Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Summer status reportSummer status report
From: Nielsen Linus (ext) <"Nielsen>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 10:20:20 +0200 Hello fellow rockers! Summer is here, and the Rockbox project activity has decreased, naturally. Still, a lot of things is happening, and I'll take this opportunity to tell you what is happening. The major quirks in release 1.1, like the Player sound quality and the bass/treble bug have been fixed in the current CVS builds. We have MP3 playback on all Recorder models, and we are adding nice features every day. A 1.2 release shouldn't be far away now. Björn is on vacation, and he has the final word in this matter. The USB is now detected, so you can insert the USB while running Rockbox and it automatically switches to USB mode, and back again when you unplug it. Without rebooting! (Not that it makes any major difference to the user, but the coolness factor is quite huge! :-) Battery charging is in the works. That is a very sensitive matter, since we don't want to wear the batteries out, not any faster than the original Archos firmware anyway. I have been doing a lot of research, and the ability to charge the batteries with Rockbox should make it into the 1.2 release. And of course there have been a lot of UI improvements. It is actually quite usable now. I run Rockbox on my Recorder every day. Feel free to try the daily builds and report your comments to the mailing list or on IRC. Again, please do not file bug reports on sourceforge on other than the official releases. Daily builds are not releases. Have a nice summer! Linus Nielsen Feltzing Received on 2002-07-04 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |