--- Log for 27.02.109 Server: grisham.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: @logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 22 days and 7 hours ago 00.02.14 Quit xSlack (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 00.03.55 Join maxscelerate [0] (n=noneofy@modemcable150.45-56-74.mc.videotron.ca) 00.04.04 Nick maxscelerate is now known as paulposition (n=noneofy@modemcable150.45-56-74.mc.videotron.ca) 00.06.10 Quit buk_ ("Quitte") 00.06.42 # given that there are scrollwheel targets, scratchpad(?) targets and maybe someday touchscreen targets, how come none ever figured out the h10's simple up-down scrollpad? Hardware problem? 00.07.11 # I don't think it is a case of figuring it out 00.07.16 # It is just used as buttons 00.07.32 Join xSlack [0] (n=brett@173-17-70-78.client.mchsi.com) 00.07.36 # * linuxstb spots barrywardell 00.07.48 Quit evilnick_7 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 00.08.46 # I do know that.. Was wondering why.. Two years ago, there was trouble reading the dac and it gave jumpy values so I reckon the problem might still be there.. 00.09.00 # BigBambi: afaik it is a matter of figuring it out 00.09.09 Quit bluebrother (Nick collision from services.) 00.09.14 Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) 00.09.24 # hmmm, I thought it was known, it is just it is a stupid control method 00.09.29 # maybe you should try to write some red pixel to the display, that magically helps on the fuze/e200 too 00.09.56 # As in I thought getting positions from it wasn't a problem 00.10.30 # paulposition: nothing changed in this regard, so expect it to be still the same issues 00.10.30 # how does one write a specific bootloader to a sansa? 00.10.34 # ah well 00.10.39 # rasher: can you add your findings to FS#9957? I could try as well, but you're the one who saw the problems first hand... 00.10.41 # Nobody works on it, so.. 00.11.05 # gevaerts: Will do 00.11.19 Join perrikwp [0] (i=18ac0c41@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-5de8d8a33a3ec27e) 00.11.21 # The playlist size didn't seem to matter after all 00.11.25 Quit xSlack (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 00.15.57 Join pixelma_ [50] (n=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 00.15.57 Quit pixelma (Nick collision from services.) 00.15.59 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 00.16.00 Join amiconn_ [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 00.16.09 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (n=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 00.16.18 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 00.16.28 Quit bluebrother ("leaving") 00.16.40 # do I use the sansa firmware updater? 00.16.43 Join midgey_ [0] (n=tjross@c-71-205-31-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 00.18.20 # Is there some button to press or whatnot to plug usb in *without* getting into disk mode (ie, keep the player running on usb charge)? 00.18.29 # hold select, I think 00.18.36 # I'll try 00.19.16 # bingo. ty 00.21.51 # n17ikh: To upgrade the Rockbox bootloader, do "sansapatcher -a filename.mi4" 00.22.00 # oh, ok 00.22.05 Quit thegeek (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.22.16 Join thegeek [0] (n=nnscript@s243b.studby.ntnu.no) 00.22.18 # writing the file pp5022.mi4 to the / directory and then booting into the OF works too, right? 00.22.27 # No 00.22.40 # Well, it it will, but you will overwrite the OF. 00.22.40 # seems to have worked for me... 00.22.52 # Oh. did I break it? >_> 00.22.54 # s/it it will/it will work/ 00.23.05 # Yes ;) 00.23.09 # hehe 00.23.16 # how do I fix it? just run sansapatcher on it? 00.23.16 # Although now you have Rockbox USB mode to rescue you 00.23.56 # actually, yeah, I don't care that much 00.24.23 # I think you will need to use recovery mode to restore the OF, then run sansapatcher -a 00.24.32 # ok 00.24.34 # Or just forget about the OF 00.24.48 # yeah, I might do that 00.25.34 # so how did that work? I overwrote the OF *and* the bootloader with just the new bootloader? 00.25.49 # only the OF 00.26.01 # because it boots into rockbox on usb plug now, like it should 00.26.02 # the OF bootloader is still present 00.26.06 # so the old bootloader is gone 00.26.13 # the old rockbox bootloader, that is 00.27.12 # hm. I guess the OF bootloader loads the old rockbox bootloader, which in turn tries to load the OF (which you replaced by the new rockbox bootloader) 00.27.14 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 00.27.26 # heh 00.27.30 # that's... convoluted 00.27.40 # easy fix: replace the OF bootloader too ;) 00.28.04 Quit paulposition () 00.28.24 # I think I'll get it in recovery mode and fix it 00.28.47 # well, do what you want 00.29.01 # I know a way to reduce the boottime down to <2 seconds 00.29.08 # ~2s rather 00.29.55 # how is that? 00.30.09 # sansapatcher -bl 00.30.35 # but be careful, it can mess all up, so that you'd sansapatcher, if you pass the wrong file 00.30.50 # what do I replace the bootloader with? 00.31.14 Quit flydutch ("/* empty */") 00.31.26 # rockbox bootloader 00.32.00 # oh, ok 00.32.16 Quit mcuelenaere () 00.32.20 # but not the PP5024.mi4 file! 00.32.53 Quit midgey (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 00.32.54 Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("foot") 00.33.04 # so pp5022.mi4 is the rockbox bootloader... but it isn't? 00.33.39 # it's the Rockbox bootloader, yes 00.33.58 # but it has some extra stuff with it which would break it 00.34.01 Join gregzx_ [0] (n=chatzill@dsw199.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) 00.34.06 Quit gregzx_ (Client Quit) 00.34.41 Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 00.34.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.35.07 # for sansapatcher -bl you need the plain bootloader (bootloader.bin) 00.36.41 Join cool_walking_ [0] (i=cb3b81c3@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-820c58b28e3d4337) 00.36.48 # ok, I see 00.37.53 Quit gregzx (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 00.37.56 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00.37.57 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 00.38.11 # where can I find bootloader.bin? 00.38.59 # It's not distributed, you need to compile it yourself 00.39.07 # ah. 00.40.05 # so that means setting up a cross-compile environment. 00.40.17 # yes 00.40.20 Quit maddler ("Lost terminal") 00.40.23 # well, forget it 00.43.39 Quit barrywardell () 00.44.12 Join cbecht [0] (n=cbecht@adsl-19-102-157.asm.bellsouth.net) 00.45.00 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 00.45.15 # * linuxstb wonders why whoever added the -bl option used the .bin version, not .mi4 like everything else 00.45.26 # ugh 00.45.38 # now sansapatcher won't run anymore because I don't have the sansa OF 00.45.45 # it thinks it's the old-style rockbox install 00.45.54 # Well, it is. 00.46.06 # needs more force option 00.46.22 # What are you trying to do? 00.46.31 # write a new rockbox bootloader 00.46.57 # I thought you just installed the new bootloader? 00.47.02 # yeah, over the OF 00.47.14 # I want it installed where the bootloader should be 00.47.25 # because I planned on replacing the OF 00.47.25 # I have a sansa e260v2. I checked out rockbox from svn and built firmware for it. But I don't know how to dot he actual install. I can't find install instructions for the v2 since it isn't officially supported yet. Any tips? 00.47.33 # n17ikh: So you have the bootloader.bin file now? 00.47.41 # no, that's not what I'm trying to do. 00.48.06 # Then I don't understand. The OF doesn't exist any more - hence the error from sansapatcher. 00.48.08 # I'm replacing an old rockbox bootloader with a new rockbox bootloader, I'm leaving the OF bootloader alone. 00.48.29 # Unless you've restored it. 00.48.40 # well, I tried 00.48.51 # sansapatcher said "the OF doesn't exist!" and refuses to do it. 00.49.06 # using the -of option 00.49.14 # Help me catch up. You firstly installed the new bootloader by copying the .mi4 file to drive and updating in the OF? 00.49.26 # yes. 00.49.30 # Then what did you do? 00.49.33 # nothing. 00.49.44 # sansapatcher gives me this: 00.49.47 # [INFO] Scanning disk devices... 00.49.47 # [ERR] No E200s or C200s found, aborting 00.49.47 # [ERR] Please connect your sansa and ensure it is in UMS mode 00.50.18 # n17ikh: I already said that that method of installing the bootloader overwrites the OF. That's why sansapatcher is telling you it doesn't exist. 00.50.18 # The device is connected and in UMS mode. I've tried with it mounted to /sansa and unmounted. 00.50.27 # yeah, I know 00.50.29 # cbecht: Are you root/Administrator? 00.50.38 # linuxstb: Yep. 00.50.45 # I realize that the OF no longer exists. I've downloaded it again and am trying to replace it. 00.51.00 # You need to use recovery mode for that. 00.51.12 # Does it require libusb or soemthing? 00.51.12 # sansapatcher -of doesn't work? 00.51.26 # No 00.52.29 Join xSlack [0] (n=brett@173-17-70-78.client.mchsi.com) 00.53.04 # n17ikh: you can also drop the PP5024.mi4 into recovery mode 00.53.18 # I mean the rb bootloader 00.54.21 # wow, the OF takes a long time to boot 00.54.26 # using the OF bootloader 00.54.35 # I'm using the sansapatcher linked from the e200v1 install instructions. Is there a later one that would understand the v2 hardware? Or should I be building that from svn? 00.54.35 Quit shotofadds ("Leaving") 00.56.10 Quit ender` (" Where there's a will, there's an inheritance tax.") 00.57.51 # cbecht: sansapatcher doesn't work (and will never work) on the v2s. 00.59.18 # linuxstb: Ok. Well, my problem is that I am building svn firmware for my v2 and I can't find install instructions. So I was using the instructions from the v1 hoping they were sufficiently similar. Is there a better source of instructions? Or could you tell me how to get the rockbox bootloader installed? (I already have the .rockbox directory on the player) 01.01.15 # You need to use the mkamsboot tool in utils/mkamsboot/ - this combines the Rockbox bootloader (bootloader-xxxx.sansa) with an original firmware file to create a new firmware that you install on the device. 01.05.59 # Ah Ha! 01.06.08 # That was the missing bit of information I needed. Thanks 01.07.04 Quit Lss (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.07.15 Join Lss [0] (n=Lss@cm127.delta141.maxonline.com.sg) 01.21.23 # amiconn: and shift back to center when scrolling stops? the only problem i see there is if the number of slides that can be rendered on screen exceeds the number that can be cached, since it could turn into "the center slide and two to the right" while scrolling, and then shift to the center and the two adjacent to it when scrolling stops... and the cache will basically *always* be too small on most color targets that i've looked at, if 01.21.24 # it's restricted to the plugin buffer. 01.21.36 Quit T0paz ("Leaving") 01.22.50 Join webguestington [0] (n=424c70e3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-81b40fadf186e71d) 01.23.00 # Hello there. 01.23.52 # Question: What might be causing my ipod to appear in ubuntu as a read-only file system? 01.24.05 # Filesystem corruption. 01.24.10 Quit Llorean (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.24.26 # what should i do? ? ? ? 01.24.37 # Run fsck.vfat 01.24.47 # in terminal right? 01.25.16 # Yes. Google can probably help you with the details (I don't know them off-hand) 01.25.27 # okay. thanks man. 01.25.42 # You want to run it on the second partition - i.e. /dev/sdX2 01.30.22 # so the format of the command would be like.. 01.30.44 # fsck.vfat -/dev/sdX2 ? 01.32.46 # webguestington: run 'mount | grep -i ipod' to fid out which device it is 01.33.05 # (I *think* that shoudl get it) 01.33.30 # thanks dude! that helped 01.34.05 # damn permission denied. should i just do sudo? 01.34.11 # yes 01.34.28 Join perrikwp [0] (i=18ac0c41@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-3af8d9d707ea2626) 01.34.30 # schweet. progress. 01.35.12 # okay it says this: FATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT? 01.35.19 # 1) Use first FAT 01.35.24 # 2) Use second FAT 01.35.43 Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) 01.35.45 # Toss a coin and pray... 01.35.47 # webguestington: this is not really rockbox related, ask google 01.35.55 # hahah.. okay thanks guys. 01.36.10 Quit Zagor ("Clint excited") 01.38.03 Quit n1s ("Lämnar") 01.39.11 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 01.43.04 Quit cool_walking_ ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 01.44.11 # so uh.. i'm pretty excited about watchmen, are you guys excited too? 01.44.47 # webguestington, this is an on-topic channel. please read the guidelines linked in the /topic 01.44.59 # yes sir. 01.45.02 Quit webguestington ("CGI:IRC") 01.47.59 Join fdinel [0] (n=Miranda@modemcable204.232-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) 01.50.19 Quit MTee (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.54.34 Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-243-32-116.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) 02.01.13 Join robin0800_ [0] (n=quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 02.04.53 Quit robin0800 ("http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.") 02.05.58 Quit dfkt (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 02.06.29 Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 02.07.33 Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) 02.07.59 Quit robin0800_ ("http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.") 02.08.02 Part toffe82 02.08.33 Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 02.12.50 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 02.15.41 Quit moos ("ciao ciao") 02.19.58 Join jordoex [0] (n=quassel@d154-20-47-118.bchsia.telus.net) 02.22.41 Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) 02.27.07 Join evilnick [0] (i=620ec27e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ed78420729cec533) 02.33.09 # FlynDice: ping 02.34.57 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.36.58 Quit rakslice_work_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 02.49.27 # did someone change the default value for charge on usb connect? 02.49.47 # JdGordon: Huh? 02.50.14 # Dreamlayers reported charging isn't actually set up properly for iPod USB charging, I think. 02.51.13 # im talking about h300 though... was the default always to not chage on usb connect? 02.51.30 # Yeah, don't know why. 02.51.41 # Is the Gigabeat S expected to charge over USB? 02.52.33 # ok wierd.. i thought it was always enabled... that explains wy it didnt chagre last night 02.52.36 # Llorean: I think it should in Rockbox itself, but not the bootloader. 02.52.55 # its only a PP thing that it could be problematic right? 02.53.54 # linuxstb: It didn't *seem* to be charging in my car, but I'm not sure. It showed an icon next to the battery in the status bar, but the WPS didn't show charging, and when I reached my destination I don't think the battery level was any higher (but the Beast seems to have unreliable enough readings I'm not certain) 02.54.22 # Llorean: I'm just going by what (IIRC) jhMikeS has said. 02.54.59 # Okay 02.54.59 # Llorean: check the seting... thats what my h300 was doing last night and i couldnt figure out why it was still flat this morning 02.55.08 # JdGordon: I think the h300 is the only one *with* a setting 02.55.28 # Looking at the source, jhMikeS may have enabled it for other targets. 02.55.30 Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 02.55.39 # Where's it located? 02.56.04 # ah yes, you're right.. so why is it disabledby default? 02.56.24 # JdGordon: I think it has something to do with how the OF works? 02.56.26 # Ah no, it seems only the H300 has HAVE_USB_CHARGING_ENABLE defined. 02.56.28 Quit midgey_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02.56.35 # There's a setting in the OF for it, so for some reason we have a setting too. 02.56.49 # thats a bit... odd 02.57.38 # I seem to recall some mention of it being a switch between 100 and 500, and if it's at 500 some PCs won't recognize it? 02.58.00 # I asked about it once out of curiosity, but it was a long time ago, and once again I could be confusing something else. 02.58.39 # It all comes from here - http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/4770 02.59.33 # It seems the H300 can draw too much power from an unpowered hub (to quote LinusN) 02.59.45 Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@c-71-205-31-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 03.00.45 Join spidermang [0] (n=424c70e3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-30bf39597b3604f3) 03.00.50 # ok 03.00.58 # hey uhh my ipod doesn't appear to be charging through usb 03.01.57 # how come you think? 03.04.48 # JdGordon: Have you gave any more thought to FS#9922 (statusbar not drawing in plugin menus) by any chance? i've checked into it a bit more and I don't see a much better way to fix the problem. It seems to be either force drawing it, or setting it changed (they both work). 03.05.24 # i havnt looked into it yet, coding on thi laptop isnt much fun... 03.05.42 # spidermang: I think that's a known issue. Which ipod? 03.06.00 # okay, no worries 03.08.12 # kadoban: is it every plugin (which uses one of the 2 standard menus?) 03.09.05 # JdGordon: i believe so. It was every one where it was easy to get the menu to show up and disappear at least...let me look. 03.09.33 # 4g greyscale 03.10.00 # 40 gigs. 03.10.30 # hmm.. start seems to be fubar 03.11.43 # * JdGordon slaps head... checking or this while charign is not a good idea 03.12.52 # JdGordon: yeah, it's all of them it appears 03.13.30 # star has a different graffical bug, but i think that's separate (it draws the statusbar over the menu title for some reason) 03.13.47 # graphical* ...wow 03.18.12 Quit spidermang ("CGI:IRC") 03.19.53 Quit evilnick ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 03.26.08 Join bs66_ [0] (n=sysuser@ 03.27.48 Quit robin0800 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.32.18 # kugel: Saw the patch I'll try it later tonight 03.32.44 Join midijunkie [0] (n=Miranda@pD9546910.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 03.34.18 # bah, someone broke building the sim on os x again 03.46.04 Quit bs66_1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03.53.06 Join CaptainKewl [0] (i=jds@207-237-172-77.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 03.54.19 Join Platypus-Man [0] (n=rofl@ti112210a080-0112.bb.online.no) 03.55.36 # hello people, is the Sony NWZS738FB supported, or are there any future plans to support it? 03.56.52 Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-09017f179a571621) 03.56.52 # no and there is no plans too 03.57.00 # okay 03.57.07 # thanks for clearing it up 03.57.10 Part Platypus-Man 03.57.11 # i guess you could check the wiki to see if anyone has ever expressed any interest in the device 03.57.48 # saratoga: hi 03.58.05 # any updates on the compiler/mp3? 03.58.29 # kugel: i'll probably take a look at it this weekend 03.58.34 # right now i'm really busy with research 03.59.11 # did you ever benchmark on newer gcc versions? 04.00.23 Join cool_walking_ [0] (i=cb3b81c3@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-8d9e82540115c982) 04.03.30 # saratoga: no, but given that my experiences were similar I wouldn't expect btter performace than 4.4.0 04.04.14 # I kept the compilers though (the binaries), so I should be able to compile new builds 04.04.15 Quit rocko ("Leaving") 04.06.23 # kugel: someone reported some codecs being faster in 4.2 ages ago 04.06.39 # so maybe theres some chance 04.07.01 # but i guess it would be most interesting to look at coldfire and the gigabeast since gcc has more improvements for those processors 04.09.43 # I have the m68k compiler built too 04.10.04 # i need to get one of those players to test with 04.14.41 Join blkhawk- [0] (n=blkhawk@g228080088.adsl.alicedsl.de) 04.15.23 Quit Llorean (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.15.41 Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-243-32-116.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) 04.15.48 Part Llorean 04.29.56 Quit kugel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.30.40 Quit blkhawk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.31.39 Nick blkhawk- is now known as blkhawk (n=blkhawk@g228080088.adsl.alicedsl.de) 04.32.40 Quit midijunkie (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.35.00 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.47.45 # building the sim on os x has been broken for over a month :\ 04.48.02 # r19775 was the last one working 04.52.46 # Unhelpful: ping 04.53.33 # yes? 04.54.35 Join low_light [0] (i=ad58bb86@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-52db656cced3a61b) 04.54.45 # the loader initialized plugin api changes seem to disagree with mac 04.55.48 # midgey: any idea why? 04.56.21 # i'm trying to check it out right now, but it's a bit of a huge commit 04.56.27 # i sadly don't have a mac to test on, but my primary dev platform is linux, and sims work just fine, so it's some bsd-ish or osx-ish distinction... 04.56.30 # let my pastebin the error 04.56.48 # osx seems to break things all the time... 04.58.10 Join webguestington [0] (n=424c70e3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-466b4db1087aa562) 04.58.26 # hey you guys.. my ipod's not charging on usb 04.59.05 # Unhelpful: http://www.pastebin.ca/1348469 05.00.02 # it just started doing this.. and before that, i wasn't able to do the trick where you hold Menu and charge it without mounting it. 05.00.23 # ya know? 05.00.57 # midgey, does that mean there's no answer? 05.01.23 # webguestington: i don't have your answer, and maybe he doesn't, either. be patient. 05.01.36 # you haven't really given people much time to respond 05.02.00 # what type of iPod are you using? 05.02.04 # oh okay i gets it. i'm sorry guys. 05.02.11 # 4th gen greyscale 05.02.41 # and which version of rockbox (svn revision)? 05.03.04 # latest release. 05.03.30 # a revision number is preferred. latest release is ambiguous 05.03.57 # some people mean 3.1, some mean a version they think is latest but is slightly out of date, etc 05.04.00 # midgey: what compiler are you using? 05.04.25 # gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5490) 05.04.27 # JdGordon: is there an easy way to not display the statusbar on a remote, but still have it on the main screen? I kind of have the m:robe 100 remote working, but because of it's LCD size (79x16) the status bar doesn't fit. 05.06.10 # Unhelpful: removing the attribute for the plugin_api in plugin.h seemed to help 05.06.14 # midgey: it *looks* like whatever gcc puts in the assembly to indicate that the variable has an assigned section doesn't agree with your assembler 05.07.18 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) 05.07.32 # i'm fairly certain it's 3.1. 05.08.20 # my ipod is dead, i was going to check rockbox info on there.. not sure how else i'd confirm. 05.11.49 # it's slightly aggravating because it just now started doing this.. 05.12.22 # the attribute is not strictly needed, i *think* for sim? it solves an init problem on target when iram is used. 05.13.28 # i think ATTR_ICODE etc are blank for sims 05.14.44 # webguestington: my 4G seems to be charging fine through usb, but I'm on a more recent verision 05.15.37 # midgey: by "seems to help", do you mean that it works if you remove the attribute? 05.15.57 # r19777 was able to build successfully 05.16.07 # i'm checking with latest svn 05.16.48 # should i get the latest daily build and try that? 05.17.17 # it would probably be useful 05.17.30 # you said you've never gotten it to charge through usb? 05.20.30 # nah it worked fine up until very recently, suddenly stopped working. 05.21.13 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 05.21.31 # and you hold menu (quickscreen should load) and insert the cable, then release menu? 05.21.43 Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-43540968.dyn.optonline.net) 05.21.47 # and no charger icon appears in the status bar? 05.22.20 # man.. i may have just been doin it wrong then. 05.22.28 # now it's just dead though lol 05.22.32 # midgey: you need to make sure that such a change is #ifdef'd for sim. it *will* break things on targets. 05.23.00 # right, osx builds for targets without complaint so i wasn't going to touch that 05.23.41 # is the attribute technically correct for the sim? i can probably come up with some ifdef magic to only change for osx 05.29.17 Quit ChanServ (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.17 NSplit grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 05.29.17 Quit cool_walking_ (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.17 Quit tmzt (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.17 Quit bluefoxx (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.17 Quit z35 (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.17 Quit GodEater_ (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.17 Quit tarbo (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.17 Quit advcomp2019 (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.17 Quit lightbulbjim (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.17 Quit keby (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.17 Quit soap (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.17 Quit yosafbridge (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit sarixe (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit FOAD (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit gromit`` (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit Nico_P (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit blithe (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit Galois (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit tchan (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit n17ikh (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit Neovanglist (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit jhulst (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit gibbon_ (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.18 Quit scorche|sh (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 05.29.22 # at which point should i release menu? is it too late by the time i see the usb cable graphic? 05.29.41 NHeal grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 05.29.41 NJoin sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-43540968.dyn.optonline.net) 05.29.41 NJoin FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 05.29.41 NJoin gromit`` [0] (n=gromit@ALagny-154-1-27-243.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr) 05.29.41 NJoin Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 05.29.41 NJoin blithe [0] (n=blithe@blakesmith.me) 05.29.41 NJoin tchan [0] (n=tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan) 05.29.41 NJoin n17ikh [0] (n=n17ikh@ 05.29.41 NJoin Neovanglist [0] (i=Neovangl@ 05.29.41 NJoin gibbon_ [0] (n=joel@ 05.29.41 NJoin Galois [0] (i=djao@efnet-math.org) 05.29.41 NJoin scorche|sh [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 05.29.41 NJoin jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) 05.30.16 Quit Zoxc () 05.30.45 NJoin ChanServ [0] (ChanServ@services.) 05.30.45 NJoin cool_walking_ [0] (i=cb3b81c3@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-8d9e82540115c982) 05.30.45 NJoin tmzt [0] (n=tmzt@adsl-69-221-153-81.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net) 05.30.45 NJoin bluefoxx [0] (i=BlueFoxx@S0106005004792985.vs.shawcable.net) 05.30.45 NJoin z35 [0] (n=z35@h69.149.18.98.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) 05.30.45 NJoin GodEater_ [0] (i=c2cbc962@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 05.30.45 NJoin tarbo [0] (n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) 05.30.45 NJoin advcomp2019 [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 05.30.45 NJoin lightbulbjim [0] (n=jim@ 05.30.45 NJoin keby [0] (n=keby@cpe-24-243-7-225.satx.res.rr.com) 05.30.45 NJoin soap [50] (n=soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 05.30.45 NJoin yosafbridge [0] (n=yosafbri@ludios.net) 05.30.45 Mode "#rockbox +o ChanServ " by irc.freenode.net 05.30.59 Quit tarbo (SendQ exceeded) 05.31.29 # midgey: it's only telling the compiler and linker that the variable should be placed in a particular section of the object file. it *should* be valid on sim on osx. :/ 05.31.43 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 05.32.13 # the build environ tends to do crazy things on osx 05.32.37 # there are other hacks in rockbox to get it to build 05.32.48 Join tarbo [0] (n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) 05.32.52 Quit Horscht ("Verlassend") 05.34.52 # for example, look around in the bitmaps folders and you'll see plenty of osx.dummy.bmp files 05.44.06 Quit webguestington ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 05.45.36 Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) 05.48.35 Quit Aurix_Lexico (Remote closed the connection) 05.49.22 Quit Kopfgeldjaeger (Remote closed the connection) 05.51.15 # JdGordon: around? 05.52.01 # Unhelpful: thoughts on this patch? -> http://www.pastebin.ca/1348500 05.52.32 # with those changes, it's possible to build the sim on mac again 05.53.24 Quit _lifeless (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05.53.45 # that seems generally sensible, but i'm not sure i follow how it makes sure that definition doesn't happen on sim, on osx? 05.54.00 # i'm assuming that's "outside" the patched portion? 05.54.48 # the changes to config.h set DATA_ATTR to blank just like the other _ATTR macros 05.55.31 # i was about to say it should be defined in plugin on all targets, but i don't *think* it matters on sh1 05.56.11 # i'd like an opinion from somebody who knows better about our hardware, and about iram init, but i'm *pretty* sure this is ok :) 05.56.37 # i figured it made sense to keep all the ATTR defines in one place so i went with config 05.57.53 # if anyone's opposed to me committing those changes, speak up over the next few hours 05.58.32 # an alternative would be to use #ifdef __APPLE__ but I didn't want to add even more ifdefs 05.59.24 Quit low_light ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 06.02.05 Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 06.07.16 # midgey: yeah, hey 06.07.17 # bah, ld on mac doesn't understand --version 06.07.19 Quit fdinel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 06.07.23 # * midgey smacks apple 06.08.08 # midgey: are you having the same problem with the osx asim as lostlogic? he rekons its gcc bugs 06.08.27 # err, what problem was he having? 06.09.15 # i cant rember 06.09.49 # rockboxdev.sh is evil on mac 06.10.05 # sh can't be build without modifying it to use make -r 06.11.49 # there's some status bar redraw problems in the debug menu 06.12.10 # probably not critical to fix or anything, but might lead to hints on other problems 06.13.40 # i was messing around in the "View Battery" screen and upon exit the status bar is redrawn pretty late 06.13.51 Join nowbehave [0] (n=4a4b4933@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bdc9dae47e074ddf) 06.14.00 # it's more noticable if you go to the power status screen 06.14.41 # the status bar is replaced with "Power status:" :P 06.15.25 # yep, i see it... 06.15.40 # stays like that until stepping back into the system menu or until the lcd goes to sleep and wakes back up 06.16.13 # anybody handy who knows tagcache much? i'm looking at the function in pictureflow that builds the cache of album names, and trying to get rid of that cache, since it's a bunch of string data, could save some space, etc. create_album_index is storing the string, the "index" of the album (not provided by tagcache, but by counting the number of albums retrieved so far), and the result_seek member of the tagcache_search structure 06.16.41 # i know that tagcache knows nothing of the index, and that can't be used to fetch the album name... can the seek value be used? 06.17.55 # Unhelpful: Slasheri is the db person.. dont think anyon other than him knows its internals... 06.18.07 # you could be the first! 06.19.12 Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06.19.12 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 06.19.50 # midgey: careful, there, i ended up rewriting pretty hefty chunks of pictureflow 06.19.59 # this question is concerning a "usa spec" pa15-toy, its a interface for the toyota, connects to the radio and makes the ipod seem as if its an external cd changer, the person who posted the question on March 16, 2007 asked if rockbox would work with the usa spec device, the answer was "Nope, the Apple Accessory Protocol is not supported, thus you can not control a Rockboxed iPod from your head unit. If you head 06.20.18 # tagcache could probably use some love ;) 06.20.28 # then go after playback.c 06.21.07 # nowbehave: you gt cut off... but assuming your question is will it work, it might now... 06.21.22 # midgey: haha you sadistic bastard :D 06.22.36 # jdgordon, so would a smart way of going about it would be to just buy the usa spec device, install it, and see if it works? 06.23.57 # well.. thats the only way to test it... nwe wont guarentee it will work though (unless somone has already reoprted it working) 06.24.18 # oh.. it actuall might not 06.24.41 # it all depends on which parts of the protocol it needs 06.24.42 # it deends if it takes control of the ipod or just lets you skip/seek ike a remote 06.26.07 Quit BHSPitMonkey (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 06.26.07 NSplit grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 06.26.07 Quit cbecht (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 06.26.07 Quit killan (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 06.26.07 Quit scorche (grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 06.26.15 # i think the interface just lets you skip around like a remote 06.26.19 NHeal grisham.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 06.26.19 NJoin BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 06.26.19 NJoin cbecht [0] (n=cbecht@adsl-19-102-157.asm.bellsouth.net) 06.26.19 NJoin killan [0] (n=nnscript@c-02fc70d5.06-397-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 06.26.19 NJoin scorche [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 06.26.31 # there is text too, but i dont need that, just need power and sound 06.28.32 Join rocko [0] (n=rocko@c-67-167-117-152.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 06.28.36 # how much is it? 06.28.55 Join perrikwp [0] (i=18ac0c41@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6b7e31faf67af159) 06.34.56 # its 139, i am reading a forum now, it talks about this kinda http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8624 it says teh status is closed and it is assigned to no one, thats a not a good thing right? 06.35.03 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.35.10 # jdgordon : $139 06.37.06 # nowbehave: look at the reason for closing ("Accepted"). that means that it was accepted to svn and is now in rockbox 06.38.43 # aha! 06.38.47 # it would appear that i can use the value saved for the purpose of finding the albums tracks to fetch its title from the tagcache, as well. i'm not sure if the performance will be reasonable... i'll get my local stuff in order and give it a try :) 06.41.07 # thanks jdgordon, kadoban, and unhelpful, 06.42.58 # now why would ld -v print to stderr instead of stdout... 06.43.53 Quit nowbehave ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 06.48.53 # the result field of a tagcache_search structure is char *, rather than an array in the structure - i assume i need to strcpy if i want to keep the contents, as it's allocated from a buffer somewhere in core? 06.57.38 Quit rocko ("Leaving") 07.03.11 # * midgey adds another osx hack 07.15.52 # we appear to be working without an album names cache, just a reserved string the size of the longest album name, and an array of albums and their seek values :D 07.16.34 Join fml [0] (n=4fd3ca24@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-14993566b3a76e21) 07.18.22 # How about this for the "natural sorting" setting: Setting "Sorting of file names with (or: containing) numbers" with the options "Smart: 1_One, 2_Two, 10_Ten" and "As Text (or: Plain, or:Dumb): 1_One, 10_Ten, 2_Two"? 07.19.40 Quit fml (Client Quit) 07.20.22 # that looks overly verbose to the point of being confusing 07.22.10 # * Unhelpful still prefers "numeric" sort, as there is absolutely nothing else especially "natural" about the implemented method :/ 07.22.51 # it's natural in the sense of the natural numbers, i'm pretty sure. it's known as that in USA somewhat commonly 07.23.22 # but yeah, i thought that the example list things primary purpose was to avoid having to call it anything in particular... 07.23.47 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) 07.27.02 Quit CaptainKewl (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07.27.23 # I'm working on adding Playback Control to all plugins possible, and i'm down to the ones that just don't have a menu at all. Here's what I'm thinking: instead of just quitting for many of them, instead go to a menu with Playback Control and Quit. Does that seem horrible? 07.28.38 # have you got a lit of the plugins wich dont use a stanard menu? 07.29.38 # the ones that use a non-standard menu, or the ones that don't have any menu at all? (either way, it's in FS#9953). the only ones included are the ones i'm considering or have already added playback control to though 07.30.00 # the second bunch are "doesn't have a menu", and the third bunch are "has a non-standard menu" 07.30.43 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 07.31.59 # kadoban: pictureflow isn't on your list? 07.32.24 # Unhelpful: oh, i don't know if i even considered pictureflow...let me look at it 07.33.08 # you don't list it under any of your categories. it lacks playback control, and i'm in the process of making it actually work during playback (it doesn't work, now, if buffer is full) 07.33.45 Join einhirn [0] (n=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) 07.33.53 # yeah, i left some out for various reasons. i think pictureflow was purely laziness...i don't use album art, so it wouldn't run and i didn't get around to trying it 07.34.31 # if it works during playback though, i'd definitely work something up for it 07.35.02 Quit xSlack (Remote closed the connection) 07.35.04 # (once i does i mean) 07.35.09 # it* 07.35.54 Join xSlack [0] (n=brett@173-17-70-78.client.mchsi.com) 07.38.35 Join perrikwp [0] (i=18ac0c41@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-94796a026d015a0e) 07.39.03 # anyway, for the menu-instead-of-quiiting-directly thing, it can be made fairly unobtrusive by the standard move-out-of-menu buttons being mapped to quit unless Playback Control has been used since the menu opened. if anyone thinks that the idea is particularly stupid, let me know in the next hour or so...otherwise i'll code up a patch. 07.40.15 # maybe just have a menu with "playback control" and "quit" in it, for plugins that lack any menu right now? 07.40.50 # yeah, that's the idea. the other ones i've either just added a new menu item or converted them to standard menus and added an item 07.41.46 Join zimba42 [0] (n=wolfgang@static-87-245-31-211.teleos-web.de) 07.44.30 Part zimba42 07.47.50 Join Bagderr [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) 07.50.07 Nick Bagderr is now known as B4gder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) 07.57.44 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 07.57.59 Join perrikwp [0] (n=18ac0c41@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-25230d61f81f3aaf) 07.58.57 Quit BHSPitMonkey ("Ex-Chat") 08.08.19 # any thoughts on the DATA_ATTR patch I posted earlier? 08.09.49 # Unhelpful: Really? I can't imagine that a target won't be able to cache at least 5 slides. 08.10.49 # But of course the cache center shifting while scrolling would be an optimisation, and trying to cache at least all visible slides would have priority 08.13.53 # Another important point (when the cache is large enough) is to make sure the disk won't be spinning up every time you scroll 08.18.56 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@adsl3-226.her.forthnet.gr) 08.22.30 Quit Seed ("cu, Andre") 08.30.16 Join Rob2223 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCD2FD.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.31.45 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) 08.31.51 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 08.33.02 Join nuonguy [0] (n=john@c-24-6-174-132.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 08.33.40 Quit sarixe ("Leaving") 08.35.07 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.35.19 Join MTee [0] (n=MTee@ 08.39.09 Join Zagor [242] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 08.39.17 # kadoban: midgey: well, i have a fix which should fix every bar problem hen its displayed with lists... but its very bandaid and not very nice in its current form.. but it works 08.40.16 # http://pastebin.com/m7ec9083a 08.41.13 # well if you don't come up with a better fix, it will probably be at least worth committing to the 3.2 branch just before release 08.43.59 Join gartral [0] (n=Gartral@adsl-75-33-69-103.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) 08.45.37 # amiconn: i think more than the plugin buffer is needed, if you want to scroll more than a few slides without going to disk. based on the average slide size, and reported buffer remaining after init on my beast, there is room for ~9 slides in the cache 08.45.57 # sure 08.46.08 # grr, well this fix works, but now the statusbar is displayed over the logo on boot... is that bad? 08.46.11 Quit cool_walking_ ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 08.46.12 # But 9 slides are already more than the visible ones 08.46.22 # JdGordon: yes 08.46.36 # thts what i thought... 08.48.27 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.49.07 # fixed :) 08.49.26 # would it be possible to have rockbox drop the USB connection on a long key press or something similar? like when you hold center to keep rockbox usable and not initialise USB, just charge? 08.49.40 # rtfm.... 08.49.44 # it does that already 08.50.28 # JdGordon: i mean after USB is initialised, not before 08.50.39 # in theory it is possible 08.50.48 # i believe it was suggested the other day 08.50.57 # yes, but only by very few, so that scrolling one or two slides goes to disk... unless there's extra buffer from core. also, you can get, although it looks a bit cramped, 9 slides on screen on ipodvideo 08.51.01 Quit nibbler (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 08.51.19 Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ 08.52.11 # Dropping the usb connection "by force" would be very unclean 08.52.25 # no worse than just unplugging the device 08.52.53 # What could (and probably should) be done is that rockbox exits the usb screen when you disconnect safely 08.53.16 # right now it doesn't ever attempt to cache more than the "number of slides" setting * 2 + 1 slides, although if the cache buffer is large enough, more slides may be left cached in the direction you've just scrolled from, since they're cached LRU 08.54.01 # the only reason i ever see that being useful is if rockbox gets confused and still thinks the USB is active when it really isn't. does that ever happen? (it doesn't to me) 08.54.22 # OH FFS!!! part of the bar problem not redrawing is because of the screens which block in their button loops... 08.54.39 # its an afterthough in response too http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=20752.0 08.57.27 # hmm... maybe not... 08.57.29 # * JdGordon confused 08.58.02 # * midgey commits some GSoC-related work 08.58.14 # very minimal, don't get too excited 08.59.42 Quit _lifeless (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 09.00.02 # JdGordon: isn't the problem fairly simple? it seems that there is simply no force drawing of the statusbar when lists open, so unless there is new information the statusbar doesn't actually get drawn. i guess there is code that's supposed to be doing the right thing somewhere that i didn't see/understand? 09.01.09 # kadoban: well, yes and no... its *supposed* to force a redraw when the bar gets toggled which should do it, but it looks like somebad ordering somewhere is stopping it 09.01.27 # oh okay, that makes sense 09.01.29 # so yes your fix wil work, but mine is doing the same thing, 1 level further "down" 09.01.59 # yeah, i couldn't figure out that bit...if it can be done further down that makes a lot of sense 09.09.00 Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ 09.11.27 # hmm... i noticed after using rockbox solely without the OF on e200, the battery drops 2-3 percent almost mediately, where as charging till the OF says full, the level stays at 100 percent for a while 09.12.10 # this is before i start playing anything, or use any buttons, btw 09.16.18 # amiconn: i wasn't sure, but i think midgey's patch here should be ok? http://www.pastebin.ca/1348500 09.17.03 # it seems that if iram isn't in use, the problem solved by moving the API pointer to the data section never arises anyway, right? 09.18.16 Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@208-15-25-145.netsync.net) 09.19.05 Quit offset (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.19.28 # oh bloody hell... im a moron.. i tihnk i see the problem 09.20.38 Join pj188899 [0] (n=chatzill@c-68-43-87-240.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 09.20.49 # yo i just have a quick ipod 5th gem question! 09.20.57 # Unhelpful: Atm this is correct, although it doesn't hurt to have it always there 09.21.26 # anyon here use rock box on a 5thgen ipod? 09.21.26 # It increases the plugin file size by 4 bytes. Memory usage doesn't change at all 09.21.41 # anyon here use rock box on a 5thgen ipod? 09.22.03 # plenty of people do, just ask your question 09.22.05 # pj188899: probably several people :) it's more efficient if you just ask your question and anyone who knows can respond 09.22.19 # well how do i add sort by artist? 09.22.39 # Unhelpful: see r20124 ;) 09.22.47 # what do you mean by add? 09.22.52 # isnt it already in? 09.23.08 # midgey: ah, i didn't know you'd already committed it. don't i look silly. :) 09.23.38 # kadoban: i said it would be an easy fix... and it is... :'( 09.23.45 # should have seen this weeks ago 09.24.13 # JdGordon: ahaha, thanks a lot for rooting it out. 09.24.25 # its not in mine 09.24.32 # its only alphabeticaly 09.24.59 Join n1s [0] (n=n1s@rockbox/developer/n1s) 09.25.10 # which version are you on? 09.25.14 # 3.1 09.25.22 # are you accessing it from file system or database? 09.25.27 # file 09.25.33 # how are your files ordered? 09.25.39 # like normaly? 09.25.43 # artist i think 09.25.49 # the folder structure? 09.25.56 # the file names? 09.26.07 # it just reorders them file banes 09.26.09 # names 09.26.13 # files in the File Browser are simply sorted by filename. if you want something more exotic, you need to use the database 09.26.19 # give an example of the filename 09.26.27 # like 09.26.38 # 09flyaway.mp3 09.26.46 # is at the top 09.26.47 # thats why there is no way to sort by artist 09.26.51 # like kadoban said 09.26.52 # in sted of in like N 09.27.08 # browsing by file is normal in this case 09.27.15 # oh ok 09.27.21 # its just hard as fuck with 600 songs 09.27.26 # in reversi it says "Gave over. have won" it should be "has won".... 09.27.34 # and you dont know who the artist is 09.27.35 # file view doesnt access any tags the file might have 09.27.43 # which include the artist name 09.27.52 # well how do i access the tags? 09.27.57 # dude i have around 4000 on mine 09.28.01 # use database instead 09.28.24 # ok 09.28.30 # im going to submit a patch to correct that typo, if anyone is intrested 09.28.47 # grammer nazi :P 09.28.52 # ;p; 09.28.54 # jusnt kidding 09.29.04 # midgey: did you miss a file in your commit? you seem to have removed code only? 09.29.08 # or just kill the have/has 09.29.15 # hold on why is it going over 600? 09.29.17 # and just leave it as won 09.29.18 Quit SirFunk_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.29.20 # 707 09.29.24 # only got 514 songs? 09.29.32 # maybe you have more than you think or something 09.29.40 # i cant i just reformated... 09.29.43 # lol 09.29.43 # that probably means some files are not tagged 09.29.50 # not tagged in my folder? 09.29.54 # i crtl a 09.29.55 # lol 09.29.57 # no tagged in the file 09.30.02 # in the folder i was adding 09.30.04 # i think it counts all files or something like that 09.30.07 # tags are part of the file itself 09.30.08 # maybe.. 09.30.09 # not the folder 09.30.16 # JdGordon: that's all there is to that commit. it was a small piece that shouldn't have any effect on svn 09.30.25 # ok so its done now what? 09.30.34 # i suggest going through all your songs 09.30.41 # midgey: ok just checking.... looks odd 09.30.45 # i'll try saving the genlang changes and lang structures changes until later 09.30.52 # pj188899: have you taken a look at the manual by any chance? rockbox's manual is quite good 09.31.01 # yes i have 09.31.06 # its too wordy for most ppl to be truthful 09.31.28 # this is like a major function for me 09.31.34 # i have a 30gb ipod 09.31.39 # and i can fill it in like 10 seconds 09.31.41 # BUT 09.31.44 # lol mine is 80gig 09.31.50 # i have almost 3 times yoru problems 09.31.52 # i dont want ot fi i can view files by artist.. 09.32.25 # it dont matter.. 09.32.30 # just asking why it was doing that 09.32.48 # if you only have mp3 and dont mind itunes you could sync your ipod under the official firmware 09.32.53 # so its properly tagged 09.32.58 # and then fire up database 09.33.16 # as a added bonus your songs would work both under rockbox and official firmware 09.33.17 # idk how 09.33.31 # i just added rock box 09.33.31 # just use the ipod the usual way with itunes 09.33.41 # nah im good i hat itunes.. 09.33.43 # hate 09.33.45 # after you are done you boot to rockbox and initialise the database 09.33.51 # or update it if its already there 09.34.00 # then its not a problem i gues 09.34.02 # guess 09.34.09 # idk how to boot something ona ipod.. 09.34.23 # JdGordon: thanks again, that fix seems to work great so far :) 09.34.25 # -.- its in the manual 09.34.31 # it explains it faster than i do 09.34.43 # did you READ the MANUAL FULLY? 09.35.13 # to be truthful probably around 40% 09.35.20 # ok then 09.35.31 # i skipped alot of stuff which is either intuitive or not relavent to me 09.35.59 # comming data base 1/9? 09.36.59 # oh i got it thanks 09.37.20 # this is better 09.37.24 # thanks alot 09.37.35 # i'd recomend looking at the quick start chapter and the "browsing and playing" one 09.38.14 # i am now 09.38.23 # but there is merit when ppl say that the controls in rockbox isnt standardised 09.38.23 Quit z35 ("Leaving") 09.38.39 # the method of reversing to the previous page doenst exactly stay consistant 09.38.53 # or exiting a game/application/demo 09.39.17 # Lss: it's pretty consistent in core, i'd say. plugins all handle keys themselves, so inconsistency there is not remoting surprising. 09.39.33 # ok what about the playlist menu 09.39.35 Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|zzz (n=jonno@c-98-203-252-78.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 09.40.32 # ok, patch at fs#9960 09.40.41 # yes, rockbox could be improved in this area, there are a few qurkiy button maps 09.40.51 # so how do i turn this off now? 09.41.01 # is there a restart ? 09.41.09 # the ipod itself i mean sorry 09.41.25 # hit and hold play 09.41.33 # pj188899: that is also in the manual... 09.41.45 # yeah your to late.. 09.41.48 # dont bother turning it off 09.41.55 # turning it on is a bitch 09.41.58 # pretty long wait 09.42.01 # i already new i thought it would be diffrent 09.42.04 # no really 09.42.05 # reversi also has a quirky long press read, it accepts the initial press then the long press afterward, im going to look into changing this 09.42.10 # not really its not that ong 09.44.13 # nvm now i see what you mean .. 09.44.17 # it only found nine? 09.44.41 # probably some of your files lack tags? 09.44.50 # probabl 09.44.54 # probably 09.45.43 # well i guess ill be tagging some songs.. 09.45.52 # good luck 09.45.55 # i started in 2006 09.46.01 # it never ended since 09.46.58 # i dont have that many songs.. 09.46.59 # lol 09.47.05 # why didny you just get an autoer? 09.47.08 # lets keep this ontopic please... 09.47.11 # i have just shy of 1000 tracks 09.47.31 # i realised that everyone has their own tagging style 09.47.36 # which messes up my own style 09.47.44 # so auto taggers are mostly bad 09.47.46 # * scorche coughs 09.47.54 # ok oops 09.47.55 # not if its custom lol 09.47.59 # lol 09.48.27 Quit pj188899 ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913]") 10.01.29 Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc1-hem18-0-0-cust660.lutn.cable.ntl.com) 10.08.24 # * pixelma wonders whether rockblox works correctly on Ipod Mini or 1st-3rd gen Ipods now 10.12.05 # http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=20774.0 <= spam or just off-topic? 10.12.18 # and wrong forum section anyhow 10.12.59 # i say spam...it is their first post and why do we care about converting to xen format? 10.13.03 # zen too 10.13.04 # just off topic, but someone surly did a lot of work to make it 10.13.55 # no...certainly spam...and if not, it has nothing to do with rockbox anyway 10.14.01 # well, the phrasing made it sound like a sales pitch more than a friendly advice 10.14.39 # "Designed and manufactured by Creative Technology, the new player of Creative family Creative Zen sounds fantastic and features a brilliant color screen capable of displaying photos and video" 10.14.57 # bla bla bla 10.15.10 # * scorche points to the trashbin 10.15.13 # that's spam...i kept expecting it to start trying to sell me viagra 10.15.25 # B4gder: Definitely spam... 10.15.38 # I moved it 10.17.45 # Could anyone take a glance at this and see if they have any big objections? http://www.majidejima.com/playback-or-quit.patch I mentioned it earlier but it's a way to add the Playback Control menu to plugins without menus. Instead of immediately exiting, it brings up a small menu with Playback Control and Quit. 10.18.22 # (just want to check before i add it to a whole bunch of plugins only to find out it's awful) 10.20.17 # i'm trying to figure out why reversi registers both the *press* of the center key, and *then* brings up the context menu... as far as i can tell, i should just be able to invert the placement of 2 lines, and have it work 10.21.51 # gartral: and does it work if you do so? 10.22.00 # i can't build... 10.22.40 # gartral: It probably just uses something like "BUTTON_NAME", but it should be "BUTTON_NAME | BUTTON_REL" - so it does the short-press action on release, not first press. Or maybe you can switch to using the action API.... 10.24.35 # right above the BUTTON_REPEAT one - assuming you are looking at the Sansa keymaps 10.25.26 # yes 10.25.49 # eventually i'll identify all the "offendin values" and change them 10.25.53 # linuxstb: I hope you don't mean PLA... 10.26.17 # gartral: as far as I can see there only is one 10.27.25 # yes, the sansa specific ones are combined, but i meant across the entire file 10.28.56 # it looks like the _PRE stuff is only set up for ondio 10.29.01 # i assume that that's the problem 10.29.08 # only the Ondio keymap use long press vs. short press of a button - and it already checks BUTTON_REL and BUTTON_REPEAT 10.29.35 # pixelma: No - that's why I just said "Action API" ;) 10.29.49 # kadoban: I think it's only needed for button combos but am not sure at the moment 10.30.17 # pixelma: sansa uses the long press as well, and the _PRE isn't set up...at least i think that's right 10.33.31 Quit nuonguy ("This computer has gone to sleep") 10.35.08 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.35.30 Quit petur ("stack overflow") 10.37.16 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 10.37.57 # well as linuxstb pointed out - the other use of the Select button should have a BUTTON_REL , could be all that's needed 10.39.38 Join Xerion_ [0] (i=xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) 10.39.48 # thats what im trying now... 10.42.23 # I wonder about the ALT_MAKE_MOVE for the Ondio pad - why it is there. My guess is that someone just copied the sudoku keymaps without thinking (or asking) 10.42.59 # http://gar.pastebin.com/mccc1d91 <-- ok, replaced by a dif 10.43.04 Join DarkSpectrum [0] (n=ZX@adsl-76-226-8-2.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) 10.45.10 Quit Kohlrabi (Remote closed the connection) 10.53.27 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 10.55.36 Quit Xerion (Connection timed out) 10.55.36 Nick Xerion_ is now known as Xerion (i=xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) 11.04.05 # should i submit a FS for this new patch? 11.08.34 Quit einhirn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.12.31 Quit SirFunk (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 11.14.19 Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@208-15-25-145.netsync.net) 11.18.12 # just something random but is it possible to flip the screen so i can use my ipod upsidedown? 11.20.02 # is there a pre-compiled download for the sansa clip i can experiment with? 11.22.44 # you could check the unsupported builds forum, or the port's new port thread, or wiki page, but generally unsupported targets are not really ready for the general public... 11.22.50 # FS#9961 is my new patch. and Lss yes, upside down mode is under settings>general settings>display>LCD settings>Upside down *IF* the hardware supports it 11.23.44 # hey, shouldn't that be called Display Settings for consistency? 11.23.45 Quit jordoex (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.23.46 # kadoban: maybe i am not the target user of playback controls in the plufins, never understood why we want them at all but I *do* value quick exit in simple plugins and would rather not see an extra menu added just to be able to skip to the next track 11.24.09 # ty been lookin for hours and couldnt find anything pre-compiled 11.24.51 # gartral: Settings->Display->Display Settings? 11.25.37 # btw _LCD_ settings are seperate from display settings, the lcd settings are for the lcd and display is more general app settings 11.25.50 # n1s: does it matter that it's pretty easy to exit from? (on e200 << and power both exit from that menu) 11.26.11 # dang its not there 11.26.23 # may i know which ipods actually support this? 11.26.37 # n1s: thats the path too the upside down mode in my e250 11.26.50 # kadoban: so if you press << in the menu it exits the plugin? 11.27.35 # n1s: yes. how i have it now is if you don't first go into the Playback Control manaully (select or >>), the normal "get me out of this menu" buttons will exit the plugin 11.28.02 # gartral: no, my point was that if you changed "LCD settings" to "Display settings" it would be a very weird menu structure 11.28.04 # if you go into that menu first, it assumes you just wanted to mess with playback and will resume after 11.28.20 # kadoban: that seems somwhat unintuitive to me, shouldn't that return you to the plugin? 11.29.06 # yes, that is not how menus work regularly in rockbox, they tend to return to where they were opened if you exit 11.29.16 # Unhelpful: i don't know, it's easy enough to do, but i wanted to make it unobtrusive to exit (another quick button press of the button you probably pressed to get there instead of selecting Quit from the menu) 11.29.52 Quit _lifeless (Remote closed the connection) 11.30.23 Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ 11.30.58 # wrong place kadoban, i was thinking settings>General settings>Display Settings>LCD Settings, instead of settings>General settings>Display Settings>LCD Settings 11.31.10 # wrong place kadoban, i was thinking settings>General settings>Display Settings>LCD Settings, instead of settings>General settings>Display>LCD Settings 11.31.19 # gartral: i have no idea what you're talking about 11.31.41 Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit@ALagny-154-1-77-201.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr) 11.32.24 # so yeah, i don't know. there's two competing preferences: easy/quick exit of the plugin, and consistency in menus. i don't really know which should win out 11.32.33 # wrong place n1s, i was thinking settings>General settings>Display Settings>LCD Settings, instead of settings>General settings>Display>LCD Settings, sorry kadoban 11.33.23 # gartral: I think you meant Lss - but according to the manual, e.g. the Ipod Video really doesn't have it (it's probably not known how to) 11.33.33 # we could of course stick with the current state of affairs, and just not have playback control in those games, but it makes it kind of suck to use them long term while listening to music 11.33.53 # gartral: ok, then i misunderstood but note how none of the entries under General Settings contain the word "Settings" 11.33.54 # well, Rockbox is about music ;) 11.35.56 # right, that's why i want to add playback control to as many plugins as it makes sense to :) 11.36.00 # * linuxstb thinks it would be nice if all games saved their state when exiting, and automatically resumed when started 11.37.15 # that would add a decent amount of complexity though 11.38.32 Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) 11.39.19 # * n1s agrees with linuxstb 11.39.26 Quit gromit`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.40.08 # so is the idea of having a menu instead of directly quitting just fundamentally bad? 11.41.47 # kadoban: i favor consistency, in this case, put the playback menu anywhere we can 11.42.20 # Unhelpful: alright, that was my feeling as well. i guess i'll just continue, it's easy to change the behavior of the menu itself at a later time anyway 11.43.22 # * gartral agrees with Unhelpful 11.43.56 # * n1s already stated his opinion 11.47.46 Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 11.47.57 Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) 11.48.10 Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 11.50.01 # jaunty alpha4 won't see my sansa c240 upgraded today with bootloader patch log sayes usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning 12.00.24 Join einhirn [0] (n=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) 12.04.22 Join moos [0] (i=Mustapha@rockbox/staff/moos) 12.08.29 Join pyro_maniac [0] (i=foobar@p57BB84B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 12.09.51 Join tyfoo [0] (n=tyfoo@77-20-31-238-dynip.superkabel.de) 12.11.28 Join gromit`` [0] (n=gromit@ALagny-154-1-5-85.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr) 12.15.33 # robin0800: do you have "start screen" set to "resume playback" ? 12.16.30 Join Kopfgeldjaeger [0] (n=nicolai@monitor-mode-enabled-on-mon0.phy0.de) 12.19.02 Quit DarkSpectrum () 12.20.45 Quit gromit` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.24.50 # how do i tell how big database is without/before committing it too ram? 12.28.33 # yes 12.29.11 # robin0800: theres a bug that prevents usb connect on startup with that setting so either disable it or start rockbox before connecting usb 12.29.41 # robin0800, you can change that to main menu.. look at FS#9957 if i remember right 12.30.19 # s/disable/change/ 12.32.46 Join dfkt [0] (i=dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 12.35.09 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.36.10 Quit Kopfgeldjaeger ("Serverwechsel") 12.36.45 Join Kopfgeldjaeger [0] (n=nicolai@monitor-mode-enabled-on-mon0.phy0.de) 12.38.52 Quit robin0800 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.45.11 Join daurnimator [0] (n=quae@unaffiliated/daurnimator) 12.49.05 Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 12.52.34 Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-243-32-116.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) 12.52.38 Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit@ALagny-154-1-72-129.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr) 12.58.50 # how do i tell how big database is without/before committing it too ram? 12.59.00 # big a 12.59.30 Quit gromit`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12.59.53 Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) 13.00.22 Quit domonoky (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.03.15 # hmm.. setting a songs rating/times played doesn't work with database ready (not in ram) and gather runtime data set to yes 13.08.21 Join gromit`` [0] (n=gromit@ALagny-154-1-5-217.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr) 13.10.19 # i belive i had this problem a while ago, but cant remember when 13.16.01 Quit gromit` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.21.26 Part LinusN 13.36.51 Join Hawson_ [0] (n=hawson@c-98-204-189-235.hsd1.md.comcast.net) 13.37.50 Join Alex00088 [0] (n=chatzill@ 13.38.55 # I just loaded a .cfg file, after not doing that for months. Is it just me, or has that been sped up A LOT? 13.40.37 # Bagder: The way it was explained to me, the host operating system is the problem. We're exporting it as a block device, and it expects to be the only user of the file system. So at best, I guess maybe Rockbox could be in read-only mode during that time, but I seem to recall there were other complications too. 13.42.43 # Alex00088: iPod 5G? 13.42.53 # Sansa c240 13.43.16 # I don't remember any recent changes to flash access on it, but I could be wrong. 13.43.27 # If it hasn't been sped up, what might I be doing different to get it to load faster? 13.44.28 # You might've been experiencing a bug before, or been doing it during periods of playback when the CPU and flash were busy? 13.45.27 # I don't know. Right now they load in a few seconds, but a few months ago, I think it could take ~1 minute 13.45.44 # That should never have been the case. Whatever caused it, something was wrong. 13.46.03 # I thought you were talking maybe dropping from 2-3 seconds to less than 1 second. 13.46.27 # hmm 13.46.36 # well I'm happy now. Thanks. 13.47.21 Join Casainho [0] (n=chatzill@bl8-152-122.dsl.telepac.pt) 13.48.19 # btw - it might have been closer to 30 seconds - I'm not sure. Have a good one! 13.48.25 Quit Alex00088 ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913]") 13.52.23 # hello :-) 13.53.22 # hmm.. setting a songs rating/times played doesn't work with database ready (not in ram) and gather runtime data set to yes... any thoughts? its my e250..\ 13.55.01 Quit Hawson (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.03.05 # is there anyway to tell hoe big the database is without/before committing the whole thing too RAM? 14.04.05 # If it's too big for your tastes, turn it off and reboot again. 14.09.25 # ram lists are in bytes, right? (im 80% sue they are, i'm just making 100% sure) 14.09.50 # I don't even know what you mean by "ram lists" 14.10.49 # where it shows how much ram its using versus how much is there too use 14.11.34 # all rockbox says is "RAM: 134028/167216" 14.12.03 # thats under Database Info in the debug menu 14.12.15 # That's how much it's using, out of how much is reserved for it. 14.12.23 # Should be in bytes, yes. 14.13.26 # :) thank you 14.14.23 # I seem to recall you have an e200, in which case you really shouldn't care about RAM usage. 14.14.42 Quit FlynDice ("Konversation terminated!") 14.17.34 Join Barahir [0] (n=jonathan@Zeb84.z.pppool.de) 14.18.19 # I would like help in understand the audio drivers. I would like to know if pcm_play_data_start() is called and DMA ends the transfer, how do Rockbox firmware knows that should transfer more data using DMA? 14.20.17 Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 14.21.17 Quit pyro_maniac (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.23.00 # There is a comment "Set up the DMA transfer that kicks in when the audio FIFO gets empty" for pcm_play_dma_start() on pcm-coldfire.c -- I would like to know when firmware knows that FIFO is empty... 14.24.07 # I understand that DMA transfer data from that FIFO to I2S, however don't understand what and when triggers the DMA transfer, when it finish to transfer the FIFO everytime... 14.25.25 # * Nico_P wonders whether FS#8894 could be included into 3.2 14.26.24 # Casainho: Look in firmware/pcm.c - the dma handler will call the get_more() function passed to pcm_play_data() each time it finishes a transfer. 14.27.47 # linuxstb: where is the DMA handler? 14.28.11 # That's what you have to write - the ISR that is called when DMA is complete. 14.28.43 # ah, okok - I think I understand. 14.28.55 # There should be one in pcm-coldfire.c 14.29.54 # yes, there is one. I will look on it to understand. That code on coldfire port have good comments, it helps me ;-) 14.31.31 # linuxstb: I don't understand this: "get_more = pcm_callback_for_more;" -- what is a callback? 14.32.06 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Callback_(computer_science) 14.32.15 # linuxstb : how do know all of these stuff ? :) 14.35.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.38.21 # MTee: I've written an audio driver for Rockbox (the first ipod drivers)... 14.39.03 Join pyro_maniac [0] (i=foobar@p57BB994C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 14.40.37 # linuxstb, Bagder : I think I understand now better the code - I am ready to make it working on this weekend ;-) 14.40.43 # thanks ;-) 14.40.44 # bye bye 14.40.54 Quit Casainho ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913]") 14.41.02 # oh I see 14.42.21 Join Seed [0] (n=ben@bzq-84-108-232-45.cablep.bezeqint.net) 14.45.40 Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a04303@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) 14.46.50 Join nibbler [0] (n=Nibbler@pD9E3103B.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.09.37 Quit SirFunk (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 15.10.57 Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@208-15-25-145.netsync.net) 15.19.32 Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) 15.35.37 Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 15.36.42 Quit kadoban (Excess Flood) 15.37.00 Join jordoex [0] (n=quassel@d154-20-47-118.bchsia.telus.net) 15.37.03 Join kadoban [0] (n=mud@cpe-24-93-17-195.rochester.res.rr.com) 15.38.01 Quit bmbl (Connection timed out) 15.40.12 Join jaykay [0] (n=chatzill@p579E6504.dip.t-dialin.net) 15.40.45 # \quit 15.40.53 Quit bombardier ("leaving") 15.43.52 Join slowmoe [0] (n=slowmoe@dialbs-213-023-040-018.static.arcor-ip.net) 15.44.51 Quit kadoban (Excess Flood) 15.45.12 Join kadoban [0] (n=mud@cpe-24-93-17-195.rochester.res.rr.com) 15.46.55 # jhMikeS: Is it possible to do CPU boosting on the Gigabeat S like we do on other targets (and if so, have we tried to see if we get battery life gain?) 15.49.29 # the e250 v1s only have 32 megs of ram right? 15.49.40 # Right 15.50.02 # The c200 series also have 32MB of RAM. 15.52.10 Quit kadoban (Excess Flood) 15.52.37 Join kadoban [0] (n=mud@cpe-24-93-17-195.rochester.res.rr.com) 15.53.59 # * gartral leans to distinguish bytes from kilobytes 15.55.48 # 32MB RAM is now "only"? :) 15.57.18 # nah, i missread the size of something a few times and it confused me, i saw what i thought was along the lines 61 megs, and it turns out i was seeing double of a 0 15.57.21 Join rocko [0] (n=rocko@c-67-167-117-152.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 15.57.40 Quit rocko (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.58.13 # specifically the "Limit: 6291456" line of Dircache Info 15.59.32 # s// 0/9 15.59.36 Quit kadoban (Excess Flood) 16.00.02 Join kadoban [0] (n=mud@cpe-24-93-17-195.rochester.res.rr.com) 16.01.04 Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@ 16.03.28 Join evilnick [0] (i=0c140464@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-bd1e5e6867ad8d7e) 16.06.00 Join rocko [0] (n=rocko@c-67-167-117-152.hsd1.il.comcast.net) 16.07.57 Quit kadoban (Excess Flood) 16.08.03 Quit jordoex (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.08.19 Join kadoban [0] (n=mud@cpe-24-93-17-195.rochester.res.rr.com) 16.09.20 Quit daurnimator ("Cyas later...") 16.15.55 Join webguest47 [0] (n=db69e38d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0e2e11e8d24b6a98) 16.16.25 Join phill [0] (n=irc@5ace0c4f.bb.sky.com) 16.17.11 Quit webguest47 (Client Quit) 16.32.51 Join vertic23 [0] (n=email@dslb-082-083-098-171.pools.arcor-ip.net) 16.33.29 # I'm sorry to bother you again ... ipod video 5.5 http://i1.ebayimg.com/04/i/001/34/a6/e185_1.JPG <-- this one - is just great for rockbox, right? 16.33.58 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) 16.34.04 # vertic23: Looks like it 16.34.25 # \o/ 150€ is quite ok, isn't it? 16.34.41 # What capacity hard drive? 16.34.53 # (and what currency was that?) 16.35.12 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.35.15 # 30GB 16.35.18 # euro 16.35.51 # Yeah, that sounds okay 16.38.10 Join MethoS- [0] (n=lem@host-091-097-243-211.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 16.38.20 Quit domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.40.04 Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 16.40.41 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-098-026-065-013.nc.res.rr.com) 16.41.35 # finally ... had to use a samsung mp3 player the last month ... and the sound was so terrible 16.41.43 # now back to rockbox at last! 16.41.56 Quit slowmoe () 16.44.28 Quit jaykay (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.44.29 Quit phill () 16.44.35 Part pyro_maniac ("Leaving.") 16.51.09 Join Esterbrook [0] (n=carlosgu@ 16.51.24 Part Esterbrook 16.52.40 # fs 9960 and 9961 are two reversi patches by me, the first is asthetic, the second attempts to make the game recognise the difference between a press and a hold (or long press) 16.53.28 # Someone on the forums posted that Toshiba has just released a firmware update for the Gigabeat T series (no WiFi); here's the link to the firmware update: http://cdgenp01.csd.toshiba.com/content/support/downloads/gbt_update_1_2_us.exe 16.57.14 # huh... the info screen screen of rbutil shows an MD5 hash of the bootloader file, instead of the version string... 16.57.36 # gevaerts: Would logf provide any insight in the usb-at-boot failure? 16.57.54 # gevaerts: Since it doesn't crash, there should be a reasonable chance of capturing stuff 17.00.17 # LambdaCalculus37: thanks 17.01.15 # * gartral wonders if his patches will work, as he can't build :| 17.01.51 # kugel: do you know that not all targets that have a scrollwheel (physically) define HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL ? 17.02.23 # pixelma: You mean older ipods? 17.02.29 # No I didn't know that 17.02.35 # yes, and the Mini 17.02.44 # why is that? 17.03.20 # rasher: it could, yes. I don't really know what to look for though. I have some suspicions though, but I need to think about them a bit more 17.03.39 # a short read of the SVN logs last time, it seems that this define was introduced for wheel accelaration which has not been adapted to non-"clickwheel" Ipods yet in the driver 17.03.44 Part B4gder 17.05.08 # well, that's a bug, imo 17.05.27 # i.e. my commit was OK 17.05.47 # ? 17.06.06 # saratoga: (for the logs) There's a Gigabeat T firmware update released by Toshiba for non-WiFi models (i.e. the US models); we should check it out to see if there's a digital signature exploit like on the S. 17.06.11 # * LambdaCalculus37 wonders if that was correct 17.06.26 # unfortunately I'm not sure what exactly happens now but potentially breaking a plugin is not ok, IMO 17.06.41 # if scrollwheel targets don't define scrollwheel 17.06.41 Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) 17.07.02 # that's a bug. Plugins should define their own scrollwheel just because of that 17.07.40 # pixelma: and no, it's not broken. I know that because e200/fuze didn't use the code within SCROLL_WHEEL, and the scrollwheel worked anyway 17.07.43 # well, that global define has a misleading name... and I guess the plugin was there before this wheel accelaration stuff 17.08.26 # * LambdaCalculus37 goes to put the link to the firmware updater on the wiki 17.08.31 # kugel: but could it be thats what's causing doom to not pick uo some scroll wheel action on the E200s? 17.08.47 # gartral: No, that's something entirely different 17.08.55 # ooook 17.08.55 # this is only about rockblox 17.09.06 # ahh 17.09.12 # gartral: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5153 17.10.45 # kugel: Even if a define is badly named, you shouldn't use it until you know what it does (don't trust the name). 17.12.39 # I know what it does. I just didn't know some scrollwheel targets don't define it 17.12.58 # it looks like it could work differently now on thos Ipods, don't know 17.13.12 # even if not completely broken 17.13.25 # kugel: I don't understand that sentence. If you knew what it does, that means you should know why it's defined, and by which targets... 17.13.39 # "What it does" includes what uses it. 17.14.11 # I know that it ( is supposed to) identify scrollwheel targets AND activates wheel acceleration. 17.14.20 # I messed with HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL on the fuze 17.14.52 # "What it's supposed to do" is different from "what it actually does" though. 17.14.54 # That was my point. 17.14.57 # knowing what it does doesn't include that which targets don't define it (wrongly, imo) 17.15.25 # they can't just define it 17.15.33 # Llorean: It's supposed to identify scrollwheel targets, and activates wheel acceleration code. That IS what it does 17.15.59 # kugel: Clearly it's NOT what it does, since some scrollwheel targets don't have the define. 17.16.03 # It's what it *should* do, not what it *does* 17.16.24 # It identifies some, but not all, targets with a wheel. 17.16.26 # Llorean: it activates wheel acceleration code, it DOES that 17.16.30 # yes, it does that 17.16.50 # But in every previous line, you've also claimed it does something else. 17.17.01 # I did not 17.17.11 # if I understood correctly it needs some work on the driver(s) 17.17.31 # pixelma: either this, or it wheel acceleration code should be based off a different define 17.17.41 # kugel: If you were only using it to activate acceleration, why'd you remove the other define? 17.17.51 # that acceleration thing got me into trouble on the fuze as well 17.17.57 # yes 17.18.47 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepel@p579EC8A8.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.18.49 Quit MethoS- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.19.09 # Llorean: it's not only, as I said, it's also to identify scrollwheel targets. And i only added the "supposed to", since it apparently isn't as determining as I thought 17.19.14 # kugel: My point was, you didn't know the differences in how SCROLL_WHEEL and HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL work before swapping them. So you didn't know what one of them did. 17.19.20 Join MethoS- [0] (n=lem@host-091-097-246-216.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 17.19.27 # various other places of rockbox use HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL, without relation to acceleration 17.19.31 # It *doesn't* identify scroll wheel targets 17.19.39 # It may be supposed to, but that's NOT what it does right now 17.19.53 # I have to be more precise though: only the first gen Mini does not have it (as the second generation has a so-called "clickwheel" which was adapted) 17.19.53 Quit tmzt (Operation timed out) 17.20.23 Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") 17.20.42 # is it possible to make the ipod wheel less sensitive? 17.22.03 Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) 17.24.50 # so, the plan is to define HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL for *all* scrollwheel targets, and define another HAVE_WHEEL_ACCELERATION for the actual acceleration code 17.25.52 # rasher: i would suspect some kind of conflict between usb trying to grab the audio buffer while playback is starting 17.25.57 Nick agaffney is now known as agaffney|phone (n=agaffney@gentoo/developer/agaffney) 17.26.16 # n1s: Yeah, that's the assumption 17.26.49 Nick agaffney|phone is now known as agaffney (n=agaffney@gentoo/developer/agaffney) 17.28.01 # kugel: I'm not sure, but I think the wheel need some distinction because some allow us to get the absolute position, and others don't. 17.28.20 # is this discussion right now about 'my' problem? 17.28.44 # vertic23: No. 17.28.54 # Llorean: which allows to get the absolute position? 17.29.02 # is there an answer anyways for my problem? :P 17.29.16 # kugel: Newer iPods, *probably* the ones that currently use HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL but I'm not sure. 17.29.31 # It's one of those "click wheel" vs "touch wheel" vs "scroll wheel" vs whatever things. 17.29.38 # vertic23: it's probably possible, dependign on what you mean 17.29.38 # No, those do not 17.29.58 Join tmzt [0] (n=tmzt@adsl-99-164-47-34.dsl.akrnoh.sbcglobal.net) 17.29.59 # just slow down the speed 17.30.09 # Llorean: there already is HAVE_WHEEL_POSITION for this 17.30.43 # but wheel accelaration is not dependent on this, it was even introduced for the e200 wheel 17.30.45 # or wait, seems they do 17.31.00 # pixelma: I thought the iPod wheels used a different sort of acceleration though. 17.31.23 Quit GodEater_ ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 17.31.27 # And the e200 wheel gives us absolute positioning too, doesn't it? We have deltas. 17.31.44 # Something like 96 values that it scrolls through? 17.31.47 # the e200 wheel doesn't give absolute position 17.32.06 # kugel: It gives absolute position on a scale, rather than just "scrolling left" or "scrolling right" 17.32.25 # My understanding was that the old wheels were like having a "left" button and a "right" button, effectively. 17.32.35 # the e200 scrolling is read by 2 bits 17.32.37 # You didn't have the information to get a delta for speed. 17.32.51 Join flydutch [0] (n=flydutch@host25-43-dynamic.5-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 17.33.10 # which do some 01 -> 00 -> 10 -> 11 rotation 17.33.30 # Llorean: it uses the same define though 17.33.51 # kugel: That seems awful small, it seems like you'd be able to easily trigger accidental scrolls in the other direction with that. 17.33.55 # Llorean: you have the information, because you never miss a change 17.34.04 Join grndslm [0] (n=grndslm@69-92-181-177.cpe.cableone.net) 17.34.22 # No, that's not aweful, and works perfectly with the use of a interrupt handler 17.34.47 # kugel: I was still talking about the iPod wheels when I talked abuot the information. That's why I didn't say "kugel:" before it indicating it was a response to your newer statements, rather than a continuation of my current topic. 17.36.56 # anyway, on the e200 (and fuze) you have deltas, not sure about other wheels 17.37.07 # kugel: e200v1 or v2? 17.38.17 # both 17.38.32 # Ah, I see. We do have absolute positioning within a range, as I said. You have the 00, 01, 10, 11, but they allow us to keep track of exactly where the wheel is and how fast it moved. 17.38.41 Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bfdef4745402579c) 17.38.52 # yes 17.39.00 # saratoga: Check out the logs. 17.39.15 # kugel: So... why did you tell me we didn't have the ability to position it within a range? 17.39.48 # "And the e200 wheel gives us absolute positioning too, doesn't it?" that was the question 17.40.03 # and I answered that it doesn't give the absolute position 17.40.20 # It does, though, as far as "absolute" can go with a physically rotating wheel with no reference mark. 17.40.31 # Once we've started tracking it, we know exactly how far rotated it is from its original position. 17.40.32 Join low_light [0] (i=c730190a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-fdb28cba3773f275) 17.40.48 # it's not tracked though 17.40.51 # i thought i had but it seems the log script stopped working a couple hours back 17.40.53 # only the delta is tracked 17.41.02 # It's tracked temporarily for the purpose of determining the delta. 17.41.05 # We could track it wholly. 17.41.11 # We don't have a need to, though. 17.41.15 # and the time between the calls of the clickwheel function determines the acceleration 17.41.29 # I don't see how my statement was wrong 17.42.42 # The e200 wheel gives enough information for absolute positioning. In total effect, it gives absolute positioning. My point was to contrast this with the early iPod wheels 17.42.43 Quit tvelocity (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17.42.53 # saratoga: there is still the raw text log 17.43.39 # kugel: On the c200, for example, we have no wheel. Just an up button and a down button. If you hold "up" you can't get a delta, because it's just "true" for up, or not. That's how the early iPod wheels were explained to me. You just know if they're scrolling or not, not how far or how fast. 17.44.05 # I don't know if this explanation is definitely how they work, just what I was told about a limitation of them. 17.44.08 # Llorean: my point was: just by reading the wheel values, you cannot determine the absolute position. You need exact tracking, from the point of when the wheel was powered on. 17.44.22 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@adsl3-226.her.forthnet.gr) 17.44.55 Quit avis (Remote closed the connection) 17.45.09 # Nico_P: any thoughts on FS#9957? 17.45.11 # saratoga: Look at 17:06:06 on the raw text feed. 17.45.22 # I never said you could get it *just* by reading the wheel values. I said some "allow us to get the absolute position" 17.45.44 Quit ender` (" Washing your car to make it rain doesn't work.") 17.46.08 Quit miepchen^schlaf () 17.47.16 # LambdaCalculus37: ok misread that post in the forums 17.47.29 # do you have a T? 17.47.40 # saratoga: Nope. Got an F and an S. 17.47.55 # I wanted to point it to you because toffe82 mentioned that you had a T. 17.48.05 # yeah i picked one up cheap 17.48.33 # i'm not really familar with the exploits on the S, but if someone wants to suggest how to check for the one on the T, I don't mind trying 17.48.37 # i never use the thing anyway 17.49.20 # saratoga: I don't remember who it was that discovered the exploit on the S in the first place, but maybe you could ask jhMikeS; he might know something. 17.50.33 # If we use the Gigabeat S updater (official) to update to 1.2, is Rockbox reinstallable now? I never did find out if we solved that. 17.51.12 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=lem@host-091-097-242-031.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 17.54.09 # Llorean: I installed rockbox on a S with 1.2 and it was working, but using sendfirm, no the beastpatcher 17.55.25 # toffe82: Did you install 1.2 using the exe installer? 17.55.46 # Llorean: yes using the installe 17.55.51 # Okay 17.56.06 # it works fine and you still can go back to 1.1 if you want 18.00.04 Quit MTee (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18.03.07 # Llorean: I use the 1.2 updater to go to 1.2 and the hacked updater to go back to 1.1 18.05.49 Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.12.24 Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.16.59 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 18.17.36 Join nuonguy [0] (n=john@c-24-6-174-132.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 18.19.48 Part domonoky 18.22.13 Join CaptainKwel [0] (i=2669ecc2@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6308569754e7e60b) 18.34.56 Join woyciesjes [0] (n=dw49@hackermanf.med.yale.edu) 18.35.14 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.36.02 Join gregzx [0] (n=chatzill@dsw199.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) 18.37.35 Quit grndslm (Client Quit) 18.37.46 Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit@ALagny-154-1-22-226.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr) 18.44.00 Quit gromit`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.47.27 Join SirFunk_ [0] (n=Sir@208-15-25-145.netsync.net) 18.48.26 Join newnick [0] (n=d0ff9c9a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b247be5eef127252) 18.48.47 # Hello 18.48.54 Nick newnick is now known as MaxHork (n=d0ff9c9a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b247be5eef127252) 18.52.05 # * MaxHork echoes 18.52.17 # MaxHork: Did you have a question? 18.52.32 # Ah sorry was just reading, i'll head over to the community. 18.52.55 Join pondlife [50] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) 18.52.55 Quit MaxHork (Client Quit) 18.54.05 Join MaxHork [0] (n=d0ff9c9a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-486b21743f52ced7) 18.56.25 # Ok now I have a question! 18.56.42 # How do you switch over to the rockbox community IRC server? 18.57.48 # rasher: no thoughts so far, but I'll take a look now 18.59.11 # Nevermind, been awhile abit rust on the commands 18.59.12 # Later. 19.00.40 Quit SirFunk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.02.05 # Nico_P: great 19.03.13 Join __lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ 19.10.13 Join phill [0] (n=irc@5ace0c4f.bb.sky.com) 19.13.10 Quit courtc (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19.13.39 Join midijunkie [0] (n=Miranda@pD954798C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 19.13.54 # Ok got a question 19.14.06 # I'm doing the manual installation on a sansa e250 19.14.18 # using the PDF instructions at http://download.rockbox.org/release/3.1/rockbox-sansae200-3.1.pdf 19.14.47 # whats the question? 19.14.53 # http://www.rockbox. 19.14.53 # org/download/. 19.14.53 # Current Build. The current build is built at each source code change to the Rockbox 19.15.04 # ugh hld on stupid computer 19.15.10 # www.rockbox.org/download 19.15.14 # now im at the fonts section 19.15.30 # when I downloaded the latest fonts and extraced to the sansa root 19.15.36 # Please don't paste a bunch of lines from our webpages and docs. 19.15.44 # I didnt mean too 19.15.58 # but lets continue at the question at hand shall we 19.15.59 # Are you doing the automatic install using RBUTil as recommended by the manual? 19.16.04 # no 19.16.08 # Why not? 19.16.09 Quit phill (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 19.16.18 # no sansa found bug, i would assume 19.16.34 # Thats not the question. 19.16.37 # he did mention he was doing this on an e250 19.16.47 # MaxHork: That's my question, to you. 19.17.00 # Well let me finish my question and I'll answer yours 19.17.04 # The automatic install is a much better installation method, and really should be used to prevent user error. 19.17.07 Join faemir [0] (n=faemir@88-106-169-118.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 19.17.24 # Its not an error, its a point of uncertainity 19.17.29 # installing fonts 19.17.30 # If your question is about the manual install, I'm probably going to answer it by saying "use the automatic install" anyway 19.17.47 # rbutil can install fonts too 19.17.49 # ok well thats fine, let me WRITE OUT MY QUESTION 19.17.49 # Llorean: Still, if the manual install instructions are wrong or unclear, we want to know, surely? 19.18.03 # MaxHork: Nothing I've done prevents you from typing... 19.18.13 # shh. 19.18.16 # installing fonts 19.18.21 # extracted to sansa 19.18.29 # * evilnick has yet to see a question 19.18.32 # Please, type in complete sentences, as per the channel guidelines. 19.18.41 # stats destination already contains folder .rockbox 19.18.58 # do you still want to merge this folder 19.19.03 # Any Iriver H10 (5GB) users around? 19.19.04 Join phill [0] (n=irc@5ace0c4f.bb.sky.com) 19.19.33 # * kugel uploaded a new version for disabling wps updates 19.19.34 # date modified 12/23/2008 with date modified 2/27/2009 19.19.43 Quit _lifeless (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19.19.55 # * gevaerts waits for the question 19.19.58 # and I see nothing about accepting a merger in the pdf 19.20.01 # should I merge? 19.20.10 # this is why we recommend the rbutil... but your case, yes, merge 19.20.12 # MaxHork: Is your question "Should I tell it to merge the folders?". This is basic file system use... if you have one folder, and you're trying to merge its contents with the other, then you should say "yes" 19.20.20 # But RBUtil will install the fonts for you, without asking you questions like that. 19.21.05 # any ipod 5g user? 19.21.07 # Right I understand that now, but I tend to read in a weird way and do things the hard way. 19.21.07 # The PDF assumes you know computing basics, and the questions you will be asked from your OS will vary across OS versions, etc. Extracting or copying one folder into another is not Rockbox-specific at all. 19.21.30 # kugel: Yes 19.21.35 # and irc is not a linear conversation like a telephone call, we can scroll back and read something past the visible field... 19.21.36 # kugel: Yep, I have a iPod Video, 5.5G 19.21.41 # can you check this patch out? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8523 19.22.21 # it possibly gives upto 1h more runtime (depending on the wps) 19.22.24 # kugel: Sorry, can't from work. 19.22.49 # should work for beast too. 19.22.49 Quit MaxHork ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 19.23.44 # woyciesjes: can you? 19.23.56 # A battery bench would be interesting 19.24.35 # kugel: With instructions... Yep, I'm new here, and not a programmer.... 19.24.57 # well, I could just send you a build 19.25.36 # K. Whatever is easiest. 19.25.41 # speaking of battery benches, does anyone know the specifics of the stock sandisk headphones that come with an e200? i want to do one, but i have no idea what the range/response is of these things.. 19.25.42 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 19.26.03 # who cares about the stock headphones? 19.26.15 # the fact that i have no other ones 19.26.53 # in the context of battery benches? 19.27.34 # things = headphones 19.28.01 # a) headphones hardly matter w.r.t. runtime (at least the in-ear ones) b) you can do the bench without 19.28.27 # kugel: They make a significant difference on runtime... 19.29.14 # kugel: I presume you can find my email? 19.29.23 # Players run significantly longer without headphones attached, and I've got some open headphones with lower impedance than some of my earbuds have. 19.29.33 # well, I mean the differences between the different headphones. headphones vs no headphones make a difference. Sorry for not being clear enough 19.30.01 # in-ear ones 19.30.08 # You need to do the bench with the same headphones for all cases you want to compare, but that's about it I'd say 19.30.52 # woyciesjes: wait a second 19.31.22 # gevaerts: Maybe we should ask all future benches be done without headphones attached. They're already very artificial circumstances since they don't include skipping, etc. At least this way we'd round out one of the user-specific factors. 19.31.31 Quit balou (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.31.57 # woyciesjes: http://www.alice-dsl.net/simonemartitz/rockbox/rockbox.zip 19.32.39 # Llorean: if we assume that benches from different people can be compared anyway, that sounds like a good idea 19.33.22 # gevaerts: i wonder how many sansa owners don't have the original headphones... 19.33.27 # Our benches are meaningless anyway, since they aren't scientific who cares! 19.33.37 # gevaerts: Well, we could provide test files, maybe. They're only comparable under similar circumstances. 19.33.46 # that at least 1 guy once claimed 19.34.16 # (that's not my opinion!) 19.34.24 # Llorean: I was thinking more about the state of the battery, but yes, files matter as well 19.34.28 # evilnick: if you can at least install a build from work, 5 lines up 19.34.29 # * freqmod_gq think battery benches will never be simular as batteries have different wear-level 19.34.58 # I think benches are really only comparable if you only change a single variable at a time 19.35.05 # * gartral knows his battery doesn't quite last a full 24 hours 19.35.14 # gevaerts: True. Honestly I think the only "interesting" number is the ratio of Rockbox time to OF time, given the same playlist and headphones and player. 19.35.34 # kugel: Got it. 19.35.36 # Llorean: that, and for testing specific patches or features of course 19.35.45 # Yes, rockbox to rockbox ratios 19.36.06 Join balou [0] (i=balou@cl-1844.ham-01.de.sixxs.net) 19.36.24 # kugel: any specific test to perform, or just drop the files on, and let it play? 19.37.12 # woyciesjes: which 5g do you have? 19.37.25 # Video, 30GB. 5.5G 19.37.43 # kugel: is this the iPod build? 19.37.44 # it would be ideal if you could try to match one of the benches here http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodRuntime 19.37.49 # a recent one 19.37.54 # evilnick: yes 19.38.09 # kugel: Damnit, no USB cable! Sorry! 19.38.23 # * gevaerts points kugel to the discussion we just had :) 19.39.30 # gevaerts: no need 19.39.31 Quit midijunkie (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19.41.20 # Anybody know what #ifdef __PCTOOL__ refers to, and how I can do a test build of the "PC tool" ? 19.41.34 # pondlife: make in tools/database iirc 19.41.40 # Thanks 19.41.43 Part gartral 19.42.08 # Or something like that. It refers to the db builder 19.42.09 # The sim is currently broken if you use the --root option (like I do)... it has a couple of hard-coded "simdisk"s... 19.42.54 # Hmm, didn't get far... cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-pointer-sign" 19.43.40 # pondlife: checkwps also uses that PCTOOL define. 19.43.46 # Ah, ok 19.44.49 # I think it basically means compilation outside the regular rockbox code 19.45.04 Join Zoxc [0] (i=Zoxc@ti0128a340-dhcp0261.bb.online.no) 19.45.08 # woyciesjes: first thing: does the patch even work? 19.45.36 Join MaxHork [0] (n=d0ff9c9a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-91720b67159fdfc2) 19.45.42 # well, probably hard to judge, but you may see that it didn't update while the lcd was off if you turn it on 19.45.48 # Can someone else try to build checkwps or the database tool? 19.45.58 # Have a question regarding the sansa e250 and a microSD card 19.46.02 # Neither compiles here, maybe it's a Cygwin thing? 19.46.18 # Yes, cygwin isn't supported here ;) 19.46.28 # checkwps' buildall gives lots of "../../firmware/export/debug.h:27: error: parse error before "ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF"" errors 19.46.30 # the database tool builds fine. Checkwps doesn't 19.46.53 # * linuxstb checks checkwps 19.47.01 # gevaerts: Under Cygwin? 19.47.11 # pondlife: linux 19.47.28 # Hmm, my GCC doesn't like -Wno-pointer-sign at all 19.47.42 # gcc 3.4.4 19.48.08 # Works fine for me - all targets build without warning. 19.48.22 # $ gcc --version 19.48.22 # gcc (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) 4.3.2 19.48.32 # kugel: K. Gimme a few moments... 19.48.36 # 3.4.4 is rather old... 19.48.48 # * pondlife looks for a newer gcc 19.48.49 # I'd expect cygwin to have something newer available 19.49.37 # linuxstb: checkwps.c:74: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘unsigned’ 19.50.03 # I expect some header defining htole32 already 19.51.11 # Nothing in my /usr/include defines it... 19.52.42 # And 3.4 doesn't build the database tool here either. I agree with having all possible warnings, but I'm not sure if it's worth it for host-side tools if the price is supporting fewer compilers 19.53.58 # linuxstb: endian.h has it here. Debian unstable amd64. 19.55.55 # Is there a possible way to make the information from the files>microsd1 card show up in the Database for the music on the sansa e250? 19.56.09 # gevaerts: Hmm, and my Ubuntu 8.10 doesn't have it anywhere... 19.56.51 # MaxHork: It will be there if the card is inserted when you create/update the databse 19.57.01 # And nothing breaks. 19.57.47 # linuxstb: libc6-dev is 2.9-3 here 19.59.00 # Hooray! 19.59.04 # Thanks rasher :D 19.59.05 # gevaerts: 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu7 20.00.29 # Maybe that's the difference 20.00.43 # A few #ifndefs around it? 20.00.59 # I have another question about the size of the MicroSD card. In the Sansa e250 it said the limit was a 2GB card. Since installing Rockbox is the restriction different or unchanged? 20.01.16 # MaxHork: any size you can find! 20.01.23 # OK, if anyone can build either checkwps or the database tool, perhaps they'd like to check out http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9964 before I commit it :) 20.01.54 # kugel: tested. Not working right for me. Chose song, let it play to next. Looked at WPS, had updated. 20.02.20 # Then, skipped to next track, while screen was active, did not update. Skipped two more, still no update. 20.02.41 # Awesome. Excellent job guys. Great work, fast intialize on the device no horrible waiting to load times really quality work. Thank you for your efforts and continued support. 20.03.13 # Went to main menu, then tried to go to Now Playing. Did not switch to WPS, but the controls acted as if I were on the WPS. Let the screen bacl out, during the song, hit a button to bring it back, and there it was. 20.03.24 # kugel: doesn't seem to ever refresh until the screen wakes up (after going to sleep), and then only once at that instant. 20.03.47 # Basically, seems like you achieved the opposite. WPS updates while the screen is off, and not if it's on. 20.03.59 # Gotta run to a meeting. back in about an hour.... 20.04.07 Part woyciesjes ("Ex-Chat") 20.04.36 # huh? 20.04.48 # weird 20.04.48 Quit MaxHork ("CGI:IRC") 20.04.58 # ahhhhhhhh 20.05.02 # I'm stupid 20.05.19 # ha 20.05.25 # but that at least shows that the patch is working 20.05.26 # kugel: You can't be stupid, you've successfully modified playback.c in the past... 20.05.35 # I just need to swap the truth values 20.05.52 # (on second thoughts, maybe touching playback.c is a sign of stupidity) 20.06.06 # kugel: This is obvoiusly some strange use of the word "working" that I was prevoiusly unaware of 20.06.12 # pondlife: :) well, this time I was stupid. I had it working correctly, but that was confused by the name of my own function and changed it to a non-working version ;) 20.06.35 # rasher: yea, well, I mean the concept is working 20.09.22 # rasher: what do you need tested? 20.09.43 # gevaerts: If it can boot the OF 20.09.56 # CaptainKwel: re-download, I updated, should be good now 20.10.09 # Apparently the current one can't, according to barrywardell, the last known working one was r17357 20.10.42 Quit vertic23 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.10.43 # But I'd test that one as well, just to make sure 20.10.45 Join vertic39 [0] (n=email@p4FDE19AC.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.12.49 # Nah, looks like I'm stuck with gcc 3.3... 20.14.47 Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) 20.16.17 # kugel: looks like it's still refreshing with the backlight off. 20.17.30 Join gartral [0] (n=Gartral@adsl-75-33-69-103.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) 20.17.45 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 20.17.54 # CaptainKwel: with backlight != lcd off, in the ipod video case 20.18.06 # might i ask how we managed to completely skip a whole revision number? 20.18.12 # this is intended, since the ipod video is transflective 20.18.24 # it should only not update if the lcd is really off 20.18.46 # s/with backlight/backlight off/ 20.19.22 # gartral: Not every commit is shown on the front page 20.19.35 # CaptainKwel: You might notice that it didn't update while the lcd was off 20.19.41 # upon turning it on again 20.19.48 # yes, backlight != lcd off 20.20.27 # the updating solely depends on lcd_enabled(), and lcd_asleep() if the former isn't available 20.20.49 # oh, wait I see what you're saying 20.20.53 # and the ipod sleeps the lcd with a little (configurable) delay after backlight went off 20.21.00 # So we can't ever know if it's really working? 20.21.22 # not really. On my sansa though, for a split second I see the old wps 20.22.01 # e.g. if the backlight turned off at 2:04, and 10s later I turn it on again, I see for a very split second 2:04, then 2:14 20.22.27 # cause it needs to refresh, yeah? 20.22.42 # CaptainKwel: well, the non-working version actually showed that the concept works, so I expect it to work now 20.22.55 # I'm seeing that now. 20.23.05 Quit chrippa (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 20.23.10 # In any event, it doesn't appear to have broken anything in any way. 20.23.22 # that's good 20.24.36 # with a heavy wps (multiple conditional viewports, multiple progressbars, album art, etc) it gave +1:15h on a sansa 20.24.45 Join jones_ [0] (n=jones@dsm-159-219.drake.edu) 20.24.57 # Hello 20.24.59 # * rasher is sceptical about having multiple progressbars 20.25.04 # linuxstb: I will try this weekend the different configuration for installing the S ,.... if I have time;) 20.25.21 # rasher: complains are redirected to JdGordon :) 20.25.28 # Would anyone be able to help me out with a battery issue? 20.26.12 # multiple progress bars? WHHHYYYY!? 20.26.17 Nick JdGordon|zzz is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@c-98-203-252-78.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 20.26.21 # So, it works on my e200 too. I'd like to commit that soon if it breaks nothing 20.26.28 Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") 20.26.35 # gartral: for testing, I assume. 20.26.47 # I'd like to have a test on a h300 with remote though 20.27.09 # testing what, how fast we can make the DAPs battery die? 20.27.21 # does scrolling work if the main unit is without backlight, but the remote is used? 20.27.29 # from the code, it appears not 20.28.29 Join chrippa [0] (n=chrippa@evangelion.se) 20.28.38 # pondlife: do you have a h300 with remote? 20.28.48 # Yes, a non-LCD remote though 20.29.11 Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@81-66-70-98.rev.numericable.fr) 20.29.27 # hm, but the remote code is active anyway. would be nice if you could give http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8523 a test 20.30.14 # I can do, but not right now - got two other patches brewing 20.30.19 # My battery doesn't seem to want to stay on for very long unless I'm plugged in 20.30.23 # Is there a patch for this? 20.31.08 # jones_: it would help, mildly, if you told us which DAP your using :P 20.31.26 # Oh, sorry 20.31.39 # I have a 5.5g 30GB 20.31.55 # Beyond that, I'm not entirely sure 20.31.56 # what's your runtime? 20.32.02 # I haven't updated in a long time 20.32.08 # About 6 months or so 20.32.26 # I mean, how long does the battery last? 20.32.40 # * gartral wondres if kugel meant runtime of battery before shutdown 20.32.49 # I'm dual booting, so switching over to Rockbox takes about a third of the battery out 20.32.55 # And then it lasts for maybe 2 minutes 20.33.20 # and you get normal runtime in the apple os? 20.33.25 # Yeah 20.33.33 # weird 20.33.47 # That's what I keep saying 20.33.55 # first, update, then see if thats any improvement... 20.34.07 # I was just about to do that 20.34.14 # I have to go to class soon, but I'll just work on it then 20.34.55 # the latest build has working USB, meaning you shouldnt have to unplug at all anymore, unless you use itunes to sync 20.35.13 # I'm on linux, so I don't even have iTunes 20.35.15 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.35.43 # * gartral highly recommends and update 20.37.21 # * LambdaCalculus37 also recommends an update 20.42.39 # I'm intending to commit my FS#9948 in the next few days (switching english.lang to sentence case). Are there any objections left? (Llorean has told me he's no longer objecting) 20.44.00 # * gevaerts has a terminology objection :) 20.44.53 # Titles are always in title case by definition! Only some people disagree about what title case should be :) 20.45.06 # linuxstb: no objections from me.. are you going to remove deperacted strings also? or does it not invalidate old .lng files? 20.46.16 # linuxstb: Just committed most of the language updates. 20.46.34 # multiple progressbars came with conditional viewports - to be able to have a "full line" progressbar in differently wide viewports shown on different conditions (e.g. my c200 wps does to have a little more space for album art and fill the screen a bit better if there is none) 20.46.41 # Thanks everyone 20.46.46 # I'll be back if it doesn't work 20.46.48 Quit jones_ ("Ex-Chat") 20.46.52 # only one is shown at a time 20.47.08 # linuxstb: Need a fullname for the Chinese ones. 20.47.21 # * pondlife wants linuxstb to resurrect the WPS-as-a-statusbar stuff 20.47.30 # (After 3.2, of course.) 20.47.51 # Then we might have a better use for multiple progressbars 20.53.45 # I think it is of good use already ;) 20.54.21 Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) 20.56.33 Join FlynDice [0] (n=jack@216-67-59-18.static.acsalaska.net) 20.57.50 Join Rhodderz [0] (n=chatzill@ 20.58.20 # hi is there any way to "mod" or do anything with an ipod nano 3rd gen 20.58.22 # ? 20.58.39 # no 20.59.19 # is there any way to get free games for it? 20.59.22 # No. 20.59.27 # no 20.59.43 # plus, we are not interested in modding the nano 3g OF 20.59.47 # You could perhaps see how far you could throw one? 20.59.52 # * gevaerts grumbles about whoever declared the H10 5GB MTP a supported model 20.59.58 # More of a sport than a game though 21.00.35 # why not the nano 3rd gen it has to be hackable if that is the right phrase 21.00.53 # I'm off. Just as a reminder, I'm still keen on opinions about the sorting patch (see -dev ml) 21.00.53 # why does it have to be? 21.00.56 Quit kugel ("ChatZilla 0.9.84-rdmsoft [XULRunner]") 21.01.23 # Rhodderz: It has encrypted firmware and unknown hardware. That makes it as of yet unhackable 21.01.23 # search the forums, mailing list or web. The reasons have been given over and over again. 21.01.40 # feel free to work on hacking the nano 3g. 21.02.58 # ok ill have a go. but first what was changed in the "hackable" firmware to make it play free games "illegal" or have linux on it? 21.03.20 # what? 21.03.21 # changed in what hackable firmware? 21.03.29 # what is illegal? 21.03.38 # and Rockbox is nothing to do with linux 21.04.10 # when i was searching around rockblox changed the firmware on the ipod 21.04.18 # hang ill paste a link in a min 21.04.28 # ? 21.04.35 # Rockbox? And yes, Rockbox is a replacement firmware for some ipods 21.04.35 # if i find it again thats why i came here. 21.04.53 # And clearly we are aware of the Rockbox website - hint, you are talking to Rockbox developers 21.04.53 # Rockbox doesn't change the original firmware. It's a replacement. 21.05.02 # ah that might be where i got confused then sry 21.05.15 # same with Ipodlinux, which runs linux on the Ipod but does NOT modify the original firmware. 21.05.26 Join avis [0] (n=ident@pdpc/supporter/student/avis) 21.06.06 Quit jfc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.07.30 # so in easy terms you "add" your content to the ipod so the ipod thinks its genuine 21.07.44 # no 21.08.08 # Rhodderz: No, we replace the ipod operating system with our own 21.08.25 # Rhodderz: Like replacing windows with linux for instance 21.08.58 # right cool got ya. cheers for being "newbie". so where is it usually place? 21.09.09 # what useual place? 21.09.43 # and where is what? 21.09.45 # like windows os is in C:/WIndows where is the ipod and how did you get to it 21.10.01 # It is on a separate firmware partition 21.10.17 # Have a look at the Rockbox website for more details on how it works 21.10.31 # it's on c:\Ipod ... 21.10.41 # so there has to be a way to it 21.10.48 # bluebrother: Don't be mean :) 21.10.59 # BigBambi: oops :) 21.11.06 # Rhodderz: Why? That is on the ipods that Rockbox works with, not the new ones 21.11.17 # Rhodderz: And do you know what "encrypted" means? 21.11.51 # yes but every encryption can be broken with time and patience with a little help of a mini fridge 21.12.02 # Rhodderz: Then please do 21.12.15 # Rhodderz: I'm sure you can even though nobody has managed to yet 21.12.20 # well, depends on how little "little time" is. 21.13.03 # an encryption is usually considered safe if it can't be brute-force broken within reasonable time -- that is several years of calculation 21.13.36 # the best way to do it is find a program which works out "similarities" that might get you somewhere 21.13.53 Join z35 [0] (n=z35@h69.149.18.98.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) 21.13.54 # Sure. Go ahead 21.13.55 # similarities to what? 21.14.01 # Rhodderz: Don't talk bollocks about a subject you clearly know nothing about 21.17.11 # * bluebrother considers bumping rbutil to 1.1 -- we now don't need to update rbutil on a new Rockbox release ... 21.17.40 # too bad the OS X issue still persists :( 21.18.13 # bluebrother: How do we handle bootloaders? Do we use the same bootloader when installing release and current builds? 21.18.16 # What do people think to a more major version number bump of rbutil with each Rockbox release, and more minor ones for any intermediate fix versions released? 21.18.21 # s/we/rbutil/ 21.18.26 # Only if needed 21.18.32 # an encryption works is mainly a password and that "encrypts" the file/message with that password, so if you find simularities and work out each sequence in time( in know it may be long) but you might just find the password. anywa it might be something stupid like the serial number or it may evan be in the firmware update file you download when you update or restore it 21.18.37 # rasher: we aleays install the most recent bootloader from the download server 21.18.40 # sry had to go to toileyt 21.18.56 # bluebrother: Couldn't that potentially be problematic? 21.18.57 # If the new Rbutil doesn't need updating with each RB release anymore then ignore me :) 21.19.03 # Rhodderz: that is word soup, sorry to say 21.19.12 # Rhodderz: you're about three centuries out of date. Modern encryption is slightly more advanced 21.19.17 # Rhodderz: you know about asymetric encryption? 21.19.18 # Rhodderz: That is still stupid and still shows a lack of understanding 21.19.19 Join calman_ [0] (n=caleb@ 21.19.32 # * bluebrother throws in the word "entropy" 21.19.37 Join woyciesjes [0] (n=dw49@hackermanf.med.yale.edu) 21.19.46 # so is the ipod "hidden" partition like a shadow partition? 21.20.14 # on the older Ipods it's simply a partition that is not visible in Explorer 21.20.26 # where you can not see it at all as it is run by the machine and the only way to get to it is "change" the machine's bios 21.20.41 # no 21.20.45 # BigBambi: that's the point: rbutil now gets information about the most recent release from the download server, so no update needed with a Rockbox release :) 21.20.46 # Rhodderz: That clearly shows that you haven't got a single idea of how this works. 21.21.11 # bluebrother: Ah, cool. That sounds better :) 21.21.25 # bluebrother: I think the bootloader situation isn't terribly good though. A release should be static. 21.21.35 # rasher: I don't think that could be dangerous. In the last years I've only seen lack of forward compatibility ;-) 21.21.37 # kugel: one more hitch. Came back from the meeting, and the iPod wouldn't wake up from when Rockbox put the display to sleep for the hour. I had to give it the 2finger to bring it back. Not sure if it's related to the Apple firmware bug (mentioned this morning on the dev mailing list) 21.21.37 Join jfc [0] (n=john@dpc691978010.direcpc.com) 21.21.48 # well, we could add that (like in 1.2 ;-) 21.22.01 # what happens if you take the hard drive out and find a way to plug that into the computer without the ipod there at all 21.22.09 # bluebrother: Sure, but think about the current issue with booting Rockbox on usb insert. If we updated the bootloaders now, it'd cause confusion for people installing Rockbox 3.1 21.22.14 # You mean use a caddy! 21.22.15 # rasher: r17357 doesn't work 21.22.24 # gevaerts: oh darn 21.22.31 # Rhodderz: You can see the drive, as you would expect 21.22.42 # rasher: true. Still it would only cause annoyances and / or confusion, no breakage. 21.22.46 # However - ENCRYPTION 21.22.49 Join p3tur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 21.23.13 # yes but it could be in the ipod instead not the hdd 21.23.16 # I do agree that the bootloaders for a release could be considered static. Though this doesn't go in line with the way Rockbox currently installs -- build and bootloader are treated separately 21.23.29 # Rhodderz: The data is encrypted 21.23.49 # bluebrother: I'm pretty firmly of the opinion that when installing a release, a "release" bootloader should be installed alongside it 21.23.50 Nick p3tur is now known as petur (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 21.23.54 # Rhodderz: The whole point of encryption is that you cant just put the drive in another computer 21.23.55 # rather than "whatever's current" 21.23.56 # rasher: oh wait... 21.24.21 # gevaerts: well, if you want me to build some more, prod me. I have a loop set up 21.24.42 # Rhodderz: If it were as easy as you suggested it to be, someone would've done it already. It isn't. It seriously isn't. You're just blindly spouting things without thinking about how this stuff works. 21.24.54 # rasher: well, I agree that this makes sense (though I'm not too sure if we should do it that way). Still, the current rbutil doesn't allow that easily 21.25.05 # pondlife: do you think FS#8894 could make it into 3.2? 21.25.12 # I'd like it to 21.25.20 # Update about to arrive 21.25.41 # okay so the only way is if someone from apple leaked the encryption 21.25.45 # * Nico_P adds it to ReleaseTodo 21.25.51 # I wonder what impact it has on DSP CPU usage though (when disabled)... 21.26.04 # Would be nice if test_codec could include the DSP. 21.26.52 # Rhodderz: There are several other possible ways. None of them easy. None of them have been done. 21.26.57 # OK, last call for a checkwps user to test http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9964 21.27.27 # pondlife: just checking if checkwps compiles with it? 21.27.29 # oh well sry for wasting your time 21.27.34 # rasher: Thanks 21.27.52 # pondlife: I mean, is that all you need? 21.27.54 # is anyone intrested in testing fs 9960 and/or 9961 for me? i cant build 21.28.04 # rasher: It's a good start! 21.28.28 # Would be good to try some basic operations - any file opening, renaming, deleting basically 21.28.29 # pondlife: It compiles.. 21.28.38 # all we need is apple to have a leak again owell cya 21.28.43 Quit Rhodderz ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913]") 21.28.59 # * LambdaCalculus37 grumbles about clueless kids with new nanos 21.30.28 # pondlife: seems to work 21.30.34 # Great 21.30.43 # succesfully checked cabbiev2 for e200 21.33.12 # Nico_P: New patch on http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8894... give it a whirl! 21.33.18 # * pondlife goes for food 21.33.30 # Will commit #9964 soon though 21.33.35 Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) 21.34.25 Join Aurix_Lexico [0] (n=comrade@c-68-56-205-239.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 21.36.17 Join jones_ [0] (n=jones@dsm-156-28.drake.edu) 21.36.26 # Hey there 21.36.27 # I'm back 21.37.28 # I just updated to 3.1 21.37.37 # And my battery still doesn't work 21.38.29 # * rasher bugs pixelma about FS#9754 21.44.40 # Ello? 21.45.25 Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) 21.48.13 Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47F50.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.49.29 # jones_: my guess is that your battery is just going bad 21.49.53 # pondlife: I got a prefetch abort with the patch 21.50.15 # Probably 21.50.19 # I'll see what I can do 21.50.23 # Gotta run 21.50.24 # Later 21.50.25 Quit jones_ ("Ex-Chat") 21.50.31 # rasher: I've managed to boot the OF with r17357 once or twice, but I can't get it to work anymore (about 10 tries). None of the other builds worked either 21.54.13 Quit FOAD ("I'll be back") 21.57.22 # gevaerts: Sounds awful. I guess we need to go further back, then. Want me to build some? 21.57.27 Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 21.57.56 Join kv [0] (i=kosss@ 21.58.11 # am I the only one getting prefetch aborts on the beast? 21.58.15 Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 21.58.27 # rasher: if you feel like it 21.59.13 # Since it hangs with the bootloader output showing I know I was running the right version 22.01.17 Quit vertic39 () 22.03.42 # Nico_P: Doing what? I haven't experienced it 22.03.52 # BigBambi: just playing an mp3 file 22.04.08 # gevaerts: Building some now 22.04.23 # Nico_P: Well, I use it daily and haven't had that - I lat updated 2 or 3 days ago 22.04.49 # BigBambi: it was working for me too until I updated just today 22.04.58 # right now even 22.05.25 # Nico_P: OK, I'll try in a bit and see if I can too (watching the Rugby right now :) ) 22.08.39 Quit kv () 22.11.36 Join gotthardt [0] (n=chatzill@c-71-236-221-43.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 22.12.38 # nico_P: Do you get the prefetch abort without even enabling timestretch? 22.12.52 # pondlife: yes, it's not the patch 22.12.58 # Phew ;) 22.13.05 # could someone with an e200 please test my patch/es? i want to know if it works before i go making more modifications for other targets... 22.13.58 # yo - anyone with a gigabeat F test the latest build? I can no longer play tracks - seems to reboot ?? 22.15.12 # gevaerts: earlier bootloaders uploaded 22.15.23 # gotthardt: on the beast I get prefetch aborts 22.15.48 # pondlife: I tested the patch on the ipod video, it appears to be working beatifully :) 22.15.52 # Nico_p thx - so its not just me 22.16.44 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 22.16.45 Quit phill () 22.16.48 # Nico_P: If you look at dsp.c, we are now doing buffer size calculations (i.e. a variable, not a constant). Do you think that will have too much of an adverse affect? 22.17.01 # rasher: Thinking about FS#9948, what genlang magic do I need to do? 22.17.14 # gotthardt: do you think you could try finding the revision that introduced the issue? 22.17.40 Quit rocko ("Leaving") 22.17.50 # i can later today - 22.18.25 # I'm tempted to precalculate the various sizes at least... but having the redundant variables goes against my normal practice. 22.19.05 # linuxstb: I don't think genlang will be of much help, really. You basically need to loop through all phrases and see if the source matches the current english.lang. If it does, change it to match your new english.lang. If not, leave that phrase unchanged. 22.19.33 # I'm not sure langtool will be of much help either, to be honest 22.19.37 # * gevaerts confirms 22.19.45 # Gigabeat F has issues today 22.19.46 # rasher: Hmm... Or I could just leave it to translators? ;) 22.20.02 # :( 22.20.10 # I guess not then ;) 22.20.35 # We could make genlang case-insensitive, but I don't know if that's a great idea 22.20.35 # Hmm, some of my last commit went astray, I think... 22.20.41 Quit avis (Remote closed the connection) 22.20.52 # rasher: No, I don't think that's a solution. 22.21.34 # It'd really put a rather heavy load on translators though, having to check whether it's a case-only change, or a phrase needing actual attention 22.21.44 # * linuxstb thinks awk may be his friend here, as he knows it better than perl 22.22.11 # That might not be a bad tool for this job 22.22.33 # Collect the lines between and , and compare 22.23.04 # Does awk do associative arrays? 22.23.08 # Yep 22.24.38 # So load current and sentence-case english.lang in BEGIN, start collecting data on , do the compare/possible replace in , and unconditionally print everything else. 22.24.50 # Or something like that 22.25.38 # Yes, that's what I was thinking. 22.25.56 # * pondlife has no idea how half his patch vanished.. 22.26.00 # I think it's acceptable if you just do a "dumb" compare of the source strings as a single string (no need to compare the target names and values etc) 22.26.20 # That way we might even eliminate some syntax issues 22.26.33 # If there are any. 22.26.54 # rasher: I tested r16837 and r17062, both don't work 22.27.10 # gevaerts: oh dear 22.27.16 Quit robin0800 ("No Ping reply in 30 seconds.") 22.27.20 # * rasher wonders if there was ever actual dual boot on H10 5GB 22.27.40 Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) 22.27.42 # gevaerts: Building some more. 22.27.44 # rasher: If you're bored, I won't mind if you do it ;) I'm probably not going to get chance until tomorrow evening or Sunday. 22.28.11 # I might. No promises. 22.29.28 # pondlife: about your question, I don't really see what you mean 22.30.19 # If you look in dsp.c, we used to have a fixed RESAMPLE_BUF_RIGHT_CHANNEL - but now it's a calculation. 22.31.08 # As is SAMPLE_BUF_RIGHT_CHANNEL 22.32.00 # gevaerts: put up a few even older ones 22.32.28 # pondlife: I don't know, the calculation doesn't seem too complex but how often is it done? 22.32.43 # Not sure.. quite often , I think 22.32.58 # A redundant variable would probably be worthwhile 22.33.39 # possibly 22.33.52 # I just don't like redundancy 22.35.19 # Also, do you see the weird way that the splash appears when you first enable timestretch? 22.35.20 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.35.28 # I have no idea why that happens 22.36.21 # * linuxstb senses 3.2 could have quite a nice changelog... 22.36.45 # rasher: r14837 doesn't work either... I'm leaving this to someone who knows the H10 22.36.49 # * pondlife only wishes an H300 bootloader was included... 22.37.02 # gevaerts: And you're sure you're doing it right? 22.37.18 # The guy in the bug report is willing to help also 22.38.09 # Nico_P: Was it you who suggested #8894 should be in 3.2? 22.38.38 # pondlife: yes 22.38.47 # I'm more of the opinion it should wait until after, and have the UI improved (i.e. merged with the pitchscreen if possible)... 22.38.58 # But I suppose it's nearly ready 22.39.40 # rasher: it works with r12862 (the released bootloader) 22.39.50 # So yes, I think I'm doing it right 22.40.26 # Ah, so we probably just need to go further back, then 22.41.07 # Maybe, but I'm too tired right now... 22.41.11 # Oh wait! 22.41.16 # I wasn't doing it right, was I? 22.41.20 # >_< 22.41.22 # goddammit 22.41.34 # I never corrected that... 22.41.36 Quit FlynDice (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.42.05 # * gartral isnt used too seeing rasher flood the room 22.42.05 # The latest daily build works on gigabeat F, so the bug was introduced after 20122 22.42.22 # pondlife: I agree the UI isn't quite ready 22.43.55 # Today's version is better, but still I'd hope to work it into the pitch screen. Perhaps UP/DOWN would change pitch in the current way and left/right would speed up/slow down with timestretch. Then we need to reallocate the +/-2% jog functions... 22.44.46 # maybe add a return to 100 thing? or is there already an easy way of doing that? 22.44.56 # gevaerts: Okay, I now inserted the required ../tools/scramble -mi4v3 bootloader/bootloader.bin H10.mi4 in my loop. Building new bootloaders now. 22.45.13 # rasher: that's not the issue. This H10 is now a UMS one... 22.45.32 # And the wrong scramble line just makes it not boot at all 22.45.32 # Maybe the jog mode should be a third option (pitch up/down, semitone up/down, jog up/down)? 22.45.39 # gartral: thetre's already a return to 100 button, on the ipod at least 22.45.55 # pondlife: I don't undersand the use of the jog mode 22.46.04 # It's for beat matching 22.46.18 # Nico_P: the e200s dont, that im aware of 22.46.26 # Say you're almost in sync, but you want a little "pulse" to sync better... 22.46.29 # gartral: it's the menu button 22.46.56 # pondlife: ah, I see 22.47.15 # gevaerts: Alright, building both types now 22.47.34 # I know it's doable on H300, but that is blessed with buttons 22.47.35 # Nico_P: no, that returns to wps while keeping the scale 22.47.42 # It's SELECT on H300 22.47.49 # (aka NAVI) 22.48.07 # MENU toggles the semitone mode 22.48.14 # interesting. on ipod select returns to the WPS 22.48.14 # oh, im just f*ck all retarded, nvm! 22.48.54 # On H300, PLAY and STOP both return to the WPS 22.49.00 # pondlife: the ipod lacks a button. maybe timestretch could be a third mode (along with normal and semitone) 22.49.17 # No, you probably want to use both timestretch and pitch together. 22.49.37 # To change key whilst slowing it down, say for guitar practice? 22.49.37 # then they could simply be two separate screens 22.49.55 # Well, that's what we have now..! 22.50.04 Quit gregzx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.50.37 # pondlife: yes, but the timestretch screen could be similar to the pitch screen, and also be accessible through the WPS context menu as the pitch screen is 22.50.53 # Maybe commit it as is, then start a new (even more controversial) patch for a UI... 22.51.07 # I'm still slightly in fear of the red delta 22.51.13 # midgey: r20124 broke codecs on gigabeat F (and I guess S). Not sure about others 22.52.00 # on target or on the sim? 22.52.04 # target 22.52.05 # pondlife: IMO the delta shouldn't matter for a feature like that 22.52.38 # * gartral tests on e200 22.55.21 # Nico_P: Keeping it as low as possible matters though. 22.55.27 # Nico_P: I guess it's just the silly splash screen that needs fixing before commit then... Did you see the same problem? 22.55.34 # * pondlife gets repetitive 22.55.46 # pondlife: what's the problem? 22.55.56 # I saw the splash screen, but nothing wrong with it 22.56.30 # When you enable timestretch for the first time, the splash appears after it exits the menu, and stays until a key is pressed 22.56.46 # It should appear for 2 seconds BEFORE exiting the menu 22.56.48 # ah yes, it did that 22.56.51 # codecs are working A-OK here 22.57.14 # gartral: the problem seems to only affect gigabeats 22.58.16 # gevaerts: http://rasher.dk/rockbox/h10_5gb/ 22.58.23 # gartral: As has been said 22.58.24 # rasher: maybe tomorrow... 22.58.40 # Sure 22.59.29 # midgey: IRAM? (Or rather, lack of IRAM) ? 22.59.37 Part woyciesjes ("Ex-Chat") 23.01.11 Quit evilnick ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 23.01.52 # seems like a reasonable guess 23.02.05 # i'm not sure why that would affect targets at all 23.02.22 # gevaerts, midgey: It's quite obvious why r20124 breaks codecs (and probably plugins) on target 23.02.28 # Looking at your change to config.h, you've only defined DATA_ATTR for a subset of targets... 23.02.37 # plugins work for me 23.02.49 # ci (and possibly rb) must stay in .data 23.03.23 # damn, you're right 23.03.24 # If they are in .bss, at least ci gets overwritten by bss clearing in codec_crt0 23.03.38 # i didn't look at the preprocessor stuff 23.03.51 # w 23.04.22 # What's holding up FS#8314 - kugel's sorting stuff? 23.04.40 # I didn't think of this in the morning, when Unhelpful asked whether that change might cause problems 23.05.26 # What is the problem re using the .data section on mac? 23.06.24 # can I go ahead and remove 3.0 and 3.1 from ReleaseTodo? 23.06.46 # Yes, they are NoToDo anymore 23.06.55 # NotToDo, even 23.07.02 # gcc and the assembler don't agree about the assigned section 23.07.03 # And we have wiki history 23.07.05 # pondlife: about FS#8314, I think it's name issues mainly 23.07.12 # http://www.pastebin.ca/1348469 23.07.40 # I thought the current wording was uncontroversial. 23.08.04 # oh, maybe it is 23.08.13 # hmm 23.10.25 # midgey: Hmm, maybe the data section has a different name on macos? 23.10.35 # The assembler seems to complain about the dot 23.10.58 # There might be a better solution though 23.12.09 # Plugins are indeed unaffected. There's an inconsistency between plugins and codecs: 23.12.33 # For plugins, the loader does the bss zeroing, while codecs do it themselves 23.12.44 # the apple documentation seems to suggest .data is fine 23.12.47 # http://developer.apple.com/DOCUMENTATION/DeveloperTools/Reference/Assembler/040-Assembler_Directives/chapter_5_section_2.html 23.13.03 # If we move the bss zeroing for codecs into the core, that would fix both the incosistency and the crashes 23.13.27 # probably a good idea 23.13.30 Quit robin0800 ("No Ping reply in 30 seconds.") 23.14.04 Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) 23.14.35 # The crash affects all targets which don't use iram for codecs (i.e. at least Gigabeat F/X, Gigabeat S, and lowmem AMS Sansas) 23.15.25 Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) 23.15.54 Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) 23.19.55 Quit low_light ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 23.21.08 Join robin0800_ [0] (n=quassel@general-kt-199.t-mobile.co.uk) 23.21.37 # any objections to my making the release annoncements on the frontpage link to the release notes? 23.21.47 # (instead of the download page) 23.22.22 # Nico_P: not from me 23.23.05 Quit petur (Remote closed the connection) 23.26.47 # * amiconn prepares a test on the beast 23.27.07 # anyone want to test out this patch http://www.pastebin.ca/1349096 23.27.21 # seems to fix the gigabeat f problems 23.27.37 # midgey: you should probably start a fs for that... 23.27.41 # i had to do a make veryclean first 23.28.30 # gartral: it's a quick fix for the breakage i introduced in r20124. If it fixes the problems for others, i'll just commit it 23.28.49 # ohhh 23.29.30 Join robin0800__ [0] (n=quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) 23.29.48 # ahem 23.30.27 # * amiconn just notices that it is pure luck that plugins are working, and this inconsistency should most probably be fixed the other way round 23.31.27 # The problem is that the iramcopy overlaps bss. The plugin loader doesn't clear all bss, but just the part after the iramcopy (which is part of the loaded binary image) 23.31.42 # The rest of it is cleared when a plugin calls plugin_iram_init() 23.32.24 # So if 'rb' is placed in .bss, and a plugin uses iram, it depends on where the linker places it whether the plugin breaks or not 23.33.18 Quit HellDragon (Client Quit) 23.33.22 Quit CaptainKwel ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 23.33.58 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 23.34.32 # The problem with a (not yet existing plugin_crt0 would be that unlike codecs, only some plugin should init iram, not all of them 23.34.40 Quit linuxstb (Remote closed the connection) 23.34.42 # midgey: that fixes it here 23.35.34 Join mc2739 [0] (n=mc2739@cpe-67-10-238-175.satx.res.rr.com) 23.35.37 # good to hear 23.35.47 Quit Febs (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 23.35.52 # That fix should be committed imo 23.35.52 Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 23.35.54 # i'm getting a segfault on starting rockblox in the e200 simulator in r20133. anyone else? 23.36.00 # * gartral wonders why chessclock tries to re-assume controll after a usb plug/unplug... 23.36.01 Quit robin0800 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.36.03 # Improving plugin startup is independent of that 23.36.35 # amiconn: i'll probably commit within 5 minutes. im experimenting with the section attributes on mac 23.37.09 # You could check what asm gcc produces 23.38.46 Quit mc2739 (Client Quit) 23.38.47 # Nico_P I binary searched the builds down to: r20123 plays and r20124 does not for the gigabeat F40 23.39.20 # gotthardt: The fix is about to go in, see above :) 23.39.31 Quit flydutch ("/* empty */") 23.39.36 # heh - cool 23.39.46 Join HellDragon [0] (n=jd@modemcable022.187-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) 23.39.58 # Hmm, actually it wouldn't make much sense to unify plugin and codec startup 23.40.27 # I'm a little undecided 23.41.20 Quit {phoenix} (Remote closed the connection) 23.41.25 # With delayed iram init, plugins could apply special tricks like using iram (and hence stopping playback) only after asking the user, or just optionally if music is stopped. 23.42.52 # But there is a *really nasty* gotcha: Since iramcopy and bss are shared, using bss before initing iram *might* mess up the iram copy, and hence crash the plugin later 23.43.56 Quit robin0800__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.44.12 # The solution would be to make the sections disjunct - at the cost of allocating a larger part of the plugin buffer for plugins using iram 23.45.25 # If we don't want to use such tricks, startup could be unified to make things easier for plugin devs. 23.46.38 # Opinions? 23.47.15 # * amiconn just found the solution for the two startup variants (plugins with and without iram usage) 23.47.42 # plugin_crt0() could check iramsize. If it is zero, the plugin doesn't use iram -> no playback stopping 23.48.41 # * midgey might have a slightly more correct version of the fix for mac 23.49.55 # using .section __DATA, __data instead of .data seems to work 23.51.35 Quit calman_ () 23.51.39 # So #ifdef __APPLE__ / #define DATA_ATTR __attribute__((section("__data"))) / #else / #define DATA_ATTR __attribute__((section(".data"))) / #endif 23.52.24 Quit robin0800_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.54.54 # midgey: i think you're already looking at it (missed some chatter), but r20124 broke rockblox in simulator on linux 23.55.49 # kadoban: Are you sure that wasn't r20113? 23.56.13 # linuxstb: pretty sure, unless i bisected wrong 23.58.20 Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-0c3bd6312cd42703) 23.58.42 Quit homielowe ()