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Subject: RE: System.fnt & *.lang

RE: System.fnt & *.lang

From: Melih ÖZBEK <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 17:20:14 +0300


I've just test it with Turkish lang file, it works perfectly... You need a
perl interpreter. I downloaded activestate activeperl and use binlang..
Although it says

Usage: binlang <english file> <language file> <output file>

I took english.lang from rockbox site and use it as

Binlang english.lang turkish.lang turkish.lng

Resulting lng file didn't work.. I think the order might be different, I
used the first version of english.lang to form turkish.lang...

When I use it as

Binlang turkish.lang turkish.lang turkish.lng

Everything became normal.. I checked the translations, I can't say they are
100%correct but at least they are what I wrote :) I just can't manage to
make AJBR load it during boot.. Putting lng file into .rockbox/default.lng
didn't work.. Perhaps tomorrow's daily build will make it.

Thanks guys, everyday it really is an excitement to surf to rockbox site and
read the Recent CVS activity and change logs :)



-----Original Message-----
From: Uwe Freese []
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 1:17 PM
To: The Lord of Red Glove
Subject: Re: System.fnt & *.lang

Hello The,

The Lord of Red Glove wrote on Wednesday, September 25, 2002, 9:42:14 AM:

TLoRG> The first is: where do i have to put the file System.fnt to have
TLoRG> this file load during the boot?


TLoRG> The second is: how do i have to use the file *.lang to have my
TLoRG> another language?

run tools/configure and select a language, then compile


(new, I haven't tested it yet) convert the lang file to a binary language
file with tools/binlang and select that language in the dir browser

Bye, Uwe.
Received on 2002-09-25

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