--- Log for 09.04.111 Server: verne.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 7 days and 2 hours ago 00.02.27 Quit shodan45 (Remote host closed the connection) 00.02.29 Quit wodz (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 00.10.04 Quit wtachi (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.4) 00.11.05 Join JesusFreak316 [0] (~JesusFrea@pool-173-65-59-203.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) 00.24.55 Join Galois [0] (djao@efnet-math.org) 00.26.45 # pamaury: maybe this is the same recovery mode you found? http://mympxplayer.org/sigmatel-recovery-guide-updated-vt8150.html 00.26.57 # or at least uses similar commands 00.27.22 Join Keripo [0] (~Keripo@dhcp0101.kin.resnet.group.upenn.edu) 00.28.04 # no, I know this one 00.28.37 # but thanks for taking tiem 00.29.04 # Actually, some source code is downloadable on freescale website (like linux code, or wince6 code), perhaps I can find something 00.33.00 Join vnl [0] (~slayer@cpc5-king10-2-0-cust73.perr.cable.virginmedia.com) 00.33.06 Part vnl 00.34.24 Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.) 00.35.51 # fucking god, I'm pretty sure I have the code under my eyes but it's so bloated that I can't get anything useful directly 00.36.26 Quit JesusFreak316 (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 00.37.56 Quit sideral (Quit: Leaving.) 00.40.41 Quit tchan (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.4) 00.42.28 Join tchan [0] (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan) 00.52.01 Quit ender` (Quit: A computer program will always do what you tell it to, and seldom what you want it to.) 00.55.09 Quit bluefoxx (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 01.03.28 Join bluefoxx [0] (fuzzylomba@S0106485b3917092d.vs.shawcable.net) 01.07.48 # wtf, I'm downloading the linux source code of the imx23 EVK and I'm at 260MB and growing.... 01.07.59 # and more than 50Mb just for a flashing tool :-/ 01.11.44 Quit [Saint] (Quit: I'm only going to Heaven if it feels like Hell, I'm only going to Heaven if it tastes like caramel...) 01.12.58 Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@g224238032.adsl.alicedsl.de) 01.12.58 Quit bluebrother (Changing host) 01.12.58 Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) 01.13.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.13.52 Quit GeekShadow (Quit: The cake is a lie !) 01.16.15 Quit bluebroth3r (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 01.18.31 Join jhMikeS [0] (~jethead71@adsl-99-91-199-79.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) 01.18.31 Quit jhMikeS (Changing host) 01.18.31 Join jhMikeS [0] (~jethead71@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 01.20.04 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 01.20.28 # apparently I found a tool which might do the job, but I don't have the code, and I don't know the protocol, will need to experiment and reverse-engineer it seems :( 01.23.49 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection) 01.23.53 Quit bluefoxx (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 01.28.03 Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 01.29.08 Join bluefoxx [0] (fuzzylomba@S0106485b3917092d.vs.shawcable.net) 01.47.56 Join jhMikeS [0] (~jethead71@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 01.53.01 Quit factor (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 01.54.23 Join factor [0] (~factor@ 02.17.39 Quit efyx (Remote host closed the connection) 02.24.43 Join wtachi [0] (~wtachi@cpe-098-027-060-223.nc.res.rr.com) 02.27.25 Quit boghog (Quit: boghog) 02.30.18 Join Leif [0] (~LeifAnder@c-98-202-6-36.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) 02.51.02 Quit factor (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 03.07.11 Join factor [0] (~factor@ 03.08.30 Join bieber [0] (~quassel@162-78.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com) 03.13.46 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.22.53 Quit Leif (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 03.35.24 Join Leif [0] (~LeifAnder@c-98-202-6-36.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) 03.38.33 Quit bluefoxx (Quit: Can we, should we, will we?) 04.01.55 Join Topy [0] (~Topy44@f048064230.adsl.alicedsl.de) 04.02.16 # AlexP, hey, so, could you give me access to the wiki with my normal name? or do i need to ask someone else? 04.03.55 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@e178061036.adsl.alicedsl.de) 04.03.55 Quit kugel (Changing host) 04.03.55 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 04.05.07 Quit T44 (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 04.06.34 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 04.07.18 Quit kugelp (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 04.09.09 Quit Leif (Quit: Leaving) 04.10.34 Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) 04.17.46 Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.) 04.19.58 Join Barahir_ [0] (~jonathan@frnk-590fc3a1.pool.mediaWays.net) 04.21.00 Quit Barahir (Read error: Operation timed out) 04.37.08 Quit JackWinter (Read error: Operation timed out) 04.38.32 Join JackWinter [0] (~jack@vodsl-9173.vo.lu) 04.50.28 Quit n1s (Remote host closed the connection) 04.52.39 Quit pixelma (Disconnected by services) 04.52.41 Join pixelma_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 04.52.43 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 04.53.26 Quit amiconn (Disconnected by services) 04.53.28 Join amiconn_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 04.53.45 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 05.05.31 Join JesusFreak316 [0] (~JesusFrea@pool-173-65-59-203.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) 05.13.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.16.43 Join Rob2223 [0] (~Miranda@p4FFF0961.dip.t-dialin.net) 05.20.21 Quit Rob2222 (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 05.34.21 Quit JesusFreak316 (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 05.48.09 Join [Saint] [0] (~st.lasciv@124-197-14-130.callplus.net.nz) 05.49.34 Join froggyman [0] (~seth@unaffiliated/froggyman) 06.04.53 Join Horschti [0] (~Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) 06.09.21 Quit Horscht (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 06.26.01 Join kevku [0] (~kevku@2001:470:28:773:babe:feed:dead:bee) 06.32.19 Join Zarggg_ [0] (~zarggg@ 06.34.50 Quit Zarggg (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 06.46.42 Quit scorche (Disconnected by services) 06.46.49 Join scorche` [0] (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 06.51.53 Quit mystica555_ (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 06.54.03 Join mystica555_ [0] (~Mike@71-208-217-27.hlrn.qwest.net) 07.13.49 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.26.15 Join sideral [0] (~sideral@rockbox/developer/sideral) 07.30.40 Quit mystica555_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 07.35.18 Quit sideral (Quit: Leaving.) 07.37.32 Quit wtachi (Quit: "Without us," they say, "you wouldn't have x.") 07.41.41 Join wodz [0] (~wodz@87-206-240-131.dynamic.chello.pl) 07.42.30 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 07.44.37 Join bluefoxx [0] (fuzzylomba@S0106485b3917092d.vs.shawcable.net) 07.56.58 Join silbo [0] (~quassel@ 07.59.43 Quit tchan (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.4) 08.17.56 Join tchan [0] (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan) 08.20.36 Quit wodz (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 08.20.46 Join mystica555_ [0] (~Mike@71-208-217-27.hlrn.qwest.net) 08.37.06 # <[Saint]> gah! 08.37.15 # <[Saint]> why is convttf so damn broken? 08.37.35 # <[Saint]> -p 18 is outputting a 17pt font 08.38.40 # <[Saint]> and -T* doesn't respect the -p flag and trims off the total font height. (so -p 18 -Ta 1 -Td 1 == a 15pt font.....broken, very broken) 08.46.49 # * [Saint] wonders if he remembers what version of Unhelpful's convttf from that task actually worked. 08.46.55 Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote host closed the connection) 08.47.06 # <[Saint]> There was one I was using that woked perfectly... 08.47.22 # isn't, isn't there a merged version now? 08.47.34 # <[Saint]> Yes, it's kaput 08.47.45 # 18pt may not be achievable for your font, you know? ;) 08.48.27 # <[Saint]> 'tis, I converted it with another version of convttf ages ago. 08.50.02 # <[Saint]> It does 18pt fone, untill the -T* flags are added. 08.50.26 # <[Saint]> then, instead of adding/subtracting ascent/descent it is adding/subtracting from the total font height. 08.50.34 # <[Saint]> s/fone/fine/ 08.54.00 Quit bluefoxx (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 09.08.17 Join bluefoxx [0] (fuzzylomba@S0106485b3917092d.vs.shawcable.net) 09.11.53 Join wodz [0] (~wodz@87-206-240-131.dynamic.chello.pl) 09.13.50 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.14.59 Join DerPapst [0] (~Alexander@p57A975D7.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.18.00 Quit wodz (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 09.19.13 Join sideral [0] (~sideral@ 09.19.18 Quit sideral (Changing host) 09.19.18 Join sideral [0] (~sideral@rockbox/developer/sideral) 09.19.46 # Anybody know anything about Samsung's RMA support? The ZIF drive made by them I had in my gigabeat S just died this afternoon, click of death it seems. 09.22.05 # <[Saint]> I suspect Samsung might. 09.22.28 # There is no product history, Please contact your reseller or distributor. is the best I got out of their site 09.22.40 # Was curious if anybody else had ever managed to RMA one 09.24.08 Quit DerPapst (Quit: Leaving.) 09.25.12 # <[Saint]> iPod Classic/Video owners: 09.25.15 # <[Saint]> http://www.datafilehost.com/download-d278cedf.html <-- New iLike 320x240 09.25.46 # <[Saint]> A new version of the iLike Video theme I have been working on, fonts still need a little work. 09.26.15 # <[Saint]> iLike Color/Nano to follow... 09.30.59 Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) 09.32.51 Join mshathlonxp [0] (~msh@5acba0d5.bb.sky.com) 09.34.58 Join {phoenix} [0] (~dirk@p5DF2BB83.dip.t-dialin.net) 09.42.24 # [Saint]: play with the -X flag a bit 09.42.29 # [Saint]: iirc what i did was try to fit the size, use an exact fit if possible, fit at one less and pad if not. 09.42.53 # can someone with a Cygwin installation other than 1.7 tell me what the output of uname -a is? 09.43.15 # <[Saint]> kugel: The -p flag should *always* be the total height. 09.43.24 # <[Saint]> the -T tags shouldn't alter this. 09.48.46 Join TheLemonMan [0] (~lem0n@ 09.54.41 Join leavittx [0] (~leavittx@ 09.57.56 # New commit by 03bertrik (r29696): AMS sd: use defines instead of direct values for drive number 10.02.25 # r29696 build result: All green 10.10.35 Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4A3C1.dip.t-dialin.net) 10.16.19 # hmm. libspeex on Cygwin causes errors when building rbspeex. Using a mingw cross compiler on Cygwin 1.7 (since -mno-cygwin isn't supported anymore) reveals no mingw version of libspeex around, and the installer also doesn't find one. When building as cygwin binary it causes other errors. 10.16.37 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@vit94-1-82-67-248-70.fbx.proxad.net) 10.16.37 Quit pamaury (Changing host) 10.16.37 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) 10.17.13 # but since rbspeex has been built with -mno-cygwin it would make sense to not link with libspeex anymore and instead use the one from Rockbox sources, and try to figure if we're on Cygwin 1.7 to fix the -mno-cygwin issue 10.17.27 # any thoughts? I think I have that working ... 10.25.54 # <[Saint]> it fails with a gcc with the -mno-cygwin flag present also. 10.26.32 # * [Saint] just tried building a voice file with gcc 3.4.4 )cygming special) with no joy. 10.26.41 # yeps 10.26.52 # <[Saint]> 4.5.0 produces the error you just mentioned. 10.27.07 # you are supposed to use mingw32-gcc instead of gcc 10.27.17 # gcc -mno-cygwin that is 10.27.23 # which works fine for me 10.27.47 # but only if I don't try to link against a system libspeex, since there is no mingw32 libspeex available 10.28.00 # <[Saint]> Ah. 10.28.14 Quit {phoenix} (Remote host closed the connection) 10.28.18 # <[Saint]> Well, I'm happy to have a mess around if you need something tested. 10.28.23 # <[Saint]> just gomme a beep. 10.28.29 # <[Saint]> *gimme too 10.29.10 # my current changes: http://pastebin.com/cLaR4MfL 10.29.12 Join ChickeNE_ [0] (~ChickeNES@ 10.29.42 # works for me, and should still work with Cygwin 1.5. But since I don't have that installed I can't test. 10.31.18 Quit ChickeNES (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 10.34.46 Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) 10.35.13 Join leavittx_ [0] (~lev@ 10.38.20 Quit sideral (Quit: Leaving.) 10.44.03 # Anyone here with a AMSv1 player with 8GB internal storage? 10.57.56 Quit [Saint] (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 11.01.51 Join [Saint] [0] (~st.lasciv@124-197-14-130.callplus.net.nz) 11.09.00 Join DerPapst [0] (~Alexander@p57A975D7.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.13.18 Quit DerPapst (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 11.13.53 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.16.00 Join DerPapst [0] (~Alexander@p57A975D7.dip.t-dialin.net) 11.29.13 # * bluebrother found cygwin legacy 11.41.57 Quit timccc1 (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 11.44.38 Quit ChickeNE_ (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) 11.48.01 Join dfkt [0] (~dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 11.50.19 # <[Saint]> bluebrother: ? 11.51.33 Join wodz [0] (~wodz@87-206-240-131.dynamic.chello.pl) 11.51.45 # <[Saint]> AlexP: scorche`: The forum ate one of my posts again. 11.54.02 # <[Saint]> it's supposed to be in http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php/topic,27705.msg179958.html#msg179958 , it's visible on the "Recent Posts" section. 11.54.22 # [Saint]: strange, if I install libspeex and pkg-config on Cygwin 1.5 it also doesn't link properly. Though I guess most people using Cygwin don't have pkg-config or libspeex so nobody noticed 11.55.26 # <[Saint]> I do, but not on 1.5 11.55.35 # * [Saint] is using 1.7.9 11.55.54 # you are not "most people", are you? ;-) 11.56.05 # <[Saint]> I might be ;) 11.57.16 Join timccc [0] (~timccc@ 12.23.26 Join Stummi [0] (~Stummi@rockbox/developer/Stummi) 12.43.44 Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) 12.49.49 # [Saint]: OK 12.50.27 # GuySoft: Sorry, was asleep - yes, I can 12.51.01 # GuySoft: What was it again? 12.54.35 # Would a nice and improved resampler be a good idea for GSoC 2011? 12.56.19 # I can't understand some chip use a HID based interface for recovery mode. DFU would be *much* more sensible 12.56.56 # or even a stupid interface with a single bulk out ! 12.58.29 # pamaury, the advantage of HID could be that you don't need a driver for it on windows 12.58.48 # true, but doesn't windows has a dfu driver ? 12.59.24 # I mean, DFU is a standard after all ! 13.06.06 # bluebrother: For solving the -mno-cygwin issue we need to check for native gcc version. It has nothing to do with cygwin 1.5 vs. 1.7 13.06.48 # gcc 3.x on cygwin 1.7 still supports -mno-cygwin 13.07.39 # I'm not sure about the rules that decide which gcc version gets installed 13.08.22 # My cygwin 1.7 setup had gcc 3.x first - installing a few -dev packages months later and the installer decided that it needs to upgrade to gcc 4 13.09.04 # AlexP: soft keylock only working in the WPS is not a real bug, just that the design decision earlier was to not have it in the lists (idea is: you only need to go there to chose new music). You could discuss about the radio and recording screen but their keymaps are already very crammed 13.09.16 # amiconn: well, for me gcc says "gcc: The -mno-cygwin flag has been removed; use a mingw-targeted cross-compiler." 13.09.32 # and I can install a gcc-mingw32 package from the installer 13.09.34 # pixelma: OK, thanks 13.09.39 # And what does gcc -v seay? 13.09.48 # mingw32-gcc doesn't complain about -mno-cygwin 13.09.56 # pixelma: Could you say that there? :) 13.09.57 # *say 13.10.45 # :/ 13.10.52 # bluebrother ^^ 13.11.21 # Target: i686-pc-cygwin 13.11.33 # Version is the important part 13.11.50 # gcc version 4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1 (GCC) 13.12.08 # Yes, so it's gcc 4 13.12.25 # do we want to keep using gcc3 then? 13.12.36 # That's my point - if you have cygwin gcc 3.x, it still supports -mno-cygwin 13.12.50 # I'd say we should use whatever is there 13.12.53 Join benedikt93 [0] (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) 13.13.06 # So the check should be for gcc version, not cygwin version 13.13.17 # hmm. 13.13.32 # that could of course result in a binary linked to cygwin-1.dll 13.13.47 # Why? 13.13.48 # which happens if I use gcc4 without -mno-cygwin (unsurprisingly) 13.13.56 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.14.27 # 'configure' should check gcc version, and if it's gcc4, switch to gcc-mingw32 (and complain if it's not installed) 13.14.53 # * amiconn rarely uses the cygwin environment these days 13.14.56 # that doesn't work if running make in the tools folder manually 13.15.27 # I mainly use it for building voice files, and there it doesn't matter whether rbspeexenc needs cygwin1.dll 13.15.30 # hmm 13.15.33 Join ruskie [0] (~ruskie@mages.ath.cx) 13.15.34 # but speaking about rbspeex*, is linking not to cygwin-1.dll really an issue? Do we distribute it separately at all? 13.16.16 # Well, it's needed as a separate binary for voicebox (which is apparently still in use) 13.16.28 # so we could safely just remove the -mno-cygwin, and in case someone wants to distribute a binary of rbspeex* he needs to either build using mingw or also ship cygwin-1.dll 13.17.04 # is voicebox updated often? You should need the binary just once :) 13.17.04 # I guess that for rbspeexenc it could be removed; there are more tools built which all need checking 13.17.16 # so I got a sansa clip+ and am trying to figure out rbutil... from the select device dialog it seems that I need to point it to a mount point not a device file... and autodetect fails to detect it as well 13.17.17 # yep. 13.17.36 # also I downloaded the latest available build of rockboxutility from the site and it keeps claiming there's a newer version 13.17.37 # * bluebrother wants convttf to work when built with MinGW and / or VS 13.17.45 # No, voicebox is rarely updated. We'd only need to update the binary if there are important bugfixes 13.17.49 # ruskie: you're on Linux 64bit? 13.17.53 # yup 13.18.09 # ruskie: that's a known issue and fixed in svn. Just ignore it. 13.18.13 # ok 13.18.36 # but it's correct that I need to point it to the mount point? 13.18.42 # 1.2.9 shouldn't complain anymore about that :) 13.18.47 # yes, you need to point to the mount point 13.19.31 # would help if it said mount point not device in the dialog for selection 13.19.47 # hmm? It does speak about mount point 13.20.16 # Select your device in the filesystem: -> Browse to the destination folder: 13.20.33 # confusing 13.21.08 # well, speaking about mount point will confuse all non-linux users 13.21.20 Join JdGord [0] (~AndChat@ 13.21.46 # And quite a lot of linux users these days 13.21.47 # and after all it talks about _device_, not _device file_ ;-) 13.21.55 # for me device == device file ;) 13.22.05 # not for me (also linux user btw) 13.22.16 # I think we expect those who know what mount points are to be able to cope with this :) 13.22.25 # but yeah, it's possible to improve that. But honestly I'd like to change quite a bit of the GUI anyway 13.22.42 # yeah I assumed that it wanted a mount point once I figured out it didn't list devices 13.23.10 # odd that it didn't autodetect... but it said it tried 4 devices and none of those was valid... 13.23.20 # I have a ton of sdX devices 13.23.41 # are you running it as root? 13.23.46 # tried both user and root 13.24.09 # plus, autodetection isn't 100% reliable for all devices. We have some devices we can't detect the mount point at all 13.24.13 # ahh 13.24.27 # is the autodetection relying on stuff like udev? 13.24.29 # unless someone explains me how I could resolve USB ID -> device file 13.25.31 # no. It tries various things: check USB IDs to figure the correct device. Check for special files in the filesystem. Check for special markers on the drive (firmware partition on Ipods and AMSv1) 13.25.43 # ahh 13.25.49 # check for Rockbox files (once you have Rockbox installed detection works 100% reliable :) 13.26.49 # haven't yet gotten to that point 13.27.07 # since I first want to try if it actually works out-of-the-box... then I'll get rockbox on it 13.28.16 # also will the clip+ charge normaly via usb through rockbox?(I've read some bugs about it and someone that uses it mentioned some issues with charging)... 13.28.23 # the installation usually only needs to write files to the device, hence we don't need the device file at all. There are a few exceptions (like Ipod bootloader installation), but those steps are usually just necessary once 13.29.18 # * bluebrother doesn't own a clip+ 13.30.00 # hmm I'm impressed that the clip+ is about as big as a shuffle 2g or a pebble... 13.34.24 Quit leavittx_ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 13.34.57 # hmm will an ext2 formated mSD card work with rockbox? 13.35.26 # <[Saint]> ruskie: No 13.35.34 # <[Saint]> that's a "RTFM" question 13.35.53 # :( 13.36.30 Join MazlinG [0] (largeears@188-222-180-211.zone13.bethere.co.uk) 13.36.55 # moo. i'm wondering: is anyone interested in porting to the apple ipod nano 3g? 13.38.11 Join bcoco85 [0] (~co@ 13.38.12 Quit kevku (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/) 13.38.19 # <[Saint]> MazlinG: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/Main/IpodNano3GPort 13.38.49 # [Saint]: yeah i read that, but people can quietly get on with dev and not tell anyone ;) 13.39.21 # <[Saint]> Defeats the purpose of a community, though. 13.39.40 # <[Saint]> People aren't in the business of keeping these thigns secret. 13.39.49 # <[Saint]> since, they usually need all the help they can get. 13.40.01 # <[Saint]> it's a *massive* undertaking. 13.40.36 # but teh eearly, tentative stages in feeling out whether people would use it, or whether things are possible, is quiet ;) 13.40.47 # <[Saint]> Not at all. 13.41.00 # <[Saint]> Maybe to you, but, not to us. 13.41.03 # MazlinG: Speak to TheSeven 13.41.04 # oh well, we can disagree 13.41.07 # <[Saint]> Or those who involve themselves. 13.42.07 # i was just under the impression that the nano 3g wasn't as popular, because it was too small 13.42.18 # i think it is perfect but, you know ... 13.42.36 # <[Saint]> It isn't as popular. You're right. 13.42.39 # many don't like its design so much (form what I heard) 13.42.51 # <[Saint]> this is sliding offtopic now though. 13.42.57 # MazlinG, I'm actually personally working a bit on this 13.44.10 # but it's a damn lot of work I don't really have the time & experience for to work that fast 13.44.23 # yeah :'( 13.44.34 # especially if very few can make use of your work 13.44.38 # anyone using Rockbox Utility on Windows for generating voice / talk files with espeak? I'm considering to remove espeak support on Windows. Since espeak exposes its voices via SAPI I don't see much point in using it via espeak.exe 13.44.38 # also, most of the early iPod side dev work is done over at #freemyipod 13.44.49 # or are there any advantages I'm not aware of? 13.45.05 # <[Saint]> bluebrother: I agree. 13.45.21 # <[Saint]> Since it's available with SAPI...no point. 13.45.36 Join rdd [0] (~rdd@c83-250-51-60.bredband.comhem.se) 13.46.21 # benedikt93: pfft, seen the logo at top-left? :E 13.46.33 # plus it "fixes" this "sEpeak support needs work" but (which I personally find a rather annoying and unjustified "bug") 13.47.03 # <[Saint]> bluebrother: Agreed. 13.52.21 Quit stoffel (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 13.53.41 # * pamaury thinks he managed to run some code on the fuze+ 13.53.52 # <[Saint]> woooo! 13.53.56 # <[Saint]> \0/ 13.53.59 # <[Saint]> nice work. 13.56.39 # now, to be completely sure, I need to have usb working 13.57.28 Quit skapazzo (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 13.58.09 Join skapazzo [0] (~skapazzo@88-149-251-33.dynamic.ngi.it) 14.02.45 # pamaury, do you have a recovery method too, in case your code hangs? 14.03.58 # * [Saint] seems to remember seeing that pamaury did indeed find recovery mode. 14.07.03 # I'm using the recovery mode 14.07.29 # hmm -- where did the "use SAPI v4" option in Rockbox Utility go? 14.07.43 # unfortunately, currently I must use a crappy windows programs but as soon as I have a solid proof that my code works, I'll rewrite a linux tool 14.09.18 # [Saint]: ok, there is one drawback: w2k doesn't ship SAPI5, and espeak doesn't support SAPI4 14.09.58 # <[Saint]> is not supporting w2k much of a drawback? ;) 14.10.07 # but are there still people using w2k anymore nowadays? 14.10.36 # <[Saint]> Possibly... 14.10.38 # well, with the espeak command line client you can use it on w2k. Though I'm not declined in dropping that 14.10.48 # <[Saint]> it wouldn't surprise me. 14.11.11 # well, I'm one of those people still using w2k :) But only for a build setup inside of a VM, not for actual work. 14.11.19 # <[Saint]> though I'm sure if we get a complaint about it "your OS is 11 years old" is a valid reason for lack of support :D 14.11.51 # we don't support Windows 98 / ME which isn't muc holder 14.13.19 # win98/me are also much different codebases whereas 2k is NT based... 14.14.13 # sure, but from a users perspective that's irrelevant :) 14.15.26 # indeed; but, oldness does not equal ease to support/not support 14.15.38 # at least, not directly without comparing other *(architectural) differences 14.16.30 # sure. Supporting old OSes can be quite a pain :) 14.16.50 # but why? the archigecture changed :) 14.16.57 # anyway, there might be a reason not to remove espeak support for Windows 14.18.56 Quit Galois (Read error: Operation timed out) 14.21.29 Quit simonlnu (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 14.23.17 Join simonlnu [0] (simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) 14.25.40 Join smk [0] (~smk@ 14.27.04 # hi, had applied for the buflib project. Any chance i can know about the number of proposals or review process etc? 14.27.29 # just curious :P 14.27.33 # smk: would knowing that make any difference? 14.28.20 # no. it wouldn't. 14.30.04 Join mudd1 [0] (~cmertes@ip-78-94-202-227.unitymediagroup.de) 14.31.29 # just got a tad bit edgy. so asked. sorry 14.31.31 # pamaury: talking of freescale imx23 ? 14.31.43 # smk: no problem :) 14.33.03 # TheLemonMan: yes 14.33.21 # you have documentation for the bootloader recovery mode ? 14.33.28 # [13:38] [Saint]: yeah i read that, but people can quietly get on with dev and not tell anyone ;) << he's right as far as propagating information from e.g. IRC to the wiki is concerned at least 14.33.28 Quit smk (Quit: Leaving) 14.34.32 # TheSeven: moot point imho, i was just wondering if anything was quietly going on :) 14.35.24 # well, we can execute arbitrary code on it, but that's about it 14.35.55 # someone needs to reverse engineer the hardware init code and write the flash and codec driver and FTL 14.36.20 # once that's done it can probably share most of the remaining code with the ipod classic, which is very similar hardware 14.41.55 # bluebrother: i think i hid the "use sapi4" checkbox in rockbox utility some time ago, because it was not working correctly.. :-) 14.50.03 # any arm expert ? Reading the imx23, it says which exceptions are recognized and directed to the core; among them is "breakpoint" but I can't find it in the ARM doc so does it correspond to an interrupt vector ? 14.52.59 # domonoky: ah, that might be the reason why SAPI isn't working on w2k :) 14.53.13 Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4A3C1.dip.t-dialin.net) 14.57.27 # pamaury: you have documentation for the bootloader recovery mode ? 14.57.30 Quit rdd (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 14.58.31 # TheLemonMan: not really, I found a freescale program on the web, it uses some HId report to directly upload a sb file it seems, should be pretty easy to understand 14.58.42 # I also contacted freescale to get some doc, we'll see 14.59.02 # the bastards down at freescale refused to give me some docs 15.00.26 # what were you asking for ? 15.02.33 # the bootloader docs 15.02.58 # on the manual it's clearly stated that are freely available if requested 15.03.16 # but they said i had to sign a NDA or something that way 15.03.28 Quit factor (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 15.03.55 # for imx233 ? 15.04.10 # yes the manual says so 15.04.12 # yup 15.04.36 # on the other hand, if I manage to reverse engineer just the part we need, that's will be sufficient 15.04.42 # do you have a imx233 based device ? 15.04.52 # yeah, a samsung yp-q2 15.05.05 # i hacked the firmware and got code running on leenux 15.05.28 # but wanted to do some low level stuff 15.06.25 # as most of the drivers are just hacks (eg. the framebuffer has just a couple of ioctls implemented and uses tons of proprietary ones to do stupid stuff) 15.07.11 # New commit by 03jethead71 (r29697): Playlists forget to set playlist.started when creating new playlist on SWCODEC and which leads to flush-and-rebuffer messages never being sent again ... 15.08.06 # TheLemonMan: do you have access to the recovery mode ? 15.08.27 # yep, i even tried sending SCSI commands but got no luck 15.08.39 # when i figured it was HID based i gave up 15.08.47 # you can doesn't the windows tool on freescale's website 15.08.50 # *download 15.08.57 # the protocol seems pretty easy 15.09.11 # I had a keep look with wireshark 15.09.14 # *quick 15.09.34 # does the tool supports simple inquiry command ? 15.09.53 # as i dont want to risk to flash something 15.10.07 # the tool is clumsy, there is not doc but I manage to make it download a file to the RAM 15.10.30 # basically you provide a sb file (produced with elftosb2) and it loads it 15.10.58 # oh, thats awesome 15.11.13 # link to that tool ? 15.11.30 # r29697 build result: All green 15.13.51 # TheLemonMan: wait a minute, freescale's website isn't working great at the moment 15.13.57 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.14.15 # thanks :) btw did you capture the traces on windows or using a vm ? 15.14.34 # I used a vm and capturing everything with wireshark 15.14.41 # works great with this tool 15.15.10 # While I wait for the website here is what I think the protocol might be 15.15.10 # i think i'll do the same 15.15.29 # All commands are sent with the SET_REPORT command 15.15.55 # the first one has a report ID of 1 iirc, and contains some data (always the same iirc, no idea of the meaning) 15.16.14 # then it directly sends the sb file 15.16.42 # each transfer is made up of 1025 bytes: '2' and then 1024 bytes of data; always with report 2 15.16.51 # I didn't check if there was a final report at the end 15.17.08 # the ID 1 might contain some handshake data 15.17.21 # like a checksum of the incoming buffer 15.17.42 # not sure it's useful since the sb file itself has 2 SHA1 checksums !! 15.17.56 # but you're right, there might be something here 15.18.01 # like the size for example 15.18.44 # TheLemonMan: can you reach freescale.om ? 15.18.44 # c 15.19.19 # nope 15.19.30 Quit JdGord (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 15.19.58 # do you want me to send you the file ? Actually the freescale download is 100Mb Large but there is only one small interesting file in it :) 15.20.42 # yeah, thanks :) 15.21.02 Join factor [0] (~factor@ 15.27.24 Join JdGord [0] (~AndChat@ 15.40.36 Join jdgord_ [0] (~AndChat@124-171-32-183.dyn.iinet.net.au) 15.41.10 Quit jdgord_ (Client Quit) 15.43.46 Quit JdGord (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 15.47.26 Join esperegu [0] (~quassel@ 15.50.20 Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 15.58.53 Quit skapazzo (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 15.59.25 Join skapazzo [0] (~skapazzo@88-149-251-33.dynamic.ngi.it) 16.02.21 Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: Destructor called) 16.03.26 Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 16.03.36 Join antil33t [0] (antil33t@124-197-51-80.callplus.net.nz) 16.03.50 Join TheLemonMan [0] (~lem0n@ 16.07.15 Join Xerion [0] (~xerion@5419A4D7.cm-5-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) 16.07.46 # pamaury: mind giving an hand to set up wireshark ? 16.07.59 # ha, I finaly got datasheet for this nand chip (under NDA from micron) 16.08.12 # I'm not an expert but I can tr 16.08.13 # y 16.08.33 # wodz: The NDA still lets you publish code written from the datasheet? 16.08.33 # you probably need to run it as root to have access to the usb bus (or tweak some permissions) 16.08.39 # yes 16.08.51 # nice 16.08.53 # ive added my user to the wireshark group so i dont need root 16.08.55 # it states I can't reveal the documentation itself 16.09.00 # yep 16.09.04 # otherwise that would a ROA (Read Only Agreeement) :) 16.09.26 # pamaury: Well you might well be able to publish a closed source thing written using it 16.09.32 # But not the source 16.09.37 # hum, true 16.09.45 Quit Xerion (Client Quit) 16.09.49 # TheLemonMan: can you capture on the usb buses ? 16.10.03 # the usb0 interface doesnt show up 16.10.54 Join pacovila [0] (~pacovila@ 16.11.04 # TheLemonMan: see http://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/USB, under older versions of my distrib I needed this 16.12.04 Join Xerion [0] (~xerion@5419A4D7.cm-5-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) 16.16.25 Quit skapazzo (Quit: leaving) 16.17.02 Part pacovila 16.17.34 Join Galois [0] (djao@efnet-math.org) 16.17.47 Join skapazzo [0] (~skapazzo@88-149-251-33.dynamic.ngi.it) 16.21.04 # bleh doesnt show any usb device 16.21.22 Join robin0800 [0] (~robin0800@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust703.3-3.cable.virginmedia.com) 16.21.40 # do you run wiresharl as root ? 16.22.00 # yup 16.22.27 # yay i got it working :D 16.22.40 # i forgot to load usbmon 16.22.49 # lol 16.23.06 # ok, now it's easy, just capture on the bus you have the device on 16.23.21 # you might want to filter out using the "usb.device_address=??" filter 16.23.24 # shit, it's on the same bus as the webcam D: 16.24.29 # is that a problem ? 16.25.09 Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 16.25.17 Join antil33t [0] (antil33t@124-197-51-80.callplus.net.nz) 16.25.29 # i must filter the stuff now 16.25.45 # or change the usb port 16.26.04 # they all share the same bus 16.26.07 # just filter using the device address 16.27.08 # (the address doesn't change when you give it to a VM of course) 16.27.49 Quit tchan (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5-dev) 16.28.54 # TheLemonMan: did you manage to capture some traffic ? 16.29.15 # err, how do i get the device address ? 16.29.29 # dmesg for example 16.29.30 # or lsusb 16.30.56 Join tchan [0] (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan) 16.34.44 # virtualbox wont proxy the usb device ,yay 16.35.21 # why ? 16.35.35 # you need the non-open-source version I think 16.35.58 # and some kernel modules compiled by virtualbox 16.37.04 # * pamaury leaves for a while and hopes TheLemonMan will overcome all these problems :) 16.49.38 Quit skapazzo (Quit: Lost terminal) 16.52.30 Join skapazzo [0] (~skapazzo@88-149-251-33.dynamic.ngi.it) 17.02.55 Join Jerom [0] (~jerome@ 17.14.00 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 17.16.02 Quit mshathlonxp (Quit: reboot) 17.18.10 Quit MazlinG (Quit: locked in silent monologue, in silent scream...) 17.20.02 Join n1s [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/n1s) 17.21.12 # got the trace :D 17.25.16 Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.) 17.26.47 # and figured some part of the protocol already 17.30.33 Quit factor (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 17.30.49 # brb in a few hours, cya 17.30.59 Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: Destructor called) 17.35.58 Join ender` [0] (krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) 17.36.40 Join ender [0] (krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) 17.36.41 Quit ender` (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 17.38.25 Join mshathlonxp [0] (~msh@5acba0d5.bb.sky.com) 17.44.00 Quit utanapischti (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2) 17.44.24 Join sasquatch [0] (~username@p4FF2CF3F.dip.t-dialin.net) 17.46.16 Quit user890104 () 17.47.34 Join factor [0] (~factor@ 17.56.27 Quit skapazzo (Remote host closed the connection) 17.56.47 Join skapazzo [0] (~skapazzo@88-149-251-33.dynamic.ngi.it) 18.10.17 # gnah. 18.10.39 # trying to debug the Windows TTS problem in Rockbox Utility and now it crashes in various other places. Great :( 18.13.36 Join Gnos [0] (~chatzilla@adsl-68-253-231-58.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net) 18.16.52 # What is the screen called where it is all black, except 3 options -- Top & bottom of screen = 'Show Files', sides of screen = 'Shuffle' and 'Repeat'? I'm asking so I can disable it, because I operate my player in my pocket a lot, and I keep accidentally entering that screen. 18.17.18 # That's the quickscreen 18.17.32 # And it can be disabled through normal options? 18.17.59 # There's no setting to disable it, no 18.18.13 # Could someone please tell me how to do it in the source code? 18.19.26 # Comment out the "#define HAVE_QUICKSCREEN" line in the appropriate file in firmware/export/config/ 18.19.42 # Thank you so much ! 18.19.46 # And hope that this didn't break at some point... 18.20.17 # sounds like my problem :) 18.21.03 # gevaerts: hope that the ability to turn it off didn't break? 18.21.08 # yes 18.21.15 # That's not tested very often 18.21.23 # ok 18.24.21 Quit JackWinter (Remote host closed the connection) 18.28.05 Join JackWinter [0] (~jack@vodsl-9173.vo.lu) 18.32.52 Join u42p [0] (~v35b@d082092.adsl.hansenet.de) 18.46.25 # grr, I am hitting this stupid 2GB limit in standard file functions in glibc. 18.46.26 Quit u42p (Quit: Leaving) 18.50.23 # gevaerts: It worked -- Qucikscreen disabled. Thanks a lot. 18.55.02 Quit Gnos (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.16/20110319135224]) 19.06.45 Quit n1s (Remote host closed the connection) 19.14.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.15.02 Join kevku [0] (~kevku@2001:470:28:773:babe:feed:dead:bee) 19.26.00 Join CaptainKwel [0] (~jason@207-38-215-126.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 19.26.21 Quit IronSean (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)) 19.31.29 Join Leif [0] (~LeifAnder@c-98-202-6-36.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) 19.50.25 DEBUG EOF from server (Connection reset by peer) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 545) 19.50.25 *** Cleanup 19.50.25 *** Cleanup 19.50.25 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.50.25 *** Exit 19.50.27 *** Started Dancer V4.16 19.50.27 *** Connected to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 19.50.27 *** Logfile for #rockbox started 19.50.28 Mode "logbot :+i" by logbot 19.50.32 *** Server message 501: 'logbot :Unknown MODE flag' 19.50.32 Join logbot [0] (~rockbox@giant.haxx.se) 19.50.32 Join antil33t [0] (antil33t@124-197-51-80.callplus.net.nz) 19.50.32 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 19.50.32 Join Leif [0] (~LeifAnder@c-98-202-6-36.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) 19.50.32 Join CaptainKwel [0] (~jason@207-38-215-126.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) 19.50.32 Join kevku [0] (~kevku@2001:470:28:773:babe:feed:dead:bee) 19.50.32 Join JackWinter [0] (~jack@vodsl-9173.vo.lu) 19.50.32 Join skapazzo [0] (~skapazzo@88-149-251-33.dynamic.ngi.it) 19.50.32 Join factor [0] (~factor@ 19.50.32 Join sasquatch [0] (~username@p4FF2CF3F.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.50.32 Join mshathlonxp [0] (~msh@5acba0d5.bb.sky.com) 19.50.32 Join ender [0] (krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) 19.50.32 Join Jerom [0] (~jerome@ 19.50.32 Join tchan [0] (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan) 19.50.32 Join robin0800 [0] (~robin0800@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust703.3-3.cable.virginmedia.com) 19.50.32 Join Galois [0] (djao@efnet-math.org) 19.50.32 Join Xerion [0] (~xerion@5419A4D7.cm-5-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) 19.50.32 Join esperegu [0] (~quassel@ 19.50.32 Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4A3C1.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.50.32 Join mudd1 [0] (~cmertes@ip-78-94-202-227.unitymediagroup.de) 19.50.32 Join simonlnu [0] (simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) 19.50.32 Join bcoco85 [0] (~co@ 19.50.32 Join ruskie [0] (~ruskie@mages.ath.cx) 19.50.32 Join benedikt93 [0] (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) 19.50.32 Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) 19.50.32 Join Stummi [0] (~Stummi@rockbox/developer/Stummi) 19.50.32 Join timccc [0] (~timccc@ 19.50.32 Join wodz [0] (~wodz@87-206-240-131.dynamic.chello.pl) 19.50.32 Join DerPapst [0] (~Alexander@p57A975D7.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.50.32 Join [Saint] [0] (~st.lasciv@124-197-14-130.callplus.net.nz) 19.50.32 Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) 19.50.32 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) 19.50.32 Join leavittx [0] (~leavittx@ 19.50.32 Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) 19.50.32 Join bluefoxx [0] (fuzzylomba@S0106485b3917092d.vs.shawcable.net) 19.50.32 Join mystica555_ [0] (~Mike@71-208-217-27.hlrn.qwest.net) 19.50.32 Join silbo [0] (~quassel@ 19.50.32 Join scorche` [0] (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 19.50.32 Join Zarggg_ [0] (~zarggg@ 19.50.32 Join Horschti [0] (~Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) 19.50.32 Join froggyman [0] (~seth@unaffiliated/froggyman) 19.50.32 Join Rob2223 [0] (~Miranda@p4FFF0961.dip.t-dialin.net) 19.50.32 Join amiconn [0] (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 19.50.32 Join pixelma [0] (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 19.50.32 Join Barahir_ [0] (~jonathan@frnk-590fc3a1.pool.mediaWays.net) 19.50.32 Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) 19.50.32 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 19.50.32 Join Topy [0] (~Topy44@f048064230.adsl.alicedsl.de) 19.50.32 Join bieber [0] (~quassel@162-78.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com) 19.50.32 Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) 19.50.32 Join pjm0616 [0] (~user@ 19.50.32 Join mikroflops_ [0] (~yogurt@h-34-156.A238.priv.bahnhof.se) 19.50.32 Join liar [0] (~liar@ 19.50.32 Join GodEater [0] (~bibble@rockbox/staff/GodEater) 19.50.32 Join maraz [0] (maraz@kapsi.fi) 19.50.32 Join mt [0] (~mtee@rockbox/developer/mt) 19.50.32 Join amee2k [0] (~thomas@ve504.cugnet.net) 19.50.32 Join avacore [0] (~avacore@1008ds1-rdo.0.fullrate.dk) 19.50.32 Join rasher [0] (~rasher@rockbox/developer/rasher) 19.50.32 Join eGen_ [0] (generat0r@gate.mmdecin.cz) 19.50.32 Join cjcopi [0] (~craig@adsl-76-241-118-43.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) 19.50.32 Join Bagder [0] (~daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) 19.50.32 Join JdGordon1 [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 19.50.32 Join Strife89 [0] (~Strife89@ 19.50.32 Join JesusChrysler [0] (~JesusChry@c-69-253-15-232.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) 19.50.32 Join JdGordon| [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) 19.50.32 Join krazykit [0] (~krazykit@99-126-205-52.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) 19.50.32 Join mystica555 [0] 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Join CIA-87 [0] (~CIA@ 19.50.32 Join literal [0] (hinrik@w.nix.is) 19.50.32 Join jepler [0] (~jepler@emc/developer/pdpc.professional.jepler) 19.50.32 Join Zambezi [0] (Zulu@unaffiliated/zambezi) 19.50.32 Join TBFOOL [0] (~tb@c-3c3671d5.09-42-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 19.50.32 Join b42 [0] (~b42@ 19.52.33 # why is it a bug that the manual (is claimed to) use bitmap fonts instead of postscript fonts? 19.54.37 Join boghog [0] (~aphax@2001:980:34c7:0:1e6f:65ff:fe86:1e03) 19.57.15 Join wtachi [0] (~chatzilla@cpe-098-027-060-223.nc.res.rr.com) 20.01.41 # <[Saint]> bluebrother: I could come up with some suggestions, but they would be bugs lodged against the user ;) 20.06.10 Quit DerPapst (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 20.06.19 # [Saint]: :) 20.06.31 Join gbl08ma [0] (~gbl08ma@ 20.07.19 Join DerPapst [0] (~Alexander@p57A975D7.dip.t-dialin.net) 20.07.45 Quit CaptainKwel (Quit: Ex-Chat) 20.08.56 # bluebrother: Yeah, I thought that 20.09.32 Join u42p [0] (~v35b@d082092.adsl.hansenet.de) 20.14.30 # hello everyone. today i've put some new musics on my player, including some MP3s with embedded album art. On the WPS, the album art is displayed correctly, but PictureFlow doesn't understand how to parse embedded AA yet, correct? at least, it doesn't display it on the album I put on the player. 20.17.01 # I believe that is correct 20.17.21 Quit u42p (Quit: Leaving) 20.18.00 # thanks to all that work on rockbox... it works great 20.18.36 # thanks (on behalf of all) :) 20.19.06 # why companies don't want to help with it... I don't get it... 20.19.20 # because they don't make money out of it 20.19.21 Quit stoffel (Read error: Operation timed out) 20.19.42 # it's basically people are buying what they throw at them, so why create something better? 20.19.59 # and they make money out of what??? writting their own half broken implementations of things??? 20.20.14 # yeps 20.20.37 # the way I see it that's loss not profit 20.20.41 # and then creating the new version which is slightly better so people will spend money on their product again 20.21.40 # I'm still using an Ipod Mini2g as my main player. Upgraded with a CF card and Rockbox it beats most players available on the market. 20.22.12 # the only thing is that it looks less fancy because it's greyscale. Which I don't mind (I like it even better because you can read the display in direct sunlight) 20.22.19 # hehe 20.22.35 # however, from the manufacturers point of view this is bad: I haven't bought a new player because of this. 20.22.44 # well the players I have are samsung pebble(2 of those) an ipod shuffle 2g and now a sansa clip+ 20.23.05 # (well, I have bought a couple of players in the last year but that's for developing / testing, and those are used players so no profit for the manufacturer) 20.23.26 Join Darkknight512 [0] (~63e16e06@giant.haxx.se) 20.23.41 # well in my case I'm always a loss customer since I won't buy things that don't qualify for my specs 20.24.14 # it's the same for all the industry: why should Microsoft make MS Office better? They need features they can implement so people will buy the new version 20.24.25 # like AA fonts :) 20.24.25 # (like: now can also print your documents! Get the new version!) 20.24.31 # buy RB 3.9! 20.24.46 # AlexP: with a broken convttf? ;-) 20.25.01 # it still creates nonsense when compiled with MinGW or VS. 20.25.02 # give it a fair price, package it on a nice shinny cd with sources and I'd pay for it most likely 20.25.09 # bluebrother: That'll be in 3.10 :) 20.25.42 # but speaking about convttf, any objections to change to code so it's c89 compatible? I did that a while ago to be able building it with VS 20.25.43 # Actually, we ought to create a few AA fonts for the font pack before 3.9 20.26.04 # do we have free fonts we can do that with? DejaVu? 20.26.22 # I'm sure we can use some linux ones 20.26.27 # If we don't 20.26.36 # hmm need to look into converting fonts... 20.26.46 # the Ubuntu one looks pretty nice on my iPod nano. 20.26.58 # what's that? 20.26.58 Quit pamaury (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 20.27.11 # Ubuntu has its own font type since version 10.10 20.27.29 # it's not copyrighted, IIRC it's GPL-like 20.27.46 # * ruskie prefers Aerial Mono for most of his font use... 20.27.49 # it has to be copyrighted to be GPL... 20.28.06 # i mean, not proprietary. sorry for the confusion. 20.28.13 # Libertine? 20.28.27 # http://font.ubuntu.com/ 20.28.37 # ubuntu font licence 1.0 apparently 20.29.29 # who fancies reading it? :) 20.29.33 # ah it's a specific licence. that's why i didn't remember. 20.29.42 Join vnl [0] (~slayer@cpc5-king10-2-0-cust73.perr.cable.virginmedia.com) 20.30.20 # the licence isn't very big... 20.30.29 # hehe, that Suetterlin font is funny 20.30.31 Part vnl 20.30.42 # maybe pretty unreadable on a DAP though 20.31.31 # that looks like a good start: http://openfontlibrary.org/wiki/Main_Page 20.32.38 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) 20.32.55 Quit Stummi (Quit: Leaving...) 20.33.08 Join gbl08ma_ [0] (~gbl08ma_@195-23-182-21.net.novis.pt) 20.33.31 # bluebrother: does convttf use c99 features msvc doesn't support? 20.33.36 # and the fedora wiki also seems to have some list: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Font_wishlist 20.33.52 # kugel: msvc doesn't support c99 at all 20.34.06 # <[Saint]> regarding AA fonts... 20.34.12 # the "features" it uses is basically only declaration of variables 20.34.20 # not completely yes, but it supports most c99 features. IIRC 20.34.25 # <[Saint]> I have DroidSans/Bold converted from 12~50 20.34.31 # <[Saint]> it's Apache licensed 20.34.33 # no, it doesn't support c99 _at all_ 20.34.47 # they _might_ have changed that with msvc2010, haven't checked that 20.34.50 Quit gbl08ma (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 20.34.54 # [Saint]: go on... :) 20.35.10 # <[Saint]> you can have them. I'll upload. 20.35.14 # but the last time I've checked it didn't look like MS was planning to add c99 20.35.22 # <[Saint]> I converted them before convttf went nuts ;) 20.35.41 # seems we now need fonts.rockbox.org :) 20.35.53 # [Saint]: Nice :) 20.36.00 # How do we want to name AA fonts? 20.36.07 # Have -AA at the end? 20.36.37 # nah, we need something more subtle :) 20.37.04 # '+' ;) 20.37.12 # or maybe ~ ;) 20.37.37 # bluebrother (about fonts.rockbox.org): yep, it seems so :) now seriously, there should be a site to let users share not only themes, but also LUA scripts, icon packages, and things alike. 20.38.17 # IMO the AA fonts should have had a different file extension when support for them was added to RB. 20.38.44 # gbl08ma_: well, I want to create fmpresets.rockbox.org since quite a while. Shouldn't be hard since it's only files with a couple of lines of text. But these days we're getting even more stuff to distribute. 20.39.01 # .aafnt? 20.39.11 Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote host closed the connection) 20.39.27 # gbl08ma_: Hmm, could do 20.39.37 # .aafnt is ok for me. 20.39.37 # <[Saint]> AlexP: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-164b5d98.html 20.39.54 # I'd like to commit some aa fonts ([Saint]'s for instance) to give people some without having to convert 20.40.01 # we can still change the extension for aa fonts 20.40.15 # yeah 20.40.21 # What do people think? 20.40.26 # I don't mind really 20.40.27 # why should we change the extension? 20.40.32 # it's the same file format 20.40.33 # That might be a bit artibtrary 20.40.48 # I'd lean towards just have -AA.fnt in the filename or something 20.41.02 # * kugel doesn't think naming them differently is necessary, but can understand the desire for it 20.41.13 # there should be a site: extras.rockbox.org (or) extensions.rockbox.org (or) usercontrib.rockbox.org 20.41.15 # btw, why do we need to distinguish between AA and non-AA fonts before selecting them? 20.41.35 # won't AA fonts always have a different name from the non-AA fonts that already exist? 20.41.37 # gbl08ma_: Some people don't like them, might only want to use one or the other without trying all 20.41.58 # gbl08ma_: Of course, but we have loads of fonts and the name gives no hint 20.41.58 # <[Saint]> Keeping it named "XX DroidSans/ -Bold" seems a bit weird to me, I don't think there's any obligation to keep the naming scheme is there? 20.42.19 # <[Saint]> even though that's what the font is called t seems weird, 20.42.42 # I think we do want to keep that 20.42.56 # You need to know the size for themes, and the other bit is just the name 20.42.59 # gbl08ma_: stuff.rockbox.org ;) 20.42.59 # Why change that? 20.43.49 # <[Saint]> I wasn't suggesting changing formatting with the size, just the name "Droid" seems weird to me to associate with a non-RaaA target. 20.43.56 # <[Saint]> But, it's just me. 20.44.07 # * gbl08ma_ checks is the rockbox SVN includes the source for the website (like many OSS projects do) 20.44.20 # gbl08ma_: It does 20.44.27 # but not in trunk 20.44.28 # in www 20.44.30 # [Saint]: that's the name of the font... 20.44.39 # thanks, I'll check it out. 20.45.19 Join kev2011 [0] (~18ca4606@giant.haxx.se) 20.45.34 # gbl08ma_: themes.r... and translate.r... are separate also: http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/ 20.45.38 # hey 20.45.49 # hi 20.46.01 # wasup ? 20.46.10 # Rockbox related please :) 20.46.33 # is there any lua api documentation? 20.46.45 # <[Saint]> It's a nice fontset, anyway. I made it for various people complaining about not having large enough fonts for RaaA, and I needed a 12pt one and a 24pt one for a theme. So, I figured "Ah what the hey..." and sat down and converted the range in between. 20.47.06 # AlexP: I agree on keeping translate separated from user contributions (although it is a user contribution anyway), but themes should go along with other contribs. 20.47.26 # kev2011: unfortunately, not much documentation is out about LUA in Rockbox. 20.47.40 # kev2011: Sort of: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/PluginLua 20.47.51 # ya i saw it but its aweful 20.47.52 # [Saint]: Yeah, tis good work 20.48.07 # is there any other smaple code ? 20.48.25 # sample in the sense of teaching, no. 20.48.29 # (I think) 20.48.32 # kev2011: Only the (one?) plugin in svn 20.48.44 # not teaching but like other lua script 20.48.56 # <[Saint]> AlexP: It's a whopping 17MB though, which isn't too bad considering GNU Unifont. 20.49.07 # kev2011: You can take a look at the (very few) LUA plugins available in the tracker. 20.49.47 # [Saint]: Well the current fonts zip is 3.2mb, so this adds 1.3 I think 20.49.54 # So not too bad 20.49.58 # kev2011: there is a lua game (pixel painter) and a contacts application (written by me) on the tracker. 20.49.58 # so it's the only thing available right now? 20.50.10 # key2011: I think so 20.50.11 # Other than the code, as far as I am aware yes 20.50.22 # i know about pixel painter but not contacts 20.50.30 # im gonna check this out! 20.51.04 # everyone: the existence of a stuff.rockbox.org site for user contributions would motivate the development of LUA scripts 20.51.35 # <[Saint]> would it have AI? ;) 20.51.39 # * gbl08ma_ thinks that he hasn't had much time to look to his LUA contacts plugin 20.51.50 # a way better documentation would motivated it 20.52.11 # * gbl08ma_ also has forgot to check pixel-painter on the official build. 20.52.29 # <[Saint]> that's where people like yourself that care enough about it to want it come in handy. 20.52.38 # <[Saint]> coupled with the fact we have a wiki. 20.52.44 # I posted some sample code to the PluginLUA wiki page 20.52.53 # <[Saint]> good job! 20.53.08 # my intention was to write a comprehensive LUA tutorial on how to code for RB in LUA 20.53.41 # gb108ma did you wrote pixel painter? 20.53.47 # but I haven't had time to write it yet. the biggest obstacle is that it seems nobody knows what LUA is able to do exactly on RB! 20.53.51 # key2011: no 20.54.31 # <[Saint]> gbl08ma_: The source code knows exactly what it's allowed to do. 20.54.42 # I mean, it seems nobody is really interested on LUA development amongst the RB community. 20.54.52 # i've sucesfuly written my first lua script and run it on my ipod nano 2g :D 20.54.54 # Thus, there is very few documentation available. 20.55.46 # kev2011: if you have a nano2g, the contacts plugin should run perfectly on it as it was developed using that exact device model :) 20.55.56 # yeh :D 20.56.31 # About the stuff.rockbox.org site, is anyone willing to work on it? 20.56.42 # whats that 20.57.00 Quit bthomson (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2) 20.57.11 # gbl08ma_: we tend to be good at having ideas and discussing what *should* be done... 20.58.07 Join TheLemonMan [0] (~lem0n@ 20.58.27 # xD 20.58.49 # yes, i'm not saying it's gonna be done right now... ;) I wanted to ask if any more people think that a site, that allows people to share RB-desgined stuff, would be interesting. 20.59.12 # Ah, *now* you're talking! 20.59.12 Join bthomson [0] (~bthomson@pool-71-114-64-197.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net) 20.59.21 # Of course I think it would be a good idea :) 20.59.53 # * gevaerts hopes someone will work on it 21.00.01 # yup i agree 21.00.30 # Other thing to be discussed is, what kind of things would that site allow users to share. 21.00.36 # <[Saint]> gbl08ma_: Couldn't you just create a wiki page? 21.01.11 # pamaury: ohai 21.01.27 # [Saint]: themes moved away from the wiki for a reason I guess 21.01.35 # a wiki page is a very difficult way to contribute with files IMO. 21.02.13 # humm.. gb108ma your script just crashed XD 21.02.28 # on the wiki, everybody willing to publish a script or a theme (when themes were on the wiki) needed to have an active wiki account, edit the themes page carefully to not break the whole page... what a hassle! 21.03.02 # gbl08ma_: I don't think allowing _anyone_ to post / share / edit files is a good idea these days 21.03.02 # kev2011: details please. (if you're going to write much, reply on the tracker item to avoid offtopic here) 21.03.10 Quit simonlnu (Read error: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number) 21.03.13 # too much spam, bots, abuse 21.03.15 Join L-Strife89 [0] (~Strife89@ 21.03.25 # then, what is done on the themes site? 21.03.45 Join simonlnu [0] (simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) 21.03.50 # doesn't it allow everyone (even without a forum or tracker account) to publish a theme? 21.03.53 # the themes site is limited to themes, and it does quite a lot of checking so people don't misuse it for something else 21.04.22 # <[Saint]> specific file types, confirmation email. 21.04.34 # Yep, it is true that LUA scripts can be done to do many things... 21.04.48 # specially when they have access to filesystem (delete...) 21.04.56 # <[Saint]> indeed. 21.05.44 # to securely share LUA scripts, we would need to implement Application-Control-Access on Rockbox, making Rockbox buggy like MS Vista :) 21.06.06 # gb108ma your script work fine but when you add a contact and you type something then you cancel it crashed 21.06.18 # then Rockbox would ask "contacts.lua wants to have access to your hard drive. Allow?" 21.06.27 # iim gonna run it on the sim 21.06.46 # kev2011: I'm aware of that, don't waste your time running it in the sim 21.07.11 # ok ;P 21.07.52 # Now that I think on the security aspect of LUA scripts, I'm not sure if it is really a good idea to share scripts... 21.08.04 # why 21.08.24 # Given that writing a "rm -rf /"-type script in LUA for Rockbox is very easy 21.08.47 # And you don't want to see your player flash contects wiped by a script, do you? 21.08.51 # why wiykd someone do that 21.09.05 # *would 21.09.15 # People do 21.09.21 # By the same reason MS Windows has lots of viruses and more are created every day. 21.09.24 # for rb ? 21.09.56 # For any platform. Remember that while Linux is almost virus free, it doesn't mean it's impossible to write virus for Linux. Same for RB. 21.09.56 # <[Saint]> no. 21.10.22 # <[Saint]> I suspect the rb viral saturation is low-to-nonexistent ;) 21.10.30 # "Same for RB", if you run a LUA script without checking its contents first, obviously 21.10.39 # yup but i mean why would someone do that on rb its not as used as windows 21.10.52 Join DerPapst1 [0] (~Alexander@p57A975D7.dip.t-dialin.net) 21.11.26 # Why do they do it on windows? 21.11.38 # Some people just like destroying other people's stuff... 21.11.55 # nice warning: convttf.c:210: warning: string length ‘1352’ is greater than the length ‘509’ IS 21.11.58 # O C90 compilers are required to support 21.12.01 Quit DerPapst (Quit: Leaving.) 21.12.11 # urgh, what happened with this paste? 21.13.08 # kev2011: if you compare things relatively, you see: Windows is for PC - it's the most used OS; RB is for players (and now for Android and Maemo too) - it's not as used as Windows, but runs in lots of players (more than any proprietary firmware) 21.13.18 Quit Rondom (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 21.13.54 Join einhirn [0] (~Miranda@p54851663.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 21.13.54 # yeah maybe more than i think .. 21.14.03 Join Rondom [0] (~rondom@ 21.15.05 Quit advcomp2019__ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 21.15.23 Quit Rondom (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 21.15.32 # well if the script is not in the official relase of rb then the user has to be awared that it might be a malicious script 21.15.45 Join advcomp2019__ [0] (~advcomp20@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) 21.15.47 Join Rondom [0] (~rondom@nonmodosedetiam.net) 21.16.25 # I don't think there would be a big problem on sharing LUA scripts through the site because 1. the scripts would be there for anyone to see, and it's a bit stupid to code a "virus" then put it on the scripts gallery for everyone to see, no? 21.16.27 Join user890104 [0] (~Venci@6bez10.info) 21.16.47 # And if we find that a script is malicious, we can always take it off the gallery, no? 21.16.49 # gbl08ma_: Only if anyone with a clue checks them 21.16.52 # and there so purpose to make a virus on rb .. 21.17.00 # *there is no 21.17.14 # what if someone posts material that infringes copyright? 21.17.40 # someone posting any kind of virus is nothing I have too much concerns about 21.17.42 # kill him 21.17.47 # AlexP: Remember that there aren't so many people developing LUA scripts like that... at least for now 21.17.55 # What if someone just uploads a "lua" script that has lots of spammy URLs in it? 21.17.56 # and 1000s of users already downloaded it 21.18.09 # The "attack" target doesn't have to be a rockbox device 21.18.09 # exactly 21.18.16 # ah i see 21.18.21 # I think as a project we have to be very careful about this 21.18.33 Quit wtachi (Quit: ChatZilla sucks) 21.18.52 # i didnt think about that :S 21.18.54 Join wtachi [0] (~wtachi@cpe-098-027-060-223.nc.res.rr.com) 21.19.06 # A LUA code parser could be written in PHP or CGI (if some doesn't exist already) and if the script returns errors, the site won't accept 21.19.22 # or instead of not accepting, it could put the script for manual reviewing. 21.19.50 # sure. But that leaves us to what we currently have with the theme site: some software that does rather strict checking 21.19.53 # You see, a LUA code parser won't parse http://thisisspam.com as that isn't valid LUA code. 21.20.06 # which in turn means that you need such a site for any file type users want to share. 21.20.07 # exactly. 21.20.15 # gbl08ma_: no, but presumably something like "http://thisisspam.com" *is* 21.20.26 # one for fonts. One for fm presets. One for lua. One for ... 21.20.37 # And spammers are getting more sophisticated all the time 21.20.51 # Fonts are easy as they have a specific file header, no? 21.20.56 # given the fact that we already have enough code to write and too less time to do so I wouldn't want to add more work there 21.21.09 # And how would you put spam on a RB font? 21.21.28 # every character appears as http://thisisspam.com 21.21.28 Quit Rondom (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 21.21.33 # so upload an mp3 file that has the font file header in front of it, and post a text saying "strip the first 10 bytes of the file to play it"? 21.22.06 # Well, font files presumably can be checked a bit more without too much difficulty 21.22.09 Join Rondom [0] (~rondom@ 21.22.11 # wtachi: that's a bit difficult to put a url on a 32x32 (at max) square, no? 21.22.15 # oh 21.22.36 Quit Rondom (Disconnected by services) 21.22.46 # font files - yes. But what other files can't? 21.22.47 # But yes, I agree that a decent checker is needed if we want "easy" font sharing 21.22.57 Join Rondom_ [0] (~rondom@nonmodosedetiam.net) 21.23.22 # bluebrother: we have to be careful not to go overboard in the other direction either 21.23.24 # if people and bots were to post spam on the RB sites, we would have the theme site full of spam, with, for example, themes which backdrop is an ad. 21.23.50 # "We can't check lua scripts, so we won't do *anything*" isn't a good idea either 21.24.50 # all of the files that user post are validated by people right now? 21.24.51 # <[Saint]> gbl08ma_; the likelyhood of a spambot figuring out what's needed to be a valid theme is so remote..it's not funny. 21.25.00 # <[Saint]> the themesite is a poor example. 21.25.11 # And hey, humans are not sooo stupid as we are making them. if such site lets users post comments, or at least, rate and report items, a way too reported (or bad rated) item (script, font or whatever) would catch the attention of the site admins, no? 21.25.27 # gbl08ma_: yes 21.25.40 # We need to find a proper balance 21.25.59 # Well 21.26.00 # about massive bot attacks (1000's of scripts being posted every minute), that's easy to control too IMO 21.26.19 # just impose a limit on how much a specific IP can upload per day( or hour). 21.26.52 # <[Saint]> you should go solve the spam problems on the forum ;) 21.26.58 # that, combined with captcha and email confirmation gives a pretty secure bot protection I think. 21.27.09 # Spam isn't done by bots any more 21.27.10 # I don't see that much spam on the forum :) 21.27.28 # gbl08ma_: do you know how many people clean up the forum? :) 21.27.29 # <[Saint]> gbl08ma_: it's mostly removed before you see it. 21.27.40 # Spam doesn't *stay* long, but it is there 21.27.52 # And it's tweaked to look harmless and on topic 21.27.59 Join Rondom [0] (~rondom@nonmodosedetiam.net) 21.28.18 Quit Rondom_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 21.28.28 # <[Saint]> saying "spam is easy to solve" is practically laughable. 21.28.42 # compare the number of forum posts and the expected number of lua scripts per day 21.28.44 # it'd be much easier to check for SPAM fonts and LUA scripts than for spam forum posts 21.29.40 # How many scripts do we expect anyway? 21.30.07 # I don't see more than 10 scripts posted per day. even 10 is a high number. 21.30.22 # there will be weeks without posting scripts 21.30.26 # I'd believe 10 per year :) 21.30.29 # that doesn't make a script site less a target for attackers 21.30.34 # gevaerts: exactly 21.30.40 # 10 per decade! ;-) 21.30.49 # <[Saint]> that's more likely. 21.30.53 # bluebrother: no, but it does make it at least possible to consider a "moderator queue" 21.30.54 # bluebrother: not so much 21.31.24 # a moderator queue would be the best solution in the first times of the site I think 21.31.43 # if we see we're receiving too many scripts to be possible to check them manually, then we'll see 21.32.04 # One problem these days is that we also have phone ports. That has the potential to make us *much* more attractive for attackers 21.32.14 # personally I have a couple of simple LUA scripts on my player that could be shared on a site like that. 21.32.21 # [Saint]: Do you have the bdf versions of those fonts? 21.32.26 # gevaerts: true 21.32.27 # if it's that few, you could just have people ask in IRC to have a script posted 21.32.56 # gevaerts: just remove the Android port. It's unusable after all :) 21.33.02 # wtachi: like having a page saying "We have these scripts available, contact XXXperson if you want some of them"? 21.33.05 # <[Saint]> AlexP: they were converted from a .ttf font. 21.33.10 # <[Saint]> I have those, somewhere. 21.33.11 # * domonoky thinks it would be nice to have more sites for user contributed things.. but it looks like we dont have many people who want to work on such sites.. and they need quite a bit of web-coding for checking etc.. 21.33.14 # bluebrother: I agree! That will also resolve the debate about the "mission statement" :) 21.33.26 # we have a mission? 21.33.29 # I'm under the impression that we have the bdfs in svn 21.33.33 # for example the themesite was still at 3.7 for checkwps (until today) 21.33.40 # bluebrother: no, just a statement :) 21.33.40 # gbl08ma_: no, anyone can download a script, but only trusted people can upload them 21.33.41 # And .fnt formats are generated from those 21.33.41 # Hey, I don't think it makes sense to interpret LUA from Rockbox in Android anyway... 21.33.44 # * bluebrother wants to build convttf with VS and have it working, but that's not a mission 21.33.45 # TheLemonMan: did you figured out the protocol ? 21.33.51 # But I may be wrong :) 21.33.51 # bluebrother: "Rockbox is an open source firmware for mp3 players, written from scratch" 21.33.59 # ah, that one 21.34.13 # gevaerts: "Rockbox is an open source firmware for outdated mp3 players" :P 21.34.34 # s/firmware/software/ and we are fine :-) 21.34.42 # Xd 21.34.44 # * gbl08ma_ thinks that in the last minutes the IRC has 100000 times more activity than the SVN. conclusion: too many people talking and very few people working :) 21.34.59 # bluebrother: "Rockbox is an open source place to argue about features" :) 21.35.29 # that's sad 21.35.54 # pamaury: yep, i just need to find out how to use libhid (or libusb) to send the commands back 21.36.19 # libusb is easy to use 21.36.33 # don't know about libhid, never used such a thing 21.36.44 # is that enough to talk with the device ? 21.36.44 # perhaps you can document it on the wiki ? 21.36.54 # libusb is sufficient yes 21.37.05 # gbl08ma_: its saturday 21.37.06 # so, gimme a few mins to write a tester 21.37.27 # gevaerts: "Rockbox is a smurf for smurf written from smurf" :D 21.37.45 # bluebrother: I *knew* that would come in useful some day! :) 21.38.02 # hehe. I kinda liked that back then :) 21.38.16 # actually i love the "random trance loop" rockbox's feature 21.38.46 # TheLemonMan: if you want, I can provide with an example but really libusb is easy to use 21.39.26 # np, i should have some code in the trash 21.40.47 # gb108ma can you send me your couple of lua scripts that you were talking about? 21.42.28 # * AlexP posts to -dev about AA fonts 21.46.09 # kev2011: they are just scripts to enable and disabling CPU boost quickly, for debug purposes. You won't find them useful, I think. 21.46.17 # <[Saint]> AlexP: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-70a6640d.html these are the .ttf fonts they were converted from. 21.46.24 # <[Saint]> (if that helps any) 21.46.36 # kev2011: it's not difficult to write yours if you're interested 21.46.59 # hmm, convttf copes with paths to the file but not if that path uses \ 21.47.19 # [Saint]: thanks, I'll see what the response to the e-mail gives 21.48.06 # ok i'm gonna look at your contacts code then 21.48.30 # and the output when build with VS is still wrong. 21.50.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.50.28 # kev2011: note that the table save/open code is not written by me, I found it at lua official website under no explicit license. I take it as public domain. 21.53.24 Quit L-Strife89 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 21.54.30 Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) 21.55.55 # <[Saint]> AlexP: It will be a while before I get the chance to reply to the mailing list properly, but IMO generating the .fnt's at build time is not an option, you can feel free to pass this opinion on if I have not found the time to do so yet. The reason I believe this is so, is that *every* single one of the fonts required different tweaks to the ascent'descent and character spacing to get them to appear "uniforom". 21.56.33 # [Saint]: Would be good to say that, you can just post this when you get the chance :) 21.57.54 # <[Saint]> It would be nice to generate them in this way, but there's no one value you could use as a "recipie" to get a consistent result through the range of sizes. 21.58.32 # <[Saint]> It required a lot of tedious editing for each size, but the end result was worth it. 21.58.56 # [Saint]: It would be very useful to say that when you get a second 21.59.28 # <[Saint]> I'll write it out with a bit more thought when I get home. 22.01.06 Quit krazykit (Quit: fu intel) 22.02.43 # pamaury: im having some issues with libusb :| 22.04.16 Join L-Strife89 [0] (~Strife89@adsl-068-209-124-086.sip.mcn.bellsouth.net) 22.06.48 # libusb is tricky at first 22.07.09 # i'm getting a DB error on themes.rockbox.org 22.07.19 # it keeps returning different errors each time 22.07.39 # and anyone knows that's the problem? 22.07.49 # *by that's I meant what's 22.08.26 Join sevendeuce [0] (~sevendeuc@CPE00222d6e1f50-CM00222d6e1f4d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 22.08.37 Quit sevendeuce (Client Quit) 22.08.59 # gevaerts: you had some patch to fix those escape sequences in convttf, right? 22.09.56 Join sevendeuce [0] (~sevendeuc@CPE00222d6e1f50-CM00222d6e1f4d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 22.09.56 Nick sevendeuce is now known as whoismaple (~sevendeuc@CPE00222d6e1f50-CM00222d6e1f4d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) 22.10.05 Join Buschel [0] (~chatzilla@p54B67F01.dip.t-dialin.net) 22.10.40 # bluebrother: I *had*, yes :\ 22.10.47 # * gevaerts seems to have mislaid it 22.10.59 # Anyone know how to check battery level while charging? or if it is even possible. 22.10.59 # It was quite hacky though 22.11.08 Join krazykit [0] (~krazykit@99-126-205-52.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) 22.11.23 # I think I just used \r and some extra spaces at the end of the format string to make sure 22.11.55 # <[Saint]> whoismaple: system > debug (keep out!) > view battery 22.12.43 Quit robin0800 (Quit: Leaving) 22.12.47 # gevaerts: well, at least better than some escape characters that don't work reliably 22.13.01 # I'm actually on that screen right now, how would i know its at %100? 22.13.02 # <[Saint]> whoismaple: what is available in this screen is vastly target dependant. 22.13.18 # <[Saint]> what target is it? 22.13.24 # bluebrother: the escape characters work quite reliably for me :) 22.13.37 # sanza fuze v1 22.13.57 # rasher, domonoky: did you have access to the theme site? 22.14.05 # <[Saint]> you can *possibly* use the wheel to scroll to another page of the battery screen. 22.14.47 # escape sequence to be exact 22.14.55 Join sideral [0] (~sideral@ 22.14.56 Quit sideral (Changing host) 22.14.56 Join sideral [0] (~sideral@rockbox/developer/sideral) 22.14.59 # <[Saint]> whoismaple; Whoops, I forgot an easier way ;) 22.15.05 # gevaerts: sure 22.15.13 # <[Saint]> system > debug (keep out) > Rockbox Info 22.15.17 # rasher: "DB Error: database is locked" 22.15.25 # Oh dear 22.15.35 # No idea if user access is good enough to clean that up though 22.15.36 # i tried that screen first it just says "charging" 22.15.55 # but in the battery info on the last page it says 18% 22.16.06 # perharps that is it? 22.16.22 # <[Saint]> Hmmm...odd. Well, there's the idea then. Apparently this infomation isn't presented in a sane way. 22.16.29 # <[Saint]> (on your device) 22.16.31 # the control message keeps timing out, any idea ? 22.16.45 # <[Saint]> The only way to do it would be to use a theme that presents this info in the .sbs 22.17.10 # good idea :) thanks im gonna try that 22.17.18 # gevaerts: Well... 22.17.51 # TheLemonMan: that's not quite normal 22.17.54 # interesting, msvc doesn't complain about that escape sequence but gcc does 22.18.11 # are you sure you're using it correctly ? and sending the good messages ? 22.18.39 # bluebrother: it may not complain, but I doubt if the resulting binary will behave as intended 22.18.55 # rasher: anything to see? 22.19.05 # TheLemonMan: if you are bored, just pastebin it so I can try to use/fix it 22.19.16 # gevaerts: well, convttf doesn't behave as intended when built with MSVC or MinGW anyway. 22.19.19 # Or do we need to find scorche|sh to kick the webserver? 22.19.26 # though I'd really like to know why. 22.19.39 # gevaerts: You probably don't want to hear this.. 22.20.06 # rasher: uh, bad? 22.20.15 # Sort of - it's sqlite 22.20.36 Quit whoismaple (Quit: Living is easy with eyes closed) 22.20.50 # I'm amazed it hasn't caused more trouble 22.21.00 # What is it doing? 22.21.28 # Trying to figure out how to tell 22.21.47 Join jhMikeS [0] (~jethead71@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) 22.22.43 # hm, I seem to have some login data too. Let's see if that still works 22.23.06 # Hm, there's a -journal 22.23.52 # owned by www-data, of course >_< 22.23.58 # hey how do you use the MENU button on ipod ? rb.actions.ACTION_KBD_MENU ? 22.24.47 # hrm, yes 22.25.03 Part gbl08ma_ 22.25.28 # Maybe scorche|sh forcefully apache will do the trick 22.25.37 # er, forcefully restarting 22.25.46 # It's supposed to fix itself the next time a process opens the db 22.25.47 # I prefer the first version 22.26.00 # pamaury: http://pastie.org/private/zpdjtbxcq8c0hilt97rheg 22.26.19 # But I suspect a hung apache process has the db open or something 22.26.31 # Of course with only user access it's hard to tell 22.26.55 # * gevaerts nods 22.27.46 # * rasher vigorously pings scorche|sh 22.28.45 # > If a crash or power loss does occur and a hot journal is left on the disk, it is essential that the original database file and the hot journal remain on disk with their original names until the database file is opened by another SQLite process and rolled back. 22.29.20 # Yes, but if the original process is still there, that first has to stop 22.29.25 # Indeed 22.29.32 # Nothing you and I can do about it 22.29.42 # Unless... 22.29.46 # Oh? 22.29.48 # What kernel is he running? ;) 22.30.23 # "" 22.31.00 # hm, let's not go that way :) 22.32.31 # TheLemonMan: why payload size set to -1 ? 22.33.06 # i was trying to send succesfully the handshake first 22.33.56 # in which direction is the transfer ? 22.34.06 Quit kev2011 (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) 22.34.20 # and why sleep(2) ? 22.34.42 # the direction is out 22.34.43 Join Stummi [0] (~Stummi@rockbox/developer/Stummi) 22.35.03 # the sleep is there because i taught it wanted some time to init 22.35.21 # New commit by 03bluebrother (r29698): Make convttf build with C89 compilers. ... 22.35.25 # I don't think it's needed 22.35.53 # I'll have a look later, thanks for trying. Did you documented the protocol somewhere ? 22.36.05 # nope 22.36.17 # want me to setup a wiki page ? 22.36.32 # yes, that would be nice 22.36.56 # perhaps we should create a imx233 page 22.39.56 # r29698 build result: All green 22.40.19 # rasher: one thing we *could* do is copy the database and move both the database and journal file away 22.40.52 # gevaerts: can we even move the journal file? 22.41.05 # we should 22.41.15 # The directory is ours 22.41.21 # Ah hm 22.41.27 # And no sticky stuff 22.41.41 # I suspect that would be fine 22.41.45 # it's probably just a vote or something 22.41.49 # pamaury: could you please send me your usb traces ? 22.42.22 # The journal is 20 bytes, how important can it be :) 22.42.27 # Not much :) 22.43.11 # Yeah, let's do that. Worst that can happen is it doesn't work, and we can go back to being stuck 22.43.17 # * gevaerts nods 22.43.51 # Should I or are you going to? 22.44.04 # Go ahead! 22.45.03 Part bcoco85 22.46.27 # That's.. weird 22.46.39 # still locked? locked again? 22.47.17 Quit Rondom (Disconnected by services) 22.47.37 # * rasher blinks 22.47.41 Join Rondom [0] (~rondom@nonmodosedetiam.net) 22.47.42 # rasher: the copy should be named themes.db. Locking is on inode probably 22.48.15 # oh ah 22.48.18 # I did it wrong, then 22.48.50 # okay here we go 22.49.28 # Yay! 22.49.35 # pamaury, jhMikeS: I have reopened FS#11877 - Spurious filesystem corruption after entering USB mode 22.51.27 # interesting - rockchip nand module seems to have 0x200 buffer only and moves it along to fill the page. Have anyone seen something like this? 22.52.48 # wow, MSVC2010 does include stdint.h! 22.56.43 # still no c99 support though. Even the easiest stuff isn't working :/ 22.57.38 # TheLemonMan: I'll do that as soon as I can, let me re reboot under linux 22.57.58 # nice :) 22.58.23 # im reading the docs to find some more infos 22.58.36 # but theres nothing new 23.01.37 # * pamaury will reboot under linux$ 23.01.39 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection) 23.03.44 Join gbl08ma_ [0] (~gbl08ma_@195-23-182-21.net.novis.pt) 23.07.35 Quit markun (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 23.07.56 Join markun [0] (~markun@ip503cd9a5.speed.planet.nl) 23.07.56 Quit markun (Changing host) 23.07.56 Join markun [0] (~markun@rockbox/developer/markun) 23.09.07 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@vit94-1-82-67-248-70.fbx.proxad.net) 23.09.16 Quit pamaury (Changing host) 23.09.16 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) 23.11.20 Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4A3C1.dip.t-dialin.net) 23.15.09 Quit einhirn (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 23.16.57 Quit esperegu (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 23.17.21 Join u42p [0] (~v35b@d082092.adsl.hansenet.de) 23.18.02 Quit Stummi (Quit: Bye!) 23.18.59 # TheLemonMan: I've got a report 23.19.18 # s/report/trace 23.20.51 # can you pastie it ? 23.21.37 Quit Jerom (Quit: Leaving.) 23.21.39 # do you have a preferred format ? 23.22.23 Quit L-Strife89 (Quit: Heading out) 23.22.24 # plain txt is fine 23.22.59 # hum, export doesn't want to work :( 23.24.42 # just like libusb, heh 23.25.22 # urg, wireshark is buggy as hell 23.28.14 Quit bthomson (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2) 23.28.32 # huh, and now that I managed to export it, it didn't include the content of the packets ! 23.28.37 Join bthomson [0] (~bthomson@pool-71-114-64-197.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net) 23.28.41 Quit bthomson (Client Quit) 23.29.21 # TheLemonMan: http://pastebin.com/iYNJxnxb 23.31.19 # TheLemonMan: http://pastebin.com/jKC4yc7D is the file I sent 23.31.52 Quit Leif (Quit: Leaving) 23.33.38 # i guess there are some magic commands issued with intr transfers 23.36.07 # what was that .sb meant to do anyway ? 23.36.23 # disconnect usb and disable usbphy 23.37.02 # was thinking of fancy framebuffer filling 23.37.13 Join dfkt [0] (~dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 23.37.53 # I think the protocol is simple: first report has some info and then it has the content; I'll have a look in a minute 23.39.11 # im going to get another trace 23.39.23 # with another cool program that decodes hid reports on the fly 23.41.06 Join JesusFreak316 [0] (~JesusFrea@pool-173-65-59-203.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) 23.44.27 Join bthomson [0] (~bthomson@pool-71-114-64-197.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net) 23.44.40 # TheLemonMan: is that me or the payload size is written once if LE and once in BE ? 23.44.50 Quit bthomson (Client Quit) 23.46.00 # pamaury: right 23.46.35 Join bthomson [0] (~bthomson@pool-71-114-64-197.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net) 23.49.43 Quit stoffel (Remote host closed the connection) 23.50.32 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.54.28 # hm, the themesite seems to have some problems.. i updated the release checkwps binarys today and started a checkwps run, that probably locked it up until rasher kicked it. Now some themes are still not checked with 3.8.1 checkwps binarys... should i start a new checkwps run, or is that too risky ? :-) 23.55.08 Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Welcome to the Internet, where the men are men, the women are men and the children are agents of the FBI) 23.55.22 # domonoky: I'd say go ahead 23.56.10 # "error: attempt to write to a read-only database" :-) 23.56.42 # the themesite is now protected against any modifications :-) (including submitting new themes) 23.58.44 Quit leavittx (Read error: Operation timed out)