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Subject: Re: DMA Operation???

Re: DMA Operation???

From: Greg Haerr <>
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 11:28:52 -0600

: > I take your point about having to frame align my 'beep', you are quite
: > correct - bit of a challenge that :) i guess we are looking at doing a
: > little DMA to finish the current frame before the 'beep' dma,
: > followed by
: > the remaining real MP3 frames, including dealing with track boundaries
: > etc...
: Yup. Quite a tricky task.

I was just thinking the other day that this sort of method could be
used to piece together voice response and other audio, put
together in memory, thus allowing rockbox to talk.

So is the issue that we have to frame align any inserted
data, or can the MAS chip be turned off/reset externally
and a new frame started?

I think I need to re-read the MP3 and MAS specs. I'd
like to help.


Received on 2002-10-18

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