Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: disk write testingRe: disk write testing
From: <gerald_clark_at_mindspring.com>
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 2002 15:14:15 -0500 That would break the filesystem for anybody using the archive bit for its intended purpose, ( to tell if a file has been written to since the last backup ). On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 11:39:27 -0700 Greg Haerr <greg_at_censoft.com> wrote: > : > This does beg the question: Does the > JB6K know what time it is? > > There's a tricky way we could get the "time" on > the JB. > > Since we only really care about time > increments, not the actual > time, for creating last accessed times and > playlists, we could store the > system "time" in the config file with the other > settings, and this > could be used at boot, incrementing it with a > timer interrupt, > and saving it again at powerdown. > > Another method would be to use the "archive" > bit to indicate > a song has been played... > > Regards, > > Greg > > Received on 2002-11-06 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |