--- Log for 08.01.108 Server: clarke.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 6 days and 18 hours ago 00.00.32 Quit ol_schoola () 00.01.20 Join SmallR2002 [0] (n=SmallR20@79-74-100-220.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 00.01.24 # stripwax, just put the latest on there.. still hangs on 0 found.. :/ 00.01.55 # does rockbox support the sansa e280R? 00.02.16 # yes 00.02.28 # right, thought so, wanted confirmation ;) 00.02.51 # couldn't see an actual list of supported models 00.02.55 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@ 00.03.02 # SmallR2002: check the rockbox.org front page 00.03.26 # e200R series, wasn't sure if the 280 was specifically supported ;) 00.03.41 # ah well 00.03.51 # the e200R series are all e2x0R players 00.04.13 # i thought that was probably the case but didn't want to risk it ;) 00.04.42 # * JdGordon|w wonders how people keep missing or misunderstanding the supported targets listing 00.05.09 # listing them all? 00.05.59 # linuxstb: what are the WPS code optimisations you included in your latest viewports patch? 00.06.51 # Just using some loops instead of repeating code in the parse_viewport() function. 00.07.13 # ah, so they're not in the preexisting code? 00.07.29 Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3F36E.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.07.38 # No - optimisations in my patch... 00.07.45 # ok 00.07.47 # JdGordon|w, maybe a big list of all all supported players and models might be needed? 00.07.50 # hi, just read the logs. you hear and see some flaws? 00.07.59 # for stupid people like me ;) 00.08.32 # Bagder: We could make ever "series'" link go to a small wiki page describing that series. 00.08.46 # true... 00.08.57 # Bagder: For example, H100 series could then go on to list the H110, 115, 120, and 140, and even include the differences between the two groups of them. 00.09.01 # Buschel - hear 00.09.39 # Llorean: maybe a small table could be displayed as a summary 00.09.41 # nice idea 00.10.05 # possibly list optimum video encodings and stuff too? 00.10.27 # Quick dumb question - why doesn't Cabbie use the full screen width (especially on small-screen targets such as nano 1g) 00.10.36 # SmallR2002: There's already a page for that. 00.11.07 # yeah, i mean, linked with it 00.11.40 Quit wisp (Remote closed the connection) 00.11.41 # gotta create a sinewave and test it. tomorrow :o) 00.11.45 # good night! 00.11.48 # :) night 00.11.51 Quit Buschel (Client Quit) 00.12.18 # * stripwax hopes Buschel reads the rest of the logs, esp. jhMike's bits :) 00.12.31 # SmallR2002: There are already all kinds of pages for each target. I was just talking about very simple pages to answer the "Is the player in my hand actually one of these players" question 00.13.08 # /nod 00.13.10 # fair enough 00.13.56 # Llorean: maybe put that on the IdentifyPlayer page? ;) 00.14.05 # wow 00.14.23 # * amiconn didn't hink the greylib would be *that* much faster than the old graylib 00.14.52 # 16.2fps on recv1 (vs. ~4fps of the old lib) - even though the new isr sucks 71% cpu power 00.15.15 # * Domonoky codes again at voice generation in rbutil, and i have to use wavtrim and voicefont in rbutil, but i am unsure how to integrate them.. 00.15.21 # i'm getting a 404, http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/sandisk-sansa/e200r-patcher/e200rpatcher.linux 00.15.32 # pixelma: Yes, finishing that page and then linking the models in the table to the right sections of that page does sound like a good idea. :) 00.16.08 # SmallR2002 - works for me 00.16.13 # weird 00.16.13 # yes, if that page has more information I want to link it in the manual 00.16.52 # *from (?) 00.17.14 # wget got it 00.19.19 # Domonoky: cool! 00.19.33 Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") 00.21.17 # preglow: i need to seperate the wavtrim and voicefont files, so that the main of these are in seperate files.. then i could build a lib and link it to rbutil, or just directy link it... 00.21.41 Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.22.09 Part pixelma 00.22.12 # but i am unsure if i should just create a wavtrim_main.c and voicefont_main.c file, or if i should do it another way.. 00.24.22 Quit Axio (Remote closed the connection) 00.26.54 Quit n17ikh|Lappy (Connection timed out) 00.34.48 # wisp - are you sure it *hangs* for you? I've just tried the latest build and while it stays on 0 for a short while, it definitely gets going after several seconds 00.36.03 # and I suspect it could start off initialise very slowly if you're buffering audio at the same time 00.36.11 # ^initialising 00.36.29 # uh, i misfiled FS#8428 under bugs, it should be under patches. can someone fix this if it matters? 00.36.50 # Domonoky: Couldn't you just do #ifndef RBUTIL (or similar) around the main() functions? 00.36.59 # linuxstb: true.. 00.37.54 # cg: I'll fix... 00.38.09 # Nico_P - did you have any thoughts on sliding_puzzle yet 00.38.43 # stripwax: no sorry, I still need to review it. I have more time nowthough 00.39.05 # ok, thanks 00.39.14 # linuxstb: thanks 00.39.17 # cg: Remind me, what does SELECT currently do, anything? 00.39.21 # i've found a typo 00.39.24 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200RInstallationFromLinux 00.39.31 # Copy a recent e200 build of Rockbox onto the root of your device (cp .rockbox/ mnt/) 00.39.37 # that should be cp -R shouldn't it? 00.39.50 # linuxstb: its alternative toggle 00.40.04 # SmallR2002: If you register for the wiki, you can fix things like that yourself. 00.40.21 # /sigh @ yet another registration 00.40.29 # useless, mostly, since the right button is actual toggle 00.41.56 # linuxstb: hey, did you do anything about the line height? 00.42.25 # JdGordon|w: No - I want to get the existing features working well first, without adding more.... 00.42.33 # ok :) 00.42.47 # ill see about adding them tonight then 00.42.52 # But I guess now that it's committed, you could add it - assuming others don't object... 00.43.08 # JdGordon|w: line heights? 00.43.27 # it was your idea origianlly wasnt it? 00.43.40 # I posted a patch for it yeah 00.43.57 # I've had two thoughts about a line-height: 1) What about alignment - do we always center-align?; 2) What about the highlight bar - is that always going to be line-height in size? (I think yes to both questions...) 00.44.02 # * JdGordon|w will check that patch when im alowd to look at code :p 00.44.26 # JdGordon|w: what do you want to do? make a viewports version? 00.44.39 # alignment, I was going to use the top 2 bits to specify top, centre or bottom 00.44.41 # linuxstb: I agree with yes to both 00.44.49 # higlight should be full size though 00.44.59 # bugger... or choosable 00.46.26 # The %V tag seems to be getting very long... 00.46.43 # doesnt worry me :) 00.47.51 # It also increases the size of the viewport structs... I was wondering if those gradient colours need to be in the viewport struct, or if we just make them global. 00.48.01 # is a max line height of 32 big enough? 00.48.07 # wisp - for what it's worth, my database initialisation took around ten-fifteen minutes with about 10,000 tracks. 00.48.20 # JdGordon|w: You want to make the alignment configurable? 00.48.22 # if 32 is enough then we can do the whole thing in 1 char 00.48.32 # yeah 00.48.35 # * stripwax notices wisp is no longer online.. 00.48.40 # Using a char often bloats the code more than using an int 00.48.47 # Why? When wouldn't you want to center-align? 00.49.07 # I dunno... but sounds silly to not allow the possibility 00.49.26 # I disagree, it's more silly to implement unneeded features... 00.49.37 # We can always add it later if there's a need. 00.50.06 # well, considering its probably more code to align centre than top or bottom, the extra code to do all 3 would be minimal 00.50.37 # I don't even see the need for line height, but if it's needed/wanted, I'd always bottom align 00.50.44 Quit midkay ("Leaving") 00.50.59 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 00.51.22 # amiconn: the origioanl idea was for wps which usualy use a large font but people want a smaller font without breaking the wps 00.51.45 # but this would allow using big fonts with small text, and other fun stuff 00.52.06 # s/fun/unnecessary/ 00.52.19 # not disagreeing with you there 00.54.32 # the fancy wps system is unnecessary also... but its there 00.54.41 # the main techincal issue I ran in was scrolling. I guess that's solved now 00.54.46 # linuxstb: btw, shotofadds is another Londoner... 00.54.53 # oh no! 00.55.12 # Hurray, GodEater and I may have company for beer... 00.55.20 # :-) 00.56.23 # amiconn: Why bottom-align? Won't that look odd when the line is highlighted in a list? 00.56.47 # I thought that was for wps only? 00.56.57 Quit Alonea (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.56.59 # Nm, I really can't see any use in line height 00.57.02 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@ 00.57.08 # It would just waste precious screen space 00.57.13 # I think JdGordon wants it to allow icons and fonts of different sizes. 00.57.31 # On many targets, screen space isn't precious any more... 00.57.38 # huh? 00.57.45 # Do we have an XGA+ target? 00.58.07 # it isn't as precious as it used to be 00.58.08 # (ok, exaggerating a little) 00.58.13 # The Gigabeat for example. 00.58.28 # or the e200 even 00.58.48 # I probably exaggerate as well - on _some_ targets, it's less precious. 00.58.54 # yeah line height is most useful on those two 00.58.59 # What is the file .rockbox/.database.ignore for ? 00.59.11 # so the databes ignores the folder 00.59.21 # oh, hah. right! 00.59.33 # e200 screen height is less than the video's... and I wouldn't use extra line spacing on the video. I'd rather use a larger font... 00.59.36 # its a cryptic name isnt it :p 00.59.47 Join webguest67 [0] (n=480ec220@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6fb62efe01478f5e) 01.00.07 # * JdGordon|w bangs head on wall 01.00.23 # Where can I find a list of supported codecs? 01.00.26 # just because you find it pointless... doesnt mean everyone does 01.00.51 # webguest67: SupportedCodecs in the wiki 01.01.06 # 'night 01.01.15 # * JdGordon|w hopes he got that one right :p 01.01.17 # * JdGordon|w hopes he got that one right :p 01.01.19 # arg 01.01.35 # * scorche|w readies the tranq gun 01.02.28 # Um.. I cant find it.... anybody got a url? 01.02.59 # webguest67: how did you try searching for it? 01.03.05 Quit stripwax ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 01.03.28 # ging to the wiki and searching through the topics. 01.03.35 Quit ender` (" Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.") 01.03.37 # going 01.03.39 # http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SoundCodecs 01.03.46 # JdGordon|w: FS#7033 01.03.48 # thanks!! 01.03.52 Quit webguest67 (Client Quit) 01.04.20 # webguest67: for future reference, for quick access to a wikipage, you can just type the name in the little field in the top of the wiki pages 01.04.24 # bah 01.04.26 Quit mirak ("Ex-Chat") 01.05.12 # well, he got the wrong name suggested 01.05.49 # true, but even if he got the right one suggested, he wouldnt have founf it via his current search method 01.05.57 # right 01.05.59 # * JdGordon|w wasnt so far off 01.06.13 # * Bagder hits his bed 01.06.37 # Nico_P: k cool, ill check it later 01.06.37 # * scorche|w calls domestic abuse to Bagder's house 01.06.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.07.08 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 01.07.19 Join linuxstb [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 01.07.44 # * amiconn modified his test_fps.c additions to measure performance of the old graylib vs. the new greylib 01.08.55 Quit jhulst (Connection timed out) 01.10.34 Join ctaylorr [0] (n=ctaylorr@CPE001839ae25b4-CM0011aea4a276.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 01.10.52 Quit ompaul (Client Quit) 01.13.08 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 01.13.39 Quit JdGordon|w ("CGI:IRC") 01.16.06 Quit scorche|w ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 01.17.41 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 01.20.17 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 01.24.48 Quit BigMac ("Leaving") 01.26.30 Quit DerPapst ("Read error: 401 (Connection reset by beer)") 01.26.37 Quit PaulJam (".") 01.28.14 Quit Thundercloud_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.30.31 Part Domonoky 01.30.47 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 01.32.59 Join adr [0] (n=andrew@S0106001346f5cbbb.gv.shawcable.net) 01.33.18 # any level of audiobook support yet? 01.34.04 # That's a rather vague question. 01.34.11 # what kind of support? audible files? chapters? 01.34.50 # * markun listens to audiobooks all the time in rockbox 01.36.46 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 01.40.41 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 01.52.46 Join codin [0] (n=cipy@pool-96-225-27-80.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) 01.52.49 # hi 01.53.17 # how can I install a theme on rockbox ? 01.53.56 Ctcp Ping on #rockbox from codin!n=cipy@pool-96-225-27-80.nwrknj.east.verizon.net 01.53.57 *** Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 01.55.53 # You just extract the zip file to the root of your device - the same way you would install a rockbox.zip file (if you install manually) 02.01.40 # I did that, but it does not load everything as in the screenshot 02.04.37 Join n17ikh|Lappy [0] (n=n17ikh@130-127-126-19.calhoun.resnet.clemson.edu) 02.05.37 Part toffe82 02.07.34 Quit waldo ("Konversation terminated!") 02.09.06 Quit billenium (Connection reset by peer) 02.09.57 # codin: Then you're probably trying to use a theme which requires an unofficial version of Rockbox. 02.10.15 # The place you downloaded the theme from should state its requirements. 02.16.45 Quit tedrock (Client Quit) 02.19.44 Join tedrock [0] (n=tedrock@d235-159-75.home1.cgocable.net) 02.21.38 # linuxstb, I'm trying to load the iRock v2 theme from the Rockbox website 02.22.28 # I've moved the files under the .rockbox directory on the root of the ipod, but still it does not load all the icons and images 02.23.04 # You shouldn't move anything - the zip file should contain the correct folder structure. 02.23.52 # now I have the theme in the menu, but does not look as it should 02.27.19 Quit conando (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.30.44 # codin: Where exactly did you download it from? 02.33.32 Quit linuxstb ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 02.36.13 # http://wps.abondar.de/download.php?id=65 02.37.54 Quit tedrock (Client Quit) 02.39.59 Quit moos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.40.41 Join tedrock [0] (n=tedrock@d235-159-75.home1.cgocable.net) 02.40.59 Part bluefoxicy ("Ex-Chat") 02.44.48 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.45.21 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B15DEB.dip.t-dialin.net) 02.46.12 Quit tedrock (Client Quit) 02.48.43 Join tedrock [0] (n=tedrock@d235-159-75.home1.cgocable.net) 02.59.25 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 03.02.40 Join psycho_maniac [0] (i=psycho_m@ppp549.hk.centurytel.net) 03.03.36 # markun, chapters and bookmarks 03.03.55 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-75-3-220-235.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 03.06.46 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.09.30 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 03.11.43 Quit kropt (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.13.53 # SmallR2002: We already support bookmarks, but the only chapter support we have is by way of cuesheets. 03.21.35 Join saratoga [0] (n=98039da7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ebb374ebb57a57e3) 03.21.58 # I measured the PP5024 PLL current at ~30uA, which might as well be zero 03.22.02 # saratoga: So the PLL is essentially negligible? 03.22.09 # i was under the impression the things needed mA worth 03.22.21 # Shoot, you answered right before I asked. Heh 03.22.22 # assuming it was actually disabled, yeah 03.22.35 # though i have to wonder if maybe it didn't get disabled 03.22.56 # google turns up some random motorolla dsp that claims a couple ma for it's PLL at similar clock speed 03.22.58 # Is there any good way to test? 03.23.16 # you'd have to ask someone else i don't really understand how a PLL works 03.23.58 # amiconn: Any idea? 03.25.13 # on the upside, if buschel really can get mpc to decode at 24MHz, then he'd get about 22 hours out of my sansa 03.25.25 # minus whatever power the DAC drains i guess 03.26.18 # Well I mean even if it boosts a little, won't it still be pretty good? 03.27.15 # yeah i think we're pretty close to what sandisk claims 03.27.47 # my guess is they run at about 30MHz for mp3 and probably save a little bit of power somewhere else 03.28.05 # that or their codec is really good and runs at 24MHz and they don't save power anywhere else 03.28.50 # damn it i should have mettered the retail firmware while i had it taken apart 03.28.52 # Well our MP3 codec on Coldfire runs at 24 doesn't it? 03.28.58 # could have settled it 03.29.18 # the coldfire one runs insanely fast, but thats mostly the EMAC i think 03.29.23 # Aaah 03.29.32 # multiplies on ARM7 are very, very slow 03.29.41 # so we'll never do anywhere near as good 03.30.26 Join sctinman [0] (n=sctinman@pool-151-203-73-144.bos.east.verizon.net) 03.30.30 # anyway, hope buschel can confirm the PLL was disabled, and if not, give me new code to test 03.30.36 # Would you say the codecs are roughly about equally optimized then? I mean, I know you can't really objectively say either way, but would you say they're both somewhat polished by this point, or is there still a decent amount more to be gained on ARM. 03.31.11 # theres comercial codecs that claim all sorts of crazy numbers for ARM 03.31.15 Join axionix_ [0] (n=axion@cpe-74-70-239-192.nycap.res.rr.com) 03.31.25 # if they're true then we could in theory do a lot better, but i don't know what kind of assumptions they make 03.32.03 # i think mp3 is pretty well optimized, with ogg and wma good too, but i don't doubt theres room for improvement in all of them 03.32.07 # i know there is in wma 03.33.52 # It'd be nice to see much lower boost ratios with MP3. 03.34.01 Join z35 [0] (n=z@ 03.34.29 # yeah mp3 would be great 03.34.47 # i tried profiling it a while back but i can't get it to work in rockbox, and i don't have an arm-linux system to work on 03.35.42 # also, i see sandisk just uped the View capacity to 32 GB 03.36.01 # i wonder how many more HD players will get for rockbox 03.36.33 # HDs seem relegated to PMPs these days 03.37.38 # so we need people with PMPs to get interested in rockbox ;-) 03.38.40 # Like the recent Archos exploit? 03.39.44 Join Goda90 [0] (n=adam@207-118-180-222.dyn.centurytel.net) 03.41.13 Join crzyboyster [0] (n=4b596e3f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7f85cdc150dc9c42) 03.41.15 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 03.43.00 # What are the next steps in making Cabbie 2.0 the default theme? 03.43.47 # renaming the files, unless that is completed? 03.44.16 # We're done with all of the renaming... 03.45.04 Part Goda90 ("Ex-Chat") 03.45.26 # Except for the archos port. pixelma said that he's going to be renaming and updating it, but he hasn't yet 03.45.36 # Pixelma's a she, just for future reference. :) 03.45.49 # I do believe we still need some code support for non-compiled-in default themes. 03.46.43 Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 03.46.59 Quit axionix (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.46.59 # crzyboyster: did somebody change the thickness of the progress bar on the gigabeat? 03.47.22 # Llorean: I didn't know that, sorry! And what exactly do you mean by "some code support for non-compiled-in default themes"? 03.48.31 # psycho_maniac: Yes, that's been done. Take a look at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/pub/Main/WpsGigabeatF/cabbie2AA.png 03.49.24 # I am looking at them. on the DefaultTheme page it looks as there are two different progress bars. that is probably a old screendumb 03.49.30 Quit Hadaka (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 03.49.31 # damnit i ment dump 03.49.33 # crzyboyster: I mean that right now, the current default theme is actually compiled into Rockbox. I think the new default is not supposed to be compiled in, but rather still just a file on disk (makes it easier for people to read and learn from it), so there needs to be some code changes to make this work right 03.50.10 Quit DerDome (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.51.44 # Llorean: I came upon this (http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6568) and thought that this was it 03.52.03 # Sorry, make it http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6568 03.52.38 # thats the same link 03.53.08 # crzyboyster: That is it, but the patch needs to be tested and committed. 03.53.13 # Yeah, except clicking on the first one doesn't work properly (try it out!) 03.53.32 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@c58-109-97-210.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) 03.53.54 # it did work for me :) 03.53.57 # And would I also need to make all of the ports into one zip and then take screenshots for all of them? 03.54.20 # why do you need to take screenshots of them all? they are all ready screenshots on the wiki 03.54.24 # as per http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SubmitWPS 03.54.32 Quit HellDragon (Remote closed the connection) 03.55.08 Quit crzyboyster ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 03.55.52 Join HellDragon [0] (i=jd@unaffiliated/helldragon) 04.01.22 Join crzyboyster [0] (n=4b596e3f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9ad1f495ba7ccb0f) 04.01.26 # crzyboyster: just follow the exact instructions of that wiki page and you shouldnt have any problems 04.01.49 # I'm back 04.01.58 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.01.58 Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 04.02.02 Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-435403e9.dyn.optonline.net) 04.02.16 # that was weird. i sent that message for you to see in the logs but you poped in just before i sent it 04.03.06 # Honestly, I don't know much about IRC. I just use it for faster communication 04.03.27 Join Soap_ [50] (n=Soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 04.04.24 # Llorean: I have a quick question: This theme is about 700 kb zipped up for almost all targets. This will affect the bandwith on this site and space it takes up, correct? 04.05.00 # Actually, I take that back, that's with a psd file in some of them 04.06.06 # The size is mostly irrelevant in the end, as long as the WPS loads properly in Rockbox its small enough 04.06.45 # That shouldn't be a problem for most ports, right? 04.07.41 # Yeah 04.08.32 # Llorean: Yet another (almost unrelated question): Will I recieve an Artist badge or get my name in the credits for this? 04.08.50 # I though that I should just pop that question in :D 04.09.11 # you get them if you made a wps with images and such. 04.09.35 # you get an "artist" badge if you made a wps with images....just to clarify 04.10.09 # I know... 04.10.19 # crzyboyster: We're reconsidering the Artist Badge right now. 04.11.10 # Specifically, we're thinking of changing to "Those who've created bitmaps used in SVN Rockbox." This would mean the people who've done plugin art, WPS art, etc, as long as they created the image (scaling may or may not count) , etc. 04.11.13 # But this hasn't happened yet. 04.11.27 # so why do we have different "targets" for H120/140 and H110 based on memory and one "target" for the iPod videos? 04.11.35 # So some people may be losing Artist badges, but I'm going to be replacing it with something a bit more clear that it's a "Community" badge rather than a "Direct Contributor" badge 04.11.50 # Soap_: Don't we have a 64mb build for iPod Videos? 04.11.54 # Still a badge, nonetheless 04.12.38 # Yeah 04.12.39 # no, we have one "target" and then you select the memory (32 or 64) 04.12.45 # Ah, right 04.12.55 # That I don't know 04.12.57 # crzyboyster: True. 04.13.33 # Llorean: Can I still recieve an Artist badge for making a completely original WPS and get my name in the credits for the Hindi translation? 04.13.45 # (I'm just trying to leave my mark here!) 04.13.57 # I believe the answer to both those is "Yes" 04.14.11 # Though your artist badge might be stripped to be replaced with the community version later, of course 04.14.11 # crzyboyster: your not really supposed to ask for them 04.14.34 # I know. I've just always wanted those... 04.14.34 # psycho_maniac: You are with the artist badge. 04.14.42 # What is involved with a community badge? 04.14.47 # In fact, there's specific, exact directions for when and how to ask for it, I think 04.14.52 # psycho_maniac: Dunno, haven't defined them yet. 04.15.30 # But what I wanted to do was have a more clear separation between "People who have stuff in SVN", "Staff, including Developers", and "People who've contributed to the community" (wps designers, people who wrote utilities like the Album Art downloader, etc) 04.15.54 # Actually, in the forum topic it says "Badges you may apply for" and lists the artist badge below it 04.16.02 # Llorean: I only know your not supposed to ask for them in the topic on the forums. never really read when and how to ask for them. 04.16.10 # I'm not applying, though! (not yet!) 04.16.19 # Id rather get a community badge as im not really an artist. 04.16.23 # psycho_maniac: Most of the badges are "assigned", but the Artist badge simply requires a forum PM to me with certain details 04.20.08 # How exactly do lang files work? Like when there is an update to the default (english) translation (like a new string), all the others would have to be brought up to date as well, correct? 04.21.01 Join balinese_23f [0] (n=bali@ 04.22.34 # Yes 04.22.50 # They'll work without being updated, but they'll just show the English string if the language on is missing 04.24.37 # I see... 04.24.40 # another thing, say we go to http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/apps/lang/espanol.lang (spanish lang file) and look at the modified strings. Which ones do you modify exactly? I know the strings are the ones in the "quotes", but some strings are changed in certain areas and some aren't... How does that work? 04.25.22 # You just change dest and maybe voice strings 04.26.30 # So, you change dest for all of them, right (or as many as possible) and change voice when it says something like " desc: spoken only"? 04.27.02 # Well, voice should be changed ONLY if there's a TTS engine that speaks that language 04.28.51 # Otherwise, if the engine's not going to be able to parse or pronounce it anyway, it's better to leave it English. 04.29.21 # Hmm... besides, how would a TTS know how to pronounce hindi? I poked around google and found http://blogs.msdn.com/texttospeech/archive/2005/12/13/503301.aspx is that any good? 04.29.46 # I have to go... 04.29.48 Quit crzyboyster ("CGI:IRC") 04.32.24 # Hey guys, I should probably introduce myself already (probably should have an hour ago =P). Been using rockbox for a the past few months, and I've decided to start contributing 04.32.42 Join Workaphobia [0] (n=Jonathan@ool-44c30ab1.dyn.optonline.net) 04.33.23 # thought if I was going to I should probably start coming on here too 04.34.35 # great to hear 04.35.26 # looking forward to it =] 04.37.45 # also, I was wondering if I could get write permission for the wiki. I made an account already, there's just a part I want to update 04.43.19 Quit balinese_23f () 04.47.44 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.47.52 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF4C68.dip.t-dialin.net) 04.53.04 # slow on the heels of linuxstb's recent viewport commit and subsequent reworking of the viewports flyspray task, fresh viewports builds are up for testing @ http://viewports.cleansoap.org 04.54.17 Quit Soap_ () 04.55.11 Quit sarixe ("(EE) Failed to load "quit" module") 04.55.38 # soap: are those sim builds or regular player builds? 04.56.59 Join webguest49 [0] (n=98217710@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-50ac627b3ff747ae) 04.58.47 Quit webguest49 (Client Quit) 04.59.23 # Normal builds 04.59.26 # rasher builds the sims 05.00.28 # though - I think rasher is one commit behind 05.01.48 # yes, he is one viewports commit behind 05.03.12 # will you notice a difference in this build compared to the current build from svn? 05.03.30 # hopefully not. ;) 05.03.57 # except it has the WPS viewport features added. 05.04.56 Quit Rondom (Nick collision from services.) 05.05.12 Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A96CD6.dip.t-dialin.net) 05.06.14 Quit psycho_maniac (" bye") 05.06.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.30.47 Quit Workaphobia (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.30.50 Join ol_schoola [0] (n=meatwad@c-67-167-20-91.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 05.32.58 Join corevette [0] (n=corevett@adsl-75-35-113-153.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) 05.34.06 Join omgar [0] (n=0mgaar@adsl-69-225-34-98.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) 05.50.09 Quit omgar () 06.08.07 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 06.08.14 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 06.09.19 Quit jurrie ("Leaving") 06.13.28 Join jurrie [0] (n=jurrie@adsl-068-209-041-021.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) 06.18.02 Join duvnell [0] (n=ddurham@c-76-107-111-150.hsd1.ms.comcast.net) 06.18.07 # how can I reinitialize the whole db? I just changed out all the music on this player 06.18.29 # should I just delete some dir that contains all the data and reboot? 06.18.31 # hold select on the database and go iitialise now 06.18.57 # ah cool 06.19.48 Quit XavierGr () 06.19.54 # wrked 06.20.34 # any reason I don't see the Music dir on this H10 under the Files dir? 06.20.42 # Music is in the root 06.20.48 # the OF marked it as hidden 06.22.22 # k trying to unmark 06.25.02 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 06.25.08 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 06.30.25 Join ol_schoola_ [0] (n=meatwad@c-67-167-20-91.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 06.31.23 Join ptw419 [0] (i=ptw419@cpe-72-179-164-213.satx.res.rr.com) 06.31.43 Quit ol_schoola (Connection reset by peer) 06.31.50 Quit aliask ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 06.33.42 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B0625F.dip.t-dialin.net) 06.34.47 # playlist question... 06.35.24 # my wife is in the car.. sometimes with the kids and sometimes not.. and sometimes it just me.. so I'd like to create 3 playlists named "kids", "mom" and "dad" or somethind like that 06.35.35 # no on-the-fly stuff. .just simple named playlist with tracks added/removed 06.35.38 # is that possible? 06.35.56 # I find this functionality not obviously displayed anywhere 06.36.02 # but it could just be me 06.37.45 # duvnell: rockbox supports m3u playlists 06.38.05 # many many programs can make these and you can save them from the device as well 06.38.12 # cool 06.38.30 # so.. I'm trying to get to the manual, but am having trouble 06.39.03 # is it a concept that there is the "current" playlist.. and to add something to it, you browse to it (either files or via db) and select "Insert" 06.39.15 # then do I have to go back to the playlists menu and "save" or is that implicitly done? 06.40.03 # the manual section on playlists for the H10 is stated as "half-written" in the manuel itself 06.41.32 # the manual is explaining it now.. I may come back with more specific ?s.. thx 06.43.59 Quit japc (Remote closed the connection) 06.44.37 # "The Playlist catalog makes it possible to modify and create playlists that are not currently playing. To do this select Playlist catalog in the File Menu." 06.44.43 # I don't see that option in my menu 06.44.51 # or I'm in teh wrong menu 06.45.04 # ok, where the heck do I start converting the gui to using viewports? 06.46.16 # AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGG 06.48.31 # sounds like JdGordon needs some Liquid Programming (beer) 06.48.37 Quit mokkurkalve (Remote closed the connection) 06.48.46 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.48.50 # (foudn the playlist catelog.. have to hold select on an actual file) 06.58.12 Quit scorche (Nick collision from services.) 06.58.42 Join scorche [0] (i=Blah@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 07.00.25 Quit Alonea ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 07.04.07 Quit ptw419 () 07.06.52 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.16.16 Part toffe82 07.22.19 Join ptw419 [0] (n=ptw419@cpe-72-179-164-213.satx.res.rr.com) 07.29.03 # FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! 07.29.29 # converting the list is going to be a freeking rewrite almost :'( 07.31.53 # cool... 07.31.57 Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p5B23E1F6.dip.t-dialin.net) 07.32.05 # i think i've discovered some very interesting things 07.32.07 # morning :-) 07.32.14 # the initial dump I got from the S was from the ROM 07.32.31 # but now I got the start up code from flash 07.32.49 # at boot 0x0, the S does b 0xA0000000 07.33.05 # then, b 0x1000(0xA0001000) 07.33.15 # and then the fun stuff starts 07.33.39 # mrs r0,CPSR 07.35.18 Join Bagder_ [0] (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 07.35.54 # can anyone think of anything that the current lists can do that isnt in this list? http://rafb.net/p/UVycZY49.html 07.36.21 # interupts enabled at 0xA0000018 07.41.23 # i think it may be possible to flash the S and replace the initial boot of the OF 07.42.54 Join baltazar [0] (n=476ea7c9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-7a5502cccdd518d3) 07.43.17 # hey 07.44.32 Quit DerPapst (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.47.57 # rtertehs 07.48.38 Quit baltazar ("CGI:IRC") 07.48.43 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 07.49.22 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@usw3662-s-207-244-148-63.dsl.w-link.net) 07.51.05 Quit Bagder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.54.36 Join xushi [0] (n=xushi@unaffiliated/xushi) 07.56.30 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ipa51.50.91.tellas.gr) 08.01.39 # is there a quick shortcut to view the current playlist while in the WPS ? 08.02.07 # Err, press centre button briefly? 08.02.28 # Bah, sorry 08.02.35 # Press select/action button briefly 08.03.24 # then down, then view playlist 08.03.30 # not exactly as fast as I would like 08.03.32 # but that's okay 08.03.59 # that's a lot of clicks to get back to a listing if I were looking for a particular track within the listing 08.04.28 # Hmm, pressing it for < 0.5 seconds takes you directly there on the iPod build 08.04.42 # that would be nice 08.04.46 # doesn't do anything on a short press 08.05.13 # this is H10 08.05.45 # will need to implement that 08.05.45 # rvvs89: It's not taking you to the playlist 08.05.53 # It's taking you to wherever you launched the WPS from 08.06.14 # Which is often a folder or database filter, in which case it'll often be identical in contents to the playlist. 08.06.28 # yeah I was thinking that would work for file browsing 08.06.34 # since it would jump back 08.06.47 # but I've played an m3u file.. but would like to quickly see a listing of it 08.07.03 # There is no button for this. 08.07.19 # does it support the extended m3u format? where the comments can contain the track info to show in the playlist entry? 08.07.25 # No. 08.07.26 # my ogg tags are screwed 08.07.30 # hrm 08.07.40 # OF initial TTB setup is at 0x8003C000 08.10.18 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3008.gwdg.de) 08.12.43 Join philibuster [0] (n=4ba602a5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1968f76c6ad630b3) 08.13.11 # hi, i'm getting an "I04: Illinstr at 00000002" with the most recent h300 build immediately after the bootloader. does someone else get that too? 08.13.34 # PaulJam: Have you resetted settings? 08.14.01 Join mrkiko [0] (n=mrkiko@host169-98-static.34-88-b.business.telecomitalia.it) 08.14.11 # I'm getting that with the X5 as well 08.14.21 # (the error, I mean) 08.14.22 # it happens before i can reset 08.14.49 # PaulJam: You do know that you can hold a button while booting to clear settings, righT? 08.15.58 # yes, thats what i mean. i'm holding REC while booting, but it crashes before it even shows the rockbox logo 08.16.26 Quit strfryed (Remote closed the connection) 08.16.36 Join strfryed [0] (n=user@user-64-9-232-163.googlewifi.com) 08.16.38 Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3D60E.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.17.15 # soap/stripwax: for the logs. i can also hear the clicks when switching to max clock now. 08.17.25 Quit ptw419 (Remote closed the connection) 08.19.25 Join GodEater [50] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 08.22.15 # PaulJam: what player are you using? 08.22.22 # h300 08.23.11 # I'm not capable of usiing logbot - so if you want/can, can you re-explaing what's happened? I have that player also and I would be happy if I can help you in some way. 08.23.35 # mrkiko: Logs have nothing to do with Logbot. They're posted on the Rockbox website. 08.23.40 # Logbot is just what records them 08.24.16 # was it the last commit that broke it? Can we try the older version? 08.24.17 # Llorean: but I think I seen someone some times giving command to that program to obtain short phrases, but may be I'm wrong 08.24.37 # mrkiko: Yes, but that's not logs. Those are quick explanations of common terms to keep people from having to retype things. 08.24.57 # Llorean: ok 08.25.45 # * mrkiko is going to search the irc log address 08.27.43 # PaulJam: I have the same problem with the actual rockbox build, but you can always retrieve and old one 08.28.53 # but it's strange - pressing REC you should be aniway be able to boot to the OF - actually the boot loader takes care of that, not rockbox.iriver, right? 08.29.05 # at least I can deduce this reading the bootloader C code 08.30.20 # Can you access the player in usb mode ? 08.30.20 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B03B2E.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.30.50 # yes, i can still boot into the of. (it depends on the timing if it boots the of or resets settings) 08.31.48 Join ptw419 [0] (i=ptw419@cpe-72-179-164-213.satx.res.rr.com) 08.32.18 # it seems that eboot.bin for the gigabeat S might be stored in flash at 0xA0001000 08.32.23 # Ehi... it's a lot of time I don't need to reset my H300.. . 08.33.03 # and when I red "Stop the player vkeyboard from freezing when voice is enabled and it tries to sp..." I felt very very happy! 08.33.04 # thats the physical address, memory mapped address is 0x88041000 08.33.09 Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) 08.36.34 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 08.37.09 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 08.39.24 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p549668D9.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.41.25 Part LinusN 08.43.14 Join CaptainSquid [0] (n=Miranda@proxy17.netz.sbs.de) 08.45.53 Join conando [0] (n=john@dslb-084-060-184-008.pools.arcor-ip.net) 08.48.36 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.49.00 # is anyone else paying much attention to the Default WPS candidate thread at the moment ? 08.53.41 Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") 08.58.36 # PaulJam: does the patch for 8427 fix it for you? if so im good to commit it 09.00.59 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 09.02.52 Join asker [0] (n=c27f0814@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f0a8b40395c10d8c) 09.04.16 # Hello. What do the fields lss_, lse_, and lst_pattern in the new viewport structure mean? Could anybody with knowledge and commit right add some comments? 09.05.32 # JdGordon: i'm not able to reproduce it with the patch appled, so it seems to fix it. 09.06.05 # k cool 09.06.55 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.08.09 Part corevette 09.08.36 Quit asker ("CGI:IRC") 09.11.00 # anyone see that sandisk have upped the storage on the View to 32GB now ? 09.11.23 # GodEater, yea 09.13.35 Quit nanok (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.13.52 Join shodanX_ [0] (n=shodanX@i9a132.informatik.uni-erlangen.de) 09.16.13 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-242-076.pools.arcor-ip.net) 09.18.43 Quit DerDome (Nick collision from services.) 09.18.46 Join DerDom1 [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-241-196.pools.arcor-ip.net) 09.18.52 Nick DerDom1 is now known as DerDome (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-241-196.pools.arcor-ip.net) 09.22.13 Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 09.23.02 # Are there future ports in progress? What new payer will probably run Rockbox? 09.23.46 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 09.25.17 Quit shodanX (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.28.02 # the only ports in progress (that I'm aware of) are the Olympus m:robe, and the Toshiba Gigabeat S. Neither of which are "new". 09.28.31 # isn't amiconn working on another iaudio one? 09.28.39 # then there is the possible ones... all the TCC ones, D2, rio karma 09.29.11 # JdGordon: ah yes - I'd forgotten the TCC ones 09.29.25 # Cowon D2, and linuxstb's Logik DAB thingy 09.29.42 # rio karma is not new at ALL 09.29.51 # new target though... 09.29.55 # I'd say the Sansa V2s are at least "hopeful" too. Nothing's started yet, but it looks like we can sign code for them, and we do have some hardware info of use, right? 09.30.12 # true, but as you say - no-one's working on them right now 09.30.32 Quit sneakums (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.30.40 # I won't abandon rockbox - too good... 09.30.45 # Well, I think one or two people are "sorta" looking into it. Didn't safetydan play with a clip, and if I recall someone in the forums re-signed an official firmware image and got it to load? 09.31.05 # and, even if my H3400 is performing well, I imagine it will not do so for ever... 09.31.11 # I think right now there's a _lot_ of potential, far more than there is developer interest. Which at least means there's room to expand. 09.31.32 # iirc ddalton is one of the people trying to get something happening... so dont hold too much hope... 09.31.36 # * petur didn't know of a 400MB 1.8" disk 09.31.39 # oooh mean !!! 09.31.42 # * stripwax hehs 09.31.58 Quit stripwax ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 09.32.03 # did anyone see that 832GB 2.5" flash drive annoucned at CES ? 09.32.07 # Yeah 09.32.11 # * JdGordon wants 09.32.12 # * GodEater drools 09.32.19 # Now I just gotta go win the lottery so I can put one in my laptop 09.32.35 # I want one in my PS3 :) 09.32.46 # i want it in my desktop 09.32.54 # or two in RAID even... 09.33.50 # I would like so much an mp3 player with that capability .... 09.34.03 # aniway: I just would like putting a flash drive on the H300, not an hard disk drive 09.34.19 # I imagine it's possible... 09.34.39 # People've done it with CompactFlash cards and adapters 09.34.57 # But due to some timing issues, it's not entirely reliable with Rockbox. Apparently there are things that could be fixed 09.36.03 # In my opinion an hard drive in a mp3 player renders it very delicate.. 09.37.12 # does anyone know how well current filesystems scale up to that sort of size drive ? 09.37.34 # GodEater: even fat 32 supports 2 TB... 09.37.34 # I'm guessing if you ever DID get a DAP with that sort of capacity, you really wouldn't be wanting FAT32 anymore 09.37.39 # so probably you woun't have much problems 09.37.53 # sure 09.37.57 # I would use xfs in fact 09.38.22 Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|zzz (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 09.38.23 # It scales very well for big sizes, at a price - it will consume you some more MBs when you format the device... 09.38.31 # * markun is planning to experiment with ZFS on his new drive 09.38.46 # but it's very complex - I don't think it would be easy to port to projects such as rockbox 09.39.07 # markun: what OS are you running? 09.39.11 # Well there's not really another suitable FS right now is there? 09.39.22 # mrkiko: FreeBSD 09.39.30 # I mean, besides Fat32, what filesystem has native drivers built into both OSX and Windows? 09.39.51 # Llorean: mhm... I don't know if osz supports natively ntfs 09.40.28 # Aniway guys - I would like avoiding use of fat 32 for aniyhing :) 09.40.47 Quit sctinman () 09.41.00 # * Llorean doesn't see any real problem with FAT32 on current device capacities. 09.41.36 # Llorean: in my opinion it lacks many important characteristics which may allow datya recovery. 09.42.08 # Which are hardly useful or important on what is essentially a write-once, read-many device, as they tend to be more relevant for write-many things. 09.42.11 # I don't see any problem with it on current drive sizes either 09.42.15 # Llorean: ZFS sounded like a nice OS. Too bad it's license it incompatible with the Linux kernel.. 09.42.26 # nice FS.. :) 09.42.35 # The most important thing about a FS for Rockbox is that users don't need to install drivers or otherwise deal with things. 09.43.29 # I also don't know of any other FS which would be suitable for rockbox 09.44.12 # there just isn't one which wouldn't require at least one OS owner to install more drivers 09.44.46 # I'm kinda surprised Windows doesn't support HFS+, honestly. 09.44.57 # Llorean: why? 09.45.00 # * GodEater can feel BillG turning in his grave 09.45.01 # Microsoft went ahead 'n supported it for the XBox 360 so that it could read iPods. 09.45.05 # even though he's not dead yet 09.45.06 # :) 09.45.26 # People recommend formatting external HDs to HFS+ if you're going to play high definition content on it, and need >4GB files, apparently 09.45.42 # "People" ? 09.45.53 # Random websites of dubious veracity. 09.46.07 # presumably all run by mac fan boys 09.46.29 # Still, there's a "feature" to listen to music from an iPod, and it doesn't mention any special requirements, so it seems reasonable that it supports HFS+ on iPods at least 09.47.11 # UDF works on most OS' I guess, but it's probably not suitable for a HDD 09.47.27 # * GodEater wonders if it's even possible to format an HD with it 09.47.33 # that would be an interesting exercise 09.48.55 # I'm still wondering why the original karma developers decided on a journaling file system for the karma when they released it 09.48.59 # that seems an odd choice 09.49.16 # GodEater: from wikipedia: "Because of this increased support, UDF is gaining popularity on non-optical media that mainly need to be exchangeable, such as Iomega REV discs, large flash media, and even on hard disk drives." 09.49.23 # "For next releases of UDF, changes are discussed in relation to using UDF on very large hard disk media" according to wikipedia 09.50.55 # wow 09.51.44 Join Zagor [242] (n=bjst@ 09.51.45 # So, maybe by the time FAT32 isn't good enough for RB targets, we can use UDF Version.0 09.51.57 # But it's not exactly a pressing concern, I think. :) 09.52.14 # aniway yes - I formatted one of my hds in udf 09.52.16 # it's possible 09.52.42 # Now I'm mounting it - I don't know if I can write to UDF partitions from Linux 09.53.03 Join CaptainSquid83 [0] (n=Miranda@proxy17.netz.sbs.de) 09.54.50 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host202-211-dynamic.20-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 09.56.16 Quit CaptainSquid (Remote closed the connection) 09.56.58 # yes I can write 09.59.13 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 09.59.20 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 10.00.57 Join Hans-Martin [0] (n=hmm@bchm-4d091570.pool.mediaWays.net) 10.04.19 Part Hans-Martin 10.04.29 # Was PaulJam's problem solved earlier? On the x5 it still gives the error on bootup. 10.10.42 Join Axio [0] (n=Axio@alf94-1-81-57-140-233.fbx.proxad.net) 10.19.19 Quit mrkiko ("leaving") 10.21.21 Quit Axio (Remote closed the connection) 10.25.28 Quit z35 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 10.44.04 Join webguest35 [0] (n=87f56821@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1bdb548ed2ee3c06) 10.53.16 # GodEater, petur: I am working on the iAudio M3 (not 'new' as well). Not much done yet 10.55.37 Join rclott [0] (n=de6cb3e8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-840f4f9238c62ffe) 11.00.00 # can someone help me with h320 installation crash? 11.00.49 # bootloader installation? 11.01.05 # complete installation, all goes well, then 11.01.23 # immediately after splash screen i get illegal instruction at address 2 11.02.45 # you unzipped the correct build on your player? 11.02.51 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 11.02.57 # i believe so, let me double-check that 11.04.22 Join Axio [0] (n=Axio@alf94-1-81-57-140-233.fbx.proxad.net) 11.04.36 # if i can trust the data in the rockbox-info.txt file, it appears to be correct build 11.05.41 # strange, I'd try to unzip a fresh one again and do a chkdsk 11.06.00 # the bootloader shows up fine? 11.06.08 # chkdsk on the iRiver disk? 11.06.12 # yes 11.06.29 # yes, when it boots, i receive probably 1/2 screen of boot-up information 11.06.39 # So... I'm pretty sure the new builds for H3xx and Iaudio devices are borked 11.06.55 # I have an x5 and it gives me that error. 11.07.00 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.07.02 # ouch... 11.07.05 # also, right now i am running it in the "bootloader usb mode" and that functionality is working fine 11.07.14 # * petur doesn't have his h300 with him to check 11.07.45 # how about i download a previous, non-borked version? 11.08.03 # you could try to get one of a few days old 11.09.16 # can you advise a date to try? 11.09.47 # 01/07 worked on my x5 11.09.59 # nope, I didn't even know there were problems 11.13.51 # that worked 11.14.00 # thanks guys 11.14.44 # tell me, i've had this h320 for over 3 years, and was looking at the latest iriver products 11.14.56 # hi all 11.14.59 # i realized this is still their only large drive player 11.15.06 # i have a bit of general question 11.15.22 # has anyone changed out their 20gb for a 40 or 80gb disk? 11.15.32 # i have ipod classic (6th gen) on which I can not install rockbox 11.16.00 # but i am curious to know if i can install a font for my own language... i am not replacing the whole firmware, but just a new font 11.16.24 # webguest35: this is a channel about rockbox, not about ipods. 11.18.12 # sorry for a wrong forum... i started off in an attempt to install rockbox and came to know my firmware is encrypted... somehow i thought i would ask this question in this forum :-) 11.19.16 # rclott: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/HardDriveReplacement 11.19.35 # thanks again 11.19.38 # rclott: I have an h380 ;) 11.19.44 # COOL 11.20.05 Join petval_ [0] (n=opera@orion.dataware.cz) 11.20.07 # good luck finding an 80GB drive these days though =/ 11.20.20 # hi all 11.20.49 Quit Siku (Nick collision from services.) 11.20.55 Join Siku [0] (i=Siku@e81-197-68-206.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 11.21.00 # now i just gotta figure out how to operate rockbox - in an attempt to view korean fonts, i've put this thing into the korean language mode and can't find the language setting to change it back! (don't worry, i'll figure it out) 11.21.16 # as in 80gb is too small these days? 11.21.31 Quit philibuster ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 11.21.32 # being in seoul, i have access to some good electronics marts 11.21.33 Nick Bagder_ is now known as Bagder (n=daniel@1-1-5-26a.hud.sth.bostream.se) 11.21.41 # * petur still wonders about those new samsung 120GB disks 11.22.30 # rclott: no, as in the drive interface in the iriver is very old now, modern drives are not produced using it 11.22.34 # rclott: No, you need to find an 80GB disk with the necessary connector. There's only one type that fits the irivers - the Toshiba MK8007GAH 11.22.53 # That one is *hard* to find 11.23.07 # noted - i'll check here in seoul and see if it is available 11.24.23 # GodEater: except for that samsung HS122JC which seems to have that good old 50 pins ATA 11.24.24 # isn't the latest build for iAudio X5 broken? I upgraded today and cannot boot 11.24.42 # petval_: you're number 3 to report 11.24.48 # petur: is it easy to find ? 11.24.49 # thanks 11.25.10 # GodEater: there were some on ebay - it is brand new too 11.25.35 # what confuses me that i can't boot even older version (i have some september build on the drive) 11.25.59 # samsung ought to be really easy for me to get in seoul 11.26.13 # GodEater: going for $205 atm 11.27.14 Join waldo [0] (n=waldo@ip-81-11-198-193.dsl.scarlet.be) 11.30.32 Quit webguest35 ("CGI:IRC") 11.31.35 Quit rclott ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 11.35.45 Quit CaptainSquid83 (Remote closed the connection) 11.37.02 Quit Axio (Remote closed the connection) 11.49.03 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 11.53.19 Quit GodEater (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.55.57 # maybe you should remove the current build of iAudio X5 from the builds page before other people brick their devices 11.56.01 Join CaptainSquid [0] (n=Miranda@proxy17.netz.sbs.de) 11.56.18 # they're not 'bricked' 11.57.38 # i know but currently i'm only to able to make it work with original cowon firmware, even older rockbox builds don't boot 11.58.23 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 11.58.39 # even after flashing the booltloader with the initial rockbox firmware 12.00.03 # http://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2008/01/08/the-agony-of-release/ 12.03.07 # * petur wonders if LinusN has time to check the h3x0 build issue 12.03.44 # which one? 12.04.32 Join GodEater [50] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 12.04.37 # seems the current build doesn't work (boot) at all 12.04.44 # wow 12.04.52 # I don't have my h300 here to try 12.05.06 # since when? 12.05.25 # no idea... 12.05.43 # * LinusN whispers "viewports..." 12.05.52 # the reported tried a 7 day old daily which worked 12.06.05 # -d+r 12.06.40 # reported one hour ago 12.07.42 # my h300 is at home 12.07.54 # heh - same as here then 12.09.45 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A699B.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.12.33 # * linuxstb looks at the last 24 hours of commits and concedes that viewports look most likely... :( 12.12.46 # So problems are reported on both h300 and x5? 12.15.24 # really? 12.15.40 # yes 12.15.49 # * LinusN tries the x5 12.15.51 # * linuxstb owns neither 12.16.21 Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 12.17.10 # *boom* 12.18.50 # i can see the rockbox logo flash by, then it crashes 12.19.06 # Is this line correct, for initialising the default viewport in lcd-16bit.c ? static struct viewport* current_vp IDATA_ATTR = &default_vp; 12.24.26 # doesn't look that wrong to me 12.24.56 # but i wonder why the 16-bit targets initialize current_vp while the grayscale one don't 12.25.18 # ones, even 12.28.01 Join fasmaie [0] (n=yohann@c-24-60-113-125.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) 12.31.01 Quit Shaid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.31.16 # The greyscale drivers need to call lcd_set_viewport() in lcd_init - because of the different (internal and external to the driver) formats for the fg/bg pattern. 12.31.33 # r16021 works 12.31.47 # so i suspect this: http://build.rockbox.org/cvsmod/chlog-20080108T012245Z.html 12.32.12 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.33.24 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@gate-hannes-tdsl.imos.net) 12.34.34 # linuxstb: is lcd_remote_setfont() deprecated? 12.36.20 Quit jurrie ("Leaving") 12.36.35 Join jurrie [0] (n=jurrie@adsl-068-209-041-021.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) 12.38.11 # * LinusN found the problem 12.38.21 # yay 12.39.24 # Bagder: nice blog post! 12.41.10 # fix committed 12.41.37 # * LinusN guesses that linuxstb doesn't have any targets with remotes 12.43.30 # * Nico_P wonders whether anyone here has ever expressed the desire to voluteer for release manager 12.43.35 # I have an h140 with remote, but didn't test there. I'm sure I tested the h300 sim though, but it was late last night... 12.43.50 # LinusN: What was the problem? 12.44.54 # petur: have you checked whether FS#6665 is still an issue lately? 12.47.34 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 12.47.56 Join Axio [0] (n=Axio@alf94-1-81-57-140-233.fbx.proxad.net) 12.48.25 # Thank you LinusN. 12.49.04 # LinusN: Ah... I guess just a cut/paste error... 12.49.21 # (thanks!) 12.57.49 # I volunteer Llorean as a release manager ;) 12.59.10 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 13.04.24 Quit fasmaie (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.05.01 # hehe :) 13.05.31 # maybe it would be better to have several people if noone wants to do the job alone 13.07.02 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.07.38 # I'm not saying a release manager isn't useful, but I also don't think there would be a problem with reaching a consensus on what a release should contain. 13.08.46 Join ChRlS [0] (i=ChR1S@ 13.11.34 Join BigBambi [0] (n=86ceaf34@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 13.12.11 Join Hans-Martin [0] (n=hmm@bchm-4d0905ba.pool.mediaWays.net) 13.14.45 Part petval_ 13.17.54 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 13.21.31 Join petval_ [0] (n=opera@orion.dataware.cz) 13.25.21 # linuxstb: imho, we've had serious problems with that 13.25.42 # ending up with too much 13.29.44 Quit BigBambi ("CGI:IRC") 13.30.08 Quit xushi () 13.30.10 # Bagder: I just can't remember it as being an issue for 3.0. I don't think I was around for earlier releases though. 13.30.22 Quit SmallR2002 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.30.54 # I think it was part of the reasons we couldn't make a 3.0 13.31.04 Join SmallR2002 [0] (n=SmallR20@79-74-47-45.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 13.31.06 # we set the bar too high 13.31.24 # Nico_P: haven't checked - do not have my h300 here atm 13.31.36 # I think it's more that we need someone to ask "Is this bug a show-stopper or not?", rather than needing someone to dictate. 13.31.37 # ok 13.31.56 Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 13.31.58 Quit Thundercloud_ (Remote closed the connection) 13.32.09 # possibly, but I think we'll end up with different people thinking differently on many bugs 13.32.29 # and "we need X to go in before we can release", with X varying between devs 13.32.41 # * petur thinks a tracker cleanup week would be welcome again 13.32.58 # bbl 13.34.19 # Maybe the bar for 3.0 was too high, or on the other hand, maybe the code just wasn't close enough when we froze. We also lacked devs in the crucial areas (playback, low-level hardware), and the other devs (me included) didn't dive into parts of the code previously unknown to them. I think now we have a better distribution of devs. 13.35.10 # I think the major problem was issues in the playback engine 13.41.15 # * Nico_P is attempting to tackle FS#2687 13.45.38 Join xushi [0] (n=xushi@unaffiliated/xushi) 13.46.57 # * ChRlS *yanw* 13.51.45 Quit jott (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.55.49 Quit GodEater (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.56.10 Join jott [0] (n=j@unaffiliated/jott) 13.57.08 Join GodEater [50] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 14.02.35 # ptw419: I see you found some things :) 14.05.41 Join eigma [0] (i=eigma@ 14.05.50 # *yawn, stretches* 14.08.08 # * petur opens door to let cat out 14.12.54 Quit Axio (Remote closed the connection) 14.12.57 Join mr_pink [0] (n=pete@pjrh2.caths.cam.ac.uk) 14.13.42 Quit eigma () 14.15.20 Quit soap () 14.17.16 Quit ctaylorr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.23.31 Quit ChRlS () 14.26.38 Quit Buschel () 14.31.34 # * Nico_P is tempted to rewrite audio_check_new_track() 14.31.52 # ? 14.32.51 # it's a big mess and I'm trying to fix the infamous FS#2687 14.37.41 Part LinusN 14.38.39 Join japc [0] (n=japc@ 14.44.08 # still no reply on the eCos list =( 14.47.09 Quit codin (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.48.16 # And no answer from ukre to my post either... 14.51.39 # not yet - but I didn't expect that to come super quickly 14.57.57 Part petval_ 15.01.43 # I think I have the fix :) 15.05.50 Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") 15.07.05 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.08.40 # * GodEater isn't sure what the fuss is over the status icon placement in cabbie 2.0 15.10.49 Join eigma [0] (n=cat@ 15.13.33 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 15.13.36 Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 15.13.58 # Hello. Does PP5022C mean PortalPlayer 5022C processor? 15.14.21 # yes 15.16.04 # GodEater: I wouldn't go as far as saying "fuss", it's just that Rockbox itself has the status bar at the top, so it just seems natural (to me) for the WPS to have it in the same place... 15.16.20 # except that the theme doesn't display the status bar at all 15.16.33 # so it's not like it's "conflicting" with anything 15.16.50 # I thought I read comments saying that it should be enabled - so it's not going to be? 15.17.08 # I must have missed those 15.17.15 # I can't imagine why you would though 15.17.16 # IIRC pixelma was arguing for it. 15.17.22 # Because it's useful... 15.17.33 # but in that case there's little point having those status icons AT ALL 15.17.43 # since you're then duplicating a lot of information 15.19.03 # * GodEater starts paging back through the thread 15.19.16 # I wouldn't argue with that - I dislike those icons as well (they look out of proportion to the rest of the WPS)... But maybe I'm just used to the current (too) tiny status bar. 15.19.27 # Anyone wanting to test my fix for FS#2687 ? 15.19.48 # GodEater: On this page, the status bar is enabled on a lot of the versions - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DefaultWPS 15.19.56 # I can see her saying she wants the status bar enabled on screens other than the wPS 15.20.00 # but not the WPS itself 15.20.07 # Yes, that's what I was talking about. 15.20.30 # hmm 15.20.45 # well - I think the whole thing would look a little top heavy if all those icons got moved to the top of the screen 15.21.54 # But I'm not going to argue about it - it's not a theme I would use myself, but it's decent enough, and I'm not objecting to it becoming the default. 15.22.27 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.22.42 # It's just the icons jump out at me as looking out of place for some reason... But others obviously disagree, so it's just personal taste. 15.22.48 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF4C68.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.23.44 # they are a bit on the big side... 15.24.58 # Hm, I have a e280 with PP5022C. Maybe someone could add it to http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PortalPlayer ? 15.25.29 # Tuplanolla: IIUC, PP5022C is just the internal chip ID for the PP5024. 15.26.12 # IIRC, the PP5021 is also a PP5022 variant. 15.26.23 # Ah, ok, thanks. 15.27.21 # I'm reading the Product Briefing PDF's now and they seem to be almost identical. 15.29.28 Join jac0b-work [0] (n=jac0b-wo@ 15.29.45 # is FS #8385 adding viewports 15.31.38 # http://godeater.cream.org/icons_at_top_cabbieipodaa.png 15.31.47 # obviously the gradient has gone all wrong there 15.31.55 # but I think that looks unbalanced even so 15.33.13 # * linuxstb thinks it looks much better 15.33.29 Join leftright [0] (n=d9e1f885@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-336fd30c9ef150dd) 15.33.37 # stirrer :) 15.34.09 # I also like the fact that it's split by a different background colour - that it's not a single gradient. 15.34.49 # my .02c worth regarding the cabbie theme, why not remove the Rockbox lettering, it squashes the status icons 15.35.35 # * petur votes for smaller icons and the cube logo :) 15.36.06 # and wirh the status icons on top, the now playing bar seems out of place 15.36.11 # the cube logo was what went in first wasn't it ? But then got vetoed due to lack of permission from the author (and lack of contact details for said author) 15.36.21 # leftright: that's my opinion too 15.36.23 # that's it 15.37.02 # I feel the now playing bar is too glossy making the text harder to read 15.37.10 # jac0b-work: is that a serious question ? 15.37.23 # yes 15.37.25 # the current size of the status icons is nice but appear squashed 15.37.42 # or is it a test 15.37.51 # * GodEater likes both the size and placement of the icons 15.38.09 # jac0b-work: anything on the tracker is designed to go into rockbox eventually 15.38.14 # jac0b-work: that's sort of the point of it 15.38.38 # so someone has put in a test viewport 15.38.53 # but whatever the decision, currently its still better than old stock wps 15.38.53 # the viewports are already in svn 15.39.08 # really? 15.39.13 # I didn't know that 15.39.13 # jac0b-work: yes 15.39.21 # jac0b-work: see the front page at www.rockbox.org 15.39.49 # jac0b-work: all that remains is the app code to take advantage of them 15.39.56 # oh ok 15.39.59 Part leftright 15.40.04 # you use them in a WPS if you apply the current patch frmo 8385 15.40.11 # but the plan is to use them all over the place, not just the WPS 15.40.23 Quit xushi () 15.40.27 # because I was going to ask how to build the viewports into my build 15.40.47 # linuxstb: btw - why did you feel the wps code wasn't worth commiting ? 15.41.21 # jac0b-work: the same way you put any other patch in a build 15.41.37 # alright 15.44.19 # I just thought from what the front page said that viewports were active now 15.45.26 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@ 15.47.47 Join peppo [0] (n=slumpmas@c-4471e155.41-4-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 15.47.52 # is anyone else losing their settings on reboot? 15.47.53 # jac0b-work: if you want them to use them in your WPS, then you'd need the current version of the patch applied to 15.47.54 Join codin [0] (n=cipy@lawn-net168-in.rutgers.edu) 15.47.57 # *too 15.48.34 # godeater: alright thanks 15.48.41 Quit jac0b-work ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 15.48.53 # GodEater: There are still bugs (see PaulJam's comments), plus I think it needs more thought about how we want to handle things like bitmaps, and if we may want to break backwards-compatibility. 15.49.42 # ah yes I see 15.50.11 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54967274.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.51.07 Quit lee-qid (Client Quit) 15.51.26 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54967274.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.52.41 Quit lee-qid (Client Quit) 15.54.07 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/developer/desowin) 15.59.19 Nick parafin|away is now known as parafin (i=parafin@paraf.in) 16.01.46 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 16.07.23 Join IOC [0] (n=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1289e10b20127201) 16.07.46 Join scorche|w [0] (n=42c007b2@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 16.07.54 # Nico_P gets the prize as the man who's fixed the oldest bug of the day! :-) 16.09.04 Quit eigma (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.11.04 Quit IOC (Client Quit) 16.13.23 Join jcollie [0] (n=jcollie@ 16.15.04 # * preglow wishes c had support for saturating arithmetic :/ 16.16.24 # peppo: How are you rebooting, and which device are you running Rockbox on? 16.16.38 # I lose theme setting, last.fm log setting, fade setting 16.16.44 Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) 16.16.47 # + get duplicate database entries bug :/ 16.17.05 # linuxstb, menu+select 6sec, ipod video 80gb, using today's build 16.17.40 # That's a hard reset - you should shutdown cleanly (long press on PLAY/PAUSE). 16.17.52 Join xufumon [0] (n=opera@ 16.18.00 # It's the equivalent of pulling the plug on your PC... 16.18.16 # Hey guys, is the 160gb ipod supported by rockbox? 16.18.20 # no 16.18.24 # No, and no-one is working on it. 16.18.25 # Thanks. 16.18.26 Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9637dfd706eeb729) 16.18.39 # Just checking.... 16.19.04 Join Robin0800 [0] (n=Robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 16.19.07 # linuxstb, oops! did not know this 16.19.49 Part xufumon 16.20.23 # petur: may I ask why you don't have your H300? is it short or long term? 16.20.48 # Nico_P: short term... I left it at home ;) 16.20.59 # ok :) 16.21.22 # but it will be late when I get home tonight (+ several beers) so... 16.21.39 # The viwports commit dosn't allow the Jclix Viewport wps to run should it? 16.21.54 # petur: ah, I was kinda hoping you could give the playback bugs a look, but no rush ;) 16.22.07 # Robin0800: No, the WPS parts of the patch hasn't been committed yet. 16.22.23 # Thanks 16.22.25 Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") 16.23.55 # linuxstb,worth adding to svn page? 16.24.47 # What svn page? 16.25.57 # linuxstb,svn committs just saying no wps implementation yet 16.30.30 # It does say that... 16.30.45 Quit CaptainSquid ("Miranda IM!") 16.30.55 # "NOTE: There are no user-visible changes with this commit - just the infrastructure." 16.33.15 Quit SmallR2002 (Remote closed the connection) 16.35.37 # linuxstb,where is that note? its not on the front page 16.36.41 # Robin0800: http://www.rockbox.org/recent.shtml#svn 16.36.50 # Yesterday 20:34 16.37.44 # so a proper reboot is holding down play (on a ipod video 80gb)? 16.37.54 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@ 16.38.13 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 16.38.17 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 16.38.19 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 16.38.20 # thing is... can't start it after a shutdown 16.38.31 # only way I know is to hold down menu+select 16.39.00 # markun,yes just seen it I was looking at today perhaps the note should have been repeated? 16.40.21 # menu does nothing, select does nothing, menu + select does nothing 16.40.45 # only way I know to turn it on from shutdown is hold down menu+select 6 seconds 16.41.06 Quit strfryed (Remote closed the connection) 16.41.16 Join strfryed [0] (n=user@user-64-9-232-163.googlewifi.com) 16.44.42 # peppo,to start you should be able to use either menu or select, menue & select is a reboot, shutdown is a long play 16.45.51 # Robin0800, nothing happens :/ 16.47.50 # peppo,its crashed then, reboot and try the proper shutdown 16.48.10 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 16.48.19 # weird. I just shut down with long play 16.49.14 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 16.49.15 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 16.50.10 Join m0f0x [0] (n=m0f0x@189-47-59-27.dsl.telesp.net.br) 16.50.57 # the wording is weird. after a database build, it says to reboot 16.51.10 # but there's no proper reboot, only hard reboot and shutdown? 16.51.28 # does rolo not work on ipods? 16.53.20 # rolo? 16.54.41 # I think it works to some extent (or has done in the past). I've no idea what the current status is though. 16.55.16 # As in rolo'ing a new Rockbox build, or rolo'ing a Linux kernel has worked for me. Loading the original firmware doesn't though. 16.56.16 Join pondlife [50] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) 16.57.06 # but thinking of it, rolo propably wouldn't qualify as a "proper reboot" since it doesn't do a clean shutdown. 16.57.23 # It should do... 16.57.48 # Nico_P: Well done on FS#2687! 16.57.53 # maybe i have missed that change then. 16.58.14 # linuxstb, it still loses settings 16.58.32 # pondlife: thanks :) 16.59.02 # "Please reboot to enable" 16.59.03 # Does that now mean all our external track references/offsets are using the WPS transition point? 16.59.05 # what exactly is meant by this? 16.59.13 # is "Shutdown" and "Power up" what is meant? 17.00.09 # peppo: tere were cases where the config.cfg whas corrupt. then rockbox fails to save changes, try to delete the config.cfg or run chkdsk. maybe this solved your problems. 17.03.29 # # .cfg file created by rockbox r16026-080108 - http://www.rockbox.org 17.03.30 # empty 17.03.33 # beside that 17.03.33 # so no 17.04.03 # pondlife: I'm not sure what external references you're talking about 17.04.13 # how can I check a fat32 partition under gnu/linux? 17.04.27 # Nico_P: I mean, outside of playback.c. 17.04.33 # peppo: fsck.vfat 17.04.51 # Nico_P, do I need to unmount it first? won't it become unavailible as a device then? 17.04.51 # PaulJam: I'm not saying that rolo does do a clean shutdown, just that it should do... 17.05.03 # All APIs/structures only show that the track transition has occurred at the same time now.. 17.05.05 # (I don't know if it does or not) 17.05.14 # I.e. when the WPS changes 17.05.21 # Not when the codec changes 17.05.57 # peppo: I don't think you need to unmount it 17.06.49 # pondlife: I'm not completely sure but hopefully it's the case 17.06.49 # Nico_P: I would expect that you do... 17.07.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.07.11 # Great... I'm testing some stuff now. 17.08.06 # pondlife: about the chunksize issue, jhMikeS told me 16k was better and the problem was most probably thread priority, so I'll try making a patch and submitting it to you or GodEater for testing 17.08.12 # oh oh, fsck.vfat: http://rafb.net/p/K0Y0un50.html 17.08.21 # OK 17.09.22 # peppo: If I was you, I would correct the errors, then delete your .rockbox folder, and re-install. 17.09.34 # linuxstb, I was thinking just that, thanks 17.13.52 # "FAT: Filesystem panic (dev sdg2) 17.13.53 # fat_free_clusters: deleting FAT entry beyond EOF 17.13.53 # File system has been set read-only" 17.13.54 DBUG Enqueued KICK peppo 17.13.54 # from dmesg 17.13.59 # Ooh, nice UI lock... 17.14.32 # Nico_P: You may want to try holding down fast forward all the way to track end.. 17.14.38 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-024-163-032-204.nc.res.rr.com) 17.15.01 # Then skip back and it locks up the sim UI... although playback is smooth. 17.16.00 # seems to work fine on my player... I'll try on the sim 17.16.48 # I must not be doing the same thing as you... I see no problem 17.17.01 Join dandin1 [0] (n=dandin1@bas7-ottawa23-1088835105.dsl.bell.ca) 17.17.09 # I'll check my recipe and pop on Flyspray if I can reproduce 17.17.33 # does it cause a crash or a freeze? 17.17.57 # peppo: Sorry, I can't help. I normally don't bother trying to repair FAT filesystems, I just reformat... 17.17.59 # It makes the UI unresponsive, with no movement in the progressbar 17.18.16 # Try winding to the end of track, then try a back seek shortly after track 2 plays 17.18.55 # pondlife: by "back seek" do you mean skip back to track 1, skip to beginning of track 2, or seek back in track 2? 17.19.15 # Seek back in track 2 17.19.32 # Let it play the first 7 seconds, then hold left 17.19.54 # The UI locks shortly after I finish that seek. 17.20.37 # still no lock 17.20.57 # Hmm. I'll go back to default config... 17.21.52 # do you have crossfading enabled? 17.21.56 # No 17.22.03 # ok. me neither 17.22.04 # Not for this test 17.23.14 # With default settings it locks the UI with just a forward seek to the end of track 1 17.23.37 # I now hear track 2, but peakmeters are not moving (and track 1 info is still displayed) 17.23.58 # This is just with a 128k MP3 17.24.46 # that's really weird... seeking to the end of the track works fine here 17.27.01 # I'm playing about 3 seconds of track 1, then holding down right until the progress bar is full. 17.27.12 # Totally reproducible 17.28.19 # Just checking r16024 17.29.22 # Ah, that does it too! Nothing to do with your commit... ;) 17.29.40 Join einhirn [0] (n=Miranda@p5B032515.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.30.23 # I still wonder why I'm not seeing it 17.30.38 # I'm on default settings, with an H300 sim. 17.32.06 Quit Robin0800 (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Nine out of ten l33t h4x0rz prefer it") 17.32.39 # the default iPod firmware knows how to play mpeg-4 ? 17.34.34 # codin: That's off-topic for a channel about Rockbox - see Apple's website for the original firmware's capabilities - http://www.apple.com/ipodclassic/specs.html 17.35.39 Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 17.35.47 # linuxstb, I did not want to offend anyone, I was just curious ... 17.36.16 # sorry 17.36.56 # You don't offend anyone, it's just that this channel is logged, so we try to keep discussions on-topic. 17.37.37 # Nico_P: Logged on http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8431 - now to try some older builds. 17.38.58 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) 17.41.28 # pondlife: ok, thanks 17.42.04 # It's ok, must be an old problem and likely to be sim-threading related I suspect. 17.44.03 Quit duvnell (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.44.57 Quit petur ("*plop*") 17.48.23 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 17.48.23 # * Domonoky is working on voice generation in rbutil, and i have to rebuild some functionality of genlang in C/C++, but i dont completly understand what the -o option of genlang does.. 17.48.58 # is someone here with knowledge of genlang ?? 17.52.48 Join ch4os_ [0] (n=ch4os@unaffiliated/ch4os/x-059673) 17.57.09 Join Tabarnakos [0] (n=18c9b5d2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0ce97b27aa06c992) 17.57.24 Nick JdGordon|zzz is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@usw3662-s-207-244-148-63.dsl.w-link.net) 17.57.34 # hi 17.57.54 Join iamben [0] (n=ben@ 17.58.34 Join rdeleonf [0] (i=rdeleonf@CableLink17-24.telefonia.InterCable.net) 17.59.15 # is there someone that could help me with a simple compiling question? 17.59.23 # Just ask. 18.00.02 # ok i've followed all instructions to setup my own environment and everything works when i make my own build 18.00.24 # but how can I compile my own plugin? 18.00.42 # You need to add it to apps/plugins/SOURCES and apps/plugins/CATEGORIES 18.00.54 # okay 18.00.54 # And then build Rockbox again. 18.01.01 # Nico_P: wow. 18.01.19 # and then by running configure, it will be included in the makefile? 18.02.02 # No need to re-run configure. The SOURCES file controls what files are compiled. 18.02.18 Quit scorche|w ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 18.02.25 # (and that's processed by the Makefile when you type make) 18.02.34 # ah ok 18.03.11 # so I just type "make" in the plugin directory and then I build the whole rockbox? 18.03.21 Quit GodEater (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.03.23 # No, you type "make" in your build directory. 18.03.32 Join GodEater_ [50] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 18.03.34 # ok 18.03.58 # I there any way to just compile a simgle file? 18.04.14 Quit rdeleonf () 18.04.36 Join rdeleonf [0] (n=rdeleonf@CableLink17-24.telefonia.InterCable.net) 18.04.52 # Make will only recompile what's changed, but it does check all the files, which can take a while. "make rocks" will only build the plugins. 18.05.15 Quit dandin1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.05.34 # thank you 18.06.26 Join Arathis2 [0] (n=doerk@p508A76ED.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.06.31 # and is there a kind of help file or a list of rockbox-specific functions? 18.06.45 Quit GodEater_ (Client Quit) 18.07.18 # Tabarnakos: for plugins take a look at apps/plugins.h 18.07.21 Join drzoidberg [0] (n=hungup19@ 18.07.22 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955C50F.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.07.25 Join scorche|w [0] (n=42c007b2@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 18.07.28 # hello 18.07.45 # any one hear me ? 18.07.46 # hi 18.07.52 # thanks 18.08.12 # why there isnt rockbox for iPod nano 3rd ???? ;( 18.09.23 Quit drzoidberg (Client Quit) 18.09.31 # drzoidberg, because it's undocumented hardware, encrypted firmware, and no one is working on it 18.09.47 # noble effort 18.10.16 # he probably would've just whined anyway 18.10.46 # can i whine instead? 18.15.04 Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.15.23 # * linuxstb whines about lack of 160GB Classic support 18.16.19 # * JdGordon whines about the lack of 32gb sansa view support and availability 18.16.29 # ... and about having to goto work 18.16.30 # * scorche|w whines about whiners 18.16.58 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 18.17.05 Quit kugel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.17.26 # what does the incopatible version errors means? 18.17.40 # It means your plugins are out of sync with your main Rockbox build. 18.17.55 # The plugin API version changes occasionally - and it did about 16 hours ago. 18.17.58 # and how can I correct this 18.18.03 # any reason not to have "Charge during USB connection" enabled? 18.18.04 # Do a full make. 18.18.24 # (or a full install - both the main Rockbox binary and the plugins) 18.21.57 # peppo: i think i have read somewhere that it could make problems when using an unpowered USB-hub. but i'm not too sure about that. 18.22.33 # ok 18.22.40 # im doing that right now 18.27.46 Nick Arathis2 is now known as Arathis (n=doerk@p508A76ED.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.29.06 Join z35 [0] (n=z@ 18.31.25 Join Axio_ [0] (n=Axio@alf94-1-81-57-140-233.fbx.proxad.net) 18.34.32 Join faemir [0] (n=daniel@85-211-77-177.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 18.39.35 Join Gnu47_ [0] (i=Gnu47@private.ntwk.thita.net) 18.40.58 Join Kage [0] (n=delphiki@ppp-88-217-88-227.dynamic.mnet-online.de) 18.41.00 Quit Gnu47 (Nick collision from services.) 18.41.03 Nick Gnu47_ is now known as Gnu47 (i=Gnu47@private.ntwk.thita.net) 18.41.29 Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 18.43.51 # lostlogic: :D 18.44.03 # felt really good closing such an old bug 18.44.49 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.48.33 Join nobbeh_evil [0] (n=mark@cpc2-stkn3-0-0-cust432.midd.cable.ntl.com) 18.48.44 # s'up #rockbox? 18.48.44 Join GodEater [50] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 18.48.57 # hello godeater 18.49.05 # eaten any good gods recently? 18.50.47 Nick nobbeh_evil is now known as nobbeh_calm (n=mark@cpc2-stkn3-0-0-cust432.midd.cable.ntl.com) 18.51.09 # to add a plugin to my rockbox installation, do I have to run the command make zip or can I just drag and drop the .rock file 18.51.34 # Tabarnakos: it's best to do make zip 18.51.43 # thx 18.51.46 # Tabarnakos: .rock files are very version sensitive 18.52.39 # that the error i'm getting right now 18.54.17 # is there a command that does "make zip" without zipping it? 18.54.39 # I'm not sure what you're asking 18.54.45 # ALL that make zip does is zip it... 18.55.12 # i find it pretty pointless to make a zip, and unzip it 3sec later 18.55.26 # it gives you the file structure and such 18.55.28 # all I want is the .roxkbox folder 18.55.41 # that is all there is.. 18.57.34 # anyway 18.57.55 # arg 18.58.04 # still getting incompatible verison error 18.58.27 Join dandin1 [0] (n=dandin1@bas7-ottawa23-1088824223.dsl.bell.ca) 18.59.30 # did you make zip and then extract the zip onto the root of the device? 19.00.14 # no actually I tried only transferring 1 plugin. the helloworld.rock 19.01.26 # ok with the whole package, everything works 19.04.45 Quit Kage ("return(EXIT_SUCCESS);") 19.05.20 Join nobbeh_etc [0] (n=mark@cpc2-stkn3-0-0-cust432.midd.cable.ntl.com) 19.07.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.08.16 Join JdGordon|w [0] (n=836b0048@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-2cbe116bbaa344f8) 19.09.35 Join |REM| [0] (n=nothanks@ 19.10.33 Part |REM| 19.12.01 # yeah, rbutil generated the first working voice file !! *dancing* but why is the traget id in the voicefile, one lower then the ids displayed by configure (ie h120 is 10 in configure, but 9 in the voicefile) had cost me hours of debugging.. and a version mismatch warning for the voicefile in rockbox itself would be nice.. :-) 19.12.38 # the target id doesn't match the number you hit in configure 19.12.49 # try (for example) doing one for the ipod 19.13.02 # which I think you'll find is quite a LOT different from the configure id you enter 19.13.17 # well done btw ;) 19.13.58 # oh.. so thats why... i should include the target ids into rbutils ini, then... 19.14.27 # voice generation is still very hacky, but it works now :-) 19.14.56 Join |REM| [0] (n=nothanks@ 19.15.01 # * Domonoky goes shopping before the shops closes, more hacking later... :-) 19.16.11 # \o/ 19.16.15 Quit nobbeh_calm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.20.56 Quit dandin1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.20.57 Quit Axio_ (Remote closed the connection) 19.22.13 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955BDB4.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.22.35 Join Axio_ [0] (n=Axio@alf94-1-81-57-140-233.fbx.proxad.net) 19.25.07 # Nico_P: yeah, and you managed to KISS which was what any of my proposed solutions did not do. well done. 19.25.25 # thanks :) 19.26.21 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 19.27.07 # if anyone's interested: irc.projectirc.net and channel #ipodhacking or #alliance 19.27.11 # :) 19.27.21 # it's the chat from iPH 19.27.27 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 19.29.08 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 19.39.24 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19.39.26 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.40.45 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp47-191.adsl.forthnet.gr) 19.42.26 Join dandin1 [0] (n=dandin1@bas7-ottawa23-1088824223.dsl.bell.ca) 19.42.57 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B03B2E.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.52.42 Quit japc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.55.11 Quit faginAway ("leaving") 19.57.39 # i'm trying to make a plugin for my ipod.... what is the function that gets user input? 19.59.57 # * preglow sees release talk again 20.00.01 Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 20.00.11 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@ 20.01.00 Join GuySoft [0] (n=guysoft@CBL217-132-76-215.bb.netvision.net.il) 20.01.23 # hey all, does anyone knwo if rockbox sansa c250? 20.02.25 # GuySoft: c250 v1 works with rockbox, v2 does not.. 20.02.29 # * preglow is almost tempted to have a go at playing release manager, but it's probably not a wise idea... 20.02.44 # v1 of sandisk? or of rockbox? 20.02.58 # v1 of the player hardware.. 20.03.13 # would that be stated on the box? 20.04.23 # most v2s mention audiable support on the box, but not all 20.04.44 # audiable? 20.05.11 # preglow: is this for the H100 and H300 players? 20.05.17 # what do you mean? 20.05.29 # saratoga: undecided 20.05.53 # i'd say it depends on the power usage issues of pp targets, which i consider to be an making those targets not releasble 20.06.19 # * preglow punches his language brain center 20.07.24 # Domonoky, the basic question - is it possible to know if it will work? 20.08.02 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 20.08.20 # GuySoft: i dont know, sorry, search the wiki and the forum, mybe you find an answer 20.08.39 # Domonoky, ok,, thanks 20.09.33 # Domonoky, lets say i have this device. can i run a check on it? 20.09.53 # Domonoky, sorry if you dont know the answer.. i am just curious :) 20.09.55 Quit Tabarnakos ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 20.10.14 # GuySoft: if you have it, you can just try sansapatcher, it should only work on v1 players.. 20.12.06 # GuySoft: take a look at: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaC200Port 20.12.08 # GuySoft: If you have the player, look at the original firmware version 20.12.20 # 1.something is v1, 3.something is v2 20.12.24 # (IIRC) 20.13.39 # preglow: regarding release manager, I'm a bit in the same state of mind as you 20.14.14 # Nico_P: thinking it might not be a good idea to have me as release manager? :P 20.14.29 # haha, no :) 20.15.00 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 20.16.33 # bah, power usage isnt an issue which shoudl stop release on the target 20.16.48 # * BigBambi thinks it is 20.16.54 # but I don't count :) 20.17.07 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.17.11 # well, i think it is, it'll look really bad for a release to be that buggy 20.17.16 # release on all the current targets, and then backport any fixes which are big (like power) 20.17.42 # and half the reason for a release is to make something that works well and looks good 20.17.44 # releases can have known bugs... and that one isnt that bad 20.17.54 # A release implies that big things work properly 20.17.57 # releasing something that guzzles battery will just yield bad publicity in a ton of ways 20.18.13 # I agree 20.18.24 # but that means less ipod users which is a good thing! 20.18.51 # no, we definitely want more ipod users 20.18.56 # the more the merrier 20.20.16 # but no, any bugs in a release would have to be trivial or easy to work around 20.20.24 # battery lasting only five hours is just plain bad 20.20.43 # which targets are still that bad? 20.20.54 # all pp based ones, to varying degrees 20.21.07 # cant be all... 15+h on my sansas.. 20.21.10 # though with buschel's patch, things are definitely looking brigter 20.21.21 # JdGordon|w: then i'd consider those for a release, certainly 20.22.05 # Domonoky, hmm.. its hard to find it if it will work.. no mentioning anywhere 20.22.38 # I wouldnt have a poblem with saying "here is a pretty release which has one big freeking flaw, its only got 5h batt life, use if you dare"... 20.23.53 # i'd never put "use if you dare" in release notes, "release" implies it's good to use 20.23.56 # IMO that would hurt rockbox's image 20.24.03 # if it was a minor release (0.9), maybe...but i would definitely wait for that to be solved for a "big" release (1.0) 20.24.12 # well.. dont call it release... call it stable 20.24.17 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@pD955E63E.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.24.23 # and that's really the essence of it, when people ask if they should buy an ipod and stuff rockbox on it, i say "no, unless..." 20.24.36 # default answer certainly isn't "yes!" as for the other targets 20.25.12 # * scorche|w goes the optimist route with "you should if you are looking for..." 20.25.16 # JdGordon|w: i don't see the point in a release just being "stable", i want a release to be "reasonable bug-free, works great" 20.25.27 # there's no point to "stable" for rockbox, i think 20.26.02 # wasnt the point for a "release" for the people who just want a stable build which wont break that they can leave for months before updatung again? 20.26.09 # a release can potentially garner a lot of publicity, and i want that to be positive publicity 20.26.23 # Releasing the ipods as are will just result in loads of, "Rockbox is crap, it kills my battery" 20.26.32 # indeed...especially with how many people have been looking for a release 20.26.32 # yes 20.26.33 Quit rdeleonf () 20.26.35 # which aspect of that patch is really responsible for the power saving? I hope that clocking changes are just part of an experiment since they're certainly not proper for any kind of inclusion. 20.26.36 # BigBambi: we already see that 20.26.42 # hmm... yeah stupid internets and bvery fast news 20.26.43 # jhMikeS: they're an experiment 20.26.56 # jhMikeS: at least afaik, i think the power savings lie elsewhere 20.26.57 # preglow: I know, but my point was at least we can say it hasn't been released yet 20.27.05 # BigBambi: yep, indeed 20.27.32 # but on the other hand, a release not including ipods would suck in a major way 20.31.34 # it would certainly generate much less publicity 20.32.12 Quit desowin (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 20.33.08 Join shirour [0] (n=srouro@ 20.33.20 # hi..! any m:robe devs around? 20.33.46 # hey 20.35.16 # * jhMikeS needs to know if greylib with uncached buffers functions nicely with mpegplayer on a PP502x device. PP5002/grey is a bust for mpegplayer no matter what ever happens unless greylib somehow becomes well over 2x as fast. 20.35.48 Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3F2F2.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.38.28 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/developer/desowin) 20.41.41 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 20.42.59 Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.43.20 Quit nobbeh_etc () 20.44.15 Join linuxstb [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 20.45.16 Join codin_ [0] (n=cipy@lawn-net168-in.rutgers.edu) 20.45.36 Quit codin (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.45.49 Ctcp Ping on #rockbox from codin_!n=cipy@lawn-net168-in.rutgers.edu 20.45.50 *** Server message 505: 'logbot :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )' 20.46.10 # jhMikeS: I have a few ideas how to speed up the greylib, short of a few tests I need to do on SH1 first 20.46.32 Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) 20.46.40 # Btw, the architecture with most optimisation potential for the greylib is coldfire. 20.46.43 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@ppp49-80.adsl.forthnet.gr) 20.47.31 # PP502x is already optimal update-speed wise (the lcd bridge is the limiting factor), at least on mini G2 (bridge in serial mode) 20.48.03 # I was unable to test on PP5002 so far, as the build I tried showed the infamous PP5002 crash :( 20.48.58 Join qweru [0] (n=kvirc@bb-87-80-66-156.ukonline.co.uk) 20.49.30 # amiconn: just add some noops into main.c and it should work again if you add the right number. 20.49.35 Quit dandin1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.50.06 # what a lovely bug that is 20.50.30 # not quite a show stopper yet though :p 20.50.56 # jhMikeS: Did you check for a periodicity in behaviour when adding nops? 20.51.02 # jhMikeS: did the binary searching through revisions yield any info at all? 20.51.21 # amiconn: btw, I divided the grey update rate by 2 and there still wasn't enough CPU left to decode audio 20.52.14 # amiconn: A little bit and I didn't have a definite pattern. I should check further. 20.52.21 # preglow: It started with jhMikeS' scheduler updates. After than, some versions work and some don't, without recognisable pattern so far 20.52.22 # preglow: abolutely nothing 20.52.35 # so you did find out which commit caused it, yes 20.52.52 Part peppo ("part") 20.53.29 # preglow: it's not that simple as showing up at that time. I used a different bootloader revision and suddenly I had no failures on other revisions that didn't work. :\ 20.53.58 # * Buschel buschel is trying to track down the clicking issues with his patch (and has of course taken into account jhMikes comments:) 20.54.08 # but there was no bootloader revision that prevented failures on all revisions 20.54.29 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 20.55.41 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.55.41 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 20.56.22 # anyhew, I'm pretty sure PP502x should work with uncached buffers since the memory is fast there. It doesn't even affect PP5002 very much to do that. It looks better too. 20.56.51 Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.57.27 # jhMikeS: Btw, I thought about your suggestion. I will most probably add the possibility to use some separate memory (i.e. iram) for the _grey_info structure 20.57.58 # This should especially help on cf since it contains the gamma/linearisation lookup table 20.59.12 # Another idea is to separate the value and phase arrays, allowing to write phases back in bursts (32 bit or even 128 bit) 20.59.32 Join Redbreva [0] (n=Miranda@host86-149-96-138.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) 20.59.56 # But that separation might slow things down on SH1 because data can end up too far away for fast page mode to work efficiently - that's what I need to test 21.00.44 Join evilnick [0] (n=0c140464@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-85a7e8a3d31c9ae6) 21.01.12 # a big deal to have different arrangements for each processor? 21.02.10 Quit shirour (Remote closed the connection) 21.02.12 # why not interleave bursts so it's something in-between parallel arrays and structs? 21.02.17 # Might be possible, but it means processor specific code in addition to the lcd format specific code 21.02.23 # Hey all. Can anyone confirm (for definite) that the Samsung HS122JC will work in a H3*0/Gigabeat F without any hardware adapters? 21.02.33 # I'm itching to upgrade from 60GB! 21.03.30 # jhMikeS: Right now the phase data *must* be written back in byte quantities, as the write back must not touch the (interwoven) pixel values. 21.03.45 Join dandin1 [0] (n=dandin1@bas7-ottawa23-1088824223.dsl.bell.ca) 21.04.19 # evilnick, http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/HardDriveReplacement 21.04.45 # Doing that would risk losing some pixel updates (depending on what runs in isr context and what does not) 21.05.10 # In fact even a slighly higher load in the isr on SH1 might be tolerable, as it's actually a tradeoff 21.05.46 Quit GuySoft (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.05.50 # Separating values and phases allows further optimisation of scrolling and filling 21.06.03 # evilnick: IIRC there was someone around who saw an offer on ebay and "asked the seller a question", but no answer to it so far (or wasn't reported here) 21.06.26 # evilnick: hi evlinick! 21.06.46 # I don't think anyone can confirm this. Did you find a place where you can buy them? 21.06.51 # Cheers pixelma (& krazykit) - I'll keep checking the IRC logs religiously. I'd wager that I'm looking at the same auction. 21.07.07 # markun: ebay only. http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-Samsung-120-GB-1-8-Hard-Drive-SpinPoint-HS122JC_W0QQitemZ230209131362QQihZ013QQcategoryZ42184QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem 21.07.14 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.07.27 # The lack of return policy makes me want clarification before I take the plunge. 21.08.37 # I was thinking struct grey_data { unsigned char phase[4]; unsigned char value[4]; }; to interleave things <= replace "4" with anything convenient. 21.10.05 # Yeah - but that's more difficult to handle on SH1 than a full separation 21.10.40 # The nastiness lies in the registers allowed for the more complex addressing modes 21.11.52 # Register indexing requires r0 as one of the registers, and fixed indexing (a) only works with positive indices and (b) requires r0 as the data register (for 8-bit and 16-bit accesses) 21.14.09 # DEV_EN |= 0x1 is set in wmcodec- and as3514-init for PP502x. at least my ipod (5G) does not need this bit to be set at all. any ideas about it? 21.15.03 Quit Llorean (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.15.12 # evilnick:on the samsung site the HS122JC says interface PATA and if it is zif like the HS122JB it says PATA/ZIF , the interface of the hs122jc should be the good one for the gigabeat F but somebody has to try or at least see one 21.15.29 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.18.20 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) 21.18.22 # toffe82 - yeah, it's the chump who ponies up $205 only to find that it's not right that I'd feel sorry for! Although I'm sorely tempted to be that guinea-pig... 21.19.01 # Isn't there different types of PATA too? Like the 40-pin, 50-pin, 40-pin wide etc? 21.19.38 Join Llorean [0] (n=llorean@ppp-70-255-141-76.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) 21.19.48 Join stripwax_ [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 21.20.11 Quit conando () 21.20.51 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 21.21.04 # Buschel: Odd, I see no addition of that bit in the e200 reg dumps from the emulator. 21.21.15 # 1.8" HDDs come with at least 5 different connectors 21.21.18 # Perhaps it's "1" by defualt? 21.21.54 # jhMikeS: the bit ist within a DEV_EN |= (DEV_I2S | 0x7) 21.22.13 # *is set 21.23.23 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.23.25 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.24.11 # btw, the click-noise in my patch seems not to be connected to the PLL-disable/enable. removing "PROC_CTL(CURRENT_CORE) = 0x420000c8;" in CPU_MAX_FREQ seems to solve the problem 21.24.30 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ 21.25.16 # ...needs more testing though 21.25.31 # if I read it correctly, you removed the scale_suspend_core(false) calls just before doing lock waits too. 21.25.36 # or at least some 21.26.03 # jhMikeS: no, they were'nt removed. I just moved these calls into the switch-case statements for better readability 21.26.05 Quit MethoS-- (Connection timed out) 21.26.35 # jhMikeS: and i restored your scale_suspend_core-method to have the correct handling even when called from COP 21.27.36 # 32 clocks should leave plenty of time to refill even at 24Mhz. it's only .0588 samples 21.27.48 # btw, I saw in the logs that you've said the PP5024 doesnt't set the relock bit in PLL_STATUS? 21.28.14 # is this why there is an additional udelay(250) before the while loop? 21.28.17 # I checked it out of curiousity and never saw it set 21.28.35 # yes, it was found to not be really reliable 21.29.15 Join conando [0] (n=john@dslb-084-060-184-008.pools.arcor-ip.net) 21.30.56 # another question: why there is an "PROC_CTL(CURRENT_CORE) = 0x4800001f; nop;" in svn after setting the freqency to 24MHz and disabling PLL? 21.31.22 # using core/othercore is required 21.31.49 # hmm, that was just copied from svn? 21.31.50 # it's not a COP/CPU thing but is symmetrical 21.32.30 # It was just put there as an additional safety....let me look again it's been awhile 21.33.07 # the interesting thing is that exactly the command which was mentioned in MrH's document caused the glitch in my patch :/ 21.34.38 # DEV_TIMING1 is understood as a configuration for wait states? 21.34.51 Quit Rick ("I don't need to be here.") 21.35.05 # just a delay before selecting the final source 21.35.52 # it appears the PLL is disabled already though at 24 MHz 21.36.46 # but the current consumption isn't influenced (~30uA from saratogas measurement) -- i hoped for some gain... 21.36.54 # it's because there was no delay loop in place there 21.38.07 # that much could be from varying voltage levels on the battery 21.38.13 # are you sure you're actually disabling the pll and not just deselecting it as clock source? 21.38.21 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.39.23 # preglow: i cannot be sure as there is no documentation... 21.39.36 # you associate a clock source (1,2,3,4) with a particular clock (PLL, etc.) then select a clock source from 1,2,3,or4. Bit 31 should be the PLL enable bit. 21.40.05 Quit mr_pink () 21.40.16 # jhMikeS: this one is disabled, as well as DEV_INIT2 bit 30 21.42.03 Quit Redbreva ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 21.42.44 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21.42.47 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.43.07 Quit midkay (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.43.12 # another thing is only PP5020 seems to have required this mucking around with delays and everything that's done is needed for that. I don't think PP5022+ do. 21.43.14 Join midkay_ [0] (n=midkay@65-102-137-113.tukw.qwest.net) 21.44.33 # PP5024 definitely has no issue with DA or UD if not bothering with that 21.45.27 Join Buschel_ [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3F2F2.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.46.34 Quit Buschel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.46.51 # my damn WLAN 21.48.00 # all wlans are damned 21.48.08 # btw, the SPC codec is the one to use when testing scaling with both cores fully active 21.52.19 Join Horschti [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) 21.52.29 # hi 21.53.39 # A fellow XBMC user! Nice. 21.55.47 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 21.56.07 # no way 21.56.08 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@pD955FDD6.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.56.52 # anyways. It's not possible to upgrade a 5th generation Ipod with a 6th gen firmware, correct? 21.57.06 # so, any 5th or 5.5th gen Ipod would be safe to buy 21.57.37 # correct 21.58.02 # Horschti: The hardware is completely different, which is why Rockbox doesn't work on the 6th gen. 21.58.33 # ok, so to my next question (yes, sorry Ipod specific, I know) 21.58.58 # do the 6th gen Ipods (ipod classics) have ipod classic written on their box? 21.59.04 Quit faemir (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.59.41 Join faemir [0] (n=daniel@85-211-77-177.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) 22.00.31 # cause I don't want to be ending up buying a 6th gen for obvious reasons :) 22.01.06 # hmmm...3g could play Elephants Dream _iff_ graylib would leave enough juice to decode audio. video decodes quite fast. 22.02.34 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox 3.0b3pre/2008010508]") 22.02.42 # ...and if it would not crash before you can try :/ 22.02.46 Quit davina ("Ex-Chat") 22.03.26 # nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; ;d 22.03.32 Nick Arathis is now known as Arathis|busy (n=doerk@p508A76ED.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.03.54 Quit codin_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.03.58 Join codin [0] (n=cipy@lawn-net168-in.rutgers.edu) 22.04.04 Quit codin (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.05.38 # Horschti - if it looks like the ones on Apple's website for the Ipod Classic , then it's an Ipod Classic 22.05.43 Nick stripwax_ is now known as stripwax (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 22.06.13 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 22.07.26 # stripwax, sorry. I thought the classic would look similar to the video. classic has metal aluminum housing, does the video not? 22.07.57 Quit ch4os_ ("Leaving") 22.08.11 # Horschti - the ipod video has a semiopaque plastic front (either white or black) and a chrome back. the classic is entirely metal case, slightly dulled I think 22.08.20 # http://i2.ebayimg.com/03/i/000/d0/f1/a1e9_1.JPG 22.08.24 # that a video then? 22.08.51 # looks like it, but again, I just want to be 100% sure 22.09.10 # Horschti - hard to tell from that photo alone whether the face of that is plastic or metal ... 22.09.36 # Horschti - my video came in the same design of packaging, however, fwiw. I don't know what the ipod classic packaging looks like however. 22.10.27 # it looks sort of matte there, like the classic 22.10.48 # Horschti - this is apparently the packaging for the classic : http://media.arstechnica.com/journals/apple.media/ipodunboxing9.jpg 22.11.15 # jhMikeS: How many nops did you need, and where exactly did you insert them? 22.11.16 # Horschti - by the way, the Classic has noticably rounded edges and a curved front - the front of the video is completely flat. 22.11.22 # that ipod looks a lot more shiner than the one in my picture 22.11.43 # * amiconn thinks that this method might actually help to pinpoint the spot where alignment goes wrong 22.11.49 # Horschti, there's a slip of plastic over it 22.11.50 # Horschti - so from the packaging, yours looks like a video .. but if you're bidding on ebay don't forget to ask the seller.. 22.12.00 # I... just bought it 22.12.09 # great! :) 22.12.14 # stripwax: could you test whether i solved the glitching with the new patch -- with my files i cannot hear it anymore 22.12.19 # will do! 22.12.33 # amiconn: it varies. I inserted them in the first function in main.c just out of convenience. 22.12.37 # hell, even if it's a classic, it's only 199€ 22.12.55 # but the fact that it's a used 80GB model, makes me confident 22.14.00 Join codin [0] (n=cipy@lawn-net168-in.rutgers.edu) 22.14.38 # Domonoky: is rbutil .talk clip generation stable and good? 22.18.45 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.19.41 Join eigma [0] (i=eigma@ 22.22.46 # it's awwwwwright! seller confirmed it's a 5th gen ipod! I win! 22.23.06 # Horschti - welcome to rockbox! :) 22.23.18 # who said i will install rockbox on it 22.23.19 # :p 22.23.35 # 22.23.44 # * stripwax ~~ you will install rockbox on it ~~ 22.23.54 # you forgot *waves hand* 22.24.01 # heh 22.24.17 # anyways, I will be a happy rockbox user I assume 22.25.16 # Buschel - out of interest, how can I most easily test whether DEV_EN bit 0 is needed for anything? I vaguely recall mention of a plugin that lets you fiddle with DEV_EN & GPIO bits, is there one or did I imagine that? 22.25.50 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8054 ? 22.25.53 # Of course I could just rebuild with that change taken out and see if there's any observable difference 22.26.16 # stripwax: I also read about such plugin a while ago. But I tweaked it bit by bit with several builds 22.26.27 # preglow - aye, that looks like it. 22.26.57 # stripwax: you could also just use the patch and try whether there is any flaw 22.27.35 # Buschel_- oh, wow! So that's a huge manual effort - I assumed you just flipped bits to see what would happen (e.g. for opto power) 22.28.16 # well, at least some of these bits already were documented in pp5020.h 22.28.25 # Buschel_ - will do. and will also give that gpio plugin a whirl, or at least take a look at seeing what's needed for ipod 5g 22.28.31 # Buschel_ - true 22.28.44 # If I want to dynamically allocate memory in a plugin, which buffer is the preferred one? plugin_get_buffer() or plugin_get_audio_buffer()? 22.28.45 # * stripwax is still building - slow laptop builds here 22.29.07 # Hans-Martin - static allocation would be preferable, what is it you need to do? 22.29.31 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@240-022-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 22.29.46 # Hans-Martin: but if you want a buffer, use the plain one first - if you use the audio one then playback gets stopped. 22.30.23 # stripwax: I'm tinkering with DSP effects, and I want to be able to dynamically allocate memory to effects for different configurations 22.31.15 # GodEater: since this would be an audio processing plugin (I've shamelessly copied code from preglow and jhMikeS) it does not run in parallel with playback 22.31.22 # regarding power savings: anyone ever thought about reducing the WPS updates? e.g. only updating the screen, if there has something changed? i played around with it and dropped it because i could find a smart way... 22.31.32 # * pixelma read the logs and is confused about Llorean's opinion about the "voice" part in a new translation... 22.31.49 # the last time i checked WPS-updates (full screen updates) were done 5x per second 22.31.50 # Hans-Martin: well the audio_buffer is much the larger of the two 22.32.07 Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) 22.32.20 # GodEater: ok, then it's most likely the right choice. 22.32.27 Join stewball`RO [0] (n=WTFOMGBB@ 22.33.00 # gah 22.33.03 # Buschel_ - hm, 5x per second even if nothing changes (no scrolling lines, nothing)? 22.33.08 # Hans-Martin: for example, on a 32MB ipod, it'll be around 26MB 22.33.19 # pixelma: Shouldn't the "Voice" part remain in English (or roman character phrases approximating phonetic pronunciation) if there's no text to speech engine that can pronounce the language in question? 22.33.28 # or rather translating a language which is seldom spoken and there might not be a TTS engine (how would one know)? 22.33.29 # Using separate value and phase buffers hits SH1 quite noticeably 22.33.35 # GodEater: I have an iriver, which is also 32MB if I'm not mistaken 22.33.43 # I think so :) 22.33.49 Join japc [0] (n=japc@bl8-4-82.dsl.telepac.pt) 22.33.54 # 71% CPU load -> 87% CPU load caused by the isr 22.33.57 # stripwax: that's what I saw. e.g. runtime is internally changing each second, but 5 updates per second do still occur. 22.35.09 # pixelma: I just think that it's better that if someone tries to create a voice in a language, that they get English, rather than garbled nonsense. But I guess, I should've been more clear it was my opinion. 22.35.33 # Llorean: why? (1) You can't be sure if there is a TTS somewhere. (2) I think it is easier to just translate both while at it. (3) If there is no TTS you can just build an english voice file (or whatever your preferred TTS option is) and rename it. 22.35.36 # stripwax: i could reduce it to 1 per second, but for the costs of vast ram usage -- i am not smart enough *sniff* 22.35.59 # Buschel_ - hm, but then again the elapsed/remaining times will update out of step unless the track is a whole number of seconds in length, so maybe mulitple updates per second is needed for that reason (and 5x is a compromise)? 22.36.32 # and iirc we don't do partial lcd updates any more (at least on ipod 5g) so it's all or nothing 22.36.36 # pixelma: Maybe so. 22.36.39 # Llorean: why garbled nonsense? 22.36.54 # stripwax: you can calculate the remaining via total[s]-elapsed[s]. the it's updating synchroniously 22.37.03 # *then 22.37.47 # Hm, but total is not a whole number of seconds. So presumably you have to round up total[s] for that to work reasonably well. 22.38.20 # pixelma: If it's a language not supported in common TTS engines, if someone tries to get it to speak the strings, they'll most likely get entirely unusable nonsense. 22.38.40 Join Alonea [0] (n=chatzill@ 22.38.41 # At least with languages like Hindi, if they're using the proper character set. 22.38.45 # stripwax: that's what i meant to say with [s]. you have round before subtracting. 22.39.19 # stripwax: nevertheless it looks quite fine in reality 22.39.34 # Bagder: I agree with your posts on Releases. Particularly in that we need to have someone who's willing to both prioritize the bugs, and take the blame when he says "This bug is acceptable, users can get by with it" 22.39.46 # Personally I like the way that elapsed and remaining are unsynchronised. Maybe that's just me? I like that the remaining time would tick to zero at the moment the track changes 22.39.59 # I think that's the difficult with being a release manager. You're volunteering to take the blame for every problem users have with the release, in a way. 22.40.08 Join xufumon [0] (n=opera@ 22.40.19 # Llorean: hmm I see, guess it has two sides of the medal - e.g. I was annoyed why there were no swedish voice strings for a long time (now fixed) while I knew there is a free TTS which can handle that... 22.40.24 # Llorean: did you notice me volunteer you too ? :) 22.40.36 # If you round, the track could end a tiny moment after it says you have 1 second remaining, which seems incorrect. 22.40.43 # GodEater: I did, in fact. And I'm actually kinda experienced at taking the blame already, but there's also an issue of "qualified" :- 22.40.44 # stripwax: i am thinking about reducing the update ratio when backlight is off or the hold switch is on. at least for my local build, and just to increase runtime :) 22.40.45 # :-P 22.40.48 # I see that the 80GB Ipod Video is listed in the rockbox releases. Would the 80GB Ipod video 6th generations be supported? 22.40.49 # * stripwax is wondering if he's too picky :) 22.41.03 # xufumon: no 22.41.04 # Buschel_ - oh, that would be neat 22.41.15 # xufumon: You will also notice it specifically says not the classic 22.41.17 # Llorean: you don't think you're qualified 22.41.22 # pixelma: Yeah. Actually, I think the *best* solution would be to write the "English" spelling of words, if there's not a known native engine, so that maybe English TTSes can speak them. 22.41.22 # GodEater: 5.5 Generation Ipod Video? 22.41.25 # yes 22.41.44 # stripwax: exactly :o) normally i do not watch the display when listening to music from my ipod which is in my pocket :) 22.41.45 # xufumon: It also specifically says that the 5.5 G is supported 22.41.50 # xufumon: the front page states quite clearly which models are supported 22.41.56 Part xufumon 22.42.02 # Llorean: that sounds (pun?) weird too... :) 22.42.08 # (it being the front page of the website) 22.42.13 # GodEater: Gah! 22.42.15 # GodEater: Not for determining the difficulty of bugs. Specifically, "is it likely to delay release too much" vs "how much does it affect the user" for deciding to accept bugs as "it's going to be there" 22.42.22 Join tabarnakos [0] (n=18c9b5d2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-34c26adfc3b63909) 22.42.26 # Llorean: what if I used a german TTS? ;) 22.42.33 # Llorean: That's true - but you can decide what impact a bug might have 22.42.43 # and you can get good feedback here on how hard the bug is to quash 22.42.45 # pixelma: What we need are two Voice: strings. VoiceEng: and VoiceNat: 22.42.58 # so you could make your descision based on that 22.43.04 # GodEater: True. 22.43.34 # I don't believe there is anyone one person uniquely qualified on all counts 22.43.46 # but I believe you're the best of the available people :) 22.44.16 # Buschel_ - another thing that could rock: reducing the scrolling speed after a while of user interface inactivity + hold switch to reduce the frequency of updates due to scrolling text in wps. 22.44.25 # so if the RM is to be decided by a vote, then you get mine. 22.44.28 # Almost certainly controversial here tho. 22.44.58 # GodEater: A vote for a dictator? :) 22.45.11 # Zagor's the dictator ;) 22.45.12 Quit MethoS-- (Connection timed out) 22.46.28 # stripwax: maybe i'll just switch off the wps if backlight is off _and_ hold is on. that's my normal usecase for listening. 22.46.33 # Buschel_ - do you happen to know how often the screen would be updated while a list view or main menu is up, rather than wps (= soap's methodology) 22.46.49 # stripwax: 0fps 22.46.50 Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) 22.47.06 # GodEater: I think another thing with release, is we need a plan *going into it* for a way to keep each Dev's work separate. 22.47.06 # So that if something gets worse in the process of fixing it and we run out of time, we can strip out all previous commits relating to it. Basically, it needs to be easy enough for the Release Manager to pick and choose among the work done during the freeze, for which to keep and which to toss. 22.47.08 # Obviously this is where someone says "Git", right? 22.47.24 # git! 22.47.25 # Buschel_ - no. I mean, for testing, go right ahead :-) But I certainly use/need the wps even when backlight is off + hold, and other targets with transflective screens should keep this feature 22.47.26 # Git! 22.47.48 # damn! I keep losing to GodEater tonight in the speed typing stakes 22.47.52 # ok, 0fps is cool :) 22.48.00 # hehe 22.48.12 # that sticky 'c' key again huh BigBambi ? 22.48.28 # I can't blame typing "Git!" slowly on that sadly 22.48.38 # true 22.48.56 # stripwax: we could add it as an option. should be quite interesting for our blind users. 22.49.21 # Llorean: I think it would then be the RM's choice as to how he does that work 22.49.30 # but yes, you're right - it would be nice to have a plan to start off with 22.49.45 # GodEater: That's what went wrong with the last release. Too by the seat of our pants. 22.50.09 # Do we have a list left over from the release that never was ? 22.50.38 # GodEater: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ReleaseTodo 22.50.44 # I thought so 22.50.46 # Buschel_ - is there a lot of power saving to be had there? I know soap and I saw about -3hrs impact with peakmeters enabled, but I sortof thought the overall impact of wps vs no-wps was quite a bit smaller 22.50.53 # is it a good starting place do you think ? 22.50.56 # Yes 22.51.17 # What we need to do is start getting *everybody's* ideas on what a release "Should" include now. 22.51.32 Join tapiocapudding [0] (n=chatzill@ 22.51.41 Part tapiocapudding 22.51.52 # a lot of those things (at least to me) would appear to be done now anyway 22.51.57 # Then the RM needs to go down that list and strike things off. 22.52.02 # PS3 emulator? 22.52.03 # Wow, Rockbox themes look nice. I anticipated them to be more basic, but.... damn! 22.52.08 # * GodEater suggests a vote on the forum ;) 22.52.11 Quit desowin () 22.52.15 # GodEater: urgh 22.52.22 # BigBambi: pfgh - you're aiming low as usual :) 22.52.29 # :) 22.52.58 # is the a way to measure how long last a full charged battery ? I mean a counter or so in rockbox ? 22.52.58 # does anyone knows how to get user input while programming a plugin 22.53.00 # stripwax: correct. i don't how peakmeters need to update... assuming 37fps capability of 5G ipod @30Mhz this equals 0.81 MHz per fps. with 5fps you're burning ~4MHz of cpu without taking into acount all the wps-internal stuff 22.53.12 # codin, battery_bench 22.53.14 # Llorean: well.. the bigger question is really, do we actually want a "Release" or are we happy going how we are... 22.53.20 # GodEater: I'm quite sure though that we could manage a release that *users* would find acceptable. We basically need a RM who's willing to temporarily have low standards. 22.53.22 # i think its 50:50 on that one 22.53.23 # tabarnakos - take a look at the existing plugin source for examples 22.53.35 # stripwax: 5fps should cost around 1-1.5mA 22.53.38 # Llorean: crap - that rules you out then 22.53.48 # Oddly enough, it doesn't. 22.53.55 # hehe 22.53.58 # j/k 22.54.09 # I'm just going to be spitting bile and venom at the people who are on the new "other side" for a short while. :-P 22.54.32 # * GodEater wonders if he'd even notice..... 22.54.36 # Hehehe 22.54.36 # :D 22.54.40 # codin - see http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/BatteryRuntime and http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginBatteryBenchmark 22.56.28 # Buschel_ - mm, right. so that would be about half an hour given current current measurements and battery life? 22.57.00 # night, thanks for your answers earlier on, helped me a lot :) 22.57.05 # stripwax: depending on battery and codec 22.57.14 # Horschti - you're welcome! 22.58.26 Quit dandin1 (Connection timed out) 22.58.30 # Not insignificant, maybe a nice touch 22.59.31 # 30min is quite a difference as we're fighting for each mA ;o) 23.00.12 Quit linuxstb_ ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 23.00.25 Quit Langly ("I dont have anything to say, thats why I'm quitting in the first place.") 23.01.57 # stripwax: i'll leave now and get some sleep -- having an evil meeting with our customer tomorrow. just let me know what your testing results are via IRC, i'm reading the logs. see you! 23.02.24 # will do - and thanks! 23.02.32 Quit Buschel_ () 23.02.49 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 23.03.01 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 23.05.26 Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@d54C597B6.access.telenet.be) 23.06.46 Join uwe__ [0] (n=uwe@dslb-084-056-016-154.pools.arcor-ip.net) 23.06.59 Quit jcollie ("Ex-Chat") 23.07.17 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.09.00 # preglow: you asked if .talk generation is stable in rbutil: it should work (latest svn versio) , but it didnt got much testing... 23.10.02 Part |REM| 23.11.02 Quit uwe_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.13.04 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m94.net81-66-75.noos.fr) 23.14.47 Quit mirak (SendQ exceeded) 23.15.39 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@m94.net81-66-75.noos.fr) 23.15.51 # did someone already test bit 0 of DEV_EN on a sansa? 23.16.53 Quit GodEater ("Leaving") 23.16.55 # (this bit was mentioned as a possible power improvement by buschel in #8379) 23.17.05 # * jhMikeS could in a moment 23.17.23 # are A measurements needed or just if it still works? 23.17.27 Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") 23.17.36 # I could too, but don't want to do double work 23.17.49 Join Langly [0] (i=Langly@c-24-21-39-47.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 23.17.50 # bertrik - the latest patch disables that bit so, just see if it still works 23.18.07 # oh, ok, I'll try that then 23.18.46 # petur: thanks for checking FS#6665 :) 23.18.55 # np 23.19.09 # Llorean is too quick in the forums, no wonder he has so many posts ;) 23.19.28 # petur: do you think FS#7825 is ok to cose too? 23.19.42 # probably, just checking it 23.19.50 # jhMikeS: The phase/value blocking seems to be a good idea. With some neat trickery, I might even be able to speed up things on SH1 by doing this :) 23.20.24 # Hm, are DEV_OPTO and DEV_PIEZO really the same? 23.20.38 # Unfortunately it will complicate updating and unbuffered drawing + scrolling for horizontal packing 23.20.46 # Nico_P: all done ;) 23.20.59 Quit petur ("gonne") 23.21.08 Join mlind [0] (n=53e2d30f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-52ce20024fba64b7) 23.21.14 # awesome 23.21.40 # amiconn: I hope you're pleased about the playlist index ;) 23.23.32 # Maybe I won't do it for horizontal packing then.... and writing back the pixel values shouldn't cause problems, as that's already inside the isr... 23.23.52 Quit stewball`RO (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.24.04 # Nico_P: Didn't try it yet... 23.28.46 Quit midgey () 23.28.55 Part Hans-Martin 23.31.24 # ah, according to the piezo patch, DEV_PIEZO is actually 0x20000, not 0x10000 as defined by pp5020.h 23.34.28 # Nico_P: Great fix of FS #2687! 23.34.35 # Nico_P: But the first thing I tried it on was an AIFF. Was Seeking and skipping "always" this buggy with AIFFs? 23.34.37 # thanks :) 23.34.44 # no idea 23.34.46 Quit JdGordon|w ("CGI:IRC") 23.35.59 # Nico_P: Ok. Maybe I'll investigate sometime in the future... 23.36.06 # bit 0 of DEV_EN can be disabled on teh sansa safely 23.36.19 # Domonoky: how do you build statically linked qt stuff? 23.36.19 # unfortunately i misplaced my notes from that test so i'm not sure what the savings was 23.36.29 # definately less then 1 ma though or i'd remember it 23.36.54 # preglow: you have to build qt statically... 23.37.10 # Domonoky: yeah, but when you have? any qmake options, or? 23.37.41 # hm.. rbutil uses something, one moment.. 23.39.40 # in rbutilqt.pro there is a section for static build, we add STATIC to the defines, and use statically linked qt plugins, so not much special.. 23.40.03 # hmm, cool 23.40.35 # hmmm, latest SVN does not disable bit 0 of DEV_EN it seems 23.40.55 # SVN doesn't, no, but Buschel's patch does, I'd have thought 23.41.43 Join JdGordon|w [0] (n=836b0048@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-f4584e7f5ff4d75f) 23.42.09 # svn leaves all sorts of stuff enabled 23.42.21 # i could turn off something like 7-8 bits with no loss of functionality 23.42.41 # saratoga - new bits? any power saving from doing so? 23.43.14 Quit ompaul (Client Quit) 23.43.35 Part mlind 23.44.25 Nick parafin is now known as parafin|away (i=parafin@paraf.in) 23.45.41 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@pD955B9AD.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.45.57 # * bertrik wonders why codecs are rebuilt after applying the device_disables patch 23.46.14 # header change? 23.46.18 Quit MethoS-- (Remote closed the connection) 23.46.42 Join meyl [0] (n=meyl@ 23.47.34 # maybe powermgmt.h 23.47.38 # hey i dropped my h10, it says 'system files missing' and when connecting in UMS mode it no longer shows up as a drive letter and the iriver firmware updater also can't autodetect it 23.48.37 # stripwax: http://pastebin.ca/768034 23.49.45 Join Philip_0729 [0] (n=Philip_j@user-5442a01f.lns1-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk) 23.50.07 # 59.5 to 52.3 ma from disabling those bits FWIW 23.51.13 # most of them were small differences, I think USB is the only one that used more then 1 ma 23.51.25 # a lot of them just save 100-200 uA a piece 23.52.48 # saratoga - the patch disables USB0 already, could the others just be measurement error? would be pretty interesting to find out what on earth they are/do .. 23.53.53 Join safetydan [0] (n=safetyda@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 23.54.00 # yay, rockbox still boots on my sansa with patch, but I still see 7 in the lowest nibble of DEV_EN 23.54.19 # probably caused by code on line 150 of as3514.c 23.55.10 # meyl, your drive might be bad now 23.55.18 # advcomp2019 indeed 23.55.23 # is there a way to test? 23.55.26 # or perhaps replace the drive? 23.55.32 Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) 23.55.44 # stripwax: I think i can measure >100uA quite easily 23.55.53 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 23.56.19 # saratoga - oh - you're measuring actual current (rather than just implied from battery tests)? nice.