--- Log for 24.08.107 Server: niven.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 21 days and 12 hours ago 00.00.19 # and does this stop anything else from functioning? 00.00.50 # no task switches 00.00.51 # does it halt everything for 1000 micro seconds or just the particular function? 00.01.00 # pixelma: Where did you buy yours? 00.01.16 # H10_007quick: wouldn't it just halt the thread you're in? 00.01.24 # Bjerrk: at the same shop linuxstb linked you to earlier 00.01.25 # we're not preemptive 00.01.25 # linuxstb: where can i get builds older than those on http://www.rockbox.org/dl.cgi?bin=ipodnano 00.01.28 # ? 00.01.28 # i hope so 00.01.51 # pixelma: The shop at Ebay? Okay.. So they're reliable? 00.01.52 # kapoot: You'll need to get the old code from SVN and compile yourself. 00.02.16 # is anyone interested in p6331? 00.02.21 # wow... that sucks 00.02.23 # Bjerrk: yes but they only accepted PayPal from me 00.02.47 # Ah, crud 00.02.47 # other than that everything was ok and quick, can't complain 00.03.03 # In don't have PayPal, and i really didn't plan to get it. 00.03.15 # (whine, whine ;) ) 00.03.33 # it was the only shop I found that sells them 00.03.38 # kapoot: We can't host every Rockbox build forever... 00.03.53 # your builds are like 4megs ... 00.04.12 Join kyuubiseal [0] (n=chatzill@S0106001636006125.rd.shawcable.net) 00.04.12 # pixelma: Well, fair enough. Can i play doom on the M5L, btw? :P 00.04.32 # doom in greyscale is somewhat ... grey :) 00.04.35 # so... I took that (and only got to know about that after I bought it...) 00.04.36 Quit seablue ("life, death, life, death") 00.04.37 # how do u use rockboy 00.04.41 # bluebrother: i believe you! :P 00.04.43 # (install) 00.04.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.04.51 # but I tried it on my h120 ;-) 00.05.14 # bluebrother: Yeah, i have it on my (sigh) iPod Video.. Pretty fun. 00.05.14 # rockboy is part of Rockbox. No separate install needed. 00.05.22 # Bjerrk: never tried... (not interested at all) 00.05.24 # besides, the manual tells you how to use it ... 00.05.24 Nick _pill is now known as pill (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) 00.05.25 # really 00.05.40 # so how do u play GBC files on it? 00.05.42 # Bjerrk: but in theory yes 00.05.50 # * bluebrother really suggests reading the manual before asking 00.05.56 # k 00.06.16 # kyuubiseal: put them on your rockbox, and navigate to them in files, I think 00.06.28 # pixelma: Well, okay. 00.06.39 Quit Nibbl (Remote closed the connection) 00.06.40 # linuxstb: does anyone plan on fixing this bug? 00.07.03 # Speaking of rockboy, do you guys know how to get rid of the blank screen bug? 00.07.35 # The wiki describes one way to do it, but it isn't valid any more (with the current build).. 00.07.35 # this is what did 00.07.43 # kyuubiseal: yea? 00.07.48 # i made a file on my sandisk sansa 00.08.05 # and called it gameboy color 00.08.07 # yeah? 00.08.10 # okay.. 00.08.15 # no file extension? 00.08.40 # and then i place a .gbc game into it 00.09.00 # you placed a game into another file? 00.09.04 # and when i open rockbox and go under files, gameboy games it is empty 00.09.25 # kapoot: According to the flyspray bug report, builds earlier than 26th July should work fine - http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7510 00.09.43 Quit obo ("bye") 00.09.44 # any idea's 00.09.51 # kapoot: So if you're experiencing problems with earlier builds, then it would seem to be a different issue? 00.09.52 # linuxstb_: i just put 13990 on there --- same deal 00.10.10 # kyuubiseal: checked your file view settings? 00.10.15 # maybe it 00.10.25 # 's set to "music" only 00.10.42 # how 00.11.17 # linuxstb: just found one locally from like november that i was running ... this hsould work --- would be nice to have a new build though 00.11.47 # either in the quick screen or settings > general settings > fileview 00.12.22 # k 00.13.01 # ok i am there 00.13.05 Quit midkay (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.13.15 Quit Domonoky_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.13.17 # "show files" 00.13.23 # is that where i go 00.13.34 # yes 00.13.37 # linuxstb: shall i submit another bug report? 00.14.01 # kapoot: So the November build works fine? 00.14.01 # saported or music 00.14.19 # linuxstb: yes 00.14.40 # kapoot: So what exactly happens when you play music with a build from 24th July? 00.14.47 # kyuubiseal: well for gameboy files, "music" wouldn't do... 00.14.49 # i get a DATA ABORT 00.14.55 # Man, this just ain't good. There's more than 12 hours between the battery runtime with rockbox and the battery runtime with the apple firmware. 00.15.07 # kapoot: And you're using the latest bootloader? 00.15.29 # linuxstb_: possibly not 00.15.36 # linuxstb: how to check? 00.15.53 # Does the bootloader display messages when you're booting? 00.16.00 # (if so, it's an old version) 00.16.09 # and it works 00.16.11 # !! 00.16.13 # thanks 00.16.21 # Now i hate you, kyuubiseal 00.16.28 # does it sapport any gb game 00.16.33 # linuxstb: so i'm now operating under the assumption that i need ot re-install my bootloader via the whole initial process again? 00.16.45 # no lag 00.17.02 # kapoot: The "whole initial process" is just running ipodpatcher.exe and selecting "i" for install. 00.17.08 # linuxstb: do i need to back-up or does it correctly preserve my music partition now? 00.17.30 # .exe? :P 00.18.03 Join krazykit [0] (n=kkit@ 00.18.15 # kapoot: A Rockbox bootloader install has never modified your music partition. 00.18.21 Quit kyuubiseal ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 00.19.30 Quit kapoot () 00.20.05 # You're welcome... 00.20.51 # Now, i know this question is not really rockbox related, but have any of you tried the archos 604, the 605 or anythin in that department? 00.21.07 # I wonder why people who were subscribed to flyspray entry don't get notified if it's reopened? 00.22.18 # A bug in the bug system? 00.22.18 Quit davina ("xchat on Ubuntu 7.04") 00.23.29 # Hrm, or maybe it was something that was done when reopening. I see that -sf wasn't sent a mail about it either 00.24.05 # that polish one? 00.24.20 Quit Febs ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 00.24.22 # Yeah 00.24.27 # he did three re-open request for it and I denied two of them first, so perhaps it confused it somehow 00.24.35 # Ah, could be 00.24.43 # I'm pretty sure he wasn't testing with an updated build 00.24.57 Quit ddalton ("I was using BOFHNet IRC version 1.2 by fmillion - get your copy today from http://www.the-bofh.com/bofhnet/irc !") 00.25.03 # quite possibly, yes 00.25.09 # Thank god for icons in the menus - navigating Rockbox in Polish is hard 00.25.18 # haha 00.26.09 # use an english voice with it ;) 00.26.25 # Not a bad idea 00.26.49 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-0-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 00.26.57 # pixelma: I can't find the X5L on the cowon website either. What's with these L-models? Are they a hidden and rare treat only meant for cowon's favourite customers or what? 00.27.36 # Bjerrk: I already told you what the L stands for... 00.28.14 # Bagder: no time to test the perl voice script? 00.28.30 # pixelma: You did. 00.28.44 # they got a larger battery (to be accurate it's a second battery) which is why they are in a thicker case, other than that there is no difference to the "standard" X5s or M5s 00.28.45 # pixelma: and how does that explain why they're not there? :P 00.28.57 # ask Cowon... 00.29.07 # :-/ 00.29.31 Quit kk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.30.43 # Bjerrk: there is a bit about them under "specifcations" on the Cowon site 00.31.02 # Okay.. Cool :) 00.31.05 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 00.32.47 # They do look nice :-( . Sadly, i can't find 'em anywhere. 00.32.53 # Bagder: looks like I'm just not getting my mail 00.33.28 # Bagder: that would explain it 00.33.31 Join RavoxX [0] (n=RavoxX@unaffiliated/ravoxx) 00.33.53 # rasher: You're from Denmark, right? 00.34.10 # Yes 00.34.15 Part RavoxX ("Time makes no sense") 00.34.31 # rasher: Cool :) . Can you recommend a good device for use with rockbox, that's reasonably easy to get your hands on here in DK? 00.34.49 # One with a good battery runtime, preferrably.. 00.36.22 # Bjerrk: The sansa e200 is all over the place, but not so hot best when it comes to runtime. And of course the ipod video is easy to get as well. 00.36.30 Quit SoapSud ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 00.36.53 # rasher: Yeah, but the two things that matter the most to me are battery runtime and storage capacity 00.37.19 # Bjerrk: I've seen older irivers lying around in FONA, so maybe you could get lucky there or in other similar stores. Webshops probably don't stock enough to have older players still in stock 00.37.24 # at the moment, i've got an iPod Video (30 GB). The stor. capacity is fine, but the battery time is BAD. 00.37.49 Quit My_Sic (Connection timed out) 00.37.52 # rasher: Ah, thanks :) . FONA is just around the corner, pretty much. 00.38.03 # Might be worth a look. 00.38.24 Quit bluebrother ("sleep ...") 00.40.03 # I even considered buying this one ( http://www.archos.com/store/psearch.html?prod_id=archos604wifi ) as it's got wifi capabilities, and is Linux based.. But Archos doesn't seem like a nice corporation. At all. 00.40.13 # Seems that the device is pretty much TiVoized.. 00.40.37 # For good battery runtime you need Iriver H100 or H300-series or a supported iAudio. 00.41.48 # Or an old ipod... (1g or 2g) 00.42.12 # Which leads me to your next option: buying second hand 00.42.15 # Or gigabeat... 00.42.28 # How's the gigabeat's runtime? 00.42.33 # seems OK 00.42.49 # I think it's around 15-20 hours. 00.43.12 # Seems that it's ranging from around 16 hours to 18 hours.. 00.43.51 # That's pretty good. Are they available here in Denmark (rasher?)? 00.44.10 # Bjerrk: I'm looking now, but not finding anything 00.44.23 # Perhaps some shop has an exclusive deal 00.44.29 Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@pool-68-239-217-158.nwrk.east.verizon.net) 00.44.59 # AFAIK, the gigabeats aren't available new anywhere. You'll have to buy used. Around 100 USD should buy you the F40 (40GB). 00.45.10 # Darn! 00.45.18 # hi, where can i get m68k-elf-gcc? 00.45.30 # sarixe: Linux or Windows? 00.45.32 # sarixe: Run the tools/rockboxdev.sh script in the Rockbox source. 00.45.33 # linux 00.45.41 # ah right 00.45.44 # thanks, linuxstb 00.45.47 # _ 00.45.48 # all unhappy Gigabeat users should come to the rockbox forums. I'm sure they could sell their players. 00.46.01 # But then they would discover Rockbox... 00.46.04 # And of course, buying anything but ipods second-hand is next to impossible in Denmark. 00.46.20 # I just need to get this deal closed before sunday :P 00.46.23 # rasher: I bought mine from the uk 00.46.32 # markun: The S seems to be impossible to find, even without a working Rockbox port... 00.46.46 # linuxstb_: that surprises me 00.46.49 # markun: Yeah, that's probably necessary. 00.47.14 # markun: Hey, where did you buy it? 00.47.22 # Bjerrk: ebay 00.47.23 Join Twist [0] (n=Twist@88-108-179-231.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 00.47.27 # hey 00.47.37 # but over a year ago, they are much cheaper now 00.47.38 # is it possible to set an alarm with rockbox? 00.47.55 # markun: Okay :) 00.48.19 # linuxstb_: just got one (that will be shipped to GodEater) from here last night http://www.refurbdepot.com/productdetails2.cfm?Product_ID=5211&refererid=pricescan 00.48.25 # Twist: On which device? 00.48.34 # ipod video 00.49.04 # 30gb 00.49.52 # markun: Do you think you could find the place where you bought it, again? 00.49.56 # heh... " 320 X 240 dots" 00.50.07 # Bjerrk: I found this: https://www.databutikken.com/dk/default.aspx?Product=IAUDX5-30 But it's probably just a left-over, and if you order it they'll tell you "Sorry, we don't have that" and offer you something awful instead. 00.50.21 # Bjerrk: no, it was a guy who sold his player privately, not a company 00.50.35 # Argh, the world hates me :P 00.50.41 # rasher: Interesting :) 00.50.43 # scorche: Yes, I found that site, but noticed they didn't accept non-US credit cards... 00.51.00 # linuxstb_: hence why i bought it and he paid me back 00.51.04 # linuxstb_: Possible? 00.51.20 # Twist: I think so, yes. 00.51.22 # Bjerrk: expensive too. And I really doubt they'll be able to sell it 00.51.35 # im downloading the simulator to find out... 00.51.48 # That's really, really expensive, isn't it? 00.52.13 # Twist: It's possibly not in the simulator, as it relies on a hardware feature. 00.52.16 # Yeah, they probably just forgot to remove it when they stopped selling them, is my bet 00.52.22 # $427.941 USD 00.52.24 # geez... 00.52.43 # ah... 00.52.47 # well ok here goes. 00.53.01 # im gonna back up before hand i thnk 00.53.29 # rasher: Also, it's uncomforting that the site is half danish / half swedish 00.53.45 # "Best. vara, obekrftad leveranstid" for example.. 00.54.20 # Bjerrk: Hah, yeah, there are a few of such shops that are in fact based in Sweden but sell to Denmark as well. 00.54.47 # Yeah, i've noticed 00.54.57 # can you dual boot the itunes ware with rockbox? 00.55.11 # I might as well try buying the thing :P 00.55.26 # It's really very expensive though 00.55.29 # Prolly wont work, though 00.55.42 # Twist: Yes. 00.55.49 # I'd probably try finding an iaudio second-hand somewhere 00.56.02 # rasher: dba.dk gives virtually nothing there 00.56.03 # thanks, im haveing a looky at the manual 00.56.22 # Bjerrk: Yeah, no one's selling, it seems 00.56.46 # rasher: Because the device is simply too nice to ever part with. Now i want it even more. 00.57.16 Quit spiorf_ ("Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)") 00.57.46 # You could get 4 sansa E250 for the price of that X5 00.57.59 # Geez... 00.58.08 # On the other hand, i don't want them :P 00.58.37 # No wait, 3. 00.58.48 # But i could also get a wifi capable, linux based portable multimedia player for that price.. 00.59.08 # With a shorter battery life than a Rockbox'd ipod video.... 00.59.15 # Bjerrk: where do you find one of those? 00.59.16 # Nah 00.59.46 # iamben: http://www.archos.com/store/psearch.html?prod_id=archos604wifi for example 01.00.04 # but i still think that it's some TiVoised evil piece of crap. 01.00.17 # ive got a gp2x now 01.00.27 # To get the alarm clock feature to work will i need to leave my ipod on all night, since i do not have a dock and this whole idea was to eleiminate haveing to leave my pc running.. 01.00.30 # its open source but they aren't so good about upgrades 01.00.44 Quit lee-qid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.00.48 # iamben: Isn't the gp2x mostly for gamers? 01.00.51 # (brb) 01.00.52 Quit robin0800 (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The professional IRC Client :D") 01.00.56 # Twist: The alarm clock should work even if the ipod is turned off. Assuming it works in the first place. 01.01.03 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 01.01.08 # At least, that's my understanding of it. 01.01.11 # well it plays games/emulators, but also does xvid/divx playback 01.01.13 # ok well i can only try it and see huh 01.01.14 # Twist: No. The alarm feature turns your ipod off and uses the RTC chip to turn it on at the set time. 01.01.27 # thanks 01.01.43 # only downside for video is that it has no hdd, SD only, so it won't hold a big library or anything 01.01.44 # Twist: you could test it now (set it to go off in a few minutes) 01.01.51 # and it will play a given mp3 or wav? 01.02.00 # not installed atm 01.02.06 Quit ctaylorr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.02.18 # You'll need to enable the "resume on startup" option. I think it's now somewhere like General Settings -> System -> Start Screen 01.02.41 # (I think...) Hopefully the manual describes it. 01.02.59 # will have a look 01.03.26 Quit Galois (Remote closed the connection) 01.03.32 Join Galois [0] (i=djao@efnet-math.org) 01.04.05 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 01.04.08 # ok found it thankyou once again >< 01.04.11 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 01.05.48 # iamben: SD only? So you can't have anymore than a couple GB of files on it at once? 01.06.17 # well they make 8G SD now 01.06.29 # iamben: how's the runtime? 01.06.39 # and in theory, you can carry 10 SD cards with you... but yeah, a hard drive would've been nice 01.06.39 # I'd like at least 25 GBs.. :/ 01.06.50 # its got usb host functionality if you can carry an external HDD around =) 01.07.01 # markun: runtime? 01.07.13 # iamben: battery rintime.. 01.07.16 # *run 01.07.17 # iamben: how many hours before you need to recharge 01.07.30 # Bjerrk: 5 hours or so average 01.07.40 # but it uses AA, so you can carry extra sets of those too =) 01.08.29 # You'd have to carrey a backpack for all those extras 01.08.44 # 5 hours.. that's not too great. 01.09.05 # it came w/ a little velvet pouch that i can fit 4 AA & a few sd cards easy 01.09.18 # iamben: and is that with video and games? If so, I think that playing mp3's will last a lot longer. 01.09.26 # but yeah, for just a movie player there are better options 01.09.39 # markun: true, didnt think of that 01.09.43 # 5 hours for movies would not be bad 01.09.44 # yeah 5 hours is for video or gaming, for mp3 the screen would be off so it'd be a lot higher 01.09.59 # and much lower cpu usage i suppose 01.10.43 # its got an arm940 @ 200mhz, i think the mp3 player by default clocks it down to 100mhz or so 01.10.53 Quit ender` (" The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it. -- George Carlin") 01.11.09 # and for cpu-intensive games you can crank it to 250mhz or so 01.11.22 # iamben: Okay, let's cut to the bone: what does it cost? :P 01.11.48 # mine was $200USD several months ago 01.11.59 # iamben: Is it 100% open source? i.e. including all the low-level hardware drivers? 01.12.17 # i think they are more easily available over in europe 01.12.48 # linuxstb_: its linux based, and i don't think they had to write many drivers if any 01.13.04 # yeah i know at least one guy around here who has one.. 01.13.11 # but stuff they DID write, like a highly optimized mplayer port, is open sourced 01.14.11 # Sounds nice, but the missing hard drive is very much a turnoff :P 01.14.56 # what device is this? 01.15.02 # gp2x 01.15.17 # i believe they market it as a gaming console, just happens to playback vids too 01.17.49 Quit linuxstb_ ("CGI:IRC") 01.18.45 # Aaand suddenly I receive mails from the last 8 hours 01.19.46 # tubes got clogged 01.22.49 # It's funny how hard it is to find i a decent mp3 player 01.24.01 # ok everythings done ivegot myself some mp3's on there. ive set a wake up time but the ipod didnt switch offf. 01.24.06 # can i just turn it off? 01.24.31 # YEs 01.24.34 # ok.. 01.24.49 # rasher: What do you think of this: http://www.pixmania.com/dk/dk/571509/art/archos/multimedieafspiller-605-w.html ? 01.25.32 # Actually, i meant this one: http://www.pixmania.com/dk/dk/450782/art/archos/multimedie-afspiller-604.html 01.26.00 Part n1s 01.26.18 # Well it won't run Rockbox. It's also a PMP rather than a music player, but that might not be a problem. I guess it's not really on-topic for this channel 01.26.36 # But I'm sure it's probably a decent device 01.27.37 # Well, i guess you're right about the OT-ness. 01.27.43 # ok powerd off set to 00:30 01.27.49 # Hm, i better get some sleep. 01.27.52 # just a waiting game i guess 01.28.15 # g'night all.. 01.28.20 # night 01.28.23 Quit Bjerrk ("Dead Men Tell No Tales") 01.30.07 # whay 01.30.10 # thanks guys 01.30.13 # im off to bed 01.32.13 # ill be back 01.32.20 Quit Twist ("Leaving") 01.39.10 Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-0-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 01.39.15 Quit bdgraue (Remote closed the connection) 01.39.20 Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) 01.43.28 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 01.46.37 Join jhulst__ [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-0-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 01.55.27 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.55.58 Quit jhulst_ (Connection timed out) 01.56.33 Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 01.56.44 Quit H10_007quick (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.57.01 Quit HellDragon (Remote closed the connection) 01.57.28 Join HellDragon [0] (n=Nocebo@unaffiliated/helldragon) 02.02.31 Quit desowin ("use linux") 02.03.04 Quit iamben (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.04.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.11.32 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.11.33 Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 02.11.47 Join H10_007quick [0] (n=chatzill@mnet-ki-244-78-181.monarch.net) 02.11.59 Quit H10_007quick (Client Quit) 02.12.30 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) 02.12.32 Join Shaid [0] (i=shaid@203-214-125-189.dyn.iinet.net.au) 02.16.10 Nick jhulst__ is now known as jhulst (n=jhulst@c-71-205-0-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 02.16.26 # Llorean: How serious are we about the "proper English" rule in the forums? Thinking about this one: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12319.0 02.18.29 # rasher: The primary concern is abbreviations like that 'btw' there, yes. 02.18.45 # Basically anything that would confuse someone trying to look up words in a dictionary. 02.19.10 # Technical abbreviations like "FPS" are, to my mind at least, different simply because they're almost a term in their own right these days. 02.19.37 Quit ompaul (Remote closed the connection) 02.20.01 # Okay, I'll leave it to you to mention it to him if you deem it necessary. 02.26.39 Join iamben [0] (n=ben@dpc67142179038.direcpc.com) 02.28.38 Part pixelma 02.32.55 Join ctaylorr [0] (n=ctaylorr@CPE001839ae25b4-CM0011aea4a276.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 02.43.54 Join Shaid` [0] (i=shaid@203-214-125-189.dyn.iinet.net.au) 02.47.09 Join Bagder_ [0] (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 02.50.29 Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.01.54 Quit Shaid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.01.55 Nick Shaid` is now known as Shaid (i=shaid@203-214-125-189.dyn.iinet.net.au) 03.04.49 Quit Bagder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.05.30 Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@user-1120c1k.dsl.mindspring.com) 03.10.58 # I am having a problem with my patch 03.11.24 # patch: **** malformed patch at line 12: @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ 03.11.24 Quit miepchen^schlaf ("Verlassend") 03.11.37 Quit sarixe ("Peace") 03.14.09 # I have check the line and it is correct 03.15.19 # 101 means the line right? 03.16.10 Join H10_007quick [0] (n=chatzill@mnet-ki-244-78-181.monarch.net) 03.16.15 Quit H10_007quick (Client Quit) 03.17.25 # jac0b: I don't know much about the syntax, but how was the patch generated 03.18.30 # svn diff 03.19.35 # Surprising.. I really don't know 03.20.08 # Can you perhaps put the patch on pastebin? 03.22.27 # http://pastebin.com/d52bc7f21 03.23.08 # it is a sync up on the button swap patch 03.23.35 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6920 03.23.50 # Could it be a line-ending issue? 03.23.55 # Which platform are you on? 03.24.38 Quit x1jmp (Remote closed the connection) 03.24.55 # windows 03.25.31 Join Phalangees [0] (n=kyle@adsl-76-199-167-170.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) 03.26.39 # I really have no idea, sorry. 03.27.46 # thanks for the help 03.30.30 # hey all 03.30.33 # Anyone around? 03.30.43 # How do you use SANSA with Linux how do you mount the damn device? :S 03.31.32 # you have to put your sansa in MSD and not MTP 03.31.36 # oh 03.31.38 # how do you do that 03.31.51 # in settings? 03.31.54 # whats MTP and MSD :S 03.32.05 # MTP is the windows protocol 03.32.12 # oh 03.32.16 # and MSD = Mass Storage Device 03.32.19 # ahh 03.32.19 # ok 03.32.34 # found it thank u 03.32.34 # :) 03.32.34 # which I think is compatiable with most OS's 03.32.41 # ya.. its compatible with windows 03.32.51 Join Chewie[] [0] (n=chewie@24-236-182-178.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com) 03.32.51 # why do they even have that crappy protocol :) 03.32.54 # should be default as storage device 03.33.03 # yes it should 03.33.15 # ok 03.33.20 # how do you reset it if it crashes 03.33.21 # :) 03.33.28 # it crashed with the original firmwaer 03.33.34 # didnt know how to rset it 03.33.42 # hold down the power button for 15 seconds 03.34.30 # wow 03.34.35 # alot of weird messages coming from fdisk 03.35.00 # about partition places 03.35.03 # is that normal? 03.35.21 Part jac0b 03.37.20 # hrm ok im sorry i found it in the docuemntation 03.37.23 # i missed the top part 03.40.00 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 03.42.07 Join datasleep [0] (n=datachil@217-208-144-87-no75.tbcn.telia.com) 03.42.10 Quit datachild (Nick collision from services.) 03.48.48 # hey all 03.48.52 # why doesnt the Music folder appear 03.48.53 # on rockbox 03.49.38 # Is it possible for rockbox to detect two buttons being hit at once? 03.49.46 # :( 03.49.56 # like holding up and left at the same time 03.50.02 # My Linux drive sees the music folder.. but not rockbox. 03.53.29 # set rockbox to show all folders 03.53.39 # hrm 03.53.42 # ok 03.55.48 # umm 03.55.52 # sensa is onkyy 15 bit color 03.56.05 # hrm 03.57.43 # EnterUserName: Please don't do a lot of lines with like "hrm" and "umm", the channel is logged and it makes them much more frustrating to read through and such. 04.00.20 Quit jhulst (No route to host) 04.01.51 Part Battousai ("Time makes no sense") 04.04.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.08.50 Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) 04.19.45 Quit BHSPitMonkey ("Leaving") 04.20.20 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@ 04.20.59 Quit witz (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.22.07 Join witz [0] (n=witz@unaffiliated/witz) 04.22.42 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c58-109-97-210.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) 04.22.47 Join H10_007quick [0] (n=chatzill@mnet-ki-244-78-181.monarch.net) 04.22.51 Quit H10_007quick (Client Quit) 04.28.11 Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@pool-68-239-217-158.nwrk.east.verizon.net) 04.32.09 # can anyone let me know how rockbox album art works 04.32.11 # if you have the patch 04.32.17 Quit qweru ("KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'") 04.32.38 Quit aliask ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 04.34.53 # nevernmind 04.34.57 # nevermidn foudn wicki :) 04.36.47 Quit BHSPitMonkey (Connection timed out) 04.38.47 Quit witz (Connection timed out) 04.41.04 Join n17ikh|Lappy [0] (n=n17ikh@c-76-23-98-11.hsd1.sc.comcast.net) 04.45.34 Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@206-159-155-246.netsync.net) 04.48.00 Quit sarixe ("Peace") 04.56.44 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@c-71-205-0-132.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 04.59.01 Join jrbil [0] (i=18567866@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d3812d0102888575) 05.00.52 Join H10_007quick [0] (n=chatzill@mnet-ki-244-78-181.monarch.net) 05.01.00 Quit H10_007quick (Client Quit) 05.03.57 # hi all 05.04.00 # what is the commandl ine 05.04.01 # to use ffmpeg 05.04.07 # for linux for mpegplayer 05.05.06 # anyone with e200 experience online? 05.05.14 Quit mbr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.05.47 # Well i just installed 05.05.56 # so i have tiny little experience :) 05.06.33 # i'm having trouble with building a working sansapatcher from SVN 05.06.50 # do you have 2 garbled lines at the top of your screen? 05.06.51 # Oh i didnt do it from scratch 05.06.57 # i used custom build 05.07.02 # adn they have fixes for it.. 05.07.13 # I think there's a patch to fix that 05.07.17 # where did you find the fixes? 05.07.30 # i'm trying to patch a patch that i found. 05.07.48 # i'm curious where you found your custom build. 05.08.03 # maybe somebodies already got a better patch. 05.09.23 # Oh 05.09.25 # its on The Forums 05.09.29 # under unsupported builds 05.10.04 # do you know a good bitrate 05.10.08 # for mpegs? 05.10.39 Join Numb3rs [0] (n=xmusiclo@pool-96-232-54-116.nycmny.east.verizon.net) 05.11.19 # can someone please help me how to put the plugins into my ipod? 05.11.39 # EnterUserName: This may be helpful if you are trying to get video onto your sansa http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer#How_to_encode_files 05.12.07 Quit Merthsoft ("Leaving") 05.12.25 # Numb3rs: What plugins? Most of them are included by default 05.12.35 # even album art? 05.12.46 # That's a patch, not a plugin 05.13.31 Join webguest62 [0] (i=3fe6e0fa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-424e38300acf42b4) 05.13.47 # Hi guys, I need some help 05.13.56 # I can't find ipod_fw.exe 05.14.50 # webguest62: None of our instructions should say to use it... 05.15.18 Quit webguest62 (Client Quit) 05.15.33 Join xNumb3rsx [0] (n=xmusiclo@pool-96-232-50-87.nycmny.east.verizon.net) 05.15.54 Join Pamacii [0] (n=Toby@cpe-066-057-042-161.nc.res.rr.com) 05.17.56 # woo hoo its working 05.20.55 Quit GodEater (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.21.45 # oh my gosh 05.21.48 # myc over art is working 05.21.49 # woo hoo 05.22.31 # EnterUserName: Please, read the channel guidelines. 05.23.45 Quit Phalangees ("ZZZzzzzz") 05.26.21 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 05.30.13 Join H10_007quick [0] (n=chatzill@mnet-ki-244-78-181.monarch.net) 05.30.13 Quit jrbil ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 05.30.22 Quit H10_007quick (Client Quit) 05.32.28 # anyone know how to install games into a Generation 5.5 ipod video? 05.33.00 Quit Numb3rs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.34.39 # xNumb3rsx: what games? they should be installed by default 05.37.13 Join korndub [0] (n=kdqegyj@c-68-54-3-36.hsd1.nm.comcast.net) 05.37.32 # anyone have any tips on improving battery life on winpod 30g rockbox current build? 05.38.49 # korndub: turn of database if you are using it 05.39.06 # and what codec are you using primarily? 05.40.06 # i use mp3 05.40.24 # if i turn off database howw ill it work? 05.43.01 # BigMac: i use Mp3 what do you mean turn off database? 05.43.45 # Sorry, korndub , my kid is sick brb 05.44.06 # it's explained in the docs 05.44.18 # I don't remember the details but it will work without database 05.45.41 # korndub: Ok back. Do you sync your files via iTunes? 05.46.33 # Jhulst: i mean how can i install more games for free? 05.46.50 Join ApooMaha [0] (i=4b596eb2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9f0b4d1a8f7560b7) 05.47.52 # hi, im over on the irc channel because i need to be granted permission to edit the wiki? 05.47.54 # which is quicker ffmpeg or mencoder? 05.48.02 # for rockbox.. 05.48.07 # i use winff 05.48.12 # im a linux user.. 05.48.18 # huh 05.48.24 # i cant use winff.. 05.48.38 # wait 05.48.39 # i can 05.48.40 # so i have ported a theme from the video to the nano and i need to put it in the wiki 05.48.45 # BigMac: i dont sync with itunes....i manually update music... 05.48.56 # some sort of permission thing? 05.49.01 # help? 05.49.03 # korndub: then turn it off 05.49.13 # who, me? 05.49.46 # as youve probably noticed, im new on the irc channels 05.50.09 # ? 05.50.25 # hi, im over on the irc channel because i need to be granted permission to edit the wiki? 05.50.39 # ApooMaha: Should have access 05.50.47 # *now 05.51.43 # xNumb3rsx: As far as I know, there aren't any other games that you can put on, unless there are some in the patch tracker 05.52.46 Quit ApooMaha ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 05.53.16 # ok 05.54.13 Join webguest36 [0] (i=4b596eb2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8164aca10e729e96) 05.54.22 Quit webguest36 (Client Quit) 05.54.37 Join ApooMaha [0] (i=4b596eb2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5f8d29d07b1312d5) 05.54.44 Quit ApooMaha (Client Quit) 05.54.58 # what kind of battery life is expected for 30 gb ipod? 05.54.59 Join perrikwp [0] (n=chatzill@ 05.57.48 # korndub: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome?topic=IpodRuntime 06.00.44 # jhulst: thanks 06.01.02 Quit HellDragon (Client Quit) 06.03.38 Join HellDragon [0] (n=Nocebo@unaffiliated/helldragon) 06.04.16 Quit BigMac (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.04.53 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.05.28 Join BigMac [0] (n=BigMac@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) 06.07.37 Quit korndub ("Changing servers") 06.13.46 Join RudMan [0] (n=RudMan@ool-182fb504.dyn.optonline.net) 06.19.44 # I'm registered at rockbox.org - can someone enable me for write permission in the wiki? 06.23.37 # RudMan: What's your wiki name? 06.23.43 # robertmahoney 06.24.19 # anyone know about the maintainer of rockbox-themes? the upload is busted and there is no response to email 06.24.47 # yup...blame me 06.26.07 # RudMan: Did you register for wiki access? I don't see your name on it 06.28.03 # grrr - I'm such an idiot. I asked the question before I realized that registering for the wiki is different than registering for the forums.....I've registered for the wiki and am awaiting the activation email. Sorry 06.28.56 # scorche: the upload errors out saying the email is not valid 06.28.57 # RudMan: No problem, once you get activated I think you should have write permission, if not, come back and ask 06.29.05 # thanks 06.29.11 # i know exactly what is wrong 06.33.20 # cool.....so I'll be able to upload in- what - 5 minutes? 06.33.22 # :) 06.38.00 Quit xNumb3rsx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.58.28 # no...i dont currently have the time to fix it, and i am waiting on a file from the admin of the site's local copy 06.58.41 Join witz [0] (n=witz@unaffiliated/witz) 07.03.09 # damn 07.03.19 # your site is really useful 07.04.36 # it isnt my site, and i am making the new official rockbox theme respository which will pretty much do away with the purpose of that site 07.04.38 # I hope you can find the time soon - I have a few themes to upload 07.04.46 # cool 07.05.51 Quit DogBoy ("Leaving") 07.06.13 Quit Chewie[] ("z") 07.13.58 Quit RudMan ("Leaving") 07.25.03 Quit midgey () 07.25.23 Quit jhulst (No route to host) 07.43.48 Quit amiconn (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Like it? Visit #hydrairc on EFNet") 07.44.30 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD76F8.dip.t-dialin.net) 07.54.03 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ 07.59.00 Part toffe82 07.59.19 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ 08.01.01 Join ddalton [0] (n=daniel@203-214-50-20.dyn.iinet.net.au) 08.01.41 Join webguest07 [0] (i=c023110b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-405ef1d8abe7a649) 08.04.16 Join hidden212 [0] (i=d15edb04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6aaee064ab9d859f) 08.04.57 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.05.06 # has anyone actally done a battery bench on the e200? 08.05.47 # the e200 needs a lot of work for the battery runtime 08.06.14 # (he knows...he is a dev...) 08.06.59 # is there any interests in making the Rockbox environment more iconic and 3D 08.07.05 # yeah, I just saw a comment in the forums saying its up to 12h now, and i realised mine will not be used for the next 27 and its got full batt so may as weel do a proper test 08.07.34 # hidden212: not really, but that isnt saying a patch wouldnt be welcomed by some 08.07.59 # cool 08.12.37 Join GodEater [0] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 08.13.14 # i really wasnt thinking that the cup would get there before the others... 08.13.34 # You can only really do that with the main menu anyway, but a start would be simply using the existing iconset and displaying it on a novel way. 08.14.16 # hmmm that's true 08.14.28 # * GodEater thinks he may have wandered into an interesting conversation 08.15.11 # it is possible to also make them glossy and stylistic 08.15.13 # pfffft 08.15.45 # they will be displayed however they are drawn... 08.16.00 # hidden212: The existing icons are customizable... they can look however the themer wants them to look. 08.16.06 # but which is better to study if i want to fully develop Rockbox: Computer science or information technology 08.16.09 # What you'd be doing is creating alternative methods of displaying the already themable icons. 08.16.30 # well, those are broad terms, really 08.16.34 # As it is you can display the main menu as text-only or text-with-icons, a third option would be icon-only. 08.17.02 # that's true 08.20.00 # it might work well with scrollwheel targets 08.20.46 # * amiconn really doesn't get it... 08.21.12 # icon only wouldnt work... 08.21.17 # JdGordon: It would for the main menu 08.21.21 # but showing them in a grid instead of a list might be nice 08.21.34 Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 08.21.43 # I'm not talking about a list of icons, I did mention that they'd have to be displayed in a different way. 08.22.38 # well... seen as almost all the gui uses the same list wigdet there is no rea reason why it couldnt be prettied up a fair bt.. if osmeone cold be bothered 08.22.38 # JdGordon: I think it would reduce usability, except *maybe* on targets with cursor cross + separate select 08.23.01 # yeah, maybe 08.23.17 # not really 08.23.20 # amiconn: Unfortunately, a lot of our users favour "pretty" over "usable" 08.23.30 # that's true 08.23.54 # * scorche wonders why so many people dislike text 08.23.57 # Llorean: Yeah, and that's one thing I don't get. If they want it pretty but useless, they should use the original firmware 08.23.59 # it would attract more attention and users 08.24.01 # how do I zip something on cygwin? 08.24.04 # like a dir? 08.24.05 # And making our interface at least look a little more "modern" by their standards, since how it looks is *obviously* more important than what it can do in judging it, might be nice. 08.24.23 # ddalton: Everything in cygwin is accessible through explorer too. 08.24.41 # ok what about on linux how would you do it? 08.24.50 # just out of quriosity. 08.24.51 # amiconn: One simple step we could do toward making it usable is on color targets making the default icons colored, so it doesn't look B&W any more (to the people who don't notice the light blue) 08.24.58 # scorche: icons are good because they are recognised faster than text.. if they are big enough 08.24.59 # ddalton: but if you really want to do it "zip newzipfile.zip dir1/" 08.25.12 # ddalton: Use the zip command 08.25.55 Part toffe82 08.26.14 # users will welcome a more "iconic and graphical" environment 08.26.17 # My impression about how many products are made today is that they're designed to death, disregarding functionality. And imho rockbox is about functionality 08.27.05 # hidden212: is that your guess, or have you taken a large poll? ;) 08.27.11 # amiconn: Doesn't mean we can't add some glitz in if someone submits a patch for it, and it doesn't hurt much. 08.27.24 # hidden212: Ah, but the people we want to attract most are developers. :-P 08.27.25 # but rockbox will definitely not loose functionality anytime soon 08.27.52 # amiconn: Would you have a problem with color icons by default on color targets, like these: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/pub/Main/IconSets/custom_icons.6x8x16.bmp 08.28.13 # hidden212: A fairly large group of rockbox users will be in strong opposition to your statement - the blind users 08.28.30 # you are right 08.29.03 # amiconn: If it were an alternate display of the same widget, it could still use the old voice strings. 08.29.04 # Llorean: we cant really d that bcause the default icons need to work for all background colours... which a coloured set might not 08.29.07 # and they're a pretty vocal bunch too 08.29.20 # JdGordon: The default icons already don't work for black backdrops. 08.29.27 # And I mostly dislike this talk about design because it distracts developers from working on the basics 08.29.32 # but Rockbox has always been about functionality... it will never loose scope if a side trip to developing a stylistic environ is taken 08.29.37 # JdGordon: We could simply include a theme for the mono-icons, but default to colored ones. 08.29.40 # Llorean: the do unless the forground is black also 08.29.42 # And many of the basics aren't working right yet on swcodec 08.29.46 Quit Shaid (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.30.04 # GodEater: How do I make it include the sub dirs and the files inside the directory? 08.30.08 # * JdGordon goned 08.30.17 # with the zip command? 08.30.21 # ddalton: it should do that with the command I gave you 08.30.44 # ah no 08.30.48 # add a * at the end 08.30.53 # Llorean: An icon grid changes navigation, and a list is easier to navigate (regarding icon menu and blind users) 08.31.05 # so I am in my home dir and I type the command and get it to run on submit dir but only submit is in the zip file. 08.31.09 # ddalton: so "zip somefile.zip dir1/*" 08.31.14 # and no files in that 08.31.22 # amiconn: Ah, I wasn't envisioning a grid. I was still thinking linear navigation of some sort. 08.31.26 # ok then 08.31.27 # thanks 08.31.40 # Though with a grid, you could still do next-column or next-line wrapping. 08.31.57 # True, but what advantage would it have then? 08.32.11 # perhaps it could be like the e200 menu system? 08.32.14 # is anyone actually thinking of implementing this, or are we just blowing hot air again ? 08.32.41 # * GodEater is siding with amiconn, and doesn't want the menu changed. 08.32.41 # * scorche votes for the latter 08.32.49 # The list has the big pro that if you don't recognise what the icon means (and it *is* difficult to make icons with a clear meaning) you have the text 08.33.13 # which is a very good point 08.33.21 # I don't think the graphical menu should ever be on by default. 08.33.29 # But I don't see why it couldn't be an option. 08.33.43 # I think the main-menu icons are mostly recognizable, and could be learned in about one go. 08.33.54 # * scorche laments for binary size 08.33.58 # nothing is going to change 08.34.12 # we are adding graphic outlike as an option 08.34.23 # *who* is adding it ? 08.34.32 # Rockbox is always about providing customizable choice features 08.34.39 # and adding things increase the binary size 08.34.46 # hidden212: that's not what it's about to me 08.34.48 # hidden212: No, it's really about audio functionality. 08.35.02 # scorche: I think a basic icon-only view could be added with a minimal binary size change. 08.35.07 # As long as nobody got too fancy 08.35.39 # Llorean: I have icons enabled, but in fact I always use the text to navigate, seeing the icons just as a kind of list bullets. When looking closely, several of the icons are misleading to me 08.35.45 # rockbox has good audio functionality compared to many OF 08.35.55 # is anyone interested in committing p6138 and it requires p7647? 08.36.09 # Well, 2 to b eprecise 08.36.10 # amiconn: I agree, I'm just saying I don't see it as too problematic to cater a little to the graphical interface crowd, if it can be done somewhat efficiently. 08.36.28 # "Settings" and "System" 08.36.36 # That one is problematic. 08.36.42 # I think with larger icons it wouldn't be. 08.36.50 # Gears for Settings, a picture of a player for System, perhaps 08.37.01 # It doesn't have to do with icon sizes 08.37.15 # System is slightly misleading, as a name, anyway 08.37.18 # a picture of a Radio for Radio (obviously) 08.37.24 # an icon grid could actually be faster to navigate for sighted users 08.37.26 # Since there's a system menu under Settings too. 08.37.34 # The best association I saw so far for settings are two slider knobs in different positions 08.37.49 # The current icon means "menu" to me, but not settings 08.37.56 # settings are often depicted as a spanner 08.37.58 # LinusN: How? 08.38.04 # like "tools" 08.38.24 # amiconn: because you can reach an item with less keypresses 08.38.58 # I doubt that... 08.39.05 # simple math really 08.39.06 # It's mathematically guaranteed. 08.39.42 # It depends on how many buttons are available, and how you can map them to a grid in an intuitive way 08.40.10 # And a grid has another disadvantage: it only looks good with a square number of items. But the number of items in the main menu is variable 08.40.11 # amiconn: As long as it's done properly, you'll still never need *more* buttons 08.40.17 # amiconn: of course, it's not suitable for all targets 08.40.18 # Err, more presses 08.40.23 # It varies by target, and on some targets it even varies dynamically 08.40.42 # amiconn: you said you didn't care about the looks :-) 08.40.43 # (radio detection) 08.40.52 # rockbox with a graphic environ option would be no different from.... say... a nokia 6230 08.41.14 # i think that is kind of our point... 08.41.19 # LinusN: I didn't say that 08.41.29 # If you use next-line wrapping on left/right, you can just make the last "row" of icons the uneven one, and space it as best you can. 08.41.36 # what about a slideshow-type menu? 08.41.40 # * amiconn hates the Nokia menus 08.41.48 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 08.43.22 # Of course, you'd also have to deal with icons too large to fit the grid to the screen. 08.43.23 # is it possible to return to the default iconset without resetting everything at start up? And if so - how ? 08.43.25 # LinusN: I surely have nothing against a nice look, but currently it annoys me because many of the basics are incomplete or broken on swcodec 08.43.30 # Such as on an H10 5gb with large icons. 08.43.58 # GodEater: There should be a theme for it, I thought 08.44.20 # i firmly believe it is possible (on the targets with large color displays and 4-direction navigation) to implement a both good-looking and efficient gui 08.44.50 # but i agree with amiconn that we need to fix the basics before working on "rubbish" ;-) 08.45.00 # this is a good conversation... unfortunately i g2g 08.45.06 # Llorean: That would be the fault of the theme designer then 08.45.33 # amiconn: Yeah, but it'd still be nice if it could accept larger than necessary icons. Or adjust the grid safely based on icon size. 08.45.48 # Either way, 's something for the future. 08.46.00 # definitely 08.46.03 # the next time around, i would like to discuss ways in which rockbox can attract more devs to contribute 08.46.28 # * JdGordon knows how to kill he topic... (although i may be too late) 08.46.39 # the current scroll code wont work for any other "menu" system 08.46.57 # * amiconn has the impression that the things-to-fix list is constantly growing instead of shrinking 08.47.17 # viewports... 08.47.24 # amiconn: you are probably right 08.47.36 # Okay, maybe partially my fault, because I added the 1st/2nd gen port... 08.47.42 # :-) 08.47.58 # * amiconn reminds LinusN of radio detection for X5/X5V 08.48.08 # ...and the oldlcd player thing 08.48.09 # amiconn: do you have a clue regarding the apparent ipod instability that's being reported? 08.48.51 # It's only the nano afaik. I suspect it's an ata issue, but I can't fix that myself as I would need a nano for experimentation 08.48.58 # * LinusN has very little rockbox time nowadays 08.49.01 # (preferably one that shows the problem) 08.49.24 Join gtkspert_ [0] (n=gtkspert@gateless.info) 08.49.26 # amiconn: i hear about freezing on video 80GB too 08.49.56 # speaking of the nano... 08.50.02 # Well, it doesn't freeze completely. I observed that myself. Music continues, but the UI is frozen 08.50.11 # amiconn: nasty 08.50.13 Join Siku [0] (n=Siku@f303b.w3.tontut.fi) 08.50.18 # is rockbox on the nano 2 gen impossible? 08.50.26 # no 08.50.28 # nothing is impossible, per say 08.51.00 # Yeah, but it is most probably unrelated to the clock setup changes, because a few cases were already reported in May, shortly after adding support for the 5.5/80 08.51.09 # i noticed on the ipodstatus twiki it says it requires a new port 08.51.28 # and it is correct 08.51.32 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 08.52.41 # amiconn: so it could still be an ata issue? 08.54.34 # I doubt that it's ata on the 5.5 08.54.55 # I'd rather think it might have to do with the broadcom chip 08.55.19 Quit Rick ("I don't need to be here.") 08.55.23 # I need to ask pixelma, iirc she even read about problems on the 5.5/30, before we supported the 80 08.56.36 # LinusN: Do you use your 5.0/60 much these days? 08.56.37 Quit hidden212 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 08.56.39 Quit hcs ("Leaving.") 08.56.56 # amiconn: occasionally 08.57.41 # Hmm. Did you experience this kind of freezing on the 5.0? 08.57.54 # not yet 08.58.02 # Recent build? 08.58.48 # hmmm, 2-3 weeks or so 08.58.56 # * amiconn tries to update his targets at least once per week 08.59.00 # LinusN: Btw, if it were ata, I doubt the music would continue... 08.59.16 # ok, so it continues to fill the buffer as well? 08.59.41 # On the Nano, when there aren't crashes, you get corrupted audio even. 09.00.04 # Llorean: Yes, the nano issue most probably is ata 09.00.16 # I was just pointing out, the symptoms are really quite different. 09.00.48 Join Rick [0] (i=rick@pool-96-229-91-46.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) 09.01.21 # what is wrong with the indenting at http://pastebin.ca/raw/668895 09.01.49 # I have written a simple c program because I am trying to get my text editor emacs to do the indenting properly. 09.02.04 Quit gtkspert (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.02.26 # ddalton: the brace indenting is a little odd 09.02.44 # hmmm I will have another look at this email. 09.02.52 # so is everything else ok? 09.03.00 # ddalton: otherwise it looks fine to me 09.03.12 # what about the line int x, y 09.03.23 # int x, y; I mean.' 09.03.24 # ddalton: yep, looks fine too 09.03.35 # ok good just got to figure this out. 09.04.25 # * GodEater is amazed ddalton takes so much time over something which basically offers him no help at all, but is really good for sighted programmers only 09.04.29 # LinusN: Not sure, but I think it does 09.04.40 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.dsl.t-2.net) 09.05.02 # * amiconn needs to flip the whole powermgmt thread logic around :/ 09.05.23 # well I have to do it to have any chance of getting my code excepted in to rockbox. And I really need to stop getting other people to fix it for me. 09.05.38 # Actually it might help me later when I use a braille display. 09.05.43 # but yeah your right. 09.07.06 # is it possible to right some sort of script that could fix my braces? 09.07.16 # on linux? 09.09.34 # ddalton: such scripts already exist 09.09.45 # ddalton: there is a program called simply "indent" which does the job 09.09.56 # ddalton: however I've not used it personally, so I don't know how good it is 09.10.06 Join davina [0] (n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 09.10.27 # rasher: around? 09.10.36 Join B4gder [0] (n=daniel@static-213-115-255-230.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se) 09.12.00 Nick gtkspert_ is now known as gtkspert (n=gtkspert@gateless.info) 09.14.08 Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@m103h.studby.ntnu.no) 09.14.50 # amiconn: what about the power management? 09.15.19 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 09.16.12 # Currently the powermgmt thread has most of the battery calculation in the outer loop (the thread function itself), and calls a "sleep" function which is only left once perminute (or twice for software charging) 09.16.23 # This inner loop function does event processing etc 09.17.17 # For target treeifying I need to flip this, so the thread function does the event processing etc, and calls the calculation stuff once or twice per minute 09.17.25 # aha 09.17.37 # Then the calculation for software charging can be moved to the recorder tree 09.18.01 # I also found that the poweroff handling is kinda strange 09.18.10 # ddalton: using this command line "indent -bl -bli0 -br -i4 -nut ddaltons_program.c" generates what I call acceptable indenting 09.18.41 # although perhaps one of our senior devs might like to fiddle with it a bit more to get it to conform to strict "Rockbox style" 09.18.46 # The powermgmt thread checks playback and radio status itself (but in 2 different ways), but recording is handled elsewhere (probably in recording) 09.18.49 # it seems extremely flexible 09.19.13 # I think the power "locking" could work in a similar way as cpu boosting 09.19.29 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 09.19.44 # The powermgmt thread would maintain a counter for the number of locks, and if that counter is zero, it starts counting down the shutdown timeout 09.20.13 Join avis [0] (n=avis@pdpc/supporter/student/avis) 09.20.15 # As soon as the lock count isn't zero, the countdown would be reset and put on hold 09.20.29 # does anyone know of a open source firmware for a ipod nano second generation ? 09.20.38 # i realize rockbox isn't supported for that ipod 09.20.41 # avis: there is none 09.20.44 # avis: no - there is none 09.20.47 # Then recording, playback, radio... would just lock/unlock depending on their state 09.20.48 # ok 09.21.07 # This mechanism could be easily reused for plugins: mpegplayer, video.rock... 09.22.14 # And it would be more modular than checking audio_status in powermgmt.... 09.22.15 # where do I type that command? 09.22.46 # ddalton: assuming you have "indent" installed, you type it in the directory where your .c file is that you'd like to have indented properly 09.22.56 # only replace ddaltons_program.c with your actual file name of course 09.23.04 # so from the command line in cygwin? not in emacs? 09.23.27 # ddalton: cygwin command line yes 09.23.32 # Opinions? 09.23.33 # emacs can re-indent too 09.23.34 # ddalton: assuming your cygwin install includes it 09.23.48 # B4gder: it looks like emacs uses that self same program 09.24.39 # GodEater: I don't have indent installed. What would it be under in the package selection in cygwin? Or do you know how I can install it? 09.25.06 # ddalton: sorry - not a cygwin user here :( 09.25.20 # ok so I type indent -bl -bli0 -br -i4 -nut my_test.c 09.25.26 # from the command line? 09.25.32 # ddalton: yes 09.27.32 # I wonder if google might be able to help me here. 09.27.40 # google often can 09.27.46 # yeah 09.28.15 # "cygwin indent" returns an indication that it *is* available for cygwin 09.28.25 # GodEater: what do you use? 09.31.19 # LinusN: Have such an UI freeze on 5.5/80 now. Music continues, will see whether it rebuffers 09.31.38 # Buttons also react in that they make the backlight light up, but nothing more 09.31.59 # Fortunately I am playing flac, so it has to rebuffer.... 09.32.05 # on google? 09.32.10 # or in cygwin 09.32.37 Quit avis (Remote closed the connection) 09.34.18 # ...and it just rebuffered. Music is still playing. So it can't be ATA. 09.35.06 Join kubiixaka [0] (n=Miranda@ip-89-103-17-41.karneval.cz) 09.35.16 # ddalton: that was my google query 09.35.20 Nick midkay_ is now known as midkay (n=midkay@c-24-19-236-139.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) 09.35.25 Join ie [0] (i=c27f0811@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-aa7d893f8ca71ba0) 09.35.28 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 09.36.17 # Hello. I have two questions about sansa. (1) Is the cable that sansa uses a standard one? I.e. one of its ends is just normal USB but the other? Is it also a standard? 09.36.25 # now I just need to figure out how to install it. I found it. 09.36.39 # ddalton: I'm sure you'll manage - you're a bright guy :) 09.36.52 # yeah 09.37.07 # (2) Is it possible to disable wheel light with RB? It brings me nothing (one can hardly miss it) and only consumes power. 09.37.30 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@ 09.37.52 # ie: It's nonstandard, and I believe you can disable the wheel light. 09.38.03 # At least, it didn't used to be enabled. So you should be able to. :) 09.39.17 # Llorean: do you mean that RB has a setting for this? 09.39.48 # I mean that I expect it does, I haven't looked. 09.40.06 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@pD952AF6D.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.41.51 Join haemmy [0] (i=sternsch@ 09.43.17 Quit freqmod (Remote closed the connection) 09.43.36 # Llorean: hmm, so, on your player the wheel doesn't light up? I'll look for a setting then. 09.45.04 # ie: No, it lights up on mine. 09.45.26 # It didn't used to. I haven't looked, but I'm pretty sure there's now a setting for it. 09.46.07 # amiconn: so it could be a main thread/button action issue? 09.46.17 # I don't think so 09.46.31 # I'm not pretty sure the main thread freezes in lcd_update() 09.46.53 # Backlight is handled by the button tick task + backlight thread, so it continues to function 09.47.07 # s/not/now/ 09.48.33 # Even baclight fading works properly 09.49.22 Join ninjai`primax [0] (n=primax@217-200-237.541210.adsl.tele2.no) 09.49.32 Quit MournBlade ("Her lips were wet with venom") 09.50.10 # hi 09.50.17 # i think i may be blind 09.50.31 # amiconn: you think it freezes in lcd_update? 09.50.38 # because i couldn't find any info on what directory to store the music in 09.50.47 # LinusN: yes 09.50.54 # ninjai`primax: you can store it anywhere you like 09.51.02 # oh 09.51.56 # amiconn: interesting, i didn't know that was possible 09.52.01 # And since the ipod video lcd update yields, all other threads continue to function 09.52.24 # It yields in the finishup 09.52.28 # amiconn: does it hang spontaneously, or do i have to provoke it? 09.52.43 # Spontaneously, but it may take a while 09.52.50 # i see 09.53.53 # is it time for me to chime in and say "This has still never happened to me on my 80GB" ? 09.55.07 Quit ddalton ("I was using BOFHNet IRC version 1.2 by fmillion - get your copy today from http://www.the-bofh.com/bofhnet/irc !") 09.55.11 Join ddalton [0] (n=daniel@203-214-50-20.dyn.iinet.net.au) 09.55.22 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF728C.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.55.29 # forums are in "wading through treacle" mode again I see 09.56.36 # Llorean: you still here ? 09.56.43 # No wonder video is so slow on ipod video.... 09.56.56 # lcd_yuv_blit() isn't optimised 09.57.14 # GodEater: Yes. 09.57.42 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.57.46 # what's your personal opinion on my last post in the "Tact and Diplomacy" thread? Do you have a maximum number of Experts you want in the forums ? 09.58.41 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e179059059.adsl.alicedsl.de) 09.59.16 # GodEater: we don't need more experts, we need less idiots :-P 09.59.22 # GodEater: I figured you were asking that, and I've been typing a response. 09.59.32 # ah ok - I shall await it then 09.59.36 # It should be there now 09.59.44 # it's just I think we have at least two other people in the forums who seem clueful 09.59.54 # Hm, which two? 09.59.58 # Chronon 10.00.02 # and LamdaCalculus 10.00.13 # There's also BigBambi. 10.00.16 # yeah him too 10.00.38 # I was going to say "he can be a bit abrupt though" and then thought, "pot, kettle" 10.00.42 # I'm a little bit uncertain about LambdaCalculus. I'll admit I'm not the most professional acting at times, but some of his comments seem to criticize the poster, rather than what they've said. 10.00.44 # linuxstb: would it be possible to change the "targetname" strings in ipodpatcher ? they dont match the targennames in rbutil.. :-) 10.00.44 # i like bigbambis response to the f40 guy: "Yes, oddly enough the instructions in the manual to restore the OF are correct." 10.01.00 # heheh 10.01.10 # Llorean: well if you thought about handing ANY of them a badge upgrade 10.01.17 # you could also explain you expect a bit more "professionalism" 10.01.49 # I have sent PMs with several of the Expert badges. 10.01.59 # my main point for bringing it up, is that those three seem to spend ALL their time in the forums 10.02.10 # rather than in here 10.02.10 Quit ie ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 10.02.19 Quit ninjai`primax ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: www.XLhost.de )") 10.02.22 # so they're not dividing their concentration if you see what I mean 10.02.25 # Yeah 10.02.33 # is there anyone here who knows about ini files? 10.02.53 # * Domonoky knows a bit about ini files.. :-) 10.03.01 # I don't really have any objection to handing them out Expert badges. I'll probably hand them out in the next day or two. 10.03.27 # ok If I upload my cygwin ini file can you edit it so it installs another package? 10.03.29 # cool 10.03.35 # I could do it in the next 30 seconds, but I'd like to check out each of their posting styles again so I can write personalized PMs. 10.03.39 # i absolutely *love* the Pen&Paper theme for 5G 10.03.45 # LinusN: me too :) 10.03.52 # he really went to town on it 10.03.53 # It's one of my favorites. 10.04.00 # I'm tempted to port it to a few of my targets. 10.04.02 # ddalton: sorry thats cygwin knowledge, i dont have.. :-) 10.04.06 # it actually made someone stop and ask me about it in the lift at work the other day 10.04.12 # ok then. 10.04.25 # I can't work out how to install a tar file. 10.04.27 # No opinions on the powerdown locking? 10.04.38 # I like the animated man waving at you when you're paused too 10.04.40 # nice touch 10.04.43 # amiconn: the what? 10.04.45 # amiconn: Powerdown locking? 10.04.58 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.05.01 # maybe I should just get a linux machine. 10.05.06 # GodEater: haha, i hadn't noticed! :-) 10.05.11 # 09:18 ff 10.05.43 # amiconn: For idle powerdown? 10.05.57 # Domonoky: Yes - grep is telling me that ipodpatcher isn't actually using targetname for anything... So feel free to change them if it will help rbutil. 10.06.15 # linuxstb: good, i will do.. 10.06.20 # amiconn: i think i would prefer a keep-alive mechanism instead of a lock 10.06.28 # why? 10.06.42 # It would need to be called in regular intervals.... 10.06.59 # then it isn't a lock, is it? 10.07.15 # No, I mean a keepalive mechanism 10.07.27 # then we agree :-) 10.07.32 # Hahaha 10.07.35 # hehehe 10.07.39 # Yes, but why is that better than a lock? 10.07.49 # Wouldn't a keepalive mean several things have to call the keepalive, or at least know that something else is doing so? 10.08.29 # i can only compare with how complicated the cpu boost locking has been 10.08.50 # a keepalive is more robust, since you don't have to remember to unlock 10.08.56 # amiconn: Maybe it would be sensible to add a timeout to that yield() loop in the ipod video lcd_update? 10.09.18 Join bascule [0] (i=86920006@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d1bc451a26a28edc) 10.09.26 # LinusN: hmm... 10.09.41 # linuxstb: Maybe, but I think it's more likely that we're doing something wrong 10.10.00 # amiconn: Something wrong in the lcd_update? 10.10.18 # I just searched the 5.5 OF disassembly for "characteristic" bcm addresses, and there's also a 0x30050000 which we don't use 10.10.40 # Maybe a timeout will fix the symptoms for now 10.10.56 # * amiconn thinks that finishup_needed should be a bool 10.11.08 # but do we know that the lcd can be refreshed again without a reset? 10.11.21 # Needs testing 10.11.26 # yup 10.11.33 # Hnce the 'maybe' 10.11.46 # Can someone tell me if this will be able to run linux and compile rockbox? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Pentium-3-Complete-Package-Awesome-Unit_W0QQitemZ130145401044QQihZ003QQcategoryZ111436QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem 10.11.48 # IIUC, there are two firmware images used on the broadcom chip. There's one in the flash ROM, which I assume is transferred to the broadcom chip on boot, and another on the disk, which I assume is used by the main firmware. So it's possible they communicate in different ways. 10.11.52 # i have run my 5G for an hour now without hanging 10.12.54 # "the perfect POS machine" does that mean Piece Of Shit? 10.13.19 # ddalton: I can't seen any reason why it wouldn't be able to. 10.13.21 # ddalton: Almost anything can run Linux. But a 866MHz CPU and 256MB RAM will be quite slow when building Rockbox. 10.13.22 # i think that machine will run linux and compile rockbox quite well 10.13.34 # LinusN: that's no good then, we need "Bag Of Shit", not a mere Piece 10.13.39 # not very fast, but it will work 10.13.46 # GodEater: hahahahaha 10.13.49 # linuxstb: In theory we should be able to use the on-disk broadcom image, shouldn't we? 10.14.19 # amiconn: I don't see why not. 10.15.30 # Maybe the problem is that the in-flash image is buggy on some G5.5s? 10.16.01 # is it time for another "What version OF are you running?" question on the forums ? 10.16.47 # Might also be a newer chip revision that's more sensitive to timing/command order/whatever 10.18.12 # well my 80GB was bought *very* soon after they brought them out 10.18.22 # so it's likely the earliest version available 10.18.45 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 10.19.58 # Domonoky: do note that ipodpatcher was using the target names as found in configure... 10.20.43 # there are some targets that appear with different short names all over :-) 10.20.54 # B4gder: the problem is, there are to much different names for the targets :-) 10.21.49 # yes, we should punish the wrong doers harder! 10.21.56 # :-) 10.22.01 # :-) 10.22.08 # The broadcom image on disk is a FAT image, and one of the files is "vmcs.bin" which is about 256KB. The flash ROM contains an image called "vmcs" which is about 95KB. So there are definitely two different firmwares. 10.22.31 # B4gder: There are also the model identifiers used for scramble (numbers and four character strings), the target number in configure... 10.22.44 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c58-109-97-210.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) 10.22.52 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.23.17 # yeah, we should start referring to targets by that number instead ;-P 10.23.22 # linuxstb: Have you checked that the vmcs.bin isn't padded to 256kb (for some unknowable reason)? 10.23.31 # linuxstb: The main firmware uses a lot more addresses for bcm communtication. 0x30050000, 0x30060000, 0x30070000 are a few of them 10.23.38 # ah, a true paranoid :) 10.23.47 # I think my 23 player is nicer than my 2 10.23.57 # I'm quite fond of my 21 but wish it had better battery life. 10.24.03 # But my 40 sees all the use day to day. 10.24.13 # I prefer 40, but somehow use my 22 more 10.24.20 # 40 is not a legal target_id! 10.24.33 # 40 is just the menu number 10.24.36 # Oh 10.24.44 # it uses 20 as target_id 10.24.45 # target_ids are sequential? 10.24.52 # pretty much 10.25.05 # * Llorean is gonna need a checklist. 10.25.14 # meant to remain unique, while as we can change the ones shown in the configure menu 10.25.21 # Makes sense 10.25.28 # Llorean: Checking again, it's actually around 261KB, and no, it's not padded. 10.25.42 # linuxstb: Okay, 256 just sounded like too convenient a number. :) 10.27.27 # so 20 > 15, but 15 sees more use due to it's compact size, and 9 only ever goes out in the car 10.28.00 # linuxstb: Maybe the big image contains the video codecs, and the rest is identical? 10.29.08 # * GodEater wonders that if that's true, whether some clever ipod hacker could replace the codecs with different ones 10.29.25 # LinusN: got a few minutes? 10.29.26 # so would that machine I mentioned be faster than cygwin? 10.30.21 # ddalton: Depends an awful lot on how fast a machine you're running cygwin on. 10.30.26 # amiconn: There seem to be a set of libraries for decoding - .vll files in the FAT images. I've compared a hexdump of the two firmwares, and they start to differ after the first 4 bytes... 10.30.43 # ddalton: why not just try running linux on your current machine ? 10.30.57 # pixelma: sure 10.31.13 # amiconn: Files like "h264dec_mw.vll", "aacdec_mw.vll" etc 10.31.18 # * amiconn has 1, 2, 7 (half working), 8, 9, 10, 12, 21, 24, 29 (2x) ;) 10.31.40 # Mostly using 2, 8 and 10 10.31.49 # because I need windows. How could I? 10.31.53 # run it 10.32.04 # You can dual-boot. 10.32.16 # is that hard to setup? 10.32.19 # Or if your PC has a reasonable amount of RAM, you can use vmware. 10.32.51 # ddalton: I would expect all Linux installers to set up dual-boot by default. 10.32.51 # ddalton: dual-boot is often setup automatically for you when you install linux on a box that already has a windows partition 10.32.54 # or just try a livecd in the meantime 10.33.14 # * amiconn doubts that live cds come with tts 10.33.30 # * GodEater is willing to bet there's at least one out there which does 10.33.33 # only one does but the command line isn't accessible. 10.33.35 # there's soooo many of them 10.33.51 Join bluebrother [0] (i=C4absD67@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 10.33.54 # * GodEater wins his bet 10.33.55 # :) 10.34.00 Join obo [0] (n=obo@rockbox/developer/obo) 10.34.35 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ppp161-26.adsl.forthnet.gr) 10.34.49 # If I setup dual booting will it slow windows down or linux? 10.34.54 # ddalton: no 10.35.01 # none of both 10.35.10 # ddalton: the only thing that will happen is that you will reduce the amount of disk space available to windows 10.35.14 # what can go wrong in the install. 10.35.23 # ddalton: so if you're short of that, it might be worth just buying another hard drive 10.35.29 # depends on what you consider "wrong" ;-) 10.35.43 # well where it is broken and won't boot. 10.35.59 # dual-booting requires installing a bootloader that allows you to choose between both OSes 10.35.59 # ddalton: I *personally* haven't seen a linux install go that wrong in years 10.36.10 # ddalton: but it remains a remote possibility 10.36.26 # that's the only thing that might be critical (but is usually absolutely safe) 10.36.35 # So how do you actually install linux? 10.36.41 # just what file do you run? 10.36.47 # and of course you need to make sure to not overwrite the windows installation when installing linux 10.36.48 # would you do the install in windows 10.37.01 # You normally boot from an installation CD or DVD 10.37.09 # * amiconn already saw non-booting linux quite often 10.37.15 Join webmind [0] (n=webmind@u2m.nl) 10.37.21 # good morning :) 10.37.30 # amiconn: you seem plagued with linux problems 10.37.31 # amiconn: Yes, but that's different to making the original OS unusable 10.37.39 # true 10.38.11 # hmm, how do I find out what gen/type ipod I've got ? 10.38.19 # google 10.38.21 # webmind: Run ipodpatcher and it will tell you 10.38.30 # thanks 10.38.31 # ok there you go 10.38.38 # once you have it connected to your PC anyway 10.38.41 # it's not magic ;) 10.38.47 # GodEater: That's for 2.0 10.38.55 # linuxstb: I'll hold you to that 10.39.06 # * linuxstb makes a mental note that he can now never release 2.0 10.39.10 # so you guys think I should just dual boot. 10.39.10 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host70-214-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 10.40.02 # I use dual-boot on my box too. 10.40.05 # ddalton: It depends how often you want to use Windows. You may find it easier to just buy a second PC, then you can use both at the same time. 10.40.37 # you can also use a virtual machine -- I have a VirtualBox running windows 10.40.37 # I would find dual-booting a pain - I only ever use one operating system on any computer. 10.40.52 # well that's what I thought because I will probably need access to irc ie thunderbird and then thre rockbox compilers. 10.41.01 # the rockbox compilers 10.41.09 # You can run thunderbird in Linux, and there are also many IRC clients... 10.41.19 # Does putty work with tts? 10.41.28 # But I don't know how well the speech options work... 10.41.43 # ok well I think I should just a basic pc to run linux and then when I start programming a lot more I will update. 10.41.46 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@ 10.41.56 # because I really need to learn linux properly. 10.42.11 # ddalton: The other advantage of a second PC of course is that there is zero risk to your existing setup... 10.42.29 # yeah well that's what I thought. 10.42.55 # also if I get a pc running win 98 will the install of linux just over write it? 10.42.57 # If putty can be used with tts then it would be possible to use the vmware image, running it in the background 10.43.10 # I don't have enough ram. 10.43.16 # only 1 gb for vista 10.43.35 # ddalton: Yes - the installer should let you completely overwrite the existing operating system. 10.43.37 # and I could never get SSH to work. 10.43.40 # ^linux installer 10.43.42 # The non-graphical vm needs only 128MB of ram 10.44.23 # well I wouldn't be using the grapical version of linux. So what would be a good amount of ram to have? 10.45.08 # vista requires 1 gb of ram apparently but I find that hard to believe. 10.45.24 Join ie [0] (i=c27f0811@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-41006e45a799db15) 10.45.40 # * linuxstb doesn't 10.45.42 # hmm, how do I find out if it's a 32mb or a 64mb 10.45.46 # ipod ? 10.45.52 # (it's a 5th gen ipod 30gb) 10.45.58 # webmind: 30gb is 32mb 10.46.02 # it depends on the programs you intend to run. I ran a graphical linux installation with 256MB a couple of years ago 10.46.03 # thanks 10.46.13 # how did it go? 10.46.57 # it worked well back that time. Updating to current software and abandoning the gui stuff should work just fine 10.47.02 # webmind: Does the manual still refer to 32MB and 64MB versions of Rockbox? 10.47.05 # linuxstb: You think vista requires 1 gb of ram? 10.47.14 Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust362.winn.cable.ntl.com) 10.47.29 # did you compile rockbox? 10.47.38 # in fact, I use my old box as server sometimes -- no gui, and not much RAM 10.47.50 # ddalton: I've seen vista run on a 3GHz AMD64 and it was about the slowest windows install I've ever seen. 10.47.56 # and I used that box compiling Rockbox. It's just a bit slow (K6-2 450MHz) 10.48.05 # (and that was with 1GB of RAM I think, possibly even more) 10.48.33 # Llorean: the only settings (in setting_list.c) that could be related to wheel light are "button light timeout" and "button light brightness". I haven't find anything special for the wheel. 10.48.35 # well I can't say I am a fan of vista 10.48.36 # linuxstb: I installed Vista on a 2.0 GHZ Dual core athlon lapto with about 2gb of RAM, and it was actually faster than most of my XP installs I've done. I think there's some fishiness in their whole process. 10.48.59 Part bascule 10.49.03 # For vista, many computer magazines recommend 2GB of RAM nowadays 10.49.17 # so if I get a 500 mhz cpu and 256 mb ram how would compiling go? 10.49.22 # using linux 10.49.30 # with out the graphical interface. 10.49.54 # I have only got one. And it is much the same as my old computer. 10.49.59 # Any mpegplayer gurus around? Looks like http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7487 might be a useful inclusion... 10.50.08 # it will work. Just it'll be slow. 10.50.17 # how long do you think? 10.50.40 # I can try a clean build on my old box. Wait a couple of minutes ... ;-) 10.50.42 # I would think a 500MHz linux box would still compile rockbox faster than cygwin on a 2GHz windows box 10.50.47 # ok thanks. 10.51.00 # wow -- is cygwin really _that_ slow? 10.51.04 # well cygwin takes about 20 minutes here. 10.51.09 # maybe 25 10.51.10 # pondlife: I believe that patch is still somewhat glitchy 10.51.45 # ddalton: Wow. Do you have a virus scanner running during compilation 10.51.48 # Llorean: I think I'll suggest it's broken down into smaller patches. Good idea? 10.52.02 # well it is in my tray. 10.52.03 # pondlife: Absolutely 10.52.04 # I found that it helps a lot to disable that while compiling 10.52.19 # ok I will try that next time. 10.52.44 # My laptop also needs ~30 minutes for a build with cygwin and virus scanner running 10.52.44 # but I might even go up to a 1ghz cpu and 256 ram how would that go. 10.52.49 # with compiling 10.53.01 # Disabling the virus scanner brings it down to ~10 minutes 10.53.19 # that's a lot isn't it? 10.53.27 # yes 10.54.21 Quit cmvjk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.54.35 # so in a machine with 256 mb of ram and 500 mhz cpu is the cpu slowing things down? 10.54.41 # or the amount of ram. 10.54.44 # CPU 10.54.59 # pondlife: I would like jhMikeS to comment on that patch, as he's been working on the buffering code in mpegplayer with a view to implementing seeking. 10.55.10 # so your saying 256 mb of ram is fine but maybe go up to a 1ghz cpu? 10.55.21 Join cmvjk [0] (n=blah@ 10.55.55 # ddalton: building now ... 10.56.02 # ok 10.58.28 # ie: There's a "Wheel Light Timeout" option in the menu, I've gone and checked 11.00.30 # linuxstb, looks like it 11.00.43 # linuxstb, Warning: If your player has 32MB RAM (typically if it has a 30GB harddisk), do not download the Ipod Video 64MB build as it will not work. 11.00.55 # rockbox looks as wonderful as ever btw... 11.00.56 # webmind: OK... The builds are now called "30GB" and "60/80GB" 11.01.04 # thanks :) 11.01.09 # I kinda noticed yes : 11.01.11 # :) 11.01.21 # ok how would this go with compiling? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Dell-gx150-p3-1133-desktop-256-mb-sdram-10-gb-hdd_W0QQitemZ280145248725QQihZ018QQcategoryZ111442QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem 11.02.02 # ddalton: looks ok, but more memory will certainly help 11.02.17 # Ah, yes! This is called "button timeout" in the code but is spelled as "wheel timeout" in the menu (via special sansa entry in english.lang). Thanks Llorean! Also for your patience! 11.02.52 # ie: I assume then that it's the same thing as the button-light timeout on Gigabeats, perhaps 11.02.55 # as in ram or hdd? 11.03.08 # both :) 11.03.33 # For compiling on linux without graphical desktop, even 128MB RAM are enough 11.03.44 # 10 gb hd is more than enough to compile rockbox IMO 11.03.51 # my linux installation (about one year old, including GUI programs) requires about 13GB on hard disk 11.04.05 # dionoea: Depends on how many builds you want to keep around... 11.04.15 # but I also have an experimental installation around with about 4 GB system size 11.04.38 # Anyone have a view on the 32MB/64MB line in the manual? It currently says "Warning: If your player has 32MB RAM (typically if it has a 30GB harddisk), do not download the Ipod Video 64MB build as it will not work." but the builds are now called "30GB" and "60/80GB". Should we just delete that warning? 11.04.41 # bluebrother: I think Soap is running an Ubuntu install, and compiling RB, on an 8gb thumb drive. 11.05.26 # linuxstb: I'd replace it with "While the 60/80gb iPods can run the 30gb version, if you listen to music without skipping often the 60/80gb version may offer you better battery life" 11.05.31 # Or something similar 11.05.39 # So it suggests to users the intent of the version. 11.05.48 # sounds reasonable. 11.05.55 # Llorean: Hmm... That may just confuse users. 11.06.08 # why not just tell them to get the right build? 11.06.18 # there's no reason to tell them they can run an inferior build 11.06.33 # preglow: The 32mb build may not be inferior for some peoples' playback habits. 11.06.39 # preglow: I guess Llorean's point is that if the user skips tracks often, then it's not inferior. 11.06.40 # Apparently filling the 64mb buffer can take quite some time. 11.07.11 # One thing that could be done... 11.07.24 # still no freeze on my 5G... 11.07.27 # Just direct them to the "right" build, and maybe we could add a section on "How to improve your battery life" with tips for various players 11.07.43 # i still say we don't try to confuse people here 11.07.52 # LinusN: how are you trying to make it freeze? 11.07.58 # people should get the build for which they have a player 11.08.02 # could I update the ram if I need to later on? 11.08.03 # just letting it run 11.08.14 # and if some people MIGHT want to only use 32 megs of ram, that sounds like a setting to me 11.08.20 # ddalton: yes, most likely 11.08.23 # not a reason to use another build 11.08.29 # with modified source code ? or just svn trunk ? 11.08.42 # ok then I will look at something like that machine. Just got to make sure the sound card will be ok. 11.08.43 # dionoea: svn trunk 11.08.45 # Llorean: yes, code wise button light and wheel light are the same (wheel is a button in that sense) 11.09.13 # LinusN: it never froze using that ... and i use it all day long here (30GB version) 11.09.30 # maybe i'm not using the right features to make it freeze :) 11.09.31 # preglow: So something like "WARNING: There are two ipod video builds - one for 30GB models, and one for 60/80GB models. You must ensure you use the correct one for your player." 11.09.40 # that's what i'd go for 11.09.43 # dionoea: It seems to depend on the individual unit 11.10.25 # keyboard freezes sometimes but it always comes back a few secs later 11.10.33 # ideally, we should have different buffering schemes in the playback engine anyway, but i can't see that happening anytime soon... 11.11.07 # has anyone noticed that iriver h300 sometimes doesn't boot rockbox? 11.11.16 # and requires the settings to be reset 11.11.26 # preglow: Such as, 80% of the buffer being sequential music, then the first 5 seconds of several other songs for "more responsive" skipping, etc? 11.11.52 # preglow: Yes - it would be nice for any rewrite of the buffering code to be prepared for that. 11.11.53 # Llorean: like that, for example 11.12.14 # But it sounds like simply abstracting the buffering code from the playback engine would do that job. 11.12.57 # indeed 11.13.04 # abstracting is good 11.13.16 # To some degree... 11.13.28 # you mean like everything else? :P 11.13.39 # sure, not saying you should overdo it 11.13.46 Nick datasleep is now known as datachild (n=datachil@217-208-144-87-no75.tbcn.telia.com) 11.13.46 # but rockbox does too little of it in places 11.14.02 # Yes, Rockbox can't be accused of over-abstraction... 11.14.10 # haha 11.14.33 # I'd go with "WARNING: There are two ipod video builds - one for 30GB models, and one for 60/80GB models. If in doubt, use the 30GB one" 11.14.40 # why would you be in doubt? 11.14.45 # * linuxstb was about to ask that 11.14.48 # the size is etched on the damned thing 11.14.57 # would the 30 gb one work for the 80 gb? 11.15.01 # yes 11.15.01 # And on your receipt, and the box, .... 11.15.27 # preglow: we've seen at least one example of someone getting their 80GB recon'd, and getting a 30GB board back with it 11.15.51 # i'd say that is fairly rare 11.16.12 # and not something we should worry about anyway 11.16.32 # or should we start providing builds for archos records with h120 mainboards too? :P 11.16.36 # recorders... 11.16.57 # GodEater: One solution to that would be to make the bootloader detect the RAM size, and refuse to load a 64MB build on 32MB ipods (and display a message). 11.17.06 # is this a big problem? 11.17.15 # preglow: I doubt it... 11.17.18 # then i'd say the manual notice should do 11.17.19 # I doubt it too 11.17.26 # I'm just saying it's happened is all :) 11.17.30 # It happened once in a while when they were labelled 64mb build 11.17.30 # until someone goes ahead and codes proper ram detection support in rockbox 11.18.04 # rasher: People installing the wrong build is different to Apple installing the wrong motherboard... 11.18.10 # I really doubt it'll be a problem now that it's labelled 60/80GB ipod video 11.18.41 # Has that even happened more than once? 11.18.41 # me too 11.18.52 # it's a freak occurence, don't worry about it 11.19.28 Quit scorche (Connection reset by peer) 11.20.11 # rasher: I *think* it's happened twice. 11.20.29 # anywho, what is the scheme for a rockbox build with ram autodetection? move plugin stuff to a fixed offset at the start, then detect end of ram before setting buffer size? 11.20.39 # Still rare enough to pretty much ignore, I'd say 11.20.48 # I just stumbled upon FS#2960 -- shouldn't the script go to svn (and the task closed)? 11.20.57 Quit webguest07 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 11.21.12 # bluebrother: what, mine? 11.21.14 # bluebrother: forgot about that 11.21.22 # preglow: Yes, basically put the codec and plugin buffers at the start of RAM (before the main Rockbox binary). 11.21.24 # is it important now that rbutil is coming up? 11.21.31 # yes. Or simply forget about it as rbutil does the patching now. 11.21.39 # i'd say just close it 11.21.49 # no commit, time to let fwpatcher rot 11.22.12 # Some people may not want to use a huge beast like rbutil 11.22.21 # why? :P 11.22.34 # it's a nice beast ;) 11.22.36 # They might not want to install qt, or even X 11.22.52 # static binaries 11.22.57 # right 11.22.57 # well 11.23.05 # that's the reason why I wondered about committing the script 11.23.21 # does that thing compile for unix too, then? 11.23.42 # * preglow reads the entire patch text 11.23.48 # err -- it's a shell script around the scramble tools ... 11.23.49 # okay then :P 11.24.22 # i mistook it for an old command line patch for fwpatcher, but that's already in, i see 11.24.55 # frontends for scramble tools wouldn't hurt, i guess 11.25.54 Part Llorean 11.27.30 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 11.27.55 Part ie 11.30.36 Quit spiorf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.31.30 Part pixelma 11.35.18 # bluebrother: Thinking about ipod detection in rbutil, it seems this method could be used to determine the RAM size of an ipod - http://ipodlinux.org/Device_Information 11.36.11 # Which is possibly something we should implement in the Rockbox USB driver... 11.38.09 # ddalton: a clean build of the mini 2G needed 15 minutes -- machine is K6-2 450MHz w/ 128MiB RAM 11.38.40 # that is a long time. 11.38.54 # well, rebuilding usually is way faster. 11.38.57 # so if I got 256 mb ram and 1 ghz cpu how faster do you think it would go 11.39.08 # so how long would it take to compile? 11.39.32 # well, the limiting factor is the cpu in my case. 11.39.47 # ccache also might help -- I don't have it installed on that box 11.40.21 # what is "ccache "? 11.40.40 # compiler cache. It caches parts that haven't changed. 11.42.43 Join webguest07 [0] (i=c023110b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-72549328dcb7742c) 11.44.56 # petur: any news from ac yet? 11.45.09 # nope 11.45.21 Join P3at [0] (i=twilight@shego.kuiki.net) 11.45.42 # linuxstb: interesting ... but can we do such an inquiry easily on windows? 11.45.50 # or would this require a device driver? 11.48.13 # preglow: what do you think about committing FS#7286 ? 11.48.49 # markun: let me have a quick look at the latest patch first 11.49.16 # yeah, it still has the unnecessary bias adjustment in dithering 11.49.44 # i could remove that and commit it now, but i have no means of testing it 11.50.32 Quit pondlife (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.51.55 # i'm Cfairly certain it works, but does anyone have a cf target and the possibility to test after i commit? 11.52.11 # best placed 'C' ever 11.53.06 Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust362.winn.cable.ntl.com) 11.53.16 # bluebrother: Yes, it will be a standard part of the generic scsi driver 11.54.21 # bluebrother: I did make a start on integrating it into ipodpatcher, but didn't finish it. That's probably the best approach, rather than making it rbutil specific. 11.55.34 # preglow: I have one, but no time to test 11.57.04 # preglow: I've set austriancoder a deadline (sunday evening), if I do not see his code by then, I start the evaluation with a negative result for him. I'm getting tired of his way of working... 11.57.06 # Let me just make some more noise about FS#7646 - perl voice building. If anyone could test it, or possibly even have a look at the code (perhaps implementing SAPI building), that'd be nice. (B4gder?) 11.57.48 # petur: will he hold the code hostage in that case? ;) 11.58.13 # markun: that is his choice 11.58.20 # of course 11.58.22 # petur: Do I understand correctly that there are two versions of the low-level code - one written by AC, and one which is a port of MrH's code? 11.58.33 # yes 11.58.50 # he swithced to MrH to find out why it wasn't working 11.58.57 # *switched 11.59.20 # So we don't actually have any working code yet? 11.59.20 # markun: I told him I have been _very_ patient with him, I have to draw a line somewhere 11.59.25 # nope 11.59.59 # I think we've definitely as a mentoring organisation learnt a lot for next year... 12.00.53 # not a surprise, really 12.00.55 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 12.00.58 # we've had no guidelines 12.01.06 # yes, we have been way too relaxed about this 12.01.08 # and we should be tons stricter by next year 12.01.20 # but that's the way it goes anyway, you need experience to do aything 12.01.24 # anything, and now we have experience 12.01.36 # and I should have gotten myself a suitable pp target _before_ the start 12.01.58 # I am about to try and port espeak to rockbox. Any tips on how I should go about this? 12.02.04 # it is in c++ 12.02.15 # well, an obvious start would be porting it to c 12.02.25 # so the whole code? 12.02.35 # Yes, and any libraries it depends on 12.02.41 # so don't make it compadible with rockbox until it is in c? 12.02.42 # well, saying espeak is going to end up in the core is not wholly unrealistic 12.02.48 # so you're going to have to port the whole thing to c 12.02.51 # we can't use c++ code in the core 12.03.16 # you COULD start developing it as a plugin, in which case it could remain c++ 12.03.23 # ddalton: how about finding a programming task that is your size? I think porting espeak will a bit too heavy for you... 12.03.26 # ddalton: I would forget Rockbox for now, and make it compile as a standalone C program without any dependencies on external libraries, or system library functions such as malloc (which don't exist in Rockbox). 12.03.27 # but you'd be the first to do such a thing (making a c++ plugin) 12.03.32 # would that ever be excepted? 12.03.45 # ok well I think I will stick to c 12.03.59 # so first port it to c and then as a plugin? 12.04.04 # * petur walks away for a while 12.04.24 # when it's c, you can integrate it to the core, make a plugin, whatever you like 12.04.27 # will I need to know c++? 12.04.39 # well, if you are to translate something from c++ to c, then sure... 12.04.46 # ddalton: as far as I can tell the only c++ thing is the "Translator" class. 12.04.56 # so I need to finish learning c and then learn c++? 12.05.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.05.07 # so, we should replace it by a struct I think 12.05.09 # ddalton: I don't know C++, but I've converted programs from C++ to C... 12.05.34 # ddalton: did another test ... building h120 took nearly 13 minutes. Rebuilding with FS#7627 applied required less than 30 seconds 12.05.43 # ok then so I should make it run on my windows machine all written in c? 12.05.51 # ok then 12.06.03 # I assume there's something fishy with my arm compiler -- it threw a couple of warnings while building. 12.06.13 # ddalton: Yes, but without any windows-specific functions. i.e. make it read a text file from disk and write the output to a WAV file (or similar). 12.06.31 # Or just hard-code a sentence to speak in the .c program... 12.06.59 # markun: So what files need converting? 12.07.26 # ddalton: just look for "Translator::" 12.07.30 # there are quite a few files 12.07.40 # ok then so search them all? 12.07.44 # markun: Is there floating point as well? 12.07.45 # yes 12.07.51 # linuxstb: not in the main loop 12.08.09 # ok and how good will I need to be with c? 12.08.29 # ddalton: it might also be a good idea to talk to the espeak developer about it, he's a nice guy 12.08.39 # ok then. 12.08.48 # so will I need to know pointers and arrays? 12.09.17 # I bet so 12.09.38 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) 12.09.40 # markun: Have you spoken to the espeak developer about C? i.e. would he be against converting the official code to C? 12.10.00 # linuxstb: I've talked about it, I'll search my emails.. 12.11.00 # I think he's not against it: "Yes, I think it's only the Translator class. 12.11.00 # I think he's not against it: "Yes, I think it's only the Translator claMy original idea was that you could write replacement functions within 12.11.03 Quit kubiixaka ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 12.11.03 # the Translator class for different languages, where necessary. But I 12.11.06 # haven't used that much. 12.11.13 Join kk_ [0] (n=kkit@ 12.11.14 # that didn't come out so well.. 12.11.18 # so how would it voice the screen through the speakers? 12.11.26 # would any of that need to be changed? 12.11.27 # markun: That could still be done via function pointers in a struct anyway. 12.11.37 # linuxstb: yes, exactly what I wanted to do 12.11.50 # but I haven't done much programming lately 12.13.22 # markun: I see espeak is now GPLv3... 12.13.31 # is that a problem? 12.13.34 # * linuxstb doesn't know the implication of that (if any) 12.13.44 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e179059059.adsl.alicedsl.de) 12.13.53 # will that make it incompatible to v2? 12.14.03 # bluebrother: That was my initial thought. 12.14.11 # I'm quite sure that it is 12.14.25 # espeak says "gplv3 or later" 12.14.27 # that means we would need to use an older version 12.14.29 # v3 is far more restrictions than v2 12.14.39 # bluebrother: or ask jonathan nicely 12.14.53 # right ... 12.15.16 # markun: Any news regarding your font caching work? 12.15.22 # amiconn: nope 12.15.46 # I'll not ask about the viewports :) 12.17.28 # B4gder: couldn't we go gplv3? 12.17.45 # we could, if all copyright owners agree 12.17.52 # Ew. 12.18.05 # personally I'm not a convinced gplv3 devotee 12.18.17 # I rather agree with Torvalds on gplv3 12.18.30 # I guess the question is if we would be happy if someone "tivo-ised" rockbox? 12.18.39 # * amiconn has nothing against gplv3 12.18.48 # * linuxstb wouldn't be happy if someone did that 12.19.16 # rasher: Regarding your perl script for voice, what do I need to do to use it? 12.19.35 # linuxstb: me neither 12.19.38 # linuxstb: I personally wouldn't mind. It'd still bring Rockbox to more people, and we'd get any improvements into the main Rockbox branch 12.19.48 # I would like to try it for building english and german at&t voices on cygwin 12.19.54 # linuxstb: in that case we could just as well have chosen the BSD license 12.19.55 # how would someone tivoize rockbox? 12.20.07 # I agree with rasher 12.20.14 # amiconn: I haven't re-implemented SAPI5 building yet, so you can't do that 12.20.15 # preglow: use it for their DAP and making it impossible to modify it 12.20.23 # I rather have a company tivoize rockbox than not use it at all 12.20.31 # * linuxstb wouldn't 12.20.38 # but they'd have to not modify it at all, yes? 12.20.49 # if they modified it, we'd get the changes back 12.21.03 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.21.06 # preglow: the tivoize part is most likely done in the bootloader part 12.21.17 # signatures, checksums etc 12.21.18 # preglow: They can modify it, and distribute the source, but they don't have to give users the ability to run modified copies. 12.21.34 # can't say i really care too much about it, but i'd rather they didn't 12.21.35 # Which IMO is what the GPL is all about. 12.21.48 Quit krazykit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.22.07 # that's exactly where the FSF vs torvalds discussion starts ;-) 12.22.11 # Exactly. 12.22.15 # so what is the main function in a plugin? 12.23.07 # getting all the copyright holders to agree might be a problem... 12.23.13 # I guess torvalds thinks of the gpl as being a license for developer freedom, rather than a license for user freedom. 12.23.24 # ddalton: plugin_start 12.23.27 # linuxstb: pretty much 12.23.31 # linuxstb: A license for code freedom, to be more exact, probably 12.23.32 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) 12.23.41 # so is that like main in a normal c program? 12.23.49 # he's a couple of notches too pragmatic even for my taste 12.23.51 # ddalton: pretty much 12.24.15 # preglow: in some cases I agree, but not in the gplv3 one 12.24.19 # ddalton: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/HowtoWritePlugins 12.24.24 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) 12.24.35 # ok so if I have a program with lots of functions I can just put them in a plugin and rename main to the plugin start function? 12.24.47 # ddalton: not quite, see the wiki page I just linked 12.24.51 # for example a simple c program I might write on my computer. 12.25.04 # plugin_start does not return an int for a start 12.25.38 # it also doesn't take argc and argv as arguments 12.25.47 # so can't plugins use scanf and printf? 12.26.03 # ddalton: where would they read from, and where would they write to 12.26.04 # ? 12.26.12 # rasher: I get an Error 141 when trying to build the voice using the perl script 12.26.46 # well the scanf function reads from the key boared normally and the printf writes to the screen. 12.26.46 # rasher: Hmm, so the perl script is useless for me atm 12.26.50 # bluebrother: What's spewing that error? And under which conditions 12.27.13 # so Would I have to change printf to the function to display text in plugins? 12.27.20 # amiconn: True, I need someone (pondlife again, perhaps?) to reimplement the sapi building 12.27.21 # and what would scanf be? 12.28.21 # so if I have a program that use argc and argv how would I get around this when porting it to a plugin? 12.28.55 # sounds to me like you're in over your head, my good sir 12.29.38 # ddalton: Plugins don't take any parameters, unless you make it a viewer, in which case it takes exactly one parameter - the filename to be viewed. 12.30.20 # hmm -- I reconfigured and now it seems stuck. Or doesn't it print the current phrase anymore? 12.31.11 # ok so how would I port a program that use argc and argv? 12.31.34 # bluebrother: It doesn't print much, but there's a debug flag to voice.pl 12.31.56 # rasher: ok, reconfigureing helped. But it's a bit surprising it's totally silent 12.31.59 # bluebrother: add -v in the call to voice.pl in the Makefile (should probably react to V=1 being set) 12.32.02 # ddalton: By not using argc and argv... You either hard-code the options, or make them available via a settings menu. 12.32.23 # bluebrother: I found that printing everything was in fact slowing things down (at least for me, over ssh) 12.32.29 # ok then can plugins play music? 12.32.38 # just out of quriosity 12.33.01 # yes, but only wav i think.. 12.33.17 # so they can play sound? 12.33.19 # hmm -- maybe just print a dot for each phrase? Or is it the printing itself? 12.33.32 # if someone wrote a wma plugin could it play wma? 12.33.37 # they can both play and record sound 12.33.37 # ddalton: look at doom -- it has sound 12.33.42 # bluebrother: Probably the amount of text is the problem.. some sort of progress indication should be possible 12.33.46 # ddalton: Yes, lots of plugins play sound. But for now, forget about sound, just write the output to a wav file. 12.33.48 # but you need to provide the sound yourself, it doesn't do files, but that shouldn't a problem for you 12.33.54 # does it I am blind so never bothered but I will. 12.34.12 # and then play the wav file or what? 12.34.52 # linuxstb: re: number of arguments, the wiki is wrong in that case 12.35.02 # jhMikeS: yo? 12.36.37 Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 12.36.54 # so if I can write the text on the screen to a wav file I could then play the wav file and then delete it ? 12.37.53 # ddalton: you could, and should, play the data directly. Writing it to a file is not needed. But it's easier for a first step 12.38.07 # rasher: i left a comment there, i'll apply it when it gets answered 12.38.41 # so what I said before would take a lot of time? 12.39.34 # ddalton: Writing it to a file is the easiest thing for you to do as a start, but in the end you should just get the data from espeak and feed it directly to the sound output function 12.40.35 # preglow: What, where? 12.41.31 # ddalton: did you see the PM I sent you with jonathan's email address? 12.41.41 # rasher: the rounding patch 12.41.49 # GodEater: Are you talking about parameters to plugins? 12.42.15 # preglow: Ah, well I'm not in any way involved in that, so if you'll excuse my surprise 12.42.17 # yep 12.44.05 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.44.06 # rasher: yeah, sorry, it was markun pasting it to me 12.44.19 # you have the same amount of letters in your nick :> 12.44.47 # that should be disallowed! 12.44.48 # linuxstb: I was talking about the plugin_start() function 12.44.55 # :) 12.45.34 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) 12.45.38 # bluebrother: Did it produce a working voice file in the end? 12.46.44 # GodEater: I think the wiki's fine. I wouldn't say the API struct is a parameter in the same way as argv/argc are. 12.47.37 # B4gder: Going back to espeak, are you saying we can't use gplv3 code in Rockbox? 12.48.15 # Not without going "gplv2 or later". I believe Rockbox is v2 only at the moment? 12.48.16 # linuxstb: yes, that's my interpretation 12.48.22 # gplv2 and gplv3 aren't compatible. 12.48.44 # There pretty much has to be a clause allowing the code to be used with earlier (or later) versions of the license. 12.49.07 # "GPLv3-or-earlier" now there's a useless license 12.49.15 # What a nightmare situation... 12.49.52 # rasher: But Rockbox going GPLv2 or later wouldn't work. We'd have to go full-on v3 to be able to use v3 code, wouldn't we? 12.50.01 # yes 12.50.04 # Presumably if Linux is staying GPLv2, anything from the IPL kernel will have to stay GPLv2 as well... 12.50.33 # (unless of course we get the IPL devs to dual-license...) 12.50.34 # I'm pretty sure v2 or later would work, since it'd then be GPLv3 in the context where used with v3-only code, but taking bits from Rockbox could be done under v2 12.50.50 # rasher: I don't think so 12.50.55 # we use only one license 12.50.58 # rasher: voice is silent on target. No idea if I did something wrong, will recheck later 12.50.58 # How did eSpeak move to v3? 12.51.05 # got to go now. bbl. 12.51.11 # None of their code was licensed under v2 explicitly? 12.51.46 # I mean, you can't really rerelease under another license without all the copyright holders agreeing, can you? 12.52.01 # correct 12.52.07 # B4gder: Yes, but I'm saying *if* Rockbox went "v2 or later", GPLv3 code could be used, afaiu and the codebase would be effectively v3 unless you picked out parts of it that were v2-or-later, in which case you could use that specific part under v2 12.52.10 # Llorean: Either 1) The original license said "v2 or later", or 2) The author wrote it all himself 12.52.23 # Llorean: A relevant quote: Linus Torvalds deciding not to take his 10,000 copyright holders and go v3 is like the driver of an 18-wheeler "deciding" not to do donuts on my lawn. 12.52.46 # Not quite as big a task with Rockbox of course. 12.53.13 # Llorean: Checking an older version of espeak, it did indeed say "v2 or later" 12.53.19 # Ah 12.53.21 # rasher: I'm saying that if rockbox changed to "v2 or later" it wouldn't matter since we'd have to go to v3 before we can use code from another v3 project 12.53.44 Join Weiss [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) 12.53.49 # any idea how many different copyright holders we have? 12.53.55 # v2 or later is just an option to change license, it is still v2 12.53.56 # linuxstb: It's now explicitly only v3 it seems. 12.54.20 # Llorean: "v3 or later" in the files I'm looking at 12.54.27 # B4gder: But v2 or later means that the whole codebase *can* be used under v3 - in that case, why couldn't we use v3 code? 12.54.32 # The license posted at their page doesn't include the "or later". 12.54.40 # is anyone working on porting espeak yet or do I need to start the whole thing from scratch? 12.54.41 # Llorean: I'm looking at the source files 12.54.41 # At least, not that I spotted. But the files are what matters, I guess. 12.55.00 # ddalton: I don't think anyone has started on it yet 12.55.10 # rasher: because it is still licensed as v2 which isn't compatible 12.55.20 # ok I will try and make a start tomorrow 12.55.31 # rasher: Because if we use V3 code, we have to distribute the whole codebase as V3, so that they can link with it. That specific distribution has to be v3. 12.55.32 # ddalton: Are you paying attention to this license conversation? Basically we can't port the current version of espeak - you'll need to go back to an older version. 12.56.03 # linuxstb: he can port and use it himself can't he? He just can't get it commited to the rockbox codebase and he can't redistribute it ? 12.56.06 # preglow: Well, look at Credits for a start. ;) 12.56.11 # Llorean: Yes, but we can still distribute the non-v3 parts as v2-or-later, as far as I can tell. Although I'm having a hard time argumenting for it 12.56.22 # Might be because I'm wrong of course. 12.56.43 # preglow: Good luck convincing id software to rerelease Doom under GPLv3 for example, I don't think they could be bothered. ;) 12.56.45 # rasher: since v2 and v3 is not compatible, we can't ship a mixed one 12.57.05 # rasher: You could make all the "v2 or later" code separately available under v2, yes, but the actual distribution would be v3. 12.57.29 # GodEater: Yes, but what's the point? 12.57.48 # linuxstb: it's of great use to him ? :) 12.57.49 # Llorean: very good point, we have tons of other libs... 12.57.57 # Checking its SVN, espeak changed the license on 26 June 2007. 12.58.23 # Llorean: I don't see why there has to be a separate distribution. Just a distribution where some code is under both licenses, and some is strictly gplv3. But I think I'll stop here before I get frustrated. 12.58.26 # (svn revision 56). So svn r55 would be the last we could include. 12.58.56 # rasher: because v2 and v3 are not compatible, v2 code cannot be mixed with v3 12.58.57 # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#v2v3Compatibility shall be my last word on this 12.59.05 # rasher: The GPLv3 doesn't allow for that, though. That's the problem, License A can say "We accept License B code" but License B also has to say "We accept License A code" 12.59.14 # Llorean: Doom is "v2 or later"... 12.59.15 # hmm, if rockbox itself goes v3, we can use any codec libs that are "v2 or later", yeah? 12.59.20 # linuxstb: Ah, well bad example then. 12.59.24 # or not... 12.59.25 Quit haemmy () 12.59.33 # preglow: yes sure, since we'd then license them as v3 12.59.44 # relicense even 12.59.46 # preglow: Most codecs aren't gpl'd though... 13.00.04 # some are 13.00.07 # libmad, for example 13.00.09 # and a52 13.00.11 # Llorean: But GPLv3 accepts "GPLv2 or later" since it's effectively also GPLv3 13.00.14 # but both are v2 or later 13.00.21 # rasher: I disagree with that 13.00.25 # it isn't 13.00.35 # it is v2, with an option to relicense 13.00.36 # Well, GNU doesn't, as far as I can tell 13.00.40 # preglow: So we don't have a problem with codecs at least. 13.00.48 # rasher: what makes you say that? 13.00.57 # B4gder: that FAQ I linked 13.01.02 # but doom is a loadable plugin and not really part of rockbox itself, is it a problem to distribute that as gplv2? 13.01.04 # I read it now, I can't see that stated 13.01.28 # rasher: "GPLv3 is one of the options it permits." means that you can distribute it *as* v3 13.01.35 # exactly 13.01.35 # doom is v2 or later too 13.01.58 # Yes.. which is my entire point. Right, I'm not going to discuss this anymore. Really, this time. 13.02.14 # hehe 13.02.48 # the whole argument from FSF is that they are compatible since "v2 or later" means you can relicense it to v3 and then it works with other v3 13.02.55 # Is this an extension of the tivo-ised Rockbox discussion of earlier, or just simply an offshoot of espeak? 13.02.57 # * linuxstb can't see any (C) info in the rockboy source... 13.03.03 # how nice 13.03.26 # so if I port something to rockbox what should I start off with. Because this espeak project looks like it is going to be hard. 13.04.07 # B4gder: (argh) But the -or-later license is "at your option", not at the copyright owner's option, meaning the "relicensing" can happen implicitly 13.04.30 # Hmm, I am no license expert at all. Iiuc if we incorporate gplv3 code, the whole rockbox distribution would be under gplv3, however, that should not cause problems with gplv2 code as long as it includes the "or later" clause 13.04.32 # eh, implicit or not, it is a relicense 13.04.42 # since you can't then go back to v2 13.05.12 # linuxstb: gnuboy seems to have been v2 or later 13.05.21 # amiconn: I don't see how that could work 13.05.32 # Of course you can, but only for the parts that were originally GPLv2 or later. It's effectively dual-licensing with "any license the FSF can come up with" as an option 13.05.34 # but I 13.05.37 # will stop 13.06.12 # linuxstb: is all that code in metadata/ actually written by you, or did you just paste some copyright header? 13.06.15 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.06.15 # B4gder: Well, rockbox incorporates code which is not gpl licensed, but under various gpl compatible licenses 13.06.21 # oh no, there's one by david bryant :> 13.06.27 # Can I just ask if anyone here with (C) in any Rockbox code would object to going gplv3 ? 13.06.39 # amiconn: yes but they don't have any further restrictions 13.06.40 # license talk is furstrating indeed, I didn't understand a thing of the whole discussion :P 13.06.41 # gplv3 has 13.06.42 # i don't think i would, but i'd have to read a bit more about it 13.06.46 # I haven't read the gplv3 yet. 13.06.47 # That makes the code fall under gpl when it comes with rockbox, but the individual code retains its license 13.07.05 # they don't have further restrictions! 13.07.13 # Yes, and? 13.07.20 # I wouldn't be keen on going to GPLv3 - but only based on the discussions around it I've seen, not because I've actually read and grok'd it 13.07.22 # you cannot ship v2 code with anythin with further restrictions 13.07.29 # preglow: I think I wrote the original metadata.c, but that was then split by markun into lots of separate .c files - so the (C) is probably inaccurate. I wrote some of them from scratch though - Ogg, FLAC and APE IIRC. 13.07.30 # I can't see the difference. gplv2 is a gplv3 compatible license, isn't it? 13.07.33 # (plus ASF) 13.07.35 # amiconn: no 13.07.41 # no? 13.07.43 # no 13.07.43 # amiconn: That's the big problem, they aren't compabitle. 13.07.55 # Explicitly not so, in fact. They make no claims that they are. 13.07.56 # I would just follow the others, if the major developers want to change license then sure 13.07.57 # yeah, i'm pretty sure i wrote a couple of them, and they're now copyright you 13.07.57 # "Is GPLv3 compatible with GPLv2?" 13.08.01 # "No." 13.08.04 # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#v2v3Compatibility 13.08.05 # :q 13.08.09 # Any specific reasoning? 13.08.09 # that would be the wrong window 13.08.23 # That directly contradicts the gplv2 license text.... 13.08.24 # amiconn: yes, let me repeat 13.08.24 # preglow: You should correct the (C) if you feel the code is yours. 13.08.26 # amiconn: v3 adds further restrictions over v2. v2 doesn't allow this. 13.09.09 # So what about the "...or later" clause in gplv2? 13.09.14 # linuxstb: Ignoring that I don't have any substantial contributions, if there was a very good reason for it, I wouldn't object to going v3. But I'd rather that it didn't get to it. As I said already, I'm very much with Torvalds on thhis 13.09.27 # amiconn: that allows them to relicense to the v3 license 13.09.30 # amiconn: There is no "or later" clause in gplv2. 13.09.31 # and then they are compatible 13.09.55 # That's something they suggest authors add in their license terms. 13.10.00 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF728C.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.10.06 # rasher: Ignoring the philosophical issue, it seems more practical for Rockbox to be gplv3. At least if a lot of other projects go that way. 13.10.31 # yeps 13.10.48 # linuxstb: Yeah, *if* they do that. And then, that'd be a good enough reason. But I still wouldn't be happy about it. 13.11.03 # B4gder: Not in gplv2 itself, but in the license statement in our source headers 13.11.10 # all i can remember writing is the mpc.c one 13.11.22 # amiconn: Rockbox headers say gplv2 or later? 13.11.26 # no 13.11.33 # rasher: why not happy about it? 13.11.58 # preglow: Because I don't like the extra restrictions of v3. 13.11.59 # amiconn: even if it would say so, it says it can be distributed under those licenses and then it have to be v3 to get used with v3 code 13.12.03 # then it isn't v2 13.12.31 # since v2 isn't compatible with v3 13.12.31 # B4gder: But it's still v2-or-later. It's a dual-license. 13.12.35 # Hmm, indeed they don't, but they also don't specify a version. Just GPL 13.12.43 # amiconn: badness 13.13.04 # ...and then they refer to docs/COPYING 13.13.09 # Ah, then no badness 13.13.14 # ...which is a verbatim copy of gplv2 atm 13.14.39 # * amiconn wouldn't object going gplv3 13.14.56 # preglow: here. what's up? 13.15.37 # it seems to me that to bring all copyright holders of Rockbox and agree about it is a very very long shot... 13.15.49 # How does someone tivo-ize a piece of software under GPLv2 anyway? 13.16.00 # Llorean: signature check in the bootloader 13.16.01 # I would think "plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable." would include anything necessary to sign the binary so it can be installed. 13.16.07 # Llorean: Install it on hardware where the bootloader will only run signed binaries... (what B4gder said) 13.16.23 # Llorean: You can install it all you want. Doesn't matter if the hardware won't load it 13.16.28 # I believe that's exactly what tivo does 13.16.41 # Llorean: Yes, that would be my interpretation of the gplv2 as well. But it seems it isn't... 13.16.52 # It's not the same executable, then, is it? 13.16.58 # I dunno 13.17.15 # seems like it'd be lame if some company made signed builds of rockbox that're all their player would run 13.17.19 # jhMikeS: you sure the rounding you do the in cf asm in the correct rounding patch is ok? 13.17.44 # Llorean: the bootloader of course doesn't have to be gpl 13.18.13 # it can still load, check and start linux/rockbox 13.18.24 # preglow: I really didn't concern myself too much with it. I asked if that was acceptable and just quickly implemented that. I even asked the same question. 13.18.25 # ze: Certainly very lame and stupid, but in my eyes it's still a net benefit to everyone. The company gets code to build on. Customers get good code (but lack freedom). Rockbox proper gets useful any improvements back. 13.18.34 # B4gder: True. I suppose to me "installation" means "make ready to use" 13.18.45 # I wonder if there's an established legal definition of it somewhere. 13.18.52 # rasher: true 13.18.55 # jhMikeS: hmm, ok, i'll have a look before i commit it anyway 13.19.11 # Llorean: this was debated _at length_ on the kernel ml the other week 13.19.22 # I wouldn't mind Rockbox being Tivo-ized simply because there's plenty of darn good hardware it already runs on 13.19.22 # if private keys should be considered part of the code etc 13.19.43 # even the lawyers around can't agree on that 13.19.49 # rasher: Speaking as a developer, I see it as making my code non-free. i.e. it's using the code in a context where I'm not able to modify it. 13.19.54 # and there's no court case to follow 13.19.55 # B4gder: I don't think private keys necessarily are, but I do think that "installation" means that the end result must actually run. 13.20.04 # linuxstb: But the code is still free. The hardware is not. 13.20.07 Join djtremolo [0] (n=c1b937fd@ 13.20.14 # hello! 13.20.16 # Llorean: the gpl doesn't say it has to 13.20.19 # v2 13.20.21 # rasher: But code is useless without hardware. And I bought the hardware... 13.20.21 # preglow: I think adding a constant like that will just dc-offset in the positive direction -.5->1, .5->0 instead of -.5->-1, .5->0. 13.20.36 # In regards to Rockbox, denying your customers the option to use the most current builds provided by us is, I think, more likely just going to suggest to them they should buy a player supported by us next. 13.20.55 # jhMikeS: it's basically just round to nearest instead of round towards negative infinity 13.21.06 # rasher: We're not going to agree ;) 13.21.08 # make that -.5 ->-1 13.21.15 # jhMikeS: but your code seems to use a constant for it, which i can't figure out how works, since it needs to be calculated from the codec precision in the c code 13.21.21 # in the tivo case, linux has been improved by them 13.21.22 # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/rms-why-gplv3.html 13.21.25 # linuxstb: It's a matter of preference. In my eyes the code is perfectly useful without the hardware. Rockbox proper would possibly get drivers for new hardware, etc 13.21.31 # * jhMikeS just got up 13.21.31 # very informative now I think I can grasp some of it 13.21.34 # B4gder: Yeah, the GPLv2 unfortunately uses the words "all scripts", you can include the scripts to sign it, without the key it needs to be signed with. 13.22.08 # preglow: it's done _after_ doing the multiply to fill the 32-bit word. 13.22.36 # sorry for disturbing.. I was looking for current build rombox.ucl, but the zip doesn't include it. Am I looking in wrong place? 13.22.49 # djtremolo: For which device? 13.23.02 # linuxstb: recorder, v1 13.23.07 # jhMikeS: anywho, i'll have a look when i get back, before commiting it 13.23.11 # accumulator is initially 0x8000. the sample is shifted and clipped to have a range 0x80000000 to 0x7fffffff based on the dsp 13.23.15 Join Rincewind [0] (i=ijagsjko@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 13.23.30 # linuxstb: Anyway, yes, it's unlikely people will suddenly change their mind about this. Let's just agree to disagree, and wait it out to see if rockbox needs to go v3 in the future. 13.23.38 # djtremolo: Rockbox has grown too much to be able to run directly from ROM, so rombox is no longer available, unfortunately 13.24.09 # You can still boot rockbox from flash using rockbox.ucl, which is decompressed into RAM 13.24.30 # Just 2 targets still have rombox :| 13.24.38 # amiconn: ok.. sad, but thanks for the info! 13.25.13 # amiconn: yep, that's the way i'm doing now.. I just was so impressed when I found the BootBox and Rombox stuff. 13.26.36 # * preglow out 13.26.52 # amiconn: testing showed you can expect 10-12 context switches per second (default settings) on most devices. the pp i2c driver inflates it because of the yield loop and being the only thread running. 13.28.37 # queue_send/reply takes 19.55uS CPU/COP, and 27.68us CPU/CPU 13.28.45 # on e200 at 80MHz 13.29.04 Quit djtremolo ("CGI:IRC 0.5.7 (2005/06/19)") 13.32.51 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.40.56 Join bdgraue [0] (n=bdgraue@host-091-096-175-021.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 13.42.47 Join bascule [0] (i=86920006@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f91f84277018c9db) 13.44.41 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) 14.00.21 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 14.00.25 Quit Pamacii ("Ex-Chat") 14.00.27 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 14.02.00 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 14.02.55 Quit ddalton ("I was using BOFHNet IRC version 1.2 by fmillion - get your copy today from http://www.the-bofh.com/bofhnet/irc !") 14.03.39 # jhMikeS: Have you looked at this mpegplayer work? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7487 14.05.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.05.42 # linuxstb: I think he's the one I consulted with about it 14.07.00 # What do you mean? 14.08.00 Quit pondlife ("disconnected has pondlife") 14.08.15 # oh, no. someone else was working on the same thing (jim_h) 14.08.44 Quit pill (Nick collision from services.) 14.09.03 Join pill [0] (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) 14.09.40 Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust362.winn.cable.ntl.com) 14.11.22 # I do know how to stop the prefecth aborts there too. I guess that bugfix will come with dual core. :) I really think I'll just make that so it can be enabled for a player individually. It can be switched on when someone verifies a particular device is ok. 14.11.38 Quit pondlife (Client Quit) 14.14.20 Quit aliask ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 14.16.15 Quit pill (Nick collision from services.) 14.16.33 Join _pill [0] (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) 14.20.06 Join kubiixaka [0] (n=Miranda@ip-89-103-17-41.karneval.cz) 14.20.10 # amiconn: looks like I have sapi5 building working now 14.20.18 # amiconn: Will upload a new patch in a moment 14.20.59 Quit midgey () 14.24.30 # Still not terribly fast, but you could in theory run it with activestate perl rather than cygwin perl provided you do some manual legwork. That should give a nice speedup 14.27.37 Part Neovanglist 14.28.08 Quit webguest07 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 14.31.41 Part Llorean 14.32.00 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@rockbox/administrator/Llorean) 14.33.45 # rasher: I think that implementing a client/server model for sapi voice building will give further speedup (provided you didn't already do that) 14.34.30 # jhMikeS: Does it even work on one of the PP5020 targets yet? 14.34.32 # amiconn: I didn't. I'll leave that to someone else, because a) I don't really know the details and b) working with cygwin really gives me the creeps 14.35.28 # amiconn: I did however make some improvements that should make it easier (the tts_init function returns an object that the "generate a voiceclip" function can use however it likes) 14.35.30 # I know that it crashes the H10/small, but does it work on H10/big, ipod G4, ipod color or mini G1? 14.36.32 # And of course, being perl, everything happens in a single process, so passing stuff around is actually possible 14.36.36 Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@m103h.studby.ntnu.no) 14.36.36 Quit bascule ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 14.37.31 # rasher: Huh, does (non-activestate) perl allow handling the sapi objects directly? 14.38.44 # amiconn: I don't know how it's possible to communicate with SAPI, so I can't answer that 14.39.00 # Besides calling a .vbs script continually 14.39.24 # Yeah, then the sapi cleint/server thing needs to be handled in the vbscripts, not in perl 14.39.26 # amiconn: I haven't had a clean run on those. Other 502x seem to be fine. I'm just thinking about having a way to enable the extensions per player. With it in SVN, someone might be curious to enable them and figure out the problem on their device. 14.39.33 Join ie [0] (i=c27f0814@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e0894109afac392d) 14.39.52 # I was explicitly asking for 5020, not 502x with x != 0 14.40.00 # I know that it works on those 14.40.16 # amiconn: Still, this should be easier to do with the new script than with the old one. I did also see a SAPI perl module mentioned, but I don't know if that's preferable. 14.40.18 # ok, and I believe I've answer that with "no clean run" :) 14.40.42 # Speaking about copyright, licences etc: some .bdf files (fonts) don't have a copyright statement. I thought every piece of work that is released under GPL should have one. 14.41.06 # ie: The bdfs aren't necessarily gpl. In fact, I'd bet that most aren't 14.41.10 # If it works on the latter but not on PP5020, that would be an indication that there is still something fundamentally wrong, and I would like to know what that is 14.41.21 # ie: For example, profont has a distribute but no-modify license, I believe. 14.41.44 # ie: Check the svn history for details - and submit patches to add copyright statements 14.42.08 # amiconn: and "fundamental" meaning? 14.43.14 # rasher: but are they considered part of RB? If yes, their licence's compatibility with GPL should be verified. 14.43.21 # ie: IIUC, the fonts are data used by Rockbox so technically don't have to be GPL'd. But they need to be at least freely redistributable, and yes, should have a copyright and license statement. 14.43.24 # I wonder if swp(b) even works right on those. 14.43.32 # Could be two things. Either cache handling, or some of the new code 14.44.12 # ie: They're not linked into Rockbox (except rockbox_default, or whatever its name is), so they don't have to be GPL compatible 14.44.29 # they are even distributed separately 14.44.29 # linuxstb: I agree that fonts are just data and don't need to be gpl'd, except probably for the built-in font 14.44.40 # LinusN: Also a good point 14.45.15 # nevertheless, i think we need to be clear about which license each font is distributed under 14.45.30 # jhMikeS: Do you have test code that would tell? 14.45.35 # If it were the new code, I'd expect a quick death on those queue tests. It just runs and runs. 14.46.08 # LinusN: yes, that too. Ok then. Some have the following inside: "Public domain font. Share and enjoy." Is that ok for RB? 14.46.20 # sure 14.46.22 Join webguest54 [0] (i=c023110b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-db7811bd072f11b6) 14.46.28 # I even straightened out the order of operations in the cache test and that runs without incident now. 14.46.37 # On 5020? 14.47.04 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.47.11 # ie, LinusN: Ideally we'd have some sort of confirmation that the font is indeed public domain? 14.47.19 # yes 14.47.30 # Or at least a note of where we got it from 14.47.46 # no. that really seems to be something outside an error in locking things. perhaps something similar to have to do inl in the PLL routine. 14.48.07 # maybe it needs noops in the swp(b) loops. who knows. 14.48.21 # That's why I was asking for test code... 14.49.16 # I'll will have a general update soon that simplifies thing. If you want the plugins that do queue send accross cores, I'll pastebin them, 14.49.57 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) 14.50.40 # jhMikeS: Hmm, as they probably need a patched core, and that patched core crashes, they wouldn't be useful I presume 14.51.26 # amiconn: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7646 updated with SAPI5 building 14.52.22 # (and a bit of other stuff) 14.54.21 Quit chrisjs169 (Connection timed out) 14.54.26 # The Win32::SAPI5 module looks promising... 14.54.34 # amiconn: yes they do as they are. though some local faking of it could be done. anyway: http://www.pastebin.ca/669140 14.55.04 # amiconn: there is a sapi4 module too 14.55.10 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 14.55.12 # rasher: we could check who initially checked in the fonts and ask the people where they got that from. 14.55.32 # LinusN: Yes, but sapi4 is a lot less interesting than sapi5. sapi4 can only be scripted in realtime 14.55.48 # (unless I missed something fundamental all the time) 14.55.50 # true 14.55.50 # Some people are requesting SAPI4 though. 14.55.56 Quit webguest54 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 14.55.59 # yes, one creates the thread on CPU but that was for the benchmarking 14.56.18 # rasher: Well, if they can live with one voice needing half an hour to build, it would work 14.56.19 # amiconn: well, sapi5 with today's script is almost slower than realtime :-) 14.56.24 Join chrisjs169 [0] (n=ubuntu@pool-71-114-155-87.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net) 14.57.54 Part LinusN 14.58.42 # A test with a locked variable could be: swap busy value into i. increment the local copy. unlock by writing new value. each core does while((value = swap(x)) != BUSY_VALUE; value++; x = value; 14.59.13 # swap(x, BUSY_VALUE) rather 14.59.55 # Ah, at least using a voiceclip pool does speed things up nicely (it was still rather slow on cygwin previously) 15.00.30 # blah, and check == , not != 15.01.24 # If I want to create a human-voiced .voice file, and I populate the pool myself, what merges them into the .voice? Is there a way to do this currently? 15.01.55 # Llorean: I have a script you could use for that 15.02.33 # I was curious if there was anything in SVN for that at the moment. I don't really intend to speak 30 minutes of audio myself at this point. :) 15.02.59 # It expects a dir full of .wavs named after their contents (one named "No.wav" etc.) and will generate voicefiles for all targets, and tell you if you're missing any voice-strings 15.03.21 # But there's not really anything like it in SVN 15.03.42 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.03.50 # Even just something telling you if you're missing strings would be nice. 15.03.52 # unless you count running voicefont directly in a dir full of mp3s named after clip-ids 15.04.55 # hmmmm 15.05.00 # Llorean: In the language file? 15.05.07 # Llorean: or in a clip pool 15.05.11 # clip pool 15.05.17 # I know that it's posible to install cpan perl modules using perl, but I don't remember how... 15.05.23 # Rather than printing out a copy of the .lang, and checking them off, that is. 15.05.48 # Llorean: Well, that's the first part of my script. It generates a file of all strings to be recorded 15.06.08 # And if no strings are missing, it goes on to generate the voicefiles 15.06.13 # rasher: Do you think this might be useful enough to some people to go in SVN? Especially with the fact that it generates voices for all targets? 15.06.21 # In /tools or such? 15.07.15 # Perhaps, I'll put it in a tracker entry for now 15.07.20 # Note to self: google is your friend 15.10.38 # hmm :\ 15.12.15 Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) 15.13.38 # Llorean: FS#7650 15.16.16 # Eh? ftp://ftp.perl.org/ doesn't work... 15.16.37 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) 15.16.48 # amiconn: Works For Me[tm] 15.16.55 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.17.09 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) 15.17.11 # * amiconn just gets a timeout :( 15.17.48 # works here too 15.18.16 # Bah, dns caching 15.18.28 Join H10_007quick [0] (n=chatzill@mnet-ki-244-78-181.monarch.net) 15.18.35 # Flushing the cache helped. ftp.perl.org resolves to a dyndns address.... 15.18.50 Quit H10_007quick (Client Quit) 15.19.46 # Win32::SAPI5 doesn't install on cygwin perl :( 15.19.51 Join _jz [0] (n=jz@ns1.april.org) 15.19.55 # <_jz> hey 15.20.11 # "Win32::SAPI5 can only be installed on Microsoft Windows Platforms" <= haha 15.20.24 # Well that's certainly a bummer 15.20.49 # So we have to stick to the vbscript if we don't want to require activestate perl 15.20.52 # ActivePerl only huh ? 15.21.13 # amiconn: or we could use the current method 15.21.28 # ah right, that's the vbscript, ignore me 15.21.45 # What about a C application? Would that be hard? 15.22.06 # * linuxstb has no idea what's involved 15.22.39 # Would be way more complicated than using a script 15.23.05 # Otoh, it would make sense for sapi4, as the C api allows to set higher speeds than realtime (x2, x4 and x8) 15.23.07 # But easier for users, and easy to incorporate into rbutil... 15.23.49 # Well, the vbscript isn't difficult. The scripting host ships standard with every half-recent windows version (2000 and up) 15.24.03 # And sapi would be needed anyway 15.24.23 Join pondlife [0] (n=Miranda@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust362.winn.cable.ntl.com) 15.24.31 # Adding voice-building to rbutil would be fairly involved 15.24.54 # .talk building with sapi wouldn't be quite as bad I guess 15.25.54 Quit perrikwp ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 15.26.01 # rasher: .talk file building would be nice with sapi in rbutil.. at the moment it only supports espeak and flite.. voice building would be hard.. 15.26.38 # Domonoky: It'd make it difficult/impossible? to crosscompile rbutil though I imagine? Unless you can use standard windows apis for it 15.27.21 # Voice building requires the langfiles, features and voicefont (the latter could of course be assimilated into rbutil) 15.27.41 # features meaning the list of features the target supports 15.27.52 # * Domonoky thinks the best thing to do with sapi and rbutil would be to use little scripts or exes which generate a wav file with sapi.. like it uses espeak and flite now.. 15.28.27 # Domonoky: Much like voicecommon.sh (and voice.pl) does it 15.28.32 # or rather, exactly like that 15.28.42 # That's what the vbscript does, but it does it in an inefficient way atm 15.28.56 # rasher: Is it possible to start a process asynchronously from perl? 15.29.03 # amiconn: I'm still not entirely sure that's the bottleneck 15.29.10 # amiconn: In which way do you mean? 15.29.19 # rasher: i used this script to build the talk file generation in rbutil :-) 15.30.29 # Well, init_tts should start an asynchronous cscript process with the master script. voice_string() would then just pass the string to convert to that "server" script 15.30.55 # ...and shutdown_tts() would tell the server script to terminate 15.31.20 # amiconn: Ah yes, that shouldn't be difficult. If you can make a vbscript that reads input on stdin, you'd even only need a single process, not any client/server business 15.31.36 # how? 15.31.56 # Sure vbscript can read from stdin, that's simple 15.32.00 # Start a process in init_tts, and feed it lines of text to speak and where to save it 15.32.16 # The filehandles can be passed along 15.32.21 # And closed in shutdown_tts() 15.32.21 # Yes, but that process needs to be started asynchronous 15.32.34 # Ah, well that's perfectly possible 15.32.48 # ...because the perl script needs to continue while the vbscript is waiting for input 15.32.48 # open(F, "|process"), print F "data\n"; 15.32.59 # ah 15.33.22 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF728C.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.33.25 # well, it can be started as a process or just a thread 15.33.30 # in perl I mean 15.34.09 # That's how we use espeak at the moment. 15.34.15 # Although that gets terminated for each clip 15.34.16 # but I think the open approach should work, since I bet the script will wait for the completion anyway 15.34.17 Join seablue [0] (n=s@0x535c1344.banxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 15.34.46 # Hmm, it looks like that's the same method as used for festival... 15.35.07 # I guess a newline would be sufficient to separate clips? 15.35.21 # amiconn: It shouldn't even need to be as complicated as festival 15.35.32 # amiconn: alternating lines of content and filenames perhaps? 15.35.46 # Yes, as we are able to control the server side of the messages as well 15.36.03 # However, we need to convert from utf8 to system codepage in perl... 15.36.16 # That should be completely possible 15.36.28 # Couldn't the vbscript do it better though? 15.37.00 # I'm assuming it has easier access to such information as "what is the syste codepage?" 15.37.15 # WScript.StdIn is the stdin TextStream object in vbscript 15.37.52 # The vbscript could tell the system codepage, but there are no conversion functions we could use. 15.38.04 # amiconn: I'll add another method that opens a process and writes alternating lines of filename and string to speak. I'll leave implementing the vbscript up to someone else 15.38.09 # At least I didn't find any back when we switched to langv2 (first step) and utf8 15.38.35 # we could get that information when starting the script 15.38.37 # rasher: We could also separate the data with a tab or something 15.38.52 # filenametext 15.39.07 # amiconn: I think a newline is better - tabs just may sneak their way into a string 15.39.18 # Besides, isn't it easier to read a line at a time than to have to split? 15.39.24 # Hmm, but newlines make it ambiguous 15.39.31 # Why? 15.39.54 # Surely you'll just read two lines at a time and know that the first is a filename and the next is a string 15.40.08 # We control the input, so I don't see how that could go wrong 15.40.14 # That'd work - if the passing script behaves 15.40.43 # The one-line-at-a-time needs the controlling script to pass instead of just 15.40.56 Quit freqmod (Remote closed the connection) 15.41.03 # Will do 15.41.41 # Then it's just a matter of text = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine in the vbscript 15.42.00 # Maybe I can even do it myself 15.42.09 # So, how to detect termination? Passing two empty lines? 15.42.37 # That should do 15.42.59 # The string *could* be empty during the strings, but if the filename can't be 15.43.45 Quit frederv (Remote closed the connection) 15.44.26 # Sounds good. Iirc genlang was enabled to do the utf8->system conversion when langv2 was first introduced 15.45.13 # So that mechanism could be incorporated in voice.pl 15.45.27 # If it's possible to find the system codepage in perl, that'd be better (both reading and writing to a process is far more annoying than simply reading from one) 15.45.43 # Why is the system codepage needed? 15.45.57 # Because sapi can only use that 15.45.58 # linuxstb: I assume SAPI5 expects input in the system codepage 15.46.43 # There might be unicode interfaces to sapi, but those aren't usable from vbscript 15.47.36 Join pixelma [0] (i=d5494c8e@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 15.47.55 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 15.48.06 # What's the complication that makes a scripting language preferable to C? 15.48.53 Join Gursikh [0] (i=khalsa@tremulous/officialdevannoyer/khalsa) 15.49.07 # :wq 15.49.08 # linuxstb: which part, sapi clip generation, or voice generation in general? 15.49.11 Part Gursikh 15.49.18 # rasher: The SAPI parts. 15.49.39 # Did you ever work with the windows COM api? 15.49.49 # No. 15.50.15 # So that's the complication? The API is just much easier from vbscript? 15.50.41 Join tyrion_ [0] (n=SkyCon@ 15.53.28 # hey all, quick question, i want to the tagnavi_custom.config file to allow me to sort old podcasts acording to folder, then date, at the moment they are sorted by length 15.53.48 # sorry, new, unplayed podcasts 15.56.46 # I think you need to enable the gather runtime feature but I must admit that I don't know much about it as I don't use it. The DataBase page in the wiki has an example of a tagnavi_custom file with a similar option - maybe you'll find some more info there 15.58.20 # pixelma: yeah, i have that enabled, and it seperates played and unplayed podcasts 15.58.38 # but the sorting method for unplayed podcasts is unuseable 15.59.21 Join BobShield [0] (i=rshield@c-24-15-123-57.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 16.00.52 # you can modify that to your own likings, not everything is possible but a lot. The mentioned wiki page tells you how, other than that maybe you'll find more database experts in the forums, I believe 16.01.33 # ok, cool, thanks 16.01.40 Part tyrion_ 16.05.07 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.05.31 Quit bdgraue (Remote closed the connection) 16.05.58 Join kaaloo [0] (n=luis@rue92-3-82-232-48-241.fbx.proxad.net) 16.06.10 Part kaaloo 16.07.08 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 16.07.21 # bah 16.07.30 # * amiconn should concentrate on one thing at a time 16.07.30 # humbug 16.07.59 Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@m103h.studby.ntnu.no) 16.08.18 Join frederv [0] (i=frederv@caracal.stud.ntnu.no) 16.09.59 Quit B4gder ("It is time to say MOOO") 16.10.34 # moo 16.12.37 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 16.12.43 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 16.14.38 Join einhirn [0] (n=Miranda@p5B031C0E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 16.25.37 Quit BigMac (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.26.47 Quit einhirn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.36.58 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 16.43.10 Join bdgraue [0] (n=bdgraue@host-091-096-175-021.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 16.44.16 Quit pixelma ("bbl") 16.47.10 Quit My_Sic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.47.39 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-024-162-254-070.nc.res.rr.com) 16.49.57 Nick _pill is now known as pill (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) 16.50.09 Quit pill (Nick collision from services.) 16.50.29 Join _pill [0] (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) 16.51.44 # amiconn: Added a script that does what we discussed and updated voice.pl to use this script. Hopefully without making any crucial mistakes 16.54.22 Join saratoga [0] (i=98039a9c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7ce17241f5b336a0) 16.54.24 Quit chrisjs169 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.54.40 # is the GPLv3 compatable with the LGPL? 16.59.02 Quit freqmod (Remote closed the connection) 17.03.44 Quit petur ("Drink error: 104 (Connection reset by beer)") 17.13.46 # Any news on commit status of FS#7627? It's a good thing imho 17.16.11 Part ie 17.23.13 Join darkraven [0] (n=darkrave@p54A313BE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.24.46 Quit pondlife ("disconnected has pondlife") 17.26.53 Quit darkraven (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.28.16 Join darkraven [0] (n=darkrave@p54A313BE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.31.10 # lord I'm bored 17.32.43 # GodEater: test my voice-building patch! (FS#7646) 17.33.07 # * GodEater goes to look at it 17.33.13 Join darkraven90 [0] (n=darkrave@p54A313BE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.33.27 # It should work more or less like it does now 17.33.52 # Except better 17.34.26 # * GodEater thinks we should encourage people to name the files they attach to their FS entries with the FS number included 17.34.55 # GodEater: How'd you do that when you submit a new entry? 17.35.01 # FlySpray could do it otoh 17.35.50 # true, it's tricky for new entries 17.36.00 # but I've got a plethora of .diff and .patch files 17.36.04 # and no way to tie them back to FS 17.36.14 # well configure still gets stuck 17.36.22 # Stuck? 17.36.27 # it displays "Voice build selected" 17.36.30 # and then doesn't do anything 17.36.37 # Making flyspray add the tracker number to the filename would be nice 17.36.51 # GodEater: That's by design - press enter to continue 17.37.05 # GodEater: Or you could press s to select simulator, then enter to continue 17.37.05 # should we have a prompt which says that ? 17.37.18 # Probably - I didn't make this part though 17.37.27 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host44-223-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 17.37.33 # also, get a permission denied error on voice.pl 17.37.54 # Probably not set executable? 17.38.04 # Don't know if you can do that in a patch 17.38.11 # 'spose not 17.38.26 # echo "Enter your developer options (press enter when done)" 17.38.32 # What do you suggest it says instead? 17.38.46 # I saw no such prompt 17.39.06 # Then I do believe you weren't looking 17.39.16 # After you press a, you get that prompt 17.39.52 # ah yes 17.40.09 # so you can select both voice and simulator at that point can you ? 17.40.20 # Yeah 17.40.24 # ah I see 17.40.29 # Or other combinations 17.41.02 Quit desowin ("use linux") 17.41.24 # voice file generated successfully 17.41.39 # That's good. On linux? 17.41.42 # yep 17.41.48 # should I run it using "time" 17.41.52 # to see if there's a speed up ? 17.41.59 # That might be interesting 17.42.29 # ok - I'll revert my tree 17.42.34 # do it without the patch 17.42.36 # and then again with 17.44.33 Quit datachild ("Half of the modern drugs could well be thrown out of the window, except that the birds might eat them.") 17.45.05 # using original method : 17.45.19 # real 1m20.501s 17.45.19 # user 0m46.623s 17.45.19 # sys 0m18.770s 17.46.03 # It's probably not terribly significant on Linux 17.46.08 # If at all 17.46.52 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 17.47.03 # I just tested, and it was slightly slower for me 17.48.17 # faster here - AND I just noticed my PC had started to compile something else 17.48.30 # so I'm doing it again without that to see how much faster 17.48.52 # real 1m1.498s 17.48.53 # user 0m51.234s 17.48.53 # sys 0m8.251s 17.48.56 # not bad 17.49.29 # There could be all sorts of thing making my test slower I guess 17.50.02 Quit darkraven (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.52.01 Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@pool-68-239-217-158.nwrk.east.verizon.net) 17.53.17 # well the important thing is it works fine :) 17.53.47 # saratoga: Yes, I believe the LGPL is compatible with GPLv3 - you can use LGPL'd code with anything... 17.53.57 # It's certainly far faster in cygwin 17.55.36 # Rebuilding with a full clip pool (previously generated voice clips, saved in a separate dir) is an order of magnitude faster for me, on Linux.. 17.55.45 # * GodEater spots it's 5 o'clock, and therefore time to go to the pub 17.55.49 # The shells cripts take 25 seconds, the perl script takes 2 17.55.54 Join perrikwp [0] (n=chatzill@ 17.56.36 Join chrisjs169 [0] (n=ubuntu@pool-71-114-155-87.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net) 18.00.17 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 18.04.27 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 18.05.08 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.05.22 Nick _pill is now known as pill (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) 18.17.57 Join My_Sic [0] (n=MySic@mur31-1-82-237-204-133.fbx.proxad.net) 18.18.11 Quit obo ("bye") 18.18.56 # hah, someone jtag'd the iphone... I guess maybe we should consider a port to it afterall? :-\ 18.21.21 Quit chrisjs169 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.21.28 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 18.25.55 Quit My_Sic ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 18.29.05 Join amiconn_ [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 18.29.20 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 18.29.21 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 18.29.40 # rasher: I applied your patch and configured for sapi, german and english. For some reason a 'make voice' the first builds all bitmap libraries 18.29.52 # ...before starting to build the voice files 18.30.30 Join Phalangees [0] (n=kyle@adsl-76-199-167-170.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) 18.31.57 # rasher: Didn't you change the clip filenames to use the md5sum? 18.32.55 # lostlogic: I wonder if the 2nd gen Nano has any similarities... 18.36.41 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 18.37.10 # rasher: The spFileStream object could also be created once and then reused. My old script did that 18.37.28 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 18.38.06 # It also looks like the current voice file generation doesn't handle VOICE_PAUSE properly (both svn and your perl script) 18.43.58 # rasher: Urgs, sapi output doesn't handle language properly. Passing german text to an english voice sounds.... kinda funny.... 18.46.39 Join mexicankiller [0] (n=chatzill@ 18.47.14 # rasher: Hmm, and for some reason the voice file is around twice as large as the downloadable ones 18.47.39 # ...and doesn't work 18.49.25 # Did you forget wavtrim? 18.54.52 Quit mexicankiller ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 18.55.38 # amiconn: like an american trying to talk german? 18.57.15 Quit ctaylorr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.58.20 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 18.58.37 Join Captain_A [0] (n=BigMac@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) 18.58.50 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 18.58.54 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 19.01.07 # vavtreem 19.03.11 Part pixelma 19.05.42 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 19.06.44 Join whm [0] (i=terooj@jymy.kase.fi) 19.12.05 Quit sarixe ("Peace") 19.13.19 # hello. the faq keeps talking about archos players? it's valid for ipods too, right? 19.13.35 # yes, to some degree. 19.13.37 # Which FAQ? 19.13.43 # there is a ipod-specific faq too ... 19.14.36 # oh... 19.17.28 # ok i found it, finally, very well hidden ;) 19.18.13 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 19.18.14 # whm: what's hidden there? http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DocsIndex#FAQ 19.18.28 # Or "wiki -> ipod port -> ipod faq"... 19.18.57 # ok, i was first looking at documentation -> index -> faq 19.18.58 # or "wik" -> rockbox FAQ -> ipod FAQ"... 19.19.23 # and what's hard to find the Ipod FAQ through the documentation index? 19.19.24 # We may have too many indexes... 19.19.33 # * bluebrother is really puzzled 19.19.48 # actually, i can rarely find things in the wiki 19.19.56 # better organization might be nice 19.20.01 # but its a lot of work 19.20.48 # maybe using the namespaces more would help ... 19.20.57 # well my problem was that i just clicked the first "FAQ" i found. Ipod FAQ is further down.. 19.21.28 # user error :) 19.21.32 # hehe ;) 19.21.54 Join obo_ [0] (n=obo@rockbox/developer/obo) 19.22.01 # ok now that i have read archos faq and some of ipod faq, i have couple of questions.. 19.22.10 # whm: The second question in the main FAQ links to the other FAQs as well.. ;) 19.22.25 Nick obo_ is now known as obo (n=obo@rockbox/developer/obo) 19.22.32 # whm: What's the question 19.22.48 # ok :) 19.23.01 # yes, theme keeps resetting from time to time? 19.23.25 # i can set it and it survives reboot, but then later on i get back to the default or something. 19.23.53 # to be more clear, seems it changes by itself. 19.24.10 # a theme needs to be installed below the .rockbox folder 19.24.53 # yes, it's there. i dropped all the files in wps folder into .rockbox/wps and the same for the rest of the folders. 19.25.23 Quit seablue ("life, death, life, death") 19.25.31 # ok now it changed again.. 19.26.13 # i basicly just set "Silver", then rebooted, and it was still ok. Then left it charging, came back and now i have the default one again. 19.26.57 Quit midgey () 19.27.13 # Perhaps you booted with the hold switch enabled (e.g. by plugging usb)? 19.27.33 # no, i pressed play/pause for a few seconds.. 19.27.56 # You didn't turn hold on when you left it to charge? 19.28.01 # no 19.28.22 # i'll try it again with other theme 19.28.42 # Are you using an official Rockbox build? 19.29.03 # And which ipod? 19.29.53 # ipod nano 1st gen, and i think it's a "release" build downloaded yesterday. 19.31.09 Quit jgarvey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.31.29 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-024-162-254-070.nc.res.rr.com) 19.32.20 # another question, charging is hardware controlled on ipods also? 19.33.25 # yes 19.36.22 # ok 19.37.01 Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@206-159-155-246.netsync.net) 19.37.07 # the other theme seems to work for now at least. maybe the first one was messed up somehow (i copied the files by hand after all). 19.39.32 Join jrbil [0] (n=chatzill@ 19.39.57 Join theglades00 [0] (n=chatzill@cpe-69-205-167-7.stny.res.rr.com) 19.40.21 Join euz [0] (n=euz@sgo-fw.saogotardo.com.br) 19.40.54 # Domonoky: what do you think about splitting the wiki page for rbutil in two? 19.41.56 # saratoga: Regarding the last packet in ASF files, have you confirmed it's not being passed to the decoder? 19.42.00 # after first failed attempts, I was wondering, what's the probability my iriver iHP120 supporting simple CF to IDE hacks? And where do I look for info? 19.42.31 # anyone familiar with building sansapatcher? 19.42.34 # euz: Have you searched the misticriver forums? 19.42.38 # jrbil: Yes 19.42.49 # jrbil: What's the problem? 19.42.53 # perfect... i get it to build, but it always seg faults. 19.43.02 # On what OS? 19.43.09 # linux 19.43.23 # Have you run it in gdb? 19.43.34 Join donutman25 [0] (n=chatzill@ 19.43.35 # yes... and i do a back trace 19.43.39 # 32-bit or 64-bit? 19.43.41 # but it's uniformative. 19.43.44 # not yet 19.43.44 # 32-bit 19.44.04 # how is the actual bootloader built? 19.44.19 # jrbil: I assume you've removed the call to "strip" in the Makefile? 19.44.31 # You bet. And I did a make clean. 19.44.47 # I built my own adapter, tested it on pc, but iriver ignores it 19.44.50 # jrbil: You build the bootloader the same way as you build Rockbox - select your target in configure, then "b" for bootloader. 19.45.02 # think it could be a hardware limitation? 19.45.05 # ahhhhh.... 19.45.09 # jrbil: But it's not recommended to use SVN bootloaders - they're not tested. 19.45.14 # adding -g to CFLAGS might be helpful too ... 19.45.15 # I never did that. 19.45.27 # Will that build sansapatcher for me as well? 19.45.38 # I added the "-g". 19.46.15 # No, they're independent. You don't need to build sansapatcher to install a bootloader - just do "sansapatcher -a bootloader.mi4" (or whatever it's called). 19.46.44 # Perfect. The bootloader I downloaded works fine. 19.47.04 # I've been playing around with the garbled lines on the e200. 19.47.17 # I've got a patch, but I haven't been able to test it with the bootloader. 19.52.58 # everyone seems at a loss at mysticriver 19.53.29 # noone here tried it before? 19.54.11 # euz: The people that may know don't seem to be around at the moment. I would suggest either emailing the rockbox mailing list, or posting a message in the forums. 19.54.15 # CF to ATA will probably only work if the CF card in question supports the full ATA command set 19.54.23 # Not all of them do 19.54.29 # * linuxstb spots one of those people... 19.54.29 # I bought connectors from twaian and soldered myself, although I have found the right adapter 19.55.25 # it seems there was a update to the IDEspecifications in order to support/improve support for CF cards 19.55.52 # I have tested the CF in question on PC, it worked wonderfully 19.56.23 # euz: Are you running the iriver firmware or Rockbox in flash? 19.56.40 # rockbox 19.56.55 # euz: can you access it when connected through usb? 19.57.03 # euz: Does the bootloader give any error message? 19.57.25 # I didn format the CF the right way, was expecting the bootloader to detect it 19.57.38 # the bootloader freezes on the third line 19.57.42 # The bootloader hangs if the card isn't formatted 19.57.48 Quit jrbil ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 19.57.52 # Card or disk, of course 19.57.58 # let me try, brb 19.58.25 # * petur repeats himself: euz: can you access it when connected through usb? 19.58.49 # petur: If the bootloader freezes, I'm assuming he can't access it via usb? 19.59.03 # USB works 19.59.09 # thought so too 19.59.34 # ouch, theme got reset again and ipod also crashed.. it was stuck at the white apple screen with backlight on... any ideas? could it be that i messed up the FAT32 stuff or something? 19.59.35 # It freezes when trying to boot, not when going into bootloader usb 19.59.51 # amiconn: Ah, OK... 20.00.09 # whm: Do you get any other problems on your ipod? e.g. does music playback OK? 20.01.04 # usually yes, but once i got weird "rippling" sound.. sounded like a broken speaker basicly. 20.01.32 # whm: It could be a corrupt filesystem. You could try running "chkdsk /f" 20.02.27 # nothing at all 20.02.36 # original firmware refuses it 20.02.58 # check hdd connection 20.03.51 # I thought you had Rockbox in flash? 20.03.56 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 20.04.02 # pixelma: ping..... 20.04.03 # tried both :) 20.04.16 # what do you need in flash? 20.04.21 # euz: Ignore me... 20.04.30 # * linuxstb forgot how the h140 bootloader worked... 20.04.33 # heh, it ok 20.04.46 # linuxstb is it ok to try to check it with disk utility, i only have a mac..? 20.04.49 # ah, was wondering if it was possible to replace original 20.05.09 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.05.13 # whm: I don't know what disk utility can do... 20.05.27 # ok i'll have a look if it can check fat32... 20.05.33 # damm, soldering the adapter was such a bitch 20.05.38 Join pixelma_ [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 20.06.06 Quit pixelma (Nick collision from services.) 20.06.13 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 20.06.38 # euz: You've partitioned and formatted it? 20.07.02 # yes, but using the manual method and i did have some problems with it... 20.07.23 # ok disk utility says `..' entry in /.rockbox has non-zero start cluster 20.07.24 # :D 20.07.28 # not yet 20.07.54 # think it might do the trick? 20.08.04 # That's what amiconn said 10 minutes ago ;) 20.08.18 # I think it's either a firmware or hardware limitation 20.08.35 # the ihp120 is pretty old 20.08.57 Join p3tur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 20.08.58 Quit petur ("switchin") 20.09.48 Nick p3tur is now known as petur (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 20.10.02 # ok i told disk thingy to fix it.. i'll be back if i have any more problems.. thanks a lot guys! (it was simple again heh ;) 20.10.12 # the original firmware should be able to format it regardless I think, unless there was an expecific hack in the boot loader to support CF 20.10.38 # when using rb->lcd_bitmap_transparent_part(data,srcX,srcY,stride,x,y): what is stride? 20.10.45 Join webguest21 [0] (i=d9e36395@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-962f5d3d6b9b91eb) 20.11.07 # Phalangees: Have you looked at the GraphicsAPI wiki page? 20.11.18 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 20.11.34 # I see you have a cf on your ipod mini? 20.11.36 # I am now. Thanks 20.14.22 Join pixelma_ [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 20.14.35 Join dandin1 [0] (n=dandin1@bas7-ottawa23-1088831667.dsl.bell.ca) 20.14.43 Quit pixelma (Nick collision from services.) 20.14.43 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 20.14.48 # uhm sorry for bugging you guys but does onyone know why my ipod pops up the message "Data abort at 0030900" everytime i try to play a track? I used RIX to install rockbox on my ipod video after i resettet it... hope sb knows something 20.15.02 # webguest21: Because you used RIX to install rockbox... 20.15.10 # uh thanks :P 20.15.21 # Try following the instructions in the manual - it's not complicated. 20.15.22 # so probably doing it by hand will solve the problem? 20.16.02 # Yes, RIX is very old and very broken. 20.16.23 # (unless they've updated it in the last couple of months) 20.16.43 # uh thanks already 20.16.51 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 20.17.50 # what time should I be back in order to find help with my CF issue? 20.17.54 # webguest21: if you want to use a graphical installer, use rbutil.. :-) 20.18.39 # euz: Have you attempted to partition and format it, and see what the Rockbox bootloader reports? 20.18.40 Quit BobShield (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.19.10 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@ 20.19.19 Join oxygen77 [0] (n=oxygen77@vau75-6-82-237-174-211.fbx.proxad.net) 20.19.51 Quit Entasis (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.20.28 # I haven't 20.20.55 # let me try 20.20.57 # brb 20.21.28 # * petur wonders why he asked two times about accessing through usb 20.21.40 Quit euz ("Leaving") 20.22.18 # so that you can add one more to your action count now ;) 20.23.02 Join DC1 [0] (n=dc1@pool-70-107-155-237.ny325.east.verizon.net) 20.23.04 # * petur checks his stats :) 20.24.29 # pixelma: I'll never catch up amiconn this month :) 20.24.43 # huh? 20.25.10 # http://www.rasher.dk/rockbox/ircstats/2007-08.php 20.25.40 Quit DC1 (Client Quit) 20.26.14 # petur: get some practice for September then 20.26.28 Join BobShield [0] (i=rshield@c-24-15-123-57.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 20.26.32 # * petur exercises :) 20.26.35 Quit HellDragon (Client Quit) 20.26.53 # lol 20.27.02 # "Poor his, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 2 times" 20.27.22 # doing better than forehead then :) 20.27.57 # wasn't me :P 20.28.48 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 20.29.28 # * amiconn shouldn't talk that much and code more instead :\\ 20.30.07 # * Domonoky seems to smile to much :-) 20.33.17 # petur teh attacker ;) 20.33.50 Quit SirFunk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.33.55 # * petur slaps whoever he likes (and adds another one to the stats) 20.34.18 # petur: checked the "all stats" page? ;-) 20.34.59 # The all stats page seems to be a bit buggy. Check the "last seen"... 20.35.05 Quit midgey () 20.35.32 # Domonoky: we should starting to advertise rbutilqt to get testers ... 20.36.11 # sure.. :-) 20.36.31 # amiconn: Wow, you've typed 1.2 million words in IRC... 20.36.51 # * bluebrother goes splitting up the rbutil wiki page 20.37.00 # bluebrother: do we have someone who can build us a mac version ? 20.37.14 # don't know -- linuxstb? 20.37.17 Join pixelma_ [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 20.37.26 # bluebrother: QT wouldn't compile for me... 20.38.16 Quit pixelma (Nick collision from services.) 20.38.17 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 20.38.42 # sorry for disconnects/rejoins 20.38.53 # * pixelma slaps router... 20.39.14 # uh thanks a lot it works out great if you do the installation by hand 20.39.39 Quit perrikwp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.41.05 Join low_light [0] (i=c730180b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-40ce417debf02477) 20.42.23 # jhMikeS: does sansa ata use dma? 20.42.41 # Sansa isn't ata 20.43.09 # is there a way to move an attachment to a different wiki page? 20.43.28 # low_light: no 20.44.03 # it's still called ata-e200 even though not technically ATA :) 20.44.14 # I found some reg writes to 0x6000a0xx & 0x6000b0xx during reads & writes and was wondering if they were dma related 20.44.22 # Yes, same as Ondio MMC is called ata_mmc 20.44.37 # did you check pp5022.h? 20.44.51 # bluebrother: Yes, you can manage attachments and move them, but I don't think normal wiki users have the right to. 20.44.59 # pp5020.h rather 20.45.20 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54967103.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.45.21 # bluebrother: What do you want to attach? I thought executables were hosted on download.rockbox.org? 20.45.34 # guess nothing's there for those 20.46.03 # jhMikeS: there's a reference in system-pp502x about 0x6000a000 turing on dma 20.46.26 # linuxstb: I split the RockboxUtility wiki page up -- the Qt version is now RockboxUtilityQt. I want to move the screenshots I added a couple of days ago to the new page 20.47.04 # low_light: MrH wrote a document (about the NAND Flash I think) documenting DMA, but I don't recall anyone succeeding with it. 20.47.36 Join thegeek_ [0] (n=nnscript@s189a.studby.ntnu.no) 20.47.54 Quit thegeek (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 20.48.49 Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@m103h.studby.ntnu.no) 20.49.20 # jhMikeS: here's the ata/sd_read function and the 2 functions maybe related to dma: http://rafb.net/p/0B4ZSc63.html 20.50.08 Join haemmy [0] (n=stefan@ 20.50.17 # oh...this is from the sansa c200 (pp5022c), but maybe has the same sd controller 20.50.35 Join euz [0] (n=euz@sgo-fw.saogotardo.com.br) 20.50.52 # nope 20.51.14 # and there's similar functions for writing 20.51.37 # euz: You created a partition table with a single primary partition (FAT32) and formatted that partition as FAT32? 20.51.43 # while I like being a "pioneer", I'm way too far from civilization for it 20.51.55 # yes, type 0B 20.51.57 # low_light: the 6000b... address do appear to be DMA. e200 does use it. 20.52.05 # mkdosfs -F 32 20.52.11 # euz: And what did the Rockbox bootloader say? 20.52.24 # wiki admins: can someone please move the images I attached to RockboxUtility to RockboxUtilityQt? 20.52.24 # same as before, nothing 20.52.36 # hang on 3rd line 20.53.00 # What did those three lines say? Any ATA error message? 20.53.11 # although the next lines when using original hdd aren't very informative 20.54.22 # no, I remember those when I had screwed my hdd, but not this time 20.56.29 # So what is the last line that's displayed? And what version is the bootloader you're using? 20.57.17 # Ich probiere mal noch 'was 20.57.21 # oops 21.00.21 # anybody against me closing 7644 - doesn´t make much sense... 21.00.50 # version 6 21.01.37 Quit webguest21 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 21.04.00 # bluebrother: Can't you just change the URLs? 21.04.31 # hmm -- it's %ATTACHURL%/file.jpg 21.04.53 # Cheat... 21.05.04 # ok, using ../ works but ... 21.06.05 # ok, I cheated for now. Maybe someone with the appropriate powers wants to make this nice though ... 21.06.14 # so what time should I come back? 21.06.55 # euz: You haven't said what the bootloader messages are. i.e. where in the boot process is Rockbox freezing? 21.08.37 # rockbox boot loader /n version 6 /n Batt: 4.06V 21.08.58 # Batt was a little higher when using the CF :) 21.09.55 # ATA errors appear before that message, ie, damaged HDD/without HDD 21.10.20 # so when CF is plugged in, I'm actually getting past the ATA error routine 21.14.16 # euz: what are you trying to do? Use a cf card instead of the hard drive? 21.14.39 # yes, on iriver ihp120 21.14.51 # have you seen http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/MiniCF ? 21.15.23 # not yet 21.15.40 # the patch doesn't apply anymore iirc but you can search for that comment 21.17.11 # jhMikeS: I see that those registers are defined in toni's sansa emulator 21.18.47 Join einhirn [0] (n=Miranda@p5B031C0E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 21.19.48 # interesting, seems only CF with TrueIDE works 21.20.00 # but patch is still required 21.20.48 # low_light: yeah. I looked for them in reg.txt before my last posting because they seemed familiar. 21.26.16 Quit donutman25 ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 21.28.02 # * linuxstb reads http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/MIME_Types_and_File_Extensions and sees that a file with the .ogg extension is now only supposed to contain a vorbis audio stream 21.29.55 Quit low_light ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 21.30.30 Quit haemmy () 21.32.21 Join agm3nt [0] (n=gh@nat.n3t.pl) 21.32.41 Quit iamben (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.33.03 Part agm3nt 21.33.28 Join chrisjs169 [0] (n=ubuntu@pool-71-114-128-205.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net) 21.33.46 Join low_light [0] (i=c730180b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8e656e34b42d7923) 21.33.54 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 21.38.15 Quit Siku () 21.44.12 Join seablue [0] (n=s@0x535c1344.banxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 21.49.58 Join advcomp2019- [0] (n=advcomp2@ 21.50.24 Quit advcomp2019 (Nick collision from services.) 21.50.27 Nick advcomp2019- is now known as advcomp2019 (n=advcomp2@ 21.51.58 Quit Phalangees ("Ex-Chat") 21.52.49 Quit jgarvey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.52.52 Join jgarvey_ [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-024-162-254-070.nc.res.rr.com) 21.52.55 # I'll post in forum, laters 21.52.59 Quit euz ("Leaving") 21.59.58 Quit dandin1 () 22.05.12 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.07.44 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host44-223-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 22.08.53 # anyone noticed slower eq response than usual? i cant reproduce a bug report here 22.09.28 # not an eq user.... 22.09.32 # me neither... 22.16.53 # saratoga: Hmm, the comment in your code is a bit strange... 22.17.18 # You changed from 17.15 precision to 17.15 precision? 22.18.17 Quit pixelma (" switching") 22.18.29 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@ 22.18.37 # Hmm, that comment was just moved... 22.19.20 Quit davina ("xchat on Ubuntu 7.04") 22.20.16 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 22.23.57 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul) 22.25.47 Quit low_light ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 22.26.57 # jhMikeS: Should test_cache work in svn? 22.27.54 # Ah no, doesn't compile.... 22.31.10 # preglow: Does software treble/bass also use the asm loop in eq_arm.S? 22.36.18 Quit gtkspert (Remote closed the connection) 22.38.03 # amiconn: yeap 22.38.24 Join gtkspert [0] (n=gtkspert@gateless.info) 22.38.24 # Okay, so putting this loop into iram on PP5002 would prbably be a good idea... 22.38.24 # amiconn: i actually made code to combine two first order filters to a second order filter just so i could reuse the asm loop 22.38.57 # i'd imagine so 22.39.02 # is there a way to know the w/h that text will need (like using DT_CALCRECT with DrawText on windows if that may be a reference) 22.39.28 # lcd_getstringsize() 22.39.52 # thanks 22.41.09 Join Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@e179056056.adsl.alicedsl.de) 22.42.24 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 22.44.12 Join einhirn_ [0] (n=Miranda@p5B031C0E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 22.45.30 # amiconn: I suppose something could be cooked up to sync the threads besides the queues 22.48.40 Join Robin0800 [0] (n=Robin080@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust132.brig.cable.ntl.com) 22.49.20 # what is the size of the wps image buffer? 22.51.45 # trying to use large icons and sim cant load all the images 22.51.56 Part Robin0800 22.52.38 Quit einhirn_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.52.48 Join Robin0800 [0] (n=Robin080@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust132.brig.cable.ntl.com) 22.54.47 Quit kubiixaka ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 22.55.28 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.58.23 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.58.42 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 22.59.35 # preglow: Wow, that nearly halves the cost of sw treble/bass on PP5002.... 23.01.41 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 23.02.46 Quit einhirn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.06.55 Quit desowin ("use linux") 23.07.01 Join yegods [0] (i=cf2f0e57@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-287375e936665954) 23.07.54 Join linuxstb [0] (i=5343d4aa@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 23.07.58 # any GUI experts around? 23.09.19 # I assume you're going to ask about http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12332.0 ? 23.09.37 # that was the intent :) 23.11.02 # i'm guessing there's more of a population around at night? 23.11.32 # preglow: C00l, no more skipping when listening to higher bitrate oggs with treble+bass enabled :) 23.11.43 # Boost ratio is around 86% 23.11.53 # amiconn: The clip filenames are named by MD5sum only if building a voiceclip pool. I have no idea about why the bitmaps are built - I was wondering that myself. Someone with a clue should fix the .vbs to be most efficient, I've basically no idea what it's doing. 23.12.06 Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@ 23.12.16 # Ok. What about the language thing? 23.12.16 # yegods: It is night 23.12.24 # An awful lot of the devs and in Europe 23.12.26 # amiconn: About the language, I don't know how to set the language for SAPI, so I don't know what would be a reasonable way of setting it. 23.12.31 # and here it is Friday night 23.12.55 # rasher: Is there a language identifier of some kind available in the perl script? 23.12.59 Quit freqmod (Remote closed the connection) 23.13.02 # amiconn: Maybe the options to tts could somehow be passed on to the sapi script? 23.13.06 # And what about wavtrim? 23.13.09 # amiconn: Yes 23.13.15 # Ah! I forgot completely about wavtrim 23.13.45 # One of the scripts (either perl or vbscript) does need a mapping from language (is that a string?) to windows languages ids 23.14.03 Join HellDragon [0] (n=Nocebo@unaffiliated/helldragon) 23.14.04 # That's not a problem as such - but for several languages we have a problem 23.14.11 # Windows language ids? Is that some sort of fixed hash? 23.14.23 # These are well defined numbers 23.14.26 # Also, I forgot about the utf8 problem 23.14.34 # Okay, a simple table in the perl script should do, then 23.14.42 # E.g. rockbox just has "english.lang" - but windows has american english and british english as separate IDs 23.15.05 # yegods: I don't believe what you want to do is possible - i.e. refresh the current screen from the power thread (I'm guessing you've used the power thread). 23.15.06 # amiconn: Shouldn't that be set in the options the user is asked for for the TTS? 23.15.13 # I think leaving that job for the vbscript would be better 23.15.32 # Less system specific stuff in the perl script this way 23.15.39 # I can pass the language we're building to the vbscript no problem 23.15.47 # (ie. 'english' 'polish' etc.) 23.15.54 # yes 23.15.55 # eh, polski, that is 23.16.02 # amiconn: not bad 23.16.05 # so much for cache... 23.16.09 # That table would need to be extended f we add languages 23.16.17 # Not a huge problem 23.16.25 # But something to be aware of, of course 23.16.31 # preglow: Yes, and the function is <128 bytes... 23.17.27 # Wasn't there a patch around to make IRAM usage configurable in the target conf files? 23.18.02 # its commited, afaik 23.18.04 # Yes, but those I*_ATTR macros won't help in asm sources anyway 23.18.07 Join davina [0] (n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 23.18.11 # thats true 23.18.20 # I stand corrected on many accounts. 23.19.00 # linuxstb: Bad suggestion... 23.19.12 # so no skipping when playing high bitrate oggs with tone controls on pp5002? 23.19.13 # ...unless you mean just calling lcd_update() 23.19.35 # preglow: Nope, although these oggs are just ~180kbps 23.19.46 # that rocks! 23.19.52 # thats way better than i would have guessed 23.19.53 # They skipped a few times before putting tone controls into iram 23.20.18 # My, the 1..3G sounds perfectly usable 23.20.36 # For mp3: linear output: ~69% boost. Tone controls in sdram: ~87% boost. Tone control in iram: ~78% boost 23.20.53 # thats exactly the way rockbox should be, making even older players do the job 23.20.55 # (the usual --preset standard stuff) 23.21.17 # And yes, mp3 performs better than ogg on pp5002 23.21.23 # i would expect it to 23.21.32 Quit HellDragon (Client Quit) 23.21.35 Part Domonoky_ 23.21.39 # anyway, its bedtime for me now 23.21.41 # happy hacking! 23.21.47 # amiconn: I'm not suggesting it - it's what yegods wants to do. See this thread - http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=12332.0 23.23.33 # amiconn: How about I pass the language as the first argument to sapi5_voice_new.vbs, and then whatever the user entered when prompted for options during configure after that? 23.23.47 Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) 23.23.51 # Hmm, afaics that needs notifying the gui thread that config has changed, and make all screens process that message 23.24.06 # amiconn: And then the order of options could be by convention or something. Perhaps voice-name as second option or something 23.24.35 Join HellDragon [0] (n=Nocebo@unaffiliated/helldragon) 23.25.26 # Hmm, sounds like an idea 23.25.38 # Excellent 23.25.46 # Does configure allow to select the voice(s) to use for other engines? 23.26.05 # amiconn: only by passing flags to the executables 23.26.13 # In the same way it's done for LAME 23.26.18 # For sapi it would be possible to list all available voices, optionally filtered by language 23.26.41 # That'd need some magic inside configure, but could be done - I doubt I'll be able to do it though 23.26.52 # Certainly possible 23.26.57 # Once this new way is in svn, I'll probably re-add much of the stuff from my old script 23.27.21 # (like the string replacement to correct pronunciation) 23.27.50 # I think that should be done in perl, probably directly in voice.pl. It's relevant for all engines 23.27.59 # And perl happens to be quite good at text manipulation 23.28.03 # It's engine specific 23.28.16 # ANd vbscript can do regex as well 23.28.18 # Yes I know, but it could still be done inside voice.pl 23.28.29 # In fact my old script does use regex for those lists 23.28.30 # But separate for each engine, that is 23.28.46 # Having it in a single location just seems to make more sense? 23.28.56 # A big bad switch() statement 23.29.00 # Nested, perhaps 23.29.09 # For extra dramatic effect 23.29.10 # Hmm, those lists might become lengthy 23.29.38 # Could be a separate file, but I really think it makes sense to do it in the perl script in all cases 23.30.58 # See here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/pub/Main/VoiceBuilding/MakeVoices.vbs , starting at ' Replacement list definitions 23.30.58 Join sambolina3 [0] (i=47fe6474@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9f15b113c31b9606) 23.31.48 # Hmm, also above that 23.32.34 # I think I'll add my idea of string replacing to the script now. We can always change it 23.32.39 # rasher: Will you fix the missing wavtrim? 23.32.47 # Yes, adding that as we speak 23.32.55 # Btw, building one voice took ~5 minutes 23.33.09 # Still not great, but much better than svn according to reports 23.33.27 # How do I use the pool? 23.33.39 # make a directory, and export POOL to the path to that directory 23.33.41 # so 23.33.49 # mkdir pool; POOL=pool make voice 23.33.58 # ah 23.34.11 # How does that work if I specify more than one language? 23.34.17 # The clips are named the same... 23.34.23 # No, not in the pool 23.34.27 # ah 23.34.51 # Only in the current build dir.. which reminds me that we need to remove *mp3 and *wav before exiting voice.pl 23.34.54 # * amiconn thinks it's irritating that the clip naming scheme changes when using the pool 23.35.12 # Well, we have to name the mp3s by ID, or voicefont won't accept them 23.35.17 # Yes, and the *.wav could also be removed when using the pool 23.35.27 # Ah, yes 23.35.46 # And we have to name by md5+language+engine when using the pool, to avoid conflicts 23.35.47 # * amiconn is somewhat slow 23.35.51 Part oxygen77 23.36.26 # In fact, we should just remove the wav as soon as we've encoded it 23.36.31 # yes 23.36.34 # saves space 23.36.54 # In fact we could even pipe the .wav to the encoder (?) 23.37.17 # Technically yes, but it'd make voice.pl a mess 23.37.36 # I'd have to pass around a bunch of filehandles, and I don't think we'd gain much 23.38.03 Join scorche [0] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 23.38.23 # Perhaps on windows. But my old script didn't do that either 23.40.15 # Btw, regarding language selection, I would think that e.g. festival language names don't match rockbox language names either, so they would need a translation table as well 23.40.35 Join ctaylorr [0] (n=ctaylorr@CPE001839ae25b4-CM0011aea4a276.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.41.03 # Actually I was pretty much expecting users just to set commandline options for that 23.41.05 # rasher: http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/winxp/xp-lcid.mspx 23.41.27 # Well, the script lists all the languages and allows multiselection... 23.41.55 # yeah, but that just selects which strings to put in the voicefile, not how to speak them 23.42.05 # And the user is asked for commandline options for each language 23.42.21 # Although I've no idea how you properly configure festival. You need to write stuff in scheme, I believe, but how to actually make it execute it, I've no idea 23.42.43 # And frankly, I'm not sure I want to know 23.42.58 # Does the script accept selecting the same language twice? 23.43.21 # (e.g. if I want to build both us and british english, or male and female voices for a langae) 23.43.38 # I think that should be possible, but they'll be named the same 23.43.44 # That could be changed, of course 23.44.04 # But one thing at a time.. I think I need to make a checklist 23.44.14 Quit sambolina3 ("CGI:IRC") 23.44.24 # Yeah, one thing at a time... 23.44.34 # Maybe putting something in the wiki would make sense 23.44.41 # The VOICE_PAUSE issue needs work as well 23.45.02 # It's a very special ID.... 23.47.49 Quit chrisjs169 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.49.53 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@c-71-205-31-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 23.53.15 Quit witz (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.53.39 Join witz [0] (n=witz@adsl-67-124-11-139.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) 23.54.02 Quit jgarvey_ ("Leaving") 23.56.53 Quit ender` (" I remember being impressed with Ada because you could write an infinite loop without a faked up condition. The idea being th) 23.58.54 # amiconn: How so? Doesn't voicing " " work?