--- Log for 04.10.120 Server: wilhelm.freenode.net Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: logbot_ Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 6 days and 19 hours ago 00.13.15 # genevino: next time you get a segfault, please provide the details (address, build id, etc). 00.18.18 # <_bilgus__> whats a CAP? 00.33.06 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.16.55 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 01.17.18 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) 01.40.31 Join livvy [0] (~livvy@gateway/tor-sasl/livvy) 02.33.10 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.49.55 Part tomb ("--") 03.09.52 Join johnb3 [0] (~johnb2@p5b3af8be.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 03.53.47 # speachy : x3ii: I did my tests yesterday with a full-size headphone. Today I used a BA InEar. With tha,t the clicks are more pronounced and basically in the same ball park as 0f23cadbca-200926 which I installed again for comparing. 03.55.07 # I was pondering whether the nasty pop after boot can damage a headphone or inear and of course your eardrum. 03.57.44 # Unless you figure out how to suppress that boot pop, it is safer to go back to previous approaches. 03.58.47 # IMHO 04.03.31 Join lebellium [0] (~lebellium@89-92-69-66.hfc.dyn.abo.bbox.fr) 04.06.11 # Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 1aa739e, 282 builds, 9 clients. 04.08.11 Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@2a02:8108:943f:d824:8144:a48e:1817:2115) 04.24.24 # Build Server message: Build round completed after 1093 seconds. 04.24.25 # Build Server message: Revision 1aa739e result: All green 04.33.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 04.48.00 Quit johnb3 (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 05.31.46 # Build Server message: New build round started. Revision 74258fc, 282 builds, 9 clients. 05.33.34 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 05.36.13 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) 05.44.02 # Build Server message: Build round completed after 736 seconds. 05.44.08 # Build Server message: Revision 74258fc result: All green 06.08.16 Quit TheSeven (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 06.08.53 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) 06.11.50 Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury) 06.29.08 Join MrZeus_ [0] (~MrZeus@2a02:c7f:70d0:6a00:fcb8:5cc5:51c0:ea04) 06.33.12 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.11.47 Quit akaWolf (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 07.12.34 Join akaWolf [0] (~akaWolf@ 07.19.49 Quit akaWolf (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 07.20.09 Join akaWolf [0] (~akaWolf@ 07.37.17 Quit pamaury (Quit: this->disconnect()) 07.38.16 Quit akaWolf (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 07.38.45 Join akaWolf [0] (~akaWolf@ 07.41.08 Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury) 08.32.37 # _bilgus__: Chinese Audio Player. :P 08.33.13 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.29.14 Join ac_laptop [0] (~ac_laptop@ 09.29.42 # _bilgus__: an example -- https://www.linsoul.com/products/zishan-dsds-zishan-dsds-ak4499 09.30.45 # there are several major variations of this, with different DACs and screen types, and also at least one in a different form factor but using the same internal architecture. 09.31.22 # identifiable by those five buttons and possibly a separate volume knob/rotary encoder. 09.31.32 # https://www.amazon.com/Linsoul-AK4490EQ-Portable-Audiophile-Musician/dp/B07VX6DY7Z 09.32.46 # STM32F745, 1MB flash, 320KB RAM, and a CPLD to interface with the DACs. I don't think there's external RAM but I haven't found the photos to confirm. 09.41.18 # without external RAM it's not a viable port target. 09.45.00 Join johnb5 [0] (~johnb2@p5b3af8be.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 09.52.20 Join tbaxter [0] (~Adium@pool-100-34-20-58.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) 09.53.09 Join johnb3 [0] (~johnb2@p5b3af8be.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 09.58.22 # (Which really makes me sad; I _really_ want to do a bare-metal Cortex-M port..) 10.00.04 # (My personal vision for a "Rockbox DAP" is architechturally pretty similar to those things; albeit with a couple of extra buttons. And at least 8MB of external RAM) 10.04.02 Quit tbaxter (Quit: Leaving.) 10.07.49 # also I'm not sure what the CPLD is there for; the STM32 family has builtin I2S already; but maybe it can't clock fast enough for the 32b/384K PCM streams, and the CPLD is doing a parallel->i2s conversion? 10.11.34 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 10.11.36 # ah yes, the STM32F7's I2S peripheral maxes out at 32b/192KHz. 10.15.35 Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury) 10.33.17 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.36.55 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 10.37.46 Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury) 10.54.24 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 11.19.06 # <_bilgus__> speachy johnb one of you guys with the rocker off the latest head could you verify the lua playback script allows rew ff and track skip 11.19.48 # I don't own a rocker (anymore). 11.20.28 # building it now 11.22.16 # unzipping... 11.22.44 # _bilgus__: any thoughts on that SFC grenade I lobbed into the mailing list? 11.23.00 # (well, s/grenade/hot potato/) 11.23.16 # (well, s/hot/lukewarm/) 11.25.02 # _bilgus__: on the rocker, latest git, no keypresses work at all in the playback lua script 11.25.27 # only the forced-poweroff works 11.26.36 # <_bilgus__> damn though I had it licked does boomshine work? 11.27.20 # <_bilgus__> I assume the lua_scripts launcher part works? 11.27.42 # yes, that worked well enough for me to launch the player script 11.27.52 Join tbaxter [0] (~Adium@pool-100-34-20-58.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) 11.28.17 # <_bilgus__> ok how about boomshine it uses the action system too 11.28.41 # (First time I've ever launched boomshine..) 11.28.56 # and no, it doesn't seem to respond to anything. 11.29.38 # <_bilgus__> ah ok so it has to be something with my action stuff 11.31.13 # <_bilgus__> thanks, i'll have to think a bit on that as to what I might have broken my guess is that the rocker isn't giving me info on the button presses 11.32.59 # <_bilgus__> wonder if the sim acts the same (hopeso!) 11.33.13 # on the rocker (and other hosted stuff) keypresses come from poll()ing /dev/input. 11.33.21 # the sim uses SDL for input so it might not be the same 11.33.37 # <_bilgus__> thats what I figure is the issue 11.34.04 # but either way those are called from the main rb tick context 11.35.21 # <_bilgus__> I'm guessing that it doesn't fill the button queue like the others do 11.36.40 # <_bilgus__> we'll see if all else fails I'll go back to polling for hosted targets 11.39.50 # as I've started to dig under the skirts of the hosted code some more, I can see how a good restructuring would help out 11.41.11 # each hosted target does its own thing, but ultimately it just loops over /dev/input until nothing new comes out, and returns the bitmap of what's pressed. 11.42.57 # yeah, SDL has its own event loop running in an independent thread. 11.52.06 # <_bilgus__> I think the SFC is probably a good move especially the legal parts 11.58.06 # <_bilgus__> prior to pulling the trigger I'd say give the ML a little time to percolate (like coffee :) and we probably need to get the steering board back together 11.59.34 # has the steering board even met since 2013? 11.59.51 # <_bilgus__> personally I don't thjink there will be many against it in whole but those that are will be very vocal 11.59.54 # I mean, if we still had that level of formal organization this discussion would probably be moot. :) 12.00.13 # (organization _and_ particiapation, that is..) 12.01.03 # <_bilgus__> sure but you me builtin do not a committee make 12.01.25 # I mean, I've for all intents and purposes taken this whole thing over simpy by virtue of the fact that I've been willing to get my hands dirty doing this administrative work.. 12.02.37 # but yeah, we're the committee by default if nobody else de-lurks... 12.03.38 # <_bilgus__> I mean if not then they really have no reason to complain do they 12.04.11 # <_bilgus__> \me snickers 12.04.12 # yeah, exactly. IMO those actively doing the work should make the decisions. 12.05.35 # and I'm really hoping the ML traffic will yield _some_ sort of substantive discussion.. 12.06.35 # <_bilgus__> I think the legal protection is the biggest gain we are in no position to fight DCMA claims were such to arise 12.08.45 # the anticirumvention stuff? 12.09.12 # or some patent suit over a codec.. 12.09.43 # <_bilgus__> I imagine it'd be baseless if so but hard to say 12.10.27 # baseless or not, I'm all but certain to be on the receiving end of it, and I know I don't have the means to fight it for long. 12.10.36 # <_bilgus__> exactly 12.13.46 # <_bilgus__> crap the sim doesn't behave the same 12.15.15 # I can toss the Rocker in the mail to you if you'd like 12.17.49 # <_bilgus__> that'll work i'll just send it back when I'm done like they did with the other players back in the good old days 12.18.26 # <_bilgus__> in that case i'll do the bluetooth menus at the same time 12.23.47 # btw on the bluetooth front it looks like the sytem server stores its bluetooth stuff in JSON files 12.25.17 # <_bilgus__> HA I was messing with a xml parser in lua the other day and a linux/win ini parser too 12.26.27 # BT's going to be a fun integration project. 12.27.09 # I'll have it in the mail tomorrow morning 12.27.46 # <_bilgus__> the pieces are there just needs someone to hook it all up in a visually pleasing way 12.28.41 # <_bilgus__> awesome 12.33.21 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.34.56 # what I'm hoping is that a way will present to provide track info and also to pass play/seek/etc events back over BT. 12.47.28 Quit johnb3 (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) 12.52.53 # <_bilgus__> we already have the hooks for that in the rb side but the rest I guess depends on what the device provides 12.59.37 # yep. comes down to how much of the BT interaction is locked away in that system server 13.02.33 # <_bilgus__> the depreciated plugin for alpine probably has quite the similarity 13.06.20 # and the IAP can do it too, I think. 13.07.41 # I'm thinking that the ALSA PCM code is going to need to get rewritten to operate in blocking mode in its own thread. 13.08.32 # possibly the LCD and input stuff too, as the reason they are laggy at times are due to blocking file I/O in the main tick loop. 13.08.51 # (opening and reading sysfs files all the time, etc) 13.09.00 # <_bilgus__> that is probably beyond my abilities to see that to completion but I've surprised myself before :p 13.09.21 # you write a BT frontend and I'll do the rest. :D 13.10.09 # <_bilgus__> though braewoods seems to have a handle on that, might be of assistance (if they*? want) 13.10.10 # I prefer lurking in the dungeon to frontend work. 13.10.47 # <_bilgus__> I like to think I do decently at integrating stuff in a halfway coherent manner 13.11.13 # <_bilgus__> the menu for keylock/ backlight exceptions 13.22.37 # were you around during the initial ROcker deveopent? Do you recall if AGPTek did anyything more than supply a couple of players to us? 13.23.19 # <_bilgus__> anything more like what? 13.23.41 # <_bilgus__> like sources? no wodz complained loudly about that 13.24.36 # <_bilgus__> I think they gave us 2 players and disassemby instructions and Hunterb? promised forthcoming sources 13.24.51 # <_bilgus__> that never happened 13.28.52 # <_bilgus__> IIRC they did a fw update after that as well like one that separated them from the common implementation but I think the vast majority of this is socumented in here and on the forum 13.29.34 # <_bilgus__> pamaury and wodz might have communicated to hunterb privately as well but I don't remember 13.30.04 # <_bilgus__> documented* 13.33.10 # that matches my recollection 13.52.33 # the Pine64 folks asked about our collaboration with AGPTek. 13.53.00 # My response is essentially "two donated players does not a collaboration make" 13.53.23 # <_bilgus__> yeah not really a collab that is assuming Hunterb even represents them 13.53.52 # <_bilgus__> he stated he was in employ but was just trying to reach out 13.54.15 # <_bilgus__> not in official capacity 13.54.43 Ctcp Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood 13.54.43 # * speachy nods. 13.56.03 # <_bilgus__> I know for a fact that is documented in the logs as I participated in that discussion 13.57.52 # <_bilgus__> bbl gotta work on some heavy equipment for the fam 13.58.07 # yeah, I just got back in from pulling some yard implements out of the rain 14.31.31 Quit johnb5 (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) 14.33.25 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.38.21 # btw, was it hunterleo, not hunterb/huntereb. 15.10.32 Join prof_wolfff [0] (~prof_wolf@26.red-83-54-195.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) 15.10.50 Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury) 16.04.53 Join t0mato [0] (~t0mato@ 16.33.26 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 16.54.06 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving) 17.36.46 Join bonfire [0] (~bonfire@c-73-52-134-66.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) 17.58.59 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.) 18.33.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.35.14 Quit tbaxter (Quit: Leaving.) 18.44.52 # _bilgus__: ? 18.49.13 Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 19.18.33 # <__builtin> speachy: what does our paypal account look like? 19.18.50 # <__builtin> in terms of total funds and rate of continued donations 19.19.53 # __builtin: $2169.66, plus another donation that I haven't recorded yet. 19.20.16 # <__builtin> rate of increase? 19.21.01 # <__builtin> trying to gauge what a 10% SFC donation looks like 19.21.37 # __builtin: about $330 in total donations since June. 19.21.56 # <__builtin> so about $100/mo? 19.22.18 # <__builtin> how about hosting expenditures? 19.22.26 # it's gone down faster than it's gone up though, thanks to purchasing various DAPs for hacking purposes. 19.23.12 # direct hosting expenses are currently zero, as I'm piggybacking on my $dayjob with a dedicated circuit for our research team. 19.23.34 # call it $75/mo so far 19.23.39 # donations, I mean 19.23.40 # <__builtin> it sounds like a 10% cut of that is pretty negligible, then 19.23.59 # <__builtin> especially given what SFC membership gives in return 19.24.13 # yeah. I did spend $56.35 on a replacement RAID controller for the server though 19.25.21 # even after their cut, I think we'd likely end up with a net increase in funds coming in due to higher visibility. 19.25.35 # <__builtin> my thoughts exactly 19.25.46 # <__builtin> and tax deductibility can't hurt 19.25.48 # (BTW, if anyone wants to check the books so to speak, let me know privately) 19.26.46 # If we had to go to paid hosting, I think we'd probably manage okay with about $50/mo. 19.30.01 Quit MrZeus_ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 19.34.42 Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services) 19.34.47 Join bluebrother^ [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) 19.35.20 Join fs-bluebot_ [0] (~fs-bluebo@55d407a1.access.ecotel.net) 19.35.46 # <__builtin> speachy: not sure if you're aware, but we have historically had some legal issues with certain plugins 19.36.11 # <__builtin> this is before my time but apparently tetrox and jewels were the big offenders; not sure if there's any others 19.36.24 # <__builtin> (tetrox a.k.a. "rockblox") 19.36.43 # wasn't familiar with that but I do recall PopTop being quite litigious over Bejwewled clones. 19.37.23 Quit fs-bluebot (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 19.40.49 # <__builtin> domain ownership might also be a nice thing to have done by another organization to perhaps insulate you a bit from DMCA/GDPR issues 19.42.13 # we do need a designated DMCA agent to qualify for safe harbour protections 19.43.15 # I shudder tothink how much GPDR exposure we'd face, what with our beginning-of-time IRC and email archives. 19.44.43 # domain ownership (and, I suppose, @rockbox.org email/MX services) is the last bit of infra that still remains with the Haxx crew. 19.46.10 # when it comes down to it I think we're on the pretty small side compared to the SFC's existing member projects. 19.46.32 # there's a lot of code and history though. 19.49.04 Join Oksana_ [0] (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide) 20.33.31 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.44.37 Join tbaxter [0] (~Adium@pool-100-34-20-58.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) 20.47.25 # are m3u playlists the only way to make playlists for rockbox? I want playlists across both my laptop and ipod, but i'm afraid something will change with the filesystem structure and i'll have to remake the playlists 20.47.40 # *layout 22.03.25 Quit ac_laptop (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 22.33.35 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.44.39 # pamaury, do you have a copy of the X1000 programming manual somewhere? it seems we never stashed a copy on the wiki, and the link you posted way back when is now a 404. It doesn't appear to exist on the ftp.ingenic.com mirror either. 22.55.45 # <_bilgus__> yeah HunterLeo sorry 22.58.35 # found it! buried in a zip file. 22.58.47 # in their FreeRTOS tarball 23.05.00 # _bilgus__: trying to find that missing 4760 doc in here too.. 23.05.43 # <_bilgus__> that'd be amazing but I won't hold my breath! 23.06.55 Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 23.07.33 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) 23.25.55 # doesn't appear to be in here, alas. 23.34.00 # <_bilgus__> behold the white whale? 23.52.26 Quit tbaxter (Quit: Leaving.)