--- Log for 29.03.109 Server: lindbohm.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 11 days and 16 hours ago 00.00.02 # i think thats pretty typical, that way you don't make each codec specific to one container [though in rockbox each codec is specific to a container anyway] 00.01.54 # I see .. by the way, I won't be able to work on the demuxer till ~10th of april because of my mid-terms :( 00.02.41 # I told linuxstb. Just thought I should tell you too. 00.02.48 # MT: thats fine, i don't think the project is meant to begin until may anyway 00.02.52 # is that in your application? 00.03.16 # were you working on this before you became interested in GSOC? 00.03.52 # MT: accepted student proposals are listed on the 20th, so... ;) 00.04.33 # scorche : no I didn't include this in the application, because the plan I wrote there was meant to start on May 23rd anyway .. 00.04.48 # MT: yeah...that is fine =) 00.06.17 # saratoga : not for a long time before gsoc though :) 00.08.02 # scorche : we have a fest here in Egypt on the 20th (it's a holiday too ) so I hope it ends well :D 00.11.30 Quit gevaerts (Nick collision from services.) 00.11.39 Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) 00.19.45 Join webguest26 [0] (n=185e02e0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9db1720624907f9f) 00.20.04 # hey, my album art doesnt show up in RB, anyone know why? 00.21.31 # webguest26: What format is the art in? 00.22.33 # webguest26: And where is it placed, and how is it named? 00.23.10 # And what player you have might help too. 00.24.16 Quit einhirn_ ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 00.27.53 # well i have an 80 gig ipod video 00.27.58 # 5.5gen 00.28.11 # the album art is just in the itunes folder 00.29.28 Join dmb [0] (n=dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) 00.29.42 Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) 00.34.04 Quit Ubuntuxer ("Leaving.") 00.34.30 # anyone know what the problem is? 00.36.00 # webguest26, did you read the albumart wiki 00.36.59 # webguest26: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome?topic=AlbumArt 00.37.11 Quit pixelma (Nick collision from services.) 00.37.12 Join pixelma_ [50] (n=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 00.37.14 Join amiconn_ [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 00.37.18 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 00.37.29 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (n=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 00.37.32 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 00.41.11 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 00.41.27 Quit bmbl ("Woah!") 00.41.39 # i cant find that in the wiki 00.42.12 Join EternalRains [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-178-217-222.jax.bellsouth.net) 00.43.37 Quit bertrik (Remote closed the connection) 00.43.59 Quit tessarakt ("Client exiting") 00.44.09 Join tessarakt [0] (n=jens@e180077176.adsl.alicedsl.de) 00.46.54 Join dluna [0] (n=chris@christopher.yok.utu.fi) 00.47.11 Quit cspotcode ("Leaving.") 00.47.31 Quit webguest26 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 00.50.45 Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) 00.54.33 Quit Conic () 00.54.39 Quit shotofadds ("Leaving") 00.54.57 Join Conic [0] (n=conicpp@c-75-68-165-66.hsd1.vt.comcast.net) 00.54.58 Join BHSPitLappy_ [0] (n=BHSPitLa@ppp-68-91-34-166.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 00.59.04 Quit tessarakt ("Client exiting") 01.01.26 Quit BHSPitLappy (Nick collision from services.) 01.01.29 Nick BHSPitLappy_ is now known as BHSPitLappy (n=BHSPitLa@ppp-68-91-34-166.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 01.03.28 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 01.03.51 Part dluna 01.12.09 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 01.18.36 Quit PaulJam_ (".") 01.21.04 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.21.29 Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) 01.24.54 Quit EternalRains ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.8/2009032608]") 01.32.14 Quit fyrestorm (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.33.02 Quit Conic () 01.44.57 Quit bertrik (Remote closed the connection) 01.51.08 Join antonio_ [0] (n=antonio@ 01.51.23 Quit ender` (" Why geeks like computers: look chat date touch grep make unzip strip view finger mount fsck more fsck yes spray umount slee") 01.51.46 # !list 01.52.08 # !list 01.52.09 # antonio_, please read the topic 01.53.47 Join JustKemp [0] (n=matt@d58-110-133-67.bla3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) 01.53.53 Join lkjasa [0] (n=lkjasa@unaffiliated/lkjasa) 01.55.00 # hello? 01.56.00 # hi JustKemp 01.56.06 Quit BXCracer (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 01.56.13 # hey 01.56.24 # whats rockbox? 01.57.10 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GeneralFAQ#What_is_Rockbox_What_is_its_purp 01.57.36 Join webguest49 [0] (n=185e02e0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1cf84bfbba6d8bbf) 01.57.48 # how do you get album artwork into rockbox? 01.58.36 # you read the wiki: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/AlbumArt 01.58.58 # u know you stuff, krazykit 01.59.03 # *your 01.59.26 # thanks i couldnt find that 03.00.07 # i dont see any music on here at all...? 03.00.33 # why would you expect to find music? 03.00.59 # rockbox is a firmware for a number of DAPs... 03.02.44 # why send people to the wiki when the first words on the front page are "Rockbox is an ..." 03.03.03 Quit moos ("duh! already 3h AM") 03.03.47 # saratoga, beer ;) 03.08.23 Quit webguest49 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 03.08.53 Join z35_ [0] (n=z35@h36.17.89.75.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) 03.11.25 Part domonoky 03.13.56 Quit z35 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 03.14.12 Join iopews [0] (i=52e2dd9b@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-41cfd5f19861438e) 03.14.22 Part JustKemp 03.16.49 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 03.22.04 Join Lss [0] (n=Lss@cm246.delta91.maxonline.com.sg) 03.22.31 Nick z35_ is now known as z35 (n=z35@h36.17.89.75.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) 03.23.05 # !list 03.25.22 Quit iopews ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 03.25.55 Join fdjsiao [0] (i=52e2dd9b@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-8c33d6fbfbc2d127) 03.26.16 Join ufoman [0] (n=ufoman@whiterabbit.rz.uni-mannheim.de) 03.28.08 Quit LinuxMafia (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.34.16 Quit z35 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03.41.28 Join z35 [0] (n=z35@h36.17.89.75.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) 03.47.50 # hi, have you ever experienced a glitch that the playback stops suddenly and resumes at 5-6 seconds of song time before it happened? 03.48.27 # my player is iaudio x5, build r20652 03.48.57 Quit fdjsiao ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 04.01.32 Join Strife89 [0] (n=nds@ 04.03.16 Join bluefoxx [0] (n=BlueFoxx@S01060015e968e813.vs.shawcable.net) 04.03.47 Part evilnick 04.06.32 Join Strife89DS [0] (n=nds@ 04.06.36 Quit Strife89 (Connection reset by peer) 04.07.37 Join thegeek [0] (n=nnscript@s243b.studby.ntnu.no) 04.13.14 Nick Strife89DS is now known as Strife89 (n=nds@ 04.14.31 Join dreamlayers [0] (n=dreamlay@bas4-windsor12-1279315722.dsl.bell.ca) 04.17.21 # Hello everyone. It's my first time here. 04.17.36 # \o/ 04.18.29 Join saratoga_lab [0] (n=9803c264@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-41d1f8c2f437d721) 04.20.23 # Two people who have encountered FS#9926 think that the bug should be in 3.2 release notes. (On Color and Photo iPods, System -> Rockbox Info always says battery is charging) 04.21.07 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.22.09 # The Known Bugs section of the release notes didn't really get much attention. I'm not sure if that particular bug is worthy of getting in there though? 04.23.32 # I also have a patch there. It accesses an unknown PP5020 register. Based on what I saw in the OF, 0x70000088 may be an input for GPO32 bits. The OF first writes a zero word and then reads the word to test the bit. 04.24.42 # Honestly, I'm not sure who you'd want to talk to for this kind of stuff. I seem to remember Buschel doing some PP related power stuff 04.25.19 # It's not the most active time of the week, middle of saturday night in Europe 04.26.01 # Yeah, I don't really know if it's worthy of getting in there. I rarely even look at that screen. I just thought I should bring it up because two people asked. 04.26.06 Join fyrestorm [0] (n=fyre@cpe-68-173-232-9.nyc.res.rr.com) 04.26.57 # FS#10051 is a duplicate of the same bug. 04.27.10 # dreamlayers: Is charging broken in any significant way, or is it just that screen showing wrong info? 04.28.31 Join JustKemp [0] (n=matt@d58-110-133-67.bla3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) 04.28.48 # Charging from USB is probably broken, but that's unrelated. This is just the issue of reading the wrong bit and displaying status incorreclty there. 04.29.19 # Thanks for taking care of the duplicate. 04.29.50 # That doesn't seem release-note worthy. Broken charging does, but is that FS#8802? 04.30.24 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-3c279166bb8d51af) 04.30.43 # dreamlayers: You should talk to Zagor (Björn Stenberg) about getting developer level on FlySpray 04.31.18 Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04.32.14 # Yeah, charging is in FS#8802. 04.32.15 # FS#9987 is a duplicate. 04.33.41 # Okay, I'll talk to Zagor. 04.33.43 # Alright, 8802 is already in the release notes, so we have that covered it seems 04.34.07 # Yep, that's definitely covered 04.36.30 # Has anyone tested the patch from 8802? 04.38.07 Part JustKemp 04.40.19 # I'd think people would report back there. Are you positive FS#9987 is a duplicate? The descriptions don't seem to match? 04.41.20 Quit tvelocity (Remote closed the connection) 04.43.23 Quit n1s ("Lämnar") 04.43.30 Join deweycooter [0] (n=chatzill@ 04.43.42 # From the point of view of USB power hardware, it doesn't matter whether there is a USB connection or whether it's a USB charger or a USB port. Software has to see what's connected and respond accordingly. 04.46.06 Quit XavierGr () 04.47.03 # Actually, there is one difference: firmware in flash should enable charging if it sees a supported USB charger at power-on. 04.53.16 # Honestly I'm not qualified to discuss, it just seemed one task concerned the Rockbox USB stack not requesting 500mA power, and the other is completely failing to charge from AC adapters 04.59.06 # Okay, I'll bring this up another time when more people are around. (Rockbox already requests 500 mA, but a request doesn't change how much current the device uses. It just makes sure that the requested current is available.) 05.01.04 Quit Seed ("cu, Andre") 05.05.12 Quit l403 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 05.11.45 Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=rmenes@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) 05.14.25 # * LambdaCalculus37 waves to dreamlayers 05.14.54 # * dreamlayers waves to LambdaCalculus37 05.15.11 # Welcome to the fun. :) 05.15.24 Quit Strife89 ("ClIRC - IRC client for Nintendo DS") 05.15.46 # bah... I should sleep and not wonder whether ogg is 100% realtime on coldfire... ;p 05.17.15 # it is. my newly acquired x5 seems to play some jokes on me... 05.18.45 # dreamlayers: Question about your work on FS#9787 and FS#9890... since you seem to have an idea of how to talk to the BCM chip in the iPod video, do you believe that we may be able to utilize it at some point in the future? 05.18.53 # ufoman: It's very comfortably realtime indeed 05.19.04 Join Strife89 [0] (n=nds@ 05.19.14 # ufoman: Ogg vorbis playback is very realtime on my H340. 05.19.15 # ufoman: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome?topic=codecPerformanceComparison 05.19.43 # yea I probably had some problem with disk read 05.20.13 # ufoman: Better make sure the disk is in good shape and not going south. 05.20.45 # it was stopping playback for like 500msec and retrying 05.21.09 # I could not feel that it was actively reading data 05.21.33 # LambdaCalculus37: I think figuring out more about the BCM will be difficult. The firmware in osos is very complex, and a bunch of threads are devoted to the BCM. 05.21.54 # LambdaCalculus37: I'll do it. I hope I won't have to hunt for MK4007GAL anytime soon... 05.22.42 # without a compiler i'm not sure what good the BCM chip would be, aside maybe for color space conversion if it can do that in hardware 05.23.29 # Could we use the BCM firmware from the resource partition? 05.23.44 # dreamlayers: Not sure if it's possible. 05.23.59 # But we could pick it apart to see how it works, perhaps. 05.24.12 # dreamlayers: you mean like the decoder on HWCODEC? 05.25.44 # Yeah... I guess the situations are simillar 05.26.27 # Rockbox is already using BCM firmware from the vmcs part of the flash. 05.26.57 # i'm sure it could be done, though its a lot of effort to get H.264 05.27.45 Join wangxiang [0] (n=wangxian@ 05.28.02 # saratoga: But it may be worth the effort. :) 05.28.33 # buy a Gigabeat S, we have a spec sheet for the mx31's video chip 05.28.50 Quit Strife89 ("ClIRC - IRC client for Nintendo DS") 05.28.58 # saratoga: Already got one. :) 05.29.05 # then get to work 05.29.28 # that reminds me i keep forgetting to send that gigabeat T 05.30.15 Join Seed [0] (n=ben@bzq-84-108-232-45.cablep.bezeqint.net) 05.31.03 # saratoga: Where's the spec sheet located? 05.32.39 Join MethoS [0] (n=lem@host-091-097-245-028.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 05.35.08 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 05.37.04 # The link in the Wiki is broken. I think this is the datasheet: http://www.freescale.com/files/32bit/doc/data_sheet/MCIMX31_5.pdf 05.37.50 # dreamlayers: hey, thanks for finding that div0 problem... i was thinking it would be something like that :/ 05.38.51 # JdGordon: you're welcome 05.39.17 # Disassembling is fun :) 05.39.46 # dreamlaters: Let me check it out. 05.41.59 Join Strife89 [0] (n=nds@ 05.43.42 # JdGordon: there have been some changes to WPS code recently, and some parts of playback_changes.11.diff fail. 05.45.33 Quit bluefoxx () 05.46.07 # yeah, kugel's fault.. i havnt had a chance to sync it yet 05.49.46 # theres actually a better datasheet for the S somewhere, its a couple thousand pages long 05.54.29 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@adsl4-231.her.forthnet.gr) 05.56.22 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-236a60bc54efe542) 05.56.59 Quit Strife89 ("Gone to bed.") 05.57.30 # Lots of IMX31 things are available from http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=i.MX31&nodeId=01J4Fs2973ZrDR 06.00.14 # http://www.freescale.com/files/32bit/doc/ref_manual/MCIMX31RM.pdf 2470 page reference manual 06.01.28 # Holy crap! 06.16.16 Join wangxiang_ [0] (n=wangxian@ 06.16.32 Part kps00000 06.21.03 Quit wangxiang (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 06.21.09 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.23.31 Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("bed time") 06.35.33 Quit dreamlayers ("Goodnight") 06.37.28 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 06.38.10 Join itcheg [0] (i=62db4767@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ce67daf5208ad923) 06.44.51 Join logiclost [0] (n=lostlogi@temporal.lostlogicx.com) 06.46.07 Quit lostlogic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.51.23 Quit ZyLoR (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06.58.20 Quit MethoS (Remote closed the connection) 07.02.22 Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 07.07.50 Quit bs66_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07.08.04 Join bs66_ [0] (n=sysuser@ 07.14.21 Join wangxiang__ [0] (n=wangxian@ 07.15.44 Join antonio__ [0] (n=antonio@ 07.16.01 Quit itcheg ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 07.25.00 Quit antonio_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.38.08 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 07.39.55 Join JustKemp [0] (n=matt@d58-110-133-67.bla3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) 07.44.17 Quit wangxiang_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.47.45 # kugel: We should be discussing this here, where it's logged 07.48.16 # Rockbox as an app should, where possible ,strive to us the UI widgets appropriate to the OS it's running on. That means, for example, file browsing should not use our list. It should use a more "standard" file browser widget for the OS it's on 07.49.00 # Preserving "the list" for menus and files just makes the UI less appropriate for normal use. It's used now because it's the best we can do where we are, and not something we should force on users when a better option can be made available 07.49.07 # why should it not use our lists? 07.49.18 # Because they're _worse_ to use than other options 07.49.34 # if you can click on a list item with the mouse? that's just fine, using actual rockbox 07.49.40 # really, I 07.49.58 # I'm saying using only codecs and plugins wouldn't satisfy me 07.50.12 # kugel: In a normal application, if you want to choose the "Files" or "Tools" menu, do you have to manually click your way out of the files menu first, or can you just click Tools? 07.50.39 # in a normal application I just want to click databse 07.50.52 # That's a pointless answer. 07.50.58 Quit StealthyXIIGer (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07.51.02 # It's a simple question. 07.51.07 # why? just clicking database should be doable 07.51.24 # the database browser could possible extended. with an album art view, for example 07.51.26 # Why are you ignoring my question? 07.51.39 # You're saying our menus aren't restrictive, that's an example where they are. 07.51.48 # there 07.51.51 # Our menu structure doesn't allow quick movement from one part of the menus to another 07.52.15 # there's always the way of having "standard menus" or even shortcuts for stuff like tools 07.52.31 # I thought you wanted to preserve the list for menus 07.52.57 # if rockbox-as-an-app means doing a new media player I'm certainly not interested in it, and just fgo with some random mpd client or amarok/rhytmbox 07.53.24 # So basically, "if I can't have my restrictive UI, I don't want to use it"? 07.54.03 # Llorean: using rockbox lists where it makes sense to use lists at all. if a list is totally unsuited, than use what can be solved better by using native widgets 07.54.17 # That's *everything* then 07.54.26 # There's nowhere that a Rockbox list is more suited. 07.54.30 # you're equaling rockbox ui with restricting, which I don't 07.54.45 # The Rockbox UI would be restricting to someone expecting an actual PC application 07.55.25 # the whole windows explorer is a list, with just some file/edit/etc menus too. That's what raap can do too 07.55.50 # I don't want just a pcc app. I want ROCKBOX as a pc app 07.55.55 # Windows explorer is not just a list 07.56.06 # It also has a second list to the left showing parallel folders 07.56.12 # It has a selection of other things as well. 07.56.21 # that's the whole point of doing the project under the name of rockbox 07.57.09 # what pieces of rockbox are you expecting to still be active in raap? 07.57.44 # Codec support, playlisting functionaliy, themable playback screen, settings and options. Basically the actual *features* rather than the UI. 07.58.35 # 90% of which isn't unique at all 07.58.49 # So we should keep unique things even if they're bad or restrictive? 07.59.01 # Clearly we should then keep our buffering the way it is. It's definitely unique for a PC player. 07.59.16 # again, I don't think there's any restriction 07.59.35 # You honestly think our file browser can let you see the collection on your player, and access them, as quickly as Windows Explorer / Nautilus / Whatever? 07.59.59 # but it's rally hard to descirbe how I'm imagening raap. And again, there's just about everyone having a (at least slightly) different expectation 08.00.06 # It's a yes/no question. 08.00.36 # our list code is used much more than just in the file or database browser 08.00.43 # It's a yes/no question. 08.00.59 # No, then 08.01.23 # So then you agree there is some degree of restriction. 08.01.49 # The windows explorer might be perfect for selecting files. But our list code is also responsible for browsing plugins, settings, the playlist and more 08.01.51 Quit fyrestorm ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.1b3/20090305152042]") 08.02.18 # The settings can be accessed via a more standard menu structure for the native OS (again, less restrictive than our list) 08.02.42 # The playlist can be shown in a list, sure. Probably extended from our own (for example, on PCs the 'context' menu should be on right click) 08.02.56 # I'm nor particularly interested in using OS apis where possible. Only where it makes sense 08.03.07 # and where it makes it worth leaving the rockbox path 08.03.15 # They should be used anywhere it increases usability. 08.03.39 # which seems to be everywhere for you 08.03.53 # Well, you agree for the file browser. 08.04.02 # And you refused to answer my question about hopping quickly from one menu tree to another 08.04.22 # The database browser is the same case as the file browser. 08.04.26 # how's raap rockbox, if a user cannot recognize rockbox on his player and rockbox on his windows? 08.04.27 # And I've yielded on Playlists. 08.04.30 # Where else, really, is there? 08.05.01 # Plugins are a separate can of worms anyway 08.05.24 # well, if you want native OS function, then install a codec pac, srs wow, use windows media player and be happy 08.05.26 # that 08.05.28 # that 08.05.41 # that's what I want from raap 08.05.42 # kugel: RaaP's point is to make it easier to use native UI widgets. Separate the code out, and compile with them, so that it's easier to make targets use them. So that, for example, on smartphones where more of our UI needs to be preserved for usability it's easier to adapt 08.05.47 # RaaP is NOT just for PC apps 08.06.52 # "RaaP's point is to make it easier to use native UI widgets" I disagree. It's porting rockbox to x86/amd64 to be an actual (and usable) pc app 08.07.01 # what is raap? 08.07.03 # And it will be. 08.07.20 # kugel: The point is for other devices. But if the PC app is usable, that's fine. You want to make it LESS usable. 08.07.22 # Which is silly 08.07.28 # JustKemp: Rockbox as an App 08.07.36 # as I said, your expectation seems to be only have codecs (and some dsp features) avalailable on the desktop to me 08.07.40 # kool 08.07.54 # kugel: And your expectation is to intentionally restrict users to preserve a look. 08.08.02 # fine 08.08.09 # You've admitted your way is more restrictive. 08.08.24 # I've discussed enough. your arguments get pointless 08.08.36 Join wangxiang_ [0] (n=wangxian@ 08.09.14 # By "pointless" I assume you mean "I can't actually tell you where the list will offer more functionality than a native widget, so I'm going to get vague again"? 08.10.04 # whatever, I'm done. This is not going to get anywhere if you're repeatedly claiming I want to restrict users 08.10.06 # I mean, I do assume if you had more reason than "It should look like Rockbox" you'd have offered it by now. 08.10.15 # kugel: You've admitted your way would be more restrictive 08.10.22 # Do you deny that admission, just a few lines ago, now or something? 08.10.28 # no 08.10.38 # So why do you say "claiming" when it's true? 08.10.42 # By your own admission 08.10.48 # I said it may be more restrive in terms of browsing for music. That's all 08.10.59 # rockbox is more than just abour browsing for music 08.11.01 # Tell me how it would be less restrictive for menus, then. Or database. 08.11.19 # Because those are the three places I've said we should use native widgets so far, and you've disagreed with me. 08.11.22 # So surely you can point out how. 08.11.29 Quit MT (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.12.00 # ok, imm not very IT handy. but here goes. rockbox can be installed on selected mp3 players, to basically give them a new theme/watever . am i right?????? 08.12.09 # sure, now you've only apply your arguments for browsing. I'm sorry I've missed that early and thought you want OS widgets everywhere 08.12.19 # JustKemp: It's not a theme. it's a wide range of features, replacing the host firmware entirely when running 08.12.32 # JustKemp: rockbox is a complete replacement firmware...not just a theme...check out the WhyRockbox wiki page 08.12.33 # kugel: I want OS widgets *where they expand or ease functionality* 08.12.39 # kugel: How would you have an OS widget for the WPS? 08.12.39 # but it looks just like a different theme? 08.12.53 # JustKemp: What do you mean by that? 08.13.13 Join Rob2223 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCD1D7.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.13.13 # nevr mind. i'll just read the page 08.14.27 # kugel: I don't want to remove any features, but I don't see "limited list-based browsing" as a feature so much as a limiting factor imposed by the inputs available to us on most players. 08.15.11 # ok i think i get it......... so its like how most laptops come with vista, but a linux can be installed instead. 08.15.54 # is that right? 08.15.56 # JustKemp: Something like that, only there aren't many players you can put Rockbox on. The list isn't short, but it's definite. If your player isn't on the list, Rockbox needs to be ported first. 08.16.06 # And that's an awful lot of work 08.17.09 # thats still pretty kool 08.17.46 # Llorean: for raap, I'd e.g. expect to have click on a "play" icon actually do something. which would also apply to touchscreen 08.18.22 # kugel: This is something common to most PC-side audio players anyway 08.18.41 # The WPS would probably always be visible, and the Play/Pause/Stop button would toggle basic playback state. 08.18.47 # There's already plans to do this for touchscreen 08.19.00 # but actually, I'm kinda doubting you get me entirely, I and I also doubt that I get you entirely. I'm just too tired for an in-depth discussion right now. 08.19.15 # see you later 08.19.35 Quit kugel ("ChatZilla 0.9.84-rdmsoft [XULRunner]") 08.19.35 Part JustKemp 08.21.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.21.28 Join wangxiang [0] (n=wangxian@ 08.29.49 Quit wangxiang__ (Connection timed out) 08.30.36 Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.36.32 Quit jordoex (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08.39.55 Quit z35 ("Leaving") 08.45.42 Quit deweycooter ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.8/2009032609]") 08.47.33 Join jordoex [0] (n=quassel@S010600032f35d6b0.vc.shawcable.net) 08.48.05 Quit wangxiang_ (Connection timed out) 08.50.32 Quit jordoex (Client Quit) 08.52.28 Join jordoex [0] (n=quassel@S010600032f35d6b0.vc.shawcable.net) 08.55.54 Quit jordoex (Client Quit) 08.57.40 Join jordoex [0] (n=quassel@S010600032f35d6b0.vc.shawcable.net) 08.57.49 Quit ultrasonic (Client Quit) 08.57.58 Join bs66_1 [0] (n=sysuser@ 09.00.00 Join ultrasonic [0] (n=manohar@ 09.00.53 Quit Llorean (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.01.17 Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@adsl-99-158-46-113.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) 09.01.38 Part toffe82 09.01.56 Join jordoex_ [0] (n=quassel@S0106002129693a39.vc.shawcable.net) 09.02.17 Quit jordoex (Client Quit) 09.03.47 Join jordoex [0] (n=quassel@S0106002129693a39.vc.shawcable.net) 09.07.21 # saratoga_lab: The biggest problem with utilising the BCM is that it seems to be a custom architecture, so there is neither a compiler nor an assembler available for it 09.07.23 Join jordoex___ [0] (n=quassel@S0106002129693a39.vc.shawcable.net) 09.07.39 Join jordoex__ [0] (n=quassel@S010600032f35d6b0.vc.shawcable.net) 09.07.39 *** Alert Mode level 1 09.07.39 DBUG Enqueued KICK jordoex_ 09.07.39 DBUG Enqueued KICK jordoex 09.07.39 *** Alert Mode level 2 09.07.39 DBUG Enqueued KICK jordoex___ 09.07.39 DBUG Enqueued KICK jordoex__ 09.07.39 *** Alert Mode level 3 09.07.39 Quit jordoex__ (Remote closed the connection) 09.09.20 Quit dmb ("Leaving") 09.10.15 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 09.10.15 # amiconn: I'm pretty sure the BCM chip is an ARC - that's suggested by the ELF headers for the files on the rsrc image - but that doesn't make it any easier to find a toolchain. 09.10.55 # The architecure identifier in the .elf files is unknown to the gnu tools 09.11.20 # (something in the 0x50 range, don't remember exactly) 09.11.24 # Hm, strange. I worked on the iPodLinux project a few years back, and ARC was the conclusion we reached. 09.11.38 # We could've been mistaken, though - we never did manage to get anything running on the chip. 09.14.52 Quit bs66_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.15.32 Quit jordoex_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 09.16.17 # From what I read, ARC seems to be a flexible core which can be extended by customer specific instructions 09.16.42 # So it could indeed be one, but it wouldn't change anything... 09.17.07 # True. 09.17.40 *** Alert Mode OFF 09.19.03 Quit tvelocity (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09.21.20 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@adsl4-231.her.forthnet.gr) 09.23.07 Quit jordoex (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.30.51 Quit tvelocity (Remote closed the connection) 09.35.25 Join l403 [0] (n=l@ 09.42.11 Quit CaptainKewl (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 09.42.12 Join flydutch [0] (n=flydutch@host238-166-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 09.47.05 # Llorean: I wonder where you got that idea for rockbox-as-an-app... using the OS widgets is almost impossible in its current state.... that might be a very long term goal... but for now its just being able to use the native drawing code instead of sdl... 09.47.09 # ditto for sound/buttons 09.47.55 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-a953e81932ad5cf2) 09.48.21 Join lightbulbjim [0] (n=jim@ 09.48.53 # JdGordon: In pretty much ever discussion about it, it's come up that it should eventually use the OS widgets. 09.49.21 # *eventually* being a long way away 09.49.28 # That doesn't change the fact that it's a goal. 09.49.32 # Kugel's idea is that it shouldn't be a goal at all. 09.49.35 Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) 09.51.02 # considering how the screens are drawn I tihnk its a impossible goal anyway 09.51.34 # What do you mean? 09.52.11 # screens arnt drawn as collections of widgets like "real" OS's expect 09.52.23 # Most screens won't even exist any more. 09.52.24 # apart from the list view... everything is custom 09.52.34 # It's the list that I'm mainly talking about 09.52.39 # 90% of User Input is the list. 09.52.46 # then whats the point? you're takeing a below standard playback engine and tacking on a custom frontend? 09.52.47 # Or just next/prev on the WPS etc 09.52.54 # Which of course will still use the WPS 09.53.06 # JdGordon: What's the point in leaving the list in? 09.53.22 # "Let's take below standard (as you describe) playback, and give it a hard to use UI making it LESS desirable"? 09.53.33 # ? its not rockbox as an app anymore... its a new ui for rockbox's cruddy playback engine 09.54.13 # Where the hell does this "it's not Rockbox any more if we change the UI" come from? 09.54.30 # Who does it benefit if we make the PC-side UI intentionally crappier than it needs to be? 09.55.13 Join cspotcode [0] (n=Administ@weepinbell-52.dynamic.rpi.edu) 09.55.24 Ctcp Ignored 4 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 09.55.24 # * JdGordon is not going to get drawn into a debate about what rockbox is and isnt 09.55.35 # Then you can't use it as a point defending your view. 09.55.50 # If you can't define what Rockbox is, you can't say "your idea is less Rockbox than mine" justifiably. 09.56.55 # Why not tell me how keeping the Rockbox UI makes it better on the PC? 09.57.04 # Talk in terms of things you can actually describe. 09.57.59 # who ever said anything about making it better? since when is that a goal 09.58.32 # What the is the point of making Rockbox as an app, if we're not trying to make it good? 09.59.10 # 1) to get it on more targets, 2) some people actually dont mind using the sim as their audio player 09.59.12 Join bluefoxx [0] (n=BlueFoxx@S01060015e968e813.vs.shawcable.net) 09.59.18 # 1) We don't get targets where we're not good. 09.59.55 # If I had to navigate the list menus of Rockbox to use it on my phone, I probably just wouldn't use it on my phone, ever. 10.00.21 # There's no reason to restrict it to that solely for the purpose of restricting it to that. 10.00.40 # And if the sim is good enough to use on a PC, why don't we just use the sim as Rockbox as an App? 10.01.50 # So again I ask - why is it beneficial to restrict the UI like this? 10.02.40 # i ask again, why are you argunign stupid side things? I never said anything about restricting it.. I just said that the goal was very unlikely 10.02.57 # You said it's not Rockbox as an app if we do it. 10.03.15 # So, you're against it for Rockbox as an app 10.03.28 # So yes, you said we shouldn't do it. 10.04.18 # right, then why dont you open up a text editor and get to it? apparently you know how everything must be done and the likes of us who actually code dont... 10.04.44 # Imo the whole rockbox-as-an-app idea is weird 10.04.49 # JdGordon: Right, don't actually argue the points do you. 10.05.00 # JdGordon: "Oh look, he caught me in a contradiction, let's change topics." 10.05.08 # If you don't want to actually defend what you say, don't bother to say it. 10.05.20 # But for heaven's sake, if you actually say something, own up to it. 10.05.27 # Either defend it, or say "No, I didn't mean it like that. Sorry for being unclear." 10.05.39 # please take this to privmsg 10.05.42 # If you take rockbox as-is (i.e. similar to the sim) it would be a pita to use, but if you change the UI, what difference to other pc based audio players remains? 10.06.08 # amiconn: Database compatibility, format support, probably the ability to use most player-specific themes. 10.06.25 # Llorean: you're the one reading way too much into what I've said... 10.06.27 # amiconn: Not to mention, RB as an app isn't just for PCs. Smartphones and PDAs too 10.06.35 # The themes are an UI thing - if you change the UI the themes won't be compatible anymore 10.06.39 # JdGordon: How so. You're the one not defending his points, and changing the subject. 10.07.05 # amiconn: The main UI changes would be to the list. The WPS wouldn't necessarily have much to change, and 99% of themes is the WPS 10.07.10 # And other pc apps have the same, if not better, format support 10.07.18 # I never read his points... so why should i go defedning them? i'm just saying changing the ui is pointless 10.07.18 # amiconn: Again, not just PC apps. 10.07.26 # JdGordon: I said you need to defend YOUR POINTS 10.07.32 # How the heck is this "his?" 10.07.34 # no, you said his 10.07.57 # JdGordon: Quote me the "his" then? 10.08.02 # The only "he" I used refers to me. 10.08.03 # * JdGordon thinks Raaa is more for pda/phones than pc anyway 10.08.06 # * amiconn tends to ignore smartphones and pdas 10.08.14 # [01:06:47] JdGordon: How so. You're the one not defending his points 10.08.36 # Llorean: The WPS would also need changing at least for a pc app. I'd want clickable buttons for prev/next/pause/stop... 10.08.40 # JdGordon: Yes, YOUR points 10.08.52 # JdGordon: "You're the one not defending his points." The pronoun obviously refers to you in that sentence. 10.08.54 # because your and his magically mean the same thing now? 10.09.03 # If Your is used first, they can 10.09.13 # I never mentioned anyone else's points 10.09.14 # So the only thing left (imo) would be database compatibility... which isn't worth much 10.09.20 # please? Enough of this in the logs 10.09.22 Join homielowe [0] (n=homielow@unaffiliated/homielowe) 10.09.23 # amiconn: Clickable buttons could happen on touchscreen too 10.09.26 # The database differs per-target anyway 10.09.46 # JdGordon: So, do you want to actually defend your statements about RBAA? Or shut up, as lucent suggests? 10.09.51 # no 10.10.06 # I suggest that you both quit filling up the !@#$ logs with this banter 10.10.41 # this certainly is getting a bit out of hand... 10.10.44 # amiconn: Endianness or other differences? 10.11.16 # lucent: The discussion of Rockbox as an app is on-topic here, if JdGordon would like to actually continue discussing it. 10.11.28 # I just lost my tempter at his attempt to sidetrack things. I'm sorry. 10.11.37 # anyhow I was to leave a log note for kugel, the >1GB patch fixes filesystem access but exposes some quirky button events under frozen bubble plugin 10.11.52 # lucent: If it's a patch on the tracker, it's better to leave messages there. 10.12.32 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 10.12.42 Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 10.13.34 # Llorean: I have nothing to say other than you're sourcing me for the basis of an argument I want no part in. 10.14.07 # lucent: I don't understand. I'm just suggesting you put it on the tracker, and I agreed with you that we should cease the off-topic part of our discussion. 10.14.15 # logs have it, I'm going to sleep. Good night rockbox'ers 10.15.29 # im going to bed... but before I do.... seriously Llorean, pull your head out of your ass... you ccreated the argument... all i said was thats its an unrealistic goal.. NOTHING MORE 10.15.43 # JdGordon: No, you said plenty more. I even pointed out where you did. 10.16.34 # JdGordon: If you didn't mean it, feel free to take responsibility and say something like "I didn't mean 'It wouldn't be Rockbox as an app if we changed the UI'" 10.16.43 # Llorean: I mean the database differs in content, depending on what audio tracks are stored on the device 10.17.08 # can we just stop all "i _______; you ______" comments and stick to the technical aspects? 10.17.28 # heaven forbid... Llorean doesnt know the technical difficulties 10.17.33 # scorche: Well right now, he's got two contradictory technical arguments, and I don't know which one's his actual point - the things he said or the other things he said 10.17.34 # Different endianess is handled by the db engine (and I still think this is unnecessary) 10.17.47 # Llorean: i never said it wouldnt be rockbox without it... i said it would be a pointless excersize 10.17.53 # feel free to do it if you want though 10.17.58 Quit bluefoxx () 10.18.10 # JdGordon: (2:53:29 AM) JdGordon: ? its not rockbox as an app anymore... its a new ui for rockbox's cruddy playback engine 10.18.23 # Do you think I'm unable to read? 10.19.01 # amiconn: Well, regardless there's still the benefit for PDA/Smartphone/DAPS with a full OS 10.20.43 # Yeah, possibly 10.21.06 Quit homielowe () 10.21.12 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.29.06 # quit 10.29.40 # sorry, wrong type... 10.29.56 Quit wangxiang ("Leaving") 10.35.57 # Llorean: I also thought that "his points" refered to kugel's points 10.36.17 # markun: That seems odd. 10.36.26 # why? 10.36.46 # Because in the whole rest of it, I was discussing JdGordon's ideas about it, except one of the very early sentences. 10.37.22 # just shows you how weird our minds are 10.37.24 # It would be rather silly to use a pronoun to refer to a person paragraphs ealier. 10.37.42 # perhaps, but I still read it as such 10.38.15 # Regardless though, I didn't hold that one against him. I clarified it, and wanted to get back to discussing the actual issues with RBaaa using OS widgets vs our list. 10.39.07 Quit jordoex___ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10.40.05 # I guess my concern is that, most discussion of RBaaa I've seen over the last few years have included the idea of it using OS specific widgets where appropriate. 10.40.30 # When talking with SoC students, I don't think we should be discouraging them away from this, unless this idea has changed significantly and I've missed it. 10.40.51 # Mainly I see this as replacing the list with something less cumbersome 10.44.32 Quit __lifeless (Remote closed the connection) 10.44.48 Join __lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ 10.49.13 Join bluefoxx [0] (n=BlueFoxx@S01060015e968e813.vs.shawcable.net) 10.52.17 Join n1s [0] (n=n1s@nl104-208-152.student.uu.se) 10.58.32 Quit bluefoxx () 10.59.20 Join JustKemp [0] (n=matt@d58-110-133-67.bla3.nsw.optusnet.com.au) 10.59.41 # just wondering 11.00.12 # like rockbox is for mp3, can u get anything for phones ??? 11.00.44 # JustKemp: this channel is about rockbox and rockbox only...if you are looking for something else, perhaps it might be ebtter if you looked elsewhere.. 11.01.01 # im not looking for anything else 11.01.07 # i was just wondering is all 11.01.41 # JustKemp: The website should explain most of it. Including the list of what it runs on 11.02.56 # the website does explain most of it. and im not looking elsewhere for anything. i am simply wondering if there are such programs for phones. i figure u might know 11.03.18 # pixelma: is it teh keymap or the manual that is wrong? (http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=21140.0) 11.04.00 # JustKemp: That would be "something else" as scorche said then. 11.05.40 # IM NOT LOOKING. IM NOT INTERESTED IN LOOKING. I FIGURE THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE ON THIS CHAT ROOM MIGHT NO IF THERE IS/ISNT SUCH THING FOR PHONES 11.05.48 # or was that too harsh? 11.06.55 # n1s: the manual should be correct and I think the virtual keyboard too but I'm not sure - that's a part where I use a patch... 11.07.33 # pixelma: they don't match, deleting a char is doen with rec+down but the manual says rec + select 11.08.53 # JustKemp: This channel is for discussion of Rockbox. Please respect that and keep your questions to those about Rockbox. 11.09.36 Quit DarkSpectrum- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11.10.27 # pixelma: i think the keymap for the vk is pretty bad, what does your patch do? 11.12.29 Quit l403 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.13.13 # n1s: only Rec for me... and I guess that's a part of FS#8824 (IIRC) I would be willing to commit, not sure about the others. It changed a bit since then (mainly enabling line edit mode additionally) and needs a patch for the manual 11.15.49 # i think your keymap for the vk is much better, i'd say commit :) 11.16.28 # oh, and the version I use currently doesn't have a page flip in favour of short select for quit - maybe there could be a button combo open for page flip? 11.17.02 # yeah, page flip is not as important as exiting so i like that 11.17.31 # I also thought of finding a button combo for enabling morse mode but didn't actually try yet 11.17.37 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) 11.18.21 # how about rec+select or rec+power to toggle Morse mode? 11.20.01 # rockbox is a great thing. one of the greatest things. it would be a shame if there was another program on a completely different product (for example, phone) that could potentially ruin the potential of rockbox. what would the estimated threat of that be, do you reckon? 11.20.01 # nthe other part of that patch I still use is resume but since it "disables" the possibility to adjust volume in the lists I'm not sure how other see it (to me a one button resume is much more important) 11.20.27 # n1s: need to try 11.22.04 # n1s: are simple button repeats (of Rec) still possible then? I find it quite convenient for deleting a longer part of the line but know that this isn't done on some other targets either 11.22.22 Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47B56.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.23.36 # pixelma: i'm not sure but i think repeats should work even if you have a combo 11.23.54 # where would i be able to find screenshots of the latest/best versions of rockbox???? 11.24.02 # JustKemp: In the manual. 11.24.14 # n1s: I'll play around with it after lunch 11.24.20 # otherwise maybe vol u/down + select or power could work to toggle Morse 11.24.25 # thanx 11.24.40 # pixelma: great :) 11.24.43 # JustKemp: Please don't use things like "thanx" or the "u" earlier in here. There are IrcGuidelines linked in the channel topic. 11.24.49 # JustKemp: due to the themeability of rockbox though, keep in mind that many screens can look a bit different... 11.25.37 # define thermeability 11.25.43 # n1s: what do you think about resume on VolUp in the menus/browsers? 11.25.47 # ability to be themed 11.26.00 # - to have the look changed by themes 11.26.13 # oh. Thank you kind sir/madam. 11.26.30 # pixelma: that sounds rather strange to me but i dont' really use volume in lists or resume that often... 11.27.03 # short power could resume maybe? 11.27.20 # short power is used to bring up the menu 11.27.48 # ah, ritght, darned lack of good buttons 11.30.04 # GSoC2009 ??? 11.30.17 # GSoC2009 !!! 11.30.29 # *I* could also imagine to use short Select for resuming and having Select and context menu on Right/long Right only. But that's because it's similar on Ondio... (Right and Select are redundant on other targets though) 11.30.43 # nls:? 11.31.07 # pixelma: Could long-right be resume maybe? 11.31.23 # pixelma: that's a possiblility 11.31.26 # JustKemp: Just ask google. 11.31.28 # It's a little odd, but it's also a "press" people almostn ever use otherwise 11.31.37 # too much trouble 11.31.40 # Whereas some people are going to expect center to be select. 11.31.51 # * n1s raises a hanf 11.31.55 # *hand 11.32.13 # n1s: You use long-right, or you have a question? 11.32.21 # Llorean: well, if you can do without forced horizontal scrolling... I definitely could 11.32.24 # is everybody here developers? 11.32.38 # I expect select to be the center butt, sorry for the unclarity :) 11.32.41 # pixelma: I'd say "resume playback" trumps that. maybe we could put forced scrolling on a combination of some sort. 11.32.48 # buftton* 11.32.52 # * n1s gives up 11.33.03 # JustKemp: No, but many are. 11.34.03 # Llorean: it is a combo on Ondio and this way it could be scrapped completely IMO - I never use it but never saw a need to 11.34.16 # of course it could 11.34.28 # I use it on my H120 for one of my folders 11.35.14 # But I think it's moderately nonessential relative to getting more core functionality mapped well 11.36.41 # next after lunch project - I'll try to get the virtual keyboard part commitable and try to post a patch for resume and the other thing that I use which deviates from SVN (long Select for the WPS context menu) 11.37.02 # * Llorean personally thinks Long Select being context menus wherever possible is important 11.37.27 # Somehow it feels like "Right click" on the PC, just something I "expect" to be there. I know it's something Rockbox trained into me, but it begins to feel very natural 11.37.33 # Llorean: you already have experience commiting a change for WPS context menu ;) 11.38.20 # pixelma: I try to only commit keymap changes people *won't* like. It's no fun if it actually improves things. :-P 11.40.06 # ok, part three then 11.40.17 Join Zambezi [0] (i=Zulu@ 11.40.37 Part JustKemp 11.41.42 # * Llorean thinks the Next/Prev side-buttons on the Gigabeat S may be opposite of what he'd expect them to be. 11.43.18 # * Llorean would expect "up" to be "next" and "down" to be "previous" 12.11.31 Join moos [0] (i=Mustapha@rockbox/staff/moos) 12.13.24 Join franky [0] (n=franky@f053001043.adsl.alicedsl.de) 12.19.12 Join AleMaxx [0] (n=xyz@f053004119.adsl.alicedsl.de) 12.20.09 # hello 12.20.27 # has rockbox been ported to rk270x yet? 12.20.54 # Llorean: yeah, that's a bit backwards, they got the volu up/down right though, they feel backwards on the c200 for me 12.21.06 # AleMaxx: is it listed on the frontpage? 12.21.15 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.21.58 # n1s: On the c200 they're "left/right" instead of "up/down" and I guess that's why they're different. 12.22.02 # n1s: i dont see a list on the frontpage but its mostly listed by player and not cpu anyway 12.22.10 # In both cases it's a matter of taste, but I do think "up" on volume and "next" on tracks should be the same direction 12.22.12 Quit flydutch ("/* empty */") 12.22.28 # AleMaxx: Since there's more hardware than just a CPU, it's the player we worry about. 12.23.03 Join fyrestorm [0] (n=fyre@cpe-68-173-232-9.nyc.res.rr.com) 12.25.09 # Llorean: most the hardware is on chip though for these SoCs 12.25.21 # AleMaxx: We're not psychic. 12.25.32 # but youre right, displays and keyboard layout may change 12.25.37 # If you ask if something's supported, and the only thing we ever claim supporting is specific players, we can't really know you're asking about something other than a player 12.26.14 # Llorean, well, to be honest Im pretty sure its not supported 12.26.27 # It's not. 12.26.43 # Or rather, no player using it is. 12.27.17 # Llorean are you a developer? 12.27.19 # For example, we support a few players using PP5020 SoCs, but there are others that use it we don't support. There's no requirement that firmware be encrypted or stored the same way for a given SoC, often, so even if we did support some players with it, that's not really indicative of the potential for supporting others. 12.27.53 # AleMaxx: Not often. 12.28.25 # well, ive been doing some research on rk270x players recently and i do own one 12.29.40 # there is a partial sdk available to mympxplayer.org and im confident that i can include my own code into the players firmware but that i fear that its quite dangerous 12.30.36 # Llorean, is rockbox easy to port? 12.30.55 # is there a svn/cvs with web interface? 12.31.06 # http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/ 12.31.35 # Rockbox is a full replacement firmware. How easy / difficult it is to port would depend a lot on your experience in the related areas. It's not just an application you run inside another firmware. 12.37.10 # meh. 12.37.25 # Someone broke resume, at least on hwcodec. :( 12.40.13 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3051.gwdg.de) 12.42.03 # Huh? Now it works?? 12.44.35 # It's a timing issue. 12.44.56 # When pressing the resume button too early it breaks 12.47.11 Join Ubuntuxer [0] (n=johannes@dslb-094-220-227-069.pools.arcor-ip.net) 12.49.07 # :\ 12.52.17 Join Conic [0] (n=conicpp@c-75-68-165-66.hsd1.vt.comcast.net) 12.53.44 Part Ubuntuxer 12.54.48 Quit at0m ("leaving") 12.55.41 Join Schnueff [0] (n=mah@77-23-20-28-dynip.superkabel.de) 12.59.05 Join p2 [0] (n=43ac0f17@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3b199e02b26e5b1a) 12.59.39 # Does anyone have updates on the samsung p2? 13.10.10 Join AndyIL [0] (i=AndyI@ 13.10.38 # p2 updates? 13.11.06 # p2, you need to look at the wiki or the forum 13.16.47 Quit daurnimator (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 13.17.01 Join daurnimator [0] (n=quae@ppp121-44-200-32.lns10.mel4.internode.on.net) 13.18.01 # p2 info? 13.18.13 # p2: please stop 13.19.02 Join bluefoxx [0] (n=BlueFoxx@S01060015e968e813.vs.shawcable.net) 13.21.31 # sorry for trolling 13.21.51 # p2, i told you where too 13.22.10 # OH! I didnt see your post, Sorry guys, 13.22.21 Quit p2 ("CGI:IRC") 13.22.47 Quit AndyI (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13.29.23 Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepel@p579EC2EE.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.33.50 Quit antonio__ () 13.37.11 # * amiconn summons Zagor 13.45.02 Quit bluefoxx () 13.53.29 # trapped under ice 13.59.44 Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) 14.00.26 # hehe, if I'm reading the c200's keymap file correctly, forced horizontal scroll isn't even defined yet... shows how much people missed it ;) 14.03.19 # or at least it doesn't work... somehow I'm confused a bit by a few contexts at the moment 14.08.13 Join pyro_maniac [0] (n=jens@p4FEEB46F.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.08.53 Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 14.11.06 # the c200 keymap file looks quite messy to me :\ 14.11.59 # * amiconn slaps kugel a bit 14.12.45 Join dfkt [0] (i=dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 14.18.59 Quit FlynDice (Remote closed the connection) 14.20.24 Join archivator [0] (n=archivat@ 14.21.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.28.44 Join BdN3504 [0] (n=55b20c28@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-34c24ffd27eaec45) 14.30.15 Join tessarakt [0] (i=nobody@vpn-cl-163-114.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) 14.35.46 # Can anyone help me understand the gigabeat flashwriter? can i use this plugin, only if i have a jtag interface? because in the wiki it says you only "should" do it, when you have one, so i understand it's not a must... 14.36.34 # oops, i wrote plugin should be program. 14.37.03 # BdN3504: with flashing there's a risk of bricking the device, jtag can be used to rescue it 14.37.17 Join bs66_ [0] (n=sysuser@ 14.37.29 # hmm... that forced horizontal scroll works somehow currently but not always (and does something else sometimes) and is very timing critical 14.37.47 Quit bmbl ("Woah!") 14.37.54 # ok, so ican flash it and if it goes wrong the way to do it is with jtag... i have three gigabeats now, so i am eager to brick one :) 14.38.26 Quit bs66_1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14.38.57 # kugel: Your wps change (r20483+r20485) breaks resume on hwcodec. Do you have an idea why? 14.39.21 # It seems to be a timing issue, and I found that you removed a yield(); call. But putting it back does't fix it... 14.40.19 Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) 14.40.37 # so how would i go about using this program? i guess i'll have to compile it first. i have the old vmware image installed and up and running. 14.41.28 # It even breaks playback from the Ondio's internal flash... 14.42.31 # BdN3504: Where in the wiki are you getting your information. 14.42.37 # I didn't think anything for gigabeat flashing was in SVN 14.45.41 # gigabeat hardware information on the main gigabeat page, follow the jtag link 14.46.11 # on that wiki there's a link fo the flashwriter on flyspray 14.46.27 # You should ask questions on that task, then 14.46.32 Quit tessarakt (Connection timed out) 14.47.57 # i preferred asking here, because the task only gets updated sporadically. 14.49.01 # BdN3504: most people set tasks they're involved with to be "watched" and get notified of new comments 14.49.22 # Meanwhile, it's a flyspray task. The majority of people in here have never seen it, or not kept track of it beyond noting when it was posted. 14.53.40 # hm, but there are many major rockbox hackers who are interested in this task (kkurbjun, saratoga, chronon and bigbambi) who are quite often online in this channel, so i thought chances be good to get a helpful answer here. 14.54.56 # BdN3504: Generally speaking, flyspray tasks are like unsupported builds. You should ask support questions in the task entry. They do get discussed in here, but it should generally be in a development context, not a support one. 14.55.12 # ok thanks. 14.55.41 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 14.59.34 Join ibseo [0] (n=hd@p5B1617DD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 15.01.38 Quit BdN3504 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 15.04.38 # kugel: It is indeed a timing issue. The hwcodec playback engine doesn't have the id3 info ready immediately after starting playback. I can fix it (for testing) by inserting a sleep(HZ/2); directly before the wile loop in gui_wps_show() 15.04.53 # Now we'd need a real fix... 15.06.27 # amiconn: I didn't remove the yield, I moved it into the while loop 15.06.50 # The yield in that while loop is wrong, btw 15.07.06 # The loop already yields; further yields only disturb timing 15.07.16 # I've commented that one out 15.07.55 # the loop already yields? 15.08.05 # yes 15.08.37 # just by being a loop? 15.08.54 # or where? (sorry it's not obvious to me) 15.09.03 # If peakmeters are enabled it yields in line 308 (sleep(0)), otherwise in line 318 15.09.16 # (get_action with a timeout) 15.09.54 # oh 15.10.13 # Yeah, the yield you moved had the same problem 15.10.20 # amiconn: the yield thing wasn't really a change though. it was in gui_wps_display before, which was always called on timeout 15.10.21 # It shouldn't have been there 15.10.46 # It seems that patch uncovered various problems elsewhere... 15.13.14 # amiconn: well, it wouldn't be a bad fix I think. the wps is pretty much supposed to die without id3 15.13.48 # It would just be a band-aid fix, and it causes the wps to appear later than it should 15.14.30 # hm, true 15.15.18 # Well half a second isn't too bad. Perhaps I should commit the band-aid (could be ifdefed hwcodec) if I don't find a way to make mpeg.c behave better 15.15.41 Join l403 [0] (n=l@ 15.16.26 # I'm wondering how it worked before. I didn't really change the return behavior (i.e. it should've been returning without id3 before my work too) 15.17.56 # * amiconn is looking for the place where playback is actually started 15.20.28 Join MethoS [0] (n=lem@host-091-097-243-042.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 15.23.45 Quit ibseo ("quit") 15.24.13 Join antil33t [0] (n=Mudkips@ 15.24.59 Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) 15.27.18 Join ibseo [0] (n=hd@p5B1617DD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 15.32.08 # not sure if morse mode makes much sense on the c200 - the table with the code doesn't fit completely on the screen and I'm not sure I'm doing something wrong in defining the actual morse button but I can't figure out how to use it (never used it as my other targets don't have it either, will look at a sim now) 15.32.11 Quit ibseo (Client Quit) 15.33.58 Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) 15.34.54 Quit EvanCarroll (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.34.55 # kugel: Do you have an idea why in gui_wps_show() the wps is redrawn once before the while loop? This initial redraw protects the calls to gui_wps_display() with a check for valid id3 15.35.38 # The whole thing seems unnecessary to me. Instead it might be a good idea to wait a certain amount of time for the id3 to become available. 15.38.49 # pixelma: not sure if you saw, the reason i used long off for quit on ondio was due to short off being mapped to cancel in CONTEXT_STD. i guess the real problem is knowing how many users actually use these alternate cancel mappings - quite a few other targets use this same one, even though the power button isn't very convenient while operating the directional controls 15.39.23 # Otoh, checking for valid id3 as an indication for playback sounds very wrong. 15.39.33 # amiconn: no, I don't really have an idea. I just know that id3 is immediately available on swcodec swcodec. That was before my change too though 15.39.51 Join wangxiang [0] (n=wangxian@ 15.40.25 # kugel: It is, but that seems to be just a coincidence. Swcodec playback is handled by a separate thread the same way as it is on hwcodec, and the start is asynchronous 15.41.15 # Unhelpful: I guess that on the Ondio no one really uses this - the Off button is quite a bit away from the main button pad but maybe it was done this way to stay consistent with the short/long Off for Pause/Stop? 15.43.50 # hrm, perhaps at least *some* of the targets with that mapping should just use short off for quit? cancel in the album list is a quit, anyway, so the real question is "will the user expect this button to take them back to the album list from the track list?" 15.44.27 # ah, it's a history thing - when "left" wasn't cancel but "accept and leave"... *I* got used to it now though, others don't 15.46.26 # kugel: I think the wps should exit depending on audio status, not depending on id3 availability 15.51.31 # sounds reasonable 15.52.08 # so, you don't think changing it would surprise too many users? 15.52.41 # The question is what the wps should do when audio is playing but id3 isn't (yet) available. Just defer drawing? 15.53.02 # amiconn: I don't really understand what broke it exactly. I didn't really change that much 15.54.17 Nick krazykit` is now known as krazykit (n=kkit@adsl-76-252-1-152.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) 15.54.59 Join wangxiang_ [0] (n=wangxian@ 15.55.14 Join Sedgewick [0] (n=Sedgewic@net-93-145-255-105.t2.dsl.vodafone.it) 15.57.56 Join einhirn_ [0] (n=Miranda@p4FC61D8D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 15.58.40 # Unhelpful: was that question to me and what "it" do you mean to change? 16.01.24 # pixelma: sorry... i guess so, i don't have a large number of ondio users to poll. the question is whether masking the default mapping of short power by using it as quit would be likely to confuse "most" users. i realize there probably aren't very many users for this target. :) 16.03.26 # I don't think it would be confusing if it was only changed this way in the plugin. But ask amiconn, he said he would use short Off as cancel in the settings... ;) 16.03.42 # core Rockbox 16.06.23 Join Chris_Black [0] (n=Sedgewic@net-93-145-224-245.t2.dsl.vodafone.it) 16.06.46 Quit Chris_Black (Connection reset by peer) 16.09.23 Join Chris_Black [0] (n=Sedgewic@net-93-145-224-245.t2.dsl.vodafone.it) 16.09.57 Join wangxiang__ [0] (n=wangxian@ 16.10.14 Quit Chris_Black (SendQ exceeded) 16.10.50 # so i need a third ondio user to break the tie? 16.11.34 Quit Sedgewick (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 16.13.45 Join coffeetime [0] (n=coffeeti@cpe-85-10-7-248.dynamic.amis.net) 16.13.57 Quit coffeetime (Remote closed the connection) 16.15.36 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@c-83-233-163-160.cust.bredband2.com) 16.21.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.23.20 Quit wangxiang (Connection timed out) 16.25.51 Quit bmbl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.26.00 Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) 16.28.46 Quit Seed ("cu, Andre") 16.30.04 Quit einhirn_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16.30.33 Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) 16.31.19 Quit keby ("WeeChat 0.2.6") 16.31.35 Join Seed [0] (n=ben@bzq-84-108-232-45.cablep.bezeqint.net) 16.31.57 Join keby [0] (n=keby@cpe-24-243-7-225.satx.res.rr.com) 16.33.00 Quit xwang (Remote closed the connection) 16.33.02 Join PaulJam_ [0] (i=Paule@vpn-3051.gwdg.de) 16.36.05 Quit wangxiang_ (Connection timed out) 16.41.28 Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 16.43.24 Quit Nico_P (Client Quit) 16.43.40 Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 16.46.52 Quit Nico_P (Client Quit) 16.47.14 Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) 16.55.36 # Could you explain me why database auto-update works a lot better on x5 than it did on nano? 16.57.10 # ufoman: define "better" 16.57.38 # it's most definitely faster 16.57.56 # 4-5 times faster, I think 16.59.38 Join efyx [0] (n=efyx@lap34-1-82-224-140-171.fbx.proxad.net) 17.00.40 Quit PaulJam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.02.07 Join dfkt_dt [0] (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) 17.03.12 Quit mrkiko ("leaving") 17.05.05 # ufoman: dunno, perhaps faster disk access? The Nano is flash-based, though, it should've been faster. Fragmentation is another possibility but then again - NAND flash, shouldn't have been an issue. Could be that the coldfire port is better optimized.. Might be pure luck, too:) 17.05.39 # maybe you had dircache enabled on the x5 but not on the nano? 17.05.40 Quit bmbl ("Woah!") 17.06.36 # I had on both... 17.07.56 # archivator: pictureflow plugin also takes les time to precache album art on x5 17.08.17 # so the problem may lie in optimizations 17.09.30 # they are totally different CPUs as well 17.10.15 # I know that :) 17.10.27 # the difference is vast anyways 17.12.56 # hmm... I recall now I had some speed issues with USB transfers on nano... I could not get more that 3,5 MB/s average 17.13.21 # and it was going like that... 200 megs - pause - 200 megs 17.13.49 # on x5 I get 9,5 MB/s with both OF and RB 17.13.57 # was that with the OF or with the rockbox stack? 17.14.10 # gevaerts: the nano issue? with OF 17.14.13 Quit dfkt_dt (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 17.14.20 Join mrkiko [0] (n=mrkiko@host33-108-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 17.14.27 # with RB stack USB transfers were unbearably slow 17.14.45 # below 1 MB/s and access times were awful too 17.15.00 # when was this? 17.15.36 # last time I trieb rockbox USB stack on nano with r20510 17.15.39 # *tried 17.15.42 # ok, that 17.15.53 # ok, that's basically "now" in terms of code changes... 17.16.40 # nano had a habit of rebooting after writing ~1GB of files with OF 17.17.17 # that was with OF, it never happened in disk mode or with rockbox 17.17.21 # well, this sounds to me like your nano has hardware issues with its flash 17.17.24 # weirdness all along... 17.17.58 # That would explain all of this. Pauses in disk mode, OF rebooting, RB USB being slow, database update being slow,... 17.18.15 Join dfkt_meh [0] (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) 17.18.33 # gevaerts: maybe... when I got it USB transfer speed was like ~500 KB/s with OF 17.18.41 Quit dfkt (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.18.47 # Anyone willing to help me with this : http://pastebin.ca/1375789 - I need to convert the original into a fixed-point version, using rockbox routines. I've basically carved a hole in my desk from banging my head. Both fixed-point versions do not come even close to the original floating point version. Also, "phase" is a double - I'll convert it as soon as I get this part of the code working.. 17.18.51 # that's horribly slow... 17.18.53 # it took me a few reformats and restores with itunes to getit to reasonable speed 17.18.58 # *get it 17.19.41 # isn't it that the OF's "emergency" disk mode was incredibly slow on some Ipods (Nano included)? 17.20.03 # it is slower that normal disk mode with OF 17.20.18 # pixelma: if it was *only* that, yes, but combined with all the other symptoms I think it's more than that 17.20.24 # not incredibly slow but not too fast either 17.20.36 Join jordan` [0] (i=gromit@ALagny-154-1-25-243.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr) 17.20.44 # ufoman: those reformats probably forced it to reevaluate its wear leveling table. It might be that your flash is just dying and is running out of spare blocks. 17.21.05 # archivator: oh... not good 17.21.14 # I was going to sell it anyway 17.21.29 # x5 is good enough for my needs 17.21.47 # remind me not to buy it... 17.21.54 # har har 17.23.37 # can I ask a hardware related question here too? 17.26.13 # gevaerts: Speaking about usb transfer speed - will you commit your speedup work anytime soonish? 17.26.27 # ah yes, I should really finish that... 17.27.00 # Should be pretty easy to finish. I'll look at it later today 17.27.01 # ok, asking anyway... is it possible to replace HDD in x5 with disk that has a ZIF connector? 17.27.17 # (with adapter of course) 17.27.41 Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=BHSPitLa@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 17.28.00 # ufoman: if you can get everything to fit physically it should work 17.28.48 Quit kugel (Nick collision from services.) 17.28.52 Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 17.30.39 # yea, but I wonder if it's possible 17.31.12 # getting a drive from dead ipod video is easier than MK4007GAL 17.31.50 Join MT [0] (n=MTee@ 17.32.29 # I guess I need to lurk more on iaudiophile... 17.32.50 Join z35 [0] (n=z35@h36.17.89.75.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) 17.35.40 Quit dfkt_meh (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.39.55 # Llorean: finally got enough time together to put my thoughts regarding the forum reorg I mentioned to you briefly the other day together. 17.40.04 Join dfkt_meh [0] (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) 17.40.05 # Long-winded post on rockbox-dev 17.41.20 Quit Lear ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.5b4pre/20090327044454]") 17.42.27 Nick dfkt_meh is now known as dfkt_dt (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) 17.42.29 Nick dfkt_dt is now known as dfkt (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) 17.43.43 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 17.46.34 Join CaptainKewl [0] (i=jds@207-237-172-77.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 17.51.23 Quit Nico_P ("Ex-Chat") 17.51.39 # kugel: What are you thinking about http://pastebin.ca/1375815 ? It seems to work properly on hwcodec; I'm about to test on swcodec 17.52.03 # This function can probably be simplified further 17.52.59 Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 17.53.17 Join BHSPitLappy_ [0] (n=BHSPitLa@ppp-68-91-34-93.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) 17.53.52 Quit BHSPitLappy_ (Remote closed the connection) 17.57.42 Quit wangxiang__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.59.24 # amiconn: seems ok. I guess the success thing is to force frequent updates until id3 is available? 17.59.34 # yes 17.59.45 # n1s: I don't know where to put ACTION_KBD_MORSE_SELECT without interfering with the rest. What I think could work nicely is using Left or Right but then they are used as alternative left/right on the input line (which I wouldn't need because I have VolUp/Down for it everywhere), I saw related things in keyboard.c but couldn't figure out yet how to disable it 18.00.29 # it's updating every HZ/5 anyway, I'm not sure if that's needed. But you may know better with a target where id3 can actually be NULL 18.00.43 # Exiting at end of playlist works. It is caught by an if() that was already there, I just made the test a bit more specific 18.01.32 # kugel: Problem is that if 'update_track' or 'refresh' are cleared when the update didn't work, the next update will not update the whole wps. 18.01.38 # Or am I missing something? 18.01.58 Join wangxiang [0] (n=wangxian@ 18.02.43 # ACTION_NONE (i.e. timeout) sets update_track to true 18.03.04 # hmm, so for update_track it might be unnecesary 18.03.12 # What about refresh? 18.03.18 # and gui_wps_update updates everything that's non-static (which includes id3 info, currently) 18.03.52 # Yeah, but it doesn't even draw the static parts if id3 isn't available, iiuc 18.05.45 # well, it doesn't update at all if id3 == NULL 18.05.46 Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@ 18.06.11 # Yeah, and hence it needs to draw everything when id3 becomes available 18.06.32 # but gui_wps_update can set id3. gui_wps_display cannot, which is why _update should be used anyway 18.06.40 # That's why I'm keeping 'refresh' until success 18.07.14 Join dfkt_meh [0] (n=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) 18.07.43 # what refresh? You mean restore? 18.07.52 # err, yes 18.08.21 # that doesn't do anything to id3. It checks for valid wps, and calls gui_wps_refresh, which does nothing without id3 18.08.45 # forcing it until id3 is available doesn't make sense 18.08.45 # Why does it even exist then? 18.09.28 # because it checks for a valid wps file and reverts to the build-in one if invalid, and does a full update always 18.09.59 # Yes, and I need a full update when id3 info becomes available for the first time 18.10.09 # it's really only meant to be used if the wps was left in the meantime, which is why it's under restore, restore is only true after quickscreen, etc, or entering 18.10.19 # ...because otherwise all static parts would never appear 18.10.23 Join saratoga [0] (n=41becb3b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-959e658706e43216) 18.10.25 Quit pyro_maniac ("Leaving.") 18.10.37 # In my patch it is also true when entering the wps 18.11.05 # amiconn: I think _update should be tweaked then, to not only fully refresh on track change but also if id3 is available for the first time 18.16.29 # like if (id3_was_null && id3_is_not_null_anymore) track_changed = true; 18.17.51 # It seems to work even without that tweak... 18.18.19 # amiconn: pixelma said you actually use the power == cancel mapping on ondio? i'm trying to decide whether i should mask that mapping in pictureflow with short power for the quit button. 18.18.45 # Yes I do use that, and yes you should mask it 18.21.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.21.28 # ...now i'm *really* confused. :) 18.23.07 # kugel: Hmm, or maybe not. On c200, the wps now doesn't redraw when entering it from the main menu when music is playing 18.23.40 # huh? 18.23.45 # with your changes? 18.24.01 # #yes 18.24.42 # i guess the question now is, "when should i mask a normal core mapping with a new action?". there are a number of targets where i've done basically the same thing as ondio, and assigned long power as quit because CONTEXT_STD maps short power to cancel 18.24.43 Join paulk [0] (n=paulk@lib33-1-82-233-88-171.fbx.proxad.net) 18.24.49 # Hello ! 18.25.05 # amiconn: I think that's because the initial gui_wps_display call is missing. with your changes it's delayed until the first timeout 18.25.28 # The timeout is < 1 second afaik? 18.25.33 # I found how to see if a sansa e250 is a V1, V2 or R (Without showing the firmware number) 18.25.40 # does it not redraw at all? 18.25.44 # yo maybe always know it... http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/thoma00/e200v.jpg 18.25.57 # it should be 0.2s 18.26.04 # archivator: are you trying to convert an fft to fixed point? 18.26.04 # No. It only redraws when the track changes, either manually or automatically 18.26.15 # paulk: except that refurbished players have random case backs... 18.26.27 # oh... 18.26.30 # My e280 e.g. says e280v2 there 18.26.39 # ok 18.26.42 # saratoga: i believe he is... for a spectrum visualizer. do you know a good, free fixed-point FFT? 18.26.56 # yeah we have a few in rockbox 18.27.20 # can't we put the old firmware version on the new Sansa e250v2 ? 18.27.22 Quit Conic (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.27.37 Join Conic [0] (n=conicpp@c-75-68-165-66.hsd1.vt.comcast.net) 18.27.46 # saratoga: somebody should tell him before he hurts himself ;) 18.28.05 # paulk: no, they have entirely different hardware in the inside. 18.28.13 # oh, ok... 18.28.30 # amiconn: weird 18.28.53 # archivator: http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/apps/codecs/libwma/?pathrev=18411 18.29.10 # amiconn: "wps_state.id3 = audio_current_track();" is removed too, maybe id3 is null on the c200 now (thus no refresh) 18.29.31 # i deleted the old fft.c from libwma a while ago, but its still in the svn history and its quite simple compared to what you had in your patch I think 18.31.26 Quit dfkt (Connection timed out) 18.33.13 Join jordoex [0] (n=quassel@S0106002129693a39.vc.shawcable.net) 18.33.18 Quit wangxiang (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.34.42 # hmm 18.34.50 # * amiconn needs to think about this a bit more 18.34.59 # The wps code is rather messy.... 18.35.27 # gui_wps_display(), gui_wps_update() and gui_wps_redraw() ... 18.35.58 # it was messy before. I think it's rather OK now 18.38.46 # saratoga: that'd be the 3rd library I'd use.. I'd rather figure out that one macro .. 18.39.25 Quit bs66_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18.39.36 # archivator: i would guess that if we had one inside rockbox already, that's a better starting point that a float fft. 18.39.41 # That's in-place fft? Nice.. 18.39.43 # amiconn: it's relatively simple: only _redraw does actual drawing. _display checks for a valid wps before calling _redraw, _update handles id3 updates before calling _redraw 18.39.45 Quit Schnueff ("leaving") 18.40.24 Join bs66_ [0] (n=sysuser@ 18.40.44 # archivator: perhaps not so nice for you, since you'd have to copy the data ;) 18.40.53 # Unhelpful: technically, we don't have it anymore :) Also, libspeex has that same library (kiss fft) but it's been converted to use libspeex datatypes and it'd be harder to port it back to "normal" datatypes.. 18.41.34 # Unhelpful: I'd be copying the data in all cases, this one just doesn't require a separate output buffer. 18.41.35 # i still think probably easier than porting from a float-based codebase that uses sin/cos 18.41.59 # we also had one in libfaad, but i deleted that one too 18.42.00 Join nsyncbx [0] (n=bibinick@ 18.43.27 # you'll need fft.c, fft.h, wmafixed.c and wmafixed.h 18.43.43 # saratoga: Am I right to assume that there isn't a way to give it real input and I'd have to do the real->complex conversion myself? Not that it's that hard, it's just one more thing I might screw up :) 18.43.58 Quit dfkt_meh (Connection timed out) 18.44.07 # what real to complex conversion? 18.44.16 # real->complex means adding 0-valued complex components 18.45.34 # That's one way. Most libraries prefer to split the data throughout the array, placing some values in the imaginary components. It _should_ be faster.. See audacity's RealFFT and kiss fttr. 18.45.40 # Can someone with arm knowledge help look at my latest patch in FS#10015? I get a data abort on gigabeat S, but not on e200 18.46.03 # oh that, yeah you'll have to interleave 0s in with each real datapoint 18.46.17 Join StealthyXIIGer [0] (n=stealthy@c-68-62-18-116.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) 18.46.56 # I wonder how messed up the results would be if I use right channel for real and left channel for imaginary :P 18.47.14 Part nsyncbx 18.47.45 # you can actually do that using the symetry of the fft 18.47.58 # but its probably easier to just sum the two channels and do an fft of one 18.48.29 # i could swear that a 1D FFT of real data has real outputs... 18.48.46 # it does not! 18.49.00 # saratoga: That's what I'm currently doing, only I'm averaging. Have you looked at the pastebin? I *feel* like it's something obvious! 18.49.13 # IIRC a 1D FFT of real valued, even symetric data does though 18.51.05 # archivator: i skimmed it briefly but didn't really understand it 18.51.25 # i also didn't get your 1024 points to 512 real points remark 18.52.14 # gevaerts: in your latest patch the buffer size isn't increased anymore? but that's probably not causing the data abort 18.52.27 # saratoga: With 1024 real values, it only returns 512 complex values... 18.52.31 # weird that the beast gets the data abort, not the e200. It's usualy vice versa 18.53.09 Join webguest20 [0] (n=57a972f0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-063b693d61a683ae) 18.53.16 # archivator: you should be giving it 1024 complex values and getting 1024 complex values 18.53.36 # kugel: ah yes. I forgot that bit. And no, that shouldn't cause any issues (except that it won't get the speed benefits) 18.53.46 # unless you're throwing away the negative frequencies? 18.54.04 # saratoga: is that the patch or the pastebin that you skimmed? The pastebin in question is : http://pastebin.ca/1375789 - my cos/sin work is shaky.. 18.54.21 # hi :) I have a short question :D 18.54.28 # kugel: also, the data abort isn't really new. It's the reason why the old patch didn't do proper length handling 18.54.28 # kugel: Also _display always redraws fully, the other variants don't 18.54.41 # gevaerts: I guess the beast specific code in the usb driver (for fixing the mbr) isn't causing a problem too? 18.54.57 # that shouldn't be involved at all 18.55.06 # would it be hard to port modules from ipodlinux?? Because they have a lot of interesting stuff there and its written in c, right? :D 18.55.48 # amiconn: there's only 1 other variant, _update. This is the one called frequently and doesn't need to push full updates always 18.55.49 # archivator: i'll look at it, but if your only problem is trig functions, you can precompute them 18.55.54 # and put them in a header file 18.56.00 # the data abort is in a bit only looks at control structures, not at actually transferred data 18.56.03 # gevaerts: ok, no ideas then ;) 18.56.17 # usb isn't my business 18.56.36 # saratoga: What I'm doing is, I get N samples from the stream, pass them over to KISS FFT (as real values), it gives me back N/2 complex numbers, I take the magnitude, discarding the phase and plot it on the screen... 18.57.14 # kugel: Both of them call _redraw internally, which is also called directly from gui_wps_show (for peakmeters) 18.57.21 # Q15_DIV looks wrong 18.57.28 # you shouldn't need to be dividing anything 18.57.34 # ? 18.57.35 # yes, but neither do actual drawing. 18.57.45 # Hmm? 18.57.47 # saratoga: that was shamelessly stolen from something.. 18.58.01 # saratoga: do you mean the macro or the usage? 18.58.06 Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) 18.58.08 Quit kachna|lappy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.58.15 Nick webguest20 is now known as Nicky (n=57a972f0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-063b693d61a683ae) 18.58.23 # the usage 18.58.27 Nick Nicky is now known as Nicky2009 (n=57a972f0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-063b693d61a683ae) 18.58.32 # you shouldn't be doing any fixed point divides in an fft 18.58.59 # and the algebra looks wrong 18.59.13 # would it be hard to port modules from ipodlinux?? Because they have a lot of interesting stuff there and its written in c, right? :D 19.00.06 # saratoga: care to elaborate? I don't follow.. 19.00.26 # Q15_DIV(sin << 15, 16384 << 15) is the same as Q15_DIV(sin, 16384) but with greater accuracy and should be same as sin >> 16 but much, much slower 19.00.34 # saratoga - I updated 9882 with some of things I'd described previously 19.00.56 # stripwax: I saw, i'm in favor of commiting whenever you're ready 19.01.14 # saratoga: I know, I put it in in desperation. Still, that's not the issue. 19.01.26 # *despair, of course 19.01.49 Quit paulk ("Ex-Chat") 19.01.53 Join kachna|lappy [0] (n=kachna@r4ax178.net.upc.cz) 19.02.26 # saratoga - excellent. I'm running vorbis codec test on h120 at the moment, will update with results shortly 19.02.49 # archivator: where do you think it breaks? 19.03.33 # have you tried computing these numbers in fp and comparing to your fixed code? 19.03.53 # saratoga: in computing the actual sin() and cos() values. I don't think my version is equivalent to the floating point original. 19.04.00 # would it be hard to port modules from ipodlinux?? Because they have a lot of interesting stuff there and its written in c, right? :D 19.05.13 # saratoga: I've only compared the final output and the only change between my fixed-point implementation and the original fixed-point mode lies in that macro - the original fixed-point code actually uses the sin() and cos() standard library functions, I am trying to replace them.. 19.05.24 # archivator: your DEGREESPERRADIAN is a float 19.05.35 # saratoga: I know, phase is also a float. 19.05.43 # saratoga: that's a temporary measure. 19.06.05 # sin_int takes a float? 19.06.06 # Nicky2009, yes it would be hard. Rockbox doesn't use modules for drivers. We can probably reuse some code, but it would take a lot of adaptation work. 19.06.11 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-5760a876b5e17066) 19.06.50 # k thx 19.06.54 # is this FFT meant to be used for some kind of exact analysis purpose, or do you want to use it to show some kind of realtime spectrum to the user? 19.07.26 # * gevaerts suspects that these ipodlinux modules may not be kernel modules. 19.07.44 # I think it would be nice to have a kind of logarithmic frequency scale 19.07.44 Quit Nicky2009 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 19.08.15 # Yeah, he was probably talking about plugins. 19.08.35 # The matrix plugin was ported from an ipl module 19.08.45 # saratoga: Nope. Huh, let me guess - a float->int implicit cast doesn't work the way I thought it does. Does 5.5 cast into 5 or some other value? 19.08.56 Join saratoga2 [0] (n=41becb3b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-78f94bfa3bc902e6) 19.08.56 Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 19.09.20 # well it will cast to 5 but probably not 5 in the fixed format you're using 19.09.21 # * kugel slaps archivator for even trying to rely on implicit casting 19.09.46 # archivator: theres a function in the old fft that loads trig tables using fsincos 19.09.52 # maybe you could just use it? 19.10.00 # http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/apps/codecs/libwma/fft.c?revision=14941&view=markup&pathrev=18411 19.10.08 # fft_init_global(void) 19.10.45 # interestingly it does need to a do fixed div 19.11.30 Join flydutch [0] (n=flydutch@host238-166-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 19.11.48 # saratoga2: well, sin_int doesn't use a special format, it just expects degrees. phase*degreesperradian should give it exactly that.. 19.12.18 # it expects a fixed point number right? 19.14.27 # Uhm, not a fractional one - just degrees - from 0 to 360 IIRC. Then it just returns the appropriate precompiled value in 18.14. I don't have the code with me right now, so I might be off on the details.. 19.15.35 # so it can only compute 360 total sin values? 19.15.49 # thats not even enough for a 1024 point fft 19.17.26 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 19.17.35 Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) 19.17.39 # saratoga2: You have a point. I have an excuse though - I couldn't get the hang of that CORDIC implementation! I guess I need to sleep on it, my head'll surely explode if I see that code again.. 19.18.26 # archivator: i strongly recommend reusing an existing fft rather then developing your own, but if you want to go down that path take small steps 19.18.35 # grab a fixed_to_float macro from somwhere 19.18.55 # and compare the output of your code to what math.h does in fp until you get it to match 19.19.40 # and definately look at the existing ffts which use CORDIC 19.21.44 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9ac30a5caa9db2e7) 19.21.56 Quit perrikwp (Client Quit) 19.22.12 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-1bbd3b8897b95562) 19.22.23 Quit perrikwp (Client Quit) 19.22.38 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-51a0d4019099089a) 19.23.29 Join MethoS- [0] (n=lem@dyndsl-085-016-166-028.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 19.25.48 # * gevaerts doesn't see anything wrong :( 19.25.53 Quit {phoenix} (Remote closed the connection) 19.26.30 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-75-3-220-184.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) 19.27.09 # archivator: if you want to convert a float value to fixed point, you'll need to multiply it by a scale value before casting to int 19.27.11 Quit MethoS- (Client Quit) 19.27.20 Join Ubuntuxer [0] (n=johannes@dslb-094-220-236-159.pools.arcor-ip.net) 19.27.25 Join MethoS- [0] (n=lem@dyndsl-085-016-166-028.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 19.27.46 # kugel: Iiuc the current wps code has a fundamental problem on targets with more than one display: gui_gwps_update() is called once per display, but only one will actually notice the track change 19.28.28 # This seems wasteful 19.28.35 # ...and not working properly 19.28.47 Join MethoS-- [0] (n=lem@host-091-097-248-185.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 19.29.14 # Unhelpful: In the 2nd case, it's not a fixed point one at all while in the 1st case, it uses the CORDIC notation (which maps 0 - 0xffffffff to 0 - 2pi).. 19.29.54 # i kind of think we need a different CORDIC implementation that maps an even value to 2pi :/ 19.30.02 Quit kushalone ("This computer has gone to sleep. Macs are like babies. They need a lot of sleep. :)") 19.30.34 # amiconn: hum? 19.30.51 Quit MethoS (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 19.31.05 # it calls _refresh with the gui_wps pointer, per screen 19.31.09 # gui_wps_update() is called once per screen, i.e. twice on a target with an lcd remote 19.31.34 # And gui_wps_update() in turn calls audio_has_changed_track() i.e. this is also called twice 19.31.48 # But it only returns true for one of the calls 19.32.07 # that's because we have 1 gui_wps struct per screen. the id3 part of each is identical, yes 19.32.14 # 9795 fixes that 19.32.19 # or should be at least 19.32.35 # kugel: But it means that the second screen won't see a full refresh. Never. 19.32.49 # (apart from the initial full refresh in _dsiplay()) 19.33.11 # hm, right 19.34.06 Join MethoS [0] (n=lem@host-091-097-247-132.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 19.35.26 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 19.35.46 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ddcd91f33054d566) 19.37.39 # amiconn: instead of fiddling with wps, could I get you to help test and fix up 9795 which partly aims to remove alot of the refresh crud in thw wps? 19.37.53 # amiconn: actually, that's not my bug too. 19.38.02 # I want a working resume, mainly 19.38.12 Join Horscht86 [0] (n=Horscht@p4FD4FE8B.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.39.04 # amiconn: then I wonder why nobody has noticed that yet. either people don't look on their remote, or we actually don't need full refreshes 19.39.06 # And afaik that patch doesn't compile atm 19.39.13 # that bug definitely existed before my work 19.39.36 # kugel: The remote bug? 19.39.49 # yes 19.40.13 # I think a full redraw might be needed in *some* cases. Needs analysing 19.40.21 # audio_has_changed_track() is nasty and has been around for too long... 19.40.35 # Iirc some people reported certain things not working in the remote wps. Maybe it is due to this bug 19.43.11 Join dmb [0] (n=dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) 19.43.35 Join itcheg [0] (i=62db4767@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e3e9eb3847fcb714) 19.44.14 # the id3 part of gui_wps is duplicated anyway. I'd propose to convert update (and maybe display too) to do for both screens, and change the struct gui_wps to have two wps states and displays (for each screen), but only 1 id3 19.44.49 # instead of having two gui_wps structs running, that is 19.45.01 # its not duplicated... both wps_data structs point to the same id3 struct 19.45.18 # there needs to be 2 gui_wps structs 19.45.40 # why? 19.46.19 Join midijunkie [0] (n=Miranda@pD95445D0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 19.46.48 # JdGordon: apparently they only point to the same id3 until a track has changed. because then the main screen's id3 is changed, but not the remote's one 19.46.57 # Seems like I have a working fix for the resume problem which is still a simplification vs. svn 19.47.07 # nice 19.47.09 # what resume problem? 19.47.14 # It also redraws properly when reentering the wps, swcodec and hwcodec 19.47.27 # JdGordon: kugel's latest change broke resume on hwcodec 19.47.40 # * JdGordon did ask him to not do that commit :D 19.47.54 # This is because it changed timing, and on hwcodec id3 is not immediately available on playback start 19.48.20 # arg, yuck 19.48.36 # ...and the wps functions in svn use the id3 navailability as a trigger for leaving 19.49.09 # This is wrong logic anyway, the only check should be for audio_status() 19.49.12 Quit MethoS- (Connection timed out) 19.49.56 # JdGordon: http://pastebin.ca/1375938 doesn't work? 19.50.35 # hang on... the id3 struct has the track path which is the very least the WPS needs.. so hwcodec should behave the same as swcodec untill the real info is avilable (i.e return a blank mp3entry sturct with just the path filled in) 19.50.38 # amiconn: which is again not my fault, but rather coincidence. 19.51.11 # kugel: I didn't say it's your fault, just that your commit triggered it 19.51.17 # kugel: thats no better than the current struct 19.51.41 # kugel: also, state is correct in the current one... its a shared struct 19.52.01 # This is what I have now: http://pastebin.ca/1375939 19.52.09 # JdGordon: Have you read which bug we have with this way? 19.52.43 # gui_wps_update will only change the id3 pointer of the main screen, not for the remote, since audio_track_has_changed only returns true for the main screen 19.53.09 # new pointer for the main, old for the remote. That sounds more than nasty. 19.53.16 # * JdGordon is still waking up... 19.53.46 Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.53.48 # amiconn: yeah that looks ok... just fyi gui_wps_update() should never be able to actually return false... 19.54.00 # It currently does 19.54.08 # by should I mean its return false coedpath is dead code 99% f the time 19.54.25 # But then, this return stuff can go in one of the next steps, as it's not checked anymore 19.54.49 # kugel: thats not correct.... id3 is in wps_state which is shared by the screens.... it only needs to be updated on the first display 19.55.11 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 19.55.13 # JdGordon: What was the problem again with your patch (apart from not compiling atm)? 19.55.30 # It may be that it had to do with this id3 status problem 19.55.35 # shared? how? 19.56.06 Quit Horschti (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.56.13 # amiconn: no, the hwcodec problem was unrelated.. turns out I had the send_event() call 1 line too early, its fixed now... currently it looks like it brings up issues which are in svn but not so obvious 19.56.14 # JdGordon: The second display needs to know when it was updated though. Atm it doesn't 19.56.25 Quit Ubuntuxer ("Leaving.") 19.57.19 # kugel: guiwps[i].state = &gui_state 19.57.27 Join kushalone [0] (n=kushal@ 19.57.32 # ah yea, I just saw it 19.57.53 # amiconn: ok fair enough... that might be a problem also, I havnt paid much attention to the remote lcd 19.59.09 # ah no, 9795 shouldnt have that bug... I've added a var to wps_state to make sure it does a full refresh which isnt unset untill after both screens are done 20.00.43 Part rphillips 20.02.29 Quit thegeek (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.04.40 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 20.04.44 Quit MethoS (Connection timed out) 20.05.09 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-b42041d096ce7b61) 20.05.52 # * JdGordon now has a more annoying job ahead of resyncing :/ 20.07.49 Quit Genre9mp3 () 20.14.44 # amiconn: do you have any ideas about the voice-building trouble on the users list? 20.16.32 Join thegeek [0] (n=nnscript@s243b.studby.ntnu.no) 20.21.30 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.22.13 Join dfkt [0] (n=dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 20.25.28 Nick logiclost is now known as lostlogic (n=lostlogi@temporal.lostlogicx.com) 20.25.46 Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.25.58 # * kugel needs remote testers 20.26.08 # * domonoky knows why rbutil fails to generate a voice for 3.2. There is no revision number in rockbox-info.txt for the release. But genlang.cgi needs a revision number. 20.26.38 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 20.27.48 Quit daurnimator (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 20.28.21 # ouch 20.28.33 # perhaps we should introduce a extra revision field in rockbox-info.txt for this. 20.29.05 # or modify genlang.cgi to take 3.2 as revision input :-) 20.29.49 # bbl 20.29.54 Join daurnimator [0] (n=quae@ppp121-44-213-132.lns10.mel4.internode.on.net) 20.30.34 # The latter sounds simpler 20.30.35 # * JdGordon agrees that one of them should happen :) 20.33.41 # but the first is probably more future proof, should we decide to reformat the version entry again :-) 20.33.47 Join coffeetime [0] (n=coffeeti@cpe-85-10-7-248.dynamic.amis.net) 20.36.37 Join dfkt_dt [0] (i=dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 20.37.10 Quit saratoga2 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 20.38.41 Quit kugel (Nick collision from services.) 20.38.45 Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 20.41.25 # doesn't voice building need to know about the release anyway? 20.42.06 # the voice must be based off the release branch, not on the trunk (the revision number alone doesn't tell about whether it's a release or not) 20.42.07 # no it just needs to know the current revision on the player, to generate a matching voice. 20.43.17 # ah.. no you are correct... genlang.cgi needs to pull from the right branch.. 20.50.31 Quit dmb ("Leaving") 20.50.45 Quit itcheg ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 20.51.35 Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) 20.52.06 # * bluebrother wonders why he assigned some rbutil issues to himself. Not because he is working on it? 20.53.22 # JdGordon: do you plan on syncing 9795 soon? 20.53.29 Quit ultrasonic (Connection timed out) 20.53.48 # domonoky: what is that change to the themesite stuff? 20.53.55 # depends if anyone is going to break gwps-common again 20.54.04 # but yes, today hopefully 20.54.18 # bluebrother: theme site now needs a target name instead of the screensize 20.54.30 # why that? 20.55.03 Join jordoex_ [0] (n=quassel@S0106002129693a39.vc.shawcable.net) 20.55.04 Quit dfkt (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.55.16 # also, why a function named camelCase_WithUnderscores? 20.55.17 Join dfkt [0] (n=dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 20.55.18 Join dmb [0] (n=dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) 20.55.45 # bluebrother: Because we use the checkwps results to filter out non-working themes. Can't do that with just a screensize 20.56.25 # so you're running checkwps on each access? 20.56.42 # * kugel hoped he was able to download h300 themes for his fuze (once it's supporte) 20.56.46 # bluebrother: and the naming of this funcions could be improved. i just want to really make clear what modelname this is. (we have 3 different targenname lists now, and there was much confusion) 20.58.13 # well, I was looking into that issue these days and I'd like to clear that up instead of adding more list handling 20.58.56 # bluebrother: no, we store checkwps results for all targets matching the theme's resolution 20.59.19 # besides, I don't think FS#10055 is a good solution -- the displayed size is still ambigous if you have multiple themes selected. I changed that locally the other day but was offline. 20.59.21 # bluebrother: yes, clearing it up would be good. but you cant collapse those 3 lists into one. there are subtile differences in it.. 20.59.59 # well, we can at least collapse two lists. Just compare the target name and the section name. There are two differences: 21.00.29 # (1) sansas have a "sansa" prefix, and iaudios an "iaudio". I have no idea why and I bet we could scrap those. 21.00.38 # which target name ? :-) the one from the build-server or the one from configure ? :-) 21.01.00 # bluebrother: because configure doesnt name them "sansa.." but just e200 21.01.07 # (2) postfixes to indicate bootloader stuff, as in h10_5gbums. We could mark that as a special extension and handle it internally 21.01.21 # domonoky: yes, but the file for download is sansae200.zip 21.01.43 # yes, thats because thats the targetname from the buildserver... 21.01.57 # check tools/release/bins.pl 21.02.11 # * kugel doesn't see anything wrong with the model name prepended 21.02.15 # so the question is: *why* is there a difference in the binary on the download server? 21.02.20 # * bluebrother slaps kugel 21.02.28 # for things like comparing to rockbox-info or genlang, you need the modelname from configure 21.02.29 # imagine we supported sansa e100 and irivier e100 21.02.32 Quit dfkt_dt (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.02.52 # there are differences, because there are more binarys then, configure modelnames.. 21.02.58 # kugel: please make yourself familiar with the issue itself first. 21.03.16 # the problem isn't some prefix but a *difference* in various places 21.03.58 # either make all modelnames the form manufacturer-model, which would be the cleanest solution 21.04.29 # or keep it the current way, which means e200 is e200. Then I don't see a point in adding a prefix to the output zip file on the server 21.04.44 # as that means we have (yet another) special case 21.04.51 # I prefer the former one too 21.05.09 # i use 50, and not e200, for configure anyway 21.05.17 # the 3 list have a different size, so its not easy to combine them. 21.05.35 # Bagder: any reason to use sansae200 instead of e200 as the configure model name is for the binary download? 21.05.51 # domonoky: what lists are you talking about? 21.05.58 # i.e. what lists exactly? 21.06.14 Join EternalRains [0] (n=Abztrkhi@c-76-106-220-241.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) 21.06.14 # ie what target names the different things know.. 21.06.46 # rbutil distinuguishes more targets, then the buildserver, and the build server has more targets then configure.. 21.07.18 # for example fmrecorder8mb is "fmrecoder" in configure, but "fmrecoder8mb" for the build server.. 21.07.52 # so how can we detect an fmrecorder8mb build via rockbox-info.txt? 21.07.55 Join Barahir [0] (n=jonathan@Zfce7.z.pppool.de) 21.08.02 # or even without that? 21.08.14 # you cant. 21.08.25 # but we can detect it via the rbutil.log 21.08.28 # so we have a problem here. And that's the issue 21.08.45 # rockbox-info.txt will give fmrecoder (which is save) 21.08.46 # domonoky: you sure? rbutil.log logs the files, not the zip filename 21.08.58 # but it's wrong 21.09.02 # we also store rbutils internal targetname in it.. 21.09.23 # on x5v we'll get x5 which is correct in terms of the main build but wrong in terms of the bootloader 21.09.33 # there are more targets with such problems.. 21.09.45 Join fdinel [0] (n=Miranda@modemcable204.232-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) 21.10.07 # yes. And we should think about a better solution than the current one 21.10.58 # ofcourse it would be good to make a better solution. but that wont be fast because you have to change, configure/buildserver and rbutil. 21.11.26 # well, adding more complexity will hit use later. 21.11.48 # so I don't see a reason to not do it. Speed isn't an issue IMO. 21.12.28 # it just needs to get coordinated. And maybe some mod_rewrite magic to support the old naming for at least a while the same time 21.12.34 # * domonoky doesnt have a idea to get a better solution for this problem.. 21.13.13 Quit jordoex (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.13.36 # first, remove the sansae200 vs e200 thing (same for c200 and m5, x5 and m3) 21.13.52 # my change didnt add complexity to rbutil. it just made it really clear which targetname is what. They were a few wrong uses there.. (for example the "target missmatch" warning) 21.14.30 # the target mismatch warning has a bug by itself (which I introduced a while back, because of this e200 vs sansae200 thing) 21.14.56 # and I'm everything but happy about the settings anyway 21.15.03 Quit kushalone ("This computer has gone to sleep. Macs are like babies. They need a lot of sleep. :)") 21.15.32 # sure. But its fixed for now, and can be improved later :-) 21.15.40 # * bluebrother grmbls 21.15.51 # having it fixed means people forget about it ... 21.16.20 # which "people" ? :-) 21.16.45 # not fixing means no new release with working themes.. :-) 21.17.42 # why hasn't some basic compatibility been remained on the theme site at least for the moment anyway? 21.18.21 Quit jfc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.18.33 # btw, there's also a question on how to figure if a theme is working on a build. We have the tested build and the installed one, but those don't necessarily need to support the same wps tags 21.18.38 Join jfc [0] (n=john@dpc691978010.direcpc.com) 21.19.24 # why aren't we using a wps "api" version number for that anyway? 21.19.33 # back to the targetname problem: renaming some names (ie sansa prefix, ipodmini(1g) ) is a first step, but the hard thing still remains, what todo with binarys configure doesnt know. Or targets with different bootloader, but same main binary? 21.20.03 Join PaulJam [0] (i=Paule@vpn-3008.gwdg.de) 21.21.44 # bluebrother: i think the theme site change made it impossible to support the old api.. (because of the way themes are stored in the db).. and ofcourse rasher didnt thought about rbutil :-) 21.21.45 # we could consider introducing some "extras" line in rockbox-info.txt for indicating f.e. fmrecorder8mb -- configure needs to know that we selected 8mb anyway, so we _do_ have the information. 21.22.16 # domonoky: well the old way of displaying themes based solely on display size was completely broken 21.22.49 Join arohtar [0] (n=faemir@88-106-169-118.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 21.22.51 # let me guess: you can't distinguish between rtc and non-rtc targets f.e. ;) 21.24.19 Join wincent [0] (n=wincent@host-091-097-030-116.ewe-ip-backbone.de) 21.27.07 Quit faemir (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.27.37 # Well it's mostly a question of screen depth - some themes will work on targets that don't matcht hte screen depth, some won't. Relying on checkwps is the best option 21.28.34 Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47B56.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.29.16 Join moredhel [0] (n=faemir@88-106-169-118.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 21.29.34 # rasher: any idea on how to deal with wps syntax changes? Checking the installed build version against checkwps results works for releases but will fail on non-release binaries 21.31.36 # bluebrother: I'd say as long as you show only release or only themes that work with a current build, it's fine 21.31.47 # If the user is using an outdated svn build, he should just upgrade 21.31.56 Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21.33.04 Quit arohtar (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.33.55 # well, I'd prefer to be able indicating this problem to the user 21.34.34 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-5615e705de1611f0) 21.34.38 # * bluebrother needs to finish the settings rework done 21.34.52 # too bad it's getting more complicated every time :( 21.35.03 Quit Barahir (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21.35.46 Quit PaulJam_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21.38.24 Nick Horscht86 is now known as Horscht (n=Horscht@p4FD4FE8B.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.39.08 Quit EternalRains ("Leaving.") 21.39.53 Join cmwslw [0] (n=cmwslw@c-68-59-238-111.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) 21.40.18 Join taylor_ [0] (n=taylor@c-24-91-82-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) 21.44.41 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 21.44.43 Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) 21.45.35 Part taylor_ ("Leaving") 21.47.13 # bluebrother: that would require testing all themes against all revisions. Not feasible if you ask me. 21.48.30 # rasher: and how about simply having some "wps api" version number? 21.53.22 Join taylor_ [0] (n=taylor@c-24-91-82-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) 21.55.11 # * obo sees bluebrother and domonoky around... 21.55.28 # any objections to me trying to get rbutil mentored into debian? 21.56.01 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-637cf44c2d1c06ec) 21.56.13 # obo: no real objections. just that the current release is a bit broken, and we will release a new on shortly :-) 21.56.24 # mentored into debian? What's mentoring in that sense? 21.56.41 # as in building a package, and getting a debian mentor to upload it for me 21.56.43 # s/sense/context/ 21.57.04 # ah. Does that mean regular package updates? 21.57.15 # hopefully :) 21.57.24 # nice. 21.57.45 # obo: maybe you should go for volatile.debian.org? 21.57.55 # if someone could rename install and base/uninstall to something else so the target names in the makefile work properly that'd be nice too :) 21.58.17 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 21.58.39 # I mean, from what I understand rbutil is reasonably stable (in the speed of change sense) now, but debian releases still are two year things... 21.58.40 Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 21.59.05 # gevaerts: do you think rbutil is fast moving enough to justify that? 21.59.21 # obo: you may be interested in FS#9233 22.00.36 # obo: maybe bluebrother and domonoky can answer this better, but do we expect that the rbutil version around at squeeze release time will be usable two years later? 22.00.48 # rasher: ah, thanks, I hadn't seen that. But the latest rbutil release included a source tarball for the first time, (with apps + tools etc) which made life fairly easy 22.00.54 # * BigBambi doesn't :) 22.01.06 # well, I'd say no 22.01.30 # it's a nice goal, but I think that it's not realistic 22.01.51 # for this, we would need a self-updating rbutil :-) 22.01.58 # the problem is that we at least in the past had changes to targets, install methods and server-side stuff quite a couple of times 22.01.59 # domonoky: that won't fly 22.02.20 # domonoky: now self-update a program that comes from the package manager 22.02.26 # Maybe this needs discussion by Debian people 22.02.37 # okay, volatile does sound a little more sane :) 22.02.37 # I think volatile is the right place for it 22.03.12 Quit timc (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.03.12 NSplit lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 22.03.12 Quit jon-kha (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.03.12 Quit einhirn (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.03.12 Quit Tristan (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.03.12 Quit SUSaiyan (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.03.12 Quit Slasheri (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 22.03.18 Join SUSaiyan [0] (n=SUSaiyan@cc84863-b.zwoll1.ov.home.nl) 22.03.45 Join Tristan [0] (i=tristan@i.dont.want.to.die.virgin.net.in) 22.03.46 NHeal lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 22.03.46 NJoin timc [0] (n=aoeu@ 22.03.53 Part taylor_ ("Leaving") 22.04.38 Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 22.05.31 # * ufoman is glad that chkdsk was able to fix all errors on his x5's disk 22.06.35 Join taylor_ [0] (n=taylor@c-24-91-82-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) 22.06.48 Quit taylor_ ("Leaving") 22.13.35 Join Slasheri [0] (i=miipekk@xen.ihme.org) 22.13.35 Join jon-kha [0] (i=jon-kha@kahvi.eu.org) 22.14.25 # petur: hi :) 22.14.37 # * petur runs 22.14.40 # * gevaerts thinks that the bin/ram cost of this usb commit is quite reasonable :) 22.18.41 # gevaerts: you're just lucky that quadrupling the buffer doesn't affect those 22.19.24 # what was the beast issue, btw? 22.20.00 Quit cmwslw (Remote closed the connection) 22.21.02 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 22.21.13 Join DataGhost [0] (i=dataghos@unaffiliated/dataghost) 22.21.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.21.34 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-2543396eef13338e) 22.22.15 # this is basically a linked list, with the last one marked by a "1" value. Apparently that gets transformed to a 0 by hardware (or maybe I didn't look carefully), so I ended up dereferencing a null pointer 22.22.40 Join cmwslw [0] (n=cmwslw@c-68-59-238-111.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) 22.22.49 # ah 22.23.00 # gevaerts: Whoa, huge increase on the zens? 22.23.36 # rasher: yes. I think the buffer is static on those 22.24.34 # gevaerts: you nearly broke the 4M ram usage milestone on the zen vision 22.24.54 # * kugel considers this as fail :p 22.25.08 # kugel: not my fault! mcuelenaere needs to find his zvm and fix this! :) 22.25.13 # saratoga - (if you're reading) - I just tried slapping in the ARM bitwise optimisations from Tremolo (and the naive way of doing that requires taking out the rockbox(tm) optimisations for huffman decode from FS#6848) - decode speed is down. I expect a non-naive integration would have better results but not clear if it would be a big improvement 22.28.36 # gevaerts: *not* breaking the 4M is failure! You've had your chance 22.30.26 # kugel: wait until I add buffering :) 22.30.50 Quit merbanan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.31.17 Join hd [0] (i=jd@modemcable022.187-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) 22.31.19 Quit hd (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.31.34 Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a0e00793237b305c) 22.31.53 # stripwax: I'm on my way out, but can you post a patch of the bitwise merge stuff you did somewhere? 22.31.59 # sure 22.32.00 # i'd like to look at it eventually 22.32.01 # thanks 22.32.35 Quit saratoga (Client Quit) 22.45.11 # rasher: it would be better to have the "you need to update rbutil" message as [error] instead of [status] -- it _is_ an error 22.45.58 # plus, it helps with the current issue of rbutil not showing the [status] msg if no themes are available 22.47.42 Quit lucent (Remote closed the connection) 22.49.04 Quit kugel (Nick collision from services.) 22.49.08 Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 22.49.18 # bluebrother: but so far there is no new rbutil, so it's a bit unfair 22.50.04 # well, an error is fatal. This issue is fatal. 22.50.24 # it's unfair to change the behaviour of the website without having an updated rbutil either ;-) 22.50.52 # bluebrother: better now? 22.51.13 # yes :) 22.52.02 # why the hell does rockbox usb not work here, is it jaunty? 22.52.30 # seems it worked now... 22.52.47 # now this rises the question: should the [status] msg not getitng displayed if no themes are found get considered an error or not? 22.54.01 # gevaerts: Do you have an idea what happened to the creative zen target wrt deltas? 22.54.47 # *targets 22.57.10 # amiconn: for some reason mcuelenaere allocated the buffer statically there instead of stealing the audio buffer like we do on other targets 22.57.44 # And I increased the USB storage buffer, to actually make use of these chained descriptors 22.58.13 # Ah, so the zens use the arc driver? 22.58.36 # no. This is the UMS buffer 22.59.05 # It used to use 16k for SCSI tranfers, now it uses 64k 22.59.12 Join lucent [0] (i=lucent@silenceisdefeat.com) 22.59.13 # Ah, yeds 22.59.47 # Still, the RAM increase is ~96KB while the buffer increase is only half of that 23.00.34 # Does the storage driver use double buffering? 23.00.50 # ah yes. Actually, when I say 16k and 64k, I mean 32k and 128k... UMS uses double buffering 23.01.00 # gevaerts: IMX31 statically allocates the buffer but that RAM useage isn't included in the measurements. I'm not sure how to fix that up yet. 23.01.03 # Well, that explains it 23.01.22 # jhMikeS: ah yes, a different section? 23.01.27 # * amiconn thinks the zens should use the audio buffer like the other targets 23.01.42 # rasher: can you make rbutilqt.php not include error 14 if accessed properly (i.e. using target=)? 23.02.00 # bluebrother: hang on 23.02.01 # gevaerts: yes, that 1MB device section which should perhaps be rethought 23.02.29 # now that memory is mapped flat after moving the framebuffer 23.02.36 # * gevaerts has some vague ideas about caching a lot more data to reduce disk traffic and maybe improve speed, which would use all of the audio buffer... 23.03.20 # Write caching is potentially dangerous, and I don't think read caching would make much sense 23.03.40 # bluebrother: done (I hope) 23.04.00 # gevaerts: how does rockbox usb speeds compare to OF speeds now? 23.04.16 # I know. Write caching should only be done if we actually tell the host OS about that 23.06.09 # n1s: e200 numbers at http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20090312#21:16:47 23.06.58 Quit lucent (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.06.58 NSplit lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 23.06.58 Quit DataGhost (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.06.58 Quit keby (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.06.58 Quit cspotcode (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.06.58 Quit killan (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.06.58 Quit JdGordon (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.06.58 Quit Chex (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.06.58 Quit ze (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.06.58 Quit avacore (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.06.58 Quit soap (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 23.07.05 # gevaerts: ah, looks nice :) 23.07.20 NHeal lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 23.07.20 NJoin killan [0] (n=nnscript@c-5ef170d5.06-397-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 23.07.20 # ata targets need FS#9708 to really make use of this :) 23.07.25 NJoin lucent [0] (i=lucent@silenceisdefeat.com) 23.07.25 NJoin DataGhost [0] (i=dataghos@unaffiliated/dataghost) 23.07.25 NJoin keby [0] (n=keby@cpe-24-243-7-225.satx.res.rr.com) 23.07.25 NJoin cspotcode [0] (n=Administ@weepinbell-52.dynamic.rpi.edu) 23.07.25 NJoin Chex [0] (n=Stefan@bas1-montreal48-1176173096.dsl.bell.ca) 23.07.25 NJoin JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 23.07.25 NJoin ze [0] (i=ze@ 23.07.25 NJoin avacore [0] (i=nobody@1008ds1-rdo.0.fullrate.dk) 23.07.25 NJoin soap [50] (n=soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 23.07.38 Quit avacore (SendQ exceeded) 23.08.11 Quit Conic () 23.08.24 Join kps00000 [0] (n=kevin@i209-195-107-127.cia.com) 23.09.04 # * gevaerts needs to redo lots of speed tests 23.09.13 Quit archivator (Remote closed the connection) 23.09.18 Join ibseco [0] (n=ibseco@BAH1b15.bah.pppool.de) 23.09.53 Quit ze (Remote closed the connection) 23.09.58 Join ze [0] (i=ze@ 23.10.45 Quit keby (Remote closed the connection) 23.11.25 Join keby [0] (n=keby@cpe-24-243-7-225.satx.res.rr.com) 23.12.01 # rasher: looks good now :) 23.12.22 Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.12.22 Quit Chex (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.12.26 Join avacore [0] (i=nobody@1008ds1-rdo.0.fullrate.dk) 23.12.29 Join Chex [0] (n=Stefan@bas1-montreal48-1176173096.dsl.bell.ca) 23.12.42 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c-98-203-252-78.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 23.12.47 Join lucent_ [0] (i=lucent@silenceisdefeat.com) 23.12.52 Quit lucent (Remote closed the connection) 23.14.03 # hey gang...I own a iriver e100 (bought it last year in Korea)....will there be a support for it? 23.14.46 # coffeetime: sure go ahead and make it 23.15.20 Quit {phoenix} (Remote closed the connection) 23.15.57 # Bagder: having a bad day? 23.16.16 # We're now 15 to 20% slower than the OF on write on e200, and 25% faster on read. I think that counts as good enough to be usable 23.16.17 # what makes you think that? 23.16.36 Quit cmwslw (Remote closed the connection) 23.16.50 # Bagder: you 23.16.51 Quit JdGordon (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.17.02 Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@c-98-203-252-78.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 23.17.17 # gevaerts: definitely 23.17.31 # now building for ipod 5g 23.17.34 # gevaerts: interesting that it can be a significant diff in both directions like that 23.18.14 Quit amiconn (Remote closed the connection) 23.18.14 Quit pixelma (Remote closed the connection) 23.18.56 # Bagder: indeed. It does confirm the feeling that the OF doesn't really make use of the full hardware potential though 23.19.02 # * n1s does some benchmarking on the beast 23.19.07 # very true 23.19.29 # coffeetime: people work on rockbox in their spare time. for a new device to be supported, somebody who has one has to figure out how. that's pretty much the only way devices get support. there is no "plan" to support any specific device at any specific future date. 23.19.40 Quit cspotcode ("Leaving.") 23.20.24 # Unhelpful: now, that's an answer. thank you 23.20.43 # Bagder: pecae brother..don't smoke too much 23.20.51 # it's pretty much a longer way of saying what he did, and what you'll find on our wiki. 23.21.01 # coffeetime: you're reading something into my words that I didn't write 23.22.34 # Unhelpful: did look at wiki, but it was just a simple question 23.22.41 Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) 23.22.58 # and he answered with a simple answer...now drop it.. 23.24.00 Join dfkt_dt [0] (n=dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 23.24.06 # Bagder: is there a reason why some targets use different names for the resulting zip than the target name? As in e200 is sansae200.zip, same for c200 and Iaudios 23.24.14 Quit dfkt (Nick collision from services.) 23.24.22 # scorche: what's your problem? 23.24.39 Join cr08 [0] (n=Vchat20@cpe-174-100-35-77.neo.res.rr.com) 23.24.51 Quit ibseco () 23.24.57 # coffeetime: it seems to me that if everyone says the same thing and one person sees problems, it's clear who actually has a problem 23.25.14 # bluebrother: no, I think it's just inconsistencies 23.25.15 Nick dfkt_dt is now known as dfkt (n=dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 23.25.31 # gevaerts: my real world test of copying a flac album of 364 megs shows a speedup of ~ 40% on the beast :) 23.25.37 # bluebrother: I guess we've thought that the shorter version was a bit too vague 23.25.43 # gevaerts: The beast already has #9708 :) 23.25.45 # n1s: not bad at all :) 23.25.52 # gevaerts: wtf? I just asked something I do not know? 23.26.15 # n1s: how does the beast compare with OF? Does anyone know? 23.26.21 # well, currently it's a bit of a problem. I stubled across it with rbutil (the install mismatch detection I broke a bit back to be exact). 23.26.26 # jhMikeS: no idea 23.26.28 # coffeetime: ports are done by people who own the hardware, like you. 23.26.29 # hmm 23.26.31 # coffeetime: and you are responding to those answers with hostility...please stop 23.26.40 # rasher: how long does the confirmation email take usually? 23.26.54 # kugel: no idea 23.26.56 # n1s: what is the actual speed there? it looks faster :) 23.27.04 # scorche: what? do you know the MTOW of AN24? 23.27.04 # can we easily change that names (as in: also provide some mod_rewrite magic to make older rbutil versions not break)? 23.27.12 # jhMikeS: unrelated, when starting my beast it alwyas shows an empty battery for a few seconds, is that normal and dou you think it can be "fixed" ? 23.27.39 # n1s: no, it's not normal to my knowledge 23.27.56 # coffeetime: i have no idea what you are referring to, but i doubt it has anything to do with rockbox...this channel is about rockbox topics only... 23.28.10 # scorche: so you see... 23.28.22 # the speed went from 9,4MB/s to 13.4MB/s copying a flac album to the beast 23.28.42 Join pixelma [50] (n=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 23.28.42 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 23.28.49 # jhMikeS: so likely a dying battery? 23.29.08 # n1s: hmmm, if the test_disk results with UDMA mean anything, it can't get much faster 23.29.35 # n1s: if it has severe voltage sag under load, then it might be 23.29.37 Quit amiconn (Remote closed the connection) 23.29.37 Quit pixelma (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23.31.25 Join pixelma [50] (n=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 23.31.27 Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 23.34.16 # hmmmmm 23.34.31 # subscribing to rockbox mls takes long too 23.34.34 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 23.35.14 Quit bertrik ("Leaving") 23.35.19 # unsubscribing was blazing fast though :/ 23.36.05 # * kugel something makes me think my new email doesn't work yet 23.36.33 # Curious. What are the usual files involved with the secondary (post-bootloader) boot logo? Tried to do some patching for my target but now I have a garbled screen for that logo I need to fix and can't recall exactly -which- files and where... 23.37.13 # On ipod we're still a lot slower than the OF, even with FS#9708 23.38.14 Part coffeetime ("Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away") 23.38.27 # 11.5MB/s read, 8.6MB/s write. The OF gets 14.7 and 14.0 23.39.47 # gevaerts: so the flash(driver) is limiting on the sansas i suppose? 23.40.01 # n1s: yes 23.40.27 # IIRC I got 12MB/s or so if I take out the actual reads and writes 23.41.18 # Interestingly, UDMA is *faster* than using a ramdisk, because the test ramdisk code adds a memcpy :) 23.42.27 # (at least it was, with the new speedups I'm not sure) 23.45.05 # but it's still randomly loosing connection, possibly causing data loss, correct? 23.45.20 # it shouldn't 23.45.52 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-796d22c609bfae60) 23.46.38 # my own current build (rev 20559) has had that issue 23.47.15 Join DJ_Igloo [0] (n=414661eb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c71ad8e5e9c6704e) 23.47.25 Quit bluebrother ("leaving") 23.47.55 # how do people feel about what 9886 is trying to do? i.e rework how the wps uses its ram so that people who dont want fancy WPS' can reclaim some, and those that want crazy fancy WPS can steal more than allowed currently 23.48.04 # * JdGordon isnt usre if he should bother syncing or not 23.48.38 # Horscht: do you have more details? 23.49.04 Quit DJ_Igloo (Client Quit) 23.49.10 # well, apart from it disconnected while i was transfering all my music: no, sorry 23.49.18 # it happened when I was not on my PC 23.49.26 # I mean, like OS, player model,... 23.49.39 Quit perrikwp (Client Quit) 23.49.46 # ah, ok. WinXP SP3, Ipod Video 5.5G 80GB 23.50.14 # it was ~54GB of Data/Music 23.50.32 # Did you have issues earlier, or did they start at about r20344? 23.50.40 # * gevaerts tries some random guesses 23.51.18 # i can't realy tell... Until about a week ago i was using the Apple OF 23.51.28 Quit petur (Remote closed the connection) 23.51.47 # I only started using rockbox again after i was able to build the tool that creates the DB while the ipod is connected to the PC 23.52.07 # before that, the last build I used was an early 19000 build 23.52.08 # JdGordon: do you need to reboot if you want to load a wps that needs more ram? 23.52.08 # did you see this once, or has it happened several times? 23.52.58 # I only noticed it once, after that I went back to the OF to transfer files (as it is a lot faster for me than the Emergency Disk Mode) 23.53.04 # n1s: when its finished you will if the new one needs more ram than you have allocated 23.53.25 # hm 23.53.34 # * gevaerts needs to think about this, but not today 23.53.43 # it was actualy the first time i tried the rockbox usb mode 23.53.55 # and until now, the last time :) 23.53.57 # JdGordon: that sounds annoying to me 23.54.23 # allocated != usage though... you can leave it much higher than needed if you want 23.54.44 # uh, how would i do that? 23.54.45 # but for now the size is static the same as svn 23.54.48 # * gevaerts really hates the fact that USB needs undocumented PortalPlayer magic that may be different depending on the player... 23.55.52 # JdGordon: i just think of the case: new user wants to try a bunch of themes and in the worst case scenario needs to reboot on every change 23.56.04 Quit mcuelenaere (Remote closed the connection) 23.56.21 # well the default would be about the same size as svn so it wouldnt be such a problem 23.56.22 # n1s: iirc allocating is a setting 23.56.43 # I have to go to bed now. 23.56.45 # good night 23.56.46 # or is my memory wrong? 23.56.51 Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) 23.56.54 # a setting, reallY? 23.57.00 # you could set it to say 2MB untill you find the theme you like and then set it to whats actually used when you have decided 23.57.09 Join FlynDice [0] (n=jack@c-24-19-225-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 23.57.29 # the patch as it is now just buf_alloc()'s the same size as svn statically allocs now 23.57.30 # i dont' like that idea 23.57.43 # * gevaerts thinks that if we have too many settings for things like this, malloc starts to sound like a useful thing... 23.57.47 # (the setting and the rebooting) 23.58.18 # n1s: other than that... yes/no? I mean normal people would never have to resize the buffer 23.58.23 # how often do you change themes? 23.58.41 # and like I said, you would only need to reboot if you want a theme that uses more ram than you have allowed 23.58.55 # and we can get into situations where one setting limits the range of another etc