Rockbox mail archiveSubject: ScanMail Message: To Sender virus found or matched file blocking setting.ScanMail Message: To Sender virus found or matched file blocking setting.
From: System Attendant <ELEMA08A-SA_at_elema.siemens.se>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 22:04:54 +0200 ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has taken action on the message, please refer to the contents of this message for further details. Sender = rockbox_at_cool.haxx.se Recipient(s) = ockbox_at_cool.haxx.se; Subject = W32.Elkern removal tools Scanning Time = 06/12/2002 22:04:53 Engine/Pattern = 6.150-1001/297 Action on message: The attachment install.exe matched file blocking settings. ScanMail has taken the Moved action. The attachment was moved to C:\win32app\Smex\archive\install3d07a9654b.exe_. Ett virus har upptäckts i din e-post eller bilagan/bilagorna har tagits bort p.g.a. ej tillåten filtyp. V.g. hänvisa till ovannämnda meddelande. Bilagor av typ exe;com;bat;cmd;pif;msi;reg;scr;lnk;chm;vb;vbs;vbe;js;jse;wsc;wsf;wsh;msh;sc t;shb;shs;eml;nws; kommer av säkerhetsskäl att tas bort ur inkommande e-post. Behöver du hjälp, v.g. vänd dig till din lokala administration. ---------- A Virus was found in your mail, or the attachment(s) were blocked because of the blocking rules. Please refer to the notification above. Following mail attachments: exe;com;bat;cmd;pif;msi;reg;scr;lnk;chm;vb;vbs;vbe;js;jse;wsc;wsf;wsh;msh;sc t;shb;shs;eml;nws; will be deleted on incoming mails for your safety. If you need assistance, please contact your local administration. mosaic.message mailto:isms_at_erl8.siemens.de Received on 2002-06-12 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |