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Subject: Re: Audible distortion/clipping

Re: Audible distortion/clipping

From: Joaquim Carvalho <>
Date: 21 Jan 2003 10:32:41 +0000

On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 22:28, Björn Stenberg wrote:
> Joaquim Carvalho wrote:
> > Full volume on the jukebox should be full volume. Exceeding the
> > output limit of the DAC (16 bits -> +32767 to -32768 ) for putting
> > a few more milliwatts into the headphones is not a good thing.
> You mean every other consumer audio equipment you own is perfectly distortion free at max volume? Your discman, walkman, pocket FM radio?

. Most consumer products are far from perfect.
. My consumer Sony Discman has no audible (non headphone related)
   distortion at maximum volume.
. Same for my (cheap) laptop PC
. Cheap "Hifi" systems aren't but in analog systems it's not easy
  to predict the maximum level of the input signal.
. Isn't the purpose of Rockbox to improve an (already good) product?
. Avoiding distortion should be an easy thing to do on an
  Mp3 decoder, I mean the maximum signal level for a 16 bits sound
  system is rather well defined, isn't it?

Many songs are recorder below maximum output levels because producers
wanted it that way. If anyone wants to change that there are simple
tools that allow scaling .WAV files to use all the dynamical range in
the 16 bits digital audio format.

Received on 2003-01-21

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