Rockbox mail archiveSubject: snake gamesnake game
From: Itai <Itais_at_newmail.net>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 00:24:38 +0200 this is a little snake game I wrote for JBR.... I think it would be nice to include it in rockbox.. :) [you prolly know how to add it to the games menu ;)] thanks, Itai. /* Snake! by Itai Shaked ok, a little explanation - board holds the snake and apple position - 1+ - snake body (the number represents the age [1 is the snake's head]). -1 is an apple, and 0 is a clear spot. dir is the current direction of the snake - 0=up, 1=right, 2=down, 3=left; (i'll write more later) */ #include "sprintf.h" #include "config.h" #include "lcd.h" #include "button.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "menu.h" int board[28][16],snakelength; unsigned int score,hiscore=0; short dir,frames,apple,level=1,dead=0; int rand_num (int range) { return current_tick % range; } void die (void) { char pscore[5],hscore[17]; lcd_clear_display(); snprintf(pscore,sizeof(pscore),"%d",score); lcd_putsxy(3,12,"oops...",0); lcd_putsxy(3,22,"Your Score :",0); lcd_putsxy(3,32, pscore,0); if (score>hiscore) { hiscore=score; lcd_putsxy(3,42,"New High Score!",0); } else { snprintf(hscore,sizeof(hscore),"High Score %d",hiscore); lcd_putsxy(3,42,hscore,0); } lcd_update(); sleep(HZ); dead=1; } void colission (short x, short y) { switch (board[x][y]) { case 0: break; case -1: snakelength+=2; score+=level; apple=0; break; default: die(); break; } if (x==28 || x<0 || y==16 || y<0) die(); } void move_head (short x, short y) { switch (dir) { case 0: y-=1; break; case 1: x+=1; break; case 2: y+=1; break; case 3: x-=1; break; } colission (x,y); if (dead) return; board[x][y]=1; lcd_fillrect(x*4,y*4,4,4); } void frame (void) { short x,y,head=0; for (x=0; x<28; x++) { for (y=0; y<16; y++) { switch (board[x][y]) { case 1: if (!head) { move_head(x,y); if (dead) return; board[x][y]++; head=1; } break; case 0: break; case -1: break; default: if (board[x][y]==snakelength) { board[x][y]=0; lcd_clearrect(x*4,y*4,4,4); } else board[x][y]++; } } } lcd_update(); } void redraw (void) { short x,y; lcd_clear_display(); for (x=0; x<28; x++) { for (y=0; y<16; y++) { switch (board[x][y]) { case -1: lcd_fillrect((x*4)+1,y*4,2,4); lcd_fillrect(x*4,(y*4)+1,4,2); break; case 0: break; default: lcd_fillrect(x*4,y*4,4,4); break; } } } lcd_update(); } void game_pause (void) { lcd_clear_display(); lcd_putsxy(3,12,"Game Paused",0); lcd_putsxy(3,22,"[play] to resume",0); lcd_putsxy(3,32,"[off] to quit",0); lcd_update(); while (1) { switch (button_get(true)) { case BUTTON_OFF: dead=1; return; case BUTTON_PLAY: redraw(); sleep(HZ/2); return; } } } void game (void) { short x,y; while (1) { frame(); if (dead) return; frames++; if (frames==10) { frames=0; if (!apple) { do { x=rand_num(28); y=rand_num(16); } while (board[x][y]); apple=1; board[x][y]=-1; lcd_fillrect((x*4)+1,y*4,2,4); lcd_fillrect(x*4,(y*4)+1,4,2); } } sleep(HZ/level); switch (button_get(false)) { case BUTTON_UP: if (dir!=2) dir=0; break; case BUTTON_RIGHT: if (dir!=3) dir=1; break; case BUTTON_DOWN: if (dir!=0) dir=2; break; case BUTTON_LEFT: if (dir!=1) dir=3; break; case BUTTON_OFF: dead=1; return; case BUTTON_PLAY: game_pause(); break; } } } void game_init(void) { short x,y; char plevel[10],phscore[20]; for (x=0; x<28; x++) { for (y=0; y<16; y++) { board[x][y]=0; } } dead=0; apple=0; snakelength=4; score=0; board[11][7]=1; lcd_clear_display(); snprintf(plevel,sizeof(plevel),"Level - %d",level); snprintf(phscore,sizeof(phscore),"High Score - %d",hiscore); lcd_putsxy(3,2, plevel,0); lcd_putsxy(3,12, "(1 - slow, 9 - fast)",0); lcd_putsxy(3,22, "[off] to quit",0); lcd_putsxy(3,32, "[play] to start/pause",0); lcd_putsxy(3,42, phscore,0); lcd_update(); while (1) { switch (button_get(true)) { case BUTTON_RIGHT: case BUTTON_UP: if (level<9) level++; break; case BUTTON_LEFT: case BUTTON_DOWN: if (level>1) level--; break; case BUTTON_OFF: dead=1; return; break; case BUTTON_PLAY: return; break; } snprintf(plevel,sizeof(plevel),"Level - %d",level); lcd_putsxy(3,2, plevel,0); lcd_update(); } } Menu snake(void) { game_init(); lcd_clear_display(); game(); return MENU_OK; } Received on 2002-08-26 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |