--- Log for 13.01.108 Server: clarke.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 11 days and 18 hours ago 00.00.23 Quit ompaul (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.00.39 # amiconn, Which machine gets the most use? 00.01.38 Quit stripwax (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.02.02 # Iriver "H180" (H140 upgraded to 80GB) and Ondio FM are my 2 most used ones, but I use almost all targets more or less often 00.03.38 # I have a Sansa Clip (2 gig) I use at work. I wander if anyone is working on a Rockbox port for it. The default firmware isn't bad. 00.03.50 Join TMM [0] (n=hp@ip565b35da.direct-adsl.nl) 00.04.09 # telliott: that's a "sansa v2" architecture, and there's no real effort going on yet 00.04.36 # mostly because there aren't many interested who own such devices it seems 00.04.55 # i don't think a v2 port will really take off until you can't get the V1s 00.05.20 # It does one thing I've never seen another mp3 player do. Scanning in reverse will scan past the beginning of the current track and into the end of the previous track. 00.05.28 # we need a "proper" dev to get bored enough to buy a v2 and get going 00.05.49 # True. We depend on those guys. 00.06.23 # * amiconn exaggerated a little 00.06.51 # One of my 12 targets doesn't run rockbox yet, but I acquired it for the purpose of porting rockbox 00.07.16 Quit stripwax__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.07.27 # To compensate, I have one other target here for testing which isn't mine ;) 00.08.19 # markun: Btw, to answer your question, I think I can make the greylib work on the M3 00.09.42 Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 00.10.11 # jhMikeS: Hmm, do I remember correctly that you wanted to look into libmpeg2 whether you can make it skip chroma decoding? 00.10.33 # The default Sansa firmware isn't bad. 00.10.57 # telliott: its not particularly grand either imho 00.11.33 # The default Archos firmware truely sucks. I remember at one time, they were wanting to include Rockbox on the CD. 00.11.50 # jhMikeS: Btw, _grey_info in IRAM speeds up grey_ub_gray_Bitmap by 50% on cf :) 00.13.10 # 50%? not bad at all. :) 00.13.12 # Some asm could make it even faster (making use of burst mode - it's a bit tricky but possible) 00.13.18 Quit mf0102 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.14.08 # yes, I was going to look into that. It needs to still acknowledge chroma and read over it. 00.15.19 # amiconn: great. Do you have an m3? 00.15.22 # 19.1->28.5 fps (H180, 45MHz); 74->109.5 fps (124MHz) 00.15.47 # markun: Yes. That's my current not-yet-rockbox target 00.15.51 Join n17ikh|Lappy [0] (n=n17ikh@130-127-126-19.calhoun.resnet.clemson.edu) 00.16.20 Quit Hilikus ("Estoy usando el Ambar-Script v1.1, yo lo cree y me quedo muy bacano, bajatelo de http://pagina.de/deporcali | There are 10 ki) 00.16.55 # In theory the greylib could also work on the iriver remote (that one's easy, speed wise) as well as the other iaudios (same remote as the M3), but there are some fundamental problems 00.17.07 Part Hans-Martin 00.17.41 # First, you can't run 2 greylibs at once because the LCDs most likely have different refresh rates, and unfortunately there is only one user timer 00.18.12 # Second, 2 greylib isrs active at a time will interfere, and might even overload the cpu 00.20.19 Join [_bb] [0] (i=wirc@ 00.20.55 Quit BHSPitMonkey ("Leaving") 00.22.02 Quit ender` (" An eye for an eye only leads to more blindness. -- Margaret Atwood") 00.25.47 Join billytwowilly [0] (n=chris@S01060015f292bb74.cg.shawcable.net) 00.26.43 Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) 00.28.41 Join bwananna [0] (n=bwana@c-75-72-189-187.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) 00.29.09 # are there any dev's available 00.29.46 # for rent or sale ? :-) 00.30.28 # for talk mostly 00.30.32 # or a question 00.30.56 # just ask your question...if somebody can help they will do.. 00.31.48 # i was wondering why the diff at the bottom of this page hasn't been comitted into source http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MiniCF 00.33.40 # Because it would waste power with non-microdrives 00.33.44 # bwananna: this patch disables the ata sleep command, it think you only want this when you mod your player.. 00.33.55 # I mean with non-cf 00.34.21 # ok understood 00.35.05 # * amiconn wonders whether someone with a nano checked whether the nano's flash properly reports that it doesn't support the sleep command 00.35.16 # (in the identify block) 00.35.47 # In case it does, it might be a good idea to check the identify info to decide dynamically whether to send the sleep command or not 00.36.00 # another question then is assuming you have a CF which properly supports "TrueIDE" sleep and whatnot, would this diff also cause some negative, like increased power consumption 00.36.02 Quit bb05 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.36.17 # Then the ata driver wouldn't need modification. Even the #ifdef for nano could go away 00.37.02 Join IzzehO [0] (n=windows6@124-171-202-5.dyn.iinet.net.au) 00.37.31 # or do proper cf cards just ignore the sleep command 00.37.48 # cf cards do auto sleep 00.38.43 # can someone help me out with some vmware questions? 00.39.11 # IzzehO, only if you ask the question 00.39.31 # well i've got a few and they go off topic so would have rathered pm someone 00.39.42 # So don't ask the off topic ones 00.39.51 # And just ask the on topic ones 00.39.53 Join T-Mac [0] (i=esp8@cnq9-55.cablevision.qc.ca) 00.40.25 # heh.. ok lets try that then.. is it possible to access large (10+gb) files in the rockbox vmware? 00.40.37 # hey iam used of using rockbox but i just updated to the new build "much faster btw its great" but my batterie cap. is only limited to 300Ma - 800Ma it used to have the 3200Ma what happend? 00.41.00 # T-Mac: That is irrelevant 00.41.09 # Izzeh0: i was never able to put larger files then 4 gb 00.41.11 # amiconn: would checking the idnetity info dynamically elminiate my problem since i have a CF card 00.41.22 # bwananna: yes 00.41.23 # bigbambi: irrelevant? 00.41.27 # T-Mac: It is just for the amount of time left calculation, which on most players is off anyway 00.41.31 # so there is no way for samba to make view the windows shared files? 00.41.43 # T-Mac: It has no effect on how long the player lasts etc. 00.41.49 # T-Mac: Which player? 00.41.54 # T-Mac: Sure you can't put larger files than 4 GB on - FAT32 doesn't support larger file sizes 00.42.05 # amiconn: i don't suppose you're in a position to easily do that 00.42.20 # amicon: ive tried to throw on a dvd iso and it never wanted to take it.... :( 00.42.25 # bwananna: I can't test since I don't have a nano. 00.42.35 # i have a mini i can test on 00.42.42 # bigbambi : thanks :) so setting the limit to 300 just takes longer to charge? 00.42.51 # damnit.. looks like im reformatting a hard drive and installing linux then - sigh.. 00.42.51 # No 00.42.53 # amiconn: rather i can test for you 00.42.57 # bigbambi: but wwill not effect the lengh of time my player will play 00.42.58 # I have a mini too, but with the standard microdrive 00.43.08 Quit midkay ("Leaving") 00.43.13 # T-Mac: The ONLY thing it affects is the run time estimation - i.e. 10 hours 20 left 00.43.21 # T-Mac: What target are you talking about? 00.43.40 # lol.. yeah.. latest svn has been saying my 2 year old ipod has a battery life of 43 hours.. 00.43.47 # On most targets, the mAh setting just affects the runtime calculation, not the actual runtime 00.44.01 # I may have overlooked archos here :) 00.44.23 # amiconn: okay thanks :) 00.44.34 # bigbambi: thanks to you too :) 00.44.43 # no probs 00.45.02 # T-Mac: Which player? 00.45.07 # amiconn : the target? i used a 30 gig video gen 5 ipod 00.45.15 # oh yeah.. thanks for the comfirmation.. I'm trying to remember the other question, but drawing a blank 00.45.33 Quit ze (K-lined) 00.45.38 # T-Mac: It affects nothing on that player other than runtime calc, which I don't think is calibrated anyway 00.45.40 # The 30GB ipod 5th gen has a 400mAh battery afaik 00.46.01 # If you were able to set 3200mAh with an older rockbox version, that was a bug that is now fixed 00.46.08 Quit Alonea ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 00.46.14 # amiconn: excellent :) 00.46.16 # The 60/80GB models have 600mAh 00.47.04 Quit Domonoky_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.47.45 # whats with this new usb disk mode on latest builds? 00.48.05 # IzzehO, the item on the MajorChanges wiki page explains it 00.48.12 # IzzehO: The non-hardware usb targets now do proper usb charging 00.48.17 # mines only been going into disk mode 1/10 times i connect.. and popping up with the driver install (which i noticed mentioned..) every other time 00.48.34 # USB mass storage isn't complete yet 00.48.44 # As the front page says, ignore the driver popup 00.49.01 # could someone do me a favor and build the latest rockbox for me with the following diff applied and send it to me (i do not have a suitable development enviroment) http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/Main/MiniCF?rev=2;filename=minicf.diff 00.49.13 # yeah ok so any set way to put it into disk mode? or the wiki handle that? 00.49.17 # built for a second generation mini 00.49.22 # IzzehO: Use the OF or disk mode to transfer files 00.49.28 # IzzehO: That is in the manual 00.49.53 # OF? 00.50.17 Quit enialis ("Αποχώρησε") 00.51.02 Quit petur ("Zzzzz") 00.51.12 # hey bwananna wat patch is it? my ie is screwed so ill just browse to it and try for u 00.51.34 # IzzehO: OF = original firmware 00.51.46 # IzzehO: proper English please 00.52.01 # woops.. sorry.. slipped. 00.52.06 # :) 00.52.10 # IzzehO: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MiniCF 00.52.18 # IzzehO: the one at the bottom of the page 00.52.21 # and yeah I'm away of that, been using rockbox for a year now. 00.52.34 Join csc` [0] (n=csc@archlinux/user/csc) 00.52.36 # I'm saying after latest few builds it hasn't been going into disk mode 00.52.52 # Yes, you need to do it manually for the time being 00.53.15 # and I read the discussion a couple of months ago onto changing the behaviour of it.. but menu holding, etc doesn't seem to produce any constants 00.53.16 # Some builds do reboot properly, some don't 00.53.23 # ok fair enough. 00.53.25 # ah, I didn't know that 00.53.31 # I thought they all didn't 00.53.42 # yeah thats what confused me is that it works 1/10 times 00.53.48 # That bug has been around ever since usb detection was improved, far earlier than the us stack 00.53.49 # and there was no pattern to it 00.54.05 # s/us/usb/ 00.54.09 Join eigma [0] (i=eigma@ 00.54.10 # soap: Double digit? wow! 00.55.01 # With an early version of the patch I went from 65% of stock runtime to 75% of stock runtime. 00.55.10 # excellent 00.55.58 # 77% even 00.56.08 # bah im sorry bwananna it just ain't my day - You'll have to ask someone else.. 00.56.22 # preliminary testing indicates we might be able to beat Sansa stock. 00.56.40 # getting lang_dictionaries error with just the default source.. 00.56.45 # That would be ace 00.56.59 # IzzehO: that's cool, thanks for trying 00.57.30 Quit Robin0800 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.00.24 # anyone know of any further rockbox documentation for vmware? 01.00.24 # i think i need food 01.01.02 # IzzehO, anything related to rockbox would be on whatever wiki page is related to the vmware image. maybe search in the forums? 01.01.27 # yeah I'll give it a shot.. 01.03.56 # sigh.. constant database errors when searching 01.05.45 # what was that about getting larger files then 10gb on your ipod? like i said i tried 4.5 gig iso once "never tried it again" it didnt work 01.06.00 # i usualy rar the iso into parts now 01.06.41 # T-Mac: The FAT32 filesystem file size limit is 4GB 01.06.53 # Me? no I was after accessing a 14gb file through vmware so I could convert it.. 01.07.00 # * krazykit is pretty sure the limit is 2 01.07.32 # 4 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table#FAT32 01.07.38 # though wikipedia has proven me wrong 01.07.39 # bigbambi: anyway of formating my ipod another way other then fat32? like ntfs? 01.07.52 # T-Mac: Not if you want to use it as an iPod 01.08.04 # okay :) 01.08.10 # you can use HFS+ if you format it to work with a Mac, but then rockbox won't work 01.08.11 # seems pretty ironic to mention wikipedia when that is what I'm trying to get =/ 01.08.27 # ill continue spliting it into parts 01.09.21 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.09.26 # Ok - "If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator" - search ain't working 01.10.02 # IzzehO: Unfortunately there is only one person who is commonly around who can fix that 01.10.12 Quit Axio_ () 01.12.24 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 01.12.51 # any files i could download to get the original firmware games to work on rockbox? or whatabout the new games in itunes? and torrents for those? 01.13.02 # no 01.13.09 # Do not ask how to obtain copyrighted material 01.13.11 # and no discussing that last item either 01.13.20 # T-Mac, read the IRC guidelines as mentioned in the channel topic. 01.13.28 # sorry :| 01.13.51 # fav game for rockbox has to be Super dominator tho ;) 01.14.12 # eh? 01.14.23 # Superdom! 01.14.29 # ah 01.15.06 # lol it's really buggy though and computer gives up randomly all the time 01.15.24 # Feel free to submit a patch to improve it 01.15.53 # lol like I'd ever master that :P 01.16.04 # can you guys answer if it is even posible to get that copywrited meterial? dont tell me how... just confirm its posible? :P 01.16.11 # no 01.16.16 # Do not ask 01.16.16 # okay ;) 01.16.18 # no I don't believe it is 01.16.43 # robotfindskitten is obviously the best rockbox game ;-) 01.16.52 # How is it a game? 01.16.55 # they suck anyway - try *buying* a similar game for gameboy and ripping it and putting it on 01.17.04 # * BigBambi doesn't get robotfindskitten :) 01.17.14 # IzzehO: On topic please 01.17.59 # Lol sorry, uhm just curious - why are so many of the completed game patches not added to the current builds? 01.18.06 # Many reasons 01.18.22 # They are not coded correctly, they do not run on all targets, ... 01.18.39 Quit csc` ("Powering Off") 01.18.40 # A developer hasn't had time to review them 01.19.23 # Mmm ok. 01.21.02 # Or no developer who has the time finds them interesting... 01.21.58 # * n1s goes to bed, leaving for one week skiing trip tomorrow :D 01.22.09 Quit n1s () 01.22.10 # have fun :) 01.22.11 # too late 01.24.11 # can vmware actually access a connected ipod? or is that just for show? 01.24.42 # IzzehO, it should be able to if you pass on the USB connection to the guest operating system 01.24.46 Quit Flamingo () 01.24.53 # but you're straying offtopic... 01.26.08 # yeah I'm struggling to see what is ontopic though 01.26.29 # considering it seems to be rockbox image related for the vmware, and there is minimal documentation in the wiki 01.26.46 # ...and the fact I guess I suck at linux - anyhow shutting up now.. 01.27.04 # IzzehO: what's your problem with the rockbox vmware image? 01.27.16 Join webguest83 [0] (n=43b78918@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-642714d2b9b7cdfa) 01.28.31 # i'm having trouble building rockbox 01.28.35 # Simply I suck at exploiting it.. never mind.. 01.28.39 Join polygonal [0] (n=80dc3b0d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e188c395f59ff613) 01.28.57 # can anyone help? the problem is arm-elf-gcc is not in my path, i've had the problem before and I don't remember how to add it 01.29.45 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CygwinDevelopment#Step_4_Add_the_cross_compiler_di 01.29.51 # it should be something like PATH=$PATH:"where you put the arm-elf-gcc" 01.29.51 # IzzehO: still here? I think you should try a linux liveCD to convert the wiki - no need to install/boot linux on your harddrive 01.30.25 # webguest83, it might be /usr/local/arm-elf/bin rather than the /opt one though 01.30.33 # Yeah I'm downloading one as we speak *Dial-up sucks* 01.30.35 # webguest83: have you built the arm crosscompiler? adding it to the path without building it first would be silly 01.30.36 # Or just add another virtual hdd to the virtual machine, large enough to do it 01.30.47 # webguest83, easiest way is to add it to your .bashrc file (if applicable). As in PATH=/usr/local/arm-elf/bin:/usr/local/sh-elf/bin:/blah/foo/bar etc. 01.31.09 # amiconn would that use ram though? 01.31.37 # No, why? 01.31.38 # ..I mean wouldn't it be stored in the ram? 01.32.02 # Ok any chance I could get a bit more of a walkthrough with that? 01.32.17 # anyone know where the get_more handler is when playing mp3 files? 01.32.45 Quit T-Mac () 01.33.17 # Izzeh0: if you want to add another virtual hdd I suggest that you search google for it 01.34.24 # uhm 01.37.32 # anyone else want to hop on for another round of rockbox cloaks? 01.37.49 # can users get them? 01.38.14 # lowest level is "contributor" which requires name in the credits 01.38.50 # anyone know of a good bootable linux distro with a development enviroment capeable of compiling rockbox? 01.38.54 # Are the levels documented somewhere? 01.39.15 # IzzehO: Also, instead of uncompress the xml dump you can pipe directly to xmlconv - then you will only have a 3G or so file to work with instead of 10G or more 01.39.17 # amiconn: i have a mail i sent to the swedes a while back, but i dont think so 01.39.24 # schorche can I have one? 01.39.35 # bwananna, you'd need something that includes gcc and you'd need plenty of memory, but there's not one out of the box, i don't think. 01.39.56 # oops I meant scorche 01.39.58 # i really don't want to install a linux distro 01.40.04 # No linux distro does include the cross compilers, you always need to build them yourself 01.40.07 # XavierGr: i forgot...did you have svn access? 01.40.25 # bwananna, read the SimpleGuideToCompiling wiki page. you can install cygwin which runs in windows. 01.40.25 # scorche: nope just the contributor one that you mentioned 01.40.37 # cool thanks krazykit 01.40.46 # Or use the vmware image 01.40.47 # XavierGr: well, due to you being a moderator on the forum, you get staff :) 01.41.25 # scorche: I nice, that was unexpected, I've almost forgot about that one :P 01.42.01 # shame that I don't hang in the forum so much 01.42.49 Quit webguest83 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 01.43.12 # amiconn: would you prefer it on a new page, IrcNicks, or IrcAdministration? 01.43.39 # scorche: thank you very much 01.44.36 Join stripwax_ [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 01.45.00 # * scorche hovers over the edit button on IrcNicks 01.45.07 # polygonal can you check the PM? 01.46.04 # no sorry 01.46.16 # =/ 01.47.09 # Bah I give up.. cyaz... 01.47.27 Quit IzzehO () 01.47.36 Quit polygonal ("CGI:IRC") 01.55.42 Quit moos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.57.59 Quit Jon-Kha (Remote closed the connection) 01.58.50 Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) 01.59.58 Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 02.00.42 Join kugel_ [0] (i=kugel@e178092063.adsl.alicedsl.de) 02.00.51 Quit kugel_ (Client Quit) 02.00.56 Quit kugel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.01.01 Join kugel_ [0] (i=kugel@e178092063.adsl.alicedsl.de) 02.01.07 Nick kugel_ is now known as kugel (i=kugel@e178092063.adsl.alicedsl.de) 02.01.30 Part Craig 02.03.06 Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) 02.03.22 Join jimmyjam [0] (n=nomail@ 02.06.46 Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 02.11.37 # hello, I'm troubleshooting a broken ihp-120. I read some old logs from 2005 in which linusN gave some sdvie on testing the LTC3405. He said that I should find 1.8v on pin 3. although I do not know what pin 3 is I can only find 0.5v and 4v. is there anybody I could ask a few questions to? 02.12.40 Quit weezerle ("...und tschüss!") 02.13.51 # jimmyjam: probably only LinusN can help you, but it's 2:13 (at night) right now 02.16.14 # jimmyjam: LinusN probably meant pin3 of the LTC3405 chip 02.16.33 Quit eigma (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 02.17.01 Quit stripwax_ ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 02.17.21 # Pins are the little pads that stick out from chips and are soldered to the board (in case you don't know what a pin is) 02.17.50 # you number pins from the little dot of the chip (if there is one) 02.19.26 Quit jimmyjam (Remote closed the connection) 02.20.59 Quit conando (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.21.21 Join jimmyjam [0] (n=nomail@ 02.21.47 Join eigma [0] (i=eigma@ 02.21.49 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@usw3662-s-207-244-148-63.dsl.w-link.net) 02.26.45 Quit nanok (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 02.27.12 Join nanok [0] (n=nanok@ 02.31.09 Quit EspeonEefi ("さよなら") 02.31.59 Quit spiorf_ (Remote closed the connection) 02.32.48 # JdGordon: I've been working on the WPS code to make it generic 02.35.14 # cool :) 02.40.19 Quit obo ("bye") 02.40.58 # it's a bit more complicated now since the buffers have to be out of the struct 02.41.13 Quit jimmyjam (Remote closed the connection) 02.41.26 Join jimmyjam [0] (n=nomail@ 02.42.34 # but still managable? 02.42.55 Quit jimmyjam (Client Quit) 02.43.13 # yes it's ok I think 02.43.49 # what I'm not quite sure about is how to organize the data... e.g. I guess we don't want information about progressbar and AA in a statusbar :p 02.43.56 # cool, ok ive been in bed all day so time to be social :O back in quite a few hours i think 02.44.07 # no that sounds bad 02.44.09 # I'll be in bed soon 02.44.41 # could be completly seperate that data from the parsed stuff? 02.44.47 # I guess the only things we need are tokens, strings and bitmaps 02.45.09 # well the parsing still needs to alter that data 02.45.10 # not even bitmaps 02.45.21 # really? 02.45.36 # stick a void *data in the wps_data struct and let the user then change what that means 02.46.03 # well... the bitmap size would be different for each screen... so just have it as a pointer and set that on init 02.46.26 # yes that's what I was thinking 02.46.39 # ok great 02.46.39 # it's basically what I've done for the token data too 02.46.46 # anyway, im off 02.46.56 # ok, have fun ;) 02.47.02 # I'm off to bed 02.49.05 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 02.52.34 Join homielowe [0] (n=chatzill@d207-81-67-190.bchsia.telus.net) 03.02.09 Quit tedr0ck (Client Quit) 03.06.15 # soap: Flyspray in my opinion too. 03.07.25 # thank you for the (perfectly timed) reply, Llorean. Hmm, there is a problem with 1st, 2nd, 3rd gen iPods not always working? 03.08.40 # Yapper (in the forums) can't get my 1G/2G iPod viewport builds to work. I wonder if there is anything (or any version) I might have wrong. I let rockboxdev.sh build my cross-compilers - on 32bit OS - I have no other ideas. 03.09.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.10.27 # soap: Yes. 03.10.33 # There's a very, very strange problem 03.10.48 # As far as I know, every build for those has a unique chance of working or not. 03.11.06 # To guarantee it works, you need to add nop statements somewhere until you get a build that tests as working. 03.11.17 # And, the only way to identify a working build, so far, is to try it on hardware. 03.11.52 # At least, if I've followed the evolution of this problem properly. AFAIK both jhMikeS and amiconn have investigated it and come up mostly dry so far. 03.12.55 Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) 03.31.55 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B0599E.dip.t-dialin.net) 03.34.23 Quit homielowe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.35.27 Quit DerDome (Nick collision from services.) 03.35.30 Join DerDom1 [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-213-100.pools.arcor-ip.net) 03.35.40 Nick DerDom1 is now known as DerDome (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-213-100.pools.arcor-ip.net) 03.36.06 Join webguest64 [0] (n=dcd4f952@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b09ccc7e95e50b08) 03.36.27 # does anyone have the link to Bagders blog 03.36.49 Join homielowe [0] (n=chatzill@d207-81-67-190.bchsia.telus.net) 03.38.12 Quit webguest64 (Client Quit) 03.38.23 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 03.49.36 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.51.55 # http://daniel.haxx.se/blog IIRC 03.54.49 # awwwww http://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2008/01/04/sound-on-mrobe-500/ :)) 04.02.51 Join tedrock [0] (n=tedrock@d235-159-75.home1.cgocable.net) 04.05.44 Quit kugel ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 04.18.36 Join perplexity [0] (i=heh12949@dxb-as81624.alshamil.net.ae) 04.19.03 Quit RoC_MasterMind ("Leaving") 04.22.58 Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") 04.26.25 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 04.31.00 Quit keanu (Nick collision from services.) 04.31.51 Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") 04.32.39 Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@STRATTON-TWO-NINETY-SIX.MIT.EDU) 04.43.12 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 04.49.23 Quit perplexity (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 04.55.00 Quit Gnu47 ("There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.") 04.57.02 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.57.09 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF74AD.dip.t-dialin.net) 05.04.14 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 05.09.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.12.32 Join midgey_ [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-147.reshall.umich.edu) 05.12.53 Quit midgey_ (Client Quit) 05.17.12 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 05.28.52 Quit midgey (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.43.03 Quit davidfg4 ("bye") 05.46.38 Join NP2 [0] (n=Morgan@ool-4355c43f.dyn.optonline.net) 05.46.49 Nick NP2 is now known as NonPlayerChar (n=Morgan@ool-4355c43f.dyn.optonline.net) 05.47.42 # Hey, I installed rockbox on a sansa e280, all of the music that was on it before the install was added to the music data base and shows up when I go to play it, however if I add any more, it doesn't recognize it under music database and cannot be found even by searching 05.48.02 # How ever if I go to files I can find it and play it that way 05.49.26 # anyone? 05.53.56 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=cf9bb003@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-5b365bbef4d7a9bb) 05.54.40 # How would I go about setting up a build environment in Linux? I did it with cygwin, but I figured that Linux was different... 05.55.21 Quit NonPlayerChar (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.55.34 Join NP2 [0] (n=Morgan@ool-4355c43f.dyn.optonline.net) 05.55.45 Nick NP2 is now known as NonPlayerChar (n=Morgan@ool-4355c43f.dyn.optonline.net) 05.55.52 # darn connection 05.58.48 Join blargit [0] (n=chris@S01060015f292bb74.cg.shawcable.net) 05.59.02 Quit billytwowilly (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.59.04 Join Llorean_Phone [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) 05.59.23 Quit Llorean_Phone (Client Quit) 06.00.13 # guessing no one knows or the room is dead 06.00.19 # hm 06.02.36 Join Llorean_Phone [0] (n=llorean@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) 06.04.07 Nick blargit is now known as billytwowilly (n=chris@S01060015f292bb74.cg.shawcable.net) 06.04.42 Quit Llorean_Phone (Client Quit) 06.09.43 Join scorche|xo [0] (i=Blah@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 06.12.26 # aww man 06.13.47 # i still get ata: -80 even when i compile with the patch at the bottom of this page http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MiniCF 06.16.33 Part pie 06.17.13 # at least it shows the splash screen now 06.18.45 # okay I played around with some settings for the database and if I update and then intilize then reboot, it will load all the new songs but none of the old ones 06.19.04 # hmm 06.19.17 # so can anyone tell me what "ATA error: -80" is? 06.21.00 # sorry mate 06.21.42 # ah hah figured it out 06.28.18 Part NonPlayerChar 06.28.33 # i think they are all sleeping 06.30.47 # At least, all the useful people are. Sorry I'm not much help. 06.40.19 # but all the cool people are awake 06.40.21 # heh 06.43.30 # I don't know about that... :P 06.43.52 # (I'm not so sure I'm completely awake...) 06.48.57 Quit Mouser_X ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 06.57.00 Join blargit [0] (n=chris@S0106001d6046900d.cg.shawcable.net) 06.57.50 Quit billytwowilly (Nick collision from services.) 06.57.58 Nick blargit is now known as billytwowilly (n=chris@S0106001d6046900d.cg.shawcable.net) 06.58.01 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=cf9bb003@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-ed46817ce42bb6e3) 06.58.14 Join csc`` [0] (n=csc@archlinux/user/csc) 07.02.12 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 07.07.02 Quit midkay (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.07.10 Join midkay_ [0] (n=midkay@65-102-137-113.tukw.qwest.net) 07.07.18 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.07.37 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF74AD.dip.t-dialin.net) 07.09.29 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.12.00 Nick midkay_ is now known as midkay (n=midkay@65-102-137-113.tukw.qwest.net) 07.13.18 Quit billytwowilly (Remote closed the connection) 07.13.19 Quit scorche|xo (Remote closed the connection) 07.17.46 Quit Mouser_X ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 07.18.57 Join Ebert [0] (n=EbErT@adsl-219-207-177.asm.bellsouth.net) 07.23.31 Join ol_schoola [0] (n=meatwad@c-67-167-20-91.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 07.24.57 Quit J3TC- (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 07.26.20 Join qwedsa [0] (n=superman@ip51ccca31.speed.planet.nl) 07.26.46 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=cf9bb003@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-b40e6a380bf6f8c0) 07.28.02 Quit Mouser_X (Client Quit) 07.33.19 Quit japc (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.38.03 # hum de dum 07.38.13 # goodbye till tomorrow, thanks people 07.38.18 Quit bwananna ("poof") 07.42.38 Quit qwedsa_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.44.01 Part toffe82 07.49.04 Quit ol_schoola () 07.52.04 Join ol_schoola [0] (n=meatwad@c-67-167-20-91.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 07.52.34 Quit telliott ("Leaving") 08.00.58 Nick csc`` is now known as csc` (n=csc@archlinux/user/csc) 08.07.55 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=cf9bb003@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-163c1eb1bc714a41) 08.27.31 Quit n17ikh|Lappy () 08.33.56 Quit eigma (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08.46.51 Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") 09.01.27 Quit Mouser_X ("CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06)") 09.09.31 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.18.44 # there are never titles displayed on charcell in the lists right? 09.30.13 Join Mouser_X [0] (n=mouser@ 09.41.04 Quit Ebert () 09.43.33 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 09.44.11 # hey linuxstb_ 09.44.32 # Morning. How are things going? 09.44.45 # not too bad, just finishing up the list stuff 09.44.55 # would a viewport_copy() be ok to get the default vp? 09.45.34 # I dont think being able to get a pointer to it from apps is a good idea 09.45.37 Quit advcomp2019 ("There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.") 09.48.32 # Why do you need it? 09.48.46 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 09.49.09 # to hopefully save a bit of space and instead of having to setup viewports for the list 09.49.33 # also, to copy all the colour settings 09.50.23 # But won't all that be user-customisable? i.e. present in global_settings or similar? 09.51.25 # we dont know yet... I want to just put it in without that yet, and then we can decide how far to take it 09.52.21 # also, I want to put the drawing code in apps/gui/bitmap/list.c and gui/charcell/list.c and keep the rest of the logic in gui/list.c... sound ok? 09.53.06 # If you think it's simpler. I don't know the list code that well. 09.53.49 # But I would have done it the other way around - work out what theming capabilities we want, and then implement them... 09.54.48 # the only thing not done is the different colours stuff... everything else I can tihnk of which could be themed is ready to go 10.01.02 Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a187.net131.okay.pl) 10.01.13 # Hello! 10.02.16 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 10.02.20 # My Sansa c240 microSD card is read only :/ 10.02.23 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 10.02.39 # How can I delete some files from it? 10.06.15 Quit linuxstb_ (Remote closed the connection) 10.08.45 Join n17ikh|Lappy [0] (n=n17ikh@130-127-126-19.calhoun.resnet.clemson.edu) 10.09.55 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 10.10.42 Join Robin0800 [0] (n=Robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 10.11.35 # could the svn revision be added to the front page? 10.12.11 Join Redbreva [0] (n=Miranda@host86-149-96-138.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) 10.14.45 # * amiconn would be interested in test_fps results from an ipod 4th Gen greyscale or Mini 1st Gen 10.14.51 # With latest svn of course 10.15.07 # run emulator 10.15.11 # at the moment to see if the current build is completely up to date you have to find the svn revision and look at the difference file 10.15.21 # J-23: There isn't an emulator... 10.15.57 # http://rasher.dk/rockbox/simulator/get.php?file=ipod-4Ggray-sim-w32.zip ? 10.16.11 # _sim_ulator != _em_ulator 10.16.14 # and http://rasher.dk/rockbox/simulator/get.php?file=ipod-mini1G-sim-w32.zip ? 10.16.26 # Those are UI simulators - Rockbox compiled to run on your PC. 10.16.43 # emulator emulates everything, including hardware. a simulator only gives you software experience of something 10.17.24 Part J-23 10.17.31 # lol 10.17.40 # amiconn: charcell never shows a title in the list right? 10.17.55 # Haha, of course not 10.18.05 # just double checking :) 10.18.30 # * csc` goes back to lurking until 3rd generation nanos are supported by rockbox 10.18.45 # hmm, now that you're asking, hafta check whether someone might have implemented such a weird thing... 10.18.58 # csc`: it was nice knowing you... ;) 10.19.01 # * JdGordon checks watch.....shouldnt be too long csc` 10.19.12 # 2013 maybe? 10.19.22 # bah, ipod will be dead by then 10.19.54 Join bb05 [0] (i=wirc@ 10.20.23 # JdGordon: maybe ill get lucky and ipodlinux will support it :p 10.20.36 # if they get it, we wont be far behind 10.20.42 # and vice verca 10.21.09 # i think last i checked either rockbox or ipl didnt support two or three models 10.21.15 # mightve been one 10.21.41 # and last i checked, ipl development has been...well... 10.21.50 # Rockbox and IPL run on the same set of ipods 10.22.06 Join web-taz [0] (n=web@p4FD63D85.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 10.22.06 # oh well, i can still use the ui simulator cant i? :p 10.22.16 # * csc` converts to DS homebrew 10.22.18 # tada? 10.22.20 # hello 10.22.25 # JdGordon: Umm, checking for your question uncovered a bug... 10.22.31 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 10.22.36 # amiconn: great :) 10.22.48 # The 'Show path' setiing does exist on the player, but it has no effect... 10.23.11 # that would make sense... ok, easy to fix 10.23.27 # Yeah, the setting should go 10.23.53 # And I wonder where the setting for menu titles is (on bitmap targets), or do we always show the title nowadays? 10.24.22 # a little question: i want to patch again but i can't remember in which order the patches must be applied (multifont rightmargin, y margin, progressbar slider, customlist, costumline) 10.24.42 # i also never found sth where i could look after which patch needs which :-/ 10.25.36 # amiconn: titles are always shown in the menus if there is room 10.25.45 # ah ok 10.25.53 # is there tagcache on charcell? 10.26.35 # Tagcache? You mean database ;) ... yes of course 10.26.54 # web-taz: Those patches are (I think) not being maintained any more. They're being adapted to work with Viewports (FS #8385). But in any case, you would need to ask the authors of those patches, we can't help you with anything apart from the official code. 10.27.15 # ok 10.27.26 # so i just would need the viewport patch? 10.27.46 # instead of all of them? 10.28.33 # linuxstb: Btw, it looks like viewports caused a minimal slowdown in lcd update speed. Noticed that when redoing lcd speed tests on mono + greyscale targets last night 10.29.08 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 10.29.13 # web-taz: No, you still need some of the others, but they may not all be working with viewports yet, and the themes themselves would have to be updated to use viewports. 10.29.28 # amiconn: :( What LCD operations does that plugin use? 10.29.44 # Just lcd_update() and lcd_update_rect() 10.29.54 # so all in all it would be easier not to use viewport? 10.29.58 # That's odd then - those functions aren't changed at all. 10.30.08 # It's minimal; perhaps it's just some cache alignment effect or something 10.30.25 Quit [_bb] (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.30.47 Join Axio [0] (n=Axio@alf94-1-81-57-140-233.fbx.proxad.net) 10.32.15 # web-taz: Viewports are the future (official) way for themes to work, so in the long-term it's worth using them, and adjusting themes. But they're still in development, so if you're desperate to use themes needing those patches, you may want to just stick with an older version of Rockbox. 10.33.38 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) 10.33.46 # amiconn: BTW, have you got any kind of plugin to test/benchmark the LCD drawing functions? 10.33.47 # well so i should go searching new themes :) 10.34.57 # linuxstb: Still didn't find the time to write one. However, I will need one when I'm done with the greylib + the PP colour lcd bridge 10.37.59 # JdGordon: Are you using xmargin/ymargin in your code? I'm hoping we can remove them in the future when apps/ is fully adjusted to viewports. 10.38.17 # no, I am purposly avoiding them 10.38.24 # they dont make sense with viewports anyway 10.38.40 # OK, good ;) 10.39.05 Join advcomp2019 [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 10.39.11 # oh, can we have some value which means "use the default vp's value"? 10.39.34 # again, specifically for the colours, but useful elsewhere maybe 10.40.22 # How would that work? 10.40.33 # dunno :p 10.41.56 # I've been wondering if the 3 gradient colours are needed in the viewport struct, or if it would be enough to just make them global to the LCD. 10.42.30 # (as they were before) 10.43.03 # keep them in i think :( people might get some funcky themes happening with them 10.43.45 Quit advcomp2019 (Client Quit) 10.43.50 # amiconn: -400 :) 10.43.55 Join advcomp2019 [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 10.44.41 # Why would you want multiple selector bars, with different gradients? 10.46.40 # another little questions: if I take the patched source code, where patches for a special player are applied, can I use this code to make a build for another player without problems? 10.46.45 # if we get to a stage where you can have more than one list on the screen, ahving different coloured bars would be useful 10.47.49 # web-taz: That depends on the patches - they may not be written to work on all targets. 10.49.06 # but could it be that those patches are written so that they just do those changes in the builds for their target? 10.49.30 # Most code is shared between all targets, there is very little target-specific code. 10.50.03 # Or at least, shared with a group of targets. 10.50.43 # FS#6800 - Sansa e200 backlight behavior (LCD fade) ; FS#7873 - New keymap for e200's text editor ; FS#7871 - Go to WPS from metadata viewer, pitchscreen and quickscreen for e200 10.50.47 # patches like this 10.50.57 # could they just apply to that specific code? 10.51.24 # Yes, those are cases of target-specific code (backlight driver and keymaps) 10.51.40 # thx :D thats the answer i wanted :D 10.51.48 # to get.. 10.51.52 # web-taz: that backlight patch is nasty and I would really stay away from it 10.52.15 # i try to stay away from it :D 10.52.18 # JdGordon: Nasty enough to reject and close? 10.52.40 # i want to make a build for a F40 with the diff of an sansa build 10.52.56 # so i really hope this patch stays away :D 10.53.08 # well... its been there for ages, sp no real harm in leaving it, but it definatly cant go in while its done how it is 10.54.07 # anyway, bed time 10.54.11 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 10.55.06 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ 10.57.43 # shit 10.57.49 # i got 1 error 10.57.51 # -.- 10.58.10 # just 1 10.58.12 # but 1 10.59.56 # menu.c GO_TO_RECSCREEN undeclared 11.00.19 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 11.00.43 # does this mean a point in the menu, which should link to a "recscreen" is not linked right? 11.03.06 # Sounds like a usage of GO_TO_RECSCREEN has been added, but not protected by #ifdef HAVE_RECORDING - not all targets can record, including the Gigabeat. 11.03.29 # sounds foreign to me 11.03.51 # so if I just delete this party in the menu.c it should work for me? 11.03.55 # Basically, it's an example of a poorly written patch... 11.04.12 # ... but easily fixable. 11.06.16 # so I just have to change the endef 11.06.19 # to ifdef? 11.07.16 # Can you upload your menu.c (in the apps folder) to http://pastebin.ca/upload.php ? 11.08.03 # just a mom 11.09.36 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.10.00 # http://pastebin.ca/853141 11.11.29 # You can just delete lines 419 to 423 (inclusive) - that shouldn't be there, even for the Sansa. 11.11.52 # (they duplicate lines 384-390 11.14.32 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host143-212-dynamic.20-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 11.21.04 # oh no 11.21.07 # another one 11.22.11 # user_action.c 41-52 11.23.01 # "struct user_settings" has no member named "user_act_tree1/2/3 /wps1/2/3 11.25.04 Join conando [0] (n=john@dslb-084-060-175-062.pools.arcor-ip.net) 11.25.42 # That's more work - you'll need to ask the relevant patch author to make it work on all targets. 11.25.56 # well 11.26.07 # can you tell me what this relates to? 11.26.15 # perhaps i could just delete it 11.26.30 # because i dont need it... 11.26.54 # Have you applied a patch that gives you user-configurable buttons in some way? 11.27.06 # * linuxstb_ becomes linuxstb 11.27.12 Quit linuxstb_ ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox]") 11.28.02 # FS#5555 - Record Button Configuration 11.28.12 # i think this is the one 11.28.19 # that also made problems before 11.28.31 # FS#7076 - Calendar Button map for sansa 11.28.50 # that just refers to a plugin i think 11.28.58 Join webguest25 [0] (n=42a967a7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c9d7f252afb811e2) 11.29.02 # well 11.29.04 # ok 11.29.08 # that's enough 11.29.42 # i just try to get all patches which belong to sansa, out 11.31.59 # has anyone had a problem while installing rockbox, when i run the ipodpatcher, it gives the message "no ipods found:aborting" 11.32.59 # but this works on my frinds ipod, which is an old 60 gb video ipod, mine is an 80 gb ipod i got just a month back.. its slimmer than the previous models 11.33.49 # The iPod Classic is not supported 11.34.46 # ok 11.35.12 Quit amiconn (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- *I* use it, so it must be good!") 11.37.26 # when i want to reverse a patch 11.37.37 # i just to the same like applying it 11.37.41 # just add -R ? 11.37.53 Join stripwax_ [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 11.38.03 Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-Kha@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi) 11.38.06 Quit webguest25 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 11.38.31 # then i am told that unreversed patches are detected and wether i want to ignore them 11.38.35 # this confuses me 11.38.46 # when i give command to reverse a patch 11.38.53 # why should i ignore unreversed? 11.41.46 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/developer/desowin) 11.44.01 # something like patch -p0 -R < my_patch.patch 11.44.49 # yes 11.45.13 # but then i get the message with unreversed patches and whether i want to ignore them 11.45.37 # i want to reverse them, so i think i dont ignore them -> n 11.46.10 # then i am asked whether i want to apply anyway 11.47.03 # i just dont get the meaning 11.47.17 # if i ignore the patches, it wont reverse them 11.47.29 # but why the other question 11.47.36 # i think its just the same? 11.49.02 Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3C961.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.53.12 # so if i say, n y the hunks fail :-/ 11.53.18 Quit stripwax_ ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 11.53.22 # so patch is out-of-sync 11.53.48 # but i want to reverse it :) 11.53.54 # it is already applied 11.54.20 # svn revert -R * ;) but it'll reverse all patches 11.54.47 # no 11.54.58 # i just want to keep most of them :) 11.55.20 # web-taz: if patch can't undo it, you need to do it manually. It's as simple as that. 11.55.30 # mhh ok 11.55.53 # although I would remove all with svn revert and then again apply the patches I want 12.00.50 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p549672ED.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.01.10 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ 12.02.37 Quit stripwax (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.05.51 # ok 12.06.21 # by trying to apply those patches i want, hunks failed at patch costumlist, and new_dict 12.06.31 # costumlist is not that important i think 12.06.42 # but the dict plugin is important to me 12.06.44 # :-/ 12.09.44 Join moos [0] (i=moos@m148.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 12.11.11 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 12.16.39 Quit Redbreva ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 12.16.58 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3099.gwdg.de) 12.21.47 Nick parafin|away is now known as parafin (i=parafin@paraf.in) 12.25.10 # web-taz: Which version of custom-list are you using? The latest version should be synced to apply to current SVN, although it appears to not work correctly... 12.26.15 # it should be the newest 12.26.50 # customlist-20080110.diff ? 12.27.19 # yes 12.29.29 Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 12.29.42 Join obo [0] (n=obo@rockbox/developer/obo) 12.30.41 Join Gnu47 [0] (i=Gnu47@private.ntwk.thita.net) 12.38.15 Quit ch4os_ ("Leaving") 12.39.58 Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a105.net128.okay.pl) 12.40.02 # Nico_P: Hi. I read in the logs that you're working on changing the WPS code - what's planned? 12.40.37 # trying to make it more generic to allow the parser to be used in other situations 12.43.50 Quit Ramla (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.44.34 Join oskie [0] (i=usel@h23n4-m-fb-gr100.ias.bredband.telia.com) 12.45.11 # hello, is there a file on the flash that contains name of last track played (that i can read when rockbox is turned off)? 12.46.19 # not that I can recall 12.46.40 # oskie: i guess you could enable the lastsm log and then read the last entry from the scrobbler.log file. 12.46.53 Join ch4os_ [0] (n=ch4os@unaffiliated/ch4os/x-059673) 12.47.01 # I've pondered on improving the resume code to store the current song though 12.47.18 # to better deal with directory changes and still be able to resume the correct song 12.49.50 Quit DataGhost (Nick collision from services.) 12.49.58 Join DataGhost [0] (i=dataghos@unaffiliated/dataghost) 12.50.48 # PaulJam: ah ok 12.50.59 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 12.51.23 # Bagder: well my device always remembers the current track file name and time 12.51.42 # so when I turn it on again, I can resume the song 12.51.57 # does it remember the track name really? 12.52.16 # it certainly didn't when I wrote the resume code... 12.52.51 # then it must remember the "inode" (or whatever), because it knows which track to resume 12.52.59 # nope 12.53.07 # it remembers the dir and the index number in that dir 12.53.19 # and the random seed 12.53.35 # so that it can even continue the same randomized playlist 12.53.54 # oh ok, what about the current position in the track, how/where is that stored? 12.54.03 # that's also stored 12.54.53 # is there any way to read it from flash disk when the device is turned off? 12.55.17 # you can read all that info I mentioned, yes 12.55.30 # but as I said, none of those is the name of the current song 12.55.39 # cool, do you know what the file is called that contains this info (even if its binary form)? 12.58.30 # * Bagder tries to recall its name since his players are all away atm 12.59.14 # i think nvram.bin and .playlist_control 12.59.47 # ah, OK. .playlist_control actually seems to contain the directory name 13.00.41 # and possibly index of file in directory... 13.05.51 Quit ch4os_ ("leaving") 13.08.39 Join pixelma [0] (n=Marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 13.08.57 # .playlist_control contains the instructions how the current playlist was built 13.09.24 # The current playlist position is stored in nvram.bin (or the actual nvram on some targets) 13.09.37 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.16.57 Quit moos ("bbl") 13.19.11 Quit pixelma (" reboot") 13.21.01 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-213-100.pools.arcor-ip.net) 13.26.02 Join pixelma [0] (n=Marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 13.27.00 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B03AC8.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.27.05 Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 13.28.16 Part J-23 13.32.18 Join rasher_ [50] (n=rasher@rockbox/developer/rasher) 13.32.59 Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a105.net128.okay.pl) 13.35.08 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A6DEA.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.37.36 Quit J-23 (Remote closed the connection) 13.40.21 Join rasher__ [0] (n=rasher@ 13.40.30 Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a105.net128.okay.pl) 13.40.39 # linuxstb: what do you think about generic WPS? 13.40.56 # (which is actually a very bad name...) 13.43.21 Quit rasher (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 13.43.21 Nick rasher__ is now known as rasher (n=rasher@ 13.44.31 Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") 13.44.46 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.51.36 Quit rasher_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.52.43 Join GodEater [50] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 13.55.30 # Nico_P: What do you mean by "generic WPS" ? 13.56.40 Join j0tt [0] (n=j@unaffiliated/jott) 13.59.23 # linuxstb: from reading the log, I'm guessing he means he's working to allow the code to change the screen layout in places other than just the WPS 13.59.39 # so you could change the position of menus, the status bar etc. 14.03.06 Quit GodEater ("Leaving") 14.03.53 # the goal is to be able to use the WPS syntax and parser for other things than the WPS itself 14.08.12 Quit jott (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.14.03 Join perplexity [0] (i=heh15463@dxb-as76327.alshamil.net.ae) 14.14.08 # I think we need to think about the theming system, and try and design how a theme author is going to be able to specify all this. e.g. do we want to have lots of ".wps" files, one for each screen, or would they be better combined into a single file? Is the .wps syntax even going to be good enough for what we want to theme? 14.16.18 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e176247106.adsl.alicedsl.de) 14.17.26 # yeah I agree planning is needed for this. I think Jdgordon wanted to allow theming the statusbar, that's why he asked me to try to extend the current code 14.22.07 # has anybody experienced crashes on the sansa e200 lately, 14.22.25 # symptoms being the sound brakes up before it dies 14.22.43 # after that, no display, no response, only solution is hard shutdown 14.23.00 # sometimes the music brakes up and it manages to recover 14.23.21 # seems to be mostly random, but i seem to find it occurs mostly with ogg files so far 14.25.17 # what is really strange is that i have been using one version of rockbox from about a month ago, i used it for an 18 or so hour drive; it went on continously for about 16hrs, not _one_ glitch 14.26.14 # so i am thinking maybe there is a problem of some sort with my unit? (maybe the damn vfat is fragmented or something?). is that a possibility? 14.27.01 # What do you mean by "breaks up" ? Do you mean it just pauses, and then continues, or something else? 14.27.05 Join FeetFirst [0] (n=FeetFirs@179.175-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) 14.27.46 # linuxstb: it doesn't really pause, it's like a broken record, or, in digital terms, sounds like the buffer is empty, or the cpu overloaded 14.28.25 # (more like the cpu, they are not clean breaks, there are nasty sounds close to the breaks) 14.28.34 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet13.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 14.28.50 # Have you checked your disk for errors? 14.28.51 # i just updated to the current build, and it happened within a few minutes 14.29.15 # i wil try to backup everything to my pc, erase, and put everything back on 14.29.49 # linuxstb: no, i havent't. how would i go about that? fsck you mean? (filesystem checking?) 14.29.59 # or more like badblocks? 14.30.34 Join control_your_pla [0] (n=549a7563@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4a08508e6572dfe1) 14.31.11 # Bagder: are you there ? it seems genlang.cgi has some problems: it doesnt give all strings requested by the features... 14.32.28 # i guess one other thing i could do is to try playing with the OF for a while. but it is as foreign to me as a totaly different player, i think that would be the last test i would do.. 14.32.31 # for example a feature for h120 is "spdif_power" and in the output the id and voice for SPDIF_POWER is misssing.. 14.32.55 # nanok: Yes, fsck. Or simply reformat. 14.34.19 # linuxstb: i am backing up now, i will erase all (i tend to avoid reformat on music players, it tends to confuse the player, if not formating from windows, and i have no windows machine) 14.35.13 # erase should be about as good as reformat for fragmentation, though if the fs is ..uhm.. fscked, it won't help much 14.35.41 # that's why ext2 support would be great.. :) (yeah, i know, tabu subject) 14.37.11 # linuxstb: I've heard you know more about pacbox? 14.37.20 Quit control_your_pla ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 14.37.27 # pixelma: I wrote (ported) it.. 14.38.21 # nanok: It should be fine to reformat, just make sure you don't repartition, or modify anything in the second (firmware) partition. 14.38.29 Join control_your_pla [0] (n=Miranda@p549A7563.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.38.37 # linuxstb: fsck.vfat says there are differences between the boot sector and it's backup. would this be because of the rockbox bootloader? 14.39.01 # do you think it is possible or even makes sense on the c200? 14.39.16 # linuxstb: i know it should be fine, if you know the exact parameters to mkfs to make the fs _identical_ to what the player expects :) 14.39.24 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host143-212-dynamic.20-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 14.39.36 # nanok: No, that would be because of a corrupt filesystem (IIUC). 14.40.16 # linuxstb: uhm, okay, so should i choose to restore the backup of the boot sector? 14.40.40 Join GodEater [50] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 14.41.32 Quit homielowe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.41.58 Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) 14.43.23 # pixelma: The pacman arcade machine (which packbox emulates) has a 288x224 screen. I don't think that could be scaled nicely to fit on a 132x80 screen. The smallest it currently goes (I think) is 50% scaling in both axes (144x112) for the Nano, and I don't think it works well there even. 14.44.29 # linuxstb: yeah, I could imagine but I had no numbers. Thanks :) 14.45.22 # * amiconn doesn't understand why it would scale to 144x112 on nano 14.45.33 # Although if someone really wanted to, they could attempt to replace the Pacman sprites (which are 8x8 IIRC) with smaller ones, and hack pacbox to use them. But that's not something I'm interested in... 14.45.38 # * linuxstb might have been wrong... 14.46.08 Quit FeetFirst (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- It'll be on slashdot one day...") 14.46.33 # Iiuc it should scale to 170x132 on nano 14.46.38 # (keeping aspect) 14.47.10 # Or use the entire screen, independent of aspect ratio. That's what doom does... 14.50.07 # It only does extremely simple pixel-dropping - skipping 1 in 2 or 1 in 4 pixels. 14.50.59 # hmm 14.51.15 # Doom and rockboy do some bresenham-like pixel dropping 14.52.18 # But it looks like pacbox does that too. It's fullscreen on M5 14.52.44 # It may just look full-screen - it's 144x112 IIUC. 14.53.29 # Hmm, seems there isn't support for horizontally-packed greyscale LCDs... 14.57.15 Quit GodEater ("Leaving") 15.02.27 # linuxstb: reformated, seems to work 15.02.48 # i will be back in the evening to state if that solved the problem or not 15.03.18 # btw: has any work been done in the last few months on the fm part (mainly the autoscanning)? 15.04.26 Join J3TC- [0] (n=jetc123@pool-72-68-62-120.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) 15.07.53 # ooookay 15.07.57 # forget about evening 15.08.07 # it just happened again, but now it is different 15.08.43 # it didn't crash, but it doesn't recover anymore, it jos goes on "crackling" instead of outputing "useful" sound 15.08.56 # pause and play don't change anything 15.09.04 # next song doesn't either 15.09.31 # same thing for ogg and mp3 15.09.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.10.04 # hm, shutdown takes unusually long.. 15.10.29 # it plays normaly again, after reboot 15.11.30 # i am starting to get worryed. could this be a hardware issue?.. :( 15.17.01 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 15.17.37 # does anyone know something about RTC-Alarm on my h300 15.17.37 # do i need a new bootloader? 15.17.50 # hm, after the reboot, the third song and still going. as i said, it seems rather random. i will get back to you guys in the evening 15.17.58 # i'll go shooting now 15.18.21 # if it happens again, i think maybe i will start backtracking to an older version of rb, see if that helps 15.18.47 Quit idnar (Nick collision from services.) 15.18.50 Join idnar_ [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 15.21.51 Join Eren [0] (n=eren@unaffiliated/erenturkay) 15.21.54 # hello folks 15.22.07 Quit waldo (Remote closed the connection) 15.22.08 # is there any progress in iPod deep sleep support for 4g photo? 15.22.23 # if doesn't could you suggest something to me? except for learning C at first :P 15.22.47 # Eren: why should we do deep sleep on ipods ? shutting it of is better.. 15.23.29 # Domonoky: shutting it down and booting takes so much time :) 15.23.35 # And if you don't know C you will not be able to do it 15.23.59 # but deep sleep uses battery... so i dont think its really usefull... 15.24.22 # Domonoky: hmm 15.24.28 Nick uwe__ is now known as uwe_ (n=uwe@dslb-084-056-046-222.pools.arcor-ip.net) 15.24.39 # BigBambi: I'll learn, I know python and I don't need C 15.24.47 # I can do whatever I want with python 15.25.00 # so for me, to learn something, I should need it 15.25.01 # not in rockbox you can't 15.25.02 # Eren: not for rockbox... for rockbox you will need c :-) 15.25.15 # so, I'll learn C to hack rockbox 15.25.19 # If you want to implement something in rockbox you need C 15.26.02 # ok ok, I understand, and I think, you guys understand me? 15.26.10 # not really, no 15.26.55 # hm, basically, I should really need something to learn C, so I decided to hack rockbox 15.27.26 # :-) 15.27.33 # You mean you think you should know C, so you have decided to get involved with rockbox to help you learn? If so, good plan 15.27.51 # Eren: i would recommend a small plugin to start rockbox hacking... not something deep in rockbox.. 15.28.08 # BigBambi: no, I should hack rockbox, so I'll get involved in C :) 15.28.53 # you guys don't understand :( I know python and it meets my needs very well, so I don't need C for general using and for this reason, I haven't learned C 15.29.34 # Right, fine 15.29.48 # now, I feel that if I'm obligated to learn C, I can start learning, so I decided to fix battery usage on rockbox 15.29.54 # The point is if you want to do anything with rockbox, you need C as python is useless for it 15.30.32 # yep, iPod just have 32Mb ram :( 15.30.35 # Eren: and i would recommend to not start with something really hard, because then you will fail.. 15.31.07 # Domonoky: I know basics, loops, if statements, veriables 15.31.15 # so something like: "fix battery usage" isnt the right thing to start c hacking... 15.31.47 # I think, memory management is hard, pointers etc. :\ 15.35.55 # Domonoky: could you suggest some small plugins? 15.38.57 # Eren: maybe select a little game to implement, it should be something you like, or else you will loose motivation... :-) take a look at other plugins on how to build plugins... 15.40.12 # hm, maybe hello world application will motivate me :) 15.40.35 # [/packages]> svn co http://svn.rockbox.org/trunk rockbox 15.40.35 # svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/trunk' 15.40.35 # svn: PROPFIND of '/trunk': 405 Method Not Allowed (http://svn.rockbox.org) 15.41.22 # wrong url, check the wiki for the correct url... 15.42.00 # hm, wiki page is named "UsingSVN" :) 15.42.18 # yes 15.42.44 # ok, getting the source, now I'm going to install toolchain for compiling rockbox 15.43.10 # Eren: please stop commenting everything you do, and start hacking :-) 15.43.37 # Domonoky: hahah, OK sir :P 15.44.10 Join UsErK|LeR [0] (n=sof4@ 15.44.48 Part UsErK|LeR 15.45.35 # people 15.45.37 # http://developers.slashdot.org/developers/08/01/12/1846256.shtml 15.45.45 # wouldn't that be nice stuff for rockbox? 15.46.47 # doesn't it require a pointing device and better resolution than our displays have? 15.46.56 # kugel: i think the screens on the players are a bit small for this, and how would you control this with buttons ? 15.47.15 # except for everything, this game sucks :\ 15.47.33 # Domonoky: I just read that, didn't further think about yet 15.47.38 Quit perplexity (Excess Flood) 15.48.04 # I think, the screen resolutions in the 80s weren't much bigger than mp3-players resolution today 15.48.07 Join perplexity [0] (i=heh19538@dxb-as76327.alshamil.net.ae) 15.49.09 # kugel: the other problem: simcity isnt written in c.. 15.50.04 # http://www.theinquirer.de/2008/01/13/simcity_1_ist_opensource.html according this is in c 15.51.16 # * Domonoky has read something about python and tc/tcl in simcity... but sure, if somewone wants to try to port it.. go forward.. :-) 15.52.27 Join DwaineBurroughs [0] (n=d8da50c5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e9218489081e8b0e) 15.52.39 # it's released under GPLv3 though 15.52.59 # another problem.. :-) 15.53.15 # the original version was in C but it has been updated to C++ and pyton 15.53.24 # python* 15.54.28 # I'm new and I wish to have access to post a theme. 15.58.41 # * pixelma forgot to mention the removal of a tab in midiplay.c while at it... 15.59.58 Join Frazz [0] (n=Fraser@thelawsons.plus.com) 16.00.10 # DwaineBurroughs: and your wikiname is ? 16.02.00 # I'm not sure. Isn't it suppose to be my first and last name? Is that what you mean? DwaineBurroughs 16.02.06 # * BigBambi is guessing "DwainBurroughs" :) 16.02.13 # :-) 16.02.22 # yeah :-) 16.02.27 # except with an e of course 16.02.43 # I've never used IRC before. This is new to me. 16.03.26 # DwaineBurroughs: you have access now, promise not to spam ! :-) 16.03.44 # No problem. Thanks! 16.04.01 # hmm, PP5020 supports NTSC/PAL encoder, so Apple didn't implement TV output in iPod Photo, why these guys don't implement something supported by chip? 16.04.17 # Ask them 16.04.27 Join phossy [0] (n=martin@79-68-123-104.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 16.05.51 # because they're Apple, and they know what their customers want 16.11.28 # ender`: :) 16.11.44 Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@d54C597B6.access.telenet.be) 16.13.28 Quit DwaineBurroughs ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 16.14.21 Part Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") 16.15.01 Join webtaz [0] (n=web@p4FD60516.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 16.16.01 Quit miepchen^schlaf ("Verlassend") 16.16.10 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF74AD.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.26.11 # where does it say the 5020 has TV out? 16.27.01 Join PaulJam_ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3099.gwdg.de) 16.27.40 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PortalPlayer#PP5020 16.27.54 # soap: see the bottom links, original page is broken, you can download the pdf 16.29.59 # says "to _external_ NTSC/PAL encoder" 16.30.57 # a bashing of Apple for not putting CD-ROM ports on the player is equally valid. 16.31.41 # ah, I missed it :) it says, it support directly connecting to an PAL encoder, sorry guys 16.33.14 Quit web-taz (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.33.15 Join Paule__ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3099.gwdg.de) 16.33.55 Quit Paule__ (Client Quit) 16.41.40 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955E249.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.42.26 Join BigBambi_ [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 16.42.47 Quit BigBambi (Nick collision from services.) 16.42.57 Nick BigBambi_ is now known as BigBambi (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 16.44.16 Quit webtaz (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.47.13 Quit PaulJam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.52.44 Join blueskip [0] (n=d8da50c5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-569f6da242392242) 16.56.05 Join stewball [0] (n=WTFOMGBB@ 17.00.50 Quit PaulJam_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.01.53 # Can I post a theme using a free powerpoint background, as in free to download? The site does not mention any restrictions on the image and gives links to dowload it freely. 17.03.13 # blueskip: if there is no mention of licence, then you are not allowed to redistribute.. 17.04.22 # It says on the info page the images are royalty free, all they ask is I do not sell them. So it should be ok. 17.09.41 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.10.38 Join pondlife [50] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) 17.11.45 # Nico_P: You said ".g. I guess we don't want information about progressbar and AA in a statusbar". 17.12.03 # Why not allow a progress bar? 17.12.49 # Why not allow a themeable status bar (or indeed any themeable screen part) to use any WPS tag. 17.13.15 # pondlife: err, no reason in particular but I assumed it'd be something we wouldn't want to allow. I don't have anything against it though 17.13.29 # Should keep things simple to NOT restrict... 17.13.37 # yeah probably 17.13.53 # Cool, just checking I'd not misunderstood. 17.18.18 Quit blueskip ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 17.20.26 Quit phossy ("Ex-Chat") 17.22.04 # Eren: The ipod photo supports TV-Out with the Apple firmware... 17.24.39 # * Buschel does the next runtime test now (12MHz normal clock, but with GUI-boosting) 17.25.01 # Buschel: How does the GUI boosting work? 17.25.46 # boost it when any button was pressed an unboost after timeout 17.25.58 # right now hardcoded after 4secs 17.26.09 # OK, I thought there was talk of linking it with the backlight timeout. 17.27.00 # no, there was a thought about disabling WPS when backlight is off 17.28.37 # something like showing a black screen with "playback active" ore something like this. and re-enter the WPS with each button press 17.30.55 # that would be a pity IMO because at least the Video's and the Nano's displays are quite readable without backlight 17.31.11 # (and the greyscale ones too, of course) 17.31.30 # Yes, only a few players have unreadable screens without backlight. 17.31.51 # yes, but with a user-option it would up the user, if he/she wants to see the WPS while backlight is off or if the runtime is more important 17.32.21 # Without peakmeters, how much difference does it make? 17.32.26 # e.g. I do not use it. and don't forget about the blind users 17.32.27 # does it draw much power (i HAVE NO IDES)? 17.32.42 # oops, sorry for caps and typos 17.33.00 # on 5G it needs about 5MHz which equals 1-1.5mA -- that's a lot 17.33.17 # Can anyone explain to me where i do some noops (I believe) to try and "brute-force" a working PP5002 build? 17.33.22 # Well, the 5G is an extreme case due to the LCD size. 17.34.14 # linuxstb: yes. but nevertheless this would be a solution for better runtime -- at least on 5G it will have a reasonable effect 17.34.50 # what does the OF do? 17.35.04 # i never used it :) 17.35.06 # What about the smaller LCDs? 17.35.19 # I'm just wondering if there's other solutions... 17.35.42 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-70-235-225-1.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 17.35.57 # the WPS does 5fps, you can just reduce this. but then the updates look and feel jumpy 17.36.27 # My gut feeling is just that if the WPS is taking too much CPU, it should be optimised, rather than disabled... 17.36.39 Join waldo [0] (n=waldo@ip-81-11-199-233.dsl.scarlet.be) 17.37.18 Join Ramla [0] (n=ramla@c03.keltti.jyu.fi) 17.37.21 Part pondlife 17.37.52 # Buschel: Imo we should always update the wps, even if it costs a few percent of runtime 17.38.46 Quit stewball () 17.38.47 # And the wps code used to use partial updates - if it no longer does, complain at Nico_P 17.38.58 # s/at/to/ 17.39.05 # it still does 17.39.16 # amiconn: as default setting -> yes. but for better runtime an option would be fine. 17.39.30 # I disagree 17.39.48 # no problem. it's a free world ;o) 17.40.15 # soap: jhMikeS just said somewhere in main.c. I used app_main() (near the top), before the init() call 17.40.33 # Buschel: What targets have these WPS tests been done on? Are there results anywhere? 17.40.59 # * Nico_P would be very interested in comparisons too 17.41.02 # linuxstb: i only know about 5G's (battery runtime site) 17.41.06 # If someone wants more runtime, he could always use a simplistic wps 17.41.29 # even an empty one... 17.41.42 # (no peakmeters, no progress bar, no playtime etc. And of course no gfx) 17.42.28 # maybe make it dependent on the hold switch 17.42.40 # Ah, or even better suggestion from pixelma: Make the fancy parts depend on the hold conditional 17.42.55 # that's another idea 17.42.56 Quit kugel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.43.09 # Yes, which requires no coding... 17.43.16 # I mean a WPS that use it as a conditional 17.43.44 # pixelma: understood 17.48.15 # nico_p: the last time i've checked the WPS updates, the screen was _always_ drawn each HZ/5. independet of whether the displayed content changed 17.48.24 # sorry for typos 17.48.39 Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) 17.49.00 # Buschel: ah yes, that's true. It just doesn't recalculate everything 17.50.19 Join JohnEK [0] (n=johnkooi@CPE000f3dbac653-CM001692f1a3e8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 17.50.40 # Nico_P: i would expect the screen updates only happening when the displayed content changed -- this should normally not occur each HZ/5. 17.51.14 # it's hard to know whether screen contents have changed or not 17.51.27 # some time ago i played around with this and found (memory wasting) a solution which i've dropped 17.51.29 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A6DEA.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.51.32 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 17.54.05 # Nico_P: The old wps code had some flags for each line which indicated when this line could potentially change 17.54.19 # it's still the same 17.54.46 # So why does the code no longer use this to specify an update rectangle? 17.54.59 # With rockbox on my ipod, my car audio controls no longer work to control my ipod. (next/previous song, etc.) Is this a known problem? 17.55.13 # JohnEK, yes 17.55.18 # amiconn: I don't think it used to do that... I'm pretty sure the old code cleared the whole screen too 17.55.39 # Thanks soap. Status? 17.56.02 # JohnEK, if you would be so kind as to either PM me in the forums, or fill out the following wiki page yourself: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodAccessories 17.56.45 # sure thing, thanks 17.57.00 # Well, Rockbox neither has a driver for the Apple's serial port (some of the pins in the dock connector) nor does Rockbox implement Apple's Accessory Protocol, so no data communication is going to happen between an iPod and an accessory. 17.57.02 # amiconn: but maybe I'm confusing things... each interation of the main loop call display->update(), but some parts aren't modified 17.57.15 # depending on the flags 17.57.39 # Yes, but iirc the old wps used display->update_rect() 17.57.50 # JohnEK, That being said - some accessories which use the line-out pins do work, and some don't. That wiki page is a work-in-progress attempt to help others by listing all the products which have been tested. 17.59.05 Quit miepchen^schlaf (No route to host) 17.59.10 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF74AD.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.59.13 Join Arathis2 [0] (n=doerk@p508A770D.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.59.33 Quit Arathis (Nick collision from services.) 17.59.37 Nick Arathis2 is now known as Arathis (n=doerk@p508A770D.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.00.03 # amiconn: no, I just checked 18.00.33 # soap, yeah it would seem someone has the same Audiolink ipod integration module as I do. Audio out and charging works...just not the controls 18.00.52 # thanks for looking, JohnEK 18.01.27 # amiconn: my new WPS code was added in r13019 in cas you want to see the previous code for yoursefl 18.01.29 # np 18.05.06 Quit desowin () 18.06.35 Quit perplexity (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18.06.42 Join roxfan2 [0] (n=dunno@131.49-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) 18.07.05 Quit control_your_pla ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 18.08.11 Join workaphobia [0] (n=workapho@ditto-37.dynamic.rpi.edu) 18.08.41 Part J-23 18.11.24 Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") 18.14.32 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@dsl-88-218-17-250.customers.vivodi.gr) 18.14.39 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/developer/desowin) 18.14.47 Join eigma [0] (i=eigma@ 18.14.52 Quit roxfan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.38.16 # Buschel, I updated my unsupported build with your latest version of the patch. 18.46.07 Join styleism [0] (n=sfgfadga@87-194-104-214.bethere.co.uk) 18.46.25 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@pD955BA48.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.52.42 # soap: this will give some more testing depth! good idea and thanks for your support :o) 18.54.20 # we'll see - fist posted builds for all 502x targets last night. 18.54.37 # no downloads in the first 4 hours. :( can 18.54.44 # 't speak for the last 12 yet. 18.58.58 Nick idnar_ is now known as idnar (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 19.00.16 # even though battery life is the holy grail? 19.00.27 Quit MethoS- (Connection timed out) 19.03.22 Join |AhIoRoS| [0] (n=ahioros@ 19.05.25 # so "they" say 19.05.45 # I'm not sure how much harder I can "pimp" the patch without violating forum guidelines. 19.06.27 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 19.08.31 # well, delivering test builds is the absolute top of what could be done. hopefully there will be some feedback about testing results. (i am really interestedt in the result of the sansa-guy:) 19.09.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.11.40 # you need a battery bench for the sansa? 19.13.01 # speak of the devil - new comment by "sansa-guy" ;) 19.13.41 # yea - 21 hours - I think you have beat Sansa stock. 19.14.12 Join ch4os_ [0] (n=ch4os@unaffiliated/ch4os/x-059673) 19.14.51 # last battery bench gave me 6 hours on my sansa (crappy battery on refurbs :/). let's try this out. 19.15.39 Quit ch4os_ (Client Quit) 19.16.41 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 19.17.59 # Bagder: ping ! 19.18.57 # soap: interesting though that he only reached less runtime with 12MHz than with 24MHz. i expected more as flac should work @~13MHz 19.19.24 # I'm curious how much less - within testing margin of error? 19.20.16 Join NumBeast_sal [0] (n=NumBeast@71-215-114-146.tcsn.qwest.net) 19.20.52 # soap: 21:28 (24MHz) -> 21:05 (12MHz) 19.21.31 # what's the opposite of "simulator build"? "player build"? 19.21.39 # that's pushing margin of error if: A-different playlist B-didn't pay attention to charging 19.21.51 # maybe battery not fully loaded? difference is ~2% 19.22.03 # eigma: target build ? or normal build.. 19.22.07 # soap, your sansa e200 build shows a messed up screen on the device: it looks like the screen is moved around and wraps. your build does that on two different e250s. i'm going to try with the official 16978 to see if it's your build or an official problem 19.22.38 # er, wrong r# typed, right in my head 19.25.55 # is -DDEBUG supposed to work for a target build? I keep getting "debug undefined" link errors 19.26.49 # krazykit, no visual flaws on my Nano, will check Sansa in a minute. 19.27.13 # soap, the official build doesn't display this issue on the same hardware. 19.27.26 # eigma: debug builds arent usefull for target builds on newer hardware, you can gdb on the target.. use logf for debug output on target.. 19.28.48 Quit Axio (Remote closed the connection) 19.28.51 # Domonoky: okay.. I've got a patch that implements debug() for all ARM architectures through JTAG. 19.28.54 # What steps should I take to become a rockbox developer? 19.29.39 # my sansa seems to have frozen gui with device_disables_v09.patch 19.29.50 # soap, um, but taking a screen dump doesn't show the issue, it seems 19.30.05 # Domonoky: problem is that it becomes very slow if a hardware debugger isn't attached to drain the channel's FIFO.. so I want to make sure people don't enable -DDEBUG for a target build by accident and wonder why everything grinds to a halt 19.30.06 Quit petur ("switching...") 19.30.11 Join petur [0] (n=petur@d54C2B591.access.telenet.be) 19.30.22 # oh, and after second boot it gets "moved" 19.30.40 # krazykit, I can confirm your issues with my sansa - trying the older build... 19.31.10 Join Axio [0] (n=Axio@alf94-1-81-57-140-233.fbx.proxad.net) 19.31.28 Quit workaphobia (Remote closed the connection) 19.31.36 # krazykit, I do not have the issue with the older build. 19.31.39 # eigma: sounds nice... and it shouldnt be a problem, nobody uses debug builds on targets.. (only archos could be an exepction) 19.32.07 # Domonoky: all right, I'll be committing within the hour 19.32.59 # eigma: maybe make a patch on the tracker for review by the master hackers.. :-) 19.33.11 Join Ebert [0] (n=EbErT@adsl-211-221-224.asm.bellsouth.net) 19.33.13 Join perplexity [0] (i=heh23954@dxb-as76327.alshamil.net.ae) 19.36.22 # Buschel, I can confirm krazykit's finding that the screen is drawn wrong with v9 of your patch. 19.37.01 # soap: not with the v7? 19.37.08 # or v8? 19.37.18 # not with v8 19.37.29 # the screen draws well, just it is "shifted" 19.37.40 # with v8 I got this too 19.37.45 # it shifts again to a new place everytime I scroll 19.37.56 # shifts and wraps. 19.38.41 Join Gnu47_ [0] (i=Gnu47@private.ntwk.thita.net) 19.39.04 # when the backlight goes out, and comes back on from a keypress, the screen is drawn correctly. 19.39.23 Quit Gnu47 (Nick collision from services.) 19.39.25 Nick Gnu47_ is now known as Gnu47 (i=Gnu47@private.ntwk.thita.net) 19.41.44 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8454 19.42.13 # NumBeast_sal: Pick something you want to work, dive into the code! Check out the for developers sections on the wiki 19.43.51 # soap: hmmm, could you change "#if 0" to "#if 1", activate the 12MHz setting (system-pp502x.c) and re-check this issue? 19.45.24 Join pixelma_ [0] (n=Marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 19.45.37 Quit pixelma (Nick collision from services.) 19.45.38 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (n=Marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 19.45.42 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 19.45.49 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 19.47.52 # just change that 0 to a 1? 19.48.11 # soap: yep. the 12MHz line is active by default 19.48.45 # building 19.49.37 # soap: stop! the 24MHz is active. you need to comment it and activate the PLL_CONTROL for 12 MHz some lines below 19.49.45 # soap: sorry. 19.50.28 # * Buschel is having somethin to eat right now 19.51.47 # I'm going to need more hand-holding on that. 19.52.29 Quit pixelma (" bbl") 19.52.31 # soap, i believe he means around line 240 19.52.34 # soap: meal is not ready yet -- will take some minutes ;) 19.52.42 # comment out such as: 19.52.43 # //PLL_CONTROL = 0x8a220401; /* 24 MHz = (4/1 * 24MHz) / 4 */ 19.52.58 # and uncomment such as: 19.52.58 # PLL_CONTROL = 0x8a320401; /* 12 MHz = (4/1 * 24MHz) / 8 */ 19.53.08 # soap: perfect! :) 19.53.22 # building again 19.53.38 # krazykit, can you receive files via IRC? 19.54.13 # probably, but i'm building it now too with those changes 19.55.12 # meal is ready now -- will be back in about 20mins 19.57.28 # unless I messed up (trying again) - I have the same issues. 19.58.45 # soap and Buschel, that didn't fix it for me either. 20.00.01 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 20.06.42 Join Sequin [0] (n=austin@c-71-56-70-77.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) 20.08.43 # hmmm 20.10.13 # do you only have this error while scrolling? 20.10.44 # it starts when you scroll and happens in the WPS as well 20.10.47 # I'm having trouble uninstalling rockbox. It gets stuck in a reboot loop when I connect to itunes in windows. Is there a way to wipe out everything so I can put apple software back on? 20.11.15 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 20.11.21 # soap/krazykit: next try -> change line #157 in button.c to "#if 0" 20.11.46 # Sequin: delete the .rockbox folder, and uninstall the bootloader, that should be all.. 20.11.49 # btw, on ipod video i do not have these issues... 20.12.30 # Sequin: otherwise you can also "restore" it with itunes, then its also back to normal (restore will wipe everything) 20.12.43 # Buschel, with what i changed previously? 20.13.03 # yep 20.13.40 # I didn't install it on this ipod, so I don't know what the bootloader is. But I gathered the .rockbox folder is something you delete on the ipod. I can't get rockbox to stay up long enough to delete anything 20.14.15 # Domonoky: It won't boot for more than a second, then it restarts 20.14.16 Quit Genre9mp3 ("I don't suffer from Rockbox psychosis. I enjoy every minute of it.") 20.15.05 # Sequin: reboot it into the apple os, and connect it to the pc.. ( how to : is in the manual) 20.15.17 # thanks 20.16.05 # soap/krazykit: stel (=user name) has got the same issues with his sansa. He just reported them on the patch tracker. 20.16.32 # Buschel, i got a build error. it was target/arm/sandisk/sansa-e200/button-e200.c right? and remove line 157 completely, replacing it with #if 0? 20.17.08 # krazykit: no, firmware/drivers/button.c 20.17.22 # ah, i'll try that then. 20.19.09 # i have the feeling there is something going wrong with the LCD interface when using 12MHz... 20.20.01 Join TheDarkOne [0] (n=tdo@bas1-clarkson16-1177732850.dsl.bell.ca) 20.20.20 # rockbox is supposed to be able to do gapless playback, right? 20.21.28 # TheDarkOne, yes, with codecs that support it natively and properly encoded mp3s 20.21.50 # what about for flac 20.21.57 # that falls under "natively" 20.22.19 # because i'm running into it having about a 1 second gap between songs :/ 20.22.31 # on an ipod 4th gen grayscale 20.22.55 # it could be a few things: the album isn't gapless to begin with or it was improperly ripped 20.23.32 # well it runs gapless in winamp or xmms2 no problem 20.23.48 # and this is for all albums 20.23.51 # not just one 20.24.35 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@096-022-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 20.26.46 # Buschel, nope, didn't fix it. i have to go now, though, but i'll be back in an hour or so, probably 20.27.25 # krazykit: thanks. i think i'll better rollback the patch to avoid further problems. 20.31.11 # soap: can you receive files via irc? 20.31.40 # I'm passive 20.32.14 # then I may ask you about a last test for a proper rollback of the patch? 20.32.56 # please use v9 and comment line #258 and uncomment line line #257 in system-pp502x.c 20.34.11 Quit ompaul (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 20.34.55 # I will in 10-20 -> busy 20.35.16 # thanks a lot, i'll read the logs 20.38.30 Quit amiconn (" Want to be different? Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 20.40.27 Quit TheDarkOne () 20.42.39 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@usw3662-s-207-244-148-63.dsl.w-link.net) 20.45.04 # Buschel, screen works. 20.45.10 # will test other later. 20.48.05 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) 20.53.20 Quit Axio () 21.00.27 Join stel [0] (n=root@ 21.01.55 # hi stel :) 21.02.03 # hi 21.02.24 # just looking through your comments 21.03.25 # just saw your comment, didn't see there were three logs in the 2nd bench 21.04.58 # yepp, the middle one was for mp3, i thought i deleted them after each test 21.05.33 # As for the menu problem if I remember correctly, the menus worked at 18Mhz but broke after that 21.05.48 Quit mf0102 (Client Quit) 21.06.08 # stel: that's interesting new information... 21.06.43 # maybe the gui-boost doesn't work correctly for sansa? 21.07.15 # I had the same problem on v08 21.07.33 # yes, v8 didn't have any gui-boost... 21.07.54 # stel: but on v8 only when selectin <24MHz, correct? 21.08.40 # No, 18MHz worked as well 21.09.37 # hmm, is DEV_INIT2 contained in the i/o port view in the engineering mode? 21.09.48 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.11.14 # hmm, no. 21.12.59 # no, all I can see is DEV_EN, DEV_EN2 & DEV_EN3 21.14.57 # Buschel, I gotta run - I will be back in ~2 hours. 21.15.09 # soap: see you tomorrow :) 21.15.38 # stel: can you add DEV_INIT2 to it? 21.16.23 # I think I'd need a bit of help with that? 21.17.16 Quit styleism (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.19.02 # stel: go to debug_menu.c, function dgb_ports and search for DEV_EN3. Then exchange DEV_EN3 and the inl(0x...) with DEV_INIT2 each 21.20.21 # found it? 21.22.17 # not yet, still looking 21.25.24 # stel: debug_menu.c can be found in apps/ and the line i am talking about is ~line #1180 21.25.41 # got it, just compiling now 21.25.41 # stel: i have local changes though 21.25.50 # great:) 21.27.25 # stel: with a standar v9-patch you'll see 0x40000000 being set in DEV_INIT2 if boost is active 21.34.04 Quit davina (Remote closed the connection) 21.34.31 Quit matsl (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.36.10 # stel: when entering this menu it shall show 0x4.. and switch to 0x0.. after 4secs. pressing a button (also rotating scrollwheel) should set it to 0x4.. again. does this happen? 21.36.13 # Buschel: I'm getting C0001000 & 80001000, I don't know which one is boost 21.36.38 # stel: 0xc is boosted, 0x8 is unboosted 21.37.07 # stel: is the behaviour as described above? 21.37.28 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 21.37.55 Quit gromit`` (Remote closed the connection) 21.38.21 Join styleism [0] (n=sfgfadga@87-194-104-214.bethere.co.uk) 21.40.16 Quit styleism (Client Quit) 21.40.23 # is there any way to build the codecs statically into rockbox.elf? 21.40.25 # stel: does it show 0xc0001000 after scroll wheel for 4secs, and then fall back to 0x80001000? 21.40.46 # Buschel: No, I only get the 0xc & 0x8 21.42.03 # stel: when does it switch to 0xc? 21.42.05 # eigma: dont tihnk so 21.42.35 # No, I can't see a pattern, boosting is happening all the time with or without using the wheel 21.42.52 # JdGordon: mmkay, thanks for your comments on that patch btw 21.43.04 # stel: are you playing a song? then please pause it and go into the menu again 21.43.04 # eigma: No, but anything's possible... 21.43.08 # JdGordon: I'm trying to clean up my tree and get it ready for submission 21.43.14 # cool :) 21.43.28 # linuxstb: can you take a quick look at http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8454 21.43.54 # eigma: are you still having a problem with all targets trying to compile the dsp code? 21.44.08 # JdGordon: yeah, I haven't looked at a way to implement that in the Makefile 21.44.31 # a simple way which might work is by adding it to the mr500's $toolset in configure 21.44.47 # is there anything I need in .rockbox besides codecs/wav.codec to play *.wav? 21.45.49 # no, that should be it' 21.46.16 # Buschel: OK, 0x8 is the norm, wheel doesn't change anything, but a button press does change it to 0xC for about 4sec 21.46.55 # stel: there we've got it. wheel activity doesn't boost on the sansa... 21.50.14 # Buschel: That makes sense now 21.51.18 Quit Eren (Remote closed the connection) 21.51.37 # stel: please make a new line after button-e200.c, line #229. then add "int_btn|=btn;" 21.52.08 # dear god the default font is small on that 640x480 screen :S 21.52.31 # haha yeah 21.52.51 Quit JohnEK () 21.55.00 # haha nice openocd message: 21.55.01 # Error: target.c:1215 handle_target(): couldn't poll target. It's due for a reset 21.55.09 Quit Frazz (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.59.08 # Buschel: under last_wheel_usec = usec; ? - That doesn't seem to have made any difference 22.03.07 # wait a minute, it's working now, but it didn't work from powerup 22.04.21 # stel: at least we've found the main reason :o) as i've only got a ipod video i assume this failure is also valid for all non-4G-scrollwheel targets 22.05.01 Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-255bbb24ea7ae7fa) 22.05.14 # I'll rollback the patch to 24MHz as long as there is no other good solution to detect scrollwheel activity 22.05.24 # Buschel: did you see the remarks in the tracker about voltage scaling? 22.05.34 # not yet 22.05.58 # if possible I would expect very large gains 22.07.38 Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-435403e9.dyn.optonline.net) 22.07.41 Quit sarixe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.07.44 # Buschel: what you trying to do with the wheel? 22.07.57 # Buschel: That code change worked, but it takes about 30 seconds to kick in from powerup 22.08.29 # jdgordon: i searched for a simple method to detect gui-interaction via button/wheel activity to boost/unboost the cpu 22.08.54 # stel: i cannot imagine why :/ 22.09.58 # thats not really wanted... if the wheel doesnt work without boosting then the clock is too low... maybe add another unboosted state for when the backlight is off? 22.10.19 Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 22.10.36 # jdgordon: that's exactly what i want -> lowering the cpu clock a lot 22.10.48 Join stripwax_ [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 22.10.56 # but have it at 30 when the light is on so the wheel works 22.11.18 # actually, you could use the idle speed for that 22.12.00 Quit ol_schoola (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.12.23 Join ol_schoola [0] (n=meatwad@c-67-167-20-91.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 22.13.02 Join Gnu47_ [0] (i=Gnu47@private.ntwk.thita.net) 22.16.44 # stel: thanks for your support, I just rolled back the 12MHz + GUI-boost. 22.17.00 # saratoga: do you know how to change core-voltage? 22.17.01 # no problem, hope you can sort it.. 22.19.57 # Buschel: nice work on the patch :) 22.20.18 # preglow: well, in fact my wife is starting to hate me :/ 22.24.47 # i suppose it won't help if you tell here we all think it's a very nice patch? ;) 22.24.51 # her 22.25.14 # she laughed ;o) 22.26.03 # * stripwax_ reads 22.26.04 # 21 hours? 22.27.03 # Buschel: I know how to change the core voltage 22.27.19 # do you have the AS3514 datasheet? 22.27.34 # betrik: no. is this also valid for ipods? 22.28.12 # I don't know, as far as I know, the AS3514 is part of the PP5022 and PP5024 chips 22.29.32 Quit stripwax (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.30.19 Quit Gnu47 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.31.29 # No, just the PP5024. 22.33.02 # oh, ok 22.33.22 # betrik: then i cannot work on this as I've got none :( 22.35.51 Join phried [0] (n=y0@CPE-75-81-251-119.we.res.rr.com) 22.35.54 Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 22.38.16 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.40.14 # Hmm, now I knwo why the 12MHz-clock lead to errorous scrolling on some targets. But I still wonder why stel's measurement of 21h runtime was nearly the same compared to 24MHz... I would have expected more runtime for flac... 22.40.37 # Nevertheless this makes the patch easier :) 22.40.46 # bertrik: how does one adjust the core voltage? 22.41.29 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 22.41.31 # i would like to test it on teh Sansa 22.41.35 # the sansa e2xx basically has an AS3514 chip built in, which exposes a set of registers over I2C 22.41.48 # one of those registers controls the power management part 22.42.55 Join advcomp2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 22.43.08 # Buschel: Maybe it still needed to boost a lot to keep the buffer from underrunning just because it's always drawing the WPS still? 22.43.14 # bertrik: is that register already defined in rockbox? if so which is it 22.43.19 Quit advcomp2019 (Nick collision from services.) 22.43.24 # i would like to configure a build with it enabled and take current measurements 22.43.27 Nick advcomp2019_ is now known as advcomp2019 (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 22.43.59 # * bertrik is looking it up 22.44.06 # thank you 22.44.28 # i don't suppose we have any indication what voltage is needed for what clock speed, or am I going to have to figure that out myself? 22.44.47 # Llorean: but this would mean it would boost to an average of 24MHz... i thought flac decodes ~@13MHz, WPS wouldn't draw 11MHz -- hopefully. 22.45.47 # doesn't the pcf-chip do the power management stuff in the ipods? 22.46.01 # Buschel: Would it be worth me trying 18MHz? 22.46.17 # stel: if you would spend the time -> yes 22.46.45 # will do 22.47.35 # It does, but afaik we don't know which of the various voltage regulators regulates the PP power, and neither what voltages the PP chip requires at a certain clock 22.47.48 Join trust [0] (n=trust@resnet17.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 22.48.02 # * amiconn doubts that the PP is built for that 22.48.16 # saratoga: add this line somewhere after i2c has been initialised: pp_i2c_send(AS3514_I2C_ADDR, 0x21, 3); 22.48.26 # amiconn: is this something that would be feasible to determine via brute force searching as was done for the dev_en registers? 22.48.40 # betrick: that does low voltage? 22.48.50 # do you have the command to go back to high voltage as well? 22.48.51 # you need to have #included "i2c-pp.c" and "as3514.h" 22.48.59 Quit Gnu47_ ("Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up.") 22.49.04 # saratoga: You need to be very careful when playing with voltages... 22.49.08 Join Gnu47 [0] (i=Gnu47@private.ntwk.thita.net) 22.49.24 # * trust stalks Thundercloud for a while 22.50.02 # I mean i2c-pp.h, not i2c-pp.c 22.50.09 # * Thundercloud WHAT THE HELL 22.50.16 # :o 22.50.20 # amiconn: I can current limit my power supply to just above what is needed for normal operations, hopefulyl that would avoid burning out anything too quickly 22.50.34 Quit phried ("Hello, 911? It's Quagmire. Yeah, it's caught in the window this time.") 22.52.20 # @DEV_EN-testers: btw, it would be interesting if the minimum startup configuration of the several registers which I found for ipod 5G could be tested and adapted for other targets as well. 22.55.12 # Buschel: I have been playing a bit with DEV_EN, I added a DEV_EN = 0xC4000134; in system_init inside the #if defined(SANSA_E200) section and so far it works well, but I haven't tried exhaustively to set bits to 0 yet 22.55.51 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.57.17 # I'll do an exhaustive search this week and post it to FS#8379 22.58.02 # bertrik: you could take the 5G's ones from my patch as basic start. the normal failures are: doesn't start, doesn't detect USB, no audio 22.58.46 # betrik: yes, good idea -- i'll merge it then. btw, there are only few bits left :) 22.59.38 # I took the value that was shown in the IO ports debug menu, removed the bits that were already set by each subsystem (I2C, I2S, etc) and started setting other bits to 0 23.00.15 # this what I've done, too. the DEV_INIT-register may be also of interest 23.00.22 # *registers 23.00.52 # * Buschel goes to bed -- see you! 23.01.00 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 23.01.06 Quit Buschel () 23.01.51 Quit MethoS-- (Remote closed the connection) 23.04.11 Quit |AhIoRoS| (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.04.45 # betrik: I already did a search of all the dev_en bits 23.04.54 # i linked it from that tracker entry 23.04.59 # (on the sansa) 23.07.37 Join |AhIoRoS| [0] (n=ahioros@ 23.08.24 Join uwe__ [0] (n=uwe@dslb-084-056-023-182.pools.arcor-ip.net) 23.08.38 # hmm, your examples disable 2 bits at once 23.08.59 Quit Jon-Kha (Remote closed the connection) 23.09.05 Quit petur ("dada") 23.09.19 # bertrik: it disables all bits that can be disabled without causing the sansa to fail to boot 23.09.24 Quit ompaul (Client Quit) 23.09.40 # ok, I'll try them too. Had any luck with the undervolting? 23.09.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.10.01 # no i won't have time to look at that until later tonight at the earliest, i'm still at work for a while yet 23.13.04 Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 23.14.35 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 23.17.59 # what is the issue holding up us committing cabbie to svn? 23.19.27 Quit stel (Remote closed the connection) 23.20.19 Quit Nico_P (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.20.35 Quit uwe_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.21.48 Join johnh51 [0] (n=john@netblock-208-127-94-190.dslextreme.com) 23.22.18 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.23.37 # if someone could suggest whats missing, I can probably change the script to accomidate it 23.24.44 # saratoga: didn't check the patch but are the necessary changes done to make wpsbuild.pl include e.g. the gradient selector settings into the cfg files? 23.24.54 Join ubercam [0] (n=haha@stnbmb01dc1-225-74.dynamic.mts.net) 23.25.00 # for colour targets 23.25.22 # Why don't you just commit it as it is, and then we can clean it up and test whilst it's in SVN, prior to making it the default theme. 23.25.47 # I thought that's what he wanted... 23.26.03 # Hey all, I'm trying to add an FM preset to the Wiki and I see that I need to be "sponsored" before I can write to it... anyone willing? 23.26.51 # What's your wiki name? 23.27.01 # CamSchultz 23.27.54 # linuxstb_: ok i will test out hte patch tonight and then commit it as a nondefault theme if it works, and then look into fixing the build perl script 23.28.36 # ubercam: Done. 23.28.45 # thanks linuxstb_ 23.28.50 # I appreciate it 23.29.24 # saratoga: I think a few things need to be done before making it the default theme - e.g. do we want to ship the required font in every rockbox.zip? 23.29.38 # * amiconn is puzzled by the latest commit 23.30.02 Quit midkay ("Leaving") 23.30.53 # amiconn: removing the untranslated strings? 23.31.09 # yes 23.31.36 # linuxstb_: I think there's no harm in including the font, if the theme is going to display automatically on first boot. I'd even say it's necessary to. 23.31.51 # linuxstb_: are fonts particularly large when compressed? 23.31.55 Quit stripwax_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.32.02 Join stripwax_ [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 23.32.03 # amiconn: It seems some language files were run through genlang at some point, resulting in these strings. If a new translator then did the same, these ones wouldn't be marked as needing attention (since genlang removes all ### comments) 23.32.19 # saratoga: No, it's just something else that needs to be done to the build system. 23.32.42 # Ah, hmm 23.32.45 # Unless he noticed them before running genlang. I don't really see any point in keeping those. 23.33.04 # linuxstb_: I'm sorry, I don't understand 23.33.15 # is the current system unable to specify which font goes with a theme? 23.33.20 # saratoga: "make zip" needs to put the required font in the zip file. 23.33.29 # Currently, "make zip" doesn't include any fonts. 23.33.40 # there's already a build fullzip option that includes all fonts 23.33.44 # (make fullzip includes all fonts)... 23.33.47 # amiconn: The strings are taken from english.lang anyway when missing, so what good did they do? 23.33.49 # i didn't realize that 23.33.57 # I may be missing something.. 23.34.30 Quit ubercam () 23.34.34 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 23.35.03 # Hrmm..anyone tried the multifont patch on current svn? 23.35.29 # btw, rockbox for the sansa e200 is now downloaded almost as much as the ipod video from the build.rockbox.org site 23.35.59 # 12600 vs 13600 23.36.06 # so far in january I should say 23.36.09 # I wonder how many of those were Classic owners.... 23.36.13 # heh 23.36.20 # The woot effect? 23.37.59 # not only woot, the sansas have been sold (out) rather aggressively lately 23.38.33 # * linuxstb_ still hasn't seen one in a shop in the UK, apart from the airport... 23.38.50 # a fast runner-up is the c200 23.38.52 # (a bricks and mortar shop that is) 23.38.57 # now more downloaded than the h300 23.39.19 # This calls for graphs. 23.39.26 # indeed ;-) 23.39.36 # Ah...nvm...I forgot to commit another viewport patch :3 23.39.36 # If I had to choose between c200 and e200, I'd always prefer the former 23.40.44 # rasher: Our languages are that large these days? 23.41.04 # * amiconn remembers the time when 6KB were sufficient... 23.41.08 # Bagder: Did the Player user upgrade this month? ;) 23.41.16 Quit zicho (Remote closed the connection) 23.41.26 # * Bagder digs deep in the logs 23.41.29 # Probably due to thai needing several bytes per char due to utf-8 23.41.34 # amiconn: Oops, forgot to check the actual size - I meant to do that before committing. That size is just what Harry Tu suggested in the flyspray entry. 23.41.51 # actually, 348 player downloads 23.42.05 # patch: **** malformed patch at line 60: @@ -173,6 +195,9 @@ <--- anyone know what that means? :3 23.42.10 # that's more than recorder, m45 and h100 ... 23.42.13 # m5 23.42.16 # We even had a player bug report this month, which I fixed... 23.42.28 # amiconn: Which size do I check? The filesize of the largest .lng, or something else? 23.42.47 # The patch seemed fine but I'm just curious what this malformed patch thing :3 23.42.50 # (in the forum, not the tracker) 23.42.55 # not a single ondio fm download ;-) 23.43.25 # Wouldn't it make sense to set the lang buffer size per-target, since we have differing sizes now? I imagine some of the archoses have smaller language files. 23.43.55 # uh, wrong of me I can't read, 43 ondio fm, 22 ondio sp downloads 23.44.01 Quit stripwax (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.44.10 # Some more work of course, but presumably it could be done pretty much automatically? 23.44.26 # Might even be decided at build-time? 23.44.29 Nick parafin is now known as parafin|away (i=parafin@paraf.in) 23.44.43 # rasher: makes sense, yes 23.44.51 # The question is how to determine this information. It would also mean that .lng files need to be built before the the main binary 23.44.52 # Bagder: there aren't any Ondio backlight builds available for download ;) 23.45.01 # haha 23.45.40 # amiconn: yeah, it'd take some moving around, but it's one less thing to worry about. And it will save some room (on all targets, really) 23.45.45 # * amiconn believes that only 2 backlight-modded Ondios exist on earth 23.45.51 # not funny - there are 8MB recorder builds :P 23.46.04 # the 8mb recorder builds were downloaded 144 times 23.46.08 # amiconn: and a half... 23.46.13 # The 8MB mod was done by more than 2 people back then 23.46.16 # that's more than all regular ondios combined! ;-) 23.47.15 # will anything bad happen if i change CPUFREQ_MAX from 80MHz to something a little lower during testing? 23.48.18 # * amiconn curses the fnarfbargle.com build server 23.48.24 # But yeah, someone with knowledge of the build system could: 1) Make .lng files be build before Rockbox proper. 2) Generate a headerfile with the size of the largest .lng file. 23.48.48 # a big language buffer increase :( 23.48.58 Join safetydan [0] (n=safetyda@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 23.49.28 # rasher: That script could also sort out some unsuitable .lng files for charcell (just an idea) 23.49.43 # Does any of you know which target has the largest .lng files? I don't really fancy downloading (or building) all targets to find out 23.50.02 # thai needs 14064 on the player 23.50.04 # bytes 23.50.10 # rasher: Don't you build all the sims? 23.50.10 # rasher: I can do a scan... 23.50.21 # Thai needs 0 bytes on the player, because it won't work at all 23.50.23 Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) 23.50.35 # linuxstb_: I do, but I don't keep them around locally 23.51.05 # Player can do all latin-based and cyrillic-based languages, plus greek 23.51.34 Join Kyin01 [0] (n=Administ@cpe-72-129-70-53.socal.res.rr.com) 23.51.40 # All others are out of reach, except perhaps japanese (as halfwidth-katakana version, which would need to be specially prepared in japanese.lang) 23.51.54 Quit BigBambi (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.52.21 # hi 23.52.24 # And even that would only work on "newplayers" (which are the vast majority of all players built, I think) 23.52.41 # 22843 bytes is the biggest thai.lang 23.52.56 # h300 23.53.13 # thai is the biggest language (by far) 23.54.03 # Does all the rockbox able players allow you to transfer songs without any 3rd party program (UMS) if you change the firmware to rockbox? 23.54.15 # greek is #2 23.54.19 # Kyin01: Yes. 23.54.22 # That's because it's alphabet based, and its characters use high code points 23.54.25 # 19520 is the biggest greek 23.54.30 Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 23.54.34 # is that a new feature? 23.54.39 # Yeah, same thing applies to greek, just that code points are not that high 23.54.43 # 17699 is the biggest russian 23.54.49 # Kyin01: No... it's always been this way. 23.55.04 # and they're all on the h300 23.55.20 # oh, i had an iriver h10 20GB and i was never able to find how to do that 23.55.42 # is it an option inside the player when you have it turned on? 23.55.57 # Kyin01: Hold Select while powering on 23.56.00 Join JohnEK [0] (n=johnkooi@CPE000f3dbac653-CM001692f1a3e8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 23.56.06 # Kyin01: On the H10 you have to use the original firmware's UMS mode. 23.56.13 # This is not even a rockbox feature, its a feature of the OF 23.56.15 # the smallest language is afrikaans... :-P 23.56.25 # they can't have many translated phrases left 23.56.36 # And depending on what H10 you have, you could install an ums firmware variant 23.56.42 # because im thinking of getting an ipod (because the x5 cant be found on ebay) and i want to make sure that when i install rockbox I DON'T have to use itunes or any other 3rd party programs 23.57.19 # Bagder: so 25000 is a bit large.. 23.57.32 # yes 23.57.35 # I've looked at a few different wps tag documents and cannot find one which describes how to use album art in a wps. Is there an up-to-date document somewhere? 23.57.59 # and ive used my friend's ipod orignal firmware apple has on it, with rockbox i can browse by folders and ID3 tags right? and when im done browsing i can instantly go back to the "Now Playing" screen and not have to wait like the ipod firmware? 23.58.12 # JohnEK: probably the AlbumArt wiki page 23.58.17 # Kyin01: It works just like it did on the H10, yes. 23.58.42 # Bagder: Does 23500 sound reasonable? Should work for a while (or until someone automates the process) 23.58.44 # lastly can the rockbox ipod play .m3u or .pls?