--- Log for 16.02.108 Server: zelazny.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: @logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 2 days and 13 hours ago 00.00.47 # gevaerts: I'll check with clean SVN 00.02.05 Quit Absinthe ("Leaving") 00.04.28 # gevaerts: k 00.04.50 # unfortunately, you don't need rockbox for that, I suppose 00.04.56 # so no good for advertising 00.05.17 # You don't even need to boot the player. Longer lasting batteries ! 00.06.32 # KennethScharf: you should be able to edit the wiki now 00.08.00 # Thank you! 00.09.09 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 00.09.20 # gevaerts: no resets - hurray. What else is left? 00.09.36 Join simonrvn [0] (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) 00.11.56 # rasher: no resets, except when they also caused a final disconnect. Maybe I was just unlucky (or lucky...) and it could also happen on the older patches, but I do know there is still some error handling missing. It is technically much better now though. I'll upload this new patch soon (with the warning that this one can cause filesystem corruption, as that's what happens if there is a sudden disconnect) 00.11.57 # micols_, change the bitmap in apps/bitmaps/native/rockboxlogo.*.bmp where * is the resolution 00.12.15 # (of your device) 00.13.11 # gevaerts: any idea how i can generate a logf entry? a clean SVN build only works with the original HD, and then nothing hits logf. 00.13.33 # rasher: after that, there's finishing the scsi support (there are still unsupported required commands), find out why more than one interface doesn't work, and high speed 00.14.07 # FrankOtto: Same thing as before: enable the #define LOGF_ENABLE in some file, and configure with logf enabled 00.14.35 Quit conando (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.15.03 # well, some files have LOGF enabled anyway, and i have built with logf enabled. problem is, nothing really hits logf, because everything works. 00.16.12 # FrankOtto: logf basically works just like printf, so just add something like 'logf("Here I am");' in a normal code path 00.16.21 Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") 00.16.35 Quit soap () 00.16.36 # yeah, but then it's not strictly "clean SVN" anymore ;) 00.16.43 Join ze [0] (i=ze@cpe-76-175-22-254.socal.res.rr.com) 00.17.18 # FrankOtto: you have a point there. This should be harmless though 00.17.48 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 00.24.53 # rasher: even more missing stuff : proper hotswap handling for the microSD slot and using SCSI commands to trigger the USB connect screen (other kinds of connections can safely leave the normal UI enabled) 00.26.06 # * gevaerts found out why his latest patch still has a bug left. It appears to be version thirteen of the patch... 00.26.46 Join soap [50] (n=soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 00.26.57 # gevaerts: OK, clean SVN with slight modification (logf "i am here" when debug menu is entered) works! no garbage. 00.27.43 # FrankOtto: I guess that's good and bad news... 00.27.53 Quit desowin () 00.28.23 # gevaerts: maybe logging from the ATA thread is not a good idea... 00.29.34 # FrankOtto: that shouldn't be it. I have logf statements in my interrupt handler. 00.29.41 # i see 00.29.47 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 00.29.50 # logf() only copies data to a buffer 00.30.12 Quit jon-kha (Remote closed the connection) 00.30.17 # should be rather harmless almost everywhere, if you can spare the extra time it takes 00.32.37 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 00.32.39 Join crzyboyster [0] (n=6210f010@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-fb8c20f465b81e2c) 00.32.39 # FrankOtto: I checked a disk image here. The pattern you saw really matches a FAT table. 00.33.39 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.33.48 # gevaerts: funny. something in this build must be very screwed up 00.34.22 # Can some viewports wps code expert help me out by taking a look at this wps code I have been designing > http://pastebin.com/d19161dc3 but for some reason, the hold switch indicator stays activated even when I unactivate it. Anyone know why this is happening? 00.34.46 # FrankOtto: I guess you have some fun to look forward to. 00.35.20 Quit gregzx ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") 00.36.02 # * gevaerts now copied 1.5GB of data to his sansa without a single reset. That means the freshly uploaded v13 is really an improvement. 00.36.39 # \o/ 00.37.43 # * gevaerts now changes hats and reminds everyone that this very same version also suddenly disconnected without recovering earlier 00.38.06 # I don't like this hat 00.38.08 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 00.38.14 # Put the other one back on 00.38.34 # umm 00.38.47 # patch 8562... is that making it so you can transfer files using rockbox firmware? 00.38.52 # its called USB storage driver.. 00.39.29 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.39.35 # EnterUserName: that's the one. It's not ready for normal use yet, but we're getting there 00.39.44 # wow.. 00.39.47 # maybe i'll try it out :) 00.39.54 # EnterUserName: Bow down to gevaerts 00.39.57 Quit waldo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.40.16 # And heed his warning 00.40.33 # * EnterUserName is heeding 00.40.38 # is it possible to destroy the device with it 00.40.40 # * gevaerts notices that BigBambi also has that kind of hat 00.40.43 # or is it just wrecking data :) 00.40.51 Quit seablue ("life, death, life, death") 00.40.54 # EnterUserName: Data mainly 00.40.58 # ok. 00.41.18 # gevaerts: but BigBambi also offers to eat his hat ;) 00.41.23 # Although a particularly bad case can require extreme fixing (although that should be past now) 00.41.28 Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.41.30 # pixelma: Only if you are lucky 00.42.06 # * gevaerts is getting hungry from all this talk about eating. 00.42.20 # gebaerts: thanks for the patch ... and the work :) 00.43.02 # EnterUserName: You're welcome. I'm mostly motivated by the sansa 'refreshing database' screen 00.43.58 # * pixelma thinks gevaerts is very high in this month's cool IRC statistics "action" count :) 00.44.20 # gevaerts gets my vote 00.44.26 # phew... after swapping HD and CF card again my iriver didn't recognize the CF card at all, not even in bootloader usb mode 00.44.31 # last time i applied all my patches it took me 3 hours to do them ..:) 00.44.35 # Plus any gigabeast chaos 00.44.37 # but now it works again. 00.44.41 # s/chaos/chaps 00.45.15 # gevaerts is clearly trying to take on amiconn for the actions king crown 00.46.10 Quit DrMoos (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.46.46 Quit crzyboyster ("CGI:IRC") 00.47.01 Quit tessarakt (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.47.07 # oh my oh my im so tempted to buy a 6 gig sd hdc card 00.47.08 # L:) 00.47.21 Quit Axio (Remote closed the connection) 00.47.32 Join tessarakt [0] (n=jens@e180068056.adsl.alicedsl.de) 00.47.55 # EnterUserName: The main USB "bug" remaining is that it's slow. We don't do high-speed USB yet 00.48.38 # * gevaerts adds another line to his total in his bid to be this month's top talker 00.48.50 # oh ok 00.49.27 # mebbe ill wait till thats all done before upgrading my firmware. 00.49.41 # EnterUserName: That might get solved suddenly, or it might take 6 months. We don't actually know why high-speed doesn't work. 00.49.41 # cuz of the whole load of work it is to do all my patches :) 00.49.48 # oh ok 00.52.30 Join austriancoder_ [0] (n=austrian@ 00.53.04 # gevaerts: You are the current front runner ... 00.53.17 # http://www.rasher.dk/rockbox/ircstats/2008-02.php 00.53.24 # how do you guys find out the functions :) 00.53.37 # sounds complex to "find it" rather than program it :) 00.53.53 # BigBambi: That would be amiconn 00.54.22 # Ah right, in terms of words gevaerts wins. 00.54.26 # rasher: gevaerts is leading in actions... 00.54.45 # Sorry, yeah I was referring to actiojs 00.54.50 # *actions 00.55.21 # BigBambi: The month isn't over yet. But I'm probably helped by the fact that I didn't become really active until the 6th or so, and the page says it's from the 13th, so I did all that in half the time 00.55.37 # * gevaerts wonders if that's something to be proud or ashamed of 00.55.44 # gevaerts: I have faith in you :) 00.59.59 Join MajorC [0] (n=MajorC@host183-38.bornet.net) 01.02.24 # * gevaerts is going to sleep. The weather forecast says that tomorrow will be a nice time to improve error handling 01.02.27 # gevaerts: after rebuilding my modified rockbox from scratch, the garbage is gone. i now have usably logf output from ata 01.03.03 # gevaerts: good night :) 01.03.08 # FrankOtto: now that you mention it, I also had some dodgy dependency handling. 01.03.23 Quit gevaerts ("ZZzz..") 01.04.36 Quit lee-qid (Connection timed out) 01.07.14 Quit austriancoder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.07.29 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-210-141.pools.arcor-ip.net) 01.09.10 Quit ender` (" I went to the cinema, and the prices were: Adults $5.00, children $2.50. So I said, "Give me two boys and a girl."") 01.10.17 # amiconn: oddly enough, the ata SLEEP command in ata_perform_sleep() seems to yield ATA status 0x50 = RDY | DSC, which means all is fine. ??? 01.20.26 Quit GodEater (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.20.57 Quit scorche|w ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 01.27.42 Quit tessarakt ("Client exiting") 01.27.43 # rofl my only record in this months logs was my 72 rejoins, reminds me of my stupid ISP and that I will have my piss of mind the next week that I am changing connection 01.28.09 Quit einhirn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.28.25 Part toffe82 01.28.59 # XavierGr: piss of mind ?!? 01.29.03 Join neskaya [0] (i=featherd@wiktionary/neskaya) 01.29.18 # woops 01.29.28 # I love that kind of typos :P 01.29.34 # me too :) 01.29.53 # obviously I meant peace :) 01.30.17 Quit KennethScharf ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 01.30.47 Part pixelma 01.33.45 Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") 01.46.54 Quit FrankOtto ("Leaving") 01.48.17 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 01.50.20 Quit ol_schoola () 01.52.06 Join Kizle [0] (n=Kizzle@adsl-153-82-12.mia.bellsouth.net) 01.56.35 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 01.58.40 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 02.00.23 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 02.04.13 Join cool_walking_ [0] (n=cba165d1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1460b5593be4c7d9) 02.07.44 Join Tenson [0] (i=ME@S010600055d2d09b0.vc.shawcable.net) 02.07.58 # Can I have write access on the Wiki please? Username is AnthonyMercuri. 02.10.09 # cool_walking_: Done 02.10.43 # thanks 02.11.51 Quit BitTorment ("SEGFAULT: shit!") 02.13.57 Quit Tenson ("-=SysReset 2.53=-") 02.18.20 Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") 02.39.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.47.28 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.47.37 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B0FCC6.dip.t-dialin.net) 02.51.28 Quit cool_walking_ ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 02.59.09 Join aliask [0] (n=chatzill@rockbox/developer/aliask) 03.00.59 Quit EnterUserName (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 03.15.48 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 03.17.23 Quit MajorC () 03.22.25 Join psycho_maniac [0] (i=psycho_m@ppp020.hk.centurytel.net) 03.39.18 # I switched to a recent build of rockbox from a build that I grabbed last november 03.39.23 # on my ipod video 03.39.39 # and the correlation between what is shown on the screen and what is actually playing has gotten far worse 03.40.20 # after about 2 or 3 songs rather often it's not even the right song, much less the right time marker in the song 03.40.55 # and it will seek to the next song sometimes as though I hit the 'next' button several minutes after I've hit the button 03.41.21 # man thats crazy 03.42.19 # I'm sorta solicting as to whether this is a known issue, or if there are any workarounds or anything 03.42.48 # never heard of such a thing, hachi. You said it "has gotten far worse" - I assume you are saying you saw this behavior on your previous Rockbox install? 03.43.00 # Which version are you running currently? 03.43.12 # yeah, it would sometimes take like 600 songs and suddenly it would think I'm halfway through the next song 03.43.15 # When you boot, and see the splash-screen the version number will be at the bottom. 03.43.48 # how bout I just get it from the rockbox info menu, r16314-080214 03.44.04 # that too 03.44.27 # can you reproduce this behavior repeatably? 03.44.47 # pretty close to it 03.45.07 # can you reproduce this behavior with smaller playlists? 03.45.26 # and this is NOT a custom build? 03.48.56 # I'm seeing this as well btw, never got around to investigating it 03.49.22 # on smaller playlists, rasher, or only on larger ones? 03.49.29 # Larger ones, and lots of skipping 03.49.48 # ahh - I rarely use #1, and never do #2. 03.49.52 # Haven't tried reproducing 03.50.51 # MoB induced bug? 03.51.43 # Could be - I've not been using my dap much since after MoB, and only recently started using it regularly again 03.51.49 # So I've no idea how recent it is 03.52.13 # Pretty awful bug reporting.. which is why I've not been complaining 03.52.33 # i have this issue once in a while with my e200 series 03.53.43 # How large are your playlists? Mine tend to be several hundred, and I sometimes skip 2-4 times per song (that is, when a song ends, I skip the next couple before finding one I want to hear) 03.56.06 # rasher, i have about 650 to 700 songs on my sansa right now but i do not use playlists.. i use the database interface 03.57.20 # advcomp2019: Err.. you do use playlists. 03.58.26 # everytime you play a song you use a playlist. 03.58.41 # o ok sorry i did not know 04.04.06 Join Strife89 [0] (n=cc74f598@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9da6b0c20d227f99) 04.04.44 # advice, please 04.06.22 # Strife89, advice for what? 04.06.49 # hang on... 04.06.56 # we're not mind readers. 04.07.03 # I know. 04.07.09 # Basically.... 04.07.35 # Would Rockbox perform better on flash players with or without disk caching? 04.07.56 # My thoughts are: no real need for it. 04.10.10 # Input, please. 04.11.08 # Strife89: on the nano disk cache improves performance - probably because something's up with the flash or ATA driver 04.11.37 # I'm using a Sansa c250; but that's interesting all the same. 04.11.57 # I don't think the same is true for the Sansas 04.12.42 # There are some advantages to having disk cache enabled if you use the Database, but I don't remember the details 04.13.02 # Is it possible to disable it through the UI? 04.13.09 # rasher, on my e280r, i can reproduce the delay more then i used to be able to do now tho 04.13.12 # Or by editing a setting file? 04.13.58 # advcomp, I notice the delay a lot as well, with recent builds. 04.14.41 # rasher, another thing is after about a minute or 2 after it boots up it works fine tho 04.15.58 # Occasionally, when resuming playback, Rockbox resumes not from where I left off, but from the beginning of a song. 04.16.35 # Strife89, the same song or different song? 04.16.55 Quit psycho_maniac (" I'm lost in this conversation") 04.16.58 # Same song, usually. But not always. 04.17.11 # Same song. 04.17.35 Quit midkay ("Leaving") 04.17.40 # Strife89, you are getting the same issues that i am having once in a while 04.17.55 # Bug, then? 04.18.15 # It was worse, I believe, when I didn't do a "clean install". 04.18.56 # not sure.. so let someone read the issue and see if someone else has it 04.19.02 # "Clean install" meaning I backed up, then deleted, /.rockbox, then "installed" the new build. 04.20.01 # I'm running Rockbox right now, westing out today's build (clean installed it). 04.20.29 # The build I used before that was compiled JANUARY 10, 2008. 04.20.42 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 04.22.18 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 04.23.26 # I need to go, please PM me if any details come up, okay? 04.23.59 # Strife89, there are channel logs, for what it's worth... 04.23.59 Quit Strife89 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 04.24.15 Quit nplus (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.30.31 Join scorche|sh [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 04.38.19 Join gtkspert_ [0] (n=gtkspert@203-206-122-251.dyn.iinet.net.au) 04.39.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.40.30 Join aneka [0] (n=kvirc@ 04.46.43 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.47.05 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=el_miep@p54BF738B.dip.t-dialin.net) 04.52.39 Quit gtkspert (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) 05.02.32 Join donutman25 [0] (n=chatzill@ 05.07.07 Quit donutman25 (Client Quit) 05.10.46 Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) 05.10.59 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) 05.15.10 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-70-137-196-20.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 05.20.57 Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) 05.21.10 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) 05.23.12 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 05.36.08 Join crzyboyster [0] (n=6210f010@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-2367d608b53bb14b) 05.38.22 # I am currently working on coding a theme using viewports. I have pretty much everything down, but some of the indicators are giving me trouble. I read somewhere that all of the items on the screen have to be defined in their own viewport? How would I do this? My entire problem is at > http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=15126.msg115323#msg115323 Thanks! 05.40.50 # linuxstb__: It seems you posted the viewports patch onto the tracker and it says that you made it. Can you help me out? 05.41.57 Quit crzyboyster ("CGI:IRC") 05.43.06 Quit midgey () 05.44.30 Quit major_works ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") 05.54.55 Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) 05.55.11 Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 05.58.08 Quit Kizle ("..whoosh") 06.10.22 Join djdisaster [0] (n=43b0c2f0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-da0f682add56ef3c) 06.10.50 Quit djdisaster (Client Quit) 06.39.36 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.53.28 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 06.53.39 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-df9138496462b8ef) 06.55.23 Join mightybrick [0] (n=mightybr@ 06.59.22 # On my sansa this last week, the disable database refresh function of the bootloader has quit disabling the refresh of the database. Has anyone else experienced this? 07.15.24 # mightybrick: Do you have a microsd card? 07.18.53 Join spr0k3t [0] (n=spr0k3t@CPE-69-76-171-220.kc.res.rr.com) 07.19.24 # llorean: yes, I do. 07.19.33 # That's your problem. 07.19.45 # The OF ignored the "do not refresh" bit if there's a MicroSD card inserted. 07.19.48 # ignores 07.20.41 # ok. that makes sense now. Thinking back, that was when it began, around the same time I started using the microsd card. 07.20.49 # Thank you. 07.24.18 # What is the status on viewport development? 07.31.57 Quit aliask ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") 07.33.31 Part toffe82 07.39.07 Quit Kernel ("changing servers") 07.39.31 Join Kernel [0] (n=free@ 07.43.01 # Llorean: There _might_ be 2 bits for disabling the database rebuild, one for the main flash and one for the microsd 07.43.41 # And afaik our bootloader handles just one 07.49.27 # amiconn: It's possible, but last I heard there wasn't any evidence of one. 07.49.47 # I guess I should say "The OF ignores the bit we currently set if MicroSD is inserted" 07.52.33 # I think the OF sets this/those bit(s) to indicate that something on the volume has changed, as soon as there is a single write access via USB 07.53.53 # So it might even be that it puts the bit for checking the microsd on the microsd somewhere (similar to how rockbox used that hidden sector for storing its config in the past) 07.56.06 # That's a good thought. 07.56.32 # But I think it may rescan even if you boot, let a scan complete, shutdown, and boot again if MicroSD is inserted. 07.56.44 # I'm not sure though, just what I've heard. Both my Sansas are packed at the moment. 07.57.34 # Hmm. Is there only a single database? 08.00.29 # Btw, that reminds me.... what happened to those multi-volume support ideas for the rockbox database? 08.02.18 Join Rob222241 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B0EF54.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.10.12 # I don't know if there's a single database. I don't know if anyone's really investigated the database format. 08.10.29 # I don't know what happened to multivolume ideas for Rockbox's, I think people got sidetracked. =/ 08.18.10 # How much of the work on viewports has been committed so far? 08.18.16 Quit asdrubal ("Leaving") 08.20.35 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.21.37 Quit spr0k3t (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.22.37 Join spr0k3t [0] (n=spr0k3t@CPE-69-76-171-220.kc.res.rr.com) 08.22.57 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-209-105.student.uu.se) 08.23.22 # mightybrick: There's a changelog accessible from the front page of the site 08.26.20 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 08.27.59 Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08.28.20 Quit mightybrick ("Leaving") 08.28.43 Join stel [0] (n=steve_la@ 08.30.31 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host254-211-dynamic.20-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 08.32.05 Quit stel (Remote closed the connection) 08.32.27 Join stel [0] (n=steve_la@ 08.37.35 Join Jon-Kha [0] (n=Jon-Kha@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi) 08.39.40 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.39.57 Quit ch4os_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08.40.10 Join conando [0] (i=Soeren@dslb-084-060-157-112.pools.arcor-ip.net) 08.41.17 Join ch4os_ [0] (n=ch4os@unaffiliated/ch4os/x-059673) 08.41.52 Join gtkspert [0] (n=gtkspert@203-206-111-124.dyn.iinet.net.au) 08.45.52 Quit ompaul (Client Quit) 08.57.00 Quit gtkspert_ (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) 08.59.54 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p54B0F8C6.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.15.34 Quit spr0k3t (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.17.56 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 09.18.27 Quit Rob222241 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.19.13 Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") 09.22.42 Join spr0k3t [0] (n=spr0k3t@CPE-69-76-163-140.kc.res.rr.com) 09.23.01 Quit spr0k3t (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.31.25 Part stel 09.32.59 Join Axio [0] (n=Axio@alf94-1-81-57-140-233.fbx.proxad.net) 09.34.21 Join spr0k3t [0] (n=spr0k3t@CPE-69-76-163-140.kc.res.rr.com) 09.34.53 Join woodensoul [0] (n=noneofya@ 09.36.18 # anyone around that runs rockbox on a 60 or 80GB iPod? 09.39.38 Quit spr0k3t (Remote closed the connection) 09.41.09 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@athedsl-108804.home.otenet.gr) 09.42.16 Join FrankOtto [0] (n=gonzo@p5B07107D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 09.42.40 # woodensoul: if you ask your question someone might be able to help without having an ipod :) 09.45.23 # I've been having a lot of problems with Rockbox on the 80GB iPod I just received. Freezing, very slow startup, unresponsive. I've tried the latest current build and daily build from a month ago. 09.45.56 # Startup times over a minute 09.46.49 # are you using dircache or database auto update? 09.47.10 # Yes on dircache, no on database auto update. 09.47.27 # I've also seen the hard disk constantly spin for no apparent reason 09.48.34 # petur: I have some news. Our CF cards seem to behave different, as my card actually doesn't need ata_perform_sleep() disabled or modified at all. 09.48.51 # yes this is a known problem that was introduced a while ago, have you tried any build from before r16100? 09.50.02 # petur: At the moment it's running with only one ata.c modification: I'm simply ignoring the failing set_features (0x05 0x80) call 09.50.06 # The earliest build I've tried is from a month ago... the last one availabe on the daily builds section. Does this affect all targets? I'm pretty sure I haven't seen this behavior on my other Rockboxed players. 09.50.38 Quit midkay ("Leaving") 09.51.10 # woodensoul: no it doesn't seem to affect all targets. The bug was introduced in r 16105, try a build from before that 09.51.18 # If you could get me a build from before r16100, I'd appreciate it. 09.51.46 # The earliest one available on the site is 16095. 09.52.01 # 16095 < 16105 09.52.04 # and it seems to still do it 09.52.13 # hmm 09.52.45 # have you tried disabling dircache 09.53.13 # no, but I figured that would just make things slower since dircache usually speed up navigation 09.54.13 # yes, but it needs to scan the disk on startup and that combined with the disk reading problems might cause the slowness you're seeing 09.54.34 # well it's not just at start up though 09.55.06 # is it typical for initial database generation to take an hour? 09.55.12 Join spr0k3t [0] (n=spr0k3t@CPE-69-76-163-140.kc.res.rr.com) 09.55.19 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 09.55.22 # on my gigabeat it is very fast 09.55.48 # it depends on how many music files you have, processor speed etc but an hour seems overly long 09.56.03 Join ctaylorr [0] (n=ctaylorr@CPE001839ae25b4-CM0011aea4a276.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 09.57.01 # there are nearly 15000 tracks on my 80GB iPod 09.57.07 # The Gigabeat is likely to do it 5-10 times faster than the iPod, I'd think. Just a wild guess, though. 09.57.08 Quit midkay (Client Quit) 09.57.15 # delete the *.tcd files in your .rockbox dir and disable dircache and use the r16095 build to see if it still misbehaves 09.57.44 # ok 09.58.13 # if we know what commit introduced the bad behavior, why isn't it remitted? 09.58.27 # reverted i mean 09.59.05 # Because Rockbox is a development version 09.59.15 # The "current build" is for developers, and the commit is moving in the right direction on a lower level. 09.59.55 # The right question isn't "why isn't it removed" but "Why isn't the new problem fixed yet", and the answer to that is always "Nobody's gotten around to it yet" 10.00.23 # But then you've been around a long while, you know all this don't you? 10.02.18 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@resnet19.nat.lancs.ac.uk) 10.02.34 # Yes, and I was under the impression that when a commit introduced a bad bug, it was reverted until sorted out. 10.02.46 Join drkgeek [0] (n=473bed52@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5c72ded7bba0f08b) 10.03.28 # woodensoul: When a commit is problematic yes. This commit is *good*, it just makes a less obvious bug show up more. 10.03.33 Join stel [0] (n=steve_la@ 10.03.48 # woodensoul: Why do you think we didn't revert the nano commit for *months* while we worked on fixing the real problem? 10.03.51 Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) 10.03.52 # woodensoul, I have that problem as well on my ipod 80GB 10.04.03 # Are any of you fimilair with the sansa e200 series? 10.04.22 # Horscht: which build are you running that works well? 10.04.24 # woodensoul: Get used to the idea that this is a *development* version, and that bugs will get left in it until they're actually fixed, many times. 10.04.28 # there's even a FS entry, but I am running SVN 15979. 10.04.39 # I don't own a nano, so I was unaware of that situation. 10.05.16 # Cause I just took my sansa apart, cleaning the dust off my lcd, what should I use? 10.05.38 # drkgeek: I don't see what that has to do with Rockbox. 10.06.14 # Horscht: is that the last revision that works well for you? I can't get back that far throught the site. 10.06.21 # It has nothing to do with it. I didnt know were else to turn, figured you guys would know.. :( 10.06.41 # the last rev that worked well for me was 16104 10.07.09 # Why are you running 15979 then? 10.07.32 # drkgeek: Please read the channel topic. 10.08.02 # cause i don't know how to sync buschels DD patch to an older SVN rev 10.08.57 # DD is the patch that gives better battery life? 10.09.03 # so i just use soaps build, which is now also removed from the forums, as testing has finished and buschels patch went into SVN. unfortunatelly, it went in just recently, making it still having the disk trashing problem on 80GB ipods 10.09.04 # yes 10.09.39 # So you have a build with the DD patch but before the disk problems? 10.09.46 # yes 10.09.49 # I', a IRC noobie, how does one connect to the community channel? 10.10.00 # and it's 15979 with the DD patch applied? 10.10.12 Join Xerion [0] (n=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) 10.10.28 # I also have a patch sitting here, that reverts 16105, but I havent tried it on a recent SVN 10.10.44 # well, actualy, that patch is in FS by Buschel 10.11.37 # drkgeek: This is a job for google. :-p 10.12.09 Quit drkgeek ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 10.13.20 # Still there Horscht? 10.13.33 # I never left 10.13.38 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 10.13.44 # did you get my PM? 10.14.11 # no 10.14.25 # you're not registered, you can't send PMs 10.14.42 # they go through fine it seems on this end 10.14.58 # could you email me that build for the 80GB iPod? 10.15.04 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@p5B160E8E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 10.15.30 # http://www.sendspace.com/file/7xhd81 10.15.35 # i was prepared for that :) 10.16.15 # Thanks 10.16.16 # :) 10.17.10 # what battery life do you get since the DD patch? 10.17.56 # i think I have reached 17h with that build 10.18.11 # Under normal use or a controlled test? 10.18.12 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@athedsl-108804.home.otenet.gr) 10.18.48 # controlled test 10.19.14 # What about normal use? 10.20.07 # don't know. cause I never let the battery run dry during normal use 10.20.36 # because I am playing around quite a bit with it. 10.21.11 # but assuming that my normal use is not that far off controlled test circumstances, I'd say i would be able to get 15.5 to 16h 10.21.13 # I see 10.22.38 # This build seems to be much better already. 10.23.22 # except the audio skipping on startup 10.23.39 # I have not had that 10.24.03 # On the most recent SVN, the database commit was taking 10 minutes or more. 10.24.23 # and that's not including the 45 minutes to an hour it took to generate the database. 10.26.17 # Are you getting the track repeating and playlist info screwed up problem with this build? 10.26.29 # nope 10.26.42 # but I have no clue what those problems are 10.26.56 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 10.27.03 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 10.27.15 # Alright, well thanks for the build. I'll give it a go and see how well things work now. 10.28.47 # later guys 10.30.56 Quit woodensoul () 10.31.45 # amiconn: can I ask for some ATA advice again? 10.33.21 Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 10.35.57 Join jba [0] (n=jba@c211-30-160-138.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) 10.39.20 # FrankOtto: status 0x50 is ok 10.39.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.40.45 # petur: Hi. Yes, I get 0x50 for the ATA sleep command. Which actually means that my card works with an unmodified ata_perform_sleep(). 10.42.01 # The ATA sleep still yields a constantly-on disk-access-LED, though. Still puzzled about that... 10.42.41 # At the moment I only have one modification to ata.c: ignore the failing set_features call. 10.43.08 # I wrote in the Wiki which ATA status this returns for me. 10.44.09 # real-life has me a bit distracted at the moment.... 10.46.22 # petur: no problem 10.59.21 Quit petur ("switching....") 10.59.38 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 11.02.21 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 11.04.05 Quit jba ("Leaving") 11.05.53 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@84-255-206-8.static.t-2.net) 11.16.00 Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@d54C597B6.access.telenet.be) 11.16.29 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.22.55 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@137-015-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 11.34.09 # FrankOtto: don know why, but it now also works here with perform_sleep() 11.34.42 # so only the set_features() change is important 11.34.59 # it refuses any value I throw at it 11.36.40 # erm.. forget what I said 11.38.12 # ok :) 11.39.05 # it was working fine, then I changed the spindown time from 5 to 3 seconds and it froze 11.39.28 # I experimented some more, and found out that the LED=on is not caused by the ATA sleep command (it's commented out now) but somehow by the sleeping=true variable 11.39.47 # eh? 11.39.48 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 11.40.30 # ata_perform sleep does two things: it sends the ATA SLEEP command, and it sets an internal variable (sleeping) to true 11.40.59 # yes 11.41.07 # my only problem with the ata_perform_sleep is that it results in my disk-access-LED being on all the time 11.41.29 # so I wondered whether this is caused by the ATA command or as a side effect of sleeping=true 11.42.18 # The latter seems to be the case. 11.43.09 # how did you come to that? by setting the sleeping to true and watching the led? 11.43.15 # I didn't get any freezes yet. I guess our cards behave differently when it comes to the SLEEP command. 11.44.25 # yes, at the moment my ata_perform_sleep() only sets sleeping=true, and that's it. when the "disk spindown" happens (i.e. ata_perform_sleep is called), the LED turns on. It stays on until I do a real disk access. 11.45.40 # ah, so you are not performing the ata_sleep now, or was that just for a test 11.46.35 # right, currently the actual ATA command is not sent. But I tried that too, it causes no problems for me. I actually used logf to see the ATA status after the SLEEP command, and it is fine (0x50). 11.50.22 # I wonder why the driver isn't looking at the error bit too. It only looks for the RDY bit until timeout. 11.51.34 Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 11.52.07 # right. but it's difficult to get at the real status/error when you're devices freezes on failing :( 11.52.56 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54966F04.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.54.11 # btw, the original ata_perform_sleep sets sleeping=true even if the CMD failed. i'm not sure if this is right. 11.54.26 # looks like a bug, yes 11.54.41 # i would try putting the sleeping=true into an else-clause of the previous if-statement. 11.55.16 # but if commands start to fail then usability will be not very good ;) 11.55.38 # true, but maybe it won't freeze... 11.55.57 # I already have that fix in the code here - no help 11.56.19 # damn :( 11.58.12 # Yesterday, I actually had some freezes, but it was due to a dodgy build. After "make clean" and rebuilding, they were gone. Seems that some dependencies are not handled correctly, or maybe I just did something wrong. 11.58.38 # But I guess you already tried rebuilding cleanly. 11.58.53 # not yet 12.00.14 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@hdp186.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) 12.03.04 # * petur forgot how to use logf :( 12.04.43 # petur: on top of ata.c add two lines after the othe includes: 12.04.50 # #define LOGF_ENABLE 12.04.58 # #include "logf.h" 12.05.44 # Use logf like printf, e.g. logf("status = %04x", ATA_ALT_STATUS); 12.06.05 # that I know, I just forgot the #define ;) 12.06.23 # I thought we had a wiki page on it but failed to find it 12.06.26 # You also have to run tools/configure and select "advanced build" and enable logf 12.06.37 # yes yes... 12.06.54 # sorry... 12.06.58 # ;) 12.07.13 # I just have a _very_ bad memory 12.08.11 # booting now... 12.08.21 # * FrankOtto crosses fingers 12.09.10 # bah, with this freezing it is hard to operate it 12.09.20 Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.11.16 # hrm.. logf gives me a blank screen :( 12.12.01 # maybe dump cleared it 12.12.13 # logfdump? 12.13.20 # bah nothing... must have done something wrong 12.14.00 # are you logf'ing only if the ATA CMD fails, or unconditionally? 12.14.37 # always 12.14.56 # that's strange... 12.15.09 # 2nd try 12.15.40 # have you rebuilt cleanly? I had trouble with logf until I did. 12.16.02 # better 12.16.41 # I only see the prints it always does, not the ones on failure 12.17.43 # I'm afraid if it fails, it freezes right away... so no logf output then. 12.23.42 # really weird. I'm logging any failure in wait_for_rdy and none occurs. There is one sleep() done and it returned 0x5000 so it went fine 12.24.04 Join seablue [0] (n=s@0x535c13cc.banxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) 12.24.23 # huh, strange 12.25.43 # hmmm unless there is some asm implementation that is being used 12.25.57 # * petur adds more logging 12.26.44 # I gotta go, be back later. 12.26.47 Quit FrankOtto ("Leaving") 12.29.03 Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 12.29.15 # There is no asm in the ata driver other than for the sector transfers 12.29.29 # ack 12.30.15 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) 12.30.55 # must be some timing thing... adding logf in calls changes the behavior, now it is freezing less often 12.32.38 # someone with a c200 at hand around? 12.32.46 # ah.. timeouts 12.34.45 # it is wait_for _bsy that is giving the timeouts, status = 0xD100 12.36.15 # the ERR bit is on 12.37.27 Join BitTorment [0] (n=martin@87-194-94-92.bethere.co.uk) 12.39.46 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.43.56 # anyone know how to tell perl to expect new lines to be crlf? :/ talking about a cmd line switch or something 12.48.23 # any plans for creative xen stone? Cant grok the wiki 12.49.40 # no plans, and we don't plan it, someone with such a device needs to come with an interest to do lots of work 12.49.51 Join TX297 [0] (n=pygosuck@75-18-33-166.lightspeed.dllstx.sbcglobal.net) 12.50.46 Join qwedsa [0] (n=superman@ip51ccca31.speed.planet.nl) 12.51.15 # lunch! 12.51.16 # k. Its quite cheap and neat 12.52.06 # then buy a couple of them, open them up, find out what hardware it uses, then figure out a way to upload our own code to it and start writing drivers 12.52.49 # well if its that easy! 12.52.55 # it is :) 12.53.43 # is it powerful enough to run rockbox at all? doesn't even seem to have a display 12.54.32 # Has small oled matrix disp 12.54.45 # bertrik: what does the display have to do with "powerful"? 12.56.13 # Besides isnt ipod shuffle go 12.56.21 Quit TMM ("Ex-Chat") 12.56.24 Join moos [0] (i=moos@m170.net81-66-158.noos.fr) 12.56.35 # Hi, my ipod is on its way out (hard drive) and after I replace it, I'm sticking a 400GB+ 3.5" hard drive in the old one. If I format the hard drive properly (MBR, firmware, disk) should I just go through the regular steps to get rockbox running? 12.56.40 Join _RadioHead [0] (n=slack@ 12.56.40 Join Horschti [0] (n=Horscht@p4FD4F970.dip.t-dialin.net) 12.57.24 Quit Horscht (Nick collision from services.) 12.57.29 # <_RadioHead> hi 12.57.33 # i can imagine that DAP makers don't put a display on very simple players 12.57.49 # but apparently it does have a display 12.57.58 # Or very compact ones 12.58.33 # <_RadioHead> i have a fujitsu 2.5 disk with password, anyone any idea how can i unlock.i dont know passwd 12.59.25 # bertrik: the M3 also has no display but it has almost the same processor as the other coldfire targets... 12.59.49 # _RadioHead: Yes, one second. 13.00.02 # <_RadioHead> TX297: thx man 13.00.15 # * amiconn also wonders why a device without a display shouldn't be capable of running rockbox, or what the (lack of a) display has to do with how powerful a device is 13.00.54 # amiconn: well, it's an indication, surely 13.01.09 # _RadioHead: Unfortunately the only way I know of costs money 13.01.10 # most devices without displays are not as capable as those with 13.01.43 # The main things that would prevent a rockbox port are (1) undocumented hardware (2) encrypted firmware (3) exotic architecture with no free compiler 13.01.43 # like ipod shuffle, and the myriad small crap hardware only mp3 players 13.01.48 # but Rockbox also runs on quite "low specs" devices 13.02.13 # <_RadioHead> TX297: well anyway thx :) 13.02.35 # The shuffle does not have rockbox because the 1st gen falls under (3) and the later ones under (1) and (2) 13.02.52 Quit qwedsa_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.03.31 # what are the minimum specs for running rockbox? 13.03.58 # There are no clear minimum specs I'd say 13.04.22 # Actually _RadioHead, do you care about the data on the drive? 13.04.26 # not unless you're doing software decoding 13.04.37 # when you'd need at least 50-60 mhz for an ordinary cpu to be able to function while decoding 13.04.43 # <_RadioHead> TX297: nope 13.04.46 # Certainly rockbox is substantially less demanding that a linux kernel when it comes to memor yfootprint 13.05.22 # Then it all depends on how decoding is done (hardware, software on main cpu, software on dsp, hybrids of those) 13.05.51 # Rockbox does (sort of) run on the iriver iFP 7xx series, which have just 1MB ram and a 60MHz arm core 13.06.25 # "sort of" just because there is no user friendly way to run it afaik. Unfortunately the only iFP developer seems to have vanished... 13.06.41 Quit desowin () 13.06.48 # he's not vanished, he never had much time for rockbox, and he probably has less now 13.07.10 # he isn't very visible even when developing anyway 13.08.20 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 13.09.14 # _RadioHead: I take it you've seen this page http://www.rockbox.org/lock.html 13.10.34 # <_RadioHead> TX297: alredy test with that , i have hirens boot cd but not working 13.10.41 # ok 13.10.44 Quit ompaul (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 13.10.50 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/developer/desowin) 13.10.59 # _RadioHead: http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=728 Scroll down to "How can I unlock my drive?". Unfortunately this is the only other way I know of, which costs money. 13.11.17 # I just wanted to say that you can't know whether the processor of a DAP is powerful enough by looking at its outside, and the presence of a display is not a very good indicatore 13.11.18 Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) 13.11.23 # <_RadioHead> TX297: loading... thx dude 13.11.28 # hmm, it's not that simple to find what chipset the zen stone uses, using google 13.12.51 Quit Jon-Kha (Remote closed the connection) 13.12.52 Quit Horschti ("User was distributing pornography on server; system seized by FBI") 13.14.45 Join Jon-Kha [0] (i=jon-kha@80-248-247-190.cust.suomicom.fi) 13.16.55 Quit bertrik ("bye") 13.17.39 Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@195-144-092-010.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be) 13.18.17 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 13.18.44 # _RadioHead: There is a (really nasty) way to unlock a locked hdd without knowing the password. You would need a second hdd of exactly the same type which is not locked, and you should do this only if you're really familiar with delicate electronics stuff 13.19.54 Join countrymonkey [0] (n=3dd50610@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e09c5406e7ced389) 13.20.39 # <_RadioHead> amiconn: no i dont have same 13.21.14 # just wondering if 8359 could be closed and if 8496 and 8576/8577 could be accepted. thanks in advance. 13.21.45 Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") 13.21.45 Quit _RadioHead (Remote closed the connection) 13.22.36 # countrymonkey: How many times am I going to have to remind you that posting tasks on flyspray is enough to notify people of their existence. 13.22.49 # If it doesn't get looked at for several weeks (no comments at all) then you might bring it up. 13.23.44 # amiconn: As far as I was aware, changing out the boards won't work for some reason 13.24.03 # Llorean: what happened to the traditional nagging? ;) 13.25.38 # countrymonkey: Also, on what basis do you want someone else's task closed, when they've said they plan to be updating it? 13.26.12 # it is obselete. The update to the spanish translation has been accomplished. 13.26.16 Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) 13.26.22 Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 13.27.50 # Isn't there a "request closure" or something similar in flyspray then? 13.27.58 # linuxstb__: btw, it does indeed seem flac performs better than wavpack on some tracks 13.29.51 # countrymonkey: the patch committed was done by another person though if I read the svn log correctly, maybe ask in the flyspray entry first if he's ok with it? 13.31.44 Nick austriancoder_ is now known as austriancoder (n=austrian@ 13.38.30 # pixelma: (responding to logs) I have my c250 here 13.40.34 # gevaerts: nice, could you check out your contrast settings real quick (just going through the settings list)? Mine lets me set values from 0 to 255 but it behaves as if it actually goes from 0 to 127 and starting a "second round" at 128. I'd like to know whether it is the same for you. 13.41.29 # pixelma: Same behaviour here 13.41.40 # ok, thanks 13.42.52 # amiconn: wait_for_bsy is the one that is freezing, when it does, status = 0xD100 and error = 0x0400 13.43.07 # ok so I bought one zen stone plus for the SO, but I cant crack it open just yet.. 13.46.45 # * gevaerts isn't happy about having copied 1.5GB of data without error last night. That means it will be very hard to verify if the fatal reset bug is gone. 13.48.41 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@pD955EDB1.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.50.29 # hmmm 0x0400 means abort, set either when not ready or not supported :/ 13.58.09 Join basti [0] (i=bnc@ 13.59.11 # * petur wonders why set_features seems to be done several times 14.00.02 # hi there. is there any build that can read utf-8 coded files? i have some special character files (german umlaute) which are kind of funny now 14.00.21 # use a unicode font 14.00.33 # ok. will try that 14.01.02 # Most fonts should have german umlaut glyphs 14.01.24 # If you see rectangular blocks instead of the umlauts, the problem is the font 14.01.40 # But if you see funny double characters, it's the setting in the viewer 14.01.48 # I have no problem with umlauts in file/tag names - what kind of files are yours and what is the tag type? 14.02.22 # * amiconn assumed basti is talking about .txt files 14.02.32 # basti: or are you talking... 14.03.00 # amiconn: sleep is not the one giving issues as whenever wait_for_bsy() fails, the sleep call doesn't report an error 14.03.24 Join FrankOtto [0] (n=gonzo@p5B07107D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 14.03.29 # pixelma: i am talking about the names of my mp3 files 14.04.07 # when they are played the name is shown correctly 14.05.22 # * amiconn now guesses basti is using a linux pc 14.05.28 # then it can't be a font issue, I guess - unless you're using an unsupported build, the font in the WPS and the browser are the same 14.05.32 # yes 14.05.35 # hello again everybody. does anybody know what ide_power_enable() does exactly? The implementation for the H120 is just some GPIO magic... 14.05.57 # basti: Check your mount options when copying files. This is not a rockbox issue, it's a linux issue 14.06.02 # i am using some build from mystic river 14.06.09 # FrankOtto: turns on power to the hd (afaik) 14.06.20 # it is mounted with utf8 14.06.50 # That can be right or wrong, depending on the rest of your system 14.07.06 # locales are utf8, too 14.07.22 # n1s: thanks, the problem is, that when my CF-modded H120 enters sleep mode, ide_power_enable(false) is called, and this actually results in the disk-access LED being switched on constantly. 14.07.48 # VFAT always uses unicode internally (UCS-2 to be precise). 14.08.29 # of course the call makes sense, as during sleep the HD doesn't need power 14.08.30 # Mount and the rest of your system seem to disagree about the encoding 14.08.39 # so where is the problem? why can it read the files when playing, but not when browsing? 14.08.59 # when I comment out the call, the disk LED stays off. 14.09.02 # The WPS displays the tag info by default, not the file names 14.09.25 # FrankOtto: read the logs? 14.09.39 # I bet that if you plug your dap into a windows box, you'll see the same wrong file names as in rockbox 14.09.43 # sure, but the wps can handle these characters, so why not the "system"? 14.09.45 # petur: yes, you have mostly figured it out, right? 14.09.52 # not yet 14.10.02 Quit countrymonkey ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 14.10.08 # amiconn: i will check that out 14.10.16 # basti: The browser can handle unicode as well as the wps. It's just that your tags are correct, but your filenames are wrong 14.10.17 # petur: you tracked it down to wait_for_bsy 14.10.34 # I'm hunting the call that makes fait_for_bsy() fail - it is not sleep 14.10.37 # what do you mean by "wrong"? 14.11.06 # I know that it can be tricky to make linux 'mount' behave 14.11.24 # basti: just to check... do you see a "box" like character instead of the umlaut or do you see "funny double characters" as amiconn said? 14.11.40 # I mean that you'll see strange 2-character combinations where the umlauts should be 14.12.01 # i see "funny double characters" 14.12.27 # petur: i see wait_for_bsy is called rather often... 14.12.56 # * petur discovers that due to poweroff, set_features is called many times - after every power on 14.13.16 # petur: Of course, that has to be done 14.13.23 # Most features aren't permanent 14.13.37 # had forgotton about powering down 14.13.52 # and I saw set_features several times in my log 14.14.21 # And btw, that's where I think timing may hit us 14.14.42 # We set PIO4 (if available) in set_features(), and set the interface timing accordingly 14.15.09 # But if we power down the disk and then power up again, the disk comes up in some default mode which is most probably *not* PIO4 14.16.19 # Ah, I was wondering about the constant calls to set_features too. 14.17.01 # But we're performing set_features() etc at the same speed as if the disk were still in PIO4 14.17.32 # In fact command timing has different specs than data timing, at least in some modes 14.18.24 # amiconn: that may well be true, but why is only the powermanagement feature failing? 14.18.24 # We don't handle timing properly at all yet, except that ata timing is adjusted for cpu clock on coldfire 14.18.49 # Because the card violates the specs 14.20.47 # hmm, but every ATA SET_FEATURES command, we do wait_for_rdy. isn't that enough for proper timing? 14.22.54 # Not necessarily 14.23.20 # FrankOtto: Btw, is it the iriver's hdd led that lights up when powering down the card, or is it some led on the adapter? 14.24.05 # * petur guesses the adapter 14.24.28 # amiconn: it is only the iriver LED, the adapter LED stays off. on normal access, the LEDs are in sync AFAICT 14.25.02 # ah, it is the iriver led... I don't have one :) 14.25.36 # FrankOtto: I have a suspicion, but I need to grep the code a bit first 14.25.51 # amiconn: the freeze was in wait_for_start_of_transfer() 14.26.19 Quit Axio (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 14.26.21 # amiconn: do tell ;) 14.26.54 # Iirc the iriver has a separate power control for the ata led 14.27.26 # Obviously some disks (e.g. your cf adapter) enable their led output if they're powered down 14.27.41 # -> we should disable the led power together with the main ata power 14.28.15 # i just tried adding ata_led(false) before the ide_power_enable(false) : no success 14.29.06 # in fact i also added ata_led(false) in the ata_thread main loop (after queue_wait...) 14.29.20 # pretty aggressive I guess, but also unsuccessful 14.29.49 # maybe the led goes on because it draws current via another path? 14.30.05 # Of course that won't work, as ata_led() only exists for targets with a *software controllable* hdd led 14.30.28 # I saw for my target, ata_led() = led(). 14.30.29 # The iriver h1x0 does not 14.30.57 # bah, added a ton of logf and not it isn't freezing 14.31.19 # bingo 14.31.24 # FrankOtto: Yes, and led() in turn is an empty macro for h1x0 14.31.44 # ah. thanks. 14.32.09 # i was looking for that :) 14.32.39 # amiconn: the complete calling path when freezing: read_sectors() -> wait_for_start_of_transfer() -> wait_for_bsy() 14.32.53 # so it is probably timing afterall 14.33.08 # * FrankOtto applauds petur 14.34.23 # * amiconn will soon have a patch for FrankOtto to try 14.34.52 Quit n1s () 14.35.20 # timing setting? 14.35.34 # * petur wants to try it too 14.35.36 # No, LED disabling 14.35.37 Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) 14.35.40 Quit TX297 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.35.44 # Timing would be more difficult 14.36.17 # You could try to always use PIO0 timings. Would be slow, but should work if timing really is the problem 14.36.46 # maybe set the pio feature first? 14.36.58 Part pixelma 14.37.51 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@nl104-209-105.student.uu.se) 14.39.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.39.55 # petur: I see wait_for_bsy sets a timout of HZ*30 ticks. Is HZ ticks per second/per millisecond/... ? 14.40.12 # FrankOtto: http://amiconn.dyndns.org/ata_led_h1x0.diff 14.40.23 # HZ is ticks per second 14.40.41 # Ticks per millisecond wouldn't be possible 14.41.05 # HZ == 100 on all targets so far 14.41.23 # amiconn: thanks, trying immediately... 14.41.57 # If that works, I'll commit it. Disabling the LED power together with the main HDD power sounds like a good idea in general, imho 14.42.42 # amiconn: something interesting: I changed the order of features[] and powermanagement is the one that keeps failing. I thought setting pio mode first would be a fix 14.42.45 Quit gevaerts ("back later") 14.42.50 # And there is no extra cost as you can see when checking that patch 14.43.01 # anyway, gtg, back later 14.43.09 Quit petur ("real life") 14.44.46 # * amiconn wonders whether we could also handle the isd300 power dynamically for even better iriver runtime 14.46.41 # Both H1x0 and H300 have a pin for that 14.46.58 Quit Horscht ("electromagnetic radiation from satellite debris") 14.48.54 # amiconn: sadly, the LED keeps staying on :( 14.49.51 Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) 14.54.17 Join rolandh [0] (n=roland@hlin.campus.luth.se) 14.55.39 Quit advcomp2019 (Connection reset by peer) 14.55.53 Join advcomp2019 [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 14.56.13 # Can somebody tell me what this error does mean and maybe how to fix it? http://rafb.net/p/Hf1TdG36.txt 14.58.08 # FrankOtto: Strange... 14.59.44 # amiconn: what does and_l do? does it "and" the value at the given address with the given mask, or with the inverse of the mask? 15.00.07 # It 'and's with the mask 15.00.19 # But note the ~ in front of the constant 15.00.44 # ah, i'm blind :) 15.00.53 Quit Horscht ("I am root. If you see me laughing, you better have a backup") 15.01.24 # is this GPIO stuff documented in the wiki? 15.01.44 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PortPinAssignments 15.01.55 # Linked direktly from the documentation index... 15.02.37 # thanks 15.03.31 # austriancoder: I think you get that when trying to call static functions in iram from ram code because gcc uses a shortcall 15.03.47 # solution: Use the STATICIRAM macro 15.05.06 # n1s: thanks.. lets see if i can fix it 15.05.28 # Yeah, STATICIRAM is a hack-around for gcc's broken section handling on arm 15.06.13 # gcc doesn't use long calls for static functions even if they reside in a different section, contrary to its documentation 15.06.47 # So STATICIRAM evaluates to nothing on arm, and to 'static' on all other targets 15.07.00 # amiconn: the H100 disk LED pin is documented to be "O" while the HD power pin is documented as "I". doesn't that mean that we can only read the disk LED state, not set it? (I'm assuming O=output and I=input) 15.07.32 # no 15.07.57 # O means indeed output and I means input, but see the * footnote 15.08.35 # O and I are defined from the CPU's view, btw 15.09.04 # oh, so O should be what we need anyway. 15.09.05 # The I for GPIO 31 refers to the ADC input. The output direction is HDD power 15.09.48 Quit aneka ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/") 15.10.41 # * amiconn wonders about ata-iriver.c line 58 15.10.56 # maybe one cannot set both at the same time, but should do it in two calls. 15.11.12 # You can definitely set both in a single call 15.13.27 # That line uses &GPIO_FUNCTION, not &GPIO_OUT. but they are probably somewhere defined to be the same... 15.13.38 # They aren't the same 15.13.44 # See the MCF5249 manual 15.14.15 # GPIO_FUNCTION defines whether the pin is used for its primary function, or as gpio 15.14.27 # Many pins have multiple, selectable functions 15.14.42 # But that line is correct, I checked that 15.15.12 # * amiconn needs to ask LinusN about that LED control pin 15.15.34 # It can't be just voltage. Or perhaps it's not wired on some hardware versions 15.15.52 # On mine it's not. I just tried to keep GPO 9 disabled, and my LED still works 15.16.15 # (disabled == high here) 15.17.01 # hm. from my limited experience with microcontrollers (from the C64 days...) I rememeber there maybe some protocol that one has to adhere to, that is first writing some data register, then some mask register, finally writing to another register to make the change actually happen. 15.17.22 Join gregzx [0] (n=gregzx@dta229.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) 15.17.30 # but I guess I should read the manual before speculating... 15.21.33 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) 15.21.56 Join K4rP4D [0] (n=KrPD@unaffiliated/krpd) 15.23.11 Part stel 15.24.49 Join stel [0] (n=steve_la@ 15.30.25 Join JosiahW [0] (n=josiah@airnode104.air-internet.com) 15.36.10 Join m0f0x [0] (n=m0f0x@189-47-68-9.dsl.telesp.net.br) 15.40.01 # anybody out there? 15.42.23 # zen stone (not the plus!) appears to have sigmatel 3550 chip in it 15.42.38 # plus only has the display as addition it seems 15.43.50 # Can someone help me.... I just installed rockbox on a 80gb ipod... everything seemed to be fine and I was able to browse the system but then I decided to restart it. It said it was powering down and did but now I cant get it back up.... no power it seems 15.44.46 Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.45.30 Part stel 15.46.36 # well a reset (menu and select) seems to have gotten me back up and running 15.46.47 # is that how I have to turn it on every time? 15.47.18 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 15.53.13 Join SSnake [0] (n=dfsff@host-84-220-54-35.cust-adsl.tiscali.it) 15.57.06 Quit FrankOtto ("Leaving") 15.57.52 # with ums v13 I can still get reset full speed USB device, sansa doesn't display flash activity 15.58.09 # oh, device went offline 15.58.39 Quit Siku (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) 15.59.23 Part SSnake 16.00.37 Part JosiahW ("Konversation terminated!") 16.10.52 Join stel [0] (n=steve_la@ 16.22.02 Join Strife89 [0] (n=cc74f598@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-88ef6eef92643ac0) 16.22.33 # Any update on Rockbox performance. Anyone care to listen? 16.23.25 # Someone said that the "delay problems" only seem to occur during the first few minutes after booting. 16.23.39 # I second that. 16.24.39 # After that "slow period", Rockbox performs very nimbly, even on starting playback on different songs. 16.25.00 Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) 16.25.06 # A big improvement over late January's builds. 16.29.22 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@137-015-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 16.35.25 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-71-154-234-41.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 16.39.36 Quit axionix (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.39.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.40.05 Join axionix [0] (n=axion@cpe-74-70-239-192.nycap.res.rr.com) 16.40.23 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust498.brig.cable.ntl.com) 16.48.45 Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@195-144-092-010.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be) 16.49.58 # desowin: that's the remaining bug. It seems the player doesn't respond properly to reset commands once it does go wrong. I'm trying to fix it, but I haven't done much on it yet. 16.50.26 Join Axio_ [0] (n=Axio@alf94-1-81-57-140-233.fbx.proxad.net) 16.51.27 # desowin: problem is, it doesn't seem to go wrong very often, and I don't know exactly what goes wrong, so it might be some time before I can actually see what happens 16.51.56 # You're talking about the initial "delays", right? 16.52.39 # Strife89: I'm talking about the USB work. 16.53.57 # * gevaerts doesn't usually notice audio playing related problems. You have to actually play audio for that. 16.54.56 # he 16.54.58 # h 16.56.43 # It seems I'm not seeing numerous users posts, the..... 16.56.48 # then... 16.57.47 # Strife89: I replied to something desowin said about an hour ago. 16.58.09 # gevaerts: http://rafb.net/p/il2TrX72.html - this is what dmesg said me 16.58.18 # gevaerts: what documents are you using to improve USB support? 16.58.36 # for the USB controller inside the sansa in particular 17.00.10 # desowin: that's very similar to what I saw. Were you reading or writing ? Small files or large files ? 17.00.15 Quit desowin (Remote closed the connection) 17.00.35 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@hdp186.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) 17.00.55 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 17.01.16 # * n1s dances the disassembly dance :) 17.02.55 # gevaerts: I was diffing my local 'sansa' directory with ogg's with what is on sansa, then I copied remaining files (5 albums - 543mb) and during that it failed 17.02.59 # bertrik: The controller seems to be the same as the one in ihe iMX31. I use the reference manual from http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=i.MX31&nodeId=0162468rH311432973ZrDR&fpsp=1&tab=Documentation_Tab 17.03.26 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 17.04.10 Join FrankOtto [0] (n=gonzo@p5B07107D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.04.26 # desowin: so writing medium-sized files I guess. I copied lots of 2..10 MB files withou problems, and had the problem with one 500MB file. Comparing the data it seems that file size doesn't really matter. 17.05.09 # File size as such shouldn't matter, but it might infuence exact read/write sequences which might. 17.07.48 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 17.08.47 Join fasmaie [0] (n=yohann@c-98-216-170-85.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) 17.10.10 Join JosiahW [0] (n=josiah@airnode104.air-internet.com) 17.22.46 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 17.23.22 Quit FrankOtto ("Leaving") 17.23.30 Join FrankOtto [0] (n=frank@p5B07107D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.25.06 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 17.26.48 # where in the "file browser" do you put all the gbc files for the game boy color roms? The wiki just says: 17.27.02 Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@e179083024.adsl.alicedsl.de) 17.27.13 # You put them wherever you wnat. 17.27.23 # and it will just find them? 17.27.28 # No. 17.27.38 # You go to them in the file browser 17.27.41 # ah 17.27.55 # hmm.. that could be a pain lol.... got every GBC there is :) 17.28.06 # amiconn: ping 17.28.30 # Make a-Z foleders. 17.28.39 # A-Z folders 17.28.53 # also I want to buy doom2 so I can play it but I dont know where to get the .wad file... I think when I buy it it will just give me a .exe 17.29.02 # Good idea A-Z 17.29.05 # Will do :) 17.29.15 # Doom 2 wad... 17.29.26 # Have you tried FreeDoom 17.29.27 # ? 17.29.34 # no 17.29.42 # It's pretty good. 17.29.43 # is it as good of graphics? 17.29.54 # http://freedoom.sourceforge.net/ 17.30.02 # IMHO, yes 17.30.22 # okay :) saves me $20 17.30.25 # Although I've never played Doom 2. 17.30.43 # Just seen screenshots. 17.30.50 Join hupy [0] (n=54539620@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-32595a2d8165cade) 17.30.55 # You can also use the .wad from the demo(s). 17.31.13 # is it the same thing or will it be limited? 17.31.34 # Limited to whatever the demos normally allow. 17.31.49 # The file size seems to reflect that. 17.32.10 # But there should be enough levels to keep you happy. 17.32.32 # 13.9mb 17.32.39 # is this doom2.wad file 17.32.48 # hhang on 17.33.27 # You want this file. 17.33.28 # http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/freedoom/freedoom-iwad-0.5.zip?download 17.33.55 # ty 17.33.56 Quit hupy (Client Quit) 17.34.10 # You're welcome. 17.34.27 # Make sure you make a doom folder under /.rockbox. 17.34.30 # I just installed rockbox... it takes a very long time to browse through my music... i have it set up to run from RAM is that a bad way to go? 17.34.36 # already did :) 17.34.42 # Put the .wad file there. 17.34.55 # okay 17.34.56 # As for the RAM thing.... 17.34.59 Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17.35.08 # what player are you using? 17.35.17 # JosiahW: have you enabled DirCache? 17.35.23 # I dont know :) the default one i guess 17.35.36 # petur: I dont know how do I check? 17.35.45 # the manual ;) 17.35.46 Quit fasmaie (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17.36.10 # Hang on, I'll look, my player's right here.... 17.36.12 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.36.12 # settings -> system -> disk 17.36.33 # Whoever wrote the manual did a very good job for an open source project :) 17.36.40 # wish their was a search built into the html version 17.36.47 # but google will do fine for now :) 17.36.53 # google is your frien 17.36.54 # Just download the .pdf 17.36.55 # +d 17.36.58 # strg + f on most browsers :p 17.37.02 # Then search it. 17.37.12 # anyways, what does the Dircache setting do? 17.37.27 # store the dir structure in a cache 17.37.35 # JosiahW: you should be able to search the html version with your browser, eg Ctrl+F in Firefox 17.37.40 # and the file list 17.37.52 # horscht: not all of the manual is up at once in the HTML version 17.38.07 # ah, so not neded when using the database 17.38.17 # FrankOtto: I know but I have to click through each category :) but its not a big deal at all 17.38.23 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 17.38.38 # petur: I dont have a settings -> system 17.38.40 # use this in google (adapt to your model): site:http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-h300 17.39.09 # petur: I have settings -> sound, general, theme, recording, manage 17.39.10 # settings -> general -> system -> disk 17.39.11 Part toffe82 17.39.41 # * petur kicks the old brain 17.40.10 # petur: I think its set for No 17.40.16 # lol 17.40.19 # * gevaerts hopes petur's new one is better 17.40.22 # then enable it 17.40.40 # gevaerts: do we get new ones during our life? yippie 17.41.28 # petur: I thought that's what you meant by saying you have an old one 17.41.52 # nah, it's as old as me :/ 17.42.33 # he just kicked it 17.42.42 # trying to do the fonzie magic+ 17.43.16 # no matter what theme I pick the wps (or whatever) seems to stick to the default one 17.43.53 # what may be causing that? 17.43.56 Quit Strife89 ("CGI:IRC") 17.44.08 # nm 17.44.14 # must just be those couple of themes 17.44.18 # the jrock ones are working :) 17.44.27 # some do not have a wps 17.44.43 # JosiahW: many themes online are not update and at some time get broken 17.44.57 # +d 17.45.21 # * gevaerts managed to actually trigger the usb reset problem 17.45.52 # would be nice to have submitted dates listed for them :p 17.46.30 # it's a shame. there are so many nice themes, which are made to work with patches only 17.46.48 # Can someone give me (ThomasMartitz) write permissions to the wiki? I wanna add me to the people planning to participate in the DevCon2008 17.47.19 # and I am too stupid to fix them myself :( 17.47.19 # petur: working much faster now thank you 17.47.19 # just a sec 17.47.26 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 17.47.45 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17.47.49 # oh can I get my old iPod games and apps to run on rockbox? 17.48.38 # please review #8611 17.48.44 # kugel: done 17.48.53 # petur: thanks 17.49.10 # JosiahW, for running your Ipod games bought on iTunes, you have to boot to the OF 17.49.22 # ah okay... thank you sir 17.50.01 # rockbox has its own games, though 17.50.33 # see 'plugins' 17.50.43 # I did :) and am very happy with the selection 17.51.04 # plus the 500+ gbc ive got loaded 17.51.32 # gb(c) is not too good on rockbox 17.52.03 # amiconn: when you talked about setting it to PIO 0, did you mean the CSAR2 setting in crt0.s ? 17.52.19 # Horscht: what do you mean? just buggy? 17.52.22 # it's better on faster targets, ipods just have pretty slow processors. 17.53.03 # it's not running at a nice speed 17.53.17 # ah 17.53.19 # barely playable. 17.53.26 # damned... guess Ill remove them until next version :) 17.53.37 # plus, the controls are simply... crap. 17.53.46 # nature of the clickwheel 17.53.53 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 17.54.48 # oh well.... darn i was pretty excited... but there are still a lot of games available 17.54.51 # if you want gbc emulation, you should look into ipod linux, JosiahW. but discussing this is not topic in this chan, plus it's a bitch to get working (espeicaly on 5.5G ipods) 17.55.26 # lol okay 17.56.21 # thank you guys for all the help... im sure ill be back on at some point. have a good day 17.56.25 Quit JosiahW (Remote closed the connection) 17.56.40 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 17.56.42 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 17.58.07 Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@d54C597B6.access.telenet.be) 17.58.49 Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18.01.46 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@p5B160E8E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 18.05.30 Join random_desu_is_s [0] (n=chatzill@inet-out.dsl-nat.sura.ru) 18.05.48 Join Mathiasdm2 [0] (n=Mathias@vpne091.ugent.be) 18.05.51 Join |AhIoRoS| [0] (n=ahioros@ 18.06.03 Quit random_desu_is_s (Client Quit) 18.06.52 Quit Llorean (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.07.09 Part stel 18.09.46 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 18.11.23 Quit axionix (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.11.34 Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-132-142-206.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) 18.12.11 Join axionix [0] (n=axion@cpe-74-70-239-192.nycap.res.rr.com) 18.18.19 Quit hannesd ("Client suicide") 18.18.26 Join stel [0] (n=steve_la@ 18.19.02 Quit tvelocity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.19.13 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18.21.50 Part stel 18.22.16 Quit Mathiasdm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.23.20 Join einhirn [0] (n=Miranda@p5B033799.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 18.26.19 # * gevaerts sees a mountain of complexity looming near the USB stack, and tries to find a way around it 18.28.52 Join RvX [0] (n=chatzill@pa2.romix.net.pl) 18.28.58 # Hello 18.29.13 # Hi 18.30.23 # I wonder how to insert some special characters in Virtual Keyboard for word I want to find description in dictionary (StarDict) 18.30.42 # The Virtual Keyboard doesn't contain some of them 18.32.00 Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host254-211-dynamic.20-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 18.32.16 # I have no idea at all, hopefully someone else can answer 18.33.51 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 18.33.53 Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 18.33.57 Quit linuxstb_ (Nick collision from services.) 18.35.45 Quit desowin (Remote closed the connection) 18.36.03 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/developer/desowin) 18.36.47 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox 3.0b4pre/2008021304]") 18.39.50 # RvX: you might get there by creating/modifying a virtual keyboard file 18.39.55 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.43.35 # petur: how can I do it? 18.44.35 # never done it myself, but there are keyboard files you can load. You could tweak one or maybe there's already one you can use 18.47.45 # * petur fails to find it in the manual :( 18.49.02 Quit XavierGr (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18.49.16 # petur: thanks, I've found it, good job :) 18.49.38 # (http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/LoadableKeyboardLayouts) 18.49.46 # right 18.50.11 # * petur was hunting it in the source and got as far as the extension: .kbd 18.50.53 # bbl 18.52.15 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 18.52.50 Join austriancoder_ [0] (n=austrian@ 18.52.55 Quit austriancoder_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.53.50 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-71-154-234-41.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 18.53.54 Quit FrankOtto ("Leaving") 18.54.19 Join twirt [0] (n=4db7830d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9f710101851df13c) 18.54.55 # I need help with my Sansa e280 18.55.05 Join eightfold [0] (n=eightfol@c83-251-149-27.bredband.comhem.se) 18.55.21 # hi, how do i find out if my ipod mini is 1st or 2nd gen? 18.55.26 # it's blue and 4gb. 18.55.36 # My Sansa e280 is not recognized by windows anymore 18.57.30 # twirt: did it/you boot into original firmware? 18.58.10 # eightfold: ipodlinux has a nice overview iirc 18.58.57 # eightfold: http://www.ipodlinux.org/Generations 19.00.31 # bbl 19.05.06 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.06.18 Join linuxstb__ [0] (n=linuxstb@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 19.07.11 Join bernz [0] (n=b@dsl-129-122.aei.ca) 19.07.13 Quit austriancoder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.08.35 # twirt, you currently have to boot into the original firmware to transfer files. check the manual for details 19.10.37 Join DDb|Sleep| [0] (i=DDb@ool-44c52dce.dyn.optonline.net) 19.10.45 # Hye 19.10.48 Nick DDb|Sleep| is now known as DDb (i=DDb@ool-44c52dce.dyn.optonline.net) 19.11.27 # im having some trouble with rockbox can anyone help? 19.13.22 # have you read the guidelines? 19.14.03 Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.14.09 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 19.14.28 # Yes 19.14.33 Quit linuxstb (Client Quit) 19.16.45 # So...? 19.17.27 Quit twirt ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 19.18.40 Quit K4rP4D ("Leaving") 19.20.19 # DDb: Well the guidelines actually tell you not to ask to ask... 19.20.54 Quit RvX ("ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox]") 19.21.56 # ok, well i recently installed rockbox on my 1st gen ipod nano, and it is working fine but it wont 'update' what i mean is when i delete songs off itunes or add songs to my itunes it doesnt show up.. 19.25.55 Quit linuxstb__ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19.28.35 # Hmm...wondering if anyone's actively looking at this bug in FS: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8260 . Seems like there's something wrong with a fix dropped to SVN quite some time ago. 19.32.18 Join K4rP4D [0] (n=KrPD@unaffiliated/krpd) 19.35.41 Join toffe82_ [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-75-23-149-66.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 19.53.18 Quit toffe82 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.04.10 Quit DDb (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.04.32 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) 20.18.28 Join toffe82__ [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-70-137-197-81.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 20.18.37 Nick toffe82__ is now known as toffe82 (n=chatzill@adsl-70-137-197-81.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 20.19.38 Quit einhirn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.21.39 Quit bertrik ("bye") 20.23.48 # * gevaerts fears that this looming mountain of complexity will need to be climbed in some way. Experienced mountaineers are most welcome. 20.29.50 Quit Mathiasdm2 ("Yuuw!") 20.30.04 Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@vpne091.ugent.be) 20.36.41 Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") 20.36.47 Quit toffe82_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.39.59 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.41.32 # * petur prefers climbing real mountains 20.42.32 Join Philll [0] (n=irc-Feb2@ 20.43.21 # * gevaerts doesn't have any real mountains around, so this one will have to do. gevaerts also suspects that petur doesn't have any real mountains around either 20.43.45 # not more than 10m, no 20.44.10 # gives one a reason to travel ;) 20.46.20 # Do they have beer at the top ? 20.47.33 # no, but I once was at a top where somebody had left a bit of alcohol behind ;) did'n trust it though... 20.48.31 # Maybe coming down is safer as well if you don't drink beer first 20.48.45 # Don't drink and dive ? 20.48.45 # exactly 20.54.39 # the dev working on the mobiblu-port, is he/she here? 20.56.02 Join HellDragon_ [0] (i=jd@unaffiliated/helldragon) 20.56.29 # mobiblu? 20.57.07 Quit HellDragon_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.58.23 Join linuxstb [0] (n=dave@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.00.22 # gevaerts: before I give it a go, have you been able to get live logf output on the usb serial? 21.00.28 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@p5B160E8E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 21.01.21 # Philll: I haven't done much on that yet. I still don't have serial coexisting with UMS. 21.03.05 # Of course if you want to debug non-usb related stuff that won't bother you much I guess. 21.03.23 # gevaerts: ok, I might have a play with that, and make do without UMS for now 21.04.13 # If you want to enable serial in my latest patch, uncomment the #define in usb_core.h, and comment out the nearby #define for storage. 21.04.53 # yep, I found that. thanks! 21.05.44 # Philll: Zagor has some preliminary work at http://bjorn.haxx.se/usb-serial-debugf.patch that you might want to look at 21.07.56 # I'll take a look at that 21.09.52 Quit Philll () 21.10.10 Quit linuxstb ("Ex-Chat") 21.11.46 Join linuxstb [0] (n=dave@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.13.44 # linuxstb: did you get a chance yet to test high-speed on ipod ? 21.16.24 Quit ctaylorr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.16.32 # jhMikeS: what do you need to compile the bootloader of the gigabeat S, in the vmware machine, it gives an error 21.16.48 Join TMM [0] (n=hp@ip565b35da.direct-adsl.nl) 21.17.34 # BigBambi: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MobibluInfo 21.17.52 # a small cube/dice player 21.20.30 # Ave: That page is 8 months old. 21.20.40 # Er, 10ish raelly 21.20.41 # so where do we go now? 21.20.54 # meh I'll just check the current build targets 21.21.05 # other sigmatel chips are equally interesting tho 21.21.16 # but mobiblu seems like the closest match to zen stone plus 21.21.21 # You're welcome to work on it. 21.22.26 # well is there some information about the current status for sigmatel based players 21.22.47 # I'm sure its somewhat of a showstopper that there is no compiler 21.26.08 # A lack of a free compiler is a very, very significant problem, yes. 21.26.37 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=dave@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.27.01 Quit linuxstb (Nick collision from services.) 21.27.06 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=dave@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.32.47 Join countrymonkey [0] (n=3dd50610@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9b0aec81fbd578bf) 21.33.42 # The recent activity subversion section of the homepage is down. 21.35.32 # no it isn't 21.35.55 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 21.37.00 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=dave@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 21.37.06 # It's 5 revs behind. 21.37.19 # that's different from being down. 21.37.36 # well, let's say it isn't working as expected. 21.39.36 # Is there a way to do a nonblocking ata read or write ? 21.41.21 Join bertrik [0] (n=Bertrik_@137-015-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 21.42.20 # gevaerts: i put up some USBCV results on my webpage, v12 worked better than v13 21.46.07 # bertrik: it seems that v13 basically got nowhere. I don't really understand the difference, since the changes between 12 and 13 shouldn't affect control transfers much 21.47.04 Quit rolandh ("Adihö...") 21.47.10 # I'll test v14 21.48.38 # I think some tests failed simply because my sansa got hung 21.48.59 # I should really start using some sort of local revision control. I only uploaded v14 less than two hours ago and alredy I don't really remember what changed since v13... 21.49.20 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21.49.34 # bertrik: it hung in v13 ? My sansa stopped hanging on v13. 21.50.10 # gevaerts: I didn't really pay attention which versions hung, sorry 21.51.44 Quit countrymonkey ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 21.53.12 Join thegeek_ [0] (i=thegeek@s220b.studby.ntnu.no) 21.57.28 Join DefineByte [0] (n=defineby@bb-87-81-195-5.ukonline.co.uk) 21.57.39 Quit ch4os_ ("Lost terminal") 21.59.27 # * gevaerts is now going to test his new and improved non-blocking usb storage changes 22.00.51 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.01.34 Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 22.06.28 # This is looking very good ! It's still possible to make things lock up by sending lots of control requests (using lsusb -v), but a device reset gets it going again. 22.08.03 Quit Galois ("Leaving") 22.08.12 # ... except when it doesn't :-( 22.09.20 Quit thegeek (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.12.59 # oh bugger 22.13.24 # * petur added waitstates to the ATA but still got a freeze :/ 22.14.04 Join Immortal [0] (n=allan@ 22.14.23 # can someone help me convert video to fit my iriver H10 20Gb please 22.14.29 # using ffmpeg 22.15.24 # petur: since you now know the ATA driver intimately ;-), does it support some sort of nonblocking I/O ? 22.16.53 # not that I saw 22.17.14 # anyway this is coldfire ;) 22.18.06 # Thanks. That means that my "nonblocking" usb-storage driver will still block on disk I/O, unless I add a thread for that. 22.19.18 # rasher: hehe 22.19.43 # kugel: I don't see what else there is to say 22.20.07 # yea, I just find that patch entry funny 22.20.20 # can someone help me convert video to fit my iriver H10 20Gb please 22.20.21 # using ffmpeg 22.20.41 # Immortal: there is a wiki page for that 22.20.45 # and no need to repeat 22.20.50 # I looked into the patch and and saw something exaclty opposing to the summary 22.20.57 # gevaerts: unless we can do DMA on the PP, but I don't think we can 22.21.16 # amiconn: ping 22.21.17 # i know i read it and i checked everywhere on the rockbox page and i cannot figure it out 22.21.24 # ive tried everything 22.21.38 # What command did you try, and what happened? 22.21.45 # regarding DMA and sansa: http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/SIDMA_interface.txt 22.22.00 # Immortal: Also, have you tried winff? 22.22.13 # it doesnt work very well in linux 22.22.58 # ffmpeg -i ConvertTube_com.mpg -s 160x128 -vcodec mpeg2video -b 200k -ab 192k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -acodec -mp3 themovie.mpeg 22.23.08 # i used that command in ffmpeg and i dont know why it errored 22.23.20 # it always says unknown format 22.23.22 # each time 22.23.28 Join Galois [0] (i=djao@efnet-math.org) 22.24.15 # Immortal: Can you join #rockbox-community? Help with ffmpeg isn't really on-topic here... 22.24.31 # ok 22.24.53 Quit Immortal ("Leaving") 22.27.24 # petur: pong. 22.27.25 # Bagder: interesting. I'll be sure to use that from the UMS driver once someone writes the actual code to set it up. Unfortunately I don't really think that flash targets are the problem for my 128kb reads and writes. I'm mainly afraid of seek times on hard disk 22.28.02 # yeah, you're probably right 22.28.05 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=dave@i-83-67-212-170.freedom2surf.net) 22.28.21 # but I wanted to bring that document back to life ;-) 22.28.28 # * gevaerts really should find some time to read all this fascinating stuff on Bagder's website. 22.28.36 # amiconn: when you said timings, did you mean the waitstates in CSCR2? 22.28.52 # petur: Nope, CSCR2 has no effect on ata timing 22.29.14 # oh, I thought WS[3:0] 22.29.15 # I mean the settings CS2PRE, CS2POST and CS2WAIT 22.29.26 Join Andreas_e260FM [0] (n=54ad3de4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ee55674927f8401e) 22.29.31 # hello 22.29.41 # (in IDECONFIG1 and IDECONFIG2, see system-iriver.c 22.29.43 # ) 22.29.59 # What I'm mainly trying to do with all this non-blocking in USB drivers is keeping response to control transfers fast. It will also help if and when we want to do isochronous for audio 22.30.01 # anyone alive in here? 22.30.13 # Andreas_e260FM: no 22.30.20 # ok.. hehe :) 22.30.21 # * gevaerts plays dead 22.30.44 # gah, must be getting blind too. Looked over that :( 22.30.52 # always these faking people ... almost belived you 22.32.12 # i know this is only rockbox chat but i have a question which is not rockbox related due to my sansa v2 22.32.39 # * bluebrother gets rememberd of "Play Dead" by Bjork 22.33.27 # my problem is that i never achive it to put a video on the sansa.. activated the USB Mode MSC for direct access 22.33.45 # amiconn: is there a table/calculation somewhere for pio modes. Somebody calculated them once... 22.33.52 # transfered a video directly on /video -> no result 22.34.20 # used sansa media converter 2 -> conversion runs fine no errors -> no video 22.34.22 # Andreas_e260FM: that's off topic here and not many people around here have v2s (since they don't run rockbox) 22.34.23 # Andreas_e260FM, this channel is strictly rockbox-related. 22.34.57 # i know.. sorry but i dont know where to ask instead ? 22.35.26 # Andreas_e260FM: Try sandisk's forums. 22.35.34 # my intension was to use rockbiox but here they only sell V2 now 22.35.52 # wrote a mail to sandisk support - > no reaction 22.36.41 # petur: See MCF5249UM.pdf, pages 192..193, and e.g. the ata-5 specs page 290 ff 22.36.52 # thnx 22.38.41 # * amiconn wants to remind that BCLK = CPUCLK/2 22.39.17 Join hannesd [0] (n=light@p5B160E8E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 22.40.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.41.03 Quit K4rP4D ("Leaving") 22.41.14 # uhm 22.41.19 # * amiconn pings Bagder 22.41.32 # yes? 22.41.38 # ViewVC doesn't work... 22.42.04 # ah, that's zagors mess^H^H^H^Hjob! 22.42.25 # oh, btw: what happened to the idea of svnlogbrowser? 22.43.14 # don't spoil his saturdayevening ;) 22.45.34 Quit toffe82 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.46.50 # rasher: whats the adress of the sandisk forum? 22.46.50 Join toffe82__ [0] (n=chatzill@ppp-71-138-19-217.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) 22.46.58 Nick toffe82__ is now known as toffe82 (n=chatzill@ppp-71-138-19-217.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) 22.47.40 # Andreas_e260FM: http://forums.sandisk.com/sansa/ 22.48.05 # thank you! 22.48.40 # Andreas_e260FM, you could look at anythingbutipod.com too 22.49.13 Part toffe82 22.52.10 # linuxstb, I have been out of the loop for a while. What is the status of viewports, and if I was to restart a viewports testing build what would be appropriate to include? 22.54.51 # soap: I've been too busy to work on my wps patch, and I'm not sure what JdGordon's plans are... From my point of view, there's no need for a testing build atm. 22.55.35 # thank you for your input - I'll throw the same question out to JdGordon when I see him, but lord knows I'm quite happy sitting on my hands. 22.55.40 # soap: the core part of viewports has been in the svn for a while now, the wps part is still on the tracker, also there's another entry of jdgordon which enables viewports for lists 22.56.10 Join woodensoul [0] (n=noneofya@ 22.56.26 # imo, the wps part is doing pretty well (I have no issues with it). Haven't tested the list version yet 22.56.47 # thanks advcomp too! 22.57.07 Quit DefineByte ("Bye all") 22.57.36 # maybe I'll do those two elements - gives me a reason to work on a multi-target / multi-patch builds script. 22.58.28 Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@p5B160E8E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 22.58.43 # soap: I have such a script (only for 1 target though) :) 22.58.59 # I wouldn't mind seeing it. 22.59.26 # soap: I did it myself, wait a minute 23.00.04 # and it's still work-in-progress 23.00.38 Join Davide-NYC [0] (n=chatzill@user-0cev9og.cable.mindspring.com) 23.00.57 # I won't judge you. ;) 23.01.44 # Can anyone recommend an external USB card reader that works with the microSDHC cards that Rockbox allows the Sansa to use? And also xD and SD as well 23.02.07 # woodensoul, i'd just look on amazon or newegg for one with those features 23.03.20 # krazykit: doing that now 23.03.52 Join waldo [0] (n=waldo@ip-81-11-213-92.dsl.scarlet.be) 23.04.14 # Don't those sandisk microsdhc cards come with an usb mini-reader? 23.04.34 # Do they have to specifically say that they'll work with microSDHC or will one that work with SD work with microSDHC with an adapter? 23.05.05 # soap: wait, kubuntu is fooling me 23.05.55 # woodensoul: They have to support sdhc 23.07.22 # www.alice-dsl.net/simonemartitz/asdf/rb-script.tar.gz 23.07.56 # thank you 23.08.12 # if I get anywhere with this I'll fire it back at you. 23.08.31 # soap: you can checkout, build, build sim, patch, remove patches, and more with it 23.08.58 Join hannesd__ [0] (n=light@p5B160E8E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 23.09.01 # I haven'd add a help (file) or documentation yet ;) If you have questions ask me 23.09.03 # microSDHC is the same as SD2.0? 23.11.18 # hmm, more than I'm looking for - but I definitely need to read some examples. I was just thinking of one which asked you (or took input from a file) what targets to build for, looked at what SVN reversion you were at - asked what patches you were using, and would build and rename the resulting files into a format such as "iPodVideo-r16456-viewports_listV02.zip" 23.12.32 # woodensoul, doubt it. it would explicitly say sdhc 23.13.38 # krazykit, woodensoul: according to wikipedia SDHC is also called SD 2.0 23.13.44 # though I never heard of that before. 23.13.44 # soap: yea, I've planned to bring such a thing like asking for patches in it, but I wanted to create a Qt gui before (where I can checkbox the patches I want), but Qt is still a bit over my head, since I haven't ever dealed with Qt before 23.13.48 # Hello, is anyone working on getting Compact_Flash detection working properly? If so what can I do to help? 23.13.54 Quit hannesd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.13.55 Nick hannesd__ is now known as hannesd (n=light@p5B160E8E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 23.14.25 # soap: but, you insert the patches in patch.rb. For only having specific patches you can comment out the lines you don't neet 23.14.42 # need* 23.14.55 # cool. 23.15.20 # kugel: don't you think a Qt GUI would be a bit overkill for such a task? Building isn't graphical too ... ;-) 23.15.22 # petur: ping 23.15.41 # bluebrother: sure it would. But, I do it for my fun, and I'm very interested in Qt 23.16.00 # :) 23.16.23 Quit Axio_ () 23.16.27 # I won't stop you ;-) 23.16.36 # and using Qt is fun. 23.17.07 # I believe that 23.18.48 # I just remember how much time my script saved me...incredible 23.19.33 Join Llorea1 [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-132-141-0.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) 23.20.34 Join dschroeder [0] (i=featherd@wiktionary/neskaya) 23.21.30 # Oh soap, I just remember, for building you lack a file 23.21.57 # just the file which puts 50 and n to configure 23.22.14 Join FrankOtto [0] (n=frank@p5B07107D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 23.22.39 Quit hannesd_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.22.48 # Davide-NYC: I've just read the logs. You asked about CF? what player are you using? 23.22.58 # H120 23.23.15 # I have the required hardware and I made the wiki page 23.23.20 # me too 23.23.28 # wiling ot hack/test (on a saturday evening! 23.23.32 # ) 23.23.57 # I added my experiences to the wiki page, as you might have seen. 23.24.14 # * petur mutters pong 23.24.29 Quit neskaya ("leaving") 23.24.29 # where we're at it, I think it should be possible (don't if it is, but --help doesn't say so) to throw parameters. parameters for defining the target and build kind 23.24.49 # I'm talking about tools/configure 23.24.54 Nick dschroeder is now known as neskaya (i=featherd@wiktionary/neskaya) 23.25.01 # I saw. Do you guys need/want me to do anything? 23.25.34 # not for me (yet) 23.25.55 # Davide-NYC: Personally, I'd be interested to see whether you get the same issue with the disk LED which I have. 23.25.55 # How safe is the ata.c.diff file that currently resides on the wiki? 23.26.10 # that diff is a bit outdated... 23.26.21 Quit Andreas_e260FM ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 23.26.37 # If you post a fresh one I'll implement and report my findings, LED or otherwise 23.26.42 # it still disables ata_perform_sleep() which results in a forced shutdown (see "Issue 1") 23.27.29 # OK, I'll post a more current patch, gimme a moment... 23.27.29 Quit midgey (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.27.39 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@westquad-188-46.reshall.umich.edu) 23.29.58 Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@206-159-155-246.netsync.net) 23.34.09 Join crzyboyster [0] (n=6210f010@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8302105d2eaa7830) 23.35.02 # Sorry, but I lost track of all the new WPS capabilities coming out. What exactly does patch 8457 do and what exactly is a quickscreen? 23.35.41 Quit crzyboyster (Client Quit) 23.36.37 Quit Llorean (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.37.23 Quit woodensoul () 23.39.26 # Davide-NYC: patch attached to wiki page 23.39.48 # FrankOtto: thx 23.40.03 # for installation, you first need the original HD inside the H120 23.40.42 # do you already have the V7pre bootloader? 23.45.37 Quit perrikwp (Remote closed the connection) 23.46.29 # HD installed, BL V7pre4 and I've flashed both RAM and ROM. Applied patch and am now compiling 23.47.15 # I'm compiling a vanilla (patched) build even thought the H120 has the RTC mod 23.47.59 Join weezerle [0] (n=weezerle@dslb-088-072-005-102.pools.arcor-ip.net) 23.48.26 # OK, if the CF still fails, you can always reinsert the HD and boot a vanilla rockbox from disk. 23.48.48 # what card do you have? 23.52.33 # I have an AData 266x 23.52.58 # I installed the modified build and flashed rockbox.iriver using iriver_flash 23.53.22 # I'm booting to the RAM image *but* my HD spins down. Is that the expected behavior? 23.53.42 # with this patch... yes. 23.53.54 # OK, then I will now swap out the drives 23.53.58 # (I need to edit the wiki) 23.54.25 # You already copied the rockbox build to the CF? 23.55.35 # allright... I put in some fairly relaxed ATA timings and no freezing. It did hang a bit at shutdown though. 23.55.59 # I had an old version of RB on the CF card and guess what... it seems to be working! 23.56.27 # I will now put the correct (modified) version on there. 23.56.32 # Davide-NYC: good! 23.57.37 # Davide-NYC: try to avoid bootloader USB mode, it will try to boot rockbox.iriver from disk, and that won't work. 23.57.50 Quit bluebrother (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))