--- Log for 27.09.121 Server: sodium.libera.chat Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: rb-logbot_ Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 1 day and 5 hours ago 00.54.20 Quit nephi (Remote host closed the connection) 01.12.40 Quit scorche (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 01.16.58 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.32.00 Join scorche [0] (~scorche@70-59-234-150.phnx.qwest.net) 01.32.00 Quit scorche (Changing host) 01.32.00 Join scorche [0] (~scorche@user/scorche) 01.48.34 Quit CasBot (*.net *.split) 01.48.43 Join CasBot [0] (~matrixbot@connolly.tech) 01.54.42 Quit hook54321 (*.net *.split) 01.54.43 Quit user890104 (*.net *.split) 01.54.43 Quit Rondom (*.net *.split) 01.54.43 Quit olspookishmagus (*.net *.split) 01.54.43 Quit ParkerR (*.net *.split) 01.54.52 Join olspookishmagus [0] (~pookie@snf-137798.vm.okeanos.grnet.gr) 01.54.52 Join ParkerR [0] (ParkerR@znc.withg.org) 01.54.56 Join user890104 [0] (~Venci@freemyipod/user890104) 01.54.56 Join Rondom [0] (~rondom@user/rondom) 01.55.29 Join hook54321 [0] (sid149355@user/hook54321) 03.17.01 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 05.17.06 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 06.38.30 # forgot to enable the nightly build/manual/voice cronjobs...oops! Re-running them by hand now, so far so good. 06.39.28 # this nightly stuff (especially voice builds) will be where we see the main impact from the reduced CPU performance vs the old host. 07.14.14 Join petur [0] (~petur@ 07.15.30 # all finished. everything took under an hour. 07.17.08 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 07.40.50 # speachy: found the issue. maybe it's time to transition our python scripts to 3. it was complaining about missing python install. debian only ships python3 by default now. it's still available but who knows for much longer. 07.41.57 # ok. installed the packages to keep it building. 07.43.15 # i'll clean up after I confirm this is working 07.43.47 # builder back online here 07.44.25 # the distributions i've been using have made it clear they're phasing out python 2. 07.44.40 # it's probably a good idea to make sure we're ready for a python 3 only future. 07.45.29 # i can work on that later this week when i'm done with some more urgent projects 08.32.38 Join MarcAndersen [0] (~no_znepna@ 08.35.42 # Will you still be doing voice builds in the future, because if not I'll have to do it when I update. 08.39.20 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@ool-18e4e82f.dyn.optonline.net) 08.48.07 # MarcAndersen: i doubt it. they're expensive so they'll probably be done on a different schedule. 08.48.48 # Maybe you could set it to only english? 08.52.12 # ask speachy; i don't deal with infrastructure stuff like this. 08.52.20 # i just provide some builders. 08.57.12 Quit speachy (Quit: WeeChat 3.2) 08.58.12 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy) 08.58.12 Mode "#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.libera.chat) 08.59.07 # braewoods nothing in the builds or infra should use python2 -- I don't even have py2 installed on any of my builders at the moment. 08.59.35 # what specifically broke? Or was it just a missing symlink to /usr/bin/python ? 08.59.57 # speachy: missing symlink. i assumed it was expecting python2 since that was python2 for a long time. 09.02.12 # hmm, it's the thumb-cc.py script. Really should rewrite that in perl so nothing in the normal build flow needs python. 09.03.07 # or better yet, ditch it altogether. 09.03.15 # what does it do even? 09.04.04 # tries to force thumb mode for certain ARM targets, and if it fails, retry without it. 09.04.47 # does it help with any of them? it sounds like something we could just configure on a per target basis 09.05.10 # it's likely a holdover from older toolchains that didn't handle things reliably 09.06.05 # or, possibly, some specific source files (probably external stuff we pulled in) aren't thumb-clean and this was deemed the simplest way to handle it. 09.07.10 # to put it bluntly, this script looks like something we could do in shell if it was important to keep 09.07.31 # it basically does some argument manipulation and pipeline setup. 09.07.34 # stuff shell is designed for. 09.07.37 # clipv1, m200v4, c200v2 only (ie really resource-constrained ams v1 targets) 09.11.31 # so the script always turns on -mthumb-interwork, and tries to compile with -mthumb, and if that fails, recompiles without it. 09.13.18 # and... boom, yeah, it's inline asm that's getting us in random places. 09.17.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 09.17.25 # speachy: i'll see if i can write a shell replacement 09.17.52 # shell's gonna be pretty ugly 09.18.17 # true but not many options. 09.18.18 # perl's going to be a lot closer to a 1:1 mapping of how this already works, and we already need perl. 09.18.46 # ok, then you give it a whirl then. 09.18.50 # :D 09.19.00 # i don't know perl well enough 09.36.32 # I found out that the voice crackling only happens when my clip zip is running on battery and not when it's connected, how can that be? 09.37.59 # ....current draw? 09.39.16 # it's on 412e76b487 09.50.24 # <_bilgus_> MarcAndersen, likely your device needs the voltage level for the processor increased by a bit, my guess would be that its browning out on high cpu activity 09.53.06 # How do I do that? That sounds like it 09.58.01 # <_bilgus_> https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/c/rockbox/+/1894 10.00.46 # Will this be merged into master at some point? 10.01.14 # <_bilgus_> no 10.01.36 # So that means that from now on I need to build everything myself? 10.02.02 # <_bilgus_> if that works then Ill up it a bit till its reliable that patch maxes em out 10.02.52 # <_bilgus_> figure it decreases the playtime of every clip zip so try to keep it minimal, although this would be the reason I wanted to make it a setting 10.05.40 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving) 10.08.03 # <_bilgus_> its likely CVDD1 the last item in that patch, currently the zip is at 20 it likely needs to be 22, thats the easy one 10.09.05 # Sorry, but I don't remember exactly how to apply a patch. 10.09.49 # <_bilgus_> https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/WorkingWithPatches 10.11.48 # <_bilgus_> dont forget the path stripping -(p0 p1 p2 p3) 10.11.59 # I get that, but what do I need to download from the Gerrit page? 10.12.58 # <_bilgus_> ah thats chnaged since I last did it in getrrit goto download patch and see the link at lower left? 10.13.18 # <_bilgus_> says: patchfile 10.13.29 # <_bilgus_> grab the one ending in .zip 10.14.06 # <_bilgus_> https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/changes/rockbox~1894/revisions/2/patch?zip 10.14.35 # <_bilgus_> then unzip that to your rockbox source directory 10.15.22 # <_bilgus_> and finally use patch -p[0,1,2] < thatfileyouunzipped.patch 10.15.56 # <_bilgus_> or jut do the chnages by hand these aren't big patches or anything 10.17.38 # Thanks. this Gerrit thing is not that accessible with a screen reader 10.18.39 # MarcAndersen: it's a system for development change management. not too surprised by that unfortunately. 10.19.34 # <_bilgus_> its not much more accessible with sight, not much liking the new gerrit but progress! 10.20.35 # isn't it funny how progress can end up being a regress instead 10.20.37 # :D 10.22.34 # _bilgus_: can you fire off a build for him? 10.22.46 # It says patch: **** strip count '[0,1,2]' is not a number 10.22.56 # <_bilgus_> sorry its just one of them 10.23.03 # <_bilgus_> either p0 p1 p2 10.23.17 # What's the difference? 10.23.29 # <_bilgus_> I can do a build at luch time (4 hours from now 10.23.45 # <_bilgus_> it strips the first part of the paths 10.23.53 # <_bilgus_> p0 does no stripping 10.24.04 # <_bilgus_> p1 strips the first directory p2 the second 10.24.31 # <_bilgus_> so /A/b/c -p would be /a/b/c p1 would be /b/c p2 would be /c/ 10.25.13 # I applied it 10.25.48 # <_bilgus_> it'll fail if the paths don't match so if successful it sould sat succeeded 10.25.55 # <_bilgus_> say* 10.26.47 # <_bilgus_> then if that works let me know and we can try and minimize the runtime hit while keeping your hardware happy 10.26.50 # It's building now 10.27.17 # From the latest master + the patch 10.27.35 # <_bilgus_> you should be able to use the current voice file then 10.28.09 # I don't think so because that was the build that started with 412 10.28.10 # <_bilgus_> really you just need to copy the .sansa file to the .rocbox directory 10.28.38 # But I can build one myself 10.29.06 # <_bilgus_> not sure what 412 means but if you are on master we didn't change enough to make it not match the stuff up on rb.org 10.29.58 # <_bilgus_> likely you don't even need to use the zip file just copying the .sansa file to the .rockbox directory is enough 10.30.13 # he's referring to commit 412e76b 10.30.13 # <_bilgus_> (with small chnages) 10.30.39 # (not sure what previously worked. but very little has meaningfully changed on a performance front in a while...) 10.31.04 # <_bilgus_> ah its not been built yet, then yes probably need to do your own 10.31.31 # It's building all the rocks, it takes a lot of time. 10.32.22 # <_bilgus_> yes I used to do my own builds like the build server to test things but itd take me 6-8 hours 10.32.51 # <_bilgus_> my new rig is probably a bit faster than that but still 10.36.06 # It didn't work 10.36.27 # I mean it still has some crackling 10.44.47 # <_bilgus_> well thats not it then 10.46.38 # <_bilgus_> I didn't hear any artifacts in my build on the player (likely a month old or so) 10.46.52 # <_bilgus_> I'll try tonight an reproduce it at head 10.47.48 # It's mostly when it reads long things like playing time or version number 10.48.21 # <_bilgus_> maybe a buffer underrun IDK 10.48.38 # wonder if we're not boosting the CPU? 10.48.51 # but when we're plugged in we're always (or more often) boosted? 10.48.55 # <_bilgus_> I think it does automatically 10.50.08 # <_bilgus_> but idk about the plugged vs unplugged I dont think it has that logic inbuilt 10.50.35 # <_bilgus_> but the cpu boost / unboost might be a possibility 11.11.27 # speachy: very plausible. i recall dmix causing crackling if the host cpu couldn't handle it. 11.12.45 # crackling could also mean trying to do more than the cpu can handle in realtime 11.13.05 # MarcAndersen: what kind of audio files are you trying to play 11.13.15 # maybe we could formats that are known to be less demanding 11.13.54 # It does it even when nothing is playing, that was the first thing I tried. 11.14.19 # oh, ok that means it's either not present or an issue in addition to another. 11.17.12 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.30.38 Join Saratoga [0] (~Saratoga@ 11.33.17 Quit Saratoga (Client Quit) 11.34.51 Join saratoga [0] (~saratoga@cpe-98-10-205-66.rochester.res.rr.com) 11.35.37 Quit petur (Quit: Connection reset by beer) 11.35.47 # I think audio problems are more likely to be an analog voltage problem than a CPU core voltage, since if the CPU isn't getting enough voltage you are going to crash really quickly 11.36.30 # voltage are generated from internal regulators, so they should not matter if you are on battery or external power unless something has gone very wrong 11.36.55 # do any of the voltages in the debug screen actually measure different when on internal vs external power? 11.37.03 # and does the distortion depend on the player's volume level? 11.37.42 # We don't have speech in the debug menu, so I can't tell. We really should have that. 11.38.04 # And it's not destortion, it's small pauses in the speech 11.38.29 # that sounds like a CPU load issue 11.39.21 # i can't think of any reason that would depend on the external power though 11.41.19 # It works perfectly when plugged in, but as soon as I disconnect it it does it again, even in the middle of a speakout 11.43.12 # _bilgus_: does the boost behavior change when running on external power? 11.44.04 # MarcAndersen: if you push a button or similar to wake up the UI does the effect change? 11.44.42 # What do you mean to wake up the ui? 11.45.09 # when you push a button the screen will turn on and the CPU will boost up to a higher speed (unless that has changed) 11.45.51 # But I have to be in a menu to make it happen, it's while it reads some numbers and stuff 11.46.38 # i see, so should already be boosted 13.10.00 Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@2a02:8108:943f:d824:50ca:dd6:3847:ec8d) 13.13.37 Join lebellium [0] (~lebellium@2a01cb04012c0900ccbb79fe2cd3c41e.ipv6.abo.wanadoo.fr) 13.17.14 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 13.36.26 # amachronic's usb control api rework is quite nice 13.36.37 # about halfway through it, finally getting to the meat 13.37.21 # is there some impact on stability/performances ? 13.46.50 # performance, no, but there were a lot of corner cases in the old code that didn't quite work properly, leading to flaky initial USB enumeration and so forth 13.47.07 # if nothing else the new code is far cleaner and maintainable. 14.06.49 Join whatfor [0] (~whatfor@84-84-97-124.fixed.kpn.net) 14.07.32 # for the x1000's there is performance 14.08.40 # different browser, different OS, same IP address, and the forbidden complaints from the website go away. so now I have to use chrome on windows instead of firefox on linux to access the site. it's a different iceberg, but it's still wrong. 14.08.47 Quit whatfor (Client Quit) 14.14.53 # yep, whatfor, it's wrong, but it's not rockbox's wrong. You would be well advised to get your own house in order before casting shade on others. 14.26.54 Join bilgus_ph [0] (~bilgus_ph@ 14.28.02 # I've been using Firefox on Linux to access rb.org and I'll for at least the last 2 year 14.28.44 # Saratoga I don't think we boost more on external power I'll double check this evening when I try and repro 14.30.00 # Rb.org and ILK* I guess my phone doesn't like that word 14.40.08 # yeah, that's all I ever access it with. 14.41.12 Quit bilgus_ph (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 14.41.42 # and besides, still hasn't provided an IP for us to investigate anything on our end. so, whatever. 14.55.11 # found a battery for fuze (maybe good for + too) - https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/383541-3-8mm-3-7V-530mAh_60628618825.html 15.01.27 # the '41' is supposed to be the thickness. :D 15.04.01 # Size: 3.83541mm 15.04.53 # 3.8x35x41 15.06.13 Quit speachy (Quit: Connection closed) 15.17.16 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.53.59 # speachy: evidently 'whatfor' isn't interested in getting to the bottom of it. oh wow. 15.54.01 # well* 15.54.43 # if a different browser works it's probably not an IP block. 15.55.01 # still without knowing more 17.09.31 Join Moriar [0] (~moriar@107-200-193-159.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) 17.17.19 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 17.24.23 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@taster.shaftnet.org) 17.24.23 Quit speachy (Changing host) 17.24.23 Join speachy [0] (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy) 17.24.23 Mode "#rockbox +v speachy" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.libera.chat) 17.28.40 # braewoods: there are some rules blacklisting firefox versions older than v60 (thank you, bots) but anyone using a >3 year-old browser to do anything online is asking for a world of hurt. 17.29.05 # (heck, I don't think v60 will work with our SSL certificate anyway!) 18.19.04 Quit ZincAlloy (Quit: Leaving.) 18.26.19 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving) 18.32.23 Join _bilgus [0] (~bilgus@ 18.41.16 Quit _bilgus_ (Quit: Leaving) 18.41.31 Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@2a02:8108:943f:d824:5a9:86f1:63f8:14ac) 18.45.56 Quit ZincAlloy (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 18.51.26 Join amachronic [0] (~amachroni@user/amachronic) 19.02.36 Quit amachronic (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 19.02.57 Join amachronic [0] (~amachroni@user/amachronic) 19.12.29 # i wonder if supporting UASP would be a good idea. 19.12.56 # in addition to our current mass storage driver 19.14.21 # the main reason to support USAP with it is offers better theoretical performance. But we're not exactly limited by MSP's bottlenecks. 19.15.35 # from some basic profiling I did it seems about 60% of the time is spent in IO with the USB bus idle. 19.16.24 # i can't understand how linux is pipelining the IO on the M3K's OF. unless it just sits in cache? 19.17.20 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.43.05 Quit amachronic (Quit: amachronic) 19.45.44 Join dconrad [0] (~dconrad@ 20.18.07 # is there an easy way to get a rough benchmark of usb speeds? 20.18.14 # on linux/macos 20.22.59 # fio seems to be the popular tool 20.31.19 # dconrad: running 'dd' is probably a good start for raw throughput. 20.31.28 # it won't get any faster than that 20.32.03 # I'm historically pretty wary of dd, do you have an easy test command? 20.32.14 # (pretty sure you can do some real damage with it) 20.32.18 # as long as you don't swap the input and output.. :) 20.32.47 # eg 'dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/null bs=2K count=1024K' 20.33.09 # (1024 2K blocks, for a total of 2MB) 20.33.31 # that'll give you read speeds. obviously writes are more difficult to benchmark 20.33.37 # hmm, I'll try it 20.33.41 # due to inherent destructiveness 20.34.04 # oh, one caveat -- Linux will cache reads, so if you run the exact thing again you'll find it magically FAST 20.34.04 # I tried fio but got like 54 B/s, which can't be right 20.34.16 # we'll see what happens on macos 20.34.48 # you can add skip=NNN to pick a different starting block offset 20.35.12 # 9.5 MB/s, it gave me 20.35.17 # seems low? 20.35.57 Join ZincAlloy [0] (~Adium@ip5f5abcae.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) 20.36.43 # looks like macos caches same as linux, subsequent reads gave 229 MB/s and then 437 MB/s 20.37.17 # that's not too bad, actually 20.38.48 # let's try 4MB... 9.7 MB/s again 20.40.26 Quit ZincAlloy (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 20.54.54 # <_bilgus> MarcAndersen, I think I hear it its like bit of sizzle on the end of some of the words? 20.58.01 # <_bilgus> Idk it doesn't change for me when I put it on charge though 20.58.38 # <_bilgus> I wonder if it could be a bad sd card? 20.58.48 # Let me take it out 20.59.22 # No change 21.00.06 # <_bilgus> If I really listen hard I can hear a electrical noise like the sound a motor makes when stalled 21.00.21 # <_bilgus> just sometimes though 21.00.21 # Can you try to let it read the system info? 21.01.04 # Try the build number for example, or the free space 21.01.12 # <_bilgus> when it did battery level from system I heard a hesitation lets see if it does it again 21.01.40 # <_bilgus> yeah on first entry to the menu I can hear a click 21.01.49 # <_bilgus> lets see if it changes on charge 21.03.44 # <_bilgus> MarcAndersen, if you put it on charge and exit the menu then re enter does it do it 21.04.08 # <_bilgus> the first plug it didn't but I exited the menu and tried again it then did it 21.04.20 # <_bilgus> and it sounds like the player is bogging down 21.04.42 # So you get it now? 21.05.18 # <_bilgus> yeah exiting the menu and returning to it seems to make it stutter and miss a bit 21.05.34 # <_bilgus> the disk space one works best for me 21.05.43 # <_bilgus> (or worst rather) 21.05.53 # And there are small pauses in the speech right? 21.06.11 # <_bilgus> yeah like its bogging down 21.06.19 # MarcAndersen: I didn't know we had a william shatner voice. 21.06.21 # :P 21.06.40 # what? 21.07.00 # william shatner, he was well known for pauses in his speech 21.07.03 # <_bilgus> marc anderson boosting the cpu makes it isappear for me 21.07.09 # <_bilgus> disappear* 21.07.28 # <_bilgus> let me make you a boosted build and lets see how that works 21.09.13 # Cool 21.11.47 # <_bilgus> MarcAndersen, are you using english.voice or some other language 21.11.56 # english right now 21.13.08 # The fun thing is that it only happens when reading long things with numbers, and only on battery. 21.17.24 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.17.58 # <_bilgus> yeah lets see if this makes it work properly I already included the voice file so just unzip over your existing install or rename the existing.. 21.18.16 # <_bilgus> http://www.mediafire.com/file/7mmnfupeq1zpvhu/rockbox-full.zip 21.21.20 # It sure does! Thanks! Can you send the patch, or will it be put into master soon? 21.21.30 # <_bilgus> no I won't do that 21.21.40 # <_bilgus> thats gonna really sap the runtime 21.21.59 # <_bilgus> but I can use that info to decide where to focus next lol 21.22.10 # But can you send the source? 21.22.18 # <_bilgus> like maybe see why its not staying boosted 21.22.29 # so it's voltage-related? 21.22.36 # <_bilgus> no cpu speed 21.22.43 # we do un-boost after being "idle" for a while 21.23.01 # <_bilgus> I'm thinking its unboosting before its done talking 21.23.02 # keystrokes reset the idle counter 21.23.11 # so longer spoken stuff exceeds the timeout 21.23.18 # (just a theory) 21.23.22 # <_bilgus> agrre sounds plausible 21.23.25 # the audio buffer getting low should boost the CPU 21.23.47 # even for speech, although maybe that is broken at some point 21.24.14 # <_bilgus> my thought as well esp with all the churn lately 21.24.16 # i'm pretty sure it once worked since we could do audio playback and voice on 80 MHz iPods 21.24.16 # this happens when stuff isn't playing so perhaps the check for "low buffer" that doesn't kick in? 21.24.39 # <_bilgus> or its just too late 21.24.43 # s/that doesn't kick/isn't kicking/ 21.25.14 # <_bilgus> wonder if its related to the bug report that sometime on startup the player stutters 21.25.18 # well, for all we know the PP500x iPods are fine. 21.25.40 # <_bilgus> Ive seen that one like 1/75 boots 21.26.34 # only thing I have handy is the x3 which doesn't downclock 21.27.14 # But what are you going to do with it now? What did you change? 21.27.35 # <_bilgus> MarcAndersen, all I did was make it stay at full clock speed 21.27.38 # MarcAndersen: IIUC he just maxed the CPU speed at all tmies 21.27.59 # <_bilgus> I literally commented out the low speed and left only fullspeed 21.28.32 # <_bilgus> I was going to tell you how to do it manually but it doesn't voice prompt in that menu 21.29.00 # <_bilgus> FWIW you just go into the cpu speed debug menu and upclock it a few and itll stay boosted 21.29.03 # That's another thing, we need voice in the debug menu 21.29.11 # <_bilgus> never going to happen 21.29.35 # <_bilgus> too much text to add to the voice files for seldom used stuff 21.29.49 # <_bilgus> now dumping it to disk I could agree with 21.29.54 # and we'd end up having to add a non-voiced debug menu so we can then debug the debug menu 21.30.11 # I am going to do it anyway at some point, and now seams to be the right time when I need it myself 21.30.38 # <_bilgus> problem being is that all these targets have TERRIBLE debug menus 21.30.56 # <_bilgus> all hard coded because it was never intended for the end user 21.31.47 # <_bilgus> I wonder how hard it would be to build a english lang for the debug menu though 21.32.06 # <_bilgus> I mean in theory we have the ability to load several sets of clips 21.32.23 # I 21.32.28 # <_bilgus> like a english_debug.lang file and associated voice 21.32.33 # Sorry but I can use debug menus in android and other systems with speech, why shouldn't everyone have access to it here also? Sorry if I'm getting caught up but I don't like being put down that way 21.33.10 # <_bilgus> its not a question of why as much as how much work for little benefit to the end user 21.33.34 # I see, sorry. 21.33.35 # MarcAndersen: much of it is target specific too, literally things like register dumps that are refreshed in realtime 21.33.48 # <_bilgus> like if you wanna do that more power to you but I'm telling you its a tall order 21.34.21 # <_bilgus> but like I said I can see dumping it to a file that you could parse on a machine 21.34.26 # <_bilgus> with a screen reader 21.34.47 # (for example, getting the kinks worked out of alternative numeric voice orderings is a lot less work, for far more benefit) 21.35.12 # It's more the settings I'm interested in 21.37.21 Quit saratoga (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 21.40.37 # So what you're saying is that I can use a normal build if I could access that menu? 21.40.39 # <_bilgus> most of them are of little use in day to day use in my experience 21.41.08 # <_bilgus> its more of a temporary way to test things 21.41.15 # Is it then saved in the cfg file? 21.41.29 # <_bilgus> I wouldn't want a build that I had to go into the debug menu to use 21.41.40 # <_bilgus> no thats why I say its a temporary way 21.41.53 # Oh 21.42.41 # <_bilgus> already that build will be about 20-30% less runtime I wouldn't want it boosted constantly unless it wasn't on battery 21.43.22 # <_bilgus> no ill have a look in the next few days and see what I can see 21.46.10 # <_bilgus> hmm it already has the logic to boost the cpu in the voice thread queue 22.05.57 # bilgus, 22.06.17 # Would you be able to send the source file? 22.17.47 Quit _bilgus (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 22.18.01 Join _bilgus [0] (~bilgus@ 22.25.12 Quit dconrad () 22.29.04 Quit Moriar (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 22.34.23 # <_bilgus> Interestingly if I first play a file and stop it I can't reproduce the issue 22.34.54 # <_bilgus> I think what is happening is that there is a default buffer the voice system tries to alloc if it doesn't have one available 22.35.11 # <_bilgus> I bet its quite small 22.36.02 # <_bilgus> MarcAndersen, If you play and stop a file first does the issue disappear? 22.37.48 # <_bilgus> nope nevermind 22.39.12 # With a normal bhuild, yes. but not with yous of course 22.42.21 # <_bilgus> its weird I can see what is happening it gets a call to stop the boost and never boosts back 22.50.26 # <_bilgus> ok so I added a delay till unboost and it seems to help I'll try a few more times 22.50.50 # _bilgus: In which file did you change it? 22.51.12 # <_bilgus> apps/voice_thread.c 22.51.30 # <_bilgus> give me a few Ill put up a patch if i can't reproduce it again 22.52.04 # What about the first boost thing? My player got faster by that 22.53.30 # <_bilgus> we of course it did 22.53.34 # <_bilgus> well* 22.53.48 # <_bilgus> but it eats battery! 22.55.33 # That's not that big a deal 22.55.48 # <_bilgus> for that its firmware/target/arm/as3525/system-as3525.c 22.58.41 # <_bilgus> https://pastebin.com/rXhqAWJk 22.58.51 # <_bilgus> MarcAndersen, there you go 22.58.55 # okay, it works! g#3832 22.58.57 # 3Gerrit review #3832 at https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/c/rockbox/+/3832 : 3talk: Add support for languages that swap the tens position in numbers by Solomon Peachy 22.59.31 # I tested it with the english-us "Translation" 22.59.35 # <_bilgus> that is the cpu boost file on pastein 23.00.59 # instead of hardcoding the exception to the language update rules I need to make someting more general (eg repurpose the 'user' field?) and also fix the translate site to not flag/fix it. 23.01.49 # Thanks everyone for all the help! I'm going to bed now, it's 5 AM 23.02.40 # <_bilgus> cya 23.06.26 # ok, what's up is ready for review, barring any necessary fixes to the translate site. 23.17.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 23.21.40 # <_bilgus> speachy, whats the + 18 at line 1210 of talk.c? 23.25.42 # <_bilgus> nm I see whats its doing ick 23.25.47 # <_bilgus> lol 23.42.39 # <_bilgus> #g3846 asppears to fix the stuttering 23.42.49 # <_bilgus> g#3846 23.42.52 # 3Gerrit review #3846 at https://gerrit.rockbox.org/r/c/rockbox/+/3846 : 3voice_thread.c ensure cpu gets re-boosted after Q_VOICE_STOP event by William Wilgus 23.43.59 # <_bilgus> what I was seeing was the force_enque function calls Q_VOICE_STOP which cancels the cpu boost but quiet_count >0 so next run it didn't reboost the voice thread 23.44.53 # <_bilgus> it actually appears to have made the player much more responsive when voice is enabled 23.45.10 # <_bilgus> which makes plenty of sense 23.47.29 # Build Server message: 3New build round started. Revision 4695f80230, 303 builds, 10 clients. 23.58.24 # Build Server message: 3Build round completed after 655 seconds. 23.58.27 # Build Server message: 3Revision 4695f80230 result: All green