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Subject: RE: Re[2]: Bookmark Files

RE: Re[2]: Bookmark Files

From: Stuart Tedford <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 15:06:53 -0000

I'm with Eric on this one, I don't want any "floater files" either. It is
messy and annoying when making backups and browsing etc etc.

To use a software engineers analogy, I'd rather treat my mp3 directories
like source code directories. Only source code goes in there, any external
"floater files" (generated by an editor for example) go in a seperate
directory, a directory which only the editor knows about, and somewhere
within there it can find out where the actual source files are.

I would really prefer an approach like this to our RockBox "floater files".
If it is adopted now in the early stages, we might be able to avoid "floater
file" overload. Maybe a root directory tree mirror could be created in
.rockbox, in which "floater files" can congregate. That way, any function
that might use floater files knows exactly where to look for them. And
users don't even need to know about them.

Using bookmarks as an example... If you click play on a mp3 file for which
a .bmark file exists within the "floater files" directory tree, you get the
bookmark function as normal. It just means you can't easily directly play a
.bmark file, becasue it isn't right there next to the mp3, it is hidden
away. But the functionality is basically the same, and much cleaner IMHO.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Björn Stenberg []
> Sent: 17 January 2003 14:27
> To:
> Subject: Re: Re[2]: Bookmark Files
> Eric Linenberg wrote:
> > What I am afraid of is the floater files... randome files everywhere
> > on the jukebox. How come the bookmark file could not just be
> > something like artist-pink floyd-tracks.bmark and artist-skinny
> > puppies-tracks.bmark? If you use some of the path, then there would
> > be no worry of duplication.
> What is the problem with putting it just next to the mp3
> files? That is far from "random files everywhere on the jukebox".
> We will soon have optional .cfg files per mp3 file, so these
> .bmark files won't be the only ones. :-)
> --
> Björn
Received on 2003-01-17

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