Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Bookmarks (was: Resume after USB)Re: Bookmarks (was: Resume after USB)
From: Vincent Kargatis / Anne Larson <lartis_at_ath.forthnet.gr>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 19:16:42 +0200 From: "Björn Stenberg" <bjorn_at_haxx.se> > The question is more how the user interface should work. Would pressing STOP *always* create a bookmark for the file at the current point? And then, should we *always* ask if you want to resume when you select to play this file? What about if the file is part of a playlist? Sorry, was on vacation when my most awaited feature comes up: For simplicity's sake, my basic answer is 'yes'. When you want to develop a UI, then you can worry about stuff, but getting an UI-less auto-bookmark would get most of the way there with little work. So for the first pass I'd suggest: - STOP always creates a bookmark for the thing that was PLAYed - either track or playlist (I care more about playlists than tracks, myself, not being an audiobook listener). - always ask to resume if a bookmark exists for whatever is PLAYed. - if the file is part of a playlist, that's irrelevant, if the file is being PLAYed - any playlist it's a member of is ignored. I certainly think auto-bookmark ON/OFF option is a good idea, but even that's not necessary - the first pass can rely on resume=on/ask/off... I just got back, haven't tried anything less than 3 weeks old, dunno if this has been decided yet... vince Received on 2002-12-28 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |