--- Log for 04.11.107 Server: heinlein.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 2 days and 14 hours ago 00.00.11 # this just powers off the disk's ATA controller when its done? 00.00.28 # It cuts power to the hdd, yes 00.00.55 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 00.01.04 # It looks like we could even switch off the clock of the PP's ata controller, but this means we need to learn how to init it 00.01.10 # BTW, how did you identify it in the ROM? 00.01.26 # amiconn: do we switch it off for the PP5024 ? 00.01.54 # Just via the 'HD Power Test' string, and then disassembling a bit above it 00.02.07 # The function looks exactly the same as on mini 00.02.24 Quit lazka ("I'm off now") 00.02.25 # G5 has a slightly different test (and it's a different bit) 00.02.34 Quit cooz () 00.02.35 Quit random_desu_is_s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.02.57 # saratoga: considering the Nano which uses the same PP as the Video shares a similar runtime percentage-of-stock... 00.04.12 # linuxstb: Plus following the call chain of course 00.04.36 Join Spiritsoulx [0] (n=eyes_of_@ 00.04.49 # How do you turn a nano to hard drive mode? 00.04.50 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 00.05.12 # actually i guess the 5024 doesn't have an ATA controller, so there'd be no gain for the sansa from disableing it 00.05.38 # Are you sure that it doesn't have an ata controller? 00.05.39 Quit JRoT (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.05.48 # How do you turn a nano to hard drive mode? 00.05.56 # But I would think that the rom already switches it off... 00.06.49 Join JRoT [0] (n=JRoT@ip4da03737.direct-adsl.nl) 00.06.50 Quit random_desu_is_s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.06.50 # How do you turn a nano to hard drive mode? 00.07.04 # It's a bit in DEV_EN, and DEV_EN is shown in the debug menu 00.07.15 # amiconn: the product brief doesn't show one where the PP5022 does 00.07.33 # DEV_EN bit 25 00.07.55 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 00.08.09 # though it would be interesting to see if battery benching the sansa on with the retail bootloader is any different then when flashed with ours 00.08.26 # Just check that bit... 00.08.51 # How do you turn a nano to hard drive mode? 00.08.52 # oh didn't realize you were speaking to me 00.08.57 # i'll check right now 00.10.36 # C440597F, so its 0 00.10.37 Quit random_desu_is_s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.11.14 # How do you turn a nano to hard drive mode? 00.11.16 # using barry's bootloader if that matters 00.11.40 # Yes, it's disabled (if it's there at all) 00.11.59 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 00.12.26 # thanks 00.12.29 # good luck with your hacking 00.13.09 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 00.13.48 # How do you turn a nano to hard drive mode? 00.14.31 # Spiritsoulx: Pleae stop repeating that 00.14.32 Quit random_desu_is_s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.14.51 # Does anyone know >___> 00.14.51 # amiconn: Yes, that works ;) 00.15.04 # linuxstb: Nice :) 00.15.34 # Spiritsoulx: People wil answer if they have one, continually repeating yourself is just annoying 00.15.56 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 00.16.41 # Spiritsoulx: If you mean "disk mode", then see here http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93651 00.17.36 # Thanks, 00.17.36 Quit random_desu_is_s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.20.06 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) 00.21.00 # Interesting.... the H10 has 2 bits in GPO32 set, but the mini G2 doesn't 00.23.15 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 00.24.46 Quit random_desu_is_s (Client Quit) 00.27.00 Nick parafin is now known as parafin|away (i=parafin@paraf.in) 00.27.36 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 00.27.53 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 00.27.59 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 00.29.34 Join colin__ [0] (n=colin@host-155-47-107-208.midco.net) 00.30.36 # Hdd poweroff is working like a charm on my Mini G2 and the Video :) 00.31.52 Join bwhiteford [0] (n=bwhitefo@wsmc.smcm.edu) 00.31.56 # hey everyone 00.32.14 Quit Spiritsoulx () 00.32.20 # anybody around? 00.32.48 # 146 people and a bot 00.33.18 # i've got a question about rockbox on a 60gb ipod video 00.33.45 # it installs just fine, but whenever i try to build the database, it hangs 00.34.43 # any ideas? 00.35.46 Join lespea [0] (n=adam@71-10-92-125.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com) 00.36.18 # I was listening to my music and I just had a brilliant (i think) idea 00.36.30 # man lame room 00.37.02 # bwhiteford: Did you read the IrcGuidlines? 00.37.04 # it would be very cool if one of the "now playing" menus would be a similar tab which would let you quickly view similar songs by album/artist or whatever 00.37.14 # ala amarok 00.37.26 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 00.37.28 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c210-49-113-143.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 00.37.32 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 00.37.35 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 00.37.49 # bwhiteford: I ask, because there's specific rules in this channel, for a reason. 00.37.54 Quit z35 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.38.08 # I understand them Mouser, but it appears that no one is interested in helping. 00.38.09 Quit colin_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.38.12 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 00.38.13 # does anybody else think that would be a good idea? 00.38.16 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 00.38.52 # lespea: feel free to either work on it, or put in a feature request if one doesnt currently exist for it :) 00.39.51 Part bwhiteford 00.40.04 # patient one... 00.40.57 # hmm 00.41.06 # scorche: okay cool 00.41.16 # I think it would be a good idea to wait a tiny bit after powering on the hdd on all targets 00.42.02 # Right now only the H10 does this, to prevent lockups, but it seems cleaner to me in general 00.42.03 Join perrikwp__ [0] (n=chatzill@ 00.42.04 Nick perrikwp__ is now known as perrikwp (n=chatzill@ 00.42.05 # Just 50ms 00.44.38 # Opinions? 00.44.48 Join Spiritsoulx [0] (n=eyes_of_@ 00.45.09 # Anyone know how the rockboy keys are mapped on a nano? 00.45.47 # amiconn: I don't have a HDD player, but 50 ms seems reasonable and imperceptible to the user I think 00.46.07 # Yeah, compared to the spinup time it's short 00.46.18 # And I'll rather go 20ms (the H10 currently uses 10ms) 00.47.06 # bertrik: how's the latest build? 00.47.12 # bertrik: better? worse? 00.47.24 # lostlogic: about the same, i can still trigger it 00.47.29 # fark. 00.47.33 # Spiritsoulx: I assume this is the case for all targets, but you can remap the keys in Rockboy, from the menu. Just press buttons until you either quit Rockboy, or find the menu. 00.47.58 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3048.gwdg.de) 00.48.07 # bertrik: I'm feeling defeated by this bug 00.48.21 # I hope I'm not overlooking something that's unique to my situation or anything like that, I'll try an official binary 00.48.22 # :( @ lostlogic 00.48.44 Quit colin__ () 00.48.52 # I'll wipe my entire .rockbox 00.48.59 # bertrik: Oh, I did have one thought -- what kind of tags do you put on your mp3s? 00.49.14 # IIRC, id3v2 and id3v1 write to the beginning of the file 00.49.17 # and that could be a difference 00.49.19 # lostlogic: you closed FS#8040. for me it still doesn't work (H300, r15442) 00.49.28 # tags were made with tag&rename 3.0.1 00.49.44 # PaulJam: hmm, reopen then :( 00.50.28 # the mp3 on the album I used for testing have both v1 and v2 tags I think 00.50.34 Quit linuxstb ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 00.50.44 # bertrik: ok, I _think_ that's related to the breakage. 00.50.50 Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") 00.51.56 # PaulJam: reopened... I thought that my changes of how tracks were unbuffered would fix it but I guess we still have the problem of data not getting copied back to the buffer. 00.52.07 # I can't find the menu. That's the problem. 00.52.22 # -join #rockbox-community 00.52.27 # whoops... ;) 00.52.40 # Spiritsoulx: Like I said, push buttons until you find it. 00.53.35 # Lol, the hold button is the menu. >_< 00.53.36 Quit webguest89 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 00.54.01 # Is there a variable or something in rockbox which contains the actual screen? 00.54.29 # bertrik: is 8077 currently happening mid-song or close-to the end always or what? 00.54.59 # mid-song 00.55.07 # bertrik: hmm, then not tag related, nvm 00.55.08 # sigh 00.55.37 # i.e.if I was in the main menu, the variable would return main_menu or something 00.55.51 Quit PaulJam (".") 00.56.21 # kugel: what do you want to do? 00.56.33 # I can also reproduce it with an official build 00.57.16 # bertrik: figured 00.58.02 # lostlogic: do you think it is sansa specific? 00.58.16 # JdGordon: I want to save the current screen in a variable, and then go to any other screen, and on pressing back go properly to the screen saved in the vairable 00.58.21 # when the problem occurs, shutdown also takes very long, alsmost like a forced shutdown 00.58.35 # I've been trying with GO_TO_PREVIOUS but it didn't work 00.58.44 # kugel: it does that already.... but global_status.last_screen is about as close as youll get 00.58.44 # could it be that there's a thread that hangs? 00.58.45 # bertrik: I actually think I was able to trigger it by some trickity splickty skipping on my ipv. So yes, it is sansa specific, but it's really a race condition that is triggered consistently on sansa and not on other targets 00.59.06 # bertrik: there is most likely a thread that hangs, but I don't know which one (codec or buffer or both) or why 00.59.48 # bertrik: my only thought is that the codec gets stuck in a bufgetdata operation that is now blocking while the buffering thread for some reason cannot fill the buffer but I can't seem to find any potential livelocks or races between them 01.00.02 # (I've eliminated several potential ones in trying to kill this bug) 01.01.40 # Yay for bug killing. Too bad it was the wrong one. 01.01.51 # optimist! 01.02.05 Quit Spiritsoulx () 01.02.08 Quit ompaul (Client Quit) 01.08.15 # lostlogic: sansa always returns 0 (false) for ata_disk_is_active 01.08.42 # bertrik: yeah, but that should be only an optimization, should not be needed for functionality 01.08.45 # if i change this to true, the buffer is refilled as soon as there is room 01.08.54 # That bug in buffering still isn't fixed? 01.08.58 # so the buffer never runs out and the problem doesn't occur 01.09.13 # bertrik: yeah, but it also would kill battery life ona disk based player 01.09.16 # ata_disk_is_active was oroginally never meant to be used outside the ata driver 01.09.22 # amiconn: the saga isn't finished yet :) 01.09.36 # bertrik: I'll try disabling that block of code in my build and see if I can then reproduce but I doubt that's the source 01.09.43 # are there any other flash players that return 0 (false) there? 01.10.17 # no 01.10.27 Join HellDragon [0] (n=Nocebo@unaffiliated/helldragon) 01.10.28 # the problem's still there undoubtly, but ata_disk_is_active returning true may hide it 01.10.31 # The other flash targets return the true status 01.11.00 # I.e. true while the flash is accessed, false otherwise 01.11.12 Quit Ebert () 01.13.25 Join colin_ [0] (n=colin@host-155-47-107-208.midco.net) 01.14.21 Join Ger [0] (n=ftb@p54BE4659.dip.t-dialin.net) 01.14.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.14.59 # I'm no buffering.c expert (yet), but on line 1250 (or thereabouts) there is a line "else if (ata_disk_is_active() && queue_empty(&buffering_queue))" 01.15.15 # this line will never evaluate to true for sansa 01.15.24 # bertrik: yeah, it's just an optimization though 01.15.30 # nothing should break if that is always false 01.15.37 # (I'm testing on my video with false inserted there) 01.15.45 # ata_disk_is_active() should be renamed or never called on HAVE_FLLASH_STORAGE targes imo 01.16.29 # ata_disk_is_active should be *removed* completely, or if needed, stay as a static function in ata.c 01.16.56 # somethin to let apps know the disk is spinning is needed though 01.16.57 # bertrik: no change in behavior by removing that block entirely on ipod 01.17.07 # The modules needing to hook into a spinup should use the callback, that's what it's meant for 01.17.46 # Hi, i have sansa e2X0. Can I install Rockbox under Linux? And when I installed Rockbox can I copy photos, videos etc. without the software? 01.18.07 # and they do, but (I said this already..) callbacks which then post an event on another htreads queue might.. the disk might be spun down before that queue reacts so a disk spinup would occur 01.18.07 # amiconn: I'm considering just removing that block for now and we can re-add the optimization using the callback. 01.18.09 Join faemir [0] (i=55d31ec1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4650cb82fd3fdd4d) 01.18.39 # Does anyone know a good place to get gigabeat f40s? 01.18.53 # lostlogic: just ifdef thet is_active() call out for either the sansa or HAVE_FLASH_STORAGE 01.19.00 # Using the callback both stops those modlues from getting in the way of the access that originally triggered the spinup, and ensures the ata thread (or whatever flash thread) knows that there'll be some extra access 01.19.06 # faemir: ebay 01.19.22 # JdGordon: probably better to remove it for simplicity until we do it right, imo 01.19.58 # toffe82 heh, I tried gigabeat instead of gigbeat f and it brought out loads of f40s, just what i need! :D 01.20.00 Quit faemir (Client Quit) 01.20.08 Join z35 [0] (n=z@ 01.20.24 # lostlogic: If the callback causes problems with thread synchonisation, there is another idea of mine that I need to implement for proper suspend as well 01.21.03 # (registering for sys messages which then need to be replied by the registrant) 01.21.27 # its not so much thread syncro problems.. its more makeing sure the disk is still spininng by the time the other thread is active again 01.21.43 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 01.21.54 # Yeah, and that *is* a synchronisation problem 01.22.00 # thread switching isn't that slow, is it? 01.22.11 # No, why? 01.22.24 # no.. but the disk is shutdown as soon as the callbacks are all called.. 01.22.56 # The problem is that currently the callback *must* be processed synchronously. The ata thread might shut down the disk as soon as the callback returns 01.23.56 # amiconn: that seems problematic, since buffering could take a fairly long time 01.23.56 # one thig that might work is that if ata_spin() is called in the callback, then the disk will wait the usual time after the callbacks are done before shutttind donw (but not trigge them again untill next spinup) 01.24.28 # Ger: Yes and yes 01.24.29 # I'm new to this, but perhaps we can do something like the CPU boost counter 01.24.47 # well regardless, disabled that optimization with a #if 0, reducing a difference between sansa and ipv 01.24.55 # JdGordon: That would be nasty... 01.25.03 # bertrik, lostlogic: I already mentioned my idea... 01.26.09 # * JdGordon thinks amiconn's idea might be a good one :) 01.26.12 # what idea? 01.26.19 # Ah okay thx. But the warranty is void? 01.26.22 # Registering for sys messages 01.26.32 # but not need to register.. just send it out like the usb message 01.26.49 Join faemir [0] (i=55d31ec1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-90d55663523e0f48) 01.26.50 # JdGordon: That would be bad 01.26.57 # why? 01.27.07 # yeah, registering for a message that requires a reply would be fine for buffering's needs. 01.27.08 # Ger: Probably technically, but reports seem to say they don't normally check. However, no guarantees. 01.27.09 # um, can someone tell me where to find the page with battery life on all the players is? I can't find it again >=( 01.27.17 # Most threads don't care about such a message, but with broadcast, all threads with a public queue would have to reply 01.27.43 # Thanks and good night. 01.27.46 Quit Ger (Remote closed the connection) 01.27.51 # it would be handled in the default handler, so unless a thread needed it there would be no extra code 01.27.51 # Right now it's usb only (which btw isn't handled in a 100% clean way too) 01.28.09 # The default handler is for the main thread *only* 01.28.25 # oh... ok 01.28.49 Quit ender` (" A ‘good’ landing is one from which you can walk away. A ‘great’ landing is one after which they can use the plane again.") 01.28.52 # When I am going to implement this, there will be some more such system messages, for clean handling of other events like shutdown or suspend 01.29.06 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 01.29.12 Join bistouri [0] (i=58a10615@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4c3d16eb9012edcf) 01.29.15 # beore or after viewports :p 01.29.19 # The current shutdown handling is quite messy 01.29.30 # Most likely before 01.29.53 # Lower level first 01.31.33 # anyone? =[ 01.32.00 # what about a ATA "boost" level that is increased immediately by the callback and prevents the ATA from shutdown, and which is later decreased as each registered thread is completely done? 01.33.10 # * amiconn fails to see how this is different from registering for sys messages 01.33.28 # slightly simpler to hack in quickly... 01.33.38 # oh, sorry, I'm not familiar with sys messages yet 01.33.40 # I doubt it 01.34.56 Quit dandin1 () 01.36.50 Quit faemir ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 01.37.00 # I'm off to bed, have a nice day 01.37.12 Quit bertrik ("bye") 01.37.49 Quit karashata ("Leaving.") 01.38.17 Join HellDragon_ [0] (n=Nocebo@unaffiliated/helldragon) 01.38.18 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@pool3-032.adsl.user.start.ca) 01.38.45 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.38.46 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 01.38.53 Quit colin_ () 01.38.59 # :( queue_send() isnt on hwcodec 01.40.28 Quit HellDragon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.41.04 # how will the power control update affect battery life? 01.41.24 Quit HellDragon_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.42.13 # crashd: It allows Rockbox to turn off the HDD. 01.42.30 # JdGordon: so add the #define or remove the requirement for it if you need it :) 01.42.37 # aye, i know, but has anyone run any benchs on it yet :) 01.42.41 # amiconn is testing with it right now, but if it's implemented well, it should save on battery life. 01.42.50 # ahh 01.42.53 # No, not that I'm aware of. 01.42.59 # fair deal :) that's all i wanted to know 01.43.02 # cheers Mouser 01.43.10 Join colin_ [0] (n=colin@host-155-47-107-208.midco.net) 01.43.29 # Mouser_X: It's committed... 01.44.02 # So, it's already turning off the drive? Or, the debug code is commited? 01.44.26 # a brave soul with an inline ammeter could save a lot of hassle by testing power draw before and after HDD shutdown. ;) 01.44.32 # (I thought the debug code had been commited. I didn't realize it had already been setup to turn off the HDD and all that.) 01.45.38 Quit moos ("Glory to Rockbox") 01.45.56 Quit colin_ (Client Quit) 01.46.09 # Ah, I didn't see the most recent commits. 01.46.42 # JdGordon: btw, any queue using that is to be taken as owned by a single thread. 01.46.47 Join colin_ [0] (n=colin@host-155-47-107-208.midco.net) 01.47.20 Quit bistouri ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 01.49.17 Quit J3TC- (".•«UPP»•.") 01.51.30 # why does the sim crash when I try to DEBUGF(global_status.last_screen)? 01.51.48 # because DEBUGF() is printf 01.51.56 # so? 01.52.05 # thats not how printf works 01.52.44 # is there a function which can put that out? 01.52.53 # yes... printf 01.52.57 # * kugel is a bit new to C, that's why the dumb questions 01.52.59 # or DEBUGF :) 01.53.20 # I thought printf cannot 01.53.41 # it would be useless if it couldntnt... you jst doing it wrong 01.53.42 # sure it can, if used correctly. should be plenty of references online about printf 01.53.44 # if DEBUGF is printf, and DEBUGF crashes... 01.54.06 # * JdGordon remembers printf being in his very first c lesson :p 01.54.26 # besides, use examples elsewhere in the code that print variables 01.55.30 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 01.55.43 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@pool-72-76-179-145.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) 01.56.51 # I was here yesterday (not that you think I wouldn't look at references) but I didn't look through there: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdio/printf.html 01.56.59 # Does anyone have this bug when viewing "rockbox info" and the time will only update if there is user input ( i.e. scroll etc.) ?, i'll file a bug report probably though 01.57.02 # oh 01.57.12 # I just notice it's c++ reference 01.57.25 # kugel: printf is the same in c and c++ 01.58.22 # homielowe: dont bother.. ill fix that now 01.58.36 # Bagder: hey man, there? 01.58.41 # JdGordon: sounds good :) 01.58.46 # * jhMikeS preferrs cout << this << that << otherthing in C++ :) 02.00.20 Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) 02.00.53 Quit karashata ("Leaving.") 02.01.31 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@pool3-032.adsl.user.start.ca) 02.01.41 # * lostlogic hates cout 02.01.54 # * jhMikeS wonders what happend to C+ (C-plus) and (perhaps wrongly) recalls such a thing existed 02.01.59 # * JdGordon not so fond of the new order in the info screen 02.02.44 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 02.02.46 # Can you now tell me how to make it not crash? 02.02.57 # ok, so now that it's definitely not caused by the misuse of ata_disk_is_active, what the heck _is_ the problem with playback on sansa pausing at buffer-refill time? 02.03.44 # lostlogic: some pernicious thing I added to the ata driver in preparation for MoB :) 02.03.48 # Read speed? Differences in yielding behaviour? 02.04.27 Join colin__ [0] (n=colin@host-155-47-107-208.midco.net) 02.04.35 # that ata is definitely different for yielding behavior 02.05.28 # jhMikeS: :-P 02.05.53 Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) 02.06.00 Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) 02.06.58 # amiconn: read speed is where I've been looking but I doon't see why all flash targets wouldn't then be hit 02.08.03 # 'all' are just 3 for MoB (swcodec): the Sansas and the Nano 02.08.27 # ah. 02.08.27 # Well, and the iFP, but I don't know whether MoB was tested at all on it so far 02.09.00 Join tdtooke [0] (i=nunya@75-120-223-144.dyn.centurytel.net) 02.09.32 # for some reason I was thinking we had more flash targets. 02.09.39 # ok, so flash targets broken by MoB. 02.09.58 # who has a non? 02.10.01 # nano? 02.10.14 # forgive the intrusion... but will those last 2 amiconn commits effect battery life? Looked like it was something about IO stuff and HDD control, I'm completely ignorant of hardwareish things so I gotta ask 02.10.18 # And the Nano uses the standard ata driver (with some hackaround for the standby issue) 02.10.41 # hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 02.10.44 # affect even 02.10.54 # * JdGordon can try and find his sisters nano... 02.10.59 # do you by chance know what the behavioral differences between the two ata drivers would be? 02.13.19 Quit colin_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.13.25 Quit colin__ () 02.13.55 Quit lespea (Remote closed the connection) 02.14.17 # amiconn: nice find on the atomic GPIO stuff btw. it's good for all GPIO related regs? 02.14.44 # jhMikeS: That stuff was already known, just only used in a very few places 02.15.05 # It works for all standard GPIO ports (A thru L) on PP502x 02.15.14 # where was it? I never came across it that I recall. 02.15.33 # G5 backlight, some other places 02.16.04 # The 0x800 offset might even be unnecessary, but that's what the neneric gpio bit function does on the ipods 02.16.11 # *generic 02.16.51 # * tdtooke will endeavor to say really brainey things worthy of response next time 02.16.55 # g'night 02.17.10 Quit tdtooke ("thanks for you time guys.....seriously") 02.17.38 # * amiconn greps 02.17.47 # I don't know of any way at the usual addresses to enable or disable the interrupts atomically. 02.18.54 # or is the majic actually the use of val << 8 ? 02.18.56 # I don't know whether this method also works for the GPIO_INT_* registers, but in fact it might 02.19.39 # I think I see th e bug and I hate it still 02.19.46 # too bad bertrik left for the night already 02.19.52 # It's not just (val << 8). That's the mask which defines the bits to touch. The actual values are still in bits 0..7 02.20.00 Quit lee-qid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.20.07 # jhMikeS: take a look at yield_codec() in buffering.c -- I see a perfectly possible infinite loop in there, do you? 02.20.14 # amiconn: right 02.20.28 # So with ((vall << 8) | val) you set all bits in the mask, and with just (val << 8) you reset them 02.21.08 # You can even combine that, e.g. 0x4404 would set bit 2, reset bit 6, and keep all others 02.22.14 # Various ipod backlight setting functions already use that (using the old nasty outl() with literal addresses) 02.22.43 # lostlogic: hmmm... 02.24.02 # pcmbuf goes low because it can't read data from the filebuf 02.24.18 # filebuf is not critical because it has _allocated_ data on it 02.24.25 # and so it stays in their... forever 02.24.51 # until a message is queued. would that prevent it? 02.25.23 # who's going to queue a message? but yes, a message being queued would break the loop 02.25.58 Quit w1ll14m ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 02.26.09 # some playback thread would eventually I suppose 02.26.26 # nope, playback is just sitting there waiting for commands 02.26.56 # that didn't _used to_ infinite loop (premob) because there wasn't a concept of allocated but not written data so much 02.27.06 Join HellDragon [0] (n=Nocebo@unaffiliated/helldragon) 02.28.19 # so MoB reserves space in advance but doesn't buffer, correct? 02.28.26 # yeah 02.28.48 # hmm but then why didn't 15440 fix it? THat should make the audio thread active and kickstart it out of the loop. 02.30.13 Quit Robin0800 (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Now with extra fish!") 02.31.10 # combination slow cpu and fast disk on sansa is what makes this appear there. 02.31.47 # more race conditions eh? 02.32.04 # and you thought slow disk!! 02.32.33 # sigh 02.32.37 # why even bother with yield codec anyway? 02.33.01 # jhMikeS: to prevent pcmbuf underruns during filling is the theory behind the function 02.33.21 # is there any actuality behind it? :) 02.33.40 # there was pre-MoB 02.33.42 # now that priority threading exists 02.33.58 # * lostlogic doesn't run priority scheduling 02.34.00 # * lostlogic doesn't like it 02.34.28 # * jhMikeS doesn't share that sentiment 02.35.26 # It is there, so I guess take advantage 02.35.57 # blech, O(n) scheduling 02.39.49 # n = ? 02.40.21 # threads 02.40.55 # ok, I'm inclined to make yield_codec not a loop bu tI don't know how it will impact slow codecs on slow targets 02.41.00 # threads ready to run actually which isn't usually more than one. 02.42.21 # usually that loop won't even execute since the current thread will probably be the one that matches the level 02.42.40 # hmm, maybe I'm too hard on it 02.42.58 # *shrug* I don't have a problem with the flat scheduling ;) 02.43.17 # the only thread in the running list are the ones actually running. others take no cpu (blocked) or barely any (timeout) 02.44.22 # http://test.lostlogicx.com/transfer/rockbox/20071103_no_yield_loop.patch <-- what do you think of this instead of the yield loop? 02.44.35 # what's the target most likely to skip during buffering of a 'working' codec so we can test it? 02.45.00 # the timeout operation is extremely lazy and it only executes the checks when a thread is actually due to wake. heck they aren't even taken off the tmo list when explicitly woken but are garbage collected later when the next check is due 02.45.42 # so you're saying that priority scheduling is a good thing and I'm being stupid not to run it? 02.46.53 # it's a good thing when used carefully. I think just blasting the codec thread to realtime suddedly should be more gradual 02.47.28 Quit Mouser_X ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 02.47.29 # A non-looping solution is better IMO too...sleep(2) is certainly a really long time 02.47.44 # shrug, just basing it on the existing loop 02.47.56 # all codecs tha tI have handy are so fast on ipod now that it doesn't even need more than the yield 02.48.33 Quit obo ("bye") 02.49.16 # the codec thread should always be ready to run unless it's sleeping waiting for pcm space. it will get executed on the next buffer yield. 02.50.35 Join emeraldd [0] (n=jules@h96.156.30.69.ip.alltel.net) 02.50.40 # right, but is that single yield enough to recover from a pcmbuf_low situation on a slow codec? no. 02.50.55 # that's what led to the creation of the yield_codec function in the first place 02.51.09 # I think a sleep(2) to let it gain some breathing room if it's low is reasonable 02.51.21 # 2/100 of a second is long in pcmbuf time but short in buffering time 02.51.24 # we also don't run every thread on every task switch either 02.51.50 # hrm? 02.52.24 # the old threading woke evey thread every time no matter what it was doing. now you'll only have buffering and codec going most times. 02.52.49 # ah 02.52.56 # * lostlogic still running 'old threading' ;) 02.52.59 # heck test_codec could only work with genuine blocking 02.53.14 # or... am I not? 02.53.23 # ugh, I'm so out of date still 02.54.01 # only ready to run stuff gets any CPU cycles 02.54.14 # gotcha. 02.54.28 # I take it from the gest of this conversation that there is still a buffering issue in the current build? 02.54.33 # so, you think I should commit this and see what all the targets have to say about it? 02.54.36 # emeraldd: only on sansa 02.54.52 Join Mouser_X [0] (i=cf9bb003@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-baacb8f3b38015c0) 02.54.54 # emeraldd: have you experienced it? If so I'd love for you to test a patch 02.55.02 # yup 02.55.09 # been getting really annoying 02.55.13 # where can I get the patch 02.55.14 # ? 02.55.20 # emeraldd: can you build or do you need a build? 02.55.26 # http://test.lostlogicx.com/transfer/rockbox/20071103_no_yield_loop.patch 02.55.30 # I can build quite readily 02.55.37 # get the altest svn and add that patch 02.55.46 # and I think you'll get no more buffering dath 02.55.47 # death 02.55.50 # lostlogic: sure. I think it will yield alot of time away from buffering. Don't forget the ATA yields quite often on any targets I've used...to the point recording makes no explicit yields in flushing 02.55.56 # ;) 02.56.27 # jhMikeS: it only does an explicit yield ever 32k, which it would do with the loop any way 02.56.48 # lostlogic: buidling now 02.56.51 # let's see what a sansa does with it before I commit :) 02.56.53 # thanks emeraldd 02.57.16 # lostlogic: I think that should be more than enough down time for buffering 02.57.56 # jhMikeS: *nod* well if pcmbuf goes low it's going to sleep for now, maybe that can change further in a future edition, for now I'm basically keeping the semantics of yield_codec without the death loop 02.58.00 # :) 02.58.16 Join webguest77 [0] (i=4ca81f01@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-514eb74f4123e670) 02.58.18 # what about making sure the buffer is also sufficiently full? 02.59.04 # um 02.59.12 # hello? 02.59.25 # jhMikeS: we don't have an effective way to do that currently without O(num_handles) to find out how much data is on buffer 02.59.27 # lostlogic: I get this warning while building: 02.59.32 # there is a point where both pcm buffer and the buffer are nearly empty 02.59.36 # unused variable breakable 02.59.48 # buffering.c:554: warning: unused variable 'breakable' 02.59.54 # blah, ignore that warning 02.59.58 # I am 03.00.00 # emeraldd: go ahead and run the test any way, I'll fix before commit :) 03.00.03 # ;) 03.00.14 # webguest77: don't ask to ask, just ask 03.00.24 # * jhMikeS votes for more yellow 03.00.57 # stupid database refresh 03.01.05 # to ask about asking is metaassking 03.01.38 # there are metagies available in not metaasking 03.01.40 # hello. i have a 5.5 g ipod. i downloaded rockbox and installed it. but then i switched the .rockbox reg folder to the .rockbox in this folder EvilG-Fusion-60-80G-20070717. it loades and everthing but it doesent work. like if i press my center button nothing happens. it doesent open anything.. what did i do wrong? 03.03.02 # webguest77: so you are trying to use a build named EvilG-Fusion? 03.03.15 # Yes, 03.03.17 # if so then we do not support that here, we only support rockbox official builds, downloaded via rockbox.org 03.03.37 # lostlogic: I'm seeing a solid read icon in the upper right hand corner, That's new 03.03.54 # oh ok. but i downloaded it from a link from this website... 03.04.00 # well, nearly solid 03.04.06 # emeraldd: check out the buffering thread screen and see waht's going on 03.04.24 # webguest77: where'd you find the link? 03.04.25 Join RaRe` [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) 03.05.16 # lostlogic: what are you looking for specifically, I'm seeind 70-80% boost 03.05.29 # pcmbufdesc 10-15/21 03.05.33 Join colin_ [0] (n=colin@host-155-47-107-208.midco.net) 03.05.56 # emeraldd: I'm curious what the usefl slider is doing 03.06.02 # and whether the disk is still staying active 03.06.22 # that's the bar at the top of the buffering screen? 03.06.31 # * jhMikeS wants a 5-thread mpegplayer but MAXTHREADS is also expanding. Though there's no important thread code that relies on thread entries to be in an array and plugins could allocate their own. 03.07.06 # emeraldd: usefl is the 4th bar down my screen but I'm not sure how it looks on sansa 03.07.36 # from here :http://www.rockbox-themes.org/index.php?res=320x240x16 i went down until i found a theme called flow. i read this :This is my first WPS for the iPod. Inspired by the iPhone and its cover flow feature, I came up with this. Enjoy! Tested with EvilG's Fusion build, but should work on any build with AlbumArt, Bitmap Resize, Customline, Multifont & Multifont-userfonts patches. i clicked the link to the 03.07.45 # rockbox-themes.org is not rockbox.org 03.08.01 # let's see here 03.08.19 # webguest77: sorry but we can't support that build here, it's heavily patched to support the album art and stuff 03.08.37 # oh ok thank you 03.08.39 # it seems to be counting down 03.08.41 # lostlogic: I don't get what's different about some people's players. I had been running e200 and gigabeat and never had a hangup since the first problem was fixed. 03.09.03 # Slowly but surely dropping 03.09.06 Quit zicho (Remote closed the connection) 03.09.23 # Well, looks like I hit the end of the song 03.09.34 # jhMikeS: yeah, probably depends on bitrates and stuff too... 03.09.36 # are there any themes i can downloaded from the real website? 03.09.49 # emeraldd: and how are things going? 03.09.52 # lostlogic: always high bitrates here 03.10.00 # webguest77: sure, visit our wiki 03.10.12 # Made it through 5:50seconds at 128k with no problems 03.10.23 # oh ok ^_^ thank you 03.10.30 # emeraldd: I assume you were normally seeing freezes after a full buffer ran out? 03.10.42 # All through the songs 03.10.48 # webguest77: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsIpod5g 03.11.10 # It would maek it about half way through and start reading the disk at 1to 2 second intervals and then pause for a 03.11.12 # webguest77: look for ones that say "build standard" 03.11.19 # full 2 to 3 seconds, 03.11.24 # nothing like that so far 03.11.27 # emeraldd: ah, good! 03.11.52 # I am bothered that I haven't seen a disk read on the second song though 03.12.08 # emeraldd: you shouldn't, it's buffered 03.12.15 # cool 03.12.16 # emeraldd: you shouldn't see more disk reading until about 20 minutes from now 03.12.25 # ok 03.12.27 # yeah 03.12.36 # That's more like it ;) 03.12.39 # but make sure that it keeps playing for at least 20 minutes before we say "it works" 03.13.00 # how much does data rate and track count matter 03.13.07 # would a 1:30 minute track work? 03.13.11 # at 64k 03.13.13 # ? 03.13.35 # what do you mean? 03.13.50 # what I'm looking for is a full playlist that fills the buffer completley to see what happens when the buffer then runs low 03.14.03 # ok 03.14.29 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.14.37 # um after i click on wiki where do i go to get the themes? 03.15.02 # webguest77: lostlogic gave you a link to follow. 03.15.05 # webguest77: see the link I posted 4 minutes ago fo rthe ipod 5g themes and then look for ones that say "build: standard" 03.15.46 # oh ok, but i have a 5.5 g. is that ok? 03.15.58 # webguest77: yeah, the screen is the same so the wps are the same 03.16.15 # good lookin' out though. 03.16.26 # oh ok thank you very much 03.16.54 # webguest77: you're welcome, hopefully we'll have album art in the official build sometime so you can get some of the fancier themes ;) 03.17.48 # Ok 03.18.12 # (or you'll get more knowledgeable and be able to deal with the bugs that crop up in the unofficial builds better, either way :)) 03.18.43 # * Mouser_X probably wouldn't use album art, even if it was supported in official builds. 03.18.52 # * lostlogic definitely wouldn't 03.18.58 # but lots of people would apparently 03.19.08 # * karashata definitely wouldn't, screen's not big enough on the H10's 03.19.10 # I might by accident though, if the folder I copied over has stuff in it. 03.19.15 # * jhMikeS is one of those that like that pretty stuff 03.19.53 # so, usefl identifies what about buffering? 03.20.17 # Mouser_X: unless you were using a theme that supported it, you wouldn't 03.20.19 # emeraldd: usefl is how much data is left that is _likely_ playable 03.21.02 # MoB = Maybe on Buffer? 03.21.11 # jhMikeS: you're mean :( :) 03.21.15 # The theme I'm using now is *supposed* to support it, but I removed it. 03.21.39 # am not...just a tottaly sacastic bastard. I'm as bad about myself. 03.21.43 Quit RaRe (Connection timed out) 03.21.48 # :) 03.21.54 # lol 03.21.56 # what unit is usefl in I'm seeing six figures here 03.21.58 # (bytes?) 03.22.03 # bytes 03.22.12 # so that's kilobytes, and it's getting low-ish 03.22.18 # sorry, five figures 03.22.22 # when it gets just below 6 figures expect it to fill 03.22.37 # if it doesn't fill then that would be considered a bad thing 03.23.02 # (what bitrate? 64? 03.23.06 # (Note: it started at five figures, I mis counted at first) 03.23.11 # bit rate is 128 right now 03.23.17 # ah, has it started filling yet? 03.23.20 # Bad Thing (TM) or just generic bad thing? 03.23.23 # ie counting up instead? 03.23.31 # not yet 03.23.37 # ::blink blink:: 03.23.39 # *waits* 03.23.43 # It's about 1/3 what it started at 03.23.59 # * lostlogic gets ready to cheer/cry 03.24.05 # If the water marks are still at 25% and 75% it should be just a little longer 03.24.08 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.24.18 # the watermark should be at 5 seconds of audio left 03.24.28 # hmm 03.24.29 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF4FFB.dip.t-dialin.net) 03.24.38 # I remember comments talking about 25/75 03.24.41 # so at 128kbps that would be 32kB 03.24.46 # er 48kB 03.24.48 # got it 03.24.55 # * jhMikeS predicts it will drop to 25%, refill up to 26% :p. (more sarcasm) 03.25.10 # the 75% was the high_watermark 03.25.30 # which only applies when the disk is spinning (I guess should apply always on flash targets) and which I've disabled completely for the time being 03.25.31 # maybe it's dyslexic and will go to 57% 03.25.47 # * lostlogic hunts for his blow-dart gun 03.25.49 # ;) 03.26.58 Quit Mouser_X ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 03.27.19 # * jhMikeS could use the relaxation time 03.28.17 # hehe 03.28.39 # hmm 03.28.45 # emeraldd: ? 03.29.05 # not refilling yet :( 03.29.10 # emeraldd: what's it at? 03.29.36 # seems to be counting awful slow, wondering if the digits are rounded on sansa 03.29.36 # 5500000 03.29.46 # wait, that's still 5.5 megabytes 03.29.50 # we've still got 5 minutes till it fills 03.29.55 # ahh 03.29.56 # ok 03.30.06 # so the unit is not bytes 03.30.11 # yes it is 03.30.19 # wait my brain is fried 03.30.19 # 5,500,000 <-- 5 million bytes 03.30.24 # duhh! 03.30.30 # when it gets down closer to 100 thousand bytes, it'll fill 03.30.32 # (i hope) 03.32.00 # crap I think I just told it to skip a song 03.32.01 # :( 03.32.09 # haha, I do that all the time :-P 03.32.10 # and it jus timed out 03.32.16 # timed out? 03.32.21 # I hear silence 03.32.34 # anything going on on the screen? 03.32.34 # at 1:02 of 7:11 03.32.37 # nope 03.32.55 # nothing 03.32.59 # still responsive though 03.33.03 # I'm so confused, so you exited the buffering screen, then skipped and the skip didn't work? 03.33.08 # * jhMikeS thinks that queue hack in playback should be fixed first 03.33.10 # no 03.33.16 # I didn't exit the buffering screen 03.33.25 # then how do you know the time? 03.33.37 # a clock? 03.33.40 # jhMikeS: queue hack? oh the queue_peak thing? 03.33.43 # i hit the down button to keep the back light on 03.33.46 # it skipped a track 03.33.50 # everything stopped 03.33.53 # lostlogic: yeah, not safe at all 03.33.58 # I then left the screen 03.34.04 # emeraldd: ah. 03.34.06 # checked the time index on now playing 03.34.19 # 1:02 of 7:12 03.34.21 # w.t.f. sansa. 03.34.29 # my thoughts exactly 03.34.42 # I mean I'm sure ther is a bug in the code but ... I don't get it. 03.35.14 # I think there might be a bug in th buffering screen :( 03.35.24 # Is there a nice way to artifically shrink the buffer? 03.35.34 # the buffering screen is designed to allow skips for basically that purpose 03.35.39 # ahh 03.35.49 # then that's what I just caused :( 03.35.50 # crap 03.35.59 # so what I do when testing this is to watch the screen, skip forward (which is a clockwise touch on the ipod) until the last track and then let that run out 03.36.08 # yeah 03.36.21 # I wish I had known that twenty minutes ago ;) 03.36.37 # sorry 03.36.49 # sigh and it still works dandy fine on the ipod 03.36.54 # no problem 03.37.02 # so what should it do at five seconds? 03.37.20 # alloc should start dropping rapidly, as should real 03.37.28 # and usefl should start counting up at a medium pace 03.38.00 Join eigma [0] (n=cat@ 03.38.03 # real? 03.38.06 # kkurbjun: I think i finally broke my m:robe 03.38.14 # I dont' see anything labled that 03.38.36 # emeraldd: might be dropped from your screen 03.38.49 # I know some things had to drop because sansa real estate is limited 03.39.24 # that time it worked 03.39.25 # hmm 03.39.39 # just fine in fact 03.39.50 # I had to reboot the player though to get it play again 03.40.42 # emeraldd: let me knwo if you figure out what broked it 03.40.44 # sigh 03.41.03 # worked that time as well 03.41.29 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 03.41.44 # sounds like it's better, where the hell else could it get stuck 03.41.48 # * jhMikeS just might do a speedy state-machinish rework of the audio thread...no queue_peek. 03.42.00 # deadlock between playback and buffering thread? 03.42.15 # emeraldd: no potential deadlocks present 03.42.20 # it's a livelock if anything 03.42.22 # :( 03.42.36 Join Mouser_X [0] (i=cf9bb003@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-618797f88616c1a6) 03.42.38 # (and yes I know I"m mincing words) 03.42.45 # ahhh 03.43.14 # live lock means that the threads are actively looping on something that's not changing as opposed to a deadlock where they are in a mutex_wait or other wait operation and not executing any code 03.43.48 # stuff like if (!playing || playlist_end || ci.stop_codec) has to go too...hmmm.... 03.44.12 # jhMikeS: you have fun beating on playback.c, I'll confine my toys to buffering.c for now :) 03.44.54 # just locked again 03.45.03 # I'm worried buffering requests could build up in the queue 03.45.06 # on a skip or a run down? 03.45.19 # skip to last buffered track 03.45.21 # and run down 03.45.27 # ran out at 43 seconds 03.45.32 # of 3:25 03.45.36 # jhMikeS: it bounces out to service them -- that's why it uses the peak... if it's _not_ a buffering message, send a buffering message 03.45.40 # track 38 out of 51 03.45.45 # 128k 03.45.46 # emeraldd: when it stops playing what is usefl at? 03.45.56 Quit Mouser_X ("CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06)") 03.46.08 # jhMikeS: one thing there is not is a risk of buildup 03.46.09 # but it could do buffering, not buffering, buffering 03.46.12 # right now 16398 03.46.20 # last time it was 14xxx something 03.46.28 # always seems to be about 16k left when it fails 03.46.32 # wtf is special about 16k? 03.46.36 # If I remember one file chunk is 32k 03.46.40 # then it won't remove it if it is in fact a buffering message while in the loop 03.46.40 # yeah 03.46.47 # so something less than one file chunk maybe? 03.47.19 # emeraldd: something like that but for it to stop it also must be less than the amount the codec is requesting... I think 03.47.30 Join Mouser_X [0] (i=cf9bb003@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-9d4edd7809cfd337) 03.47.32 # jhMikeS: it breaks out and lets the main thread loop run to remove it 03.47.54 # ah, woops, reading the break in the wrong spot :P 03.49.24 Quit colin_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.49.46 Quit kugel ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 03.50.05 # does that really count as a postbuffer event? 03.50.22 # jhMikeS: I wondered the same when fiddling in there yesterday 03.50.47 # Where can I find the meaning of the thread states on thread screen? 03.50.57 Join DarkDaemon [0] (n=Prisoner@dsl-207-112-44-217.tor.primus.ca) 03.51.01 # hiya 03.51.15 # just wondering, if i get flac songs 03.51.18 # what can i expect? 03.51.21 # better sound? 03.51.41 # emeraldd: B=blocked, T=Blocke W Timeout, S=Sleeping, R = Running (there's a couple others you won't see) 03.51.47 # DarkDaemon: Enter does not = spacebar. 03.52.00 # depends DarkDaemon 03.52.11 # DarkDaemon: in theeory yes... especially on transients and other hard to encode sections of audio 03.52.33 # depends on what DogBoy? 03.52.35 # DarkDaemon: a flac will sound exactly like a cd, an mp3 or ogg _may_ sound different, losing detail or range 03.52.52 # on the gear you're using and your ears etc 03.52.54 # buffering is T, codec is S, audio is T 03.53.17 # emeraldd: are they changing? 03.53.18 # the source audio 03.53.25 # depends on a lot of things 03.53.31 # no 03.53.34 # lostlogic so is it worth the download? since they size is fairly big. im not worried abt space cause i have a 80gb ipod but more if i should wait for the download :P 03.53.57 # lol 03.54.02 # DarkDaemon: to _me_ it would be, but I have a 3k stereo system and $300 ear phones to go with my digital music... 03.54.11 # I'd be probably be more concerned with battery life. 03.54.22 # yea and for me as well, I would prefer the flac files 03.54.28 # FLACs will decrease your battery life because there will be more disk reads. 03.54.38 # and what Mouser_X said 03.54.50 # well i have around 80$ dj headphones (the big ones) and ipod 5.5g 80gb 03.54.50 # good point 03.55.02 # but you can keep the flac on your computer for hi-fi use and transcode to anything you want with no additional loss of quality that you would get from transcode betwen lossy formats 03.55.07 # (that is what I do) 03.55.15 # (I put ogg q7 on ipod and flac on pc) 03.55.28 # I'd go with lostlogic on that one. 03.55.30 # that's what I do too but I use musepack 7 03.55.34 # Mouser_X, thats not a big problem for me. i dont listen to music during school and sutff but when i do listen it, i like higher quality 03.55.47 # Well then, go for it. 03.55.59 # flac. 03.55.59 # Other than bandwidth and time, what can it hurt? 03.56.08 # good point 03.56.18 # ok thanks alot for the help 03.56.22 # have a good day 03.56.34 Quit DarkDaemon ("If You Can't Be Famous, Be Infamous...") 03.56.46 # strange feller... who doesn't just leave IRC running? 03.56.53 # hehe 03.56.58 # * karashata doesn't 03.57.13 # I can't. I'm not on any of my stuff (I'm using someone else's PC). 03.57.21 # we know karashata, we're watching your every move 03.57.32 # laugh 03.57.37 # Also, using CGI:IRC can cause problems if the back buffer gets too big. 03.57.42 # I'm running off a laptop, can't leave it in one place too long 03.57.44 # DogBoy: like I'm worried, it's not like I do anything illegal... 03.57.51 # my irc client runs on a leased server in a data center... which I just log into when I want to pay attention it from anywhere 03.58.10 # how much does that cost you per month> 03.58.11 # ? 03.58.12 # Heh. Nice. 03.58.15 # too much. 03.58.16 # $90 03.58.22 # Wow. 03.58.23 # it's generally a waste to use flac files on a portable though 03.58.30 # DogBoy: yep 03.58.32 # imo 03.58.40 # Agreed. 03.58.46 # I dunno, I kinda like the FLAC files I have 03.58.49 # you're not gonna hear the difference most of the time 03.58.53 # #rockbox-community 03.58.57 # Soap: bite me 03.58.58 # ;) 03.59.01 # I had some stuff in FLAC on my Gigabeat, but they took up too much space. 03.59.02 # heh 03.59.10 # hehe 03.59.25 # I don't need the space yet, so I'm leaving mine there 03.59.29 # Soap: if there was signal for the noise to disrupt I'd agree, but there isn't 03.59.31 Join toffe82_ [0] (n=chatzill@ppp-71-140-88-159.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) 03.59.41 # lostlogic: Interesting, I just saw it start to fill, and lock on the second block 03.59.47 # it eats up people's log files though 03.59.52 # followed by the pcm buffer emptying 03.59.53 # emeraldd: what do you mean second block? 03.59.59 # makes them harder to parse 04.00.05 # second update 04.00.14 # or so, 04.00.14 # lostlogic: the noise is to those who read logs 04.00.30 # but the buffering deffinately stopped before the pcm thread died 04.00.30 # fire me. 04.00.46 # Heh. 04.00.54 # emeraldd: was usefl still down to below a file chunk when it stopped? 04.01.04 # yes 04.01.12 # maybe 04.01.16 # it's at 17679 04.01.21 # I think that is about half a file chunk 04.01.26 # little over 04.01.49 # yeah ok 04.01.53 # hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 04.02.02 # what codec? mp3 128k? 04.02.13 # mp3 04.02.24 # note it started filling before it locked 04.02.40 # yeah, I'm trying to figure out what new information that provides. 04.04.02 # lostlogic: how bout dumping that call to postbuffer when only responding to a message? it looks like it will just rifle through them real fast otherwise before buffering as actually done. 04.04.27 # jhMikeS: makes sense to me, I considered doing it, but ... I've been changing a lot lately :) 04.04.36 # excuse me, how can i get to the ipodlinux irc? 04.04.54 # with a real irc client 04.04.55 # webguest77: you cant using the rockbox web client 04.04.55 # webguest77: you'd need to use a different irc client... check out java.freenode.net (I think) 04.04.56 Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) 04.05.06 # lostlogic: you pay attention : 04.05.07 # ) 04.05.15 # scorche: no, I'm an illusion 04.05.17 # :) 04.05.23 # * scorche sighs 04.07.13 # jhMikeS: at least most of my deltas are green, that makes me happy -- I alway say that I try to gauge my success by negative lines of code 04.07.42 # emeraldd: you used logf at all? know hwo to turn it on? 04.08.35 # never used it 04.08.41 # but willing to give it a shot 04.09.01 Quit webguest77 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 04.09.10 # emeraldd: ok, great -- reconfigure with your target, advanced, logf 04.09.27 # then modify playback.c and buffering.c, in each one uncomment the LOGF_ENABLE near the top 04.09.51 # then in both files, copy the LOGF_QUEUES_FILENAME define up outside of the #ifdef SIMULATOR block 04.10.00 # (if any of those instructions are not clear or specific enough, let me know) 04.10.38 # ok 04.10.40 # one moment 04.13.19 Quit karashata ("Leaving.") 04.13.25 # I'm not seeing the LOGF_QUEUES_FILENAME define in playback.c 04.13.42 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@ppp-70-132-141-87.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) 04.14.00 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@pool3-032.adsl.user.start.ca) 04.14.10 Quit toffe82 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.14.20 # emeraldd: lemme check 04.14.34 # PLAYBACK_LOGQUEUES 04.14.49 # BUFFERING_LOGQUEUES in buffering.c 04.15.50 # check 04.16.18 # ok 04.17.02 # you had already done that in bufferinf with your patch 04.17.14 # Is there anything I need to do before rebuilding? 04.19.24 Quit eigma () 04.20.16 # building 04.20.29 # this might take a few on my pIII 800 04.20.58 # emeraldd: It takes me an hour+ to build on my craptop. 04.21.13 # yow 04.21.54 # mouser_X: I've forgotten what those days were like, building a linux kernel on a 486 with 16/ 32 meg 04.34.19 Quit japc (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.34.25 # lostlogic: I've got a build, transfering it now 04.36.03 # Is there a way to kill the database refresh in the OF on sansa c200 ? 04.38.35 Join RoC_MasterMind [0] (n=Free@c-66-177-39-225.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 04.38.58 # lostlogic: dead on the first try, 04.39.11 # lostlogic: now how do i get the needed data out of this thing 04.40.04 Join jmspeex [0] (n=jmspeex@ 04.42.38 # lostlogic: never mind that issue, I have the logf file, where would you like me to send it? 04.44.48 # emeraldd: can post to pastebin for me? 04.44.58 # let's see 04.46.46 # http://pastebin.com/m386561c3 04.46.49 # If I did that right 04.49.09 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 04.49.50 # emeraldd: looks good 04.50.33 # any clues? 04.50.53 # eating, might be slow to figure that part out 04.51.01 # Ahhh 04.51.05 # that's where you went 04.51.16 # lostlogic: greetings, I've determined that the old mp3 freeze does in fact happen at the same time, but it looks like you have new commits 04.51.17 # Howdy HCS. 04.51.17 # It's 10:51 my time, well past dinner ;) 04.51.50 # hcs: yeah, seems to still happen, possibly less with the new stuff 04.53.03 Quit spiorf (Connection timed out) 04.53.03 # emeraldd: whereabouts in central time are you? 04.53.17 # north east texas ;) 04.53.55 # gotcha, I used to live on the opposite side of central time in Chicago 04.54.45 # lostlogic: ok, I can get to it pretty fast now, I'll see if the one I experienced is fixed 04.54.58 # hcs: cool, thanks 04.55.38 # and I'm eager to try out the ipod disk powerdown 04.55.47 # I've never made it there, but I've told many a machine that it lived there to get the right time zone ;) 04.55.52 # ok, so why does it hop back out after just one track of buffering? 04.56.02 # emeraldd: yeah, I tell machins I live in LA ;) 04.56.30 # I bought a car from a guy in Dallas once... and drove it back to Chicago :) 04.57.10 # I feel like I'm chasing a goddamned gremlin with this bug 04.57.19 # that's one heck of a drive 04.57.22 # it's not the same problem as it used to be, it just moved 04.57.32 # emeraldd: I did it straight other than a short roadside nap ;) 04.57.50 # emeraldd: then again I also rode my motorcycle from Chicago to Seattle to move here... in 3 days 04.58.43 # I stick to enclosed travel 04.58.53 # hehe 04.58.53 # so my wife doesn't decide to end me ;) 04.59.05 Join BigMac [0] (n=me@c-67-189-251-28.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) 04.59.29 # Fonts in a theme (or WPS for that matter) can only be 1 color throughout, correct? 04.59.39 # is that a register dump at line 300-307? 04.59.40 Quit BigMac (Client Quit) 04.59.57 Join BigMac [0] (n=me@c-67-189-251-28.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) 05.00.14 # (Line 1 of text = red; Line 2 of text = blue; Line 3 of text = yellow etc; is not possible, correct?) 05.00.21 # emeraldd: that's just it telling us the addresses where the various buffers are allocated 05.00.57 # Mouser_X: unless you have the font colouring patch for the WPS, no 05.01.18 # That's what I thought. Thanks. 05.01.27 # lostlogic: why there and not after line 102 as well? 05.01.28 # emeraldd: malloc buf and mallocbuf end, filebuf and filebuf end, guard buf and buardbufend and pcmbuf and pcmbuf end 05.01.54 # emeraldd: only happens when the buffers are first used or they cahnge sizes 05.05.25 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.05.38 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5584.dip.t-dialin.net) 05.07.18 # emeraldd: do dyou happen to remember what the value of usefl was when this logf stopped playing? 05.07.33 # 17xxx something 05.07.46 # emeraldd: ok, thanks 05.07.55 # It's ranged between 14xxx and 17xxx or so everytime 05.08.28 # so the good news is that the audio thread stays alive now and manages to supply the buffering thread with all of the information it needs to fill the buffer 05.08.40 # the bad news is that the buffering thread just sits there on its ass and doesn't do anything with it. 05.09.06 # emeraldd: can you add (yet another) define to buffering.c for me and do it again? 05.09.19 # #define BUFFERING_LOGQUEUES_SYS_TIMEOUT 05.09.21 # sure :) 05.10.51 # hcs: how's yours behaving? 05.11.16 # I'm assuming outside the ifdef 05.11.27 # lostlogic: still building, ran into some patch trouble 05.11.36 # hcs: ah, ok 05.11.42 # emeraldd: yeah, right next to the other one 05.11.46 # that you moved out 05.12.25 # chasing gremlins *mutter* 05.13.10 # emeraldd: actually before you build, add another line to that file 05.13.12 # lemme find where. 05.13.16 # ok 05.13.22 # lostlogic: I think it's a collection of gremlins, working together, to devise the perfect means to making your life miserable. 05.14.02 # Slowly, you've been able to kill some of them, at least. 05.14.13 # but they breed like rabbits 05.14.27 # Hmmm. Good point. 05.14.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.14.35 # could be worse 05.14.39 # emeraldd: in the function buffer_handle near line 616 add: logf("buffer_handle exit: %d", ret); 05.14.49 # they're breeding!???! 05.14.57 # gah, I'm going to hafta get out my flame thrower 05.15.03 # just don't get them wet... right? 05.15.08 # * karashata laughs a little 05.15.25 # * Mouser_X would never dare get his Gigabeat wet... 05.15.26 # someone already fed them after midnight. 05.15.39 Quit bb (Nick collision from services.) 05.15.44 Join bb_ [0] (n=bb@unaffiliated/bb) 05.15.49 # emeraldd: that logf should go right abouve return ret 05.15.59 # (in case that wasn't somewhat obvious) 05.16.52 # lostlogic: got it, 05.17.13 # I am somewhat familiar with c, but I really hate large numbers of ifdef lines 05.17.26 # emeraldd: gotcha, I'll keep that in mind as we debug :) 05.17.41 # or degremlin 05.17.45 # ;) 05.18.11 # If you want to see something scary, try to trace through the code in the r128 driver in Mesa 05.18.24 # It's #define macro upon macro upon macroe 05.18.26 # macro 05.18.39 # *shudder* I stick to linux kernel and rockbox C personally. 05.19.05 Join webguest57 [0] (i=4ca81f01@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-67cf27a6bf120f76) 05.19.28 # excuse me, but every gameboy game is supposed to run in fullscreen right? 05.19.38 # unfortunately, I have a r128 and someone mixed up bits and bytes in the depths of that monstrosity 05.19.49 # emeraldd: ouch! 05.20.13 # lostlogic: still MP3 freezing, here's what I see: on this track, the metadata for the next track hasn't loaded yet, just before the freeze the metadata loads. 05.20.16 # webguest57: kkurbjun is your man for rockboy stuff, not sure if he's around 05.20.41 # hcs: yeah, I think the metadata loading is the result of my most recent commit... but it's still effing broken :) 05.20.46 # oh thats what the emu is called? rockboy? 05.20.56 # webguest57: afaik yeah 05.21.08 # can i run diff emu using rockbox? 05.21.39 # webguest57: rockboy is a port of gnuboy to rockbox, in theory another emu could be ported but it took a _lot_ of work to get this one even 05.21.53 # here we go again 05.21.58 # emeraldd: wheee 05.22.16 # wat is gnuboy 05.22.28 # I need to make another long playlist, I'm going to get tired of queen 05.22.28 # oh nvr mind 05.22.29 # webguest57: the gnu gameboy emulator or some such 05.22.31 # hehe 05.22.46 # emeraldd: haha, I always just play on random, hard to get bored of 3600 songs 05.22.51 # lol my bad 05.23.18 # The max playlist size is too small for the number of songs I have on my Gigabeat. 05.23.28 Quit karashata ("Leaving.") 05.23.28 # Mouser_X: you play a lot of sid and nsf and stuff right? 05.23.32 # ok thanks 05.23.32 # more than 30k on the player? 05.23.50 # lostlogic: dead again, 17854 this time 05.23.56 # (I think I have 2x the amount of the max playlist size. Possibly more.) 05.23.57 # emeraldd: yay, logf! :) 05.24.40 # Now, if only for the usb stack ;) 05.24.54 # emeraldd: hrm? 05.25.14 # different issue ;) (c200 has to use the of for usb 05.25.26 # emeraldd: ah, so does ipod 05.25.47 # emeraldd: will be nice when someday we have a working USB stack in rockbox and can access it on these SOCs 05.25.52 # might even allow USB hosting 05.26.21 # lostlogic: I made a playlist that supposedly has all of my currently present songs in it. It's over 3 MB in size. 05.26.33 # the playlist is larger than most of the songs, laugh 05.26.38 Join tihoc4n [0] (n=Daniel@142-165-255-11.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) 05.26.48 # lostlogic: update or new post? 05.27.02 # emeraldd: don't care, jsut link me either way :) 05.27.46 # http://pastebin.com/m222f92bd 05.28.30 # Hi, Just noticed one of the updates on the HomePage, about the powerdown HDD. - How much is the batterylife expected to improve because of this? 05.28.51 # tihoc4n: No idea. 05.29.08 # No one has done enough battery benches to give any kind of indication. 05.29.09 # tihoc4n: should now be better than the apple firmware, according to amiconn 05.29.25 # tihoc4n: but like Mouser_X says, we really don't know, why don't you test it :):) 05.29.57 # emeraldd: why? why is it zero? 05.30.19 # which line? 05.30.29 # 191 05.30.30 # If I had the time for setting up, I would. But I'll defnatly be giving it a wirl! 05.30.34 # oh, I know why it's zero 05.30.46 # ok... now why... why doesn't it start a 'normal' buffer fill right after that? 05.32.32 Quit tihoc4n ("Leaving.") 05.32.39 # emeraldd: add a yield() after call_buffer_low_callbacks() near line 1178 05.32.49 # ok 05.32.50 # emeraldd: I'm pretty sure it will then work, but that's not the right solution 05.33.06 # emeraldd: also, you can take out the LOGFQUEUE_SYS_TIMEOUT 05.33.09 # to stop flooding the logf 05.33.43 # would the SYS_TIMEOUTs keep it from doing a fill? 05.34.03 Part toffe82_ 05.34.25 # you have a queue_empty call wrapping your fill 05.34.29 Quit BigMac ("Leaving") 05.34.29 Quit RoC_MasterMind (Connection timed out) 05.35.07 # emeraldd: yeah, thats why I wanted the sys_timeouts log 05.35.12 # it told me that the queue was indeed empty 05.35.18 # check 05.35.21 # not getting flooded by some messages 05.35.34 Join SoulinEther [0] (n=yousef@adsl-71-129-61-16.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) 05.35.52 # and it tells us that it's entering that lower block in there 05.36.02 # at least it should... if the event is SYS_TIMEOUT 05.36.09 # so why aren't those two conditions right? 05.36.10 # let's logf them 05.36.26 # actually hmm, do you mind not puttin gin that yield() and instead putting in this logf? 05.36.37 # not a probelm 05.36.39 # not a problem 05.36.45 # if I can spell ;) 05.37.24 # logf inside the queue_empty if, 05.37.32 # and then in each of the two conditions? 05.37.33 # sya 05.37.34 # say 05.37.37 # logf("TMO bufcheck: %d, %d", data_counters.remaining, data_counters.useful); 05.37.51 # yeah, basically 05.37.57 # really just need it inside the sys_timeout one 05.37.59 # the filling one works 05.38.18 # I just developed a new theory though 05.38.38 # could have to do with the updates to data counters 05.38.59 Quit homielowe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.39.35 # interesting 05.40.38 # here is what mine looks like right now, just so we are on the same page 05.40.42 # http://pastebin.com/m3db9ae0d 05.41.30 # emeraldd: cool -- weird that it's showing the diffs against svn that I committed? 05.41.42 # ah, you haven't svn up'd since using the aptch 05.42.28 # yeah 05.42.56 # would that help? 05.43.27 # no, but probably better to sync up -- I'd revert the yield patch and update to svn if I were you 05.44.00 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 05.45.13 # I think I sent the wrong diff 05.45.21 # I did pull that yield out 05.46.29 # emeraldd: k 05.49.09 # interesting, my working copy seems to have other differences that what was comitted, 05.49.19 Join homielowe [0] (n=chatzill@d207-81-67-190.bchsia.telus.net) 05.49.29 # emeraldd: I think I tweaked and commented before committing 05.50.35 # http://pastebin.com/d4455a7d4 05.51.23 # yeah, the svn version is 'right' other than the logfs that we've been adding 05.52.16 # check, 05.53.58 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=Me@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 05.54.47 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c210-49-113-143.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 05.55.01 # ok, I should be working off the most recent svn version now, 05.55.11 # cool 05.55.58 # size_t is an int right? 05.56.16 # it's generally an unsigned long int (32 bit int) 05.56.37 # you won't find any floats in rockbox 05.57.37 # I get a warning about the %d in that last logf 05.57.45 # should it be a %u or something similar? 05.57.45 # oh, shoot, should be %ld 05.57.50 # ahh 05.57.51 # ok 05.58.02 # but in practice it will work fine either way ;) 05.58.17 # (and I was whining about others using %d for %ld earlier today too) *smacks self* 05.58.36 # been there and done that ;) 05.58.43 # slightly different context 06.00.10 # transfering 06.02.06 # playing 06.03.07 # http://test.lostlogicx.com/transfer/rockbox/20071103_volatile_counters.patch is the next thing I want to test (depending on the result of the current logf) 06.03.19 Join eigma [0] (n=cat@ 06.03.21 # jhMikeS: ping 06.03.24 # dead with 17854 06.03.58 # damn, you're getting tragically good at breaking it, logf me :) 06.03.58 # and I can't spell buffering 06.04.04 # *grin* 06.04.43 # better to be good at killing it than to not be able to duplicate the probelm except on a whim 06.04.46 # ;) 06.05.05 # yes, quite. 06.06.34 # http://pastebin.com/d3eb3b37c 06.07.41 # 24 megs remaining... 17854 on the buffer 06.07.49 # it should be shrinking and filling 06.07.49 # wtf 06.08.28 Join ashridah [0] (n=ashridah@c-67-168-108-222.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 06.10.18 # logf("conf_watermark=%d",conf_watermark); 06.10.29 # is that %d or %ld? 06.10.29 # emeraldd: stick that in Q_SET_WATERMARK block in buffering_thread 06.10.37 # lol not sure, %ld probably 06.10.44 # right before the break; 06.10.54 # check 06.11.45 # ld 06.11.59 # because if that's < 17k, I'm going to punch something :-P 06.12.16 # it should be 512k 06.14.26 # ok 06.15.16 Part ashridah ("Leaving") 06.16.05 # ...should I try repartitioning my nano when i have installed rockbox onto it properly (im not asinine) and the bootloader spits at me an "unable to find rockbox.ipod" error? 06.16.25 # or... something? i've exhausted both search means and myself in trying to find a solution. 06.16.45 # SoulinEther: where is rockbox.ipod located on the drive? 06.16.57 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 06.17.04 # allow me to check. 06.17.17 # I took the misspelled log line out as well 06.18.03 Quit Mouser_X ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 06.18.07 # ha, apparently i am asinine 06.18.13 Join alienbiker99 [0] (n=alienbik@ool-44c126d4.dyn.optonline.net) 06.18.28 # emeraldd: :) 06.18.42 # SoulinEther: laugh, or perhaps just made an error ;) 06.18.43 # Ok, well, fsck.vfat wasnt too friendly to my installation of rockbox 06.18.55 # SoulinEther: you have fs corruption? 06.19.12 # lostlogic: dead at 17854 again 06.19.17 # hum... what are the red flags of said issue? 06.19.24 Join Calcipher [0] (n=Calciphe@ool-18bab657.dyn.optonline.net) 06.19.59 Join Mouser_X [0] (i=cf9bb003@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-5b4cd71010b52571) 06.20.00 # eigma: gnip? 06.20.02 Quit Mouser_X (Client Quit) 06.20.04 # hey 06.20.35 # hm, your specific wording has given me guidance on google, thank you lostlogic 06.21.24 # Anyone recall any kind of feature request for a "speak whats playing now screen" button on rb? 06.21.50 Join webguest51 [0] (i=d2d59c0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-de6039089c75f3c1) 06.21.55 Join Mouser_X [0] (i=cf9bb003@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-35fc268b92e01b02) 06.22.06 # lostlogic: http://pastebin.com/d5a904373 06.22.16 # lostlogic: guess what the water mark is 06.22.32 # find something soft before reading that 06.22.43 # I have a blind friend who I've just installed rb for, on a Sansa e260R 06.22.47 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 06.23.00 # what in th eliving name of all that is holy 06.23.01 # how the fuck 06.23.37 # emeraldd: thank you. that sure is odd, I wonder how it gets to be zero, at least it lays plain how it gets broken 06.23.41 # * Mouser_X hears screaming coming from the rough direction of Washington state... 06.24.22 # check playback? 06.26.35 # we were thinking that using the rec button on the e200 series players as a "speak current item, or wps " function would be a great accesability improvement 06.27.06 # lostlogic: check the code in set_filebuf_watermark 06.27.37 # thats only an example of how the feature could be mapped, since I don't think the rec button does anything on my rb'ed Sansa 06.28.22 # and line 2390 in playback.c 06.28.35 # buffer_margin is set to 0 at line 259 06.29.09 # so when you get to line 2390 in audio_load_track 06.29.15 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c210-49-113-143.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 06.29.39 # you have set_filebuf_watermark(buffer_margin, 0) which is (0,0) 06.29.59 # set_filebuf_watermark takes the max of those (0) 06.30.04 # line 3279 06.30.11 # #ifndef flash 06.30.15 # sets the margin 06.30.17 # adorable. 06.30.34 # yup 06.30.46 # c200 has flash storage alright 06.31.08 # Calcipher: that does sound like a nice feature, but most often all buttons are already mapped... still, worth submitting to flyspray as a feature to track... most of the 'major' devs don't seem to be in here atm 06.31.39 Quit JdGordon (Client Quit) 06.32.36 # ah ok, thanks lostlogic, I'll do that, maybe it should be an optional setting?... don't know how it would be approached for other targets, since I myself only have a e200 series player 06.33.36 # Calcipher: yeah, I hear ya -- could even be a build-time option to map remap another function elsewhere for an accessible build. 06.34.33 Part SoulinEther 06.34.34 Quit Mouser_X ("CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06)") 06.35.08 # yeah, do you want to go ahead and add the item yourself, you have a better understanding of rockbox, so you can suggest better ways to implement that right off the bat 06.36.45 # emeraldd: committed 06.36.48 # lostlogic: perhaps this? http://pastebin.com/d46da2b70 06.36.53 # Calcipher: no, I don't 06.37.22 # emeraldd: see what I committed instead (took me two commits, because I'm special) 06.38.26 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c210-49-113-143.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 06.38.57 # •lostlogic• ok, so I will make the request, and wait and see what the other devs think up, on what the best way to implement that kind of function 06.39.26 # will be my first request made on flyspray 06.39.48 # that will return the same result, i think 06.40.19 # Calcipher: yeah, I'm not sure what you should expect in the way of a response, you'll probably want to come back here and poke at some of the other guys who are more UI focussed once the request is in FS to solicit them to comment on it and to make sure it's not forgotten 06.40.26 # Ahh, neverminf 06.40.28 # mind 06.40.57 # I will 06.41.17 # Calcipher: I personally stay as far away from the UI code as I can ;) 06.41.37 # haha, why is that? 06.41.50 # emeraldd: my theory is that this way it's defaulted to 512k unless a codec says otherwise... I think... 06.42.12 # Calcipher: dont' like it, don't use it... I turn my player on on shuffle over a large playlist and ignore it ;) 06.43.38 # ah 06.44.16 Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 06.45.25 # lostlogic: that looks like what it should do . . . . building 06.45.37 # emeraldd: sighugh 06.45.53 # all that chasing of other race conditions that _should_ have been recovering 06.45.56 # I guess it's good 06.46.00 # better not to hafta be 'recovering' 06.46.03 # but still what a couple of days 06.46.13 # lostlogic: fwiw I'm testing it too, just gonna let it run on the foul MP3s whilst I shower 06.46.21 # hcs: thanks man 06.46.33 # I feel like I've exhausted 3 testers on this bug now 06.46.43 # :) 06.47.01 # ;) 06.47.01 # so the root of the issue was that someone thought flash access was instantaneous? 06.47.05 # it's been fun 06.47.19 # fwiw, I'm also going to commit some other fixage that should make it not need that fixage... in a bit 06.47.20 # precognitive, even? 06.47.36 # hcs: loosely yeah basically didn't fully look at the side effects of setting the watermark to zero 06.47.40 # ie it will never fill 06.48.10 # I'm considering adding an explicit minimum watermark of CONF_FILECHUNK into the buffering side so that it protects itself from idiot clients 06.48.23 # that would be a good idea 06.48.29 # deals with broken codec's as well 06.48.33 # emeraldd: good point. 06.48.44 # always good to protect oneself from those. 06.49.35 # a logf for the bad watermark would probably be a good idea, 06.49.56 # emeraldd: mmhmm 06.50.53 # here we gooooo . . . . . 06.50.58 # * lostlogic ducks 06.51.37 # emeraldd: I get the feeling that you will be developing with us soon... you're a pretty quick study. 06.52.00 # ;) 06.52.07 # yeah!!!! 06.52.11 # It filled! 06.52.12 # zomgwtfbbq 06.52.32 # same here 06.52.55 # closing damn gremlin filled bug from hell 06.53.43 # My day job is hunting bugs in an archiac c/perl/informix 4gl/spl system 06.53.49 # that thing is a nightmare 06.53.59 # in retrospect it seems obvious that the places to check would have been HAVE_FLASH_STORAGE 06.53.59 # emeraldd: good god... large perl applications are ... ouch 06.54.20 # hcs: yeah, I didn't realize there were any inside playback code :( 06.54.26 # JdGordon: ping 06.54.32 # that's what i get for having not been active for so many months leading up to MoB 06.54.37 # hey eigma 06.54.47 # JdGordon: I broke'd my m:robe :( 06.55.03 # oh no 06.55.05 # how? 06.55.11 # lostlogic: and it did it again :) cool it's working 06.55.14 # there's something seriously wrong with the screen 06.55.28 # broken? or software problem? 06.55.29 # the colours are completely screwed.. it doesn't show black at all 06.55.33 # I don't know 06.55.39 # I mean, I didn't crack it or anything like that 06.55.58 # its open yeah? maybe something got shorted? 06.56.03 # I'm hoping it's a sw problem, but leaving it with the battery unplugged for a wihle didn't help 06.56.12 # :'( that sucks 06.56.36 # I was sending some strange commands over SPI with the backlight chip selected, but I don't see how that could have persistent bad effects 06.57.51 # you think they'd take it back in warranty? ;) -- http://photos-930.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v71/244/124/90403930/n90403930_32420778_4082.jpg 06.58.05 # (note wires sticking out of back) 06.58.32 Join RoC_MasterMind [0] (n=Free@c-66-177-39-225.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 06.58.44 # lostlogic:So how long till the commit ? 06.58.44 # haha 07.00.36 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.00.36 Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 07.02.03 # lostlogic: crap, I'm brain dead 07.02.04 # emeraldd: just did a couple more commits 07.02.37 # eigma: jtag doesn't void warranty does it??? 07.02.52 # I sure have been giving the build servers a workout lately 07.04.33 # oh damn, daylight savings kicked in. 07.04.56 # couple more hours here, hehe 07.04.56 # fuckin government messing with time. 07.05.01 # stupid. 07.05.20 # lostlogic: I'm pretty sure soldering on the board and drilling a hole in the case does.. 07.05.31 # ...unfortunately ;) 07.05.32 # ooh 07.06.44 Join amin [0] (i=RAVE@ 07.07.02 # zomg time.nist.gov is down.. must have crashed because of new DST 07.07.28 # there's no un-tagged music in my itunes, that Ive transferred to my ipod, but after accessing that music from .rockbox it still is showing some part of the music as untagged :| 07.08.12 # tag version? 07.08.42 # emeraldd didnt get you .. 07.08.55 # 'night all, hope no gremlins are biting 07.09.14 # eigma: pool.ntp.org 07.09.26 # night 07.09.36 # I'm thinking that I've seen that if I have music that is either badly tagged or conflictingly tagged . . . . 07.09.48 # I could be thinking of something completely different though 07.10.59 # rockbox is showing [Title] = No info, [Artist] = Kylie Minouge, [Album] = Fever 07.11.17 # of that particular music that it's showing untagged 07.11.25 # but same track shows up fine from itunes 07.11.26 # :S 07.14.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.15.00 # no clue :( 07.22.28 # how do i get ubuntu to recognize my ipod? it was autodetected until i put rockbox onto it 07.22.40 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 07.24.13 Join JdGordon [0] (n=Miranda@c210-49-113-143.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 07.28.36 # amin: have you tried retagging the file? ( clearing all tags and resetting them?) 07.31.59 # emeraldd no I havent how to do that 07.33.54 # aww crap, added a feature request on the tracker...my first, and of course I had to misspell the title 07.34.51 # If anyone cares enough to edit the title, and also consider the request hehe, that would be appreciated 07.34.58 # foo, unfortunately, I know next to nothing about itunes :( 07.35.33 # FS#8083 07.36.15 # emeraldd dont tell me abt itunes.. just tell me the procedure to tag every track by resetting them, Ill delete everything from ituens and update it again 07.38.03 Join Llorea1 [0] (n=llorean@ 07.38.21 Quit Llorean (Nick collision from services.) 07.38.23 Nick Llorea1 is now known as Llorean (n=llorean@ 07.38.59 # amin:how I would do it probably won't work for you, I'd use amarok/mp3info on linux 07.40.14 # I like amarok, what linux are you using emeraldd? 07.40.23 # gentoo 07.40.48 # oh, I've never used gentoo 07.41.15 # you need a good chip, every install is a compile 07.41.26 # I have only used Mandrake and Ubuntu 07.42.00 # amin:look for an id3 tag editor online 07.42.11 # I know next to nothing about Linux, and what I learned I forgot most of 07.42.30 # calcipher: the way you keep it is to use it all the time :) 07.42.50 # I don't have machine that I use regularly with anything but linux/unix on it 07.43.44 # I see, I have a Mac and a frankenstein PC with windows XP 07.44.23 # I'm just used to being able to find things easier for windows 07.44.49 # felt like more of a hassel when I was using mandrake 07.44.57 # definitely 07.45.07 # especially after they butchered it into mandriva 07.45.11 # I was told by many people already, that Mandrake sucks hard 07.45.22 # so that might be a bad intro to linux 07.45.37 # I used it for a while, and did pretty well with it 07.45.40 # urpmi is nice 07.45.46 # yum is decent on fedora 07.45.58 # and this is getting well off topic ;) 07.46.25 # hehe very true 07.46.43 Join webguest99 [0] (i=80b1e623@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e03c84aeb75ca9bb) 07.46.51 # Take a look at a recent fedora, and with that, and a clock reading 1:46 am, I'm out of here ;) 07.47.01 # can someone help me with rockbox 07.47.04 Quit emeraldd ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12") 07.47.26 # is there anyway i can just start up my normal ipod without rockbox starting or do i have to uninstall it completly 07.47.54 # How do I play videos on rockbox ? Ive transferred few videos thru itunes .. but it doesnt display those videos as it has displayed songs transferred thru itunes 07.49.35 Quit jhulst (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 07.50.09 Quit eigma (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 07.50.53 Quit webguest57 ("CGI:IRC") 07.51.11 Quit RoC_MasterMind (Connection timed out) 07.51.58 Join RoC_MasterMind [0] (n=Free@c-66-177-39-225.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 07.54.34 Quit webguest99 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 07.57.14 # amin: In all seriousness, you need to read the manual and look things up in it before asking in here. Over the last few days you've asked many questions that are answered in the manual. 08.00.51 # Llorean I checked it but there it's not mentioned how to bring untagged tracks at the bottom when I go in database > tracks 08.02.04 # Your last question was about video... 08.02.18 Join J-23 [0] (i=aldwulf@a187.net131.okay.pl) 08.02.20 # Hello! 08.02.39 # As for your iTunes music, iTunes doesn't always tag songs, it just puts the info in *its* database. Use a better tagging program 08.03.15 # I used godfather 08.03.25 # and still I cant see tagged music in rockbox 08.05.01 Join ptw419 [0] (n=ptw419@ 08.05.04 # You said Rockbox is showing that the title tag is empty 08.05.09 # This means something is still wrong with it. 08.05.44 # is there a possibility that I can select all the untagged files and Just delete them 08.06.14 # You can just create a playlist of all the untagged files, then use that to look them up. 08.06.54 Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.06.55 Quit webguest51 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 08.07.23 # Ive also checking abt the artwork of the album .. like the when I play a certain album track it shows the image of the artist but in rockbox .wps it does not 08.08.27 Quit RoC_MasterMind ("Leaving") 08.08.42 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c210-49-113-143.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 08.14.32 Join MrRichard [0] (i=Tentacle@ 08.14.39 # Hello irc. 08.14.53 # now this is strange .. I merely have 2-3 untagged tracks if i go thru Database > Artist .. but theres a huge list of untrack songs if I go thru Database > Tracks .. is this is a bug in .rockbox ? 08.15.51 # I think I've had similar problems, amin 08.15.57 # What did you use to tag your songs? 08.16.01 Join ptw [0] (n=ptw419@24-155-142-110.dyn.grandenetworks.net) 08.16.09 # godfather 08.16.18 # Oh okay. I haven't a clue then. 08.16.28 # what did u use ? 08.17.49 # amin: "Untagged" under "Artist" would mean they don't have the artist tag, "Untagged" under track would mean they don't have the title tag, I think. 08.18.33 # And please respect our channel guidelines. 08.19.07 # I havent dis respect any, intentionally 08.19.46 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B17C85.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.19.50 # "Use clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled English. "Words" such as "thx", "u", and "kewl" are not acceptable." 08.20.05 # I've been trying to sort my database issue out for a while now, and still to no avail. 08.21.14 # If my database will not initialise [ie gets stuck on 'found... 0'], and we'll assume it's because of some crazy tag; if I remove the file with the malevolent tag, will my database work, or will I have to reformat entirely? 08.21.17 Quit ptw () 08.21.36 # MrRichard: If you can find the problematic file, then you should just need to "initialize now" again and wait. 08.22.23 # llorean: excellent, thank you. 08.22.44 # Just to make it easier to find - what sort of things am I supposed to be looking for that may be cuasing this problem? 08.22.58 # I really don't know. 08.23.03 # Oh okay. 08.23.12 # In all honesty, nothing should cause that sort of behaviour. So once you identify what *is* causing it, you should file a bug report about it. 08.23.29 # Will do. thanks. Nobody seems to be able to help :P 08.24.10 # Unfortunately, nobody really can help with problems that they haven't experienced and solved before 08.24.23 Quit ptw419 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.24.55 # That's what worries me. Something must be heinously wrong if it is some sort of exotic error 08.25.20 Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@206-159-155-246.netsync.net) 08.26.21 # Nah 08.26.32 # More likely it's probably some very obvious and silly mistake. 08.26.39 # Like using > instead of >= somewhere 08.26.47 # Let's hope. 08.26.53 # But until there's a clear sign where to look it'd be nearly impossible to spot 08.27.06 # I'll test now, by deleting some files and seeing what changes 08.28.10 # Out of curiosity, would strange characters, such as japanese characters possibly cause any issues? 08.28.31 # They *shouldn't* 08.28.36 # but that's a should not, not will not. :) 08.29.01 # Yeah. I've just heard of certain players not being overly keen on foreign characters 08.29.14 # Rockbox works the same on all players, though. 08.31.01 # Llorean ive updated all the tags now, with track names. will they be automatically synced if I connect my ipod to itunes 08.31.20 # I don't use iTunes, so I have no idea. 08.31.33 # amin: try to get into the habit of drag+dropping your music. 08.31.49 # as opposed to using iTunes 08.33.52 # MrRichard drag and drop from the itunes or just to the f:\ipod 08.37.34 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.39.36 # just wondering, it'd be silly to record in stereo on a sansa, as it only has one microphone? (other than FM, of course) 08.41.02 # Can I use multiboot - original firmware and Rockbox? 08.41.07 # (Sansa c240) 08.41.56 # hcs: It'd be silly to record on the sansa, since it's at half the usual sample rate iirc. :-P but yeah, stereo from the internal mic is probably not useful 08.42.31 # Llorean: well, considering I don't have a microphone for the iPod it's my only choice at the moment 08.43.03 # But yeah, it should just be a mono input 08.45.51 # or restore original firmware without booting Rocbox? 08.45.55 # Rock* 08.47.23 # J-23: The c200 should dual boot just fine... 08.49.05 # I need MSC mode? 08.54.04 # How I can configure dualboot? 08.55.03 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) 08.55.51 # Bootloader install returns "No sansa found" 08.56.11 # Are you using sansapatcher or rbutil? 08.56.31 # rbutilqt on Windows 08.56.35 # Try sansapatcher 09.00.10 # it works! :) 09.01.28 # But can I restore original firmware without starting RB? (i.e. when Rockbox crash) 09.13.55 Join webguest03 [0] (i=54d15b74@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-11d4029a82eaa9b5) 09.14.37 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.15.30 # How I can play music from old firmware? 09.17.46 # Is there a way to see a list like http://www.rockbox.org/recent.shtml#svn but that goes even farther back in time? 09.19.20 # I have uploaded music to my Sansa with MTP, how I can copy it to Rockbox? 09.22.42 # Isolinear: Look at the links at the bottom of the list... 09.23.15 # J-23: The music is still there, exactly where you put it. As long as it's not copy-protected, and is in a format Rockbox can play, just use database, or browse to it. 09.23.38 # Haha, I hadn't quite scrolled far enough... Thanks.. :) 09.26.03 # Llorean: changed your mind with the keymap? 09.26.40 # JdGordon: Been a hell of a day. 09.27.02 # Thanks for reminding me. 09.27.15 # :) 09.35.04 # JdGordon: I'll commit it tomorrow. The patch is ready, but I really ought to fix the manual before I do so. 09.36.36 # I also want to come up with a commit message that will present minimal confusion, and I'm not sure I can manage that tonight. :) 09.37.37 # "Things changed." 09.37.57 # "Things changed, you'll figure it out" ;) 09.39.17 # still not having any luck with these database issues... 09.39.37 # Ive been deleting suspicious files/folders one by one 09.39.45 # but so far nothing's worked. 09.39.53 # MrRichard: do a binary search 09.40.01 # How would I go about doing that? 09.40.39 # delete half of your files and see if it is apparent...if not, check the other half....repeat until you ahve teh file(s) 09.41.08 # That's similar to what I'm doing. But I'll try that now. 09.41.42 # What I'm doing is deleting files, deleting database.tcd, then reinitialising the database to see if it works. Is this what I should be doing> 09.42.33 # Llorean if I want to play videos on rockbox, do I need to copy it in .rockbox/videos or it can play those videos that are present in applefirmware 09.43.09 # amin: Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you can put the video anywhere and then just open it respectively. 09.43.16 # amin: Remember what I said about reading the manual? 09.43.36 Join ddalton [0] (n=Daniel@124-168-13-251.dyn.iinet.net.au) 09.43.48 # thanks MrRichard 09.43.52 # Anyone got the docs for the e200 rtc? 09.44.06 # I am thinking of buying one and want to get the wakeup alarm working... 09.44.22 # e200? Is that the sansa? 09.44.42 # yes 09.44.43 # yes Llorean I do remember and after reading it, I still could not figure out how to play videos on rockbox because I've transferred the videos in applefirmware but rockbox cannot locate those videos through Files 09.45.04 # amin: And the manual says you need to convert videos specifically for rockbox... 09.45.10 # 250, 260, 270 and 280 09.45.20 # 2, 4, 6 and 8 gb 09.45.38 # Llorean thanks, I will carefully read it again 09.45.39 # amin: llorean is correct, this is specified in the manual. 09.46.29 # who did the port? 09.46.34 # (sansa e200) 09.47.57 # * ddalton Svn is annoying ddalton 09.49.02 # I know I should know the answer to this. But how do I delete a dir in linux? 09.50.18 # ddalton: rm -rf 09.50.32 # oh ok thanks. 09.51.24 # Calcipher: around? 09.52.41 # •ddalton• yup 09.52.55 # This is getting ridiculous, I've deleted nearly my entire library and still my database will not work 09.53.00 # its almost 4am here, but not so bright me is still awake 09.53.32 Quit webguest03 ("CGI:IRC") 09.53.46 # Calcipher: ok well. Im just going to read your comment on that fs report. I would think a list for the wps info would be best. What do you think? 09.54.17 # lots of info coming at you isn't good trust me. I use screenreaders and its not a nice thing... 09.55.31 # and configurable buttons won't be accepted... 09.55.34 # Database info states "DB Ready: No" "Progress: -1% (0 entries)" and "RAM Cache: No" Anyone have /any/ idea what may eb causing this? 09.55.42 # •ddalton• I understand, thats why I'm suggesting having the items that are included on the "speak wps" function be pre selected from a list of information you want it to read each time 09.56.07 Part J-23 09.56.30 # so if you want it to read name, elapsed/duration, artist, album, next 09.56.52 # Calcipher: Hang on. How many settings do you want! 09.56.57 # or any combination of possible items that you can set in settings 09.58.13 # •ddalton• what do you think about that idea? that way if you want less information you can specify what fields it looks to read to you on wps 09.58.20 # I only have a quarter of my library left on the device now ... 09.58.36 # Should I have Load to RAM selected? 09.59.15 # Calcipher: I would say. Just speak the elapsed time and length. You can go to track info for more information... 09.59.16 # •ddalton• its almost like a configurable alternate voice driven wps if you think about how different wps will display different information 09.59.36 # have you seen sdoyon's patch (in 6323?) 09.59.40 # id3 info voicing. 10.00.08 # no I haven'te 10.00.19 # check it out. 10.00.35 # if I delete the .playlist_control file in .rockbox, will it delete any playlists I have made? 10.00.40 # I have never tried any patches, don't even know how to install them yet 10.01.14 # you need to setup your build environment. worth doing. 10.01.20 # but just read the description. 10.01.23 # I struggled with patching 10.01.26 # Too many errors... 10.01.49 # not if they have been resynced 10.02.01 # I guess it helps me that I understand how to resync them... 10.03.18 # hmm 10.03.34 # so you can get more info that way. But for quick info maybe this one... 10.03.42 # any one know some other site for themes except http://www.rockbox-themes.org/ 10.03.47 # let me write one up for the wps and you can tell me what you think. 10.03.57 # I just need to figure out how to find the elapsed time... 10.08.15 # Oh man. I've basically emptied my library and still database won't work... 10.08.53 # I personally only see that time function useful if your listening to a long file like an audiobook or cast 10.09.40 # well. 1. To configurable. 2. Lots info at once isn't good 10.09.44 # of 10.09.53 Quit Bagder ("*plopp*") 10.11.04 # too configurable? 10.11.19 # yes. we don't like lots of settings in rockbox. :-) 10.11.37 # ask JdGordon why 10.11.43 # haha 10.12.11 # well its not like its up to me anyway 10.12.49 # I've never used any of those patches, I noticed there are a few interesting ones added by stephan doyon 10.13.09 # ok going for dinner. ill see if I can write up a patch. But very busy tonight. 10.13.12 # I give up 10.13.16 # Im reformatting 10.13.37 # get your dev environment working first because you will need it to test this out if I write it 10.15.23 # While I'm reformatting, can anyone recommend a good .flac ripper/converter 10.15.24 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet11.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 10.17.18 Join Bagder [0] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) 10.17.29 # which is the folder that .rockbox copy from backdrop or backdrops 10.18.03 # what sort of configurabilty do we want to allow for the statusbar? 10.18.32 # the default icons there are way too small on the mr500 so i figured i may as well fix it for all targets instead of just that one 10.20.27 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 10.22.26 Join Siku [0] (n=Siku@e81-197-74-19.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 10.22.48 # •JdGordon• what status bar changes are you planning? 10.23.28 # im not really sure how far to take it.. custom icons and colours i guess 10.23.36 # JdGordon: IMO we want it to be as configurable as possible. But at the very least, I think we need custom height, colours (fg/bg), and ability to display info as either text or icons. 10.23.41 # •JdGordon• also, have you looked at any of the earlier comments on the recent voice feature request I made? 10.24.07 # no 10.24.20 # nice, I would love a more visible status bar 10.24.41 # Are there any E200 users running the Rockbox bootloader instead of the Sansa bootloader? (sansapatcher -bl option) If so, is it working well? 10.24.42 # so allowing configurability will make that possible 10.25.01 # linuxstb: i am... almost no speed difference, but it does work fine 10.25.13 # JdGordon: Have you lost recovery mode? 10.25.20 # i dont tihnk so 10.25.27 # * JdGordon will check 10.25.57 # I'm thinking it may be nice to make that the default install method. 10.25.57 # I don't even remember what bootloader I'm using. 10.26.29 # •linuxstb• what method is that? 10.26.36 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 10.26.38 # linuxstb: yeah, looks like I have lost recovery... 10.26.45 # It would also make it easy to extend e200rpatcher to install the bootloader - it will simply need to embed a bootloader image in the uploaded application, and write it to the start of the firmware partition. 10.27.06 # JdGordon: OK, that makes sense - it seems recovery mode is a feature of the sandisk bootloader. 10.27.18 # it is, yes 10.27.22 # we dont really need rec mode though do we? 10.27.43 # _we_ don't, but users seem to find a way to need it... 10.28.30 # Although most problems seem to be caused by people doing wrong things in recovery mode, so disabling it might actually help ;) 10.29.30 # haah yeah 10.29.53 # hehee indeed 10.29.55 # amiconn: Have you started runtime tests with HD power-off? I'm about to start a reference test on my Color (from before your commit). 10.30.37 Quit amin () 10.30.53 # Calcipher: got homework to do but will see if I can write you up one sometime this week. 10.31.05 # What about the standard firmware upgrade procedure - copying a firmware file to the FAT32 partition? Is that a feature of the main firmware? 10.31.19 # yes 10.31.19 Join pepie34 [0] (n=pepie34@ANantes-154-1-49-51.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr) 10.31.21 # JdGordon: BTW do you have the sansa e200 rtc docs? 10.31.39 # linuxstb: I would assume it is at least 10.32.14 # I'm heading to bed now, but I would like to hear what you all think of some suggestion I made, and would like to hear feedback on how or if its possible 10.32.29 # btw, the view does indeed look a lot like the ipod video: 10.32.30 # http://www.anythingbutipod.com/archives/2007/10/sandisk-sansa-view-video-out.php 10.32.44 # the item is FS#8083, and a wonderful misspelled title 10.33.13 # linuxstb: or do you have them? 10.34.10 # ddalton: No 10.35.15 Join zicho [0] (n=martin@c-6a98e355.68-7-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 10.35.37 # Bagder: So it seems the View has TV-Out, but sandisk aren't selling a cable for it? 10.35.43 # yeah 10.35.46 # very strange 10.36.10 # not selling *YET* 10.36.49 # he he 10.37.23 # Bagder: I tihnk we are about the same point with the mr500 that the e200 was when we started offering svn builds... doom works! 10.37.32 # yay! 10.37.50 # * linuxstb begs that we write documentation before announcing it's supported and offering downloads 10.37.50 # so you want mr500 builds added to the build and daily tables? 10.38.11 # yeah, but we can add it to the build table anyway, just not providing any zips 10.38.14 # would be nice.. but actually i tihnk linuxstb has a good point 10.38.35 # It still had a few warnings last time I built it (yesterday) 10.38.45 # * JdGordon looking to hopefully get help writing the touchpad code for all the screens :p 10.38.50 # yeah, they can be cleaned up 10.39.02 # Bagder: no need for a bootloader build if you do add them 10.39.09 # having it in the build table usually helps cleaning up the warnings ;-) 10.39.09 # What does installation involve for the mr500? 10.39.20 # so a sim and a normal build then 10.39.34 # its not a simple install proccess yet :( 10.39.37 # JdGordon: Why don't you need a bootloader build? 10.39.50 # the OF loads the main rockbox binary 10.39.58 # That's friendly of it... 10.40.05 # you needs to install a hacked OF first 10.40.13 # Ouch... 10.40.19 # then create a remix thing which then gets replaced with a hacked .svg 10.40.33 # night folks 10.41.00 # that sounds like the process for the linux install on the mrobe 10.41.04 # JdGordon: if you get them can you send them to me? 10.41.31 # How is the OF hacked? Is there a tool available to patch it, or do you just download it from somewhere? 10.41.36 # only certain peo[ple got them 10.41.51 # Im not sure 10.42.01 # eigima and kkurbjun will know about that more than me 10.42.01 # JdGordon: who has them? how can I get them? 10.42.10 # * JdGordon not sure who has them 10.42.18 # JdGordon: So presumably you were given a copy of the hacked firmware to install? 10.42.23 # why do you want them? you really think you'll be able to do anything usefull with them?> 10.42.27 # yeah 10.42.32 # * ddalton Does his homework 10.42.55 # ok better go now. 10.42.58 Quit ddalton ("I was using BOFHNet IRC version 1.2 by fmillion - get your copy today from http://www.the-bofh.com/bofhnet/irc !") 10.44.18 # ok, two mr500 builds added to the build table 10.45.17 # yay :) 10.45.29 # * JdGordon gets ready to fix yellow 10.46.01 # Bagder: oh, is there a reason the 2 tables are in a different order? 10.46.08 # yes 10.46.16 # :-) 10.46.20 # oh.. ok :p 10.46.35 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@175-022-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 10.46.43 # but the reason is so lame I don't dare to tell ;-) 10.47.06 # you dont want to fix it? its annoying :p 10.47.28 # really, the column order in the delta table is meant to be controlled by a sort order table, but it bugs 10.47.44 # the order of the columns in the main build table is simply alphabetical 10.47.49 # of the full build name 10.47.55 # JdGordon: Are you sure the m:robe OF is hacked? I've just been reading about the Linux installation, and my first impression is that it's a specific version of the OF, which has a known exploit. 10.48.18 # (I could be wrong...) 10.48.26 # I'm pretty sure its hacked.... but yeah, i cant really remember 10.49.11 # If it's hacked, then I can't see why we can't just modify it to insert our bootloader code into the image. 10.50.04 # we havnt got up to that yet.. but that is the plan 10.50.22 # only eigima has jtag connected to his, and he may have damaged it today which isnt very good :p 10.50.53 Quit pepie34 ("Ex-Chat") 10.53.23 Quit zicho (Remote closed the connection) 10.53.33 # Who needs jtag anyway... ;) 10.53.49 # gee, the problem with the non-working column sort order was that I modified the wrong script... :-P 10.55.59 # haha 10.56.47 # lostlogic: Battery runtime should now be better than before, but I never said it would be better than the apple OF on 4th gen and up 10.57.01 # That requires quite some more work 10.57.39 # On PP5002 (1st...3rd gen ) we are on par or even a bit better than the OF 10.58.44 # What sort of runtime do you get on your PP5002 targets? 10.59.43 Join pixelma [0] (n=Marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 11.03.12 # * linuxstb wants an email "diff" program to read Rocker's emails... 11.08.47 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 11.12.08 Join ilgufo [0] (n=matteo@host131-155-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 11.12.42 # the mrobe wasnt put in a nice spot :p it was good having all the hwcodecs together 11.13.10 # I was just about to ask the same - was that intentional? (Bagder?) 11.13.28 # linuxstb: I my test in August, I got 16 hours 3 minutes out of my 2nd gen 11.13.49 Join Bagder_ [0] (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 11.13.54 # It has a 1600mAh battery instead of the stock 1200mAh, so "normalized" it would mean 12 hours. Apple promises 10 hours 11.14.19 # And there's another (slight) improvement that went in after this runtime test 11.14.27 # amiconn: That's very respectable... I assume you haven't jumped through the hoops required to test the OF runtime? 11.14.40 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.14.56 # No, as that would require installing iTunes, which refuse to do 11.15.01 # Bagder_: Is the position of the m:robe in the build table intentional? 11.15.03 # (insert "i") 11.15.10 # amiconn: There are also lots of alternatives... 11.15.17 # Bagder_: oh.. re your camera question... dont bother [aying a premium for sdhc... you'll run out of battery before your 3gb chip is filled anyway 11.16.46 # * linuxstb hopes MoB is stable enough to do a runtime test 11.17.41 # * amiconn wonders whether he should perform a runtime test on the G5.5 and the mini G2 11.18.41 # Hopefully someone will... 11.18.52 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@hdp186.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) 11.20.29 # linuxstb: On 2nd gen, disk poweroff and the PP internal device switch-off each provided about half of the runtime improvement 11.24.42 Join GnosticE [0] (n=dfearly@cpc1-port6-0-0-cust535.cos2.cable.ntl.com) 11.25.27 Part Llorean 11.30.17 Quit Bagder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.33.35 # that much? Wow. Just because of the Nano's poor runtime I guessed the HDD was less of a factor. 11.34.14 # My Video's battery is growing old, but I should be able to do some runtime tests this week. 11.35.55 # amiconn: half of whole runtime? so if it was 8 hours it gets to 12? 11.36.12 Quit MrRichard () 11.37.28 Quit ilgufo ("So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish - http://gufo.wordpress.com") 11.38.09 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ 11.38.09 Quit amiconn (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Organize your IRC") 11.40.42 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 11.43.34 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host170-217-dynamic.0-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 11.51.38 # Bagder_: no mrobe in the deltas table.. 11.55.20 # Bagder_: and when you get a chance.. can you move SimMouseInterface to TouchpadInterface please? 11.57.24 # pixelma: you round? 11.58.04 # yeah, but lunch break shortly, bbl 11.58.14 # ok dw 11.58.42 # i was going to ask about the manual and where to add the touchpad instructions in... but it can wait 12.01.06 # ok, did you already have a look at the platform files? But as I said, I'm afk for a while now 12.02.30 Part pixelma 12.03.22 Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3F2E8.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.04.03 # wow, just saw that switching off HDD was submitted for PP502x! will build now and do a battery bench :o) 12.04.13 # amiconn: thanks! 12.05.57 # Buschel: also a lot of work was done yesterday/last night on playback and buffering by lostlogic 12.08.23 # does anybody know how much current we save approximately? 12.11.47 Join Orc [0] (n=Orc@ 12.12.05 # sorry, Ineed help( 12.14.16 # I update original firmware, after use Ipodpatcher and copy .rockbox on player (iPod nano). 12.14.41 # sounds like you are on the right track so far. 12.14.55 # RockBox is running, plugins and conf running 12.15.15 # but anu track dont playing 12.15.45 Join ackbahr [0] (n=Ackbahr@d212-152-6-50.cust.tele2.ch) 12.16.11 # what happens when you play a track? 12.16.25 # hang 12.16.53 # any button dont work 12.18.05 # I understand because my Rockbox was stabilyty before backup 12.18.08 Join pondlife [0] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) 12.18.32 # JdGordon: delta should appear now, wiki page renamed 12.18.33 # Unfortunately for you a percentage of the Nanos out there seem to have problems with some recent changes in Rockbox. This is a (more or less) known issue and is being (more or less) looked into. I think there is a very good chance you have one of the effected Nanos. 12.18.35 Nick Bagder_ is now known as Bagder (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 12.18.41 # * Bagder vanishes again 12.21.07 # sorry, I understand this... This is a (more or less) known issue and is being (more or less) looked into 12.21.58 # I can change original firmware on 1.1 version? 12.22.29 # I honestly don't know what you can or can not do with the original firmware. 12.24.36 Nick parafin|away is now known as parafin (i=parafin@paraf.in) 12.24.45 Quit ackbahr (Remote closed the connection) 12.25.44 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e180247055.adsl.alicedsl.de) 12.28.34 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964ADF.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.29.10 Join k-man [0] (n=SK@unaffiliated/k-man) 12.29.12 # hello 12.29.18 # i have rockbox on my ipod 12.30.01 # i loaded all the songs using the ipod OS and I'm just using the rockbox db to access the music, however each song appears 4 times in rockbox 12.30.15 # like the db adds the song each time it updates even if its already in the db 12.30.50 # Is every song showing up exactly four times? 12.31.11 # yes 12.31.46 # I repair, but dont know how 12.32.13 # Soap: Its mystics 12.32.53 # Soap, any ideas? 12.33.15 # Four copies stumps me. 12.33.38 # damn 12.34.05 # k-man: you could try deletin the *.tcd file in the rockbox dir, and rebuild the db.. and see if it helps :-) 12.34.20 # Hey. Soap being stumped isn't the end of the world, there are 146 other people here, and most all of them know more than Soap! 12.34.21 # Domonoky, ah, ok, i'll try that 12.34.46 # hehe 12.35.01 Join lazka [0] (n=lazka@85-124-46-26.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at) 12.35.30 # Hmm, I just got my WPS displaying -32 of 375 (where -32 is the playlist position) 12.35.37 # Can't repro though 12.36.06 # k-man: also good a good test is, making a playlist of duplicate songs, and check the paths, if the duplicates in the db, are really the same file, or if your files are more then one time on the harddrive 12.37.26 Join sasukee_ [0] (n=SK@unaffiliated/sasukee) 12.38.47 Nick sasukee_ is now known as k-man__ (n=SK@unaffiliated/sasukee) 12.40.00 # do i just drop the rockbox files over the old ones to upgrade? 12.40.11 Quit Orc ("Leaving") 12.41.31 Join moos [0] (i=moos@m147.net81-66-159.noos.fr) 12.42.34 # what do I do with a scrobbler.log to cause it to be uploaded? 12.44.15 # ompaul: you have to use a tool to submitt it (for example QtScrobbler) 12.44.25 # ahh 12.44.40 # Domonoky, thanks 12.47.02 # k-man: yes 12.47.31 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 12.51.49 # Bagder: thanks 12.54.20 # pondlife: how badly do we want 8084 fixed? 12.54.21 Join ameeen [0] (i=RAVE@ 12.54.34 # it cant be done without a semi-nasty hack 12.54.35 Quit k-man (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.54.49 # Not badly, but I'd like Set Song Rating to work reliably 12.55.09 # i saved a .mpg file in the folder: f:\ .. I can access the folder thru Fiels menu of rockbox but I cant see that video ? 12.55.09 # 8024 12.55.44 # ill do the hack fix and you can decide if its worth it... 12.55.51 # Also, maybe Bagder could deny that task closure request...http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8024 12.56.00 # ameeen: change the view mode of rockbox.. see manual.. :-) 12.58.22 # wouldn anyone object to having a proper screen for the song rating? that inline menu is farking horrible! 13.00.26 # pondlife: http://rafb.net/p/AqC2j811.html should fix it.. up to you to commit... 13.00.29 # Domonoky I checked the manual, there's nothing mentioned abt from where I can get the mpeg player plugin :| 13.00.55 # JdGordon: haha, no I'll let you take the full blame this time :) 13.01.09 # compiling to test on my sansa 13.01.11 # A non-hacky fix would be better 13.01.17 # not possible 13.01.20 # ? 13.01.23 # Surely it's possible 13.01.27 # its this or nothing 13.01.39 # ameeen: change the view mode of the filebrowser in rockbox, then you can see the file, and play it... (how to chnage the view mode is in the manual) 13.01.52 # well... its this.. or a much larger hack 13.02.28 # it does work though 13.04.05 # Domonoky yes I found it and chnged the mode to: view all files.. now I can see the video file and since Ive selected it to play, it gave an error: missing packet start code ... prefix: 00 at 1B28 13.07.12 Join Frazz [0] (n=Fraser@thelawsons.plus.com) 13.08.06 # JdGordon: You've borked the voicing again ... 13.08.18 # where? 13.08.25 # That list commit, to redraw on no action 13.08.36 # oh bloody hell :'( 13.08.41 # I'll fix it 13.08.47 # I have an idea 13.08.55 # will rockbox work on the new ipod nano 4gb ? 13.08.56 # its gotta be done properly... 13.09.00 # Yep 13.09.08 # once and for all... 13.09.10 # cool ty 13.09.19 # You want to see the time update? Was that the reason? 13.09.42 Join Sedgewick [0] (n=Sedgewic@host234-194-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 13.09.43 # yeah.. we need to get it to redraw often.. but not stop voicing 13.11.41 # ameeen: How did you create the video? 13.11.58 # linuxstb I converted it into mpg video 13.12.08 # how is support for album art going? 13.14.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.14.50 # jpegs are working just fine, but taking too long to load .. but no complains.. vieos are not working at all 13.14.56 Quit Frazz ("Leaving") 13.17.27 Quit hcs ("Leaving.") 13.19.28 Join pixelma [0] (n=Marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 13.19.29 # pondlife: that hack added bassically 0 delta.. so im happy with it :p 13.20.21 # bass, bass .... ;) 13.21.50 # treble, treble... ? 13.30.21 # pondlife: ok so i was wrong :p there is a better way to do it :p 13.30.40 # With a green delta? 13.30.41 # :) 13.31.36 # probably i higher red... 13.31.54 # nope.. not working 13.32.44 # Hmm, the list isn't calling the get_talk routine when I move the selection... 13.32.55 # So my fix won't work 13.33.00 # Isn't it meant to? 13.33.58 # i tihnk list_do_Action is supposed to call that automatically 13.34.21 # Not working here - in the info screen (on simulator, admittedly). 13.34.34 # info_speak_item() is only called once, at initial enty,. 13.34.35 # entry 13.35.24 # Maybe that's sim thing, I'll put it on H340. 13.37.47 # revert my commit... its not worth the trouble.. 13.38.07 # a real proper fix needs to be found 13.38.12 Join lazka_ [0] (n=lazka@85-124-45-251.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at) 13.38.25 Join ApotheoZ [0] (i=Apo@nfb68-1-88-169-81-101.fbx.proxad.net) 13.41.06 # pondlife: is the list supposed to speak every redraw? 13.41.49 Join jack [0] (i=52266cfe@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3e2585e3d8291165) 13.42.16 # No 13.42.22 # help 13.42.29 # Every time the selection moves 13.43.11 # so why does redrawng kill talking? 13.43.18 # how did u install on 30gig ipod 13.43.34 # I don't know now 13.44.03 # it must be calling talk_shutup() too early 13.44.17 # It doesn't call that, does it 13.44.38 Quit jack (Client Quit) 13.45.14 # it does.. as it should... just its too often 13.45.17 # Previously it was calling info_speak_item() repeatedly 13.45.36 # ... or that could be the problem :p 13.45.44 # Starting a new bit of speech before the previous got spoken. 13.46.01 # But now it's not calling it much at all :) 13.46.13 # I've got to go, leave it with you 13.46.25 # ok 13.46.29 # I found the problem :) 13.46.37 # it is calling shutup too often 13.47.52 # im not sure why though 13.48.28 Part pondlife ("Gone") 13.48.49 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.48.55 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5584.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.49.08 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 13.49.14 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 13.49.56 # FFFFAAAAARKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13.50.35 Quit ameeen () 13.51.21 Quit lazka (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.53.17 # JdGordon: still red deltas ;P 13.53.35 # yeah, i was about to say thats why hacks are better than good code :p 13.54.08 # hehe :) 14.00.46 # Hmm, any e200 owner with a microsd card around? 14.01.30 # * JdGordon is 14.01.51 # I'd like to know whether the e200 finds the microsd card if it's plugged before booting 14.01.59 # (i.e. not hot-plug detection) 14.02.25 # yeah, works fine 14.02.56 # there is a bit which is set if the card is in which is checked on boot 14.03.20 # I'm trying to make microsd work on c200 14.04.26 # Somehow even cold plug doesn't work although there is code for it... 14.04.48 # disk_mount_all() eventually checks if the card is in 14.04.56 Quit k-man__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.04.57 # otherwise its done though hotplug 14.07.57 # amiconn: do you think my patch (8075) will be submitted? or are you too much concerned about the stack size? 14.08.36 # jhMikeS: The PP5022 (and I'm quite sure the PP5020 too) also has the GPIO interrupts split like what you defined for PP5024 - and there's GPIO2_INT in addition to GPIO0_INT and GPIO1_INT 14.08.56 # 0 is for GPIO A..D, 1 for E..H and 2 for I..L 14.09.20 # I'll move that to pp5020.h - but then pp5024.h becomes useless. Should I remove it? 14.18.05 Quit ApotheoZ () 14.19.29 Quit billytwowilly (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.19.30 Quit Sedgewick (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.21.10 Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) 14.23.11 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 14.23.20 Quit bertrik ("bye") 14.32.03 Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") 14.33.41 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 14.33.49 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964ADF.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.35.24 Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) 14.36.29 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@pool3-032.adsl.user.start.ca) 14.37.15 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 14.41.08 Quit GnosticE () 14.43.15 Join bluey [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-084-122.pools.arcor-ip.net) 14.51.32 Quit BigBambi (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 14.52.45 Quit lazka_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.55.27 Quit bluey ("This computer has gone to sleep") 15.00.02 Join Frazz [0] (n=Fraser@thelawsons.plus.com) 15.00.05 Join bluey [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-084-122.pools.arcor-ip.net) 15.01.46 Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 15.07.00 # BigBambi: you might want to read the description of the patch you pointed to in the forums :) 15.07.30 # pixelma: OK, why? 15.07.37 # Does it do embedded? 15.07.57 # re. getting the lyrics from a tag 15.08.14 # I will go search for it 15.09.01 # pixelma: Are you rtalking about 2999? 15.09.18 # nope, fs #7432 15.09.20 # I didn't know that existed, I was talking about 7432 15.09.36 # pixelma: Ah, got it now 15.10.17 # I never actually read the patch before, and when it was mentioned around the forums it was as a snc/lrc viewer 15.10.23 # I will edit, cheers for the pointer 15.10.46 # np 15.12.00 Join MajorC [0] (i=redeem@host183-38.bornet.net) 15.12.33 Join darkapostrophe [0] (n=darkapos@217-50-177.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 15.14.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.15.01 # * amiconn summons low_light 15.15.10 Part bluey ("Leaving") 15.16.43 Quit JdGordon (Remote closed the connection) 15.17.58 # * amiconn wonders what the sansa OF uses rijndael for 15.26.38 # amiconn: sorry for misquoting. I thought that battery spin down was the major obstacle between us and OF-esque runtimes. 15.26.43 # er drive spin 15.26.54 # One of 2 15.29.27 Quit Dark_Apostrophe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.29.27 Nick darkapostrophe is now known as Dark_Apostrophe (n=darkapos@217-50-177.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 15.31.36 Quit Frazz (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.42.52 Quit karashata ("Leaving.") 15.43.08 # lostlogic: If disk powerdown were the only issue, iPod Nano battery runtime would be fine in rockbox. But it isn't. 15.43.18 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@pool3-032.adsl.user.start.ca) 15.43.40 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@175-022-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 15.43.41 # amiconn: *nod* 15.48.35 # Haha: the sansa OF contains debug strings for their database... 15.48.48 # deadbeef? 15.49.03 # bertrik: is 8077 dead once and for all? 15.49.14 # frickin' bug. 15.49.18 # No, things like this: Database::createRecord(long*, Database::Record*) 15.49.33 # oohhh like full debug symbols, lol 15.49.33 # Looks like at least their database is written in C++ 15.49.56 # lostlogic: yes, looks like it, I tried but cannot reproduce it anymore 15.50.38 # lostlogic: what was the root cause of the bug? 15.51.00 # there wer at least two root causes either one of which would have kept it from working 15.51.33 # the first one that got fixed was a livelock between codec and buffering caused by a copied and not updated yield_codec implementation from pre-MoB world 15.52.07 # the second was a flash specific problem where the lack of disk spin-up time was assumed to allow a _zero_ buffer watermark as a legal value, which is clearly not reasonabl. 15.52.52 # along the way a good half dozen or more other minor race conditions that were recoverable on other targets were resolved... each time with me thinking it would kill that bug *sigh* 15.53.11 # ah, I noticed that usefl didn't drain all the way to 0 indeed 15.53.31 # well, nice to have them fixed too 15.53.50 # neither buffer should ever reach zero, if they do they aren't really doing their buffering job 16.08.59 Quit qwm (Remote closed the connection) 16.09.13 Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h38n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 16.14.00 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 16.15.14 Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net) 16.15.46 Join ilgufo [0] (n=matteo@host5-187-dynamic.0-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 16.16.03 Join emeraldd [0] (n=jules@h96.156.30.69.ip.alltel.net) 16.16.03 Quit spaceinvader ("Server upgrades: hopefully back in an hour or so") 16.20.25 Join Daniel_S [0] (i=57b0f772@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8e09e4116175b818) 16.21.06 Quit spiorf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.23.04 Quit qweru ("moo") 16.23.40 Quit Daniel_S (Client Quit) 16.23.46 Join Daniel_S [0] (i=57b0f943@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bbf9dd321111fc95) 16.24.52 Join lazka_ [0] (n=lazka@85-124-45-251.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at) 16.25.15 Quit pixelma (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.26.14 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host48-201-dynamic.16-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 16.30.55 Join WalterEgo [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable228.133-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) 16.31.59 Join bluey [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-084-122.pools.arcor-ip.net) 16.34.25 # Couldn't see it mentionned in svn comments nor in the irc logs... Does the recent commits regarding disc spinofff (or poweroff?) on the PP502x affects the iriver H10 too? (the description says iPods and even though one h10 file gets changed, for all I know it might just be an if/else statement to skip over the added parts..(?)) 16.43.31 # I don't think so (I've looked at this diff), but I'm not authority 16.45.46 # Thanks.. So I'll suppose it does not. Maybe later, or maybe it just isn't needed.. 16.47.14 Quit Daniel_S ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 16.48.53 Quit moos ("Glory to Rockbox") 16.49.57 Join dandin1 [0] (n=dandin1@bas7-ottawa23-1088833913.dsl.bell.ca) 16.56.11 Quit animeloe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.57.24 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 16.58.03 Join cooz [0] (n=grzyzrul@pc178-100.ghnet.pl) 16.59.10 Join Daniel_S [0] (i=57b0d20b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1fc701fa827ff44a) 16.59.43 # WalterEgo: No, H10 already had disk poweroff. The change in the H10 file is due to making something more general 17.02.20 # amiconn: If you don't mind spending the time answering - why did the H10 already have disk poweroff, when the iPods didn't? Was it a previously REd find, or does the H10 not use the same PP ATA as the iPods? 17.03.32 # Disk poweroff is not handled by the ata controller, but via gpio ports 17.03.43 # And the ipods use different ports than the H10 17.04.00 # The G5 even uses a port that wasn't know at all before last week 17.05.49 # btw, the current runtime measurements show savings of ~8mA through the disk poweroff 17.06.08 # expected more from the HDD's datasheet 17.06.19 # what was the power consumption before disk poweroff? 17.06.36 # ~50mA on ipod video 5.5G 17.07.12 # You measured it? 17.07.53 # you can calculate it via runtime and battery capacity 17.08.30 Join pixelma [0] (n=Marianne@p57B9F220.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.08.37 # s/calculate/estimate/ 17.08.47 # HDD's datasheet claims to use 70mW at 3.3V in sleep mode -> gives ~21mA 17.08.57 Join zlp [0] (i=zlp@ 17.08.58 # still seems signigicant. 17.09.28 # yep, the current reduction is still great and will gain in longer runtime :o) 17.09.43 Join Heinz [0] (n=black007@p54934427.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.09.49 # Buschel: does rockbox last longer then the Apple firmware ? 17.09.56 # Thanks. Man I wish I could understand those registers and assembly stuff and find out about how to turn off features 'cause, really, two-three hours battery life and no (useable) EQ makes for a rather poor H10 port.. YET, I can't live without crossfeed. That feature alone is worth using rockbox for (like, thanks whomever got it in!!). 17.10.20 # merberan: no, not for 5.5G 17.10.26 # WalterEgo: you only get 2 to 3 hours on the H10? 17.10.48 # 5gb... The 20gb, I hear, has much better life out of its battery. 17.10.57 # 5.5G 30GB's runtime should now go up to ~9.5h (~8h before) 17.11.23 # ahh, yeah, I'm getting on average around 12 hours or so with my 20GB H10 17.11.25 # WalterEgo: Small H10? 17.11.28 # Buschel: do you know the time for the Apple firmware ? 17.11.36 # Ah, yes 17.11.43 # apple sais 14h 17.11.49 # though, I did replace the battery with a 1700mAh one, since the stock battery died 17.11.49 # * amiconn also gets only ~3hours out of his 6GB 17.11.50 # amiconn - exactly.. I can live with it, though. :) 17.11.54 # hello people, Im having troubles trying to play mp3 on rockbox (iPod Nano), I can even play videos already with the audio track in mp3, but when I try to play a .mp3 it says "No codec for..." 17.13.50 # amiconn: is the ata controller also switched off when disk is powered off? or is it running "idle"? 17.13.59 # Atm it's not 17.14.14 # zlp - Have you ever played mp3 correctly with rockbox and something just went borked or is it a new, first time install? 17.14.28 # We need to learn how to init it properly. And I have the strong suspicion that this would help us solving the Nano problems 17.14.28 # hmm, do we know if switching it off may also save some more power? 17.14.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.14.48 # Yes, but then we need to init it when powering it up again 17.15.13 # WalterEgo - no, it is first time install, made with the official installer 17.15.16 # is this difficult? as far as i remember this was done for sansa? 17.15.19 Quit Daniel_S ("CGI:IRC") 17.15.24 # zlp - I'm no expert.. I just remember having that sort of problem once when I updated the .rockbox files after a while... I had to change the bootloader together with it (there had been big changes) 17.15.53 # zlp - Ohh... Then sorry, I don't know how I could help.. You tried different mp3 files, I guess? 17.15.55 # Buschel: Sansa is *not* ata 17.16.24 Quit ilgufo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.16.39 # amiconn: maybe it wasn't the sansa... i'm not sure :/ 17.16.41 # WalterEgo - I have just downloaded the current build for nano 17.17.25 # Any news on the zogar's progress with usb? 17.17.51 Join eigma [0] (n=cat@ 17.17.52 # WalterEgo - yes, I tried... but thanks! 17.18.32 # zlp - Wish I could help.. Tried rebooting the device and trying again? 17.19.55 # WalterEgo - ajam, and I tried building the database and playing the mp3 from there, and also tried to play mp3 from the files browser 17.20.33 Quit bluey (Connection timed out) 17.20.35 Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) 17.20.38 Join Shagnar [0] (n=s@p5B204A01.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.21.01 # amiconn: found it. i talked about fs #7036 (was for e200) 17.21.20 # hello guys. i want to start a new wiki page for the port of the iriver s10... (see http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=11228.0 ) - can anyone give me further assistance? 17.22.25 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 17.45.00 Join Maha` [0] (i=tabac@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xB9002659) 17.47.44 Join Caleb [0] (n=ichigo@unaffiliated/caleb/x-000007) 17.47.53 # aww sweet 17.48.02 Join Hilikus [0] (n=ROCKERO@bas2-montreal45-1177752648.dsl.bell.ca) 17.48.20 # when will cover art be integrated with the main build? 17.48.33 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 17.48.56 # Hilikus, when it gets coded. 17.49.13 # Hilikus: When someone writes it in the correct way 17.49.16 # it is, im using it already 17.49.24 # Hilikus: *correct way* 17.49.25 # i see BigBambi 17.49.27 # thanks 17.49.30 # np 17.49.53 # second try... : i want to start a new wiki page for the port of the iriver s10... (see http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=11228.0 ) - can anyone give me further assistance? 17.49.58 # Hilikus, but the main thing holding it back has been implented now, so there's good news on there 17.50.01 Join illissius- [0] (n=illissiu@ 17.50.15 # Shagnar: Have you registered for the wiki? 17.50.28 # yes, thats why i was asking, i heard the buffer thing 17.51.14 # Hilikus: That will make it possible to do in the correct way, now someone just has to do it 17.51.14 # Hilikus, the primary concern right now, though, seems to be doing bugfixing for the Metadata on Buffer commit 17.51.46 # :S 17.52.21 Join ptw419 [0] (i=ptw419@66-90-157-228.dyn.grandenetworks.net) 17.53.34 # BigBambi no, not yet 17.53.45 # Shagnar: Well that would seem a goos first step 17.53.46 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-70-235-227-103.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 17.53.49 # *good 17.54.29 # * Caleb needs to get his ipod from his gf 17.56.08 Part zlp 17.56.57 # BigBambi you're right 17.57.02 # i just did so... but: 17.57.02 # TWiki detected an internal error - please check your TWiki logs and webserver logs for more information. 17.57.03 # illegal characters in file name component 'TillEichinger.2265176128 of filename path'TillEichinger.2265176128 17.57.20 # okay 17.57.20 Quit eigma (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17.57.24 # the link in the email just worke 17.57.24 # d 17.57.30 # Cool 17.57.41 # What is your wiki name, I need to give you write access 17.57.54 # TillEichinger 17.58.00 # thanks for helping :) 17.58.00 # One mo 17.58.04 # ok 17.58.05 # amiconn, in powermgmt-e200.c there's a multiplication by BATTERY_SCALE_FACTOR and then a shift, can't we make this simpler by simply multiplying by 5? 17.58.45 # Shagnar: OK, you should have write access now 17.59.24 # okay, thanks. where can i start now? didn't see a link or something... 18.00.09 # If you type the name of the new page into the go box, it won't find it and give you options to create it 18.00.15 Quit jumpatrain (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.00.18 # Have a look at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/OtherTargets for naming conventions 18.00.33 # very good, thank you once again! 18.00.35 # And then I'd probably link it to that page as well 18.00.38 # no problem 18.00.42 Join eigma [0] (n=cat@ 18.01.19 Part Hilikus 18.06.44 Quit illissius` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.08.36 Join bluey [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-084-122.pools.arcor-ip.net) 18.09.04 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 18.09.15 Join zicho [0] (n=martin@c-6a98e355.68-7-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 18.17.20 Join RoC_MasterMind [0] (n=Free@c-66-177-39-225.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 18.17.41 # The sansa OF uses libtomcrypt 18.18.02 Join Frazz [0] (n=Fraser@thelawsons.plus.com) 18.19.53 Join roolku [0] (n=roolku@82-41-2-141.cable.ubr01.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 18.21.19 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 18.21.38 Join donutman25 [0] (n=chatzill@ 18.22.21 Join saratoga [0] (i=41becb3b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7c70c60f86c460b3) 18.23.15 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-67.reshall.umich.edu) 18.24.11 # amiconn: is there any documentation showing all the known GPIO functions and their bits? 18.24.26 # ahahaha 18.24.42 # In fact we should document everything we found 18.25.06 Quit Shagnar (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.25.13 # saratoga: Hmm, did you fix & update your G5 treble/bass patch 18.25.15 # ? 18.26.24 # amiconn: wrong guy? 18.26.51 # i only have a sansa + 3G Ipod 18.27.03 # Hmm, then that was safetydan 18.27.10 # But he doesn't have a G5 either 18.27.25 # so theres no good resource for pin assignments on the PP players? 18.28.45 # For one PP itself is secret, and then the port pin assignments are target dependent 18.29.12 # Those we know are sort of documented - in the rockbox code 18.29.43 Join webguest00 [0] (i=4a469ecd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d17a5dd8f0311f23) 18.30.06 # thats what i figured 18.30.36 # i'm using an e200 with rockbox and when i play an mpeg video, the sound moves very quickly and the video runs nomal. How do i fix this? 18.31.59 # what sample rate is the audio in your video? 18.34.56 Quit bluey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.35.19 Part Heinz 18.35.25 # how do i figure that out? 18.35.55 Quit RoC_MasterMind ("Leaving") 18.35.58 # Windows? 18.36.14 # at webguest00 18.36.54 # on my desktop, the video plays normal but after i transfer it to the player, then it start to speed up 18.37.06 # webguest00: Are you in windows? 18.37.16 # probably because the samplerate isn't 44100hz 18.38.00 # bigbambi: yes 18.38.26 # webguest00: 1) You should have specified the audio sample rate when you converted the video, 2) to find out what it is try virtualdub (ask google how to get it and how to use, it is off topic here) 18.39.56 # okay, thank you 18.42.13 Quit EnterUserName (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.42.42 # i think you can just click on file properties in windows to see sample rate 18.43.02 Join maxkelley_ [0] (n=max@cpe-74-69-17-126.rochester.res.rr.com) 18.43.06 # Oh, OK, that'd be easier 18.43.12 Join EnterUserName [0] (n=dave@ip- 18.44.30 Quit maxkelley (Connection reset by peer) 18.44.57 # i right-clicked the video file and hit properties but it only showed type of file, location, and size. 18.49.16 # webguest - When you right-click video and hit properties, there are two tabs to the dialog box. General (the one you saw) and Summary. Hit summary and there's your audio samplerate. 18.50.11 # there is only one tab for me and it is general 18.51.00 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC") 18.51.06 # ... oh. 18.55.55 Join petur [0] (n=petur@d54C2B5CE.access.telenet.be) 18.56.36 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@ 18.57.12 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 18.57.15 Join idnar_ [0] (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 18.57.30 Quit courtc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.57.32 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955C0E7.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.57.33 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet16.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 18.57.34 Join courtc [0] (n=court@c-24-99-230-218.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) 19.00.11 Quit Weiss (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.01.53 Quit webguest00 ("CGI:IRC") 19.02.16 Join ilgufo [0] (n=matteo@host94-126-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 19.03.28 Quit WalterEgo () 19.07.12 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 19.08.02 Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) 19.08.30 # here's a fun one, how do you get the battery cover off on a c250? 19.10.12 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet17.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 19.13.06 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.13.34 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet17.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 19.14.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.17.46 # * linuxstb passes emeraldd a hammer 19.18.16 # I want to be able to put it back on again ;) 19.18.48 # * linuxstb passes emeraldd some duct tape 19.19.02 # lol 19.19.02 Join Shagnar [0] (n=s@p5B204A57.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.19.18 # linuxstb: I'm trying once more to make buffer fds 'normal' 19.20.00 # when is anything normal? 19.20.26 # hey BigBambi, ive just added the information I got 19.20.33 # see http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverS10 19.20.37 # could you add that to the "future ports" page at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome ? 19.20.40 # Shagnar: OK, cool 19.21.30 # lostlogic: It wasn't as straightforward as it sounded? 19.22.11 # * linuxstb finishes a pre-HDD poweroff commit battery benchmark on his ipod Color - 6h 09m... 19.22.17 # Shagnar: done 19.22.21 Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.23.35 # thanks, BigBambi 19.23.42 # Shagnar: Now you just need to find some interested parties to do the rest of http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverS10?topic=NewPort 19.23.45 # No problem 19.25.44 Quit illissius- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.25.59 # yes, i think this could be a problem since i don't know any people for this task 19.26.26 # Best idea is to try and drum up support on a fan site such as misticriver (in the case of iriver) 19.31.31 # ok i'll try that 19.33.30 # linuxstb: no -- due to the way tracks were cleared -- hids were _zeroed_ to mark them cleared, often by a memset. 19.33.32 Join bluey [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-084-122.pools.arcor-ip.net) 19.33.43 Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.34.02 # lostlogic: Hmm, so do you still think it's a good idea to make them "normal" ? 19.34.21 # I'm thinking that the adc-target.h values for the c200 are wrong, 19.34.48 # not sure what they should be but the values don't seem to line up with definitions 19.34.59 # linuxstb: yes, I do. 19.35.21 # I think I have it worked out properly now -- the memset only made sense because the track struct used to contain an mp3_info 19.36.00 # OK, so you're removing the memset? 19.36.06 # yeah 19.39.01 # emeraldd: http://forums.sandisk.com/sansa/board/message?board.id=c200&message.id=840&query.id=4962#M840 and try a few times. It's very hard on mine too, but eventually it'll work ;) 19.39.36 Quit GodEater (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.39.46 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 19.40.50 # Nico_P: how do you feel about converting handle_ids to have 0 as a valid handle? 19.40.56 # (I have the patch done and running on my ipod) 19.41.11 # lostlogic: wasn't that in one of your commits? 19.41.16 # which you then reverted 19.41.23 # Nico_P: had to be reverted because I fscked it up that time 19.41.39 # forgot about the memsets used to clear track_info structs 19.41.47 Join GodEater [0] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 19.41.48 # I have nothing against it, but is it useful? 19.41.48 # but those memsets were put in because track_info contained mp3_info 19.42.09 # it's nice to be able to memset the track info structs to clear them 19.42.42 # it's more consistent with fds and lets checks for errors on an hid be combined with is valid checks 19.42.48 # which is why it's the standard for fds 19.42.54 # (at least that's why afaik 19.43.28 # * lostlogic posts patch now that it works, changes codecs and rebuffers 19.44.32 # http://test.lostlogicx.com/transfer/rockbox/20071104_zero_valid_handle.patch 19.45.01 # I still need to catch up with all your recent commits :p 19.45.24 # * Nico_P 's vacation is over, so more time to rockbox 19.46.34 # Nico_P: hehe :) yeah... I've abused the hell out of it 19.46.59 Join mg [0] (i=d8ef51d5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-fb112e5f11799661) 19.47.03 # but it's much tighter now I think... 8077 forced me to beat like 10 gremlins to death. 19.47.11 # hehe 19.47.16 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 19.48.15 # Nico_P: the big remaining bugs are gapless (how do we strip tags correctly in the new world?? in playback?) and runtime data 19.48.23 # neither of which matter to me so I'm not as inclined to fight with them 19.48.34 # ok... 19.48.53 # I'll have a close look to the changes and then try to squash those 19.49.34 Join maxkelley [0] (n=max@cpe-74-69-17-126.rochester.res.rr.com) 19.52.25 Quit mg ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 19.53.11 # lostlogic: anyway, thanks a lot for doing all this 19.53.20 Join mg [0] (i=d8ef51d5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-53f68938bfabff91) 19.53.41 Quit bluey (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.53.43 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.54.03 # Nico_P: it's my joy, I was just thrilled you committed MoB to give me something to chew on :) 19.54.03 Quit mg (Client Quit) 19.54.23 Join mg [0] (i=d8ef51d5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-76851d07365fb536) 19.56.07 Part pixelma 19.58.11 Quit maxkelley (Connection reset by peer) 19.58.17 Join maxkelle1_ [0] (n=max@cpe-74-69-17-126.rochester.res.rr.com) 19.58.21 Nick maxkelle1_ is now known as maxkelley (n=max@cpe-74-69-17-126.rochester.res.rr.com) 19.59.10 Quit ilgufo (Remote closed the connection) 19.59.28 Quit maxkelley_ (Connection reset by peer) 19.59.49 Quit mg ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 20.01.51 Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 20.02.42 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 20.02.46 Join ilgufo [0] (n=matteo@host94-126-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 20.04.44 # anyone know how to get gdb to fill an area of memory? 20.12.45 # Interesting -- my changes apparently make ARM happy and coldfire unhappy 20.13.09 Quit roolku () 20.13.27 Join bobbo [0] (n=bobbo@82-41-58-125.cable.ubr08.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 20.13.33 # lostlogic: Are there any "char"s involved? 20.14.28 # is anyone here good with the Sansa e200 Series? 20.14.29 Quit J3TC- (".•«UPP»•.") 20.14.33 # a couple of bools, which I imagine have the same implications 20.15.08 # I mention chars, because they're unsigned on ARM, and signed on Coldfire (or vice-versa, I forget...) 20.15.24 Quit dandin1 () 20.15.36 # oh, I had guessed it had to do with the 1byte size 20.17.10 Join bluey [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-074-010-075.pools.arcor-ip.net) 20.17.41 Quit Siku (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 20.18.55 Quit bobbo ("Lost terminal") 20.19.50 Join bobbo [0] (n=bobbo@82-41-58-125.cable.ubr08.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 20.20.56 # I have a Rockboxed Sansa e280, which i managed to cause FS damage to. It still boots but i lost all the music, but Nautilus says the space is still being taken up, Does anyone know how to fix this? 20.21.16 # fsck? 20.21.16 # mkdosfs? 20.21.36 # will give those a go 20.21.57 # hoo careful 20.22.07 # mkdosfs will wipe everything on the block device 20.22.13 # like ANY mkfs 20.22.43 # read manpage and lets be careful out there 20.22.55 # so if i make a copy of the rockbox files and the original firmware, mkdosfs it, then put the files back on, it should be back to normal? 20.22.58 # in other words, fsck first ;) 20.23.15 Part bobbo (""IRSSI Screwed, will be back"") 20.23.27 Join bobbo [0] (n=bobbo@82-41-58-125.cable.ubr08.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 20.23.36 # well, if you lost all the music, why bother copying files? 20.23.39 Part bluey ("Leaving") 20.25.32 # scorche: to keep my rockbox install/themes/settings etc. 20.25.56 # fsck has come up with errors, which action should i take? (1,2 or 3?) 20.31.17 Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 20.31.20 # bobbo; perhaps pastebin the message? 20.31.42 # will do 20.33.38 # www.pastebin.com/d1a73ba1b 20.34.16 # bobbo: I don't see anything 20.34.36 # damn, im in a tty, will switch to gui, be back in a sec 20.34.42 Part bobbo 20.35.32 Join bobbo [0] (n=Bobbocan@82-41-58-125.cable.ubr08.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 20.35.37 # http://pastebin.com/d1a73ba1b 20.35.46 # that should be it 20.36.17 # bobbo: OK, I see it now but I don't know the answer 20.36.19 # Sorry :) 20.36.25 # no problem 20.36.31 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-209-90.student.uu.se) 20.37.26 # it's just the disk label that's different 20.37.28 # try #3 20.38.52 # im guesing ill just have to go the way of backing up and repartitioning, time for brickage :D 20.38.57 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host48-201-dynamic.16-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 20.40.47 # my MP3 player is now full of fsck*.recs :S 20.41.40 # Nico_P: hmm, the database statistics still seems to be broken 20.42.02 # Slasheri: it's on flyspray, and is Nico's next 'victim' 20.42.09 # ah, good :) 20.42.12 # (that and gapless issues) 20.43.01 # the problem with saving the stats has to do with figuring out when to trigger a copy-back into the buffer handle so that the unbuffer callback can write them (afaik) 20.43.07 # I have no idea about the problem with display 20.44.43 # thanks everyone thats help, god knows whats happened but its fixed now :D 20.44.45 Quit courtc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.44.54 Join courtc [0] (n=court@c-24-99-230-218.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) 20.44.54 Part Llorean 20.44.57 # bobbo: Goodey 20.45.10 # it's enough that the track info is only valid while calling the database unbuffer event 20.45.19 # cya guys 20.45.21 Part bobbo ("Leaving") 20.45.42 # atm it seems that track data from db isn't loaded either (and then db engine refuses to process unbuffer callbacks also) 20.46.09 # ah, I disable database on my builds so I have no idea about the loading 20.46.38 # but I know that the unbuffer callback breaking has to do with the elapsed time not being copied back to the mp3_info for that track which is on buffer 20.47.17 # ah, then it can't work 20.47.24 Join roolku [0] (n=roolku@82-41-2-141.cable.ubr01.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 20.47.35 # hi Slasheri :) 20.47.45 # roolku \o 20.48.19 # Slasheri: what do you think about the idea to fill in the runtime info from get_metadata (FS#8082) 20.48.54 # hmm, i will check that 20.51.53 # roolku: that looks like a good idea, i don't think it will cause troubles 20.52.35 # it's a shame it causes a special case for HWCODEC though 20.52.40 # as long as tagcache generator doesn't lock up :) 20.52.53 # hmm, it does? 20.53.15 # as far as I know HWCODEC doesn't use get_metadata 20.53.37 # so I left the callback function for HWCODEC 20.53.58 # hmm, really? if it still uses direct mp3 metadata callbacks, i think it should be converted to use get_metadata 20.54.10 # because that is compiled for hwcodec too, iirc 20.54.27 # hm, maybe I am mistaken 20.54.45 # well, i don't know about that :) 20.54.55 # I think buffering in mpeg.c doesn't use get_metadata, but the tagcache would still use it. 20.55.02 # I thought it only used the function in id3.c 20.57.06 # yep, it has a few mp3info callbacks 20.57.17 # but it seems quite straightforward to convert those to use get_metadata 20.57.27 # all the structs are the same 20.59.12 # but that would mean that firmware code calls application code, wouldn't it? I thought this was a no-no? 21.00.30 # ah, hmm. that is true. But it will be calling application code anyway, through those callbacks 21.01.13 # Yes, but callbacks are another thing. If they are registered by app code, that's ok. 21.01.16 # yes, I never quite got this policy - that it was okay to use callbacks 21.02.08 # one solution would be to create a get_metadata callback for the hwcodec 21.02.23 # Sometimes firmware code has to call app code, no way around it. Callbacks avoid direct dependencies. 21.02.33 # it seems a bit longwinded to introduce callbacks for get_metadata, but yes, it would be a solution 21.02.34 # that is probably because firmware part should be independent from app code while compiling 21.02.47 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet18.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 21.04.24 # ah yes, slept most of the day away, good morning afternoon, evening, night 21.04.27 Quit stripwax (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.05.30 Join advcomp2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 21.05.38 Quit advcomp2019 (Nick collision from services.) 21.05.42 Nick advcomp2019_ is now known as advcomp2019 (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 21.06.50 # considering that the on_buffer call backs for HWCODEC are uneffected by the recent MOB changes and work (?) wouldn't be the solution from FS#8082 be the least intrusive? 21.07.09 # * roolku is a little hesitant to make HWCODEC changes as he can't test them 21.07.25 Quit darkless ("Leaving") 21.12.35 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 21.13.23 Quit TMM ("Ex-Chat") 21.13.31 Join nanok [0] (n=nanok@ 21.14.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.14.55 # any pointers on disassembling firmware in mi4 format? 21.18.05 # Decrypt it with mi4code, then remove the first 512 bytes (e.g. dd if=decrypted.mi4 of=firmware.bin skip=1), then use "arm-elf-objdump -m arm -b binary -D firmware.bin" 21.18.33 Quit n1s () 21.20.17 Quit MajorC () 21.20.46 # the objdump gives me a seg fault :( 21.23.07 # Where did you get it from? 21.23.52 # from gentoo using the crossdev script 21.24.12 # binutils 2.18 21.26.25 # You could also try the arm disassembler in Rockbox SVN - utils/disassembler/arm/ 21.27.35 Quit bertrik ("bye") 21.27.41 Join lespea [0] (n=adam@71-10-92-125.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com) 21.28.32 # spotted that, are there any issues with alignment and non-executable data? 21.30.14 # What kind of alignment issues would there be? 21.30.54 # does it properly handle string constants and the like? 21.31.22 # No, I don't think it deals with strings at all. 21.31.30 # But feel free to improve it ;) 21.32.22 # just so long as constants don't upset the disassembly of instructions 21.34.02 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@175-022-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 21.34.53 Quit emeraldd (Remote closed the connection) 21.36.29 # All ARM instructions are 32-bit, so it's not an issue. Both the Rockbox dissassembler and objdump just process 32 bits at a time, starting at the beginning of the file. 21.37.22 Quit lespea (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.44.58 Quit amiconn (" Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 21.48.32 Quit midgey () 21.48.53 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-67.reshall.umich.edu) 21.48.57 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 21.49.10 Nick ilgufo is now known as gufaway (n=matteo@host94-126-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 21.52.52 Join lespea [0] (n=adam@71-10-92-125.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com) 21.54.03 Quit linuxstb_ ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 21.56.53 Join Guile`` [0] (n=Guile@ 21.58.48 # what do you guys think of having an option under voice section that allows using a quick press of the rec button to read the current focused item to the user, when in menus, file browsing, wps and where ever voice reading functionality can be applied? 21.58.56 # I was looking at the manual and noticed the mahor function of the rec button is a long press to get to record mode 21.59.16 # as for the sansa e200 series players for example 22.00.53 # Calcipher: What would you do for players without that button? Why not just have it read the currently selected item? 22.01.06 Quit Shagnar () 22.05.10 # well I don't know other targets since I only own a sansa e280r, but being able to be prompted where you are on the player is a huge improvement, because using the interface without only voice output, this would add a more intuitive way of knowing whats going on 22.05.43 # without having to change your focus or leave a menu or screen like the wps screen 22.06.23 # But voice tells you where you are now (or so I thought) 22.06.36 # I have a friend who is a blind rb user and he thought it would be a very helpful option as wel 22.06.54 # So how would that work in WPS? There sin't a focussed item 22.06.58 # *isn't 22.07.29 # yeah I know, so in wps the voice reading ability would need to be added 22.07.48 # But how would you know what to voice? 22.07.51 # I guess thats the most important section 22.08.01 Join Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@f051076024.adsl.alicedsl.de) 22.08.33 Join Shagnar [0] (n=sdaasdsd@p5B207A4E.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.08.51 # does anybody know what the "Sunny 546" oscillator chip is? 22.09.01 # well ddalton suggested a list view that you could scroll through and have different fields read from each 22.09.17 # How would that work? 22.09.25 # I guess with a tag like "By : artist" 22.09.56 # So add a complete duplicate set of tag to the WPS parsing as essentially voice tags? 22.10.01 # and next line you can scroll to "from : album: 22.10.36 # well are wps read at all? 22.10.57 # Not that I know of, but I don't use voice 22.11.06 # I just mean if its going to read an item, it should indicate what field its reading from 22.11.11 Quit gufaway ("So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish - http://gufo.wordpress.com") 22.11.38 # Again, I come back to how 22.11.53 # Guessing the most intuitive first available item to be read would be simply the current song title 22.12.12 # This is almost getting back to the reading out of order argument 22.12.31 # Voice should always voice in the same order as on screen, otherwise it is confusing 22.12.42 # well as a menu that can be accessed from the wps? 22.12.48 # this leads to a problem with WPS, as graphical info can't easily be voiced 22.13.07 # yeah 22.13.25 # There is already the tag info screen 22.13.27 # I see so just have it read whatever order the wps displays its info 22.13.34 # From the context menu 22.13.51 # What about conditionals in that case? 22.14.00 # Is the tag screen voiced? 22.14.17 # let me check 22.15.50 # no 22.16.21 # So the solution to me seems to be voice that screen - much easier than than trying to do the WPS 22.16.36 # Then all that is left is track position etc 22.17.17 # Perhaps that screen could be expanded (or another devised) that had playlist position, track position etc 22.17.42 # As I would imagine that things like conditionals would make the WPS extremely hard to voice 22.17.43 # yeah 22.18.49 # it just seemed to me having a preset items to include for reading, regardless of wps, if thats easier 22.19.10 # I would not want to voice things independant of what is on screen 22.19.25 # There are plenty of sighted people who use voice and that would be plain confusing 22.19.26 # so if you selected that the voice wps function would only include title artist album next 22.19.41 # thats all it would ever read on the quick key press if enabled 22.20.21 # I see 22.20.42 # I was just looking for a one button press way to hear whats on the wps 22.21.00 Join Zagor_ [0] (n=bjst@ 22.21.10 # Well feel free to sketch out a plan. You can find out what keys are used and not on the other players via the manual. I would prefer a screen accessible via the context menu in the WPS, but I'm not in charge :) 22.21.24 # Speaking of people in charge, welcome Zagor_ 22.21.58 # hi 22.22.12 # * Calcipher hails lord Zagor_ , master of universal serial bus 22.22.12 Nick Zagor_ is now known as Zagor (n=bjst@ 22.22.18 # ha 22.22.40 # heh, if only... 22.22.41 # hehe 22.23.28 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@host-194-46-239-156.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net) 22.24.04 Quit Frazz ("Leaving") 22.24.08 # •BigBambi• do you see what I'm trying to achieve atleast? simply a quick button press read of whats playing 22.24.49 # ddalton says that too much info being read is no good, and I agree, but wouldn't the amount of info depend on the wps your using? 22.24.59 # Calcipher: Sure, I see what you are getting out. I'm just playing devils advocate. Plenty of players don't have the free button to press, and I don't like voicing things not on screen 22.25.33 # Calcipher: Yeah, but how would you deal with a conditional that displayed next track then next artist for 2 seconds each? 22.25.52 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.26.15 # Hence I would prefer something like a screen accesible from WPS quick screen that just listed e.g. track, artist, position, whatever that could be read like a normal screen 22.27.22 # I guess treat the conditionals as if they were on an ordered list? I'm trying here, I'm not familiar with how these functions work in the first place, thats why I welcome constructive feed back 22.27.52 # Calcipher: It is all possible I guess, but difficult 22.28.09 # that sounds good too 22.28.44 # I can see the advantage of voicing what is on the WPS, but jut wonder if the aim could be achieved more easily on a slightly different tack 22.29.09 # so if it was a different screen that was accessible, I guess it can be possible to have the items to be included or excluded on this screen be configurable, right? 22.29.18 # Anything is possible :) 22.29.37 # You would just have to persuade the powers that be that it is a good idea :) 22.29.43 # so it basically be a list of fields, that you set in settings somewhere 22.29.56 # haha 22.30.21 # That would be my idea on the spot with no thinking about it. A blind WPS as it were 22.31.10 # You could write a BWPS that on each line just had e.g. track, artist, position, .... that then displays and is read like a list 22.31.11 # Nico_P: why isn' 22.31.15 # well I have been discussing different ways of achieving some kind accessible wps like interface since I made that feature request, hopefully any heads interested will see some of the good ideas mentioned on the logs 22.31.26 # Nico_P: why isn't metadata stripped from files in the buffer anymore? 22.31.34 # and they're more qualified on deciding what works best 22.31.39 # indeed 22.31.39 # Nico_P: that will indeed break gapless for mp3 22.32.27 # preglow: because the function that did it wasn't trivial to adapt to the buffering code and a FIXME in it said it should be moved to metadata.c and made more generic 22.32.54 # I didn't see any huge breakage from not porting it and then kinda forgot about the issue 22.33.21 Join webguest15 [0] (i=d559880c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-61071fefb1a5d606) 22.33.41 Join cynic [0] (n=cynic@pool-68-160-35-206.bos.east.verizon.net) 22.33.42 # Well its out of my hands, I'm going to the gym and enjoy my rb'ed Sansa, thanks all of you 22.34.49 # Hello Zagor! Keep up the good work! Could you update http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7962 with a fresh patch? 22.35.06 # yeah, I was just about to do that 22.35.07 # is there any news on rochbox on the ipod classic? 22.35.10 # **rockbox 22.35.12 # zagor: nice 22.35.45 # cynic: no 22.36.54 Quit cynic (Client Quit) 22.37.17 Join cynic [0] (n=cynic@pool-68-160-35-206.bos.east.verizon.net) 22.38.21 # Zagor: so, how's progress? 22.38.42 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.39.09 # nothing new since friday, been busy over the weekend 22.42.04 # preglow: any ideas on how to get rid of the tags? 22.42.31 # Nico_P: not really, no, don't even know how the old code worked 22.42.41 # Nico_P: but i don't see how it can be a difficult problem 22.43.10 # it used to seek around in the file and wind the buffer backwards... it's not very difficult and could quite easily be added in buffering.c 22.43.24 # but IMHO it's not the buffering code's work 22.43.28 # it's not 22.43.33 # it surely is metadata.c work, yes 22.46.37 Part Domonoky_ 22.48.18 Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) 22.48.55 Quit petur ("*plop*") 22.52.09 # Nico_P: I was thinking that when playback starts a new track (ie when the codec requests the first packet from that track) playback could fiddle with the buffer 22.53.44 Join safetydan [0] (n=safetyda@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 22.54.59 # lostlogic: how? that doesn't sound safe to me 22.55.10 # * amiconn wonders whether the ipod hdd power control is worth a major changes entry 22.56.36 Join Jon-Kha_ [0] (n=Jon-Kha@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi) 22.56.40 Quit Jon-Kha_ (Remote closed the connection) 22.56.40 Quit Jon-Kha (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.56.54 # Nico_P: audio_update_trackinfo seems like the place to do it to me. The audio thread could request a pointer to however much data it needs to determine teh tag size, then bufadvance the correct final amount 22.57.30 # * Buschel still runs his battery bench, his ipod video did never run this long :o) 22.57.40 # I forget, did it need to fiddle on both the front and the tail or just the front or just the tail? 22.57.50 # amiconn: i'd say yes 22.57.58 # lostlogic: I think both but I'm not sure 22.59.05 # Buschel: How long so far? :) 22.59.29 # amiconn: hits 10h in 5mins 22.59.54 # Is this a single or dual platter model? 22.59.56 Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") 23.00.16 Quit tedrock (Client Quit) 23.00.20 # amiconn: and still at 14%... it's a 5.5G 30GB model with a standard 400mAh battery 23.00.23 # amiconn: i noticed in the logs you said the H10 has two bits in GPO32 set. My H10 doesn't, it only has 1 bit 23.00.45 # barrywardell: Yours is the big one? 23.00.58 # Nico_P: ugh 23.01.09 Join SoapSud [0] (n=SoapSud@host86-137-44-10.range86-137.btcentralplus.com) 23.01.22 # barrywardell: My 6GB has bit 24 and bit 29 set 23.01.43 # yeah, my 20GB just has bit 29. 23.01.46 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 23.01.58 # Interesting... 23.02.17 # Maybe tuner power is on one of the GPO32 pins? 23.02.20 # I haven't heard of any other differences in the GPIO between H10 versions though 23.02.36 # lostlogic: http://pastebin.com/m10d99af3 23.02.39 # * amiconn doesn't remember what the problem with the tuner was 23.02.56 # yeah, I was just lookin' at it -- that's trimming off of the end only 23.02.57 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.03.03 # oh 23.03.06 Join tedrock [0] (n=tedrock@d235-156-104.home1.cgocable.net) 23.03.12 # so i was backwards in my rememberance 23.03.16 # amiconn: I'll try bit 24. 23.03.54 # Buschel: Whoa, singnificantly more than what was measured on 30GB Videos so far :) 23.04.18 # Buschel: What format(s) and bitrate(s) are you using? 23.05.21 # musepack :D 23.05.39 # amiconn: i guess it will shut down at ~10:40h, so 40mins to go. former runtime was 8:40h maximum -- using mpc @179kbps average 23.05.57 # preglow: exactly :P 23.06.03 # Very nice extra 2 hours :) 23.06.18 # * amiconn should bench the 80GB at some point 23.06.52 # The drawback is that I often have ideas which need testing on units which are currently running a benchmark ;\ 23.07.05 # amiconn: battery is of 580mAh on 80G, correct? so, it should have ~3h extra time 23.07.08 Quit SoapSud ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") 23.07.41 # 11 hours seem to have been common on 60/80GB so far, and ~7.5 hours on 30GB 23.07.54 # (using less exotic formats than musepack) ;) 23.08.30 # hmm, now I'm confused... how can the decoder correctly ignore the id3v2 tag stored at the beginning of the file but not the id3v1 or ape tags at the end? 23.09.23 # amiconn: there you can see what's happening if you're using the wrong format ;) 23.09.55 # lostlogic: The metadata reader doesn't know about an id3v1 tag at the end *if* id3v2 has priority and exists 23.10.10 # Then it doesn't check for id3v1, saving a (costly) seek 23.11.31 # amiconn: but do the codecs even use the metadata reader? I'm trying to figure out how when the codec fires up it knows to skip past the id3v2 data at the beginning (up to 256mb of it according tot he spec) 23.12.15 # Afaik the track loader doesn't load the id3v2 data, as the start of the actual audio data in the file is already known 23.13.11 # hmm, i must lower my estimated end of runtime... it just loaded via HDD and drained to battery :/ -> maximum 20mins to go 23.13.39 # amiconn: "track loader" ? 23.14.52 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.15.15 # anybody here who has some information about samsung ICs? 23.16.35 # webguest15: new patch uploaded to tracker 23.17.08 # Shagnar: samsung docs is mostly not public 23.17.26 # oh noes :-x that means.. no chance of getting any information? 23.17.47 # Shagnar: welcome to the world of Rockbox ;-) 23.17.52 # what would also mean no chance to port RBX on a samsung based player? 23.17.56 # ? 23.18.02 # we have ports to numerous players without docs 23.18.13 # very good 23.18.13 # it just means it is harder 23.18.21 # and more work 23.18.37 # okay... yes that's the point. but where to start then? 23.18.39 # Yeah, RE is time consuming 23.18.48 # * amiconn currently wades through the c200 OF 23.19.01 # Shagnar: reverse engineering, disassembly of the OF etc 23.19.16 Join tihoc4n [0] (n=Daniel@142-165-255-11.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) 23.19.39 # but really, if you need to ask you're probably not the man for it 23.19.46 # I noticed that it's really helpful that we have so many different PP502x targets now. It helps to get a better understanding of the chip 23.19.47 # what does OF mean? original firmware? 23.19.57 Join mguay [0] (i=d8ef51d5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-20c85325b78ca86b) 23.20.05 # Shagnar: yes 23.20.25 # how do you mean that.. if i need to ask? i don't know how to learn it else.. can you give me a hint? 23.20.39 # amiconn: no luck with bit 24 and the h10 radio :( 23.20.41 # Shagnar: a hint for what? 23.21.00 # starting with RE, ... 23.21.07 # barrywardell: Looks like a H10 OF disassembling session is necessary... 23.21.29 # Shagnar: you need to figure out how the hardware works. Without docs, the only way to do that is to investigate the hw and to disassemble code 23.21.49 # amiconn: yeah, I suppose looking for gpiob bit 2 is a good place to start 23.22.17 # Iirc the H10 OF contains a bunch of debug strings 23.22.30 # okay. what means it's really to much... but who could make that? 23.22.36 # That should help tracing back where the corresponding code is 23.22.47 # Shagnar: a skilled dedicated person 23.22.52 # or several 23.22.54 # don't you worry about legal issues around picking apart the original firmware? 23.23.01 # bertrik: no 23.23.07 # there are none in most countries 23.23.22 # for this purpose anyway 23.23.36 # Nico_P: Still having that problem with audio stopping on the Sansa if you need someone to test. It's really odd how it choose certain files to lock-up on. 23.23.51 # mguay: no you aren't, I fixed it, you're a liar. 23.24.00 # mguay: aaaaaargh, thought that was fixed 23.24.02 # Ooooooooh 23.24.05 # heh seems most my songs have crappy tags 23.24.06 # mguay: ... ... anything particular about the files that are still breaking? 23.24.09 # yes okay... so that's where my work ends. I can't go any further, all i got is written down on http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverS10 23.25.03 # * amiconn learned most of what he knows about RE during his rockbox work 23.25.30 # amiconn: there are some 'Tuner' strings in there 23.26.15 # * Caleb wonders how he can get his tags to show right 23.26.21 # * lostlogic pokes mguay <-- I didn't mean it, you're not a liar... 23.26.33 # Caleb: use foobar2000 or easytag or some other such program to make them consistent 23.26.59 # wouldnt i have to manually edit them with easytag? 23.27.25 Nick parafin is now known as parafin|away (i=parafin@paraf.in) 23.27.44 # Caleb: often not -- if they have 12314134123 sets of tags and filenames you can usually train it to coallesce all of the junk info into a consistent 1 set of tags + filenames + directories withou ttoo much hassle 23.28.26 Quit Shagnar () 23.28.39 # ahh ok 23.28.49 # man i love pacman 23.28.50 # mguay: really really, I'm curious what problem you're still having... I really really don't think you're a liar!! 23.29.00 Quit mguay ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 23.29.40 # well that explains it 23.30.39 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 23.33.14 # Buschel: don't fret those last 15 drops of battery running away. I really do think the 90-10% discharge curve is much more telling than the 100-0. 23.34.26 Join mguay [0] (i=d8ef51d5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0a55812b68e6876f) 23.34.26 Quit random_desu_is_s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.34.45 # mguay: what's special abou tthe files that still freeze... and I assume you are running absolute latest build? 23.34.58 # soap: but i want to have the _real_ runtime in total. for estimation of current consumption the first2 or 3 hours are enough 23.35.18 # btw, ipod did shut down now -> 10:28h runtime 23.35.46 # Soap: I don't think a 90-10 curve tells more. It's rather imprecise compared with the full 100-0 23.36.05 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 23.36.47 # amiconn: the 90-10 discharge time removes much of the variability caused by battery aging (which makes the peak voltage drop faster) and the +-5% dips and spikes caused by a late HDD spin-up. 23.37.22 # Imho the opposite is true. How do you tell when you're at 90%, or 10%? 23.38.03 # If you use the discharge curve, you put much more uncertainty on this than if you just let it run until it shuts down 23.38.04 Quit random_desu_is_s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.38.13 # I'm not sure I am following the question - but I think you are saying that the 90% and 10% voltage numbers are arbitrary and thus my reasoning is flawed? 23.38.47 # The voltages aren't arbitrary, but they just represent the *average* battery at an *average* temperature 23.39.08 # I follow so far. 23.39.12 # And the discharge curve is much more steep at theirs ends than somewhere inbetween 23.39.43 # It is that steep part of the curve I am trying to trim out. Isn't that non-linear part more noise than signal? 23.39.56 Quit mguay ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 23.40.07 # amiconn: so, at a result your HDD poweroff saves 8mA (for my usecase) 23.40.18 # Still not bad... 23.40.19 # *as 23.40.38 # no, it's really good progress! 23.40.39 # Isn't it that part of the discharge curve which varies more by age, (last) charging conditions, and spikes in power consumption? 23.40.47 # The typical saving from hdd poweroff obviously depends on the generation as well as on the size 23.40.59 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 23.41.03 # On my 2nd gen, the hdd draws ~15mA when in standby 23.41.15 # But that's an MK2003GAH 23.41.42 # (and rockbox has hdd poweroff on 1st..3rd gen for some months now) 23.42.05 # * amiconn should really do a battery bench on mini 2nd gen 23.42.31 # I'm curious how much standby current this microdrive needed... 23.42.53 # amiconn: the MK3008GAL should draw 21mA in sleep and 36mA in standby by specification. it seems to be much better than that... 23.43.36 # Well, these are the worst-case values according to the datasheet I presume? 23.43.49 # I'd expect typical values to be better 23.45.13 # we removed the disk poweroff setting, yes? 23.45.14 Quit random_desu_is_s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.45.25 # * lostlogic wishes mguay would 'stick' to the channel 23.45.46 # roolku: in your last commit you mentioned something about the gather runtime feature on hwcodec. Did you actually take a look into the code or is that what you assumed? I'm wondering because it doesn't gather anything on my Ondio... 23.45.52 # lostlogic: (if you're still wondering) The codecs skip id3v2 tags at the start based on the id3->first_frame_offset value set by get_metadata() 23.45.55 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 23.46.02 # Buschel: Specs for the MK2003GAH state 60mA in standby and 25mA in sleep mode 23.46.11 # linuxstb: ah, thanks much! 23.47.22 Quit random_desu_is_s (Connection reset by peer) 23.47.35 # amiconn: which drive is this? 23.48.01 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 23.48.05 # amiconn: any reason why buschel's two other lcd speedup patches aren't commited? 23.48.07 # amiconn: for 2nd gen? 23.48.09 # * amiconn just mentioned it 7 minutes ago 23.48.14 Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) 23.48.57 # preglow: The ine that asm'izes lcd_update completely is hiding too much imo. The other one considerably increases stack usage, and I'm undecided about it 23.49.08 # Needs checking the video thread stack in mpegplayer 23.49.10 # linuxstb: that also tells me why some particular mp3s were pausing for people 23.49.11 Quit random_desu_is_s (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.49.25 # lostlogic: So what's changed wrt that? 23.49.26 # linuxstb: that request could easily be > guardbuf 23.49.36 # Ah, the seek to skip it? 23.49.44 # linuxstb: right 23.50.00 # roolku: I understand that the commit is not related to it but I thought (hoped) that you could have seen something weird or so 23.50.16 # linuxstb: I'm definitely starting to feel like we should continue the move toward posix-esqua apis... wherein the read-esque functions would be more free to return not-the-full request 23.50.18 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 23.50.23 # amiconn: by how much does it increase stack use? 23.50.24 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 23.50.33 # 4 times 23.50.33 # lostlogic: Why does it matter if it's > guardbuf ? 23.50.38 # lostlogic: (if it's just a seek...) 23.51.02 # In fact just 2 times against svn, because the chroma buffer calculation in svn is wrong 23.51.02 # linuxstb: well at least the first codec I looked at first does a read of tha tsize 23.51.06 # (but to the safe side) 23.51.12 # linuxstb: not sure why it does that jus tto throw it away but it does 23.51.18 # lostlogic: Ouch, that's a bug then IMO. 23.51.19 Quit eigma (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.51.32 # linuxstb: my inclination as well 23.51.35 # Ah, mpa.c ? 23.51.46 # which explains why mp3 was freezing on people and not other codecs 23.51.58 # (of course now t he buffering code is much more resiliant to obnoxious clients ;)) 23.53.18 Quit webguest15 ("CGI:IRC") 23.53.39 # amiconn: we could just #ifdef both the byte-stack vs. the word-stack as well as the str/ldr vs. stm/ldm. if there any problems we can easily switch back... 23.53.56 # We can always switch back thanks to svn 23.54.16 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 23.54.26 # But G5 lcd is not the only thing I'm busy with, so I can't check everything again and again :\ 23.54.46 # i can guess that 23.55.01 Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 23.55.48 # pixelma: does it not gather the data or does it not display the results? 23.56.02 Join _Caleb_ [0] (n=ichigo@cpe-075-190-241-130.nc.res.rr.com) 23.56.10 # how could I check? 23.56.50 Quit Caleb (Nick collision from services.) 23.57.22 # pixelma: you could export your database and have a look at the text file 23.57.28 Nick _Caleb_ is now known as Caleb (n=ichigo@cpe-075-190-241-130.nc.res.rr.com) 23.58.08 # will try 23.58.08 # pixelma: or use one of the tagnavi menus that make use of runtime data 23.58.50 # that's what I did last time, IIRC.