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Subject: Re: Rockbox Archos and Pictures

Re: Rockbox Archos and Pictures

From: George Styles <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 11:35:21 +0100

Surely in theory it would be possible to develop a device which is a 'dual
master' USB device, rather like the USB 'duel slave' network cables used to
link 2 pcs? i guess it would have to be quite clever to link a camera and a
Archos, but to link an Archos and a PDA surely all that would be needed
would be to forward data from one to the other - the PDA could then
'emulate' the missing firmware in software?????

----- Original Message -----
From: "Björn Stenberg" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: Rockbox Archos and Pictures

> Peter Rayment wrote:
> > I know there is a new product which will do this in the Archos range,
> > but wondered whether it would be feasible to get the Archos/Rockbox OS
> > to download from a digital camera?
> It is the right place to ask, but unfortunately the answer is "no". I
actually updated the FAQ about this yesterday:
> --
> Björn
Received on 2002-10-23

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