--- Log for 05.02.108 Server: calvino.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 3 days and 19 hours ago 00.04.01 Join Gr34t3st [0] (n=ChanceS@dialup- 00.06.11 Part Gr34t3st 00.11.14 Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=chatzill@c-24-0-218-198.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) 00.12.06 # good night at all :-) 00.12.12 Quit DerPapst ("So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!") 00.13.30 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 00.13.39 Quit mewshi ("Konversation terminated!") 00.20.57 Part linuxstb 00.24.24 Quit ender` (" They could trim up the framework by treating System.DBNull the same as String.Empty, ala Oracle-style...") 00.24.45 Join LambdaCalculus [0] (n=1800dac6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-cbf8a24ff68c8c5a) 00.25.41 Quit LambdaCalculus (Client Quit) 00.27.42 Join LambdaCalcuclus3 [0] (n=chatzill@c-24-0-218-198.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) 00.27.43 Quit LambdaCalculus37 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.27.45 Nick LambdaCalcuclus3 is now known as LambdaCalculus37 (n=chatzill@c-24-0-218-198.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) 00.27.48 Quit Jon-Kha (Remote closed the connection) 00.28.13 # GodEater: Here? 00.29.07 # linuxstb_: Around? 00.30.04 # LambdaCalculus37: Just about. 00.30.30 # linuxstb_: I have both Rio Karma CDs. 00.30.53 # Doesn't look good, though. :( 00.31.16 # I not that surprised... 00.31.26 # There's no source diffs on either CD. 00.32.28 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 00.32.40 # Does any of the documentation mention ecos/ 00.32.41 # ? 00.33.08 # Let me look again. 00.34.34 Join Gr34t3st [0] (i=ChanceS@dialup- 00.34.58 # can anyone help me with a 30g iPod video with rockbox? 00.35.27 # not really....unless you were planning on telling us what issue you are having :) 00.35.38 # linuxstb_: I don't see any mention of either eCos OR RHEPL. 00.35.51 # My girlfriend can't charge her iPod with rockbox now. 00.36.06 # Here are some interesting comments about ecos - http://www.riovolution.com/index.php?s=06ae7d13998a4d29aa2c6c7098fbcaa4&showtopic=3605&st=30 00.36.08 # When she plugs in her iPod to a charging dock or to her computer it doesn't connect and charge. 00.37.10 # Gr34t3st: well, it shouldnt connect, but it still should charge 00.37.29 # when she plugs it in it doesn't do either. It stays off. 00.38.48 # we would simple uninstall it but she can't even turn it on. 00.39.11 # Hold MENU+SELECT together for a few seconds to reset it. Sometimes ipods don't like to turn themselves on. 00.39.53 # linuxstb_: According to RHEPL, "The license does not require users to release the source code of any applications that are developed with eCos." 00.40.18 Quit EspeonEefi ("さよなら") 00.40.26 # You're a life saver. She was getting ready to kill me. 00.40.34 # LambdaCalculus37: I know. But it requires them to release the source code to modified parts of ecos itself to both RedHat and anyone who they distribute a binary to. 00.40.35 # Thanks a ton man. :D kudos 00.40.38 # (IIUC) 00.41.25 # LambdaCalculus37: And all they did was to give that patch to RedHat - not to users... 00.41.33 # linuxstb_: Yes, you're right! Next sentence: "However, if anybody makes any changes to code covered by the eCos license, or writes new files derived in any way from eCos code, then we believe that the entire user community should have the opportunity to benefit from this." 00.42.01 # Well, GodEater did try to ask on the eCos discussion list, but to no avail. 00.42.34 # I know - he asked for help in tracking down that patch, and I guess no-one knew anything about it... 00.42.57 # But I think it's definitely worth trying to contact rioaudio.com - they're still distributing firmware binaries. 00.43.28 Join japc [0] (n=japc@bl8-7-28.dsl.telepac.pt) 00.43.32 Quit ompaul (Client Quit) 00.43.51 # Or not... Seems rioaudio,com is empty... 00.44.16 # linuxstb: They switched to digitalnetworksusa.com, methinks. 00.44.45 # That site doesn't work either... 00.44.55 # rioaudio.com worked a week or two ago. 00.44.58 # http://www.digitalnetworksna.com/rioaudio/default.asp?cat=35 00.45.05 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 00.45.09 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 00.45.29 # Ah yes, that site works. 00.45.40 # Back later... dinner. 00.47.24 Join cool_walking_ [0] (n=Miranda@203-59-129-195.perm.iinet.net.au) 00.53.12 Quit OlivierBorowski (Remote closed the connection) 00.54.27 Quit conando (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.56.15 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 00.59.31 Quit kugel ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") 01.00.01 Quit Gr34t3st ("Copywight 2006 Elmer Fudd. All wights wesewved.") 01.03.33 Join roolku [0] (n=roolku@77-99-112-231.cable.ubr16.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) 01.04.00 Join Gr34t3st [0] (n=ChanceS@dialup- 01.04.53 # Why do some of the wps files act like rockbox's original wps? 01.05.04 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.05.48 Quit hcs ("Leaving.") 01.06.53 # Gr34t3st, they're either out of date or require unsupported patches 01.07.33 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955C0F9.dip.t-dialin.net) 01.10.28 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 01.10.54 Quit Gr34t3st ("IceChat - Chillin with the Best of em") 01.12.52 Join z35 [0] (n=z@ 01.13.11 Quit obo ("bye") 01.20.24 Quit Axio (Remote closed the connection) 01.23.32 Quit roolku () 01.23.50 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 01.29.45 Join cool_walking_200 [0] (n=Miranda@203-59-129-195.perm.iinet.net.au) 01.38.54 # linuxstb: No general contact emails for Rio. 01.43.30 Quit lee-qid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.44.39 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 01.46.04 Quit cool_walking_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.46.31 Quit JdGordon|w ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 01.46.41 # * LambdaCalculus37 is wondering where to go to find out about eCos source diffs 01.50.50 Nick cool_walking_200 is now known as cool_walking_ (n=Miranda@203-59-129-195.perm.iinet.net.au) 01.52.02 Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-697e6cb1a27b62d3) 01.52.33 # do we want spec sheets for anything samsung makes? 01.52.58 Nick stewball`ghost is now known as stewball`sleep (n=WTFOMGBB@ 01.54.24 Part pixelma 01.54.52 # saratoga: Anything, you say? ;) 01.55.25 # we'll see 01.57.36 # mrf 01.57.54 # * amiconn doesn't understand why his linux box became so slow when building rockbox 01.58.09 # More than 4 minutes for an H300 build :( 01.59.22 # Kernel 2.6.24 problem? 02.01.33 # Hmm, or ccache effect :\ 02.16.35 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 02.17.01 Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) 02.18.02 # hmpf 02.18.14 # the original SanDisk firmware is crap 02.21.27 Part LambdaCalculus37 02.22.41 # even the German translation is crappy ... 02.23.12 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.24.28 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/aliask) 02.24.57 Join ctaylorr [0] (n=ctaylorr@CPE001839ae25b4-CM0011aea4a276.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 02.31.36 Quit Horscht (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.31.59 Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@p4FD4F7F9.dip.t-dialin.net) 02.32.04 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-203-011.pools.arcor-ip.net) 02.32.20 Join andrew___ [0] (n=andrew@stjhnf0124w-142162074449.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net) 02.36.00 Quit scorche|w ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 02.37.31 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 02.37.55 Quit BitTorment (Remote closed the connection) 02.42.03 Quit GodEater (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.46.20 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@72-255-52-197.client.stsn.net) 02.50.26 Quit andrew__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.55.13 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet06.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 02.58.47 Quit tessarakt ("Client exiting") 03.03.38 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 03.05.05 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.10.18 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 03.17.55 Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") 03.20.24 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.20.24 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 03.20.49 # soap, I posted a thread on Head-Fi to try to find testers for the 11 Color/Photo patches Buschel is trying to test. 03.20.57 # http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f15/rockbox-testers-needed-ipod-4g-color-photo-battery-life-improvements-293123/#post3756879 03.31.04 Join Geeky123_ [0] (n=colin@bas12-montrealak-1167976327.dsl.bell.ca) 03.35.30 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 03.35.42 Quit Geeky123_ (Client Quit) 03.35.55 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 03.39.13 # cool Febs 03.48.11 Quit japc (Remote closed the connection) 03.58.28 Quit aliask ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") 04.06.05 Join webguest55 [0] (n=458deaa8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a21a0e05607c63bc) 04.07.12 Quit ctaylorr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.08.09 Quit webguest55 (Client Quit) 04.11.24 Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-Kha@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi) 04.14.09 Join Falco98 [0] (n=chatzill@cpe-066-056-186-106.sc.res.rr.com) 04.17.42 Join psycho_maniac [0] (i=psycho_m@ppp459.hk.centurytel.net) 04.30.19 Join jcollie [0] (n=jcollie@dsl-ppp239.isunet.net) 04.33.09 Join Mit [0] (n=tim@cpe-24-24-238-166.socal.res.rr.com) 04.33.09 Quit PaulJam (".") 04.33.57 # Hi I have a question about the rock box, and it's support for a 60 gig Ipod Photo... 04.34.11 # have I done something wrong when I installed it? 04.34.25 # cause every time I try to use the nice themes for rockbox the images look all corrupted 04.34.38 # and for that matter the rockbox logo at boot time looks corrupted too 04.42.11 Part Mit 04.44.00 Join Evilnick [0] (n=chatzill@cpe-72-225-215-64.nyc.res.rr.com) 04.47.18 Quit hcs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.52.19 Quit aneka ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/") 05.02.45 Join joseph_ [0] (n=joseph@prj-576-169.sfac.auckland.ac.nz) 05.02.51 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.03.07 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5E83.dip.t-dialin.net) 05.04.43 Quit Evilnick ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") 05.05.09 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.05.30 # Hi, My ipod (5g) has recently "lost" all songs. Luckily the files were not damaged and restored by gtkpod, but it seems the file system (vfat) has been damaged. Can anyone offer any word of advice - particularily: do I need to remove rockbox before I attempt a "restore" via iTunes? 05.06.37 # joseph_: no. The iTunes restore will wipe out Rockbox anyway. 05.06.58 # any advice on how to possibly fix the vfat? 05.07.11 # What OS? 05.07.17 # linux of course 05.07.20 # ubuntu 05.07.40 # but if the best tool is a windoz i will find a box 05.08.05 # I'm (mostly) a Windows user, so I would do a chkdsk /f /r. 05.09.01 # Have you tried fsck in Linux? 05.09.04 # I run fsck.vfat -n -l /dev/sdc1, which I assume is similar (-n for just report, no fix). it said something like 05.09.18 # FSINFO sector has bad magic number(s): 05.09.18 # Offset 0: 0xc161d252 != expected 0x41615252 05.09.18 # Offset 484: 0xe141f272 != expected 0x61417272 05.09.50 # I am not sure if letting it fix that would damage the ipod? 05.10.15 # If you're going to restore in iTunes anyway, you have nothing to lose by trying. 05.10.47 # yes but I rather not, as restoring was painfull :) 05.11.33 # I mean, no matter how bad I muck up the file system restore is possible? 05.12.04 # I am asking here because as rockbox developers you might know ... 05.15.21 # thanks anyway 05.15.27 Quit joseph_ (Remote closed the connection) 05.16.19 Quit markun (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.22.19 Join rocko [0] (i=rocko@ 05.22.21 # hi 05.22.32 # I'm an avid user of rockbox 05.22.46 # lately, I've been having a few problems relating to my ipod color 05.22.58 # it beeps when it goes into regular ipod firmware 05.22.59 Quit Falco98 ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") 05.23.21 # and when I turn the thing off after using 10% of my battery, when I turn it back onit says there's 0% 05.24.25 # I don't know what to do 05.31.18 Join crzyboyster [0] (n=6210f01d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6a47cba083a47324) 05.33.03 # Anyone know what in the world this is supposed to be? > http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockIR 05.39.03 # a remote addon for players? 05.39.49 # I have no clue 05.40.02 Quit joshin (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.40.04 # anyways, I am off 05.40.09 Quit Horscht ("http://www.geisterfahrer.org") 05.40.41 # the up and down are much smaller than the << and >> arrorws :( 05.41.51 Quit crzyboyster ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 05.43.52 # bah, stupid large font messing with my head 05.43.59 # anyone game to test this patch? 05.57.02 Join JdGordon_ [0] (n=jonno@usw3662-s-207-244-148-63.dsl.w-link.net) 05.57.02 Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.57.10 Quit JdGordon_ (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 NSplit calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 05.57.10 Quit miepchen^schlaf (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit linuxstb (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit z35 (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit jhulst (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit Karti (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit gromit`` (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit DaCapn (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit SirFunk_ (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit Bagder (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit Lynx_ (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit cagnulein (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit lids (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit ze (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit pabs (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.10 Quit [omni] (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.57.39 Join hcs [0] (n=agashlin@rockbox/contributor/hcs) 05.59.12 Quit DogBoy (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.59.12 Quit simonrvn (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.59.12 Quit qweru (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.59.12 Quit scorche|sh (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.59.12 Quit johnh51 (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.59.12 Quit tchan (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.59.12 Quit BHSPitMonkey (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 06.00.47 NHeal calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 06.00.47 NJoin DogBoy [0] (n=john@66-101-59-100-static.dsl.oplink.net) 06.00.47 NJoin simonrvn [0] (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) 06.00.47 NJoin qweru [0] (n=kvirc@bb-87-80-66-156.ukonline.co.uk) 06.00.47 NJoin scorche|sh [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 06.00.47 NJoin johnh51 [0] (n=john@netblock-208-127-94-190.dslextreme.com) 06.00.47 NJoin tchan [0] (n=tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan) 06.00.47 NJoin BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 06.01.38 NJoin JdGordon_ [0] (n=jonno@usw3662-s-207-244-148-63.dsl.w-link.net) 06.01.38 NJoin miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=hihi@p54BF5E83.dip.t-dialin.net) 06.01.38 NJoin linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 06.01.38 NJoin z35 [0] (n=z@ 06.01.38 NJoin Karti [0] (n=jim@ 06.01.38 NJoin jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 06.01.38 NJoin gromit`` [0] (n=gromit@ALagny-154-1-2-78.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr) 06.01.38 NJoin DaCapn [0] (n=dacapn@c-76-105-220-239.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 06.01.38 NJoin SirFunk_ [0] (n=Sir@206-159-155-246.netsync.net) 06.01.38 Join Bagder [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) 06.01.38 NJoin Lynx_ [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) 06.01.38 NJoin cagnulein [0] (n=Cagnulei@ 06.01.38 NJoin lids [0] (n=lds@ks35142.kimsufi.com) 06.01.38 NJoin ze [0] (i=ze@cpe-76-175-22-254.socal.res.rr.com) 06.01.38 NJoin pabs [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 06.01.38 NJoin [omni] [0] (n=omni@bestII.com) 06.02.23 Join perrikwp [0] (n=982165ed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bddac0db3d59036b) 06.03.35 # and there bacl 06.03.56 # ok, whos going to test my patch? or ill just commit it 06.03.58 Join lids_ [0] (n=lds@ks35142.kimsufi.com) 06.05.42 # what change? 06.06.20 # quickscreen vith viewports 06.06.30 # and customizable items 06.06.42 # does it kill SYSFONT_ lang entries? 06.07.22 # yes 06.07.35 # Preferably in all languages including them.. 06.07.53 # I actually forgot about them, but ill make sure to remove them 06.08.02 # that might just push it closer to acceptable red :) 06.12.02 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8553?getfile=15865 06.12.17 # ill commit that once i fix the langs.. so testers... :) 06.14.58 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ppp-71-140-88-6.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) 06.14.59 # rasher: do i set the unused sysfonts to deprecated? 06.15.59 # JdGordon_: I believe so, yes 06.16.32 # bugger.. thats gonna be a bitch to do :) 06.16.58 # LANG_SYSFONT_OFF is still used.. but this patch deprecates about a dozen strings 06.18.15 # This is why xml and a "langfile tool" would be nice 06.18.32 # the xml only being needed because it makes the tool quicker to write 06.18.57 # something along the lines of `langtool -deprecate LANG_SYSFONT_OFF *.lang` 06.19.40 # yes, that would be sweet 06.19.45 # shame we dont have that :( 06.20.13 Quit lids (Connection timed out) 06.20.55 # You're more than welcome to pick up FS#8233 06.21.33 # 16 strings gone 06.21.40 Nick JdGordon_ is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@usw3662-s-207-244-148-63.dsl.w-link.net) 06.26.47 # * JdGordon wonders if it would be ok to to jump the lang version because of this and do it the easy way 06.27.13 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 06.27.31 # 1 down, 15 to go 06.28.15 # aparently lang editors dont understand why the _SYSFONT_ are needed 06.28.34 # It really should have been in the desc field for each and every one 06.29.54 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 06.30.37 Nick lids_ is now known as lids (n=lds@ks35142.kimsufi.com) 06.32.35 Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@p5B163270.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 06.33.04 Quit Karti (Remote closed the connection) 06.37.45 # fuck.... kate is a crap editor.. its fubaring the lang files 06.39.37 # I talk to this girl Kate 06.39.47 # I'm fairly in love with her. 06.46.32 # gonna be a nasty red... :p 06.48.59 Quit hannesd (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) 06.48.59 Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@p5B163270.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 06.54.46 Quit midgey () 07.05.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.09.41 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@bas3-kitchener06-1096649533.dsl.bell.ca) 07.10.56 # haha only read rockons comments about him being in love with "kate" haha then read above that 07.23.28 Quit perrikwp ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 07.27.50 Join ch4os_ [0] (n=ch4os@unaffiliated/ch4os/x-059673) 07.32.04 Join joecool|wired [0] (i=joecool@no-sources/joecool) 07.33.32 # lostlogic: ping 07.45.53 # I'm designing some hardware to run rockbox. Anyone know if it's a Bad Idea to completely power down the ram after the player has been put in pause mode and the backlight timeout has expired? Basically, this would mean Rockbox would have to boot up again every time you let your music player sit for 2 minutes in pause mode. Good idea/bad idea? 07.47.04 # sounds like the sort of thing that should be reserved for a "sleep mode" 07.47.20 # or, why not just show down entirely? 07.48.10 # yeah, it is shutting down entirely. I just wanna know if Rockbox can be set to go back to where it was in the middle of playing a song when it boots back up. 07.48.27 # yeah, it can 07.49.00 # and the time it takes to boot up to that point would be how long? 07.50.27 Join Adam [0] (n=2093c0aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0aef0204f0841a12) 07.50.51 # I guess it would depend on how fast your hardware can boot rockbox, I don't know. 07.52.02 # Can neone help me out?I got a sansa e260 and want to put rockbox on it. I downloaded the current build, but i can't find the installer that goes with the software. What do I do? 07.52.32 # Adam: have a look at the manual 07.52.51 # Is there a complete zip package that i can d/l that has the current build, installer, rockdoom, themes, fonts, etc. all in one package?? 07.53.15 # Adam: please look at it :) 07.53.37 Part toffe82 07.57.31 Join Adam2 [0] (n=2093c0aa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-206ffecb06d7bfb1) 07.57.55 Quit Adam ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 07.58.30 # K. I just d/l the rockbox utility but it only has archos and iriver players listed on the install. WTF. No sansa 07.59.45 Join GodEater [50] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 08.00.05 # eh? 08.01.03 # I downloaded the rockbox utility and it only has the archos and iRiver mp3 players on the install list, no apple, sansa, etc. 08.01.14 # what install list? 08.02.21 # The screen that says please select the player you'd like to install rockbox on 08.02.46 # what did you download?...i see them all just fine 08.03.19 Join WafflesDr [0] (n=Waffles@74-135-5-110.dhcp.insightbb.com) 08.03.54 # I musta got an older version of the installer cuz I found what I was looking 4. 08.04.54 # Now it's saying in the progress screen that the mount point is wrong when I start the install 08.05.06 # then change it 08.05.54 Quit Adam2 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 08.06.04 # hcs: okay, good point. This is going to be a 180MHz arm9. I can't find out how fast the arm in the sansa is or I'd compare it. 08.06.21 # Why do we have a customizable quicksceen? 08.06.38 # MattAndrew: 80MHz boosted 08.07.01 # Llorean: the reason starts with Jd and ends with Gordon 08.07.36 # GodEater: Shouldn't this have been in the patcher? Was it discussed and I missed it? 08.07.43 # err, tracker? 08.07.54 # I think it got discussed for about ten minutes yesterday 08.08.00 # that's discussed in "" 08.08.21 # I'm officially handing in the support towel 08.08.25 # MattAndrew: you can see how fast it is running at any one time (and change it) through System > Debug > CPU Frequency 08.08.59 # scorche: ooo. nice feature. 08.09.20 # GodEater: He also added a top item, which probably makes the screen unexitable on some targets 08.09.25 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 08.09.26 Quit psycho_maniac (" its bed time") 08.09.27 # If a user sets a top item. 08.09.42 # yeah, I think amiconn told him that at the time too 08.09.46 # According to portalplayer's pdf about the pp5024, it has 2 arm7tdmi's that can run up to 100MHz each. So, this would be about as fast as that. 08.09.47 # he did... 08.10.00 # JdGordon: Why on Earth did you commit that? 08.10.19 # MattAndrew: well, we dont utilize both cores yet and we only run up to 80MHz boosted 08.10.45 # * scorche goes and has a look at the delta.. 08.11.08 # Quite the opposite of green 08.11.44 # and a bit o red 08.11.59 # (in the scoreboard) 08.14.41 # Llorean, GodEater: The top item doesn't make the screen unexitable. It is just impossible to use the top item the real quick way of operating the quickscreen (which has been broken for months and months anyway) 08.15.01 # amiconn: Some players depend on the "Up" button to get out of the screen, don't they? 08.15.06 # Specifically, iPods? 08.15.14 # scorche: I'm curious: can you power down the unused coprocessor? 08.15.23 # * GodEater goes to buy coffee 08.16.00 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B0D2CD.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.16.20 # Llorean: Ah, you're thinking about the ipod... that wasn't what was discussed yesterday though 08.16.48 # Well, is what he committed not enabled for iPods then? 08.17.39 Nick joecool|wired is now known as joecool (i=joecool@no-sources/joecool) 08.17.39 Quit joecool ("Leaving") 08.18.49 # scorche: The failed build is caused by an unstable build server... 08.19.03 # The delta row colour is nasty though :( 08.19.38 # Why was "customizable" added at the same time as making them viewports? 08.20.00 # JdGordon: Why does your quickscreen commit even touch the binsize of the Ondios and the Player? 08.20.08 # That can't be right... 08.20.12 # I know JdGordon's been rather against the current choices for quickscreen contents, but I have to admit that I'm kinda pissed off about a fairly major change to an existing system not getting a mail to the list or any warning. 08.20.25 # Those targets have no quickscreen 08.22.28 # Yeah, I also don't understand why the customisation was added. 08.23.34 # I hate to sound as cynical as I'm going to, but I imagine just because he thought we were less likely to revert it, even if generally speaking we're against it vocally all the time. 08.23.35 # Especially since hidden customisation features were discussed a few days ago, and the consensus was that hidden options shouldn't exist 08.23.46 # At least I thought it was that... :\ 08.23.46 Join joecool [0] (i=joecool@no-sources/joecool) 08.23.58 Quit spr0k3t_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.24.37 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host118-214-dynamic.20-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 08.24.39 Join spr0k3t_ [0] (n=spr0k3t@CPE-69-76-171-220.kc.res.rr.com) 08.25.01 # * karashata notes a couple things about the recent change to the quickscreen: can't find where to customize it, the font colour defaults to black and not the foreground colour, and scrolling lines in the WPS end up updating over the quickscreen 08.25.03 # I thought we'd always been against menu customisation 08.25.54 # karashata: It wasn't widely tested, I fear. Possibly because that would've resulted in more discussion. =/ 08.26.24 # * karashata nods 08.27.00 # * amiconn thinks that commit should be reverted for now 08.27.02 # Hey, I just tried to install RockBox on a Sansa e260. Autodetect did not work so I had to manually set it. It said the installation was complete, but the only thing I noticed was RockboxUtility.exe and RockboxUtility.ini on the player. Now I tried to run it again and it says it does not detect any sansa players. I do not have the Sansa Update Utility installed and I tried running it as Administrator, it still won't work. 08.27.04 # * GodEater votes for a revert until it gets more testing 08.27.16 # Several things can't be right 08.27.17 # GodEater: I'm not against *very* finite customization options. For example, two or three choices for the short-press on record, and a limited pre-set choice of options for the quickscreen, choosable by a menu interface. 08.27.19 # * karashata agrees with amiconn and GodEater 08.27.28 # * Llorean thirds the revert suggestion. 08.27.46 # motion carried ? 08.29.54 # WafflesDr: what version is the stock firmware ? 08.30.07 Join conando [0] (n=john@dslb-084-060-176-007.pools.arcor-ip.net) 08.30.20 # let me check real quick, I know its 1.xx, not sure the details 08.30.31 Join markun [50] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 08.30.45 # well if it's 1.xx anything it should get detected 08.31.30 # firmware 01.01.11A 08.32.04 # and you're sure it's in MSC mode, not MTP ? 08.32.19 # MattAndrew: yes...the second core cna be put to sleep 08.32.26 # yup, its MSC 08.32.46 # MSC is where you can see all the files, hidden and everything right? I changed it over before I did anything to the player. 08.32.46 # * GodEater exhausts his knowledge of sansa installs 08.32.51 # amiconn: yeah...i didnt bother to give it more than a passing glance...did the dishes.. 08.32.55 # JdGordon: ping.... 08.32.56 # heh 08.33.19 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.35.35 Join joecool_ [0] (i=joecool@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xA7BF8828) 08.36.06 # oh you know what 08.36.19 Quit joecool (Nick collision from services.) 08.36.22 Nick joecool_ is now known as joecool (i=joecool@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xA7BF8828) 08.36.24 # I deleted the RockboxUtility.exe and .ini that ended up on the player (i don't think i put them there) and now its installin 08.36.29 Nick joecool is now known as joecool|sleep (i=joecool@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xA7BF8828) 08.38.01 Quit joecool|sleep (Client Quit) 08.38.04 # JdGordon: Uhm, you changed the copyright line of an existing source file..... 08.38.27 Join homielowe [0] (n=chatzill@d207-81-67-190.bchsia.telus.net) 08.40.28 Join joecool [0] (i=joecool@no-sources/joecool) 08.43.55 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 08.44.57 Join pondlife [50] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) 08.45.28 # JdGordon: +1K for the blimmin' quickscreen?? 08.46.23 # * GodEater welcomes pondlife late to the party 08.46.34 # * pondlife reads the party logs 08.46.42 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 08.46.46 # Hey, I have to sleep too, y'know 08.46.57 Quit ol_schoola (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.46.57 # don't we all / 08.46.58 # ? 08.46.59 # * scorche hands pondlife an "angry liquor" 08.47.09 # * pondlife drinks and reverts 08.47.46 # eurgh 08.48.05 # The quickscreen works even worse than the old one with a large font on archos 08.48.22 # something else I just discovered, the quickscreen isn't properly updating the repeat mode when switching it 08.48.28 # If you're going to have a customisable quickscreen, I'd much prefer a binsize reduction 08.48.40 # The right option hides its value 08.48.43 Join ol_schoola [0] (n=meatwad@c-67-167-20-91.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 08.49.30 # * GodEater proposes "Customisable quickscreen" as "Most unpopular commit to Rockbox of 2008" 08.49.35 # Why are the left & right option not at the same y position - that's one of the things which should be dead easy with viewports. 08.49.37 # ..so far. 08.49.44 # The icons are also missing 08.49.46 # pondlife: goes without saying ;) 08.49.48 # GodEater: Beating the keyclick into second place?? 08.50.09 # beating it so far into secondplace it's not even worth considering for the award 08.50.43 # * pondlife notices the support towel rack has an extra towel on it 08.50.50 # ack, somehow I managed to trigger a restart of my currently playing track from within the quickscreen and now my WPS messed up... 08.50.57 # btw - did you give up with my VM ? 08.51.05 # No 08.51.12 # But not had any time to proceed 08.51.23 # though going to the main menu then back to the WPS fixed that easy enough 08.51.23 # Gotta go now, might have time this weekend 08.51.24 # just wondered if you'd gone with rasher's instead 08.51.28 # Neither 08.51.29 # ok - later! 08.51.29 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.51.38 # Slight correction: the icons are there if there's enough room. But the text postions are broken, and the decision whether it has to scroll is broken too 08.52.02 Nick joecool is now known as joecool|sleep (i=joecool@no-sources/joecool) 08.54.01 # .. and so it begins :) 08.54.33 # * scorche sees daniel walk into the lions den 08.54.52 # icons arnt missing... 08.55.17 # and left and right not being level is becuase its harder to read when they are 08.56.06 # joecool|sleep: should I know you? reping tomorrow if so 08.56.54 # JdGordon: i think a good first thing to address is why was this simply committed with a minimum of discussion, no task, etc? 08.56.56 # JdGordon: If you can get it back to (a) non-customisable and (b) a green delta, then do so ;p 08.57.17 # (a) easy.. (b) blame viewports 08.57.50 # Hmm, in which case maybe the viewport implementation needs more work? 08.57.50 # pondlife: And (c) actually working? There seem to be a lot of things broken about it judging by the people already speaking up 08.58.05 # I've not got as far as downloading it yet. 08.58.20 # works fine here... even tested with different fonts in the rec sim.. 08.58.21 # But +1K for a cosmetic change is poor value, IMHO 08.58.48 # like i said.. blame vp on that 08.59.17 # In which case do it without using them... 08.59.39 Quit scorche (Nick collision from services.) 08.59.42 Quit advlaptop2019 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.59.47 Join advlaptop2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 08.59.48 # you'll notice it doesnt use sysfont anymore? try doing that without viewports.. 08.59.52 # JdGordon: Well read karashata's comments from just a bit earlier 09.00.00 # cant... drunk 09.00.08 # JdGordon: you had one beer, you're just sleepy 09.00.10 Join scorche [0] (i=Blah@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 09.00.11 # have a coke and fix it. 09.00.18 # :-D 09.00.20 # But better still, let's see if we can use this opportunity to improve the memory efficiency of viewports? 09.00.36 # arg.. 09.00.39 # I mean, if it's going to be big red deltas each time we add one.... 09.00.51 # pondlife: "we" or "linuxstb your implementation gets a D-, redo from start" 09.01.10 # haha 09.01.18 # "we" - meaning everyone but me 09.01.34 Nick advlaptop2019_ is now known as advlaptop2019 (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 09.01.43 # WRT delta size, isn't this the first time VP has been commited though ? 09.01.57 # Ah, I thought that had already gone in. 09.01.58 # i.e. later things using it wouldn't have such enormous redness 09.02.09 # I may have misunderstood 09.02.34 # you know what they say about assumption... 09.02.35 # JdGordon: As it is now, the diferent y positions make it harder, even impossible to read with large fonts on small screens 09.02.37 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 09.02.47 # The log message "use viewports" made me think it was using an already committed feature. 09.03.01 # And they wouldn't be hard to read on level if there would be a spacing between 09.03.05 # pondlife: I may have missed the commit too - in which case I could be wrong :) 09.03.16 Quit cool_walking_ ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 09.03.18 # there is spacing between them 09.03.24 # I thought linuxstb had just commited the driver portion 09.03.24 # I think the icons should be placed into the centre if there's not enough room in the outside 09.03.26 # not the userspace bits 09.03.45 # _something_ had to be first 09.04.06 # * karashata notes that the quickscreen takes around 5 or 6 seconds to exit back to the WPS after pressing the button to leave it... 09.04.20 # GodEater: 8th Jan has - "Add the viewport functions to the screens API..." 09.04.21 # and check the logs.. i said from the beginign all viewport comits would be red 09.04.47 # The bottom option doesn't use the single-line switch you proposed yourself... and the left & right options aren't deciding properly whether they have to scroll, and if they scroll, their placement is wrong (at least the left one), overwriting the icon 09.05.12 # And what about the quickscreenless targets?? 09.05.14 # how many lines are viewable with your font? 09.05.15 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.05.18 # 4 09.05.28 # pondlife: I take it all back then 09.05.31 # also, the viewport for the quickscreen doesn't cover the whole WPS screen, there's a line across the top, I'm guessing about 8 pixels thick, that doesn't get covered 09.05.48 # karashata: for the status bar perhaps ? 09.06.02 # That is, 4 lines with the font where everything breaks (Nimbus-14), and 7 with the font where it breaks partially (Rockfont-8) 09.06.08 # none of my WPSes use the status bar though, so it looks bad 09.06.09 # I have the statusbar enabled of course 09.06.43 # amiconn: change quickscreen.c:66 to >=3 instead of ==4 and it should be ok 09.06.53 # statusbar was always shown with the old code 09.07.12 # slight delay is because settings_apply() is always called now if an item is changed 09.07.19 # wtf with the colours 09.07.27 # and wps scroll will be fixed in a sec 09.07.31 Join broom [0] (n=c27f0812@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d659e9d013f13fb4) 09.07.42 # get_foreground() seems to be broekn 09.08.36 # Hello. Why is the parameter add_files in tagcache.c:check_dir() declared as int? Shouldn't it be bool (for better readability)? 09.12.11 Quit joecool|sleep (Remote closed the connection) 09.12.59 Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@STRATTON-FIVE-SEVENTY-NINE.MIT.EDU) 09.14.16 # hmm.. the repeat mode in the quickscreen changes from off to all when changing modes, but not from all to one or any of the other modes, and when it's switched back to off again it changes back to off 09.14.52 # the mode does change though, the quickscreen's just not showing the mode changing 09.15.43 Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 09.16.37 Quit ol_schoola () 09.17.11 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 09.17.29 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 09.17.39 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 09.19.21 # the show files option doesn't change at all when changing what to show 09.19.43 # I cant reproduce that at all... all 4 optinos work fine 09.20.05 # I only have three options 09.20.18 Quit EspeonEefi ("さよなら") 09.20.19 # the defaults? they all work fine here 09.20.23 # pondlife: I would agree - if the current viewport implementation is going to result in significant red everywhere they're used, then something's wrong.... But this patch doesn't seem to be a good example (it's including other changes at the same time) - and the binsize delta for the Player/Ondio (without quickscreen) are bigger than some targets with quickscreen (e.g. other Archos devices).... So my guess would be that the colour handli 09.20.24 # ng should be changed. 09.20.55 # there are no other changes 09.21.35 # Imo the icons should be placed into the centre at all times (iirc it even was that way before multi-screen support) 09.21.46 # * karashata goes to test the quickscreen with the default theme to see what happens 09.22.04 # And we probably want a compile-time option to select between 3-item and 4-item quickscreens 09.22.25 # the extra item makes SFA difference.... just set it to none if you dont want it 09.22.36 Quit Seed (Nick collision from services.) 09.22.36 # and how are the icons not showing in the center? 09.22.42 Join Seedy [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) 09.22.49 Join advlaptop2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 09.22.51 Quit advlaptop2019 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.22.53 Quit JdGordon (Remote closed the connection) 09.23.13 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@usw3662-s-207-244-148-63.dsl.w-link.net) 09.23.39 # hmm, show files will show all and supported, but not the other two, repeat shows off and all, but not one, shuffle, or A-B, shuffle shows both no and yes fine 09.23.43 # JdGordon: you can't set it to "none" if we end up removing the as-yet-not-fully-discussed customization. 09.23.45 # with the default theme 09.24.08 # JdGordon: Which, you still haven't explained just committing without more discussion, since it's ostensibly against the overall intent. 09.24.38 # JdGordon: A 4-way quickscreen doesn't make sense on ipods, as then the screen can't be exited anymore (in a logical way). And on recorders, it makes little sense because of the limited space 09.25.01 # And having the decision between 3 and 4 options dynamic increases code size 09.25.09 Join knittl [0] (n=knittl@s1.pyhrn-priel.tv) 09.25.18 # * karashata still wonders where the customizable part comes in, he can't find anywhere to customize anything 09.25.45 # karashata: read the commit message.... 09.25.50 # oh? 09.25.55 # * karashata goes to check 09.26.02 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 09.26.17 Nick advlaptop2019_ is now known as advlaptop2019 (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 09.26.35 # That is, the ipods *could* have a 4th option on Select, the same way as the recorders could have it on Play (that'd even work for quickmode) 09.26.51 # the only wtf bug is the colours... linuxstb spot my mistake? 09.27.00 # Btw, quickmode still doesn't work, and leaving the F3 quickscreen is also broken 09.27.25 # (these things were broken before your commit, I know) 09.27.26 # * JdGordon checks log.... nope... pretty sure it mentions nothing about fixing quickmode 09.27.38 # * linuxstb isn't against the idea of configurable menus, as long as a) It is only adding additional ways to access items (which is what the quickscreen is anyway); b) it's easily configurable (i.e. there's a GUI). 09.28.12 # i would weigh in more, but i would like to see a better delta 09.28.55 Join Insectoid [0] (n=q@adsl-072-148-075-054.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net) 09.29.02 Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@STRATTON-FIVE-SEVENTY-NINE.MIT.EDU) 09.29.48 # With latest build on Ipod Video 32 mb, if the voice file is not current with english.lang, playback locks up the player. The voice is also apparently not current on the voice build page, rendering the player inoperable. 09.30.13 Quit broom ("CGI:IRC") 09.31.13 # amiconn: how about screenshots so the tweaking that you say needs to happen can happen? 09.32.03 Quit jcollie (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 09.32.03 NSplit calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 09.32.03 Quit n17ikh|Lappy (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 09.32.03 Quit roxfan (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 09.32.03 Quit HellDragon (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 09.32.03 Quit dancek (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 09.32.03 Quit Ave (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 09.32.03 Quit Tuplanolla (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 09.34.22 # JdGordon: did I miss an explanation why targets without quickscreen (Player, Ondios) got such a big red delta too? 09.34.55 NHeal calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 09.34.55 NJoin dancek [0] (n=hthartik@bast.hut.fi) 09.35.02 # you obvviously missed my commits also 09.36.57 # JdGordon: I'm not sure why that wouldn't work, but fg_pattern and bg_pattern also need to be set for greyscale targets. Also, wouldn't it be better to write a function to populate a full-screen viewport struct with defaults? 09.37.30 NJoin roxfan [0] (n=dunno@115.60-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) 09.38.01 # iirc only colour targets have fg/bg colours in the settings atm and yeah, slipped my mind 09.38.22 # It doesn't matter if they're customisable - they still need to be set to the defaults. 09.41.15 # * pondlife thinks anything customisable should have a GUI 09.41.37 # No need for a text editor (unless you want to do that) 09.41.51 # pondlife: Themes being the exceptin. 09.41.53 # exception. 09.42.00 # Why? 09.42.05 # WPS, you mean? 09.42.21 # We don't have a GUI for creating WPS, Iconsets, settings icontypes to file types, setting file colors. 09.42.44 # * linuxstb would love to see a plugin to do that... 09.42.45 # Iconsets should be selectable via a GUI. 09.42.50 # linuxstb: I would too, actually 09.42.59 # pondlife: They're selectable, just not creatable. 09.43.26 # Actually, I'm not sure if you can select a .icons file directly, or need a .cfg for it. 09.43.41 Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3EB66.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.44.03 # you cant 09.44.44 # btw.. you wanted a small delta.. a gui for this would be an extra 1k probaly... ill do it in a plugin 09.46.17 # * pondlife would like to see the whole settings menu moved to a plugin... 09.46.48 # ..but I know that's not a popular idea. 09.47.10 Quit WafflesDr () 09.47.12 # * JdGordon suggested that over a year ago 09.47.38 NJoin HellDragon [0] (i=jd@unaffiliated/helldragon) 09.48.27 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B0D2CD.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.48.56 Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.49.10 Join CaptainSquid [0] (n=Miranda@proxy15.netz.sbs.de) 09.49.20 # JdGordon: And it was discussed and rejected. I'm in favour of it too. 09.49.38 # The key though is that it was discussed. Rather than just pushed through with less than a day's notice, and no chance for comments... 09.49.43 NJoin n17ikh|Lappy [0] (n=n17ikh@130-127-79-30.calhoun.resnet.clemson.edu) 09.50.09 NJoin jcollie [0] (n=jcollie@dsl-ppp239.isunet.net) 09.50.09 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.50.51 # 4th time lucky maybe? 09.51.06 # oh dear, already put on MajorChanges... 09.51.32 # course... otherwise people will complain they have no idea how to change the setting 09.51.33 # Okay, seriously, what the hell. 09.51.56 # I thought it is still being discussed? 09.52.03 # No offense, but frankly this is bullshit. The project has long been "no customizable menus", and you intentionally avoid discussion and commit it? 09.52.28 # Revert revert revert 09.52.28 # SVN isn't your private playground, and you've pretty much been ignoring the fact that we've asked why you didn't wait to discuss it more. 09.53.36 # Not only that but it seems you were enough in a hurry that you pushed in a fairly buggy patch since you were more interested in getting it in, than providing it for testing first. 09.53.57 Quit Buschel () 09.55.15 # I find the "green fetish" comment a little offensive too. It's not a fetish, it's a fundamental. 09.56.12 # "quiet the masses" isn't much better... 09.57.04 # Seriously, I mean, putting it immediately on MajorChanges when you knew it was unpopular among at least a moderate sized portion of the devs seems like a bid to get the users on your side so it's harder to revert. 09.57.17 # * pondlife wonders if SVN should have a tube attached, and require a breath sample for the commit command... ;p 09.57.40 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) 09.57.42 # I mean, I gave you a chance to offer an explanation, but since you don't seem interested, I'm going to come out and say it really feels like you're just trying to force it on the project without discussion because you didn't feel like it'd get in legitimately. 09.58.14 # pondlife: only to enforce the Ballmer Peak, surely 09.58.42 Join S [0] (n=john@dslb-084-060-176-007.pools.arcor-ip.net) 09.58.44 # im taking scorche's advice and reply tomoorow after a good night sleep 09.58.47 Quit JdGordon ("zzz") 09.58.51 # i... 09.58.54 # errr.. 09.58.58 # So, who wants to do the honors of reverting it until tomorrow? 09.59.05 Quit conando (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.59.17 # I would but I'm at work right now 09.59.31 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ 10.00.52 # anyone else jumping, or shall i boot up the VM? 10.01.32 # * petur has no svn access at work 10.01.47 # * scorche boots it up 10.01.57 # I can do it, but it'd be possibly the first commit by phone 10.02.13 # * petur edited the wiki 10.04.21 # scorche: Am I doing it or you? 10.05.07 # i have it booted up and getting ready to svn a clean revision and will do it if it is truly wanted...or we could wait a bit for cooler heads 10.05.24 # He can re-commit it tomorrow. 10.05.41 # But for the moment, it needs discussion. 10.06.00 # wouldn't it be an idea for it to a) be working, and b) be agreed first ? 10.06.04 # I'll take the heat on it. 10.06.15 # GodEater: As in, revert the change until it at least works? 10.06.19 # yes 10.06.23 # scorche: I'll do the commit. He already hates me anyway 10.06.40 # At the very least, patches should be working _before_ committing... 10.06.53 # you sure?...i am in the middle of going through svn 10.06.54 # can't resist this any longer : http://test.lostlogicx.com/transfer/rockbox/punching_jonathan.avi 10.07.04 # scorche: I've already reverted the changes locally 10.07.10 # I was just waiting to see if you were ahead of me. 10.07.17 # * scorche shrugs 10.07.25 # And I'm good at taking hear 10.07.26 # heat 10.07.39 # * scorche is a neutralish type :) 10.07.56 Join Jeton [0] (n=4f7ebca7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-eeeafd20f65a173b) 10.09.00 # Or I could be unable to remember my SVN password. Again. >_> 10.09.14 # * Llorean feels like a bit of an idiot. 10.09.14 # I'm a little confused. How do i use the QuickScreen that was commited, on my Sansa e200. Which button is assigned to it? 10.09.28 # rofl! 10.09.38 # Jeton: you don't for the time being - we're reverting it 10.09.39 # There we go 10.09.42 # I remembered it. 10.09.45 # see users already want to try it :P 10.09.57 # oh, lol. OK :) 10.09.57 # * Llorean hopes he did this right 10.10.02 # which part of the commit will be reverted? 10.10.14 # I like using the UI font in the quick menu 10.10.19 # Jeton: but as to "which button" it will be the same button that the quickscreen has always used 10.10.39 # markun: at this point it seems more like an all-or-nothing 10.10.45 # which was holding the REC button. (?) 10.10.52 # Jeton: it's in the manual... 10.11.00 # Llorean: all 3? 10.11.01 # markun: That'll make its way back in. 10.11.08 # scorche: Huh? 10.11.14 # 3 commits 10.11.14 # * Jeton checks the manual 10.11.20 # What about 3 commits? 10.11.38 # what did you revert?...he did 3 commits 10.11.43 # It should revert all of them 10.11.48 # well IMHO except the buggy part that some mentioned (didn't try it), the idea can be favorable 10.12.20 # scorche: I separated Mike's change, reverted JD's, reapplied mikes, and used that. 10.12.33 # XavierGr: it seems that it is more the way it was put across 10.13.34 # * Llorean tried to go for a very diplomatic commit message 10.14.25 # well I didn't like the hit and run tactic but also I don't like disputes between people... 10.14.49 # i think it was batter to revert now and discuss when cooler heads prevail 10.14.57 # berrter 10.15.03 # errr...case in point? :) 10.15.10 # heh 10.15.36 Join Buschel [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3EB66.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.15.39 # markun: btw. I don't understand the database.unignore. Don't know the code but doesn't that slow the process down for everyone who uses database.ignore because now it needs to look in every subdirectory when it could be skipped before? And can't you have the same effect if you are putting database.ignore in your subfolders? 10.15.54 # where are the pacificist swedes anyway? :P 10.17.52 # Okay, looks like I didn't break anything. 10.18.34 # pixelma: if you have dircache off it could have quite and impact. With dircache on you will not notice a difference. 10.18.39 Nick S is now known as conando (n=john@dslb-084-060-176-007.pools.arcor-ip.net) 10.18.41 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 10.18.47 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 10.19.13 # you could get the same result with a lot of database.ignore files, but this way I think you can do it a lot simpler 10.19.18 # still don't see a need for it... 10.19.38 # well, I have a lot of folders with audio files which I don't want in my database 10.19.43 # or you could organise your files better 10.20.12 # I think they are organized quite well 10.20.45 # I have a 'audio' folder, with 'podcasts', 'albums 10.20.45 Quit Jeton ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 10.20.59 # ', 'misc', 'SPC' etc 10.21.23 # and also in the root I have a 'test' folder whith files which used to crash rockbox or for test plugins 10.22.08 # this way I just need 2 files (ignore in the root, and unignore in albums) and don't need to keep adding ignore files when I add folders with audio files somewhere. 10.23.22 # pixelma: anyway, did you notice any problems yourself or are you just worried (which I can also understand)? I could revert it and keep using it in my own build (as I did before). 10.26.19 Quit TMM (Remote closed the connection) 10.26.33 Join broom [0] (n=c27f0811@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d33d43f60d69b04b) 10.27.15 # haven't noticed problems, I just couldn't understand it (not sure I know more now). I don't use the database much and database.ignore even less (only by way of the included one in .rockbox) 10.27.57 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 10.27.58 # markun, pixelma: what about having a ignore-recursive file which would avoid scanning sub folders? 10.28.35 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 10.28.43 # A simple ignore would ignore the folder but then proceed with the subfolders 10.28.45 # broom: could also be done ;) 10.29.10 # but keeping the unignore file, right? 10.29.24 # markun: but then users will ask why the unignore files doesn't have effect! :-) 10.29.38 # yes, it's a bit tricky 10.29.50 # markun: yes, two types of ignore, one unignore. 10.30.21 # I think I'll wait a bit before I make more changes to it until we come up with something nice and logical 10.30.46 # broom: that sounds even more complicated... 10.30.54 # So more users are asked to tell their opinion about it. 10.31.28 # markun: Can you do database.ignore->database.unignore->database.ignore nesting? 10.31.34 # Llorean: yes 10.31.40 # Then I'm happy with the existing system. 10.31.51 # pixelma: that's a way to combine few (un)ignore files (markun) with quick scans without dircache (pixelma) 10.31.59 # It's basically a way to flip the "database" switch on and off at different depths, and that's good enough for me, even if I'll never use it. 10.32.53 # Llorean: I think the problem that pixelma has with it is that the whole tree is always scanned (like it was before the database.ignore files existed) 10.33.00 # markun: and make the func parameter bool (instead of int) :-) 10.33.30 # markun: I'm also not sure about your .unignore commit - for the reason you just said... e.g. if you have the 32000 file High Voltage Sid Collection on your disk, you don't want the database to scan it. 10.33.37 # markun: There's an easy solution: database.force.ignore, tells the database that there are no unignore files beneath it. :-P 10.34.15 # Or as pixelma said, organise files differently ;) 10.34.18 # linuxstb: yes, for non dircache users it will not be very nice. 10.34.34 # Llorean: exactly my thought, just another file name 10.34.39 # but I think dircache should be on by default on the targets where it makes sense 10.35.04 Quit karashata (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The professional IRC Client :D") 10.35.16 # linuxstb: does the high voltage sid collection have many sub dirs? 10.35.17 # markun: that's a quite personal choice... 10.35.30 # markun: HVSC has a LOT of subdirs. 10.35.37 # pixelma: sure, but I think it would be a better default. 10.35.52 # markun: I think it still has some significant bugs to work out 10.36.01 # Not initializing with very large numbers of files, etc. 10.36.21 # But I'd agree, once dircache works "well enough", it should probably be enabled for disk-based SWcodec targets. 10.36.22 # Llorean: good point 10.36.26 # ...and on a few targets where you can have the most music (no SIDs and the like though) are the Archos HDD based players and there is no dircache) 10.36.55 # pixelma: so? 10.37.38 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 10.38.07 # markun: so the need to avoid subdirs scans? 10.38.53 # ah, tagcache but not dircache... sorry 10.39.16 # pixelma: would you be willing to do a speed test on an archos? 10.39.28 # or do you only have an ondio? 10.39.30 Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@d54C597B6.access.telenet.be) 10.39.42 # only Ondio 10.39.49 # someone else? 10.40.14 Join cool_walking_ [0] (n=anthony@ 10.42.59 # I admit that I don't really get the purpose of unignore files... I do like the ignore feature though 10.43.00 Quit Llorean (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.43.54 # It's especially handy for my .mod file folder (I'm running the MOD player patch), because the mods provide kinda broken metadata 10.45.19 # markun: Using dircache is *very* subjective... e.g. I don't want it on X5 (too much RAM waste - the cf iaudios only have 16MB), and also not on Mini (makes no sense, as the mini's hdd spins up in less than 500ms) 10.47.58 Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") 10.49.18 # amiconn: "where it makes sense"" 10.51.53 Quit broom ("CGI:IRC") 10.52.24 Join ender [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 10.52.43 # Yeah, and that definition is rather subjective 10.53.44 Quit mokkurkalve ("leaving") 10.55.52 # Chosing good defaults is mostly a subjective thing. Still I think it's important. 10.56.26 Quit CaptainSquid ("Miranda IM!") 11.05.16 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.06.04 Quit ender` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.07.58 # markun: speed impact on my c250 with a 1GB microSD (both almost completely filled, so 3GB in total), obviously no dircache but flash based - and the only database.ignore in .rockbox: 5 seconds difference (10 seconds with r16213, 15s with r16214). 11.08.25 # quite a lot 11.09.57 # I'll try to come up with a nice solution, otherwise I don't mind reverting it. 11.16.38 Nick daurn is now known as daurnimator (i=daurn@unaffiliated/daurnimator) 11.18.54 Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A3B19.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.20.47 Join CaptainSquid [0] (n=Miranda@proxy15.netz.sbs.de) 11.33.00 Join BitTorment [0] (n=martin@87-194-94-92.bethere.co.uk) 11.38.21 Join Av3 [0] (i=ave@a91-152-238-56.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 11.38.51 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 11.44.05 Join devurandom [0] (n=devurand@pardot.kynes.de) 11.45.07 # Hi! 11.45.22 # hi devurandom 11.45.55 # Could it be that there are quite some problems involved with the database and skipping of tracks? (RockBox from 02.02. on iPod Nano) 11.47.02 # It seems as if it just displays the next track, but still plays the old and then skips to a completely different track... 11.48.50 # Bagder: The problem on the ml (error in system.c) is due to compiling an ages-old rockbox source with gcc 4. And it's pretty obvious that he's trying to build for archos player 11.52.34 # * LinusN thinks "ignore" and "unignore" are silly names, why not "exclude" and "include" instead? 11.52.42 Quit ender (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.54.24 # LinusN: yes, sounds better 11.56.37 # but can we still change it? 11.57.14 # devurandom: I also have a weird problem with skipping tracks on my Sansa (in certain folders, no database) - I'm still trying to find out what determines a "working" and a non-working folder. Did you use iTunes to copy the music to your Nano? Just thinking it might explain the randomness for you, it's not that random here... 11.57.40 # Nope. 11.57.50 # I purged my iPod after switching to rockbox. 11.58.34 # hmm, no idea then. Maybe it's related, maybe not. :\ 11.59.20 # Funny enough, I somehow booted to orginal firmware... 11.59.27 # I thought that got replaced by RockBox... 12.00.49 Join BigBambi [0] (n=86ceaf37@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 12.00.54 # the original firmware is not deleted and even can't be because you have to use the original firmware for USB connection. You can dual boot and AFAIK the manual describes how... 12.02.12 # Indeed it does 12.02.16 # devurandom: http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodnano/rockbox-buildch3.html#x5-290003.1.3 12.02.17 # ^ this is only true for portalplayer targets 12.02.48 # (the USB connection part) 12.03.32 # I thought the connection screen was black/white after installing RB... (While it was coloured with Apple's.) 12.03.39 # Probably was just some impression then. 12.03.50 # That is Apple's emergency disk mode 12.03.59 # Rockbox reboots the iPod to it 12.04.00 # LinusN: It's not clear what the precedence is there. It may seem like you have to database.include a folder to get it to initially be included. 12.04.49 Quit Jon-Kha (Remote closed the connection) 12.04.51 # kk. 12.05.05 # So I at least know now how to evade this... ;) 12.05.13 # devurandom: On portalplayer targets (as pixelma says), rockbox does not have its own USB mode - you have been using Apple's all along. 12.05.28 # Btw: It also boots the original firmware when you shutdown your PC while RB is connected. ;) 12.05.54 # ... Fully boots the orig fw. Not just some diskmode. 12.07.04 # Had that 2 times till now, so I guess it was not just some "random feature", but probably can be reproduced. 12.07.19 # I don't know, I don't own an iPod 12.08.00 # But I believe since the start of our own USB stack went in to SVN, there have been a few oddities with the automatically rebooting iPods 12.15.29 # LinusN: Also, it's not clear what should happen if both "exclude" and "include" files are present in the same directory, whereas it seems obvious (to me at least) that "unignore" should take overrule "ignore". 12.15.42 # -take 12.18.26 # LinusN: Also, once people are already using a protocol, it's debatable whether it's a good idea to change it e.g. HTTP "referer". 12.19.31 Join agm3nt [0] (n=opera@bartek.tu.kielce.pl) 12.20.32 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 12.20.47 Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 12.21.27 Quit homielowe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.21.45 # jhMikeS: congrats on the S progress! I had no idea you were working on it :) 12.23.25 Join axionix_ [0] (n=axion@cpe-74-70-239-192.nycap.res.rr.com) 12.26.00 # does anybody know, if the high battery consumption (long time HDD-access while buffering) with 5G 60/80GB has been fixed with revision 16197? 12.26.08 # Nico_P: Oooh, I missed S progress! In the logs? 12.26.24 # BigBambi: in SVN! 12.26.30 # wooah 12.27.22 # apparently jhMikeS didn't mention it here today or yesterday 12.27.28 # Ah, it went on and off the front page too quickly for me 12.27.34 # * pixelma wants to point Nico_P to http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20080131#08:04:08 ... 12.27.37 # Exciting :) 12.28.03 # pixelma: thanks 12.28.08 # I'll look into it 12.28.19 # thank you :) 12.29.02 # * Nico_P noticed a bunch of new tracker entries about playack bugs :( 12.29.20 # seems I still have lots of work to do 12.29.47 # was there any new information about the playback glitches? 12.29.52 # Silly you taking it on 12.30.03 # (but don't stop!) 12.31.41 # Nico_P: I have found out a bit about skipping the 3rd song in a folder (but only consistent symptoms, unfortunately not the cause), I'm still looking but running out of ideas a bit 12.32.16 # did jhMikeS' priority_yield commit help a bit? 12.32.23 # haven't posted it yet because of that 12.32.59 # on my Sansa I could only notice that the unresponsiveness during buffer is gone 12.33.07 # *buffering 12.33.10 # nice 12.37.39 # pixelma: when does the sliding_puzzle crash occur? 12.38.26 # without an album art bmp or when music is not playing and your trying to change the mode (which will try album art mode first) 12.38.37 Quit axionix (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.38.45 # ok 12.38.52 # should be a rather easy fix 12.41.16 # btw. there were also appearance problems with sliding_puzzle, e.g. on the Nano it looked like http://aycu40.webshots.com/image/40639/2005195414258384871_rs.jpg for a while. That's already fixed and improved though... 12.41.59 # ouch... I merely committed stripwax's patch though 12.42.10 # improved appearance that is 12.44.21 # ah, I'd like to point out that the AA crash isn't my code 12.44.49 Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-Kha@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi) 12.46.01 # hmm, on my sim it tries to open 'archos/.rockbox/albumart/(null)-(null).bmp', but doesn't crash 12.46.38 # devurandom: The rockbox bootloader boots into the OF if hold is enabled. That's intended and documented behaviour 12.54.27 Join Zagor [242] (n=bjst@ 12.56.30 # pixelma: I just committed a fix 12.56.39 Quit Weiss (Remote closed the connection) 12.56.58 Join Buschel_ [0] (n=AndreeBu@p54A3D8B9.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.57.09 Join roxfan2 [0] (n=dunno@252.97-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) 13.03.48 Join Febs_ [0] (n=chatzill@72-255-52-197.client.stsn.net) 13.04.22 Quit Buschel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.04.24 Quit Febs_ (Client Quit) 13.04.27 Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@195-144-092-007.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be) 13.04.56 # Does anyone here know something about logf ? I can't get it to work on my sansa c250. 13.05.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.06.43 # Nico_P: The "No file" test looks kinda odd... 13.07.20 # amiconn: it's what the id3 info contains when there is no file loaded. 13.07.54 # IIRC audio_current_track does that 13.09.26 Quit roxfan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.12.43 # what if someone changes this string? 13.13.41 # that someone should grep the code to see if it's used anywhere else :) 13.14.08 # but maybe a #define would be better, or even doing that at the WPS level 13.14.13 # User-visible strings should be localised. Checking such string usually isn't a good idea 13.14.42 Nick Buschel_ is now known as Buschel (n=AndreeBu@p54A3D8B9.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.15.03 # I agree. I'll try to come up with a more elegant solution 13.16.02 # I know that the problem is not in the album art code - but the album art code exposes it 13.16.43 # I also know that it can be annoying to try to fix one problem, only to find that the problem is related to another problem in a different module, which is related to.... 13.16.51 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-199-023.pools.arcor-ip.net) 13.16.56 # amiconn: So if I shutdown my PC while my iPod is locked, it will always boot into Apple's fw? 13.19.41 # Nico_P: but at least it doesn't seem to crash anymore (tried a e200 sim) :) 13.20.50 Quit BigBambi ("CGI:IRC") 13.21.33 Quit Febs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.25.05 Quit cool_walking_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.25.41 Join ender [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 13.34.34 Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") 13.37.44 Quit jcollie ("Ex-Chat") 13.38.05 # Is building with debug enabled supposed to work ? I get apps/main.c:583: undefined reference to `debug_init' 13.38.06 Join Aevum [0] (i=Aevum@ 13.39.43 Quit ender` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.40.53 Part Christo1 13.46.19 # gevaerts: not on all targets 13.49.00 # Nico_P: I'm trying to work out why the read on Zagor's USB storage driver doesn't work, so I'll need either DEBUG or logf(). Do you have any hints ? 13.50.24 # logf should be ok 13.50.52 # gevaerts: I'd suggest a good USB snooper too. 13.51.25 # Zagor: I have access to one at work, so that won't be a problem. 13.51.33 # excellent! 13.52.47 # Am I supposed to do more than enable logf in the build and choose either logf or logfdump in the debug menu to get some output ? 13.53.04 # think you need to uncomment some #defines too 13.53.18 # in whichever file you want info from 13.53.36 Join Weiss [0] (i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk) 13.53.36 # or add #define LOGF_ENABLE 13.54.45 # OK. That's ptobably what I was missing. 13.56.08 Join K4rP4D [0] (n=KrPD@bzq-79-182-183-197.red.bezeqint.net) 13.58.09 Quit Insectoid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.58.12 Join Insectoid [0] (n=q@c-71-226-95-95.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 13.58.14 # Thanks. I get some logging now. 13.59.04 # Where should I report results (assuming I get some) ? In FS#7962, or should I open a new one ? 13.59.17 # 7962 I should think 14.00.09 # The "problem" with 7962 is that it is closed. 14.00.23 # I'd say open a new one. 7962 is closed which makes it a bit odd to start adding patches and/or comments there. 14.00.38 # oh ok 14.01.00 # Zagor: ok. I'll do that once I have something to report. 14.03.56 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@bas3-kitchener06-1096649533.dsl.bell.ca) 14.04.40 # Nico_P: Hope you had a nice break 14.04.53 Quit ComradeHaz ("leaving") 14.04.54 # pondlife: very nice, thanks :) 14.05.03 # I suspect many of the reported bugs will share the same cause 14.05.16 # The playlist index being misused in some places maybe? 14.05.27 # Or in many places 14.06.00 # http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8459 is nicely reproducible in the sim 14.06.30 # Although I've no idea what's causing it still! 14.06.54 # your gdb stopped working pondlife ? :) 14.07.03 # yeah I encountered it too 14.07.05 # Nah, my boss started working :/ 14.07.26 # I used to get lunchtimes ... 14.08.02 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet02.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 14.08.31 # pondlife: it's a bad sign when you start referring to your g/f as "my boss" 14.08.41 # Haha, no. 14.09.08 # That's mrs pondlife to you 14.09.25 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 14.09.41 # whatever - I'm not calling her "boss". 14.09.44 # not even for you 14.18.31 Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") 14.25.35 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3052.gwdg.de) 14.25.43 Join ol_schoola [0] (n=meatwad@c-67-167-20-91.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 14.32.30 Quit karashata (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Organize your IRC") 14.32.40 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-248-203.pools.arcor-ip.net) 14.34.51 # This is interesting : if I limit the transfer to 64 bytes it works, but not wih 128 bytes or more 14.35.08 # I think that's what Zagor found 14.35.19 Join crazy_bus [0] (n=chatzill@CPE-121-217-249-82.nsw.bigpond.net.au) 14.35.36 # yeah 14.36.05 # but I didn't get reliable function even with 64 bytes 14.36.14 # According to my tracer, it actually sends 95 bytes 14.36.35 Quit DerDome (Client Quit) 14.37.10 # is there anyway to get rockbox to save a bookmark when the player is plugged into a usb port. As the player sometimes boots straight into the original firmware without saving the bookmark and sometimes does nothing 14.37.37 Join jcollie [0] (n=jcollie@ 14.37.56 # crazy_bus: sounds like that would be a good feature 14.38.52 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-248-203.pools.arcor-ip.net) 14.41.06 # I was told that rockbox would shut down and load the of when usb was plugged in unless the select button was pressed at the same time. But sometimes it does it and sometimes not. Is there a specific set of conditions for rockbox to restart sometimes and sometimes just charge? 14.43.37 Quit knittl (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.43.51 Join knittl [0] (n=knittl@s1.pyhrn-priel.tv) 14.44.04 # crazy_bus: which player ? 14.44.24 # e200 14.44.26 # all the DAPS I own work properly when holding down whichever button it is to avoid the USB connection 14.44.36 # but I don't own an e200, so I couldn't comment 14.45.03 # the usb-restart is hit-and-miss on portalplayers, it seems. 14.45.18 # if you want to JUST charge, hold select when you plug in the cable 14.45.35 Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") 14.45.47 # krazykit: it's not hit and miss on my ipod 14.45.55 # is there anyway to change that. So if you want to just restart you press restart? 14.46.20 # *press select 14.46.31 Quit midgey () 14.46.38 # crazy_bus: you'd have to make yourself a custom build 14.46.57 # GodEater, really? sounds like you're one of the lucky ones. my sansas never restart regularly and there's always someone complaining about a similar issue 14.47.52 # thanks for your answers. One more question. Do some mp3's not work well with bookmarks. I had one that was over a hour and you sometimes had to try it three times for the bookmark to take it to the correct time 14.47.53 # krazykit: the issue about it restarting reliably seems more to do with the host OS 14.48.07 # it's hit and miss per build on my c200, either it's working with a certain build or not 14.48.11 # i've heard that too, but i still have reliability issues in linux 14.48.22 # I only have issues with it in Windows 14.48.28 # linux has been 100% reliable so far 14.48.32 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-248-203.pools.arcor-ip.net) 14.52.33 # GodEater: hi! how have the playback skipping isses been lately? 14.53.10 # Since I stopped using Album art I don't get any skipping at all 14.53.21 # but I suspect that's just hiding the issue 14.54.41 # buffering and dircache are still fighting though 14.54.52 # was that before or after jhMikeS' commit? 14.55.24 # what, that I stopped using AA ? 14.55.25 Part LinusN 14.55.29 # yes 14.55.33 # after 14.55.42 # because his commit didn't make much difference 14.55.53 # ok 14.57.03 Quit Aevum (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.57.05 # my plan would be to basically stop dircache from doing anything at all until buffering has filled available memory 14.57.15 # but I don't know how easy that would be to accomplish 14.57.36 # when dircache / buffering aren't fighting over the disk, dircache finishes building in 14 seconds 14.58.01 # when they're both competing though, I get non-stop disk activity for 3 to 4 minutes 14.58.32 # and for some reason, as soon as you use an AA theme in that case, playback starts to stutter 14.58.42 # although I really don't understand why - the image is surely only loaded once 14.59.58 # even if several tracks use the same pic it will be loaded several times 15.01.21 # new builds up Buschel 15.01.33 # Nico_P: that's, um, suboptimal ? 15.01.38 # indeed 15.02.22 # hard to improve ? 15.02.28 Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=44a0430f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-2d176804c8ea5fc8) 15.02.39 Quit LambdaCalculus37 (Client Quit) 15.02.41 # same goes when playing the same song several times, it is also buffered several times, no? 15.02.49 # petur: yes 15.03.00 Join ryant [0] (n=47a85de2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-42de2ef52841262c) 15.03.06 Quit crazy_bus ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") 15.03.06 # hello 15.03.08 # I tried smoething some time ago but but there were new issues 15.03.08 Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=44a0430f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6e00150cf3674e6c) 15.03.41 # like the buffer getting filled with metadata if there was one track repeated (the audio would be reused, but not the metadata) 15.03.42 # Zagor: do you have a datasheet for the usb controller in the c200 ? 15.03.56 # is it possible to combine two builds of rockbox 15.04.05 # ie. like take the features of one and put it with the other 15.04.19 # ryant: not without compiling one yourself 15.04.32 # yeah, darnit 15.04.44 # i tried copy over the files, and combining the uhhh what's that file called 15.05.08 # it looks like it tells rockbox where everything is 15.05.19 # gevaerts: we have docs for what we *think* is the usb controller, namely the same as in the Motorola iMX31 15.05.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.05.51 # thanks, Nico_P 15.06.02 # Nico_P: this MoB is a bit of a nightmare eh ? :) 15.06.19 # viewers.config... that's the one 15.06.36 # GodEater: hehe, more playback.c than MoB actually ;) 15.06.38 # i couldn't mod that and add the application files, could i? 15.06.49 # Nico_P: of course, silly me 15.07.13 # ryant: no you couldn't 15.08.10 # gevaerts: I can't find it in wiki, grab it at http://www.freescale.com/imx31 15.08.30 # Zagor: yes. I'm now looking there. 15.08.50 Quit Insectoid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.08.55 # the usb module is documented in the big man pdf (~2MB) 15.09.07 # main 15.10.00 Join Insectoid [0] (n=q@c-71-226-95-95.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 15.10.25 # uh, sorry no. it's in the 14MB reference manual. 15.11.22 # chapter 32 15.11.49 # Zagor: I have it now. I'll try to figure something out later. Time to get back to some real work now. 15.12.01 # ok 15.12.13 Quit gevaerts ("Leaving") 15.14.06 # getting stardict on my 5g > murder > deleting files to make room for cygwin and compiling rockbox 15.15.33 Join joshin [0] (n=joshin@VDSL-130-13-144-158.PHNX.QWEST.NET) 15.19.12 # GodEater: have you tested jhMikeS' S work? 15.19.18 # not so far 15.19.28 # on my S the bootloader doesn't get past kernel_init 15.19.28 # I'm not even sure what he did ? :) 15.19.39 # IIUC he managed to get interrupts working 15.21.29 Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") 15.22.14 # that's excellent news 15.22.32 Join nicktastique [0] (n=nick@unaffiliated/nicktastic) 15.22.39 # do I need to build both bootloader and rockbox? Or is the bootloader I have there currently sufficient ? 15.22.52 # you need to rebuild the BL 15.23.02 # * GodEater goes to do that 15.27.41 # the main binary doesn't build 15.27.59 # just transferring the bootloader over now 15.28.23 # on my unit the BL shows the version number then freezes 15.29.56 # hmm 15.30.00 # not sure sendfirm is working 15.30.39 # is there a way to get the BL to pause on the version screen ? 15.31.22 # * GodEater supposes that removing rockbox.gigabeat might accomplish that 15.31.32 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-209-105.student.uu.se) 15.31.34 # you could try adding a sleep() call 15.31.51 # but I'm not convinced the sendfirm has worked 15.31.52 # I get errors 15.32.32 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-248-203.pools.arcor-ip.net) 15.32.39 # me too, but the file still gets sent 15.32.57 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/aliask) 15.35.39 # GodEater: is there too much output for you to have time to read it? 15.36.03 Part at0m|c ("Clear Channel Event") 15.36.19 # * n1s is excited to see gigabeast progress :D 15.37.21 # Nico_P: it goes by to fast, and is replaced by the rockbox logo too quickly 15.38.15 # Nico_P: Just built then, I'm freezing at in kernel_init too 15.38.15 # GodEater: then try adding a sleep call. for me it caused a freeze, but at least you'll be able to confirm that sendfirm works 15.38.34 # Nico_P: I've just deleted the rockbox.gigabeat instead 15.38.52 # GodEater: ah yes, good idea :) 15.39.00 # version number should end with 2 and not 1 15.39.09 # then it didn't work 15.39.10 # aliask: good to know I'm not the only one 15.39.23 # I'm still on the 00000001 version 15.40.22 # what errors does sendfirm show? 15.40.43 # I got it to work now 15.40.56 # I get the freeze straight after it prints the bootloader version number 15.44.46 # funny that jhMikeS got a different behaviour 15.45.01 # Or maybe he forgot to commit something 15.46.02 # yeah 15.46.07 # what did he get then ? 15.46.26 # "Now it progresses to ATA init and fails with -11 but without crashing or hanging." 15.46.38 # The problem is in tick_start somewhere 15.47.01 # I don't know what he meant by "Replace all bootloaders" 15.47.14 # not have a dual boot ? 15.47.44 # I think it just meant that the changes would only be seen if you update the bootloader 15.48.35 # probably 15.49.30 Quit Jon-Kha (Remote closed the connection) 15.50.00 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 15.50.00 # well it definitely hangs here =/ 15.50.53 # Nico_P: what model do you have? 30 or 60 ? 15.51.00 # 30 15.51.20 Join Jon-Kha [0] (i=jon-kha@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi) 15.51.22 Quit ryant ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 15.51.30 # well it's not a model difference then :) 15.53.54 Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") 15.54.03 # no. do you know which model jhMikeS has? 15.54.15 # I have an s60 15.54.18 # ah 15.54.27 # aliask: any idea what's wrong? 15.54.38 # Tracing it now 15.56.16 # :) 15.56.24 # I have to go do some shopping 15.56.38 # I'll be asleep in 10 minutes though 15.56.50 # Work tomorrow morning :( 15.57.16 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/developer/desowin) 15.57.45 # aliask: ok, no rush anyway 15.57.59 # I'll tell jhMikeS about the freeze when I see him 15.57.59 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54965CF5.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.58.27 # I'm so pleased to see the port make progress. 15.58.35 # me too :) 15.59.37 # mcr p15, 0, %0, c7, c0, 4 is what's causing it 15.59.48 # Testing to see if it works without that call 15.59.51 Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) 16.02.38 Join Tuplanolla [0] (n=jani@unaffiliated/tuplanolla) 16.03.00 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.03.12 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B0D2CD.dip.t-dialin.net) 16.04.41 Quit Insectoid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.04.59 # soap: thanks for the new builds -- i am too dumb :/ 16.05.15 Quit devurandom (Remote closed the connection) 16.05.18 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 16.06.22 # Removing the call definitely stops it from crashing, the bootloader runs all the way through. Now testing with a rockbox.gigabeat to boot 16.06.46 # * GodEater wonders what the mystery call does 16.07.52 # Fuddles with the mystical cp15 register on the ARM core. No idea what it's supposed to do though :) 16.08.09 # It's not mystical at all. See the arm reference manual 16.08.42 # * GodEater doesn't own it 16.08.48 # And btw, cp15 is not a register, it's a coprocessor 16.09.00 # I also don't suffer sufficiently with insomnia to want to read it currently =/ 16.09.01 Quit Horscht ("User was distributing pornography on server; system seized by FBI") 16.09.26 # Google for ddi0100e_arm_arm.pdf 16.11.41 Join shotofadds [0] (n=1485000d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-07bf81bd893be13e) 16.13.09 # Loading the rockbox.gigabeat produces the rockbox logo for a split second then a full screen "ATA error: -11\nPress ON to debug" 16.13.16 Join Insectoid [0] (n=q@c-71-226-95-95.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 16.13.27 # So yes, looks like it does the job once that call is gone. 16.13.51 # Anyway, I'm off to sleep. Great work jhMikeS! 16.14.07 Quit aliask ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") 16.14.40 Quit shotofadds (Client Quit) 16.14.44 Join shotofadds [0] (n=1485000d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1a8e4b2afee4b81e) 16.15.05 # Iiuc, said instruction puts the cpu into low power mode and waits for an interrupt 16.15.21 # So if interrupts are disabled, it will of course freeze the machine 16.16.42 Quit shotofadds (Client Quit) 16.16.42 # I thought that jhMike's code *enabled* interrupts though, or was intended to ? 16.16.48 Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) 16.18.33 # hi horscht 16.18.44 # Hi Buschel 16.19.02 # what were the results of your short test yesterday evening? 16.19.23 # I posted them on the forums, but soap already pruned them 16.19.29 # issue not fixed yet 16.19.53 # hmm, did you create a bug report in flyspray? 16.20.09 # no, i went to bed straight after :) 16.20.11 # oops - over pruned. 16.20.36 # no worries 16.21.01 # yep, no problem as we can meet here :) 16.21.20 # yeah, and after all you had already noticed the same issue, soap 16.21.38 # that's why you made an old SVN checkout I assume 16.22.31 # * GodEater wonders where aliask found that line 16.22.44 # Horscht, I /suspected/ the same issue. I swapped out the builds as fast as I could to prevent someone from downloading them and running a full bench only to learn @ the end that the numbers were "crippled" 16.27.49 Join bumbl [0] (n=thomas@M5289P022.adsl.highway.telekom.at) 16.30.24 Join perrikwp [0] (n=perrikwp@eu67-247.elon.edu) 16.31.47 Quit CaptainSquid ("Miranda IM!") 16.31.56 Join Klevi [0] (n=balh@ool-435682a7.dyn.optonline.net) 16.31.58 # Buschel, flyspray seems to already have a bugreport (FS# 8397) on the disc activity issue. I don't think I can help much by "re-reporting" it 16.32.22 # Hi all, long time no see. =) 16.32.40 # horscht: ok 16.33.12 # Nico_P: sendfirm appears to only work if there are no usb mass storage devices attached =/ 16.33.22 # I can't make it work unless I unplug my ipod first 16.35.13 Nick Av3 is now known as Ave (i=ave@a91-152-238-56.elisa-laajakaista.fi) 16.36.17 Quit petur ("reboot") 16.37.35 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ 16.39.31 Join qwedsa [0] (n=superman@ip51ccca31.speed.planet.nl) 16.41.58 Join scorche|w [0] (n=42c007b2@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 16.43.33 Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) 16.44.09 Quit joshn_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.46.09 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 16.48.37 # horscht: did you try to check via dialy builds whith which revision this behaviour came in? 16.48.47 # the disk thrashing? 16.48.54 # preglow: yes 16.49.02 # i think it happened with a low-level commit by jhMikeS 16.49.14 # some spinlock related commit, i think 16.49.16 Join snipexv [0] (n=mtl@130-127-46-58.mccabe.resnet.clemson.edu) 16.49.30 # preglow: why isn't it reverted then? 16.49.52 # until the bug is fixed and verified? 16.49.54 # http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=16105 16.49.56 # that one, i think 16.50.06 # don't know 16.50.14 # i'm not sure, btw, so better ask someone that is :) 16.50.32 # I have tried 15998 or something (cant remember the exact rev, but gonna try 16002 next 16.51.03 # horscht: seems like preglow just answered my question -- no need to test 16.52.11 # Buschel, he is assuming, I could verify 16.52.39 # horscht: if you've got the time :) 16.53.14 # well, shouldn't take more than an hour :) 16.54.33 # i'll try 16105 first, though 16.54.58 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 16.55.37 # me brb 16.55.46 Quit qwedsa_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.55.59 # how certain are we of the ATA addresses for the gigabeast? 16.56.38 # GodEater: the sendfirm issue is probably down to libmtp 16.56.47 # Nico_P: probably :) 16.56.53 # I just thought I'd make you aware 16.57.23 Join joshn_ [0] (n=joshn@wsip-70-167-45-122.ks.ks.cox.net) 16.57.52 # GodEater: and the line aliask disabled is in kernel_imx31.c:tick_start 16.58.04 # Nico_P: yeah I found it 16.58.07 # I disabled it to 16.58.14 # and am trying to work out wth is going on with ATA 16.58.31 # ATA_STATUS is coming back with nothing in it currently 16.59.50 # I think it's the master_slave_check which is going wrong currently 17.00.09 # I'm wondering if the ATA controller is so slow we need to wait a bit longer for a result from the status register 17.00.35 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-024-163-032-204.nc.res.rr.com) 17.00.50 # hmm 17.00.52 # interesting 17.01.16 # I stuck a sleep(500) in the slave_check so I could read my lcd message with the status register in 17.01.30 # and after it exits, the ATA error returned in main.c is now -32 17.02.39 # which I believe suggests that we *do* need a few ticks before issuing a command and checking its result 17.02.41 # thoughts ? 17.03.01 # what do -11 and -32 mean? 17.03.09 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@bas3-kitchener06-1096649533.dsl.bell.ca) 17.05.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.06.58 # it's the return codes from various routines all being added together 17.07.23 Quit stewball`sleep (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.07.30 # -30 something suggests something in check_registers went awry 17.07.47 # which is the next call but one to master_slave_check() 17.08.32 # and the one inbetween is only ever called if hard_reset is true, which I suspect it's not in this case 17.12.03 # I'm wondering how to get short pauses inbetween SET_REG calls and reading the results without completely hacking ata.c to bits 17.12.04 Join Aevum [0] (i=Aevum@ 17.13.31 # or for some ATA genius to offer alternative solutions ;) 17.16.41 # * GodEater wonders where everyone has gone 17.17.05 Join OlivierBorowski [0] (n=OlivierB@ANancy-157-1-28-93.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr) 17.17.13 # real life? ;) 17.17.21 # no ATA genius here maybe :) 17.17.40 # amiconn was here earlier - he qualifies :) 17.19.18 # 16105 and up has the buffering issue on ipod 5G, 16099 and 16095 are not much better with buffering. 16105 requires ~2:30 minutes to buffer a playlist. 16095 and 9 require ~1:45. all the builds pre 16000 require only ~1:13 to buffer the same playlist 17.19.35 # i'll run a few more 17.20.43 # hopefully someone who knows what to do will read your results and take some action 17.20.50 # Horscht: is that at first powerup, with dircache updating ? 17.21.42 # ok, work got canceled for the day. Buschel - anything you need? 17.22.07 # Nico_P: looks like something similar to what I want is done for the PP5002 17.22.09 # first powerup, entering the library, waiting for the HD to shut down, then queue all songs of a certain artist (21 files 140MB or something) and waiting for the HD to shut down again, GodEater 17.22.29 # time stopped from queuin to stopping 17.22.40 # k 17.23.29 Quit Insectoid (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.24.35 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955FB50.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.24.58 # anyone know what IDE_CFG_STATUS does on the PP5002 ? 17.24.59 # Horscht: thanks for the info... looking up 17.25.26 # I'll do more testing, to narrow the rev down at which point buffering issues started to arrise 17.27.13 Quit kugel ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") 17.27.14 # soap: nothing for now, just hoping the ipod color build works now. as soon as the results are posted I'll post the condensed version. 17.27.29 Join MethoS_mobile [0] (n=clemens@pD955FB50.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.28.42 # Horscht: is the buffering time of current svn about ~1:45 or still at ~2:30? 17.28.59 # in between 17.29.08 # more towards 2:30, though 17.29.14 Quit bumbl (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.29.20 # 2:15 17.29.23 # hmm, so jhMikeS' bugfix didn't work 17.29.39 # (rev 16197) 17.31.49 Join Insectoid [0] (n=q@c-71-226-95-95.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 17.31.59 # /win6 17.32.03 # sorry. 17.32.03 Nick Klevi is now known as Klevi_Dj (n=balh@ool-435682a7.dyn.optonline.net) 17.34.13 # Nico_P: I've done a filthy hack to see if I can get the ATA checks to pass :) 17.34.22 # 2:30 buffering time?? 17.34.35 # Nico_P: which didn't work :( 17.34.41 # pity 17.34.55 # horscht: it's interesting to see what impact the duration of active HDD has. doubled HDD-acitivity in the 5G equals ~5-6mA. maybe it would be interesting to check for reading speed to _lower_ the duration of HDD-activity?... 17.35.03 # * amiconn gets ~1:15 buffering time (i.e. slooow) on G5.5/80 with peakmeters in wps, and 0:30 without peakmeters 17.35.44 # That's with current svn, and without aa or bitmapped wps of course 17.36.55 Join fehmicans [0] (n=canavar@ 17.37.21 # till the hd shuts off again 17.37.24 # ? 17.37.47 # amiconn: have you given the idea of sending me LinusN's video some thought? 17.37.53 Join r4v5 [0] (n=r4v5@h69-130-245-192.vrnawi.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) 17.38.03 # That'd have to be decided by LinusN 17.38.16 Join frogskank [0] (n=frogskan@stanford.columbia.tresys.com) 17.38.36 # obviously, but it also depends on whether you still have work to do on it 17.39.01 # Hey, does audio being recorded get passed through the processor on the way to the headphones? 17.39.25 # i.e. would it be possible to put in a hook to allow for filtering of the recorded input pre-monitoring 17.40.37 # yes 17.40.41 # ahh 17.40.47 # on the way to the headphones, that depends 17.40.51 # i don't think it does on coldfire 17.41.00 # but that can be changed, why would you want this, btw? 17.41.17 # and filtered how? 17.41.23 # to allow for filtering of mic noises and/or eqing 17.41.31 # why only for monitoring? 17.41.49 # well i could do it to the recorded file but it'd be useful to have it in real time as well. 17.42.06 # well, depending on what you're recording to, there's not much cpu left for processing 17.42.14 # wav is pretty much all that'd allow much dsp to happen at all 17.42.18 # ah, that's true. 17.42.27 Quit petur ("*plop*") 17.43.09 # well, unless you're on gigabeat or anything fancy 17.43.18 # nah, sansa. 17.43.39 # well, in theory, that does have a whole extra core we can use for dsp, but that'd need much work 17.44.12 # it does? 17.44.15 # but it's not a good recording device anyways 17.44.19 # but yeah, i've been toying around with dsp recording options, but i don't do a lot of recording, so doubt i'll work much on it 17.44.30 Quit agm3nt () 17.44.38 # you're going to make me look through hardware specs and the like instead of paying attention in school today. 17.44.49 # sansa is dual core, yes 17.45.01 # i don't think the second core does much when recording 17.45.45 # Nico_P: reading from the ATA_STATUS register, then waiting, then reading again seems to make a difference 17.46.55 # pixelma: how do you mean? the noise level and such? 17.47.44 # r4v5: Yes, that's one of the reasons. 17.48.22 # I have a c240 that I bought for voice dictation. I get a hiss whenever I try recording, and adjusting my settings isn't making much of a difference. 17.49.07 # above all I mean that you can only record at 22.05 kHz (jhMikeS once said 32kHz *might* be possible) 17.50.32 # LambdaCalculus37: a hiss or digital crosstalk? 17.51.03 # ok, update. 1:45 is also the time stock pre 16000 builds take to buffer music. So the issues seems to have been introduced between 16095 and 16105 17.52.11 # note: the actuall buffering of music takes 20seconds vs 1:07minutes respectively 17.52.29 # just the HD still takes some time to eventually power off again 17.53.05 # r4v5: A hiss. 18.00.58 # Nico_P: you still here ? 18.01.05 # yes 18.01.34 # http://pastebin.ca/892693 <-- this is the small change I've made to the master_slave_check() 18.01.48 # which for whatever reason causes it to return 0, and move on to the next check 18.02.08 # and therefore return an ATA: -32 error 18.02.12 # instead of the -11 one 18.02.50 # but for whatever reason, if I try and move that code into the #define for SET_REG (so it happens all the way through ata.c), it fails to work 18.03.34 # and then I get the -11 error again 18.03.57 # I'm going to have to go home shortly 18.04.07 # so if you feel like playing with it more 18.04.14 # that's what I've been trying 18.04.43 Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) 18.04.47 # I might do a bit of playing, yes 18.05.01 # good luck :) 18.05.23 # LambdaCalculus37: do you have a microSD with music and your c200 at hand? 18.07.22 # pixelma: Yeah, in my pack. Let me get it out. 18.08.08 # Okay, got it out. 18.09.36 # could you try creating a root.m3u8 with plugged in microSD (by chosing Playlists > Create Playlist from the menu) and check if the m3u8 contains files for both memories? For some reason I only get a playlist with files from the card (and not even all if I'm not overlooking something) 18.09.58 Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p5B23C8C6.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.10.13 # morning all :-) 18.10.43 # hi 18.11.02 # pixelma: root.m3u8 contains everything on my Sansa, both card and internal memory. 18.11.19 # hmm... wonder what's up here :\ 18.11.33 # Yours isn't? 18.11.36 # but thanks for testing 18.11.50 # pixelma: No problem. :) 18.12.35 # pixelma: Mine also takes songs from the MSD card and the internal memory 18.12.45 # (as for a playlist) 18.13.00 # Klevi_Dj: c240 or c250? Just curious. 18.13.16 # C240 18.13.25 # pixelma: c250, right? 18.13.37 # yes 18.13.44 # Anything as to why the USB connection is rather.. annoying to get to work 18.13.49 # ok, it's a bit weird because database and stats don't care and use everything off of both memories 18.14.02 # I have to remove my MSD card and turn off the player before it works 18.14.20 # Klevi_Dj: same here 18.14.29 # doing it any other way makes it either not USB connect (only charge) or freeze 18.14.30 # And here too. 18.15.19 # Klevi_Dj: It works if you boot into the OF first, then insert the cable. That way you don't have to remove the microSD card first. 18.15.31 # brb 18.15.33 # chkdsk doesn't find any problems neither on the card nor the internal memory 18.16.43 # soap: new patch out for 4G grey/color/photo, mini 1G/2G 18.20.33 Quit perrikwp (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.21.28 # Refresh Database freezes my player 18.21.39 # which, after booting the OF for some reason always does 18.23.43 # on it 18.23.54 Part pondlife 18.24.05 # soap: we're getting closer to the end :) 18.27.13 # define "the end" ;) 18.27.42 Quit joshin (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 18.27.42 NSplit calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 18.27.42 Quit Nimdae (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 18.29.24 # Nico_P: Could you remind me what happened to your gigabeat? 18.30.25 # so from your testing, Horscht 16064 should be fine as far as buffering / disk thrashing is concerned? 18.30.42 # sec 18.31.14 # amiconn: I accidentally dented the HD 18.31.16 NHeal calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 18.31.16 NJoin joshin [0] (n=joshin@VDSL-130-13-144-158.PHNX.QWEST.NET) 18.31.35 # 16099 is allright. buffers 20 seconds, shuts HD down after 1:45, soap 18.31.55 # horscht: #define end as_no_feedback_for_mini1G2G_is_available_only_PCF_config_is_of_interest 18.32.07 # 16105 and up buffer 1:07-ish and shut down after 2:30 18.32.13 # hehe, Buschel 18.32.26 # i don't understand code 18.33.07 Join bumbl [0] (n=thomas@M5289P022.adsl.highway.telekom.at) 18.34.51 # oi, LambdaCalculus37: found the culprit... I had a folder with files in a too deep folder structure on my microSD. Creating the root playlist seems to start with the card and then just stopped there without any notice... 18.34.54 # Nico_P: so some gigabeats don't like the mcr instruction in tick_start? Mine won't start the ticks without it. 18.35.09 # hi 18.36.32 # Horscht: Huh? I don't really understand the times you're posting... 18.36.35 # where could I look up the progress of the iaudio7 port? 18.36.40 # jhMikeS: that line freezes GodEater's, aliask's and my S 18.36.43 # The disk should shut down immediately after buffering.... 18.37.08 # (immediately == stop command is sent within the same second) 18.37.15 # jhMikeS: I'm not sure the ticks start though 18.37.20 # Nico_P: odd. unless I do that on mine, the timer never starts 18.37.28 # Nico_P: if it gets that far, they do 18.37.45 # well, the hd shows 20 seconds of intense usage (you can hear the HD sounds as know from PCs) 18.37.50 # yeah well I rech ATA error -11 too 18.37.52 # since sleep() calls are made they'd have to or they'd never return 18.38.14 # jhMikeS: and is it possible to use sleep() in the BL? 18.38.27 # after that, you can only hear the disc spinning, and every once in a while some disc activity, (split second) 18.38.38 # Nico_P: It could be 18.39.16 # I suppose I only need the AVIC turned on there and to copy the vectors in case of data aborts, etc. 18.39.38 # pixelma: Ah, that would be it. My card just has a few folders no deeper than 2 levels. 18.39.51 # jhMikeS: but basically you managed to get interrupts working, didn't you? 18.39.55 # yup 18.40.07 # LambdaCalculus37: well yes, removing it "fixed" the problem :) 18.40.12 # jhMikeS: well congratulations :) 18.40.13 Join BigBambi [0] (n=alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 18.40.20 # gracia :) 18.40.24 # did you figure out what ptw and aliask were missing? 18.40.37 # bumbl: No one is working on the iAUDIO 7 at the moment. 18.41.03 # LambdaCalculus37: not really true, there is one (TMM) working slowly 18.41.34 # * jhMikeS reads logs in more detail 18.41.50 # I am sorry if this is no help, soap 18.42.16 # chill - It's all good. 18.42.16 # bumbl: http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20080130#22:35:46 18.42.31 # Nico_P: If aliask saw the ATA -11 then it's all getting as far as I do and we're all in the same spot 18.42.47 # * BigBambi is very excited by the gigabeast progress 18.42.56 # And I can test with an S60 if required 18.42.57 # pixelma: I do need to read the logs more often. :P 18.43.04 # pixelma: thank you 18.43.21 # * LambdaCalculus37 is planning on getting a Gigabeat and may get an S to help test 18.43.22 # jhMikeS: yes. I meant what they were missing all the time they've been trying to get interrupts working 18.43.22 # you must replace both the firmware and bootloader of course 18.43.28 # If I have the money, of course. :) 18.44.41 Quit snipexv ("Leaving.") 18.45.03 # Nico_P: The timer set wasn't right and lines 33 and 34 of kernel-imx31.c I think might have been significant. I should undo them and see if they actually matters. 18.45.42 # Nico_P: btw, which firmware image is everybody combining the bootloader with? I wonder if I'm using something else. 18.46.19 Part bumbl ("Running Gentoo Linux") 18.46.52 # jhMikeS: MD5 is fb76b0025cd6bd2cc7512620ebf30b81 18.47.54 # * jhMikeS matches that 18.49.46 # I wonder how that mcr instruction could lock at that point but not in core_sleep :\ 18.50.12 Quit csc` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.50.37 # It could if either the interrupts aren't enabled, or the timer isn't running 18.51.21 # I guess there are multiple places inbetween where either problem is fixed, so that core_sleep works 18.51.24 # on mine, the timer doesn't start unless I do that. on others it blocks there. since the sleep function works, the tick must be running 18.52.07 # Why would the timer not start if you don't send the core to sleep, or to the contrary, if you do? 18.52.39 # * amiconn wonders whether the low-power mode is the *only* effect of that cp15 command, or whether it actually does more 18.52.46 # I've no idea nor why other get different behavior 18.52.57 # E.g. flushing cache, or some store buffer or similar 18.53.11 # that command is specifically a "wait for interrupt" function of the coproccessor 18.53.32 # Maybe some i/o area isn't properly marked as uncacheable, unbuffered? 18.53.53 # (just outputting ideas) 18.54.19 Quit amiconn (" bbs") 18.54.26 # I wonder if clearing the source before enabling it in the vic might be the reason 18.55.14 # The I/O areas should not be in cacheable areas 18.57.53 Join obo [0] (n=obo@rockbox/developer/obo) 18.58.01 Quit Insectoid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.58.07 Join Insectoid [0] (n=q@c-71-226-95-95.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 18.58.40 Quit idnar (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.58.46 Quit Klevi_Dj ("Sleep") 18.58.54 Join idnar [0] (i=mithrand@unaffiliated/idnar) 19.01.07 # aha...that theory seems to have panned out 19.01.48 # the VIC seem to get out of sync 19.04.02 # I have an idea that comes out of a discussion in -community and jonno's commit last evening. the introduction of a dev builds vs. user builds dichotomy wherein rather than the old daily builds system we provide some kind of sign off on commits to become user builds. 19.04.31 # not sure what the bar should be for signoff, but I do think it's not the best thing to have all of our users running off of whatever we throw at SVN -- it discourages the commit early adn commit often philosophy 19.04.39 # testing and stable :) 19.05.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.06.07 # I mean we've failed in the past to make releases because the bar was too high, but surely we can find a happy medium of simply promoting certain (most?) builds to user builds after the commits contained therein have seen some dev testing 19.06.17 NJoin Nimdae [0] (n=nimmeh@static-71-164-213-195.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) 19.07.02 # lostlogic: Who would have to agree to signing it off? All comitters? A core few? A majority? Consensus? 19.07.19 # that's the question -- setting the bar. 19.07.41 # for one thing it would have to have no red and no more yellow than the compiler bug level 19.08.10 Quit DogBoy (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19.08.34 # perhaps we could come up with a list of specific test actions to be performed on any new build on each major category of targets and once a committer has signed off on each one of those categories it's promoted 19.11.13 # lostlogic: everyone who's committed since the last user build? 19.11.32 # .. To agree to signing off a new user build 19.11.33 # wouldn't that list become very large and time consuming? 19.12.45 # couldn't "user builds" just be an arbitrary time length behind "dev builds" and if a SVN commit can't get major bugs resolved in said timeframe it gets pulled for more work? 19.13.51 # soap: yes, that sounds better -- a big red button instead of signoff. 19.14.06 # what about user votes? 19.14.15 # so after JdGordon's commit the people discussing it would press the big red button before it made it to user build status. 19.14.26 # very good -- very toyota. 19.14.34 # Nico_P: no, users shouldn't see it :) 19.15.53 # makes sense 19.15.56 # soap: and that is a lot lighter of a process, very practical. Bagder? 19.15.57 # but I'd prefer a release 19.16.42 # Nico_P: hehe, I'm neutral on releases -- they add a lot of overhead I think 19.16.54 # you can get into pissing matches re: "I'll push the button on anything attempting to do X" 19.17.09 # soap: are our committers that immature? 19.17.20 # see the UN security council for veto powers gone mad. 19.17.29 # I said "can" not "will" ;) 19.18.11 # blah, here what's happening, the tick won't actually start counting until the first sleep() call for some reason 19.18.22 # jhMikeS: your commit fixed things for me 19.18.26 # well I can tell you that Toyota and Amazon both have policies in place that allow any old worker who sees a problem moving toward customer delivery to _stop_ it and it is not abused 19.21.32 # I still don't know why or how the mcr in thread.c should pass but the one in tick_start wouldn't. :\ 19.21.32 # jhMikeS: using sleep() in the BL (right after kernel_init()) made it freeze 19.21.47 # Nico_P there's no ticks started there 19.22.01 # ok 19.22.22 # I suppose they could be 19.22.33 # hmmm... i get problems with the sim today... it's simply freezing. 19.23.53 Join GodEater_ [50] (n=bryan@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 19.24.04 # started somewhere between r16215 and r16225 19.24.29 # maybe this is a silly question, but what would be the major difference between the idea of delaying the user builds and posting the work as a patch on the tracker for testing first? 19.24.36 Join Domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@e176239009.adsl.alicedsl.de) 19.24.51 # * GodEater_ would like to know the answer to that too 19.25.07 # PaulJam: for better or worse (better, IMO) a lot of devs ignore the tracker and so don't see things even posted there until they go to SVN 19.25.30 # the red button and delayed user builds puts a definite time frame on "This _will_ go to the users unless there is an objection" 19.25.42 # rather than "this is kinda in someone's queue for eventual commit" 19.26.12 Join SkaFan [0] (n=skafan23@dslc-082-082-169-208.pools.arcor-ip.net) 19.26.31 # I can see a lot of reverted commits happening if this road is taken 19.26.40 Quit soap () 19.26.54 # hi there, can anyone tell me there i can buy a Sandisk Sansa E260 v1 in germany? 19.27.38 # your best bet would probably be ebay 19.28.20 # i have found only used players there... and no information about firmware version :( 19.28.49 Quit Insectoid () 19.28.57 # well you're only likely to find v1 players that are used - they're not produced any more 19.29.11 # I imagine you would have better luck asking an ebay seller the firmware version than a shop 19.29.35 Quit hannesd ("Client suicide") 19.30.12 # i ordered a v2 yesterday :-$ 19.30.19 # lostlogic: the main problem I see with your proposal is that it doesn't take account the "build on commit" system we have going here, which most OSS projects I know of don't have 19.30.29 Join soap [50] (n=soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 19.30.29 # GodEater_: doesn't revert commits -- just stops it from going to users until it's discussed and bug-fixed 19.31.25 # GodEater_: what do you mean? That's a critical part of this system -- build-on-commit lets us test things immediately, and I see the red button perhaps just as a dev tool added to the dev builds page which turns a whole build line red and prevents it from showing up on the downloadable builds page. 19.32.34 # lostlogic: sorry, I assumed you meant the auto-builds wouldn't happen for "dev" builds any more 19.32.40 # crossed wires :) 19.33.50 # lostlogic: on at least one thing, the whole "commit early, commit often" thing did pop up in my mind through all of this.. 19.34.48 # doesn't it still require some sort of development roadmap though ? 19.35.33 # otherwise we'll end up with features a and b which are mutually exclusive being fought over right in the svn tree 19.36.02 # I think daily builds should be treated as such 19.36.18 # beta, and possibly containing bugs 19.36.32 # Horscht: That is what they currently are 19.37.05 # yeah, I don't see why one would want to/need to change that 19.37.21 # Horscht: There's no good reason to change that. 19.37.35 # I think the problem is t ha tdailiy builds are no more stable than any particular commit 19.37.41 # so we need a way to choose which build gets promoted to that status\ 19.37.46 # other than just the last commit before the daily is pulled 19.37.56 # jhMikeS: congrats on your work for the Gigabeast :) Too bad that I am in my exams period and can't help on the process :( 19.38.01 # and that's really all I'm trying to get down to is a way to _choose_ which builds are promoted 19.38.47 Quit karashata (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The professional IRC Client :D") 19.38.59 # I know something. daily builds will be marked daily builds, whereas "recommended" and sorta-stable builds would be called.... dunno... post-beta or something 19.39.11 # gamma 19.39.47 # nah, too abvious 19.39.56 # also correct... 19.40.25 # XavierGr: Thanks. And good luck on the exams. 19.40.27 # @knittl but rockboy wont run on a v2, or am i wrong? 19.40.34 # no 19.40.35 # ..rockbox.. 19.40.36 # rockbox wont at all 19.40.43 # :( 19.40.57 # that's why i'm concerning returning it :( 19.41.07 # haven't recieved it yet 19.41.19 # that's why you'll probably have to find a used one on ebay, SkaFan 19.41.33 # i should've ordered it before christmas 19.41.43 # i dont do ebay anymore! 19.41.57 # SkaFan: then you probably won't Rockbox either... 19.42.09 # amazon has used ones too 19.42.13 # Nico_P: I think we need to do fancy stuff so that loading the firmware doesn't overwrite the bl vectors and the bl should be moved higher in memory since it's only at 2MB from DRAM start. 19.42.16 # well, hood.de or whatever way of buying used devices you use, SkaFan 19.42.46 Nick roxfan2 is now known as roxfan (n=dunno@252.97-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) 19.42.51 # fact of the matter, your chances of getting a new v1 are close to 0 19.43.12 # jhMikeS: what kind of fancy stuff? 19.43.23 # i could donate my v2 to a dev :) and in return he should give me a v1 19.43.43 # yeah right 19.43.48 # dream on 19.43.53 # I don't think you will find any takers 19.44.00 Join DogBoy [0] (n=john@66-101-59-100-static.dsl.oplink.net) 19.44.46 # what a shame of them, to name the device exactly like the previous, but changing the whole hardware 19.45.30 # Why? It saves them money, and to the consumer looks the same. 19.45.37 # and apple have done the same 19.45.42 # Most people don't care what is in their DAP 19.45.43 # Nico_P: I'm not perfectly sure but probably switch memory maps and/or have the bootloader copied to a higher address out of the way of any possible fw load. 19.45.51 # It is annoying for rockboxing of course 19.46.04 # apple have done the same? 19.46.14 # of course 19.46.17 # with the nanos? 19.46.25 # and the new Classic 19.46.26 # The nano v2 is completely different from the previous ones, yet look quite like it 19.46.34 # the new classic is called classic 19.46.42 # it's just from the ipod family 19.46.44 # and yet people still confused it with the video 19.46.45 # jhMikeS: aliask will most probably be much more helpful than me on this kind of stuff 19.46.47 # The interrupts will work on the VIC but if there's a fault after loading the firmware it won't go to the correct handler 19.46.55 # because they don't get it, GodEater 19.47.03 # GodEater_: It's all because it plays video, that they insist it's a video. 19.47.20 # it is clearly named classic, as opossed to Video 19.47.28 # Horscht: The point is to most people, they don't care it is all the same to them, and to Sandisk they save money 19.47.29 # * jhMikeS is just rambling on about complications due to address conflicts 19.47.34 # jhMikeS: is it not worth me delving further in to the ATA stuff till you get this figured out ? 19.47.42 # From their viewpoint Win Win 19.47.50 Quit lids ("Reconnecting") 19.48.10 # I don't see how they "save money" by not naming it different 19.48.16 # GodEater_: go ahead on that one. this shouldn't have anything to do with that problem. it seemt to be failing in master_slave_detect 19.48.16 # They don't 19.48.25 # Horscht: they don't have to re-advertise it 19.48.33 # They avoid confusing consumers by naming it the same 19.48.39 # jhMikeS: it fails all the way through the ata.c 19.48.43 # And they save money by using cheaper hardware 19.49.05 # master_slave_detect is just the first call to show the symptom 19.49.06 # GodEater_: Error -11? Doesn't that come from master_slave_detect? 19.49.12 # The average Joe consumer doesn't care WHAT is in the device, he just wants that iPod name. 19.49.22 # Or Sansa in this case 19.49.26 # jhMikeS: yes - but see the logs from earlier 19.49.32 # when I discussed it with Ni 19.49.34 # Nico_P: 19.49.44 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 19.49.50 # * jhMikeS missed that part 19.50.12 # I managed to get it to pass check_master_slave 19.50.25 # by putting in a sleep call before the read of the ATA_STATUS register 19.50.40 # which then made ata fail with -32 19.51.03 # how long of a sleep? I tried one tick but never went farther. 19.51.31 Quit dionoea (Remote closed the connection) 19.51.43 # well originally I used a sleep(500) :) 19.51.48 # but I got it down to a sleep(5) 19.52.01 # what language do you use? c? 19.52.04 # I was trying to get SET_REG to use that all the time 19.52.17 # but for some reason it didn't work if I moved the sleep() call in there 19.52.32 # knittl: mostly C, some Assembly 19.52.50 # ok. thanks 19.52.56 # so check_registers fails. 19.53.17 # jhMikeS: yes, but I think (as I say) this is just a symptom 19.53.20 # It's perhaps the case that with the cache enabled, this processor just gets stuff done too quickly 19.53.26 # that's what I think 19.53.36 # it's reading the ata registers too fast 19.53.37 Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@195-144-092-007.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be) 19.53.59 # I was trying to think of a way of slowing it down (hence my games with the SET_REG #define) 19.54.04 # but I couldn't make it work properly 19.54.07 # the bootloader runs from physical uncached addresses atm 19.54.43 Join itcheg [0] (n=IceChat7@h-67-100-146-176.nycmny83.covad.net) 19.54.45 # so doesn't have the same problem accessing the disk you mean ? 19.56.03 # I dragged some lcd code into ata.c, and output the ATA_STATUS register after it had been written to with SET_REG, and it came back as 0x0 19.56.18 # which I assume is why master_slave_check was failing originally 19.57.46 # GodEater_: yes, the cache is enabled in the bootloader so the only difference should be the physical address execution. 19.58.00 # I noticed we do some magic with SET_REG on the PP5002 19.58.09 # so tried something similar with this 19.58.13 # but couldn't make it fly 20.00.29 Join JdGordon|w [0] (i=836b004b@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-7f0d37e40e00cfe0) 20.00.45 Quit SkaFan () 20.05.41 # any reason memsize is defined as 32 instead of 64? Actually only 63 MB are available until the framebuffer can be moved. 20.06.07 # * GodEater_ looks blanks 20.06.12 # s/s// 20.08.07 # * jhMikeS wonders if a bunch of stuff was just simply left undone 20.08.31 # very probably 20.09.34 # I expect defining the memsize was way down the list while interrupts weren't working 20.09.43 # we couldn't get enough code running to run into the limit :) 20.10.44 Quit scorche|w ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 20.11.07 Join scorche|w [0] (n=42c007b2@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 20.12.12 # I'll just toss the TTB into that 0x80100000 to 0x80200000 address range and use 63MB :) 20.12.44 Join smoking_gnu [0] (n=3e2fbd45@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9f0f17b7d4adb20c) 20.15.05 # Has something like this ever happened to one of you? 20.15.20 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 20.18.33 Join smoking_gnu2 [0] (n=3e2fb5d7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-28ea38dea03f1103) 20.19.28 # When I try to compile a self-written plugin, I get the following error message: "undefined reference to memcpy" although I don't even use memcpy() anywhere in my plugin! 20.19.36 Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 20.20.11 Quit smoking_gnu ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 20.20.21 # gcc is probably using it internally 20.20.30 # When I include the MEM_FUNCTION_WRAPPERS it compiles, but my X5 just hangs when I start it (not even the first instruction is carried out) 20.21.18 Quit cagnulein ("Ex-Chat") 20.21.22 Join perrikwp [0] (n=98213f56@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7f16913f80d37920) 20.22.00 # those need the api pointer to be initialized first. you could provide a trivial one or avoid whatever might required GCC to use it. 20.23.07 # They GET the api pointer: MEM_FUNCTION_WRAPPERS(rb) 20.23.42 # and the first code you have in plugin_start is "rb = api;" ? 20.23.45 # And I can't avoid anything since I don't know why the compiler even needs it - I don't use it anywhere.. 20.23.50 # Yes 20.24.18 Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.25.19 Join csc` [0] (n=csc@archlinux/user/csc) 20.25.59 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 20.29.29 # * jhMikeS doesn't know what he's thinking. the bl is starting at 32MB so no load conflict should be a problem. :p 20.30.22 # soap: I should stop making patches... inluded the same typo as before in the patch you've made builds from... the 4G color/phote needs rebuild with an updated patch. 20.30.31 # * Buschel is hiding away... 20.30.36 # lol 20.31.51 Quit DerPapst (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.32.35 # GodEater_: you could set the dram start from 0x82000000 to 0x02000000 and see if ata_init become a problem because then the bootloader will run from cached DRAM after the remap. 20.32.47 # smoking_gnu2: have you tried you plugin on the sim ? 20.33.06 Quit SacredTerror (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.33.08 # GodEater_: in boot.lds 20.33.48 # jhMikeS: I can't till tomorrow morning unfortunately - my dev environment at home is b0rked 20.33.58 # have to wait till I'm back at work 20.34.06 # I wonder whether there are some ata timing regs which just need to be set up properly 20.34.36 # jhMikeS: I'll test it 20.34.51 # The PP5002 set_reg mechanism is more a kludge than a fix. I guess PP goofed there, and got it right in the PP5020 and higher 20.35.30 # amiconn: the bootloader manages to pass ata_init so why not the second time if not something due to faster execution? 20.36.03 # the timings are different when the bl executes it maybe? 20.36.13 # That still doesn't rule out that some timing regs might not be set up correctly 20.36.30 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 20.36.35 # The first time, uncached execution just slows it down enough so that it doesn't break 20.36.55 # jhMikeS: I just get a frozen windows mobile logo 20.37.10 # Buschel, on it 20.37.37 # The set_reg delay loop became necessary only after I introduced the optimised transfer loop - with plain C transfer it worked without the delay 20.37.41 Quit JdGordon|w (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.37.49 # * amiconn just read up on lostlogic's proposal 20.38.43 # I don't really like that proposal, as it just shifts the problem, leading to less testers of new svn additions 20.39.14 # I think the problem is that adding or changing certain things in the core needs to be discussed 20.40.14 # Sure, some devs don't check the tracker often (I admit I am among those). But the tracker is where discussion of patches should happen 20.40.49 # There's one problem with testing patches though - not sure whether I'm the only one experiencing this...: 20.41.49 # Nico_P: hmmm...double-checked the value 0x02000000 and not 0x020000000 or something :) 20.41.58 # Often, my tree is heavily patched with my own work, and I don't want to risk conflicts due to applying another patch. And a full build in a second working copy is time consuming.... 20.42.34 # jhMikeS: I'm pretty sure I got it right 20.43.03 # I simply changed the 8 to 0 20.43.08 Join JdGordon|w [0] (i=836b004b@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-8b077a60edc8145a) 20.43.10 # * jhMikeS has a couple trees for 1) doing two projects at one 2) testing quick work or patches 20.43.14 # And that quickscreen commit was not exactly an example of 'commit early, commit often'. It even changed several things in a single commit 20.44.03 Quit robin0800 (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- It'll be on slashdot one day...") 20.44.09 # (1) introducing viewports to quickscreen (2) adding a 4th option (3) adding configurability 20.44.29 # Nico_P: that will need a looksee then 20.44.43 # (2) and (3) are things which should have been discussed beforehand, and only added after agreeing that they're wanted 20.44.59 Quit kugel (Remote closed the connection) 20.45.03 # just from reading the commit message I didn't liked the 4th button. 20.45.13 # Nico_P: wait, 0x82000000 physical should be 0x01000000 virtual since a 1MB section isn't mapped. :p 20.45.30 # a configurable quick screen? Urgh. 20.45.45 # Nico_P: wrong maths 20.46.16 # The 4th button might make sense e.g. on iriver. (a) there's enough space (b) iriver can't use quickmode anyway (c) there's no button collision (like e.g. on ipods) 20.46.35 # Nico_P: try 0x01f00000 20.46.51 # But imho it should be a compile-time option. 3 buttons on recorders and ipods, 4 buttons on irivers, iaudios, gigabeat (?) ... 20.47.23 # The recorders even have that secondary quickscreen, so a 3 button quickscreen is no loss 20.47.44 # jhMikeS: no better 20.47.52 # And the configurability, hmmmmmrmmmm...... 20.48.20 # * bluebrother wonders if he's still working on the manual in some way ... 20.48.35 # There was some discussion (long ago) regarding a user configurable quickmenu, replacing the old quickscreens 20.48.41 # Nico_P: thanks for checking 20.48.42 # and if a configurable quickscreen at all, I think it needs some documentation at the same time. I admit I don't care about the quickscreen much (got used to not having one on the Ondio) 20.48.55 # Of course neither the main menu nor the buttons should be configurable 20.49.26 # yep, documentation should come the same time. 20.53.26 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 20.54.02 Quit K4rP4D ("Leaving") 20.55.08 Part robin0800 20.55.26 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 20.55.38 # hej 20.55.51 # * jhMikeS thinks we should just skip the first 64 bytes of the firmware image when loading it and jump past the vectors area instead of 0x0 and no vector conflicts will occur during load 20.56.03 # * n1s types into the wrong window... 20.58.17 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 20.58.22 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 20.58.26 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 21.00.10 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 21.00.27 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 21.00.55 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 21.01.45 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 21.01.53 Quit GodEater_ ("There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.") 21.05.29 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.06.06 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 21.06.42 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 21.07.17 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 21.08.02 Join Domonoky_ [0] (n=Domonoky@ 21.08.21 Part robin0800 21.08.36 Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") 21.08.39 # shoudn't len = filesize(fd) - 8; in load_firmware be len = filesize(fd) - FIRMWARE_OFFSET_FILE_DATA?. if not it will fail if that #define isn't always 8. :\ 21.10.55 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 21.10.55 Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") 21.11.10 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 21.12.14 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 21.12.51 Quit desowin () 21.12.51 Quit gevaerts ("Leaving") 21.19.37 # * jhMikeS wonders why te "based on iPL loader" comment never seems to go away 21.20.10 Quit simonrvn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.20.16 Join simonrvn [0] (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) 21.20.35 Join TMM [0] (n=hp@ip565b35da.direct-adsl.nl) 21.23.40 Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@195-144-092-007.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be) 21.24.59 Quit smoking_gnu2 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 21.25.42 Quit Domonoky (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.25.52 # amiconn, bluebrother: I am in favour of a configurable quickscreen as I don't use any of the options in the current one except setting file view to "all" if settings are reset 21.26.11 # which is maybe once every month or so... 21.26.53 Quit Buschel () 21.27.08 Quit gevaerts (Client Quit) 21.29.10 # n1s: pretty much the same thing here re: usage 21.29.39 # jhMikeS: great work on the 'beast :) 21.29.47 # I turn shuffle on and off from time to time when listening to albums or not, but that is it 21.30.08 # nls: seconded, ace job jhMikeS 21.30.23 # :) 21.31.15 # well, at least the guy who commits a customizable quick screen should also commit the manual documentation the same time. 21.31.24 # aye 21.32.28 # I see the quick screen becoming customizeable a problem as people will "see" the no-customizable-menus argument breaking 21.32.39 # there is that 21.32.39 # * jhMikeS isn't even sure what setting he'd put on a quickscreen since he rarely changes any of them but for debugging 21.32.55 # No, I'd have to think about it :) 21.33.03 # Shuffle I guess + .... 21.34.19 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-182-121.pools.arcor-ip.net) 21.34.52 # * JdGordon|w has "folder advance" "shuffle" and "birghtness" set and will probably change shuffle later 21.35.55 # I very rarely change any settings once they are there 21.38.32 Join knitt1 [0] (n=knittl@s1.pyhrn-priel.tv) 21.39.17 Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@d54C597B6.access.telenet.be) 21.45.12 # Domonoky_: what's the reason for this EncoderCache thingy? Is creating a new encoder object that slow? 21.46.05 Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") 21.46.10 Join tessarakt [0] (n=jens@e180065008.adsl.alicedsl.de) 21.47.32 # moin 21.47.48 # eh? 21.47.53 # hi 21.47.58 # hello 21.48.54 # "moin" is Low German for "good [day/evening/morning]" 21.49.11 # OK 21.49.30 # in some areas even "moin moin" ;-) 21.50.18 # I believe "moin" has even made it to the IRC lingo wiki page ;-) 21.50.53 # :) 21.52.03 # I always refrain from using "moin" in non-german channels 21.52.04 # moinmoin wiki? :) 21.52.55 # maybe we should switch the wiki software to moinmoin? ;) 21.53.05 # and, yes, it made it into teh wiki 21.54.36 Quit knittl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.55.39 Nick knitt1 is now known as knittl (n=knittl@s1.pyhrn-priel.tv) 21.56.29 Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("CGI:IRC") 21.58.12 Quit bluebrother ("leaving") 21.59.01 # bluebrother: this cache is because there isnt a parent for those encoder and tts objects, so they wont get automatically deleted, so the cache ensures we dont create the several times :-) *hacky solution* 21.59.54 # yepp 22.00.08 # scorche: moinmoin wiki sucks 22.00.46 Quit perrikwp ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 22.01.35 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 22.04.37 Join defukt [0] (n=WTFOMGBB@ 22.05.53 # * amiconn will probably not change the default configuration of the quickscreen, at least not on recorder 22.06.24 Join Llorean [50] (n=DarkkOne@cpe-70-113-103-34.austin.res.rr.com) 22.06.28 # There are only 2 options I use occasionally, which are 'file view' and display flip (on F3 on recorders) 22.08.07 # * amiconn should also quick-check the original quickscreen layout 22.08.38 # I'm failry sure the icons were on the inside originally, and only got moved to the outside in the multi-screen transition 22.09.29 # so we now have to make sure we dont change anything from 2 years ago with updates? 22.09.36 # Having them inside the text makes adjusting to varying font size easier. Also, the bottom option originally used a single line, and with viewports, could do so again 22.10.06 # using a single line and scrolling is HORRIBLE compared to 2 line 22.10.21 # No, I wanted to check that as I think it both looks better and is easier to handle (provided it uses viewports) 22.10.40 # I'm not proposing a single viewport 22.11.03 # Just have 2 viewports side-by-side 22.11.59 # * amiconn should probably draw an illustration of how he imagines quickscreens with viewports 22.15.13 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) 22.23.09 Part Loki ("We All Should Wonder Quis custodiet ipsos custodes!") 22.30.43 Join muck [0] (n=4fd3f8c9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-671f5f53de204798) 22.31.10 Join gong [0] (n=4fd3f8c9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0cb2e3f0e5b0455a) 22.31.11 Quit muck (Client Quit) 22.31.32 # Nico_P: here? 22.31.42 # gong: yes 22.32.11 # Nico_P: in your last commit, why do you declare the dot variable once more in the block? 22.32.30 # I mean the line after strcat 22.33.34 Quit knittl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.34.08 Quit Domonoky_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.34.09 # gong: good catch, although it doesn't seem to be new to that commit 22.35.57 # Nico_P: the var wasn't declared at the top before, that's why I asked. No harm though. 22.36.02 Quit ch4os_ ("Lost terminal") 22.37.17 Quit nicktastique ("Leaving") 22.41.22 Quit gong ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 22.42.56 Join ging [0] (n=54bd4acf@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d4b4c04726c4cb3b) 22.43.33 Quit ging (Client Quit) 22.45.35 Join avh22 [0] (n=alex@bas2-toronto12-1128738162.dsl.bell.ca) 22.46.09 Quit avh22 (Client Quit) 22.47.00 Quit n1s () 22.47.13 Join axionix [0] (n=axion@cpe-74-70-239-192.nycap.res.rr.com) 22.52.52 Join crzyboyster [0] (n=6210f01d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ef475946324e6673) 22.53.40 # What are target id's? 22.53.46 Join perrikwp [0] (n=982165ed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a3041db4e454e52b) 22.54.14 # in what context? 22.55.32 Join Falco98 [0] (n=chatzill@cpe-066-056-186-106.sc.res.rr.com) 22.56.20 # I'm using (or trying to use) the voicefont.exe app at the bottom of > http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VoiceBuilding and it requests a target id in order to make a voice file 22.56.42 # I need the nano one 22.56.57 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 22.57.00 Quit midgey (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.57.31 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 22.57.54 # that's just a unique number selected for each specific port Rockbox runs on 22.58.15 # set in the configure script, outputted in the generated Makefile 22.58.23 # Huh? 22.58.32 # huh huh? 22.58.54 # That wiki article is outdated.... 22.59.05 # So the process will no longer work? 22.59.14 Quit perrikwp ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 22.59.18 Join perrikwp [0] (n=982165ed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-aacdcc74659a8334) 22.59.30 Quit axionix_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.59.40 # Voicefont.exe is still used to build a voice file, but the version attached there is also outdated, and won't work for current rockbox 22.59.46 # Today, the build system handles calling voicefont etc 22.59.49 # Bagder: so how hard should i push to get http://svnlogbrowser.org/ on the site?...it seems quite handy 22.59.52 # ;) 23.00.25 # All you have to do is to configure a voice build, and then 'make voice' 23.00.32 # So what would be the easiest way to make a voice file for a language today? 23.00.36 # Of course you need a suitable tts engine installed 23.00.42 Join karashata [0] (n=Kimi@bas3-kitchener06-1096649533.dsl.bell.ca) 23.00.55 # I have espeak with the tts language I need 23.01.40 # What more do I need? Can a voice file be generated without a build environment? 23.01.41 Quit jcollie ("Ex-Chat") 23.01.47 # scorche|w: looks nice indeed 23.02.58 # crzyboyster: No, you need a build environment. Although, if you only want to build voice files you don't need the crosscompilers 23.03.50 # Just be sure to select the respective simulator in addition to the voice build, then the host gcc (plus sdl) is sufficient 23.04.23 # At least this *should* work - I didn't try it 23.05.15 # So the steps at > http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VoiceBuilding#Using_Linux_or_Cygwin aren't outdated and would work on cgywin? What other windows build environments are available? 23.05.31 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.06.11 # Yes, this method is the current one 23.07.12 # Wow this is a pain in the butt... 23.07.28 Quit davina ("GNU/Linux the free alternative to Windows") 23.07.46 # The note below the next headline ("Using Windows") even says the old method no longer works. I agree that it should be made more visible... 23.08.47 Quit perrikwp ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 23.08.58 # Do all windows build environments take up 1gb+? 23.12.01 Quit karashata (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Wibbly Wobbly IRC") 23.12.16 Join perrikwp [0] (n=982165ed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ce6a551522561075) 23.12.52 # No, although cygwin installation size can vary a lot depending on what modules you install 23.14.24 Quit fehmicans (Connection timed out) 23.15.34 Quit joshn_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.15.36 # * amiconn 's cygwin installation takes ~490 MB (without the crosscompilers), or ~4.1 GB (including crosscompilers and homedir with working copies, build dirs etc) 23.16.11 # That cygwin installation includes a lot of stuff you wouldn't need, e.g. the cygwin X server 23.17.05 # So cygwin is just like another windows program that you can run from within windows? 23.17.54 # And are coLinux or vmware any better? 23.18.57 Quit ompaul (Client Quit) 23.18.57 # VMware is faster for actual builds. You will need more disk space and ram than with cygwin thoug, and it's less integrated (you'll have to copy files between the VM and the host) 23.19.12 # depends what you mean by better...it seemed like you wanted a smaller footprint before 23.19.21 # vmware is *much* faster than cygwin 23.19.35 # And with linux (be it native, in a VM or coLinux) you cannot use SAPI for voice file generation 23.22.18 # I want a lightweight one that can do the job I want (voice file generation and *maybe* generating builds) and has anyone had experience with coLinux? 23.23.35 Join dionoea [0] (n=dionoea@yop.chewa.net) 23.24.48 # What modules in cygwin would I need for this? 23.24.49 # * amiconn thinks coLinux will behave similar to VMware 23.24.53 # * preglow thinks the current svn build system is ok, perhaps we want a bigger "DON'T USE THESE IF YOU'RE NOT READY FOR SOME SERIOUS TROUBLE" sign... 23.25.02 # Maybe with a little smaller memory footprint 23.25.36 Join ol_schoola_ [0] (n=meatwad@c-67-167-20-91.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 23.26.53 Quit ol_schoola (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.27.45 # What modules for cygwin will be necessary and can they be installed seperately later (after initial installation)? 23.28.10 # really, the only advantage of coLinux, IMHO, is that it runs on hardware VMware doesn't. 23.28.57 # I have a somewhat older windows xp computer with 20gb hardrive and maybe 256 mb ram? Will this be ok for cygwin? 23.29.57 # ehhhh...not so much...i would go with coLinux at that point 23.32.08 # processor and speed? 23.32.49 # * JdGordon|w prefers coLinux, but its a pita to get setup 23.32.54 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@ 23.33.07 # I don't know... how would I be able to find that information? And what modules will be necessary for just voice file creation and maybe build compiling on cygwin? 23.33.49 # Never mind, found that (http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CygwinDevelopment#Step_2_1_Package_selection) 23.34.46 # Will it take over 2gb with just that minus the things that have parentheses after them? 23.35.14 # * linuxstb_ suggests just installing Linux... 23.35.45 # hey barrywardell, you have an osx box yeah? 23.35.56 # yeah 23.35.59 # Unfortunately, I can't as I have no clue how it works. I will probably stick to cygwin. Thanks for all the info and support! See you all later 23.36.06 Quit crzyboyster ("CGI:IRC") 23.36.17 # did you have to do anything special to get sdl buyilds to compile without warnings? 23.36.37 # they work but i get messags along the line of "blaa.o has no symbols" ? 23.37.00 # I don't remember anything like that, but haven't built a sim in a while 23.37.15 # I'll try one now and see 23.37.20 Quit Rick ("I don't need to be here.") 23.37.23 # I don't get that either, but I do get lots of warnings about duplicate symbols (stdlib stuff). 23.38.44 # ranlib: file: /Users/jonathangordon/rockbox/e200-sim/librockbox.a(debug.o) has no symbols 23.38.46 # I do get a "no symbols" message now 23.39.23 Quit matsl ("Leaving") 23.39.24 # I don't think I got it in the past, but I've updated to leopard since then so maybe something has changed 23.40.05 # Bagder: would that line show up as a build warning? 23.40.30 # I don't know without checking... 23.41.07 # JdGordon|w: You're planning on contributing an OSX build server? 23.41.22 # yeah 23.41.53 # You don't get the duplicate symbols warnings? 23.42.30 # Or rather, multiple definitions - e.g. "/usr/bin/ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol _strtok_r" 23.42.38 # lemme se... i canceled the build once i got that warning 23.42.51 # They happen when librockbox.a is being linked. 23.43.32 # zzz.. soo much slower than my ain box :p 23.43.45 Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") 23.44.10 # yeah, only get those no symbols warnings 23.44.50 Join webguest27 [0] (n=4c10ea95@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4b52010469e7974d) 23.45.28 Quit EspeonEefi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.45.52 Join Rick [0] (i=rick@pool-71-189-189-253.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) 23.46.27 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 23.48.55 # Hmm, so we could simply not compile debug.c for the sim? 23.49.24 # thats not the only one 23.49.30 # I get about half a dozen of them 23.50.05 # Presumably all empty files... 23.50.07 # hi i have a question do you guys no of a converter i can use to join 2 or more videos together so i can watch them on rockbox? 23.50.53 # yeah, we shuold get out of the habbit of having #if something around the whole .c instead of using sources 23.51.26 # IIRC there was the same problem with the bitmap libs - so there's now a dummy bmp file to ensure none are empty. 23.52.33 # yeah, I was just thinking about that 23.52.57 # the linker on osx is a bit weird sometimes 23.54.06 # I committed FS#5767 to fix the problem 23.54.26 # webguest27: As far as I know, it's legal to just concatenate MPEG2 videos. If they're in the Rockbox format, you just need to join them end to end, assuming Rockbox handles that properly 23.54.36 Quit perrikwp ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 23.54.54 Join perrikwp [0] (n=982165ed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-fbc74fa23d502964) 23.56.57 # does rockbox read the whole file in order to determine the length of the video? 23.57.07 # um...how do i do that? 23.57.24 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 23.57.40 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-182-121.pools.arcor-ip.net) 23.58.44 # PaulJam: No clue, but if it doesn't support concatenated MPEG-2 files, it's not supporting the spec, and I consider that buggy. ;)