Rockbox mailing lists
- AJB6000 = AJBR ??
- Answers to Paul Suades Questions
- auth 0c5a933d subscribe jukebox
- Baud rate calculations
- checksum field (fwd)
- CVS Repository?
- Datasheet for display?
- descramble
- descramble.exe
- Development Kit
- Display charset
- Exception vector table
- First mail! ;-)
- First program
- first program on jukebox recorder
- general notes on AJB circuit
- Getting rid of that damn noise.
- Hack/repair advice
- Hardware schematics
- LCD code for recorder
- Looking for the ISD-300 datasheet
- MAS3507D
- maximum mod size?
- More connection information ...
- My first Mod.
- New cpu docs
- Preliminary schematic
- recorder schematics
- recorder schematics (differences)
- Remoclone Program
- Remoclone Ver04
- Remoclone Ver05
- Remoclone Ver06
- Remocon Clone
- Remote Functionality
- RPM for SH compiler
- Serial port 0
- SH compilator for Win.
- Starting to be real...
- Updated schematic of AJB
- Web site downtime