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Subject: My pet bug, 622799

My pet bug, 622799

From: Bradley Alexander <>
Date: 10 Nov 2002 00:31:47 -0500

Hi all,

Sorry, I've been out of the loop due to severe lvm problems on my
worstation. I got it rebuilt, and wanted to check into the bug.

I bought a new set of batteries, thinking that possibly the problem may
be with the electrical system, since the more the battery drains, the
more often the problem seems to occur (although I have had it happen
before with fully charged batteries). Movement may aggravate the
situation, but it happened one time with the unit sitting on a counter,
about 30 seconds or a minute after setting it there. When it does occur,
the drive light comes on solid, but I can still maneuver around in the
WPS, and I am able to go into the menu. I generally check the info to
check battery level.

I went back to Rockbox 1.3, and noted that instead of the drive locking
up, 1.3 skips to the next track, but that it did happen. I have tried to
find a common cause, but thus far, nothing jumps out at me. It always
hangs in different places on the drive, in different directories, etc.
The last thing I got from the developers was that nobody could replicate
the problems, and to try reformatting the drive. Well, I got as far as
going in and defragmenting it before I had to rebuild my machine. Once I
get everything back up and running on the machine (I'm almost there), I
will go ahead and reformat the Archos.

This problem sounds very similar to bug #624697. Is it possible that the
two bugs are related? After all, his is a 20 and mine is a 6, but is the
problems sound somewhat similar. Could this be a hardware issue? Hard
drive? I've replaced the batteries, so what else could this be pointing

Bradley M. Alexander                |
Debian Developer, Security Engineer |   storm [at]
Debian/GNU Linux Developer          |   storm [at]
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Of all of the things I have lost, I think I miss my mind the most.
Received on 2002-11-10

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