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Subject: Re: Entering recording filenames fast - Re: Recording filenames

Re: Entering recording filenames fast - Re: Recording filenames

From: Björn Stenberg <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 23:30:03 +0100

Martin Borus wrote:
> All uppercase and the rest would fit one on shift level.

No. Remember this is an internation device. We want full ISO 8859-1 support. The current Recorder keyboard uses three pages, looking like this:

 ABCDEFG !?\" _at_#$%+'
 HIJKLMN 789 &_()-`
 OPQRSTU 456 §|{}/<
 VWXYZ.,0123 ~=[]*>

 abcdefg ¢£¤¥¦§©®¬
 hijklmn «»°ºª¹²³¶
 opqrsty ¯±×÷¡¿µ·¨
 vwxyz ¼½¾

 àáâãäåæ ìíîï èéêë
 òóôõöø çðþýÿ ùúûü

You press the shift key (F1) to change page.

The Player keyboard uses an "arcade style" scroller where you scroll left and right among the characters and press PLAY to add one to the string. The Player keyboard uses four shift pages:


> All the important letters are close to each other. This takes a few minutes
> of getting used to, then greatly increasing the typing speed.

I considered but rejected the "speed-writing keyboard" idea, because I don't think we'll be using the keyboard frequently enough that it will feel worth it to learn a whole new keyboard system. Let's face it, nobody is going to write novels on the Archos, or even texts as long as an SMS message. It will mostly be small stuff like file and song names.

Received on 2003-01-11

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