--- Log for 17.07.124 Server: silver.libera.chat Channel: #rockbox --- Nick: rb-logbot Version: Dancer V4.16 Started: 6 days and 5 hours ago 00.35.59 Quit ParkerR (Server closed connection) 00.38.38 Quit yang (Server closed connection) 00.38.47 Join yang [0] (~yang@fsf/member/yang) 00.39.34 Join ParkerR [0] (znc@znc.withg.org) 01.25.13 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 01.25.14 Quit pixelma (Quit: .) 01.25.14 Quit amiconn (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) 01.26.19 Join pixelma [0] (marianne@p4fe76325.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 01.26.19 Join amiconn [0] (jens@p4fe76325.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 02.23.29 Join JanC_ [0] (~janc@user/janc) 02.23.29 Nick JanC is now known as Guest2082 (~janc@user/janc) 02.23.30 Quit Guest2082 (Killed (lead.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))) 02.23.30 Nick JanC_ is now known as JanC (~janc@user/janc) 02.40.46 Join decky [0] (~decky_@ 02.40.49 Quit decky_e (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 03.05.27 Quit Pokey (Server closed connection) 03.05.46 Join Pokey [0] (~pokey@spikeyCactus/hoosky) 03.08.23 Join decky_e [0] (~decky_@ 03.08.33 Quit decky (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 03.10.12 Quit benjaoming (Server closed connection) 03.10.30 Join benjaoming [0] (~benjaomin@ 03.25.17 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 03.28.24 Quit Trzyzet (Server closed connection) 03.28.45 Join Trzyzet [0] (~Trzyzet@live-34-b2-v4wan-169259-cust832.vm29.cable.virginm.net) 03.52.15 Quit hactar|ant (Server closed connection) 03.53.45 Join hactar|ant [0] (~zem@97-115-86-206.ptld.qwest.net) 04.07.04 Join Guest11 [0] (~Guest11@ 04.07.19 # Hi there. I have Sansa Clip+ 8 Gb. It won't boot from time to time and I can no longer open anyfiles either from sd or from internal. When I connect it to PC it won't recognize either drive but once I've hidden internal drive I can access sd-card via PC just fine. 04.07.28 # From what I understood that internal memory is corrupted but I didn't quite understand if there's anything to be done about it. Is my unit cooked or I can fix this? Thanks 04.08.16 # Won't boot into original firmwave either, only into rockbox 04.23.39 Quit Nezumi-sama (Server closed connection) 04.23.48 Join Nezumi-sama [0] (~narf@syn-067-053-148-069.biz.spectrum.com) 04.32.01 Quit PheralSparky (Quit: Leaving) 04.38.36 Quit Natch (Server closed connection) 04.43.55 Join Natch [0] (~natch@c-9e07225c.038-60-73746f7.bbcust.telenor.se) 05.25.20 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 06.04.46 # Guest11: if you can still install the 'multiboot' bootloader, you might be able to continue to use it from the sd card without using the internal memory 06.06.52 # https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/MultibootBootloader.html 06.28.27 Quit tertu (Server closed connection) 06.29.49 Join tertu [0] (~tertu@user/tertu) 06.47.07 # @spork Hi, thanks for the tip. Right now it's running 3.14 which doesn't support this feature and I can't install a new version cause I don't have access to internal drive via PC but can access files on it in RB file browser. Is there a way to install a new RB version from within RB itself? 06.53.18 # the manual install procedure is putting a patched firmware file on the internal memory and installing it 06.53.22 Quit Guest11 (Remote host closed the connection) 06.53.39 Join Guest11 [0] (~Guest11@ 06.53.56 # perhaps you can put it on the sd card and copy it to the internal memory from within rockbox 06.56.23 # Can you please direct me to where I can download it? 07.05.49 # the link i last pasted 07.13.24 # Damn, I think I f'd up :( Deleted .rockbox on internal and replaced it with .rockbox from SD. Seemed to have worked so I killed .rockbox on internal and now it won't boot and says fw not found 07.13.43 # I thought that it boots from sd now ^( 07.14.40 # after upgrading the firmware with the new bootloader ? 07.15.49 # Well, I just replaced .rockbox in internal and rebooted it. I thought that it did the trick 07.17.38 # OF says not enough space for music DB which is a symptom of dead nand 07.22.10 Quit spork (Remote host closed the connection) 07.25.23 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 07.25.25 Join spork [0] (topic@80-235-20-31.ftth.glasoperator.nl) 07.26.35 # if not dead, for sure dying 07.27.23 Join spork_ [0] (topic@80-235-20-31.ftth.glasoperator.nl) 07.27.37 Quit spork_ (Client Quit) 07.29.00 # Seems like I killed the last way of interacting with it :) 07.30.29 # removing the .rockbox from the internal memory is unfortunate 07.33.37 # Oh well, I'll give it a crack some other time. Seems like there are more elaborate ways https://www.reddit.com/r/rockbox/comments/16bd2dj/recovered_another_cheap_sansa_clipplus_for_the/ 07.33.57 # Thanks for the help, man. Cya 07.34.07 Quit Guest11 (Remote host closed the connection) 08.17.02 Quit yosafbridge (Server closed connection) 08.17.56 Join yosafbridge [0] (~yosafbrid@static. 08.36.32 Quit rb-logbot (Server closed connection) 08.36.32 *** ERROR: (Closing Link: archos.rockbox.org (Server closed connection)) from silver.libera.chat 08.36.32 *** Cleanup 08.36.32 *** Cleanup 08.36.32 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 08.36.32 *** Exit 08.36.32 *** Started Dancer V4.16 08.36.32 *** Connected to irc.libera.chat on port 6667 08.36.32 *** Logfile for #rockbox started 08.36.33 Mode "rb-logbot :+iw" by rb-logbot 08.36.39 *** Server message 501: 'rb-logbot :Unknown MODE flag' 08.36.39 Join rb-logbot [0] (~rockbox@archos.rockbox.org) 08.36.39 Join yosafbridge [0] (~yosafbrid@static. 08.36.39 Join spork [0] (topic@80-235-20-31.ftth.glasoperator.nl) 08.36.39 Join tertu [0] (~tertu@user/tertu) 08.36.39 Join Natch [0] (~natch@c-9e07225c.038-60-73746f7.bbcust.telenor.se) 08.36.39 Join Nezumi-sama [0] 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Join TorC [0] (~Tor@fsf/member/TorC) 09.13.45 # <_bilgus> but that was always the danger of not having a multiboot capable bootloader before issues started once it does its probably too late to do any writes 09.15.37 # <_bilgus> have had some luck manually moving the entry as it 'AFAICT" has two places it typically goes basically depends on how many times you've upgraded it I suppose 09.17.41 # <_bilgus> so the fist upgrade you do I suspect the FW sits at the forward most spot when you upgrade it jumps something like 10mb (Fuzzy on the exact size) and leaves a copy of the old fw in the other position 09.18.29 # <_bilgus> next upgrade it replaces the forward spot and leaves the later one 09.40.46 Join Guest12 [0] (~Guest12@ 09.41.01 # <_bilgus> I however don't remember how we find which offset it wants but its probably on the forum somewhere when I walked a user thru how to do it here: https://forums.rockbox.org/index.php/topic,52030.0.html IN 2017!! 09.41.30 # Me again. Got lucky and got it working. 09.44.13 # It booted into OF on the Nth time, internal storage now shows 3750 MB (used to be an 8 GB unit) and writing to it is super slow and fails often but I managed to update OF with new multiboot via utility so now it boots for sd card 09.45.20 # It's gonna play a few more tunes. Happy end, I guess :) 09.45.48 # Is it possible that it'll eventually degrade to the point that bootloader section is damaged? 09.46.04 # <_bilgus> Guest are you using linx or windows? 09.46.11 # Win 09.46.34 # <_bilgus> going to need at least a live disk of linux ubuntu mint etc 09.46.41 # <_bilgus> as rasberry pi will work 09.46.50 # <_bilgus> a rasppi* 09.47.15 # What for? As I said I got it working through usual means luckily 09.47.17 # <_bilgus> if you use windows it has to write the whole drive 09.47.36 # <_bilgus> with linux we can just copy in the portion we need 09.48.25 # <_bilgus> basically what yo can try is doing the bootloader upgrade like normal but man its not going to go well I doubt 09.48.43 # I just did and it did end well 09.49.23 # Just got lucky it seems that memory is not completely corrupted and the process finished succcesfully 09.50.12 # But the size shrunk to 3750 MB and it struggles to write to the rest of its internal memory 09.50.24 # <_bilgus> so you got the upgraded bootloader to install using the OF? 09.50.47 # Yeah, I'm as surprised as you are :) 09.51.12 # <_bilgus> if you got a mb bootlader then put a folder on sd card and you should be good 09.51.39 # <_bilgus> hide the internal drive if its hanging like that so it'll actually mount USB 09.51.41 # Yeah, did that already. Just reporting in to give y'all some closure :) 09.52.04 # <_bilgus> Awesome glad you got it working 09.52.26 # Yeah, me too. Thanks for the help. 09.52.48 # I just wonder if it'll continue degrading to the point where it'll affect bootloader section? 09.52.59 # <_bilgus> not in my experience 09.53.11 # And if me replacing the battery has anything to do with it? 09.53.18 # <_bilgus> just leave it alone it seems reads don't bother it 09.53.31 # <_bilgus> mope the battery wouldn't do it 09.53.38 # It's slightly bigger and might be applying pressure somewhere on the pcb where it shouldn't 09.53.40 # <_bilgus> just time and heat basically 09.54.33 # But I did have weird problems and glitches with this unit even before the battery replacement 09.54.57 # <_bilgus> I'd very seriously doubt it unless it was like causing it to not connect on a pad but eh I'd say more likely you did a bunch of file copies around then and something got screwy 09.55.33 # <_bilgus> you got lucky it booted and it was able to write the upgrade to a slightly better spot 09.56.19 # <_bilgus> don't upgrade the bootloader with the OF ever again and you should be good 09.56.43 # <_bilgus> (because its going to try and put it back in the bad spot and fall apart) 09.57.11 # I don't remember ever using internal storage. Almost always used sd-card. So it somehow went bad on its own 09.57.34 # <_bilgus> no rockbox was running from internal and doing writes there 09.58.25 # <_bilgus> your files were reading from the sd card yes but rockbox was writingto internal atleast every shutdown 09.59.11 # <_bilgus> some changes since 3.15 is that settings now get written to a tmp file and th old file is deleted next boot 10.00.21 # <_bilgus> we also messed with timings somewhere in there to hopefully make them more robust (might already be in 3.15) 10.01.49 # Understood. Glad you guys exist! Thanks again 10.01.59 # <_bilgus> np, enjoy 10.23.08 Quit launchd (Server closed connection) 10.23.25 Join launchd [0] (~launchd@bitbot/husky/launchd) 10.31.34 # nice job, Guest12 10.32.38 Join drew [0] (~drew@user/drew) 10.36.33 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 10.38.37 # I dug up my old iPod that is running rockbox and would like to update it it to 3.15 but I am not sure if it will run on my ipod correctly or not. I am using an ipod classic with a storage hardware mod that was not working on the previous release 10.39.35 # something to do with the initialization time taking too long with the new hardware. The working copy of rockbox I am using has a patch from a user I found on the rockbox forums that fixed this, but I am not sure I can find it. the Version reported in rockbox-info.txt is f2de779393M-190131, if that helps 10.40.35 # Is anyone familiar with hardware like this and whether it prevents rockbox from booting up properly? or are there ways to use the mainline software correctly with the new drive? 10.43.02 # I think this is what I am using, if that helps: https://www.iflash.xyz/store/iFlash-Sata/ 10.53.28 # do not upgrade to 3.15 but to a daily dev build 10.53.40 # a lot of stuff has improved since 3.15 10.54.03 # and backup your current .rockbox dir first of course 10.56.24 Quit Guest12 (Remote host closed the connection) 11.07.45 # ok and just restoring .rockbox will be enough to get it back to the state it's in now? 11.07.56 # if it doesn't boot correctly or whatever 11.11.01 # yes, indeed 11.12.10 # <_bilgus> drew, alas nothing is guaranteed though but the ipods are recoverable if you do mess up somehow 11.15.23 # <_bilgus> does anyone have any ideas on why a fdprintf call with the same parameters as 3 separate fdprintf calls would move 100x slower? I was thinking something to do with the internal buffer but it appears to do it in chunks so should be functionally the same i'd think 11.19.26 # <_bilgus> I should compare it to doing it piecemeal with strcat or such 12.18.48 Quit cnx (Remote host closed the connection) 12.19.39 Join cnx [0] (~cnx@tem.loang.net) 12.36.35 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 12.41.23 Join Guest12 [0] (~Guest12@ 13.11.18 Join lebellium [0] (~lebellium@2a01cb0405d07f00d33a0da62bfc2206.ipv6.abo.wanadoo.fr) 13.31.32 Quit Guest12 (Remote host closed the connection) 13.46.56 Join Guest12 [0] (~Guest12@ 13.56.59 Quit braewoods_ (Server closed connection) 13.57.19 Join braewoods_ [0] (~braewoods@user/braewoods) 14.36.39 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 15.30.16 Quit Guest12 (Remote host closed the connection) 16.36.42 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 16.49.46 Quit lebellium (Quit: Leaving) 16.53.27 # oh, meant to ask, I saw on one of these ipods that the recording directory was being displayed as //directoryname 16.53.33 # in the debuginfo 16.53.57 # whereas the root directory was // or something like that. 17.04.20 Join berber_l51 [0] (~berber@2a03:4000:7:4e0::) 17.05.20 # <_bilgus> hmm probably its supposed to be /hd0/ and its removed it since its mounted 17.06.25 # <_bilgus> so the vuprintf thing it seem not to be number values only the strings so maybe its doing something weird like scanning the string multiple times 17.06.27 # the one I saw it on is in the middle of a battery-dead bootloop 17.07.27 # <_bilgus> could it be that it has an old settings file? 17.08.10 # maybe? 17.08.13 # <_bilgus> eh looking now on this clipzip it shows the same 17.08.27 # <_bilgus> id say I just missed one 17.08.48 # I've been doing so many storage swaps/trash/restore that I've kinda lost track 17.12.50 # <_bilgus> Full Path should be good to look at though 17.14.49 # I want to promote the X3ii, X20, and Rocker to stable in this release. the erosq/k are too much of a mess with their multiple incompatible hardware versions still 17.15.22 # well, maybe only the rocker, as it has a manual and others don't. 17.17.13 # Build Server message: 3New build round started. Revision a302aa565a, 338 builds, 10 clients. 17.17.14 # 3manual: Update copyright year to 2024. by Solomon Peachy 17.24.06 Join othello7 [0] (~Thunderbi@pool-100-36-176-164.washdc.fios.verizon.net) 17.27.20 # Build Server message: 3Build round completed after 607 seconds. 17.27.21 # Build Server message: 3Revision a302aa565a result: All green 18.03.48 Join Moriar [0] (~moriar@107-200-193-159.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) 18.36.43 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 18.55.43 # Ok, heavily updated the privacy policy wiki page. 18.57.34 # The main reason for the update is that I wanted to make it explicit that "personal information" included as part of an accepted source code/documentation is retained permanently. 18.59.39 # and to distinguisn between data colletected versus data that users explicitly choose to submit. 19.04.57 # just one more thing on the todo list.. 19.20.03 Quit Ripcord (Server closed connection) 19.20.30 Join Ripcord [0] (xyz@ 19.21.54 Quit jssfr (Server closed connection) 19.33.54 Join massiveH [0] (~massiveH@pool-173-63-97-164.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) 20.36.44 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 20.42.33 Quit akaWolf (Server closed connection) 20.42.49 Join akaWolf [0] (~akaWolf@akawolf.org) 21.11.28 # Build Server message: 3New build round started. Revision d5dd295ace, 338 builds, 9 clients. 21.11.28 # 3builds: Promote AGPTek Rocker to 'stable' by Solomon Peachy 21.22.07 # Build Server message: 3Build round completed after 640 seconds. 21.22.08 # Build Server message: 3Revision d5dd295ace result: All green 21.43.17 # Build Server message: 3New build round started. Revision 350bb5fd74, 338 builds, 9 clients. 21.43.17 # 3builds: promote xDuoo X3ii and X20 to stable by Solomon Peachy 21.54.10 # Build Server message: 3Build round completed after 654 seconds. 21.54.11 # Build Server message: 3Revision 350bb5fd74 result: All green 22.03.56 # Build Server message: 3New build round started. Revision 35fb94fc9b, 338 builds, 9 clients. 22.03.57 # 3builds: Flag several stable targets that don't have manuals by Solomon Peachy 22.13.41 # Build Server message: 3Build round completed after 586 seconds. 22.13.42 # Build Server message: 3Revision 35fb94fc9b result: All green 22.36.48 *** Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" 22.46.42 Quit Moriar (Quit: Leaving.) 23.00.54 Quit cb (Server closed connection) 23.01.04 Join cb [0] (~calvin@ 23.07.55 Quit massiveH (Quit: Leaving) 23.35.26 # Build Server message: 3New build round started. Revision b072c60571, 338 builds, 9 clients. 23.35.26 # 3build-info: Unreleased 'stable' targets get demoted to 'unstable' by Solomon Peachy 23.46.06 # Build Server message: 3Build round completed after 641 seconds. 23.46.07 # Build Server message: 3Revision b072c60571 result: All green