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Subject: Re:reverse style

Re:reverse style

From: Chris Muth <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 04:08:45 -0600


I like it. It could be configurable (black on white, or white on black)
under the General Settings -> Display menu.

Anyone want to submit a patch?

-Chris Muth

Original message from:
>Hello Rockboxers,
>what do you think if rockbox-userinterface would be changed, that selected
>files are being highlighted by "reversing" the textline ?
>This would free some space for displaying more text (~1 char)
>I have made some "fake" pics (screenshotted the emulator), see:
>(in fictitious "version 2" icons are only being displayed in the
>selected/reversed line)
>This modification would be "recorder only" because the player
>isn`t capable reversing the characters (i`m shure it is NOT possible - there
>are just 8 custom chars which could be "abused" for such, but a line is
>16chars width).
>I`ve seen, there was some discussion on the list:
>Would anybody (or possibly everybody) welcome this modification ?
>This also would have another advantage ! read:
>>It looks a bit crap because the border is missing (the battary symbol looks
>>like a corner missing from display), but I noticed that the scrolling is
>>MUCH easier to read in white on black than the other way round...
>I think Apple`s iPod also does it the "reverse" way - never saw it "live",
>but this screenshots:
>induce me to this assumption.
>+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++
>NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen!
Received on 2003-01-07

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