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Subject: Rockbox Recording

Rockbox Recording

From: ijed <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 19:42:26 +1100

Is this the address for the list? I hope so and that it's moderated. I also hope this is useful :)

Just tried out recording on my 1.17i and it seems to be coming along very nicely.
Mic Input Worked fine
Line Input worked but I had to turn the gain up on the right channel before it started working. Then turned it back down to unity and it recorded very well (Seemed like less hiss than the archos firmware, I'll try and do some tests)
I like the idea of a MMDDhhmm.mp3 time stamp and how about a flashing RECORDING mm:ss underneath the peak meters? (Although the record/stop on the status bar is good enough i guess)

Have done a short digital test. It seemed to be monitoring the mic input, but when i played it back it was the original, although the level had dropped in comparison to the original, and it recorded the 0:27 in 160 kbits instead of quality 7 (175kBit VBR?) which it specified or 112 kBits which the orignal was in.
I tried recording the whole 2:22 song and it crashed when I stopped it before it got saved to the harddrive (But from disc activity it sounds like you've only programmed it to record to RAM then write out to disc so it can only record up to 1.681MB at the moment.
Third Test 1:46 same settings (Q7) but recorded at 96kBits. Same drop in signal level in comparison to original.

I'm just using a standard 3.5mm Stereo jack (not gold) out the back of my SBLive and I haven't used the digital out/in before so it could be a hardware thing.
Just tried digital recording with the Archos Firmware and I get the same drop in signal level.

Hope this helps. I've got a few SP/DIF outputs on things too. Is this a different protocol or do I just need an adapter?
Received on 2002-11-11

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