--- Log for 20.10.107 Server: calvino.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 18 days and 18 hours ago 00.00.02 # Zagor: doing ansi viewer, and paletted 8 bit mode is perfect for that, but it is slower here, even full screen 00.00.14 # doing an ansi viewer, that is 00.00.33 # really noticably slower 00.00.35 Join nomel [0] (i=4782332a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d9c9ac29e69b91b1) 00.00.39 # Domonoky_: "unsupported install Method" 00.01.40 # i've got a c200 and the radio is wacky...is this a known issue? 00.01.51 # preglow: interesting 00.01.57 # nomel: wacky how? 00.02.38 # well, when i scan through, none of the channels work. 00.02.48 # err...presets from the autoscan. 00.02.55 # barrywardell: strange, do you have an rbutil.ini file in the dri where rbutil.exe is ? (if so, delete it..) 00.03.00 # and...if i manually scan through, i'll hear a station, go forward, go back, and it'll be gone. 00.03.08 # Domonoky_: this is on mac os x... 00.03.09 # nomel: how fast is your scan? 00.03.20 # haven't tried in windows 00.03.47 # barrywardell: i can repoduce it.. i will investigate.. 00.03.50 # even stranger, if i hit next then prev repeatedly, going from, say, 90.9MHz to 91.0MHz i can hear different radio stations...like it's stepping through in one direction. 00.03.58 # Domonoky_: rbutil doesn't check for an external rbutil.ini anymore ;-) 00.04.05 # good.. 00.04.13 # but...when i hear a station, if i go forword or back, then try to go back or forward, it's gone. 00.04.23 # nomel: one of my c200s exhibit an odd radio issue. it could be the same thing. but it's also very slow to change frequency. is yours? 00.04.31 # yes, very slow. 00.04.37 # i assumed this was normal. 00.04.41 # the speed that is. 00.04.45 # Domonoky_: thanks, let me know if you want me to test anything 00.04.48 # no it's not 00.05.01 # do you have an "official" radio-equipped c200? 00.05.28 # yes. 00.05.33 # it works fine weth defailt firmwark. 00.05.37 # *firmware. 00.05.54 # god..i can't type today. 00.06.02 # ok. because both mine are non-radio units. and radio works perfectly on one but not so good on the other. 00.06.25 # interesting. 00.06.39 # i'm assuming default firmware version shouldn't make a difference? 00.06.54 # I had a theory that maybe my radio problem was the reason it was sold as a non-radio unit. but now it seems more a driver issue in rockbox. 00.07.24 # lol. that'd be funny...sell crappy radio units as non radio. 00.07.39 Nick nomel is now known as nomel_afk (i=4782332a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d9c9ac29e69b91b1) 00.07.48 # huh.. something strange is going on with rbutil.. 00.08.18 # seems like the complete install messes something seriously up.. 00.08.31 # nomel_afk: Not uncommon at all to sell slightly broken hardware presuming that the broken feature simply doesn't exist 00.08.36 # Zagor: they're probably sold as non-radio in the EU to avoid the extra tax...same as the e200 00.08.54 # what be better: iriver u10 or e200 with rockbox ? 00.09.18 Join pill [0] (n=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) 00.09.22 # barrywardell: yeah, most likely. but the "capability sorting" idea cropped up since I had two units with different performance 00.09.48 # grapeshit: you mean h10? it doesn't support the radio in rockbox yet 00.09.56 # i mean u10 00.10.01 # without rockbox 00.10.10 # (there is none for it yet as i know) 00.10.46 # grapeshit: this is a channel about Rockbox. People in here usually don't care for the OF. 00.11.58 # that seems hard to believe though 00.12.02 # i asked about comparision 00.12.05 # considering it works fine with their firmware. 00.12.23 # Between non-rockbox device and rockbox device. 00.12.39 # you asked about "without Rockbox", and even about a player that is not supported by Rockbox. 00.12.42 # and, the symptoms seem like something in software. 00.12.50 # no. 00.12.52 # i'll try some different releases. 00.12.55 # naturally people will tell you any player with Rockbox being better than any other OF :) 00.12.59 # what be better: iriver u10 or e200 with rockbox ? 00.13.19 # grapeshit: we dont knwo about other devices, really...go to the wiki page WhyRockbox and compare them yourself 00.13.20 # and do you really expect people in this channel using the u10? 00.13.23 # nomel_afk: yeah but in my case none of the players have radio in OF 00.13.37 # besides, that sentence wasn't too cleat. 00.13.40 # *clear 00.13.43 # true...so no way to tell. 00.14.06 # im sure someone here owns clix/clix2/u10 00.14.29 # grapeshit, it doesn't matter if they did, since they don't run rockbox, it's offtopic, unless they're portingi t. 00.14.41 Quit Genre9mp3 () 00.14.52 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 00.15.38 Quit Dark_Apostrophe (Connection timed out) 00.15.39 Nick darkapostrophe is now known as Dark_Apostrophe (n=darkapos@217-50-177.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 00.16.16 # look like someone made a radio code change on the 16th...i'll try 15th ;) 00.16.38 # barrywardell: i found the problem.. someone wasnt carefull enough with openGroup/ closeGroup on the device settings object.. :-) 00.16.47 # nomel_afk: I'm pretty sure I tried this before the 15th 00.18.12 # barrywardell: so if you want to test again.. try a fresh svn.. :-) 00.18.21 # will do now 00.18.58 # nope :( 00.19.03 # this bug should have affected completeInstall for all targets.. :-/ 00.19.13 # each time i go between two presets...i can hear it sweeping through completely different stations. 00.19.24 # Domonoky_: seems it's time for another green tick in the issues list ;-) 00.20.12 # jeah, this was a severe bug,, just waiting fro confirmation from barrywardell 00.20.22 # works for me now 00.20.26 # nice 00.21.47 # well, as long as bugs get fixed ... ;-) 00.22.05 # time for 1.0.3? 00.22.31 # speex does iir filtering in a weird way 00.22.38 # lets wait a bit with 1.0.3 to find more bugs :-) 00.23.11 # heheh...went back too far...no radio on this version. 00.24.03 Join darkapostrophe [0] (n=darkapos@149-139-64.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 00.24.03 # yep ... noone discovered in 1.0.1 so it's no big deal at all ;-) 00.26.00 # nomel_afk: :-) 00.27.13 # I think the dialog asking to update an already up-to-date bootloader is a little confusing 00.27.26 # maybe Ignore should be Skip instead or something 00.27.31 # * bluebrother thought that too 00.28.05 # zagor: i think it's an interface problem more than anything...cause it is able to find the correct stations when it programs the presets with the autoscan, meaning it is and can select and detect the correct frequencies. 00.28.24 # nomel_afk: yeah, I agree 00.28.26 # but the same dialog is used in a normal bootloader install .. but feel free to change :-) 00.28.37 # and, since pushing next and prev causes frequency to move in one direction, probably two increments instead of an inc and dec or something silly like that. 00.29.01 # Domonoky_: I think it's confusing there too :) 00.29.16 # nomel_afk: well don't forget the code actually works on some units. so it's not likely such a simple mistake. 00.29.18 # or maybe incrementing or decrementing by a huge number...which could explain why it takes so damn long to go between presets. 00.29.22 # but...not sure how code is. 00.29.24 Quit RoC_MasterMind (Client Quit) 00.29.41 # true. 00.30.00 # why even three buttons? "The bootloader is already installed and up to date. Do you want to replace the current bootloader? Yes / No" 00.30.08 # could spy on the i2c...hehehe. 00.30.34 # my nick...it's such a lie :( 00.30.41 Nick nomel_afk is now known as nomel (i=4782332a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d9c9ac29e69b91b1) 00.32.07 # Zagor, nomel_afk: I also got some weird behaviour with the radio - sometimes it gets "confused" and the frequenyies are completely off. A restart usually fixes it. One time the radio option disappeared from Rockbox but came back after using the original firmware - got the idea because the developer who enabled the radio also reported frequencies being off and he fixed it by setting the region in the original firmware again... 00.32.38 # so I think something is still not quite right 00.32.43 # pixelma: yeah I found setting region sometimes fixes the frequencies, but not always 00.32.49 Quit darkapostrophe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.33.23 Join Stonewall [0] (i=9c38c85c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4f240d5c9bdbbb39) 00.33.25 Join darkapostrophe [0] (n=darkapos@149-139-64.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 00.33.54 # Hey, I was wondering, is the e200 port of all of the models in the e200 series, or just the e200 player. 00.34.23 # there isn't actually any player called just e200, is there? 00.34.27 # there is no e200 player.. its the e200 series... :-) 00.34.29 # yep. The frontpage says "e200 series" 00.34.29 # bluebrother: good point 00.34.32 # >.< 00.34.36 # I think there is. 00.34.44 # * bluebrother is about to change the message box 00.34.58 # well 00.35.01 # technichally no 00.35.05 # But websites can be misleading 00.35.10 # It says e200 series 00.35.17 # Doesn't tell me the actual model 00.35.18 # Thanks 00.35.20 # ;) 00.35.21 # and it means e200 series :) 00.35.45 # I put it on my cousin's old iRiver 320 and we were playing pong in class 00.35.51 # :P 00.36.09 # But anyways, thanks guys 00.36.19 Quit Stonewall (Client Quit) 00.37.03 # Zagor: for me it's - works when starting the radio and then keeps working until leaving the radio again or not so I thought it could have to do with initialising something incorrectly. But I don't know much about these details so it's a wild guess... 00.37.30 Quit darkapostrophe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.37.41 # I too think it's likely an init issue. 00.37.44 Join darkapostrophe [0] (n=darkapos@149-139-64.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 00.37.57 Quit Dark_Apostrophe (Connection timed out) 00.38.15 Nick darkapostrophe is now known as Dark_Apostrophe (n=darkapos@149-139-64.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 00.38.40 Quit Toxicity999 (Remote closed the connection) 00.39.22 Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) 00.39.22 Join Toxicity999 [0] (n=bryan@unaffiliated/Toxicity999) 00.40.04 # bluebrother: while you're at it...I also think maybe the description for archived builds should say "last stable release" 00.41.29 Join darkapostrophe [0] (n=darkapos@217-50-177.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 00.41.41 # barrywardell: huh? 00.42.25 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.42.29 # barrywardell: I think "stable" is confusing as term as stable usually refers to released. 00.42.55 # yeah, maybe 00.43.00 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B14D81.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.43.04 Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") 00.43.04 # I just think it's a bit confusing 00.43.45 # I suppose release does refer to official release, but it's not immediately obvious imho 00.44.22 # that page has a description of the selected build. Anyone not reading it is to blame himself ;-) 00.44.44 # maybe we should move away from the term "build" and use "snapshot" instead? 00.46.18 # I'm talking about the sentence "This generally has more features than the last release..." 00.46.42 # then we could also use the term "daily snapshot" without danger 00.47.31 # ah. Sure, adding a "stable" wouldn't hurt. 00.48.10 Quit ompaul (Client Quit) 00.48.17 # either that or moving to snapshot would be fine 00.48.32 Quit ender` (" The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of yo) 00.48.34 # but I think adding stable makes more sense 00.48.41 # and it's easier ;) 00.48.44 # if we move to snapshot we should to it completely, i.e. also on the website. 00.48.50 Join male [0] (n=male@adsl-156-53-18.mem.bellsouth.net) 00.49.39 # Is it silly for me to expect .talk clips to work in the database view? 00.49.51 # no, but they don't 00.49.56 # I've noticed. 00.50.01 # yes, at least for now.. :-) 00.50.06 # I just want the name of each track announced before it's played. 00.50.13 Quit scorche|w ("CGI:IRC") 00.50.18 # the database uses the files tags, which are not covered by the talk clips 00.50.24 # Without having to actually fiddle with the files themselves of course. 00.50.44 # But certainly it knows the name of the file! 00.51.02 # the proxy dialog is weird. it has "Use system values" greyed out but selected. I can then select one of the other two options, but can't get back to use system values 00.53.05 # male: I think rasher is sort of working on it 00.53.05 # barrywardell: does OS X have the proxy value in some environment variable like http_proxy? 00.53.41 # Hmm. 00.53.46 # ah, system_proxy settings for osx are missing.. :-) 00.54.05 # yep, due to the lack of knowledge 00.54.10 # * bluebrother wants a mac 00.54.21 # nope 00.54.24 # I might take a crack at it, but it will require gearing up to build rockbox of course. 00.54.28 # no environment variable 00.54.32 # bluebrother: You can have mine. 00.54.39 # Domonoky_: that explains it 00.54.40 # Macs suck. 00.55.11 # sure? I considered getting a mac mini after moving / starting to do paid work 00.55.29 # * barrywardell disagrees with male 00.55.34 # pixelma: so the radio does rely on the OF? 00.56.57 Quit sounddude ("Leaving") 00.57.10 # nomel: if it does, it's by mistake 00.57.15 Part Domonoky_ 00.57.46 Quit Dark_Apostrophe (Connection timed out) 00.57.46 Nick darkapostrophe is now known as Dark_Apostrophe (n=darkapos@217-50-177.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 00.57.57 # he said the original devoloper "got the idea because the developer who enabled the radio also reported frequencies being off and he fixed it by setting the region in the original firmware again..." 00.58.10 # sounds like it isn't. 00.58.45 # nomel: it shouldn't but there still seem to be some quirks... and I'm not a "he" ;) 00.58.53 # nomel: it's more like noone has completely figured out the hw init 00.58.58 # barrywardell: this should fix it http://pastebin.ca/742940 00.59.09 # so it is possible there's more to it than rockbox does atm 00.59.16 # nomel: if you fancy taking a crack at it we have the datasheet in the wiki 00.59.23 # pixelma: sorry >_< 00.59.35 Join bam2550 [0] (i=bam2550@c-68-32-62-44.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 00.59.37 # Hola! 00.59.51 # bluebrother: I'm looking to see if we can find the systemwide settings somehow, but otherwise that would work 01.00.01 # nomel: no problem :) 01.00.15 # if you can implement system settings it would be better (of course) 01.00.47 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 01.03.02 # barrywardell: in case you haven't found, this page seems to be helpful: http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2001/qa1234.html 01.03.12 # hey zagor, you still have the working one around? 01.03.24 # zagor: how long does it take for a auto preset scan? 01.03.27 # thanks, I was just reading that page :) 01.03.42 # you're welcome ;-) 01.03.51 # nomel: unfortunately not, I gave it to my mother-in-law 01.04.16 # but I remember the manual frequency stepping was pretty much instantaneous 01.04.17 # ahhh. 01.04.34 Quit rotator () 01.04.39 # whereas on my player it can take over a second per step 01.04.48 # yeah. 01.05.54 Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-435403e9.dyn.optonline.net) 01.06.01 Join Calcipher [0] (n=Calciphe@ool-18bab657.dyn.optonline.net) 01.06.41 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 01.07.43 Quit sarixe (Client Quit) 01.07.59 Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-435403e9.dyn.optonline.net) 01.09.53 Quit midgey () 01.10.27 Quit sarixe (Client Quit) 01.10.38 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=Mouser_X@ 01.11.16 Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-435403e9.dyn.optonline.net) 01.13.22 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.13.41 Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) 01.16.40 Quit bam2550 () 01.17.14 # man 01.17.41 # the speex iir filtering routine is remarkably resilient to emacification 01.18.25 Join shirour [0] (n=lkjlk@ 01.19.14 # hi. any m:robe dev. around ? 01.19.47 Quit Toxicity999 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.20.02 # Nico_P: I think I found a nice little potential bug in gwps-common.c on line 251 is the only place where the struct member wps_time_countup of the wps_state struct is ever checked and that is never set to anything, so it is used uninitialized... 01.20.39 Join Toxicity999 [0] (n=bryan@unaffiliated/Toxicity999) 01.20.43 Quit shirour (Client Quit) 01.20.57 # but in practice bss is probably zeroed out so the test will always be true... 01.21.47 # i wish speex did things like flac 01.22.41 # i;m off 01.22.43 # nice talkin 01.22.44 Quit nomel ("CGI:IRC") 01.25.11 # if i have a script that automatically builds a new rockbox, cron'd for every half-hour, is there anything i need to clear up before each build? is it a good idea to 'make clean' on each run? 01.25.46 # because i've been getting some pretty weird bugs that have nothing to do with any of the changes on the svn, and nobody else is reporting them 01.26.07 # sarixe: the only bulletproof way to do that is to rerun configure every time and make clean or even make veryclean 01.26.18 # sometimes there are changes that require to rerun configure 01.26.18 # what's veryclean do? 01.26.29 # well i rerun configure every time 01.26.33 # cleans out the tools dir 01.26.39 # k 01.26.49 Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 01.28.07 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 01.28.32 # anyone know if the mpeg player crash issue had any progress? 01.28.51 # and to install the newly made rockbox, i can just extract over the old install, right? 01.28.56 # nothing i need to get rid of? 01.29.02 # right. 01.29.06 # k 01.29.07 Part linuxstb 01.29.25 # I was going to help out and test some builds on my e280 01.29.33 # sometimes old files get removed (like the removal of old plugins) or moved, but that is rather rare 01.29.53 # mm 01.30.17 # Talking about mpegplayer crashing... I experienced something today. I went to "Set start time" and had it set at 1 min. Before it loaded the preview picture, I selected it to load the video. I got a black screen... My gigabeat could still register button presses (the buttons LEDs turned on), but I couldn't turn it off, and there was no video, or audio... 01.30.42 # you might want to check if there was a change in svn at all before building 01.31.01 # bluebrother: That was @ sarixe, right? 01.31.08 # yes. 01.31.23 # k 01.31.53 # well the really weird bug i have is that it seems the up button is being randomly pressed, even though it's not 01.32.06 # and this sends my volume blaring without me even touching it 01.32.15 # and navigating through menus is near impossible 01.32.18 # damn Mouser_X, sounds like my prob 01.32.21 Join webguest00 [0] (i=5b84f61a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-93d61198a700e1b2) 01.32.30 # hi there! 01.32.41 # have you tried playing a vid with voice menus enabled 01.32.45 # sarixe: I've experienced this. However, it's because of the Gigabeat's remote... There have been multiple times where, unknown to me, the buttons on the remote have gotten pressed, and messed something up. 01.33.09 # but... it's iaudio x5 01.33.10 # no remote 01.33.14 # Calcipher: I've never used voice, and I've never had voice files installed. 01.33.29 # could you please inform me on the progress of iriver H10 20gb radio support? Is there any success? Should we be expecting it sometime soon? 01.33.30 # and i can't pause music anymore 01.33.44 # sarixe: Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that was your problem. It was more intended as a humorous twist on your problem... 01.33.53 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 01.33.57 # webguest00: we don't estimate time frames. 01.33.57 # ah 01.33.58 # right 01.34.03 # gotcha, lol 01.34.07 # didn't even read carefully 01.34.26 # i was just like "oh, talking about gigabeat and a remote... not applicable" 01.34.31 # think you can try it out though Mouser_X 01.34.50 # Calcipher: Why? 01.34.56 # Also, what? 01.35.03 # but yeah, recently rockbox is getting really messy 01.35.08 # amiconn: there? 01.35.10 # like, within the past week 01.35.45 # all you need to do is enable the first voice option, under settings/general/voice 01.35.50 Quit n1s () 01.36.13 Quit XavierGr () 01.36.31 # so we can see if the problem affects your target as well 01.36.40 # wasn't there supposed to be a huge rewrite of all the rockbox code sometime soon? 01.36.59 Quit toffe82 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.37.05 # Well, I know that the playback stuff is being gone through. To what extent, I don't know. 01.37.17 Quit bluebrother ("leaving") 01.37.20 # ah, that must be the bulk of my problems than... 01.37.21 # then* 01.37.25 # They're trying to implement "Metadata on Buffer." 01.37.56 # What I've been told is that, with that method, they'll be able to use the memory more effectively/dynamically. 01.38.05 # what would that allow 01.38.07 # Of course, I could have misunderstood what was being said. 01.38.14 # because the latest build ( 2 minutes ago), has a bug where once the song reaches its end, the wps freezes, but is still responsive to button presses 01.38.24 # it's just not automatically advancing to the next song 01.38.33 # Weird. 01.38.33 # but playback continues with the next song 01.38.48 # hm 01.38.50 # even though it doesn't say it 01.39.10 # and now it reads: "Save Failed No Partition?" 01.39.18 # instead of my song info 01.39.21 # soooo weird 01.39.47 # hm, don't like the sound of that one bit hehe 01.39.49 Quit webguest00 ("CGI:IRC") 01.40.17 # i may just switch back to *ugh* regular iaudio firmware for a while until this all gets worked out 01.40.22 # this is rather ugly stuff 01.41.23 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 01.41.23 # wasn't there a more stable previous build you could use temporaraly 01.42.06 # yeah, but i don't even know what the build date was... 01.42.18 # MoB (Metadata on Buffer) will allow the loading of irregular files. An example, is NSFs, SPCs, MODs (if they were supported), and SID files. These are all very small (usually less than 1 MB, easily), and thus don't always fill up the buffer (which is currently set to 32 files, or to fill the memory, whichever comes first). Also, with those formats, if the whole file isn't loaded, the codec will fail. 01.42.29 # i'll just wait, because surely the outcome of this latest stuff will be better than what i had before 01.43.12 # MP3s, OGGs, and most other "streamed" formats can begin playing, even if the whole file isn't loaded. 01.43.18 # why not just do this: 01.43.35 # have the buffer support two types of data 01.43.44 # raw wav and metadata 01.44.02 # That's basically what MoB will do... 01.44.03 # and have each codec decode its files into raw wav 01.44.26 # and insert metadata between the decodings 01.45.02 # so that way, there won't be any discrepancy between what file formats support any seeking features or what have you 01.45.09 # The various other small formats can be included in the buffer as metadata (after all, the buffer doesn't care what the data is. It just has to load it.) 01.45.50 # yeah, but what i'm saying is, why not just decode that file into raw wav, stick it on the wav buffer, and play the wav? 01.46.19 # like, how does the buffer currently work? 01.46.20 # sarixe: Your method also puts a limitation on some things. For example, with the small codecs, I can easily go for 1+ hours w/o having the disc spinup. Using your method, the buffer would fill much faster, and therefore would have more disc reads. 01.46.39 # ok... 01.47.04 # but how does it do it now? 01.47.10 # Listening to NSFs, I've seen a *very* noticable increase in my Gigabeat's battery life. 01.47.15 # I don't know how it's done now. 01.47.28 # I just know that it's not conducive to the smaller formats. 01.47.44 # mm 01.48.24 # maybe the battery life increase is due to a less processor-intensive decoding process? 01.48.27 # Listening to MP3s: By the end of my work day (7am to 4:30-5pm), my battery is around 30%. Listening to NSFs: 50%. 01.48.27 Quit obo ("bye") 01.48.37 # sarixe: Most definitly not... 01.48.47 # meh 01.48.48 # NSF takes a lot of CPU, SPC even more so. 01.49.06 # i'm not even familiar with those formats 01.49.13 # I'm not suprised. 01.49.23 # NSF = NES audio, SPC = SNES audio. 01.49.32 # SID = Commadore 64. 01.49.45 # right 01.49.58 # well i gtg, i'll be back later 01.50.02 # (SID support is fairly poor, in my opinion.) 01.50.08 # Bye. 01.50.58 Join jenky [0] (i=adam@snorkel.rtfm.net.au) 01.52.48 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 01.52.53 Join SkinInd95 [0] (n=chatzill@host-69-144-93-208.hln-mt.client.bresnan.net) 01.53.09 Quit grapeshit () 01.53.11 # ... ooh boy I'll be able to play all my donkey kong country and megaman X spcs! 01.53.38 # have that winamp spc plugin 01.55.27 # so what player are u using? 01.55.41 # Me? Or Calcipher? I'm using a Gigabeat. 01.55.56 # Calcipher is using the e280r, as I recall. 01.56.58 # hmm i am wondering what player would be good to get.. that will run rockbox well 01.57.12 # I would recommend the Gigabeat. 01.57.29 # It's got some of the best hardware you'll find in a DAP. 01.57.33 # better than ipod or iriver? 01.57.37 # Easily. 01.57.44 # iPod = not good at all... 01.57.49 # (Hardware wise.) 01.58.06 # Though, I should add that it's not bad, for some things. 01.58.17 # (What those are though, I don't know. I don't have an iPod.) 01.58.27 # hmm though you cna play video on ipods now? 01.58.34 # gigabeat is a monster on the processing end 01.58.40 # lucky bastadge haha 01.58.41 # i see 01.58.53 # iPod CPU = 80 mhz (if I have heard correctly). 01.59.00 # Gigabeat CPU = 300 mhz. 01.59.11 # You decide which one will run better... 01.59.15 # :P 01.59.22 # :) 01.59.31 # for the ipod video, the original firmware is still suggested for playback 01.59.40 # video playback, that is, obviously. 01.59.49 # Very true (and it's something I *should* have mentioned...) 02.00.17 # not sure i care about video anyway actually.. FM tuner would be nice 02.00.35 # Ah. 02.00.45 # Well, the Sansa players are looking really nice. 02.01.09 # they're just limited to 8 gigs + microSD cards 02.01.36 # However, if you want a lot of space, then they might not be for you (the Sansa players are flash based, so they have less on-board memory. However, they're far more durable, as a result of that) 02.01.48 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@adsl-70-239-200-14.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) 02.02.41 Quit SkinInd95 ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 02.05.12 Join donsdw [0] (n=donsdx@ip68-101-195-153.sd.sd.cox.net) 02.18.08 # amiconn: can you see a good way to use emac with iir_mem16() in speex/filters.c ? 02.19.47 # hmm so.. T-series or U-series? 02.20.21 # jenky: of what? 02.20.27 # jenky: What scorche said. 02.20.57 # gigabeat 02.21.03 # Neither. 02.21.08 # They don't run Rockbox. 02.21.11 # rockbox doesnt support those units 02.21.26 # You'll want a Gigabeat F or X (the X is expensive, and hard to find though.) 02.21.37 # ah 02.21.39 # ok.. 02.24.24 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.28.28 Join GoDawgs [0] (n=Kelley@adsl-074-244-063-105.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) 02.28.50 # Hey everyone... 02.29.02 # Anyone in here with a Sansa e280? 02.29.20 # I'm curious to know if there's an alarm function with rockbox? 02.29.27 # There's a few that do, but I don't know if they're on right now. 02.29.41 # (That have that one, I mean.) 02.30.20 # Right on. 02.30.45 # You mean there are a few people who know about the alarm function included with Rockbox that can be used on the e280? 02.31.42 # or there are a few people who have an e280 in general? 02.31.54 # There's a few that have the e280. I have no idea about alarm features one way or the other. 02.32.05 # Oh okay. Got it. 02.32.11 # Thanks anyway Mouser_X :) 02.34.48 Quit donutman25 ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 02.41.58 Part GoDawgs 02.42.12 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host169-212-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 02.47.09 Part pixelma 02.49.41 # 220% -> 320% for speex with some iram... 02.50.13 # GoDawgs: I have the 280, and I'm pretty sure there is an alarm plug in. Did you look at all the plugins included with Rockbox. 02.57.12 Join webguest78 [0] (i=c0eb0802@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1cda6126449106c8) 02.58.36 # hello, I was wondering if anybody can tell me how well rockbox works on ipod 5.5g 03.00.16 # webguest78: About as well as it does on any of the other targets. 03.00.47 # (There used to be a few "hiccups" here and there, but I think many of them have been worked out.) 03.01.17 # Though, in comparison to the OF if the iPod, Rockbox will run down the battery faster. 03.01.29 # 377% realtime 03.01.29 # Ok. I just found a blog post mentioning Rockbox, am trying to find out whether it's a worthwhile replacement for the built in software 03.01.43 # 377%? 03.01.49 # webguest78: Different conversation 03.01.51 # webguest78: developer talk, ignore it 03.02.07 # ok 03.02.14 # preglow: Pretty cool stuff! 03.02.40 # webguest78: You can dual-boot Rockbox, and the OF on the iPod. 03.02.40 # i should have done this a long time ago 03.02.41 # webguest78: Whether you'll consider Rockbox a suitable replacement depends entirely on what you want. As was mentioned, Rockbox gets less battery life on those iPods right now. It also can't play video well on them due to the undocumented nature of the extra video hardware. 03.02.42 # so bloody simple 03.03.04 # oh, ok 03.03.12 # I don't use videos much, takes too long to transcode them 03.03.12 # In other words, you can have *both* the original firmware, and Rockbox installed. 03.03.18 # That would come in handy. 03.03.33 # So, you could get the best of both, if that's how you want to run it. 03.04.01 # Does Rockbox have any plugins capable of opening PDFs? 03.04.07 # Too much to hope, I guess 03.04.09 # no 03.04.39 # Ok, thanks 03.04.57 # thanks for your help 03.05.00 # bye 03.05.19 Part webguest78 03.11.27 Join darkapostrophe [0] (n=darkapos@217-50-177.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 03.13.25 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.16.00 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 03.18.50 Part Llorean 03.19.28 Join ddalton [0] (n=Daniel@203-214-76-97.dyn.iinet.net.au) 03.19.42 Quit jenky ("Leaving") 03.25.19 Quit Dark_Apostrophe (Connection timed out) 03.25.19 Nick darkapostrophe is now known as Dark_Apostrophe (n=darkapos@217-50-177.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 03.27.40 Quit Dark_Apostrophe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.30.10 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 03.36.37 Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-67-166-49-171.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 03.36.39 Quit Gnu47 ("I'm off to stalk my Pah'Mach'kai") 03.37.40 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 03.42.00 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 03.43.43 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 03.53.48 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.53.49 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 03.58.53 Join keanu|away [0] (n=opera@unaffiliated/keanu) 03.59.35 Join RoC_MasterMind [0] (n=Free@c-66-177-39-225.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 04.01.05 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 04.01.29 Quit ddalton ("leaving") 04.01.36 Part keanu|away 04.02.03 Quit sarixe ("(EE) Failed to load "quit" module") 04.02.35 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@adsl-70-239-200-14.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) 04.07.52 Quit hcs ("Leaving.") 04.12.24 Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-435403e9.dyn.optonline.net) 04.13.02 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp41-147.adsl.forthnet.gr) 04.18.30 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 04.21.33 Join sdoyon [0] (n=steph@modemcable193.152-83-70.mc.videotron.ca) 04.27.49 # i don't know much about rockbox's coding, but it seems to me like it's a lot more complicated than it should be, and that's inhibiting any real progress. 04.28.16 # "any real progress"? 04.28.21 # well... 04.28.22 # * scorche looks at the commit log 04.28.30 # i see tons of progress... 04.28.35 # i mean, sure we're getting places with it 04.28.41 # but it's really really really sloppy 04.29.17 # i mean, all the bleeding edge changes are immediately available to the average joe user 04.29.35 # what is so bad about that? 04.29.50 # and most of the time, it's gone through no testing whatsoever, and it results in really ugly bugs upon updating 04.31.14 # i mean, wouldn't a better approach be to get the bugs out of the code, clean it up, make it all nice and efficient, and THEN add features, go through the cycle again? 04.32.57 Join keanu|away [0] (n=opera@unaffiliated/keanu) 04.32.57 # the way it's set up now, i, the average user type, get the ugly, rough side of the development in the product. 04.33.22 # Is it possible to do a firmware dump of the sansa firmware from Windows? 04.33.46 # dd for windows doesn't seem to pick up the 20MB partition 04.36.40 # sarixe: feel free to clean things up as much as you want (even though you havent said anything about the code other than our development cycle) 04.36.53 # well yeah... 04.37.02 # features are usually tested before going in, but there is only so much testing a couple people can do 04.37.09 # hence, the user base tests 04.37.18 # but the thing is, i'm getting all these weeeeird bugs from a few recent updates 04.37.31 # sarixe: what kind of bugs? 04.37.35 # and it seems as though they'd be obvious if they went through any testing at all 04.37.41 # like, i can't pause my music 04.37.41 # sarixe: well, you are a tester 04.37.54 # sarixe: what player, and codec? 04.38.02 # ogg vorbis on iaudio x5 04.38.13 # rockbox version? 04.38.20 # bleeding, from the svn 04.38.30 # what version specifically? 04.38.46 # but as of now, i moved over to iaudio's default firmware until this blows over. 04.38.51 # lemme check the commit number 04.39.03 # no...off of your device 04.39.14 # uh, is there a text file of that somewhere? 04.39.17 # system > version/info...something 04.39.21 # rockbox-info.txt 04.39.48 # isn't bleeding edge meant to contain *pontentially* buggy code? 04.39.54 # of course 04.39.55 # bugs happen 04.40.14 # yeah, but of course, it all filters into the daily build too, no? 04.40.25 # this is why i can't understand why sarixe is questioning the whole developement system 04.40.36 # sarixe: a daily is just a daily...is there somewhere it is said that it is supposed to be more stable? 04.40.44 # and is there an alternative to getting the daily build? a more stable version? 04.40.57 # no releases are out for the iaudios 04.41.15 # no releases are out for anything except archos, i thought 04.41.21 # correct 04.41.23 # as far as i can tell from my sansa, rockbox is very stable 04.41.33 # Download 04.41.33 # Release? 04.41.33 # There is no "current" release, get a current build instead. 04.41.33 DBUG Enqueued KICK sarixe 04.41.33 # The last time we did a formal release was ages ago and for Archos only and it is known as Rockbox 2.5. 04.41.45 # quoted from the site 04.41.54 # yes...i know that 04.42.15 # i dunno, i guess i'm just dissatisfied with a few recent bugs 04.42.18 # i dont see anywhere that says daily build should be more stable than a current 04.42.30 # i know, and that's not what i was saying 04.42.40 # as i said before...bugs happen...i dont care what your dev cycle is....bugs happen 04.43.10 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5F13.dip.t-dialin.net) 04.43.30 # especially when a project is as actively developed as rockbox it 04.43.34 # is 04.43.39 # yes, but usually not a really rough edge like that, in an end-user product. i know, it's a development version... 04.43.53 # rockbox isnt a product 04.44.00 # well then what is it? 04.45.06 # it is an open source project made by people who want a better DAP firmware 04.45.11 # and who like to share 04.45.33 # ...and that firmware is...? 04.45.42 # rockbox 04.45.49 # A project. 04.45.54 # bleh... 04.45.57 # bleh? 04.46.41 # is there any hope of some day creating a nice, elegant, efficient environment? 04.47.00 # because right now, it's raaaather rough around the edges 04.47.10 # i dont see why the current one is, or how one that you would envision wouldnt impede developement 04.47.16 # bugs are being created as quickly as they're being fixed, if not quicker 04.47.38 # you are vastly exaggerating 04.47.43 # i know i am 04.47.45 # scorche: I agree 04.47.48 # well, dont 04.47.51 # sorry 04.48.08 # sarixe: aside from this playback bug, which other bug are you referring to? 04.48.12 # what is the purpose in trying to convince me that something needs to be done, if you dont speak from reality? 04.48.27 # alright, wow. let me start over. 04.48.52 # sarixe: have you heard of the possibility to post bugs on the tracker? 04.48.54 # "In business, a product is a good economics and accounting good or service which can be bought and sold. In marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need." 04.49.01 # yes, i know, kugel. 04.49.08 # rockbox isnt bought or sold, it isnt offered to a market 04.49.22 # okay, so i used the wrong word. 04.49.35 # well, the word brings with it certain expectations 04.49.46 # geez. 04.49.58 # a product is something that should be very stable 04.50.12 Join EnterUse1Name [0] (n=dave@ip- 04.50.12 # what i meant was an entity of bits that resembles and functions like a released piece of software 04.50.14 # because why market it if it isnt? 04.50.35 # that is just the thing....rockboxisnt released 04.50.36 # ok, but when will it BE stable? 04.50.47 # when a release comes out, if ever 04.50.56 # it is perfectly stable for me 04.50.57 # isn't it vice versa? 04.51.27 Quit EnterUserName (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.51.34 # i dont quite get you 04.51.42 # (regarding the vice versa) 04.51.44 # we all dont get him 04.51.48 # the release would come out when rockbox is stable 04.51.50 # not the other way 04.52.04 Quit pill ("changing servers") 04.52.21 # rockbox isnt going to magically be release ready...that requires things liek feature freezes, etc 04.52.28 # yes, yes 04.52.41 # but as has been said by many people, rockbox is very stable for them 04.53.26 Join pill [0] (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) 04.53.32 # yes, but it's not exactly what i would consider quality software. the only thing keeping me from completely giving up on rockbox is that there is no other alternative that supports gapless playback. 04.53.36 # as i said, you are free to join in the bug crunching effort if you feel we arent doing enough 04.53.48 # other than that, the iaudio default firmware well surpasses rockbox. 04.54.05 # "quality software"?...you are a tester...rockbox isnt released 04.54.11 # i know. 04.54.12 # in what ways? 04.55.22 # and if you know, why are you having the expectation that there shouldnt be bugs? 04.55.27 # well, it's user-friendly, the menus are operate very smoothly, it doesn't crash, etc etc 04.55.32 # er 04.55.40 # -are 04.55.40 # did anyone of the rockbox maker claim that rockbox is quality software? 04.56.02 # no, but is that not the goal? 04.56.19 # i thought the purpose was to be better... 04.56.43 # sure, but atm it isnt, so you can't talk about quality software at this point 04.56.50 # true 04.56.52 # how could rockbox be more user-friendly?...i havent heard that the menus arent smooth at all, rockbox doesnt crash often...i have never had a crash unless i am making it crash myself 04.57.33 # i crash it all the time, not on purpose, though i can't cite instances off the top of my head 04.57.48 # then perhaps you are just lucky.. 04.57.53 # and the menus are slow and awkward. 04.58.09 Part donsdw 04.58.15 # if you don't like it don't use it, or join the group to make it better 04.58.15 # lucky? how's that lucky? 04.58.16 # how are they awkward? 04.58.17 Join ddalton [0] (n=Daniel@203-214-76-97.dyn.iinet.net.au) 04.58.26 Quit ddalton (Client Quit) 04.58.34 # kugel: true 04.58.43 Join ddalton [0] (n=Daniel@203-214-76-97.dyn.iinet.net.au) 04.59.04 # Hi sdoyon, Are my set of your patches out of date? 04.59.24 # scorche : when i'm scrolling through long lists, it zooms by as i configured it for a few seconds, stops, then starts again. all without any hard drive activity. 05.00.03 # sarixe: well, i cant really say anything about that, as i havent encoutered anything like that 05.00.43 # ddalton: Well with pondlife's commit this morning, everything is out-of-date :-). Working on it. 05.01.01 # sarixe: please remember that all the guys are doing that in their spare time, without the goal (for the moment at least) to release a final, stable, etc, firmware 05.01.06 # sdoyon: ok 05.01.16 # right 05.01.29 # no one is getting paid for this, no promises are given that it will be seamless, bug-free, etc 05.01.40 # got it... 05.01.50 # it doesnt seem liek you do though 05.01.50 # but same with, say, debian 05.02.06 # i realize you keep saying "i know", but with everything that you are saying, you are talking about how rockbox should be seamless, bug free, and a finished product... 05.02.24 # debian has a vast amount of people working on it, unlike rockbox 05.02.48 # debian has tons of bugs....every piece of software does....the thing is, debian has TONS of maintainers and devs, and they have releases 05.03.02 Part ToHellWithGA ("Oh no!") 05.03.06 Nick Doomed_ is now known as alienbiker99 (n=alienbik@ool-44c126d4.dyn.optonline.net) 05.03.15 # right then 05.03.21 # Rockbox on the other hand has several people working on it, but not as many as other projects 05.03.37 # alright 05.03.39 # that says it then 05.03.51 # sorry for being such a prick 05.04.03 # as has been mentioned before, we would love to have someone come on and join the effort in making rockbox better 05.04.10 # sdoyon: are you getting my pm? 05.04.11 # feel free to help making rockbox a better "product" (you seem to like that word) 05.04.14 # s/someone/you 05.04.44 # anyway, i think your clams are inappropriate 05.04.47 # what i meant by "product" was more of the term "release"... not to treat it as if it was being marketed 05.05.03 # sarixe: and as we said, rockbox isnt released :) 05.05.13 # right... 05.06.00 # i guess my whole thing was that there should be different branches or something, like a branch for the bleeding edge, and a branch for working out the bugs or something 05.06.33 # sarixe: well, that hampers development, and is not in our view at this time 05.06.43 # i guess 05.06.58 # as i said, i don't even know much about the whole process 05.07.10 # so i probably made a fool of myself this whole time 05.07.22 # yes, there are many bugs to work out, and they should be, but to expect rockbox to me seamless is a bit off center 05.07.34 # k 05.08.02 # you should've catch up on this before starting this discussion 05.08.21 # yeah... 05.09.42 # sdoyon: what are you going to do with your quick info patch? I find it really useful and it is really good to do things really quickly. 05.09.46 # put it on the tracker? 05.09.50 # or not? 05.10.40 # it is good that you use a long press of select as well... 05.10.57 # another question: are there updates to the rockbox bootloader, or is that pretty much set? 05.11.28 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@pool2-086.adsl.user.start.ca) 05.12.17 # updates are put out, but not very often as a bootloader is a bit of a big thing ;) 05.12.21 Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 05.12.34 # with bootloaders, you do have releases 05.12.54 # gotcha 05.13.10 # when a new version comes out, it is put on the MajorChanges wiki page 05.13.20 # ah 05.13.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.13.30 # well, at least a notice of that 05.13.35 # ddalton: hey I wasn't paying attention. Hard to concentrate and follow this here at the same time. re quickinfo: not entirely sure. Thought to get the list voice callback stuff committed while that stews for a while. I guess it should go on FS for the discussion. 05.13.36 # it is a handy page to bookmark 05.15.41 Join bb [0] (n=bb@unaffiliated/bb) 05.16.35 # ddalton hows it going 05.16.47 # well, i just switched back to rockbox for now, and thus far, it actually seems a lot better than when i deleted it earlier today 05.17.11 # good. is the mpeg player problem fixed with pondlife's commit? 05.18.16 # sarixe: well, there are reasons we say to use a *current* build when report...a lot of things can change in a few minutes 05.18.26 # well I didn't test since this morning, and this morning it was only partially fixed, I'm just saying hello, have to run and meet my friends, see you all 05.18.31 # yeah, seems so :P 05.18.59 # sdoyon: ok well I think we still need to give the user an option of the old menu. Since sighted users probably won't like it. But blind people probably find the old quick screen not to useful. 05.19.46 Quit Calcipher ("—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 2.0 Build 3515 with A Pack Fix By www.ircmadeasy.com") 05.22.29 # ddalton: Well the current quickscreen is probably not terribly useful to anybody, blind or sighted. But yes my quickinfo hack is not very useful to sighted users. It still feels awkward though: like the tracklock toggle in there is not blind-specific. 05.23.26 Quit RoC_MasterMind ("Leaving") 05.24.32 # Is there a version of the manual viewable directly on the player? 05.25.35 # sdoyon: re manual I don't think so. maybe a text version. why? 05.25.49 # heh 05.26.03 # sdoyon: should I close p7764? is it not very useful? 05.26.13 # For a sighted friend. 05.27.25 # oh ok 05.27.54 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.27.55 Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 05.28.14 Quit bb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.28.15 Join spiffytech [0] (n=spiffyte@wod28982RN.rh.ncsu.edu) 05.29.39 # does anyone know how I can turn recording off but stay in the screen? I want to make a long press of rec be able to let the voice talk but in the screen. 05.31.00 # I'm trying to get Rockbox working on my 1st-gen iPod. It's installed and runs, but when I try to do the database initialization, the process hangs at ~587 files found, despite the fact that I haven't put anything on the device yet. I've done the iTunes restore, formatted, reinstalled Rockbox, searched the bug tracker, etc., but cannot figure this out. What could be the problem? 05.33.40 Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-df9a47f023190ead) 05.33.48 # is there any blind users around? 05.33.54 # database hangs usually mean you have a file with bad tags 05.34.05 # ddalton: re 7764: you need to be more careful with 0 duration splashes, it's usually more tricky. Some are redrawn very often to show progress, others are there to keep you waiting but sometimes for a very short time: shorter than it would take to voice it. Need to check case by case, but if I didn't include them it's because I wasn't sure they were safe or useful. Unless they're new :-). 05.34.31 Join AndrewJ [0] (n=KeyLime@ 05.34.41 Part AndrewJ 05.35.20 # oh ok I thought I was wasting my time a bit once I did an update because I thought you would have added them if they were useful or if you could actually get them to voice. 05.35.42 # saratoga: I don't have any music files on the device. I've even done a clean restore from iTunes before installing Rockbox. Searching the drive's two folders (Calendars and Contacts) shows nothing in either. 05.36.06 # spiffytech: there are more folders then that on there, though some are hidden 05.36.26 # sounds like you still have a large itunes library on there and one of those files hangs the metadata parser 05.36.26 # ddalton: Those are what took long when I made that first big patch, checking the code around each of these places. Often it's for players I don't have or weird error conditions so they can't be tried out easily. 05.36.47 Quit sarixe ("(EE) Failed to load "quit" module") 05.37.05 # sdoyon: looks like you and I are the only blind users here. Do you think voicing the elapsed time when stopseek is activated would be annoying? 05.37.31 # so when you stop holding fast forward or rewind. 05.37.46 # ddalton: very annoying I would think. 05.38.03 # Could be an option (though, I don't know if that's worth it.) 05.38.11 # saratoga: the iTunes restore claims that it deletes all songs from the iPod. Is there another way that I should remove the iTunes library? 05.38.16 # ddalton: anyway, you need feedback during rewind, not when stopping. And you'd want some awareness of acceleration... 05.38.31 # ok I will forget about it thought it might be useful for very long files like books... 05.39.20 # spiffytech: I don't know what the ipod restore does 05.39.34 # might want to check how much free space is available 05.39.44 # ddalton: As I propose on the ML, a navigation screen for coarse movement might be handy. And if I had more spare time I'd like to try a noisy rewind/ffwd like on a cD player... doesn't work as well with compressed audio, but still. 05.39.46 # if theres more then 50-100MB used, theres probably still music on there 05.40.41 # sdoyon: ok I see what your saying... maybe I miss read your mail 05.40.52 Quit jhulst (Connection timed out) 05.41.02 # Free space: 4.59 of 4.61 GB, used: 25 MB 05.41.14 Quit karashata ("Leaving.") 05.41.32 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@pool2-086.adsl.user.start.ca) 05.43.48 # spiffytech: and the database still reports hundreds of files? 05.44.05 # Yes 05.44.18 Quit kugel ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 05.44.51 # sdoyon: I spoke to aliask on here a few days a go and he said the info screen in a list sounds like a good idea. (pm) 05.45.27 # ddalton: Oh? That's interesting. 05.45.27 # and he didn't say it would have a bad affect on the sighted users. so i guess it should be ok... 05.45.58 # sdoyon: should I write up a quick patch and we can see what feedback we get from sighted users? 05.46.01 # spiffytech: no idea then 05.46.28 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC") 05.47.25 # ddalton: Sure. 05.47.33 # saratoga: Does rockbox keep a system log that I can check for error messages? 05.47.57 # sdoyon: do you have any advice on what I should do first? 05.49.17 # spiffytech: saratoga left, and, I don't believe Rockbox keeps logs of any sort 05.50.03 # ddalton: See if you can have a one-to-one correspondance between lines of text and things to say. Use a switch case in the callback. Probably should use an enum for the case values to avoid #ifdef hell... 05.51.08 # I guess the voicing of the rtc code been moved makes things slightly easier... 05.51.35 # ddalton: Did you get a couple of battery level announcements? Does that work well in real usage? 05.53.26 # Awesome work on the APE speedups. 05.53.39 # (Just looked at the commits.) 05.54.08 # sdoyon: yes it seems to voice them but I really need to test with it voicing every 15% what did you get? 05.54.41 # I kinder like it but maybe that's because I wrote it... 05.55.05 Join emeraldd [0] (n=jules@h96.156.30.69.ip.alltel.net) 05.55.05 # sdoyon: something simular to your playing time patch? 05.55.12 # or doesn't that put things in a slist 05.55.15 # list 05.55.57 # ddalton: yes, like playing-time I guess, and id3. 06.02.05 # sdoyon: do I use "MENUITEM_FUNCTION"? 06.02.35 # ddalton: what for? No. 06.02.57 # sdoyon: or could I just have a switch to check for a button and incroment a variable and then test for what value that var is on then execute the right case... 06.03.14 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 06.03.14 # * ddalton Thinks his last message didn't make sense... 06.04.14 # ddalton: I thought the point was to put it in a gui_synclist? That is what you discussed with aliask? 06.04.27 # sdoyon: so could I say switch (button) if down is pressed add one to info_option. then lets say info_option is 3 execute the code to speak and sisplay the hard disk size or what ever? 06.04.53 # and if it gets to 8 or how many options there should be just go to 0 and wrap again... 06.05.22 # sdoyon: how would you put it in a gui_synclist? 06.05.25 # ddalton: well that's what a gui_synclist does, so you don't need to repeat the code. 06.06.08 # sdoyon: where do I find that function? so I can see how it works? 06.06.18 # ddalton: like playing-time. 06.07.14 Join Hammer89 [0] (n=soc_inte@static-host-24-149-229-197.patmedia.net) 06.07.32 # does cygwin like... not work with Win Vista? 06.07.33 # sdoyon: I found the line: gui_synclist_init(&pt_lists, &playing_time_get_info, &pti, true, 1); what arguments does it take? 06.07.55 # BTW im just learning about pointers. (started a little bit today) 06.08.02 # not much though 06.08.30 # Hammer89: why? I am using vista but hopefully linux tomorrow... 06.08.46 # ddalton: It's all described in gui/list.h. 06.08.49 # but probably more like next week... 06.08.55 # I can't seem to get it to work properly... I had no issues with it with win 2000 06.09.02 # cygwin works fine with Vista from my experience... 06.09.04 # im using it fine 06.09.08 # Hrm 06.09.17 # maybe you didn't install something correctly..? 06.09.33 # I've done it multiple times... to the letter of the instructions 06.09.52 # and, though you don't *need* to, you may consider running it in admin mode 06.10.27 # hmm 06.11.07 # sdoyon: do I need to know pointers? 06.11.12 # an administrative account doesn't run things in admin mode to begin with? 06.11.45 Quit hcs ("Leaving.") 06.11.59 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 06.12.11 # not in Vista 06.12.35 # even the administrator account needs to be permitted to run things in true admin mode 06.12.45 # it's part of Vista's UAC stuff 06.12.46 # ah... good ol' microsoft 06.12.58 # ddalton: Well in general you do want to know about pointers. There's probably not a lot of pointer magic going on in that context though, you can probably guess how it works. 06.13.22 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 06.13.38 # sdoyon: im sort of coding on rockbox for a few hours then reading my book so I am going to learn them. 06.13.46 # sdoyon: What exactly should I look for? 06.15.39 # sdoyon: maybe I should just read my books. I don't even know about structs... 06.16.35 Join ramon8 [0] (i=DontFuCk@adsl-71-146-141-146.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) 06.17.37 # ddalton: Indeed. 06.18.28 # sdoyon: ok you know how you said in a ml off list I should code on my own programs. Well how long should I leave rb alone for? 06.19.34 # ddalton: gee you think I can answer that?! :-) 06.19.46 # sdoyon: I guess not... 06.21.39 # karashata: thanks for the help... seems to work fine running under admin mode 06.22.13 # Hammer89: you're welcome, just thought it might help to know since I've had to run it that way myself 06.24.56 # anyone know what the "infones" .rock is? doesn't seem to work on my e200... 06.25.39 # sdoyon: do you want me to fix the spelling with one of your patches (7779) you spelt the visual menu item wrong... 06.25.46 # I think it was a typing error 06.27.10 # ddalton: yeah funny that... it was spoken well enough. Sure you can fix it, save me the trouble of uploading. thx. 06.27.12 Nick male is now known as sallypants (n=male@adsl-156-53-18.mem.bellsouth.net) 06.27.14 # Hammer89: NES emulator 06.27.39 # still in testing, last I heard about it 06.27.46 # ah... okay 06.27.53 Nick sallypants is now known as male (n=male@adsl-156-53-18.mem.bellsouth.net) 06.28.26 # sdoyon: ok just checking... It sounded like I annoyed you when I updated your other patches. :-) 06.28.45 # Hammer89: I didn't know it was in SVN already, or at all, even... 06.28.46 # you spelt the voice one right... 06.28.56 # karashata: it's in the current build... 06.29.18 # must have been put in recently then, or I just haven't been paying close enough attention 06.29.41 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.29.56 # I've noticed that the create bookmark link doesn't seem to do anything on my sansa c200 any ideas? 06.29.57 # sdoyon: BTW very nice patch. 06.30.28 # c250 sorry 06.30.49 # Hammer89: hmm, it's not listed in the plugins on the build I have, I'll have to look a sec at the site and see if I'm already a build or two behind 06.31.19 # which I'm not, apparently... 06.31.32 # maybe it's not being built for the H10 yet then or something... 06.31.42 # might be 06.32.03 # ddalton: In general I'd rather you let me update code. But this one you can do of course. 06.32.04 # not that I'd use it, the H10 button layout would be rather confusing at best... 06.32.22 # they're working on a sych. lyric viewer too? (I have the .rock on my e200... doesn't look like it works either, though...) 06.32.25 # ddalton: You find it useful the poweroff on hold? 06.33.15 # When I shut my rockboxed iPod down by holding the play/pause button, it reboots rather than staying off 06.33.23 Quit Toxicity999 (Remote closed the connection) 06.33.40 # sdoyon: yes. You didn't notice it because you spelt the visual indication wrong but the voice one is fine... 06.33.54 Join Toxicity999 [0] (n=bryan@unaffiliated/Toxicity999) 06.34.00 # I don't use keylock or hold when my player is on. 06.34.05 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=Mouser_X@ 06.37.35 # sdoyon: a little stat... My patch is 400 bights smaller than yours... But I think that is because you patch from above the trunk. 06.37.39 # not in the trunk like me 06.40.05 # ddalton: well you need to be sure you're only changing that little bit. diff the diffs if you have to. 06.40.13 # sdoyon: could you send me your updated set once you are done updating? and will that mean I will have to redo the key maps again? 06.41.04 # and I also had it speaking the db number for adjusting the volume in the quick info screen. But I guess your one is better. 06.41.09 # ddalton: keymaps? Oh for quickinfo? 06.41.16 # and if the player has a rec button should we make use of that? 06.41.47 # sdoyon: yes for quick info 06.42.22 # both the diffs have 278 lines. 06.42.31 Part spiffytech 06.43.14 # ddalton: Well send me you keymaps and I'll add them. 06.44.24 # sdoyon: hmmm that's going to be hard. But ok. they are in the big combined patch. But ok I will sort them out. also I probably did something wrong. 06.44.29 # but let me try. 06.50.24 # sdoyon: what patch needs to be applied with quick info? 06.50.35 # so I can test? Your big one won't apply... 06.53.12 # ddalton: Hmm I don't know exactly. Hmm couldn't you just do svn diff keymaps/keymap-h1x0_h3x0.c, and figure it out from that? 06.54.15 # oh you can do that? I have the h300 button patch but can't apply your quick info one. 06.56.02 # lots of errors... 06.56.11 # sdoyon: with applying 06.56.44 # sdoyon: what rev did you diff that big one against? 06.58.09 # ddalton: we are talking about keymap changes you made for one context, right? 06.58.14 # sdoyon: im going to try r15120... 06.58.26 # yes and the keymap file hasn't really changed lately. 06.58.57 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.59.23 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=Mouser_X@ 06.59.30 # ddalton: well never mind the rest of the changes, it's just that one little context right? 07.00.39 # sdoyon: im just testing it. h300 keymap hasn't changed since r15120 07.00.59 # so will test on that so I can use your patch to test. 07.02.25 # sdoyon: will take for ever to compile. (cygwin) 07.04.08 # there is an error... 07.06.04 Join criznach [0] (n=chatzill@host-69-145-134-192.grf-mt.client.bresnan.net) 07.08.12 # sdoyon: r 15100 seems to apply fine. Just got to see if it compiles. 07.13.29 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.15.16 # sdoyon: once I have done this I will be back to my book. :-) 07.17.39 # sdoyon: still there? 07.18.43 # ddalton: yes. Not for long though, getting late. 07.18.54 # hmmm sdoyon must be asleep... 07.19.03 # oh no his not... 07.19.29 # sdoyon: ok what is it about 1 in the morning there? 07.20.01 Nick courtc_ is now known as courtc (n=court@unaffiliated/courtc) 07.20.03 # Sat Oct 20 01:19:41 EDT 2007 07.23.53 # Ahhh, I think I found my issue, bookmarks don't work with dynamic playlists. 07.24.19 # sdoyon: ok its done, however button_off (stop) doesn't activate ok. should it from the quick info screen? 07.24.58 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.25.38 # emeraldd: Indeed. And last I checked, saving the playlist wasn't enough, you had to restart playback from the saved playlist. Not sure if that's still an issue. 07.25.47 # ddalton: what do you mean? 07.27.40 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=someone@ 07.31.13 # there really should be some sort of useful error messages to at least indicate what went wrong, 07.31.45 Quit qweru ("moo") 07.31.55 # would that be in line with expected behavior in rockbox gui's? 07.33.04 # I suppose there should probably be a splash with an error msg. 07.33.24 # OK my brain has turned to mud. Good night. 07.33.28 Quit sdoyon ("ircII EPIC4-2.4 -- Are we there yet?") 07.41.02 Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") 07.42.03 Part Hammer89 07.43.16 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@hdp186.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) 07.47.40 Quit Canar ("oh shi-") 07.48.15 Join eigma [0] (n=cat@ 07.53.29 # is there a preferred set of diff options for a patch? 07.53.44 # what do you mean 07.56.09 # ddalton: I have patch I would like to submit and I'm wondering what the preferred diff format and such is 07.56.23 # ddalton: I've seen several different styles used 07.58.52 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 07.59.12 # svn diff? 08.00.19 # that might be my problem I was using straight up diff 08.01.18 # if you were modyfing files in your svn checkout - just go into that dir and do 'svn diff > your.patch' 08.01.29 # it's plain easy 08.02.46 # not quite, I'm using a seperate local copy to version my changes 08.03.02 # why diff between the two local coppies? 08.03.44 # It allows me to keep my own changes in an svn repository and use a script to sync that with the rockbox repository 08.04.16 # I'm probably just a little revision control happy ;) 08.06.02 # emeraldd: by design, svn remembers what the trunk was (hence why svn checkouts take up more space than, say, cvs) 08.06.24 # * scorche wonders if he is misunderstanding 08.07.09 # I can't check my changes into anything if I make local modifications . . 08.07.37 # hrm...rephrase? 08.08.21 # If I want to make modifications to the rockbox source, I can't commit them into anything. This leaves my changes in limbo 08.08.34 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B16E9F.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.08.46 # limbo in reference to what? 08.08.49 # To get around that I have a local repository that has a version of the rockbox trunk commited in a branch 08.09.23 # as I have to keep my changes in the WC and can't really version them per se. 08.09.35 # you make your changes in your local version. create a diff and submit it to the tracker 08.09.40 # changes 08.09.43 # right, 08.09.49 # getting off topic 08.09.52 # emeraldd: you really should look at git... 08.10.47 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GitVersionControl 08.13.08 # very interesting, 08.13.26 # I'll have to dig into that more, it sounds like what I'm trying to do with the local svn 08.13.38 # yup 08.15.56 # Thanks for the assitance. 08.15.58 Quit emeraldd ("Leaving") 08.17.39 Quit hcs ("Leaving.") 08.20.14 Quit karashata ("Leaving.") 08.26.52 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.41.13 Quit eigma () 08.42.46 Join emeraldd [0] (n=jules@h96.156.30.69.ip.alltel.net) 08.43.30 Quit criznach ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 08.43.44 Quit miepchen^schlaf ("Verlassend") 08.45.32 Quit emeraldd (Client Quit) 08.49.30 # How do I play a beep in rockbox? 08.50.56 # Play a beep? 08.51.08 # There's a menu setting for beep volume. 08.51.10 # male: yes... what function. 08.51.15 # Oh, no clue. 08.51.22 # Maybe it's called beep(). 08.51.29 # I wish... 08.51.32 # ;-) 08.51.34 # what file would that be in? 08.51.59 # male: please dont give suggestions about things that you dont know about.. 08.52.50 # scorche: he did know that a function has () after it. so maybe he can program :-). But it would need arguments of course... 08.52.57 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 08.53.38 # ddalton: well, yes, but i see too much misinformation spread from people who throw things out of the air =/ 08.54.00 # yes but I was sort of half joking... 08.54.23 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host169-212-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 08.55.07 # sadly, irc isnt the best medium for conveying sarcasm =/ 08.56.03 # scorche: Don't be a dick. He didn't specify UI or API . 08.56.21 # * scorche sighs 08.57.44 # well it isn't really that busy and a joke every now and then is ok. isn't it? 08.59.33 # sure, but if it isnt apparent that it is a joke...i am just saying that i have seen way too much misinformation spread that way and people acting on misinformation that they thought was true, which leads to Bad Things (TM) 08.59.39 Quit ddalton ("back to my real life") 09.02.01 # linuxstb, preglow: ping 09.09.03 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 09.13.32 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.27.12 Join RaRe [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) 09.40.53 Quit tedrock (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 09.42.16 Nick parafin|away is now known as parafin (i=parafin@paraf.in) 09.43.45 Join tedrock [0] (n=tedrock@d235-156-104.home1.cgocable.net) 09.45.56 Quit RaRe` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.50.10 Join Redbreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-138-16-226.range86-138.btcentralplus.com) 09.51.11 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@031-020-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 09.54.11 # argh.... sorry for the "move" mess. Can I do something to make it better, Llorean? 09.54.39 # seems like I only made it worse :\ 09.58.27 Quit Redbreva (Remote closed the connection) 09.59.29 Join Redbreva [0] (n=chatzill@host86-138-16-226.range86-138.btcentralplus.com) 10.00.28 # * pixelma is giving up :( 10.06.01 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-209-90.student.uu.se) 10.06.30 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 10.06.50 # amiconn: Around now. 10.08.09 # linuxstb: (1) Check out SoundCodecMonkeysAudio, and see what difference IRAM makes (coldfire -c5000 and the footnote) 10.08.45 # n1s: I'm not really working on talking Database - I did the client-side script, but I don't for a second understand how tagtree.c/tree.c works, so I'm pretty much waiting for someone else to do it 10.08.50 # (2) I wanted to do this on PP5022, and noticed that we do *not* make use of the extra IRAM in rockbox. Do you think doing so would be a good idea? 10.09.00 # rasher: ah, ok 10.09.27 # Would be nice if someone did though 10.09.35 # yup 10.09.48 # It would mean we could use some extra IRAM on Mini G2, Nano, Video, and the Sansas, but otoh it means that rockbox builds could fail for PP5020 when they don't fail for PP5022 10.09.55 Join bytie [0] (n=bytie@gprs-pool-1-023.eplus-online.de) 10.10.18 # (region iram full, that would apply to core, plugins, and codecs) 10.10.29 Quit bytie (Remote closed the connection) 10.14.08 # If it's there, I think we should use it - the build table will quickly tell people if they've broken builds... But IRAM doesn't seem that important on PP502x, so I wouldn't expect big gains. 10.15.35 # Well, it depends. If an array that's constantly walked *and* is bigger than the cache, iram would still beneficial 10.18.10 # Are you planning on looking at the rest of APE - i.e. the entropy decoding stage? 10.20.38 # no 10.21.11 # At least not now. I have lots of other stuff that I need and/or want to do... 10.22.01 # If the entropy decoder could be optimised by the same factor as predictor and filter, -c3000 would become usable on coldfire 10.22.07 # OK. I assume you've done as much as you can with the filter/predictor now? 10.22.26 # The predictor approximately doubled speed, as did the filter 10.22.57 # Running only the predictor would be >800% realtime on cf now 10.23.21 # -c3000 doesn't look feasible on PP though, even with dual-core... 10.23.47 # Yeah, but right now, even -c1000 isn't usable on PP 10.24.11 # I *could* use it on my mini g2 with CPUFREQ_MAX pushed to 100MHz 10.24.22 # But that wouldn't really make sense 10.25.10 # On coldfire, -c1000 and -c2000 are running rather nicely now 10.29.36 Join ddalton [0] (n=Daniel@203-214-76-97.dyn.iinet.net.au) 10.30.07 # anyone know how to make rb play a beep? 10.30.56 # linuxstb_: did you bencmark the effects of different O levels for the mac decoder, almost everywhere O3 is slower for pp 10.31.23 Quit Lambuntu (Remote closed the connection) 10.31.33 # Yes, I remember testing them. 10.33.26 # linuxstb_: do you know about gui_synclist? 10.34.24 # n1s: should I close p7764? is it useless? 10.34.24 # ddalton: No. 10.34.38 # ok does anyone know. 10.34.45 # I want to put something into a list. 10.36.05 # ddalton: do you find any of the additions made in that patch useful or is it more of a "voice everything for the heck of it" ? 10.37.04 # n1s: well I just went through the source to try and see what wouldn't talk. then I just put it up there and tried it myself for feedback. There are one or to useful ones they can go in a new patch. 10.37.19 # Are you happy if I close it? 10.37.25 # I would prefer that 10.37.30 # ok 10.37.46 # the plugin errors are sort of useful but they can go in the talk plugins patch 10.38.24 Quit BigBambi (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 10.41.23 # n1s: closed... 10.42.05 # n1s: are you familiar with any of the menu/list code? 10.45.45 # not really 10.47.42 # linuxstb: Is there any reason why only the stereo predictor is asm optimised? 11.02.51 # amiconn: Only laziness... I would expect mono files will decode at almost twice the speed of stereo anyway. 11.03.09 # yes 11.03.15 # But why waste cpu cycles? 11.03.20 Join pepie34 [0] (n=pepie34@cop60-1-82-240-26-92.fbx.proxad.net) 11.03.31 # I never use mono files... But I agree, it would be nice for completeness. 11.04.44 # Btw, does ape support sample depths > 16 bit 11.04.45 # ? 11.05.26 # Yes it does. 11.05.46 # amiconn: can you see a good way to use emac with iir_mem16() in speex/filters.c ? 11.05.51 # How does the filtering work then, since it works on 16 bit ints? 11.06.09 # preglow: It depends on the usual value of 'ord' 11.06.16 # amiconn: eight and ten 11.06.19 # i've got 16khz speex wideband files going at 370% realtime on coldfire now, managed to put both narrowband and wideband decoder structs in iram 11.06.25 # Isn't it just 16-bit co-efficients, processing a 32-bit array of data? 11.06.39 # linuxstb: That's what I'm wondering.... 11.07.40 # Looks like the vector add/sub and scalar product only work on the coefficients 11.08.26 # preglow: If you know it's always 8 or 10 then you can make both use of the emac and movem 11.09.04 # Not much adding to the same destination in there, but you can use the emac as a fast multiplier, multiplying 4 values into acc0...acc3, and then fetching them 11.09.50 # Fetching value pairs can also applied here, even using mac with parallel load 11.10.52 # yeah 11.11.09 # only thing different from flac is that the mem vector isn't stored in the x vector 11.11.19 # annoying, the flac lpc routines are really fast :/ 11.12.04 # Yes, very annoying... 11.13.23 # amiconn: i'm just wondering if emac will really be that much faster, i can't use it as an accumulator, and i'm thinking perhaps muls.w will be as fast when i combine the mac.w with the stall and the movclr.l 11.13.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.13.46 # after all, muls is also pretty fast thanks to the emac multiplier unit 11.16.19 # the parallel load might change that, of course 11.20.18 # linuxstb_: do all telechips devices support this usb boot mode? 11.21.17 # But using the 4 accumulators you only get 1 stall every 4 multiplications, as opposed to (effectively) every multiplication 11.22.10 # preglow: In theory. On the iaudio 7, TMM found a key combination to enter it on boot. On my Logik DAB/MP3 player, there doesn't appear to be a key combination, but I discovered that if I removed the NAND flash module (it's on a daughterboard), the device enters USB boot mode as a fall-back and appears to work fine... 11.23.46 # preglow: the TCC chips themselves always fall back to USB boot, question is if all devices will allow for a way to enter it... I suppose you can always modify the player to allow for it. Perhaps looking at the leads on linuxstb_'s PCB we can find out how :) 11.23.54 # It's more or less the same as "manufacturing mode" on the Sansas, but the TCC devices require a few more fields in the header - the Sansas just want the length of the upload in bytes. 11.25.58 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 11.26.00 Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 11.26.34 # linuxstb_: would be nice to not have to remove the flash to enter it, though... 11.26.44 # ok, what do people think about making the sid codec auto advance to the next track after a while? 11.27.16 # n1s: There's a datase of sid track lengths. 11.27.25 # Llorean: it's a text file, a long one too 11.27.30 # this is one of those instances where we wish we had codec options 11.28.00 # n1s: could you help me with putting the info screen into a list? so you can arrow up and down it to hear information quickly? 11.28.05 # yeah, parseing that would be a pita 11.28.07 # Could whatever handles metadata for SID files look for the presence of it in .rockbox? 11.28.31 # Llorean: problem is it'll be a pain in the ass, the file itself is huge and it's text, would take ages to parse it for each track 11.29.01 # proper taggin would have been cool 11.29.42 # the text is sorted by some kind of md5, though, so we could binary sort it, but it'd still be really kludgy 11.30.12 # also, the inclusion of an md5 routine will make the sid metadata loader the biggest of them all :/ 11.30.53 # so does the tagging of sids not support tag length? 11.31.15 # It seems odd that the tagging doesn't if it doesn't. 11.31.42 Join bluebrother [0] (i=mmFNCko5@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 11.33.05 # well, there wouldn't be a huge text file containing song lengths if it did, i figure 11.33.35 # the .sid file format is pretty ancient, from the times before streamed music, they might not have seen a need 11.33.43 # Llorean: could you help me out with my "move" problem in the forums? 11.33.51 # pixelma: Maybe. What's the problem? 11.34.08 Join Frazz [0] (n=Fraser@thelawsons.plus.com) 11.34.09 # preglow: Seems amazing that nobody simply hacked it in, called it "esid" and threw out a converter then. 11.34.24 # I tried to explain it.. 11.34.45 # does anyone know how to play a beep? 11.34.47 # preglow: Sure, but I don't need it any more - I've got to the stage where I append a bootloader to the original firmware, and upgrade to it. I check for a button press at the very start of crt0.S, and start my own code if it's held. It's about as safe as I can make it... 11.35.39 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 11.35.46 # Wow, linuxstb started a port by actually hacking the hardware ;) 11.36.01 # We're still waiting for that AV3x0 port (hint hint) ;) 11.36.21 # amiconn: got a minute? 11.37.11 # amiconn: I even have a working LCD driver (it's an SSD1815) - the Archos driver just worked, once I added the inits from my original firmware. 11.37.34 # (and the write_cmd/write_data functions from the same place) 11.37.46 # Yeah, that controller seems widespread for mono lcds. iFP uses that one too 11.38.13 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet10.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 11.38.23 # ...and also Gmini 1x0, btw 11.38.49 Quit davina (Client Quit) 11.39.42 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c58-109-97-210.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) 11.42.44 # preglow, Llorean: Maybe we should invent "esid" and write such a conversion tool... 11.43.22 # It could just use a standard tag format (apev2?) 11.43.28 # * Llorean wonders if that would anger the Chiptune Gods or be seen as "a step in the right direction" for "the ability to play ancient music on modern doodads" 11.43.46 Quit FOAD ("I'll be back") 11.44.03 # I wonder how existing sid players would handle sids with a ape tag appended... 11.44.23 # Ape is at the end of the file, right? 11.44.35 # Yes 11.45.05 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c210-49-113-143.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 11.45.21 # It would seem to me a "good" one would just ignore it. 11.45.29 Quit Xerion_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.45.41 # Llorean: most of us are infidels anyway, we don't have c64's 11.45.48 # evenign all 11.45.53 # mornin 11.45.54 # I had a c64 at one point, long ago. 11.46.51 # JdGordon: could you help me with some list/menu code? 11.47.11 # shoot 11.47.48 # just quickly do you know how I would put the info screen into a list? 11.48.13 # there are a fwe ways 11.48.35 # JdGordon: could you tell me one? 11.48.38 # if i dont do anything tonight i might fix up the list api to do it nicely 11.48.58 # bassically, copy how the dircache/database debug screens do it (debug_menu.c) 11.49.21 # JdGordon: what should I look for? 11.50.12 Quit pepie34 ("Ex-Chat") 11.50.48 Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 11.51.05 # JdGordon: do I need to know pointers for this 11.51.25 # pointers are something you hold really work on learning anyway 11.51.28 # but no, you dont 11.51.58 # JdGordon: im going to but thought I would try and implement this then study the book for a while then come back... 11.53.11 # JdGordon: so what am I looking for? 11.53.22 # [19:48:58] bassically, copy how the dircache/database debug screens do it (debug_menu.c) 11.53.29 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 11.54.14 # im in debug_menu.c so what do I look for? 11.54.25 # linuxstb_: smacking things onto sids are a bad idea unless in the front, i think 11.54.36 # do a search for database debug or something 11.54.38 # linuxstb_: i _think_ i remember it'll just be read as part of the sids memory bank 11.54.59 # Is that a bad thing? 11.55.21 # it's very hard to say, every sid file is a program, so that extra data might be used for something 11.55.36 # also, if the bank is already full, that data might overflow somewhere 11.56.00 # anyway, i hate it when people smack tags onto things where they don't belong 11.56.08 # so i'm not going to start advocating it myself 11.56.15 # So there's no header in the file, saying how large the data is, the whole file is read? 11.56.38 # there is a header, but i don't know what it contains 11.56.48 # kinda weird, i actually made a .sid loader a few years back... 11.57.11 # Well it's not necessarily "where they don't belong" if there's no good way to carry track length yet otherwise 11.57.23 # JdGordon: database ? 11.57.32 # Llorean: yes it is 11.57.51 # Llorean: if existing players no way in hell expect something to be there, we shouldn't start putting things there 11.57.55 # preglow: By that standard, the very first ID3v1 tags were "where they don't belong" though? 11.58.27 # preglow: OK, so what do you think about inventing a new format? 11.58.52 # the very first id3 tags appeared a hell of a lot earlier than we'd be appearing in the sid scene with this tagging stuff now 11.58.59 # that didn't work... 11.59.08 # my clipboard is stuffed 11.59.24 # linuxstb_: well, sure, but that doesn't change the fact that the single hugest sid archive doesn't use that format and only comes with a text file as metadata 11.59.32 # linuxstb_: i'm not a fan of having to alter my files to have them play 11.59.39 # ddalton: bah, its still tagcache in debug_menu.c 11.59.43 # preglow: Sure, but if the format is broken... 11.59.51 # ddalton: kine 1952 11.59.52 # JdGordon: I found the line info.title = "Database Info"; is this what im looking for? 11.59.53 # line* 11.59.58 # preglow: How 'bout having them play in the old format, and only altering them so they can play "better"? 12.00.41 # I'm not suggesting to remove support for "normal" sids, just not adding support for that text file hack... 12.00.43 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 12.01.28 # bertrik: you round? 12.01.34 # yes 12.01.46 # but support for a format you'll which can't be used unless you batch convert hvsc doesn't sound really valuable 12.01.51 # *shrug* 12.01.56 # can you send me the mi4 for one of the e200 OF's you found the byte for please? 12.02.00 # the only sids i listen to are .mp3 and .ogg 12.02.07 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 12.02.09 # i assume you can only get them from sandisks website in a exe? 12.02.14 # and i don't think that'll change, emulated sid just sounds nasty 12.02.26 # JdGordon: I'll zip it and post a link here, ok? 12.02.33 # thanks 12.02.39 # JdGordon: I really like your "bedug slapshes" ;) 12.02.56 # yeah, my spelling rules :D 12.02.57 # got them from here http://files.zefie.com/PMP/sansa/e200/ 12.03.06 # linuxstb_: any such format should be a really simple extension to the current ones, though 12.03.41 # my sansa crashed when 1 played 1 song with picth 120% en it went to another 12.04.38 # JdGordon: so how does this code work? 12.05.40 Quit Frazz (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.05.53 # ddalton: its not that complicated... just look at the example and have a play.. but you shuoldnt bother because like i said, if i dont go out tonight ill fix it up so its usable outside of that file 12.06.28 # JdGordon: I will work on it later then once you have done that. 12.06.50 Join Frazz [0] (n=Fraser@thelawsons.plus.com) 12.07.44 # bertrik: bah, im a dill :p i updated the of with sansapatcher but forgot to update our bl :p 12.09.53 Quit FOAD (Remote closed the connection) 12.10.22 # JdGordon: some people reported the database refresh bit clearing didn't work for them 12.10.45 # who here knows about recording? 12.10.49 # code? 12.11.49 # bertrik: oh poo!, it doesnt work for me either :( couild be to do with which of you upgrade from? anyway they dont do any harm being int he code 12.11.54 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p5496524A.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.12.25 # Shall I write a little how-to on how to find out the location of the database refresh bit? 12.12.34 # if you want to 12.13.19 Quit darkless (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 12.13.44 # ok I will 12.14.20 Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 12.19.06 Quit tedrock (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.19.13 Join tedrock [0] (n=tedrock@d235-156-104.home1.cgocable.net) 12.19.39 # bertrik: would be neat for the c200 as well... :) 12.21.15 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 12.21.52 Join darkless [0] (n=darkless@x1-6-00-1a-92-ea-71-14.k201.webspeed.dk) 12.22.51 Quit kclaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.23.14 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.23.36 Quit tedrock (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 12.23.40 Join tedr0ck [0] (n=tedrock@d235-156-104.home1.cgocable.net) 12.24.31 # pixelma: would it be usefull to put it into the bootloader? there isnt really a reason why it couldnt be done automatically 12.25.27 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host169-212-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 12.26.30 Join kclaf [0] (i=kclaf@ 12.28.41 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 12.30.11 Quit desowin (Remote closed the connection) 12.30.30 Join advcomp2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@ 12.32.08 # when checking out the whole of rockbox not just the trunk I get this error: 12.32.09 # svn: Failed to add directory 'rockbox': object of the same name already exists 12.32.13 # what do I do? 12.32.15 # to fix it? 12.32.23 # delete the old tree firs 12.32.25 # t 12.32.28 # delete the rockbox directory 12.32.52 # from branches? 12.33.05 # it is a clean check out... 12.33.44 # svn tries to create a folder called rockbox which alreay exists. Remove or rename the old folder. 12.34.39 Quit tedr0ck (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 12.35.06 # bluebrother: so what exactly do I do? I run svn up again and it just readds it... 12.35.11 # re adds it 12.35.37 Join tedrock [0] (n=tedrock@d235-156-104.home1.cgocable.net) 12.38.15 # * preglow vanishes 12.38.24 Quit Rob222241 () 12.38.27 # JdGordon: what do I do? 12.38.38 # I deleted it and it just adds itself again on an svn up 12.38.48 Quit tedrock (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.40.14 Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 12.40.41 # ddalton: what do you mean by "adds itself again"? svn creates a folder with the checkout. 12.41.18 # bluebrother: I delete it then run svn up. It comes back and gives me that error again 12.41.53 Quit sup (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.41.57 # where do you run svn up? Inside of the checkout tree? 12.42.05 # yes 12.42.24 # and you get an error even if that folder is a fresh checkout? 12.42.24 # above the trunk folder so the one with trunk branches and what ever else 12.42.40 # cd to trunk 12.42.55 # yep so if I run svn check out from ~ ( not in an rb dir) it gives me the error as well 12.43.17 # maybe there's an error in your svn co command? 12.43.36 # also, once you have checked out you need to use svn up, not co 12.44.21 # do I type: " svn co svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox rockbox" 12.44.47 # I used a different name for the dir since I already had a rockbox. I think I called it rb-trunk 12.44.55 # "The tracepoint facility is currently available only for remote targets" :( 12.45.39 # ddalton: works fine here. I get a folder called "rockbox" with trunk, branches etc in it. 12.45.56 # JdGordon: how did you count cache usage in find_handle (if you remember) ? 12.46.10 # so should I try again from ~ with: " svn co svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/ rockbox"? 12.46.29 # well, if the folder "rockbox" doesn't exist this should work 12.46.29 # Nico_P: dont remember sorry.. if i look at the code it might come back though 12.46.41 Join tedrock [0] (n=tedrock@d235-156-104.home1.cgocable.net) 12.47.04 Quit advcomp2019 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.47.06 # JdGordon: do you remember if simply add counters or if you used a tool ? 12.47.18 # (add "you" somewhere) 12.47.35 # bluebrother: trying again... 12.49.27 # Nico_P: iirc, it only checks if the last handle returned by that function is the same one its looking for "this" itme 12.49.31 # no counters or anything 12.49.55 # JdGordon: yes, but to measure the number of misses and successes ? 12.50.21 # OH... i put a printf in there and grepped the output :p 12.50.27 # you could add counters easily enough 12.50.33 # haha, ok :) 12.58.03 # ddalton: are you sure you want to get everything, not only trunk? 12.58.05 # bluebrother re my svn problem same problem. clean check out with the command I said above. 12.58.10 # what should I do now? 12.59.00 # no idea what's broken in your case. Works fine here, but getting everything is huuuge. 12.59.21 # should I delete something? 12.59.37 # have you checked if there is enough disc space? 12.59.44 # it works fine for a trunk check out... 12.59.57 # yes plenty... 200 gb 13.00.02 # atleast 13.00.03 # but why do you want to get all tags, branches etc? 13.00.25 # so I can use the voice pl script and if I need the other stuff. 13.00.40 # * bluebrother never had a disc with that amount of space at all ... should consider getting one :) 13.00.50 # I though the voice callback patch for lists was commited? 13.01.02 # the voices stuff is in trunk. You don't need everything -- in your case you get tags, branches, www etc. 13.01.07 # i.e. _everything_ 13.01.12 # yes but the pl script isn't 13.01.36 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 13.01.39 # voice.pl is in the tools folder which itself is part of trunk. 13.02.24 # trunk holds everything you need for working on Rockbox. The "other" stuff is nothing you usually need. 13.05.17 # how do I use the voice.pl script? 13.05.37 Join haemmy [0] (i=stefan@ 13.07.26 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@ 13.09.29 Quit BigBambi (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 13.11.28 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B16E9F.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.13.35 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.14.34 Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 13.17.23 Quit ddalton ("leaving") 13.18.03 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@f051086017.adsl.alicedsl.de) 13.18.24 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5F13.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.20.09 Join lee-qid_ [0] (n=liqid@p54966D14.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.20.49 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A7B95.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.21.09 # JdGordon: ok, I wrote up a little howto on how to find the database refresh bit, where can I put it? (FS#7990 is already closed) 13.21.26 # in the wiki 13.37.13 Quit lee-qid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.37.18 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 13.40.19 # does that bit still work for people? it doesn't work for me any more for some reason :( 13.40.38 # some people it does... 13.40.49 # we need zagor to hurry up with usb :D 13.42.38 # JdGordon: I'll add it to SansaE200FirmwarePartition, ok? or should I create a new page? 13.42.51 # umm, probably a new page 13.43.00 # linked to from the e200 port pafe 13.43.01 # page 13.43.15 # Something like SansaE200DatabaseRefresh? 13.43.30 # add an OF in there somewhere 13.45.27 # I'd think a combined page for all (supported) Sansas would make sense 13.46.14 # * amiconn had an idea how iram utilisation could be improved for targets where it's essential 13.46.47 # Atm we have the codec swap in playback.c, which swaps both dram and iram between voice and main codec 13.47.22 # The iram swap idea could be extended, so that threads might request iram as a resource from the scheduler 13.47.22 Join ddalton [0] (n=Daniel@203-214-76-97.dyn.iinet.net.au) 13.47.25 # JdGordon: It would be nice to find out why it works for some people and not others. It used to work for me 13.47.27 # so OF on sansa doesn't need to refresh if you have started rockbox once? 13.47.55 # I can't create a wiki page .... 13.47.56 # XavierGr: given up on that alarm? 13.47.56 # The scheduler would swap iram in & out when switching threads which have an associated iramcopy 13.48.04 # barrywardell: yeah, it doesnt work for me either, maybe it has something to do with which of you upgraded from? 13.48.24 # There would of course be a set maximum of how many threads could request iram 13.49.13 # JdGordon: What do you mean? 13.49.37 # Aside from a small, statically allocated iram area this might even allow to share all iram between core, codecs, and plugins 13.49.47 # barrywardell: well, i downgraded (cant rememebr which to which) and ever since then it stopped 13.50.34 # This idea would only work for single core in its current form. For dual core, each core could have its own set though, splitting iram evenly between cores 13.52.12 # This technique would e.g. allow to use the full iram for both audio & video thread in mpegplayer, and still have voice available... 13.53.34 # JdGordon: but surely it still just checks the same bit regardless, especially if it sets that bit 13.53.55 # you'd think so.. but seems not? 13.54.25 # bertrik: did you just register? You also need write permission, the page should tell you... 13.55.16 Quit lee-qid_ ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 13.55.42 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3016.gwdg.de) 13.55.48 # I'll just dump it on my webpages 13.56.10 # bertrik: what's your wiki name? 13.56.29 # BertrikSikken 13.56.55 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A96267.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.57.28 # JdGordon: im just doing something in recording.c What how do I use get_action? I want to see what key the user is pressing... 13.57.38 # bertrik: now you should have access ;) 13.57.41 # this is what I did to find the database refresh bit: http://bertrik.sikken.nl/how_to_find_db_refresh.txt 13.59.03 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 13.59.37 # bertrik: you should add how you went from 7868641 to 0x3c08+0xe1 14.02.58 # while recording does any code need to be executed? 14.07.45 Quit bertrik ("bye") 14.07.58 Quit haemmy () 14.09.06 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) 14.10.25 Quit ramon8 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.12.05 # hi, i have still problems with clean source compilation, can anybody help me ? 14.12.24 # kubiix: yes what is your question 14.12.35 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 14.13.01 # i have clean install of cygwin + rockbox stuff, clean svn code 14.13.34 # alarm_menu.c:97: error: `LANG_ALARM_MOD_TIME' undeclared (first use in this function) 14.14.24 # and 3 more errors for other LANG_xx variables 14.14.37 # well did you apply any patches? 14.14.55 # no, it's clean source from svn 14.15.32 # what rev? 14.18.15 # it seems like a problem with the generated lang.h, other people also had this problem... unfortunatly i dont know how to fix it... 14.18.52 # kubiix: make clean then make 14.18.59 # or even ../tools/configure again 14.19.14 # kubiix: I saw this with a patch I have here locally here (Not on the tracker) 14.19.14 # anyone knows how i can use this http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7990 14.19.31 # you have to install a new bootloader manually 14.19.54 # is that a hard job? 14.20.52 # rev15206 14.20.52 # make celan didn't help 14.22.31 # Domonoky: yes the lang.h did not contain all lang variables 14.22.37 # how do i install the bootloader manaully JdGordon 14.23.02 # sansapatcher 14.23.07 Quit ddalton ("leaving") 14.24.09 # but is automatic isn't it JdGordon 14.24.23 # yes 14.24.53 # and how do i get the patch in there? 14.29.58 # when is the lang.h file generated ? 14.32.47 # * barrywardell got the database disable working again! 14.32.56 Quit Pyromancer_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.32.57 # the bit moved 14.33.05 # how did it move?! 14.33.10 # its got a mind of its own? 14.33.15 # maybe it's not a fixed location 14.33.36 # JdGordon: this is what I use now: { "PP5022AF-05.51-S301-01.11-S301.01.11A-D", 39, 0x3c1b, 0x70 }, 14.34.52 # hmm.. thats annoying 14.40.46 Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") 14.41.21 Join AlexC [0] (n=AlexC@dragnet2034196164.dragnet.com.au) 14.41.56 # yay! no etxra yellow/red :D 14.42.47 Part Llorean 14.44.07 # what is the best way to test themes? 14.44.37 # JRoT: simulator ? 14.44.40 # JdGordon: the location changes every time you change something in the of (eg. play a different song, etc) 14.45.12 # if i start a mp3 in rockboxui Domonoky windows shut the program down 14.45.41 # JdGordon: any chance you could give me of a dump of your NVPARAMS part? 14.47.35 # JdGordon: "dd if=/dev/whatever of=nvparams.bin skip=0x3c00 count=0x20" should do the job 14.49.26 Quit AlexC (Remote closed the connection) 14.53.03 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@adsl-70-239-200-14.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) 14.53.13 Part Llorean 14.53.39 Quit aliask ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 14.54.15 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@adsl-70-239-200-14.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) 15.01.17 # hmm...actually, it's always at that offset now. Anyone here with a sansa to test if the new offset disables the database reset in OF v0.1.11A? 15.11.36 # Does anyone here use Replaygain? 15.12.19 # I use it. 15.13.01 # How often would you say you turn it off, and which mode to you use (track, album, track if shuffle) and do you listen to albums, or shuffled, music? 15.13.40 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.14.52 # i turn it never off, i use "track if shuffle", and i listen in both album and shuffle modes. 15.18.56 # Alright 15.19.09 # I'm assuming *most* people use it that way. 15.21.59 Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@206-159-155-246.netsync.net) 15.23.25 # barrywardell: soz, back.. still want the dump? 15.23.36 # yes, please 15.23.56 # coming right up... 15.24.15 # different of version though 15.25.03 # that's ok 15.25.08 # which of version? 15.25.27 # PP5022AF-05.51-S301-02.18-S301.02.18E-D 15.26.30 # and the new database rebuild works for you now? 15.26.47 # dd: invalid number `0x3c00' 15.26.49 Quit Jon-Kha ("Lost terminal") 15.26.53 # no, it doesnt 15.27.09 Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-Kha@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi) 15.27.11 # maybe you have to convert it to decimal... 15.27.33 # try 15360 15.27.59 # and 32 for count 15.29.32 # JdGordon: the file transfer isn't working :( 15.29.37 # bah 15.29.39 # hang on 15.30.04 # jonno.jdgordon.info/rockbox/nvparams.bin 15.30.44 # * JdGordon playing a song in the of to see if it changes 15.32.15 # Llorean: I too have replaygain permanently on track gain if shuffle 15.32.18 Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3F46B.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.32.52 # hi folks, question: did anyone of you experience delays in the startup phase of rockbox? since a few days (i don 15.32.56 # I listen to either albums or shuffled bigger playlists 15.32.56 # oops... 15.34.00 # barrywardell: it doesnt change 15.34.12 # ...don't know exactly which rev) i experience the hmi coming up and being visible, but the backlight is off and no interaction (like scrolling) is possible. after a few seconds the backlight switches on and everything is working. seen on ipod video 15.34.15 # BigBambi: I'm trying to weight settings, and it seems to be it's possible replaygain should be one of those things that 'just works' though possible with the options still hidden away somewhere, but not necessarily in the immediate clutter, and with on and track-if-shuffle as default 15.34.50 # JdGordon: can you do a dump with the database rebuild bit set too? 15.35.10 # kubiix: did you run "configure" again after the "make clean"? 15.35.14 # it looks like the offset in the latest rockbox bl should work 15.35.36 # im running the svn bl 15.35.50 # you want a dump from before the byte changes in the rb bl? 15.35.53 # Llorean: I can't imagine many people bother to replaygain their tracks then don't use it. 15.36.15 # BigBambi: Me either, the only concern is "acquired" tracks where the user doesn't know what their tags contain. :) 15.36.22 # the dump you gave me looks like it wouldn't cause a db rebuild 15.36.31 # I'd like one that would cause a db rebuild 15.36.37 # Llorean: And to me track if shuffle is the very obvious usage. 15.36.52 # Llorean: True, there is that, and some people seem to like doing odd things :) 15.36.56 # But I think a default to "respect replaygain tags" is probably fine. 15.37.00 # so just modify any file like bertrik's instructions say, then do the dump again 15.37.00 # yep 15.37.04 # Makes sense to me 15.37.36 # I'm thinking that both Replaygain, Crossfeed, and maybe "Equalizer" can go under "Advanced" sound options, while Bass/Treble/Channels can go under the basic. 15.37.44 # And Browse EQ presets can go in Basic too 15.37.52 # Sounds fine to me 15.38.12 # To be honest, there are quite a lot of options I just can't guess where they would be at the moment 15.38.16 # yeah 15.38.22 # barrywardell: deleted some files, then did the dump but no change.. 15.38.29 # Llorean: you just can't make it a global default for all targets (though someone was working on a replaygain for the hwcodec ones not that long ago...) 15.38.37 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@athedsl-260780.home.otenet.gr) 15.38.59 # 1 sec. ill do the dump from the bl 15.39.08 Join lazka [0] (n=lazka@85-124-41-139.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at) 15.39.13 # pixelma: True, but I consider that "a feature the hardware doesn't support", like "Radio" :) 15.39.19 # JdGordon: weird. 15.39.35 # I'm trying to put options in three categories, "Necessary and High Use", "Necessary but Rarely Used" and "Unnecessary" 15.39.36 # it should have changed without rebooting right? 15.39.44 # Replaygain settings seem to be "Rarely Used" 15.39.45 # Llorean: Good luck 15.39.47 Nick parafin is now known as parafin|away (i=parafin@paraf.in) 15.40.11 # JdGordon: yeah, it did for me at least 15.40.12 # BigBambi: Apparently the rockbox menus print out to about 9 pages, not counting all the options in each choice. 15.40.22 # it changes while usb is still connected 15.40.30 # Though this seems to include the default tagnavi. 15.40.30 # Replaygain I think should default on with track if shuffle, and then almost no-one would ever touch it. If you use replaygain it works, if you don't it doesn't affect you 15.40.53 # barrywardell: ok, ill keep trying to make it change 15.40.59 # maybe the filetype changed effects it? 15.41.12 # although, no, it still rebuilds 15.41.18 # BigBambi: My *personal* preference would be to not even have an option for replaygain on/off or preamp, remove the EQ precut, put in a global preamp, and have "track, album, track if shuffle, and off" as one "Replaygain" option. 15.41.19 # Llorean: I've thought a few times about making my version of the menu reorder attempt, then given up in despair :) 15.41.35 # I don't think "off" is strictly necessary, but I think I'd get lynched if I suggested removing it. 15.41.44 # Llorean: I would agree with that 15.42.16 # And that's two less options right there, and makes it a lot less likely for someone to not realize they have to both set a replaygain mode AND turn it on. 15.42.19 # We have some options I think that don't make sense having on/offs unless you set the parameters too 15.42.33 # I would ike to see the preamp option to be changed that it only effects files that do not contain replaygain tags. 15.42.40 # Llorean: all this is very *subjective*, no? ;) 15.42.43 # Llorean: I say go for it :) 15.42.55 # You can take the flack and I'll just sit here and appreciate it :) 15.43.39 # Does replaygain preamp currently work on all or just replaygained tracks? 15.43.49 # replaygained travks 15.43.53 # ok 15.46.04 # Buschel: speaking of this, my musepack sound problem on ARM was because preamp with high values (thing that doesn't affect coldfire targets) 15.46.13 # JdGordon: a bit must be set somewhere to cause the rebuild 15.47.21 # moos: that's good news 15.47.33 # JdGordon: looking at your dump, 0x10e1 and 0x3b92 look like the most likely candidates 15.47.51 # Buschel: sort of :) 15.48.25 # is there a way to force linux to flush the disk without unmounting it? 15.48.37 # so, nobody ever had this kind of issue when starting up rockbox on ipod video? i have it constantly 15.48.53 # little question: if i set the equalizer preamp to -9dB and the replaygain preamp to +9dB would this affect the soundquality? 15.49.01 # moos: The entire menu structure is already subjective, though? 15.49.23 # barrywardell: dumping th whole partition i got a byte to change 15.49.28 # moos: I'm not going to remove on/off if there's a use for it. But for example, the EQ is already "off" if all bands are at 0db, so an "On/Off" switch is redundant. 15.49.38 # Buschel: pitty this ARM problem, quote from preglow"...standard arm doesn't have saturating add instructions..." 15.49.43 # JdGordon: which byte? 15.49.44 # doing the maths to see if the byte is correct 15.49.51 # $ cmp -l dump3.bin dump4.bin 15.49.51 # 7956755 0 1 15.50.41 # 3cb4 + 113 (both in hex) 15.50.59 # pixelma: kubiix: did you run "configure" again after the "make clean"? - both variants, without success 15.51.16 # Llorean: just joking, I'm with you on this (even if personaly for exemple, I consider RG like necessary and daily use...) 15.51.21 # barrywardell: 0x3dc7 15.52.25 # moos: But replaygain would still be there 15.52.27 # JdGordon: I don't think that's right 15.52.45 # it 3cb4*0x200+113 15.53.05 # BigBambi: I know, I was just joking about th categorization thought... 15.53.09 # Ah right 15.53.11 # forgot to minux 1 15.56.18 # barrywardell: maybe we zero the holw nvparams section? 15.56.40 # JdGordon: can you give me another dump, starting at the nvparams, but 0x100 long? 15.56.53 # I was wondering about zeroing it 15.58.56 # barrywardell: http://jonno.jdgordon.info/rockbox/nvparams3.bin 15.59.05 # that has the db byte set to 1 15.59.15 # got it,thanks 15.59.18 # kubiix: is that with a fresh checkout? and do you/did you have any patches applied? 15.59.22 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.00.09 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@pool2-086.adsl.user.start.ca) 16.01.16 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@hdp186.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) 16.02.02 # barrywardell: http://jonno.jdgordon.info/rockbox/nvparams4.bin has it without the db byte 16.02.13 # 2 bytes changed between 3 and 4 16.04.31 # it doesn't seem to want to connect to jonno.jdgordon.info this time 16.05.17 # http://jdgordon.info:8080/jonno/rockbox 16.05.32 # * JdGordon curses my isp 16.05.56 # thanks 16.06.26 # your using wget to grab the files? or your browser? 16.06.27 Join mrkiko [0] (n=pv@adsl-ull-185-119.42-151.net24.it) 16.06.31 # Hi all! 16.06.37 # firefox 16.06.50 # bah 16.06.52 # ok 16.07.05 # i know wget doesnt like the url forwarding thing 16.07.09 # ff should be fine though 16.08.09 # I discovered finally a way to make rockbox crash reliably on my h340 16.08.13 # JdGordon: I think I see what's going on 16.08.35 # you have several copies of the block that has the database rebuild bit in it in your nvparams 16.08.48 # the of always checks the last block for the bit 16.09.07 # When i go on a spoken menu and navigate through its items, if I go fast enough to interrupt the voice ten times, then rockbox will repeat the same item for two or three times again, then crash. 16.09.24 # I've not submitted a bug report cause I'm not sure it's not my fault. 16.09.50 # So if someone has another iriver and the spare time to test this, then things change... 16.13.07 # barrywardell: the of creates mutliple ones? or we are doing something funny? 16.13.38 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp253-52.adsl.forthnet.gr) 16.14.14 # I'm not sure, but there's a block (512 bytes) which appears lots of times 16.14.26 # the first byte of that block is the db rebuild bit 16.15.10 # i would really like to know how phil collins got into that dump! 16.15.36 # I have the same problem 16.16.06 # not the phil collins problem :P 16.16.28 # * JdGordon is 99.99999% sure he has never listend to phil collins on his sansa ever! 16.16.53 # or eric clapton! 16.17.32 # the OF rebuild block is at 0x3c08, 0xe1 (the rb bootloader changes this) 16.17.55 # and again at 0x3c1b, 0x70 (the of checks this) 16.18.14 # JdGordon: how did you update your OF? using sansapatcher? 16.18.20 # yeah 16.18.51 # maybe sansapatcher should zero the nvparams then 16.20.56 # when updating the OF 16.21.59 # and then we ened to find the msc/mtp byte and set that accordingly also 16.22.16 # good idea 16.24.24 # [14:41:56] yay! no etxra yellow/red :D <== Not entirely true. There's red in the second table :( 16.24.35 # oh yeah, forgot to check 16.24.39 # how bad is it? 16.24.46 # I would have thought that such a unified api would save space...... 16.24.50 # yuck 16.25.01 # it will once more screens use it 16.25.18 # im not sure why it increased so much though seen as the debug screens were using it already 16.26.45 # barrywardell: i dd'ed /dev/zero to the nvparams before unplugging and didnt get a rebuild, but was asked which lagn to use 16.27.20 # great 16.27.44 # and mtp mode :( so a dummp may not be brilliant 16.28.14 # no more phil collins :D 16.28.26 # the usb mode bit should be easy to find 16.28.46 Join webguest38 [0] (i=4a8e5616@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-13c0a5e9334bb8ff) 16.30.31 # 1120h + 9 is set to 1 and its all by itself before a blob of binary 16.30.50 Join fleebailey33 [0] (n=andy@c-71-234-116-141.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) 16.31.03 # how do i get music off an mtp device? 16.32.07 # JdGordon: and the of disable bit is at 10e1? 16.32.22 # forgot to check... 16.32.33 # findign out what changin that 1 to 0 deos 16.32.57 # I bet it is at 10e1 16.34.05 # fuck i hate linux 16.34.17 # how do you tell it to not postonethe write? 16.34.42 Quit fleebailey33 (Client Quit) 16.34.43 # 4321 0 1 is what changed 16.35.03 # barrywardell: you got it in 1 :) 16.35.14 # JdGordon: mounting with sync 16.35.25 # JdGordon: mount /dev/sda1 -o sync 16.35.31 # is there a way to tell it to always do that for usb disks? 16.35.56 # JdGordon: probably modifying something related to udev... but I can't help you as I hate udev :) 16.36.29 # thanks 16.37.59 # JdGordon: I'll update sansapatcher to zero the nvparams 16.38.11 Quit MethoS- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.38.11 # JdGordon: but be aware that sometime (in my experience at least) vfat doesn't finalize some superblocks if you unplug the reader without umounting it 16.38.19 # I think it's likely that the bit is at 10e1 regardless of OF version 16.38.35 # ok 16.39.20 # barrywardell: probably the same for c200 then also? 16.39.40 # I wouldn't be surprised if it was 16.40.01 # If I had a dump of nvparams for the c200 to look at, I could tell straight away 16.40.27 # pixelma: ou have a c200 dont you? 16.40.36 # pixelma: kubiix: is that with a fresh checkout? and do you/did you have any patches applied? no, its fresh latest snv checkout withou any patches aplied 16.40.59 Quit lazka (Remote closed the connection) 16.41.22 Quit desowin ("use linux") 16.42.52 Join RBRecorder [0] (n=aime-pie@f051096153.adsl.alicedsl.de) 16.43.27 # Hi all. 16.43.45 # JdGordon: yes, I do. But someone would have to tell me how to do such a dump (in cygwin, windows XP)... 16.44.07 # I have a question regarding a certain indexing standard for MP3 files. 16.44.27 # cygwin should be doable 16.44.36 # following. Blind people use an index created with I think XML, called Daisy. 16.44.40 # pixelma: check if your cygwin install has dd 16.45.00 # There are players which can make advantage of this index, and navigate in PM3 by line, paragraph, sentence or page etc. 16.45.04 # kubiix: slowly getting out of ideas - what target are you compiling for? 16.45.19 # dd is a standard command in cygwin 16.45.25 # JdGordon: yes 16.45.34 Quit FOAD (Remote closed the connection) 16.45.38 # It requires admin rights to use it on disk devices though 16.45.38 # can cygwin access the hidden partion? 16.45.42 # question would be, if this standard could be portable to Rockbox somehow. 16.46.11 # if anyone is tech whitty for this and would like to have a look. 16.46.14 # www.daisy.org 16.46.28 # pixelma: dd if=<20mb partition of the sansa> of=nvparams.bin skip=15360 count=256 16.46.31 # pixelma: ipod color or ipod video (both normal and sim), i think the problem is in generating lang.h, not all LANG_xx variables are generated 16.47.04 # JdGordon: cygwin can't access hidden partitions directly, you need to go through the raw device 16.47.48 # /dev/sdb2 or something 16.47.51 # JdGordon: will that work? I tried yesterday, and couldn't get to the hidden partition. then again, I was only using dd for windows, and not cygwin 16.47.56 # That means one has to find the start sector of the hidden partition first (from the partition table) 16.48.19 # most people have to use quite expensive commercial hardware players for this, even though there is free software for the PC which can accomplish the same things. 16.49.21 Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) 16.50.28 Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 16.51.57 # sansapatcher will find the start sector of the hidden partition 16.53.16 # pixelma: it look if the syntax is alarm: "Wake-Up Alarm" it is not compiled, but when it is ipod*: "SELECT=Set MENU=Cancel" or *: "Bookmark on Stop" it is compiled 16.54.36 # kubiix: Of course 16.54.49 # Not all language strings apply to all targets 16.55.32 # yes, but the variables with alarm are required during compiling 16.55.53 # Then something must be wrong in your environment 16.56.23 # only idea I have is, maybe your gcc-version is wrong (too old, too new)? 16.56.23 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 16.56.25 # Check apps/features in your build directory 16.56.30 # pixelma: can you run sansapatcher to find out where the firmware partition starts? 16.56.49 # It must contain a line that says "alarm" (minus the quotes) 16.56.56 # barrywardell: amiconn walks me through, will take a whil though :) 16.57.01 # *while 16.57.04 # barrywardell: It can also be found by looking at the mbr 16.57.08 # gcc is 4.0.3 16.57.08 # cool 16.58.11 # amiconn: where should be the line with alarm ? 16.58.24 # In the file I mentioned... 16.58.32 # That is, after you try to build 16.58.41 # Before that it won't exist 16.58.53 # /apps/features 16.58.57 Part RBRecorder 16.59.25 # amiconn: its there 17.02.58 Quit FOAD (Remote closed the connection) 17.03.23 Nick advcomp2019_ is now known as advcomp2019 (n=advcomp2@ 17.06.13 Join RBrec20-de [0] (n=aime-pie@f051096153.adsl.alicedsl.de) 17.06.25 # kubiix: is your arm-elf-gcc also 4.0.3? 17.06.32 # back again got cicked by my isp... 17.06.51 Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 17.08.06 # n1s: yes 17.08.43 # and you followed the guide to the letter when setting up your cygwin environment? 17.10.24 Join mickleby [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-69-107-78-238.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) 17.11.34 Join sup [0] (i=1000@ 17.11.52 # guide to the letter ? 17.13.16 # you followed this guide http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CygwinDevelopment ? 17.13.17 Join Darksaboteur [0] (n=chatzill@ 17.13.42 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.14.16 # yes, but i checked the cr+lf option because i am using tortoise svn 17.14.39 # last time i configured cygwin before reinstalling windows it worked fine 17.15.04 # did you use the cr+lf option the last time? 17.15.18 # barrywardell: PM 17.15.44 # n1s: yes 17.19.23 # I guess you need help from the cygwin gods then... petur? 17.19.46 # i will try the lf option, to check if it matters or not 17.19.59 # kubiix: btw do you get any other errosr/warnings earlier or when running configure? 17.20.00 Join ilgufo [0] (n=matteo@host29-180-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 17.20.12 # no 17.20.16 # I'd rather use commandline svn and stick with pure lf in cygwin 17.20.36 # It's more compatible this way (but not compatible with tortoise -- who needs that?) 17.22.16 # tortoisesvn is really nice. But being used to commandline svn is at least as good :) 17.22.47 # * amiconn thinks tortoisesvn is a strange thing 17.23.15 Join ToHellWithGA [0] (n=ryan@d16-124.rt2-bras.clm.centurytel.net) 17.24.23 # very weirdm i changed cygwin to lf, used existing checked out revision by tortoise and wow - it works 17.24.48 # is there a way to keep track info between 2 cordinates scrolling in a wps files? 17.25.17 # kubiix: interesting - and glad you could solve it :) 17.25.37 # finaly, thans all for help 17.27.58 # JRoT: not with vanilla Rockbox 17.28.30 # vanilla rockbox? 17.29.02 # unpatcht 17.29.04 # Yeah, Rokbox as it is in SVN. There are patches that do it, but they're not accepted 17.29.06 Nick ilgufo is now known as GorgonGufman (n=matteo@host29-180-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 17.29.07 # *ed 17.29.18 # ah oke thnx rasher 17.29.39 # you need the scrolling margin patch 17.29.58 # i dont want to be impatient, but can someone take a look at FS#7999 17.30.43 # can i just use it with my normal rockbox bluebrother 17.30.44 # ? 17.31.23 # kugel: First question: Why aren't you using the official bootloader version? 17.31.31 # Found a bug in jpeg viewer by the way: if you open a file with playback stopped, then start playback using the jpegviewer menu, and switch to next image - instant crash. 17.31.47 # (don't have time to report it right now) 17.31.47 # you need to patch the build. Which makes, by definition, such a build not being an official build anymore. 17.31.55 # Llorean: because I wanted to deactivate the database refresh 17.31.58 # rasher: All images, or only when the images are big enough to require part of the audio buffer? 17.32.25 # kugel: Well, while it's *unlikely* that it's related, we do ask that you use entirely official software. That means "the version we currently have posted for download" 17.32.29 # can you tell me how to do that bluebrother? 17.32.41 # Llorean: I *think* it's all images, but I don't quite recall how large the image I tested with was. I believe it was quite small though 17.32.44 # I can but I won't. The wiki has all information needed. 17.32.52 # ohw oke 17.33.08 # if i search at costum patch i will find it?\ 17.33.28 # what is "costum patch"? 17.33.45 # search the tracker for the task string I gave you -- "scrolling margins" 17.34.05 # and make sure you read (and understood) how patching works first. 17.34.41 # ok, i've tried the official bootloader now 17.34.53 # the problem remains 17.36.00 # kugel: Next, it'd help if you could confirm it started with the dual core commit. The more specific information you can post to the tracker, probably the better 17.37.12 # thnx bluebrother 17.37.16 # ok, so i'm gonna try r15133 now 17.40.13 Quit Genre9mp3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.40.56 Part Llorean 17.43.11 Join donsdw [0] (n=donsdx@ip68-101-195-153.sd.sd.cox.net) 17.45.34 Join JRoT|koken [0] (n=JRoT@ip4da03737.direct-adsl.nl) 17.48.46 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ 17.52.51 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 17.53.01 # amiconn: did I hear you say something about dumping the sansa's OF from cygwin? ;) 17.56.27 Join barrywardell_ [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-226-143.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 17.59.32 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 18.00.43 Quit JRoT (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.03.02 Quit FOAD (Remote closed the connection) 18.04.09 Quit Darksaboteur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.04.53 Join Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@e180235143.adsl.alicedsl.de) 18.05.04 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.dsl.t-2.net) 18.05.22 Join PaulJam_ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3052.gwdg.de) 18.05.48 Quit barrywardell (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.08.26 Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 18.10.24 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.10.36 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5F13.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.18.46 Part Redbreva ("Out for the day...!") 18.18.46 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host169-212-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 18.19.26 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.20.06 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@031-020-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 18.21.43 Quit PaulJam_ (".") 18.22.35 Quit PaulJam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.26.59 Join w1ll14m [0] (i=5039ea20@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3be6866917a9bafe) 18.27.40 # hi all 18.28.57 # i have a question .... 18.30.15 # how do is this calculated, i see it a lot, but i cant figure how this is calculated 18.30.16 # PLL_CONTROL = 0x8a121403; /* (20/3 * 24MHz) / 2 */ 18.30.35 Quit RBrec20-de () 18.30.40 # can someone take a look at this please? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7999 18.31.07 # i would like to know how to calculate like this 18.33.01 Quit GorgonGufman (Connection timed out) 18.34.30 Join emeraldd [0] (n=jules@h96.156.30.69.ip.alltel.net) 18.34.33 # w1ll14m: no idea, would be nice to know the meaning of the individual bits of this registers 18.35.02 # and use #defines instead of magic numbers 18.35.50 # ok, so they are called magic numbers 18.36.11 # now i need to know how they are calculated..... 18.36.21 # brb i'm going on a ride for google ;) 18.36.40 # there's some logic to them .. for instance you can see that "10/3 * 24MHz" has "0a 03" as the low two bytes. Also, the numbers all have the high bit set 18.36.57 # * Bits 20..21 select the post divider (1/2/4/8). 18.37.09 # also there's this comment ^^ 18.37.33 # let me check,,,, 18.38.01 # the other line I'm referring to is PLL_CONTROL = 0x8a020a03; /* 10/3 * 24MHz */ 18.38.12 # yes, makes sense 18.38.17 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=someone@ 18.38.22 Part emeraldd 18.39.45 # thanx!! i've seen the light :D 18.40.57 Quit webguest38 ("CGI:IRC") 18.44.29 Part ToHellWithGA ("Oh no!") 18.45.54 Join emeraldd [0] (n=jules@h96.156.30.69.ip.alltel.net) 18.46.37 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 18.46.50 Join cadu [0] (n=cadu@ZL082002.ppp.dion.ne.jp) 18.46.51 Quit annulus (Nick collision from services.) 18.48.19 Quit linuxstb ("Leaving") 18.48.20 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 18.49.59 Join ToHellWithGA [0] (n=ryan@d16-124.rt2-bras.clm.centurytel.net) 18.50.21 Part ToHellWithGA ("Oh no!") 18.51.58 Join criznach [0] (n=chatzill@host-69-145-134-192.grf-mt.client.bresnan.net) 18.53.49 Join annulus_ [0] (n=ap@h214n2fls31o286.telia.com) 18.54.46 Quit hannesd ("Client suicide") 18.55.02 Quit pill (Nick collision from services.) 18.55.12 Join pill [0] (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) 18.57.43 Quit nerochiaro (Remote closed the connection) 18.57.55 Join nerochiaro [0] (n=nerochia@adsl203-164-174.mclink.it) 18.58.36 # kugel: jhMikeS is the one you'll want to talk to about FS#7999 18.58.51 Quit karashata ("Leaving.") 18.58.55 # ok 18.59.52 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ 19.00.53 Join mo-seph [0] (n=dave@78-86-128-118.zone2.bethere.co.uk) 19.02.06 Join Davide-NYC [0] (n=chatzill@user-12hdtj8.cable.mindspring.com) 19.03.20 # Hi, I'm looking for help with playlist commands. I'm writing a plugin which loads all the files in a given directory, and starts playing a random file from this. 19.03.58 # I'm currently using playlist_create( dir_name, null ), but it doesn't seem to be creating a playlist. 19.04.48 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 19.04.52 # I've also tried using playlist_insert_directory(NULL, dir_to_open, 0, true, false ), but the playlists that this creates behave erratically 19.05.56 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.07.15 # markun: hello! 19.07.35 Quit pill (Nick collision from services.) 19.08.11 Join _pill [0] (i=pill@sloth.shellfx.net) 19.13.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.19.07 Quit mickleby ("flights of angels wing thee to thy rest") 19.19.08 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 19.22.10 # * barrywardell_ just had his first experience with the Sansa dog...uuugh 19.23.45 Quit w1ll14m ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 19.24.48 Quit mrkiko ("HI ALL!") 19.26.04 Quit XavierGr () 19.26.59 # * pixelma is not even sure it's a dog... 19.27.37 # is this 'dog' some OF nonsense or is this something I need to consider since I'm in the market for a Sansa 19.27.42 # ? 19.28.11 # (maybe it's the codename of some viscious crashing bug) 19.28.34 # i think it is a monster not a dog 19.28.45 # yes, some graphic nonsense in the original firmware (and it was also on the box of my c200) 19.29.26 # gotcha. thx 19.30.10 # tasmanian devil maybe? 19.30.23 # Davide-NYC: http://www.lilmonsta.com/ 19.31.04 # Ahh! My Eyes!! 19.31.16 # hahaha "Lil monsta's bag of tricks" reminds me of something... 19.31.17 # What a waste of webdev time and energy. 19.31.39 # my sansa e280r does not have that monster on startup 19.32.10 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=someone@ 19.33.13 # * Davide-NYC thinks that Rockbox 'eats' more formats. 19.33.28 # on the e200's I think it only comes with later revisions of the original firmware 19.34.23 Nick Tanuva|off is now known as Tanuva (n=tanuva@ 19.36.22 # Davide-NYC: What do you mean? I'd check the logs, but my laptop is running horribly slow right now... 19.36.37 Quit moos ("Party") 19.37.21 # Mouser_X: nothing to worry about. Just a joke. 19.38.10 # is there anyway to get rid of that dog? 19.38.38 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.40.42 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=someone@ 19.42.10 # * Domonoky_ thinks rockbox needs a mascot :-) sansa has this dog, linux has the penguin, gnu a gnu etc ... whats the right animal for rockbox ? :-) 19.42.57 # * Davide-NYC the pet rock from the 70's 19.43.33 # a mascot sounds like a good idea. 19.43.42 # why? 19.43.52 # just for the sake of it ;-) 19.43.58 # I like the pet rock idea. 19.44.35 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@ip-148.net-82-216-79.rev.numericable.fr) 19.44.36 # * Davide-NYC slaps face and prepares to see a bitmap of a rock on startup within the next few days. 19.45.02 # Domonoky_: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=6202.msg57682#msg57682 19.45.09 # and following ,) 19.45.19 # lol 19.46.00 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.46.12 # If I call rb->audio_play(0) in my plugin, it causes segfaults, although not immediately. Any ideas? 19.48.13 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=someone@ 19.50.03 # mo-seph: use gdb to obtain a backtrace 19.50.35 Join JavaMan22 [0] (n=Guest1@c-69-249-148-177.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) 19.50.37 # mo-seph: just repeating what I read here from time to time - you can't call core functions directly from a plugin (if that's what you do= 19.50.54 # * Davide-NYC dreaming of FFT (stereo) centercut w lowpass (adjustable) for Rockbox. 19.51.03 # pixelma: IIRC those functions are actually available in the plugin API 19.51.24 # ok, sorry then 19.51.51 # Yeah, rb is my api object. 19.52.04 # mo-seph: when you have the backtrace, pastebin it 19.52.31 Quit Tanuva ("leaving") 19.52.31 # barrywardell_: did you see the one warning in the c200 bootloader? 19.52.41 Join ilgufo [0] (n=matteo@host56-154-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 19.53.47 # Is it easy to tell me how to get a backtrace? I can't immediately see it in the wiki (bit new to C development) 19.54.25 # mo-seph: you need gdb installed. run gdb ./rockboxui 19.55.02 # then in the gdb command prompt type "run" to run the program. when it segfaults you'll be able to ask for a backtrace by typing "bt" 19.56.11 # mo-seph: gdb is an invaluable tool 19.56.17 # msg Davide-NYC In regards to a Rockbox mascot, and the pet rock, I was going to add that it should be given sunglasses. However, I crashed before I could do so... 19.56.28 # Doh! 19.56.34 # (sorry about that.) 19.57.03 # Nico_P: Yup, I can see that. Just couldn't work out how to make it go (typing 'start' rather than 'run' produces very different results ;) ) 19.57.55 # ah, "start" makes it start in step by step mode. to resume normal execution you can enter "continue" (or just "c") 19.58.10 # cool. http://pastebin.org/5423 19.58.56 # mo-seph: there's no backtrace in there. have you entered "bt" ? 20.00.38 # Ooops, my bad. http://pastebin.org/5425 20.01.31 # that's short... 20.02.30 # Yeah, I would have expected more - I'll try running it all again. 20.02.53 # the arguments of get_filename are clearly wrong 20.03.55 # Still only getting the same two lines - might I need to have added debug flags when compiling? 20.04.15 # you don't need to do anything particular for a debug build 20.04.20 # I mean a sim build 20.05.04 # the playback code is probably unaware of your playlist 20.05.33 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3091.gwdg.de) 20.05.38 # I'm pretty sure it's not me calling get_filename. 20.06.02 # no, it's probably playlist_peek, being called by audio_load_track 20.06.43 # Also, if the sim is already playing, and I don't call audio_play, the new playlist starts playing 20.07.15 # Its only if I try to start the audio from within the plugin 20.07.20 # what do you do with your playlist ? 20.08.05 # ah, you use playlist commands from the plugin API ? 20.08.19 # I load in all the files from a certain directory. I am using some core functions, exposed via a modified plugin API 20.09.29 Join now [0] (i=dsfds@bzq-79-181-100-159.red.bezeqint.net) 20.09.39 # rockbox supports hebrew menu/song names? 20.09.51 # (with rtl) 20.10.30 # I couldn't find anything which would load directories into the playlist in the standard API, so I put playlist_insert_directory into the API. 20.11.16 Join ashes [0] (n=ashes@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:0:0:0:79) 20.11.27 # now: yes, although a few quirks exist afaik 20.11.46 Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") 20.11.48 # mo-seph: what first arg do you give when you call playlist_insert_directory ? 20.11.56 Quit cendres (Network is unreachable) 20.12.06 # The text alignment and scroll direction do not change afaik 20.13.10 # Nico_P: NULL, as I'd like to modify the current playlist. 20.13.22 # just checking 20.13.44 # it will be fixed 20.13.51 # ? 20.14.38 # Nico_P: just in case, the call is: rb->plugin_playlist_insert_directory(NULL, dir_to_open, 0, false, false ); 20.17.36 Part donsdw 20.19.09 Quit Domonoky_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.19.33 # * amiconn thinks our language files need some global flags 20.20.42 # I think of at least 2, one of which would be build time only and one would need to be known at runtime 20.21.33 # (1) "charcell-safe" would indicate that this language file can be used on charcell lcd. Languages not having this flag set wouldn't be included for the Player by buildzip.pl 20.22.12 # (2) "rtl" would indicate that this is an rtl language and the menu lists should be flipped (scrollbar at the right, right justified text) 20.22.20 # hmmm has the sansapatcher not updated yet? 20.22.31 # i mean the precomipled on the download server 20.23.40 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e176253236.adsl.alicedsl.de) 20.24.02 # * amiconn knows that (2) will be easier to handle with viewports... 20.24.49 # amiconn: possibly rockbox could select a font that can display the language when it's loaded too 20.25.12 # The problem is - how? 20.25.49 # Rockbox would need to know what character range the .lng uses and which fonts cover that 20.25.55 # alienbiker99: You can tell by the date/time when it was last updated... What feature is missing? 20.26.25 # the newsest by barry, about not recompiling the database on the OF 20.27.06 # amiconn: yup, we could store the codepage for the lang (or whatever it's called) in the header and rockbox could have a list of which font covers what, maybe not for all fonts but a few and unifont as a fallback 20.27.18 # the bootloaders aren't updated regularly 20.27.31 # and that commit is only a bunch of hours ago. So, no. 20.28.44 # n1s: There is no 'code page' for the language, as we use unicode all over (utf-8) 20.28.51 # alienbiker99: Bootloaders are updated manually, so give people a chance... 20.28.56 # pixelma: missed it. thanks for pointing out 20.29.33 # alienbiker99: And they're not always updated after every change. 20.29.40 # oh ok, i just saw it and thought i would try to update it. i didn't know that they were updated manually 20.29.41 # Unicode defines so-called "ranges" though - perhaps it's enough to check those ranges 20.30.08 # Then the language file would need to idicate what range(s) it needs 20.31.03 # I mean this list: http://www.unicode.org/charts/ 20.31.42 # could also help to ensure the selected font has all required characters available (given that the font stores this information too) 20.31.53 # Not all of those are needed because rockbox only supports the BMP 20.32.14 # bluebrother: Too costly, imo, and often not wanted 20.32.38 # I mean, imho it's better to use a font that misses 1 or 2 characters instead of refusing it 20.33.25 # imo it wouldn't be needed to reject the font but better to show a splash instead. 20.34.38 # alienbiker99: I think I'll make a new version of sansapatcher with the new bootloader stuff 20.35.05 Part keanu|away 20.35.38 Join keanu|away [0] (n=opera@c-68-33-114-53.hsd1.md.comcast.net) 20.35.49 Join Crash91 [0] (n=evil91@ 20.35.55 # hi everyone 20.35.58 # barrywardell_: Where did you find the lcd init sequence for the big H10? Was it in the ROM? 20.36.14 # prepare to yell at me.....when is USB expected =P 20.36.34 # Crash91: USB support will be ready when it's ready 20.36.44 Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") 20.36.58 # amiconn: I copied it from the X5 :) 20.37.06 # Oh, hmm 20.37.10 # :) ok how about progress in % 20.37.10 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A7B95.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.37.24 # Crash91 its done when its done, 20.37.44 # I thought you searched it. Just copying from another target isn't that nice an idea, since the actual panel might be different, needing different parameters 20.37.44 # Crash91: X% 20.37.58 # a percent value doesn't tell anything if it gets stuck at say 98% :P 20.38.03 # heh 20.38.26 # amiconn: I think it's actually the exact same panel, the only difference is in using the PP bridge 20.38.27 # * bluebrother likes these installers that run rather quickly and need ages for the last 5% 20.38.29 # Crash91: It's the kind of work where unexpected problems keep getting hit. So it could be tomorrow, or next week, or next month... 20.38.29 # I need the TL1771 inits for the small H10, in order to be able to implement the optimised yuv blit, plus some of the missing features 20.39.34 # bluebrother: I like the installers even more which have a percentage bar which, when reaching the end, restarts from the beginning, several times 20.39.51 # ;-) 20.40.06 # barrywardell_: Hmm, but you also added some inits for the bridge itself. Where are those from? 20.40.18 # e200 has alarm clock ? 20.40.29 # in rockbox 20.40.31 # bluebrother: Presumably rbutil just says "Relax, it will be done when it's done..." ? 20.40.34 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 20.40.34 # * bluebrother just got the idea of some svn stats thingy ... like "x commits today, y commits during the last 24 hours, z lines changed" 20.40.45 # linuxstb: yeah, we should add something like that. 20.42.23 # amiconn: the only init I see is the CLCD_CLOCK_SRC and you added that ;) 20.42.24 # there are already progressbars in rbutil, which just go fast forwards and backwords, because we cant really calculate the progress :-) 20.42.39 # barrywardell_: I mean the big H10 of course... 20.43.27 # at least those don't restart but go backwards again :) 20.43.37 # :-) 20.43.41 # amiconn: where exactly are you talking about? I can't see it 20.44.00 # Hmm, seems I confused something... 20.44.08 # The c200 has some bridge inits... 20.50.25 # linuxstb: do you think it's ok to just keep bumping sansapatcher version by 0.1 and bootloaders by 1.0 for each release? 20.51.24 Part Crash91 20.52.23 # barrywardell: Maybe we should only bump sansapatcher when sansapatcher itself changes. 20.52.59 # it did change this time... 20.53.13 # but I agree with you in general 20.53.15 # Ah yes, your -bl option. 20.53.30 # no, the nvparams zeroing 20.54.13 # What's that for? 20.54.44 # I just committed it today 20.55.01 # it clears the nvparams section of the firmware partition when updating the of 20.55.29 # this was necessary to get the no database rebuild trick working. 20.56.50 # hmm... how do people rebuild the OF'S database when they want to use it too and does the OF need it? 20.56.56 # Hmm, this all seems a waste of time with USB support imminent... 20.57.47 # pixelma: the database gets rebuilt when the OF starts without the USB cable connected 20.57.50 # this thought just crossed my mind now, because I'm only annoyed by it and don't intent to use the OF 20.58.12 # ah, I see 20.58.24 Quit Davide-NYC ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 20.58.30 # linuxstb: imminent, but not here yet. and the rebuild is VERY annoying 20.59.50 # amiconn, bluebrother: perhaps dircache and tagcache could also not all the used unicode ranges and show a splash screen when loading a font which doesn't contain all the ranges needed 20.59.58 # s/not/note/ 21.00.22 # question is how imminent is usb support ;-) 21.00.29 Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@m050g.studby.ntnu.no) 21.00.45 # barrywardell_: Sure, I understand that, and I guess this is why Zagor decided to take USB into his own hands... 21.01.37 # linuxstb: the nvparams zeroing is still a good idea imho, regardless of USB. otherwise you end up with some weirdness 21.02.08 # So the Sansa upgrade procedure doesn't do it? 21.02.28 # I mean the proper upgrade procedure, rather than sansapatcher. 21.02.28 # some person called austriancoder was also working on USB as far as I understood, is he also still working on it? 21.02.47 # bertrik: No-one has heard from him for a while... 21.02.57 # austriancoder worked on usb as part of GSoC. 21.03.41 # afaik he still wanted to complete it. But I'm not aware of any details 21.04.05 # ok, understood 21.04.35 # afaik austriancoder has no time because of uni .. 21.04.53 # linuxstb: with sansapatcher upgrading, myself and JdGordon were both getting multiple copies of the NVPARAMS data ending in the partition. I haven't experienced that with the OF upgrade procedure 21.05.07 Quit kubiix ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 21.06.29 # I always upgraded/downgraded through recovery mode and the db refresh disable always worked for me 21.09.03 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 21.09.48 # linuxstb: in case you wonder, the disabling doesn't work on the c200s (as stated in the commit message) so Zagor will still have it as motivation... :) 21.13.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.17.41 Join unclejoe [0] (i=4fb5649f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-eb0d86ad069e5ea6) 21.17.58 # which of those have better changes to be ported: iriver e10 or iriver t60 ? 21.18.05 # *chances 21.18.23 # neither, as long as nobody starts working 21.27.50 # pixelma: I feel fortunate that my only PP devices are ipods, and the disk mode is nicely integrated into Rockbox. 21.27.54 # Is FS#7916 in svn? 21.28.36 # as that task isn't closed I don't think so 21.28.37 Join qweru [0] (n=kvirc@bb-87-80-66-156.ukonline.co.uk) 21.29.03 # I've been trying to apply that patch for about an hour now and can't get it to work 21.29.28 # patch -p0 -i eq_screen.patch 21.29.45 Quit freqmod (Remote closed the connection) 21.29.49 # it rejects all the changes in the eq_menu.c 21.30.05 # unclejoe: Do you know what CPU is in those players? If either have a CPU similar to an existing port, that will help. But as bluebrother said, it still needs someone to do it. 21.30.26 # emeraldd: works fine here (tough I get some offset notices) 21.31.09 # what version of patch? 21.31.25 # I'm using 2.5.9 21.33.34 # 2.5.4 21.33.36 # here's the updated sansapatcher builds for the download server: http://www.barrywardell.net/rockbox/sansapatcher-0.6.tar.gz 21.33.53 # but I don't think there has been a noticeably change in patch itself -- is your source up to date? 21.34.09 # I guess that's for either of Zagor, Bagder or LinusN whenever they're back around 21.34.51 # I've tried running against the most recent revision and the revision listed in the patch file 21.35.34 # maybe it's the use of -i? I usually pipe the patch file 21.35.38 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@adsl-70-239-200-14.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) 21.35.42 # but I kinda doubt that. 21.35.52 # alienbiker99: that might be of interest to you too ^^ 21.35.56 # I'll give it a shot 21.36.43 # nope 21.37.04 # if I use -F 50 it only rejects 3 of the hunks and not all four 21.37.18 # emeraldd: It applies for me, but with offsets of 24 lines... I'll make a new patch for you... 21.37.39 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp244-139.adsl.forthnet.gr) 21.38.00 Join andrewg877 [0] (n=andrew@stjhnf0124w-142163117028.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) 21.38.07 # thanks 21.38.18 # http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/eq_screen-r15227.diff 21.38.32 # Let me know if it works (after you compile), and I'll update flyspray 21.38.50 Join freqmod [0] (n=freqmod@m050g.studby.ntnu.no) 21.39.46 # linuxstb, unclejoe: I believe that for the E10 someone at least already started a hardware info wiki page (jungti) 21.40.39 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverE10Info though that's only a tiny first step 21.41.04 # that applies perfectly :) 21.41.19 # compiling now, it will take a few minutes on this clunker 21.41.33 Join bistouri [0] (i=58a10615@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-23406d63c5ea6310) 21.42.00 Quit keanu|away (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.42.40 # hi, got a little question about Sansa crashes on Rockbox firmware with "data abort at #######" messages 21.43.10 # what is the reason of tis crash ? 21.43.15 # do you have the most reason bootloader? 21.43.30 # * bluebrother digs for crystal ball in his rooms chaos 21.43.32 # reason mean recent ? 21.43.39 # yes. 21.44.27 # ya, updated nearly daily and ofen playin with sansapatcher :) it appears with some doom wads 21.44.35 Quit andrewg867 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.44.48 # ah, so it is doom crashing? 21.44.48 # they are noticed herehttp://dormrf.free.fr/toutsansa/viewtopic.php?id=81 21.45.27 # lot of wad's are playable but some crash with "data abort" 21.45.39 # * bluebrother isn't interested in doom at all 21.46.08 # i don't notice crash elsewhere on RB 21.46.12 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.46.16 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5F13.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.46.20 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.46.33 Quit Buschel () 21.46.45 Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3F46B.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.47.01 Join ToHellWithGA [0] (n=ryan@d16-124.rt2-bras.clm.centurytel.net) 21.47.30 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=someone@ 21.47.42 Quit ToHellWithGA (Client Quit) 21.48.02 Join ToHellWithGA [0] (n=ryan@d16-124.rt2-bras.clm.centurytel.net) 21.49.15 Join Brandon_ [0] (n=Brandon@adsl-146-127-247.mia.bellsouth.net) 21.49.53 Quit Brandon_ (Client Quit) 21.50.37 Join absolutionx [0] (n=absoluti@adsl-146-127-247.mia.bellsouth.net) 21.50.44 # hey guys 21.50.56 # did some of you tried to do a "e200r to e200" hack ? 21.51.40 # I seem be having some problems with my e200 rockbox. the screen is stuck at "Undefined instruction at 00060E4C (0)" any help? 21.52.05 # bistouri, some have, yes. 21.52.57 # absolutionx: reboot it, the button combo for this should be in the manual.. 21.53.26 # ok I will try to 21.55.54 # holding "power" for about 15 seconds should turn it off 21.57.06 # krazykit: does it work well ? 21.57.13 Quit barrywardell_ () 21.58.01 # thanks guys :) 21.59.06 # bistouri, it just turns it into a vanilla e200 is all. 22.08.45 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-226-143.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 22.13.25 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 22.13.32 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.14.44 Quit absolutionx ("Leaving") 22.15.25 Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") 22.16.00 Quit ashes (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) 22.16.59 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 22.17.06 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.17.42 # krazykit:thanks 22.17.44 Join webguest30 [0] (i=46403811@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8b53edf9bbf5759d) 22.18.11 # Is playing mpeg video supported on the c200 in the current build? 22.18.15 # jhMikeS: around? 22.18.50 Quit bistouri ("CGI:IRC") 22.19.05 Quit mo-seph (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.20.37 Quit webguest30 (Client Quit) 22.26.44 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 22.27.17 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 22.27.51 Part JavaMan22 22.29.18 Join ashes [0] (n=ashes@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:0:0:0:79) 22.29.28 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@ 22.31.52 Join agm3nt [0] (i=agm3nt@nat.n3t.pl) 22.32.51 Quit unclejoe ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 22.35.10 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 22.35.16 Quit mf0102 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.35.25 Quit Frazz ("Leaving") 22.37.31 # barrywardell: why are the mi4 files included in the sansapatcher archive? aren't they included in the binaries? 22.37.51 # Zagor: yeah, but they're for the bootloader folder 22.38.04 Quit ilgufo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.38.26 # the directory structure is the same as http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/sandisk-sansa/ 22.38.27 Quit emeraldd (Connection reset by peer) 22.38.31 # ok 22.38.58 # meh, why do people pay so much for (possibly) broken ipods? 22.39.36 Join emeraldd [0] (n=jules@h96.156.30.69.ip.alltel.net) 22.40.23 Quit emeraldd (Client Quit) 22.41.18 # n1s: I wondered that too :/ 22.41.38 # Zagor: The mi4s are needed for rbutil - it downloads them. 22.41.44 Join kubiix [0] (n=Miranda@mos-81-27-201-28.karneval.cz) 22.43.34 # archive uploaded 22.43.37 # bluebrother: this mini 1g i was bidding on is now up to the equivalent of 40USD and it says it only displays an error when started and shuts down so the microdrive could very well broken... 22.45.34 # thanks Zagor 22.45.46 # That's the price of a e250 refurb right there.. (at least when it was on woot.com) 22.46.02 # n1s: Maybe most of them are not broken, and they just need a restore - hence the relatively high prices people pay for them. 22.46.11 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.46.31 Join Jeton [0] (n=chatzill@ 22.46.39 # linuxstb: i figured people take that chance and hope to just restore them but still... 22.46.57 Quit ashes (Network is unreachable) 22.47.03 # I saw rather high prices for Ipods with broken display too :( 22.47.15 # Odd... 22.47.22 # too bad no other oldish pp players without half eaten fruit on them are common here... 22.47.54 # hmmm... there are quite a few out of date files on the download server in odd places, eg. http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/sandisk-sansa/e200/linux64amd64/ 22.48.48 # I don't think sansapatcher should be in the c200/e200/... directories 22.50.23 Quit kubiix ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 22.50.55 Quit preglow (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.50.55 NSplit calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 22.51.21 # barrywardell: looks like a mirror sync error. the master doesn't have that directory. 22.51.23 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B16E9F.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.51.32 Quit now () 22.51.59 Part agm3nt 22.52.09 # ah, that probably explains why I didn't see them there before 22.53.34 # I think it's the tbrn mirror 22.53.45 # * amiconn doesn't like this mirror business 22.53.58 # The mirrors are often outdated 22.55.30 Quit Kohlrabi (Connection reset by peer) 22.55.32 Join Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@frustrum.nosebud.de) 22.55.40 Quit marcosource (Remote closed the connection) 22.55.54 Join marcosource [0] (n=marco@ 22.59.38 Quit midgey () 23.00.33 Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") 23.01.44 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 23.03.58 Join marcosou1ce [0] (i=marco@cakebox.net) 23.04.02 Quit PaulJam (".") 23.04.31 Join ashes [0] (n=ashes@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:0:0:0:79) 23.04.35 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 23.05.11 Join The-Compiler [0] (n=florian@17-23.77-83.cust.bluewin.ch) 23.07.30 Quit barrywardell () 23.10.50 Quit Zom (Remote closed the connection) 23.11.01 Join Zom [0] (n=zom@ 23.13.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.14.06 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3001.gwdg.de) 23.15.20 Quit Jeton (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.22.23 Quit The-Compiler ("Connection reseted by god") 23.22.27 Quit PaulJam (".") 23.25.27 # Slasheri: Any thoughts on FS#7598 -- Dircache support for multivolume targets? 23.27.37 NHeal (timeout) calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 23.27.44 # Slasheri: Also, any plans to make Auto Update less dependent on dircache? It'll be slower, sure, but it's rather unfortunate if you ask me that Auto Update is practically broken without dircache. Causes a lot of user confusion (not to mention currently being completely unavailable on multivolume targets) 23.28.19 # Isn't Auto update broken anyway? 23.28.46 # rasher: on targets with flash drive, it can be enabled just by removing one #if 0 23.29.40 # but on hd targets, it's way too slow without dircache 23.29.59 # (the reverse scan for deleted files at least) 23.30.09 # Slasheri: How slow? Slow is always preferable over broken if you ask me. 23.30.22 # well, unacceptable slow 23.30.51 # Still, not working (as expected by the user, that is) is also unacceptable in my eyes 23.30.59 # hmm, true.. 23.31.17 Quit marcosource (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.31.29 # Slasheri: any idea what is different between the "xen" and your other server - the other one produces slightly bigger sh binaries (so that they get coloured), xen isn't 23.31.37 # little improvement to the tagcache ui could fix that 23.32.28 # Slasheri: do you have a ballpark figure of how slow it is? Are we talking half an hour or something bizarre like that, or a minute or so? 23.32.28 # pixelma: i have no idea about that, the xen is newer AMD64 dual-core, and Ihme older intel dual xeon machine 23.33.27 # rasher: tens of minutes probably 23.33.44 # Slasheri: is this in the background? 23.34.08 # in fact detecting new files isn't that slow (and iirc, it's enabled without dircache too), but the reverse scan is very slow 23.34.11 # yep 23.34.42 # someone reported that he had auto-update enabled on his Sansa e200 and sometimes get double and triple entries, but not sure yet if it's because of the auto-update 23.34.47 # I'd say it's still better than not detecting deleted files in that case 23.35.12 # is the reverse scan slower than a full rescan? 23.35.14 # Perhaps a splash could warn if you turned on auto-update and didnt have dircache enabled that it'd be slow 23.35.28 # his nick was iamben IIRC, not around at the moment 23.35.38 # Slasheri: while you're here would it be easy to make the tagcache debug screen show which file it is currently scanning to make debugging easier 23.35.47 # bertrik: should be a little faster than a full scan 23.35.54 # Anyway, for flash targets - I really think the define you mention should be true 23.36.19 # n1s: not very easy to do it realtime (if player crashes, that information would be useless) 23.36.25 Join toffe82_ [0] (n=chatzill@ 23.36.30 # The player usually doesn't crash 23.36.33 # but showing the file not in realtime would be possible 23.36.36 # Just the dircache scanning 23.36.45 # Well, not so much crash as stop, I guess 23.36.48 # Eh, Database 23.36.54 # rasher: indeed 23.37.19 # So it'd often be very helpful still 23.38.22 # Since you're pretty much left to doing binary search for the file which is blocking tagcache creation 23.39.21 # rasher: hmm, so usually the db scan just halts and other player functions still works? 23.39.35 Join keanu|away [0] (n=opera@unaffiliated/keanu) 23.39.48 # Slasheri: yes, we have had several reports of that happening 23.39.52 # i usually delete the database files to force a database rebuild, since the auto-update isnt very usable on the sansas 23.39.56 # I believe so, yes. At least that's what I've gathered from people coming here asking for help when db fails to initialize 23.40.11 # hmm.. maybe better way to do it would be detect if db scan crashed and turn on debug mode automatically 23.40.36 # then a log file could be written on disk with performance penalty 23.43.51 Quit toffe82 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.43.52 # Anyway, I strongly believe that Auto Update should always do what the user expects (update new/modified/deleted files), slow as it may be. Optionally with a warning splash on non-flash targets when dircache isn't enabled 23.44.18 # But that, of course, is just my opinion. 23.44.47 # rasher: I agree with that (with the splash) 23.44.49 # that sounds logical 23.45.35 # Especially if the code is pretty much already there 23.45.58 Quit SirFunk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.46.10 # wouldn't the user of multi-volume targets confused by that splash? 23.46.18 # i will try to change the #if so that it's enabled automatically for sansa 23.46.31 # since there is no dircache 23.46.50 # kugel: I said non-flash targets. There are no non-flash multivolume targets (officially) 23.46.53 Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@206-159-155-246.netsync.net) 23.47.09 # k 23.47.41 # is there some list somewhere of all flash based targets? 23.47.58 Quit midgey () 23.48.59 # Slasheri: I'd expect there to be a define that specifies a flash target, to be honest 23.49.07 # don't know if there is one though 23.49.09 # hmm, indeed 23.49.17 # that sounds best to me too 23.49.57 # #define HAVE_FLASH_STORAGE 23.50.49 # i will add that 23.50.57 # It already exists 23.51.02 # oh 23.51.16 # great 23.51.20 # Set for c200, e200, ifp7xx, nano and the ondios 23.51.22 Join w1ll14m [0] (i=5039ea20@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-99044f17e9334666) 23.51.28 # Which sounds correct 23.52.00 # is there some progress made with the nano ? 23.52.05 # nano 2g * ;) 23.52.08 # No 23.52.12 Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 23.52.56 # hmmm .... 23.53.00 # to bad ;) 23.53.08 Quit bluebrother ("leaving") 23.53.13 # isnt ipod mini flash based? 23.53.18 Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") 23.53.21 # kugel: no, microdrive 23.53.24 # kugel: not unless you mod it 23.53.26 # i allways thought that lol 23.54.31 # some years ago, if you wanted a microdrive from 4gb, the cheapest solution was to buy a ipod mini 23.55.38 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.55.38 Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 23.55.49 Join mrkiko [0] (n=pv@adsl-ull-185-119.42-151.net24.it) 23.56.31 Quit Mouser_X (Nick collision from services.) 23.57.28 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=someone@ 23.58.47 Join ddalton [0] (n=Daniel@203-214-76-97.dyn.iinet.net.au) 23.58.53 # Slasheri: did you look at FS#7598? is there a reason that multi-volume hasn't dircache?