--- Log for 16.11.114 Server: tepper.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot- Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 3 days and 15 hours ago 00.10.54 # <[Franklin]> foo|sh: ping 00.12.58 Quit y4n (Quit: Today is the perfect day for a perfect day.) 00.20.26 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.91 [Firefox 34.0/20141110195804]) 00.34.06 # <[Franklin]> git is acting weirdly... 00.34.20 # <[Franklin]> I run git rebase -i master, and it says there's conflicts 00.34.32 # <[Franklin]> so I run git rebase --abort and git rebase -i master again 00.34.39 # <[Franklin]> and then there's no conflicts 00.39.34 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 00.41.48 # <[Franklin]> I'm not really complaining; it does what I'd expect 00.45.38 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 00.48.52 # <[Franklin]> but still, its weird 01.12.34 Join yuriks_ [0] (~quassel@opentyrian/developer/yuriks) 01.17.57 Nick foo|sh is now known as foolsh (~foolsh@c-24-11-243-148.hsd1.in.comcast.net) 01.18.22 # [Franklin] pong 01.18.51 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: welcome back 01.19.39 # I didn't go any where, just on a different sleeping schecdule ;) 01.20.13 # I don't understand the rotation code very well 01.20.19 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: I fixed it 01.20.33 # <[Franklin]> check the forums :P 01.20.51 # I'm gonna change your name to speedy 01.20.55 # <[Franklin]> I'm surprised I didn't catch that before pushing 01.20.57 Nick [Franklin] is now known as [Speedy] (~franklin@cpe-071-071-039-006.triad.res.rr.com) 01.21.27 # <[Speedy]> anyway, I also _think_ I fixed the crash with load/save 01.21.42 # what do think of the save load scheme that I put in place? 01.21.45 # <[Speedy]> it just disables saving from the main menu when you haven't loaded a game yet 01.22.01 # okay 01.22.06 # <[Speedy]> foolsh: It needs some sort of safety net to keep people from wiping their games 01.22.11 # <[Speedy]> and a save+quit option 01.22.16 # <[Speedy]> other than that, I like it 01.22.31 # I took out save+quit 01.22.37 # it just save 01.22.39 # or load 01.22.42 # or quit 01.23.12 # <[Speedy]> foolsh: I'd think there should be "save+quit" and "quit" 01.23.18 # <[Speedy]> just for convenience 01.23.21 Nick [Speedy] is now known as [Franklin] (~franklin@cpe-071-071-039-006.triad.res.rr.com) 01.23.46 # btw, why would you delete a save file on load? that's just silly :P 01.24.09 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: to make it "seamless" 01.24.20 # <[Franklin]> you load, play, save, and quit 01.24.30 # <[Franklin]> that works for simple games (eg 2048) 01.24.44 Quit ender` (Quit: Money is the root of all evil, and man needs roots.) 01.25.36 # I like having seperate "load" "save" and "quit" it gives control to the user to do what they feel is best 01.25.55 # I admitt I was frustrated before 01.26.03 # <[Franklin]> yeah, I'd like to keep that 01.26.13 # <[Franklin]> and add a save+quit option 01.26.17 # ok 01.26.38 # <[Franklin]> and also give the user a warning when they just quit (without saving) 01.26.38 # but not deleting the save file until a new save is made ;) 01.26.45 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: oh yeah 01.26.57 # alright sounds great 01.27.34 # <[Franklin]> also, I'm still not sure if it should be "counterclockwise" or "anticlockwise" 01.27.55 # * [Saint] stirs the pot 01.28.06 # <[Saint]> quicksave/load that just remembers the save from that session! 01.28.07 # <[Saint]> ;p 01.28.11 # <[Saint]> ...now...go! 01.28.19 # <[Franklin]> [Saint]: no... 01.28.32 # <[Franklin]> [Saint]: it deletes after loading 01.28.35 Quit chrisb (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 01.29.20 # conventionally it's counter clockwise silly 01.29.29 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: but that's american english 01.29.39 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: I prefer counterclockwise too 01.29.47 # <[Saint]> If you wanna be pedantic, it varies by locale. 01.29.51 # <[Franklin]> and this project uses british english 01.29.55 # <[Saint]> ^ 01.30.03 # <[Franklin]> [Saint]: well, how do you localize a plugin? 01.30.15 # <[Saint]> You don't. I expect. 01.30.33 # <[Franklin]> so counterclockwise? 01.31.36 # <[Saint]> anti-clockwise is the common En-UK variant. 01.31.52 # <[Saint]> counterclockwise the common En-US variant. 01.31.56 # <[Franklin]> [Saint]: everything else in rockbox uses "counterclockwise"... comments, everything 01.32.02 # <[Franklin]> except the rockblox manual 01.32.10 # we're tlaking about a comment anyways so it doesn't really make a big difference ;P 01.32.19 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: and the option ;) 01.32.21 # <[Saint]> A comment? Gah... 01.32.27 # <[Saint]> Fuck the comment. ;p 01.32.35 # oh yeah I forgot 01.32.36 # <[Franklin]> [Saint]: there is a menu for that says counterclockwise too 01.32.42 # <[Saint]> Ah. 01.33.05 # <[Franklin]> so it /does/ matter ;) 01.33.08 Nick yuriks_ is now known as yuriks (~quassel@opentyrian/developer/yuriks) 01.33.10 # <[Saint]> I'd default to En-UK personally. 01.33.33 # <[Franklin]> [Saint]: but the rest of the codebase uses counterclockwise... change that too? 01.33.53 # <[Saint]> Nope. ANything the user doesn't see doesn't matter. 01.34.11 # <[Franklin]> the manual? 01.34.22 # <[Saint]> ...does the user see the manual? 01.34.26 # <[Franklin]> yes 01.34.29 # <[Franklin]> they do 01.34.29 # <[Saint]> So? 01.34.39 # <[Franklin]> well, the manual's "correct" 01.34.44 # <[Franklin]> so no, it doesn't matter 01.34.52 # <[Franklin]> well, anticlockwise it is 01.35.13 # <[Franklin]> well, anticlockwise it is 01.35.16 # <[Franklin]> sry 01.35.58 # lol whatever 01.36.17 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: I was actually hoping it would be counterclockwise 01.36.31 # <[Franklin]> but there'd be no way [Saint] would approve :D 01.36.56 # fuck it we'll use degrees 01.37.00 # <[Franklin]> lol 01.37.01 # :P 01.37.27 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: it complicates things a bit if the loading code doesn't delete the save 01.38.13 # so delete it right before save 01.38.19 # thats how I had it 01.38.42 # <[Franklin]> no... in order to have a "quit wo/ saving" and a "save+quit" option 01.38.55 # <[Franklin]> if the loading code didn't delete, "quit wo/ saving" code would have to 01.39.05 # <[Franklin]> but it doesn't know how 01.39.41 # <[Franklin]> so it'd be easier to have the loading code delete it, and then have "quit wo/ saving" to just exit, and "save+quit" to save 01.40.46 # <[Franklin]> the drawback of this approach would be in the event of a crash, the save would be lost 01.41.27 # then it becomes a pain in the ass to just "save" after a difficult area and "load" it from the menu, instead of dieing and starting the scene from the very beggining 01.42.00 # I don't see the problem I had no difficulties with it so far 01.42.10 Join chrisb [0] (~chrisb@li482-205.members.linode.com) 01.42.16 # I was pulling my hair outwondering where my saves were going 01.42.16 # * [Franklin] is now confused 01.42.37 # <[Franklin]> with the delete on load? 01.42.50 # me too, let me see your code tonight before I pass judgement :) 01.43.20 # * [Franklin] will change the code to not delete on load 01.43.24 # <[Franklin]> at the cost of elegance 01.43.31 # <[Franklin]> and a few added functions 01.43.58 # <[Franklin]> then tell me if that's what you want 01.46.18 # Okay, sorry if I seem passionate about it, it's not a casual game, when the player gets past a difficult area, it's nice to save and jump back there with a load if they die, deleting the save on "load" prevents this 01.46.51 # * [Franklin] understands completely 01.47.56 # <[Franklin]> ok it seems to be working 01.48.02 # <[Franklin]> now to add the "safety net" 01.48.30 # <[Franklin]> actually, first I'll push to give you an idea 01.49.26 # <[Franklin]> ok look at engine.c and sys.c 01.49.31 # <[Franklin]> (the diffs) 01.49.49 # <[Franklin]> is that what you were talking about? 01.51.45 # that works 01.51.50 # <[Franklin]> alright 01.52.13 # did you reintroduce motion blur and anti aliasing? 01.52.19 # <[Franklin]> no 01.52.40 # <[Franklin]> as [Saint] said, people will get very angry at me if I did 01.52.59 # <[Franklin]> lol 01.53.14 # pfft, if its done in the audio buffer it should have enough memory 01.53.32 # <[Saint]> I don't mean froma core perspective. 01.53.39 # the fuze+ can handle it, not sure about other targest 01.53.41 # <[Saint]> I mean about from a pissing on a classic game perspective. 01.53.50 # oh lol maybe 01.54.36 # <[Saint]> I posit most poeple playing this would've had a fond memory for the original and want to see it semi faithfully represented. 01.54.44 # <[Franklin]> [Saint]: its disabled by default 01.54.50 # <[Franklin]> (would be, that is) 01.55.07 # <[Franklin]> I imagine negative would piss people off enough 01.56.06 Quit krabador (Quit: Sto andando via) 01.56.26 # <[Franklin]> but hey, it was pretty cool 01.56.38 # <[Franklin]> so yeah, I'll get the kinks worked out 01.57.14 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador) 01.57.37 Quit krabador (Client Quit) 02.02.18 # [Franklin] "git rm apps/plugins/bitmaps/native/xworld_title.320x240x24.bmp" and "git rm apps/plugins/bitmaps/native/xworld_title.640x480x24.bmp" 02.02.33 # unless you're trying to sneak them back in ;) 02.07.41 Quit [Franklin] (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 02.09.33 Join [Franklin] [0] (~franklin@cpe-071-071-039-006.triad.res.rr.com) 02.12.50 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: lol 02.14.06 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: I'm not sure how those got in 02.14.49 # <[Franklin]> ok 02.14.51 # <[Franklin]> pushed 02.15.04 # gerrit if a shithole to colaborate on 02.15.17 Join ungali [0] (~ungali@S010600226b6da694.cg.shawcable.net) 02.15.17 Quit ungali (Changing host) 02.15.17 Join ungali [0] (~ungali@unaffiliated/ungali) 02.15.20 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: this is really sad: http://inversethought.com/jordi/piccies/lol.png 02.16.01 # <[Franklin]> at one point, there were almost 800 commits per month 02.16.19 # <[Franklin]> now we're down to like 20 02.16.37 # so do a hardware port and that's a few hundred right there :) 02.16.44 # <[Franklin]> lol 02.17.03 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: yeah, too bad you can't squeeze 50 or so commits out of a plugin :) 02.18.42 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: perhaps 10 at most 02.19.17 Quit bertrik (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 02.19.22 # it always peaks in winter ;) 02.19.30 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: why? 02.19.49 # <[Franklin]> hmm... interesting 02.19.51 # clod bored people huddled around cpus for warm 02.19.55 # cold* 02.20.00 # <[Franklin]> lol 02.20.16 # <[Franklin]> college students on break? 02.26.31 # chirstmas gifts that need rockbox ports ;) 02.26.37 # <[Franklin]> lol 02.26.49 # * [Franklin] tries to get git show to list ALL the commits 02.26.54 # <[Franklin]> can't seem to figure it out 02.27.58 # <[Franklin]> aha git log! 02.29.34 # <[Franklin]> hmm... can't seem to get UTC times 02.31.40 # <[Franklin]> ok... since the first commit, there's been 32687 commits 02.31.45 # <[Franklin]> (in my local tree) 02.31.59 # <[Franklin]> I like how its an anagram of 2^15 02.32.17 Quit sakax (Remote host closed the connection) 02.33.01 # * [Franklin] decides to make his own cool graphs 02.34.51 Quit scorche` (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 02.39.36 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.41.21 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 02.45.00 # http://creativepc.no-ip.org/projects/rockbox/repository/statistics 02.46.14 # <[Franklin]> oh cool 02.46.48 # * [Franklin] is a little speck 02.47.24 # I have been known to look for help finishing in the past g#656 02.47.27 # 3Gerrit review #656 at http://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/656 : 3WinCE SDL port & new Toolchain CeGCC 0.59 (WIP) by Benjamin Brown 02.47.32 # <[Franklin]> any way to make it have a longer time frame? 02.47.44 # I'll even donate some hardware if you're interested 02.48.06 # <[Franklin]> nah 02.48.28 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: actually, get me interested 02.48.39 # * [Franklin] wants to get lower-level 02.48.47 # I can make it longer but have to go log in and edit the sources 02.49.06 # I've wanted to start a hardware port for one of those wince devices 02.49.11 # could boot it with haret 02.49.45 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: I have no experience whatsoever with that kind of thing :) 02.50.09 # neither did I, and it should never stop you 02.50.24 # unless you want to be a surgeon or something 02.50.41 # then stop before you cut open people 02.50.53 # <[Franklin]> lol 02.51.18 Quit chkktri (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 02.52.02 # the tool chain I was using for that has two flavors 02.52.12 # cegcc and mingw32ce 02.52.41 # the former was for running native code on bare metel 02.52.53 # the later for of course under WinCE 02.52.59 # <[Franklin]> yeah 02.53.29 # I flipped a flopped at first as to which to use 02.53.42 # I though boot with haret? 02.53.46 # thought* 02.53.55 # or run a SDL app 02.54.02 Join scorche [0] (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) 02.54.13 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: SDL app would be way easier 02.54.18 # <[Franklin]> I'd think 02.54.20 # since I'm no genius, naturally 02.54.27 # I choose SDL 02.56.49 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: so what's its current state? 02.57.56 # mostly done, I have to get errno.h in there some where, I think 02.58.16 # and it dependancies 02.58.41 # * foolsh needs another cup of joe 03.00.06 Quit AlexP (Remote host closed the connection) 03.18.05 Join chkktri [0] (~chkktri@unaffiliated/chkktri) 03.24.21 Quit [Franklin] (Quit: Lost terminal) 03.25.28 Join franklin [0] (~franklin@cpe-071-071-039-006.triad.res.rr.com) 03.25.36 Nick franklin is now known as [Franklin] (~franklin@cpe-071-071-039-006.triad.res.rr.com) 03.29.18 Join ikeboy [0] (~ikeboy@ool-435622d3.dyn.optonline.net) 03.29.20 Part ikeboy 03.37.45 Quit [Franklin] (Quit: Lost terminal) 03.38.11 Join franklin [0] (~franklin@cpe-071-071-039-006.triad.res.rr.com) 03.38.17 Nick franklin is now known as [Franklin] (~franklin@cpe-071-071-039-006.triad.res.rr.com) 03.41.28 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: what's next for xworld? 03.41.34 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: it needs some more PR 03.44.05 # can we increase the frame rate on the e200? 03.44.23 # we sleep a little, and fast mode is too fast 03.44.34 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: oh yeah, I almost forgot 03.44.45 # * [Franklin] will try just dividing the sleep time by 2 03.45.10 # I can ignore scroll events some how too, as well? 03.45.26 # <[Franklin]> hmm? 03.45.29 # it interupts input 03.45.45 # <[Franklin]> scroll events? 03.45.52 # on the e200 sorry 03.46.17 # scroll event fromteh e200 interupt inputs, causing jerkiness 03.46.26 # * [Franklin] doesn't know 03.46.29 # * [Franklin] doesn't know how 03.47.00 # you did something about that refresh button for hte ipod I'll see about the e200 tonight 03.47.10 # should be similair 03.47.20 # just has to catch it and exit the loop 03.47.22 # <[Franklin]> oh yeah 03.47.33 # <[Franklin]> if you can figure out the button, it'll be easy 03.52.45 Quit ungali (Quit: ungali) 03.58.52 # [Franklin] it seems almost a little redundant to have the menun duplication, does jumping to the game if no save exists yet sound better? 04.00.12 # so another words, starting the plugin the first time will jump to the code input screen 04.00.38 # and after exiting and saving the next time we can jump to the one menu 04.00.43 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: nah 04.01.01 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: people might want to change settings a bit before starting 04.01.11 # they could pause and do that 04.01.11 # <[Franklin]> and plus, it'd be inconsistent 04.01.37 # * foolsh won't argue with [Franklin] since he does all the work 04.01.51 # <[Franklin]> lol 04.02.00 # * foolsh is just works it out slowly 04.02.30 # gah, y words! 04.02.38 # <[Franklin]> IKR? 04.03.36 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: but it could be a menu option 04.03.39 # <[Franklin]> "Skip to game" 04.03.53 # <[Franklin]> and sys_menu just automatically returns if its set and there's a save 04.04.37 # right something like that, seems... more elegant 04.05.30 # <[Franklin]> and then of course it could be turned off from the pause menu 04.05.56 # the duplication is what kills it, need simplification 04.07.12 # <[Franklin]> ? 04.09.48 # I was talking about the menu code being duplicated 04.10.17 # but it's not a show stopper, 04.10.19 # <[Franklin]> ah yes 04.10.23 # <[Franklin]> it needs refactoring 04.10.34 # <[Franklin]> the whole plugin does, actually :) 04.10.41 # It seems some scenes play much slower/faster than others 04.10.54 # I got past the first scene 04.11.07 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: yes, that's to be expected 04.14.25 # * foolsh wonders why, since we have more than enough cpu to do the job 04.14.40 # even on the ten year old e200 04.17.23 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: overhead from the simulation for one 04.17.23 # <[Franklin]> and the fact that the game intentionally sleeps between frames 04.17.24 # <[Franklin]> /ping ChanServ 04.17.24 DBUG Enqueued KICK [Franklin] 04.17.24 # <[Franklin]> sry 04.18.10 # since we can already return the fps, can't we use that to tell us how much we have to adjust the sleep time? 04.18.38 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: yes 04.18.38 # granted thats complicated but not impossible 04.18.45 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: it's not really 04.18.51 # <[Franklin]> just multiplying the sleep value 04.18.53 # is for me ;) 04.19.18 # <[Franklin]> ok, I'll try dividing it in two 04.19.23 # <[Franklin]> (by) 04.19.27 # later 04.19.35 # oh by not bye 04.20.11 # <[Franklin]> lol 04.21.54 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: try the latest patch set (no fast mode, just normal) 04.22.10 # alright e200? fuze+? both? 04.22.17 # <[Franklin]> both I guess 04.22.23 # <[Franklin]> though e200 would be more interesting 04.22.26 # okay 04.24.42 # <[Franklin]> do it for the code screen, intro, and "pool" scene :) 04.25.38 # alright 04.36.16 Quit amiconn (Disconnected by services) 04.36.16 Join amiconn_ [0] (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 04.36.17 # fuze+ is 33fps no matter what scaling or rotation on the code input scene, the intro plays at 10-25 fps, the pool scene at about 16 fps, the cage scene at 11fps 04.36.19 Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn) 04.36.26 # it much faster 04.36.34 # <[Franklin]> good! 04.36.39 # <[Franklin]> what about e200? 04.36.39 Quit pixelma (Disconnected by services) 04.36.40 Join pixelma_ [0] (pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 04.36.42 Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) 04.36.54 # still building 04.37.19 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 04.37.19 # * [Franklin] needs to get his build server booted up 04.37.27 # almost to fast on the fuze+ 04.37.36 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: that's not a problem! :P 04.37.36 # but not slow at all 04.37.58 # yes it's nice 04.38.08 # I can run the good scalling 04.38.13 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: well, I guess it needs a setting to enable it 04.38.28 # medium mode? 04.38.33 # <[Franklin]> perhaps "Speed:" "50%" "100%" "150%" "MAX" 04.38.38 # yes 04.39.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.45.13 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: what's the FPS on e200? 04.46.29 # <[Franklin]> it's gettin' late 04.46.30 # <[Franklin]> gnite 04.47.11 # e200 is 4fps with good scaling and rotation on the code input scene 20 with fast scaling the intro plays at 10-24 fps, the pool scene at about 11-14 fps 04.47.29 # with only th efast scaling on after the code input screen 04.47.45 # its much better 04.49.35 # ther's an off by one onthe e200, the screen has a white line up the right hand side with rotation CCW but no big deal 04.50.46 Quit [Franklin] (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 05.47.47 Quit TheSeven (Disconnected by services) 05.47.59 Join [7] [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) 05.51.07 Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 05.56.53 Quit chrisb (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 06.23.08 Quit foolsh (Remote host closed the connection) 06.36.14 Join foolsh [0] (~foolsh@c-24-11-243-148.hsd1.in.comcast.net) 06.39.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.49.32 Join Jinx [0] (~Jinx@unaffiliated/jinx) 06.51.25 Join kiwicam [0] (~quassel@121-99-190-82.bng1.nct.orcon.net.nz) 06.51.47 Nick kiwicam is now known as Guest33084 (~quassel@121-99-190-82.bng1.nct.orcon.net.nz) 06.58.27 Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@ppp118-209-84-149.lns20.mel4.internode.on.net) 06.59.25 Quit JdGordon_ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 07.01.48 Join dfkt_ [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 07.01.57 Quit dfkt (Disconnected by services) 07.02.12 Nick dfkt_ is now known as dfkt (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) 07.15.49 Join chrisb [0] (~chrisb@li482-205.members.linode.com) 07.30.59 Quit charlie (Remote host closed the connection) 07.33.56 Join charlie [0] (~c@unaffiliated/charlie) 07.37.15 Join JdGordon_ [0] (~jonno@ppp118-209-254-52.lns20.mel8.internode.on.net) 07.38.36 Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 08.01.20 Join AlexP [0] (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP) 08.26.51 Join benwah [0] (48eaa3a7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 08.27.05 # hi 08.27.17 # hello benwah 08.28.13 # I purchased sansa clip zip long ago. Is this still a good model to buy or is something obviously better these days 08.29.49 Join idundidit [0] (~idundidit@66-215-119-163.dhcp.atsc.ca.charter.com) 08.30.49 # I admit, I know very little on this subject, but personally if price was not an option, I would seek out a creative zen, or ipod video to mod. 08.31.47 # the fuze line of products may be plastic happy meal feeling players, but the screen size is nice 08.33.53 # i only listen to song ever 08.34.12 # then the clip line, is still the right fit 08.36.17 # From the wiki "Rockbox runs on the Clip v1, Clip v2, Clip+ and ClipZip? models, and is generally stable enough to use. " 08.38.05 Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) 08.39.45 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.45.15 # yeah i had good experience with rockbox on clip zip 08.47.36 Quit Guest33084 (Remote host closed the connection) 08.49.27 Quit cmhobbs (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 08.56.43 Join ender` [0] (krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) 09.02.10 # my favorite thing about the zip line is that they can dangle harmlessly from the headphone cable if you drop them 09.08.47 Quit benwah (Quit: Page closed) 09.27.16 Join megal0maniac [0] (~megal0man@ 10.07.19 Quit chrisb (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 10.27.45 Join TheLemonMan [0] (~lemonboy@unaffiliated/thelemonman) 10.38.45 Join y4n [0] (~y4n@unaffiliated/y4ndexx) 10.39.47 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.15.20 Join lebellium [0] (~chatzilla@128-79-0-151.hfc.dyn.abo.bbox.fr) 11.24.44 Nick JdGordon_ is now known as JdGordon (~jonno@ppp118-209-254-52.lns20.mel8.internode.on.net) 11.38.13 Join bertrik [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik) 11.43.51 Join xorly [0] (~xorly@m180.dkm.cz) 12.39.51 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 12.44.40 Quit TheLemonMan (Remote host closed the connection) 13.20.02 Quit bertrik (Remote host closed the connection) 13.31.15 Quit xorly (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 13.37.34 Quit yuriks (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) 13.39.43 Join yuriks [0] (~quassel@opentyrian/developer/yuriks) 14.18.35 # Build Server message: 3New build round started. Revision 5796969, 255 builds, 25 clients. 14.18.57 Join wodz [0] (~wodz@89-75-106-114.dynamic.chello.pl) 14.31.05 Quit wodz (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 14.31.56 Join wodz [0] (~wodz@89-75-106-114.dynamic.chello.pl) 14.34.26 Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services) 14.34.31 Join bluebrother^ [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) 14.36.29 Quit fs-bluebot (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 14.37.13 Join fs-bluebot [0] (~fs-bluebo@g225253015.adsl.alicedsl.de) 14.39.54 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.46.59 Quit wodz (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 14.51.00 Join Strife89 [0] (~Strife89@adsl-98-80-212-67.mcn.bellsouth.net) 15.11.29 Join MMlosh [0] (~MMlosh@2001:470:6f:23:24f:63ff:fe01:4900) 15.34.25 Join goncalomb [0] (5d6cce86@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 15.42.29 Quit goncalomb (Quit: Page closed) 16.03.35 Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@53563CA6.cm-6-7a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) 16.03.35 Quit bertrik (Changing host) 16.03.35 Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) 16.04.34 Join cmhobbs [0] (~cmhobbs@ip98-186-66-92.fv.ks.cox.net) 16.04.35 Quit cmhobbs (Changing host) 16.04.35 Join cmhobbs [0] (~cmhobbs@fsf/member/cmhobbs) 16.11.50 Join wodz [0] (~wodz@89-75-106-114.dynamic.chello.pl) 16.31.21 Join xorly [0] (~xorly@m180.dkm.cz) 16.37.45 Join webguest997 [0] (~29eecce8@www.haxx.se) 16.38.12 Quit webguest997 (Client Quit) 16.39.23 Quit xorly (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 16.39.55 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.43.24 Join xorly [0] (~xorly@m180.dkm.cz) 17.17.53 Quit wodz (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 17.21.33 Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@pD9EE88C5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 17.22.53 Quit MMlosh (Quit: Bye...) 17.23.49 Join franklin [0] (~franklin@cpe-071-071-039-006.triad.res.rr.com) 17.23.52 Nick franklin is now known as [Franklin] (~franklin@cpe-071-071-039-006.triad.res.rr.com) 17.27.29 Quit AlexP (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 17.27.53 Join AlexP [0] (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP) 17.28.53 Join MMlosh [0] (~MMlosh@2001:470:6f:23:24f:63ff:fe01:4900) 17.58.55 # [Franklin] o/ 17.59.21 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: \o 17.59.27 # <[Franklin]> I got a nice graph of commits per day 17.59.55 # <[Franklin]> it turns out there were two major spikes in development 18.00.54 # oh? what do they correlate with? 18.01.06 # <[Franklin]> 8/21/2002 18.01.19 # <[Franklin]> and 10/1/2011 18.01.40 # <[Franklin]> there were 70 commits those two days 18.01.52 # * foolsh wonders what targets those were 18.02.09 # <[Franklin]> lol 18.02.19 # <[Franklin]> lets findo ut 18.02.45 # * foolsh has been slowly plucking away at keymaps for xworld 18.03.38 # xworld on the e200 is still less than spectacular with your latest changes 18.03.45 # <[Franklin]> fuze+ 18.03.57 # <[Franklin]> it was pamaury adding keymaps for fuze+ plugins 18.04.03 # lol 18.04.34 # <[Franklin]> http://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=log;pg=35 18.06.06 Quit kugel (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 18.11.53 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: http://fwei.tk/commits.png 18.12.46 # whoa 18.13.12 # <[Franklin]> its commits per day 18.13.20 # I see that 18.14.31 # <[Franklin]> lets try commits per month 18.16.02 # <[Franklin]> oh cool 18.18.44 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: http://fwei.tk/commits_per_month.png 18.19.05 # Object not found! 18.19.18 # <[Franklin]> try again 18.19.30 # +1 18.21.36 Join wodz [0] (~wodz@89-75-106-114.dynamic.chello.pl) 18.25.00 # <[Saint]> wfm 18.25.12 # <[Franklin]> [Saint]: yes? 18.26.05 # <[Franklin]> foolsh: I suspect that most of the commits are on weekends 18.28.56 # <[Franklin]> lets find out 18.35.04 # <[Franklin]> weird 18.35.16 # <[Franklin]> Monday and Sunday have the most commits 18.35.23 # <[Franklin]> friday and saturday have the least 18.36.00 # I guess that makes sense 18.36.21 # <[Franklin]> why? 18.36.34 # people do stuff on the week end 18.36.43 # <[Franklin]> yeah, but why not saturday? 18.37.00 # poeple still go out on saturday 18.37.09 # it's called the weekend 18.37.12 # :) 18.37.14 # <[Saint]> you probably forgot to skew for timezones per author. 18.37.20 # <[Franklin]> [Saint]: aha 18.37.20 # that too 18.37.21 # <[Saint]> ...understandable. 18.37.21 # <[Franklin]> yes! 18.37.28 # <[Franklin]> [Saint]: you're right? 18.37.35 # <[Franklin]> /s/?/!/ 18.37.39 # <[Franklin]> I did 18.38.25 # <[Saint]> It also pays to note that gerrit completely fucks this up. 18.38.35 # <[Saint]> with gerrit, you get the submission date. 18.38.39 # <[Franklin]> [Saint]: I was doing commit date 18.38.50 # <[Franklin]> should it be author date? 18.39.13 # <[Saint]> I...hmmm. 18.39.57 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.40.02 # [Franklin] broke [Saint] 18.40.14 # <[Franklin]> lol 18.40.26 # <[Saint]> If you look at http://www.rockbox.org/recent.shtml#code for example, its all jacked up, due to gerrit. 18.40.27 # someone hit his reset button 18.40.46 # <[Saint]> The submissions are in order, but, the dates are the that which they wee submitted to gerrit. 18.40.56 # <[Saint]> not that of when they were committed to the codebase. 18.42.06 # <[Franklin]> ohhhhh 18.43.16 # <[Saint]> tl;dr: gerrit and author timezones make this chart pretty much impossible to create 18.43.22 # <[Saint]> with accuracy, at least. 18.43.32 # ballz 18.43.49 # <[Franklin]> it would have been interesting 18.43.57 # <[Saint]> Indeed. 18.44.11 # <[Franklin]> as would doing it by hour of the day 18.44.28 # you can take a subset of it before gerrit happened 18.45.00 # <[Franklin]> yes 18.45.20 # and then another one after it ;) 18.45.31 Part ZincAlloy 18.46.50 # :) then average the deltas to give us the mean density of commits over time 18.48.26 # * [Franklin] considers changing careers 18.52.04 # <[Franklin]> statistics seem easy with a computer 18.55.55 Quit wodz (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 18.59.14 # [Franklin] so are gray scale targets still on the todo list? 19.01.31 Quit ruskie (Quit: ...) 19.08.59 Quit bertrik (Quit: Lost terminal) 19.20.03 Join ruskie [0] (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie) 19.23.56 Join stickyb1t [0] (~egon@cpc11-aztw25-2-0-cust22.aztw.cable.virginm.net) 19.28.16 Nick foolsh is now known as foolzzzzzzzz (~foolsh@c-24-11-243-148.hsd1.in.comcast.net) 19.31.27 Quit prof_wolfff (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 19.33.00 Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@pD9EE88C5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 19.39.09 Quit MMlosh (Quit: Bye...) 19.44.34 Join prof_wolfff [0] (~prof_wolf@ 19.46.40 Quit stickyb1t (Quit: Konversation terminated!) 19.48.22 Join stickyb1t [0] (~egon@cpc11-aztw25-2-0-cust22.aztw.cable.virginm.net) 19.49.10 Join MMlosh [0] (~MMlosh@2001:470:6f:23:24f:63ff:fe01:4900) 19.55.19 Quit MMlosh (Quit: Bye...) 20.02.32 Join d4rkpri35t [0] (~androirc@72-24-97-115.cpe.cableone.net) 20.04.20 Quit d4rkpri35t (Client Quit) 20.05.54 Quit stickyb1t (Quit: Konversation terminated!) 20.06.14 Join stickyb1t [0] (~egon@cpc11-aztw25-2-0-cust22.aztw.cable.virginm.net) 20.07.04 Quit stickyb1t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 20.07.27 Join stickyb1t [0] (~egon@cpc11-aztw25-2-0-cust22.aztw.cable.virginm.net) 20.07.52 Join bertrik [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/bertrik) 20.11.30 Join ikeboy [0] (~ikeboy@ool-435622d3.dyn.optonline.net) 20.12.40 Join kiwicam [0] (~quassel@121-99-190-82.bng1.nct.orcon.net.nz) 20.12.53 Quit cmhobbs (Remote host closed the connection) 20.13.00 Nick kiwicam is now known as Guest49639 (~quassel@121-99-190-82.bng1.nct.orcon.net.nz) 20.17.14 Join cmhobbs [0] (~cmhobbs@ip98-186-66-92.fv.ks.cox.net) 20.17.14 Quit cmhobbs (Changing host) 20.17.15 Join cmhobbs [0] (~cmhobbs@fsf/member/cmhobbs) 20.18.12 Quit cmhobbs (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 20.40.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.47.21 Quit ikeboy (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 20.47.55 Join ikeboy [0] (~ikeboy@ool-435622d3.dyn.optonline.net) 21.37.59 Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 21.51.08 Quit ikeboy (Quit: Leaving) 21.51.26 Join Strife89 [0] (~Strife89@adsl-98-80-237-224.mcn.bellsouth.net) 21.52.23 Quit y4n (Quit: HOLY SHIT! WE'RE ALL JUST LIVING ON A GINORMOUS FUCKING SPINNING ROCK FLOATING THROUGH SPACE CIRCLING A BIG FUCKING BALL OF FIRE!!!) 22.13.15 Join micah [0] (~micah@debian/developer/micah) 22.13.46 # i have this ancient ipod classic 80gb that I've been running rockbox on for a while (its an unsupported version), but sadly the drive is dying 22.14.02 # i'm looking to get another device that works really well with rockbox 22.14.54 # looking for small, and relatively cheap! 22.15.49 # what do people suggest? 22.17.45 # mostly interested in listening to podcasts while walking the dog in the freezing cold (so easy controls, esp. when using gloves is a plus). fm would be nice I guess, but otherwise I dont need recording 22.23.30 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@ip5b408581.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) 22.23.30 Quit kugel (Changing host) 22.23.30 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 22.23.34 Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 22.23.59 Quit kugel (Client Quit) 22.25.04 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@ip5b408581.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) 22.25.04 Quit kugel (Changing host) 22.25.04 Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) 22.28.40 # <[Saint]> micah: if its just the HDD, then, I'd just look at replacing it. 22.29.07 # [Saint]: i'm pretty sure its the HDD, but it looks a bit... complicated to replace 22.29.15 # they built those devices to not ever be opened 22.29.21 # <[Saint]> You can even cram solid state storage in there if you'd like to upgrade. 22.40.05 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.41.43 # [Saint]: doesn't it depend on the ipod version? 22.41.51 # I can't seem to figure out which one mine is 22.43.02 # <[Saint]> There's only two types worth differentiating against, and, there's options for both. 22.43.42 # this seems to be Apple iPod classic ("Original"/6th Gen) 80 GB - model number A1238 22.44.48 # lol the opening process looks... fun https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/iPod+Classic+Hard+Drive+Replacement/564 22.45.01 Join krabador_ [0] (~krabador@host9-192-dynamic.18-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 22.45.09 # "Opening the case took me 40 minutes and 7 plastic case openers" 22.45.16 Quit krabador_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 22.45.47 Join krabador_ [0] (~krabador@host9-192-dynamic.18-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) 22.46.01 Quit krabador_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 22.46.05 # on the one hand, I'd like to extend the life of this device, on the other hand, I'd like a version of rockbox that is more supported, and isn't going to be a PITA to fix 22.46.18 # i can get an iriver h10 for $40, that is really tempting 22.46.59 Join krabador [0] (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador) 22.48.43 # <[Saint]> In what way do you mean "more supported"? 22.49.13 # <[Saint]> The 'unsupported' device classification almost certainly doesn't mean what you think it means. 22.49.35 # <[Saint]> sorry - 'unusable'. 22.50.18 # <[Saint]> The port is largely usable, and very stable, its just the installation procedure and lack of an official bootloader keeping the port classed as 'unusable' presently. 22.50.42 # i haven't looked to see if there is a new version available 22.51.05 # i'm running 9faabb9-130719 22.51.11 # <[Saint]> There's a new version available with every commit that enters the source tree. 22.51.40 # <[Saint]> the build you have there is _ancient_. 22.52.06 # :D 22.52.13 # <[Saint]> (Rockbox utility can handle the update process for you, or you can do it manually) 22.52.23 # rockbox utility? 22.52.43 # oh 22.52.48 # well, it wont work if my drive is bad 22.56.06 # in otherwords, i will need to be able to mount the device to use that, I presume 22.56.55 # <[Saint]> Aha. I interpreted 'dying' rather differently. 22.57.00 # <[Saint]> I would call that 'dead'. 22.57.59 # http://paste.debian.net/132078 22.58.09 # thats what I get when I try to mount it 22.58.23 # well, i don't call it dead because I can still listen to things on it! I just can't update it 23.05.19 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 23.20.32 Quit ender` (Quit: sweater, n a garment worn by children when their mother is cold) 23.20.51 Join robertdundee [0] (be494f07@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 23.46.53 Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.91 [Firefox 34.0/20141113192814]) 23.49.38 Quit robertdundee (Quit: Page closed) 23.50.10 # <[Franklin]> foolzzzzzzzz: yes, they are 23.50.27 # <[Franklin]> foolzzzzzzzz: I haven't done anything to support them yet