id: LANG_SOUND_SETTINGS desc: in the main menu eng: "Sound Settings" new: "Impostazioni Audio" id: LANG_GENERAL_SETTINGS desc: in the main menu eng: "General Settings" new: "Impostazioni Generali" id: LANG_GAMES desc: in the main menu eng: "Games" new: "Giochi" id: LANG_DEMOS desc: in the main menu eng: "Demos" new: "Demos" id: LANG_INFO desc: in the main menu eng: "Info" new: "Informazioni" id: LANG_VERSION desc: in the main menu eng: "Version" new: "Versione" id: LANG_DEBUG desc: in the main menu eng: "Debug (keep out!)" new: "Debug (Attenzione!)" id: LANG_USB desc: in the main menu eng: "USB (sim)" new: "USB (sim)" id: LANG_ROCKBOX_INFO desc: displayed topmost on the info screen eng: "Rockbox info:" new: "Rockbox info:" id: LANG_BUFFER_STAT_PLAYER desc: the buffer size player-screen width, %d MB %d fraction of MB eng: "Buf: %d.%02dMb" new: "Buf: %d.%02dMb" id: LANG_BUFFER_STAT_RECORDER desc: the buffer size recorder-screen width, %d MB %d fraction of MB eng: "Buffer: %d.%02dMb" new: "Buffer: %d.%02dMb" id: LANG_BATTERY_LEVEL_PLAYER desc: the battery level in percentage eng: "Batt: %d%%%s" new: "Batt: %d%%%s" id: LANG_BATTERY_LEVEL_RECORDER desc: the battery level in percentage eng: "Battery: %d%%%s" new: "Batteria: %d%%%s" id: LANG_BATTERY_CHARGE desc: tells that the battery is charging, instead of battery level eng: "Battery: charging" new: "Batteria: in carica" id: LANG_BOUNCE desc: in the demos menu eng: "Bounce" new: "Rimbalzo" id: LANG_SNOW desc: in the demos menu eng: "Snow" new: "Neve" id: LANG_TETRIS desc: in the games menu eng: "Tetris" new: "Tetris" id: LANG_SOKOBAN desc: in the games menu eng: "Sokoban" new: "Sokoban" id: LANG_WORMLET desc: in the games menu eng: "Wormlet" new: "Wormlet" id: LANG_SNAKE desc: in the games menu eng: "Snake" new: "Serpente" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_LOAD desc: displayed on screen while loading a playlist eng: "Loading..." new: "Caricamento..." id: LANG_PLAYLIST_SHUFFLE desc: displayed on screen while shuffling a playlist eng: "Shuffling..." new: "Rimescolamento..." id: LANG_PLAYLIST_PLAY desc: displayed on screen when start playing a playlist eng: "Playing..." new: "Esecuzione..." id: LANG_PLAYINDICES_PLAYLIST desc: in playlist.indices() when playlist is full eng: "Playlist" new: "Playlist" id: LANG_PLAYINDICES_BUFFER desc: in playlist.indices() when playlist is full eng: "buffer full" new: "buffer pieno" id: LANG_PLAYINDICES_AMOUNT desc: number of files in playlist eng: "%d files" new: "%d canzoni" id: LANG_SETTINGS_SAVE_PLAYER desc: displayed if save settings has failed eng: "Save failed" new: "Salvataggio Fallito" id: LANG_SETTINGS_BATTERY_PLAYER desc: if save settings has failed eng: "Batt. low?" new: "Batt. scarica?" id: LANG_SETTINGS_SAVE_RECORDER desc: displayed if save settings has failed eng: "Save failed" new: "Salvataggio Fallito" id: LANG_SETTINGS_BATTERY_RECORDER desc: if save settings has failed eng: "Is battery low?" new: "La batteria è scarica?" id: LANG_TIME_SET dec: used in set_time() eng: "ON to set" new: "ON per salvare" id: LANG_TIME_REVERT desc: used in set_time() eng: "OFF to revert" new: "OFF per ritornare" id: LANG_HIDDEN desc: in settings_menu eng: "Hidden Files" new: "Files Nascosti" id: LANG_HIDDEN_SHOW desc: in settings_menu eng: "Show" new: "Mostra" id: LANG_HIDDEN_HIDE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Hide" new: "Nascondi" id: LANG_CONTRAST desc: in settings_menu eng: "Contrast" new: "Contrasto" id: LANG_SHUFFLE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Shuffle" new: "Mescola" id: LANG_PLAY_SELECTED desc: in settings_menu eng: "Play selected first" new: "Suona prima i selezionati" id: LANG_MP3FILTER desc: in settings_menu eng: "Music Filter" new: "Filtro Musicale" id: LANG_SORT_CASE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Sort Case Sensitive" new: "Ordine Alfabetico" id: LANG_RESUME desc: in settings_menu eng: "Resume" new: "Riprendere" id: LANG_OFF desc: Used in a lot of places eng: "Off" new: "Off" id: LANG_RESUME_SETTING_ASK desc: in settings_menu eng: "ask" new: "Chiedi" id: LANG_ON desc: Used in a lot of places eng: "On" new: "On" id: LANG_BACKLIGHT desc: in settings_menu eng: "Backlight" new: "Retroilluminazione" id: LANG_BACKLIGHT_ON desc: in settings_menu, id: LANG_SCROLL desc: in settings_menu eng: "Scroll Speed Setting Example" new: "Esempio Impostazione Velocità Scorrimento" id: LANG_DISCHARGE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Deep discharge" new: "Scarica completa" id: LANG_TIME desc: in settings_menu eng: "Set Time/Date" new: "Impostazioni Ora/Data" id: LANG_SPINDOWN desc: in settings_menu eng: "Disk Spindown" new: "Arresto Disco" id: LANG_FFRW_STEP desc: in settings_menu eng: "FF/RW Min Step" new: "FF/RW Passo Minimo" id: LANG_FFRW_ACCEL desc: in settings_menu eng: "FF/RW Accel" new: "FF/RW Accelerazione" id: LANG_FOLLOW desc: in settings_menu eng: "Follow Playlist" new: "Segui Playlist" id: LANG_RESET_ASK_PLAYER desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "Really?" new: "Sei Sicuro?" id: LANG_RESET_CONFIRM_PLAYER desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "Play/Stop" new: "Play/Stop" id: LANG_RESET_ASK_RECORDER desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "Are you sure?" new: "Sei Sicuro?" id: LANG_RESET_CONFIRM_RECORDER desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "Play = Yes" new: "Play = Si" id: LANG_RESET_CANCEL_RECORDER desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "Any Other = No" new: "Qualsiasi Altro = No" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_SETTING desc: visual confirmation after settings reset eng: "Settings" new: "Impostazioni" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_CLEAR desc: visual confirmation after settings reset eng: "Cleared" new: "Ripulito" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_CANCEL desc: Visual confirmation of cancelation eng: "Canceled" new: "Cancellato" id: LANG_CASE_MENU desc: in fileview_settings_menu() eng: "Sort Mode" new: "Modalità Ordinamento" id: LANG_SCROLL_MENU desc: in display_settings_menu() eng: "Scroll Speed" new: "Velocità Scorrimento" id: LANG_RESET desc: in system_settings_menu() eng: "Reset settings" new: "Azzera Impostazioni" id: LANG_PLAYBACK desc: in settings_menu() eng: "Playback" new: "Riproduzione" id: LANG_FILE desc: in settings_menu() eng: "File View" new: "Visualizzazione File" id: LANG_DISPLAY desc: in settings_menu() eng: "Display" new: "Display" id: LANG_SYSTEM desc: in settings_menu() eng: "System" new: "Sistema" id: LANG_VOLUME desc: in sound_settings eng: "Volume" new: "Volume" id: LANG_BALANCE desc: in sound_settings eng: "Balance" new: "Bilanciamento" id: LANG_BASS desc: in sound_settings eng: "Bass" new: "Bassi" id: LANG_TREBLE desc: in sound_settings eng: "Treble" new: "Alti" id: LANG_LOUDNESS desc: in sound_settings eng: "Loudness" new: "Loudness" id: LANG_BBOOST desc: in sound settings eng: "Bass Boost" new: "Bass Boost" id: LANG_DECAY desc: in sound_settings eng: "AV decay time" new: "Tempo Decadimento AV" id: LANG_CHANNEL_MENU desc: in sound_settings eng: "Channels" new: "Canali" id: LANG_CHANNEL desc: in sound_settings eng: "Channel configuration" new: "Configurazione Canale" id: LANG_CHANNEL_STEREO desc: in sound_settings eng: "Stereo" new: "Stereo" id: LANG_CHANNEL_MONO desc: in sound_settings eng: "Mono" new: "Mono" id: LANG_CHANNEL_LEFT desc: in sound_settings eng: "Mono Left" new: "Mono Sinistro" id: LANG_CHANNEL_RIGHT desc: in sound_settings eng: "Mono Right" new: "Mono Destro" id: LANG_AUTOVOL desc: in sound_settings eng: "Auto Volume" new: "Auto Volume" id: LANG_SHOWDIR_ERROR_BUFFER desc: in showdir(), displayed on screen when you reach buffer limit eng: "Dir Buffer" new: "Dir Buffer" id: LANG_SHOWDIR_ERROR_FULL desc: in showdir(), displayed on screen when you reach buffer limit eng: "is full!" new: "E' pieno!" id: LANG_RESUME_ASK desc: question asked at the begining when resume is on eng: "Resume?" new: "Riprendere?" id: LANG_RESUME_CONFIRM_PLAYER desc: posible answers to resume question eng: "(PLAY/STOP)" new: "(PLAY/STOP)" id: LANG_RESUME_CONFIRM_RECORDER desc: posible answer to resume question eng: "Play = Yes" new: "Play = Si" id: LANG_RESUME_CANCEL_RECORDER desc: posible answer to resume question eng: "Any Other = No" new: "Qualsiasi Altro = No" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_ON_PLAYER desc: displayed when key lock is on eng: "Keylock ON" new: "Tastiera Bloccata" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_OFF_PLAYER desc: displayed when key lock is turned off eng: "Keylock OFF" new: "Tastiera Sbloccata" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_ON_RECORDER desc: displayed when key lock is on eng: "Key lock is ON" new: "Tastiera Bloccata" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_OFF_RECORDER desc: displayed when key lock is turned off eng: "Key lock is OFF" new: "Tastiera Sbloccata" id: LANG_MUTE_ON_PLAYER desc: displayed when mute is on eng: "Mute ON" new: "MUTE ATTIVATO" id: LANG_MUTE_OFF_PLAYER desc: displayed when mute is off eng: "MUTE OFF" new: "MUTE DISATTIVATO" id: LANG_MUTE_ON_RECORDER desc: displayed when mute is on eng: "Mute is ON" new: "Mute Attivato" id: LANG_MUTE_OFF_RECORDER desc: displayed when mute is off eng: "Mute is OFF" new: "Mute Disattivato" id: LANG_ID3_INFO desc: in the browse_id3() function eng: "-ID3 Info- " new: "-ID3 Info- " id: LANG_ID3_SCREEN desc: in the browse_id3() function eng: "--Screen-- " new: "--Schermo--" id: LANG_ID3_TITLE desc: in wps eng: "[Title]" new: "[Titolo]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_TITLE desc: in wps when no title is avaible eng: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_ARTIST desc: in wps eng: "[Artist]" new: "[Artista]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_ARTIST desc: in wps when no artist is avaible eng: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_ALBUM desc: in wps eng: "[Album]" new: "[Album]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_ALBUM desc: in wps when no album is avaible eng: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_TRACKNUM desc: in wps eng: "[Tracknum]" new: "[Numero di traccia]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_TRACKNUM desc: in wps if no track number is avaible eng: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_LENGHT desc: in wps eng: "[Length]" new: "[Durata]" id: LANG_ID3_PLAYLIST desc: in wps eng: "[Playlist]" new: "[Playlist]" id: LANG_ID3_BITRATE desc: in wps eng: "[Bitrate]" new: "[Bitrate]" id: LANG_ID3_FRECUENCY desc: in wps eng: "[Frequency]" new: "[Frequenza]" id: LANG_ID3_PATH desc: in wps eng: "[PATH]" new: "[Percorso]" id: LANG_PITCH_UP desc: in wps eng: "Pitch up" new: "Tono su" id: LANG_PITCH_DOWN desc: in wps eng: "Pitch down" new: "Tono giù" id: LANG_PAUSE desc: in wps eng: "Pause" new: "Pausa" id: LANG_F2_MODE desc: in wps F2 pressed eng: "mode:" new: "modalità:" id: LANG_DIR_FILTER desc: in wps F2 pressed eng: "Dir filter: %s" new: "Filtro dir: %s" id: LANG_F3_STATUS desc: in wps F3 pressed eng: "Status" new: "Stato" id: LANG_F3_SCROLL desc: in wps F3 pressed eng: "Scroll" new: "Scorri" id: LANG_F3_BAR desc: in wps F3 pressed eng: "bar" new: "Barra" id: LANG_END_PLAYLIST_PLAYER desc: when playlist has finished eng: "End of list" new: "Fine lista" id: LANG_END_CONFIRM_PLAYER desc: when playlist has finished eng: "" new: "" id: LANG_END_PLAYLIST_RECORDER desc: when playlist has finished eng: "" new: "" id: LANG_END_CONFIRM_RECORDER desc: when playlist has finished eng: "Press ON" new: "Premi ON" id: LANG_SNAKE_SCORE desc: when you die in snake game eng: "Your score :" new: "Punteggio :" id: LANG_SNAKE_HISCORE desc: high score in snake game eng: "High Score: %d" new: "Record: %d" id: LANG_SNAKE_HISCORE_NEW desc: new high score in snake game eng: "New High Score!" new: "Nuovo Record!" id: LANG_SNAKE_PAUSE desc: displayed when game is paused eng: "Game Paused" new: "Pausa" id: LANG_SNAKE_RESUME desc: what to do to resume game eng: "[Play] to resume" new: "[Play] per riprendere" id: LANG_SNAKE_QUIT desc: how to quit game eng: "[Off] to quit" new: "[Off] per uscire" id: LANG_SNAKE_LEVEL desc: level of difficulty eng: "Level - %d" new: "Livello - %d" id: LANG_SNAKE_RANGE desc: range of levels eng: "(1 - slow, 9 - fast)" new: "(1 - lento, 9 - veloce)" id: LANG_SNAKE_START desc: how to start or pause the game eng: "[Play] to start/pause" new: "[Play] per inizio/pausa" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_LEVEL desc: must be smaller than 6 characters eng: "Level" new: "Liv." id: LANG_SOKOBAN_MOVE desc: must be smaller than 6 characters eng: "Moves" new: "Mosse" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_WIN desc: displayed when you win eng: "YOU WIN!!" new: "HAI VINTO!!" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_QUIT desc: how to quit game eng: "[Off] to stop" new: "[Off] per interrompere" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_F1 desc: what does F1 do eng: "[F1] - level" new: "[F1] - livello" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_F2 desc: what does F2 do eng: "[F2] same level" new: "[F2] stesso livello" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_F3 desc: what does F3 do eng: "[F3] + level" new: "[F3] + livello" # Next ids are for Worlmet Game. # Lenght restrictions for score board strings (LANG_SB_XXX): # LCD_PROPFONTS: max 43 pixel # fix font: max 7 characters id: LANG_WORMLET_LENGTH desc: wormlet game eng: "Len:%d" new: "Lun:%d" id: LANG_WORMLET_GROWING desc: wormlet game eng: "Growing" new: "Cresce" id: LANG_WORMLET_HUNGRY desc: wormlet game eng: "Hungry" new: "Fame" id: LANG_WORMLET_WORMED desc: wormlet game eng: "Wormed" new: "Vermato" id: LANG_WORMLET_ARGH desc: wormlet game eng: "Argh" new: "Argh" id: LANG_WORMLET_CRASHED desc: wormlet game eng: "Crashed" new: "Scontro" id: LANG_WORMLET_HIGHSCORE desc: wormlet game eng: "Hs: %d" new: "Rec: %d" # Length restrictions for wormlet config screen strings (LANG_CS_XXX) # They must fit on the entire screen - preferably with the # key names aligned right id: LANG_WORMLET_PLAYERS desc: wormlet game eng: "%d Players up/dn" new: "%d Giocatori su/giù" id: LANG_WORMLET_WORMS desc: wormlet game eng: "%d Worms l/r" new: "%d Vermi d/s" id: LANG_WORMLET_REMOTE_CTRL desc: wormlet game eng: "Remote control F1" new: "Telecomando F1" id: LANG_WORMLET_NO_REM_CTRL desc: wormlet game eng: "No rem. control F1" new: "No telecomando F1" id: LANG_WORMLET_2_KEY_CTRL desc: wormlet game eng: "2 key control F1" new: "Controllo 2 tasti F1" id: LANG_WORMLET_4_KEY_CTRL desc: wormlet game eng: "4 key control F1" new: "Controllo 4 tasti F1" id: LANG_WORMLET_NO_CONTROL desc: wormlet game eng: "Out of control" new: "Fuori controllo" # Wormlet game ids ended id: LANG_TETRIS_LOSE desc: tetris game eng: "You lose!" new: "Hai perso!" id: LANG_TETRIS_LEVEL desc: tetris game eng: "0 Rows - Level 0" new: "0 Linee - Livello 0"