--- Log for 20.11.107 Server: kubrick.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 13 days and 2 hours ago 00.00.58 # When did you install the Rockbox bootloader? 00.00.59 # JdGordon: around? 00.01.06 # hey 00.01.15 Join dandin1 [0] (n=dandin1@bas7-ottawa23-1088835475.dsl.bell.ca) 00.01.21 # I'm not sure I understand your patch (or the comment) 00.01.23 # last week 00.01.30 # which part 00.01.31 # ? 00.01.35 # What needs fixing in the existing formatters? 00.01.54 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@pool-71-125-77-210.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) 00.02.02 # currnetly the are still using the value as an index.. that needs to be removed 00.02.10 Join advcomp2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 00.02.22 Quit advcomp2019 (Nick collision from services.) 00.02.30 Nick advcomp2019_ is now known as advcomp2019 (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 00.02.30 # Ah, hmm, I thought you meant all int value formatters... 00.02.36 # i have actually installed the bootloader several time, after updating my ipod version 00.02.43 # no, just the ones using table_setting 00.02.50 Join Soap [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 00.03.08 # chuck: did you only install the build for 60GB/80GB Ipod Videos? 00.03.21 # yes 00.04.59 # could you try the other one (the 30GB version)? It is safe for you, in the worst case it doesn't use all available RAM 00.06.45 # ok, i'll try that one 00.06.45 # * stripwax wonders if translucent selection and drop shadow fonts are achievable on target 00.06.54 # Forget it 00.06.56 # reckon I can get a feel for target performance from the sim build? 00.07.19 # Alpha transparency would be slower - I'd expect a factor of 10 or more 00.07.23 # No, you can't 00.07.31 Quit Redbreva ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 00.07.36 # The sim is tons faster than the targets 00.07.37 # stripwax - even pre=rendered greyscale antialiasing has been refused, so... 00.08.01 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m94.net81-66-75.noos.fr) 00.08.16 # amiconn - right but I wonder if I can get any meaningful results from a profiler 00.08.16 Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.08.23 # PaulPosition: That's due to size though, not performance 00.08.29 Quit mirak (Connection reset by peer) 00.08.30 # PaulPosition: Prerendered grayscale antialiasing would only work with very light backgrounds, wouldn't it? 00.08.37 # yeah that's no good 00.08.47 # amiconn - Ah, right. 00.08.48 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m94.net81-66-75.noos.fr) 00.08.57 # stripwax: There was a "Fast antialiasing" algorithm on the tracker, I think 00.09.30 # stripwax: don't expect too valuable profile information on the sim either 00.09.31 # a flat translucent selection should be easy to achieve. and I have a hacky drop shadow routine 00.09.32 # llorean - It wasn't a fast antialiasing at all, or anyway all I could find was a rejected page for fake-antialiasing by using greyscale fonts.. 00.09.38 # preglow - okie doke 00.09.43 # Or maybe I understood it wrong. :o 00.09.57 # * PaulPosition shuts up before saying any more stupidities. 00.09.58 # Llorean- I'm not looking at doing antialiasing 00.10.01 # I still doubt that aliased fonts in the size we currently use will look that much better (maybe later with larger screens and smaller pixels) 00.10.18 # and a larger font of course 00.10.31 # stripwax: BTW, did you notice that about 5 minutes after you updated some themes last week with the new %s tag, we changed it to %m? 00.10.43 # PaulPosition: No, I think you're right there. 00.10.46 # linuxstb - yep, and I already updated those themes 00.10.51 # but yeah 00.11.02 # pixelma - I'm going way off topic.. But I'd have love to port the pen and paper wps to the (very) small h10 device. But handwriten pixel-fonts at 8 or 9 pts doesn't work. :p 00.11.03 # ok, i downloaded build 1709 for the 30 gig, and when i tried to play a mp3, i go the following message "data abort at 000089F0 (0) 00.11.48 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 00.11.55 # chuck: When you said other things in Rockbox worked - what have you tried? 00.11.56 # hmm... then that's not what I suspected, sorry. 00.11.59 # but if I was going to take a look at antialiasing, I'd probably take a font four times bigger than I need and scale it down in the lcd_bitmap_mono_part fn 00.12.56 # games, themes, fonts, files, even loaded my database from my itunes partition 00.16.52 # chuck - you don't happen to have two rockbox.ipod on your device do you? 00.16.52 # could something be up with the mp3s themselves, did you try other music formats? 00.16.52 # there is only one .rockbox folder on my ipod 00.16.52 # chuck - is there a file named rockbox.ipod in the root 00.16.52 Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") 00.17.20 # pardon my newbie question, but when i display even the hidden files i don;t see a rockbox.ipod. what folder would it be in 00.18.27 # It should be in .rockbox 00.18.35 # chuck - if you don't see it it isn't there so that is fine 00.18.42 Nick japc is now known as _japc (n=japc@bl7-243-193.dsl.telepac.pt) 00.19.03 # ok 00.19.17 Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) 00.19.19 # chuck - can you play back any music at all (something not in .mp3 perhaps) 00.19.57 # all i have is mp3, apprx 700, some music, some podcasts 00.21.32 # all i did was build my database from the things that i had loaded on my ipod theu itunes 00.23.48 Part linuxstb 00.24.39 # chuck - are you using rbutilqt to install/upgrade rockbox? 00.24.57 # yes, 00.25.36 # ok, and when you click on Info, does that report the correct version? 00.25.52 # i just did a rest on my settings after installing the build for the 30 gig and my first mp3 has playeed for a minute w/o locking up 00.26.13 Quit ZEA ("leaving") 00.26.36 Quit PaulPosition (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.26.59 # my wife is calling me for dinner, can we talk later? 00.27.07 # chuck - ok. resetting the settings may have been what you needed, so if you're up and running now you should put on the 60/80GB build 00.27.21 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 00.27.23 # i'll try that 00.27.37 # i sure appreciate your patience and your help 00.28.27 # hrmrmr 00.28.49 Quit chuck ("Leaving") 00.31.51 # I wonder if the ability to reset settings should be added to rbutilqt, whenever the config version changes. Then again I thought rockbox handled that automatically 00.32.30 # i'm starting to think this clicking is caused by the speex output not dying out fast enough, we should probably leave a full frame of silence after the end of each clip 00.32.32 Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable228.133-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) 00.32.49 Quit roolku () 00.33.12 # stripwax: There is no "config version" issue any more... 00.33.31 # Llorean - but what happens when something is no longer compatible? 00.33.56 # What do you mean? 00.34.02 # If a setting isn't recognized, it's just ignored. 00.34.51 # Settings version mattered with the old binary config method, but with the .cfg file it's not the same concern. 00.36.34 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 00.36.36 # True - so, I'm presuming, probably incorrectly, that chuck's configs were working at some point but with a rockbox upgrade they cause rockbox to crash. Under what circumstances would that happen? The alternative, I suppose, is that chuck has changed some setting himself which causes rockbox to crash. 00.37.02 # Under no circumstances can that happen unless there's a significant bug in config parsing. 00.37.47 # We should have asked chuck to mail us his old settings to figure out why rockbox could not play audio without crashing 00.37.56 # Doesn't the apps/rockbox.map file help pinpointing data aborts ? 00.38.01 # I doubt it actually had anything to do with the settings. 00.38.05 # PaulPosition: It can. 00.38.39 # stripwax: He did the reset after installing the 30gb version. I don't recall him saying he tried playing music with it on the 30gb version without resetting 00.38.51 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 00.38.52 # And using the 60/80 version when you only have 32mb of RAM would create the exact symptom he described. 00.38.59 # my idea was that he might have a 60GB with only 32MB RAM and people reported that too, not sure what the reset did there. 00.39.17 # chuck: ok, i downloaded build 1709 for the 30 gig, and when i tried to play a mp3, i go the following message "data abort at 000089F0 (0) 00.39.33 # What is build 1709? 00.39.48 # I guess it misses a "5" 00.40.01 Join AceNik [0] (n=AceNik@ 00.40.02 # I guess so 00.40.12 # But also, it's possible he tried to resume playback rather than actually play a new file 00.40.21 # hmm, but we aren't at 15709 yet 00.40.30 # guys pleasee include thi patch in svn #7538 00.40.44 # acenik - thi ? 00.40.53 # AceNik: It's not implemented in a way that is acceptable 00.42.09 # llorean: ok, bt an you claer one more doubt for me, why is the h10 able to use 24-bit bmps only 00.42.32 # AceNik: Ask the patch author... 00.42.47 # pixelma - hm.. 00.43.13 # Llorean: its not concerning the patch , its a general statement, why is the h10 restricted to 24-bit bmp's 00.43.53 # stripwax: There really should be no way that settings can cause such a crash. If they do, odds are high there's a bug in whatever setting is enabled, rather than the settings themselves being problematic 00.44.01 # AceNik: It's not. 00.44.21 Quit stripwax ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 00.44.53 # Llorean; whether it be the wps's files, or the backdrops, all only support 24-bit bmp 00.44.58 # what do you mean it's restricted? The display only uses bit-depth of 16-bit anyways (and Rockbox can scale down to it from higher depths) 00.45.12 # AceNik: You can also use 8-bit and 1-bit. 00.45.28 # Though not for the backdrop, probably. 00.45.52 # pixelma: thats what i didnt know, you gave the answer, tell me is a higher bit better or lower? 00.46.19 # Llorean: I would assume it could also handle that but haven't tried 00.47.12 # wil 8-bit bmp's be better in terms of looks than 24-bit 00.47.38 # No.. 8-bit means less colors 00.47.46 # These are things you can google, and really have nothing to do with Rockbox 00.47.50 Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") 00.48.05 # I hate to be the bearer of bad news - but it appears the "conventional wisdom" that the Sansa acheives better battery runtime than the other PP targets is mistaken. 00.48.15 Quit ForgottenMemorie () 00.48.26 # jmspeex: hmm, for how many frames can the tail of the lpc filter go on with no input? i guess that's completely up to the coefs... 00.48.37 # Soap: Doesn't testing show it generally has a better *ratio* relative to the OF? 00.48.47 # preglow: one frame 00.48.58 # Mind you, this is only the results from the first of my set of tests, but when comparing the Original Firmware to Rockbox I'm only seeing 70% of OF runtime. 00.49.01 # jmworx: that matches my findings nicely 00.49.24 # Soap - Which is better than what the h10s and most iPods are getting, relative to OF, no? 00.49.37 # Llorean, I haven't seen any controlled comparison before. There are some battery benches in the wiki, but no corresponding numbers from the original firmware. 00.49.54 # jmworx: some of our voice clips end very suddenly, and it sounds like the filter tail is still not done if we cut immediately at the end of the frame 00.50.12 # PaulPosition, Nobody has done the Nano recently - but the Video is @ 66% post HDD poweroff - and obviously that beast is spinning a disk. 00.50.15 # so i just do one frame with bits = NULL to help the tail die 00.50.18 Quit ompaul (Client Quit) 00.50.25 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 00.50.38 # So I do not find it hard to believe at all that the Nano is at ~70%. 00.51.16 # PaulPosition, Soap: all PP5022 and PP5024 targets get about the same ratio 00.51.22 # h10 with the equalizer enabled is fantastic, but on the 20 GB i manage to get only 4 hrs, with eq off it gives atleast 5.30hrs, unlike OF that gives mre than 12 hrs with crappy quality 00.51.22 # PP5020 targets are worse 00.51.26 # preglow: Also, because it needs integer number of frames and because of the lookahead, you might have lost some samples in the last frame 00.51.31 # jhMikeS: seems i need to add that last green delta back, then :/ 00.51.38 # amiconn: precisely 00.51.41 # Soap: I've always thought it was just better than the disk based targets (at least until recent optimizations in that area) 00.51.59 # jmworx: so i really should do some padding on the encoder side as well, then 00.52.09 # amiconn, I understand they should - the talk-around-the-water-cooler was that the Sansa was an exception for some reason - speculation abounded that the OF was inefficient or something else. 00.52.13 # Soap - Interresting. I guess I should try some OF bench on my h10.. Same files, no eq, and a lot of patience to "give a hear" every 15 minutes.. :p 00.52.35 # PaulJam, yea - that is the resolution of my tests. 00.53.11 # PaulJam: Just start a (low quality) recording of the H10's output with your PC. Then you don't need to check every 15 minutes 00.53.24 # preglow: I'd recommend padding one extra frame on the encoder side. 00.53.35 # jmworx: btw, what was that i needed to do extra for lookahaed to be correct when encoding nDb for use in a wb decoder? 00.53.39 # amiconn, I do that when I'm at home - but I've been on the road pretty constantly for months now. 00.53.43 # guys how about the field strength patch for radios, that seems to be pretty good an addition ? 00.53.45 # jmworx: s/nDb/nb/ 00.53.52 # you can even "encode" it at 250 bps if you care that much about space 00.54.10 # Llorean, AceNik: The rockbox bmp loader supports all common bit depths, i.e. 1, 4, 8, 15/16, 24 and 32 bit 00.54.11 # nah, i'll just append a frame and let speex do what it wants 00.54.15 # and 15 minute resolution is ~ 1.5% resolution @ 16 hours. 00.54.36 # Exotic bit packings aren't supported for 15/16, 24 and 32 bit though, only the standard ones 00.54.37 # * PaulPosition 's no PaulJam. Don't insult that honest dev. guy by mixing him up me :o 00.54.51 # preglow: If decoding nb with a wb decoder, you need to double the lookahead value (because the sampling rate's twice as high) 00.54.59 Quit iamben (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.55.07 # preglow: what broke? 00.55.38 # amiconn: so how can i makea 32bit bmp, wont it hav better quality, but then why is there a thing where it does not accept bmp's saved from windows i presume they are 32-bit by default 00.55.49 # jhMikeS: i found part of the reason why some short clips are cut too abruptly 00.55.59 # jhMikeS: giving a nasty clicky sound 00.56.07 # I.e. 15 bit must be XRGB1555, 16 bit must be RGB565, and 32 bit must be ARGB8888 (with the A ignored) or XRGB8888 00.56.11 # 32bit wont look any different, the extra 8 bits are just an alpha channel. 00.56.25 # preglow: should I read back? or is it simple to just say? 00.56.52 # jhMikeS: when a clip ends very abruptly, the lpc filter in speex doesn't always have time enough to reach zero level 00.57.03 # jhMikeS: then it'll get cut and you'll have a click 00.57.07 # Llorean: Sansa *was* better than the disk based PP502x targets, but no longer is :) 00.57.13 # similar to mpa...to flush the filter banks out? 00.57.28 # AceNik: re. accepting the setting - have you tried or do you base this on information in the wiki or the manual (because I know there are place which state it wrong) 00.57.35 # jhMikeS: i tried to fix it a bit by decoding a zero frame after the last proper frame, using the code i removed during the last green delta commit... 00.57.42 # AceNik: The screen is only 16-bit, any bitmap more than 16 bit can't look better anyway 00.57.44 # And why is battery-bench recording log entries every five seconds now? It did not use to do that. 00.57.47 Quit Workaphobia (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.57.51 # jhMikeS: and that helps for most of the click, but jmspeex says i should pad one frame in the encoder too, and i'll try that 00.58.10 # I wouldn't think decoding an extra frame would help but not trimming the source so soon. 00.58.55 # why don't I hear clicks in any voice I've got? 00.59.00 # amiconn; yes i have tried loading a normal bmp, when i had started using rockbox, but it did not work, then i read up n saved to 24-bit 00.59.06 # Llorean: In fact it can, as both 24/32 bit formats and <= 8 bit formats use dithering, while 16 bit does not. But if the 16 bit bmp is pre-dithered, it will look as good as a 24 bit one, and you save a bit of loading time 00.59.16 # Llorean: so basically the h10 lcd itself sucks ? 00.59.22 # were they encoded with more silence at the end? 00.59.26 # Acenik - You mean for that SplashScreen patch? 00.59.31 # amiconn: Okay, so how 'bout "can't look better than a properly created 16-bit image"? 00.59.39 # yeah 00.59.59 # Soap: it records everytime the measured voltage changes, on sansas this seems to happen very often (maybe the readout is not "stable"?) 01.00.08 # Acenik - Well, 16 bit is over 65k colour. Sucks is a loose term. 01.00.13 # AceNik: 16-bit color is 65,536 colors. Is that not enough for you? 01.00.16 # jhMikeS: no 01.00.25 # jhMikeS: the clips in question are cut really abruptly 01.00.36 # like numerals with espeak voice 01.00.44 # especially "two" and "three" 01.00.46 # guys is there a way my recordin in rockbox can be improved i do not follow the settigs, everytime i record, it frstly reduces the volume, n the recorded file is pretty low quality n mp3 01.00.59 # wait...the letter "a" was one with a problem. I think I mentioned it. 01.01.10 # Just a short "eh" 01.01.28 # paulposition,Llorean: well yeah, but how come its not as bright & better like the ipods obviusly thier lcds are better 01.01.32 # jmworx: an extra frame appended worked perfectly 01.01.43 # preglow: We need to trim, otherwise the pauses between clips will become unbearable. 01.01.44 # Acenik - Line in or internal mic? Anyway, recording's settings are (duh!) in settins->recording. 01.01.53 # jmworx: i assume speex uses 250 bits for that anyway, in vbr mode 01.01.54 # AceNik: LCD brightness and sharpness has nothing to do with the bit depth... 01.02.01 # amiconn: trimming isn't the problem, i got that wrong 01.02.10 # (And I personnally find my h10 LCD *too* bright. So there... :p ) 01.02.26 # amiconn: unfortunately, this seems to be another bug that needs to update rbspeexenc :/ 01.02.34 Join keanu [0] (n=keanu@unaffiliated/keanu) 01.02.49 # preglow: does this mean the decoding need to reset on every clip when strung together or do any trimming? 01.02.52 # What could cause usb_find_busses() to return something less than 0? 01.02.52 # And btw, the talk code plays a silence clip at the end for a reason - if it wouldn't, the end of the final clip would be swallowed on hwcodec 01.03.06 # What kind of seetings do i need to have recording on mic on h10 like the OF 01.03.11 # jhMikeS: decoder isn't reset on every clip now? 01.03.13 # Paul Position: ok give up, just anted to get to know, because i find, ipod 5G's wps's way better than h10's 01.03.16 # preglow: I don't think Speex can currently reduce the bit-rate *that* quickly 01.03.17 # (the mas stops without playing the last few frames when it runs out of data) 01.03.26 # jmworx: makes sense 01.03.30 # I wonder why this silence clip doesn't help for speex 01.03.40 # jmworx: how would i go about forcing that last frame at 250 bps, then? 01.03.45 # preglow: at the start of a clip yes but only once for a string of clips (such as saying "123456") 01.04.00 Quit scorche|w ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 01.04.06 # jhMikeS: probably should reset there as well 01.04.14 # jhMikeS: Hmm, then the silence clip should do the trick, shouldn't it? 01.04.16 # AceNik: Maybe the WPS designers working on H10 ones just aren't as clever then. The only real difference between *what* can be displayed is the size of the screen. 01.04.28 # ahh 01.04.33 # the silence clip should do the trick 01.04.37 # i didn't know of any such 01.04.38 # preglow: Why would the decoder need to be reset for every clip?? 01.05.00 # amiconn: so that decoder state for one clip doesn't affect another? sounds quite logical to me 01.05.07 # preglow: disable VBR and set mode to 0. 01.05.09 # not every codec works like mp3 01.05.14 # jmworx: of course... 01.05.39 # and even mp3 should have its state reset between streams that don't belong together 01.05.44 # thank you pixelma. I was assuming it was new behavior. My recent iPod benches also contained more entries than I was used to. 01.06.16 # But looking at the voltage levels - I see they are jumping back and forth quite a bit. 01.06.27 # preglow: but mp3 prepends and appends silence instead as part of the format 01.06.31 # Llorean: no h10 devs are cool enough man, all devs are cool, but still those wps's rok 01.06.39 # preglow: Check talk.c, mp3_callback(), especially lines 326ff 01.06.54 # the decoder gets flushed to 0 by the audio itself 01.07.14 # PaulPosition: I'm not a dev. just a fanboy :) 01.07.32 # so we're currently getting a zero clip? that makes little sense, then, i shouldn't be having these clicks 01.07.56 # how is this zero clip encoded? 01.08.01 # bye guys im off 01.08.02 Part AceNik 01.08.21 # Like normal, just that wavtrim isn't applied (of course) 01.08.22 # why would stringing an encoded 0 clip onto encoded audio work anyway? 01.08.23 # AceNik - Recording with the mic, I suggest Format:mp3, bitrate:at least 128, channel:mono... Then in the recording screen try with both 0db or 20db gain and see if there's clipping. You're better off with no clipping at all, at worst you'll just have to amplify your file in some post-processing program. Else, if it clips, you'll need filters and such. 01.08.38 # (I'm assuming voice, of course.) 01.08.43 # jhMikeS: Read back 6 minutes 01.08.50 # jhMikeS: to allow the decoder enough time to let the lpc filter tail die before clipping audio 01.08.58 # Acenik - Cause to record music, any voc-recorder sucks big time. 01.09.01 # jhMikeS: if the filter tail isn't dead, you'll hear it when it's cut 01.09.29 # PaulJam - Well, I'm a fanboy too, alrightee then ;) 01.09.48 # true it has delays, but silence appended while encoding would have the proper gapless die out...well in mp3 anyway. 01.09.59 # jhMikeS: just tried it, works great 01.10.12 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.10.18 # Soap: maybe that's something else then, just repeating here what I've been told ;) 01.10.20 # but i'm thinking this encoded silence might as well be applied in the voice thread instead of in the encoder 01.10.22 # to not waste space 01.10.39 # though mpa would still have dieout time in that case too...yeah 01.10.39 # The silence clip *is* applied in the talk code 01.11.04 # * jhMikeS doesn't want to waste space and if it work, well, it works. 01.11.18 # pixelma, looking at the numbers what you say is completely reasonable. 01.11.43 Quit ender` (" Join the army, meet interesting people, kill them.") 01.11.51 # amiconn: i like the fact that espeak encoded " " isn't perfect silence 01.11.54 # it's pitched... 01.12.17 # The silence clip is pure digital silence, not generated by the tts engine 01.12.46 # The one shipped is 300ms 01.12.47 # ehh 01.12.51 # p_silence = get_clip(VOICE_PAUSE, &silence_len); 01.12.57 # VOICE_PAUSE is " " in english.lang 01.13.00 # preglow: why should the voice thread append it? it's done in talk.c already. 01.13.08 # preglow: That's not used - check voice.pl 01.13.09 # jhMikeS: then we need to find out why that doesn't work 01.13.14 # amiconn: ok 01.13.30 Part pixelma 01.13.50 # jhMikeS: fact of the matter is, if i append one frame, that is 20ms of audio with silence in the encoder, it works ok. no clicks, and if we add 300ms, something else must be wrong 01.13.50 # the silence clip isn't available for some reason? is it trying to use it? 01.14.05 # if ($id eq "VOICE_PAUSE") { \n print("Use distributed $wav\n") if $verbose; \n copy(dirname($0)."/VOICE_PAUSE.wav", $wav); 01.14.37 Join jurrie [0] (n=jurrie@adsl-068-209-041-021.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) 01.15.02 # If the clip wouldn't be available, voice file creation would fail 01.15.36 # but is it being returned and used is what I'd like to know and how big is it? 01.16.28 # preglow: The silence clip is *only* appended if the queue runs out, not in case of shutup(). But that's acceptable imo. shutup() should be fast 01.17.17 # the voice thread won't cut itself off when decoding is finish. it just exhausts the data and lets pcm play till that runs out. 01.18.14 # hmm 01.18.29 # i can only see two clips passed to voice for each file number say 01.18.33 # that would be "file" + number 01.19.37 Nick midkay_ is now known as midkay (n=midkay@71-35-102-133.tukw.qwest.net) 01.20.22 # inserting a printf at the silence queue inserts does claim it gets inserted after both "file" and number 01.21.50 # There's something that's now quite fishy for swcodec voice (not related to the current problem though) 01.22.28 # talk_force_shutup() searches for the next mp3 frame header to cut the clip - obviously no longer correct for swcodec 01.23.06 Join Isolinear [0] (n=A@c-76-105-254-119.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 01.23.07 # (all the curr_hd related stuff) 01.23.37 # jhMikeS: decoder resets inbetween "file" and number 01.23.47 # Since swcodec can stop mid-frame and restart without delay, that's most probably not a problem (but wasted code) 01.23.52 # jhMikeS: didn't you say it shouldn't when clips are concated together 01.24.15 Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) 01.24.36 # The deal with this stuff is that if the mas has to re-sync, it would swallow the beginning of the next clip - and that's not just one or 2 frames 01.24.56 # preglow: if it queues multiple clips, no it shouldn't 01.25.23 # jhMikeS: well, i don't know how that exact mechanism works 01.25.42 # in this case it does reset between the clip for "file" and the clip for a number 01.26.49 Join iamben [0] (n=ben@ppp-70-247-252-134.dsl.spfdmo.swbell.net) 01.27.04 # each queue slot = one clip. when that slot exausts the data, the next slot should be read from and decoding should continue without interruption. 01.27.11 # and i can't for the life of me see that the voice thread receives a queued silence clip 01.28.26 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet07.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 01.28.32 # every clip passes through the Q_VOICE_PLAY case? 01.28.37 # no 01.28.59 # right 01.29.21 # a series of queued clips should just be obtained via the callback 01.29.30 # get_more, yeah 01.29.31 # i see now 01.29.36 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 01.29.42 # but of course the thread must be sent these things in the proper manner 01.30.59 # it's the same operation as the prevous but doesn't need the Q_VOICE_STOP before the Q_VOICE_PLAY (which identical to just aborting and resarting) 01.31.24 # mok 01.31.42 # it seems "file" gets sent with a chained silence, then number gets sent with a chained silence 01.33.23 # but why the hell does adding one frame in the encoder help at all if silence gets added? 01.33.30 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser_x@LAYL001.digis.net) 01.33.55 # does the decoder return an error? 01.34.18 # Eh, this code is already in an #if block... 01.34.24 Join advcomp2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 01.34.35 # my debug printfs are starting to get increasingly esoteric 01.34.44 # jhMikeS: no 01.34.54 Quit advcomp2019 (Nick collision from services.) 01.34.57 Nick advcomp2019_ is now known as advcomp2019 (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 01.35.34 # jhMikeS: i guess it is possible that the encoder is retaining some data it needs to spit out 01.35.41 # that would explain why one frame extra helps 01.36.02 # jhMikeS: it does make sense, after all, i has some lookahaed 01.36.38 # Encoding the very same .wav, both with and without padding, and then comparing the produced speex bitstream might tell you... 01.36.47 # amiconn: and indeed it shall! 01.39.26 # * jhMikeS is just going to get rid of the strange unboost cpu on block_w_tmo now but retain the per-thread boost control. much more sane. 01.39.49 # 'course this decision has independent of any voice things 01.39.53 # *is 01.40.07 # amiconn: yes, it does indeed seem to be the case, the file ends in the middle of an impulse if i don't encode an extra frame 01.41.25 # so the silence clip plays but the clip is abruptly cut off? 01.41.48 # the non-silence clip that is 01.41.56 # yes 01.42.04 # owey 01.42.05 # problem is that the silence clip should still be helping more than it is 01.42.16 # right now it doesn't seem to be helping at all 01.42.37 # if i do a null decode on a frame after the last frame, it helps, and that is essentially what the silence clip should be doing 01.43.21 # It might be that the silence clip isn't needed at all on swcodec 01.43.25 # in speex, what's a NULL-decode? 01.43.56 # jhMikeS: calling speex_decode_int() with NULL as bits poitner, that'll make speex assume we lost a packet 01.44.12 # jhMikeS: there's two things here you may be confusing 01.44.12 # (it might improve things slightly while music is playing, bevause it lengthens the period of reduced music volume) 01.44.21 # jmwork: quite likely 01.44.34 Quit Jon-Kha (Remote closed the connection) 01.44.35 # There's the packet loss concealment you get when you pass a null pointer for the bits -- you most likely don't want that 01.44.51 # good, then i can keep that code commented out :> 01.45.09 # The packet loss thingy might be useful for talk_force_shutup() 01.45.09 # Also, there's a "null mode" which is mode zero, aka 250 bps, aka null excitation that just let's the LPC filter ring. 01.45.31 # (iiuc) 01.45.32 # ahhh, i thought they were the same 01.45.46 # amiconn: why would you use PLC? 01.45.57 # he probably means null mode 01.46.14 # In order to avoid a click when a clip is cut 01.46.31 # preglow: no, the PLC will actually make up a "plausible" excitation using the pitch and other stuff. null mode just drives everything to zero in a clean way 01.46.42 # jmworx: that's good to know 01.47.13 # talk_force_shutup is for when the previous queue contents is flushed immediately and replaced by something new 01.47.14 # amiconn: you'd need to decode a "crafted packet" that basically contains a null byte 01.47.45 # (the null mode is mode zero, so its content is five zeros in a row) 01.47.53 # (I'm talking at the bit level) 01.48.14 # jmworx: but yeah, if we want the output to die after a clip, the right thing to do would be appending an extra empty frame when encoding, right? 01.48.28 # you literally send one byte of "0"? 01.48.35 # jhMikeS: no 01.48.39 # preglow: You could alternatively do that at decoding time. 01.48.56 # i.e. 01.48.58 # char ch = 0; 01.49.23 # preglow: that's looks like one byte of "0" to me :> 01.49.27 # speex_bits_set_bit_buffer(&bits, &ch, 1); 01.49.31 Join Workaphobia [0] (n=Jonathan@fistmele-09.dynamic2.rpi.edu) 01.49.41 # So I was on here a few hours ago looking for small features I could potentially implement. I think this one looks good: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/2145?pagenum=3 (search tool for text viewer) - it hasn't already been taken care of, right? 01.49.44 # jhMikeS: it s... 01.49.47 # preglow: exactly, one byte of zero contains 8 zeros :-) 01.49.50 # jhMikeS: i forgot that the mode bits are placed first 01.50.02 # if you see it in a speex file, it'll be 250 bits, no? 01.50.23 # preglow: 5 bits per frame * 50 frames per second = 250 bps 01.50.38 # (not 250 bits, that's an awful waste for encoding zeros) 01.50.51 # heh 01.50.56 # :) 01.51.04 # so it's nb/wb bit + 4 bit mode per frame? 01.51.08 # that's easy to add in there 01.51.23 # preglow: exactly 01.51.37 # jmworx: but the encoder would retain nothing of value to flush even if the last frame ended really abruptly? 01.51.49 # and there's no need to specify the 3 wb mode bits even if it's a wideband stream 01.52.01 # which bit is the nb/wb bit? the leftmost? 01.52.05 # the first 01.52.15 # preglow: what you you mean? 01.52.35 # is anything compelled to byte alignment? 01.53.01 # jhMikeS: It's not exactly a nb/wb bit in that even for wb, you'll see a nb bit first. Then after the wideband, you'll see a "high band" 1. 01.53.02 # jmworx: i'm just thinking that the lookahead might mean we should allow the encoder to go on for one frame more than we actually have 01.53.06 # and pad that with zeroes 01.53.35 # true if you care about all your samples 01.53.47 # and we do, like i say, the samples end really abruptly 01.53.50 # and we want those last samples 01.54.12 # speex does not have variable last frame? (just curious) 01.54.13 # eh, those _clips_ end really abruptly 01.54.23 # amiconn: no variable frames if you mean size in samples 01.54.30 # I do mean that 01.54.38 # frames are always 160, 320 or 640 samples wide 01.54.47 # amiconn: gapless is handled by ogg 01.54.50 # So gapless speex would be problematic? (not that it really matters for speech) 01.54.55 # ah 01.54.57 # amiconn: just like for vorbis 01.55.06 Join bsaint [0] (n=s@77-100-98-110.cable.ubr10.azte.blueyonder.co.uk) 01.55.17 # So the container just specifies a point to cut? 01.55.32 # amiconn: gapless works fine. You just encode (indirectly through Ogg) the number of samples to drop at the beginning and at the end. 01.55.42 # That's not really different to the lame tag for mp3 iiuc 01.55.42 # jmworx: but then it wouldn't make sense to force the last frame at a low bitrate either, no? since the encoder still has valid data to spit out and all 01.55.53 # preglow: indeed 01.56.45 # does anyone know where i can get more information on the flash translation layer used in the 1st gen ipod nano? 01.57.09 # jmworx: second thing, is it possible to pre-compensate for the differing lookahead of nb decoded in wb mode at the encoding side? the decoder won't really know if it has a nb file or wb file, and always decodes in wb mode 01.57.14 # bsaint: there's a datasheet on it 01.57.20 # bsaint: it's a separate chip 01.57.22 # What happens if I use non-standard rates for speex? Since the number of samples per frame is fixed, I'd expect the frame duration to change... 01.57.39 # amiconn: frame duration in samples remains the same 01.57.50 # I mean duration as in time 01.57.57 # that changes, of course 01.58.07 # it pretty much has to if frame size is constant 01.58.37 # speex does other rates just fine, it just sounds better at 8/16/32 khz 02.00.24 Join tdruskw [0] (n=tyler@ 02.00.41 # How can I use amarok with rockbox. Sorry if this is off topic. 02.00.54 # it is 02.00.59 # preglow: you can say that your narrowband stream is in fact a wideband stream 02.01.46 # tdruskw: maybe someone in #rockbox-community can/is willing to help 02.01.51 # preglow: but why do you insist on having narrowband streams decoded in wideband in the first place? 02.01.57 # DerPapst: thanks 02.02.11 # jmworx: just as an option for people who are really fixated on file size 02.03.10 # preglow: do you know where i can find nano related datasheets? the apple site has trivial technical data, and the best information i've found is at http://ipodlinux.org/Generations#iPod_Nano_.28Nano1G.29 02.03.44 Part tdruskw ("Kopete 0.12.3 : http://kopete.kde.org") 02.05.52 # bsaint: i really can't remember where i found that info 02.06.43 # jmworx: plus, i just thought it'd be cool to take full advantage of the possibilities we have, and that includes nb streams being perfectly valid wb streams :) 02.07.41 Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") 02.09.46 # amiconn: is this guy doing something obviously stupid? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8191 02.10.02 # ok, well at least now i know that info exists, i should have more luck finding it! thanks 02.10.28 # bsaint: start by finding the ipod nano chip list 02.10.38 # some place in there should ba an ata to flash bridge chip 02.10.43 # bsaint: why do you want to know, btw? 02.10.58 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 02.12.42 Join advcomp2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 02.13.25 # i was going to use the ipod nano as the basis for developing a new flash filesystem due to its large capacity, but after i found out that it also uses a ftl i was just looking for more information on it 02.13.33 Quit advcomp2019 (Nick collision from services.) 02.13.35 Nick advcomp2019_ is now known as advcomp2019 (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 02.14.05 # ooh, word from Brian Wolven. Let's get the stuff in svn already 02.14.05 Quit Arathis2 ("Bye, bye") 02.14.39 # yeah, i should ask him about that 02.16.47 # and get some sort of license slapped on it as well 02.16.51 Quit z35 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 02.17.25 Join z35 [0] (n=z@ 02.17.41 Quit _japc (Remote closed the connection) 02.26.08 # How difficult would it be to interface with Rockbox's database? Specifically, if I had "gather runtime data" enabled, and I gave a song a rating of "1," how difficult would it be for a program to gather that data, and match it with the same song on my computer (assuming that the program in question had a database of the songs on my computer)? 02.26.47 # Mouser_X: A program on a computer can access and update Rockbox's database as easily it can its own, I'd imagine.. 02.27.04 # (I'm wondering, because it'd be handy to mark a file "1" if there's errors/glitches/problems/etc. and match it to the original on my PC, so that I can fix the original.) 02.27.43 # I'd need to know the format of the database though, correct? 02.27.54 # And, where would I find that information? 02.28.05 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 02.28.09 # The code in Rockbox that handles the database would be the best start 02.28.14 # Large chunks of it can probably be reused. 02.28.20 # Hmmm. 02.28.24 # rasher: just got brian's permission to release the scripts under gpl 02.28.35 # * Llorean cheers 02.28.38 # preglow: hurray 02.28.50 # i assume we'll want to put them in svn too? 02.30.23 Quit scorche (Nick collision from services.) 02.30.55 Join scorche` [0] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 02.31.09 # jmworx: looks to me like both nb and wb data are delayed by the same amount when decoded with the same wb decoder, so we should be fine just skipping the amount of lookahead samples that the wb decoder tells us to 02.31.51 Quit Workaphobia (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.34.21 Nick scorche` is now known as scorche (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 02.36.00 Quit amigan_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.36.12 # preglow: I'd say put it all in tools/ 02.37.20 # now, let's see if i can figure out this wiki file upload stuff 02.42.20 Join weezerle [0] (n=weezerle@dslb-088-075-080-163.pools.arcor-ip.net) 02.42.21 # * Llorean now has oblib's name. 02.42.33 # Anyone think of any reason *not* to commit the Nano fix? 02.43.18 # does it work? 02.43.26 # i can't delete files in the wiki? 02.43.47 # Llorean: *couph* FS#8169 02.43.50 # JdGordon: It's worked for all testers. 02.44.00 Quit weezerle (Client Quit) 02.44.10 # go! go! 02.44.50 # umm... the best reason i can tihnk of it for not commiting is less ussers to support :p 02.45.43 Quit atsea- (Remote closed the connection) 02.46.22 # Alright, nano issues should be resolved 02.48.36 # does it need a bootloader update also? 02.50.27 Join psycho_maniac [0] (i=psycho_m@ 02.50.32 # bootloader runs at 24 mhz, afaik 02.50.51 # JdGordon: On other targets does the "Menu" button in the recording screen take you to the Main menu, or the Recording menu? 02.51.05 # dunno... 02.51.21 # My mind says that it should take you to the recording menu, but I don't know what other targets do there. 02.52.04 # Yeah 02.52.08 # I dont know, it should be consistant with the rest, but if power goes to main menu, the down should be rec settings menu.... select and long select? dunno 02.52.09 # "menu" is recording menu, "Stop" is main menu 02.52.16 Quit sup (Remote closed the connection) 02.52.20 Join sup [0] (i=super@c80-217-108-3.bredband.comhem.se) 02.52.33 # * JdGordon has a quit bite to eat and heads of for the us consulate... ttyl 02.52.55 # I don't think there's a use for "Select" in the recording screen 02.53.01 # I don't see a mapping that seems like it'd belong on it. 03.03.27 # JdGordon: Okay, all better 03.09.38 # * Llorean made a mistake 03.10.17 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.13.06 # JdGordon: Can you have two buttons do identical things within a context? 03.13.53 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.14.31 Quit w0rd54 (Client Quit) 03.14.36 Quit bsaint () 03.15.07 Quit J3TC- (".•«UPP»•.") 03.15.10 Quit PaulJam (".") 03.15.39 Join w0rd54 [0] (i=blackdev@100mbit.top-site.us) 03.19.47 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@pool-71-125-77-210.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) 03.34.02 Quit w0rd54 (Client Quit) 03.38.46 Join w0rd54 [0] (n=w0rd@100mbit.top-site.us) 03.40.48 # Oh Noes guys! 03.40.53 # There are vulnerabilities in FLAC! 03.41.02 # eh 03.41.24 # can i run my own code on your player? 03.41.32 # I fear you may be able to! 03.41.51 # your player will be a spam bot in my network of spam-daps! 03.42.03 # Actually, it looks like it's not FLAC that's the problem, but the metadata 03.42.07 # ...after a network stack is written for rockbox. 03.42.08 # Which, afaik, is vorbis comments. 03.44.55 Join atsea- [0] (i=atsea-@gateway/tor/x-09ebe3878f1a8b45) 03.54.59 # Speaking of stack, how goes the work on USB? 04.06.21 Join jpt9 [0] (n=chatzill@venomoth-23.dynamic.rpi.edu) 04.06.32 # is there a calendar plugin for the sansa e200? 04.08.20 # Llorean: my previously-short-lived 1100mAh x5 battery is getting ~6h with the most recent rockbox 04.08.47 # i've now reinstalled the suspect x5l batteries (looks like 3x110mAh) to see how that goes 04.08.54 # 1100, even 04.09.19 # though I must say - ~6h is still about half what I'd expect 04.09.30 Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") 04.09.32 # From a new battery, that's pretty bad. 04.09.36 # How does it perform in the original firmware? 04.10.42 # Llorean: I haven't run a thorough test on the OF. 04.10.45 Quit dandin1 () 04.11.01 # That's really the only valid point of comparison 04.11.06 # reverting to the OF is my last resort; I'll only do it if I get utterly shit battery life on rockbox 04.11.07 # jpt9: there is a calendar plugin on flyspray 04.11.08 # If Rockbox is getting >= to the OF, then the battery is a problem. 04.11.29 # ah. 04.11.36 # It's not unheard of for off-brand batteries to have significantly less capacity than is claimed 04.11.41 # and it is also on the wiki. 04.12.08 # Llorean: this is an identical Cameron Sino part. 04.12.54 # Cameron Sino traditionally is expected to be good, so long as the battery was stored properly 04.13.06 # that's the bit I can't guarantee 04.13.17 # ebay, y'know 04.13.20 # Yeah 04.15.30 # am I right in presuming that the only electronic difference between a x5 and a x5l is the battery pack? 04.15.58 # because this player is actually an x5 with an x5l case and battery 04.16.00 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B17892.dip.t-dialin.net) 04.16.30 # As far as I'm aware, yes that is true 04.16.39 # good, it seems to be so 04.17.00 # I was very pleasantly surprised at how straightforward the x5 is inside 04.26.15 Join minaret [0] (n=ubuntu@pool-71-96-73-237.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net) 04.27.02 # hi, i installed rockbox recently, and havent used my sansa much, but i noticed today that it is skipping about every 30 seconds while playing audio. is there anything i can do to fix this? 04.27.53 # Does your WPS have a peak meter? 04.28.08 # sorry, what is that? 04.28.12 Quit w0rd54 (Remote closed the connection) 04.28.30 # A bar that goes moves in time with the music beats 04.28.44 # where would it be? 04.28.53 # On the WPS. The While Playing Screen... 04.29.15 # i know, but where? sorry 04.29.24 # I don't understand what you mean. 04.29.32 # The screen you see while music is playing 04.29.34 # i dont see a bar 04.29.41 # Then the answer is probably "no" 04.29.45 # or 04.29.48 # do you mean the seeker? 04.29.51 # No. 04.29.53 # okay 04.29.54 # I don't mean the progress bar. 04.30.01 # so, i dont see what youre talking about 04.30.04 # Are you using the equalizer? 04.30.10 # yes 04.30.13 # Try turning it off 04.30.16 # k 04.30.18 # The equalizer can be CPU intensive. 04.30.23 # ah, k 04.30.51 # i think that fixed it 04.30.55 # thanks! 04.31.05 # How much CPU it uses depends on how many filters you use. 04.31.13 # k 04.31.14 # So, try using only 1 or 2 or 3 of the EQ bars instead of all five 04.31.20 # I'll mess around with that then, thank you 04.32.19 # alright, its working great now. thanks 04.34.20 Join w0rd54 [0] (i=blackdev@100mbit.top-site.us) 04.34.39 Join keanu|afk [0] (n=keanu@unaffiliated/keanu) 04.36.44 Quit keanu (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.39.49 Quit minaret ("Quit") 04.42.13 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.42.32 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF6C76.dip.t-dialin.net) 04.51.31 Join Calcipher [0] (n=Calciphe@ool-18bab657.dyn.optonline.net) 04.55.33 Quit JETC- (".•«UPP»•.") 04.56.15 Join JETC- [0] (n=jetc123@pool-71-125-77-210.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) 05.06.11 Quit atsea- (Remote closed the connection) 05.10.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.17.20 Join Jon-Kha [0] (i=jon-kha@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi) 05.18.03 # * lostlogic has sansa 05.18.08 Join atsea- [0] (i=atsea-@gateway/tor/x-f09b621560f3d439) 05.18.39 # Yay for lostlogic! 05.18.45 # * Mouser_X does not yet! :( 05.19.45 # lostlogic: And what will you be doing for Rockbox now that you have a new gadget? 05.20.00 # probably nothing new, but I have a new gadget... 05.20.16 # Llorean: depends what I use that's broken on Sansa :-P 05.20.17 # Ah, well that's good at least 05.20.22 # Hahaha 05.21.22 # * lostlogic hasta figure out rockbox install on a new device 05.21.23 # whee. 05.22.59 # It's pretty easy for non-R sansas 05.23.00 # Well, very easy 05.23.28 # mine says R 05.23.44 # Ah 05.23.49 # Well then, it's a little less simple 05.23.54 # hehe 05.24.03 # At least it's easier than it used to be for -R types 05.24.11 # * lostlogic reads 05.26.14 # wtf? the E200R target won't even compile atm? 05.26.20 # or should I jsut be building E200? 05.26.27 # the latter 05.26.31 # thanks. 05.26.57 # it's the same hardware, after all. the former target is for the bootloader and such, i think. 05.29.32 # i have no reason to compile my own builds now that the acceleration scroll wheel patch has been committed. 05.29.47 # lostlogic: You could fix the build target. :) 05.30.14 # Any reason there's an e200r build? I've been throwing the same e200 build on both my devices. 05.30.56 # just the bootloader I'd guess 05.32.07 # As far as I know, it's just the bootloader, yeah 05.36.38 # so we dont need a e200r build? 05.37.39 # We need it for the bootloader 05.38.10 # oh alright. i understand. 05.39.47 # hmmm...wonder if it could just run the same bootloader (auto-detect type) 05.42.43 # without yield_codecs, codecs beat buffering to the full point (yield every 1ms in the ata driver which is actually better anyway). 05.47.14 # jhMikeS: I think it's actually the encryption of the bootloader, or signing, or something 05.47.52 Quit qwm (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.48.04 Join qwm [0] (n=qwm@h38n2fls32o1010.telia.com) 05.50.27 # any reason the build must do it and not the installer? 05.50.41 # If it's just that, no not really 05.51.28 # * jhMikeS should just look at the source to find out :p 05.52.31 # I think I broke my e200r. 05.52.46 # You're not the first to say that... 05.52.57 # "Load main image failed" "Switch to Recover mode" <-- I'm newb what I'm do? 05.53.05 # Hah. Read the wiki :p 05.53.09 # you read the wiki :P 05.53.32 # Something like E200UnBrick or such name... 05.53.36 # ugh, I thought I was reading the wiki *reads harder* 05.54.16 # (or maybe not... lot of contradicting info in the last few days.. Not owing a Sansa, I wouldn't know for sure) 05.55.09 # what? my install went like butter. 05.55.27 # only stupid thing was having the wrong usb mode on 05.55.46 # jhMikeS: I dunno -- looked like it was working... but after it "upgraded" itself on the final reboot it did this. 05.57.10 # so you got the "firmware unlocked" message and rebooted then connected in MSC mode? 06.00.00 # I think I missed a reboot, crap. 06.01.16 # oh well, unbrick works, will try again from the top. 06.01.19 Join webguest73 [0] (i=80cde4d3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f028fe633020d30e) 06.02.46 # hey, i'm trying to install rockbox on a 5th gen ipod video 30gb (i'm using MacOS 10.4) but the rockbox installer won't detect my iPod. What am i doing wrong? 06.04.18 # webguest73: Have you converted it to Fat32? 06.04.30 # The ipod? 06.04.34 # Yes 06.04.51 # no, do i need to do that before running the automated installer? 06.05.15 # Well, since Rockbox won't run on anything but FAT32, it'd be a dang good idea to format it to that first. 06.05.21 # only if its a mac ipod. 06.05.28 # it is 06.05.34 # how do i format it then? 06.06.14 # there is a write up on the wiki i believe. 06.06.36 # okay thanks 06.06.46 # jhMikeS: I'm not getting this firmware unlocked message, although the e200rpatcher application says patching application uploaded successfully, what am I doing wrong now? 06.07.59 Quit krazykit (Remote closed the connection) 06.08.21 Join krazykit [0] (n=krazykit@adsl-76-240-200-149.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) 06.08.45 # hmmm...did you ever? 06.09.05 # no, the text is searching, found, uploaded, press enter to exit 06.09.19 # it's on the lcd 06.09.31 # lcd is blank whole time :-\ 06.10.03 # hmmm...that's not right. mine wasn't. 06.11.01 # lostlogic: Which steps are you following? 06.11.12 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200RInstallation <-- Linux Installer 06.11.39 # Just making sure. :0 06.12.45 # *sigh* I feel like such a newb. 06.13.02 # are you sure it was not a plain e200 with the e200r back 06.13.37 # it boots up and says "Sansa Rhapsody" so I'm guessing not? 06.13.44 # has that happened before? 06.14.01 # R firmware that's actually plain vanilla firmware? 06.14.04 # We've seen several "not-really-e200R" players that looked like Rs. 06.14.53 # if it boots with "sansa rhapsody" that is a r series then 06.16.20 # * lostlogic tries booting a non-R factory mi4 just for shits 06.16.26 # nope, definitely R 06.16.49 # lostlogic: Does your box claim Audible book support? 06.17.29 # no box, woot apparently doesn't do boxes. 06.17.43 # Any sign of a "v2" on it somewhere? 06.17.53 # is there v2 by the back of the sansa 06.17.59 # nope, just a big REFURB 06.18.12 # * jhMikeS just has a nasty ghetto "REFURB" on the back with a lock/unlock red sticker. 06.19.01 # just to verify, to get to manufacturers mode (to do the unlock) I have hold on, hold the large round center area "select button" and connect USB, after 10 seconds, I release select and hit enter to continue on the patcher app? 06.19.07 Join Noobasaurus [0] (i=47da7a10@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e47c7ff89135423b) 06.19.16 # Pretty much 06.19.17 # hello? 06.19.22 # hi 06.19.42 # lostlogic: jhMikeS: a fingernail will remove the REFURB 06.19.56 # jhMikeS: do you recall what displayed in manuf. mode before unlocked msg? 06.20.00 # Would it make sense to go through the plugins and "lcd_set_backdrop(NULL)"-ize those that don't already do? 'cause with backdrops not being confined to WPS anymore, many plugins become almost useless.. 06.20.11 # lostlogic: nothing is displayed in manufactuing mode 06.20.15 # lostlogic: not particularly, but just a few lines 06.20.17 # (okay, that's not new.. It is to me though.) 06.20.24 # PaulPosition: Backdrops have been not confined to WPSes for over a year... 06.20.32 # hey, is there any possibility of a voice accessible quick menu anytime soon? 06.20.47 # run e200rpatcher > drop a few files > done :) 06.20.48 # But yes, plugins should either conform to the current theme (not really possible at the moment) or override it 06.20.48 # scorche: it turns the display on once the driver connects (at least in windows it did) 06.20.49 Quit Noobasaurus (Client Quit) 06.21.03 # jhMikeS: once our program is loaded 06.21.23 # yeah, so it should show some info 06.21.31 # I recently was infuriated by my player not wanting to advance through a folder of songs, and it turned out I mistakenly had accessed and changed the repeat option in the quick menu, from my pocked, without realizing it 06.21.39 # Llorean - So long as that? I thought... oh well. Just didn't happened upon themes that used them before.. Now I do and god do Sokoban, snake, pong, solitaire, battery_bench and how many others become unreadable... :o 06.21.40 # I guess that's what I meant 06.22.14 # PaulPosition: I'm pretty sure the menu was backdroppable *before* the WPS was. 06.22.24 # They shared a backdrop, then the WPS got the %X tag so it could have one of its own 06.22.48 # But yeah, plugins need to deal with it somehow 06.23.08 # Llorean - wow... I guess I only used pretty simple, solid backdrop wpses then. 06.23.36 # Hmph, I seemed to have had a bad bootloader.bin file somehow. it werked this time. 06.23.48 # congrats 06.24.15 # good to hear lostlogic 06.24.20 # Llorean - I guess if we trust themes-maker to choose good background and foreground colours, just removing the backdrop on entry will do it on the plugins that don't explicitely choose their colour.. -- I was wondering if I start doing it, if I should mind posting it on the patch tracker.. 06.24.51 # Honestly, think all plugins should explicitly set foreground an background colors 06.24.53 # * jhMikeS wonders why the checking wouldn't detect that before trying to install it 06.25.04 # ahh, beautiful rockbox. 06.25.18 # checksums should be dumped and CRCs used 06.25.18 Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-67-166-49-171.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 06.25.22 # Trusting a theme author to do it is silly, just because you're either saying "Black can't be used as a backdrop" or you're saying something similar to that at least 06.26.23 # Llorean - Well, logic does say that a background should contrast with the foreground... (???) 06.26.37 # can someone give some pointers on how they would expect the build system for a target with an ARM and a DSP to work 06.26.58 # Llorean - Sudoku uses bitmap tiles, so it needed explicit colours so as not to look shite. But for the rest.. ? 06.27.03 # PaulPosition: Yes, but if you use a backdrop image that the text contrasts with, but your previous theme used a background color, that the new text *doesn't* contrast with, but the new theme didn't reset the color because you should never see it... 06.27.05 # we have a free (beer) set of tools that TI is allowing for opensource development 06.27.30 # kkurbjun: How we'd expect it to work how? 06.27.32 # will the binaries be loaded and fed to the DSP or embedded? 06.28.21 Join eigma [0] (i=eigma@ 06.28.25 # yo! 06.28.25 # I suppose they could be either, I'll get cat on here and he can comment on what he expects to do since he's writing it 06.28.33 # speak of the devil:-D 06.29.01 # ;) 06.29.10 # right now the build system treats all the C files as if they should be compiled for one arch 06.29.11 # Llorean - But if it works with the basic rockbox packaged themes, and it is pure logic, surely the onus would be on the theme makers to make it right? Of course it'd be simpler to make them all black-on-white but people would whine, won't they? 06.29.13 # I'd think loading them in at boot time from disk would be the best way - no mem use - so long as a program loads quickly. 06.29.36 # eigma the question was: jhMikeS: will the binaries be loaded and fed to the DSP or embedded? 06.29.41 # jhMikeS: the DSP images? they're like 6 KB 06.30.06 # Still 6k I wouldn't want hanging around in RAM all the time. :) 06.30.08 # PaulPosition: Well, there's two sides to that. 06.30.10 # I suppose we could slurp them from disk, but for right now, I have a neat little tool that generates an #include-able dsp_image_*.h 06.30.22 # PaulPosition: One: You tell all theme authors to ALWAYS include a backdrop, foreground, and background color line. 06.30.22 # Llorean - Wait... You speak of the 'browse to new backdrop' sort of function that people may use... ? 06.30.25 # This doesn't seem to work. 06.30.49 # Two: You assume that people won't make perfect themes, and you safeguard against the hazards in plugins by having them explicitly choose color schemes 06.30.51 # Much like Jewels does 06.30.51 Quit webguest73 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 06.30.53 # so, I was telling kkurbjun, I don't think we should implement this as "two side-by-side toolchains". 06.30.55 # Llorean - The backdrop isn't important. Rockboxed doesn't use one. 06.31.07 # the DSP images are very small, very well-contained and interface minimally with the rest of the code 06.31.18 # a few well-placed custom make rules would do the trick nicely imho 06.31.22 # PaulPosition: What does this have to do with any single theme? 06.31.57 # but 1) I don't know where to put the rules and 2) I don't know how to properly define the dependencies so that they tie in with the rest of the build system 06.32.03 # Llorean - ... I meant there's no need to make them include a backdrop like you said. 06.32.08 # eigma, how would we integrate the images into codecs if we didn't load from the disk/build them all in the main image? 06.32.41 # I wouldn't want any more effort to compling it and throwing it on my device than there is now that's for sure. 06.33.05 # codecs are loaded when needed - I guess the codec could include the dsp code it needs to load 06.33.05 # by "load from disk", I understood "load from a file in .rockbox, like .rockbox/pcm_codec.out". right now, it's set up for "#include in dsp-dm320.c", and therefore "bundled with main image" 06.33.33 # ah, I think you may be thinking too far ahead. I don't want to do dynamic loading/unloading yet 06.33.39 # gotcha 06.33.40 # just a single system-wide codec that provides PCM passthrough 06.33.42 # depends, perhaps anything could be available if needed 06.34.09 # once we have genius DSP programmers who have implemented MP3, OGG, etc., we can think about dynamic loading 06.34.10 # well, it can't stay that simple. the codec "thread" must run on DSP eventually. 06.34.10 # PaulPosition: No, they need to include a backdrop LINE. 06.34.21 # PaulPosition: Basically, they need to explicitly clear the previous one if they're NOT supposed to have one 06.34.25 # Llorean - Ah right... my bad. 06.35.13 # * eigma still thinks generalizing the scheduler to the DSP core is overkill 06.35.30 # * jhMikeS never said anything about generalizing 06.35.55 # jhMikeS: do you have any pointers on where rules could be added for a different arch, I'm not very familiar with the build system myself 06.36.08 # you're saying that there will be a data structure inside the rockbox scheduler that represents the DSP's thread of execution, correct? 06.36.35 Quit joshin (No route to host) 06.36.40 # * jhMikeS gets the impression people tend to think simple things are complex. The shared memory access would make it just too easy. 06.37.16 # eimga: maybe, maybe not. I suppose if I did the work, I'd decide on the best course at that time. 06.37.38 # hmmm... can you clarify "the codec "thread" must run on DSP eventually"? 06.37.42 # PaulPosition: That's one of the greatest problems. Most themes, if they don't set something, just leave off the line entirely, instead of explicitly putting the line there to set it to the default 06.37.47 # Llorean - Actually, now that I think of it, the theme I just tried has its screen cluttered because the maker used some unofficial patches to set margins in the menus.. On official builds, this wouldn't happen and his backdrop wouldn't cut the mustard. :o 06.38.01 # * lostlogic loads up music on the e200 -- is 40-45 minutes the norm for fully loading one of these here lil' flash doohickers? 06.38.07 # Llorean - So in a way, I guess I'm hunting windmills.. 06.39.09 # PaulPosition: Very few backdrops that work in an official menu should cause problems in a plugin, this is true. 06.39.30 # eigma: the core code wouldn't know the difference and a codec would load on the dsp and interface with core threads using kernel objects. the threading could be really simple since it wouldn't contain context switching code...just sleep/wake code and the sync primitives. 06.39.55 # Llorean - So out of courtesy for the guy who asked me for it, I'm gonna do a "remove backdrop" patch but WON'T be putting it on the tracker for it to be rejected. :p 06.40.17 # I'm not sure it'd be rejected. 06.40.33 # But I feel that just having them trust the themes isn't the most elegant way 06.40.52 # eigma: btw, does the DSP have an atomic swp instruction or the like? 06.40.54 # I'd rather be able to set a "plugin theme" of some sort, just a foreground and background color for plugins to use, separate from the normal one, or something 06.41.54 Quit eigma (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.42.21 # Llorean - That's interesting. I'll ponder that and maybe try to find the knowledge required to make something out of that idea.. Sort of like the 'radio wps' that's on the tracker... Then again, those two would add to the settings and thus the binary, no? 06.42.41 Join eigma [0] (i=eigma@ 06.42.45 # sorry about that 06.42.50 # jhMikeS: sounds like a good direction.. I want to clarify some details though. 06.44.25 # PaulPosition: Yes, but at the same time, they're not something that can be handled by say, preprocessing a file on the PC or anything else. 06.44.57 Quit eigma (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.45.06 # And in terms of plugins at least, it's a real usability concern, and I think the most elegant solution is either having each plugin have its own explicit color choices, or have it read the color choices from settings and use user choices for plugin colors 06.45.33 # Llorean - Thanks anyway :) Every day I spend some time over here, I feel like I go to bed a lil'bit less stupid than I was getting out of it in the morning. 06.45.56 # (but now, its (the bed) calling my name real loud so...) 06.46.04 # See ya gents :) 06.46.05 Join eigma [0] (i=eigma@ 06.46.56 # eigma: such as? 06.47.04 # eigma: hey, bin2c in rbutil/sansapatcher will generate a .c/h from abinary file. but prob too late :p 06.47.08 Quit PaulPosition () 06.47.12 # jhMikeS: hardware mailboxes? interrupts? 06.47.43 # jhMikeS: and the other thing (which I see from the log you anticipated) is I don't see an atomic CAS or TAS instruction the C54x instruction set -- I may have missed it. 06.48.02 # mailboxes can generate interrupts? 06.48.19 # jhMikeS: there is a shared memory are between the ARM and DSP, and there is also interrupts in each direction. that's it. can the current scheduler code make use of this? 06.49.02 # interrupts are used to wake cores when all threads are asleep already. 06.49.03 Join webguest06 [0] (i=80cde4d3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-459110c32a7b017e) 06.49.37 # on pp, it uses the processor control interface when it's from one core to another 06.49.51 # hey, i've just installed rockbox with the automated installer, and now my ipod shows "can't find rockbox.ipod" 06.50.02 # what did i do wrong during install? 06.50.43 # sounds like a pretty good match to the DM320 06.50.46 # i think you just installed the bootloader. extract the rockbox.zip file 06.51.09 # anyway, we kind of strayed from the original topic of the conversation 06.51.29 # eigma: for pp is absoltely symmetrical thought since everything is shared but the caches 06.51.33 # the automated installer doesn't extract the rockbox.zip file? 06.51.41 # ..which is how to integrate TI's build tools into the Rockbox build system 06.52.07 # if I wanted to compile a *.c file with the TI build tool by manually writing a Makefile rule, where would I put this rule? 06.52.20 Quit Calcipher (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.52.42 # eigma: I think the best way (for now) is do a seperate rule for it like how the bmp's are done 06.52.45 # JdGordon: thanks, I'm actually reading in Texas Instruments COFF files, not raw binary files.. buy thanks 06.52.48 # and compile in the binary 06.53.06 # .. or that 06.53.29 # that was Re to your previous message about bin2c btw 06.53.38 # yeah, i figured :) 06.54.00 # woudlnt it be better having the dsp code in the rockbox binary so we dont have more to read from disk on boot? 06.54.57 # well, whether it's in the binary or in a separate file, the net disk read is the same 06.55.20 # putting it in a separate file saves main RAM because it can be unloaded as soon as it's put into the DSP RAM 06.55.33 # yeah, but its 6k... not a big deal 06.55.39 # yeah, I agree 06.56.40 # it still gives me the "rockbox.ipod not found" message 06.56.51 # I understand that RAM is at a premium, but 1) the image is very small and there's only one.. this will become more of an issue with multiple codecs 2) the m:robe, after all, has 64MB of RAM. 6K/64MB < 0.01% 06.56.54 # what do i do? 06.58.05 # anyone? 06.58.08 # webguest06, extract it yourself 06.58.13 # i'm using the automated installer 06.58.22 # i have the .zip 06.58.33 # i just don't know how to install it to the iPod 06.58.47 # extract it to the root of the drive of your player. 07.00.13 # eigma: but I'm realizing there's some sticky details re: thread structs...well, that's what makes it interesting to attempt to make the DSP look like part of the CPU anyway. :) 07.01.35 # yes, that was the next thing I was going to ask.. can the scheduler handle heterogenous sets of registers, etc? 07.01.43 # okay 07.02.01 # i copied the zip file to the iPod and extracted it 07.02.06 # but i get the same message 07.02.16 # webguest06, do you have a .rockbox directory in the root of the drive? 07.03.16 # you should have some path like F:\.rockbox\ with a bunch of folders and some files, including rockbox.ipod 07.03.43 # eigma: it wouldn't need to since those would be defined based on the core it's made for (as well as what's included). it has no basic need for thread structs to be in an array though so they can be anywhere. I've considered caller-allocated thread struct which would also mean no unused ones and irrelevant placement. 07.03.53 # i'm using MacOS 10.4 07.04.06 # so all i see is iPod 07.04.19 # and there's no .rockbox directory 07.04.55 # i havnt been around. did you format the hd to fat32? 07.05.00 # yeah 07.05.05 # threads from two heterogenous cores could block in the same thread queue (to mutex data for instance) 07.05.08 # i used my friend's laptop 07.05.15 # it's connected to my mac 07.05.21 # and the iPod is in disc mode 07.05.32 # alright and you DID install the bootloader? 07.05.45 # yes the bootloader seems to be working fine 07.05.49 # * krazykit points out that Macs hide .files by default, so you may need to show hidden files 07.05.57 # oh right 07.06.02 # this is my friend's mac 07.06.12 # so i'm not familiar with how to unhide hidden folders 07.06.12 # good point krazykit 07.06.44 # but i must be off to bed now. good luck. 07.07.05 # hint: check in Finder's options somewhere, or maybe apple-H or control-H or something. 07.09.15 Join perrikwp [0] (i=982146c1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bddcad352025aecb) 07.10.22 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.12.36 # i can't find it 07.12.45 # eigma: I dunno, if it hits too many snags, I'll agree...might be overkill...but some simple kernel extension for this situation could be devised. Just thinking about all sorts of possible arrangments. 07.12.52 # does anyone know how to show hidden folders in macOS 10.4? 07.13.32 # google will tell you 07.14.13 Quit perrikwp ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 07.25.04 Quit webguest06 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 07.26.12 # eigma: (1) It is never a wise idea to waste a resource just because you seem to have plenty of it on a target. No resources are infinite. (2) Reading the pcm codec from a separate file does take longer than if it would be built into the main binary. That's because of the extra file open(). 07.27.17 # That said, I think a separate file would be easier, and btw, I am thinking about doing the same for the pcm codec on archos when integrating pcm playback+recording 07.28.05 # Situation is a bit different there because this codec isn't code we have written, it's not even open source 07.28.28 Quit eigma (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 07.29.07 # will anyone actually perceive a file open() if the disk already has to be spinning for some reason? I pull that trick to hide probing the disk for recording filename without RTC when the codec must also be loaded. 07.33.48 Join woodensoul [0] (n=noneofya@ 07.34.29 # A single file as such won't be noticeable, I just wanted to point out the fact that it doesn't come for free. test_disk.rock also measures open() performance. Without dircache (and that's usually the case during bootup, unless dircache needed a foreground scan), open() performance is in the order of 20..50 files/second unless it's a fast flash target 07.34.35 # Hey all, anyone around that knows a thing or two about Rockbox on the Archos line and replacing the hard drive in those units? 07.36.19 # I find it hard to locate the docs in the Wiki, but I know I've seen a status report on the Archos line. 07.40.26 Part Llorean 07.41.50 Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3C5C2.dip.t-dialin.net) 07.41.56 # good morning 07.42.57 # woodensoul: http://www.mctubster.com/hd.html . 3 clicks from the rockbox main page... 07.45.02 # question about the yesterdays submit for ata-timing (fix for nano): in ata_device_init there is now no setting left for non-Nano. As far as I can see this function is called for all targets, not only for nano. Is this correct? 07.45.25 # Thanks, that will help. I'm looking for a list of features implemented/unimplemented for the Archos line. 07.46.42 # I think I found it. It's on the 'Why Rockbox' page. 07.47.51 # No RPG or crossfading support for Archos is a bummer 07.48.54 # is it normal for Sansa to be continuously slowly filling the compressed buffer as opposed to quicly filling the whole thing? 07.49.07 # I was thinking of taking the HDD out of my Creative Zen Xtra and putting it into one of the Archos models so I could have 60GB of Rockbox music. 07.50.58 # lostlogic: seems to be filling quickly on mine... 07.51.18 # could still be a problem with the ata_is_Active() if thats still being used 07.51.49 # shouldn't be. 07.53.15 # appears to be a performance issue, fighting between pcmbuf and compressed buf. 07.53.34 Quit Buschel () 07.57.08 Join LinusN [0] (i=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 07.59.45 # lostlogic: I have the fix. 08.00.01 # jhMikeS: tweaks to yield_codec (removing the god forsaken thing? ;)) 08.00.17 # complete removal of any sleeps at all 08.00.29 # patch? 08.00.30 # ugh 08.00.47 # sure, link me 08.00.58 # sleeps are nasty 08.01.16 # sleeps save power 08.01.37 # amiconn: not if they force filling to take a year and a day. 08.02.23 # blocks save more 08.02.59 # http://rafb.net/p/9fUFE527.html 08.03.42 # it keeps the filling of both nice on mine anyway 08.03.59 # *nod* 08.04.09 # have tested on other targets? 08.04.17 # * amiconn always thinks sleep == cpu sleep 08.05.39 # * jhMikeS just randomly switches between one type and another :) 08.06.01 Quit jpt9 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.06.20 # H10 with a nasty slow disk seems to still be ok 08.06.42 # jhMikeS: Btw, does you explicit boost control commit mean that boost/unboost can happen more often? 08.06.56 # This is something that should be avoided... 08.07.49 # no, same thing that would happen otherwise 08.08.25 # ah ok 08.10.42 Join webguest42 [0] (i=a31d4902@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4ef78cf12718c646) 08.12.21 Quit webguest42 (Client Quit) 08.12.33 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B16B9A.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.13.19 # minimum volume mute no worky on e200 yet. 08.13.55 # If something gets messed up, you can identify the thread at fault in the thread screen (shows a +) 08.14.12 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 08.15.30 # man there's a lot or electrical noise in the e200. 08.15.41 # I can easily hear it over music at my 'office' listening level 08.15.52 # both mine seem fine for playback 08.15.59 # as does mine 08.16.03 # Speaking about mute - there is a bug on X5/M5 (TLV320) 08.16.07 Join GodEater [0] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 08.16.11 # do you listen at -74dB? :-P 08.16.29 # ummm...not normally 08.16.34 # I am right now :-P 08.16.40 # The line out on those is a true line out, i.e. unaffected by volume level - but the mute level also mutes line out 08.17.01 # I need to put a permanent attenuator in my earphone cable. 08.17.15 # amiconn: I think on most targets setting the minimum volume level calls audio_mute() or some such 08.17.17 # what earphones do you have? 08.17.18 # must have efficient phones 08.17.28 # TheCollector: and you don't hear electrical noise in quiet parts? 08.17.46 # not that I've recognized 08.18.01 # * amiconn thinks that lostlogic should try an archos recorder 08.18.04 # * jhMikeS can hear something when initially starting playback. 08.18.35 # lostlogic: are you listening to silence tracks? 08.18.43 # Better sound quality than most newer targets, and adjustable down to -99dB in rockbox (could be patched to go down to -112dB) 08.18.50 # jhMikeS: yeah, I can definitely hear the flash access... it's not a lot when not filling 08.19.16 # amiconn: hmm, maybe I should have been more careful with the one that I had and not broken it :( 08.19.24 # jhMikeS: no, just normal music 08.19.48 # pixelma reported that there is *very* noticeable electrical noise on c200 when inserting a microSD card 08.19.57 # well the Sansa is already better than iPod video on volume -74-6 instead of -57-6 08.19.59 # * jhMikeS really thinks there must be a good deal of variation on e200's and got lucky twice. 08.20.06 # lostlogic: impediance is? 08.20.13 # *impedance 08.20.44 # I just reinit'd my db while listening at -45 and can't hear anything 08.21.15 # 27ohms, 119db/mw 08.21.47 # lostlogic: what kind of headphones are those? i haven't tested, but i thik i have no headphones which would make any sense at thatlevel 08.22.08 # Westome UM2 08.22.09 # mine are 32. 16 ohm seems to have a problem. maybe 27 is a factor too. 08.22.10 # i have that same noise with very low volume too but the higher volumes i do not hear it 08.22.21 # my ffice listening volume is around -18, can go all the way up to -10, maybe down to -25 08.22.36 # advcomp2019: yeah, the noise level stays constant as volume changes so louder music easily blots it out 08.23.37 # lostlogic: but i am using the stock earbuds in the office, i cannot use the px100's (way too loud on the exterior) 08.23.37 # -70-ish for me, -50-ish for cycling outdoors 08.23.38 # there's quite some value in having a separate codec placed near the jacks. 08.24.22 # lostlogic: damn, get lower sensitivity headphones, i would say ;) 08.24.33 # that's too efficient to be practical 08.25.16 # those are not headphones, they must be yanked out from a sonar detecion subsystem :-P 08.25.30 # (not that it makes any sense) 08.25.33 # :) 08.26.02 # not planning on replacing my perfectly functional $300 earphones any time soon. 08.26.10 # ay 08.26.34 # lostlogic: are they insulated, that sort of studio headphones? 08.26.50 # isolation/IEMs 08.26.54 # nanok: foam sleeve in-ear model, if that's what you mean 08.26.55 # from the future 08.27.09 # aaahm i see 08.27.13 # hmm, what button to hold on sansa to insert USB and ignore? 08.27.26 # lostlogic: middle of the wheel 08.27.27 # yeah, I'd like that feature too :) 08.27.33 # nanok: thanks 08.27.34 # oh, nice 08.27.39 # * nanok has to go 08.27.43 # * jhMikeS didn't even know that :P 08.27.48 # or i will not find a parking place at work :( 08.27.49 Join OlivierBorowski [0] (n=OlivierB@ANancy-157-1-74-110.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr) 08.28.34 # jhMikeS: i locked my sansa at first trying various combinations :) had to hard power-it down 08.29.15 # as i was saying, the manuals need a bit of brushing up. i need to find some time for that (i am not capabale to code anyway, so that's the least i can do, i guess ;) ) 08.29.27 # nanok: would be helpful :) 08.29.28 # if you locked it doing that, file a bug report 08.29.40 # ok, sansa is setup, new toy werks. 08.29.47 # Yay! 08.29.55 # jhMikeS: i locked it holding another button, trial and error 08.30.00 # :) 08.30.05 # really got to go 08.30.07 # it really shouldn't 08.30.09 # see you guys later 08.30.15 # cya 08.30.27 # jhMikeS: okay, noted. i will try it again and see if it is worthy of a bug report 08.30.49 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.31.19 # lots of good themes out there. 08.31.42 # lostlogic: did you apply that patch and try it out? 08.31.55 # jhMikeS: yeah, works great, fills ... amazingly fast and no skips. 08.34.06 # files from microsd and main drive can be in the same playlist, right? 08.34.20 # wow found a really bad typo in the gigabeat manual 08.35.34 # When this 08.35.35 # swtich is to the lwft, the battery is disconnected. This can be used for a hard reset of 08.35.35 # the unit, or if the player is being placed in storage. 08.35.48 # whoops sorry bout that, but thats the typo 08.36.02 # lostlogic: it just merges them 08.36.33 # * jhMikeS is tired...thinking "database"...bah 08.36.41 # doesn't matter anyway 08.37.03 # jhMikeS: :) I haven't used a multi-storage target before. 08.37.22 # hmm, I can turn this into an 8g device for only $65. nice. 08.38.03 Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.38.07 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 08.38.29 # psycho_maniac: thanks for noticing, i have fixed it now 08.39.39 # no problem. 08.41.11 Quit BigBambi (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08.45.33 # jhMikeS: just catching up on SVN -- should actually reduce boost-flux in some corner cases (re amiconn's question) definitely better than what Slasheri and I had setup before. 08.46.26 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 08.47.14 # Can't be worse in any case since I placed it before the timeouts that would have triggered. I did remove the need to reboost in buffering because of the sleep during buffering. 08.47.37 # yep. 08.47.38 Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.47.59 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 08.51.13 Quit nanok (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08.54.05 Quit OlivierBorowski (Remote closed the connection) 08.55.21 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 08.55.51 Quit scorche (Nick collision from services.) 08.56.20 Join scorche [0] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 09.00.36 # anyone seen this yet : http://research.eeye.com/html/advisories/published/AD20071115.html ? 09.01.49 # Does anyone know if the only way to get gapless on the Archos units is by the -nogap switch? 09.02.41 # Gapless doesn't work with LAME 3.90.3 or later without the -nogap switch? 09.02.55 # you could by a different player 09.04.59 # woodensoul: Gapless only works with -nogap on archos. This has nothing to do with lame version 09.06.56 # That said, you won't notice a gap between usual album tracks even without -nogap, as the gap will be 26ms at maximum, 13ms on average. It's only relevant for live albums where there is no silence at track change 09.07.32 # (or similar things, like dj mix album) 09.10.24 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.11.10 # I mentioned the version number because it's my understanding that that version and later version added the gap tag info which is how rockbox achieves gapless on Software Codec targets. 09.11.51 # amiconn: what about ReplayGain? Not currently supported, but possible for the Archos line? 09.13.41 # There is a patch for replaygain on the tracker that needs testing and a bit of cleanup/improvement 09.13.42 Join Zagor [0] (n=bjst@ 09.15.09 # It's on my todo list, but not high priority (since I don't use rg at all) 09.17.16 # I'm looking into getting one of the Archos line to put the 60GB hard drive from my Zen Xtra in it to have 60GB of rockbox music. What's your overall impression of Rockbox on them? 09.17.20 Join OlivierBorowski [0] (n=OlivierB@ANancy-157-1-74-110.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr) 09.17.41 # Battery life, etc. 09.18.26 # Battery life is quite good. It's better than in the OF 09.18.29 # Zagor: Good morning. I assume you've seen FS#8189 ? 09.18.59 # How many hours for Rockbox? I don't have one yet, so I don't know what the OF gets. 09.19.15 # If you plan on getting one of the models powered by NiMH cells, I'd strongly recommend to get a set of those new generation cells with significantly reduced self discharge 09.19.53 # Thanks. Is the old 6000 capable of displaying the default WPS? I read something about the LCD being different on those. 09.19.56 # linuxstb: yes I have. interesting! 09.21.10 # The Player series has a charcell type lcd 09.21.43 # Of course it can display its default wps - but it's a different default than on the other devices 09.23.09 # With 2100mAh cells (typical capacity of the new generation) you can expect around 15 hours of runtime if you don't use the backlight often 09.23.50 Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a187.net131.okay.pl) 09.24.00 # Don't all the devices display the first one listed here as the default? 09.24.02 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsArchos 09.24.09 # Hello! 09.24.30 # But obviously the Archos can't display Gigabeat F WPSs. 09.24.41 # charcell? 09.25.31 # woodensoul: not graphical, character based 09.25.38 # "The old player has a limited LCD with no support for double line height and only four user definable characters instead of eight." What does this mean? 09.26.07 # woodensoul: you should aim for a recorder model really if you're looking into archos models 09.26.20 # recorder v1 09.26.48 Join radinp [0] (n=pradin@ 09.27.02 # did anyone read the vulnerability report on FLAC? 09.27.11 # it is so badly written... 09.27.14 # Briefly... 09.27.27 # it just speaks of FLAC and then mentions flaws 09.27.32 # Well I'm actually looking to spend as little money as possible because I have way too many Rockboxed players and I just wanted something to throw the 60GB hard drive from my Zen Xtra into. 09.27.34 # but FLAC is a format, not code... 09.27.45 # Just curious but is anyone working on the text-viewer search feature? 09.27.55 # it speaks about flaws in a certain lib that is used a lot 09.28.18 # libFLAC 09.28.22 # Search in text-viewer? 09.28.27 # ah, yes it does down in the end 09.28.41 # Badger: what do those (recorders v1) go for on eBay? 09.28.47 # fixed in libFLAC 1.2.1 09.28.47 # woodensoul: no idea 09.29.02 # and we don't use libFLAC... 09.29.28 # is our flac code all our own then ? 09.29.35 # so all is well.... 09.29.37 # no, ffmpeg 09.29.47 # "libffmpegFLAC" 09.29.53 # The decoder is ffmpeg, the flac parsing code and vorbis comments parsers are our own. 09.30.01 # J-23: There's a feature request to search for a specific string in the text-viewer plugin. I was thinking of adding a regular expression library in support of this feature. 09.30.36 # It's obvious that our parsers might well have similar vulnerabilities though - and not just FLAC/vorbis comments... 09.31.24 # sure 09.32.08 # Badger: why is the recorder v1 superior to the others archos players? 09.32.12 # Bagder: But petur said "all is well" ;) 09.32.22 # :-) 09.32.43 # * petur shuts up and concentrates on payed work 09.32.51 # woodensoul: it is really up to each and every one of course, but I like a graphical display and AA batteries 09.33.40 # I will probably leave it in my car and have it plugged in to a cigarette to AC / 3 prong adapter. 09.33.49 # The other models don't use AA batteries? 09.33.57 # woodensoul: the v2 and fm don't have AA 09.34.00 # Let me rephrase it, search would be for text_editor plugin not text-viewer. 09.34.09 # the recorder also has slightly better sound than the player 09.34.13 # The ondio don't, but the 6000 does, right? 09.34.28 # woodensoul: yes, the 6000 ("the player") has AA 09.34.35 # I thought the recorder doesn't have line out. 09.35.50 # If I were to put in the drive from the Xtra to the 6000, can I plug in the 6000 and format the drive through windows? The Zen Xtra has its own file system. 09.36.20 # yes you can 09.36.33 # and correct, the recorder has no separate line out 09.36.48 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host185-210-dynamic.20-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 09.36.59 # And I assume that putting the 6GB drive into the Xtra would also work. 09.37.28 # For connecting to my car stereo line in, or home stereo, which is better, the recorder or the player? 09.39.02 # radinp: :) reading ebooks on Rockbox will be more comfortable 09.39.46 # Hey, now there's an idea. How about a bookmarking option? 09.39.51 # LinusN: wasnt the braces rule to just be consistant in the file? 09.40.02 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 09.40.34 # JdGordon: actually, yes, but i took the liberty to "fix" that as well when i removed the tabs 09.41.10 # ah there was tabs int here also? 09.41.15 # I thought it was required for the braces surrounding a function? Although that may not be CONTRIBUTING... 09.41.17 # plenty plenty 09.41.34 # the web diff thing doesnt show whitespace changes.. so ok 09.41.44 # only if you select unidiff 09.42.09 # JdGordon: From CONTRIBUTING - "Braces for function declarations are put in a new line under the name" 09.42.23 # ok 09.42.29 # radinp: Yes! 09.44.22 # Zagor: Is that last comment in FS#8189 (about index/mask being wrong, and the endpoints being switched) directed at your patch? 09.45.44 # I think so, but I disagree with him. if it was that wrong, nothing would work. 09.45.59 # That's what I would have thought... 09.46.15 # zagor: still time to get that code into SVN now, right? 09.46.25 # .... OR.... with the change everything could work bettererer!!!>... 09.47.00 # Zagor: Do you think his patch will have the same problem with 512-byte transfers - hence the panics? 09.47.47 # linuxstb: I did a quick test and indeed it seems his patch has the same problem. the first big transfer fails. 09.50.29 # the panic I saw was a stkov(0), which seems rather strange. 09.57.33 Join CaptainSquid [0] (n=Miranda@proxy16.netz.sbs.de) 10.00.02 Join pondlife [0] (n=Steve@cpc1-rdng11-0-0-cust362.winn.cable.ntl.com) 10.00.59 Part J-23 10.01.00 Quit woodensoul () 10.05.49 Join qweru [0] (n=kvirc@bb-87-80-66-156.ukonline.co.uk) 10.06.13 # radinp: the viewer remembers the position in the file when you exit, isn't that bookmarking? 10.06.34 Quit TMM (Remote closed the connection) 10.06.52 Quit courtc (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 10.08.27 # would it make sense to replace the 12k text buffer in the viewer by rb->plugin_get_buffer ? 10.09.04 # yes, I would say so 10.09.21 # then it could be much bigger on most targets 10.09.39 # the 12k is taken from the plugin buffer anyway, right? 10.09.44 # yes 10.09.57 # I'll change it tonight, have to go to work now 10.10.51 # I see one possible problem: 10.11.07 Join courtc [0] (n=court@c-24-99-230-218.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) 10.11.53 # if you bookmark with a very large top_ptr and the next time you view the file the buffer is smaller you will read past the buffer 10.14.16 # the buffer size shuold stay constant for the plugin 10.14.25 # unless something major happens 10.14.49 # imho, that sounds like a crappy design of the plugin... 10.15.29 # Bagder: we should only have to save 1 pointer, right? 10.15.34 # yes 10.15.53 # and that's an index into the file, so it would work no matter what the new buffer size is 10.16.07 # I'll try to change that as well, but roolku will not be happy if the bookmark file format 10.16.10 # changes 10.16.36 # well, perhaps you can use a dummy for the second value to keep the syntax consistent 10.16.58 # I didn't check the details, I'm speculating here 10.17.09 # yes, it's easy to do 10.17.22 # * markun is off to work now.. 10.18.33 # * Bagder added a "not the v2 models" on the sandisk line on the front page 10.19.18 # * JdGordon would actually like viewer to buffer the entire file into the audio buffer (with some help from MoB so it doesnt have to stop playback to do it) 10.19.45 # what kind of super huge text files are you using? ;-) 10.19.59 # Rockbox manual? 10.20.00 # im not... but 12k isnt really all that large 10.20.23 # I bet the rockbox manual as text fits in the plugin buffer on most targets 10.20.55 # and really, it can't use the audio buffer 10.21.08 # mob is nice, but you'd have to fragment the buffer badly 10.21.30 # another thing that would be ncie for viewer (apart from renamening it) is multiple bookmarks per file and a nice ui for it.. then we could stick the manual on with preloaded bookmarks for the chapters 10.22.34 # Isn't that another project? i.e. a viewer for hyperlinked documents with nice formatting? 10.23.00 # could be 10.26.35 # is rom.lds used for rombox ? 10.27.39 Join tkooda [0] (i=goaway@ 10.30.47 Quit courtc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.31.02 Join courtc [0] (n=court@c-24-99-230-218.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) 10.34.43 Quit psycho_maniac (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 10.37.26 Quit qweru ("moo") 10.37.32 # JdGordon: the plugin buffer on most targets is 512k (32k on the archoses) so we should be able get a bit more than 12k 10.38.06 # hmm... yeah, forgot it was so big 10.38.45 # viewer.rock is 14k in my gigabeat build 10.40.44 Quit courtc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.42.24 Join courtc [0] (n=court@c-24-99-230-218.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) 10.43.32 # markun: Regarding "top_ptr" becoming out of range, shouldn't the plugin always check for that case anyway, and just ignore the bookmark (or reduce the value) if it's too big? 10.45.52 # linuxstb: it should, but I'll change to code to only use top_ptr 10.46.43 Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a187.net131.okay.pl) 10.47.03 # linuxstb: right now it's a 'int' shouldn't it be size_t? 10.47.32 Join Aware [0] (n=bill@ 10.48.13 # JdGordon: I think the text viewer should stick to using the plugin buffer *only*, in order to not stop playback 10.48.36 # However, it should use plugin_get_buffer() and use that, as already mentioned 10.51.07 # markun: I'm not sure... 10.53.28 Quit Aware () 10.54.13 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54965818.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.54.21 # linuxstb: I just hope they have the same size, so we don't break the bookmarks format.. 10.54.54 Quit J-23 (Remote closed the connection) 10.56.15 Quit radinp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.10.25 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.13.13 Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a187.net131.okay.pl) 11.13.39 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3123.gwdg.de) 11.14.31 # markun: here? 11.14.36 # PaulJam: yes 11.15.00 # found any bugs I introduced? 11.15.20 # markun: it seems as if your commit in r15695 caused a little bug in the viewer. 11.16.21 # PaulJam: can you tell me what happens? 11.16.39 # markun: it you have the show scrollbar seeting enabled and open a textfile then the scrollbar is not there. it only appears after you habe entered the viewer options submenu. 11.16.59 # thanks, I'll look into it 11.17.34 # (i don't really see the relations to the changes, but i have tested in the sim, and with the previous rev it works normally) 11.19.30 # to me the relation is also not obvious 11.22.25 # PaulJam: could be that buffer_end is not initialized correctly anymore 11.24.34 # LinusN: ping 11.24.50 # pong 11.25.11 # LinusN: Just a heads up FS#8178 11.25.17 Join sqgl_LakeMacq_ [0] (i=sqgl@204.a.006.syd.iprimus.net.au) 11.25.30 # XavierGr: ah yes 11.25.44 # LinusN: when you have the time of course 11.26.21 # oki 11.27.03 # LinusN: thanks :) 11.28.02 # Anyone here replaced their Archos Jukebox HDD? I did and it now won't shutdown gracefully; need to pull batteries out each time :( 11.28.26 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: ouch 11.28.29 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: I'd say most archos users have replaced their drives 11.28.46 # hehe, indeed or they aren't users anymore ;-) 11.28.46 # Could it be that this drive draws more power than the previous one? 11.29.06 Part J-23 11.29.09 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: that would rather result in problems using it, not problems shutting down 11.29.14 # bagawk, he he "Archos Losers" ;) 11.29.40 # * Zagor uses his trusty recorder every single day 11.29.43 # i mean Bagder.... gee so many ppl here, the autocomplete isn't very useful 11.30.34 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: so you can play music without issues, but not shut down? 11.30.36 # Zagor, that's what i thought. i have no problems using it. Just shutting down. Oh well 11.30.47 # which model is it? 11.30.49 # Been using it like this for years 11.30.52 # Recorder 11.30.57 # V1? 11.31.20 # Not sure, didn't kno there was more than one 11.31.45 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: if you have AA batteries, you have v1 11.31.58 # Oh yes, i see what you mean now. 11.32.27 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: can you shut down if you put back the old hard drive? 11.32.57 # And the ones with AA batteries are also the oens with laptop sized drive? 11.33.33 Join Bagder_ [0] (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 11.33.45 Quit Bagder (Nick collision from services.) 11.33.47 # The old drive died. hence replacement. IT was 20GB when i bought it. Now 40GB 11.33.57 Nick Bagder_ is now known as Bagder (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 11.34.09 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: the V2 and FM recorder have the same type of hard drive as V1 11.34.14 # But this HDD is 1.0 Amps, old one was much less 11.34.51 # that might be a problem, but not when shutting down 11.35.04 # LinusN, i thought they no longer sell jukeboxes with laptop sized drives 9hence cheaply replaceable/upgradable) 11.35.13 Nick parafin|away is now known as parafin (i=parafin@paraf.in) 11.35.14 # they don't, afaik 11.35.23 # well, not archoses at least 11.35.53 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: so you can't even force a shutdown by holding OFF? 11.35.56 # and the 2.5" hdd models seem to never grow popular so they live their lives in the shadows 11.36.01 # OK, two people say it can't be a problem. I'm convinced. Bummer though. Coz pullin out batteries has caused a hairline fracture in board re power line. 11.36.25 # LinusN, no i cannot force shutdown holdin off. It says "shuttign down" but does not actually do it. 11.36.40 Quit homielowe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.36.47 # not even if you keep holding OFF? 11.36.53 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: But the ON button works normally in rockbox? 11.37.01 # * sqgl_LakeMacq_ doing it now 11.37.43 # amiconn: yes, that was my next question :-) 11.38.20 # the on button does the right thing (ie toggles between transport display and file dispplay) 11.38.58 # but since i have to take batteries out to shut it down, the on button becomes irrelevant in the sense that... 11.39.18 # when i put batteries back in, it autoboots. No need for ON. 11.39.38 # are some developers with an iriver hxxx player here? 11.39.47 # the reason we ask is that we have seen similar problems when the ON button is stuck 11.39.56 # austriancoder: i have one 11.39.57 # autoboot sounds like stuck ON... 11.40.17 # LinusN, I wish it was just stuck. Good guess, but no. 11.40.24 Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a187.net131.okay.pl) 11.40.35 # LinusN: great... can you check if the audiohw_reset(); call in bootloader is needed? 11.40.48 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: still, i am sure that the problem isn't the hard drive, but instead something else broke when you replaced it 11.40.53 # Bagder, if it was stuck on, then ON would not do it's toggling trick when playign a file. 11.41.07 # but why does it boot when you insert the batteries? 11.41.31 # Good question 11.41.35 # austriancoder: it is, because you will get a nasty humming sound during boot if we don't reset it 11.41.45 # Bagder: iirc that is normal 11.41.50 # it is? oh, ok 11.41.56 # * Bagder forgets 11.41.59 # LinusN: okay.. 11.42.05 # I haven't used my recorder in a long time... 11.42.46 # Bagder, ON button also performs the neat little Rockbox trick of resuming play from where it left off when i pullled the batteries out. 11.43.35 # Bagder: Yes it is normal. The hardware defaults to on 11.43.49 # LinusN: but we could also call audiohw_init() or? 11.45.07 # LinusN: as it calls the reset... 11.45.55 # probably 11.46.26 # Bagder, so someone still makes a player with 2.5" drive? Does RockBox work on any such player? 11.46.40 # austriancoder: i believe that could work fine too 11.46.41 # nope 11.47.23 Join Phill [0] (n=irc-Nov2@host-138-38-192-34.vpn.bath.ac.uk) 11.47.33 # austriancoder: however, i don't know if the i2c driver is initiated at that point 11.48.16 # oh ffs, what is it with viewer.rock and pointless splashes? on a clean install it says "no valid settings file" for two seconds every time I view a text file... 11.48.36 # LinusN, If something broke during HDD replacement, then it is surprising that i get to the "Shutting down..." screen at all, no? 11.48.43 # Zagor: kill kill kill 11.48.50 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: why so? 11.49.03 # Don't the full size Archos AV series devices still use 2.5" hdds? 11.49.14 # I think they do 11.49.25 # since they've had 160GB drives a while 11.49.34 # austriancoder: looks like it isn't 11.49.36 # LinusN, because it is a logic problem, and surprising that i have no other logic bugs. 11.49.57 # Bagder: Yes, even the latest (AV705 wifi): http://www.archos.com/products/gen_5/archos_705wifi/tech_specs.html?country=global&lang=en 11.50.05 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: well, to me it sounds like a problem with the power supply 11.50.08 # LinusN, but i am not even a RockBox programmer, so i defer to you. 11.50.08 # LinusN: okay.. I will bring the audiohw_reset back 11.50.45 # LinusN, yes, you are right, makes sense. Thanks. 11.51.12 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: it can probably be repaired 11.51.48 # austriancoder, are you happy with audio quality of iriver? i am looking for small player for a pal, and was surprised how crap audio on my Creative Muvo is. 11.52.06 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: i am very happy with my iriver 11.52.17 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: I am sorry.. i own no iriver 11.52.18 # LinusN, repaired eh? I'll open up and have a look right now. 11.52.26 # the h100 series rocks 11.52.44 # still one of the best daps ever made if you ask me 11.52.50 # I have tin ears, all my players sound good to me ;-) 11.53.10 # "tin ears"... not heard that oen before :) 11.53.32 Part J-23 11.53.43 # I use my Creative for spoken podcasts so am not bothered. But was surprised since they were pioneers in audiocards for PC's. 11.54.16 # *and* the FM tuner doesn't pick up well at all. 11.58.20 # I didn't think Creative had a reputation for quality soundcards - just popular ones... 12.00.07 # LinusN: i have an other idea... i could do something like http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/11566 12.00.38 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 12.01.05 # austriancoder: i am behind a firewall that restricts port 8001 12.01.42 # hmmm, worked with port 80 as well... 12.02.12 # austriancoder: that could work 12.03.02 # LinusN: fine.. 12.04.05 # amiconn: there? 12.04.41 # It doesn't seem very clean to have hardware-specific inits in the bootloader, rather than calling a driver function... 12.06.07 # linuxstb: i don't really mind, since the bootloader is hardware specific 12.06.21 # austriancoder: why is it important to remove audiohw_reset()? 12.06.41 # LinusN: to get a clean api... 12.06.58 # But if some hardware requires audiohw_reset... 12.07.02 # is it cleaner without the reset? 12.07.45 # well, the audiohw_reset() could be moved to the target tree 12.08.30 # LinusN: audiohw_reset is only used by one bootloader.. but wait some minutes.. i will show you then a patch 12.09.11 Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a187.net131.okay.pl) 12.10.57 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A97F96.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.10.59 # LinusN: http://nopaste.snit.ch/11568 - what do you think? 12.11.32 # i think that is acceptable 12.11.59 # that code certainly doesn't belong in the uda1380 driver anyway, since it is iriver specific 12.12.10 Part J-23 12.12.25 # however, it *could* be moved to the target tree 12.12.54 # LinusN: and how would i do this? 12.13.43 # LinusN, i have just pulled apart my Archos v1 Recorder to check power supply. What should i be looking for? (NB i cannot charge batteries via my power supply... maybe this problem is related). 12.15.03 # austriancoder: by moving audiohw_reset() to firmware/target/coldfire/iriver/audio-iriver.c 12.15.11 Join Phill2 [0] (n=irc-Nov2@home.paraxial.co.uk) 12.15.30 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: could be related, yes 12.16.08 # there is an 8-pin chip located near the Down and Right buttons on the PCB, right? 12.16.15 # LinusN: I see.. the only question which is left. Whats better/shall i do now 1) move it into bootloader 2) move it into target tree 12.16.39 Join Nico_P [0] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 12.16.48 Quit Rick (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.16.49 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 12.16.55 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 12.17.00 Join Rick [0] (i=rick@pool-71-189-189-253.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) 12.17.01 # austriancoder: i think the audiohw_reset() function should be moved to the target tree for all platforms 12.17.05 # LinusN, below the down button there is, yes. 12.17.25 # LinusN: Okay... will do it this way 12.17.25 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: can you see the markings on the chip? 12.18.22 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: should be "MC34063A" iirc 12.18.48 # 34063A & 236A written on that chip 12.19.17 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: that is the chip responsible for the battery charging 12.19.34 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet10.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 12.20.02 # if you replace that chip, you should be able to charge again, and maybe your shutdown problem goes away too 12.20.43 # Thanks heap LinusN! Mind you i will have to find someone who is confident with fiddly soldering. I am useless. 12.21.10 # "do not try this at home" :-) 12.22.01 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: while you're at it, this page might come in handy: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ArchosRepairBattery 12.22.41 # How does one apply solder gun to each pin simultaeneously? Or does on use somethin to soak up the solder of each pin? I heard such a material/fabric exists. what is it's name? 12.23.11 # Oh, a Rockbox wiki! I guess i have not gone to that site for a while. 12.23.43 Quit J3TC- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.23.45 # there exists a special alloy that lowers the melting temperature for desoldering, expensive as hell 12.24.43 # called ChipQuik, http://www.chipquik.com/ 12.25.01 # but you won't need it for this chip 12.25.18 # just remove the solder with a braid 12.26.07 # "braid"? Sorry i only have a major in electronics... nothing actually *practical* 12.26.43 # sqgl_LakeMacq_: http://www.wassco.com/80seresdblub1.html 12.28.18 # Hey are those metallic "stickers" in battery housing actually conducting? 12.28.40 # they are connected to ground 12.28.49 # ah, the stickers are not 12.29.01 Quit GodEater (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.29.14 # Well the stickers sure are a PIA then 12.29.32 # (especially when one takes batteries in/out often) 12.30.12 # well, hopefully you won't need to after the repair 12.31.34 # I was gonna open up my laptop today to resolder loose DC power pin. But i think i better buy this braid before i bother. 12.32.49 # LinusN, and if i botch the chip replacement, then i have not gone backwards? Just the same as before? 12.34.00 Join moos [0] (i=moos@m147.net81-66-159.noos.fr) 12.35.50 # i hope so :-) 12.38.09 # i know your IP LinusN !! ;) 12.38.10 Quit Phill (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.38.22 # haha :-) 12.39.07 # nope - LinusN has his cloak on ;) 12.39.18 # austriancoder: red 12.46.36 # markun: i know.. i am working on a fix 12.46.56 # austriancoder: thanks for working on unifying the audio hw stuff again 12.47.20 # what do you guys think about using dB's for the balance setting? 12.47.57 # the linear scale doesn't sound right to me 12.52.03 # LinusN: I think its better to include the fixes for the humming sound directly in the bootloader, else we need to compile audio-river.c for the bootloader and has a negative effect on its final bin size 12.52.06 # #ifndef BOOTLOADER 12.52.07 # target/coldfire/iriver/audio-iriver.c 12.52.07 # #endif 13.00.24 Join GodEater [0] (n=bryan@bb-87-80-121-64.ukonline.co.uk) 13.01.55 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-209-88.student.uu.se) 13.03.12 # may drivers gets also compiled for bootloader... e.g. drivers/tuner/lv24020lp.c - i think this is not nessesary in some cases. 13.05.54 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@dhcp-892b9aab.ucd.ie) 13.08.07 # * preglow hates vbscript :/ 13.08.12 # austriancoder: The linker picks what it needs 13.08.29 # * amiconn is better at vbscript than at perl 13.09.06 # LinusN: sort of 13.09.19 # amiconn: ah okay... 13.09.39 # amiconn: does the voicebox i uploaded to the wiki yesterday work? 13.09.46 # amiconn: some guy on the ml says it doesn't 13.10.29 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.12.01 # amiconn: btw, i talked to brian and he said we can release under gpl 13.12.21 # * barrywardell found the problem with his build server...missing zip 13.12.52 # preglow: Didn't even notice that you uploaded a new version... 13.13.29 # Bagder: you can re-enable my server whenever you get a chance 13.15.14 Join jac0b-work [0] (n=jac0b-wo@ 13.15.19 Quit jac0b-work (Client Quit) 13.17.29 # * preglow should get rbutilqt going 13.17.30 # Anyone object to me rejecting yesterday's USB patch due to the (C) issue? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8189 13.18.00 # sure, just make it clear we're ok if he reimplements it 13.19.18 # Are we? I thought Zagor's stack was considered the way to go? 13.20.39 # * preglow is tired of the ml now... 13.20.55 # linuxstb: well, then you should just plain and simple tell him to not submit patches on it 13.21.03 # if that's out position, i think zagor should commit his code 13.21.08 # s/out/our/ 13.21.18 # it's silly to keep people from helping if they want to 13.21.19 # linuxstb: it sounds like he agrees that zagor's version is the way to go 13.21.34 # but maybe the arcotg_dcd.c bit of the patch is ok to use? 13.24.00 # green 13.25.11 # Zagor: oy, it seems there are people willing to help with usb around, maybe it's time to commit what you have? 13.25.28 # working on a patch isn't as fun as it could be 13.27.30 # austriancoder: thanks, are you planning to be around in future when you are committing stuff? 13.27.59 # markun: yes 13.28.47 # preglow: or let's switch to git, then they can all pull the stuff from Zagor :) 13.30.28 # * preglow never tried git :V 13.31.47 # preglow: I started using it 2 weeks ago and it's quite nice 13.32.01 # so they say 13.32.15 # but probably has it's own problems 13.33.17 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@wlrsvd-166.njit.edu) 13.34.14 Quit Phill2 () 13.34.36 Join Phill [0] (n=irc-Nov2@host-138-38-192-65.vpn.bath.ac.uk) 13.36.29 Join jpt9 [0] (n=chatzill@venomoth-23.dynamic.rpi.edu) 13.36.32 # it does seem nice at handling patches and merging, etdc 13.37.00 # trying it out is on my list of stuff to do, but that is quite a list these days 13.45.44 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.47.29 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B16B9A.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.57.09 Quit Toki_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.04.20 Join Lynx_ [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) 14.07.47 Quit jpt9 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.12.31 Quit parafin ("reboot") 14.17.55 Join Siku [0] (i=Siku@e81-197-76-6.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 14.19.56 Quit markun (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.21.06 Join weezerle [0] (n=weezerle@dslb-088-072-000-203.pools.arcor-ip.net) 14.21.25 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A40AB.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.22.05 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 14.23.09 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 14.23.31 # is there a patch or a planed commit to build the db not from the root dir, but from a specified like /Music on H10s? 14.23.59 # seriously, where the hell does the sim get its battery readings? :> 14.23.59 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 14.24.03 Quit linuxstb_ (Nick collision from services.) 14.24.06 Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 14.25.23 # Arathis: No, but someone said they were working on a patch to support ".no_index" files - which would tell the database not to index the folder that file was in (and all sub-folders). 14.25.57 Join markun [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 14.26.23 # linuxstb: do you remember who announced that? 14.28.00 # Arathis: you can already do something similar by only displaying results that are in a specific oilder in the database search results with a tagnavi_custom.config. 14.28.34 # folder, not oilder 14.28.40 # Arathis: No, that's why I said "someone"... ;) 14.29.00 # PaulJam: ah, the custom view .. allways wanted to get some information about it, but never found something 14.29.09 # linuxstb: right ^^ 14.29.21 # Arathis: see the DataBase wiki page 14.29.24 Join parafin [0] (i=parafin@paraf.in) 14.29.52 Nick parafin is now known as parafin| (i=parafin@paraf.in) 14.29.53 Nick parafin| is now known as parafin (i=parafin@paraf.in) 14.30.23 # that's something I could have done before xD I just searched for custom view and similar in the wiki and manual 14.30.27 # thanks anyway 14.35.56 # Arathis: I tinhk i did a patch simialr to that 14.36.02 # the .no_index one 14.36.46 # Can any Sansa owners confirm that this looks like a normal E280? The forum posted seems to think it may be a "V2" e280 - http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/IMG_1395.jpg (warning: big image...) 14.37.03 # s/posted/poster/ 14.37.13 Quit nicktastic (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.37.37 # linuxstb: Looks same as my e280 14.37.37 # JdGordon: Any reason it wasn't committed? I think I right in saying that most people would like some way to control what files the database indexes. 14.37.39 # JdGordon: what do you mean by "similar"? 14.38.23 # looks the same as my e250r as well 14.38.23 # linuxstb: I cant remember, I didnt think everyone liked it though? 14.38.33 # Arathis: by similar i tihnk i used a differnt filename 14.38.44 # blergh. No codec for: /MUSIC/blablabla/blablabla/The Quiet Place.mp3 14.38.55 # JdGordon: :D 14.38.59 # tuplanolla: in flames? 14.39.13 # JdGordon: yeh 14.39.19 # nice :D 14.39.25 # tuplanolla: Do you have a file called /.rockbox/codecs/mpa.codec on your device? 14.39.43 Quit TheCollector (Remote closed the connection) 14.40.03 # let's see. 14.40.20 # but it worked earlier today 14.40.43 # so i'm pretty sure i have it 14.40.48 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ 14.41.05 # tuplanolla: It could also be a corrupt filesystem, meaning Rockbox can't read that file. 14.41.10 # yep, there is mpa.codec 14.41.12 # (the mpa.codec file) 14.41.17 # :o 14.42.01 # before I forget to ask again: where's the recording gain saved? I can't find it in any config file and after updating rockbox (including deleting the old dirs) it's reset to a default of -34db or something which is not enough for fm recording on my H10. 14.42.35 # How I can make sure it isn't corrupted or how to fix? 14.42.43 # JdGordon: Do you still have that patch around? 14.42.54 # was just about to say i foud the patch :p 14.43.00 # tuplanolla: Run chkdsk or similar on the device. Or maybe just try to reinstall Rockbox. 14.43.01 # fs#5960 14.44.18 # oh, thanks, there really is errors :O 14.45.51 # i had similar things happen, every once in a while rockbox wouldn't read my settings on boot, it took me a while to notice that there was something wrong with the FAT exactly where ~/.rockbox/config.cfg was 14.46.15 # Hm. Still no codec found 14.46.27 # Trying rockbox reinstall then 14.46.42 # jmspeex: there are quite few spots in libspeex where you have loops for copying and clearing, any reason you don't use memcpy and memset? they should pretty much always be afster 14.47.11 # JdGordon: Looks OK to me, but I would prefer something less intrusive than "ROCKBOX_DATABASE_IGNORE_FOLDER" - e.g. ".no_index" ;) 14.47.22 # preglow: Yes, bad practices. That should be changed. 14.47.29 Join jpt9 [0] (n=chatzill@venomoth-23.dynamic.rpi.edu) 14.47.37 # preglow: can you send a list (or a patch)? 14.48.09 # linuxstb: I was going for the more "painfully obvious" approach :) 14.48.19 # im not a fan on . files 14.48.37 # partly because you cant create them easily in windows 14.48.50 # I'm just reading the IRC logs from the time of that patch - and that was discussed then... 14.49.41 # can you link me to the timestamp? 14.49.49 # * JdGordon doesnt remember the discussion 14.49.59 # No, I'm viewing my local copy - it's 11th March 14.50.13 # ah 14.50.14 # search for ROCBOX_DATABASE_IGNORE_FOLDER 14.50.21 # ^+K 14.50.33 # jmspeex: i'll give it a go 14.52.09 # lol @ self 14.52.26 # jmspeex: btw, looks to me like both nb and wb data are delayed by the same amount of samples when decoded with the same wb decoder, so we should be fine if we just use the lookahead value we get from the decoder when snipping away samples at the start of the decoded clip 14.53.08 Join joshin [0] (n=josh@unaffiliated/joshin) 14.53.27 # preglow: There's delay both on the encode side and the decode side. 14.53.57 # I have nothing against committing my code, other than a general feeling that it's not nice to commit code that isn't working yet. But if the general consensus is that I should commit, I'll do that. 14.54.04 # at the very least, you get 5 ms for each, either in nb or in wb 14.54.25 # Zagor: just thinking it's easier for people to help out if it's in svn 14.54.43 # linuxstb: what about rockbox.ignore maybe? 14.54.46 # Zagor: I also think it's better to commit (if it doesn't break anything else) 14.54.50 # preglow: then, you have the QMF delay, which you only get if the encoder or decoder is wb. That delay is 31.5 sample for the encoder and the same for the decoder. 14.54.58 Join stewball [0] (n=WTFOMGBB@ 14.55.28 # Zagor: The fact that your patch is -4316 lines and +1645 lines sells it to me... 14.55.31 Quit jpt9 ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 14.55.31 # preglow: all these values are for the current implementation and they're subject to change if I improve things 14.56.08 # linuxstb: LOC is not a good metric! 14.56.19 # I'm shallow... 14.56.21 # well, it's less code to read... 14.56.30 Join zicho [0] (n=martin@c-5f9fe355.68-7-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 14.56.33 # linuxstb: straight to managment for you! 14.56.36 # so it's not an irrelevant metric either 14.56.58 # Zagor: did you see the comment in FS#8189 about the index (mask)? 14.57.51 # with Zagor's patch in svn, we could have proper usb charging on Sansa almost straight away. 14.58.04 # barrywardell: yes, but I don't think he's right. if the mask was wrong, nothing would work. 14.58.20 # preglow: I've got a patch that does s/\n/ / to the source code. Are you interested? 14.59.03 Join nicktastic [0] (n=nick@unaffiliated/nicktastic) 14.59.10 # jmspeex: a patch that replaces newlines with spaces??? 14.59.16 # Zagor: he must we right, else we would have no working msc 14.59.25 # JdGordon: Maybe db.ignore or database.ignore? Rockbox doesn't ignore it, just the database. 14.59.34 # preglow: Yes, that drastically reduces the LOC 14.59.36 # austriancoder: ? 14.59.44 # Zagor: yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Although he did get msc working... 14.59.58 # jmspeex: sure, in it goes, should improve readability by leaps and bounds 15.00.10 # yeah, and I'm thinking it might be good to add .ignore the the known filetypes 15.00.15 # I didn't think that patch to AC's code worked - it panics? 15.00.20 # barrywardell: is it working for you? I couldn't get it working any more than my code. 15.00.48 # "even one time the whole iRiver disk is accessible via Windows" 15.01.12 # not reliable, but he did get it working once 15.01.55 # barrywardell: that text is rather contradictory. how is it working if "Remain to do: implement read capacity and write sector in usb_storage.c" 15.02.30 # when I tried, it failed on the first sector read. just like my code. 15.02.39 Quit male (No route to host) 15.03.48 # True. I haven't actually tried the patch, so I'm just going by what he says 15.05.54 # Ok, thanks, now it finds the codec. 15.10.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.13.56 Join DM| [0] (n=dm@cpe-65-24-163-189.columbus.res.rr.com) 15.14.14 # hm .. I set up a tagnavi_custon.config and now rockbox won't boot anymore. I get the rockbox boot screen, but it won't go forther on (H10/20gb) 15.16.37 # ah, got it 15.16.50 Quit lee-qid (Connection timed out) 15.17.18 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) 15.20.10 # linuxstb: im going to bed.. if you want to commit it, i say go for it :) 15.20.26 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 15.20.46 # Hmm, was the tlv320 reset not needed? http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/firmware/drivers/audio/tlv320.c?r1=15719&r2=15720 15.22.08 # * Arathis would appreciate the commit of JdGordons patch 15.22.52 # jmspeex: erm, nb_celp.c, line 698, won't that for loop write outside the bounds of bw_lpc2 by one coef? 15.24.43 # preglow: you mean this: curve_to_lpc(st->psy, curr_curve, bw_lpc1, bw_lpc2, 10); ? (line 699) 15.26.13 # Nico_P: Did you see that nice recipe on FS#8194... ? 15.26.41 # pondlife: yes... haven't tried it though... have you? 15.26.50 # About to 15.27.06 # Just building a sim 15.27.49 # jmspeex: sorry, i was looking at an old rev, i mean line 709 15.32.55 # preglow: The answer is yes and no. There *would* be an overflow if st->gamma2<0, but in practice, there's no mode in which that can happen (gamma is always >= 0) 15.33.00 Part sqgl_LakeMacq_ ("Leaving") 15.34.08 # jmspeex: but it is a "bug", right? there shouldn't be <= there? 15.34.49 # It's a bug. Basically, I used to include the A(0)=1 coef in the filter and then decided to remove it. Forgot to remove it there. 15.36.28 # haha, repeat one results in buffering reading the same file many times... 15.36.36 Quit animeloe_ ("Leaving") 15.38.01 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 15.38.12 Join Toki [0] (n=hsdbvlkb@gateimb.imb.lebedev.ru) 15.40.14 Join male [0] (n=male@adsl-4-201-83.mem.bellsouth.net) 15.40.17 # Nico_P: Tried #8194 with MP3 on the sim, but no problem.. 15.40.37 # Mind you, it's more likely to happen with a long FLAC by the sound of it. 15.40.55 # i.e. when track is bigger than buffer 15.41.17 # Try an iFP sim... 15.41.17 # Would that be another symptom of the rebuffer_handle() issue? 15.41.42 # I'd like a command-line --wastebuf option for the sim... 15.41.58 # Load a 20MB voice file... 15.42.18 # But I doubt you can make speex take up that much room... 15.43.34 # Changing from Repeat One to Repeat None does horrible things though 15.43.50 # The track advances ok (audio), but the WPS remains stuck 15.44.25 Quit DM| ("*bashes head against keyboard*") 15.46.32 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B16B9A.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.46.33 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.47.27 # jmspeex: should i add a speex_memcpy too, or? i don't really get the point in those wrappers anyway, shouldn't the mem* guys be pretty fast on all platforms anyway? 15.48.27 # Wooh, nice way to lock up the sim... 15.51.39 # pondlife: how? 15.52.04 # Starting playback with Repeat One and changing it to Repeat None. 15.52.23 # Let it play to the track transition... The WPS sticks on track 1. 15.52.27 # I let it play for 3 tracks 15.52.34 # Then found the UI was locked 15.52.40 # :/ 15.53.02 # pondlife: could you try with a rev prior to bertrik's patch I committed? 15.53.24 # Later, but work calls now..:/ 15.53.27 # ok 15.53.35 # It's on Flyspray.. 15.54.03 Quit J3TC- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.54.11 # I'm letting it play on.. see what happens when it rebuffers! 15.54.12 # * Nico_P has an exam to prepare :( 15.54.18 # Good luck 15.54.29 # thanks :) 15.58.28 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@wlrsvd-166.njit.edu) 16.01.37 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 16.05.09 Join animeloe_ [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 16.05.11 Join scorche|w [0] (n=42c007b2@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 16.05.48 Quit animeloe (Nick collision from services.) 16.05.52 Nick animeloe_ is now known as animeloe (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 16.10.40 Quit billenium (Connection reset by peer) 16.10.50 Join billenium [0] (n=billeniu@c-69-249-243-110.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 16.11.08 Quit billenium (Connection reset by peer) 16.14.02 Join H10_007quick [0] (n=chatzill@mnet-ki-244-78-181.monarch.net) 16.15.27 # barrywardell: I see that there was a change submited that changed the way the rtc was read on the H10, Does this make the ADC read better, do we not have the problem of jumping readings? 16.17.07 # the way the rtc was read was not changed 16.17.16 # an alarm feature was added 16.17.29 Join corsair [0] (n=user@ 16.17.35 # there was also a change to reading the ADC which makes the jumpy readings much less 16.17.42 # jumpy 16.17.44 Quit Febs (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.17.48 # I see 16.17.57 Join DM| [0] (n=dm@cpe-65-24-163-189.columbus.res.rr.com) 16.18.06 # Ok because the scroll pad seemed much better after that commit 16.18.24 # can rockbox read ipod playlists created from gtkpod or on the ipod apple firmware 16.18.27 Join roxfan[zzz] [0] (n=dunno@49.219-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) 16.18.47 # It doesn't seems can... 16.18.48 # DM|: no 16.18.49 # DM|: No, Rockbox uses standard m3u playlists, not playlists stored in the ipod's database. 16.18.57 # dag 16.18.58 # have you put any work into getting full scroll functionality? Just don't want to waste my time if you have already started 16.19.18 # I've thought about it, but haven't started anything. there are a couple of attempts in the tracker though 16.19.42 # yes one of them is mine 16.19.57 # I might start working on it again thanks for your time 16.20.38 # barrywardell: Would you be able to build some e200rpatcher binaries? My changes to display more useful messages aren't in the current release... 16.20.56 Join maddlah [0] (n=maddler@217-133-171-24.b2b.tiscali.it) 16.21.01 Quit maddler (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.21.05 # linuxstb: yeah, sure. I have to go now for a bit but can do it later today 16.21.33 # barrywardell: Thanks. I don't think the Swedes are around now anyway... 16.21.44 # they aren't? 16.21.53 # You were marked as away ;) 16.22.00 # oops :-) 16.22.07 # In fact you _are_ marked as away... 16.22.13 # linuxstb: for mac? linux? windows? 16.22.18 # yes 16.22.36 # I could do Windows if you don't have the compiler setup. 16.22.59 # I think I do. I'll let you know if I can't do it 16.23.41 Part corsair ("ERC Version 5.2 (IRC client for Emacs)") 16.23.57 Quit H10_007quick ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 16.24.17 Quit CaptainSquid ("Miranda IM!") 16.25.06 Quit Phill (Remote closed the connection) 16.25.25 Join Phill [0] (n=irc-Nov2@host-138-38-192-65.vpn.bath.ac.uk) 16.27.55 Quit roxfan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.28.41 Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 16.28.58 Quit stripwax (Client Quit) 16.30.46 Join billenium [0] (n=billeniu@c-69-249-243-110.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 16.31.02 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 16.31.36 Join daurn [0] (n=daurnima@unaffiliated/daurnimator) 16.35.51 Quit animeloe ("Leaving") 16.41.32 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 16.42.59 Join japc [0] (n=japc@ 16.50.22 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.51.25 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B16B9A.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.52.26 Quit daurnimator (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.57.55 Quit animeloe (No route to host) 16.58.16 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 17.00.12 # * GodEater prods at Bagder 17.01.17 Join xufumon [0] (n=opera@ 17.03.22 Quit DM| ("*bashes head against keyboard*") 17.07.03 # Question: Does rockbox support recording with Ipod minis? If so, does it use a 'mic/line in' function for the headphone jack? (I couldn't find information regarding this in the rockbox wiki.) 17.07.49 Quit Rob2222 () 17.08.07 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B16B9A.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.10.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.21.50 Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.24.14 Part xufumon 17.24.54 Part LinusN 17.32.18 Quit J3TC- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.32.48 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@wlrsvd-166.njit.edu) 17.34.13 Join roolku [0] (n=roolku@82-41-2-141.cable.ubr01.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 17.43.57 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.44.25 Quit petur ("*plop*") 17.44.34 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B16B9A.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.48.28 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B14C39.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.48.39 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 17.50.22 Quit OlivierBorowski (Remote closed the connection) 17.56.57 Join OlivierBorowski_ [0] (n=OlivierB@ANancy-157-1-74-110.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr) 17.56.58 Quit OlivierBorowski_ (Remote closed the connection) 17.57.35 Join rotzbouw [0] (i=5840bef7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a436bbb61e7ed3f7) 17.57.42 # hi there 17.58.28 # since recently, my ipod video (60gb) takes minutes to mount, on any OS. is this a known problem? 17.58.38 # even when the ipod has just been reset and is empty. 17.59.01 # rotzbouw: no problem for me on my 30g 17.59.14 # what build do you use? 17.59.20 # latest svn 17.59.26 # hm :< 17.59.33 # but rockbox build has _nothing_ to do with mounting to the OS 17.59.38 # it's weird, because it really only occurs when rockbox is installed. 17.59.39 # that's handled by the original firmware bootloaders 18.00.05 # rotzbouw: does it also happen on other computers? 18.00.14 # yes 18.00.26 # rotzbouw: does it happen if you boot into the apple firmware and then plug into your computer? 18.00.31 # no 18.00.37 # or no 18.00.46 # it doesn't happen if there is no rockbox installed 18.01.03 # lemme see if it happens with the lock enabled 18.01.11 # lostlogic: Rockbox does have a little to do with it - a) It inits the USB controller to distinguish between a charger and a computer at the other end of the cable; b) it reboots into the emergency disk mode, rather than Apple's main OS (which is reportedly slower) 18.01.38 # this is correct. 18.02.08 Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 18.02.10 # linuxstb: sure, I guess I assumed that he was talking about after the USB screen is displayed, may be a wrong assumption. 18.02.11 # the "rockbox way" of using the USB mode is generally a lot slower than using the "real" apple disk mode. 18.03.17 # apple firmware is faster 18.03.59 # emergency disk mode is limited to USB1.1 18.04.07 # but when rockbox isn't installed at all, it's a lot faster 18.04.31 Join nanok [0] (n=nanok@ 18.04.34 # rockbox is only working in usb 1.1 mode? 18.05.15 # that'd be an easy explanation but i can't recall it taking so long when i used it first. might have been the general enthusiasm about the program, though ;> 18.05.22 # rockbox doesn't touch emergency mode code. 18.05.49 # rotzbouw: read carefully: Rockbox boots to emergency disk mode, which operates in USB1.1. If you used emergency disk mode w/o rockbox installed, it would be 1.1 as well. The only 2.0 mode currently is from within the apple firmware plugging in USB. You can do this with rockbox installed by rebooting and holding menu to get into the OF and then pluggin in USB. 18.06.24 # i think it's hold, not menu 18.06.30 # it's hold 18.06.33 # okfine 18.06.40 # and yes, it loads faster that way, thanks 18.07.01 # but not as fast as if rockbox wasn't installed :< 18.07.15 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.07.46 # i don't think this is true 18.07.47 # parafin: It's either... 18.07.49 # rotzbouw: do you have some kind of program that automatically scans the disk? Could it be just the .rockbox folder taking time? 18.08.09 # well, I've tried it on mac os x, debian and windows xp 18.08.21 # btw, it was cery stupid idea to clear settings if hold is on 18.08.27 # ^cery^very 18.08.51 # parafin: was very useful in early development :-P 18.09.11 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 18.09.13 Join idnar_ [0] (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 18.09.16 # because of that i have to wait while my ipod is booting before placing it in my pocket 18.09.39 # and it boots not very fast i must say 18.10.32 # and i cleared my settings a couple of times by mistake 18.10.38 # that's annoying 18.11.26 # ipod hold is boot into OF now isnt it? 18.11.50 # correct 18.12.02 # hold in bootloader code boots OF, hold in rockbox booting clears the settings 18.12.06 # parafin: might be worth updating your bootloader then 18.12.23 # oh, i see what you mean 18.12.23 # that's not bootloader problem but rockbox firmware 18.12.29 # from what I have seen (5.5G 80GB) Rockbox boots noticably faster than the apple OS if it needs a full reboot (not starting from suspend) 18.12.33 # rockbox takes like, a second to boot though 18.13.08 # may be it's directory scan that takes time, dunno 18.13.27 # or maybe i should update rockbox 18.13.32 # boot time also depends on your WPS - if it has to seek for a lot bitmaps, especially if they are scattered across the disk due to fragmentation 18.13.34 # do you have all your album directories in the root? 18.13.49 # no 18.14.14 # rockbox booting is very fast. rockbox mounting is very slow (due to usb1.1 limitation, as i know now!) 18.14.34 # anyway, thanks, bye 18.14.36 Quit rotzbouw ("CGI:IRC") 18.15.43 # OF boots not faster, that's for sure, but that's not the point, i don't use it anyway (only for disk mode) 18.16.30 # amiconn: did you test the new voicebox? 18.21.55 # could anyone at all test the updated voicbox in the wiki? 18.24.27 Join ctaylorr [0] (n=ctaylorr@CPE001839ae25b4-CM0011aea4a276.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 18.28.06 Quit linuxstb (Remote closed the connection) 18.28.46 Join linuxstb [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 18.29.21 Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (n=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 18.32.18 Quit Jon-Kha ("Lost terminal") 18.32.35 Join Jon-Kha [0] (i=jon-kha@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi) 18.39.42 Quit thegeek_ ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.1 :: www.regroup-esports.com )") 18.43.52 Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 18.55.35 Join PaulPosition [0] (n=noneofye@modemcable228.133-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) 19.00.54 Join Gnu47_ [0] (i=Gnu47@private.ntwk.thita.net) 19.03.46 # Not asking for any sort of ETA, but is the 'ui slows to a crawl/songs skip' syndrome of using too many eq bands on the PP50xx targets something that *might* get resolved some day or is it no-can-do? 19.04.39 # It might get solved one day 19.04.45 Quit pondlife ("Read error: 110 (Connection slimed out)") 19.04.48 # Songs skipping requires optimization of the codecs. 19.05.15 # UI slowing to a crawl will improve a little bit with that, but is more likely to see improvement if someone comes up with ways to take advantage of dual core 19.06.10 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@121-021-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 19.06.46 # Llorean - That's about what I understood.. But is giving the 2nd core some love something that has any importance given that it's only a quarter, maybe a third of the targets that are dual core 19.07.03 # lostlogic: iPod EDM is *not* usb1.1, not even limited to usb1.1 speed 19.07.25 # I measured transfer rate to be 2..3MByte/s 19.07.57 # PaulPosition: coldfire targets have way more headroom for dsp and can use 5 bands eq with no problems with most codecs/bitrates 19.08.05 Quit Gnu47 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.08.28 # * PaulPosition wonders if going back to highschool (maths) then college for some embeded programming lessons make sense at 33y/old :p 19.08.34 # amiconn: any idea why some people on the ml get "unable to locate encoding exe" with voicebox? 19.08.36 # (on 5.5th Gen that is) 19.08.37 # Aren't coldfire single-core? 19.08.49 # PaulPosition: yes it is 19.08.59 # preglow: No. Doesn't happen with my version, and didn't try the newer one 19.08.59 # (the ones we use at least) 19.09.08 # amiconn: the newer one has fixes for dragndrop 19.09.35 # PaulPosition: Considering several combinations of codec+EQ+player don't cause slowdown or skipping, it's not exactly a high priority for most people, I imagine 19.10.26 # Among portalplayer targets 19.10.30 # That said, iPod EDM *is* slow, but not due to transfer rate (which is quite low, but e.g. updating Rockbox on my Archos Player is significantly faster than on 5.5th Gen, even though the Player actually *is* USB1.1 only) 19.10.37 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.10.42 # could anyone at all on windows please test voicebox? 19.10.44 # The H10 suffers from the same problem, btw 19.11.31 # Llorean - Thanks, that's about what I thought. 19.11.51 # PaulPosition: What kind of files are you using that give those problems? 19.12.02 Quit PaulPosition () 19.12.18 # linuxstb: Hmm, that reminds me - did you look further into the range decoder for ape? 19.12.37 # Not yet... :( 19.16.02 Join markun_ [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 19.17.31 Quit markun_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.17.49 Join Bagder_ [0] (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 19.18.45 Quit markun (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.19.56 Join markun [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 19.20.58 Join markun_ [0] (n=markun@bastards.student.ipv6.utwente.nl) 19.22.31 # amiconn: strange, I wonder what makes it slower than the 'full' disk mode 19.23.45 Join Shaid` [0] (i=shaid@210-84-36-100.dyn.iinet.net.au) 19.23.48 # It *is* much slower. Bu it's still faster than USB1.1 transfer rate wise, although it *behaves* slower than that when transferring many files 19.24.54 # amiconn: Yeah, I hear ya -- so it's something else in the EDM USB stack compared to the OF stack 19.25.02 Join OlivierBorowski [0] (n=OlivierB@ANancy-157-1-74-110.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr) 19.25.12 # or maybe it uses a fully sync. disk mode versus some kind of caching in the OF moded 19.25.23 Join Arathis2 [0] (n=doerk@p508A40AB.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.25.32 # preglow: "Unable to locate encoding executable: \n\n ??" 19.25.42 # I wonder what executable '??' should be... 19.25.54 Join Fraser [0] (n=Fraser@thelawsons.plus.com) 19.25.59 Quit J3TC- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.26.29 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@wlrsvd-166.njit.edu) 19.26.43 # * amiconn diffs 19.27.27 # amiconn: i have no idea... i just assumed brian had tested this himself 19.27.39 # amiconn: not much changed apart from the dragndrop stuff 19.28.34 Nick Gnu47_ is now known as Gnu47 (i=Gnu47@private.ntwk.thita.net) 19.29.43 # Yeah, and that change breaks everything 19.30.10 # Just moving that block won't fix the actual problem, but instead extend it from hampering drag&drop mode to hampering all modes 19.31.11 # This is because voiceUtils.vbs uses ExecuteGlobal to read the parameters 19.31.28 # This cannot work for non-bool parameters, like the Encoder selection 19.32.11 # * amiconn sighs 19.32.11 # right 19.32.20 # i guess we should just revert back, then 19.32.35 # It needs to read the .ini using the same function as the .hta 19.32.45 # * preglow doesn't get the extensions... 19.33.24 # And since voiceUtils.vbs is meant to be a resource for both the .wsf and the .hta, it should probably be moved there somehow 19.33.36 # hta == html application 19.33.52 Quit billenium (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.34.39 # wsf? 19.34.47 # windows script file 19.35.13 # Well, in fact ExecuteGlobal *could* be made working, if the encoder would be always quoted 19.35.16 Quit Bagder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.35.31 # But executing the contents of an .ini file is dirty, imo 19.36.40 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 19.37.09 Join Aurum_ [0] (n=fbovt@router.banktrade.com) 19.37.16 # wsf is not limited to vbscript, it can contain vbscript, javascript (or JScript as microsoft calls it), and other 'active scripting' languages like activestate perl. All that even combined 19.37.55 # well, ok, but should i just revert the file in the wiki for now? 19.37.55 # anybody knows, by any chance, the number of zagor's patch for usb, or a keyword? 19.38.10 # USB maybe... 19.38.51 # n1s: a bit wide :) 19.38.55 # 7962 19.39.30 # preglow: Btw, the '??' results from evaluating (in ExecuteGlobal) the statement "Encoder = speex" 19.39.30 # nanok: searching for just usb among patches yields only 17 results, one of them the one you were looking for 19.39.52 # Since 'speex' is neither a reserved word nor quotes, it is treated as a variable name 19.40.07 # aham, got it 19.40.08 # And since a variable 'speex' doesn't exist, its content is undefined 19.40.25 # i discovered the advanced search :) 19.40.31 # n1s: thank you 19.40.46 # If the script would use "Option Explicit" (as the script I write almost always do), it would bail out... 19.41.14 # i'd always use that, yes 19.41.22 # at least i always do "use strict" in perl :> 19.42.23 Quit Shaid (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) 19.44.26 Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p5B23C768.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.44.31 # * DerPapst waves 19.46.42 Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.48.12 Join DM| [0] (n=dm@cpe-65-24-163-189.columbus.res.rr.com) 19.50.01 Quit Shaid` (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) 19.50.30 Nick Arathis2 is now known as Arathis (n=doerk@p508A40AB.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.51.35 # Okay, moving some functions over does work... might turn out easier than I thought 19.54.31 Quit hcs (Remote closed the connection) 19.54.47 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 19.55.38 # hrm...Wonder if there's something wrong with my MP3 player? I have a Sansa e280 and with every crossfade I get some skipping. I'm very used to my retired x5. 19.55.39 # linuxstb: what do I do about libusb when building e200rpatcher.exe? 19.57.28 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955DD67.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.00.20 Quit Mouser_X (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.01.01 # ctaylorr: I'd like to help reproducing that problem, but can't remember how to enable crossfade 20.01.39 # bertrik: It's in the menu under settings, general settings, playback, crossfade, enable crossfade. 20.01.50 # bertrik: (I wonder how one would forget ;) ) 20.02.17 # linuxstb: here are my compiled versions for linux and mac: http://www.barrywardell.net/rockbox/e200rpatcher.tar.gz 20.02.38 # I looked in the context menu and the sound settings menu 20.03.29 # bertrik: (Of course, I'd rather have too many options than no options...no complaints) 20.03.41 # ctaylorr: do you have any other audio processing things running, such as equaliser etc.? 20.04.37 # BigBambi: Yes. Is there some optimizing to do, or is it a limitation of the hardware? Either way's okay...so long as it's not a hardware problem. 20.04.47 # It isn't a problem 20.05.00 # BigBambi: I have the equilizer enabled, but the wps is pretty simple (plain text). 20.05.05 # BigBambi: No peak meters. 20.05.08 # Other than the portalplayer targets just aren't fast enough 20.05.17 # ctaylorr: The full five bnd eq? 20.05.21 Quit PaulJam (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 20.05.24 # BigBambi: Yes. 20.05.29 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 20.05.30 # ctaylorr: That'll be it 20.05.41 # If you turn a couple of bands off, does it help? 20.06.07 # BigBambi: Ah. I just tried to replicate the x5's configuration, assuming this (physically smaller :) ) device would be more powerful. 20.06.13 # ctaylorr: Optimising would certainly help, at the moment the CPU is just too slow to run everything you are asking of it 20.06.14 Quit Siku (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.06.23 # ctaylorr: Different architecture for a start 20.06.35 Join Siku [0] (i=Siku@e81-197-76-6.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 20.06.40 # BigBambi: np's. Thanks for that. Yep...it's more powerful in different ways. 20.06.42 # The X5 has a 124 MHz coldfire, the sansa has a dual 80 MHz arm 20.06.58 # But I don't think we use both cores optimally yet 20.07.57 # BigBambi: That definitely explains it. 20.11.04 Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3E56E.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.11.07 # ouch, data abort while trying to reproduce 20.11.40 # bertrik: Yeah...got a few of those yesterday. 20.12.19 # bertrik: But I chalk that up to blindly using unstable (read SVN) builds. 20.12.30 # * n1s wishes people would stop assuming long is 32 bits... sigh 20.12.48 # ctaylorr: there is no such thing as stable :P 20.12.50 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 20.12.57 # bertrik: Windows. 20.13.06 Join hc1 [0] (n=agashlin@oysterstew.rutgers.edu) 20.13.23 # bertrik: Also, `cat' is pretty stable. 20.13.25 # I see that in some lang files some strings are voices while the same strings are unvoiced in the english lang file 20.13.33 Quit japc (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.13.36 # n1s: how long is long on rockbox targets? 20.13.47 # Windows, stable? Vista has blue screened on my three times today 20.13.47 # Should I follow the english lang file strictly? 20.13.51 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 20.13.51 # Any way, Off topic 20.13.55 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 20.14.06 Quit hcs (Nick collision from services.) 20.14.11 Nick hc1 is now known as hcs (n=agashlin@oysterstew.rutgers.edu) 20.14.12 Part markun_ 20.14.32 # (I joke. Windows is as stable as the stable in the Godfather) 20.14.33 # bertrik: on our current targets it's 32 but in my sim it's 64, and do you think there are still a big slew of bugs because of that? ;) 20.15.20 # * preglow wonders why the dithering bugs out now 20.16.03 # [x] Freak Out 20.16.04 # XavierGr: Probably. That indicates there's no code to make use of any voice string. 20.16.15 # with embedded software I usually use explicit types 20.16.52 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@pD955C155.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.17.14 # bertrik: there was a port (which is now dead) which had 16 bit ints and 32 bit longs, that would be even more broken now because a lot of code assume int == long too... 20.17.22 # Hm, should the Sansa bootloader really shut down on hold when inserting the USB cable? Anyone that remebers how the OF handled the same situation? 20.17.44 # bertrik: Using explicit types also has its drawback, especially in the embedded sector 20.18.16 # If an int16 would be sufficient for calculations but an int32 won't hurt, it's better to use plain 'int' for performance 20.18.24 # yeah, everybody uses a different name for their types, or worse the same name but different bit width 20.19.11 # Lear: The OF bootloader does the same 20.19.13 # amiconn: for code size and alignment? 20.19.13 Quit Phill (Remote closed the connection) 20.19.15 # Using int16 explicitly would hamper performance on (some) 32 bit archs like arm, and uing int32 explicitly would hamper performance on 16 bit archs 20.19.23 Quit Siku (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 20.19.27 # Lear: It would pop up a message on the screen saying something like "Keys Locked, Shutting Down" 20.19.34 Join Phill [0] (n=irc-Nov2@host-138-38-192-65.vpn.bath.ac.uk) 20.19.38 # Same goes for 'long' and 32 bit vs. 64 bit archs 20.19.57 # hcs: I was talking about calculation, not alignment 20.20.15 Join Phill2 [0] (n=irc-Nov2@home.paraxial.co.uk) 20.20.51 # * Lear has barely used the Sansa OF... 20.20.56 # Lear: What I don't get is that while in the italian lang there is a voice string for the particular lang id there isn't one for the english lang 20.21.13 # preglow: Seems I have both GUI mode and drag&drop working now 20.21.21 # barrywardell: Ah, I thought you had built e200rpatcher before, but obviously not... I guess I'm confusing it with sansapatcher. 20.21.23 # I would expect that one of them other is wrong 20.21.25 # amiconn: yes I use plain int for simple variables 20.21.28 # -other 20.21.28 # I also added 'Option Explicit' 20.21.31 # amiconn: well, that sounds sweet, just upload to the wiki when it's ready 20.21.41 # Just testing a bit more 20.21.47 # and in some cases you can't avoid depending a little on the native width 20.21.47 # amiconn: i'm probably soon going to have a new rbspeexenc going, but i can handle that myself 20.22.07 # * amiconn ponders porting the sample rate 'intelligence' from sapi_voice.vbs 20.22.36 # is it possible to diagnose something about a data abort? 20.22.43 # perhaps with the map file 20.22.44 # barrywardell: I built a version a few days ago, so I guess we can just use that - http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/e200rpatcher-win32.zip 20.23.26 # preglow: Do you remember how many bits are affected by the HIGH_PRECISION flag in the ARM EQ code, by any chance? :) 20.23.45 # Lear: i believe a comment in eq_arm.S tells you 20.24.28 # jhMikeS: I tried out your new spc code on my ipod color, works great with everything I've thrown at it! 20.24.46 # damn, i need to think about spc and volume again, i hate them so quiet 20.25.03 # preglow: Not that I can see. Only talk about "lower bits" or "lower part". 20.25.31 # preglow: what can one do about that? afaik the full 16 bits is used 20.25.46 # question: why is FS#7510 (IDE0_CFG for CPU>65MHz) only active for iPod nanos? Does it harm the units, if this is also set for other devices? Sounds like setting the bit dependent upon the clock is the right way? 20.26.00 # Lear: * without this, "shift" of the lower bits will be lost here 20.26.04 # Lear: so you gain "shift" bits 20.26.06 # LLorean: JdGordon said that the OF starts when you insert USB with hold on - see 09:47 here - http://www.rockbox.org/irc/rockbox-20071119.txt 20.26.30 # * linuxstb is curious if anyone has tested that bootloader change 20.26.42 Join thegeek [0] (i=thegeek@s220b.studby.ntnu.no) 20.27.48 # sweet lord, this mp3 is loud 20.27.51 # linuxstb: Didn't used to for me. 20.27.56 # currently the max peak i've seen is _five_ times the clip level 20.28.02 # linuxstb: Maybe depends on FW version? 20.28.56 # preglow: Uploaded and description updated. 20.29.12 # ctaylorr: crunchy loop now after some experimenting with crossfade and skipping forward 20.29.31 # Buschel: It freezes some other PP502x targets 20.29.31 # bertrik: huh? 20.29.41 # bertrik: Oh... 20.29.48 # linuxstb: have you seen the ZVM firmwre updater mcuelenaere posted on the forums? 20.29.51 # linuxstb: Mine says "Key LOCKED" and on the next line "System Shutdown" 20.29.53 # preglow: Ah, so shift is 4 or 6 bits. Quite a bit, but that's on the internal format, so there's still 20+ significant bits. Me forgets about enabling the high precision mode again... 20.29.54 # linuxstb: I've just tested 20.30.31 # Buschel: The PP ata controller isn't fully researched yet. The ">65MHz" bit is from ipl, i.e. one should take it with a grain of salt... 20.30.42 # and now a data abort at 4000132c, that's in the fiq_handler 20.31.22 # amiconn: excellent 20.31.29 Quit Phill2 () 20.31.30 # amiconn: i'll do an ml post 20.31.45 # Llorean: So does it actually shut down? 20.31.51 # preglow: And my Recorder has shiny new clips now. Generated 3 times to make absolutely sure ;) 20.32.09 # Nico_P: No - why do you ask? 20.32.34 # linuxstb: It uses libmtp to send the file to the ZVM... I was thinking it could be adapted to do the same for the S 20.32.52 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.33.15 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF6C76.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.33.15 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ 20.33.55 # amiconn: ok 20.35.02 Quit nicktastic ("Leaving") 20.35.19 # linuxstb: thanks. I'd only managed to build sansapatcher.exe before, not e200rpatcher.exe 20.35.31 Quit scorche (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.36.18 Join scorche [0] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 20.36.21 # barrywardell: If you're interested, I've documented the tcctool build process for windows in utils/tcctool/README - that's almost identical to e200rpatcher. 20.36.49 # thanks 20.36.55 # I'll have a look 20.36.58 # Now we need the Swedes... 20.37.37 Join webguest93 [0] (i=53d609bd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f27bf425ddd77f7f) 20.37.49 # linuxstb: http://pastebin.ca/791161 20.38.02 Part webguest93 20.39.06 Quit Phill (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.39.15 Quit animeloe ("Leaving") 20.39.43 Join Arathis2 [0] (n=doerk@p508A7A9C.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.39.47 Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.41.19 # Nico_P: Looks interesting, but I need to ignore the S for now and do other things... 20.42.21 # linuxstb: ok, no rush... I'll send mcuelenaere a PM though 20.42.25 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 20.43.14 # Nico_P: is that working? 20.44.04 # n1s: "This file is a modified libmtp example file, which should upload a firmware correctly." 20.44.24 # I haven't tried very hard to compile it, as I don't have a ZVM to ty it on 20.44.38 # I get a feeling you haven't tested thouroughly :) 20.44.46 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@ 20.45.10 # I haven't tested at all :) 20.45.10 # ah, I thought it was for the S 20.45.44 # n1s: why the feeling? can you see something blatantly wrong? 20.46.24 # "should" <<< 20.47.12 Quit barrywardell (Remote closed the connection) 20.49.03 # haha :) these are mcuelenaere's words 20.49.25 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m94.net81-66-75.noos.fr) 20.50.00 # Nico_P: If I was investigating, I would try and find a USB dump from a ZVM update, and compare it with the S update log, to see if they are in any way similar. 20.50.57 # good idea 20.53.32 # hmmm, this voice id callback system can't handle decimal numbers... 20.53.54 # ? 20.54.18 # amiconn: the various *getlang functions in settings_list.c 20.55.00 # for example crossfeed gains are stored internally as centibels and are spoken as 10*displayed value decibels 20.55.23 # but we support .5 steps, which is the problem... 20.57.42 Quit Echelon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.57.54 Quit Buschel () 20.58.45 # Yeah, decimal fractions cannot be handled with a simple id 20.58.46 Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.58.53 # either the format of the returned id needs to be changed or make the callback itself do the speaking, I wonder which is best... 20.58.57 # You need a function doing the output 20.59.38 # amiconn: would it be ok if the callback function itself does the speaking? 21.02.28 Join Siku [0] (i=Siku@e81-197-76-6.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 21.05.19 Join KoverSrac [0] (n=KS@dsl54027D41.pool.t-online.hu) 21.05.25 # Hello 21.08.32 # Hi 21.08.33 # Does anyone have experience with iPod+Rockbox+Toyota Yaris iPod connection? 21.09.53 # Have you read this page? http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodAccessories 21.10.41 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.11.11 # Not yet. Thax for the URL, and sorry for asking dumb questions. :) 21.14.02 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.14.15 Join SoapSud [0] (n=SoapSud@host86-137-45-234.range86-137.btcentralplus.com) 21.14.25 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF6C76.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.14.42 Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 21.16.33 Quit SoapSud (Client Quit) 21.18.06 Quit hannesd (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 21.18.07 Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 21.24.02 Quit Siku (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 21.25.10 # ok, here is my speaker function, http://pastebin.ca/791261 anyone against taking this route? 21.30.12 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.30.30 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 21.30.35 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.32.12 Quit KoverSrac ("KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'") 21.33.27 Join Shaid [0] (i=shaid@210-84-52-144.dyn.iinet.net.au) 21.36.05 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 21.38.06 Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.38.07 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 21.38.15 Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 21.38.59 Quit Aurum_ ("Leaving") 21.39.44 Join przemhb [0] (n=przemhb@fan115.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) 21.40.07 # n1s: Not using the list_speak_item callback? 21.40.18 # And that list isn't the only one with dB... 21.41.48 # And the code is a bit ... backwards. :) 21.42.13 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 21.43.09 Join japc [0] (n=japc@bl7-247-152.dsl.telepac.pt) 21.43.17 Quit Fraser ("Leaving") 21.43.18 # Lear: is there a way to use that list callback thing in the settings lists as the callback available in the macro hell that is settings can only return a talk id which can't handle decimals (and this is called as that callback, just it does the work itself) 21.44.33 Join advcomp2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 21.44.43 Quit advcomp2019 (Nick collision from services.) 21.44.47 Nick advcomp2019_ is now known as advcomp2019 (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 21.44.54 Quit animeloe ("Leaving") 21.45.13 # Ah, didn't think of the context. IIRC the speak callback is a fairly recent addition, so it might not be available. 21.45.55 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 21.48.34 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) 21.48.35 # Could UNIT_DB be used to trigger the right behavior perhaps? 21.49.34 # Lear: we would need a new unit then because that is used in voulme ans other lists were we display the actual valu we use... 21.49.45 # Ah. 21.49.57 # UNIT_CB maybe :) 21.50.27 Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@d54C5DE4F.access.telenet.be) 21.50.44 # hi 21.52.34 # mcuelenaere: hi 21.53.09 # how far are you in getting the firmware on the gigabeat? 21.53.14 # mcuelenaere: I am indeed running your modded sendfile.c, but it couldn't send the file 21.53.22 # Error 2: PTP Layer error 02ff: LIBMTP_Send_File_From_File_Descriptor():Could not send object property list. 21.53.25 # then segfault 21.53.32 # hmm 21.53.34 Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.53.59 # just a sec, I'm searching the file 21.54.16 # mcuelenaere: thanks for joining btw :) 21.54.22 # no problem :) 21.56.42 Quit animeloe ("Leaving") 21.56.45 # Nico_P: if you run the file multiple times, does it give the same error? 21.57.58 # mcuelenaere: I can't seem to connect more than once to the device 21.58.30 # after doing it once I need to disconnect it, the reconnect it 21.59.08 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.59.09 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 21.59.10 # the problem is: I couldn't test it with the ZVM, so I don't know if it works with me either 21.59.38 # but as I can see from the log, both the ZVM and the Gigabeat seem to use identically the same upgrade process 22.00.28 # 02ff is PTP_ERROR_IO in case that helps (from ptp.h) 22.00.46 # that's good news... a linux firmware updater would really be welcome 22.03.25 Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) 22.03.53 Quit scorche|w ("CGI:IRC (Session timeout)") 22.04.37 # I'm trying to change some of the parameters of LIBMTP_Send_File_From_File() 22.04.55 # but maybe I'll use LIBMTP_Send_File_From_File_Descriptor() 22.05.47 # amiconn: another vb bug report on the ml.... 22.05.52 # * preglow continues to hate vbscript 22.06.40 Quit OlivierBorowski (Remote closed the connection) 22.07.06 # Nico_P: is there some kind of debug function in libmtp? 22.07.10 # or debug attribute? 22.07.21 # mcuelenaere: I'm running it in gdb right now 22.07.40 # can you see the data send to the gigabeat? 22.08.23 # I'm guessing something in the ObjectInfo is wrong during the SendObjectInfo 22.08.49 # mcuelenaere: how would I do that? 22.08.53 # but with the standard LIBMTP_Send_File_From_File() commands I do not have access to the raw object 22.09.10 # I don't know :) 22.09.14 # I don't really use linux 22.09.27 Quit keanu|afk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.09.30 # nor gdb 22.10.31 # mcuelenaere: if you tell me what values you want me to give you I can 22.11.00 # values of? 22.11.14 # the object property list? 22.11.36 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 22.12.03 # in the code... what I can tell you is that it fails at line 4116 of libmtp.c 22.12.13 # yes I know 22.12.29 # oh you want to custom compile libmtp.c? 22.12.33 # with hardcoded values? 22.13.01 # BTW isn't it at l.4175? 22.13.17 # no, I meant I can give you the values of the vars if it can help (with gdb) 22.13.36 # the message is "Could not send object property list" 22.13.45 # so I guess you're right :) 22.13.47 # :) 22.14.09 # ah yes, could you give those values? 22.14.38 # which ones? the params to the ptp_mtp_sendobjectproplist call? 22.14.38 Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.15.54 Nick parafin is now known as parafin|away (i=parafin@paraf.in) 22.16.38 # Lear: yeah hacking in a special case in talk.c with a new UNIT_CB worked fine as well, still a bit hacky though... 22.18.17 Quit J3TC- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.21.00 Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@d54C5DE4F.access.telenet.be) 22.21.08 # I'm back 22.21.47 Quit markun ("leaving") 22.22.05 Join markun [0] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 22.22.14 # Nico_P: still there? 22.22.19 # yes 22.23.03 # could you give me the values of props (4168)? 22.24.59 Nick Bagder_ is now known as Bagder (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 22.25.04 # GodEater: you called sir? 22.25.41 # http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/2373/navisioncutqo3.png <- what i'm doing these days... 22.25.42 Join qweru [0] (n=kvirc@bb-87-80-66-156.ukonline.co.uk) 22.26.07 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54965919.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.26.27 Quit RaRe ("Quit msgs should be longer.") 22.30.44 Join matsl_ [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 22.30.49 Quit bertrik ("bye") 22.34.24 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.37.43 Join billenium [0] (n=billeniu@c-69-249-243-110.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 22.37.52 Quit DM| ("*bashes head against keyboard*") 22.39.50 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@pD955DF38.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.42.10 Join DM| [0] (n=dm@cpe-65-24-163-189.columbus.res.rr.com) 22.43.04 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 22.46.56 Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.47.08 Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@d54C5DE4F.access.telenet.be) 22.47.10 Quit animeloe (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 22.47.37 Quit Tetris-Block () 22.49.21 Join petur [0] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 22.51.53 # Bagder: Can you do some download server updates? 22.52.24 # sure 22.52.34 # linux and mac: http://www.barrywardell.net/rockbox/e200rpatcher.tar.gz and win32 - http://www.davechapman.f2s.com/rockbox/e200rpatcher-win32.zip 22.52.49 Join animeloe [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 22.53.44 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox 3.0b1/2007110904]") 22.54.34 # the linux one is now 50K instead of the previous 500K? 22.55.46 # 500K seems large, I wonder why... 22.55.46 # btw, does the current one (before this update) have a version number? 22.55.47 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.56.02 # I'm thinking of putting the former one in a subdir 22.56.10 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF6C76.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.56.13 Quit mcuelenaere () 22.56.28 # Bagder: I'm not sure - you could try just running the Linux version... 22.57.26 # 0.1 22.57.34 # thanks 22.58.43 # It seems the previous e200rpatcher.linux was statically linked - with everything, including libc... 22.58.53 # hehe 22.59.08 # files upload now 22.59.37 Quit matsl_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.02.09 # Thanks. 23.02.46 Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.03.40 Nick maddlah is now known as maddler (n=maddler@217-133-171-24.b2b.tiscali.it) 23.05.33 Join digitallo [0] (n=youraver@gsdt13.gradsch.ohio-state.edu) 23.06.57 Quit digitallo (Client Quit) 23.07.50 Join TMM [0] (n=hp@ip565b35da.direct-adsl.nl) 23.09.17 Join Casainho [0] (n=chatzill@87-196-98-137.net.novis.pt) 23.10.42 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.12.10 Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") 23.13.26 # where can I find the function that stores global settings to config file? 23.14.23 # in apps/settings.c y'now grep is your friend 23.14.55 Join Felixmoulston [0] (i=3d58838f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d9513a36a26bcbb1) 23.14.55 Join scorche|w [0] (n=42c007b2@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 23.15.00 # Hi i live in wyoming and go to a high school nearby. 23.15.19 # Im USA. 23.15.32 # yes 23.15.52 # Any 5up4 1337 h4ck3rz h3r3? 23.16.00 # stop that 23.16.07 # Am I right that all sysfont entries on the lang files shouldn't have non-latin characters in the translation? 23.16.27 # XavierGr: yes, I think that's the general plan 23.16.28 # Yes that's correct. 23.16.38 # Bagder: thanks 23.17.18 Quit atsea- (Remote closed the connection) 23.17.42 # n1s: thanks 23.18.31 # Hey nerds, decode this! 010101010010111101001100010010001000100101111000100010101010101000101010101010011. 23.18.44 Mode "#rockbox +o Bagder " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) 23.18.53 Kick (#rockbox Felixmoulston :Bagder) by Bagder!n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder 23.19.02 # good ridance 23.19.16 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 23.19.22 Join jhMikeS [0] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 23.19.29 Join webguest801 [0] (i=3d58838f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7a787a93cde6ab7f) 23.19.42 # webguest801: now cut that crap 23.19.43 # Hello, is anyone working on the Gigabeat S port? 23.19.57 Join animeloe_ [0] (n=animeloe@unaffiliated/animeloe) 23.20.02 # jeesh translating since langv2 is a lot of work! Already working on this 2.30 hours and I still have around 2000 lines to finish :( 23.20.13 # webguest801: yes, some guys are working on that 23.20.20 Quit webguest801 (Client Quit) 23.20.44 # XavierGr: it take me lot of time too for francais.lang 23.21.09 Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") 23.21.10 # looks like i got back to my desk in time... 23.21.20 Mode "#rockbox -o Bagder " by Bagder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) 23.21.38 # XavierGr: took even, I made it this summer :) 23.22.08 Join atsea- [0] (i=atsea-@gateway/tor/x-b3d0c437d014db79) 23.23.01 Quit animeloe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.23.43 # Bagder: can you get rid of the bright yellow as an option for the perl IRC log script? 23.24.10 # I'll rather poke on Zagor for that ;-) 23.24.31 # that works too :) 23.29.33 Quit animeloe_ ("Leaving") 23.35.20 # Bagder: would it be possible to have autolinking of rev numbers in commit messages? and http links? 23.36.16 # yeah, I could use the same regex zagor is using for the irc log I guess 23.36.33 # Speaking of which, could the "since 1 aug 2006" page be split? 23.36.35 # for rev numbers I mean 23.36.36 # yeah, it's working fine 23.36.47 # linuxstb: split? 23.36.53 # Make smaller... 23.37.02 # Split into smaller time periods. 23.38.35 # but how would those be presented? 23.38.46 Quit Xerion (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.38.46 NSplit kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 23.38.46 Quit Arathis2 (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.38.46 Quit kkurbjun (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.38.46 Quit Soap (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.38.46 Quit crashd (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.38.46 Quit crwl (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.38.46 Quit maraz (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.38.46 Quit annulus_ (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.38.46 Quit Weiss (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.38.46 Quit lodesi (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.38.56 # like monthly summaries? 23.39.12 # Nico_P, lostlogic: looking to commit => http://rafb.net/p/J0pkrM60.html 23.39.30 # Maybe monthly would be too much, but at least yearly - e.g. "during 2006", "during 2007" ? 23.39.46 # how would someone describe the word "dithering", I am trying to translate it but I am not sure that I understand the concept 23.39.51 # jhMikeS: does it work well? 23.39.57 # quarterly 23.40.01 # on every target I have, yes 23.40.13 # I guess we could have one "the last 6 months" 23.40.31 # I mean, instead of the fixed since aug 1 2006 23.41.01 # jhMikeS: looks fine to me 23.41.06 # whee 23.41.59 NHeal kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 23.41.59 NJoin Xerion [0] (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) 23.41.59 NJoin Arathis2 [0] (n=doerk@p508A7A9C.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.41.59 NJoin kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-67-166-49-171.hsd1.co.comcast.net) 23.41.59 NJoin Soap [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 23.41.59 NJoin maraz [0] (i=maraz@lakka.kapsi.fi) 23.41.59 NJoin crwl [0] (n=crawlie@a88-114-143-95.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 23.41.59 NJoin Weiss [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) 23.41.59 NJoin annulus_ [0] (n=ap@81-237-222-105-no91.tbcn.telia.com) 23.41.59 NJoin lodesi [0] (n=lds@fydelkass.inl.fr) 23.41.59 NJoin crashd [0] (i=foobar@lostnode.org) 23.43.28 Join crwll [0] (n=crawlie@a88-114-143-95.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 23.44.24 Join crashd_ [0] (i=foobar@lostnode.org) 23.44.27 Join Weiss_ [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) 23.44.54 Quit crashd (Remote closed the connection) 23.46.14 Quit Weiss (Broken pipe) 23.46.47 Quit annulus_ (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.46.47 Quit crwl (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.46.47 Quit maraz (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.46.47 Quit Xerion (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.46.47 Quit Soap (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.46.47 Quit kkurbjun (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.46.47 Quit lodesi (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.46.47 Quit Arathis2 (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.46.49 Join lodesi_ [0] (n=lds@fydelkass.inl.fr) 23.46.50 NJoin maraz [0] (i=maraz@lakka.kapsi.fi) 23.46.58 # jhMikeS: that's similar to what I had in there, just with smaller chunks and more frequent ata 'breaks' 23.47.09 NJoin Soap [0] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 23.47.12 # yeah, that seemed to be the key 23.47.21 NJoin Xerion [0] (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) 23.47.55 # jhMikeS: I'm definitely a fan. 23.47.56 NJoin Arathis2 [0] (n=doerk@p508A7A9C.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.48.09 # linuxstb: just so you know, mcuelenaere's updater didn't work for me and he hasn't tested it on a ZVM... we've tried to debug it but have had no success 23.48.28 # Just a reminder to anyone involved: when debugging voice building problems, "V=1 make voice" enables debug output 23.48.28 # jhMikeS: trynig to think if there is any potential issue with filechunk being smaller than guardbuf size 23.48.40 Join annulus_ [0] (n=nap@81-237-222-105-no91.tbcn.telia.com) 23.48.41 # but he said that from the log, he could tell the S has the same update system as the ZVM 23.48.41 *** Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 23.48.42 # with regard to the buffering request size guarantees 23.49.15 # isn't that filled when the data is read? 23.49.36 # Nico_P: That sounds promising then - and also for a lot of players that use MTP... 23.49.38 # not off disk but during the request 23.50.15 # yeah, bufgetdata takes care of it 23.50.21 # linuxstb: indeed. I hope we can get it to work... when it works we can probably make it standalone too 23.50.41 # XavierGr: If you are limited to say 2 colors and you want to make a gradient you use "dithering". colors that aren't availabe are simulated by using different pixel patterns of the 2 colors. 23.51.01 # XavierGr: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/a/af/Dither2-2.png 23.51.27 # jhMikeS: yeah, so the guardbuf is OK -- what about the buffer low case when a request asks for more than the available data? this could cause a queue bounce before such a request could be satisfied, whcih was avoided before by filechunk being equal to max request guarantee 23.52.00 # DerPapast would it be similar to describe it as "noisification" (to insert noise on quantized values)? 23.54.01 # yeah.. i guess so. 23.55.13 # lostlogic: no idea really. why should it in any way depend on chunksizes to be a particular value? 23.58.02 # Bottom line is the threading has to balance properly anyway. Suppose I'm gonna do flat indexes so I'll have to scrutinize all those things anyway. 23.58.40 Quit snake (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))