--- Log for 04.04.107 Server: kornbluth.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 2 days and 18 hours ago 00.00.46 # there is a boot sector. And there is a partition that is used for booting. It's called boot partition sometimes, and that is this empty marked partition 00.01.47 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@adsl-69-208-78-217.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 00.05.50 # robin0800: The significance is between the word "sector" and "partition", as they're both technical terms. 00.09.26 Join walter [0] (n=walter@ip5653990e.direct-adsl.nl) 00.11.13 # hello, someone here who is able to answer a question which might not be a very smart one? 00.11.39 # stupid questions are my specialty! 00.11.57 # Fine! 00.12.28 # I would like to buy a new musicplayer, and i thought the sansa might be a good one. 00.12.52 # but i read the docs and the web page, and something is not very clear to me. 00.13.12 # It says the USB is not supported well. 00.13.46 Quit bluebrother ("leaving") 00.13.57 Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.14.05 # does this mean i can only load files on the device when not using rockbox? 00.14.13 # walter: rockbox has no usb support of its own on the sansa, but relies on the user to start the original firmware for that 00.14.16 Quit Ph1r3ph0x_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.14.54 Join LinusOnVacation [0] (i=d9ae4345@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-03db733c277b6a6f) 00.15.16 # pixelma: i just fixed the search 00.15.36 # many thanks :) 00.15.43 # :-) 00.15.50 # gtg, cu 00.16.01 # Badger: Okay, does this mean i have to install the original firmware when i shove the device in my computer? 00.16.03 Quit LinusOnVacation (Client Quit) 00.16.26 Part Llorean 00.16.31 # walter: the OF is kept on the device already and you can easily boot into that at your choice 00.16.44 # and rockbox even does it for you if you start it by plugging in the usb 00.17.19 Join Vercingetorix [0] (n=Legolas@host-84-220-76-51.cust-adsl.tiscali.it) 00.17.28 # ok I solved the problem.... 00.18.09 # Badger: you mean it can be used by a noob like me? 00.18.16 # yes it can 00.18.28 # Someone who uses linux because he doesn't understand windows? 00.18.32 # I didn't update the .rockbox directory in the partition of music...but I continued to update a .rockbox directory in the same partition of ipodlinux 00.18.37 # wow. 00.19.24 # now I have updated the .rockbox directory in the partition of music and no more codec failure... 00.19.43 # still continuing using ipodbootloader 2.5d6 00.19.58 # Badger: thanks. It's shopping time i guess. 00.20.36 # it's sleeping time for me! 00.21.28 # why do I get a warning when assigning a the value of a const var to a non-const var ? 00.21.35 # and how do I get rid of it ? 00.23.05 Join safetydan [0] (i=cbca159f@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 00.29.35 # is it a string? 00.30.26 Quit funky ("leaving") 00.30.40 # if you copy a pointer to a const array to a pointer to a non-const array it can cause problems 00.32.15 Mode "#rockbox +o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 00.33.02 Join unknownsidhu [0] (i=unknowns@CPE0018f3990a86-CM00159a4028c6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 00.34.40 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 00.34.46 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 00.36.36 Quit roolku () 00.37.23 Quit XavierGr () 00.39.54 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp254-142.adsl.forthnet.gr) 00.40.01 # hey guys I gotta quick question, i just loaded Rockbox onto my nano, and got everything working just fine, but how do I put music onto my player so that I cnan browse music using database, instead of files? 00.40.58 # database will search your files anyway you place them on there. 00.41.05 # ASSuming they are propery tagged. 00.41.58 # heh....i got a major spam attack from slashnet, so i instictively popped op status on all channels i could >_> 00.42.03 Mode "#rockbox -o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 00.42.11 # yeah theyre tagged fine, i kan only see the files that I had on before when I used iTunes through the data base, but not the new ones 00.42.13 Part toffe82 00.42.42 # scorche might know better than I about the database... 00.42.53 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) 00.42.58 # i placed them as following G:/Music/ 00.44.08 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.44.22 # unknownsidhu: try deleting the tagcache files and re-initializing 00.44.25 Quit toffe82 (Client Quit) 00.44.49 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) 00.45.54 Join Ribs [0] (n=ribs@ 00.46.50 # shoot i kant even delete my old music using iTunes nemore 00.46.58 # never mind, :P 00.47.37 Quit ender` (" "Care must be exorcised when handring Opiticar System as it is apts to be sticked by dusts and hand-fat." --Japanese Transla) 00.47.50 Quit Vercingetorix ("Sto andando via") 00.47.52 # tsuyoshi: I found what was wrong, thanks 00.49.57 Quit Entasis ("Leaving") 00.54.44 Quit obo ("bye") 00.56.44 Quit ompaul (Client Quit) 00.57.22 Join H10_007quick [0] (n=chatzill@mnet-ki-244-78-181.monarch.net) 00.57.25 Join Kolya33 [0] (n=Kolya@xdsl-87-78-205-153.netcologne.de) 00.57.47 # Anyone familular with the custom_line patch? 00.57.52 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 00.58.38 Part toffe82 00.59.16 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) 01.03.15 Join chaos [0] (i=7d19c5da@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5ea77e18903397fa) 01.04.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.05.19 # hi ... i am experiencing a terrible problem ... i downloaded the latest build , overwrite the stuff over my ipod root and when i try viewing pics,videos it has a version error and when i try playimng music on rockbox it has a codec error, and if u where thinking that i had 2 .rockbox files i already cleaned them 01.07.23 # daily or current build? 01.08.10 # current builds 01.08.35 # so which part am i wrong in? 01.09.02 # chaos: this is probably because your bootloader is outdated. the rockbox.ipod file has moved to .rockbox instead of the root 01.09.08 Quit jhulst (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.09.45 # chaos: if you move the rockbox.ipod from .rockbox back to the root, it should work. but that's not a very good solution 01.09.58 # i got no idea on what to do now ... please explain 01.10.42 # try moving the rockbox.ipod file as I said just above. If that leads to rockbox working fine, then it means you need to update your bootloader 01.10.50 # huh? my .rockbox is already in my rockbox root 01.11.19 # rockbox.ipod? where is this file? 01.11.31 # chaos: that's probably an old one. 01.11.59 # i found the rockbox.ipod (ipod file) 01.12.23 # so i just dump it in the rockbox file? 01.12.32 # or do i copy? 01.12.54 # chaos: move the one that's in the .rockbox dir to the root 01.13.59 # but i already have 1 file exactly the same name (do i replace it) 01.14.22 # exactly, yes, replace it. that file is an ld one 01.14.25 # in the root 01.14.26 # old* 01.14.37 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 01.14.46 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 01.15.31 # gonna try it ... thx 01.15.32 Join kramdra [0] (n=Kramdra@82-43-219-92.cable.ubr01.craw.blueyonder.co.uk) 01.15.42 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@adsl-69-208-78-217.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 01.15.50 # delete the one in the root keep the on in .rockbox 01.15.56 # chaos: this will probably work but you need to update your bootloader 01.16.19 # otherwise you'll need to do this everytime you update rockbox 01.16.47 # what does updating bootlader do and what is the reason to this please explain 01.16.57 # ahh 01.17.03 # Just run this program: http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/ipodpatcher/win32/ipodpatcher.exe 01.17.27 # is there any way to reduce the brightness of rockbox? 01.18.02 # there is a patch in the patch tracker to allow brightness changes on the ipods. 01.18.33 # until someone tells me it is safe for the hardware (which it very well might be) I'm scared to use it. 01.18.57 # it (the patch) also causes problems with some plugins / viewers unless you leave it at maximum brightness. 01.19.33 # hmm ... i updated my firmware of my ipod to 1.2 i can change the brightness through there but not on rockbnox tho 01.20.20 # not sure its completly up to date and doom dosn't work if its not set to maximum thus not very useful imho 01.21.00 # chaos: the brightness is software controlled, thus no changes made in Apple's software will carry-over to Rockbox's software. 01.21.15 # i know ^^ 01.21.38 # ok now ... my mpeg player lags at watching videos any way to solve this 01.21.40 Quit petur ("Zzzzzz") 01.22.52 # which ipod? 01.23.20 # ipod video 01.23.23 # 5g 01.23.30 # 60gb 01.23.32 Quit robin0800 (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 01.23.35 Quit midgey () 01.24.14 # Febs: u gave me a link http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/ipodpatcher/win32/ipodpatcher.exe i downloaded it sucessfully now what do i do? 01.24.22 # Run it. 01.25.07 # then it'll automatically update the rockbox? 01.25.44 # chaos: the 5G is going to play full width videos very slowly. 01.25.57 # It will give you a choice of three options. Select "i" to install the most recent bootloader. 01.26.56 # Soap: so is there a wat to increase the refresh rate 01.27.03 # febs: thx 01.27.34 # encode at a framerate equal-to or lower than what the player's hardware can handle. :( 01.27.39 # way* 01.27.56 # encode using vlc? 01.28.39 # ffmpeg appears to do non-standard frame-rates. 01.29.08 # any link to download it? 01.30.16 # Now does an LCD use more power when it shows a white screen or when it shows a black screen? 01.30.44 # chaos: LL made a thread introducing it in the forums, I also believe it is covered in the pluginmpegplayer wikipage. 01.30.56 # Kolya33: insignificant. 01.31.12 # Oh okay, thanks Soap! 01.32.00 # Soap: first of all i cannot use VLC to convert can i use other programs to convert? ... btw what formats of videos can rockbox handle 01.32.40 # mpeg 1 or mpeg 2 video muxed with mp2 or mp3 audio. 01.33.09 Part nls 01.33.33 # chaos: you can use ffmpeg, or winFF as a front-end for ffmpeg. Since you need non-standard framerates to watch on the ipod 5th gen, you really should use ffmpeg. 01.34.06 # ffmpeg also converts vieos to those formats? 01.34.13 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) 01.34.30 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 01.34.49 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57b97dd2.dip.t-dialin.net) 01.34.55 # oh yes 01.36.12 # so i shoudl be using winFF instead of ffmpeg right? or they have different function 01.37.06 # winFF is a front-end for ffmpeg 01.38.05 # what does that mean? 01.39.36 # lol 01.40.19 # umm ... 01.40.59 # i got a link for it http://biggmatt.com/winff/downloads/winff-version-0.28.html 01.41.32 # chaos: there are step-by-step instructions here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer#Using_WinFF_Windows_Linux 01.41.53 # There is also a link to download presets that you can use that are specific to Rockbox. 01.42.35 # wow thx 01.42.51 Quit Kolya33 ("Loading "Real Life": 100%") 01.43.12 # i came to that site about 2weeks ago and it want there lol 01.44.15 # ok now i want to delete VLC so i clean vlc but some vlc fles are still i my rockboxf folder and some are in the root so i amnually delete them right? 01.45.34 Join aduarte [0] (n=alfredo_@ 01.45.44 Part aduarte 01.49.46 # i wana ask something ... when i chicked on database i beleive a list of things come out and it says something about connecting to o proecessor (is there somethjing wrong)? 01.50.02 # co-processor* 01.55.28 Quit unknownsidhu () 02.04.14 Join k0rnz [0] (n=chatzill@cpe-66-8-248-112.hawaii.res.rr.com) 02.05.23 Join ctaf [0] (n=ctaf@ram94-6-82-242-23-70.fbx.proxad.net) 02.05.35 Part ctaf 02.05.40 Join bazz [0] (n=nick@fw.marklogic.com) 02.05.47 Part k0rnz 02.06.05 # in a .cfg file, how do the values for foreground: and background: map to rgb values? 02.07.06 Quit inversions (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 02.07.52 Part pixelma 02.09.30 Quit walter ("Konversation terminated!") 02.17.55 Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) 02.19.29 # bazz: the settings run from 000000 to FFFFFF and are RRGGBB. 02.21.53 Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@ 02.22.41 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@adsl-69-208-78-217.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 02.24.05 Quit entheh ("^~") 02.24.20 # whcn i clicked on database then it ays someting about co processor ...wwat does it mean? 02.26.39 Join donutman25 [0] (n=chatzill@ 02.26.40 # Febs: okay, thanks 02.27.24 Part safetydan 02.27.52 # chaos: I am not aware of any such message. 02.27.54 # ok i gtg laters 02.28.06 # umm it says rolo 02.28.15 # then a list appears 02.28.29 # "rolo" and "co-process" are not at all similar. What exactly are you clicking on? 02.28.52 # it says rolo and then my rockbox get stuck 02.29.23 # Read my last question. 02.29.28 # i'm trying to edit the mpegplayer plugin for sansa 02.29.32 # can someone tell me where to find the specific piece of code that makes in exit in the mpegplayer.c file please? 02.30.35 # "makes in exit"? 02.31.09 # oh sorry, i mean makes the plugin exit 02.32.06 # Well, there's several exit conditions 02.32.15 # If a file ends, if you press stop, if you choose to quit from the menu 02.32.52 # could you please tell me the one for quitting from the menu 02.32.59 # u talking about my problem? 02.33.14 # ok now i know 02.33.17 # I don't know it. :) Just pointing out that your question still needed some fine tuning for someone who does know to be able to answer. 02.33.24 # ok i gtg .. laters 02.33.27 # chaos: No, you never answered Febs' question, so you can't be helped further 02.33.46 # thanks anyway 02.34.21 # i clicked on database (on rockbox) then a list appears and it gets stuck all i can remember it saying was ROLO 02.34.30 Join z1pher [0] (n=kvirc@modemcable106.180-57-74.mc.videotron.ca) 02.34.49 # chaos: Well, do it again so you can tell us exactly what it says, both what it lists, and the error message. 02.35.02 # Because there's nothing normally associated with database that says "ROLO"\ 02.36.14 # ok i 'll tell u 02.41.17 # i clicked on rockbox(an x icon) it says: ROLO ... Loading Waiting for coprocessor ... (it stops there) 02.41.33 # So, you didn't click on database 02.41.59 # What you just did was click on a rockbox.ipod (or rockbox.h10 or rockbox.e200, I don't know which player you have), and it tried to load that file 02.42.00 # i did it loads up and quits by itself 02.42.22 # You clicked on the Rockbox file, NOT database. 02.42.24 # on ipod video 60gb ... it does nothing right? 02.42.29 Part jhulst 02.42.32 # Or are you saying you also clicked on database? 02.42.40 # You really need to be clear about what exactly you did, we can't read your mind 02.42.58 # my bad 02.42.58 # Clicking on the rockbox.ipod file is pointless right now, and the instructions very definitely do not tell you to do so for using the database 02.43.19 Quit Moos ("") 02.43.30 Quit ludios ("Coyote finally caught me") 02.43.34 # ok thx thats all i want to hear =) 02.44.36 Quit chaos ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 02.45.58 Join Llorea1 [0] (n=Llorean@ 02.47.03 # Hi everyone. Do you guys know whether there's a way to exit the hard disk mode on the Ipod? My ipod's screen is monochrome and it has a check mark with this message below it: "ok to disconnect". Thank you! 02.47.37 # is the USB/Firewire cable plugged in? 02.47.47 # Yep, it is. 02.47.52 Join reacocard [0] (n=reacocar@rccy-06-0730.dsl.iowatelecom.net) 02.47.59 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@adsl-69-208-78-217.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 02.48.04 # But, I wouldn't do that before 02.48.20 # it 02.48.25 # it used to automaticly reboot upon ejection from (I assume) Windows? 02.48.35 # linux 02.48.48 # and I use gtkpod 02.49.12 # and yes it used to :S 02.49.28 # that's all a function of Apple's firmware... 02.49.41 # problems started when I had to boot into "disk mode" to install rockbox 02.49.46 # menu+select will force a reboot on 4th gen up. 02.49.55 # since then, I don't know how to get back into "normal" mode lol 02.50.43 # hmm, it restarts, but the ugly black&white screen is still there :\ 02.51.21 # What does usually happen when you are charging your ipod with rockbox installed? 02.51.38 Quit bazz ("Leaving") 02.52.59 # right now, my ipod is being charged up and it has a ugly "do not disconnect" message in the middle of the screen. However, the screen is not supposed to be black&white, is it? 02.53.11 # Yes, it is. 02.53.12 # an* 02.53.23 # Rockbox reboots into 'emergency disk mode' upon USB connection 02.53.46 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 02.54.09 # (which is B/W regardless of your ipod) 02.54.18 # I see. So the ugly screen is totaly normal? 02.54.27 Join Llorea2 [0] (n=Llorean@ 02.54.30 # yea 02.54.34 # Ok, thank you very much for the info! 02.54.55 # I thought I had screwed up my ipod oO 02.57.12 Quit reacocard ("So long, and thanks for all the fish.") 03.01.45 Join linuxstb [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 03.04.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.04.44 Quit Llorean (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.05.12 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-70-235-226-173.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 03.05.18 Quit toffe82 (Client Quit) 03.05.43 Part Llorea2 03.05.49 Quit Guile (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.07.35 Quit donutman25 ("ChatZilla 0.9.78 [Firefox]") 03.07.48 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-70-235-226-173.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 03.08.17 Quit linuxstb ("CGI:IRC") 03.11.39 Quit Llorea1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.26.08 Join lukaswayne9 [0] (n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) 03.34.33 Quit lukaswayne9 ("Ex-Chat") 03.45.39 Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-160-132.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 03.47.14 Part toffe82 03.49.40 Quit vimman ("Leaving.") 04.02.06 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-70-235-226-173.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 04.06.15 Quit H10_007quick ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 04.11.22 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) 04.16.33 Part toffe82 04.17.31 Join JerryLange [0] (n=JerryLan@ppp098.hk.centurytel.net) 04.17.33 Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@cpe-74-71-205-222.twcny.res.rr.com) 04.21.02 Join plus_M [0] (n=nyoro@24-179-151-109.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com) 04.23.04 # When I try to play .gb or .gbc games on my 60GB 5th gen iPod I get an "Incompatible Version" error 04.25.49 # that error is common when your rockbox.ipod doesn't match the plugins in your .rockbox directory. 04.26.29 # I replaced the plugins directory and the rockbox.ipod just today 04.26.29 # (and I like your style, not saying "Can I ask a question?") 04.26.35 # Thanks 04.27.07 # I do notice that the wiki said something about rockboy not appearing in your plugins list 04.27.20 # rockbox is in the viewers directory, not plugins. 04.27.27 # Ah 04.27.29 # That may be it then 04.27.38 # why didn't you replace the entire .rockbox directory? 04.27.54 # I was afraid of losing some settings 04.27.56 # And themes 04.28.58 # if you unzip ontop of the existing structure it will only overwrite the individial files, not the entire directory wholesale. 04.29.03 # codecs get updated too. 04.29.09 # Well 04.29.12 # I suppose 04.29.31 # lot easier than picking out every changed file individually. 04.29.47 # (then wondering why things don't work) ;) 04.29.52 # Good point 04.38.04 Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@ 04.38.09 # Well that was fun 04.42.12 Quit mbr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.42.55 Join Shaun2 [0] (n=Shaun@ppp213-184.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net) 04.43.03 Part Llorean 04.44.13 Quit Alonea (Remote closed the connection) 04.45.03 # Does anyone know where the 80gb port is getting worked on? 04.45.21 Quit kramdra () 04.45.46 Join Llorea1 [0] (n=Llorean@ 04.51.42 # you should ask that question when there are more devs on 04.51.54 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) 04.52.14 # Shaun2: What do you mean by "where"? 04.52.32 # Well in feb is was said that the issues are worked out and whatnot, thread was closed. 04.52.37 Nick Llorea1 is now known as Llorean (n=Llorean@ 04.52.41 # It's April and haven't seen a peep. 04.52.46 # I have to assume they're working somewhere. 04.52.50 # Yes. 04.53.02 # Rockbox's FAT32 driver needs to be rewritten 04.54.49 Join DEWK [0] (n=Deaconko@bas2-hamilton14-1167892154.dsl.bell.ca) 04.58.41 # that will probably take a long time i would imagine 05.00.17 # Yeah. If I understand correctly, because Rockbox's driver was written more or less from the ground up based on certain assumptions, it's quite some effort to fix it. Our driver's a lot smaller and more limited than the iPL one, which is why the fix isn't nearly as easy, ours was designed for performance on these limited environments. (If I've got it correctly) 05.02.07 # are some of the ipl people helping with the rewright? I know dataghost is on the rockbox forums 05.02.54 # write* 05.03.34 # The rewrite is mostly a one-person job. 05.03.46 # The hard part isn't the 80gb specific parts of it. 05.04.14 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.04.19 # It's known what needs to be done, the hard part is just that it's a bit of a task, and people do have other things going on in their lives. 05.05.48 # I plan on getting the 80gig towards the end of april begining of may. 05.06.10 # The iPod really isn't the best Rockbox player. 05.06.20 # Unless you have a specific reason to want it, you might want to consider one of the other ones. 05.07.24 # I need a lot of space. 05.08.29 # get a iriver and drop a 60 in it. 05.08.37 # (an iRiver) 05.08.39 # Or get a Gigabeat F60 05.08.44 # that too. 05.08.51 # Or an iRiver H140, or Gigabeat F40 and buy an 80gb drive for it. :) 05.08.55 # Llorean is a brute. 05.09.12 # Apparently I'm shortened to "LL" when I'm not looking. :-P 05.09.26 Quit ptw419 () 05.10.01 # whats wrong with the ipods? 05.10.39 # Poor battery life, slow processor causing some performance limitations primarily. 05.10.51 # or maybe i should say whats not wrong with the ipods?:) 05.11.07 # Like in Rockboy 05.11.09 # heh 05.11.17 # The iPods will be able to do music playback just fine, the menus may react slowly while music is playing. 05.11.19 # Man was that slow... 05.11.42 # As well, you may or may not be able to make full use of the equalizer, though once the coprocessor is working right this should improve. 05.12.03 # Video in Rockbox on a 5G iPod is basically minimalistic, you won't get good framerates at all. 05.12.14 # I'm so used to LL ;) forgive me. 05.12.26 # Basically, it'll do fine as a Music Player, but a lot of the "extra" features of Rockbox won't work as well as they do elsewhere. 05.12.37 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.13.08 # Is there any way to improve this? Probably take a long time if it is possible. 05.13.20 # Improve what part of it? 05.13.28 # Music functionality will likely get much better. 05.13.47 # Battery life depends on someone discovering where the drain is: Likely to happen one day, but no way to predict if it'll be tomorrow or two years from now 05.14.00 # It's not something poorly coded, it's a case of unknown hardware most likely 05.14.51 # Video will probably never get as good as the original firmware unless someone gets ambitious and figures out how to use the broadcom chip, not something likely to come from the core team since optimizing the main video player will help more targets overall, and video isn't really a core focus anyway (though it may become more of one now that it's getting spiffy) 05.14.53 Quit desowin ("use linux") 05.16.19 Join Stalwart^ [0] (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 05.17.02 # And there is no info on the broadcom chip. What ever happened to that guy talking to his teacher who worked for Nvidia? 05.17.33 # That wouldn't help with the Broadcom chip anyway, even if something had happened. 05.17.45 # NVidia owns PortalPlayer, which is a different hting. 05.17.47 Quit jhulst (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.19.18 # oh ok. i misunderstood then. 05.19.49 # It's very unlikely that we'll ever receive useful information from PortalPlayer/NVidia in my personal opinion. 05.20.26 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@adsl-69-208-78-217.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 05.22.50 # the biggest memory size for a sansa is 8gb? 05.23.08 # Yes 05.27.48 Quit Stalwart (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.31.05 # how are the gigabeat builds for performance? how do they hold up to the other rockbox players? 05.31.30 # JerryLange: The gigabeats are the best performing rockbox target in terms of raw power 05.32.24 # JerryLange: If you want Video, the Gigabeat is really your only viable choice. 05.32.48 # I could care less about video honestly 05.33.01 # In terms of audio functionality, the iRiver H100 and H300 series, and the iAudio X5/M5 players perform about as well, just because the needs of those features plateaus and so all of those and the Gigabeat surpass that. 05.36.29 # Llorean: is there expected to be an 'improvement' in UI speed (mostly just scroll-through-file-list, really) in the ipod G5? 05.36.59 Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) 05.37.05 # Overand: When coprocessor support is working as intended, it should be much improved. Basically, music shouldn't slow down list scrolling at all 05.37.15 # That combined with improved list scrolling code should help greatly 05.37.35 # Llorean: list scrolling is slow when there's no music playing - in fact, list scrolling is *fine* when there's music that just started 05.37.43 # Does rockbox currently supposrt the 60gb? The MES60VK? 05.37.51 Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.37.57 # Overand: Notice I said combined with improved list scrolling code. 05.37.59 # (from talking to you or someone else here i discovered that it was probably due to the core clock cranking up) 05.38.02 # Llorean: =] 05.38.18 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@adsl-69-208-78-217.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 05.38.31 # Right now list scrolling is "medium" when no audio is on, "Fastish" when the CPU is boosted for audio, and "damn slow" when the CPU isn't boosted but audio is playing 05.38.56 # yeah, that sounds right 05.39.17 # oh, i had that lock-up again, but that was about 5 days ago 05.39.38 # Improved list code should give you a nice scroll speed during no-audio, and moving audio to the coprocessor properly should keep audio from being able to slow down scrolling ever. 05.39.50 # Both of these things are expected to happen eventually 05.39.52 # and the UI locked at 'disk active' - and the backlight would still respond, the disc was spun down, an d nothing responded other than the select+menu reboot 05.40.45 # it happened after the player started *not* getting tags, it was skipping through the playlist, displaying a filename briefly, then going to the next one - i'll update again when i have time and will see if it's still happening 05.41.48 # how big is the space on the Toshiba Gigabeat F ? 05.41.56 # memory size* 05.42.02 # Anywhere from 10 to 60 depending on model 05.42.37 # Which are supported by rockbox? 05.42.50 # All of them? 05.43.10 # The 80gb iPod has a "weird" drive, which is the only reason it isn't supported 05.43.24 # On other players, the different size drives don't make a difference. 05.50.24 Join hen3rz [0] (n=chatzill@203-206-73-126.dyn.iinet.net.au) 05.51.13 Quit plus_M ("Leaving") 05.56.48 # hello all 05.57.07 Join nickv111 [0] (n=nick@c-75-71-229-135.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 05.57.24 Part nickv111 ("Konversation terminated!") 05.58.07 # anyone taken a look at the wiki parge describing the current ideas/thoughts on my ui proposal? 06.02.07 Quit z1pher ("KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'") 06.02.46 # well, anyway - if anyone is interested, some comments on the current contents of the page would be great: http://www.roox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ViewDrawinghttp://www.roox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ViewDrawing 06.02.54 # sslashes link? 06.03.12 # lol dw 06.03.34 # wait yeah ur link is wack 06.03.41 # hm, about that http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ViewDrawing 06.03.51 # sslashes: I still don't like the idea of the WPS being a sub-folder of the theme. I really value mix&matching a WPS with a browser/settings backdrop, which in my opinion should extend to mix and matching WPS, Browser Style, and Settings style 06.04.49 # Currently it's very easy to use the WPS from one theme with the backdrop for the browser from another 06.05.16 # I'm not sure "ease of installation" is a large concern, because at the moment RBUtil can automatically install themes, and this functionality can be used for any new theme format. 06.05.30 # Instead the concentration, in my personal opinion, needs to be on flexibility of use, rather than ease of install. 06.05.36 # sory about that, whenever i paist the rockbox link into irssi it removes the "ckb 06.05.45 # You can't get much easer than "Point and click" in the end, anyway :) 06.05.49 # (aparently those characters are special in irssi) 06.05.59 # Llorean: very true 06.06.19 # you would rather the was no "theme_1" 06.06.33 # hm, let me mock up something and see if we are on the same page 06.06.53 Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) 06.07.40 # With your setup, one should be able to pick a browsing.draw, a settings.draw and a playing.draw separately, from different themes, if they really want to. 06.07.52 # Or load a backdrop on its own for either of the list-style viewers. 06.07.55 Quit midgey (Remote closed the connection) 06.08.31 # As far as I'm concerned, backdrops are separate from everything else anyway. I have a text-WPS that I change the backdrop on from time to time anyway, and you can do that with many of the graphical ones as well. 06.08.47 # But anyway, this is just my personal opinion: How I like to use these things 06.09.14 # I noticed when you change themes from a theme with a backdrop to a theme with a backround color the backround color is not set and the backdrop stays the same. 06.09.50 # JerryLange: Yeah, there are a few problems regarding backdrops, specifically regarding un-setting them. 06.10.30 # yeah it sucks when you set one with black color backround and have black text. I use the simulator to figure out how to get a different theme. 06.10.51 # lol that happend to me today 06.11.06 # Although with the new menu I can do it by memory now. less keypresses it seems 06.11.44 # the current wps system needs a font scalling feature bad 06.12.30 Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net) 06.12.47 # hen3rz: Why does it "need" a scaling feature? 06.12.47 # Llorean: check the wiki again 06.12.57 # hen3rz: If you don't like the font size, pick a different sized font. 06.13.26 # Llorean: if the new drawing system allows for different font sized, a scaling feature might be useful 06.13.33 # yes but certain font sizes are more appropriate for things like browsing and others are more appropriate for viewing wps information 06.13.43 # hen3rz: Then you support multiple fonts. 06.14.05 # Being bitmapped fonts, scaling them to arbitrary sizes is not an easy feature. 06.14.15 Join bonbonthejon [0] (n=jon@ 06.14.16 # sslashes: I like the first modified one better. 06.14.24 # i see 06.14.28 # what is the difference between this viewdrawing and the single tar file wps's? 06.14.31 # sslashes: Allows more than one person to name something "play.bmp" without conflict. 06.14.35 # Llorean: soooo...almost the 4th ;) 06.15.07 # scorche: Aye, I wish I knew how many we had. 06.15.18 # well, you probably will in a few hours 06.15.23 # Indeed 06.15.36 # Though they really don't have to do it until 11:59 PM their time 06.15.53 # JerryLange: the idea is to be able to customize all screens of the UI (not just the playing screen) - additionally, pixel based positioning is desirable since it would allow fot font family/size changing w/o unalining it with the background image 06.16.06 # i would also like to speed up ui reponse =) 06.16.18 # so this is something totaly different? 06.16.37 Nick joshin is now known as joshin_ (n=joshin@unaffiliated/joshin) 06.16.55 # i'm not sure that is completely decided - i would like to find a way (somehow) to allow backwards compatability to an extent 06.16.58 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@markely-164-75.reshall.umich.edu) 06.17.02 # but the scheme would be very new 06.17.28 # i have not talked to many people besides Llorean about this 06.17.43 # the one thing i dont like about the themes now is when you delete a theme (theme.cfg) to remove it it really is still on your player (theme folder and backrounds) 06.18.12 Quit K4rP4D (Remote closed the connection) 06.18.36 # JerryLange: that comes down to how the folders are structured - there are now three ideas on the wiki 06.18.40 # feel free to add an idea 06.18.47 # yeah im looking at it 06.20.30 Quit hen3rz ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]") 06.21.15 # Compiled themes (such as .theme files) might be workable so long as a "Theme" menu category allowed you to "Load WPS" or "Load Menu Backdrop", where you picked a .theme, and it just used that aspect of it. 06.23.07 # Llorean: what do you think of Rockbox itself compiling the theme using a JIT compiler the first time it is loaded and saving that in a "compiled" folder? 06.24.16 # sslashes: My preference was actually for it only saving a temporary compiled one, the "current theme", and using a JIT compile when themes were changed. That way theme loading on later boots is faster, but you don't get a bunch of compiled files for various themes (or combinations of theme parts) 06.25.14 # Llorean: fair enough - that actually sounds like a good idea 06.25.33 # (the actually was not meant to imply that good ideas do not normally come from you =) 06.25.41 # Hehehe, I figured. :) 06.27.11 # what enviornment do most devs use for rockbox source? 06.27.27 # do you mean ide, or actual environment? 06.27.34 # ide 06.28.37 # For the about 20 lines of code I've contributed, I've used ConTEXT. ;) 06.29.02 # i have heard some use eclipse, and some use kate 06.29.14 # but it seems that most use an editor liek emacs, vi, etc 06.29.30 # Llorean: didnt you do the left to wps patch? 06.29.35 # JerryLange: Nope 06.29.40 # In fact, I'm firmly against it. 06.30.04 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) 06.30.07 # hmm I wonder why I thought you did. :S 06.30.30 # Llorean: who would be the people most influencial in regards to my proposal? 06.31.29 # sslashes: The europoeans. Bagder, Amiconn... maybe Nico_P since he's been doing a lot of WPS-related work. 06.31.39 # JerryLange: People seem to think I've done a lot more than I have. 06.34.42 # I would imagine you have to be a developer to go to the devcon meeting? 06.35.00 # It's mainly intended for developers 06.35.53 # Last year a lot of work toward the 3.0 release (that kinda fell apart several months down the line) happened during it. 06.36.13 # I think itd be cool to listen to what they all have to say. 06.36.28 # actually, wasnt the feature freeze decided to happen there? 06.36.34 # I wish I could go, but I just don't really have enough money to spare. 06.36.42 # same 06.36.47 # scorche: I believe the list of objectives for the feature freeze was decided there. 06.36.50 # i would love to go to sweden, and this is a good excuse 06.37.11 # Well, I hear that we might be discussing another release attempt, and I have a lot to say on that matter. ;) 06.37.20 # And I wouldn't mind trying my hand at release-coordinator. 06.37.55 # well, if i magically somehow scrounge up the money to go, i can be your mouthpiece ;) 06.38.01 # (and maybe bring back a shirt) 06.38.23 # i see that rockbox has pretty much started on 3.1 now. most of the stuff in 3.0 is done except a couple things. 06.38.23 # i saw it a much cheaper if i take a flight to, say, NY and then go from there, but it is still pricey 06.38.29 # i am heading to europe this summer (July) - i wish it was later ;P 06.38.57 # JerryLange: Yeah, and if those 3.0 things get finished, we can slap a 3.0 number on a build and call it a day. :) 06.39.29 # That would be awesome 06.39.46 # But really, new objectives are likely to be set for a 3.0 release anyway. 06.39.54 # Not necessarily making it harder to achieve, mind you 06.40.00 # But new bugs and such have cropped up 06.40.01 Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 06.40.47 # It's also likely that a 3.0 release will have less "features" than the current build. Things like the AAC codec, which is quite below the standards set by the other codecs, could very well not be included since they aren't release-ready, I think. 06.41.47 # The one thing im waiting for is the Light versions (strippeddown themes and other stuff) 06.42.02 # There's unlikely to be a light version 06.42.06 # Besides, what would you strip out? 06.42.14 # doom 06.42.44 # Well yeah, but that's not a "light" version, that's a "I deleted my plugins folder" version. 06.42.50 # It's not any lighter, really 06.43.21 # wps font and themes 06.43.34 # Again those are all just files you can delete. 06.43.47 # i usually remove them myself before i install them but its just one less thing i have to do :) 06.43.48 # All it'd really do is save you a few hundred kilobytes of disk space. 06.43.59 # And we don't include _any_ fonts as it is. 06.44.19 # Llorean: that is just the first that pops to mind when someone says remove 06.44.23 Join cadu [0] (i=cadu___@ZL081058.ppp.dion.ne.jp) 06.44.40 # Yeah 06.44.44 Quit Mouser_X () 06.45.03 Quit bonbonthejon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.45.07 # I just think of a "light" build as a functionally reduced one, since the disk space impact of removing most of those things is incredibly minimal on anything we support just about 06.45.30 # i think the same, but like i said...first thing ;) 06.45.43 # personally, i guess i already ahve a "light version" with tagcache 06.45.46 # errr...database 06.46.36 # i'm experiencing some battery draining thing here in my gigabeat 06.46.43 Join tdawgedogg [0] (n=joe@CPE-76-178-156-251.natnow.res.rr.com) 06.46.58 # even if i power it down, the battery seems to keep draining at a much higher rate than expected 06.47.35 # today i turned my player off at 48% charge, slept , ate, 7 hours later i turn it on , 20% battery remaining 06.47.39 # hey how do i get this 5g video ipod back into rockbox after i switched it back to reg firmware? 06.47.53 # cadu: sure it is not a battery metering problem? 06.48.00 # sure 06.48.24 # tdawgedogg: hardreset 06.48.26 # i've already played with the player in these conditions a few times and the battery got really drained 06.48.36 # how do i do a hard reset? 06.48.48 # feels like when i press power the player doesn't shuts off completely, instead something keeps on, draining battery slowly 06.49.14 # btw , a bunch of times , when i press the ON button again, a screen (from the OF i think) appears , saying "Recharge Battery" 06.49.24 # tdawgedogg: google.com/search?q=ipod+hard+reset 06.49.26 # cadu: It sounds like your battery is dying. 06.49.32 # cadu: I have no behaviour like this at all 06.49.34 # first result 06.50.09 # when that screen appears, the screen turns black again, and if i press ON again rockbox starts normally 06.50.32 # Llorean, i thought about this too, but it's improbable on a 3 week old player, that's why it got me thinking... 06.51.05 Join webguest35 [0] (i=45d04ed9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4e1fcf8cfa0d3822) 06.51.10 # cadu: It's also improbably that Rockbox is working completely differently on your player than it does on anyone else's. 06.51.16 # cadu: Perhaps you should test the original firmware for a while 06.51.37 # Also, remember, Lithium batteries performance is based on both their manufacture data and the conditions they have been stored in. 06.51.47 # A 3-week old player doesn't tell you anything about either of those. 06.52.00 # Are any of the new port proposals being considered for the SoC? 06.52.16 Join ZenMasterJG [0] (n=jordan@ 06.52.18 # webguest35: Every application for the SoC has been considered. 06.52.24 # webguest35: all proposals are being considered... 06.52.30 # bah...slow 06.53.05 # Llorean, manufacture data, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm 06.53.06 # got it 06.53.09 # that could be it 06.53.38 # Is that the way of saying that you're not going to give out any detailed information? :) 06.53.44 # this player is NEW, but manufactured like 1 year and half ago 06.53.55 Join lachlan-mc [0] (i=cbce3551@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-929466aea45b07fe) 06.53.58 # cadu: thats not abnormal 06.54.03 # sslashes: whenever i charge my 5g ipod video via wall outlet it has to be turned on...so whens its charging its on for like 6 hours. When I go to use it the battery is only 75% of the way charged cause the damn thing is on while its charging...Can i turn it off and charge it like the orginal ipod firmware? This is why i switch to the default ipod firm to charge it 06.54.04 # And the general "lifetime" of a Lithium battery is often considered to be ~2 years 06.54.14 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.54.16 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.54.24 # as i said, japan is filled with 'recycle stores' which sell mostly used stuff, and new stuff returned from customers or bought cheap from stores that didn't sell everything. 06.54.27 # tdawgedogg: The original iPod firmware is on while it's charging too. 06.54.39 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57b97dd2.dip.t-dialin.net) 06.54.49 # Rockbox just uses more power, as everyone who's done some reading of the FAQs should know 06.54.49 Quit lachlan-mc (Client Quit) 06.55.15 # webguest35: Yeah, public announcement will happen when things are finalized. 06.55.17 # well shit when its charging it should get full battery 06.55.19 # i got mine like, 3 weeks ago from one of those recycle stores, it was marked as 'new' (and japanese businessmen are trustable), but it must have stayed there for a year , doing nothing on the shelf 06.55.21 # :) 06.55.24 Join lachlan-mc [0] (i=cbce3551@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-eb3ce1263fd4e2dd) 06.55.24 # tdawgedogg: the orgional disk mode firmware is loaded durring charge 06.55.39 # sslashes: Not from a wall adapter 06.55.46 # tdawgedogg: Mine charges to full just fine. 06.55.48 # is there some place that sells battery replacements for toshibas ? 06.55.57 # Llorean: i seem to remember something about 400 cycles.. 06.55.57 # tdawgedogg: But if you know how to solve the power consumption problem, we'd love to hear it. 06.55.58 # Llorean: okay, thanks 06.55.59 # its a wall adapter with a old firewire cable 06.55.59 # Llorean: good point 06.56.19 Part webguest35 06.56.40 # Llorean: What size (inches) is the hardrive in the Gigabeat f10? 06.56.45 # o shit and when i connect it to my car usb it cycles on and off on and off and i cant charge it while listening....well i cant even charge it i dont think 06.56.55 # lachlan-mc: I believe they're 1.85" drives. 06.56.58 # i read something about holding the menu button when i plug the usb cable in 06.57.04 # when you charge your ipod when its "on" and then you unplug it does it turn on by itself? 06.57.05 # tdawgedogg: Yes, do that 06.57.28 # Llorean: Would it be possible to transplant an 80Gb drive into an f10? 06.57.38 # scorche: I thought they were more like 1200, but I don't really know. Charge cycles aren't really as important as the heat generated while charging, I believe. 06.57.45 # lachlan-mc: No 06.57.55 # too bad it cant be like my cell phone. plug it in when its dead or off and it turns half way on just to change and when you unplug it it turns itself off 06.58.00 # lachlan-mc: Anything 20gb or less is a single platter, the 40 and 60 are dual platter, a bit thicker case to fit a thicker drive 06.58.03 # ok let me go out to my car and try it right now...brb in a bit guys 06.58.19 # scorche: Hey, wikipedia says 1200 on li-ion! 06.58.28 # Llorean, when it's fully charged, it really lasts for about 14 hours (the same as another f20 in the battery tests), but turn it off and let it there for 5 hours and i lose like 15% battery :( 06.58.31 # heh...alright =) 06.58.31 # Llorean: So it would be possible to put an 80GB harddrive in an f40 then? 06.58.43 # cadu: Do you live someplace warm/hot? 06.58.56 # lachlan-mc: Should be, so long as you find a compatible hard drive (right connector) 06.59.38 # no, always fair 06.59.53 # like now....approx. 15C 07.00.01 # Llorean: I'm guessing the drive out of an 80GB iPod wouldn't work? 07.00.10 # cadu: Then as I suggested, try the original firmware for a bit to see if it shows the same symptoms 07.00.19 Quit DEWK ("http://www.vgdj.net/ -Your source for OCR related news!") 07.00.22 # lachlan-mc: Probably not, no. 07.00.46 # Llorean, will try, (fear) didn't even use it ahahahah 07.00.52 # I don't know which sort of connector the Gigabeat drive has, but I *think* it's not the ZIF connectors the iPods use 07.01.04 # got the player, so happy that now i have a rockbox target, just rockboxed it :P 07.01.38 Quit Febs (Connection timed out) 07.01.58 # Llorean: Do the F or X series of Gigabeats come in a 60GB variety, or is that only the S series? 07.02.31 # F does for sure 07.02.34 # I'm not sure about X 07.02.39 # i believe it does as well. 07.03.06 # Llorean, btw, do you know something about battery replacements for these beasts ? :) 07.03.11 # or 'hacked' ones :) 07.03.36 # like metal bubblegum case + AA + 5v converter + plug or something like that 07.03.51 # Unfortunately, no I do not. 07.03.52 # I've been looking out for Gigabeats for ages now and never seen an f60. Is there anyway to get them besides eBay? 07.04.01 # lachlan-mc: I don't believe so 07.04.18 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.05.32 # Llorean: :( 07.06.49 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 07.06.53 Quit bawb2 (Remote closed the connection) 07.07.55 Join Johtaja_ [0] (n=Johtaja@a88-112-248-21.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 07.08.25 Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@adsl-69-208-75-239.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 07.08.28 # Any1 know how i could change the sensetivity of the wheel in rockbox? 07.08.45 # You can't. 07.08.54 # Why not? 07.09.03 # Because nobody has programmed that yet. 07.09.07 # Feel free to submit a patch if you'd like to 07.09.11 # shiit 07.09.14 # ok 07.09.17 # ill try. 07.09.35 # Llorean, btw i'm progressing on the pt-br translation, when it's done, where can i send it in ? 07.09.35 Join ptw419 [0] (i=ptw419@216-188-248-211.dyn.grandenetworks.net) 07.09.46 # pt-br? 07.09.53 # portuguese-brazil 07.09.58 # Anyway, translations should be posted to flyspray under the category "patches" 07.10.10 # Though in the case of languages and translations they don't need to actually be in .diff/.patch format 07.10.24 # i'll just send the file in, yeah 07.10.30 # as it can be updated thru genlang, right ? 07.10.32 Quit lachlan-mc ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 07.10.47 Join andrewg877 [0] (n=andrew@stjhnf0124w-142162085050.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) 07.10.51 # I'm really not too familiar with how the lang system works, honestly. 07.11.17 # Unfortunately, English is my native language so I haven't really played with it. 07.11.56 # And my Spanish and Indonesian skills are too below the level necessary to help with translation efforts. 07.12.36 # i prefer using english too (second language and works wonders), also the multitude of buzzwords/technical terms makes it harder to translate to portuguese/whatever accordingly 07.12.54 # Heh. 07.12.58 # so if you understand english well, and feel comfortable reading it, i advise you to stay with it. 07.13.06 # the english lang file should basically be used as the base for all translations 07.13.25 # Yeah, that's usually the big hurdle, how to properly fit a technical term into a language that doesn't have a perfect match. 07.13.34 # one thing i noted is that my portuguese-brazil translation strings are WAY longer than the original 07.13.45 # i need to -briefly- explain it 07.14.02 # while avoiding tempting english words 07.14.02 Part JerryLange 07.14.04 Quit andrewg867 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07.14.06 # Is there anyway to change the size of the font? 07.14.13 # yet? 07.14.15 # like 'Precut' which i just translated to 'Pré-Corte' :P 07.14.17 # Johtaja_: Just pick another font that's at a different size 07.14.23 # ok 07.16.52 # Where can i change the font? 07.17.03 # Johtaja_: I suggest you read the manual some. 07.17.26 # ok 07.22.17 Quit jhulst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.23.09 # So i have to modify my theme file. 07.23.50 # Or use the "Browse Fonts" option, though it may break how your theme looks 07.26.17 # Damn rockbox is sweet :) 07.27.10 # This is true. 07.27.15 # :) 07.27.36 # Rockbox + Gigabeat (I don't know what you have) = spectacular. 07.27.50 # Sansa e270 07.28.00 # Oh, I've heard those are really nice too. 07.28.19 # :) 07.29.54 # The Sansa e200 series has a little way to go yet, but it's definitely got some potential 07.30.22 # Who is working on it? 07.30.27 # so its not bad for my ipod video 5g to be on while its charging for like 8-10 hours at a time? 07.30.45 # tdawgedogg: As I said, technically speaking the Apple firmware is on too. 07.30.48 # i would think that would wear it out or something 07.31.22 # The only parts of your iPod that can really get worn out are the drive and the battery 07.31.29 # The drive isn't doing anything, and the battery is of course charging. 07.31.31 # So, on the e270 the original firmware does this very long sequence called refresh database, how could i override it? 07.31.48 # ok ok awesome thank you man 07.32.11 # Johtaja_: You can't really override it, though our bootloader tries to set a flag that tells it that it doesn't need to refresh. This doesn't seem to work consistently yet 07.32.14 Quit HEx (No route to host) 07.32.25 # :) 07.32.26 # ok 07.33.21 Part Llorean 07.34.09 Quit tdawgedogg () 07.38.56 Join lachlan-mc [0] (i=cbce3551@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-99b0f1eed7b7cc6a) 07.42.04 Quit lachlan-mc (Client Quit) 07.52.10 Quit cadu ("Fui embora") 07.52.12 Quit eggy ("") 07.56.05 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 07.56.27 Part kaaloo 08.03.41 Quit ZenMasterJG (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 08.05.25 # Hmm, anyone around who is familiar with the wps magic? 08.05.29 # Bagder? 08.05.44 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-70-235-226-173.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 08.07.46 Quit Johtaja_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.19.25 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54b15ae5.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.24.30 Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc3-rdng11-0-0-cust229.winn.cable.ntl.com) 08.25.23 Join Johtaja_ [0] (n=Johtaja@a88-112-248-21.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 08.26.42 Part toffe82 08.28.28 Join bennyhinn [0] (n=not@203-217-78-205.dyn.iinet.net.au) 08.28.43 # ive successfully installed rockbox onto my gigabeat, now how do i change it so its more plesant to look at 08.29.35 # bennyhinn: download and install a WPS for it 08.29.53 # oh... 08.29.56 # to install a wps just unzip it into your root directory 08.30.06 # rockbox will do the rest :) 08.30.14 # bye 08.30.17 Part Johtaja_ ("Heippa, tytyy menn.") 08.31.11 # bennyhinn: What Johtaja said isn't completely true. 08.31.34 # It *should* be, but people don't always ZIP up their stuff properly. 08.31.54 # So, open the ZIP/RAR/whatever first, and see what it says. 08.37.40 Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.37.50 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.39.09 Quit Shaun2 ("Leaving") 08.39.47 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 08.45.15 Join bluebrother [0] (i=FNxt0043@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 08.58.58 Join madman_ [0] (i=MadMan@ebb192.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) 09.04.20 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.06.58 Join HEx [0] (i=HEx@213-228-241-143.dsl.prodigynet.co.uk) 09.10.08 Join Bagder_ [0] (i=dast@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-057ae6ca9518bd01) 09.10.45 # oh 09.10.48 # Mouser_X is that so 09.12.04 Join pussy [0] (i=7d18f453@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6d9b0f928016c1eb) 09.12.16 # If the first thing you see in the ZIP/file is ".rockbox" as a directory, then you should be good to go. 09.12.34 # If that's not the first thing, then you'll need to figure out what's what, and where it goes. 09.12.59 # (".rockbox" without the " marks) 09.14.05 # anyone fixed the doom2 09.14.33 Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ 09.14.54 Join tucoz [0] (n=martin@rockbox/staff/tucoz) 09.15.37 Quit kfazz (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.16.31 # bennyhinn: have you installed the font package? 09.16.47 # Oh, hmmm. Good point. 09.17.37 # what font package 09.18.05 Join kfazz [0] (n=ken@ 09.18.09 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 09.18.21 # pussy: it's on the downloads page 09.18.34 # ok 09.18.43 # it's a separate download, as the fonts do not get updated that often 09.20.30 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.25.01 # no? 09.26.21 # you'll find it from the extras link under downloads in the menu on rockbox.org 09.28.22 # and be sure to check out www.rockbox-themes.org for additional themes. Just check that the theme you are going to install does not require some custom patches. 09.28.47 # i.e. Min Version should state 'Any Recent daily build' 09.29.54 # (unless you run a patched rockbox that is) 09.30.14 Quit Eimann (Remote closed the connection) 09.30.17 Join Eimann [0] (i=eimann@chaconne.etherkiller.de) 09.30.39 # pussy: don 09.30.52 # pussy: don't think anyone is working on doom 09.31.15 Quit madman_ ("Leaving") 09.31.29 # jeez thats complex 09.31.34 # i just want it so it doesnt look so crap 09.31.42 # cause at the moment i can barely read the writing 09.31.52 # bennyhinn: download the font package then 09.32.02 # bennyhinn: then get the fonts and use a theme that comes bundled 09.32.21 Nick Bagder_ is now known as B4gder (i=dast@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-057ae6ca9518bd01) 09.32.40 # it's a simple download-unzip operation to install the fonts 09.33.20 Quit kfazz ("Leaving") 09.36.18 # can u tell me the direct link to see the 8 plugins 09.36.40 # 8 plugins? 09.36.51 # yea the site that shows the games 09.36.55 # the manual i guess 09.36.57 # chapter 8 09.36.58 # the controllers 09.37.05 # pussy: what player? 09.37.20 # iupod video 09.37.33 # http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-buildch8.html#x11-1180008 09.37.54 # http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-build.html this is way better 09.38.40 # i thought you wanted the plugin chapter 09.40.41 # hey when i watch a video off the rockbox how do i fast forward 09.41.48 # i am not sure, but i do not think that is possible (yet) 09.42.13 # huh ... u can't FF or rew yet? 09.42.29 # pussy: that's right 09.43.26 # so you have to watch start wars in 1 go :) 09.44.14 Quit Rob222241 () 09.44.14 Join roolku [0] (n=roolku@82-41-2-141.cable.ubr01.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 09.44.28 # NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... 09.44.32 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15AE5.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.44.39 # imagine how we are gonna watch porn like 09.45.06 # feel free to improve the mpeg player 09.45.16 # but how 09.45.28 # implement the ff and rew feature 09.45.29 # modify the source code 09.46.08 # ok what do i type? 09.46.09 # pussy: or wait for linuxstb to do it 09.46.13 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p5496735a.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.46.24 # pussy: programming code written in C 09.46.36 # ahh 09.46.45 # pussy: if we new what to type, it would be there already. it requires time, skill and a lot of testing 09.47.04 # yes, accurate seeking will be tricky 09.47.14 # at least with some files 09.47.23 # ok for the roms .. gameboy roms it doesn't work for me any ideas y? 09.47.34 Nick Stalwart^ is now known as Stalwart (n=stalwart@ip-10.154.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv) 09.47.35 # and where should the roms be dumped 09.47.43 # only gameboy and gameboy color roms work 09.47.54 # doesn't matter where you put them 09.48.14 # pussy: you clicked on a rom and nothing happened? 09.49.38 # first of all i got a rar file given by a friend 09.50.02 # and when i clicked on the game its all messed up (full of text files 09.50.06 Join mbr [0] (n=mbr@p3ee05c95.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.50.52 Join Guile [0] (n=Guile@ 09.51.24 # pussy: simply copy a .gb or .gbc file to you ipod, and start it in rockbox exactly like you would play a mp3 09.53.42 # i'll test now 09.54.35 # jeez the font is small 09.55.04 # tucoz: the game size is amll as a rat 09.55.48 # is it all-whining day today? 09.55.56 # hehe. guess so 09.57.53 # bennyhinn: Then change it. 09.58.02 # bennyhinn: the font will stay small until you install the font package and select another one 09.59.20 # where do we get the games 09.59.36 # what games? 10.00.06 # rockbox games are included in the zip you downloaded when you installed rockbox 10.00.14 # for gb, use google 10.03.18 # lol all is french 10.03.29 # you can increase the font size without getting other fonts I think, on my ipod 5.5 it's possible 10.03.45 # french is great =) 10.04.16 # no you can't the only way to change size is to pick a different font 10.05.12 # tucoz: heydo u have any direct links for the roms u use 10.05.34 # I remember a "changing font size" function on my ipod 10.05.37 # pussy: no. i do not use any roms. but i am sure you can use google 10.05.43 # Guile: this is rockbox... 10.06.03 # yes, with rockbox 10.06.12 # then look again, there is no such option 10.06.14 # the fonts are bitmapped 10.06.20 # they can't be resized 10.06.27 # okay 10.06.37 # well, they can, but not very nicely 10.07.10 # anyway now I use the magnificent ubuntu wps =) 10.12.56 # if the fonts are tiny it's not the fonts. It's the display being too high resolution ;-) 10.13.10 # morning tucoz :) 10.14.47 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 10.15.04 # just changed the mpegplayer to display non 16x16 sized movies 10.15.44 # for my 320x136 star wars version :) 10.17.03 # let me know if I broke any videos by accident 10.17.50 Join decayedcell_ [0] (n=decayed_@ppp142-248.lns3.mel6.internode.on.net) 10.18.20 Part decayedcell_ 10.18.36 Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.18.37 Join Xerion_ [0] (i=xerion@vhe-382201.sshn.net) 10.18.51 Nick Xerion_ is now known as Xerion (i=xerion@vhe-382201.sshn.net) 10.20.13 # anyone uses gbc roms? 10.24.42 # morning bluebrother 10.24.59 # pussy: enter the words gameboy and roms in google 10.31.04 # pussy: I've used some 10.31.16 # ok thx ... i found a workin 1 10.31.46 # what does [u] or [c] mean? 10.31.52 # on the roms 10.32.49 # can i rename the roms(will anything happen? 10.33.02 # it will explode ;-) 10.33.09 # no, it's just a filename 10.33.29 # why don't you just try it yourself? It won't damage your player, so it's safe. 10.34.27 # pussy: the only thing that matters is the file extension (.gb or .gbc) 10.35.14 Join Siltaar [0] (n=Siltaar@ 10.35.24 # hi Siltaar 10.35.30 # hello markun 10.36.39 # Am I needed for something ? 10.37.01 # not really 10.37.27 # ouf ^_^ 10.37.50 # ok thx 10.38.29 # can someone here help me out lol, i obviously want to change the look of my rock box, but i only just installed it, and i gather u need a number of files that all go to a different spot 10.38.35 # im seriously square one here 10.38.52 # i do have a sound backing in computing however 10.39.07 # so what's wrong with all the help you've got so far? 10.39.54 # what about Settings/List of themes ? 10.40.47 # bennyhinn: you were told about the fonts and told about the themes/wps...what help is there left to give? 10.41.21 Join Hoffmann__ [0] (n=ber@c-69-248-210-174.hsd1.de.comcast.net) 10.41.25 Quit Hoffmann_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.42.06 Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1510d60953a17777) 10.42.59 # a shame that the 500 per student will come after devcon...less beer for poor Preglow 10.45.06 # bennyhinn: besides the good looks (ahem..) rockbox also is a very good music player! 10.45.23 # Hi, I have two questions: a. where are comments for a function best placed -- in .c or in .h? And b. Why are there so little comments in RB code? As an open source project it should have much more IMHO since there are many new developers. 10.45.49 # crop: place them in the c file I would say 10.46.05 # yes, everone should spend lots of more time on Rockbox! 10.46.09 # I demand it! 10.46.32 # * scorche grovels 10.46.38 # * bluebrother fears of B4gder demanding time and goes hiding 10.46.51 # crop: maybe you can add some comments while you are trying to understand the code 10.46.56 # some more would be nice indeed 10.47.03 # * scorche wishes this B4gder would go away and the non-leet one would return 10.47.18 # *g* 10.47.35 # markun: yes. I rarely see a function with an explanation what it does and what the params mean. 10.47.58 # placing comments in header files doesn't make too much sense imo -- you usually edit the c file anyway ... 10.48.13 # * bluebrother would like to see the code commented doxygen-style 10.48.16 # Zagor: if you have a few minutes, could you enable the editing of commit messages in svn? currently it says: "Repository has not been enabled to accept revision propchanges; ask the administrator to create pre-revprop-change hook" Cheers 10.48.49 # bluebrother: ok, your job application has been accepted :) 10.48.59 # bluebrother: hi, I've found the recording settings. I missed them because in the General settings, there is a sequence of "xxx settings" followed by "browse themes", and then comes "recording settings". My sweep stopped at "browse themes", I assumed there will be no "xxx settings" anymore 10.49.33 # crop: I found this sorting to be a bit strange a couple of times myself 10.49.41 # roolku: has this been discussed? could message editing open us up for vandalism if one committer goes rogue (or has hacked)? 10.49.49 # especially when switching from the h120 to the ipod mini 10.49.53 # s/has/is 10.50.24 # bluebrother: but placing the comments into .h has the advantage that you can quickly have an overview of all funcs. But OTOH you are right, this is better done with a tool 10.51.08 # crop I'm supporting .h placing comment idea 10.51.12 # bluebrother: shouldn't it be changed then? 10.51.29 # Zagor: we had this with cvs and there was general disbelief when I said one couldn't do it with svn 10.51.40 # crop: IMO comments should be in the source files and some tool should generate that overview documentation. I find doxygen really great for this. 10.51.46 # Zagor: it would be enough to be able to edit your own ? 10.51.47 # Siltaar: but commenting .c is better because then the comments are where code is 10.51.58 # i know its a very good looking player but at the moment i cannot see that cause i just installed it and it looks like, worse that crap 10.52.04 # but i know it can look better... 10.52.04 # roolku: we could edit messages in cvs? I didn't know that... 10.52.08 # haven't used it on projects as large Rockbox, but ... 10.52.09 # I found cool to have one comment for the purpose of each function in .h, and only needed comments in body of function in .c 10.52.26 # markun: if you provide the time ;-) 10.52.33 # So the rule is that comments should be where the commented stuff is. I.e. structs are commented in .h while func are commented in .c? 10.53.06 # Zagor: yes, a few meaningless ones have been corrected after critisism on irc :) 10.53.06 # I do it that way. But afaik there is no general comment rule 10.53.12 # (for Rockbox that is) 10.53.36 # maybe we should create one. Force all to use doxygen comments! ;-) 10.53.41 # roolku: yeah, if we can restrict editing to your own commits I would agree it's harmless. I haven't looked into that part of svn configuration, perhaps you already have? 10.54.22 # Zagor: unfortunately no - only on the client side 10.55.16 # roolku: ok. i'll take a look then. 10.55.35 # Zagor: thank you 10.55.36 # bluebrother: the fact that the comments are present (and are meaningful) would be a huge step forward. The style is not that important IMHO 10.56.11 # crop: sure, but having all comments in some style that allows automatic extraction would be nice too. 10.56.23 # so if adding comments, why not do it "right" the first time? 10.56.31 # * amiconn thinks doxygen-style comments have a negative effect on code readability 10.56.33 # we only need to agree about "right" 10.56.45 # amiconn: why? 10.57.04 Quit mbr ("User disconnected") 10.57.09 # in most cases it's just a comment block in front of every function. 10.57.20 # It's a weird format for humans.... 10.57.34 # it's really nice once you got used to it. 10.57.37 # And I'd rather stuff away the function comments in .h files 10.58.10 # for "public" functions it fits in the .h file, but for local functions there's no place for them in the .h 10.58.21 # * amiconn prefers to have only a few comments in .c files. Too many of them make it harder to read and understand the code imho 10.58.51 # I don't think that's related to the amount of comments, but rather the quality of them 10.59.08 # * bluebrother agrees on this. 10.59.30 Join mbr [0] (n=mbr@p3ee05c95.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.59.34 Quit pussy ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 10.59.38 # I've seen function comments using like 10+ lines with information that fitted on 2 lines 10.59.42 # It's also the pure amount of comment. If I have to scroll over half a page of comments between every 2 functions it makes it hard to spot the functions itself 10.59.45 # (outside of Rockbox ;-) 10.59.59 # such a debate would have its place in a static forum isn't it ? 11.00.03 # Especially if the functions itself are short 11.00.13 # a static forum? 11.00.14 # * bluebrother whisperes about syntax hilighting and code folding 11.00.22 # a forum 11.00.30 # I do use syntax highlighting 11.00.30 # why? 11.00.38 # we don't have many devs reading any "forum" 11.00.41 # But no folding, because that irritates me 11.01.03 # * amiconn would need an editor that can fold away comment-only lines perhaps 11.01.13 # hehe 11.01.14 # in order to extract and keep a consensus 11.01.25 # amiconn: I bet you can make emacs do that ;-) 11.01.29 Quit mbr (Client Quit) 11.01.31 # gah 11.01.40 # hilight comments with the background color? 11.01.48 # Siltaar: don't think we need to have any formal voting for that 11.01.58 # That would still make them take up their space 11.01.59 Join mbr [0] (n=mbr@p3ee05c95.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.02.05 Quit jhulst_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.02.22 Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@adsl-69-208-75-239.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 11.03.17 # erm so no one wants 2 help me out 11.03.28 Join Entasis [0] (n=Jarred@ppp146-113.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net) 11.03.33 # amiconn: sometimes a very short function needs a lot of explanation. But yes, it's all about the comments quality, not just amount 11.04.24 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.04.42 # bennyhinn: almost every one already has but you don't answer us 11.05.16 # E.g. the function set_backlight_timeout(int) needs a comment about what the param is. I'd suggest that it's the time (what unit?) but no, it's an index in an array of predefined values. Weird! 11.05.35 Quit kurbjunk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.06.10 # that's where I like doxygen comments: @param time index to array of predefined timeout values 11.06.38 # no idea how to make this shorter and better without that style (except my wording maybe ;-) 11.09.56 # B4gder: is it possible to fold code with emacs? 11.10.32 # tucoz: it's possible with vim, so emacs needs to suppport that ;-) 11.11.03 # hehe. let me google and find out 11.11.18 # tucoz: yes I think it's possible in emacs, I'm almost certain c-mode already supports it 11.12.14 # looks like it is possible. the question is how :) 11.12.56 # * tucoz has lots of stuff to learn in emacs 11.13.28 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 11.21.47 Join inversions [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) 11.25.10 Join safetydan [0] (n=dan@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 11.27.52 Quit lee-qid (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 11.30.59 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 11.31.17 # hey all 11.31.24 # did I miss anything interesting the last 2 days? 11.33.40 Join pabs [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 11.34.22 # yes, the hi speed french train broke a speed record yesterday 11.39.38 Join Sproxy [0] (n=sproxy@195.219-200-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) 11.40.46 # Is rockbox a OS or is it a module for ipodlinux? 11.41.02 Quit Hoffmann__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.43.03 # Sproxy it's its own OS 11.43.43 # okay tucoz - could you tell me what theme ur using 11.45.39 # tucoz: there's for example a quite advanced hide-ifdef-mode that uses folding 11.45.53 # depending on what defines you set 11.50.17 # is it working on the 4G 11.50.34 # Sproxy, yes 11.51.30 # is it better then the apple ipod os? 11.52.02 # Sproxy, apart from battery life and no DRM file support I'd say yes. 11.52.15 # It depends on what you like. Those who use RB do like it (RB) 11.53.47 # FARK! apparently the go_to_previous loops arent completyl removed :'( 11.54.35 # Have a bug? 11.55.31 # yeah 11.55.33 # bennyhinn: i use a h120 (gray), so i guess you could get some prettier themes for your player 11.56.25 # B4gder: cool. i found a page on the emacs wiki explaining what to do. never even thought that it was possible. 11.56.59 # I never got into that, I'm not really a friend of folding source code 11.57.32 # maybe not in c, but for other languages structured in a different way it is usefull. like java 11.58.07 # tucoz: we dont appreciate that kind of vulgarity in here 11.58.10 # s/it is/could be/ ;) 11.58.13 # hehe, sorry 11.58.45 # I stick to C .-) 11.59.17 # nothing wrong with Java. It certainly pays my bills :) 11.59.38 # aye...i couldnt get up without coffee 11.59.41 # java scares me so much I run away if it comes near me 11.59.56 # haha 12.00.09 # * tucoz throws a JVM B4gder's way 12.00.14 # What's to be scared of? It's just a harmless little "C++ lite" language :) 12.00.29 # yeah, the language itself is pretty harmless I agree 12.00.47 # I just don't like the layers of layers of layers of goo that comes with it 12.00.50 # public class nuisance { 12.01.14 # now I'll go poke in some bare metal instead 12.01.26 # s/in/on 12.01.42 # * safetydan goes back to pretending he knows anything about optimising C code... 12.01.43 # im not looking for pretty, im just lookin for practical!! the one im usin atm is far from practical, its the basic one actually 12.02.10 # bennyhinn: gigabeat? 12.02.23 # bennyhinn: seriously...what else do you want from us?...we have told you everything, and yet you choose to ignore us 12.03.00 # bennyhinn: use the settings menu and select a different theme 12.03.10 # JdGordon: what's the bug? 12.03.30 # 6965 12.06.02 # bennyhinn: my advice would be to use rockbox for a while, try to find answers on your own and ask questions again after a few days 12.06.06 # Hrm... Then I'm wise in never using WPS as the start screen! :-) 12.07.22 Quit Sproxy ("!!ByeBye!!") 12.08.18 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 12.12.34 # 16 716 329 12.12.41 # it's not my phone number 12.13.08 # it should be the number of line of every files of my rockbox folder 12.13.23 # gigabeat yeah 12.13.28 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 12.13.37 # scorche, if your not gonna help, i suggest just go bak to bein idle 12.13.47 # daurnimator: you got a usb cdrom i can borrow? 12.13.56 # i dont have a few days i just wanna get this done 12.13.57 # but I listed my build directory too... 12.13.59 Join Hoffmann [0] (n=ber@c-69-248-210-174.hsd1.de.comcast.net) 12.14.20 # bennyhinn: then maybe you are better of with the original firmware.. 12.14.45 # bennyhinn: then follow our advise. 1) download font package, 2) select different theme from the menu (they come bundled with rockbox) 12.14.47 # did you check the manual? 12.15.03 # JdGordon: yes 12.15.10 # JdGordon: why 12.15.25 # thats it just download a font package? i dont need to worry about themes 12.15.28 # bennyhinn: 3) play around with the menus, see what happens, consult the manual 12.15.41 # bennyhinn: download it and unzip it to your player 12.15.46 # daurnimator: I need to reinstall and i tinhk this cdrom is fubar :'( 12.15.50 # for my lappy... 12.15.56 Quit crop ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 12.16.01 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsGigabeatF 12.16.09 # that page shows something what i want my box too look like 12.16.12 # bennyhinn: a couple of themes come bundled with rockbox, but you need the fontpackage for them to work properly 12.16.40 # youd think changing the skin would be the easy park and the instillation be the difficult, its the other way around 12.16.44 # bennyhinn: go and read the manual man, you are wearing us down.. 12.16.50 # wait a minute 12.17.03 # no i dont want to stuf it up and theres like 3 different areas i need to download and change 12.17.13 # bennyhinn: how can you say its hard when you haven't even tried. it IS dead easy 12.17.16 # so? 12.17.25 # bennyhinn: stop being an ass, go read the manual and come back in two hours with specific questions 12.17.25 # markun, if your not gonna help, go talk in a different channel, this channel is entitled rockbox for a reason! its not titled 'chatters4fun' 12.17.40 # because i have tried! 12.17.41 # please stop bennyhinn 12.17.48 # bennyhinn: hey, without me you wouldn't even be able to run rockbox on your Gigabeat 12.17.51 # oh come on tucoz your my last hope 12.18.08 # bennyhinn: i've told you what to do 12.18.08 # really markun? i do remember using the manual to instal it 12.18.32 Mode "#rockbox +o B4gder " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 12.18.38 # bennyhinn: I started the Gigabeat port 12.19.11 # bennyhinn: download this and unzip to your player: http://download.rockbox.org/daily/fonts/rockbox-fonts.zip 12.20.01 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B95473.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.20.07 # sweet 12.20.10 # now were gettin somewhere 12.20.24 # we told you this several hours ago 12.20.33 # and probably several times as well 12.20.34 # copy and paste it IF YOU DID 12.20.47 # soz caps 12.20.49 # you mean the link? 12.21.06 # 09:16 < tucoz> bennyhinn: have you installed the font package? 12.21.26 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 12.22.11 # 09:26 < tucoz> you'll find it from the extras link under downloads in the menu on rockbox.org 12.22.13 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.22.34 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B95473.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.22.43 # (it's 12:22 here now) 12.23.20 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.23.27 # i dont see the link there 12.23.39 # I see them clearly 12.23.40 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B95473.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.23.42 # is uninstalling rockbox or reverting bak to the original firmware easy to do? 12.23.49 # yes 12.24.17 # alright lets try this baby out 12.24.43 # if you have a backup of the original GBSYSTEM/FWIMG/FWIMG01.DAT file just copy it back and reboot 12.25.04 # markun: you are opening a can of worms... 12.25.36 # tucoz: maybe I should just use the /ignore features instead of getting more pissed off 12.25.44 # me too 12.25.47 # I think so 12.25.58 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rob92-6-82-231-243-63.fbx.proxad.net) 12.26.15 # we are just annoyed by an anonymous inconpetent 12.26.19 # but then I can't help looking at the logs for anything I might have missed :) 12.26.46 # hehe. damn logs 12.27.14 # linuxstb: Was there a reason we didn't allow for non-16x16 resolutions in mpegplayer before? 12.27.16 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.27.35 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B95473.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.27.36 # a CS reflex : /vote benny-machin RTFM 12.28.09 # amiconn: Do you have any reference for the "+r" assembly constraint syntax (re the Speex patch)? 12.28.13 # Siltaar: I have no idea what you are talking about :) 12.28.25 # markun: No. 12.28.54 # jmspeex: are you after more information than what's here? http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Modifiers.html#Modifiers 12.28.55 # markun a voting system to exclude annoyers from online computer games, Counter-Strike for instance... 12.29.58 # just cause i dont have extensive knowledge in C++ and java programing, doesnt mean im an incompetent ass, im a newb alright! compared to u guys that is 12.30.23 # bennyhinn: don't worry, we will not ask you to do any programming 12.30.47 # just a little more respect maybe 12.31.08 # im tryin to i asked nicely the first 3 times and i was completely ignored, and those were *the very first time* 12.31.09 # you clam for links that are possible to find in the web site, it's not a programming feature 12.31.16 # safetydan: well, I'm also trying to figure out what's the difference between using + and using separate input and output constrained to the same register. 12.31.25 # bennyhinn: you ask for help, and we tell you what to do, but then you tell us that we haven't helped you. that is a bit annoying 12.31.26 # i dont expect any respect, but when i dont get a response after several hours of patience, i start to get impatient 12.31.38 # bennyhinn: Read the IRC logs here - you weren't ignored. http://www.rockbox.org/irc/current.txt 12.31.41 # bennyhinn: YOU GOT MULTIPLE 12.31.48 # bennyhinn: well, it didn't look to me like you were being ignored, that's why we were getting tired of you asking the same questions over and over again 12.32.07 Quit entheh ("^~") 12.32.25 # i was gettin tired myself constantly asking! 12.32.34 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 12.32.36 # * B4gder uses the fine /ignore 12.32.49 # bennyhinn: try this: http://forums.rockbox.org/ 12.32.55 # listen markun its easy for u to call me competent, you bloody invented rockbox and designed and created it! 12.33.06 # im sure if it came to say something like riding a motorbike you would be askin me for help 12.33.08 # sorry, I did 12.33.28 # jmspeex: One difference is that using separate input and output constraints with references generates warnings on gcc 3.4+, while combined in/out does not 12.33.29 # bennyhinn: I would never have called you competent :) 12.33.35 # markun stayed calm... 12.33.42 # safetydan: Also, I didn't see "+" mentionned anywhere, so I was wondering if it was a new feature. 12.33.47 # Also, the combined constraints are much more readable imho 12.34.17 # amiconn: And you're sure you don't need to list it at all in the inputs, right? 12.34.41 # * jmspeex doesn't like applying patches without being able to even compile them... 12.34.41 # The gcc manual says it all... 12.35.23 Join himitsu [0] (n=himitsu@ 12.35.36 # amiconn: I submitted your arm constraint changes to the speex list which is why jmspeex is here asking about them 12.35.37 # I'll check again anyway. 12.35.49 # jmspeex: thanks for your fine codec btw! 12.36.09 # I just wanted to be really sure it wouldn't break anything... 12.36.18 # markun: you're welcome :-) 12.37.15 # jmspeex: while you're here, is stereo decoding something that will be supported by the fixed point decoder? 12.37.22 # amiconn: So is Speex working fine on ARM? 12.37.28 # jmspeex: The '+' modifier exists at least since gcc 3.0 ... 12.37.42 # jmspeex: it's working fine on my ARM based player 12.38.06 # And I checked the generated assembly; the isnsn sequence is identical for '+' and for separate in/out with references 12.38.28 # Just that separate in/out with reference generates warnings, and '+' does not 12.39.15 # http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-3.0.4/gcc_20.html#SEC221 <= The respective section in the gcc 3.0.4 manual 12.39.22 # amiconn: OK, I'll apply then. 12.39.40 # does anyone know if you can use a ide cdrom with those cheap usb>ide convertors? 12.42.35 # JdGordon: i do 12.42.50 # keeps my hot burner out of my hot case. 12.42.51 # they work? 12.43.04 # great :) does it have to be set to master? 12.43.26 # yes, I have two optical drives on two CompUSA branded cheap-o USB-PATA adapters. 12.43.30 # hebrew fonts? heh.. 12.43.47 # I don't know if they are set to master or not, actually. I assume they are. 12.44.26 # I know Rockbox has an arabjoin.c file, so do we have a font that supports Arabic letters? 12.45.24 # unless unifont has them, I dont tihnk so 12.45.40 # Soap: it works :) now to see if i can boot from it 12.45.51 # where do i put the fonts folder 12.46.01 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 12.46.23 # bennyhinn: just unzip the archive to the root of your player 12.46.30 # the fonts will go where they need to 12.46.35 # safetydan: markun is Mr. Unicode 12.46.48 # okay done, woah therse so many, whats a good one, nice and big 12.46.49 # bennyhinn: Inside the ".rockbox" folder - there should already be a fonts folder there. But as Nico_P said, the folder structure is stored inside the zip, so just extract the zip to your player. 12.48.00 # bennyhinn: for the gigabeat, you might want to try nimbus19 12.48.23 # but you should have a look at the themes too 12.49.13 # ah okay not bad not bad 12.49.20 # theres only 4 12.50.06 # bennyhinn: yes, the gigabeat is not very well equipped in themes. you can get new ones here : http://www.rockbox-themes.org/index.php?res=240x320x16 12.50.46 # safetydan: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UnicodeFonts 12.51.14 # what would be a suggestable theme for the gigabeat 12.51.19 # in particular the F series 12.51.25 # oh 12.51.31 # gotchya Nico_P :P 12.51.44 # can u get an iPod resembling theme? 12.51.46 # that would be cool 12.52.01 # wow the choice here is amazing though 12.52.03 # markun, wow, there's a page for everything :) 12.52.19 # and if there isn't you can always make one yourself :) 12.52.38 # that was for safetydan, but could also apply to bennyhinn's question :) 12.52.58 # hey this is easy, i think im gettin the hang of this 12.53.08 # bennyhinn: nice 12.53.38 Part tucoz (""gone fishing"") 12.54.11 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-33.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) 12.54.21 # bennyhinn: makeing themes is quite easy too 12.56.01 # whoooohooo got my theme on, and its a chicks but 12.57.33 # its gotta decode every image and you cant flip them? 12.57.39 # i mean rotate 13.01.36 # bennyhinn: you mean in the JPEG viewer ? 13.04.16 # yer 13.04.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.06.22 Join Moos [0] (i=Moos@m135.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 13.10.23 # omg this is so sik ive got it playing my songs now, aac 256 kb quality this is awesome the ONLY problem i have with it is that the menu system on the firmware is ugly but the player is awe inspring 13.16.07 Quit inversions (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.16.41 # no animated buttons? 13.20.11 Join JdGordon [0] (i=dced3920@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e577e1b2868e039e) 13.21.09 Quit JdGordon (Client Quit) 13.21.16 # bennyhinn: nooo. 13.21.21 # read the manual. 13.21.31 # it also doesn't cook coffee. 13.31.05 Quit kubiix (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.34.05 Quit Zagor (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.35.02 # bluebrother: the manual needs a few words about cuesheet support... should I make a patch ? 13.36.31 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 13.37.11 # hey the ipod theme is really cool 13.38.29 # Nico_P: feel free to. 13.39.02 # the manual needs quite a bit of work ... hopefully I find the time in a couple of weeks. 13.39.12 # bluebrother: I'll try but my latex skills are very limited 13.40.52 # that's not a problem. I'll do the cleanup afterwards ;-) 13.45.01 # how to: delete old themes 13.45.13 # bluebrother: make manual acts weird here 13.45.15 # bluebrother if you wrote the manual am i allowed to make some suggestions 13.45.33 # delete the files that are part of the theme 13.45.34 # Zagor: did you see my e-mail (last week)? 13.46.07 # pondlife: yes I did. I haven't been able to look at it yet though. 13.46.13 # (i.e. the issue) 13.46.18 # OK, no worries - just checking it's not in your spam bin 13.46.27 # and the rest of the files will delete automatically? 13.46.33 # wait a minute, i think my rockbox just froze 13.46.36 # LinusN always spam bins my e-mails for some reason :) 13.46.41 # bennyhinn: no, you have to delete the files yourself 13.46.45 # "the files" doesn't tell you to only delete one file 13.47.07 # oh i thought u mean that as in the 'themes' not the other stuf like fonts backgrounds etc 13.47.18 # jeez i couldnt do that cause i dunno which ones would be associated with which theme 13.47.41 # you can always remove all themes and reinstall the ones you want to keep 13.47.52 # oh good it froze 13.48.56 # oh okay i didnt save the themes to my desktop 13.50.27 Quit safetydan (Remote closed the connection) 13.52.24 Quit Jon-Kha ("leaving") 13.52.41 Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-kha@a91-152-66-39.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 13.52.44 # bennyhinn: or just remove the cfg files from the themes dir. 13.52.59 # why is it when you press files it takes ages for your album list to load, or is that just the gigabeat? 13.53.17 # enable dircache 13.53.17 # enable dircache 13.53.17 # Nico_P:: doesnt that leave the other crap that came alone with the theme in the gigabeat 13.53.24 # bennyhinn: turn on dircache 13.53.25 # enable dircache 13.53.30 Quit Jon-Kha (Client Quit) 13.53.37 # and this would be under which menu again 13.53.43 # bennyhinn: it does 13.53.44 # read manual 13.53.58 # you can even search the manual! 13.54.02 # u could just give me 1 word save me 10 minutes of searching through the bible of manuals 13.54.04 # wooo! 13.54.12 # bennyhinn: it doesn't save you anything 13.54.13 # "dircache"? 13.54.22 # you'll just ask for more things that are also in the manual 13.54.29 # it's only one manual. Not bibles ... 13.54.39 # woa this thing has games 13.54.42 Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@p54bcf7f4.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.54.52 # * GodEater_ prays for divine intervention 13.54.54 # it has even crashed! 13.55.04 # * bluebrother joins GodEater_ 13.55.10 # bluebrother: I have trouble building the manual: http://www.pastebin.ca/423744 13.55.14 # *crashes 13.55.19 Quit aliask (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.55.33 # Nico_P: you're running ubuntu? 13.55.37 # YES 13.55.42 # sorry, yes :) 13.55.47 # ah. The dash issue. 13.56.15 # that's nice and cryptic 13.56.15 # apply the patch from http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6919 first 13.56.47 # ah, that sort of dash :) 13.56.48 # haven't found for a better fix yet, but I'll fix that 13.56.55 # I was thinking more hyphen :) 13.56.59 # yes, that not-bash thing 13.57.25 # bluebrother: thanks 13.59.12 # I get the pdf file but there is an error. should I care ? 14.02.26 # depends on the error. 14.02.43 # what does it say? 14.03.00 # depends on if the pdf opens and contains what looks like a manual for rockbox I'd say 14.05.53 # \away 14.06.16 # grmphfff. 14.06.22 # bluebrother: /bin/sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected 14.06.29 Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-kha@a91-152-66-39.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 14.07.39 # seems to be related to the previous issue 14.07.48 # it occurs just at the end of the output 14.17.33 Join fudgeyou [0] (n=not@203-217-78-205.dyn.iinet.net.au) 14.18.11 # gosh i wish i could have someone here explain to me what stereo width means and why it isnt at 100% by default 14.21.05 Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.21.08 Join preglow [0] (n=thomjoha@rockbox/developer/preglow) 14.21.10 # sheesh 14.21.54 # oh okay i found it bluebrother page 22 of 141 14.23.36 Quit bennyhinn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.26.33 # yay works really well now hell yeah 14.26.40 # does ipod use directory chaching too? 14.26.48 Join ackbahr [0] (n=ackbahr@d83-180-248-74.cust.tele2.ch) 14.28.56 # Nico_P: sounds like a problem with the makefile setup 14.29.09 # fudgeyou: you can use dircache. That's not related to ipods 14.29.51 # oh ok 14.30.01 # i guess ipods are fast since they use their own patented directory structure 14.30.18 # where songs are indexed in coding format 14.30.46 Quit ackbahr (Client Quit) 14.31.55 # we don't care much about original firmwares 14.31.56 # er no 14.32.02 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 14.35.44 # yeh but, i mean if you had some degree of interest in them you could 'take' something from them, not literally, but like yeah 14.36.19 # fudgeyou: no. Ipods use a standard FAT like all other players do 14.36.28 # they don't have any such things you say 14.36.33 # there is non patented directory structure. 14.37.22 # that "indexing" of the songs is some database, and I assume this gets loaded to RAM all times (like the Rockbox database can do but is not required to) 14.38.01 # Nico_P: that error could be cause by the copying of the resulting file or similar 14.39.24 # bluebrother: it doesn't prevent me from testing my changess I'm just ignoring it 14.39.25 # whats faster having it loaded on ram or not 14.39.33 # its still a bit slow i think i didnt do it right 14.39.42 # RAM is faster but leaves less room for buffering the aurio 14.39.48 # *audio 14.39.56 # why would one wish to buffer the audio 14.40.03 # you always buffer the audio 14.40.11 # do you want to have the disc spinning all the time? 14.40.12 # why isn't dircache enabled by default ? 14.40.31 # because it wastes precious buffer on the devices with small buffers 14.40.38 # i.e. archos devices. 14.40.52 # do i want the disc spinning all the time? well this doesnt use a disc, its a no moving parts player 14.41.08 # fudgeyou: the ipod video without hdd? 14.41.09 # maybe we should activate it by default on SWCODEC targets ? 14.41.12 # no this is relitively recent this would have a good buffer size 14.41.18 # but I'd vote for shipping some sensible default configurations for the players instead 14.41.31 # its not an ipod video its a gigabeat, its a piece of shyte compared to the ivido 14.41.45 # gigabeat without hdd is about as rare 14.41.47 # the ipod video has 32 / 64 MiB RAM for buffering the audio 14.42.07 # sansa, ondio and nano are the only supported players without a hdd. 14.42.15 # unless you modded yours of course 14.42.21 # dircache and database in ram isn't even compiled for archos 14.42.26 # and they use the buffer the same way the hdd based one does anyway 14.42.54 # it is not? Well, then we could enable it per default, right? 14.43.23 # But as long as dircache is in the state it currently is, I'd vote against making it enabled by default even on big-ram targets 14.43.50 # what's the problem with dircache? I'm using it since it's included, and I haven't experienced any problems. 14.43.58 # the firmware that came with the gigabeat was such a piece of shyte, even the latest update could only handle mp3, wav and wma, im sorry but aac is the way of the future, and players that can play any format are aswell 14.44.45 # fudgeyou: as I said, we don't care much for what the OF does or doesn't 14.44.56 Join ctaf [0] (n=ctaf@ram94-6-82-242-23-70.fbx.proxad.net) 14.45.01 # (1) With really many files (e.g. hvsc; don't have that myself), it fails to go active, and re-scans on every boot in the foreground 14.45.22 # just givin the run down 14.45.31 # (2) With fairly many files it works, but takes a while to scan (in the background). While it's doing that, shutdown doesn't work 14.45.52 # Rockbox will force a shutdwon after 30 seconds or so, causing a nasty hdd click 14.46.34 # never experienced that myself, but it is indeed nasty. 14.47.18 # amiconn u a gigabeat user 14.47.19 # ? 14.47.30 # Happens all the time since I enabled dircache on my H180 for testing. Will probably disable it again because of that, and because it doesn't have a positive effect considering my usage patterns 14.48.37 # It eats ram, uses up battery during it's scan on boot, certainly more than what I would use for browsing 14.48.52 # the fact that rockbox can handle .aac files and the latest gigabeat firmware cant - thats whats got my stunned 14.52.18 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ 14.52.57 Quit perldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.54.32 # bluebrother: I've added a bit of info abut cues. I think it's good to commit 14.54.44 # bluebrother: want to see the patch first ? 14.54.54 # why not? 14.55.43 # can you pastebin me a diff? 14.56.07 # amiconn: do you think it's possible to make ircache scaning on background faster? 14.56.28 # bluebrother: http://www.pastebin.ca/423826 14.56.42 # amiconn: I thought that Slasheri made the thing as fast as possible 14.57.07 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 14.57.11 Join pearldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) 14.57.35 # you can view a cuesheet? Wasn't aware of that. 14.57.37 Quit RaRe` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.57.55 # otherwise the diff looks fine. 14.58.06 # bluebrother: yes, and if it's the one for the current track, you can skip in it with the viewer 14.58.33 Join directhex|work [0] (n=jms@osc-bigmac.oerc.ox.ac.uk) 14.58.35 # I also added pause on headphone unplug for the gigabeat 14.58.44 # and it works well too 14.58.56 # ok. Maybe I should create a cue sheet from one of my discs 14.59.04 # noticed that. nice. 14.59.13 # I'll commit then 14.59.24 # great. 14.59.32 # any ideas why occasionally my database gets re-committed? i'll start up my gigabeat, and it'll decide to give me an extra copy of my database, leading to multiple copies of every track 15.00.37 Join RaRe [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) 15.04.31 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.05.27 Join donutman25 [0] (n=chatzill@ 15.08.14 # directhex|work: sounds like a bug to me 15.08.48 # B4gder, the best kind - one that's hard to reproduce reliably! 15.08.53 # Febs: reason i'm not signed up despite the very good agenda is that i already have plans for that weekend :/ 15.08.55 # yeah :-/ 15.09.13 # :) 15.09.48 # preglow: don't worry, we'll increase the amount of beer until you bend! 15.09.55 # :-) 15.10.53 # If it weren't for the fact that I have five shows to play that weekend, I would be there. 15.11.11 # B4gder: i still daydream about the pub i've seen pictures of 15.14.06 # i should probably try a newer build just to be sure. anything exciting recently? 15.14.13 # btw, I found it amusing that my personal web page is blocked in the company proxy where I currently work ;-) 15.14.13 Quit blithe (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 15.14.28 # and the rockbox forums are too 15.14.51 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) 15.15.23 # corkscrew and a sshd on port 443 gave me a way out ;-) 15.15.38 Join jonno [0] (n=jonno@c220-237-57-32.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 15.15.51 # You can't fool me Jonno. 15.16.04 # ? 15.16.10 # ah.. bah ;p 15.16.14 Nick jonno is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@c220-237-57-32.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 15.16.17 # ta da! 15.16.20 # :D 15.16.28 # * preglow goes away again 15.17.00 Quit ctaf ("Leaving.") 15.17.42 # whats this disk spindown business 15.19.01 # fudgeyou: the hard disk spins when active and spins down when not 15.19.22 # you know, that disk you don't have ;-P 15.20.00 # the flash chips rotate? ;-) 15.21.14 # bah ... why does this damn controller doesn't have integrated pull up resistors? 15.22.36 Quit smolyn ("KVIrc 3.2.5 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/") 15.28.49 # theres a spinnin disk in those things 15.28.59 # yes 15.31.24 # it acts as a gyroscope to keep all the bits the right way up 15.31.35 # :D 15.32.00 # I got my bits up-side-down once. All hell broke loose! 15.33.34 # lol autopilot 15.34.17 Quit netmasta10bt (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.35.26 Join netmasta10bt [0] (n=torment@pool-71-251-101-102.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) 15.35.34 # fudgeyou: the hardware in the Gigabeat is quite nice if you ask me. The only advantage the ipod video has is the video decoder chip, but we can't use it anyway (yes?) 15.36.33 # B4gder: if your bits got upside down, presumably your music came out backwards ? :) 15.37.10 # I would have guessed it came out upside down... 15.37.15 # why cant i play DOOM 15.37.17 # d000m 15.37.40 # what u mean markun - rockbox can play videos? 15.37.57 Quit aliask ("what's with the people today?") 15.37.58 # * GodEater_ senses someone else who hasn't read the manual 15.38.02 # GodEater: yes, you like those backwards songs from the 80s singing messages about the devil! 15.38.11 # uhhh. 15.38.13 # s/you// 15.38.31 # was also the pitch reversed? 15.38.51 # * bluebrother goes handing the manual to someone in this channel 15.39.55 # B4gder: those particular songs didn't sounds much better going forwards 15.40.08 # very true 15.43.39 # if a picture's worth a thousand words, how about devlish images drawn in waveforms? 15.44.46 Join bennyhinn [0] (n=not@203-217-78-205.dyn.iinet.net.au) 15.45.28 # or lord no 15.45.30 Join _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@host.91-92-172-170.airbites.bg) 15.45.34 # s/or/oh 15.46.13 # *g* 15.47.09 Quit donutman25 ("ChatZilla 0.9.78 [Firefox]") 15.48.13 # * GodEater_ fumbles for his idiot shield 15.49.06 # also why is it when i hit resume playblack it will put on a random song, not the thing i was listening too 15.50.45 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@p549acba0.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.50.48 # (1) What are you resuming from (shutdown, stopped playback, etc.)? (2) Do you have "random" turn on? 15.51.09 # because because we think it's better that way. Much more intuitive. 15.51.19 # * bluebrother giggles 15.52.29 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host174-205-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 15.53.59 # i was resuming from playing around in the plug ins section 15.54.06 # where do i go Febs, to find out if i have random turned on 15.54.13 # what u mean markun - rockbox can play videos? 15.54.28 # * bluebrother throws the manual at bennyhinn 15.54.28 # also, lol, where do i get the d00m files form 15.54.41 # we don't have d00m. 15.55.12 # i couldve swarn i saw doom in the plug ins section 15.55.21 # we have doom though. 15.55.30 # You did. Doom. Not d00m. 15.55.36 # i wouldnt even give that the credit of being smart alec 15.55.59 Quit fudgeyou (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.56.06 # being exact doesn't need you to be smart. 15.56.42 # s/need/require/ 15.56.51 # arg 15.56.52 # bennyhinn: It's time for you to read the manual. It will tell you how to set your "random" setting. It will tell you how to load and play doom. 15.57.16 # * Domonoky reads the logs, and think he has to finish his work on rbutil :-) 15.57.37 # nooo ... you can't take that fun away from us! 15.57.39 # *g* 15.57.40 Part directhex|work ("Leaving") 15.57.43 # :-) 15.59.04 # Domonoky: which bits need finishing ? 15.59.22 Quit Entasis (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.59.40 # i changed the UI. this needs a few more changes, and the i have to commit it.. 15.59.53 # also the sansapatcher isnt completly integrated.. 16.00.08 # (but i have code for this, but its not ready) 16.00.24 # maybe i clicked the wrong thing when i pressed resume playback 16.01.52 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.02.12 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B95473.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.02.33 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m180.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 16.03.18 Quit idnar (Operation timed out) 16.04.25 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@avc146.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) 16.05.28 Join idnar [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 16.06.40 # yay doom 2 is out 16.06.52 # 15 years ago.... 16.07.05 # but yes, it still is ;-) 16.08.04 # apart from rockbox, is there any other firmwares out there 16.08.39 # I get the feeling bennyhinn doesn't really appreciate how much hard work Rockbox is 16.08.40 # preferably ones that dont require you to sift through the mother of all manuals, the encylopedia to build an atomic bomb, the rockbox manual, to find 1 tiny little bit of information 16.09.01 # B4gder: how prophetic of you 16.09.12 # write your own bennyhinn and stop annoying us 16.09.54 # bennyhinn: well, someone had to write rockbox, ... and you're complaining about just finding information ... 16.10.02 # nah its cool its just whenever i ask for help i get told im an idiot 16.10.16 Join jmsbwtr_ [0] (n=james@AC9F0AA5.ipt.aol.com) 16.10.20 # bennyhinn: and why is that you think? 16.10.29 # bennyhinn: no, you get told to read the manual. There is a difference. 16.10.35 # (though one is not exclusive of the other) 16.11.10 # Both bluebrother and I have spent a LOT of time writing the manual, as have a number of others. Why should we retype if for you when all you need to do is click on a link and read it? 16.11.12 # bennyhinn: lots of people spent lots of time and effort to write a great manual where most of your questions are already answered 16.11.23 # bennyhinn: you have to understand that answering your questions is not our only activity 16.11.25 # yet you ignore that and keep repeating the questions here 16.12.09 # some things you can answer with the manual, like, can rockbox do video 16.12.15 # why does it not go bak to my song when i click resume 16.12.20 # etc 16.12.23 Quit PaulJam (".") 16.12.45 # :'( i forgot to install ccache before compiling the cross compliler again :'( 16.12.45 # its taking tooo long 16.13.16 # bennyhinn: And that's another thing. When you DO ask a question, and you get a request for additional information, provide that information. I asked you for more information about your resume issue, and you ignored me. So why should I try to help you further? 16.13.40 # no, lol Febs, i get that a lot, i actually did provide you with more information, YOU FAILED to read it 16.13.48 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ppp98-56.adsl.forthnet.gr) 16.13.57 Join ctaf [0] (n=ctaf@ram94-6-82-242-23-70.fbx.proxad.net) 16.13.59 Quit JdGordon (Remote closed the connection) 16.14.18 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 16.14.39 # like i just followed the instructions to a dime just then on installing doom 2, and now i cant find where it is on the player 16.14.47 # How did you stop playback before trying to resume? 16.15.02 # guys, I think it might be time to commit the tokenizer... maybe you want to take a look at the patch befort I do ? 16.15.37 # hi, i tried one of those patched builds, the jclix one specifically(20070320-based), but i would like to use the latest mpegplayer on them. will it work if i take that day revision and update only the mpegplayer files, then build and copy the mpegplayer.rock file in the jclix build? 16.15.51 # pressed the puase button mind u i couldve pressed it more than once 16.16.08 # Nico_P: go go go! :) (no bugs left now?) 16.16.22 # bennyhinn: what player? ipod? 16.16.33 # Moos: hopefully, non 16.16.35 # nonz 16.16.39 # arg... none 16.16.39 # Nico_P: :) 16.16.41 # spiorf: perhaps, perhaps not 16.17.07 # Nico_P: then go ahead ;) 16.17.24 # I have to warn you it results in an increase in binsize... I got 1k more on the ondio FM and 1,5k more on the gigabeat 16.17.38 # Nico_P: I'm in favour of the tokenizer concept and we can always continue to improve and fix problems once committed 16.17.40 # * GodEater_ hopes Nico_P is wearing his anti-amiconn suit today 16.17.50 # haha 16.17.53 # there is no addons directory neither 16.17.55 # * JdGordon wants one of them :D 16.17.58 # its a gigabeat Febs 16.18.01 # hehe 16.18.28 # one last test on my gigabeat and i'll commit 16.18.43 # I hope it will work properly.... 16.19.01 # amiconn: it should. I've tested it a lot 16.19.02 # hehe :) 16.19.13 # * amiconn wonders why it got bigger when it should actually simplify things though 16.20.00 # bennyhinn: yes, it can play videos, but I think it will not be so easy: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer 16.21.08 # bennyhinn: unless our documentation is wrong (http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-gigabeatf/rockbox-buildch3.html#x5-160003) the gigabeat does not have a pause button. Do mean the "A" button? 16.21.29 # amiconn: well the displaying code is simpler but there's the parser... 16.21.29 # * GodEater_ looks at his gigabeat. Definitely no pause button. 16.22.33 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.22.57 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B95473.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.23.24 # Domonoky: just had this idea ... how about grabbing the manual with rbutil too and opening it up after installation automagically? 16.23.41 Quit Jon-Kha (Client Quit) 16.23.51 # like this pre-checked "show readme file" a couple of installers have. 16.23.59 # woa guess whos playin doom 16.23.59 Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-kha@a91-152-66-39.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 16.24.08 # hey Febs, did the developer make cheats for rockdoom 16.24.20 # oh u need a plug in 16.24.25 # erm well 16.24.26 # * bluebrother fails to guess who is playing doom. It's definitely not me ... 16.24.29 # the center button 16.24.52 # bluebrother: nice idea .. 16.25.04 # the buttons have named that are pictured in the manual ... 16.25.40 # but when should it show the manual ? after installing rockbox ? oder the Bootloader ? 16.25.44 # do I need to be descriptive in my commit message ? 16.25.47 # maybe you could add "open manual online" as alternative? 16.25.59 # Nico_P: the more descriptive the better ... 16.26.14 # don't know if it's _required_ by some policy though. 16.26.16 # Nico_P: and please include a reference to the FS#[num] of the patch 16.26.19 # Nico_P: all the debug code is ifdefed out right? 16.26.39 # but I'm too wondering why the tokenizer is that much bigger. 16.27.07 Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-df166ad2978fb3f3) 16.27.25 # JdGordon: yes it is 16.28.30 # bluebrother: separating parsing and displaying made it bigger than I initially thought it would b 16.28.45 # put the parser into a plugin :D 16.28.52 # but maybe it can be otpimised 16.29.04 # bennyhinn: I cannot replicate your problem. When music is paused, there is no "resume" option on the main menu. If I stop playback, run some plugins, and then return to the main menu and select "resume," my previously-playing song resumes, as it should. 16.29.12 # JdGordon: it would be easy to do if finally it was decided 16.29.23 # Febs: the center button is the pause equivalent 16.29.37 # if it happens again significantly ill let u know 16.29.40 # any doom cheats? 16.30.07 # bennyhinn: I think there was a question about cheats in the forums, don't know if anyone answered. 16.30.52 # the current version of doom doesn't allow cheats. 16.31.31 Join perl|work [0] (n=jacquesc@static-64-61-105-170.isp.broadviewnet.net) 16.31.33 # * bluebrother goes raising his "remove doom" hand 16.31.45 # remove doom? 16.32.03 # :) 16.32.10 # * GodEater_ seconds bluebrother 16.32.15 # again 16.32.17 # :) 16.32.52 # maybe we should provide a second package with only some plugins ... and consider them unsupported 16.32.53 # bluebrother: you can start your own doom-less custom build :) 16.33.11 Quit brefan (Remote closed the connection) 16.33.12 # (doom-les?) 16.33.20 # hahaha - I can see how popular THAT would be :) 16.33.29 # markun 16x16 frames support? 16.33.33 # Number of views : 2 16.33.36 # for some minimalistic guys ;-) 16.33.48 # (both views caused by myself ;-) 16.33.53 # no - one is me! 16.34.04 # perl|work: support for heights and widths which are not a multiple of 16 16.34.06 # then it must be 3 views 16.34.16 # perl|work: 320x136 for example 16.34.35 # markun, aha 16.35.04 # alright well 16.35.07 # im sufferng here 16.35.15 # cause there aint no cheats 16.36.50 # bennyhinn: just go back to the original firmware. No doom so no suffering. 16.37.00 # and no complicated manual 16.38.33 # anyone seen DerPapst's post in the Nano 2G thread? Is the chap he's quoting spouting mumbo-jumbo - or is this an actual attack vector we could use ? 16.39.49 Join neothecat [0] (n=agrossma@ 16.40.45 # it looks promising, but I guess a lot hangs on his assumption that the hardware will run an OSOS image that has an all 0xFF security block and is un-encrypted 16.40.48 # i want doom cheats gag NAMMIT 16.41.33 # * GodEater_ prods linuxstb 16.42.05 # * Nico_P takes a deep breath 16.42.07 Join blithe [0] (n=blithe@shrv-c-068.resnet.purdue.edu) 16.42.26 # * GodEater_ refreshes rockbox.org a lot to see the commit message... 16.42.58 # i have an iRiver H3xx running v. 12738-070312. and for some reason, in middle of playing and mp3, it will jump into the middle of another mp3. and another one. 16.43.17 # GodEater_: http://build.rockbox.org/cvsmod/chlog-20070404T144241Z.html 16.43.28 # i reformatted my HD once before, and it stopped for a while, but it's starting again. is this a bad hd or something else? 16.43.33 # neothecat: update to a current version and see if it still happens ? 16.44.20 # Nico_P: you missed "it increases binary size though. I'm hanging my head in shame." ;) 16.44.23 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 16.44.33 # GodEater: when this happened the first time, i have upgraded a few times, and i kept my eye out for any changes that might effect this, i didn;t see any, but i will give the upgrade a try. 16.44.50 # neothecat: it's always worth an upgrade :) 16.45.03 # GodEater_: I'm hoping people won't notice :p 16.45.14 # hehehe 16.45.33 # Nico_P: Why is WPS_TOKEN_SOUND_PITCH swcodec only? Hwcodec also has pitch except MAS3507D (i.e. player) 16.45.36 # * GodEater_ watches for the big red delta table 16.46.04 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) 16.46.22 # * perl|work pities the people who finish both dooms on their players 16.46.36 # amiconn: I think I referred to the previous code for that. I'll have to correct it in a future commit 16.46.45 # consider adding this to the MajorChanges page 16.46.54 Join kook [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7a8262bd9e49e352) 16.46.56 # Hmm, ok 16.47.07 # perl|work: what about a guy watching starwars on his Gigabeat while he should be working? :) 16.47.13 # B4gder: will do. I'll also start a support thread :) 16.47.14 Part ctaf 16.47.31 # Replaygain should also be added for hwcodec... (both in playback and wps) 16.47.41 # Is it possible to perform an SVN update from behind a firewall? 16.48.00 # (even though it's one more of those "I won't use it" features) 16.48.03 # kook: most of us are behind firewalls I think 16.48.04 # kook: depends on the firewall 16.48.05 # markun ha, i think somebody watched all 3 lord of the rings on gigabeat 16.48.25 # perl|work: the extended ones ? :) 16.48.29 # perl|work: you did? 16.48.37 # also lorean likes to watch huge movies like gladiator on his now :P 16.48.55 # markun i havent even watched those on big screen 16.48.58 Part B4gder 16.49.03 # leave away on mp3 player 16.49.09 # amiconn: it's not a WPS-only change, though ? 16.49.13 Quit neothecat (Remote closed the connection) 16.49.19 # correct 16.49.36 # When I tried it (via Tortoise SVN) it said that the server was not reachable (or something like that). Is there a HTTP port for rockbox's svn? 16.50.10 # no error/warning :) 16.50.32 # kook: no there isn't 16.50.41 # * Nico_P sees the delta table and hides 16.50.57 # ouch... 16.51.12 # 2092 on the H300! 16.51.25 # wow I didn't see that coming 16.51.27 Nick joshin_ is now known as joshin (n=joshin@unaffiliated/joshin) 16.51.47 # Hmm, the delta line doesn't look nice :\ 16.51.55 # GodEater: then I have bad firewall :-( 16.51.57 Quit kook ("CGI:IRC") 16.52.34 # * GodEater_ awards Nico_P the "Red Delta" medal 16.52.35 # X5 is even 2108 16.52.55 Join voltagex [0] (n=voltagex@124-254-124-5-dsl.ispone.net.au) 16.53.15 # GodEater_: I did get a green delta once :) 16.53.21 # Looks like ~400 are due to rtc, and about the same again for lcd remote 16.53.21 # GodEater_: isn't that medal already given to someone? Can you pass it along that easy? 16.53.30 # hi everyone 16.53.32 # I'll do my best to bring it down though 16.53.46 # anything interesting happening in rockboxland? 16.53.56 # ~1000 seems to be the base for all targets 16.53.59 # bluebrother: I have a hole box full of them - want one ? :) 16.53.59 # this is odd, why is h1x0 only half of the other coldfire targets? 16.54.14 # roolku: No rtc 16.54.31 # s/hole/whole 16.54.31 # I'd prefer a Rockbox t-shirt :D 16.54.38 Join lowlight [0] (i=c730180b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-55df29f7c61eb0de) 16.54.40 # ah - I'm fresh out of those 16.54.44 # damn. 16.54.47 # amiconn: the rtc tag is a complicated one 16.54.50 # voltagex: mpegplayer is getting better 16.55.02 # bluebrother: how about a "No Doom on Rockbox" campaign pin ? :) 16.55.04 # medals are a bit of a problem, I don't have too much room in my student box 16.55.05 # Speaking of t-shirts, I wonder how axlgreasetire's efforts to make a t-shirt are coming along? 16.55.28 # I don't think he understood the point I (sarcastically) made in the forum thread about using an iron-on on a black t-shirt. 16.55.30 # no idea ... but I would still found it great to have a spreadshirt shop 16.55.33 # or something similar 16.55.37 # amiconn: parsing it isn't too hard but displaying it is a real PITA 16.56.06 # Febs: you know there are print-on iron-ons for black t-shirts? 16.56.28 # I only tried the usual ones like 10 years ago, but those worked quite nice 16.56.35 # Really? I've never seen one. 16.57.08 # I've seen the black ones only once or twice though. 16.57.11 Nick jhulst_ is now known as jhulst (n=jhulst@adsl-69-208-75-239.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) 16.57.17 # they seem to be somewhat rare 16.57.18 Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@p54bcf89a.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.57.18 # markun: my H340 still isn't powerful enough to really use it 17.02.23 # hmm could someone make me a developer in the forums ? I can't post in the announcements forum 17.03.28 # Nico_P: Llorean isn't online, and he is the only one (I think) who can do that. If you post in the general discussion forum, I'll move the thread. 17.03.42 # Febs: OK, thanks 17.03.57 Quit Guile (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.04.35 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.05.33 Join Guile [0] (n=Guile@ 17.06.29 # Actually, I may be able to change your status. What is your forum username? 17.07.56 # Febs: thanks for cleaning that thread 17.08.19 # markun: it was going nowhere but down. 17.08.26 # Nico_P: maybe for clarity wps_load_data be defined in wps_parser.h instead of gwps.h? 17.10.04 # lowlight: there is no wps_parser.h. wps_data_load is the only function from wps_parser.c that is exposed to the "outside world". I thought it wasn't worht creating a separate header file 17.10.19 Quit Zagor ("Leaving") 17.10.23 Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3ce27d14a7140969) 17.10.40 # Nico_P: I am able to change forum user status after all. You should now be listed as a developer. 17.10.52 # Febs: thanks :) 17.11.13 # Is it intentional that some variables (that seem rather private to me) are 'public' in wps_parser.c? E.g. level and last_cond? 17.11.54 # crop: I wanted them to be public to the file 17.12.42 # Shoudn't they be made static then? 17.12.59 # I.e. they are visible in the file but not outside 17.13.49 # static isn't the same thing for a variable and for a function AFAIK 17.13.58 # hmm, last svn build I have is 20070329, worth updating? 17.14.12 # voltagex: yes, to try the WPS tokenizer :) 17.14.36 # I think it is. Or do you need these vars in wps_debug as well? 17.14.41 # Nico_P: now if I could find my player, I might be able to find out what a WPS tokeniser is 17.15.08 # crop: they are only needed in wps_parser.c 17.15.17 # If they are declared as non-static they are in the global name space and are accessible from everywhere 17.15.30 # Nico_P: then they should be declared as static 17.15.49 # The life span is the same but visibility is bound to the file 17.16.25 # ok 17.16.33 # Nico_P: nice comments btw! 17.16.37 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-075-177-158-190.nc.res.rr.com) 17.17.03 # thanks :) 17.17.15 # static is very much the same for functions and variables 17.17.18 # I wish the whole RB code were commented like this! 17.17.30 # It makes the element global with a hidden symbol 17.17.58 # amiconn: what is a hidden symbol? An assembler attribute? 17.18.03 # amiconn: but a static var within a function is different, isn't it ? 17.18.30 # Nico_P: iirc it's only visible within that func then. But the life span is the same 17.18.47 # crop: yes, that's what I understood 17.18.49 Quit ender` (" If I had only finished this sentence,") 17.20.13 # hmm, the tokenizer will render some patches useless 17.20.19 # like scrolling margins ... 17.20.36 # bluebrother: they will be completly out of sync, yes 17.20.37 # Nico_P: but does every file that includes gwps.h need wps_data_load? 17.20.58 # and I think the tokenizer could allow better ways to implement them 17.21.28 # Nico_P: will tsr pluggins work correctly with the new parser? 17.21.47 # lowlight: this might be an answer to your question : http://nicolas.pennequin.free.fr/call_graph_parser.png 17.22.10 # XavierGr: the parser uses the plugin buffer, but not much of it, so I *think* TSR plugins should work 17.22.37 # I mean they shouldn't prevent loading the WPS 17.23.05 # lowlight: the graph is slightly outdated but not that particular part 17.24.01 # Nico_P: how did you create that graph? Looks much like what doxygen creates but I don't see doxygen comments in the commit 17.24.11 # Nico_P: How much plugin RAM does it need? 17.24.27 # bluebrother: with KSope 17.24.32 # ah :) 17.24.51 # linuxstb: it only uses the plugin ram to store the WPS source for parsing 17.24.58 # How does it come that the tokenizer added so much to the binary size? I.e. feature wise it's the same we already had before so the code size should be approximately the same. 17.26.07 # crop: the displaying code is simpler but there is additional code for the parser 17.27.09 Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ 17.27.11 # Nico_P: but we already had a "parser" (spread through the displaying code) 17.27.11 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.27.31 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B95473.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.27.45 # So this separation is very good IMHO but the overall size shoudn't have changed significantly 17.28.24 # Well, I mean "increased". I'd say nothing if it decreased :-) 17.28.55 # Nico_P: So you've just single-handedly broken all patches which add new WPS tags? ;-) 17.29.10 # crop: There's probably some room left for optimisation 17.29.20 # linuxstb: hehehe - good point ;) 17.29.22 # linuxstb: quite an achievement, heh ? 17.29.33 # Nico_P: ok. But godd work! 17.29.47 # *good 17.30.19 # I'll probably try to sync and/or commit the most important ones 17.30.19 # crop: thanks :) feel free to help bring the size down :) 17.31.07 Quit crop ("CGI:IRC") 17.33.28 # * amiconn hopes the parser didn't break text alignment on the player, which he only activated a few days ago 17.33.49 # amiconn: On your example WPS, it didn't 17.34.04 # ok 17.34.43 # Enabling this became so simple after I made the charcell lcd driver support some function which were bitmap-only previously 17.35.02 # I may not be able to make it to devcon afterall :( tickets are more expensive this time 17.35.43 # amiconn: the pitch tag should be available to all targets ? 17.36.12 # All except theplayer 17.36.34 # The MAS3507D doesn't allow pitch to work 17.36.46 # amiconn: using HAVE_LCD_BITMAP would work but sounds a bit of a hack... 17.37.46 # #if CONFIG_CODEC != MAS3507D 17.40.37 # thanks 17.42.20 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 17.48.13 # is it possible, i am not asking *how* but is it possible to delete files within rockbox on your player 17.48.40 # yes, you can 17.48.53 # just check the MANUAL 17.50.29 # okay 17.50.31 # how? 17.50.31 # lol 17.51.23 # what is your player? 17.52.22 # rockbox gigabeat versio 17.52.31 # bennyhinn: http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml 17.52.51 # http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-gigabeatf/rockbox-build.html even 17.52.55 # all is here 17.52.57 # amiconn: have any time to help explain your ideas for viewports? 17.53.05 # i know where the manual is ;p 17.53.36 # then just read it ;) 17.53.41 # bennyhinn: then you should find it quite easy to read it now 17.56.48 # amiconn: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ViewDrawing 17.58.01 Quit petur ("CGI:IRC") 17.58.50 # can u copy and paste it 2 me my comps slow 17.59.52 Join eggy [0] (n=eggy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/yorkcc.eggy) 18.00.08 # Nico_P: your heavily involved in the current WPS solution, correct? 18.00.36 # sslashes: current as of today, yes :) 18.01.40 # Nico_P: heh, you mind taking a quick look at my SoC proposal (http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ViewDrawing) and let me know if you have any strong opinions on the matter 18.01.57 # i figure if it gets accepted, we'll most likely be working closely 18.02.30 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.03.50 Quit Siltaar (Remote closed the connection) 18.04.03 Quit jhulst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.04.11 # sslashes: probaby, yes. But I won't me a mentor, as I've applied as a student :) 18.04.39 # sslashes: the JIT compiler idea was suggested with my WPS changes but didn't have much success 18.05.06 Join GodEaterPS3 [0] (n=bryan@host-84-9-129-14.bulldogdsl.com) 18.05.14 # but overall it sounds like a reasonable proposal to me 18.05.41 # maybe having the themes as one file would be even better though 18.06.00 # (tar themes... there are two tracker entries for them) 18.07.35 # Nico_P: Did you try the idea of deferring the bmp load until after comleting the .wps load? 18.07.49 # Shoudl be good for a nice speedup on hdd targets... 18.07.56 # amiconn: that's how it's done 18.08.09 # Nico_P: thanks for the ideas 18.08.20 # what failed about the JIT compiler idea? 18.08.44 Quit GodEater (Nick collision from services.) 18.08.46 Nick GodEaterPS3 is now known as GodEater (n=bryan@host-84-9-129-14.bulldogdsl.com) 18.09.05 Join GodEater__ [0] (n=bryan@ 18.09.36 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15AE5.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.09.51 # amiconn: actually the bitmaps are loaded once the parsing is complete. but when the parsing starts, the WPS has already been read so maybe loading bitmaps whilst parsing wouldn't be bad 18.09.51 # sslashes: too complicated IIRC 18.10.10 # ahh 18.11.36 # ok 18.12.29 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.12.49 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B95473.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.13.05 Quit voltagex () 18.13.53 # can someone with linux and the ability to build rbutil try the newes version of FS#6893 ? 18.14.04 # Domonoky: I'll do it 18.14.36 # Nico_P: thx 18.14.51 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.15.32 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57b95473.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.16.14 Quit GodEater (Remote closed the connection) 18.16.32 # Domonoky: I'm getting a lot of errors 18.16.55 # errors while building it ? 18.17.08 # or while running ? 18.17.22 # while building 18.18.08 # strange it builds on my colinux, Unicode issues again ? 18.18.23 # can you give me a pastebin of the errors ? 18.19.06 # Domonoky: sorry, it was my mistake 18.19.17 # apparently I didn't patch a clean rbutil tree 18.19.28 # :-) 18.19.52 # the rockbox logo is displayed properly ! :) 18.19.56 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18.20.24 # yes, i built my own imagecontrol, so the images are now properly on all Platforms.. 18.21.29 # Domonoky: the device path box is a bit small IMHO 18.22.40 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15AE5.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.22.48 # and it should scale with the windows 18.23.17 # :-) 18.23.56 # i need more wxWidgets knowledge.. :-) 18.25.15 # also maybe a close button on the window frame would be nice. I only have the maximise button 18.25.51 # (i'm speaking of the secondary windows, not the main one) 18.26.11 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18.26.32 # Domonoky: ah... the themes installation part seems to hang 18.26.57 # Nico_P: hanging while Downloading ? 18.27.06 # the "downloading" is displayed and then I can't do anything, not even cancel. and the windows aren't being repainted 18.27.28 # i'm forced to kill the app 18.27.40 # ok, thats a real bug, will investigate.. for the others, i have to read up on wxWidgets.. 18.28.12 # Domonoky: do you want me to summarize my remarks on the tracker ? 18.28.51 # not needed, i have written it on my Todo list.. 18.29.00 # ok 18.29.55 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18.31.43 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57B95473.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.37.17 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@ 18.44.08 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 18.46.10 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57a957eb.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.50.46 Quit browca04 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18.52.56 Join inversions [0] (n=none@cpc3-bele3-0-0-cust660.belf.cable.ntl.com) 18.57.24 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 19.04.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.05.02 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54966d24.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.07.34 Quit bennyhinn () 19.10.40 Join ackbahr [0] (n=ackbahr@d83-180-248-74.cust.tele2.ch) 19.19.29 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 19.31.24 Quit Guile (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19.32.28 Join Guile [0] (n=Guile@ 19.32.47 Quit amiconn (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Go on, try it!") 19.35.20 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD7597.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.40.34 Quit bun-bun () 19.45.10 Join Guile` [0] (n=Guile@ 19.45.10 Quit Guile (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.49.58 Join bun-bun [0] (n=bun@71-92-215-82.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) 19.51.42 Quit kubiix ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 19.58.53 Quit pabs (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.59.58 Join Redbreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-144-220-212.range86-144.btcentralplus.com) 20.00.31 Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-217-218.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 20.01.16 # do h1x0 irivers also have bootloader usb just like h3x0? 20.01.19 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.01.27 # yes 20.01.48 # and when they are off, they power on when connecting? 20.01.55 # nope 20.02.21 # H1x0 doesn't draw any power from usb, and they also don't power on from plugging usb and/or the charger 20.02.29 # ok 20.02.34 Quit ackbahr ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]") 20.03.03 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 20.03.33 # how do you get into bootloader usb? first connect and then power on? 20.03.47 # yes 20.04.06 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ 20.04.51 # You can also plug after powering on if you're quick 20.04.56 # Half a second or so 20.05.46 # ok thanks... 20.06.00 # ( http://taperssection.com/index.php/topic,82361.0.html ) 20.06.48 Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@ 20.07.45 # If the green led doesn't light up when plugging the charger, my first guess is that the battery is really low, or even completely dead 20.08.03 Quit jhulst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.08.12 # bbl 20.08.22 # The led is purely hardware controlled (by the battery charger chip), so if it doesn't light up it means it doesn't charge 20.08.34 Quit spiorf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.08.54 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host5-222-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 20.08.54 # But it might be that it just takes a while, LiIon chargers often employ a soft start if the battery is really low 20.09.07 # * Genre9mp3 waves to all! 20.09.20 # Might also be that the charger is broken 20.09.37 # (the chip and/or the thingy that plugs into mains) 20.10.02 Quit akaias (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.11.31 Join BigBabyJesus [0] (n=ShaolinM@L3db9.l.pppool.de) 20.11.55 # hey!some german here who can help me?but english ok too ;) 20.12.52 Join akaias [0] (n=akaias@c-76-16-18-102.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 20.13.38 # hello???? 20.15.51 # no one can tell if he/she could help you - as long as you don't say what's up ;) 20.16.16 # whats uuuup? 20.17.08 # what is your problem ? 20.17.12 # I meant... what's your question, or what help do you need? 20.17.22 # ah lol k... 20.17.42 Join RAMBALDI [0] (n=MARTIN_6@ 20.18.06 Part RAMBALDI 20.18.25 # allright...right now,my ipod is in disk mode,i run that rix program to install rockbox...but now,nothing really changed,y? 20.18.52 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc1-brig8-0-0-cust807.brig.cable.ntl.com) 20.19.20 # i still see the standard ipod menu 20.19.26 Quit billytwowilly (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.19.27 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 20.19.58 Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net) 20.21.11 # but have to have rockbox=) what can i do now? 20.21.58 # rix - isn't that the unofficial "Rockbox Installer X", if so that's quite outdated afaik and it's unsupported... actually you are supposed to use the official install method (you can find them in the manual) and then there would be people able to help if you have a certain problem/question with that 20.22.30 # ok,i will try it without rix...can you pls give me the link to the manual=) 20.22.39 # ah no,got it already... 20.24.55 # but can you tell me which bulid i need for my 30gig video ipod? 20.25.56 # the one that's called "iPod Video" with the picture? 20.27.18 # yeah got it^^ overread it... 20.28.00 # yaayyyyyyy.now i see the rockbox menu^^ 20.31.24 Quit pondlife ("disconnected has pondlife") 20.31.31 Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-074-023-055.pools.arcor-ip.net) 20.31.42 Join donutman25 [0] (n=chatzill@ 20.34.25 # hello, can someone tell me where i can locate in the mpegplayer.c the line that makes the viewer exit when the stop buttuon is pressed. 20.35.40 Quit jhulst_ (Remote closed the connection) 20.36.39 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@ 20.38.12 Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") 20.41.01 # one last question.how do i get now music on my ipod with the windows explorer? 20.41.52 Quit ment ("-") 20.41.59 # BigBabyJesus: step one - mount, two - drag, three - drop 20.41.59 # BigBabyJesus: drag'n'drop 20.42.09 # where??? 20.42.17 # donutman25: don't have the code in front of me, but I imagine there is a button_get() call followed by the button handling code 20.42.20 # on the MFing ipod 20.42.23 # it should show up as another drive under My Computer 20.42.54 # i only see my "normal" ipod 20.43.02 # ... 20.43.14 # or do i understand it false? 20.43.46 # copy (or cut) your music directory to your "noraml" ipod, mounted under My Computer 20.44.23 # ah lol.just like if im doin music on a external drive?k,was confused by the folders i see there 20.44.57 # lowlight: thanks 20.45.12 # BigBabyJesus: you can just keep using itunes if you want to. 20.45.32 # alternatively, you can turn on tag cache from the settings menu and it will scan the drive for music and display it using id3 information 20.45.34 # nooooooooo...first reason i wanted rockbox,is i DONT want to use itunes 20.45.37 # just use the database for browsing in that case. 20.45.53 # you don't need to 20.46.24 # it's a regular removable drive attached via usb. So ... where's the problem? 20.46.38 # BigBabyJesus: if you no longer want to use itunes (and are ok with your music not showing up under the apple firmware), then delete all the folders there besides rockbox 20.46.41 # dont know...just was a bit confused^^ 20.48.15 # now,everything is workin very fine.you guys really do a great job.keep working 20.48.51 # nooo ... I want to get a vacation! 20.48.53 # :P 20.49.01 # BigBabyJesus: glad to help 20.49.41 # thank you 20.54.07 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54966e9b.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.54.25 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul) 20.55.23 Quit linuxstb (Remote closed the connection) 20.55.30 Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") 20.55.38 Join linuxstb [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 20.56.55 # @lowlight: would you also happen to know how to get the current frame number that is playing in the source? 20.58.20 Join JavaMan22 [0] (n=HP_Admin@c-24-61-91-138.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) 20.59.17 # donutman25: Assuming you're talking about mpegplayer, and video frames (not audio frames), then "frame" is what you want (in the video_thread() function) 20.59.36 # hummm..... 20.59.45 # thank you 20.59.51 # i have a doom addon 20.59.56 # called iHalo 21.00.02 # The crash on fast forwarding ( http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6820 ) still happens 21.00.06 # it says i have missing textures?? 21.00.30 # donutman25: What are you planning to do with mpegplayer? 21.00.43 # (only that I get an illegal instruction instead of an address error) 21.01.03 Quit sslashes ("leaving") 21.01.04 # * amiconn tries with the new parser thing 21.01.45 # linuxstb how come i get missing textures and how could i get those textures on 21.03.04 # linuxstb: i'm trying to get mpegplayer to save the last played video frame to a file when video is stopped and the plugin is exited 21.03.08 Quit _Veseliq_ (Remote closed the connection) 21.04.03 # and make it load the last frame in the file when the same video plays again 21.04.42 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.05.13 # You mean a resume feature? 21.05.28 # yes 21.05.42 Part JavaMan22 21.06.38 # donutman25 interesting idea 21.07.48 # the bad part about it is that i hard know c language 21.08.06 # so i hope i dont bug you guys with my questions 21.09.06 # anybody using insight on cygwin? 21.09.54 # Hmm, the crash indeed has to do with the special player progress display(s) 21.10.23 # Since this is working in a particular cumbersome way anyway, I'll rewrite it 21.10.44 Quit Hoffmann (Connection timed out) 21.11.17 Quit lowlight ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 21.11.19 # oh wow...bennyhinn in the logs..he just kept gettign worse 21.11.37 # how did we get rid of him? 21.12.18 # no clue, but i would have kicked him after the cheats "gag NAM MIT" 21.13.18 # I get the feeling the WPS screen comes up much faster with the new tokenizer 21.13.56 # I tested this with iCatcher on archos recorder 21.14.07 # The tokenizer version is slightly slower 21.14.26 # Not noticeable during normal usage 21.15.28 Quit PaulJam (".") 21.18.14 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 21.18.40 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 21.18.45 Join k0rnz [0] (n=chatzill@cpe-66-8-248-112.hawaii.res.rr.com) 21.19.00 # what do people use to copy video podcasts and video movies to their ipod in linux? 21.20.34 # cp 21.20.35 # Are you asking about playing those videos in Rockbox? 21.21.04 # yes i wanna 1st copy them onto ipod running rockbox but i dont know which program to use in linux as amarok does not work 21.21.15 # i'm installing now gtkpod and see if it work 21.21.27 # use konqueror 21.21.30 Join sslashes [0] (i=sslashes@ 21.21.35 Quit sslashes (Client Quit) 21.21.46 # or any other file manager unless you prefer the command line 21.22.04 Join sslashes [0] (i=sslashes@ 21.22.05 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 21.22.09 # k0rnz: See http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer for details on how to convert videos for Rockbox. 21.22.30 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m145.net195-132-203.noos.fr) 21.22.37 # There is no need to use gtkpod - just drag and drop them after conversion. 21.22.44 # thanks my good sir 21.23.37 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 21.24.36 # * k0rnz bows 21.24.39 Part k0rnz 21.25.30 # are all wps patches broken by latest build? 21.25.57 # Very likely. But nico_p said he was going to try and sync the major ones. 21.26.37 # should you put a warning on the page 21.28.51 # Why? patches are always going out of sync with SVN. 21.30.01 Join toni1 [0] (i=5932ee3a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9e18ec58fe2e9a81) 21.30.34 # yes but this may effect a lot of people as it is probably many patches going out of sync at the same time 21.30.38 Join JavaMan22 [0] (n=HP_Admin@c-24-61-91-138.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) 21.30.54 # linuxstb: Did you see my bug report of the plugin header? 21.31.21 # linuxstb how can i add the textures into doom? 21.32.16 # JavaMan22: No idea - but be aware that Rockbox's Doom strictly adhers to the Doom standard for WADs, so refuses to play many of the non-standard WADs in existence. 21.32.42 # linuxstb: I wonder, why other targets don't have this issue with the mpegplayer plugin. 21.34.02 # i have freedom doom 21.37.16 # toni1: Nice find. I don't know anything about that code though. Maybe amiconn has an idea. 21.37.23 # * linuxstb points amiconn towards http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6964 21.38.46 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 21.39.35 # linuxstb: The arm-asm memset still sets some bytes (less than 8), if the size_t entry gets negative. 21.39.59 Quit ompaul ("later") 21.40.22 # end_addr should never be smaller than the plugin filesize. If it does, something is wrong with linking 21.40.32 Join feisar [0] (i=jljhook@elama.on.irkki.fi) 21.40.47 # probably due to linking the codec? 21.41.20 # I thought size_t was unsigned? See firmware/include/sys/types.h 21.41.41 Join AceNik [0] (i=cb919f2a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9aa6f08eebf5ba54) 21.41.48 # yes it should, but the arm asm version is definitely not. 21.42.17 # linuxstb: Hmm, do you link the whole codec or just libmad? 21.42.26 # I link libmad 21.42.37 # libmad shouldn't define end_addr .... 21.42.54 # hey id jut like to know , in the svn update , u :update, G: ? , A: ? 21.43.00 # The "mpa.codec" is mpa.c linked with libmad. 21.43.11 # (plus the codec lib) 21.43.19 # yes 21.43.37 # toni1: What target? 21.43.47 # sansa e250 21.44.00 # * amiconn tries a build in order to check the .map 21.44.30 # toni1: How wrong is the end_addr in the plugin? i.e. how many bytes? 21.44.45 # I'll just check where it points in the final plugin 21.45.29 # With todays changes to wps's do we need to change codes in the already existing wps's? 21.45.51 # AceNik: No, it should act the same from a user's point of view. 21.46.16 # linuxstb: I don't really know, wether that is wrong, or the assumption of the bss segment in the memset area. 21.46.19 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p57b96490.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.46.40 # I think somehow the end_addr is correct. 21.47.24 # I checked the nano build and it looks quite the same. 21.47.31 # G: ? , A: ? what does this mean in an svn update ? 21.48.34 # AceNik: "svn help update" 21.49.32 # linuxstb: In my build 5Bytes get be zeroed by memset 21.49.50 # w00t w00t w00t! 21.49.59 # tokens! 21.50.00 # thank c ya 21.50.03 Quit AceNik ("CGI:IRC") 21.50.09 # linuxstb: Before end_addr of course 21.50.32 # In front I mean 21.51.00 # You think memset may have a bug? 21.51.12 # Just try the C version for comparison then 21.51.14 # amiconn: yes. 21.51.29 # No need, I checked the asm 21.52.05 # The correct memset would overwrite the whole memory area here 21.52.20 # ? 21.52.30 # 0xfffffxxx bytes 21.52.49 # The correct memset should only overwrite the bytes between end of file end end_addr 21.53.26 # but the size_t is negative 21.53.31 # ? 21.53.58 # How can plugin_size - readsize become negative? 21.54.09 # I mean the value passed to the size_t is negative 21.54.31 # ???? 21.55.01 # memset(dest, 0, 0xfffffxxx); 21.59.04 # there should be a warning that all play counts will be deleted when you go to Initialize now... 21.59.26 # i was looking around and clicked it on accident and it erased all my play counts and play scores 21.59.38 Part kaaloo 22.00.35 # I think I know what's going on 22.01.37 # end_addr being lower than the file size is correct, as this plugin contains iram code and initialized data 22.01.56 # ...which, for one, needs to be moved _before_ clearing bss 22.02.40 # But otoh, it shows that the formula for calculating bss breaks when a plugin does that (contain any 1 of icode, idata or irodata) 22.02.51 # ibss is no problem 22.04.00 # end_addr is just the end of the bss area, but iram content doesn't count because bss overlays that space 22.04.03 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.07.15 # amiconn: Do you think the memset is necessary at that place? 22.07.27 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m180.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 22.09.05 # yes 22.09.23 # gcc relies on the bss being zeroes out by default 22.09.37 # It places zero initialized data into bss 22.10.06 # ok, I understand. 22.14.13 # bye 22.14.16 Part toni1 22.21.14 Quit Guile` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.21.16 Join Guile [0] (n=Guile@ 22.24.01 Join Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@p549af576.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.29.48 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul) 22.31.59 Part JavaMan22 22.32.02 Join dsh-1 [0] (n=daishi@ool-18be2884.dyn.optonline.net) 22.33.14 Quit Rob222241 () 22.38.28 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15AE5.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.42.37 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.43.43 Join Landus [0] (n=Landus@70-100-171-218.dsl1-erie.roc.ny.frontiernet.net) 22.44.14 Quit Redbreva ("ChatZilla 0.9.78 [Firefox]") 22.45.28 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.45.40 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 22.45.40 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.46.15 # how do i get the current frame number from the video thread in mpegplayer? 22.50.34 # how do i get the current frame number from the video thread in mpegplayer.c? 22.52.25 Quit bluey- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.53.36 Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.53.38 Join peppo [0] (n=slumpmas@c-b470e155.41-4-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 22.53.52 # donutman25: you don 22.54.02 Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.54.12 Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ 22.54.12 # 't need to repeat yourself -- it looks pretty much like noone knows an answer 22.54.39 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@vhe-382201.sshn.net) 22.55.01 # sorry 22.55.20 # donutman25: did you check the source? 22.55.28 # I can take a look 22.55.52 Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.56.08 # i've been looking at it for 45 minutes but i have no reasonable knowledge of c 22.56.12 Join ender` [0] (n=ender@ 22.56.19 Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.56.37 # donutman25: what are you trying to do exactly? 22.57.04 # save the last played frame to a file when video is stopped 22.57.32 # you try to add a resume function? 22.57.35 # i'm trying to save the last played frame to a file when video is stopped 22.57.46 # yes 22.58.01 # how will you go back to this frame? 22.59.29 # i was thinking about making mpegplayer load the file and go back to the frame mentioned in the file in the video 22.59.30 # and play the audio from the correct position as well.. 23.00.00 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 23.00.09 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 23.00.22 # without any reasonable knowledge of c? It will not be easy for you. 23.00.35 # damn markun you just beat me to it ;) 23.00.45 # :) 23.01.10 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.01.30 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 23.01.38 # don't spank the man for learning through play! 23.01.47 # It doesn't have to work to be educational. 23.02.22 # i'm learning new things everytime i take a glimpse at the source 23.02.22 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.02.39 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 23.02.43 # hmm. For resuming, wouldn't seeking be needed first? 23.03.28 # i thought about that 23.04.25 # implementing resume first sound somewhat like the wrong approach to me 23.04.35 # that way i figured it was that to that that it wouldnt be seeking because i know exactly where i want to go 23.04.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.06.13 Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") 23.07.40 Join mr_pink [0] (n=mfsoab99@host81-152-159-240.range81-152.btcentralplus.com) 23.09.33 Part toffe82 23.18.02 Part peppo ("part") 23.18.32 # wow 23.19.51 # found a bug? 23.19.54 Part Landus ("Leaving") 23.20.02 # My simplified player progress drawing saves 500 bytes - and it's better than the old in that it only displays as many user-definable characters as actually necessary, potentially freeing up some for other text 23.20.09 Join Landus [0] (n=Landus@70-100-171-218.dsl1-erie.roc.ny.frontiernet.net) 23.20.44 Part perl|work 23.20.47 # Okay. X-Chat can simply close the channel window. 23.20.54 # And it fixes the crashes when fast forwarding, and makes it display correctly while seeking (previously the progress went backwards when fast forwarding and vice versa) 23.21.21 # Anyway, I was going to ask if anyone knows if a port for the 80GB iPod will be in the works, or already is? 23.21.35 # I've spend a few days looking around with nothing recent on the topic. 23.22.18 # Landus: it's in the works yes, but no recent progress 23.22.51 # Ah. Thanks. 23.22.54 # * amiconn still thinks the model list on the frontpage should link to wiki pages describing why the exceptions are there 23.23.08 # (80GB/G5.5 and Nano G2) 23.23.32 # Unfortunately the frontpage still doesn't use the svn www module :\ 23.23.36 # Bagder? 23.23.47 # I know why there there, I just wanted to know if any progress making a stable version had started. 23.23.53 # so much to do, so little time 23.24.01 # Actually, another question that's a bit off topic. 23.25.01 # Landus: be careful then, off topic questions are not generally welcomed here :) 23.25.11 # Off the iPod topic. 23.25.24 # Still related to rockbox. 23.26.56 # can someone point me in the right direction to find functions that handle backlight control? Attempting to write my first patch... 23.27.09 # There's a page in the wiki that mentions having a background in assembly, and C/C++ if someone was interested in porting rockbox to other platforms, or just making changes to the firmware for current releases. 23.27.14 Quit desowin ("use linux") 23.27.33 # As far as college classes go, are there any that would fall exactly in this catergory. 23.27.44 # I was thinking microelectronics, but wasn't entirely sure. 23.27.59 # mr_pink: what target? 23.28.05 # Category, rather. 23.28.09 # Landus: I think you would need to ask your college... 23.28.42 # It also depends on your experience, and what exactly you want to work on in Rockbox. 23.28.46 # gigabeat 23.28.46 # Not in yet. Still a few more months, but I was wondering if there's a general field that covers all the knowledge needed to hack rockbox. 23.28.50 # Landus: no c++, only c in Rockbox 23.29.10 # mr_pink: rockbox/firmware/target/arm/gigabeat/meg-fx/backlight-meg-fx.c 23.29.16 # cheers 23.29.17 # where do you guys think is the best play to learn c, that a 16 year old has access to? 23.29.41 # Books and see if there's a class at your high school. 23.29.47 # I speak from experience. 23.30.05 # donutman25: get K&R and another book that's more explaining 23.30.13 # online examples and man pages 23.30.17 # and find yourself some interesting thing to program 23.31.07 # and make yourself familar with a unix shell. 23.31.19 # Or just your common linux distro. 23.31.53 # bluebrother: what is "K&R"? 23.32.00 # Landus: Rockbox contributors have a wide variety of skills and knowledge - there won't be one course to cover every area. And I would guess that most of the Rockbox hackers are mostly self-taught. 23.32.31 # donutman25: The C Programming language by Kernighan & Ritchie 23.32.46 # it's some kind of the bible for C 23.32.59 Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-24-8-203-134.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 23.32.59 # but it isn't a teaching book. 23.33.37 # donutman25: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_%28programming_language%29#External_links 23.33.37 # while you could learn c using k&r it's easier if you use something else for the basics and then read on there. 23.37.43 # What tristates the coldfire CPU on the iriver's when the USB chip is talking to the HD? 23.38.14 Quit Febs (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 23.38.53 # H100 and H300 that is 23.39.16 # linuxstb: I should be more specific. I don't entirely understand how the software and the hardware work together from just C code from scratch. 23.40.51 # Landus: if you know some C and have a little spare time you should just dive in and try to work on rockbox 23.41.24 # I know a little, but not enough to comprehend how it all works together as a whole. 23.41.59 # The only computer intensive available class I can take as a high school student is a networking class, which has little to do with programming. 23.42.04 # it was a bit overwhelming for me at first 23.42.13 # does anyone know where links to http://www.rockbox.org/docs/contributing.html should point to instead? There's loads of links to it in the wiki but it doesn't seem to exist. I'm happy to update if someone can tell me what it should be! 23.42.59 # mr_pink: I believe here => http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/docs/CONTRIBUTING?revision=11979&view=markup 23.43.22 # I've been using for rockbox almost a year. I've been wanting to be able to write something of my own, but have literally no idea where to start. Overwhelming is the perfect to describe where I am. 23.43.36 # http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/docs/CONTRIBUTING?view=markup is a better (fixed) URL 23.43.37 Join Entasis [0] (n=Jarred@ppp146-113.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net) 23.43.58 # Landus: is there a particular thing you would like to work on? 23.44.16 # Landus: writing a plugin (game, demo, etc) is a perfect start 23.44.33 # hmm, CONTRIBUTING reminds me of the doxygen issue 23.45.04 # Bagder: or just trying to fix/alter/enhance some feature 23.45.07 Quit jmsbwtr_ ("Ex-Chat") 23.45.48 # There is one. 23.46.02 # Though, it might be a bit above and beyond. 23.46.19 # Landus: tell us 23.46.32 # The headphones I have, one side is dead, so I've switched the sound setting channels to mono. 23.46.41 # But during one of my periods during the day. 23.46.49 # I can sneak into the school auditorium, and if it's empty. 23.47.13 # I plug in my DAP into the sound board and put everything over the 16 speakers. 23.48.10 # Switching from mono to stereo takes a minute, either from lack of RAM or hard drive activity. 23.48.33 # I had an idea of making a faster way of getting to that menu. 23.48.54 # But got lost as soon as I started trying to figure out how to start. 23.49.14 # The A-B button brings up a menu if its held in. 23.50.08 # I wanted to replace one of the existing selections with a way to change the channel setting. 23.51.44 # Landus: hm.. :) 23.52.17 # I don't understand you "either from lack of RAM or hard drive activity" statement 23.52.36 # The firmware lags when I hold in the Navi button. 23.53.00 # I figure that it's from a lack of RAM, or it taking a second for the hard drive to spin up. 23.53.25 # would "C for Dummies" aid me in learning to program for rockbox? 23.55.11 # Landus: I don't think the hard drive should spin up if you hold the NAVI button. 23.55.27 # Doesn't the NAVI button take you to the file browser (from the WPS) ? 23.55.40 # Not if I hold it in from the WPS. 23.55.47 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 23.56.03 # Then you have the WPS context menu. 23.56.03 # I get a menu that let's me look a few things, including sound settings. 23.56.29 Quit bluebrother ("leaving") 23.56.30 # badger: unfortunately seaching for "contributing" to find the broken links results in finding every page in the wiki... stupid copyright footer! 23.58.31 # I'm not sure why it lags, but it does, and it doesn't when I hold in the A-B button.