Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Re: Translators, start your enginesRe: Re: Translators, start your engines
From: Fred <speed-up_at_fr.st>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 20:23:03 +0100 Pour te répondre, je n'ai pas tout traduit, j'ai repris la traduction originelle et j'ai ajouté les nouveaux strings sans vraiment retoucher les autres (j'en ai qd même retouché 2-3 ...). Je vais apporter ces changements très bientôt ;) Fred "taftik" <webmaster_at_taftik.com> a écrit dans le message de news: 200302131017.h1DAH5p27650_at_sivit7.org... Hello !!! J'ai lu ta version et quelques petites questions toute bete : id: LANG_TETRIS desc: in the games menu eng: "Tetris" new: "Tetris" -> Tétris, non ? enfin c'est pas important ... id: LANG_ID3_ARTIST desc: in wps eng: "[Artist]" new: "[Artist]" -> J'aurais mis un e ... id: LANG_WORMLET_ARGH desc: wormlet game eng: "Argh" new: "Arghhh" -> Ca c'est rigolo :) id: LANG_FILTER_ALL desc: show all files eng: "All" new: " Tous" -> Pourquoi un espace ? id: LANG_RESET_CONFIRM desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "PLAY=Reset" new: "Lecture=Reinitialisation" -> un accent ? id: LANG_SCROLL_STEP_EXAMPLE desc: Pixels to advance per scroll eng: "Scroll Step Size Setting Example Text" new: "Exemple de defilement pour tester le pas" -> un accent ? id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_ERROR desc: The text that tells that the time is incorrect (for the RTC alarm mod). eng: "Alarm time is too soon!" new: "Le reveil est trop tôt!" -> un accent ? id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_TIME desc: The current alarm time shown in the alarm menu for the RTC alarm mod. eng: "Alarm time: %02d:%02d" new: "Heure du Reveil : %02d:%02d" -> un accent ? id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_TIME_TO_GO desc: The time until the alarm will go off shown in the alarm menu for the RTC alarm mod. eng: "Waking up in %d:%02d" new: "Reveil dans %d:%02d" -> un accent ? La version "corrigé" du fichier se trouve ici : http://taftik.com/test.lang Ah oui j'ai testé aussi ta version "sid" et adopté ! Olive >Je t'envoye la source de mon fichier lang français, ainsi qu'une version >compilée que tu pourras tester. C'est compilé de la version CVS toute >fraîche d'aujourd'hui, oui madame :-D > >Fred > >PS : Ma compilation testing du firmware contient aussi ma dernière version >du .lang français, il est dispo dans les sources sur mon site > >----- Original Message ----- >From: <bobthc_at_gmx.net> >Newsgroups: gmane.comp.systems.archos.rockbox.general >Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 7:20 PM >Subject: Re: Translators, start your engines > > >hi fred! >put the diff or the .lang file online and we can validate the mods together >to commit new improved francais.lang > >bobTHC >Ps:I'm french too > >THX_at_all for the amazing developping speed!!! > > > >> I've got my French updated file, including some mods strings translation : >> it's the one used in my testing release. If you want me to send it, just >> say >> it ;) >> >> Fred >> >> "monter" <monter_at_rmf.fm> a écrit dans le message de news: >> 3E4A713A.1030700_at_rmf.fm... >> Björn Stenberg, 2002-09-18 16:57: >> > Now the new language handling code is applied, and we're ready to accept >> translations from anyone who wants to write one. >> > >> > To translate, simply copy the apps/lang/english.lang file and start >> filling in the "new:" lines. >> > >> > Name your file <language>.lang, where <language> is the local name for >> your language. I.e svenska.lang, francais.lang etc. >> > >> > When you are done, submit your .lang file to this list for peer review. >> >> I'm sending the polish language file, version 1.0, only in ASCII charset. >> Real polish language requires Win-1250 or ISO 8859-2. > > >-- >+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more http://www.gmx.net +++ >Bitte lächeln! Fotogalerie online mit GMX ohne eigene Homepage! > >. Received on 2003-02-13 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |