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Subject: Re[6]: Microphone.

Re[6]: Microphone.

From: Uwe Freese <>
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2002 20:24:50 +0200

Hello Matthew,

Matthew P. OReilly wrote on Saturday, October 19, 2002, 2:54:24 PM:

MPO> *Supposedly*, the A96F is supposed to boost the signal level by up to 25dB.
MPO> I'm not sure what it does for impedence. Aren't these the two areas we're
MPO> trying to improve?

If we want an electret condenser mic, we want to provide the (>1,5V)
power (if the mic is without a battery inside).
For a professional condenser mic (no "electret"), we need the 48V
phantom power.
In both cases the amplification.

I personally don't want a dynamic mic, because I think they don't
sound so nice.

MPO> Admittedly, I don't know how it would boost the signal without a power
MPO> source of some kind, like a battery.

That's the point. It is not possible that this Shure converters do what
we want. We need a "battery powerer amplifier box".

MPO> Does the Shure A95UF
MPO> ( seem any
MPO> more likely to work, or are we really barking up the wrong tree here?

As above, I don't think this is what we need.

I soldered this one:

But as descibed in another mail, I have tested it only with cheap mic
capsules and that doesn't sound good enough to me..

Bye, Uwe.
Received on 2002-10-19

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