--- Log for 05.05.107 Server: pratchett.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot_ Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 3 days and 9 hours ago 00.01.03 Join p3tur [0] (n=petur@d51A49B9B.access.telenet.be) 00.03.05 # lol 00.03.23 # HellDragon: myur? 00.07.44 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) 00.11.51 Join Guile [0] (n=Guile@ 00.12.14 Join Rincewind_ [0] (n=xchatter@i3ED6E77C.versanet.de) 00.12.46 Quit joshin (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.12.50 Join joshin [0] (n=joshin@VDSL-130-13-9-125.PHNX.QWEST.NET) 00.12.51 *** Server message 505: 'logbot_ :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 00.14.10 Quit p3tur (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 00.15.24 Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") 00.18.16 Quit intgr (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.18.16 Quit markun (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.18.16 Quit qwedsa (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.18.16 Quit phooze (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.18.16 Quit HEx (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.18.16 Quit dionoea (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.18.18 NJoin dionoea [0] (n=dionoea@poy.chewa.net) 00.18.26 NJoin qwedsa [0] (n=superman@ip51ccca31.speed.planet.nl) 00.19.21 NJoin HEx [0] (i=HEx@213-228-241-143.dsl.prodigynet.co.uk) 00.19.40 Join amigan [0] (i=dcp1990@unaffiliated/amigan) 00.20.11 NJoin intgr [0] (n=ack@blip.juffo.org) 00.20.11 NJoin markun [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 00.21.18 Quit olle_ ("Konversation terminated!") 00.21.53 Quit Rincewind (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 00.23.12 Part nls 00.24.41 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 00.26.41 Join pearldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) 00.27.18 Quit GodEater_ (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit jaebird (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit z35 (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit Pimpdaddypayne (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit obo (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit ender` (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit hostf4cekilla (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit billytwowilly (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit linuxstb (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit chrisjs169 (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit HellDragon (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit Bawitdaba (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit idnar (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit FOAD (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit TrueJournals (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit XavierGr (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit jhulst (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit petur (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit Rick (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit smolyn (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit lukaswayne9 (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit spiorf (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit SirFunk (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit pabs (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit midkay (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit davina (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit x-spec-ting (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit tipi^ (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit goffa (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.18 Quit Bagder (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.27.20 Join pabs_ [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 00.27.20 Join x-spec-t1ng [0] (n=spec@ 00.27.22 Join tipi^_ [0] (i=pihlstro@lehtori.cc.tut.fi) 00.27.24 NJoin billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@ 00.27.25 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@c-24-19-236-139.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 00.27.25 NJoin Bawitdaba [0] (n=Sphinx@cpe-24-25-130-25.nycap.res.rr.com) 00.27.25 *** Server message 505: 'logbot_ :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 00.27.27 NJoin FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 00.27.30 NJoin obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 00.27.31 NJoin chrisjs169 [0] (n=jack@ 00.27.31 NJoin jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-145-105.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 00.27.31 *** Server message 505: 'logbot_ :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 00.27.32 NJoin GodEater_ [0] (n=bryan@host-83-146-12-54.bulldogdsl.com) 00.27.35 NJoin XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp138-5.adsl.forthnet.gr) 00.27.35 NJoin linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 00.27.36 NJoin Pimpdaddypayne [0] (n=Tux@ 00.27.36 Join smolyn [0] (n=smolyn@ 00.27.36 *** Server message 505: 'logbot_ :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 00.27.37 NJoin goffa [0] (n=goffa@ 00.27.37 NJoin z35 [0] (n=z@adsl-226-228-239.dab.bellsouth.net) 00.27.38 *** Server message 505: 'logbot_ :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 00.27.38 NJoin HellDragon [0] (i=JD@ 00.27.39 *** Server message 505: 'logbot_ :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 00.27.41 Join davina [0] (n=davina@ 00.27.43 *** Server message 505: 'logbot_ :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 00.27.45 NJoin SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@cpe-74-71-205-222.twcny.res.rr.com) 00.27.48 NJoin hostf4cekilla [0] (n=chatzill@pool-70-22-207-151.bos.east.verizon.net) 00.27.49 NJoin spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host63-214-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 00.27.51 NJoin ender` [0] (i=krneki@ 00.27.53 NJoin lukaswayne9 [0] (n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) 00.27.57 NJoin jaebird [0] (n=jae@53-89.netblk-69-41-89.coolaccess.net) 00.28.20 NJoin Rick [0] (i=rick@pool-71-119-160-247.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) 00.29.09 Quit amiconn (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Go on, try it!") 00.32.30 NJoin idnar [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 00.35.04 NJoin TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 00.37.03 NJoin petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 00.37.26 Join a1titude [0] (n=Compaq_A@206-163-245-140.swcr.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) 00.40.03 Quit a1titude (Client Quit) 00.40.40 Part TrueJournals 00.40.50 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 00.40.55 Join czxcedas [0] (n=kuta@c-68-41-143-60.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 00.41.04 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD796B.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.42.00 Quit czxcedas (Client Quit) 00.45.30 Quit ender` (" "Of course, this is not a very secure program... But, we weren't trying to write a security system, just an example for pag) 00.45.42 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.47.33 Join p3tur [0] (n=petur@d51A49B9B.access.telenet.be) 00.49.13 # * preglow sips de koninck 00.49.25 # aka 'bolleke' 00.49.29 # heh, yeah 00.49.57 # it's not bad 00.49.57 # * petur discovers he has no beer in the house... 00.49.58 # like all belgian beer 00.49.59 # hahaha 00.49.59 # * preglow has a delirium tremens 00.50.07 # oh, the pink elephants 00.50.10 # indeed 00.50.12 # i hear it's good 00.50.35 # it's a very small artisanal brewery not so far from where I live 00.50.48 # * pixelma asks herself if petur gets triggered on sorts of beer too (maybe only belgian ones) ;) 00.51.00 # what are the KBD_MODES ? 00.51.15 # hey, stay on topic! 00.51.20 # :P 00.52.02 # smaller breweries are fun 00.52.04 # japanese beer for me 00.52.08 # looking forward to that 00.52.14 # * petur is sure he'll miss being on devcon if customs don't get the beer out of his luggage 00.52.19 # but anyway, KBD_MODES 00.52.54 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 00.53.02 # i heard some rumours tripel karmeliet will be available soon 00.53.12 # would make me smile 00.53.33 # me too 00.53.50 # oh I've got a 75cl of that in the house... bit much to drink now 00.54.01 # curses and curses 00.54.17 # I'll bring that and take orders for other brands :) 00.54.19 Join Rincewind^moep [0] (n=xchatter@i3ED6E793.versanet.de) 00.54.41 # westvleteren would be a good choice... 00.54.45 # i hear de dolle makes good stuff too 00.54.59 # westvleteren is hard to get, even for us 00.55.05 # i know :) 00.57.10 Join SirFunk_ [0] (n=Sir@cpe-74-71-205-222.twcny.res.rr.com) 00.57.32 # talking about beer, I think everybody now this : http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-assembler-(arm)-799.html 00.57.53 # ahahaha 00.58.05 # somebody want to put it in rockbox :) 00.58.30 # like a easter egg ;) 00.58.54 Join midkay_ [0] (n=midkay@c-24-19-236-139.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) 00.58.56 Join OxYKiLL [0] (n=oxykill_@ 00.59.09 Nick Khalsa is now known as Gursikh (n=khalsa@unaffiliated/gursikh) 00.59.14 Part OxYKiLL 00.59.28 Quit midkay (Nick collision from services.) 00.59.31 Nick midkay_ is now known as midkay (n=midkay@c-24-19-236-139.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) 01.01.31 # yes, and we'll incorporate a huuuuge beer list for variety! 01.01.39 # ;) 01.01.43 # beer.rocks 01.01.56 Join Juice^ [0] (n=juice@ 01.02.17 # petur: why "bolleke", btw? does it mean anything, or is it just a name? 01.02.38 # or anonymous alcoholic.rock instead ;p 01.02.51 # heh 01.03.12 # preglow: because of the glass which is almost like a sphere 01.04.47 # right 01.05.00 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@p549AE39E.dip.t-dialin.net) 01.06.27 # * p3tur edited devcon wiki page :) 01.08.17 # petur: It's called Bromma afaik 01.08.40 # Oh, and btw, some beers are available in PET bottles here 01.08.48 # (regarding the weight of glass) 01.08.50 # fixed 01.09.12 # bah, beer in plastic 01.09.27 Quit SirFunk (Connection timed out) 01.09.32 # I know, not ideal, but much easier to carry around 01.10.01 # rather bring one glass bottle than two plastic ones 01.10.39 # anyway, 20kg luggage will get me far :) 01.11.12 # * moos add petur to his alcohlic list ;) 01.11.15 Join fagin [0] (n=fagin@81-237-195-28-no16.tbcn.telia.com) 01.11.22 Nick SirFunk_ is now known as SirFunk (n=Sir@cpe-74-71-205-222.twcny.res.rr.com) 01.11.30 # * petur needs some sleep, tomorrow it house painting again 01.11.36 Quit petur ("Zzzzz") 01.11.54 Quit p3tur ("Zzzzzz") 01.12.06 Join Br3nda [0] (n=brenda@121-73-1-165.cable.telstraclear.net) 01.12.15 # Where can I find info on how to make album art work? I understand that you need a build with the right patch, but what format should the album art itself have? 01.12.16 # hmm 01.12.23 # moos: for alcohol addiction how much is the consultation 01.12.23 # also, plastic doesn't break in the suitcase... 01.13.00 # toffe82: like we are in rockbox, I can make an little effort for the price ;-) 01.13.25 # I have a 24bit 100x100 pixel bitmap image in the folder I am playing the files from now, but I don't see any album art. 01.13.28 # so for buying too much player and drinking too much, I got a price ;) 01.13.38 # hahaha :D 01.13.52 Quit jhulst (Connection timed out) 01.14.19 # toffe82: that just preglow case that could be more expensive ;p 01.14.30 # ;) 01.14.32 # fagin: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/AlbumArt 01.15.00 # Rincewind^moep, Thanks. I'll go and read up. :) 01.15.07 # fagin: album art isn't supported by official builds 01.15.13 # I know 01.15.31 # I am trying out some experimental builds just to see if I can get it to work 01.15.46 # I'm suprised you installed the album art patch without reading the wiki page first 01.15.58 # there are some forums around, arent' they? 01.16.04 Quit obo ("bye") 01.16.15 # about album art I mean 01.16.24 # That could be because I found references to album art in the themes page, but not anything about album art itself 01.17.16 Quit Rincewind_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.18.16 Quit Rincewind^moep ("Cya") 01.18.46 Join Rincewind^moep [0] (n=xchatter@i3ED6E793.versanet.de) 01.19.00 Nick Rincewind^moep is now known as Rincewind (n=xchatter@i3ED6E793.versanet.de) 01.20.07 Join Rincewind_ [0] (n=xchatter@i3ED6E530.versanet.de) 01.22.14 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 01.22.22 Quit Guile ("KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'") 01.26.15 # Cool! Now Album Art is working for me. Thanks for the link. 01.28.32 Part maffe 01.28.42 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 01.29.11 Part maffe 01.29.27 Part toffe82 01.29.28 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 01.29.54 Join spiorf_ [0] (n=spiorf@host63-214-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 01.30.45 Quit spiorf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.40.08 Join czxcedas [0] (n=kuta@c-68-41-143-60.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 01.40.28 # hello 01.40.39 # can anyone help me 01.41.26 # anyone 01.41.38 # what with? 01.41.50 # czxcedas: you have to ask an actual question first 01.42.16 # i want to get doom on my iriverh10 20gb how do i do that iam a real noob 01.42.28 Join billsville [0] (i=89a5d881@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-8c2aa8e7ddcb049b) 01.43.01 Quit spiorf_ (Remote closed the connection) 01.43.46 # read this first: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginDoom 01.44.28 Quit Rincewind (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.44.58 Quit czxcedas (Client Quit) 01.45.00 Quit Rincewind_ ("Cya") 01.49.39 # good night europeans 01.49.41 Quit moos ("Glory to Rockbox") 01.50.53 Join axlgreasetires [0] (n=chatzill@c-71-60-225-5.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 01.51.57 # hello???? any1 here 01.52.22 # nvmd i guess so 01.53.36 Nick andrew__ is now known as andrewg867 (n=andrew@stjhnf0124w-142162085050.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) 01.57.47 # axlgreasetires: ask a question 01.58.21 # i don't have any questions 01.58.41 # axlgreasetires: ah, ok. well, hello then! 01.58.55 # bonjour 01.59.03 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.02.47 # konnichiwa! 02.08.22 # nihao 02.09.07 Join SirGiggles [0] (i=18e427d8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-dd3c368c2bca606e) 02.09.32 # i am SirGiggles 02.10.43 Join possible248 [0] (n=Owner@71-210-185-196.mpls.qwest.net) 02.11.07 Part possible248 02.14.20 # SirGiggles: welcome Sir 02.14.58 Quit SirGiggles ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 02.18.04 Part pixelma 02.18.23 # what are the KBD_MODES ? 02.18.29 # hey markun 02.18.40 Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) 02.21.29 # hi pearldiver 02.21.35 # I don't know what it does 02.21.40 # ha 02.21.41 # really? 02.21.48 Join Brandonson112 [0] (n=Owner@ool-18e427d8.dyn.optonline.net) 02.22.07 Part Brandonson112 02.23.02 Join earHertz [0] (n=chatzill@ 02.23.30 # what's teh rockbox standard for a function to tell its caller it's been called with out of range parameters? 02.23.34 # "Enter things any way you like" 02.23.45 # kinda intriguing 02.23.46 # :P 02.30.22 Quit axlgreasetires ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 02.32.28 # lol 02.35.35 Quit cadu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.42.19 Quit Alonea (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.43.43 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) 02.45.27 Part maffe 02.45.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.46.01 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 02.46.55 # well 02.47.03 # i guess i'll just try it 02.49.12 Join TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 02.58.41 Quit Juice^ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.00.53 Join phxheat [0] (n=phxheat@cpe-76-172-53-49.socal.res.rr.com) 03.10.43 # umm 03.10.48 # i dont see any changes 03.16.45 Quit entheh ("^~") 03.19.36 Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@cpe-74-71-205-222.twcny.res.rr.com) 03.22.37 # senab? 03.22.42 # is senab here? 03.23.03 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.28.07 Quit bawb2 (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.33.22 Quit Alonea (Remote closed the connection) 03.34.46 Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) 03.40.34 Join lids_ [0] (i=lds@gateway/tor/x-4ab5252c91ecc69a) 03.42.16 Join bawb2 [0] (n=bawb2@ip50210.estcmp.ku.edu) 03.44.22 Quit lids (Remote closed the connection) 03.44.57 Quit Gursikh (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.47.26 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) 03.59.55 Quit Alonea ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 03.59.57 Join rotator [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) 04.05.14 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 04.09.55 Quit toer (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.11.26 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) 04.11.36 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.13.20 Join sethjohnson [0] (i=46432473@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8d55da0f142719bb) 04.14.25 # hi I just register on the TWiKi, I'd like write permission as I've created a Rockbox extension for MediaCoder 04.15.40 Join charkins [0] (n=casey@pdpc/supporter/active/charkins) 04.16.00 # are you an evil spammer trying to sell penis pills? 04.16.18 Quit lids_ (Remote closed the connection) 04.16.31 # Nice 04.16.37 # hahah nope... 04.16.52 # Has anyone ever said yes to that? ;-) 04.16.53 # is there good money in that? 04.17.11 Join lids [0] (i=lds@gateway/tor/x-237f59bb4fad0fb5) 04.17.22 # you're in 04.18.05 # I would have been willing to pay $5 a pill for H3rbAl Vi Agra 04.18.18 # what exactly does this extension do? 04.18.22 # cool, Im just headed out the door but Ill add the extension when I get a chance 04.19.40 # MediaCoder has extensions for different devices(PSP, iPod and other media players) just gives you a popup window with your presets and a cool preview on the video in your player 04.20.33 # are you looking for hosting - or adding details about it to the PluginMpegplayer page? 04.21.12 # see this- http://mediacoder.sourceforge.net/device.htm I can host it if need be, but whatever works 04.21.24 # best for you guys 04.21.32 # what were you planning on editing? 04.22.07 Quit hannesd_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.22.33 # well I thought it would be good to include it with the other methods of encoding on the PluginMpegplayer page. what do you think? 04.22.44 # yea 04.22.50 # yes..that is best 04.25.17 # cool 04.26.23 Quit sethjohnson ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 04.29.30 Quit mbr (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 04.29.35 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 04.33.24 Quit charkins ("Ex-Chat") 04.42.09 Part TrueJournals 04.45.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.11.39 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) 05.39.15 Join toer [0] (i=tore@skjeldal.com) 05.39.59 Quit aliask (Remote closed the connection) 05.43.02 Join RaRe` [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) 05.43.44 Quit bawb2 ("seacrest out!") 05.53.17 Join Cyber_wolf [0] (i=4a8564ff@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-739c60f50b4d6895) 05.55.28 # hi, i'm having a problem installing rockbox on my iriver 05.58.57 Quit billytwowilly (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.59.13 # hi 05.59.15 Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@ 06.00.08 # can't load rockbox.mi4 file not found and rockbox.h10 same thing 06.01.35 Join webguest60 [0] (i=d231de16@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6c0e817e726d7480) 06.01.51 Quit RaRe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.02.17 # hi all 06.03.39 # can someone help? 06.04.22 # wassup cyberwolf? 06.04.27 # (i'm a noob) 06.06.26 Quit Cyber_wolf ("CGI:IRC") 06.06.36 # lol 06.08.10 Quit webguest60 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 06.09.33 # "lol" 06.24.39 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-145-105.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 06.25.43 Join avenged_one [0] (i=485648bf@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4788a1c1ed10538f) 06.27.02 # Any progress on the Sansa Rhapsody recently? 06.27.39 # no 06.28.04 # Well that sucks. 06.28.08 # Thanks anyways 06.28.10 # :) 06.30.44 Quit avenged_one ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 06.36.30 Quit lids (Remote closed the connection) 06.36.51 Quit hcs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.39.55 Quit billsville ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 06.43.28 Quit rotator () 06.44.03 Join lids [0] (i=lds@gateway/tor/x-ba5c348307fc82c7) 06.45.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.49.02 Join gursikh [0] (n=khalsa@unaffiliated/gursikh) 06.51.54 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ 07.00.26 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07.08.44 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@67-64-144-90.dialup.rcsntx.swbell.net) 07.11.20 Quit BHSPitLappy (Remote closed the connection) 07.11.36 Quit gursikh ("Leaving") 07.12.26 Join chrisjs169|brb [0] (n=jack@pool-71-114-131-29.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net) 07.13.55 Join bonbonthejon [0] (n=jon@cpe-69-133-37-32.cinci.res.rr.com) 07.22.53 Quit lids (Remote closed the connection) 07.25.42 Quit chrisjs169 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.44.09 Quit Br3nda (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.58.44 Join lids [0] (i=lds@gateway/tor/x-cd16752b354b8c5e) 07.59.27 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c210-49-190-113.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au) 08.01.34 Quit Jon-Kha ("leaving") 08.01.54 Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-Kha@a91-152-87-243.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 08.03.18 Quit pearldiver ("some games are better left unplayed") 08.09.06 Quit bonbonthejon (Remote closed the connection) 08.09.21 Join bonbonthejon [0] (n=jon@cpe-69-133-37-32.cinci.res.rr.com) 08.13.45 Join pearldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) 08.14.01 Quit bonbonthejon (Remote closed the connection) 08.32.40 Join bonbonthejon [0] (n=jon@cpe-69-133-37-32.cinci.res.rr.com) 08.45.53 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.52.40 Quit bonbonthejon (Remote closed the connection) 09.11.54 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ 09.13.47 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m180.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 09.16.56 # hi everybody 09.17.04 # lo 09.17.05 # i have a problème with the database 09.17.22 # when i start i have a "database not ready" 09.17.33 # i can use it, but its never updated 09.17.53 # for playing stats and for new files or del files 09.20.20 # Hmm, I don't really understand. If it says 'database not ready' you cannot enter it. Instead it should offer you to initialise it, and after the next boot it should be available 09.20.44 # it say when start rockbox "database is not ready" and i can use it 09.21.02 # and it's already initialise 09.21.06 # i have all the file 09.21.27 # Then I honestly don't know what happens... never had that behaviour 09.21.38 # database_0.tcd ... database_7.tcd and database_idx.tcd 09.21.53 # it's not the first time for me 09.22.16 # it just briefly displays database not ready on boot? 09.22.31 # and alla the time I have to del the databse and initialise them after. But i loose all the stats 09.22.32 # yes 09.22.45 Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-236-152.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 09.22.53 # * amiconn always does a full rebuild instead of a database update 09.22.56 # in that case it's normal because browser tries to enter database sooner it has been checked 09.23.01 # seems to be the database update who say that message 09.23.01 # and then it becomes ready 09.23.31 # My_Sic: and for the song stats, are you sure you have enabled the gather runtime data option? 09.23.32 # Slasheri: Hmm, never seen that. Under what conditions would that happen? 09.23.41 # yes it's enable 09.23.52 # amiconn: i am not sure, i have seen that very rarely 09.23.53 # since I have this message, never updated 09.24.16 # amiconn: it happened on boot when browser automatically tries to open the db view 09.24.34 # Maybe it only happens when you've set your start screen to db browser? 09.24.42 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 09.24.47 # indeed, or resume to the last screen 09.25.06 # That explains why I've never seen that happen 09.25.44 # yes it was this 09.26.05 # i change the start screen, and i haven't the message 09.26.25 # Slasheri: Btw, I have another database related question myself 09.26.41 # th 09.27.22 # If you start an album/whatever from the db browser and let it play, when the playlist ends, rockbox drops back to the db browser as it should 09.27.48 # However, in that case it performs 2 database seacrhes before it displays your last folder. Do you know why that happens? 09.28.28 # hmm, interesting.. i rarely use playlists that end so i have never seen that 09.28.48 # It seems to me that this behaviour started with the introduction of the root menu 09.29.07 # Hehe, and I rarely use repeat, i.e. my playlists (nearly) always end 09.29.17 # :) 09.29.46 # but that sounds weird, what would the db need to search for 09.30.01 # Te only purpose I use repeat for is doing runtime tests 09.30.31 # Well, if you enter a database 'folder', it needs to gather the entries for display 09.30.48 # It indicates that by popping the 'search.... xxxx found' splash 09.31.09 # This splash appears twice when dumping back to the db browser after end of playlist 09.31.31 # true, but if that folder is already loaded, it shouldn't be necessary to reload it twice 09.32.01 # probably a problem with the menu system, at least it sounds like that 09.32.04 # I don't know whether it's the same folder... 09.32.12 # It also happens when stopping, btw 09.32.40 # This is without anything 'in ram', i.e. on archos 09.32.49 # ah, i have db in ram so i haven't seen that.. trying soon 09.33.07 # probably it just reloads the current folder content (twice) 09.33.42 # Once would be enough.... 09.35.31 # Oh, and speaking about things in RAM: you fixed the uniniterruptable dircache scan a while ago, but now there is a related problem. 09.36.12 # If you shut down the unit now while a dircache scan is running, dircache will do its scan in the foreground on next boot. I don't think this is intended.... 09.40.35 # juste to say that now the database updating, is working. so never use the database at start screen 09.40.51 # hmm, this is weird.. the unit does the db search always twice when you enter the db view from the root menu. After first search you can even scroll one item down on the list, but if you do that, after the second search is done nothing happens until you press the menu key 09.41.08 # odd.... 09.41.11 # My_Sic: hmm, i have had no problems with that 09.41.20 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B14C7A.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.41.24 # My_Sic: On what target, btw? 09.41.59 # ipod 60Go 5.0 under "evil ice" build 09.42.04 # whats mean btw ? 09.42.49 # btw = by the way 09.43.02 # ok thanks 09.43.04 # hum 09.43.07 # no working 09.43.10 # not working 09.43.17 # i have another problem 09.43.51 # when rockbox have updating the database, it have deleting from the dabase all the old file and now i have only the new 09.47.22 # My_Sic: please try with official build 09.48.38 Quit jhulst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.57.52 # it's the same 09.59.51 # when i restart the player after "update the databse", the player fail at step 1/8. i have to restard again to have all the step 10.00.08 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 10.01.26 Join lids_ [0] (i=lds@gateway/tor/x-4805f0525f196314) 10.04.50 Join bluebrother [0] (i=I6K5lhsb@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 10.05.02 Join ctaf [0] (n=ctaf@ram94-6-82-242-23-70.fbx.proxad.net) 10.05.04 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host194-172-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 10.05.14 Part ctaf 10.09.59 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A94F90.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.14.17 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.25.24 Join dodo1 [0] (n=dodo@etna.magma-net.pl) 10.25.26 # hello 10.25.58 # ive got freaky question about rockbox plugins 10.26.14 # do u remember the one named xobox? this game? 10.31.07 # it still exists. 10.34.20 # yes 10.34.28 # i would like to have this game on my pc 10.34.46 # for winxp 10.34.53 # or similar game 10.34.56 # it's a clone of "qix". 10.35.04 # or "xonix". 10.35.14 # qix? thanks midkay thats what i was looking for 10.35.19 # sure thing. 10.35.26 Quit Alonea (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.40.19 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) 10.43.56 Quit dodo1 ("WeeChat 0.1.7") 10.44.03 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 10.44.59 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@ 10.45.56 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.46.00 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 10.47.20 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 10.47.38 # hey all 10.47.48 # hey 10.51.09 Join nls [0] (n=nils@nl104-202-175.student.uu.se) 10.51.42 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.52.55 Quit lids (Remote closed the connection) 10.53.59 Join RaRe [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) 11.01.08 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964743.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 11.04.51 Quit RaRe` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.09.52 # JdGordon: the comment you put in your mail was already mentioned here in IRC 11.10.03 # ah ok 11.10.19 # serves me right for not reading logs then :p 11.10.57 Join Guile [0] (n=Guile@88-138-249-132.adslgp.cegetel.net) 11.14.48 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 11.18.25 Join senab [0] (n=senab@82-35-229-48.cable.ubr01.smal.blueyonder.co.uk) 11.18.51 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 11.19.01 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 11.19.02 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 11.19.05 # oops... 11.19.26 # morning amiconn 11.20.25 Quit earHertz ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 11.21.42 Part senab 11.28.11 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 11.32.12 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.35.51 # markun: morning... but heh, it's almost noon! :) 11.36.28 # still morning then :) 11.36.28 # yes, almost, and I still didn't have breakfast.. 11.50.50 Quit kaaloo ("Leaving.") 11.51.49 Join webguest93 [0] (i=5449b24d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-07c0aaf9d8ee5aa3) 11.52.07 # hello everybody 11.52.27 # i've got a question about flashing the firmware of the iriver h320.... 11.53.04 # is it possible to downgrade it? i mean i have the version k1.31 but i need the 1.29 so that i can install the rockbox loader.... 11.53.08 # is this possible? 11.53.20 # yes 11.53.50 # so i just have to put an older firmware version on the player's hdd and select the firmware upgrade option? 11.54.03 # yes 11.54.09 # oh cool :) thanks 11.55.08 # can't wait to try rockbox... heard many interesting facts... 11.57.33 Part webguest93 11.59.56 # JdGordon: gday 12.00.48 Part maffe 12.00.53 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 12.00.53 # hey 12.01.51 Quit Alonea (Connection timed out) 12.02.24 # how bout tomorrow 12.04.34 # maybe... got soo much work to do tonight and tomrow... maybe when i need a break 12.06.48 # work is for people that aren;t you 12.06.49 # :P 12.13.25 Quit maffe (Remote closed the connection) 12.13.46 Quit markun (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.13.46 NSplit pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 12.13.46 Quit intgr (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.13.46 Quit ender` (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.13.46 Quit toer (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.13.46 Quit davina (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.13.46 Quit HellDragon (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.13.46 Quit Pimpdaddypayne (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.14.10 NHeal pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 12.14.10 NJoin ender` [0] (i=krneki@ 12.14.10 NJoin toer [0] (i=tore@skjeldal.com) 12.14.10 NJoin davina [0] (n=davina@ 12.14.10 Join HellDragon [0] (i=JD@unaffiliated/helldragon) 12.14.10 NJoin Pimpdaddypayne [0] (n=Tux@ 12.14.10 NJoin markun [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 12.14.10 NJoin intgr [0] (n=ack@blip.juffo.org) 12.17.14 # daurnimator: damn right... but 3 major asingments due very soon and im fucked if i fail any subjects this year 12.23.07 # lol! 12.23.09 # http://www.jonlee.ca/images/Jenga.gif 12.25.22 Part pixelma 12.25.55 # amiconn: ping 12.27.04 # pong 12.27.33 # hi - was reading your comments in the logs about audioscrobbler 12.28.25 # there are 3 seperate issues, there is a patch for one (6213) 12.28.36 Join iM`Vi [0] (n=Gspier@88-196-14-134-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee) 12.28.44 Nick iM`Vi is now known as Viljar (n=Gspier@88-196-14-134-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee) 12.29.02 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 12.29.16 # One needs a change to playback.c that I can't get to work - and the archos issues seem to stem from a bug in mpeg.c 12.29.42 # oh, and a few bytes can be saved by wrapping mktime() in timefuncs.c in a #ifdef CONFIG_RTC 12.35.02 # But why does this thing work _sometimes_ on archos (in a non-predictable manner)? 12.35.14 # Almost looks like a race condition on init to me... 12.35.28 Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) 12.36.56 # From patches I had users run (FS#6639) it seems like it's an issue with audio_track_changed_event 12.37.00 # I don't have enough time to test atm. 12.37.30 # I would like to get some hints what exactly to look for in the log files, as I don't have a last.fm account and won't get one either 12.37.42 # Or is it just a simple yes/no issue? 12.38.02 # it should add a line for every track that is played 12.41.23 Quit intgr (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.41.23 Quit markun (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.41.23 Quit Pimpdaddypayne (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.41.23 Quit ender` (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.41.23 Quit toer (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.41.23 Quit davina (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.41.23 Quit HellDragon (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.42.51 NJoin ender` [0] (i=krneki@ 12.42.51 NJoin toer [0] (i=tore@skjeldal.com) 12.42.51 NJoin davina [0] (n=davina@ 12.42.51 NJoin HellDragon [0] (i=JD@unaffiliated/helldragon) 12.42.51 NJoin Pimpdaddypayne [0] (n=Tux@ 12.42.51 NJoin markun [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 12.42.51 NJoin intgr [0] (n=ack@blip.juffo.org) 12.43.05 Join moos [0] (i=moos@m135.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 12.45.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.48.15 # * amiconn wonders why there are 2 different event handling systems in mpeg.c (and probably in playback.c as well) 12.49.15 Quit pearldiver (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 12.49.25 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@avc146.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) 12.51.57 # * amiconn also wonders how the database keeps track of playtimes 12.59.30 Quit intgr (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.59.30 NSplit pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 12.59.30 Quit markun (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.59.30 Quit Pimpdaddypayne (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.59.30 Quit ender` (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.59.30 Quit toer (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.59.30 Quit davina (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.59.30 Quit HellDragon (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 12.59.59 NHeal pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 12.59.59 NJoin ender` [0] (i=krneki@ 12.59.59 NJoin toer [0] (i=tore@skjeldal.com) 12.59.59 NJoin davina [0] (n=davina@ 12.59.59 NJoin HellDragon [0] (i=JD@unaffiliated/helldragon) 12.59.59 NJoin Pimpdaddypayne [0] (n=Tux@ 12.59.59 NJoin markun [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 12.59.59 NJoin intgr [0] (n=ack@blip.juffo.org) 13.01.36 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 13.08.35 Join AceNik___ [0] (n=AceNik@ 13.09.47 # hey guys im maintaining a patched verison on the source , i wanted to ask is it possible that the patches in the source get replaced n get redundant at any time 13.11.27 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 13.12.06 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host194-172-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 13.13.26 # AceNik___: I'm not sure what you're asking. Patches may get committed to SVN, or the same or similar features may get implemented in a different way, or patches simply go out of sync over time as Rockbox changes. 13.14.11 # i am maintining a patched version of the svn , i include a few patches n makes builds for myself 13.14.47 # now the question i have is , at any point of time will the patch code get replaced by updating the source 13.15.22 # subversion will tell you when there's conflict 13.16.47 # secondly , suppose i want to create a sync'ed version of a particular patch , but i have multiple patches to the source , how can i produce the latest patch file for a particular patch, svn diff wont do this 13.19.21 Quit intgr (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 13.19.21 NSplit pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 13.19.21 Quit markun (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 13.19.21 Quit Pimpdaddypayne (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 13.19.21 Quit ender` (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 13.19.21 Quit toer (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 13.19.21 Quit davina (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 13.19.21 Quit HellDragon (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 13.19.51 NHeal pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 13.19.51 NJoin ender` [0] (i=krneki@ 13.19.51 NJoin toer [0] (i=tore@skjeldal.com) 13.19.51 NJoin davina [0] (n=davina@ 13.19.51 NJoin HellDragon [0] (i=JD@unaffiliated/helldragon) 13.19.51 NJoin Pimpdaddypayne [0] (n=Tux@ 13.19.51 NJoin markun [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 13.19.51 NJoin intgr [0] (n=ack@blip.juffo.org) 13.21.13 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 13.21.30 # anyone ? 13.21.40 # hi 13.21.41 # AceNik___: One option would be to reverse (i.e. apply them again with patch -R) all the other patches. 13.24.51 # but then wouldnt that make the patch stop working later , since it worked with the svn update , but removing it would cause some changes to the source that might not be possible to patch again right? 13.25.28 # Anyone tried adding a radio channel recently? I get an illegal instruction on my H140 build... 13.25.47 Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.26.00 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@vhe-382201.sshn.net) 13.26.46 # AceNik___: If patch -R works to reverse the patch, then you will be able to apply it again. 13.27.30 Quit Xerion (Client Quit) 13.27.56 # ok , so is there a chnace some of the patches get committed to the svn itself, like for instantance, sokoban improvements? 13.27.58 # Ah, works on official builds... 13.28.42 # the sokoban.levels, needs to be copied & renamed to sokobanlevels.sok & then proceed with the patch 13.28.48 # AceNik___: Yes, if someone promotes them to the developers and they are of good enough quality. 13.30.15 # well the y do seem efficent & derease size & use better coding , i dont see a reason , why , anyways the reason im talking about this is also , if some developer reads the logs & proceeds with it , i ot 2 patches commited earlier this way only , calculator tan & starfield pulse 13.35.10 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@vhe-382201.sshn.net) 13.35.38 Part maffe 13.35.49 # i wanted to ask is there a way possible where a person could choose stuff he wants in the rockbox build & everything gets compiled into one build or zip & get downloaded 13.36.00 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 13.36.01 Quit spiorf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.36.57 # i know if the custom builds cant be made , like the compiling stuff , might be hard to do ,but , atleast we cant start with the option of providing themes , wps. selected plugins , fonts, dictionary 13.37.02 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host70-222-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 13.37.21 # * bluebrother doesn't understand this question 13.37.38 # i know all this is available through rockbox util , but still it lacks the system to fully cutomise a rockbox build to the users benefit 13.37.43 Quit moos ("") 13.38.53 # im talking of somethin like , you just tick the options you wish to have in your build & even select the type of database's , or so , & the custom files would be downlaoded as a custom build together , rather than doin everything yourself 13.39.35 # there are a couple of options that are simply not wanted. For example there was already some discussion about removing themes completely from the builds. 13.39.37 # AceNik___: Are you talking about a system for removing features from Rockbox? 13.40.14 # there is not "I create my customized build on the fly" thing around and I don't believe this is even wanted. 13.40.43 # no im talkin bout a newbie entering a pae where he can just tick a few options & he gets whatever he wants in his build (zip) & he just needs to place it in his root 13.40.43 # If you want your customized build you'll need to make it yourself. 13.40.54 Join moos [0] (i=moos@m135.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 13.41.10 # AceNik___: I don't understand then - what would the user not select? 13.41.14 # IMO this is not a feature that is wanted. 13.41.36 # linuxstb, as far as I understood he wants a customizable download 13.42.05 # including the setting of build options 13.42.16 # What build options? There aren't any... 13.42.25 # right ... 13.42.54 # that's the strange part of that question 13.43.01 # i know that , i make my own builds , but im only trying to see a way possible to make the website interact with the way people want their builds & not , like suppose custom themes can be added , custm fonts can be added , custom config files made there & then & added, cutom database's , tagnavi file 13.43.13 # but anyway, I don't think some on-the-fly customizable zip downloads are feasible at all 13.43.37 # the user can always download that stuff himself 13.43.39 # I'm pretty sure I've seen such a website before 13.43.42 # AceNik___: That is much better handled by Rockbox Utility - we don't want to make the web server do all that work. 13.43.44 Part maffe 13.43.46 # First of all it would be a support nightmare 13.43.51 # and rbutil will integrate taht. 13.44.00 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 13.44.02 # where you could select which patches you want to include for your custom rockbox build 13.44.04 # every option would have their screenshots & decribtion to make the user understand 13.44.21 # * bluebrother even fears of supporting such a website -- loads of users will be confused to even download Rockbox 13.44.27 # Right now we have exactly one set of official builds with exactly one set of features. 13.44.35 # AceNik___: maybe it's better to spend energy in solving the problems why these patches can't be committed.. 13.44.38 # yup markun patches was on my mind but then i thought of how the compiling on the server would be a problem 13.44.39 # JdGordon had a patch-your-build site up for some time. 13.44.44 # If something doesn't work as intended there, it needs to be fixed 13.45.18 # * JdGordon wonders if I still have the code for that site anywhere 13.45.27 # well im not denying rockbox utility is a good effor , but it still has loads of options to be included 13.45.47 # I know that there are custom builds out there, but these aren't official. So if there's a problem with them, the publisher of these patched builds is your first (and only) contact if there are problems 13.45.54 # then go and create a patch to include that "loads of options" 13.45.58 # can there be options in rockbox utility to , do the customising in the computer for the user 13.46.14 # AceNik___: By "customising" do you mean applying patches? 13.46.48 # linuxstb: patching,thats just another part of it 13.46.58 # we have only one set of official binaries 13.47.12 # patching is done against sources, and rbutil is an installer tool, not a compiler 13.47.40 # plus, supporting a user-customized-build beyond the official settings would be a real PITA 13.47.55 # AceNik___: I still don't understand what you want... Rockbox Utility allows you to install themes. Settings can be set in Rockbox itself. There's nothing else for a user to choose. 13.47.59 # first atleast setting all the configs riight , including cutom themes , wps's , can the rockbox util be made to delete files from the build n include custom files int he zip , all on the computer 13.48.05 # it would also be impossible creating a consistent manual for that. 13.48.38 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 13.50.06 # well , people ( newbie's) dont know how to modify database views , probably they could just select which database they want , & that gets included int he build , i mean screenshots be provided with 4-5 database's 13.50.13 # AceNik___: people in here (like me) are mostly boring conservative rockbox hackers :) Maybe try writing in the forums about your ideas, there are some people who are crazy about customizing there I think 13.50.19 # AceNik___: Regarding patches, there is a whole bunch of possible reasons why a patch isn't included in svn yet. 13.50.43 # people who don't know how to customize Rockbox should read the manual 13.50.50 # at the same time , they would prefer having screenshots of fonts be shown to them , inorder to keep it or delete it , 13.50.57 # that's the reason we write it (and put quite some effort into it) 13.51.19 # bluebrother: I think the manual could do with some restructuring btw 13.51.27 # markun: it's being talked about 13.51.51 # what _might_ be an option would be to allow the user to select between a couple of default settings, like "apple-like", "default", etc 13.52.01 # when I use the manual to look up something I mostly find it because I know rockbox well already 13.52.06 # well , i can gaurantee , one thing ,making rockbox more user friendly like this is better & you would see a leap in people using this software more , since it works out easy & customisable very well 13.52.14 # markun, I agree. Still, someone needs to do it ;-) 13.52.25 # yes.. 13.52.30 # but hopefully I'll find more time for working on it in a couple of weeks 13.52.41 # * linuxstb wonders what "apple-like" means,,, Disable the file browser and limit support to AAC and MP3? 13.52.48 # bluebrother: do you have some good ideas on how to improve it? 13.52.49 # hehe ... 13.53.09 # (1) There might be issues with the code itself (e.g. too large/complicated for what it does, coding style etc) (2) There might be problems regarding the multi-platformness of rockbox. The fact that it "appears to work" on one target simply isn't enough (except if it deals with a feature that is only possible on this target, but such features are rare) 13.53.11 # I want Gigabeat OF like! 13.53.18 # linuxstb, like have the database enabled and loaded to RAM initially 13.53.25 # no UMS support, no more games/video 13.53.34 # flashing bubbles in the WPS 13.53.49 # well im talking about how , you could possibly make rockbox utility show the user stuff , screenshots & desription like the manual & let the user decide what he wants , files can be downlaoded earlier viewed & changes can be made & a final zip can be made on the comp 13.53.51 # so it's more suited for the average ipod user. And choose an apple-like theme ;-) 13.53.54 # (3) The simplest one - no developer has looked into the patch yet, for several reasons (lack of interest / time etc) 13.54.29 # markun, tucoz ideas on the ML sound good to me 13.55.03 # rbutil already shows screenshots of the themes to install 13.55.08 # at least afaik. 13.55.47 # * bluebrother wants a coffee maker plugin 13.55.54 # \i think its too much work to start a project , bu i beleive its worth it 13.56.19 # That's a self-contradiction... 13.56.52 # I don't even understand what's the "project" 13.57.13 # or what it should be, to be exact 13.57.54 # amiconn: a project worth of not starting it? :) 13.58.12 # then let's ... not start it! :) 13.58.31 # If it's worth it, it can't be too much work at the same time. Being too much work implies it's not worth it 13.59.15 # well i obviously feel there have to be ways around to this , makin it work on the individuals computer, the project : a more user friendly descriptive like the manual , rockbox utility , providing the user options to downlaod the daily build to his computer , viewthe contents with screenshots from the manual , delete what he doesnt need, and download custom files , fonts , themes wps, databse views , & zip on the computer a custom build 14.00.02 # a manual that can install Rockbox? What a nonsense. 14.00.40 # cant you read , i said rockbos utility , combined to provide information with the help of the manual , rewad properly 14.01.00 # rockbox utility , read 14.01.26 # yes, but then it becomes a new manual 14.01.37 # which can install Rockbox. And this is nonsense IMO 14.01.51 # btw, I can read. Just to make it clear 14.01.52 # im out of here , thanks a lot 14.02.26 # AceNik___: have a nice weekend man 14.02.32 # don't take it personally :) 14.02.43 # blue brother , knows how to make real stupid comments without following the whole conversation 14.03.25 # bluebrother go make ur maual , ill work on rockbox utility 14.03.33 # manual 14.03.33 # so, who wants ice cream? 14.03.42 # I followed the conversation. Now you start getting personally. 14.05.18 # rbutil could offer to download (and open) the manual at the first installation page ... 14.05.44 Join chelli [0] (n=chelli@p54B87F54.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.06.21 # all im trying to point out is this is very well possible & a nice feature to start with, if companies can provide downlaoding .exe to your computer & installin it to your computer , even we can provide , to download the usual files on the computer , modify it , n re-zip to install on the player 14.07.03 # Well, what problem you're trying to solve? 14.07.12 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 14.07.45 # Rockbox can be installed by simply downloading and extracting a .zip (after installing the bootloader on targets where it's needed) 14.07.49 # no i mean everyfile have a link to the maual by default , so just clicking on viewing the zip , of the daily build n the utility causes it t show you the various files, as i click on a file , right beside in the utility it shows the screenshot & description, if i like it , i keep the file in the zip , or else i delete 14.07.54 # AceNik___, it would also _really_ helpful if you would write short, clear sentences instead of multiple line worms 14.08.09 # most devs are non-native english 14.08.13 # If you want further fonts, wps'es, icons - just copy them and select them 14.08.35 # * bluebrother agrees that there is no problem with the current install 14.08.56 # amiconn: i know that buddy , but i was thinkin to make it more userfriendly , which is the aimof rockbox utility 14.09.14 # There's a manual explaining the possibilities (I'm aware that it needs some work especially regarding the latest features) 14.10.01 # bluebrother yes there is no problem , its just that making your product more appealing & functional , instead of people reading so much to get it right , they can go step by step with everything 14.10.15 # Well afaik the rockbox utility just tries to simplify the first-time install (bootloader installation etc), nothing more 14.10.25 # *sic* 14.10.30 # Rockbox is no product. 14.10.56 # well its a brand name which will grow ever to be on every possible player 14.11.11 # AceNik___: we're doing this for fun 14.11.13 # amiconn, as far as I understood rbutil also can install themes lateron 14.11.21 # & its only possible if its made simple for even a 10 yr old to do various things on it 14.11.22 # Rockbox is a project. Not a product. 14.11.32 # In some sense rockbox is a product. But at the same time it's an open source coding project and as such it's a moving target 14.12.05 # it's not needed 10 years olds understand it. That's not the target of the project. 14.12.07 # bluebrother: as always bluebrother you like to drift off , to stupid thins , rather than understanding the point & making an effort to laugh 14.12.07 # Keep in mind that there is *no release version* for any other target than the old archoses yet 14.12.31 # oh, getting personal again? 14.12.42 # If you're using rockbox on ipod / iriver / iaudio, this can be considered beta testing 14.12.45 # I rather think *you* don't get *my* point 14.13.16 # amiconn:im aware of that , it shall all happen in due course of time , so does this feature require time,a ll we can do is make stuff towards perfection 14.13.47 # a 10 year old won't be able installing windows too. So why is that needed for Rockbox? 14.14.12 # s/too/anyway/ 14.14.23 # bluebrother: do you follow up the progress of all children int he world 14.14.58 # do you do it? 14.15.04 # just all of you givbe your comments finally , do yu think my idea is worth it or no , n ill stop 14.15.34 # AceNik___: the most important think is if *you* think it's work it 14.15.42 # just go for it if you do 14.15.55 # I don't think there is a problem in that field that needs to be solved. 14.15.59 # bluebrother: no but i han on a possiblitity that , since something like google exists , & todays exposure ,its enough for most of them to be doin wonders already 14.16.22 # it's like usual in open source projects: create a patch ... 14.16.54 # bluebrother: or convice others that it's fun to create one :) 14.16.56 # I don't understand this sentence 14.17.04 # markuni prefer givin respect to people who are here before me & all i think of doing is coming up as team , but people here grow arrogant , with progree it seems 14.17.22 # markun, yes, but to me even the concept isn't clear at all 14.18.11 # my whole point of suggesting such a thing was for people to better it or start work on it , but bluebrother keeps interupting drifting away fromt he topic all the time 14.18.52 # AceNik___, first: write clear sentences. Second: stop bitching around. Third: accept that there are people that may have strong objections against your idea(s) 14.19.53 # bluebrother: im waitin for them to voice it out then , & let a opposite person finish stuff , when he talks , & about my bitching , you were the one who started acting smart 14.20.26 # yeah yeah. 14.20.58 # so calling an idea "nonsense" is "acting smart" now? 14.21.03 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 14.21.27 # well one person saying is not enough , you see 14.22.05 # enough for what? It's my opinion. Simple as is. 14.22.21 # since you still dont obviously have a clue what i mean , might as well you dont comment on it , cause its a hinderance 14.22.47 # then its your opinion in the wrong direction towards making thins o right 14.23.06 # you don't need to like my opinion, but by bringing up my objections I'm definitely not drifting away 14.23.19 # oh, but you have a clue what I mean? 14.23.39 # AceNik___: I think you made it pretty clear what you want: a install util where you can select which files get installed based on screenshots and info about it, right? 14.23.40 # and why don't you try to make your idea clear to me? 14.24.01 # if you think I got your idea wrong? 14.24.07 # & how is makin my idea of extending support to a software , sound like making a manual ? i thing both are way different terms in terms of functionality n need 14.24.50 # AceNik___: you've been typing angry since 8:00, twenty two minutes ago. I think it would be in the best interest of all if this conversation were shelved for at least an hour for all parties to calm down. If it is a good idea it will be a good idea later. 14.25.40 # & who are you to decide the scope of rockbox by saying that , its limited to a few select people , it can appeal to everyone , it just needs to be promoted well & made functional well , doesnt the ipods appeal & work out well for a 10yr old ? 14.26.07 # AceNik___: if you just want to argue with bluebrother and ignore all the rest of us please do it in PM 14.26.36 # im sorry for hamperin progress , please proceed , im no longer to talk 14.26.42 # ok 14.26.53 # I will now follow Soap's advice and stop responding. But to my understanding you definitely haven't got my point at all. 14.31.07 Part AceNik___ 14.35.53 Nick Viljar is now known as Viljar`aw (n=Gspier@88-196-14-134-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee) 14.37.23 # amiconn: 64-bit problems? http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=10308.0 14.38.34 # yes, 100% 14.38.52 # A rockbox specific libmad optimisation isn't 64 bit clean 14.39.22 # It's a known issue 14.39.37 # Other formats work fine, just mpa doesn't 14.42.06 # * amiconn 's first forum post after a loong time... 14.43.10 # amiconn: I'll try to point you to interesting posts then :) 14.44.09 # I have an idea how to fix the problem, but I need to find a proper way to check for sizeof(int) at compile time 14.44.22 # I mean in the preprocessor 14.45.20 # is that even possible? 14.45.56 # Not exactly. It'd be possible to check INT_MAX (or MAX_INT? - I always confuse that) 14.46.03 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.46.13 # Perhaps it's something for the configure script to put into autoconf.h 14.46.29 # INT_MAX 14.46.35 # Iirc the configure script runs a tiny program to figure out endianess 14.46.44 # (for sim builds) 14.46.46 # then that's the spot for it, for sure 14.47.29 # It could as well spit out sizeof(int), sizeof(long) and whatever else might be interesting information of that type 14.48.33 # gtg 14.48.36 Quit amiconn (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Leading Edge IRC") 14.50.18 Quit davina ("byeeeeee!") 15.04.29 Join ctaf [0] (n=ctaf@ram94-6-82-242-23-70.fbx.proxad.net) 15.05.12 Join TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 15.07.02 Join Viljar [0] (i=Gspier@88-196-14-134-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee) 15.07.33 Quit Viljar`aw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.21.50 # :O 15.21.52 # Hm 15.30.20 Join webguest03 [0] (i=4b05639a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-caf0c5e7505a9483) 15.34.58 Quit webguest03 (Client Quit) 15.42.43 Part ctaf 15.43.19 Part TrueJournals 15.51.14 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 15.51.20 # anyone got any static-X ? 15.51.36 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF57E3.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.54.25 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@p549AD1CD.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.54.39 # * Domonoky sees talk about rbutil in the logs.. :-) 15.58.23 # has anyone tested rbutil on sansa ? 16.02.50 # Domonoky: not yet.. have you got a linuxx86 build I can try it with? 16.03.38 # i could build one.. 16.08.43 # hm.. where to but the binary.. 16.10.20 Join yank [0] (i=c300d095@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e40dff9b5d223ce0) 16.11.19 # JdGordon: http://rapidshare.com/files/29623856/rbutil.tar.gz.html 16.12.29 # ok, having a quick play 16.13.00 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 16.13.31 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 16.13.37 # . 16.15.18 Quit yank ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 16.16.19 # .... once wxgtk2 is installed 16.16.53 # autodetect works 16.17.07 # ah, good news :-) 16.17.50 # bootloader screen was blank..? was that because i didnt run it sudo? 16.18.48 # no, its empty, because no need for more info.. :-) 16.18.57 Join austriancoder [0] (n=austrian@ 16.19.12 # there should be some text in the future, like "are you sure ?" 16.19.28 # oh... it doesnt prompt to install a bl? it just does it? 16.19.37 # yes :-) 16.19.44 # :O ! 16.19.48 # * JdGordon no likey 16.19.54 # if you selekt ok, in the empty Dialog 16.20.27 # ok, it works fine :) 16.20.35 # * JdGordon loves the rockbox-themes.org integration 16.20.41 # why is downloading so slow in it though? 16.21.13 # i dont know, it shouldnt be slower than anything else.. 16.21.27 # could be rockbox-themes.org is slow.. 16.23.30 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 16.23.54 # no, for some reason doing any downloading from rbutil seems alot slower than normal... 16.24.02 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 16.24.29 # hm.. then its the downloading in wxwidgets.. i dont know.. 16.29.01 # bluebrother: on a side note, while I don't agree with AceNick's idea (from what I understood), characterizing someone's idea as "nonsense" in front of him doesn't sound kind to me :P 16.30.38 # * JdGordon reads the log to find out what the fuss was about! 16.30.47 # XavierGr got my curiosity going :p 16.31.09 # of course his way of describing that idea was rather confusing... and also his babbling was very aggresive IMHO 16.34.24 Quit lostnihilist (Remote closed the connection) 16.35.04 # zzzz... logs were boring :p 16.35.07 # back to uni work 16.38.37 Join oblib [0] (n=oblib@111-231-8-204.erd.cust.wirelessbeehive.com) 16.38.52 # Anyone familiar with playlist.c here? 16.39.29 # im familiar with how much of a mess it is.. :) 16.39.40 # indeed :) 16.39.45 Join vayde [0] (n=vayde@ 16.40.01 # I've been messing around with some stuff, and I'm now getting a segmentation fault if I load a playlist twice. 16.40.27 # It doesn't have to be the same playlist, just the second time I load a playlist, it crashes 16.40.42 # Any ideas what function I've broken? 16.40.43 # get the sim going and play in gdb 16.41.09 # I haven't used gdb for years, and then it was following directions in class 16.41.09 # probably not reinitialising the playlist struct correctly before you load a new one 16.41.33 # Do you know where it reinitialises? 16.41.41 # not of the top of my head... 16.41.46 # get it going in gdb... 16.41.50 # bt - backtrace 16.41.53 # l - list 16.42.03 # how do I use gdb and the simulator? 16.42.06 # p - print the variable 16.42.18 # on linux? 16.42.22 # yeah 16.42.36 # compile a sim build 16.42.48 # then $gdb rockboxui 16.46.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.46.56 # * aliask thanks JdGordon for getting him onto GDB 16.47.03 # okay, I did 'start' and then 'continue' and got it to just before the crashing point 16.47.18 # How do I stop it and get useful info? 16.47.19 # oblib, you might want to google for the gdb cheat sheet or quick reference 16.47.31 # ctrl-c stops execution 16.47.40 # bluebrother, that's a good idea, thanks 16.48.02 # oblib: easiest thing is get it to crash... then use the 3 instructions i gave you before to figure out why 16.48.19 # or you breakpoints... "$b :" 16.48.33 # s/$/(gdb) 16.48.54 # howdy folks. Can anybody tell me if rockbox will handle an ext3 filesystem? 16.49.03 # vayde, it doesn't 16.49.03 # vayde: It won't. 16.49.12 # you need FAT32 16.49.52 # bummer. Oh well. Thanks. 16.51.28 Join himitsu [0] (n=himitsu@ 16.52.04 # JdGordon, thanks for the help. I still can't see what's making it crash, but at least I can figure it out now 16.52.17 # good luck 16.52.51 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=lostnihi@c-24-1-62-55.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 16.53.51 # If someone has a simluator ready, built off the lastest svn, could you open it and then try to open two playlists in a row? I'd like to know whether this is a bug I introduced or not. 16.55.30 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.57.05 Join bluey- [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-085-248.pools.arcor-ip.net) 16.58.35 Join btdubs [0] (i=89a5f18d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-4624ea3de9127981) 17.00.10 # I'm away, I'll be back... 17.03.39 Quit austriancoder ("Kopete 0.12.4 : http://kopete.kde.org") 17.08.41 Quit himitsu_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.17.02 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 17.17.25 Quit btdubs ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 17.17.28 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-70-135-35-253.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 17.20.41 # :'( i have some code working fine in the unit test... but when i hook it into the rest of the program it crashes 17.21.43 # bad unit test :-) you should not code against the unit -test :-) something will be missing... 17.22.18 # unit test? 17.22.40 # testing the module seperatly to make sure it works 17.23.05 # hrm 17.26.33 # missing '\0' :'( 17.26.50 # hmm... no thats not it :'( 17.27.16 # want an extra pair of eyes on it? 17.28.59 # you dont want to look :p 17.29.01 # its horrible 17.29.11 # * JdGordon 's cse3301 assignment 17.29.18 # worth 100% of the semester mark! 17.29.24 # Holy crap 17.29.35 # What does it do? 17.29.42 # Or what is it supposed to do? 17.29.56 # en/decode using a dozen different ciphers 17.30.09 # and eventually help the user to crack a simple code 17.30.25 # Sounds like a lot of maths to me :) 17.31.20 # surprisingly little actually.. 17.31.25 # the ciphers are fairly simple 17.31.36 # * JdGordon made a working ww2 engima machine! 17.31.59 # Just iterate over data with a fixed function? 17.32.35 # pretty much 17.35.17 Join Rincewind [0] (n=xchatter@i3ED6EF56.versanet.de) 17.39.45 Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") 17.43.47 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 17.43.55 # w00t ! got it working 17.44.07 # stupid thing was skipping over the \0 if it was after \n :'( 17.44.10 # Grats! 17.53.15 Quit lostnihilist ("Leaving") 17.56.51 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 17.58.13 Join xaiki [0] (i=xaiki@cxhome.ath.cx) 17.58.18 # hey boys and girls ! 17.59.29 # I got an ipod that's not booting into rockbox anymore, and not being reconized by the comp when pluging it in. my friend told me that a guy touched 'something' I guess he must have somehow removed the firmware (ROLO loads but can't boot) you know any way to get the ipod to appear on usb ? 18.00.05 # xaiki, hold select and play while booting 18.03.28 # spiorf: it looks like the ipod is not charging even when plugged to an usb ... 18.03.42 # and hence I can't reboot it =/ 18.03.45 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=lostnihi@c-24-1-62-55.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 18.04.45 # (btw I found that keys on the ipodilinux wiki, and it could be usefull to have it in the rockbox ipod doc) 18.17.33 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ 18.19.01 Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) 18.19.27 Part vayde ("Exit- stage right") 18.20.12 Quit aliask ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 18.20.47 Join ctaf [0] (n=ctaf@ram94-6-82-242-23-70.fbx.proxad.net) 18.20.59 Part ctaf 18.34.15 Quit krazykit ("leaving") 18.39.20 Join Topy44 [0] (n=Topy44@xdsl-81-173-151-226.netcologne.de) 18.39.23 # hi there 18.39.36 # i just wanted to give some status on my AGC testing: 18.39.53 # i have reactivated AGC (and with it the histogram) on my X5 build 18.40.16 # and tested it both at home and in real live situations, recording live concerts and band rehearsals 18.40.25 # and it is perfectly usable 18.41.04 # true, the steps (1.5db) are a little harsh, but really, they are pretty inaudible 18.41.23 # i recommend eighter permanently reactivating AGC (but leaving it "off" by default) 18.41.33 # or at least make it a menu option in the configure script 18.41.37 # sounds nice, make patch for flyspray and nag the devs to commit it :-) 18.41.38 # btw, the histogram is GREAT 18.41.40 # hehe 18.41.45 # i havent done anything 18.42.03 # i just told the make script to include the AGC 18.42.28 # and did some minor changes to get it work with the current version 18.42.40 # well, meaby i'll do it anyway :) 18.42.55 # make a patch, its easy and the it doesnt get lost.. 18.43.06 # i will 18.43.18 # and once i get some time on my hands i will add some improvements to the AGC 18.43.27 # :-) 18.45.09 Quit bluey- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.46.07 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.49.00 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 18.50.10 Quit amigan ("new kernel") 18.51.47 Quit Pimpdaddypayne (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.52.24 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 18.52.28 Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-71-56-227-141.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 18.52.38 Join tHEkIND [0] (n=C4AvaYiH@lns-bzn-50f-62-147-178-8.adsl.proxad.net) 18.52.43 # Hello 18.53.06 # Domonoky, what do you think about a "manual" tab in rbutil that downloads and opens the manual for the selected device? 18.56.12 # would be nice, either downloading the pdf page, or opening a browser with the html version.. 18.57.30 # embed the pdf viewer into rbutil ;-) 18.57.56 # But I guess this isn't possible -- but how about the html? Can wx render basic html pages? 18.58.33 # html could be possible, will have a look at the possibilitys in wx 18.59.45 # that way a tab could have a link to the pdf and html download and render the manual below 19.00.10 # don't know how good that would be for reading -- there isn't too much space 19.00.32 # but it could motivate clicking the pdf manual link 19.00.40 Part tHEkIND 19.00.43 # hm, there is wxHtmlWindow .. 19.01.15 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 19.01.31 Quit entheh ("^~") 19.02.23 Join amigan [0] (i=dcp1990@unaffiliated/amigan) 19.04.33 Quit ptw419 () 19.10.10 Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-189-190.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 19.13.49 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 19.16.23 Join Gursikh [0] (n=Gursikh@unaffiliated/gursikh) 19.16.52 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.17.01 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 19.19.01 Quit amigan (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.19.07 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.20.23 Join amigan [0] (i=dcp1990@unaffiliated/amigan) 19.35.00 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@adsl-70-239-47-60.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) 19.48.53 Join deweycooter [0] (n=chatzill@user-12lmeid.cable.mindspring.com) 19.48.58 # why is the manual for h120 named h100 ? 19.49.27 # damn different namings, makes it difficult for rbutil.. 19.52.31 # but integrated manual looks really nice.. 19.52.55 Quit Rincewind (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.54.56 # now, how to deal with this damn misnaming.. :-/ 19.56.13 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 19.56.20 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 20.04.21 Join Ranbee [0] (n=iceni@80-47-26-255.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com) 20.05.07 # hi, is there somewhere online where i can reencode a youtube video for rockbox? i did it once but it was really slow :( 20.07.16 Nick x-spec-t1ng is now known as Spec (n=spec@ 20.07.57 Quit himitsu (Remote closed the connection) 20.08.47 Join himitsu [0] (n=himitsu@ 20.09.02 Join rotator [0] (n=e@rockbox/developer/rotator) 20.11.03 Join buleeahn [0] (n=buleeahn@cpe-67-9-99-135.satx.res.rr.com) 20.12.20 Quit lids_ (Remote closed the connection) 20.13.19 Join lids [0] (i=lds@gateway/tor/x-572b33c1e9a9ee7e) 20.18.40 Quit z0de (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.19.47 # Is anyone here familiar with installing rockbox using the bootloader of an old ipodlinux install? 20.20.36 # the ipl bootloader needs to be new enough.. so irs probably better to use the rockbox bootloader.. 20.21.03 Quit hostf4cekilla (Remote closed the connection) 20.21.37 # hey 20.21.51 # buleeahn: I never managed to get rockbox and ipodlinux working at the same time 20.21.59 # rockbox kept saying it couldn't find .rockbox 20.22.22 # the rockbox bootloader can also load ipl.. 20.22.32 # :o 20.22.34 # Hrm... 20.22.41 # Well, I may need some advice then... 20.22.44 # i still have ipl on an ext3 partition on my ipod i'll try to boot it 20.22.51 # I've got an old installation of ipodlinux from a while back... 20.23.08 # if anyone wants to rbutil v0.3.2.2, now with integrated manual: http://b23.org/~domonoky/rbutil-v0.3.2.2.zip 20.23.09 # I tried rockbox on top of that but found the battery life wasn't to my liking... 20.23.16 # + test :-) 20.23.16 # so I just deleted the .rockbox directory. 20.23.25 # batterylife is ok 20.23.33 # Right, it's ok *now*. 20.23.36 # Which is why I'm here. 20.23.41 # I want to try rockbox again. 20.23.48 Quit dark (Remote closed the connection) 20.23.50 # :) 20.23.51 # But I don't want to have to reset my ipod and lose everything onit. 20.23.52 Join dark [0] (i=xbots@snuggly.pand.as) 20.24.04 # So I just want to use the old bootloader from ipodlinux - which still works. 20.24.17 # Loader2 ? 20.24.27 # I think it's an older verison of loader2. 20.24.32 # Which may or may not work. 20.24.33 # but probably the ipl bootloader is too old for rockbox.. 20.24.37 # ah the old one 20.24.43 # i dont think it will work with rockbox 20.24.45 # the it doesnt work ! 20.24.45 # Well it worked with an older version of rockbox... 20.25.01 # so will it work with the latest? 20.25.02 # rockbox evolves fast.. 20.25.37 # yeah 20.25.40 # buleeahn: probably not 20.25.42 # if you install the latest ipl loader, then it should work, but it should be easier to install the rockbox loader ..:-) 20.25.46 # but you could still try 20.25.54 # hrm 20.26.09 Quit BHSPitLappy (Connection timed out) 20.26.16 # Cool, thanks guys! 20.26.24 # Now to see if I can install the latest loader without bricking my ipod or losing the existing data on it. 20.26.46 # Domonoky, just ask Bagder to symlink the h100 to the h120 manual ;-) 20.27.09 # buleeahn: if you mess up the bootloader you can still boot into diskmode, backup your stuff, then format it/try to reinstall the bootloader 20.27.17 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=steve-o@67-64-144-90.dialup.rcsntx.swbell.net) 20.27.28 # bluebrother: i have now hacked it into rbutil, so it treats the h120 the same as h100 for the manual.. 20.27.45 # it is the same for the manual ;-) 20.27.48 # i will now commit the manual support.. it looks nice :-) 20.27.55 # great 20.28.05 # just wanted to ask how far you got ;-) 20.28.15 # Domonoky: I have no clue what you're talking about. What's rbutil? 20.28.22 # And what's the h120 and h100? 20.28.34 # rockbox utility -- our installer (when it's finished) 20.28.39 # HellDragon: good to know about messing up the bootloader. 20.28.43 # Ah, ok. 20.28.48 # h120 and h100 are targets -- iriver players 20.28.52 # yeah, and h100, h120 are mp3 players 20.28.53 # Ah, ok. 20.29.02 # bluebrother you type to fast :-) 20.29.19 # h100 and h120 differ only slightly, and they are identical regarding their features 20.29.23 # Wow....so I can get my ipod into disk mode *even* if I brick the firmware. I never knew that before. 20.29.26 # so the manual for both of them is identical 20.29.47 # buleeahn: it happened to me 2 days ag 20.29.49 # ago* 20.29.49 # Domonoky, hehe. Learned touch-typing a while ago. It definitely paid off the time ;-) 20.30.00 # :-) 20.30.03 # i messed up my bootloader and it would be stuck at the apple logo 20.30.38 # "a while" already being something like 3 years or so ... 20.30.41 # time flies 20.31.13 # HellDragon: so even though you were stuck at the ipod logo you could still force it into disk mode? 20.31.32 # buleeahn, you can always go into emergency disk mode 20.31.46 # you probably need to reset the ipod first though 20.32.24 # buleeahn: yes, by rebooting it (select+menu) then i hit select+play before i see the apple logo 20.33.24 # Domonoky, looks nice. I just don't see the html because of the proxy issue :( 20.34.02 # bluebrother: there is a possibility to solve this, but i dont know how to test it.. 20.34.21 # I could test it. 20.34.31 # at least, try if it works for me ;-) 20.35.19 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A95A22.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.36.05 # on linux, reading http_proxy would be nice 20.36.52 # hm.. for the normal downloads wxwidgets provides a function to set a proxy, but for the Html window.. hmm. 20.37.16 # is there a standard way to include the proxy into the URL ? 20.39.05 Join grndslm [0] (n=grndslm@24-119-81-201.cpe.cableone.net) 20.39.08 # no. 20.43.56 # any ideas why this would segfault? queue_send (q=0x8196940, id=2, data=1) at kernel.c:185 20.44.09 # hmm, hard coding the proxy for the download works fine. 20.45.30 # bluebrother: you just put an in_http->setProxy(...) into the DownloadURL function ? 20.45.40 # yes. 20.46.08 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.46.08 # it segfaulted after installation, but that might be caused by me installing not on a real player. Downloading worked fine at least. 20.46.28 # good to know, i can easly make a menu entry to set this.. 20.46.41 # on windows you could try to use IE5's settings, on linux the environment variable http_proxy 20.47.08 # or use that to pre-fill the options. Would at least be nice for the average user ;) 20.47.11 # i will first make a menü entry, we can extend this later.. 20.47.46 # sure. 20.48.07 # btw, I'd prefer Ctrl-Q as acceleration key for exit -- it's kinda standard on linux 20.49.38 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 20.51.35 # locate kernel.c | grep rockbox 20.51.40 # sorry... 20.51.45 # wrong promt 20.52.59 # How different is kernel.c used in firmware and kernel.c in the simulator? 20.53.22 # I'm getting a lot of "data aborts" with late cvs builds, is this normal? 20.53.29 # Ave, what player? 20.53.40 # never had this much crashes with .. well svn actually, builds 20.53.42 Quit chelli ("Client exiting") 20.53.44 # ipod nano 20.53.51 # how old is your bootloader? 20.54.02 # vorbis and mp3 playback crash after ~3 seconds 20.54.17 # hmm it boots ok, but its probably very old, like year or so 20.54.28 # update the bootloader 20.54.55 # I'm guessing there is howto on it somewhere in wiki? 20.55.01 # that's wayyy to old. There was an incompatible change a while ago, and using an old bootloader will result in data aborts 20.55.11 # no -- just install the bootloader like explained in the manual 20.55.27 Quit grndslm ("Leaving") 20.55.27 # ah ic ok thanks a lot 20.56.16 # the current bootloaders also check the hold key for booting to appleOS now. 20.59.37 # I think my data cable or connector is broken, it only works sporadically 21.00.08 # I lose the disk mode and get lots of [688203.120000] attempt to access beyond end of device 21.00.14 # [691181.776000] usb 4-3: device descriptor read/64, error -71 21.00.17 # meh.. 21.01.04 # Why my iPod nano can't play .mpg videos over 12 fps? Wiki says that it should be around 28fps. Any suggestioons? 21.02.58 # correct video size? 21.03.42 # Viljar: How have you encoded them? i.e. what resolution, bitrate, format etc? 21.04.24 Join drx [0] (n=drx@p5B158BA0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 21.06.39 # I encode with WinFF.. music videos, as the come, to 4:3, it should be 176x128 then. The settings are default. 21.07.26 # I should use some special settings i think? 21.09.02 Join AceNik___ [0] (n=AceNik@ 21.09.18 # linuxstb, do you have any ideas? 21.09.21 # guys how do i build a rbutil? 21.09.38 # AceNik___ : you need wxWidgets 2.8 21.10.02 # i cant build it with the cygwin compiler thin? 21.10.12 # you can.. 21.10.35 # but you need wxWidgets 2.8, which you have to comile your self for cygwin 21.11.00 # what do i type , & is there a page for downloading cvs ready rbutil 21.11.02 # for linux there is a package ( i thin ubuntu package, but it works also in Debian) 21.11.23 Join Hilikus [0] (n=rockero@bas4-montreal19-1242419325.dsl.bell.ca) 21.11.54 # AceNik___: read the wxWidgets page for how to get wx in Cygwin.. 21.12.14 # ya but isnt there a ready utility ? 21.12.25 # for the current cvs update ? 21.12.57 # we use svn.. and there is a binary for rbutil aviable.. 21.13.12 # newest version: http://b23.org/~domonoky/rbutil-v0.3.2.2.zip 21.14.28 Join TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 21.14.43 # weill thsi have the latest commit to the rockbox util to it? 21.14.52 Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) 21.14.55 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp137-117.adsl.forthnet.gr) 21.14.56 # Viljar: Most problems with video are due to framerates I think - for the Nano you should always keep the same framerate as the original source. I'm not sure how to tell winff to do that though. 21.15.00 # linuxstb: what did you say happened with the very last core lock thing you tested? the conversation all happened during a logging blackout apparently. iirc something about hanging at the logo? 21.15.37 # jhMikeS: I think the only thing I tried was changing the swpb to swp - and I'm pretty sure that made no difference. 21.16.12 # AceNik___: yes, its build by me, and work on rbutil at moment :-) 21.16.15 # I'm getting loads of these: warning: pointer targets in initialization differ in signedness 21.16.21 # Domonoky, what do you think about this small change? http://www.pastebin.ca/472678 21.16.26 # Is that my fault, or did something go weird in the svn? 21.16.40 # oblib: in rbutil ? 21.16.42 # linuxstb, well, i can find out the default fps for the source and then tell WinFF to keep it same. Thanks. 21.16.44 # oblib: Which gcc version are you using? 21.17.08 # Domonoky, rbutil? I don't know what that is. 21.17.15 # bluebrother: good 21.17.37 # linuxstb, arm-elf 21.17.47 # the target is nano 21.17.58 # oblib: Which version of arm-elf-gcc? 4.0.3 is the recommended version. 21.18.05 # the wxHtmlWindow issue seems to be rare -- google doesn't help :( 21.18.27 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 21.18.27 # jeah, to bad.. 21.19.07 # linuxstb, what's the easiest way to find that? 21.19.35 # Domonoky:check my msg 21.19.42 Join lids_ [0] (i=lds@gateway/tor/x-7c68fd08392050fb) 21.19.58 # linuxstb: yes, I know that. but you're first experience after charging it. 21.19.59 # linuxstb, in my bin dir I have arm-elf-gcc and arm-elf-gcc-4.0.3 21.20.15 # AceNik___: sorry, i dont see any msg, you need to register ? 21.20.26 # jhMikeS: Yes, it just froze at the logo 21.20.36 # bam 21.20.44 # Domonoky:cant you recieve a pvt window? 21.20.50 # I was wondering if there is a way to set a default proxy -- like with SetDefaultProxy(), but that doesn't seem to have any effect for HtmlWindow :( 21.21.11 # sansa does that if interrupts are disabled outright, I think I know what's going on 21.21.27 # oblib: What does "arm-elf-gcc --version" display? 21.21.48 # jhMikeS: The general misbehaviour of the PP5020 does seem related to interrupts... 21.21.51 # arm-elf-gcc (GCC) 4.0.3 21.22.07 # oblib: And you're compiling plain SVN Rockbox, or you've patched it? 21.22.22 # linuxstb, several patches 21.22.31 # well, if you get a chance, remove the core sleep in thread.c, and just put a udelay(100) or something and test the last patch 21.22.31 # bluebrother: SetDefaultProxy works only on this URL object, unfortuanlyl wxHtmlWindow uses its own URL object internally.. :-/ 21.22.38 # oblib: Can you tell if the errors are in the patched code? 21.22.53 # jhMikeS: OK, I can try that now. 21.22.55 # linuxstb, no, they are all over 21.23.28 # oblib: Then I can't explain them - no-one else gets them... 21.23.45 # Rockbox compiles warning-free. 21.23.56 # (apart from the single #warning...) 21.24.04 # AceNik___: join #rockbox-dom we can use this channel instead of messages.. :-) 21.24.04 # yeah it did for me until just recently 21.24.35 # linuxstb: is the performance influenced by free space on ipod? 21.25.43 # jhMikeS: Do you mean replace both CPU_CTL = PROC_SLEEP; and COP_CTL = PROC_SLEEP; by a short udelay() in sleep_core() ? 21.26.27 # Viljar: It shouldn't make much difference, especially on the Nano. 21.27.37 # Video, with defaul framerate (29.x), DislayFPS on, LimidFPS on and Skip frames on gives me 12.x fps on rockbox 21.28.16 # linuxstb: yes, to keep the cores awake 21.28.32 # jhMikeS: Compiling now... 21.29.04 # Viljar: That almost sounds as if mpegplayer isn't using the second CPU core on your Nano. Either that, or you've encoded with an extremely high bitrate. 21.29.33 # it's just the fact that it booted and ran with the version that always fiddled with irq level 21.29.53 # linuxstb: bitrate is ~350 21.30.18 # jhMikeS: It booted... Now to test some things. 21.31.11 # :D ... well, this ain't a real solution but a call to set the reg correctly 21.32.06 # jhMikeS: Hmm.. I started and stopped mpegplayer a few times, and it worked. But now mpegplayer is failing to respond to any keypresses. 21.32.27 # And the FPS is being shown as 0.0 21.32.45 # It seems to be playing video but no audio. 21.33.03 # that's progres...it means the irqs got disabled on the main core 21.33.14 # linuxstb: I'm going to try to encode with VLC, what bitrate i should use for video? 21.33.57 # that's what happened on sansa till I fixed the irq level setting in the second version, so right on track 21.34.48 # Viljar: About 300kbps should be OK I think. Are you also encoding with 44.1KHz audio? 21.35.45 Join Siltaar [0] (n=Siltaar@reverse-52.fdn.fr) 21.35.50 # linuxstb: Yes. 21.36.31 # that means a race condition exists in remembering oldlevel, there's probabaly a tie up with the two cores and cpsr 21.37.17 Part drx ("Konversation terminated!") 21.37.36 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-145-105.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 21.38.23 Join testdasi [0] (i=8a102823@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-86417ca3615277af) 21.39.15 # hello 21.39.25 # is there anyone there? 21.39.39 # testdasi: Hey 21.40.01 # there's obviously no tie up on 5021 and after...so, something has to change in a register setting or the way things are handles on that 21.41.47 # I'll keep it short. I am trying to write a patch to recalibrate the battery readings for Sansa e200 based on the new battery test data. However, I am completely puzzled by "battery_status_update" function (which I believe would return a time value for battery level). 21.42.04 # I posted my questions at http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=10299.0 21.43.00 # If anyone has some clues, please help me. I basically don't know how the function turns battery percentage level into time. Thank you very much. 21.44.10 # linuxstb, the warning seems valid. For example, iso_decode() is declared in plugin.h with the following first two parameters: const unsigned char *iso, unsigned char *utf8,. When called in playlist.c, it passes char arrays that are not declared unsigned 21.44.46 # linuxstb: Encoded with VLC with 300kbits/sec bitrate, 176x128, 128kbits/sec, 44.1KHz - result 9.9FPS 21.44.57 # linuxstb, thus the warning "pointer targets in passing argument 1 differ in signedness" seems to make sense 21.44.58 Join cyphatron [0] (n=cyphatro@c80-217-233-65.bredband.comhem.se) 21.46.57 # who's familiar with adding new settings to rockbox? I need to add a new option under Settings->General Settings->Display for the gigabeat buttonlights, but I'm not sure which files need to be edited or where the changes should be placed. 21.47.40 # kkurbjun: can you come to #gigabeat? 21.48.05 # sorry, you are already there :) 21.48.14 # no worries 21.48.55 # my ipod nano can only get to the battery charge screen when i connect it to the computer. and when i try to boot it up without the usb cable i get a battery image that i guess means theres low battery. should i throw it out my window or is it worth bothering fixing this shit? :) 21.49.04 # Viljar: Which bootloader are you using to load Rockbox? 21.49.16 # linuxstb: Loader 2.4 21.49.18 # I believe there must be a max time constant or variable defined somewhere for each type of battery. Then we just get the battery % multiply by the max time to get the remaining time. However, looking through the code, I can't pinpoint where this max time value is stored. I am also clueless about what does the "runcurrent" and its effect on time. 21.49.49 # Viljar: That could be your problem then. Does music play in Rockbox? 21.50.02 # linuxstb: It plays well 21.51.03 # Viljar: v2.4 of the ipodlinux loader doesn't start Rockbox correctly for COP (coprocessor) usage. I'm surprised music plays, but it sounds like mpegplayer is only using a single core. 21.51.15 # linuxstb: so it was definitely version 3 with the system queue you tested? it's behaving like version 1 did for reasons cited. 21.51.21 # Viljar: Try upgrading to either the Rockbox bootloader, or the very latest ipodloader version 21.52.05 # linuxstb: You mean ipodloader 2.5 right? 21.52.21 # jhMikeS: The md5sum of the patch I'm using is d8e101754a81277005bef9010b3959f5 21.52.53 # Viljar: If that's the latest, then yes. Anything newer than around January 2007. 21.53.01 # linuxstb: It plays well 21.53.06 # fck 21.53.21 # linuxstb: I'll try it then, thanks for help 21.54.57 # when at the battery charge screen, is it possible to load rockbox by some command? 21.55.44 # oblib: That does sound wrong... But looking at the Makefile (in my ipod build directory), -Wno-pointer-sign is included, which I assume should suppress those warnings. 21.56.01 # bugger, I did more changes and then overwrote it and removed it to do other work :\ 21.56.15 # cyphatron: The battery charge screen is in Apple's bootloader in flash ROM. That's before Rockbox is started. 21.56.18 # grr: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5900#comment14993 21.56.41 # cyphatron: Just keep charging, and keep trying to reset (hold MENU+SELECT for up to 30 seconds) 21.56.53 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net) 21.57.00 # linuxstb, hmm doesn't seem to be in mine. what line is it on in your Makefile? 21.57.02 # Soap: maybe we should reject much more patches ... 21.57.11 # linuxstb: Will i lose my iPL installation with installing newer loader? 21.57.33 # k, but this battery screen i see when i connect it doesnt look like the apple one 21.57.33 # one "sync please" is bad enough. Three in a row is pathetic. You'd think some of these patches were oxyegen. 21.57.34 # linuxstb, thanks... will give it a shot 21.57.59 # linuxstb, I'm guessing line 58? 21.58.01 # right ... I think I'm now on the reject patches line 21.58.52 Join Bagder [0] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) 21.59.05 # oblib: Yes. 21.59.21 # linuxstb, I added it and now I don't get the warnings. Any idea why it would configure without that flag? 21.59.26 # Soap: What's the problem? Just ignore it... 21.59.47 # true enough 22.00.11 # * jhMikeS wonder if anyone with a 5020 based device is interested in actually tracking down some things and setting it up correctly since the issue is not "seems to be" but definitely is IRQ related. 22.00.27 # oblib: Looking at tools/configure, it's only added for gcc > v4.0 - did you perhaps run configure when you had an earlier gcc installed? 22.00.54 # linuxstb, oh, I think I ran it without the arm gcc in the path. That'd explain it. 22.01.13 # linuxstb, thanks. 22.01.30 # Now I just need to figure out why my filelist icons went away 22.02.15 Join the_eye [0] (n=eye@fnanp.in-ulm.de) 22.02.41 # jhMikeS: Would this person need to know about coding? 22.02.46 # hmm am I seeing this correctly, there is only a windows-version of the rockbox firmware patcher for iRiver devices? no Linux-support _at_ _all_? 22.03.00 # TrueJournals: for sure 22.03.07 # the_eye: Yes, we all hate Linux... 22.03.10 # not I then :-\ 22.03.45 # svn/build master server planned 10 hour down time starts in two hours 22.03.49 # the_eye: There are three ways to patch on Linux - 1) Use fwpatcher with Wine; 2) Use Rockbox Utility (see the RockboxUtility wiki page); 3) Use the mkboot utility (see the IriverBoot wiki page) 22.03.52 # we can all have dual core on pp if this little nasty thing is worked out 22.04.10 # hmm, do we have fwpatcher integration in rbutil? 22.04.23 # linuxstb: ah thanks .. a link to that from the iriver-related manual would be very cool ... 22.04.26 # bluebrother: I think it's been there for a while now. I've never tried it though. 22.04.35 # would also be a chance of creating a command line fwpatcher 22.04.54 # bluebrother: There's no real need - mkboot does the same thing. 22.05.47 # the_eye, that need will hopefully be superfluous once rbutil is finished. But yes, it could be mentioned. 22.05.53 # linuxstb, wasn't aware of that :) 22.05.54 Quit lids (Remote closed the connection) 22.06.35 # I just installed rockbox onto my ipod after a long stint of being away from rockbox. 22.06.49 # What's the best way to make the fonts bigger and more readable? A theme and the fonts release? 22.07.02 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 22.07.25 # buleeahn: Settings -> Browse Themes and choose a theme using a larger font. 22.07.41 # choose a theme with a larger font. iCatcher for example 22.07.56 # Cool. 22.07.57 # Thanks. 22.08.24 # The downloadable font *.bmp files just get dropped into the themes directory it looks. This right? 22.08.27 # buleeahn, have you updated your bootloader as well? If not you might experience data aborts. 22.08.47 # font bmp? Fonts have the extension fnt 22.08.51 # jhMikeS: If you can point me in the right direction (I'm completely unfamiliar with the Rockbox kernel), then I'll try and debug things. 22.08.53 # linuxstb: hmm and where would I find this "tools"-directory the wiki speaketh of? 22.09.03 # the_eye: In the Rockbox source code. 22.09.25 # the_eye: Which you can get via SVN (see UsingSVN) or from the Current Builds download page. 22.09.43 Quit Alonea ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 22.10.33 # linuxstb: 'ta muchly 22.13.24 Join hostf4cekilla [0] (n=chatzill@pool-70-22-207-151.bos.east.verizon.net) 22.13.51 # Yes, I updated the bootloader. It seems to be working fine. 22.14.05 Quit testdasi ("CGI:IRC") 22.14.53 # linuxstb: right now I'm just searching for where this stuff is setup 22.17.04 # linuxstb: and now how do I just build the tools to run on my computer and not the bootloader and everything? that (expectedly) breaks because I don't have a compiler for the target-platform .. 22.17.55 # the_eye: Yes, you just need to compile the tools - it's not recommended to compile your own bootloader anyway, even if you could. (I didn't) 22.18.24 # bluebrother: When I was talking about bmp files I meant to say icons, not fonts, my bad. 22.18.36 # But the icons just get dropped in the icons directory, plain and simple? 22.18.50 # ah. yes, that's how it's supposed to work ;-) 22.18.59 # linuxstb: exactly .. but how do I do that? I can't seem to find the correct option in that configure-dialogue .. 22.19.01 # you also need a cfg file to load the icons 22.19.41 # Shesh, I found the directions to load the themes. 22.19.48 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 22.20.06 # the_eye, cd tools && make mkboot scramble should do it 22.20.24 # ah .. without the whole configure thingamajig 22.21.12 # _that_ worked 22.21.18 # I find it interesting that CPU_INT_EN is just = in two places and not |= 22.21.45 # linuxstb: Thank you SOO much!! It works well now. 24fps :) THANKS! 22.22.12 Part AceNik___ 22.22.54 # and not with the same value hrm 22.23.56 # jhMikeS: That does seem odd... 22.24.21 # this only happens in button-clickwheel.c 22.24.40 # my guess it's wrong, but that's a guess 22.24.44 # bluebrother: you can now enter a proxy in rbutil in svn :-) 22.24.54 # great :D 22.26.57 # Domonoky: Stop changing rbutil - you don't give me chance to build any binaries... :) 22.27.12 # :-) 22.27.24 # * Bagder waits for people to ask for weird auth support for the proxíes ;-) 22.27.49 # weird == ntlm 22.28.09 # * Domonoky waits for people with proxy to claim the html manual view is not working.. :-) 22.28.23 # ;-) 22.28.35 # * bluebrother notices Domonoky added the small not found info to the html view 22.28.45 # My icons stopped working (the pictures next to menu options). What could I have done to make them go away? The setting is currently on as far as I can tell. 22.28.56 # yes, stolen form bluebrother :-) 22.29.53 # hmm. It doesn't want to play nicely with my mini :o 22.29.55 # well, the button init comes after so maybe CPU_INT_EN |= 0x40000000 would be right 22.30.05 # jhMikeS: Looking at the code, I would expect the timer1 interrupt to be disabled by the clickwheel code. But that obviously isn't happening... 22.30.34 # I should specify that I'm building my own code, and the simulation does have icons still 22.30.45 # hmm. "Something seriously odd has happened" :( 22.30.55 # bluebrother: stop mentioning any problems with rbutil, linuxstb doesnt like new versions :-) 22.31.07 # Domonoky: It's OK, I've just given up building binaries... 22.31.12 # sorry for that 22.31.19 # it's just ... *g* 22.31.33 # it really say this message ? 22.31.41 # guess: it's not happening because the audio thread is constantly timing out and changing the register 22.31.51 # cpsr, that is 22.32.22 # jhMikeS: So I should try changing them to |= and re-enable the sleep? 22.32.24 # is my patch, it ceases that 22.32.29 # why not? 22.32.34 # jhMikeS: Indeed... 22.32.51 Nick chrisjs169|brb is now known as chrisjs169 (n=jack@pool-71-114-131-29.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net) 22.34.44 # yes, it really says this message. 22.35.00 # theme preview doesn't seem to know about the proxy 22.36.29 # linuxstb: hmm what if the .hex I made via mkboot doesn't match the checksums given on the wiki-page? 22.36.54 Quit lids_ (Remote closed the connection) 22.37.49 # Bagder: will the IP of the build server change? 22.37.55 # the_eye, I believe you need to run unscramble on that hex file first 22.38.10 # and re-scramble it afterwards. 22.38.19 # obo: nope, just its physical location 22.38.42 # okay, thanks 22.38.45 # haven't tried myself, though 22.39.38 Part TrueJournals 22.39.57 # bluebrother: for the strange message, somehow you did manage to not set a build type.. strange 22.40.48 # jhMikeS: It booted and seems happy... 22.40.55 Quit Rondom ("Prag!") 22.41.46 # bluebrother: false alarm .. tried it again and now the checksum is correct 22.42.00 # bluebrother: and the theme window should also use the proxy, it uses the same download function, but perhaps wx has problems with this.. ( reguesting a php file) 22.42.30 # possibly -- I was just digging through the code 22.42.50 # linuxstb: hehe...I'm psyched 22.43.53 # mini1g and mini2g also share the manual ? 22.44.04 Join Rincewind [0] (n=xchatter@i3ED6EE1A.versanet.de) 22.44.15 # jhMikeS: Me too... I don't understand what you were saying about the audio thread timing out though and how that could affect the PP interrupt registers. 22.45.13 # Domonoky: Yes - just to annoy you. 22.45.16 # bacause it enters queue_wait_w_tmo which enables/disables interrupts 22.45.38 # it does this all the time...it's never put in plain old queue_wait 22.45.54 # :-) 22.46.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.46.28 # another hack for rbutil.. there are so many different names for the same thing.. its annoying.. :-) 22.47.04 # my patch puts in a system queue which makes normal queues no longer have to deal with locking out interrupts 22.48.00 # linuxstb, I get a "implicit declaration of lseek64" warning when building sansapatcher 22.48.04 # jhMikeS: OK. I'll test this build for a while and see how it goes... 22.48.10 # this change seems to fix it: http://pastebin.ca/472821 22.48.25 # this makes the scheduler never get touched by them, which resolves the double entry problem 22.48.55 # looks like _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE needs to be defined before the includes 22.49.02 # bluebrother: I thought that flag set in the Makefile? 22.49.11 # linuxstb: so, you tried running mpegplayer already? 22.49.19 # jhMikeS: Yes, I couldn't crash it... 22.49.29 # hmm. Right, but why do I get this warning? 22.49.33 # so we got whipped it 22.49.52 # we whipped it even :P 22.49.59 # ah -- seems like this is missing in the rbutil Makefile 22.50.59 # jhMikeS: Let's hope so. 22.51.10 # ok, that was it. Thanks. 22.51.25 # my experiece was if there's even one minor error, mpegplayer doesn't last long 22.53.03 Quit fagin (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.53.45 Part the_eye 22.57.55 # linuxstb: don't forget to mash a lot of buttons when playing videos :) that'll blast the system queue with lots of traffic 23.00.15 # It looks like CPU_INT_EN is just assigned in several spots 23.01.34 # I found it in kernel.c and button-clickwheel.c 23.01.47 # Ah, and timer.c... 23.01.51 # button-mini1g.c too 23.02.06 # timer.c is ok, since that's the kernel init 23.02.29 # Isn't it the user timer init - so it can be called at any time? 23.03.28 # no, that's just start the tick tasks at startup 23.04.01 # they probabaly should all be |= x and &= ~x since it starts out masked anyway 23.05.15 # pcm-pp.c ... bah, no wonder the sansa problem changes ... 23.05.24 # jhMikeS: Are you sure? It's enabling TIMER2, which I thought was the user timer on PP. tick_start() in kernel.c uses TIMER1 23.05.42 # TIMER2 is the user timer 23.06.38 # Yes, so that needs |= ? 23.07.04 # kernel_init calls tick_start 23.07.19 # but I think that's the first setting since the kernel is where it first happens 23.07.52 # |= should be ok anyway since I think it's 0 from the bootloader 23.08.17 # * jhMikeS want's to test sansa audio with all this cleared up 23.08.23 # Yes, but you said that "timer.c is ok because that's the kernel init" ? 23.09.07 # oh, no...I meant kernel.c :P 23.09.16 # OK, we agree then :) 23.10.09 # otherwise, this is all not right and no wonder these things are having trouble 23.11.07 Join charkins [0] (n=casey@pdpc/supporter/active/charkins) 23.11.11 Join Sanit [0] (n=undergro@213-202-157-227.bas503.dsl.esat.net) 23.12.44 Join MikeF [0] (i=Cool@ool-4577aeca.dyn.optonline.net) 23.13.08 # yo 23.13.10 # is anyone 23.13.11 # here 23.13.47 # MikeF: your irc client probably showed you about 140 nicks 23.13.58 # yeh 23.13.59 # i mean 23.14.00 # activ 23.14.06 # activee 23.14.17 # rofl...i cant spell right now 23.14.31 # ok is anyone here active who can answer a question i haave about rockbox 23.14.34 # have 23.14.40 # just ask 23.14.44 # yeah 23.14.50 # well i have a sansa e-260 23.14.51 # and you'll find out 23.14.54 # and im using rockbox 23.14.57 # MikeF: And please write more than one word on a line.... 23.15.03 # you should wear a condom when being active :) 23.15.21 # and that player has a fm radio, and a recorder, both which i cant use in rockbox. 23.15.37 # and by active, i mean around, sitting at there compyter, not afk 23.15.42 # computer* 23.16.04 # MikeF: Is your question "When will Rockbox support radio and recording on the Sansa?" ? 23.16.09 # yes 23.16.09 # just kidding around...haha? 23.16.11 # or does it 23.16.42 # yes when will it, or does it, if it does, what am i doing rong? 23.16.47 # MikeF: It doesn't yet, and will happen when somebody does it. Everyone works on Rockbox as a hobby in their spare time. 23.16.53 # ah 23.18.03 # have we got any docs on the radio part? 23.18.21 # what kind of docs 23.18.28 # programming specifications 23.18.31 # http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/tuner_interface.txt 23.18.32 # ah 23.18.34 # no I don't 23.18.37 # I don't program 23.18.42 # not in rockbox anyway 23.18.44 # that mrh... 23.18.51 # yeps 23.19.13 # that looks fairly complete to me... 23.19.19 # so, someone just get me a sansa! 23.19.43 # I sent one to dan_a as he was about to poke on the fm stuff 23.19.51 # preglow: One portalplayer device isn't enough for you? 23.19.59 # linuxstb: i suddenly wanted one with radio :P 23.20.11 # lol 23.20.14 # also, i'm a masochist 23.20.27 # well I hope it gets added soon, since I'm blind and i use the .voice files 23.20.27 Part buleeahn ("Leaving") 23.20.31 Quit hostf4cekilla ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 23.20.40 # so thats the only way to access the radio at all cant use the orriginal firmware 23.20.52 # and recording 23.20.59 # well, if dan_a said he'd poke on it, i expect something will come of it 23.21.04 # haven't seen him much lately, though 23.21.11 # ah 23.21.12 # apparently he's been ill 23.21.17 # oh, is that so 23.21.33 # so should I just download the new daily build every once in a while? 23.21.46 # MikeF: not the worst of ideas anyway 23.21.51 # perhaps follow the commit logs 23.22.01 Quit San (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.22.09 # mh 23.22.13 # MikeF: This page is also useful - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MajorChanges 23.22.23 # the eurpoean sansa has no radio support at all? 23.22.29 # nope 23.22.37 # what? 23.22.40 # that's lousy 23.22.48 # you need a US model sansa for radio 23.22.48 # I think it's cheaper to import from the US anyway. 23.23.07 # hrmr, i have a sudden craving for a new target 23.23.09 # or an R model... but then rockbox doesn't run on the R 23.23.09 # i have the european one... 23.23.16 # but NOT buying a gigabeat sounds kind of silly :P 23.23.31 # ;) 23.23.33 # preglow: gigabeat has no radio! ;-) 23.23.34 # have the US one 23.23.35 # preglow: You could join markun in the hunt for a nice blackfin DAP... 23.23.44 # mhmh 23.23.48 # oh 23.23.51 # i'd rather have a sharc based dap 23.23.52 # I'm starting to think they don't exist.. 23.23.55 # but i suspect those don't exist 23.23.57 # rockbox is stable for sansa now?^^ 23.24.00 # nah 23.24.02 # i should upgrade 23.24.06 # no release version i dont think 23.24.09 # stable and stable... 23.24.10 # preglow: sharc is even nicer? 23.24.17 # daily build works fine for me 23.24.20 # ah okay 23.24.26 # markun: it's more like a traditional dsp platform 23.24.30 # i thought because its on the mainpage 23.24.32 # markun: as a matter of fact, it's a pure dsp, heh 23.24.34 # * jhMikeS thinks it should be more so in a few minutes 23.24.40 # markun: does both fixed point and floating point 23.25.00 # but don't expect to find it in a dap 23.25.05 # SaLoMoN: sansa is "supported" in the way that it runs Rockbox and we provide packages for it, binaries and manuals etc 23.25.20 # in the same way we do for ~20 other players 23.25.54 # preglow: so blackfin would be the next best thing? :) 23.25.59 # linuxstb: it'd have to be pretty cheap to be cheaper to import from the us, at least from here. an import fee of around 20$ plus 25% of the retail price will be added :/ 23.26.11 # but f.e. usb still doenst work^^ 23.26.24 # preglow: or do you really want to use floating point for a change? 23.26.30 # markun: sweet lord, yes 23.26.35 # SaLoMoN: there are several things that still don't work, yes 23.26.44 # the i.mx31 in the zune and Gigabeat S can do floating point vector operations 23.26.46 # but the most important thing works 23.26.50 # mussiic 23.26.54 Quit MikeF ("Bottom line, Administrators will pretty much do whatever they want. Since the Administrators own and pay for the service whic) 23.26.54 # do videos work? 23.26.58 # markun: which is why i'm hoping they'll be cracked soon 23.27.43 # I don't know.. buying a Zune just doesn't feel right to me 23.27.59 # preglow: I looked at the E280 a couple of months ago, and it was a lot cheaper in the US. I'm not sure what the current status it. 23.28.19 # I payed 90€ for my sansa e250.. 23.28.38 # last december 23.28.43 # the e280 is available for like less than 160USD in the US 23.28.52 # and with the current dollar rate 23.29.29 # bah, i can't justify even that amount for something i've already practically got in a nano, though 23.30.04 # preglow: More storage, FM radio.... :) 23.30.20 # and a glowing wheel! 23.30.21 # A wheel with lights on... 23.30.23 # :) 23.30.23 # it does sd cards too, yes? 23.30.28 # yes 23.30.29 # microsd 23.30.33 # so it is kind of nifty 23.30.33 # haha 23.31.05 # if you want a player with an sdslot, I know an evil chinese blackfin powered dap :) 23.31.10 # hahaha 23.31.11 # evil? 23.31.13 # hahaha 23.31.52 # well, they mix gpl, with closed source stuff (wmv code) and things with other licenses (mame I think and snes9x) 23.31.56 # how nice 23.32.10 # look for Ainol V1000 23.33.19 # markun: It's cheap though - only 50UKP 23.33.33 # how's battery time on sansas compared to retailso? 23.33.35 # (including shipping from Hong Kong) 23.33.42 # yes, that's true 23.33.54 # but only 1GB internal 23.34.04 # maybe I'll buy one after all 23.34.32 # Ah yes, 1GB + a 1GB SD card. 23.35.02 # is the SD card included? 23.35.11 # It seems to be - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ainol-V1000-2GB-MP3-MP4-Video-Game-Player-Birthday-Gift_W0QQitemZ260114850434QQihZ016QQcategoryZ73839QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem 23.35.19 # full size SD? 23.35.43 # ah no micro 23.35.56 # arhghg 23.36.01 # sometimes it's bloody hard to find a page in the wiki 23.36.33 # "We cannot send item to Italy. We do not accept buyers from Italy." ;-) 23.36.53 # Bagder: I noticed that - I wonder what Italy did to upset them... 23.37.03 # yeah, the whole world except for italy... 23.37.29 # linuxstb: system-pp502x.c, line 166 .. the comment :) 23.38.05 # and no one has come up with any theories as to why portalplayer sucks so much power while i haven't been paying attention? :/ 23.38.11 # i'd really, really like to fix that issue now 23.38.33 # maybe cause interrupts were screwed up? 23.38.40 # were? 23.38.42 # preglow: I have high hopes on Toni's emulator 23.38.57 # Bagder: it's already aided me a couple of times 23.39.17 # well, I'm fixing all the "CPU_INT_STAT =" that should be "CPU_INT_STAT |=" 23.39.40 # CPU_IN_EN rather...whatever 23.40.00 # i doubt that alone can suck several hours of juice out of it 23.40.26 # could anyone please explain what KBD_CURSOR_KEYS and KBD_MODES are? 23.40.30 # http://stores.ebay.co.uk/tradeeasy1201 seems to be a good source for weird cheapo chinese dap clones 23.40.36 # I'm suprised this stuff kept running at all frankly 23.41.18 # perldiver: KBD_CURSOR_KEYS uses buttons to move the cursor on the input line. KBD_MODES is the ability to select the edit line. 23.41.45 # but what was the problem with them on gigabeat? 23.42.07 # Only KBD_MORSE_INPUT was enabled 23.42.37 # Not defining KBD_MODE makes KBD_CURSOR_KEYS the default, but I like having the line edit too 23.42.49 # Defining both lets you have both ways 23.42.56 Quit oblib ("Leaving") 23.43.33 # but the ability of moving the cursor and editing the line were present before 23.44.40 # no, it wasn't. I couldn't select the line itself before since the was no KBD_MODES defined 23.44.47 # Bagder: are you in need of any more build servers? 23.44.56 # the more the merrier! 23.44.58 # defining KBD_MODE and not KBD_CURSOR_KEYS only enables line edit by selection 23.45.05 # jhMikeS aha 23.45.08 # ender`: if you have a fast one, certainly 23.45.16 # Core2 Duo E4400 23.45.28 # that's fast enough! 23.45.30 # qualifies! 23.45.45 # jhMikeS thanks, i got it now 23.46.21 Quit secleinteer (Client Quit) 23.46.23 # ender`: as you might've noticed the build server moves in ... 15 minutes, so if you just get things sorted in your end we can have it added tomorrow or so 23.46.50 # i think i have everything ready 23.47.06 # do you have the public key for rbclient? 23.47.17 # not yet 23.47.32 # I'll PM it to you 23.47.38 # oh, does it matter that my ssh is running on a non-standard port? 23.48.26 # nope, the script can deal with that fine 23.48.31 # ok 23.49.13 # where do i get the script? 23.49.39 # hang on 23.50.00 # Bagder: he also sells the Meizu 8GB player, not bad 23.50.19 # yeah, he seemed to have loads 23.50.24 # oh, and what IPs can i expect the connections from (or are they dynamic)? 23.50.43 # ender`: they only come from build.rockbox.org 23.50.45 # fixed 23.50.48 # ok 23.51.05 Join deweycooter_ [0] (n=chatzill@user-0ccsijo.cable.mindspring.com) 23.51.10 # this is the acbuild.pl script => http://daniel.haxx.se/rockbox/acbuild.txt 23.51.32 # put it in rbclient's home dir with the name acbuild.pl with +x flag for rbclient 23.51.58 # you might need/want to edit the path and make -j option 23.52.17 Join deweycooter__ [0] (n=chatzill@user-12lmeid.cable.mindspring.com) 23.53.02 # it would seem the evaluation of the operation of the interrupt bits isn't quite right :\ 23.55.05 Join deweycooter___ [0] (n=chatzill@user-0ccsijo.cable.mindspring.com) 23.55.05 *** Alert Mode level 1 23.55.05 DBUG Enqueued KICK deweycooter 23.55.05 DBUG Enqueued KICK deweycooter_ 23.55.05 *** Alert Mode level 2 23.55.05 DBUG Enqueued KICK deweycooter__ 23.55.05 DBUG Enqueued KICK deweycooter___ 23.55.05 *** Alert Mode level 3 23.55.21 # PATH is needed just for the compilers? (gentoo puts them all in /usr/bin) 23.55.29 # yes 23.55.53 # ok, no need to modify the path then 23.56.06 # gentoo... then you don't have the sh compiler I take it? 23.56.37 # jhMikeS: how? 23.56.47 # i have, why? 23.57.00 # (i added the patches from the wiki) 23.57.12 # ah, ok, then I'm fine 23.57.21 # sh-elf-gcc (GCC) 4.0.4 (Gentoo 4.0.4, pie-8.7.8, rockbox patch #1) 23.57.27 Join secleinteer [0] (n=secleint@adsl-70-237-200-11.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) 23.58.57 # preglow: the |= stuff keeps the interrupts enabled and things moving along, but CPU_INT_CLR is being used as a way to stop interrupts but I'm guessing it just clears the stat and doesn't remask it