--- Log for 03.06.109 Server: simmons.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 7 hours and 25 minutes ago 00.00.13 Join kachna [0] (n=kachna@r4ax178.net.upc.cz) 00.02.09 Join PaulJam_ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3004.gwdg.de) 00.02.52 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 00.10.21 # Unhelpful: as I thought - the pf crash on Ondio started with it being an overlay plugin: r20863 works, r20865 doesn't (r20864/5 was the overlay change, -64 doesn't build). If I enable "catch mem accesses" I get a "I0C: UserBrk at 090314xx", the last 2 numbers change slightly from revision to revision. Since the crash happens after a few seconds it looks like it has to do with filling the cache. 00.10.29 Join PaulJam__ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3014.gwdg.de) 00.11.40 # the rebuild problem when the pictureflow folder does not exist is present on those earlier revisions 00.13.28 # tested with SVN builds without backlight, made with cygwin - in case that matters 00.14.43 Quit PaulJam (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 00.15.02 Quit robin0800 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 00.15.32 # oh, and tested with and without voice enabled which made no difference 00.21.27 Quit ender` (" The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for th") 00.22.49 Join togetic [0] (n=ib@unaffiliated/ibuffy) 00.22.56 # advantages of using rockbox? 00.23.14 # yes 00.23.24 # togetic: read http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WhyRockbox 00.23.30 # lots of themes, audio codecs, games 00.23.51 # just bought the ipod nano 1st gen 4gb 20 secs ago 00.25.31 # togetic: it doesn't suck :P 00.26.21 Quit mirak ("Ex-Chat") 00.28.45 Join r0b- [0] (n=nnscript@adsl-76-236-182-214.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net) 00.28.52 # may i ask what Rockbox is written in? 00.28.57 # yes you mya 00.28.59 # C 00.29.00 # C, some ASM. 00.29.01 # a programming lang 00.29.03 # argh 00.29.05 # you beat me to it 00.29.07 # 1st 00.29.10 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 00.29.20 # pixelma: interesting. overlay plugins are loaded into the audio buffer, i wonder if plugin_get_audio_buffer returns the entire audio buffer, including the part containing code and static globals. 00.29.33 # C is so 70s 00.29.43 # and um 2000s 00.29.46 # well is it possible to compile rockbox in Windows without a Emulator for the hardware? 00.29.52 # ..since i'm using an OS written in it... 00.30.05 Quit PaulJam_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 00.30.07 # you don's need any emulator to compiler 00.30.14 # *compile 00.30.31 # so it can run nativly on Windows? 00.30.34 # r0b-: it probably is possible but it would need recompilation of some target specific compilers like arm gcc and assembler 00.30.54 # i was going to try to learn to code for it 00.30.54 # run oO? 00.30.56 # i hope this ipod is worth it since it costs me my entire week's salary :P 00.31.03 # r0b-: do you want to compile it for a device or to run it in windows? 00.31.08 # the other thing is not precisely a bug. pictureflow does not *verify* its cache on startup at all, other than to check if the cache version is different from the one in the config file. so far, that is just a mechanism that catches failed cache builds, or forces updates if the format of the cache files changes. 00.31.18 # * togetic will starve w/ no food, but thrive on music? 00.31.26 # lol togetic 00.31.31 # what Ipod model? 00.31.50 # * togetic considers the grass on the lawn, bet it could make a decent green smoothie 00.31.55 # 1st gen ipod nano 00.32.07 # damn those pesticides! 00.32.09 # heh 00.32.26 # when it arrives i hope to put rockbox on my new Sansa e250 00.32.42 # i downloaded the Simulator thing for the e250 i love it!!! 00.32.47 # could we please stick to things directly related to rockbox in here? there are guidelines for a good reason. (see topic). 00.32.51 # seems i'll be blasting some 8bitpeoples tunes and hunting for food the entire week 00.33.05 # okay okay Unhelpful 00.33.10 # togetic: rockbox plays .nsf and .spc iirc :) 00.33.34 # :) 00.33.51 # it also plays .gb and .gbc :P 00.34.31 Quit SirFunk__ (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.34.31 NSplit simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 00.34.31 Quit barrywardell (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.34.31 Quit beta_ (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.34.31 Quit lucent (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 00.34.36 # Unhelpful: should I check other overlay plugins? I'm just done building the most recent revision though and unzipping a complete build... will take a while :/ 00.34.37 Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") 00.35.04 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.35.12 # pixelma: i'm working on a patch to both base the cache filenames on album names, and to verify cache files on startup. initially this will probably just mean that files with "old" covers get no-cover, but forcing a rebuild could be another response. 00.35.54 # pixelma: i don't know, which others use the audio buffer? we could consider *not* using the audio buffer, now that the plugin buffer only has the overlay stub in it... 00.36.02 Join AndyI [0] (n=pasha_in@ 00.36.12 # I suppose the usberror entry of rbutil.ini isfor detecting mtp mode? 00.36.17 Join HellDragon [0] (n=jd@modemcable022.187-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) 00.36.28 # Unhelpful: I imagine, for simplicity, the database could place a hook-file in the pf folder foring a rebuilt 00.36.39 Quit togetic (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 00.37.33 NHeal simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 00.37.33 NJoin SirFunk__ [0] (n=Sir@208-15-25-145.netsync.net) 00.37.33 NJoin barrywardell [0] (n=barry@rockbox/developer/barrywardell) 00.37.33 NJoin beta_ [0] (n=beta@d24-36-124-26.home1.cgocable.net) 00.37.33 NJoin lucent [0] (i=lucent@unaffiliated/shadows) 00.37.36 # Unhelpful: I thought chess does but am not sure about the "behinds"... 00.37.46 Join togetic [0] (n=ib@unaffiliated/ibuffy) 00.37.58 # konversation ¿krashed? 00.38.05 # funman: great success! 00.38.50 # kugel: the database doesn't know everything. ideally, i want the cover search itself to be fast enough that i can do it on every PF startup, and then recache covers if a new cover is found, etc. 00.39.12 Quit lucent (Remote closed the connection) 00.39.17 Join lucent [0] (i=lucent@silenceisdefeat.com) 00.39.22 Quit pat_mulchrone (Remote closed the connection) 00.39.33 # pixelma: chessbox uses plugin_get_buffer, which is safe because core knows how much of the plugin buffer the overlay loader used. 00.41.31 # Unhelpful: the database does know when it gets updated 00.41.56 # kugel: it doesn't know when non-music files are changed, though. 00.41.59 # ok, well seems like some grep would be in order. Btw. does your rebuild cache patch also solve the problem with no "pictureflow" folder present? ;) 00.42.22 # funman: sorry I missed you earlier - I'm using arm-elf-objdump and an IDA demo (after wrapping the binary into an elf) 00.42.27 # pixelma: it ought to, as anything that triggers a cache build will create that directory. 00.42.54 # kugel, the DBOP FIFO fix now makes a lot of difference on my clip, 38% faster unboosted 00.43.21 # well the directory was created but only filled with emptyslide after entering pf first... 00.43.28 # bertrik: I can give it another try. Can you upload it once more please? 00.43.43 # obo: ok, because if you use IDA only you won't see cross references to some PP registers if they are loaded in registers with mov/shifts 00.44.25 # kugel: http://pastebin.ca/1445506 00.45.06 # New commit by 03funman (r21171): Sansa AMS : don't use the SHAREDBSS_ATTR since we don't have a coprocessor 00.46.44 # pixelma: can you give this a try? it uses plugin_get_buffer on all targets, instead of plugin_get_audio_buffer when the plugin buffer is tiny. with only the overlay loader in the plugin buffer on archos, there should be room for about 19 slides in the plugin buffer, so that should be fine. http://pastie.org/498443 00.46.46 Quit AndyIL (Success) 00.47.22 # bertrik: is this with 64MHz unboosted? 00.47.49 # 62 ven 00.47.50 # even 00.47.58 # kugel: yep, I noticed again this CCU_SCON register when looking for USB init code in the OF ;) 00.48.28 # Unhelpful: yes, trying 00.48.57 # funman: do you use anything to post-process the objdump output? as in getting it to place the values next to the operators (like IDA), rather than having to scroll around to find them? 00.49.10 # bertrik: did you notice the forum post : as3514's DCDC is needed for some Clip screens 00.49.16 # Unhelpful: I fear that doesn't apply cleanly to SVN :) 00.49.20 # Unhelpful: if the hunk didn't fail though it would be easier 00.49.30 # exactly ;) 00.49.39 # funman, yes I did. I wondered if there's some way to detect whether DCDC is needed or not 00.49.46 # * Unhelpful will sync it 00.49.55 # obo: i usually don't use objdump, but vitja wrote some code to enhance objdump output, let me find it 00.49.56 # I vaguely remember seeing it in the OF 00.50.35 # funman: that's sad. either we support all displays and waste a good deal battery life on it, or we support some not with more battery life for the others. or we supply a setting that most people don't undersand :( 00.50.41 # funman: you use IDA or something else? 00.51.15 # obo: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=15360.msg131185#msg131185 - yes i use IDA 00.51.52 # * kugel wonders why changes to clock-target.h force a full rebuild :( 00.51.55 # kugel: checking how much battery this drains would be interestin indeed 00.52.26 # after your formula, it would be 12.5mA 00.52.33 # kugel: I think every file including system-target.h depends on it 00.52.39 Quit dfkt ("-= SysReset 2.53=- Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.") 00.52.59 # kugel: assuming we don't get a supported swcodec target with a tiny plugin buffer, you can amend PF_PLAYBACK_CAPABLE to just checking for swcodec 00.53.10 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 00.53.11 # pixelma: resynced: http://pastie.org/498449 00.53.26 # kugel: hum right, but how much more % is it related to the actual consumption? 00.53.39 # using the plugin buffer won't make it playback-capable on hwcodec, though, because there is still code loaded in the audio buffer. 00.53.51 # Unhelpful: I made the #define so that it can be replaced easily (even with 1 :) ) 00.54.01 # wasn't a hard job actually :P 00.54.23 # if there's no current drawn from the DCDC in a clip that doesn't need it, then the impact can be limited I think 00.54.40 # funman: no idea, but the v1 have shown that even 4mA can make a noticeable difference 00.54.54 Quit froggyman ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 00.55.08 # however, I assume we can "power down" the dcdc anyway in backlight_off(), so it probably won 00.55.16 # won't make such a huge difference 00.55.55 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 00.56.09 # and we shouldn't give up yet on auto-detecting the need for the dcdc 00.56.10 # Unhelpful: if you are alooking for a way to make it work.. you should be able to create the playlist while the plugin is runnign, then just splash "press play to start the playback" 00.56.28 # or use some new thread messages to start when the plugin unloads 00.56.56 # after i take a look at Horscht's jpeg decoder bug report, and tackle the hash-based cache keys for PF, i think i want to take a look at making the plugin buffer entirely dynamic, as amiconn and i talked about a couple weeks ago. no wasted space without a plugin running would be a nice side benefit. as would support for "oversized" plugins without an overlay loader. 00.57.25 # bertrik: from 45 to 65 fps it seems 00.57.44 # * JdGordon| 's curiosit pricks up 00.57.46 # +y 00.58.12 # bertrik: 100fps while boosted :O 00.59.03 # * kugel still thinks we are in need for a splash that disappears upon button press, like a splash-based yesno screen 00.59.25 # so do it :) 00.59.31 # we already got an ok for it didnt we? 01.00.05 # splash (-1,...) ;) 01.00.28 Quit funman (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.00.36 # [00:29:20] pixelma: interesting. overlay plugins are loaded into the audio buffer, i wonder if plugin_get_audio_buffer returns the entire audio buffer, including the part containing code and static globals. <== It sure does; the plugin needs to make sure to not overwrite itself 01.00.43 # no, all splashes are either no block, or some standard timeout value, pressing any button would break the timeout 01.00.48 # JdGordon|: yea, I haven't really found a place where it would be really usefull yet 01.00.57 # except some plugins 01.01.00 # This is possible; one of the first overlay plugins (*the* first iirc) - rockboy - does that 01.01.03 Quit bmbl ("Woah!") 01.01.07 Join funman [0] (n=fun@rockbox/developer/funman) 01.01.30 # Unhelpful: yes, that fixes it (and the keymap issue is really fixed as well) 01.01.36 # kugel: the "nothing to resume" splash :p 01.01.47 # a right :) 01.02.01 # bertrik: lcd updates show weird blue bars when boosted 01.02.28 # maybe almost full would be better? 01.02.39 # Unhelpful: And we do have a lowmem swcodec target - the clip 01.02.41 # amiconn: it seems the easiest way might be to check the address of __header? 01.02.54 Quit bertrik ("sleep") 01.03.08 # amiconn: the plugin buffer is not that small 01.03.18 # Unhelpful: seems to be a bit snappier too (you notice a slowdown in fps if the plugin is busy filling the cache) 01.04.00 # * pixelma mentions the Logik Dax ;) 01.04.26 # amiconn: the clip still has a rather large plugin buffer ;) 01.04.44 # apps/plugins/rockboy/rockboy.c lines 356ff 01.06.09 # kugel: Iirc the ipod mini also achieves 100fps in PF 01.06.30 # amiconn: I was talking about 100fps in test_fps :/ 01.07.06 # which is by far not a great value, but the best I've seen so far by the fuze 01.07.15 # ah 01.07.35 # * amiconn somehow didn't see a reference to test_fps 01.07.53 # pff, Clip shows 2700fps 01.08.29 # amiconn: sorry if it wasn't clear. bertrik was playing with the fifo to get better fps in general 01.08.40 # the clip, being mono, should do fine with the 384KiB plugin buffer. i'm guessing PF will take about 40-80KiB of that itself... there will be plenty left for covers, as they should cost a bit under 2KiB on average. 01.08.47 # funman: mono, tiny display.........:) 01.09.17 # kugel: which is why i can't hit the high mark of something like 270fps in PF on beast :/ 01.09.28 # Iirc the clip used to have 64KB plugin buffer. Someone must have enlared that 01.10.32 # funman: thanks. that thread also reminded me of the disassembler under /utils 01.10.48 # * Unhelpful would still like to see no-fail bufopen, and buf_clear_end(size), or the like, and equivalents for hwcodec. it would be the end of buflib, though. 01.11.14 # obo: there is also http://github.com/geohot/eda-2/tree/master - but it's still in early development - 01.12.25 Quit tessarakt ("Client exiting") 01.12.30 # hum .. apps/main.o is 0 bytes 01.13.29 # funman: Doesn't currently compile, but I'll keep an eye on it. Cheers! 01.14.17 # obo: check http://github.com/funman/eda-2/tree/master - that one should compile ;) - 01.14.51 Join pixelma_ [50] (n=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 01.14.51 Quit pixelma (Nick collision from services.) 01.14.59 Quit togetic (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.15.10 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (n=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 01.15.25 Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) 01.15.28 Join amiconn_ [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 01.15.47 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 01.16.05 Join onlysoaa [0] (i=42248748@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-1cff140a7883549e) 01.16.07 # JdGordon|: how useful would get_action() be for that splash? aren't there a few actions which don't come from buttons? (e.g. ACTION_REDRAW?) 01.18.49 # _REDRAW isnt sent from the button driver i tihnk... its more of a hack to fix draw issues... 01.18.59 # _NONE and SYS_* are the ones to watch for 01.19.12 Join funman_ [0] (n=fun@250.167.72-86.rev.gaoland.net) 01.19.14 Quit funman (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.19.50 Nick funman_ is now known as funman (n=fun@250.167.72-86.rev.gaoland.net) 01.21.42 # redraw issues... suddenly reminds me of the colour choser statusbar problem... 01.22.06 # not that a ACTION_REDRAW suddently removes the splash though 01.22.37 # on the other hand, SYS_* should probably remove it, like SYS_USB_CONNECTED 01.22.46 # kugel: my point was.. you would never get that action while a blocking splash is open 01.23.10 # hm yea, it can only come from the main thread 01.23.29 # iirc just about only in a list control 01.26.13 Quit barrywardell (Remote closed the connection) 01.26.25 # funman: that does indeed build, and runs. Are there any instructions anywhere? 01.26.49 # no ^^ 01.27.31 Quit BHSPitMonkey (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01.28.00 # you need to modify main.cc for file / loading address, and then you can connect to , what it does (even the only useful thing) is simulate functions so you can see effects on registers 01.28.10 # What header defines file functions like read(), lseek .. etc. ? (equivalent to unistd.h) 01.28.35 Join FlynDice [0] (n=FlynDice@ 01.28.47 # mt: include/file.h it seems 01.29.00 # yep 01.29.15 # FlynDice: hi! rolling out my last patch - to get mpegplayer working - before I leave 01.29.20 # I included that but keep getting undefined reference to lseek, read ..etc. 01.29.28 # I'll recheck. :/ 01.29.44 # mt: undefined references mean that the functions are not present, not that you didn't include the right header 01.29.49 # Great! sorry to say my day has been mostly wasted 01.30.25 # they should be in firmware/common/file.o (and firmware/libfirmware.a) 01.31.18 # funman : yes, but when I include the right header the functions should be available. 01.31.31 # Do you mean I have to link file.o ? 01.31.37 # yes 01.31.52 # I svn upped on my laptop before I left this morning and got a bad update :( 01.31.53 # funman: read my edit too :/ 01.32.00 # (re: FS#10048) 01.32.36 # FlynDice: that's why you have a plain SVN checkout, and use rsync to checkout from that 01.32.50 # That's how I do it, at least :) 01.33.44 Quit hillshum (Remote closed the connection) 01.34.38 # I use git & git stash :) 01.35.17 # I have my one svn copy that I actually update and then I make copies from that to start from, but I'm all ears this is mostly still new stuff for me ;) 01.35.53 # I thought I would get a lot done today but that sunk me... 01.37.54 # funman: what kind of wps corruption were you getting? 01.38.18 # * amiconn just uses two svn working copies, one for actual work and a clean one for bisects, and makes no further copies 01.38.34 # I've been having problems today with last night's FS#10048 and couldn't roll a new build. Couldn't get anything to complete compiling and no internet access for most of the day 01.38.35 # short (~8px) horizontal bars, vertically separated (~8px) and offseted (~8px) 01.39.10 # I'm getting blue bars moving on the screen with bertriks fifo patch 01.39.40 # hum now I can't boot rockbox oO 01.40.15 # * JdGordon| has i tihnk 4 svn copies.. ranging from >1yr old to the one i actually use... im too lazy to delete them :p 01.41.20 # funman: have you looked at implementing a udelay()? It doesn't seem very complicated even if we're reusing the tick task timer 01.41.30 # I think I have 8 or 9 01.42.33 # no i've not but i have an idea on how to do it. how would you use it? 01.43.21 # the delays I'm messing with are clock dependant, so I wouldn't even have a use :) 01.44.00 # but bertrik wants one. And I think for FM, a fixed delay would be very usefull (e.g. udelay() made FM radio actually possible on the D2 port) 01.44.24 Quit kachna (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 01.45.58 # kugel: FlynDice does mpegplayer also deadlocks with FS#10048? 01.47.18 Quit Res1 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 01.47.19 Quit bubsy (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 01.47.22 # funman: I'm fairly sure it worked yesterday (now it deadlocks too) even though I didn't change the patch, I'm still on the one before the most recent 01.47.52 # Don't know, didn't try it. Might just be the copy on the player right now, I couldn't replace it because I couldn't compile a new one. I'm on my laptop now away from home 01.48.24 # ok, i'll look into it tomorrow 01.49.07 # FlynDice: please have a look at what kugel said earlier (around 7PM on yesterday log - UTC or CEST, whatever say the logs -) 01.49.25 Quit funman ("leaving") 01.49.46 # I'm headed home now though and I'll try to check it out. I was getting poor performance numbers at 248/31/31 also boosted 30% of the time and 86MHz for mp3 01.50.00 # I already needed to higher the delay in the dbop reading again :S 01.50.29 # kugel: Ok I'll take a look 01.50.42 # amiconn: is audio buffer *always* adjacent to, and before, plugin buffer? if that's the case, couldn't one just unconditionally set the audio buffer size to plugin_start_addr - audio_bufferbase? 01.50.55 Quit FlynDice (Remote closed the connection) 01.52.00 Join Res1 [0] (n=Res@user-0c6s6hp.cable.mindspring.com) 01.52.19 # * amiconn points Unhelpful 48 minutes back 01.53.48 # amiconn: at how rockboy does it? i looked, i'm just not sure if the test is necessary. it seems to me that if conditions are as i understand them to be, the assignment can be made unconditionally. 01.54.32 # The test might be unnecessary 01.54.35 Join bubsy [0] (i=Bubsy@ 01.55.10 # It also seems that a bug slipped into rockboy (or rather, unnecessary code) 01.55.51 # Above the adjustment for not overwriting itself, rockboy checks whether audio is stopped or not, in order to decide whether to use the audio buffer 01.55.54 Quit toffe82 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01.56.12 # However, on lowmem audio will always be stopped, because the overlay loader has to do that 01.56.59 # * amiconn also wonders whether this behaviour is desirable on swcodec 01.57.01 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3002.gwdg.de) 01.57.47 # It means that some ROMs won't work when music is playing, but will work when music is stopped. Other ROMs will always work. 01.57.56 # Might confuse the user... 02.05.13 Quit JdGordon| ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 02.07.58 # does adding a rule in codecs.make link to common files like file.c ? 02.11.33 # Rockbox codecs must not link core objects. 02.12.09 # If you need access to core functions, you need to use the codec api 02.14.05 # doesn't Rockboy stop playback anyways (except on the gigabeat)? 02.14.28 # It should really give the user the choice, as in Jpegviewer 02.14.49 Quit PaulJam__ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 02.16.01 # amiconn : So functions like lseek and read should be accessed through the codec api ? 02.16.56 Join JdGordon| [0] (i=4607ea54@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 02.18.16 # kugel: last week you stopped me from working on the latest custom vp patch? 02.18.45 # some forum admin around? 02.23.48 Quit efyx_ (Remote closed the connection) 02.25.54 Quit mt ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") 02.28.19 # amiconn, if rockbox's behavior is confusing for users, which I havn't seen much of, I would suggest that just changing the exit message would be enough 02.28.27 # rockboys that is 02.29.08 # on the gigabeat's rockboy is very playable with music running and why not take advantage of that if possible 02.33.02 Join cool_walking_ [0] (i=cb3b81c3@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-4a0aa7a17eadf1e2) 02.35.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.36.24 # amiconn: *is* the plugin buffer right now always immediately after the audio buffer? 02.38.09 # there is a wiki page which has the mem layout 02.38.13 # Unhelpful: that is up to the individual targets to define, on the M:robe 500 it is not 02.38.39 # remember audio buffer has a 32k buffer tacked onto the end of it (which may be considered a sepearate buffer... i dunno) 02.38.44 # I'm not sure about other targets offhand 02.38.51 # hrm... are there macros defined that i coulduse to check the layout? 02.39.28 # there's variables that are defined in the linker 02.39.44 # I think most targets have them setup 02.40.32 # i was looking to eliminate a run-time check. it won't be that much code, though, so there might as well be one. 02.40.57 # things like _audiobuffer _codecbuf 02.41.30 # you could change the variables around too to include the beginning and end of each 02.42.17 # that would still be a runtime check... so i may as well have a runtime check :) 02.42.21 # or you could make sure that all the linker's are the same, but I think it would be better to check it in code than make the linker script have an arbitrary requirement 02.42.47 # linker scripts I mean 02.43.25 Quit JdGordon| ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 02.43.35 # it would be trivial to change on the m:robe, but I don't think it would be good to expect them to remain that way unless you had a #error that could make sure that if someone changes it they know there will be problems 02.43.57 # well, I say m:robe, but it's any dm320 based target right now 02.44.39 # the gigabeatF/X doesn't have the plugin buffer immediately after the audio buffer either 02.45.24 # should i check for the possibility that the plugin buffer is *before* the audio buffer? 02.45.28 # nor the as3525 based devices.. they all have the codec buffer between the audio buffer and the plugin buffer 02.45.38 # I think that would be reasonable too 02.46.06 # I was looking at changing it that way on the dm320 at one point, I don't remember why offhand, but I never did it 02.48.42 # unboosted on the AMS targets is 62 MHz with the latest MMU work right? 02.54.58 # New commit by 03unhelpful (r21172): PictureFlow: subtract space used to load plugin from available audio buffer space if needed. 02.57.42 # JdGordon|: I stopped you? 02.59.15 # anyway, the recent progress of the AMSes carries me a bit a away from custom vp :S 03.00.13 # saratoga: without too. 62 is svn 03.02.21 # kugel: not really stopped... you asked if i had started fiddling.. then left... 03.02.35 # i took that to mean youd done something bad/diffrent? 03.02.54 Quit faemir ("Lost terminal") 03.03.35 # I don't think so (but I can't really remember too) 03.03.58 # I always welcome if people take a look (and shot) and my patches :) 03.05.12 # is there much to do on it still? or still the same? 03.05.57 # just hunting down screens which don't clear properly, basically 03.06.20 # locally, I've changed plugin behavior to default to fullscreen (for now) 03.06.29 # and of course, viewport.c needs a cleanup as well 03.08.43 # * JdGordon wants to say do that clean up later 03.09.19 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@ 03.12.21 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 03.19.22 Join maxio [0] (n=c3f11d8d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b33fb92f53c0faa0) 03.19.46 # hello:) 03.20.10 # hi 03.20.18 Quit kugel ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") 03.22.01 # i thought i should join this place now. getting a ipod video tomorrow and gonna rockbox it. and if something goes wrong or im confused i guessed someone would know here. 03.22.41 # Make sure you actually get an iPod Video and not an iPod Classic (which Rockbox doesn't run on). 03.22.48 # yep, but if you use rbutil it should be pretty painless to install 03.24.04 # ahh dont worry ive researched my buy well. 03.24.14 # pretty lucky find 03.24.35 # video 30gb in box with all the stickers on it never used 03.24.47 # not 5.5g tho 03.25.37 # just have to find some kind of case which is best for it 03.26.44 # I like the silicone skins. 03.27.07 # my friend has the silicone kind 03.27.35 # the only thing i dont like is how the wheel feels sticky 03.28.31 # They don't add too much size, they absorb impact rather than breaking themselves when they drop, and they don't get in the way of buttons/ports (and can easily be cut if they do). 03.28.47 # * scorche notes that we have an offtopic channel for this sort of discussion 03.29.14 Quit AndyI (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 03.29.33 Quit barrywardell () 03.29.53 # oeps sorry didnt know there was such a channel 03.30.37 # From this channel's topic: Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community 03.31.34 Join AndyI [0] (n=pasha_in@ 03.40.09 # saratoga: ok, the area scaler costs 3 * dw * sh + 3 * dw * dh multiplies per component. the linear scaler costs 3 * sw * sh + 3 * dw * sh. the linear scaler is designed for upscaling, and would probably break on a downscaling case. in general, the cost is 3 * min(sw, dw) * sh + 3 * dw * min(dh, sh) 03.41.43 # if we assume that the area scaler is never scaling down by more than 2x, so that every output pixel crosses an input pixel boundary, i believe we can reduce the constant multiplier from 3 to 2. the same restriction also means that it's not doing many additions. 03.41.43 Quit maxio ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 03.47.19 Join Llorean1 [0] (n=DarkkOne@adsl-99-182-52-92.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) 03.49.22 Quit Llorean (Nick collision from services.) 03.49.24 Nick Llorean1 is now known as Llorean (n=DarkkOne@adsl-99-182-52-92.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) 04.11.13 Join Tichodroma [0] (n=8cb40245@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-da64dcd6ef4730f8) 04.12.38 # Hello all; how do I disable compiling plugins? 04.13.23 # I'll likely run a bunch of tests with the binary alone, so I'd rather not rebuild all the plugins too every time I need to test some changes. 04.13.48 # you could just make bin 04.13.49 # remove them from the SOURCES/SUBDIRS files. 04.13.51 # I'm running svn on an ipod video. I tried pictureflow but only a small number of my covers appeared; the rest were '?'. I couldn't see any difference between the images that did and didin't work. Is pictureflow a work-in-progress so I should shut up and wait, or should it be working? 04.14.08 # make bin? sounds good. Thanks. 04.18.36 # usually it won't rebuild plugins unless you're changing them 04.19.31 # Cool, so I just rerun make? 04.20.59 # yeah 04.21.05 # make -j is probably faster though 04.21.09 # Cool, thanks. 04.21.11 # Ahh. 04.27.05 Quit HellDragon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04.27.19 Join HellDragon [0] (n=jd@modemcable022.187-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) 04.31.31 Join FlynDice [0] (n=jack@c-24-19-225-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 04.35.07 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.37.06 # are we happy with the custom list/ui viewport setting being named "list viewport" in the .cfg? 04.44.30 Join hd [0] (n=jd@modemcable022.187-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) 04.44.53 Quit HellDragon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.00.31 Quit chandoo ("Leaving") 05.02.42 # Hey everyone, I don't think there's a power on/off sequence in the Samsung P2's LCD datasheet, right? 05.03.41 # The sequence is there, but it's a graph, and it doesn't show which registers should be set. 05.08.12 Quit Tichodroma ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 05.21.07 # Oh, nevermind, I think I found it. 05.21.58 # JdGordon: Sounds okay to me. Is there some reason that isn't appropriate that I don't know of? 05.23.04 # im not saying its inappropriate.. just wondering if we cant come up with something better? 05.23.30 # list dimensions? 05.24.24 # well... i dont like the list part of it... its for the whole ui... 05.27.23 Quit jordan` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05.27.37 Join jordan` [0] (i=gromit@ 05.29.28 Quit PaulJam (".") 05.36.21 Quit relentless (Remote closed the connection) 05.46.36 Quit Horscht ("Verlassend") 06.13.56 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) 06.17.20 Join VytenisS [0] (n=bxcracer@78-56-8-132.static.zebra.lt) 06.35.08 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.45.46 Join patmulchrone [0] (n=pat@99-13-70-2.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) 06.57.43 # Help, when I make bin, it still goes through the plugins and throws errors because the P2 uses a 480x272 screen and they don't support that resolution yet. 06.58.10 # Is there a way I can just make a rockbox binary to test using tcctool? 06.58.19 # you can disable plugins and codecs in configure 06.58.34 # but, make bin should ignore them also... 06.58.39 # Alright, I'll check it out. 06.58.44 # It's strange, it didn't. 06.59.20 Join boobaloo [0] (n=chatzill@ 07.01.23 # Huh! Even after disabling plugins in configure it still went through the plugins and threw errors. 07.01.25 Quit kkurbjun (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.01.59 Quit crashd (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.02.10 # try removing from apps/plugins/SOURCES and apps/plugins/SUBDIRS 07.02.24 # Mkay. 07.09.03 # Ah hah! I just wiped out the contents of those two files and it worked. 07.09.14 # I guess I could svn revert when I'm ready to work on the plugins. 07.17.33 # * Unhelpful suspects he has had a useful insight regarding pictureflow... by adding a few fields to struct album_data, it can also track the state of a background cache build and of cache loads... and will probably make the memory cache code a good deal simpler, which is nice as it may be the cause of some hangs on target that have been hard to debug :/ 07.22.57 Quit patmulchrone (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07.29.35 Quit jmillikin (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07.33.44 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@dhcp126.contactor.se) 07.34.16 # Question: does anyone know how the LCD panel GPIO A pins were determined for the D2? 07.35.05 # probably from the disassembled OF 07.35.14 # Hmm... 07.35.29 # I can't seem to find where the LCD code is in the P2 firmware. 07.35.46 # it has to be there somewhere :D 07.36.16 # I know, but 3.7MB if binary is tedious to look through. :P 07.36.39 # Also, bear in mind I'm new to all this. 07.36.52 Quit Llorean (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07.40.52 # you wouldn't be looking through "binary" you have to read assembler 07.45.20 # Oh, of course, I'm going through the disassembly. 07.45.37 # No sense in reading actual binary. :P 07.45.43 # I think I found something though. 07.49.00 Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) 08.06.15 # New commit by 03unhelpful (r21173): Fix red. 08.06.47 Join timc`` [0] (n=aoeu@ 08.13.27 Quit timc (Connection timed out) 08.16.46 Join Zagor [242] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 08.16.48 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@adsl15-128.her.forthnet.gr) 08.16.48 Quit Zarggg () 08.23.19 Quit safetydan ("Leaving.") 08.26.41 Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCD875.dip.t-dialin.net) 08.26.56 # Ah shoot, I'm stuck. 08.27.15 # Well I'm going to sleep now. (: I'll keep hacking tomorrow. 08.30.43 Join kachna [0] (n=kachna@r4ax178.net.upc.cz) 08.35.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.35.14 # New commit by 03unhelpful (r21174): Don't perform YUV->RGB conversion before row output for unscaled loads of greyscale JPEG, as store_row_jpeg already does this. 08.36.39 Join Trid [0] (n=LOLFAGS@c-67-160-90-137.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 08.38.10 Part Trid 08.38.55 Join JdGordon| [0] (i=43a02c5a@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 08.39.26 Quit bertrik (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08.43.39 Quit Rob2223 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08.45.18 Join flydutch [0] (n=flydutch@host46-210-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 08.46.11 Part boobaloo 08.48.34 Join andrewbeveridge [0] (i=586d6058@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-01cdf86f34066237) 08.48.51 Join pondlife [50] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) 08.49.02 Quit JdGordon| ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 08.49.07 Part andrewbeveridge 08.49.50 # Does anyone here understand ASM parameter passing? 08.51.19 # In FS#8894, I added const to various routines (typically changing "int32_t *src[]" to "const int32_t *src[]". 08.51.53 # There are some assembly implementations used - I wonder what the impact might be. 08.55.29 Join Zarggg [0] (n=zarggg@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) 08.57.24 Join n1s [0] (n=n1s@rockbox/developer/n1s) 08.58.53 Join einhirn [0] (n=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) 08.59.08 # pondlife: i don't think const changes ASM ... just what gcc expects C code to do to the data. 08.59.17 Quit BHSPitMonkey (Connection timed out) 08.59.20 # That was my guess, thanks. 09.13.42 Join places [0] (n=people@c-76-26-83-102.hsd1.wv.comcast.net) 09.18.33 Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@ 09.21.25 Quit kachna (Remote closed the connection) 09.31.12 Join jon-kha [0] (i=jon-kha@kahvi.eu.org) 09.32.40 Quit Unhelpful (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 09.32.57 Join Unhelpful [0] (n=Militant@rockbox/developer/Unhelpful) 09.34.25 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 09.40.20 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barrywar@ 09.47.06 Quit Zarggg (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09.51.19 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 09.53.43 # mmmm, cofffeeeeeee 09.54.29 # * FrankTM_ purrs 10.06.13 # Unhelpful: the committed fix for overlay pf is different to the one I tested yesterday, right? 10.06.16 Quit Unhelpful (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 10.06.16 NSplit simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 10.06.20 Join Unhelpfu- [0] (n=Militant@pool-98-117-8-126.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net) 10.06.49 # * pixelma wonders whether Unhelpfu- still got the question 10.07.03 Quit cool_walking_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.07.03 Quit onlysoaa (Remote closed the connection) 10.07.03 Quit saratoga (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 10.07.24 Nick Unhelpfu- is now known as Unhelpful (n=Militant@pool-98-117-8-126.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net) 10.07.32 # pixelma: doubtful :p 10.07.41 # pixelma: i don't recall seeing a question, no. 10.07.52 # 10:06 < pixelma> Unhelpful: the committed fix for overlay pf is different to the one I tested yesterday, right? 10.08.03 # gevaerts: If/when you get time - there's a new patch on FS#8894... 10.08.10 # FrankTM_: the channel is logged (if server is up) 10.08.20 # oh well 10.08.28 # this is quicker :p 10.09.17 # pixelma: yes, it is. i based it on the rockboy solution, since the audio buffer will allow a larger number of slides in the in-memory cache. 10.10.13 # ok, I'll update and test then 10.11.29 # thanks, although after the first one worked, i'm pretty sure that the problem has been identified, and that this will work also. 10.12.57 Join cool_walking_ [0] (i=cb3b81c3@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-56ad9913afa2dabb) 10.13.50 Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-74524243a732fb56) 10.15.46 Join pyro_maniac [0] (i=foobar@p57BB9F38.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 10.19.36 # New commit by 03unhelpful (r21175): Replace arrays of tags that are numeric/sorted/uniqued with bitfields flagging each tag that is a member of the set, and replace the membership tests ... 10.31.36 Join efyx_ [0] (n=efyx@lap34-1-82-224-140-171.fbx.proxad.net) 10.31.42 Quit cool_walking_ ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 10.35.12 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.38.12 NHeal (timeout) simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 10.46.58 # Hmm, if you change a setting and then ROLO, the setting change isn't saved to disk... 10.48.13 # good to see you're back working with as again pondlife ;) 10.48.18 # s/as/us 10.48.55 # Just coming up for air really... 10.49.00 # :D 10.53.50 # GodEater: Do you still use the iPod Video? If so, a test of the latest FS#8894 would be useful... 10.54.03 # I do 10.54.08 # let me get on that for you 10.54.41 # Unhelpful: For SH you could use a small lookup table for 1< amiconn: i'd though of a lookup table with flags, but that's an even better idea :) 10.59.00 # hrm, the 1< pondlife: building now 11.01.41 # Thanksy 11.02.11 Join pyro_maniac1 [0] (i=foobar@p57BBA1C6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 11.02.19 # * GodEater watches his ipod carefully incase of magic smoke incidents 11.02.53 Quit pyro_maniac (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11.05.09 Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-725bd61190c067a5) 11.10.41 Join kachna [0] (n=kachna@r3g248.net.upc.cz) 11.17.30 # gah stupid ipod 11.17.35 # "Very low battery" my arse 11.17.54 # * GodEater performs the "one thumb salute" 11.20.04 # pondlife: why does it require a reboot ? 11.20.23 Quit barrywardell () 11.22.22 # GodEater: To allocate a bit of memory 11.22.26 Join stripwax [0] (n=cc04828c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bca6597df3e17e53) 11.22.28 # also, once I've turned it on, how do I use it ? :) 11.22.38 # Go into the pitch screen 11.22.51 # ok 11.22.53 # Press the mode key (whatever that is). 11.23.06 # It will go to semitone mode 11.23.08 # r21175 - tagcache.c has a bug, tagcache_is_sorted is looking at TAGCACHE_UNIQUE rather than TAGCACHE_SORTED 11.23.32 # Press the mode key again - now you should see Speed and Pitch 11.23.47 # erm 11.23.49 # Left/right controls speed, up/down controls pitch 11.23.52 # I can't work out what the mode key is 11.23.55 # can't fix from here (would if I could) 11.23.57 # menu? 11.24.07 # can someone fix? 11.24.12 # (gotta go) 11.24.14 Quit stripwax (Client Quit) 11.24.24 # * pondlife calls Mr Someone 11.24.33 # ah, got it 11.24.49 # ewww 11.24.51 # it's a bit choppy 11.25.05 # instant artifacts 11.25.08 # even at only 101% 11.25.11 # Yes, and mono 11.25.49 # "not quite ready" imo 11.26.35 # Does it crash? 11.26.43 # not so far 11.26.50 # It's meant for spoken word really 11.26.58 # ah 11.27.00 # I can try that 11.27.05 # I have HHGTTG 11.27.07 # The quality won't be improved pre commit 11.27.15 Quit _lifeless (Remote closed the connection) 11.27.18 # it's all .spx 11.27.32 Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ 11.28.16 # well the quality doesn't get any worse 11.28.40 # now up to 200% 11.28.54 # and it's fine for speech 11.28.59 # quality isn't nearly as bad 11.29.04 # (or at least, not as noticeable) 11.30.00 # cutting out at 238% 11.30.03 # no crash tho 11.31.20 # bit dire at slower speeds? 11.31.29 # at 50% it's very crackly 11.33.15 Join cool_walking_ [0] (n=anthony@ 11.36.57 # GodEater: There was the start of a conversation at some point regarding where in the manual to put HID 11.37.05 # But I don't think anything was decided 11.37.14 # So if anyone has any bright plans... 11.38.09 # New commit by 03unhelpful (r21176): Replace bitfield for tagcache tag sets with array of char on SH. 11.38.26 # hmm 11.38.29 # seems a bit odd 11.39.26 # ah ok 11.39.29 # it's working now 11.39.36 # seems winamp took a few moments to get the hang of it 11.39.45 # ah 11.39.46 # hahaha 11.39.48 # tip 11.39.54 # don't have winamp AND spotify open at the same time 11.39.55 # :D 11.45.18 Join snill [0] (n=chatzill@linuxc41.rz.RWTH-Aachen.DE) 11.47.25 # Unhelpful: seen stripwax's report about r21075 about 50 minutes ago? 11.47.32 # pondlife: is the quality any better on a more powerful target than the ipod ? 11.47.59 # Unhelpful: err.. 21175 11.48.00 # * GodEater is amazed stripwax is finding the time to do bug reports whilst he's at work 11.48.05 # they're working him like a slave over there 11.49.08 # and 50 is wrong too, wonder what I thought there - I meant 20 11.49.47 # where is his report ? 11.49.53 # not in FS in take it ? 11.50.14 # no, here in the channel 11.50.25 # * GodEater adjusts his non-existent glasses 11.53.08 # GodEater: Sorry, work called. If you're getting choppiness/breakup then that's probably CPU limited. 11.53.30 # I don't get that on H300, jus tslightly garbly artifacts. 11.53.34 # pondlife: that's what I thought 11.53.44 # I don't have my gigabeat to test it on 11.53.49 # will have to try it at home 11.54.01 # (assuming no-one's tested it on that yet) 11.55.52 # I'd be interested, especially in seeing if it Data Aborts.. 11.56.25 # Also, an e200 test would be good if anyone out there has one 11.59.07 # I have a c200 11.59.11 # could try it on that I suppose 12.00.24 # Yup - I know that e200 owners have reported Data Aborts 12.04.03 # pixelma: yes, saw that, the function in question is gone now, but i just double-checked to make sure its replacement is correct 12.35.16 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.37.10 Quit ender` (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 12.37.59 Join funman [0] (n=fun@rockbox/developer/funman) 12.38.59 Join dionoea [0] (n=dionoea@yop.chewa.net) 12.39.10 # kugel bertrik: usleep() for Sansa AMS using TIMER2 : http://pastie.org/498924 12.49.37 # funman: Why the ">> 1" for HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL? 12.50.47 # linuxstb: it comes from kernel-as3525.c tick_start() : the scrollwheel is read twice per tick, so the timer interrut frequency is doubled 12.51.30 # Then shouldn't TIMER_FREQ be different on those targets? 12.51.51 # hum and then I just notice this code is wrong and the scrollwheel is read once per tick (on one timer interrupt call_tick_tasks is called, then on the following the scrollwheel is read) 12.53.53 # linuxstb: yes this could work this way. but I will ask kugel to just remove this tweak 12.54.06 # Also, how many timers does the AS3525 have? Some parts of Rockbox use a second timer (i.e. not the one for the 100Hz tick) for things (it's called the user timer). So that could conflict. 12.54.49 # there is 2 hardware timers : one is used with a fixed interval for the kernel tick (the one I use), the other one is user configurable 12.55.14 # Hmm, then I think your usleep may cause problems. 12.55.21 # interesting 12.55.26 # how ? 12.55.39 # What I just said - parts of Rockbox use a second timer. 12.55.39 # is there stuff that needs testing on fuzes? 12.56.04 # So it's not free for you to use in usleep. 12.56.23 # well this usleep doesn't use the user timer 12.56.41 # FrankTM_: no 12.57.04 # funman: alrighty 12.57.35 # seemed very stable so far anyway :) 12.57.38 # funman: Ah, so TIMER2 is the one already being used for the kernel tick? 12.58.08 # yes, (I wrote this function in kernel-as3525.c to not forget this fact) 12.58.16 # OK, then ignore me ;) 13.00.22 # linuxstb: there is a lot of ways to make errors in rockbox, so thanks for checking. Don't worry I won't ignore you ;) 13.00.29 # * GodEater starts trying to put together an iphone toolchain again 13.01.08 # linuxstb: you don't happen to have the OSX 10.5 SDK anywhere do you? Or know where I can get it from. Apple's developer site is a nightmare. 13.01.17 # GodEater: are you porting rockbox to iphone? 13.01.34 # funman: I might be ;) 13.02.09 Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 13.02.24 Quit snill ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042708]") 13.02.24 # GodEater: i might be able to supply that 13.03.00 # ideally a link to it on the apple site would be the best 13.03.14 # do you have an apple developer account? 13.03.15 # at the moment I'm downloading Xcode in the hope it's in there somewhere 13.03.26 # i think it is 13.03.26 # I have some sort of apple dev account 13.03.33 # I've no idea where it allows me to go though 13.03.57 # apple isn't so open, sadly :( 13.04.48 # GodEater: do you plan to build an iPhone OSX app, or a complete firmware? 13.06.19 # GodEater: is OSX SDK the same as iPhone SDK? 13.06.43 # GodEater: No, but I can't remember needing to download it. I think it either comes on the OSX CD/DVDs or may even already be on your hard disk as a .dmg file somewhere. 13.06.57 # should be on the DVD 13.07.19 # iphone OSX app 13.07.20 # you need to download updates at least (iphone SDK wasn't on my 10.5 DVD) 13.07.23 # not a complete firmware 13.07.28 # that would be pointless imo 13.07.32 # but the internet onces might be more up to date 13.08.12 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 13.10.37 # I have the iphone sdk already 13.10.42 # it's the osx sdk that I appear to need 13.11.02 Quit funman ("leaving") 13.14.46 # Don't we just need SDL on it? :) 13.15.00 Join wark [0] (n=wark@fctnnbsc15w-142166056194.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net) 13.15.05 Join lennyf_ [0] (n=lf@220-132-182-120.HINET-IP.hinet.net) 13.16.01 # we need a way to compile for it 13.16.05 # whether it has SDL or not 13.16.30 # linuxstb: the >>1 is to alter the TIMER_FREQ actually.. 13.17.43 # so that it's halfed for scrollweel, which makes scrollwheel reading more often possible 13.19.01 # kugel: Wouldn't it be simpler to have TIMER_FREQ contain the correct value? 13.19.21 # I don't know 13.19.37 # I thought it would be better for TIMER_FREQ to translate into the tick task frequency 13.19.40 # Or at least, it would seem clearer to me. 13.19.56 # for me, this was clearer 13.20.59 # But doesn't it mean using #ifdef HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL anywhere you're using that value? 13.22.23 # the value isn't used elsewhere 13.22.42 # but yea, I'm not opposed to changing that 13.26.17 Quit fyrestorm (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13.26.33 # linuxstb: funman said "the code is wrong", was he refering to my or his code? 13.26.45 # too bad he isn't here anymore to ask him directly 13.28.07 Join fyrestorm [0] (n=nnscript@cpe-24-90-81-178.nyc.res.rr.com) 13.29.42 Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@adsl-99-182-52-92.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) 13.30.19 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barry@barry-workstation.ucd.ie) 13.32.07 # kugel: I understood that he was talking about his code, but I'm not sure... 13.36.01 # New commit by 03kugel (r21177): Change the timer interrupt setup so that TIMER_FREQ is changed for HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL (which read the scrollwheel between tick tasks too) instead of the ... 13.38.33 # I'm not sure if his code is working 13.39.13 Quit gevaerts (Nick collision from services.) 13.39.22 Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) 13.40.11 Join Tomers [0] (n=chatzill@bzq-84-108-58-176.cablep.bezeqint.net) 13.55.55 Quit tvelocity (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 13.57.26 Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@adsl15-128.her.forthnet.gr) 13.57.49 Quit tvelocity (Client Quit) 14.04.55 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3163.gwdg.de) 14.17.58 Quit places () 14.25.58 Join nibbler [0] (n=Nibbler@p578b2a6e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 14.31.26 # New commit by 03zagor (r21178): Branching for the new www design. 14.33.31 # meh, my svn fu is weak. wrong module... 14.35.01 # New commit by 03zagor (r21179): Incorrect branch... 14.35.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.35.24 Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@78-21-191-122.access.telenet.be) 14.35.45 Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a0430d@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) 14.36.07 # linuxstb (or someone else): you said parts of Rockbox use the second hardware timer; can you tell me which parts? (because the Onda doesn't have it (properly) implemented) 14.37.11 # mcuelenaere: I don't think it's anything vital. I think the backlight fading code does, plus some plugins such as Doom and maybe metronome. Plus the greyscale lib. 14.37.15 *** Alert Mode level 1 14.37.15 # New commit by 03zagor (r21180): Branching for the new www design. 14.38.49 # backlight fading code as in HW PWM backlight fading code? (or just the generic backlight fading code?) 14.39.28 # One of them... I've lost track. 14.40.08 Join AndrewRB [0] (n=andrewbe@88-109-96-88.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 14.41.05 # mcuelenaere: Search the source for "timer_register" - that registers a user timer. 14.41.40 # so that should be usable for udelay()? 14.42.04 Part lennyf_ ("Ex-Chat") 14.43.44 *** Alert Mode level 2 14.43.44 # New commit by 03zagor (r21181): new.rockbox.org as-is. Much (re)work remains. 14.46.13 # Zagor: wow 14.46.35 # nice design 14.47.05 # Zagor: Looks great 14.49.14 # yeah it's pretty but I'm not happy with the "busyness" of it. I'm (slowly) working on splitting it into a "user" and "developers" page (or abstract / detailed) 14.49.34 # Zagor: /branches/www-redesign/media/images/players/toshiba_gigabeat_x.jpg is actually an S. ;) 14.49.47 # LambdaCalculus37: and now you have the chance to fix it! :-) 14.50.50 Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@rockbox/developer/kkurbjun) 14.51.52 # Zagor: Maybe toffe82 can supply you with a picture of an X. I don't have one myself. 14.53.45 *** Alert Mode OFF 14.55.16 Quit r0b- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14.59.04 Join r0b- [0] (n=nnscript@adsl-76-236-182-214.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net) 15.01.59 Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-098-026-065-013.nc.res.rr.com) 15.02.42 Quit kugel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15.04.08 # is the an ACTION to switch the backlight on? 15.04.10 # *there 15.04.31 # or perhaps toggle 15.07.52 # hmm anyone ever tried git bisect with Rockbox? 15.10.50 # AndrewRB: Any action would normally turn on the backlight, so you could probably just define anything. But no, there's nothing to specifically toggle it - no targets have any consistently free buttons for that. 15.11.26 # New commit by 03FlynDice (r21182): 15.12.29 # linuxstb: yeah, i've defined the power switch on my D2 as ACTION_REDRAW. No way to switch it off by choice though, presumably, without modifying something other than just the keymap for my device. 15.12.42 Quit antil33t (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 15.12.56 Join antil33t [0] (n=Mudkips@ 15.14.02 # whoops, any way to get the comments into that latest commit message? My fingers were a bit too fast :( 15.14.33 # FlynDice: it's possible, if configured 15.16.24 # FrankTM_: what do you mean? 15.16.54 # FlynDice: http://groups.google.com/group/Subversion-SVN/browse_thread/thread/e5d44208c830bcce 15.17.03 # thanks 15.17.14 # the server must allow it, and it's not on by default 15.18.10 # it's very simple to enable though 15.19.15 Quit dmb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 15.27.09 Join gregzx [0] (n=chatzill@dss226.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) 15.28.10 Join evilnick [0] (i=0c140464@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-3e7db19122b0daf6) 15.36.52 Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) 15.42.09 # FlynDice: any luck? 15.45.29 Join killan_ [0] (n=nnscript@c-5ef170d5.06-397-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 15.47.54 # FrankTM_: I don't think it's enabled for Rockbox. I could be wrong though... 15.48.38 # not likely :p 15.49.03 Quit jgarvey (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.49.03 NSplit simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 15.49.03 Quit barrywardell (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.49.03 Quit Zagor (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.49.03 Quit goffa__ (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.49.03 Quit killan (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.49.03 Quit pabs (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.49.03 Quit avacore^ (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.49.03 Quit soap (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.49.18 # FrankTM_: Would there be a downside to enabling it? 15.49.41 NHeal simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net 15.49.41 NJoin jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-098-026-065-013.nc.res.rr.com) 15.49.41 Join barrywardell [0] (n=barry@rockbox/developer/barrywardell) 15.49.41 NJoin Zagor [242] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 15.49.41 NJoin goffa__ [0] (n=goffa@ 15.49.41 NJoin killan [0] (n=nnscript@c-5ef170d5.06-397-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 15.49.41 NJoin avacore^ [0] (i=nobody@1008ds1-rdo.0.fullrate.dk) 15.49.41 NJoin soap [50] (n=soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 15.49.41 NJoin pabs [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 15.49.59 # i'm not 100% sure actually 15.50.03 # we have it enabled here 15.50.40 # FrankTM_: still wading through... sorry my notifications are all messed up since the konversation "enhancement" the other day 15.50.57 # hehe 15.51.06 # using kde was a mistake after all ;) 15.51.07 # * FrankTM_ runs 15.52.12 # anyhoo... 15.53.07 # linuxstb: i think comments are not under version control 15.53.14 # so once updated. there's no way back 15.53.28 Quit goffa__ (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.53.28 Quit barrywardell (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.53.28 Quit avacore^ (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.53.28 Quit jgarvey (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.53.28 Quit pabs (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.53.28 Quit Zagor (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.53.28 Quit soap (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.53.28 Quit killan (simmons.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) 15.55.44 NJoin jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-098-026-065-013.nc.res.rr.com) 15.55.44 NJoin barrywardell [0] (n=barry@rockbox/developer/barrywardell) 15.55.44 NJoin Zagor [242] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 15.55.44 NJoin goffa__ [0] (n=goffa@ 15.55.44 NJoin killan [0] (n=nnscript@c-5ef170d5.06-397-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 15.55.44 NJoin avacore^ [0] (i=nobody@1008ds1-rdo.0.fullrate.dk) 15.55.44 NJoin soap [50] (n=soap@rockbox/staff/soap) 15.55.44 NJoin pabs [0] (n=pabs@xor.pablotron.org) 15.56.19 # sorry for the seemingly-helpless questions, but I'm trying to find my way around the rockbox source and getting confused. Where could I add code for a custom action? I would like to create "ACTION_TOGGLE_BACKLIGHT" for personal use, yet I am lost. 16.00.16 Join dfkt [0] (i=dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 16.00.42 # linuxstb: is rockbox on dedicated servers? 16.02.27 Quit killan (Connection timed out) 16.03.09 Join pabs_ [0] (n=pabs@ 16.09.21 Join Zagor_ [0] (n=bjorn@ 16.09.51 Quit pabs (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 16.10.01 Part LinusN 16.10.32 Quit Zagor (Nick collision from services.) 16.10.37 Nick Zagor_ is now known as Zagor (n=bjorn@ 16.13.11 Join andrewbeveridge [0] (n=andrewbe@88-109-96-88.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) 16.13.32 Quit andrewbeveridge (Remote closed the connection) 16.14.49 # FrankTM_: In what way? The admins own the boxes, but I think they're used for other things as well. 16.17.30 # ah. i would like to contribute to the project :P 16.17.38 # but i don't think my C will help a lot 16.19.01 # You want to contribute hosting? 16.19.38 # i'm a sys-admin 16.19.43 # dunno if i can help :p 16.21.44 # FrankTM_: donating cpu/bandwith by hosting a build server is appreciated 16.21.58 # There are lots of scripts (mainly Perl) behind the Rockbox website. I'm sure contributions to hacking those would be welcome if you have time. But I don't think general sysadmin is needed. 16.22.29 Join dmb [0] (n=dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) 16.23.18 Join funman [0] (n=fun@rockbox/developer/funman) 16.23.51 # linuxstb: i could have a look 16.24.50 # n1s: i could do builds aswell 16.25.21 # although i might not have the cpu-power 16.25.23 # start with adding a build server. we don't have any particular perl needs right now. 16.26.05 # are there any specs on the current build servers? 16.26.10 # +available 16.26.40 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/BuildServer 16.26.46 # Zagor: I'm just thinking that there are always changes people ask about, but no-one does them. I can't remember any examples though... 16.27.38 # hehe.. hacking perl isnt what most ppl like :p 16.28.43 # FrankTM_: Here are some general things for "someone" to do - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MrSomeonesTodoList 16.29.35 # a toplist of build server speeds is a vital missing feature! ;) 16.30.09 # Zagor: hm? 16.30.35 Quit AndrewRB (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16.32.13 # FrankTM_: on the far right of http://build.rockbox.org/dev.cgi you have a link to build server stats, which in turn has link to the buildmaster log. it could be parsed to calculate the time used for each build on each server. 16.32.39 # if we compare those times for different build batches, we can construct a speed toplist. 16.33.03 # just for fun. but oh, how fun! :-) 16.35.12 # stats are always good 16.35.21 Quit gregzx ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") 16.35.22 # preferbly supported by graphs :P 16.35.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.35.30 # that's the spirit! 16.35.59 # Zagor: Didn't rasher do something similar recently? 16.36.19 # Zagor: red 's are errors/warnings i suppose? 16.36.20 # did he? if so, I haven't seen it. 16.36.28 # FrankTM_: yes 16.38.44 # I'm not sure precisely what it was but it definitely involved a lot of graphs 16.38.54 # lol 16.39.48 # I think it was binsize (maybe RAM too) graphs 16.39.52 Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ 16.40.30 # That does ring a bell 16.41.17 # http://rasher.dk/rockbox/graphs/ <-- These? 16.43.02 # Llorean: well those are afaik not measuring build speeds, and not for the buildmaster builds 16.43.21 # Zagor: I was responding to evlinick and pixelma, really 16.43.22 Quit cool_walking_ (Remote closed the connection) 16.43.31 # ah 16.43.50 # There seemed to be some uncertainty as to what Rasher had graphed is all. 16.44.21 # * Llorean would love to see build-related graphs over time like that, just for curiosity's sake. 16.44.31 # Llorean: Thanks for the explanation, I simply hadn't followed what all the discussion was about while it was happening 16.46.02 # Zagor: How are builds handed out? Does the first build always go to the first build server in the list? 16.46.31 Join PaulJam_ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3055.gwdg.de) 16.47.19 # Llorean: it looks like that, from the logs. 16.47.28 # hehe 16.47.28 # bagder knows 16.47.39 # badger badger badger 16.47.46 # * FrankTM_ goes back to work 16.48.03 # I wonder if times could be optimized a bit just by being more selective about which server gets which builds. 16.48.17 # actually, no 16.48.55 # don't they all take pretty much the same time to build? 16.48.59 # the biggest gains I think would be from ensuring that a slow server doesn't end up with a big build in the end 16.49.04 # FrankTM_: no, _very_ different 16.49.17 # see http://build.rockbox.org/cvsmod/serv-20090603T131224Z.html 16.49.27 # the values in parenthesis are seconds/build 16.49.46 # between 4 and 228 seconds in that log... 16.49.57 # oh wow :P 16.49.57 # Zagor: Also pass out the big builds earliest, so that when they're finished we can follow them up with smaller ones, to avoid ever stacking servers with more than one big one in a row, too? 16.50.08 # just out of curiousity: is fuze a big build? 16.50.28 # FrankTM_: bootloaders are the very fast ones (in only a few seconds) 16.50.41 # FrankTM_: parse the logs and find out ;-) 16.50.46 # FrankTM_: 7.9MB here 16.51.01 # i meant in time :P 16.51.13 # full target builds are a lot slower to build and swcodec take a lot longer than hwcodec because of the codecs and usually more plugins 16.51.36 # righty 16.51.58 # i'm quite new to this project. so that explains some of these questions ;) 16.55.35 Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) 16.56.01 # Hmm, Does rockbox work on Sandisk Sansa Clip? 16.56.27 # It's in development on it. 16.56.27 # Etu: see http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaAMS 16.56.40 # (I have seen it on the wikipage with non released players) 16.57.56 # Ok, if I want a Clip I want a ClipV1 17.02.26 # linuxstb, Zagor: speculative parallel builds and uploads in the background are examples 17.02.40 Join cmwslw [0] (n=cmwslw@c-98-249-113-152.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) 17.02.53 Part cmwslw ("Ex-Chat") 17.03.06 Join patmulchrone [0] (n=pat@99-13-70-2.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) 17.03.12 # amiconn: yeah, but perhaps a little tough to start with as a first introduction to rockbox... 17.04.12 Quit Zagor ("Don't panic") 17.08.53 Quit PaulJam (No route to host) 17.12.53 Join onlysoaa [0] (i=42248748@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-669d532b32596cad) 17.30.02 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 17.31.26 Join jmillikin [0] (n=jmilliki@c-24-130-227-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) 17.31.43 Quit funman ("leaving") 17.33.04 Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 17.39.24 Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") 17.44.38 Join Zarggg [0] (n=zarggg@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) 17.46.29 Quit timc`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.49.59 Join yomamathecablegu [0] (n=438d8f12@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ff5c78cc85f785b8) 17.50.55 Quit barrywardell (Remote closed the connection) 17.51.16 # what transfer mode do i have to put my e250 in to install rockbox 17.52.00 # Hey everyone ^_^ I'm working on a site, and I just want to see how much support it gets from the rockbox community - just to get others' opinions. I'm working on a site that provides many, many downloads that are compatible with rockbox. For example, full length shows fit to your mp3 player's screen, a backdrop gallery, etc. Tell me what you think, and ask if you want more info ^_~ 17.53.04 Quit at0m (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17.53.15 Join at0m [0] (n=at0m@94-225-90-23.access.telenet.be) 17.54.33 # r0b-: ums/msc 17.55.10 # installing :) 17.55.33 # yomamathecablegu: There's already a theme gallery site. There's not really much need for a separate backdrop gallery - in the direction themes are involving backdrops are going to probably become less "fullscreen image" and more borders and layout imagery. 17.56.32 # As for shows formatted, that's up to you but we don't really endorse or involve ourselves with media. People can get their videos or audio from wherever they like. We do, however, suggest you be very careful about copyright, and be aware there's an ever increasing number of screen dimensions so it will be a lot of work to keep such a site up to date with compatibility. 17.56.41 Join evilnick_230 [0] (i=0c140464@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e7d99217c2b02666) 17.58.05 # ROCKBOX IS LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!! 17.58.38 # It certainly is. 17.58.40 # Llorean: it wouldn't just be a backdrop gallery, that's just to make it a bit more convenient - as to have everything in one place. there would be many types of files. it's really just in the scratchwork stage right now. and thanks for your suggestions about the shows. it'll take a while, but I think I can do it ;) 17.58.53 # i got it on this sansa e250 :) 17.59.44 # on the back it shows its v2 but the firmware it has is v1 something 17.59.53 # r0b-: Make sure that you read our fine manual so that you get to know exactly what your Sansa is now capable of doing 18.00.04 # i know some of the stuff 18.01.27 Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) 18.01.50 # * pondlife points out the broken 'mipper' theme at http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?target=h300 again... 18.03.11 # So does anyone else have any opinions about it? ^_^ 18.03.17 # I still think it's not the theme that's broken 18.03.38 # pixelma: Well, I meant only one theme shows a problem... 18.03.49 # yomamathecablegu: You haven't really said anything to give opinions on. 18.03.57 Join JdGordon| [0] (i=ad75fd4b@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 18.05.06 # pondlife: it's not a problem with the theme. it's one of two things: 1) there's an error in the pages php script, or 2) the image for the theme is in a different location than they told the web page 18.05.42 # Yup 18.06.04 # I'm more thinking it should be removed from the list 18.06.15 # rather than fixed? 18.06.32 Quit onlysoaa ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 18.06.55 # Well, if the image is available then yes, fixed. 18.07.07 # Llorean: true I guess. lol I'm sorry. I'm going off of like 2 hours of sleep. T.T Anyways, I guess I'm asking for suggestions mainly. 1) suggestions on the design of the site (can be seen here: ipodnano.ucoz.net) 2) suggestions for what kinds of files i should include 3) what shows/movies you owuld want to see available for download etc. Just things like that ^_^ That would be very helpful. 18.07.37 # the theme site needs to be fixed IMO - the theme is actually a 160x128 one and shows up correctly there and is not on the other 220x176x16 targets' theme pages (Ipod Photo/Colour etc.) 18.07.40 # Non-copyright shows only, I guess. 18.08.14 # 3) would be leaping face-first into copyright issues unless you stick to CC (or similar) shows 18.08.15 # pondlife: if they don't have an image, they shouldn't completely get rid of an entire theme. i think they should just put a normal text link to the theme. 18.08.16 # something goes wrong when excluding it for the H300 (maybe because of the RWPS relations or so) 18.09.27 # yomamathecablegu: At point (2), there's no need to include themes, we already do those "in house". 18.09.29 # Some examples of some shows I'm already doing: Code Geass, Death Note, Ben 10.. just anything like that. I'll worry about the copyright issues ^_^ 18.09.47 # thats pretty cool 18.10.19 # pondlife: I won't include whole themes, just backdrops so that you can customize your theme. Nothing to fancy, just bitmap images sized right for your mp3. 18.10.25 # yomamathecablegu: Well if you plan to violate copyright, don't expect any help from us. 18.10.52 # pondlife: I don't plan to violate copyright. 18.10.58 # yomamathecablegu: Few themes work well with interchangeable backdrops, and that's going to become even more true as soon as customizable list viewports are included. 18.11.19 # yomamathecablegu: And also, don't use this channel to discuss copyright violations either 18.11.26 # Llorean: I see.. maybe I won't include that then ^_^;; 18.12.24 # evilnick_230: I'm not trying to talk about copyright violations. I said 3 posts up that I would worry about that. That was meant to stop the speculation of copyright issues. 18.13.28 Quit kachna (Connection timed out) 18.13.35 # yomamathecablegu: I'd suggest figuring out exactly what you want your site to be, before worrying specifically about things like what shows will be on it. 18.13.39 # yomamathecablegu: You are talking about copyright violations just by mentioning it. 18.13.57 # Among other things, if you do license them you're going to have to come up with a plan to prevent other people violating copyright, since Rockbox doesn't have any DRM measures. 18.14.18 # Llorean: I will think about it more. Thanks :) 18.14.20 # Doesn't, and will not ever. 18.14.59 # LambdaCalculus37: I wasn't the one that brought it up. Someone else brought it up, and I tried to end the talk about it. 18.15.51 Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) 18.19.32 Quit FlynDice (Remote closed the connection) 18.20.04 Part pondlife 18.21.01 # Well, this has turned into an overall negative discussion. I guess I'll see you guys later. 18.21.37 # yomamathecablegu: You haven't really given us any ideas that are new 18.21.53 # I don't want to sound negative here, just stating facts 18.23.02 # I mean, backdrops and the like would be better served from the themes site (as it's centralised) rather than having "Nano backdrop site" and "iPod Video backdrop site" etc. 18.23.36 Join perrikwp [0] (i=18ac0c41@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-b6a9e71dea9d0d8c) 18.23.42 # I understand. I will come back later on with some more ideas. Just gotta sit down and brainstorm for a while. ^_^ Also, it is all just one site. The ipodnano.ucoz.net is just a dummy site. All of the mp3 players will be included in one main site. 18.23.59 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3079.gwdg.de) 18.25.58 # New commit by 03mcuelenaere (r21183): Ingenic Jz4740: add extended exception debug reporting option 18.26.10 # yomamathecablegu: I missed the entire convo... but wouldnt it be better to just help out and make the rockbox.org site better? 18.26.17 Join Jaykay [0] (n=chatzill@p5DDC5C32.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.28.43 # can i watch fullsize movies with rockbox or do they have to be the size of my players lcd 18.28.48 # JdGordon|: Darned good point 18.28.49 # i get http://pastebin.com/m643c3744 when i try to enter the history of the ipod5g wps gallery.. 18.29.17 # r0b-: You *can* watch full-size movies, but the fps will be a lot better if you convert them to the size of the screen 18.29.38 # r0b-: Size of your player's LCD. 18.29.46 # r0b-: That's "can" as in "yes it is possible, but not advisable" 18.29.47 # ok 18.29.47 # These players don't have much in the way of CPU power. 18.30.10 # well i wanna watch like 2 fast 2 furious on my MP3 player :P 18.31.07 Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.31.12 # r0b-: have a look at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer 18.31.30 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) 18.31.58 # JdGordonl: Good point. How would I go about doing this though? I'm sure they don't want all of those videos clogging up their server, and I'm just now getting into C programming, so I can't offer too much in the area of plugin development yet. 18.32.50 # c wont help you in web design anyway.. 18.33.33 Quit Xerion (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 18.33.57 Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) 18.34.02 # I understand that. I mean plugin development. I'm very fluent in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Why would my web design skills help? 18.34.10 # Sorry if that seems like a stupid question. 18.34.48 # * JdGordon| never mentioened anything about plugins 18.35.24 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.37.08 # No no I mentioned plugin development. Saying that I'm new to C, so I wouldn't be able to help the plugin area. I didn't realize that you meant web design when you said that I could help make the site better. 18.38.29 # what site did you think he meant? 18.38.47 Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 18.39.39 # Ugh this is so confusing. XP I know he meant rockbox.org, but I didn't know that he meant I could help with web design. I thought he meant I could help with plugins and adding things to the site and such. 18.41.33 Quit PaulJam_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18.41.57 Quit JdGordon| ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 18.42.18 Join kugel [0] (i=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 18.44.10 Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18.44.12 # yomamathecablegu: By all means come up with new ideas, but please don't take a "this would be better on the rockbox.org site" as a personal attack or being negative 18.45.02 Part pyro_maniac1 ("Leaving.") 18.46.56 # evilnick_230: nonono I don't take it that way at all. In my experiences making websites, I've always wanted to have my OWN site. However, I don't think I realized until now that it would probably be more beneficial if I actually helped add on to the main site. I see it as a positive thing. ^_^ And hopefully soon I'll pick up C, and be able to start messing around with plugins. I'm gonna brainstorm some 18.47.23 Join FlynDice [0] (n=chatzill@c-24-19-225-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 18.47.31 Quit FlynDice (Client Quit) 18.48.02 # I do have one question though - a while back I asked and got a good answer, but I've forgotten. I have rockboxdev.sh on my mac (which I'm on right now). How do I run that to build a compiler? 18.48.35 # That question's kinda confusing. 18.48.41 # You just run it. 18.49.12 # yomamathecablegu: you run it from a terminal 18.49.17 # using sudo 18.49.53 # My bad. What would the command be? 18.50.03 # i suppose you need to have xcode installed too 18.50.12 # sudo ./rockboxdev.sh 18.50.19 # I have xcode installed 18.50.26 # And thanks I'll try that out ^_^ 18.51.14 Join PaulJam_ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3079.gwdg.de) 18.51.35 Join FlynDice_ [0] (n=quassel@c-24-19-225-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 18.51.52 # it says "command not found" :/ 18.52.20 # are you in the right dir? 18.52.52 # yomamathecablegu: usually we suggest people not try to compile until they're familiar with things like this that might be considered basic computer use. Googling how to use the terminal on your mac may help 18.53.49 # I've used the Terminal before, just not with anything like this. I'm more familiar with the DOS Command Prompt, but the mac is all I have right now :/ 18.54.45 Quit FlynDice_ (Client Quit) 18.55.34 # Hello, can anyone have a look at http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/10255?project=1&type=4&order=dateopened&sort=desc 18.55.52 # And commit if everything is ok 18.55.57 # VytenisS: We usually look at translations more as we get closer to the release. 18.56.38 Join JdGordon| [0] (i=836b0070@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 18.58.00 Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B474C2.dip.t-dialin.net) 18.59.05 # VytenisS: it's assigned to LambdaCalculus37, you might want to talk to him 19.02.01 # why does rockbox make the music folder hidden? 19.02.18 # meaning the player itself cant see it 19.02.33 # Rockbox doesn't - the Sansa OF does 19.02.45 # and you can see it 19.03.17 # VytenisS: I haven't forgotten about your patch. 19.03.19 Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) 19.03.26 # only if i tell xp to unhide it 19.03.38 # bertrik: hey 19.03.56 # r0b-: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaFAQ#Where_are_my_music_files_and_the 19.04.06 # I have put some more work into the lcd_write_data function, using an interrupt for FIFO FULL 19.04.25 # that gives even more fps (90fps unboosted) 19.04.58 # r0b-: Or if you set Rockbox to show all files, rather than just supported 19.05.03 # oh nice, I wouldn't have expected to get more fps from using an interrupt though 19.05.34 # isn't it a lot more complex than simply polling the fifo status? 19.05.49 # polling hardware is a bit slower than polling a volatile variable, I guess 19.06.17 # it's more complex yes, but the extra fps are worth it 19.06.49 # and you talked about some bits or something last night, were you able to get rid of those? 19.06.51 # what I find weird though, I can't get over 100.0 fps, using either your or my patch, when boosted 19.06.59 # is this a test_fps restriction? 19.07.46 # or we just hit the FIFO's maximum(?) 19.07.50 # my clip gets way more than 100 fps :P 19.08.24 Join saratoga [0] (i=98039dd8@rockbox/developer/saratoga) 19.08.29 Quit JdGordon| ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 19.08.34 # 100.0 is a pretty suspicious number, especially if you can't manage to get above 19.08.41 # kugel, maybe that's just the maximum throughput indeed. 19.09.04 # how much data is a full frame on the fuze? 19.09.15 Join SirFunk_ [0] (n=Sir@208-15-25-145.netsync.net) 19.09.26 # 220x176x2 Bytes 19.09.49 # I meant to say "blue bits" at 19:06 19.10.27 # I don't understand 19.10.48 # blue is 5bits, so 220x176x5 bits if you mean that 19.10.57 # 01:02 last night : "bertrik: lcd updates show weird blue bars when boosted" 19.11.04 # kugel: that still seems a little slow for such a fast processor unless the lcd hookup is seriously crippeling the thouroughput, see LcdFrameRate for reference 19.11.09 # whats the easiest way to get talking menues 19.11.27 # r0b-: install a voice file 19.11.36 # n1s: yes, I looked at that page. I was wondering about the general slowness too 19.12.03 # i tried using the autoinstaller for rb but it didnt work right' 19.12.20 # r0b-: please be more descriptive 19.12.31 # it cant find the sapi scripts 19.12.39 # kugel, as far as I understand, the FIFO just reduces the slack in between transfers to the display. I can imagine that at some point there is zero slack, giving a max theoretical fps 19.12.41 # i used the sapi speak engine 19.13.37 # the *easiest* way is of course to use a pregenerated voice file, i dont' know if rbutil ccan download those but they can be found here http://www.rockbox.org/download/byhand.cgi made with festival and English only) 19.14.00 # bertrik: I'd like to see e200v2 reference messurements. It has a more complex initialisation, we might miss some bits 19.14.08 Join PaulJam__ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3046.gwdg.de) 19.15.38 # bertrik: re: blue bars, I was thinking if they have to do with caching. funman got weirdnesses with having buffers not cache aligned. I think the framebuffer isn't cache alligned too 19.15.56 # kugel, either me or you should create a fs patch to enable the dbop fifo, to make it easier for other people to test too 19.16.09 # yep, I'll do 19.16.19 Quit at0m (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.16.26 # ok thanks, I'll attach my non-interrupt patch to it too, OK? 19.16.32 Join BryanJacobs [0] (i=80974574@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6bd619afa6844223) 19.18.00 # oh well i dont need a talking mp3 player 19.18.02 # i can see fine :P 19.18.58 Quit PaulJam (No route to host) 19.20.02 Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) 19.22.12 Quit SirFunk__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19.22.40 # bertrik: fs#10272 19.23.32 # kugel, as far as I understand DBOP, it's basically a cycle generator to control a bunch of data and control lines towards a display. Suppose one write cycle takes 8 DBOP cycles at 62 MHz, then it can move 7.75 MB/s, a full frame is 77440 bytes which would be consistent with a max of 100 fps 19.24.03 Join JdGordon| [0] (i=836b0070@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 19.24.04 # Although 8 cycles for one write cycle seems a little high 19.24.06 Quit PaulJam_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19.24.42 # I could look that up in the source of course ... 19.25.13 # interesting calculation 19.25.21 Quit Jaykay ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") 19.25.46 # is the 8 documented somewhere or did you guess to make the equation work? 19.25.49 Quit yomamathecablegu ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") 19.25.53 # I guessed it 19.27.50 Join mt [0] (n=MTee@rockbox/developer/mt) 19.29.40 # bertrik: I'm not really suprised that the interrupt is faster. But what I find suprising is that we can insert a free yield() 19.30.46 # on the other hand, the exit part of that function is faster by polling the status register again (but only by 0.5fps or so) 19.32.21 # n1s: 7.75MB/s is not a that bad value it seems 19.32.57 # only very few targets beat that (but those who do do vastly better....32MB/s @ e200v1) 19.33.48 Join FlynDice [0] (n=jack@c-24-19-225-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 19.34.39 # kugel: my comment was in relation to the speed of the cpu, it's quite a lot faster than pp 19.35.09 # but it may of course be limited by the hookup or the lcd controller 19.35.47 # n1s: yes, I agree. But if you look at c200 vs e200, the lcd hookup makes a huge difference 19.36.06 # yes 19.36.36 # I think the lcd didn't change in the e200v2, I'm very interested in the numbers of that one 19.38.18 # also, 90fps when unboosted vs 100fps when boosted (while the cpu clock is 4x) makes me think there's some hardware limitation (or missing bits in the init) 19.44.50 # I've looked a bit at upload speeds of build hosts, and I wonder if the slower ones shouldn't be restricted to bootloaders and sims a bit more 19.45.13 # Numbers are at http://pastie.org/499377 19.45.14 # Unhelpful: wouldn't it make more sense to pre-shift the tags? 19.45.24 # kugel, we should be able to determine the numbers of DBOP clock ticks per write cycle from the DBOP_TIMPOL_XX registers I think 19.45.34 # like #define tag_artist (1< gevaerts: I don't think it's that simple 19.45.54 # see how my host is #8 slowest, but often #1 in number of builds 19.46.23 # kugel: regarding that 'free yield()', are you doing something like func() { while(wait_for_var_to_change) yield(); } irq_handler() { change_var; } ? 19.46.33 # kugel: with a precompiler define you won't get any performance gain - it's a direct substitution at the time of usage 19.46.41 # mcuelenaere: no 19.46.46 # k 19.47.02 # or well, maybe yes 19.47.05 Join stoffel [0] (n=sfr@p57B4D9BC.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.47.20 # hm, no (needed to figure out your example :P ) 19.47.22 # if so, try using wakeup_* calls, they will probably be faster 19.47.33 # (they were on my target at least) 19.48.07 # Bagder: true. Maybe we should consider build time + upload time instead. I'll see if I can cook up some numbers 19.48.28 # that could work 19.48.56 # and to make it really swell: do that prioritization a run-time decision/measure 19.49.15 # mcuelenaere: this is the snippet: http://pastie.org/499383 19.49.24 # that would be perfect, yes, but also slightly more work :) 19.49.30 # indeed 19.49.49 # see where I commented yield() out. The IRQ makes the FIFO filling loop stop (FIFO is full). 19.50.45 # the fifo needs to empty again. And as long as we fill faster than the fifo empties, we can put code there theoretically for free 19.51.25 # without the yield, it will refill straight away, but we actually have time until the fifo is almost empty again without loosing fps 19.53.10 # a yield takes less than a tick, right? if so, and we can't get over 100fps (1 frame per tick), the yield should really be free 19.53.23 # although it would be nice if someone understands and confirms my logic :P 19.55.20 # FlynDice: a) I think the delay you added in the button driver is slightly wrong b) which delay makes you unable too boot (re your post to FS#10048) 19.55.41 # assuming 8 DBOP clocks per write cycle again, the FIFO would empty in 8 cycles * 128 entries / 62 MHz = just 16.5 us 19.56.28 # kugel: If I don't touch the button driver but simply comment out the lcd delay it boots fine though... 19.56.54 # the fuze's lcd delay is only 4 nops, not 8. Have you tried that? 19.57.52 # and for the button_dbop delay; the data sheet says that the DBOP_DIN read is only valid if it's read immediately after the read_valid status is set ("next cycle" it says, IIRC) 19.57.54 # kugel: hmm I can't really see where interrupts come into the picture here.., could you post the interrupt handling function too? 19.58.01 # I've just been using delay-- What's the difference with using the nops, I haven't made it to that chapter yet... ;) 19.58.05 # the fuze has the delay above the /* start read */ line 19.59.14 # FlynDice: in theory it's the same with the exception of 1 extra nop instruction. But I haven't found a actual difference 19.59.55 # i.e. when I tried 16-- it wasn't working with or without nop, when I tried 24-- it was working for both 20.00.20 # ah irq sets full_empty? 20.00.24 # mcuelenaere: the ISR just does full_empty = 1; 20.00.41 # (and resets the interrupts, of course) 20.01.01 # I tried a delay value of 3 that did not work, 4 worked intermittantly 5 worked every time for me so I padded it for now(for the lcd) 20.01.39 Quit bmbl ("Woah!") 20.01.50 # also, I think you can stop your 31MHz experiments. From what I've seen it will be too slow in terms of UI resonsiveness even with caches enabled 20.02.37 Quit nibbler ("Ex-Chat") 20.03.09 Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) 20.03.23 # Yes I beleive that is correct but I was wondering about possibilities of taking it down there when the backlight was not on 20.03.27 Quit stoffel ("leaving") 20.03.30 Join pyro_maniac [0] (n=pyro@91-64-227-210-dynip.superkabel.de) 20.04.21 # can lcd be fully disabled or will it take to long to reinit? 20.04.33 # or could updates just be stopped with the clocks on 20.04.38 # FlynDice: Keeo in mind people that use their player without backlight 20.04.58 # FlynDice: Blind people that use voicing for instance might as well disable the backlight to save power 20.05.22 # Is there any debugging howto for the sansa similar to this : http://www.rockbox.org/mail/archive/rockbox-archive-2002-04/0029.shtml 20.06.16 # AlexP: That's fine, this is all just experimenting at this point, Real life calls, back later 20.07.04 # FlynDice: Sure, I was just pointing out that backlight off doesn't always mean the UI performance isn't important :) 20.07.42 # FlynDice: it slows down the other peripherals too though. We actually lose decoding speed then which results in more boosts 20.07.49 # I guess the current TIMPOL timing values in SVN were designed for 62 MHz DBOP clock and can then indeed be expected to be rather slow at 31 MHz DBOP 20.08.40 # they weren't designed for 62MHz (unless Sandisk did that). The values are purely based on the disassembly 20.10.59 # we should know what DBOP clock Sandisk designed them for, or else it's all just pure guesswork and tinkering 20.13.02 # I don't :) 20.13.41 # And I'd lie if I said I understand the TIMEPOL registers 20.13.48 Quit FOAD (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.14.57 Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) 20.15.14 Join funman [0] (n=fun@rockbox/developer/funman) 20.20.49 # All the AMS OF use 32MHz for DBOP 20.22.58 # kugel, it looks like a DBOP read/write cycle is either 16 or 32 clocks long. The timpol registers indicate at what point within this read/write cycle the control signals change state 20.23.24 # funman, hm, so perhaps we were overclocking it already? 20.23.35 # mt: I think there's an ARM JTAG patch in the tracker (and perhaps an ARM GDB stub in SVN), but that's it AFAIK 20.26.56 # bertrik: which problem could it cause : LCD not functioning properly if the times in DBOP_TIMPOL_* (i suppose they are in cycles) are too short? 20.27.17 Join perfectdrug [0] (n=marko@p5B0ECED4.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.27.24 # Bagder: new numbers at http://pastie.org/499425 (total time from build start to end copy, slowest at the top) 20.28.41 # * JdGordon| smiles at his #4 spot 20.28.47 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 20.29.26 Quit hd (Client Quit) 20.31.45 # funman, no idea exactly, with a mild overclock I would expect to see artifacts, maybe hangs with a heavy overclock 20.32.38 # http://pastie.org/499439 has all data 20.33.37 Join HellDragon [0] (i=jd@modemcable022.187-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) 20.33.41 # bertrik: what do you mean by overclocking? the dbop is specified for upto 65MHz 20.35.26 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.35.38 # I looked at the DBOP control register setting and it's configured for a 16-clock write cycle with 16-bits per write, so this means indeed a max throughput of 7.75 Mb/s as guessed earlier 20.37.21 # kugel, I mean a write cycle at 62 MHz takes only half as long a write cycle at 31 MHz, which could be too fast for the display 20.38.38 # where did you see it's configured for the 16-clock write cycle? 20.38.50 # and, can we get faster? 20.39.04 # we can write 32bits IIUC 20.39.57 # I tried setting sdc (1<<18) with..uhm funny results 20.39.58 Join mks [0] (n=a3b2a233@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a9b9c5e605d499ac) 20.40.20 # hellos 20.40.22 # guys 20.40.33 # I have a questions 20.40.38 # question 20.40.40 # sorry 20.40.56 # kugel: What LCD controller does the fuze use? 20.41.06 # no idea 20.41.13 # gevaerts: that looks like a pretty good table 20.41.28 # it's posible install rockbox on a mp4 Titan 20.41.29 # ?? 20.41.38 # I suspect you just hit the maximum transfer rate of it. Going higher would cause garbled display, and my guess is that the fifo is programmed so that this doesn't happen 20.42.00 # there's a comment about similar registers as for the HD66789R 20.42.17 # mks: no 20.42.34 # ah ok 20.42.37 # and in fact, the contrast registers which the e200v1 and v2 use work on the fuze too 20.43.07 # though other registers aren't exactly the same 20.44.16 # Bagder: now the question is how to make use of it... 20.44.32 # kugel, yes I meant the sdc bit in the control register and as far as I can see it's already set during initialisation 20.44.54 # and just for to know, why it isn't posible?c 20.44.57 # gevaerts: primarily I think I want to keep the table in mind when thinking about an upcoming remake of the system 20.45.09 # mks: Nobody has done the work 20.45.28 # mks: Ports are down by interested owners - see www.rockbox.org/wiki/NewPort 20.47.05 # Bagder: maybe grab rasher's distrubted build script and use that as a base? 20.47.16 Quit SirFunk_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20.47.44 # I think we have slightly different goals and ideas than his script(s) too 20.47.58 Join SirFunk_ [0] (n=Sir@208-15-25-145.netsync.net) 20.48.03 # my plan is to get some discussion/brainstorming on this at devcon 20.48.10 # and then start on actually working on it 20.48.21 # k 20.48.47 # bertrik: I can't see that :( 20.49.10 # somehing to maybe think about... have a way so others can add/remove servers without havin too bug you? 20.49.13 Quit mks ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") 20.49.24 # There are basically two different goals in the remake. I think we want it to be more dynamic to avoid a slow host holding things up at the end, and we want to reduce and/or reverse the connections. I think those two are pretty separate 20.49.37 # I should start a wiki page for ideas/notes about a remake 20.49.46 # bertrik: the 3rd nibble is 0, no bit set 20.50.12 # gevaerts: the prevention of slow hosts holding up will be fixed by doing (speculative) parallell builds 20.50.13 # bit 18 is not in the 3rd nibble :) 20.50.32 # gevaerts: we just make sure all build clients are building until all builds are done 20.50.54 # Bagder: that's one way, yes. I'm not convinced that there aren't more (additional) things we can do though 20.51.09 # I'm sure there's more! 20.51.21 # I'll start a wiki page 20.51.52 # e.g. if at the end you have a sim build and a bootloader build to allocate, and you have one slow host and one fast host, you want the fast host to take the sim 20.52.21 # bertrik: uhm, yea...sorry 20.52.34 # Of course, if you add more remaining builds and more servers, it gets less easy 20.53.44 # speculative builds kick in as soon as you have more servers than remaining builds 20.55.53 Quit BryanJacobs ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 20.57.00 # wouldn't saving the bootloaders for last help a bit too? 20.57.01 Quit bagawk (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20.57.17 # it already does that 20.57.23 # oh 20.57.35 # the ordering of the handing out jobs isn't a big factor 20.58.32 # the problem is you can get all bootloaders built on two or three fast servers in much less time than one normal build on a slow server 20.58.51 # we need more bootloaders then! 20.59.16 # it would also be good to try keeping the same builds on the same servers for ccache 20.59.36 # yeah, but that's really shaky 21.00.17 # I mean, clients come and go, the load comes and goes etc 21.00.33 # if the connections are reversed and the clients request builds they could have a list of what they built most recently and request that first 21.00.38 # I'll add that as an idea though 21.00.49 # ranking builds and servers so chunky builds are given only to faster servers (unless everyone else is busy) could be done... 21.00.50 # n1s: good thinking 21.02.19 # and with a bit of magic, the rankings could even be updated at the end of each round 21.02.36 Join bagawk [0] (n=lee@c-98-232-168-140.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 21.02.47 # Slow network vs slow CPU makes things a bit more complicated of course 21.03.26 # what's speaks against doing the uploads in the background? 21.03.26 # yes, but not all builds are uploaded... 21.03.43 # JdGordon|: even more complicated 21.04.38 Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) 21.04.48 # kugel: nothing much, except of course complexity :) 21.05.06 # but yes, that can be done as well 21.05.21 # error handling gets trickier 21.05.30 # but still, it's good use of threads 21.05.57 # Bagder: I'd expect paralel builds to magically handle part of that problem 21.06.19 # we cant have it hide server problems though... 21.06.26 # * gevaerts would do this as a makefile :) 21.06.29 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/BuildServerRemake 21.07.08 # * JdGordon| spots too many l's :) 21.07.35 # uuuh 21.08.02 # * Bagder removed some read underlines 21.08.04 # red 21.08.49 # * Bagder denies that stout having an impact on his typing 21.09.03 # has 21.09.09 # http://pastie.org/499491 adds sim and bootloader times 21.09.11 # hahaha 21.09.14 # * JdGordon| doesnt think E and C will conflict much 21.09.44 # Could we, say, calculate avg build time*avarage upload time, and use this for ranking (highest ranking will get the "heavy builds", most featured targets with big screen resolution) 21.10.21 # killing slow builds if a fast client has overtaken them may not be needed. They can just get on with it and be ignored 21.10.22 # actually, we should count upload speeds separately and use that for the zip files we host 21.10.39 # gevaerts: not if another build is triggered 21.11.09 # Bagder: if it's near the end, that likely won't happen, and if it does we want a fast host to get it 21.11.24 # ah no, I misread 21.12.00 # I meant another buildround (or whatever name we should have for all the 100+ builds in bundle) 21.12.35 # "tick" :) 21.13.04 # tock when the builds are done, respectively :p 21.14.15 # kugel, I guess this means that 31 MHz DBOP clock results in a max fps of 50 21.14.56 # bertrik: have you in the meantime tried my patch on yor clip? 21.15.03 # * kugel could also do it himself :/ 21.15.03 # Speculative concurrent builds are supposed to solve the slow server problem automatically 21.15.35 # kugel, sorry not yet 21.15.43 # * kugel should probably get at the unified driver patch again 21.18.27 # Statistics on which hosts usually end last at http://pastie.org/499504. It counts the "1 builds left" cases, so this is not exactly the number of times they end up last 21.18.45 # Maybe I'd better stop that one server... 21.19.00 # are you going by previous logs? or actually running new builds? 21.19.13 # currently available logs 21.19.22 # i.e. the last 20 builds 21.19.33 # righto 21.19.37 # in that case.. why isnt mine getting sim buidls? 21.20.07 # no sdl? 21.20.18 # I think there was a problem with yours some weeks ago 21.20.19 # it has sdl tagged for it 21.20.35 # must be just good luck then 21.21.19 # Some numbers may be slightly off. The logs are written by several threads without much locking, and now and then lines get garbled by that 21.21.59 # and a host ending up last is not necessarily a bad thing 21.22.04 # sdl works fine, so yeah, just luck 21.22.43 # Bagder: of course not, but if it always does, and it's near the bottom of all other rankings, I think it's not unlikely to hold things back 21.23.16 # do you need/welcome new build servers? 21.23.16 # yeah, it's one piece of the jigsaw 21.23.22 # always 21.24.07 # but we need them to be pretty fast to be worth it, no old gits 21.25.07 # fast as in CPU or bandwidth? 21.25.21 # CPU primarily 21.25.36 # there's only like 20 big uploads out of the 106 builds 21.25.55 # or maybe 30 21.26.09 # would the reversed connection system be more suited for not-always-on hosts? 21.26.19 # oh, something to remember.. we wanted to add the tools/ stuff in the compile run 21.26.25 # n1s: I think so, yes 21.26.41 Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21.26.54 # JdGordon: I've hesitated with that since it'll slow them down 21.27.40 # ? not do tools in every build.. as a seperate target 21.27.52 Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) 21.28.06 # ah 21.28.21 # right, that's a good idea 21.28.26 # and cross-compiled sims is another 21.28.41 # and rbutil... 21.28.53 # and the manual 21.29.00 # rbutil and manuals are slightly different though 21.29.01 # windows sims with the uploaded zip would be good (i tinhk) 21.29.07 # we can't easily mix them in 21.29.22 # can mingw32 build it on linux? 21.29.27 # yes 21.29.39 # sure we can... if make can be used to play sudoku we can do this! 21.29.56 # "if you can land a man on the moon"... 21.30.14 # *we* can't :) 21.30.24 # how hard can it be? B) 21.30.32 Quit flydutch ("/* empty */") 21.30.39 # "The Rockbox Man On The Moon Project" 21.30.45 # starting right after devcon 21.30.50 # well... if the individual builds are just "run some command on a system with X dependancies" why cant we do it? 21.31.02 # 1st step: "The Rockbox Man Project" ? 21.31.18 # JdGordon: well, first the plain simple reasons like the builds are triggered on non-rbutil and non-manual changes 21.31.41 # I mean, we'd do a whole lot of builds in vain 21.32.20 # sure, but it its already smart enough to not run a build if its a manual commit, why cant we block rbutil builds if its not touched? 21.32.21 Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@c-83-233-163-22.cust.bredband2.com) 21.32.23 # I think we can leave manual and rbutil on a daily basis, but show them on the build tabe 21.32.51 # kugel: I think I'm in that boat too 21.33.37 # or trigger rbutil on rbutil/ changes and manual builds on manual/ changes :) 21.33.55 Quit wark ("Leaving... for now. But I'll be back.") 21.34.02 # thats what I was trying to say :p 21.38.18 Quit perfectdrug (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21.40.28 # anyone mind if I add "few ssh connections per rebuild" to the build server improvements? 21.43.57 # saratoga: no, but i'm curious why you want that? 21.44.52 # n1s: IT keeps blocking the build server 21.45.23 # we open and close a lot of connections which i guess makes their firewall angry 21.45.54 # aha 21.47.00 Join gartral [0] (n=gareth@adsl-75-33-78-34.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) 21.47.44 # hi all, whats with r21182? 21.49.15 # gartral, anything wrong with it in your opinion? 21.49.33 # that rev easts your cats and burns your house down 21.49.42 # eats* 21.49.59 # I guess it's the missing commit message? 21.50.44 # kugel: about 21177, I think TIMER_FREQ represents the highest resolution possible (number of timer cycles per second), and is used by plugins (greylib, doom, metronome, scanrate..) 21.51.13 # so the change was correct? 21.51.13 Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3059.gwdg.de) 21.51.18 # nope :/ 21.51.49 # TIMER_FREQ should stay the same, because the other timer has the same resolution and is used by plugins and such with user configurable delays 21.51.49 # why 21.52.04 Join Juice^ [0] (n=juice@179.81-166-167.customer.lyse.net) 21.52.10 # but the TIMER is actually lower 21.52.18 # TIMER_FREQ was a useless value before 21.52.21 # i.e. we can have TIMER_FREQ = 24000000/16 timer interrupts per second 21.52.27 # hm? 21.52.57 Quit pyro_maniac ("Leaving.") 21.52.58 # and on scrollwheel we have more 21.53.02 # /32 21.53.12 # TIMER_FREQ is used by Sansa AMS' Timer2 (to generate kernel tick) and Timer 1 (user configurable timer) 21.53.51 # the presence of scrollwheel only affect Timer2 resolution, not Timer1 21.55.08 # The whole timer api could benefit from some work also 21.55.30 # firmware/timer.c could be split in the target tree 21.56.02 # and tick_start could be tick_start(void), and the implementations use HZ directly 21.56.32 # oh, it's used for both 21.56.37 # I wasn't aware of that, sorry 21.56.47 # funman, totally agree about timer.c 21.56.54 # is that something MrSomeone could do ? 21.57.16 # kugel: eh i just figured it out 21.57.58 # kugel: in fact I would like to make the number of timer cycles for a tick static const, so it could be reused by usleep() if it becomes used 21.58.24 Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 22.00.12 # how will my reputation be affected if I work on some code not specific to Sansa AMS? :/ 22.01.27 # bertrik: no, but Ide like to know what it doesm the entry is empty 22.01.28 # you will be greatly respected and rewarded with special beers should you decide to come to devcon 22.01.34 # funman: +42 :-) 22.02.29 # gartral: Looking at the code, it's just the addition of a couple delays in two places. 22.06.09 Quit Juice^ ("- nbs-irc 2.0 - www.nbs-irc.net -") 22.06.19 Quit JdGordon| ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 22.07.52 Join froggyman [0] (n=47ba06b6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f0c3acc08197f94c) 22.08.07 # ok sthe talking menus wont work on this sandisk e250 22.08.16 Quit PaulJam__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.08.23 # i wonder if i need a speech engine 22.08.43 # r0b-: You need one on your computer to generate the voice files, yes. 22.08.48 # Unless you've downloaded premade ones 22.09.28 # well i got the premade ones 22.11.20 # So, what exactly have you done? 22.11.28 # And where did you get the voice file from? 22.11.50 # i forgot who posted it 22.12.34 # "posted" it ? 22.12.39 Quit {phoenix} (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 22.12.43 # If you didn't generate it yourself, and it's not one from our voice files page, we don't provide support for it. 22.12.44 # you didn't download it from our website ? 22.13.07 # i just downloaded the one from your site 22.13.19 # Which one? 22.13.28 # english_vwkate_e200.voice 22.13.37 # Llorean: thanks 22.13.45 # r0b-: That's not how ours are named. 22.13.55 # What site / link did you follow? 22.13.57 # could you point me to yours 22.14.05 # http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VoiceFiles#Voice_Files_for_Current_Builds 22.14.18 # * Llorean wishes people wouldn't attach such things to the wiki 22.14.23 # r0b-: Click the "Extras" link on the left, and follow that 22.14.42 # Those voice files at the page you linked are 1.5 years old. 22.14.54 # Well, 1 year old 22.15.27 # r0b-: i gave you the link to the release voices earlier... 22.15.40 # i just downloaded the latest version of rockbox 22.15.44 # we will see what happens 22.17.01 # still no voice 22.17.09 # Nobody told you to download a new version of Rockbox... 22.17.19 # If you have no interest in actually following instructions, why ask for help? 22.17.39 # i also downloaded the release voices 22.17.58 # What is the filename, and where *exactly* did you put it on your player? 22.21.59 # i extracted it to the wrong directory 22.22.06 # i just moved the file to the proper area now it works 22.33.44 Quit merbanan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22.35.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.37.14 Join kachna [0] (n=kachna@r4ax178.net.upc.cz) 22.44.29 Join Russel-Athletic [0] (n=Russel@d174.stw.stud.uni-saarland.de) 22.44.30 # hiho 22.46.20 # it's off to work we go 22.46.26 # it seems the developers have made some major changes in apps/tagcache.c which gives me some headaches because I want to have this patch in my rockbox version: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8051 22.47.04 # it would be nice if somebody could help me port this 22.48.06 # That patch was rejected some months ago. 22.48.22 # i know 22.48.24 # therefore it's not going to require a "port" 22.48.30 # it's going to require a complete rewrite 22.48.36 # which is a substantial amount of work 22.48.50 # is no quick fix for this possible? 22.49.05 # nope 22.49.10 # Please don't ask in this channel for help getting rejected patches working. They were rejected because they were decided no acceptable for the official version of Rockbox, which is what this channel is in place for. 22.49.22 # While it may be possible to get them working for personal use, it's not something that's on-topic here. 22.49.32 # I know that this patch is rejected but I only want to have it in my version 22.49.44 # As I just said, it's not on-topic here. 22.49.59 # oh ok 22.55.06 # it actually looks like you sync'd it yourself a few times 22.55.21 # so you seem up to the job of doing it yourself surely? 22.56.20 # the syncing was only minor changes 22.56.32 # like some tag was added 22.56.39 # but this bit stuff is a bit too much for me 22.57.10 # and i know it is your right to not support this patch but i just wanted to try asking 22.57.42 # has anyone ever looked at replacing tagcache with sqllite or something ? 22.57.52 Join Tomers_ [0] (n=chatzill@bzq-84-108-58-176.cablep.bezeqint.net) 22.58.01 # GodEater: There's an sqlite patch in the tracker, I believe 22.58.15 # Llorean: Do changes to the database affect users who don't use the database (i.e. not even Initialize it)? 22.58.17 # Though it hasn't been adapted to the database, I think it's just a plugin of some sort 22.58.21 # there you go Russel-Athletic get cracking on that :D 22.58.31 # evilnick_230: Most shouldn't, no. 22.59.06 # evilnick_230: The problem with that patch is that it'd affect all users of the database for a feature that could be implemented in a lot lower impact manner, if I recall 22.59.15 # yes 22.59.20 # i know the argument 23.00.33 # Llorean: Sure. That's what I'd expect, but it's always best to make sure rather than making assumptions. 23.00.48 # GodEater sqlite would increase memory usage by a few hundred kilobytes 23.01.11 # gevaerts: Is that "ever" or "on top of any increases in database size"? 23.01.22 # gevaerts: hence my "or something" too :D 23.01.48 # * Llorean would argue in favor of sacrificing those few hundred KB if it meant no more bugs relating to duplicate entries in the database, etc. 23.04.53 # funman, in the clip OF 1.1.30 I see that DCDC15 is written with 1 without any condition when turning on the OLED 23.05.09 # Llorean: I don't remember the exact numbers. Also, I somehow doubt that most of the bugs we have are due to the actual storage engine. They sound more like update logic gone wrong 23.05.11 # mcuelenaere: cf timer-jz4740.c : __timer_set(), the cycles argument means the number of timer cycles between each interrupt (calculated from TIMER_FREQ, number of cycles per second) 23.05.23 Quit Tomers_ ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") 23.05.26 # bertrik: I check 1.1.29 and 1.1.32 they are the same 23.05.47 # I didn't test what was the effect on my Clip however 23.05.50 # funman: thanks 23.06.03 # mcuelenaere: thanks for not adding your code to timer.c mess ;) 23.07.11 # funman, so if we do it the same way (as in matsch' patch) we're at least not doing worse than the OF :/ 23.07.36 # yep 23.08.04 # I don't know how much extra power that represents (1.25mA) 23.08.24 # I was hoping for some way to autodetect it 23.08.44 Join PsyCl0ne [0] (n=robbie@ 23.09.11 # Hi would anyone be able to help me get rockbox installed on my iPod 23.09.21 # My guess is that there's nothing to draw any current for the clips that don't need this, so there's hardly any power wasted 23.09.22 # PsyCl0ne: Where are you getting stuck in the instructions? 23.09.45 # bertrik: would the difference be noticeable with battery_bench if it wasn't the case? 23.10.03 Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) 23.10.04 # Llorean: Actually all that I have done is check to see if rockbox is compatible with my ipod, and got the visual installer 23.10.13 # funman: so __timer_set(long cycles, bool start) 23.10.17 # woops 23.10.23 # PsyCl0ne: Why not try following the instructions then before asking for help? ;) 23.10.30 # llorean: but for some reason the app is telling me that my ipod is noncompatible 23.10.41 # Then you mis-identified your iPod 23.10.41 # PsyCl0ne: What generation iPod is it? 23.10.43 # funman, hard to say, I'll have to take a guess at the normal current consumption 23.10.59 # funman: so __timer_set(TIMER_FREQ/2, true) means setting a timer for every half a second? 23.11.10 # 1ma comapred to teh entire screen consumption is probably really small 23.11.26 # Llorean: its an iPod classic 80gb serial does end in YMV 23.11.52 # PsyCl0ne: check the apple docs and confirm what you have 23.11.59 # you're probably wrong about which ipod you own 23.12.01 # PsyCl0ne: The "classic" isn't supported 23.12.06 # funman, the clip battery is 350 mAh, how long does it last now with SVN? 23.12.19 # PsyCl0ne: It says "(not the Shuffle, 2nd/3rd/4th gen Nano, Classic or Touch) " on the front page of the site. 23.12.39 # iPod Classics are not supported, but to make things more confusing, some people refer to all full-size iPods as Classic, when they are not 23.12.47 # mcuelenaere: right, the 2nd argument set to true means that it will unregister previous user of the timer (afaiu) 23.12.53 Quit Tomers (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23.13.30 # and if set to false it just changes the period of the timer? 23.13.48 # kk, my bad I went with the guide at http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1353, but going by my model number its a 6th gen 23.14.12 # Yes. 23.14.17 # And you'll notice the 6th gen isn't supported. 23.14.26 # We go up to the 5.5th gen. 23.14.30 # bertrik: i haven't run battery_bench since http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=14064.0;attach=3692;image so I suppose around 6 or 7 hours 23.14.30 # the guide at that page is perfectly correct 23.14.32 # yea, I thought it was a 5th gen.... 23.14.35 # my bad 23.14.38 # thanks though 23.14.42 Part PsyCl0ne 23.14.56 # mcuelenaere: yes 23.16.11 # funman, so that's about 50 mA on average. Then I wouldn't worry about 1.25 mA and I doubt this 1.25 mA even runs for clips that don't need it. Also we can turn it off when the display is off. 23.16.20 # where can i find movie trailers 23.16.33 # not here 23.16.34 # i want some clips to put on my sansa 23.16.34 # google maybe 23.16.47 # bertrik: ok tha,ks for the explanation 23.16.49 # we definitely do not provide media 23.17.01 # apart from the ONE we have on the pluginmpegplayer page in the wiki 23.17.02 # r0b-: this channel is about rockbox anything else isd off topic 23.21.48 Quit evilnick_230 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") 23.22.56 Quit gartral ("leaving") 23.23.28 Quit bubsy ("Mrrrrreow!") 23.25.39 # in fact timer.c / timer-target.h is alreayd made for target tree, but only some targets use the target tree (tcc, gigabeat-fx, lyre proto1, dm320 and ingenic jz47xx) 23.25.52 # i'll just move targets one by one 23.26.06 Quit VytenisS (Remote closed the connection) 23.27.58 Join onlysoaa [0] (i=40e56ec7@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-be24f6af9f014457) 23.30.35 # Hello all! Anyone know if I can get a hold of shotofadds? 23.30.56 # He's the one who did most of the D2 port, so perhaps he could help me out with my P2 port. ;) 23.31.39 Quit bertrik (Remote closed the connection) 23.32.12 # he posted on the forums about 10 minutes ago, so maybe you could just PM him and ask to meet him in IRC 23.32.16 # onlysoaa: quite a few devs read the logs of this channel so if you have any specific questions maybe you should just ask here, also maybe someone else can answer 23.32.40 Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) 23.37.53 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 23.38.10 # Alrighty, thanks. I noticed he posted on the forums not long ago. :P 23.39.15 Join safetydan [0] (n=deverton@rockbox/developer/safetydan) 23.52.13 # I just updated the Samsung P2 port thread. (: 23.52.13 Join JdGordon| [0] (i=836b0070@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 23.55.47 Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) 23.56.23 # onlysoaa: blueish display? 23.57.16 # onlysoaa: I too had that when I first saw someting on my fuze's display. linuxstb was able to fix it with a single line IIRC, maybe you ask him 23.57.49 # kugel: it's not only blueish; it's also stretched horizontally three-fold. 23.58.06 # timings? 23.58.13 # kugel: It's like it's displaying data from RGB in the B channel only. 23.58.24 # Timings should be set correctly. 23.58.31 # onlysoaa: as I said, yo need to replace the resoltion at some places 23.58.42 # the d2 lcd driver is far from multi target friendly