--- Log for 17.04.108 Server: leguin.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 15 days and 18 hours ago 00.00.50 # hmm... in a dilemma... hd is dying on the f60... 00.01.53 # do i want to get an ipod 5.5 80gb ($190)... or get a new hard drive for the gigabeat ($130) 00.02.02 Join [CBR]Unspoken|w [0] (n=cbr@ 00.02.42 Quit markun (Remote closed the connection) 00.02.52 # looks like no one is awake 00.03.22 # * scorche votes for the latter 00.04.05 # I suggest a new HD as well 00.04.12 # yeah.. was thinking of going that route 00.04.45 Join markun [50] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 00.04.51 # that's assuming an mk8009gah will work 00.05.58 # no, connector problem (LIF) 00.06.35 # hmm... glad i asked... so... what model 80gb drives am i looking for? 00.08.02 # was thinking that was the 50 pin connector according to http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/HardDriveReplacement#Toshiba 00.08.28 # The one that's almost impossible to find... 00.08.36 Quit gevaerts ("work->home") 00.08.39 # ah... 8007? 00.08.51 # bug: using latest rockbox with ihp-120. during record standby with agc turned on, scrolling BELOW agc exchanges the line "AGC: ..." to "AGC max gain: ..." they should be two lines below each other! 00.09.03 # grr.. i hate bogus spec sheets from vendors 00.09.19 # goffa: Yes, I think so. It works nicely though ;) 00.09.45 # youch... that's $250 00.09.51 # you need this interface and it should work : http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.10887 00.10.03 # that still better than a $190 ipod? 00.10.06 # I received on ethis week but didn't have time to test 00.12.38 # goffa: I think it probably is. Battery life should be slightly longer, and the CPU in the gigabeat never struggles... 00.12.40 # n1s: Eh, How do I reset settings 00.12.53 Quit returntoreality (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.13.21 # Alex_SC2e: settings->Manage settings->Reset settings 00.16.59 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 00.19.16 Quit cbr|w (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.21.33 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 00.21.39 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 00.27.10 Quit n1s () 00.28.19 # wonder if that adapter will fit in the case 00.29.04 # goffa: better wait for toffe to try first 00.30.11 # I need to steal the f11 of my wife, I don't have any F working :) 00.30.11 Quit ender` (" AAAAAA: American Association Against Acronym Abuse and Ambiguity.") 00.30.46 Join Hilton [0] (n=4ba5eae1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f790a0e29067b8c4) 00.31.13 # toffe82: do your kids all have gigabeats as well? :) 00.31.38 # no I sold them :), they have a nintendo ds now 00.31.42 # n1s: setting reset unsuccessful 00.32.03 # I'm looking for a good theme 00.32.39 # Alex_SC2e: then find one...we cant really tell you a good one as "good" in this case is extremely subjective 00.33.32 Quit robin0800 (" Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-") 00.34.33 Join elinenbe [0] (n=elinenbe@m745e36d0.tmodns.net) 00.34.49 Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@195-144-092-183.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be) 00.35.08 Quit Alex_SC2e ("Leaving.") 00.37.43 Quit desowin () 00.39.27 Quit phinze () 00.40.01 Quit mrkiko (Remote closed the connection) 00.41.38 Join Alex_Sc2e [0] (n=melinda@ 00.42.05 # back. I still can't get this to work correctly. 00.44.01 # yeah.. my drive will probably hold for a while 00.44.26 Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") 00.44.33 # been putting in $150 bids on 80gb ipods on ebay (been unsuccessful) 00.44.47 # might have to wait and see if the adapter works 00.53.41 Quit Hilton ("CGI:IRC") 00.56.21 Quit roolku () 00.57.57 Join Shaid [0] (n=adam@dsl-202-45-112-116-static.VIC.netspace.net.au) 00.59.36 Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@pcp027324pcs.jesres.mu.edu) 01.03.30 Quit elinenbe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.11.35 Quit ZincAlloy ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 01.11.45 Join shotofadds [0] (n=rob@rockbox/developer/shotofadds) 01.14.16 # * shotofadds is pleased to have made the "beast" peoples' Rolo experiences better today :-) 01.14.32 # haha 01.14.40 # shotofadds: anything new and fun going on in d2 world? 01.14.51 Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) 01.15.02 Quit petur ("Zzzzz") 01.15.23 # not that I'm aware of, other than JdGordon doing a lot of the hard work for me ;) 01.15.36 # isn't he adorable? :> 01.15.51 Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) 01.15.57 # indeed ;-) 01.16.02 Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) 01.16.37 # I've had waaay less time this week than I thought I might. Are you still thinking of getting a D2? 01.17.00 # yeah, i'm pretty certain i will 01.17.14 # i'm just in a time trap again, and i don't want to get one before i'm sure i have some time to hack on it 01.17.38 # good night folx 01.17.45 # i have a notorious lack of self-control when it comes to stuff like this, so i just have to make sure i prioritize the right things :> 01.18.03 Quit BuXY95 ("CGI:IRC") 01.19.05 # that's no bad thing... I tend to work on whatever seems interesting at the time. Eg I said I'd get the touchscreen working and ended up playing with PCM drivers in the couple of hours I have had this week,.. 01.19.21 # so far I've just managed to make it crash, though... 01.19.31 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.23.30 # heh, know the feeling 01.23.36 # i don't really know what i'll do first when i get one yet 01.24.25 # * shotofadds thinks someone else needs to look at the NAND driver ;-) 01.24.29 # hahaha 01.24.33 # ahh, yes, reverse-engineering 01.24.42 # just want i want as a break from the ipod :P 01.25.31 # or get logf-over-usb working... then I can finally investigate the flash off-target 01.26.41 # hmm 01.26.46 # just as a nice, simple introduction task, obviously..... 01.26.46 # it might be cool to try to get usb working 01.26.49 # :D 01.27.13 # i really haven't even tried usb over serial on my nano yet 01.27.18 # surely should as soon as i get the chance 01.27.36 # would be nice 01.27.45 # * shotofadds has had 1 beer too many and needs to sleep. back tomorrow.... 01.27.53 Quit shotofadds (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.28.33 # * DerPapst_ wonders how may beers that where :-P 01.29.46 Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 01.32.46 Part Alex_Sc2e 01.35.37 Part toffe82 01.41.29 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.43.06 Quit gevaerts ("sleeping time") 01.46.04 Join donsdw [0] (n=donsdx@ip68-101-195-153.sd.sd.cox.net) 01.46.24 Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@vpnd142.ugent.be) 01.48.04 Quit Mathiasdm (Client Quit) 01.52.25 Part pixelma 01.54.30 # My Sansa e200 stopped booting into Rockbox. It now boots into Sansa. 01.54.40 # Does this mean I have to reinstall Rockbox? 01.55.30 # * DerPapst_ just figured out how to do something like symbolic links under windows :-D 01.55.43 # donsdw, just reinstall the rockbox bootloader if you still have the .rockbox folder 01.55.54 Quit phinze () 01.56.24 # I still have .rockbox. Thanks, I'll do a little more research to see how that is done. 02.00.34 # * DerPapst_ wonders why his gigabeast sim always says "Nothing to resume" regardles what option he selects 02.02.04 # Are you maybe pressing Play instead of Select? 02.03.16 # d'oh 02.03.18 # ;-) 02.03.33 Join JdGordon|uni [0] (i=82c20d6a@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 02.03.41 # * DerPapst_ is used to his custom sim button definitions for ipods :-P 02.03.42 # Llorean: are you talking to me? 02.03.45 # thanks 02.04.34 # donsdw: No, it was to DerPapst_ 02.04.42 # seems like cabbie is broken for the gigabeast 02.13.35 Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@CPE-65-30-152-122.wi.res.rr.com) 02.15.17 Quit Hillshum ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox]") 02.19.55 Join pabs_ [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 02.29.08 Quit JdGordon|uni ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 02.32.33 Join JdGordon|uni [0] (i=82c20d68@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 02.33.05 Quit DaCapn (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 02.35.08 Quit JdGordon|uni (Client Quit) 02.35.55 Join DaCapn [0] (n=dacapn@c-76-105-220-239.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 02.36.14 Quit pabs (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.41.28 Quit phinze () 02.41.51 Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@CPE-65-30-152-122.wi.res.rr.com) 02.44.26 Quit phinze (Client Quit) 02.47.48 Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=1800dac6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a51a0f85696664ac) 02.51.03 Join JdGordon|uni [0] (i=82c20d66@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 02.51.04 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-75-3-221-77.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 02.52.41 Quit DerPapst_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 02.53.27 # Ugh... now I realize why I never bought an MTP-only device. 03.04.02 Join ctaylorr [0] (n=ctaylorr@bas1-toronto43-1279529172.dsl.bell.ca) 03.11.29 Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06)") 03.13.57 Join Hillshum [0] (n=chatzill@75-165-234-225.slkc.qwest.net) 03.19.35 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.19.43 # Heh what was LambdaCalculus37's problem I wonder? 03.21.26 Join mokkurkalve [0] (n=eivind@084202136136.customer.alfanett.no) 03.23.38 Join cool_walking_ [0] (n=notroot@203-59-129-195.perm.iinet.net.au) 03.34.40 Join critter- [0] (n=ident@c-98-196-14-134.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) 03.35.29 # what do i use to add music files to a newly installed rockbox on linux ? 03.36.23 # copy music onto your dap 03.37.49 # critter-: USB I guess ;) 03.38.24 # should i create a mp3 directory in the root of the drive and just add stuff to it ? 03.39.20 # critter-: You could make any directory... what player do you have BTW? 03.47.13 # gigabeat, f40. sorry for delay 03.52.06 # don't know anything bout that player, but rockbox is rockbox, just make some directory, add music, and access it either by simple file browser, or generate a tag database and browse that, rockbox allows for both approaches, I just use simple filebrowsing... 03.52.57 # ok. thank you. i am guessing if i use the file browser method i could listen to all songs in the directory with shuffle on ? or would have to tag them first and then create a playlist 03.53.27 # it's all described in the manual BTW http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml 03.53.39 # ok. got it. thanks 03.53.50 # in a directory you cold jus shuffle 03.55.34 # if you want to shuffle all songs you must generate a playlist for all songs, just browse to root of player, make playlist and shuffle that 03.57.34 Join boxerorange [0] (n=boxerora@mn-10k-dhcp1-7950.dsl.hickorytech.net) 03.58.02 # hello all 03.59.15 Quit Thundercloud_ (Remote closed the connection) 04.00.55 # you can shuffle directories too, but this involves the use of a plugin: random_folder_advance_config 04.03.00 Quit RoC_MasterMind ("Leaving") 04.03.17 # thank you mokkurkalve 04.06.23 # it's all in the zip you downloaded BTW, and rockbox generates it's own playlists, just transfer the music from your comp, and your set to go. good luck! 04.08.22 # could somebody tell me what "fisk -l" DOES? 04.08.53 # google could, I bet. 04.09.12 # did you mean 'fdisk -l'? 04.10.31 # er, yeah 04.10.37 # "fisk" is "fish" in norwegian.... :) 04.10.43 # i'm having a difficult time being able to play anything with rockbox. i've created a /media/GIGABEAT/mp3 folder and added files though creating playlists or just simply playing files is difficult for me on the F40. i'll see what the manual says 04.11.25 # ?? 04.11.58 # man fdisk 04.13.25 # what's the point of iPod Diagnostics? 04.13.48 # to help doagnose hardware issues 04.14.15 # to freak you out when you accidently activate it. 04.25.07 # how do i enable album artwork ? 04.26.42 Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF7A69.dip.t-dialin.net) 04.26.57 Join m0f0x [0] (n=m0f0x@189-47-21-29.dsl.telesp.net.br) 04.27.03 Quit ctaylorr (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.27.12 # critter: http://rockbox.org/wiki/AlbumArt 04.29.26 # ty 04.29.55 # if I'm going to disassemble something are pictures good enough? 04.30.25 Quit icemang (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.34.35 # High resolution scans are preferred, but as long as chip labels are clear, that's a good start. 04.35.36 Join EsotericWisp [0] (n=62dcbd9e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-15ca96e82304a571) 04.36.59 # alright 04.42.40 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.44.03 Quit JdGordon|uni ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 04.45.43 Join TaylorKillian [0] (n=Administ@wl198118.wright.edu) 04.48.23 # what's with the ad-like box on the main page? 04.50.43 # They're ads. 04.51.52 # just curious.. is that a condition of google summer of code? 04.52.01 # Huh? 04.52.15 # The ads have nothing to do with Summer of Code, or Google for that matter. 04.52.21 # figured those were google adwords 04.52.38 # Nope 04.53.19 # ah... seemed to happen around the same time frame too.. .so i just assumed :) 04.54.00 # they're actual ads? 04.55.29 Quit m0f0x () 04.56.30 # That's what I said, yes. 04.56.46 Quit EsotericWisp ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 04.56.52 # saw the message from the mail archive 04.57.13 # The "Huh?" after "They're ads" threw me off a little ;) 05.01.36 Join Harlequin0 [0] (n=Harlequi@adsl-68-75-176-113.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) 05.01.54 # Any zune users here? 05.03.37 # Harlequin0: Probably not. It's not a Rockbox target. 05.05.39 # ooh okay then =] 05.05.49 Quit Harlequin0 (Client Quit) 05.07.06 # well... 05.07.11 # I couldn't even get the damn thing open. 05.13.58 # lol, i had to look for the ad's, lol 05.14.42 # whats a good forum to sell a rockbox enabled device ? 05.15.17 # what you looking to sell critter-? 05.15.28 # not a forum... but ebay? 05.15.41 # a gigabeat f40. put rockbox on it today. decided i dont need it. its brand new 05.16.05 # critter-: oh... i could actually use one of those 05.16.10 # i received a sealed box today and decided to put rockbox on it. decide i just dont need it 05.16.16 # critter-: how much? 05.16.54 # ok. it seems to run just fine. how about $125 shipped ? its brand new. i got it today, opened the box, and hasn't really been used exceppt the past hour 05.17.13 Quit boxerorange ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox]") 05.17.24 # i've got an iriver h140 and an iaudio x5l 30gb.. reluctant to sell... even though i've got 2 gigabeat f60's 05.17.31 # critter-: give me a sec 05.18.25 # * TaylorKillian is looking up prices on froogle 05.18.59 # TaylorKillian: $125 is a pretty fair price for "new" and not having to deal with auctions or anything. 05.19.18 # yeah... they are getting harder to find 05.19.27 # I got mine for $99, but that was a company clearing out stock of 'em. 05.19.38 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.19.59 # i paid 150 + 15 shipping for it on ebay. it was the only sealed f40 there was. 05.20.02 # my 60 giggers were ~$140 same deal.. clearance 05.20.09 Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@pcp027324pcs.jesres.mu.edu) 05.20.14 # and timing 05.20.38 # critter-: alright, sounds good, lemme pm you 05.20.50 # sure. thanks everyone 05.26.24 # critter-: did you get my pm's? 05.26.31 # i didn't. 05.26.44 # You need to be registered to PM 05.27.09 # i identified with nickserv. i pmed you and didn't get a response 05.28.49 Quit Shaid (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.29.25 # kk 05.40.46 Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 05.42.30 Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.42.36 Join Xerion_ [0] (n=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) 05.42.50 Nick Xerion_ is now known as Xerion (n=xerion@cp198589-d.landg1.lb.home.nl) 05.45.54 Join Shaid [0] (n=adam@dsl-202-45-112-116-static.VIC.netspace.net.au) 05.55.14 Quit Horscht ("We don't make mistakes, we just have happy little accidents") 05.59.04 Quit jhulst_ (Remote closed the connection) 05.59.19 Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 06.03.52 Quit phinze () 06.20.38 Quit csc` ("If you can't do anything smart, do somethin right ~Serenity") 06.26.23 Quit jhulst_ (Remote closed the connection) 06.26.38 Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 06.30.42 Quit donsdw () 06.34.45 Nick pabs_ is now known as pabs (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 06.39.01 Join lando [0] (n=lando@c-66-176-46-197.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 06.46.05 Join mib_zmj0ib09 [0] (i=44e1f31b@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-f9d950c2ef7df5d6) 06.47.32 Part mib_zmj0ib09 06.51.37 Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@pcp027324pcs.jesres.mu.edu) 06.52.02 Quit phinze (Client Quit) 07.04.40 Quit Shaid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.19.18 Join Shaid [0] (n=adam@dsl-202-45-112-116-static.VIC.netspace.net.au) 07.19.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.21.15 Quit miepchen^schlaf_ () 07.32.56 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-193-039.pools.arcor-ip.net) 07.42.02 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 07.42.44 Join krz|afk [0] (n=irc_by@turbo.sml.by) 07.42.45 Join Bagderr [0] (n=daniel@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-954f71d506ae75d1) 07.43.13 Quit krz|afk (Client Quit) 07.43.44 Nick Bagderr is now known as B4gder (n=daniel@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-954f71d506ae75d1) 07.45.34 Quit Bagder (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.46.42 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bb0fad2c7259616a) 07.52.07 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 08.09.03 Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") 08.09.10 Quit critter- ("may your dreams not have teeth") 08.11.13 Quit jhulst_ ("Konversation terminated!") 08.20.11 Part mokkurkalve 08.24.37 Part toffe82 08.28.43 # * GodEater it appears tricky to find things not to like about the iphone (except of course for it's music playback ;) ) 08.29.02 # * GodEater has no idea why he "/me"'d the above 08.29.19 # GodEater: lack of MMS? 08.29.24 # searchable contacts? 08.29.28 # closed system? 08.29.38 # made by apple? ;-) 08.29.45 # lack of tactile keyboard? 08.29.46 # my last phone has MMS, and I barely used it 08.29.53 # think about 3 times in two years 08.29.54 # so I won't miss it 08.30.08 # I have no idea what you mean by searchable contacts 08.30.19 # they're there, I can search through them 08.30.34 # we should remove codecs in rockbox to only the ones i use...i wont miss it, so obviously it isnt needed :) 08.31.05 # that's not fair - this is only my own personal opinion. If you like and use MMS then yes, clearly the iPhone is not for you 08.31.21 # wait...why is this in #rockbox? 08.31.37 # GodEater: Not 3G? 08.32.02 # to be honest Llorean, I'm not sure I can tell the difference 08.32.16 # 3G seemed very poor on my previous phnoe 08.36.28 Join aliask [0] (n=aliask@rockbox/developer/aliask) 08.49.08 Join Rob2223 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCCE25.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.52.13 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF7A69.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.01.07 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) 09.07.13 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.11.03 Join davina [0] (n=davina@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) 09.16.59 Join homielowe [0] (n=eric_j_l@S0106001a70694b9a.no.shawcable.net) 09.19.40 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.22.46 # B4gder: ping 09.22.50 # * B4gder repongs 09.23.11 # Is there a reason why the beast is missing in the delta table? 09.23.20 # yes :-) 09.23.27 # why? 09.23.32 # because I haven't enabled any zips to get transfered 09.23.38 # aha 09.23.46 # as I forgot the delta table needs them 09.23.54 # so I'll just go and make it happen 09.23.56 # Also, why is the delta table in a very different order compared to the main build table? 09.24.09 # because the first table is alpha-sorted and the other isn't 09.24.37 # The main build table is also a bit strange. It seems to be sorted alphabetically by manufacturer/brand. But why is the Cowon D2 places before all Archoses? 09.24.46 # *placed 09.25.09 # that's not easy to spot, but it's because it is sorted on the full name and the full name isn't displayed in the table header 09.25.26 Quit aliask ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox]") 09.25.51 # Oh, and the m:robes are between the fmr and the other archoses... but Olympus should come way later... 09.26.16 # yeah, but that's because the original archos models don't have the full names done the same way 09.26.31 # legacy all over ;-) 09.26.38 # Are the used full names visible somewhere, and could they be changed to be consistent? 09.27.13 Join homielowe_ [0] (n=eric_j_l@d205-250-150-38.bchsia.telus.net) 09.27.17 # in the build log 09.27.28 # they can be renamed, but then they will appear as new builds 09.27.31 # The gigabeats and sansas are also oddly placed 09.27.55 # not really, they follow the same rules 09.28.00 # ? 09.28.26 # I mean, of course they follow the full name sorting, but G clearly comes before S 09.29.39 # G? 09.29.47 # Toshiba vs Sandisk 09.30.13 # hmm 09.30.40 # I thought the gigabeat would be sorted by its brand name, hence Gigabeat vs. Sansa 09.30.51 # no, the full names have company names first 09.30.56 # well, apart from the Archoses 09.31.00 # But if it's manufacturers, all ipods and irivers are placed wrong 09.31.14 # if you just read the full names you'll see 09.32.24 # it's not really an issue I've bothered a lot with 09.32.31 # it works and I've been fine with it 09.32.48 # I can't find the full names in the build logs... 09.33.02 # top line 09.33.23 # date, full name 09.33.39 # ah 09.33.43 Join wpyh [0] (n=william@th245021.ip.tsinghua.edu.cn) 09.33.59 # But then the irivers and ipods are still placed wrong. I clearly comes before S and T 09.34.10 # amiconn: it's probably case sensitive 09.34.15 # yes 09.34.18 # urgh 09.34.26 # * amiconn wouldn't have expected that 09.34.39 # haha 09.34.46 # me neither, bit still i haven't cared at all 09.34.54 # in a *nix world, everything is case sensitive by default 09.35.15 # You said alpha sorting, not internal code sorting... 09.35.34 # internal code? 09.35.59 # character code 09.36.03 # Well, alpha sorting is case insensitive by definition 09.36.14 # Otherwise it's not alphabetically anymore 09.36.40 # well, the alpha sorting code is still in beta :-P 09.36.45 Join fyre^OS [0] (n=fyre@cpe-68-173-174-251.nyc.res.rr.com) 09.37.46 # foreach $t (sort keys %alltypes) ... 09.41.54 Quit homielowe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.42.46 Join cq [0] (n=chatzill@p5B0DD1D7.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.43.33 # morning... quick question... any suggestions on what player to buy for best price/performance? Since the OS will be Rockbox,it should obviously support it, and usability reviews are less important... 09.46.04 # http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/BuyersGuide 09.47.39 # thanks, i was trying to fins stuff inteh forums... http://www.rockbox.org/mail/archive/rockbox-archive-2007-01/0107.shtml 09.48.39 # wait, all are listed as not in production ??!? 09.48.56 # ebay is a great place to get devices 09.49.30 # cq: exactly, no unit now in production has a full rockbox port yet 09.50.01 # i'm a bit wary of buying things wit hard drives over ebay.... or are HDDs reliable enough these days not to have to worry? 09.51.37 # cq: if you are an interested programmer you could of course buy a player and try to help port rockbox to it :) 09.51.52 # there is always a risk, i suppose, but a good number of us have gotten them over ebay and been just fine 09.51.54 # interested programmer yes, time not so much ;) 09.52.27 # i would trust ebay just fine as long as the device is not horribly abused (which is usually apparent from pictures) 09.52.57 Quit Shaid (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.53.08 # hm, where can I find out what's supported? i.e. onthe current builds page ipod videos are listed, but i can't tell if a 6th generation is supported or not. 09.53.22 # i have an iriver h120, works really well, just want a second one as a car jukebox 09.54.01 Quit fyrestorm (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 09.54.07 # The 6th generation isn't the "iPod Video" 09.54.37 # sorry, its the classic, youre right 09.54.50 # The players supported are listed on the front page of the site 09.55.38 # missed that, i was too deep in teh site already ;) ok, 6th gen not supported then, thanks 09.55.48 # For a car jukebox, I'd recommend a Gigabeat. 09.56.16 # Charges from USB (meaning easy to find car chargers), very cheap compared to other equivalent players, and works quite well. 09.56.56 # cq, there is a few ports that is being worked on that you might want to look if you want to try to help out too 09.57.12 Join J [0] (n=john@cpc2-mfld9-0-0-cust297.nott.cable.ntl.com) 09.58.55 # looking at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/TargetStatus now... 10.01.22 Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@vpna111.ugent.be) 10.02.17 Quit Rob2223 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.02.35 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCCE25.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.06.56 # cq: on the main page of the wiki you will find the most active ports under 'New Ports' (except for the Tatung I think) 10.07.38 # although I'm not sure howmany of those are still in production :) 10.10.53 # cq, i know cowon d2 is still in production right now 10.11.16 Quit wpyh (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 10.11.20 # rockbox isnt fully running on it though... 10.14.20 # the meizu might still be in production, but the port still has to really take off 10.22.33 # Since people seem to be up, would anyone be willing to build me some Linux tools? I still haven't been able to restore my S60... 10.22.47 # The hacked updater crashes on every machine I try it on. 10.23.18 Quit TaylorKillian (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.23.21 # As for jhMikeS's Windows sendfirm, it's spitting out a lot of errors when I try to use it. 10.24.02 Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") 10.26.17 Join JdGordon [0] (n=Miranda@c211-28-93-8.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 10.26.31 Join crazy_bus [0] (n=philip@CPE-58-164-50-80.nsw.bigpond.net.au) 10.26.48 Join wpyh [0] (n=william@th245021.ip.tsinghua.edu.cn) 10.27.11 # daylight savings has ended and my clock is fast in rockbox. I can't seem to find the option to find it. Can anyone tell me where it is? 10.27.55 # Menu>settings>system> 10.28.08 # (Time & date?) 10.28.17 Join dai_vernon [0] (n=Taylor@host131-76.student.udel.edu) 10.28.20 # (It's around there somewhere.) 10.32.13 # ah thanks Mouser_X, I've found it now 10.45.03 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ 10.46.23 Join pondlife [50] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) 10.47.32 Quit wpyh ("Leaving.") 10.47.38 # Sometimes I think the daily builds are more trouble than useful - they seem to confuse users as to what we mean by current/latest build... 10.48.13 # the daily builds are more or less obsolete nowadays 10.48.24 # Maybe they should be referenced only by rev number, not by date. 10.48.28 # they're still somewhat usefull for their backlog 10.48.39 # and they are the only ones that build the voices 10.49.11 # I suggest we remove the date from the table and put the rev up front...http://www.rockbox.org/dl.cgi?bin=h300 10.50.20 Quit [CBR]Unspoken|w (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.50.21 # When I was new I was confused a bit 10.50.32 # but poking around lead me to what to di 10.50.35 # *do 10.53.15 Quit cq ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox]") 10.53.48 # * Mouser_X has never bothered with a daily build. 10.54.09 # I started using custom builds a few months after I got Rockbox... 10.55.25 Quit crazy_bus (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.57.27 # * Llorean kinda wishes it were possible to more actively discourage use of dailies too 10.58.23 # Well, it's a common practice among open source communities 10.59.15 # dai_vernon: Why is that relevant? We provide bleeding edge builds instead. 11.00.13 # i think dailies are a good thing, and i think it's bad that the bleeding edge builds are so dominant 11.00.16 # We've averaged something like 7.5 builds per day if you just take the number of revisions divided by the difference between today and r1 11.00.41 Quit TMM (Connection timed out) 11.00.45 # LinusN: What advantages to dailies give to users who regularly use them? 11.01.04 # back in the days, the developers actually strived to make the dailes stable 11.01.31 # That was then. This is now. :P 11.01.35 # that was futile anyway 11.01.38 # I don't see how that'd be remotely possible with everyone on such disparate timeframes, though. 11.01.48 Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.01.52 # nowadays, the poor bug reporters are constantly bashed because they didn't try the latest and greatest bleeding edge build 11.02.01 # Depending on your work schedule, you're racing the clock before the daily build hits, or waiting for it to hit and hoping nothing crops up before the next one. 11.02.48 # LinusN: It's surprising how often that it *does* go away when they switch from the daily to the current. 11.02.59 # Especially considering how often they're using the previous daily, not even the current one. 11.03.06 # btw, gigabeat S is now in the delta table too 11.03.06 # Due to time zone differences. 11.03.21 # (and all lines below it are screwed up) 11.03.36 # and unfortunately, rockbox is currently quite fragile. every change in the playback code fixes one bug and introduces two more 11.03.57 Quit cool_walking_ (Remote closed the connection) 11.05.14 # If you ask people to use dailies rather than current builds, when a bug does crop up, you'll just be saying "Well, there's something committed that might fix it. Either build your own, or wait for the next daily" rather than saying "Please verify on the current build." 11.05.22 # I don't see how it's any different really 11.05.44 # Either way you don't know if the bug is fixed or not until they try it with the potential fixes that happened after their build was made 11.06.16 Quit dai_vernon (Remote closed the connection) 11.06.18 # Even with "good" dailies this is true. 11.07.03 # the fragility is unfortunate, but I don't see how using dailies is a solution 11.07.48 # I think there is some problem with people just saying "Come back when you've updated to current" to every non-current bug report. 11.07.52 # if we'd keep every single revision in a backlog, we could have a system to "flag" somewhat stable ones 11.07.59 # There is a general level of impoliteness with how that's often delivered. 11.08.06 # true 11.08.17 # it needs to be delivered in a polite way 11.08.24 # Yes. 11.09.30 Join dai_vernon [0] (n=Taylor@host131-76.student.udel.edu) 11.09.52 # If we're flagging,, 17148 seems quite good to me right now. :-P 11.10.08 # hehe 11.11.46 # flagging is complicated as well 11.11.55 # Yeah. 11.12.09 # Who gets to flag, which factors take priority for making something be rated "good", etc. 11.12.17 # exactly 11.12.26 # and still no guarantee for anything really 11.12.47 # Well, if the bugs are documented, at least the user downloading it will have a warning for what problems to expect. 11.13.28 # sure, but documenting them for each flagged version is a lot of work 11.13.28 # And flagging doesn't help e.g. if one bug gets fixed that triggers another one for a different target 11.13.33 # We could just do quarterly pseudoreleases. Every 3 months, pick a build around then that seems "okay", document what we know is wrong with it, and update the documentation if anyone reports anything new. 11.13.46 # we could, yes 11.14.22 Join JdGordon [0] (n=Miranda@c211-28-93-8.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 11.14.42 # Though I wonder how popular that would be, or how much users would even care. 11.15.18 # * Mouser_X would continue using custom builds, and thus most likely "bleeding edge" for the time that the custom build was made. 11.16.46 # i wonder if it is possible to invent some kind of automated testing for the playback engine... my guess is "no way" :-/ 11.16.57 # I think most users will upgrade to the latest (current or daily) regardless of flags and/or releases... 11.17.19 # Newer users wouldn't. 11.17.26 # At least, I wouldn't, if I were a new user. 11.17.33 # My main point was that the rev number should be the main indicator of a build... the date is not important. 11.17.38 # maybe do it the other way around - flag "in flux" commits as unstable? 11.17.58 # Or allow users to put comments against daily builds? 11.18.37 # Might be positive or negative 11.18.37 # Not sure how you'd control the access, of course. 11.19.14 # Need wiki access? 11.19.42 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.19.44 # (I don't know how easy it would be to work that way, but it's an idea.) 11.19.52 Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@195-144-092-131.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be) 11.19.52 # * pondlife would ideally like a binchop website that could do SVN custom builds for users trying to hunt down a reproducible bug... 11.19.54 # LinusN: tests could be done but it would need to be some kind of unit tests and that's a huge undertaking to add and setup now for it to even start being useful 11.19.58 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3099.gwdg.de) 11.20.02 # back in the days, i compiled a test suite of "problem files" that i used to play once in a while to see if the playback worked (hwcodec) 11.20.11 # * pondlife has one of those 11.20.33 # I collect them off Flyspray 11.21.02 # I've played with the thought of being able to use the build server pool for such a build-a-custom-svn-version service 11.21.13 Join _cyanide [0] (i=cyanide@ 11.21.28 # Could we automate the Rockbox UI somehow? 11.21.41 # On the sim, I mean 11.22.04 # I guess button presses could be popped in by a test app. 11.22.30 # <_cyanide> afternoon everyone 11.22.40 # Assuming SDL is well behaved, of course... but you'd probably need to listen to the audio output.. 11.23.06 # _cyanide: It's nowhere near afternoon here... 11.23.13 # Closer to midnight/4 am. 11.24.21 # * gevaerts disagrees with both Mouser_X and _cyanide. It's 11:24 AM 11.24.31 # * pondlife disagrees with gevaerts too 11.24.40 # We'll never agree... 11.24.40 # <_cyanide> a hello would've been better i guess 11.24.44 # gevaerts: I specified, _here_. 11.24.51 # _cyanide: probably :) 11.25.23 # <_cyanide> im buying a sandisk sansa e280 soon, luckily, it rockbox seems to work well on that player 11.25.48 # It does, so long as you don't get a v2. 11.25.55 # <_cyanide> yeah 11.26.27 # <_cyanide> are they labelled well enough? or is it only possible to know which version it is via some cryptic way? 11.26.44 # Generally only by turning them on and checking the firmware version. 11.26.45 # The best way to know is the OF version. 11.27.11 # I had a v1 in what was allegedly v2 packaging. 11.27.13 # 1.x.blah.whatnot = v1. 3.x.blah.whatnot = v2. 11.27.43 # * Mouser_X has a v1 he ought to get rid of/sell... 11.28.03 # Unopened, but it's a refurb. 11.28.09 # <_cyanide> the v1 has been discontinued, correct? 11.28.16 # Yes. 11.28.38 # <_cyanide> ok 11.29.31 # Are there any Gigabeast users here willing to build me some Linux tools to restore/send firmware to my S60? 11.31.56 # I'm trying to test http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/7980 . What's the keymap for H300 ACTION_STD_CONTEXT ? 11.33.26 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 11.37.46 Join [CBR]Unspoken|w [0] (n=cbr@ 11.39.37 # Mouser_X: What do you need> 11.39.59 # pondlife: why not have a look at apps/keymaps/keymap-h1x0_h3x0.c? 11.40.00 # sendfirm for one. I don't know what else I need. 11.40.10 # I did, but got confused 11.40.12 # What are you trying to do? 11.40.29 # Restore my S60. It's been wanting firmware for over 24 hours now. 11.40.29 # @ Mouser_X 11.40.30 # Now I understand - it's the context menu... 11.40.34 # Obvious! 11.40.42 # (I put it in recovery mode to format it.) 11.40.47 # * pondlife slaps forehead right into the monthly stats 11.40.47 # Mouser_X: I can send you sendfirm and a patched bootloader 11.41.08 # BigBambi: That'd be nice. It'd allow me to put Rockbox on it... 11.41.13 # OK, one mo 11.41.46 # <_cyanide> how good are the default sansa e280 ear/headphones? 11.41.50 # BigBambi: I have access to a Linux machine, but I don't have the tools. I figured that someone here could help alleviate that problem. 11.41.59 Join TMM [0] (n=hp@ip5650d1ab.direct-adsl.nl) 11.42.01 # No problem 11.42.22 # _cyanide: Default earphones are usually (not always) among the worst you can get. 11.42.27 # Saying that, I have no idea. 11.43.28 # <_cyanide> hmm 11.43.43 # Mouser_X: 11.43.45 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/developer/desowin) 11.43.52 # * Mouser_X never uses default earphones/buds. They rarely fit, and usually hurt. 11.44.13 # <_cyanide> they look crappy http://www.sandisk.com/Assets/File/Downloads/photos/retail/Sansae200/Sansa%20e200_earbuds_leaning%20back.jpg 11.44.26 # <_cyanide> ill probably buy those ear-canal earphones i guess 11.44.57 # BigBambi: How long will that stay up? The Linux machine only has 1 USB port. It'd be useful if I could download it from there, rather than have to use USB devices... And I can't use the Linux machine for a few hours. 11.45.10 # Mouser_X: I can leave it there 11.45.16 # Mouser_X: PM 11.49.35 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 11.57.49 Join goffa_ [0] (n=goffa@ 12.01.26 Join corevette_ [0] (n=corevett@ 12.07.13 Quit corevette (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.07.22 Quit goffa_ (Remote closed the connection) 12.08.11 Quit dai_vernon (Remote closed the connection) 12.10.32 Quit goffa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.18.23 Quit advcomp2019 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.18.37 Join advcomp2019 [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 12.22.07 Join TaylorKillian [0] (n=Administ@wl198118.wright.edu) 12.22.50 Join parafin|away [0] (i=parafin@parafin.dialup.corbina.ru) 12.23.08 Quit parafin (Nick collision from services.) 12.23.12 Nick parafin|away is now known as parafin (i=parafin@parafin.dialup.corbina.ru) 12.30.06 Join webguest89 [0] (n=d9e1f553@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d635844a2dd6303e) 12.30.06 Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ 12.30.36 # H140 Sim, what keys simulate quick menu ? 12.31.27 # I'm trying to load my config in the simulator 12.31.33 # webguest89: If you launch it with --background you will see what key on the keyboard represents what key on the player 12.32.09 # * gevaerts wants those keys to be clickable 12.32.10 # I dont understand, background ? 12.32.26 # webguest89: You typed uisimulator or something similar to launch it 12.32.36 # So type uisimulator --background instead 12.32.56 # do i type this in the run cmd window 12.33.11 # gevaerts: I would really love rockbox as an app, with nice clickable things etc 12.33.23 # webguest89: How did you launch the sim? 12.33.35 # double click an icon 12.33.48 # OK, yes, do it from a command prompt 12.34.00 Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") 12.34.05 Join Mick [0] (n=Mick@ 12.34.14 # Morning 12.34.18 # dos freaks :-) 12.34.29 # Dos? No thanks 12.34.35 # webguest89: no dos involved here, thanks :) 12.34.54 # well you like to type full syntax, urrgh 12.35.07 # Because it is more powerful? 12.35.09 # * gevaerts hates clicking 12.35.10 # click an icon much easier 12.35.21 # And lets you do exactly what you want 12.35.29 # webguest89: Whatever, that is off topic 12.35.58 # if you use it on a daily basis and can remember the exact syntax and the entire vicabulary that goes with it 12.36.08 # webguest89: Stay on topic 12.36.12 # thanks 12.36.20 Quit webguest89 ("CGI:IRC") 12.36.41 # is the battery problem fixed for the gen5 ipod videos? 12.36.44 # if anyone know 12.36.47 # s 12.36.50 # Which battery problem? 12.37.00 # i thort there was a problem 12.37.06 # What problem? 12.37.10 # like the battery running out really quckly 12.37.23 # when using rockbox 12.37.37 # In recent months the runtime in rockbox has got significantly better if that is what you mean 12.37.39 # but when useing apple lasted much longer 12.37.44 # yeh 12.38.21 # Mick: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MajorChanges 12.38.43 Join webguest71 [0] (n=d9e1f553@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-fc96b42f3256b0cb) 12.38.51 # i like the new theme 12.39.52 # i tried that uisimulator --background in run and it doesnt recognise a error, so how do i call the quick menu please on the simulator 12.40.04 # webguest71: Go to a command prompt 12.40.05 Quit TaylorKillian (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.40.29 # Then navigate to the directory where you have downloaded the sim to 12.40.43 # oh joy 12.41.58 # webguest71: do you have a background.bmp in the same dir where the uisim executable is? 12.42.36 # this stupid dos thing, one sec "navigating" to where it is 12.42.51 # webguest71: Do you want help or not? If so, please stop bitching 12.43.47 # yes I would like help, but please bear with me while I "Navigate" 12.43.47 # webguest71: In fact, you can just double click on background.bat I think 12.43.53 # hmm, wait it isn't called background.bmp but UI256.bmp (or something similar 12.44.42 # webguest71: In the same directory as the uisimulator executable, just double click on background.bat instead 12.45.09 # * BigBambi just downloaded a win sim from rasher and looked inside the zip 12.45.59 # ah that click on background worked a treat, thank you for your patience, and to hell with dos syntax 12.46.14 Quit webguest71 ("CGI:IRC") 12.46.51 # Kids today... 12.46.57 # I know... 12.46.58 Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 12.47.12 # linuxstb: did you get your Eee yet ? 12.48.13 Quit parafin ("So long and thanks for all the fish") 12.48.15 Join parafin|away [0] (i=parafin@paraf.in) 12.48.32 Nick parafin|away is now known as parafin (i=parafin@paraf.in) 12.48.32 Join webguest71 [0] (n=d9e1f553@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b95d00b401ac2670) 12.49.48 # lol, err for your info, I am 48 years old, a flight engineer, and hate pc's hence my intense for anything that isn't simple 12.50.07 # intense dislike 12.50.29 # * BigBambi never would have guessed 12.51.06 # flying an aeroplane is much simpler than trying to get software working, I should say the kids of today, you guys have no idea of what user friendly is 12.51.20 # but thanks anyway for your help 12.51.23 Quit webguest71 (Client Quit) 12.51.27 # * GodEater will go apply for his pilot's license straight away 12.51.47 # * BigBambi shakes his head 12.52.47 # is the ipod 80gb 5th gen 800mHa battery? 12.52.51 # if anyone knows 12.54.01 # 750 I think 12.54.07 # 640 mAh I remember reading, but don't quote me on it 12.54.13 # haha 12.54.17 # Any more offers? 12.54.17 # tue 12.54.22 # i thort 800 12.54.35 # * GodEater has one here in front of him 12.54.38 # so we all got different ansers 12.54.39 # it doesn't not say 12.54.41 # er 12.54.43 # does not say 12.54.58 Join webguest33 [0] (n=d558f5ac@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f0080549a918b7a5) 12.55.02 # so godeat 12.55.06 # 750? 12.55.20 # What is RoLo? 12.55.25 # Mick: People only get notified if you use the proper nick 12.56.06 # hm 12.56.10 # webguest33: i think RoLo stands for "Rockbox Loader" 12.56.14 # do i sign up 12.56.25 # Mick: No, you just type the full nick 12.56.32 # k 12.56.40 # And please use proper words 12.56.58 # will do. next time. just poped in for some questions 12.57.03 # thanks for your help 12.57.14 # webguest33: It will load a different version of rockbox from inside the running one 12.57.21 # webguest33: Very useful for testing 12.57.22 # webguest33: Yes, RoLo is short for "Rockbox Loader" and is the feature (not implemented on all devices) that allows Rockbox to "play" a firmware file in the file browser to run it. 12.57.24 Quit Mick ("Great success, GoodBye") 12.57.27 # 850mah 12.57.33 # that's the one I bought for mine 12.57.56 # GodEater: Is that an official or a bigger one? 12.58.00 # * GodEater apologises for any confusion 12.58.11 # BigBambi: the official one is unmarked, so impossible to say 12.58.43 # I meant was that an official replacement, eben if different to the one that came with it 12.59.24 # Ok thanks. It's talked about a fair bit & I couldn't find it's meaning 13.00.06 # I think 850 mAh is an extended life one from a quick google 13.00.12 # So the original will be less 13.01.00 Quit webguest33 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 13.01.59 Quit J ("leaving") 13.02.10 # hmm, http://www.ipodbatteryfaq.com/ipodbatteryandpower.html says 600 for the 80 GB 13.02.14 Join J [0] (n=john@cpc2-mfld9-0-0-cust297.nott.cable.ntl.com) 13.03.37 # * gevaerts seems to remember that for batteries using similar technology, capacity is more or less proportional to weight 13.07.29 # little comment for the deutsch.lang update: shouldn't line 4150 be 'mrobe100: "DISPLAY = Abbrechen"' in order to be consistent with the entrys for the other targets? 13.07.59 Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ 13.09.21 Quit ashes (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.09.34 Join ashes [0] (n=ashes@modemcable123.78-80-70.mc.videotron.ca) 13.12.08 # * jhMikeS is browsing his gigabeat in UMS mode 13.12.16 # \ô/ 13.12.24 # wooo, major congratulations 13.12.40 # another partition is showing up though 13.12.55 # In windows I assume? 13.13.05 # yes, it's shows nk.bin and other (no directories) 13.13.15 # wow :) 13.13.25 # well that's right 13.13.26 # What were the remaining problems ? 13.13.30 # there are two partitions 13.13.38 # one for the firmware, one for everything else 13.13.46 # gevaerts: something in memory mapping I'll look into later but it works 13.14.15 # That explains why it didn't make sense to me ;) 13.14.18 # I just threw all the buffers in that one unmapped 1MB section 13.15.10 # * gevaerts accuses jhMikeS of cheating ;) 13.15.56 # :) 13.16.07 # jhMikeS: man, really great news! 13.17.08 # I guess the gigabeat will not boot with only 1 partition, right? 13.17.10 # I'll have to look at the memory mapping but it least shows that this will work 13.17.42 # For UMS can't we mount the one rockbox is on? 13.18.41 # or whatever the proper term is for UMS 13.19.18 # You could, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing to do. 13.19.41 # why not? 13.19.44 # Does it still work if you set the firmware partition to one of these hidden types ? 13.19.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.20.27 # I don't know what works if you start changing things around but I don't want to render OF non-functional just yet. 13.22.17 # it sometimes doesn't work on first plug but it may be the case the transceiver should be reset in usb_enable...have to try that. 13.22.57 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 13.24.13 # Could you also try disabling the EHCI controller in windows ? I'd like to know if the full-speed problems are related to the force full speed bit, or if they are more general 13.24.23 # gevaerts: why is it not a good thing to use the MTP partition? we already do. 13.25.04 # I'm not forcing full speed here. 13.25.06 # jhMikeS: maybe I misunderstood what you meant. 13.26.01 # jhMikeS: (full speed issue) I know, from BigBambi's tests the force full speed doesn't seem to work. What I'd like to now is if "normal" full speed works (i.e. if the host doesn't have high speed) 13.26.06 Quit Hillshum (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.26.33 # jhMikeS: what exactly did you mean by 'mount the one rockbox is on' ? 13.27.07 # * BigBambi is happy to do more testing if required 13.27.15 # the hidden partition is showing up in my explorer window, not the storage one 13.27.19 Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.27.45 # So not both. What does the partition table look like ? 13.27.58 # * gevaerts doesn't know how to see that in windows... 13.29.03 # * jhMikeS wonders where/if he can even disable the EHCI 13.29.31 # jhMikeS: you can, in the device manager. 13.29.51 # EHCI stops working once you disable the driver 13.32.19 # which category of devices would that be (I'm very green on the USB front) 13.32.38 # Universal Serial Bus Controllers 13.32.59 # I've got four host controller and four hubs 13.33.14 # Some of the host controllers should be Enhanced 13.33.31 # Those are EHCI. 13.33.40 Join JdGordon [0] (i=jonno@c211-28-93-8.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au) 13.35.11 # yeah, one is enhanced, the others not 13.35.27 # OK. Right click on the enhanced one, and select "disable" 13.36.11 # yeah, did that already. have to reboot. :\ 13.36.19 # Really ? 13.36.31 # * gevaerts is a bit surprised. He does that here regularly... 13.36.51 # perhaps because I've got a printer there? 13.37.22 # Maybe. You could try reenabling, disconnecting the printer, and disabling again 13.39.38 # bah, still won't let me 13.39.42 # Or just ignore the reboot thing. It probably will behave as it should 13.39.51 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.39.51 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 13.40.13 # If you plug in a random USB device and it says that you should connect it to a faster port, EHCI is properly disabled 13.40.41 Quit markun ("leaving") 13.40.53 # nope, still enabled 13.41.02 # brb 13.41.10 Quit jhMikeS ("reboot") 13.45.20 Join CaptainSquid [0] (n=Miranda@proxy15.netz.sbs.de) 13.47.45 Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 13.48.25 # welcome back :) 13.48.40 # I get that message, yes 13.48.53 # and the driver still mounts anyway 13.48.55 # *drive 13.49.38 # Great. That means it's just an issue with this force bit that you shouldn't need anyway. 13.49.49 Join DefineByte [0] (n=defineby@bb-87-81-195-5.ukonline.co.uk) 13.50.11 # it always connects fine at high speed except for the trouble on first plug after booting 13.51.34 # the S locked up when I enabled the enhanced driver while still connected 13.51.49 Join markun [50] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 13.51.58 Join dasjojo [0] (n=ronia@e182008047.adsl.alicedsl.de) 13.52.22 # doesn't it handle a reconnect ? 13.52.23 # That forces a re-enumeration. 13.52.40 # doesn't like that at all 13.52.49 # Maybe it doesn't handle fast reconnects too well 13.54.16 # * gevaerts isn't sure why... 13.57.41 # any other buffers it might try to use? that need to be non-cached device? 13.58.21 # Maybe the one in usb_serial.c 13.58.35 Part dasjojo 13.58.37 # I'm not using serial 13.59.06 # I think for UMS the buffers should be fine now 14.00.13 # I'm not sure why you don't see the second partition. Can you look at the partition table ? 14.00.40 Quit markun (Remote closed the connection) 14.05.08 # ok 14.06.30 # I've just tested a usb flash drive with two partitions in XP, and it only shows one... 14.06.57 # "one partition ought to be enough for everyone" 14.07.02 # Doesn't it depend on whether it reports as removable or not? 14.07.15 # maybe 14.07.51 # what's the linux command to see that? 14.08.10 # jhMikeS: try sfdisk -l 14.08.19 Quit miepchen^schlaf () 14.08.22 # I seem to remember reading somewhere that you can report as one of two things, and with one of those it only shows the first partition, but doesn't do all the recycle bin stuff, and with the other it acts more like a hard drive - you get all the partitions, but also all the recyling stuff 14.08.39 # jhMikeS: also you could try removing the tb.inquiry->DeviceTypeModifier = DEVICE_REMOVABLE; at the very end of usb_storage.c 14.08.45 # But, I could be horribly mis-remembering/making it up :) 14.10.09 # sfdisk -l doesn't print anything 14.10.28 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF7A69.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.10.31 # * gevaerts adds stuff 14.10.33 Quit corevette_ (Remote closed the connection) 14.10.45 # sfdisk -l /dev/sd 14.11.25 # do I have to mount it first? 14.11.48 # it comes out on bus1 dev20 14.11.49 # no 14.12.34 # It should say something like 'sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] 3963904 512-byte hardware sectors (2030 MB)' in the dmesg output. The 'sdb' is what you need 14.13.06 # But http://www.techspot.com/vb/all/windows/t-18736-Why-is-it-not-possible-to-partition-a-USB-Flash-Stick.html seems to show that the DEVICE_REMOVABLE thing is the real issue 14.13.11 # how do you even find out which /dev path it's on 14.14.26 # You can also use devices nodes from /dev/disk/by-id/ 14.14.36 # Those could be easier to identify 14.14.53 # I just kept trying ad - it was on c 14.15.42 # That's also a way to do it :) 14.16.23 Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF7A69.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.17.19 # http://rafb.net/p/apgLex63.html 14.18.08 # jhMikeS: looks good... 14.18.41 # jhMikeS: in windows, you should be able to assign a drive letter from Computer Management->Disk Management 14.18.50 Join TaylorKillian [0] (n=Administ@wl198118.wright.edu) 14.20.16 # it doesn't seem to mind the reconnect when having VMWare grab the device or giving it back to windows 14.22.00 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-214-025.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 14.22.10 # "The operation did not complete because the partition or volume is not enabled..." 14.22.40 # Looks like the same error in gevaerts' link coz of the removable storage 14.23.13 Quit DefineByte ("Bye all") 14.23.41 # I'll try it without the removeable guff 14.24.33 # The "problem" is that then OSX will stop liking it... But if that helps, it will have to do for now 14.24.33 # should the modifier just be 0? 14.24.37 # Yes 14.26.02 Quit goffa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.27.25 # * JdGordon not sure what to think about the latest ml thread 14.27.39 # now I have two drives in exporer 14.28.01 # \o/ 14.28.11 # Without the removable storage? 14.28.17 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-212-141.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 14.28.17 # yes 14.29.36 # TFAT/Local Disk 14.30.23 # being able to do drag/drop bootloader updates is kind of nice 14.31.13 # :) 14.31.15 # jhMikeS: Is UMS mode in a bootloader build, or just Rockbox itself? 14.32.12 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Connection timed out) 14.35.14 # linuxstb: I just have enable it. 14.35.53 Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 14.36.03 Quit miepchen^schlaf_ (Connection timed out) 14.36.31 # hmmm...it doesn't come out of sleep mode very nicely though 14.38.03 # if that's even it. something causes other threads to stop responding but the UMS is still accessible. 14.38.07 Join markun [50] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 14.38.36 # seems to happen after letting it sit idle while connected 14.40.01 # * gevaerts looks around for thread specialists :) 14.41.41 # messages are never posted to the queues unless the usb thread initiated it? I'm just wondering if anything could come up to flood them. 14.42.04 Join disorganizer [0] (n=c2785409@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e7cdeaf0f23fb15e) 14.43.29 Part B4gder 14.44.02 # There should only be one message per transfer completion, so it's basically rate-limited by disk performance 14.44.21 # what about interrupts for other things? 14.45.51 Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.45.56 # LinusN: good idea 14.46.00 # Those should be handled directly, not via the message queue 14.46.19 # preglow: thx 14.46.30 # * gevaerts wonders if the Steering Board can decide on DevCon dates ;) 14.46.36 # gevaerts: ok 14.47.20 # could be something with the tranceiver. can notifications be had about entering power conserving modes? 14.47.43 # I don't know 14.49.42 # what contexts is usb_drv_set_test_mode called in? 14.49.45 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-213-087.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 14.50.24 # * JdGordon hopes his reply makes sense 14.50.28 # jhMikeS: only in response to a specific request coming from the host. It's only meant to be used for electrical (i.e. signal quality) tests 14.50.54 # I meant interrupt or thread? 14.51.01 Quit disorganizer ("CGI:IRC") 14.51.06 # JdGordon: it makes sense, but i think i disagree :) 14.51.10 # Ah, that would be thread 14.51.25 # ah, so a sleep can be there instead of udelay 14.51.26 # part of the point of a steering boards would be the fact that it contains few people, if you ask me 14.51.27 # * Nico_P is reading the logs... congrats to jhMikeS! :) 14.51.42 # if you load more people onto it, you'll just have the same old problem of people never agreeing 14.52.09 # and thanks to gevaerts for helping me through this :) 14.52.10 # i think five sounds like a reasonable number to try out with 14.52.48 # its easier to get majority with 10 people than it is with 5... 14.53.08 Quit feisar ("leaving") 14.53.24 Join feisar [0] (i=jljhook@ip-89-166-50-63.phnet.fi) 14.53.25 # i don't really hope any such committee will ever have to throw votes to agree on something 14.53.38 # <_cyanide> hi 14.53.54 # preglow: isnt that the whole point though? 14.54.33 # i'd really like a bit more talk involved than that. if all we want are votes, we can set up voting for committers on our board 14.55.36 Part LinusN 14.55.53 Join DerPapst [0] (n=Der@p5B23E2F2.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.03.44 # * preglow kicks the eq 15.04.33 Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=44a0430f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1446ca6bec43b5f9) 15.08.40 Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 15.09.04 # who's going to join in the improptu tracker clean up? 15.09.21 Join ys76 [0] (i=ys76@linoa.etherkiller.de) 15.15.51 Quit desowin (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.16.30 # JdGordon: How impromptu?? ;) 15.16.42 # now! now! 15.16.48 # started and stopped in all of 5 min :p 15.17.00 # trying to decide if a patch should be commited or closed 15.17.13 # 2648... 15.18.50 # if it is to be commited, i'd prefer a manual update with that 15.18.52 # No opinion here, sorry 15.19.03 # if the viewer has a manual entry... 15.19.31 # I tihnk i will commit it.. I was more checking if that is still needed (if someone commited something similar)... looks like it wasnt 15.19.36 # removing the next/prev thing though 15.19.46 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.19.48 # good 15.19.57 # i was about to mention that 15.20.22 # Is it still synced, from July 2007? 15.20.34 # viewer hasn't been touched much 15.20.37 # viewer.c doesnt get much love 15.22.52 # pondlife: hi! still having that dirskip crash? 15.22.57 # oh bloody hell.... someone please tell me kva is in CREDITS already 15.23.08 # Nico_P: I haven't tried today, hang on... 15.23.41 # JdGordon: who? what did he do? 15.24.03 # this simple viewer.c patch... its fine to go in but he hasnt got a name with the patch 15.24.12 # then it doesn't go in 15.24.17 # ah, right 15.24.38 # request a name and see what happens 15.24.43 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-211-035.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 15.24.43 # yeah 15.24.45 # grrr 15.24.51 # I'd suggest mailing him directly 15.24.57 # yup 15.25.59 # Nico_P: I can still repro a non-crash weirdness with dir skip, on the H300 simulator with nearly default settings, if you're interested. 15.26.14 # It jumps lots and lots of dirs 15.26.24 # I am 15.26.40 # no more crash? weird 15.26.43 # OK, I suggest you make yourself an H300 sim, and reset settings. 15.27.05 # The crash was on targat, probably unrelated to this sim issue, but similar method 15.27.16 # I don't have the device with me at the moment 15.27.50 # See if you can repro this - you might need a large music collection though. 15.27.54 # I have an H300 at hand ATM. I tested r17143 on it for quite a while and didn't have a single issue 15.28.15 Quit Rob2222 () 15.28.33 # I've been running 17143 with almost perfect results. One lock up which needed a pin, that's all. It was during buffering though.... 15.29.11 # Only happened once, so not much info to be gained 15.29.37 # If you can get a sim up, then enabled auto-dir-change (Yes), and disable Repeat... 15.29.53 # building 15.30.49 # I really want to get it as stable as possible before going further with audio_check_new_track 15.31.57 Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/developer/desowin) 15.32.25 # * Nico_P is doubtful about FS#8891 15.33.01 # 8891 is odd 15.38.18 # * Nico_P thinks the sim keymaps lack consistency 15.38.32 # hehe, what are you looking for? 15.38.43 # Insert is MENU 15.38.44 # I had to enalble the background 15.39.01 # I just had a few flawless auto dir changes 15.39.13 # OK, it's only a problem if skips overlap, I think 15.39.31 # Go to a dir in the middle of your collection, and play track 1 15.39.45 # what do you mean by "skips overlap"? 15.40.01 # If you skip directories faster than Rockbox can keep up 15.40.10 # Make sure you have dircache off 15.40.21 # (Which it should be with default settings.) 15.40.39 # yep it's off 15.40.53 # OK, so when it's playing track 1, keep pressing LEFT repeatedly 15.40.59 # so then what do I do? skip ack and forth between a dir and the previous one? 15.41.14 # ok 15.41.17 # That's one way, but it seems easier just to keep going back 15.41.45 # Keep going back one track at a time, and at some point it should seem to go slow, then return to the file browser 15.42.20 Join n1s [0] (n=nils@rockbox/developer/n1s) 15.42.20 # i.e. just keep on tapping on the LEFT key 15.42.27 # it worked ok. I was on track 1, pressed left a bunch of times and got to track 12 of 18 of the prev album 15.42.33 # Keep going 15.42.36 Part DerPapst 15.42.58 # It's timing related, but always happens here 15.43.19 Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.43.20 # I'm using a slow (network) drive, that's probably a factor. 15.43.29 # oh, indeed 15.43.46 # Why should that matter? 15.44.42 # Sometimes it ends up in the WPS but not playing nor locked - stalled, but pressing STOP will lock it 15.44.45 # it shouldn't of course, but there probably are some weaknesses with timing 15.45.15 # I know this is "abuse" but thought it might be a useful way to investigate threading stuff 15.45.22 # yes I agree 15.45.52 # It's 100% reproducible here, and when I say slow, it's just a drive on another XP machine across the room. 15.46.04 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-214-045.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 15.46.56 Join DerPapst [0] (n=Der@p5B23E2F2.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.46.59 # JdGordon: it seems kva is just the guy who synced the patch 15.47.06 Part DerPapst 15.47.07 # JdGordon: you'd want the name for rubbergove 15.47.12 # rubberglove 15.47.20 Join DerPapst [0] (n=Der@p5B23E2F2.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.47.38 # hmm... I didnt actually look at the previous patches 15.47.39 # ok 15.48.02 # syncing doesn't really give you copyright, i'd imagine 15.48.15 # hehe, no 15.48.26 # well.. kva did add a fair bit 15.48.41 # * pondlife wonders if Slasheri wants to hand playback.c's copyright over to Nico_P.... 15.49.32 # both can have it 15.49.55 # unless it's really apparent none of slasheri's work remains, which i kind of doubt 15.49.56 # * JdGordon hates those bloody (c) notices :p 15.50.43 # i guess slasheri can have a 200x-2007 copyright, with nico_p a 2007-2008 15.51.00 # I just thought that Slasheri might sleep better at night, not being associated with playback.c ;) 15.51.13 # (Although, to be fair, it's getting much better now.) 15.51.22 # hahaha 15.52.30 Nick shenson_not_here is now known as shenson (n=shenson@nat/redhat/x-8d2d9b67ba79f9d0) 15.52.37 Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@pcp027324pcs.jesres.mu.edu) 15.53.01 # the structure is still Slasheri's 15.53.20 # but svn would probably blame me for most of the file by now 15.53.45 # and we will for the parts it doesnt :p 15.53.49 # in which case i think my last proposal is The Most Correct 15.54.03 # * preglow runs off to the store 15.54.09 # I think so too 15.54.23 # (about the proposal, not the store) 15.56.05 Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c50e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ff5599d69542a3db) 15.58.36 # * Nico_P remembers he was a bit quick to put his name in gwps-common.c 15.58.40 # I should correct that 15.59.42 Quit phinze () 16.02.15 Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|zzz (i=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 16.03.51 Join ZincAlloy [0] (n=d9eefa6e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5fbcab196c623b7d) 16.03.56 Quit CaptainSquid ("Miranda IM!") 16.04.29 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 16.04.49 Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.15.05 Quit shenson (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.16.52 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 16.16.54 # Nico_P: Will you be able to try a networked drive and a sim (running rockboxui --root n:) ? 16.17.20 # I might be able to set it up 16.17.27 # but it would take me some time 16.17.31 # Well, no rush... 16.17.40 # I'll see if I can find a more suitable case! 16.17.45 # maybe an sshfs mount would do? 16.18.39 # I think I'll go over the code and try to make it more robust 16.19.16 # There are some LOWDATA tests - I bet one of those is being triggered... 16.19.45 # in tue buffering thread? 16.19.51 # s/tue/the 16.20.12 # Can't remember - don't have the source in front of me at the moment either 16.21.07 # the buffering thread calls the low buffer callback a bit too often in my taste 16.21.21 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.21.21 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 16.26.12 Quit EspeonEefi ("さよなら") 16.31.47 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-024-163-032-204.nc.res.rr.com) 16.31.55 Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@unaffiliated/kugel) 16.32.04 # Someone should update http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ViewPorts 16.32.21 Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@vpnd141.ugent.be) 16.32.50 # kugel: you should know by now what 'someone should' means around here ;) 16.32.55 Join ByeongKeon [0] (n=skysign@ 16.33.17 # gevaerts: Of course :) 16.33.28 # But I have hope! 16.34.31 # someone should really finish my work on playback.c 16.35.02 # haha 16.35.20 # Nico_P: Ah, I wanted to say, that your latest commits to that file work well (r17109 in particular) 16.35.29 # thanks :) 16.35.37 # someone should really pester Nico_P to get someone to fix playback.c :) 16.35.42 # * gevaerts looks around for people to finish the usb stack 16.35.58 # gevaerts: I'm sure someone will do that soon. 16.36.34 # :) 16.36.36 # kugel: The term you meant was "someone else".... 16.36.40 # Nico_P: Skipping is so nice now 16.37.03 # I'm glad it's noticeable. 16.37.41 # I guess reducing the wait time to skip backwards from 2s to near 0s is indeed noticable :) 16.40.42 # why is playback.c so difficult to fix? 16.41.00 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) 16.41.37 # saratoga: concurrency, many edge cases 16.41.52 # interaction with the playlist 16.41.52 # saratoga: It's getting much better - it was rather uncommented and somewhat full of race conditions. 16.43.16 # * scorche|sh smirks at petur 16.44.22 # Nico_P: I reckon you have attained the status of playback guru. Can I suggest you write a book about your experiences, or seek therapy, or write up all you know on the wiki. And soon, before the knowledge takes you down in an attempt to stay hidden. 16.44.32 # saratoga: it used to be a very long file too, with voice, codec, playback and buffering mixed 16.44.54 # pondlife: hehe, yeah :) 16.45.04 # I still need to make that skipping diagram 16.45.08 # Nico_P: I did not add a smiley. 16.45.16 # Yet... ;) 16.45.38 # :) 16.46.12 # A documentation session would be very useful for future generations... 16.46.25 # ...and me 16.48.19 Quit _cyanide () 16.48.45 # * Nico_P fires up OODraw 16.51.33 Quit ZincAlloy ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 16.55.18 # * GodEater does the "playback.c being documented in OODraw" dance 16.55.29 # it's quite complicated, and I shall fall over a lot 16.55.31 # * pondlife googles 16.56.28 # * n1s reads good news about usb in the logs, great work jhMikeS! :D 16.57.12 # * LambdaCalculus37 gives jhMikeS a beer for USB :D 16.57.37 # The Gigabeat S port is really shaping up now! 16.57.40 # I missed that, was it the beast? Or high speed? 16.57.54 # pondlife: beast 16.58.19 # Does it suffer from the "signal quality" or "hub" issues too? 16.58.25 # I await the day my beast does the "Happy Rockbox Port" dance. 16.59.32 # I await the day that PortalPlayer USB is enabled (including the Sansa SD fix, natch) 16.59.52 # * gevaerts promises to look into the hub thing again soon 17.00.29 # My e200 is USB-ing like a champ at full speed, not had any corruptions or anything. 17.00.47 # I've not tried high-speed yet though... 17.01.12 # pondlife: Full Speed is working great on my iPod video. 17.01.22 # No file corruptions of any sort. 17.01.31 # So why can't we enable it in SVN? 17.01.44 # I expect that we can work around the SD issue by not doing simultaneous USB and SD operations 17.01.58 # I haven't tested that yet though 17.02.01 # doing so on the ipods would seem safe enough, you can't brick one of those 17.02.11 # i'd worry about the sansa though 17.02.21 # I thought that issue was purely an SD thing - i.e. a copy from internal to SD without USB could corrupt...? 17.03.06 # It could, but nobody ever saw this from file operations within rockbox 17.03.37 # Ah, ok.. I misunderstood some log text then 17.04.35 # * gevaerts suddenly thinks... I have to retest that using IRAM as well. Maybe it's exactly the same DMA vs CPU SDRAM access issue as USB... 17.05.29 Quit ByeongKeon () 17.05.32 Nick ved is now known as vedlith (n=ved@137-mi2-1.acn.waw.pl) 17.06.41 # * gevaerts knows what to do tonight 17.08.16 Join xlizard [0] (n=lizard@p4FCBB7E1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.08.36 # hi thre 17.10.36 # did jhMikes post a patch for his working usb yet ? 17.10.37 # saratoga: I've been using high speed USB on my iPod for some time now. I've never had an issue with it. 17.10.51 # GodEater: Haven't seen one yet. 17.11.12 # i've got a mp3 player on ebay (http://www.ithome.biz/ebay/mp4/img/mpmusic1_zoom.jpg) but fail to identify it ... anybody knows this device? inside it runs on an rockchip rk2608a and have 4g flash manf. samsung 17.11.26 # xlizard: Won't work with Rockbox. 17.11.55 # LambdaCalculus37, ok, most important question answerd :) 17.12.00 # * pondlife might have to buy an SD card... 17.12.27 Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") 17.12.33 # LambdaCalculus37, do you know the manf. ? 17.13.06 # A lot of supported and future Rockbox players have Samsung parts in them. 17.13.10 # xlizard: probably some chinese generic 17.13.47 Join Rincewind [0] (n=Flubb@i528C3654.versanet.de) 17.14.04 Join UnaKRon [0] (n=41a56e91@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7d02951b91e3d207) 17.14.14 # Hola 17.14.38 # Anyone on? 17.14.46 # 134 people 17.14.56 # well, not the result i hoped, but thanks ... 17.15.00 # ...awake or not AFK is what i meant; P 17.15.19 # 133 now ... good by :) 17.15.33 # I think plenty of us are awake. 17.15.37 # Do you have a question? 17.15.45 Part xlizard ("Leaving") 17.15.52 # i think i'm going to just commit the c200 battery calibration i came up with 17.15.58 # its been a week and no one else has commented 17.16.06 # saratoga: Sounds great. 17.16.14 # * LambdaCalculus37 will test it tonight 17.16.17 # So I picked up a Dell c640 second hand and the darn HD is password protected. I'm not looking to get the data back just be able to Fdisk it and move on. its a hitachi 60gb 17.16.34 # I think it would be good to modify the main rockbox page to include a coming soon panel with a list of player already running some code (displaying something from rockbox) with a link to the new port forum. So perhpas we can attract more people ( the ones who doesn't want to browse the different page.. 17.16.38 # UnaKRun: And what does that have to do with Rockbox? 17.17.05 # there is a ATApwd page on how to unlock 17.17.05 # toffe82: Sounds like a good idea. 17.17.10 # was hoping somene could help. 17.17.35 # * LambdaCalculus37 points the channel name to UnaKRon, and the topic 17.18.11 # All i see in the Webclient is "Rockbox" sorry 17.18.23 # toffe82: seeing how unpredictable the speed of progress is I think that would only attract more questions of the "When will rockbox for X be ready?" typ... 17.18.24 # e 17.19.11 # this is the downside ;) 17.19.11 Quit UnaKRon ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 17.19.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.21.35 # but maybe I am too negative. it could perhaps have a "In _early_ development" section or something as to not imply that they will soon be usable. 17.22.07 # the current status page linked from the front page could be cleaned up a little more i guess to make it clear that some ports are actually running in some state 17.23.17 # Which means listing the D2, Gigabeast, and m:robe 500, right? 17.23.23 # pondlife: here? 17.23.29 # Yes 17.23.29 # and the sa9200 17.23.29 # * LambdaCalculus37 wonders if the ZVM will be part of that list 17.23.38 # Ah, that's right. 17.23.59 # so many interesting targets coming up 17.24.04 # I think that if they run some code and display something on the screen, it is a good start 17.24.34 # pondlife: http://nicolas.pennequin.free.fr/rockbox/audio_skip.pdf 17.24.58 # Great! 17.25.49 # A bit of text would be good too - to explain the stuff you found out (like when the playlist_next() must happen, and when the WPS changes over). 17.25.58 # also when you google alternative firmware and the name of the player they could show up also, not only the target working, so more person would know that there is work on more player 17.26.07 # It's the silly details that get forgotten.... 17.26.19 # pondlife: the wps "changes over" too often actually 17.26.31 # but yeah 17.27.27 # Also, how a manual and auto skip differ... 17.27.43 # (and what triggers the audio_initiate_track_change() call, maybe) 17.28.12 # yes, I have this in my original diagram (the one I'm copying from) 17.29.31 # This documentation will be useful for unification, one day, I hope... 17.29.37 # pondlife: an automatic skip involves some PCM clalback magic I won't put there 17.29.43 # Why not? 17.29.44 # (twoards the end) 17.29.49 # Maybe in a different colour? 17.29.55 # it would complicate things i think 17.29.59 # Or a second diagram? 17.30.05 # maybe a second one, yes 17.30.42 # This should all end up at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SoftwareCodecPlayback I suppose 17.31.01 # And a quick fact-check of the existing text. 17.31.11 # (I fear it's not correct any more.) 17.31.37 # that page needs an update, yes 17.34.59 # pondlife: updated. same link 17.35.25 # That's clear enough 17.35.29 # pondlife, LambdaCalculus37: Rockbox usb on portalplayer isn't that great atm. It works for me, but only on root ports, and even there I get occasional bus resets 17.35.50 # No corruption though - but then I only have small H10 and Mini G2 17.36.28 # amiconn: But you can still use the OF. Would you think it essential to wait until these problems are resolved before enabling it in SVN? 17.36.50 # Nico_P: is there a way to have a program like sendfirm but that read instead of write, to see if we can retrieve the firmware on the T400 for example 17.37.15 # yes 17.37.34 # (@ pondlife) 17.37.46 # :) 17.38.12 # toffe82: I don't think the firmware file is accessible via MTP. 17.38.30 # I'm really not sure though. my knowledge of MTP is *very* limited 17.40.34 # Nico_P: it must be, or sendfirm wouldn't work ? :) 17.41.04 # what I mean is I don't think you can retrieve it the same way you can send it 17.41.27 # I would be surprised if you can read firmware files via MTP - why would you need to? 17.41.41 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 17.42.15 # Isn't that actually one of the reasons that manufacturers like MTP ? 17.42.23 Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") 17.42.33 # Quite possibly. 17.42.41 Join waldo [0] (n=waldo@ip-81-11-223-109.dsl.scarlet.be) 17.42.46 # Personally, I'd much prefer MSC. 17.43.07 # * GodEater would be surprised if you can't get at it with MTP too 17.44.06 Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ 17.45.49 # via MTP you can read file on the drive, when you sync with media player, it retreive all the files, why it should be possible? 17.46.33 # * gevaerts doesn't follow 17.47.21 # I think he means "why shouldn't it be possible?" 17.47.29 # yes 17.47.44 # and I agree with him :) 17.48.04 # as far as I could tell the only thing sendfirm does different to mtp-sendfiles, is specify a different partition 17.48.07 Join Bagder [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) 17.48.12 # I see no reason why it shouldn't be possible to retrieve the same file 17.48.34 # It's much easier to block this though 17.48.44 # it would be good to try , on the S for example 17.52.32 # That sounds good. 17.53.46 # if you can get the id of the firmware file, it might be possible. however I doubt the firmware file gets an id 17.54.13 # * Nico_P tries 17.54.14 Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@pcp027324pcs.jesres.mu.edu) 17.54.56 Quit phinze (Client Quit) 17.56.19 # wow, rockbox.tar is appearing a bunch of times in my mtp file listing 17.57.13 # How many times so far? 17.57.46 # Nico_P: That's not surprising - I would expect it to be there as many times as you've copied it. 17.57.58 # (the MTP database won't know the file was deleted) 17.58.22 # linuxstb: indeed 17.58.27 # LambdaCalculus37: 19 times 17.59.01 # Nico_P: Invasion of the Rockboxes. :) 17.59.30 # Getting file/track 267386880 to local file test.bin. Error getting file from MTP device. 17.59.49 # the ID I gave was the one sendfirm had returned 17.59.52 # Nico_P: can you try the nk.bin 18.00.18 Join webguest68 [0] (n=d90cc09b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-cfce8a0483927701) 18.00.44 Quit webguest68 (Client Quit) 18.01.02 # toffe82: nk.bin doesn't appear in the file listing so it probably won't work 18.01.04 # * Nico_P tries 18.01.51 # hmm yeah you need to give mtp-getfile a file ID anyway 18.02.04 # it doesn't accept filenames 18.02.20 # there is not a function read a partition ? 18.02.33 # getfile is to download the file 18.02.43 # there is not a read ? 18.02.46 # No. That's what MTP is about 18.03.19 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 18.03.22 Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) 18.04.01 # there seems to be a storage thing 18.04.12 # (I'm reading the libmtp source) 18.05.54 # * Nico_P might whip up a quick test program 18.06.50 # Nico_P: A few apps like Gnomad2 can allow simple data storage on MTP devices. 18.07.23 # The Creative devices allowed you to take advantage of it. 18.07.54 # yes, but libmtp seems to have some calls that I haven't seen used 18.07.59 # Anyone have any ideas about how end-users will be able to install Rockbox on the S yet? 18.08.33 # under linux: with sendfirm. under windows: with jhMikeS' firmware updater (?) 18.08.37 # Is the nk.bin file now 100% Rockbox code, or is it a modified version of the OF? 18.08.45 # it can be either 18.09.26 # I think 'make' in a bootloader build produces a valid nk.bin with only rockbox code, but it is also possible to patch an OF BL 18.09.38 # It is. 18.09.52 # I have a patched OF bootloader on mine. 18.09.56 # me too 18.10.14 # Is jhMikeS's tool reliable? I thought I read (in -community?) that someone couldn't make it work? 18.10.16 # the plain rockbox nk.bin boots rockbox *much* faster too IIRC 18.10.26 # linuxstb: Mouser_X has had trouble with it 18.10.26 # Mouser_X had a bit of trouble AFAIK 18.10.36 # * Nico_P leaves for a bit 18.11.08 # linuxstb: As I understnad it, you need to uninstall windows normal MTP/USB stuff, install it and use it, but then other usb doesn't work properly so you have to put it all back to use USB normally 18.11.18 # i.e. a royal pain in the arse 18.11.21 # I just kept the patched OF bootloader on until USB is fully enabled, then I'll switch to a 100% Rockbox BL. 18.12.50 # linuxstb: http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20080416#12:55:49 18.13.01 # jhMikeS's explanation 18.13.15 # you have to piss around making infs and things as well 18.14.17 Quit kugel (Remote closed the connection) 18.14.19 # Ah, so it's still using libmtp/libusb? 18.14.45 # I would have thought it would have been possible with the native windows MTP lib (I'm assuming there's one...) 18.18.41 # * jhMikeS just copied the first build to the 'beast using UMS :) 18.19.22 # :) 18.19.35 # jhMikeS: do you have a usb hub ? It would be interesting to know if it works properly over a hub 18.19.56 # jhMikeS: \ô/ 18.20.06 # How do I do a screenshot in the sim? 18.20.47 # jhMikeS: Did you ever investigate the possibility of using native windows MTP functions? 18.20.49 # :) 18.21.56 # BigBambi: F5. 18.22.03 # LambdaCalculus37: thanks 18.22.37 # gevaerts: can try it 18.23.27 # linuxstb: a little bit but I wanted to just get up and running fast 18.24.17 Join gregzx [0] (n=chatzill@dsx55.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) 18.24.28 # gevaerts: there were some of sneaky little uses of UNCACHED_ADDR but now there's just a DEVBSS_ATTR on IMX31 that places data in the 1MB uncached section and things seem ok now. 18.24.37 # jhMikeS: Of course. I'm thinking ahead to creating a user-friendly install tool... 18.25.10 # linuxstb: would be nice to have. using sendfirm on windows is just a pita. 18.25.33 # * linuxstb starts researching beastpatcher 18.25.46 # jhMikeS: we'll have to clean these up properly sometime 18.26.05 # * jhMikeS goes to plug into a hub 18.26.39 # * linuxstb finishes the 73MB SDK download for the Windows MTP SDK, but it won't install with Wine... 18.27.00 # jhMikeS: when do we get to try the patch? :) 18.27.20 # * linuxstb hugs cabextract 18.28.21 # worked fine 18.28.36 # * BigBambi is on tenterhooks 18.28.38 # I'll put one up pronto 18.28.39 # jhMikeS: Great work! 18.29.13 # thanks. and /me thanks gevaerts again for cluing him in on many things. 18.29.34 # * gevaerts did that only to get non-PP testing of this stack ;) 18.30.16 # linuxstb: this can help also http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=A2E73160-E862-4F19-BB26-C0CAFE798955&displaylang=en 18.30.34 # it is the Media Transfer Protocol Porting Kit 18.31.02 # There were some UNCACHED_ADDR uses that should have been flushed first but that's fixed too 18.31.42 # http://jhmikes.cleansoap.org/gigabeat-S-UMS5.diff 18.32.47 # I still don't know why it often needs to be plugged and replugged right after boot though so if it doesn't connect the first time, just do it again. 18.33.11 Quit TaylorKillian (Connection timed out) 18.33.38 # toffe82: Yes, I'm there already - I found this page as a starting point: http://opensource.creative.com/mtp_enum.html 18.39.50 # jhMikeS: do you know that an usb serial build will fail to compile? 18.40.23 # no, I didn't try that yet 18.40.35 # what errors? 18.41.31 # http://pastebin.ca/988431 18.42.34 Join ZincAlloy [0] (n=d9eefa6e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-72672ea1c5ba4701) 18.43.09 # * jhMikeS will put up a fixed patch momentarily 18.44.52 # jhMikeS, gevaerts: With the latest patch I get http://www.pastebin.ca/988433 18.45.02 # http://jhmikes.cleansoap.org/gigabeat-S-UMS6.diff 18.46.36 # * Nico_P isn't as lucky as BigBambi 18.46.53 # BigBambi: what did you do with the partition table ? 18.47.04 # gevaerts: Nothing, just a normal S 18.47.11 # It boots Rockbox and the OF fine 18.48.18 # really strange 18.48.30 # do try a second connect 18.48.34 # I get the same with v6 18.48.36 # withtout a rb reboot 18.48.42 # jhMikeS: OK 18.48.56 # jhMikeS: Same again 18.49.04 Join Lynx_ [0] (n=lynx@tina-10-4.genetik.uni-koeln.de) 18.49.12 # from physically plugging and unplugging? 18.49.16 # * Nico_P gets error -110 18.49.18 # jhMikeS: Yep 18.49.46 # * jhMikeS thought that windows was the one being bad before 18.50.23 # * gevaerts knows that -110 is timeout, but doesn't know what caused this 18.50.26 # In the rockbox debug/partitions screen P:0 S:40 T:B 150 MB and P:1 S:4B040 T:B 57081 MB 18.50.45 # my beast seems to freeze the moment I plug USB in 18.51.39 # Mine doesn't freeze, but I can plug and unplug as many times as I want and the dmesg looks the same - unknown partition type 18.54.00 Quit DerPapst (Connection timed out) 18.54.36 # One thing I didn't do was use USB_SERIAL if that could matter 18.55.19 # I disabled it to be able to build 18.55.39 # I didn't, it built fine with a normal build 18.55.51 # jhMikeS: Just performed a run with test_disk enabled on the beast; want me to post the results? 18.56.19 # LambdaCalculus37: of course 18.57.07 # jhMikeS: What's the driver revision on the S? 18.57.28 # BigBambi: can you read from the device with dd ? 18.57.42 # gevaerts: I can try - suggested command? 18.58.35 # dd if=/dev/sdb of=/tmp/image bs=512 count=64 18.59.03 # gevaerts: seems OK 18.59.04 # LambdaCalculus37: which driver? 18.59.27 # The disk driver. 18.59.31 # Is it still r16370? 18.59.32 # BigBambi: Now you can hexdump that and see if you find a FAT bootsector :) 18.59.43 # haha, sure... 19.00.19 # actually, maybe try sfdisk -l /dev/sdb 19.01.00 # gevaerts: http://www.pastebin.ca/988441 19.01.04 # r16370? my source is r17150 19.01.35 # gevaerts: looks a little odd 19.02.11 # * jhMikeS isn't sure what LambdaCalculus37 wants him to look at here 19.02.29 # BigBambi: looks more or less the same as the one on the wiki, and the one jhMikeS got 19.02.38 # Oh, OK, cool :) 19.02.56 # So the question is why your kernel doesn't see it 19.03.14 # I can try a reboot - I haven't since mucking around with usb serial and stuff yesterday 19.03.18 # * jhMikeS better add a cache invalidate before picking up the audio buffer 19.03.29 # jhMikeS: Hang on, I'll show you. 19.03.31 # brb 19.03.45 # jhMikeS: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DiskSpeed 19.03.57 # See the column labeled "disk driver revision"? 19.04.25 Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) 19.05.06 # http://jhmikes.cleansoap.org/gigabeat-S-UMS7.diff 19.05.34 Join wpyh [0] (n=william@th245021.ip.tsinghua.edu.cn) 19.06.12 # never mind that, that's only PP :p 19.08.07 Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) 19.08.33 # gevaerts: No, still the same 19.08.49 # BigBambi: is that a PC ? 19.09.02 # gevaerts: do any of those config descriptors in storage get modified and use directly in send/recv? 19.09.13 # gevaerts: yep, Core2Duo running kubuntu 32bit, 2.6.24-16-generic 19.09.22 # * Nico_P can't send a file anymore 19.09.26 Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@225-014-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) 19.09.28 # (to the beast) 19.09.38 # gevaerts, (laptop) 19.10.22 # jhMikeS: they get memcpy-ed into response_data in usb_core.c 19.10.52 # gevaerts: My e200 with Rockbox USB is automounted perfectly 19.11.22 # I think I need to reboot. bbs 19.12.22 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 19.14.07 # BigBambi: I really don't understand this. Try running sfdisk -V /dev/sdb 19.14.55 # gevaerts: Warning: partition 2 extends past end of disk 19.14.57 Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 19.18.24 # damn... I keep getting "Error 2: PTP Layer error 2002: LIBMTP_Send_File_From_File_Descriptor():Could not send object property list." 19.19.34 Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@pcp027324pcs.jesres.mu.edu) 19.19.41 # Nico_P: is your cable ok ? 19.19.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.19.53 # it's fine AFAIK 19.20.58 # BigBambi: can you send me the output of sfdisk -d /dev/sdb ? 19.20.58 # sendfirm works fine 19.21.06 # gevaerts: sure 19.21.23 # wow the rockbox-only BL is *fast* 19.21.30 Quit petur ("work->home") 19.22.06 # gevaerts: http://www.pastebin.ca/988460 19.22.08 # * Nico_P reformats 19.22.17 # fast but dangerous? 19.22.34 Join nplus [0] (n=npl@141.25.Globcom.Net) 19.22.53 # bertrik: well you need to enter restore mode to be able to connect 19.23.15 # but that's no big deal 19.24.21 # crap! reformatting didn't do... seems I'm stuck :/ 19.24.46 Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) 19.25.14 # Nico_P: Have you been doing any usb serial? 19.25.24 # BigBambi: no 19.25.27 # OK 19.26.22 # gnomad2 has been able to send a couple tracks though. I'll try to send rockbox.tar with it 19.26.45 # BigBambi: that warning is not the cause of the problem 19.27.09 # If I put that partition table on my memory stick, the kernel finds my partitions 19.27.09 # The partition past the end of disk warning? 19.27.18 # OK 19.27.28 # So the partition itself isn't the problem? 19.27.39 # not that I can see. 19.27.40 # just a symptom? 19.28.03 Join webguest30 [0] (n=4cb57995@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9a9093fd70bf550f) 19.28.13 Quit webguest30 (Client Quit) 19.28.14 # the partition past the end of disk probably is not a "real" problem if the FAT is a bit smaller to compensate 19.28.32 # OK 19.29.35 Quit mf0102 ("Verlassend") 19.29.46 # seriously, wtf? 19.29.55 # I can send tracks fine, but not files 19.30.15 # That is odd 19.30.35 # could the .bcdUSB being wrong (USE_HIGH_SPEED not defined) possible do anything bad? 19.30.55 Quit goffa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.32.01 Part pondlife 19.32.10 # jhMikeS: no. 0x0110 is not wrong... 19.32.45 # * gevaerts has to go home now 19.32.49 # * LambdaCalculus37 looks at the last revision of ata.c in the source 19.32.56 # How silly of me... :P 19.33.02 # It is r16370. 19.33.21 # Nico_P: did you use high speed ? 19.33.27 # gevaerts: you normally stay at work until 19:30? 19.33.38 # gevaerts: I don't think so. I just applied jhMikeS' patch 19.33.38 # bertrik: I came in late 19.34.07 # Nico_P: then you have high speed. No idea what's wrong then 19.34.17 Quit gevaerts ("work->home") 19.34.22 Quit phinze () 19.34.29 # but why would that patch change anything in the OF? 19.35.28 # it shouldn't 19.36.02 # somehow since I applied it I can't use mtp-sendfile to send rockbox.{tar,gigabeat} anymore 19.36.39 # I rebooted my comp, restored the S 19.36.41 # ?? 19.37.00 # even after the recovery mode? 19.37.03 # yes 19.38.01 # jhMikeS: test_disk results are up now. 19.39.35 # * Nico_P goes to have supper 19.39.37 # CPU clock = 169MHz? <= ?? 19.40.39 # It's 264MHz actually 19.40.50 # CPU clock: 16934400 Hz. 19.41.01 Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) 19.41.17 # that's defined in the headers somewhere but it's not right 19.41.33 # that's 16.9MHz 19.41.43 # * jhMikeS was just pointing that out too :) 19.41.45 # Nico_P: around? 19.42.11 # that was pulled from CF for some reason 19.42.17 # Bagder: So should I make it 16.9 on the DiskSpeed wiki then? 19.42.44 # I don't know if it's accurate or not 19.42.46 # * LambdaCalculus37 wonders how he got such a speed on the test 19.43.53 # It's 264Mhz (I know 'cause I checked all the PLL and divider settings) 19.44.46 # jhMikeS: I'm still on Bootloader 4 and running r17150, built from source. 19.45.26 # it doesn't change any of that 19.45.41 Join odb|fidel [0] (i=fidel@static. 19.45.57 # * jhMikeS wonders if all the devices failing to connect are S60 when his is an S30 19.46.11 # Huh... my CPU freqency is 17MHz. 19.46.14 # Bagder: had any more fun with the d2? :-) 19.46.22 # Anyone here have a Windows mingw installation? If so, can I have a copy of reimp.exe from the mingw bin directory? 19.46.32 # LambdaCalculus37: I think not :) 19.46.33 # Went to Debug > View Buffering thread to read it. 19.46.39 # hi guys. Short question: is it possible to edit the main menu of rockbox ? i.e. i really dont need database, record, playlist etc... Is that stored in a single editable file ? 19.46.41 # Bagder: any verdict on which of the two players you got that is the nicest? 19.46.45 # preglow: not really, haven't had time to poke on it. rockbox time has mostly been gsoc-related the last couple of days 19.46.58 # it's not measure or calculated from registers, it's just a constant in rb that isn't defined right 19.47.11 # Bagder: ah, not necessarily rockbox-related, just thinking allround 19.47.13 # I think I prefer the D2, mostly because the touchpad thing on the meizu is terrible 19.47.23 # Bagder: yeah, that does look terrible 19.47.25 # odb|fidel: AFAIK it's fixed in the code, but it's been suggested a couple of time to do it like that 19.47.43 # bertrik: mh ok 19.47.45 # but the size and weight make the meizu sexy... 19.47.59 Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@ 19.48.07 # I had a lovely blackout with the OF on the D2 19.48.19 # while playing music the screen died and it accepted no key input... 19.48.20 # bertrik: thanks. may i ask how sure is your afaik ? :D 19.48.44 # and there's no hw-reset (that I know of) 19.49.08 # although inserting usb brought it back to life! 19.49.11 # bbl 19.49.15 # odb|fidel: 95% 19.49.27 # hehe ok. more then enough. 19.49.32 # thanks again 19.49.46 # would be a very user-friendly feature 19.49.53 # Bagder: i'm pretty sure there's a hardware reset, it's behind the panel with the line power and usb 19.50.49 Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@STRATTON-THREE-O-SEVEN.MIT.EDU) 19.51.13 # odb|fidel: I think what people call user-friendlyness is lack of options 19.52.05 # ZincAlloy: any option in mind regarding the idea of customizing the menu ? 19.53.02 # odb|fidel: customizable menus are not wanted generally. 19.53.04 # odb|fidel: not me, I have no clue about programming. 19.53.22 # at least amongst developers ... 19.53.28 # hehe ok 19.53.52 # anyway. like always when i am inhere. big thanks to the developers 19.53.58 # but you can always edit the sources yourself -- iirc it's rather easy to remove items from the menu 19.54.23 # root_menu.c around line 324 19.55.06 # jhMikeS: Should I just leave my results up for now, or would it be best to remove them? 19.55.16 Quit markun ("leaving") 19.55.30 Join markun [50] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 19.55.48 # It think they're fine. Just change the frequency to 264 since that's what it is. 19.56.52 Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@195-144-092-131.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be) 19.57.22 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCCE25.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.58.08 # Done. 19.58.31 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@dyndsl-085-016-167-031.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 19.58.55 Join TaylorKillian [0] (n=Administ@wl198118.wright.edu) 19.59.35 # bluebrother: any good keyword for my search in mind ? 20.04.00 # F40 should be the proper value too 20.05.07 # odb|fidel: as bertik said ... struct root_items items[] in root_menu.c:324 20.05.34 Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ 20.06.03 # bluebrother: oh, seems like i have not realized that comment. thanks again 20.09.37 # odb|fidel: at least I think that's the place to modify, I haven't actually tried that 20.10.04 Quit toffe82 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.11.49 # gonna give it a try 20.12.02 # if i get the project compiled on my mac 20.12.23 # lets see :D 20.14.09 Join Buschel [0] (n=abc@p54A3D3CC.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.14.24 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) 20.14.58 # * Buschel wonder, if http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=16418.0 is cuased by r17097 20.15.19 # anyone with a PP5002-target here to do some listening test? 20.16.09 Join DerPapst [0] (n=Der@p5B23E2F2.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.16.22 # hmm, what was the file function to get the current position in a file? 20.16.33 # ftell? 20.16.55 # thanks. 20.17.01 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 20.17.02 # * bluebrother feels getting old 20.17.36 Quit MethoS- (Success) 20.17.37 # odb|fidel: it appears it's a little more complicated than just editing the items[] array in root_menu.c 20.18.19 # like ? 20.18.42 # To get rid of some things (database, recording for instance) you can just comment out the define in firmware/export/config-xxx.h and it won't get built at all 20.19.23 # odb|fidel: like I-haven't-figured-out-yet-but-it-crashes, better listen to BigBambi :P 20.19.59 # ok. thanks guys 20.20.08 # heh, that's only if you want to completely remove a feature (including from the menu), not just edit the menu 20.20.25 # well yeah np in my case 20.20.33 Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.20.37 # if the rest is not affected. gonna give it a try 20.21.23 # database is referred to as tagcache in that file 20.21.28 # 20.21.50 Join perrikwp [0] (i=98214ef4@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-478b5dcebee0db40) 20.23.34 Join gevaerts_ [0] (n=fg@195-144-092-131.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be) 20.23.41 Quit gevaerts_ (Client Quit) 20.25.29 # hmm -- Rockbox does not have ftell? 20.27.17 # bluebrother: I can't help you with ftell, be careful with that sort of thing. The rockbox fseek and ftruncate do not behave exactly the same as unix ones 20.27.31 # no, use fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) 20.27.49 # lseek ?? 20.27.53 # eek 20.28.41 # * gevaerts also meant lseek 20.28.58 # gevaerts: were and other alignments important besides qh_array? 20.29.06 # s/and/any/ 20.29.18 # thanks, just found this way myself (in the mighty Rockbox sources ;-) 20.29.43 Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 20.30.04 # bluebrother: here now 20.30.16 # Buschel: not many people have a 5002 target... 20.31.26 # jhMikeS: td_array needs to be 32 byte aligned. I think all other alignments are only for CPU reasons 20.31.33 # Nico_P: I had a reproduceable playback issue with folder skip ... no idea if it's already known. 20.31.58 # if you skip a folder playback "hangs". Pause and unpause, and it starts at the beginning of the file 20.32.04 Quit bertrik ("bye") 20.32.20 # oops 20.32.27 # I've had that a couple of times, but not reproducibly 20.32.38 # I just figured that you can also produce this effect by skipping quite fast to some track out of buffer. Skip back several times, same. 20.37.13 # I can reproduce it easily. Would try running a logf-build help you? 20.37.15 Join Drivas [0] (n=chatzill@spc1-ledn1-0-0-cust949.seac.broadband.ntl.com) 20.37.23 # Hello all 20.37.30 # I was just wondering 20.37.49 # I have a lot of artists starting with 'The' 20.38.07 # the "ignore The" patch was rejected. 20.38.23 # How so? 20.38.28 # from the main project? 20.38.37 # any idea how I could possibly apply it? 20.38.59 # well, you could check if the patch still applies or resync it 20.39.18 # it's not a proper solution. The proper solution would be to support sorting tag information 20.39.53 # ok 20.39.56 # thank you 20.39.58 # :) 20.40.03 # ignoring just a prefix will break on every other language -- for example, the german "Die", which is basically the same as "The" 20.40.18 # (ok, it also depends on context a bit ...) 20.40.28 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 20.40.44 # * gevaerts solved this by not liking music where artist names start with The 20.41.03 # hehe :) 20.41.05 # bluebrother: yeah a logf log (duh) would help 20.41.32 Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 20.42.13 Quit Drivas ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox]") 20.42.21 # * linuxstb just uses the file browser, and names his directory "Something, The", with the band names correct in the tags 20.42.24 # Drivas: feel free to name your artists as "The, The" :) 20.43.48 # * jhMikeS already has "The, The" 20.44.32 # "The The" are the only exception to my "artist, the" rule in my collection 20.45.12 Quit ze (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.45.39 # Nico_P: do I need to enable logf in specific files (like playback.c)? 20.46.24 Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@pcp027324pcs.jesres.mu.edu) 20.46.45 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 20.47.20 Quit ZincAlloy ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 20.47.38 Join bluebroth3r [0] (n=dom@f053155133.adsl.alicedsl.de) 20.48.07 Quit bluebrother (Nick collision from services.) 20.48.11 Nick bluebroth3r is now known as bluebrother (n=dom@f053155133.adsl.alicedsl.de) 20.48.28 # * bluebrother curses network 20.52.10 Quit phinze () 20.54.02 # bluebrother: yes, playback.c should be enough 20.54.25 # preglow: yes, seems so. hard to check the issue then. amiconn test shortly and it seemed ok though 20.54.33 # jhMikeS: I just tried sending rockbox.tar to my beast on another comp with a freshly installed libmtp and got the exact same error message 20.54.55 # so it's definitely my beast that has a problem 20.56.09 # Buschel: i think jhMikeS has one too, if you badger him :> 20.56.22 Join ze [0] (i=ze@cpe-75-82-143-231.socal.res.rr.com) 20.57.50 # Nico_P: can you try the original firmware ? 20.58.01 # toffe82: what do you mean? 20.58.22 # using sendfirm to send the unpatached OF? 20.58.26 # to transfer files 20.58.32 # I'm using the OF 20.58.51 # on windows, with the v updater 20.59.00 # preglow: it's in need of service. I totally broke the HP jack connector. :( 20.59.01 # I could try that, yes 20.59.11 # you remeber my problem with one my s30 ? 20.59.16 # no 20.59.50 # toffe82: what's weird is that gnomad2 manages to send audio tracks just fine 20.59.54 # it works when I update the firmware but didn't connect from winthin windows 21.00.06 # I'll try it on a windows comp 21.01.00 # * jhMikeS did something odd to the stack that a PP device won't mount but the S works fine (which makes no sense) 21.01.09 # jhMikeS: so, it makes no sense to fall on my knees and beg for testing support? ;o) 21.01.22 # jhMikeS: about your PP5002 21.01.44 # Buschel: read up about 9 lines 21.02.21 # jhMikeS: that's why I guess it makes no sense... 21.02.23 # the little flat connector got torn from the plug 21.03.11 # otherwise I'd test. a replacement is expensive for such a part but it's looking like i'll have to just pay up. 21.03.33 Quit stripwax ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 21.03.51 # so I'll aks the forum guys. maybe someone is able to build a software by his own 21.04.49 Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@pcp027324pcs.jesres.mu.edu) 21.05.06 Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-193-039.pools.arcor-ip.net) 21.06.02 Join ZincAlloy [0] (n=d9eefa6e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-124110ce037a73a4) 21.06.27 Quit phinze (Client Quit) 21.09.29 # toffe82: what do I need on an XP comp? 21.09.46 # I'd like to try sending the file from there 21.09.49 # Nico_P: wanna look? http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uhcn/rockbox/logf.txt 21.10.03 # the v updater and wm11 21.10.19 # or 10 21.10.22 # bluebrother: was that made on sim or on target? target it seems 21.10.25 # I had a codec change between albums this time, but I'm pretty sure I also observed otherwise 21.10.29 # that's on target. 21.10.45 # oh, and I was somewhat wrong earlier: the second album starts playing but is muted. 21.11.06 # when it connect you should see the gigabeat S in the explorer 21.11.06 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 21.11.20 # yes, and pause/unpause unmutes it, right? 21.11.42 # yep 21.11.44 Join Crash91 [0] (n=29e8cfe0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ad728529c4ddf300) 21.11.50 # maybe something wrong with PCM 21.12.03 # jhMikeS: can you think of any reason why my nano should perform far worse when accessing the disk/flash now than three months ago? 21.12.05 # and what issue does the log show? 21.12.21 # if it's accessing the flash, everything has a latency of five seconds 21.12.38 # preglow: not just in playback? 21.12.58 # Nico_P: well, i haven't really tested that thoroughly, to be honest 21.13.09 # Nico_P: yeah, it might be playback indeed 21.13.30 # I'm interested to know if it's only in playback, or in other areas as well 21.13.37 # i'll give it a shot when it's charged 21.14.08 # preglow: not really. you tracked it to three months ago? 21.14.16 # because I observed that playback was more responsive on my c200 with dircache enabled, so it might be related 21.15.01 # jhMikeS: no, just an estimate, and a rough one at that 21.15.41 # preglow: if it wasn't only in playback, it would explain a lot 21.15.56 # Nico_P: only playback 21.16.13 # Nico_P: i'll press pause or next, and it'll take ages to respond, but a menu press will be instantaneous 21.16.31 # Nico_P: but only while buffering. it's ok enough when not buffering 21.16.42 # preglow: try enabling the hack in ata.c. 21.16.48 # what hack? 21.16.54 # the lock hack 21.17.06 # details 21.17.12 # and thread.c on the lines that have MAX_PHYS_SECTOR_SIZE 21.17.18 # I'm just wondering 21.17.32 # just #if 1 should do the trick 21.17.50 # there's only one max_phys_sector_size line in thread.c 21.17.56 # and that seems to be a video 64 meg check 21.18.39 # why would a nano be affected by sector size stuff, btw? 21.18.51 # ata.c line 69, thread.c line 164, just #if 1 21.19.26 # preglow: sounds exactly like what's happenning on the video 21.19.26 # another 5g line, you did catch i'm talking about a nano, right? :> 21.19.30 # right 21.19.45 # it's to support something presumably related to the large sector disks. the nano stuff sounds just like the 5.5g issues 21.19.50 # bluebrother: what issue does the logf dump showN 21.19.52 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.19.55 # s/N/? 21.19.58 # jhMikeS: so i should if 1 these bastards? 21.20.05 # yep 21.20.05 # linuxstb: do you have an idea about the ipodpatcher question in FS#8901 ? 21.20.13 # just the two I mentioned 21.20.40 # kiedoke, having a compile now 21.20.42 # Nico_P: well, as described: I played one album, then skipped to the next one (the skip - hold skip thingy) 21.20.42 # * jhMikeS wishes somebody would investigate for ata errors that may be going by silently 21.20.45 # I have a Sansa C240 here that is acting strange on usb connect. It is taking ages and there are a lot of messages in dmesg: http://rafb.net/p/IBZ6iJ58.html 21.20.54 Join m0f0x [0] (n=m0f0x@189-47-74-71.dsl.telesp.net.br) 21.21.00 # is this a problem I can fix with e200tool? 21.21.10 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 21.21.12 # the 2nd album starts playing, but sound is silent. I paused, unpaused, and then logfdump'ed 21.21.17 # jhMikeS: how do rockbox usually handle ata errors? 21.21.38 # I already formatted the device with original firmware and loaded rockbox on it. Booting the OF works, but booting rockbox hangs 21.22.37 # Rincewind: how much free space does the OF think it has ? 21.22.39 Quit Crash91 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 21.23.09 # return negative values? I think threre's a retry loop in there too. 21.23.18 # gevaerts: 688MB of 953MB which is about right, I put some music on 21.23.45 # the OF doesn't do any database updates on usb disconnect, wich is strange, too 21.23.50 # So it's not extreme FS corruption... 21.24.25 # Maybe you can try the sansa.fmt trick, although I'm not sure if it works on c200 21.24.45 # jhMikeS, Nico_P: no change in behaviour i can detect 21.25.10 Quit TMM (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.25.36 Quit toffe82 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.26.02 # preglow: how's the PCM level? 21.26.05 # Buschel: Regarding the freezes reported in the forum thread - it seems there's still an alignment problem wrt cpu sleep on pp5002. It only became less likely by my fix 21.26.09 # man, this nano is such a pain to use these days 21.26.28 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) 21.26.32 # n1s: No, I've never heard of that before. 21.27.02 # I suppose the file system is corrupted in some way, when I boot, the sana logo comes, then there is a short flash of a blue background then the sansa logo again and it hangs. when I boot with << it shows the rockbox bootloader and boots the OF 21.27.03 # Regarding the clicking noise - I didn't notice any, and I've been using my 2nd Gen daily this week. But then I'm not sure whether I am running with your patch or without (the build is from before r17097) 21.27.20 # preglow: hmm? 21.27.36 # jhMikeS: always full, and no wonder, it's locked to 80 mhz.... 21.27.38 # another bug 21.27.42 # Rincewind: I'm pretty sure the filesystem is corrupted, yes 21.27.45 # amiconn: maybe sleep_core should just be a call and in IRAM like it originally was 21.27.51 # amiconn: hmm what? 21.27.58 # [21:26:09] man, this nano is such a pain to use these days 21.28.00 # gevaerts: what options do I have? 21.28.04 # amiconn: can you check with a build that definately contains my patch? 21.28.05 # amiconn: well, it is :) 21.28.10 # preglow: skip backward so you hit something not buffered 21.28.14 # amiconn: it's slow and unresponsive when flash accesses happen 21.28.18 # jhMikeS: I should probably test that. Any luck with the headphone jack? 21.28.31 # amiconn: not finding it cheaper :\ 21.28.39 # Buschel: I'll upgrade to the latest & greatest now 21.28.55 # jhMikeS: that fixed the boost problem 21.29.02 # jhMikeS: what kind of jack it is ? 21.29.33 # toffe82: the hp jack and hold assembly for an ipod 3g 15GB 21.29.45 # Rincewind: you could try restoring the firmware and bootloader via recovery mode, but I'm not hopeful about that. 21.29.52 # linuxstb, n1s: I had a fear about FS#8901, added a comment ... 21.30.07 # jhMikeS: you have a photo? 21.30.32 # * jhMikeS doesn't have an iPod photo but could take a picture of a 3g 21.30.36 # bluebrother: ah, yes, didn't think of that possibility :) 21.30.43 # Rincewind: I can adapt my c250 wipe tool to work on c240, and send it to you. After running that and restoring via manufacturer mode (e200tool), it should be fine 21.30.43 # jhMikeS: haha ;) 21.30.59 # :) 21.31.04 # gevaerts: what does this tool do? 21.31.26 # Rincewind: zero out everything, write a new partition table, and write a correct FAT 21.31.48 # n1s: I had to read it a couple of times until that popped into my head ... kinda ... impressive 21.31.52 # Rincewind: but the partition table and FAT are hardcoded for c250, so I need some time to adapt it 21.32.05 # dosfck is giving me this: on /dev/sdb1: Invalid disk format in boot sector. 21.32.05 # on /dev/sdb2: Logical sector size is zero. 21.32.26 # What would sdb-1 mean in terms of a partition? I'm looking at the S disk in qtparted and it shows number 1 sdb-1 (tyoe free) 0-0.03 MB, number 2 sdb1 (type fat32) 0.03-150.03 MB and number 3 sdb2 (type fat32) the rest. 21.32.40 # * jhMikeS has an ipod photo now and will extricate it from the camera 21.33.22 # Rincewind: That's "normal". The OF is a buggy pile of half working code that can't export its flash over USB any more if the FS or partition table are corrupted 21.33.56 # gevaerts: this might be useful: http://rafb.net/p/HcyLnN35.html (fdisk output) 21.35.04 # Rincewind: I actually collected that data a while ago just for this sort of case 21.35.08 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-024-163-032-204.nc.res.rr.com) 21.36.38 # linuxstb: can you send me the first 512 bytes of your c240's flash ? I can build one from scratch if I need to, but a real one would be easier 21.37.27 # toffe82: http://jhmikes.cleansoap.org/P1000315.JPG 21.40.42 # Any c240 owners here ? 21.41.08 # * LambdaCalculus37 raises his hand 21.41.50 # LambdaCalculus37: can you send me the first 512 bytes of it (the partition table) ? I could create it from scratch, but that's a hassle 21.42.10 # * Nico_P is still out of luck with his S 21.42.23 # gevaerts: I can do it when I get home. 21.42.34 # gevaerts: PM 21.42.42 # toffe82: I updated it with the hacked V updater but that didn't change anythinh 21.42.48 # Nico_P: :/ 21.43.02 # windows refuses to send files to it too 21.43.19 # and it connect when using the of ? you see the connect animation on the screen ? 21.43.40 Join lee-qid [0] (n=liqid@p54964575.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.43.43 # LambdaCalculus37: I'll try and do without 21.44.56 # Nico_P: if you can send music files, couldn't you send an rockbox.gigabeat disguised as an mp3 and rolo it? 21.45.02 # domonoky: what do you think about releasing rbutil? 21.45.19 # n1s: I tried that, but it didn't work. I'll try again though 21.45.25 # bluebrother: yes would be good to make a new version.. 21.45.35 # toffe82: yes, it connects fine and even accepts music files 21.45.44 # I think we should consider it. The only thing I _really_ don't like is that creation of arbitrary folders upon bootloader installation without asking the user 21.45.48 # * LambdaCalculus37 left his Sansa at home by mistake today 21.45.49 # it just refuses data files 21.46.04 Join perrikwp [0] (i=9821698e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-50cff170e25883cd) 21.46.10 # ?? 21.46.14 # strange 21.46.24 # n1s: I think I'll have to hack the BL a bit to get a disguised MP3 file to work 21.46.42 # Nico_P: Does rockbox boot? 21.46.47 # I think they're not sent to the same dir 21.46.59 # BigBambi: no, because I can't get a rockbox binary on there anymore 21.47.10 # Sorry, missed that 21.47.12 # Buschel: Latest revision has the described ticking 21.47.12 # the BL is ok though 21.47.20 # Nico_P: ah, yes of course... 21.47.20 # Compiling r17096 now 21.47.27 # maybe I could get out of this mess with an USB enabled BL 21.47.37 # Nico_P is the first to brick a 'beast? :( 21.47.48 # Buschel: It almost sounds like a vinyl with some dust on it... 21.47.58 # jhMikeS: it's not quite bricked, I still have hope ;) 21.48.04 # Nico_P: I can't get a build to connect to linux properly 21.48.10 # But it may be my beast 21.48.15 # * Nico_P has to leave now 21.48.20 # amiconn: kind of like short PCM underruns it sounds like 21.48.21 # Nico_P: you can use the updater to tranfert the file 21.48.22 # gevaerts: Did you see my question about the partition table? 21.48.47 # toffe82: would you mind expaining? I'll read the log when I get back 21.48.59 # too high interrupt latency 21.49.01 # BigBambi: no (or else I forgot...) 21.49.02 # (I need to send rockbox.tar) 21.49.03 # It's not regular 21.49.04 # * bluebrother is uncertain about this OF saving "feature" 21.49.17 # gevaerts: Is probably not important, but: What would sdb-1 mean in terms of a partition? I'm looking at the S disk in qtparted and it shows number 1 sdb-1 (tyoe free) 0-0.03 MB, number 2 sdb1 (type fat32) 0.03-150.03 MB and number 3 sdb2 (type fat32) the rest. 21.49.19 # amiconn: it rarely is. e200 sounded like that for awhile 21.49.26 # And it doesn't depend on wps vs. non-wps 21.49.41 # BigBambi: probably some unallocated space 21.49.53 # gevaerts: I thought so too, but thought I'd mention it 21.50.00 # Given the connection issues 21.50.16 # but even with that, it should work... 21.50.33 # gevaerts: I'm going to try connecting the beast to my Windows PC (once it has finished booting) 21.50.34 # Nico_P: create the nk.bin and transfer it with the updater, the player must be in recovery mode 21.50.48 # BigBambi: The beast or the PC? ;) 21.50.50 # then I probably still have something out of sorts. PP is giving trouble connecting now but it's not making sense at all. 21.51.08 # Nico_P: like we did at the beginning, I think it is still working 21.51.12 # amiconn: hehe :) The beast is a damn sight faster than XP boots :) 21.51.21 # BigBambi: Maybe you could try rewriting the partition table, but if it has more magic in it than normal, that might be dangerous 21.51.27 # * jhMikeS asks if all these 'beasts are S60s too 21.51.33 # jhMikeS: Mine is 21.51.53 # S30 and S60 ;) 21.51.54 # * jhMikeS 's is an S30 and wonders if that's a factor 21.52.07 # gevaerts: Yeah, I thought about that, but given we don't know exactly what it is, and after Nico_P's problems... 21.52.09 # toffe82: If you aren't too scared, try the patch on each of them 21.52.58 # BigBambi: I'd just dump the first few MB of the disk, and take a closer look with a hex editr 21.53.26 # if I find some time, it would be easier for me if you can send me the file, as I have to do that between 2 kid's fight :) 21.53.29 # amiconn: I could, but I'd need to be told what to look for 21.53.45 # linuxstb: i see there are several dab bands in use, which is the most popular? 21.54.33 Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@pcp027324pcs.jesres.mu.edu) 21.54.57 # uhmmm 21.55.05 # preglow: I think Band 3 is most popular in Europe, but Band L is also used in some places (not the UK though) 21.55.09 # Somehow the cpu is now boosted permanently??! 21.55.18 # gevaerts, jhMikeS OK, it works in XP - I get two drive letters and I can browse them etc. 21.55.30 # amiconn: what target? i just had that on nano 21.55.36 # So a linux not beast issue 21.55.39 # Hmm, and back to normal... 21.55.46 # preglow: 2nd Gen 21.55.49 # amiconn: skipping tracks fixed it, very nice bug... 21.55.51 # * gevaerts still doesn't understand the issue 21.56.00 # gevaerts: I have second (working) C240 here 21.56.06 Quit phinze (Client Quit) 21.56.08 # preglow: It fixed itself here, after doing it for a while.-. 21.56.22 # preglow: This site may help - http://www.wohnort.demon.co.uk/DAB/ 21.56.25 # hmmm...whineux 21.56.29 # Rincewind: that would help. Can you dd the first 512 bytes off it ? 21.56.53 # gevaerts: Me neither, but from plugging it into XP, took about 5 secs to 'install' and now works perfectly 21.57.00 # i wonder if the d2 does both bands 21.57.11 # gevaerts: I'll try. Normal connect or recovery? 21.57.24 # Rincewind: normal connect. I need the partition table 21.58.22 Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06)") 21.59.10 Join low_light [0] (i=c730180b@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-b7c99abad2cafbdb) 22.00.09 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 22.00.15 # Buschel: Very odd. Now I don't get the ticking anymore... (still the same build) 22.00.39 # gevaerts: is dd if=/dev/sdb count=512 > dump the right command? 22.00.43 # amiconn: strange... 22.00.43 # * amiconn reboots the ipod and retries 22.00.55 # Rincewind: count=1 22.01.01 # dd counts in blocks 22.01.14 # ah, ok 22.01.19 # * low_light has Rockbox with sound on the Philips SA9200 22.01.25 # amiconn: what revision is your build based on? 22.01.38 # r17152 22.01.45 # * gevaerts expects a mail from low_light on the ML now 22.01.45 # low_light: wow, congrats! 22.02.42 Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 22.02.51 # :) Most of the credit goes to the e200 developers 22.02.58 # Awesome news. 22.03.09 # That was a fast port. 22.03.22 # (And yes, I realize it's mostly due to the e200 and such.) 22.03.32 # low_light: btw, do you have a BL file for the SA9200? 22.03.34 # still a slight problem...no touchpad buttons 22.03.47 # * amiconn wonders whether someone has beaten his porting speed record 22.03.48 # low_light: congrats 22.03.56 # Bagder: yeah...you want it for your collection 22.04.14 # yes, and MrH was interested as well 22.04.14 # dang, another new player that needs to get added to rbutil ;-) 22.04.37 Join fehmicans [0] (n=canavar@ 22.04.43 # bluebrother: If you're working on RButil, please get Windows support for the S... 22.04.44 # Buschel: Very strange. I cannot reporduce the ticking now, even after rebooting and playing the very same song as before... 22.05.03 # bluebrother: Thus far, working with the S on Windows really really sucks... 22.05.07 # I'm not sure how the installation is going to work being as the OF is MTP only (so we can't use sansapatcher) 22.05.15 # Mouser_X: we don't have official support of the GB S right now, do we? 22.05.23 # Hmmm. No... 22.05.34 # sounds like we need libmtp in rbutil :o 22.05.41 # Might... 22.06.12 # * bluebrother wonders if libmtp allows filesystem-like access 22.06.40 # And now it ticks a bit again - very weird... 22.06.42 # * scorche|sh wonders when we can get MrH to be one of us in here 22.06.56 # bluebrother: I don't think the mtp protocol supports (or requires support for) that 22.07.35 # gevaerts: However, I just transfered some files to the beast in windows, and got just under 1 MB/sec 22.07.42 # * n1s no sees the "-like" bit and is not sure he understood bluebrother 22.07.53 # BigBambi: fullspeed? 22.08.13 # amiconn: Should be high speed, but those speeds made me wonder 22.08.16 # for gigabeats in rbutil, we would first need beastpatcher :-) 22.08.18 # well, I just started reading the libmtp homepage. 22.08.33 # As we had issues with S full speed before 22.08.36 # mtppatcher? 22.09.51 # hmm -- doesn't look like libmtp would easily run on windows :/ 22.10.21 # bluebrother: I think we will need to use the native WIndows MTP functions, rather than libmpt. 22.10.27 # s/libmpt/libmtp/ 22.10.31 # BigBambi: you can find out from the device manager, if you switch to the connection tree view 22.10.33 # urgh :( 22.10.40 # amiconn: at least you can reproduce it randomly. now it's of interest whether it's the same behaviour on r17096 and r17097 22.11.00 # adding the usb detection stuff for windows was annoying enough, and now that ...? 22.11.05 # Yeah, I just tried once more with earphones - it's more noticeable there 22.11.12 # Installing r17096 now 22.11.27 # bluebrother: I found this page (and tried to get that example app compiling with mingw) but haven't succeeded yet - mingw doesn't play nice with MS SDKs... - http://opensource.creative.com/mtp_enum.html 22.11.34 # jhMikeS: just looking the photo, I don't have anything like this 22.11.36 # amiconn: i had similar findings on PP5022 when I calculated a wrong loop count for the FIFO-writing 22.11.43 # gevaerts: yes, it is on a standard not enhanced 22.11.54 # gevaerts: But windows didn't warn me 22.11.56 # Bah, r17096 won't boot 22.12.06 # ...adding 'nop' magic.... 22.12.45 # gevaerts: And USE_HIGH_SPEED is defined in export/config-gigabeat-s.h 22.14.06 # gevaerts: and dmesg just before the partition table issues says "usb 5-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 7" 22.14.16 # low_light: we can copy the file to the system folder and it should use it 22.14.33 # linuxstb: thanks, will check that. 22.15.33 # bluebrother: Also, I'm not sure what MS's license means in terms of using their libs with GPL code... 22.15.41 # gevaerts: And I've just unplugged then replugged into XP, and this time it has shown up under enhanced 22.16.25 # BigBambi: maybe some timing issue. The controller is only enabled when a connection is actually detected 22.16.29 # Bagder: email sent 22.16.34 # thanks 22.16.55 # gevaerts: and this time it is copying *much* faster 22.16.59 # wouldn't GPL forbid linking anyway? 22.17.01 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.17.01 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 22.17.15 # toffe82: copy a firmware file? 22.17.40 # still don't rely on results from the first connect after booting rockbox 22.18.02 # * amiconn is actually using one of the shipped wps'es on his 2nd Gen now that the bmp strips allow fast loading 22.18.03 # congrats low_light :) 22.18.14 # when you connect the player, you see a system folder, you can copy the ebn file there and the player should use it at the next reboot 22.18.32 # Not cabbie v2 though, which I still don't like at all 22.18.49 # jhMikeS: yeah, first time it connected and worked fine but at full speed, and second time at high speed 22.19.11 # Buschel: No ticking with r17096 22.19.14 # but still not on linux 22.19.37 # sometime it doesn't recognize it. I'm guess it's either trouble bringing it out of sleep or something not initialized properly that gets setup after the first failure. 22.21.15 # amiconn: hmm, bad news 22.22.40 # Will try r17097 now 22.23.06 # * jhMikeS is pluggin PP and seeing "slow reset" alot 22.23.52 # amiconn: FIFO buffer is smaller on PP5002 (than in PP502x), and each sample needs two slots (one for each sample). maybe the additional latency before filling the first slots is critical here... 22.24.23 # Well, jhMikeS wanted to find out how to do packed samples on PP5002... but now his 3rd Gen is broken 22.24.40 # * amiconn still has an extra 2nd Gen, but without a working hdd 22.26.22 # jhMikeS: did you see my question yesterday...using ata-c200_e200.c seems to require HAVE_HOTSWAP in other parts of Rockbox. The SA9200 doesn't have a microsd slot, so no hotswap. 22.26.31 # amiconn: how about putting in a CF card? ;-) 22.26.42 # I had to replace several HAVE_HOTSWAP checks with a new HAVE_ATA_SD define. 22.26.57 # low_light: the bootloader is built without hotswap 22.27.03 Quit nplus (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.27.43 Join Buschel_ [0] (n=abc@p54A3D3CC.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.27.43 Quit Buschel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.28.02 # jhMikeS: right...I think usb and debug_menu were the main problem areas (not compiled for the bootloader) 22.28.06 Nick Buschel_ is now known as Buschel (n=abc@p54A3D3CC.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.30.32 Join PaulJam_ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3045.gwdg.de) 22.30.42 Quit desowin () 22.32.08 # jhMikeS: for example usb_storage.c line 593 uses HAVE_HOTSWAP when it should be checking for the ATA SD interface. 22.34.55 # Buschel: I don't get ticking with r17097 either... tried 3 times now, with reboots inbetween 22.36.04 # amiconn: now it's getting really weird 22.37.32 # the bus_reset doesn't seem to be entirely implemented according to the docs 22.37.50 # * amiconn will binchop 22.38.34 # * amiconn planned to do something else :/ 22.38.53 Quit goffa (Remote closed the connection) 22.41.49 # amiconn: thanks for your tests. if the forum guys cannot build for themselves I will undo my patch for PP5002 in svn -- we will get the results then 22.42.30 # bye for now 22.42.32 Quit Buschel () 22.45.09 Join Fluffy [0] (n=52603f3a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-150ef875f0c343da) 22.46.09 Quit Fluffy (Client Quit) 22.47.19 Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) 22.47.50 Quit PaulJam (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 22.50.05 Quit n1s () 22.57.07 # Bagder: around? 22.57.14 # yes 22.57.24 # Bagder: does the d2 look like it's easy to dismantle? 22.57.37 # yes, there are visible tiny screws 22.57.40 # low_light: did you see what I wrote for the file transfer ? 22.57.41 # hmm, good 22.57.59 # Bagder: nothing fancier than torx? 22.58.14 # nope, plain philips I believe 22.58.18 # excellent 22.58.19 # low_light: can you send your file so I can test ? 22.58.31 # can't seem to find any naked d2s with dab 22.58.37 # so i'll probably have to yank mine open when i get it 22.58.49 # yeps 22.58.59 Quit m0f0x () 22.59.07 # preglow: you decided to go for it then? 22.59.17 Quit gregzx (Connection timed out) 22.59.46 # Bagder: oh, i'm quite sure, i'm just waiting for time enough to be distracted by it :) 22.59.52 # do we have a Gigabeat FAQ? 22.59.58 # i'm desperately lacking in self-control when it comes to allocating my time properly 23.00.37 # preglow: you're not alone in that 23.00.50 # bluebrother: no 23.01.44 # someone in the forums has deleted his system folder. Maybe it would be a nice entry in a GB FAQ how to enter disc mode in that case? 23.01.53 # no idea how this works ... 23.02.03 # it is on the wiki 23.02.24 # it is not really a faq but the recovery mode is on the wiki 23.02.47 # ok -- posted that. 23.02.49 # The disassembly is fairly easy if you are somewhat mechanically inclined. 23.02.56 # sounds like i won't destroy it first thing, then 23.03.26 # some people are kinda smart -- deletes the system folder but keeps recycle bin 23.03.49 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23.04.13 Quit waldo ("Konversation terminated!") 23.10.01 # http://www.anythingbutipod.com/archives/2007/02/cowon-iaudio-d2-disassembled.php 23.10.05 # anyone tell me what that huge black thing is? 23.10.23 # http://www.anythingbutipod.com/archives/images/cowon-d2/iaudio-d2-apart-2.jpg <- straight ahead 23.10.49 # looks like some kind of cover 23.11.10 # for the fm radio, probably 23.11.15 # i forgot it had one 23.11.33 # SD card reader? 23.11.38 # linuxstb: very likely... 23.14.48 # ah yes it almost has to be 23.15.05 # indeed 23.15.12 # i forgot about that as well 23.15.41 # Is it a 24-bit colour LCD? 23.16.03 # who knows? ;-) 23.16.18 # ;) 23.16.24 # shotofadds might've tested it 23.16.25 # yes 23.16.46 # well, everybody says it's 24 bit, whether it's _Really_ that i don't know, but people say gradients and the like look great 23.17.02 # * preglow goes trawling through online stores for his d 23.17.04 # 2 23.18.07 Quit low_light ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 23.19.43 Part Llorean 23.19.53 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.19.58 # sweet lord, if only ordering from the us was practical 23.20.15 # less than half the bloody price 23.21.11 # * amiconn *hates* bugs that disappear when hunting for them :( 23.22.29 Join alleyoopster [0] (n=dan@d04m-89-83-119-97.d4.club-internet.fr) 23.22.54 # i wonder why cowon stuff is called iaudio here 23.22.56 # * scorche|sh coughs at preglow 23.23.18 # * gevaerts hands scorche|sh a throat lozenge 23.23.20 # preglow: Not the DAB version though? (in the US) 23.23.38 # * scorche|sh thinks gevaerts needs to script that 23.23.48 # linuxstb: true enough 23.23.49 # * scorche|sh thinks he shall implement that in a future bot 23.23.57 # oh well, i'm used to having to pay through the nose 23.25.22 # hah, d2 supports ripping dab straight to mp2 23.25.35 # i would never have guessed they'd include that in the retail firmware 23.26.12 # transcoding to mp3 might be quite hard... 23.26.25 # Although it does have two CPUs. 23.28.07 # i would rather expect that than straight ripping 23.28.23 # people in those circles seem to not like lossless ripping, heh 23.28.24 # Uh, why? 23.28.29 Join tessarakt [0] (n=jens@e180075174.adsl.alicedsl.de) 23.28.39 # Transcoding really wouldn't make sense 23.28.42 # indeed not 23.28.56 # * amiconn 's car stereo also records mp2 straight to sd card 23.29.09 # good, perhaps it's more common than i guessed 23.29.48 # From dab, that is - and it's the only way the thing can record (no adc, I guess) 23.30.10 # are any of you guys using linux to compile rockbox? 23.30.15 # the D2 has a mic 23.30.27 # alleyoopster: I expect the majority of people are. 23.30.39 # Bagder: and line in 23.30.44 # Bagder: though through a converter :/ 23.30.57 # does anyone know if the newer e200 OF firmwares are useful if I only use the OF for usb (or if there are problems like missing msc mode and such if I upgrade)? 23.31.07 # * Bagder is no recording person 23.31.40 # Rincewind, the OF is completely useless except for providing MSC (in my opinion) 23.31.42 # good, I get this error "Your cross-compiler arm-elf-gcc 4.2.2 is not of the recommended 4.0.3" and not sure if there is a workaround 23.32.05 # alleyoopster: install the "proper" version? 23.32.07 # alleyoopster: the work around is to use the correct compiler...did you try and run rockboxdev.sh ? 23.32.17 Join EspeonEfi [0] (i=espeonee@STRATTON-ONE-FIFTEEN.MIT.EDU) 23.32.52 # scorche|sh: no I was just running configure 23.32.55 # krazykit: I know, same opinion here. But if there are improvements to the database update speed then I would consider a firmware upgrade. I just discovered that I have a very early one 23.33.11 Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@rockbox/administrator/Llorean) 23.33.57 # oh, finally some kind of decision regarding Devcon? Nice to see. 23.33.57 # does this mean I need to find the source for arm-elf-gcc and compile it> 23.34.08 Quit EspeonEefi (Nick collision from services.) 23.34.11 # no 23.34.16 Nick EspeonEfi is now known as EspeonEefi (i=espeonee@STRATTON-ONE-FIFTEEN.MIT.EDU) 23.34.28 # alleyoopster: just run the script and it'll do all that by itself 23.34.46 # possibly edit some variables at the top if you want to install elsewhere from the defaults 23.35.06 # Bagder: ok, and I can install past CVS versions with this? 23.35.45 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 23.36.02 # you can build any svn version with it 23.36.23 # Bagder : excellent thanks for your help 23.39.44 # fantastic, yeah it is downloading bin utils now, thanks 23.40.44 # wow ... I can't believe the Gigabeat HDD being a USB drive?! 23.41.29 # maybe something worth posting in mygigabeat.com :) 23.41.38 # or perhaps wait till we have sound as well 23.41.49 # what's preventing the audio playback? 23.41.52 # Who needs sound ? 23.42.06 # we don't want sound, we want doom! 23.42.20 # exactly my thoughts ;) 23.42.20 # * Llorean wants doom with sound. 23.42.28 # If I can't hear the monsters, what's the point? 23.45.24 Quit jhMikeS () 23.45.50 Quit vedlith (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.46.55 Quit domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.48.55 # * preglow rubs hands 23.48.59 Quit davina ("GNU/Linux the free alternative to Windows") 23.49.02 # high time for a new target! 23.49.11 # yay 23.49.14 Join [TiZ] [0] (n=kvirc@FL-ESR1-72-49-150-188.fuse.net) 23.49.31 # <[TiZ]> Hey, guys. Really quick question. Conditional backdrops: yes, or no? 23.49.47 # [TiZ]: no, afaik 23.49.50 # no 23.49.52 # time for a celebratory cup of darjeeling! 23.50.02 # * petur is pleased to see a devcon mail and goes looking for tickets 23.50.06 # <[TiZ]> Alright, thank you very much. That's all I needed. Toodles! 23.50.11 Part [TiZ] ("WTF is part?") 23.50.19 # petur: well, we still need a date ;) 23.50.58 # * amiconn needs something to do against his extreme email laziness :\ 23.52.38 # * scorche|sh has been trying to nudge amiconn... 23.52.42 # * bluebrother suggests practise :) 23.52.59 Quit alleyoopster (Remote closed the connection) 23.53.23 # preglow: Have you placed an order then? 23.53.31 # linuxstb: aye 23.54.17 Quit lee-qid ("aufwiederbyebientotsayonara") 23.54.59 Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 23.55.33 # * preglow does not look forward to the touch screen rework of the ui 23.55.40 # luckily, there are more people working on that 23.55.44 # preglow: The basics of it are coming along nicely 23.56.27 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ 23.56.28 # By my math the touchscreen can mimic up to 42 buttons/actions (but I think it should be limited to about 13 for maximum usability) 23.56.54 # At least, with the way it's partitioned up right now 23.57.37 # any wiki pages on what's been done? 23.58.06 # I don't know. Just seen it discussed in the forum so far. JdGordon's done a lot of the work 23.58.39 # Basically, touchscreen is divided into a 3x3 grid. Tapping in any cell, or holding in any cell, are actions. As well, moving the stylus from one to another counts as an action (similar to very simple gestures) 23.58.40 # grrrrrrrr