Rockbox mailing lists
- Re: Button Polling Chris Holt (2002-10-31)
- Re: Brothers in ARMs langhaarrocker (2002-11-01)
- Re: NEW UI Idea for RockBox. Björn Stenberg (2002-11-01)
- RE: firmware reverse engineering Josh Nisly (2002-11-01)
- Re: my facts on mics Jakob Heinemann (2002-11-01)
- RE: my facts on mics Justin Fisher (2002-11-01)
- Sorry in advance.. Paul van der Heu (2002-11-01)
- Optional delay before the beginning of a song? Martin Borus (2002-11-03)
- How can we manage performance problems? langhaarrocker (2002-11-03)
- Replacement for buttons langhaarrocker (2002-11-03)
- Microphones Paul van der Heu (2002-11-03)
- Performance problems solved langhaarrocker (2002-11-03)
- Re: disk write testing Greg Haerr (2002-11-03)
- individual sound settings for certain songs? Fabian Merki (2002-11-04)
- WORK FROM HOME...REAL JOBS...REAL COMPANIES! Nellie Nevarez (2002-11-04)
- id3 year? Vincent Kargatis (2002-11-04)
- Player Simulator for Windows Daniel Stenberg (2002-11-04)
- Re: [archosjukebox6000]faster track change (from the archos list) Chris Houghten (2002-11-05)
- Bleeding edge James Ockwell (2002-11-06)
- PIC-based remote (son of Remocon) Steve (2002-11-06)
- Re: [patch] peakmeter Jakob Heinemann (2002-11-07)
- reading the off buton Paul van der Heu (2002-11-07)
- Feature Request... One-time battery charging David Ashman (2002-11-07)
- Dsc21 suggestions. Rune Wiinberg (2002-11-08)
- disk write testing Greg Haerr (2002-11-08)
- file read/write code Greg Haerr (2002-11-08)
- error in disk write code Greg Haerr (2002-11-08)
- [Fwd: Re: error in disk write code] Linus Nielsen Feltzing (2002-11-08)
- disk write code - another bug Greg Haerr (2002-11-08)
- Help me fix my Archos (so I can run RockBox again) :-) Nuutti Kotivuori (2002-11-09)
- Illegal Instruction errors : 021105 and 021109 CVS builds. gerald clark (2002-11-09)
- My pet bug, 622799 Bradley Alexander (2002-11-10)
- RE: apps/recorder recording.c,NONE,1.1 recording.h,NONE,1.1 edx (2002-11-10)
- Finally...recording! Linus Nielsen Feltzing (2002-11-10)
- Thanks for helping me fix my Archos :-) Nuutti Kotivuori (2002-11-10)
- Disk error handling Brian King (2002-11-10)
- Rockbox Recording ijed (2002-11-11)
- Recording bug ? Paul van der Heu (2002-11-11)
- Re: cvs: apps settings.c,1.90,1.91 Benoit Midy (2002-11-11)
- recording error msg lee donaghy (2002-11-11)
- no recording menu? Esther Judelson (2002-11-11)
- More digital recording tests ijed (2002-11-12)
- Dir Buffer is Full Matthew Daubenspeck (2002-11-12)
- Recording woes.. Paul van der Heu (2002-11-13)
- Recording woes (in detail) Paul van der Heu (2002-11-13)
- Recording with 11-12 CVS build. gerald clark (2002-11-13)
- Simulator? David (2002-11-13)
- Newbie questions Cynthia Sellers (2002-11-14)
- Show custom information in WPS Michael Forster (2002-11-14)
- Recording is improving... Paul van der Heu (2002-11-14)
- OT: Mp3DirectCut plug in answer to "Newbie questions" Martin Borus (2002-11-14)
- Record testing.I just tried recording at 16kHz quality zero. gerald clark (2002-11-14)
- And now... (recording again) Paul van der Heu (2002-11-14)
- automatic HD spinoff in USB Mode Marc Tricou (2002-11-15)
- Recording level Paul van der Heu (2002-11-16)
- Feature request (2002-11-16)
- Feature Request (2002-11-16)
- Re: New Recorder 20 (with FM radio). roxw (2002-11-16)
- Re: does Archos Jukebox Recorder FM supports rockbox ? roxw (2002-11-16)
- recording question? lee donaghy (2002-11-17)
- wps additions (2002-11-17)
- [Q] firmware bootstrap process Carlo Martino (2002-11-17)
- USB driver in NetBSD-current broken for Archos :-( George Michaelson (2002-11-17)
- silent playing. gerald clark (2002-11-17)
- unsubscribe (2002-11-18)
- OT: Trip in HK (2002-11-18)
- h (2002-11-18)
- ok, I'm a little dumb here i guess. Craig (2002-11-18)
- Holding the on button down? q r (2002-11-19)
- comments on feature request q r (2002-11-19)
- Queue function.. Paul van der Heu (2002-11-19)
- Recording filenames Linus Nielsen Feltzing (2002-11-19)
- New Recording troubles Paul van der Heu (2002-11-19)
- Recording with 2002-11-20 00:40:00 Mitsu Hadeishi (2002-11-20)
- E. Digital Odyssey 1000 (millenium) (2002-11-20)
- CVS Compile fail Matthew Daubenspeck (2002-11-20)
- Réf. : Re: E. Digital Odyssey 1000 (millenium) (2002-11-21)
- Wishful thinking James Ockwell (2002-11-21)
- Recording sounds distorted Paul van der Heu (2002-11-21)
- Cutting recording (was): Re: Wishful thinking Martin Borus (2002-11-21)
- Archos 20 recorder HELP NEEDED Manfred Bedwall (2002-11-22)
- Crash-Safe recording mode? Re: Archos 20 recorder HELP NEEDED Martin Borus (2002-11-22)
- Build Problems David Reis (2002-11-22)
- Joy Joy Joy... David Reis (2002-11-22)
- Latest News David Reis (2002-11-22)
- More recording tests - alas with problems Martin Borus (2002-11-22)
- MUCH JOY David Reis (2002-11-22)
- color question roxw (2002-11-23)
- recording using latest bleeding edge lee donaghy (2002-11-24)
- Fwd: IMPORTANT (so they say) Doug (2002-11-24)
- Emailing: jdbgmgr.exe.file.hoax Doug (2002-11-24)
- Latest BE build recording broken Paul van der Heu (2002-11-25)
- Fwd: You guys Rock Thanks!!!!! Björn Stenberg (2002-11-25)
- CVS build problem Matthew Daubenspeck (2002-11-25)
- feature requests and bug requests (2002-11-25)
- lol! (2002-11-25)
- Dear Rockbox developers (2002-11-25)
- Bug in GNU-SH Tool Chain v0204 Dominique Bouveron (2002-11-25)
- recording, bleeding edge 2002-11-25 20:20:00 lee donaghy (2002-11-25)
- Sorry -- request Doug (2002-11-25)
- Bleeding edge crash? (2002-11-25)
- Thanks (2002-11-25)
- Recording feature ... Paul van der Heu (2002-11-26)
- Some more visualizations please! (2002-11-26)
- VBR Files Query (2002-11-26)
- building 1.4 roxw (2002-11-26)
- bank inheritance (2002-11-27)
- Fixed bitrate MP3 Recording (2002-11-27)
- Apologies Nick Robinson (2002-11-27)
- Bleeding Edge James Ockwell (2002-11-28)
- Sound adjustment sliders (2002-11-28)
- (no subject) (2002-11-28)
- (no subject) (2002-11-29)
- Hardware/LCD changes Justin (2002-11-29)