--- Log for 03.10.122 Server: iridium.libera.chat Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: rb-logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 2 months and 11 days ago 00.37.10 Quit m01 (Quit: Konversation terminated.) 00.39.14 Join m01 [0] (~quassel@vps-b172b88b.vps.ovh.net) 00.51.57 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 02.51.58 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 04.52.00 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 04.52.41 Quit hactar|ant (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 04.55.16 Join hactar|ant [0] (~zem@c-24-21-103-100.hsd1.or.comcast.net) 06.52.04 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.25.49 Join amachronic [0] (~amachroni@user/amachronic) 08.29.51 # Build Server message: 3New build round started. Revision fe6aa21e9e, 303 builds, 8 clients. 08.30.11 # ...and there goes all the YUV blitting code. 08.31.02 # i'm almost sad to see mpegplayer go 08.31.26 # just from the sheer amount of effort put into it 08.31.44 # yeah, I know. just getting it going at all was quite an accomplishment 08.32.09 # and making it _work_ (or should I say, "work") on some of those really underpowered systems.. 08.37.20 # huh, this might have the benefit of freeing up some IRAM. 08.51.18 Quit JanC (Quit: 'k zien d'r mee weh zi) 08.52.04 Join JanC [0] (~janc@user/janc) 08.52.08 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.58.39 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@2600:4040:a993:4900:4dc1:5864:f3c4:6e55) 09.06.32 # Build Server message: 3Build round completed after 2200 seconds. 09.06.39 # Build Server message: 3Revision fe6aa21e9e result: All green 09.08.36 # that's a lotta green 09.11.17 # amachronic: what do you think about adding erosqnative to the daiily builds? And howw to go about differentiating them so folks don't inevitably download the wrong one? 09.13.24 # i'm not sure. judging by the forums people seem to confuse the two already. 09.14.35 # I think the only advantages of the hosted port are exfat and line out (on the newest hardware) 09.14.56 # and easier installation 09.15.52 # true, I consider the "binary patch" thing to be a barely-workable clusterf--- 09.16.23 # but it at least "works" with rbutil. 09.16.55 # we're distributing the prepatched binaries too. 09.17.09 # yeah, I don't really like that but it's the least-worst optionn 09.17.39 # how exactly does one go about generating the patched firmware anyway? 09.17.55 # plus it's not like those hibyplayer-based units have a moral leg to stand on wrt violating coptrights. 09.18.54 # the original rights holder may have another opinion... but I doubt it'll be a problem. 09.19.02 # there's a script in teh repo, tools/hibypatcher.pl (I think) that does the work -- it extracts the outer ISO9660 wrapper, extracts the ubifs rootfs, patches it up, and repacks everything with updated checksums. 09.19.44 # if no vendor-supplied update was supplied, a new one can be fabricated from a flash dump. 09.19.49 # ah, I didn't find hibypatcher mentioned on the wiki. 09.20.37 # hibipatcher needs to know the magic string the updater code is looking for. 09.20.58 # most of them started as 'erosq' but they've all gone to something unique 09.21.18 # (which is why the newer updates usually don't work on older players and vice versa) 09.21.58 # i find it weird how despite ripping off the base system they all have a slightly different updater 09.22.24 # oh it's identical, they just changed the target string 09.23.11 # (I think because they wanted to prevent off-brand flashing perhaps due to different hibyplayer features being enabled on the cheaper targets) 09.23.29 # (such as the ability to interact with a smartphone app) 09.23.59 # ok, makes sense 09.24.36 # alas I accidently blew away my archive of unpatched/extracted firmwares, and the script I used to generate the bootloaders, patch everything, and gneerateee bsdiffs en masse. 09.25.05 # haven't had the need to pump out a new loader binary so it hasn't mattered. :) 09.25.58 # the biggest problem with the hosted port is that the base OS leaves so little RAM for us to play with 09.26.35 # (well, that horribly inefficient display updates, though I think that's technically our fault for not using native threading..) 09.27.13 # i've made a little bit of headway cleaning up the upstream Linux JZxx code 09.27.36 # nowhere near the point of running rockbox though 09.27.44 # nice. 09.27.50 # your buildroot project ? 09.28.02 # yeah, i haven't worked on it in a while 09.28.24 # missed a merge window or two 09.29.01 # i don't think rockbox actually needs a lot of RAM anyway 09.29.15 # that's more a thing for the HDD targets where you need to minimize spinups 09.29.27 # with SD cards I doubt it matters anywhere near as much 09.31.40 # linux itself has issues running with such low RAM 09.31.52 # it greatly restricts plugins/games, mainly, as we can't just eat into our "buffer" space 09.34.17 # we probably don't need more than 1-2 megs for audio buffering 09.35.04 # from my testing 128k-256k reads are good enough to max out available SD bandwith 09.40.49 # yeah 09.41.34 # I think we could dramatically improve the hosted/sdl target's performance by switching to native threading. Or heck, even "native SDL" threading, instead of the sigalstack approach we've been using. 09.42.29 # fb updates in particular are pretty awful on the hiby targets 09.44.50 # speachy: why? no DMA options? 09.45.39 # we can't switch to a different thread if we're blocked by a system call. 09.46.29 # oh, cause of writes? 09.46.34 # yeah. 09.46.45 # Can the device be opened as async? 09.47.11 # Oh. I see what you're saying now. 09.47.25 # we're not using real threads so the OS has nothing to wake up 09.47.29 # Yea, the current process is single threaded. 09.47.38 # audio works by callbacks, fortunately so it's effectively a second thread. 09.47.50 # audio buffering, that is 09.48.15 # async changes how writes go but mainly helps for single threaded apps that can afford to pass before trying again. 09.48.40 # Would that be compatible with the current thread model? 09.49.16 # An async system call wrapper that works with the existing design. 09.50.22 # that wrapper will need proper threads in order to do be properly asynchronous. because otherwise once you're in that write() syscall, you've blocked everything. 09.52.57 # (write, read, whatever. When trying to improve the performance of the hosted x1000 port I discovered we were hammering sysfs constantly, for example. open/read/close checking to see for headphone detection, and stuff like that. 09.53.43 # I tried to implenent proper double-buffered fbdev access only to discover the hiby kernel didnt' implement that properly. :/ 09.54.05 # (the write blocks until the data has been sent out to the SPI-attached display) 09.54.53 # speachy: yea, the downside of running as a userspace program. 09.55.23 # whereas with a native port we are truly async; we set up the DMA and get on with something else until we get the interrupt saying it's done. 09.55.58 # (well, in theory. stuff like the X3's display is bit-banged, but it's teeeny so doesn't slow us down appreciably) 10.10.52 Quit amachronic (Quit: amachronic) 10.52.11 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 11.01.19 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving) 12.52.14 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 14.40.53 Join lebellium [0] (~lebellium@2a01cb040109a600c480511deea4a7b3.ipv6.abo.wanadoo.fr) 14.52.18 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 16.52.20 *** No seen item changed, no save performed. 18.41.33 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving) 18.52.24 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 19.05.57 Quit reductum_ (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 19.09.47 Join reductum_ [0] (~reductum@2603-8000-b400-8764-dea6-32ff-fe16-a622.res6.spectrum.com) 19.15.13 Quit reductum_ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 19.18.28 Join reductum_ [0] (~reductum@cpe-72-134-251-106.natsow.res.rr.com) 19.35.23 Join Acou_Bass [0] (~eddie@cpc95736-bolt17-2-0-cust330.10-3.cable.virginm.net) 19.36.45 Quit Piece_Maker (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 19.36.45 Nick Acou_Bass is now known as Piece_Maker (~eddie@cpc95736-bolt17-2-0-cust330.10-3.cable.virginm.net) 20.52.27 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 21.20.46 Join tertu [0] (~tertu@user/tertu) 21.24.12 # hi, so I'm trying to build the toolchain using rockboxdev.sh but it's failing out with an "error 2" 21.24.43 # (originally, i wasn't going to report this here because it was happening on my Mac, but it seems to be happening on my linux box also) 22.50.04 Quit tertu (Quit: Client closed) 22.52.28 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen"