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Subject: Re: Battery usage indications?

Re: Battery usage indications?

From: Bradley Alexander <>
Date: 17 Oct 2002 20:38:36 -0400

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 15:28, Josh (Norm) Audette wrote:
> <NORM>
> How old are your batteries? Also, do you use a charger when you're in

The batteries came with the unit, >1 yr old. I bought it secondhand from
a coworker, and she said that she had never used the second set of
batteries (which are in there now). I used to use a car charger, but do
not at present. (it was a cheap charger, and died on me.)

> the car? Rechargeable batteries alter their charge/discharge cycle
> when you don't charge and discharge them fully. If you get into your
> car and plug in the charger whenever you drive, you'll start to alter
> your batteries' discharge characteristics. You can fix this by fully
> discharging and then charging it a few times. Also, have you tried
> running it on another set of batteries?

This is the second (unused) set of batteries.

Bradley M. Alexander                |   storm [at]
Debian Developer, Security Engineer |   storm [at]
Debian/GNU Linux Developer          | Visit the 99th VFS website at:
99th VFS 'Tuskegee Airmen'          |
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If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on
Received on 2002-10-18

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