--- Log for 18.02.110 Server: wolfe.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 6 days and 9 hours ago 00.00.24 # funman: dmesg output ----> [sdf] 3801088 512-byte logical blocks: (1.94 GB/1.81 GiB) 00.01.11 # hum i'm a bit off then 00.01.40 # Biont: with that fix your theme passes. I guess that now it's just a question of waiting for someone who can put the new version on the theme site 00.02.02 # stripwax: i get IRAM full errors on WMA if i put the revtav in IRAM 00.02.10 # i can test ac3 now 00.02.51 # gevaerts: So that will only fix the checkwps I could do myself? 00.03.36 # Biont: I'm not exactly sure how the themesite checkwps upgrades work, but I suspect that it's not automatic 00.03.41 # saratoga - (shame). which size revtab was that though? 00.03.48 # reduced one 00.04.01 # apparently we are completely full on wma 00.04.04 # gevaerts: alright. I guess the world can wait for my theme a bit longer 00.04.11 # which i didn't think was the case, will have to look into this 00.04.32 Quit leavittx (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 00.05.47 # gevaerts: Thanks for the fix, I hope I can upload soon 00.06.07 Join Rob2223 [0] (~Miranda@p4FDC91C1.dip.t-dialin.net) 00.07.18 Join rvvs89 [0] (~ivo@bright-snat.ucc.asn.au) 00.07.19 Quit rvvs89 (Changing host) 00.07.19 Join rvvs89 [0] (~ivo@pdpc/supporter/base/rvvs89) 00.08.03 # FlynDice: fixed my code, it corresponds 00.08.27 # New commit by 03gevaerts (r24735): Make checkwps compile again for the player. If we had proper multifont on charcell this would never have happened 00.08.53 # stripwax: phase looks the same as foobar 00.09.10 # curious 00.09.17 # the fft is the bit that looks wrong :) 00.09.58 # New commit by 03funman (r24736): as3525v2: make clear the SD code is debug only and display a message ... 00.10.02 # maybe foobar is wrong? 00.10.13 Quit Rob2222 (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 00.10.20 # or the codec was already wrong 00.10.30 # hah, maybe. but I'll trust foobar and try and see where the mdct might be wrong. 00.10.41 # would be worth comparing a previous version of rockbox -- right ... 00.11.24 Join leavittx [0] (~leavittx@cl-534.mbx-01.si.sixxs.net) 00.12.15 # gah. I think I misread the code. so the fft is the bit that looks *right*. heh. 00.14.50 # right, and the mdct trig was the trickier of the two anyway so easier to imagine a sign flip crept in there. saratoga - thanks, I think I know where to dig! 00.17.31 Quit Casainho (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 00.20.25 Join maffe [0] (~Miranda@188-194-163-15-dynip.superkabel.de) 00.20.37 # hi 00.22.40 Quit GodEater (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 00.23.32 Join GodEater [0] (~bibble@cl-711.lon-02.gb.sixxs.net) 00.23.33 Quit GodEater (Changing host) 00.23.33 Join GodEater [0] (~bibble@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 00.27.33 # New commit by 03funman (r24737): as3525v2: use CGU_BASE instead of hardcoded address for unknown register 00.27.38 # New commit by 03funman (r24738): as3525: make clear the CCU bit we can't reset is the IDE interface 00.29.42 # what issue was I being poked about? 00.29.53 # did gevaerts's commit 30min ago fix it? 00.30.37 # JdGordon_: I think so. At least it now accepts this sbs 00.31.01 # skin_font_init() wasn't called in the checkwps case 00.33.11 Quit ender` (Quit: A bus station is where the bus stops. A train station is where the train stops. On my desk, I have a workstation.) 00.36.05 Quit bertrik (Quit: De groeten) 00.37.19 Quit jgarvey (Quit: Leaving) 00.40.57 Quit Farthen (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6/20100115144158]) 00.45.08 # saratoga - hm, I kinda sorta think ffmpeg might be wrong 00.45.21 # or oggdec? (shrug) 00.46.29 Join Strife89 [0] (~michael@adsl-220-102-6.mcn.bellsouth.net) 00.47.53 Quit funman (Quit: free(random());) 00.48.40 # I can't find which players support USB HID mode - I have an X5L and don't see a HID device in Windows' device manager 00.49.14 # (using r24716) 00.54.33 Join sudoman [0] (~sudoman@static-151-204-226-99.bos.east.verizon.net) 00.55.51 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.57.57 # the sansa clip+ display isn't blue and yellow anyomore, is it? 00.59.40 # is it colour? 01.00.48 # ah I see it still is (sorry) 01.01.15 Join TheSphinX^ [0] (~cold@p54A5D6BD.dip.t-dialin.net) 01.02.09 Quit Schmogel (Read error: No route to host) 01.02.34 Join moos [0] (moos@rockbox/staff/moos) 01.04.16 Quit efyx_ (Remote host closed the connection) 01.05.19 Quit GeekShad0w (Quit: The cake is a lie !) 01.07.20 Quit archivator (Quit: Leaving) 01.09.51 # is there any way for me to know when the theme site will accept multifont themes? Or should I just keep trying the next days? 01.10.39 Join amdgoon [0] (~amdgoon@ 01.13.35 Quit amdgoon (Client Quit) 01.14.16 # New commit by 03stripwax (r24739): I don't yet fully understand why this is required, but without it the output is signed-inverted (compared to e.g. the output of oggdec). ac3 ... 01.15.29 # * stripwax shrugs 01.15.52 # funman: (for the logs) this is what I've got so far, power and volume buttons are missing, and the button labels, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/283924/clip%2B-front.svg I have to sleep now;) 01.21.49 Quit CGL (Quit: Saliendo) 01.28.24 Quit stripwax (Quit: http://miranda-im.org) 01.29.59 Join CaptainKwel [0] (jds@207-237-117-89.c3-0.80w-ubr2.nyr-80w.ny.cable.rcn.com) 01.43.44 Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 01.46.53 Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.53=- Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.) 01.48.03 # unused functions in libfirmware should be discarded on link, right? the clz in support-arm.S would make a good/smaller replacement for the log2 that's in use in codeclib, and the easiest place to add it would probably just be alongside __clzsi2... in fact the entire function body aside from the table could be made a macro, and we could probably even make the table a macro after a fashion (making the non-empty values in it use an expression 01.48.03 # passed as an argument) 01.52.37 Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 02.01.00 Quit perfectdrug (Quit: perfectdrug) 02.01.17 Part toffe82 02.01.30 Quit JdGordon_ (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) 02.04.29 Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) 02.07.28 Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) 02.07.49 Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 02.08.35 Quit petur (Quit: burps) 02.09.15 Quit TheSphinX^ (Quit: XChat) 02.11.54 Quit karashata (Quit: The fluffy dragon has left completely!) 02.13.16 Join JdGordon1 [0] (~jonno@72-57-27-114.pools.spcsdns.net) 02.14.54 Join cjcopi [0] (~craig@charon.craig.copi.org) 02.15.04 Quit Barahir_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 02.15.51 Join Barahir [0] (~jonathan@gssn-5f755539.pool.mediaWays.net) 02.22.51 Quit Barahir (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 02.24.10 Quit JdGordon1 (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 02.28.46 Quit Adub- (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 02.28.55 Join Adub- [0] (~Rotting@xplr-ts-t11-208-114-159-122.barrettxplore.com) 02.29.04 Quit Stephen__ (Quit: Leaving) 02.30.06 # please check-out FS#11034 02.31.13 # it's a simple patch changing the default contrast setting for the 3G 02.31.52 # right now, the ipod boots up with a black screen. if there's no proper setting in config.cfg, it stays dark and is only barely readable from an angle 02.32.06 # hopefully that should fix it 02.32.58 Quit Biont (Quit: CGI:IRC) 02.33.03 Join Kitar|st [0] (~Kitr88@BSN-182-74-108.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) 02.35.52 Quit Kitr88 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 02.37.35 Quit Kitar|st (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 02.39.30 Quit mt (Remote host closed the connection) 02.43.01 Join Kitar|st [0] (Kitr88@BSN-182-97-146.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) 02.47.35 Quit ecio (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi) 02.50.55 Join JdGordon1 [0] (~jonno@c-24-22-210-83.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) 02.52.15 # New commit by 03jdgordon (r24740): basic alignment support (%a|l|c|r|L|R) in the playlist viewer. no sublines so the whole line will either be left, right or centered. 02.55.16 Quit JdGordon1 (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 02.55.53 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.59.05 Quit komputes (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 03.03.23 Join karashata [0] (~karashata@74-220-162-11.wightman.ca) 03.05.37 Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) 03.08.39 Quit maffe (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) 03.28.11 Part froggyman 03.30.51 Quit S_a_i_n_t (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 03.32.05 Quit sudoman (Quit: sudoman) 03.38.00 # New commit by 03jdgordon (r24741): fix yellow 03.38.44 Join S_a_i_n_t [0] (S_a_i_n_t@ 03.41.11 Quit Strife89 (Quit: Bed.) 03.41.58 Quit Rob2223 (Quit: Rob2223) 03.43.08 Join Rob2222 [0] (~Miranda@p4FDC91C1.dip.t-dialin.net) 04.02.28 Join ecio [0] (~Moo@244-108.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com) 04.03.20 Join froggyman [0] (~sopgenort@pool-72-69-210-48.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net) 04.07.55 Part froggyman 04.10.32 Join kramer3d [0] (~kramer@unaffiliated/kramer3d) 04.12.43 Quit DerPapst (Quit: Leaving.) 04.12.45 Quit TheSeven (Disconnected by services) 04.12.58 Join The_Seven [0] (~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) 04.13.08 Nick The_Seven is now known as TheSeven (~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) 04.21.17 Join nimak [0] (~nima@adsl-75-45-228-161.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) 04.21.18 Join Tuplis_ [0] (~jani@adsl-77-109-221-158.kymp.net) 04.22.49 Quit nima (Write error: Broken pipe) 04.25.13 Quit Sajber^ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 04.26.56 Quit Tuplis (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 04.32.35 Join wind [0] (~7ba9867b@giant.haxx.se) 04.55.57 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.56.02 Quit MethoS- (Remote host closed the connection) 05.08.17 Quit Adnyxo (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 05.15.53 Join Barahir [0] (~jonathan@gssn-5f756da4.pool.mediaWays.net) 05.16.07 Nick shai_ is now known as shai (~Shai@l192-117-110-233.cable.actcom.net.il) 05.18.42 Quit karashata (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 05.19.11 Join karashata [0] (~karashata@74-220-162-11.wightman.ca) 05.21.17 # New commit by 03saratoga (r24742): Commit FS#11034 by Andrew Engelbrecht. Fixes default contrast value on ipod 3G. 05.27.41 Join kimi-sharamin [0] (~karashata@74-220-162-11.wightman.ca) 05.28.12 Quit karashata (Disconnected by services) 05.28.16 Nick kimi-sharamin is now known as karashata (~karashata@74-220-162-11.wightman.ca) 05.29.27 Join kramer3d_ [0] (~kramer@unaffiliated/kramer3d) 05.31.03 Part crazed 05.31.32 Quit kramer3d (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 05.36.54 Quit Horscht (Quit: Verlassend) 05.41.06 # I don't suppose anyone is awake and knows the id3 parser? 05.49.12 # a probably good bet... :) 05.49.35 # :'( 05.52.02 # * moos just read about the bug JdGordon wants to ask about (ie the char limitation on id3 tag buffer) 05.52.17 # thats the one 05.52.29 # its not my bug so I'm not too woried anymore 05.52.48 # its the usual "our mp3 parser doesnt handle big tags" bug 05.54.16 # * moos noticed that if noone reported it before, maybe because the limit is indeed sensible (ie big enough) 05.55.41 # just missing the warning for the user, like this he know that he have to fix the tag in question 05.56.29 # no, this is the same one that causes some tracks with embedded AA to crash also 05.56.53 # ohoh :( 05.57.07 # * moos missed the point 05.57.08 # interesting. commenting out the val=id3->comment; line in the id3 viewer fixes it 05.57.25 # which probably means its not so bad, its just that field isnt getting set to NULL on failure 05.57.41 Quit kramer3d_ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 05.58.35 # JdGordon: you will find before the needed people will be awake ;) 05.58.53 # +yourself of course 05.59.07 # arg :p 05.59.20 # I've got my fingers in enough different areas of the codebase already 06.00.18 # is there an opened tsck for the bug you described about AA? If so please make them related tasks... and then close them once you will fix them ;) 06.00.44 # JdGordon: yup, noticed during those last years :) 06.02.14 Join CGL [0] (~CGL@ 06.02.44 # If you are searching for something to do, please fix some sbs at boot bugs, like the longer bootime (initialisation sequence?) and no more localisation strings possible at boot ;) 06.02.45 # holy cow this is scary code :p 06.03.11 # benchmark the boottimes. I still don't belieive its any slower :) 06.03.21 # whats the loc issue? 06.03.55 # I already did it naively, and constated few extras seconds! 06.04.29 # btw anyone that have a notion of time+a long rockbox user, could have noticed it easily 06.04.48 # * moos push amiconn out of his bed to say you the same :) 06.06.04 # for the localisation splash bug, you could easily catch it 06.07.37 # what bug are you talking about? 06.11.33 # http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20100214#15:49:56 answer from amiconn is here 06.12.30 # because I noticed testing dircache for pamaury, that the dircache generation splash was in english 06.12.57 # that doesnt look like a url to the tracker.... 06.12.57 # and thought first that that was my mess with the translation... 06.13.27 # hehe :) I thought that there was a task somwhere 06.14.41 # * moos will have to go to work in few minutes, canot right now search+open a task if does'nt exist 06.15.54 # * JdGordon doesnt fix bugs not in the tracker :) 06.16.53 # haha :) you are sort of an machin? :) 06.21.44 # my name is bender, please insert girder 06.23.15 # ok, so I can band-aid the bug pretty easily 06.24.16 # hehe :) Yes you can 06.24.24 Join benbang [0] (~vam@ 06.25.12 # the bug isnt in the parser :p 06.29.09 # WOW! 06.29.13 # found the real bug 06.30.08 # or maybe not 06.31.34 Quit MagusG (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 06.31.36 Join MagusG [0] (magusg@c-98-192-69-229.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) 06.32.24 # nope, I'm lost again 06.33.52 # * moos shares some of his coffee with JdGordon :) 06.42.50 Quit wind (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)) 06.43.10 Quit karashata (Quit: The fluffy dragon has left completely!) 06.43.53 # New commit by 03jdgordon (r24743): bandaid fix for FS#11033 where a really long comment crashes. Real fix is figuring out why the scroll engine doesnt handle this properly (I give up ... 06.49.22 # umm... hmm.. what does printf do with a NULL string if passed in for %s? 06.50.46 # New commit by 03jdgordon (r24744): NULL check so it doesnt display (null) on the comment line 06.56.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.57.45 # somehow I think I read that there are two types of LCDs in 3rd gen Ipods which would mean that saratoga's commit just makes it work for the other half but I am not sure... 06.58.23 # two types which need different contrast values I mean 07.00.14 # bloody apple! :p 07.02.40 Quit moos (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6/20100115144158]) 07.04.49 Quit rphillips (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 07.06.32 Quit bzed (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 07.06.35 Join bzed [0] (~bzed@devel.recluse.de) 07.08.03 Quit liar (Quit: Verlassend) 07.15.23 Quit panni_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 07.20.12 Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (~felixbrun@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 07.27.38 Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4DA1A.dip.t-dialin.net) 07.31.05 Quit CaptainKwel (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 07.41.19 Quit grndslm (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 07.43.38 Quit anewuser (Quit: http://xrl.us/WinterChipV =ooo ϢINTER ϾHIP 5iVE is OOON!!) 07.45.07 Quit benbang (Quit: ouba ouba) 07.48.32 # pixelma: which settings dont work with %St? 07.53.57 Join grndslm [0] (~grndslm@174-126-14-4.cpe.cableone.net) 07.55.38 Join Zagor [0] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 07.55.59 Quit Adub- (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 07.58.43 # JdGordon: my problem was with %?St not plain %St - and it was bass and treble (possibly others that can have negative values if I remember correctly about the comment) 08.04.19 # New commit by 03jdgordon (r24745): allow integer sound settings (bass, volume, etc) to be used with conditional %St. "%?St|name|" 08.04.27 # not very pretty but that fixes it 08.06.12 Join ender` [0] (krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) 08.14.14 Join bmbl [0] (~Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) 08.21.33 Join rphillips [0] (~rphillips@66-90-184-168.dyn.grandenetworks.net) 08.46.04 Join flydutch [0] (~flydutch@host154-132-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 08.56.04 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.10.17 Quit Zagor (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 09.23.49 Join Topy [0] (~Topy44@f048241040.adsl.alicedsl.de) 09.24.05 Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 09.24.07 Join advcomp2019_ [0] (~advcomp20@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 09.25.56 Join Zagor [0] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) 09.27.13 Quit advcomp2019 (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 09.27.45 Quit T44 (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 09.27.48 Quit TopyMobile__ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 09.30.29 Join einhirn [0] (~Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) 09.40.09 Join TopyMobile__ [0] (~topy@f048241040.adsl.alicedsl.de) 10.00.15 Quit petur (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 10.03.27 Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 10.07.11 Quit advcomp2019_ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 10.07.17 Join advcomp2019 [0] (~advcomp20@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 10.16.34 Quit petur (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 10.18.55 Join petur [0] (~petur@p549A1A09.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 10.18.56 Quit petur (Changing host) 10.18.56 Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) 10.19.15 Join knittl [0] (~knittl@unaffiliated/knittl) 10.19.32 # hi. thanks for porting rockbox to e200v2 sansas :) 10.27.32 Quit linuxstb (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 10.38.04 Join BlakeJohnson86 [0] (~bjohnson@2002:1876:a27b:0:227:13ff:fe65:1262) 10.56.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.59.06 Join linuxstb [0] (~linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) 11.01.27 Quit shai (Quit: Leaving) 11.09.57 Join shai [0] (~Shai@l192-117-110-233.cable.actcom.net.il) 11.16.14 Join b0hoon2 [0] (~3e57b852@giant.haxx.se) 11.16.35 # Hello 11.16.40 Join Sajber^ [0] (~Sajber@h-143-173.A213.priv.bahnhof.se) 11.17.13 # I would like to propose to add the packard bell vibe 500 to the automatic build system and move it to the unstable section on the main page. (?) 11.20.21 # b0hoon2: agreed 11.20.33 # I'll add it to the builds 11.20.46 # woohoo, nice work b0hoon2! 11.21.11 # hmm, it wasn't even mentioned in the unusable section. 11.22.26 # New commit by 03gevaerts (r24746): Add packard bell vibe 500 to the build table 11.23.59 # New commit by 03zagor (r24747): Added Packard Bell Vibe 500 to unstable section. 11.24.48 # oops, that commit got a bit bigger than I intended... 11.28.40 Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 11.29.16 # Thanks, thats really great! Yeah i'm very happy :D 11.30.01 # New commit by 03zagor (r24748): Added Packard Bell Vibe 500 to build list. 11.32.14 # is it possible to add it to the build.rockbox.org? the svn image is on the flyspray FS#10947 (by a perfect hand of perfectdrug). 11.32.56 # sure, I'll add it 11.34.02 # New commit by 03zagor (r24749): Added Packard Bell Vibe 500 target picture 11.34.48 # red 11.34.57 # ah, mismatch between mine and gevaerts' commit 11.35.13 # I renamed the config parameter from pb_vibe500 to vibe500 11.35.13 # caught red handed as they say 11.35.34 Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 11.36.22 # Zagor: will you fix it, or shall I? 11.36.26 # you do it 11.36.56 Quit kaniini (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 11.37.04 Join kaniini [0] (~kaniini65@dyn75-70.yok.fi) 11.37.24 # New commit by 03gevaerts (r24750): Change the build name to match the changes in r24748 11.39.56 Join watto [0] (~watto@ 11.42.53 # Ups, something is wrong and the target don't want to build: "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.". Should i fix something? 11.43.24 # b0hoon2: no. It should be fixed in the next build (see r24750) 11.44.02 Quit Topy (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 11.44.12 Join Topy [0] (~Topy44@f048241040.adsl.alicedsl.de) 11.44.53 # Ok, thanks :) 11.49.04 Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) 11.53.00 # the table title pic seems to be missing 11.54.38 # yeah, I'm fighting that just now. I have no idea where it finds the old pb_vibe name... 11.55.36 # strange... it was for the first time. 11.57.52 # meh, it's in the database 12.03.34 # New commit by 03zagor (r24751): Corrected Sansa and Packard Bell target names 12.06.47 # allright, next step... manual... bleh i must get through it somehow. 12.08.43 # must go back to work, my manager will kill me... thanks a lot! bye. 12.09.46 Quit b0hoon2 (Quit: CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06)) 12.10.42 Join Topy44 [0] (~topy@my.fastsh.it) 12.11.00 Quit Topy (Quit: Leaving) 12.12.19 Quit killan (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 12.12.31 Join killan [0] (~nnscript@c-38fd70d5.06-397-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 12.18.50 Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 12.40.12 # * Bagder added committer #88 12.43.06 # * AlexP awaits the COMMITTERS mail to find out who :) 12.46.12 Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) 12.46.20 # New commit by 03uchida (r24752): Add myself to the commiters list 12.47.41 Join fyre^OS [0] (~nnscript@cpe-24-90-81-175.nyc.res.rr.com) 12.50.27 Quit antil33t (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 12.50.34 Join antil33t [0] (~Mudkips@203-184-54-232.callplus.net.nz) 12.51.11 Quit rvvs89 (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 12.51.11 Quit fyrestorm (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 12.51.45 Join ucchan [0] (~ucchan@i121-113-174-118.s05.a014.ap.plala.or.jp) 12.52.08 # hi, I commit docs/COMMITERS now. 12.52.24 # hey ucchan, yes we noticed! 12.53.04 Join rvvs89 [0] (~ivo@bright-snat.ucc.asn.au) 12.53.04 Quit rvvs89 (Changing host) 12.53.04 Join rvvs89 [0] (~ivo@pdpc/supporter/base/rvvs89) 12.54.24 # Yes. 12.55.07 # My first commit. 12.55.42 # Though it worries about whether it went well... 12.56.07 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.56.38 # ucchan: http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=24752 <- there you go. looks fine to me :) 12.58.16 Quit Tomis (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 12.59.12 Quit CGL (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 13.01.41 # So my committing is good, I relieved. 13.02.29 # but Zagor's vibe hacking doesn't get any bonus points just yet 13.02.45 # or is it gevaerts'? ;-) 13.05.55 Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ 13.10.45 Quit stoffel (Remote host closed the connection) 13.13.24 Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4DA1A.dip.t-dialin.net) 13.15.10 Nick ranmacha1 is now known as ranmachan (ranma@yumi.tdiedrich.de) 13.15.27 # I've got the C240v2 JTAG pinout figured out now. 13.15.48 # Now if only the girl with the nice JTAG adapter was there today... 13.16.11 Quit ucchan (Quit: Leaving...) 13.40.53 # now vibe500 is properly in the build table 13.47.26 # New commit by 03gevaerts (r24753): re-run calibration of build scores 13.50.17 Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) 13.54.06 Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) 13.56.54 Join yzflcyq [0] (~74193886@giant.haxx.se) 14.02.22 Quit yzflcyq (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)) 14.13.08 Join Schmogel [0] (~Miranda@p3EE21A88.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 14.13.15 Join DerPapst [0] (~DerPapst@p4FE8FE3F.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.33.16 Join _zic [0] (~user@91-171-88-149.rev.libertysurf.net) 14.33.32 Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) 14.34.05 Join stooo [0] (~sto@g227070090.adsl.alicedsl.de) 14.34.12 Join CGL [0] (~CGL@ 14.34.36 Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@ 14.34.36 Quit anewuser (Changing host) 14.34.36 Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) 14.35.08 Join froggymana [0] (~187b533e@giant.haxx.se) 14.38.17 Quit stoffel (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 14.46.58 Nick Tuplis_ is now known as Tuplis (~jani@adsl-77-109-221-158.kymp.net) 14.56.06 Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4DA1A.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.56.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.03.53 Join Adnyxo [0] (~aaron@adsl-065-013-002-216.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) 15.10.33 Quit ecio (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 15.11.48 Quit anewuser (Quit: http://xrl.us/WinterChipV =ooo ϢINTER ϾHIP 5iVE is OOON!!) 15.16.28 Part knittl 15.22.15 Join killan_ [0] (~nnscript@c-38fd70d5.06-397-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 15.22.55 Quit killan (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 15.23.18 Quit shaggy-h (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 15.24.04 Join watto1 [0] (~watto@ 15.25.51 Quit watto (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 15.33.19 Join GeekShad0w [0] (~Antoine@153.5.195-77.rev.gaoland.net) 15.35.11 Quit froggymana (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) 15.35.33 Quit GeekShadow (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 15.36.59 Join jae [0] (~jae@jaerhard.com) 15.37.26 Quit jae (Client Quit) 15.38.21 Join shaggy-h [0] (~kiwi@78-86-164-31.zone2.bethere.co.uk) 15.46.19 Join ecio [0] (~Moo@adsl-065-081-069-051.sip.mco.bellsouth.net) 15.47.15 Nick YPSY is now known as Ypsy (~ypsy@geekpadawan.de) 15.53.11 Join teru [0] (~teru@KD059133108225.ppp.dion.ne.jp) 15.55.56 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 15.58.19 Join huelk [0] (~huelk@dtmd-4db241f8.pool.mediaWays.net) 15.58.49 Join maffe [0] (~Miranda@188-194-163-15-dynip.superkabel.de) 16.01.12 Quit Hillshum (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 16.05.48 Join FOAD_ [0] (~dok@dinah.blub.net) 16.05.53 Quit Zagor (Quit: Clint excited) 16.09.29 Quit FOAD (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 16.09.29 Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (~dok@dinah.blub.net) 16.10.07 Quit Sajber^ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 16.10.34 # New commit by 03teru (r24754): FS#10535: bmp viewer plugin. ... 16.11.34 Join Farthen [0] (~chatzilla@e179233150.adsl.alicedsl.de) 16.16.28 Join DavidMatthews [0] (~88a0f805@gateway/web/freenode/x-wvkweckgoaxcdanh) 16.19.00 # can someone add me to "WikiUsersGroup"? Please? 16.19.51 Quit Utchybann (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.0) 16.20.39 # DavidMatthews: same name on the wiki? 16.21.02 Join Utchybann [0] (~Utchy@rps6752.ovh.net) 16.21.20 # Yea, 16.22.05 # OK, done 16.22.13 # Cool, Thanks! 16.34.47 Join ericandor [0] (~d911239a@giant.haxx.se) 16.36.56 Join toffe82 [0] (~chatzilla@ 16.38.32 # New commit by 03kugel (r24755): Fix FS#11004 - Buffering crashes when skipping back from end of song. 16.40.43 Quit Barahir (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 16.41.13 # hm the buffering thread debug screen seems broken 16.41.13 # Hi All, I would like to attach some external I2C chip to E260 European version. I thought that it should be easy as there is a I2C HW for FM tuner, but E260 European version does not have FM tuner. Can someone please tell me is I2C HW (pull=up resistors) present on European PCB? 16.43.15 Join jgarvey [0] (~jgarvey@cpe-071-070-229-181.nc.res.rr.com) 16.47.22 Quit FOAD (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 16.49.30 Join FOAD [0] (~dok@dinah.blub.net) 16.51.22 Join bob77 [0] (~dcfd3401@giant.haxx.se) 16.52.06 # i would expect that there is more than just the radio on that bus 16.52.06 Join Tomis [0] (~Tomis@ 16.52.18 # things like the power manager etc. are usually on I2C 16.54.05 # I'm back to say thank you for the kind help on the big-disk support, it's working flawlessly =) 16.56.06 # The e260 I am thinking about is v2 version, in SansaAMSHardwareMappings in GPIO ports description I see "FM i2c SCL" and "FM i2c SDA" so it could mean that I2C is used for Tuner only... 16.56.15 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.56.57 # ericandor: if the FM chip is really missing, I'd assume that it's only the actual chip that's not there, not the PCB traces 16.58.58 # Yes, that's true, but if FM chip is missing and if it is the only chip on I2C then some other HW could be missing, like eg. pull-up resistors. 17.01.25 Quit DavidMatthews (Quit: Page closed) 17.02.46 Quit Tomis (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 17.02.46 Quit petur (Quit: *plop*) 17.03.15 Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@ALyon-551-1-70-117.w92-137.abo.wanadoo.fr) 17.06.45 Quit teru (Quit: Quit) 17.13.19 # Can I get write access to the wiki ? 17.16.35 # wiki name? 17.17.55 # AmauryPouly 17.18.20 # Done 17.18.32 Quit Farthen (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6/20100115144158]) 17.19.11 # thanks 17.21.28 Join hipy` [0] (~nnscript@a83-163-100-71.adsl.xs4all.nl) 17.22.38 # Hi guys, im searching for some dudes wich would like to restart the linuxoniphone/ipod project, with CPICK 17.26.45 Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) 17.31.51 Join piotrekm [0] (~piotrek@unaffiliated/piotrekm) 17.32.13 Quit kugel (Ping timeout: 259 seconds) 17.33.45 Join TheSphinX^ [0] (~cold@p54A5D061.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.46.04 Join freddyb [0] (~fred@ 17.51.56 Join evilnick_B [0] (~0c140464@rockbox/staff/evilnick) 17.52.28 # gevaerts: would you take another look at FS#11019? I changed it so that it's just an extra option to specify the background image. 17.53.30 # Hi guys, im searching for some dudes wich would like to restart the linuxoniphone/ipod project, with CPICK 17.54.34 # hipy`: Try #rockbox-community for that, as it's offtopic for this channel 17.55.07 # ok:) 17.59.34 # One more thing about I2C, I looked for e260v2 30pin connector pin-out to see if I2C is accessible through it, but could not find such info, Does anyone knows is I2C accessible through e260v2 bottom connector ? 18.02.48 # I doubt it 18.03.14 # although its possible its hidden away there and no one ever noticed 18.05.17 Quit HBK (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 18.06.56 Quit bob77 (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) 18.07.04 Join bob77 [0] (~dcfd3401@giant.haxx.se) 18.07.53 Quit freddyb (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 18.10.19 # JdGordon: Latest patch looks A-OK 18.11.54 Join freddyb [0] (~fred@pool-68-238-8-141.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net) 18.11.55 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 18.11.55 # scrolling/backdrop etc 18.13.28 Join HBK [0] (~hbk@HBK.broker.freenet6.net) 18.14.54 Join komputes [0] (~komputes@ubuntu/member/komputes) 18.14.55 # strange yellow 18.15.33 # sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(long) isn't it? 18.15.42 # no 18.15.51 # not on every architecture ever, anyway 18.16.08 # sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(void*) 18.16.23 # Torne: is that guaranteed? 18.16.27 # i think so. 18.16.32 # it might be >= 18.16.42 # * gevaerts would say that size_t exists because of all this uncertainty :) 18.16.46 # size_t needs to be able to represent the result of the difference between two pointers 18.16.49 # so it must at leas tbe as big as a pointer 18.17.07 # ah, right 18.17.10 # but anyway, size_t and long are unrelated, for sure 18.17.16 # ah, signdness is the problem I think 18.17.29 # yah, size_t is unsigned 18.18.18 # Torne: what's ptrdiff_t for then? 18.18.25 # "yes" 18.18.28 # :) 18.18.39 # size_t is not really *for* that 18.18.46 # it jus thappens that the definitions are, er, similar. 18.19.01 # you are supposed to use ptrdiff_t for the difference between pointers, yes 18.19.10 # i forget the exact definitions. :) 18.19.12 # New commit by 03kugel (r24756): Fix yellow caused by signedness. 18.19.42 # intptr_t works as well for pointer diffs 18.19.48 # it's all confusing to me :) 18.20.09 # ok the real definition is that size_t is the type of sizeof() 18.20.11 # I only wonder why my compiler didn't emit this warning 18.20.18 # 64-bitness, probably 18.20.33 Quit bmbl (Quit: Bye!) 18.20.41 # mixing signed/unsigned behaves differently depending how wide your ALU is (no really) 18.21.27 Join karashata [0] (~karashata@74-220-162-11.wightman.ca) 18.21.49 # saratoga: Are all unused pins of e260v2 bottom connector connected to GND? 18.22.04 # kugel: it's safe to just assume "compilers are weird" 18.22.06 # : 18.22.28 # I just thought gcc is equally weird on all systems it runs on :p 18.23.50 # well sorry to disappoint you :) 18.27.50 Join Casainho [0] (~chatzilla@ 18.27.56 Join Sajber [0] (~Sajber@94-26.anonymous.at.anonine.com) 18.29.19 Quit Sajber (Client Quit) 18.30.15 Join Sajber^ [0] (~Sajber^@94-26.anonymous.at.anonine.com) 18.31.02 Quit Sajber^ (Client Quit) 18.31.56 Join Sajber^ [0] (~Sajber^@94-26.anonymous.at.anonine.com) 18.33.36 Quit TheSphinX^ (Quit: XChat) 18.34.06 Quit Sajber^ (Client Quit) 18.35.14 Join Sajber^ [0] (~Sajber^@94-26.anonymous.at.anonine.com) 18.37.31 Quit Sajber^ (Client Quit) 18.38.23 Quit grndslm (Remote host closed the connection) 18.38.44 # Torne: :'( 18.40.02 Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) 18.40.36 Join Sajber^ [0] (~Sajber^@94-26.anonymous.at.anonine.com) 18.42.13 # wtf, %ld works for ssize_t but %lu not for size_t??? 18.43.57 # New commit by 03kugel (r24757): Hopefully fix yellow now, I don't understand why %ld works for ssize_t but %lu not for size_t (and still no warnings on my system). 18.44.07 Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) 18.45.16 Quit bob77 (Quit: goodnite) 18.46.55 Quit maffe (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) 18.47.27 Quit Sajber^ (Quit: Leaving.) 18.47.50 Join Sajber^ [0] (~Sajber^@94-26.anonymous.at.anonine.com) 18.49.16 Quit Casainho (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 18.49.30 Quit kugel (Remote host closed the connection) 18.50.58 Join phanboy4 [0] (~benji@c-24-98-43-198.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) 18.53.29 Nick Ypsy is now known as YPSY (~ypsy@geekpadawan.de) 18.56.12 Quit freddyb (Quit: Konversation terminated!) 18.56.17 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.00.09 Quit hipy` (Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com )) 19.02.54 Quit Sajber^ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 19.03.19 Join Barahir [0] (~jonathan@gssn-5f756da4.pool.mediaWays.net) 19.03.40 Join Sajber^ [0] (~Sajber^@94-26.anonymous.at.anonine.com) 19.07.46 Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) 19.09.28 Quit sinuc (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 19.09.48 Quit linuxstb (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 19.13.07 Join Farthen [0] (~chatzilla@e179233150.adsl.alicedsl.de) 19.13.53 # Any arm experts around to look at my starfield pebble at http://www.evonet.be/~gevaerts/pebble/ ? 19.14.23 # It crashes in star_draw(), on the draw = star->x / star->z + LCD_CENTER_X; line 19.15.08 # I suspect something fishy with the division routine 19.20.28 # star->z == 0? 19.21.39 # I don't think so. I usually get an illegal instruction at a weird address (e8000088 IIRC) 19.22.40 # AlexP: sweet! just gotta get hwcodec working and it can go in :) 19.23.40 # testing for z != 0 before dividing still doesn't sound like a bad idea 19.24.26 # well, the code is straight from the starfield plugin 19.24.46 # also, star_draw() is called straight after star_move(), which does check that 19.27.04 Quit TheSeven (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.7/20091221164558]) 19.28.07 # gevaerts: Hmm, where's your plugin_start() function? 19.28.31 # it's a pebble! 19.28.45 # (so pebble_start) 19.28.58 # That can't be 19.28.59 # amiconn: the full code is at FS#11027 19.30.22 # entry points are pebble_start() (which gets called on wps load), and pebble_paint() (which gets called on wps repaint) 19.30.49 # Ah, so no ordinary plugin 19.31.25 # * amiconn thinks this isn't going to work 19.31.41 Join freddyb [0] (~fred@pool-68-238-8-141.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net) 19.31.55 Join TheSeven [0] (~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) 19.33.00 Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (~felixbrun@h1252615.stratoserver.net) 19.36.33 Quit stoffel (Remote host closed the connection) 19.36.56 # * amiconn wonders why this new concept reintroduces passing rb 19.37.16 Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) 19.37.34 Quit CGL (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 19.38.39 Join bmbl [0] (~Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) 19.39.35 Quit GeekShad0w (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 19.39.59 Join TheSphinX^ [0] (~cold@p54A5D061.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.44.29 Join efyx_ [0] (~efyx@lap34-1-82-225-185-146.fbx.proxad.net) 19.47.20 Quit MethoS- (Remote host closed the connection) 19.47.56 Quit karashata (Quit: The fluffy dragon has left completely!) 19.49.29 Quit shaggy-h (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 19.51.38 Join panni_ [0] (hannes@ip-95-222-52-93.unitymediagroup.de) 19.52.41 Quit markun (Quit: leaving) 19.55.25 # amiconn: it passes rb because I haven't fixed that bit yet. It's not meant to do that forever, but since these things can be loaded at arbitrary addresses the standard rb method needs changes, and I don't want to do too many of those at the same time 19.55.58 # and yes, there's a chance that it won't work. I think it's still worth trying though 19.57.45 Join sudoman [0] (~sudoman@c-98-216-48-103.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) 20.00.22 # From your code it looks like ARM PIC is not quite position independent 20.00.43 # Did you check how PIC behaves on the other 3 architectures? 20.01.36 # no. I know it links, and mcuelenaere tested the first patch on mips, but that's it right now 20.01.58 # hm, I haven't checked if my recent patches still link actually 20.02.26 # JdGordon: fms screen all working - http://imagebin.ca/view/sVVCXZv.html :) 20.02.32 Quit Sajber^ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 20.05.24 # anyone with OS X 10.4 or 10.5 around? I'd welcome reports on a new rbutil release binary which hopefully fixes the libusb issues: http://www.alice-dsl.net/dominik.riebeling/rockbox/rbutil-releases/1.2.5/rbutilqt-v1.2.5-1.dmg 20.10.43 # i have 10.5.8 ppc 20.14.02 # the original 1.2.5 wasn't working for me, but this one does ; ) 20.14.24 # the only thing, is that like 1.2.4, the voice files won't download. 20.14.31 # but i don't need them right now anyways 20.14.41 Quit flydutch (Quit: /* empty */) 20.15.21 # gevaerts:Are you testing on PP? 20.15.24 # yes 20.15.30 # e200 to be precise 20.15.43 # bluebrother: if you would have asked an hour ago... maybe I can try sometime tomorrow (work PC is runnin MacOS 10.4) 20.15.53 # How are those pebbles loaded exactly? Are they cacheline aligned? 20.16.03 # * amiconn somehow suspects dualcore issues 20.17.00 # btw, the issue with the voice files is a 404 error. 20.17.33 # they're 4-byte aligned, cpucache_invalidate(); is called on the COP before loading, and on the main CPU after loading 20.17.50 # Unless I did something wrong, that's the same as for normal plugins 20.17.52 # A cache line on PP is 16 byte 20.18.27 # And normal plugins are always cacheline aligned 20.18.54 # that's true 20.19.50 Quit pixelma (Disconnected by services) 20.19.50 Join pixelma_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 20.20.00 Quit amiconn (Disconnected by services) 20.20.03 Join amiconn_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 20.20.04 Join Lear [0] (chatzilla@rockbox/developer/lear) 20.20.08 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 20.20.27 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 20.20.31 # The cpucache_invalidate() is correct, but won't help when cachelines overlap 20.20.40 # The easiest method to rule this out is probably testing on single core 20.20.58 # I.e. either another target, or a single core build (that *should* still be possible) 20.21.10 # good idea 20.23.15 # If this is actually the problem and you implement cache line alignment, don't forget that you also need to align the end, not just the start 20.23.18 Join JdGordon_ [0] (~Miranda@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 20.23.50 # AlexP: nice 20.24.19 # Unfortunately the "digital clock" font isn't one I can distribute 20.28.36 # there is bound to be a free one somewhere 20.29.17 Quit TheSphinX^ (Quit: XChat) 20.29.35 # Yeah, I'll have a search 20.30.02 Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) 20.37.03 # with the new fms, it wouldn't be too hard to add a received-signal-strength-indication icon, right? 20.37.39 # That'd be nice 20.37.55 # pixelma: no hurries. I might be able to finish OSX TTS support soon, having reports on that (especially on 10.4 with non-english languages) would be great. 20.38.13 # bertrik: sure, we can add anything! 20.38.24 # buit thats not implemented yet is it? 20.38.24 # something like the volume, but with an antenna icon and a couple of bars 20.38.52 # no, it still needs to be added to the tuner interface, but it shouldn't be hard 20.39.20 # does the tuner chip really provide this info? 20.39.21 # I'm still hoping someone volanteers to move all the non drawing code out of apps/recorder/radio.c 20.39.25 # the si470x has the RSSI available, and I think the radio used in the sansa e200 and c200 too 20.39.33 # too much of that should be in the drivers layer 20.40.13 # bertrik: as bad as the tuner in the c200 is... 20.40.18 # pixelma: ok, looks like its finished on swcodec, so could you please let me know (in the tracker) any hwcodec issues sometime soon? 20.40.45 # JdGordon, oh I thought that radio.c contained mostly generic radio code that is not specific to the drivers 20.41.12 # bertrik: I mean reception wise - the TEA tuners in my Ondio (and M5) are way better 20.41.29 # The TEA5767 should also provide reception strength info 20.41.37 # Not sure about the really old Samsung 20.43.05 # bertrik: radio.c is a mess of the gui code, the presets code, actually controlling the radio (calling tuner_get/set()) 20.43.13 Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) 20.43.51 # 9573 is what I started ages ago 20.44.16 # I agree it would be nice to have the GUI code separate. I think it's ok to have three layers: the tuner driver, some generic radio code (finding nearest preset, etc) and radio gui code 20.45.21 Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) 20.45.32 Join pamaury_ [0] (~pamaury@ALyon-551-1-102-229.w92-137.abo.wanadoo.fr) 20.46.13 # Is there a register on ARM that I can assume isn't touched by anything? 20.46.43 # I'd like to see if -msingle-pic-base helps, but I need a free register then... 20.47.04 # bertrik: sure, but having them all in the one file sucks 20.47.05 Quit krazykit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 20.47.11 # New commit by 03Domonoky (r24758): rbutil: fix voice downloads. 20.47.24 # * S_a_i_n_t just realises that %cu and %cw both do pretty much the same thing...and ponders the point of the second one. 20.48.20 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 20.48.22 # wtf is cu and cw? 20.48.41 # some RTC (date) info 20.48.52 # ah 20.49.19 Nick pamaury_ is now known as pamaury (~pamaury@ALyon-551-1-102-229.w92-137.abo.wanadoo.fr) 20.49.32 # they're both day of the week, cu is 1~7 starting monday, and cw is 0~6 starting sunday 20.49.42 # ? 20.50.41 Quit piotrekm (Quit: piotrekm) 20.51.55 # for completeness 20.52.49 # http://www.mail-archive.com/uclinux-dev@uclinux.org/msg05579.html looks familiar... 20.54.12 # domonoky: why are the TTS classes not doing the speaking itself? Wouldn't it be easier to have a talk() function similar to voice()? 20.54.42 # at least on mac this is a bit annoying as the API can do the talking itself. Converting it around multiple times makes that "Test TTS" button really slow 20.54.55 # true, but i didnt know if i can manage that for all of them. 20.55.07 # how is one more complete than the other (:P), they both display the say of the week but have a slightly different order... 20.55.29 # there should be slightly different, weird variations of alll the tags :D 20.55.47 # *day rather 20.56.03 # maybe we should make talk() functions into the tts and a canTalk() function, so we can fallback to tts->wav. wav -> talk. 20.56.05 # the lv240xx chip (e200/c200) can indeed provide RSSI, it looks like it's not available in the TEA576x 20.56.12 # shouldn't it be possible to have an implementation in the base class that does the speaking by creating a temporary file first, then call the appropriate playback function? 20.56.18 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.56.24 # bluebrother: even better. 20.56.30 # so I could overwrite that in the mac implementation. 20.56.38 # as far as I can see, the TEA576x does have an internal ADC to get RSSI but it's not exposed on the i2c interface 20.57.06 # bertrik: i think there is a patch that adds it to tea576x 20.57.14 # the problem on mac is that I have a conversion tts -> aiff -> wav. Makes it somewhat slower :) 20.57.47 Quit sudoman (Quit: sudoman) 20.59.44 # bluebrother: so if you could move the talking function into the tts classes, it would be great :-) 21.00.51 # well, I'm planning to add OSX TTS support first ;-) 21.01.24 # the default voice on mac is really great, especially compared with Microsoft Sam 21.03.07 Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) 21.04.01 Join moos [0] (moos@rockbox/staff/moos) 21.06.18 # that radio strength patch doesn't look too bad 21.07.14 Part watto1 21.07.23 Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) 21.09.48 # JdGordon_: re. the radio screen patch - I'll try to test tomorrow evening 21.10.06 Quit stooo (Quit: Leaving.) 21.12.25 Quit robin0800 (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) 21.12.41 # thanks 21.12.50 Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) 21.14.55 # domonoky, can you try an si470x patch on your e200v2? 21.15.36 # yes, but only if you can build it for me (my arm build tools are currently broken) 21.15.36 Quit freddyb (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 21.15.58 # ok, I'll give you a binary in 15 mins or so 21.16.52 # Regarding toolchains, anyone know if gcc 4.4 (--eabi) causes test_codec problems? 21.20.56 Quit Llorean (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 21.24.28 Join AusShir [0] (~Owner@67-225-122-155.nbfr.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) 21.24.56 Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4DA1A.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.25.11 Part AusShir 21.25.45 # domonoky, can you try this file and see if the radio still works ? http://filebin.ca/syducx/rockbox.sansa 21.29.42 Join AusShir [0] (~Owner@67-225-122-155.nbfr.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) 21.29.52 Part AusShir 21.30.16 Join shaggy-h [0] (~kiwi@78-86-164-31.zone2.bethere.co.uk) 21.31.42 # bertrik: doesnt work, it seems to crash when i enter the fm screen. 21.32.03 Join AusShir [0] (~Owner@67-225-122-155.nbfr.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) 21.32.08 Part AusShir 21.32.12 # i get a empty fm screen, and no reaction anymore, i need to use looong power to shutdown. 21.33.28 Quit phanboy4 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 21.33.35 # domonoky, that's a pity, I was hoping to make initialisation simpler, but apparently it failed 21.33.59 Join krazykit [0] (~kkit@adsl-76-240-222-234.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) 21.38.32 Quit robin0800 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 21.39.55 Join Sajber^ [0] (~Sajber^@94-192.anonymous.at.anonine.com) 21.40.28 Quit Sajber^ (Client Quit) 21.42.23 Join Tomis [0] (~Tomis@ 21.44.02 Join froggyman [0] (~sopgenort@pool-72-69-210-48.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net) 21.44.21 Join Horscht [0] (~Horscht2@xbmc/user/horscht) 21.49.35 Quit Lear (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6/20100115144158]) 21.53.34 Join S_a_i_n_t_ [0] (S_a_i_n_t@ 21.54.48 Quit scorche|sh (Changing host) 21.54.48 Join scorche|sh [0] (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 21.55.23 Quit S_a_i_n_t (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 21.55.50 Join piotrekm [0] (~piotrek@unaffiliated/piotrekm) 21.59.09 Nick S_a_i_n_t_ is now known as S_a_i_n_t (S_a_i_n_t@ 22.06.16 Quit Topy44 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 22.06.57 Join Topy44 [0] (~topy@my.fastsh.it) 22.09.32 # gevaerts: if you fix up the problems in pebbles is there any reason to not just outright replace the plugin loader with that instead of adding a new plugin type? 22.09.42 Join karashata [0] (~karashata@74-220-162-11.wightman.ca) 22.09.59 # I mean, other than losing the name pebbles :p 22.10.04 # JdGordon_: we'll see 22.10.13 Quit GeekShadow (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 22.10.27 # PIC code might be a bit slower and/or bigger 22.11.25 Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) 22.11.34 # The pebbles can't be normal plugins (different entry points), so the header will be a bit different. I'd like to use the same loader though 22.11.55 # why cant they have the same entry point? 22.12.49 # You're the one who wanted two functions! 22.13.13 Quit piotrekm (Quit: piotrekm) 22.13.36 # I wanted more than two. but you really only need one entry point and some callbacks 22.13.52 Quit Tomis (Quit: Tomis) 22.14.30 # I don't really see the advantage of trying to shoehorn the things in the exact same API 22.14.40 # We already do have two plugin types 22.26.21 Join Tomis [0] (~Tomis@ 22.31.30 Join tomers [0] (~chatzilla@bzq-84-109-85-100.red.bezeqint.net) 22.34.00 # tomers: hey, do you use the playlist viewer at all? 22.34.07 # I probably messed up the RTL handling 22.34.30 Quit Farthen (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 22.35.43 # JdGordon: hey, I'm not using it. do you want me to test something particular 22.35.45 # ? 22.35.50 Join piotrekm [0] (~piotrek@87-205-225-52.adsl.inetia.pl) 22.35.50 Quit piotrekm (Changing host) 22.35.50 Join piotrekm [0] (~piotrek@unaffiliated/piotrekm) 22.36.07 # * tomers checks rtl in playlist viewer 22.37.51 Quit ecio (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 22.38.42 # I added support for the alignemnt tags so just give a quick check that they work correctly if the enclosing viewport is %ax'ed 22.39.58 # I thought about an idea for GSoC project: Automatic tests framework. It takes the binaries of all simulator builds and runs some tests upon them, injecting key presses and taking screenshots 22.40.42 # JdGordon: so what shall I test? maybe you should send me a theme to test? 22.40.48 # rasher's done some work on that i believe 22.41.04 # I dont have one handy (still at work) 22.42.09 # JdGordon: it will be a lot easier for me if you prepare me a file, or tell me what line to write in the wps skin file 22.42.55 # the frame work then diffs the screenshot with latest approved screen shot (regression test), ignoring pre-defined screen regions (clock, progress bar, etc) 22.43.10 # %ax%V|10|10|80|20|1|-|-| 22.43.10 # %Vp|1|%ar%ia|%al%fn| 22.43.28 Quit piotrekm (Quit: piotrekm) 22.44.15 # then just fiddle with the %al and %ar 22.44.57 Quit mikroflops (Quit: Lost terminal) 22.45.40 Nick hd is now known as jd (~jd@Wikipedia/HellDragon) 22.45.41 # tomers: the problem with such a test framework, is that its probably much work to keep it uptodate. 22.46.43 Join mikroflops [0] (~yogurt@217-208-157-242-no112.tbcn.telia.com) 22.47.22 # domonoky: true. but if there's a web site that controls it, e.g. mailing list for this system which sends error notification messages that contains the diffed images, with two links - approve, or mark as bug, then it will be easier to maintain 22.49.34 # * gevaerts isn't too optimisitic about that sort of idea 22.50.03 # that's just a idea, thoguh 22.50.13 # s/thoguh/though 22.50.18 # * domonoky thinks it will be hard to not get too much false positives, and if there are too much, people will ignore it. 22.51.14 # rasher has tried to get automated screenshots working. I think he finally gave up 22.51.14 # seconded 22.51.37 # * domonoky would find it better if we manage to finish out testpage, to collect reports about test coverage for rc builds. 22.51.43 Join phanboy4 [0] (~benji@gate-20.spsu.edu) 22.51.53 # besides, I tihnk if any testing framework happens it should be in the playback area and not screen drawing area 22.52.25 # yeah, I would think a test suite would be better to do unit-tests on parts of rockbox 22.53.02 # hmmm... so maybe audio regression tests? diff audio files? 22.53.19 # tomers: no, that's not the problem 22.53.29 # regression tests are a waste of time 22.53.50 # yeah, tests on parts would probably more usefull, automated testcodec runs with compare on a big folder of tests file for example. 22.54.20 # and I disagree that regression tests are a waste of time 22.54.39 # they're _awesome_ when you do code rearranges or big rewrites 22.55.04 # that's also when it's the hardest to keep the test code working 22.55.10 # true 22.55.33 # but for example making sure that a decoded song gets a certain output,... 22.56.19 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.56.40 # I'm just thinking that historically that's not really where we've had issues 22.56.51 # *cough*early usb*cough* 22.56.55 # haha 22.56.56 # and a table of differences in codec performance, like the size table would be nice :-) 22.57.27 # but the true problems are mostly not testable with a sim. 22.57.28 # but it would help for example when trying to improve the buffer or codec parts of the code 22.57.52 # so someone needs to rip playback out and make it a seperate library so it can be tested without using the sim 22.58.17 # it'd just be a special kind of sim 22.58.20 # domonoky: table of codec sizes can be calculated after build, right? 22.58.39 Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) 22.59.08 # tomers: yes, the size should be available, but we want the performance. :-) 22.59.48 # * gevaerts has the solution: position-independent plugins 22.59.58 # ie how many Mhz do you need to get realtime, but its probably not really doable without target, because of all those asm optimisations. 23.00.41 # If you have those, all you need is lua bindings for injecting key presses or menu choices, and you're in business 23.00.42 # regression tests for playback would be very nice 23.00.53 # but we'd need a way to run the playback engine outside of rockbox 23.01.43 # New commit by 03tomers (r24759): Brickmania: Test returned value of file operations ... 23.02.01 Join Sajber^ [0] (~Sajber^@94-245.anonymous.at.anonine.com) 23.03.25 # maybe that's a silly idea - but if the build system would generate a graphical image of each target's memory layout, that would be cool 23.05.36 Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) 23.06.44 Quit GeekShadow (Quit: The cake is a lie !) 23.08.30 # so do we have something out of the discussion for a testing platform? is there any idea that we can progress with? 23.10.41 Quit _zic (Remote host closed the connection) 23.10.46 # * bluebrother would like to see tests for Rockbox Utility 23.11.30 # if only there wasn't this target dependencies all the time :/ 23.12.50 Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) 23.14.51 Join ecio [0] (~ecio@ 23.21.15 # There's a Vim script that highlights WPS definitions. It is in http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2550 the problem is that this script lags behind new WPS tokens added to the language. The author seems to update the script if you send him a patch (which I did), but I wonder if we should have it under SVN, in a directory under /tools which is dedicated to the development... 23.21.17 # ...environment. We can also put there some scripts people use on their daily work. What do you think? 23.22.07 Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services) 23.22.07 Join bluebroth3r [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) 23.22.08 Quit Adnyxo (Remote host closed the connection) 23.22.11 Quit stoffel (Remote host closed the connection) 23.22.46 Join Adnyxo [0] (~aaron@adsl-065-013-002-216.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) 23.23.00 Join liar [0] (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) 23.23.15 # yeah, probably 23.24.11 # does the author want that? 23.25.16 # I'll ask for his permission. but lets say he agrees... 23.25.45 # * gevaerts notices that the file doesn't seem to have a license 23.26.05 # and lets say he agrees to have it GPL'ed 23.26.32 # in that case, sure, by all means have it in svn 23.26.57 # where? /tools/env ? 23.27.45 # utils/ 23.28.02 # tools/ is for things that are needed to build 23.28.16 # where in /utils? 23.28.39 # editors? 23.29.19 # is there anything else, development-environment-wise that we should maintain? any idea? 23.29.50 # well, definitely not an emacs script :) 23.30.27 Join Tomis2 [0] (~Tomis@ 23.30.30 Quit Tomis (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 23.30.31 Nick Tomis2 is now known as Tomis (~Tomis@ 23.30.41 # tools/rockbox-style.el ... 23.30.57 # AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 23.31.02 Quit evilnick_B (Quit: Page closed) 23.31.04 # Nobody against closing patch "FS#9780 - logf(), logfdisplay(), logfdump() functions update. " ? It's obsolete as we changed the logf code a few months ago. 23.31.28 # Bagder: shouldn't that be in utils as well these days? 23.31.37 # it should probably, yes 23.31.51 # ROFL... should we move tools/rockbox-style.el to /util/editors/ ? 23.32.15 # pamaury: that sounds good 23.32.29 # I'll do it now... anybody reject we call it /util/editors ? 23.34.16 # editors? Do we have more than one? 23.34.35 # pamaury: isn't that uchida's work? 23.34.50 # bluebroth3r: well, there's the vim wps syntax thing, and the emacs coding style thing 23.35.09 # hmm, ok. That's at least more than one ;-) 23.35.23 # saratoga: yes it's a patch of uchida's 23.35.26 # * tomers sent request to the author of the vim syntax script 23.36.29 # bluebroth3r: I'm moving it, ok? 23.37.23 # tomers: sure. 23.38.57 Quit Tomis (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 23.41.44 # pamaury: hes got SVN access now, so I'd probably let him handle it 23.42.17 # New commit by 03tomers (r24760): Have /utils/editors to contain syntax files for WPS and possibly others Rockbox ... 23.44.40 # saratoga: yes I know he got svn access but perhaps he won't pay attention to a patch that is more than one year old and that never got any attention. I see no reason to keep a patch is completely obsolete :) 23.45.30 Quit efyx_ (Remote host closed the connection) 23.46.22 # JdGordon: did you open a new FS item following the scrolling bug you found on FS#11033? 23.46.27 Part tomers 23.46.34 Join tomers [0] (~chatzilla@bzq-84-109-85-100.red.bezeqint.net) 23.46.55 Quit Bagder (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 23.50.31 Quit Sajber^ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 23.52.16 Quit domonoky (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 23.52.54 # JdGordon: do still plan to have 'FS#9506 - buffer_alloc the dircache stack ' committed one day ? It saves nearly nothing now because I reduced dircache stack to 0x600 bytes (1.5KiB) 23.55.22 # JdGordon_:^^ 23.58.58 # pamaury: the same thing coudl be applied to the sector buffers?