--- Log for 15.11.107 Server: kubrick.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 8 days and 2 hours ago 00.02.36 Quit barrywardell () 00.03.39 Quit male ("User disconnected") 00.04.32 # i like the fact that files are given extension .mp3 no matter what encoder you use :P 00.07.08 Quit robin0800 (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Would you like to know more?") 00.07.58 Join handmadematters [0] (n=handmade@ 00.09.38 # Hi all... Anyone in here available for a simple: "how would you start to solve the problem" question 00.09.54 Join Fel [0] (i=4a3b03c8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6ef7746e27a1e318) 00.10.02 # ask and you'll see! 00.10.26 # What the % rate of the chance that my sansa E dont get detected by rockbox auto install ? 00.10.39 # Fel: Which version of rbutil are you using? 00.10.48 # huh the lastest ? 00.11.02 # the 1 that we find on website D: 00.11.40 # what URL? 00.11.59 # huuh 00.12.04 # no idea lmao 00.12.06 # why ? 00.12.15 Quit Fel (Client Quit) 00.12.20 Join Fel [0] (i=4a3b03c8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b0eaf1326c427434) 00.12.26 # because you asked a question 00.12.27 # 1 sec i tell you 00.12.45 Join weezerle [0] (n=weezerle@dslb-088-072-007-234.pools.arcor-ip.net) 00.13.04 # Go into the "About" menu in rbutil, and it will tell you its version... 00.13.09 # the 1 right here 00.13.10 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxUtilityQt 00.13.29 # I just updated the links on that page - which is why I asked you which version you had. 00.13.36 # iRiver H10... Scrollpad... ADC values... I want to get the scrollpad working properly. My problem right now is that i am a little bit annoyed of "writing code" test ist on the DAP "rewrite the code" test it on the Dap... I am very unfamiliar to programming with such unexpactable things like the ADC output... Is there a way to record the values and play around with them outside of the DAP 00.13.41 # Fel: Try downloading it again 00.13.46 # and there are *4* packages on that page... 00.14.09 # I assume Fel means the win version then 00.14.15 # yes 00.14.19 # its 00.14.56 # SNV Revision 15190 (m.1.0.2) 00.15.01 # handmadematters: no I don't think so, the simulator that can be used for native development of some things don't simulate things at that level 00.15.14 # ;-( 00.15.22 # Fel: Try 1.0.3 - that will work for you. 00.15.31 # ok so back to my pencil and the papers ;-) 00.16.12 # ahh thanks 00.16.37 # i didnt know that there were a new version of this program .. 00.16.50 Quit karashata ("Leaving.") 00.18.36 Quit ompaul (Client Quit) 00.19.39 Quit Fel ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 00.21.47 # preglow: in theory it should, but I don't know how good a job voicefont does of putting them all into one file 00.23.24 Join ender [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 00.23.40 Quit handmadematters () 00.25.50 Quit Febs (Remote closed the connection) 00.26.38 # rasher: so the current thing is really untested? 00.26.55 # rasher: i'll just rip out everything but lame and our own speex encoder anyway, probably 00.27.08 Quit Soap (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.27.38 # preglow: I believe I've created a voicefile with it, but I've obviously not been able to test it. 00.27.42 # judged by the fact that files are called .mp3 even if you encode with oggenc, i'll just go out on a limb and say no one has used a vorbis voice file yet 00.28.14 # That's simply because voicefont expects files to be named .mp3 00.28.32 # mok 00.29.02 # Depending on whether voicefont does anything fancy to the files, or just cat them together, I don't see why it shouldn't work 00.29.19 # Why do we need our own encoder? 00.29.35 Quit OlivierBorowski_ ("Konversation terminated!") 00.30.31 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 00.31.52 # rasher: so we don't have to use ogg framing 00.31.57 Join mud [0] (n=mud@dialup- 00.32.06 Nick mud is now known as mud-rb (n=mud@dialup- 00.32.15 # Ah 00.32.17 Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) 00.32.20 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 00.32.26 # I guess it'll be put into tools/? 00.32.27 Join TTThomas_ [0] (i=80af320c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9e4d20aa15d74447) 00.32.44 # rasher: i have no idea, it depends on svn libspeex, so i don't even know if we're going to go binary only or what 00.33.01 Join male [0] (n=male@adsl-156-53-18.mem.bellsouth.net) 00.33.57 # "binary only" ? 00.35.44 # well, the simple fact is, right now i use the resampler in speex svn 00.36.12 # i don't know how to handle such a dependency any other way 00.36.25 # we do have libspeex in the rockbox source tree, of course... 00.36.45 # but how keen that is on building for system use, i don't know 00.37.17 # It could just be something in utils/ that a user needs to build and install manually. Similar to things like rbutil, ipodpatcher etc 00.38.46 # just sucks badly to have to make voice building any harder than it currently is 00.38.57 # I'm assuming people already need to install a third-party encoder (i.e. lame) to create voice files? 00.39.05 # That's easy though 00.39.29 # Compared to building and installing 00.39.32 # And downloading a .exe isn't? 00.39.33 Quit ender (" Eagles may soar, but weasels are seldom sucked into jet engines.") 00.39.48 # I'm not saying people need to download and build - we can provide binaries. 00.39.58 Quit ender` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.42.23 # good point 00.43.07 # point remains, though, should we require user to download speex svn themselves (don't really need svn, latest beta will do), should we try to use rockbox svn speex, or should we bundle yet another speex tree... 00.43.22 # Why bundle it at all? 00.43.28 # can't it simply be built by our build system, like voicefont? 00.43.44 # rbutilqt isn't bundled with the qt library either 00.44.34 # so if someone wants to compile your speex encoder they have to get the library for theirselfes 00.44.43 # sure, i'm ok with this 00.45.01 # Still, but voicebuilding ought to be easier than building rbutilqt 00.45.14 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 00.45.30 # bundle it 00.45.52 # and let them delete it if they dont want it 00.46.18 # no one likes hunting around for codecs 00.46.46 Quit jake_ ("Leaving") 00.47.06 # i could just use regular libspeex, which would be easier to install, but then i'd need to code my own resampler, and that's not happening 00.47.17 # preglow: Are there many changes to our libspeex? It would seem a waste to have two very similar copies. 00.47.23 Join K-Man666 [0] (n=chatzill@p57AB5750.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.47.27 # Can't you just copy and paste their resampler? 00.48.14 # i love rockbox as much as i love trannies. <3 00.48.45 # thank you for sharing. 00.49.37 # linuxstb: many changes? no, but the entire build system is gone 00.49.45 # linuxstb: i guess i could copy and paste the resampler, yes 00.50.22 # that'll break horribly the day distros come bundled with speex_resampler 00.50.35 # ahh, no, speex_resampler is in libspeexdsp 00.50.38 # and i won't use that 00.51.04 # ok, i'll see about stealing resample.c/h 00.51.04 Quit TTThomas_ ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 00.52.47 # Does libspeex need much of a build system, especially for your encoder? i.e. would a simple Makefile do the job? 00.53.25 # maybe, will of course break sooner or later or on esoteric systems 00.53.41 # we'll only want to compile a static lib, that simplifies things very much 00.53.48 # Then the owners of those esoteric systems can fix it.. 00.53.57 # well, ok, i'll see 00.54.08 # perhaps i feel motivated too look at it when that is all that stands between me and commiting this stuff 00.54.28 # messing with makefiles and build systems is the most boring stuff i can think of 00.54.54 # I don't mind giving it a go... 00.55.51 # we'll see, i'll need to comb through the source to look for stuff that'll break 00.55.56 # there are a couple of #if 0 here and there 00.57.05 # BTW, do you think the speex encoder has a chance of running on our targets? 00.58.24 # sure 00.58.37 # on arm, kinda limited, on coldfire, perhaps even wb mode 00.59.24 Quit Guile`` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.59.48 Join Guile`` [0] (n=Guile@ 01.01.04 # coldfire is just really cut out for speex stuff 01.01.05 # mostly thanks to emac 01.01.42 Quit scorche|w ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 01.04.42 Quit Sedgewick ("Money can't buy happiness but it can provide a better class of enemy.") 01.07.37 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.09.23 Part linuxstb 01.10.58 Quit sarixe ("(EE) Failed to load "quit" module") 01.14.47 Quit mud-rb (Remote closed the connection) 01.15.40 Quit japc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.22.53 # argjhghg 01.22.56 # * preglow kicks build systems 01.23.29 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@cac202.rutgers.edu) 01.23.50 Quit n1s () 01.24.20 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@pool-71-125-77-210.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) 01.28.34 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 01.28.45 Part hcs 01.29.52 # * preglow has a voice file 01.32.37 # Hurray 01.33.28 # i think i'm just going to gut out the encoder selection stuff, if swcodec, use rbspeexenc, if hwcodec, use lame 01.33.52 # Sure, configure can easily do that 01.33.55 # one meg english voice at speex --quality 6 01.36.19 # 800kb at -q 4 01.36.31 # so voice files are smaller at the same quality, that's for sure 01.36.49 # they're actually smaller at better quality 01.39.41 Join ze_ [0] (i=ze@cpe-76-175-22-254.socal.res.rr.com) 01.42.16 # argh 01.42.34 # how do i do check if a file exists in the tools dir in bash? 01.42.55 # if [ -f "tools/filename" ]; then 01.42.58 # if [ -f "$(toolsdir)/lollerksates" ]; then ? 01.43.05 # Yeah, that should do it 01.43.15 # bhargh, $(toolsdir) is set below voice config 01.43.19 # i'll just move it, then 01.43.51 # eh, no, toolsdir should be set by there 01.43.58 Quit ze (Nick collision from services.) 01.43.59 Nick ze_ is now known as ze (i=ze@cpe-76-175-22-254.socal.res.rr.com) 01.44.47 # I don't think you want to use toolsdir 01.45.02 # That's for use in the makefile it seems 01.45.19 # use $rootdir/tools instead 01.46.03 # echo "$(rootdir)/tools" 01.46.13 # says: ../../tools/configure: 1613: rootdir: not found 01.46.31 # That's because you mean ${rootdir} 01.46.36 # probably :> 01.46.40 # works without them too 01.46.52 # Yeah, or that 01.47.08 # away sleep 01.47.10 # $() is either makefile notation or command execution/substitution 01.47.16 # oops :) 01.48.39 # i guess i should make configure pass the path to voice.pl as well, then 01.49.22 # Yeah. Currently it pretty much assumes the executables are in $path, which obviously won't hold true 01.49.29 # markun: good night :P 01.49.32 # Passing a path should work, of course 01.50.03 Quit darkless ("Leaving") 01.50.15 # what's the syntax for checking a variable's contents? 01.50.21 # i want to check if $swcodec is "yes" 01.50.29 # god, how i hate sh language 01.50.37 # someone should rewrite this mess in perl :/ 01.50.38 # if [ "$swcodec" == "yes" ]; then 01.50.52 # thanks 01.53.45 # ok, i'm gutting away decoder selection, lame is all you have for hwcodec and rbspeexenc is all you have for swcodec, anyone ardently opposed to this? 01.54.50 Join Variable [0] (n=A@c-76-105-254-119.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 01.55.08 # Not at all 01.55.55 # I added it at the time because I figured eventually we'd need different encoders, and wrote it to be flexible because I didn't know how or why 01.56.06 # Now that we have a plan, anything unneeded can be chopped 01.58.36 # i really, really don't understand how the -e command line option ends up in the $encoder variable 01.58.41 # please explain :> 01.58.57 Quit PaulJam (".") 01.59.10 # forget that 01.59.11 # i see 01.59.16 # That's because of the weird perl thing 01.59.19 # * preglow is used to Getopt 01.59.42 # Yeah, it's a tad strange, but simpler 01.59.54 # not than Getopt :> 02.00.38 # i'll just pass the entire path along with -e=encoder, is that ok? 02.01.07 # Hrm.. I think that'd need some modifications 02.01.19 # there's no longer any need for encodewav to know what encoder it's calling anyway 02.01.26 # well, i'll try :) 02.01.45 # Well, we switch() on $encoder, so that won't work with different paths 02.02.02 # that's no longer needed 02.02.06 # and if it were, it just use regexes 02.02.12 # Why? 02.02.29 Join Soap [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 02.02.31 # that switch is no longer needed, every case statement is the same if i remove "speexenc" and "lame" with $encoder 02.02.41 # replace... 02.02.43 # ah 02.03.06 # and like i said, if we need it one day, it's just a matter of doing a pattern match on $encoder 02.03.23 # if ($encoder =~ m/lame$/) { 02.03.23 # etc 02.03.24 # Yeah, I forgot how flexible perl's switch() is 02.03.45 # perl doesn't have a switch normally, this is the first time i've seen it used :) 02.04.01 # It's a standard module 02.04.09 Part toffe82 02.04.38 Quit Isolinear (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.05.25 Quit RaRe ("Quit msgs should be longer.") 02.05.27 # Such as: switch ($val) { case (\%hash){ print "entry in hash" } } 02.05.44 # perl is nifty :) 02.05.47 # i love it 02.07.35 Quit atsea- (Remote closed the connection) 02.07.58 # syntax errors are much loved by bash, i see 02.08.01 # bloody crap language 02.08.26 # You just need to write proper shell! 02.08.59 # hahaha 02.09.11 # one space too little and it detects an error 200 lines further down! 02.09.45 # well it must've still made some kinda sense up to that point 02.09.45 # :p 02.10.20 # Blame [ 02.10.22 # and this bug i can't even find 02.10.24 # (I bet) 02.10.29 # yeah, the fact that [ is a program 02.10.32 # don't start me on that 02.10.52 # Oh that's just so clever! 02.12.08 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@pool3-048.adsl.user.start.ca) 02.12.22 # argh 02.12.26 # i just can't figure out what's wrong now 02.12.39 # i'm working around line 490, bash finds the error around line 1599 02.12.40 # Pastebin it and the error 02.13.14 # pastebin configure? 02.13.24 # Why not? 02.13.33 # shrug, thought perhaps a patch might be neater :) 02.13.37 # Or just the part you're working on 02.13.38 # gimme a sec 02.13.44 Quit ze (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.13.55 # sure, that works too, but I lose line numbers unless I start counting 02.14.27 Join ze [0] (i=ze@cpe-76-175-22-254.socal.res.rr.com) 02.14.57 # http://pastebin.com/d5ea4fc3d 02.15.24 # i'll spam you the error in private 02.21.22 Join ze_ [0] (i=ze@cpe-76-175-22-254.socal.res.rr.com) 02.21.40 Join webguest36 [0] (i=54975d43@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7b26c533f7e69baf) 02.21.45 Quit webguest36 (Client Quit) 02.21.52 Quit ze (Nick collision from services.) 02.21.59 Nick ze_ is now known as ze (i=ze@cpe-76-175-22-254.socal.res.rr.com) 02.23.24 Quit ivan` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.27.54 Join ivan` [0] (n=ivan`@adsl-71-142-236-175.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) 02.28.45 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.29.08 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5340.dip.t-dialin.net) 02.34.54 Join berninup [0] (n=berninup@74-137-14-103.dhcp.insightbb.com) 02.36.23 Quit LinuxMafia (Remote closed the connection) 02.37.23 Part berninup 02.38.00 Join billenium [0] (n=billeniu@c-69-249-243-110.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 02.38.29 Join Traveler5 [0] (n=traveler@CPE-69-23-137-242.wi.res.rr.com) 02.39.06 # any major games in development that anyone wants to share about? 02.40.42 Join Ebert [0] (n=EbErT@adsl-34-0-92.asm.bellsouth.net) 02.40.52 # just curious, I'm kind of working on a rts game 02.44.49 Join Mouser_X [0] (i=cf9bb003@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-140ca0c0272bd08a) 02.52.06 Quit karashata ("Leaving.") 02.56.17 Join ___jake [0] (n=jake@user-0c9afn5.cable.mindspring.com) 02.57.50 Quit Traveler5 ("Java user signed off") 02.58.05 Join karashata [0] (n=karashat@pool3-048.adsl.user.start.ca) 02.58.45 Join webguest88 [0] (i=d06b6e04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6bbef3df89e62d46) 02.59.07 Quit webguest88 (Client Quit) 02.59.47 # DerPapst: around? 03.02.25 # yes 03.02.31 # i saw :) 03.02.44 Nick karashata is now known as kimi-sharamin (n=karashat@pool3-048.adsl.user.start.ca) 03.03.05 # hehe ;) i guess #ipl 03.03.07 Join Demache [0] (n=demache9@host-4-110-107-208.midco.net) 03.03.23 Nick kimi-sharamin is now known as karashata (n=karashat@pool3-048.adsl.user.start.ca) 03.04.04 Quit Demache (Client Quit) 03.04.16 Nick karashata is now known as kimi-sharamin (n=karashat@pool3-048.adsl.user.start.ca) 03.04.45 Nick kimi-sharamin is now known as karashata (n=karashat@pool3-048.adsl.user.start.ca) 03.07.41 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.13.04 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 03.13.13 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 03.15.19 Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 03.19.12 Join RaRe [0] (n=Laffin_B@202-89-187-101.static.dsl.amnet.net.au) 03.20.33 Join DerPapst_______ [0] (i=5b23dcfc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6531fdecb6323659) 03.20.54 # scorche: got disconnected 03.21.11 Join webguest23 [0] (i=4a3b03c8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e085a50ad6754f95) 03.21.11 # i didnt say anything anyway 03.21.22 # and my irc client refuses to connect to the network :S 03.21.24 Quit webguest23 (Client Quit) 03.21.32 # ok 03.21.41 # just in case you did ;) 03.22.06 Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) 03.22.26 Nick DerPapst_______ is now known as DerPapst (i=5b23dcfc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6531fdecb6323659) 03.22.59 Join eigma [0] (n=cat@ 03.23.13 Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) 03.23.26 Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p5B23DCFC.dip.t-dialin.net) 03.23.31 # finally :P 03.24.49 # good night :) 03.24.53 Quit DerPapst (Client Quit) 03.25.33 Join kkurbju1 [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-67-166-49-171.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 03.25.47 Nick kkurbju1 is now known as kkurbjun (n=kkurbjun@c-67-166-49-171.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 03.29.24 # hey 03.29.58 # anyone know how to hook a sansa e250r up via linux? 03.30.50 # hey eigma 03.30.53 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.30.54 Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 03.30.58 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.31.01 # kkurbjun: at home? 03.31.06 # yep 03.31.23 # and I have time to work on the m:robe tonight :-D 03.31.27 # nice 03.31.51 # you said that you don't get that crash right? 03.31.56 # that's right 03.32.22 # huh, I wonder what's causing it on my build.. you're not running with the patched compiler are you? 03.32.31 # that's right, unpatched 03.32.31 # I should try it without the extra options 03.32.42 # with -mcpu=arm926ej-s -mfpu=fpa 03.33.28 # just built on my machine and transfer it to your m:robe, see if it still happens 03.33.37 # will do 03.34.49 # wow, connection's slow today 03.35.04 # lemme stop the torrents :) 03.35.22 # should be a little better now 03.35.22 # krazykit: e250r doesn't have an option to change to usb msc mode 03.35.23 Join Guile` [0] (n=Guile@ 03.35.30 # at least not that i can find 03.35.31 # TTThomas, "rhapsody mode" 03.35.32 # :), yes much 03.35.35 # can I remove the N5002-*.rar files? 03.35.36 # ahh 03.36.09 # yep, I have them, I havn't gotten a chance to really look at them though :/ 03.36.19 # cool 03.36.35 # that was it. evil r version 03.39.12 # you COULD convert it to a vanilla e200 ;-) 03.40.03 # teach me your ways obiwan 03.40.07 # or something 03.42.54 # you really want to? it isn't really that useful anymore, now that the r's have an easier install. 03.43.23 # dont know what i want. other than a working rockbox of course 03.43.25 # * scorche is actually installing to his new R now >_> 03.44.04 # if rockbox works fine on r, might as well leave it that way 03.45.37 # are there major compile errors still? on what builds? 03.45.41 Quit Mouser_X ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 03.47.07 # is there a difference between using the precomiled binary or compiling it yourself? 03.48.06 # TTThomas, there is if you add patches from the tracker. if you just compile the vanilla source, though, it's the same 03.48.20 # assuming you use the same compilers we do 03.48.21 # mmm.. vanilla 03.48.50 # so i just grab the e200patcher.linux file and run it? 03.49.10 # the manual explains the install process. 03.49.39 # yeah, reading it but not quite understanding 03.50.12 # i'm not sure which one is the precompiled and which is the one i need to compile 03.50.18 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200RInstallation 03.50.22 # you're following this one? 03.50.25 # yep 03.50.58 # the answer to your question, then, is "yes" 03.51.02 # k, thx 03.53.08 # eigma: how do you use scp when you have a port on the host also? 03.53.28 # -p or -P, check the manpage 03.53.47 # ahh, yeah, thanks 03.54.08 Quit Guile`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.55.05 # sweet, i broke it already 03.55.18 Quit qweru ("moo") 03.56.48 # blue led is lit, nothing comes on screen, cant get it to power off 03.57.24 # eigma, hmm, it still freezes with your build too 04.01.14 # what does manufacturing mode on the e200r look like? does it say anything or is it just a blank screen? 04.01.27 # exactly what you described 04.01.47 # hrm 04.02.06 # ok 04.02.09 # thanks 04.02.14 # dunno what to tell ya.. 04.03.54 # yeah, no worries, I'll just play around with it more do see what I can find 04.08.06 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 04.08.22 # when running sansapatcher am I supposed to be in manufacturing mode still or normal mode? 04.09.24 # sansapatcher == e200patcher ? 04.09.27 Join iamben [0] (n=ben@adsl-75-60-15-168.dsl.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net) 04.10.17 # um, i believe so, lemme check 04.10.53 # dunno actually. manual calls it sansapatcher 04.11.55 # i messed up, ignore the previous question 04.12.52 # Uhrg... Guess I don't know then.. The wiki page linked above says e200rpatcher.exe but then I don't actually own one so I was just "doublechecking" your info.. :p 04.13.08 # (which I should not do, just cause more confusion) 04.13.45 # PaulPosition: you got me to read things more carefully, which solved my issue. so thanks! 04.15.39 # heh... It figures ;) 04.20.32 Join Traveler7 [0] (n=traveler@CPE-69-23-137-242.wi.res.rr.com) 04.21.23 # I started looking at the rockbox code, but am still a newb at c. I found drawing functions and know how to use if statements and such. 04.21.44 # my question is what does a simple constructor look like? 04.25.10 # constructor? Like, for instancing a class? I don't think there's any, C is NOT an OOP language, unlike C++ 04.27.20 # hehe okay, is there like a primary function then, or do I need to look at how each application is initialized and just follow that? 04.27.30 Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-435403e9.dyn.optonline.net) 04.27.45 # Traveler7: do you mean plugins? 04.28.44 # scorche: yeah 04.29.38 # thank you anyone that put up with my stupid questions 04.29.59 # e200 install much harder than gigabeat f40 install 04.30.07 # well, more steps at least 04.30.47 # the e200r is. the e200 install is dead easy. 04.31.26 # well its working now, not going to mess with what works 04.32.16 Quit Traveler7 ("Java user signed off") 04.32.23 Join Traveler0 [0] (n=traveler@CPE-69-23-137-242.wi.res.rr.com) 04.34.30 # I like rockbox, beacause unlike ipodlinux even if one player's offspring are encrypted chances are there still are several to choose from that aren't 04.35.16 # rockbox and ipodlinux have different goals, anyway... 04.36.50 # true, I can go with either, I mainly just want games, music, and video on the go but in as small a package as possible 04.36.53 Join Mouser_X [0] (i=cf9bb003@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-afdf715d627321e8) 04.37.36 Join K-Man666_ [0] (n=chatzill@p57AB5F94.dip.t-dialin.net) 04.38.12 Quit K-Man666_ (Client Quit) 04.38.21 # done working on my sansa for the night. now to figure out what the hell ms did to my wife's zune 04.43.18 # hehehe 04.43.19 Join iamben_ [0] (n=ben@adsl-75-15-163-46.dsl.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net) 04.51.36 Quit Variable (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.53.44 Quit K-Man666 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.56.08 Quit iamben (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.07.01 # my god. zunes phone support has the worst music ever 05.07.13 # that should have been community sorry 05.07.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.09.52 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 05.12.43 # TTThomas, please stay on topic in here 05.13.28 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5340.dip.t-dialin.net) 05.15.44 Quit bb (Nick collision from services.) 05.15.49 Join bb_ [0] (n=bb@unaffiliated/bb) 05.18.46 Quit donutman25 ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 05.21.11 Quit Traveler0 ("Java user signed off") 05.25.28 Join iamben [0] (n=ben@ppp-70-247-248-142.dsl.spfdmo.swbell.net) 05.34.22 Join psycho_maniac [0] (i=psycho_m@ppp044.hk.centurytel.net) 05.35.55 Quit iamben_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.38.32 # my e250r only shows half the directories under the file menu (music is not one of them) anyone know why or how to make it appear? 05.39.57 # set the file view to "all" 05.40.31 # the folders you can't see are marked as hidden folders, setting the file view to "all" will show them 05.43.30 Join Calcipher [0] (n=Calciphe@ool-18bab657.dyn.optonline.net) 05.44.06 # thanks 05.44.24 # np 05.45.09 # hey guys 05.45.21 # any new wonderfull things on the rb front? 05.45.37 # I like poppin in and seeing whats happening 05.45.39 # check the main page? 05.45.57 # or the MajorChanges page on the wiki 05.46.39 # aww, that no fun, I don't just mean implemented stuff, just kinda like what you guys are cookin up atm 05.47.12 # did something happen to the scrolling margins patch? 05.47.32 # only that left margins were comitte 05.47.32 # d 05.47.55 # what is the FS# for the regular scrolling margins patch? i cant seem to find it in the tracker :S 05.48.53 # 2954 05.50.03 # i figured it would get closed soon 05.50.53 # wow, left margins? what does that mean, what about left margins was changed exactly? 05.54.45 # the left margin commited in SVN allows you to specify a left margin for any information you might want to stick beside a piece of album art so it doesn't overlap the art or get overlapped by the art 05.55.08 # the limitation being that the art needs to be to the left of the information, and not the other way around 05.55.48 # I'd assume you could use it for other things you might want to put at the left side of the screen and not have overlapped by writing 05.56.47 # oh I see, didn't know about it since it was related to AA, I don't pay much attention to the AA personally, but its a great add on for folks who like that 05.57.55 # it's not really related to the AA directly, but the primary reason it's in there is because of the AA commit and people wanting margins to be able to position info beside the art without anything overlapping 05.58.32 # would be nice IMO if the margins worked both ways, but the devs were kind enough to give us the left margin instead of nothing 06.00.21 # is there a way to show the code of the wps while its being used? (Example i would have this show on the first line: Artist: (%ia) Korn? 06.01.47 # I would suspect if you put a second % in front of the first, you should get an output of %ia 06.02.02 # since %% = % in the WPS code 06.03.35 # so your WPS code would have to look something like "Artist: (%%ia) %ia" to display your example 06.03.50 # thank you 06.04.09 # add any scrolling, margins, conditionals, etc. to your liking 06.05.00 # why do you want the WPS tags displayed in the WPS, if I might ask? 06.05.54 # i was thinking of making an example wps 06.06.12 # you look at it and it shows what appers and also shows what will appear. 06.06.32 # ahh, interesting idea 06.06.47 Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ 06.13.55 Quit weezerle (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.14.49 Join weezerle [0] (n=weezerle@dslb-088-072-031-181.pools.arcor-ip.net) 06.18.05 # jhMikeS: are you around 06.18.13 # I have a question on spinlocks 06.18.44 # specifically, I'm wondering if they can be used with interrupts 06.19.58 # and if they can't is there another way to protect data? 06.20.47 # iusnt jhMikeS trying to fase ou spinlocks? 06.20.50 # isnt* 06.20.59 # I didn't know that 06.21.06 # what's the replacement? 06.21.45 # r15593 Portal player i2c driver: More struct spinlock phaseout. 06.22.02 # or do you know another way to protect data in an interrupt/function that works with that interrupt data.. hmm, I'll look at that revision 06.22.31 # http://www.audiomulch.com/~rossb/code/lockfree/ 06.22.42 # spinlock in a interrupt probably isnt a good idea.... 06.23.23 # :) 06.23.29 # kkurbjun: alternatively, temporarily disable the UART interrupts while you're updating the ringbuffer from the main thread 06.24.34 # yeah, that could work also, I'm interested in the non-locking fifo structures 06.24.44 # thanks for the link 06.24.57 # I think the lack of CS background will be felt even more acutely while reading on that subject.. :) 06.25.36 # lockless data structures are a fairly advanced topic afaik 06.25.46 # :), I have a bit of a CS education, just some fundamentals of algorithms, data structures.. 06.26.26 Quit Calcipher ("—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 2.0 Build 3515 with A Pack Fix By www.ircmadeasy.com") 06.28.34 # JdGordon: I've got the DSP adding numbers :) 06.28.43 # yay! 06.28.48 # kinda a neat idea: http://xs221.xs.to/xs221/07464/dump071114-232531.png 06.29.17 # psycho_maniac: as a demo of the avilable tags? 06.29.38 # yeah. a kind of example wps 06.29.59 # * JdGordon thinks that one should be ported to all targets and go in 06.30.27 # that dumb was a dirty write up. didnt. just wanted one as an example. 06.30.41 # eigma: using free tools? 06.30.43 # yeah, I think I'll just disable the uart interrupt while I'm reading 06.30.57 # * karashata notes that the "album" tag isn't displayed anywhere 06.31.58 # JdGordon: almost free :) 06.32.06 # free as in beer, not free as in speech ;) 06.32.10 # i never really even see the composer tag being used. 06.32.20 # * karashata also notes, neither is the "title" tag... 06.32.32 # eigma: good enough for me :) 06.32.37 # artist, album, and title are the three big ones 06.32.46 # composer tags half the time aren't even filled in 06.32.58 # * eigma dives again to try to get some data out to the DAC 06.33.14 # genre... kinda depends on who's tagging the files, some people care about it, some don't 06.36.33 # anyone know if the NODO is in the wiki? or just the sources? 06.37.28 # ah, it is there.. just not linked on the docs index 06.39.36 # maybe it should be linked there? 06.40.23 # kkurbjun: do you know how to put the ARM to sleep, to wait for interrupts? 06.41.15 # christ, there's too many {system,kernel}-{arm,system,}.{c.h} files! 06.41.37 # I havn't looked into it too much, but there is a way to put the core to sleep 06.41.52 # I don't know what the requirements are for interrupts 06.42.10 # bah, im blind.. it is there :p 06.43.15 # i think its in the new ports page. Thats not the correct name though. 06.44.26 # its under "contribution information" in the index.. which is a bit meh.... 06.46.24 # i remember reading it somwhere. 06.46.42 Join webguest47 [0] (i=429d9d92@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-78f7af1b68b3176e) 06.47.35 # hello 06.49.15 # "To enter SLEEP mode the CPU must enter the Wait-for-interrupt state using register 7 06.49.15 # in CP15 of the CPU system control coprocessor. This ensures that the CPU is in a 06.49.15 # low-power state." 06.49.18 # oops 06.49.18 # AHA 06.49.21 # lol 06.49.24 # I *just* found that too 06.49.33 # that's from the 926 technical reference 06.49.35 # I was grepping through linux sources 06.49.44 # getting creative now. see the last line in the wps http://xs221.xs.to/xs221/07464/dump071114-234835.png 06.50.09 # I was wondering if anybody had any knowledge of using a microSDHC card with a Sansa e260 and rockbox? 06.50.41 # webguest47, it works as long as you load music on the microSDHC card with a card reader. 06.50.55 # and the microSDHC card will NOT work with the OF, only with rockbox. 06.51.10 # right - that is what I have read - only with rockbox 06.51.35 # so I need to preload the card with my files and then pop it in the player and boot up rocbox? 06.51.47 # yes 06.52.13 # when I init the database, I guess it will find the files on the SD card? 06.52.44 # i believe it will, but i don't use the database. 06.53.39 # ok - sweet... That helps me a lot. You just saved me like 3-4 hours more of digging.. Thanks!! 06.54.50 # was the left margins patch comitted before or after 2007-11-13? 06.55.03 # Yay for %m! 06.55.07 # eigma, are you implementing the thread_sleep function? 06.55.18 # or core_sleep 06.56.35 # neither 06.56.46 # just wanted something to replace for(;;)nop; because that just sucked :P 06.57.14 # :) 06.57.26 # looks like I might have to settle for that though 06.57.46 Quit hannesd (Connection timed out) 06.59.00 Quit Ebert () 06.59.44 Quit webguest47 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 07.02.18 # I think i may have to make a couple example themes because you really cant show EVERYTHING on just one screen. i have a great idea for the new left margin tag 07.02.52 # i could show everything if i really wanted to but the text would be very small 07.06.29 Quit sarixe ("(EE) Failed to load "quit" module") 07.06.59 Join WebGeist [0] (i=4a87b329@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-aa40a4fabf699595) 07.07.46 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.08.23 # %m|x| means where the text will start to display correct? 07.09.43 # at the point you tell it (IE: %m|160|) 07.10.03 # yes 07.10.38 # that's where the margin is, and it will (if told to) scroll between that point and the right side of the screen 07.11.31 Join criznach [0] (n=criznach@host-69-145-134-192.grf-mt.client.bresnan.net) 07.11.38 Quit karashata ("I will *SO* make you regret that... Later... *is a lazy dragon*") 07.18.14 # i am having problems with the margin tag. this is what i have: #%s%m|160|text starting at half the screen 07.21.25 # besides the # what would prevent that from working? it just loads the default wps and when i put # in front of it. the wps displays correctly. 07.22.02 # %m is a non scrolling margin, %s tells it to scroll... ? 07.23.25 Join goffa_ [0] (n=goffa@ 07.25.04 Quit Mouser_X ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 07.25.35 # I think you only need the %s|160 bit for a margin+scrolling text.. and %m for margin but non scrolling. 07.25.47 Join colin_ [0] (n=colin@host-155-47-107-208.midco.net) 07.26.06 # ok well i just tried %m and it still didnt work. 07.26.44 # FS #8135 - add an optional "left margin" parameter to the %s WPS tag - e.g. %s|100|. This patch uses parts of the scroll-margins patch (FS #2954), but is much smaller, only offers a left-margin, and only affects the WPS code. 07.27.03 # and.. 07.27.18 # Allow setting a margin on a non-scrolling line by using %m|margin| instead of %s|margin|. This allows to easily place dynamic info next to album art. 07.31.01 # alright. the wps does not work on my player either so i have something messed up 07.31.33 Quit goffa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.33.02 # any ideas? 07.35.32 # Hmm, been a while I haven't played with wps.. conditionals maybe? If you have the dev. environement (cygwin or vmware) I think there's a wps-debugger somewhere in there. 07.36.10 # yeah i couldnt get that to work 07.36.18 # Or try very very basic (read bare) wps with only a few lines. If it checks, add some more, etc. 07.36.38 # (that's how I used to work) 07.37.44 # i just have this on a line and it still has errors somehow %m|20| 07.38.51 # and then i added this and it still dont work: %m|20|%cl:%cM:%cS - %cm/%cd/%cY 07.41.12 # i figured it out and PaulPosition said it but i didnt pay attention 07.44.32 Quit Mxxd ("leaving") 07.45.07 # now is there a way to have words and then have the margin start? (ie: x scrolls, y does not) yyyy - xxxxx 07.53.25 Quit WebGeist ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 07.58.01 Quit PaulPosition () 08.01.53 # kkurbjun: Did you check the register value I asked for menwhile on your mini g1 ? 08.02.59 # finially figured it out. how about this idea? http://xs221.xs.to/xs221/07464/dump071115-005941.png 08.07.52 Join Lambuntu [0] (n=Lambdar@wbr-2310.student.iastate.edu) 08.11.17 # kkurnjun: what do you wan't to do? if you want to sync with interrupts, set_irq_level is the way 08.14.17 Quit eigma () 08.18.47 Quit Lambuntu (Remote closed the connection) 08.21.49 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B1491C.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.24.01 Join atsea- [0] (i=atsea-@gateway/tor/x-d11fc7c104eb39ab) 08.26.31 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.32.32 Join foolsh [0] (n=foolsh@74-135-179-41.dhcp.insightbb.com) 08.39.13 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.43.54 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 08.44.04 # yay! 08.44.19 # The PP 'mono' lcd bridge does have configurable speed :D 08.45.03 # This means we can get significant lcd update speedups on ipod 1st...4th gen, mini 1st gen, and Sansa c200 08.51.57 Quit colin_ ("http://suffering.no-ip.org/itunescatalog/index.php") 08.58.03 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 08.59.48 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.59.49 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 09.02.18 Join Lynx [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) 09.04.41 # amiconn: are you trying to reach a FPS of ∞ ? 09.05.46 # Of what? 09.05.53 # infinity :) 09.05.55 # * amiconn sees only gibberish chars 09.06.02 # hahaaa 09.06.15 # Did you check the fps table, how slow the c200 lcd update is? 09.06.27 # no to be fair I didn't 09.06.44 # I just felt I ought to remind you of the laws of physics, in case you were thinking of breaking them. The penalties are harsh :) 09.07.38 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@ 09.07.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.08.09 # now that I've checked the LcdFrameRates page though - I see what you mean 09.11.47 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 09.13.37 Quit atsea- (Remote closed the connection) 09.17.13 # god damn windows you stupid stupid OS! 09.18.32 Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.18.32 Nick Lynx is now known as Lynx_ (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) 09.19.02 # Seems we can roughly double that speed. Maybe more - need to experiment further 09.22.20 Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 09.24.32 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 09.26.07 # * GodEater wanted to extended a partition in windows using the diskpart command. He only wanted to extend it by 10GB. He issues the command "extend ?" hoping for a help message on how to do this. Diskpart complained that the argument was invalid. So he issued the "extend" command, hoping it would shed more light on how to use the command. It extended the volume all the way to the end of the disk. There is no way to undo this. Bugger. 09.26.51 # and why god why, is this command not available in the disk admin tool? Where there's a nice gui. 09.28.04 Join Wildboy99 [0] (n=chatzill@ 09.29.09 Part Wildboy99 09.33.12 Quit crwll ("remontti") 09.36.59 # GodEater: isn't windows/dos command parameters usually prefixed by / ? /me recalls that is the whole reason they went with \ for path delimiters. 09.37.15 # indeed 09.37.36 # not that it makes the default action of "extend" any less stupid 09.37.49 Join pondlife [0] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) 09.39.07 # Maybe a silly question, but do MAS targets use pcmbuf.c, or is that SWCODEC only? 09.39.42 # I'm fairly sure they don't... 09.40.29 Quit daurnimator (Remote closed the connection) 09.40.51 # they don't 09.40.52 # Zagor: unfortunately, Microsoft have now decided to give us discrete "shells" for certain functions. So "Diskpart.exe" is what you run, and then that presents you with a "DISKPART>" prompt. So the "extend" command is only valid there, and sadly "extend /?" does exactly the same as "extend ?" did. 09.40.57 Join daurnimator [0] (n=daurnima@unaffiliated/daurnimator) 09.41.37 # the only place I found words on how to specify the arguments to extend was on the microsoft website, after the fact :( 09.41.45 # oh lovely 09.42.28 # reminds me of managing my l2 switch via command line! 09.42.35 # I will no doubt get a kicking from our Windows server team later today for eating up all that valuable free disk space :( 09.43.28 # * petur always uses 3rd party tools for partitionmanagement on windows (PQMagic) 09.44.02 # petur: not allowed to install it on servers here :( 09.44.25 # besides which, the diskpart command (if you use it right) is much cleaner, since it doesn't require a reboot 09.44.38 # the volume just extends on the fly 09.45.18 # * GodEater grabs the now wildly flailing topic steering wheel and attempts to gain control over the direction of discussion once more 09.45.33 # how about this: 09.45.33 Join homielowe [0] (n=chatzill@d207-81-67-190.bchsia.telus.net) 09.45.49 # playback/buffering screwed up this morning 09.46.18 # JdGordon: Please could you try the updated keyclick patch - http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7307 I'd like to commit it soon... 09.47.01 # I was at about 10-15 seconds near the end of a song when I resumed this morning and decided to listen to the song again, so I skipped back. It played about 10-15 seconds of the beginning and then skipped automatically to the next song. 09.47.03 # Since owning a Gigabeat (thanks to bascule), the keyclick has shot up in priority for me :) 09.48.02 Quit Lynx_ (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The dawn of a new IRC era") 09.49.03 # petur: Resume from off, or stop? 09.49.11 # resme from off 09.49.16 # *resume 09.49.23 # Start screen straight to WPS? 09.49.29 # no. 09.49.35 # boot, then press play 09.49.46 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 09.49.58 # Is this with lostlogic's latest update? 09.50.06 # probably not 09.50.07 # I think the first one might have broken stuff... 09.50.37 # * petur admits it might even be a very old revision (before the weekend) 09.50.39 # You'd have been unlucky to update in that 5 min window though :) 09.50.58 # r15626 is the bad 'un 09.51.29 # I should first se if I can reproduce and then load the latest and try again 09.51.51 # OK 09.52.10 # 7307 refers to all players that use sw-codecs? 09.52.35 Join Casainho [0] (n=chatzill@bl8-161-199.dsl.telepac.pt) 09.52.48 # petur: I think that's one of my bugs, which I then fixxed 09.52.53 # psycho_maniac: Yep 09.53.23 # Hello to all!! :-) 09.53.45 # can anyone take me out one doughty? 09.53.46 # psycho_maniac: But it's most useful on players which have little tactile feedback, like the Gigabeats. 09.54.16 # * petur discovers he runs r15503 and hides 09.54.34 # hehe 09.54.57 # to have USB OTG in RockBox, we need to have one USB interface on processor with OTG capabilities?? 09.55.23 # Casainho: yes, or an external oth chip 09.55.25 # otg 09.56.03 # It's no possible to implement OTG by software? 09.56.13 # are we really implementing USB OTG or just USB host? 09.56.20 # I know this has been asked severl times. What is stopping 7738 from being comitted? 09.56.20 # Nico_P, pondlife: very reproducable on r15503, will now upgrade and try again 09.56.27 # markun: Casainho is on his own venture... 09.56.46 # petur: Keep us informed :) 09.56.48 # Casainho: you need software support too sure, but the hw needs to support it 09.57.22 # okok - I am confused, OTG is diferent form USB host? 09.57.26 # yes 09.57.32 # what is desirable? 09.57.40 # you tell me, its your player 09.57.49 # to be able to copy files from one device to other? 09.58.13 # or to read/copy files from player to pen flash drive? 09.58.18 # is "Wheelspeed" a word? 09.58.29 # LinusN: Not really, no 09.58.29 # I dont think so 09.58.30 # or USB Hardisk drive 09.58.47 # How about accessing a file system directly on a USB disk? 09.58.50 # shouldn't it be "wheel speed" at least? 09.58.54 # yes 09.58.55 Quit TMM ("Ex-Chat") 09.59.01 # LinusN: Yes 09.59.26 # Casainho: with USB OTG a device can be either host or device. 09.59.52 # `Nico_P, pondlife: current SVN still has the bug! 09.59.55 # do we have any issues left with 7738? 09.59.57 # and without OTG, can be host? 10.00.00 # oh damn 10.00.07 # Casainho: depends on the hardware 10.00.09 # petur: Go Flyspray Go! 10.00.24 # * petur goes 10.00.31 # Casainho: try ask google or wikipedia for details 10.00.49 # petur: Which device? H180? 10.00.56 # h380 10.01.12 # LinusN: did you check flyspray? one person complained about a current error but it has been re'synced to current svn. 10.01.15 # I hope to have one of those soon.. Have ordered my drive.... 10.01.28 # psycho_maniac: yes i checked flyspray 10.01.53 # Bagder: okok 10.02.01 # * Nico_P attempts to reproduce 10.02.02 # i'm talking about problems with the actual acceleration 10.02.02 # LinusN: Does #7738 still have settings? 10.02.17 # pondlife: looks like it 10.02.39 # oh. i dont think so just its a big laggy but that is the same with normal scrolling because i believe that has to deal with cpu boost. 10.02.41 # IIRC the plan was to decide if we could have fixed values (per target, perhaps). 10.02.46 # petur: oh it was actually the same track? 10.02.53 # yes 10.03.15 # markun: can you please see the quicly datasheet, and tell me if this processor USB would support MAster and Salve USB? 10.03.17 # http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc32015.pdf 10.03.18 # then it might be the dreaded FS#8092 10.03.25 # not sure though 10.03.54 # pondlife: I think the current default values it uses are fine on all clickwheel ipods 10.04.02 # all it needs is the setting to be removed now 10.04.06 # Nico_P 10.04.14 # FS 8160 10.05.27 # Nico_P: Could you perhaps put more explanation on FS#8092... I don't quite understand the report. Is it a buffering or playback issue? Can't it just do a full rebuffer, or am I misunderstanding the problem? 10.05.43 # petur: I'm almost sure it's a manifestation of FS#8092 10.05.51 # pondlife: buffering 10.05.53 # * pondlife becomes a teddy bear for a while 10.06.06 # So, why not just do a full rebuffer? 10.06.11 # o_O 10.06.25 # I suppose my basic question is 10.06.35 # What is the purpose of the routine rebuffer_handle(). 10.06.37 # ? 10.06.48 # linuxstb: you're getting famous - http://bugzilla.atheme.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61 ;-) 10.06.53 # pondlife: it's to go back to a point in the track which we don't have 10.07.10 # OK, so I'd expect a full rebuffer, right? 10.07.19 # pondlife: the problem with it is that we most probably don't have enough space left to write all of the required data 10.07.26 # pondlife: yeah, that would make sense 10.07.47 # So what goes wrong? A race? 10.07.54 # thing is we do have quite a lot of useful data... scrapping it sounds like a waste 10.08.15 # pondlife: no, it's actually a sign that some things work well :) 10.08.35 # Any other option is likely to complicate stuff horribly, no? 10.08.52 Join Casainho_ [0] (n=chatzill@bl8-161-199.dsl.telepac.pt) 10.08.52 # This is not a common condition in "normal playback".. 10.09.12 # pondlife: I was thinking of using the callback stuff we discussed with jhMikeS to allow the buffering thread to close handles and notify the audio thread about it 10.09.15 # Only a rewind (or back skip) off the start of buffered data will trigger it, right? 10.09.26 # that way the buffering thread could make room to rebuffer the track entierly 10.09.33 # pondlife: yes 10.10.01 # Sounds complicated. Why do we need to close handles? I'd just start afresh.. 10.10.22 # yeah maye... could be a fix 10.11.00 # anyway I need to go to class 10.11.10 # For the occasional waste of disk spinup time when someone rewinds back in the first buffered track, it's worth KISSing. 10.11.26 # yeah probanly 10.13.03 # * Nico_P is off 10.13.06 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 10.14.43 Quit criznach ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 10.15.13 # pondlife: i dont remeber having a rpoblem with that patch.. the soud is better now? 10.15.20 # Is the piezo patch ever going to get comitted? just wondering what would be better, 7307 or 5111. Are they two different things? 10.15.42 # Two different things, although #7307 could make use of #5111 10.16.30 # #5111 would improve the sound :) 10.16.49 # Ah, I'm wrong 10.17.05 # #5111 does the same thing for iPods 10.17.28 # But I don't have an iPod 10.17.31 # pondlife: your patch has whitespace changes? 10.17.50 # Yes, ‎lots of them.. I should remove and commit those seperately 10.18.00 # Lots of trailing whitespace removal. 10.18.10 # And some less-readable X&Y 10.18.44 # ok, testing the patch on my sansa... 10.18.56 # * GodEater grumles again about no-one commiting his tab->spaces fix up patch again 10.19.18 # JdGordon: Try with and without repeat enable on a wheel device... 10.21.13 # AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!111 10.21.21 # Casainho: i'm not a usb guru, but it looks like it should be able to handle otg 10.21.29 # JdGordon: AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! ??? 10.21.32 # bloody thing just zaped my ear with a beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 10.21.40 # eeep? 10.21.40 # had to turn of keyclick to stop it 10.21.47 # Hmm.. 10.22.14 # Weird, I reduced the click length... 10.22.18 # its not so easy to reproduce 10.22.25 # no, its a beep that doesnt stop 10.22.37 # only happens sometimes after pressing a button 10.22.43 # (as in the release event) 10.22.52 # ok, just did it on the wheel 10.23.01 # Release events are always ignored. 10.23.54 # its the high pitch one 10.24.11 # High pitched? It's a fixed beep. 10.24.17 # Casainho_: I think it's just "usb device" 10.24.27 # pcmbuf_beep(5000, 2, 2500*volume (0-3)) 10.24.32 # no, im getting 2 distinct beeps.. a low click and a high pitch squeel 10.24.38 # Hmm 10.24.56 # could be a e200 thing though 10.25.04 # With repeat off, or on? 10.25.05 # pressing anything after it happens stops it 10.25.06 # both 10.25.33 # Some kind of timer failure in the beep code? 10.25.56 # Maybe try increasing the length back up to 3 10.26.07 # where? 10.26.09 # action.c line 131 10.26.16 Quit Casainho (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.26.22 # Search for pcmbuf_beep 10.26.28 # which param? 10.26.29 # Change the 2 to a 3 or 5 10.26.40 # That's the length 10.26.48 # markun: Thanks. 10.26.50 # I find this info on AVR freaks forum: 10.26.51 # "If you can find a external usb harddisve that supports USB OTG then you could connect it to the UC3 series. Else you could wait for the AP720x series that includes a usb host controller and also runs with 1,8V ram insted of 3,3!!! But are probably not lanched before sometimes in 2008" 10.26.53 # So I think in a few months this device family will have OTG :-) 10.27.11 Quit tedrock (Client Quit) 10.27.20 # Casainho_: hah, there will of course always be newer hw 10.27.29 # you'll be a fool if you sit waiting for such stuff though 10.27.37 # as they could just as well just never appear 10.27.40 Join tedrock [0] (n=tedrock@d235-156-104.home1.cgocable.net) 10.27.41 # or not work 10.27.51 # pondlife: changing to 5 didnt change anything 10.27.56 # possibly made it worse even 10.27.56 # :( 10.28.06 Join AceNik [0] (n=AceNik@ 10.28.11 # Just for sanity, could you comment that line out? 10.28.20 # well, from Atmel I don't find a processor that fullfills needs... 10.28.20 # i.e. ; // pcmbuf_beep 10.28.36 # Casainho_: then pick something else 10.28.37 # (Sorry, I meant ; /* ... */ of course :) 10.28.56 # of course :) 10.29.05 # / would have given a compile error anyway 10.29.17 # actually.. no it wouldnt 10.29.20 # it wouldnt work though 10.29.34 # Why? 10.29.40 # You need the ; 10.29.51 # yeaH 10.30.07 # thats definatly the problem 10.30.13 # Hmm 10.30.20 Part AceNik 10.30.52 # Could you perhaps try some kind of logf to see if it's constantly getting called or whether the beep code is busted? 10.31.20 # k 10.32.44 # Bagder: Okok, I don't know others... - I will have to find... - I know that this AVR32 have free/open Tools to develop and have a lot of community support 10.33.02 # AVR32 is just the cpu core 10.33.04 Join CaptainSquid [0] (n=Miranda@proxy11.netz.sbs.de) 10.33.26 # Casainho_: but it's your choice 10.34.05 # in this case the core and the peripherals - USB and DAC 10.34.52 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host185-210-dynamic.20-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 10.35.12 # there are many other such SoCs 10.35.20 # with tools, docs and community behind 10.35.27 # coldfire imx31 10.35.29 # okok, I must find them :-) 10.35.34 # marwell PXA series 10.35.41 # yada yada 10.35.49 # can you please leave links to them in TWiki page? 10.35.59 # there are about a billion ARM-based 10.36.02 # no I can't 10.36.06 # Casainho_: remember that we have no AVR32 port of rockbox, so we would have to do all codec optimizations all over again 10.36.08 # you do the work 10.36.30 # pondlife: its not being called repeatedly 10.36.38 # LinusN: very good point there 10.36.39 # Hmm 10.37.05 # Casainho_: in other words: go ARM... 10.37.29 # I put a splash in which counts every tme its called to see whats happening (with a timeout of 0) and its working as expected 10.37.37 # hm imx31 is not coldfire but freescale, oops ;-) 10.37.40 # JdGordon: What if you turn off keyclick and turn on the track skip beep? 10.37.53 # okok - should go ARM and find one with DAC and USB OTG, free/open dev tools, hand assembled... 10.37.56 # track skip beep? 10.38.15 # Yes, under Playback > Beep Volume 10.38.34 # Another place where pcmbuf_beep is used. 10.38.48 # no brain damaging beep 10.38.51 # Then play a track and try skipping 10.39.07 # yep, no probs 10.39.11 # Ah, does the keyclick work ok during playback? 10.39.29 # imx31 is tempting, but i'm afraid it's expensive and afaics only available in BGA packaging 10.39.49 # there we go again... DIY won't work 10.40.04 # pondlife: yes, works fine with music playing 10.40.10 Quit linuxstb ("Leaving") 10.40.13 # But not when you stop? 10.40.19 # Casainho_: it's not *that* important to have all features integrated in the mcu 10.40.27 # Or is it an initial thing only? 10.40.37 # Casainho_: but it sure is nice 10.40.41 # no, comes back when music is stopped 10.40.51 # Casainho_: the tools are the gnu tool chain, they're already here 10.40.51 # The playback skip beep is 100 long, much more than 2... Try setting the keyclick length to 100? 10.41.10 # this hasnt shown up on any other target? 10.41.11 # Casainho_: and we have rockbox already being optimized for ARM so that's already here 10.41.19 # Not on H340 or Gigabeat 10.41.39 # * markun still things that Blackfin is a cool platform :) 10.41.41 # The sim doesn't keyclick in lists, because there's no interrupts. 10.41.43 # maybe its the way data is sent to the dac? maybe it keeps playing the same sample because we arnt tlling it to stop? 10.41.44 # *thinks 10.41.56 # Bagder: so, looks like ARM is a smart choice ;-) - but with DAC and OTG will simple board and soldering, and possible problems in hardware... 10.41.58 # But that's a more general issue with lists in the sim. 10.42.08 # markun: well, that's the same situation as AVR32 then with nothing in rockbox optimized for it 10.42.09 # that can be fixed "easily" 10.42.25 # so I must find a good ARM for this task 10.42.29 Quit foolsh ("Konversation terminated!") 10.42.33 # Well, I put a yield in, but I may have put it in the wrong place... 10.42.47 # Casainho_: a good that is cheap and not bga and... 10.42.52 # Anyway, keyclick sounds good here on my targets. 10.42.57 # Bagder: I know, but there are blackfin opts in speex and ffmpeg (not sure which codecs), maybe other projects as well 10.43.17 # pondlife: im running off in a minute, ill be back in 2 hours or so.. if im still awake ill have a play 10.43.20 # OK 10.43.22 # markun: well, experience tells that the provided optimizes aren't good enough 10.43.53 # we had ARM stuff "optimized" too, but that has been improved vastly by ourselves 10.44.13 # Bagder: they are all done by the same guy who's working for analog devices, I hope he know's what he's doing 10.44.37 # :-) 10.44.44 # markun: build one and prove it! ;-P 10.45.01 # markun: Blackfin is indeed a cool platform, though the assembly is a bit "contrained" 10.45.05 # Bagder: I could also buy one of those chinese gpl violations :) 10.45.14 # ;-) 10.45.18 # * amiconn thinks coldfire would be a way better choice than arm 10.45.32 # Of course, make sure to select one with data cache 10.45.54 # jmspeex: that's a pitty. Do you know what speedups you get with the speex opts? 10.46.19 # amiconn: yeah, but coldfire is a dying breed I think 10.46.32 # markun: you mean how much I gain by using Blackfin assembly on Speex? Quite a bit actually. And there's still room for improvement 10.47.44 # markun: Main problems for Speex on Blackfin atm are 1) gcc code quality and 2) instruction cache 10.48.00 # jmspeex: what about the instruction cache? 10.48.20 # blackfin is also quite expensive and only come in bga packaging as well... 10.48.40 # LinusN: why do you have to spoil everything :) 10.48.43 # slightly OT, but possibly not - anyone interested in the OpenMoko project ? (www.openmoko.org) 10.49.07 Join CaptainSquid83 [0] (n=Miranda@proxy11.netz.sbs.de) 10.49.16 # well, a few of them are in fact available in qfp, but not the ones that are particularly interesting to us 10.50.03 # analog.com advised me to go with the 525c when it's available to the public if I was interested in designing a DAP 10.50.17 # markun: basically, the Blackfin (of at least the 535) has 16 kB instruction cache plus 32 kB instruction SRAM. 10.50.43 # jmspeex: what's the problem with that? 10.50.44 # I doubt one will find a decent cpu for an mp3 player nowadays that's not bga 10.50.47 # Unless you explicitly put the code in I SRAM, you don't have much available. 10.51.04 # jmspeex: the S3C2440 in the Gigabeat also has 16kB 10.51.07 # markun: integrated codec...hmmm 10.51.11 # It's not a problem with Blackfin itself, just with the current Speex port, which doesn't do that 10.51.11 # * GodEater thinks "Rockbox as app" would be an awesome thing to add to the OpenMoko phone 10.51.25 # LinusN: I'd prefer an external one.. 10.51.28 # "289-ball, 12x12 mm, 0.5 mm pitch mini-BGA" gah! 10.51.43 # markun: The nice thing with Blackfin is that ADI is fully backing OSS 10.51.47 # LinusN: we can probably have them assembled in china ;) 10.51.59 # jmspeex: yes, that's also what I like about them 10.52.32 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@ 10.52.39 Quit CaptainSquid (Remote closed the connection) 10.53.11 Join JazzBone [0] (n=jazzbone@p5091BAC5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 10.54.27 # amiconn: you are probably right 10.59.13 # There's the MCF5372 (coldfire v3, 180MHz) which is QFP 10.59.17 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5E0B.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.59.47 # But that doesn't have integrated USB; the MCF537x variants with integrated USB are MAPBGA (and go up to 240MHz) 11.03.20 # markun: manufacturing stuff in China isn't as easy as it sometimes sounds, and it does has a hefty initial cost too 11.04.17 # Bagder: but you made the right contacts over there, right? :) 11.04.25 # haha, oooh yes 11.04.32 # I have my own secret mp3 factory now 11.04.51 # Bagder: may i join your seceret club? ;) 11.05.06 # sure, but you must promise to be very very secret 11.06.17 # mums the word 11.07.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.10.07 Quit Xerion_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.11.13 # do you think that when a "rockbox player" is created there would be instructions on how to make it yourself and posibably some people willing to make it for the user? 11.12.28 # Casainho_ plans for the first part, and I guess if there's demand there's room for the second too 11.15.46 # psycho_maniac: It would be nice to buy one already assembly and in plastic case, and with RockBOc loaded :-) 11.16.10 Quit goffa_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.19.02 # Any iPod users able to try http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7307 ? 11.20.12 # would you like it tested with just that patch ? 11.20.35 # Yes please, if possible 11.20.48 # There's a good chance it will just make a horrible noise 11.21.07 # heh. thanks for the warning. 11.21.21 # "brain-frying" was the term I think :) 11.21.39 # what kinda patch is this? -px? 11.30.12 # pondlife: building now for ipod video 11.30.23 # psycho_maniac: -p0 11.30.33 # GodEater: Thanks 11.30.52 # do you need 2 testers? 11.32.33 # * GodEater is a little peeved that for whatever reason "git apply" doesn't appear to work 11.35.01 # ... no sansa view available in Sweden yet 11.36.35 # er - pondlife, what's it supposed to do ? 11.36.43 # I've set keyclick to "Strong" 11.36.51 # and keyclick repeat to yes 11.36.58 # and I can't hear anything 11.37.02 # It's meant to make a noise whenever you press a key 11.37.07 # Hmm 11.37.11 # it's doing bugger all 11.37.24 # Well, better than brain-frying :) 11.37.32 # I guess so ;) 11.37.33 # Try playing something 11.37.45 # Then navigate during playback 11.37.46 # ah hang on 11.37.54 # does it do the same as voice ? 11.37.58 # i.e. not work during pause ? 11.38.00 # Yes 11.38.05 # All output stops during pause 11.38.08 # ah ok 11.38.11 # that works a bit better 11.38.12 # But that's a job for another fix 11.38.16 # it's not, erm, pleasant though 11.38.26 # In what way? 11.38.31 # Should just be a chk-chk 11.38.40 # the click isn't "clean" 11.38.47 # It's a very short beep 11.38.51 # and occasionally I get a "beep" 11.39.11 # okay, now I'm getting the brain frying thing 11.39.17 # Hmm, sounds like the beep timer isn't good on iPod Video too.. 11.39.32 # Can you describe the noise better? 11.39.45 # a beep that just doesn't stop 11.39.52 # OK.. 11.39.54 # it just goes "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" a lot 11.40.00 # That's the one! 11.40.03 # you have to start playback 11.40.06 # to make it go away 11.40.18 # Could you modify action.c and increase the click duration for me...just one number to change 11.40.37 # should it be a click or a beep? 11.40.38 # line 131, I think it was... see pcmbuf_beep(.., 2, ...) 11.40.40 # I'm unclear 11.40.47 # Should be a very short beep, sounds like a click here 11.41.09 # But it seems short lengths don't work well on some targets 11.41.16 # erm 11.41.27 # In action.c line 131, the 2 is the length 11.41.28 # a beep and a click are two distinct sounds to me 11.41.34 # so I'm not clear on what you're telling me 11.42.04 # I guess a click would be white noise, or a simple square on/off 11.42.15 # For now it should be a beep, but very very short 11.42.49 # Could you just try increasing the beep length as an experiment 11.42.58 # initial key presses produce what I would describe as a click 11.43.13 # if you turn off keyclick repeat, they stay that way 11.43.39 # however, turning the repeat on and then scrolling the wheel produces lots of clicks, and then suddenly the beep that won't go away 11.44.13 # any idea on what you want me to change the length to ? 11.44.18 # 5? 10? 3? 11.44.24 # 100 11.44.32 # ooook. 11.47.01 # Either it doesn't cope with short lengths or overlapping beeps. 11.47.32 # in any case, the click isn't pleasant to listen to 11.47.38 # imo anyway 11.47.56 Join Bagder_ [0] (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 11.49.05 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.49.26 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5E2B.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.50.28 # ok 11.50.38 # I'm getting a "proper" beep now with the length set to 100 11.50.44 # but it's still not "clean" 11.50.45 # No eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ? 11.50.49 # there's static at the end of the beep 11.50.58 # hold on, I have to set repeat to on 11.51.09 # no - I still get the eeeeeeeeeee 11.51.12 Quit weezerle ("...und tschüss!") 11.51.15 # :( 11.51.19 # and this was before I even got to change the setting :( 11.51.43 # OK, don't worry 11.51.44 # it's also a completely different pitch to the keyclick beep 11.51.46 # much much higher 11.51.50 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 11.52.35 # it seems to be caused when two beeps are generated close together 11.52.43 # Something isn't happy in pcmbuf_beep with overlaps. 11.52.49 # so it's easier to reproduce when the repeat is on 11.52.55 # but possible without it too 11.53.09 # That makes sense. 11.53.40 # Not really a bug in the keyclick stuff, but an underlying issue which it reveals I suspect. Of course, keyclick is useless like this! 11.55.23 Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ 11.55.47 # yep :( 11.55.47 # Not sure I can fix any further without a target that has the problem.. 11.56.21 # How long is one PCM buffer? 11.56.23 # Was it easier to get eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with a long or short duration? 11.56.33 # made no difference 11.56.54 # But it works fine during playback 11.56.55 # ? 11.56.57 # is it possible to clear the pcm buffer before attempting to make a new click ? 11.57.06 Join agm3nt [0] (n=opera@bartek.tu.kielce.pl) 11.57.11 # That would be bad 11.57.44 # We need to work towards PCM being a general output stage, running even when paused etc. 11.57.56 # That's why I'm asking 11.59.15 # amiconn: I'm not sure 11.59.21 # I'm just relying on pcmbuf_beep working 11.59.37 # Right now 'Pause' halts PCM completely. It could just halt the codec thread feeding the pcm buffer, and then discard all unplayed pcm blocks 12.00.45 # It requires that one pcm block is short enough that playing it up to the end isn't noticeable 12.01.10 Join TMM [0] (n=hp@ip5650d1ab.direct-adsl.nl) 12.01.28 # I see why we get an eeeeeeeee and static... 12.01.29 # On, and the codec needs to know how much to go back when resuming 12.01.41 # It decides to play 0 samples... 12.01.50 # Which is messy 12.03.54 # Hmm, or the pcm api could allow to retain some block, while still allowing to play others 12.03.56 Quit J3TC- (".•«UPP»•.") 12.04.16 # * amiconn wonders how difficult it would be to implement late-mixing for voice, beeps etc 12.04.35 Quit Bagder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.04.49 Nick Bagder_ is now known as Bagder (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 12.05.04 Quit psycho_maniac (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Nine out of ten l33t h4x0rz prefer it") 12.05.55 # jhMikeS was looking into this a while back. 12.06.16 # amiconn: without preemtive threading it won't be very low latency....what's acceptable? now's the time to think anyway with this voice conversion. 12.07.17 # GodEater: You able to try one more little mod? If so, pcmbuf.c line 1001... 12.07.47 # sure 12.07.54 # Before the call to pcm_play_data, insert if (samples != 0) 12.08.45 Part JazzBone 12.08.49 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.08.49 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 12.09.02 # * GodEater runs make 12.09.19 # Hmm, why does is there a different square-wave generator for playing and not-playing... 12.09.19 # ? 12.09.24 # pondlife: oh, now you have to make this task a priority? I have to do work there. What I'm seeing is nightmarish especially re: what happens against the interrupt. 12.09.40 # That made little sense... (my sentence I mean) 12.09.44 # jhMikeS: ;) 12.09.56 # Blame bascule for giving me a Gigabeat. 12.10.06 # That touch cross is really not so easy to use 12.10.11 # * GodEater just blames bascule generally 12.10.23 # for a gigabeat why not implement the TIMER3 beep and forget the pcm buffer for beeping there? 12.10.42 # I'd like this to be for all SWCODEC 12.10.59 # It was useful when driving and fumbling for my H340 too 12.11.11 # Blind users may like it too. 12.11.13 # Sure, but when the hardware is available... 12.11.21 # Besides, pcmbuf_beep ought to work. 12.13.03 # it really can't too well. we need a mixer thread. 12.13.07 # that's much better pondlife 12.13.22 # * GodEater now goes to change the length back to 2 12.13.24 # * preglow freezes to death 12.13.33 # Something is wrong in pcm_play_data then... :( 12.13.49 # ? 12.13.51 # On iPod/Sansa 12.14.07 # pcm_play_data shouldn't do much if told to play 0 samples. 12.14.13 # But obviously it is. 12.14.17 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@pool-71-125-77-210.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) 12.14.25 # no...it should be fine 12.14.40 # I guess it's starting DMA and outputting a very long block 12.15.02 # jhMikeS: Apparently if passed a 0 length and non-null pointer, it makes a brain-frying noise... 12.15.17 # On Sansa and iPod, but not on H300 or Gigabeat 12.15.31 # :D as it should ... dirty rascal thing to do. 12.15.41 # *joking* 12.16.01 # darn portalplayer 12.16.06 # Why Rockbox? None of the competition has "brain frying" built in !! 12.16.09 # yep - I like that now anyway pondlife 12.16.25 # Length 2 sounds like a click 12.16.25 # hmm 12.16.29 Nick parafin|away is now known as parafin (i=parafin@paraf.in) 12.16.31 Join weezerle [0] (n=weezerle@dslb-088-072-031-181.pools.arcor-ip.net) 12.16.31 # I'm still get beeps 12.16.37 # not never ending ones now 12.16.49 # just when scrolling a long list every 10th "click" is a beerp 12.16.52 # *beep 12.16.57 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@dhcp-892b9aab.ucd.ie) 12.17.02 # mmm, beerp 12.17.13 # if it's passed 0, it will consult the callback. if the callback returns something, it will play it. 12.17.19 # hmm 12.17.23 # not quite every 10th 12.17.25 # it's more random 12.17.37 # Is this only when playing, or only when not playing, or both? 12.18.56 # data running out will NULL the callback as will pcm_play_stop so it shouldn't try playing anything 12.19.29 # jhMikeS: It sounds ok on some targets.. so the problem may be quite far "down"... 12.19.51 # jhMikeS: i've got voice file building going now, so do tell if you need any 12.19.58 # \o/ 12.20.05 # preglow: yes...link me up 12.20.12 # aight, gimme a sec 12.20.16 # pondlife: both 12.20.20 # OK... 12.20.35 # * GodEater wonders how this patch will behave with 7738 12.20.42 # next thing would be building rbspeexenc from the rockbox speex sources 12.21.08 # pondlife: I don't thinks it should be far down at all. pcm_play_data checks its params and the start must be non-NULL, size must be nonzero 12.22.06 # Hmm, the only thing GodEater changed was to NOT call pcm_play_data if the size was zero... 12.22.20 # That fixed both a long noise and static 12.22.38 # jhMikeS: do you want a file or the sources, btw? 12.22.41 # GodEater: I suspect you're hearing beeps colliding. 12.22.53 # pondlife: I take it back 12.22.55 # A long beep is just two clicks end-to-end 12.23.01 # it's not possible to get beeps whilst playing 12.23.04 # only when stopped 12.23.21 # OK... I have an idea on that. 12.23.46 # what is the "2" measured in ? 12.23.49 # preglow: just give me a made file that I can just use 12.24.02 # GodEater: ms I think 12.24.11 # so two beeps colliding would be 4ms ? 12.24.21 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 12.24.24 # the beep is much longer than that 12.24.30 # samples = NATIVE_FREQUENCY / 1000 * duration 12.24.38 # I would say as long as 500ms 12.25.02 # jhMikeS: target? 12.25.26 # preglow: well, what's needed in order to build them anyway? 12.25.39 # I could want quite a few targets 12.25.42 # jhMikeS: nothing much apart from a configure patch and rbspeexenc 12.27.01 # rbspeexenc is one file which needs to be linked to svn libspeex 12.27.04 # preglow: I've never made voice from the .lang files ever so something is needed to produce the WAV output 12.27.10 # GodEater: Maybe comment out pcmbuf.c line 955... 12.27.16 # jhMikeS: oh yeah, easpeak, flite, festival 12.27.22 # jhMikeS: i had all of those installed by default, for some reason 12.27.30 # jhMikeS: if you're on windows, you can use the native stuff too 12.27.31 # free or fee? 12.27.35 # GodEater: The line ending in pcmbuf_mix_buf[NATIVE_FREQUENCY * 4 / 8] 12.27.54 # Then see if the beeps also occur during playback! 12.28.03 # pondlife: look in pcm.c and see why passing 0 and getting playback makes no sense at all 12.28.47 # jhMikeS: i plan on having a proper patch requiring no user intervention for rbspeexenc going soon anyway, i'd be happy to cough up a couple of voice files for you in the meantime 12.29.09 # jhMikeS: Could pcm_play_lock() have a side-effect? 12.30.21 # I see what you mean, but we have some strong empirical evidence... :/ 12.30.30 # * pondlife must buy a PP target 12.30.38 # pondlife: I really doubt it but it could be pcm_play_dma_stop that does...hmmm 12.31.54 # preglow: H10, e200, gigabeat, H100, x5 :P maybe that's too much? 12.32.04 # gimme a sec 12.32.20 # jhMikeS: The comment in pcm-pp.c ...dual core support will require other measures... isn't relevant yet? 12.32.34 # there's no guarantee the voice files are right, btw, i think they should be, since i can playback what seems to be put in 12.32.42 # I mean, disabling FIQ prevents a swap? 12.33.32 # pondlife: no, not relevant yet. and a swap? 12.34.08 # Wrong terminology, I meant something on the second core.. 12.34.13 # pondlife: sorry - got work to do now - won't be able to help much more today :( 12.34.15 # disabling FIQ prevents the interrupt for asking for more data while the specific interrupt is masked 12.34.17 # OK, thanks 12.34.42 # jhMikeS: I'd like to have a look at improving the H10 scrollpad. I think you mentioned before that you had thought about it. Any suggestions? 12.35.46 Quit J3TC- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.37.35 # espeak's pronounciation is actually better than flites 12.37.45 # too bad about that synthesizer... 12.37.47 # barrywardell: on what level? particulars in the driver? 12.39.32 # I thought that basically it should work with time-based acceleration when pressed like buttons and like a wheel when wiped with the velocity-based acceleration. 12.40.29 Quit HellDragon (Connection timed out) 12.40.56 # preglow: it can be used with the mbrola synthesizer 12.41.04 # pondlife: where is pcm_play_data being called with 0 anyway? 12.41.05 Join moos [0] (i=moos@m147.net81-66-159.noos.fr) 12.41.11 # jhMikeS: i'll just use different synthesizers for all of them 12.41.47 # markun: how? 12.42.01 # preglow: do you use linux? 12.42.09 # aye 12.42.16 # http://espeak.sourceforge.net/mbrola.html 12.42.55 # jhMikeS: Somehow in pcmbuf_beep... 12.43.19 # I'm not sure how :/ 12.43.24 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 12.43.46 # somehow? it should only attempt to start playback in that case if the callback is also not null 12.44.05 # The callback is definitely null. 12.44.29 # So, it basically locks and unlocks, that's all? 12.44.55 # preglow: should sound a lot better 12.44.56 # yep...if playback was started, the interrupt is unmasked, if not it stays masked 12.45.11 # This is only a problem if playback wasn't started 12.45.27 # If playback was started, no issue. 12.45.56 # pondlife: You want button click on H300?? 12.46.01 # Yes 12.46.08 # * amiconn wonders why 12.46.21 # Because it makes unsighted operation easier 12.46.29 # The big advantage of a real button target like the H300 is that you get tactile feedback 12.46.35 # Maybe my NAVI button is duff 12.46.38 # It hardly moves 12.46.42 # pondlife: you mean never started or if it's playing currently? 12.46.42 # So no click necessary for that 12.47.06 # I would like a click for the dreaded ipod wheels, and the H10 slider, but not for buttons 12.47.24 # jhMikeS: If it's never started I believe, but only GodEater and JdGordon have tried it. 12.47.43 # Certainly after pressing STOP 12.48.09 # jhMikeS: in case i'm wasting my time, i uploaded three of them for now, lemme know if they actually work and i'll supply more :) http://www.pvv.org/~thomj/rockbox/english.voice.* 12.48.22 # amiconn: It's certainly needed on the Gigabeat too. 12.48.48 # amiconn: i've removed the entire codec choice thing in configure, it didn't work anyway 12.48.49 # preglow: might be a bit before I can even test them 12.48.57 # jhMikeS: sure 12.50.01 Quit Casainho_ ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 12.50.30 # pondlife: it's till making no sense...pcm_play_data should set the cb to NULL, in which case pcm_play_data_start should simply drop through to make sure things are stopped. 12.52.19 # I agree 12.52.37 # But, based on GodEater's report... 12.52.43 Quit goffa (Remote closed the connection) 12.52.46 # Do you have a PP target handy? 12.52.47 Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ 12.52.54 # it's an effect from something else I think 12.53.15 # Should be easy to repro with keyclick_3.patch 12.53.21 # what if you beep, and then try another beep while beeping still? it will enter the wrong case 12.53.35 # Why? 12.53.51 # The second beep is during PCM playback, right? 12.54.31 # if the beep is still playing, pcm_is_playing can be true...now what happened to pcmbuf_read...maybe it's not null 12.54.59 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.55.00 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 12.55.08 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 12.55.14 # which FS is keyclick_3.patch? 12.55.40 # preglow: thanks for the voice files btw 12.55.46 # np 12.55.56 # you can build them yourself when i manage to get rbspeexenc building nicely :) 12.56.06 # jhMikeS: #7307 12.56.23 # preglow: I presume voicefont.c didn't need adjustment? 12.56.27 # keyclick_3 allegedly shows the problem, yet keyclick_4 doesn't 12.56.43 # amiconn: i haven't even opened it in an editor yet, i just assumed it took what it got as long as it was named .mp3 12.57.11 # preglow: how much data does speex_decode_int decode? one frame? 12.57.31 # jhMikeS: exactly one frame of 160, 320 or 640 samples, depending on mode 12.57.37 # sweet 12.57.50 # and eats from the bitstream the bits it needs 12.58.40 # incremental on small packets like that is the way to go here 12.59.15 # at least then I can choose how many per loop 13.01.51 Join darkapostrophe [0] (n=darkapos@217-50-177.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 13.01.54 # nice 13.02.14 # that speex decoder i sent should be exactly the way to decode these speex clips 13.02.20 # you point at them with speex_bits_set_bit_buffer 13.02.34 # then just call speex_decode_int until no bytes (or just a couple) remain 13.02.58 # no BITS 13.03.21 Join Casainho [0] (n=chatzill@bl8-161-199.dsl.telepac.pt) 13.03.29 # btw, i updated our speex.c yesterday with some new stuff you should consider too 13.03.42 # one should always skip the first couple of samples coming out from the decoder 13.03.46 # I suppose whatever the mp3 callback returns...set the buffer to 13.03.49 # oh, and yeah, remember to reset the encoder for each clip 13.03.59 # reset? 13.04.12 # speex_decoder_init? 13.04.14 # yeah, just basically do a speex_decoder_init 13.04.32 # what about the ENH stuff? 13.04.48 # enabled by default 13.04.58 # so I don't need to call that? 13.05.03 # nope 13.05.07 # cool 13.07.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.10.04 # preglow: Yes it does. Of course we should change the extension for the speex clips 13.10.16 # .spx usually means an ogg containter? 13.11.36 # amiconn: always 13.11.48 # we should not use .spx 13.11.53 # .rspx or something 13.12.03 # Or .speex 13.12.12 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 13.12.18 # .rawspeex 13.12.26 # Does .ogg imply an ogg container, but not necessarily Vorbis? 13.12.32 # i want it clear that these cannot be expected to play anywhere else 13.12.45 Join slomo12 [0] (n=jerry@rdbck-3902.wasilla.mtaonline.net) 13.12.50 # pondlife: that's what xiph wanted to happen, but even they have stopped believing it can be done now 13.12.56 # .ogg today basically means vorbis 13.12.57 # preglow: .talk? 13.13.04 # Pity 13.13.18 # It would make more sense if the extension only related to the container. 13.13.20 # the fracking pcm buffer design is the biggest block here or I'd be basically finished here 13.13.23 # howdy :) 13.13.36 # pondlife: more sense, but how do you use separate programs for audio and video then? 13.13.55 # True 13.14.19 # Launch the program first :) 13.14.23 # The culprit is that windows associates extensions rather than file formats 13.14.33 # until the os supports such distinctions, it's hopeless 13.14.41 # (and rockbox also does because it's the simplest method) 13.14.43 # i believe linux is a lot closer to that than windows, which cares only about extensions 13.14.58 # I have an ipod, 3g and I believe it's the one with encryption, is it possible to wipe out apple OS and install ipodlinux and still be useable ? 13.15.00 # amiconn: rockbox does support different things in an .ogg 13.15.03 # AmigaOS has a nice datatypes concept 13.15.27 # Should be possible to open a video file in any audio app and just play with the audio streams... 13.15.42 # Assuming there's audio, of course 13.15.47 Join goffa_ [0] (n=goffa@ 13.17.33 # pondlife: that's not usually whati want when i double click a video file... 13.17.50 # to heck with it, I'm not bending over backwards for that code's sake 13.18.54 Quit Dark_Apostrophe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.18.54 Nick darkapostrophe is now known as Dark_Apostrophe (n=darkapos@217-50-177.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 13.19.32 Quit ___jake (Remote closed the connection) 13.21.13 Join Sedgewick [0] (n=Sedgewic@ 13.22.15 Part slomo12 13.22.21 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@wlrsvd-178.njit.edu) 13.26.38 Quit goffa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.30.27 # preglow: will speex_bits_remaining continue to return the same value until more data is consumed? 13.33.26 # well, yeah 13.33.34 # if no data is consumed, it'll say it's got the same amount of data 13.35.56 # just making sure. it might need to process a message and go back to what it was doing before. 13.39.33 Join Isolinear [0] (n=A@c-76-105-254-119.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 13.40.12 # speaking of pcm playback, how do we really want it implemented? 13.40.39 # i'm thinking a mixer 13.41.11 Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ 13.41.12 # Yes. Voice, Playback, Beeps, Line In.... 13.41.16 # with at least 3 inputs; playback, voice and "aux" (for example beeps) 13.42.14 # separate volume for each channel, and a master volume as well 13.42.41 # Which channels need EQ and other DSP? Only playback? 13.42.51 # probably 13.42.57 # mixer, mixer, mixer :) 13.43.00 # to keep it simple 13.43.04 # Voice, beep can be mono too 13.43.23 # No need for send loops :) 13.43.26 # i also want to accomodate for sound in games 13.43.38 # but that could probably be the playback channel 13.43.52 # I'd think you'd want to mix music + game sound 13.43.58 # perhaps 13.44.00 # So make games use aux 13.44.05 # this is pretty much what I had in mind but needs a thread to run it 13.44.24 # and preemptive threading! \o/ 13.44.25 # Can't be DMA run? 13.44.26 # jhMikeS: a thread, or a periodic interrupt 13.44.42 # I suppose you need to double-buffer.. 13.44.52 # can't be DMA run 13.45.00 # the thing is that we want very low latency as well 13.45.14 # preemptive threads then :) 13.45.25 # * LinusN stops listening :-) 13.45.36 # why a thread? 13.45.44 # A regular interrupt would do, no? 13.45.49 # at least that thread could also be preemted 13.46.12 # if it's in an interrupt, it holds everything down until finished 13.46.49 # It's fairly critical that it keeps running... 13.46.49 # but it should still do the work in very small chunks 13.47.12 # A bit of summing should be fairly predictable. 13.47.14 # to keep the latency at a minimum 13.49.25 # it *could* be run by the dma interrupt, but then we have a problem when there is no dma 13.49.53 # we'll also have major trouble if we use too much time in it 13.49.56 # we don't want to play silence just to keep the dma interrupt going 13.50.04 # Why not? 13.50.08 Join JETC- [0] (n=jetc123@wlrsvd-178.njit.edu) 13.50.21 # * preglow has already experimented with hogging the cpu in the dma interrupt... 13.50.25 Join HellDragon [0] (i=jd@unaffiliated/helldragon) 13.50.28 # * jhMikeS too 13.50.53 # I mean, why not keep DMA running all the time. 13.51.00 # and i got the most lovable little frozen player i've seen 13.51.16 # pondlife: maybe that's an option, but that would mean less cpu sleep 13.51.35 # so, all in all preemptive threading with a realtime thread, then :> 13.51.39 # pondlife: all the time? silence might be useful to prevent a stop if DMA runs out and an insert if about to happen but other than that... 13.52.04 # we could get a few ms latency with that 13.52.23 # Does DMA running itself use CPU... 13.52.29 # The mixing can stop.. 13.52.33 # pondlife: no 13.52.43 # Just keep sending the silent buffe 13.52.44 # r 13.53.02 # mpegplayer does that to keep the clock running 13.53.02 # Might be simpler, as long as battery life won't be reduced. 13.53.03 # we still need to serve the dma interrupt to send a new buffer to the dma controller 13.53.21 # That could be very little work. 13.53.25 # yes 13.53.26 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-209-90.student.uu.se) 13.53.39 # the benefit would be that the dma interrupt could do the mixing 13.53.57 # what about dsp? 13.53.58 # The mixer should know what inputs are active and be able to optimise lots. 13.54.01 # but won't work where you can't run the interrupt in parallel with a big transfer 13.54.02 # it we only do mixing, the dsp will still be low-latency 13.54.03 Quit J3TC- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.54.04 # ehh 13.54.04 Nick JETC- is now known as J3TC- (n=jetc123@wlrsvd-178.njit.edu) 13.54.05 # hig-latency 13.54.08 Quit goffa_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.54.24 # preglow: yes 13.54.25 # dsp is outside of this, on the playback stream, in my model. 13.54.28 # yeah, and ll doubles memory needs...crossfade...ouch 13.54.44 # crossfade is also outside of this 13.55.04 # This is a "hardware mixer emulator" only 13.55.06 # pondlife: ok, so this does nothing to make dsp low-latency 13.55.14 # would we want 2 playback channels and let the mixer do the xfade? 13.55.21 # we'll still have two second delays when adjusting eq bands 13.55.31 # even so, pp can't do it 13.56.17 # as i see it, we have a few "problems" we want to solve: 13.56.27 # 1) no sound when music is paused 13.56.39 # 2) high latency in general 13.56.54 # 3) Over complex PCM code? 13.56.58 # 3) insufficient mixing between playback/voice/beep 13.57.27 # The high latency cannot be solved completely without giving up our boosting concept 13.57.45 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet04.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 13.57.45 # amiconn: probably not 13.57.59 # that one too...another block I had in thinking about it 13.58.07 # Well, dsp latency could, if we put the dsp later into the chain 13.58.14 # LinusN: Does (3) refer to the issue where fades affect voice/beeps too? 13.58.20 # But then the pcm buffers would need to be 32 bit 13.58.21 # yes 13.58.27 # One step at a time, I reckon 13.58.32 # amiconn: i don't see that as a problem... 13.58.43 # preglow: low-mem? 13.58.48 # iFO, logikdax... 13.58.51 # *iFP 13.58.57 # only the main 2 codec outputs would need 32-bit 13.59.20 # why 2? 13.59.25 # crossfade 13.59.29 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 13.59.48 # hmm 13.59.59 # Couldn't crossfade be done *in* the pcm buffer? 14.00.12 # Crossfade should be pre-dsp 14.00.21 # yes 14.00.27 # it most definitely shoudn't 14.00.44 # Depends on the dsp, really. 14.00.46 # it should be the same enveloping mechanism for fade on stop/pause, crossfade, etc. 14.01.13 # since you're doing the mixing, might as well apply volume settings too 14.01.17 # Why DSP(1)+DSP(2) when you can DSP(1+2) 14.01.56 # Especially if you include dynamic compression or similar.. 14.02.10 # * amiconn would rather drop all audio fading, but not many users might agree with that 14.02.40 # i listen to podcasts and fading is very annoying 14.02.41 # * jhMikeS hates the crossfade most of all 14.02.47 # Why? 14.02.51 # I love crossfade 14.03.07 # pondlife: because you want to hear every word being said before and after pausing. 14.03.09 # it's an annoying programming impediment that wastes tons of ram :p 14.03.14 # :) 14.03.41 # i'd like a "podcast mode" with sane defaults 14.03.42 # Crossfade on skip+shuffle is probably my top Rockbox feature. 14.03.55 # The 'fade on stop/pause' was about the first option I ever disabled in rockbox 14.04.07 # That was on archos recorder v1, rockbox 2.0 iirc 14.04.09 # pengo: The options are there.. 14.04.27 # * JdGordon back 14.04.36 Join foolsh [0] (n=foolsh@74-135-179-41.dhcp.insightbb.com) 14.04.51 # i believe the crossfade is a popular feature 14.04.58 # pondlife: is there an option to remember you spot when you accidently hit "next track" 30 minutes into a 1 hour track? 14.04.59 # with a ll mixer, fade on stop pause would really be quite simple to dsp instead of volume fade. other channels would each play at their own volumes. 14.05.28 # pengo: Not as far as I know, but bookmarking isn't something I know much about... 14.05.29 # * jhMikeS says "nuke the crossfade" and put it under "things we'll never implement...again" 14.05.37 # haha 14.05.41 # * pondlife goes back to OF 14.05.45 # haha jhMikeS 14.06.39 Quit foolsh (Remote closed the connection) 14.07.01 # btw, the dsp block should be able to stretch the audio for tempo adjustment 14.07.23 # which in turn means DSP(1) + DSP(2) 14.07.23 # Is someone drawing a nice block diagram ? 14.07.27 # pondlife: latest patch doesnt fix the problem 14.07.32 # Good! 14.07.37 # doesnt.... 14.07.46 # That means that GodEater must have done something else 14.08.12 # JdGordon: So even with that pcmbuf_beep mod, you still fry brains? 14.08.28 # yeah 14.08.53 # pondlife: didn't - only did the two changes you asked me to make 14.09.04 # initially the beep length 14.09.09 # and then the samples != 0 14.09.20 # OK, but the samples != 0 fixed the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , yes? 14.09.26 # yes 14.09.38 # * GodEater has to get food, but will be back in 15 mins 14.09.39 Part agm3nt 14.09.40 # Not for JdGordon on Sansa, sadly 14.09.46 # * jhMikeS would much prefer to write "How to Add a 2nd DAC to You Player to Use Crossfade" hardware mod 14.10.05 # :D 14.10.21 # i'd like a two-less-menu-buttons mod 14.11.05 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B1491C.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.11.20 # * jhMikeS must investigate the real problem with this eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thing soon 14.11.33 # after speex voice ui is done :> 14.11.57 # I guess that one-liner will suffice for now 14.12.38 # yes...and what to do with that pesky pcm buffer to make it clean :< 14.14.20 # well, I'd rather put the "make it work for now" hacks in the old code anyway...I'll accept none in the new and I'll proceed as though pcmbuffer is the perfect mixer 14.14.55 # LinusN: Speaking about that - what happened to your on-the-fly mp3 stretching idea? 14.15.08 # amiconn: i kind of lost interest :-) 14.15.11 # And also, did you manage to get the oldplayer lcd working again? 14.15.20 # amiconn: haven't tried 14.15.25 # :( 14.15.49 # * pondlife has heard lots of time-stretching algorithms but none of them sound good enough for foreground audio... 14.16.09 # Not as good as speed changing, certainly. 14.16.17 # i think it can be good enough for speech 14.16.22 # True 14.16.31 # mp3 stretching as in time-streching compressed mp3 data? say what? 14.16.44 # Also time squishing always sounds better than stretching. 14.16.53 # i.e. throwing data away, not doubling. 14.17.03 # btw, i think maybe time stretching might be one of my next projects 14.17.14 Join atsea- [0] (i=atsea-@gateway/tor/x-37086b963b619613) 14.17.20 # stretching needs to magically create data that doesn't exist 14.17.23 # got your flux capacitors in stock? 14.17.37 # jhMikeS: a poor man's stretch/compress which removes/doubles mp3 frames 14.17.45 # preglow: please please try time stretching 14.17.51 # jhMikeS: Convert the mp3 stream to 320kbps cbr without bit reservoir, and then drop or replicate frames 14.18.15 # I take it people want to time-squish rather than (or more than) time-stretch? 14.18.22 # i.e. speed up book reading 14.18.26 # * jhMikeS should have gotten the flux capacitors at low-low prices at that one wootoff 14.18.26 # pondlife: exactly 14.18.29 # (yet another bresenham application) 14.18.48 # pondlife: some people want to slow down music for rehearsal with their music instrument 14.18.56 # Ah, yes. 14.19.18 # i've started to got used to listening to chipmunk voices though... after finally finding "pitch" under a menu other than "sound settings" 14.19.19 # A-B repeat with time stretch 14.19.40 # Afaik, archos did audible seek that way on the hwcodec targets 14.19.42 # pondlife: might want to slow audio if learning a new language too 14.19.45 # pondlife: a killer app 14.20.06 # LinusN: think i'll be using that lib you pointed me to for a quick attempt 14.20.11 # * pondlife can't remember the Archos OF any more :/ 14.20.15 # preglow: cool 14.20.15 # it's decent enough quality and shouldn't be too hard to compute 14.20.32 # pengo: then the native speakers wonder about your weird accent 14.20.42 # i'm still thinking about psychoacoustic bass enhancement too 14.21.09 # shouldn't be that difficult 14.21.18 # LinusN: i've had some attempts at that, all of them failures 14.21.19 # Some 'missing fundamental' stuff like the MAS does? 14.21.25 # amiconn: yes 14.21.27 # LinusN: but then again, i haven't really ever heard a good one... 14.21.29 # preglow: oh? 14.23.29 # Hmm, http://www.clearscale.org/ died 14.23.59 # http://www.surina.net/soundtouch/ uses LGPL 14.24.17 Join goffa_ [0] (n=goffa@ 14.26.25 # time stretch + crossfade would make a killer party jukebox 14.26.39 # Including BPM detection 14.26.43 # combined with beat matching 14.27.02 # Party Mode just got good 14.27.31 # exactly 14.28.07 # whats time streching? 14.28.16 # slowing down the audio? 14.28.30 # Or speeding it up 14.28.38 # But at the same pitch 14.29.22 # preglow: I'm taking time out of my busy mpegplayer schedule to do this but another nice side effect will be that dsp access from plugins will be really simple. There's no "current DSP" notion but they're just assigned straight up at init and used with a pointer param. 14.29.36 # * JdGordon thought rockbox was full of audio puritsts... why do we want to fiddle with the music? 14.30.08 # Each to their own.... 14.30.42 # jhMikeS: most excellent 14.30.47 Quit goffa_ (Remote closed the connection) 14.30.49 # Seems like time stretching is a high-latency operation. 14.30.51 # code simplification > poor code :P 14.30.59 # pondlife: not really "high" 14.31.05 # there's some buffering, but it's not high latency 14.31.19 # Beat detection too? Argh...we could just use backlight intensity now to serve as a peakmeter :) 14.31.37 # there is a patch for that 14.31.58 # ay, dios mio 14.32.07 # Backlght discolight 14.32.17 Quit Bagder (Remote closed the connection) 14.32.57 # oh...I got one...beat detection + bumping the screen image around with the bass 14.33.14 # haha 14.33.29 # I guess we'll need viewports for that 14.34.10 # * petur remembers gl.tter has a backlight beat patch 14.34.25 # LGPL code can be included in Rockbox, right? 14.34.35 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 14.35.19 Quit goffa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.35.34 # only dumping the screen image? I think we could do better. Beat timed image distortions (in OpenGL of course) ;) 14.35.40 # s/dumping/bumping 14.37.13 Join japc [0] (n=japc@ 14.38.01 # pondlife: yes, i believe so 14.39.58 # where's our code lawyer ? 14.40.29 # * Zagor dons the silly hat 14.40.33 # pondlife: yes 14.40.39 # :) 14.52.29 # preglow: you said 2k stack? 14.53.13 Join Soap_ [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 14.53.30 # jhMikeS: that should do 14.54.45 Join nicktastic [0] (n=nick@unaffiliated/nicktastic) 14.55.16 # preglow: did you have a chance to try mbrola, or busy with other things? 14.55.46 # busy with other things, among other assembling a table :P 14.56.56 Quit nicktastic (Client Quit) 14.57.57 # preglow: your own table? 14.58.24 # aye 15.04.44 Nick bb_ is now known as bb (n=bb@unaffiliated/bb) 15.07.03 Join nicktastic [0] (n=nick@unaffiliated/nicktastic) 15.07.23 Quit animeloe ("Leaving") 15.07.55 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.10.30 Quit Soap__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.19.27 Join Guile`` [0] (n=Guile@ 15.21.45 Join darkapostrophe [0] (n=darkapos@217-50-177.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 15.30.00 Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@c-69-243-78-117.hsd1.md.comcast.net) 15.31.22 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 15.31.45 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 15.35.53 # linuxstb: looks like building from our svn libspeex should be doable 15.36.01 # so i guess we should go for that 15.38.36 Quit pengo () 15.38.40 Quit Dark_Apostrophe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.38.41 Nick darkapostrophe is now known as Dark_Apostrophe (n=darkapos@217-50-177.231210.adsl.tele2.no) 15.40.03 Quit Guile` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.40.10 Quit DerPapst (Nick collision from services.) 15.40.24 Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p5B23F0B6.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.42.01 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet06.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 15.42.07 # preglow: Sounds good. 15.45.53 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 15.46.40 # linuxstb: i guess we should build libspeexdsp in addition, somehow 15.46.43 # all the sources are there 15.47.32 Quit nicktastic ("Leaving") 15.48.19 Join ackbahr [0] (n=jean@d83-180-238-213.cust.tele2.ch) 15.49.22 # jhMikeS: sorry for running after asking my question earlier.basically, I think the H10 scrollpad should behave like it does in the OF 15.54.31 # linusN: So http://www.surina.net/soundtouch/ might be useful. 15.54.55 # Although it's C++.... :( 15.55.05 # booo hiss 15.56.19 # barrywardell: me too...and that was a long way of saying it :) 15.56.40 # I'm just not sure how is best to implement it 15.57.05 # how doe the acceleration work currently in other drivers? 15.57.42 # pondlife: i'll be using that 15.58.00 # Great 15.58.44 # or at least using it for ideas 15.58.54 # i'll have to recode, but the core really isn't much code 16.01.39 # preglow: not I get undefined refs to codec_calloc and codec_free. just stub them out? 16.01.58 Part LinusN 16.01.59 # *now 16.02.12 # jhMikeS: you can either comment them away or stub them out in rockbox.h 16.02.25 # and that you can do without checking for ROCKBOX_VOICE_CODEC 16.02.41 # I'd rather just comment them away :) 16.02.56 # sure, go for it 16.03.11 Quit Casainho ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 16.04.31 Join scorche|w [0] (n=42c007b2@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 16.04.33 # speex_bits_init seems to need it 16.04.41 # we don't use speex_bits_init 16.04.59 # we use speex_bits_set_bit_buffer, and that just copies a pointer 16.05.11 Join nicktastic [0] (n=nick@unaffiliated/nicktastic) 16.05.12 # ok, so just comment away that one 16.05.23 # can I just #if 0 speed_bits_init? 16.05.27 # *speex 16.05.36 # sure 16.05.45 Quit J3TC- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.05.58 # but we'll need it for rbspeexenc 16.06.02 # so #if 0 isn't very nice 16.06.03 # and speex_bits_destroy? 16.06.16 # #ifndef ROCKBOX_VOICE_ENCODER would be nicer 16.06.17 # did anyone ever identify the SoC used in the 2G Nano ? 16.06.44 # preglow: you said "sure". :) and ROCKBOX_VOICE_ENCODER? 16.06.57 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 16.07.17 # jhMikeS: "sure" as in we won't need it for voice, but we will need it if we're going to use our svn libspeex for building our own encoder 16.07.23 # and in that case #if 0 isn't very helpful, heh 16.07.23 # GodEater: not that i know of. 16.07.33 # GodEater: I think it's an Apple branded chip with an Apple serial number.... 16.07.39 # what about #ifndef ROCKBOX_VOICE_CODEC :D 16.07.45 # GodEater: they still think it's some kind of custom samsung chip 16.07.55 # DerPapst: that's what I though too 16.07.58 # jhMikeS: well, then it would build for the voice decoder... 16.08.08 # linuxstb: samsung chip, isn't it? 16.08.18 # * GodEater has just noticed that the OpenMoko phone is using a Samsung SoC 16.08.28 # preglow: Yes, but "samsung chip" is all that's known I think... 16.08.31 # which presumably has open documentation 16.08.57 # I've just found some words on the Samsung site which are a close match with part of the serial no. on the Nano 2G's SoC 16.09.09 # *jtag pops in mind* 16.09.52 # preglow: argh, I'll let you setup your build #defines :) 16.10.02 # lets get that 2g nano hacked 16.10.03 # : ] 16.10.24 # jhMikeS: simple, there are two: ROCKBOX_VOICE_CODEC for voice decoder, ROCKBOX_VOICE_ENCODER for rbspeexenc, the last is currently only used in config-speex.h here 16.11.05 # ouch, 521KB for sansa 16.11.09 # to enable floating point 16.11.14 # rockbox.ipod ? 16.11.25 # rockbox.mi4 16.11.28 # from? 16.11.32 Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") 16.11.35 # check the build table? 16.11.39 # kie 16.11.42 # DerPapst: If they glued the chips to the board to prevent measuring, they probably didn't put an open jtag interface on the board... 16.11.54 # though it would be very hard to jtag the 2nd gen nano. maybe the "soilder points" are between some PCB layers 16.12.02 # last build I made is 471 16.12.05 # yuk 16.12.08 # jhMikeS: as far as i can see, 498kb 16.12.28 # jhMikeS: Have you removed all the existing swapping code etc? 16.12.32 # yup 16.12.37 # rockbox.ipod is 489kb here, i'd hardly call that a big leap in bin size 16.12.48 # anyway, there are more stuff i can remove 16.12.53 # is, even 16.13.07 # But haven't we saved that 512KB swap buffer? 16.13.13 # I can't wait for this build to finish...then crash...*crosses fingers* 16.13.22 # linuxstb: yes 16.13.22 Join jpt9 [0] (n=chatzill@ninetails-33.dynamic.rpi.edu) 16.13.23 # suspects are : http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/productInfo.do?fmly_id=212&partnum=S5L8700&&ppmi=1456 or http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/productInfo.do?fmly_id=212&partnum=SA58700&&ppmi=1456 16.13.26 # linuxstb: Plus 48KB iram swap buffer 16.13.27 # hey 16.13.34 # i'm trying to install Rockbox on a Sansa E250R. 16.13.45 # I can't seem to get the Sansa to show up as a USB mass storage device. 16.13.51 # * DerPapst will do that soon too :D 16.13.53 # but those buffers were only allocated before when voice was actually required 16.13.58 # (and what does show up doesn't seem to have a SYSTEM directory) 16.14.05 # jpt9: I believe you need to switch it into "Rhapsody mode" in the original firmware. 16.14.11 # oh. 16.14.32 # stupid question... 16.14.36 # I've done step 1. 16.14.48 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ 16.14.49 # will Rockbox Utility do step 2 properly if I have an R? 16.14.54 # No 16.15.13 # Rockbox Utility will do the unzipping of rockbox.zip for you, but that's all. 16.15.14 Join ATravelil [0] (n=ATG@pool-71-254-19-193.clppva.east.verizon.net) 16.15.24 Quit CaptainSquid83 ("Miranda IM!") 16.16.42 # oh, _last_ build I made for e200 was 488KB 16.17.31 # samsung's bloody site keeps crashing firefox :( 16.18.41 # when ff crashes for me it's mostly because of stupid flash thingies 16.19.37 # Firefox crashing?? 16.20.00 # DerPapst: yes, I think that's what's causing it here too 16.20.16 # * linuxstb has similar problems with ff and flash (under Linux) 16.20.24 # amiconn: yes. because of buggy ploojins 16.20.32 # ploojins ? 16.20.38 # plug-ins 16.21.28 # isn't that the way rockbox "pronounced" plugins a few moth back? 16.21.36 # *month even 16.21.41 # +s 16.21.47 # bah.. i give up :P 16.21.48 # well, if I had designed this to lock up, it would be a job well done :) 16.21.56 # must have missed it 16.21.59 # jhMikeS: hmm? it's down to that size now? 16.22.22 # what do you mean? 16.22.38 # 16:16 < jhMikeS> oh, _last_ build I made for e200 was 488KB 16.22.45 # just wondering if that size is with speex voice 16.22.59 # i assume that now that I've Rockboxed it, I can use Rockbox utility to update it and install extras and the like? 16.23.01 # GodEater: if you have windows ask MS Sam to say plugins for you ;) 16.23.45 # Windows ? 16.23.49 # Moi ? 16.23.54 # jpt9: Yes - everything apart from "bootloader installation" should work. Is Rockbox working now? 16.23.56 # 498908 (SVN) vs. 533504 (core voice) 16.23.59 # then flite or so 16.23.59 # yup. 16.24.04 Quit ATravelingGeek (Nick collision from services.) 16.24.04 Nick ATravelil is now known as ATravelingGeek (n=ATG@pool-71-254-19-193.clppva.east.verizon.net) 16.24.06 # should do the same :P 16.25.21 # * jhMikeS should probably debug on the sim first 16.25.44 # jhMikeS: so we _lost_ binary size? 16.25.58 # eh 16.26.01 # * preglow reads again 16.26.01 # no? 1st since is taken from the build table 16.26.09 # s/since/size/ 16.26.15 # that's good, now i can have fun optimizing for size :> 16.26.22 Quit animeloe ("Leaving") 16.26.47 # How much IRAM did it need in the end? 16.27.28 # i haven't trimmed that yet 16.27.51 # jhMikeS: increase the stack size above 2kb if you're getting bugs, it might not be completely accurate 16.28.06 # i just know it uses 1.2kb in stack arrays, i adjusted that up to 2kb to be on the safe size 16.28.17 # might not have been safe enough 16.28.21 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955EA17.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.28.38 Quit MethoS- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.29.55 # preglow: well, can try indeed. 16.31.50 # preglow: did you see how close 2048 was to full? 16.32.28 # i could only check what speex allocates through its own stack allocation wrappers, and it uses that for all the big stuff 16.32.34 # it used 1236 bytes of that 16.32.52 # the only other stuff that is supposed to be put on the stack are local variables 16.32.54 # how big is SpeexBits? 16.33.01 # not big 16.33.25 # 36 bytes, or thereabouts 16.33.52 Join karashata [0] (n=karashat@pool3-048.adsl.user.start.ca) 16.34.08 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 16.35.47 # just to get the thread started was 9% of the 2k 16.35.55 # hmm 16.36.36 # Is it time for an AlbumArt section in the manual now that it's in svn ? 16.36.41 # I doubled the size - no change ... it's something else 16.38.12 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955EA17.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.38.53 Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable228.133-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) 16.39.39 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 16.39.44 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-024-163-032-204.nc.res.rr.com) 16.39.54 # GodEater: Yes, I should read it too :) 16.43.17 # GodEater: would be very nice :) what do you think about putting it in the "advanced topics" chapter? 16.44.46 # preglow: care to look at a pastebin and see if anything was horribly botched on my part? 16.45.12 # jhMikeS: sure, go ahead 16.45.49 # sim doesn't give you any useful info? 16.47.53 # here's the thing that is it the thing:p http://www.pastebin.ca/775347 16.48.27 # preglow: am building that right now 16.48.36 # n1s: I'm not sure - I've been thinking about it 16.50.11 Quit hunz (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.50.59 # It probably needs it's own section, but also modifications to the WPS Tags pages 16.51.03 Join hunz [0] (n=hunz@dslb-088-064-075-195.pools.arcor-ip.net) 16.53.31 # hmmm 16.54.01 # jhMikeS: you seem to be passing a pointer to a pointer to speex_decode_int 16.54.02 # is that right? 16.54.02 # Godeater: maybe it could fit in the "browsing and playing chapter" 16.54.28 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.54.32 # shouldn't it be: speex_decode_int(td.st, &td.bits, (spx_int16_t *)td.src[0]); 16.54.33 # ooh...ahh...no 16.54.54 # why are those pointer void * anyway? shouldn't they be typed to catch this stuff? 16.55.03 # because he passes along different types of structs 16.55.14 # because of the hierarchial way the modes are built on top of each other 16.55.31 # might be a better way of doing it, dunno 16.55.39 # there's better ways and typesafe ways 16.55.48 # probably :) 16.55.54 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 16.55.58 # some kind of union declaration (forget the attribute) 16.56.13 # is that gcc only, then? 16.56.24 # I guess 16.56.25 # jmspeex wants libspeex to build well on all kinds of compilers, including c++ compilers :> 16.56.38 # our version? 16.56.49 # sure, we can deal with it as we wish 16.56.54 # but i can't be bothered, that's for sure 16.57.14 # we won't touch this code too often anyway :> 16.57.15 # well, guess these little mistakes only have to be caught once 16.57.19 # yeah, exactly 16.59.09 # heh...working perfectly :p 16.59.24 # haha 16.59.31 # bugs 0, thom 1 16.59.55 # loading a plugin bit the dust however :) 17.00.46 # haha, it can't all be good 17.01.18 # this is litterally the first time the code ran with the dumb error, so I'm suprised I can whiz around the menus without any trouble 17.01.23 # *without 17.01.33 # So you're listening to speex voice? 17.01.36 # yes 17.01.41 # Then \o/ 17.01.50 # woot \o_ 17.02.27 # _o/ 17.02.53 # nice crowd effect! 17.03.04 # preglow: do we save only space or also CPU time? 17.03.15 # ... by using speex instead of mp3 17.03.17 # * GodEater should have lined his up 17.03.52 # markun: don't know about cpu time, for some reason, mp3 is bloody fast 17.04.08 # but speex still has optimization potential 17.04.46 # But we save all that codec swapping... 17.05.04 # radio screen voices nicely 17.06.15 # is this for voice in general, or just .talk ? 17.06.19 Quit ackbahr (Remote closed the connection) 17.06.28 # all SWCODEC voice 17.06.42 # * GodEater realises that was a dumb question 17.07.03 # until someone writes a speex decoder for MAS 17.07.19 # I had some clips come out wrong though 17.07.28 # Not sure if that's the voice file or not 17.07.40 # jhMikeS: wrong in what way? 17.07.41 # * jhMikeS runs with gdb 17.07.51 # wrong string voiced in system 17.07.57 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.09.11 Quit atsea- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.09.58 Quit nicktastic ("Leaving") 17.10.31 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) 17.11.54 Join martii [0] (i=c24bfb32@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f63c17a15839da00) 17.11.55 # ;) 17.12.00 # hi 17.12.28 # jhMikeS: which player? 17.12.41 Join foolsh [0] (n=foolsh@74-135-179-41.dhcp.insightbb.com) 17.12.46 # guys I have ipod 4th gen and itrip 17.12.52 # e200 sim 17.13.17 # martii: Seen this page? http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodAccessories 17.13.25 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 17.13.25 Quit spiorf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.13.41 Join nicktastic [0] (n=nick@unaffiliated/nicktastic) 17.14.55 # I'll try on target to be sure it's not a sim thing 17.16.02 # Wouldn't the features.txt be different in the sim - needing a different voicefile? 17.16.43 # linuxstb: I fixed that right after the lang cleanup so sims and targets could use the same voicefiles but it's been broken :( 17.16.51 # I see the problem for e200 17.16.53 # How did you fix it? 17.17.06 # should it fault or cause problem if the clip is wrong or nonexistent though? 17.17.57 # enable the features in config*.h files for sims too, most of them didn't cause any trouble and add a couple of stubs for the ones that did 17.18.28 # jhMikeS: 've you got a patch for all this? i'd like to try my hand at some size optimizing 17.19.03 # I will but it's dodgey atm if you want the dodgeyness 17.19.09 # i'm cool with dodgey 17.19.21 # jhMikeS: the problem is that voice ids are matched with ids in the lng file so if a string is missing all clips will match the wrong string after that 17.20.11 # right. I had a slight format change that would forever fix that in the most final way but... 17.20.14 # DerPapst: PM me your address when you get this 17.20.54 # * jpt9 loves rockbox. 17.20.58 # it plays doom! 17.21.07 # music too 17.21.15 # jhMikeS:, preglow: there's another thing that should be fixed, we don't actually check the version of the loaded language file atm. 17.21.38 # I have a patch and will test it as soon as i can 17.22.10 # n1s: What's the e200 lang problem? I can't spot anything odd in the config-e200.h file... 17.22.50 # yeah... 17.22.53 # sansae kick ass. 17.22.53 # linuxstb: HAVE_MULTIVOLUME is inside the #ifndef SIMULATOR block 17.23.34 # HAVE_MULTIVOLUME shouldn't be on the sim, eh? 17.23.43 # Ah, and there are now voice strings related to multivolume? 17.24.24 # exactly why voice stings should have unique global IDs 17.24.25 # looks like I'm not lucky my itrip is PAV4026 17.24.38 # linuxstb: how can I help to make it working? 17.24.48 # jhMikeS: ondio has HAVE_MULTIVOLUME defined for sims and that works fine 17.25.14 # martii: Write a low-level serial driver for Rockbox to talk to the itrip, then implement support for the Apple Accessory Protocol in Rockbox... 17.25.17 # still, unique global IDs for strings would make any voice file work on any target 17.25.29 # save and mp3/speex difference of course 17.25.32 # *any 17.25.51 # How would you generate those IDs? 17.25.59 # md5? :> 17.26.05 # linuxstb: I've been thinking more about debugging testing ready code 17.26.06 # jhMikeS: sure, making the format more robust is great 17.26.19 # They aren't. They're added from the last one used when a new string is added and never, ever change 17.26.23 # linuxstb: I'm not skilled enough to do what you're asking for 17.26.29 # martii: ther's no ready code for that 17.26.57 # id = next_id++...always 17.27.06 # n1s: where to start from? 17.27.06 # It would be great for developers to have global voice IDs. 17.27.35 # martii: martii: Write a low-level serial driver for Rockbox to talk to the itrip, then implement support for the Apple Accessory Protocol in Rockbox... 17.27.48 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@wlrsvd-178.njit.edu) 17.27.55 # n1s: OK any tutorials how to do it? 17.28.09 # In fact, just get the serial driver part done :) 17.28.19 # martii: no 17.28.27 # n1s: any specs? 17.28.30 # no 17.28.39 # unless we get too hungry for new settings I think 16 bits would be enough. I guess the initial IDs would just be done automatically by index. 17.28.41 # that's the "fun" part :) 17.28.50 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 17.28.52 Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 17.29.01 # jhMikeS: Ah, so you mean they'll just be numbers added manually into the lang file? 17.29.06 # string could also be simply deleted 17.29.31 # linuxstb: yes...add the ID, increment to next ID 17.29.59 # martii, n1s: what about this? http://ipodlinux.org/Apple_Accessory_Protocol 17.30.01 # the voice building tool would of course spit out errors on a duplicate 17.30.48 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p549654EA.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.30.53 # martii: you need a serial driver, which we don' thave to implement that 17.30.56 # we'd still have indexes that are target specific of course and are used internally, but those indexes would be reverse lookup from the IDs in the lang file. each slot would have the ID associated with it. 17.31.25 # n1s: talking to me? 17.31.44 # markun: ah, yes too similar nicks :) 17.32.15 # markun: afaik ipl only got their serial driver to work on 3g ipods 17.34.50 # Would be fun to add support for Apple accessories to the non-iPod targets... 17.35.09 # brb 17.36.07 Quit hunz ("Lost terminal") 17.36.36 # linuxstb: wouldn't that just be adding insult to injury ? 17.36.51 # In what way? 17.37.48 # well, if we got accessories working on targets other than ipods 17.37.57 # it would REALLY upset the ipod owners 17.38.13 # Let's do it then! 17.38.25 # Serves them right for buying ipods... 17.38.34 # that applies to you and me then... 17.38.50 # I don't own any accessories though.... 17.38.59 # nor me 17.39.34 Quit nicktastic ("!@^#&$*(") 17.41.05 # preglow: will have a patch shortly 17.43.40 # Flyspray? 17.44.44 # I wouldn't even yet. It's only running in the sim a little bit. 17.46.41 # jhMikeS: If we want global unique IDs, we need a way to load the now non-contiguous IDs *without* wasting memory 17.47.19 # no gaps...that's part of the spec 17.47.20 # That's the hard part 17.47.33 # There will be gaps for a target 17.47.34 # preglow: http://jhmikes.cleansoap.org/core_speex_voice.patch 17.47.41 # No target will need all IDs 17.47.42 # no, there won't be 17.47.58 # just sort them and binary search at load time 17.48.09 # eh? 17.48.14 # How would that work? 17.48.56 # if the non-continuous IDs are sorted, the inverse lookup from ID to index is trivial. Strings in program code will still be accessed by index. 17.50.07 # How would the core know which IDs a target needs? 17.50.09 # linuxstb: unfortunately the UART of the Gigabeat is not connected to the dock connector 17.50.10 # table[INDEX] = { "string", UNIQUE_ID } 17.50.27 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 17.50.38 # I mean when it loads the .voice/.lng file 17.51.32 # it can iterate then table, and look for the voice id in the file _or_ iterate the voice file table and see if that id exists in the target's table. 17.51.48 # What target's table? 17.52.07 # Right now the target has no table - and I'd rather not want to waste memory for such a table... 17.52.14 # any targets table...the target will have the global ids in association with index 17.52.22 # amiconn, your name is in the wpsbuild.pl... do you know what license the WPSs in SVN fall under? 17.52.45 # amiconn: I didn't expect you would frankly 17.52.52 # no one else seems to have any idea :-/ 17.53.52 # howver, a parallel array for the IDs means each element could be 16 bits and not 32 17.54.27 # * linuxstb counts 740 id: lines in english.lang... 17.54.59 # * GodEater bets linuxstb didn't count them, and that he used some combination of grep and wc 17.55.40 # * linuxstb bets GodEater was spot on 17.55.49 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@f051069113.adsl.alicedsl.de) 17.56.50 Quit foolsh ("Konversation terminated!") 17.57.33 # hmmm....is 64k enough for a string table? 17.59.08 # another jhMikeS size patch :P 17.59.12 Quit jpt9 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.59.25 Quit linuxstb ("Client Exiting") 18.00.09 # I just thought of a way to get the robustness for no size cost in the string table. I also though of a way to have threadsafe current viewports with no extra parameter :) 18.00.48 Join foolsh [0] (n=foolsh@74-135-179-41.dhcp.insightbb.com) 18.00.53 Quit foolsh (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.01.03 # skipping tracks around track boundaries is still really buggy 18.01.50 # * jhMikeS hopes he's not opening can of racing worms in other code with this. 18.01.55 # wasn't that one of the things mob was supposed to fix? 18.02.31 # * jhMikeS thought it was supposed to abstract things too and make the code cleaner 18.02.43 # it hasn't? :> 18.02.49 Join atsea- [0] (i=atsea-@gateway/tor/x-c707381b7def75ce) 18.04.21 # jhMikeS: ugh, patch starts being a bastard around memswap128, says it detects a reversed patch 18.04.22 # also, if I change the audio thread priority...well, poof. that should be a high priority thread, not low. I _can_ get it to operate faster than the original code without any sort of special code yielding too. 18.04.37 # memswap128 is no more of course 18.04.42 # perhaps that is why, then 18.05.07 # it should still be on your system I take it? 18.06.40 # that's the last stuff in there so just take the removals out I guess 18.06.49 # it's still here, yes 18.07.09 # which makes it weird that the patch doesn't apply cleanly 18.10.43 # * jhMikeS tries an H100 build since that has the system memory guard :\ 18.11.08 Join nanok [0] (n=nanok@ 18.12.17 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 18.12.43 Join Xerion_ [0] (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) 18.16.28 Quit petur ("work->home") 18.18.08 Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 18.18.26 # rrrr...region IRAM is full :\ 18.18.36 # jhMikeS: all the exc_* tables can be taken out of iram 18.19.04 # i was planning on introducing some new iram define there that doesn't include most of them 18.19.13 # where are those? 18.19.25 # exc**.c 18.19.44 # a bit surprising anyway, really, i thought we'd have enough iram after shrinking the stack 18.20.10 # there's an extra output buffer don't forget...perhaps that should be stacked 18.20.41 # no...it's friggin huge...do I really need IRAM for that? 18.22.50 Quit martii ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 18.24.50 # taking those table out did the deed 18.25.14 Quit karashata ("I will *SO* make you regret that... Later... *is a lazy dragon*") 18.27.33 Join Bagder [0] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) 18.29.05 # extra output buffer? 18.29.35 # for the voice samples...that used to be inside the mpa codec 18.30.18 Quit Xerion (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.30.19 Nick Xerion_ is now known as Xerion (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) 18.30.46 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955E981.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.31.05 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 18.33.08 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955E981.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.38.55 Join Frazz [0] (n=Fraser@thelawsons.plus.com) 18.40.01 Quit mf0102 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.47.49 Join foolsh [0] (n=foolsh@74-135-179-41.dhcp.insightbb.com) 18.49.13 Quit foolsh (Remote closed the connection) 18.49.52 Part pondlife ("Gone") 18.50.07 Quit barrywardell (Remote closed the connection) 18.50.32 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@121-021-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 18.59.08 Quit J3TC- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.02.53 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 19.03.04 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955E981.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.06.32 Join OlivierBorowski [0] (n=OlivierB@ANancy-157-1-24-9.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr) 19.06.49 Quit Febs (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.07.21 Join eigma [0] (n=cat@ 19.07.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.16.15 Join Siku [0] (i=Siku@e81-197-76-6.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 19.17.08 Join pepie34 [0] (n=pepie34@cop60-1-82-240-26-92.fbx.proxad.net) 19.21.36 Join mud [0] (n=mud@dialup- 19.21.45 Nick mud is now known as mud-rb (n=mud@dialup- 19.22.33 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 19.22.58 # aha! it's working now in the sim at least (no target check yet) :) 19.23.54 # jhMikeS: last night, kkurbjun was basically trying to implement a ringbuffer for the m:robe's UART.. any suggestions for the best way of doing that using rockbox's synchronization primitives? 19.24.45 # eigma: should we even need them? you can have a perfectly non-blocking queue without any 19.25.14 # are you talking about the uart's hardware fifo? 19.25.18 # however, sempaphores are available if you don't want polling and would rather block threads to save cycles 19.26.22 # I don't know the details of what's being attempted here or I'd have more ideas. 19.27.18 # to be honest, I don't either. my best understanding is that we want to nonblockingle queue "packets" (that may be longer than the hardware fifo) to be sent across the uart 19.27.29 Join nicktastic [0] (n=nick@unaffiliated/nicktastic) 19.27.36 Join farhank [0] (n=furk@ 19.29.24 # it sounded like he just wanted to prevent an interrupt from changing things in the background, but set_irq_level would be enough for that. 19.30.01 # at a low-level, yeah (wouldn't disabling the particular UART interrupt be more efficient?). I meant at higher level what we needed to achieve, in case there was a better solution 19.30.20 # not if it's just a sub-uS event 19.30.34 # looking at the code, looks like we want an asynch recv queue 19.30.40 # Hello, I have issues with my h10 that i'm not sure I can fix as I'm not a programmer. When I installed rockbox, and installed a voice file all the menu entries aren't where there supposed to be, the system menu doesn't speak correctly with the default festival english.voice. I tried compiling my own voices but still nothing. I have a feeling it is a problem with a lang file in the h10 target. 19.31.03 # queues are easy to make async if only one reads and only one writes 19.32.22 # I don't even know why we're using a queue for receives. any single recv packet won't be larger than about 6 bytes, so the hardware 32-byte FIFO should be plenty 19.32.57 # *a [software] queue 19.33.15 # doesn't this thing have DMA requests? 19.33.28 # we don't use them, and i don't think it's worth it for the UART 19.33.34 # farhank: is your build current? 19.33.36 # worth it? 19.33.39 # I'm stucking using a build before 8-05-07. before the voices got target spicific. 19.33.48 # its not currently current no. 19.33.55 # the added complexity, for one 6-byte transfer every .1 seconds? 19.34.01 # I think explioting hardware features is always worth it 19.34.08 # farhank: why are you stuck with that? 19.34.11 # I had a current build yesterday, and that's when I realized that all my voice files were a bit messed. 19.34.13 # I hear you.. 19.34.20 # it will alleviate complexity in the software...just need some driver code. 19.34.43 # farhank: if you install a current build you _need_ a current voicefile 19.34.44 # I guess the pcm driver should be what does this 19.34.55 # because when I use the newer builds with the newer voice files something is messed up in my system menu. menu entries are all moved around. 19.35.23 # farhank: try on a fresh install? when i updated some time ago my menu entries got all messed up as well but it was fixed by a clean install 19.35.23 # pcm? 19.35.31 # I tried the precompiled festival voice, and I also compiled a voice of my own there are miner differences but nothing... 19.35.40 # it doesn't help, I did. 19.35.49 # Wee :) 19.36.08 # c200 sees an even bigger speedup from the bridge configuration that I expected :) 19.36.16 # farhank: do you have a rockbox.something file in the root of the player? 19.36.25 # yeah? 19.36.29 # a folder? 19.36.30 # eigma: I'm really not in touch with this. I don't doubt I'd exploit everything in hardware and have many more ideas with a device handy. :) 19.36.37 # i have all that 19.36.41 # kkurbjun: around? 19.36.49 # jhMikeS: yeah.. thanks. 19.37.07 # farhank: what "all that" do you have the _file_ in the _root_ ? 19.37.11 # farhank: i believe he means a firmware file, like rockbox.mi4 on the sansa, i think it's different extension for others 19.37.31 # not the .rockbox folder 19.37.37 # the only issue i'm having with is when I use the current build with the current voices. the system menu and the context menu is all different, i'm blind so I don't know if the entries are there or just changed I haven't got someone to look at it. 19.37.44 # good thing is the speex seems to run well enough I feel like committing it now...hrm better wait for the tools eh? :) 19.38.23 # farhank: some of those menus have changed a lot 19.38.32 # farhank: might this be because of the remaping of the buttons? 19.38.36 # its interesting because the festival voice says different things then my precompiled voice. 19.38.55 # I think its a lang problem... 19.39.09 # farhank: are you building your own voice with a current svn checkout? 19.39.13 # yeah 19.39.13 # farhank: maybe you get a different menu than what you expect, because of the recent remapping 19.39.27 # farhank: please check if there is a rockbox.mi4 / rockbox.h10 file in the root of your player, ifso. delete it.. 19.40.43 # there is not.. 19.41.19 # you said the root? not in the rockbox folder itself right? 19.42.08 # yes... the rockbox.xx file is now in .rockbox, but sometime ago it was in the root, and if you have both it causes problems.. 19.42.21 # farhank: can you check if the menu entries work correctly even if they are not where you expect them to be? 19.42.33 # nope. no one around 19.42.45 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 19.43.14 # if I go in to the system menu, or the settings menu, it says random things like party mode and just not what's supposed to be there. 19.43.20 Join bluey [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-077-149.pools.arcor-ip.net) 19.46.26 # farhank: and this has been happening for quite a few versions you said, right? or is it very recent? 19.46.40 # preglow: A 2k voice stack gives 78% usage on e200 19.46.51 # for example, when I go in to the system menu and check the battery it says q then I check the battery and it says q last and then gives me the battery status. 19.47.23 # its happened on all the versions from oct 15 to now... i just got my h10 yesterday. 19.48.38 # also if I go to settings apparently under general settings if format... but that isn't right. 19.51.08 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) 19.52.38 Join animeloe_ [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 19.53.20 # farhank: i think you mentioned compiling your own voice files, this may be a stupid question but you tried the precompiled ones, correct? 19.53.47 # yeah I did at least the festival one. 19.53.52 # its broken also. 19.54.29 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@pD955D493.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.54.38 Quit OlivierBorowski (Remote closed the connection) 19.55.22 # this is with the current build, apparently the voice is telling this is what is in my settings menu. sound settings, general settings, format and clear preset list. 19.55.33 # somethign is definitely broken. 19.55.39 # farhank: can you rename your .rockbox folder to something else and install a new current build and a current voicefile from the site and see if it still happens? 19.55.54 # this is what I just did. 19.56.51 # i just downloaed a new rockbox build from the current build section, and am using a voice compiled yesterday. 19.57.19 Quit pepie34 ("Ex-Chat") 19.58.34 # farhank: a voice from yesterday is _not_ recent enough in this case since there were some string order braking changes late yesterday 19.58.57 # Yes, and H10 got alarm wakeup yesterday... 19.59.02 # voice works just fine on h10 sim here at least 19.59.11 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.59.34 # amiconn: that's what I meant by string order braking changes, people really should note such things in commit messages... 20.00.30 # s/braking/breaking 20.00.33 # alarm works great, btw! :D 20.01.33 Quit eigma () 20.01.39 # btw I wonder if we should start bumping voice version when it breaks just like plugins or if it's better to say some things wrong... 20.01.39 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host185-210-dynamic.20-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 20.02.01 Quit animeloe (Connection timed out) 20.02.49 # Oh... a question : I've been trying to find any sort of information on how to get the best out of recording through a device's internal mic. -- Now I know Rockboxers are mostly real audiophiles and wouldn't touch one onboard mic with a ten foot pole, but surely there must be some settings better suited to it? Can't find much in the wiki or forums, but maybe I missed something? 20.03.06 # It's combined .lng/.voice version. I think we should bump it - now that we're providing automated voice builds, it's not a big problem 20.03.42 # But such a commit should point out that voice / will break 20.03.49 # - / 20.04.46 # amiconn: I am about to commit a patch that makes the voice file loader actually check the version, where is a good place to have that version define as voicefont needs it too? 20.05.04 # PaulPosition: Are there really that many recording settings that you feel confused as to what each might do? 20.05.11 # Good question... 20.05.41 # n1s: Btw, there is a .lng version definition - and .lng/.voice are coupled 20.06.07 # right let me reboot and see if this is fixed. 20.06.28 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp190-249.adsl.forthnet.gr) 20.07.47 # amiconn: right, do you think it should use the same? also the voice version is defined in language.h but genlang doesn't read that... 20.09.02 # hmm interesting.. it seems to be working with the festival voice. i'll have to check out an snv update and see what I can come up with... 20.09.08 # svn& 20.09.13 Quit animeloe_ (Connection timed out) 20.10.04 # maybe that should wait until the speex voice stuff so we only brake it once 20.10.25 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc1-brig8-0-0-cust97.brig.cable.ntl.com) 20.11.21 # llorean - You're right in that there's not so many settings. I was looking for some tips like there are for line-in stuff, but I guess if there isn't any, well there isn't any and that's that. It's okay, too. 20.12.05 Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.12.40 Quit japc (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.13.37 Quit MethoS-- (Connection timed out) 20.13.44 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@pD955ECF9.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.15.01 Join thegeek [0] (i=thegeek@s220b.studby.ntnu.no) 20.16.18 # PaulPosition: Really with the internal mic, all you need to do is find a gain level that feels good for the situation you're in, I think. 20.18.33 # Llorean - Might be the case, indeed.. Anyway, I'll test stuff, I shouldn't be so lazy. :p 20.18.36 # yeah. still broken with a compiled voice. 20.19.25 # but its not broken with the festival voice. hmmm strange 20.22.09 Part bluey ("Leaving") 20.22.21 Join bluey [0] (n=bluey@dslb-088-073-077-149.pools.arcor-ip.net) 20.26.55 # jhMikeS: then it can be shrunk further 20.27.03 # jhMikeS: stack usage should never spike any more than that 20.33.14 # btw, I need no IRAM output buffer. it's fine in RAM. 20.34.12 # it gets copied anyway for the DSP conversion 20.35.02 # cool 20.35.17 # caught any new bugs? 20.35.59 # Just that I wasn't resetting the pointer I was giving to the DSP each time starting a fill, so that was the problem 20.37.14 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 20.38.49 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 20.38.51 # oh, on H100 the stack is running at about 84% 20.39.17 # do we want to ride it as close as possible? 20.39.30 Quit ender` (" I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. -- Grou") 20.39.44 # like i said, speex stack usage should be completely static for a given mode 20.40.05 # so if we don't use uwb, it shouldn't run at more than 85% 20.40.44 # sure...cut it close 20.41.02 # okiedoke 20.41.09 # but anyway, is that code commitable as it is? 20.41.17 # i guess we should give users some advance warning on this 20.41.41 # also, bagder needs to fix up the build system a wee bit 20.41.42 # Not quite there yet. 20.42.08 # when I'm happy I can't do anything to bug it no matter what 20.42.41 Quit bluey ("Leaving") 20.42.52 # i'm going to try compiling my own rockbox build from svn again and see how that goes with this new voice... 20.43.47 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 20.44.40 # I'll have a patch in FS once I've ironed out some stuff 20.47.17 # cool, should you include my stuff in your patch as well so people get a complete package? 20.47.50 # what's the deal when you stop a wma file and then go back to resume playing of it later it starts from the begining? 20.48.01 # farhank: wma doesn't support seeking 20.48.10 # farhank: that automatically means it also doesn't support resuming 20.48.12 # preglow: hand it over...better not get conflicts applying it! :) 20.48.23 # jhMikeS: i've only touched configure and voice.pl 20.48.58 # hmmm wait, but I can fastforward and it works fine. 20.49.41 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3113.gwdg.de) 20.49.43 # farhank: no, no you can't 20.49.45 # not in wma 20.50.03 # you need to stop drinking right now if you think you can :) 20.54.23 # really? because I know I skipped through a file a bit ago. it was an unprotected not drm file. 20.55.51 # jhMikeS: http://www.pvv.org/~thomj/rockbox/speex-voicebuilding.patch 20.55.57 # farhank: really 20.56.11 # i've got a patch for wma seeking sitting on my hard disk right here, and i know for sure that it is not in rockbox yet 20.58.00 # when you fast forward in a wma rockbox pretends to scan throught the file, but as soom as you release the button, it jumps back to the old position 20.58.33 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m94.net81-66-75.noos.fr) 20.58.42 Quit petur ("switching") 20.58.51 Join petur [0] (n=petur@d51A499AB.access.telenet.be) 21.00.39 Join agm3nt [0] (n=opera@bartek.tu.kielce.pl) 21.00.45 # hey, what's with this, the sansa from woot that has Rhapsody fw and backing :ppp 21.01.18 # not just a 200r? 21.02.01 # It says e250R but wasn't advertised as such 21.02.25 Join stevenm [0] (n=stevenm@ 21.02.27 # i have heard other people with that too 21.02.30 # Hello 21.02.47 # n1s, Hi. I think the logic rearrangement in synth.c broke playback 21.03.04 # i had a smilar experience, but fortunately the reverse: i was sure i was buying an r, but somehow i got the vanilla one 21.03.06 # stevenm: really, I tested it quite a lot 21.03.12 # i was very happy :) 21.03.20 # stevenm: do you have an example file? 21.03.23 Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7c2851ef0ce7e5f4) 21.03.24 # n1s, Things sound differently, with looped instruments 21.03.51 # n1s, I will go grab fresh sources and double-check, but I was trying out some pitch bend stuff and noticed something strange 21.03.53 # stevenm: oh, probably my fault then 21.04.03 # n1s, I think we need state_looping after all 21.04.52 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 21.05.29 # i'm now compiling a voice and have just compiled a new rockbox build after deleting my svn directory. 21.05.36 # i hope this works. 21.07.27 # * ender` yawns 21.07.45 # stevenm: hmm, yes I think I understand, now both the loop tests _could_be true at the same time but only if start_loop > end_loop, i thought that never happend but might be wrong... 21.08.00 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.08.13 # Hmmm.. That is strange. shouldn't happen 21.08.28 Quit animeloe (Connection timed out) 21.09.23 # Finally built. bug occurs in 15569.. building 15561 now 21.10.32 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 21.10.49 # it has a big nasty "REFURB" on the back in chrome letters too xP 21.10.52 Join alienbiker99 [0] (n=alienbik@ool-44c126d4.dyn.optonline.net) 21.11.52 # jhMikeS: that's a feature, not a bug ;) 21.11.57 # n1s, 15561 works right 21.12.12 # raised letters no less...tactile interface 21.12.20 # stevenm: ok, I'll look into it, thanks for spotting 21.12.27 # n1s, np. want a file? 21.12.38 # stevenm: yes that would be great 21.13.06 # n1s, http://wam.umd.edu/~stevenm/weirdbend.mid 21.13.19 Join Daniel_S [0] (i=57b0e798@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b30cfeb772deea9a) 21.13.38 # ummm 404 21.13.40 # n1s, you notice it approx 5-10 sec into the file. there are a lot of looped instruments in the background that are playing in the earilier version but not in the later one 21.13.56 Quit Siku (Nick collision from services.) 21.13.59 Join Siku [0] (i=Siku@e81-197-76-6.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 21.14.04 # n1s, eep! no space left on device. You log into the account on a windows machine and the stupid roaming profile eats up all your space. 21.14.08 # n1s, hang on.... 21.14.31 # preglow: is this going to interfere if I reconfig now? 21.15.57 # guess not 21.16.32 # Dangit!! Anyone know the equivalent of rm -rf on a sun machine? the -f does nothing! 21.16.44 # n1s, try again now 21.17.04 # * stevenm tries to clean 20 megs of realplayer settings out of his unix account 21.17.04 # stevenm: got it, thanks 21.18.23 # n1s, yay! 21.18.33 # jhMikeS: this'll only kick in if you try to make a voice file 21.19.49 # n1s, I don't remember exactly, but I think the looping logic checks if we have overshot the loop in either end 21.19.58 # no wonder I was getting lockups, I was calling queue_empty, then skipping pulling the message out :P 21.20.04 # n1s, first check is something like, if we are looping and position is before start, reverse direction 21.20.12 # stevenm: they are stored as bmp screenshots of the configuration windows and dialogues. when you need to restore them, the simple operation of parsing the bitmaps is performed, to figure out the configuration 21.20.17 # nice and ellegant 21.20.18 # :) 21.20.38 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 21.20.41 # guess i should start workin making rbspeexenc compile from our libspeex.... 21.20.47 # n1s, second check is, position is past loop end, and if the patch is looped, turn looping on, and either go back to start, or reverse direction 21.21.07 # n1s, some patches loop start->end and back to start, and some go start->end and then end->start, backwards 21.21.08 # * jhMikeS should have all these stupiditities cleared up shortly 21.21.34 # (eith appropriate delta offsets added past the start, or you get honkiness) 21.21.47 Join animeloe_ [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 21.22.04 # stevenm: ok, got it, will revert my checkout now and see what broke it 21.23.00 # n1s, thanks! (I was talking about the ifs on lines 319 and 334 of synth 21.23.24 # n1s, but I must run along now. we've got an embedded class. 20 people and one (two?) functioning boards for the whole class. better get it done early! 21.23.34 # byebye 21.23.55 Quit stevenm ("Connection reset by beer") 21.23.57 # bye 21.27.19 # hmm i've just finished compiling my voice now to see if it works. 21.30.20 Quit animeloe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.31.44 # wow. i got it to work. 21.32.41 # preglow: should any .voice files be plopped up there? 21.33.23 Quit scorche|w ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 21.34.36 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 21.34.45 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 21.34.59 # jhMikeS: up where? 21.35.48 # in a FS task. 21.35.50 Join scorche|w [0] (n=42c007b2@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 21.36.54 # nah 21.36.55 # btw: there's one problem here, the clips are so small that voice thinks it's stopped before it even sounds often times. that needs addressing for sure but it's much snappier 21.37.16 # well, that i can do little about :> 21.37.23 # ahh. the talk mp3 clips? I wondered why it was doing that. 21.37.27 # I'll figure something out to signal it 21.37.30 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@ 21.37.49 # I thought it was my talk clips messing up but I guess it isn't me after all. 21.37.52 # it's things like the "Shutting Down" splash...you'll often not hear them 21.38.35 # farhank: They're discussing a new voice system, it's not the same thing. 21.38.40 # well I compiled my rockbox build for my player after deleting my svn checked out directory, and made a voice and it seems to be working now. 21.38.49 # voice plays pcm to the end of the clip unless stopped. who knows, this might fix the truncation problem. 21.39.27 # I can guarantee no race condition in the threading so noone look there for further oddness :) 21.40.20 # heh 21.40.33 # ok...FS up in a few minutes 21.40.41 Join foolsh [0] (n=foolsh@74-135-179-41.dhcp.insightbb.com) 21.40.53 # i'd better get rbspeexenc ready, then..... 21.41.09 # my oh my, how i am bored by build systems 21.41.55 # hmm 21.42.17 Quit homielowe (Remote closed the connection) 21.42.18 # haha...I got to do the fun part...well not all of it. you got to work on the codec. 21.42.30 # well, i think the codec was the fun part :> 21.42.47 # it really just required familiarizing and some optimizing 21.43.41 Quit Daniel_S ("CGI:IRC") 21.44.16 # 403 lines for the whole voice thread ain't bad 21.44.42 Quit nicktastic ("Leaving") 21.45.10 # i'd say it's excellent 21.47.02 Quit farhank () 21.47.34 # now 21.47.42 Quit foolsh (Remote closed the connection) 21.49.00 # i need to compile another libspeex, this time in tools/ 21.49.16 Join mokkurkalve_ [0] (n=eivind@084202223083.customer.alfanett.no) 21.49.16 # three libspeex, this is kinda fun :> 21.49.46 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8162 21.51.14 Quit Siku () 21.52.45 # shit, i haven't even looked at talk clip generation 21.53.36 # jhMikeS: I hope you bump the voice version in voicefont and talk.h when that is committed 21.53.37 # bah! feel free to contribute then ! :P 21.54.04 # * jhMikeS doesn't know much about the voice file stuff...just the threading 21.54.55 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A51B1.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.55.07 # let's hope someone does it then :) I have no idea what speex will do if we feed it mp3 data... 21.55.14 Quit desowin ("use linux") 21.55.30 # could test that 21.55.51 # it should just error and not play it 21.56.06 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 21.57.17 # preglow: wait, speex_decode_int returns < 0 on error? I forgot to add a check. 21.57.51 # jhMikeS: doesn't hurt, i guess :) 21.57.58 # BOTD: Fuller's ESB 21.57.58 Join jpt9 [0] (n=chatzill@vpnwl-228-6.net.rpi.edu) 21.58.06 Quit jpt9 (Client Quit) 21.59.00 # Zagor: you need to spell out "beer" to get the triggers to trigger ;-) 21.59.13 # apparently :) 21.59.37 # ... and still petur doesn't show up 21.59.41 # Zagor: that is a nice one... 21.59.43 # classic esb 22.00.03 # i want fuller's london porter, haven't tasted that for years :/ 22.00.05 # * petur gets triggered 22.00.22 # Bagder: btw, you might have to change the script that calls configure and builds voice files 22.00.29 # preglow: in that case, should I reset the decoder? 22.00.40 # Bagder: since i've removed the encoder selection step 22.00.50 # jhMikeS: you should always reset it before doing a clip, that should be enough 22.00.58 # jhMikeS: i assume we don't want to retry on errors? 22.01.09 # ok 22.01.15 Join AceNik [0] (n=AceNik@ 22.01.24 # I can't stop voice though, so I have to reset and continue getting queued data 22.01.29 Join pondlife [0] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) 22.01.36 # it might not be the same clip afterall 22.01.37 Part pondlife ("Gone") 22.01.56 # will speex bits remaining be 0 after a reset? 22.02.00 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ 22.03.06 Quit animeloe_ (No route to host) 22.04.05 Join mud_ [0] (n=mud@dialup- 22.04.18 # merbanan: being a codec dude, would you know if x264 has a reputation of creating nice, valid bitstreams? 22.05.21 # of/for/etc 22.05.26 # preglow: it should 22.05.27 Part AceNik 22.07.03 # yeah, i guess so too 22.07.19 # preglow: i've never heard of trouble with x264 22.07.20 # most things about it seems to look good quality, so i guess it does 22.11.15 Join nicktastic [0] (n=nick@unaffiliated/nicktastic) 22.11.44 Join animeloe_ [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 22.13.26 Quit TMM ("Ex-Chat") 22.14.15 Join stewball [0] (n=WTFOMGBB@ 22.15.04 # ok, it doesn't give a care about mp3 data. just silence. 22.16.39 # jhMikeS: that's good but we should really bump the version anyway :) 22.17.21 # true but it's should also handle corrupt data gracefully 22.17.31 Quit mud-rb (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.18.32 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@wlrsvd-178.njit.edu) 22.20.24 # should the version change for HWCODEC too? 22.20.41 # argh, i'm close 22.20.59 Quit animeloe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.21.06 # I'll just change it...whatever 22.21.18 Nick parafin is now known as parafin|away (i=parafin@paraf.in) 22.21.51 # jhMikeS: IMHO it should to avoid having several versions to keep track of (and even be unified with the lng version as they will be at 4 when voice is bumped and very much related) 22.25.41 Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.28.00 Join Arathis2 [0] (n=doerk@p508A51B1.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.28.15 Join Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@f051069113.adsl.alicedsl.de) 22.28.15 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.30.53 Quit mirak ("Ex-Chat") 22.33.05 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 22.35.53 # aaAAArGH 22.40.16 # making libspeex build in system context is very fun, apparently 22.40.20 # how i hate build systems 22.42.08 Join salty-horse [0] (n=ori@pdpc/supporter/active/salty-horse) 22.43.03 Quit animeloe_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 22.43.17 # hi. using a build from a few days ago, I notice that when playing a directory and playing the last file, the "next track" in the WPS sometimes displays that last file (instead of nothing) 22.45.31 Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.45.33 # haha, the sound menus work again with the pcmbuf low latency just perfect 22.48.03 Join safetydan [0] (n=safetyda@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 22.48.43 Quit nicktastic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.52.01 # * freqmod_nx hates buildsystems too, I didn't manage to make speex build the Right Way (TM) when I added it 22.53.52 Quit merbanan (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 NSplit kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 22.53.52 Quit PaulJam (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit ATravelingGeek (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit weezerle (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit tedrock (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit davina (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit z35 (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit Langly (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit agm3nt (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit robin0800 (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit Isolinear (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit Soap (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit grndslm (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit sup (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit maddler (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.52 Quit marcosource (kubrick.freenode.net 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22.53.53 Quit kclaf (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit joshin (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit DraX (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit BHSPitMonkey (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit newbyx86 (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit jmspeex (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit XavierGr (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit Xerion (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit miepchen^schlaf (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit billenium (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit GodEater_ (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit Weiss (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit annulus_ (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit lodesi (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit crashd (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit DogBoy (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit safetydan (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit Zagor (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit amiconn (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit Lear (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit Bagder (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit Dark_Apostrophe (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit Guile`` (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit HellDragon (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit iamben (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit jhulst (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.53 Quit RaRe (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit ivan` (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit SirFunk (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit martin_ (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit GodEater (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit FunkyELF (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit jepler (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit fxb (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit TTThomas (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit guyzmo (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit J (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit tuplanolla (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.54 Quit shodanX (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit jurrie (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit maxkelley (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit blithe (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit scorche (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit DiDjCodt (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit [omni] (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit Toxicity999 (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit preglow (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit saratoga (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit Llorean (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit PaulPosition (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit FOAD (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit micols_ (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit n17ikh|Lappy (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit Ave (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit Kohlrabi (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit pabs (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit BrianHV (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit feisar (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit Domonoky_ (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit J3TC- (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit alienbiker99 (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit hannesd (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit thegeek (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit atsea- (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit Echelon (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit solatis (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit andrewg867 (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit rvvs89 (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit lostlogic (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit Shaid (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit dionoea (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit qwm (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit Jon-Kha (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit Slasheri (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit salty-horse (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit mud_ (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit scorche|w (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit nanok (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit lee-qid (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit idnar (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.55 Quit toffe82 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(kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.57 Quit BjoernErik (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.57 Quit bnakiddmj (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.53.57 Quit Hadaka (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.54.03 Quit Arathis2 ("Bye, bye") 22.57.02 NHeal kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 22.57.02 NJoin pabs [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 22.58.38 Quit bertrik ("Reconnecting...") 22.59.49 Join Doomed_ [0] (n=alienbik@ool-44c126d4.dyn.optonline.net) 22.59.49 NJoin dionoea [0] (n=dionoea@poy.chewa.net) 22.59.49 Join andrewg877 [0] (n=andrew@stjhnf0124w-142162083094.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) 22.59.49 Join ord [0] (n=qwm@h38n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 22.59.49 Join Shaid` [0] (i=shaid@210-84-36-100.dyn.iinet.net.au) 22.59.49 NJoin safetydan [0] (n=safetyda@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 22.59.49 NJoin Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@f051069113.adsl.alicedsl.de) 22.59.49 NJoin J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@wlrsvd-178.njit.edu) 22.59.49 Join Zagor [0] 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22.59.49 NJoin Soap [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 22.59.49 NJoin male [0] (n=male@adsl-156-53-18.mem.bellsouth.net) 22.59.49 NJoin advcomp2019 [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 22.59.49 NJoin BrianHV [0] (n=bhv1@copland.brianhv.org) 22.59.49 NJoin grndslm [0] (n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net) 22.59.49 NJoin sup [0] (i=super@c80-217-108-3.bredband.comhem.se) 22.59.49 NJoin Echelon [0] (i=ryan@tinfoilhat.net) 22.59.49 NJoin DraX [0] (n=alex@xmms2/developer/DraX) 22.59.49 NJoin tkooda [0] (i=goaway@ 22.59.49 NJoin jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 22.59.49 Join Rick [0] (i=rick@unaffiliated/rick) 22.59.49 NJoin FunkyELF [0] (n=funkyelf@ 22.59.49 NJoin SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@206-159-155-246.netsync.net) 22.59.49 NJoin martin_ [0] (n=martin@c-6a98e355.68-7-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 22.59.49 NJoin GodEater_ [0] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 22.59.49 NJoin jumijoze [0] (n=jumijoze@unaffiliated/mike-zed) 22.59.49 NJoin solatis [0] (i=lmergen@cc1172915-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl) 22.59.49 NJoin kclaf [0] (n=kclaf@ 22.59.49 Join joshin [0] (n=joshin@unaffiliated/joshin) 22.59.49 NJoin Weiss [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) 22.59.49 NJoin GodEater [0] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 22.59.49 NJoin annulus_ [0] (n=ap@81-237-222-105-no91.tbcn.telia.com) 22.59.49 NJoin micols_ [0] (n=micols@scharff.fys.ku.dk) 22.59.49 NJoin jepler [0] (n=jepler@emc/developer/jepler) 22.59.49 NJoin BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 22.59.49 NJoin fxb [0] (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 22.59.49 NJoin lodesi [0] (n=lds@fydelkass.inl.fr) 22.59.49 NJoin maddler [0] (n=maddler@217-133-171-24.b2b.tiscali.it) 22.59.49 NJoin n17ikh|Lappy [0] (n=n17ikh@c-76-23-98-11.hsd1.sc.comcast.net) 22.59.49 NJoin TTThomas [0] (n=tblackwe@c-68-38-172-205.hsd1.de.comcast.net) 22.59.49 NJoin newbyx86 [0] (n=newby@ip68-7-12-123.sd.sd.cox.net) 22.59.49 NJoin guyzmo [0] (n=guyzmo@nenya.mithrandir.net) 22.59.49 Join Toxicity999 [0] (n=bryan@unaffiliated/Toxicity999) 22.59.49 NJoin courtc [0] (n=court@unaffiliated/courtc) 22.59.49 NJoin [mbm] [0] (i=mbm@openwrt/developer/mbm) 22.59.49 NJoin gtkspert [0] (n=gtkspert@gateless.info) 22.59.49 NJoin sslashes [0] (i=sslashes@ 22.59.49 NJoin marcosource [0] (i=marco@cakebox.net) 22.59.49 NJoin Shaid [0] (i=shaid@210-84-36-100.dyn.iinet.net.au) 22.59.49 NJoin [omni] [0] (n=omni@bestII.com) 22.59.49 NJoin crashd [0] (i=foobar@lostnode.org) 22.59.49 NJoin scorche [0] (i=Blah@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 22.59.49 NJoin jmspeex [0] (n=jmspeex@ 22.59.49 NJoin DogBoy [0] (n=john@unaffiliated/dogboy) 22.59.49 NJoin qwm [0] (n=qwm@h38n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 22.59.49 NJoin feisar [0] (i=jljhook@noppakerho.com) 22.59.49 NJoin lostlogic [0] (n=lostlogi@rockbox/developer/lostlogic) 22.59.49 NJoin Kohlrabi [0] (n=Kohlrabi@frustrum.nosebud.de) 22.59.49 NJoin maxkelley [0] (n=max@cpe-74-69-17-126.rochester.res.rr.com) 22.59.49 NJoin rvvs89 [0] (n=rvvs89@pdpc/supporter/active/rvvs89) 22.59.49 NJoin DiDjCodt [0] (n=djc@poy.chewa.net) 22.59.49 NJoin jurrie [0] (n=jurrie@adsl-068-209-041-021.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) 22.59.49 NJoin blithe [0] (n=blithe@stiletto.djblithe.com) 22.59.49 NJoin shodanX [0] (n=shodanX@i9a132.informatik.uni-erlangen.de) 22.59.49 NJoin tuplanolla [0] (n=jani@a80-186-126-4.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 22.59.49 NJoin J [0] (n=john@cpc2-mfld9-0-0-cust297.nott.cable.ntl.com) 22.59.49 NJoin preglow [0] (n=thomj@rockbox/developer/preglow) 22.59.49 NJoin Ave [0] (i=ave@a91-152-238-56.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 22.59.49 NJoin andrewg867 [0] (n=andrew@stjhnf0124w-142162083094.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) 22.59.50 *** Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 22.59.50 *** Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 22.59.56 *** Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 22.59.59 *** Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 23.00.09 Quit solatis (Killed by ballard.freenode.net (Nick collision)) 23.00.11 Join solatis [0] (i=lmergen@cc1172915-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl) 23.00.11 NJoin merbanan [0] (n=banan@ 23.00.11 NJoin PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3113.gwdg.de) 23.00.11 Join ATravelingGeek [0] (n=ATG@pdpc/supporter/student/ATravelingGeek) 23.00.11 NJoin weezerle [0] (n=weezerle@dslb-088-072-031-181.pools.arcor-ip.net) 23.00.11 NJoin tedrock [0] (n=tedrock@d235-156-104.home1.cgocable.net) 23.00.11 NJoin davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 23.00.11 NJoin z35 [0] (n=z@ 23.00.11 NJoin Langly [0] (i=Langly@c-24-21-39-47.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) 23.00.13 *** Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! 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Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 23.00.54 Quit solatis (K-lined) 23.03.45 Join animeloe_ [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 23.04.16 Ctcp Version from freenode-connect!freenode@freenode/bot/connect 23.05.57 # salty-horse: this is already known, see FS#8148 23.07.44 Quit robin0800 (" Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 23.08.04 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.08.14 # thanks 23.08.34 # even though it's still "unconfirmed" 23.08.48 Quit andrewg867 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.08.52 Quit n17ikh|Lappy (Connection timed out) 23.09.41 Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) 23.10.16 Quit Domonoky_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.10.43 Quit Shaid (Connection timed out) 23.10.44 Nick Shaid` is now known as Shaid (i=shaid@210-84-36-100.dyn.iinet.net.au) 23.11.50 Quit Soap_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.11.56 Join Soap__ [0] (n=Soap@cpe-65-189-128-141.columbus.res.rr.com) 23.12.18 Quit qwm (Connection timed out) 23.13.11 # god, i'm going to need hard liquor to maintain interest soon 23.14.19 # what else needs doing? 23.15.27 # just compiling a version of libspeex for linking with rbspeexenc 23.15.36 # but i can't bloody make makefiles behave 23.15.44 # * DerPapst donnates preglow some nice wodka with 40% water 23.15.52 # Vodka! 23.15.54 # * Dark_Apostrophe drools 23.16.04 # not vodka....wodka 23.16.09 # Mmm... vodka 23.16.10 Quit animeloe (No route to host) 23.16.26 # * preglow wants whisky 23.16.42 # Whiskey's got too strong of a taste IMHO. 23.16.51 # how about a nice scotch? 23.16.55 # I like more neutral things, like rum or vodka 23.17.04 # preglow: shivas regal ok? 23.17.21 # Chivas* 23.17.26 # oops :) 23.17.45 Join animeloe__ [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 23.19.49 Join jac0b [0] (n=jac0b@user-1120f12.dsl.mindspring.com) 23.19.56 # markun: sure! 23.19.59 Quit J3TC- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.20.15 # this task is now closed http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/2954 23.20.57 # what is the friendly way to borrow the codec/plugin iram space? 23.21.20 Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) 23.23.08 # is there another patch that is similer to the scrolling margins patch? 23.24.02 # jac0b: it was closed because a similar patch was committed 23.24.04 # jac0b: a somilar functionality mate its way into the official build (but it is only possible to set the left margin) 23.24.07 # preglow: linuxstb usually straightens me out on those pretty quick 23.25.10 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 23.25.23 # Zagor: iirc, plugins and codecs have a set amount of iram 23.25.50 # and we have no way to dynamically change that 23.26.04 # Zagor: what do you want it for? :> 23.26.19 # Bagder: that's fine, I just want to steal it for a while in usb (for testing). but all i've found so far are #defines in playback.c 23.26.40 # okay thanks 23.26.52 # i thought plugins have no own iram at all (and need to steal it from playback if they need it) 23.26.55 # preglow: testing the theory that my bulk problems are due to slow dram 23.27.35 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@wlrsvd-178.njit.edu) 23.28.42 # looking at it from another angle, can I simply use it during usb? will playback/codecs go nuts and/or will it write stuff to it? 23.28.46 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 23.29.04 # Zagor: bulk problems? 23.29.30 # jhMikeS: yes, that's what holding back usb currently. I can only do small bulk transfers, not large ones. 23.29.38 # what happens? 23.29.43 # bit errors 23.30.18 # or at least I think that's what happens. the host rejects the transfers with various error codes that I've interpreted as bit errors 23.31.25 Join linuxstb [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 23.31.28 Quit Frazz (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.31.43 Quit SirFunk (Remote closed the connection) 23.32.05 Quit animeloe_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.32.36 # btw, are there any windows-using developers that can help me compile a win32 binary of my testing program? I don't have a win32 compiler. 23.32.50 # * jhMikeS has one 23.33.04 # Zagor: cygwin... 23.33.05 # do you have a few minutes to spare? 23.33.13 # sure 23.34.27 # amiconn: good point 23.35.08 # or mingw 23.35.11 # which is even faster to set up 23.35.16 # * preglow never liked cygwin 23.35.27 # and mingw is fine as cross-compiler on debian... 23.36.00 # that came out wrong, I bet it works fine on all distros 23.36.01 Join colin_ [0] (n=colin@host-155-47-107-208.midco.net) 23.36.03 # Zagor: there's audio_iram_steal() in playback.c, not really sure when that's needed though... 23.37.00 # n1s: yeah I saw that too, but I didn't quite see when/how it is used 23.37.02 # there won't be 23.37.24 # Zagor: only used by plugins that use iram afaict 23.37.46 # you'll just have to stop playback after core voice 23.38.01 # Zagor: apt-get install mingw32 ? 23.38.06 # Llorean: can you read what I wrote in #rockbox-community and answer me here (aka I forgot that it's off-topic there and I am to lazy to type it here again) 23.38.11 # jhMikeS: nice that the voice works while in ll mode now :) 23.38.13 # * linuxstb is too late... 23.38.50 Quit animeloe__ (No route to host) 23.39.11 # waaaha :/ 23.39.41 Join BoD[] [0] (n=BoD@JRAF.org) 23.39.44 # Hi! 23.39.52 Quit davina ("xchat on Ubuntu 7.04") 23.40.12 # I'm trying to use RBUtil on a video ipod (60gb) 23.40.58 # when I install the bootloader it says "it's already up to date" 23.41.35 # n1s: It can breakup at time but usually not and will get the clip out. Has to do with timing in the pcm buffer. 23.41.41 # BoD[]: so what happens if you reset your ipod (holding MENU+SELECT?) 23.42.08 # kugel: I didn't change the text editor keymap 23.42.22 # jhMikeS: currently it gets about 1/2 second of the first clip out so it's a big improvement :) 23.42.45 # oh that's right I have to reboot it in a special mode? 23.42.58 # on h100 and e200 they finish but might break and complete 23.43.24 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c210-49-113-143.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 23.43.26 # BoD[]: MENU+SELECT is the only way to really reboot it otherwise the apple firmware will just sleep 23.43.27 # But your commit still changed the line options menu from power button to down button 23.43.45 # really I'm certain the manual mentions this stuff 23.44.05 # n1s: well I just did it 23.44.10 # w0-oww! 23.44.21 # but it can't autodetect 23.44.29 # Fiddling with the PP mono lcd bridge has a nice effect 23.44.35 # and so I select it manually 23.44.45 # but then it says "No Ipods Found" 23.44.47 # * amiconn can now use mpegplayer on mini G2 fullscreen without the audio stuttering :) 23.44.57 # BoD[]: you restarted the ipod like I told you, did it display anything while booting? 23.45.02 # kugel: If so, it's inappropriately using either the WPS or the List context. 23.45.34 # n1s: well it started the apple firmware 23.45.36 # kugel: Are you 100% sure it's my change that did it? 23.45.36 # Now I just need to implement my all-new greyscale lib idea for grain-free display of moving content 23.45.47 # look into text_editor.c, it doesn't use any context. It uses the actions directly 23.46.05 # BoD[]: did you install rockbox? or just the bootloader? 23.46.08 # i want to say, it's using action_std 23.46.45 # n1s: I didn't install anything yet 23.46.58 # and you changed action_std_cancel to button_down, so it changed in the text editor too 23.46.59 # n1s: it tried to install the bootloader but didn't work 23.47.04 # if you do a makefile target that has no deps, it'll always be executed, yes? 23.47.27 # wasn't there a special mode that you could set when booting the ipod? 23.47.30 # 256fps at 80MHz (!) 23.47.36 # BoD[]: did it tell you you had a bootloader on the very _first_ attempt and you are _certain_ you don't? 23.47.37 # amiconn: but H120 the graylib has such a nice silver-halide look like photos from the 1800's :) 23.47.38 Join jpt9 [0] (n=chatzill@kornet-12.dynamic.rpi.edu) 23.47.39 # kugel: So the power button is now cancel? 23.47.48 # no 23.47.51 # What _exactly_ is the problem? For example, I have no idea what you mean by "overmapped" 23.47.53 Quit colin_ () 23.47.55 # that was just an example 23.47.59 # Well, the power button is action_std_cancel.. 23.48.06 # cancel is on button_left, as before 23.48.16 # ah 23.48.20 # jhMikeS: That look won't change; the H1x0 doesn't suffer from the graininess in moving content because the excessive slowness of the panel 23.48.28 # wait 23.48.34 # Oh, no, Left is cancel 23.48.44 # STOP is power 23.48.51 # amiconn: it does have the wave that moves down the display though 23.48.54 # Anyway, how is a button "overmapped" using the standard context? 23.48.56 # the problem is, that the text editor used action_std_cancel for the list options 23.49.01 # n1s: well actually my ipod had rockbox on it, then I "reinitialized" with itunes. I thought it was like starting with a "fresh" ipod. Am I correct? 23.49.02 # That wave can't be removed 23.49.14 # but the left button is actually cancelling the editor 23.49.18 # "for the list options" doesn't mean anything to me... 23.49.23 # To cancel the list options? 23.49.24 # of course not...it just goes with the look of old film 23.49.31 # For is a very non-descriptive verb. 23.49.35 # But I will probably make a 'greylib tuning' plugin (based on test_scanrate, plus gamma adjustment) 23.49.36 # :-P 23.49.46 # the text editor has two menues 23.49.46 # BoD[]: I have never used itunes on an ipod so idk what it does but if you are told you have a bootloader I'd assume you do so install rockbox :) 23.49.53 # Llorean: :) /me is Foring today? 23.49.54 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 23.49.56 # That'll be for advanced users who want the best possible greyscale quality 23.50.03 # n1s: I'll try 23.50.36 # s/verb/preposition 23.50.41 # one is like a file menu. it's on the left key, and only opens when you've made changes. otherwise the button will just quit the editor 23.50.41 # kugel: That still doesn't tell me what you mean. To bring up the menu? 23.50.52 # scorche|w: The point was that "for" ISN'T a verb, and the whole thing was lacking one. 23.51.12 # BoD[]: I don't think rbutil will know that you've deleted a bootloader by restoring with itunes. So reinstall it anyway. 23.51.13 # * amiconn is looking for a 4th gen grayscale or mini 1st gen owner to test some things 23.51.13 # by the way this utility is very cool :) 23.51.17 # kugel: That's not a menu. That's "Confirmation of saving on exit" 23.51.20 # the other menu contains insert above and concat to above etc 23.51.32 # BoD[]: Forget what I just said... 23.51.42 # linuxstb: uh ok :) 23.51.44 # Ok, then it's not a menu 23.51.52 # but you know what I'm talking about 23.51.55 # kugel: Now I do. 23.51.57 # linuxstb: well I'm installing rockbox right now, we'll see if the bootloader works 23.52.00 # kugel: Now, what _exactly_ is the problem? 23.52.02 # BoD[]: But it doesn't hurt to install the bootloader multiple times... 23.52.03 # Some things are more for than others 23.52.11 Quit salty-horse ("Leaving") 23.52.14 # the bootloader will just start the apple firmware if rockbox isn't there, is that it? 23.52.19 # As I didn't change anything about action_std_cancel, I don't see how I could've caused a problem with it. 23.52.31 # BoD[]: right 23.52.36 # the line options menu was on power button before your commit 23.52.43 # now it's on button_down 23.52.48 Quit jac0b () 23.52.48 # ok 23.52.52 # (installing themes...) 23.52.57 # and power button is unmapped 23.53.01 # * jhMikeS is getting used to the new keymap and will probably start fighting to not go back to the old way soon :) 23.53.08 # kugel: This still doesn't tell me what's wrong. 23.53.15 # All it tells me is "the keys are different" 23.53.24 # Does something else use button_down directly? 23.53.26 # linuxstb: you didn't happen to do that libspeex native build thing yesterday, did you? :> 23.53.31 # yes 23.53.38 # removing a line was on button down 23.53.41 # kugel: Then that's a bug in the text editor. 23.53.53 # A plugin should DEFINITELY not mix button actions with direct button references 23.54.20 # and, canceling(quiting/"Confirmation of saving on exit") is not button_left, which doesn't make sense to me 23.54.25 # not = on 23.54.25 # It should either always use ACTION_context_actualaction notation, or BUTTON_button notation, but not a mix 23.54.56 # kugel: I told you, I didn't change action_std_cancel, so I don't see how if it uses that to determine cancelling I could've been at fault. 23.55.22 # you changed action_std_cancel to button_down 23.55.31 # oh 23.55.35 # no you didn't 23.55.38 # No, I didn't. 23.56.35 # but afaik, the text editor uses action_std_cancel which is mapped to button_down in that context (and was power button previously) 23.57.02 # I DID NOT CHANGE ACTION_STD_CANCEL. 23.57.12 # Whatever caused this problem, if it relates to a change in that function, has nothing to do with my patch. 23.57.14 # bootleader doesn't seem to be there :( Apple firmware loaded after menu+select 23.57.39 # It's a general problem with the button map in test editor 23.57.50 # Then file a bug report, and leave my patch out of it. 23.58.05 # BoD[]: Which version of rbutil are you using? (it should say in the About menu) 23.58.12 # hey. 23.58.26 # the rockbox site says that it doesn't have any USB support on the Sansa... 23.58.31 # linuxstb: revision 15190 (m1.0.2) 23.58.31 # what does that mean in terms of charging? 23.58.51 # BoD[]: Then download the latest - 1.0.2 had a bug which stopped it installing the ipod bootloader... 23.58.56 # in text_editor.c is written something like if (action_std_cancel) line options menu 23.58.59 # it has a little plug icon next to the battery meter; is it actually charging, or is it just running off AC power?