 09.08.52 # hope it´s not another break-in 09.09.28 Quit mathgl_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.09.45 # i think they worked on the server yesterday, so it is hopefully that. 09.16.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.17.03 Quit aly76 ("Leaving.") 09.21.19 Quit mathgl__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.22.14 Quit jba_ ("Leaving") 09.23.50 Quit ErifNeerg ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 09.29.56 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 09.30.02 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 09.38.30 Quit combrains ("Rockbox Rocks :)") 09.39.46 Join NathanXP2600 [0] (i=Nathan@c-67-186-28-88.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 09.42.58 Join ninj5 [0] (n=ninj4@c211-28-141-225.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) 09.50.06 Part tucoz 09.57.15 Join lini [0] (i=pugsley@ 09.58.51 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 09.59.28 Quit kubiix (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.59.41 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 10.04.01 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 10.04.04 Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 10.14.39 # i use winamp to sync my ipod, rockbox should be able to handle that using database, yes? 10.14.55 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.15.55 # rockbox generally tries to avoid using databases... 10.16.22 # not the generated database 10.16.24 # its own one 10.19.58 # is anyone else having problems with the rockbox.org site? 10.20.56 Join ErifNeerg [0] (n=chatzill@c-68-83-115-40.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 10.21.43 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 10.23.12 # hrmm 10.23.29 # i suppose i just have to wait until someone updates itdb2tc 10.26.17 Quit Zagor (Client Quit) 10.26.57 # thx 10.26.59 Quit ninj5 (":::: ( UPP ) ::::") 10.28.54 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 10.31.50 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@ 10.34.27 Quit secleinteer (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.46.49 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.49.43 Join Marc0Pol0 [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) 10.51.55 Nick Marc0Pol0 is now known as MarcoPolo (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) 10.54.44 Join ErifNeerg_ [0] (n=chatzill@c-68-83-115-40.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 10.58.09 Mode "#rockbox +o Zagor " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 11.00.49 # * JdGordon is sick of this damn patch :p 11.02.14 Topic "www server hacked and vandalised. investigation underway. backup is available." by Zagor (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 11.03.39 # :( why the hell do people do that? 11.04.20 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p549673C4.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.04.28 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-202-175.student.uu.se) 11.05.22 Join subson [0] (n=ju@ 11.05.31 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 11.07.05 # i wondered why the site was dead for a few hours and now is barely there (no images and no files) 11.08.01 # in that reguard does anyone feel like DCCing me the 2.5 release or the daily build for the archos 20gb fm recorder? 11.08.13 Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ 11.11.50 Quit ErifNeerg (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.13.32 # NathanXP2600: Just fetch the latest SVN build from http://build.rockbox.org/ 11.15.32 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.15.56 # * n1s looks at the topic and wonderes if people don't have anything better to do 11.16.29 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.18.50 Quit ErifNeerg_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.27.38 # morning amiconn, apart from fixing 1 tiny thing, I have finished the setting on disk patch.. thought you might like to know :) 11.27.56 # voice is working? 11.28.30 Join Juice^ [0] (n=juice@ 11.28.32 # It is only the part which handles the saving/loading to disk, menus arent touched, so they will come in after, possibly slowly (I plan to do that part in a way that can transition from the current to the new stuff over time without breaking anything) 11.29.01 # n1s: it _should_ I bassically started the patch again.. testing comes in a min 11.29.30 Quit subson () 11.29.43 Quit Juice^ (Client Quit) 11.29.46 # amiconn, thank you verrrrrrrrrrry much its been driving me knuts having to use stock firmware since i reformatted it this morning 11.30.01 Join Juice^ [0] (n=juice@ 11.31.06 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) 11.31.28 # WTF? not again... :< 11.31.31 # ... the patch doesnt handle vnram settigns at all.. so I dont want to commit it untill someone speaks up about that 11.33.23 # Can we restore the wiki to the state it was before? 11.33.58 # topic sys ther's a backup so I guess so... 11.33.59 # Genre9mp3: sunday morning in sweden... dont expect much back up today I rekon :p 11.34.51 # They wiped-out the frontpage, too? do you know? 11.36.03 # yeah, Zagor came in before to chane the topic, and I guess change the frontpage... 11.36.34 # argh! :( 11.38.51 # * JdGordon wishes he didnt say he only had 1 thing to fix in the patch :p 11.38.55 # .. before testing 11.39.04 # ;-) 11.42.06 Quit amiconn (" Like VS.net's GUI? Then try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 11.51.00 Quit perldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.53.57 Join blubb-kbox [0] (n=blub-kbo@ 11.54.01 # hi 11.54.30 # guys i got the ata error -1, and i cant find any solutions concerning this problem. 11.54.47 # install what's in the rockbox zip 11.54.50 # i looked up misticiriver and the rockbox forums 11.55.11 # the player isnt booting anymore on rockbox 11.55.27 # the original firmware of river says, "check hdd connection" 11.55.35 # i checkt the connection and everything was fine 11.55.40 # blubb-kbox: did you unzip a file called rockbox.something an a folder called .rockbox to the root of your player 11.55.53 # yeah.. 11.55.57 # rockbox was working fine 11.55.59 # for weeks 11.56.12 # ahh, did you try reseating the drive? 11.56.20 # format? 11.56.31 # i cant format anymore 11.56.33 # iow disconnect it and reconnect it 11.56.40 # yeah, i did 11.56.40 # inside the player 11.57.03 # sounds like some sort of hw failure then :-( 11.57.21 # that means that the drive is dead? 11.58.02 # maybe the hd is dead, maybe someone else knows something else that can cause this? 11.59.27 # i dont now. its not my player, i got an h140, and the problem is on the h340 of a friend of mine 11.59.36 # he said,that he wasnt using the player for 3days 11.59.51 # later he tried to start and nothing was working anymore 11.59.54 # did he drop it or had previous problems with the drive? 11.59.59 # nope 11.59.59 # maybe out of battery? 12.00.12 # hm 12.00.30 # there wouldnt be the check hdd connection screen? 12.00.30 # Mikachu: that shouldn't make rockbox bootloader go error -1 12.00.34 # arent? 12.01.06 # but shure it's worth a try 12.01.12 # k 12.02.23 # i gonna give it a try 12.04.33 Join powr-toc [0] (n=r@84-51-129-124.rickmo645.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 12.09.04 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 12.09.39 Join GodEater [0] (n=bryan@host-84-9-15-114.bulldogdsl.com) 12.09.44 Join Redbreva_Away [0] (n=chatzill@host86-144-107-44.range86-144.btcentralplus.com) 12.10.02 Nick Redbreva_Away is now known as Redbreva (n=chatzill@host86-144-107-44.range86-144.btcentralplus.com) 12.17.48 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 12.20.41 Join _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@ 12.21.59 Quit _Veseliq_ (Remote closed the connection) 12.41.10 Join Sikkan [0] (i=Monchhic@ 12.46.50 Quit robin0800 ("The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese") 12.46.54 Join midkay_ [0] (n=midkay@63-226-215-201.tukw.qwest.net) 12.47.20 Join shnee [0] (n=CurtyD13@cpe-24-26-131-198.columbus.res.rr.com) 12.49.03 Join FUzZy2 [0] (n=FUzZy@d58-104-109-130.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au) 12.49.30 # hi, does anyone know where the is some documentation on creating lists? 12.50.05 # creating lists for what? 12.50.27 # just as a gui i'm just going to use it as a simple menu 12.51.10 # w00t! 1 stupid misplaced break; was all that killed it ;p 12.52.23 # so does anyone know where some documentation is because there is nothing about it in the plugin_api docs i dld 12.53.21 Quit midkay (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 12.53.24 # FUzZy2: You need to look at the rest of the Rockbox source to see how it's used. But there is already a menu widget... 12.53.25 # FUzZy2: there is a menu widget in the plugin api 12.53.34 Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 12.53.38 # the list widget is very easy to use also 12.54.01 # both have ample examples in the various utility plugins (text editor shows both) 12.54.19 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD79B2.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.54.51 # * JdGordon needs to upp the ata thread stack :'( 12.55.00 # although, this was expected 12.55.11 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 12.55.13 # just i had a quick look over it and i couldnt see exactly how it worked 12.55.53 # like does it wait and only return something when it is selected or will it return every action 12.55.55 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@ 12.56.00 Quit barrywardell (Client Quit) 12.57.18 # FUzZy2: you give the menu an arrray of items to show, then call rb->menu_show() and it will return once the user exits the menu (it will keep running while the user goes in and out of items) 12.57.36 # rb->menu_run will only run untll the user enters an item, or exits the menu 12.57.45 # * JdGordon might have then switched tho :p 12.57.49 # going off memory 12.58.45 # havnt seen menu_run thats not in text editor is it 12.59.16 # proably not... you only need that one if you want some funky menu handling... the default handling should be fine 12.59.33 # do u mean menu_init? 13.00.19 # no, you need that also 13.01.37 Join funky_ [0] (n=repulse@81-202-211-251.user.ono.com) 13.01.39 # bugger wish they kept there documenation up to date they havnt even got plugin header in it 13.01.57 # can i find an example of this somewhere? 13.02.19 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@ 13.03.17 # there is a simple example in apps/plugins/text_editor.c from line 405 13.03.32 # that uses rb->menu_show(), so it returns when the user selects an option 13.05.06 # ok 13.05.20 # thanx you answered some quistions 13.06.10 # menu_run() is in fact easier than menu_show 13.06.42 # menu_run() only returns when the user leaves it, while menu_show() returns when an item is selected 13.08.29 # only if the items have a function associated with them 13.11.46 Quit barrywardell (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.12.33 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@ 13.12.33 Quit barrywardell (Client Quit) 13.13.43 Quit Juice^ ("Leaving") 13.16.30 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.16.44 Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-183-84.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 13.17.06 Part FUzZy2 13.19.47 Quit EvilDude () 13.21.10 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 13.21.56 # hey you guys seem to be prefered victim for hacks :-( 13.23.49 # WOOOOOT! settings from the hard disk is working 99% :D only have to fix the filename settings and its done 13.26.05 Quit midkay_ ("Leaving") 13.26.18 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 13.26.46 # is anyone around that wants to talk shop? 13.28.02 Join Juddy [0] (n=adb@203-59-185-134.dyn.iinet.net.au) 13.28.10 # hello 13.28.37 # i just got the toshiba F version of rockbox 13.28.45 # where can i find rockboy? 13.29.22 # anyone? 13.35.21 # Juddy: do you have any gameboy roms? 13.35.50 # hello markun 13.35.54 # hi 13.35.59 # not yet but i know where to get them 13.36.05 # just click on a rom and it will load rockboy 13.36.19 # hey i have seen ure name on my gigabeat forums 13.36.27 # oh cool ill load them onto the player then 13.36.28 # sweet 13.36.44 # Yes, it's very likely you saw my name there 13.36.47 # what kinda movies can this thing play? 13.37.07 # i tried a 180mb~ xvid of the office and t didnt play 13.37.12 # mpeg, but it's not ready for general use yet 13.37.28 # oh kk 13.37.30 # any size ok? 13.37.39 # mpeg 1 or 2 with mp1,2 or 3 audio (at 44.1kHz) 13.38.04 # best results if you scale the image to fit inside the 320x240 screen 13.38.05 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.38.14 # how do i make on the fly playlists? 13.38.50 Join pixelma [0] (n=Marianne@p54BD79B2.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.39.06 # Juddy: if you hold 'select' (center of the cross) you can add files and directories to the playlist 13.39.36 # press create playlist before hand? 13.39.53 # Juddy: when the rockbox website is restored you should read the manual 13.39.55 # have to go 13.40.11 # ok cheers 13.40.16 # thanks mate 13.40.25 # mite c u on the forums again 13.42.40 # the manual is still downloadable from http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-gigabeatf-20070121.pdf 13.43.57 Quit muesli__ ("ich will Kühe!!!") 13.45.47 # thanks mate 13.45.55 # ill have to look more carefully next tim 13.46.06 # e 13.46.13 # im really bad at finding things 13.51.06 Join softi_42 [0] (n=softi@p549D6ED0.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.51.54 # does anyone know which setting causes the h300 to lock up when the menu button is pressed? (when set wrongly!) 13.52.27 # no, does it do it with a regular build? 13.52.46 # no, my hacked build 13.52.54 Quit softi-42 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.53.01 # should I test? 13.53.19 # soon.... trying to get themes loading first.. then it sould eb ready 13.54.11 # hey correct me if im wrong but if u update rockbox like it says in the manual u will lose all ure themes u download? 13.54.27 # you won't 13.54.54 # but im copying over the folders with the themes am i not? 13.55.33 # Yes, but it won't delete what's already present on the disk but not in the zip 13.57.39 # ah 13.57.53 # i thought it replaces whole folders when u do that 14.02.53 # http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml still lists the manuals btw 14.03.02 # its only without pictures for now 14.04.06 Quit Everybody| ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") 14.06.42 Join Criamos [0] (n=Criamos@p54934524.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 14.09.47 # n1s: voice still works btw :) 14.10.35 # nice :-) 14.10.51 # not that i use it but anyway 14.10.57 # ditto 14.13.06 Quit Redbreva (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.13.59 # I use voice... and I am very curious... also I'll be able to test the backlight settings... :D 14.14.46 Quit DataGhost (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 14.15.32 # unofficial builds! :-P 14.18.59 Join PaulJam [0] (i=Paul@vpn-3024.gwdg.de) 14.19.26 # JdGordon: how will resume position be saved? (hopefully binary) 14.20.03 # pixelma: atm, everything is going into one config.cfg file 14.20.20 # meh... 14.20.27 # but I intend to split it into a system.cfg file also 14.20.40 # and move the system "settings" into a seperate struct 14.21.21 # I really disliked this in your old version 14.21.30 # Why not something like "status.bin" - which will be in NVRAM on targets which support it. The important difference IMO is that they are not settings, but state variables we want to retain between boots. 14.21.38 # I'm not sure what we want to do about the old rtc config block... 14.22.00 Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 14.22.27 # linuxstb: yeah, something like that, but I'd rather not have to go back to the bit packing for the block like currently 14.23.03 # I don't think you can avoid it. There's a big difference between state variables and the huge settings struct we currently have. 14.23.35 # The old rtc config block would be replaced by the binary status variables 14.23.45 # But maybe we don't need bit-packing, just byte-packing. 14.23.56 # There's no need to use the old sophistcated bit table for this 14.24.07 # They're not too many, and the rtc offers 44 bytes 14.24.08 # byte packing would be nicer... but the archos only have 44 bits spare dont they? 14.24.10 # (iirc) 14.24.17 # 44 _bytes_ 14.24.48 # ok, well that should be enough then, even if we do it byte packed 14.25.02 # the old version took ages disturbed screen updates, leading to ugly things when running e.g. oscilloscope 14.25.38 # this version is started from scratch.. so it should be better.. its cleaner anyway 14.26.35 # linuxstb: 7.5MB/s read on coldfire boosted is correct 14.26.42 # * amiconn improved his ata test plugin 14.27.00 # i thought playlist position was saved in .rockbox/.playlist_control 14.27.21 # Write aligned: 6.5MB/s unaligned: 6.3MB/s. Read aligned: 7.6MB/s unaligned: 7.2MB/s 14.27.38 # JdGordon: nice... think I'm going to test 14.28.09 # prob not tonight tho.. I just realised its 12.30am :p but im not tired... so we'll see 14.28.24 # is the lang file extension on the targets .lng or .lang? 14.30.11 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 14.33.24 # lng 14.34.15 # ta 14.36.06 # Ata read is slower than write on ipod, at least on my mini G2?? :confused: 14.36.28 # linuxstb: around? 14.40.54 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 14.41.52 # amiconn: What speeds are you getting on your mini? 14.42.59 # For boosted aligned reading, I got around 3.5MB/s on my photo, and around 5.4MB/s on my video. I haven't tested anything else. 14.43.39 # Ipod mini G2, 30MHz: Write aligned 3.8MB/s unaligned 2.7MB/s. Read aligned: 1.8MB/s unaligned: 1.5MB/s 14.43.49 # That's real file access 14.44.59 # 75MHz: Write aligned 4.3MB/s unaligned: 4.3MB/s. Read aligned: 2.7MB/s unaligned: 2.4MB/s 14.45.27 # The write speed @ 75MHz looks like it's limited by the microdrive 14.52.58 Join DataGhost [0] (i=dataghos@ip3e832ea5.speed.planet.nl) 14.53.59 Join yw [0] (n=chatzill@ 14.54.53 # can rockbox support audio on sansa now? 14.55.05 # no 14.55.07 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 14.56.02 Quit yw (Client Quit) 14.57.28 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 14.58.35 Join mathgl [0] (n=mathgl@shm67-4-82-242-213-244.fbx.proxad.net) 14.58.49 # no strstr in rockbox? 15.01.31 # there's strcasestr 15.01.55 # hmm... close enough I guess... 15.02.10 # Just gotta fix the rgb loading and im done :D 15.02.11 Quit kubiix (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.02.13 Join lubiix908 [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 15.02.30 # bbl 15.02.37 # i have an strstr.c, i must have added it myself :) 15.03.58 # strcasestr is good enough.. i only need it to check the filename extensions, and its not so bad if we allow .WPS in the .cfg file 15.05.11 Join muesli__ [0] (n=muesli_t@ 15.07.00 Quit PaulJam (".") 15.08.52 # * JdGordon wonders if his naming scheme is flawed.... "settings[i].setting.sound_setting.setting" :D 15.08.59 # lol 15.09.36 # XD 15.09.50 # actually... its not that bad.. the first .setting was a copy/paste mistake 15.10.31 # yaay 15.10.34 # I knew it 15.10.35 # http://www.ams-ix.net/technical/stats/cgi-bin/16all?log=totalall;png=daily 15.10.46 # my ISP is having a national everything-failure :X 15.11.08 # since 14:00 approx. 15.13.23 # * JdGordon is ready to submit a patch :) 15.14.03 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 15.16.32 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.20.43 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 15.21.19 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964FB6.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.23.18 # ok, patch online.. fs 6557, please lemme know what you think. 15.28.41 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp120-142.adsl.forthnet.gr) 15.30.34 # JdGordon: i'm almost 100% sure that if you use a string more than once in a file, gcc merges them 15.32.20 # ? 15.32.54 # Mikachu: you talking about the off_on variable at the top of settings_list.c? 15.33.17 # yeah i just noticed they were there before too 15.33.19 # that was copy/paste from settings.c... saves typeing and c/p errors later 15.35.03 # i think using the variables even increases memory usage :) 15.36.15 # yep, just tried it 15.36.43 Quit pixelma (" laters") 15.36.54 # it's just 40 bytes or something though 15.40.23 # as opposed to just typing it every time? 15.40.49 # yeah, typing it explicitly instead of using a static const hi[] uses less 15.41.04 Quit foolsh ("Konversation terminated!") 15.41.46 # meh, if 40bytes is really that important we can #define it then 15.46.49 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 15.48.54 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.51.01 # hey guys what a good program to use to get movies and shows in a format rockbox will play? 15.58.38 # Oh lordy, in the process of upgrading my build enviroment I've bloated my colinux install to almost 2GB. Does anybody have any idea where the cruft could be hiding? 16.01.10 Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable236.142-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) 16.02.14 # Soap: does df -h in linux say 2GB is used too? 16.02.24 # 1.9 16.02.59 # I assume rockboxdev.sh leaves behind the old cross-compilers? 16.03.08 # likely 16.03.12 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) 16.03.49 # 2GB is livable, as it will work in even FAT32 systems, but I'd like to get it as small as possible. 16.03.51 Join perpleXa [0] (i=perplexa@unaffiliated/perplexa) 16.05.51 Quit perpleXa (Client Quit) 16.08.41 Join _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@ 16.14.59 Join foolsh [0] (n=foolsh@74-135-178-234.dhcp.insightbb.com) 16.19.20 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 16.21.19 Nick w1ll14m is now known as w1ll14m|away (n=w1ll14m@84-104-81-208.cable.quicknet.nl) 16.23.07 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 16.23.31 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 16.23.46 Join toffe [0] (n=toffe@ 16.26.12 Join kirkunit [0] (n=matt@82-39-141-196.cable.ubr06.newy.blueyonder.co.uk) 16.26.59 # hello.. RockBox seems to crash when I try and play a track. It just freezes on the WPS, can anyone help? 16.27.53 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 16.28.05 Part kaaloo 16.30.11 # kirkunit: which player, what kind of file, did it use to work? 16.30.44 # iAudio X5. mp3. Weirdly, it seems to be working ok now 16.30.53 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 16.31.01 # Soap: rockboxdev.sh left behind 500 megs of stuff in the build-rbdev and tmp folders in my home folder that isn't neccesary 16.31.16 # kirkunit: well, that's good then 16.31.23 # thanks n1s I _just_ found that as you mentioned it. 16.31.49 # kirkunit: if you manage to reproduce it, please report a bug 16.31.54 # Soap: :-) 16.31.55 # nls: ok 16.32.14 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.33.12 # nls: i have another question, there is already a PLAYLISTS folder on my X5 (from before I installed RockBox), and rockbox creates a dir called 'Playlists'. Is it safe to delete the PLAYLISTS dir? 16.34.34 Join willie`` [0] (i=sadas@cm157.epsilon153.maxonline.com.sg) 16.35.15 # kirkunit: should be, but do you have both? 16.35.27 # hello, could anybody help me. Im on ipod nano, followed the instruction and the error i got is -4, may i know what it is 16.35.44 # yes 16.36.31 # kirkunit: strange, but it should be safe, (I dind't think FAT32 allowed more than one dir with the same name...) 16.37.11 # willie``: did you install the correct version for your ipod and did you do an eject/safe unmount before disconecting it? 16.37.36 # yes i did safe unmount b4 dcing it 16.37.54 # but aren't directories case sensitive? 16.38.08 Quit w1ll14m|away () 16.38.08 # kirkunit: shouldn't be on fat32 afaik 16.39.23 # willie``: an -4 error for the ipod bootloader is "Read failed (image)" better ask linuxstb when he's around 16.39.47 # another problem, when I use Database view mode, when view an album, each track is duplicated 4 or 5 times. 16.40.02 # alright 16.40.45 # do i need to update my original ipod firmware? 16.41.06 # willie``: I suppose a scandisk or equivalent couldn't hurt, and no need to update the of 16.42.46 # scandisk ? 16.43.00 # sorry, new to rockbox 16.43.17 # willie``: which os are you on (on your computer)? 16.43.29 # WindowsXP 16.44.01 # kirkunit - Those duplicated tracks... Is it after initializing the db or more like after a few 'updates' (or auto-updates) ? I find updating sometimes f*** things up and I prefer the slower delete-db-diles -> initialize DB from scratch way... 16.44.33 # willie``: does your ipod show up as a drive in "my computer" 16.44.53 # yea, removable drive 16.45.22 # right click on it and there should be some sort of button do check for errors 16.45.39 # right click and choos properties, I mean 16.46.48 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 16.47.03 # err.. 16.47.13 # i guess i'll redo the steps again 16.49.47 # PaulPosition: yes, i suspect it's where I've requested a updates. Seems strange that it should do this though. 16.49.55 Join linuxstb___ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 16.49.56 # willie - What n1s is suggesting is checking the disc for file-system errors (like having two folders with the same name.. That's *weird* on a fat32 partition)... Right click the drive->properties->tools->Error Checking. 16.50.03 Quit XavierGr () 16.50.33 # PaulPosition: I think i tried to initialize the database again, but it didn't remove the duplicates 16.50.42 # nope, no error 16.51.07 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp120-142.adsl.forthnet.gr) 16.51.34 # Kirkunit - For all I understand, databse updates work great for songs you added but sometimes not so well with stuff you either deleted, changed and such.. I don't know enough to point out 'where' exactly it "malfunctions".. 16.52.00 # shld i just download the old one instead of the latest one? 16.52.39 Quit XavierGr (Client Quit) 16.53.27 # Anyone here using an iAudio X5? 16.54.19 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m145.net195-132-203.noos.fr) 16.56.25 # Willie: kirkunit - Just as a test.. In .rockbox folder, delete all the database***.tcd files, re-initialize database, reboot the device and see if there's still dupliates. (or did you already try) 16.56.39 # oops. that wasn't for willie but for kirkunit.. sry. 16.56.58 # haha :) 16.57.33 Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 16.57.41 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17.00.48 # PaulPosition: thanks... i'll try that. 17.02.21 Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@trir-590fc375.pool.einsundeins.de) 17.04.06 # PaulPosition: there aren't any tcd files in .rockbox? unless they're in a sub-directory? 17.04.26 # guys, its working fine now :D 17.05.43 Join OgMaciel [0] (n=omaciel@ubuntu/member/gnukemist) 17.06.38 Part blubb-kbox 17.07.00 # hello... I installed rockbox on a ipod nano 1st gen. last night and created a playlist using the exaile player... but I can't see the playlist when using the iPod... can someone give me a hand please? 17.07.56 # whats the exstension? 17.08.38 # and have show all enabled 17.09.15 # robin0800: mostly Oggs... 17.09.48 # no the playlist 17.10.59 Quit linuxstb___ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.11.25 # robin0800: the device says .m3uB 17.12.30 Quit Criamos (Success) 17.12.32 # is that suposed tom be 8? at the end 17.13.22 # is there any way to crop a playlist? like, remove all songs except the currently playing 17.13.28 # robin0800: could very well be 17.13.35 Join Criamos [0] (n=Criamos@p54934524.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.14.24 # robin0800: I created the playlists using Exaile 17.14.29 Quit Criamos (Client Quit) 17.14.59 # robin0800: when I turn on the device, I don't see them or at least I don't see the names I gave them 17.15.30 # robin0800: but I do have music files in them... inside the iPod_controler(?) folder 17.16.14 Join Criamos [0] (n=Criamos@p54934524.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.16.35 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.18.15 # I you mean from itunes? 17.19.16 # robin0800: I don't iTunes... Linux only here... from inside a folder called iPod_Control which must have come with the iPod 17.19.23 # don't have 17.20.00 # I installed rockbox last night and that added a .rockbox folder and the bootloader 17.20.23 # the other folder, calendar, contacts, ipod_controler already existed 17.20.27 # and that is the path in the play list is it 17.20.59 # robin0800: no... I cannot see the playlists... this path is where the music files are 17.21.11 # Exaile placed them there 17.22.20 # where do you think it put the playlist? 17.23.11 # no idea... but how about this... I know where they are now... I'm trying to create a playlist now 17.23.28 # I click the save playlist option 17.23.38 # I get the screen where I can type it 17.23.43 # the name that is 17.23.52 Join Buffliberty [0] (n=ezqdq@dyn-83-157-100-30.ppp.tiscali.fr) 17.23.53 # I hit the save button 17.23.56 # hi all :) 17.24.13 # now, this should be in the main menu now? 17.25.23 # i'm looking for "rockbox-sansa-in-progress-nosound-dual-boot-19-12-2006" for get DOOM files :) can some1 help me to get it (all links i found in web are deads) 17.26.18 # read the annoucement on the forum 17.27.52 # what do i have to check there Oo 17.29.15 # anyway the link on rockbox don't work too .. that's why i'm asking to some1 send me if it's possible 17.29.35 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 17.29.41 # the forums are up 17.30.08 # i know 17.31.06 # One question: is it possible to put an image on background of the Rockbox menu (sansa rockbox) 17.31.28 # yes 17.32.32 # the file of the right format goes in the background folder 17.32.50 # ok thanks 17.33.35 # what about the size ... i mean ???x??? 17.33.41 # hacked again??? 17.36.41 # preglow: yes, it seems so :-( 17.36.48 # it depends on the target read the relevent manual 17.37.41 Join linuxstb___ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 17.38.01 Nick linuxstb___ is now known as linuxstb_ (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 17.38.39 Nick Mouser_X3 is now known as Mouser_X (n=mouser_x@ 17.38.42 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp120-142.adsl.forthnet.gr) 17.38.57 Quit toffe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.42.16 # if this turns out to be twiki again... 17.43.50 Join KCC [0] (n=a@CPE0018e7004bcf-CM001225708556.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 17.44.13 # server hacked and vandalized?! 17.44.19 # yes 17.44.23 # not the first time 17.44.29 Join toffe [0] (n=toffe@ 17.44.32 # at least they say they have backups this time 17.44.38 # i hope they're more recent than the last, hehe 17.45.24 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 17.45.28 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m204.net81-65-15.noos.fr) 17.46.38 # thats honestly pathetic 17.46.54 # why hack an opensource firmware project? 17.47.08 # there's no political gain to be made.. 17.47.48 # haha 17.47.54 # i suspect they just do it for fun too, i'm afraid 17.48.00 # they're very seldom politically motivated, afaik 17.48.30 # also, there's plenty of script kiddies around who just do it because they can 17.49.39 # damnit!, those closed-source activists just won't quit 17.51.01 Quit MarcoPolo (Remote closed the connection) 17.51.21 # lmao 17.51.31 # is there a major competitor for Rockbox? 17.51.32 # ;P 17.51.39 # not afaik 17.51.43 # perhaps it was an attack of jealous desperatrion? :) 17.51.55 # ipodlinux is the only comparable project 17.52.03 # or desparation, Im still debating.. lol 17.52.18 # meh 17.52.32 # ipodlinux eh.. sounds very limited in its applications 17.52.37 # the ipodlinux people is like 99% noobs/idiots and 1% brilliance 17.52.39 # Rockbox FTW 17.52.51 # indeed 17.52.53 # lol :x 17.53.11 # and that's a compliment to the devs btw 17.53.22 # the 99% is the majority of the users, not the devs;P 17.53.50 # hahaaa 17.53.57 # im sure the devs are brilliant 17.54.08 # you should get them to join the Rockbox project.. 17.54.13 # CLEARLY we're better than them 17.54.20 # well not we, since im not included 17.54.21 # haha 17.54.24 # me? 17.54.26 # I still don't understand why you'd even want Linux on an iPod... 17.54.36 # I tend to agree 17.54.41 # but on the other hand, it is kinda cool;P 17.54.44 # for the same reason you'd want rockbox? 17.54.51 # that's more of a developer question, not a user question 17.55.12 # linux is just a kernel, after all 17.55.27 # No, you'd want Rockbox because it allows you to use the full potential of your player. It opens it up for music playback like the OF never did. 17.55.37 # I don't see how Linux can do that. 17.55.41 # huh? 17.55.45 # ofcourse it can 17.55.49 Join Juice^ [0] (n=juice@ 17.56.03 # that depends on the application software 17.56.05 # linux us just a kernel 17.56.13 # it allows everything you want it to 17.56.34 # indeed 17.56.37 # I guess I'm not familiar enough with Linux then. 17.56.57 # Mouser_X: think embeded system 17.57.15 # you can turn your player into any application 17.57.20 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17.57.44 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.57.44 # it's not about punching text into a command line (although that could be an option) 17.58.20 # Well, looking at it that way, it does sound more appealing than it did. 17.58.57 Quit willie`` (Client Quit) 17.59.14 # I have a question: Which trunk is better to compile and install rockbox-devel or rockbox,, I guess what im asking are there debug symbols in the dev tree or are they the same after compiling? 17.59.15 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484973D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.59.24 Join linuxstb___ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 17.59.25 # So my poor 'beat hasnt had its build updated for a solid 4 days now 17.59.26 Nick linuxstb___ is now known as linuxstb_ (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 17.59.32 # looks like shes gunna have to wait a bit more 18.00.23 Join terinjokes [0] (n=terin@wikinews/Terinjokes) 18.00.23 # KCC: the builds are still up... 18.00.33 # just visit the website 18.00.48 # is the SVN recent changes still up? 18.00.55 # foolsh: is there even a rockbox-devel anymore? i thought the two were the same now 18.00.58 # terinjokes: yes 18.01.01 # just read the website 18.01.01 # yes 18.01.20 # maybe there are 18.01.28 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 18.01.34 # they* 18.01.41 # preglow: i don't see them 18.02.14 # terinjokes: forget that, i misread, the recent changes aren't up, just the builds 18.02.39 # ok... anything major since last weekend? 18.02.40 # terinjokes: but that page also allows you to view changes, just click the date for each build 18.03.40 Quit Wiwie (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.04.43 # I guess i could compile both versions and check the file sizes...i'll do that 18.06.22 # I would like to compile myself, but I'm at a lost 18.06.54 # I'm on gentoo don't know what I need 18.07.25 # subversion and gcc are a start 18.07.45 # all you need is the rockboxdev.sh script 18.07.57 # and of course a source tree, yes 18.08.21 # preglow: i've used that script before, and it f*ed my computer up 18.08.35 # terinjokes: i don't see how that's possible 18.08.41 # it just downloads stuff and compiles them 18.08.45 # messed up GCC... 18.08.51 # then you set some paths wrongly 18.08.58 # it shouldn't mess up anything unless you told it to 18.09.17 # I didn't set any paths, i just ran the script :D 18.09.22 # well, there you go 18.09.23 # preglow: i've never heard of that script :o can it be downloaded from somewhere without the wiki? 18.09.28 # but even doing that, it shouldn't break anything 18.09.39 # spug: well, you could just svn the source tree, it's in the tools/ directoy 18.09.51 # okay, thanks 18.10.00 # what does it compile (i rather do it manually, if at all possible) 18.10.16 # terinjokes: it compiles binutils and gcc for each platform you want to compile rockbox for 18.10.29 # it's not hard to do it manually, but all the script does is really just what you'd do 18.10.29 Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.10.43 # you could just read the script and see what it does, i can't remember the manual steps myself anymore 18.11.18 # * amiconn now has an asm optimised ata read loop for pp :) 18.11.21 # ok, i'll try the script again later 18.11.23 # terinjokes: The CrossCompiler wiki page has the manual steps as well. 18.11.26 # amiconn: cool, got any bench numbers? 18.11.34 # linuxstb_: wiki's down 18.11.43 # amiconn: ooh 18.11.43 # google's cache isn't though... 18.11.49 # linuxstb_: if you can give me a full URI i'll pull the cache 18.11.54 # * linuxstb_ was also writing an ATA optimised read... 18.12.01 # Speedup is not as great as I would like, but still noticeable 18.13.51 Part terinjokes 18.13.57 # Aligned read is sped up by ~15%, unaligned by ~30% 18.14.10 # A bit more at 30MHz, a bit less at 75MHz 18.14.15 # terinjokes: Just google for Rockbox CrossCompiler 18.15.02 # amiconn: but that's not too bad at all 18.15.18 Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@cpe-66-69-210-194.austin.res.rr.com) 18.17.12 Join scoles_ [0] (n=scoles@eth4699.sa.adsl.internode.on.net) 18.17.15 Quit scubacoles (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.18.35 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.18.47 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 18.19.04 # amiconn: How are you aligning the memory accesses? 18.19.27 # Shifting and orr'ing 18.20.22 # No, I mean what are you aligning to? 18.20.30 # 32 bit 18.23.41 # any doxygen wizards here? 18.25.12 Join aly76 [0] (n=ams@81-86-152-252.dsl.pipex.com) 18.25.23 Quit Juice^ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.26.07 Join Juice^ [0] (n=juice@ 18.31.32 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.32.03 Quit relaxed ("mplayer -cache 512 -playlist http://somafm.com/secretagent.pls") 18.33.24 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 18.34.14 Quit Kittt0s (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.35.42 Quit funky_ ("leaving") 18.35.55 Join funky_ [0] (n=repulse@81-202-211-251.user.ono.com) 18.38.55 Join relaxed [0] (n=relaxed@unaffiliated/relaxed) 18.43.26 Part Llorean 18.43.40 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@che78-2-82-227-240-106.fbx.proxad.net) 18.44.53 Join mattzz [0] (n=mattzz@e177174121.adsl.alicedsl.de) 18.46.29 Join Soul-Slayer [0] (n=Jonno@ 18.47.05 Quit XavierGr () 18.49.10 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp120-142.adsl.forthnet.gr) 18.49.25 Quit zylche (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.49.32 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.49.41 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 18.50.11 Join zylche [0] (n=wheee@82-41-83-91.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk) 18.50.43 Quit PaulPosition (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 18.55.40 Join Redbreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-144-107-44.range86-144.btcentralplus.com) 18.56.10 Join rotator [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) 18.56.50 Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-66-65-88-127.nyc.res.rr.com) 18.59.23 Join linuxstb___ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 18.59.43 Quit powr-toc ("Leaving") 19.04.14 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.07.48 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 19.08.10 Part kaaloo 19.08.13 Join linuxstb____ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 19.09.16 # this is slightly OT, but I am about to 7zip the colinux root FS. Any suggestions on settings to tweak to maximize the compression ratio 19.09.17 # ? 19.13.52 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.13.54 Nick linuxstb____ is now known as linuxstb_ (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 19.16.38 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.20.26 Quit linuxstb___ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19.20.39 Quit Buffliberty ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") 19.24.41 Join CriamosAndy [0] (n=Criamos@p54931092.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 19.24.52 # * amiconn now also has asm optimised writing for pp :) 19.24.58 # weee 19.25.47 # Speedup: aligned +18%, unaligned +65% 19.26.21 # Should be more on other pp targets; write speed is now obviously limited by the microdrive 19.30.23 # I wish you had mentioned earlier you were working on it though... 19.31.05 # I only started today 19.31.20 # Those copy loops aren't really difficult 19.35.50 Join Kitt0s [0] (i=Kaa@ 19.36.26 # * mattzz has probably bricked his Sansa.... 19.37.55 # :O 19.38.00 # how? 19.38.30 Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 19.38.44 # What I did: 19.38.44 # - Installed Rockbox (w/o dual boot) 19.38.44 # - played around a bit - everything fine 19.38.44 DBUG Enqueued KICK mattzz 19.38.44 # - switched off, went to recovery mode 19.38.44 # - formatted the 16MB drive via windows XP notebook 19.38.44 *** Alert Mode level 1 19.38.44 # - copied the following two files to the 16MB drive: 19.38.46 # - > http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/e200/SKU_E-PP5022.mi4 19.38.48 # - > http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/e200/BL_SD_boardSupportSD.rom 19.38.50 # - ejected drive from XP which led to a 19.38.52 # - system reset (said the recovery screen) aaaaand... 19.38.54 # - ... all went black :-/ 19.39.08 # I already contacted Badger to ask him how bad it was..... 19.39.53 # Never flash your brand new toy after 01:30 a.m. 19.41.06 Quit Kitt0s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.42.02 Join Kitt0s [0] (i=Kaa@ 19.42.41 Quit Criamos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.45.59 Join PaulJam [0] (i=Paul@vpn-3097.gwdg.de) 19.46.02 # any ideas? 19.46.10 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.46.32 Join Edwin [0] (n=chatzill@NW-ESR1-72-49-204-189.fuse.net) 19.47.08 Part aly76 19.47.10 Part Edwin 19.47.29 Join Edwin [0] (n=chatzill@NW-ESR1-72-49-204-189.fuse.net) 19.47.39 Part Edwin 19.48.45 *** Alert Mode OFF 19.49.55 # I really don't know anything about the Sansa port 19.50.09 # so the player doesn't respond to anything that you do? 19.50.24 # what was the mistake that you did? 19.50.24 Join habana [0] (n=chatzill@std93-8-88-161-6-21.fbx.proxad.net) 19.50.32 # if I knew.... 19.50.34 Quit Kitt0s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.50.43 Join Kitt0s [0] (i=Kaa@ 19.50.53 # I guess i flashed the wrong file to the wrong place. 19.50.56 # you should have to wait for Bagder, or Barrywardel (I think) 19.51.09 # Yup, I already contacted Badger 19.51.21 # sounds real bad really bad so it does not boot to the recovery mode? 19.51.26 Quit Juice^ ("Leaving") 19.51.38 Join skaterboard [0] (n=oihoih@ 19.51.43 # hey guys 19.51.52 # foolsh, nope. No recovery mode any more... :-( 19.51.58 # ouch 19.52.00 # dont suppose anybody could help i think i have bricked my ipod 19.52.12 # here we go again 19.52.22 # ooops there goes another one (billy bragg) 19.52.25 # gets to the rockbox boot loader then dont get any further 19.52.36 # not bricked 19.52.39 # skaterboard: then you haven't bricked it... case solved 19.52.51 # ok but in my eyes its broken 19.53.03 # i cant get it from where it is and have looked online 19.53.24 # i need to either get it working or get it back to disc mode to remove it 19.53.37 # well, details are needed 19.53.41 # what happens when it tries to boot? 19.54.35 # ok 5gen ipod video 80gb and it reboots gets to the bootloader version ipod version and then toshiba mk8010gah and then it locks up 19.54.49 # 80 gig, is it 19.54.49 Quit _Veseliq_ (Remote closed the connection) 19.54.50 # then small wonder 19.54.52 # it's not supported 19.55.02 # 80 gig support is purely experimental and needs a patch 19.55.18 # ok so its bricked then 19.55.20 # i'm pretty sure this is stated somewhere in the wiki 19.55.25 # skaterboard: no, it's not bricked, just restore it 19.55.31 # how? 19.55.32 # no one has ever bricked an ipod 19.55.40 # skaterboard: by using the apple restore tool if you have to 19.55.53 # skaterboard: or by restoring the backup of the bootpartition i'm sure you've made 19.55.55 # you mean the restore option on itunes? 19.56.15 # skaterboard: probably, i've never used it 19.56.29 # but itunes no longer sees the ipod 19.56.45 # skaterboard: which installation instructions did you follow? 19.56.55 # the ones on the site in pdf format 19.57.12 # can i not get the bootloader to select the ipod firmware and the manually remove it 19.57.56 # OK, putting aside the big note in the first line of those instructions that say, "Rockbox does not run on the 80GB Ipod Video ..." 19.58.08 Join Wiwie [0] (n=goddi@trir-590fc375.pool.einsundeins.de) 19.58.09 # Try running this command from the same place you ran the ipodpatcher initially: 19.58.18 # ipodpatcher N -w bootpartition.bin 19.58.36 # (where N is the number you found when you ran ipodpatcher --scan) 19.58.47 # no it cant find it 19.59.04 # "It" can't find what? 20.00.08 # Let's step back. What happens when you reset the ipod by pressing and holding Menu and Select simultaneously? 20.00.15 # @mattzz if it is bricked can i have your case http://foolsh.home.insightbb.com/e200.jpg mine got ?scratched? 20.00.15 # that command cant find the ipod says error opening disc 20.00.53 # when i reset it i get the apple logo for a few seconds then it goes back to the bootloader 20.01.08 # foolsh, nice try :-) 20.01.38 # foolsh, did you flash it via BBQ? 20.01.57 # Put the ipod in disk mode. 20.02.16 # Press and hold Menu and Select, and then as soon as it reboots, press and hold Select and Play. 20.03.13 Join Hdaackda [0] (n=klj@ 20.03.30 # its very terpremental even resetting it 20.03.39 # hey what the hell happened. why would someone deface rockbox?? 20.03.59 # ok i got it in disc mode 20.04.14 # Hdaackda: because there are dicks in the world that take pride in it 20.04.20 # Are you connected to USB? 20.04.23 # yep 20.04.32 # try running the command I gave you earlier: 20.04.33 # Hdaackda: We'll make sure to ask them before sending them off to a work camp in siberia :-P 20.04.37 # ipodpatcher N -w bootpartition.bin 20.04.42 # fuk(*G dicks man. 20.04.43 # already there 20.05.22 # n1s: hahaha - the rockbox gulag has it's door open and waiting ;) 20.05.30 # if they wanna deface something deface something government. nota community/social/open source project 20.06.17 # @mattzz long story but it still works and i want redesign the case to be more like a gameboy you know for doom and rockboy the problem is the scroll wheel I think a 4-bit bidirection shift register can replace it so i can have scroll up and down buttons i don't like the wheel 20.06.20 # btw sorry for asking, any1 here with instructions for runnin linux on 5.5g (30gb) video? (already running rockbox n appleos 20.06.49 # ok long pause at the apple logo at the moment 20.07.22 # ? 20.07.23 # and were in 20.07.53 # not bricked cool beans :) 20.08.20 Join Edwin [0] (n=chatzill@NW-ESR1-72-49-204-189.fuse.net) 20.08.39 Part Edwin 20.08.45 # so the general concensus is to not run on a 5th gen 80gb 20.08.49 Join fasmaie [0] (n=chatzill@NW-ESR1-72-49-204-189.fuse.net) 20.09.02 # It's not that it's the "consensus." It doesn't work. 20.09.06 # Yet. 20.09.21 # the general consensus is to follow th instructions 20.09.52 # Check back on the rockbox.org site from time to time, as there has been progress made and the 80GB will someday be supported. 20.11.01 # about the 30gb. how do i install linux while keepin rockbox and apple 20.13.05 # http://ipodlinux.org/Loader_2 20.13.19 # google 20.13.20 # is 20.13.22 # your 20.13.24 # friend 20.14.17 # I don't know how I don't have an ipod I do use gnu/linux 20.14.28 # umm #rockbox is friendlier 20.14.40 # lol 20.14.50 # #rockbox also doesn't provide support for ipodlinux 20.14.56 # you're better off in #ipodlinux 20.15.39 Quit MarcoPolo (Remote closed the connection) 20.15.56 Join w1ll14m [0] (n=w1ll14m@84-104-81-208.cable.quicknet.nl) 20.17.02 # why the f*** is rockbox vandalised ???? 20.17.11 # why would we know? 20.17.25 # i don't have a clue .... 20.17.44 # what'd they do to it? 20.17.50 # i didn't see 20.18.41 # w1ll14m: We'll make sure to ask them before sending them off to a work camp in siberia :-P 20.18.44 # it's just the idea ... such a wonderfull project like this..... it also opensource etc.... 20.18.57 # - Quote by n1s 20.19.02 # hdaackda: If you don't I will ;0p 20.19.04 # ;) 20.19.18 # ;) 20.19.25 # some sad dicks.. 20.19.47 # probaply 20.20.50 Quit Hdaackda ("Bye") 20.21.04 # maybe it is something from apple or so.... would they be low enough to do this??? 20.21.39 # they just gave some ca$h to some junk or so to hack rockbox ??? 20.21.54 # *extremely* unlikey 20.22.09 # i thought so.... 20.22.42 # if apple wanted to shut down rockbox, they would send lawyers, not hackers 20.22.55 # n1s: that's true ..... 20.23.35 # since if the hack was ever traced back to them - they'd be in a whole lot of trouble 20.23.44 # it would be a PR and legal nightmare for them 20.23.55 # I doubt they care at all about rockbox 20.24.44 # godeater: that sounds true..... but what was exactly hacked ? 20.24.53 # no idea - I didn't see it 20.25.19 # It's far more likely it was some bored script kiddie somewhere looking for peer validation 20.25.31 # who now thinks he's "l33t" 20.25.37 # peer validation ? 20.25.46 # respect from his friends 20.25.51 # GodEater: just a sad person instead of 1337 20.26.01 # I did say "thinks" 20.26.04 # I didn't say it was true 20.26.11 # hehehe true ;) 20.26.58 # but why target RockBox? idiots 20.26.59 # they realy have to set up a work camp for noobz like this..... and let them code for opensource ;) that should learn them .... 20.27.23 # well I also doubt that whoever did it actually wrote the code to do it themselves 20.27.39 Join PLsCold [0] (n=ezqdq@dyn-83-157-100-30.ppp.tiscali.fr) 20.27.45 # Hello 20.28.12 # GodEater: indeed a small chance.... 20.28.22 # anyone use RockBox on an iAudio X5? 20.28.38 Quit amiconn (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Leading Edge IRC") 20.28.50 # how can i put personnal backgrounp for Rockbox menu on a sansaE200 ? 20.29.07 # GodEater: http://de.dataghost.com/ipl/Loader2-3.avi 20.29.42 # background* 20.29.50 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 20.29.50 # * GodEater downloads... 20.31.06 # is it possible to invert menu and filelist displays? ie. white text on a black background. 20.31.15 # PLsCold: make a 220x176x25 bmp and put it in ./rockbox/backdrops, then go to that folder in rockbox and bring up the context menu on the file and select "set as backdrop" (or whatever it's called) 20.31.17 Quit jaebird ("Leaving") 20.31.24 # * w1ll14m is pissed off about the news he just heard about rockbox and immediatly got him self a glass of beer 20.31.30 Join jaebird [0] (n=jae@53-89.netblk-69-41-89.coolaccess.net) 20.31.52 # kirkunit: you can set whatever foreground and backgound colors you like 20.32.14 # thanks i'm going to try it 20.33.22 # PLsCold: oh and it's in the manual http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-sansae200/rockbox-buildch9.html#x12-1920009.1.4 try looking there next time you wonder something :-) 20.33.53 # ok :) i was looking in forum :D 20.35.16 # * GodEater high fives DataGhost and awards him iPL's "Hero of the Month" medal 20.35.22 # :P 20.35.23 # nice work! 20.35.40 # tonight I'll make it compatible with older/other iPods again :P 20.35.41 # I assume you got your odd/even sector routines working then :) 20.35.44 # yes 20.35.49 # actually, it was quite stupid 20.35.50 # you da man 20.35.53 # yes ? 20.35.58 # I wasn't that deep into the code etc 20.36.04 # haven't coded a lot in C 20.36.15 # and I especially looked over all differences beween uint8 and uint16 20.36.24 # ah 20.36.26 # so basically I was trying to read the odd sector after the buffer 20.36.32 # I did +512, should have done +256 :P 20.36.38 # hehe 20.36.56 # well done for cracking that one 20.37.03 # Tempel walks in your shadow now :) 20.37.04 # yeah, thanks :) 20.37.07 # hehe 20.37.16 Quit relaxed ("mplayer -cache 512 -playlist http://somafm.com/secretagent.pls") 20.37.37 # Actually, I think I'm just going to need to read up on pointers, some memory allocations and then it'll all be a lot easier :) 20.37.41 Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ 20.37.52 # hehehe 20.37.59 # * GodEater goes for celebratory food 20.38.08 # :) 20.38.15 # the loader can also detect and boot rockbox 20.38.22 Quit Juddy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.38.22 # but I still have the unpatched version so it's not of much use 20.38.35 # wait wait, that talk was what i thought it was right? 20.38.55 # hm? 20.39.08 # I can't read minds so I'm not 100% sure 20.39.20 # you can read from the iPod 80gb disk? 20.39.23 # yes 20.39.27 Join bluebrother [0] (i=TSpmRfGd@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 20.39.36 Quit w1ll14m (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.39.41 # * bagawk does a little happy dance 20.39.53 # :) 20.40.03 Quit Kitt0s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.40.07 # the bootloader can also read ext3 and fat32 just fine 20.40.16 # iPL still can't read fat32, so that's going to need some fixing 20.40.16 # what happend? 5.5G up and running? 20.40.30 # basically, yes 20.40.38 # nice :) 20.40.51 # I don't know if iPL can read HFS+ partitions off the 80GB... if it can then work is done for the 80GB macpods 20.40.59 # the iPL kernel still doesn't read the fat32 yet though right ? 20.41.02 # nope 20.41.17 # that's the next issue, which is going to be a *little* bit more complex :) 20.41.23 # yeah =/ 20.41.30 # that fat32 code looks like a nightmare to me 20.41.48 # heh - which is basically the problem LinusN faces with the rockbox kernel 20.42.03 Nick mattzz is now known as mattzz_away (n=mattzz@e177174121.adsl.alicedsl.de) 20.42.03 DBUG Enqueued KICK mattzz_away 20.42.04 # Well, the short time I've been looking through it, I couldn't really find any actual fat32 read-a-file code 20.42.18 # that's also an uss 20.42.21 # *issue 20.42.22 # anyway, the loader understands it, which is nice 20.42.31 # it's tough finding your wya through the linux kernel 20.42.33 # it's a large beast 20.42.36 # I don't have to use ipodpatcher all the time :) 20.42.51 # hehe 20.42.57 Quit XavierGr () 20.43.37 # that's very useful 20.43.59 # and basically I'll just have to revert the entire SECTOR_SIZE I set, especially if it needs to work on older iPods 20.44.10 # I've come up with ways of detecting which method needs to be used, though 20.44.13 # yeah 20.44.18 # read sector 1 (odd) and see if it errors :P 20.44.28 # hehehe - simple but effective 20.44.33 Join Kitt0s [0] (i=Kaa@ 20.44.39 # heck - even read one sector 20.44.47 # we know it b0rks on that too 20.46.05 # and with the loader I finally found a use for static variables :) 20.46.10 # and useful they will be 20.46.39 Join relaxed [0] (n=relaxed@unaffiliated/relaxed) 20.47.08 # you've also got the docs to write about this too of course 20.47.17 # heh 20.47.22 # if you don't want to be pestered into an early grave in #iplodlinux 20.47.25 # :) 20.49.44 Join Manticore-2 [0] (i=chanscan@88-109-184-149.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 20.50.14 # n1s: Sorry to ask you again :) but where i find this option "set as backdrop" ?? 20.51.30 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) 20.52.20 Part skaterboard 20.54.56 Join khalsa [0] (i=HydraIRC@ppp-70-255-105-144.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) 20.54.58 Quit Sikkan ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") 20.55.35 # Hello, was just wondering how to increase the playlist limit (above whats in the options) for ipod Nano 20.55.45 # (above 22k) 20.57.05 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 20.57.17 Join |Rincewind| [0] (i=mp0A3IY4@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 20.57.59 # linuxstb: you seen that DataGhost has fixed Loader2 on the 80GB ? 20.58.25 # I think he did :) 20.58.40 # test 20.59.14 Join robin_0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 20.59.23 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.00.24 Quit robin_0800 (Client Quit) 21.00.42 Join robin0800_ [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust351.brig.cable.ntl.com) 21.02.09 Join Echelon [0] (i=ryan@38-101-153-226.jack.fl.echel0n.net) 21.02.13 Join _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@ 21.02.14 # help 21.02.18 # ? 21.03.03 # how to install COP patch on svn daily build 21.03.25 # nice question 21.04.24 # robin0800 - you can't install a patch on a build 21.04.33 # you have to patch the *source* and build it yourself 21.04.46 Quit Manticore-2 (Remote closed the connection) 21.04.55 # I Know Compile then 21.05.15 # well do you know how to compile your own 21.05.16 # ? 21.05.24 # yes 21.05.36 Join Ghoulunat [0] (n=woot@74-139-194-213.dhcp.insightbb.com) 21.05.39 Join echo [0] (n=chatzill@ip68-102-230-3.ks.ok.cox.net) 21.05.40 # can do normal patches 21.05.55 # how is the COP patch abnormal ? 21.07.03 # Tracker page Dosen't have patches but .bin and some diff's 21.07.03 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 21.07.32 Quit echo (Client Quit) 21.07.41 # a diff *is* a patch 21.08.00 Join echo1001 [0] (n=chatzill@ip68-102-230-3.ks.ok.cox.net) 21.08.08 # what do you do with the bin 21.08.10 # Good news: We weren't hacked. It was a runaway cronjob that did the damage. 21.08.21 Mode "#rockbox +o Zagor " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 21.08.21 # You hacked yourself? 21.08.27 # hehehe 21.08.33 # linuxstb_: yeah, something like that 21.08.43 # hahahaha 21.08.45 # Is the damage repairable? 21.08.56 Topic "www server wiped. restoe from backup pending." by Zagor (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 21.08.57 Join Sikkan [0] (i=Monchhic@ 21.09.10 # linuxstb_: yes. the backups should be in good shape. 21.09.12 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 21.09.12 # * GodEater wonders what the cronjob was *supposed* to do 21.09.22 # yeah for reals 21.09.57 # Zagor: what the hell kind of a cronjob was that? the yearly rm -rf / ? 21.09.59 Join D0ug [0] (n=Doug@bas2-kingston08-1177655781.dsl.bell.ca) 21.10.03 # What freak did this? 21.10.22 # did what? 21.10.25 # GodEater: spot the bug: (cd rockbox_html/cvs-bak; find . -ctime +7 -exec rm {} ;) 21.10.36 # Vandalize the site? 21.10.44 # D0ug: the code snippet above did 21.10.51 # hehehe - oops ;) 21.10.53 # D0ug: false alarm, it was not a hack this time 21.10.56 # Zagor: i'm afraid i don't speak find 21.10.59 # really? 21.11.00 # Do you need the .bin file 21.11.08 # Did it crash or something? 21.11.10 # robin0800_: You just need this patch (linked from the tracker page) - http://www.lostlogicx.com/transfer/rockbox/kernel_on_cop_6.diff 21.12.06 # that was supposed to remove files older than 7 days (he guesses) 21.12.15 # I need to remind myself what ctime is for 21.12.21 # kk, sorry I realize you just answered that qn... I am feeling a bit dense today 21.13.00 # GodEater: well, it did. the problem is the ; character. it doesn't abort when the previous command fails. and the cd failed because the cvs-bak directory no longer exists... 21.13.00 # Any irreperable damage? 21.13.10 # ah yes 21.13.13 # Zagor: ahhaha 21.13.14 # it should have been && 21.13.16 # && is your friend 21.13.18 # indeed 21.13.32 # heh 21.13.40 # * GodEater hasn't used ";" in a script for years 21.13.49 Quit fasmaie ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 21.14.39 # however, I didn't realise the cvs-bak directory didn't exist - not having access to the server. I should have guessed though really following the svn change 21.14.53 # D0ug: hopefully there is very little data lost. if I recall correctly, the backup ran just a few hours before the wipeout. 21.15.11 # Good! 21.15.14 # Is there any plans on forming a small HTML viewer for Rockbox? 21.15.26 Join Anendram [0] (n=Anendram@ppp-70-130-33-248.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net) 21.15.30 # port firefox to rockbox ;) 21.15.34 # Just so you can view a web page rather than just the code 21.15.35 # lol 21.15.59 # D0ug: absolutely not - HTML on the web is a nightmare to parse 21.16.13 # far to complex a job for the limited resources available on a rockbox target 21.16.18 # D0ug: get in line: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/2909 21.16.28 # :) 21.16.38 # where can i get Tetris for rockbox ? :p 21.16.38 # kk 21.16.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.16.54 Topic "www server wiped. restore from backup pending." by Zagor (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 21.16.54 # Try a gameboy game 21.16.55 # whynot install SVN:Web ? 21.16.58 # You can't get Tetris (TM), but you can get Rockblox. 21.17.00 # * GodEater is surprised that's not been closed with the "hahahahaha. No." reason. 21.17.14 # oki 21.17.18 # khalsa: instead of viewvc? 21.17.20 # cool, Zagor 21.17.34 # so basic game from Gameboy work for Roxkbox ? without modification Oo ? 21.17.41 # or viewvc, same thing at the end of the day 21.17.50 # khalsa: see svn.rockbox.org 21.17.52 # Speaking of gameboy games, is Rockboy ever going to get to the iRiver H10? 21.17.59 # Well, I'm out of here, thank you though for the info 21.18.14 # Zagor, ah. I was just pointing out for D0ug 21.18.14 # lol, Rockboy is on the Sansa e200 already :) 21.18.22 # :] 21.18.23 Quit BHSPitLappy (Connection timed out) 21.18.24 # khalsa: aha 21.18.26 # Anendram: sure. as soon as someone starts working on it 21.18.37 Quit D0ug ("Leaving") 21.18.40 # D0ug rockboy or box ? 21.18.58 # Zagor, I thought he meant for the SVN for some reason 0.o 21.19.26 # Rockboy. I have Rockbox on mine already. Wish I could help with it. But I know nothing about programming/coding/whatever 21.19.40 Quit Anendram (Client Quit) 21.20.08 # and no desire to learn either it seems 21.20.12 # by the way GodEater, can you tell me where you got that loader2 you were talking about? (with slightly different code iirc) 21.20.16 # so I can diff it with the svn one 21.20.21 Quit PaulJam (".") 21.20.26 # and see if I need to adjust anything 21.20.33 # tempel's site 21.20.41 # you'd have to ask DerPapst for the link 21.20.46 # ok 21.20.47 # I don't recall it 21.21.00 # though I think it's linked from the 5.5G post Tempel made on the iPL wiki 21.21.11 # hm ok I'll have a look in a bit 21.21.40 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-65-65-221-216.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net) 21.22.04 # http://ipod.tempel.org/loader2/loader2.5d5.zip 21.22.07 # there 21.22.08 # that was it 21.22.31 # heh - think you need to update this page too - > http://www.ipodlinux.org/5.5G_Installation 21.22.38 # with your avi perhaps 21.22.58 Quit Alonea ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 21.23.06 # linuxstb_: re 21.23.10 Join Hotfusion [0] (i=Hotfusio@ip70-185-188-75.mc.at.cox.net) 21.23.25 # i found rockblox.c that it ? 21.24.06 # DataGhost: are you submitting your Loader2 to the iPL svn anytime soon ? 21.24.29 # PLsCold: Yes. It's included in every build. 21.24.40 # oki 21.24.41 # well maybe I can fix the code today and test it on my 20GB 4G 21.24.55 # and I'm not sure how that SVN submitting works etc 21.25.03 # and whether or not it needs more testing on other iPods before submitting 21.25.03 # :) 21.25.24 # and reviewing, probably 21.25.31 # thanks linuxstb for the link 21.25.40 # probably all of the above 21.25.53 # are there any other iPL devs who're active to *do* any reviewing ? 21.26.02 # I've not heard a peep out of them for ages 21.26.23 # well if there aren't any devs around I guess another person who knows how to code could review it :) 21.26.32 # I'm sure you could find victi^H^H^H^Holunteers aplenty to test it in the rockbox forums though 21.26.36 # hehe 21.26.40 Join Mouser_X3 [0] (n=mouser_x@ 21.26.46 # oh yes I could have loads of people to TEST 21.26.57 # the problem is, they all have 80GB iPods, so there's nothing new there :) 21.27.03 # true 21.27.14 # oh by the way, I can restore my iPod as macpod from OSX, right? 21.27.23 # I would imagine so 21.27.26 # hm hm 21.27.34 # * DataGhost smashes his laptop a couple of times and fires up vmware 21.27.36 # I don't own anything with OSX on it though 21.27.42 Part echo1001 21.27.45 # i have a core duo laptop :) 21.27.47 # * GodEater looks in linuxstb's direction 21.27.56 # woooo - aren't you lucky then ? :) 21.28.00 # hehe 21.28.04 # sponsored by the university :P 21.28.07 # well, half 21.28.32 # nice. it's booting QNX 21.28.37 # hahaha 21.28.38 # now where did I leave that osx iso 21.28.42 # you have QNX on it too ?!?!?! 21.28.45 # in vmware 21.28.45 # nutter 21.28.51 # not core 2 duo? 21.28.51 # I threw off osx.. heh 21.28.56 # no, just core duo 21.29.08 # I'm getting another 160GB disk in a couple of days, by the way 21.29.16 # the 100GB I have now is.. um.... well, full 21.29.18 # for ? 21.29.21 # ah 21.29.24 # for my laptop :P 21.29.42 # and 2x500 for my workstation because I've got a terabyte in here.. which is also full 21.29.56 # too much porn obviously ;) 21.29.58 # Install zagor's cronjob... 21.30.00 # I'd like to get hitadhi's new 1 TB HDD 21.30.02 # for $399 21.30.03 # haha linuxstb 21.30.06 # linuxstb hahahaha 21.30.07 # hitachi 21.30.33 # Hotfusion I'd get 2x500... http://dataghost.com/hdprijs/ 21.30.34 # :) 21.31.13 # for ~280 euros.. instead of 399 21.31.33 # I could even buy 3x500 then, heh 21.33.12 # 1tb of data on one hd is scary 21.33.16 # what if it fails? 21.33.42 # I think you said the exact same thing a couple of years ago, about a 1GB harddrive :) 21.33.43 # you curse very loudly indeed ? 21.33.54 # you go and get the backup 21.34.00 # and well.. what if it fails, then we have raid5 or a backup :P 21.34.05 # humhum 21.35.59 # im still looking for that battery I can replace in my mp3 player if it goes out someday 21.37.45 Join subson [0] (n=ju@ 21.41.13 Quit linuxstb_ ("Chatzilla [Firefox 1.0.2/20050317]") 21.41.25 Quit BHSPitLappy (Success) 21.41.52 # hi again, how to put a windows font for rockblox ? 21.42.09 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-65-65-221-216.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net) 21.45.31 Nick scoles_ is now known as scubacoles (n=scoles@eth4699.sa.adsl.internode.on.net) 21.46.25 # http://loliserv.org/imageboard/images/4311a94ac07c207ac7bb2196405517dd.jpg 21.46.57 # :-D 21.47.19 # :x 21.47.46 Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@cpe-66-69-210-194.austin.res.rr.com) 21.48.34 Quit rotator () 21.48.36 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@virlet.rez-gif.supelec.fr) 21.49.33 Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") 21.49.34 Quit Mouser_X3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.50.29 Quit Zagor ("Leaving") 21.51.09 Join SethXxX [0] (i=wizard@loeblich.linuxteam.at) 21.51.12 # re all 21.51.23 # hows the weekend going? 21.51.58 # sorry to see that the webserver is down, i hope you folks fix it... disaster recovery is always a pain in theass 21.53.42 # anyhow, i have a question for those with an ipod... is the cradle functionality retained, with rockbox? ie if i place my ipod on one of those "multimedia cradles" with speakers, will i be able to use the buttons on the cradle? and will the audio output work? 21.55.13 # No, and Yes. 21.55.26 # Buttons won't work because those require communications. 21.55.36 # But the audio out is usually by way of the line out, which is functionaly 21.55.42 # Hm, "functional" 21.56.16 Quit foolsh (Remote closed the connection) 21.57.35 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@ 21.57.51 # I think I'm going to have to stop answering posts in the Apple install forum 21.58.57 # Llorean: hm. 21.58.59 # are they getting upset? ;-) I don't dare to go in there ... 21.59.22 # so i'm assuming that the audio routing is hardware, and the buttons are software and there is no driver for them, correct? 22.00.12 # it just seems to have the lowest average intelligence per post of any of the other fourms 22.00.27 # you go in there and the IQ level plummets like a thermometer in a blizzard 22.00.37 # haha GodEater 22.00.48 # GodEater: try out the microsoft install forums. 22.00.56 # or the linux ones, even better. 22.01.02 # I just helped someone on IRC with the iPL installer... he couldn't get it to work because he didn't read the wiki 22.01.07 # I meant on the rockbox site SethXxX 22.01.13 # after he did he managed to crash it 22.01.18 # ah, sorry :) 22.01.19 # and now he gave up 22.01.20 # :P 22.02.13 # I'd have so much more patience with them if they could demonstrate that they at least *tried* to follow the manual. But they all just want spoon feeding. 22.03.01 # GodEater: Honestly what drives me nuts is that as soon as you answer one question, they stop thinking at all. 22.03.22 # They'll get to a point, need help, and then once you give them help, instead of going back to reading, they want step by step instructions. 22.03.29 # speaking of manual 22.03.56 # Llorean: yep - I'm just going to give up now before I roast someone so bad they end up glowing in the dark. 22.04.01 # do i need to clean format my ipod as a fat volume when i unzip the rockbox stuff on there? 22.04.20 # "But the manual is so BIG!!" "But the manual doesn't cover this" "But the manual doesn't have enough examples!" :-P 22.04.39 # SethXxX: Is your iPod in possession of a primary Fat32 partition? 22.04.47 # its a winpod, so yes 22.04.56 # Then you don't need to do anything special for it. 22.04.57 # n1s: I don't believe I've heard anyone say the manual doesn't cover something. They complain it's too hard to understand - but never suggest improvements. 22.04.59 # Just follow the instructions. 22.05.05 Quit PLsCold ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )") 22.05.09 # just askin :) 22.05.11 # GodEater: Every now and then the manual doesn't cover something. 22.05.22 # I must have missed those then ;) 22.05.30 # GodEater: You'll hear it when someone says "Please read the manual" and someone else is just overjoyed to call the person on the fact that the manual doesn't actually have it. 22.05.38 # hahahaha 22.05.53 # GodEater: aah, I might have thought of one of the times they just don't care to search and claim it's not in 22.05.57 # * GodEater 's hide appears intact from those. 22.06.30 # Someone made a suggestion for the manual the other day, actually. 22.06.38 # "User more screen shots." 22.06.38 # I would imagine in *most* of those cases we have the good grace to admit we screwed up. 22.06.51 # * n1s often gives them direct links, caus it's fater then telling them how to find what thyr'e looking for 22.07.02 # I am still trying to figure how screen shots of DOS commands is useful. 22.07.26 # Febs: good question 22.07.41 # GodEater: Usually yes, there's a "Sorry, it's in the manual now" in response to "But it's not there!" 22.07.44 # Febs: you'd need to mspaint them with little circles round the relevant bits. Like "This is the number ipodpatcher returns when you do --scan. In case you can't work it out on your own" 22.08.26 # I really hope rbutil sends these posters into decline 22.08.41 # screenshots also makes people type "C:\>" into their command prompts 22.08.49 # sadly very true 22.09.10 # All those people who type C:\Rockbox\ipodpatcher --scan rather than CDing. 22.09.18 # why dont you put a "JUST RTFM!" header on each page of the manual pdf? 22.09.26 # * GodEater wonders if we could get away with distributing a .reg file that unsets PROMPT 22.09.36 # GodEater I think they want you to write some sort of installer that installs iPL/rockbox automatically on their iPod/mp3player whenever they think about doing that 22.09.36 # SethXxX: Because they wouldn't see that until they're already reading the manual? 22.09.51 # DataGhost: someone's working on that 22.09.52 # hm. the chicken -egg paradox 22.09.55 # it's just not finished yet 22.09.56 # hehe 22.10.21 # I think the dev is busy sursing MS on their code for autodetecting devices 22.10.25 # *cursing* 22.10.32 # last time I saw her in here anyway 22.10.34 # probably the hardest part will be to actually make clear what the user still needs to do 22.10.39 # she may have got beyond that 22.10.56 # 'help, my iPod scren is showing "please attach this iPod to a computer with internet access to install iPL"!!1 what do I need to do! help!' 22.11.07 # well I'm hoping it'll be as simple as "plug in your device" and "click the "install rockbox" button 22.11.39 # well I actually meant an installer which doesn't involve surfing to any site, reading any manual at all, etc. :P 22.11.49 # hehe 22.12.00 # are you hoping it'll magically appear on their harddrive too ? 22.12.13 # that would be great 22.12.18 # hehehe 22.12.24 # but really, an 'install rockbox' button is too hard already 22.12.35 # or it's just my presence 22.12.51 # you may be right actually 22.12.52 # whenever I am standing near someone who is not a computer guru 22.13.05 # they even ask me what they should do next when they get a dialog with 1 button 'OK' 22.13.13 # it *should* be as simple as run the installer, and plugin your device. 22.13.21 # or vice versa 22.14.28 # maybe it should get turned into an agent as well 22.14.33 # that runs permanently on the host PC 22.14.36 # anyway, my opinion is still that when you cannot read 1 wiki page, describing how to use an automated installer and _EVERY_ error it *may* give... you don't deserve to have an alternate firmware 22.14.43 Part Llorean 22.14.53 # and automatically upgrades rockbox whenever there is both an internet connection and the device is plugged in 22.14.59 # hehe 22.15.20 # people will delete that and they will complain 22.15.29 # someone asked for my help once, while he was 'cleaning up' his pc 22.15.35 # 'hey, can I delete this?' 22.15.44 # I didn't know what it was either, so I decided to look it up 22.15.49 # no internet connection 22.15.50 # we install it into winnt\system32 22.15.55 # run it as a service 22.15.55 # I did ipconfig... no interfaces 22.16.02 # 'what did you say you deleted?' 22.16.09 # * GodEater waits for the punchline 22.16.16 Join cynicalliberal [0] (n=chatzill@c-24-7-158-200.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 22.16.22 # well, the motherboard drivers were gone for some reason 22.16.33 # oh good god 22.16.43 # onboard network, sound.. etc 22.16.58 # it's getting the stage where windows shouldn't be installed into an easily accessible partition any more 22.17.08 # hehe 22.17.10 # so the user can't even see it to delete it 22.17.13 # well I think it just had an uninstaller :( 22.17.25 # 'whats "via 4-in-1"??? ah well..' [delete] 22.17.33 # or whatever it was 22.18.28 # * GodEater compares it to someone trying to "clear space" under the bonnet of a car. "These shiny things don't look like they need to be there." *yank*. Mechanic later "where the hell are the spark plugs? 22.18.47 # :D 22.18.49 Quit _Veseliq_ (Remote closed the connection) 22.19.16 # you know, maybe that's even why cars nowadays have some protective shield over the engine 22.19.25 # so you can only refill the necessary fluids 22.19.49 # it's what I just don't understand. I know damn well not to fiddle with my cars engine. I haven't got a clue what I'm doing there. Yet people who know they know stuff all about computers / electronics seem to insist on fiddling with the stuff they know nothing about. 22.20.05 # yeah - but windows has that "protective cover" now 22.20.19 # meh.. not really imo 22.20.26 # on XP it's a lousy 1-click-begone solution 22.20.32 # when you try and browse c:\ , or c:\windows it tells you "These are system files - are you SURE you want to see them 22.20.36 # When I first started dating my wife, her car was acting up, so I said, "when was the last time you had the oil changed?" 22.20.40 # and in vista it's probably the same, when you have the administrator password 22.20.42 # Her response was, "what's an oil change." 22.20.46 # * Soap wanders into #TechSupportVent 22.20.50 # lol Febs 22.20.53 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@ 22.21.04 # hm, i just plugged the rockbox ipod to the usb key, and it rebooted and went into disk mode... is this normal? 22.21.14 # DataGhost but that's the same as the engine cover in a car. once it's off - it's off! 22.21.18 # it's always funny to throw away an engine with the pistons jammed 22.21.18 # s/key/pluug 22.21.22 # We have to remember that some of our users have about that level of sophistication with computers. 22.21.27 # yeah ok GodEater 22.21.31 # SethXxX - yes it is 22.21.34 # k 22.21.48 # if you want it to just charge, hold down menu while you plug it in. 22.22.16 # thx 22.22.33 # Febs: that's the level of sophistication I have with my car. It's why I pay a mechanic to look after it for me - and why I don't open the bonnet ever. 22.23.26 # Well, with cars I know my way around a bit.. but I don't touch stuff I know nothing about, at least not before I rtfm 22.24.48 # I know nothing at all, and that's the way I like it. If I want a my car to do "something different" from what it was designed, I'm sure as hell not going to try and turn it into a off-roader on my own. I'll just buy another car. 22.25.34 # I did notice people getting more cautious, though 22.25.41 # since I started to charge them per hour 22.25.50 # hehe 22.27.00 Quit thegeek () 22.28.55 Quit MarcoPolo (Remote closed the connection) 22.29.21 # anyway.. I'm going to get some more food just before coding time starts :) 22.29.27 Join MarcoPolo [0] (n=MarcoPol@virlet.rez-gif.supelec.fr) 22.30.08 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 22.31.21 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ 22.31.25 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@ 22.31.59 Quit Genre9mp3 (Client Quit) 22.32.10 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ 22.32.18 # * GodEater bids on an F40 gigabeat 22.32.57 Quit GodEater ("User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby") 22.34.10 Quit Genre9mp3 (Client Quit) 22.34.25 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ 22.36.37 Part Genre9mp3 22.36.46 # silly question 22.36.54 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ 22.36.58 # can i start the original apple firmware using rolo ? 22.37.41 Quit Soul-Slayer (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.38.47 # SethXxX: i don't think so 22.39.02 # is there any way to set up dual boot? 22.41.19 # you have to press a special key during boot 22.41.24 # i don't remember which one it is 22.41.40 Quit Thundercloud_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.42.03 Quit Wiwie ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 22.42.05 # menu play i guess 22.42.50 # even not 22.43.16 # well anyhow, the rockbox firmware has replaced the original firmware, so i dont see a way how pressing a button can get overwritten data back 22.44.06 # with the iPodLinux loader you can have dualboot with rockbox :o 22.44.11 # I'm guessing 'rolo' can do the same? 22.44.17 # (never used it, sorry) 22.44.22 # thats what i was asking before :) 22.44.25 # it's not overwritten but just realigned 22.44.31 # hm 22.44.41 # if I'm right :P 22.44.50 # ill need to stfu and dig into the technicalities then 22.44.51 # ;) 22.44.54 # wait, lol. 22.45.02 # rockbox is loaded from a file on your music partition 22.45.09 # the 'overwritten' stuff is just a bootloader 22.45.14 # hardly your entire firmware 22.45.23 # ok 22.45.36 # it'll probably be in the manual 22.45.37 Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ 22.45.38 # i just came from ipodlinux 22.45.44 # and i had a crash every time 22.45.52 # that boots from another partition aswell :P 22.45.55 # and 4 hours of sleep 22.46.05 # so i was rather pissed off at it 22.46.06 # ;) 22.46.12 # heh 22.46.20 # s/was/am 22.46.32 # well, what I do know for sure is that the new loader2 will boot appleos, linux and rockbox just fine, with a nice menu at boottime 22.46.55 # and I'm going to continue working on it right now 22.48.01 # good boy :) 22.48.14 Join thegeek [0] (n=thegeek@s026b.studby.ntnu.no) 22.48.52 # DataGhost: the rockbox loader will boot all those too. 22.49.08 # ah well then, you need to rtfm indeed SethXxX :) 22.49.13 # SethXxX: reboot, as soon as the screen turns on put the hold switch in the on (red) position. 22.49.20 Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote closed the connection) 22.49.34 Quit subson () 22.49.40 # you'll see the text message "loading original firmware" - and you can turn the hold switch off at that time. 22.49.50 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD690F.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.51.04 # guys, when you compile for Rockbox, what size are the various C data types? how many bits is int etc.? 22.51.09 # *compile Rockbox 22.51.28 # thx soap 22.51.38 # entheh: Don't rely on type sizes 22.51.48 # (of standard C types that is) 22.52.08 # The only type that is guaranteed to be fixed size is char 22.52.09 # at the moment, DUMB assumes int is 32 bits 22.52.11 # :/ 22.52.22 # am I going to have to use int32_t? 22.52.31 # int can be 16 or 32 bit (although the only 16 bit port is currently dead) 22.52.49 # long can be 32 or 64 bit (the latter in the simulator only) 22.53.05 # would the 16-bit port be capable of 32-bit int values where needed (using long or whatever)? 22.53.17 # yes 22.53.20 # ok 22.53.31 # pointers are usually the same size as long, but don't rely on that 22.53.44 # do you have 'long long'? 22.53.44 # Especially don't rely on pointers having the same size as int 22.53.48 # yes 22.53.54 # long long is a gcc feature 22.54.14 # I think DUMB uses it in just one place: it does a 32x32->64 multiply and just takes the top 32 bits of the result 22.54.22 # oh 22.54.38 # it does it by casting to long long, then multiplying, then shifting >> 32, then casting back to int - and I checked the ASM for one GCC version and it was good 22.54.40 # That offers some opportunities for optimisation on target :) 22.54.41 # for x86 that is 22.54.49 # but I'd probably not use that part of DUMB in the port anyway :) 22.54.56 # so that's probably academic 22.55.08 Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) 22.55.25 # On coldfire this could then use emac optimisation 22.55.31 # emac? 22.55.45 # enhanced multiply-accumulate 22.55.57 Join Thundercloud__ [0] (n=thunderc@ 22.56.07 # well it's part of the resampling/mixing loop 22.56.12 # It's a dsp-like unit in the coldfire core 22.58.48 # amiconn: how likely is it that the 16-bit port will be resurrected, and how likely is it that new ones will come along? 22.59.01 # I have no idea 22.59.24 # platforms where int is 16-bit aren't common these days ... and allowing for them would probably make life a bit difficult 22.59.28 # It was a rather weird target 22.59.28 # in DUMB in general 22.59.47 # entheh: I would recommend ignoring 16-bit and face that headache if/when we want/need it. 22.59.49 # Not only was it a 16 bit cpu, but it also was a harvard architecture 22.59.59 # Zagor: that's what I'm hoping I can get away with ^^ 23.00.11 # calmrisc16 core 23.00.48 # even Java is designed with 32-bit CPUs in mind (e.g. variable reads/writes are atomic except for the two 64-bit types) 23.01.06 # what's a harvard architecture? 23.01.27 # Separate instruction and data bus 23.02.07 # oh, where code is in one address space and data are in another? 23.02.12 # yes 23.02.23 # Most dsps use this 23.02.33 Quit robin0800_ ("(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with large hammer") 23.06.39 # for whoever is working on this: note there is a difference between the usb power coming from a pc connection and the wall charger, with ipods. the requires a data connection, the other only gives juice. 23.08.00 # Of course there is a difference, but rockbox does not yet detect it 23.08.55 # * amiconn ordered an usb wall charger for working on this problem 23.09.29 Quit blue_lizard (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.09.32 # 30 well spent bucks 23.09.41 Join blue_lizard [0] (n=blue_liz@p54987515.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.10.07 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 23.10.08 Join _jhMikeS_ [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 23.10.21 # $30 for a 5v wall-wart with a USB jack? 23.10.37 # for a nice white apple charger 23.10.39 # from FNAC 23.10.44 # no electro shops here 23.10.47 # too bad 23.10.58 # otherwise i woulld also have gone the hardcore way 23.10.58 # :) 23.11.09 # EUR 12.70 23.11.24 # ..from amazon germany 23.11.44 # Not the apple thing 23.13.28 # can't you just put tape over the data+/- lines? :) 23.13.36 # (on the regular usb cable) 23.14.21 # hahaha 23.16.24 # hrmpf 23.16.41 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.16.57 # Why does 'svn add' add a property svn_executable to my new file?? 23.17.10 # svn:executable even 23.18.10 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp46-252.adsl.forthnet.gr) 23.18.19 # Mikachu: I think even Saran wrap over the pins would make the plug too tight of a fit. 23.19.46 Quit Thundercloud_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.23.14 # you can put the tape on the usb end 23.25.02 # true 23.26.00 Quit mattzz_away ("Leaving") 23.28.37 Quit Redbreva (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.38.12 # one could also use a cheap usb cable, cut it in two halves and resolder the power wires ... 23.45.58 Join hen3rz [0] (n=hen3rz@203-206-54-217.dyn.iinet.net.au) 23.46.18 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 23.48.22 # or add a double pole switch... 23.48.33 Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@ 23.50.24 # or one can just value ones' time so much that spending 12 euro is worth more than tinkering with cheap cables :) 23.51.26 Quit OgMaciel (Remote closed the connection) 23.53.10 # but a switch, man! Switch on, switch off! Frankenstein style blade switch at that! Dude...that's got to be worth 12 - 13 euros! ;) 23.58.46 Quit _jhMikeS_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.58.54 # There's one advantage in having an usb wall charger over just having a modded cable: one can charge without carrying a computer