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Subject: RE: Yes/No Prompt Quirk

RE: Yes/No Prompt Quirk

From: Benoit Lubek <>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 10:19:34 +0200

> > But if you have navigated to some submenus, F1 takes you back
> > to enclosing menu... except if you are in the
> > last submenu (the setting). There you have to use "left".
> Ah, that may not be very nice. F1 should probably work all the way.
> > It would be more intuitive if F1 would take back to the wps
> > directly, and use "left" to go back one level.
> Sure, that sounds ok to me.
> > So when in the wps pressing {F1, F1} will
> > go back to the wps and pressing {F1, left} will go back to
> > the wps too.
> Sure. Let's take that up for discussion. Anyone?
> > And I think the "on" button should take you to the file
> > browser even if you are in the main menu, or submenu, or setting.
> > Not just if you are in the wps.
> I don't agree. The "on" key doesn't mean "go to dir browser",
> it toggles
> between WPS and the browser, and only when in the WPS or the
> browser. What
> do you think "on" should do when you access the menu from the
> browser? Go to
> the WPS?

Well the way as I see it, there are 3 screens (wps, browser, menu). Maybe
there will a fourth sometimes (playlist browser). I think it's more
intuitive to have a shortcut key for each of these screens (F1 for menu, ON
for browser, ??? for the wps)... but maybe we don't have enough keys ;)

Of course the best would be the possibility to configure this in the
.rockbox file or directory or whatever, so I could have my own mapping (the
way I'd like it: F1 for wps, F2 for browser and F3 for menu ;)

Received on 2002-09-11

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