--- Log for 30.05.107 Server: pratchett.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot_ Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 10 days and 18 hours ago 00.00.09 Join Chimera_ [0] (n=ricky@cpe-72-181-71-159.houston.res.rr.com) 00.00.24 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@p549AFBB5.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.01.10 # hi all 00.02.01 # does anyone have any experience "unbricking" a Sandisk Sansa? 00.02.56 Quit scorche (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.02.57 Nick scorche` is now known as scorche (i=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 00.03.27 Quit petur ("zzzz") 00.03.35 # Chimera_: you read the wiki page? 00.04.06 # Yes I have, the problem is that the Rockbox Bootloader will not read the original firm. 00.04.42 # Did you install with sansapatcher/ 00.04.43 # ? 00.04.56 # yes 00.05.09 # I updated today with the Sansa Update Util :/ 00.05.20 # (that was a bad idea) 00.05.48 # why is that a problem if you follow the unbrick wiki page? 00.05.54 Quit toer (Remote closed the connection) 00.05.55 # What happened then? I would just expect it to remove the Rockbox bootloader. 00.05.55 # it mentions recovery mode 00.06.10 # can u remove the bootloader thru the recovery mode? 00.06.20 # again, read the page 00.06.31 # yes it can recover completely 00.06.55 # hmmmm, I will enter recovery mode then, and remove the rockbox loader 00.06.57 # brb :D 00.07.39 # * linuxstb wonders what the Sansa Update Util did 00.08.13 # Sansapatcher does not recognize the Mp3 player in Recovery 00.08.24 Join grndslm_ [0] (n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net) 00.08.27 Quit midkay_ ("Leaving") 00.08.58 # Chimera_: You don't use Sansapatcher. Please read the http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200TroubleShooting page 00.09.12 # will leave now, good night! 00.09.20 # good night :D 00.09.25 Quit Buschel () 00.09.50 # Chimera_: I still don't understand what the Sansa Update Util did to your sansa/ 00.09.53 # * Bagder has no further comments on reading wiki pages 00.10.29 # Anyone know if any of the iriver iFP patches linked no http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~tmal/rockbox/0410_patches/ made their way into the codebase (for either ifp or any other arm targets)? 00.11.28 # linuxstb: I'm installing everything I need to compile the manual. the instructions say I need to copy some unicode support files to a folder in my Tex-path. Do you know where they are? 00.12.21 # mpeccorini: what setup are you using? 00.12.23 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@c-71-205-31-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 00.12.37 # installing a mi4 file in Recovery only sends the player back to a reboot loop 00.12.41 # :( 00.12.50 # my god 00.13.13 # bluebrother: cygwin + tetext gives you an idea? I don't really know what I'm doing :p 00.13.18 # mpeccorini: What instructions are you following? 00.13.26 # Chimera_: that is expected, yes 00.13.31 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ManualHowto 00.13.38 # I don't think there are detailed instructions for cygwin. 00.13.53 # I hate it when you send people to read the manual, so I start there LOL 00.13.57 # mpeccorini: That has a link to the unicode files - in the Linux section (referred to in the cygwin section) 00.14.08 # you need tetex-unicode. Don't know if cygwin has this as a package 00.14.12 # and by "you" I don't mean specifically you linuxstb :p 00.14.43 # mpeccorini: I know you didn't :) 00.14.51 # mpeccorini: I just send you to write the manual... 00.14.53 # bluebrother: I know, but the instructions say I need to copy some of those files to my Tex-path 00.15.02 # yes. 00.15.02 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 00.15.03 # bluebrother: I don't know where is my Tex-path 00.15.30 # I guess it's /usr/share/texmf 00.15.32 # linuxstb: LOL, you're right, that's even worst ;-) 00.15.43 # bluebrother: great, thanks, I'll try there 00.15.56 # *worse 00.15.57 # bluebrother, mpeccorini: yes it has, I put the files in the package there were cygwin complained when trying to compile - then I ran the "mktexslr" command and it worked 00.16.17 # the following should work (assuming you have that path): 00.16.22 # create a folder /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/unicode 00.16.31 # put the files from the unicode package in that folder 00.16.37 # then run "texhash" 00.17.05 # the instructions did say I might need to run mktexslr as pixelma suggests 00.17.31 # it might be a bit different on cygwin -- usually you run texhash when adding new package. 00.18.00 # I wasn't able to get the tex4ht package running under cygwin though to be able to compile a html manual 00.18.02 # bluebrother: but those instructions are linux related 00.18.08 Quit nls ("Leaving.") 00.18.18 # * bluebrother notices the instructions mpeccorini means 00.18.27 # sorry, was reading the wrong page 00.18.35 # ;-) 00.19.08 # but the package for my linux box runs texhash only ;-) 00.19.34 # So, any ideas? 00.19.45 # hehe: mktexlsr - create ls-R databases 00.19.59 # and the same description for texhash :D 00.20.14 # so I guess both should work 00.20.28 # is there anyway to access the /System folder on the Sansa? 00.20.51 # bluebrother: Ok, I'll try and let you guys know. thanks 00.20.59 # bluebrother: one is a symlink for the other on my computer... 00.21.10 # does rockbox need to pay Thomson a license fee for the rockbox windows sim? http://www.mp3licensing.com/royalty/ 00.21.34 # linuxstb: same here ... didn't get that idea 00.22.43 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 00.22.53 # stripwax, any chance of having alook at the album art patch and seeing if pearljam's assumptions are correct 00.23.07 # robin0800 : - ? 00.24.19 # oh, right. yeah, sounds right 00.24.30 # I got the same warning just now too :) 00.24.53 # stripwax: i dont think rockbox needs such a license, as the fee is per unit, and you already paid for your unit.. 00.25.59 # Domonoky - hm, that would make sense for the 'hardware products' coverage, but not the PC Software Applications (which would cover rockbox sim afaict) 00.26.20 # Wonder how Thomson/anyone get fees from linux distros 00.26.26 # linuxstb: Do you think that the new Update changes the partitions? 00.27.15 # if I give my iPod to a fix, can Apple tell a rockbox was ever installed on it? 00.27.20 # hm, jeah the for the sim the fee is not payed, but the simulator is only for development :-) 00.27.50 # and i dont know how linux etc handles this.. 00.28.41 # use1ess - if it's still installed on the hard drive, then it's easy to tell :) If you took it off, and that includes the bootloader, then they won't know 00.29.37 Join Nosgoth [0] (n=nosgoth@p54AAF7EC.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.29.41 # Is there a way to access the partition of a Sansa without booting? 00.29.47 # Chimera_: I'm still waiting for you to say what the Update program did to your sansa - i.e. what happened when you tried to use your Sansa after running it? 00.29.56 # Oh sorry 00.30.08 # stripwax: aight. think I've read that once you install the rockbox your warrenty is kind'a off.. but I was thinking about the bootloader thingy, how does it work when you choose to "uinstall it" from the ipodpatcher, does it like overwrite it? because a date must be logged in that case, no? 00.30.16 # Domonoky,if you can use itunes to restore the ipod before sending it back 00.31.06 # I installed the Update using the Updater in vista, it installs and reboots, after that, the Screen turn White, and it reboots over and over. 00.31.34 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 00.31.38 # good evening 00.31.43 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@ 00.31.49 # Chimera_: So is the Rockbox bootloader still there? 00.32.14 # linuxstb: i *reinstalled* it after, using recov. mode. 00.32.30 # i can boot rockbox, but not Orig. 00.32.46 # OK, then that's the mistake - that's not how you install the Rockbox bootloader. 00.33.22 # Chimera_: you need to put both the OF mi4 and the BL.rom file in recovery mode 00.33.31 # the BL file being the bootloader 00.33.36 # Ohhhhhhhhhhhh 00.33.51 # that recovers it completely 00.33.58 # thank you both 00.34.00 # NOT the Rockbox bootloader 00.34.01 # so much :D 00.34.10 # (all three of u) 00.34.21 # which goes first ? 00.34.38 # Bagder: The SansaE200Unbrick page doesn't mention that. 00.34.42 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 00.34.43 # 1) start recovery 2) copy both files to the "disk". 3) reboot 00.34.53 # linuxstb: I noticed that just now 00.35.09 # The pages say only to copy mi4 files (but Im just commenting) 00.35.18 # yes 00.35.25 # ok guys, ill try and let you all know how it goes. 00.35.29 # that's because 99.9% of all users should only do that 00.35.58 # and really, you should only have to do that too... 00.36.27 # as rockbox doesn't interfere with the bootloader 00.36.34 Quit Nosgoth () 00.37.08 # did you really put the original sansa mi4 file in recovery mode? 00.37.44 # * mpeccorini hates compiling the manual 00.38.15 # mpeccorini: why? 00.38.20 # ok guys, i put the Orig. Firm. mi4 (1.00.12) with BL_SD...etc.rom in recov. mode, and now its back to the reboot cycle 00.38.26 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.38.47 # Chimera_: it boots rockbox? 00.39.00 # it boots nothing, just reboots... 00.39.16 # preglow: It's been very annoying to setup the environment and it takes forever to compile 00.39.29 # mpeccorini: that's cygwin for you... :-) 00.39.37 # gnight 00.39.43 Quit stripwax ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 00.39.44 # bye 00.39.46 Quit maffe (Remote closed the connection) 00.39.53 # Badger: I know :( 00.39.59 # Chimera_: and it says nothing on screen? 00.40.11 # hmm does anyone ever use the mingw compiler for their needed gnu based tools? 00.40.12 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 00.40.19 Quit robin0800 (" Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 00.40.20 # (for windows) 00.40.35 # sure, I cross-compile some stuff for windows at times 00.40.47 # it starts, shows Sandisk (whoosh), then about 5 seconds later, the screen fades white, and it occurs again 00.41.04 # no i meant budding devs....that still use windows ;) 00.41.10 # mpeccorini: yeah, it's pretty fast on linux here 00.41.17 # Chimera_: and recovery mode still works? 00.41.23 # Joely: sure, i do 00.41.38 # Yes, thankfully 00.41.49 # very strange 00.41.56 # indeed 00.41.56 # * mpeccorini wishes he had a linux box 00.41.58 # mpeccorini: about 20 seconds building the h100 manual here on native linux ... ;) 00.42.02 # Chimera_: did you mess with the partitions and/or format anything? 00.42.21 # may I suggest the vmware image? afaik this isn't much slower than native 00.42.25 # earlier today i used e200tool in linux, but had no effect 00.42.33 Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-167-137.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 00.42.42 # I see you're using the make-fun-of-the-poor-bastard-that-still-uses-windows method, thanks for the support 00.42.48 # LOL 00.42.52 # lol 00.43.02 # waht, vmware runs under windows 00.43.06 # mpeccorini: you're welcome, just ask if you need more ;-) 00.43.07 # sure 00.43.07 # I never make fun of people for using windows. 00.43.10 # There's just too many. 00.43.28 # Thundercloud_: if you use posters, you can reach many people at once with minimal effort 00.43.31 # using windows is fun. You never know what's happening next *g* 00.43.40 # Chimera_: e200too won't be needed as long as recovery mode works 00.43.49 # i see... 00.44.00 # "YOU SUCK" on 4x2m cardboard, for example 00.44.06 # Chimera_: going one step further, you could try putting a file in recovery mode named 'sansa.fmt' 00.44.10 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 00.44.19 # bluebrother: you do know what's going to happen, it'll get slower until it crashes 00.44.24 # Chimera_: it should cause a reformat 00.44.37 # what exactly crashed? Latex? 00.44.39 # I have finally compiled the manual though 00.44.42 # and the file is empty? 00.44.46 # man, sandisk have really thought about recovery 00.44.52 # congratulations! 00.45.09 # no, I was just elaborating your "using windows is fun. You never know what's happening next *g*" comment 00.45.43 # preglow: :D 00.45.52 # ah. But seriously, windows crashed rarely for me when using it the last years. 00.46.06 # dumping windows in favor of NT was really a good move ;) 00.46.12 # Chimera_: anything, the extension is what matters 00.46.35 # Ok, i will upload the blank file, and let you know. 00.47.07 # Chimera_: you'll probably need to do the mi4+BL.rom dance after the reformat 00.47.15 # I know, I was just kidding, in fact it is so slow because I use a laptop with a 2 rpm max hdd LOL 00.47.34 # Formatting ... 00.48.29 # 2 rpm? How good my laptop disk is a bit faster ;) 00.49.29 # the good thing is: I have my first patch for the manual ready ;-) 00.49.38 # really nice 00.49.55 Join midgey_ [0] (n=tjross@c-71-205-31-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 00.50.33 Part Llorean 00.50.42 # in two weeks I should have some free time to give the manual some care ... :D 00.50.57 # there is quite a lot that summed up on my todo list 00.51.23 # time for bed 00.51.44 # night night Bagder ;) 00.51.49 # gnight 00.51.55 # thx alot for your help 00.52.02 # (still does not work ) 00.52.34 # gnite Badger 00.53.19 # bluebrother: you are the only one in charge of the manual ? 00.54.01 # no. But I did some work a while ago 00.54.38 Quit midgey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.55.16 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 00.55.22 # bluebrother: well, now that the PGN viewer patch is committed and the manual is (or will be) up to date, I can finally make chessbox write PGN files. 00.55.38 # I hate beating GnuChess once every 1000 games and not having the history :p 00.56.05 # gnu chess is too hard for me. I prefer Jewels or sudoku :) 00.56.23 # LOL 00.56.36 Quit XbooX () 00.56.52 # but I never was much of a chess player anyway 00.57.01 # well guys, i formatted, loaded the original bootloader and firmware and still not luck, so i will take it to the store, and ask for another one. 00.57.12 # no* 00.57.14 Quit ender` (" According to the FAA, the propeller blade didn't break off, it was just a case of "uncontained blade liberation."") 00.57.25 # haha 00.57.30 # just don't tell them you tried to put rockbox on it 00.57.39 # yep, i sure wont 00.57.47 # anyway 00.57.53 # thx alot guys 00.57.53 # all sansas have been able to be recovered so far, i think 00.57.59 # so yours probably can too 00.58.05 # given enough persistance 00.58.14 # i don't have one, so can't help there 00.58.15 # im sure it can, i will mess around with it more 00.58.37 # should i dL a specific mi4 version? 00.58.39 # the thing has layers upon layers of recovery mechanisms 00.58.46 # wouldn't know, never even touched a sansa 00.58.58 # hmmmm 01.00.00 # ahh sorry i have a sansa...i can try to help you out in a sec 01.00.17 # sure, im more than happy to explain 01.00.38 # I had a good install of Rockbox, and the Original was fine 01.01.30 # So, i updated with the Sandisk Updater Util, and it messed it all up, now it shows the logo at boot, followed by a white screen and it reboots ad infinitum 01.01.40 Quit donutman25 ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 01.01.43 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc5-brig8-0-0-cust142.brig.cable.ntl.com) 01.01.44 Quit Faemir ("Leaving") 01.02.44 # hmm link to the sandisk updater util? 01.03.16 # 00 games and not having the 01.03.17 # +history :p 01.03.17 # gnu chess is too hard for me. I prefer Jewels or sudoku :) 01.03.17 DBUG Enqueued KICK Chimera_ 01.03.17 # LOL 01.03.17 # *** Signoff: XbooX () 01.03.17 *** Alert Mode level 1 01.03.17 # but I never was much of a chess player anyway 01.03.19 # > well guys, i formatted, loaded the original bootloader and firmware and 01.03.21 # +still not luck, so i will take it to the store, and ask for another one. 01.03.23 # > no* 01.03.25 # *** Signoff: ender` (" According to the FAA, the propeller blade didn't break 01.03.27 # +off, it was just a case of "uncontained blade liberation."") 01.03.29 # haha 01.03.31 # just don't tell them you tried to put rockbox on it 01.03.33 # > yep, i sure wont 01.03.35 # oops 01.03.37 # http://mp3support.sandisk.com/downloads/SansaUpdaterInstall.exe 01.04.09 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 01.04.09 # * Domonoky slaps Chimera_ :-/ 01.04.29 # * Chimera_ flys back in pain 01.05.26 # Well, whatever you do, dont update your sansas :/ 01.06.00 # is there a link to a rockbox.mi4 file? 01.06.02 # of course i wont...but....i'm going to try some emulation magic! 01.06.22 # :D 01.08.56 # well, i just reinstalled part of rockbox using the rockbox.mi4 file :D 01.09.09 # but i have no .rockbox dir :( 01.09.46 # now i need to wait until rockbox has USB support :) 01.09.56 # *grrr*. Manual build broken :( 01.10.11 # bluebrother: was that my fault? 01.10.16 # Chimera_: So you can put rockbox.mi4 on your Sansa, but not an original firmware? 01.10.26 # yep, thats about right 01.10.33 # mpeccorini: no. 01.10.41 # unless im loading the wrong mi4's 01.10.55 # its at daniel's site rite? 01.11.14 # it was a change from two days ago. Forgotten macro definition in a platform file 01.11.40 # bluebrother: ok 01.12.58 # but I'm looking into your patch. Will go in after some code policing :) 01.13.18 *** Alert Mode OFF 01.14.46 # bluebrother: great, thanks 01.15.04 Quit use1ess () 01.17.37 Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") 01.22.51 Quit midgey_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.23.56 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.26.20 Quit bluebrother ("nite") 01.28.15 Quit Zider ("reboot") 01.28.30 Quit mpeccorini (" Brain Damage for drinking too much coffee all day") 01.32.11 Join XbooX [0] (n=xboox04@ 01.32.42 Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-0-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 01.35.30 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@c-71-205-31-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 01.42.10 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.42.55 Part krush1704 01.43.56 Quit robin0800 (" Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 01.46.23 Quit jhulst (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.47.31 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.48.25 Join toer [0] (i=tore@skjeldal.com) 01.49.45 Quit Thundercloud_ (Remote closed the connection) 01.51.29 Join toer_ [0] (i=tore@skjeldal.com) 01.51.29 Quit toer_ (Client Quit) 01.51.58 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.52.03 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF6642.dip.t-dialin.net) 01.52.17 Part toffe82 01.56.14 # SUCCESS!!!! 01.57.08 Quit Chimera_ ("Leaving") 01.59.29 Join pearldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) 02.07.55 Quit perldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.08.14 Part pixelma 02.09.26 Join Mazz [0] (n=Maz@d64-180-12-42.bchsia.telus.net) 02.10.02 Join TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 02.10.34 Join tbaGGin [0] (i=tbaG@cpe-76-166-149-95.socal.res.rr.com) 02.20.50 Quit midgey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.25.57 Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-71-56-227-141.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 02.28.40 # can rockbox navigate an m3u as a subdirectory? 02.28.56 # i'm trying to figure out a way to play the good tracks from an album easily 02.29.05 # from pre-existing ratings 02.29.24 Quit ducbian ("Leaving") 02.32.58 # ivan`: no, it can't 02.34.36 Quit jhulst_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.35.29 Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 02.48.30 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 02.48.51 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF79C2.dip.t-dialin.net) 02.49.38 Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@user-11209e0.dsl.mindspring.com) 02.50.08 # on the sansa the bookmark feature is not working for me 02.50.24 Join webguest19 [0] (i=45cda707@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6c840d65f0bfad57) 02.50.30 # isn't the bookamrk feature in the svn now? 02.52.57 Quit FOAD_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.54.13 # hey jac0b, did you get that patch working that you were working on last night? 02.56.10 Quit webguest19 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 02.57.03 Part TrueJournals 03.03.37 Join XbOOPS [0] (n=xboox04@ 03.03.37 Quit XbooX (Nick collision from services.) 03.04.00 Join XbooX [0] (n=xboox04@ 03.05.13 Quit Psilonaut (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.06.44 Join flpwch [0] (n=chatzill@ppp-70-229-30-254.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net) 03.07.19 # kkurbjun: ping 03.07.31 # scorche, what's up? 03.08.31 # Am I the only person that feels the need to change the background on their skin most every day? 03.09.34 # I guess thats just me 03.09.36 # <.< 03.09.38 # i use white on black, chicago font, standard interface 03.09.44 # i forget that my iaudio is color sometimes 03.10.18 # I'm on my Gigabeat, and I always go greyscale. 03.10.21 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 03.10.43 # The battery, sound, and playtime bars are color, so i figure i don't need more. 03.11.16 Part Joely 03.18.32 # joely: yeah it worked 03.19.00 # I see someone uploaded a updated patch for it also 03.19.21 # on filespray 03.20.29 # joely: are you having a problem with the bookmark feature on the current and last svn 03.21.32 # jac0b: joely isn't in this channel, so you know. 03.21.44 # oh ok 03.22.22 # do I still have to use the patch for the bookmark feature? 03.22.43 Join Alldogship [0] (n=Alldogsh@bas3-montreal02-1096680967.dsl.bell.ca) 03.22.48 # I have no idea what player you are using, i came on here during the middle of the conversation. 03.22.59 # the sansa 03.23.25 # Honestly, I don't know, but, from experience, it can't hurt. 03.23.37 # I see the bookamark on there but when I select "Create Bookmark" nothing happenes 03.23.52 # Yeah, you probably need the patch, then. 03.23.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.24.07 # I think the bookmark is in the svn now 03.24.17 # so I think the patch is not needed 03.24.21 # Ok. 03.24.27 # but I will try it out 03.24.43 # Its just that I haven't been keeping up with the sansa, I've been working on making my buttons flip on my gigabeat when i watch video 03.24.47 # small trouble, wps files aren't working, probably an error at installing them 03.25.18 # Alldogship: default wps working? 03.25.41 # flpwch: default, yes. new, no 03.25.46 # hmmm 03.25.55 # try recopying the files. 03.26.16 # I had that problem yesterday on my gigabeat 03.27.01 # flpwch: did it many times with a few themes and wps, even the one I'm trying to do 03.27.20 # hmm, so only the default is working? 03.28.20 Quit entheh ("^~") 03.28.38 # backdrops goes in backdrops, theme in theme, .wps in wps folder but the folder with picts goes where (put in wps folder) 03.28.46 Join Tim_Mitchell [0] (n=Tim@ool-44c63d6d.dyn.optonline.net) 03.29.01 # hm 03.29.05 # i think you are missing another bmp 03.29.20 # let me wire up my giga to my computer 03.29.21 # ... wait, trying the emulator 03.29.28 # k 03.29.45 # any gigabeat f users here? my brand new rockboxed f40 appears to have died - it had been working fine... 03.29.54 # We open the real file 'archos/.rockbox/wps/frostBox Normal.wps' 03.29.54 # Failed parsing on line 47 : Invalid conditional char (not in an open conditional) 03.30.11 # Tim_Mitchell: me 03.30.27 # Alldogship: same with the other ones? 03.30.46 # flpwch: any known issues with rockbox killing gigabeats? 03.30.52 # Tim_Mitchell: not that i know of 03.30.56 # are you getting the boot screen at all? 03.31.02 Join joedoc55 [0] (n=joe@c-75-74-87-180.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 03.31.30 # I tried the bookamrk patch but it just errored out 03.31.35 # flpwch: nope, I can't get anything on the screen, even while just charging, my guess is the power circuit went 03.31.42 # bookmark* 03.31.45 # probably. 03.32.02 # jac0b: i'd suggest asking someone a bit more knowledgeable than me, sorry 03.32.27 # Tim_Mitchell: might it be the dock, or the battery at all? 03.32.40 # I am asking anyone in here that has any knowledge in the sansa build 03.32.50 # or are you not even showing when you plug to usb 03.33.09 # flpwch: I've never used the dock and I've tried switching the battery switch to see if that'd help - no dice 03.33.17 # no usb either? 03.33.26 # flpwch: no usb either 03.33.38 # if anything, it probably wasn't the rockbox. 03.33.43 # flpwch: it sometimes will say I need to charge the battery but only rarely - usually is just stays blank 03.33.56 # you could have a hard drive problem 03.34.10 # flpwch: I agree, especially since I didn't have the unit on when it died 03.34.13 # maybe some internal wiring went loose, i've had that. 03.34.25 # flpwch: were you able to fix it? 03.34.29 # yeah 03.34.39 # i just had a little connection on some wire that got frayed 03.34.45 # no idea what it was 03.34.46 # what was lose? I've already taken it apart 03.35.04 # it was behind the pad near the batter connection 03.35.10 # battyer 03.35.30 # so i spun copper wire around it and then put electrical tape around that. 03.35.39 # and then i hot glued the case back together 03.36.19 Quit jac0b () 03.36.20 # found an other theme that worked 03.36.27 # fault line: %ac%fc (%?fb<%fbkbps| >) | %?fs<%fsKB| > 03.36.37 # ah 03.36.43 # flpwch: hmm, I;ll need to take the front off to take a look 03.36.43 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 03.36.49 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 03.37.04 # Tim_Mitchell: yeah, but im horrible when it comes to "putting things together", my fix usually involves tape and hot glue. 03.37.24 # flpwch: do you know of any usb enclosures that I can use with the drive - I have data on it too that I need to get off 03.37.52 # usb goes directly to the drive, if i recall. 03.37.57 # like a gutted external hard drive. 03.38.02 # you should be able just to deshell it 03.38.24 # but you need an enclosure, i don't see many around that size. 03.38.53 # you'd be best off with a decent sized project-box and cutting some holes in the case 03.39.32 # flpwch: arg, I am hoping to get the data off and then send it back to toshiba under warranty... perhaps wishful thinking 03.39.47 # don't you keep the data backed up? 03.40.04 # like, on your own computer or external HD or disk? 03.40.11 Join webguest12 [0] (i=45f85bce@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0706030836bb90d0) 03.41.16 # darned wiki 03.41.21 # i can't find the winff presets 03.41.21 Join f00f [0] (n=obo@CPE002078c67dd3-CM0011ae015168.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 03.42.04 # quick question with regards to the rockboxdev.sh script 03.42.13 Quit z35 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.42.31 # It finished sucesfully, but I still get arm-elf-gcc not found 03.42.38 Join Llorean [0] (n=Llorean@cpe-70-113-91-140.austin.res.rr.com) 03.42.40 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer#Using_WinFF_Windows_Linux 03.43.34 # woot thanks webguest12 03.43.39 # flpwch: i do keep my data backed up - but this is a set of files I got on the go when I wasn't at home - went I got home, it no longer worked 03.43.40 Join z35 [0] (n=z@adsl-35-180-21.dab.bellsouth.net) 03.44.00 # Tim_Mitchell: hmmm, if at all necessary, there are companies that can do that. 03.44.41 # and recover it 03.44.46 # anyone? 03.45.30 # Tim_Mitchell: just hook the hard drive directly into your computer 03.46.20 # is anyone trying to make use of the broadcam chip thingy in the ipod video 03.46.23 # just wondering 03.46.43 # flpwch: I'd love to, but I what connector fits this drive? - it's some connector I don't have 03.46.49 Quit bospaadje (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.47.04 # flpwch: just looked at the front side of the unit, visually everything looks fine 03.47.24 # Tim_Mitchell: since your giga is wacked out anyway, you can pull the adapter out on its own 03.47.32 # and use that, probably 03.48.04 Quit flpwch ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 03.48.30 # I keep getting emulated codec failiures but I think I fixed the problem 03.49.23 # the guy put | (or) at places for no reasons 03.51.31 Quit Alldogship ("Leaving") 03.51.48 Join Daishi [0] (n=daishi@ool-18be2884.dyn.optonline.net) 03.55.46 # quick question with regards to the rockboxdev.sh script. It finished sucesfully, but I still get arm-elf-gcc not found 03.55.56 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 03.56.41 Join rjeffersonw [0] (n=rjeffers@cpe-71-74-161-167.indy.res.rr.com) 03.56.54 Part rjeffersonw 03.57.34 # f00f: You still need to manually add it to the path 03.57.58 # ok Thanks. Can't the script do that automatically though? 03.58.07 Quit webguest12 ("CGI:IRC") 03.59.03 # Llorean, the binary doesn't show up anywhere. I do have a file called cc1 in /usr/local/arm-elf/libexec/gcc/arm-elf/4.0.3/ 03.59.21 # You should have an arm-elf-gcc binary 04.00.15 # hmm, any idea where the script puts it by default? 04.01.18 # /usr/local/arm-elf/bin 04.01.19 Quit maffe (Remote closed the connection) 04.01.23 Quit f00f (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.06.25 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-0-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 04.09.04 Join Soap_ [0] (n=Soap@host-69-95-92-143.har.choiceone.net) 04.09.46 Nick Soap_ is now known as Soap (n=Soap@host-69-95-92-143.har.choiceone.net) 04.11.13 Join Chimera_ [0] (n=ricky@cpe-72-181-71-159.houston.res.rr.com) 04.13.03 # linuxstb: Hi, just wanted to let you know that I got the Sansa working again Linux, so thx a lot! 04.16.26 Join z35_1 [0] (n=z@adsl-1-20-27.dab.bellsouth.net) 04.26.25 Quit DataGhost (Nick collision from services.) 04.26.31 Join DataGhost [0] (i=dataghos@ip3e832ea5.speed.planet.nl) 04.26.50 Join kubiixaka [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 04.28.48 Quit z35_1 (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.48 NSplit pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 04.28.48 Quit z35 (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.48 Quit XbooX (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.48 Quit XbOOPS (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.48 Quit scorche (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.48 Quit saratoga (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.48 Quit kubiix (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.48 Quit hanaurimasume (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.48 Quit gromit` (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.48 Quit tipi^ (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.48 Quit Galois (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.48 Quit sbeh (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.49 Quit DiDjCodt (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.28.49 Quit datachild (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.29.12 NHeal pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 04.29.12 NJoin scorche [0] (i=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 04.29.52 Quit Chimera_ (Remote closed the connection) 04.30.32 Part Tim_Mitchell 04.31.16 NJoin DiDjCodt [0] (n=djc@poy.chewa.net) 04.31.26 NJoin tipi^ [0] (i=pihlstro@lehtori.cc.tut.fi) 04.32.35 Quit grndslm_ ("Leaving") 04.33.09 NJoin gromit` [0] (n=gromit@ras75-5-82-234-244-69.fbx.proxad.net) 04.34.21 NJoin XbooX [0] (n=xboox04@ 04.34.59 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 04.35.08 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54bf7ecf.dip.t-dialin.net) 04.36.50 NJoin z35_1 [0] (n=z@adsl-1-20-27.dab.bellsouth.net) 04.36.50 NJoin XbOOPS [0] (n=xboox04@ 04.36.50 NJoin saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ec57ca020c3e204d) 04.36.50 NJoin kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 04.36.50 NJoin hanaurimasume [0] (n=karma@c-67-170-136-42.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 04.36.50 NJoin datachild [0] (i=krebb@har.en.prickig.cykel.biz) 04.36.50 NJoin Galois [0] (i=djao@efnet-math.org) 04.36.50 NJoin sbeh [0] (i=sbeh@serverstaff.de) 04.36.50 Quit sbeh (No route to host) 04.37.30 Join sbeh [0] (i=sbeh@serverstaff.de) 04.40.34 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 04.41.59 Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-163b86494ce928d0) 04.44.00 Quit kubiix (Connection timed out) 04.45.13 # woah windows asisned my sansa to a letter that already was mapped 04.45.20 # no wonder UMS mode didn't work right 04.47.41 Quit sbeh (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.47.41 Quit XbOOPS (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.47.41 Quit Galois (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.47.41 Quit hanaurimasume (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.47.41 Quit z35_1 (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.47.41 Quit datachild (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.48.05 NJoin sbeh [0] (i=sbeh@serverstaff.de) 04.48.05 NJoin z35_1 [0] (n=z@adsl-1-20-27.dab.bellsouth.net) 04.48.05 NJoin XbOOPS [0] (n=xboox04@ 04.48.05 NJoin hanaurimasume [0] (n=karma@c-67-170-136-42.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 04.48.05 NJoin datachild [0] (i=krebb@har.en.prickig.cykel.biz) 04.48.05 NJoin Galois [0] (i=djao@efnet-math.org) 04.49.28 Quit Mazz (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.50.37 Join Mazz [0] (n=Maz@d64-180-12-42.bchsia.telus.net) 04.52.00 Quit Mazz (Client Quit) 04.54.04 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC") 04.55.00 Quit XbOOPS (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.55.00 Quit Galois (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.55.00 Quit hanaurimasume (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.55.00 Quit z35_1 (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.55.00 Quit datachild (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.55.00 Quit sbeh (pratchett.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 04.57.24 NJoin Galois [0] (i=djao@efnet-math.org) 04.57.43 NJoin hanaurimasume [0] (n=karma@c-67-170-136-42.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 04.57.44 NJoin z35_1 [0] (n=z@adsl-1-20-27.dab.bellsouth.net) 05.22.23 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 05.22.29 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 05.22.58 Join Brunellus_ [0] (n=luigi@unaffiliated/brunellus) 05.23.50 Nick Brunellus_ is now known as Brunellus (n=luigi@unaffiliated/brunellus) 05.24.02 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.24.09 Part Brunellus ("Ex-Chat") 05.28.57 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 05.30.55 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 05.44.14 Join sbeh [0] (i=sbeh@serverstaff.de) 05.45.56 Quit XbooX (Nick collision from services.) 05.45.59 Join XbOOPS [0] (n=xboox04@ 05.46.10 Join XbooX [0] (n=xboox04@ 05.46.54 Quit ze (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.47.03 Join ze [0] (i=ze@cpe-76-175-22-254.socal.res.rr.com) 05.48.47 Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) 05.54.47 Quit pearldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.59.32 Join oblib [0] (n=oblib@111-231-8-204.erd.cust.wirelessbeehive.com) 06.00.32 Quit oblib (Client Quit) 06.01.07 Join Cryle [0] (i=18425e8d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7c3b04d872282ed1) 06.01.27 Join oblib [0] (n=oblib@111-231-8-204.erd.cust.wirelessbeehive.com) 06.01.42 # quiet here... 06.02.34 Part Cryle 06.03.42 Join datachild [0] (i=krebb@har.en.prickig.cykel.biz) 06.04.31 # I am looking into a bug report on a patch I did (http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6940) and it looks like it's a stack overflow. Anyone have any experience with what would cause that? The patch enables charging mode on the nano, and I haven't seen this problem. 06.16.29 Quit tbaGGin () 06.32.49 Join pearldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) 06.36.02 Quit secleinteer (Client Quit) 06.39.28 Quit perldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.40.44 Join secleinteer [0] (n=secleint@ 06.46.56 Quit Jon-Kha (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 06.50.35 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 06.59.36 Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) 07.03.28 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-0-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 07.03.30 Quit oblib ("Leaving") 07.11.15 Join haiyai [0] (n=morgan@c-76-20-69-167.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 07.12.01 # is there a philip kao in the channel? 07.12.21 Quit haiyai (Client Quit) 07.14.12 Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") 07.19.24 # Llorean: you round? 07.19.30 Join davina_ [0] (n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 07.20.22 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-0-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 07.20.34 # Yeah 07.20.39 # hey 07.20.58 # im using a clea source tree and i am getting a white .mpg icon... 07.21.05 # ... with a blank .icons file 07.21.15 # I tihnk your problem was that the filname was too long 07.22.41 # Alright 07.22.51 # That makes sense then 07.22.58 # Do we know the maximum filename length? 07.23.45 # 32 chars 07.24.01 # for the filename without the path or extension 07.24.05 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.24.07 # Alright 07.24.09 # Thanks 07.24.18 # 32 or 20... 07.24.20 # * JdGordon checks 07.24.34 # 32 07.24.40 # 31 and the nul char... 07.24.47 # Okay 07.25.41 Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) 07.34.17 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-0-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 07.34.47 Join jack_ [0] (n=jack@pool-71-114-145-182.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net) 07.35.28 Quit Daishi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.36.34 # hmm. the gigabeat F/X/S/etc series system is a bit confusing. what 'letter' is a "toshiba MES-60VK"? 07.36.40 # S? 07.37.52 # That might be the V 07.38.03 # No, that's the S 07.38.06 # haha. how confusing... 07.38.14 # The K means black 07.38.31 # oh.. 07.38.32 # The F series were "MEG-F40" and then a letter representing color like S for silver 07.38.43 # MEG-F(capacity)(color) rather 07.38.54 # Apparently the S series are MES-(capacity)(dunno)(color) 07.39.08 # hmm.. i see. haha. 07.39.24 Quit chrisjs169 (Operation timed out) 07.39.28 # Yeah 07.39.37 # Honestly, the iHP and iFP naming system at least made sense 07.39.50 # yeah.. quite a weird system, the gigabeats. 07.56.25 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 07.59.39 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m180.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 07.59.53 Quit kaaloo (Client Quit) 08.02.50 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.03.57 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54965937.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.04.21 Quit lee-qid (Client Quit) 08.07.18 Quit otih_ ("leaving") 08.07.35 Join otih [0] (n=otih@p54A4FF54.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.09.17 Quit ompaul ("init 0") 08.15.59 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-f5bd0dedb4906c15) 08.24.31 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 08.30.18 Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 08.31.17 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 08.31.40 Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) 08.32.35 Quit linuxstb__ (Client Quit) 08.35.19 # Llorean: you still awake ? 08.36.02 # oh, nvm, my eyes are playing tricks on me 08.37.11 Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-Kha@a91-152-87-243.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 08.37.23 # It's not that late 08.37.40 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 08.42.01 Quit pearldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.42.26 Join mbr [0] (n=mbr@p3EE06785.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.44.44 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.dsl.t-2.net) 08.45.19 # I was going to ask about that post in the apple forum from the "genius" who's got rockbox running on a second gen Nano. But it's already locked, so I guess the decision's been made :) 08.46.05 # sounds like i need to check the forums =] 08.46.36 # I'm trying to make my mind up, he's either very very deluded, or a complete troll 08.46.54 # I'm guessing whoever locked it decided the latter :) 08.47.39 # http://www.boingboing.net/2007/05/29/griffin_itrip_pocket.html <-- not strictly rockbox related, but I like the look of it. A good fit :) 08.48.57 # LinusN: Diff view in viewvc is still broken :( (python traceback) 08.49.17 # bah, i thought zagor would fix that... 08.49.51 # It seems that the script tries to open /dev/null for some reason, and gets denied 08.52.50 # yes 08.54.21 # i'll let zagor have a look at it, it's his server 08.56.56 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 08.57.26 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 09.00.18 Part kaaloo 09.00.28 Join t3hwiz0rd [0] (n=wizard@ip68-231-157-38.tc.ph.cox.net) 09.00.43 # hey quick question: i bought an ipod video about december-ish, should rockbox current wor kwith few issues? 09.01.04 Join B4gder [0] (n=daniel@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) 09.02.08 Join PaulJam [0] (i=Paul@vpn-3069.gwdg.de) 09.03.54 Quit midkay ("Leaving") 09.04.18 # anyone?? 09.05.56 # t3hwiz0rd: yes, all ipod videos are now supported 09.05.58 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 09.06.15 Part kaaloo 09.06.28 Quit perldiver (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.07.10 # JdGordon: are you here? 09.09.01 Quit chainlynx ("Leaving.") 09.10.11 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-1bbe64df434a3487) 09.12.10 # and how do u install themes? *blushes* 09.12.29 # no need to blush when you ahve the manual! 09.13.00 Join printfXh4 [0] (n=pseudo@ppp217-33.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net) 09.15.06 # plenty of need to blush if you've not read it. It *is* in the IrcGuidelines as a requirement. 09.16.12 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@ 09.19.31 Quit PaulJam (".") 09.21.02 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 09.22.39 Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@rockbox/developer/petur) 09.23.32 Join PaulJam [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3103.gwdg.de) 09.24.09 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.25.42 Quit DataGhost (Nick collision from services.) 09.25.48 Join DataGhost [0] (i=dataghos@ip3e832ea5.speed.planet.nl) 09.26.35 # hmmm it seems slow on my ipod video 09.26.38 Join Dorian_ [0] (n=chatzill@c-69-248-1-104.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 09.26.51 # anyone awake here? 09.27.40 Join grndslm [0] (n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net) 09.28.07 # yawn 09.29.07 # PaulJam: hey, wassup? 09.29.24 # yea... so i'm trying to get gnu diff working on my pc and yet i'm not getting anywhere 09.29.34 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 09.30.56 # there is still a bug with the double line lists. if you hold the down button then only the last line gets selected and if you then scroll up the selection is wrong. 09.31.33 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-acd4ba7e4e17cb7f) 09.32.10 Join ivan [0] (n=ivan@ool-182d0d60.dyn.optonline.net) 09.32.16 # :'( 09.32.19 # yay 5.5 now supported 09.32.22 # ok i'm later 09.32.25 # late* 09.32.26 # Dorian_: pc? you mean windows? cygwin installed? 09.32.33 Join Siltaar [0] (n=Siltaar@ 09.33.54 # windows. i would asssume i also need cygwin as well? 09.33.55 Quit kkurbjun (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 09.34.39 # Dorian_: what are you attempting to use it for ? 09.34.40 # Dorian_: there are stand-alone versions of gnu diff for windows, but then I don't see how it is rockbox-related really 09.34.55 # JdGordon: and concerning FS#7236 : this happens on my h300 too. and if i try to reproduce it in the simulator the remote display does something weird, the first entry gets duplicated somehow. 09.35.02 # * petur recommends WinMerge on windows 09.35.25 # well i just want to make a patch for something i wrote 09.36.11 # does winmerge produce gnu diff compatible patches ? 09.36.44 # * GodEater asks out of curiousity only since he'd never dream of using a windows based dev environment for rockbox 09.36.59 # >.< 09.37.04 # * petur uses tortoise to make the diffs 09.37.20 # that'd be a "no" then I guess ;) 09.37.28 # let me try 09.37.54 # PaulJam: 7236 is the pressing down crashes the x5 yeah? 09.38.32 # JdGordon: yes 09.38.44 # nothing wierd happens in the sim here... 09.38.47 # yup, can create 3 types of patches, one of them is unified 09.39.02 # http://winmerge.org/ 09.39.03 # can you send me your config.cfg? 09.39.28 # JdGordon: try entering the settings menu and scroll down to recording settings 09.40.02 # oh, that bug is back :'( 09.40.04 # righto 09.40.15 Quit XbOOPS () 09.40.26 Join crop [0] (i=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8d3bdc9435c5c980) 09.40.29 # petur: thanks, ill give that try 09.40.38 # my config was reset when reproducing. 09.40.52 # petur, is the format with CR/LF or just LF? 09.41.01 # Llorean, linuxstb: here? 09.41.30 # CR/LF I guess, but you can use notepad2 or other tools to change that 09.41.32 # linuxstb isn't out of bed yet, Llorean is borderline on his way there 09.41.57 # at least, I would be at that time of the morning if it were me :) 09.42.17 # 9:42 here 09.42.37 # Anyway, I'll just say what I have found out about the list acceleration. 09.43.49 # JdGordon: another thing i just noticed: if you enter the system menu from the root menu and then leave it again, the first two entrys from the root menu are not visible. even though all enrys schould fit on the screen. 09.44.36 # I've looked into the code. The acceleration works like this: when the UP or DOWN key is held long enough, a sequence of REPEAT events is generated (at some fixed frequency, e.g. 5 times per second) 09.46.24 # PaulJam: ok, thats fixed 09.46.33 # With each REPEAT event, the position of the list cursor is advanced by a delta. In the beginning, the delta is 1. And then, it's increased by 1 once per X milliseconds. 09.47.47 # crop: the code is very simple... whats your problem? yes the language of the settings is bad.. suggest better language then.. 09.48.03 # The value of X is set by the "Accel Speed" option. 09.48.52 # JdGordon: I tried to understand what it does since only then can I find the right wording. But 2x/... is definitely wrong IMHO 09.49.15 # It suggests that the delta is doubled every x secs 09.49.37 # yes, didnt I even say it was wrong in the commit message? really it doesnt matter, its just a representatino for the user... 09.50.20 # Why not just use values from, say, 1 to 10. The values don't have to have a meaning for the user other than 1=low acceleration, 10=highest acceleration 09.50.45 Quit XbooX (Nick collision from services.) 09.50.48 Join XbOOPS [0] (n=xboox04@ 09.51.01 Join XbooX [0] (n=xboox04@ 09.51.03 # The current strings suggest a meaning which is wrong 09.51.45 # JdGordon: where are they defined btw? 09.51.57 # * B4gder just realized nls certainly got a nice highscore yday 09.52.13 # crop: which? 09.52.22 # 2x/3s etc 09.52.30 # settings_list.c 09.52.36 # but dont change the function there... 09.52.46 # the reason I used that was to save bin space... 09.52.55 # that setting is used elsewhere... 09.53.17 # if you really feel strongly, I would suggest chaning the acceleration algorithm to match the string 09.55.24 # JdGordon: I can't change code anyway. But if the same algorithm is used elsewhere (FF/REW accel?) then the string is also wrong there, i.e. it tells something that isn't true 09.55.42 # I agree with crop, I think the values displayed in the menu should be an easily understood (by the user) scale. It needn't have any bearing on what's actually going on in the code. 09.55.51 # I guess the algo in the other place is corect 09.56.19 # JdGordon: you mean the speed is really doubled every x secs? 09.57.02 # i dont know.. I havnt looked at that cde 09.57.04 # code 09.57.12 # Yes, the same formatter is used for FF/RW accel 09.57.17 Join PaulJam_ [0] (n=pauljam@vpn-3098.gwdg.de) 09.57.31 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 09.57.46 # PaulJam: yay, fixed both your bugs... just got the one in he forums to fix 09.57.55 # linuxstb: hey! Read a couple of lines above pls 09.58.25 # JdGordon: I don't think it's right to display a setting list which has no relationship to an actual setting, just to save bin space. 09.58.28 # crop: I have 10.00.31 # linuxstb: and what do you think? (You've only said what you don't think :-) 10.02.00 # I still think the same as yesterday - call the setting something like "list acceleration interval" and display the actual time in ms. I don't really like arbitrary "1-10" scales and would prefer the setting to say what it is. 10.04.06 # (thinking about it, probably not ms, but seconds to 1 decimal place, if we keep that accuracy) 10.04.17 # linuxstb: I can agree with this. 10.05.57 # ms is better... 10.07.50 # linuxstb: seen this post -> http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=10653.msg81705#msg81705 ? It's got me stumped... 10.08.47 # just a quick q, does the 'resume' function (ie, on the ipod5g, hold down play until it shuts down, then bootup and hit play again) work on filenames or an index of some kind? 10.10.03 # crashd: index in the playlist 10.10.21 # and the playlist works on filenames, i assume? 10.10.25 # yes 10.10.35 # that's strange 10.10.35 # and it saves the random seed for shuffle 10.10.39 # so that it can continue 10.10.59 # if i shutdown, then add some files to the directory the last file played is in, it'll mess up what it's playing 10.11.28 # crashd: that's exactly because of that system, since the directory is turned into a playlist and played when you play a song 10.11.56 # even if i only play one specific file from said directory? 10.12.01 # yes 10.12.11 # oh, i see 10.12.17 # since when you press next, it goes to the next song 10.12.44 # thanks for answering my dim quesiton B4gder :) 10.12.56 # no problems 10.13.04 # that's been bugging me for ages 10.13.12 # I wrote lots of that code about 200 years ago 10.13.27 Part Llorean 10.13.46 # that was back in the days of the rockbox port to the Babbage Difference Engine then right ? 10.13.54 # abacii 10.14.15 # GodEater: the best rockbox target we had! ;-) 10.14.38 # a little unwieldy in your pocket, but excellent feature set. 10.14.53 # steampunk rockbox 10.15.14 # GodEater: Do the people having problems have 80GB ipods? 10.15.44 # GodEater: (regarding that forum thread you pointed me to) 10.15.55 # jonno@htpc:~/rockbox/h300-sim$ cd ../h300-sim/ <- stupid muscle memory doin the typing :p 10.17.23 Join bospaadje [0] (n=bospaadj@ip82-139-84-212.lijbrandt.net) 10.19.16 # so i just did the diff of two files and i don't think it came out completely corrected http://www.tingreendoor.com/misc/patch 10.19.58 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 10.20.40 # Dorian_: that looks like you have a newline problem 10.20.47 # like different newlines on the files or similar 10.22.29 # huh? argh 10.22.50 Quit PaulJam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.25.08 # linuxstb: yes, they're all 80GB iPod owners it seems 10.25.37 # GodEater: And have they all done manual conversions to FAT32, or reformatted somehow? 10.25.57 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 10.28.22 # linuxstb: unclear - I think that last post implies that particular user has, the windows users doesn't seem to have - but I could be wrong 10.30.37 # If you can, it could be helpful to try reformatting your 80GB and see if Rockbox is still happy with it. 10.33.30 # did anyon look at the left button patch I put on the dev ml? does the lack of comments mean noone cares if thats the way its done? 10.34.02 # linuxstb: hmm - I'll think about it 10.34.21 # B4gder: what do you mean different newlines? 10.34.35 # Dorian_: CRLF vs LF only 10.34.58 # B4gder: yea... um so how would i fix that? 10.35.03 # Dorian_: this is why I said I'd never use a windows dev environment for rockbox work 10.35.18 # Dorian_: switch to the good side: Linux 10.35.20 # :-) 10.35.23 # lol 10.35.33 Join webguest63 [0] (i=7cb5f2db@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-62bcf1245205370a) 10.35.33 # or use cygwin 10.35.35 # Dorian_: Or use a decent text editor (i.e. anything apart from notepad) 10.35.41 # notepad2 10.35.51 # hmm, i thought i was using Notepad++ 10.36.21 # Dorian_: Does that have a "line-ending" option ? You want to choose "Unix". 10.36.28 # Dorian_: do note that this is my _guess_ based on the look of that patch 10.37.02 # Dorian_: Or you could just open and save the original file, so you convert that to Windows line-endings as well. Then the diff should be OK (if B4gder's guess is right) 10.37.50 # the _only_ problem I had with rb devwork under windows was slow compile time. For everything lese, there are fine tools (some I think are better than under linux) 10.38.00 # s/lese/else 10.38.28 # hmm, it does have an opiton for converting to unix, did that, reran diff in cygwin same thing 10.38.48 # petur: Maybe you should document them in the wiki... 10.39.23 # ah, it was a different language from windos 10.39.28 # thanks guys 10.39.30 # Dorian_: if you are using WinMerge, there's an option to ignore line-endings 10.39.44 # (Edit->Options) 10.40.21 # petur: just made the file unix and batch language and it was fine when i re ran diff 10.40.36 # petur:thanks 10.40.38 Quit webguest63 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 10.41.50 # JdGordon: now there is a problem with paged scrolling disabled: if you scroll down a long list and reach the end of the list, then the display immediately jumps to the end of the list. 10.41.57 # linuxstb: I already have: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UsingCygwinAndTortoiseSVN 10.42.28 Join darkskiez_ [0] (n=mbryars@195-11-205-216.suip.mezzonet.net) 10.42.32 # * JdGordon thought I didnt touch non-paged scrollin code :'( 10.43.17 # do i need a newer bootloader to load rockbox on the 80G ? 10.43.33 # newer than what ? 10.43.41 # newer than the ipodpatcher one on the wiki 10.43.53 # use the ipodpatcher linked in the manual 10.44.02 # also, when you scroll up from the end of the list, it does a weird jump 10.44.05 # PaulJam_: ah, hmm.. thats bad :p 10.44.08 # I've no idea which wiki link you're referring to 10.44.11 Quit kubiixaka (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.44.34 # GodEater: http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/ipodpatcher/macosx/ that one i used 10.44.39 # dinner... bbs 10.45.16 # brb 10.46.22 # that looks like the right one 10.48.23 # so im about to submit the patch, how to a make sure i give myself the right credit? is that with the patch or the submition 10.50.10 # Dorian_: make sure you supply your real name and you'll receive credit ;) 10.50.11 Join jaczehack [0] (i=d572f7b7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b072527d6af9f960) 10.50.27 # (when it gets accepted of course) 10.50.32 # petur: real name where? 10.50.42 # in the patch tracker 10.50.47 # kk 10.51.07 # JdGordon: anomolys?? 10.51.26 # rofl 10.51.36 # new batteries for Jd :p 10.52.46 Quit grndslm (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 10.53.50 # ok... patch #7111 is all done i think... 10.54.04 # yea, i love my podcasts 10.55.59 # so how likely are patches to be accepted? 10.58.23 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC") 10.58.37 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-38bb20fa69d74a83) 10.59.23 # Dorian_: that patch is in the wrong format 10.59.56 # must be unified format 11.00.24 Quit jaczehack ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 11.00.36 # petur:thanks 11.01.41 # Zagor: still something weird with flyspray, have a look at the history of http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7111 11.02.22 # looking. what's the weird part? 11.02.32 # Notice: Undefined index: 0 in /usr/share/flyspray/htdocs/includes/events.inc.php on line 105 Field changed: Severity ( → Critical) 11.02.34 # oh 11.02.36 # saw it :) 11.03.35 # Zagor:that has nothing to me i take it? 11.04.05 # no, it's caused by our previously not using the severity field 11.04.15 # kk 11.04.23 # so in some places it's undefined, which causes this error 11.05.05 # alright, i put my 2cents in... hopefully it'll be accepted and all the fun stuff, now for an hour nap and off to class 11.05.17 Join bluebrother [0] (i=f3aXDgun@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 11.06.04 # Dorian_: still not the correct patch format 11.06.06 Quit Soap (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.06.37 # petur?:what now? 11.06.54 # how do you create the patch? 11.07.32 # cygwin... winmerge was acting weird 11.08.01 # amiconn: I wold have thought tha by now speeling mistakes and typos in my commit messages would be ignored :p 11.08.11 # Dorian_: see http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WorkingWithPatches 11.08.39 # use -u 11.10.28 # * amiconn likes how the apache spellchecker module is called mod_speling 11.10.42 # lol 11.10.43 Quit crop ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 11.10.43 # that's humor 11.10.46 # hahaha 11.11.18 # no wonder the http header is called "referer" (spelled wrong that is) 11.11.20 # * petur notices the webclient has 10+ seconds lag :( 11.12.08 # * JdGordon working hard to keep the build servers busy :p 11.12.36 # * petur asked his boss if the company wanted to sponsor rb but got a 'no' 11.12.50 # petur: thanks 11.13.14 # petur: hoping for a spotters fee were you? 11.13.35 # seems the list widget is / got quite buggy? 11.13.36 # petur: ask for a raise and give that amount to Rockbox =P 11.13.55 # getting a raise was not the problem :p 11.14.40 # hmmm that idea of selling those bottles was not so good, no bidders and only 1 day to go... 11.14.46 # bluebrother: shouold be all fixed now 11.15.03 # * scorche didnt think they would sell, but didnt want to be a downer 11.15.15 # it was a fnny idea anyway... 11.15.19 # well at least I tried ;) 11.15.24 # * JdGordon would have bought one if he had a credit card 11.15.44 Join Soap_ [0] (n=Soap@host-69-95-92-143.har.choiceone.net) 11.15.51 Nick Soap_ is now known as Soap (n=Soap@host-69-95-92-143.har.choiceone.net) 11.15.58 # is there a way to remove comments you made on flyspray? 11.16.10 # regular users cant 11.16.52 # JdGordon: the issue with holding the DOWN button in lists with double lines seems to be still there 11.16.58 # you want to remove your comment about how you hate windows? I'll do that for you :p 11.17.08 # lol sure 11.17.43 # but seriously, just all that other bs would be great 11.17.49 # PaulJam_: doh, forgot about that one 11.18.29 Quit linuxstb ("Leaving") 11.18.40 # Dorian_: you should see my first patches, they were worse ;) 11.19.01 # * petur didn't mention 'bag of shit' there 11.19.35 Join Entasis [0] (n=Jarred@ppp7-94.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net) 11.19.41 # ha, well i don't see myself doing any more patches. 11.20.44 # petur:so im good now? 11.21.07 # yes, now you have to start nagging people to commit it ;) (but not me!) 11.21.25 # ah... hmm ok 11.21.34 # just be patient 11.21.59 # petur: maybe you could sell bottles of shit? 11.22.10 # i assume if i just leave it be, it should be fine? 11.22.12 # ha 11.24.12 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.24.44 # alright, now to bed. later and thanks again 11.24.49 Part Dorian_ 11.25.57 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 11.26.05 # PaulJam_: fixed 11.26.18 # JdGordon: thanks 11.27.11 # do e have a policy regarding commiting mostly useless stuff which dont affect the core? i.e to tagnavi.config and plugins? 11.28.21 # the policy is "don't commit crap" 11.28.28 # :-) 11.28.40 # and completly unrelated.. does the yes/no screen split text if the sentance doesnt fit on the screen 11.29.32 # and what crap? 7111 imo could be done just as easly with tagnavi_custom.config so maybe shouldnt g in the core? but it doesnt actually cost anything to, so shouold it go in? 11.29.45 # + there are a few new game plugins in FS waiting to go in 11.32.07 # http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlREm8Rj_1o ! 11.32.08 # spread it 11.34.23 # wtf? 11.34.57 # :) 11.35.27 # amiconn: I tihnk im going to agree with you on the recording dir problem... seems to be the easiest to code also :p 11.44.02 # who cares about games anyway? ;-) 11.44.18 # damn, too much work today to even keep up reading irc :( 11.47.56 # JdGordon: there is still a minor issue with the double line lists: if paged scrolling is on and the last item on a page is only half displayed (only the first line) the list should propably jump to the next page when this item gets highlighted. 11.48.28 # yes it shuold 11.48.40 # can you put that on FS? ill look at it tomoorw or later in the week 11.48.53 # ok 11.49.34 # i get can't load rockbox.ipod on my 80Gb, it says partition 1: 0x0B 19045MB which strikes me as wrong tho 11.50.25 Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p54bd3613.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 11.50.51 # darkskiez_: have you modified your ipod before in any way ? 11.51.19 # i used the ipod 80Gb winpod MBR from the wiki to make it a winpod 11.51.45 # it works on the apple firmware & hooked to my mac 11.51.53 # GodEater: seen my reply about the 80GB iPods not finding rockbox.ipod? 11.52.03 # DerPapst: not yet 11.52.27 # Ah, 11.52.30 # just read it 11.52.39 # that would probably explain darkskiez_ problem too then 11.52.49 # ive not seen it 11.53.27 # i wonder if they are any other tools in linux for formatting fat32 partitions besides mkfs. 11.53.31 # amiconn: ping.... 11.54.04 # is there something i should try / read / etc ? 11.54.05 # you think it's a problem with mkfs on linux? Not OSX ? 11.54.09 # darkskiez_: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=10653.30 11.54.23 # maybe both 11.54.35 # but mkfs on linux has the same issue 11.54.45 # how pathetic 11.55.02 # and XP won't let you format a FAT32 partition over a certain amount of GBs 11.55.13 # unless you use SwissKnife or something 11.55.19 # i used osx disk utility 11.55.59 # GodEater: yepp :( winblows refused to format my ipod... 11.56.20 # DerPapst: Hmm, maybe that bug only applies when dealing with devices where the device sector size is also > 512 bytes? 11.57.06 # amiconn: yes. i've said the same in the forumpost. 11.57.17 # Back when developing the simple method to deal with large virtual fat sectors, I was able to create a fs with 2048 byte viirtual sectors just fine with mkfs.vfat 11.57.33 # But that was on a device with 512 byte physical sector 11.58.09 # The funny thing was that both linux and rockbox were able to handle that filesystem, but windows couldn't 11.58.37 # there's an alternative to mkdosfs on linux I'm sure of it 11.58.41 # I just can't think of the ame 11.58.48 # s/ame/name 11.58.59 # using mkfs with 512bytes sectorsize works ok with rockbox. otherwise tons of ipl users who formatted their fat32 partition with mkfs whould complain here 11.59.22 # ;) 11.59.35 # so, was my flaw using the disk utility to format the ipod ? 11.59.42 # should I have used the cmd line 12.00.04 # or will that not actually help 12.00.10 # darkskiez_: I don't think it would make any difference 12.00.23 # the interessting thing is when i format my 80GB ipod with mkfs (-S 2048) the aplle fw still can read from the partition but now write to it. 12.00.32 # mtools 12.00.35 # that's it 12.01.07 # you use the mformat utility 12.01.17 # is that available for OSX? 12.01.33 # i've tried that with the TuneTalk. it only recorded garbage. 12.01.34 # damn, mtools isnt under ports 12.02.12 # you've tried what ? 12.02.21 # darkskiez_: freebsd? 12.02.29 # darwinports 12.02.52 # darkskiez_: http://www.gallery.co.uk/mtoolsosx.html 12.02.56 # fink has i 12.03.01 Quit petur ("lunch") 12.03.11 # oh no 12.03.14 # that's completely wrong 12.03.15 # sorry 12.03.17 # :) 12.03.24 # i'm building it with fin k 12.03.58 # grr.... petur just lft :( 12.04.07 # rec ording path patch is finished! 12.04.14 # darkskiez_: remember, you must have the iPod *unmounted* in order to use mformat 12.04.24 # stalls waiting for input if the rec directory isnt wriatable 12.06.04 Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ 12.07.15 # I'm not sure what options to pass to mformat to get it to do the job properly mind you 12.07.23 # it might take some experimentation 12.08.20 # you also need to play with mtools.conf's content as well 12.08.48 # this sound interesting for windows users... http://www.ridgecrop.demon.co.uk/index.htm?fat32format.htm 12.09.08 Quit Rick ("I… don't need to be here.") 12.09.34 # amiconn: LinusN, whats the story with the two patches on FS to validate the filenames before creatin them? 12.12.52 Join Rick [0] (i=rick@pool-71-108-0-13.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) 12.13.27 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 12.14.17 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-48d0a46b138509c6) 12.15.47 # * GodEater wonders whether it would be possible to create an empty filesystem, zip it up, and post it on the wiki with the mbr's. This could be dd'd to the iPod in the same manner as the mbr and hopefully sort out the problem. 12.17.29 # no reason why not... 12.17.51 # I wonder how small we can get an 80GB filesystem though 12.18.06 # use dd to create a file of the desired size, then mkefs.vfat on that file to create it 12.18.57 # we'd still hit the bug with the sector size though doing that ? 12.19.23 # oh, yeah, probably 12.19.39 # also, I don't have the free disc space to create an 80GB file 12.20.14 # pixelma: you round? 12.22.36 # GodEater: i don't think that's a good idea. I bet a lot of people don't have 80GB space on their pcs/macs/whatever(s) to extract that file. and it could happen that they have iPL installed so the 80GB image would be too big for their fat32 partition 12.23.58 # DerPapst: those that have managed to get iPL installed I'd expect to be clued up enough to figure out how to use mtools to fix the issue themselves. 12.24.09 # Joe Public on the other hand I think shouldn't be expected to do so 12.24.44 # * GodEater wonders if it's an option we could build into rbutil 12.25.23 # you don't need an 80gb file 12.25.29 # GodEater: do not underestimate the average moron. Most of the guys over at iPL don't know where the root on their ipods is. 12.25.31 # you only need the FAT 12.25.42 # LinusN: silly me, of course! 12.26.10 # i know of at least one who managed to dd his ipod partition image to his linux box 12.26.42 # * LinusN wanders off to lunch 12.27.06 # * GodEater is loathe to provide this file system image personally, since he only just finished organising the music on his iPod yesterday =/ 12.27.48 # hehe 12.27.57 # backup ipod_control :P 12.28.28 # I don't use iPod_Control 12.28.33 # that's kind of the point 12.28.34 # or whatever you used to put music on your 'pod 12.28.42 # I moved all the music out of it 12.28.44 # and it took AGES 12.28.51 # heh 12.29.21 # moving ~40GB of content is not a quick process, even if you have the space to do it, and I'm not sure I do 12.29.40 # :) 12.30.48 # i've only used about 15GB of my ipod right now... but i'm sure you don't want my fatpartition :P 12.35.13 # the fat superblock contains the information how long the partition is? 12.36.46 Join krush1704 [0] (n=andikrus@p57BB085B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 12.36.51 Part krush1704 12.37.39 Quit PaulJam_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.39.41 # JdGordon: looking for someone to try? 12.39.42 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 12.40.03 # pixelma: yeah :) if you can have a looky at the rec path patch 12.40.17 # youll need the fat checking patch also if your testing rec t the mcc 12.40.19 # mmc 12.41.30 Quit Siltaar (Remote closed the connection) 12.42.20 # JdGordon: pong... 12.42.45 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 12.42.51 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 12.42.52 # dw.. figured it out :) 12.43.01 Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.45.03 Quit The-Compiler (Remote closed the connection) 12.47.49 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 12.48.06 # JdGordon: there are 2 fatcheck patches in the tracker... 12.48.22 # yeah, so i was told... both do the same thing 12.49.22 # one of them shhuold get cmmited.... 12.51.39 # amiconn: sorry to bother you again about this, but do you remember where do you get the GPIO signal for the ondio backlight mod? 12.52.15 # or is it impossible to get that signal on the old ondio because it doesn't have the right chip? 12.53.29 Join petur [0] (i=d4efd6a6@rockbox/developer/petur) 12.55.54 Quit printfXh4 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.56.18 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC") 12.56.31 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-36e27c8fbc435864) 12.57.13 Join Psilonaut [0] (i=DaPhunka@88.191-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) 12.58.40 # that MS surface computer really looks nice 12.59.00 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host126-22-dynamic.21-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 13.01.23 # petur: what are you refering to? 13.01.53 # http://www.microsoft.com/surface/ 13.01.55 Quit joedoc55 (Remote closed the connection) 13.02.25 # I'm just seeing a black page... 13.02.37 # oh no something arrived 13.02.47 # skip the intro 13.02.51 # isn't that technology an apple thing? 13.03.16 # multi touch screen or how they call it 13.03.27 # putting IR cameras below the surface really is a neat trick 13.04.39 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@p549AFBB5.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.05.05 # but 5000 to 10000 buck is a bit... expensive? 13.05.17 # Well, all that stuff has been done long ago. 13.05.19 # indeed fancy demo videos 13.05.40 # Microsoft is just putting it all together. 13.05.52 # petur: looks somewhat like this project: http://youtube.com/watch?v=89sz8ExZndc 13.06.46 # maybe it's the same project, bought by microsoft 13.06.58 # or just stolen ;-) 13.07.00 Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@ 13.07.06 # the MS site says they've been working on it from 2001 13.07.46 # well multi-touch is one thing, the software behind it is something else 13.07.58 # now THIS is cutting-edge ui design: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h-RhyopUmc 13.08.17 # Yeah, Reactable is cool. 13.08.32 # looking at the speed of it, it's either a trick or attached to a supercomputer. Or they didn't write the OS for it 13.09.26 # petur: some more info: http://cs.nyu.edu/~jhan/ 13.09.29 # Huh? Any cheap 3D graphics card can do that without the blink of an eye. 13.10.18 # * petur wonders what "Frustrated Total Internal Reflection" is 13.12.12 Join printfXh4 [0] (n=pseudo@ppp217-33.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net) 13.12.52 # * markun wonders why the videos on the MS site are interlaced 13.14.44 # because that's the key thing really 13.14.48 # not what they're about 13.14.49 # :) 13.15.28 # petur: but yes, pretty nice 13.15.35 # petur: "frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR), a technique familiar to the biometrics community where it is used for fingerprint image acquisition. It acquires true touch information at high spatial and temporal resolutions, and is scalable to very large installations" 13.18.37 # XavierGr: The signal should be present on one of the el chip pads 13.19.56 # I wonder how do they handle the problem of greasy fingerprints. 13.20.26 # markun: damn that thing looks pretty real: http://youtube.com/watch?v=6xZnyC09QbA 13.21.33 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@c-71-205-31-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 13.21.33 Quit JETC- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.24.15 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.25.08 # that's prtty sick too :-D 13.25.52 # nono, you always want to see those photos on your coffee table and sit there rotating them endlessly... 13.26.12 # :) 13.27.05 # * DerPapst solders a wifi chip in his iPod and Photocamera to be up to date 13.27.30 # * GodEater has just been invited here : http://www.thechap.net/content/section_news/chap-events.html 13.27.35 # * GodEater is suitable worried 13.27.38 Nick sbeh is now known as gentoo (i=sbeh@serverstaff.de) 13.27.43 # s/suitable/suitably 13.27.47 Nick gentoo is now known as sbeh (i=sbeh@serverstaff.de) 13.28.38 # does the fat superblock contain some information how long the partition is? 13.29.03 # yes 13.29.06 # it must 13.29.28 # aw... then i have to format my ipod the sooner or later. 13.29.29 # because when use resize partition, the filesystem stays 13.29.42 # use = you 13.30.13 # http://pastebin.ca/522283 13.30.50 # amiconn: you mean the pads lines up oposite from the microphone? (on the old ondio fm picture) 13.31.13 # ah you said the chip 13.31.32 # i've build mtools for osx, i cant see the proper invocation on the wiki to format the 80Gb correctly 13.31.33 # so I guess you mean the bigger ones just below the ones I just said 13.32.04 # is there anyway to alter FAT superblock to match the MBR again? 13.32.07 # rbutil also works with the Gigabeat, right? 13.32.08 # amiconn: strange though because last time I measured it I didn't found any voltage on these pads 13.32.12 Join webguest14 [0] (i=7cb5f2db@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-133b4fd955c283d0) 13.32.29 # darkskiez_: that's because there IS no documentation on the wiki about it - we only just thought of it as a solution remember ? 13.32.39 # i dont remmerb 13.32.53 # it was like an hour ago 13.32.55 # too much alcohol isn't good for you 13.32.59 # when you went off to build it 13.33.26 # markun: yes, it does 13.33.43 Part ivan` ("Leaving") 13.34.08 # hi all, im having trouble with rockbox on my iriver H10... when i run it, it makes the player go hot (temperature wize) and the batter only lasts a little...... 13.34.32 # JdGordon: have you fixed FS#7237 ? 13.34.45 # GodEater: any guesses on an invocation? 13.34.46 # webguest14: it's well published that we don't run very well on PortalPlayer based targets such as the H10 13.34.57 # darkskiez_: nope - read the manual page for mformat 13.35.07 # GodEater: i can read, i just dont know the spec 13.35.16 # darkskiez_: you'll also have to edit mtools.conf 13.35.28 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484BBEE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 13.35.41 # ive got mdir working for listing my ipod 13.35.43 # darkskiez_: well you have to specify a sector size of 2048, FAT32 file system. That's about it 13.36.22 # mformat: Unknown geometry 13.37.34 # darkskiez_: which options did you use ? 13.38.11 # mformat -F -M 2048 a: 13.38.33 # it wants [-t tracks] [-h heads] [-n sectors] i think 13.39.34 Quit webguest14 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 13.40.04 # hmm - it shouldn't do 13.43.08 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 13.43.11 Join idnar_ [0] (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 13.44.35 # to make mdir work - Total number of sectors not a multiple of sectors per track! - Add mtools_skip_check=1 to your .mtoolsrc file to skip this test 13.44.42 # i dont know if thats part of the problem 13.45.38 # yeah I've just got that too 13.45.49 # minfo a: 13.45.55 # suggests- mformat command line: mformat -t 4781 -h 255 -s 32 a: 13.46.09 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC") 13.46.22 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-6736d44557697461) 13.46.37 # damn the webclient is playing up today 13.48.01 # minfo a:- minfo a: 13.48.06 # suggests- mformat command line: mformat -t 4781 -h 255 -s 32 a: 13.48.19 # saw it in the log, but thanks :) 13.48.56 # now I get a *completely* different bunch of numbers to you 13.48.58 # what does minfo give for someone that has a working ipod 13.49.54 # hang on, I'll post mine to pastebin 13.50.55 # http://pastebin.ca/522314 13.51.07 # can you put the full contents of your minfo results there too ? 13.51.27 Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 13.52.36 # http://pastebin.ca/522322 13.53.00 # lord pastebin is slow 13.53.30 # its a complicated script :) 13.54.08 Join pearldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) 13.54.25 # well, I guess you can try the mformat command it suggests for mine 13.54.35 # if you have a non-working iPod currently, it cant' hurt :) 13.54.36 # * DerPapst doesn't like the new look of pastebin 13.54.55 # DerPapst: what did they change ? 13.54.59 # DerPapst: - Like the new style? Find any quirks in it? Let me know! at the top 13.54.59 # :) 13.55.02 # it's too subtle for me :) 13.55.21 # darkskiez_: you maintain it ? 13.55.29 # GodEater: god no 13.55.40 # GodEater: i meant to quote that 13.56.13 # ah 13.56.34 Nick darkskiez_ is now known as darkskiez (n=mbryars@195-11-205-216.suip.mezzonet.net) 13.56.46 # when you said "it's a complicated script" followed by that suggestion, I thought perhaps you looked after it :) 13.57.10 # going to try that mformat command then from my minfo output ? 13.57.15 # yeh 13.57.20 # don't forget -F 13.57.25 # to make sure it's FAT32 13.57.37 # want 8 sector clusters too i suppose 13.58.11 # looks like it 13.58.43 # i'll run withut and see what minfo gives back 13.59.00 # christ this is slo 13.59.40 # XavierGr: The voltage will of course only be there when rockbox or the of enables the backlight... that's the purpose of using gpio 14.00.06 # It might also be that there is an element missing between the cpu and the empty pad 14.00.39 # Oh, thats crap 14.00.51 # its come back with only 2424 cyls 14.01.49 # i'm removing the -H option / hidden sectors 14.02.11 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@avc146.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) 14.02.53 # it also only did 512byte sectors.. 14.03.24 # right - we need to get it to do the 2048 byte ones too 14.03.43 # adding -S 2048 and -M 2048 (soft/hard sect size) 14.04.01 # what do u think about the hidden sectors? add or not? 14.04.06 # -S isn't specified as the number of sectors though I think 14.04.11 # I'd leave that bit alone for now 14.04.30 # [-S hardsectorsize] [-M softsectorsize] 14.04.37 # really ? 14.04.44 # -S is "sizecode" is my version 14.04.51 # Mtools version 3.9.9, dated 3 March 2003 14.04.57 # "The sizecode. The size of the sector is 2 ^ (sizecode + 7)." 14.05.20 # Mtools version 3.9.10, dated March 2nd, 2005 14.05.51 # hmm, although specifying -h to mformat returns the same thing you just posted 14.05.58 # I love consistency in docs =/ 14.06.08 # well go with it, see what happens =/ 14.06.15 # amiconn: but of course I tried with backlight enabled build :) 14.06.16 # XavierGr: No element in between. Backlight enable signal should be present on pad1 of the SP4403 14.06.32 # amiconn: I think I found it but I am not exactly sure 14.07.08 # lunch 14.07.50 # amiconn: I found a voltage of around 3.2 volts when backlight is enabled between a pad just under the white sticker and one of those little strip pads that you mount the el chip 14.08.15 # maybe using a transistor I could make a LED switch 14.09.29 # amiconn: on another note, do you think that it would be possible to automatically power the ondio on usb power like e.g the H300? 14.11.44 # Should be possible with some modification 14.13.37 # if you happen to know something on it, please inform. 14.13.48 # thanks for your help so far btw 14.16.52 # yup I finally found the signal, voltage will drop after x seconds of inactivity (and x seconds in the backlight settings) 14.17.43 # now I will have to buy a proper transistor, resistor and LED, and hope that it will work out 14.23.47 Quit pearldiver (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 14.29.50 Join rp- [0] (i=rp@ 14.30.07 # hi 14.30.34 # hello 14.34.47 # i had mail traffic with AMS today, they wrote me how the sansa port is going on. and i asked them about the port for their new chip, we will arrange a meeting in july, as soon as my contact is back from the US. 14.35.25 # nice 14.36.23 Quit midgey () 14.37.28 # would be cool if we had a working port, before the first player is on the market 14.37.38 # or at least some working drivers 14.38.07 # rp-: do you know if they will sell/market it under their own name? 14.38.17 # that would be something new... most ports are for players no longer sold... 14.38.20 # AMS is hardly a known brand in this area... 14.39.41 # no they just sell their chips, i asked them about that on the last meeting, and they said without a known brand you hardly have a chance on that market 14.39.53 # yeah, my thinking too 14.40.58 # i didn't even know that they exists until you said some chip of them is in the sansa player, then i realised that we have such a company in austria :) 14.43.25 # :-) 14.44.57 # anyone know how far austriancoder got with his usb work? 14.45.16 # evaluating stacks I think 14.49.25 # GodEater: YAY, the mformat worked 14.49.44 # mformat -t 2428 -h 255 -s 63 -S 2048 -M 2048 -F 14.50.12 # darkskiez: run to the wiki and document it 14.50.35 # wow... lots of args 14.52.26 # darkskiez: very definitely put that in the wiki as LinusN says 14.52.33 # just registered 14.52.45 # will add it to the Fat32 Conversion page 14.52.49 # with your real name I hope :) 14.52.54 # Yes 14.53.48 # darkskiez: i just granted you write permission in the wiki 14.54.03 # ah, merci 14.55.00 # I guess we'll need some instructions on where to get mtools from for OSX tool =/ 14.55.08 # s/tool/too 14.57.17 # I could make a dmg with mtools built 15.01.05 # that would be very useful 15.01.32 # might be easiest to format one, gzip it up (it'd be tiny) so people could just gunzip it > /dev/diskXs2 15.01.48 # then no tools would be needed 15.02.04 # * GodEater has little/no experience with OSX, so whatever you think best. 15.03.11 # should I have rockbox preinstalled on the image ? 15.03.50 # probably not 15.04.05 # actually, that'd require writing 80Gb of 0's over USB, not fun 15.04.27 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@bne75-7-82-230-110-107.fbx.proxad.net) 15.06.46 # Nico_P: no not yet 15.09.46 # does anyone else seem to have an issue where their ipod video has slow scroll and volume control? and seems to eat battery to the floor? 15.10.31 # t3hwiz0rd: yes - everyone that has rockbox on their ipod. 15.10.52 # hmmm... well thats a shame, if it wasn't an issue, it'd be absolutely perfect :-( 15.10.56 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ 15.12.27 Part kaaloo 15.17.26 # t3hwiz0rd: we don't choose to make it that way - we'd love to fix it, it's just that PortalPlayer is not documented at all - so we don't fully know how to use it's features. 15.19.39 # maybe that battery_suck() function in firmware/ipod/pointless.c should be removed? 15.19.47 # :-P 15.23.22 Join sergey [0] (n=sergey@ppp91-76-107-116.pppoe.mtu-net.ru) 15.23.35 Join perldiver [0] (n=say@cpe-72-225-231-80.nyc.res.rr.com) 15.23.55 # nah, everyone that cares removes themselves it anyway 15.24.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.24.29 # along with the waste_lots_of_cpu_cycles_so_we_scroll_slowly() ? 15.26.19 # Theres a bug in the manual - http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-buildch2.html#x4-60002 dead link to ipodpatcher osx dmg, its changed name. 15.26.41 # submit a patch? :) 15.27.02 # would do, but i just dont quite care enough. 15.27.15 # its one of those days 15.27.17 # that's a shame :( 15.31.07 Join haemmy [0] (n=stefan@ 15.32.16 Part LinusN 15.32.35 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 15.32.54 Quit Psilonaut (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.33.06 # pixelma: petur, did you try out the new rec dir patch? 15.33.18 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 15.33.49 # JdGordon: not yet completely... 15.35.44 Join Psilonaut [0] (n=DaPhunka@88.191-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) 15.40.49 Quit desowin (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 15.40.53 Quit kubiix (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.41.02 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 15.41.42 Quit Febs ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 15.50.22 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF4A57.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 15.52.22 Quit billytwowilly (Connection timed out) 15.54.21 Quit XbooX (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.54.39 Join XbooX [0] (n=xboox04@ 16.06.01 Quit rp- ("leaving") 16.09.57 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 16.11.29 Join mpeccorini [0] (n=mpeccori@mail1.theargusgroup.us) 16.12.40 Join Rincewind [0] (i=HWijVIlU@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 16.16.55 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-075-177-187-106.nc.res.rr.com) 16.19.44 Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-71-56-227-141.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 16.36.51 Quit Nico_P (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.37.21 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 16.37.27 # Bagder: the macos ipodpatcher dmg file has now a version number in it. I think it would be best to have a symlink to the most recent version so the manual is always up to date. 16.37.58 # (as the windows / linux version also doesn't have a version number in the file name) 16.38.12 # done 16.38.22 # cool :) 16.39.07 # darkskiez: manual fixed :p 16.39.38 # yay 16.40.59 # darkskiez: français ? 16.41.20 # no 16.41.33 # oh 16.41.42 # didn't you say "merci" ? 16.42.08 # perhaps :) 16.42.11 # "Rockbox is the solution, it will make the S a UMS device. It's still probably a good 3 months away from running on the S though." 16.42.16 # from http://www.mygigabeat.com/forum/messages.cfm?threadid=CEC364DE-3048-2906-EAB2F3AD1F34EE82 16.42.29 # what an optimist :) 16.43.17 # hehe 16.46.19 # what's the main differenct of the S? New encryption or only a new bunch of unknown hardware? 16.47.40 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) 16.48.29 # bluebrother: there are many differences 16.48.39 # the OF is now windows based instead on linux based 16.49.43 # it has a faster ARM core with a floating point vector unit 16.50.19 # linux based firmware? Wouldn't that require the sources to be available somewhere? 16.50.19 # but it has the same screen as the X 16.50.28 Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 16.50.29 # bluebrother: I have the source if you want 16.50.41 # there are many linux based ones, but they all do the binary-modules dance 16.50.52 # indeed 16.50.53 # blargh :( 16.51.26 # I currently neither have money to buy an S nor time to really hack it. Unfortunately -- guess this would be fun. 16.51.37 Quit B4gder ("It is time to say MOOO") 16.53.34 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@avc146.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) 16.54.43 # I wonder why all the components of the Gigabeats have publicly available documentation available (or why this is not the case with other DAP manfs) 16.55.52 # markun: not all component, some are under nda 16.56.06 # toffe82: the LCD? 16.56.22 # the fm chip 16.56.44 # and the video also I think 16.57.56 # but google is still a good friend ;) 16.58.06 # you have both? 16.58.15 # yes 16.58.17 # markun: The iriver components also have publicly available docs 16.58.35 # markun: I have all except the lcd 16.58.38 # CPU, lcd controller, pmu, usbotg... 16.58.48 # amiconn: true, I forgot about that.. 16.59.07 # And the archoses too, except programming docs for the mas 16.59.38 # so it's not so bad after all (or we just choose easy DAPs to port rockbox to :) 17.00.42 Quit sergey (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.00.52 # The only nda components which are annoying so far are: the PP chips, the AS3514, and the usbotg controller in the X5 17.01.14 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-66f1234a62fbb1a2) 17.01.28 # oh... we have no doc on the usbotg of the x5? 17.01.33 # (the ones I know of) 17.02.05 # what reference is it ? 17.02.31 # ALi M5636 17.03.11 # petur: Correct. But maybe finding that info via RE might not be too difficult; our send-to-sleep driver already works based on REd info 17.03.44 Join rp- [0] (n=rp@ 17.06.27 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.09.18 # petur: I think it will become easier to find the necessary information once we got usbotg working on one of the other targets, like H300 17.09.56 Quit jgarvey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.10.23 # Do you think so? I feel the interaction between driver and controller chip is quite complicated 17.10.36 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 17.10.46 # many timers, statemachines, statusregisters 17.11.19 # We could also try to write to ALi and ask for the datasheet. They say they decide on a case by case basis who gets the datasheet 17.11.50 # Then it'd probably also be helpful to have a working usb stack... 17.11.52 # we should do that anyway, you never know how they react 17.12.29 # well host != device stack and I fear device stack will be the focus 17.12.54 # which is why I'm working on that philips usbotg stack 17.13.47 Join Faemir_ [0] (n=daniel@85-211-222-38.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 17.14.01 Nick Faemir_ is now known as Faemir (n=daniel@85-211-222-38.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 17.14.27 # * petur must check out those universal host specs just in case h300 or x5 is compatible 17.17.59 # currently, the stack on h300 fails getting various descriptors from the device. Once that works, it should load the class driver :) 17.18.23 # I probably screwed up the malloc hack I inserted 17.19.24 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-066-057-231-236.nc.res.rr.com) 17.19.37 Quit jgarvey (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.19.42 # gah, malloc 17.19.48 # indeed 17.19.54 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-066-057-231-236.nc.res.rr.com) 17.20.23 Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@gifn3.fpl.com) 17.20.39 Quit jgarvey (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.20.53 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-066-057-231-236.nc.res.rr.com) 17.21.00 # in this case it's quite normal because you never know how many interfaces the device has, so they allocate mem for each one 17.24.22 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.25.23 # But there is an upper limit (8 afaik) 17.25.41 Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc95c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-3fe82b8a600aafb7) 17.25.52 # Btw, what was the problem with Vbus? 17.26.03 # me not enabling it? 17.26.27 # umm 17.26.29 # stupid coding error 17.27.28 # Coding errors can indeed be stupid... that's why my 80GB sector cache didn't work in the first try at devcon... 17.27.37 # Just forgot to invert a bitmask... 17.27.51 # well I verified that the things we found through RE are correct, so not too bad that I did the tracing 17.29.06 # And you know about SMD diodes now ;) 17.29.15 # hehe 17.29.26 # that was stupid indeed 17.29.54 # you'd never guess I actually have a diploma in electronics 17.30.10 # just never did anything with it and I forgot most about it 17.37.00 # rockbox is not really an advantage on the Gigabeat unless you are blind?? http://www.rockbox.org/mail/archive/rockbox-archive-2007-05/0286.shtml 17.38.04 # hahaha 17.38.11 # "unless you want all the extra features" 17.38.20 # isn't that kind of the point ? :) 17.38.41 # the default firmware made me want to kick something, and i only used it for 30 seconds 17.39.21 Quit AtG ("Leaving") 17.39.28 # * GodEater never booted into the OF even once 17.39.33 # I don't even know what it looks like 17.39.36 # as if NOT encrypting the music is a feature of rockbox.. 17.39.42 # and the install CD that came with it is a coaster now :) 17.39.59 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-202-175.student.uu.se) 17.40.00 # I cannot comment on the gigabeat OF, but on most targets it's not just more features and format support 17.41.59 # It's sometimes even a quantum leap, ranging from longer battery life (except PP targets), better sound quality, easier handling, faster booting, and independency from certain annoyance tools (like itunes) 17.41.59 # * GodEater is puzzled what it's about in that case 17.42.11 # I call all those things features =/ 17.43.00 # GodEater: well, then you agree with that guy, it offers nothing besides the added features :) 17.45.45 # I guess so - if you put it like that. He makes it sound like it's a stretch to want them. 17.48.33 # nobody wants a X60, shipping is a little expensive : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=015&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=250117869748&rd=1&rd=1 17.50.06 # toffe82: meh, it ships to usa only... 17.50.17 # No X80 or X100? 17.50.21 # yes but 35$ for us , it is exepnsive 17.50.34 # amiconn: no ;) 17.51.11 # I'd definitely advise rockboxing if blind. If not there 17.51.11 # isn't much of an advantage 17.51.13 # HA HA 17.51.15 # you could probably put one of toshiba's ipod hard drives in the gigabeat 17.51.17 Join Nic0_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 17.51.45 # looks like the same size, but i'd want to check before trying 17.51.54 Quit The-Compiler (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 17.52.29 # toffe82: What type of connector do the gigabeat harddrives have? Classic ata (like the irivers and iaudios) or zif (like the ipods)? 17.52.56 # zif for the X and female for the F 17.53.01 Quit Nico_P (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.55.13 Quit GodEater ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 17.55.59 Nick Nic0_P is now known as Nico_P (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 17.56.07 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 17.56.12 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 17.56.35 Join Ioon1 [0] (n=josepm@ 17.56.38 # hello 17.57.04 # its possible to use opengl es in rockbox, where i can found information, thanks 17.58.21 # loon1: none of our supported targets have open gl hardware 17.58.29 Join Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@p549ADF0C.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.59.11 # ok 18.00.19 # I understand that Gigabeat have 300Mhz, but why pleayer would have GPU ? :O 18.01.13 # Ioon1: I think it's possible with the Gigabeat S 18.01.31 # but that's not rockbox supported (yet) 18.01.54 # it'd be cool if it was. there are occasionally really good deals on the S-series 18.01.54 Quit jac0b ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 18.02.11 # toffe82 that user doesnt accept paypal 18.02.28 Quit haemmy () 18.02.30 # Ioon1: http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/overview.jsp?nodeId=02XPgQ8217297336425774 18.02.36 # toffe82 only Money order/Cashiers check 18.02.51 # ok thans 18.02.54 # fishy 18.03.04 # Ioon1: that CPU is also in the Zune 18.03.07 # and Gigabeat V 18.03.17 # perldiver: yes, I just saw this, and it is a new seller also 18.03.34 # yeah but he registered in 02 18.03.54 # mmm, i have and ipot 5g 18.04.06 # perldiver: you want it ;) 18.04.21 # toffe82 im not so sure :P 18.04.25 Join EspeonEefi [0] (n=espeonee@c-75-66-59-124.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) 18.05.21 Quit petur ("work->home") 18.06.49 # Ioon1: are you working on some project or why do you ask? 18.06.53 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18.07.25 # markun: according to the GigabeatSInfo page in our wiki the Gigabeat S has the i.MX31L which doesn't have the gpu part... 18.07.43 # perldiver: perhaps he is buinyg to the chinese and resell here, that would explain the 35$ ;) 18.08.14 # i develop a 3d medical image for nokia mobile. 18.08.37 # toffe82 ha, but yes i thought so too, those are connected 18.08.48 # nls : no gpu but 533Mhz, so a lot of cpu power for just sound 18.09.07 # toffe82: you might even call it overkill :-) 18.09.08 # perldiver: I send him an email 18.09.10 Part t3hwiz0rd 18.09.12 # with opengl and c++. I have a ipot and change firmware for backbox, in pluging i see a cube program and think its made with opengl 18.10.02 # cube is not opengl, its handcoded.. 18.10.21 # yes i see, jeje 18.10.47 Join Farp [0] (i=Farp@ 18.11.16 # opengl have and example of the same cube 18.12.35 Join possible249 [0] (n=Owner@71-215-228-228.mpls.qwest.net) 18.12.38 # Ioon1: dicom compatible? :) 18.13.00 # yes 18.13.11 # fancy 18.13.18 Part possible249 18.15.21 Quit darkskiez () 18.15.55 Join darkskiez [0] (n=mbryars@195-11-205-216.suip.mezzonet.net) 18.23.05 # n1s: ah.. good point 18.23.55 # :) 18.24.08 Join sergey [0] (n=sergey@ppp85-141-124-179.pppoe.mtu-net.ru) 18.29.51 Quit Faemir (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.30.57 # it's possible compile opengl es from sources in balckbox ¿? 18.31.14 Quit XbOOPS () 18.33.22 # Ioon1: whats balckbox ? 18.33.35 # linux distro 18.33.54 # mmm, sorry, jeje 18.34.04 # blackbox == rockbox 18.34.14 # :-) 18.34.24 # so no linux distro.. :-) 18.34.37 # yes, sorry, sorry 18.34.39 Quit andrewg867 (Remote closed the connection) 18.34.40 # blackbox was C64 cartridge ;-) 18.35.02 # or gui desktop 18.35.40 # and i dont think its possible to compile opengl for rockbox, and it would be a bit overkill on these small machines.. :-) 18.38.44 Join VPN-User [0] (n=Miranda@ 18.38.52 # Hello there 18.39.04 # hi VPN-User 18.39.11 # Did anyone dig into the battery problem on the recorders v1? 18.39.24 # Or am I the only one with that problem? 18.40.10 # I know most of you don' t use (test) them anymore 18.40.28 # most of us don't even have one I think 18.40.32 # It' s rather old (but I like it ;-)) 18.40.50 # Yes 18.41.25 # But IMHO its a shame that rockbox doesn' t run properly anymore on this device. I mean rockbox was born on these... 18.41.52 # yes, it's a shame if it doesn't 18.42.01 # maybe amiconn can help you? 18.42.22 Quit Psilonaut (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.42.42 # There were a lot "hm" and "..." last time I mentioned the problem ;-) 18.42.50 # I think there are few people with recorders here 18.43.21 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 18.43.28 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 18.43.33 # Funny thing is: Stock firmware charges the battery properly so it' s defenitely not a hardware problem 18.45.07 Join mahdi__ [0] (n=mahdi@c-24-147-12-73.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) 18.47.03 # I guess I have to dig into C, checkout a very old rockbox build and try to backport it into current rockbox code... 18.47.23 # I mean the battery-code 18.48.13 # Or is there anyone with a flashable stock firmware so I can get rid of rockbox? 18.48.49 # O got the rockbox-virus ^^ 18.49.12 # it infected the charging-algorithm :) 18.49.31 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 18.50.45 Quit darkskiez () 18.51.24 # VPN-User: you dont have the backup from when you flashed your archos first ? 18.52.01 Part Ioon1 18.52.17 Join PaulJam [0] (i=Paul@vpn-3153.gwdg.de) 18.52.25 # I would guess you suffer from a bug that has been in there for ages 18.52.46 # there's just not enough recorder users these days 18.52.55 # to discover bugs I mean 18.54.04 Quit kubiix (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.55.38 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 18.55.46 Quit kubiix (Client Quit) 18.56.03 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 18.57.35 # is it bad to put the range checking of a function parameter inside the function instead of doing it before calling the function? 18.58.50 Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@203-120.1-85.cust.bluewin.ch) 18.59.03 # @Bagder I may help bugfixing 18.59.19 # I experience this problem since rockbox 2.4 18.59.59 # @Domonoky_: No, I don' t :( 19.01.13 # n1s: I think it's better that way, otherwise you end up range checking every time you use the function 19.01.54 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc5-brig8-0-0-cust142.brig.cable.ntl.com) 19.02.16 # mpeccorini: yes I know, I was tinking of moving range checking of the volume into the sound_set_volume function but wonderd if there was a reason it was done the way it was 19.02.25 # n1s: however, if you do, you need to check the result of the function for errors in the parameter ranges :p 19.03.17 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 19.03.27 Quit Domonoky_ ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") 19.03.36 # n1s: I would move it, otherwise, someone could call the function with a value out of the range and cause unpredictable results 19.03.41 # mpeccorini: well, in the case of volume we just do a if(valuemax_vol) value=max_vol 19.03.43 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@p549ADF0C.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.04.09 # mpeccorini: ok, i will move it, and see if anyone complains :-) 19.04.21 # n1s: IIUC, the general rule in Rockbox is not to range check function parameters inside the function, but to make it the caller's responsibility to do things right. 19.04.21 # n1s: exactly, that part is better done inside the function, there's absolutely no other way of handling the situation 19.04.37 # But of course there are exceptions... 19.06.36 # linuxstb: ah, ok, I'll move the wrapper function that checks the value out of gwps-common.c and put it in misc.c and use it in more places instead then :-) 19.06.53 # Question: Why not just revert the old charging-code that worked? 19.07.18 # at least for recorder-builds... 19.07.57 # using the wrapper in more places sounds like a waste of binsize... 19.11.59 # DerPapst: well, it's a save compared to doing the same checks in many places 19.12.56 Quit lostnihilist ("Leaving") 19.15.14 Quit atsea- (Remote closed the connection) 19.15.55 Join Faemir [0] (n=daniel@85-211-222-38.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 19.18.32 # n1s: That volume changing code looks odd to me. Couldn't the inc/dec code just be "if (volume < max_vol) volume++;" ? (and the same for decrementing). 19.19.24 # linuxstb: yes, I guess so 19.20.32 Quit sergey (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 19.21.15 # linuxstb: hmm, I think it's the way it is because it checks both limits at the same time 19.21.51 Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") 19.21.58 # VPN-User: your description sounds a bit vague... (which code to revert to? was it really better at one point?) 19.22.04 # you'd have to make sure that it would work correctly _now_ with an older version of rockbox (and the batteries you use). If you can compile yourself, you could try to find out when exactly it broke. 19.22.08 Join atsea- [0] (i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-c313af7a98c3fe04) 19.23.12 # pixelma: Yes it was! Rockbox 2.3 at least charged the battery. perhaps not optimal for a long battery lifetime, but at least for long playtime (15h instead of only ~1h now) 19.23.35 # Did you use 2.3 with _the same_ batteries _now_? 19.23.55 # Batteries vary among manufacturers, and they also suffer from aging 19.24.06 # they are relatively new 19.24.11 # about 4 months old 19.24.17 # 2400mAh 19.24.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.24.25 # Yes, so did you test rockbox 2.3 with *this* set of batteries? 19.24.30 # no 19.24.34 # see 19.24.38 # hm 19.24.51 # I just sticked to ROLOing to stock firmware for charging 19.24.53 # but this sucks 19.25.17 # I know the charging algo on the recorder v1 isn't as good as it could be, but in fact it improved a lot compared to what 2.3 or even 2.5 had 19.25.30 # not for me :) 19.25.36 # it only charges for about an hour 19.25.43 # then changes to top off charging 19.25.53 Quit linuxstb ("Leaving") 19.25.55 # this is way too fast 19.25.58 # You can't tell unless you test 2.3 with your current batteries 19.26.05 # I will 19.26.22 Join ptw419 [0] (i=ptw419@216-188-249-122.dyn.grandenetworks.net) 19.26.36 # I have a recorder v1 myself, and use it, with 2700mAh batteries 19.26.44 # but the batteries i had before had the same problems BTW 19.26.45 # It charges okay, though not optimal 19.27.25 # do you chanrge using 12V? 19.27.26 # But then I have bad thru very bad experience with high capacity classical NiMH in general (everything above ~2000mAh) 19.27.34 Join pepie34 [0] (n=pepie34@cop60-1-82-240-26-92.fbx.proxad.net) 19.27.34 # I am using the stock charger 19.27.55 # the cable of my stock charger broke 19.28.00 # so i bought another one 19.28.13 # The new generation NiMHs (available from several manufacturers now) are a quantum leap 19.28.24 # as i said 19.28.30 # they are relatively recent 19.28.37 # The classical ones have a self-discharge rate that makes them unusable over weeks, or even days 19.28.57 Join sergey [0] (n=sergey@ppp83-237-15-68.pppoe.mtu-net.ru) 19.29.34 # The new ones (like Ansmann max-e, Varta ready-to-run or Sanyo eneloop) promise to keep charge for more than a year 19.29.40 # http://www.akkushop.de/product_info.php?products_id=3734 19.30.05 # classical ones... 19.30.08 # :( 19.30.38 # still 19.30.48 # i wonder why stock firmware charges them good but rockbox does not 19.30.55 # the problem has to be rockbox, nor? 19.30.58 # The new generation is only available as 2000mAh (Sanyo) or 2100mAh (most others) 19.31.13 # Rockbox, or battery contacts 19.31.26 # contects? 19.31.30 # a 19.31.42 # The charging characteristic of some newer cells might be a problem for the rockbox charging algo 19.31.51 # That may be true 19.32.15 # These batteries raise extremely fast regarding voltage during charging 19.32.18 # That's fixable, but working on the charging algo is time consuming 19.32.51 # I can imagine :). At least a test-run takes several hours 19.33.25 # ...because you need to test full charging cycles over and over, and a proper full charging cycle for 2400mAh cells will take ~10 hours 19.33.43 # ANd you have to discharge inbetween 19.33.48 # no :). 19.33.56 # it only takes about an hour :) 19.34.03 # if it takes longer, its fixed ^^ 19.34.06 # a *proper* .... 19.34.37 # Btw, for me charging *does* take way longer than an hour, but I also don't get full charge from rockbox charging 19.34.52 # My estimation is about 80% charge 19.35.05 # 2700mAh is a lot 19.35.12 # yes 19.35.18 # most normal chargers even can' t handle that 19.35.29 Quit secleinteer (Client Quit) 19.35.50 # Still, I've put a set of those new-generation cells in my archos Studio. *Way* better than the 2700mAh cells in my recorder... 19.36.09 # do you have an url for a set of these? 19.36.22 # so i can look for a shop in germany to get them 19.37.05 # but i really hesitate to just buy new batteries for a problem that has low chances to be solved by this action. 19.39.11 # These: http://www.eneloop.info/208.html these: http://www.ansmann.de/cms/de/consumroot/batteries/rechargeable/maxe.html or these: http://www.varta-consumer.de/content.php?path=/1161331557.html&domain=www.varta-consumer.de 19.41.58 # Also these: http://www.acculoop.com/ 19.42.01 # so you say the very high capacity batteries are bad? 19.42.48 # I have bad experience with them myself. Not only in the archos, but also in other devices 19.43.21 # okay 19.43.32 # Even if they were charged fully, after storing the device a few months, batteries are dead when trying to use the device :( 19.43.40 # Ok I consider buying a few of them 19.43.51 # Ansmann sounds like a good name for batteries 19.44.02 # I have an Ansmann charger 19.45.16 # http://www.akku-shop-berlin.de/product_info.php/info/p6009_Ansmann-Max-e-1-2V-2100mAh-Ni-MH-Mignon-AA-im-4er-Blister.html 19.46.39 # In fact I experienced extremely intensive self-discharging with my current batteries 19.46.59 # In a week after charging the rockbox display even did not light up... 19.49.23 Join lostnihilist [0] (n=lostnihi@ppp-68-251-68-11.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) 19.49.51 Join MikeGR1981 [0] (i=59d29e42@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5da73e93ee185482) 19.50.03 # * amiconn knows that from his Player, before changing batteries to the new-gen NiMH... 19.50.03 # hi all ipod fans! 19.50.05 Quit ptw419 () 19.50.26 # Just that it didn't even take a week, 2..3 days were sufficient 19.50.37 Quit Faemir ("I would put something witty here, but no...") 19.50.52 # can anyone knows about dual boot (rockbox and apple) for ipod 5g 19.50.55 # ? 19.51.17 # press menu while booting ? 19.51.47 # enable the hold switch while booting 19.52.16 # * desowin got lost of track :( 19.53.01 # and read the manual, it's stated there 19.53.08 Join Faemir [0] (n=daniel@85-211-222-38.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 19.53.14 # nothing... 19.53.15 # (in the "quick start" chapter) 19.53.28 # please define "nothing" 19.53.51 # i try both but nothing 19.53.55 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484BBEE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 19.54.20 Quit Faemir (Remote closed the connection) 19.54.20 Quit Arathis (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.54.38 Join Faemir [0] (n=daniel@85-211-222-38.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 19.54.41 # did you try in the right moment? Have you got a "settings cleared" message? 19.54.41 # hold play to shut down player, and then press anything to boot, and while it's booting set on hold 19.54.42 Join ducbian [0] (n=Nick@cpc2-cmbg3-0-0-cust33.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) 19.55.52 # sorry 19.55.54 # sorry 19.55.58 # thanx! 19.55.59 Quit Faemir (Remote closed the connection) 19.56.20 Join Faemir [0] (n=daniel@85-211-222-38.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 19.56.21 # can i install the ipod linux with rockbox and apple? 19.56.25 Join Fu7urE101 [0] (n=bleh@ 19.56.44 # yes, but ipodlinux unsupported by rockbox 19.57.05 # but can't I triboot? 19.57.18 # you can. 19.57.28 # coo 19.57.32 # rockbox seems aight 19.57.36 # you can even boot ipl using the rockbox bootloader. 19.57.37 # I'm gonna install today 19.57.44 # yeah 19.57.44 # use real words please.. 19.57.52 # ... 19.58.02 # * Fu7urE101 looks for non-real words 19.58.12 # slang = non-real 19.58.12 # "coo" aight" 19.58.18 # ummm 19.58.23 # where are your ops? 19.58.28 # what does it matter? 19.58.31 # bluebrother: is ipodlinux better than rockbox? 19.58.37 # it matters that you can stfu 19.58.40 # because you don't matter 19.58.45 # I wasn't talking to you 19.59.03 # ipl has a completely different target. It's about running uclinux on the ipod. Rockbox is only about playing music (well, mostly ;-) 19.59.14 # yeah 19.59.14 Mode "#rockbox +o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 19.59.17 # seems like 19.59.18 Quit Faemir (Client Quit) 19.59.19 Mode "#rockbox +b %Fu7urE101!*@* " by scorche (i=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 19.59.25 Quit Fu7urE101 (Client Quit) 19.59.29 # MikeGR1981: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodFAQ#How_does_Rockbox_compare_to_i_Po 19.59.42 Join Crende [0] (i=sds@adsl-68-77-35-0.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) 19.59.46 Mode "#rockbox -b %Fu7urE101!*@* " by scorche (i=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 19.59.54 # MikeGR1981: In my opination, iPodLinux is very unstable and slow 20.00.07 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul) 20.00.21 # *opinion 20.00.28 # * scorche sighs 20.00.32 # hm.. 20.00.37 # thanx again 20.00.53 # i'm new ipod user... 20.01.11 # i like the line "if you are someone that gets all hot and bothered by seeing a bash prompt" 20.01.32 # MikeGR1981: if you're useruse rockbox, if you're nerd use ipodlinux, that would be my view 20.02.26 # most of us are "nerds" and love Rockbox ;) 20.02.51 # no, most of rockboxers are geeks ;-) 20.02.57 # hmm. Should I consider myself a Rockbox-nerd? ;-) 20.02.57 # haha 20.02.59 # Yeah, i'm a nerd and i like rockbox - besides bash isn't much use with out a keyboard :-) 20.03.01 # * scorche raises his glass 20.04.21 Join Stalrim [0] (n=bleh@ 20.04.28 # i do love how people think the rules dont matter just because there is no op in the channel... 20.04.40 # and welcome back 20.04.50 Nick Stalrim is now known as Fu7urE101 (n=bleh@ 20.04.54 # actually 20.04.56 # are you going to play nice now just because i am opped? 20.05.00 # I didn't curse at anyone 20.05.00 # no 20.05.05 # I'm playing as I was before 20.05.07 # I came for info 20.05.09 # that's all 20.05.11 # not to idle 20.05.14 # or to even chat 20.05.15 # ip addresses are nice to recognize people :) 20.05.15 # now 20.05.17 # yes 20.05.18 # they are 20.05.24 # but I mean 20.05.26 # be polite when asking (that would be my suggestion) 20.05.30 # [11:58:33] it matters that you can stfu 20.05.30 # [11:58:37] because you don't matter 20.05.34 # ummm 20.05.38 # as I remember 20.05.44 # in my initial conversation 20.05.47 # I was very polit 20.05.49 # and respectful 20.05.51 # until 20.05.56 # You came out of the blue 20.06.00 # with your comment 20.06.01 # and please write long sentences 20.06.02 # and use more than one word per sentance please.. 20.06.03 # the enter key is not the spacebar :-( 20.06.03 # You know, you can actually get more than four words on a line Fu7urE101? 20.06.07 # until what? Someone asked you to follow the channel guidelines? 20.06.08 # wtf 20.06.24 # I've never seen anyone get upset in the way anyone types 20.06.32 # I'll be back 20.06.35 # obviously you're not used to support channels then 20.06.36 # afk 20.06.38 # yeah 20.06.39 # well 20.06.43 # yeah I am 20.06.48 # brb 20.06.50 Quit Fu7urE101 (Client Quit) 20.06.51 # writing one word per line is annyoing. It makes it hard for the others to follow 20.06.57 # well. Too late. 20.07.00 # * krazykit facepalms 20.07.12 # * scorche gets "/mode #rockbox -q *!bleh@" ready 20.07.20 # errrr...better make that a + 20.07.49 # bluebrother: i have a little problem with crossfading songs with rockbox 20.08.41 # MikeGR1981: don't know if I know the solution, but just ask. Then we'll see ;-) 20.08.43 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 20.08.44 # when a song change rockbox dosent crossfading the track 20.08.49 Part kaaloo 20.08.58 # I assume you enabled crossfading? 20.09.05 # MikeGR1981: Have you set a crossfading time? 20.09.40 # crossfading time? 20.10.01 # you can set the time for fade in / fade out separately. 20.10.28 Join _Veseliq_ [0] (n=veseliq@host.91-92-172-170.airbites.bg) 20.11.01 # MikeGR1981: Maybe you have set these times to zero, so crossfading is disabled 20.11.28 # * bluebrother looks at his player and wonders if the value 0 for all those times is the default 20.11.56 # i have set crossfade -always- 20.12.02 # scorche the ticket prices came down today 20.12.10 # fade in delay 3 sec 20.12.10 # oooo...goody! 20.12.19 # bluebrother: it is afaik 20.12.21 # :) 20.12.25 # fade in duration 3 sec 20.12.38 # fade out delay 2 sec 20.12.47 # that happens once in a while, but typically it is better to play it safe and buy early still ;) 20.12.50 # fade out delay 2 sec 20.13.02 # fade out mode mix 20.13.31 # true true 20.13.53 # hmm. Does it really make sense to have fade times of 0 as default while crossfade is disabled anyway? 20.13.54 Join Faemir [0] (n=daniel@85-211-222-38.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 20.14.39 # bluebrother: no :-) 20.16.39 # then we should agree someone to change it ;-) 20.17.44 # ok 20.17.46 # its ok 20.17.55 # thanks a lot 20.18.06 Quit z0de ("\o/ my neck") 20.18.31 # have a nice day ! 20.18.36 # Mike From greece! 20.19.57 Quit MikeGR1981 ("CGI:IRC") 20.20.00 # bluebrother: what would be good defaults? keeping the delays at 0 but setting durations to 4 sec? 20.20.45 Join MikeGR1981 [0] (i=59d29e42@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c6e792cda28bae16) 20.20.51 Quit MikeGR1981 (Client Quit) 20.20.58 Quit desowin ("use linux") 20.21.12 # I'd say something a user will hear, but not too long. Maybe even a bit faster, 2 or 3 seconds. 20.22.16 # yeah, 2 sec will be good 20.22.23 # * n1s changes 20.22.28 # but in any case, I think it's better for the user to hear at least something than having it default to 0 20.22.50 # oh, have we already agreed on that change? That was fast ;-) 20.23.40 # well, I really don't think anyone will complain :-) 20.23.51 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 20.24.12 # hehe 20.24.41 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p5484BBEE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 20.24.50 Quit Arathis (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.25.00 # n1s: working on binary size reduction? Nice. 20.26.12 # bluebrother: thanks :-) I see some things when browsing the code sometimes and see if I can make it more compact :-) 20.26.16 Quit sergey (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 20.27.31 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m180.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 20.34.23 Mode "#rockbox -o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 20.42.53 Part Crende 20.44.25 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 20.45.32 Join Fu7urE101 [0] (n=bleh@ 20.46.28 # First I'd like to apoligize because I went to the site again and read the chatroom/forum rules 20.46.38 Join sergey [0] (n=sergey@ppp83-237-15-68.pppoe.mtu-net.ru) 20.46.38 # I had no idea there was a lingo regulation 20.46.57 # that is why we put it in the topic =) 20.47.01 # * bluebrother points to the topic 20.47.09 # yes i'm just so use to never reading 20.47.12 # * Fu7urE101 shrugs 20.47.17 # I just don't curse at people 20.47.20 # seems to work 20.48.19 Join tbaGGin [0] (i=tbaG@cpe-76-166-149-95.socal.res.rr.com) 20.48.57 # reading is something you will get asked to do in the open source world quite often. 20.50.20 # hmmm 20.51.32 # I'll put it in perspective 20.51.40 # I wasn't trying to be disrespectful to the rules 20.51.44 # I was kinda in a hurry 20.51.48 # but usually 20.51.56 # I do read my instructions 20.52.13 # just not irc o_O 20.52.53 # I've seen many users say that once you go rockbox you'll never go back to ipl 20.53.06 # you'd agree? 20.53.30 # I never used ipl seriously. Installed it only to try booting it using the Rockbox bootloader 20.53.45 # ahh 20.53.54 # it didn't overwrite the rockbox bootloader? 20.54.06 # but playing music works fine with Rockbox, while I didn't like podzilla and how playing music didn't work :) 20.54.16 # ahhh 20.54.28 # I installed manually. That installer didn't work, and I didn't want Loader2 anyway 20.54.36 # I understand 20.55.18 # from what I've read rockbox just seems easy and easily customizable 20.55.47 # well, it has a load of options. That might be confusing, also together with its own concept 20.56.05 # which is explained in the manual, and really great once you get used to it. 20.56.23 # I don't understand how people can like apples user concept anymore ;-) 20.56.38 # oh really? 20.56.58 # yes. But I bought the ipod to put Rockbox it anyway. 20.56.59 # and all my previous music is recognized? 20.57.10 # ohh ok 20.57.18 # yeah I'd orignially planned on using ipl 20.57.19 # yes, unless it's encrypted (i.e. itunes music store) 20.57.21 # before I bought it 20.57.23 # ohh 20.57.27 # screw itunes man 20.57.29 # that's a rip off 20.57.50 # I don't care about itunes and their store. I prefer buying CDs. 20.58.19 # indeed 20.58.24 # I mean 20.58.30 # you get an album with 12 songs 20.58.35 # it costs 12 bucks 20.58.39 # but an album with 20 songs 20.58.42 # meh 20.58.50 # they should lower the prices if you ask me 20.58.54 # if they want people go to legit 20.59.49 # they should never started those "copying" protection on CDs (which is in fact selling broken CDs with playback protection) and this DRM nonsense. 21.00.04 # but they seem to need really long to understand. 21.00.27 # didn't itunes start to sell DRM free music today? 21.00.54 # it did. Nice move, but I still don't want to install itunes. Won't run on my linux box anyway ;-) 21.01.22 Join obo [0] (n=obo@82-46-82-224.cable.ubr02.trow.blueyonder.co.uk) 21.01.42 # still doesnt mean you get meaningful folders with itunes, sadly....or enable you to use more than XX computers with your ipod 21.02.52 # well 21.02.58 # I use all computer with mine 21.03.07 # I just switched it to manual something 21.03.12 # and I drag and drop 21.03.19 # they shouldnt have spent 20 years establishing a music industry built on marketting and greed :o 21.03.29 # of course with movies I have to use videora 21.03.38 # well 21.03.39 # badsheepy 21.03.47 # the country is founded upon marketting and greed 21.03.52 # what could you expect? 21.04.36 # that the public fight back and pirate everything they possibly can until they stop it 21.04.46 # thats what i expected, and lo! here we are now :) 21.07.50 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B14BE3.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.10.00 Quit ivan ("Leaving") 21.10.48 # no 21.10.54 # pirating is not fighting back 21.11.03 # imeem is a concept that seems to be fighting back 21.11.11 # having music without actually having music 21.11.42 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 21.11.49 Part kaaloo 21.12.01 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.12.27 # bye there 21.12.59 # anyone install igames? 21.13.14 # what is igames? 21.13.52 # the ipod games 21.13.58 # ones apple sells 21.14.06 # I don't buy 21.14.09 # from apple 21.14.12 # only the hardware 21.14.12 # this channel is about Rockbox, not apple ... 21.14.23 # heh 21.14.26 # im talking about the games compatibility w/ rockbox 21.14.52 # Rockbox is a completely new firmware. There is no compatibility to any commercial software 21.15.04 Quit The-Compiler (Remote closed the connection) 21.15.10 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@m180.net81-67-5.noos.fr) 21.15.15 # how should this work anyway? The interfaces of apple aren't publicly available afaik 21.15.18 # actually i guess its rockbox and ipodloader compatible 21.15.32 # sorry for confusion 21.15.35 # so...could I rock rockbox with the apple loader? 21.15.41 # or does it not allow dual boot 21.15.56 # partly. You need a recent version of loader2 if you want to load Rockbox 21.16.15 # the Rockbox bootloader can dual boot. It can even boot IPL, though that is a bit harder to set up 21.16.16 Join otih_ [0] (n=otih@p54A4EE46.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.16.33 # can ipl boot rockbox? 21.16.40 # well, I found it even easier to set up, but I also didn't use the installer ;-) 21.16.41 # I believe I saw it could 21.17.03 # scroll 1 minute up: you need a recent version of loader2 21.17.44 # i.e. some version later than 2.4. Not sure which version exactly. 21.18.00 # with that you can load Rockbox. Older versions will crash with a data abort. 21.18.09 # meh 21.19.45 Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-148-47.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 21.21.26 # originally 21.21.40 # I thought that rockbox worked on 5.5g ipods 21.21.44 # I see it doesn't :( 21.21.47 # it does 21.21.50 # ahhh 21.21.52 # im running now 21.21.55 # the manual said it didn't 21.21.56 # cool 21.22.23 # Does the battery last longer? 21.22.36 # Rockbox works on the 5.5G since quite a while, but only since about a week on the 5.5G 80GB. 21.22.52 # the Ipods have worse battery runtime than using AppleOS. 21.23.07 # ohhh 21.23.24 # so why is rockbox better than appleos? 21.23.25 # if the manual still says the 5.5G is not supported then your manual is outdated. It gets regenerated every day, so just grab a new version. 21.23.32 # ohh ok 21.23.39 # better in your opinion 21.23.59 # * bluebrother points to http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WhyRockbox 21.24.25 # ohh yeah I could read that 21.24.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.24.33 # but I wanted your personal 21.24.39 # it's cool though 21.24.55 # if you are not interested in the additional functionality and supported formats AppleOS might be the better choice for you. But I can't decide that 21.25.07 # most of my music is ogg, so AppleOS isn't working. 21.25.26 # additionally, I used Rockbox before. And I want ReplayGain :) 21.26.34 # Yeah well, I've only used AppleOS for a 2 weeks or so...I don't have a problem learning something new 21.27.06 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 21.27.15 Quit maffe (Remote closed the connection) 21.27.41 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 21.27.46 Quit maffe (Remote closed the connection) 21.28.14 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 21.28.40 # tbaGGin I'd use the ipodvideo 64mb download correct? 21.28.54 Quit otih (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.29.57 # for the 5.5g 21.31.36 # hmm 21.32.00 # go to daily build 21.32.06 # for the 60GB and 80GB, yes. 21.32.32 # and use the current build. There are no dailies anymore, only archived builds ;-) 21.32.51 # 30 gb w/ search = 64 mb?? 21.33.24 # afaik the 30GB has only 32 MiB RAM 21.33.29 # ahh 21.33.40 # "only" 21.33.42 # but you could simply try the 64MiB build and see if it works ;-) 21.34.05 # my trusty old h120 has 32MiB ... 21.34.09 # Mine has 2MiB RAM... 21.34.47 # those archos devices are quite expensive at ebay. 21.35.02 # you mean i should sell it 21.35.38 Quit sergey (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 21.35.50 # no. I looked after one to have a target for testing but they are too expensive. 21.36.35 # at least too expensive for me ;-) 21.37.29 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B16CB7.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.37.44 Quit entheh ("^~") 21.38.29 # whats best way to dual boot? 21.39.38 # use the Rockbox bootloader unless you (a) desparately need a graphical boot menu or (b) want to use IPL 21.43.51 # you know of a write-up on this? 21.48.40 Join entheh [0] (n=purr@88-106-151-80.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 21.50.56 Join PaulJam_ [0] (i=Paul@vpn-3073.gwdg.de) 21.51.02 Join sergey [0] (n=sergey@ppp85-141-132-247.pppoe.mtu-net.ru) 21.51.07 # write-up on what? IPL's loader2? 21.51.13 Quit PaulJam (Nick collision from services.) 21.51.20 Nick PaulJam_ is now known as PaulJam (i=Paul@vpn-3073.gwdg.de) 21.52.51 Part maffe 21.52.51 # no, u said use rockbox bootloader and wondering how to do this to dualboot 21.53.15 # tbaGGin: it dualboots by default, as mentioned in the manual 21.53.42 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.54.51 # i mean with ipodlinux 21.55.02 # so triple boot in fact 21.55.10 # it can that as well 21.55.28 # I just don't remember how to select ipl... 21.56.08 # someone ;) mentioned it in the forums... 21.56.18 # was it you? 21.56.21 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 21.56.28 # Bagder: hold Play while booting 21.57.11 # you need to install ipl, put the Rockbox bootloader on the Ipod and put the IPL kernel into the root of the FAT partition named "linux.bin" 21.57.21 # that's it. 21.58.35 Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5feccc0f3577330a) 21.58.52 # what do i need to add to viewers.config to enable a plugin 21.58.58 # I.E. the codec_test plugin 22.01.19 # saratoga: something like this: mp3,viewers/test_codec,- 22.01.30 # thanks for the help blue, im going to try now 22.05.40 # what does the last number mean? 22.05.43 # can i just put a dash? 22.06.18 # the last number denotes the icon. If you put a dash it doesn't use an icon iirc. 22.06.19 # saratoga: it's the icon index a dash mean sno icon afaik 22.06.46 # not sure if there was a default "no icon" icon or simply empty 22.07.19 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 22.11.23 Join purplegreendave [0] (i=d5ca88a8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0f6a3b4fcdbb5aa6) 22.13.04 # can anyone point me in the direction of free software which enables me to a) resize a video and b) change the audio sampling rate? 22.13.16 # purplegreendave, winff should do that 22.13.26 # and do it easily 22.13.49 # mencoder will too, but it's more of a pain to work with 22.14.08 # bluebrother: I've now got a test_codec.rock, but it doesn't show up in the plugins menu 22.14.19 # do i have to do something else to register it? 22.14.21 # yeah i tried it and i couldnt get it to work at all. will try winff thanks 22.14.26 # saratoga: it's a viewer -- use the context menu and then open with 22.15.56 # thanks 22.16.09 # codec_test says mp3 decodes at 38000% realtime 22.16.19 # hehe 22.16.22 # anyone else had that happen? 22.16.24 # ROTFL. 22.16.31 # cool number :) 22.16.33 # tried a few files, all decode instantly 22.17.00 # on what target do you try? 22.17.41 # sansa 22.18.03 Join linuxstb [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 22.18.09 # strange. Maybe the test file is a bit short? 22.18.34 # I tried it on the mini, and it was muuuch slower ;-) 22.18.47 # * linuxstb is impressed with saratoga's mp3 optimisations... 22.20.03 Quit tbaGGin () 22.21.04 # running the codec_test program on my sansa seems to disable audio 22.21.15 # afterwards i just get codec failure messages 22.23.46 # linuxstb: you around? 22.24.55 # Yes 22.25.19 # i'm building an SVN build now to test the codec test plugin again 22.25.25 # have you heard of anyone using it on the sansa? 22.25.27 # saratoga: so they didn't use a week in getting it to you after all? :) 22.25.49 # they said June 11th up until 6 hours after it got here 22.26.16 # i actually already had it when I was complaining last night, just hadn't gone outside and noticed the package 22.26.16 # saratoga: I can't remember anyone mentioning using it on the sansa, but I can't think why it wouldn't work. 22.26.23 # hey, sounds like they share the tracking system with the postal service here 22.26.31 # ha 22.27.22 # anyone know the button for use in doom plugin, like flip a switch? 22.27.28 # bluebrother: I'm sorry to reask the question, but where do I find loader2? 22.27.29 # on an ipod 22.27.54 # I understand 22.28.10 # Fu7urE101: http://www.google.com/search?q=loader2 22.28.10 # but I thought to dual boot with appleOs instead of rockbox I needed another file 22.28.15 # yeah I searched that 22.28.18 # looking at it now 22.29.43 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.30.06 # screw it 22.30.09 # i'll just use rockbox 22.30.43 # The Rockbox bootloader lets you dual-boot. Or are you wanting to use IPL? 22.31.36 Quit purplegreendave ("CGI:IRC") 22.32.40 # in mailing lists rockbox.cvs commits exists should this nnow be rockbox.svn commits? 22.32.40 # I was gonna use ipl bootloader 22.32.41 # that's all 22.32.42 # really 22.32.43 DBUG Enqueued KICK Fu7urE101 22.32.43 # but 22.32.57 # rockbox can't see my original music files? 22.33.59 # Fu7urE101: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodFAQ 22.34.27 # thx 22.34.28 # whoops 22.34.29 # Thanks 22.35.16 Quit obo ("bye") 22.35.59 Quit ducbian ("Leaving") 22.37.18 # linuxstb: do I need to make an entry in the viewers file for each format I want to use with codec test? 22.37.52 Join Nic0_P [0] (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 22.38.28 # saratoga: No, just one. 22.38.40 # does the file extension even matter then? 22.38.45 # No. 22.38.47 # Installing themes/fonts and such I just copy to the root folder? 22.39.13 Quit Nico_P (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.40.42 Nick Nic0_P is now known as Nico_P (n=nicolas@jau31-3-82-239-20-145.fbx.proxad.net) 22.41.36 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@ 22.41.41 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 22.41.44 # you find the manual unclear? 22.42.14 # well Im reading it 22.42.18 # but if someone were to say 22.42.21 # 'yes; 22.42.27 # that would make it a lot easier 22.42.29 # if I do it once 22.42.30 # I have it 22.42.32 # ok then: no 22.42.35 # thank you 22.42.54 # or perhaps yes 22.42.59 # it depends on what you mean 22.43.25 # just themes 22.43.27 # and fonts 22.43.36 # rocbox.org provides the downloads 22.43.50 # but no instruction with them 22.43.51 # not sure 22.43.55 # if I have to unzip the files 22.45.27 # I think I got it 22.45.55 Quit amiconn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.45.55 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.45.58 # linuxstb: thanks, stock SVN build works with test codec, must be the wma patch I was experimenting with that broke it 22.47.51 # no I didn't 22.48.48 # Fu7urE101: Compare the directory structure in the zip you're trying to install with the directory structure already on your ipod in the .rockbox folder - it should then become clear. 22.49.47 # well, I unzipped the theme I'd like to the theme folder and the fonts to the rockbox folder 22.49.52 # I got fonts to work I believe 22.49.57 # but as far as the theme 22.49.57 # meh 22.51.03 Quit pepie34 ("Ex-Chat") 22.51.26 # funnily enough, i'm having the same problem 22.51.41 # :\ 22.52.03 # ohh 22.52.06 # I might have fixed it 22.52.28 # I copied the theme out of the theme folder within that unzipped files to the base theme folder in rockbox 22.53.17 # no :( 22.53.42 # well. It's in fact quite easy, especially when you have a look at the present folder structure 22.53.56 # there is a file with the extension wps, this goes into /.rockbox/wps 22.54.11 # there is a file called .cfg, this goes to /.rockbox/themes 22.54.18 # and .fnt file go to /.rockbox/fonts 22.54.45 Join webguest14 [0] (i=4a841a2a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f4ad50c379322410) 22.54.47 # a theme zip should usually provide this folder structure so you can extract it to the root of the player 22.54.52 # do themes only work in the daily builds? or both version? 22.55.40 # there is no real difference between daily and current build. In fact, you should use the current build unless there is a reason 22.56.31 # sweet 22.56.32 # thanks 22.56.44 # Hello, Is it possible to have an option while downloading something that allows NON-zipped files to be downloaded? I have a trial version of Win-Zip and it is a pain to open the files. 22.56.58 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.57.01 # webguest14: theres tons of free zip software 22.57.06 # 7zip 22.57.12 # i would recommend for windows 22.57.12 # i recommend you install something like 7zip 22.57.16 # :P 22.57.21 # Does it work as well? 22.57.24 # yes 22.57.32 # Oh... 22.57.33 # though it doesn't read .ace 22.57.42 # though that's mostly mac only stuff 22.57.42 # Thanks 22.57.43 # rockbox doesn't use ace 22.57.46 # who needs that strange format anyway? 22.57.54 # ;) 22.58.07 # I don't use winzip or winrar anymore. Both crap :p 22.58.20 Quit webguest14 (Client Quit) 22.58.24 # I still like winrar 22.58.24 # i use tar >=3 22.58.45 # bluebrother, what would you say is the best free one for windows? 22.58.51 # 7zip can do tar, gz and bz2. Everything that's really needed ;-) 22.59.04 # I only use 7zip on windows. 22.59.05 # :D 22.59.32 # the interface might not be the most polished, but it works the way I want to and doesn't nag me to buy it. 22.59.37 # yup 22.59.53 # though it would be nice if there was an easy way to replace those icons 22.59.57 # perhaps a set of .pngs 23.00.00 # at the cost of a nag button, winrar is much much more functional imo 23.00.15 # why? 23.00.31 # well for a start it supports all the archive formats 7zip does 23.00.36 # as well as all the ones it doesnt 23.00.43 # which are 99.99% of the time all you need 23.00.49 # not if you need a rar :P 23.00.52 # rar is evil 23.01.00 # any particular reason :) 23.01.01 # why ? 23.01.05 # why would you /need/ to compress to rar 23.01.07 # because its closed 23.01.18 Join TrueJournals [0] (n=aimjourn@c-24-12-147-61.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 23.01.25 # you might /need/ to open a rar, which it can do. 23.01.28 # why use winrar when 7zip supports the same formats? 23.01.46 # except .ace and a few other obscure ones 23.01.50 # for these rare cases there is unrar x :) 23.02.10 # i don't suppose anyone can clarify whether ipods can support themes /at all/? 23.02.11 # so your objection is proprietary, my objection is functionality 23.02.14 # the nag button of winrar is what made me install 7zip at my work pc. 23.02.18 # guess its just where your priorities are :) 23.02.41 # Faemir: Yes, Rockbox supports themes on ipods. 23.02.44 # thanks 23.02.48 Quit rp- () 23.02.58 Part TrueJournals 23.03.07 # it's just i have all the things in the right folders, yet when i select them it just makes the bg white, fg black >_> 23.03.16 # thanks everyone 23.03.24 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 23.03.24 # * Fu7urE101 quit 23.03.27 Quit Fu7urE101 () 23.03.41 # i have icons enabled, is there anythign else i need to enable? 23.05.07 # Faemir: which theme are you trying to use? 23.05.17 # any of them 23.05.23 # though preferrably tango 23.05.38 # and all of them make the colors go black/white? 23.06.12 # or don't change anything 23.06.17 # and what happends if you select one of the included themes? 23.06.41 # unicatcher is default isn't it? 23.07.25 # nope, the umm rockbox default is 23.07.27 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@c-71-205-31-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 23.07.34 # very dull thing with peakmeter 23.07.51 # icons-rockbox-default? 23.08.02 # or rockbox-default-icons? 23.08.36 # try the one called rockboxed 23.08.41 # done 23.08.45 # it makes the bg yellow 23.08.51 # black text, changes the font 23.08.57 # still the nasty icons :P 23.09.16 # Faemir: ok so that works ok 23.09.18 # if they can be called icons 23.09.38 # i will put current build back on instead of daily 23.09.49 # all shipped themes use the same icons 23.09.53 # Faemir: yes, they are the default icons, they can be customized tho 23.09.57 # you need to download other icons separately 23.10.01 Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@user-11209e0.dsl.mindspring.com) 23.10.01 # i did 23.10.02 # i'm trying to update the wma decoder to at least load in rockbox, however I get a "No File!" message when rockbox tries to load a WMA file 23.10.04 # that's the dodgy thing 23.10.08 # any ideas where I should start looking? 23.10.33 # Faemir: so when you say that themes don't work you mean that the themes work but the icons don't change? 23.10.56 # the new hotswap patch for the sansa is failing on line 46 23.11.12 # the icons don't change, the background doesn't change (except rockboxed changes it to plain yellow), and usually the font doesn't change 23.11.56 # saratoga: Is the wma decoder a viewer plugin? 23.12.06 # no, its an actual codec 23.12.08 # (oh and also, what is the different between ipod video and ipod video 64mb, or rather when do you use the 64mb one instead?) 23.12.16 Join Wasmuth [0] (n=kurt_v@069-064-232-050.pdx.net) 23.12.18 # the default themes aren't too fancy. Don't expect too much to change 23.12.19 # i wanted to be able to use the test_codec plugin to run it 23.12.21 Join frosty [0] (n=frosty@cpc1-cwma2-0-0-cust560.swan.cable.ntl.com) 23.12.35 # bluebrother, i downloaded the entire lot 23.12.37 # Faemir: when you have a 60 or 80 GB ipod video 23.12.44 # the 64MiB build is for the 60GB and 80GB models. They have a bigger memory 23.12.47 # Can anyone tell me what the iPod 64 build is all about? 23.12.48 # or maybe a 30 GB 5.5G 23.12.54 # which i have 23.13.01 # Wasmuth: read the last fe lines 23.13.02 # saratoga: Is this the one on the patch tracker? 23.13.03 # ok 23.13.10 # maybe? Afaik the 30GB is always 32MiB 23.13.12 # linuxstb: yes 23.13.21 # though i've modified it a good bit to make it compile 23.13.33 # bluebrother: iiuc it's not confirmed for the 5.5G 23.13.36 # woo Hoo! I have the 60GB - so I should be using the 64 version? 23.13.47 # yes 23.13.53 # xD 23.13.53 # Thank you very much 23.13.56 # n1s: ok. 23.14.34 # bluebrother: basically the test would be to install a 64MB build abd if it works it has 64MB ram 23.15.01 Part Wasmuth 23.15.57 # i think i know why the icons aren't working. i cannot open them, seems they are corrupt now somehow :\ 23.16.10 Quit barrywardell (Remote closed the connection) 23.16.19 Quit DerPapst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.16.20 Quit VPN-User (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.16.47 # saratoga: That patch isn't a codec, just a plugin. 23.17.05 # saratoga: Ignore that... 23.17.07 # hi 23.17.34 # I have a slight problem that's appeared since putting Rockbox on my iPod (nano, 1st gen) earlier 23.17.43 # (Rockbox seems pretty awesome, by the way :) ) 23.17.48 # damn right :D 23.17.56 # saratoga: The codec is there, but there is no change to the core code to use it (as far as I can see). 23.17.56 # (frozen bubble FTW) 23.18.13 # I can't play any of my music purchased from the iTunes store - using the normal Apple firmware! 23.18.21 # It just skips all the tracks. 23.18.50 # I presume (hope) it'd work if I completely restore my iPod, but I'd like to keep both firmwares on there :( 23.18.54 Quit jac0b () 23.19.04 # any ideas why this is? 23.19.14 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@dhcp-892b9a53.ucd.ie) 23.19.42 # linuxstb: just found this page http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/HowToWriteCodecs 23.19.46 # perhaps god is punishing you for using the itunes store :P (sorry) 23.19.54 # i'll look into make the other changes 23.20.08 # Rockbox doesn't touch the files synced by apple. Have you changed something in the iPodControl folder? 23.20.22 # sounds like the songs are present in the database but missing on the hard disk 23.20.23 # I haven't. 23.20.26 # saratoga: I think the get_metadata function at the end of metadata.c is a place to look 23.20.36 # bluebrother: hmm :/ 23.20.49 # I've tried resyncing, but no good :/ 23.20.57 # or your Itunesdb is corrupt. You could try floola 23.21.06 # like I say, I imagine a proper restore would fix it 23.21.08 # floola? 23.21.10 # * frosty googles 23.21.20 # not sure if I spelled the name correctly. It should be able rebuilding the database 23.22.14 Part maffe 23.22.41 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 23.23.10 Part maffe 23.23.28 Join maffe [0] (n=maffe@ 23.23.31 # :\ 23.23.44 Join f00f [0] (n=obo@CPE002078c67dd3-CM0011ae015168.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.24.29 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.24.59 # bleh, the files keep getting messed up. probably because i'm not safe disconnecting. 23.25.16 # Hi. I just finished setting up the dev environment. I'd like to know how to go about compiling the helloworld plugin. Does the Makefile decide which plugins get built? 23.25.39 # f00f: the SOURCES files decide what to compile 23.25.40 Quit f00f (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.25.54 Join f00f [0] (n=obo@CPE002078c67dd3-CM0011ae015168.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.26.02 # f00f: the SOURCES files decide what to compile 23.26.02 # f00f: theres a sources file in lots of directories, that lists which c files get made 23.26.14 # thanks 23.26.50 # Adding that to the wiki would probably be useful :) 23.27.16 Quit bospaadje ("great minds run in great circles") 23.29.07 Join bospaadje [0] (n=bospaadj@ip82-139-84-212.lijbrandt.net) 23.29.37 Quit bospaadje (Client Quit) 23.32.18 # how much actually needs to be defined just to get the codec to load? 23.32.25 # i've added an entry to filetypes.c 23.33.12 # saratoga: wma is already included in the filetypes table 23.33.34 # opps 23.33.35 Quit f00f (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.33.42 # so what else do i need to edit? 23.33.48 # the page only lists some stuff about ID3 tags 23.33.54 Join f00f [0] (n=obo@CPE002078c67dd3-CM0011ae015168.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.33.55 # is that really necesarry? 23.34.17 # * petur wonders why the isp1362 is telling him the attached usbdevice is not responding :( 23.34.21 Quit f00f (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.34.28 # saratoga: saratoga I think rockbox uses the metadata reading to find out which codec to use 23.34.31 # hmm, the icons are still not loading :( 23.34.41 # saratoga: Yes, everything on that page is needed... 23.34.54 Join f00f [0] (n=obo@CPE002078c67dd3-CM0011ae015168.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.35.22 # ok then 23.35.24 # thnaks 23.35.33 # hmm 23.35.43 # Floola broke on startup and I had to force quit it 23.35.46 Quit f00f (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.35.49 Quit sergey (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 23.36.09 Join f00f [0] (n=obo@CPE002078c67dd3-CM0011ae015168.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.36.19 Quit f00f (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.36.54 Join f00f [0] (n=obo@CPE002078c67dd3-CM0011ae015168.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.37.04 # saratoga: I think the codectype member of the mp3entry struct is important for example 23.37.31 # anyone got any ideas why no themes will work? 23.38.13 # frosty: sorry, I just have heard it can fix those issues. No more ideas from my side, unfortunately 23.38.17 # perhaps they need patches 23.38.32 # bluebrother: ok, thanks 23.38.36 # woop 23.38.43 # they worked this time for some reason :S 23.38.57 # Faemir: (a) broken theme (the parser is now more strict than some time ago), (b) theme wrongly installed, (c) theme needs patches 23.39.10 # yeh, for some reason they worked this time 23.39.13 # i didn't even change anything 23.39.22 # just connect to pc then disconnected :S 23.39.22 Quit f00f (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.39.54 Join f00f [0] (n=obo@CPE002078c67dd3-CM0011ae015168.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.40.19 Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@i-83-67-214-206.freedom2surf.net) 23.41.24 Quit f00f (Client Quit) 23.45.42 Quit petur ("gtg") 23.46.35 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.47.54 Join HappyGUYfromSWE [0] (i=5b5f1a12@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-25624e0891cd9c5e) 23.48.01 # hi everyone..! 23.48.10 # hmm 23.48.22 # well, I can play the songs off my ipod with floola 23.48.26 # so they are on there 23.48.41 # Rockbox works well on my 5.5G 80GB..! ^^ YES YES YES!!!! 23.48.43 Quit XbooX (Nick collision from services.) 23.48.46 Join XbOOPS [0] (n=xboox04@ 23.48.47 # :-) 23.48.57 Join XbooX [0] (n=xboox04@ 23.49.00 Quit XavierGr () 23.50.17 # Does someone have a sugestion of how to add songs? there are some ways to go now. 23.50.32 Quit ender` (" Trying to establish voice contact ... please yell into keyboard.") 23.50.52 # many people just copy the songs using whatever method 23.51.02 Join f00f [0] (n=obo@CPE002078c67dd3-CM0011ae015168.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.51.04 # HappyGUYfromSWE: I just put rockbox on my nano, and just synced it normally with itunes 23.51.09 # and got rockbox to scan for them 23.51.23 # apparently that's not necessarily the best way, though 23.51.24 Quit f00f (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.51.30 # you get odd filenames 23.51.36 # that works. i use winamp ^^ 23.51.42 Join f00f [0] (n=obo@CPE002078c67dd3-CM0011ae015168.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.51.47 # It uses the itunes DB 23.52.03 # I don't think it does - just the tags from the files 23.52.08 # another silly dev question: is it possible to build a single plugin without having to go through make && make install? 23.53.09 # which takes a while 23.53.11 # hmm... i will sleep on this.. :-) sleep tight.. Zzzzz 23.53.24 # I think there is make plugins 23.53.51 # for the make install step you can simply copy the plugin output file. 23.54.19 Quit HappyGUYfromSWE ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 23.54.19 # but that checks for all plugins? 23.54.49 # yes. 23.54.49 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 23.54.51 Quit f00f (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.55.12 Join f00f [0] (n=obo@CPE002078c67dd3-CM0011ae015168.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.56.02 Quit f00f (Client Quit) 23.58.54 # the rockbox forum page uses an inordinate amount of cpu time on my laptop due to the fader.js - could it be rewritten to not call a jscript callback every 20ms please?